„Aik - ” MIRNXBDII, , aro:moon , is, 1857., rORNEY , B, CALT ,ORNIA: PRENg 4As ME, SPURT', .r 14.2744,040 . 0144,34rAiT5 ,-- .. publbobiut for. ~ • liikilt;pikiti,4 44 i*rppte supiutsvicktlxtukt, hiv,trans plea tauftii...kfltait3ci stated Macs the dipartari of the loot efioraor fir California. ' ' f eigt O vle 'A' b ' Iffw,bandfd . 34 l bOttrosl.o &clock:. TO-1191i201't MC96(llgf;t.i. BlT.qug,!v°PPFli , iud I*.opedi reillpformallinc,ii! t'&or:sl •' " - •Itrtaerfame.-:--Legislinfve lieporting; Sound Sense s littMY, Speken ; I :lnteresting Letter ftomPalifOrniat , The Mormon Question; Ad. ; Mormon' auk poylan AXithade rdeneral Mews; Shocking Murders Marylend, &a. 'TUE Laiii EWS * • KAN As ArfArift :Of, all the news from Kansas, by niail , mnetelegraph, shows conclusiiely that :ProllaYttryi CoristitntirMal Con veediest;lika,otherlodiew• of whom we haye resdi is another formidable ,lostance of the 6 4* the ' gwis ,wish toidestreY they,first snake mad." Some of the Proposl. tiOtlf i:psented to that Crinventien—whiell, ttOnerfiherecl, initi'eseirts a mere fragment of the voters of,the Territory—would disgrace, a deiriotisin, others are'merely I ridlculOns, while * k eyhole dais *elm to ns, at this distance, , as if the parties engaged in it had entered into a conteterfs' Mortgage the new State to their oYitialleiduld interests for a century *come. There:ls,b consistent disregard of the peo ple,' iniodfested, a cool resort to trickeand an Widmingestneas,, which, altogether make upa riatiremPon representative belles snob as rri hilt ;Art: before had the taxirY to enjoy. TheNidlig riphit in this Constitutional Con- Teuton iMents to•ben person called General Calicoes," who, we, regret to sa'y, was S ap po*,00 : free - 'State, of by POrturs,,• as Surveyor-General of anC t leilbresica, , and rho in all his ac tliyik *igri*s e'desire, to imitate rother the Olnitaryyr oT a member ,of the ;French Senate 4l iteri t4 ;:C an 't :I,)lWittd : designs„ L0„,9 Itieoleter,Zthan, l the representative of an houalt,,,Arderican constituency. We give in atiothert ; colnne some of the ^doings of this havootily ,tri say,' that if Constitution fabricated by this, body, •is -Matto Corigiess, we trig that short work will, biiinade,rif it.' It deserves nothing but con tempt. If it has a single merit; it is its con- Albany' with the fiend' and wrong whfcb it is bEte t.t ndiallto.iforpetriate,' Mid 'Troniwhich. in goat iswirft bos grown. The,idea of a set of men chosen , as` "delegates to this Couvention„ attainpang to' r bind, posterity to *air work, and' daring• to nullify In advance the will of themkjority, is so rtiOnstrons that we wonder, outrage not excite' the 4hole people to „The irsuriation becomes the more wasainrwhen /we reflect that these very men wire' tryinito fix 'upon the Territory the ru c 4; minority " Ire = 7 " i c li11118 I n , de ne'uneing theffloPelia constitution,• which set oat with asserting, a s ilar ?rind)) an was reMdtded. genie Ohd the country. lan st,vorig of doings • like these) we feel that it is idle to 'mince phrtives, and we sincere ly lopelhat if the , Constitution Of Kansas 'is ahffildrig late the instrument ifpromises to,be,' frelif,4e ;intelligence ,we lay, before our read ensithis mu Orning,. it when presented to the Congress of the 'United . States, he thrown *Vile* bran Cheri by 'a Unanimous :yote. ,Ag:s:fale, we trust,, that; the Senators and Ilevesentatives from Pennsylvania will boldly stied oiled 'pnethele feet upon it, and spurn 14 -r W it At9aeVr•fe ,t t 1 ?e fPurPed• - , • Itorfilymacsa.- A.lO MisSOt!Ri. 4.lkitd c itii : 61ariiiee in fe‘ter of. the 'MOP. 91.Y9- 1 1K;WAINER , •and Ssieretary . ?-4, I IPA•Ja their • actionAotwa-Abe,'Keieilaa:, IlAkittf* -11 Witei,ifsj...*# .o , 4 4l l l#so4 E rgiiiiiiiiiihtVfmrOC ide3. liaaittation n,,.. 2... ,..-. 4 M 4 Y-17t11 /11 ; 1 40 ,c _Rft: „OA, o . B ollkeOlit , for sfloP".. : • M 4415 the cats et , thett3t, Leati*Olifek,' ithisdren'gest seittf'jidiOl . 4ol 'paper Aispeari,'arkd read the wi, 1 )01 •e9 , 1),1 Sp* that paper of Atet..illtlilfcti",bbr I . , sire JEr2sottori Iturnuns.4- ,WconiftfoshaV tolloiwajrblit , the Rterandua, re,llt.ciorentorNalker has transcended his of. 2 flisotions In.'rejointing 1 - the returns from the P.r 4 PriablPtOlate SOO denbt, but, that there wan iiiiiiittunous, effort at a stoinnudous fraud we .11Would,howerer, wo think, be all the, jtideatOit now , without all the, stirlseSaserhefote'..ti.,' , :Thii provisions _of„ the law ten &eta, iti eitionitrien; Very Clearly invest them wfthithe settfintity - : which , therlaine exercised in i ;Gate_ rol,votes. - '-- But on:the:ground ' 44 sutrolutOciltera` invalid, 'because informal, theyiedoilbietsabled to sjoutify their oonddet in FS WAttiii 11140416 doulottbey' will in 'a moral are hone - _this' otitis [gni -Ittarclikth la, entitled ,to prahroifor its fair: atospolosectiotiopinion.generaliTheld at the' liotafi-es 'rupees Gov. Walker's conduct, in the liatier of the rejected election returns. Upon' he Ss." .oo owitot ant a ill e asfraud on'thiniket, we haunts. War committed, there cannot be any: direrinsee ofiintin. Whittier else may he as, *SAW agidn“ ) Optimist Watkir, "titat.laist is' elearlirwith ,'That ki.-axidSeoretaTy tetailibt hare ihnt Their Oyer( telt, *MIA er9o4oi l I tlieWvtileatainblioidnits fag; joldusible tea; tiles; ender' OS; efistememones OtthatTiairitOry--with.tbi'deolara tioscsotals organierat, - :anditter,sOniallwOrisioi - fa =it - wklittinorber contained altering the', gor. moriaioi or 13.04117.60 robWeifolook'lMltind the seekrisitalsoultiMthetowitlithiauslotaionalgainst thelefireset lot titae•"Otinis, - ,*biotrw9re raisi4 Opets-='-it lemilit(tniviitto undenialle, ;Goal' they can defitid!themßeiVes imy'a`erriejderablii errer,twhiln in'itisirpoviii,toiciaiitairt that they, bets , eerried;oiat the organic,' law in its true sioirtt:, Thti„eppontite'noarso - would,' halides; Uri - been fisegbt, ititbilatertirthe peace of the Territory. The einnedstion and 'allowantiflif the .flagitious ; wrioarerhink--was - attempted. would' have "Osati. periled' vilniiiitituo already to keen. We. doubt *bother Of twitter would fain beim,inended bq the'adolodoil of. the, tinggestienthetthe 'returns solteel&ohiviiLlieen' before the Territorial Ai. amably. ivitlithenintastle,lhe Governer twang: thoVesoprietrof. reCognisinithein. :' • , *Wenn* Walker bed unposed open a doll:, But - we think that 100, his. no:. vinfidlitmeat of ft 'with * 'dtAct.esil iif;pruel4iNi): auttAidgminteritiorhhohiso mimosa, fault' shbuld Ise Uto gout* his been coMmended by the Ihtiabirsittinarty withont disitent, 'save Sartain' carters et the South. President Baohanan may dtptiotial tovjadge him withani,nrojudieo And ,weiinet * lititlope - tbst"tb6 bettor sense of tho warefleiven-stivery. men in .Ifinsab trill vs . :manila *mil° that judgmentievan though it Should tlis chant* • , ,' • #10004.0t, lODELL-,Gov. phoie - Baret tillastsdatinj • • to thtr, iiirrettatei theiitsmtotlrblob' sieWeeintly'pablialied, :that Senativeiltidelt,Of Tiottisiatia,',Wmild' tote ambit, sentstatatiteliortJ. , Walkiir'e risinitnatlon, .11$1 ,relations logitTreiddintßutibatian.t4liti• taut' ibathe,hall' oeittilliiltbdrotte Of Ida Statolor.hiti at MOW seittetultitratt-to railit:warf ? bar AteteiAtidetitittliCierapprolinad that ,ho wee before - I perfiiiming an' itist swhioli. would' It , rehak ; the • , ..eddiniatration. ' g 7",. M _KT nierited.. But the , following para 4 setter written at • Washington 'city it)? „ciptV Olaihoine, - and, published In tho . Infp4heencer.4eemq oOntinn, the re. Eettallaited to. :;;Unless .11011, of .Tennessee; and Iteuqn 2 Teites; who bare morn than ones, he ride to austain Walker, tilt. et eas.sretthatthe South is • the United Stilton:9o4e stand united. There is no eon tierty 'eipedtenoy wbloh will pro tootlfi*,,anilfOnia execration , the :Southern Ileardeitlio, Tete to retain him in • office. _,9l.ys QoI . 1 ,00bveigititi*..with .iaostmaster:Genoral, Closa*s Browa;:kilr,Adania, surveyor of the port of "AO•l , P 1 14 2 . 11, ant taßuilf, Senator Slidell ipojcpb.o4.grounds agelent 00r. , 11,i. f, Walker's Leas r aiiii"" &nets other th i ng s ; le said ho bad ag the latter pert of suunner,:es many at sivaiilitindred intelligent gentlemen, in the fkittWan4 from the• South express their opinions =‘,041,40 ,00.,%W,alker's ,message and _lipoeches . 0 1 - 04 4 1) totwo Of oOndoninniion." --311 r, Stianit's eourse as to Guy. WALitnit 4liattit' 6 f.Vhiell _haviYitothiht, say: Ho11.111:40. 1 0 1 0.0 "de his duty.• es he under taker&the habit of - doing - It.' . I . ijO,Ople does 01o9k — openty to acifoNtann; . ..we,do. pot know. , the , meaning Ot thfitititV:rlUnigthr'of I.he 4t4y. Southern, 4 04 1 4 - 0,00:0 1VJA3 . *lt crusade ,6:Nyaitilp etc tfo..Ans‘u with the proud oftbn fidw. id thO " ., 1121 1 t1Stkpotottirdr rakroraluty, at - int:wee. altww*ro;fo Oti,P ..if r At*Vetygitenyi, Cote.lormizcza,' , t ' ll !FMo f ° l b, :i YOkil d 4444114010fie rigtrAt. .40444144.14€0.64-.: -;:ti#fthitef-t% SYMPATHY FOR SEPOYS I Tho Venetians, when their Republic waS in ifs glory, in pride Of place thOowers Of the earth, were extrcinalVattlous'efteyery generalissimo whom the exigenclie of Warren; compelled them to appo i nt.: 'i',#e prinellAß : they invariably carried bk-7-P., ,OL to Pia, e4 . .:.C‘. Venetian at the beadirtiMrearniyi'andalAYs • to clog his independent action by sending with Ihim, as almost absolute representatives of the oenate, two °dicers, called Proveditori, without i wtiOsi 0 013610Bi'(Caraillal BEMBO declares) the General WAS m‘iillOwed,te gtOn.with any en terprise-Of importance. The civilian, exercising i t anhion4Vereillie'soldier; frequently undid, fry a single over-prudent - cortirnand, much of i‘liat the military bad" achieved by their valor. ; .T.Ord,Nittrtio, :Viceroy Ot I ndl a ) ; evidently bits , xeador beard of this Venellin' practice, i .k heiiladlful'Onellfr. G. P. GRANT, member bt the:Supreinet:Council of Calcutta, upon that'gallant ofilc . er, General NEILL. • The mas , seer!) at `,Cliwnpnre, .eaused . by, the , savage cruelty and 'deliberate 'treachery of NENA .a Aitzn, stands out in sharp roller as a thousand dines more dark and deadlythan the tradition. Itryl horrors of the Black Hole of Calcutta in 1705, inflicted , by order cif SCltekitli DOWLAH, and amply avenged by OLIVE, in the battle of Plassey, from whichAittes the! &leaf Com.' nieneeMent,'o'r 'British" sevoreiguty in India. But CuvEyas not troubled with any civilian placed 2 oVer him- , s, sort of Viceroy over 'the BeKing. had full powers, he used Bun, and ho , won , the province of Bengal by their ex-: ' "• ' , • ' General NEILL consideFed himself fortunate, nddo l ubt In capturing one btindrA and fifty of the assassins of Oawnpore. le would have been Justified lu , ShOoting down every ono of ieser4d, their doom for maturer and cooler .deliberation. Up comes Mr. GRANT, of the Supremo Connell,, who imme diately orders these one hundred, and fifty. Murderers to be liberated 1 _Sinbad, the sallor a *he WO peitiltied With such an infliction its ihe,Old Man 'of the Sea, perpetually stead died ,on his shinilders, was a' type of Genteel knit: With. a 'GRANS! placed over him, to undo, by false philanthropy, what his own arms had achieved. ' Lord CASO111?0, as YlgOrOy, issues Proclamations, in which the humanity of the British Generals is reflected on, and sends such eivillawi as GRANT to hamper them lb their tittiMit.`,. It Is , the. Venetian policy all over— that policy which led 'to the, formation of the imague 4.0 f Gambrel , ' in '1609, and 'gave the proud Republic its, first deadly blow. lATEuTURE OF ME YOUNG. Youth 'ls imitative. The child imitates his father in 'Manythings. The younger boy iini tateSxbat he sees his older brother do. One member' Of a - family attaches himself to au engine. company, another may join a volun teer corps, and immediately one jailor raft• thiri . Will tis blinielf up afi a miniature fireman, Pinning with an imaginary engine; while another, shouldering a toy musket, or wielding tiOPOckrd, 'Mows his taste, iu .advance, for the ..ffpornp,- pride, and cireinnstance" of loricins' war. ' A lawyer's son ,will often an. ticipaie - his own future course, by pleading awing' his Schoolmates, for or against iniagi harYoulpriM,and a, clergyman's youthful hope Will often - arrange a chair and cushion in the parlor; er the play-roen, and endeavor to he press an audience of such, juveniles as himself, while sermon, in imitation of what he has so often heard his father preach. ' Lkerature in' this, country, which spreads itself into the various 'channels of social lite throughtieavapapera and magazines, naturally is attractive to - young people—particularly to thosowho are receiving instructibn in public or ;private schools. For them, however, though every, boy among ne fa morel or less Or a politiciiri front the, tithe that ho can read and understand the:Declaration of Independence; the politicttt joinnal bas' loss attraction thrin the literary. We,. find ,an exemplification Of ibis i.in a 'monthly periodical called The ,High School -.Thereat, - wholly conducted by young gentlemen.who,aremtill receiving . their educa tion, or. have, only recently' quitted 'school. its main 'object, 'is to advocate ,the interests Of schoels and schoolboys,.lo communicate information and ' instruction :' epee literiry 'and other aubjeats of interest, to en.. ... . 1 ourage the dawning , intellect of -piing 1 - is .'..' ; ': C6.' "A l Pri i A 1*A444 f9r. httor,-cointriti lab Lilition -or dliOught. :The /red Witt -Ise,, in'iroot lessr,fto , traiiithet yottsig l ifillMrp In filAbitir i),fligritrir,ceiniordiari. . We . cheer-, f l n/ti;, rind with pride, take our young contem porary by the. hand. - We acknowledge it as one Of the'cratt,'. We heartily, commend it to the notice, not only of those to whom it is More particularly addressed,' but" tri,teachers, heada„'of : fainillea, professional men, and legislators. 1, . , • Twc", 'Ambers of the , High School Journal have come under our notice. The number for October wits disfigured, we . thought, by the"frequent introduction of slip slop express lone, and nitre. familiar phrases—a style of writing; infant, which is ir very hard reading." 'The youthful editors, we are aware, might plead, in extenuation, that other editors— "lmo of them, accomplished scholars, who woad aliudder at the' idea of introducing such modes of 'expression into their ordinary eon- Veritation—had condescended to a similar bad system of slip-slop. We' trek leave, hi notic ing the Jeered, to point, out this, blot upon Its goodness. We find, in the November num. ber, that this careless and unspitable mode' of writing has been discontinued. With the . ex ception of rather too much editorial commen dation—which certainly, should emanate from othera, rather than from' the Aurital Itself—it efirtherir'ciimparison, in proper language and intellectual strength, with mad more ambi. tioua publications. . 'Fiction; unless very, , good, should not oc. Cupp_ any great space in this publication, and oa fo,r poetry, a strict and even rigid judgment should be brought to bear upon every piece 'sahraitted to editorial view. • Biography,. titu lary 'critiiism, std„yriill , :sessoned comments 'upon ,that great Constitution which so binds 'our Union, should Point tho staple Of this pub lication': But; even as it is, it is an excellent publication-most creditable to our High School, (frona'which as, many good mathetna eveo. now are doing good service as `superior. Officers of the coast survey,) and lisp - 1414 such Marked and varied ability that we Fan scarcely. be wrong in anticipating a blilliant and st,useful' future for many of its 904 1 u1 Writers. There are Illustrious precedents to warrant snake, hope. In priblications such as these— In The -Etonian, The Microcosm, The Harrovian '---such men as CANNING, MACAULAY, rItA.ED, and 141,1YEE, while yet youths at school and College, comruericed as writers. The world knows how wail they succeed° . We Slave good hopes. of our own- juvenile friends, and wish therntril the - success which theunion of ability, perseievance,'thet, and decided Ma rjory taste is certain •to Command. - LETTER FROM MINNESOTA.' optriospondiuCe of "nie'loiel;;!,J, , • „,, , SiILL - WATER.I3IIOBOa, Nov. 8, 1857 I• am ;often` gritilled with a perusal of TtIZ Papas, as it 'comes as a remeMbranae from old 'Philadelphia, and brings many sit interesting article of news from the. Eastern world, and my old home :in ' , particular. , All who read it express themselves'minth Pleased with the interest it takes in the welfare of ouvrow but giant State, and I expect, before long, to see its circulation bore rivaling that of the great abolition Tribune. The official returns not, having yet been ronoived froth the canvassers of the'oleotion, it is impossible to determine, with accuracy; in regard to who is to belrst Governor of the litato of Minnesota. It 'has, however, been generally conceded that we 'are to have ; a Demearatic Legislature and other State officers. The Ilrat snow of the Fortson la upon 'ne, and wa may oipoot by the trot December a close of navt , gotten.' Ourineethants have been contracting their Mud• nese this fall, , preferrini to face old "hard times" with feweillabilities than usual. So far, we have had ii:oelnspand o io In this place, whiob,when we con eider the amount of trade conducted here annually, in a population exceeding four thousand, we think, We havii great, reason' to congratulate Ourselves, oven irthere,ia a great scarcity of the "medium." Our . 'OT9O, ? 16 *rrei;IMYP pioved good,, notwitb• -Standing the '!'hue .and* cry" raised about the g c roilioppeiir, and'We anticipate no suffering from actual, grant throughput the Territory, but, rather, everything progresses with fair °promises. We think we can see "daylight" in the East, and that stormy,night Is nearly passed. • ~ Pease send me your paper, us I have to read a neighbor f s Yours,,to: - QUIS Quis. 7 Ititit'EsiiiE 13.ettt. , Z-Fritelda Ws' Sale of res. 'eitttto, thisevonirtg: -, l Feipilitlootsprai properties IfYi o foi.qr:g l 4, o o4 ll li • - 99 , 441.; Beg advor* ' • , THE PRESS.O4I4ILADEiiitiA, VV , EDNEADAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1857. MOBIg TE4!CIIVIONY The annexed article id taken from the Detroit Free Press, the leadinOemocrirtiO paper of Mlchigan 60 , 410,N0R•WALiatc.—We anticipate . no otheriieSult than:that the President will fully approve the action of Governor Walker, con einnitigl the fraudulent election, Meths. It' Athethis room Tor the least doubt as to the law in the matter, it is upon the slightest techni cal point; and surely, in the fade 'of so bold and flagitious attempts at fraud as those thrust I upon Governor Walker, It was scarcely a time to look very closely at the mere technicalities of the law applicable to them. His mission, it out to be recollected in all quarters, official and non.oificial, was not un dertaken as an ordinary one. fie went out not asp ere Governor of a Territory—for he would disdain such an office—but more in the character of an envoy, with the most exten sive powers under the law,, charged with a du ty that could not safely be trusted, and Which the President dare not trust, to any but first. class statesmanship—the duty of palliating Kansas, rent with civil war, and conducting her, into the Union in strict conformity with the provisions of her organic law. With this fact in view, how absurd the impression, by whom soever entertained, that he ought to have sunk the very powers only by the exercise of which he could fulfil his great duty, and lent himself as a mere instrument in the bands of the pet petrators .of the most disgraceful election frauds that ever disgraced any Stato or Terri tory, designedfo defeat the popular will, and which, had ; they been successful, would lave defeated the popular will and rendered nuga tory that clause of the, Kansas law which in sures to the people of the Territory the right of determining the character of their own institutions: We trust no member of the Administration has entertained such an impression. Certain, we, aro that the President has not entertained it. Thrisjar the Administration has dealt justly with the Kansas question, by which it has been drawing around It a Democratic party in the'North of tremendous power. Let it continue to deal justly with the Kansas question if it , would so far strengthen this patty that Welton wield the political power of ;the North as well as of the Union. Let it 'stand , by the Governor of Kansas, who , has so nobly stood, by right and, justice and truth. 'Let it stand by him who solemnly promised the people of Kansas that they should have a fair election, and who has redeemed that promise. LETTER FROM ILLINO AS. , [Correspondence et The Preis.) PFAU, 111., Nov. 10, 1857. ,Notwithstanding there is such a 'gloomy prosPect.before the Poor of Philadelphia and Now York during the present winter, in re gard to obtaiking food and labor, theta is a 'superibUndnee of the former in this mighty and flourishing State of the ;West. It seems 'very singular that so Many hundreds of me chanics and others, thrown'otitof employment by the financial crisis, still persist in remain ing in,the largo 'citiea, to starve or be sup ported' through the 'philanthropy of benevo ledt individuals or charitable institutions, .when a field is Open for them here, where Ceres has profusely lavished,her golden bless ings and stands with wide-extended arms to receive them. Let' them make their way to this country before a rigorous winter sets in. If they Are dispoSed to work employment or some hind can be obtained. Better work hate for their board than starve and pine in went in the purlieus of a large city, where crime and misery will go hand in hand. Provisleffs here are exceedingly 'cheap. Wkeat in this 'city only commands from fifty to, fifty-flue cents per bushel. Potatoes, the finest that ever grow in any country, can be obtained at prices varying from eighteen to twenty-fivv 'cents per bushel. Of these two, imptirtant articles there has been a very luxu riant yield, and they are almost a drug in the Market. Soon navigation will close, and the millions of buihels of wheat in time hands of farmers and speculators will be locked up here for the want of consumers, whilst thousands in your city are starving for bread. I learn that a great many females have been' thrown out of employment, and aro reduced to destitution and want, with wretchedness and misery staring them fiercely in the face, and gloating over their coining helplessness. There is no necessity for this; there is mut' in tide State alone for all of them. Servant girls in pri vate fainilies are receiving from $1.50 to $2 per week, and are obtained with the utmost diffi ctilty,at these prices. Hundreds more could fled constant employment. The only change Weald be a reduction in the price of wages to, probably,' $1.25 per Week. Better take this in the West -and have plenty to eat,, than starve in the East with nothing to do. It is thought here, by all well-informed per sons, 'that their suffering brethren should en,' 'lever to make their way here with as little delay as possible—before'the imperial winter- Ong commences his dreary reign, and covers the rolling prairies with his fleecy mantle. Let them come to this mighty field now Opened for enterprise and talent, and see the +girdle that, On 'b e gained by Industry, and 'l,4t them bpi Mien to the fepetee, tt 1 3.4 OhlAtait Of, OW WO, ntal s ntitlOs tit* 'lvey, to he gtoiiteg, ill() mighty, the ))6filialees Weet, tiust, hi dayse of time, 'they will re joice that they came, and that they will not heave a sigh when they think of old Philadel phia, and the glorious land of Penn. JOHN OF LANP:ASTER. CITY 'POLICE, NdVfignEn 17. (For The Press.] 13awArtz or nom 800r5..-41 boot and shoe- Maker, Who keeps shop in south Tenth street, charged Nicholas T. Smith with the larceny of a pair of fashionable boots, valued at six dollars' and fifty cents.' The oordwainer was at supper in a back room when the accused entered the shop, tried'on the boots " all alone by himself," and, supposing the articles 'to be a good fit, he walked .off withipem, without putting the proprietor of the shop to any trouble or calling him away from ' his evening repast. Ho bad scarcely elosed the door after him when the bootmaker entered the shop, discovered his loss, and started in pursuit of the thief. The rain was falling very fast at the time, few persona were abroad in that quiet part of the city, and the parties concerned in the chase had the. street almost entirely to themselves. nut when the beetmaker raised the cry of "stop thief!" two policemen, who had been refreshing themselves at a neighboring hotel, Caine out and joined in the pursuit. The 'race, however, proved to he literally " a very lame affair," for all concerned in it wore, in 4itrerout ways, unfitted for running. The thief himself, In his haste, bad put on a pair of hoots so excessively tight, that ho ran, or rather tottered along, like a Chinese lady. The boottnaker had on, when he' started, a leathern apron, which slipped out of place and was soon hanging about his legs, offering a serious obstaele to his progress. Ono of the policemen was exceedingly fat and puffy, and the other was afflicted with the asthma and rheumatism; the first could scarcely waddle along with his own bacon; the second limped, panted, and swore as many oaths as there were bricks in the pavement. The thief could hare left the whole posse far behind, liad it not boon for the tight-fitting boots, which operated like a pair of fetters. lie made the daring attempt to unease one log, while he bopped along on the other, but stumbled and fell before he could accomplish his purpose. This accident enabled his pursuers to overtake and secure him. When the boot thief wee paraded before the pollee magistrate in the morning, he proved to bo a sadate•looking personage, of middle ago, with his elothesoonsidorably torn and dishrranged, and his foot unoovored, tho atolon boots having boon taken charge of by ono of the officers. Masistrate.—"What have you to say in your defonoo, Nicholas Smith ?" Nidaulas.—" 'roll, air,—tho shop was dark, and I' made a mistake by taking boots that wore to small for me." Magistrate.—" Your greatest mistake was in taking any. without the owner's permission." Nicholas.—" Alt, yes, sir; that was not exactly right; but if tho boots had boon a good fit all would baye turned out wall enough." Magi.ltrats.—"l must commit you." Nicholas.—(Addressing the audionool—Young men, take warning by my fate. Cramping up my foot has boon the oauso of all my misfortunes. Never pinch your understandings, boys; the last word I've got to any to you is—beware of tight boots." A PENNSYLVANIAN Dou. The Liverpool Mercury, (England,) of November 4, has the following dreadfully important paragraph : somewhat singular presentation was made to her ItWesty, at Windsor Castle, on Wednes day last. I . r. E. Butler, of New York, had the honor of introducing his remarkably fine American dog, Prince., to her Majesty and the Court, in the quadrangle/ This dog was born in Pennsylvania, and resembles in color some what the coach-dog of other days. He is re markably docile, yet possesses unusual couragd and otrength.h Lake Disasters—Two Vessels Lost ,with. their From the Chicago Daily Times.) Capt. Matthews, of the schooner Traveller, re- ports, that. on Sunday last, while ebdut forty tulles from thin port, and twenty miles off chore, the wind blowing almost a hurricane, he sew a largo white fore-and-aft sohooner founder end sinkAt the time be wasonly about nmile and a half distant from the spot where she wont down, but unable to render any matiatanco. , lle aid not see any of thO crew after also went down. She was bound up. Some fears aro entertained that the vessel was the schooner Josephine, which has been looked for for several days. Intelligeuce has also nulled this city of the cap sizing of the schooner Welland, between St. Joseph and this point. ' She left St. 'Joseph on the inst., with a load of wood, end nothing was hoard of her until Friday following, when she was found i bottom up. There stt faint hope that tho crow, composed of Capt. McDonald and seven soon, have. been picked up; but the probability is that they have found a watery grave. She is supposed to have capsized In the gale of the fith inst. The Welland was an old vessel, owned by the aaptain and Mr. Dalton, of this pity. She was worth.about 11,(100. THE LAT.csx,,,piEwsl BY (T O Pf• ritom AllitneiTON. Shawnee Lands tolfx.; M nots thrown Into rlhr-1 ket-Unpinitt Phps'o, hitop Rosa Sum)? . 0 " pleted, Ihr. l &c. (SPECIAL .1)18p CII ►OR 14# ralts.6.l WASHINGTON, November 17.—8 y treaty between' the United States and the Shawnee Indiana, ex. tonslve tracts of lands in Kansas and Nebraska! have boon withhold from sale and preemption for more than a year, to elleri tkes, jecilane time ,to wake their seleotions. These selections have bps% ntadetstsa to-day the Cotnraissionor of the General Land Office ha issued orders to the Surveyor Qeneral'dt Kanet and Nebraska for the approval of surveys of towts ships situated west of the line, thirty miles west of the western boundary of Missouri, which will at ones throw open for purchase and pre-impgon one I million and a half of acres of the ohoicest of the public lands: The Interior Department have resolved advises from Captain Joust ifing, superintendent of western division of the South' Pass and Honey Lake wagon road, dated October 18th, from Pla cerville, California, than the party had reached City hocks, the eastern terminus of their lino, en the Bth of September, and had then returned to California. The survey had been conducted much more rapidly than it was expected it would, and had been successfully terminated. On the return„an exploration had been made of a route from the bond of the Humboldt river, Lasson's Meadow. via Truobee Canon and Eagle Falls. The Shoshone° Indians had been somewhat troublesome ou the Humboldt the past season, and bad committed many messes. Capt. Pot , a's'en= gineering party had been attacked by the& on the 24th of August. None of the party were 10, red, but they lost one horse killed and throe Wounded, A treaty had been made with those Indians, which, it was hoped would prove beneficial. A hall report Is soon expected From the special . Indian agent in Washington and Oregon, in refer= anon to the Indian tribos in these Territorlos. The Indians were generally peneenbly dierg:Txl4, the whites, Roturns of the publio surreys in Minnesota have reached the General Land Moo, situated in townships 17 to 20 N, of range 37, and 3 W, of the, sth principal meridian, equal to 500 miles :of lineal surveying, and embracing an area of In,. 000 acres, and numerous small, nameless lakes. Also,returns of the survey of private land claims n California, to wit: Rancho "Arroyo do la Alameda." Do "San Bernardino." Do "Canada do Capay." Official Despatches relative to Utah Affairs... MariMl Law Declared hy Brigham Young.. WASIIINCITON, November 17.—The War Depart, moot to-day received highly interesting of despatches including a proclamation by Brigham Young declaring martial law. Ile claims a right to do so in virtue of his authority as Governor of the Territory and Superintendent of Indian Affairs, not having been suspended from enrols- , ing bin functions, and in virtue of his power under' the Territorial Organic, act. flu expressly forbids the United States troops from onto, tug the' Torri: , , tory without his authority. Ile complains that thh, Mormons have not boon treated as American eiti-', zons; that the Government has acted on, misrep resentations, the object being to drive; the people, from the Territory. The language of the prods motion is deoideilly in hostility to the authority of, the United States, and is bore regarded as a decla ration of war. When Colonel Alexander was within thirty miles of Fort Bridger, which place was occupied by Mor. mon troops, ho received a letter from Brigham Young, through the commander of the Nauvoo Legion, warning the troopi out of the Territory, but saying, if they desire to remain till spring; they may do so, provided they give up their arms and ammunition, but they must then leave. In the meantime, he will see that they are furnished with provisions. The letter was acoompanied by two copies of the proolumation, and a copy ,of the laws of Utah. The commander tells Colonel Alex. ander ho is at the Fort to carry out Young's in 4 struotions, ang expresses a hope that Alexander's answer and notions will be dictated by a proper respect for the rights and liberties of American citizens. Colonel Alexander, in a reply dated October 2d, says ho has given Young's communication atten tive consideration, and will submit the letter to the General commanding as soon cabs arrives here (meaning camp Winfield, on liams•Fork.) "In the - meantime," ho adds " I have to say these troops are here by the order of the President of the. United States, and their further movements will depend entirely upon orders issued by competent authority." 'Among the documents is a letter from Colonel. Johnson, dated at the camp, on the three wings of Sweet Water, addressed to Assistant Adjutant-, Corwin] fifoDowell, of New York; in,whieb he co.' firm! the blotting of the eenttaettit's frame by thsi fiferrrions, lie saps the (Women estierX LIAO days teasels behind. blmi with two sompanimi of dragoons,' • • Ife knows no reason Col. Alexander should et- tempt to reach Salt Lake City by Bear River, ex cepting from fear that the Mormons havo burnt thi grass on the shorter route. Ho adds, "If I could communicate with Alexander, I would direct him to take up a good position for the winter at Hams- York. The road is besot betwoon this and Hauls- York with companiea of Hormone, so it is doubtful whether r shall bo able to communicate with Col. Alexander," It is supposed at the War 'Department that the troops nro all in a good condition, as nothing' is maid to the Secretary in the despatches. • ' The Indian Bureau has received advises that the Indians at Oregon and Washington aro in a comfortable oontlltion, bat that considerable oon- fusion has arisen in the contracts for supplies, owing principally to the credit system. The war debt amounts to five million dollars Miniator Yrisarri woe introduced by Se cretary Cass to the President, who swayed front him his erodontials us liinistor Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary from Nicaragua. Front Texas. WastoNwrox, November 17.—The Now Or loans papers brought by the Sotithern msii contain the following Texan intelligence: The Galveston dates are to the 7th inst. The ship Nebraska had bilged oa a bar. The ship Fanny was also aground in a critical condition. , The receipts of Cotton for Ate . week amounted to 3,400 bales, of which 2,80t4 wero exported to Liverpool direct. The determination to ship direct to Europf; was increasing. Several vessels wore loading to Liver pool. Sugar-boiling in Texan had commenced in good earnest. The Vera Cruz dates are to the 7th inst. Tho' barque Flash sailed for Now York, on tho 4th inst., with $23,000 in 'silver coin. There had also, boon large shipments of spode to Europe. Gen. Cor tez was arrested en the arrival of the Tennessee. Tho Minister ofJustioo had issued a circular de daring all ecoloslastical decision in civil and criminal eases as void. The rumor of the restoration of export duties on obaceo was not generally credited. Non.Arr(val of the Niagara. liatarax, Nov. 17-10 o'elook P.M.—lt is raining very hard, and a think fog prevails. , Nothing hos yet been soon of the steamer Niagara, now duo with Liverpool advises to the 7th inst.—four days later. 01=11 NEW YORK, Nov. 17.—Tho steamers Glasgow, from Glasgow on October Mot, and the Harnionia, from Hamburg, on November let, arrived hero this morning. The liarmonia brings upward of $BO,- 000 in specie. Movtnients of Gen. Walker. BALTIMONE, Nov. 17.—A private letter from a reliable source" intimates that Qon. Walker, if in tercepted at Nicaragua, will noxt bo heard of at Hayti. The Americans" of Lancaster County LANCASTRU, Pa., Nov. 17. The American County Committee mot to-day, and adopted an ad dress, taking strong grounds in favor of American ism and a protective tariff; also, a resolution ap proving of the course of Mayor Baran, of Balti more, in the recent difficulty with the Governor. The Missouri Legislature Sr. Lotus, Nev. 17.—The bill restricting the issue of State bonds to $2,000,000, and providing for the prompt payment of . those already issued, passed the House this afternoon in the Bruno form as It passed the Senate on Saturday. nesuniptios of Specie Payment, by the New. Orlenne Banks Nsw• Ontatsots, Nov. 17.—A1l tho banks of Oda city, which sospontied during the wont promote of financial affairs, have resumed spool° payments. Enhance now quote as follows : On London 97a par; on Now York at 2per cent. discount. The Sloop-of-War Cyane NonroLK, Nov. 17.---Tho slooop-or.war Cyrano has dropped down to Hampton Haab. She sidle for Hayti. Rain at Atiguoto t On. AMIUSTA, Nov. 16.—Hoary rains aro prevnilin in this vicinity, premonitory of killing frost. Alarketi w On LEAN a, Nov. 10.—Cotton—Sales of 2,500 bales; receipts 13,500 bales. Market generally unchanged, but holdout demand an advance. Su gar declined 3c; Molasses' advanced lc. Wheat firtn. Eastern Hay (tattles at .217. Coffee (Rio) a 10a. Large export inquiry. heeling Exchange 95 a 980. BALTIMORY., Nov. 17.—Flour firm; 'Wheat elightly lower. CHARLESTON, Nov. 10.—Cotton, sales 0,50 p. bales. The market lute nearlyrooovered the decline, SAVANNAH, Nov. 10.—There was nothing done in the Cotton market today. Buyers and collets inharmonious AHOLTSTA, Nov. 10.—Cotton, sales DM baler at 12 a 120. NEW OHLEAss, November IT.—The cotton mar. ket is generally unchanged, , but a bettor, feeling, prevails, and the supplies aro liberal. Salim to-dey 11,500 bales. Lard, In kegs, quotes nt 130.' Oah u cloth 12e, iNT.EnEstiNa FRon•KANSAS Proceedings of, the Constitutional Cottrelllion, IPnovistorta ODiCEKNIND SGANDRY---FUTURE AMENDIIENTS" - ^TRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NOLLAUED, AND ITS OPFICKR3 SOPEI:SEDED. (From the N. Y. l'imos.j lawanguu, Wodnesday, Nov. 5, 1857.—Feeling th e Irnmonso importance attached to the notion of th e coruititutional Convention now in sessimi at Lecompton, I visited them yesterday to note their proceedings. Gen. Calhoun had vacated the chair and called Mr. Little, of Bourbon county, to { preside. The Conamltteo on Internal Improvements had just reported, and while the subject was under I oonsideration upon the motion to strike out thd ' oimogo, !',,in .the direction of Santa Fe" from the .Soethliti ir6vidlng.for a railroad to the Pacific, and for a grant of land for the same, ten. Calhoun 'llfoSti to' oppose the motion. He spoke with much r4renergy and spirit upon the broad and general r rtneiplea df internal improvements', showing that 'ho whole measure would be defeated—the grant of land be lost—if any particular locality was (ll ' vored, cif town pointod out in Kansas. Ire sits tairied it only as a general measure ' • he would not say he was for Atchison against Doniphan, or ~ Donipben against Kiolcapoo, or Kiukavoo against i Delaware or airy o thor town on the Missouri, but 1 that the deuce, as ROW reported, was not confining 1 the road to the city of Santa Fe. but only in a ' westerly direction towards Santa Fe i Mr. Jenkins, of Marshall county, was especially i 'opposed to the remarks of the General, and thought l the very words Santa Fe were intended to make it I seational. He was in favor of a route further north 1 via Bridget's Pass, as an oxtension of lira Hannibal ! and St. ' Joseph Road. 1 Others favored Benton's route from St. Louis; ) but all these views should bo laid aside, and no par i titular place should be favored to give It direction I in'this report. s Ile said it was reported that the Boston com_pany, who Men the Most of the Hannibal and St. Joseph vend, had made proposals to the Pacific Railroad to '?uy, them out, fur the evident purpose of getting tontrol of it, that it might bo extended up the Ails spurt. and Kansas rivers to Lawrence, and who *Med a railroad built to that town? lAMotion to amend by substituting " Tho West iln boundary of Kansas" for the words "Santa le,t l was lost: The motion to amend by striking i rat," Santa Fe" was tarried. , A: motion t, amend the ordinance which pro-, Idol to give alternate ' sotions ten miles wide port each ir.de of the road to five miles wide, was . tarried. .. Other amendments were proposed. and finally, 1 rfter sacral reconsiderations, It was voted to tip roditielwelve miles wide in alternate sections pun each side of the road. 'Ail amendment was proposod, asking a further rant orland from Congress of one half a section of the public domain to every head of a family who is a white citizen, and was in the Territory on the let of November, 1857. It was further moved to amend to include every young man who will marry within six months. After debate, all the amend ments were laid on the table. The filer lotion relative to school sections was toooturldered, and so amended as to appropriate Sections eight, sixteen, twenty-four, and thirty-six tor 'School purposes in evory.township. Tho full ,kepott wits then minctirred in as a whole. ' In the afternoon session it. was moved that the 'Vote en section five of the report of the Committeelon Internal Improvements be reconsidered for the purpose 'of allowing the gentleman from Bourbon to amend. Lost., . .. • The delegate from Doniphan then toad a sepa rate article of very peculiar and stringent charac ter/Om It provided that the Constitution. should not be amended for twenty years ; and that bhp amendment proposed should require a twolthird vote isa both branches of the Legisla ture, for three successive days. If it was thus 40tifinned, the Secretary of State should provide for iii. poptiler vote upon the same, and t . f two. thirds of the people or legal voters wire in favor or the ovine, It should then become a part of the Constitution. Action upon it was deferred, to await the report of the Committee on Schedule. i The.oceentrio John.Randelph then moved to ad burn, as no aounnittees wore ready to report. t The chair replied that a committee was now Ahem% dila would be' ready to report is a few illhAtog. , Seyeral gentlemen hoped the delegate from At tihen would withdraw his motion. Mr. P.andelph finally withdrew, but gave notice at it thq committee were not present in Moon 'pinnies he would renew it. The fifteen minutes plred and ho made several efforts to renew his 'otion, but he was beset by members to withhold. ti- Hugh*. Moore, of Leavenworth, reported on slhedule. It pinvided that all laws now existing Ildholorritory of Kansas, not repugnant to this Constitution, should become the laws of the State Kansas; all bonds, contracts, Sr.s., should re •fiedi valid tie they now existed : al/ officers. civil , ifnd military, now bolding office, should continue. antil,superseded by authority of ate State Go- ,iternmeilt. Viti president of this Conventiodis authorized to te ' clara that on the filet day of December next, an action shall be held, at which three judges ap hated by him shall preside, and ballots shall be reputed in the following manner: .oonAtitutton Ithp'lavery"—"Venstttuttonwithout Slavery." no . president of the Convention shall receive and *stamina the returns, and if it shall appear that a majority are in favor of a Constitution nith slavery, ' the Constitution, as adopted, shall be submitted to Congress;, but if it appears that a majority are in jtvortofilt * sotldout slavery, then tho article on .iliveryaliall be stricken out, anti then submitted w Cengross. Thero shall be an election of (lover tor and other State officers, and Representative in Congress, on the day of —, and unlit said 110110,1 t , the president of the Generation shall be /,e'arttng Governor of the State , This report at first glance may appear to submit the Constitution to an impartial vote, but nothing ,Is thinalttod but the slave clause, end with that plans stricken out, the preamble and bill of rights ore left with clauses strongly enough pro - slavery .'for all practical purposes ; so that, in any event, a *ave Constitution goes to Congress, and if the tptoplis attempt to jam In the election, they rims., ,earily vote for a slave Constitution. A. temer ity report was made by, Mr. Little; of 'kerb= county, who was Undo:stood to represent the ultra wing of the Convention. It was similar to the majority report in its provisions for the con tinuanov of the present laws, officers, de. It pro vided for the election of officers on the first Mon day and day following of January, 185 d, and the president of the Convention—Uon, Calhoun—or in ease of his resignation or death, the vice presi. dent, or in case of his inability to officiate, a com mittee of three - appointed by that Convention should have the powers of Governor until ad. muted into the Union, mud thirty days after the news is officially received of our admission the 'resident of the Convention shall convene the :tate Legislature, and from that time onward the Stole Government to be in full force. The Consti tution, might be amended by a majority of the votors of the State, but never SO amended as to affeet the rigid, of property in slaves. General Calhoun arm, and said these reports embodied the whole question that bad brought them together; both reports looked to the same objects. Ito said it was a matter of very grave , linportance whether the Constitution should bo submitted to the poople, and in what form. lie ,StB3 not proprrod to say what course lie would re. command. Ile therefore moved to lay them ou the table, and be special order for tomorrow sit nine o'olOok. It was not the question of slavery or no , slavary in Kansas, but of the success of ono party or another. Ito SAW In this crisis tho most iiii liortunt of any question that will come before this Convention. :Vanderslice, of Doniphan, said the decision of this matter involved the peace and the prosperity of this Union. He wished both reports should be printed, and the subject deliberately considered. To-day tho reports are to come up for discussion AN - POGrlf • Trial-Trip of the Adriatic. From the New York Daily Times 3 Tho Adriatic returned to port yesterday morn ing from her trial-trip of threo days at sea. The company on board consisted simply of the owners, a few naval officers, end persons interested in the cankruction of the vessel. Among the number were aollins, Mr. Allen, Chief Engineer Martin, Ti. S. N. ; Lieutenants Taylor and Temple, E. S. N.; Ciptain Cavendy and Lieutenant Belavenets, Rue 'aln navy. The trip wos made only for the purpose .or,testing the ongines.and the working of the ship. ,We have been favored by agentleman on board with cents interesting particulars: The ship left her deck at Pi o'clock on Friday morning, and ran out to sea under low steam ; her engines working perfectly from the start. She Van outside Sandy Hook to' a distance of fifty or sixty miles, and oruieud about during Friday night. On Saturday morning ale returned to the Hook to land some of her passengers, and stood out to eon again, running about one hundred miles. On Sun day she rounded bong Island, bore up around Meek Island, and shaped her course towards 'hone. At intervals during the outward trip, her speed was increased to twelve and, fifteen knots an hour, but, this being simply an engineer's trial, it was considered inexpedient to do more than test the powers of the enelne. On the way back, how ever, • the speed of the ship was more thoroughly tested. •„ , The behavior of the, ship at sea is said to have been oxdollent, commanding the unqualified corm mondefiona of those on board. In the heaviest mitlis she out water smoothly, causing little spray, and tenting no ripple There was but little jar from the' engines, and no unequal motion in the cylinders, it is presumed, from the result of this trip, that she will prove a worthy sea•boat. The appointments of the ship give satisfaction. The condensers work well, turning the waste steam into elder fresh water. Mr. Grant's Calcium Light answers Its desired purpose, casting a light ahead to a distance of two or throe miles; its looation, heweverl is to ho changed from the wheel•house to the foremast, beneath the eross-trees, a bettor place. Captain Cavendy tested his method of malting observations at sea, and was assisted by the naval officers in the company, who made own parisons between the old system and that of his niventioli. The result of these experiments is mid to have been highly flattering to Captain Cavandy. On the return, the speed of the Adriatic was tested, from a bearing taken oil Sandy Hoek to Port Columbia, off tiovernor's Island. She ran eighteen nautical, or twenty-one statute miles, in ono hour and four minutes, the tide setting against her from the start, She mails this time with about half her provisions, and all the coat for her first voyage on board. The time during the trip was as follows : h. in. Block bland Light to Montauk Light I 13 Passed Firo Island Light, Sunday P. M., at.lo 45 Passed Lightship, Monday A. M., at 7 23 Passed Bandy Hook 7 50 Passed Fort Diamond 8 41 Passed Governor's bland 0 04 The highest rate of speed was between seven teen and eighteen knots an hour, against wind and tide, and with lees than the full power of tho en. glues. The performance of the ship appears to have been in the highest degree eatiefautory to di! concerned. , The Adriatic la announced to sail for Liverpool on Saturday. , Only one•tcnth of the human body is solid matter. A dead body weighing one hundred and twenty pounds was dried in an oven till all moisture was expelled, and its weight was re duced to twelve pounds. Egyptian mummies are bodies throughty dried. They usually weigh about seven pounds, 4,‘ Wu always love those who admire us," says Rochefoucault, c. but Ivo do not always love those whom wo admire," From the let tor ,olottSo.olt neeption might be made in lit vor,of self, for:self-Jove Is the source of self admiration ; and this is the safest of all loves--:- tor moat peoplo may Indulge it without the fear of a Tuk APPETITE la a relish bestowed upon the poor, that they may like what they ent, while it fa seldom eujoyed by the rich, because they may eat what they like. 7HE COURTS. TUESDAY'S PROCAZDINGB Reported for no Presi ] DISTRICT COURT, O. I—Judgo Stroud.—How• and Tilden vs. George W. Stroud.—An notion on a promissory note. Verdict for plainta, $214.33. S. G. Perkins, Esq , for plaintiff ; Win. W. Juvenal, EN., for defendant Ed ward 31. Shoemaker vs, Robert Griffith, who survived Isaac Draper, deceased, late trading as Granger, Draper, Lt. Co. An action for a promis sory note. Verdict for plaintiff, $4.625. John Kelly, trading as John Kelly & Co., to the use of W. Decoursey, assignee in trust fur the be nefit of creditors. vs F. Knox Morton. An action to recover a judgment. Verdict for the plaintiff. $562.51. J. W. Paul. Esti., for the plaintiff; J. M. Brown, Esq., for defendant. lear) Hargreaves vs. Istiao D. Knight. An ac tion on a promissory note, Verdict for the plain tiff, $541 03, F. C Brightly, Esq., for the plain tiff; Messrs. Fallon and Serrill for the defen dant. Isaac flargraaves vs. Stewart Newell. An ne . • - ion on a promissory note. Verdict for the plain- Sa•ILO. F. O. Brightly, Esq., for the , laintitT; Messrs. Fallon and Serrill for the de endant. James J. Skerritt and Gustavus George Logan, executors of Jane Caroline Skerritt, deceased, vs. Mary A. Newcombe, executrix of Bayse New combe, deceased. An action to recover rent that had been collected. Verdict for the plaintiff, $2,293.13. Paxson, Esq., for the plaintiff; Stew ardson, Esq., for the defendant. Hebert 'Ewing vs. Bangs and Maxwell An ac tion to recover the rent of a store, Oh trial. A. C. Gowen, Esq., for the plaintiff ; It. M. Phillips and Isaac Gerhart, Esqs.,,for tho defendant. Conies PbEAS—Judgo Thompson. Bridget O'Connor vs. Mary Gormley. This case, svitteh has ocettpled the attention of the court for several . . . days past, W3l given to the jury yesterday after -11001:1. It was 0 feigned issue to try the right to take under a will. The following are the facts of the ease: Francis Graham died, leaving a will passing ell his real estate to a person named Bridget O'Connor, who occupied the house in which the decedent lived for some time previous to his death. Mrs. O'Connor was no relative of Graham's, but it up peered that the was attentive to him during his illness, and gained considerable control over him; so touch so, that, to the exclusion of his rela tives, he left her all his property. Mrs. Gorm ley, the half-sister of the decedent, entered a caveat to the will, and alleges that it should be invalidated for tho following reasons: First, that the decedent was of weak and un sound intellect nt the time of the execution of the paper alleged to bo his last will. Secondly, that undue inllueneo was exercised over him. Third, that the execution of the wilt or paper was not sufficient according to the legal forms re quired. The evidence brought forward to invalidate this document went to prove that immediately prior to the death of the testator, he bad been in a constant state of intoxication, for a period of nearly six months; that shortly before his death he was la boring under the sheets of mania-a-potu; that be wandered about the streets hatless and shoeless, evidently weak in his intellect, and that while in this stato Bridget O'Connor obtained admission to hls house, and by keeping him perpetually un der the influence of liquor induced him to execute a will ix her favor. (hoof the witnesses for the defence proved that the testator, when asked, after he had executed the will, now sought to be invalidated, if be had executed any will, he eaid no, but he would do it• to the morning. 'Upon the part of the plaintiff it was alleged that it was entirely owing, to her kind ness and attention to the testator during hie ill ness that he was induced tomake the will in her favor. She showed by witnesses that be had al ways expressed himself kindly towards her. Judge Thompson charged the jury very fully as to the testimony in the ease, and explained to them what was necessary in law to a proper testamen tary dispositisn of a testator's property. Jury out. Win. L. Hirst and D. IV. C. Morris, Esp., for the plaintiff; Lewis C. Oafishly and Andrew Miller, Earls., for the defendant. QITAIITER SesalONs—Judgeeourad.--In the sass of Silas W. Uraninite, charged with an assault and battery on his wife, (before reported.) the jury brought in a verdict of guilty. Bentonite de ferred. Samuel Hart, Thomas Renderbart, and Josiah Brisah were put oti trial, charged with _passing counterfeit $3 bills on the Mount Holly Bank of New Jersey. The testimony for the Common wealth showed that the defendants hod passed several of these notes at various taverns in the upper part of the city, and, upon being soatebed at the stattomhouse, over ninety dollars in coun terfeit money was found upon them. On trial. Tho District Attorney for the Commonwealth; Messrs. Dull and Small for the defendants. MATTERS AND THINGS IN NEV EMIR Flom tlio New York papers of last evening.] DESCENT UPON A TIIIEVLSO DIII/1 -ARREST OF TOFU Mn t —A low days ago, Officers trine, Robb, and others, of the deteotive • police, received in formation that a gang of thieves and burglars had their headquarters nt a house in llouston, near Ludlow street, where they had secreted a large lot of stolen goods. With a view to the capture of the thieves, and the recovery of the property, the officers proceeded on Monday afternoon to tho house, on reaching which they saw two of the alleged offenders, James Donnolly and Daniel Thompson, in the net of leaving it. These men were promptly arrested and taken to the sta tion house by two of the officers, while two others remained to watch the house. Soon after two other fellows, well-known to the police, named Alexander Johnson, alias Rupee, and John Trainor, made their appearance, and were about entering the hones, when they wore also captured. All four pri soners wore subsequently taken to the office of the deputy superintendent of police and searched. In Johnson's possession four pieces of satin wore found. They VIM marked with an inverted. D, a double dens, and a large 0 with a dot in the centre of it. ' This fellow, a short time ago, went into a fancy store in William street, and while pretending to make large purchases, stole a package of eye glasses and souse other articles. Not long age ho entered a spiritual circle, and by seine hem poet's process managed to get into his possession all the jewelry of the company, with which he cleared out. Thompson and Trainor aro charged with breaking into a store in John street, and stealing $1,500 worth of silks. The whole gong wore locked up for examination. FoNERAL OP Do. Crams.—Tllo faller.' of Dr. Joseph T. Curtis, who shot himself through the heart last week, took place at his Into residence, 49 &gam outioth street, at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon. A large number of persons were pre sent. and many of the medical profession. The Amoral service was read by Rev. Dr. Chapin (Uni versalist,) and the body was placed in a receiving vault, previous to interment either in Greenwood Cemetery or in the family vault at Danbury, Conn , of which place deceased was a native. Dr. Cur till/was 43 years of ago. Du loft three children by his first wife, and also a widow by his second mar riage. lux IfAnn Toms AND THE Ilmtse•NetttteT Tho bard limos Lass very sensibly, affected the torso-market; and those who a few months since bought on a speculation find themselves unablo to sell without is ruinous discount from original coot, if at all ; wbilo to keen them is no loss ruinous than to sell At the semi-weekly horse auction, held in Crosby street yesterday, horses which in ordinary times would be held at $lOO or $l5O each, wore struck down at $2O or $5O; and one 1111111111 a, Cain, blo of much service on a farm or before a dray, was struck off at $3. UV, tinl E trlrtt STREET NAPE AND MUltittti..— Thu Grand. Jury has found an indictment against Henries O'Connell, James Tools, "Sailor Dan," and William Hogan, for the murder of Theresa Spitztoin, in Greenwich street. Wm. 11 Hudson, captain of the steamship St. Louis, was arrested this morning upon a charge of assaulting ono of his• crew with a dangerous weapon. He was admitted to bail fn the MI of $1.,300. Female Suffrage in Slew Jersey Women formerly possessed, and at various times exercised, the aloatiyo franchise in New Jersey. By the Constitution adopted Ju1y2,1778, the priv ilego of voting wits accorded, to and all inhabitants of full ago,' 850 proclamation money, Clear estate, and who had resided a certain time within the country. As this could be con- Atrued to include women, in 1790 a prominent Quaker member of the Assembly had the act so drawn es to read "he or she " when re ferring to qualified voters. No change was made until 1807, and women often voted when the elm- Bons wore close, or there was any special excite ment. 111 the Presidential contest of 1800 there wore many instances or their voting.' At an elm- Bon in Ilunterdon county in 18e2, even soma women of .00lor were allowed to vote, and their ballots elected a member of the Legislature. In 1800, a new court house and jail were to be erected in the county of Essex, and their location was to be decided by a vote of the people. Strenuous exertions were made to have them lo cated elsewhere than at Newark, and the contest created grout excitement throughout the country. When the election was held, women of " fuli age," whothersingio or married, possessing the required property qualifications, were permitted by the judges of ,the election to vote. But as the con flict proceeded, the blood of the combatants waxed warmer, the number of female voices increased, and it was found that every sin gle and married woman in the county was not only "of full ago," but also worth " fifty pounds proclamation money, clear estate," and as such entitled to vote, if they chose So apparent wets the frauds practised at this election, that the next Legislature set it aside, and left the buildings to be erected in Newark. An sot was also passed resttieting the right of suffrage to free white male citizens or twenty-tmo years. And thus was ex tinguished female sufirage in :low Jersey. PHILADELPIIIA MARKETS cesnAx Lynam, Nor. l7.—.l3readstufk con tinue dull. and the prices of Flour and Wheat are somewhat unsettled and in favor of the buyers. Of the former only about 200 bids extra have been sold at 3.5.75 per bbl, and some small lots for home consumption at from $5.25 up to $6.50a57.2.; per VW for common to extra and fancy family brands, according to quality. Shipping Flour is held at 30 2:t55.371, but there is very little inquiry at these rates, exporters being mostly out of market at the present time. Of Corn Meal a small sale is reported at ;:1.18.1 per bbl for country. Rye Flour continues in small supply, and but little selling at $1.5f 1 per bid. Wheat is selling in a very muodor• ate way for milling at ;31.2041.24 fur red, nod sl.:loasl.:ts for white; about 2,500 bushels only have been sold at those figuros. Corn Ig wan toil, and old Yellow is scarce with miles of 1,300 bushels Fouthern at Spa; cf new Corn about 700 bushels prime dry have been sold at 00e. Cn tsarowanted, and about 3,000 bushels Southern brought Mc. ltye isselling at 70a70e for Delaware and Pennsylvania Bark is in bettor demand at $3O fur and quality kAteteitron, and very little oGring. Cotton meets with a limited inquiry at former quotations, and the stock is nearly exhausted. Groceries and Provisions continue neglected and dull at pre vious quoted rates, and a small business doing in the former to supply the trade. Seeds.--The offerings of eloverseed are light, and prices have en upward tendency, with a small business doing at $3 per bu ; most holders ask more. 'Whiskey is more in reque'st and firm at 22,t23e for bids, and 22e for Wale MEN of genius aro often dull amidst com monplace society, as the blazing meteor when itdoseends to earth is only a Stolle. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA., November 17, 1157 The feature of the day in stocks has been the advance of two dollars a .hare in the Reading Railroad stook, under the favorable news as to its financial arrangements. Penusyl% aid., Railroad shares at 40: Morrie Canal, preferred. trUi; Lehigh Navigation, 53 ;. Schuylkill Navigation, preferred, 78; and North Pennsylvania Railroad reaaked 101. The business at the beard was quite lively, and the buoyant feeling extended itself to the street, aid exerted a beneficial effort upon the money market. Sales of promissory notes wore made more freely, and at better rates for borrowers. 000,1 endorsed paper sells quite freely at ono per cent , and second-rate paper begins to find buyers at one and a half per cent. It is *said that those who have dealt more largely in the less favored paper hero. totem hare come out far hotter from the hurricane than those who made it a rule to touch nothing but the gilt. edged article. The following lists of directors, elected at the City and Kensington Batks, were not included in the list we published yesterday: • Cho Bank —A. M. Eastwiek, Josiah KiSiE,7- bock:Thomas Singer, Robert Selfridge, Richard Blundin, William Hamar, C. A. Rubicate, Chas. E. Lox, William P. Iluglos. Conrad S. Grove, Edward It, Trotter, Joseph 'Wharton, Samuel L. crentaborg. Kr/His/von Bank —John Smith, George Mudd', Henry Crilly, Eli Garrison, John Burtis. William Chapman, Jonathan Wainwright, Michael Day, James Keen, Samuel Megargee, Geo. Read, Alexander Peterson, Adam Richards. Wo annex a comparative statement of the im ports of foreign dry goods at New York for the week, and since January 7 : For the week. 1855. 7850. 1857. Entered at the p0rt...:913,250 $1,190.575 :614,604 Thrown on market... 827,034 1,053.547 179.939 Since January 1 1855. • 1856. 1857 Entered at the p0rt..57.560,935 84,624.266 86,790,043 Thrown on market-59,790,447 83,710,710 79.559,874 Value of merchandise warebeased in Boston for the week ending Nov. 13,1857, was Dry-Goods $ 39,233 00 AU other merchandise 202,104 00 $341,337 00 Warehoused for Canada.. Dry-(foods 2,934 00 • All other merchandise.. 5,2.40 00 $9,222 00 Total $350,559 00 The earnings of the Chicago, St. Paul, and Fond du Lae Railroad, were, in October, 1857, $51,105. The earnings of the Erie Railroad for tho month of October, 1857, were $459,151.74 ; Earnings, Oc tober, 1856, $547,650.36; Decrease, $88,498-62- The London Times thus exposes some of the sharp practice in Gnanciering in vogue among our transatlantic cousins:" " In several instances, houses which have lately suspended and submitted their accounts to credit ors, have been discovered to have followed the practice of fabricating accommodation paper. This circumstance is both satisfactory and deplora ble. It is satisfactory to find that many of those who aro swept away by the present sterns are per sons whose removal from the field of' enterprise is an advantage instead of a calamity, and it is de plorable that a system which strikes at the root of all basest trade should be shown to . provail to a greater extent than hod been anticapated. The character of the offence was exhibited in its most &saleable light in the case reported a fortnight heel/ of Sadgrovo k Ragg, where a business was carried on under the eye of greedy discounters at the rate of £70,000 per annum, and boys in the establishment worn trained to forgery and impos ture by being regularly pmployed in the manufac ture of'fraudulent acceptances. "But those people were arlogetber of an inferior class and out of the mercantile circle. The analo gous Caen lately exhibited have boon among indi viduals who have held a good place on 'Change, and a position generally, in which any misdeeds must compromise the British name. In one case, within the present week, it has transpired that bills wore regularly created between one house and another, for a trilling commission, with the full knowledge on the part of the acceptor, that they represented no business operation whatever, and that, in the event of accident, ho had not a shilling to meet his liability, except at the 'expense of his ordinary creditors Some of the knot of Glasgow failures also, which were announced about the middle of last month, are understood to have re vested a combination iu this direction of a most gigantic kind, and it is alleged that when the affairs of the Liverpool Borough Bank 'shall be in vestigated, the public will be still further enlight ened on the magnitude of such proceedings." On the 4th inst., the Legislature of Missouri passed an act legalizing the suspension of the banks of that State. The points in the suspension bill may thus be briefly stated: The banks are permitted to stand suspended until the Ist of No vember, 1858, without a forfeiture of their char- tera; the clause in the bank charter aliowing the holders of notes interest from the dot of suspen sion until that of resumption is suspended ; the law requiring the banks to keep en hand specie to the amount of one-third of their notes in circulation is suspended ; each bank of the State is allowed to take in payment of debts or on deposit the notes of the other banks during the suspension ; the banks ere required to giro extensions on all debts duo them so long as the suspension continues, pro vided that twenty-five per cent. of each debt is paid at each renewal; upon all debts newly con tracted, the banks are required to receive five per cent. of loans made in gold and silver, so as to in sure an early resumption ; the bunk commissioners cannot countersign, register, or deliver to the babks any new notes until after a resumption in full ; the requisition of the charters, that the full amount of stock subscribed shall be paid within twelve months, is also suspended ; and, finally, no director is allowed to hold his place while under protest, nor aro the directors of the banks allowed to borrow from the banks. PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXOHANOD SALES, November li, 1637 Reported by R. Mandy, Jr., Stork Broker, No 801 iraltutt street. FIRST BOARD. 500 Mies& Del (11.6a.115 75 Schnyl Nay..itits.lo 0500 N Perin HO4 114.55 200 L Island 11 lots 05.10% .800 do 55% 150 do 10ta.10% 2000 ettillWightl U 7g...50 110 Morris Canal pf1..90,% LOOO Penn 5s —.10 , 1.85 100 Reading R 23'.1; 220 do .....10t5.84 100 do bL.Z% 4000 City do lots. 85 lOO do 05.23% 1000 City 1t01..0 RE.BS 100 do °7% 300 Lelngh Zinc lota. 1 100 do ..... 351'1'0.2331 31. N Pena lt—lots.lo 203 do lote.l.Zg 100 do 10!; 100 do ...... ... —23% 300 Catawhoa 11 lots. 8 51 do lote.W% 100 do 05. 8 18 Penn R ' 1°13.40% 0 Lehigh Scrip. .37% 166 Sehuyi Nav pfillta.lB 15 do 10t5.37% 10 Lehigh Nsv 53 30 do 105.07% I Divert' Rank 9% 55 do 104.33 '2O do ..... ...... 0' • k 150 Unit% Canal Ito, 4 40 do 9,i BETWEEN BOARDS. 200 Penn Os Wd .50 &hill Navpfil 05.18 100 Rem' It 23% 35 do 0 dys.lB 50 do 1 , 5.24 150 do 15 50 Union Cabal 4 500 Lehigh Zinc 1 100 New Creek % 8 Penu R. 40% 50 Lohigir Scrip ldyo as SECOND (500 City 64 10tH.85 3200 l'ean fie lotti,Bs 20 Reading R 23y 100 do b5.23:11 11 5 Penn R 40j 22 Norristown R 10t5.68 00 Lehigh Scrip 39,ti 60 do .. ... ..b5 39 iBl Susi/ Canal..lots. ON 102 Schl Nav pOt lots.lB,til 3 Cainikamb R 93 00 Oiranl Ilk ...lots. 9h' BOARD. . 050 T. Island E t0ti,10,14" WI „.lotabs.lo 130 Cataivies,. It lota. 50 do b 5. 8 10 N Penn R 10% 35 liarriab It —100.54 40 Morris Cana1....50 54 Reading R lots 23X AFTER 1000 N Penn It Ge.... 50 I 20 Lehigh Nar 14X (MORN% I'S Bid. Asked Pldisdel 8.51 Q 1110....155 New.... 91 93 Peansylv Cds.„.B4li Reading R 23X 233: do Bonds '7O 70 do 310'5,'44 81 Penns RR 40g 41X I Morris Cool Con 49 52 Schu N Gs 83....5; X 01x at0ck.....11 12 LAT, • • 23 34 55.23 X 13X .235 400 Beating B b 5 10ta.23X 30 Girard Bank 9%; OSS—FIRM. Bid. /liked Be N 65 'B2 pre( 18 1834 Wtusp't &I.lm Rl2 15 de littnort 7'564 do do 2dm th. 54 Long 'Bland .....10N 10% Vicksburg 6 3i TX Girard Bank 9 ,t, • 9)4 Lehigh Zinc ri 1): Union Canal ..... 11 4 ' New Creelt Cataw/asa it 'ST. 2000 Schuyl Nav e5,..00 15 Beading It "1 100 Reading It 100 do ... NO do .. 150 do ... 100 Semi Nay pf.I.ISX 1 Reading eto,ed 2.3,„.t234 BREADSTUFF'S AT BALTIMORE.—There was a decidedly bettor inquiry for Flour than for some days past. The sales on 'change include 2,300 bbls. City Mills super at $5; 200 blits..Ohio do. and 200 bbls. Howard street at $5.25 cash. There were also sales mode of 1,000 bbls. Ohio super, and 1,000 bbls. Bossard street do at $3.25 cash. Tho market for both of these descriptions closed steady to-day at the quotation. City Mills Flour is wanted, and the holders of it are generally wil ling to sell at $5 cash ' and $5.371 per hbt. time, Extra flour was /lull of sale, and we had no trans actions noted. We quote as before, viz: Ohio Extra at $3.35 ; Howard street do., at $6a56.25, and City Mills do. at $0 25050.75. Baltimore grkund family flour is still selling by the dray lead at $s 25, and do. extra at $7.25 per bbl. Buckwheat flour ranges in price from $2a52.50 per 100 lbs.. the latter figure being forstriotly prime. We have no sales to note in Rye flour to-day; it 13110(1 firm ly at $1.021 per bbl. We have no movement to note in Corn Meal—We quote City Meal at $3.75 per bbl. ; no Country Meal in market. All descriptions of Grain vice's in demand. and the receipts were heavy, there being some 70.0//0 bu-hots at market. Wheat was very active for prime and choice qualities, and prices were buoy ant, but inferior descriptions were dull and heavy. The offerings on 'change were fully 10.000 bushels. Reds Ad ntll2allB rents for fair to prime parcels; 120a125 cents for fair whites, 130a140 cents for good to prime shipping lots of do, and dr:orb cents for choice family Flour parcels of eta. For lots out of condition prices ranged from 1030113 cents. Corn was in good demand, offerings fair, and market firm There were some 15,000 buebels offered, most of wide)] sold at 72075 cents for good to prime old white, and 72173 cents for Wine old yellow :New crop white and yellow sold at 551100 coats, as to quality Oats were in good receipt, but the market hie them teas rather heavy. There swore r ouse 9,000 bushels at market, most of which changed hands at 23a28 to 30 cents for fair to good and prime Virginia and Maryland There were 500 bushels Rye at market, and all sold at 73a52 to tis cents for Maryland, and 00 Cents for l'enneyl ltyo is wanted, but receipts come forward slowly. ALBANY LUMBER AlABliliT.—Tho receipts by eatutl nt Alhomy front tho opening ot• TUN ig:ition to No ember Bth, in the yearg mined, were aq lowa : Thsar39 9011 911ingl(-4, Timber, Stars, Scantling, ft SI. C ft 158 MO 1073364100 00,632 2.i.82: 140 734,1'4 1951 211,501,405 31 0'..:1 109,000 104,742 200 1852 288,771,558 '29,610 204.420 103 002.009 1953 358,469,981 26,275 19,227 104,116,448 1354 ^95,459,031 20.000 23.021 153,943,02,9 8855 ` '223,01404 02,571 11,007 132.919,223 1050 292,529,280 83 009 40,775 104,934,037 1857 217,213,902 52,926 100,390 133,454,220 'rho receipts of Boards and Scantling up to the Bth inst., this season, show an increase of only 14,719,822 feet over the corroponding pe r i o d i n „ t Year. Shingles show an increase of 19,918 At Timber in largely in excess, exhibiting an increase of 89,785 C. feet, unit Staves 43,819,592 lbs. • A CHALLYNGE has been dettnedcairug upon a luau who has hurt your feelings to give you satisfaction by shooting you through the body. BY THE - PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORE. Correspondenee of The Press.] NCR YORK, Nov. 17-3.20 P. M There has seldom been a day for a long time when I have so little news to communicate as to day. There is absolutely nothing doing either at the banks or in the street. and business generally is very quiet. waiting patiently for the return of confidence and good times .• Hope told a flatter ing tate that joy would soon return " Confidence, however, is returning. Individuals cease to dis trust their ticighboni completely, Private enterprise can get private help, in soma degree. without being shaved by a money lender, or insulted by a bank racer, and if the help i 3 not as large as it ought to be. ills daily getting larger ' and more easy, and a desire evinced by private at ' dividuals to make each other as far as posoible in dependent of bank assistance. This is what I should like to gee carried out fatly. It would be the most suitable and severe punishment that could be inflicted on the banks, and what they would feel most bitterly. The contraction of nearly $700,000 in last week's atatement took every one by surprise, and, if poth ble, has disgusted every one more than before. The excuse is, "we must be prepared to resume at once." In this, as in everything else, there le an utter want of harmony. Oue bank wants to re sume at ones; two or three more wish to do So by the lot of December; and the rest at different dates, between the latter date and some time next yexr. They cannot agree, and are still bent on deceiving each other and the public. They cannot tell the truth. They say, if you ask them, ••We have done more than our receipts to-day, and shall continue to be liberal." At the end of the week you find that they have deliberately told a falsehood.. The note-brokers' portfolios are searched every morning for the cut paper, but.there is so little of it moving, that the search is more troublesome than productive First class paper is done at AI per cent. Anything to do a little business; but it cannot be done, because there are as applicants. Note and atoek broken can get accommodation, as I bare already told you, when legitimate traders—old customers—are blunt ly refused any help. The characteristic of the market to-day is inac tivity. The contraction of yesterday was a damp er, and, as I before stated, was totally nnlooked for. I am bound, however, to tell you what I bear, that things will soon be easier, and that in the end we shall see that the banks have been very wise. 'shall be glad to see it. and shall acknowledge it when I do; but I am still of opinion, and more ob stinately than ever that the course of the banks has been as wicked in-its operation towards the public as it has been foolish to themselves. 'Why should they be more trusting than pri vate individuals?" I am asked. Ido not want them to he more trusting, but I want them to be as much so, and not to use their accumulated power and the means of other people to crush the entire community. It is their business to know who is good and who is not—who is honest and who is not. It is their profession—a necessary part of their business. It is not so with private Individuals ; and they have not the right in time of difficulty to shut down on the good, the mid tiling, and the bad with the sense severity. ;A - Ignorance, folly, selfishness, and disgusting pu sillanimity, could not be snore strikingly mani fested than by tee New York city banks ever since the Ohio Life and Trust Company failed. The country banks are still obedient, over one hundred and fifty of them having bowel to the nod f the clearing house association. Foreign exchange is dull af Male& and 10.3a10S" for bankers' signa tures (60 days sterling). Francs (Paris) are 5 fde. 5 15. Domestic exchange is also easier. The time for winding up the affairs of the Mechanics' Banking Association has been extended 60 days. The notes of the Litchfield Bank, of Litchfield, Conn., and the Bank of Litchfield county, at New Milford, coon., have been thrown out to-day. be cause they have ceased to redeem at the Suffolk Bank. The notes of the Patron Bank of New burgh are received again to-day by the Metropo litan. The business at the clearing-house to-day was as follows Clearings, 515,015,716.46; Ba lances in coin, $1..435.195.43. Steamship from "[ammonia, from Ilamburgh. brings 6.63.00 in specie The sob - treasury received to-day 5109,- 039 01 . • paid. $115,340.52, (includiegs3l,oooCali fornia draft,) being a balance of $5,088,741.42. The receipts at the enstom•house for duties were $51,000. The stock market still continues very buoyant, and a further rise took place to-day. The sales were very large. From 3a 5 per cent. was the ad vance at the first board, which was firmly main tained at the second board. Reading cloSed at 481 : Erie at 19; Michigan Southern at 2a; New York Central at SO}; Illinois Central at 99; and Michigan Central at apl. State stocks, railroad bin Is, awl bank shares, were also in request : and sold largely at an advance. KEW YORK STOCK EXCIIANGE SALES, No 17 SECOND BOARD. t3OO liarleat Railroad 103 j 2000 N Y State 6i '72103 159 Ilsrlern prefd R 24 245 Reading 11 46X 190 do go 45 100 do b3O 461( 5 Mich So& NIR 20 90 Cies & Rillab`g 11 13X 100 do 13X 258 do 14 L•'l Gal & Chicago R a: x 100 Cies & Sol R 44 15 do 441 DV do e 44) I® do oat 43x 106 Chit & ILI R SOX 50 do •350 SO 50 do x 3116015 150 do SOX 35 Mil & Miss R 3715 3501 s Crosse &- 1111 R 17 3000 Teen Os '9O 09 500 Cal State la '7O 70 2900 do 99 20003 City Ca '59 94 1000 31iehSS'kg Food CS 3000 111 Ceo 101 57 100 Cum Coal 1.7 as do 13 100 do .10 131 Del&11101 Canal Itr2s 10 do 103 112 Pacific 31 50 CO 70 100 do 70x 53 do 71 20 Mitabat Ga. Co 120 20 Erie Railroad 20 105 do 19 WO do 03 19s 200 do 130 79 deinand for both kinds is moder ato. and prices of Pots are tower—salmi of ZOO Ws at s6.Bllasl. Pearls are steady at $0.50 Cure as.—The market is dull and heavy, pend ing an auction sale announced for to-morrow. William Scott's circular estimates the arrival of Silo since 10th instant at 22,933 bags; the sales at 4,032 bags, end the stock at 103,337 bags; and of all kinds at 121,488 bags and mats. Corrost.—There is no movement. Buyers and sellers are at variance, and quotations are n ominal Fisn.—Dry Cod have been in better demand, but at low rates ; sales of 2,909 qtls small Bank and large Marblehead at $2.871a52.09, mostly the latter at $2. For other kinds the demand is quite languid. PLova, .4e.--The demand fur western canal flour is rather more active, holders submitting to rather lower prices, which brought forward buyers more freely. The demand is pretty general, mainly for the home and eastern trade. Shippers are operating sparingly. The sales arel4,ooo bbls at $4.80a54.95 for com mon to good State ; $5155.25 for extra do ; $4.89e $4.95 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; ssa 55.90 for extra ; $5.70157.25 for St. Louie brands, and 5.G.G05.57.75 for extra Genesee. Canadian Flour is , 1180 loser the supply fair_ Salo of 700 bbls at $5a50.6.5 for extra brands. Southern Flour is heavy and lees active; the ar rivals are fair ; the demand is mainly for the trade_ Sates of 1,200 bbls ut $5.1.5a53.35 for mixed to good brands Baltimore, &e., and 50.157 for fancy and extra do., and 56a57.50 for Tonnes-see brands. Included iu the sales are 200 bbls Leba non mills. to arrive, at the latter price; this is a. superior article Rye Flour is in fair request at $3 50a$1 75. Corn Meal is quiet at $3.50 for Jersey, and $3.7.5 for Brandywine, and $17.50 for a swan lot a pun cheons. Cl at demand, fur Wheat iAlrit.dtate..na with fair arrivals; Dttees are ltae toner. the libe ral arrivals in prospect induce shippers to hold od a for a further abatement. Southern Wheat is in limited supply and is wanted. Tba sales of 37,000 bus nt 06a9Se for Chicago spring; 51.0 1 451.06 far Milwaukee club; $1 303 $1 , 32i for white Canadian; $1.12 for red Ohio; SLIG fon red Indiana; $t for red lowa, and $1.45a $1.50 for white Southern. Rye is easier; sales of 1,600 bus at 75376 e. Bar ley is quite firm—the demand is fair—sales of 2,70 bus good four-rowed letate at Sic. Oats are lower and are plenty ; sales of Jersey at ",,Sa-12e; State at 44a4Se, and Western at 4Sn47e. CORN is easier, the demand very light and the supply equally do. Sales of 6,000 bushels at 80a 81 cents for Western mixed in store and delivered. • • - . 11AS".—The demand is fair and the supply light; sales at 400 bales at 35105 cents per 100. NAVAL STORES.—Spirits Turpentine continues quiet, and prices are again lower. Sales of 270 bbis partly in merchantable order at 40a41e, cash. Crude is quiet but steady. Common Re=in is slowly recovering from the general dulh:e.s. Sales of 1,350 bbls, afloat. at ,$1 per 510 lb,. deli , . ered by vessel. The medium and line qualities are lan guid and depressed, and the same is true of tar. Otte continuo dull and heavy. The demand is a mere cypher, being confined to the most urgent wants of the local trade. Linseed is selling slowly from crushers' handset 57a59,3 cash. Crude whale remains quiet, and is nominally held at 62a05e_ no news from the whale fleet in the Kamschatka sea is not favorable ; the ships Bragansa and Tri ton, of New Bedford, when last heard from, had ou board all and 700 bbls of oil respectively; the latter ship was bound to the Sandwich Islands, and her captain reports that the vessels in the above sea will not average over 400 bbls each this season. It is. Iron ever ' too soon to arrive at any conclusion respecting the catch. as a large fleet in the Ochotsk, sea are yet to be heard from Crude. sperm and most other are inactive and semen hat nominal. Pttovistose.—The demand is moderate. and the market 13 rather lower, the inquiry is nminlyfor old—saleoof 271 t Ws at $l9 :;11 torrid me, ; 610,75, for new do; $15.30 for thin mess; 317,v517 for prime 131. , 133; 5203.:1•20 50 for olear. and .sie, $l7 for prime.. F 1 BEE 3 berry—the arrivals are large; salts ce 120 bbig at 53357 for country prime ; for do mess; $ll fur repacked western mess; for extra do. Primo mess is quiet at s2las2s. Beef ha m s , re held at $11.4a511. Bacon is quiet at 12atile. Cut meats are wanted at Sle fvr shouldeN. and 101 c for halms. Dressed hop are in demand at oa7.ie. L_rd is quiet Sales of 1.0 bbl: at 12,11:2„,t for non- and 1::a . 13f , for old. Butter end CA.:es,: are steady. St (taus Continue deeliniltz. and a fair demand prevails. Yesterday LIN bads slid at for Cuba Refined are lower Stuart'quotati , rts are as follows : Loaf 11e; crushed grcund Itte.; circle crashed ltt , ,ct TrAct are settle: au auction sale is ant„,,uneed for to-morrow. IVrty;Kl:r —The dittnand is fair, and the market rather better at the oprionis, but at the elose is heavy—sales of 300 bits at 2:l'.ia24e. A Par Try Wionw.—The Springfield (..11as) Republican sa), In this place a pretty little widow tin dlish is a little street, awl she has a p a ir or pretty qtrs., and two pretty little feet. No matter what her mune is, or the number of the house, she's a mighty pretty widow—a perfect little mouse. The rose and lily blended live on her dimpled cheek, and her lips give them expression--oh r gracious! oh, so meek. lier hands are white and ten der, but her lovers sadly fear that she'll get theta stained and tainted up by handling lacer bier. "My dear, come in and go to bed," said the wife of a jolly son of Erin, I%ho had just re turned floor the fair, in a decidedly •6 bon - come-you-so" state. 4 , You must he dreadful tired, sure, with your long walk of six miles." 6 , Arrah a get away with your nonsense," ,said Pat; "it wasn't the length of the way, at all, that fatigued the—inns the breadth of it." Rows heads are hke hogsheads—the less they contain the louder report they give of themselves. The smaller the calibre of the mind; the greater the bore of a perpetually open mouth.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers