The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 16, 1857, Image 2
geN/IMI t;,;, -.l' . 1 :::. '' ;;lti - i ,-. 1: 1 :- 1 :1ii1. '."- 4 il ',"--, 1 - 1 g- AIONDAT.-NoVEIBER 16, 107, Fief - POE— ngland and Ilaft—The ,Tariff=—TietV"Titiiir Notten-L-Foreigti" kiseet: tied :Ikit-f-Gloneiel ‘Foirioz 'PAOEL-The History. - LAVER-FROM EUROPE: The .drist Whose news despatches were in tercepted off Cape Race by the 'news yacht, Is reported to haye= left Southampton on the first instant. If, so, her news; therefore, would be -one day later than that brought by the Jlrabia. But hor day of rum the Bth., Her in telligence is inlmPortauti ,except that the iondon money market was, depressed, that cotton and breadstuff's (except wheat) were de clining, and - that the launch of the Great Eastern mammoth steamer had been a failure. The Aiiel has brought $400,000 in specie. LAWLESS EXPEDITIONS AGAINST CUBA AND NICARAGVA. The papers opposed to tlfe Administration of the General Government comment with some severity upon the alleged neglect of the Fede ral agents in NewOrietnis,,in permitting Gene ol..Nicaragna memory, to get out' "of th4t port, with his staff and some three hun dred men, on board the steamer Fashion; and we perceive that the last New York Ceurrier des Etats flnisObe French journal, says that his eecape inflicts an indelible stain upon the President and his advisers. The answer to these accusations' is easy enough. Mr. 33e- - cfrAttsit's loioWnaversion to the schenies of the flllitiusters,and his recent orders tope officers of the Government to previat 'Was tiling' of all such. expeditions as that of WALHER,NbUU dantIy prove his eciaSe of- action in the pro misee. ; Although we may regret that, through the sympathy or the .apathy of the • oficlals at New Orleans, he has been enabled . tp violate the Solemn pledge made iu his letter to Gene ral of the. 7th of November, (in which he expressly denied any purpoed to set at_ det Rance our fientralit) , , laws,) yet we conceive that' he will be even more unfortunate than 'ln his late • campaign, wheilsmany valuable lives were sacrificed to h -;ambition, his cupidity, or his ignorant). The strong pro test: against his adMl semedt for sup-, port during his late tour through the United States, the rebuke administered, to his • schemes , by the sensible pail' 'of the public "journals,; North- - and South, and the indig nant letter of Mr. Timms, of Georgia, to whom he had dedicated one of his intlanuna tory appeals, and who„repudiated both the man and his doctrines, were,admenitions which will, wethink, deter volunteers ;from trusting themselves . to, c hiftfatal standard, and com plete the catastritp*..hf his career. It is inconceivable how much mischief just such a man as this General WALE= can work to a good cause. We perceive that he boasts .of being encouraged in parts of the South. The wonder is; that the people in that quarter :do not look beyond his present designs against Central America, and see bow, unless promptly checked, they may (no matter how immedi ately fruitless) be set up as a precedent, when the Administration shall come to act upon the greater' question or THE runcsuisz or Tun INLAND or CUBA. To aid and abet WALKER— to 'to go uurebuked in his present enterprise—can' be most disastrously wielded by any other gang of advaturers wko ni t g conceive this the time for a descent upon Cabe, and may suppose that the Government and public opinion will sustain them. " It was doubtless in anticipation of such a contingency that Mr. BUCHANAN' took early steps to let his countrymen and the whole world know by his instructions to the officers of the Federal Government at the several leading ports of the Union, that the enetgies and resources of the whole Admitds tration shall be put forth to prevent all ma rauding. expeditions during his Presidential We WO Said THE PUHOILIEE , Of THE riILAND orCens. "To this complexion must it come at `We know hoes anxious the Southern States are for thin acquiiiiticM. And, the facttbat, swum of time, Cuba must be oars (leititrig one tirvle* it impilitance 'to the protection offs onr,-,Atlimttp coast; and to the conifierce.or the - Whole- sex-latiiird) bas • long ago produced - file •iniptessiorenligh the minds of tka ; flepplis of. the - free States, Ahat this event cannot be resisted; "and is only de layed for the opportunity, which, unless lost to us by each an adventurer as this man WALKER, is certain to come at an early day. The sensitiveness of some of the European Powers on the subject of Cuba has thus far been the chief obstacle to Its acquisition by the United States. This feeling has been kept alive by the hair-bridned and Quixotic enterprises which have repeatedly fulled, to tt conquer" it from Spain. Now, the occupa tion or purchase of Cuba by the United States cannot be of any real interest to either France. or England, so long as the settled purpose of our Government' is known to be, that when Cuba is yielded by Spain, it must come to the United States, and that any attempt, on the part of any other nation, to deprive us of an island so intensely essential to our protec tion, and to the interests of our commerce, and to the welfare of our Union,will be re sisted to the uttermost.' What Mr. BOOHANAN'S purpose may be, we know not. We are cer ,tain that public opinion will sustain the peace ful acquisition of Cuba. We believe the Pre sident looks to the same end. But we are equally, confident that the moment any at tempt is made; by any Eurdpean power, to take possession of that , Island, no mat.. ter on what- pretext, that attempt will be opposed by the united sentiment of the American people, even to the alternative of war. Let France and England avoid all meddling with this matter of Cuba, and there can be no doubt that the American Govern ment will prevent irresponsible filibusters, like General Watireii, from controlling it. In tills way Spain will be left to act for her self—freed from all those "foreign" influences at her own court which have thus far pre vented us from making terms with her; and she will thus be spared the mortification, and alarm; and expenditure, growing out of the expeditions of adventurers and speculators, who use the American name only to disgrace that name before the nations. A PAPER CURRENCY. - One of the most common arguments by which a diminution of the paper currency and an enlargement of the specie basis of the country is opposed, is the assertion that there is not enough of gold and silver to furnish a circulating medium. The immense yield of gold by California and Australia has done much to answer this objection, but it is still fre quently urged. That it is perfectly fallacious, however, Is susceptible of the clearest de monstration. Few have failed to notice the great increase in the use of the precious metals, as articles of ornament or as plate, which has taken place within the last ten or twenty years. Tens of thousands of young men haie their gold watches, although the period is not very remote when silver ones were considered rather extravagant tlian otherwise. Gold breast-pins,' rings, ear-rings, and jew elry of various sorts, are in possession of almost every lady. AC immense number of families daily use silver spoons, many also silver forks, and quite a large number various articles of silver plate. The total value of gold and silver used in this manner in the 'United States must be very eget. The best statisticians estimate the whole amount of gold and silver in Europe and America in 1831 -at 84,500,000,000, to which there has since been added 81,500,- 000,000; making a total of $6,000,000,360, of which there is used as currency only about $2,400,000;000, leaVing 83,600,000,000 to be used as plate, jewelry, &c. We incline to think 'that the proportion of the precious metals used ad currency in this country bears a greater proportion to the total amount than in Europe. But it is plain enough that if the people want a metallic currency, -there is no material obstacle to prevent them from obtaining it. , They have but to Will it—to Im. "press their, will upon the statutes of their country-7and_the existence of an active and presistent ilenwta,for,,•goid and silver; will insure, throUgh' the 'inevitable -operation of the kill supply. The bound lesti reso*ea - ,Of our, country the inde fatigable eworgiett of the" people are Mich as *PlaCOlit,'"o.ot, 50r66,40'46y, pro.: ttioy desire; to any reasonable extent g" and - jf by :resolving to- woe lereafter Melnik bard and real money instead of sl4effither ostab)islian actirp :. . demand niid arc:actual necessity for specie, they will get it just as certainly as they can get anything else in the world. Creation is ran necked now to' supply them with all °thin arti cles. No other human production is consi dered beyond their reach, and their stock of . _ gOld would just as certainly be increased, not only by retaining the gold product of Califor nia, but by importing gold from abroad, as their stock of any other article they may determine to have, and are willing to pay a commanding price for. A aeries of able articles has lately ap peared in Hunt's Merchant's Magazine ' written by AMASA WALMER, late Secretary of State of Massachusetts, in which the fallacy of the idea that therel not enough gold and silver to fur nish sufficient currency, is clearly shown. fie also lays down, and we think clearly demon strates, the following propositions That a paper currency, not based upon , an equivalent in specie, is, from its nature, fluc tuating both in quantity and qutslity. That it affords neither a correct standard of value, nor a reliable medium of exchange. That, as aceusequence, It is an uncertain and dangerous currency, not to be safely relied upon by mer cantile men or the public generally. That it deranges the industry of the country, pro ducing periodical and violent revulsion of tnide, and numerous and extensive failures. That it enhances the rate of interest, counteracts the innuence of protective duties, and retards the growth of manufactures. That it neither increases the capital of the country nor makes money more plenty. That it does not in crease the real wages of labor ; and that it has a constant tendency to send specie out of, the country. ' In support of these , viows maquipteresping t racts are adduced, and thr!olloWls of articles Ic t le worthy of perueal! The remedy Weed Is a of . gradual substitu tion of a metklllc or value money cur rency, by first prohibiting, throughout the entire Uniph, or bank notes under the valhe o? live dollars, and gradually extending that prohibition successively to all bills 2ndor tea, twenty, and twenty-five dollars, and at last to all bills not based upon an equal amount of specie in the banks. A FEW WORDS AS TO KANSAS. A highly-esteemed friend, a naive of Penn sylvania, and now a citizen of Kansas, says of WALKER'S rejection of the frauds; "He did just right. The McGhee fraud elected me; but I advised him to reject 11" The step of 6o Constitutional Convention of Kansas, and the shameless and shameful man ner ih - which that body seeks to defy and to cheattbe will of the majority, are shown in the following article from the Chicago Times : THE KANSAS CONRTITUTION^The Convontion assembled in Kansas to frame a State Constitution is in session, and has Craned a largoortion of an instrument. The committee upon t he subject of slavery has reported a provision/ which has boon adopted by the Conventionithough it has yet to be. voted on as forming part of the whole. We give the provision entire; it is as follows : "REPORT OF THE COMWITTBR ON SLAVERY' "'Section 1. The Legislature shall have no power to peas laws for tho emancipation of slaves without the °mentor their owners, or withqut paying their owners, previous to their emancipation, a full equi valent in money for the slaves so emancipated. They shall have no power to prevent emigrants to the State from bringing with them such persons as are deemed slaves by the laws of any one of the United States, or Territories, so long as any per son of the same age' or description shall be eon tinned in slavery by the laws ot this State; provided that such person or slave be the bona tide property of such emigrant; and provided, also, that laws may be passed to prohibit the introduction into this State of slaves who have committed high crimes in other States or Territories. They shall have power to pass laws to permit the owners of slaves to emanoipato them, saving the rights of creditors, and prevent ing them from becoming a public charge. They shall have power to prevent slaves from being brought Into the State as merchandise, and also to oblige the owners of slaves to treat them with hu manity. to provide for them necessary feed and clothing, to abstain from all injuries to them ex tending to life and limb; and in ease of their neglect or refusal to comply with the direction of such laws, to have such slave er slaves sold for the benefit of the owner or owners. "See. 2. In the prosecution of slaves for crimes of higher grade than petitlarceny, the Legislature shall haveno power to deprive them of an impsr tie! trial by a petit jury. "800. 3. Any person who shall maliciously die• member or deprive a slave of life shall suffer such punishment as would be inflicted in me the like offence had been committed on a free white per son, and on the like proof, except incase Of insur rection of such slave l'Utroa M. Manna, Chairman." AA there seems to .he no doubt of this provision becoming a part of the Constitution; and as there is's majority otthe Convention in fever of submit ting,the the people for ratification or rejection, we think there can be hot little doubt as Meta MOO Mil Constitution heftily tbe Peorde• .The provision, - as it is repo r ted , Veloitnlars slavery as existing le galiy and fiset,lll.KanSasi it Pm' ,videtibit - ths Legislature ehellAuit emancipate *isle slimes now there, or which may hereafter be brought to the Territory, without compensation to the owners. These aro Lifting matters oompared with the next provision, which prohibits the Legis lature from passing any law for the prevention of the introdietion of slaves by emigrants to the Ter ritory. This amounts to a perpetual invitation and protection to the introduotion of slavery into Kan sas. It is virtually an establishment of slavery as an institution of the State, not to be disturbed by any legislative act. -We regard such a proposi tion as fatal to the Constitution. The people of Kansas have recently, in a most emphatic manner. decided that they are in favor of the exclusion of slavery from Kansas. It is idle for the Convention to disregard that decision ; they, cannot hope that the pimple of .Kanaos will accept from such a Con vention a Constitution making slavery a perpetual institution over which the people through the Leg islature can never exercise any control. We say the fate of that Constitution is already sealed ; the people of Kansas are in favor—in the proportion of three to one—of a free State; they want a Con stitution making Kansas a free State, and they will vote down any Constitution which does not clearly establish their expressed will. Regarding the Constitution, as prepared by this Convention, as beyond all possibility of adoption, the question is, What will be done next? Kansas has a population justifying an admission into the Union; she has been disturbed for years by the agitation of the qu estion which can only bo settled by her admission into the Union, A Convention to frame a Constitution was called, but the people re fused 'to participate in the election of delegates; and a handful of voters elected the handful of men who compose the present Convention. The free- State men, had they resorted to the polls, could have elected a Convention which would have car ried out the wishes of the people,,and to-day Kan sas might have a Constitution forever disposing of the slavery question. That failure to vote in Juno fast has caused a year's delay. What be done? We suppose that upon the meeting of Congress ah act will be Introduced—enact in the very words of the Minnesota ad—autheriting a Convention to form a State Constitution. If that sot be passed at once, as it should be, Kansas may bo a State on the first of May next. If no such act be passed by Congress, or should be delayed, the present Legislature will provide for a Convention. At all events, a Constitution ouch as will be accept able to the people will be prepared and ratified by the people, and will be presented to Congress early in the spring. Upon that Constitution thus ratified and approved by the people, Kansas will be admitted. The Democratic party stands pledged to admit Kansas without questioning her decision on the slavery question. - That decision must be made by the people, and once perfectly shade, that decision must be regarded as float. These men throughout the Union who have so long and earnestly desired the admission of Kan sas as a free State mud now see the oonsequenees of the mad career of Lane and his associates. The refusal to vote at the election of delegates has postponed the admission of Kansas, and endan gered Ler freedom. had these mon voted then, as they did in October,the State of Kansas would now be prepared for dmission with a free-State COnstitution, and a Democratic party in power pledged to her. admission. She bee now to com mence where she did in June last, and elect a Convention in 1857, That might have been elected in 1856. PUBLIC ENTERT4INMENTS Despite the "bard times,"—on which Dickens has novelised, and Park Benjamin pootlzed,—there was no lack of public amusements during the past week. Madame Lola Monter gave three lectures, all of which were extremely well attended. Their Merit as compositions was considerable ; their subject-matter agreeable and oven instructive ; and, above all, her manner of delivery attractive, from its simplicity and naturalness. She is the best lecturer, in point of clear and musical articu lation, we have ever heard. Her costume also, so plainly rich, (a white gros de Naples dress, made high to the neck, with,oollar and sleeves of Lim erick lace,) was attractive, was you, beautiful, realising the untranslatable ~s implez mundieime , of Horace. She will probably give one more lea tore bare, at the end of the week, and, in the moan time, will lecture at Trenton (this evening), Reading, Lancaster, and Harrisburg. After that she proceeds to Baltimore, from which place else goes to Wallington. Su much personal interest is involved in her lectures, that they aro of a kind to be popular any where. The educated and Intel lectual particularly appreciate, because they can - best understand them. Madame Pressolfni made her first appearance in Philadelphia last week, She also made—a dead failure. In her ease it really was the old Turkish orY, "In the name of the Prophet—figs I" This failure, however, Will be useful as a lesson against ever•pufng. More than two years ago, Mr. Ull man, when Introducing a nosy prima donna to New York, took some oredit to himself, in publle adver tisements, that he had 120 i engaged Madame Fres solini; whose voice was:worn out. Two years more wear and tear certainly could not improve that yoke. Yet it.was passed off on the New Yorkers as something super -excellent! A fictitious graphy, in which Vfitlolll romantic adventures were related, was published in one of the leading deny journals, and {twat deolared (delicately!) that site was is ".virgin wife," beautiful as an angel end amiableas a seraph! The New York pnbile, lite rally taken in by these and other representations, applauded her to the, echo, at first, but gradually dueled. IhniCeemilienced the "Concert-giving ex pedient. The Philadelphia publio, who had boon mono, tomed to a very charming vocalist, In the person of Madame Gazzaniga, wore informed, by prelimi nary puff-notices that Frezzolini was young and beautiful ; that she had been greatly admired by the late Emperor of Russia; that ho, with other potentittes, had presented her with it vast quantity of almost priceless jewels; that she'tras a groat favorite at the Court of France; that she was en intimate terms with the Princess Mathilde (Deud doff, by marriage ;) and that she really would ap pear in theldentioal dross which she wore when last she sung before the Emperor Napoleon. She came—she was seen—and sho did not conquer. We pass by the bad taste of ostentatiously emptying the contents of her jewel box upon her person. Her diamonds flashed—har notes did not. She failed, most ostentatiously, in nearly every solo, and may thank the efficient co-operation of Madame Strakoseh for getting pretty well through the duets.. Yet her quality of voice (a high so prano) originally was good, of its kind—but it has broken down, as such voices do. It is sheer folly to point to her European success, during the last twelve years, and sneer at the Phila delphians for not endorsing it. We can only judge as to personal beauty, by what we see ; and as to vocal ability, by what we hear. Our oyes in form us that Madame Frezzolini can only resemble a middle-aged angel, and our ears toll us that her veins has fallen into imperfection. We judge by fact and not by tradition—by what is and not by what has been. In doing so we may form part of an uncultivated audience, but we judge accurately nevertheless. Frezzolini's voice, whatever it may have been when she was a young woman, is good now only in the middle register. It is harsh and shrill in the upper, and rough and husky in the Lower, notes. Her execution, which was said to be perfection, wanted ease and emoothhess—the exertion was too apparent. To Madame Patti Strakosoh, the real attraction, we pay a fair com pliment in saying that she sang better than Ma dame Frezzolini. The performances of Thalberg wore admirable, and Mr. Klotzer, on the violon-• cello, made a favorable impression. Mr. Vieux , temps, who was advertised for both concerts, was indisposed—to attend. He was to have played at New York on Saturday evening, so that his indis position could not have . been very great. At the Academy of Mllbio the last nights of Mr. Charles Mathews' performance were not very suc cessful. He is one of the best actors on the Eng lish stage, though various 'causes have united to make him less successful here than he was in Now York and Boston. Mr. Etchings had a fuller attendance on Satur day evening, at his benefit, than could have boon anticipated from—the pressure of the times. liis personal claims are very considerable. Ile pre minted a capital bill. At the Arch street Theatre, (which did not close, as threatened, on Saturday,) pretty fair business has been done during the week, and wo suspect that this would improve if Mr. Wheatley wore himself to perform more frequently. This evening he will play Laertes to Mr. Davenport's Hamlet. which tp not doing justice to himself. In his own line he should more frequently appear. Mr. Da venport's benefit is fixed for Friday evening. when Mr. 1). will make his fleet appearance as Riche lieu, with Mrs. D. as Tulle de Mortimer. At the Walnut street Theatre this evening, Mr. Chanfrau, who continuos popular, will precinct), for the first time here, a play called " Mese in Cali fornia." This piece was very taking at Now York among the class known, more familiarly than clas sically, as "the b'hoys." Wo dare say it will draw crowded houses here. The rival houses of York and Lancaster were not more diametrically opnosed, than, among our selves, are the houses of Sanford and Buckley— the same, yot with a difference. Sanford has a very fine (Ethiopian) Opera-house in Eleventh street, above Chestnut. The Buokleys, who have a beautiful theatrical blind-box in New York, (built on the site ones occupied by the private resides= of John Jacob Astor) are playing at the National Theatre, in Walnut street. At San ford's—beside some beautiful dancing by the Sanford children, and an amusing theatrical performance—there is a ludicrous burlesque on "The Old Folks Concert," in which ,the whole body of singers appear in ancient costume. At Buokleys, whore capital burlesques on " Lucrezia Borgia" and the Trovatoro" were played, during the past week, " Somnambula" will be made fun of this evening, with a concert, and other performances. The Buokleys aro an institution" in Now York, and aro fast becoming so in (his city. Miss Inert, the prima donna of the troupe, Is au admirable comic actress as well as a good singer. The Buokleys have not yet played to even a middling house. At Thorne - ea Varieties (Fifth and Chestnut streets) Messrs. Magilton dt Dunbar, the gym nasts, continue to perform during the prosopt week. ... Lots Monter.tuber New Sphere—Her 'Aare on Saturday Evening This widely known woman has now delivered four looturea in Philadelphia, and to apply the usual test in such eases—the audiences—she has made a decided "bit" of it. To use a military expression, she has carried our oily by storm. This leoluting fits of hors is certainly the moat praise. worthy laurel that gems the depict of her hero ism. Of the foot that she is a heroine there can be no mistake, although but few would probably willingly endorse the character of all her con quests. Of her course and adventures in European coun tries, the writer of this- who hag never been there—has no comments to offer, except that they aro doubtless invested with such a tissue of extravagant romance. that their truth or un truth can at beet be but subjects of vague spoon lotion. But be her antecedents what they may, her success in her now sphere must be regarded us a triumph, and that triumph a practical assertion of the supremacy of nund. If the eccentricity of marked mental characters bo indicative of genius, she is certainly entitled to that distinction. To compare her with this, that, or the other ono of her sex would be simply to place supposed similarities in a position to discover their contrast, for no such similarity exists. The style of her entire being seems to be peculiar to herself. That her lectures have had the effect of vindi cating her former self in this community, can hardly bo denied; for certainly the number and respectability of her repeated audiences hould hardly be tortured into anything oleo than a vo luntary tribute to merit of some sort; and if the almost unanimous commendation of her hearers of the style and the matter of these lectures may be taken as etjust criterion, their merit is such as the proudest need not bo ashamed of. That much of her present success is attributable to the noto riety which preceded her to this country may well be admitted ; yet, at the same time, it must also be admitted, that if curiosity has contributed to the popularity of these lecture-board perform ances, surprise and agreeable disappointment have been no lees their result. In coming more directly to the merit of then lectures, it may not be detracting any from the merits of their author to say that their telling SWOOPS is quite as much due to the remarkable manner of the fair lecturer as to the quality of tho matter. In this respect, Lola Monte% furnishes no un worthy theme for the student of human nature. Without going into any philosophical disquisition "upon the peculiarities of hor mental and physical oonstitsition, however, it may ho stated tend what the most casual observer cannot have overlooked) that there is a density and compactness indicated in her appearance which few persons possess. Her temperament is 80 strictly of the mental east as to banish at a glance emery idea of grossness. Her brain is massive for one of her size, and prodigious ly developed in the region of what is prenologteally denominated the observing, knowing, and know ledge-seeking organs, giving a sharp prominence to her brow, that oven overshadows her fall, in tellectual eye. Bat, then, there is such a mastery of soul, that seems to beam from every muscle of her fees. Indeed, her power of expressing thought and emo tion through the medium of her facial lineaments is most extraordinary; adding to this, the silvery sweetness of her liquid voice, and an exquisite correctness of articulation that lends a new en. chantmpent to language itself, and wo have some clue to the capabilities of Lola Monica being at tractive in a lecture, no matter what may be her theme. Her lecture on " Beautiful Women," which she repented at Musfeal Fund Hall on Saturday even ing to a full house, is probably her finest effort, as the theme is one to which she has probably devoted more attention, practically, than to any I other.- Her introduotion to this lecture was brilliant. entertaining, and we may say instructive, and her comments upon the standards of beauty in various countries all over the world gave us a fine illus tration of her cosmopolitan proclivities and the uses silo made of her eyes and wits in her extort sive travels. Her chaste and artistic comments I upon the various celebrated beauties of Europe, I and which have already been noticed in Tun PRESS, were certainly entertaining. But it was not in her fine lingual portraits of the Duchess of Sutherland, Lady Blessington, the Empress Eugenie, or this, that, or other Mehra bid. beauty, that the (thief merit of her lecture con sisted, as we conceive, but rather in that noble sentiment, that seemed to permeate the whole lec ture, that the only true and enduring beauty of woman was to be found in those accomplishments Pat adorn the mind and boort. tier recipe fur the pr . eieyvation of physical beauty—temperance, exercise. and cleanliness—were sensible, and it is to be hoped will, to some extent, be the means of superseding the artificial cosmetics now so general ly in use. There was nothing in the lecture particularly calculated to enlighten her lady auditors in the art of making good Wives and mothers, nor did tills properly come within the scope of her pro posed theme. It is not likely, either, that she will ever make these particular departments of female excellence her subject, us she herself would probably admit that her own resemblance to any such domestic model is no more striking than is I th e jesomblabee between a gentle, wooing dove and the restless humming-bird, which on constant wing seals its nectar in a thousand flowers. But she has only just commenced the lecturing chapter of her eventful life, and it Is not for yea to conjecture of so eccentric a female genius as 'hers, what may yet be the achievements of her future GRAYBEARD. Senatorial Fraternity. Hon, William 11. Seward was at Si° Tremont yesterday, where a large number of gentlemen called upon him. Senator Douglas, who is step ping at the Tremont, also paid his respects, and the railroad convention, in session in the adjoin ing parlor, invited the two Senators to visit them. Senator Douglas, In a few brief remarks to the Convention, passed a glowing tribute to the dig. tinguished Senator from New glowing he had ever found aiding and assisting in every measure ealoulated to benefit the West, and, except in polities. more often acting with him in the United States Senate than otherwise. • Senator Seward spoke briefly. He thanked the Members of the Convention for the compliment of their invitation, and spoke of the importance of railroads and of the objects which have brought the Clottireritioti together.—Chicago Touraal, THE PREMA44IILADELPMA I koNokki NOVEMBER, 16, 1857, BY MIDNIGHT MAIL FROM WASHINGTON. English Movements and . the Monroe .Ooe trtur—Crntral American Affairs—Walker's Invasion unothar Complication of the Dim. rallies in that Quarter—Fractlonal Rates of Postage. (Correspondence of The Press ) WAstnourow, Nov. 15th, 1857. It is stated with mush boldness that none of the grants or contracts made by Costa It ea, respecting the Tratibit route, are sanctioned by Great Britain, and that Lord Napier has advised the %varmint of that State not to make any grants or con cessions, pending the arrival in Central Ameiloa, of Sir William Gore Cooley, who is espeetod immediately in Washington If all this assump tion by Great Britain be recognised and ac quiesced in by the United States, what then be come of our boasted Monroe Doctrine? Shall England now openly, as she has too long covertly, guide the destinies of our neighboring Republics, that her interests may be elevated and our own depressed ? I am confident that no questions have more at tention from the Administration than those in con troversy between the United States and England with respect to Central America. There has al ready been too much by-play, too mush diplomacy, and too little honesty on the side of England, and it must be confessed, an entire want of decided and effective action on the part of our own Govern ment. Mr. Buohanan is certainly familiar with the subject in all its bearings, and now that he holds power hero it is not at all improbable that ho will begin anew with the negotiations, and at once take firm American ground. Tho organized invasion of Nicaragua by Walker embarrasses the Administration. The officials of the Government in the section from which Walk er's force sailed are no doubt deserving of cen sure for permitting his escape. If they bad beep only ordinarily vigilant, they could have stayed this filibuster movement. They had been fully, empowered in the premises. Orders of is el:4lpm' homely() and pointed character were transmitted to them by Mr. Buchanan at an early day, having In view the amplest performance of our treaty stipu lations. Their violation is, I have no doubt, a great annoyance to him and to his Cabinet. Effort will be made to intercept the expedition, and the hope now is that it may be successful. War threatened between Costa Rica on one side and Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Honduras on the other. Walker then stopped in. Query— What will be the next change in the kaleidoscope of political affairs in that quarter? Will another alliance be formed of all these States against the invader, leaving domestic questions for subsequent determination, or will one of the more ambitious join him for mutual acquisition of territory? Time, I think, can alone answer. The postmaster at Hartford, Connectiout, has addressed the Postmaster General, calling atten tion to the anomalous condition of the rates of postage on regular newspapers and periodicals; the table of regulations skewing nineteen fractional rates, and every rate being fractional on the list of newspapers and periodicals not exceeding 1/ oz. In weight, circulated in the States where published ; thus presenting the singular discrepancy of a number of rates of postage ro• quiring the payment of sums unknown to our currency ; Government at the same time de manding fractional postage and repudiating fractional coins. It is found absolutely impossible for the subscriber to pay, or the postmaster to re ceive, the exact sum required by the Government; and it is suggested that a tariff of speoltie rates, discarding all fractions, would be in correspond ence with our currency, and would require no im possibilities on the pert of those who have postage to pay. X. Y. Freshet in the Susquehanna—The Military Con. vention—Commtssioners to Investigate the Condition of the Bank of Pennsylvan ia—That Amendment to the Constitution. [Correspondence of The Prose HAnittenuno, Nov. 12, 1857. For the past thirty-six hours the Susque hanna et this point has risen with great ra pidity, and attained, at the present time of writing, an unusual depth. This is the second freshet this fall, yet all without carrying one foot of lumber to market. Last season nearly fifty millions of boards, shingles, and timber, passed Harrisburg for a market in the Chesa peake and Delaware; this aeason,not ono foot. Could we have any better illustration of the tightness of the money market? The Military Convention, which was to have come off here on Monday last, proved to be a complete failure, not ono representative of those who are said to be «sudden and quick in quarrel" being present, save and except General J. Sidney Jones, of Delaware, and he is only aic carpet warrior." One cannot help deploring the decay of the ancient military spirit—that cheap:ilefence.of nations--which used to animate our countrymen in ditys gone by, when, if no better implement offered, the patriot thirsting for glory would appear upon parade armed with a cornstalk, and march to the stirring music of the kettle-drum. You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet, ' Whore is the Pyrrhic idi.ats».s gone? Governor Pollock has appointed Judge James T. Hale, of Bellefonte, Hon. Eli Slifer, of Union county, and Hon. Jacob C. Bomber ger, of Harrisburg, commissioners to examine the condition of the Bank of Pennsylvania, agreeably to the provisions of the act of As sembly of the 13th October, 1857. Their commissions will date from Tuesday, the 17th, inst. I was surprised to see in THE PRESS of the 10th inst., a rather but criticism, in a commu nication, on that paragraph in a late letter of mine which referred to the recently elected Judges of the Supreme Court; and the more so, inasmuch as there was no intention in the aforementioned letter to reflect either on the provision in the Constitution making the judici ary elective, or on "The Author of the Amend ment," That amendment is so loosely worded, has been productive of so much inconvenience —having, indeed, received the benefit of ex planatory acts of Legislature and unliteral con structions of the Supreme court to make it operate at all—that I am not astonished the "author" should feel sensitive when reference is made to any of its shortcomings, but not a little amazed that he should boast of its pa ternity. Let us consider a few of them. 1. If a judge dies or resigns less than three months before a general election, the Governor is compelled to issue to the appointee two Commissions—one bearing date from the time of his appointment until the following first Monday in December, and the other for one year from the latter point of time. This was the case with the Hon. Henry D. Maxwell, who was nominated to fill the vacancy in the third judicial district, caused by the death of Judge McCartney on the 15th of July, 1856. 2. According to '• a literal construction," there is no chiefjustico this year, for six days, and a similar interregnum is likely to occur again as often as the terms of• the chief justices expire. Judge Lewis it as sworn in on the first Monday of December, Oho Ist,) 1851, to servo for six years, which would expire with the first of December, 1857, although the first Monday of December does not come this year until the seventh day of the month. See Judge Woodward's decision in Pittsburgh, a few days ago, by which ho added one week to Judge Lewis's term of office, by departing, as lie expressly says ho is compelled to, from the literal meaning of the amendment. 3. The evident intention of this amendment was to have a Supreme Judge elected trien nially and have each member of the court in turn servo as Chief Justice, by which expe rience would at least be secured to that officer. But all this is defeated—to use the words of Hon. James M. Porter—by the slovenly wording." It is not to be supposed, either, that after the year 1811 It was intended the whele bench should be chosen at a single election. Yet this is a contingency that may, nay must arrive. This year we have elected two upon ono day, and six years have only elapsed under the new order of things; and the date of the expiration of none of their commissions is three years apart. Judge Black was Chief Justice three years, Lewis three years, Lowrie will be for six years, Woodward for four years, Knox for one year, and it depends upon chance whether Thomp son or Strong is for the last four years of their terms. It is easy to imagine the time 101011 all their commissions will expire simulta neously—when the five grave men elect will meet in a room and toss up a penny to decide who will be Chief Justice not for three, but for fifteen years. It is true that when the terms of any two or more judges expire on the same day, they can decide among themselves who will preside for their entire terms.. I plead guilty, therefore, of having written rather loosely in my letter of the 4th, inst., for I did not expect to be criticised by "The Author of the Amend ment." But I submit whether my language is as (‘ slovenly" as that amendment to the Constitution ; and I am sure it will not require a decision of the Supreme Court and two acts of Assembly to make sense out of it. 31. From a letter, post-marked " Dublin, November 3, 1857," we take the follotving oxtraot, not doubt ing but every word is strictly true, as It is written Ly an honest, truth-loving fanner "I em tired In my present situation, and unless some of you, my children, cone home and assist me, I will not hold the farm much longer, for when I pay ser vants and get my work all done, and rent and all losses attending the land, it is too much for the to hold on. I desire very much to hear from you, my children, what you all advise me to do. Per haps you have forgotten old Ireland, and never intend to visit it more. Indeed, it is not ninth wonder you would not, for Ireland is not mesh violier than over it was, as we have had a very dry summer and light corn [wheat] orops, and a blight on our potato crop. Our young mon are taken off to fill the ranks of the army, and our beef, bacon, and butter taken away to support them ; so wo aro left with the refuse of the boys for servants, and the refuse of the crops for pro visions, and this makes wages very high, and ser vants hard to maintain." STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE TO•IfORROW EVEN ING.—Bee TISOIfAS SG Bose' advertisements and pamphlet catalogues, FROM HARRISBURG IRELAND. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. STEAMER ARIEL OFF CAPE RACE Her News received at St. John's per the "As. 'iodated Press" Yacht. Resignation of the Belgian Ministry. The Lauueh of the Great Ilaslern a Failure NOTHING LATER FROM INDIA 5400,000 IN SPECIE Consols 89ia891 for Monty-90} for Account ST. Joints, N. F., Nov. 14—Evening.—The Uni ted States mail steamship Ariel, which left South ampton on the fist instant, passed off Cape Race last night. The news yacht of the Associated Press, which was stationed ton miles duo south of the Cape, re ceived the news parcel prepared for the Press, and brought it direct to this' station—by this means anticipating the arrival of the steamer at New York by some days. Owing to an interruption of the wires on the New York and Newfoundland line, the transmis sion of the nowe has been delayed. Her advices aro four days later than those fur nished by the steamer Arabia at New York. The Ariel has on board $400,000 in specie, con signed to the United States. The launch of the monster steamer, the Great 'Eastern, had proven a failure. The Belgian Ministry had resigned. The King of Prussia's health continued to im prove The Arlel brings nothing later from India than furnished by the Arabia. LONDON MONEY MARKET, Nov. 4.—Consols close at 891a89f for money, and 90} for account. French threes at Unger. The money market is depressed. LIVERPOOL OOTTON MARKET, NOV. 4.—Cotton continues dull, with a declining tendency on all qualities. The sake for three days amount to .15,500 bales. LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFFS MARKET.—The mar ket for Wheat has an advancing tendency. Corn closed dull, and all qualities had suffered a slight decline. Richardson, Spence b Co.'s and others circulars report Flour dull but steady. Wheat buoyant, with an advance of 2d in fine qualities, while info. riot qualities were almost unsaleably ; red quoted at 6s Bdtt7s Bd ; white at 7s 3daBs 3d. Mixed and white Corn quoted at 40a415, a decline of Mats. Higgand, Athya, .1. Co.'s Circular reports Flour dull and 6dals lower. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET.—Pork closed dull ; Lard heavy at 68s. ; Tallow nominally quoted at 40. 3d. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET.—The Itice mar kat closed firm. • MmteunsvenMAßKETS.—The advices from Man chester continued of an unfavorable character. The Leeds and Huddersfield markets are dull. The steamer Niagara arrived out on the let inst., bringing Anlerican dates to the 21st ult. FROM CALIFORNIA By' the Steamer Granada. from Havana, at New Orleans THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE THEIR PENALTIES REVOKED MI. P 0 RTAFArT PROM ClllWrei Banishment of European Residents from Ningpo. NEWS FROM TEE PLAINS ONE HUNDRED PERSONS SLAIN BY THE INDIANS, &c., &c. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 15-9 o'olock P. M.—The steamer Granada's mails have just been received. The Granada has been detained at quarantine since her arrival, on account of the yellow fever contagion. The steamer St. Louis, which sailed from Havana on the 10th instant, takes forward over a million of dollars. CALIFORNIA The news from California is unimportant. The mining operations continued of an oncour aging character. The Vigilance Committee have revoked the pen allies attached to their sentence of banishment. FROM TIM PLAINS. An arrival from the Plains brings the informa tion that between tho 10th and 12th of September, a train consisting of a hundred persons had been attacked by the Indians, and all had been slain with the exception of a few children, who were sold to the Mormons. It was generally believed that the Mormons were at the bottom of the affair. CHINA. An arrival from China states that all tho Europe• an reside-eta at Ningpo were baniebod oa the Ath of August. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Tho San Francisco markets were generally quiet and there are no important changes to note. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. No arrival from AtNatio ports reported Special Methodist Conference—The Slavery CINCINNATI, Nov. 14.—A special convention of delegates from the various annual conferences of the Methodist Protestant Church, North and West, has been in sessian here for several days. No important action was taken until yesterday, when the following preamble nod resolution, re ported by a committee, were adopted, viz : Wittaines, We have received satisfactory infor mation that an entire freedom of discussion on the subjeot of slavery cannot be enjoyed in Lynchburg ; And whereat, We do not fool under obligations to meet our Southern brethren • upon other ground' than terms of equality : Therefore— /less/old, That it is inexpedient, as well as un• necessary, for the representatives of the North and West to attend the General Conference to be held at Lynchburg, with a view to secure a redress of grievances which we suffer. At the afternoon session a memorial was drawn up, addressed to the General Conference; which, among other things, says : " It is our earnest de sire to perpetuate a union with the General Asso ciation, but we must, in Christian frankness, state that insuperable impediments prevent the continu ance of that union ; that the traffic with slaves, and the voluntary holding of slaves, conflicts with the rights of humanity, and we regard it es our bounden duty, as ministers and members of the church, to oppose the said practice, and have do terusined that the word white ' shall be struck from our constitution." The memorial was adopted. The Convention will probably adjourn to-day. Front Kansas Sr. Louts, November 11.—The Lecompton cor respondent of the Republican says the Constitu tional Convention adjourned on the 7th inst. A Provisional Government, with General Calhoun as Governor, was framed, to go into operation imme diately. The Convention passed a separate clause, sanctioning slavery, which, as stated by the cur respondent alluded to, will bo the only section submitted to the people. It is thought to be the design to got the Constitution accepted by , Con gross, prior to the assembling of the Territorial Legislature. Governor Walker had been appealed to to convene an extra 81333i011 of the Legislature to meet the contingency. Tho apportionment of the State provides for forty-five Representatives and fifteen Senators. The Missouri Legislature Sr. LOUIS, Nov. 14.—The bill to logaliso a tax to sustain the credit of tho State was defeated in the House yesterday by a majority of 30 votes. Election of U. S. Senators from Texas. Now ORLEANS, Nov. 14.—The Legislature of Texas has elected J. Pinckney Henderson and J. W. Hemphill to the United States Senate, in place of General Thomas J. Rusk, deceased, and General Samuel Houston, whose torus expires in 1859. Explosion of n kilennt-Tug—Elp,ht Persons DETROIT, Nov. 14.—The boiler of the steam-tug Noah P. Sprague, of Buffalo, exploded while in the river opposite this city, this afternoon, and the vessel instantly sank. The crow consisted of ton persons, eight of whom were instantly killed. The captain and first engineer escaped with severe but not fatal injuries. The barque Sunshine, which she had alongside, towing, was completely riddled in her rigging, but no one on board was injured. The rause of tho ex plosion has not yet been ascertained. Sentence of Criminal. LONDON, C. IV., Nov. I.4.—Thomas Craig, who was convicted of altering the date of a pie missory note, and passing the same, thereby de frauding the disueunter, has been sentenced to four years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. J. F. Manby, a station master on the Oreat Western Railroad, wee convicted of wrongly al lowing an express train to pass, and so (musing a collision, and was tined only $3O by the court, as a petition in his favor, largely and respectably signed, bad boon received. Burning of the Fort Edward Blast Furnace. FORT EDWARD. Nov. it —About 6 o'olook this morning the Fort Edward Blast Furnace was die• covered to bo on fire, and soon after the whole building was destroyed. Through the efforts of the fireman, the machinery was mostly saved. Tho lees is about $3,000. The building was in sured. • Accident to the Steamer Philadelphia Amman. Nov. 14.—The steamer Philadelphia loft Havana on the 9th, and yesterday arrived at Charleston bar, having root with an aooldont to her machinery. She oneountered a heavy gale off the coast of Florida on the lUth inst., and, on the 13th, broke the shaft and cross-head of her port engine. Markets. litonti,u, Nov. 14.—Cotton—Sales of the week 9,000 bales; nominal receipts, 13,600; stock in port, 34 1 900 bales. NEW UNLEANS, November 14.—There is more than usual activity in the Cotton market today, the sales amounting to 9,000 bales at 11101 le for middlings. Sugar commands 0.1a510. Molasses 22c. Sterling Exchange ranges from 95 to par, and bills on New York mU et h. 711 E CITY. AMUSEMENTS TEIS EVENING. WIGIATLNY'R ARCH STREET TIVIATRN, ARCH STREET, •DOVN Gaellet''..—" Married Bachelor." WALNUT SUNNY THRATRII, N. IC CORNCH OP NINTH AND WALNUT STREETS.—c. Mose la Oalifornla"—" Nor elty"—‘, Lire in Danger." NATIONAL THRATRR, WALNUT eraser, NEA/1 —Buckley's Opera Troupe. Smseo•D's OPERA lIOUes, ELNVNNTH STREET ANOTI Oussenue.—Ethloplau Life Illustrated , concluding with a laughable afterpleco. THOMNUriI VARINTISS, FIFTH AND OHNSTNUT STN.— "Coneert"—" Gymnastic Feats," acc. Dedication of the New ..6'r mory of the Na tional Guards.—Wo have already given in Toe PRESS an account of the extensive arrangements which have been made for the dedication of th e splendid armory of the National Guards, on the south side of Race street, below Sixth, which is to take place to-day. The armory of the Guards is much the moat splendid building of .the kind. in the Union. The corner-stone was laid ou the 7th of September, 1850, and since that time the work has progressed steadily, great care being taken to render the building firm and substantial. Tho walls are twenty-two inches in thickness, and the interior work, as well as the exterior, has boon handsomely and permanently done under the superintendence of the architect, Mr. Edwin F. Durang. The first story of the front on Race street is of iron, the pilasters being ornamented with Roman fasces, with u broken entablature. Tho remaining two stories are of premed briefs, with the pilasters running up to the main cornice, the whole crowned with a circular pediment, having a riobly brack eted cornice, projecting four foot with a key -atone seven feet high. The balcony is on a level with,the armory saloon, projecting four feet, and supported by four rich brackets. The windows are circular hooded, fin ished with marble keystones. There are two stores, one on each side of the main entrance. The entire front is surmounted by an observatory. The build ing at the rear, on Cresson street, is four stories high. • The first floor is appropriated to stores, janitor's room, dressing-room. ticket-office, de., do. The grand saloon, on the second floor, is sixty feet wide by one hundred and thirty deep. The walls are divided into panels by the pilasters, which support the girders of the armory floor, which are ornamented with emblematic devises. The panels are decorated with heraldic escutcheons, and sur mounted with eiroularcornices bearing the gait fix tures; the burners are arranged in graceful curves, thus varying from the usual straight stiff lines. The ceiling is twentyyseven feet high, of segment or arched form, drab and blue; the walls, ceiling, and fyrnituro harmonize in color, being in red, white, and blue. There are crimson stuffed seats, with iron uprights and walnut backs, placed on platforms on each side of the room. The settees are crimson and gold The floors are secret nailed, making the floor smooth, and admirably adapted for dancing pun poses. The orchestra is of a circular form with a concave ceiling over it. The stage, orchestra, and the retiring rooms attached to it, are at the south end of the apartment. The stage can be removed when dancing requires the full space. This saloon will seat two thousand persons. Ventilation is secured by means of twenty flues, through the walls and in the cornice; also, by three immense openings in the ceiling. The heat ing is accomplished by means of four large regis ters. Tho entire third story is appropriated to the use of the company. The armory saloon on this floor is a splendid and unique apartment. The walls are tinted in imitation of granite. The vaulted ceiling is twenty-two feet high, ern panelled in ton divisions, which are painted In fresco in colors of drab and blue, in unity with the company's uniform. Its rafters are ornamented with bosses, from each of which two ohandeliers aro hung. The musket racks and olosets are surmounted with embattled 'cornices. There aro seventeen musket ranks, each containing twelve muskets. There aro closets for the accommodation of the equipments of two hundred men, and each mem ber has his name on a silverplate attached to his closet At the south end of the room is an au dience gallery, which will afford spectators a vary favorable opportunity of witnessing the evolutions of the company or the dancing when the upper room is used for ball purposes. There are also apartments in the upper part of the building which are to be appropriated to va rious purposes, such as libraiy, general meeting room, committee-room, Tho building is sur mounted by an observatory, upon which there is a lofty flag-staff. There will ho a splendid military parade this afternoon, on the occasion of the dedication of the Armory. Tho First and Second Brigades, under .command of Generals Cadwalader and Miles, wilt parade. The in-door exercises will include an oration by John W. Forney. Meeting of Bread-Bakers.—An adjourned meeting of the bread-bakers of the city was held on Saturday evening, at the Globe hotel. Mr. Allcorn was called to the chair. The report of the committee to draft a constitu tion was received. The title of the aasooiation is The Bread-Bakers' Association." A clause in it forms a "Protective Committee" to reply to attacks made in the publio papers upon the ba kers, relative to the size of the loaves, the profits on flour, the foreign ingredients used, and other slanderous reports, such as calling bakers tools and knaves. Another clause pledges all bakers to refuse to serve any person with bread who may be indebted to a baker for bread received but not paid for. The names of all delinquents to be put in a " black book." Mr. Moue spoke or the necessity which had existed, in the high price of flour, for mnk lag the loaves smaller. Customers felt aggrieved, and were anxious to pitch into somebody ; and the ba kers, generally, naught it. People said the loaves were small, •amid so they wore," continued the speaker. When lonves were increased In size be• cause flour got down, people refused to see the in- Mast. Mr. Oharlos Wood was in favor of the arrange ment, and ho wanted a "black book" kept in every ward. Mr. Morse made Ewe remarks about the necessity of protecting the trade against per sons who never pay ; it was not the intention of the drafters of the constitution to refuse to serve persons who wore merely dilatory in their pay• monis. The chairman sold the bakers had done a groat deal of good dating the pinching times by supplying worthy people with broad who aro una ble to pay cash for it. Tho constitution, as reported by the committee, was adopted without amendment. The persons present then proceeded to sign the constitution, and the mooting adjourned The Will of the late Mrs. Dr. Ruth.—We learn that the last will and testament of Mrs. Phoebe Ann Rush is comprised in about three-and a-half pages of foolscap paper, the substance be ing a reference to and confirmation of a certain paper made between Phoebe Ann Rush, James Rush, and floury J. Williams, on the 31st of De• comber, IS4 The instrument referred to was recorded in Deed Book, R. L. L., on the 17th day of May, 1815, bear ing date as above, and describes the estates, real and personal. of Mrs. Rush, together with the con ditions of certain trusts to the said Henry J. Wil liams, and declares that they shall remain hers during her life, and in ease of the 'death of Dr. Rush; but, in ease the said khcebe Ann Rush shall depart this life before her husband, the said James Rush, her surviving, without leav ing any last wilt and testament provided then to have and hold or to convey and assume the said estates real and personal, hold ae afore said under the trusts heroin declared to and for the solo use end beboof of the said JULIWS Rush, party hereto, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, for his and their solo behoof, and it is hereby expressly covenanted and agreed that it shall and may be lawful for the said trustee or trustees to, by and with the consent of the said Bhmbo Ann Rush, or any other person or persons, their attorney or attorney, with power of substiju tion, to have and to hold and to convey tho estates herein before mentioned," The above is the substance of the document, which occupies several pages of the deed book. it was sealed anti delivered in the presence of A. D. Cash and Joel Cook, witnesses ; Joel Cook, Alder man. The effect of this is to make Dr. Rush the sole nod absolute legatee of his late wife. The estate is estimated at OLIO million of dollars. The First Snou' of the Season.—About noon on Saturday there was a lively sprinkling of snow for several minutes. A white spot from the clouds above was upon a little flower—the winter's threat fell upon a lovely child of summer. Many who watched the descending snow flakes no doubt thought of the coming on of winter, with his thou sand terrors, and reflected that ere long the cold winds would whistle among the naked branches of the trees, where but a little while agono the geni al zephyrs softly played among the green boughs. Impatient ones Bill grow testier, as every fresh blest goes by, and fashionable people think that the days of Newport, Niagara, Saratoga, and the tour of Europe. are about as distant as the Mil lennium. The invalid will sigh for the calm and balmy hours which come with the rose and grain covered fields, and long for the anthem of the fea thered choir, giving book the music of a thousand rills. Let tit winter chill our sympathy—for in the coming inclement season there will be thou sands of appeals from the deserving poor, which must be promptly heeded. Lot those bowed down by poverty be not disheartened at the prospect, for winter does not last always: Summer will come again, with its bright warm days, not be cause the almanac says so—but even as the leaden clouds darken above, a more truthful reminder will be around. Tito gross will say so, too. The grass—nature's common blessing—in the season of th i s protracted barrenness of earth, has a most cheering and heart-soothing mission; for it is courier of the promise of eternal love that " seed time and harvest shall never fail." The Dry Goods Business in our city, as usual, is dull at this boa sou of the year, but the present stagnation of business exceeds that of any previous period. There bus been little alteration in prices, however. In usual times the spring business generally commences in February and March, when specu lators are active, and in April the dealers are obliged to supply themselves with n stock of spring goods. Most of the manufacturers will, probably, be able to resume business operations by New Year. We understand that most of the houseseonnected with the trade, which have suffered suspension, have agreed with their creditors upon paying six months legal interest on their liabilities. Those )louses which leave been able to withstand the crisis, thus far, and passed over the Fourth of No vember without protest, aro aide to rest in their financial exertions for a time, their next notes, which do not fall due until May, being antici pated by the reoutoption of speoio payments by the banks. Hospital Cases.—Peter Quin, aged 24 years, was badly injured by falling down the hold of a vessel, lying at her wharf near Arch street. lie was a xtoYedore. Patrick Keeley, aged 51 years, had his right arm injured by being caught in the machinery of an envelope establishment Fifth atreet, below Walnut. John Maloney, aged 8 years, had his right arm fractured M Front and Catharine streets, by a fall, A colored woman, named Catharine Smith, while quarreling with her husband, at Seventh and St. Mary streets, bad her bead badly cut. These persons were admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospi tal on Saturday afternoon. The value of the exports front PhiLadelphia to foreign ports during the past week, was $102,. 410. 7110 foreign goods Imported at this port last week were valued at $274,590. The total value of the imports since January Ist is $10,979,158. Lieut.. General Winfield Scott, who is now in the city, takes part in the dedicatory services to-day, at the new armory of the National Guards. Vestels in Fort.—Thero were in port yes terday, ono steamship, eighteen ships, twenty barques, ton brigs, and ten eohooners. Attempted Murder of a Policeman.—Yes terday morning about one o'clock, Officer Camp bell, of the Seventeenth ward, arrested a man named Patrick McQuaid, in Cadwallader street, above Master, on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. When in the not of starling for the station house, the prisoner took Rom his pocket a knife, with which he attacked the officer, Inflict ing upon bi, person a number of wounds, some of which will prove of the most serious chgracter. The officer received several cuts upon his left hand, one upon his right hand, a stab upon his head, and a gash about two inches In length across his throat. McQuaid was finally captured, and locked up. Ife had a bearing at the Central station before Alderman Erma, and was committed in default of 55,000 bail to answer at court. John Bradley, who accompanied McQuaid, and attempted to rescue him (rain the officer, was also arrested, and bald in $6OO bail by Mdormar. Dev lin to answer at court. Military Presentation—This evening the "Minute Men of 'is," Captain Berry, will make a handsome parade upon the occasion of the pre sentation of a superb gilt frame, intended for Colonel Creager, as n token of esteem for acts of courtesy received at his bands. The frame, which is four feet four inches high, and three feet two inches wide, is richly embellished with superb scroll work. At the top of this gift Is the Ame rican Eagle, with muskets, cannon. swords, Ao., in close proxltdity. At the bottom are two cannon with piles of round shot. At each side are tents, in front of which are stationed " Minute Men " This beautiful frame was made by Thomas 11. Petro, Fifth street, below Chestnut. Receipts into the City Treasury for One Week City tax State tax Nov 9 $8,604 13 $726 98 " 10 4 200 43 862 04 " 11 2,918 70 490 13 " 1, 2 4,841 48 1,120 12 ~ 13 5.024 02 778 76 . 14 3,509 73 525 25 For the week $26,967 49 $4,509 28 Whole amount colleoted— City tax.. —51.418,558 12 State tax.. 5253,238 13 The Commonwealth Bank.—The stockhold ers of the Commonwealth Bank will meet at the banking-house, Chestnut street. above Fourth, to day, for the purpose of electing thirteen directors. A vote will also be taken upon the act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors, as approve& on the.l3th of October. Attempt to Rob.—At half-past two o'clock yesterday morning, the grocery store of Mr. Saml. ROSS, at the southwest corner of Second and Brown, streets, was broken into by three men. They be came alarmed at the appearance of Officer Schnell man, of the Eleventh ward, and made their escape without carrying off anything. Coroner's Cuses.—Coroner Fenner held an inquest yesterday on the body of a woman named Stuffier, who died suddenly at No. 626, Lombard street, and on the body of a man mimed James Bogner. who died suddenly in the afternoon at the Philadelphia College, Fifth and Adelphi streets. .4 thief broke into the granary of Professor Saunders, at the West Philadelphia Institute, du, ring Saturday night, and stole therefrom a large Quantity of corn and oats A liberal reward has been offered for his detection. Fire at Eighth and Dickerson Streels.—At eight o'clock last evening some cow stables, at Eighth and Dickerson streets, wore set 012 tire and partial, destroyed. They were owned by ;Sirs. Mary McLaughlin. Lou $l5O. The Ships Philadelphia, Capt. Poole, and Tuscarora, Capt. Dunlevy,arrived on Saturday from Liverpool with large and valuable cargoes of mer chandise. The former brought thirty, and the latter three hundred and twentt-two passengers.. • Run Over.—A lad, named M. P. Young, was run over near the Moyamensing prison yester dal afternoon by the suction engine of the Vigilant Fire Company. Slight Fire.—Last evening an alarm of fire was occasioned hy the alight burning of a dwelling at No. 121 Ilelfrir alley, in the second district. There were fifty-eight lodgers in the Seven teenth ward station-house on Saturday night. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, November 14, 1357 The sales at the stork board show a rapid rise in every kind of stocks since we touched the bottom of our pecuniary difficulties and the times began to mend, and the upward movement has been not a little accelerated by the favorable news from Europe. Every description of stock, as will be seen by our report of sales, is advancing in price, while the Into bears have become bulls; and, seeing every security at so low an ebb, are buying largely to avail themselves of the inevitable rise. The hoarded money of those who gave way to their fears during the panic is coming forth from hiding, and seeking for profitable investment, and the rates for money on the street are rapidly cow, ing down, and the transactions increasing in amount. The notaries harp reached about the end of their extraordinary harvest, and the note brokers no longer see day after day pass without making enough of brokerage to pay for their dinners. The weekly statement of the Providence banks, on the 9th, shows a decrease in circulation of $7,316 75; increase of deposits, $102,852.14; in crease of debts to other banks. 540,514.08 ; in loans, $72,512.80; in specie, $4,782.47; in bills of other banks, $33,222.43; of deposits in other banks, $14,676.89. • The following is a statement cf Imports of For eign Dry Goods at New York, for the week, and since January lot: Entered at the Port for the week $614,604 Thrown on the Market " 179,930 Entered at the Port since Jan. 1 66,790,043 Thrown on the Market " 79,553,874 The Miners' Jolernal of Saturday sums up the coal trade of the past week as follows : 1858. 1557. Lou. Gain Scbuylkal—rallroad.„ .38,519 33,187 5,332 canal 37,910 41,220 , . Lehigh—railroad 4,879 10,097 canal 0 8,964 24,573 4,391 Del and Hudson Canal .14,371 10,903 Penna. Goal tioutpany..2l,3o3 8,513 12,715 Scranton, South 3,386 947 2,419 149,312 125,5. 24,857 11,068 135,521 11,068 Dec. for week, tons— 13.791 13,791 " We learn from every direction that the markets are short of coal, compared with the same period last year, and there is every prospect that the pre sent demand for coal will continue until the close of canal navigation. We also anticipate a fair de mand for coal by the railroads during the winter season, should the weather prove milder than last winter, and shipments can be made to the East during the winter months." PHLLADELPIII.i. STOCK EXOIIANGIt SALES, November 14, Um Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stork Broter, No 80} Walnut greet. XIEST BOARD. 2950 Leh Val AU 05h.62 I 50 Reading R...cae1i.333( 1000 City Gas 6s 01d.90 I 94 N Penn R....10t5. OX 6000 City 6s 10t5.84 115 Scbuyl Nay p14...15,1i 3000 do ...aswa.B4 60 do 15+§ 2000 C&A R 53'62....62 88 do 15% 1000 do 6a'75....t7 12 Llarrieburg It Ms 1000 Han Coal Co 61.80 10 do lots.51)0 1000 Penn Coup 55...85 25 Schuyl Nar 84 4000 City R6l Its PR 84Ii ZI Peon R 37 14,75 Chee&Det Cl 65.00 8 Lehigh Scrip. 35 14.75 do 60 15 Machin R 57 151 Reading 11..10ta.20S 20 Cam&Arnb R 90 200 do cash 10te.2014 2N Am Jas....lots. 9 50 do Its 5ba1u.2054 9By Meadow It 54% 50 do .5.5 &int.'ai% 200 Long Isl R...10t5. 100 do 4.29% 50 do cash. 9% 100 do 20% BOARDS. 200 L I R..s.iwn lots. 9% BRUM 1000 C&A R 61110....07 10 Penult 313 i BECOND 600 City It 68 844; 400 du 84 t i • 00 do 84 ' 1000 Cattaw 117 s 42 1000 Alleg Co tte..a v .40S 200 City 64 20 Reading E 50 do .... b3irn .20 29 do toy 20 do 20 42 do 05.20 CLOSING PAICIES—YIRM Biel. Asked 'lO Reuling 11 10 Penn R 37 35 do 38 5 do 34 12 Schuyl pfd 16 20 do 16 63 do 16 10 51orris Canal pfd.9o 4 Lehigh Fcrip 35 100 Harlem 11 4N Bid. Asked. N 6a'B2 prof 15:4 161( Wrasp't lc Sim R 7 12 do let mart 7's 60 62,5 do do 2dln 60 6.1 Long Island.... 9% 9% Vicksburg OS Girard Bank Lehigh Zinc 1 Union Canal 9 9N New Creek Catam is. It R... 7 .5‘ 8 Piaßacial 6'9. 84 84 4• RR.... S 4 84x New....90X 91}( Penney'', 5'5....82 Si 83 Reeding R 197 i 20 do Bond. '7065 do 51 6'5,'44 81 Penns RR 17 X 3.3 g lorrinennl Con 40 42x Ram N 6.s 82.... 57 111 x stock. 9 9 LAT 100 Reading It 19% 100 do 55wn.19% 150 do e5wn.19% 100 Reeding R..55en0.19% Reading closes 0b0ut..191 PHILADELPHIA 111ARKETS. SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 14.—1 n Cotton the transactions continue of a very meagre character, there being but little here, and little or none wanted. The Flour market has undergone no marked change; the receipts and stock are moderate, and holderofirm in their demands; there is a fair ex port demand, and further sales of 1,500 bids were made at $5,571 perbbl forgood superfine, and $3.50 a 55.621 for extra, chiefly at the latter rate, includ ing 400 bbls Jenny Lind extra at $4 75, on time. There is a-steady inquiry fur the supply of the re tailers and bakers within the range of these figures' for common and extra brands, and Si to 58 for fancy. . . Rio FLOrlt i abut little inquired for; we quote, in the absence of sales, at $4 50. Cons 311:at, is more quiet, 100 bbls Penna. sold at 53.25 per bbl. There is lees inquiryyfoi wheat, and with increas ing supplies prices favor buyers. Sales of 2.500 bushels at $1.23a51.211 per bushel for good and fine red, and $1.35 for prime nuthern white. Rye sells on arrival at 73a750. Corn is in good request at the late advance, and further sales of 4,000a -5,000 bushels yellow were made at 80e for old, and 56a600 for now, including 400 bushels white at the latter figure. Oats are lc higher ; 2,400 bushels good Delaware brought 33534 e per bushel. Quancirnon BARK boo advanced, and 50 hhds No. 1 sold at s3oas32 per ton, closing at the latter figure. No sales of Tanner's Bark. CLOVERBRED comes firward very slowly; sales of 100 bulhels pr i ma a t ~35 per 04 lbs., and one lot at a higher figure. WitlsKei is improving; sales of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Prison at 2110.36., and hhds at 21a211e. Jullien's annual. series of Promenade Con certs have commenced in Fier blejeety'a Theatre. As hie chief vocal attraction he has engaged Wile. Jetty Treffa, the Lierler Sangerinn par excellence, whose Illerman ballade, a few years ago, so greatly delighted the public, BY THE PILOT LINE: LETTER FROM NEW YORE. [Correspondence of The Preis j NEW Tool, Nov. 14-5. N P. id Thera was another meeting of the Clearing House Association this evening, and it was resolved to extend the time for the country banks to redeem their currency daily until Thursday next, the 14th inst. It was found that the notice of the "re quest" was rather summary, and that it was im possible to get an answer from all the banks before Monday. the day originally fixed for the final event on of the present currency system. It is said that all the banks which have sent re plies are "much in favor" of the proposal of the city banks, and that the utmost harmony, and the most beneficial results, are anticipated from the new arrangement. It is expected that Monday's statement of the average condition of our bents will show a further expansion in loans I believe that such will be the case to a small extent, but I also believe that the greater portion of the expansion would be found, if the truth were known, to be loans to stockbrokers and speculators who have hypothe cated the best railroad secarities to K,et money to gamble in stocks, and •' operate for a rise." I do not know any legitimate branch of trade that has experienced any relief. or obtained ac commodation from the banks, and I hare seen the paper of one of the oldest, most respectable. and solvent firms in the city refused, if approved bonds or stocks with a considerable margin were not lodged as collateral. From the great activity in the stock market, it is clear that money is abun dant, and though I do not believe that it all comes from the banks, I am convinced that a great nor tion of it is supplied by them, and that the bro kers can get whatever they want. The week close,: on an easier and more hopeful money market. In spite of the banking institu tions, not because of their assistance. confidante is returning. Those who drew out their gold previous to the suspension, and have held it in their safes, cupboards. or old stocking:, as the ease may be, aro now bringing it out " to make a good thing," and take advantage of the times. Everyone, even the most gloomy, is "confident that the worst is past," and that in another month " we shall be in smooth water." I hope they are right, and that nothing may occur to damp their joy. Street rates are also easier. Friends—of whom three weeks ago net one wan to be found—are now willing to lend a thousand or two to a neighbor who is "rather short," and though between half-past two and fire minutes be fore three, anxious faces are to be seen in conside rable numbers, running up and down Wall street, diving into basements, mounting office stairs, and hurrying along William and Bearer streets and Exchange Place, evidently in quest of a loan, be fore Trinity chimes the fatal hour of three, I believe the notaries have less to do than formerly, and that money can now be bad "by hook or by crook." The note-shavers' reign is nearly over, I be lieve and feriently hope. They have bad abso lute sway long enough, and Paul of Russia never used his power more mercilessly thari they. They seem to groan in spirit when they are obliged to putup with 11 or 2 per cent. a month, and to be in jured individuals if ten or twelve per cent per an num is offered them. They will be martyrs, doubt less, when they must do paper at lower rates, and out of their own sphere they will find but little compassion. Foreign Exchange is very unsettled, owing to the large arrivals of specie. Rates vary according to signatures, from 105 to 109 for sterling, 60 days; Paris, 5.40 to 5.23; Antwerp, 5.35 to 5 278 ; Hamburg, 35 to 361; Bremen, 75 to 77 ; Amsterdam, 39 to 401 ; Frank fort, 40 to 41 ; Prussian Tinders, 70 to 111. The Arago, which sailed this morning for Southamp ton and Havre, took out $lB,OOO in specie. The imports of specie for November hare been as follows : November 3. per Aragoe 2250,000 ; 4, Star of the West, $1.600,000 ; 5, Canada, 81,025,420 ; 13, Arabia, $1.400,000 ; 14, St. Louis, $1.170.000. Total, $5,445,42Q. The exports of specie for November have been : November 7, per Baltic. $220,000 ; per Persia, $606,690; per Arago, $18,000; total, $349.690. The balance in favor of imports is, therefore, 4 54,593,730. The business at the clearing house to-day was as follows : Clearings, $10.470,306.92 ; balances paid in coin, 5759,160 35. The total business for the week, ending to-day, amounted to : Cleszle 870,789,449.54. Balances, $5,319,271.63 cash transactions at the Sub-Treasury to-day were: Receipts, $60,154.44 ; payments, $108,509.51 balance, $5,164.883.41. The receipts for dntica at the Custom house were $39,000. The business at the two. stock boards to-day was very large. Thera was another material ad vance in prices of from 1 to 6 per cent. on almost the entire list at the first board with great activity and excitement, which, however, cooled somewhat at the second board, with a slight decline in some stocks. One of the most convincing signs of re turning confidence is the increase you will observe in time sales." Reading closed at 39; N. Y. Central at 781; Erie at 17; Michigan Central at 59; Michigan Southern at 201; do. preferred stock at 42; Pa nama at S6l; Chicago and R. I. at 741, and Illi nois Central at 951. Virginia 6's closed at 88; Missouri 6's at 77; N. Y. s's ('IS) at 993; do. do. (62) at 98 ; do. G's ('00) 102; N. Y. Central 6'a at 54; Erie convertible bonds at 321, and Illinois Central bonds at 34. During the morning, the ex citement called to mind that of last spring, and was so intense that the cautions spectator could not believe in its duration. The bulls, however, seem very confident, but I believe there will be a • reaction before long. The restoration of confi dence, the large arrivals of specie, and the orders to perchase from England, will doubtless prevent any very rapid decline such as we have seen du ring the last three months; but an improvement, to he healthy and steady, should be more gradual and discriminating, since every one most allow that some of the "fancies" are not worth even their present price. The news by the Ariel, tele graphed to the Associated Press, from Cape Race, Is not financially important. The English funds are better. Cotton steady. Breedstuffs dnil, ex empt for wheat. Provisions also dull. The Ariel brings over $400,000 in specie NEW YORK STOOK EXCHANGE 811E8, N0v.14. SECOND BOARD. 4000 Missouri as 74% 5000 111 Can R Bds 85,4 15000 Mud R 'Mon be 50 7000 V. R Ri in be 'B3 69 1000 LaC&3lil LEI bs 30 5 DeLillud CI Co 101% 10 Pacific 01 88 0 66,E 50 Penn Coal Co 81 100 Reading R all 35 100 do sl5 39% 1100 do 40 500 do blO 40 225 do Z 9,4 50IE Can R 75 570 do 75% 200 do e3O 74% 100 do sOO 74 50 Erie R 18 SO Harlem R 200 do 00 do 7 % 350 Harlem R prfd 30 160 Mich UN' It 19) 50 do 115 SO 50 do 194 TO Mich ' , SYS Is pr at 36 ST I,zo & Milli sg 100 do 81: 110 Panama R 85N 25 Mich Celli R 59 26 111 Cen R 93N 30 do 94 123 Clerk Pitts R 13 26 do 13X WO do 133 21 GalitChic It 74 50 CI k Tol R ■lO 3314 200 do 384 200 do b3O 39 300 do 39 200 - do IT 38X 130 Chiehß I II It. Asnes.—The demand for both kinds is limited at $7.15 3 a57.25 for Pots, and 36.371136.50 for Pearls. ' Salerates is steady at 7 cents. COFFEE.—The business is small and prices ap pear heavy. Corrou.—The market is heavy, the stocks very small, and business trivial. We omit quotations. FISIL—Dry Cod have been in improved demand. and the market is, if anything, a shade better— sales of 1.200 qtls large Marblehead at $3.120. and 1,500 do St. George's Bank at $3.40. Mackerel are quite languid, and prices somewhat nominal. Box Rerring are better and more active; sales of 500 boxes at 32}a2Sc . for No. I. FLOUR. &o.—The demand for Western Canal Flour is fair, but with liberal arrivals in prospect, buyers have the advantage to the extent of 5c per Uhl on the low grades, at which them is a good inquiry. The better grades are in fair request and are steady. The sales are 9,000 bbls at $.1.60a54.95 for com mon to good State ; $545.25 for extra do; $4.80a 34.95 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; $.5.a $3.90 for extra do; $5.35a56 for common to good extra Ohio; $68.37 25 for good to choke extra do; $5 70a57.25 for St. Louis brands, and $3.6047.75 for extra Genesee. Canadian Flour is rather easier, the supply is larger—sales o 4000 bbls, at 3..506.65 for extra brands; no superfine. Southern Flour is dull and heavy ; the supply is not large—sales of 700 this. of $5.1045.30 for mixed to good brands, Balti more, AT., and $5.3547 for the better grades. Rye Flour is very quiet at 33 5044.75. Corn meal is steady at $3 50333 75 for Jersey ann Brandywine. Buckwheat Flour is in demand ad 321$ 121 per 100 lbs. Gnu.' v.—The inquiry for wheat is moderate, and with limited arrivals, prices are steady.. Sales of 12.000 bush. at 31.06 for Milwaukee club; $1.30 for white Canadian; $1.20 for fair white Indians ; and 31.23 for red Southern. Rye is quiet at 75a760. Barley is held higher, but is dull with more offering at the close. Oats We in fair demand at 43a47e. for State and western. Corn is decidedly better ; the arrivals are falling off and the demand is fair for the East and local trade. :ales of 20,000 bus. at 75.180 for western mixed—closing at the latter price, and 67 for damp yellow—new crop of Jersey. Other kinds very scarce. Mr —The inquiry is fair for shipping. and the stock is god—sales of 400 bales at 50aftle. par 100 pounds. Ilinim—Domestic continues languid, buyers and sellers Seen] agreed not to operate at present. Foreign is also in limited request, and prices for all kinds are inibuyers, favor. Stooks arejample. Minns.—Very little IS doing, and prices are dr7wping. Tho stock is 353,000, against 2,850 last year. same thee. Irma.—Seoteh Pig sells slowly as wanted, at 5:29a20, six months. Other kinds remain quiet and prices mostly nominal. LE VIIIER.—The weekly movement to at fol lows : Receipts Sales.... Stock ... MOLASSei.--Small ssle3 of New Orleans and Porto Itico have been made for di.fc old New Or ient:l9, and 40 cents lcs4 .3 per cent for new, and 28e cash for Porto Rico. _ _ Dim—American linseed is in fair request at steady rates S Iles 500 gallons from crash ers , hands as sSatioe cash. Crude whale and sperm re main dull and heavy. Manufactured oils are steady and in moderato request. Lard oil continues prostrate at 00a.$1.10c cash and 4 months. Cam pheno and fluid have not varied. I'l'l - latex:: —The market opened rather lower for pork; closed firmer, with a better demand— sales of t5O bbls at $19.60a510.75 for mess; $2O for new moss, and $l6 50 for prime—the latter price for new city cuts. Beef is in fair supply, and is steady Sales of 120 bbls at StisS7 for country prime, SO :oaslo 50 for do mess, Sl4 for new repacked mess, and $l5 for extra do. Prime mess is hears at $.22a525. Beef barns are better; sales of 50 bbls at $141511% Dressed hams are in demand at nisi le. Lard is firm, and in ram request for the trade and for shipment; sales of 75 bbls at 12a13e. But ter and cheese are dull and heavy. Bice is 11 , 00 I: prices favor the buyer. We quote at $3e.r.3.50 per 100 lbs for common to prime. Suor are steady at 6afitc, lass the usual discount for cash SKINS continue very dull, and Deer are quite de pressed. We do not learn of any trataaelloCE SI:GARS — The demand is moderate; prices bays not varied. We quote Cuba at Sane, and Porto Rico at oaBc. Refined are in fair demand at former prices. TALLOW—it good demand for prime; sales of 10,000 lbs at Hu, cash. WHALEBONE continues languid; the reduction in prices even has failed to draw out buyers. WHISKEY—The demand is fair, and the market is better ; sales of 240 bbls at 22e, and mall lots at 2310. Hemlock. Onk 3 %.4 1 1.1 • . 46.700 1-90) .425.100 42,`..1)0