The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 17, 1857, Image 2

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-- TwfraBoAX, #o"'—'7
PAGE Eill be found a Bill
cimint'ef,4ol),edication , of the ,Neyr:Armory
of therNisitenat Gnat*, aid 'Alte.Oration, de.
livereikhijithe:O*sloii; ,an - interesting • letter
from ii,cortinsurdcatlins on , the Tariff ;•
008440, if;-',Extriteralitary • Tragedy in
New Crleauki •:f • • •
" "1 1 !*„A", 49144 1 tER - Bleßyloy OF ',ME
. STAYER ARMY. " • '
TIM '-'fartit,lhat 4 the'Nery' existence of the
AtiMitciik'oo.4bysitif,S,V ; Unknown. te'the
-habitautk cut' the .94, World, drail =so , lite a
fieriiittituaour Menturiea is 60- singular
that fully justifies the' idea , that it was
providential. Then, after Slum:
baring; in' total lgooranee •of , this vast • re
&O f , * great extent ' s which;ii • well ex
pressed •world,") for, thou
sands ,tity itithirtek; Europe at last' sent forth
her little handk of , emigrants. to its shores,
therfzinintitiiirßiatiy, tied;; from the bands
M Natere":4 aft bore , not impresel, save that
whteli4aid'4esin' stamped upon; it by the
CritaW'Ocktrie"tuto• their poiseliSion as the
retigkiWixtiVMOMea to the lapidary. 16
regg,blitte Was brthe hand of
by the 'manipulations
; of- siliA Jto threats bloomed, in
elf . I*l,4iti '•;:totutiauce, 'the redundant
veti,o444";tsf.thiejints was unobecked, the
riekeejNofi:its prairies :unbrokeMl They-had,
foinit a world; but a Will)
'7V.0 . 211111A41 , 0W to all the , refinements of civilize;
' , tietL,Ateaubjegations of man, the processes
forlle'velopinent of natural resources which
• by,: septi: / i•ef*, progress had. gradually become
kiewsintolths: enlightened portions of the hu
mltyfftl.,,,:r*f Rude - efforts at cultivation, and'
the minOtetien:of miserable wigwams, were
'the owirsh:iinges that had been wrought upon
• the - 'liti**Sitito of mother Earth, and the'
proverbial and idleness of the
'lndlait'rene 'ljad rendered these improvements
' so lifelijilfilitt scareely, - perceptible.
Whitlitibs , 'ehe; ; ;lMiltess' had . .done . furnished
no- - 'biettAmot - even lthe'''slightest;.-for the
Myth:MtOn - that Was' succeed them. No
wlaiiiii,.: t l{so, -however poor,' would perma
nentk:C.,ft,CcuPY. ,an Indian dwelltng, even
thteiglOttwiti that-of one of their chiefs, nor
us4sOklail , ,e fArtk o as such, no matter 'bow
extiiiiii*itight have been the, dominion of the
MM3144•:41 - 0 .tereeti according to the rude
India far from the
aborigijUlii;htiving Ihrnished any basis 'for the
great "superstructure of civilization their sue
cesscirsieared, they formed the chief obstacle
to iiii!'irAtitefiti,:,,the constant thinoyaneee to
whichtbekis glijstited. the White settlers by their
pred#Orr habits; their' repeated attacks and
warlikttAitirAsibutiOnS,'and their.bloody mast
sacres. *tory, therefoic, is mind"-
PallY KlTOOttlieries of struggles w ith
, the
bonie - Gtoyerturtentk "Pig laid; on the one hand,
end; ii*tigeluidit,pa on the other. .Settlement
after setiliMmiit Sias b il lstized the bleed of
its best inilbiatiMit in bitents, and the, march
of '4lvllliatlonl. wuii Made ,over a pathway
streimtvitht kis commingled bodies of white
omit)* Vend red : : victims of progress. To
some ei*,same, scene is being enacted
at this time upon the , frontiers of the United '
Statos.,-yhe'riipmeiwititivirielinew settlements
are cOnsitallateiVaiirstiengthened; however,
renders Okit,u`Hgg„o. occur generally,
of sliortgderabori.- ; Mid they -are rarely of
suffieletit:LlMpOrttincei:te';;Oxelte any con-
siderable, - degree :,'attekiticin • among the
people of the old settled :portions Of the
Union. - liestileiti!, - Meiiitif-ditficulties' with
the ,Indianis,"ultikinghlhei bieeri
portions of our '.own • iinmediati', country,
do not excite -the interest which Indian
troubles; awakened among the' colonists wie,
were directly affected by their results, but are
rather viewed , with • that comparative tie
pee ;of indifference_ with Wbieh tfa pity sup-,
peas England
,te -have regarded, nue Cautery'
ago, any ;differences - which' existed between
the, inhabitaraff 'Of her American Colcitaes and
. their r'ed , foott? - ;Contests .witily'Bie ittelititof
inevitable.';_ Though the idea "that , . two
races 6(titati:inutit,'nOesearily qttariet2when
they ',are' Piked, tingetber, IS untenable, it
impossible to prevetitAvar when two such:spit
toon as barbarism and eivililation; each hiving ,
warlike champions to ' espouse them, come in.
conflict with each other. The whitemanimist
subdue the wilderness, to live according to his
improved' system' while the Indlinspoffeji re-;
quires thatlt.aboilla! , ,ttotiristi,it s hannt:?er,
wild beasts / to preserve_ the scanty resources
which furnish hire With stibidittelice:- - • Writeirt
a sort of Chronic 'war' with The Behellieles, fob'
have jifittlereerged froM.'an exciting 'eon ,
test in, .-,Oregon, intelligence ren
ders- it < not, Improbable -that ' !number
of American , sojdicis, jiev,er - ,heen cut off
by a -large„.ip t ert4et ',feetAiuran,,.near tins
Ilissoerfilver:6.llrighaiMiCestng, erti
dentli king ban': inigeged' 1p ifteitingiarkina
Indian, tribes,to.limatigy, „ against , the -United
States, seit:tlol.- Petition be held by virtuee, of
being. dovertiorMt TRIM, ;of Indian • agent,
afforded hint' Peddler advantages tor ads ariq;
ing title intiinunte end.' In the event, which
appears of a war against, the
mons, he 'will doubtless , employ the Indians as
effective'allierragainit Us.% Another sad Cluiji
ter in they }history of that, doomed mai: , Will
thus be eotliiimicodjand al ong series Of Sting
gles extremely' harassifig and annoying-40
be imposeillipmathe .Amierican armyr,,l;;.
The freittter; e'grirlea' sol 2
diem' is Of: arduous, Unpleasant,
and to .thissiti.tittbrOltabreenaturiV They are
exposed grelttrOiti4tbia;,ecitapetted to en
dure graet'auteri:gi;titid yet „Win the
slightest ~.Mi4i.ot'fiinif ai a reward:for:their
exertions..; Detachadote they are, over an im
mense sdope of territUry,'ltrmitall bands, they
can tight - . only in vi:eutParatively Unim'portant .
skirmishtif;aUSllie `gteitest:deed,.e of.heroism
pass almOst situseileea,,becanse they
, do not
form parte`of!Wit tibattles,whieff'intereit the
, -
Gen. Scarf bag httely. Issued; under datd
November 18th, General Orders; N 0.14, which
contain a short .statement ;of the fights with
the Indians, front thelltli Of February, 1856,
up to SepteMber, 1857; embreelbealtegether,
twenty-live, conteshi,;,,Altbinigh MOO lives
were not loet;irr, sa y Mr- die*) battles,' great
courage, endnraneej istuji -40,Suitiverazieti -were
displayed in ireariy they have
doubtless - exerelited an Influence Ofincalemi
lable valise in etteettrig -predatott and hostile,
Indian atearstene, The itttittit Werbin every
instance the monquercirir, 'always driving the
Indians hef,ore , em, -. , nattier Vow - groat'
the disparity of nunabared In one instance
we are tolt(that'i,
April4,lSfiri Ifklik,l4 p ieri'B r altsg .1410-
far. Reconflllo4lo.o4 men M 04;41144Y
B of that regiment, Otero -
_miller Mir** days,
and a tesirehjormokrly siguntO t aned milekosine
upon a frestiliOtsg, Wig* heekot
north fork 0,0, 4,oo.u.rigeri exes; ;and, OS the . ;
trail led'itil lt iTaoi ) oMM47.44OOSS 4010114 , 110 m.
ble fur esif his horsier with,
a guard, 4 , contiziue4-, the lists**, trzek,en/y,
canon non."_viattsr tedious ' marsh of four mires,
be stiddenlyoladieupon ammo monied by from
eighty t al :autiAttnared ttppromfilng it,
under eovemo.within SEP huudiacapd fifty yards,
and Mond. hislittle patty Wag: dbuoveredi they
wereattacked.tialttlie4,7llso r s t ie dump, an d
threatened,et,guiloteii t eiihv a arty . returning
to it with horses. - Be repo se the radial:ie.-with a
loss to theml fit eme,kined One:, wounded. It
being then'nt Afts,withdrew.lsis Mom rejoined
hie horses an toßtsrpsd to, the attack next, day ;
bet in theutaltaybila tfig*"'AtP'"(l.
For the Ittarovid digs, tpu ,dotes ment haa no
rations, havirighifonout seventeen days. ,
. .
In min' inktieertliVnvirdhis of the Ante
rican'troOps:jiavi.htieneinialarly rapid, oeca.
alopally reading eightjr miles per day. Fre
quently,teti,.-* thiAr 'Oiaitec - atter the In
dia-es were ,1 0 exe - 044kidid than they had RD
tielpated„ tlteir Previbions , became exhausted,
add they niere'ohlige,d'in do with little or no
food for several days.
. _
' The fivollfilhdlp:! trick of 'amlmsh wee', in
' " ;11iliftil4+ played , :41 upei th
one, insts t, , ,, . 4„ ems as
it the` coniMittitelliiiiit i llliit t qiee4 las men
In wagons, 1014 : the iswieell' al y,',4lliiVD, and
*limbed nmierlbefelliplf tl - orOirl o itividn.' The
rusiiives'enegoefta Alllll the - *lv iti Aittsiked
about' forty-frit 'atiiii:zitt , istlll t er by -p.
about; lima .Cl'ololol4 t.O! o .4fr =
lore AiMbhet, lg itofdtti a - l i c ji, w i* a : o r ,
three of thsirll44o^4..,4plid:,#.ll*#* eip:.., TO
tTiriOvore 4 44.'1 ,- ,;,;: , :i''''- : ' '- :- ''' 1 '"(
,The Indiana fs9*: ? , NliCt,tji,:io,bl44l_4l4,
noy attack ihem..'fit'-' *lli 144*? .'ll4 thieviliP
ip ill? nigh 4.o..:9ol4l,!fitiftit 'fiii Oictly as
their isountaitiolitir o .. 3'f.t.-; - 444.',.2Sul'plitipb
tbelyl l mr tro6rf r tq l ‘V l tl G !'i Ir fleet "
t 6 S
isiiaii .:oiiistP 6o fi tie
ant da** f#:x4lisig,7l6#lott: fiikr
"r i' S PY O64 4 0,0 6 / 1 '•ot; t‘.lo4lo`ditii it it :L . .,
44 OttitiktOiglj .or4-1,11*00.4444,
-.6. 9 l o 4,,,PinsigiLtlaiiboretemm t jes4treedit i
' 'lll' 4 'X,lo . o'o, ' t 04111,i4ei deserver',!'l4'-'s.-,w,.'..:! ', +.,,
, Mr. lanouousan„Golonial „Minister offing ,
'land, has addressed a significant circular to
'the Governor of every BritiskColOPY, strongly.
urging each as not to neglect, .that reasonabffi,
amount of warlike preparation dnrinc`peacep!
which it is desirable WA,' triery*ter4
maintained," and addintwhitkis true
that the state of defence in which each co
lony is maintained must have a great influence
upon the general resources of the empire du
ridg war. c=They will," he says, "be a source
of weakneakin so far as tale noceadary for the
land and sea farces t Of the - mother country to
dead theiti againacjiggresilidt, and'it source
of strength if, while they are able to repel any
ordinary Wells of, an enemy's squadron, they
will afford shelter and support to Our own
forces." He desires; also, that as the defence
of the colonies, from whattiver source main
tained, form part of the defences of the em
pire, the British Minister of War should have
on record exact ini:ormation as to the state of
defence in which' each colony is kept. Of
course, it is known', in London, what amount
of regular soldiers garrisons each colony, what
they.want to know, is the amount and efficiency
of the local troOpi, and the, condition of the
artillery, and other munitions of war entrusted
to the colonies by, the Home Government.
Thislooking after the defenbes thus exactly
is precisely. what ;Might to have been done
years ago; and would' have been done if the
Duke of Wm.irprorox's advice .had been fol
lowed. But when ho said «in time of peace
.provide for war,". he was sneered at, people
shrugged their 'shoulders and sail that, like
Miwirmenomm, he,was falling into dotage, and
that, as far as Europe went, Waterloo.had put
a quietus upon warfare for the next half cen
tury. The Duke died, but his words remain.
War did break out and' found England linable
to conquer, except With a:111 trout` France, and
tip present condition of affairs•ls anchlhat she
i 0 pledged to carryon a war with China, has
to reconquer India, and may be in, the middle
of air European war befbre the ides of March
crime round again. She does very well to in- ,
qnire into the state of her colonial defetMeg, as
her colonies aro very assailable points. In
the event of a war with this country—which
would ben vontjugency to 'be deplored—we
suspect that some of the Brittih West India
islands would change masters.
What England contributes to the military
charges of the Colonies we know not, but a
recent Parliamentary return shows that she
does not contribute one shilling to the civil
government in Australia, (New South \V.ales,
Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and New
Zealand,) Nova Scotia, New Brunawick, New
foundland, and,Vancouver's .Island. Each of
these dependencies supports itself, and the
vastest of all—Auitraliais so thoroughly im
bued with Democracy, that We should not be
snrprided, any slay, to hear of her having de
.elared her Independence, and becorte a -Re
public. In fulness of tithe, perhaps, BritiSh
North America may do the same, unless, in
deed, it be elevated• to a Kingdom, with
tine of the royal princes at its head. •
- TheAritish treasury' annually pays, on ac
count of chill government, to the other Colo
iliescai follows: Canada, 'L2,500 ; Prince Ed-
Ward Island, £1,400;, Bermuda, £4,050;
Males, £10,700; Bahamas,' £1,200; Barba
does, £5,450;• St. Vincent, £2,200; Grenada,
41,750; Tabago, £1,750; Antigua, £8,600;
ontsbmit, LON; Dominico, ~28,100; St,
!Iniptopher, /2,800; Nevis, £950; the Vtrgtn
Islands, £1,438; and the Capo of Good Hope,
£40,000. :This is independent of tho great
- ost of maintaining strong military and naval
efentes in the British ColOnies. The whole
aponset,, defrayed
,by Great Britain, come
,trai-payeys .of sh * e ntothoy
ountry, iiirAt . *:lll4olll4l l , atisea --- Pf what
quivatenCseyanfogor to Engituni,,bepind
roktidifillticritiehrttWateentif-ftn , job*
embeii 'of 'trio'siOdOtitro'fLflpily 'drill - 4'
ritish Ciiioniost, ',i3,iie 4 won g; kiftVith:thci
Irishman said, by. losing every one ,of them:
t.Hg tl4,,y:EWt.'NP,..wg
EY lißilvaint.
~ogmeossmot r ig..,itito,x k?,,a , T*,..,„-
he•-.Treitity'leith'• Itleareitort , ltlgned Pro.
videos-et-the Treaty—The Success of the
91.ta Expaditton-LThe,Utah Expedition,
ithansitaitia, N0v."18.--:Thete is little' if any,
doubt thatibe Triatj , long sirieelitoposed between
re' United . fitatee Nietinagda *as alined to: -
ay, 'at Ole State Department, by peeretary Cass
ind A:Builder Yrissarl:' •' "
. ,
i The trinitt route is to be protected by United
Wes' trooris,' iti' thd 'event of Nicaragua being
instill to _do so, in Senselncase of foieigirinva'•
• Iona;olvil itisiirreationjor other do4estie eattles:
at .tvith'the return of peace the tiOeptare'te be
lihdraw,ri. - , It'is further Said that a free port is
iparinteed at each, tind of the line. It protests
o by name, but provides for the proteo.
ion-of any. company .having, existing a valid
front, (to be, determined by, Nicaragua) and
which shall recognise the obligation of this treaty.
And the Covernment of Nicaragua has, throdgh
its Ministry, Signified to that of the United States,
-in-writing, that• the only company having such'
"valid grant is the itAtnerican Atlantic anyl Pacific
phip Canal Company," created by Nicaragua,
September 22d, 1819,' the charter of which was
'Amended on the 19th of June last, and approved
by the - Government of Niodragua on the 27th of
'July last., ' '
1., Yrisieri will be felinity presented to the Prod
ident,to.morniw. - The War Department to-day re
ceived despatches like tho acting Governor of .
qdev, Mexico, advising it of Colonelpouneville's en
tirely successful expedition into the Gila country,
'to chastise the Indians of that regiod. They have
'sued for peace, and exproved themselves milieus
:to live ea, friendly -terms, with the people of the
Vni tad Statile -- -- " - •
=Although the loss of the contractor's train, from
Ahil attack of the Mormons, is n heavy one, it in no
form Articling the military portion of tho'ospe 7
dition;twhich is considered 'by tho War Depart-
Inane Safe from 'any' att.Mie, no it on maintain it
poll' a ainst, all enemies, and will not suffer for
oubsiste'nce. . .
The eloop•ot-vrar.praotleii ship Plymouth him=
log up the Potomac.
'The - Court of Oltitniresumed its session te.,4ey,
Finalises, Dolt Sind "MoineiStatei—Snow . Storm
near Fort Union—Grass and Water °ban.
? dant ,qa. the Pjahts—'Fke Cheyennes desirous
to make Feace, , deo. -
ST. Louts, Nov. 16.—The Santa Fe mail arrived
at Indepondendo on the Sth inst.
nusinou was dull and money aoaroo. The party
encountered a snow storm this side of Fort Union.
(Grass and water were abundant on the plains.
t ThetTheyenne Indiana were around I3ootli and
pat. on Walnut crook, appearing very
muab alarmed and noxious to make peace.
,_.theliikanea '
from Fort Kearney confirms the re
ipor6 of the 4esertioilOn'of GOyeinnient` trains
,the Mormons.. ' - , ,
eOrgroor Waxen Road Ripidlibta—The elo.b
Rzykeditiott.---The Reported Dostrtidtbsts et
Goverittoesit Trains by blortitoos Confirmed—
Participation therein illsolututed by Brig.
1 ham Young. ,
Lotas, Nov. H.—Mr. j andor, the chief on.
~MoGroifo, wagon -road, expoOtion, Sr.
fired, hdto on aturday; on route for :Washington
!My. The 'oxiodttion had gone into winter quar
ter's at W"ind river, near'tho South Pailff.
Lentior confirms the previous ropotts rota
prole the destruction of Government trains by
the Mormone.
, Iu coasequonee of now discoveries and explore
, tions made by Landor's party, the military force
!had abandoned the old route, and were approach
ing Salt Lake valley by the open plains, to the
"western descent of the Bear anti Altana' rivers.
fiber') Governor Cumming and Col. Cook met each
other, at about two days march east of Fort Lara
Brigham Young is said to disclaim any know
ledge in the. participation of tho destruction oftho
supply' trains.
From Knngss
; Sr. Louts, Nov. I.6.—Kansaa 4lvices state that
the Constitution had been, adopted by the Conven
lion by a vote of twenty-eight for, to about a
dozen against—the whole number of delegates ho
log sixty—cobsequeutly, the Constitution has been
adopted by a minority of the Convention. The
'majority and minority reports of the Committee
on &While were merged into one. The schedule
,thus formed pcovides for an election on the 21st of
December, to ratify or reject the Constitution, the
Ivotit;g to be by ballot, and the votes daskto tie An.
'dore,ed : 11 Constitution with slavery," or " Consti
tution without slavery." Also, for an election to
he heldon the Ant Monday in January next, for
the election of State and Congressional tickets, •
The Lawrence correspondent' of the Democrat
lasserte that Gavtmomalfaticer brought from Wash
ington a manuscript copy of the Kansas Con
!saltation, almost. identical With 'tho one adofded.
Ille,ttlso nye that no free-Stare men will vole on
,:Itic! 21st of Decembek:
Bacon, Cook, & 'Co., of Lown;hoo, had•
:ausiendO. „
pettractire oOrtfiltration at Lockport, N. y.
Looimont, Niagara CO., Y., Nov:M.—Afire
whiolvprevidled here last night destroyed Ltrapor's
grist 'and the Spaldhig , tilll, oiTnetT r trktl. 11.
MIN, together' , Several *firehouses and
'll4lll4iik - Tko:lloadjut*iiited' to $106,000, of
teW,sso,ooofollo - ,itp64 Nei '"forl' - Inoni:,q,p
Thi. Specie List of the City of Washington
Nt‘v Yong, Nov. 16.—The City of Washington's
spade list amounts, In all, to MAO ; an inoreased
amount over the previous statetnatts. •
'Tie Trial Trip et the Adriatic.
Naw Yptit, Nov. 'El.—The steamer Adriatic has
returned, from her irial trip. All parties are
,greatly t pliased with , the extraordinary perform•
ance, both of the ship and her erigines.
Reported Suspeaolons nt Bostoa
BOSTON, November 16.—Messrs. Croaker k Stur
gis, and Benjamin do. Nathaniel Soddard, heavy
Indian firms, are reported to have suspended.
Death of Gilbert Cassard, of Baltimore
BALSIWORE, ter. /O.—Gilbert Canard, the ex
tensive pork:packer, died suddenly, this morning,
of apoplexy. Ile was in the seventy-fifth year of
his ago. . .
Wieck of a Propeller. on Lake Superior
DETROIT, Nov. 16.—The steamer Michigan,
which' arrived here on Suiday, from Lake Supe ;
rior, reports.tlot the propeller "City of Superior,"
with a valuable cargo of provisions and mining
supplies for all the Lake Superior ports, went on
the rooks, at the entrance of Copper Harbor, on
leak Tuesday morning. A dense snow-storm pre
vailed at the time. ';'ho propeller will prove a
total haw, •When new she was valued at $50,000,
and was owned by Hannah, Garreteon, & Co., of
Cleveland. There ia an insurance of $32,000 on
the vessel.
Movements of the Nicaraguan Flllibusters.
MOBILE, Nov. M.- 7 General Walker's emigrants
sailed to-day for Greytown. The steamer Fashion,
heavily freighted, Obtained a clearance as a Grey
town packet.
The Missouri Legislature.
Sr. Loins, November 16.—The railroad bill
which has been before the Legislature for' several
days, and a bill for the payment of interest on
State bonds, passed the Senate onSaturday night.
B.wrimone, Nov. 16.—Flour--Sales of 2,500
bblie of City Mills at $5 ; Ohio and Howard, $5.25.
Wheat-The supply of largo prime lots firm, corn.
mon ditto lower. Good prime red quoted at 115
allBo • ditto White, 125a14b0. Corn—Sales of old
yellow, 72e740; white, 720; new, 550600. Mar
ket firm Whiskey, 22a221m.
MOBILE, Nov. 14.—Cotton—Sales 1.000 bales, at
a decline of Is. •
Nnw Yens. Nov. 10.—Flour firm ; sales of 9,000
bolos at $5.85055 for State. Wheat unsettled;
15,000 bushels sold. Cain advanced; 8,000 bushels
sold at 8100. Whiskey, Is bettor, at 231 e. Stocks
Retire, and higher generally.
[For The Pres4.l
A valuable suggestion, originally made in a
communication to your paper, has been reiter
ated in a letter to Councils, from a citizen who
.pledges• himself to a donation of $l,OOO Maid
of the plan indicated. It is so well-timed, so
judicious, and feasible, that yon will do the
community no ordinary service by forwarding
it by your influence. It is to open subscrip
tion books, so that out citizens may contribute,
in amounts large or, small—the money to be
devoted to the prosecution of .public works,
say the grading and laying out of the. Park,
above Fairmount, and of the Hunting Park.
Wealthy and public-spirited men wore found
willing'to • contribute largely lo the purchase of
these grounds, and many equally public-spirited
and less wealthy citizens will cheerfully con
tribute smaller sums for their improftment ;
especially with the additional object now in
view, of, providing work for those who need it.
Such d subsCription once set on foot, and kept
before the public by the daily publication of
the amounts contributed, would soon roach a
large amount:
In no way can money be bestowed with so
great a certainty of its reaching proper subjects
of benevolence. Daily subscriptions aro now
making, to be dispensed as a mere gratuity,
iltrOugh the machinery of ward committees,
who will have difficulty in discriminating be
tween the suffer& from the times and the vol
untary and habitual mendicant. By the scheme
suggested, the real touchstone of desert—the
willingness to work—will be applied to the
able-bodied; it will be found whether any
"prefer to starve rattier than -take lower
wages:" and the benevolent societies will re
• nerve their gratuitous aid for the sick and help
less. Perhaps this mode of raising Money for
the' embellishment of the City may find perma
nent favor, and Got:Moils be - relieved from the
enittrziansfneat of pro s iddingtof such expenses,
not• beltbsolute nemlasityVtly onerous taxes.
ydbantal7 etgitribtitioni fbr the public good,
&OM the citiiebs
.themselves, are eminently
Horisdbatit with the true spirit of American in. ,
stitutions, which does not favor lavish expendi
ture of the public money by the Government,
for mere ornament, or even for benevolent ob
jects beyond the sphere of its fitnctions.
CITY POLICE--:-No - vgmBER 16
(Reported for the Pr 1121.3
WpOIVBII.'S PIettPLIMITY.—A disturbance of
a somewhat unmet character took place yesterday
Morning, at the dwelling of Mr. Thomas Pother
gill, a fine old gentle Man of dirty-five, who has
beeo a widower for eighteen months. Mr. Pother
gill, having become tired of. his solitary condition,
advertised for a, wife, stating, wording to mis
took, the qualifications which applioante for the
situation were required to possess. The advertise—
Mont could not have boob more than an hour before
thepublie, when a brisk widow, Mrs. Rachel Mor
rison by name, might have been Beeraseending the
steps of Mr. Pother - gill's residence, in Eighth street
This lady, remembering the proverb that " the
early bird catches the worm," presented herself
for lho advertiser's inspection almost as soon as
there was daylight enough'to answer the purpose;
and, to reward her business-like alacrity, she
proved to be the Bret competitor for the prize.
Mr. Fothergill, being a man of mercantile
habits, is very prompt at making a bargain, and,
moreover, is not very hard to please., Raving ex
amined Mrs. Morrison's credentials, ho seemed to
decide that she would suit him exactly, and the
whole affair was about to be ooneluded, to the sat
isfaction of all parties, when a hard pull at the
door-bell announced another arrival. Almost im
mediately, a second lady entered the room and
glanced around apprehensively, as if afraid that
she had come too late. She was a thin, elderly
female, whose name afterwards proved to be Miss
Noama Price. "Are you the gentleman who
advertised for a wife ? " said Miss• nice, 'as
soon as she entered. Before Mr. Pothorgill
could reply, Mrs. Morrison answered for him;
"Yes, madam, he advertised; but I reckon he's
supplied." "I spoke. to the gentleman him
self, madam," answered Mies Price, sharply," and
I suppose ho knows hie own mind." "lie madea
declaration of his intentions before you came,"
said Mrs. Morrison. " I think you must have mis.
understood him, madam; persons at your time of
life are apt to bear imperfectly," answered Miss
Price. "You appear to be very anxious to change
your condition, madam," said Mrs. Morrison.
" You seem to bo much in want of a husband, too,"
said Miss Price, " I never found it difficult to got
ono," exclaimed Mrs. Morrison; "and I wish yell
to know that I have had two already." •'
cried Miss Price, "I see your husbands were much
to be .pitied, and I don't wonder that their lives
were of short duration."
While thbi altercation was going on baleen tile
ladies, Mr. Fothergill looked and listeneewith ex
treme embariassmont. Possibly he could have
been happy with either, "were the other door
'charmer away"—and he seemed totally unable to
decide whiCh deserved his 'preference. The coli
•test between Ike rival candlditcs was carried on
with increasing bitterness, until the hand of Miss
Price, while performing an energetic gesture, hap
.pened to touch the somewhat prothberant nose of
Mrs: Morrison,. What followed we would gladly
4appreas, bat, for the sake of making an accurate
report, it is necessary to say that the bonnets of
both ladies were demolished, and their faces rather
badly scratched. Mrs. MorrisOn made a charge of
assault and battery against, Miss Price. That the
scene wo have described made some impression on
the mind of Mr. Fothergill rutty be Judged from
the circumstance that when giving in his evidence
at the Mayor's office, be signified his determina
tion to remain single for at least eta months longer.
sale, next Wednesday evening, includes the estates
of Patrick Smith, deceased, and Andrew Lindsay,
deceased, to be sold without reserve, by order of
the Orphans' Court. See advertisement.
at the Exohange, this evening. Soo 'Thomas &
Sone 'advertisernent and pamphlet eafalogues, eon
taining also a large amount of real estate at pri
vate sale.
The contract for the statue of Henry Clay,
to be erected in New Orleans, has been signed, and
the work will he at once undertaken. The soulp
tor is Mr. Joel' T. Hart, who will be assisted in
costing the statue by Mons. Miller, of Munich,
who Is reported to be the most eminent caster in
Europe. The artist is now in that country. lie
undertakes, to the . best of his ability, a bronze
statue, twolie feet six inches high, in conformity
with a cfmlign of his own that has been approved by
the associlation,.and to deliver it to the committee
hero, and superintend its erection, on or before
the let day of January, 1860. He also contracts
to make a design and working drawings for the
pedestal. The association agree to pay the artist
for this work the illl4/1 of $14,000—56,000 on the
completion of the model and its readiness to be
cast is bronze, and the remaining $B,OOO on the
delivery, of the statue to the committee.
Governor Wright, of Indiana, our tninister
to Prussia, has boon elected a member of the
Berlin Geographical society.
Attitude Belmont°, late United Stated minis
ter at the lingua, it Is said, Is to bo sent ns Milted
States minister to Madrid.
The ship Jobanneeborg arrived at New 9r
feaDil on the Ith instant, with a French opora
troupe from Havre.
'Samuel 'Whitaker '
for twenty-seven years a
tataber of ,the North Carolina Legislature front.
Wake county, died on the 6th inst.
It reported that the Messrs. Baring, of
tioondon, have talien the Michigan Centrut /Wi
ng loan 0,10100,000 at 70 per Cont.
The British sorow steamer City of Washington,
Captain Nulty, arrived at New York at noon
yesterday. She left Liverpool on the . 4th, and
brings papers four days later than previously re.
noised. The City of Washington left Liverpool on
the same day that the Arlol loft Southampton.
14th inst., at 7 30, lat. 41 25, lon. 0317, sighted
steamship Glasgow, bearing S. by W., distant ten
miles. 15th, lat. 9012, lon. 70 45, at 8 P. M.,
spoke ship Ellen Austin, Garrick, from Liverpool,
October 17th.
On Saturday, the 31st ult.,. the absorption of
Consols by the public steadily continued, and the
closing price for the day was 901. A very active
demand fqr money was exhibited, and 9 per cent
was freely offered for loans on stooks without Sue.
ems. Gold was withdrawn from the bank in eon
adorable sums.
The Tunes' city article remarks: "Confidence
at Liverpool and Manchester, and in the manure°.
turing districts generally, is 01111 upheld in a man
ner to excite surprise. The apprehension of further
banking diffieulties has greatly subsided, and the
stoppage of the Borough bank (Liverpool) bee
been followed by much lees exeitement than might
harp been feared, looking at the large amount of
Its deposits and general liabilities. ,
"From the system of management which, it is
alleged, will be developed whentnter 'it full Inquiry
is made by the stockholders, it will probably be
found that tho fact of the extinction °I this insti
tution, if it had happened at a time free from a
tendency to alarm, could not have been regarded
as a public misfortune."
The range of consols during the month of Octo
berit was as much as 4 per went. life day, Novem
ber 2 , being the day for the half-ye ly balance at
the Bank of England, was kept as a oliday at the
stook exchange. Consols, however, wore nominally
quoted at 80.1e00, the heaviness being attributed
to the unsatisfactory nature of the news from
America by the Niagara. In the discount market
the demand ,vas rather less pressing, and in some
eases choice bills wore negotiated at a fraction belt
low the bank minimum rate. ..I'..
The Times' city article says, "Some acceptances
wore returned this afternoon of Mews. It. Wilson,
Hallett b Co., of Liverpool, the correspondents of
Messrs. Robb, Eanett, bCo , of New York. The
engagements of the firm aro bollevekto Wargo,
but It is hoped such difficulties as have arises may
be but temporary."
The shipment of specie (silver) to the East by
the steamer of the 4th was ascertained to be
X 956,846.
The failure of Winterlsoff, Piper, lc Co., of /lam•
burg, is announced, with liabilities estimated at'
1,500,000 marks banco.
On Tuesday, the 3d, the market for consols was
hetivy, and the closing quotation was 891a891 for
money and account. The discount market was
unchanged, but money was rather easier to be ob
tained at the Stook Exchange, although at the
bank there was no diminution in the pressure.
Over X 200,000 in' gold hod been drawn from the
bank since,Saturday; and an apprehension pre
vailed that a further rise in the rate of discount
to 9 per cent. would be the consequegee.
Owing to the holiday on the BM6k Ixchange,
and tics non-arrival in Liverpool of the London
papers of Wednesday, wo have no quotations for
American Soeurities later than Saturday, October
31.- On that day the market was active, and Illi
nois Central shares advanced to Tab disoount, and
New York Central to 72a70. Michigan Centrals
of 1869 sold at 78S ; Erie bonds of '62 at 45, and
Pennsylvariia Central second mortgage at 86.
. . .. .
The launch o: the mammoth steamship, hereto
fore known as the "Great Eastern," but now fa
mily christened "Leviathan," was commenced
at noon on the 3d instant. The usual means were
taken to move the vessel, but for some time with
out- avail. ' After about three hours' labor the
ship bad moved about six ftet by the stern, and a
little over four feet by the bow, when ono of the
powerful purchasd chains broke, and the work bad
to be tompora'rily suspended.
Operations were to be resumed as soon as the so
cadent could be rectified, and London papers of the
afternoon of the 3d say it was confidently hoped
that the ship would he afloat at high water on
Wednesday, the 4th.
During tho operations a sodden strain on one of
1 14
the drums caused it, to revolve with g . reat eloolty,
throwing several of the men into the earl straws,
and knocking down oilers with grog lolenoe.
your anon had their arm and legs broken, and ono
died as he was being conveyed to the 105041;
Immense numbers of people, including many dia•
tinguishod men, assembled on shore and on the
river to witness the launch.
The Times, of Wednesday, says that a postpone
moot of further efforts to the 2d of December had
been resolved upon, and that in the meantime the
ship will stand in great danger of settling, owing,
to the immense pressure (12,000 tons) upon'the
now•made earth.
Mr. James Morrison, one of the wealthiest mer
chants of London,
is dead. The value of his pro
perty is estimated at nearly four millions ponds
Meiling. a ooloidorablp pottlop of which Is invested
in securities in the United States.
The shipping returns of the British Board of
Trade for , the 'month of Septambet; show an in
crease .in.the . mturtflorment of al kinds of vessels,
except Amerman, the business the latter hav
. been affected by the oommetwoment of the
The Boman Catholio Bishop Of Toronto, Canada,
in addressing a congregation at Kilkenny, is
said to have " earnestly entreated ;the people, if
they could by any possibility red:nein Irelandk
not to think of emigrating, ea it wet almostinv
credible the misery and wretchedness he content
ly witnessed among the unfortunate Irish end.
A statement had boon made that the sore*
steamship Bydaspos had beendost on her way - to
India with troops; but as neither the Admiralty
nor the owners of the vessel had rocieived any snob
intelligent)°, It was believed to be without foot'.
The .T.iverpool Albion says that Sir'Viliiam
Gore Ou,sele,y, J. 0. 8., is 'entrusted with ridl
powers to mine thek grey bornhardinqUt
question With the krelident o the United States t
and the other vexed quad° relating to Central
America and the Mosquito Indians, Bit W. G.
Ouseley, It adds, is a gentleman who has acquired
considerable reputation as a statesuian, sod pacifi-,.
cater, and ho is also a personal friend ef Mr. Be.
• It is stated that as the barque John W. Brock
man, of and for New York, was leaving Sunder,
land, a serious misunderstanding prevailed "on
board between the captain and the crew, because
the latter complained that the vessel wail riep
fully manned. One man l i ed been felled With an'
axe, and the position of affairs was mesh that
measures had been taken to intercept the veinal., '
The funeral of General Cava nne took place ) ,
Saturday, the 31st, in the C reit of St. Lents
d'Antin. All was conducted th order and regu
larity, although the streets through which the pro•
cession to the cemetery of Montmartre passed
were crowded.,and about 15,000 ,people followed
the hearse to the gates of the cemetery. „
Quito a large body of troops took part in the pro
ceedings, and many prominent Repnblicians, and
literary and political oelebritiesovere present. The
prooession contained far less of the demooratio ele
ment than was expected. An imperial carriage
was looked for In. the train, but there WAS none.
As the hearse passed along every hat was raised,
and the spectators, top remained bare - headed
until it was outoof ,tig t. , No address wan spoken,
over tbo tomb, tont h Soldiers paid the usual mili
tary honors. The re rat felt at the death of the
General is described as deep and universal. '.
The Paris correspondent of the London Post
saya that friendly negotiations have taken place
lately between certain great continental pow*,
regarding the reducticin of•their respective armlisa
The Government of France will certainly econe•
miie on this important item of public expenditure;
and the,Emperor of •Atistria, according to late de
spatehen from Vienna, has agreed to a reduction Of
his military expenditure..
In Paris ) on the 3d, the funds closed at 00,110,f0r
money. , „
PAIN. , ,li,
. The Spanish Government has not yetalgoiliqd .
its' decision on the last youninioation . Meat.
Moiloo—namely, that the offer ' mediation 05(
France and England ill be (meg a op' conelltiek
that M. Lafragua, o Meal oritvov,•shall bf
previously received atMad in .Me Offielal elia ,
router. 51. Lafragua wee ati in Paris, ttiehltlng
the reply of .the Spanish Onb et. •1
The ministers tendered the r resignetiOne on the
31st ultimo; but: until the meeting of thb Mimi,.
born they would holdtheiro4lo4l9. The Chambers
open oh the 10th inst. „ ~
. . _
The inundations at Piedmont were Fab/acting?
The damage done was great, and the' populaoe
were suffering flour& from the visitation. ,
The official Gazette of Vienna announces .tbb
imposition of it tax of one kreutser upon nourspii;
pers. The impestis to aply to foreign as Well as'
local journals.
It Is stated that the pit proposed by the Minis
tor of Finance for amelto tang the financial situ
ation of Austria, is eithesithat a large reduction
of the army shall bo mad"; dr that the direct taxea
shall bo considerably increased.
According to a Paris lstter it} the New Prussian,
Gazette, in Juno last a convention was entered'
into barren the Austrian and British Govern ,
'Bents to the offset Butt in the ow of a revolu
tionary outbreak in Italy, Austria may rely for
the protection of her dominions on the friendly
HOITIOOS of(treat Britain. The Authority for this
is not very reliable.
The Gorman Intention of Interfering in the
Danish-Holstein affairs is said to have caused con
siderable sensation in Denmark and Sweden. The
official organ of the Swedish GovernineuCtsres the
Germans with a desire to possess themselves of
the Duchies by moans of unjust interference with
Danish rights.
An energetic debate on the subject of liberty of
conscience was being earrled on in the Chamber
of the Swedish Diet. r "
LATeST.—After Pen days debate, the religious
liberty bill was reject .
Telegraphic. commit cation by oubmarine cable
between Sardinia and gorin had boon establish
ed. The contractors were about to lay the cable
between Cagliari and Malta, and between Malta
and Corfu, and With goodweather Boras hoped the
operations might be completed in a fortnight.
The Constantinople correspondent of the Daily
News says: By news from the Ciroassiap owlet
we learn that a blockade is established .t.Mre .11,y
means of Russian vessels A few days` ago the
fourth corvette from the Pattie passed through
these straits on her way to the Husine. . The
again, in Nit()laid' they are completing a
pierced for 120 guns, and it is said that the k
of similar ships aro on the stooks."
The Paris Pays Bays; We have private intell •
genre from Hong Kong to September 8. The Vide
roy Ych was exported at Canton about the '154,
on hie return from Pekin. The Emperor had edn
forred.upon him the title of Ilea-vsy-pank, whieb
means lieutenant of his person.
This is a rank which is never, given exeopkto
princes of the Imperial family when,antat miss 1,,
It is said that Yoh bee , positive orders to aumni
the English to evaCuate Canton, *iii a Isr who) ,
in default of compliance, to make an Maid d
ration of war against Brtgland:'• " ''''
LIVSII,OOI 'AlAttkitTS. " ' ' '
LlvxnropL, Rt. S 'lBBll-411045e Pridnjv theta
has been rather nicro tong' in 'Oki Grain ttacei find
at Mark Lane yesterday minims market wee re
ported. s'•
ported. , y,.
Today wo had a betier attendance of buyers
than for some time past, millers from a 4istoaco
having been aitradted by the late large arrivals.
rvEsDAY, NoVEMIMA 17, 1857,
The,bulk sataples offering, however were few, and,
with a fair - inquiry, a moderate business was done
in One qualities of Wheat. Beat desotiptiond of
red brought generally an advance of 2d per bun.
White sold at irregular rates, To lid to 8a 3d being
taken for prime quality. Inferior kinds, both
white and red. were unsaleable, although offered
at very low prices. Flour was slow of sale without
change in value. Indian Conlin limited request.
anti a reduction at Od per gnarter. We quote'
Wheat—red Gs 8d to 78 8d ; white 7a 34 to Ss 3d per
70 lbs. Flour—Philadelphia and Baltimore flue to
30s; extra Ohio 30s to 31s 6d; Western ,27a to 28s
par bbl. Indian Corn—mixed and yellow 36s 6d
to 37e; white 40s to 41s per 480 lbs.
Beef continues slow of sato, dealers still pur
chasing only, as they require, and obtaining an oe
eallonal in price..
Pork very dull and nominal.
Bacon.—Only a few retall.sales are making of
best qualities at late prices.
Lard.—Quito neglected—Cos is nominal quota
tion for good.
Tallow.—Very flat, the oloaing price in London
forP Y C being 51s 3d spot, 54s 6d December, and
55a spring. 'Here there are no buyers, and it is
Impossible to give a Garrett quotation.
Rosin has receded to 41 3d, in store, at which
1,600 barrels oommon have been sold.
Bark.—No transactions to report-10s Od was
last price paid for Philadelphia, and 7s Gd for Bal
Cotton.—The market is dull and depressed, and
prises have relapsed to the lowest rates of last
week; the sales today being only 2,500 bales, all
to the trade. In Manohoster there is very little
business doing. Middling Orleans, NA ; .Mobile,
Sld ; Uplands, B.ld per lb.
Breadetuffe firm at previous rates. Sugar heavy
arid' spin rather lower. Coffee buoyant at full
primd. Tea firmer Tallow flat at 54e to 54e 6d.
Bladed 01134 e 6da3ss. Seotoh Pig Iron selling at
58slida590. Rice dull.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 4.—Rosin doses heavy, with a
slight deoline on all givalitlee; prices 4s. 3d.
Sugar quldt; Coffee dull. Turpentine spirits
dull at 375. .
TrOanott lifitiTers.—Breadstuffa steady and arm.
Sugar heavy, with a slight decline. Coffee
buoyant. Tell firmer. Rice . heavy. Linseed Oil
.34,5. 6(1. aB6s.Pig Iron steady ,atBBe. 6d.a695. Tat.
1110 . .HARPSON, BROTHERS, & CO.'S putcim'Aii.
'rgiti: ocTfashlngton.)
litilrEitvoitt., .10th Mo. 27th, 11337,—A shade
,mere Arrimedk has_prevalled In the Wheat Vado
fitettur report of Friday, and is our present rates
are below what it can be Bil l icirtid for from' Ray
susastar,,holdere seem more posed to warehouse
ittiNfeieti sales. The Corn rade, as a body, are
lake Waded " dear money" . than almost any
other,branob of business throughout the kingdom.
With a more liberal sappy of Indian Corn, put ,
ehiukta havi' been enabled to supply themselves
on sosnewhakaasier terms.
. ...
'We had a r
more numerous attendance at this
niornhsg'e market than of late, and a much firmer
Rioting was evinced ; there was more disposition on
tbe,,part of .millers and dealers to operate in
Wheat; a greater extent of business resulted than
fer'seme time past, and, in most oases, an adranotf
of 14,a2d. per 701bs.'was established on the better
setts of White and Rod American Wheat on the
dprimed rates of Briday,
effil barrel Fleur met a tolerably fair demand
i n
at ilpriees, but secondary class, together with
IN h Mks, were mast difficult to more, although
hblaors would have conceded somewhat. to pro
giase In sales.
Txdlitn corn sold to a fair extent for feeding pur
polies, at a decline of ed. per quarter on mixed
and Black sea, audio. per quarter on white.
t Oats and Meal steady, but with only a limited
la , the eteamship My of Washington, frdm Liver
potl—illegous Bluth, Jos Stevens. Mr Swanwich, lady
end child; Carl Sloth, Mr Bell and lady; Rev Ardagth,
r Iltaltins and lady; Mrs Ingalls and child; U It Brown,
*Oak and two children; Mrs Spritt, Mr Ham.
end. Miss, Derek, Miss French, H Jackson, It G Unlan•
ins,' MT, McOarien, Rev N "tenpin, Mons Births, Indy
"lad Aaughter,o Seater, Mr Forwood, 0 A Minor, Mr
blown & lady; Mee Lynn, Mrs Aldridge, klchd; II
Steel, W ',Hershel, M Gernhohn, G S Griigtli, Carr &
Vi ld n r e e l n; i lair i a; m ar r iin , Orange,
in g , Perris and l a dy, Dolman, lady and child,
lildiersonilady, two children and servant, Lochner,
SePher, Mee N Oonell, Miss Richards, Fenton, lady and
daughter - Plelifer, Riehter. 0 Graham W String, 11
Smith, R ' Olarlce and lady, Trueman, Atkinson and lady,
U Morton, W Elliot, Mrs Williams and two children,
MISS White, pale and lady, P Carter, Parris An
derson, Louie Favltuacht, Friedrieks and lady, II
lilkaltae,7 Adam, Walker and lady.
.10,1,76.0811 'in Specie
#evocation or, Sentences by the San Francisco
Vigilance Committee.
71. • Inellou Messmers on the Plains
Indian War in Pagetta Sound.
Proclamation of tint GoVCl'nor " Sonora
atalnet 71111,4aotetrip
Alpsacre of Americans and English at Ningpo.
om Cantrat and South america
--- ----- .
the United States mail steamship St. Louis,
,Wm. H. Hudson, ownmander, arrived at New
York yesterday morning, bringing the 'Antonin
malls of Catcher 20, $1,176,996 in %treasure, on
freight,' and 643 passenger', She left Aspinwall
Ootober 4th, at 9.45 P.• M., and arrived at Havana
atil A. M. on the 9th, whence she •stithnibr ,New
yortat 9.&.'M. on the pitli'oultbilireirlid!at qtus!.. , '
itistine'sif li o'blhqk 4.'lltr , itti t lile WI, IlhiVirpoii
itill4oth'iititivy 4.4414 - 4 ' 'lmiiiiio MA' Wa. •
viMa to licit' Teri, " '
: Ittv.eoillter ivii, at 11,2 Ar.,•opritt r ill, the flt.
*_,s.,p,44"sed ;t11,d5 pi 2 Opt ?, o r UM, boast*
1 P 93 1te..",-.Nfilcmultl?„ 11. W i tßivill thirt
11°P,hr:AI•ftl X l atliT.; n 00140 ~, Ala 111
lcoitlltiq llpn, 'I. *04 111 4 SSW r .
, .
14.4 n guirriipmil.qcr a ,.. =
lento Oololior I, ,at 9.30 A'. M., a' '`‘ d 44,
Panama November .2d. ut d .1,),. M. i' .ii
'721 puterfgetili!and $1,897,041 P • a n
'f,reight.- 1 0ttobei 23d; A. P. We a Wargo ,
.pitssongeitoritiew Orleans', sip .4beariCalint
tittikVitredxcli I +• .) , , 4,0.
Among the passengers by the St. U,14. 41 pir
medore Mervine, late of the Unite dW e'
',lndsParblinlit portion of la le.offigete, 41u e .
charged seanten,and inarinae. al '.010 4 3t:a106
(Agate Wabash ens at Aspinwa# 7 ls4,ltio 6t.
Louts left, all Ikay:i i .,
.6 • 0
vaaasainemi US "Vr= • . 1 ". , ' ,,
Wills, Valle& Co. &IV iit ', - • • $ 3 l OOO '
Amer. Es. Danko 44, ,
~ 4 0 R.
'4,7'1' 4 : k : 444 ' re ~,'' P 1:16; ''' Int
Order. . `.. 4- .` * :". •i' C. ''''''i . ''''' ,500
JilMtfl .......... ' 'Z. 'lOlll , 1114: 4,100
Macao, Berman 6:. 64 , 6: E. &,7. OM&:. 4 , 000
Co.. 11. 8. II lel: t'. 2,461
E. Kelly A C 0.... 60 1.1.. E. Hine 2,400
Freemen A C 0.... ' e anti & Co., ' 2,000
We,. Hoge & Co. ' 34, , a Aspnisait.
Co, Yelcoaeeei •„• •• . M Stems., 1,300 1
oo Ai' ..,-,t r ..., 1,130
n e tn", , k,„,41, , A1r.., .''' 4 ' I . ' ,: ..6 - tiltaffee
.. Ufa &ry A Ugt„ . ~ , Si •• . , aErO
Othello & lirmt:.:. 0 'A. ,
,-,•.,• :.. • •.,• 000
Plitar Ns t0r....'.. 16:000 ' , ..... f •
V4f. 11. Dunbar.. 16,000 Ihualt..„. •• . 500
J me Leo A. Coe. i N 640 8. 8. Bak*Ove., 67: ... 300
R nanl ACo . 12,600 M. Antho ."41.1. 150 1
Nilabouße, i1i44., ~,. h
~, tt „ ~,, , ,, ,d 4.140,a _____ 0,086
• it, co /I;tain 1
cri4ia the4itattatitellitel -' „
Ttio'liveathet- thiolathilut titl e tltate In 4 1'4
earlier days of thrbwo&, was otatingly us , • .1-,... • • ',:trl 1. .. I • • ,
~'Pha,raitts .of Vse IMlTlonsetta ell, did AiNgf,tbadt*
aic to the dews ap n
l eo* * ,, ,
0 41 4 V,5U tr 4 P , ,, V ip l .
' pubint intotHirMO .1
t V i
1, 211 8 4 . X . .g 1 4. ! ' e ao ' ,•-• b ' or 4 F or'
:Istigtatentent OP Slut* titolowitiito •
, '740 inoollzing , out rotten. r eports 'ln . 1
t t • ''
lr by,,J.ndiosys ow .plairub.. , ... 'pr T%1•4, ~ 1
t Inigfitatrer nitpy . • : :i t Ilnap ; oop,:gb., ~
is 0 ri , ver m , lnero throe
, g . ho4 t:11 , !' .. 77 1, :: . . 1, 10 0 ,10t a1 i, 1
Yie ltro ld in itA fOrbsed gl / 4 112 .'hr 4 V0 d i 7a 7 e be ald tter l i ‘, erf li? '. , : :11 Als il l.s .1
, vor and ague. Are itpretrattat,*.allonjio4l4 il
• a sti es of the In 1erier.11,,...',..4i o,4i'r I. k . , 1 1
t q l
re Is OR itc,4l‘ll,,f
old 411' ' ' I
n" the reajdoth et yiSo • ' .
h ,been redlituraidNtruttlte a r l pioneer saYS Ei i t •
V b in e t ri An i d p t4g in tr t e e e d ,
s '
h b tr..P lsl , 4 ll l . g runs h e i It o
:prom Court justice, vita Marry , deceased,
Id phen J. Field, Justioe elect, has been appointed
• i place of Burnett, who, our readers will remem•
b vu appointed vise . 110 yrle4r.ildl, Foligoed•
Is Sacramento Valley Railway to to be extend
totruba county.
- hli telegraph is to be extended northward from
Marysville to Shasta, Weaverville, and Yreka.
P. V. Moore, who was Roder sentence of death
for the crime of murder, committed suloide in the
Neveda Jail by taking strychnine, on the night
previous to the day on which ho was to be execu
ted, ' Ills wife a few days uftertford took epolson,
aril could have destroyed herself, had not prompt
remedies been administered.
The Mormons have all left Oarson Valley for
Salt Lake, .. , ,
A grand fight ofturred among the Chinese reel-
Opts 011 Saerauaente Area l on the 15th instant,
between two rival Imputes—the See Yup and
Yang Wo, About a hundred of them participated
in the row. Knives, ollibs, and iron bars were
freely used. Several arrests wore made.
Joseph Ii Lewis, h native of Isfpw York, aged 44,
died in the hospital on the 16th inst., from the
effects of injuries reordered on the 30th of August
last, by a blow on the head with a bludgeon
The claim of James Enright to a tract of land
2,000 man square, near the Mission of Santa
Clara, was confirmed by the United States District
Court. on the 10th inst.
‘ln the ease of Pioche ogt. Whittier, suit for
ppm:Monet a portion of the Feral ta ranch, verdict
was given in the United States Circuit Court for
laintiff, who elahne under the Parana title. De
tlast is a squatter.
The claim of Rafael Gireia to nine square
leagues of lend in . "Mendoeino county was j re
is by the United States District Court, oh the
A young tunny. taxon& Remy Vidotto, aged
twenty-nine you", a native of Vermont. fell from
staging whilu,nt Topes the gasometer on.
Marklt /10,14(nof Otronto, on the l7th inst.,
and (future Ida aka] ;troth 'which he died in a
(ow !Kure., ,•
'On Saturday; thel.7th, the Esoeutive Committee
issued an ad veal to the General Committee of
Vignettes', stating that a resolution had been
adoptad, removing all .penalties attached to the
sesames of baalitunent. The penally, In ease of
retnrn, was death. Tho principal mason given by
the committee ter the adoption of thle °waive Is,
that there Id no longer any necessity 'ger holding
the papally as a rodirt towing,* oree"the cape.
Misted men, es we no have a local government of
the people—one which will punlslf criminals. The
oommittee do not wish, by any possibility, to be
brought, into pendia with thle government, and
they bavo therefore revoked the death penalty.
The subjoined letter we find in the columns of
the Democratic State Journal:
October let, 1857.
EDITOR JOURNAL : From a visit to the Mormon
camp on the 26th ultimo, the day of their moving
on their journey to Salt Lake City, we are able to
furnish you with the following summary of facts:
Through the courtesy of Mr Hamilton, commis
sary of the train, we learned that the company
consists of 995 souls-350 men, and the balance
women and children—having in their possession
,710 head of live stook, consisting principally of
horses, tonics, and oxen, and 149 wagons, the
estimated value of which, together with goods
and money, amounts to $193,100, 'of which $23;-
000 is cash, in the hands of ithe
The train is divided into three divisions, of fifties,
commanded by Judge Loveland, Capt. Lytle and
Capt. , which divisions are subdivided into
tens, each having a captain or commander. It is
the intention to travel in separate divisions, to
;Bora guff:Mont feed for the stock, until they reach
the seat of Indian difficulties, on the Humboldt,
when they will move together en maw, to insure
protection from attacks by the hostile Indians, who
have boon so troublesome to the emigration during
the present season.
The train left camp, in Eagle Valley, about ten
o'clock on Saturday, the 25th ult., and travelled
to the Carson river, a few tulles below the mouth
of Gold Calion, whoro orders wore given by the
'leaders not to move until satisfactory settlements .
were made between the Mormons leaving and
the Gentiles with whom they had dealings, and
it is a fact worthy of especial notice, that, with
the exception of one or two instances, the Mor
mons paid their debts and fulfilled their coatrsots
with credit to themselves, individually and fra
The Mormons go stocked with provisions, ammu
nition, itu., calculated to last them a year. Their
destination is Salmon river. in Washington Terri
tory, where they intend forming a settlement, ex
tending north into the Russian'possessious. Their
leaving so suddenly has been sensibly felt bitra-
Oars in the valleys, but their places are being
filled up by honest and industrious emigrants, who
aro settling here to make it their future home.
Many orthe Mormon homesteads have bean pur
chased 1?t, low. rotes by, speculators, and, in our
opirdOn; thbie will never be a better opportunity
afforded those who wish to procure good stpdk and
agricultural farnte region of eittntriy than
at resent. Emigrants ate stoppiag 'their 'iltenk
hero for the winter in great numbers. and they are
doing remarkably well. Stock keeps in good eon
'dition ou the range during the winter season with
out any attention whatever.
. - .
,A telegraphic despatch to the Statr Journal
gives the following important intelligence from
Carson Valley :
PLACERVILLE, October 4-4 P. M.
By special express from Carson Valley, we are
in receipt of important news. Tho murder of two
more of the citizens 'of Carson Valley by the
Washo Indians has caused the moat intense ex
citement. A public Meeting line been held, and
petitions drawn tip and signed, imploring Governor
Johnson ler aid in men, arms, and ammunition,
The Pah Utah chiefs had.pledgod their assistance
to help Angli) the Washos.
John J. Walker, from Arkansas, arOvetl. gotnizer
.2d, attlenea, reports that Messrs. Abbott apd Kir
by, members of his company, wege killnirby In
dians near Goose Crook. Two Abliotts were wound
ed, and they lost twenty Need of stook at the same
time. They visaed the Mormons' train jutt going
on the four•mile desert, getting along !Indy. A
large number of horse and mules have been miss•
ing since the exit of the Mormons. Parties have
gone in chase, on the drunk ofi the Mormons. A
trading post at Gold Canon, kept Atottinson, was
burned, with its oontants, andbut for .the timely
aid of some Pinto Ihdians, die aork whuldliave
been burnt up, beinglisleep, when the Indiana dis
covered the house intatnes, and rescaed•tdin .
The Los Angeles Star gives the following addi
tional details with' referehoe to the horrible mas
sacre of an emigrant train .on the plains by the
Indians, of which werecently gave the substance :
" The soone of tho massacre is differently desig
nated as the Santa Clara carton, the Mountain
Springs . , and the Mottptain * Meadows. But all
agree in locating it near the rim of tho Great
Basin, about fifty riffles from Cedar City, the most
southern of the Mormon settlements, and three
hundred miles from Salt Lake City. Of a party
of about ono hundred and thirty porsbns, only fif
teen infant children were saved. The amount
was given by the Indians themselves to the Mor
mons at Cedar City, to which place they brought
the children, who were purchased from them by
the people of that
2'he Star prefaces the letter of J. W. Christian,
giving an account of the massacre; with the fol
lowing remarks:
" The wrilerseems to intimate that the Mormons
will be hold responsible for the murder, and in this
respect he is fully borne out by present indica
tions' for a general belief pervades the public
mind hero, that the Indians were instigated to
this crime by the 'Destroying Angels' of the
church, and that the blow fell on these emigrants
from Arkansas, In retribution of the death of ?Ar
ley Pratt, which took plane in that State, The
truth of the matter wtH not he known until the
Government male an investigation of the affair.
This should be done. to place the bigamist tba.
right, quarter, as well as to inflict chastisement op
the numoditillis actors in the fearful tragedy, who
are reported to be the Santa Clara tribe of In
. .
MINING ENTERPRISX.—A compile) , has been
formed in Murphy's Camp, called the " Mur
phy's Flat Fluming Company," the object of
which is to drain the fiat at that plooe. Aocord
ing to the San Andreas Indepetudent, the fiat is
exceedingly rich, and millions of money bee
already been taken out, notwithstanding the
difficulty under which miners have bad to work.
The greatest quantity of gold undoubtedly lies
tat the bottom, but they have never been able
to reach it on account of water. This is an under
taking which will eventually pay the proprietors
enth, altbmigh the expenee will be heavy at the
ktart, and it wili'lle tome tiini before any remune
ration, will•be received. We mottos that handbills
. Mill bete • . Vat. ins ticti Arty hams to. work
. • ~ 0 ' Aure,;,(4laelloigtkr PPE^
'• f.l r rWONS MR at4P.INPOPISI
. • •, ,
41" r .: . 1.• Ili , •
• . ay: : " I . .7 TT .. •R.
tete v*0% 136 4 VI, ra 11 oh* :. J.„,,,,,,
~ Ili Me d r lino.; • , "..
ataeosfaltere, of Wafter • „., far
be miners
41 40 0 0 the ratan , • . r ,„" vy
•fos Obi ~,.. ANA?, el are • . ' I.
so I . '." At.ll nun& * river ealearg
4 0
.bgt li, • ti — 'xikri I river Tie,
effil.: ' 'v& '' ,!. axe , will
- ,4( !. i ' tnerd dam • ,
en tkir__ al +to
meet/ aNOCWINgii, illitilV it" to
Ip:war ioltil'inteid ...1 VW j i11a117,,
tiettebY iteeetit W' ''' • •", limit
vi ll i
s , ~,t,,,.,, t ,,,., • ::: ~,,
4 " "telY
work id been fir e realaina '
Fay' . Mkweeerst,.. , - -
ler** ~ : I Y
i.... 7
1 It ''' - .• :
_ _ .
..u.. 4. Q.?,,„„ Viiimeltr.—The Empire
P ) Are/ ,114 giallo wokk loot, learned
t ~. gear , 4 Tillie* fork of Congo
u t utt
Tr ws fo thut4V 1 'meek by some ole
'l7l A it • • . Boot t innier by
, " alletibinee wo, ttp ~, ioa,liottilV
Ow WOW rid tolltaidl4llll . • With bibs
poworthoittit qt injetil - ' ' '' + 411 =
40 A /0 4 -
v ~ , H . , s , 4. 4 4 1 9? .. 1 ;,-I.ll* BOUNDARY BOUVET.
4 . 4, . .
1 1 '4 xii ll, te". ,t ir
t r kt . iy e r Captain Ats.
and a Ail f cli,Wiiiset';l7lligry tk ,, a P,tigoi
Sound. One of the ottiors of ttie:i f Mu po
litely farrago(' us with the followingintelligenee :
The feud between the Clateop and Clallum
tribes of Indians has, as was anticipated, eventu
ated in open war, and the two are now engaged in
deadly conflict. Being armed with muskets ob
tained from the Hudson's Bay Company, the war
fare carried on promises to be pan;uinary. There
have as yet no traces been discovered of the mur
derers of Col. Ebey.
In relation to locating the boundary between
the American and British possessions,
matters re•
Mein pretty much in state quo. Theconamissiou
ore awaitiog the arrival of th'e Britisli vassal
Plumper, one of the eApedition. which was last
beard of at Rio (I 0 Janeiro. Sho loft that pert, for
Victoria, on the 17th Juno last. At last advises
the American commissioner and his party were
at Semiahmoo, and the British vessel Satellite at
By the arrival of the barque Adelaide, says the
Alia California. we have reeoived copies of the
La l'oz dr Sonora ' via 'Mazatlan. It acorns that
great fear anti oonaternation exist among the au
thorities, and another invasion of their territory by
/us Yon/,vet is daily expected. During the month
of August last the excitement was very great, and
called forth a proclamation from Governor Ignnoio
I'esquioro, in which he invokes his soldiers to " fly
to arms," and defend their country from the inva
sion of •• the freebooters of California':
(Prom the Panama Stztr and Rerald,l
By the British steamer Dee, from San Juan del
Norte, wo have received the as Centro Americium)"
of the 3d, and the "Cronica do Costa Rica" to the
The ' , Centro American" (official organ) contains
the eonolusion of the reply to flatland Walker's
oration, delivered in New Orleans in May last.
A private letter from San Jose states that troops
had been ordered by Costaßica to Fort San Carlos;
and the report is confirmed by letters from San
Juan del Norte, which say that Costa floe is de
termined to hold the river until the transit ques
tion is definitely arranged.
The Star of the West, on her voyage from New
York to Aspinwall, struck upon Carysfoot reef,
and had to chicly overboard one hundred kegs of
horse-shoe nails and horso•shoes, the property of
the United States Government, seventy-five pack
ages of express goods, and ten tons of coal, before
she could bo gotten off. nid she not floated so
soon, the express freight would have all been
thrown overboard to lighten her.—Panama Star,
November 3.
The now from this Republic is to September
30th, A new cabinet has at length been formed,
the President having, yielded to publio opinion,
The now cabinet consists of Don Jeronimo Urmeria
ta, Minister of Interior; Don Salvador Sanfuen
tas, Justice; Don Francisco de Berl& Solar Fi
nance; General Don Manuel Gamin. War. ' This
combination is considered a moderately liberal one,
and has given general satisfaction to the public
The political excitement that formerly existed
had all subsides!, and everything promised to go
along quietly. '
On the 18th of September, the day of the
anniversary of Chilean Independence, an amnesty
decree wan issued for oil offences connected with
the political events of 1851.
The affair of the Sportsman is still pending
The French consul in Cobija. the United States
agents and a Chilean Company have presented
their claims to Government, but nothing can he
resolved until the new cabinet takes cognizance
of the affair. In these circumstances, Mr. Bigler,
the United States new r/iargt d'offa ids near this
republic, has arrived
Our advices from the south state that the Ham
burguese brig Grasbrook, having on board one
hundred and thirty German families forourcolony.
ran on a sand-bank in the island of Calbuco, and
this news being known to Anoud, the national
brig-of-war Janequoe was sent to succor them ; it
is hoped she arrived in time to save the unfortu
nate passengers' lives. We anxiously await
further notice of this event.
Dates are to I.4eptember 23th. The revolutionary
movements in this Republic have assumed a more
general charaotor, and eDt. Linares has assumed
the title of Proviiienal .President, and taken the
field against the Constitutional President, General
Cordova. The cities of La Paz. Orura, Coeabamba.
and Chuquisaca had pronounced against the Go
vernment. General Cordova was marching against
the first-named City with. 1,500 veterans. La Paz
bad a garrison of only 1,500 recruits.
In La Paz, the residence of the American minis
ter had been'broken into, and the deposed authori
ties who had sought, refuge under the United
States flag of Mr. Dana, Were taken therefrom.
In Cobija the Prefect nominated by Linares had
not been received. Cordova, it is' said, is badly
off for troops, having no cavalry or artillery, and
it is probable that he will be obliged to yield to a
movement which appears to be general, and,/eave
the Republic. •
• PERU. • '
Dates from Callan are to October llth.
fbe r}-
volution in Oa .. .gouth still coutinues'ip the lame
as during the last four Maths;
nothing oilisisigs,4been .done, hat..we mastoid
the semi oUi4WV., KreiftikiPg•deattlAve is short,
ly expected to take p aue.
Yivansb's Nene continritii, as ai list s4vices, in
Arequipa President Castilla bad s.dtanam , and
a good artillery train. Various st iraillttlisif had
taken place, but - with po gain to el 1144,
Vivanco bad lost many wen by desertion, pia crio.
tills had 500 sick in hospital. An epidemic rakes
in his camp, which some think. will compel him to
raise the siege at Arequipa.
Ono of the accomplices of the assassination of
Mr. Sullivia, named Jose-Felei Diaz or Virola;
has given information against the muiderar, who
is said to lie a trenehman named John Semi. The
authorities haVe npt yet arrested Serri, nor is the
C 11.11513 Whiehilltd to the commission of the murder
made public.
A young man, named Lindo, has been arrested
in Limn, on the charge of being concerned - in a
vast soliemo for robbery. More than thirty letters
wore found in his possession, showing that an ex
tensive plan had been organized for wholesale rob
bery'in South and Oenfral America, by a,ressilarly
organized company, iiho had their directors, secre
taries,, treasurers, and other officials. Linde's
father, who is in New York, is at the head of the
concern- •
Trio Amdriean ship Alexander, A. 11. liolway,
commander, arrived at San Francisco in sixty-three
days from Manilla.
The Alexander left Manilla on the 16th August,
a few days prior to.which date a brig had arrived,
'after a five data' passage from Amoy. A private
letter by her was received from Manilla: giving an
account of the horrible masacre, by the Chinese,
of all the American and English residents of Ning.
po, 'one of the giro open ports lying petween Amoy
and Shanghai. Our informant could furnish no
with no further details, brit assured vs that the
news is beypnd all question reliable. The number
of Americans And Engtish at that port was 'estima
ted at forty, all of whom the captain believes to
hare been murdered.
Everything at Canton remained %uiet, and there
had been no further fighting. lintish vessels of
war were arriving daily at. Hong Kong.
Another steamer was rbported to have been cap
tured in the Chinese seas, lives taken and vessel
bonsai The affair is reppOsented to have been al
most a counterpart of that of the Thistle, which
occurred some months since.
Business at Manilla was excessively dull, with
little demand for any description of gcods. There
were some thirty-five or forty sail in the harbor.
The Alexander hag expefleneed heavy weather,
and been baffled by adverse winds. She was on
the edge of two typhoons, but escaped injury.
She,however, in latitude 42° N., longitude 170°
E., fell In witk broken spars. rudder, mast and
letwsprit, and for. several days, floating Pieces of
Being short of provisions, the Alexander tedebiet
at Volcano, one of the ‘ftspener•itinnit 0 204
They found the taltrid'very 'highly cattiest , eis ,
oVifently thiahly inlutbited, but this nettree. rev
'fused to come off to the abip 9r turnialk v i =
tiereirortarort itoidwiggiLlinifilikerellt , '^'
for de attars ere to oome ashore, essitas ea :• 1
lieeinviciat.pfudeutl - net" to stuoill ibidr • 1
politeness, anti,ornniinglii4lo74o9lo ,
any irtipplies. ,
On the arrival of the Alemintrer,dn'lnni,"
,issaid siwarmnt of arrest for the carpenter, named
M.. Motion, who bed • behaved mutinously on this
The Th e Alexander spoke several whale ships, and
left in the port of Manilla the Flying Childere,
waiting cargo, and too ship Coringe, detioharging
having put back. She had dri ft ed on to a reef, ,
near Mimloo Island, had lot twu anchors, and
hove overboard past oilier oargo. The barque
Jeanette, from Sydney, was also in port, repairing,
bade hew allawasted in • typhoon; off•the Ls
drone islands .. -
..' b
eesirM t
V War l g 6 o W l r r,
*A'k';.== l
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imtv ,
'Out :
- a. --6 0
a tiftiimity
fin bUlThaeis off%
York, ar Tut
carrtft *Wim,
,t Co', Our quotatl.
Flour—Barer r F as* at $9 An
. s
Ba -?" " '..
Oa tom,"
100 a
tallMi 0 htltit h 1 ,
t a r a!' l i r O it -
Oilidloo 4 -116a 1404 0 ".1#1014
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A. 1.5 Beilaitry
fold i ii 47 4 47 ~•
. Pio akbrklift, 10060 /
$l l lll, Itt ' •
mat c h es — • 40 . 4 "Mitf. . l er 05&e3, at
ioo for ' `'•
Butter—Salea of 150 firkins otipriateliinvils
MU,stagre Be;
Itftpu gliniu,tas
• ,
eassaVosiele nr Tan ST. atints.
Capt 0 It P Taylor, U S A; Gan JaMph Lane, 3111VAer
Lane Commodore William Merritt*, Ft Whekileti,'Lidpt
A N Smith, Purser L Warrington, Lira P McCaun.,
Lient 8 Abbott, Lieut J N Greer, Dr M Gannett, Dv
II C Caldwell, 1.1 9 N• Lieut A N Baker, II 8 31 Co; G
li lilythe, 3irs Dr Goodfellow, two ehlldriln and servant;
M Wicks, wife and two children; Dr Bryant, .1 Hum
bert, L Haller, W Hues, T Stroud and wife; C S Whit
ney, wife, two children and servant; Ira Mermen and
Pitogerald, W Barstow, A CI Butler and wife,
W H Thurston, M C Thurston, BJ Sammons. Ur Hutch.
'neon and daughter, L L Chandler. If ()White, Mrs
Whitock, A Gordon, .1 II Baird, ]lre Illburn and
child, Mrs Knight, J F Bartholomew; Mrs Parker and
child, Aaron Bose, wire and three children, 8 Barney,
J B Wyatt, Mrs Crawford and three children, Sirs
Thayer and child, J E Caine. wife and child, C S Jones
J IVllllams , Mrs Moore and child, T .3 Smith, C E Mere
dith, IV Wain, F A Wright, C N Watts, F Henry and
wife, Capt Smith W Merrill, Mrs gray, 8 M Smith,
W Elliott, U 8 N; Mrs Wood, .1 D Booram, U S N;
tire Booram, L J Butts, T Mutt, Jas Graham, F Eagle,
Jr; Mrs Dr Stillman A child ; 0 W Scott and wife; J C
Chevaller,VSN; M Jordan, 1.1 8N; .1 Johnson, E Hirsch
field C A French, Mrs Duckworth, W N C'Sanford, C H
dome, A M Price, Mims Price, W B Chittenden, J Baum,
H Baum. ,E Best, C II Whitehead, Capt Williston, A
Badger, 0 Haynes, A Occult and wife; S O'Neill, L
Stereos, F Mace, W H Rippey. E It Rippey, D Csann
eendo, .3 IV Wheeler, J Burke, H 8 Newhall, NV It
Wright, Ann Carter, L Frost, L W Cme, R D Pultufer,
E Smith, 31 Minrcrheimer..7 T Williams, D B Ling•
gins and wile;T Gluey, IV It Gray, 31 Sion:, 0 Hot
man. W Lamme, J Bowe, .3 It Keeney, E Kingsbury,
W Williams, James King, wife and two children ; 31
Mangles, DI F Beckwith, W Lotten, A Foster, T 31
Chapman, 31 P Adams, T Rollins, A Whitney, 0 Jack
son, A Ifelpinan. J Thirsen, L Fink, W It Perkins and
wife, Vii" Glasgow, 0 Loire, A Briant, T Judson, C 0
Caely, J It Feeds, .1 II Cummings, II IV Butte, J B Bar
bie. JII Fisher, W Richle.N Freslerick,
M tFilson, L Hensley, W 0 Snow, and 403 in forward
cabins. Total, 643.
NOVI:VBER 10, 1857 —The supply of Beef Cattle
coming in at the different yards continues in ad
vance of the demand, which is only to a moderate
extent, and prices still tend downwards; the re
ceipts of the week aro about 1,150 head, the bulk.
of which were disposed of at prices paying from
STa$V, prinoipally at $O/481 the 100Iba,
About 200 Cows and Calves were at market, and
met with slim sales at s3sasso for fresh Cowl, 1121 m
$35 for Springers, and s2oas3o for dry Cows,
Of logo, the supply coming in is not so large,
and amount to about 2,500 head bola Pernisylvania
and Ohio; they were mostly all sold at $61471 the
100 lbs.
Sheep and Lambe continue dull, at prices from
s2ast each, aoeording to condition, ehielly Si, s2a
$3 each.
Puttarier.rnas, November 16, 11347,
The improvement in the prices of Masks is well
sustained. and indicates a rapid recovery from the
etfeets of the depressing influences that bare
reigned so lug. The faith of the public in the
who.lemme condition of the country at large is
very strong" and well-founded, and each day adds
to the confidence felt by Capital in the Inters
Every great interest of the country will rapiily
recover from pronration, and though some little
thoe'will be r.eceszary to get the macbinery again
is motion, the effect will soon be felt in all
branches of trade and commerce, while the in" -
mense annual production of gold will stimulate
the industry of the land, and bring all ita
branches into order and active use.
We are very glad to be able to announce that
1 the Reading Railroad Company baa perfected an
arrangement for relief from the embarrassment
which has overtaken its financial attain The
' company has executed a mortgage covering its
entire property, which is to take the place ef , the ' -
mortgage given to secure the bonds or 1868, and
which is to suture a new itemeref-seven ?WHOM et -
six per cent. bonds, corivertdbyt into atoelt. Miam i t '
bonds are to be issued, one-b - M"at once, Nellie'
purpose of funding the floating debt, anCtb,
other half at tho proper time, in eXelPir ,1,
~for the bonds of 1880. This issue will teaks
the entire bonded dibt of the eampany not
far from ken millions of dollars. The stock ,
reaches about eleven and a half minims!, seek- ~
lug, with the debt. twenty-one aid a half mil
lions, to pay interest on which the net
.siarnany of
the road should amount to a little core tbaa a
'million and a quarter of dollars. 'pia year, after
paying expenses and the interest on the debts,
the balance of income, it is said, will amount to
nine hundred thousand dollars, or eight per cent.
on the amount of the stock.
This amount would go far toward reducing the
floating debt of the company, and such an applica
tion of it would doubtless meet with the general err
probation of the stockholders. We trust that this , 1
enterlatii: aleror.sum in every, pobsfef - ter q.,,
lthe growth and I:Asperity of Philadelphia, wild .
iimedily , be beypod, ill dillitiel ties.
Tha Gnaw-We limner &. Louis anired eiNew
York thisttu ning, with 81,170,000 In gold, and '-
the Cll3 O of" Washington steamer, from Liverpool,
veal'. $55,000. The Ariel bee 5600,000 additional.
The receipla of specie at New Orleans are also
very large; the amount brought by arrivals in the "
week ending November 7th being 043, 746, We .
subjoin thdliew Orleans bank statement to Iforem
bar 7th: ..
noxraalvtre 5TA711413? 101 TWO wails.
Oct 31 Nov. 7.
Specie .. .... i.....511.51.*6•8 $41066,728 see 1,733,195. •
Circulation 5,263,999 5451,039 Doe. .112,969
Deposita 6 638.162 7,113,911/ 1ne1,194,160
Short Loans /6,050,259 17,379,374 Dee.. 679,463
Exchange .1,932.,795 1,947,51.6 Inc... 11043 j
Due distanUlanks. 719,394 561,76 0 Dec ...165,425' r
Long and Short Lola', Oct. Si ..13103,1a
Long and Short Loans, NOT. 7 21,513,19/
According to the enstem-House returns of for- .
eign trade at the port of New York, for ten months
of the calendar year 1857,•which we published i
few dale ago,‘ the total import entries -frour-Jan, --
let to Oct. Slot, amounted to 5198.823.660
Add two weeks in Noverhber 5.158,683
Total to date P 13,961,444
Against tame time in 1850 191.503,94:3
Inereare to date • /12,478,11110
The game tables mike the export clearances trots
the same port Irwin Ist January to the ?lose of Octo
ber.i.. 1 5A1,873,000
Add.two weeks in November , 3,,538,374.
Total to date
Agdinst same time in 1856
U 5,413,374
. 69,936,995
Dee'rease to date 0,575a8P
"Alm Come tablea.mtke the export of *Wet*
the lit November 553,199;649
Add two weeks In Norember. Splf
. Total to date if,34,464 . ,649
Against same tine in 1856 33,600 M
Increase to date $1,105,11115
We give below a list of the Bank Directors
elected yesterday':
Girard Ban.t.—Charles S. Bohm., Semi. H. Car
penter, Samuel Norris, Edw. S. Handy, Alex. L.
llodgdon, Jas. Heats, of Lancaster; Thomas S.
Foster, John R. White, Wm. M. bluxsey, Thos. H.
Hood, Washington Bptcher, Charles S. litche,Rod-,
man Cooper.
Fainters' owl Mechanics' Bentl-.--13.,A.Afferear,
Seth Craig*, I. Pemberton Hutchinson, Francis
Tete, /ANN Q. Waterman. John-AXlllMlLliielltgle
Farintn — t; Anlheay J. Antal°, Jarrell Cala- •
we; lepLiasp.
lismWindward, Edwin O. Lewis.
• .54,4 qtr Ainswarros."—Adetph E. Bari*, Win.
E. Bowen, &dee,. Fisher, Charles Henry Fisher,
tam W. Loagstreth, Alexander Brown, Bdw.
Wattson, Peter Callen, , Ino.
A AkMitiitoFice Trott, Chas. B. Muir-
C'*aria=t.L-Jriiepli AMA., John G
-4Fhel. an, George W. Steerer, Samuel Bench, Qs&
Fates ; //sided Maddock. Jr., John M Wa ds, S.
Morns Wain, Mahlon Williamson, Joshes Lipple
coat, John P. Downing, John Garrets, Richard
IVOtern Bask.—Joseph Patterson, Colliding
Stevenson, Morris Patterson, 11. L. Carson, Charles
S. Rood , Faso Jeans; Beniambi S. Janney, Jr.,
Thomas Reath, John W. heater, Alehibeld Me-
Intyte, Willlsua Camm, John Wright, L V. Wil
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank.— John
Jordan, Jr:, John Horn, Ms/phonon Saunders,
Nerwr ,llarwen Stoddard,
Michael Illiolltll,'Cbirlea M. Wiper, Benjamin F.
,a4 l l!„ l VlAlle , c o limaqa. John, 4 Warner, E.
.Tettossaip.6l4, allett, J 4-
Eths, Ja --l i* & M h D
lal lashoher, Rust Blephain,
tea Skbeetaker, William C.
Oillias Dalian, William K.
Bald of theritYa Ihervo , Liaertiss.—lmemer Know,
• r r
4:l4 Witiiam r H.
prop, Da:id YeJ~ ,
`hater JCaliutt4itiabertß:
• R .
~..eho dm ._
;6000 N Peon It ea lots. 53
2000 do b 5.54 I
1500 Warn R Cs sss - u 64
Pepe 54•—• --,•5 4
.4000 City 65..
2000 Cajon Cl 64 lats.4o
1000 /Isr R C5'33..115.80
50 Cattatt las& 1L... TS
'2 &tidy) ilfd.•
100 L Island it 301 0 0 1.4
62 Penn 1. ..10 . 440
Lenigli Scrip 216 V
17 do a3.lloar
200 Read Iterriaingb R11.. t•401 .
no Lad e , zhic • 2
'3 Western )tank:
100 Ostairissa R tots. ryi
300 Ches 3c Del Cl da.oB
4000 Cam& Atuß 6313.131
Nil. Asked.
P hi ladel 84
RR....84ti 34)."
" ,New.... 91 93
Pe nakylv 83
Reading R .01i 21
do Bonds '7O 69
do El 6'1,44 SI
Penns. RR 39 40
/Inrri a Cat I Con 41 43
Actin N de 32_ ..375.; GIS
stock "IS 1015
Bid Aalid:
Se N de 'Bl . prof lex • ' l,7x,
Wnnsptt Elm RIO 19
deist cnortratlX -
do do Ida SO •4
Long Wand 9 144, ,
Girard 8ank.....0
Lel4ll 749,e •
I 04 14:i ti: C i5ga 4414414 111...1 !
100 Ilealin; It
. 200 do
100 do
100 sending IL
GOO ,do
Bridling tiesecl....nr2ll(
Movniv xt - Extua,Nov.l&—Tullreadatelfetkma
is nothing doing, and in the Flour market the rides
are in favor of the buyer. For export, ushee ,
Bay 1,000a1,700 bbls at $3.2.5 for standartfArsads,
and 15.75 for Western Extra. There Lek
mend for bakers sod retailers from $3.3746 for
common and extra brands, and $6.10131150 for-ex
tra family and faney lots. Eye door it steady at
$4.50, and Corn Meal at $3.23 per kb!, bailie sales
of either to note.
Wheat has fallen off, and, with increasing re
ceipts prides are in favor of buyers; sales of 3,00 e
bushels Southern and Pennsyleania in lots at
$1.9.3551 27 per bisshel P.m good to prime rid; and=
01.33 for good white. itye—pall 300 bushels have
been offered, which sold at 75c. Corn is In de
mand, and sales of 3,000a3,200 bushels were made,
at No for old yellow, and doe SwEiood new. Oats ;
are . worth 33a340 per bushel. In Groceries and
Provisions there is nothing done. Whiskey is held
firm, and sales of 200 bbls Pennsylvania and Ohl%
al 201a22c and bias No.
'm!Mg•4 4l,- i . O G