=NZ= THE, -PULPIT. by PIETY. An' outline sketch of erSerinon preached in St. Jatties , 'Chtiich,'.Etwitsbur4 Porttionie4, Pa., ,by ' , - '.as,vi•ltOnEnT TRIM, RECTOR. • , ( dße.thitt. loy*th not, knowetli not God; for God' 'is loire."—Lfolos, Teknea , Gedis eternal life. This the Lord ,trins Obristenpressly declares,in hie bealitifid anditonehing , prayer, recorded in the Seven teenth chapter,of St. John. ' • • Bnt'God onto:fray-be known tO Mankind, and emen to angels; threugh his Son, as it is written; 4 C No man -hathlieen God at any time." Therefore said the•Saviiiim to Philits, 4 , He that bath Seen me 11th 'seen the Father." —John, 14.- • : • • , This, then,. was that knowledge in which the ,'bleasedotkistle to the , Gentiles vo_greatly, glo ried : - "Yea, doubiless, , ' is his ample:tie , lan %nage; ,‘ and I count all things but loss for the excellency'of the knowledge of Christ Jesui, 'my Lard." In possession of' this, he could confidently say; "I.know, in whom I have be • 'loved," as Joh; the Venerable patriarch of Uz, , in more ancient daySisadheen enabled to say, "I know, that my- Redeeiner liveth." • And how eminently-do we' See illuStrated, in the history of these' distingaithed" saints, the glorkals truth, that,thls knowledge, all other knOwledge, is PoVrEn ! For, undervaried circumstances;' vve 'See .tlioni grappling - with 44 prinalpilities and powers, and the rulers of the, darkness of this world, and-spiritual wick edness in high places," `and, after a mighty , conflict, right, illustriously .doming off more• thin conquerorsthrOugh Him that loved them I Ou the Other-hand, weakness, as' it regards ability to resist temptatidk or very effectively • and continuously to _perform any good work, is characteristic 'of all who are destitute of this knowledge; AccordinglY,,we reads 1 , Samuel, ii, 12: "Noir the sons of Ell were • sons of Belial; .they knew not the lord;" 'evidently implying that to be ignorant of God as He is revealed to mankind through his Son, is -to.,be the children of darkness, liable fa'-be carried captive, and led into • all-unrighteous "'• ness bySatadat 'his How ineffably im portant, therefore, to know Him TiROllO goings forth Dave been of old from everlasting! And ' how lreportant carreetly to ascertain whether , 'or not this kluSwiedgois posiepried by ut 'BM; saith the beloved apostle, -cc He that 'loveth notitnowethTpt4 004; Gp4 'attributeSio' little "orthi- angelic - so - little Of thy celestial beauty., is known, appre • eiated, or enjoyed on earth, that the words of Him who spaktr-tis •naver Ingo stake; always true...always consistent; alirtiYs sublime, sound painfidly in our• ears, and sensibly touch our hearts :, ,, Narrow is ,the way, that leadeth unto life; and few there b,e find it.,' Notwith standing all the advantages ,with.which we are favored, how -"rarely dti' we - behold illustrious , evidences.of leVe te God, lore to , our neigh , bor; love to thelawsof God, or to the Church! Here lind theres-it is true,' the heart's of God's children Are made glad by - beholding a, holy ''few, like - so Many' constellations in the-inid-' night sky, Or like so many angels of mercy sent to minister to a suffering world, who; in financed, by divine affection, are cheerfully sacrificing, what' others esteem Most dear, In endeavoring to- alleviate the sorrows of those around them, and , lead this' weary and' the heaiikladento the only soenes Or npr. • But What are these in comparison to' the masses who; apparently regatrilessof the con dition of others, are intent' only, Upon, their own worldly adianCemeit mho, In the pride and Self-oomplacenej - of the unregenerate heart; are saying, ~, take,thy, ease ;" and to whom, amid the multiplicity,Of cares which man's own inventions have brought along with them, we may truthfully say; "Thou art care fhl and troubled about many things; but ne glectful of that better part which would never be taken away from, thee."' And bow many are weekly going•doWn to the grave, "Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day," who like many of 'form?r times, might be re joicing In God their Saviour, and manifesting, in their closing ,history, that • • "The chamber where the - good man meets his fate Is privileged beyond the iitommenWalks • Of virtuous life, quite on the verge of heaven."• Thls love, Whieltiii the genuine mark of pi ' ety, is anspirdefinecl in 1 Oor., 18. , Thertf we learn",-that it thinketh - no - evil, hopoth all things, believeth all thinfe, endurethall things; that it rejoiceth not in, Miquity,,Mit lvijoieeth in the truth. In that heartwhere this sublime affection reigns, pride; andt selfishness, : and malice, and revenger are "all ,hutiinknown, and if ever they appear , in -that- consecrated place, they are intruders, soon by si superior power to be detected and'ealielled. The tongue that is influenced by this_rely affection is as -the pen of a ready writer in pleading the cause of the widow and the fatherleakthe, down trodden and oppressed, but :never, never, in taking up a reproach- against•tnelghbor, or, in speaking evil of a neighbor r- and when even iniquity abounds, and the love many *lces cold; its language is, .tf feint not is'Grath, lish , lirdhe - atteeli,of Ailtfle4; leat the daughters of , thk-Bhillatinfr,:injore44eit' the 4..ang,btqa-0 _ Now,iffice we are ,ezpresidylnformed by the apostle, that. he , who loveth not, knoweth not God, by thlicriterion let us prove our own selves, for by, this may we Infallibly know whether we are 'the children of OW, or the. children of the wiCked one r. whether we aro Of the earth, earthly; or Whether we are citi zens of heaven. -But before • thin seraphic flame burns up all our vile affections, and before we can employ in the Master's service, like those of old, se it were ci tongues of flre," Mint know Thin' who was 't'rom the' beginning. All other knowledge, without this knowledge; is only as the sounding brass, or as the tinkling cymbal. We may master all the languages oP this bah: ' tiling earth ; we may be familiar with,all the wonders of astronomical science; we may be deeply read in all the systems of theology of ancient and modern days;'we may be compe tent to follow the footprints of our Creator through all the wondrous phenomena'. which geology has disclosed; we may contemplate amid admire hi& wisdom In the revelations of the microscope; but W this be wanting, the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord, we are, to this hour, (op~r[p`b4jtda,afloat for Pla u 9 NOVI WNW Plrwt, 'NE PRtSS.:-PllltADEtelltAi:, SATURDAY', NOVRIVIDPR 14, 1857. flroportle 13ROPOSALS ,FOR FURNISHING THE .1L PAPER FOR THE PUBLIO PRINTING. 017168 SUPittItiTEIODIT OP ICE PUBLIC l'univiitti. Washington, October Ist, 1857. IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of .the " Act to provide for executing, the public printing," Ac . ap proved August 26, 18U, sealed proposals will be received at this office, in the Capitol, until the first Monday(7th day) of December next, at ilzelvo o'clock 5 1„ for lu r- Welling the paper that may be required for the public printing for the year ending on the drat day of Decem ber, 1668. The aubielned liat specifies as nearly as can be ascer tained, the quantity, quality, and description each kind or paper that willhe required : 30,000 reams he printing. paper, unealendereS, to measure 24 by 89 Inaba, and to wolgia forty-tire you oda to•the ream of 980 sheets. 4,000 ream flue prlOtlugpaper, ealeudered, to measure 24by 38 ladies, and to weigh littpaix pomula to the rimui of 480 sheets, 6,000 reams superfine sized and ealenderod printing paper, to measure 24 V3B Inches, and to weigh fifty two pounds to the ream of 480 Amore. , .390, ream sups:lino bard-sized and endored printing paper, to measure 24 by 32 inches, and to weigh forty eight pounds to the roam of 480 sheets. ' • . , OLAVS V: 1,000 ream hyperfine sized and calendered map paper. of Such sips As may be required, corresponding In weight with paper measuring 19 by 24 inches, and weighing twenty pomade or ream of 480 sheets. CLASS vi. 2eo reamse superfine plate paper, (calendered or un calendered, as may be required,) 19 by Illuches, and of Stich weight per roam as may be required. The fibre of the paper of ouch of the above clauses to be of linen and Cotton, free from all adulteration with mineral er other substances, of a fair whiteness, and put up in quires of tiventy.feur sheets each. qui in bundles of two reams each, each ream to contain 460 perfect sheets. Uniformity in color, thickness, and weight will lc required; and no bundle (exclusive of wrappers) varying over or under five per cent, from the standard weight will be received, and the gross weight will, in all cases, be required. of various Thick nestles in the same butulleito make up the weight will I.e considered a violation of the contract. MASH VII. No. 1-1,50 reams quarto post writing payee ; No, 2-9,000 roams liatcap writing paper; No. 3-500 reams donti writing paper; No 4-2.000 reams folio post writing paper; No. 5-500 reams medium writing paper ; No. 0-50 reams royal writing papal.; No. 7-50 roams super-royal 'writing paper; No 8--50 reams imperial welting paper; No. 9-100 learns colored medium (assorted.) . . • Clash VIII. Ito.'l'-45,001) reame 'writing paper, 19 by 1t.6 inches, to w slidght reams p w oun i t n pe a r p r a e p a e m r,l9 by 26 Inches, to weigh twenty-three pounds per roam. 8-4,160 reams writing paper, 18 by 25 Inches, to weigh twenty-six pounds per Seam. No. 4-100 roams 'writing paper, ,18 by 22 inches, to weigh twenty-four pounds per ream. No. 5-540 reams Writing paper, 18 by 18 Inches, to weigh twenty-two pounds per ream. No 6--409„reams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve palate per ream. All the papers designated In classes 7 and 8 are to he of the best materials, free from adulteration, and,finis heti in the beet manner. The papers in class 7 aro to be white or blue; of the regular etandard sizes of the roe poetise kinds, and of such weights as may be required by this office;' those in class 8 aro to be white, and of the rases and weight apeoleed in the schedule. The right is reserved of ordering a greater or iOA9 quantity of each and every kind contracted for, at soil, times and in such quantities es the public service may require. Each time will be considered separately, and he sub ject to a separate contract; but bidders may offer for one or more. of the chubs in the same proposal; and the privilege is reserved of requiring a bidder who may have more than IMO class assigned him to take all such claims or forfeit his right to coy class. Smiles (nOt less than one quire) of each kind of pa per LI for, and bus one sample of each kind, must ac company each bid; and, in classes 7 and 8, be neinbereit to correspond with the number of the paper prdposed for in that schedule; and, in •the first six classes. to be properly designated on the sample, or It will not be con sidered. All proposals and samples meth° transmitted to this Zee free of postage et other expense. Each proposal must be signedby the individual or Orm making iti and moat riff the price per poond (end but one price for each of every kind of paper contained in the class proposed or. All thopriper in the several classes must be delivered such place or places as may bodesignated la Washing. ton city, In good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the inspection, lomat, atight, and ;immurement of the Superintendent, and he in all reveal" satiafactory,' Blank forms for proposals will be furnished at this office to perms applying for them-, and none ti he ,taken Into 'consideration unless substantially agreeing therewith,. ' Bonds, !VI approved iecuritiel. will be required; and the supplying of an inferior article in any or the classes, or a failure to supply the quantity required at any time,yrill be considered a violation of the contract. Htall Older is required to furnish with his prOposals satisfespy evidence of his ability to execute them; and pro ale unaccompanied by such evidence will be rejecte . The proposals will be opened in the manner required by law, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in December' next, (!9th,) at ten o'clock A. bt ,at the office of tbo Superintendent, Proposals will be addreeked to the Superintendent of the Public. Printing, Capitol of the United States, Washington," and endorsed Proposals for Supplying Paper. , ' A. (1. SHAMAN, 003 s Ot Superintendent of Public Printing. PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING TICE CUSTOM' 119178 E, Ice., at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. T814.61311Y DePawnenoSt W/eurnoron,tBepternber slat, /857. s PROPOSALS will be received at this Department until the 20th day of November, A. D. 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the constnrction of the Comm House, Post. Mike, and Court Room, authorized to be erected at PRIPP/1 A3lllolf, New Jersey, according to the plane awl apecifications prepared at this Department; said proposal' to be either fur the whole building, or separate for the different kinde of work; bills of parcels met in every can accompany each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total amount carried out; the Department reserving the right to reject or accept the proposals hereby Invited, or any part thereof, when it deems the interest of the United Statce require it; the Department alao reserves the right to exclude the bids of any person or persons whom there to just cause to believe will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which they have attempted to ohtaln by indirection; and all bide when there shall bo parties In Interact who do not join in the bide, and all bide that upon investlga. 'thin arebelovi a fair price for the work. Vide will not be received in gross, and no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work and materials, which shall be subject to the rev,eien pf the Department, eo that it may adopt the whole or pizr.t of the bid, as the interest of the United States may spooks. &Omar per cent. of the' amount of work done, and waters ele ,4elirered according to contract price ovoid *mount balm sopytained by an estimate of an agora of the Department r.pppinted for that purposed will be paid from time to to4e se the work progresses, and ton per cent, retained until hip rompletiou of the contract, mkt the acceptance of the ipak., /co., by the agent eforesafd, and be forfeited lathe eyent of non-fulfilment of contract. • Contracts will be awarded only to master-buildera and msehanics j and the assignment thereof, except by con sent of the gearetary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit. ore of the Same. • Each proansat meet be accompeaLed by a written guar antee, algned by two responsible perseue (certified to be so by the United States District Judge, or Akttorney of the said District), in the sum of $5,090 for the whole' work, or of a proportionate amount if any pert, that the bidder will, when required, If his proposal be accepted, eater into a contract and bond, with proper and sufgelent securities for Its faithful porformance. Venn of , ;Loud and Certificate , -required will be fur nished on application to the Department. Pima, aPecineatinal, Sad Working drawings will be ready on the tato( Norember, when they can be had on application to the , Department. No bid will be considered sinless it fully complies, in all its details, with the requirements of this adver tisement. The propoeala must be Gant to thla Department, ad dressed to the Searetory or the Treasury, and plainly endorsed 4 , PROPOShiI iff)ft UP, PERTH A31140Y CUSTOM ROUSH." and will be opened at one o'clock of the lad day nailed for rorefvSng the same. lIOWELI, 24-th edatn-tno24 Searetwrir of the rteas4rY. Winea nub Kiquorg. oLD WHEAT. WHISKEY.-E. P. MID 'IEOLETON k BRO., No. 5 North FRONT St , im porters of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies, 'Rolland Oin. Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Also, solo proprietor of the Old 'Wheat Whiskey. B. P. M. & tiro, hero on band the largest and best stock of fine old sfonongehels, Bourbon, and Rye Whiskey of any dealer In the United States, all of which is highly improved by age. no7-3m I3Pinet Caetilion," Marett, and other Cognacs of various vintages, lu half pleas and quarter casks i Yellevolain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and eue.aighth casks. ImiSorted and for gale by & CO., ac 22 • 221 and 723 South Fourth street, PORT Wl§E:—lu bond and entitled to do bentare 280 casks Bt. Josephia Pure Juice Per Wine, in ors. and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whig key, 2 years eld /fifty pipes Anchor ale. Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupoy Brandies, al of which I oiler to She trade at red uced prices. JOB. F. TOBIAS, mt27.Bmori 88 and 90 B. Wont Bt.. below Illnlnat. ALEXANDER V.II9LMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Oorner o (*BOSON and SOUTII Streets. aul-ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER . IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, he., 28 South VIM Street, Philadelphia. aubly Oanfilion & Co., Ma- JR-P rat& Co., and other brands of Cognate of various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks' Pellovolnin Brandlen, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one.eighth casks, all in Custom Rouse stores, importad and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN CO., an 6 Noa. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. ,Eurnacco. ACGREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES .111. Sold by 011ADWICH dr. DEO, SECOND Street Alla door above Rate. ouglB-11mos. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNADB CRILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the most severe toot, during the two COLD WINTaNa Op 1858 AND 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater in eh; world, saving from }i to )4 the fuel over any of the best fornaceepow iu use. Tuna FORMAI:ma are conetruoted with a cast Iron ash pit and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brink or Iron staves. The fire pot is eunuouut. ed. with A SERIES OF CONES, eta TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small'aper tures at the top, end uniting with the outlier chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Too WBOVI products of combustion In the form of maks and Oasts, are cuepeuded directly over the fire, CIONVINBD Of compressed Into the tapering OConts and OONTINCALLT MUSD to the direct tuition of the rays of Vint and light from the fife. This beat and light le brought to a Focus I SACS 00111, not unlike the COLLECTION OF TUE' SUN'S RAYS, to e total point through an ordinary lens, calming the SNOBS AND OASES to become intensely heated and tho roughly CONSILIUM by th is operation the SEMI AND OASES are MACS EQUALLY AVAILABLE with the FUEL ITOSLP for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it la OIRRIND OPP AND WASTOD IN THE CHIMNEY. • All persons desirous of obtaining the beet and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the Now GAO CONDO/IMO CONS RIMILLOS, before purchasing any other. The at tention of erchiteots and builders le particularly iv gaested. ARNOLD & WHAM, (lheaessore to S. A. Harrison,} No. 624 'WALNUT Street, Oppoalte Independence Squat. . ABRAN BLAOR-ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Beal Press Manufactory,' St Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pc an 1247 BALE ROPE.—Buyete aro invited to call and examine our Moils Dale Rope which we east can sell as low as A0101'104% and warrant ' it aoperlor In Struts% arid durability. PITLER & 00., dal No, 28 N, Water et, and 22 N, Mamas, • QUIP JOSEPH JONES FOR SAN FRAN CISCO.—To Rail with ' , quick despatch.—Freight taken at reduced rates,—The beautiful dipper Alp JOSEPH JONES, Nelson Pendleton, commander, now completing her loading at , liaeo'sfinot Wharf,' has over three-fourthv of her cargo on board nud nearly all of her capacity engaged. will pontlutto to receive freight for a few days, and nail an above. Shippey; will please eraplete ,- Ilteir'• engagements without dolay, and hand in Llllaof lading for signature. For balance of freight, which will be taken at cozy low rate;, apply On board, or to ULSUOP, Btmol4e. & 00., 120 (late 30) North Whittier. ' SATANNA I I 5TE41.1444.?' STEAMSIIIPS STATE OF GEORGIA AHD ,KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state at trade, the above ships wilt be withdrawn for the present. October 10th. A. lIERON, FOlt - ITAYA NA—With quick" 'desistl6: The coppers& 'and cOpper.faatened ship NAPLUS, Captain Eastman, will be despatched as above In a few days, For freight Or passage, apply to , P lIIBIIOP, SIMONS, dr. 00., 120 (late 3O) North Wharves. FARE REDUCED TO SOUTRAAPTON AND HAYDN —The magnificent steamship VAN DERBILT, Edward niggles, commander, 6,268 tone, will nail From New York fer South- From SOuthamptoti and ampton and Ilavre. Barre for New York, Saturday..... ...... Oct. 24 Saturday *No4 Saturday Deo. 5 Saturday Dec.e. 26 Price of Passage—First cable, '*100 ; second cabin, $6O Specie delivered In London andYarie. - For freight or passage apply to D. TOREANOE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 26 cents each Volt ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps tf from other'cities,) will be received at No. 6 Dowling-green, New York, up to 11% o'clock on the morning of sail ing. ' oclo-tf fiIIEAT RED ITOTIONIN.,FARE Ti 11.S1 ROPE. • First Cala $9Ol second Cabin 160 In the drat-class paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL, 0000 tons, 0. D. LuoLow, Pomander, and NORTH STAR. ;600 tons, P. E. LI2II , EVIIg, to saterrom pier No. S North Altar, at noon precisely, esrrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, viz • Leave N: York ford Southampton, Ha. Bremen f or SOtitharaptou vro and Braman. Southampton for Now York. Ariel Saturday, Oct. 81. Wededity, Nov. 4. N. SaOy, Oot. 31. Saturday, N0v.28. Weda'diy, Dec; 80 These ateamore touch at IiA.YR/Ir Specie delivered lu London and Paris. For postage sad freight, apply to D. TORRANQE, Agent, No. 6 Howling Orson, New York. belt-it 1108 ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.- 1' New York and Havre Steamship Company.--The United States Mail Steamship! ADAGIO, 2,6 W , tons, David Lines, commander, and. FULTON, 2,600 tons, Janie!! , A. %Now, commaader, *lll leave New York, !Sayre and Southampton, for the yoarel.B67' and 68, on the following daye BM= Arno,. Jan. 9 Fulton, do. Feb. 0 Arno, do. , Moron 0 Fulton, do. April 9 Arago, do. "Mc) Sutton, do. ' May 29 Fulton, Saturdny, Aug, 22 AragO, qo. Bept. 19 Fulton, do. Oot. 17 Arego, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. Deo. 12 LIAIIII nOVII 1861. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. , Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oot. 20 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 16 1868. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 !Fulton, Arago, do. Feb. 9 drag°, Fulton; do. March 9 Pollen, Arago, do. April 8 Arago, Fulton, do., May 4 Fulton,. Arturo, do June 1 Arab,' Fulton, do. Juno 29 Fulton, 01101 Ot 00810.9111 From New York to Southampton or Ratte—liral Cabin, $l3O ; Second Cabin, $76. From !here or Southampton to New York—ltrel Cabin, 809 !race; Second Cabin, 500ftanac , " Foe freight or passage, !,.pld.Y to 2401ITIMER LIVINuBTON, Agent, I Broadway, WILLIAM ISULIN, a lime. CROSKEY & CO., a. Sonth'ton AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX. i ~, Psris. '' CHANGE CO. 106 LNATaI 19017111/1/aTON , 107. Ante, Wodoooday, Aug, 26 'Poltoll, , do, sept. 23 Arno, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 /keno, do.. Poo. 16 1858. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL tINITED STATES BUIL srameaS.—The ?Wpm composing this Line are : The ATLANTIO, Oept. Oliver Eldridge,' ' The BALT/0 Os t. Joseph Oomstock. The ADEIAT I IO) OAPI. James We"' ~iThese ship have been built by contract, expressly for Uovernment service; every *are has been taken to their oonetruotion, ae also in their engines, to *nears strength and speed, end their accommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of plunge from New York to Liverpool, In first noble, $180; in second do., 576; from Liverpool to New York, 30 and 20 guineas. No berths scoured asthma paid for. The ships of this line have improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSID DATES OY B.SIDING. /10)1 NNW TORE. TAM /471111P001.. Saturday, Jane 20, 1851 Wednesday, jos 84, 1867 Saturday, July .4, 1857 Wodoestley, 417 4, /86 7 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, J u ly 22, 1857 Saturday, AIM. 1, 1867 Wednesday, An. 6, 1.567 Saturday, Aug. 16, .1857 Weduesday, Lusa', 1057 Uturday, Sept. 12, 1411 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1851 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1857 Wednesday, Bept,Bo, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 We4p44467, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, Out, 24 1957 Wednesday, Oot. 78, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1851 Wednesday, Nov, 1867 Saturday, NOV. 21, 1881 Weiloeedee, Nos: 11, 1807 Batanlay, Dee. 6, 1851 We4leee4ny, pee. •9; 19157 Wed:ninny, Nee. 27, 1857 Yor freight orpoesego, apply to 111/WARD N. 001409, No, bp WNI street, N.Y. BROWN I suiPLNY cottiveacOL STEPLII.N ~ Austin Friars, London. D. G. WAINWRIGHT' b 00., VerNi. The owners of thole ships will riot be eaeogotsble for gold, sliver, bullion, specie, JeweLry.pr salons none' or mettle 1112104411 Mb of iidillBol4, nod t and the viane thereof "spurned therein I"" Sni rD7 -0 Piano Soria GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES.• STEINWAY & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 84 AND 88 WALKER STREET, NEW YORK, Received the following Bret prize medals In competi tion with the best manufacturers of Boston, blew York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. TWO FIRST PRIZE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Fair. Washington, March, 1855. A COLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pleural within the loot six years.) A COLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, Balti more, 1858, THE FIItEIT PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, ' Crystal A Palace, N York November, 1868. Among the judges were the trot musical talent of the country, such as M. Mason, Cataria, Wollenhaupt, and many *there. St. & S. Pianos (with and without iron frames) are warranted for three years, and a written, guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped withbut charge. Prices moderate, 0c27-tf L)3EIVP Elf pt, PIANO FORTE N4NpF4cTuitpt, x,o. 145 West Broadway, New Volt, sole manufeeturer or the celebrated Concert Plano. The subscrther would 44 1. fg : in NI refocus friends and customer* that he has greatly Sp, rgpd his nuinufacturing departreent, in order tosneettb Increase In demand for his unrivalled Pianos, and as every plane, especially tone 'hid touch, fa personally superintended by tho suhscrlher, the public will be warranted an in. strumant which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of Woe and touch, stands unsur passed. Every piano sold at the lowest manufacturers'prleep. A call is respectfully solicited. 0e39-6m itteramtit cltgilore JOHN Y. DOIMITY, TORMIKALY WITH LILLY Ar. 4#07001,1 LUTE WITU LUKENS, KELLY, .t. 00., YiILOK, 81i citEsmur firRNE7; 4no vs .E/ORTH, Ilse now with him the beat Tailors that 6 / 1 0ged in the buelneee lu this cannery. ClLiaLlni Roar, formerly the lending tailor or this city; DI. KAYSER, formerly cutter for C. Roth dz. Co., and Into Coat and Teat cutter with Lukens, Kelly, 14. Co.; MORT Weogga, the beat Pante and Vent cutter in the United Staten, for yeara cutter with Deplerrie, under the Irving Ilona, Broadway, and with Depilate & Pettis', under the St. Nicholas hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the widen of all who patronize the establishment. The beat of Clothes made at moderate prices for tredig, low pracv fur cash. 0e134: JAMES N, MEROFIANT eTAILOR, Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTTI STREET, ABOVE OH STN UT. A large and well selected stook of CLOVIS and CASSIMERES always on Land. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and In the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to 11N1110112.1 OLOTIT. INO. uti.tf furniturt B. KITE & CO, PURNITURV, !MIMING, &o. No. 4.18.(1ate 129) WALNUT it., Plaladelplaa. A new and superior styl e of Spring Bede. Lllnt.t D. Kim Josue WALToS sun tin GAS! GAS !I GAS !lI—TIIE UNDER signed would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they have and aro daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Has, from $2.55 per 1000 foot to the low price of $ 1.50 per 1000 feet, by their MODEL, IiEUVIATOR, which saves 55 per cent , a clear saving of 75 tents on $2 25, thereby reducing the price from, 12 25 to $1..50 per 1000 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on all the pried pal mid prominent buildings in the city, churches, libraries, lactories, hotels, and other public buildings. It has also boon placed on at the Philadelphia -Ex change. Hundreds of certificates in favor of the said Regulator, from those having tried it, showing the above saving, can be seen at our also. Store-keepers and thu public generally are refluested to send In their orders. Cost of Regulators from $0 up3farde, according to aloe • Order. through Blood's Despatch promptly attended to. N. D.—Fifty energetic, enterprising, and persevering men wanted, to CallYl{l3l , for the MODEL REOULATUR ; Can /Mike from $2 to $5 per day. ROBERT T. KNIGHT o CO., Office No. 44 South Fifth street. next to Blood', Despatch. Crry: COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Fatt.anto.rins, Nov. 3, 1667. POTION —The Board of Revision will meet at thin Office on the following named da', front 10 o'clock A. 111., until 1 o'clock I'. N. Ist and 2.1 Wards on Monday, November 0,1857. 3d 4th " Tuesday, " 10, " • 6th oth " Wednenday, " 11, " 7th bth " Thursday, " 12, " oth 10th " Friday, .. 13, .. 11th 12th " Saturday, " 14, " 13th 14th " Monday, " 19, 11th 16th " Tuesday, .. 17, . 6 11th 18th " Wetinexday, .. 18, .. 1011, :0111 Thursday, ..• 166, 2181 224 " Friday, tat, t. 234 24th " Saturday, " 21, " The Ansi:Fixers of the several Wards will he particular in attending upon the days of the meeting of their Wards, 61 , ',0R(1E M, MILL, JAMES M. LELIA', JAMES LOON, PETER AnunitusTEß, WILLIAM V. MoURATII, nov7•dt2la6 14, W. TLNGLEY & CO., BANKERS .Live No. VT South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all Mouth]. points In the United States and Canada. Stocks, Londe,o., Bought and Sold on Commie/don. Document Bank Notes, Ohecke, bought at the lowest rates. • • Depoaite received and intend allowed, u per agred• merit nor 2-3. S,OOOGALLS. WHALE OIL, ' 1,000 gall. Elephant 011, 00 bbla, No.l Lard Clll, for eats by OROA8D&LII, PEIROB, & CO., r01.04f No, 104 i/olt.Waro Avenue. THE BEST ASSORTMENT 'or LEHIGH 1 AND SCIMYLICILL COAL ie at 11 DORMAN'S YARD, BROAD STREET, above Tina. Bold at reduced priced. Call and see. ocal-Bw l i i k. N . O 4 W W L I E LL S O ' W OO T AJ, sp D rin E g i' l lt , T ut‘ N i :lN ß :rH Loaf, and Hazleton Lehigh. MAO, boat nabuylln r i Onal• for sale. Terme cash. net23-310f 22Cf) LBS. IS A TON.--BUYERS , and consumer. Are Invited to eXarrilne 01,1 r stock of "LURCH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL." Our Coal le, selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened,. wo will warrant It free from slate and duet. "We Hell 2240 1b..," being " 240 me. more" Lbw sotd by retail dealers, at "25 cents less per ton." Aloe, on hand a full supply of "BROAD TOP SITU. MINOUS COAL" tar Steam-generating, Blackmailing, and Rolling-mill purpose.. Tills Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Bigm '• 2240 LBB, 113 A TON. (seB-3m) Lb WILTON st COALI COAL I COAL I—TAOGART'a CELEBRATED BPRIN4 MOUNTAIN LEIIIOR COAL. J. R. GARTER'S GREENWOOD TANI AQI3 A COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SOIIITYL KILL COAL. • RANDA.LL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, OAL ON ALL SIZES. • There le no 0 0 0 l mined afywhere,.equal la quality theme and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal Is very carefully ecreened at our yards, and we will warrant It perfectly free from elate, duet and all impurities. Oar I'ItIOES aroma LOW as the IIY,ItY LOWEST. Orden left at our moo, No. 181 EOM 11 YRONT street, above Walnut. Oillers left at our Yard, tALLOWRILL street, below EI/OAD street, Orden left at our Wharf, WATER street, above OAL. LOWLIILI.—or soot to either place per Daspalch Pont, will reCeire prconpt atteution. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and.ex mine our Ooal before purchasing elsewhere. aut-tf ------- kOHIITLKILL AND LEHIGII COAL.— daily receiving, et my yard, the best quality o. gOIII7YLRILL AND LNIIIO.II 00AL. My customers, !tad all others who may favor toe with their orders, may getting Coat that will be satisfactory to them. ICY No Inferior COO kept et this estsbliahment to otter at LOW PillOgg. • ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. Z. corner of Broad and (Murry Bth LEHmAND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER & 00., GOAL DEALERS, No. 821 NUMB Street, *Dove Eighth, keep constantly on liand, at the very lowest rates, a frill supply of Lehigh And Schuylkill Coal. an 1-gin if UMBER AND COAL.,--MONTGOMERY +l-41 fa,,NEALL haying connected the Coal with the Limber linsliaess, inform their Mendel that they hare made °entreats for a supply of the beet qualities of Lehigh and Baltuylkill Coal, and ere now ready to re mitre eiders, Twelfth end Prime 'tread. Orders may be left, with Mr, 111, EILPATRICE, No. 13 S. FIFTH ;treat, or 'with Mt. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER *eat.. , aulEßin QUAKER PITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARB, . • RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Worke. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oco•tt JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent, do. Jan. 18 do. Bob. 10 do. Mar. 10 do. April 7 8107 6 do. Juno 8 do. hue 80 THOMAS E. BAXTER.-IARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLSeNo. 910 MARKET 81. boys Ninth. wall .tda, Phlladelptit* an 1-8 m Riming .111ac4into, - QE WI NG MAC lIINES.—GROVER, is, EMCEE; & CO 'S 'UNRIVALLED SEWING MA CHINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trial it is de monstrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, and the 0100110 upon which any reliance stn be placed to work well on all kinds of shoes. The fact that It deerene-thlrd morn work in the eame tine, and does It better; that it la the least liable to get out of repair, being simple In its construct on ; that it makes the lead noise, and that it is acknowledged on all hands that it is beat for a new beginner, has given the pro prietors a demand for it to such on extent that they are obliged to delay the filling of orders In many cads for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this city, and the case has yet to occur where a.person who has purchased ono has exchanged It for another kind. Taking Into consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from lb to 40 hands in their shops, doing the work for /he manufitottarere, without exception, use thin machine to preference to any other kind, and al- Wspa recommend them in preference to others, It would seem unnecessary for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their auperlority. The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the sale of these Machine. always have a supply, and have made such arrangements that they sell them upon terms that will meet the wishes of all. Unlike other Machines eold•IU this market, It la free from sli lohlogemente of other patents. SEWING MACIIINES.-PRATT'S PATENT-- 'RIVES FROM $l2 TO $25. The " LADI ' COMPANION" is the moat simple, durable, corn ...it, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the public, sewing equally well upon all blade of fahrto, and without pucker In: the cloth, leav ing no bad card on the back able of the work, and al waysjostening tho thread when stopped. They ROW from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from nee to arty to the inch. Any one can learn to operate them In half en hour. Printed diree- Hone accompany each machine, by which any one can use them. We are enabled to oiler these superior ma chinet at the above low prices, an we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for borrowed pa tents, Ale Machloe 'being made tinder our own patents In every part, and Infringing elpon or using no other, There ire Male hundreds In contact nee In this city and vicinity, which arc giving the best satisfaction. Ifvery machine is warranted to give tatiafectien. LIMOS and gentlemen are Invited to call and examine them and their work, and Judge for themselves. Samples of work, and drawings, with description. sent to any part of the reentry by mail. Salesrooms 113 WaSIIINGTON Street, Boston. and ITT BIIOADWAY, New York. oc 1.1-tf BAss'aEAST INDIA YALE ALE.- The common of this celebrated beverage need no description of its qualities, or evidence of Its excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from Its use since Its Introduction Into this country; to those who have not yet made an acquaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, it may be well to state a few facts : BAS'S EAST INDIA YALE ALE - - - Owes Oa excellence as a beverage to the inverter quality of the hops and melt, the mineral properties of the river water Immediately communicating with the brewery, and the galantine AEI applied in its manufacture. DABS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE . . Not Wing /sweetened or strengthened to Fame vitiated palates, la, therefore, neither beating nor heady, but atomaehio and appetizing DASS'B EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern in his fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawrtee BASS'S EAST INDIA PAL}: ALE in the drink without which no Whet can be complete— no Journey by BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Te the favorite &kik to Englaud of lord and bagman-. duchuen rued nurse. DABS'S EAST INDIA PALE AL% le the much-admired tonic for lovelhle and persons of wont interim. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE . . . Will keep In a 8 climates; and is good at all meals—lnn aeon, dinner, cm supper. DAM'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is pronounced by the medical faculty one of the moot wholesome beverages that can be taken, and in found to be not tom agreenhJe to the palate than it Is beneficial to the health. 11488'8 EAST INDIA PALE AIM Is 14111011ftliy Copee4o(l to ho unripened iu excellence by any othhr imported Into the United States • 'Dealers end consumers will fad it their interest to glee this Ale a preference. Fur pale in cook and battle by ' TIffEIIAS Arad ta•LEN, Agent and Consignee, 43 11114YY.118t., N. Y. On SOO at Deluinnico's . , 0., cnroe!. of Deaver, lindoiia v tnlm . ;l3, cortiOi : oi Itro&dway, Botherland's, Yino street. Berry's, IQ Yip° slraet. Illohardson & Hay tor, 130 Water a. George V. Burgess, 483 Broadway. • N. B. Gosling, 331 Broadway. no2-6m CIBEEN SANDMARI. OF NEW JERSEY. %A —THE NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY Is now prepared to receive orders for this important manure. for all lands upon Is bleb salves are beneficial, the Merl Ifs snore than a substitute. Professor Cook, In his annual report to the Legisla ture of Now Jersey, says ; "The value of these Marls Is best seen in the rick and highly cultivated district which has been improved, almost made, by their Alva ; but It may be interesting to examine the causes of their great value In Agriculture, and to compare them a ith other fertiliters. For example : The potmh alone may be taken at an average of live per cent. of the whole weight of Marl, a bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and In the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of ,potash ; this In nearly as much as there is in a bushel of entombed wrrod ashes." And again— It is probable that the great value of the Marl is to he found in the fact that it contains nearly all the sub ataneea neceseary to make up the ash of our common cultivated plant.. Price, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland Heighta, on Raritan Bay, New Jersey, seven cents per bushel. Per further portico. tars, see circular sent free of postage. Orders for other fertilisers will receive prompt adulation. Addroals either of the undersigned. CHARLES SCABS, President, iticoville Pod Office, New Jersey. TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No, 82 Nassau street, New York. Osossur W. ATWOOD, Secretary, No.lo Cedar street, New York. N. 11 —Those wishing Marl far Spring use should order Immediately, to secure its early shipment. Orders will be filled in rotation oct 29-6 m L ONGIVORTIO3 01110 WINES.. OENESAL MWNCY VOS ALL TIEN STATES TO WHOLESALE DEALEEs By a Special arrangement nith Mr. LOStIWOIITII, I am enabled to offer his Wines, In largo quantities, upon the lowest and best terms. The Wines to be delis erect in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual menus of convey anCe (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which thp efpenses of storage, COIIIIIII4BIOIIS, double freight, otu., will he avoided. No orders ondor this 4ccogruwilf "IN be forwarded for less than twenty-fire oases. All orders must be directed only to BRED. S. 001Z} NB, 71 WARREN Street, Now Yong. By the present arrangement s, handBome profit on thane wines can be made by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pints. Do do do 2851 quarts. Do do de do pints. Still Catawba, 'vintage 1852, quarts. Do do extra, vintage 1852, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Still Catawba, to casks, of various Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED. S. COZZENS, General Agent [or the side of N. Longwortit's Wines, 78 WARREN STREET, (oppmdto Hudson Illver Railroad Depot,) un2 , 0 1 4 Now Form. MO. 442, SOUTREAST CORNER OF J BIARIENT and MTH. Otreeta. Gentlemen's Pest Patent Leather Gaiter Boo'. " " OW do. do. " Patent Leather Oxford Tie.. IS " Calf do. do. ", - " Patent Leather and Call narrow strap Shoes - . 'Soya' and Youths , Patent Leather and Calf Skin Getter Poota and Shoes. aul-tr Par sale by Board or lievifiloll VALL STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. .A." .408E81111. TIIOMPBON, No. 319 MAR NA, Streot, and Nos. 8 and 6 BRAIiKLIN PIMA have yew in etore a large and well•assorted stock of BOOTS and 8110E8, of 011 y and Eastern manufacture, which they otfor for eale on the beet term& for Cult, or on the 00001 credit. Boyers aro invited to call and examine their 'took tiulldtr , GLENWOOD CEMETERY OSPIOE, NO. 119 WALNUT t, buoy IMPTU. su fiat/mart. BAKER k. BROTHER, ORSTRAI, 13Qu/Re, Lvier Dooto anb 131 jato. GEO. W. TAYLOR Savings limbo.. SAVING FUND-FIVE PER C'NT. IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 001I PANY.—WALEUT STREET SOUTH - WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED BY TUB SIAM' 011 PIINNSTLTAXYA. Money le received in any Rum, large or email, and In tere9t paid (mud the day of deposit to the day of with drawal The office le open every day from clock in the morning till 7 oclock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evening. tin 9 o'clock. LION. HENRY L. BENNER, Pneldont, ROBERT. SELFRIDGE, Vice Pteeident. W. J. REED, Secretary. D16%0701E1: Ron. Henry L. Benner, O. Landreth &Inane, Edward L. Carter, Y. Carron Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph D. Berry, Semi. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, • James If, Smith, , Francis Lee. Money is received end payments made daily. The investment, are made in conformity with the provisions of the Oharter, in REAL ESTATE MORT• GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and ouch first clans securl- Rea as will always insure perfect security to the deposi• tore, and which cannot fall to give permanency and eta. bility to this Institution. aul-ly 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER GENT. STA . TE SAVINGS FUND. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER C E NT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N O. " (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CSENT.STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-ly illachitterg anD Iron SAMOA% T. Ifeaater . a . 'VAUGHAN MI14110( WILLIAIi B. 1118810 Y. QOUTIIWARK FOUNDSY, AY FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, MERRICK & SONS, It.NOINERIIR AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Snuffles, for Land, Iliver and Marine service BoilersGasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &e., Cast ings of ail kinds, tither Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, to. Retorts end Gem Machinery of this latest and moot Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw and Grist 'Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecatore, Filters, Pumping Bngines, /cc. Sole Agents for N. Billieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nastnyttes Patent Steam Blast J. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Mach inery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent--D. R. BARTOL . RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVB STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, MIT/INTIIINTH STRHST, HAMILTON, renuniow AHD IPIIING GLRDK( STRIIIITS, PHILADELPHIA. Moed exclusively In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any linkage. markt weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or -00 . 1, , or Bfrumtnosti Coal is 170 cede stote, or ANTHRACITE COAL,. WITROUT EMITTING BEOEII, pas OR PHIL In design, material and workmanship, the Looomo tires produced at then Works are equal to, and not ex °Elea by any. The matetiala used in construction are made ou the spot, and insure the bed quality and moat reliable stook. The large extent of Shops, and Com te Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable em to execute the. EST OF wonx WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP EAT ARRANGER/MI REQUIRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With 'forging.' of any Ate or form , IRON AND BRASS OASTINCiI3, And MACHINE WORK generally. RICHARD NORRIS. EMERY LATHIER NORRIE. aul-ly PENN STEAM ENGINE AND 1301 - EA WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE bc CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, kIACHLNISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND FOTItiDERS. Haring for ninny yeere been in successfr,l operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River I:43 g ln t s, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, ko., etc., respectfully offer their eorvices the public, as being lolly prepared to coatrodt for Engines of all sires, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having mete of patterns of ,different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch: Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue Tubu lar and Cylinder Bollers,ot the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forging, of all *ilea and kinds; Iron and Brae Castings of all deecrlplione; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawinge and speollicationl for all work done at their establishment free of oharge, sad work guaranteed. The subscribers hare ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay In perfect safety, and ere provided with shears, blocks, Palle, ko., ko., for raising heavy or light wdighte. TIIObIAS HEANEY, JACOB G. NEAYIN, sJOAN P. lacrr, BEAOII and PAL3IER Streets, Kensington. • NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREET 111t1DOE. PLANS AND EVTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the Jiro of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OW SUR VEYS, City Building, FIFTH Street, below 'Walnut, until the second day of January, 185 S. Said Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than ono pier In the water-way; the ntaterlais of construction throughout to be Indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutments 356 feet 'Width of Bridge, out to out, not leas than.. 42 Elevation above low water 37 " For an arch the springing line should not be less than eleven feet above low water. The Plane and Estimates will be recelsed under the arrangement awl conditions specified In the ordi nance of Qounclle, approved November 2d,1857, at fol. Imre, viz; Stenos 2. That all plans and estimates to be received by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a coaled communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan moat ap proved shall have been selected. Suotios 3. That all such plans and estimates shall, when reetived, become the property of the city of Phila delphia, and 'dud' be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when It shell be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to Invite a commission consisting of three civil engi neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plans by them preferred. Sactiox 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis• sioner of Highway. ' upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid adver tisements, and also In favor of those persons who may have presented the three plane preferred by mild corn , mission to file first in point of merit, the cum of $400; to the second, $250, and to the third $100; bald warrants to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, kn., for the year 1601, approved March 10, 1331.1 For further informatiomor for crest section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of lihilada. no6.dtjan3 m A ARC iAt.yNs TT'BLOGRAPIIB, OR MOTOGRAPIII.O MINIATURLY IN N. N. corner of MIMI /04 LOCUST. The above pictures differ esse4gtally from ;anything ever before offered topublic. Their softness, sad truth of color and out line, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, I sure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These taste euabis the subneriber to Her them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of IILaRCLIANT. Portraits of the cabinet, and life size on canvas me heretofore. se 18-3na p IC LAMES.-THE PUBLIC) IS respectfully Informed that Mee base been opened by the DistrlctSuperintendents of Public Lighting, at whlelucithens are requested to give information respect ing accidents which way happen to the Public Lampe; or of any failure in lighting or eitinguishing thorn at ete proper time; or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Hooke will be kept iy Joseph Daily, No. 608 Wharton et , First Ward; Obarleetlarty, No 18 South Seventhstreet, Ninth Ward; Hiram G. Kirk, No. 7135 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Deshong. No. 1231 Coates greet, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.{'Gas Office, Twenty Fourth Ward, (West PhliadelPhini) 31, H. )I'Fadden One Vince, Twenty- Second Ward, ((termautovro;) Srn. N Market, bee Office Ts enty-Tnlrd Ward (Frankfonli and at the Has Office, In Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Truateue of the Philadelphia Has Works. A. J. KITE, oal-ihrn Superintendent of Diltribu Con. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY- N. W Cor. 'rIIIRD and CIIMUT Sta. L. PIZLOUZIL in SON, thankful for the Liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit Ito continuance would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN 1100 K Is now reedy, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a complete Printing Eetablishment, at the ehorteet no tice. Their long practical experience in the bugloeat, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in assorting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemperaries Thome, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. • - Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. sal-tt ei0I,1) 'MINE FOR SALE.—TILE SUB nerlber offers for rale, with a perfect title, the property known ae the ItEID GOLD AND COPPER MINB, rttunted S miles from Concord, Cabarrus county, North Carolina. With the mine Is a plantation 0 . '745 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a largo 111AN910N 1101.18 Es with barns, ininere bousev, ponder and engine house, and otbor buildings; new steam engine, 45 borse‘power ; Chilian mills, stamps, pumps, Ac., embracing all the machinery and tools Ile eeqsary for the full equipment of a mine, in good order. The mine has been worked at Interval, for the last 50 years, MA has always been profitable to resident pro• prietors, but bas never been workel for an d ; lent Of thliW oith as imilno'ailCm4pliltier7. The shafts and galleries are well constructed, the vtoppinvps have never been taken out, and front 50 to 75 miners can be profit ably employed In the old workings. On the property is a formidable vein of copper and lead, which has never been worked, and a now gold rein has boon discovered 'duce the prat of this month, at t, Well three men have boon at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of Its continuance. no2-Oat CHARLES J. G ILBERT, 81 Broadway. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the tattooed price of rive cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap- Yiel at the Gag Offlee, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street.o Purchasers by Wholesale, it is sold at the Wig 11, in Yiret Ward by the ton, at • ?rigs opisqlent to An thracite,* woo pof • 4. O.ORESSO.SI, Engineer. rittLanzidits, Gee Wosits, Aug. 28, , 67. au27-tf COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory or E. W MUER% NO • iOO (!sleds) south maim, below Chestnut 4troot, has becomes saving of 60 per cont. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, sod also the c o nvenience of baying Their old Carriago Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and mkt by express to ell puts war/ ly EVAtifr,-10,000—PRINTElloi A Curnh prr 'lour' r":17:111 ' .:':::::. ° ::V.V """4,. ( 'W A F./({1.1 11 /•11P i ,c, pat ntll VI. I t NE III) .14":1511 C 01411.... • .tie .. Molt Cab &al Cov•U D e s o, ,ye V.'S Timms\ Canis ,er Ci...A. Ii OW /4 , b•••• 7 b. , H/L—KdP.l... p.at.1.14. .., e ,r, , PDT 1 , 01/ pEt : „, e beAnot , " mARCUS BAST, No. 204 NORTH THIRD STIVERT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ROOKSELLER, Ilse for sale TIM AIifERIOAN MADER—a new book, designed by Its author, A. D. KALB TARR, for the use of the higher elasees in the Academies and Schools of Amorlm—by the dosou or single copy, pot-/P1 3nsirante . Companies. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST ;ErCOM PANY.—The PRNN MUTUAL LIPS INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TIMID end DOCK Streets Capital, 5613,725 03 . INSURES LIVES for abort terms, or for, the Whole tam of life--grant nannigleg and gudginenu,—pni ahlson life on interests In Real Isstats, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act ae lizecntore, Adminietratora, designee!, Trustees, and Guardians. TEPAITZED. Daniel L Miller, Samuel R. Stotts, Benjamin Costes, William Martin, Richard 9 Newbold, James II McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, SyDuel C. Huey, Theopnitas Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L Hutchinson . , Itudolphus Rent, John W. Honinr, William H. Carr, Ellis S. Archer. Edward 1. Mutt,' Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson ' Joseph If. Themes, - IS M. Resin, John G. Brenner, P. S. Weller, Easton DANIEL L. MILLEN., Prealdent. SAMUEL E. STOESEL Vies Preet. lons W. liOlSOlL.Secretary. nI3-17 UpFILtANe 1 iN- PscßAscc colisytce 439 WALetrStreet, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affaira of the company is published to conformity with A prOTOMO2I of its charter: XRIMIUMA MI:OMIT/I) FROM AUGUST 1, AIAI,TO ACQUIT 81, 1857. Fire premiums $ 38 ,729 61 Marine premiums 217.793 63 Perpetual premiums 224 CM ,Total amount premiums taken. 2256,747 43 Earned fire prenilurne 25,072 96 Yarned manna premiums 155,005 60-180,078 66 peduct return pretuiunie Net earned 5168,369 09 Marine loeiee paid. 8 0 3,585 7 5 Yire leases paid—. 8,031 11 $101,916 86 . Sslrl.ge re. cened• • . $760 57 ilitereet re ceived...4,3sl 57 ' e - neur striae 2,971 52 —4,083 66 95,613 70 'Expenses for coiruntalions to agents, abatements in lien of scrip t salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, kc 60,386 87 Pratt and loss 63 46-141,293 27 Net profit $24,076 82 ASSITS. Cash on hand $12,515 89 Dills receivable 119,281 02 Donde and mortgages 185,000 00 Stocks, 282,100 00 Stock notes ' 142,900 60 Due by agents and others 22,312 93 • ----- 8154,05 84 • DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, . Wm. P. Leech, O. E. Spangler, R. T. Retail, Abraham 1161, • H. H. Houston, Wm. 11. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, °come Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Reigned, C . G. dower, Charles Y. Norton, John W. Sexton, John U. Lewars, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, 1.1 It. Shillingford. PERCIVAL H. POTTS, President 0. E. Sessoura, Vice President. W. H. Woona, Secretary. 0,41 R. T. Ream. Treasurer '4 I:7 a sP#ING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. - - CAPITAL 1120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SEDIMENT INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD STS., SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John H. Dohnert, Henry M. Phill 0, David Woelpper, Lewis Shim:lack Benjamin Davie, John InnJoll, John Evans, Jr Charles Yield, Auley M. Park, William E. Woo . James. Darnell, Jobw B. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintren, , Cnrwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, Ilearge R. Childs.. JOHN H. HORNER?, President. L. KRUMBHAAR, Secretary. Sept 21-17 -- -- NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- OFFICE 414 WALNUT Bt., Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL plOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO 600000, Thia Company is now folly drgan eed, and prepared to make all kinds of 11/nuance againat Icea or darusgs by Fire and Shrine Perils, at warrant rates. OFFICERS. • H. 0. LAIIGHLIN, Freeident. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vie. President. GEC. SCOTT., Secretary DIRECTORS. H. O. Loutslin, D. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Blahont Shields, T. F. Showell, TILE QUAKER CITY IN SIIRA NC E COELPANY, Office No. 408 (late 91) WALNUT St. Capital and Enrplue, $260,000. This Company tootionex to mite Inanmota against loss or damage by Fire and the Perils of the flea, lotted and Transportation at current rates. OFYICUIt3. Pesti4ent—OP.O. U. HART Vice President—E. P. BOBS. Secretary and. Treaanrer—U. R. COGGBPIALL. Asa Want Secretary—S. U. BUTLER. MOTORS. E. W. Bailey, Charles G. Delay, Wm. D. Lew* Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew B. Chambers, LL n Coggshall, Samuel Jones, 11. D., A.Y. Cheetbrocksh. George H. Hart, H. P. holm', A. 0. Oatte Joseph Edwards, John 6. Dale, Hon. Henry M. Palter, Poster B. Perkins. John H. Chambers, an &It ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NSW YORK.—Oface, No :a Wall ghost, ad- Soitiing the Medial:dog' Dank--Cagh Capital, $250 WO, with a garplua. Thle Oompaay Imre Buildings, Ider. thaudige, Parolture, Teasels to port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damage by lire mo d the Risks of Lilted Navigation.• DItiVTORS Henry Grinnell, Caleb Daraiew, Henry 0. Brewer, Edmund Penfold, - Haruion K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thoman Monacan, John H. Berle, Albert Ward, • Charing Easton, • Louts Loral, Samuel G.Glitlden, Cambreleug, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Henri H. Bogert, Peter'N4e ll 1, Benjamin Bt. Weld, A. B. Trothingltana. • Thos. F. Youngs, Brunel L Joshua L. Pope, Rufus H. Graves, Henry Davis, 0. H. Illierri Theo. PoMemos, Jr, Elias E. Marcia, Aka. H. Tau Neat, Witham A. Cary, Thomas S. Hobo., James W. Phillips, Charles A. Maey, Edward Blacks., Wm. Z. Shepard, Charles L. Prost, Lathrop L. Rama, William H. Nadi*, Emery Thayer, Gan. Weetteldt, Zahnon Taylor, Henry Z. Blossom. Mitchell, , . ALDSRT WARD, Preeidaat. RIIFHAID A. 01[1.1r, BecrotAry, an .10-1 y ANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.—Cbarter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, 1400,000. lire, Marine, and Inland Transportation. 01.161101011.91. • Aaron B. Li ppin c ott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhoden, Allred Weeks, Charles J. Yield, Jams P. Smyth, Wm. 11. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Bank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A nIIODIIB, Tice President. ALPS.ND WERIO3, Secretary, J. W. hIARTIEN, Surveyor. This Cimpany ens organised with a cash NIRO, and the Directors hare determined to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence In conduct ing Its 'Naive, with a prompt adjustment of lossea °face No. 10 Merthanta , .Igselle.ge, Philadelphia. aul.dly T ' MERCANTILE MUTUAL INI3U RANCE COMPANY OP PIIILATIELPHIA.—ORies No. TT/WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE RISKS on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and ether earriages. ALL THE PROFITS dirlded annually among the As sured, and ample security to cases of Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. Ailiburner, Alfred must tt, Thomas S. looter, Onstame Engla], James H. Stroup, Alfred SAO., A a Cattail, Charles B. Carstaks, Pa=nel Bobtruera , John C. Keifer, John P. Stefan, Ilenry (Immix), L Wm.J Caner, reatoorg. ,R.RIB PIMA Prarildeat. IITT, Vie. Pruidant. staar Edward Harris ?tiles, John M. Odenboimer, nahlon Samuel J. Sharp/ass, Isaac Jeanes, Maury Preaut, Edward O. James, William L. Springs, Franklin 0. Jose., Daniel ila4klock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murph,s, Wm. S. Smith, A. 1. Attelo, &uncle! L. I EDWARD RA ALFRED FA; JOHN O. X , Sacra CHARTEit OAK INSURANCE COMEA !IRE AND MARINE iNY 071.1A111701.1D. CONN. Losses in Philadelphia and ,ilodapain Of Cash Capital $300,000. vicinity adjusted at the PA By leave we refer to D, S. Drawn & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chaffee., Stout & Co., ~ Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea & Co., ~ Hon. T.& Williams, Ifart'd We Dave facilities for p acing any amount of loon men in the omit reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. QS (EU No. FM) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. ilailroab tines nj ORM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ►OB BETHLEHEM, XAS.TON ALLENTOWN. A lIC II he. On and alter iVeduesday, Notember 4th, 1857, the 4Nss on this rood will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun. incepted) Si fOi(OWS: 'r Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Mauch Chunk, and Wilkesharre ( Express ) at 9 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Ex. pres,) in connection with L. V It. It. and Easton, by stage, from Iron Hill Station, at 213 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at ¢ 90 p. At. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A. 91 On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will run through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return atlas P. 31 TRAINS FOR Leave Bethelem (Express,) at 9 A. SI, and 2.25 P. 51 Leave Doylestown, (Aecommodotion,) at 6.34 A. M. Leave Gwynedd, d0.,.4.154 P. M. SUBILiAiI. Fort Vrem Gwynedd A. M. I Goty•necti.. ...... 2 20 9. 31 Doylestown 42 P.M. Doylestown'ss A. M. Fare to Bethlehem $1 50 Manch Chunk. 2 00 Wilkesberre . 3 50 • PA2SENG ER DE DOT, i'IIONT and WILLOW Its , Phila. 0554-tr k'LLIS CLARK, Agent. tumbgr LUMBER ! LUMBER !!—LThe subscriber, who has for several years occupied the pi emisea at Efloari , a Planing aIM, Heroine. has removed t o COATES STREET IVIIAItD, adjoining the pli c e o u Planing Mill, cai Delaware avenue, where he Intends keeping A large assortment of Carolina and othet door inglsoarda steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and ecstfold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchissere are In vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at, the shortest notice for ads kinds and sires of Southern yellow Pfusi, Timber and Scantling. and-tf S. S. ItlODfil- Clotbing. ~FIAR PE 'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTHING . , 148 North YOURTII Street, Wire** Arch tad Um surf-17 WESTERN TRAVELLERS. -- SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT& NORTHERN CENTRAL R.Luarar, TWO DAILY TRAINS ERONI BALTIMORE TO PITTSBI7ROII AND THE WEST. On am] afteelune 10,1857, TWO DAILY "Lusa wilt lease Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and sal West. ern and South or - Northwestern eitim. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leave. Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at EIS A, H. eoenottin with the Mail Train 'myths Greed Penn sylvanie Railroad , and arriving in Pittabirgil at 1 96 A. THE AFTERNOON REPRESS 'FLUX Learei Baltamore daily (Sunday excepted) x 49 P. IL for Harrisburg. THE NIGHT REPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 19 P. N., am neetwg u UV. the Lightning Zzyreat oven the hump. mania Railroad foe Pittsburgh, erriviog stiddi I. M. fp' All these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with Maine over the Pift.thargh. Fmt Wayne sad ChFrago Railroad, and its Northern, Southern and Western eonseetions. Passengers for Chicago, Rock island, Burl. ton, lowa City, liniment., Dabmple, St. Pad% Ka son, and other leading cities in the Northwest, willies% one hundred smiles DJ hart/ Lad unit/sr in time, with foer less ehangea of ears, by taking this roar. Er Passengers for Cleveland. Saadniky, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this rotate, and the time ie alleviated , being 11S miles shorter thin by any other mete. ity. Passengers fpr St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo, and ill points on the Laser and Vpper mak. less changes of ears. and strive is ad. vanes of any other route; end to Cincissati, Co/ati bus, Dayton, Louisville, and ether prominent Mlles, as quick as by any other routs: Alt Western Baggage CHUM TISROVGH and dandled with ears. - FO R rHz Noant. ' The Sib A.Y . mutants closely with Rome Trams ores the pauehla send for Williamsport, Wain, Rochester, Sated°, Nina= tails, and Canada, thus forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Petuuyisemil and Western New Totk. Peasenvire wiH Sod this the shortest, cheapest, and molt expeditious route to Magma Palle and Canada. lombwTickets sr" beard. ta Philadelphia Ida Co end.esocester by all the trains at Steads, as de train hiring connections. Passengers route Atoll oiled bridges , and all the is mn ra3ienea of ferrying scrota the Susquehanna riser- , Pessewrems for Xissmeet,btruscheeter,Gettyshart,lhet. udttslearg,CarlLle Obambersbarg, se by the was at 8.16 1. St., and SP. If. wuntrzimaz Blume . 2ke ORS sa 2061 neekskate Iffy ler ebi„ I . edalteed. Leg with thdreates at-.g - - or TH/101/Gil =Mt and lextlisi apply at the _Ticket Mee, Cana Statist: 4 ll;l. of Calvert and Pritakila. streets. • 4. c e ep 2B o.c.A.Diu* ~ = • P - ENNSYLVANIA RAILRbAD,— , GREAT CENTRAL RODTR, conratting $ • At battle Cities with Weaterty North-siestaen , and western States, by a oontinnoaa, hallway, rect "This Road also connects 'at Pitta .hargli With daily lips steamers to all points on the Western hirers, sad Cleveland and &Wady with Piteatnert to all port a on the north-western Laken making the Inuit DIRICT, CHEAPEST and SELIARLI ROUT: by which Yridght can Ds forwarded to and gross tits G WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AHD PITTR Pith Cgass—Boots, Shoat, Hats, and Capa, Books, Dry Goods, (in beau bales and trtutto , Drugs, (in bolas and bales) Nathan Pan, &s The. ak Ile It &moan Cauta—....Dorneitia meeting, Shirting tad Ticking,' (in Galena bales), Drugs (in arks), Hardware, Leather, (in rolls or bolsi), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &a.ike....010, pas HID D. Tgnp Steel, Chains, seeks), Hough Denise a 4 rant, ' *Had, (loosest in Wake), Tobacco, ma eat • ke., Age.; par Yetis= OtAss—Oodee, Nish, Balmy Beef, and Pork, (in casks or Danes eastward), Lard and Lardell, Sod/ail/4 German Clay, Tar, Tikk Ruda, Be 400„ per 104 lb. Peers—Tbe. per Mi., until farther notice. etitant-15e. per 180 lbs., until farther antler: In du d = groan toy point East et Philarkel phis, be to nun pottage . 4 via Peeaseitrinain heidr ," All thxda eon signet to thnAgeote et tlaks Road, at Philadelphia, or Pinata:ugh, wIII be fee warded without detention. Pas tour Au Wormley & Co, Hero phis, Tenn. ,• R. I'. Baas & Co., St. Lode Ilo.; J. S. Mitche ll & Son Evansville. Ind.; Datnesnil, Bell & Mirdatt, sod 4.3,..pr0!0r sinrOtt, Hy.; R. G. HAL drum, Aladtsort, Ind.; U. W. Brown & Co., sod Iswin Co„ Cincinnati; N. W. &shun ,& Co., Eanesdhe Ohio; Leech & Co., Be. a EllitYallket, to Inert & Co., No. 2 Astor Howse, Hew Yarit,Wit. 1 Willtara at. and No. 8 Slattery Place, New Tack; Z. J. Soasenr, Philadelphia • Macaw & Moons, haltizeora; D. A. Stewart, Pitt:burgh. E. I. HOVITOIi, fitnerslPreright Age n t, Diritadelphia.. H_ J. toutuariT, liaperinteadesik k Attoona, Pl. NEw TORS LINES.- a; CAMDIN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PEILADKLPILLA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO ART'S LIME TROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEWYORK, AND WA - - LW. u follais, via: . l'alan, . At IA. M ., from Ilesidaston Depot, vie Jae, City, Mail 12 At 6A. M. Ti. Candela and Jamey City, hay Jer sey AmoiamoiLition At 6 A. U., via Camden and 4 3.mbey, Amonimmls. tkoa,,,. X..., .. ... .. ..... ..:. 11 At 7 A. M., via Camden and lerseiCl37, Morrdet Mail 3 At 10 A. IL, by gumboil! Trenton, via Tammy sad Jenny City Montag 3 At t P. IL, via Ciaiden and .=7C. sal A. Ka- Pr en At 6 P. M. Till Caudell and .1, George Minster, W. C. Stotesbazy, R. M. Car Ill•, 0. 0. Butler, Ceo. Scott. (tnl9.y Jersey ...renal,/ Mar 3 At 3 P. 11., via Camien and Amboy, Aemmuncria. lion, Lt Clam I At 3 P. 11., via Camden and Amboy, .doemiresida. tion, 2nd Clan. At 6 P. ll. ' tine Camden and Amboy, Ateomeandr tion, ]at Clan 3 At 6 P. M. ria Camden and Amboy, Acoluenda, lion, 21:41 Mau i _....._... . I The 6P. M. line rune daily, all others — ''Sarrilayee, 6.664. ' -a Nearest Linea atop at the 'w.i.m:pal Asthma mfr. ' For Belvidere,Easton, - Ylem, As ., at •A. sad 4 P M., tran Wahnt strait vWf. _ Fort atar ftap, Stroudsburg, &meow. Tnibirball" Idontme, Gnat Bond, to., at 81. IL, via D.la Lackawanna at W cetera Saaralui. /or Freehold, At 6 A. Y. mod i P. M. for Mount Holly at 7 A. AY LAMS M. mid S and SI. N. W For Brixtol, ?proton. de., at .6 . 3 i and 4P. K. - WAY LW X ]or Palmyra, Itanoorma, Stororly,Dortfogtos, fordo town &a., at S P. N. Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Boriestoro mad totem. &ate places at 2% P St Steamboat 'TSTA — "tall for Tazany '4lO sad SIX A. St, and 4 P.ll Sf All Linea, except 1 A. M., learn Welnat dile 'hut Err Nth' poands of bergage onl ellotred eat! pa senor. Passengers are prohibited y from taking asy thing atl bergs. re but then nearing apperel. All bhp gage over pounds to be paid for extra. 'The C a pasty hntit their responsibility for barrage to ono dole ter pound, and will not be liable for Coy amount be ]sod 1100, except by special contract. WM. R. GAMMA, Arent O.Z A.s. B. CO. B. B. 1101131XLL, Agog Phila.. 'Pr. B. B. Co. PR. I G ARRANGEMENT.-PENN. A. 7. SYLVANIA C.MNTRAL RAILROAD. —Nsusainzia direct tormectina sith the PITTABUR.GIARORT WATNIII AND CHICAGO RAIL ROAD. Par Cincinnati, St. loins lowa Clly, Loniaville, New OrUlna, EL Nab, lota Cleveland, fisnaas, Terre Ideate Chicago Nehmen:. In sdvartes of 111 other routes out of Philedelplua. Forming . am MLA/ChM "rid, eat dr, Gnat Rut. as Railroads. Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsbargh. sad washes cities% from the Pennsylvania Railroad Pageaswer Stetittei sontlgesat corner of 1.1.11113111 and WaRBIT streets, (entrance on Met enthatrest,) as follows t. Train at 7—, A. M. Pest Line at 11 ES, P.N. Repress MaU at 1106, Night. Colombia IL R. Line leaves for Rarrisborg at 2.30, P. Linsmater )Accommodation,) at 4.30. P. M. The Repress Mail ram daily, the other trains, too. Jaya excepted. Per further partientent see hand-bills, at the direrwat starting-points. Passengers from the Rut wilt Awl We the aborted and nioat expeditions route to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Tort or Boston. TROILAB NOORR, Agent, Paisenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. ebraary, UST sally - 1)10H I L A DE L P HI A, GER3LCITOWICN L AND NOR HIST° W N RAIIROAD.—WINTES ARRANQESIENT.—On sAi After SIONDAY, Ociobit 19th, iIST, Learn Philade)phia at 6. IX, 5,X, 9g, Ilg 1. 3-10 min. 4,6, 6,7, 9, and 11 P. It. Lear, Germantown at 6,1,, 745 it, 9.10)j , 1-10. 8-10 min. 4,6, 6,7, 8, and 16 P. U. fp- The 7.36 o'clock A. M. Train from Menem:Am will stop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS. Lear. Phll44lelMils at 9.20 min. M.. 'and 8% P. M. Leave Germantown 5 20 IBID. A. M., 1-20 min. and 646 min P.M. MligMi;=ll=Bl Lecre Chartnut ttill at 7x.8-40 ard.lo-10 ad*. A. M., 12-50, 2-10, 540 scd. 1%40 min. P. M. ON frITSPATS. Leyte Plillade 9a20 A. M., g saii ix P. N. . Leave Chtataut gill at S A Y., lt:30 sad YSi P. N. YOB NA.NAPUNK, co.xsiaouoeKsx AND MOWS- Leave Plaladelphia at 6X, 9, li 3, /X, 6X, and 11 P. N. LUTO Norristown at 'I, 9. 11 A. M , 3 ad 5 40P. M. Lean P4ili4•lpbia at 9 A JS , and 3P. M. Leave Ncrnistnvn it 7 A. 91., 1 . 5 . 5 5 P. M. MESTER VALLEY RAILROAD POl DOWDING Leave Philadelphia at es 4. Y. , sad 3P. X. Leave pea - aingt.orn at 7.1 i M *ltd IP. M. ShilTil, Superlative/eat. Depot, Sla' sad it' reel, street*. Philadelphia fIHAIiGE OF HOURS.-P HI 1, ADE L. 1 1.. J PHIA, WIIALINGIOA AND 8AL113101.2 RAIL ROAD. On as 4 after Wednesiss, Nov. 11, UR, PASSI. , :OI.IB. TRAMS LAATB P/111.ADZIP11IA For Baltimore at 8 A.. 11., I P. M., (I:Apr.6o sod 11 P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A, M., 1, 330 and 11 P. Y. For Veit Castle at BA. M. , and 330 P. M For bliddletown at 8 A, M. and 3 M P. Bt. For Dover at 8 A. 31 and 3 33 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. IL . Leave Baltimore at 8 . 40, ix Press, 11 A. V., as 4 6 26 Leave NVllminitAa at 25 and 11.45 A. M., and 233 4955 P. M. Lesvo Na. CAille at II 95 A. M., and 19,1 p, m, Leave Middletown at 10 15 A. M. Awl 3 05 P. 11. Leave Dover at 915 A. Sl sad 7 P. 51. Leave SrAtord at 4 00 P. M TILAD.:S TOR BALTIMiMIP. Leave ifilrobigton at 9.13 A A. M. BuNDAYS only at 11 P. M. trios Philadelphia to Baltimore. Qo de,_ 635 V. Y , frinn lldmere to Philadeipkia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE ACCOUIIO - TRALN LOST'S HMO do Grace at 6..50 A. M. Learns laalimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will raw as follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5 00 P. N. Leave Wilmington for do. do, 550 P. M. Leare Baltimore for Barre-de-Grace at bP: Ff. oc 31-ly 8. M. FELTON, Preridect. SULLENDER & PASCAL, -.--- HATTXTtB, sta-em No. S 13. SIXTH Ftmet.. Piasdelpkbi s oFFicE, T',2o CVESAMENSETWIFernR#, BUi Praxosr& PIAONAGES, lIIERQEIANDIZE, BANK NOUS awl sp . gorz , e ith er by its own LINES, or in conneetinn 'with other EXPRESS COMP ANIES t ao all the pzincipat TOWNS and CITIES or the United sad.. E. S. rarinrolai, Gemara etnprialtatimt. COTTON -300 bales good Middling to Mid- Cog lib Cotkezt, Eton .indfor nut, 99ABRIN 91441.1f1T1X., 179 North Weir stiset. HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES.— Sold by CHADWICK & 880., 202 N. MOND soild•ame, flailroabo. 702 OSIMANTOWN CIIRSTDIIIT lIILL RAILROID ON SUNDAYS, TRAIN - BOA PERLADELPHIL M., 2 k. IL 66312 16 gate, tEape, &t