M3V:i= , - : PROottRW2IO 14010Y/Ati.-Alsore , pt:Obably io truer truism in the world than that extremes beget A few yeeie* the unparalleled progression: of the nineteenth ientury, in every department of progreaea hie thlogi;*f the theme with' everybody. Not only wee tide eatettodhig progressiOn of the age • fixed fait, but the vaMeitp with 'Which we *Ore to rush , through thorealme of the future, In turning up all sorts of dia. coveritwilits a vision infested with such infinitude that it wee stereotyped upon the lips of almost every one, that lames:woos had besmear progress, we were aa yet but: in ; our : a.:11 (Ps in the great field of acientide -dis covery: The eitravagance of that Idea,- it seems, has toijohedlkittous,anct the pendtilumnf human fickleness la now likely to•ruit,to the oppOsite oxtrente., • - 'ln ilatening to the eloquent lecture of Wendell Phil- - lips, the 'other 'fining at ,lboncert these lofty stilts were' no completely knocked from under us, that the MN; of ever again seeing anything a new under the sun , ' was well nigh abandoned. Indeed, to swallow down that entire-feast of good things without the addi tion of a - littlaitailifyingaalt, we should have to be lieve that thii moot of Which the nineteenth century can possibly- boast of it, that we have still in our pones- Ilion a few rfragmentork relive of the great tillage of other days-4,10100t days—the more ancient the„ bet ter. - In perfect keeping with this anti-progressive • ides, - the celebrated lecturing Lola, the other evening at the Musical_ Fund Hall, adduced such au overwhelming • mass of unanswerable proof, that the 0 gallantry? , of the present day. was but the merest phosphorescent re daction of the dead carcass of what gallantry' had been in the days of chivalry and, the Troubadours, that we are almost ready to despaii of , ever hiving a glimpse of the genuine article if we should reach the age of -Me thuselah. Tun WELTEIBB YEBTEnDAlf.—Tiie lent remnant of summer that has still been lingering in the lap of fall, may be said to have received Its Anal ejectment yesterday; "Ice of ,ponsidsrable thickness was seen in all parts of the city until lete - in the morning. -Gentle. mon in buttoned overcoats, and ladles muffled in furs, thronged onr streets. The brink step, the healthy hue upon the Cheek, and the general elevation of 'mirth, In doted by this seaaonable change in the weather, with those who are surrounded with the necessary comforts, *rue markerand pleasant; but it was at the same time suggestive Of the additional rigor with which'went im pressee ifetoolnininiOn upon those also havenot where with to:lnikithnwititor 46 Mason of Joy and inorrlinint. To thoolo - f-Our merellantiatio foil that their MOcii have moved off elizggillity ; on aecount 'of the mlidnees of the season, - this change will be m _ oat agreeable, and there is no doubt but a brisk week's trade is likely to be the result, WO greet them with a hearty wish for their suciess In this respect, feeling assured that their own prosperity wife always be equalled by their gene rosity to those who need their sympathy and aid. • POWER' AND -WEALTH.— • • "Were half the power that dlle the earth with terror Were half the wealth beatowed on camps and mute Given to redeem the human mind from error, There Were no need of arsenals or NAL" That is icq nor world there be need of t'Working• men's meetings ; 0 ' or, of the gieat clothing establish- meat of Clifton, Albright, Jr. C 0 .., "Jayne's Hall," No. 827 Chestnut street, selling their fashionable and seasonable stock at cost prices to continue their hands in employment. No passant, we would remark that those in want of an elegant article, at a mere nominal Cost, should call on them. Fer,r.a.—The fall of the fall in the stooks, awl the other falla which are so common at present, are all Inferior in point of importance to the Fall of the year, and tot the consequent necessity, for procuring Seasonable germente before Winter seta in. This can be ancomilished by, both gentlemen and gentle', by re pairing to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Booklllll & Wilson, Noe. ene and SOU Chestnut etreeti above Sixth. The Railroads and the Pressure. As times wears on it is found that the lending railroads; which have been nbuied is mincing the present convulsion in the money market, are not the only parties in fault, and that the debts due by the roads to banks are much safer than the debts due by merchants. The aggregate of sae. pended debts of railroads is quite small, tbo, when compared with the debts of merchants : Tharillnels Oentral has of floating debt Erie Miehigalf Southern.. Michigan Central And for other roads.: . , Total floating debt - - Were it not for, the roads of IlOnois, Ohio,: and the grand trunk routes leading from New York to Chicago and the Ohio river, we should be obliged, in addition to our present disasters, to import breodatubre as in 1837: Instead of this, the roads are now in a position where for six months they oan not only supply the domestic wants for bread, but enable us to send abroad millions of dollars' worth, at a profit.—N. Y. Express. Railroad `Matters.—The monthly statement of the North Pennsylvania Railroad, for October, is quite satisfactory, and shows conclusively that itasmportanee to our city and State is being felt. The increased • receipts over the same month last year were 420,936.66, and for the, ten months the increase was $154,190.07, as will be seen by the following table of receipts,: 1857. 1856, Increase. January ;7,496 08 $3,319 68 $4,116 40 Febrtiary ....12,514 -78 3,210 60 .•. March,. 17,093 51' :4,128 26 12,965 25 April 19,294 47 4,898, 31 14,398 16 May 22.111 47 ' 6,959.27 •15,762 20 June 23,530 52 8,b35 75 14,994 77 July 25,938 06 8,404 53 17,533 53 August 30,005 25 8,042 23. 21,963 02 September ...30,038 14 6,873 24 - 23,164 90 October 28,567 09 7,628 03 20,939 66 Total.. • .$217,189 97 $62,999 90 ,$154,190 07 The coal tonnage of the road during October was 9,80817 tons. and since ambit of January 35,569 05 tons—an excess of 5,569 05 tone over the estimate for the entire year. The probabilities are that the aggregate tonnage for the year will snmup 46,000 tone—nearly gamma/ as the Reading Railroad coal tonnage in 1842. The company has added another ooal-burningfreight locomotive to its rolling stook, which will enable them to make bettor provisions for moving freight: • - The following is a statement of the receipts of the Pennsylvania Railroad for the ten months of 1857, 1856, and 1855: 1857. 1856. 1855. January...s2s3,BBo 52 $298,109 33 9298,777 16 February.. 413,779 34' 298,442 16 191,014 22 March 590,875 49 520,188 76 377,432 97 April 492,106 66 810,909 11 355,349 29 May 401,177 57 453,586 25 .325,711 94 Jane 368,983 68 344,291 55 ' , 302,178=79 July 392,087 91 322,672 99 307,516 34 August.... 456.716 65 367,718 - 197,628 09 RepteMber: 498,546 20 , 416,949, - 98' 448,182 86 October... 389,921 21 428,148 12' 474,134 56 0,256;055 34 $4,000,076 in 3 $3,469;924 The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, 'ex tending from Sunbury to Mt. Carmel, in Northum berland county. has been sold, under a sheriff's execution, to t. S. Whelan, of Philidelphia, to gether with seven ,tracts of !Mal land, containing about three thousand acres, on which are erected the "Lancaster Colliery" and, other improve ments, and also al l - the 'locomotive engines and oars The sale was subject to a thet mortgage of $700,000 arid a second mortgage of 500,000. The road is abed 30 miles in length, and is very well , built.- Thit.eoal lentil and Improvements are ral lied at from $250 000 to $300,000. • - Clty Moiiatity: • , ' TIZALTII OITION. ' . ' November 11, 1857 j The number of Intermenti in the city of Phil el, phis, for the week ending at 12 o'clock to•day, in... 122 Last report 185 Croup -- ' 9 , Adults Consumption of Lungs 19 Children Dropsy • ' 9' Disease of the }lead.. 6 _ Debility , 8 , - Inflammation of Lungs 14 Males' 01d Age ' - 0 imam— 63, Other dleeisee.. 65 Dope, . 122 Girls - Of the above there were: , Prom the'Alunhouse '6 People of Color 4 . . Country Attest:, . JOHN N. ELCHDPRESON, Health Meer A now edition of the beautiful series of the "Aldine Poets," originally published by the late Mr. Pickering, le- announced by Messrs Bell and Datdy,lvith the proinise that each author will be placed in the hands of an editor specially sus qesinted with the literature of the period. Mr. W. May Themes, a new name among the Dyoee, Bruns, andl hiltfords of poetical editorship, edits the "Collins" with a memoir and notes to super sede those of Sir Harris-M.3olas. LETTER SAGS - At the lifdrehoots , Nxehange, Philadelphia. Ship lairoceo,'Weet ' Liverpool, soon Ship Joseph Jones, Stovers Ban Bronelseo, soon ILIMILIMPILIA ROM ON TRktill. • 2D1r61 , 1/ 6. 000,811, * MAROR M. 'WIN. COMINMENI OP 201 MIMI Hawes:dui B. 'h4ourriox, SAILING 0.11'4E OCEAN STEAMERS. • . - FROM . TUE 'UNITED STATES. ' scurroa -. 'ton _ OOO ' . DAY Canada. . Eorton,ke. Liverpool Nov 18 Arabia New York Liverpool Nov 25 alefigOw New York , Waspy , ~.,, „ .Nov 25 Ariel - New York Soutoemiton, eao,.Nov 28 , PROM EUROPE. 4 .. . ‘ VII. 01( IVOR '- -. naT Glaigow,:. Glasgow Now York Oet 31 Hamtnonia. , .; ~,Namburg • New VOA Nov 1 oof Washington.tiverpool Now York • Na , 4 Arial ' Southampton Now York Nov a ' , Hagen:. „.:. „ Liverpool. Bolton - Nov 7 Atlantic .. ... ;..lAverpool Now York Nov /1 VaDdOrbilt;I:1141110DID114111 --New' York' ' Nov 14 Kangaroo - Liverpool_ New York ~;;N07.78 New York .- Glasgow : New York - ' Nov 18 Fulton ' ' /lane New York ' Nov 18 Anglo Saion.....Llrerodol - Portland, (to ' '- Not 25 INOYEIIIINYB OY HAVANA STEAMERS. . , • PEstaulartia—From New York 2i, striving at Ira. Vaaaa Stb, aud Nairertesua 11%h. troia.:Neu , Orleans ' !Otk, ; Haaaad2§4, tirleint at New York 28th. • - '• • ' gitilaur Otirt-J—Triim Nevt - each month, - - = siraiyint lansinitiankb, aksd 160'11‘ filth ,'. From Mo -91014; orliipottipw'Thrk 28th, • gaw,rork - ,uth; iintrlng Atliavitia . • .11111 , 001XeW Otto,* -NO artianertb;; ' , Uatia.2oik;arrltitia• ea New York Sd.• - Oltr.L.Trom Neer Yorlallth, artitlng at Oa: - , ,Weamt-litcatiltieW OtUatae2o4ll: loom New ,Otteaua, " • ith, Hataaa Ott itralring at Now 'York - Ilith • - Ifixeas iit Ktflt kliew Weans • Ilmimillity'dmat.Nerfroik 18th and 4tii,Anigtt visa tad thfilikillithlisid 244, due it ; • XlMff floacalltetataiiidt downers sail from pie, Uri at .sl4ftlkakia9th egft9i3mintb.. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 16, 1867. BUN RUNS ' 7 5-8138 BETS 4 55 HIER', WATER 12 02 , Steamship Delaware, Oopes,l2 hours from Now York, "la Cope May, with mdse and passengers to JO Allan , : dice. Ship }Westmoreland, Dena, 31 days from Liverpool, with mdse and 31 passengers to Penrose & Barton. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, 3,5 days from Liverpool, with mdse and 30 paasengeta to TlVchardson & Go. Brig J W Havenor, Smith, 0 days from Turks Island, with 6710 bushels salt to captain, Brig Ella Reed, Burch, 8 days from Turks Island,wlth 8300 bushels salt to Onterbridge, Harvey & Co, Schr H B Bishop, Booth, 4 days from New York, with mdso to Grove & Bro. Behr Roxbriry,Brown, 10 days from Portland, with plaster to E A Bonder & Co. Bohr B D Pitts, 'Noodle, 5 days from Rappabahnock, with lumber to captain. Bohr Hannah Grant, Newman, 6 days from Newbury -port, with mdeo to Geo A Wood. - Rehr Geo Mangham, Scudder, 3 days from New York, with mdse to D B Stetson & Co. Schr Richard Vanz, Print, 4 days from Providence iu ballaatlo L Andenreld dr. Co, - • Bohr B Prink Doughty, 15 da . ya from Boshin, in bal last to Bancroft,lewis & Co, Bohr Lewis Mulford, Boyle, 3 days from New York, in 'ballast to Bancroft, Lewis & 00. Bohr R R Gorton, Corson, /Slays (corn Boston, in bal last to Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bohr Sarah Lavinia, Hanson, 4 days from Providence, In ballast to Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bohr Elmira T, Gandy, 6 days from Dennis, in ballast to John R White. Bohr Seaport, Scull, 5 days from Dennis, Blass, in bal tact to B Wilms & Co. Bohr J B & FL, Pharo, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to Van Amp .' Norton & Co. Bohr Theresa 0, windy, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr A dl - Aldridge, Williams, 5 days from Savannah, in ballast to Blakiston, Cox & Co. Bahr Percyliellner, Gandy, 'e days from Providence, in ballast to De Haven & Co. Bohr W G Audenrold, Barton, 4 days from New Ra ven; in ballast to N Sturteva.t & 00, Bohr Ciao Washington, Camp, 3days from Now York, In ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Ann 0 Reeves, &say, 3 days from Great Egg Harbor, in ballast to Noble. Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Mary Ann & Caroline, Henderson, 4 days from & New Haven, in ballast to Noble, Hammett Caldwell. Behr Fre 0 Smith, Smith, 4 days from Egg Harbor, in ballast to D Shines & Co. Behr Experiment, Foster, 2 days from Chesapeake City, with wheat to Jas Barran & Son. Bohr Ate L Ileverin, Pearce, I day from Dover, Del, with - wheat to Jan .Barran & Son. _ Bohr P. B Carter, Ponta, 1 day from Leipsic, Del, with coin to Bewley , Wiler.n & Co. Behr - Diamond, Townsend, 8 days from Indian River, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. ' Behr Xdgar, Scotton. 3 days front Georgetown, Bid, with wheat to Rowley, Wilson & Co. 'Bohr Farmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with bark to 3 H McColley. Bohr Diamond State, Smithers, 2 days from Milford, Del, with grain to J H McColley. Bchr John A Hazzard, Laws, 5 days from Milford, Del, with wheat and corn to J R McColley. * Sloop J D Fish, Bell, 38 hours from Lewes, Del, with mdse to T W Parker. Steamship City of Now York, Howes, Boston, Henry 'Moor. Barque Jos Maxwell Davis, Lsganyrs, Daßatt Bros. Br banyan Anne Scott, McGregor, Londonderry, Work as & Co. • Prig Dido, Kearns, Charleston, 0 Miller & Co. Schr P & Hall, Hering, Charleston, Pettit, Martin & Co. Bcer Almon Down, Williams, Hartford, Van Dusen Norton & Co. Behr J B & F L, Photo, Washington, do Behr It Faux. Prink, Boston, L Autienreid & Co. Behr L Mulford, Doyle, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bchr It Conlon. Corson, do do Bchr B Prink, Doughty, do do Behr Sarah Lavinia, Hanson, Alexandria, do . Bohr Almirs T, Gandy, Boston, John It White. • Behr Seaport, Scull, Pawtuekot B St Milues & Co. • Scar Fro 0 Smith, Smith, Providence, .do Behr Plight, Uuntlef, do do Bohr Theresa 0, GandysWasbington, Tyler, Stone & Co Bohr A 111 Aldridge, Williams, Salem, lilakiston, Cox is 00. Bahr Percy Milner, Gandy, Blcbmontl, Do Devon & Co Behr W 4 Audenreld, Bartell, Beaton, N Sturtevant & Co. Behr Geo Washington, Camp,Hiehmond, Noble, Ham mett h Caldwell. Behr A C Beeves, Soey, Boehm, do Behr Mary Ann & Caroline, Henderson, Washington, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. 'Bohr B G King, Andrews, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. Behr Amelia, Careless Fall River, Hayes & Godshall. Ear 11. Willing, Olaypnile, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. Btr Elisabeth, McLaughlin, do do [BY TILIGSAPIIj . (oorrespondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE IBLAND, Nov. 14. 5 30 1' M. The ship Armorial, for London, is now going to Bea. The packet .chip Tuscarora, from Liverpool, weighed anchor oil Me place at 4 o'clock thin afternoon, and proceeded up in tow of steam-tug America. Wind NW —weather cool. Yours, /co., TIM. B. 11 ecooop DESPATCH. Nov 15, 6 PM—A barque and twenty-eight ochre went in this afternoon. Nothing in sight bound out. Wind N—weather cloudy. Toure, ke $3,500,600 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000. 0,000,000 . . .. $15,500,000 Ship Great Republic, Limeburner, wbicb put into Falkland I►landk about Rept 17 In distress, bad deck. stove in by the eels, and about halt the guano between deck► damaged. See lbacelliny. Ship Defiance, Kendrick, for Bombay, sailed from Li verpooll,4tb ult. " Ship, Ladoga, Pearce, for Kunarraohee, entered out ward at London 23d ult Ship Colombo, Stewart, from Rangoon, arrived at Falmouth, Eng, 28th ult. Ship Jacob Bell, Behm, for New York, sailed froui Manilla Aug 6. Ship Alexander, Holway, for San Francisco, nailed from Manilla Aug 9. Ship Western Ocean, Hamilton, for Philadelphia, cleared at Calcutta 10th Sept, but remained in port Barque Aaron I Harvey (probably) Willar, sailed from 'Monrovia Sept 24 for Sierra Leone. (Reported barque J II Aaron, Willoiv.) Barque Chevalier, Allderlloo from Rio de Janeiro, arrived up at New Orleana 7th inst. Brig .. Birch er to Torrey, Wass, for Philadelphia, sailed from Benton 13th inst. Brig Leviathan, Morton, cleared at Salem 13th inst. for Philadelphia. Fehr Chas Henry, Baker, from Boston for Philadel phia, at Bass River 10th inst. Behr Pequonoock, Burroughs, from Boston for Phila delphia. at New York 14th inst. Schr Karroo lisppuck, Roily, hone at Yarmouth 7th Inst. Bohr J M Vatic°, Birrdgo, for Hams, Moored at Mo bile 7th loot. f3chr W Mason, Staples, arrived at Mobile 7th Inst. from Key West. Bohm Geo A Tittle. ddamd, and KW Tull, Newcomb, hence, arrived at Mobile 7th lost. Behr' JR Mather, Niob arson; Ellen Bush, Calm J S Shriver, Miller, and L Levering, Corson, hence at Boston 73111 inst. &bra Diamond State, Carey, and Mignionetto, Tra, ven t hence at Washington, DO, lath inst. Behr Wave Bpragg, sailed from Fall River 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Behr Mari Elisabeth, Shannon, hence at Baltimore lath inst. Rohr Three Slaters North, cleared at Baltimore 13th mat, for Philadelphia. Sohn' V Sharp, Sharp and J ( 3 Stine, Corson, hence ' for Boston' 'Walla..., Smith, do for Salem; ft Pletcher, Crosby, do for Eastport; Lady Ellen, Corson, from Boa ton for, Philadelphia, And Corinthian, Taylor, from Newburyport for do, at Holmes Hole 13th lost, and sailed again. Sam Sarah L 1 Smith, at Fall River loth Met. from De laware City: • Steamer W Hhapto, ampler, hence at Hartford 12th feet. Behr U Wrightington, wrightlngton, soiled from Fall River, 13th Ind, for Philadelphia. • Behr Snow-Flake, Saundera, R & H P aiMlllOl3, Julia, J H Maley, and II & T Cramer, hence, A Pralideneel3th Wt. • Oct 18, Itt 7 17, long 48 40, an American nomue gond log north, showing white signal with a blank anchor in it, aupposed to be the barque Rine Wing, from Rio for 24th ult, lat 3 8, long 30, barque bleary Elizabeth, from Mo de 3anelro for New Orleans, 18 days out. 7th .Inst, tat 24 47, long 41, ship Portland, for New Orient's. 21M lilt, 108 65 S, long 34 30, brig W Brune, of Baltimore, bound south. 2(1 hut, 011 Tortugas, ship Crown Point, from New Orleans for Liverpool. ' . MARINE MISCELLANY. • I I alkland Tales. Septemberl7—The ship Groat Re public, of New York, has put in here In distress, hay deckher deck stove In by a sea. She hag four of her beams broken, and batch combings torn up. About half of the guano in the between decks is dam ageand d. All her p re visions were More In the after hold, mixedwith guao n Mad the ship not got I here, I think she would have been lost, for she bad no rovisions left. The Captain Imo sent to Monte Video for provisions and sails, as we have not enough here for ourselves. [By letter to RI- Wood Welter" Esq.] Norfolk, Is orembor , l2.—The schooner Nebraska, WO tons register, from Philadelphia to Washington, with a cargo of coal, touched on Hogg Island. and a heavy sea running at the 'time, and blowing herd, she struck twice very heavily, which caused her to spring a leak They endeavored to get into Hampton Nolan, but, notwithstanding every eitertion waif made, the water rapidly gained on them, end the schooner finally magic on the 11th list, when between Willoughby's light boat and Old Point Comfort, In three fathoms of water. The captain end crew left in the boat, and have arrived here. No insurance on the schooner. Arr at Wood's Hole 12th, U S light ship Relief, Gardner, from Boston for Sew and Pigs station, to take the place of the ship that Is there, which will bo taken to New Bedford for repair'. Under 1 year 26 Between land 6 years. 28 Under 5 years BOSTON, Nov 18—Arr barque New Empire, Randall, Turks Island 27th ult. Left no Am vessel. Brigs Mary E Thomism. Partridge• W U Parks, Adams. Writing. ion, NO. Bohr. Albert'Dater, Beam, Richmond, Ya. Old barques San Jacinto, Prates, Galveston ; A II Kim ball, Mallen, Mobile. Brigs Ellen Jane, Nickerson, Omoa and Truxillo ,• Cyclone, McCarty, Mobile; Oro. simbo,Rosebrook, Pensacola; :Malaya, Parritt, Barren, to Aspinwall; Vermont, Elliott, Wilmington, NC. Bid —Wind about 8 W—Barques Elan Jacinto; Mary. Brig Sea Foam Setts A P Howe, Bahwa. NEW YORK, Nov. 14.—Arrived steamship Florida, Savannah; Columbia, Berry, Charleston; ship James goster,Jr, Mme, Liverpool. Barques Alice, Thompson, Rio Janeiro; Halinernan, Abbott, Turks Island; Joseph Fish, Philips, Cardenas. Brigs Granada, Taylor, Slat age; Yalmonth; Goody, Moravia, Wok. 'Sohn Blue Jacket, (Br) Brown. Patens; Cleopatra, (Dutch) Prince, Omoa, Honduras; Alabama, Sarin, Smyrna, Bel. Below,. ships Antaretic, Stouffer, from Liverpool; Plutarch, Baker, Havre. Balled, steamships Arago, Southampton and Havre ; Augusta, Savannah. ,• Marion, Charleston; Jamestown. Norfolk, ko ; skip Consignment, Liverpool; barques N If Gaston, Barbadoes ; Clara Windsor, Port au Prince ; and others. CI barques 8 Park, Pendleton, Bristol; Orion, Ste vens, Montevideo; Keen ; Chatting, Key West; Jed do, Kennedy, Charleston. Brigs St Mary' s , Johnson, Martinique; Billow, Rathbone, St John, N N; A non" ides, Murray. St Marks ; Judge Hathaway, Small, Nor folk. SCIITS V Howell, Larairay, Port an Prince ; Ver non, Ayer, Moncton ; Charity, Barrett, Newham ; 8 B Strong, Mott, ,Beaufort.; Martha, Woks, Beaufort; Margaret, Hanson, City Point; Arctic ; Ogden, Alexan dria. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 6.—Arrived Ships Johannes. berg, Nelson, Barre; barnabas Webb, Watts, Liver pool Dictator, Shaw, 18 days Boston ; Madras, Abin son, Liverpool; Globe, Baker,• Martha J.Ward, Storer New York, to G Posdick-4.1 district 34; Uhland: Lahnsen Bremen; Helen McOaw Tucker, New York. Barques inn Munroe, Tortugas; Aims Delius. Batten dorff, Bremen ; Ross., Roche, Bavaria. Brigs Mary Eli sabeth, kleConnel, Havana; Antoinette, Marlatany i Malaga; Nueva; Casandra, Mutero, names, cleaved steamship Mexico, Lawless, Galveston and Indianola: Spanish barque Bella Clara, Gilabert, Bar celona. Towed to sea, 29th ult, ships Crown Point, Sl im Holmes, and brig J 'W Sawyer; 30tis ult, ships Ariel and °lunatic Ist lost, ships Ocean Pearl, Oatervald, hark Buenaventura and sobs Minnie Schiffer. NEW ORLEANS, - Nov. Sth—Arr Steamship Texas, Talbot, Indianola; Ships Patterson, 11111, Liverpool; Jesish 1, Male, liewburyport; Primers de Espagnia, Rayon;Aldansh, Bunker, 'Boston; Achilles, Norden. hels,'Bremen ; Others, Windhorst, Bremen; Mulhouse, Wilner, Havre; Ocean Romp, Manson; R. D. !Dep. herd; Gale, New York; Castles, Simpson, Liverpool ; MaieStio, Lenox Bristol, England ; Old England, De lano,. New Twir James Nesmith , Watts : bona,: Liverpoo l; Hamburg barque Copernicus, 'Bahl Hamburg. , BALTIMORB, Nov. 14—Arr, seine Telegraph; Wan, , Or1110)1, Cool Begulne, Bell, from New York. Old, Res TollaMatton Harbadoes ; Bare TeeturaMh, City and Windsor ; Joiephlae, Peres Now York; Alma Nina, Stanyi Barbados; Wm Baker Tyler, New york. Barque Golden Ere, Theralke, :Cork and a 11 . 01,—Oid brig Todd*, Balser. for Cordia l": 'Mt 01 1 0 OiloglErsi Fray', Nm New York ; Ken.' lagßai. Mutt; flitwO , Barques HkerwOod, Nall,' lint York y Moan, WAWA name, Marble ititelhaence. dItRIT D CLEARED TUBS. D. lIUGIIES MEMORANDA DOMESTIO PORTS BRISTOL—ObiI2th, brig Marla, Ingraham, Hs- Belled 1201, schr A P Updtur, Wisnard, (or iVis. on) .Smithfield, Va. WILNIINGTON,N C—Are Nov 12th, Bohm Emily Ito bart; John Burton, N York. 13—nr brig Vesta, Koran from Liverpool. Clewed Nov 13—Han brig Johanna Brous, Bauman Null, Rug; schr Gun Rock, Wilson, Breton. SAVANNAH—Arr Nov 10, steamship Commerce Vaughan, Baltimore; ship Lizzie Bouthworth, Spoil Bristol. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night. GIRARD HOUSE—Oheettiut Strad, below Ninth. LW Hall, Altoona, Pa H II Forsythe, Ky 0 W Barnes & la, Latrobe A Anderson, Tens! A II Lord,N Y Miss Lord, N Y 0 Newmann, N Y Mrs Dunbar, N Y Miss Dunbar, N Y 8 MKrauser & la, Balt J Thomas, Jr, & la. Balt J Carter, Balt Dr Wm It Wilson, Vs Mrs Gardner, Norfolk, Va Miss Gardner, Norfolk, Va D Griffith A la, Va G Ohamberland, Norfolk,Ta II Faille, Cin, Ohio J R Fayerweather, laws fif If Clarions & la, N Y It Hamilton, Pa E Wise, St Louis W 0 N Swift, New Bedford J U &reran & la, 9 0 Miss Wilkins, 80 8 Cole, Washington W G Murray, Jersey city J N White & la, N Y L Id Close, Nebraska Mra Conrad, Nebraska Hon C L James, Prer, R I N Hayward, Colchester J L Caruso, Detroit 11P Farrington & la, N Y Wm Williams, N Y (leo Morgan, Vs F I)lDunnington, Va . Otis Danniell, Boston L L Chatfield. N Y Cutter Field, N Y V B Hogg & la, Pittsburgh C Eldridge, N V Capt I) Tyler, Norwich Frank S feud, Norwich 0 T Wortharn Richmond D James, Wilmington, De 0 IY Martin, N Y Benj Loder, N Y Thos Childs, Jr. N Y F. &Madders, l'a J Ackerman, N 'V Miss 0 Disney, Gin, Ohio L Betties, Cin. Ohio M Wehle, N 1 1 Jae J Beeman, Baltimore 1V C France, Baltimore J 0 Dodte. Boston • T P Enamersou, Lafayette J D Verner, Pittsburgh D Armetoug, Pittsburgh Mr Porter, La A MERIOAN llOTEL—Chestnut. below Sixth at. flee Spencer, Danville. Pa W 0 Wilson, Buffalo ' 0 W Canning Jr la, N Y 0 KElrlnton ' Ches co, Pa D Reed, Lansingburgh Jae F Magui re, Pa Wm J D Bell, Augusta, Va R Sill Sc la, MA R R Boeden & wife, Pa It Danforth, Wilmington I A Murray, N C Chas MOE, Wilmington 'Fhos Street, Baltimore Jos 11Welltng & la , Fatah Klee Z B Welling. Pithib , g Thos C Niblo, N Y Chas E Meyer, N MEROHANTS! HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. Roy D Kammerer, Ohio E Unangst, Easton Gen Davis & 2 Baugh, Pa John It Ball, Genoa, 11l W W H Davie & wt, N Hex E W Hamlin, Bethany, Pa Robt S Lyon, New York J L Kano, Phila SG- Fry, Trappe, Pa Thomas , Salem; 0 J A Ambler, Salem, 0 NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third SY II Price, Cleveland, 0 K H Blaufuss. Trappe, Pa Thos F Kern. Kutztown II J Handler, Pottsville llitti S Kent, Adamsburg GIV Rathburn, Albany P P Barnard, N Y 8 Smith & son, Lancaster co .7 tr James, Reading Geo Shugard, Plana 0 D Smith, Obio 0 Heebner. Lee, bless Rev P Swift, N .7 J Wood and son, Pa F. Y Bright, Sunbury W Jones, Reading II Ashton, Phila 8 KAI Kepner, Pottsville A J Huntzins er, Bch Haven J Snyder, Reading bl Wearer, Minersvllle 7 Reenter, Wheeling, Va 8 Harris & daug,Wlllialusbg UNION 110 TEL—Arch street, below Fourth. 0 0 Paul, Germantown WII Wagstaff, Pittsburgh Mrs Cress, Cheatruat Hill John It Richards, Indiana Barra T Jenkins, Ps. A Reel & In, Ilarriaburgh J Diapham, Pittsburgh S Swank, Pittsburgh David Paul, Altoona Andrew Workkeiser, Pa J D Conrad, Ohio Itentaer, Pittsburgh Miss Hoover, Harrisburg STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J F Kratz & la, Loner J Black, Parry co, Pa .7 B Champion, Phila tllVotherbee. Cie, Ohio W II LONGOU, Phila a Johnson, N Y A If Winters. Lancir U L Vanoster. Ilarrig B N Farren, Lan co, Pa 0 McAlpln. Phila ,T WOley. Cot, Pa J T F Wright, Pittattigh S Baratta, Balt BLACK BEAR ROTEL—Third at., above Clllovibla Geo W Backe, Philo M 0 Boyer, Norristown T Morgan, Attleboro 0 W . Cook, Phlia A. Buckman, Feasterrille D'avid Gilbert, Pottstown A Eckel, Fremont, Pa BARLEY 811VAV—Second, below Vine street.l Isaac Buckman. Pa Thomas AI Adams Pa Edward Gillingham, Pa Andrew Yerkea, Adams, co John Davis ' Pa Daniel Woodman, Phila E Campbell. Bucks co 8 Hill, Germantown Hobensack, Ph da Jos Kerr, Stroudsburg Saud Boliday, New Hope A B Johnson. New Hope John 11 Broadhead, Pa Andrew Yorke)", Jr, Pa MADISON nousm—Second street, above Market. A It Lewis, New York nos C Miller, Now York W 9 Duffield, Pa LII NewPold, NJ Ileurylltrukons, N 7 Jobn J Illebner, N J Wra Ruebl, Allentown Denj Roberta, N J • Jobe Harold, Villa BLACK BEAR INN—Merchant street, bel. Fifth. W A Woode. Pn S B Unopea, Poona Thou Hansa% Phila II Gibbs, Bradford co, Pa Jon Phillips, Phoenixville Joe Taggart, Phoenixville John D Miley, Germantown Truman Coates. Clear co dm Brolt, Lowinville, Pa John Trainer, Cite* co D F Shantz, Phila BALD EAGLE )ICTRL—Third street, abv. Callowbill. .7 Waiter. Pastou J Johnson, lllehlautt, Pa 1) Huts, Kutztown Special Notices. 830,000 of the Notes of the Bank of Penn sylvania will bo taken at par for Centlonian's Ready made Clothing, Wrappers, Shawls, Shirts, Drawers, Um brellas, Clothe, Cassimeres, Vestings, rfueline, Canton Flannels, &c., wholesale and retail. Mosses & Co., 611. MOTOR Street, between Fifth e.v.11 Sixth, Starke% and Chestnut. nol4-13t* For Perfumed Breath, While Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use '• Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For dressing Ledlea' hair, use "Woodland dream, new Pomaded' TO curie Oentieuteu'e hair beautifully. W. P. FITRIVOR & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T B. Peterson, 308 Chestnut; Samuel Mules, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B.Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. 11. Peters & Co., 718 Chestnut; G. G. Brans, Gift Book-atom, 930 Chestnut; 0. S. Ilubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; DrAdordson, Seventeenth and Chestnut ; J. W. Simon & Sens, Eighteenth' and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. • nol2-1y Bonk Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, By WE. H. RICHARDSON, noli-im No. 418 AIARKST EITRIMI Bower's Infant Cordlnl.••-Thi■ Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moat chalet and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable arrolnative extant for Infanta and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy care is effected In all cases of, Cheat, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties treas .:l6lllBes pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ica. The 'lnfant Cordial his become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without It. Prepared only by HENRY A. Dowse, At his Drug and Chemical Store, Na R. corner of Bluth and Green ste., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for Bale by Druggists generally. an 13-ly Notes of the Bank of Pennsylvania taken at PAR. OLOTIIING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF A WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE, Manufactured expressly for Fall Sales, will now bo sold AT BET/11, At greatly Reduced Filets, for Cash, n 0741 At No. 1 Nora: FIFTH Street S. C. Oswald, Commission Business in Corn. menial paper and negotiations of loans, 86 WALNUT 87., opposite the ExchangepPhiladelphia. n010.2m Seamen's Saying Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar , and upward'', from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of fire per mat. per annexe. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and baturday until 0 iu the evening, President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morrie; Beare tary, James B. Pringle, Jackson, JOB PRINTER, DIEROIIANT STRtIET. Cheeks, Notee,'Prarts, Bills Ladlug . , Bill Heads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prim to suit the times. ocl7-1g Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, ' 524 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUALL GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 521 WALNUT Street, 0e22.3m Late of 173 Chestnut Street Having Rand—Five Per Vent. Interest—No tional Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south west corner of Tomb Street, Putt.ammonta. Open daily till 7 o'clock, and on MONDAY and Tumuli/r EVESINOs till o'clock. Deposits received and pay ments made daily. Almelo invested in RNAL &MAU, MORTGIONS, GROUND licsre, and other first-class aecurl• flea, as the charter Sirecta. no 6 Alarrtageo Onthe 12th inst.. by the Rey, W. Blackwood. D. D Mr. TAMES SCOTT to Miss ELIZABETH SHIELDS, both of this city. By the Rer. Charles D. Cooper, on the evening of the 12th instant, nr. HARRY A. WAGNER to Mien MART JULIA ARRISON, all of Lb le city. On the 12th Instant, by Rev. Told McGill, Mr. JAS. CALHOUN to Miss MARIA BLAIR, both of Philadel phia. On the 12th inst., by Friends' ceremony, at Craig Ridgway's, near liordentown, New Jersey, ELLIS BRANSON, of Philadelphia. to SUSAN RIDGWAY, daughter or the late Andrew C. Ridgway, of Monmouth county, N. J. Deaths On the 12th instant, SYLVANUS, only eon of Syl. venue and Emily°. Shaw. In the oth yea? or hie age. On the 13th inst., ANNA THOMAS, da,ughtor of Catharine Thomas. Oa the 12th inst., SARAH, wife of Daniel Whiteman, in the 36th year of her ago. Oa the 13th lust., Mrs. ELIZABETH MATSON, in the 734 year of her ago. On the 12th inst., in her 66th year, Mrs. MARGARET BRACKEN. On the 12th inst., Mo. SUSAN TRAINER, wife of James Trainer. On the 18th instant, Mrs. MARY ANN BARNES, aged 37 yeani. Oa the 13th inst., PATRICK DONOHUE, aged 21 years. On thelatlt lost , lira. CATHARINE BRADY, wife of %vate Ott, and daughter of Bernard Brady, in the 20th year of her age. I)7"Grana. Lodge of Pennsylvania, 0. of 0. F.—The SemLannual Session of the Grand Lodge will be held on TUESDAY DIMING, the 17th at 9 o'clock. • Whi. 01.71tTIS, Grand Secretary •BWir The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the LIBERTY BAYINGB FUND AND BUILDING .ABBOOIATION will bo held on MONDAY, Nov.lBth, at the Ball northwest corner of TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Bt , third story, at 7 o'clock P. M., for the election of officer' for the enduing year. 0. 'UNMAN, Beo'y. iirtEsg,44iftiLibEiapfliA; MO DAV fiIOVEMBER 16, 1851. I IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN " the PIIILADELPIIIA POST OPIUM up to 12 o'clock P. SI. on Saturday, Nov. 14, 1857. [Persons applying for advertised Lettere will please mention the date of the Llst.] Open on Sunday from 1I to 8J o'clock IL N., and 2 to SP. N. Acker Helena Frost Mrs R Niel Sophia Addison Matilda Gallen Celia Nizen Patience Anderson 8 T Green Elizabeth O'Connor Mrs D Ana° Mary °thereon Mary O'Bolovan Mrs Allen Rachel II Gleason Philara (BOonnor Mrs J W Armstrong Mrs A Gaines Louisa Oskans Elisabeth Apher Sarah Greenleaf Sarah P Palmer Mrs A J Albright Joseph , ellittelman Elmira Patterson Mary Albertson Mary Gleason Mrs John Pickdown RJ Antler Mrs Sarah 0 uittard Mad Si Payne Rose 8 Avaeg Mee Rose Gibbs Ritty Parker H A Allabaugh M J Garry Mary Peck Mrs M 8 Allentown Maria OonzallaJean't° Patter,on Mrs L Angle Boson Gaffney Elizab'h Plerpent Bailie Albright Mrs E Gillingham M Perry Margt Jane Anderson Rather Gaffney Elizab'h Poole Mary Ann Baker Mrs A L (lambus Julia Potter Mrs A V linden Ann Id Gardner Laura J Rich Miss Mary Bentley Mrs Beni Hargrave Mrs 0 C Reed A L 8 Drily Miss Edith newsier Id II Ramsey Mary Basin Miss Julia Hollarin Susan Rahm Mrs 0 E Roll Miss Hewitt Mrs Alex Read Mrs R T Raker Adaline Ilauberger Mary Richardson Mrs Baker Mrs II D Harper Mrs Mary Rolgart Mrs Beck Mrs lit L Hare Ann Read Rebecca A Blake Mrs Al Hayden Miss M E Rafferty Wet Blades Rachel Henry Catherine Rowley Mary A Birdsall Hannah Hart Miss E Ruch Mrs Anna Bilger Mary Miss hale Mrs Fannie Reeves Mrs Banal Blackburn° 0 Henderson bp's A Rodgers Susan Brittenberch Ann Hawthorn Mary Rocholl Katie 0 Brown Mrs John Ragan Mrs neat, Robinson Mary 0 Bodwell Mrs 9 Hammond Mrs I Roden A D _ . Beggs Isabel A Mums Margaret Russell Mra Chas Bourguin }719 Harper Jane Boss Lizzie BurMak Marg't Rockarette 0 B Rourk Mary Brinkle Lear A Hill Mrs A Rourke Anna Brady Ellen Higgins Sarah A Roberts Sarah A Boyle Mrs Ella Higgins Pauline Shelly VJ 2 Boyer Miss M E Hickman Anna L Sharp Miss Mary Brittingham 0 II Hove Jane Sheffield Miss S L Brannon Mrs Louis Howard Mrs II Sage Catharine Briggham Mary Hunt Sarah Slverour Eliza A Brown Mrs W Hobson Mrs Sherman Mrs 0 Brook Usebia E Holland Mary Short Mary E Burton Mrs Ivens Emily Se4by Catharine Bongs Sire J Island Cath'ne Semans Sarah Boesanbori M A Jones Bridget 2 Short Catharine Bond Mrs DI E Jones Miss Lou 13Shandland Mite It Bromloy Itubecco Johnson Mrs d D Sharpe Ellen. , Carpenter Miss P Johnson Sarah A Shield Mrs Campbell Sarah Jackson Miss A Shingle Mrs P W Carr Ann Jackson Ellzabh 2 Smith Bertha 0 Cannon Annie R Ignatlo Sig Maria Sinnott Easy Campbell Mary D Johnson Mrs John Smith Gertrude Chase Bra Marla Johnson Mary Smith Bridget Calaich Lizzie King Anna T Sinclair Cora 2' Carpenter Mrs B 0 Kautrowitz Rosal Smith Mrs J V Chapman Mary Klagsan Julia P Smith Mrs Jane Cleary Margaret Kelly Rebecca Sldinla Mary K Claypool Rachel Keys Mrs John L Sloven Mary ilileamanry Ellen Kobbe Caroline Smith Mrs 9 Clark Miss C H Kelly Mrs Silford Mrs g A Cox Mrs E B Killen Kate Smith Penelope Coyle Eliza Rini Bra Kose 0 Smythe Mary Colton Mary Kelly bliss Mary Stuart Mary Jane Court Bose 51 Keller Harriet N Stout Priscilla Courtney Carbine Kelly Nancy Spruill Mrs Selma Cross Silas Ellen Lippincott AltniraStannard Hannah dollar Slice Mary Lafferty Miring, Stiles Miss Anna Collins Mrs Lowery Ann &Malan J D Crane Mary A B Lithe) Ann Stewart Anna W Cummings Mary Lindsay Margt iltinmetz Maria Cearler Mrs Limbach Miss E T Stitt nary Cowboy Fanny E Louts Louisa Spicer Annie T Cooper Swan M Leo Mrs J Seniors Matilda Crawford Maria Leyburn Louisa Spofford Mary Canfield Sarah Landis Ilia M Sterett Louisa S Cook Margaret Lambdren Sarah E Stevens Cath'e Mosley Jane Lindsay Little titell Mrs John ;. Cresamer Mary Lynch Elizabeth Strain Unity Coombs Mary Leech Catharine Street Mary Crossing Mies Lintory Emma Thompson Cr It W Crooks Caroline McKibben Jane Thomas Lydia Crouch Mrs Mary McClary Sarah A Tenis Ads Cross Isabella McNatio Elizabeth Thompson Sallie Davis Mrs Rachel McCandless M A Teintrook Amelia Dill Mrs B 0 McHenry Mrs Tweed Sallie bettors Mira P McMath Oath ii Thomson Mrs M E DeVoung Emily MeNammee Mary Tapper AAI Davis Nato Aloaianno Sarah Tallman 9 A Daaay Miss McDonald Sirs Strsß Walbridge Mrs L Diver Mary McAllister Yalu Wharton 0111 E 0 Doan Catharine McClure Mrs Eden White Mrs Ellen Dogidan Annie Mcoainley Mrs II Weber Leslie Dixon Margaret Meagher Mary Whannell Bells Davis Sarah It Magee AIMS Watson Mrs A . . Davidson Mrs Wm Malay Hannah Wasbuy Mrs PS Daily Diercella Middleton Ann White Josephine Denlng Margaret Meade Miss Ellen White A M Doran Mr. Meade Maria Whitehead Sallie Dorman Maria Maul. A DI Miss Whlneny Mrs M 2 Downhan, Mary A Martin Miss Mary Welsh Catherine Duckwith Sarah Maniac ROBll,l/1/11 %Iran Mul Fm DOH Caroline Magoire Margt Watson Jennie Dunlap Mien Masters Martha 0 Warner Mrs 9 Doherty Elisabeth Market Mary A Wall Deborah Dyer Blicaboth Mormelie Celia Wilkeson Matilda Dulles Miss 0 Metcalfe Mrs Dr Wilson E Rutile Mary Weill Mrs J 8 Wilson Rachel Ennis Mien T L lofunpny Martha Watts Mrs U Edgar Mrs Jane Moore Mrs Eaphel Vandyke Jane Eckel Mrs Mary Murphy 'launch Yniie Fredeeka Penney Mrs W7l Morehead Mary A Young Mtn Ford Mrs Kate Moore Nisi Mary Vandyke Moe II y Flanagan Maria Moorehouso Eliza Wilkes Ellen Flanigan Mary Mulholland Ell& Wilson Marg't J Inman Sarah J Monad Hannah Williams lire A Ford Emma A Moon Nisi Wilson Mrs 8 Furknor Margl Mite Ann Williams Um Fre zor Mra V J i$ arPhnd Emily It Wilson Mm Ann /holey non 13 'Morgan nano ll Wilborh Cora Flack Janet Murray Jillia.APti Williamion F. I. Fisher Eliaail Murphy Julia Window' kits J Fittlon Victoria Moore !Ire Jaunt! Wright Juliana Pantralie Marg't Nourritt Mad V A Woodritil J 7 Fritz Anna Newman Mr* Wright Mn Itliza Fitzpatrick Oath Nell Prenatal Yale, Elliebetti Fagan Josephino Nell Oath 0 Farrell Rate Nell Gertrude GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Albertson T 8 Orpuley D • Hanley Lt 0 E Allsburg Albert Cresson 0 Hare Chu Adams Ebenezer Orouley Blatant Harrah 0 T Adams Howard ()upon I' [fay Wnl Allen If Outten Dr Jacob Hardesty Wm Allman Harry Davie James 2 Hartzell Zbl D Aldrich T J Day WM Hardt Job u Aldrich Jon W Davis Jos Hawkins W Adams Rev EEI Daolll 0 Heine. E Akin II Darboy John Hatch Calvin Allen I & Ilk Co Dalaell Rev W T ll Horatian P Aerteon Robt II Dankonsky W Haywood T B Alien & Allen David ti W Hartman I Arner James Davison Goo II Hayward J W Ackerman W R Donlan 0 D Harlin& ihnith Austin E L Davis D Herrin II Armitage John Dessert Adolph Horned J L Anderson Albania Do Camp Com J . 2 Hasaser Joel Anderson 8 De ;invert T J L Harelton John Ashcroft Jos Dorbet E Basket Henderson Robt Arnold Jared 2 Dexter Jarnee It Henry Henry Arnold Thom Derby E II Heim John Arrowarnith Thos DitCP;ta John Henderson David Andrews Dr John De Cordova J Ileaburn Custer Amy A W Deamy St Olair 2 Honneken Jqo II Bache A D Prof 2Do Feganievo ill Hearing Jos Barendale David Commander J 0 lienkle Geo A Badger Gee Dillon John ;Leighton T 0 Baring F Dill Lucius. Hilt 0 • Ba r rett Eugene 0 Dickerson W H Hiss Joe Barnett David Degner Jan Hines & Co Batter Johq Diable TO Hirst J Barron E. 0 Dick L W Hill Timothy Berkman Copt I' J Dickinee Elias Iliglio John W Dictry IL 0 Higbee Chas Batmen David Dillard Goo Holmes W B . . .. . . mod e . Oliver Dickerson & Gala Hogan 0 E Basshard J J Marl 8 Houston J 0 Ba r th o l om ew 0 w Donahue nos Holland Michael Battey Prof R W Dounoy Felix Holland J B Barnes D F Doblins John Holmes Win R Booth John Douney Sand C Holmes Ju Barker Jae Dowers Jae Holt W I Barker John M Dereey Ephrm liege Thos II Barolay Dr 110 Dole Cleo!' Hudson Henry Barney IV J Downing Jae W Howard Dr J 0 Dosenhore Daniel Doran Win lifigg & Jenkins Baltle 8 W Dodge Liout R L Horner Sand U Bendey Bandy Drake N Howell & Hyatt Beatty J Johnson Duckitt J II Hoduett C Bundlett JDr Dunn R Graham Houghton L Dell Edward (I Duvall Dr Elias R Howard A Riehl Debt Paul Deplain D o If0:1116113011 Isom Dealt T L Duffy Michael Howard Wm J Bertrand 0 Dunlap James Houston Robt Beckley l(evL B Dupey T Harkins Hedgers I' DiFlittr John Denton Eugene D Hutchens Jos Berkenblie II P 111 Dunn James H Ilutching Mason Binnis Wm II Dumoulfra ADO Hymn John Blight 0 F Dupery Heinle Hubbard Win 5 Blain Andw Wm Duckett Thou Ilurgen T A Blanchanl, Sher- Elmsford dr Wray-Hutton Addison maul: Co ninth /tummy A Wells Blachley. Samp- Dudley T Hunter Wm son & Co Elsner CO Hernia Henry Bloom Jacob Editor of Daily Hahn Adam Bloch W 9 Reporter Hall Wash B oon Wm 0 Ellory Oapt Wm Hamilton Wm Boyle Robert Editor of U S Mn- Hall Willard Boman Stephen 2 gulls° Hall Wm Henry Bouneman Jun F Edwards Dr J Haines II Bones Wm Eberle Martin Heine Win Boylan Thee Eniatein Joe Hager 3 8 Donor Andrew Erchmen Jacob Hamer A Boynton A II Eagan James Hair Thoa 2 Boyd D 1) Eagan John II Hamilton David Barton Reuben • Elliott Arise Haider Michael &tabard Johanna Evnare John Hold 8 Bolton 8 S Eabach Joe W Ifaageneon II Bauman A W Epee Algonon 8 Hamond E Bauman Alex Engel John Irvin John Brown Blight Emory Thus 3 Itley Jacob Drown Samuel Emery Mr Ingersoll & David Brown Jag Eno Jerome B Isarel J Brown Rev R 9 Verrone Atkinson Jewett T L Brown Henry Farrell Edward Jackmon Isaac Brown Lewis T Fancett W 0 Jacob Ilectou Brown Win Farrell John 0 Jenk F Brown John Farrand ()apt J 0 James Dr It 8 Brown Robt J Foltroraton L 8 James Wm It Brooks A Pugh Fetters John Jacoby Henry Bridges 11 F Felton Franklin E Jones John 0 BrucoJ It Fernald J K Johnston Win Brutte N B Fearler Jae Johns A W Brice Eph Fl. ming Jas Jones Martin P Brinkley Alfred Flatherty Patrick Josephson M Brokenkoff Henry Fiore Fred D Jones Thom Droughton OM. nailer Capt 8 Jones II N Brooke Edward Flood John Judd Orange Bryant J 0 Field Peter Judson L 0 Bruce John It Fink & Soucke Jones Wm D Brothorton Mr Fisher Thos E Joyce B Broome Clone W Fisher Dr Thou Jones Robt If Butterton Mr File Dr Jam L Jones J D Buck Upton Fitch 5 J Johnson Writ Bull Dr John Fltzpatrlck 1' Jones Dr Semi Myna 511 A Co Fritsch F 0 Johnson Win Berkhead Geo Funk Christian Kane 0 J Burkaisips V Freeman Peter Kaufman David Bush I) Cr I. Fox Philips J Rauch Chas B Duck JOY A Forbes W 11 Kenney Andw , Coatleton E Frank 8 Keller 0 E Callender Dr .1 II Fuller Collinswid Keugotl 0 F OassainassorJ It Forman 11 Kent Dr J H Conn Plas }lnhale Henries Keys John I, Carter Mr Frazier ClaptJno Hems II II 31 Cablord 31 0 Franklin Lorenzo Koester Geo 'Carpenter 0 Furman A IV Kern Dr Wm Calve Fernando Foster John Keller John Cohen J Friel Jobe Kennedy Wm Casslday John Freer Joe Kelley Peter Cavanaugh .11 Fogarty Michael Kern Wm Carpenter DrSainl Folsom Edward Kendall Chu W Carr Chas Foster Den) P Kold (1 K Carney John Faby Thor, Kunbrurgli J AI Cerro] Thu C Foster F Kraft Augustus Caldwell David Fuller Wm Kingsburg 11 Carey John Frerga Sella Kirk Win Chettae David Fussell Peter Kraft Christian Chase Horatio M (Jarrett W F Kraemer Cyrus Charlton John Gale Alexander Knight Dr J D Chambers Ilermin (arty Jae Klima Dr It Chaplain Wm J (iambi° Mr Kryden 011 Chubb Thom J Gruttmann Isaac Kimbell K Cheerer Joseph Gaylord .1 King Dr Wat Clark John °Balser Zepherin Kinibeld Ohne Clark Dr NI Aural Gardner Geo Kieh Jacob Clark Ailing Gambill 11 N Koenig 0 Clendaniel It 11 Dotty John 0 King Jan It Clauzon Joseph R Cense 3 Mr Kirkpatrick It T Clerk Jon I? Oucrario Alextr Lavery Win Clasen G A Gilbert P Henna 0 H Conroy Thos Girard E 11. Lane .1 Connyrikhern W L Glenn Frank LIIIIEMIGeo W Coyne John Gillespie Win Laughlin 3 IV Cornell useJess a gll l oo li t a bi lii ni n no l D V ar n p 1 44.80 LL L ae a r e g k ehr l i i 3j ao t n ian Ja.s p Cooper Mr Correll J It Leech 11 1 jr Goldenjlenry Leevie T A Greenwood .11 D Lee Chem o d ily Patrick Green Peter D Leivls j Conrad, I Cord on Cn i, o ° Co b ri ffi n n el 3 l l ß lllll ;:a ly n Gregory Florio Leuratt Fredk Commerford 'AI Groittard Mr A 2 Ledvolh Jules Cook Thos, M D Gran W Leas Isaac Coyne Thos Grandhomrne 0 Lee Jan Conrad Beguiles Graham & Miller Lewis E 2 Coates Dr B W Onenat Jules Lee T N K Conover Geo W Gray J W Lengert Geo Collins James Guex J If Leech II B Colhoon Antty It Granger ((en 3 A Leh If Cornell Dr Grubb I H Lehner Jan Colgate Josloh P Grainer OW Lispfnards 0 Cochran Col John Grant II G Luterman A Crone ,p Green Edwd F Lloyd John Cresson Elliott Grate 11 K LludseyJohn Cummings Geo W Oineer (I W Luffs D Curtis Thom Grotty:lan Isaac Lundberg J3l Oran Dr A I Wirt B Lonber 16 Crow Alexander Hart EA Co Hackett Dr P 5 2 Craft Wm Harper Henry Lerwerne J N Orittendexi Rev Ef Harvey 0 Long Jae W .t • Hardtop Luke Lowber Dr Wm Orolgler Dr Jno L Hay Alex Lovett Capt J 8 Orosainaa Dr P J'Hardipg Jes Lexure Ohas LADIES' LIST Lynch L Paslett B F •Strlng °apt U Lynch 8 M remised 0 3 Stilwell Mina Lyndolt 19m H Palmer It L Stokes Wm Long B I) Patterson Jas Stall Y.:Sward Loury Wm 11 Page Henry 11 Stone James ... 1;094153-- rlany .. . Temple No 2513 Peorson John 0 Stoddard J 74 lien Marion 6 Phelan Weed StrpheesJ Oscar Masonic; 15 Pencil It R 2 Stewart Thos Robert Morris 29 Peirin Thor 0 Steilley 0 A McCoy Wm Pemberton II Stearns Dr 0 W McDevitt James Peugeot Pierre Stewart Chas E McClure Baud II Yelled Owen Stokley John McDevitt N Pell •Thos Stockton 11 II McCloskey John Philo Andneau Stafford Michael McCallum JP • Phil& Cemetery Stratton U A McCauley & Bro. Perkes & Bradley Stones J C • ther Philips 9 P Stiltruan John McCartney Thos Philips AI It, Sweet.° 11119 . 11 McDonald Wm Pearce Dr 0 W Sunderland J C Meltryon Neal Phillpi 51 N Swain, Jr, James McDonnell J Perkins N B Sothkopff McClung Geo Phelps Wm II Swift, liumph'y It Mcßride Geo Picknell 7, W Swan Dr W McClure & Reed Pierson John Snort Jog McLaughlin Danl Piper 11 Si Teague Jas P McParron Sarni Pleasants Dr IL Taylor 811 McLaughlin Jas Porter W Toilmore J W Meßwen Dr If Potts Dr 0 0 Tabbnt Capt 0 McElhone John Potts John Taylor W 8 McLaughlin Ron Pohl P 2 Tegethoff Leopold McGinnis Chu Poulson Sami Taylor, Richard /McMahon &Co P Porneroy,Lyneh & son &Co McGann Owen Co Teaonott Fritz • McKay John Prior Dr P. T Thumlert Chas McKenna Jas Preob Advocate Thomas & Brown Mehlalihn Conrad Prentiss IherlY 02 Timmons Daniel ,' AleGorman David Prince John Thrash Geo McKnight Win Pumroy John . Thimson Com 11 It I McNenny Patrick Pynehon J 0 Thomson Wm D McVey James Rappenecker Wm Thompson AI V McSarley James Raggio Giovanni 2`horn Abraham McNamee Robb Rawson Edward Thompson 1. Maher Matthew Randolph John Turner Jr loofah Maguire John Raeltton Daniel Tripp non; Mahon Roger Rayner Dr P Travis James Magonicol And 21 Raphael 'Morris Town Rev Edwin Magill M A Ray Rev Chas 11 Tors Joseph Afarnard Amon Raybold Leo is P Todd Simon Massie NII Reuther Ilon A Tucker St Cleo Maurice 0 8 Revererd Mons Todd Simon Marshall T 8 Redfield W Al Trouth Andres Matthew,' Peter V Revere Dr Fl 3 Truman Moven Martin N Reed II It Townsend U F Mathis T 8 Reilly Joe Troup J It Mayer Aaron Reese 3 Livingat'n Torrence Jae Martin N 8 Red Chas Tower Alex Mayo 8 T Bodpatb John Twining Ell Mayo GII Reinhart Oboe Waters Anton May Henry Reed J P Walters (leo Marshall fZ Riddell Wash'n Walker I P Afartlndell Latobt Rise & Mord Word 1 512 Markle Dr John CI Richardson 0 W Watson Thos Marshall Min Rinehart Jacob Watts Mom ' Martin Dowoea J• Rich V DI Wanibstyans Al Martin Il T Riley Jar II Wallet Chas Marshall Mulford Rodgers Felix 0 Walton Stacy C Mears nervy 1:1 Revrand Joe T Walker Albert D , Moxeti Llg U Roasters F II Walcott It 2 MenahtAleXander Rork Peter Wagner Wm Merritt Dr D R Rohe Inane Walker IS 11 ' Meyers Wm Robinson Thos S Walcott &Co a Merchant Mr Roso Henry Warrington 8 tarot° Joseph Rudman John It Watson Gaylord Mellen A L Ruoff Lewis Walters T II Mears Cept T W Sanders L Walton Thornton Aferomay W Scott John L Walsh Victor Meyer & Lochner Sago B P Webster 11 J Middleton John Sample Jesse Wir4 John 0 ' Mitchell Caps Schlegel N Wells Lewis 9 Miggelt Peter Schlosser Mono 5 Welts 1 4 0 Mitchell Wm Schuman Sty W D West Jos 2 Mlller J Geo Sandell Chan Wray Oh U Finer Wll Bean John 0 Winans J J Finer REIM Schrermini Fel 0 Wilshire George iller John F Schell John 3 Wilbourer 0 0 Michaels M Scattergood 11 Wilcox nen N Miller James Scudder Capt W C Wild Jos St Miller 0 11 Scattergood &Co Wiatt Wm Micheuer & Ney- Schnemon Joint Witherspoon J R 1 0 101 Hands Coot II F, Witney W . Moore Edwd W IT 8 N Willard & Leo. Moore John Al Seymour W P earn Moor Robinson Rep Frederica Wilber U S Montague Jae II Seibert Wm 11 W 'dross Wll Morris Dr 11 Heal itev W J Wilkins G C Moreton Thee Sedgwiek Philo ()Wills Capt G E • Moore Jan 151 Sec Logan Land Wilson 11 A Moriarty John D 7 Ansomation It ill lams Jan Moon Won P Sec Rater, Land Whinier Wm Morgan II a Asaociatior, Willard 11 11 Morris Dr Blt Sherman Jesse 0 Wilkinson 11 0 Morton Mark Shortwell Chris Willer Win Martini° ltobt Sitewell Liviugan Willionison Alex Moore IV A A Shaw Edw T Williamson 0 8 Muller Alois Shiolds 3 II Williams T C Murray John Shresfer John Wilson 0 W Murphy Wm Shia John I' Williams 0 E Murphy Daniel Sheets Patrick Williams J 8 Murray C W Shore Edward Wood Phillip Noland 0F Id Sheppard Chas W Wood W 8 Aid 2 NODkerViiio Wm Minter Ilenry A Wolcott Mr W Noble Wm B Shafer) L Woods Jam Nolen John 0 Shalor Capt 0 9 Worrell Jll Nickels AJ II Shell Alt Wood Harry It Nessenthaler Jove Shenk John Wolf Thus 11 Nieolay Nicola Shenk Gee Worrell Ralph 0 Nelson Dr J A Shommourgh FJr Wolf Geo A • Neilson If 13 . Shelby Dr N W Werster CIV Monte Dr Basil Shrimpton Geo Wood John Nero J Shinn Wm Wright Geo Nickels Rev .1 II Shorewood Wm °Whiteley W 8 Noble Jos Shipley Saud ' White Alt Nardi Jas V Sinclair D 8 Whitehead P F a Align 0 altiums 3 Al 2 White David N NOWIJI2 Jll Sicken Anton Wharton WII Nixon 3 il Jr Sinnickson JohnJ Wharton Cap lIW Normoyel John Sloan Washington White ACoI, W 2 Otey Dr PII 2 Smith JJ P Wheeler 0 L O'Brien Michael Smith Geo W Whiehello It II O'llyrne John Smith Tons White and O'Neill John Smith Rev° Whitehill J 8 O'llrien Cornelius Sinith Geo White J V Obrannor A llo.amith Jovial It Wharton A 0 gore Smith Weston Whittoker hi ()Wan, John Smedley w W Whitehead Co Gran) John T Hilow Al 5 queens &Co JP O'Neal Lewis Snow Dr I II 1., eller N W Mediu Anton Snow Levi II Vanaredalen Sault Welt 13 Snyder John Virtu E .7 Osborn John IV Sohamon James Yannaman David O'Connor J &rubor Mons Vickers Dr T Orcks Wm Southrott F Yadio Mr Oliver T W Sotelda Antonia 51 Young J F Pancoaat 0 8 Spoed John A Yeatou Win II Parkes Capt A F Spottswood Wm Yewilell Saml Partidge A Spencer Theo Ziegler Amb A Paradi mg Don Ajpoiser Henry Zane Wlt Patten 51st Steele Wm Patterson W J Stonebrook nos . pola.lt (IlitßON G. WESTCOTT. P. AL F URS! FURS!! FURS!!! REGARDLESS OF co.ST 011A8. OARFORD & SON, No. G2t CHESTNUT ST., UNLOW lIIIVINTH. Are selling their LAME AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK LADIES' FURS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE MIES. We would advise our lady friends to call Immediately and secure a bargain. nolo-towfr-St NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TILE tlrm of REISS BROTIIEito dc CO., heretofore ox idic* in Now York and Philedelphie, le this day DIS SOLVED by mutual consent, and that the Liminess of the firm will only be carried on for the purpose of li quidation. Signed, ENOOII REISS, MAO REISS, JAMES REISS, 2,111 V RR GANS, JOHN POTTER. n01.6-d3thtutlts-tf Norewber 10 F . TON'S PURE 01110 CATAWBA ILI Drawly le more valuable ae a medicinal remedial ageut than the thousand quack neetruirei of the day united. Lyon's Catawba Brandy reuOvateli, renews anti life strengthens the aystern, aiding Digestion, dispelling Flatulency and the cause of disease.. Carefully packed In boxes of 1 dozon each for trans portation. Price $145 per bottle, with discount to dealers. Sole wholesale agents— FRENCH, =CHARDS, CO. N.W. cor. Tenth and Market ate., Philo For sale by Horn, corner Third and Drown. Zeigler & Smith. cor. Second and Green. Dugan, corner Third and South And Druggists and Grocers generally. JOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, in now ready to dischtrge at Shlppen street wharf, Con signees will please deliver their permits to the Custom house officer on board. All V° de not pormited lu five days will be sent to public store. non THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO, FOR SALE-THE NEW AND ELE gant private residence, No. 1728 CHESTNUT St 22 feet front by 150 feet in depth, to Chatham street. 13u lit in very superior style, with every modern convenience, comfort and improvement. Apply on the premises daily 12 to 4 P.M. nolC.Ot if* PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES For sale, a wellqieeured GROUND RENT of SBO, upon three brick dwelling houses and lot on Hancock street, south of Master-48 feet front, 103 feet deep— punctually paid in quarterly payments. Pennsylvania Bank notes rill be taken for it. Apply to I. O. PRIOR, corner of SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. nolo-Ow FIVE PER ()ENT. PREMIUM FOR GOLD. GOLD DOLLARD will be received an Onn DoLL All AND rive CMS Mil, payutent for DRY GOODS, olAstot after this day, at the New Stoic, N 0.923 Illurket street, between Ninth and Tenth, north aide. Our stock Is entirely new, aunt hailing been purchased at the present GIVAT SACHIPION, can be sold lower thou at auy other More in tho city SAMUEL S HESS, No. (122 Market et , n 04.1.0 North side, between, Ninth and Tooth. SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from IST SOUTH YOURTII STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIES STREET, be. tweet" Lombard and South, and Front and Second streets, Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past favors, I solicit a continuume of the same, having enlarged my manufactory so as to enable mo to }181:0 constantly on hand a large stock of well-seasoned Soaps, tree from Fish Oil; Palm. Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all alter constantly on hand Waving adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the low eat prioos. F. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. 11.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crosse. no 14-6 m THE SUBSCRIBER HAS MADE A very valuable invention. Wants some Due to help him to got a Patent and bring It before the public. Ad dress GOLD, Blood'a Despatch, noli-3t* MINCED MEAT.- The 'Subscriber has commenced manufacturing his Is Plus Ultra 31 IN 0 1) MI)A T, which he oilers to his customers in LAMM or SHALL QUANTITIES. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will bu tam tually attetulad to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, nl3 2in d SPRING GARDEN and FRA MC LIN id.l WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING sum, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the met perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auAllyff CONGRESS RANGE .—SOLD BY CHAD wum e c . DEO., N 0.202 N. BECOND Street. augl9 Awe. PIIiITS VINPENYINE —2OO bble Spirita Turpeotlue, to arrive, for sale by 61APRIZ4 I.IAOA.LISTER, aul llttrorth Water street. - - pp OSIN.--600BARRELS SOAPMAKERS }tom, to strive per schooner J. U. refiner Vor sale by MARTIN & lIACIALLSTNR, moat. 11A NnAll Ilratow traxkt ROVAL.—P. BRADY & CO. HAVE removed their Banking House to 125 S. THIRD Street, abore Doak. n012.6t* MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moss, for sate by MARTIN & MA.O.I.LISTNN, tea 111) North Witter Street. WITELOOME RANGE.—Sow sr (MAD mum.. k. 11AA 902 N. 81100 N) Rt aulB elm WELCOME RANGE .-SOLD BY CHAD 'AMA /lc IMO. N PHCIONT Pt stIIR-Arn MANII4,A ROPE.--SUPERIOR MA NILLA HOPI, marinfaotwed and for sole by WEAVER, PITLER 00., ann.* , No WIN Watar at %IA 77 N 'Whine!, A MIA TONS of MITCHELL & CROAS =lal''lapvtrnA° OParety Improved A, nolo4f , Dolawart 1111111119. GRAN D DEDICATION BALL- TO BE GIVEN BY TUZ INFANTRY CORPS NATIONAL GUARDS, AT Tne Stet;ber Geo " NATIONAL 11 ITILD /NO," RACE Street, between the Fifth and Sixth street Pas ganger Railroad. On TUESDAY Evening, Notember 17,1957. The Committee of Arrangements take pleasure in an nouncing that they Lave effected an eigagament with DODWORTIPS DELEBRATBD CORNET BAND, of Now York, for A SERIES OF GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS, EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, from NOVEMBER 18th to 213 t Inclusive. Tickets 21 cents. A. J. SELLERS, nol6 Secretary of the Committee. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Le- Fee, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, M. John Sefton. Prloes.—Dress Circle and Parguette, 2.3 cents; tipper Circle, 23 cents; Secured" Seats, 37,4 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 cents. Box Wilco open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors Open at 0% o'clock; performance to Commence at 7, precisely. THIS (Mouday) EVENING. N0r.16tb,18.57, Will be pertor..ll: MORE IN bALIFORNIA. NOVELTY . Carwlu Mr. Chantrau, LIFE IN DANGER. Schoruberg Mr. Le Moyne. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE —SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY THIS Will be pros (Mone nted day) EVENING},, Nov . lath, ISM, Hamlet Mr. E. L. Davenport. MARRIED BACHELOR, Sir Charles Courtsll Mr. Delman. Scabs Or Paves.—Boise, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 38; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cen t s; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 39 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors will open at 0) o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. • NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 71 NEAR EIGHTH. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, THIS (Monday) EVENING. Nov. 16th. Will be presented ETHIOPIAN IifINSTELSY AND DANCING. SONNAMBULA. Dinah 431363 C. Itiffert. LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. NOTICE—In order to bring this great entertainment Within the reach of all, the manager would respectfully announce that the price of admission has been fixed, to all parts of the house, at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ONLY. Doors open at 7 ; Curtain rises at half past 7 precisely. S. E. HARRIS, Sole Lames and Manager. STATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PENN SYLVANIA FOURTH CIRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION AT JAYNE'S BUILDING, CHESTNUT, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, THANKSGIVING WEEK. not4-4t* SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— BLEVENTU. Street, above Chestnut. • ETHIOPIAN PEIIIIORHANOES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Lilo Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stara—New Dances tl7 tho Sanford Obithen. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE *VTSIIII'IEOE. Admittance 25 cents. • THOMEIIF's VARIETIES— FIFTII and CHESTNUT Streets. Re-engagement of Messrs. liIAGILTON and DUNBAR, NOTICE.--Alr. MAOILTON will appear every even ing during the week ae TIIE MAN MONKEY, In the eerily pert of the performance. For further information toe Public Ledger. Entertainments commence at 7s. Adnilisionlo cents. n016.3tW COOPER & CONARD, . Manufacturers of Yloe CLOTH CLOAKS, ANO DCMAKS IN MEN'S AND MS' WEAR. BLANKETS AND DOMESTICS, BRAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. ESPECIAL BARGAINS lu the following named goods English Chintzes, Wool Ralaince, Satinets, Union Casehneres, Woollen Long Shawls. Reecho do. S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Ste. N B —Fino Cloak, made to order. Daily additions to the stock. nol6•dnt • SACRIFICES. . FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS REGARDLESS OF LOSSES, DURING THE SEASON, IN OPOTA TO {SCREW. OUR LIST 01 , CUSTO3IEBB AND KEEP IN WINTER WORK OUR FACTORY' OPERATIVES MR EIBLLINQ ZEPHYRS, all colors, 17 cents per oz. STEEL SPRING SKIRTS $3.75 each. FRENCH WORKING COTTON, 17 cents per doz. SHETLAND WOOL 10 cte. per oz, J. G. MAXWELL & SON, 10.16 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Elerenth REMOVAL. L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now ',clog erected for them M CHESTNUT STREET, eve determined, for a period of To dispose of a large amount or their Stock now In store LOW PRIORS FOR CASH They invite the attention of the Public and their Qua tomere to one of the meet complete necortmentA of STAPLI AND FANCY To be found in Ws country, which wilt be disputed of for the period named, at such prices as will Insure their CHESTNUT STREET, noll-t( NEXT TO TILE CUSTOM HOUSE HE AV Y BROWN COTTONS One Thouband Bale. MEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, ram 11116 LAWRENCR IitANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN IIIIAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of tinilr various widths and styles, which are offered for gala for drat-clam paper,.on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., 39 LETITIA STREET SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have opened BROOKE AND FRENCH BLANKET SHAWLS, BLACK SILKS, FANCY SILKS AND BODES FRENCH MERINOES OF ALL QUALITIES. I=l HOSIERY, GLOVES, FURNISHING GOODS, uol4•yl REDUCED TO VERY LOWPRICES PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR Putt DRY GOODS. The subscriber elders for %tow days lila entire stock i I goods at prices TO SUIT TILE TIMES, tot receive In payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank. This, to ouch as way have any of this doubtfal paper in hand, Is offering a great loducement„ as his stock Is no of the best in the city. Please give hint an early call. . D. N. JOHNSON, noti•Gt* 911. Market at., above Ninth, north side GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined on by the subscribers, in con sequence of the continued pressure. 500 MISSES' ENOLISII DEAVER CLOAKS, $3, formerly 03 60. 300 MISSES' ENCLISII BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50, formerly 55 60. 250 SUPERIOR PRUNCII 'BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, cost to Import $7 to $lO ouch LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, .$B, formerly $l2 Bleu BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below coat of production. J .W. PROCTOR At CO , Successors to Oeo. ltulpin do Co , nl3 :mod 708 CHESTNUT street. 'RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.—FOR A few days longer , we will take the Notes of the above Bank at par , for (toads, et the reduced prices. We are offering I tomeimo bargains in CLOAKS AND TALMAS A greet variety of styles at less than the coat of meter ial. Brecht , Long and Soave Shan Is, Stella and Blanket de , at extraordinary Low pikes. DRESS CIOODS, of every description, at a sacrifice, II ID GLOVES, Itihboue, and Embroideries, at pricer that dery all competition. LINENS, FLANNELS, and DOMESTICS. QUILTS AND COUNTERPANE:3.—A full line, at ex traordinary low prices. Do not mistake the Store. F. & T. 11. liErAmint , t+, nl3 6 t S.W. corner Eighth and Spring tlerden Its. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, d. G. MAXWELL & SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 3. SECOND St., below Spruce: RAOTORIES.—Noa. 911 and 9T GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours' notice. ee23 4mlf JOHN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholesale Dealer in 4, AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 DANK Street, Philadelphia. oetl-2m (slazo nub China Ware. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. MAItXBEN & WITTE, MASONIC HALL, US CHESTNUT ST., RAVE NOW ON HAND A Complete and splendid assortment of WIIITE, GOLD RAND, and DECORATED VP.ENOU CUtNA ,• RORY, MAE, CRYSTAL, and COLORED GLASSWARE; DISO, PARIAN, LAVA, and TERRA. COTTA WARES, besides the greatest variety of TANGY ARTICLES, which Will be sold at lower prices than at any similar atone in the United States. N. B.—Goode loaned to Puttee on reasonable terms. oo 2741 FLOORING BOARDS-23,680 feet Caro ling flooring bowie, afloat, for Role by MAIMS( & MACELISTIIII ail /19 Nozi Water Mot ( Anineentettte. Mr. Ohanfrau lIKHLE ' Elrn Ocias 0 U R ELEGANT STOCK ABOVE EIWITII, 30 DAYS, GOODS son bl 2 9kuttion 111 THOMAS &SONS, • Noe. 139 and 10 BOUTEI FOURTH EITIt 718 T (formerly Noe. 67 and 69.) • REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &c. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening 11:7* Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previona to each ante one thousand catalogues its pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. (t PURNITIIIIV, SALES AT THE AUCTION STOKE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE RILE. V' We hare a large amount of Real Estate at vate Bale. Including every description or City and country property. Punted Lista may be had at the auction Store. PRIVATE SAL& REGISTER. Irr" Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re• gistar, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE TO-MORROW EVENING. PJunphlat catalogues now ready, containing full de seriptient of the property to be sold ta•morrow evening with a Ttry extensive list of real estate at private sale BTOOKB, PEW, I,c On Tuesday, . . Nov. 17th, at T o'clock, at tho Philadelphia Exchauee, 'rill be sold a furnished pew, Na. 95, Methodist Trimly. Church, Eighth street, above Bate street, Also. 7 shares in the capital stock of the Associated Butchers and Drovers of Philadelphia. Par klOO Also, without reserve, 6 shares Academy of Blustc. VIVTEENTH YALL SALE-11711 VOVEMBEIt *Orphans' Court Sale—Sstate of Samuel B. Ashmead NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH SITREET.—The neat modern residence, with bock buildings, No. 412 South Eleventh street, below Pine street. NEAT DWELLING, SOUTH FIFTH STREET Also, the nest modern dwelling , No. 1118 South Fifth street. OLD IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, $2,337.50. Two oI irredeemable ground rents, one or $9O and the other of $5O 25 a year; clear of taxes • secured on property North Fourth street, above Yranklin avenue. They are well secured and punctually paid. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLIfiI. Three-story brick store and dwelling. N. E. corner Eighth and Bethnal streets. $l,OOO may remain on mortgage. THREE-STORY BUICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling S. E. corner of Pepin street and Corinthian avenue. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER Id. Administrators , Salo—Estate of Richard Paxson, Deed, formerly or Dr. Shippen. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES FROM MARKET STREET, AND TIMEX FROM BRISTOL. Our sale Ist December will include the valuable country seat and farm, 167 acres, with superior improve ments, known as "PARLEY," situate on the heights, on the weat side or Neabamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. ID' Full particulars in handbills. Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of William It. Lennon, deemed. FRA3IE DWELLING, :Dar WARD. Frame dwelling, north side of Wood street, between Croon lane and Levering street, Twenty-Ili -at Ward. Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of ',pooh, minors. TWO•STORY MUCK HOUSE. Two-story brick house, Punic' court, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, below Locust KW MODERN RESIDENCE Also, neat modern remdence, No. 153 North Fifteenth street, above Arch street, finished with modern improve ments and conveniences. TWO HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCES, Nos. 1809 AND 1523 DELANEY PLACE, BETWEEN ELM TNENTII AND NINETEENTH AND SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS. Two handsome new four-story brick residences, with threo•etory back buildings, sod reel n to with all the modern improvements and courenienc . They will be sold separately. Immediate possession. TEEM: VALIIAOLE ' LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WHEIT PIIILACELPILIA.. Three valuable lota, {Valera street, east of ?Miro retta street—each SO feet front, 2W feet asap to York street. Clear of all incumbrance, Adadoistrstors' Peremptory Sate, A TIUREE•STORY BRICK DWELLING, TWENTY FIRST STREET. Also, a three-story brick dwelling, Twenty-firs street, below Hamilton street. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. Throe-Mary brick ntore sad dwelling, Ridge avenue below Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling. Columbia Avenue, east of Ridge avenue. PEREMPTORY SALE.—TIIREE GROUND RENTS. Three groand rents—one of $l2O, one of PO, and one of $3O per annul/. NOTICE.—STOCK OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. The sale of Mr. John Duress' stock of Cabinet Fund turelwill commence this (31onnay) morning atl.o o'clock, at the were-rome , No. 1017 Walnut street; included in the axle are superior walnut and mahogany tete-a-tete, chairs, centre, sofa, and baguet tables, euperior book cases, with glue doors ? mahogany, walnut, and oak mike table., together with a general assortment of MA hogsny and Walnut chamber furniture. For partici:dam see catalogues now ready,. Sale No. 1017 Walnut street. STOOK OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. This Morning, Nov. 16th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, the entire stock of John Duross, de dining business on account of ill health, comprising a general assortment of drawing-room furniture, vari ous styles and coverings, superior chamber and dining- Yoom furniture, superior book-cases, fsc., &c., all manu factured in the beet manner, expreuly for private sales, and warranted. Also, a superior rosewood piano forte, made by tho Pennsylvania Nanufactoring Company. MCP' Catalogues three days previous to aale. 13Er The Store to Rent. Rule Nos. ISO 1144141 South fourth Shutt. SUPERIOR FURNITURR, FIER MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO•FORTIE9, VELVET OARPRTS, AG. On Thursdky Morning, At 10 Wetort, at the Auction Store, an extensive no sortmont of second-hand furniture =non, pituac.forte, carpets, acc., from families declinhis housekeeping. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS-A PORTION FROM A LIBRARY On Tuesday Evening, Nov. 17, at the auction more, will be sold a collection of books on various eubjects. .Also, an invoiceof school books. If_rior particulars see catalogues. Bale at No. 1612 Walnut Street. FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, SPLENDID ERARD GRAND PIANO, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MAN TEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT CURTAINS, CHANDELIERS, CARPETS, ORMOLU WALL, BRACKETS, BOOK-CASES, he , Fee. On Wednesday Morning, 25th Instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at N 0.1012 Walnut atreet (west of Sixteenth street), the fashiona ble furniture, Erard piano forte, mirrors, carpets, Au., Ac., of a lady removing to the country. Full particulate in catalogues. May be examined the day previous to Rale from 11 to 3 o'clock. AT PRIVATE SALE. • Shares ICI the Academy of Music ; Point Breeze Park Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries ; Atheneum, &c 85 $ 000 WANTED on mortgage on a valuable pre party oir Walnut street. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS. v AND COMMISSION MERCH A NTS, 191 CHEST NUT Street, opposite the Caxton, Muse, between Fourth and Fifth Streets EXTENSIVE SALE OF FURS YOR LADIES' AND GENTS , WEAR. . On Wednesday Morning, 18th instant, commenting at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, for cash, a large and valuable consignment of elegantly made furs for ladies', gents' and misses wear, conflating of tainias, rupee, victorinee, pelerinea, moil's, cuffs, caps, gauntlets, and gloves, made in the most fashionable manner of Siberian squir rel, myna, sable, stone martin, Bohemian filch, rock martin, chlnchilll, swan's down, ermine, beaver, seal, dec., dec. CITY MADE CLOTIIINIF . . Also, a general nalortinent of city made tall and whiter clothing, consisting of ONE THOUSAND GARMENTS, Such as Overcoats of all descriptions, Pants of black and fancy mixed casaimerd, t Vests of silk, satin, cashmere, and velvet, LAM'S WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. _ - : —• Also, 160 dozen gents' lambswool and merino aidtte and drawani. Also, gents' wool comforts, wool hose and half hose, wool shawls, wool hoods, wool gloves and mitts, scarfs and small. SPLENDID CHENILLE SHAWLS, SCARFS, Ae. Alin,. lino splendid lox chenille shawls, chenille scarf., Ac EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS • • . Also, a general variety of French and Scotch em bronleries, bonnet awl trimming ribbons, French orb& SILK-VELVET ItfIOIONS AND CLOAK tiALLOONS Also, 50 castous silk-velvet ribbons, and elegant gal loon trimmings, satin ribbons. silk fringes, ha. LADIES' CLOAKS, TALMAS AND MANTILLAS. Also, a lino ladies' velvet and silk cloaks, cloth tal mas, silk mantillas, barques, cloth dusters, & c., with a large and general assortment of staple aed fancy articles, suited to present sales, and worthy parties- Menhir attention, 117 - Batoples mud catalogue, early Go tha morning or gale. Bank Notices KENSINGTON BANK.—PanADELrum October 7, 1857. An election for thirteen Directors to 'erre the tritil log year will take place at the Ilankihg-honse, on Mon day, the 16th day of November. between the hours o A. M and 3P. Al. C. T. YERKES, ocBthaatutNl6 Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK P01L.11.41.P1111, October 6th, 1857. The annual election for Directors will be held st t 1 Banking House, on 'MONDAY, the 13th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of U o'clock A. St., and 3 o'clock P. St.; and on Ttill4DAY, the ;id day of Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be hold at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock Pt Bt., agrees. bly to the charter. ocl-tnol3 D. M. LEWIS, Cashier. .—P %UTE PHILADELPHIA BANKutLA _m_ DYLPUi a, October 0,1057.—The annual meeting' of the Stockholders of thin Bank will be held at the Bank ing bonne, on Monday, the ninth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking house, ou Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember next. E. D. COMEGYS. oet7-wf&mtrfla Cashier. MANUFACTURERS' AND MECIIA NICS' BANK. PHILMALYIStd, Oct. 4, ISST. The annual meeting of the Btockholdera of thin Bank wilt he held at the Banking Houle, on Tuesday, Novem ber 3, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The annual election for thirteen Directors, to serve the ensuing year, wyll be held at the Banking House, on Monday, November 16th, from 10 o'clock, A. H., to 3 P. M. mwfinEl M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. COMMERCIAL. BANK OF PENNSYL v VANIA, PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 1687. The Annual Election for Directors of this Dank will be held at the Danking-Uouse, on Monday, the 16th day of November neat, from 10 o'clock A. 31 , to 3 o'clock P.ll. octl2-mw/ct toovlB 8. O. PALMER, Cashier illoncn SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANKERS, No. 39 South Third street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND N.EW YORK EXCHANGE. Unoussent Funds bought sod sold. Btocks bought aod sold on commission only. nolo-2mt "RALE li.OPE.—Buyers are invited to call Jur and examine our Manila Bale Hope, which we can ran cell ea low as American, and warrant it superior is strength and durability. MUTSU!, /Inn & 00., sal No. 22 N. Water at. and 22N. Wharves. TIITRMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. NO (new No. p3B) North THIRD Street, Phlladelphic—Bhipptng orders promptly ottondod to. anl•tt Bolts '-bn 'Auction. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 41 NO. 4t2 WALNUT STRUT, above FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD rutuirrmex—Trss- Vr - We beg lasso to inform the patio that.* bold our regular weekly Wes of Vomitus aver? Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS BALES ROOM, NO. Ito WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who nosy fever us with consignments. Fainilieshasingportions of their furniture to dispose of, or thou deeliturig house keeping and not wishing sales at their own CAA have their hunitcre CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR BALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALILIC BETTER PRICES POE THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN THOM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHSRAITOTION 111011.1 IN THE CITY. Personatasoring ua with consigiunents out rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. irr Commissions room moderate than those darted by any other Auction goose In the city. " Consignments respect/Oily solicited. Ici - Sales paid immediately attar the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE-NOTTAIBT,R 13tH This mils will include— till, Orph Court Bsls—Es of Patrick THREE ans' HOUSES AND LOT Or GROUND, NORTH . . . SECOND STREET . . Titres three•atory brick bonzes and lot of ground, east side of Second street, ITS feet north from Muter greet, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep. $9O ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate. FIVE HOUSES AND LOT, WASHINGTON STREET, RENBINOTON. A lot of ground with four three-story brick, and one frame house thereon, out side of Washington street, SO feet above Master, 20 feet front and 12 1 feet deep, to Phillip street. 550 ground rent. Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of Andrew Lindsay, Dee'd. TAVERN HAND. IiORTH RECORD, ABOVE RACE. A three•etor. brick tavern stand and dwelling, two story brick back building and lot of ground, on the cast aide of Becond street, between Race and Vine streets, 17 feet front, and extereling in depth 40 feet 4,1 i inches, then narrowing to 1416 tut, and extending the farther depth of 19 feet T Indus, making in all SO feet clear of all encumbrances. Er ASO to be paid on each of the tbove whm the imme IC struck off'. Er V 2,500 may remain, if desired REAL ESTATE HALE, DECEMBER 2d,1637 TAW sale will Include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Lang Minors. PROPERTY, MARINER STREET. . - A two-story brick house and lot of ground, OD the month side of Mariner street, 9G feet rest of Thirteenth street, 16 feet front, AT feet 1 inch deep. *IZ ground rent. MOUNT MORIAII CESECTERT STOOK. On Wednesday Evening, 38th inst., at the Exchange, will be sold previous to sale of real estate 20 shares stock in the Mount Moriab Cemetery Co. Itr $5 to be paid on each share when the same is struck off. TO B 1 NT. fp.. A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, shore Word street. Bent ikkOper annum. Apply at the Atte flat Stare. AT PRIVATS SALE. A tiret-ales Printing oMce, with a good run of bluff ness, font printingpresses, two ituggles and one Adsms Type and ererything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. IVIO A c S o Z i g& Ajj, AUCTION EER AND SIXT.II and RACE Streets.' . . . AT PRIVATE SALE—GoaI and saver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, arid Preach watches, Jewelry, of every description, musical inatrunteMs, moode. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on door, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking gleams, fancy articles, &c., &a., &a. Out-door males attendee to personally by the daction ear. Charges vary low. Consignments of furniture clothing, jewelry, Ac., tr.c . solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OYYICE, B. E. Corner of Birth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver piste Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Regan!, Hardware, Cutlery, furniture, Bed ding, Dorm, Vehicles, harness , Stocks , and an all sr tides of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. . M. NATHANS, NOTICE —All goods forfeited at Net bane's Loan OtEce, S. E. corner of Sixth and Este streets, will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday rooming, 24th of November, at 10 o'clock, unless depositors call previous thereto. and pay charges, and renew their certificates. Moses Nethsni, S. E. comer of Sixth and Race streets. NATHANS'S GREAT SALE OP FORFEITS:I) OOOD3, Will tate place. On Tuesday Morning, November 2lth, at 10 o'clock, at Moses Nathans's auction store, 8. .11. corner of Sixth and Race streets, In the second-story room—entrance from Bare street. It will embrace the largest assortment of goods ever offered at public auction, comprising a large sod gene ral assortment of sups-tine overcoats, Itsgiana, Limas, dress and from coats, business coats, pants, vests, handkerchiefs, boots, shoes, umbrella, shirts, dry goods, coats, 'pants, and vest patterns, silk, cashmere, merino, debage, delaine and chinks dresses and dress patterns, ladles' and children's gaiters, boots and shoes, gums, silk velvet, silk, merino, and cloth cloaks, talmas, cape. , basques, mantillas, superfine brcehe, crape, !silk, atolls, plaid woollen, merino, and other shawls, parasols, be d spreads, quilts. eomfortables, blankets, sheets, pillow-cases, cartelAs, books, steel skates, pistols, travelling-trunks, valises furniture, sad.irons, musical instruiments, and elegant silver-plated tea-set, china, glass and crockery ware, elms, daguerreotype camera, complete, with Sutures, microscopes . surveyor's instruments, made by Knox & Skein, paintings, engravings, looking-glasses, and a thousand other articles. Particulars kereafter. WEDIISB great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gong, P i stols, Musical Instruments , &0., will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great gale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding lge., being forfeited esdlaterals, will take place shortly ~ bus notice wiU be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALT THE USUAL SELLING PRICES—DoubIe-bottomed and hunting one. gold patent lever wattle', of the mart ap proved maker hunting cane and open face gold escape ment lever and !opine watches, full jeweled ; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for ladieer; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and Ulnas watches, In hunting cases and open face; silver Engdm,, Swim, and French watches; a general assortizend of tar niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. Ac. OCT-DGOR SALES SOLICITED, and charges to suit the times, low. Consignmenta of every description of goods solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public. or private tale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. QAIIIITEL NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER, 1.3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only Melt doors below the Exchange. Home of businese from 7 o'clock, Ar M., until 10 o'clock in the evening Outdoor sales, and sales al the Auction House, at. tended upon the moat satisfactory terms. • CAPITALS2OO,OOO. Errabibledfer as lost TEirry Years. Advances mad, from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watched, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandler, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Booms, Carriages, and Gocds of every description. All goods can rumba any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. pee month; 1500 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, bee large Ere and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri veto watchmen for the premises ; also, s heavy hoot ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon N. 11.—On account or haring an tmliratca csPitai, this office la prepared to make advances on more USU. [11407 and aroomotodating tonne than my other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in malt amounts, with oat my charge. AT PHITATS BALL, Gold Potent Lerer and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced priced. awl-ly ritEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER J N. H. corner of BABSON gni SOUTH Streets above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At ig o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Ran!wean, Chit lery, Iforisekeeping Articled, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, &o. Insurance Companies. CoMMONWEALTR FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF TUE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA.-012me N. W. Corner FOURTH sad WALNUT Streets, Phnedelplus. Sabeeribed Capital, Paid-up Capital. tlioo.ooo. DAVID .1 AYNI , M. D., Preeldent. THOMAS S. STINART, Vice Pree't. Santlati 8 . Mons, Seeretarr. C.IIRARD FIRE AND MARIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PitILADELPIIIA—OfBoe, Ho. 802 WALNUT strooL west of THIRD. "YIBI RIMS ONLY TAXSNL" DIILIGTO/18. Walker, Jno McClure, The. Craven, A 9 Gillett, Furman Mseprari. Yawl. Janes, M. D. Joseph 81app, M. D, Will M. lohp Au.spach, Jr., H. A. Burronghs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. tiherman, Wm. P. Hacker, 3. P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, Hon. Jell JONES, President, lion. G. W. 'WOODWARD, Vice President. Jan. 8. licklattia, Secretary. /tug D. ALTOID. Azalgtant Secretary, no24iin-if ol 'lira! FOR SHERIFF ALDERMAN GFORGE MOORE, FOURTH WARD Subject to Democratic Rules. FOR SHERIFF JAMES G. GIBSON, TWENTr-SECO:ID Subject to Democratic Rules. F OR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. t.IOTT, TWELFTH WARD 'SUBJECT TO DIMOCEATIO ROLES. ocl6•2m+ wants. UTANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be giren good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. ray Item £1.% to 8.12 per month No man haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, Ist Lieut. Regt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. oet 5-2 m `SAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES 10 TRUST COMPANY, earner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small an= received, and paid back on de mand, without noticiD, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until S o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from I until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—PLECY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE- T pository, 1,009 and 1.011 CHESTIcHT St.. above Tenth, is now open for the sale of . ..very description of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner of SIXTH and MASHER Streets, to which the attention of citizens, and Southern and Western gent:amen is respectfully called. N. B.—Especial attention given to carriages for re pairs, in the shops connected with The Repository. En trance on Chestnut street. CcIT-a to & th•Ym GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES,_. Ladies' FURS selling off regardless of met. 011A.RUIS OANFORD it 50N, Unto:Ong and manufacturing Furriers, 614 CHEST mpg St— below Seventh, will clam their entire etoek of Ladies' Fun, without regard, to cost. 76 - 11: - EtHELL'S CITY tuaBLIWORY.3 AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. - MARBLE HALL, S. E. Coatuat OF TENTH AND VINE STREETS, PRILADELPIILL Mara every variety of MARBLE MANTELS.TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and YLOOBING, eon Dp imPPliectupo4roasixabls terms. solirtalbs
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