The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 16, 1857, Image 1

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!Ailed to Valisorlbirti oat of tits Otty, at Tit'HUl DO,.
rin .11113111711, - •
wasaaw Panes will tie tent to Weapon AT
- mail, (par saattat,_ta advaitoej at '
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Three Capita, .. - it , , ,
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lira Coplasi , - -6 6 - , ti , ‘ ' OO
Tea C0p1ea,..7 o. : : -it ~. 12 00
Twenty Caples, I. 4, '(to'ane witipeas).„...24 00
Twenty Copiaa, or ova, - 66 (to address at eaelt
- attbaariber), mob 1 .20
Poi . a Otail at Twenty-one or over 314 will wend in getter-up at the Club. .' _
Br Postmasters are rat/wasted to eat 'aa ',tints tor
- Tea Wiggly Pawls.: , -, - ' . . .
TEE WEEKLY PRESS to published fink the City of
ipailtidelphta, every Saturday.
11 conducted upon Nattonel prinelples,' and 'will"
Wield the rights of the Steles, It will - reslit faneti-
ASO to everyeliepei,end,will be devoted to'nen*Ory.
• Attie doctrines,es the ,truo - foundation of public pros.
pertly said , eoeil older. Such e.WeeklyJournal,bee
Meg been desired In the thdtedStates 'and Hie to gra.
,-tify this went filet 21111WERKLY.PVESS itrpublistied'
TEE WEEKLY %laps la printed.orkeicellent white
„ 'paper,,clear, now type . , and In quarto form, for binding.
It eentaine , 'ditto time of the day r Correspondence
from the Old, ,World: and. the New; Domestic Intent
puoi; Kerrie of the retinue Markets; Literary
view"; Mbwelliteeoue Selections; the progressed Agri,
canine in all verieue ilepartanenta, tee,
Terme, 44{Ntriaely advaiors.
T InkSIN.PB2a4 be bent' to
• atadatilatfai 1 1 / Mall, at' - - • $2 00 per annum:
Twenty Ooplea, when sent to one "ad
; .ploo or over, to address of . • ,
subscrmeirj cub,. - - 120 - «
Patt'a Olutr ottEwentrone -or everore will sand-ae•
tsgfeeopx to the getter-up.ofiEe„Olub. , -• • -•-•
ied4l. Are regticetel. to aoloot,Agens • tar: TS*
:1 711 41r - P.W l , = - -,
_tirtti4iteepx faireilinirpoitilia per;
oeWil:lrlideilad, - 11: ethers' desire'sirlii=
lityllietepaPeriwlll exert themselves to gite THE'
ILLY - PRESS aLuge„eirculationLllheir respective
Jolls YORNEY,',
. Editor Ana Proprietor.-
Publication Mee of TEE WEEKLY PRESS, No. 410
Chestnut Street,. pniladelphis, „ ,
: • • commas vpli TICS ILEA" - ‘l
- all the pointstabeseari to
ad all the details and nicer elegsnciat which impart
Gentlemen are Insitai to call and etnadne.
oct2ollzn '' ' • 430 CHESTNUT Btreet.
rowed= TT • •
BOLD -.13.4 . .,AZ.L' .11001CS.OELJ112.
oforivrElyitiruz &tali BAR. By the Right Ron.
Richard LalorSholli Id. P,. Edited, with a Memoir and
Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. 0. L. Sixth Edi
tion, with Portrait and feemindle letter. In 2 vole,
TUE HOOPES AMDROSIAI4I2. 'By Professor Wilson,
J. 0. Lockhart, Jameollogvand Dr. /legion.' Edited - ;
with Memoirs sad Notes, by Dr.. 11. Sheltonidankensie.
Third Edition. In 6 volumes, with portraits and fac
similes. Price $5.
MAOINN'S MISOELLANIPS. The If - iseellaueoas Writ
fogs of the late Dr, Magian. Edited, with a Memoir
' sad Notes, by Dr, It. Shelton Mackenzie. Oemplete
- in volume& with Portrait. Price, per vol.; cloth, $l.
*his Son Wm. Henry Curran; with Notes and Ad
dison!, bilk-. R. Shelton Mackenzie, and a Portrait
oA SUSI and fervalmile. Third Edition..l2ano., cloth.
Price $1 '
tima"' Elti*ii beteg the Ant of Lady Mdrgan's Novels
and Romancrero' , With au-Introduction and Notes, by
Dr. R. Shelton _Mairkentle. 2 vols,, 12m0., cloth.
Price $2. -
SARRINOTOPPS neuerruaan, Personal Sketches of his
Own Time. BySlr 6onah Barrington, with Illnstra-
Seam by Tmrley. Fourth Edition, With Renoir by,
Pr. Maokenale. 1200., cloth. prim - oz.
MOORE% -LIPP OP SHERIDAN:' Memoirs of the
Life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
By Thomas Moore; with Portrait ' and, facmindle,
litgth Edition., 2 v015.,12m0., cloth. Price $2.
BITS OP BLARNEY. By Dr. R. Shelton Macksiazio.
Third Edition, 12m0., cloth. Price
Hy MalorOeneral Sir W. 7.2. Napier, from the an.
• Mior's last revised edition, with fifty-five Maps and
Plans, Sr. Portraits on Steel, and complete index,
6 vois.,l2mo, Oath. Price ET 60.
Svo, -Prioe 62 60.
THE, FOREST. Dy P. V. Eforttington, author of il,ady
Alice,"6lberi,i , &a, 1 rel., 12mo. Second Ed
Eon. Price 111,26 , -
ALBAN; or, The Histor y of a Young Puritan, By J . ;
V ; Huntington. ; 2 vole.,l2lnoi, cloth. Price $2.
IiNDEASO.N i k 00's .43-REAT, LITER
I.lLax PAUL NOMII and A3Oll strati.
kOrdor to - aistifypaho , ilahtoi of our nutoerowl pet
kOilf, litui ii 34408 kto bco)o.bortot publlo to Illimp,theit
, 1.# 1 5 1 k 144 :01905 114,10 ",0 40 ,*k 5 444 ,64 tO tommOci
laaindkoda, Of bed% Xo!rthe 'lNstanktie et $ and . 1 4 7 -
ildWor - iwwwwphittortoq;., 4 , r lbt
- Mikd ''..
lielC: -`', '.:.",7, - .•.elvi- 'e ,",-,-_,..:
-: letryonattenottniAng at'olkanta, Int ovary nat.
seta Jac bootie wt tfto coma pride, and very moor
will Ott, hi addition, a anoint Worthlaving. an2l.Bin
, ,
Watches, eiuetsp, fit.
Manufacturers of
Barron BURLING nom WABI,
Under their Inspection, on the premiere exclueively
Mims and Strangers are invited to 'lett our maxis
Censtently on hand a splendid stook of, Saporito
Watches, of all the celebrated makers.
litocklettei Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger.
Pings, atd ill other &cliche: in the Dlemond
Drawings of NNW D,151.11N1S rill tot made free of
thew for those vAddrig work made to order.
• beatalls4 , assortment et all the nee stylesoLPlne
Jewelry, auk as Houle, atone sell Shell Cameo,
Nu; Con, Carbanoie;Marquis#44
' ' /to., /cc -
Abe t Brous. aad,Marbko CLOCKS, of newest styleo,
In 4 of superior quality. aul-d teatwly:
‘1 4, . MARD2AOT22222 011 WATOW OASIS
Oonenuir Paginosar, • Almost , ' Punnonor,
Importers ,of • Watobes and Pine inweliT, Manttfactu.
lota of Sterlfnkind Standard Silvor Tea Soto, Forks and
Opoons, sole agents for the lisle of Charles Prodshata's
nen sense .Gold Moat London Ttniekeopora r ill Ike
almost% hand, - prices $250, $276, and sood. -
Ste& aad Swim Watches at the Imrast Flaw
Blob fashionable Jewolry.
Med:laid and American Plated. Wares.
So. AN Chweaut Street, above Third, tip atoll,)
- - Philacteipids.
Conatently on band and for ago to the Trade,
.T0,1111T0.118, HELVES, SPOON/kBORES,
LADIigH, &co., dr,o,
Gilding AO plating on all kind, of metal. 002-ly
18 IL 12 ,) R TFA.RE;
fitSD E R
A large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every de.
Soription, teristaiitly on hand, or made to order to nista
any pattern desired.
Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham Imported
Wars. se3o4,Awly
Dabosit, Otrrow k 00. Wholesale MARI:MAO.
T MORE 01 JEWELRY, 1104 OILEETNET sireet, Phila
delphia. z • -
Eamrots P. DQdoB4. Wm. H. DOOR,
anb licotputantic.•
Anon' Mattare,
MoXIBIAN & BONS, ?RorarreozL
I ON - EV° . -
11/ and 7210 Allen STREET:
To the Ladles, as well as to the whole public, these
Saloons are the most attractive in the Of ty, - and in
aplsolor of adornment sad finish are superior to any In
this country.
Servislup lathe cholcest and most espeditions style, ,
Brery -variety oE . .
Constantly ready for risi tore in profusion.
And, in fact, all the „VAIgHTLES, LUXURIES, and
DUD:IO'ISB of every ultimo and country.
BALLS, Ph VATS PASTIES, Presentation Sappers,
and Feinitiss suppliek at the shortest notice and on
ressonifWe terms.. .
A c o mymuyitm) of the patronage - 111thertt) so !Mere*
bestowed)/ the public is respectfully , imitated..
y 2 .11 JONES, Proprietor,
'ILA BON, 'W il d DuOce, 'arttoya, Geese, Gronse t Pfeil;
'Mann tnaliwatique, Ophachique, Princess Say, Use.
coin aisilleve Gysterii with every variety of GAMS, '
yid or domestic, 40 mason. Green Tartie Soap and
- Terrapin Suppers served up at the ehortest - notice,. at
- - 4011-G 04.1te8srw73, No.- P 27, OGIOTNUT street, op.
' polite the State House.,
PLlL—NOoxpenso or palaa has Veen spared lip tba
Proprletdr n fitting hp this new establishment is the
oua meaner—the lecOnd story being for
- the attiodation. Of PriVito Parties' for ._Dillll6ll 7
; • %From, &o.
041"' Sayili4elor.l,,adissfolrirrisl9lxtlistraot.r,
wAttut/twgzsz,u r t
• MOW),' elit'ItESTA - ORAirT, SOUTgr,
- JAW' *Mt serade ,of 0)110AD , s4CWAISUT.-Ailapi
w Atta ea*: foloidag Wawa": *amine! 11 14 1104 :
rikertfl4ll;l.: Bl °4 l4 .:
- • _ .
VOL. I-NO. 92.
begat Notices.
tiltd /sines Stevens late copartners, trading as
White, Stevens, Ik. Co., did, on the eleventh day or No •
vember, A. D. 11367,, make and execute a general ae.
'Agnment to the nadereignea, in 'Ernst, for the benefit
of their , creditors, , which said assignment le duly re
torded at Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said
assignors will make payment to
ISAAO S. WATLRMh.N, Assignee,
noi4 sinw-Cw* N. W. corner Second & Arch sts.
SMITH, deemed. The auditor appointed to audit,
Settle l end adjust the account of Ebenezer Maxwell
Joseph fiesttergood;executors of THOMAS 8311T11, de-
Ceased ; and also the trustaccouut of the executors,
wider the will of the Mid THOMAS SMITH, deceased,
cud to report distribution, will attend to the duties of
his appointment - 6n TUESDAY, the Sith day of Novem
ber, A;Do, 1852, at 4 o'clock P. M. 'at hie office, No.
271 sOuth - PIPTiI Street, below PRUNE, in the city of
Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY,
n072.40d-6t Auditor.
EstatenfJOHN MILLER, deceased.
,The Auditor appointed by the Corirt to audit and re
pert Mita:button of the fundarising from the sale of the
decedent's real estate, paid into Court, will meet the
parties in interest at his office, No. 115 South FIFTH
street, on THURSDAY, November 341851. at 4 P.M.
nl3 ood6t*
In the =Nor of the estate of MEM U. TYLER, es-
Wooed for the benefit of creditors.
The Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, adjust,
lad tattle The account of NOUN IL oomaNa, anAgnee
of ZESSE E. TYLER, and to report distribution of the
balance in his hands, will attend to the duties of his
&Operate:met at Uhl olUce, No. 033 WALNUT St., Phtlit-
AelPhlai.on'llol!lDAl, Remember .16%, 1867,, at 4)i
°Mock Pe tel." ••• = e U. RUSSELL =ATER.
nob;Stism-fit Auditor.
NO. 10. Sur libel for divorce
- d.NNE W. 'BARROW, by her next friend, &e., es.
And now, November 7, 1857, on motion, the Court
granted a rule upon the respondent to show cause wby
&divorce a vinleulo mattimonii should not be decreed in
the above case. Returnable November 28. 1857, at 10
A. M. J. P. CRT 171CRLINO,
noll-2s4W Attorney for Libellant.
hereby given to the.dwners of premises mention,
ed in the appended memoranda of Claims for Paving,
that write of Sire Itzsias will be issued on said claims
in Three menthe from the date hereof, inaless the same
shall be paid at the office of the undersigned, 212 South
YIPTII Street, below Walnut, at or before that time..
November 241,1857. Attorney for Plaintiff.
City of Philadelphia to the use of George W. Stroud
VS. Charleelleyneld. O. P., June T., 1857, No. 90.
Claim 8203.39 . . Paving seuthwest corner Twenty-sea
ond and Green streets.
Same vs. John P. Titus. Cl' P., September T. 1857,
No. OP. Claim $10.17, - Paving north side Clayton at.
163 feet treat of Twenti-second: -
- Same vs. lease Coniston. G. P., September T., 1857,
No. OS. Claim $42.03. Paving north aide of Clayton
street, 62 feet irest of Twentpsesond, no3.m-Stn
. . . •
WM. lI.BOWERS, et al., to use; kc. - , ros, GIDEON D.
ILARIIEft. Alias lii, June, 1857, No. 0 42.
.-The inulitor appointed by the 'Court to distribute the
fued arising from a sale under the above writ, of the
following real- estate, YiX : All that, certain mossnage,
tenernent, and lot or piece of ground, situate in Ger.
mantown, on the soutbeastwardly side of Rittenhouse
street, at the distance of foul hundred and seventy feet
nine Inches southwestwardly from the southwest side
of the main street, containing in front or. breadth on
mid Rittenhouse street thirty feet, and eatending in
length or depth that width, between parallel Rene, at
right angles therewith, southeastwardly, two hundred
feet nine inches (with the improvements thereon), will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his office,
No 142 8. EIGUTIT Street, (west side) on VIDES
DAY, 'November 19th, 1867, at 4 o , oloot P. M., when
and where all persona are required to present their
claims or be debarred from coming in upon said fund.
no6-10t • JOBB B. OOLAIIAN, Auditor.
J. DARBY, A. DI., President, Lecturer on Natural
W It. C. PRICE, A.. M., Principal, Teacher in all
Ror. G. W. 011ATIIIILD, A. M., Teaohor In tho Col
logtoto Department.
Min M. R. ANDERSON, Teacher 1n Primary Depart
Mrs. ,TULIA. A. PRIOR, Teacher of Music.
I Mrs. JULIA. P. DARBY, Teacher of Drawing and
- session Of this Institution 'commenced on the
Brat MONDAY in October, and will continue nine and
a hat' months.
Primary Department, $80; Intermediate Department,
$4O; College Department, $5O; Incidental Yee, $2;
Graduation Pee, $5; Music on Piano or Guitar, $5O;
Instrunnint4sl Pencil or Monochromatic Draw
-1 "login:Or Water Oplor Painting, $5O; Oil Painting, $4O;
grouch and PAM, imali VAL • •
: ,1 4110.,11rialtiog Pass must be settled before any Rug;
Bo !an be - obtained print* /Mollies at $12.50
Vet mouth,' including washing wood, and lights.
the Institution possesses advantages for laustratioa
in Natural Selene superior to those of any similar one
in the South.. There is not to be found, iu any Female
ileboel, more (templets Chemical ad Philosophical Ap
paratus, and a more extensive Cabinet for illustrating
all branches of Natural History. These mane are in
daily nee,
, All the Sollega buildings are undergoing repairs,
and everything 'will be made as comtortable as pos
Auburn is u.healthy u there is any neeeeeity for.
It eould• not be healthier. Indere the pepple should
noverdle it all.
The President and Principal have the entire control
of the Inatitutiop, and any Inquiries addressed to either
of them will meet with prompt Attention.
X ,11.--Perecins wishing water, soils, or ores analysed,
may have ft done by sending to
oe 27-tf Professor T. PAPAW.
.L School Tear, 'Consisting of two Teams, will com
mence on the SECIOND WEDNESDAY of September,
and close the last Wedneeday of Juno fallowing.
Normal Class, Troy l'emale Seminary—Tuition free.
Winter Term commencing September 10th.
The charge for tuition and board, including all ne
cessaries connected with it, ouch as room rent, washing,
fuel, light, eto.; Is $226 per amium. An additional
charge le made for music and the other ornamental
branches of female education. Where a fixed eum is
preferred; $350 , per aiIAIILIV lone-half payable at the
commencement of each terra) will be received, and for
lithe pupil entitled to all the advantagee of the Insti
tution. ' -
Pupa may enter at any period of the term, and are
required to pay only from the time of entrance.
The Inititation furnishes all possible facilities for a
thorough more. of metal and ornamental education.
The Principals are sodded by more than twenty Pro
fessors and Teachers.
Extensive courses of Lectures are Annually delivered
by Professors on Chemistry, Natural Philoimplfy, Goole
¢f, Botany, Astronomy, Cud E locution.
Thin Institution is furnished with a valuable Library
And extensive Philosophical Apparatus, a weli-selected
cabinet Of Minerals and Shells, and Maps, Chute,
Globes, and Models..
Every facility is afforded for the thorough study of
the Tread! language. The French teachers reside in
the finally, And adapt their system of instruction to the
use of the language in conversation.
'DIPLOMAS are awarded to young ladies who have
poised satisfactory examinations In the full tours& of
lingliah stadia with Latin or one of the modern
languages. CERTIPIOATEito those who have com
pleted the partial course.
The pupils are received Into the family of the Princi
pals, in which every arrangement is made for their
physical education, and the improvement of their man
ners and morals. They occupy private rooms, two In
each, the rooms of the female teachers and that of an
Vi e o r s ieueed nurse being among those of the young
The advantegee of this Institution are the result of
the accommodated facilities of mere than thirty years
of its onward progress.
Circulare containing more particular information may
be obtained by application to the Principals, John 11.
Willard and Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N. Y.
The terms for day scholars are gb per quarter for the
Introductory clue of English Audios. Them are Read
ing, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Rudi
ments of Geography, Geography for beginners, and
Geology far beginners'.
Per the second class $7 per quarter. This includes ail
the branches constituting the extensive course of Eng
lish studios.
lons IL Wixtann, Secretary.
Mayor and Recorder of Troy, ex-offlcio.
Benjamin Marshall, John D. Willard
Robert , ThomnsW.Blotchford,
JOnas O. Heartt, Silas IL Stow,
Ju Ves Bchoonhovert, Jonathan Edwards,
Geo. B. Warren, Thomas Olowee,
John Griswold, John Mallory,
Ertl Gilbert. 0c29.0m
Roe B. It. ammo, Baotou.
The Annual Setalon vrtll begin on' TUESDAY, Sep
tearibee I.
Circulars maybe obtained at the Book Store of H.
HOOKER, 8. W. oornor EIGHTH end CHESTNUT, or
of the Sector, Poet Office, Palle of Schuylki ll delpkts. • aultton
; 0 4 :=4 , 00 sz ta ti or tzaj:, to gain a glare of Vila
mut sticiiuzas , BUSINESS ACADEMY,
Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RAGE,
will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER let, for tau
and winter Studies, embmoing a knowledge of
by simplified methods, in a short time
THE LEIDY'S take pliaaare In saying, that during
lee past year a large number of persons acquired p
I HB9 XDUOATlON,entbling many to secure pro
fitable sittuttions, and others to prosecute their business
operations succeinenlly. aoll-Sm.
and CHESTNUT Street'', Second and Third Stories,
Each Studeot hasindlyidual Instruction from comps•
tent end attentive Teachers, under the Immediate
Supervision of the Principal.
0 of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of
tht s .
1 7r ease ritl ea lif il l rd see Specimens ent end get a Catalogue of
'Terms, ke. ocBy
• No Seminary whatever le more like a private Welly.
The aforee of study fe extensive and thorott. Pro
tenet' alMindell will receive a few more lin e under
fourteen yearn of ago into his fondly. noire of
M.llOOl. J. B. Silver and Mathew Newkirk,' or Col. J. W.
Yeraohlldlter of this 'Paper, whose eons or wards are
new Innis** of hie family. eoptl4-tt
choler, invoice of These celebrated
bran" ' N 'AribriB "New Ere," daily expected from
nannyoold for ease by WIARLEO
. ( 1 411.180 'Walnut atm% below Second,
Ilsoond Story.
smiD.,26 bus 41titgelluiluag,
CO, NO:I4X. Delaware avenue.
Strangers' CEsnibe in Pilabelpifia.
For the benefit of strangers and others who may de.
Eke to visit any of our public, institutions, we publish
the annexed list.
Academy of Music, (Operatio,) corner of Broad and
Locust streets.
Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above Bth street.
Parkineon's Garden, Chestnut, above Tenth.
National Theatre and Circus, Walnut, above Eighth.
fiandfont'sOpern House,(Ethiopland Eleventh, below
Walnut Street Theatre, northeast corner Ninth and
Thonieurs Varlettee, Fifth end Chestnut,
Thomas's Opera House, Arch, below Seventh.
Meta AND BOtratinte.
Academy of Natural Sciences, corner of Broad and
George streets.
Academy of Fine Arts, Chestnut, above Tenth.
Artiste Fund Hall,iCheetnut, above Tenth.
Franklin Inetitute; No. 9 South Seventh atreot.
nittniVaitatarr lisitratirrioNa.
Almshouse, west side of Schuylkill, opposite South
Almshouse (Friende% Walnut street, above Third.
Association for the Employment of Poor Women, No.
ma Green street
Asylum for Loot Children, No. 88 North Seventh
Blind Asylum, Race, near Twentieth street.
Christ Church Hospital, No. 8 Cherry street.
City Hospital, Nineteenth street, near Coates.
Clarkeona Hall, No. 143.3 Melly street. •
Dispensary, Fi ft h, below Chestnut street.
Female Society for the Relief and Employment of the
Poor, No, 72 North Seventh street.
Guardians of the Poor, office No, 68 North Seventh
German Society Hall. No. 9 South Seventh street.
Heine for Friendless Children, corner Twenty-third
and Brown streets.
Indigent Widows' and Single Wpmen's Society, Cherry,
east of Eighteenth street..
Penn Widows" Asylum, West and Wood streets
Eighteenth Ward.
Masonic Mall, Chestnut, above Seventh street.
Magdalen Asylum, corner of Race and Twenty-Bret
Northern Dispensary, No. I Spring Garden street.
Orphans' Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth street, near
Odd Fellows' Hall, Sixth and Haines street.
Do. do, S. R. corner Broad and Spring Gar.
den streets.
do, Tenth and South streets.
Do. do. Third and Brown streets.
Do. do. Ridge Road, below Wallace.
Pennsylvania Hospital, Pine street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
Penneylvanialnstitutefor thelnstruotion of thellind,
corner Race and Twentieth street,
Pennsylvania Society for Alleviating the Miseries of
Public Prisons, Sixth and Adelphi streets,
Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble.
Minded Children, School House Lane, Germantown,
office No. 162 Walnut steet.
Philadelphia Orphans' Asyltuif, northeast oar. Nigh
' 'Wenn..and Cherry
Preston Retreat, Hamilton near Twentieth street.
Providence Society, Prune: below Sixth street.
111 Southern Dispensary, No. OS Shippers street.
mien Benevolent Association, N. W, corner of
Seventh and Sansom streets,
Will's Hospital, Race, between Eighteenth and Nine.
teenth streets.
St. Joseph's Hospital, Girard avenue, between Fif
teenth and Sixteenth.
Episcopal Hospital, Front street, between Hunting.
don and Lehigh avenues.
Philadelphia Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, S. W.
corner of Chestnut and Park ate, West Philadelphia.
Custom House, Chestnut street, above 'Fourth •
County Prison, Passyunk road, below Reed.
City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets.
City Controller's Office, Girard Bank, second story.
Commissioner of City 'Property, office, Girard Bank,
second story,
City Treasurer's Office, Girard Bank. second story.
City Commissioner's Mee, State House.
City Solicitor's Office Fifth, below Walnut.
City Watering Committee's Offiee, Southwest corner
Fifth and Chestnut.
Fairmount Water Works, Feirmount on the Schuyl
Girard Trust Treasurer's Office,Fifthotheve Chestnut.
Rouse of Indnatry,oatharine, above Sor
House of Industry, Seventh. above Arch street.
House of Refuge,(whited Parrish, between Twenty
second and Twenty-third street.
Rouse of Refuge, (obloredd Twenty-fourth, between
Parrish and Poplar streets.
Health Office, corner of Meth and Bansom.
House of Correction Bosh Hill.
Marine Hospital, dray's Ferry road, below South
Mayor's office, B. W. corner Fifth and Chestadt
New Penitentiary, Goatee street, between Twenty-
Bret and Twenty-second streets.
Navy Yard, on the Delaware, corner Front and Prime
Northern Liberties Gas Werke, Maiden, below Front
Post Offloe, No. 237 Dock street, opposite the Ex
Post Office, Kennington, Queen street, below Shacks
mason street.
Post ONce, Spring Garden, Twenty-fourth street and
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Philadelphia Exchange, cornier Third, Walnut and
Dock streets.
Philadelphia Gas Works, Twentieth and Herbst; 0910 e,
No. 8 8. Seventh Street.
Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and Dumb, Broad and
Pine streets.
Penn's Treaty Monument, Meech, above Hanover
Priblio High School, el. B. corner Broad and Green
Publle Normal Scheel, Sergeant, above Ninth.
Iteciordtr'a Office, No. 3 State House, east wing.
Sate House, Chestnut street, between Fifth and Sixth
IthetTS Office) State Heittee t mear_Mxtltstreet, .•
Ste* Klitederiootarrdmiltnmet's 'gat, Opringlisrdsn
andlbirteenth s treets.
'Union Temperance Hall, Christian, above Ninth
United States Mint, corner of Chestnut and Juniper
United IMMO Arsenal, Gray's Ferry Road, near Fede
ral street.
Naval Asylum, on the Schuylkill, near South street.
Vatted Statea Army and Clothing Equipage, corner of
Twelfth and Girard streets.
United States Quartermaster's Office, oorber of
Twelfth and Girard streets.
College of Pharmacy, Zan o greet, above Seventh.
Belot!. Medical College, Haines street, weal of Sixth.
Girard College, Ridge rorol and College Avenue.
Honiceopathio 'Medical allege, Filbert street, ahoy
Jefferson Medical College', Tenth street, below George.
Polytechnic College, corner Market and West Penn
Pennsylvania Medical College, Ninth street, below
Philadelphia Medical College, Fifth street, below
Female Medical College, 229 Arch greet.
University of Pennsylvania, Ninth etreet, between
Market and Chestnut.
University of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge,
No. 88 Arch street,
LOCATION ow riounrs.
tnitod States Circuit and. District Courts, No. 24
Fifth street, below Chestnut.
Supreme Court of Penns' , Wants, Fifth anti Chestnut
Court or Common Pleas, Indepoodecoe
Dietrict Courts, Nos. 1. and 2, corner of Sixth and
Chestnut streets.
®Court of Quarter Bessions, corner of Blxth and Chest
nut streets.
1113LIGIOOS Iserirurionir.
American Baptist Palication &met'', Ho. 118 Arch
American and Borel,gn Christian Ilniosa, No. 144 Chest
nut street.
American Sunday School 'Union (new), No. 1122
Chestnut street.
American Tract Society (new), No. fag Chestnut.
Mahound, Crown street, below Osllowhill street,
Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bible Society, corner
of Seventh and Walnut streets.
- - .
Presbyterian Board of Publication (new), No. 821
Obostnut stile t.
Presbyterian Publication House, No. 2884 Chestnut
Young Men's Christian Association, N 0.162 Chestnut
Northern Young Men's Christian Association, Oer•
mantown Road and Franklin.
Philadelphia Bible,Tract, and Periodical Mice (T.
IL Otockton's), No. 535 Arch street, first house below
Sixth street. north aide.
• - •
Lutherln Publication Society, No. 732 Arch street,
below Eighth.
Penna. Central R. R.—Depot, Rieventh and Market.
7 A, M., Mall Train for Pittsburgh and the West.
12.59 P. 91., Fast Line for Pittsburgh and the West,
2.30 P. M., for Harrisburg and Columbia.
4,20 P. 31., Accommodation Train for Lancaster.
11 P. M., npress Mail for Pittelaurgh and the West.
Heading Railroad—Depot, Brood and Tine.
7.80 A. M., lit:press Train for Pottsville, Williamsport,
Elmira and Niagara Falls.
8.80 P. M., as above (Night Express Train.)
New York .Linea.
1 A, M., from Kensington, via Jersey City.
A, M., from Camden, Acconnoodation Train.
7 A, 31,, from Camden, via Jersey City
10 A. M., from Walnut street - wharf, via Jersey city.
2 P, M. via Camden and Amtaoy, Express.
3 P. M., via Camden, Accommodation Train.
P DI.; via Camden nod Jersey City, Mail.
6 P. 31., via Camden and Am boy, Accommodation.
Connectimg Lents. •
BA, 61., from Walnut streetvharf, for Bolividere i Daatom.
Water Gap, gicriutton, Ae.
6 A. M., for Freehold.
7 A. M., for Mount Holly, from Walnut street wharf,
2 P. EL, for Freehold.
2.90 P. M., for Mount Holly, Bristol, Trenton, he.
BP. M., for Palmyra, Burlington, Eordentown,
4 P. M., for Belvidere, Keaton, deo., from Wain= street
5 P. M. for Mount Holly, Burlington, lee.
Baltimore R. .R.—Depot, Broad and Prime
8 A. M., for Baltimore, Wilmington, New Castle„ Midi
dletown, Dover, and Seaford.
1 P. M. for Baltimore, Wilmington , and New Castle.
4.16 P. 1.1., for Wilmington, New Castle, hilddlenown,
Dover, and Seaford.
.. P. M., for Perryville, Feet Freight.
11 P. hl., for Baltimore and Wilmington.
Nora Pennsylvania R. R.—Depot, Prorf t and Willow.
6.15 A. M., for Bethlehem, Beaton, Maud t Chunk, Ito.
8.46 A. M., far Doylestown. Accommodation.
2.16 P. 31., for Bethlehem, Keaton, Dlanc a Chunk, Ac.
4 P. 31., for Doylestown Accommodation
0.86 P. M., for Gwynedd:, Accommodatioi
Camden and Atlantic R. R. — Vina,•street wharf.
7.80 A, M. (or Atlantic City.
10.95 A. 3f., for Haddonfield.
4 P. 111., for Atlantic City.
4.45 P. M., for Haddonfield.
For Wesethester..
By Colombia R. R. and Weetalsester Branch.
From Market street, south eLle, t above Eighteenth.
Leave Philadelphia? A. M. ftPti 4 P. M.
a; Westchester 6.80 A. M., and:3 P. M.
Leave Philadelphia 7 A. Al.
as Weetcheeter 3P. M.
oPe's to Pennelton, Orubbe
Weatcheater Direct Railroad,
From northeast Eighteenth, and Market streets.
Leave Philadelphia 8, and BA. m, 2 4 , 4.4 P.
and 1.1 A. M, and
pennelton, Grubbs Brid Bridge ,
4 and 6 P.
On Raturdays last train from eenneiton at 7 A. 11.
Os Borman
Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.
Pennelton OX A.M., and 6 P. M.
Germantown §- B. x,—De po t, gib and
6,9, and 11 A. M. arida, 4.46, 6.45, and 11.16 P. M.,
for Norristown,
6A. M. and 3P. M. for Downingtown.
6,8, 9, 10, and 11.:"APA.
10, M. and 2,4, 6,8, tend 9
11. festnut
A . 6,7, 8,9, 10, or
t C od h 11,30, A. M., and 1,2, 8.10, 4,5,
°heeler Tally R.' 9
.—L e 1
e l y .BO P P bi . l M ado lfpohrl a lff 6 rtnantown.
A. 81, and
3 P.
Leave Downingtown 7X A. EL and 1 P. M
2.80 p. ALLltichard Stookton, for Bordentown, inn! ,
Walnut street wharf.
10 and 11.45 A. M., and 4 P. Bt., for Tawny, Burlh `lt
ton and Bridal, from' Walnut street wha
9.80 A. 80 .,..Delaware,13ostop, az Kennebec, for 04 'l'
Kay, lint pier below B spruce street. •
T.BO A. M and' 2,8, and OP. 14., John A. *anti w
and Thorax' A. Mori rui, for Brktol,
1148tosi, &v.
C't Vrtss.
The imperfect hold which England has on
India has scarcely been thoroughly understood
as yet. It is customary to talk of her having
been mistress of that vast peninsula for a hun
dred years, and of her haying, during that
time, derived enormous wealth from it by ex
torting large revenues from its inhabitants.
The fact is, her sovereignty over the greater
part of it dates but from a more recent pe
riod. Tho empire, whose foundation was laid
by CLIVE and WARREN ILISTINOS, at first:corn.
prehended little more than the province of
Senates, and scattered factories on the eastern
coast. The victories of HARRIS and WEL
LESLEY at the close of the last century an.:
nexed the territories of RYDER Am and TIPPOO
SAIIIB to the British dominions: those of
LAKE added Central Hindostan at the begin
ning of the present century—while it is not
twenty years since Afghanistan and the Pun
jab, Scinde and Moultan, were brought within
the subduing influence of the English arms;
in fact, it is only within a very few years that
the military abilities of NAPIER and Goma
brought these countries under imbjection—and
Burtnah has been reduced within the last four
years. The kingdom of Oude, where the re
volt began, was "annexed" only a few months
Thus, in by far the greater part of the con.
quered territories, there has been no time to
consolidate the dominion of the conquerors.
But if there bad been, would it have been
done? We may turn to southern and eastern
India for an answer and what do we find?
Millions of money extorted by grasping resi
dents and collectors from the unresisting na
tives—which sums have beer, transferred to
England to build up the oolfssal fortunes and
influence of East India Directors; while none,
or but an insignificant portion of them, have
been expended for the benefit of the impover
ished country; but the ancient religious feel
ings 'and prejudices of the people have been
Interfered with—their suttees and, laws of in.
baritones abolished ; the rights of the native
landholder? have been interfered with, and
their complaints disregarded; and all this has
been done by strangers and intruders whose .
presence was uninvited and detested. Can we
wonder at the people of Mindostan making an
attempt to thiow off the yoke of the fo
reigner 1
In truth, it is not England, but a company of
merchants, practically irresponsible, that has
contrived to gain possession of these rich do.
mains. The control which the Home Go
vernment exercises over the East India Direc
tors, through the medium of a board, called
cc the Board of Control," is of the most imper
fect kind. The Crown has the appointing of
the Governor General, but if ho displease the
merchant-princes of Loadenball street, he may
be recalled by them, as was the case with
Lord EUENDOROUI7II in 1843, on the occasion
of his restoring to ono of the native temples
the gates of Sonmanth, carried oil' by the Ma
hommedan conquerors of the country some cen
turies previously. The Crown also nominates
to the Presidencies, and to the chief military
commands. The Queen's troops take prece
dence of the Company's—and a host of dis
tinguished and gallant officers whose names
have added lustre to the military annals of
Groat Britain are thus precluded from aiding
the Empire at large by their services. During
the late Russian war, the English people
called loudly for the employment of such men
era, who had_really seen service in the field
and utSdersteed modern Warfaro 4 -but the Mi
nistry would not move an inch from the old
routine and red-tapelsm of the preceding
generation, and consequently veterans more
fitted to be nursed than to lead youthful war
riors were,placed at the head of' the armies of
England—with what result the annals of the
Crimean expedition too well attest.
If this imbecile conduct be pehisted in riow,
the military prestige of England must diaap
pear. We perceive by the recent advices from
that country that a movement has been made
in favor of adopting our own system of volun
teer regiments, whose officers shall be elected
by the different companies—a system which, if
honestly adopted and carried out, would at
once open up a career to thb thousands of en
terprising spirits with which Great Britain
abounds, and supply her with any amount of
soldiers. Our country has never yet ex
perienced the want of able and heroic assertora
of her rights in the hour of need ; yet w
' have but an insignificant standing army,
and we do not bribe men to become sol.
diors. Were England to follow our example,
we have no doubt she would bo as faithfully
served; but then, where would be the scions
of aristocracy for whom the world was made?
Lord SANSTERRN would be unable to purchase
for his son, the Hon. Ton FI7,NOODLR, the
privilege of wearing the red jacket and gold
epaulets of her Majesty's slashers," and
of becoming the' admiration of the fair at re
view and at ball. The youthful hero, if once
entered on his duties, would not, under our
system, receive much encouragement to desert
his post on account of , e urgent private affairs,"
nor would he be iromoted for doing nothing,
or worse than nothing, over the heads of the
men who do the work.
England has, at this moment, need of every
soldier she can obtain. She pays enormously,
under her present system of recruiting, for
every man who enters her army, yet recruits
come in but slowly, and they aro generally
men of a low class and character. IVII/ she
succeed in raising an army sufficiently large,
and soon enough, to re-establish her empire in
the East? Scarcely, unless a radical change
be made in the constitution of her army.
This will be resisted to the last by those in
terested in maintaining the present system;
for if the army should be reformed, the navy
will follow—then every branch of the public
service will follow. It will be all up with aris
tocratic patronage and power, and perhaps her
"established church" may be relieved of its
connexion with the State, its groat revenues be
applied to their original uses—the maintenance
of the poor, the education of the people, and
the support of the fabric of the churches and
The reconquest of India is beset with diffi
culties. We do not mean the mere suppres
-111011 of the mutiny amongst the Sepoys, but wo
moan the re-establishment of that prestige
which has hitherto so greatly facilitated Eng
' land's progress in India. Thousands upon
thousands of lives will bo sacrificed in the
struggle, and should the entire population of
Ilindostan ultimately embark in it, the con
tending forces will be in the proportion of
3,000 to 1 ! Fearful odds! which will be ma
terially increased should Russia, overtly or
covertly, (as It has been alleged she is doing,)
supply officers and ammunition, and Persia and
the tribes on the northern frontiers join in the
Yet the progress of civilization is identified
with the success of England. Should she
fail, Christianity in India will bo extirpated,
and the whole country thrown back into bar
barism. A thoVeand tyrants would despoil the
fair land far worse than their Anglo-Saxon
masters. This rebellion once suppressed, a
new policy must of necessity ho adopted to
tho native population. It may be right
to make an example of Benda like NIIINA Sam,
who have been guilty at inbeard-of atrocities,
but tbo people at large must be conciliated,
their laws and rights respected, and their con
version be loft to the operation of more gentle
influences. Meanwhile, the company must ho
abolished, and the country placed effectively
under the control of the British Legislature.
The lucrative posts hitherto tilled by the nomi
nees of directors must be thrown open for
public competition. The national revenues
must bo employed in educating and elevating
both Hindoos and Mahometans of every sect
and caste; railroads and canals,steam and elec
tricity, must be made to develop the immense
resources of this wonderful peninsula. And
afreepres3 must give scope to the mind of the
natives, and to the bringing of the abuses and
oppression under Which they have suffered to
the light of day. Should this be done, India
may in time recognise In England her benefac
tor instead of her oppreeior.
Foe The Preael
Mn. EDITOR PREBB of the 9th
inst. I observe a communication signed J.
/ilco., in answer to my letter to you of the
27th ult., on the subject of the present revul
sion. Your correspondent's dissection of my
argtiment may, labia own opinion, be masterly
antlcomplete; bo I, for one, must beg leave
to differ with film, and will venture to say,
that could the *cation of fostering and pro
tecting, our owa;:manufactures be presented
to tit° qmoplo Of the free States apart from
any .. .other Wadi any party prejudices, he
would find himself, or the doctrine he teaches,
overwhelmingly ha the minority. Free-trade
gains slowly on, the affections of the Ameri
can people, so slowly indeed that the English
press are of late growing moody at the fact of
our unwillingness to throw ourselves entirely
Into their colonial embrace. But British
free-traders may ;well feel uneasy at the tardy
progress of theiridoctrines on this side of the
Atlantic, and instead of an increase of con
verts to them, they may look out for a pre
ponderance of enlistments on the other side
oe.the..q.uoAlOth';,.What common sense and
seltßovtint. l trt4bs have failed to do, is now
abont't 'Xietitituplished by the misery and
, W 4 o . Ali,grkir the stoppage of mama/m
-illi* pitlitililion of trade, brought about
-by eXcesalvOlMPOrtations; or, in other words,
running 10044 to the extent of hundreds of
'a 4 tft)4 l lor wares and merchandise
that could hdVe' been supplied by our own
mechanics and laborers.
But J. MCC., = l,hough well enough content
with my statistics, is annoyed at any logic,
which I viet is eat of that metaphysical and
elaborate style that be employs ; but still not
quite no clumsy as to Mistake effect for cause,
and commit the other absurdities that ho
rather implies than expresses. His logic is so
refined and ethereal, that, like the dramatist's
imaginary dagger, it is gg unclutehable," but
after many grasps, I think I have it. He
sagely tells usdbat extravagant Importations
aro the result of a redundancy of paper mo
ney, instead of low duties. This theory is too
open bathe web to keep out light, and as soon
as J. McC. can make it appear that our paper
money can be used in payment of our pur
chases abroad, we will subscribe to his dis
jointed 'doctrine, that excessive bank issues
lead to undue Importations. He well knows
that nothing but coin can be remitted to fo
reign countries in payment of balances against
us, and yet ho would endeavor to make us be
lieve that our Flora McFlimseys can go shop
ping with our bask bills lu Paris, and that the
same currency procures the French wines that
Americans drink and the English iron they
ride on. We - .:do not profess to be adepts in
political, econtnny this region ; but wo have
advanced at least far enough in it to know
that our importations must either be paid for
in cotton, grain, &c., &c., or in specie, and
that extravagant purchases abroad lead to ex
travagant ones athome; and in order to make
these among ourselves, recourse is had to a
system of credit, based upon a multiplicity of
promises to pay, omitted freely by individuals
as well as banks, How else, then, but as an
effect, does palidmoney figure in this opera
tion ? and J. MeC. in classing it as a cause
has only made the slight mistake himself of
placing the cart before the horse, instead of
that awkward "hitch up" having been made
by myself.
There is a striking coincidence connected
with this subject to which I invite the atten
tion of J. M'C. It is the fact of excessive is
sues of paper money, and low duties going
hand in hand, or that whenever the latter ex
ists the former is sure to follow. This has
been the case in several instances in this coun
try ; and for the especial benefit of your logi
' cal correspondent I will refer to two of them.
The compromise act or tariff, passed March,
1833—under which the duties were low from
the date of its operation, and were reduced
one-tenth of the'excess over twenty per cent.
every two years, until, in 1842, when no rate
on any import exceeded twenty per cent,—in
augurated a period closely approaching free
trade. As the duties declined Importations
Increased, as did the omission of bank paper,
which, In 1837, rooked the inflated mark of
$149,186,890.• ttext came the suspension of
specie payments; and the rear'of the train of
evils, that followed In the wake of a low tariff,
was brought up by the prostration of manu
factures and trade, general bankruptcy and an
impoVerishall,Gelernment,,Ftdch et the time
the duties reached their minimum, had to
patch an agent to London to endeavor to no.
gotiate a loan, rendered necessary by the ruin
of business, and overthrow of confidence,
brought about by the low duties of the act of
After a prosperous interval of four or five
years under a protective tariff, we are called
upon again to pass through the acme empirical
treatment, consisting as before of throwing
open our ports to an avalanche of foreign
goods, alternate stoppage of manufitctures, and
depression of trade; then an expansion of
credit and excessive issue of paper money,
reaching the grand total of upward of two
hundred and fourteen millions of dollars in
1857. Finally, wo discover ourselves in smno-
thing like the same plight, though on a much
more extended scale, that we were in at the
close of the operations of the tariff of 1833,
and so completely is the ono period the coun
terpart of the other, that a loan on the part of
the Government is now talked of to meet its
obligations. Without some change for the
better in the condition of business before the
close of the present fiscal year, the balance in
the treasury will not only be exhausted, and
the revenue insufficient to meet the expenses
of the Government, but there trill doubtless be
an agent or agents despatched in some direc
tion to negotiate a loan. Is there not, Mr. J.
MeC.—to say the least of it—a remarkable si
militude in the two periods referred to 7 and is
it not very singular that excessive bank issues
are confined generally to seasons of extrava
gant importations ? In 1837, under low du
ties, the circulation of our banks was, as be
role stated, $149,185,890; after the success
ful operation of the protective tariff of 1842,
wo find that in 1847 paper money had not only
not inirersed, but had really been diminished to
$105,519,766. I have thus shown that there is
a much greater expansion of credit and paper
circulation under low duties, than under those
that were levied to protect our manufactures,
and that J. MeG. has used his logic to no other
purpose than to show that he himself has mis
taken effect for Cease.
HO is also greatly mistaken in supposing that
I belong to the school that regards nothing as
vealth but money. I subscribe to doctrine,
ust tho opposite, and say that money is mere-
ly the representative of wealth, and only the
medium through Which the exchanges of true
wealth are made. It would be better for the
country if the real purpose of money was
carried out—that of effecting exchanges only,
instead of encouraging a system by which
dealers and hawkers in it are multiplied to an
extent almost equalling in numbers the lice
of Egypt, and scarcely less afflicting to those
on whom they pounce. Such, however, is but
one of the many bitter fruits of a system that
reduces freemen to competition with serfs and
paupers, cheapens credit, and as a sequence
breeds innumerable irresponsible e. promi-
sea to pay," and when the rickety structure,
thus reared on the insecure base of free-trade,
tumbles and scatters ruin and distress on all
sides, we aro mockingly told to reduce our
"circulating medium down to as near au ap
proximation to a specie basis as can possibly
he effected." In other words, we are told
substantially to try to carry out the chimera of
doing the extended and vast business of this
country with hard money or gold and slicer
I invoked the names I did in support of the
"protective cause" for reasons such as the
following: Thomas Jefferson said, in his re
port to Congress, as Secretary of State, in
1793: Experience has taught me that manu
factures are now as necessary to our inde
pendence as to our comfort, and if they who
quote me [referring to his Notes on Virginia,
written in 1785] as of a different opinion, will
keep pace with me in purchasing nothing
foreign, when an equivalent of domestic fabric:
can be obtained, without any regard to differ
ence of price, it will not be our fault if we do
not have a supply equal to our demand, and
wrest that weapon of distress from the hand
that has so oftenviolated it." Mr. Madison led
off in the passage of an act in the first Congress
leaning strongly to the side of the protection
of our labor, and worded thus : "Whereas, it
is necessary for the support of Government,
for the discharge of the debts of the United
States, and for the encouragement and protec
tion of manufactures,, that duties be laid on
goods, wares, and merchandise imported."
This act was signed by President Washington
on the fourth of July, 1789.
In conclusion, I would say to J. MeC. that
an ounce of practice is worth a pound of theo
ry, and experience—that efficient teacher—
has demonstrated that a protective tariff af
fords an abundance of employment at good
wages, confines capital more strictly to the
legitimate channels of business, and enforces
those cardinal principles of 'economy of plat
ing the consumer by the side of the producer,
and of living within our income. It is hoped,
therefore, that those who aro in power—after
reviewing the mischievous effects that have
been produced by repeated alterations in our
revenue laws from 1816 down to the present
time—win establish a policy that will protect
our labor, and shield us hereafter from such
revulelons as the present ono. C. B. F.
LUMMOX, N0Y.10th, 1867.
For The Press.]
DELAWARE COUNTY, Nov. 5, 1857.
I observe that many persons have taken up
the idea that the financial crisis has been pro
duced by the moderate rates of duties, which
thellemocratic party have always successfully
contended for. These persons allude particu
larly to the tariff of 1846 and 1857. Under the
first named act the nation has flourished be
yond all precedent, and during the period of
its existence no branches of industry' have
been more prosperous than the mining and
manutlicturit% branches. I will venture to
state that the profits reaped by those interests
have exceeded all bthers, and that these very
enormous returns have, in a great measure, as
sisted in causing the present money pressure,
by diverting too much capital and labor from
other industrial pursuits, and, as a consequence,
the very classes who ask for protection are
now suffering from the reaction.
The "hard times" cannot bo attributable to
the act of 1857. During the few months of its
inthney the balance of trade has been much
in favor of our country. There is now no for
eign demand for our California crops, and we
are importing abundantly of the golden grains
of Australia. What would wo think of our
political sister on the Pacific instructing her
Congressmen, at the nest session, to ask for a
heavy duty on foreign gold, to protect the
mining operations 7
Those who write tariff (or terrific) theo
ries in favor of the coal and iron interests of
our State are concerned in the, mining of
those minerals, and the assurance they have
in demanding assistance from the General Go
vernment is equalled only by their one-sided
notions, Ido not wish to deprive them of
their just rights, as citizens of the Republic;
but if they engage in enterprises which occa
sionally prove unprofitable, what right have
they to tax the people at large to support
them, and inflate the value of their property?
They would ridicule the farmers,the mechanics,
and the merchants, if thoseportions of society
were to make similar calls to balance any defi
ciency that might arise from such occupations
and what constitutional right has Congress
avowedly to protect ono class at the expense
of all the other classes of the community ?
Such a doctrine would be dangerous to the
very parties who expect to be benefited by its
adoption. Suppose that the next Congress
should grant this monopolizing class all that
it wants, where would it be a year after? The
very stimulus that would be supplied by such
legislation might cause more mines to be
opened,zuore factories to be built, more mine
rals to be extracted from the earth, more
machinery to bo put into motion, than will be
required for the next generation, and the in
dividuals who are at present engaged in those
enterprises might be ruined by the domestic
competition which would at once arise.
The coal and iron interest has had its fair
share of good fortune. See the many mil
lionaires in our midst who Ire emblazoned
on their escutcheon—the black diamond and
the iron sceptre with the appropriate motto:
"Iron to cool our enemies, coal to warm our
The coal and iron interest is certainly in a
deplorable condition. But is not every other
branch of trade in equally as bad a state as
that ?
The mining and manufacturing population
of the Union is a Very limited one, and
yet it proclaims its grievances as if it was the
only suffering portion of the nation.
If Henry Clay., the great father of the
American system," were now living, it is be
lieved that he would be the leader of a " free
trade" party. His idea was, that the babe
should be fostered and nourished by Govern
ment, but that as soon as it became able to
walk, it should be forced to depend upon its
own limbs, and to grow up to manhood, ac
cordingly, by its own vital power.
Some people argue "free trade" for old
countries, " protection" for new countries.
Certainly, the same natural laws govern all
countries, and nations who have least legisla
tion are in the hest condition. If our Govern
ment undertake to protect the mining and ma
nufacturing classes beyond what is reasonable,
for the purpose of obtaininga revenue, let her,
at the same time, do justice to all her people,
and secure tti them, in some way, a fair equi
valent for their industry.
Iron and coal aro absolnte necessaries, and
should be obtained at the lowest possible
prices. Every article of consumption is af
fected by the coat of these important staples,
and it the, people Can receive them trout
the roost distant regions' o 3 tho' - globe ,
at a less price than they can, be pro.
duced front our own wines, it would be
no national loss to do so, as American ships
and American sailors would receive the
largest share of such comparatively cheap
articles, and we would then retain these same
natural products in our mines at a cheap
storage, to be used when necessity requires.
But no such alternative as this is probable.
The very financial storm which is still ratting
will prevent for several years an over-quantity
of the raw material being taken from the
hands of nature. It is, therefore, predicted
that the coal and iron interests will be the first
to feel the return of prosperity.
Do the protectionists want ships to go to
foreign ports freighted with American pro.
duce, and bring nothing back ? Do they want
to tax the industry of the farmer with the cost
of freight both ways I Do they consider for a
moment, that the Almighty never intended
that ono nation should be perfectly independ
ent of all other nations
Do they think that we are gifted with a cli
mate to produce spices equal to those of
Africa ?—teas equal to those of Chinal—dye
stuffs to those of India I—coffee to that of
South America 1 Can our country manufac
ture silks equal to those of France ?—linens to
those of Ireland ? and One cotton fabrics to
those of England ? Any legislation which
tends to combat with the laws of nature is
wrong, and the nation that submits to it will
surely suffer 1
The tabling interests of the Old World have
one advantage over us—that is, cheapness of
money, their average rates of interest being
live per cent. per annum. Its manufacturing
interest has two advantages over us—climate
and cheaper money. Both ,interests have,
however, to contend with freights paid to
AMerican ships, numberless commissions, du
ties, &c., and last, thougb not leant, thesupe
rMr ingenuity and enterprise of our people.
Place a high tariff on foreign manufactures,
and you offer an incentive to smuggling, and
the honest merchant is.obliged to contend with
the most unscrupulous parties. Place a prohi
bitory tariff on foreign manufactures, and you
will soon find branches of the leading estab
lishments of Manchester and Lyons opened on
our seaboard, taking advantage of the protec
tion which will be afforded to them just as
much us to our own citizens, conquering the
climate, by the aid of the premium our reve
nue (1) laws afford them, having at the same
time their leading concerns in Europe, where
they can raise money at low rates, and in a
few years our own manufacturers will be
ruined. A change of policy will then be
adopted by our law-makers, In the meantime,
foreigners will retire to their homes with
pockets well lined. The work-shop and cot
ton-mill should not be subjected to such se
vere trials. Let our people go on manufac
' turing steadily, gradually, and moderately, and
in the end they will all be benefited.
No class of the community has suffered so
much as that immediately connected with ship
ping. Yet, with the exception of the mail
steamship owners, no one concerned in this
branch of trade has demanded a bounty from
our National Government, and I even ques
tion the propriety of granting aid to those
companies, as their stock is owned principally
by foreigners.
Our flag whitens every sea, and our tonnage
outranks that of any other power. Colum
bia rules the waves," as far as sailing vessels
are concerned ;•and she would do so, too, with
steamers, if Government pay were withdrawn
from a few monopolizing lines, private enter
prise being paralyzed by the bounty given to
What is to become of this great commerce
of which we boast, if a few rich speculators
in coal, iron, and dry goods are to be gratified
at the expense of all portions of the commu
nity I
Stephen Girard never presented an ap
peal to Congiess tin' assistance when ho made
an unfortunate India voyage, yet Abbott Law
rence was always on the alert to seek protec
tion. Was not the Philadelphia merchant as
important in his way as the Boston manufac
turer was in his ?
I cannot conclude these remarks in a more
appropriate manner than by giving the follow
ing extract front a speech made by one of our
greatest statesmen, Patrick Henry; "Why
should we fetter commerce ? If a man is in
chains, he droops and bows to the earth, for
his spirits are broken. But let him twist the
fetters from his legs, and he will stand erect.
Fetter not commerce— let her boas free as air;
she will range the whole creation, and return
on the wings of the four winds of heaven, to
bless the land with plenty." G. Med.
Nitjv SCHOOL or Mualo.—lt is said to be in
contemplation to create in Paris an Italian gyms
nasiumor censervatoire, wherein will bo taught
s i ng i n g, Italian music, and declamation, which
will consequently Include opera and tragedy. The
most distinguished artiste of the peninsula will bo
honorary members of this establishment, and will
by turns give a representation for the benefit of
the now institution. A number of artistes have
already given their full and entire adhesion to this
plan; among whom are mentioned Eialvini, Gra-
E3tvEtanonv, Rietorl,
It is more than probable that at the com
mencement of the next year thereiwill be a weelely
communication with India by the overland route.
c, Big Ben," the large new bell for the clock
tower of the new Ileums of Parliament, whilst
being eounded on Saturday, the 24th, was dis
covered to be cracked, and will lave to be re•caet,
The House of Connnons consists of knights,
citizens and burgesses, chosen by counties, cities,
and boroughs in consequence of royal writs di
rected to the sheriff. The members have certain
privilef o tes, as exemption from arrest in ern causes
on their jouniey to Parliament, during their at
tendance, .and on their return; nor can they be
questioned in law out of the house for any scull
toent there uttered. The Commons form the grand
inquest of the realm, and may impeach 9r accuse
the greatest peers; but their chief privilege, and
upon which their whole power depends, is the levy
ing of money,'in which they will not permit the
smallest interference. A Speaker is chosen at the
meeting of every new Parliament, but is usually
continued from one to another, as the office re
quires a complete and ready knowledge of the
tortes, and considerable abilities.
Largo quantities of sprats aro weekly sent to
London from the east coast of Scotland to be manu
factured into sardines. Young herring are also
used for this purpose. •
It is stated that several of the principal
li lat i
ootton factories ' a printers in and around
Glatgow are at, ' Pictpg lialf-time.
es a
A correspo lof Lancastel Guari ,
speaking of t lila& pf the nett, ao o .*-
word, says: w Tolegrape is .Slaoiist.t., .. '-'''".
gram the written telegraphlb poisage: I , On t .e
same principle I dare propose three other ' new
IttOrd3 , —ttlegraphy, the art of workinetlie tele
graph; photograph, the instrument used An Yip
tography ; apd photogram, foul-simile, or likerrel&-
Tun Em Mr; PAM( Innerni.—Last year .
the numbers a left Ireland, as noted in -the
Govermnent returee, were 65,766, and this you
there has been a nett increase of 6,240 - emigrants.:
Since the let day of May, 1651,, to the Ist of Sep-
ember, 1857, the collective emigration from Ireland .
has amounted to 910,300, persons—viz., 460,8411
males, and 450,326 femailes or within a fraction of
a total n..llion of thee Irish population! These
figures have some bearing upon the question, of re- 1
Prince Napoleon Jerome Bonaparte, cap
tain in the Chasseurs •d'Afrique, hal left Mar
seilles by the Sinai, for Algaia, ' .•
The square of the temple at Paris,'.' says
the Pays, '• will very shortly bo completely fin
ished. According to the formally expressed in ,
tentions of the Emperor, the Municipal Council
intends erecting a bronze statue of the unfortu
nate monarch who underwent, in the building
from which the square takes its name, suoh a
cruel captivity under the reign of terror."
A Berlin correspondent says that the best,
understanding exists between the CiPueettof Prussia
and the Prince, but thiet it is not the same with
the Princess of Prussia, who has been requested
not to a¢pear at Potsdam. " The liberal views of
her Royal Uigbneso, so openly expressed since
1848, have given great offence to the Queen,"
The Swiss officers, in the service of the
Pope, have been condemned to heavy fines and
lengthy imprisonment, for fighting a duel ; their
seconds have also been Vanished.
VENlet.—At nine in the morning of the .20th
of October twelve Austrian men-of-war--four of
which were large frigates—entered the port of
Malamocoo. Thu newly constructed " murazzi "
(groat walls) answer so well that when the inner
canals are properly dredged, ships of he line will
be able to enter the canal of St. Mark, and anchor
off the public garde•s.
The system ofPortuguese telegraphs is aow
connected with those of Spain, France, and Eng
A letter from St. Petersburg, confirmed by
be Nord, states that an enormous reduction in
. .
the Russian army, amounting to five-eighths, is
taking place, and that this atsarmanent V, Pa de
creed before the Stattgardt interview.
early part of the wars of the French revolution a ape-
Mal department of the Ecole Polytechnique trained
officers in the principles of the management of bal.
loons. The battle of Fleurus, gained in 1794 by
General Fleurus over the Anstnans, has been as
cribed principally to the accurate information con
veyed by a balloon observatory. The nerenauts,
at the bead of whom was the celebrated °nylon
Monna, mounted twioo in the course of the day,
took deliberate observations, and made them
known by pre-arranged telegraphic signs. When
ascending the emend time they were discovered,
and cannon brought to bear a ainst the balloon ;
ineirtnalih Ipr-or, for the II 1•341d1d
out - range o shot. Balloon observers also
accompanied the army of Napoleon in the Egyp
tian expedition, but Were suhaequently laid aside.
There are no practical impediments to the employ
ment of balloons in this manner. A balloon of 30
feet In diameter is ample when pore hydiogen is
employed to lodate it, as would be always the elms
on the field of battle. Hydroget'for tesrpest
swim:ooWy the , Franoh tratiothat
steam of Water thittgle - red-berletattptpelftlllsis
apparatus was portable, likb a etsedirf. !Using'
forge, and could Inflate I% 10100191'80 &eV in Ala
meter, in about two hours.
Mr. Murray announces for publication, in
two volumes, " Letters, despatches, and other docu
ments relating to India, by Field Marshal the Duke
of Wellington," edited by the present Duke. These
papers have not hitherto been published, and have
been only discovered since the Duke's death, and
subsequent to the publication of the Wellington
despatches, edited by Colonel Durwood.
Dr. Latham, who has been engaged by Messrs.
Longman to edit an edition or Dr. Johnson's DM
tionary, in three volumes quarto. founds his edition
on that which last passed under the author's eyo—
the edition of 1773.
The King of Prussia, in an autograph letter,
has been pleased to eonfer on Colonel Spite)s the
insignia of a knight commander of the biOortlor
of the Red Eagle, on the ground of his public
obaractor, 'Lis contributions to science and Mara
bare, and his promotion of scientific research in
India, particularly by Prussian subjects.
The subscription which was some time, ago
set on foot in Scotland for raising a fund to erect
a monument to the memory of the late Hugh Mil
ler, has made little or no progress.
The ConwayPapers—eo well known through
IVaivolo, and so long in the hands of the late Mr.
Croker—have been placed for publics use in the
State Paper Office.
Messrs. Hurst & Blackett, of London, an
nounce in their list of publications for the new
season the following interesting works: Met At
kinson's Narrative of his Seven Years' Travels in
Oriental and Western Siberia, Chinese Tartar'',
ke., embellished with ppwards of fifty illustra
tions, including numerous beautifully colored
plates from the author's original drawings; a new
work by Mr., Martin F. Tupper, entitled "The
Rides and Reveries of Mr. Loop Smith," in one
vol; "Personal Recollections of the last Four
Popes," by Cardinal Wiseman; "A Woman's
Thoughts about Women," by the author of "John
Halifax," one rol. ; a new and revised edition of
Lady Falkland's "Chow-Chow," in two vols. ; and
a new and cheaper edition ' with numerous addi•
Genet illustrations, of "The Oxonian in Norway,"
by the Rev. F. ittetealfe, in one vol. The same
publishers have in the press. among other works of
fiction by popular writers : "The Lady of Glynne,"
by the author of "Margaret and Her Brides
maids ;" "Orphans," by the author of "Margaret
Maitland;" "Caste," by the author of "Mr.
Aria ;" 'Seymour and his Friends," by Miss F.
Williams; and now novels by Miss Kavanagh and
Mrs. Grey.
Mr. W. 11. Russell has finished his course of
Provincial lootures on the Crimean War, and ac
cording to rumor—which I believe has good founda
tion—will, in all probability, go out at once to
India as special correspondent of the nem?. This
would bo a boon to newspaper readers, and one
which they well deserve.
Mr. Charles Rcade, in a very temperate let
ter to the Atlarnerinn, repudiates any share in the
title of his new book, " The Course of True Love
never did run Smooth." This name was given to
the collection of tales by the publisher, Mr. Bent
ley, with whom Mr. Rondo is at feud.
The Indian news, from the Bombay and Cal
cutta papers, is translated into several of the Paris
journal.. They all tho ti teat Trunk Road the
• • II igh Road of Trunk."
M. Theirs was seen at Laon, a few (lays ago,
surveying the ground on which the battle of the
Bth and Oth of Nara, 1815, was fought, under the
walls of that town, The historian of "The Con
sulate and the Empire" was afterwards going to
visit the battle-held of Craoune.
After long years' service, M. Jules Janin iv
about to retire from the field or literature. The
Journal des Debuts is about to replace his pen by
that of Edmund About
M. Emile de Girardin has returned to Paris.
He bringi pith him a comedy entiticd "La felle
d'un Illtllionairt." This is hie first appearance
on the dramatic stage.
The acknowledged posthumous songs of
Beranger were to bo published by M. Perrotin on
the 3d November.
It is announced from Paris that the " Me
moirs" of M. Guirot are to be published in
January next It is believed that they will throw
groat light on the men and things of the period of
1830 and 1848.
A new French journal, called the Armee
111ibtrir, which is advertised for next week, starts
with a fenifirton entitled " Nona Sahib," or the
"Strangler of the Indies,"
The Emperor of Russia has decided that the
valuable depot of maps and charts at St. Peters
burg shall be no lemur withheld front the inspec
tion of the public They are to be all engraved
and sold. Among others there is one of the
Crimea, including ninety-three sheets, and laid
(lowa on a large seek. There is also one of
Poland, also on a large mile, and one of India,
.perfected np to the present year.
The foreign journals announce that a play
intended for representation (ft is difficult to ima
gine where) on the biblical story of " Mary Meg.
dalen" has beet finished by M. Chriatiah Ostrow..
ski, a Polish eutLor.
A weekly newspaper is about to be estab
lished at Beirdt. It will be the first ever issued
in Syria, and will he in the Arable language, and
supported and concluded entirely by natives.
Pant Veronese's «Family of Darius at the
feet of !Alexander after the battle of Isis," with
several other recent acquisitions, Is now , exhibited
to the public at the National tastier); on its re
opening. The paintings of the British school are.
also again open to inspection at Marlborough
Tim Undoes of the National Plate, Gal.
Oorreepondenta for ' , l'm' Pugin • phase Wu Is
alai the following
*very oommonfoethm most be secompaate4 by the
name of the writer. In Wm to Wan eseneeteese
the kTpogxsphy, but we tide Of a sheet Awed be
written upon.
We ' Shall be greatly obliged to gentleman In Pawl
nab and other States far eontributiona giving the ent
reat news of the day In their partisalar hseatities, the
resources of the sarrotusUng country, the Increase of
population, sad any information that will he intimating
to the general reader
lery hare already acqaired the following por
traits: Handel, Arthur blurphy, Dr. P arr, Speaker
Lenthal, James Thompson, Horne Tooke, Dr.
Meade, first Earl of Cadogan, Sir William Wynd
ham, Harley, first Earl of Oxford. Biel:kora Otun
berland, La Belle Hamilton, Duchess° de Gram
mont, Coleridge, the Chandos Shakspeare, the
first Earl Stanhope, and Stothard the painter.
A piano has been brought forward at Dres
den which will supersede the assistance of sixty
vocalists and instruments. It is most tuneful, and
already ono hundred and twenty of the instru
ments, at .f. 1300, are ordered for Australia and the
SOULETOR.—The Athenawat states that the late
Dlr. Crawford's charming studio, in the Piazza
della Termini, Rome. is full of unfinished works.
He bad lately spent $12.00 on a new studio, when
a calamitous illness made hint lay doirn the chisel
he never again was to take up. Thenceforth the
world was to him what it was to Milton—nay, sad
der. He went to Paris, he came to London, but
the disease was beyond medical art; he was told
that a tnmer . was feedingen bis brain. " We have
reason to know that he bore his trouble like a man,
with heroic, strength and unshaken nerves, silently,
indeed—who can wonder' He had those about
him he loved, and; happily , he was spared from
seeing the sad faces of his fr iends. He died, if an
artist can die, on the Bth of Octeber. His remains
go to America to-day, and his countrymen will, we
doubt not, give him fitting eepulture."
Madame 8010 and M. Taniberlik . have been
received at the Opera - house in 81.. Petersburg with
flatteriztg marks of favor by the Royal Family and
Couii."l 4l,l 7.lEi k •
'•'• 4 16 4torsiastdORitltdiilli, La
blaoh`e,,.-witl never' be able. to reappear on the
Stage: •"-
Ytte 9alla of the new opera bone in Covent
thirdin are rapidly rising.
~:.4EXIA6tri NEWS.
'life Res. Mr. &adder, of India, in a letter to
the' fferiltstre.frilellizencer, gives the following
instances of heroism, earkett forth by the Indian
mutinies : .
' Let Americans never hauled that Englidi•
met& and thpir ((iterative England is a noble
ooturtryz•thet eons are b „and her daughters.
are heroines. This to
... has brought out .
deeds. that deserve. to lie ilitt o ed with those
valorous actions whishewe,. wit bbing . prilsear
read in history. is one plaiis'7 a /lady and'
her. husband fled in their catriage. ..lie stood
upright, ENe took ..‘4O . reina. She lashed
the horses through • a : bend of mutineers,:
while he, with cool sub, shot dead one who seized i,
the horses' heads, and ,another whn.clitreb - ed I .
tintu the csrriage_ behind to cut hi*. 'inwtt. On '4.:
y led, till arum they foubd themselves among
foes, end a rope stretched acmes the mad made -.
farther progress appear impossible. True to `,
be'iself, she duffed. - the• basses at full speed
against the rope, and as they. bearing it down,
stumbled, she, by rein and whip, raised them,while
her husband's weapons again freed,theniireSe
who succeeded in leaping upon liunc: - .. 41 4 - lits
- wounded, but boar- eses.4 with their liras.`. _tei
another piece, a young lady, the :daughter of an
officer, shot seven mutineers before they killed her.
A captain, pressed by his Sepoys, with his good
sword Blew twenty-six of them before he fell !
A week or two since, John Enoch, a ped
lar, was travelling on foot, when night overtook
him some firs miles from Salem,O. lie stopped in
the woods, made a fire, and lying down near tt, fell
asleep. A spark of tare lit on his body, burning
his pantaloons. His sleep had been so deep that
ho did not feel the scorching of his body till the
skin had been deeply burnt. Re was unable to
extinguish the flame of the burning garments, and
had to tear them oir, leaving him without panta
loons in the woods, fire miles from the nearest
place, daring a cold and damp night. Re man
aged to reach Salem after a groat effart, and pro
cured a new garment and was taken to Pittsburgh.
The lowera.rt of the abdomen and the upper part
of the tillta are deeply burnt. the akin being
entirely destroyed. fibs recovery will be very
slow. •
SENSATIVE9.—It 804133 that Captain Aleigs is still
determined to hare this hall ready for occupancy
by the meeting of Congress. The principal jobs
yet to be finished are the Speaker's desk and the
preparation and furnishing of the floor. Both of
these jobs are going rapidly forward, the marble
foundation being laid for the former, and the up
holsterers as well as the carpenters being engaged
on the latter. The members' seats and desks hare
been ordered from 'New York and Philadelphia,
and are expeoted to arrive in dnettincv '
A private letter'
tion of the Mormons, we in the St. Louis De
wideritf; dated Fort Laramie, October 22 : An
express from the army on Haws' fork, reports that
the Mormons have destroyed three Government
trains, (burnt them up.) Brigham informed Col.
Alexander, by express, thit be must not advance
further into 'the-Territory. • Col. Johnston Weal
looting the trains altogether et the southPnse to
wort them in.. The 2d drugoonswili. be hers in-.
r":&7 411 '" . • . -
their. camp meetings, thlsif.hape. Nees. tioq
caud la
al. The ethedists af laid foundation:
of a univendtrat Palmyra, called the Balker uni
versity, after Bishop Baker.
Dr. Davie, the famous bigamist, who has a
wife in nearly every State in the Union, has just
emerged from a five years' residence in the Ken
tucky State Prison. He says be can marry any
woman he may choose on first acquaintance, and
in the brief time of five hours.
Samuel Ross, who was recently arrested in
Cincinnati, Ohio. on a choice of robbing the mail
car on the Grand Trunk Railway, in Canada, was
recently convicted on that charge, in Toronto, and
sentenced to imprisonment for life.
The Olean Advertiser says Mathew Moran
has been for seven years night switchman at the
Olean station for the N. Y. l E. R. R. Company,
and during the whole time he has not slept one
night, nor has lie ever been absent from his yam
Three thousand boxes of grapes were sent
to market from Loa Angeles, Cal., by the steamer
Senator in one of hor trips.
Willis on the Progress of Woman's Bights.
[From the Homo Journal ]
That woman should have equal chance with wen
in all honorable arts and professions, and in all
decent and proper pursuits for the gaining of a
livelihood—shut cif from nothing except by her
own sense of propriety, or by disqualification of phy
sical form—has long been the Utopian ideal of the
champions of the sex. But venoms coincident cir
cumstances seem, at the present moment, to indi
cate the BpontancOLts coming about of this desira
ble era. We refer to—
let. The triumphant claim to masculinity of
genius made by Rosa Bonhour in painting, and by
Harriet Roomer in sculpture
2d. The universality of female equestrianism as
a feature of our agricultural fairs—(precursory to
female assumption of the lighter labors of agricul
ture, we presume.)
3d, The regular education now afforded to We
female physician, and the increasing numbers of
that sex in the profession of medicine.
4th. The stand recently taken by the London
Times, against the degrading employment of men
in avocations better suited to women, such as selling
goods behind counters, and the practice of in-door
trades which do not require strength, such as type
setting,book-binding, .to.
sth. The Bloomer movement. for the better
adaptation of dress to masculine pursuits.
Pith. The sewing -machine, by which the one hind
of labor which has hitherto constituted the chief
subordinateness of woman—needle-work—is essen
tially removed from her domestic destiny.
[Reported for The Prees I
Ihsruicr Corer, No. I—Judges Strand and
Aare.-1 ho usual Saturday's business--the current
motion list.
DISTRICT COURT, No. 2—Judge Hare.—This
court adjourned over on Friday afternoon, with an
understanding that the case of James 3tanypenny
vs. /fester and Cone, steamboat captains, would be
con tinned on Monday.
Cottxov Pmess—judge Allison.—The usual
Saturday's bu,inee3
missionor Charles F. liallitt.—lsrael Gluchunan
IV/1.3 committed, in default of *2.5(0 bail, for coun
terfeiting the gold coin of the United States
and Thorupsen.—Bartbolornew, a police officer. was
sentenced to pay a fine of SI, and suffer au impri
sonment of ten days, for an assault and battery.
Christian W. Wooster was called up for sentence.
Judge Conrad stated to the accused his TulDnalez , itDa
of the two offences, sin : of keeping a panel-hoe/a
and of larceny of silver ware. Wooster was inked
what ho hail to nay. .The accused then acknow
ledged the charge of instituting, a panel-house, as
a true one. The larceny,
howek cr, he denied most
positively, and proceeded to state circumstances
which he considered would have a tendency to
mitigate his sentence. lie said the only witness
against him was a man named Johnson. who was a
convict. Ile dwelt at length on the had character
of tho wilness, until interrupted by the judge.
Smith and Johnson alone committed the robbery
of the silver ware; and, at tlko time of the theft,
Wooster said that he was ate gambling saloon at
Ninth and Chestnut streets, in company with two
mon, who would have appeared as witnesses in his
favor, had they not been put out of the way
by officers who were desirous of his (Wooster's)
" There are now," said Wooster, "a number of
panel.houses in this city, and in the very neighbor
hood iu which,l lived." The speaker entirely ex
onerated Murray from any participation in his
crime. Judge Conrad then sentenced the accusil
tol tire years' imprisonment at hard labor in the
Eastern Penitentiary—two years for larceny and
three years for the panel-house. Virginia Smith
was called up to receive her sentence. lier counsel
came forward and stated that he had received in
formation that she had respectable relatives in
Now York, and that she had once led a decent life
in that State.
Judge Conrad then passed the sentence, remark
ing as follows: "Ton are accused, 'Virginia Smith,
of having been a participant in a crime of no ordi
nary magnitude. Whatever may have been the
praiseworthy events that have transpired in your
past life, there is but little doubt that you have
now given yourself up to the utmost depravity.
The peculiar circumstances of the crime of which
you stand convicted are such as show you possessed
of more than ordinary cruelty, deceit, and wicked
ness. In consideration, however, of your sea and
youth, the Court bee lightened the sentence which
is to bo pronounced. It is, that you. be subjected
to close and solitsiry confinement in OA Eauterm
f9l the tormat tam ran."