The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 14, 1857, Image 3
. . Alftrat Emma. AOlOyer oa,Mosto,ll:Ve": Ooeasa OT.RHOHD, Lo coot boaarte..'.-" A Earning Calr"---" tAA OoneeriX.J.t Court Parer." %Wailaebbra AsiewßtailT Tuitaxel, Mum siusge, - '' -Aiblvilbaoo.;-",Blebard Vac Third" -."' P. P." WalgOT groat peniantu;*. E. MUNI' or Winn Alm Vaisor SHILIOITB.--!‘ Rip Van Winkle (}Noce it New York",-“Btaga•EtruelE Naviouar. i'as.vras,_WattOT HTHHIIT, NTIA/4 'EIGHTS. .-Buckiteps Open Troup!). „ atiroanie,Orzai lions; ELITISTS MHO, ' &Boys goareueu.--Ethiopian Life Illustrated, emeloOl4wib4 a laughable atterplece. -Timm 'AND'EBISTNOT Bra.— . ° H.OGAGOTTH— ,I Oprovaillo Feats," toe. city Coancils.—An adjourded meeting of tity , Connells VW held -,yestaiday afterneen, at Which the following business wee transacted,: pled - Couneit.—Tkitt president stated, that Whin 'the cluteSt,t,er,ediqurtesd yesterday, the pond ' theoCeitton was the appeal front hte depilates on ~Ahe,,euestion oq, thor passage, of, the resolution yateed by themayor. „ • ife,docided the point on the instant, upon what suppose 4 be;. and was still Inclined to con siderltte'reasoff and intent of the, law.. Upon in veatifirationand inquiry sinWlitriita satisfied that, eient banstfuotion,-.had,beeri`pue satisfi ed 161 4 0 0 ,similar clauses iithe Panatitutions of the . Wiltad :stated and of, Rannsylvania. , , Fielding, ,therefore, as he thought he out, to a -eontamtiora-- moons construction of doubtful language by such • high 'authority as Congress and the - Legislature of the State, be felt bound to"dedlare that: the rase ', lilitifoisliad been adopted. , ' Mr• Oyler pelted the unanimOns consent of •the clunnberto withdraw hit appeatichieh ntigranted, and , the Clerk directed to reeord Unit tin, twain- - 'don has been adopted. . 1,, 4 Select Opinion 'then coneurreet ire :the: follorlpg • 'ordinanceifrem COMMOnAitinoBli4neantliorming the eenstruction'otieultert'onlioaWs street i the- ~,,ordluance authorising the ooritetriolion of a culvert„,mi•the line of Selma alley e nortluof Willow street, In the Eleventh-ward; andtbe,,Mrtinanee ler so ,qh? .curing the- costa and flies indlisistekby the t Oleo , Magistrates.' • ortlinenbe Mt' apnropriatjon to the department for 'anthilying the,ofty w ijt,Water, was passed fireally-- • :Itubeite, load In. pMce_an ordinance iihiing for en exehange,ot,Ponneylvania Rallraod 'ir,- - ,"atobk• for arty' bonds , whinic-Wseardeted =to-be ;•;', 'ls printed, and referred to the Omainittee oniflitanee. Mr. Mott good: ri resolution to inforni,Common . -"Colitinirthitt Select - Council. will meet'then( . , , _ - -This t ralfyrtt 0 1,--Xeigr.. l 4 o P °I” k 3 dte , Fen 0, 14'101 11 PM" 44.-fietooky _ "fdr: Neiii ientl!•it.pWerit'eldliiiine r e gruviding for thelainie d'hirend IhrPilitirain one, audifireiOdindloaiis. .11.eforrodM the Com , milk* on lerarkati-' t ;7-Mr. Roberts offered me- following : 11Therearitho rocont'arrest of several persons in hose-lionsof iu the-Twenty-feurth Ward, bbarged t r-tirith tbeitinMetimiendierist; adds but another of the many, evideneed ef the demoralising end de structive teredeitoy, of making engine And hose houses emideci, remits at all hours of The night, as • „ as. the day, thereby, maiittsitig the'. bunking system, ti jai it Psaalled-.—a'.praotice alike disrepu table anitinSarions to the firemen and, the °enema nity, therefore, ' • " , • ", - that the Committee'Police be di. reitsdsto leqatrcondfreport o'Ciiiinells what mea sures are necessary on the part of the city authori. des to preiebt th,o use of fire engine. and, hose houses, as resorts for sleeping or. any other purpose • 0 not Aerially authorized by the Board of Threat-ors of The Fire DepartMent, anti to this end the Com mittee be requested to advise with his Honor the Mayor, or the Chief, the' Fire:Detectives, and the , Chief Engineerof the Fire Department. ' 4 lkirresolutlon - was"adepted, ;after - some very earneit and eloquent remarks from Mr. Roberts. t:Mt: Nathe-g - offered a , series of resolutions, utberizingtbe Chief Commitaioner, of Highways employ two hundred men On the public high - 'Ways, 'from -this time ,to UM' first ot.d.pril, each man to work eight hours,daily, and to ,b'e compen liated pro veto. „ . Onyler moved that the sub*, t referred zn the specialnetemittee to whom was referred the itition of those now in distress. .„- .-• - Mr. Nagnzas said he had no objection to such a rfametoe, provided the committee be instructed to F-plitert at the 'next stated meeting of Councils; a'whe resolutions were referred to the Highway • Caranditee, after Considerable discussion. Mr. Kline presented several petitions, owner.' ;ma Signed, .from the unemployed workmen of , the Seventeenth Ward, which were referred. ~--.24, i natioris, for Clerks, submitted by the , , er of Markets, were continued: Y Serfersi 'Ordinances and resolutions from Common refterivhich the Chem s. beeadjetisnW. • Comfittra Conneil, adjourned meeting of , or- this branch of Council was held yesterday after -noon, Mr. Miller in the. Chair- ' A message was received from Select, Council, stating that' they had appointed a committee of five toquire into some mode of relief forthose of bur citizens ' , she - tiro unemployed. , carmitunioation wee read from tho'Controllers ofthe Public - Schools, asking the teas' of the first floor of the Southwark Hall for a Primary School, is place of the rooms now occupied in the house of the 'Weceacoe Fire Company. Referred to the' Committee on Schools. ' -"Alieozeimmuuication from these= body, ask ' fog an appropriation of $490,179 for' the expenses ef the ensuing year. Referred to the same Com mittee; Alio; an estimate of the expenses of the pet itions of the -poor' for -1858, which was referred to - the committee on poar.- Amiessage was 'received from 'Mayor Vain, to. ' getherlwith, the petition of -the unemployed Work thersonte measure be adapted for ..*4-4 1 1 81 tt -, • . , . . „,..ti."-tarkei moved to eulpend , the role, eo SO to oorisidef the. resolution uterr thittubjeoti as passed "by Sabot Centel ! , .whieh*63 agreed t 6. The resolntitra wes then read. • " Mr. Markley movoci. the reeoltttion oeiviarred • air:'Perker 'mimed to end` that the committee instriested to report', an ordinance to • comply with the prayer of the petitioners for relief. • • , Masher thought this -amendment' should not prevail, as it would only cause delay,. as the • - 'resolution would have to go back to 'the other branch. Mr. Stevenson opposed the motion ; he did not w ant the committee instructed. , Mr, P,arker wanted them to come but like men and let the public know whether or not they in tended - to relieve these poor men. If they were - • disposed to do anything If they really wanted to assietthesis men; they should do it at once. Mr. Clay thought this discussion watt a waste of 'their and trifling with the miseries of the IfesOple. 'Ma thought they bad all come there with - their ntindematle up, and should vote without fur s „-therdissiussion. Mr.:Drayton.thought they might as well not ap point % committee, if they intended' to tie their -blade by instructions. - None denied the necessity 'Of 'mini action for relief of the ,laboring pleases • ' het:there was a difference o t fien in - regard to .2, .-`.,04-teedn'ef administering i lief. 'He th ought theissue dermal notes' by the city would not be -legal: -Ile thought they could take lesson from the I "stialstitir'yesterday in Independence Square. , Hti was never prouder of his pesitition as an Auto ' ilealfAtizen, than 'yesterday' when these men— , '2,llungsty inert assembled, 3, an d '4 a quiet and digni fied manner discussed the 'propriety of adopting some mode for, their relief, and then returned , v . 01111017 to their homes to meet their starving families. Be read the following communication : • . Pnm,lnturuts, N0v.1.3, 1857. W. M. Dnavios, Esq.," Chairman - of .Vinanee Dotemittee—Dear - BIT : As a 'Citizen I Ming to a suggestion two, re •to a plan for the relief of:hur workingmen 'and unemployed - - poor. - Ward, associations may accomplish some , ~ thing; but the question of employment can only lie snot by a general and voluntary effort of our , hitiwiruo rfearll4 difference of opinion in Counoils as to itieans'and mode of affording relief, and the real embarraternamt which members feel as to the ex . tent of ibeir,powers in such an emergency, may; • delay action too long. In the meantime the evil . • 1 ,111,..b 4 v.e, aeouired, a magnitude and urgency widish' every` friend of, humanity and , good order ' - 'innerdeplore. The address Of the - workingmen to the Mayor him elated in, this community a feeling of pride mingled with sympathy; their manly but touching appeal for assistance will be responded to. Your petition will enable. yen to ,sumomplish what any nitixest in his private capacity ann.' plebe yourself ' and your o o mmittee at the head of Movement to raise two lambed and fifty thousand dollars, by 4he Assfungaras siebseription er our Materna,. They „willgispond The noble appeal of our working men hag kindled a sentiment to this city that will unclasp,overy pease. Let the sum - thus raised be • ~ usettinthe employment of labor upon public re pairs and improvements, and it will' afford the meats - 'of 'support for one hundred days to three thousand menoopresenting and supporting as saanyfendlies. • Ihe.trarkingMen of our city, in their address,- ~Insveplaced ,themiselves-upon a high platform of ekrinetples; let every one contribute to the extent Whim pumas in maintaining them In.their Oersted, eutdilhutatil i diffi tewaidssuala a fund. If your tleMMittsie will open book of subscription in independence alai, our citizens (even in these „limea) will Isolate to epbsoribe, then-Demo for a sufficient anoint. , ” As tie city, its corporate capacity, will be boutdittad by this expenditure, the sum thus con tributed should be regarded es a law, not to be ladd to , the eontribilters,bnt to constitute a fund 'for tome, public charity.- , would - suggeat for the , ' :endow limit of 'sanitise] for, the meebantc arts and ' idiot doldgm: for thd education of the children of our eilizens, Time, ,by a - suitable movement, we could-perPetuatim our midst the memory of the -present ethergeney, when the pressure of hungry necessity, could not tempt: our workingmen to en croach, upon she rights of property; nor the ex - tremity of financial distress cause the more fortu rtate to:forget ,the claims of our common brotherhood. ' This suggestion. may or, may not be worthy of • Adoption. lint if the Finance Committee with the Approval of Councils, will initiate this movement, - and "autikerlie theteselres" , the trustees - set etiob raud,_Publie, confidence and liberality will an. oomplish dicrest. 'My slibsittptlon its conditional. • Will you lead in this movensentl - - B. Mr. Drayton. hoped thia , subsoription would be rsommeneed without reference to polities, and the same would be swollen np to a mu ch larger %Mount. • He Was opposed to the ohituerical Schema of issainglemallnotes, E 8 it would only bring•about trouble. ' He hoped the 'amendment would not pre-, Stre'erthouglit'it would be best to allow this matter to go to a calm and considerate , committee, who would act in a spirit- of humanity. 'llO hoped their would be 'a good committee appointed without inetnictions. „ ,-,', • Mr. unease thought there was not ti Man in the • letnannunity who did not feel thentioCality of l oo k. •• ~ log to the wants of' the working most. lie. hoped committeeto he appointed would pot be fettered ai einggaii byany•instruotioht - , Mr. Parker again Urged the necessity of •In. striating -the "comalittim. 'lle' thought-the only - question before, them. wasc. , ,whether orpot they,in, - • tended tOpiatte Small 'notes? ' referred to the fsat.thist, our miuinfantarers Isere sending. o ad. Abintriglifiates for email notes, inlconeequenoce of ..gtaleante,f,,nuyeaey herit..,„„ , • PARK BAft:Aimee LIICTunn ON YANKEn Dow ?La. —Mr. Park BenJarnln'ti lecture at Concerti's'', last eve ning, on " The tiphit of Yankee Doodle, or True 'rifle pendence," was a decided hit, and must have resulted quite profitably to the Young lien's Central Home mission, for whose benefit it was delivered. As the lecture was a poem, it was, qt outage, irreport able, and besides this It would be unfair to take repor torial liberties 'With it, insomuch an its author is averse to hiving It appear in newspapers, as it would be giving gratuitously to the public a matter for which be prefers being paid.. ,' - - Of the origin of ,the:, lecture, we may say that it com prised portions of iseverai of Iltr. Deniamin , a lectures on ,other aubjecte, *The , portions of it in which The love or the ancients was touched upon, wan from a lecture originally irepared,for a classical audience, and was .... delivered before the Societies of Pattmouth Colleges In , - 4 ' ihe-fOrm in which it appeared ha night, however, it - riiff - iiiiin - if-' '-if -- - " ti ; , ,i'' ' ' i - - i .. , , ye eV a . ere,,ofi e , ,nd the iwie d. bad never before' been delivered, and aboUnded in many ,‘4 . ;4isittit,loittAit 4 . 440 tti, 53 tollo, 'via! -•: • . beautiful sentiments intended to apply more especially '`"Arlkia- 4 111110.4foier,..lritoiter, , `,Coenor, ;PO, to what Should constitute the beau ideal of indepon- V.frei icOliin d;ltalli btoyarf CeNeill,:Parker-10. , d ,. , - - "''''''"lfaia;gosiirif, 7 4lextinde; Arnldid,Blao, -,, ,, ,r,,f17,-Ta 'Mtn' . pr0p10.7....)34rna11i 3oAth- .)34rn a,•tl Cla y , Calhoun, Conrad, Deal, . '" a q . " 4" in of the, lecture wasvaried. -;e3Xnemettliclilrayton, Faulkner, viii,v, ,Giiiin, The•etartiag off in a philatephleat attain on Indepen donee !tithe abatract, Which he wound up with a sublime -,—,Kaelter 'atobinani liatolainOon, - Iseol l ivici i.. 4 o ons, ..1.446iik 'l4ll4 . olKelint,':Kfrite; Vnen t all „ Ma: , , tribute - to that - beaming planet 'in the galaxy of our Ar, ,, - ._felliallaz.4timrniivilbrris, O lint), great once of the peett.he immortal Washington. ~ 7 , ,i,g4lloliiii i NO11100 ) 240MaaglAiger Tile ti TRIM POtkUe i ° part of the perfcvniume Wila S i l l; , -,,,„- , - ~ , .i. - Jw 4 1 ~., le ( .‘i tt,,y, ; „ J , ' .i ; , ,' il' ~ • . ..,-- t--iiiy-ip.,il A.t,,.„..„, Ai,..: .. _ ~,L :,.. ,_, , . _ Palethorp, Perkbas,, Shook, Sites, Steel, SteVen• 'son;'' John -Thouipson;' Omar Thompson, Tudor, Vanbqrn,Yasey, Warnock, Waterman, Wilday, Wilmer; Wolf, B. F: Wright, S. - 0. Wright, John Miller, president-53. ' Mr. Stevenson moved that they proceed, to con. eider the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, the late Stephen Girard, during his ! lifetime, felt great interest in the improvement,of the Delaware fropt of the city of Philadelphia, so molt op that in devising his large estate he pro videll the Sinn of $500,000, the income of Ala to be applied to the opening of Delaware avenue, from Vine street to Cedar; also the improvement of Water street, as aforesaid ; and when said avenue arid - Water street shall have been completed ac cording to the instructions contained in said will, then' the' like proceeds of said sum of $500,000 shall be applied, to the further improvement, from time to time, of the eastern or Delaware front of the r • And whereas, The said improvements aro com pleted accerding to instructions set forth in the twenty-second item of the will of the late Stephen Girard, and there is an income halal:toe due said fund ofmin forty thousand dollars; and said will making it imperative upon the city authorities to apply inioh part or the income of said capital sum 0f.5500,000 to the further improvement of the Del aware front of the city, Therefore Resolved, By the Select and Common ! dounotie of the city of Philadelphia, that the en ! *intendant of the Girard estate be authorized and required in commotion with the chief engineer and surveyor ofthe city of Philadelphia, to havo a plan of ta wharf and pier made to be plabed. at 1 the end of Chestnut street wharf, from its present termination to the authorized lino of the Port War dens, along the Delaware front of the city, and ' said superintendent be required to advertise for sealed endorsed proposals for building and extend ing; Chestnut street wharf to the Port Wanbins line on the river Delaware. Resolved, That upon a day named in said ad vertisement, th 6 said superintendent in the pro senoe of the Committee on Girard Estate, shall proceed to open said proposals, and report Bosun/13 to Councils for their action. Mr. Parker said this subject had already been referred to the Committee on Girard Estate. Mr. Masoher moved that this committee be dis charged from the further consideration of the sub ject, which gave rise tg a lengthy debate, but the motion was finally agreed to. Mr. Baird thought that the occupants of these wharves would not consent to their improvements at this time, and besides this they had no right to expond this money for this purpose. Mr. King said ,the adaption of these resolutions would be the most sensible way of assisting the, MI. , °Makin said the extending of Chestnut itteiterharf out, to.thfrPort Warden's line, would deputy Was a Steamboat landing. Ile ,snored to emend to extend the wharf - a distance of ono hundred feet. Mr. Miller - moved to refer. tho subject to tho Committee on Wharves and Landings. Mr. Baird opposed the motion, as.they appeared determined to spend the money, and they might as well spend it in this way as any other. Mr,. Holman also opposed a 'reference to any com mittee. He thought one hundred feet was quite far eneugh to intend out Chestnut street wharf. The motion to refer to the 'Committee on Wharves and Lemdlnis was not agreedoto. The, imendMent proposed by Mi. McMackin was not agreed to. The preamble and resolutions Were then agreed 10. Mr. Boyer called up the ordinance passed by Soleot Connell, authorising the transfer or certain items of the appropriation to the Highway De. pertinent, and was concurred in. Mr. McManus called up the ordinance regulating the sale of .vegetables, &o. It provides that it shall not be lawful for any persons to sell within the limits of the city .any potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, pears, plume, apples, or other traits, or vegetables, by any ptber measure than a bushel end its rabdivirione, and for each basket of every other measure used, fhe seller shall be melded into a fine of five dollar's, Mr. Stevenson opposed the ordinance. The ordinance was agreed to. Mr. King called up the resolution making it the duty of the clerk to record the names of members who were present but refused to vote. Councils refused to consider it. The resolution passed by Select Council, in re• gard to the opening and grading of streets, and the proseCution of the public, works, was concur red In. , . The ordinance passed by Select Council, au thorising an appropriation Of 31200 for an inlet at Chestnut street,.was concurred in, with an amend ment that 11 similar amount be appropriated for an inlet at Vine street•wharf. The resolution passed by Boloot Council, autho rising the laying of water pipe in Church, Frank lin, Prime, and other streets, was concurred in. Mr. O'Neill submitted a petition from unem ployed workingmen of the Seventeenth ward. Re ferred to the joint committee upon the subject. Mr. O'Neill, in place, submitted an ordinance authorjsing a loan and relief for tho unemployed. Referred to the same committee. Mr. Knoass submitted a petition from the Wash• ington engine Co., asking for a Fire Alarm Tejo graph Box. Referred to the Committee on Trust and Fire Companies. Mr. Holman submitted a petition from the work ingmen of the Nineteenth ward, asking for re lief. Referred to the committee on the subject. Mr. Boyer submitted a resolution that the city proceed at once to issue writ) for the payment of the work to be done on the Cohocksink creek, Moore street, do. Referred to the Relief Commit tee. Mr. Butcher submitted a petition for the paving of certain streets In the Twontpiourth ward. Reported to the ComMittee on Highways. • A. petition was submitted asking for a culvert on Race street, near Twentieth street. Referred to the Committee en Highways. Adjourned. ' Iffecitiiiiiceil,-;:-The following resolutions, adapted by the mechanics engaged jat Lichard L. 'Norris: Rons'llooomotive..werks, contain some practical suggestions, and breathe the true spirit of men : Ist, Resolved, That while sympstbizing with the distresses of all their follow-workmen, they feel it due to themselves and their families expressly to discountenance any excitement in consequence of the distressing state of the times, and to caution all from being led away, by the ill advice of de signing men, to do any act derogatory to the high obareotor of Philadelphia mechanics and law abiding, citisens. 2d. That in the experience of many at this meet ing, some who have - been employed on Bush Hill more than 'a quartor of a century, and as the con viction of all, no necessity exists for any sober, de serving workingman to come to absolute want; that relief will be cheerfully extended to any and all of their - deserving follow-workmen and their families. 3d. That &committee will be in attendance from 4 to 4 o'clock ovary Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day afternoon, to receive a ppliontions for assist ance from _ any workmanin necessitous circum stances who has worked in these works, pledging themselves that delicate consideration of their ne cessities will be honorably observed, and their wants, at lamb for tbe time, roneved. 4th. That' while in duty bound, we consider them who have worked with us, and now in die tress,"most entitled to our aid, nexertheless our feelings and most earnest. desires will be exerted to afford relief to any of our deserving suffering friends and workmen. sth. That we invoke most earnestly theso-ope ration of the different machine shOps and rectories in and about the city to join in our movement to :ditty the distress which may prevail this winter, and whiqh now, to much extent„prevaits by rea son of sickness, and especially to discourage anti discountenance any attendance at exciting meet ings; which may lend to disturb the peace and quiet of the city. ath; That these proceedings be published in nil the daily newspapers. Matthias Swank, Samuels B. Merrick, Henry Herr, John Sheftherd, Henry W. Harbergor, A. It. Campbell, Wet. Streaker i George Maier, George Wm. Keller, George W. West, Charles Davis, Samuel S. Fisher, Edward Polo, hietthew Mackie, George McVay, Jacob H. Leash, 'William Sire!, P. McCafferty, James Matthews, William T. Clark, Charles F. Montgomery. Minion Sabbath School and Chapel.—.d Fine Impiboetneitt.'—A beautiful building, of fine pressed brick, has just been erected at the corner of Seventeenth and Fitzwater streets, by the cone gregation of the Calvary Pr t e children and estiterian church, for the benefit, primarily. oT youth of that semion of he oily who do not enjoy the advantages of sabbath school In strustien. The 4trohlteeture is of the Italian order, and elaborately carved in keeping with the style, and presents throughout a very ehaste and beautiful appearance. It is' one of the largest of that CPMEI of buildings in the city being-seventy feet in 'depth and two stories high, and reflects great credit upon the architect, Mr. Sloan, as well, also, Mr. E. - Itafanyder, the builder, and the be nevolent congregation who projected it. The dedication .will take place on Sunday afternoon, at a quarter past three o'clock, on which occasion a sermon will be preached by Rev. Mr. Jenkins, with other appropriate cervices, The Bunking System.—lt will be seen by our report.of the proceedings of select Council, that a movement has beenMado in that chamber, by Mr. Roberts, of the Tenth. ward.. looking to wardi a remedy of the, many evils occasioned by .the banking System now In vogue 'among a portion of our firemen. The subject, we learn, will come before Mayor Vaux, Alexander W. Blackburn, chide( the Fire Detectives. and El. P. Fearbn, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, who will no doubt give it that attention which .its groat im portance domande. We hope to soe a speedy re port made upon this matter. West dirch'Steeet Pres&yterian Church.—On Sunday evening,, Rev. Jonathan Edwards, the pastor sleet of the West Arch street Plusbyttuirm church, will preach a specialsormon at the request of the Yining Mon's Christian Association. From the reputation of thii gentleman, the discourse will doubtless be ono of great interest. Since the inatillation of Rev - . Mr. Edwards there have been large accessions to this congregation, and every Sabbath many persons are attraoted to the church by the eloquence of the pastor and the excellent =mid of the choir. •kospita/ Caat.—Peter Bradley; about forti , years of age, was admitted to the YennsylYania Hospbtat yesterday morning, having been knocked _down with the shaft fif a wagon on the road at 'ffitzwatortown, in Montgomery county. After be ing knocked down, the wagon passed over his bay, and broke one of hie thigif bones. 'CITY ITEMS. OitEsgsa-•PititAtottPittA, NoVEMBEfe 14, IS5' . next Introduced, and " put through" in the genuine spirit of " Yankee Doodle Doo Thts part of the lecture excited great merriment, and wbrenthe part was introduced in which the red coats had been at last compelled to wince out " Yankee docile don't!" it elicited a perfect paroxysm of laughter all over the house. The lecturer next took up the nutdect of personal independence, in which the various classes and grape of society, and their relative independence, was amusingly dealt with. The rich Joneeee and the poor Jenkinses, the homeless bachelors and fading maidens, the wingless cherubs, that murder matrimonial sloop, and a more of other individualities, acne in for their shore of witty comment: As the lecturer proceeded, he grew more racy In his style, and wound up, carrying his audience .with a per fect storm of laughter and applause. It was upon the whole a very creditable performance, both am to the matter and etyle of delivery. The senti ments it contained were sound, its more grave parts (for there was a aprinkling of gay and micro') were Impressive. We were requested to state that Mr. Benjamin will deliver a lecture on the evening of the 24th lost, at the Spring Garden Institute, in aid of the Northern limos of Industry for the relief and employment of women. A RARE OPVOIITILINITT.—We notice in our adver. tight); columns that the Messrs. Belcher, doing business on the corner of Eighth and Spring Garden streets, are receiving Pennsylvania Bank notes in payment of goods at par. This is certainly a good way for those who have any on haipl to invest It, as their stock of dry goods is very extensive, and their prices unusually moderate. TUE PALO., on DELIII.—The intelligence -of the fall of Delhi has Cretted a general hubbub, and much anxiety is expressed to hear all the particulars. At present we cannot go very extensively into details, and will dos(' thin paragraph by recommending our readers to got their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing flail of Duckbill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. • Xmportationo. (Reported for The Prem.] LIVERPOOL—Ship Westmoreland, Decen.-117 pkgs mdse Stuart & Bro; 193 Lewlg.& Co; 13 T & P Evans; 2 Sheppard, Van Harlingen, & Arrieon; 4 Aldridgo, Hig don & Co; 5 W & J Ingraham; 14 W McKee & Co; 6 & J P Steiner & Co; 13 11 Cohen; 4 J H Orna; 13J & 13 Orne; 2 Bally & Bro; 3IV U lloratroan & Bona; 20 Oco B Been, Son, & Co; 7 Bharpleas Bros; 3 Wray & °Mi lan; 39 A Wray & Co; 1 Bedell, Pearce,& Co; 1 W Brotherhood; 1 Wight & Brown; 1 .1; W Payne; 5 do earthenware Biwa & Co; 388 11 Pierce & Sone; Tyndale & Mitchell; 121 0 Hammersley; 95 S As bury & Co; 808 1' Wrtght & Bons. 216 casks soda ash 54 do ammonia & 0 Yarnell; 5 'maks 1 Mee magnesia 0 21114 & Co; 132 make soda ash 0 'IV Churchman; 4 eke 1 case maze H M Watts; 20 pun cheons whiskey Gtbson, Bon, & Co; 2 casks hdW lieu dy & Brenner; 1 Newlin, Marshall, & Co; 2 cask!. 1 C 2.80 do Cattle & Hand; 650 sacks Moved salt B Baldwin & Co; 709 bdle 1038 sheets Iron ?Joule, Tacker, & Mor rie; 604 do 5,824 do bars do M. B Mahony & Co; 220 do 1,158 do do Soarer & Whittaker; 3 8 2 do sheet do & ° Taylor; 181 bdis 1,050 bars do 127 bdls 5 Cases steel Naylor & Co; 2305,110 641 ham iron Middleton& Horned; 308 do 14 do do C B Bobbins & Co; 93 masa 14 balls steel - to 'T Holly; 440 lolls 24 plate iron 156 tee 100 bbla soda ash 113 pkgg ludo order. RIO JANEIRO—Barque Reindeer, Simmons-3087 bags coffee T A Newhall & Co. PORTSMOUTH—Behr Wm Henry, 30248-80,009 ft yellow pine boards Norcross & Meets. BARTONVILLN—Schr Nobraakrt, Purdy-25,000 ft yellow pine stepping 40,000 do mantling Norcross & Sheets. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia, Ship Sirocco, West Liverpool, soon Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers San Francisco, soon a PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF =ADO. EDWARD A. BOUDNR, WARNSII M. BASIN, 0011.11111111. 07 1112 M 01 1 .711 NIiWCOMB lt. TEIOMPBOII, Itlarint ,intelligence FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 14, RM. 7 5-SIIN SETS 4 65 1^ 02 SUN 11.18E8.A ~. HIGH WATER.. ARRIVED Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, from Rich mond, via Norfolk, 22 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thos Webster, Jr. Reports baring passed 08 Ship JAM &foal Behr JOBett, from Boston. Off Bombay Hook passed brigs Ella Reed, from Turks Island, Oatha rine Rogers, from Hallowell, Me, and David Duffel, from Boston; flips Westmoreland, from Liverpool, above Reedy Totaled; Armorial, for London, above Reedy Isl and; Philadelphia, from Liverpool, In tow of a atetun tug, and ship Orpheus, for Hong Kong, oil New Castle, in tow of steam-tug America, Barque Reindeer, Simmons, 40 days frown:a Janeiro, with codes to 2' A Newball & Co. Sailed 24 Oct, in co. with barques Sally McGee, for Richmond, and Blue Wing, for Baltimore. Left slaps Juniper, Lefever, from New Orleans. dischg; Coostmattie, Papa, from Liver pool, do; Rattler, Forrest, for Now Orleans soon; John Steuart, Sheraton, repg; barques klamo, Mudgett, from Liverpool, tg; Rickards, from Buenos Ayres, do; Mary Elizabeth, §tetson, for New Orleaue, loading; Grapeshot, Clark, for Calcutta, do; Morning Star, Close, for VsJparalso, do; Storm Bird, Gerard, for San Francis coolo; Rover, Van Sire, tomer Archer, Lewitt, from Li verpool, Wang; E A Cochran , ' Noyes ' from Pensacola, do; Cordelia, Macorkle, whaling, put is for supplies; Mondomiu, Collins, from Baltimore, dischg; Alberta, from Seareport, do; Penny Ilolites, Smith, from N York, do; Evelyn, Ames, from Wilmington, Just arr; Small wood, Martin, from Baltimore; brigs Executive, El dridge, unc; Tallulah, Plummer, for Baltimore soon; Torrent, Montgomery, from Hamburg, Medic mitre Young America, Pon-ore, for New Orleans in a few days; Pettit°, Baker, uneer; (111 Townsend, Davis, do; North ' Point, Swain, from Richmond, Just are, Sailed let Oct. ships Sunny South Stevenson, New York, and spoke her on the 28th, In lot 708 N, long 45 58; Courier, Iturnseu, and barques Alice Thompson, for New York; Virginia, Muller, for Baltimore. Brig Eliza, Thayer, 8 days from Charleston, via Wil mington, Del, with lumber to Churchman, Craig & CO. Scar Wm Henry, Jones. 6 days from Portsmouth, VA, with lumber to Norcrosa & Sheets. Behr Nebraska Purdy, 10 days from Bartonvllle, NO, 'with lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Schr Jas II Deputy, Neal, 8 days from Portland; with mdse to D S Stateani& Co. Behr Edward Bowl, Green, 8 days from Boston, with incise to D 8 Stetson k Sobs Trypbenla, Nickerson, 2 days from .New York, with grindstones, &c. to captain. Schr II M Morse, Phillips, 3 days from Brielol, mith Inds° to J 8 Twells. Behr Alfred Barratt, Coates, from Brtton, In ballast to Daris, Pearson do Co,. Sobs 0 A Stetson Cobb, 9 days from Provincetown, withmdse to Ceo A Wood. • Bohr Frank Herbert, Mayo, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to David Cooper. Seim Alamo Bacon Williams, 2 days from New York, with barley, &c, to P Gann. Behr J 8 Woldin, Smith, 3 days from Boston, with 900 tons brimstone to Powers & Weightutan. Sclir Cyrus Chamberlain, Hallett, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Saw J J Spencer, Langstaff, 7 days from Salem, in ballast to Van Dusan Norton & Co. Bebe Chas Moore, Ingersoll, 5 days from Bridgeport, Conn in ballast to Van Damn, Norton & Co. Schri Allen If Downing, Rice, 4 days from Now Haven, in ballast to Tyler, Storm & Co. Schr Eclipse; Ilitchins, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to Lewis Audenreid. Bchr Sarah Garrettson, High, 2 days from Cape May, in halfwit to Noble, Hammett B Caldwell. Behr Cora, Giberoon, 1 day from Brandywine, with flour undlood to Itobohou Lea. • • . Settr Wm George, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co Sehr Andrew Manship, Grace, 1 day from Magnolia, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Schr Telegraph, Truitt, 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to James Barrett. 01 EARED -•- • . Ship Oqesn Ranger, Troworgy, Jamaica, 'at Norfolk, E A bowler & Cu. Brig Thayer, Ottarleaton, C & Co. Schr Worcester Rhonda, Providence, do Behr Rclipse, Ifitchine, .noston, I. Itothennet, Behr j J Spencer, Lanntatr, Boston, Van Bonen, Nor ton & Co. Behr B W Ponder, Illlingswood, Washington, do Behr Charles Moore, Ingersoll, Bridgeport, do Behr Allan II Downiak, Mee, Prorldenco, Tyler. Stone dr.. Co. Bohr Alfred Berndt, Coates, Canibrulgeport, D Pear son A' Co. &kir 3 Garrettson, High, Braintree, Noble, Harnett & Steamer Fanner, Plertion, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str nos Sparks, Crean, N York, W M Baird & Co (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) • LEWES, Del. • N0v.12, BAM. • The following vessels are at harbor: Brigs Catharine Roma, from Hallowell, Me; David Dulloll, from dl John, ND, via Boston; ochre Hannah Grant, with fish; Ses. Banger, for Boston. The Steamer Engineer and Bahr Mechanic, in tow, left harbor thls Morning in quest of lumber strewn on the beach, near Fenwick's Island, from ship John Currier, wrecked on. her passage from Mobile for Europe, in September,lBso. Wind SW— weather cloudy. • Yours, ita, WI!. U. 11101 MAN. • [3l 21 1 / a OHAPILJ (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, Nov. 13. 6 30 P M. Nothing in eight inward or outward bound, nor are there any - 10030e remaining at the Breakwater. 'Mud southeast—weather cloudy. Tenni, ace., TILOS. B. 11110111eg. fir 131LBORAPH.) lOorreskondence of The Preen.) Arrived, Ithipe gunny South, from Rio de Janeiro Oct 1; Courier, from doi barques Maria, from Montevideo: Trojan, from Bordeaux; Voyager, from Malaga, . . Arrived, brigs Robert Wing, from Teems); Lamina from Cape Ilaytten; Leghorn, (roan Philadelphia; Ro bersou, from Aux Cayee. 8.,11.11310118, NOV. 13. Tho achy Harriet, from flacons, arrived at this port reports as died on the passage d It Ewing, of Now York and John Knowles, of England, both seamen. ClllOB.OO, Nov 13. The Rear Traveller roperta geeing a large schooner founder forty miles from here on Sunday lent. She won unable to render insistence, and all of the crew were lost. (Oorreepoodence of The Prem.) Myna Ds GRAON, Nov. 13. Ten boats left bore thin morning., laden and con signed an follow.: - Neronia, feed to Robeson Lea; T Glentworth, blooms, leather; &c. to Sarni Milliken, and bituminous coal to reimt Bros; Mary, pig Iron to A 4 Cattail & Co; Emma Cook, I) W Bennett, and N .1" Mitchell, lumber to II Croskey: F' IP Bruner and IL B Tuttle, lumber to Nor cross & Sheets; llfalouo & Taylor, anthracite coal to Schuylkill. MEMORANDA Steamship City of Washingtou, Petrie, from N York, arrived at Liverpool 27th ult. Steamship Fulton, Wotten, from New York, arrived at Southampton 29th ult. Steamship Indiana, baker, from New York, arrived at ()ravened Out 25. Steamship Argo, Benson, for New York, sailed from Cowen Oct O. Steamship Antelope, Colo, front New York, arrival at Gong Kong Sept 9. Ship Don Quixote, Gill, cleared at New York 12th In 4, for Sari Francisco. Ship Little Southard, from Bristol, Sng, for Saran. nab, was spoken Oth inst. off Charleston Dar, Ship Stalwart, Lucas, hence at Liverpool 28th ult and was up 31ot to return. Ship Tonawanda, Julius, hence at Liverpool 30th ult. Ship Tuscarora, Durdevy, from LiverpoollGtbult for Philadelphia, was spoken on the 19th lat GO N, lon 10 W. Ship Magnolia, Popper, from Callao, arrived at Queenstown 29th ult. Ship May Flower, Boyd, from Callao, arrived at Gravesend 29th ult. Ship Morning Star, Foster, from Callao, arrived at Slays Oct 23. Ship Oriental, Whipple, from Callao, arrived at Graremd Oct 24. Ship Regulator, Wallace, from Callao, arrived at Gravesend Oct 23. Ship Undaunted, Freeman, from Callao, arrived at Antwerp 28th ult. Ship Nabob, Cole, from New York, before reported lost on the Prat& Shoran, arrived at Shanghao about Sept 9th. • Ship Noon Dap, from San Francisco, 'flitted 14 Batif , Via Aug 25, leaky Is bound to Calcutta. 13 /iP Borneo, Edvrarda, from Boston, arrived at Bata. via Aug 24, Ship _Elizabeth Kimball, Condon, from BOAOII, via Bombay, at Calcutta Sept 22 Shtp Blobs, Storer, from Boston, arrived at Calcutta Sept 20. Ship -"Ye% Worth, from New York Juno 2d, arrived at Singapore slept 7. Ship Stag Hound, retorts, for New York, milled from Poo Otsow Poo Aug S,, 814 Camden, Bodo ; from Odessa, arrived at Now Yartr. yesterday! , Ship Delftharen, Cooper, fromOhinetta' Islands, at Portsmouth 27th tilt; boatmen ordered to Rotterdam. Ship Wm J Morris, Teylor t from Cent% for New York, sailed front Bangor Sept 19. Ship Kensington, Throne, sailed from Hong Kong 20th Aug for Sydney, NSW. Ship Emma Jano, Jordan, for'Callao, flailed from Car diff 23d ult. Ships J Montgomery, Hindostan, and Astrea, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston 12th Inst. Barque Achilles, Spedden, from London for Philadel phia, sailed Iron, Deal 3.3 d ult., Barque Powhatan, Simmons, froth Baltimore Sept 1, at Trieste 10th Barque Amy Nickerson, cleared at Boston 12th lost. for Philadelphia. ' Dirquo Early Bled, Cook, for, Sea Francisco, was at Zing Koug Sept 10. t Barque •Oriental, Nye, frOin Bostori,'arrlied'at,Bata via Aug„l6., Barque Jeanette, Barclay, from Manilla, arrived at Hoag Kong Sept 1. Brig II K.Eaton, Gilkey, for Philadelphia, sailed from Rio de Janeiro Sept 1. Brigs Birchard & Torrey, Eaton, and Mole, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 12th imt.' Brig Lillian,Sumner, from Boston for Philadelphia, at Holmes Hole 11th inst. Brig Ormus, Baker, for Philadelphia wailed from Bedford 12th inst, Schr Deborah Jones, Winsmore, hones for Boston, at Holmes Hole 11th inst. Behr E L B Wales, Williams, from GeorgetOwn, 1/0; at Holmes Hole 12th inst.. 7 ' Behr Emporium; Bourhe, hence at Braintree 11th inst. ache Jane N Baker, Vannemat4, for St Jag 6 de Cuba, went to ses from Charleston 10th inst. Schr R S Miller, Henderson, for Georgetown, BC, went to sea from Charleston 10th inst. Bohm Treasurer, W E, Stevenson, J Williamson, Jr, W P Corbltt, Joe 8 Hewitt, and Alex Henderson, all for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 11th Inst. Rehr Firm, Jeffries, hence, was at Newprt 11th inst. Behr Coo Daily, Mulllner, cleared at New York I2th inst. for Asp! 'wall. Behr llenry Nutt, Williams, sailed from Richmond 12th inst. for Charleston. Behr L II Ferguson, Iturritt, for Newbern, NO, cleared' at New York 12th lost. • • Sabre W M Hicks, Worth ; • Sophia Ann, Smith, hence; W L Dayton, Babcock', J 0 Patterson, Stone, do for Boa too; Gazelle, Somers, do for Salem; U & .T.cranocar, Huntley, do for Providence, and J English, Neal, do for New Haven, at New York 12th inst. ' ,Behr .1' 11 Aahmead, White, cleared at Charleston 10th inst. for this port. Schr Frank Herbert, Mayo, from Boston for thle port,, at Newport Inth Inst. Schr •L 11 Endicott, Yankirk, sailed from Newport 11th inst. for this port. Sabre S A Hammond, Paine, and L C Watt, Kiwittea, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 12th last Schr Neptune, Magee, hence at Pawtucket 11th inst., Sehr Lion, Edwards, hence at Providence 11th last, Bohr Damon, Carter, from Calais for this port sailed from Salem llttr haat. NAVAL. The U 8 sloop of war Portsmouth . , Com'r A U Foote, sailed from Mangum Aug 23d for Jopo - Wilmington. NO, Noy 11—The, botquesdatine Otit John Monne, from this port for Liverpool, wattle mina over Alain Bar on Sunday morning, and experienced a hoary gale of wind about 26 miles Not Itritog feetfihools, during which sprung a leak, and returned with three ,feet water In her hold. She wag brought up, to town yesterday (Tuesday) by tug Mariner, MA will have to . dtteharge for repairs ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL' •11()TELS Up to 12 o'clock .L ast Night: GIitARD 110IISE—Ohestnut Btreot, below Ninth. J P Roberts, Petniabukg,Vii , J U Unman, Pa It J Parsons, New York Nls Pratt, Boston ' Chas M Terrell, Rama "sObaattsouglissf,,,Nen,York N P Maack, New York Mr Ryer, indium Miss Mammy, Indium Joe Duprey, Va 0 h Carrel, Now York .11 T Cleveland, New York 0 Al Rooky, Baltimore W L Davis k la, N W W Ward, North Carolina It P llaise,v,N Mrs Ilarvey, N 0 Wm Klddlok, N 0 • Mrs Nprulll, N 0 J W Rushmore hols,N 8 D Y'airbank, N Y D Rodman, Ringetou Henry 1' Rowland & Di ; NY basal Drown, Washington H L Ceffuti, N Y Br( Kellogg, N Woe Manua ' Mobile Perry, New Bedford W 0 N Swift, New Bedford W U Zane, NY • 11 1? Cook, New York Dr J 0 Ayer Jr. le, Maas John A Nicholls, England P J Eraruph, Lancaster IS 0 Lord, N Y Jolla W Dudley, ultle Jas McNair, Liverpool Hugh McNeill, Washing'n J W Slackly, N J J li Easter, Baltimore Wm D TdoLanahan, Tann J W %tat & la, Phila MEF.OHANTEP HOTEL—Fourth et, below Aroh. W Frysluger, York, Pa John A Riddle, Philo' W U Tombler, Rand' C hunk A B Nougaker, Norristown Price, New York U N Hotrstot, Pittsburgh J Moore, Va Semi Foracht, York co, Ps O W Starr, York co, Pa W A Stable, York 00, Pa J 1:1 Richmond, Welton, Vs Jul Mann, Loy/10%111,Pa Ron Jos Illtilep, N J Non J S Veal, PuttitOwil 0 F Learning, N J Wm W Griggs, N J R Uuthrie, Pa Roo W Scranton, Pa '‘' D W btnitink eon, Bedford lf L Wyman, Bedford Paul S Beeves, Pa S D Harris, did Itiobsamo, Money E F Brannen, York, Pa AMERIOAN•HOTEL—Chestout, below BLitb 8 Barton, Harrisburg O Wilkinson, Harrisburg Wm E Rice, Preston, Mass R C Carroll, Harrisburg B 8 Carroll, Harrisburg W W Brown New York R 0 Brown, New York R D Benson At-10[14 N Y It It Roud!, Troy, N Y John Harrison, II 0 It' A Loafer, Pbilsda Jtisk , Smith, Reading W Dowell it wife, Elmira C McAllister, Lancaster li P Holcomb, Newcastle 4 Banton, West Chester Mrs Joboson dr. da, West 0 It l'holps, Hartford • Cheater II Lane New York L Livingston, New York It B Livingston, New York V blaurrey, New York L 11 Price, N M Shuster, 'Washington Plt Stephens, Ye UNION 110 TEL—Arch street, belotr Fourth. A D Knoble,llloolueb'g,NJ Jno Kancher, Deed Mews Mahe & Loseoy,N J Maras JNewhian, Ald ' John Hoke, Aid , Mrs ft Smith Edge Bill Mae Smith. Pitts noel/ergot, N Y Jacob Hoke, Ohanhereb'g 0 nornley & la, Tamaqua 0 0 Finch, Laporte 8 Miller, ludians STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Kish, Baltimore P Kelly, Pittsburgh V M Mine, Laucaater co S P Wilkins, Maniand P Brown. Morgan co, 0 Mrs J Spangler, Columbia J TP Wright, Pittsburgh, PaL J McCormick & la, Ps, J E Fox, Chester co, Pa Jesse Thomas, Wilkesbarre Patrick Mahar, Pa W 3 Picking & la, Pa John It Elliott, Ps. It It Booder & la, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Joe M Peters, Long Swamp T V Howe/ la, Philo John Bachman, Va Thom .1 Hopkins, M D, Pa G Lamina, Pottstown G Gotta, Wllkesbarts. ABB 0 ottn, Wilkerbarro D 0 Brown, Now York DAUM SllMP—Second, below Tine street.' J W 'Robinson, Doylestown Dli Shaw, Yardleysville James Palmer, PA Wilson D Large, Bucks co Win Carr, Bucks co J Nastburn, Ducks co J T Stackbouse, Bucks co T Story Smith, Backs co Cleo T Merrick, Bucks ce .7 T Blair, Books ce Benington Ely, Bucks co Bold Longshore,, Backe co Sam] Phillips, Newton David McNair, Bucks co J Anderson Kirk, Bucks co Jos Fell, Bucks co Thou B Bailey, Bucks co Cleo Palmer, Backs so John P Linton, Bucks co Prank Linton, Bucks co ./ K Palmer, Lower Makett Jos Butcher, Buckingham L Buckman, Doylestown JI, Attkinson, Pa A J Cook, Soleburg Thos Linton, Newton Win Stuckert, Bucks eo Rob! Beans, Bucks co Daniel Nelson, Bucks co S Plekerlng, Lower Makeß J Anderson. Newtown Carol II wee, Daleburg Ben,' hoes, Bucks co A Comfort, Bucks co W 1' °rerun, Pucka co K M Miles, Danville Semi Broadhureit, Trucks co Cyrus CalmsMader, re ARM, IC Clayton, Newton Bit Ramsey, Bucks co Carlile :torah, Bucks co Chas Magill, Bucks co Alex Gorman, Newton John Kellen', Mucks co Boni I , Taylor, Bucks co Amos Carson, Ducks co Thos Moore, Bucks co Solomon Ileartly, Pa Itobt BerosiOni, Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third ntroet, atm Callowhill. I Ii Williams, Portland, Ind J Williams, Portland, Ind J Smith, Bucks co, Pa Denj.findth, Ducks co, Ps N Jauney, Bucks co, Pe Benj Beans, Bucks co, Pa Blihha Forrent, Allentown Oliver Janey, Bucks co, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., above Callow'''.ll. Enos Dahlman, Bucks co J Codwahider, Book', do blaster Cadwalader, Bucks II Gibson, Doy'eaten!' L Clouse's', Doylestown .11 Walters, Now Britain llogalantl, Silbert, Casper Roads, Ilyberry It Clemens, Chester Valley Harman W‘ndes, 'lathers,' 8 Fell, Buckingham El Roads, Southampton A ilogeland, Southampton Chae Roads, Southampton Joe Lands, Now Britain Slt Phases, Busks no, Pa lILAOIi DEAD INN—Birth and Merchant Streets. C Cooper, Lancaster co 11 M Millar, 'West Chester George Mullin, Elkton, Did James 01.11110.11 dr. lady, N J Gideon apeckmen, Dal 8 D Dyers, Chaster co J L Stephens, Fa Junes It tench, Phila Mellenry, Newark, Del. MADISON DOUSll—Secontl street, above Market Jll Dunning, N Orleans John At 0 Neville, 8 0 W L Duffield, Phtla Francis T Carr, PhDs 3laster Cannon. Del • Enoch 11 Opdyehe, N Mrs Or&mks, NI Thos roster, Del Mrs 11 E Andaman. Del . 520,000 of the Notes of the Dank of Penn• sylvania will be taken at par for Gentlemen's Beady. medo Clothing, Wrappers, Shawls, Shirts, Drawers, Utz. beeline, Cloths, Cassimeree, Vesting'', Misting, Canton Flannels, &c., /cc., wholesale and retail. Mosaos & Co., 611 Blume Street, between Fifth and Sixth, Market and Chestndt. soli For Perfumed Breath, White Teetb, and Beautiful complealoti, uee i• Balm of 1.000 Flowers." For &ening Wien , hair, use Woodland Cream, a new Pomsdo." It curls Gentleman's hair beautifully. Now Yong, Nov 13 For sale by T B. Peterson, 806 Chestnut; Samuel shoes, Twelfth end Chestnut; A. B. Durand, 710 Chest nut; T. 11 Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; G. Q. Evans, Oift Book-store, 439 Chestnut; 0. S. Ilubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and 'Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Slntee & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty• Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. nol2•ly Batik Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK • FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WM. IL RICHARDSON, noll•lm No. 418 NIUME? STIMI Bower , . hatiout Cordfah...This lavaluablo Cordial la prepared from a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the moat perfect and reliable arminatlve extant for Infante and young children. By Its powerful Influence a speedy ours Is effected In all cam of ed die, windy piano and spasm Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during Mlti• tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trail• unitises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial bas become a standard remedy, and has been need In thousands of MOO with the moat abundant sumac. No family should bo without it. Prepared only by HsNair ♦. Bowes, At hie Drag and Chemical }tare, N. X. earner or Sixth and Green. ate., Philadelphia. To whom ell orders must be addreseed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 184 y Notes of the Rank of Pennsylvania taken a PAR. CLOTHING AT PRICES TO MUT THE MM. • THE ,ENTIRE STOCK OV A WHOLESALE OLOTHINO 110USB, Manufactured expressly for Yell Bales, will now pe sold er StrAIL, At greatly Reduced Prices, for Cash, no7-tr At No, 1 North FIFTH Btroot S. C. Dewald, Commission Snakiest In Com• merclal paper and negotiations of loans, 60 Wiwi. BT., opposite the lischange, Philadelphia. nolo.2in seamen's saying Fund—Office 203 Wnlnul street, one door west of eecond street. Itecelees de posits In come of One bolter and upwards, from all ()lases of the community, and allows interest at Um rate of five per cent. per annum. Office open dilly, from 9 until IS o'clock, and on Mon day and Faturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Poll; 'treasurer, Marlys M, Morrial Dom* tags dialtil 0, MOO, MARINE MISOHLIANY. Riprrial :ITotires. W. P. INTAInne & Co., Proprlttors, N. Y '3acic4o'n; JOB klittiTtE, • MEROIIANT STREET. ohet)m, Notes, DratlS, Bills Ladies,ll Beads, Cir culars; Oards,,arell sM other )tads or Job Printing, nt prices to suit the times. 0017-ly Dublnes - Wire and VPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE MARE. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 524 WALNUT Street, Leto of 178 Cheatuut Street , WINK Finni- 7 11tive Per Cent. interest—Ns (long Safety 'Truitt Company, WALNUT Street, mouth west Corner of VRlnn Street, PfilLstananill. Open daily 010 o'clock, end ou 'MONDAY and TISURBDAY XVIIIIINGS till 9 o'clock. Depoßitc received end pay ments mode daffy. Amato invested in Rail. &CATS, MOnkilAOlta, Onovno Rem, and other firet.claas aecuri• At)11;11,11 the chatter direCtil. no 6 .Marriages On the 11th hut., by Rev. Mr. tide, MATHIAS OLIPTON, Eev, to Mice ELIZABETH WINSHOBE, both 91 Phil4lolol4l On the 11th Instead, by Rev. S. Morale Mr. MORRIS ,ROSENBAOH to Mlee ISABELLA H. POLOOK, deugb• tor of Hytnan Moak, Eeq„ all of tble city. intalbs On the 111th instant, after a short Mune, HARRY WARNER, Only son of John 0. and Kato S. Kelley, in 'the 6th year of 'his ago. The relatives and friends of family are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral from his parents real 'dance, No. 803, Noble street, above Eighth, on Monday afternoon, 18th test, , et 2 o'clock. To proceed to Lau- Tel NM 2t* Euddenly. on the 11th instant, Mr. bIICIILEL 110R pAAlitER, In the 68th year of his ago. Oa the morning of the 11th Institut, in the bild year of her age, ELIZADETII I'EARSALL, widow of the Nita Robert Pearsall. On the 11th instant, MrA, MARIA MCCORMACK, widow of the lite James McCormack, pg.; ha the Otith rear of her age. • The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her son-in law, Henry W: Spool, No. 37 Almond street, this after noon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Kensington. 11* On the li2th Instant, MARY S., wife of Jonathan Cut lee, In the 524 year of her age. On the 12th leotard, RAMADA FRANCES, daughter of Polar and Esther Roberts, ;10,111 months, On Tuesday evening, November 12th, DANIEL COI , PLD, in the 6,3 d year of his age. 1U - Rev. Thomas H. Stockton, D. D.. will Preaeh 141011NING and EIifININD. In .TAYNE , S lIALL, This is a Bible movement. , Seats free. Strangers from other States welcome. It* ErSplrituallsub•-Miss Emma HordWO, of New York, a Trepan medium, will Lecture and answer Orations under apirit control, at 8/11 , 41014 STIIEET HALL, on 81INDAV, at 10,44 A. AL, and 7N P. M. Ad mittanto b cent* VP The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the LIBERTY SAVINOS FUND AND BUILDINO ASSOCIATION will bo held on MONDAY, Nov. 16th at the Mall northwest corner of TENTH . an SP R ING IIAItDEN St , third story, at 7 o'clock P. M., for the election of 001C01,1 for the ensuing year. noll-2t* C. YANUORN, Sec'y. ca- The Bethlehem Methodist Protestant 'Chard, (Melon street, above Twelfth,) and thu Free Protest:nal:Much, (Eleventh and Wood streets,) having united together under the title of The First Methodist Protestant Church of Philadelphia, will snout for Di vine Worship In theCtioreb, corner Eleventh and Wood streets, TO-MORROW (Sabhatill MORNING, at 10ii o'clock—evenleg, at 7 o'clock ; upon,which occasions Rev. E. YATES REESE, D. D., editor of the Methods vt 'Protestant, Baltimore, will preach. Tile public are affectionately invited to attend. It* 110 P" Melia Assochtilon.—The Citizens of the Ward are respectfully notified that the fallowing•natned gentlemen are authorised to solicit and receive contributions, and will enter upon their datiesinunediately: .YlBlll IMMO! Winat, J Reed, /NAIL Weyer, ,T. W3lanue. FIRTH DISTRICT. Edwin Sleeper, Y. Ilunsell, John B. Makin,. SIICTR DISTRICT. Wm. Bile oral, Peter Sides, Goo. Goebel RRTYBTII DISTRICT. Peter Frits, S. Bechtold, B. Flanigan. DIMITII DISTRICT. John C. Yeager, P. 11. Edenborn, D. B, Haas. .MAKIN, President or. o A. YEAOSS, Secretory anon, DISTRICT Miss N. Carpozotor, A. J. Catherwood, Ragman Haugh, TIMID DINTRICT. Jobu Donopu, Petßr Rattiou, Bohn. alines. ►ODRTH DISTRICT 8.0 Thompson, Thou Fisher, • T. Mc Kibben. O. YfilOCK, Treasu , n 014,10 Cetiau. QT Head Quarter—Second brigade, First DIVISION, P. V. November 13, 1857. Order No. 3 The br gads will parade on MONDAY. nth h;.t, at n o'clock A, M. Line to form on Old York Road; the right on Green street, facing West . By order or • JOIIN D. MILES, Brlgadier general. Taos. P. Barrio, Brigade Major. nl3 2t 117" ropular Lecture at the Itlarluere , Church, werza Street, above Walnut, ou Tuesday evening, November IZth, by the pastor, Rev, J. IL RIPLEY. Subject—BUSY-BODIES, IDLERS. Tickets Ten Cents. To be had at the Sailors' Rome, No. 422 South Front. below Pine ; the Bible Rooms, corner Seventh and Walnut; W. 8. Martian's, Obagtnut Street, and the rooms of the American Tract Society. nol2*-th ato SHARPLESS BROTHERS Aare opened BROOHE AND FRENCH BLANKET SHAWLS. BLADE SILKS, FANCY SILKS AND ROBES rlttNoll MERINOES OF ALL QUALITIES. ISOUSLINE LAIN , VERY ItICII HOSIERY. GLOVES, FURNISHING ()ODDS, tiol4-yj REDUCED TO VERYLOW PRICES PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. FOR - VRY—EFOODS. The subscriber offers for a few days his entire stock of goods at prices TO SUIT TILE TIMER, and receive In payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank. This, to such as may have any of this doubtful payer on band. is offering a great inducement, an bis stock is one of the best ID the city. please gi re bins an early call. . IL F. JOUNSON, n01.4-61.t MI Market at , shore Ninth, north side WIVE PER CENT. I'R EMI UM FOR GOLD. OOLD DOLLARS will be received ax ONE DOLLAR .IND VINE MU NAM iu payment for DRY tIOODS, on and alter this day, at the New Store, N 0.923 Atarl.e t between Ninth and Tenth, north aide. Our stock Is entirely new, awl havingOteen purchased at the present GOLF? Sacrum's, can be sold lower than at any other store in the city SAMUEL 8 HEM, No. 823 Market et , 11014-lar* North aide, between Ninth and Tenth. CHEAP GROCERIES-SELLING TO suit the times, at the lowest eash prices Flue Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and ell other choice Family tiro cerium, at JAMES It. WEDIPS Ten Warehouse end Felony Grocery Store, 11* :Mt South Eighth, below Walnut. SOAPS AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH MEET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 11ELIEF STREET, bo• twean Lombard and South, and ltrout and Second streets. Thankful to my 111111101.111111feeada for their peat furors, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my nisonfantory so an to enable me to hare constantly ou hand a largo stock of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Push Oil; Palm. Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical 011 re Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all aloes constantly on hand. Having adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices. • F. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. D.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crosse. no ll•ihn MORE WONDERFUL CURES.—t WAS aniteted for rears with paroxywns of pain and vomiting, from which I could get no relief from the beat phyalciana, till I put myself under the treatment of Dr. WILLIAMS, which hoe made me physically a now man, I lire in Flour Town, Montgomery county.— Stalt BOSISAIS. My wife. after being confined to her bed (or mix tuontha with abet the phyalcians called Consumption, 14.11 A cored by Dr. NY u.t.t aws in a very abort time. Sharma.% get no help before his treatment. Wit. Waissetng, 1622 Carehrhigo street. 11r, D. DROWN WILLIAMS, Office 1237 Spring tianien "'treat. Patients at a distance can be treated movensfelly by Mating %peptone' by letter. 1t THE SUBSCRIBER HAS MADE A very valuable invention. Wants soma one to help Lim to get a Patent and Wing it before tho public Ad drama GOLD, Blood' Dealoatch. nol4-30, JONES , B AEON STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARCH STREET. To the Ladle., as well as to the whole public, these Saloons are the most attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any in this country. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUFFERS, Served up In the choicest and most expeditious style. Every variety of FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, TOE CREAMS, JELLIES, CAME', AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for vial tore in profusion.. PLAIN, FANCY, ANSI OUIZAMI:!:TAL OAKES AND PIES DF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, AO, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country. DALES, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Families supplied at the Shortest notice and on reasonable terms. OPEN ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS, A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. 013 y It It JONES, Proprietor. MINCED MEAT.- The Subacribechill commenced manufacturing b Nc Plug Ultra MINC I: I) hi )1 AT, which ho Micro to his customern in LAMM or SMALL QUANTITIES. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will I/0 limn twiny attondod to JOSHUA WRIGHT, nlO Mad SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Ms TI Ey TO ALSOP , S SußvEyiNG._ This day published, by E. C, ,t J. 11111M,R, No. 508 blitdOlt street—A KEY TO A TREATJSE ON sun- TEEING, by SAMUEL ALSOP. Pool soveutydvo roots, for whteh sum It Will lot trailed, portage paid. til3 21 , WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE', mad PATENT MOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. GM CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelhia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this Improved cut of Shirts, the moat portent fitting article made. At whole. sale and retail, and made to order. sue•leit CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WICK at. BRO., N 0.202 N. /MOND Stmt. sup, Plimos QIrffiTTSMPERTINI=-20TaitileSpliiii Fa Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by BIARTJAA IifACIALISTER, aul 119 Ninth Wafer street. XIV OSIN.-500 BARRELS SOARMAIERS ROSIN, to trrive per schooner J. 31. Ylanner for sale by MARTIN & MACIALISTKR, anAl• 11P Nnrth .treat REMOVAL.-P.BRAOY & CO. HAVE removed their Banking Douce to I% S. THIRD Street, above Dock. nol2-et* MOSS—II bales Carolin a Aim, for sate by MARTIN & BIAOALISTER, au/ 115 !North \Valet 84.1. W:LOOMS RANGE.-SOLD TIRO 107 N. 8200 ND kit ..ulB Dm VATBLCOILN RA Naß.—.9 OLD B Y CHAD V Y MOB As 88% MI N. fllOO/0 aulthilua, Qtinfteemitta. MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- ..Ex TUE LAB? NIGHT ON THE DRAMATIC SEA. • a SATURDAY EVENINO, Nov. 14th, 1857, tipM which occasion the DRNEFIT or the Stage Mr, agar, NIL P. BICIIINGs, will take place, se complimentarily tendered to him by the Lessee, and kindly permitted by MR. CHARLES DIATILEWS, who has not only waived his right to the evening's per formance, but ment.cheerfully and generously volun teered his aid. Thld will positively be the Last Appearance of this DISTINQUIStAidD COMHift AN.. Tht Progranime,Nhich the beneficiary hopes will prove worthy of the public patronage, Is as follows : The Cornedlett& of THE MORNING CALL. Principal chnanders by Mr. and ?SW A CONCERT. Artists 8.9 EICHINGS, MR. FRAZEE, AIR. P. the colebrsted MANNERCHOE, and gentlemen of the MUSICAL UNION of this city, who have kindly proffered their services. The populnr Comidiotta of TRYING IT ON. • - • Mr. WalUogham Pate Mr. OhmsAlathews. TRIM: UItAND OVERTURES by the Orchdotra end the Comedy of COURT FAVOR David Brown Lucy Morton. • MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— ilk E. A. MARMALL Bole Lessee. I'llTh (Shorday)EVENZNG, Nov. 14tb,1857, Will be performed A MORNING CALL Mrs. ChilEnema Miss C. Richings TRYING ll' ON. Mr. Wateirigham Potts Mr. C. Mathews A CONCERT. COURT FAVOR. - • . Lucy Morton Min t. Riehibge PRICES ON ADMISSION : Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 60 pants. Namly Circle and Amphitheatre 25 ', Private Rosen 89 Poor! open X before 7 o ' clock ; performance will corn mance ut 7X. WALNUT STREET TREATRE.—Les tee, Mr. E A. MarnSall Stage Manager, 31r. John Sefton. Pricee.—Dress Circle and. Parquette, 25 rent.; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured. Beata, ceutv; Private ISoI and Orchestra Sesta, 50 cants. fox Office open from 9 o'clock , A. M. to 3 P. Doors open at O o'clock ; performance to commence at 7, precisely. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Noy. 14tb, Will be performed : . . NII" VAN NVINXLY. r p Van 'Winkle Obanfrau GLANCE AT NEW YORK. STA.CM-STISUCK 51A1113%8. Jetaminh Clip fir. ebanfrau WHEATLEY' B ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE. W. WHEATLEY. TIIIB (Saturday) EVENING, Nov. 14th, 1557, Will be presented : RICHARD THE THIRD. Duke of Gloster Mr. E. 1.. Davenport. P. 0 ; OR, TRE MAN AND THE TIGER. Mr. Splusher ' Mr, Wheatley. SOALII OF PBlol4l3.—Boxes, 25 coots Secured Seats, 33; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents ; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 58 cents. Box Oftice open from la, A. M. until 3 P.II, Doors will open at OX o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL TffEATItE, WALNUT ST., 1 NEAIt EIGHTH. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, TIIIS (Saturday) EVENING. Nor. 14th. Will be presented ETIIIODIAN SIINSTELSY AND DANCING. MATRIMONIAL BLESSINGS IL L'Iti)VATORE. Cotmt Luna-tick ' R. 13, Buckley. NOTICE—In order to bring this greet enterte3nment within the reach of all, the manager would respectfully announce that the price of admission has been fixed, to all parte of the house, at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ONLY. Doors open at 7 ; Curtain rises at Ralf. past 7 preoisely. • 8, E. HARRIS. Sole Lessee and Illanager. STATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PENN SYLVANIA FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION AT JAYNE'S BUILDING, • CHESTNUT, BELOW SEVENTH STREET. THANKSGIVING WEER. n014.4t, /IRE NIGHT MORE. <I Many persona being unable to obtain admittanoe the Lecture of MADAME LOLA MONTEZ, On BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, it will be repeated at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, 811 TURD A Y EvpNINo, November 14. Tickets, '2l cents. Lecture to commence at quarter to 8. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Stivet, ab:are Chestnut, ETHIOPIANVERFOR3I.kNCE9 TIIIB EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Banford's Troupe or Etas—Now Dances by the &afford Children, Deere open et 7 o'clock—td, cotumettea quarter before eight. To conclible with • A LACULIABLE AFTEEPIECE. Admittance 25 cents, IMIOME111" 5 VARIETIES FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Those much admired and unrivalled Gymnastic Per formers Messrs. MAGILTON and DUNBAR, will appear EVERY EVENING this week, to addition to the EXCELSIOR COMPANY engaged. The evening's eutertsiumeut will be concluded with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE, to which Mr. Magilton will sustain his great character or THE MISCHIEVOUS MONKEY, which drew Such hantease houses last year at the Circus. Commencing At7g. Tickets remain at 10 cents. X Lie my motto. J. B. T1.1031E171 , . uotlo.6t* • filltD Opotits SACRIFICES. _ OUR ELEGANT STOCK FANCY DRESS TRIMSIIN'GS WILL DR SOLD REGARDLESS OF LOSSES, DOSING THE SEASON, IN 010111 TO INCRICASN OOR LIST OF CUSTONIIIIIS AND KESP IN II INTER. WOLK 01112 FACTORY OPERATIVES WE ARE SELLIN: ZEPHYRS, all colors, 17 cents per oz. STEEL SPRING SKIRTS $3.71 each FRENCH WORKINGSOTTON, 17 cents par doz. SIMIAN)) WOOL IQ cts. per oz. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, 10211 (JHESTNUT STREET, noll-lw Below Eleventh. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS. A. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has bean determinod on by the subscribere, in con nequence of the continued preasure. 500 HISSES' EROLISH IittAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 50. . . 300 AIISSES' ENGEM! BEAVER CLOAKS, 33 50. formerly $5 60 210 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, cost to huport $7 to $lO each. LOS(1 BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, SS, formerly $l2. 111011 BLACK' VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per coot. below cost of prmluction. J ,W PROCTOR & CO , Successors to Geo Gulpin & Co., nl3 2mo d 708 CHESTNUT street BANK OF PENkTVLVANIA.—FOR A few days longer, we will take the Nolen of the above Bank ot. par, Cur Goode, at the reduced prices. We are offering immense bargains'in CLOAKS AND TALMAB. A great variety of styles at less than the Cost of material. Brocho Long and Square Shawls, Stella and Blanket do , at extraordinary low prices. DRESS GOODS, of every description, at a sacrifice. KID GLOVES, Ribbons, and Embroideries, at prices that defy ill colupkition. • LINENS, FLANNELS, and DOMESTICS. QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES.—A lull line, at ex traordinary low prices Do not mistake the Storm E. A T G. BELCHER'S, nl3 61 S. CV. corner Eighth and Spring Garden sta. REMOVAL. L. J. LEVY, CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL Sl' LENDID NEW STORE, Now bolag erected for them Ir CHESTS UT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, nave determined, for a period of 30 DAYS, To di.tpuee of a large amount of their Stock now to More at very lOW PRICES FOR CASE They invite the attention of the Pub!learnt their Cu touters to ono of the most complete aysortments of STAPLC AND FANCY GOO D S To be towed in this country, which will be disposed of for the period named, at ouch prices as will insure their CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT TO THE CUSTOM HOUSE HEAVY BROWN COTTONS. Out Thousand Bales SBEETINUS, SILIBTINGS, AND DRILLS LAWRENCE MANITPACTURINO COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN IIEAD,) IND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, or their various whittle and styles, which are raTered fo Kato for drat-class paper,,bn RIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., . 39 LETITIA STREET LADIES' DRESS VRIMMINGS, AND.RNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G, MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 316 8. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES —Non 95 and 97 GEORGE Bt., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Unlon Orders made at a few hours' notice JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer In AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. octi..2nt Olasa attar NEW STORE. NEW GOODS.' MARXSEN MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT ST., NAYX NOW ON HAND A Complete and splendid assortment of WHITE, GOLD RAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA ; BOHE MIAN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED OLASSWARE,• DISC, ?ARIAN, LAVA, and TERRA COTTA WARM, besides the greatest variety of NANCY ARTIOLES, which will be sold at lower prices than at any similar Btu(' in the 'United States. N. 8,...40ade loomed to Parties owl reasonable term. • THOS & SONS, • N 03.130 nod 141 SOUTH FOURTH STB HST, (Formerly NOS. 07 and O.) HEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, fan. Pubic Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, RT Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each az% one thoiniand catalogues in pamphlet torn, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. ItT FURNITUIIki SALES AT THE AUOTION STORE every Thursday rooming. REAL 'ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. irr We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Rale, Including every deacriptton of City and country property. Prulte.l Lista may be had at the auction Store. " PRIVATE SALE REGIST fl 7 Real Estate entered on our P R. rivate Sale 130- ester are advertised occasionally In oar Pub li c Sale Abet Acts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) tree of charge. NOTICE.—STOCK OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE The sale of Mr. John Dams , stock of Cabinet Furni ture will commence on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, at the ware-rome No. 1017 Walnut street; included in tho sale are superior wa/not mud mahogany tete-a-tete, chairs, centre, sofa, and baguet tables, superior book easel!, with glass doors, mahogany, walnut, and tisk office tables. together with a general assortment of ma hogany and Walnut chamber furniture. For particulars see catalogues now ready. . ItlOllDlOB STOOKS, PEW, .ke. On Tuesday, Noy. 11th, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, wilt be sold a furnished pew, Ne, 05, Methodist Trinity Church, Eighth street, above Race street. Also. 1 shares in the capital stock of the Associated lintchers and Drovers of Philadelphia. Par $lOO. Also, without reserve, b shares Academy of Music. FIFTEENTH FALL SALE--17TII NOVE3IDEII Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Samuel B. Auhruead, Deceased. NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH TITREET.—The neat modern residence, wits back buildings, No. 412 South Eleventh street, below Plne street. NEAT DWELLING, EMU FIFTII STREET Also, the neat modern dwelling, No. 111 d Booth Fifth street. OLD - IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT:4,S2MT 50. Two old irredeemable ground rents, one of $9O and he other of 850 25 a year; clear or tales ;• secured on .roperty North Fourth street , above Franklin avenue. hey are well ;secured and punctually paid. TIIREE.STORY BRICE STORE AND DWELLING. • • • Thred-story beck store and dwelling, N. E. corner Eighth and Federal streets. $l,OOO may remain on mortgage, Mr. Ohantrau THREE-STORY BRICE . DWELLING Three-story brick dwelling B. IL censer of Poplar root and Corinthian nretineA REAL. ESTATE SALE—TECEMBERIet Administrators' Sale- Estats of Richard Paxson, Dec'd, forhamly of Dr. Shippen. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES YROM MARKET STREET, AND THREE FROM BRISTOL. Our sale Ist December will inelmde the ylitutble country Beat and farm, 167 acres with superior improve ments, known ag 'FARLEY," situate on the heights, on the west aide of Neghantony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road; Err Full particulars hi handbills. Orphans' Court Pale—Estate of 'William 11. Lemon, deceased. FRAME DWELLING, 2.ler WARD. Frame dwelling, north Bide of Wood street, betsten Green lane and Levetlng street, Twenty-Brat Ward. Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK 110 DRE. Two-story brick. house, Donis' court, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, below Locust. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Alen, neat modern reetclence, No. 153 North Fifteenth stieet, above Arch street, finished with modern improve meats and conveniencee TWO HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCES, Noa. 1809 AND 1523 DELANOY. PLACE, DETWEEN EIGH TEENTH AND NINETEENTH AND SPRUCE AND ==M Two handsome new four-story brick residences, with threastory back buildings, and replete with all the modern improvements and conveniences, They will be sold separately. Immediate possession, TIIIIEE VALUABLE LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WEST PHILADELPHIA.. Three valuable lots, Walnut street, east of Marge setts street—each 50 feet front, 220 feet deep to York street. Clear of all ineumbrance. P Ws, , A"ilialit""' Peremptory TWENTY FE STORY BRICK DW1.41, , A TIM Figs" , STREET. • • . Also, • three-story brick dwettiog , Terenty-Elret eat, below Hamilton street. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. Three-story brick store and dwelling, Ridge avenue, below Oxford street TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING Two-story brick dwelling, Columbia avenue, east Of Ridge avenue. PI:RESISTORS SALE —TIMER GROUND RENTS. Three ground rents—one $l2O, 00110 r $3O, and one of $3O per annum Bale Nos. 139 awl 141 South Fourth •street. SUPERIOR LIEBMAN FLOWER ROOTS. This 'Morning, At 2/ o'clock, at the al:Edina store, :me ease °toilette! Oerman Flower Roots, from Vondeschoot k Bon, Har lem, comprising the usual assortment. • VALUABLE MEDIUM. BOON& Tins Evening. Nov. 1a at the auction store, will be Cold a collection of valuable medical books. or particulars see cata logues. Safe No. 1017 Manta street. STOCK OF SCPF.RIOR. FURNITURN On Monday morning. Nov. MIL, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, tho entire stock of John DurosA, de clining business on account of 11l health, comprising A general assortment of drawing-room furniture. vari ous styles and coverings, superior chamber sad dining room furniture, superior book-eases, &c , &c., alt manu factured in the best manner, expressly for private sales, and warranted. AIN>, a superior rosewood piano forte, made by the Pennsylvania bianufeeturing Company. 0117" Catalogues three days previous to Bale. EgV - The Store to Rent. - . FASHIONABLE FUILNITCRE, SPLENDID ERARD GRAND PIANO, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MAN TEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT CL'HTAINS, CHANDELIERS, CARPETS, ORMOLU 'WALL, BRACKETS, BOOK-OASES, Ac. Oa Wednesday Morning, 25th instant, at 10 o'clock, by eitakoe, at No ~/013 Walnut street (west of Sixteenth street), the fashiona ble furniture, Erard . piano forte, mirrors, carpets, ,ke., ,kc. of a lady removing to the country. 1&'• Full particulars in catalogues. May be examined the day previous to sale from 11 to 3 o'clock. PAM Non. and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR S'URNITIIRE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO-FORTES, VELVET CARPETS. &a. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'alock 3 nt the Auction Store, un extensive as nortment of second-hand furniture, nurrors. piano-forte carpets, Ac , from families declining housekeeping. Shares in the Academy of bluaic ; Point Breeze Park Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Atheninum;Ac 83,000 WANTED on mortgaga on s valuable pro perty on Walnut !areal. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS V ee AND COSIMISSIM. MERCIIANTB, 431 CUEST NUT street, molt° the Custom lioase, between Fourth and Filth Streets. NOTICE.-WHEREAS HENRY WHITE II and James Steven., late copartners, trading as White, Stevens, At Co., did, on the eleventh day or No vember, A. D. 1857 , Mae and execute a general as signment to the nudereignekt, in trust, for the benefit of their creditors, which sai d assignment in duly re corded at Philadelphia, all persons indebtsel to said assignors will make payment to ISAAC S WATERMAN, Assignee, nol4 smw-13wie N. W. outlier Second shArch ets. IN THE ORPHANS' COUVT FOR THE COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA —Estate of THOS. SMITH, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Ebenezer Ma.xwellaod J,pleph Sesttergood, executors of THOMAS SMITH, de s'essed ; and also the trust account of the said executors, under the will of the said THOMAS SMITH, deceased, awl to report distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUESDAY, the 24th day of Novem ber, A. D., 1847, at 4 o'clock P. M. , at his office, No. 271 south FIFTH Street, below PRUNE, In the city of Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY, no/2.eod-5t Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ..a. OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, In the nutter of the vitae of JESSE U. T11,761t, fie signed for the benefit of ererlitors The Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, adjust, and settle the account of JOHN II COLLINS, assignee of JESSE R. TYLER, and to report distribution of the balance in his hands, will attend to the ditties of his appointment at kis °Mee, No. 6L WALNUT St , Phila delphia on MONDAY, November 16th, 1857, at ith' o'clock 'P. M. AL RUSSELL, THAYER i no.s.them•st Auditor. A- N THE COURT OF COMMO PLEAS Or PIIILADNLPHIA COUNTY, March T., 1857, No. 10. Sur label for divorce ANNE M. BARROW, by her next Nitta, he , ee IOOH 3. BARROW. • And now, November 7, 1857, on motion, the Court granted a. rule upon the respondent to thou cause wby a divorce a vuticuio rustrhuonti should not be decreed In the above case. Returnable November 28, 1857, at 10 A. M. J. F. BELSTERLING, poll -21w2w IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIIIADELPIIIi. W5l. 11. BOWERS, et al , to use. Svc , es. GIDEON N. HARMER. Alias Si. Fe., June, 1957, No. 549. The auditor appoisitl by the Court to distribute the fund arising from a sale under the above writ, of the following real estate, vie: All`that certain messuarc, tenement, and lot or piece of ground, 'situate in tier ruautown, on the southes,twardly side of Rittenhouse street, at the distance of four hundred and seventy feet nine inches aouthw.twardly frum the southwest side of the main street, containing in front or breadth on said Rittenhouse street thirty feet, sad extruding in length or depth that width, between parallel tines, at right angles therewith, southeas twardly, two, hundred feet nine inches (with the improvements thereon), will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office. No 142 S. 1.1(111T11. Street, (west side ) on TRURS DAY, November 19th, 1557, at 4 o'clock P. 51 u hes and where all persons are required to present their claims or he debarred from coining in upon said fond.' noo-10t JOIIN D. COI.AIIAN, Auditor. Iz ENSINGTON BANK.--PHILADELPHIA, ly October T, An election for thirteen Directors to Strre the ensu ing year will fake place At the Dankiog-hoose, on Mon day, the lath der of November, between the hours of 0 A. Al. and 3 P. Al. • 0. T. YIIRKES, oceth•atutNlt Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANE, PIitIADSLPHIA, October 6th, 1857. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Meuse, on MONDAY, the 16th day or Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. 51., and 3 o'clock P. M. and on TUESDAY, the &I day of Novena per next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be hold at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. M., agreetia bly to the chain. oc7.tnel6 E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANKERS, NO. 39 South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW Y04.1{. EXCUANGE. Ilucurraut funds bought and sold. Stocks bought sod sold on cormulssiort only. nolo-2m* NEV YORK AND BALTIMORE FUNDS, AMERICAN GOLD, * UNCURRENT MONEY, AND LAND WARRANTS, • Sought nod sold on most faTorable term!, by R. J. ROSS & CO., no9.lwit No. le South TRIAD Ottget Balza by %union. Selo at No. 1812 Walnut Street AT PRIVATE BALE Kegal Notires. Attorney for LlbeAsa, Bank Noticcs litOttCfl Oaks bn 'Auction. - plus A.. FREEMAN, - AUCTIONEER, Cr NO. R 22 WALNUT STREET, above Foram OARD—S 11 1 OP ROUSEROLD rinairtuile—TvEs. Er We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly saleS of Furniture avers Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES uoom, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET. where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of thew who may faror us with consignments. Familieshavingyortions of their furniture to dispose of, or those deelinuag house keeping and not wishing axles at their own Awellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY ELROY - Er TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALILE BETTER PRICES TOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. Persons feroring as with consignmemb eau zest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. 11:7 - Commissions more moderate than shoe thsagad by any other Auction Rouse in the city. fl 7- Consignments respectfully solicited. jl:7' Sales paid immediately after the goods are said. WEAL ESTATE SALE-NOVEMBER 18TH Thin sale will include— Orphan. , Court Bale—Estate of Patrick Smith, Deed. THREE HOUSES AND LOT OF GROUND, NOSTII SECOND STREET Throe three-story brick houses and lot of ground, eastside of Second street.l7s feet north from Matter street, 20 feet frost and 100 feet deep. Mamma rent. Orrbans , Court Sale—Same Estate. PIVE HOZZES AND SAT, IVLSHINTYPON STREET, SENSI:NOTON. A lot of ground with four three-story brick, and ono frame home thereon, east aide of Washington street, 00 feet above Master, 20 feet (iota and 121 feet deep, to Rhißip street. $6O ground rent. Orphans , Court Salo—Estate of Andrew Lindsay, Deed. TAVERN STAND, NORM SECOND, ABOVE RACE. A three-etury brick tavern stand ant dwelling, two story brick back building and lot of grocruCou the east aide of Second street, between Baca and Vine streets, 11 feet front, and extending in depth 40 feet 4,4 inches. then narrowing to 14% Wet, and estending the further depth of 19 feet 7 inches, making in all 60 feet dear of all is/cumbrances. • $5O to be paid °notch of the Oars rhea the state it struck ea. R 7. $2,500 may remniu, if desired. ---. REAL - ESTATE SALE, DECEMBER 2d, ISM This sat! will Include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Lung Alloom PROPERTY. ktARESER STREET. A two-story brick house and lot of grouad, on the smith side of Mariner street, 9d feet treat of Thirteenth street, 16 feet front, 47 feet 1 inch deep. 332 ground rent, MEM irr A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story kick back building, 195 North Ninth street, shore Wood street. DeneirlD °persona°. Apply at the Ana Don Store. A. Ant-aloe Printing Offiee, with • good ran of inisi neas, four priatingpresses, two Rugglea and one Adana' Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. M OSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER AND COVitISSION =SWAM, 8. E. corner MTh and SACS Stmts. AT PRIVATE AALRLdiold and diver patent lever, Levine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments. &a., &e. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on 'second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat trews, carpeting, looking glows, Laney articles, fr.e., &0., &e. Ont•door sales attended to parentally by the Auction err. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture clothing, jewelry, ko., ko solleited. BATMAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN S B. Corner of Sixth and Rana Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Seger., Hardware, Cutlery, Serail:ere, Bed ding, Homes, Vehicles, U. 61.21161, Stacks, and on all kr , tielifs of value for any length of time agreed on on more satisfrintory and Mend terms than at any othbr estab lishment. if. NATHAN'S, NOTICE.—AII goods forfeited at Na bona's Loan Nice, S. E. corner of Sixth and Race streets, sill be sold at public auction, on Tuesday roomier, 24th of November, at IQ o'clock, unless depositor' call previous thereto, and pay charges, and renew - their orniSastes. Moses Nathan, S. E. corner of Sixth and Race streets. NATHANS'S GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, 'Will Misplace_ On Tuesday 'doming, November 21th, at 10 o'clock, at Mons NaLbans . a auction store, S E. corner of Sixth and Race streets, in the second.story room—entrance from Race street. It will embrace the largest assortment of goods ever offered at public auction, comprising a large aid gene ral assortment of sapodilla overcoat,. Raglaus, [alma, dress and bock coats, business coats, pants, vests, handkerchiefs, boots, shoes, umbrellsa, shirts, dry goods, casts, - pants, and vest patterns, silk, riashmere, me4no, debase, delalne and chine dresses acid dress patterns, ladles! and children!, galtem, hoots and shoes, gums, silk velvet, silk, merino, and cloth cloaks, talmm, capes; Magna, mantilla, superfine broche, crape, silk, atolls, plaid woollen, merino, and other shawls, paranoia, bedapreida, guilts, comfortabies. blankets, sheets, curtains, books, steel skates, pistols, travelling-trunks valises, furniture, cooking-ramie', sad-irons, musical instruments, and elegant silver-plated tea-set, china, glaaa and crockery ware, •cigars, daguerreotype camera, complete, with fixtures, microscopes, surveyor's instruments, made by Knox & fabaiii, punting., engraving., looking-glaases, and a thousand other articles. Particulars hereafter. WY.BB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gans, Pistols, Musical Instruments, .to., will take place shortly. True notice will be given. WHIPS great Aair of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding, &e., being forfeited collateral; will take passe shortly. Dne noticeewill be given. AT PRIVATE PALM. AT lIALP TIIE tisuAL HEWN& PRICES.—DoubIe-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most sp. proved makes; hunting case and open lace gold escape ment lever and !opine watches. fan jeweled; fine gold enameled lever and repine watches for ladies'; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepine witches, in bunting cues and open fate; silver dlcgluh, BWIPII, and Breech watches; a general assortment of tor altars, beds,rnattreesee. mirrors. &c.. •013T-D00.6 BALES SOLICITED, and charges to soft the times, lost. Consignments of erery dasaipCoa of goods erstiettel for public or private sale, MONEY ADVANCED on all awl every kind of goods, for pablin or private sale, or to be field far a lioalt o‘i time. Charges low. SNATRANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONWI LOAN OPPICE No. 11 Routh TNIND Street, below Walnut, oppoaite Pear st , only 1310448ra beimdse lsostimts„ Hems of busleess from ii'olock, until 20 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sales, and sales at the Auction House, at. tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 5200,000. .Ettablesitedfor tke last nirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, 'Her chandise, Clothing, Purniture, Bedding, Cigars, Mooted Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain lorg length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upward' will be charged 2 per cent. per month ; MO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Ilotme having a depth of 120 feat, has large.. fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valnables, and pn rate watchmen for the premises; also, a hesvy moo ranee effected for the benefit of all persona baring goods advanced upon N. B.—On account of having an nolimited capital, this °lice is prepared to make advances on more sata factory and accommodating terms than any other In this city. M'iMiN=;:M;l AT PRIVATE BALI. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be cold at reduced price... GEORGE W. SMITE, AUCTIONEER LA H. E. corner of aAHRON and SOME Streeta adore Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY IIiATURDAY EVENLVG, AST% o'clock, at the Auction Mora, of Hardware, Cut leryßolusekeeping Articled, Clothing , Watched, ew6l ry, Plumy Articles, ke. insurance Companies COMMONIVEALTTI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TILE STATE. OF PENNSYLVA NIA.—Ofee N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $.500,080. Paid-up Oapital. $2OOBOO. DAVID JAYNE, M D., President. THOMAS 9 STEWART, Vies Presit. B.IMMIL 8. Mitoir, Seeretary. aul-II GIRARD FIRE ANON COMPANY, PL 802 WALN PT street, west of "PIM IMES 0 DlllOl _ _ ID MARINE INSUR IELADELPIIIA—Offfee, )f TRIED. ONLY TAKER." IToita. Wm. M. Swain, John Azimuth. R. R. Barrougha, J. D Hughes, V. D Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, Ron. JOEL JONES, President Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jai°. S. !doh!, Secretary. Jni B ALUM), Ailsistant Secretary. no_•9m-if political FOR SIIIIRIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE MOORE, torRTFI WIRD Subject to Deulocratic Butes. FUR SHERIFF - JAMES 0. OIESON, Tin:NTT-SECOND WARD Sobject to Domorratie Rules. FOR SHERIFF, V.DWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTIS WARD 80.9.1CCT TO DIMOCLITIC SOLIS. OCI6-2Z* Wants. BVAgTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES r eAverAtr—Able-bodied, autaarriel oleo, to whom will bo given good pay, booty, clnihin2, sol medical atteadaoce. Pay from slll to $22 Nr month No man h`, log a laity or chill will toa aceoptol. Al tly for 1110UNTIlll 9)11INICR, at No. bli MARNE? atrcc; above north auto WILLIAM IL EOYALL. ht Lieut CI .12,;1. a est slry, Eecruitlzffl,f, MEE= 111P - O - RTANT TO MEDIUM.. STUDENTS. NEM PRONOUNCING mkuneAL LENicos, containing the correct pronunciation AM.I V •Snitwo of moat of Diu tonna thol by spcatere end asters 6:1 tine and tb' collsterel ...lance+, with _tddcudaceatalu ing Abbreviations u.ei iu Perancipons, ant a Lirt of t'oi•uns and the Anthlatee. This valueble pock - et manual ehould be in the hscda of every mcdical student. Price 75 cents. For sate et YOWLERS. WELLS 5. CO.'S, CHESTNUT Street. below Tenth. nut-12.3:t FUND.---UNITED STATY, TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIS➢ •ad CU} ST NUT Streets. Large and small same received, and paid !mei oe de mand, 'without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of eithdraval Office hours, from 9 until O oOtocir every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock DRAFTS for sale on Rogtorsi, Iretrror, sod Sootland, from 1.1 up, olds. President--STEPITEN R. CRAW.FORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Telles—JAMES R. HUNTER WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE pository, 1,009 and 1.0 . 1 CIIEi 4 TNUT St , above Tenth, is now open for the sale of every description of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance f finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner of MTN and MASTER. Streets, to which the attention of cal rims, and Southern and Western gentlemen is respectfully N. B —Especial attention Mien to carriszes for re pairs, in the shops connected With the lleporaory. En trance em Chestnut street. cel7-a to th-2m FU/iS I FAIRS!! PlifUs !!! REGARDLESS OF. COST. CIIAS. OAKFORD A SON, ti. 24 CHESTNUT S 2 REET, 13 now 9g TENTH, ARE SELLING TIMM LARGE AND CAREVITIZT FELECTEDZTOCK LADIES' FURS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMER. We would eavile our lady TrieAds SP WI itnal disc Hat move a Willa. Jaz. Walker, Jno MeCiare, 'rho Crarra, A. S. Gillett, Burman E heppard, Saud. Jaws, Si D., Joseph Klapp, M. D