' • 6 .'. ......, '..7 - , L - . - . _ _•. 4. ii,.•_,,_, •., .-- -.. ,-, 7., w. . ..„.:„.t,.,„„„if ,1 1 . I. ' wr .4.1( 1.4 t..., 1 ''''''''.‘'SATlTRDAYi IMPEND= 14f 1867. 1: 'OlO4 - Fitier ri.on-A Correction; Con vention •--of the 'Methodist.'Church, Sabbath Reading,, Religious. Intelligence, the Ldst Arts, The Capture of 'Delhi, General ,NeWs, The Meads,: Weekly Review of the Ma ' - - il6lolllllaikets. 'Ott mairovnut non—The Puipit=aketch of a sermon by Robert Peel., LATESVEVAOPEAN ' AND INDIAN NEWS. TLe intelligorice'reeeivecl'bir iho Lfrabiti is six days later from EurOO,'"itiid a fortnight im portam.,; -i" f' , , „ ".: The .Srabiit,Shieh took out the news of the New York -banks having suspended specie ,payments„ his :brought back tidipgs ,of the &net, of that:news upon the monetary in , terests- of England, •in particular, and of Europe in general. The improsion;• on the London money riarket, Was one of relief— the worst was ki . lown,* 'funds bad eVeiz, 'risen; by the list advices—partly owing, no doubt, to the' ehenting news • frinn.:lndia. It was considered in, Englind;that, long ere this, the entire , note issues of the State of New To*, were again performing •the functions of currency; -that business would .adapt itself 'to this phase. The 'Lon don' • Timer says; "When the New York note as ' ' have been' legal ized' as a•tender no one will want gold, ex -cept for the purpose ,of exportation or lioardl, big, and any remittances from, this side would therefere inevitably -result in loss," and that,,, "supposing all the arrangements for legalizing the existing suspension to be dilly carried out, the flow of - billion will, in the coarse', of a month or trio; find again - its * natural channel, ' nud, instehd ,Passing' ikons Loinifonlo New' , I,ork, 4111 came froin NeW -York to London." The, Tim es Slather , believes that • the banks between now and the bth ,of April will have not the slightest difficulty- in recotering what ' eter_ stock of bullion may be 'requisite or them' safely to , return to - cash' payments. Under theseCireinnitannes there ivOl'be, good hope' - majority' of those npnoing , the firms lately broken by • tone and . hundreds Who haVe•previnusli 'conducted thefiv business on _honest principles will be able to resents, and that the ultimate prospects of troditois on this side will prove far less gloomy Than has been recently - apprehended. This be a, 'point to test the honor of the Amadei::i tiler eantile: c•onnntinity.'' The 'Times wag rather slpw—for the New - York banks, even a week ago,:hrid "ever eixteen *Mons of Zpecie lit their , • safes. • • ;Many commercial failures and susponeons in England , ' and • Scotland were reported; chiefly in connection with the Amtile,i trade. 'he Liverpool Borough Bank Wia.in diilicul ties, and would luke to be wound up. In the leading commercial; . cities of Europe large houses were in dillicult r ies. • The ileath of General atvsioNso, who played such .an, important 'part; at Paris, after tlklet: Revolution of. February, 1848, is reported.. In a 'following article we relate the) leading' eiie..uts of his public lip 3. • Delhrhaa and it may be said that thereby. the neck of the rebellion Is broken. The'llciiag.Of Delhi bad escaped, ,The storm ing, of, that stronghold, " the Sacred City" of the, Ilindoos, occupied six days, and, after bard fighting and severe loss, the British forces, tinder General Wusos,-resumed pte'isessiOn of Valhi. The 'British' force was about 5,006, against some 85,000 of the mutineers. The British ffirce was 'very *Milt hi , artillery, which was . the strong arm of' the enemy. As many •as two hundred, pieces ,of ord nance were captured', by - the British on two days of the siege. At the latest date Luck-, now still held' out, and would immediately . be - relieved -by Ouriwt and HA'VELDOIC: Two of the Bengal' native regiments had _mu tinied, in a very cliff_ manner, pffering no violence . to 'their officers. In parts of, the Bei - Obey presidency mutiny had been exhibited, but was put down.- At Madras all was quiet. It 'be: -noticed that Delhi was captured triad the aid Of the fresh foidestrom GENERAL . CAVAIGNAG, On the 29thOctiaber;while engageditiinipe ,shooting in 'OM ' ca %Vitriolic; Suddettly'die4' i 'of the hearf his: thiYr-tlFtli ye#,'hafirti bliMilstorn Paria',.aif the 15th 'Oecember;lBo2. was to 'he' buried ha the' cemetery of Montmartre. This naan'e cluitaCter and career demamd at least a passing notice from the jortrnalsi of the day. r: The second son of au old Cony im tionist, Euanon OA.VAIGNAC won a 'commiss lon the - French army by his 'success arid' g4od condtk at' ilia Polytechnic' school of'Pat is. He saw some service, and in 1886,, when ',pie Broke out, avowed his sympalby with themoyement; refused to obey a commaind to fire on the people in the event of an outbfeikt, was marked, down asudangerous; and sent ;to 'Africa by the Government of Louis Pnx!i: !PPE: 'lf the post of danger - Was' there; so vi as the post of honor also. Ho rapidly advanco, despitd of his ultra, 'politics; and :all thion i gh the Algerine'wEU" distinguished himself greatly, exhibiting many qualifications for con:unwed, besides impetuous valor. When General:LA.- . I(OII.ICLEEN, iu.1847, quitted the chief command . , of the province of Oran, CAVAIONAC succee. led him, and ono of the first decrees of, the .V 're viitional Government of 1848 raised him to the station of General Governor of Algeria. !. Elected a delegate to the National As sons - bly,-by two Departments;'C.avotrao keturated to Prince; Wildrehe arrived just after the, dis turbances of May 15; nets' 'appointed Minister of War 'on the 17th; Mad, five flays lately en trusted with' ch hit command of Ulu whole mill tag"ifOrce in Perla. : The outbreak of a,lutte, 1818,iiiye him, opportunity for action., °A vila:rata commanding the troops against the insurgent pooplopwhe, entrenched, 'as it bits been said; behind a' net-work of barriesdes, fought with wonderful Pertinacity. ' 'At lat, td 'Twice() Paris' . fromelyil 'tva4 the National Aiseieb declared that eilty to be' in it st4e of iilege,:and vetted the di,otatombip q.iiiiox4p,,edtli obsolete civil as were as ,Toilits t ry authority ; After several days , hard fighting, in which over 8,000 lives) wore lost, if t ),( t viiTolT ) to put, dm ; the Insurrecti most xlangeroes, perhaps, that Paris yaid , ever eitnessed-'—and then resign ed his hfigh• pow, He was confessidly too able to b o left un employed, and the 'National .Asse4 ably . pointed him President of the Cow neil with power or naming . 4s d owo Ninist,ry. „position be retained until the electiom for Pre sident of the Republic. Pat fairward as a , caudidate , ,on the Republican ino9rest; he re . .ceived, 1,448,302 yotins.'c'Tho - otlitcatidiciatOs ;ranges -thus , ';` NAEilararineß 9NA.4ATE; .0a1,520 Ro44rti, 371,431; RAsviaL, LAmelii*,lV;9l4 ; Gene-_ inn, 4,087 suiid,b7 votes, 12,434. Aftr tliie, General, Ce.y.ticavio :retired into private life, but was so formidable, from his personal Impularity• and ability,. that he was. one of the persons • arrestor(, by Louis Thoio. Lton, , at'the'cottp , d'etat of December. 1851. I.lis detention:was '.brief, 'but be neither ac ceded to',tite centinuatiom of the Presidential .the .establishment' of the Empire. _fie o , *: no part in :politics. Recently, how_ _ever, ,at the , last, election in France, he was nominated to a , :seat in 'the Legislature, and , elected. It' was unknown what course he would pursue--- - whother to take the, oaths to the' Empire M.' deellndia them. Had he ' 'survived 'a"few weeks longer, this issue would: Babeli ; een determined. Lat terly:it -was said, Wetriow not 'On *qua:, grounds, that CA , r i z a l ue had. acquired, a blins towards. macybelieving • that a limited 'monarchy, with the Count do Paris At. its head, was''a ne cessity to France. Ckvi,,mime-Vam 'frank, - 'etirnesti and dignified In painter. As a'milita ' 'rYinati;ll IS ' ability Waif tyndouldedoind etperlence at Algiers and Paris showed that ho po4essedgci,e4,,administrettive powers. I)7' It affords, ra,i) tonsure to, announco :that Alanagora 9g, tho. State:Poultry Society of Pennsylvania have peented Jayne's . building t of phestnuti,below Beventhg for the purpose, of holding an exhibition dining Thank:seizing' These prOvedlliden, atirantive and thono ,reatter l s?frina' feel i '"'int6fe - ate:d h opculture portunity, thug soul'eTn me:* opportunity, thue 1- o, x , sjOtto -TMVeolleption about icy be offered , tbrkiattilioinspootion, , , va 1 (:" tbatikr;:hpritittioit:;apervgE, wrZE4I4 )01.6 city, lestaday, by .^f ri f ifiltagM* 6l ollo .))41101IRON ,s BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. FROM WASIIINGITON. Norreepondenee of The Pres. ] Popular Course of the ttyress "—Constitution of Kansas to be submitted for tile Ratification of the People of that losiitoryf—Ectaity and Justice powerful and decisive in the t tnatter of the 'frauds in Oxford and *Ghilierre. eincts—Walker, the Fillib s steri - and Ad. ministration—PhiladelPhle: OV , Pat Office. VT/ism:faun, Nov. 13, 18-57. The prompt and decided aurae - pursued by the PRESS, and the universality of public sentiment throfighout the North, the Northwest, and mien in the South and Southwest, on the recent action in Kansas concerning the infamous frauds in Oxford and'AieGhee precinct's, have had a powerful and directing fume with politicians "high in the syna. Rogue." The overwhelming indignation of an honest phOple-,, , —en indignation s suggestive of s healthy condition of our republican government— has shrunken into microscopical insignificance the technicalities of legislative provisions. The fraud is glaring, brazen in its. infamy ; and old "Judge ,Johnsen, of Pennsylvania, teaches the rule which must implicitly govern in this ease when ho spoke, mote of his pithy decisions, his celebrated axiom, that " natural equity Abhors sharp pointed law." Southern' gentlemen of eminence, who at first were vieleht in denunciation of Governor Walker and Secretary Stanton, now avow their unwar ranted warmth, and boldly and ably stand byllniSe note-worthy officials, and will do so to the end. This is a cheerful condition of polities. But I do not imogine that there will be a unanimity of 'opinion in favor of Governor Walker—there is not such unanimity, by reason of the constitution of the human mind on any question, great or small. Trtdi it is, however, that arrayed' upon the side of that equity which corrects that' wherein the law by its universality is deficient, are thO Presi dent and his Cabinet. Mr, Buchanan in his Inau viral, and in whateverhe has said or written on the subjegt, bee with a steady resolve given the citizens of Kansas and their' fellow-oitizons of the Union to know that his policy was that of hon esty, and that in the affairs of that Territory the wilt of the majority, in - the spirit of our free insti tutions, ought 'to and must rule. Without this principle; we are at sea without compass or rudder; with it, the Government sails smoothly on, as in the ancient days when lVoehington and dnottion were at the helm. Pair and considerate men eannot doubt that it lathe desire of the people of Kansas to have a free-State organization', and if this will is expressed by their suffrages at the elec tion polls, in God's name let their voice he heeded and obeyed. • . It is certain that Mr. Buchanan favors the sub mission of the Constitution, to be framed by the Coritrention' now in amen in Kansas, to the people of that Territory, and from the information whiela have received, front prominent men of that Conven ' tion and Others intimitely coneerned,l am of opinion that there will be subnlitted to - the people of Kan am, for, their ratification ) , two Constitutions; one like, the - other in all its provisions, excepting those which, instead of favoring slavery as it does, favors the formation of a free-State Government. The Portland. (Maine) Advertiser, find other Republi can journals, are deceived when they receive as truthful information that the Convention have come to the resolution, by hook or by crook, rightfully or wrongfully, to preient, when they elk of Congress admission into the Union, a slavery Constitution No such 'thing is contemplated by Wien the,vielent partisans of Southern institu Gone. Southern gentlemen, to their honor, be it said, 'an willing to abide the fair execution of the jaw of the majority, notwithstanding the reports that may be abroad against them. It is the subject of general remark, that Colonel Duncan, of the. United States flying artillery, has „joined Walker 'in his present invasion of Nica ragua. Colonel Dunean has not even resigned his Conamission,in the United States army. This, to rt-thin with his connection 'with a filibuster move. mete, presents a delicate questioh to the Adminis tra tins. ' Ample provision , has been made against the .violatfOn of our neutrality laws by Mr. Bu chanan, and I have not the least hesitation in ,sayirq;;" that the whsle power of the Government will be exerted, ii need. be, in - vindication of our professiions and engagements. Walker will bo loreventied at everyhazard from carrying from our limits adidlers to fight in behalf of the nefarious promOings of his own sickly ambition, and.to the ,disquiet our sister and friendly Republica., Who Dan forger his murder in cold-blood of the poor fishermen ashen he landed at Rivas, and his heart less order foe the burning of Grenada? The *Atte of a removal of the post office to the Pennsylvania- Bank building has not been al toge. ther settled. The order of the Postmaster General has been issued, it is true; but it must be remem bered that Mr Buchanan does not look for the ad justment of the pending difficulty to any other than the members of Congress, who are to meet in a few weeks, and who elan deeido it definitively in - a •few, hours. To them will be -submitted for determination, ;whether' the citizens - of Phila delphia shall go te , the - dooks for tbaiilettora, and into the-beartafthanity , to pay Veir imposts upon importqlorty 4 '"';`" N. N. rimmul AMUSEMENTS. Air„ Aiehinge' , benefit, will come off, at the Academy of Mute, title • evening, when Mr. Mathews will perform for the last time hero. Madame Lola Montez will this evening, repeat, at Musical leoture "On Beautiful Women,' • , Madame Fromlint's second and final concert was given last night. Mr. Vienztemps, the vio linist, was again unable to appear, in consequence of ' continued illness.' The performances went ill, very smoothly—i-Mr. Thalberg, in partiou -1.3r, being greatly applauded, and subjected to the', "encore" infliction : Madame Patti Etta kosclrl.sang her English songs very charm ingly, and also distinguished herself in the duets ‘vith Madame Freszolini. cavatina by the lattet",,from " Linda di Ohamounix," unhappily showed thee defects of her voice. Its middle ro 'ester is very title, but her lower notes want fuhaess and depth of tone, and her upper notes aro more harsh and sh rill than was pleasant. In the duets, where she cold net SO much strain for effect, her singing was pleasant enough.. In conclusion, we must say, that Madame Freziolini has not favora bly impressed herr auditors here. The most sump tuous attire and .the meet brilliant diamonds will not compensate for deficiency as a vocalist. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. The ~c ity of Washington" off Cape RIICB- Ndn•Receypt of the' News. TREPASAY, NEAR CAFE:Haan, N. F., Nov. 13- 10 o'olook P. M.—.A. steamer, supposed to ho the " City of :Washington," with Liverpool dates to the 4th initant, Mei been signalled off Cape Race. Hor news is expected to rcuch•here by the yacht of the Assooiated Press before midnight. fAftevreaesiving the above telegram, and making every preparation for the'rdeeption of the import ant news to be. expected, we learn thnt the tale graph line oast of Saakville, Maine, was closed without the usual notification, and the transmis sion of our deepatehee to-night has thus boon pre vented ] FROM WASIIINGTON. Reported 'Destruction of Seventy:el:Ott Army Wagons by the Mormons, etc. WAMINGTON, Nov. 13.—SeeretarY Casa to-day received a latter from Jtulge Echols, the Chief Justice of Utah, on his way to the Territory, and beyond Fort Jmransio, stating that the express had arrived, bringing intelligenoe of an attack on the qucrtewriaster's train of the expedition, by the Mormons, in 'which seventy-eight army wagons and their contents were destroyed. The Govern ,mout officers here do not folly credit the report. Euiphatio instree Gong have been gent Routh with the viinv, if yes/able of Intercepting General Walker' ana Ida party. Tho treasurer's statement shows the amount in the ditTeront depositaries is $11,8118,000, of which U,T58,014 are subject to draft. The receipts for the. week ceding the 9th instant amounted to nearly $580,000, . The ealltornin Steamer—One Milner' In Specie. NrW'Yonw. November l3,—A. * privato despatch to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, from Now Orleans, anaounees that the United States Mail eie.auiship at. Louis, from Aspinwall, with two weeks' later news from California, left Havana Tor New Ycirk on the 10th inst., with $1,200,000 in speak,. The Now York Hotel Scandal Nnw 011LIMI13, Noy. 13.--Mrs. 'Woodman, who has been rendered conspicuous recently by Wa al:its, has been sued for a Moro° by her husband. Tile inhßourt Lel;Mature. Sr. /MAO, Nuy. 1$ —A bill to sustain the credit of the State was before the Legislature yesterday. The bill preibles for a mill-tax. Also, for the collection of the, two per cent. fund, claimed by the State, from the United States. f Alississippl Polities JACKSON, Miss., Nor. 13:—lion. A. G. Broien baS been nominated by the Democrats for United States Senator. 4 Explosion Sit Onpont'i Powder 311110. WILVINQ TON, Nov. l3.—Tire upper rolling mills, Whinging to Alio Messrs. Dupont, exploded this 'morning. TWO,moh: both named Shanfion, were buined; licit fatally: Sinking of s Stettoler in the Missouri River ?Om°lee, Nov. 11 , --The steamer (pooket) Rein dear; bound "evOm St. Lotiislo Alton, DI , struck a snag nt the mouth of; the, Missouri river, last night and:WaS • slink in nine , feeeof Water. The vessel .ifetriet , inured. ' • • • • Nfo ". a rt?nlHavoa. „. • • 011ARLE6TON, NOY. Ik t ltic, ~o,torimpr -Isabel, 11:9N .}l!ivap!i , and ; Key ;yest,, on,the . 100 inst., ar. ,rivAdler4,tlfigi ,aftemoop. , iK9r ailvioee oro ; nnta teteatinq, The Effect of the' Arabia's News Ott the New Orleans Cotton Market. New ORLEANS, Nov. 13.—A thousand bales of Cotton were sold today, but the operations were chiefly daring the forenoon. The news furnished by the Arabia was nrao than expipted, and fac tors refuse to give way to any mittelial extent. The weekly Satement of the market shows the following: Salts of tho'week......4 30,100 Receipts do Is' 39 000 Steck in port 148,000 Receipts at this port loss than last 159,000 year Receipts at all Southern ports less 286,000 than last year 51,000,000 in Specie by the Arabia NEW YORK, Nov. I.3.—Tlie Arabia brings one million dollars in spooio. Among her passongors is Sir Qore Ouseley, the ;newly appointed British Minister to Central Amnion. The Ohio Elver PITTSBUINIU, Nov. I.3.—The river marks twelve feet eight lashes, and falling. The weather is wet. Markets Menthe, Nov. 12.—The Cotton market is Been. ning. The sales to-day were 300 bales, and the receipts for the week have been 9,000 bales.• BALnitoae, Nov. 13.—}'lour—Sales of Howard Street and Ohio at 0.25 ; City at $5 cash. Wheat-- Bed sl.loasl.lB ; White, $1.20a51.40. Old Corn, 73a740 ; new,•ssaoBc. Whiskey, 22023 c, New ORLEANS, Nov. 13.—Sugar closes buoyant at 51a51e. Molasses quotes at 220. Moss Pork dull. Lard in kegs 13a. CHARLESTON, NOV. 13.—Cotton has suffered a decline of Isle since theircoeipt of'tho foreign ad vices by the Arabia. • In the Savannah and Augusta markets nothing his been done this afternoon, so that the effect of the foreign intelligence upon them cannot yet be noted. ' OPIE WEEK LATER PROM EUROPE, ARRIVAL OF THE ARABIA. OME .1111.61.0.7 r 110.1,1,1 R S 1.1" SP A' CIE Cotton and Breadstuff% down. DEMI" - STORMED AND CAPTURED Mutinies in Bombay EXTENSIVE COMMERCIAL FAILURES Death of General Oavaignae TILE AMERICAN HORSES BEATEN AGAIN Liverpool Borough Bank guspe;itled Tho Royal Alai, steamship Arabia, Capt. Mono, which sailed from Liverpool on the morning o the 31st ult., arrived at New York yesterday, bringing a week's later news, $1,000,000 in specie, and the following passengers: MF Kingafcird and lady, Mr Steinkrudier and lady, Miss licLaughlan, Miss Charlotte Clamant, J S Brander and lady, Mrs Hannon, Miss Crow ther, Dr Dudloy, lady, and niece, Miss Collins, Miss Goland, Miss Pettibone, Miss Taylor, Miss Clews, P,C J Weston, lady, and servant, L Rains, lady and eon, Mr Orgill and lady, Mr Cammaok and lady, Mr Mossnhert, lady, Infant and nuns, W Shippen and lady, Mr Hilton, J Chadwick, It Coolidge, Daniel S Owens, J McLean, F Corbin, Mr Trupmau, A Yandorborst, Mr Carner and lady, Rev 11 MeLaughlan, Mr Turner, Miss Cammick and servant, J 13oamir and lady, Robert Barth, Mr Olkors, J Dudloy, E Castillo'', R Stanley, R C Burbage, Mr Rooehie and lady, E Corning, Mr Stuochi, G Mumford, Mr Rosenthal, Mr Hunzinger, Geo A Wicks, Mr Kruger, Jno Lord, Mr Do Rouge, Thos II Smith. Mr Roochie, Mr Dunham and two sons; A Herzog, A Ullmann, Edward Lobsho, J B Morris, Mr Babcock, Mr Mil rdigan, W Soholetield, T Cordakos, Mr Toroes, F Carter, E. Herfurth, Matthisj Smith, A H Sibby, Thos Simpson, O W Morton, W D Morton, Mr: Avellle, Mr Curtis, J B Joseph, 'Mr Lehmaier, Mr Ames, Edwd King, A Benson, Jr. Edwd Bach, Mr Hiltmah, J J Griffin, Mr Gudn, Mr Ringol, John M Road, Jr., Dr S A Green, 0 C Perkins,ilr Fisher, C Howe, Robt McDonald. Mr McClelland, Wm Gammon. Mr Gilmour, Goo Heard, Aug Hoard, Jr, Mr Leon, E M Poirter, Jr, F Lacey, Mr .Sybrondt, J F Stoever, Mr Alvarey, Air Eouillon. Mr Siballos, Sir Wm fi Ousoley, Lady Ousoley, Miss Ouseley and two maids, C P Brown, It B Tioknor, James Pattison, Mr Appoid, R Morris, E A Benediot, H E Legrain, Mr Conlin, Mrs Brown,. J B Howes and lady, Mr Jansen, Miss E Pierre Pellin and lady, J Pallier and son, J Re naud, J Martin, Mr Sohuerder, Mr Ryan, lady, and daughter, John Kirkman, John Pinot, Sir Win Ousaley's two male servants, Mr Grimm, Capt Timmerman. The Arabia reached Liverpool on her outward passage, at 8 o'clock on the evening of the 25th of Ootoltor. Tho steamer Cityof Washington arrived out at Liverpool at 10 P. M. on the 27th. The Fulton arrived at Southampton, and the New York at Glasgow, on the 29th. Tho Arago arrived at Southampton on the 10th. The Arabia's adiioes were published in London on Monday, the 26th ultimo, and themoney artielo of the London Times, dated that evening, says: " The entire suspension of speedo payments by the NOW York and Boston banks is the most satisfac• tory announcement that could have been looked for." • The papers generally regard the matter in mush thosame light, . On the stook exchange the news was at *first, re garded as unfavorable. 'and consols opened ht a de cline °fan eighth, but this was soon more than re covered, and on the capture of Delhi becoming known the market became very firm, and the closing price was 89. The demand for discount at the bank was eases sive, under the apprehension of a further rise in the rate, but none took place. The susyension of Ward 11. Brand, of London, engaged in largo American transactions, was an nounced. Liabilities stated at .8140,000. On Tuesday, the suspension of the " Borough Bank," of Liverpool took place, owing to the re fusal of the Bank of England to make certain ad vances.. The °Wins of depositors are Mated at nearly a million and a half sterling, but the capi tal of the bask would ultimatel7 meet all de mands, The event created considerable embar rassment in Liverpool, and later in the week several firms suspended in consequence. On the Stook Exchange the funds declined 0 per sent. under this bank failure. On Wednesday the advises by the City of Washington wore published, and served to strengthen the favorable impression made by the Arabia's news. The funds fluctuated somewhat during th-s day, and money was in very active demand. The house of Thornton, Huggins, Ward, k Co., of Huddersfield and Manchester, failed, with lia bilities for half a million sterling—in the Ameri can trade. Several other American houses wore hard pressed, hut It was expected they would got° through. Charles Smith lc Co., of Manchester, In the muslin trade, were brought down in connection with the difficulties in Glasgow. The East India Company were borrowers of $780,000, to provide for silver remittances about to bo mode by them to Calcutta, On Thursday the stock market was buoyant, and au advance in the fur& was wall maintained. Money Was inactive demand at the bank, but was quite abundant in the Stock Exchange, at 4 to 5 per cent. The failure of Tamils Condio, writer, Perth, was announced. Liabilities .about £180,000; assets very small The Western Bank of Scotland, at Glasgow, had been in difficulties, but it was announced that it would receive full aid to meet them. It is said that one of the conditions under which aid was furnished was,. that the bank should ultimately wind up. Its deposits are reported to amount to about ,t 6,000,000. On Friday the stock market was active at the advance, and console closed at 80Ia89I for money, and 890891 for account. Money eouti,nued in good demand at about 8 per cent. Tho bullion in the Bank of England decreased during.the week I:11,4,- 684. , Nothing is definitely stated in regard to the Liverpool failures. They are believed to be mostly connected with trade of the British•Amorican provinces. Sir W. Gore ()matey had received his credentials as Special Minister to Central America. 110 goes first to Washington to consult with the American Government on Central American affairs gener ally. The American horses Prioress and Babylon made an inglorious performance In the race for the Cambridgeshire stakes at Newmarket. Thirty one horses ran, and Babylon actually come in lust. Mr. Parr's Odd Trick" was tho winner ; FRANCE. Pads letters state that the question of a Bastian sion of specie payments by the Bank of Franco, in preference to an unlimited rise in the rate of die. count, should Wails get worse, had been under dis cussion: ThefGovornmont, it was said, had doter mined not to sanction such a movement. A reduction to this amount of thirteen million francs is demanded in the estimates of the War Of fice. This, says the correspondent of the Times, means a reduction in the army. General Bavaignao died very suddenly of aneur ism of the heart while out shooting. lie was to bo buried at Parison the 31st Got. The Pattie announce; that negotiations are go• Ing on between Prance 4o Gillumd for an es• change of territory in India. It is proposed that France should give up her possessions in Mender roger° to England, receiving as en equivalent portion of territory near Pondicherry, The haulm of MIA° & Co., of Milan, with lia bilities estimated at 1300,000, had stopped. Letters front Naples complain of glaring Govern ment outrages. In ono of hiscommunicutions, the correspondent of the London Time? says: "On Ids entrance into office the present excellent United States minister had oceaston to net very de cidedly on behalf of the United States eitizens, and front that time to this Lithos never bad the slighted cause of complaint, and Amorioancitiions arc more respected hero than the subjects of any other Go vernment " SWITZERLAND The Swiss elections had resulted largely in favor of the liberals.. • PRUSSIA. On the 21th of °Maher, in view of the continu ance of the Ring's malpdy, the Prince of p r o.,4a a , •aumed the conduct of public affairs, in the name of (ho Icing, in virtue of a mandato signed by his Majesty on the previous (lay. No changes what ever would be made in the Ministry or policy of the Government. AUSTRIA Numerous additional failures had taken place in Vienna, hut the Times' correspondent in that city, unddr date of Oet.'2s says; "The money market is loss agitated, and it la believed that the worst of the crisis is over." The now Spanish Ministry is thus constructed: Martinez do la Rosa, Foreign Affairs Joseph Ca &among:leo ; Mon, Finance; Admiral Bustillo, Marine; Burmudez de Castro, Interior; Bain• verria, Public Works; Admiral Armor°, War, lith the Presidency of the Council. The Marquis de Corbera is named for Governor of Madrid. . TURXEI The first sitting of the Conference on Nye roes now of the Danubian Principalities, it is expected silt bo held'about the redddle of November. The Courtier de Constantinople announces thata great financial operation isprojeeted by 4110'1'pr/dolt (lovqtreqept the Ottoman Bank, THE liiiESB,...PHII , AbELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMIER 14, 1857, involving it lean of 250,00,000 ftnnua nt ten par oont. The. Indian mail had roanhed England with dates from Calcutta to tho 25th Sept., and Bombay .3(1 of Octobor. The news is very important— , Delhi, the strong hold of the mutineers, having been easaUlted and carried by the BurpPenns. [The details will be found, in full, on our drat page. En. Panes.] The assault was commenced on the morning 'of the liith of September, the siege train having pre viously reduced the bastions and curtain against. which its fire was directed, to crumbling ruins. The attack was made in four columns, of which oneaompoted of the Cashmere Contingent. was repulsed. The others were succeesiti. An entrance was effected at the Cashmere gate to the north of the, city, and an advance was made along the, ramparts to the Gabel gateosvlffire,an ineFepti* resistance was made by the mutineers. The next day the British cornmeneedlitingon the magazine, and stormed that position on, the 10th, capturing with it ono hundred and tWinity firo pleces•of cannon. The official despatches end at this point, but intelligence in which full reli ance was• placed had been received to the effect that, after three more days of fighting, the'Britielt troops, on the 20th, took entire posseasiou'ef the y Y• The lose of the British in killed and wounded is stated at six hundred men, including fifty officers, The slaughter among the mutineers is believed to have been great, but no, estimate is given. A largo number escaped out of the city, among them the King of Delhi and his two sons, disguised in 1 women's clothes. The English cavalry had moved forward to intercept and destroy the fugitives. In his 'order for the assault, General Wilson stated that no quarter should be given to the mutineers, but that all the women and children should be spared. Seinde, it was reported, was raising 15,000 men to intercept fugitives. General Outram's force reached Cawnporo on the 11511, of September, widen the 19th General Have lock left that place for the relief of the beleagured garrison at Lucknow. It was confidently believed that the garrison would hold out until relief ar rived, which' who expected to be about the end of September. At Agra all 19113 quiet. Fears were entertained of a now outbreak at Assam. A conspiracy to restore the ox-Rajah had boon detected. One hundred tied fifty prisoners, taken by Gen. Neill at Cawnporo, aro said to have been liberatid by the Government. his ales said that the Supreme ()clinch bad sent up to ttio disturbed districts One of its members to control the generals In command. In the execution of mantial law. Tim leniandy of the Government was strongly condemned both, tit India and England' Tho intelligence from the Bombay Presldenoy is favorable, though a few cases of disaffection had occurred in the army in &Ando. At Kurae.bee the 21st Bombay Native Infantry had been disarmed, and about twenty men of the regiment, who were convicted of a serious plot to murder all the Euro peans, were executed. At 11ydorabad,in the same province. a company of Native Artillery bad been disarmed. Tho whole of the 'northeast frontier is in a dis turbed state. Considerable reinforcements had arrived at Cal math. The country between Calcutta and Ailahabad was quiet. To the northwest of Delhi, General Van Cott landt was busily repressing disturbanoos and re settling the country. Tho • Bengal Hurkarn nowspapor , had been stopped, buethe Dooms was restored afkor 'the lapse of a week. _ CHINA. , The dates are—llong Kong, September 10 ; Shanghai, Stptetubor 1 The hatted States sloop-of-war Portsmouth eft Shanghai for Japan on the 20th of August. 'Pio sloop-of-war Levant remained at Jlong Kong, and the steamer San Jacinto at Shanghai. 'the American ship North Wind, bound from Poo-Chow to Loudon with teas, had put into 'Kong Kong dismasted. The biookado of Canton river was atrial) , main tained. According to the Pekin Gazelle,' hepolipy of Yell, at Canton, had snot with the approval of the Imperial Government. The Russian war steamer " Atnerioa " had ar rived at Shanghai from the Ainoor, with a 'ltus elan Admiral on board, who, it Is said, was 'on a diplomatic mission. The court-martial on the officers of the lost steamer Transit resulted in the captain and TAW for being severely reprimanded, A letter from Kong Kong to the Times stays "A short time since the Foo Chow authdrititut agreed to take Mexican dollars at two per cent discount in payment of duties. They now ObjeCt to receive them except at market value, The pa pers of American vessels are given upon proof that Mexican dollars have been tendered in payment of the duties. Tho British consul requires thatlthe authorities bo satisfied. This difference style preference to American vessels." Lord Elgin was expected back at Hong Kongg by the end of September ; and, says the correspondent: of the Daily News: " About the same time we look for the advent of the Hon, Mr. Reed from the United States, and Baron Gios from Flamm, when the three diploma tists will probably make a start for Pekin. It le said that the Emperor has intimated, by the yet milion pencil, that ho knows what is going on that he will not receive any embassy, and will leavo the barbarians to do their best or worst." The same correspondent predicts a war in China on a largo scale, and intimates that several ,Rue• sian officers had arrived at Pekin, under pretext of being en route fur the Amour settlement. At Hong Kong sterling exchange was quoted at 4s 03d to 4s I.od, Thorn had been a fair inquiry had declined materially. At Shangital the arrivals of tea were small, and prioos had advanced 2to 3 tads per pleat. Silk unchanged. Rico dull and lower. Exchange on England fis. Bd. to Go. 9d. Tonnage abundant. The rate to London was .£3los. for tea, and £0 to £6 Gs. for silks. At Foo•Chow great eagerness bed been shown by buyers to obtain teas, and prices had gradually ad vanced 2to 6 cents. Four vessels were on the berth for London nt £4 freight. COMMERCIAL INTHI 4 I 4 I . I.MTCR. LIVERPOOL COTTON MAREFT. LITF:RPOOL. Oat. 31—A. M.—The Brokers' cir cular reports an exceedingly dull and depressed market under the influence of monetary difficul ties; and any transactions that have taken place have been forced off at irregular rates, showing . a decline, in American descriptions of fully id, and in some eases id per lb. One week's sales foot up only 14.270 Wes t in eluding 1,300 to speculators, atm 800 to exporters. Tho quotations aro in many respects nominal, but at the decline submitted to, there was on Friday decidedly more demand, and holders were not die. posed to accept the low rates previously current. The sales of the day were 4,000 bolos, including 2 000 to speculators and exporters. Now Orleans far is called 81 • middling 01 ; Mobile fair 81 ; Up: land fair 8 ; middling 81. Stock on hand 314,000 bales, including 100,000 American. [Prom Procter's Circular.i LIVYIRPOOL, Oct. 20, 1.857.—We aro now receiv ing fair supplies of Wheat from the Gutted Stites, which are expected to be followed up the next two months from the same quarter. Of Flour, Indian Corn, and other articles of the grain trade, the ar rivAtis are Bounty. A fair business has boon doing in Wheat since Tuesday at the low ratan of that day, and It would appear that we have tonohod a point in price that the farmers aro unwilling to compote with. The transactions at our Corn Exchange this morning wore limited ; wo had, however, more in quiry for wheat front millers in the interior, indl eating that our present range of prices will colu mned next week a bettor and larger demand than we have lately had. Good American red Wheat can bo bought at 7sa7s 0,1 to Os per 70 lbs. Choice American Flour is not lower, but English s uck Is offering at 2s decline, Indian Corn id per quarter cheaper. recat BIGLAND, ATRAYA, dL CO.'s CIRCULAR LIVERPOOL, Oct. 30, 1857.—The failure of the Liverpool Borough Bank has thrown a gloom over business circles, and very little has been done this week in produce of any kind. At our market this morning prices of Wheat were irregular. At the commencement there was a general decline of hl to 2d per bushel, which in tinned a bettor inquiry, espootally for fine samples of Red American. White was lees inquired for, and the decline on the week is fully tid per bushel. In Flour too little business passing to test prices. Indian COT was in retail demand, and prices un• changed. Provisions.—'Pile trade in Beef is almost a blank this week. Holders of the lower qualities would Meet buyers at N cry much lower prices. Nothing doing in American Pork. Bacon—The demand has fallen di again; the week's transactions are quite 'trivial. Choose of fine quality meets a ready sale at full prices; inferior dittioult to sell. Lard.—Nothing doing, and priaos aro quito no mina!, Dreadstuffs.—At our Corn Exchange on 'Tuesday, the accounts from America, per Arabia, of the pro bability of free shipments, coo led with the abov e intelligence, caused a general indisposition to do business, and the few transactions that took place in Wheat wore generally at a donne of 1.1 to 4d per 70 lbs, from Friday's quotations. Flour was dull, and 6,1 to is per bbl lower. Indian Corn was In retail demand, without change in prices. Extreme dulness has characterized the trade since Tuesday: Tallow is quiet at a deelino of le to 111 6d per cwt North American sells in small lots at 57s lid to 580 per cwt. Aehea quiet without change in price. Naval Stores.—A small business reported in com mon Rosin at 4s 4d to4s 6d. Spirits of Turpentine quiet at 375 W. Bark.—Considerable Naha of Balthnoro are re ported at 7a6d per cwt. Philadelphia nominally 10.1 to IQa cd per OWL LIVERPOOL PRIIVER Cl l / 1 11ENT OP ASIRRICAM PRO- fFrom 'Richardson, Spence, er, Co.'s °lrontar.) LIVERPOOL, Oct. 30th.—Farmer's deliveries of wheat for the week ending lot Saturday, were 103,647 quarters at 753 6:1, against 116,277 quar ters at 60s Id in the corresponding week last year. Paring the past week difficulties in monetary matters have exerted a depressing influence on the grain trade, and a general decline in prices is quoted in all the markets throughout the country. Our market on Tuesday was almost a blank. In wheat there was very little business done at a reduefionofld par bushel on the prioes of Friday; Flour nominal; Indian corn in limited request. At to-day's market the attendance was not large, but' wheat met rather more inquiry, and sales of best NA wore made at the full rates of Tuo:44lay; the late arrivals were not yet offered, and the chief supply was of inferior descriptions, which continue very difficult to sell. Flour almost un saleable, although offered at rates 2a3s per barrel under our quotations of last Friday Indian Corn In small demand, and Od per quarter cheaper. we quota Wheat—Ued, 6a9da7s 6d; 7s 6da gs 6d per 71) no ; Fleur—Philadelphia and Balti more, 20a30a; extra Ohio, 1108a3f0; Yellow, 27ea 28s per barrel. Indian Corn—Mixed and yellow, 375a37s ild ; White, 40sa41e per 480 lbs. Beef continues very dull, the sales made aro of the mrest retaireharaoter, at lower rates. Pork.—Little doing. Irish is rather firmer. Baton is little inquired for, dealers buying only in the merest retail, at our lost week's quotations. Lard very dull and quoted le. per cwt lower, but sales are so limited that it is difficult to give a correct quotatiOn. Tallow has again receded, and closes dull; 575. 6d. to 58s. may be given as fall value of Butchers' Association. In London the market is quiet at 565. 6d. spot, 565. to 565. 3d. all the year, and 575. for spring. Itosin.—Common sells slowly, at Xs. but. to , ta. 6d. per mt. Jiark, under arrivals, has further declined, LIVERPOOL CORN DIARKIPP • Philadelphia having hoot sold at 10t, lid., and Baltimore at IL iht Oire.—No transactions to report, either Sperm or Whale. Richardson Brothers and Company's Circular. LIVERPOOL, 10 Itio. 30th, 1857. ' jPer °Arabia."' POTroN.—The market ' beau very depressed lime our last, in ousel, rOrthe suspension of 'po of oelooal bankili< ' eis! have been so irre- Vila that it is 1m 1,1 ~ 11 , 1 ivaDre emirate quota , t10pe,.1104110 406 a '' 6N all differiptions renges NM id. iddlearly ld. Per lb. To-day, brAmver. there ham been loss anxiety to force sales, M3l many have withdrawn their stocks. Sales 4,000 Wles. Imports for the week 13,010 bales. Total eater 14,270 bales, of which speculators took 1,400, Led exporters 040, leaving to the trade 12,030 bales. (20ERSITRON BARK has declined considerably; Alma aOpt 1111411 PhilEuleippie• have been Bold at iiiii4dll,lls,iand a large qdantity of Baltimore at. 1.e.F1171i tN. I ll '- WO MID almost nominal, and to effect sale's a, otrieti ..l. orajble, reduction would have to be no- 011 ..i. . I , ALLOW ie also the turn easier, and 578 ad a full quotationfor, F. Y. C. lye quote North American 575a57s Od, and South American 503 Odas7s per owl. The tiade in London has also been quiet, and closes at 568 Od on the spot, and 56s to end of year. For Spring delivery 57s is asked. Beer has been very dull, the sales only amount to 236 tierces, at a Moline of ssalOs per tierce on last )rook'S2Pteg. POSS.—Nothing done in American, and rather lets Irish on' offer. Macaw is very sleek, the demand from the coub try being limited, and the town dealers generally well supplied: OHORS.S.—A 'Oonsiderable quantity of inferior anal onGefponilltion parcels have been forced off ,at 2.5 s per cwt. There is a fair inquiry for prime. ' 'The trade: alnee Our report of Tuesday, has been very quiet ; with but little inquiry for anything. The continued derangement in monetary affairs naturally causes considerable uneasiness, and in 'order to form Sales lower prices would have to be meepted the every article of the trade. Deliveries of Wheat, from our own farmers, for the past week consist of 103,615 qrs, against 116,277 qrs same week but year. Average price lie Cal per qr, against OM 4d corresponding week last year. , This merning's market was a little better at tended, and a -somewhat amore general inquiry for Wheat, ensued, but pt a. further decline, in most oases, of la2d per Vllbs under the rates of Tues day; at the eentimicement of market. Had the *TrilVilteett ready far delivery a fair trade would Tircly have resultell : , eniend'for Fleaffirai very slow, as Wheat At proem:it prieos 'le irtuelv cheaper in proper- DOAN Cearf reVut limited inquiry, and a M Moline of Mali 'kir' took place on white. OATS and biPan di 1,, at barely former rates. Imports from 10 mo. 23d to 10 mo. 29th inclu sive, consist of 38,853 gra Wheat, 18,153 gra Indian Corn, 1,907 seas, and 9,184 barrels Flour. Exports for came period, 2,08 gra. Wheat, 1,429 qrs. Indian ,Cora, 818 nooks and 782 barrels Flour. • Wa quota the value of American white Wheat at BsaBs 31; extra 85 sdaBsBd ; . red Os 9da75 3d; ex tra 75 Odale 9d per .70 ,lbs. . Baltimore, Phila delphia, and Ohio Flour 295a318; Western Canal 275a99s per barrel. Indian Corn, mixed and yol low, 37s ; white 42s par 480 lbs. LATEST. FOREIGN NE %VS. (Pi()),( VII EEI OF EUROPEAN PAPZIO, IitIOVIVIM AT TOR oppieg OF " THE PRE99. ') MONETARY' AND COMMERCIAL healthy feeling is gaining ground throughout the country in matters relating to trade and corn meree,now• that Delhi has really fallen. The cha racter of the news. from America by the Arabia, On Sutidsiy, was calculated seriously to embarrass many houses of high standing, and to interfere greatly with our commercial intercourse with that country. The intelligence, however, received by later arrivals, is more encouraging, and, taken in coojunotion with the state of affairs In confidence In the money market was partially re stored, and a rise in the price of securities estab lished. There is a good 'supply of money, and, though holders will not part with it under full rates, it is, nevertheless. in active demand. The Board of Trade returns for the past month, just issued, contrast favorably with the correspond ing month of last year.' They shovr an increase in the declared value of our exports of £852,203. However, It is possible, from the state of affairs in America and the condition of things in India, that for some time to come the monthly returns will be much depreciated. The moat prominent artieles in the inorease column are cotton, cotton yarn, ma. obinery, metals (except copper,) loather manullic.. tares, and woollen goods. On this other side silks are the principal. The total of our exports for the first nine months of the year has been £95,755,59, showing ap Increase of £10,828,907. Compared with the corresponding nine months of 1855, the increase Is £28,508,755. The imports show no ma terial, vatiationiin the articles of food and luxury ,taken for consumption. Those articles that show a decided Inoroase are tea, coffee, sugar, spices, and tobacco. Wine and spirits show again a decrease. The advanced price of cocoa has evidently affected the consumption of, that article. The return front the Bask of England for the week ending the 24th October, gives the following results when compared with the previous week Public deposits.... .C4,861,740.,..1ueru5e.... £211,719 Other 131,555 Best 3,209,499....1ncrea5e.... 10,02 On the other able of the account Government securitlet£lo,2s4,6ll—Same ea last week. Other securities ' 20,404,097.. Dee mese.. 134,96 R Notes unemployed 3,485,840 tomato)... 288,055 The amount of notes In oiroulation is -C19,766,- 265, being a decrease of 4416 ) 980, and the stock of bullion in both departments is £9,369,794, show ing a decrease of 4154,684, when compared with the prgooding return : ISNUE DEpARTMENT Notee issued—. Government debt Other seouritiea. 3,459,900 Oold Coin and Bullion 8,777,105 DEPARTIIENT. Proprietors' capital 14,553,000 Rest 3,239,199 Public deposits (including Ex chequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National debt, and dividend ac counts) 9,801,740 Other deposits 11,203,980 Seven days' and other bills.. 919,442 .1;34,737,68 Government securities (in cluding Dead Weight An nuity) 10,251,541 Other securities 29,491,597 Notes 3,485,640 Gold and Silver Coin 592,889 There has been a fair basiness doing in Bullion this week. Silver has boon taken freely for the East and several parcels of gold shipped fur the Continent. The suicply has been good, and Mexi can dollars aro offering at the quotations. The suspension is announced of the firm of W. and IL Brand d Co , a house formerly in the West India trade, but during the last three or four years engaged, in largo American transactions. The stoppage is attributed to the non•receipt of remit 'Mimes from the United States. The amount of li abilities has not been stated, but it is supposed to be rather considerable. The financial details from India are not unsatis. factory. At Bombay the import markets had be come moth - ant higher prices, and there was a bet tor domand for Government soeurities. At Cal cutta some persons seemed to anticipate that,tho fall of Delhi would, in less than a month, be fol lowed by an extraordinary recovery in nil depart zneuts of business, but tho dissatisfaction felt at the political conduct of the Government Is described to be universal. Huddersfield letters state the suspension of fffessre. Thornton, Huggins, Ward, & Co., of that place and Manchester, with liabilities for .£500,000, in the American trade. Several other American houses would be severely tried, but it was expected they would get through; and there seems a gene ral disposition on the part of all strong establish. meets to encourage confidence and to assist those who have been unexpectedly struck bx ,the Now York crisis. At Manchester, Messrs. Charles Smith & Co., in the muslin trade, aro stated to have been brought down in connection with the difficulties in Glasgow. TIIB ARABIA'S NEWS. [From the Times' Money artiele.f The entire suspension of specie payments by the New York and Boston banks, reported this morn ing by the American mail, is the most satisfactory announcement that could have boon looked for. Had tho atop boon taken a fortnight earlier, an iturimese amount of ruin might have boon averted The banks, after having, by their mismanagement, brought about the state of affairs which rendered the panic possible, sought to save themselves by the sacrifice of the whole mercantile community, but the public at last have taken the matter in their own hands, and forced them to a stoppage, which Will place them in the same condition with their victims, and thus terminate tho struggle. Their aourso had been almply this : By a system of most imprudent advances they had encouraged the public to rely on abundant ac commodation, not only on bills of exchange, but on the bonds and promissory notes of railway and other corporations. When the over issues of this latter class of socuritios began to excite alarm, and it was soon by a knot of speculators that if thoy could be brought Into sudden discredit general confusion would ensue, tho banks turned round upon those they had deluded, and not merely re fused further accommodation, but called In, as far as possible, all that had been granted. Of cOurse, universal fright followed, but as firm after firm went down the banks still boasted that they were determined to maintain thetnselves, and actually excited some sort of admiration at the grandeur of their resolve. But it was plain they could not succeed, and that even supposing their preseriation possible, it might be paid for too dearly.. In the opinion of calm lookers-on smother week was alone required to stop every house throughout the State. Apprehensive, howevor, of the penalty of losing their chancre, and animated by individual rivalry, they continued blindly stubborn. The community at last, it appears, with an instinat of dospair, rriolyeiJ to lying these tp a o end. A concerted run was arranged by the depositors. and on the evening before the departure of the paoltet a genehil stoppage was nscortained to be inevitable. Eighteen of those establishments had already been brought down, and the thirty-three that remained saw that another day would seal their fate. A deputation of tho presidouts f throe of the largest was, therofere, despetehtut tp the Governor of the State at Albany to pray for the necessary legislative stops to legalise the suspen sion, and ineanwhilo a notification of the event was given In all the Now York papera of the morning of the 14th inst. Its effect woe instanta neous. Every ono, it is said, seemod to feel that the ordinary channels of business would forthwith be restored, and that from that moment the progress of recovery would commence. The steamer sailed at noon, and the last ac counts, tlierofore, roach only to 11 o'clock A. M., but a postscript of that date announces that every thin Was going on quietly, and that all excite menthad pooled away. This result WAS perfectly natural. The inconvertible paper of M p banks would now "oiroulatp at a vulva lu proportion to the dim/lotion with which it might 1)0 issued, and supposing It to'bo kept within eloso limits, there is no reason that it should fall much, if at all, below par. No doubt was entertained that the Logisla tura oft New York would sanction the movement, and. the, period of resumption is contemplated to be the c , th of April. lii tae interval about £3,000,000 or £1,000,000 of gold may be muted. from California, and ape °illative shipments of specie from this side.inust re sult only in loss. Tho groat danger whioh has pressed upon our money market during the past two or three weeks is therefore lightened. It is also bellevod that many failures that must have occurred here if the present event had not taken place will be averted, and that news may arrive by future packets of the resumption of business by several of those among the New York firms whom fall was occasioned solely by the inability to sell produce, or oven to negotiate undoubted bills. THE AMERICAN HORSES AT NEWMARKET. NEWMAEIZET HALIGGION MEETING, OCT. 27. The Cambridgeshire Stakes of 25 NOTE. each • 10, ft., and only 5 if declared, So., with 100 Ode from tlae.Town race fund. The winner Doncaster St. Lager to carry 12 lbs. ext*,it second horse in the St. Leger, or the winneref the Dtmeasier cup, or Great Yorkshire handicap, to carry G lbs. extra; the winner of any handicap, value 200 soya including the winner s own stake, after the publication of this handicap, to carry 3 lbs. extra ; them extra weights not to be ac cumulative, but the winner of the Cesareuitch to carry 7 lbs. over and above any other extra weight ito -which he may be liable. The owner of the second borne to receive 50 sous. out of the stakes, and the winner to pay 30 soya to the judge. Cain. bridgeshire Course, 135 subs , 00 of whom pay 5 nova. each. Mr. T. Parr's Odd Trick, by Sleight-of-hand 2 yrs., let. 41b. (Fordo m) Lord John Scott's Mcestissima, 3 yrs , Est. 51b. (French) 2 Mr. Jackson's Saunterer, 3 yrs , Set. 121 h. (in cluding 31b. extra), (J. Osborne) 3 Twenty-eight others started, including Prioress and Babylon. Prioress (ridden by Tanksloy) cot clod 7st. Babylon (ridden by Challoner) carried 3st. Gib. Betting at starting-7 to 1 opt El Hakim, 9 tot egst Mademoiselle do Chantilly, 9 to 1 agst Tri color. 10 to 1 apt Mtestissime, 100 to 8 apt Prioressol3 to 1 apt Odd Triek.l4 to 1 nest Artil lery, 17 to 1 apt Fright, 20 to 1 apt Whistling Willie, 30 to 1 apt M. Dobler, 33 to I apt Cyrano, 33 to I apt Queen Bess, 33 to I agst Plush Colt, 33 to 1 apt Bashi-Bazouk, 50 to 1 ogst Kestrel, 66 to 1 apt Babylon, 100 to 1 agst Saunterer. By 20 minutes to the appointed tine (2 o'clock) the jockeys had weighed out, and the numbers of the competitors were announced in the Ring. It was, however, about 20 minutes to 3 before the starter dropped his flag. The delay was caused principally by the "fractiousness" of Fanny Gray sod the impatience of El Hakim. Fanny repeat edly lashed out with her hind legs, and once hit Tricolor and gave El Hakim a "stunner" on the bead; the horse. however„did not seem affected by the kick. After much wheeling and turning about,. the signal was given and an admirable st4rt effected. El Hakim and the Plush colt, who wore slightly in advertise when the flag fell, were the Int off; but on the limps kehing into their stride Msdlle. de Chantilly and Whistling Willie, the latter, per haps. with a slight load, went to the front, closely followed by Peeping Tom, Queen Bess, Glliver, Odd Trick, AL:cattalo's, and Artillery, as nearly ae could be determined in the order named, with El Ilakitn, Plush colt, Cerra, Tricolor, 'Regret, Rosa Bonhour, Saunterer, Fright, M. Dobler, and Bird-in-the-hand running nearly "level," and at the head of a ruck which stretched in a long line soros the course. The foremost horses maintained their relative positions to the Duke's stand, whore the shifting colors showed that the tailing" had commenced. At that point 14 a crack of a whip" causod Whist ling Willie to lay back hie ears and atop as if he was shot, leaving Matitsmoiselle de Chantilly with an nedisputed lead ; Artillery, CilliVer, Peeping Toni, Queen Bess, and others who had shown pro minentlyin the race disappeared one by one from the front. Cyrene, who had been bidden in the ruck, now coming to the front. Saunterer and Cyrene went on In dose pursuit of Mademoiselle de Chantilly, who was passed by Odd Trick mid way between the Duke's stand 4 and the winning chair ; Mademoieelle, after running second for a few dtrides, gave way successively to lifcestissima and Saunterer. From the time of Odd Trakls taking the lead the result was searcply In 'doubt. He had been " ridden" at the Duke's Stand. but hisjooky soon found that ho had his opponents safe, and sending him along, won easily by two lengths, Mcestissima ,beating Saunterer by a neolr 'only for second place; Cyrene was fourth, about three lengths from the third and half a length in advance of hidlle, tie Chantilly, who was fifth; Bird-in-the-Hand was sixth, Tricolor loading the next lot, whtoh was widely mattered; Babylon (who, with his stable companion, Prioress, never showed in the race) was absolutely last, PARIS, Friday, Oct. 80.—The Moniteur of this morning contains a report addressed' to the Empe ror by M. Magne. relative to the Budget for 1858. There Is nn excess in the Revenue of 40,000,000 franes,lo,ooo,ooo of whiolt are applied to the liyui 'dation of the debt. The financial review of be country is of an extremely favorable character; the reduction of the floating debt is assured, and all leans paid. The King of Greece has contributed £3OO to the fund for the relief of the sufferers in India. The Mexican Government has accepted the me diation of Franco and England in Its quarrel with Spain, subjeots to a mere condition of etiquette. The negotiations will be conducted, not, as was ex pected in London, but in Paris, which is fast be coming, de fads, the centre of European poli ties. The health of the King of Prussia is improving, mentally and physically. The government of the country is delegated to his brother, the Prince of Prussia, for three months, unless the ailing Mo narch, contrary to expectation, should be restored to his customary strength. Travel is recommended by his medical attendants. His Itlitiosty, it is said, has long had a desire to visit the Holy Land. Pity that he should hare deferred his wish Belong. The probability is, 'that the King will pass the winterlmonthe in some part of Southern Italy. A belief prevails that a disturbing influence will be exercised on the weddipg arrangements between Queen Victoria's eldest daughter and the young Prince of Prussia. It may arise, probably, teem the inability of the Crown Prince to oome to Eng land to be present at the wedding, but this Is not an ,insuperable obstacle. , The opidowle which now afflicts Lisbon is sweep- Mg away large numbers of the upper and middle classes. The average mortality is sixty per day. The letters from the capital state that the shops are closed, Lisbon nearly deserted, and business all but suspended. The medical authorities ap pear to be unable to decide whether the affliction arises from typhus or yellow fever. But it is cer tain that the visitation is most destructive Lis bon is one of The dirtiest cities in Europe, and ty phus is the most natural form that the uncleanli ness would memo. Tile CIREAT Es.sreux."—Mr.Brunel, engineer and designer of the Great Eastern, has addressed a letter •to the directors of the company, stating his reasons for desiring to postpone the launch of the ship until the second of December. Mr. Bru nel, at the same time, states that the process of removing this ship from the bank on wbioh she has born built to the river will differ materially from. a common ship launch. The Great Eastern will be gradually lowered down to the slip, and there will consegently bona spectacle sash as that which attends ordinary ship launching. The Rev. Dr. Oronyn was on Wednesday. the 28th, consecrated at the chapel, Lambeth Palace, as Lord Bishop of tho.new diocese of Huron, North America, by his grace the Archbishop of Canter bury. Spollon, the man whe was accused of tit mur der of Mr. Little and acquitted, has been in cus tody for several months past on a charge of rob. bine the railway company of which the murdered gentleman was the servant; bat the Dublin Grand Jury, this week, ignored the indictment on the latter charge. and Spollen has accordingly been liberated. The Government officials in the Irish metropolis heve got up the ease against the alleged culprit in a very slovenly manner, . X 23452,105 11,015,100 The long•looked-for advices of the effect pro duced upon the English money market by tho sus pension of the New York banks have arrived by the Arabia, and show the correctness of our opinion, that the most disastrous intelligence from America had been alrewly anticipated by the financiers of England, and that the news of the actual suspension produced ratbor a feeling of re lief than of additional distrust or distress. By copious extracts from the London fournals in another column, it will bo seen that the suspen sion of the New York banks is truly looked upon as a measure forced upon and brought about by the merchants of Now York, by the insane course pursued by the banks of that city in the effort to sate themselves, at the cost of sacrificing the whole mercantile community. The fall of Delhi, the first anti deciding event of importance in the Indian struggle, is considered to snore than compensate the British public for any pecuniary disasters re ported from the United States. The satisfaction of the preservation of Britannia's Empire in the East far outweighs tho sense of any less or embarrass moot among the customers of Great Britain in any quarter of the globe; and notwithstanding all the ugly features of tho American noses, the price of Consols has risen, and general good feeling pre vails. Wall street is of small account compared with Delhi, and the temporal} , loss of the Ameri can trade is not to he named in the same moment with the decision of the groat question of the con tinuance of English sovereignty in Asia. It appears to be believed, also, that the fall of the New York banks hass saved several hqavy English houses from failure, and that many New York houses, whose stoppage tended to embarrass their English correspondents, would bo enabled to resume their business, under the altered condition of Ilnanelal matters likely to result from the bank suspension. There will result some failures, as a matter of course, from the American suspensions, the most important of which are these of the Borough Bank of Liverpool and the Western Bank of Scotland. On the 'elude, however, the adviees from England are much more favorable than might have boon e:epoiteiL The money market has sonsihl y improved under the telegraphic advices from Europe, and more paper is reported to have boon sold to-day than for 'several previous days combined, There is little diminution as yet, however, in the rates; but as capital lutist needs seek for investments, it Is to be elpeoted that good paper w ill soon be in demand at much lower rates than have prevailed since suspension, At the stook board, a furthor advance in prices Is reported. Reading Railroad, as the fancy stook umst,in repute, may fairly be taken as a scale by which to mark the movement of the stock market, .when no special report calculated either to raise or lower its price is sot afloat. Today it advanced from 79}, the highest price yesterday, to 201, and other securities generally participated in the up ward movement, The Germantown Gas Company has declared a dividend of three per cent. The New .York Evehing Post says that James O'Brien, Into president of the Island City Bank, has been arrested on a civil suit, and in default of bail for $lO,OOO, committed to jail. It is' ascer tained that not over $lOO,OOO (one third) of the capital stook was ever paid in, bona fide, tho re mainder being -paid by notes of O'Brien and his friends. Snits have also been commenced against the stockholders by the receiver, Mr. Butterworth. Both stockholders and depositors are likely to lose everything. Some of the largest notes discounted by the pre . sident had fictitious signatures, and bear the names of persons not in existence. In order to MISCELLANEOUS TILE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13, 1357 raise money to carry on the concern, O'Brien sub• mitted to enormous shaves; and suits have been commenced against certain parties connected therewith for usurp. We are Informed that tho denunciation of usu rers Stimulated fl,the meeting of the unemployed in Independence SlOre yesterday, has been sent in a band-hill to the offices of the various incorporated institutions of thVaity. Wo are at aloss to imagine the uglily° of the loader,s hi this movement for such an etbrt at what the may deem intimidating threat!. Of one thing they may rest assured—that by,a continuance in such courses they will deprive the really suffering and deserving of the sympathy aLd the aid of good teen everywhere, and ultimately increase the distress they profess to seek to miti gate. Men, worthy of the name, Ara not to be either frightened or coerced by thisd would-be agitators—publio leaders into unlawfulmoialibtio measures. The telegraph announces that the steamer from Aspinwall has on board 31.,200,000 in spedie from California, and the Arabia brought $1,100,000 from Europe All the banks of the seaboard will speedily be in a condition to resume specie pay ments, if these shipments continue. Upwards of six hundred thousand dollars of specie were re colt ed by arrivals from sea, at New s Orleans, on the 6th and 6th of November. The business of the Branch Mint nt New Or can, during the month of October, was as fot I!epwitg. Coinage s^_n6,72B 5"o,oco • • • • • 376,015 163,000 Wilmer 4- Smith's European Tsmes, in a loading article, says of the American suspensions, that the effect upon the English money market has been very reassuring, although, as was antici pated, the storm has not passed over without in flicting disaster on this aide of the water. The Borough Bank of Liverpool has given way under the pressure, and must wind up its affairs. The capital represents a million of money, but its sus pension has occasioned less surprise than regret. The Western Blink . of Peotiand,,with upwardsone hundred , bralmites, stud jhe ftesdoilfee it Glasgow, has been nearly in as sad a plight, owing principally to the position of affairs i{D America; but the new turn which things brie taken has induced aid to be forthcoming—a feel ing of confidence which certainly did not exist this day week. Tho deposits in this bank repre , sent six millions of money "All apprehension, therefore, of *drain of gold for the United States has disappeared, because, in the present state of the exchanges, speculative shipment of specie from England to America would end in loss, and thus has ended, for a time at least, the greatest pressure which our money mar ket has sustained during the last ten years. " The price of most articles of produce. as may be imagined, has been affected by the state of un certainty during the interval, and some little time must elapse before the equilibrium can be perfectly restored. The' demand for silver to send to the East is still considerable, and imports of silver from the Continent, to be replaced by gold, have taken place; but this drain is small, and hardly worthy of notice as compared with the great American presentiment." The London Times city article, of the 31st Octo ber, says: The concluding prices for Consols, on the 29th October, were 8S to 89 for money, and 89 to for account on the 10th of November. In the atoek exchange, owing to the purchases for invest ment, money was abundant on Government secu rities at from 4to 5 per cent. In the discount market, and at the Bank of England, there was a full demand. Tho announcement made yesterday, that the Western Bank of Scotland, at Glasgow, would re ceive full aid to meet any difficulties that might arise from the recent failures in that city and America, had been formally confirmed. One of tlie conditions on which this arrangement had been undertaken was that the bank should ultimately be wound up. Arrangements were in progress by which the Liverpool Borough Bank would be wound up and negotiable promissory notes issued to depositors by the bank, in case its assets should be found satis factory on examination' by the leading stockhold ers, so far as regards the ultimate sufficiency el the assets to meet all liabilities. The Scotch papers announce the suspension of James Condie, writer, of Perth, with liabilities to the amount of £lBO,OOO. It is expected that he will pay 2s. Bd. in the pound. John Bright, late Chairman of the Roll Flax, and Cotton Mills Company, had been committed to take his trial for forgery. American seourities left off with more firmness. Illinois Central shares were dealt in as low as 11 discount, but afterwards recovered; New York Central were also better; Illinois Central six per cent. bonds were quoted at 73 to 75 ; Michigan Central 8 per cent., 75 to 80; Michigan Southern 7 per cent., 60 to 64; Michigan Southern shares, 15 to 25; New York Central bonds, 1883. 74 to 78; ditto ditto, 1884,84 to 88; ditto ditto shares 87 to 72; New York and. Erie bonds, 1883, 60 to 85; ditto ditto, 1875,45 to 55; ditto dittO shares, 15 to 20; Pennsylvania Central, let mortgage, 83 to 85 ; ditto ditto, 21 mortgage, 85 to 87. We quote the Evening Bulletin's statement of the receipta of Anthracite Coal from the Lehigh and Schuylkill regions; LCIIIOII. SourTLNILL. 1857 Week. Beeson. Week. Beason. Canal.... 24,573 825,070 41,9416 1.130,076 Railroad 10,097 391.171 33,187 1,615,998 Total 34,610 1,216,241 BUNG TINS LAST TEAR 1858. Week. Season. Week. Reason. Canal 2 ,902 1,092,818 37,910 1,042,831 Railroad 4,880 143,382 38,519 1,992,755 Total 33,842 1,236,198 t 6 ,1 3,036,586 RECArITULATION 0, Till SEASON. 1856. 1857. Lehigh Canal.... —1,092,816 825,070 Dee.,'267,746 Railroad.... 143.382 381,171 1nc..247,169 Schuylkill Cana1...1,012,831 1,130,076 Inc.. 87,245 " Railroad. 1,802,755 1,615,996 Dec.. 376,757 Total 4,271,784 .3,962,315 Dec.. 309 The business of the last week is the best report ed for many weeks, and it is only a trifle behind the corresponding week of last year. A extemporary says that the anti-bank feeling has a much larger development in the United States than is generally believed. There are no chartered banks, or banks of issue, in Florida, Arkansas, Mississippi, California, and Texas. The population of these regions may be named thus: Mississippi 700,000 Texas 500,000 California 500,000 Arkansas 300,000 Florida 100,000 The Controller of the State of Texas advertises that proposals will be received by him, at Austin, until the Bth of December, for the sale of two hun dred thousand dollars of the five per cent. United States coupon stock, issued to the State as an In demnity for the sale and surrender of a portion of her northern and western boundary. lye hope the proceeds will soon be applied to thw liquidation of the public debt of Texas. Tee TRADE OF THE READING RAILROAD.—Thp following is the amount of coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, Nov. 12, 1857. From Port Carbon..... " Pottgvillo •• Schirlkill /boron " Auburn •s Port elluton Total for week Previously thin year Total for year To same time tart year SCRUTLKILL NAVIGATION COAL TRADE.—The following are the receipts of coal for the week ending Thursday, Nor. 12, 1857 : From Port Carbon..... •• Pottsville Schuylkill Haven Port Clinton Total for week Previously th u year. To seem time lest year PIIILADELPIIIA 91 . 001 S =CHANGE SALES, November 13, 1957. Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stork Broler, No 809 Wa l nut street. - FIRST BOARD 1200 City 6 . 4.....10t1.84% 15 Reading ft ^0 1000 City It d'a P 111t.84% 30 do / 9 'i 1000 8; Peon R En, Mi ° 50 do 19i 25 Penn It 36% 10 do ...... .... 20 'lO do 30% 5 do 191,, 9 do 305 20 do 19% 12 0 Penn It 9 100 do 1 , 5.19% 25 do 9 100 do ....b5 ern. 20 50 do .... 9 30 do lota 20 52 Ito Meadow R 111.51 20 do ..... .. a 5 197 10 Union Canal 01. 33!2 , do ..... .. '45:20 20 Morrie Canal pfd.B4% 24 Lehigh Scrip.. .... 414% 5 do 86 8 .do luts.3s . 14 Vicksburg It 6% 90 Morrie ° oana.L ~.40 32 Cm & Ant R. 10te.69 . 50 Schuyl Bay pL1...15 100 Reading It 19% 100 8604 , 1 Nay 8 ilt 50 do ...... ....10% 50 Lehigh Nav 50 50 do ..........19% 29 Bank or Penn 10te.10%, BETWEEN BOARDS. 100 LOl4 Island R.... 9 2000 CAA Am It 5a'03.62 100 Reading 11....55.19K, SECOND 1000 Penn Coup S's...SIS 1000 C & A Se Ain P. 20 N Penn It 9,4 50 Reading ft - 20 , , 41 do ....sslots •.0 50 do "0% 100 do "0.1. 39 Lehigh 5crip......34 7 , i 1 Be Meadow R 314.51 10 do 315.51 5 Morris Canal 95.1.87 6 Girard Bank 9s 20 Mechanics' Bank.',M BOARD. 6's'7s 10t5.65,X 2000 Cuttnw It 6'5..1 .40 3000 City It 6s PR2dys.B4 51 Tenn It 10t5.36,1; 10 Sclutyl Itiev..pfd. / 5 100 to Wend R... 9X 19 Mlneblll .11..10t5.563 1 Life & Annuity.ll2 Cattrivissa 1t.... 7 I 100 'tending R 35.00% 27 Lehigh Scrip 35 OLOSING P • Bid. Asked. 54% 118....84 84% Netv....01% 92% Penneylv 5'3.-81 82 Refuting 11 6 8:11; 20) de Conde '7O 85 do 1.111 , 8,..44 81 Penns RR 38% 80% Morrill Card Con 39% 42 Rahn N 6382.,..66 68 6 ' steel 8 8% LAT 200 Reading R. 20% 100 do . arrn.2o% 600 do ig lots 65.20 X Bid. Asked, 80 N 65 'B2 prof 16 15 X Wmsp't Elm E 7 11' do lstmort 7'859 93 do do 2dmi 60 53 Loug Island.... 9,x 9X Vicksburg 63i 7 Girard Bank 9 . if 9% Lehigh Zino 1 Union Canal 33( 1% New Creek x Critawlese R R•• •OX 7 EST. 1000 do _in lots 20% 100 do Heading docts.,.Al.2oX BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTEII-1 1 110114 NEW YOU.. - (Correspondence°, The Press Kim' N*. 13-5.20 P.M. The Arabia's news is far Ipere /exorable than wan generally anticipated, as to the effect on the other side of the news of the almost general suspension of thehanks of the United States. I never anti cipated any disturbance in the English money market, and mentioned more than once in my let ters to THE Paps, that so far from the Bank of England being driven to suspend, It was cry SOII- Fiction that it would stead the abed without flinching, and further, that the English foods would rise aid not fall under'the precautionary advance in the rate of discount. The result has justified - my opinion. This news has been very' weleetue here; and has relieved much anxiety. Under its Influence I think I should be justified in saying that, the money market is really a trifle eater—not at •he banks, but in the street—and that there seems uore hope and Colft dence than I have seen entertained for gems Gkie. It is tree some large American houses la England have gone by the board, and the stoppage of the Borough Bank of Liverpool May- muse some inconvenience; but. on the whole, credit, has been t well , maintained, and good substantial houses helped and protected by their' friends andvelgitbsrrftriFitannerValterNew 'lY kt " h 01: 1;11 1 If wit ot ber gh to loorat 'hinge the same light, wu should soon get prertmrAdioulties. Previous' to' the Arabia's r arrival 'Ado, people dreaded bad news, and the consequence was that every one was cautious and afraid, and noilrlng done. The relief caused by favorable news has opened the hearts nod itmoiithilif the Weirs of many, and glad fates are by no means e 0 Inertia as yesterday. The Arabia brings $4,157,7 85 In Foreign Faehange is firm at former iiirlcus with very little doing. Domestic Exchange is a stride easier. - - So far all heard from, there is a prospect that the coubtry banks will accede to the "request"' of the city Itake, and redeem their currency as or dered. We have heard of very ready and polite compliance . With the requests of highwaymen. "Allow me to trouble you for ,your poise," and Ilse:more ,gru ff demand, pistol in hoed, 2:yOur money or your , life," Menet te, the um t hing praetaselly. /P this, she I trap s readintealkit- 'boas taillWthe behests of the. New York iv en of. dot puler, hot of the road. As I said yesterday, In spite of theruseliruftm banks must be more liberal before lonagg Tile.F have a daily aecunardating Surplus for'whicti th ey must find employment; and as they eapoot,Ssul rile " triumphant' r ., elms of nom in mritiolent am ber, they must go to the," lam aeoeptelatia'?„ , lt is also the ease with the money occourractstdemd, sufficiently glutted. I impost a Molly percepti ble improvement in a day or two,-wben e hare had time to settle down from the - le excitement of te-ilay. The cebhintusatilitiniof the Sub-Treasury Were as follows: ESOSIIUML -208.70 ; paymeats, v 5t51,115.56; balance, 55,213,- 2.38.43. Theroceiptesit the custom house for du• ties were $40,004.•' The Farmers' Bank of Bridgeport, and !hafts =factures"' ,Bantr-of , -Birtrunt, are thrown out to-day by, Ile etropolitan Bank. A receiver has been appointed over the Granite Bank of V olent o w,i l Anneefie 4 ".. hot t was yery unto" trxeitefil nude/the' tank!, we. Prices went up ,the whole, list. A t the first board Virgtoßi 6's ice" 23; Missouri 6's ' Ohio 6's ,(1856)_8; Brie Its 3; Illinois Cutrai bondi 5. New York Co stook ram 21 Erie I ; Reading 13 ; Mich. Centsall; Nish. Southern ; Panama and Chicago and Rook Island I. Sales were large; and other/ thin tlutintokera shire inclined to speculate. At the Second Board a far ther advance took plaimileading closing at 391; N. Y. Central at 75, 743 and 74; Erie at 15,1111i nois Central at 94. and Chicago' 'and Rook" 'dam at 743. The market closed finely. The colipona on bonds of the Erie and - New York Railroad, due Sept. Ist, were paid at the Mechanics' Bank, in this city. NEW iroas STOCK =RANGE ILIEWS,War,III. FTEST BOAltly 3000 Tenn 6a '9O 82 I 9000 Virginia 6, 88 7000 Missoun fo 74 2050 do 7s 2000 Chilli le 0 75 53,N g I 2000 Ohio 6s, 'B6 97 2000NYCenR dae 83 1000 Erie 31 m bd 63 WOO Erie Con '7l. • 92 30000 Hod Con bile 45 1000 ILarlemlat mt 61g 6000 do 01% 2000 do 010 61% 2000 IN Y 91.9 '6O 83 1000 Mich El Sg Fund 63 8500 lil Cu oils 83 19500 do 84 19300 do 8-I,l‘ 1000 do • 85 2000 11l Fre wth't pre 78 5100TI1kAl2dm 48 15 Bank of .N York 90% 5 do . 90% 20 Bonk of Com 95 19 Metropolitan 99 99 100 Del k Rad 0°,30100 91 do 1008 200 Penn Coal Co .eo 2 - 20 Cumbd Coal Co e 3 350 do , sa 9X 450 do 9",1 315 de 10 300 do b3O 10 100 do ISO 10% 100 do 830 9N En do 65 Pacific 31 88 Cu - CON 155 do ae 105 N YCenE 74 50 do 510 741( 270 do " ' 741 / f 200 do b5O 75 600 do 560 72N 835 du 74X 850 do 110 74 200. do -.• b 3 74% nO 14N• 100 do - a3O 733( 50 do a3O TS 100MichCanR b3O 50 370 LaCrosse & Nil 155 do SECOND 4000 Missouri G's 74% 5000 11l Cn bda 85% 15000 lied Aeons bd 50 7000 Erie 3d xi bile 69 1000 LeCkslll L4B 30 5 Del&lied Co 101. 501110bU:4.1prd' 39X 32 do . 38 40 do,. .311( Ntrr Pluisma 11 , 'B5 M do 84X 90 do - 8400 100 do MO 84X 50 do WO 851( 315 'Lll Geo it 114 - 100 do 95 100 do all 05 100 do 9434 60 do "93R 32 do ": 92X 85 Clay& 14%45E1101900 'l5O de 13 123 Galdeldall - " 74 32, 'do ' - 73g 1 :a Mir& Tel R" 38 300 - do ". 37% 100 do DIO 371( 1060 do . 0 X 100 do DIO 3N so 35 chiatlt I A 73 X 140 do • 7344 100 do alO 13 155 Mich MR 1 It 19 150_ do 18X 20 , ... do 381( 250.46 18 150 do a 14X 100 de ' td 18X 350 do D 3 19 300 do MO 3900 Mu do 53 19 100 do 810 ID RIO Pais Railroad 153( 455 do 15% 100 do DIR " 16 800 do : . IS 400 • . d ' ... -.. 16% 100 d o • sit" lax 50 do ' ' 139 . 16 50 do - b3O - lb% 40/111arlemR - ta .7 754 Reading : P.„ 4 45;9 4 .• 100 " do" a3O-'39 , 635 do ' 39 1360' do 533 39X 1100 .do 530 36 1126 0 It&Quineey I% 60 BOARD- . 350 Harlem reefd 20 160 Mich S 11 1900 50 do 515 20 50 do 19X 72.1iich 545,tiIprf 3800 87 LaCBcllil 834 100 do 8% 110 Panama It 851( 25 Mich Oen R 55 I 25 111 Cen R 93 X 30 do 9.1 1125 Cler&Pitts It 13 1 do 13V 1200 do 13X 25 Gal & Chic It 14 50 °ley& TOR 510 3300 200 do 381( MO do 530 35 300 do 39 7X 200 do 57 3SX 7X 190 Chi & R 1 It 701( 31AFKET 9. Asnco.—The demand for both Pots and Pearls is moderate, and the market is lower • sales of Pearls at $0:371a56.50, and Pots $7.18fa7.25. COFFEE is quiet, only a few nun lots of Rio have sold at 10.511 c. Corrox.—The market has not opened under the Arabia's news ; the stock is too small to be affected. and holders, though leas cheerful, are not despond ent. Quotations are nominal. Pisa.—The market for all kinds is dal] and heavy. We have only to note sales of 300 qtla Grand Bank Dry Cod at the low rate of $2.90. FLOUR, ke.—The inquiry for Western Canal flour is light, and under the less favorable pews from Europe, lower prices have been accepted, and we reduce our figures saloc per bbl on common ' grades. The inquiry is confined to the home and Eastern trade. The sales are 7,000 bbls at $4.85a55 for common to good State; $3.1043.25 for extra do; S-1.3.5a55 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; $5.1043.90 for extra do; $3.4056 for common to good extra Ohio; $647.2,5 for good to choice extra do; $5.6.5a $7.25 for St. Louis brands, and $6.50a57.75 for ex tra Genesee. Canadian flour is more abundant, the demand is fair at the decline; the sales are 700 bbls at s3a $6.75f0r extra brands. Southern flour is offered with more freedom ; the demand is more active. but at lower prices: sales of 1.700 bbls at $5.1045 30 for mixed to good brands Baltimore, &c., and $ for the better grades. Rye flour is quiet at $3.50a54.75. Corn meal is inactive at $3.50 for Jersey, and $3.653 53 70 for Brandywine. Gnats.—The demand for wheat is less active, and the low qualities arepa4c caries - The arrivals are moderate. Sales of 15,000 at bus $1.2141.31 for red Southern ; $1.50 for good white do; 95a $1.05 for damaged do; $1.05. for good Milwaukee club. $1.35 for mixed Tennessee; 96e for good Chicago spring" ' $1.30 for white Canadian ; $1.50 for white Mich igan. and $1.16 for red Ohio. Rye is quiet at 7546 e. Barley is better, and in demand—sales of 3,060 bush State at 75590 c. Oats are firm at 43a46.!e for State and Western. Corn is lower, the demand limited, and the arri vals moderate—Bales of 24,000 bush at 7Se for West ern mixed; other kinds scarce and nominal. ilAY.—The inviry for shipping jig fair—sales of 700 bales at 50cao0c. Loos continues doll, and prices somewhat nomi nal in the absence of important trawaetions— small sales of Scotch Pig from yard at tt'ss29. per ton, 6 mos. Mot. soars has been more active, chiefly to dis tillers, and some lots to Boston grocers—sales of 1300 hbds Cuba cloyed at 19520 e, a few Cuba at 21a24e. and a few Porto-Rico at 23 cents. Old New Orleans at :311 cents, and new crop at 43 cents. -34 10 Pacific 11 88 Co 68,44 50 Penn Coal Co 61 100 Reading It El 5 39 100 • do 015 391 e 1100 do 40 500 do 330 40 225 do 391; 50STCrn1 75 570 do 75x 300 do 530 74x 100 do 460 74 50 Erie R 18 80 Harlem R 7 200 do 100 do 74,413 2,746,774 .2,100,000 lons. Cwt 9,919 05 . 1,788 03 .13,137 19 . 306 06 0,037 0/ ...33,180 17 1.582,811 01 1.615,887 19 1,992,755 01 Ton 4. Cwt 1 0 tiO4 10 4 1,623 2,483 . 41,2^_U 03 i 088,849 13 1,130.073 18 1.042,8.30 07 NayAt STORES —Spirits Turpentine Las Leea in improved request, and with a greatly reduced stock holders have been enabled to obtain a slight advance, hut this is somewhat neutralized toward the close by the steamer Arabia's adviee.„ and the market closes less animate. Sales of 250 bbls, partly in shipping order, were effected at 4tla4ofc cash, and 400 do extra at 44c, 15 days, adding in terest.' Crude lain limited demand. but prices are nominally the same. Rosins of all kinds are quite dull, but pries are without essential change. Tar is offered at a con siderable decline, without as vet attracting the attention of buyers; we quote Washington thin at $1.75, and Wilmington do at SI 871 per bbl. Pitch is quiet. Oita.—American Linseed is fairly inquired for nt prices decidedly in buyers , ' faror—sales.of 8,000 gallons at 55a60:, cash. Other kinds arc in lim ited request, but prices are without further change. PROVISIONS.—TIIO demand for pork is light. and the market is heavy—sales of 70 bbls at 51a.75 fur mess; 13.30 fur new mess, and SICaSI6.SO for prime. Beef is firm at the improvement noticed yester day, Sales of 500 bbls at $2.50410.50 for country mess, $1147 for do prime. $l4 for repacked western mess, and $l5 for extra do. Prime mess is quiet at $22a525. Beef hams are firm—sales of 27 bbls at sl4a 51(1.50. Bacon is in fair demand at 12113 c. Cut meats are in fair demand and scarce at SenSle for ,shoulders, and Idle for hams. Dressed hogs are saleable at fila7le. Lard is buoyant. the demand is fair—sales of 400 bbls and tea at 12413 e and kegs at 1310. Butter is in good demand at 12alfic for Ohio and 161220 fur State. Cheese is firm at Talc. StGARS.—The sales reach this morning about 500 hhds at 510.71 c. Refined are active at steady rates. TEAS.—The feeling improveiand the trade buy more freely; prices continue in thepurchaser's favor. An auction sale is announced for the 18th inst., comprising new blacks, the first offered- this WHISKEY.—The market is better and demand active—sales of 870 bbls at 2211123 c. Death of Daniel Clippie, Esq.—This gentle man, for many years vell•knpwn in the restaurant business, departed this life on Thursday evening, at an advanced age. For some time past he has been ill, but not seriously so until within the last few days,
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