THE. PRESS, ".."PVALltitin NZIMPTID,) • At Jou FoRNEt , oyricm, No:' 4111 OWESNIUT Tivitatkr Mims :Itaui Win, , paptaliicrAtfil Maier'. , ,*ll6d lobvit.l*,, i? , ,r t-14011.14 . , Ogat p0448$ : rvt Atrium [Yon 'Mont Moms Tale - , 'SOLTARB won Bbelliotebi; titiiirfulik*ln'adusOo for tin* 01441444 *,t ttie kl.tqa - 11', Tak I,4:Mble ICILY P Killed to fiublaritisru out, of tilikOitrilt,Tutln DOL. • PAU In Ovum. W 66661, Passes will be, ifnt to Beilearliees • .by t 14441,4pae , eurItieff • ietedemee,) ' 92' 00 /le 0011104 A 1401 0111 . 11 AA a ...... „ 9 • wetibtOeilee," tYr ' ' 44 1t0 1iWa.91199).1:L" OO 00 ' i liliaMtromor , wat W , 09 7 b4#0116 or et*. •,,v, l2O tor:a ' %#,t , -.Timppone oi , oweir, lie will eled. ilill . r • bettikeelly.ektbe getteroatot, the owe. , y.KVA1410011:1 ritPuttlkt to ISAMU for - WEEKLY FR EW tittkEESTIND , BEST MUT 'MEM POUNtt 00140.*DPM000W9,,04.6w, E._ ii ftitt i, ttla tos n o t ef_ w oior .apiii mis ut wii;iizt ,..l :iii:airsH ,_ ~ N ,a: 411 4 1 1 ti t , i' 2,4 4 - 4 0. , ' I . ~ .2 • , ...4:4;' .. 4.- , , ; i. V.: '. 1 r• . . , _ • 4 tllit -'' n ''' i ~ t til ' t , At ' * 4 '' ' WI) .- :. :I_ , A kr), .7 ' V. I .' • " 'r ih ; r - f!t7. t : * let . i iE K ittlit o i r dsr . 'lt4 lg,ill / 1 1 1 1 1 4,”.1,„ i t o .4,AoflN,.lv*Pi e R lM ga U S fi ß e S l A ci ß 11411 , I.ll.ll.*liitial 4anitrs4;) ; ip ; •1,,,- 4... 1, ,, ne' . 4 47,71 , 41 , ,tr .v ",.F.',11)4 .,, , lii i . ;y r,. . ~ , .:- 1 . , ; , ~:::: ~. ,Auptir.l4.l o L l ;44.t- 1 ) 09 ICS -4itt r. AVOURrielliZTs SW , YORK. Boi;) , Br ALL Booirsoz,zpies. ittiretroilitt , o4i 211113t1;ol1r3Alr: , 4,oliWitlifitHop: Bletuird Lalorsolo4lll. 2:•,,,ltattodi with a bienioir OA - - .-• 14(44.7,47.1L ilh eaten Mamie, Tt):o,-.1,., itatti.24l.: - thin, iffai..2nanilannd lenostaette) ' how: ;Aca,--.2 • yap; "." 2.1121 200011 molt ADA. Di tfentiniitheill;' J. O. Lot . kiwief;rwrieli Wag, an& • &wino.; tilted, . with }lmam and Notectl Dr. .11.116At0n2444en510:. 2... r _ liKatiptit" ;: i t , iriA volumes , . with portild Auif. I'o 7 4 ~,i,..,74,,,„ 0.-„,h,i„,,,i„,,..4rit,_ ~: ot thelate . Itaglne. Voßteccwith 'AL Meats/1i w i t ,J VI NOUS; r. Dr: iLlthelton.lLDOkepele.. Ocimplote .. 3 , ..,, WS Tel ' with reitralt:: Pike, per tor.', - Olottl, $l. ...- t , BOP T 41T.J2) : 101122HILPOT CURRAN. 'i....p ; -4 10 14 1,L EL - *,,,e 5'40141, with Rost itwo Aw. ~ „ -4 :- vw aw. , ow-rfrisle, and a Portrilt ' 4 RA tall • Ilt, TAllt!op., ni90.,40th: 4`, r '., ' "..' Mtn 0,1011(2',0 TRH ,HILAHNDTIRS ';,. legs.' ^ 'i,,,, tianadßhaii, .., liiittst, ot Lady Worgueentiovate .. t'. MI Rietianobett , ,Tlttrodateden.ankDat* b./ ''., Otalton • c ' 2'. yob, I.2;tie aloth -' I -- rilito iht. ”: ,- • ' ':- "-- - '' 'I 1414011GTfilies okiiriiiiii: iiiiiititiiith;at hhi • ' wits Time 'By SlertmesClhirrlnictlpii ifith .12estrai , •-: ' .. theca tr ai ltley.. idnith laitipn._.witKlimoh by '_' Da. Id te:'' 12man el i th.."Xiyala•Th..- 4 ) •- , ''''.."E i taD'S iiro OE NIB MN: Memoirs' : Cdt the ~. , • ar,thiro4ht Mite Maud Bainaley Blaittdati. „,,, : Ity %dna' 'ildetaT, itithYPortiatV and. tan-ahatte o, ' Math Edition.. 21601;12mi. Oath': Price $2 '.: -• i .' C'qinTs or BLARNEY : iii..2l): R. Shelton Maclisimie!. 4. Tnlrd Ratition. 'O4 cloth. Price SE, ~ ' `.'THE HISTORY 01 UV WAR 22. TH2 - PERINSH2R. ‘-' t' - ' Bf.lttajar General W.,2, P,',2(apier;trom tha, , ,att. ~',.lhoes lait'rset 'adttloa, ylth fliti-Ove Hap and ' .".• 210 a, Ilvelertrad . 'pa Rteet, and a otitliplete tuba, twait.,l2llo, cloth: . rtitw 17 ,69.,, ~. .. ~. ~ otrzwa,zumwevta ',WAN,' Oodiptitain 1. eat.' •••' ''' - 1-8vci."%211e4,22 dd. '"' ....' t• ) )•`..• ,) i „11100.11.2 p. lig , : i #whohwtow; aittitoi et , d a dy ;' f i r' pri lart „ko , . :, 4 , : fou, .1.2.0,. , ,,e.... 4 41 : ); , 41,0 . ,.. 0 .N ; v. t y it4oly i kst tiiiu2l *tan. *c. totit,.., ototb.--,Yrioe x4 . l l', . 7 ., , ~,,, -", ._ --.--- ..-,-.. 4.-orr;— , --4 w -. 2ii‘.;t• IiVOCetwOREAT 1,11 , 4 : - tan leakii.4oll at4pets. troraer Wpott _ Irleheikif our n u merous 'par toehei and 'Athos elisek-boyist public :to nu up their ftries MOO usul, lOW prices , intend to loom: tato every patchier RI, 'cooks Li; tilt •aitamint of nand up— ' irards, Cif ft la ta le of ' , trim 25 mite to $lOO. Call at• our totaldisbAnsnt;leok, at ou valuable stook, and Belt* for yotirselves. -, '“ 1 $- • • ' • Reeolleetyou'arit not buying at chance, for every:par ' chaser gets; his books at the usuirprito, and - ery many, Will get, addltion,:a present worth haying.aull-&n Watt4c33,. .ittoetrg, B AL " Y '-scl CO.; CHESTNUT STREET. 'Alanufutarers of • -• : BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARN, ' •-• , • Ender their • imrpectiOu, on ' the premises' exclusively Eitisane stud Streakers:aro !petted to Visit Oil' haulm WATCHES. •,- • , .eonstantly on' hand i apleridid stock of Superior Watches, of 'all the celebrated inshore: ' - • DIAMONDS. • , : Neeklaesse, Bracelets, Drooohms, Ear-Bing*, linger; Rinse, and all, other irtlalea, In the Diamond Eno. Rowing* of 'NEW .DESNiffil will be, made free of übargefor those wlshisixererk made to order. • , : • :11.I0H,GOLD4EW,ELRY: A besutiful assortment of all'; the litylee of Eine 1.- Jewelry; WWI.% Idoefsici Stone st'st Shell Oanieg, , Coral, fJerbliiioie; 'llfarqufelo; •-,,, a .t. • , .!• ' - ItPIxLD cAsniss; i tAoicar,o, ' WASTERS, k,e. irad CLOCK S, of neweat ityJlisf ant of superior quility. - -eaidtw&w j ly 'es : &PEQI7IGNOT,' ' , • ALISNLIVACITURXIIB OB wierogosinr.s, Amu turosim or liierTazs,", • ,TFEBD STUNT, 1,44:1,11:. ' ' :PIIILADZI,P)II:A. , .091111TAXT Pivirnios. r- , • „ Avineri Pi (111101101 ,iOl9-11itoeff, , , . 2 TAMES E.- CALDWELL , ' ' • .v6P No3:924IItBitINIPP; BPLOW,PIPTH' anis", Inipinient - or , WAtohne and Moe 7ewetq, Atanufactu rere of Elterllniand Standard Silver Tea Oetaittorkiand Spoons, sole agent bribe sale of Ohatlee Yr obtain ) a new, senen gold - Medal London - Timekeepers—all the sleeetinhant, laces WO, $275, and P. 90. • - • Zustleh end antis Watches et the lowest rim. Itten testdontble Jewelry._ 'fihetrield end American Plated Warta. • ,T B.4ARDEN & BRO. , • ' •• to • , ; • xuror•oTvania AlD'lllreOltlllll 01 •'' • • 131LVSB-PLATED WARE,, •-• Ito. 804 °blatant Street, above Yklit Asp dike, • dowrfiuktifoix hands:ad 9:410 to the Trade,, 'lololol3loor smoror iISTS, URNS POLCIEBB, "00BliET WATTIBEI, BAS: •"1NT11,416.5T085., KNIVES; SPOONS; rRRO, - - LAMB; &04-ko, • - _ fiibling'snit plating ox all Muds of metal: eio2-Iy- , WILLIAM WILSON lc SON., MAN 11. FACTO HERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLISHED 1812.) 0. W. CORNRR VIIIITII AND CitElißli' STBRIVVII. , Large assortment (if: SILVER' WARE, of every, de. saliallon,conatontke on hand, or made to railer to match say lattarn'asslred_. - Importers of SheSteld. and Blrodughena Iniporjed • milo4lAwly -pRANcIe, P: DUBOSQ Bc . SON; lite of Dubeeiti' Carroir Ss 430., wholesale • MAKITPAO TUBES ON JEWELBY,BO4, 001111TNUT street, Phila.. f , buxom P- DmoIQ f glottis anb ittinanranto. . • . DEUX gRO . 3711ERS' 0 , • IvETIT4ANt;, '287 south TEinD ;Street; opposite the new Bewail "• ' vault 'Railroad 'Moe, .. r YBIC_BiI ItEBUCCD, Weeontinue to keep our place as a tirat•clesa Beaten rant, with evely convenience •in regard to private partnie: „ We have also made arrangements to serval. our dom. modicum Basement a variety of well-prepared Cold and Warm Mahe!, at prices to suit and &purer the ealgen dee of the time. ' One Wines and Luvrrs are' not nurpnoneo by any in ~eo li O intb sits. ‘ " ' PETR' DROTHEIIB, CAMPBELL'S RESTAIIRANT.—Y.ENI SON, Wild - Dicks, Turkeys Haste, Grouse',' Fresh -Salmon, , Ohbeatique,,Opluachicide,Printiess Bay, Abse= . rum, bud Cole 'Oysters, with every variety of or domestia t SQll.l)9U. Oveeri,Turtle, Soup; and ' Teirspiti Auppers Served up at the shortest notice, .10 JOHN OASIPBELLT, No. q 7 street, op. - pfisite the Ststelforuie. , • ' • -` N3l or' pains• half been` spared by life Priiprintor fitting up this new estsblishment id the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for .., the SOCOnfroodAtion of private Parties -for- Dinners, • , nti:lnos fer La ieetowards street. r iIfg#9HANTS'.IIOTISI4; • "; ;; , „ NOTE( youv t rii, araziii; ABovis mk pgrLADELpm,i. , ~I ktdiumilliTtespios, Pitiiataioid VIVILLIAM, RANKING'S' OITY-LAGER BEER, IiALOON,Ifo‘ gB2 Phil.; t• •-1 1• • , ..• ' ' eap,92.3. - RESTAURANT, SOUTH wilatoorair of;. - BROAD and VALIBIT. I —Garas - mat all' tglior dellaaelee la swami. laminas applied Y0.04R0 11 0 1 4 , - .510=1* 11 Ira . AkbtiOTiOlC- , OP tji7- cAlgaiivelmßs klltedroirrkivile i m .0 , co st, lissovio •-XIIILaLEB , BAMPOIIb - & , 1101f,• • # oo, s l llOttizifif . rutrierfh 6 24 .011M fJIlTF Ski below novedtis, will dose them entire stook of "go! ?Igo; 144bett Agspi c to, Omit, o, *0444 lied for ado by) ,;,,;( Lk - v r z Aria, trrakk - go., 6.1".10 ' , Ph -7Fider,l4 - 4 stA 91t IrtiOriro4 , CROWS; I for alebr OROLDAtt P M IR " , Om - oak 2 , 19.194 N, belowsre ; VOL. 1 7 -NO. 91. THE OPPRESSOR AND THE OPPRESSED. • If he who gets in debt for bread ' • That starving babes MST ea, • , And fails to meet the small demand, Is branded as a cheat If one In need who takes unasked • tome trifle for 'relief, Meet meet the Judie° of the law, .And suffer as a thief; • ..Whj , should the man of high repute, Who manages by stealth TO rob a bank, and then dowoll The thousands of their wealth ; Who tab:4l the widow's garnered mite, ' The friendless orphan's store, . fro proudly forth " a financier," 3. • To seek a foreign shore? I have boon blamed th'atl 'Amnia dare A case like this to intinel I knew the birds of ikey would shrink ' ;When vultures were my game. ! • ' It Matters not though all.the brood - 3 • should formy lifeblood cry; I have my trusty bow well strung, • And ehall my shafts let sly. No granite. wide Atoll protect. Oa Preedbm's seicredaoil; 3 • Whateonhis place, the wretch who plots- ' ' ' The widow to despoil. , If with a sceptre by hie side, - 3 • And on hit head a crown,! Ten thousand ready hands will rise , ~%To strike the caitiff down. v f ,-;t Nm asired • AliPed.lll4f_„o,oi. , r •mr P wrinsgatheligb:hatighty beide.' • SI thtant • I., 3afi ii truittriat, the world skid!. road titaledispoller's nambV 3 . " ' " : • 4 ' . 1 —a the me of pr , • .f 1112. Iterleturel wreath secure 1 ' .•I do not ask for brihtar.tesln • - . Than blessings o - poor. „ Ttie't endless, hatuseless, Pf 10.43. - 3 1Por:thein' say atilt 'strong ;' , I, Per thole, against the oppressor's hand, ' I nits° my humble song. The. kuogrrheat, demanding broad, • flow would r thlit their ranks, Ilthefe, the notes I sink, were notes Ot apecie.peying banks.- roan convert them into eta, • At Sennett's Maqunoth Tower, ' And raiso some means to help the poor ' " In 'dark udefertune's hour, ' It Mtiithiet bien'Freedom's null • 3 - I S.:Mks! , any Marribmild starts • • i '4'ol4elp 110,Apiptly .I, for one, , , AltentrlOnf,will , 414'e l setnetitingilien ihe,pe„ ; ' 3l '•' , Mee, thbbgh the gift 3 he small ; flive,-ft it takes What yen dealred To spend at Tower - Hen. , , , • . Owing .totite ibtestelid embarraisments3 of the cone-- , try, and with the ylow s of zooms° RitPLOTBD the rani,. large number of halide, In making „up into garments a .large stock of profliA,Coieimorpe t snd,Yeetinge new eq hand, adiptekte'fall and winter wear, and. to Omega of the' iliteM ti,‘ , , selisim for iritiA they were intended, I hare determittadte otter to the public, it wholesale or retail; a itdek of Clothing at oosr, which is unser -posood.ii tlie tinged States, for Immensity, 'Variety, Ills• price and Cheapness. • Token M. Banwerr. , Xpr,i!. ; l47,4odiakuptg otorzinio BAZA.I4, Ito. 518 street,liiionth „side, between Fifth and Sixth nrational. ,A):II3,I7RN*. MASONIC Erbf • E -CIL COLLEGE. , • FACULTY: • ,J.;DAILF, A, M.,.President, Lest:sterna Natural tolenoe„ • W". IC 0. PUriOE, A: U., Principal, Teacher all' Departments: Rev, G. WARATPIELD, A. Teacher la the Col- ,ll;ixte Department. Ilies M.E..ANDERBO2I; Teacher in Primary Depart. 'ttoa , • M t. - JULIA A. PRICE, Teacher of Mule, Mrs. JULIA P.' 'DANDY, Teacher of Drawing and Painting:. Rhe session, of this, Institution commenced on 'the tirst MONDAY In October % and will centime nine and t hill nidattif. •P M& PEAT e ;s4tVteimipN.Pteit; tn t elertte Inciden tal O lee - greutoAlon loo o p ctUntie'ouilato or 'guitar $6O; Use of Instrument, $5; Pencil or fdonochromiatis Draw ing, $2O; Water !i}olor Painting, $8!3; 04. g.iiintisig, $4O; French andlatin,'earik, $2O. The Tnition)Paos moat be settled before any pupil ,will be entered. .„ , Board 011:114 obtained in prirate families at $12.60 per MAO including Wssehing, vicodOkiedUghts. • ,- .:ThS,llpf riga paulasites advantages' for ifinstration in - Nature lanes atiperlor to , those of any similar, one inthilßaiitte.'` 'Thera is tint tote fettiil, in , any V male , Ikhoolomore coin td Olsemiesi Ap: *0 4 4,, .14,50 AktittlesittOildntet4or illastrattltdC bremaihrows 1 apim Myr mop ariu „ • • Ake, r poUogi, trolitings.fore . tindergolir keliatioy and idble.lershin ,1, 1 ” oondortab eas re, • AO= bug health ) )4* Alkerie neceeeity for, It 'could., not be healthier.. nretein the people ahmild never die Still, ; , :The President and Principal; have the entire control of the Institution, and anyinnitiries addressed to either ' of them will meet with proukpt attention. N 11.—Persona wishing antor, soils, or ores analysed, may have it done by sending 10 or, 27-tr Professor J. DADDY. . 911110 Y FEMALE SEMINARY.—TIIE -IL School Yon., consisting of two Teams, will corn :Maim° on the - SZOOND WEDNESDAY of September, and *lose the Let Wednesday of Juno following. Normal Olaso, Troy Demote Semluary—Tuition free. Winter Term commencing September 10th. , The charge for tuition and board, including all tie cese&lea connected with it, such ao room rent, washing, fuel, light , etc., la STA per annum. An additional charge is made for_ mode and the other ornamental branches of female - education. Where a fixed sum is preferred, {450 per annum (one-half payable at the commencement of each, term) will bo received, and for Mho pupil entitled to alt the advantages of the Insti.. Action. Papilanoty enter 'at any period of the term, and are required to pay only from the time of entrance, The Institution ftrrnisberi aIl possible facilities for a thorough Cramer/ of useful and ornamental education. The Principals are assisted by more than twenty Pro fessors and Teachers, . , Extensive courses of Leetures are annually delivered by Profaner* on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Geolo 'ey;Botany; Astronomy, arid Elocution. • This Inatitutionts furnished with a veluable Library Ind extensive .Philasophicel Apparatus, a wolleaeleoted Cabinet' or Minerals and Shells, and Maps, °harts, Globes, and Models . . " - Bvery faellityle afforded for the thorough study of the french language. The French teachers reside in / tie family, and adapt their system of instruction to the use of the language in conversation. • DlPLObldit are awarded to young ladles who have passed satisfactory examinations in the fall course of E i nglish 'studies, with Latin, or one of the modern larimmgei: CEETIFIOATEEto those who hare com pleted the 'pertial eniuse. The missile are received into the family of the Princi pals, in: which 'every • arrangainent is made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man ners,and•merals. They occupy private rooms, two in each, the rooms of the female teachers and that of an experieneed .nurse being' among those of the young. ladiei. ' - The advantages Of this Institution are the result of the ftecommodated , facilities of more than thirty years of its onward progress. ' - Slireniers containing mare particular information may be obtained by application to the Prinaipala, John Willard and Jiaralt L. Willard, Troy, N. Y. The terms for day scholars are $5 per quarter for the introductory class of English studies. These are Roe d ing, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Rudi ments of Geography, Geograph y . for beginners, and Geology forbeginners. • For the second class $7 per quarter. %hie lecludea all I the branches constituting the extensive course of Mop itch studied'. TRUSTEES. 4 BENJAMIN MARSHALL, President _ Jons , H. Wittsen, Secretary, ' Mayor sod Recorder of Troy, ex -officio. Benjamin Meridian, •• • John D. Willard Robert D. 811.11tham. - Thome W. Blatohford r Jonas 0. Heertt, Milan K. Stow, • Jai Vaa•Sehoonhoveni Jonathan Edwards, Geo. B. Warren, - Themes Olowes, John A. Oriacold, John blallary, ILI Gilbert. • eels-em HALL .01' ST. JAMES THE LESS,. PHILABBVPIIIA. A FAMILY 110AltDINCi BOHOOLIFOR BOYS. Rev B. B. Sunni, MOTOR, • The Annual Section milt begin ou TEISINDAT, Sep tember 1. Ohuulari zliq be obtained at the Book Store of IX. BOOKER; 8; :Corner 81111111/ and CHESTNUT; or of tha t Bactorieß . ost office, Tells of Schuylkill, Phila. aurtam Wai. H. DusosQ Nomura. so NEEDFUL TO • ENABLE 1,11710/15 male an dfemale, to gala a share of this goo" a tts es a . BUSINESS EDVOATION. LEM BROTHERS , BUSINESS AGADEKY, Kos. 148 and KO SIXTH Street, near RAGE, will re-opon on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lit, for fall and winter Studies; embracing a, knowledge of ' WAITING, BOOK-KEPING AND ARITIMIETIO by abnplified methods, in a abort time THE LEIDY'S take pleasure ir, saying, that during the put year a large number of persona Soria [red • BUSINESS EDIIOATION, enabling many to ware pro fitable situations, and other to pimento their business operations sueoessfully. 1022-Sm. PRITTENDEHm.PHILADELPHIA DOM DIEROIAL COLLEGE; 8. N. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street* Second and Third Stories. • .1100ILMEEPING', PENMANSHIP, only style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. ' COMMERCIAL CPALC/ILATIONB. LECTIIRES,Ise. Saeli Student imilindividant instTnetion from compe tent - snd 'attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Prinolpal: One of t he heetVetimep in the Coantry bee charge of the Writing ?hub Outland eat Specimens and get a Catalegne of Tcris, dee.' PROFESSOR sA.u.NDARs , INSTITUTE, WEST PIiT.LADELPIIIA. No Sereinivr whatever Is more like a private 10 . 0 7' The course of study is extensive and thorough, Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few =ors pupils under fourteen years of ago into his family. Sneuire of Mitero.l. S. Silver andjlathow Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Xditor ()natio Taper, whose mono or wards are now members of his family. septl4-tf HAVANA 010.429. moat, intola,fil,' —Figaro; ' Piitagm, CsAmmo, ' Sultans, 6lorfa,_ . Jupiter, Convetais Mom, Torrey Low, 'Union AD 30110/1118, °MOO, Vora, On' baps, &a., LB and MO °zoo, of All ohms and foal "....ilitniterO and contently reeelrlog, irld for Isle low, " - OIIAB TETA, (new) 130 LLNUT Street, bolow - 8000 ad, second story rIGAlei); CABANAS AND . PAZTAGAS k.." 1 frai.-4 'Attu, Invoke of WAG eelebrated rr.4" l. mai dkilt "Now flra, l, • ly expected from 41 i ilfft, by ORM TUN, sail lo ' o 4. 3 .Wnlant oared, b eiarr Second, Second Story. _ , QOI2ORIML,,or 0111N1SE 'Si 70:A3-CANE BNED-26 butibele for ask by CROM3DALN, PETRO IN, it CO , 110/011r No. MN, De 'met amaze. „.• . . . „ . , . ' . .., . . N ' •\\ ° M t ; 1 /// 1. . : • V M. A.t. , .., 3 . . . ..,„ , ~: • , ',, ,l 's , \t't:/,'",,- , ...-: 0 1 ,--- fi c ' ~,.- c ;,--?,..- : . frk,_.,,,. , ti (._ c. . . . . ~ , •.. , (..-_:;-:.. ,': '1,: , -,„a r ,. ....., . '.I , j -. 7 , .- 2 ,.. : ..._._,.... 5 ,..,-,. _ r 1 31 4,„,...... - , 1, , !,.. , :; , 10 .0 , 20 :-.r ~.., , : '-:'.„ ;.: ..... , ..1i., -, : 4 - -*. ) j , •-• . '' 1 , --" , -' q 1::::0' '''' ' '; T r , ''' ---=-',_-.., - 11 - `, hi miii n -- .--;; , . Y 4- 2 1 . -- aiel . il - _ , .;-4.:,-. - 4 0 . . W ' , •/4-fir.--fi_..P. , :' , f:' ' ;,..4;1:::...........- . ~.. . , \ l ' \.: • . _,.. , I •-,-,1 ,; •:'0,1 , ;:.. . ' . . _ --•— "Pi - .' - --- - --- 1 Lril . • -T., _LA, - . i ......,.., 133.;::-...-, •.. I. iiv....-- - -- , -- - =7,n4.4•4»,,,:,..: ~: ; ,-,; ° L.,_., ~ , , ,y„r-_,...,..---..:, .. - ~_.;.----._..."... .. re _____....__.......... ...._ . 4 _,,..,.,...,,,,,i0_,..,..„......... 4 5 s - ...,.....:...._...._, .......,___ _.„....,_.._,_ ~______.........__ (..„ .c. ........._........._ ___„.......,_...4,__.,. ” •.,",............ i .„...„..._....... •,,,,..„,,,,,,,,,,, ~, t p, .......___,... (.: obacre anti CE A hatideorne aasort- tr t $ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1857. , A CORRECTION. It is an editorial practice, w more honored in the broach than the observance," to father mistakes in newspapers upon the unfortunate printor---or,' rather, upon, the complisitor, who sets up tho type, while another actually prints the paper. We made a Mistake, in an article yesterday, but are sufficientlymazignanimous to exonerate the compositor, and instead of seek ing shelter under g , an . error of the . press,:' frankly to admit that it is an editorial error. Commenting on the individual zipnifleohee of . TISACKERAY, the nevclist,Who contrilnitod One Thmisand Pounds sterling to the Indian IRelief Fund—being precisely the same amount as Queen VICTORIA gave, and ten times as much as was given by the Marquis of WEBT 111NSTAR, the wealthiest nobleman In England, " 14.;414,the *Rat el; tuCap HMI Dm a 4tlcelpso at 'thitWY4W• t. , pounds atgrlisig iticr I. give the one.itWenty-thousandth part of file' pio imrLT;'lvhilo, TrtAbOitny gave otte-teeth 'of The 'Marquitt hat awannuallncome of about 000;000; ' and, lir iiatdily capitelfaing by 'estimating its yaleo at thirty years' purchase— that is, by multiplying £700,000 by 10, which would liave his lordship worth £21,000,000 we actually multiplied by the 3 aione,'and thus estimated his pro arty at little more fluid two millions Sterling, or a tenth of Its ; real value. We say nothing of the . u fitness of things'," a relic of the 'fondal system,,and an offshoot of the practice of prituogeniture, which permits One man, with' a narrow mind and small intellect, to possess the landed terri tory of a prince, and to be worth vospomq In actual money value. We only state' the flillamount of that velue—£2l,ooo,ooo—for the purpose of saying tgat, in eoinparison be iseen ,TIIAOVERAY,, the writer, andWPlr" .trittsimv, the nobleman—the first gave one ' meth of his whole wordly realized capital tomairds'what is considered in England as a Notional purpose, while , the latter, noble and millimetire though he be, gave no more than a two 'hundred and eleven thousandth part of hit. We repeat then our inquiry 7 --Which, indeed, rs'th elob/stman ? ' Sons Of.our readers; to whom the imputed possession by one man, and he not very bright, of One Iviundred and Fivelfillion dollars, may seem as i'reat a romance as the Hall of Jewels, in ALADD-IN'S eastern palace, (for notice of which read " The Arabian Nights" and, when found, make a note of,)—some people, we say, may desire to. know how the Marquis of Weer- HINBTEA comets to possess this immense proper' ty, equal to the' fabulous wealth'of the Courit DE MONTE Ounisro. Moro than half of it has no. trued within the last fifty years. The Mar qulaate of Weerelltisten is a modern creation, dating 1;10 further back than the time of the Reform Bill, when Earl GREY rewarded many of his political supporters with new peerages, and with advancements in degree. , Thus the Earl of Grosvenor was changed Into "the most noble the Marquis or WEST MINSTER," and originally inherited, with his father'e Earldom; this estates—at that time Chiefly consisting Of- land in Cheshire and Bortietelaire. But he also was ovmer of a hirgtitractef lanklitWeSteeinstery :stretching from the' Eouseip of Rordionnititamedielsea-- land, which originally belonged id ititi'Crown, and was, sold to the Groitionor family for a trifle. By degrees, as London increased, particularly spreading to the west, as most greht cities do, this land, swampy and barren as I it was, came into request for building purposes. GEORGE the Fourth, ashamed, of such a resi dence as St. James's Palace, (which originally was an hospital, and looks like one to this day,) and tired of Carlton House, obtained author'. teflon, from Parliament, to build another Palace on the site of Buckingham House, in Pimlico, formerly the property of his mother, Queen CIIARLOTTE. In the centre of a swamp, and only a few feet above the level of the Thames, from which it is not a far distant, this was, perhaps, the very worst situ in London for a dwelling. But upon it arose the present Buckingham Palace, the town residence of Queen VICTO. RIA, around which, with duo rapidity, soon ac cumulated new squares and streets, the habi tations of the rich and fashionable people of the 'West End. Many of these squares and streets; consisting of palatial houses, were built on the Grosvenor ground, but not with the Grosvenor money. The London practice is to lease out the building lots, at so much annual ground NIX; for the tenant to build the houses' according to certain architectural plates supplied by the ground landlord, so as to secure uniformity of lippearance and con struction. The ground. is generally leased : for ninety-nine years, at the expiration of which period it reverts to the landlord, together with whatever edifice has been constructed upon it. • Of course, as each of these houses comes hack to the landlord, the grandson of the present Marquis of. WESTHINSTES, who may be living when these reversions come into opera tion, will. find hie London income marvel lously 'augmented—for if the rent for the mere ground of a fashionable dwelling in " Belgravia" (so called, because the Marquis is also Baron BELGRAYE,) be Otte - Mod at £3OO a year, the dwelling itself, when it falls back, literally for nothing, as part of the • Grosvenor estate, 'will bo worth ten times as much. Whoever shall be Mar quis of WESTMINSTER in the year 1900, may estimate his London property at not less than £1,000,000 to £1,500,000 per annum. A comfortable income for one man—unless, in deed, by tkat time the artificial distinctions of rank shall have become things of the past— to be philosophically contemplated by Mr. MACAULAY'S Australian citizen, as ho sits on tho ruins of St. Paul's, calmly smoking his pipe,audumalug on the decay of groat eLnpires. With all his wealth, the present Marquis o WEti:TMINSTSR was not above accepting service in Ow limisehold of Queen VICTORIA, and ;wearing ber livery, as Lord High Steward, a sort of upper flunkey, whose duty it is to play the, part of first-class footman to his Mistress, carry a white wand in his hand be. fore her, and invariably walk backward out of her presence, at the risk of sometimes fall- ing—which has happeded more than once. A Marquis with £700,000 per annum,' who would thus act as upper lackey, for £2,000 a year, is precisely the man to give no more than £lOO to a national charitable purpose, while Mr. TII/OKKUAY (whom, no doubt, ho looks down upon) gave ten times as much. Convention of the Methodist Protestant Chure North and West [From the Cincinnati Commercial oi,Thersday A called Convention composed of representa tives of Methodist Protestant Conferences of the North and West, met yesterday morning in tho George Street Methodist Protestant Church. The object of the Convention is to consider the rota tions of the Church in the free States with their slaveholding brethren, and to decide whether the North and West shall bo represented in the Gene ral Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, appointed to convene at Lynotiburg, Va., next May. Tho Aurae, hitherto, has remained a unit, not having suffered the slavery agitation to disturb ita harmony, but a large and Influential portion of the Western and Northern churches are 'ctn. soientiously opposed to further fraternization with the advocates, vindicators, and apologists of slavery, and, therefore, question the propriety of further connection with the Southern wing of the church. The convention was organized by calling 'Nov. Wm, Collier, of Pittsburgh, to the chair, and the election of Rev. T. White, of this city, secretary. Committees to draft business for consideration were then appointed, when a moss was had until after noon. Tho remainder of the day was occupied in hearing miscellaneous addresses, and in devotional &aerobes. The committee met during the eve ning, and will bo ready to report at nine o'clock this morning, when the convention. will re.agzni bin. Eleven conferences, North and West, were represented, and four more, which agitated the question in issue, aro expeeted to be represented by delegates to-day. Thos.. Graham, convicted at Worcester, aas., for breaking into and robbtn the howo of Ethan Alton, of that oity, was brought up a few (u r sine°, and named to hard labor In the State vneonduringhis natural lift, PHILADELPHIA, _„ • . SABBATH PEApAii:i 1, NAPOLEON AND TIH ItIEMAtli; ;., -, `How' true it Is that adversity 113'43fteitgund, to be the most potent remedy for thBoo l ,afor r , ! ' 4 0, ~ of the soul I, ' However the opinion, of men may ae r".. to the real conversion of thirgrimeß,Vll3o l l, to a ti Hiring faitht!'in the Saitetir.gfiittiti following well-authenticated , Inchlents 3 W NI( closing life, in dreary exile;llll.,ollotia7:' ble theme for the contemplation 'of ill int:3ll the thoughts. of this mighty , hero of tyliinilacit, well-fought, fields were first direCtedArtbe, .study of the Bible, during lils.,banishnannt lie St. Helena, can hardly be doubted.', ,;' , ',4, r , i: ,:, go Soon after his benishrotiul 4411 . it isle, an eminent °hilt:thee •of lnil i'litt Rev. Dr.' DiylD Bonus, lihilresol` ; . , 0. 4 : belief that the religion of Christ eo i t . ild.:. d l cf, the most effective solace to his advo , fl,ltittk, to the prisoner a copy . of his 40101,V 4t; a At vine authority of the , Neithr!osfameat M. NA POLZON read It; ,910 . 1?9 , oroet. 1. I„l(l..a,a.iii strikingly evinced 14, qicfnenract 0 : '.•,%;16.6 ,, i satien subsequentlylte4,l3itweeu 't.h . .; , .-'' , A344;! pinsil l ,004)4,0 : 1 ,a.L , vs Vii±.. , , ~..4q! i t* , , op - -, --,,, , rr-, L ceivin g , I at 4 pol ',, F .,,, qvg., ist lug gaining,'44 ,10 T , ', , .t. , .. , being himself ,an i i , it , *int* these werlitir 1 ," . :,,,, " 1 ,, , ,,3- •,? ; : • , - , „ :1 :, f. If .:: I cannot , coiaVehie, lOrtss , .1104 , t 0 4 1 : li ko "Off pantlifillOtref , ths•t: the ,, Rtir ; i:Bleg : 4 )o,b4n*4liftnellf to;Aiii , 1 1 0. '4o* form; with 's: , botly, it: face, mmll4l4l* eyes., Let, Jesus bewluitiver *IX Peal ' . e.2...Vi 11104 st intelligence, the purol4 heart, At ? , ',pro found legislator, audits: ,all.-reitimcbg ia , m141 , , singular being who has evernxisted v I grant it. ' Stillle was'slinnly a Man i 4lio , langht his . disciples, and deluded credulous pep*, as Old' Orpheus, confucius, Brahma. -;,. ,- ' : - ~' :iJesus caused himself to ha aderned,becaniiii: his predecessors, ISis and' 0004410 r 4nd Juno, had proudly niadtilteneuilvfiitib,hints of worship. The ascondeneY:oligpellS kla, iii time Was like theescondotidi Of ,t 2 Y M;(6 6 11 . 4 ' heroes of fable. if Jesus”hasc, auto ed , and attaebedte bla , :eltrint"thi'fri.,..- tai ho has revolutionized flag Weilk-r„.1., Ali** only the power of goniult,' and. thaVlonicK s , 1 commanding spirit, which' Vait2:4lo.olM 1 world, as so many conquerors i tiate.doni34. Alexander; Omar, you, Sire;and li : Obanitied; : 4 ~ ',. with a sword. "'' , 1 , To this appeal of Bkenassn, N4POLSOI rer— i plied In a strain of Oloquence,evolr' , Slllole' of which burned with the .power'4 OA In vindication of the position ha:had tiskon' t ,:Itt the course of that reply,' he bald: "'" .' i . ; . tt I know men, and ,1:8;311 YoU;.ilist.4estui Christ is not a man. Superfitial minds stie* resemblance between ',Christ add Hilt th*eis of empires and the .gods of other. religions.: That resemblance does'nOtexist:' friierpla 47. twoen Christianity and wlifitoi - ernt*Aglen the distance of infinity. Re I. liummon en; tire Olympus to my tribunal: I judge the** but am very far from ,prosirking )riyieff fore their vain images. The, gods, the Itiettlif.' tors of India and•of Athens, have nothing :which, cap, overslive ; - It is not so with Christ. EVbrY,tldnglaiiiiii, astonishes me. His spirit overawes mei and his will Confounds Me. His ; add' the: history aids lIfO ; the profpud*Af )4Ao: o trine, whickgrapplesthe mightiostdifilaultietv, (showing that he had boon-no stn. ! derit,) and which Isfif thesediiilM4lthe;most adiairable solution; his gospel, hit,apparßron, his empire, his march aotosithitailla satins realms—every thitig is, for me, a prodigyi'a mystery insoluble, which plunges rne into a reverie from' which',l cannot esca pe—a mystery which is there before my eyes—a mystery which I can neither deny nor ex- Plain. Hero I see nothing human. you speak of Caesar, of Alexander; of their conquests, and of the enthusiasm Wish they enkindled in the hearts of their soldiers. But can you conceive of a dead man making con quests, with an army faithful, and entirely de. voted to his memory ? .lify armies have for gotten me, oven while living ; as the Carthage. nian army forgot Hannibal. Such is our power! A single battle lost crushes us, and adversity scatters our friends. cc Can you conceive of Caesar, as the eternal, emperor of the Roman Senate, and from thO depths of his mausoleum governing the etn. Wu? Such is the history of the invasion and conquest of the world by Christianity. Nat ions pass away, thrones crumble, but the church remains. What is, then, the power which has protected this church thus assailed by the furious billows of rage and, the hostility of ages? Whose is the arm which, for eighteen hundred years, has protected the church 'from so' many storms which have threatened to engulf it? Alexander, Cesar, Charlemagne, and myself, founded empires. But upon what did we rest the creations of our genius,/ Upon forte. Jesus Christ alone founded hili em pire upon lose, and at this hour millions of men would die for him." May we not exclaim, in view of the above, how trifling and unworthy of consideration are the blasphemous emanations of testier minds against the truth of religion, when it requires but an honest examination of the sub- joct to wrest such confessions from a mind as great as Napo loon's! ()HAITI/AIM RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE From the Episcopal Recorder of this week we learn that tho second meeting for prayer and humiliation, which was held on last Tuesday at St. Paul's church, was crowded, and that there was a deep interest manifested. The meeting was presided over by Rev. Dr. New ton, pastor of the church, and was assisted by Reverends C. D. Cooper, Dr. Vaughan, Dr. Spear, Mr. J. Armstrong, of Now Brunswick, and Mr. Suddards. The next of those meet ings will be held at the Church of tho Epiha ny, on Tuesday next, at four P. M. COURSE OF SEIIIIONS ON THE OLD TESTA• MENT.—Within the past two winters Rev. Mr- Willits, pastor of the First, Reformed Dutch Church, on the cornet of Seventh and Spring Garden streets, has preached two courses of sermons on the Now Testament, one of which was specially devoted to the life and labors of Christ, and the other to the life and move ments of the Apostle Paul. It was announced from his pulpit on last Sabbath, that be now proposed preaching a series of sermons on the Old Testament, beginning at the creation—the first of which might be expected on next Sab bath (to-morrow) evening. Should this course prove to be as popular as tho two preceding ones, they cannot fail to attract a very large attendance. NOTONTED MEETING—A protracted meet ing is in progress at the Union M. E. Church, South Camden, under the superintendence of the Itev..Mr. Hickman, pastor of the same. The first sermon of the course was delivered on Monday evening last, since which time meetings have been held nightly,and have been largely attended, the pulpit being tilled by eloquent clergymen. Sr. PAU'S CIIUROII—SEIMON TO Y 01.91 0. MEN.—The monthly sermon to young men, on the model men of the Bible, will be delivered in this Church to-morrow evening. Service at half-past seven o'clock. Young men are respectfully Invited to attend. DEDIOATION.—The dediaatlon of the new Baptist Sunday aptlstchunrcelxi, at l ,tßeveol A.M.y N , . 1 J . will take place on THE ISRAELITE INDEED.—Under this title a I monthly mago i pine has been commenced in Now York, conducted by converted Israelites, and intended for the benefit of their people. Linunkt SERSORIPTIONS.—/kbout $BO,OOO has been subscribed among the Methodists In Boston, to aid in rebuilding the Wilbraham Seminary, which was burned a week or two since. Tho sum needed' is $BO,OOO, and If the denomination elsewhere do as well as they have done in Boston, it will soon bet made up. OLD CIIEROIIES.—Tho oldest churches in Now York aro St. Paul's, erected in 1766, and thq old North Church, (Dutch Reformed,) erected in 1769. The oldest church in Bos ton is Christ Church, Salem street, erected in 1728. The Old South was built in 1780, the King's Chapel in 1749, and Bettie 'street In 1778. Rev. Dr. SALAUAN DEETBOII will deliver his Inaugural address, in German, on this (Satur- Y, NOVEMBER 'l4, 1857. day) rooming, at 9h o'clock, at the Synagogue of, the Reform Congregation, • tt Keneseth Israel," in Now Market street, above Noble, IFIXCAUMEN'S APPEAL FOR TUEIR SUNDAY. —Mai cabmen of Glasgow have published an appeal, requesting the ministers of Glasgow to bringliefore their congregations the great evils which Sabbath-driving inflicts upon them asiirclass, especially at communion services. y i re•are glall to see that the London cabmen are ,eitio stirring in the same vital matter. AlleWore to meet at Fart ingdon hull. tt Ad missien,freo on production of the badge." Tile Rev. SAMUEL H. Cox, D. D., suggests the fiTopriety of observing the centennial an 'filfersary of the death of Jonathan Edwards— mbicb ,occurs next year--" by a public meet ing of theologians in the city of New York," and "by prayers, songs, and addresses to sappily* front Mayen the continuance and noceildanay in our country of a pure and 'scriptural thbology." If the observance pro .pospd, 4ttn arrest the corrupting influences of rational em and reform agitations on the theo logy of many in the Church, we would rejoice 4.010 his suggestion adopted.—Chr. Observer, THE LOST ARTS iqrlito Prop.] 'tli:EDlron: My attention has been espe. ,aally directed to your paper of this day, con ,:talOTtg a report of the lecture delivered by Vanden Phillips, at Concert Hall, on the "Lost Arts." I agree with his opinion, that the ancients wore our masters in many arts, and that oven some of those which wo regard fia exclusively modern wore also known to 3llsni. I would call the attention of the lecturer tolt fact of which he is riot perhaps aware, as *mum to which I refer may not bo within the sphere of his investigations. Mr ? Phillips spoke of the balloon, and said that, for his part, ho had long flutter:a, himself that this was at least ono achievement that the modohns might claim a title to; but even this had been wrested from us by a recent disco very of Layard among the ruins of Nineveh, viz t a slab upon which was sculptured a gar den filled with spectators,looking up into the air at a fleet of balloons," Now, henturies be fore Layard thought of emiloring the ruins bf Nineveh, the Talmud, a Jewish work, speaks of a balloon in which "Doeg and AM opbel ascended." There can be no mistake about this, for the Talmud uses precisely those words which express the character of a balloon. It says that they west up in a tower whir& flew in the air—thus describing .the very shape and form of a balloon of ; modern times. This is to be found in Treatise gatittethim, sec. Iteleek, page IN. lt commentator, who lived before the modern era of Balloons, remarks “that they went up to perform witchcraft." Lando, in his Encyclo pedia of Rabbinical terms, observes—"that no dpubt the ascending in a balloon in the days of „Ws commentator would bare been regarded as, Witchcraft, and •that our commentator merely satirizes that superstitious spirit which aseribos every scientific discovery to a know -ledge of the "Black art." This is not the only scientific fact which tra argon and history record, but which, from not , being generally known, the present age takes to Ruff all the credit as being the solo inven tors of. The Itiblo Itself shows us that many things wore known which wo pretend the ancients were ignorant of. Do we not fro rMently boast that the ancients did not know that the world was round 1 and yet, King Solo mon distinctly saith . lle bath sot a compass round the earth." Al similar phrase, almost, is used by Job. 'ln the,setenoo of anatomy, also, we shall find many propositions and theories laid down in the Talmud which prove 'to the scientific and learned practitioner how far advanced wore the Robbing in the knowledge of the healing art. The Tory theory of Inhalation and respi ration, the action of the gases on the lungs, the production of internal heat in the system— these and other phenomena, as also the circu lation of the blood, the discovery of which last Is attributed to the immortal Harvey, may be found in theological works written in the Hebrew language, long before the ago in which that great man lived. &Lomax JACOBS, Rabbi, " '"'"CirdWhittraet'syringogne. ritILADEIRIti4I, November 12th. THE CAPTURE OP DEM! Prom the London Times' Corrempoudence.] 1303/BAY, October 3 At length I am tibia to announce to you the fall of the revolted capital of Northwestern India, or, if that appellation be not strictly correct, of the ancient chief city of the Mogul =pin), in which a faithless soldiery had sought to re-erect tho inde pendent throne of the descendant of Daher. Delhi is once more in possession of the Dritish. Our in formation at present Is more scanty than could be desired, owing partly to the dawk communication being unluckily intercepted between Labor° and Mooltan. But the main facts have reached us from so many quarters na to leave no doubt what ever that the place woe assaulted with F11V.30” on the 14th of September, when a permanent lodg ment was °fretted, that during the four or five fol lowing days further advances and acquisitions on the city were made, and that finally on the 20th the whole of the apace enclosed within the walls was in our possession. I should observe, however, that we have not connived as yet such mltain evi dence of the truth of the latter part of this story as of that of the former. The proceedings of the 14th, 15th, and 111th aro known to ae. however, compendiously from the official bulletins issued by the chief commissioner at Lahore, and founded, as you know, on telogra• phio messages from Deihl. But of the final occu pation on the 20th, we have only heard by an ex press from the residency at Joypore in Itajpootana, which reached Lord Blphinstono by way of Ahme dabad yesterday. It la dated at devrioro on the evening of the 23d, and is to tho etfont that the news hadjust boon received at the residency, both from the Rajah and also from the Yoked or Minis ter of the Nawab of Jhuljur, to whom it may be presumed to have been forwarded by his master, a chief resident In the immediate neighborhood of Delhi. Thus the tidings of our ultimate and coin pleto success rest at present on native authority only, but as the natural sequel and compliment of our undoubted triumph of the 14th they are uni versally oredited. Rat to complete, so far as my present materials will allow, the story of the avenging army. When I closed my last fetter we bed heard that the heavy siege train woe expected to roach the camp in a very few days, and that works wore being erected wherein to mount the guns on their arrival. While the troops were thus busy the enemy was inactive. There were none of those desperate sallioe from the city that eharaoterized the early days of the siege, when day by day successive waves of mutiny were shattered against the heightg of the British position ; anti though their artillery was not silent, the only seeeess attained was on the night of tho let of September, when a shell from the battery on the further side of the river (of which I wrote in my last) burst among a ploket of the 01st, in front of the Metcalf house, killing two men and wounding swell. On tho morning of the 4th arrived in camp the long-looked-for aelge train of between thirty anti forty heavy guns, howitzers, and mortars, with large quantities of ammunition. escorted by the remain ing wing of the Bth foot, two more etimpanies of the 61st, and a wing of the let Belooch battalion of the Bombay army. On the 6th came in, front Meerut, a most valuable reinforcement in two hundred of the oat rifles, and ono hundred :trai ling recruits. To the latter were added forty. five men of the oth lanoore, The plaeo of this de tachment was supplied, at Meerut, by the 7th Punjaub Infantry. On the following day the army was further strongthoned by the 4th Puujoub rifles, under Caßtaid Wilde, and by some troops of the Thoond Rajah. On the night of the 7th, the advanced batteries intended for the destruction of the Moue bastion ' and the adjacent curtain were tinned with ten heavy guns, at about six hundred nod fifty yards ' from the bastion, and an enclosure within half that distance of the walls, called the Koodsea Bub, was occupied by a deteahment of infantry and artillery. In these operations we titstalped to loss of something under fifty killed and wounded, two officers being among the former, Lieutenants Hildebrand, of the Bengal Artillery, and Banner man, of -the Bombay Tucillers,. attached to the Beelooohes, the latter a promising young Mama, well known to myself and to many people here, and by all regretted. The next day was marked by the opening of the advanced batteries on the Moron bastion and by the arrival in °amp of the Juirmieo or Cashmere contingent. Meanwhile use onglnoine wore hard at work in the erection of other batteries. tin the 11th a mortar battery opened on the More,' from the Koodsea Thigh at little mote than three hun dred yards, and upon the Cashmere' and Water bastions a fire was commenced from sixteen heavy guile and howitzers and ton largo mortars, planted at, two points in front. of the onolosuro known as Ludlow castle, and so noticed. in Wyld's map. On the 12th the attack on the Water bastion was st ren gthened by four eighteen-pounders awl two light (tive-and-adialf inch) mortars (increased af terwards apparently to eight of the former and twelve of the latter), planted et two hundred mid two hundred and fifty yards from the wall and the custom-house compound near the river. The fire of the enemy was most severe upon the luet.named batteries, which were exposed not only to the guns of the Water bastion, but to those in the old inner fort of Selitegliur, and also to those on the other side of the river. Mere Captain Felon, of the artillery, described as a most enterprising and excellent officer, foil, shot through the head. No other fatal casualty oc• ourred among the officers during those days, nor dews the general less appear to be revere conside ring the proximity of the batteries to the walls, And the tenacity of the defence, ,the enemy , keep ing up a vigorous fire of musketry from rifle-pits and patches of jungle, oven after their heavy gues were rendered unserviceable. This latter result was rapidly produced by the precision and weight of the oonstant discharges from our batteries By the 13th the Cashmere bastion was In ruins, and had long mood to return a shot to the fire which was continually kept up on it. The red joining curtains on either side were similarly ru ined, end from the debris of the Moreo bastion only a lighVgun or two at Intervals replied to the heavy shot and shell that were poured Into it. At the other end of the works the Water bastion had suf fered scarcely lees severely, its extreme magazine was blown °p i and alight gun which enfiladed our batteries bad boon silenced, Anti now, the me- merit for the assault drawing near, General Wilson promulgated an excellent order, in which he says' he "need hardly remind the troops of the cruel mur murders committed on their officers anti comrades, es well nstiminvives and children, to move them in the deadly struggle. No quarto r should be given to the mutineers; at the same time, for the • sake of humanity, and the honor of the country they be long to, he calls upon them to spare all women and children that may come in their way." heh the which, though On the scorning of the Itih, Boon after day break, the assault took place. The attacking columns were—au I gather from a letter that I t o da g y k a b b y o n e r, t have tr seen,, rank in the on army, following written is, as far no know, the only cominunication of so late a date that has yet reached Bombay—three in number, one being held, as I understand it, in reserve. Their strength is not given. The main Point of assault was the breach at the Cashmere bastion. One column, however, consisting of Ghoprkas and the newly arrived Jununoo con tingent, was directed to make a diversion by at tacking the liisliengunge suburb, which lies out side the Lahore gate, on the western side of the city, and, if it succeeded in carrying' tho suburb, to assault the gate itself. Mut the suburb was occupied by the enemy In throe, with a.battery of heavy guns. The Cashmerian troops behaved indifferently, and In spite 9f the efforts of the brave Oboorkas, the column was repulsed. Its commanding officer, Major 'Reid, of the Sirmoor battalion, is among the wounded of the day; but on the northern silo of the City all wont well. The troops entered at the breach with no serious anti, spreading to the loft and right, occupied the tt whole lino of defences from the Water bastion to the Cahul gate, including the Oasluned gate and bastion, the Mores gate and bastion, the English church, Skinner's house, and the grounds about." Tlie principal lose sustained by the assailants was duo to the obstinate resistance they mot with in clearing their way along the ramparts to the Cobol gate, and afterwards in an attempt to pene trate beyond that point into the denser parts of tho city in the direction of the Jumna Mtuoid. In all the loss amounted to about five hundredakilled and wounded. Five officers aro reported to have been slain—Tandy, of the Bengal Engineers; M'Barnoi, of the late 55th Native Infantry; Murray, of the Guides; Bradshaw, of the Sled Fopt ; and Fitzgerald, of the 75th. Captain posse, of the Carabineers, Major Jacob, of the Ist Bengal Fnsileers, and Lieutenant Flomfray, let Punj tub Infantry, aro returned as, having die! of wounda received. Brigadeer Nicholson was wounded, and his brother, of Ooko's Rifles, and many others. in all about thirty. Of the low of the mutineers I do not observe, even an estimate. It is dnly said that bodies of them were seen to be retreating both to the south of the city, iu the direction, of Kootub. and also across Ate bridge of boats, and that our cavalry had moved round the city to intercept and destroy the former Our victorious infantry, prudtently recalled from too hasty as advance into the close lanes of the city, occupied the comparatively open space in side the Cashmere gate, and the walls which they had won upon either side of B. Iloadtuarters were established in the house once occupied by the renowned Irregular Horseman, Skinner, and now known to us by his name, to the natives as Se °under's. Preparations were at once made for shell ing the enemy out of the palace, the Selimghur, and the other strong places of the city, and the firing commenced next morning, the lAth. By the evening of that day a breach was effected in the wall of Ow magazine enclosure, which was hold in force by the enemy, and the plane was stormed the 'next morning by the 81st Foot, and detachments of the Beeloch battalion and Wilde's In it were captured 123 pieces' of can The Palace being now well exposed, the gone and mortars opened upon it front the magazine emits sure, and the enemy appears to have fallen book at all points. Thus the Rishongange battery, which had repulsed the JUMLIIOO troops. was aban doned and occupied, and the guns there taken swelled the number of captured pieces to upwards of two hundred. The battery on the further side of the rivet: enema also to have been abandoned, and at the date of tbo latest certain and official news-7 P. M. on the 16th—an attack Upon the magazine had been repulsed. a ohain or poets had been established from the Cahill gate to the maga zine, and the enemy some hours tiefore dayfall had been maintaining only a detached and desultory warfare from the tops of the houses. Alany towns people had come In and received quarter, which was of course refused to every Sepoy. All this Is so satisfactory that we may well credit the tale front Joyporo, that on the 20th the place was entirely in our hands., But I shall keep this letter open to thelast in hopeof fuller intelligence, as a steamer is just in from Rurraebre, which Mr. Frei:a was keeping ready for an emergency, and which he would not have despatched uniets ho had something worth sending. F muss not omit, by the way, to mention that the Joypore report asserts— though I do not credit it—that the Ring of Delhi escaped to is neighboring shrine in the disguise of a wanton. &Audio, it is roottever repertod, wee raising - 1)34000 men to•latereept fugftives.. ,l P. S.—The Ragland brings neibln4 Neu Nue, realm but a copy of the 40ypora story which / have beforo given. Mut f have been obliged by the perusal of an o extract from a letter received at Nusseernbad on the evening of the 21th of September, from Captain Edon, at Jeypore, Sep tember 23. 8 A M,." which gives details of the doings in Delhi on the 17th and 18th, and which runs thus: On the 17th shelling the La!Rillq (lied Port ; this appears to be some other strong hold than Solinighur) and city. Fighting all gall leaders and native officers in non dissension, flee 0111 j: ono another, in the presence of the Ring, of cowardice. In the end, una niruityprevailed, and do , resolved to attack and fight as men without hope of enemy or pardon. Friday, the 18th.—Shelling all night en the Lid Riila. This morning gotin g ODcom tnenced, 10, /iillt;Ekomrs id some points successful, but constantly repulsed. Rifles doing much mis chief among the rebels. City people, both rich tend poor, running away. Suburb, whore Reid failed, (the Kishongunge), is ours, and also the rebels' battery there. Ring and two sons on. coaled. Ono bastion of Imi Itltla destroyed, and will bo taken." Captain Eden adds: The above is from the Durbar news-writer to the Rajah at Joypore. There may be some exaggeration, but I am inclined to believe this report, as the roan has always sent us correct reports on the whole." After this the report of the total ocoupation of the city on the 20th way be accepted unhesitatingly. THE 010 DELHI prom Um London Timm] Although the oyes of all the world havo boon fixed upon Delhi, and it has been naturally con cluded the turning point of the etntggle, yet we are not to suppose the difficulties of the war over; nor is this event altogether without is drawbacks. The osptgrp pfclhip must have the etfect of libe rating ninny of the mutineers, who will present themsellics olsowhere, swelling prob Ably other bo dies of insurgents. It bad boon debated among them whether to retreat to sown strong place lower down the Jumna, so ns to gain at least a few dap' breathing time, or to join Nona Sahib and the in surgents of Dude. The probability is that the greater part will wan der over the country in sutlicient bodies, and at such o tlistonce from our troops, as to live by the indiscriminate plunder of the peaceable inhabi tants. Such a modoof life is familiar to the mili tary tribesof India. They hold that it is more honorable to live by the sword than by the plough; that it is a safe profession, and ono that will Mold out when drought or the col lector starves out the husbandman,• and that it does not matter very much under what gag the trade is carried on, or whether under any flag. Till the great wars in which wo finally broke up the predatory tribes, and established our strong rule over regions hitherto the nurseries of brigand age on the most gigantic scale, there were millions of then who lived by sheer pillage, robbery, nod murder. Arranging themselves into bodies of ftve hun dred or live thousand, ns the case might require. they sallied forth, looking for the richest and easiest booty, whether a town or a province They took what they stunted and slow all that resisted, burning the cities by way of example. It eats scarcely be considered right that the afoot of this war should be to, throw things back into their old state—a gate which ninny elder natives, whether Musspitutips or Ilia ova fondly look back to as the gulden ago of their country. No doubt, many driven out of Ilelhi will return to the euatombf their ancestors, which, it is stated, • thoy care fully keep In mind by traditional stories and poems. It still be a task of no little difficulty to dig possess the soil of marauders who may Other seine coat age from despair, and who will certainly multiply their atrocities in proportion to the short ness of their time. Nor can WO regard without apprehension their desultory attempts to Inter rept our eounuunications between the Loser and the tipper Provinces, and their possible leleee+.l over small detachments on the marsh. But this is all that we fear. By this arrival wo learn the good nous that General havelock, having been joined by General Outram, lust crossed the (lunges, and that the relief of Imeknow may he confi dently expected. We minclutio, therefore, that the neck of 1110 mutiny is now broken, its head crushed, and that nothing remains but feeble, dislocated, writhing fragments. In the end. what escapee our arms still be absorbed inty the mass of the people, and, befriended lay thus and returning prosperity, may so escape the nett ihution due to Its crimes. THE VRENCII PRESS ON TILE CAPTURE OF The Pope is of opinion that the taking of Delhi deprives the rebels in India of, perliap,, the only moral force which woe left them, and that the es eat, while reestablishing British power in India, will terminate, sooner than we, to have been expected, a war of extermination, which wag regrettable in the intere.44 of humanity and (di ilintten. Tho Prase . takes a loss favorable viow of the news. It says: Until the receipt of more ample information we cannot venture to say that the fall of Deihl roalins all the hopes that wore built upon that event. Tho r• reverse of the modal" is that the English found Delhi denuded of provisions, and that the insurgents have cut off their comma nications, so that, according to ono despatch, the position of the conquerors is exceedingly critical. If this despatch is ourreat,,and if, insteal of being besiegers, the Englith have become the besieged, and are to be shut up in Delhi as they have long boon at Imeknow, the only advantage et their sue -0050 will be the moral prestige which is supposed to attach to the possession of the residence of tho Great Mogul. Tho Patric thinks that since the Kingmf and his family, with the mass of the garrison were able to effect their retreat, the "brilliant feat of arms" accomplished by the Englisktroops has net, in a military point of view, all the im portance whin people wore disposed to attribute to it; but that, nevertheless, it cannot fail to ex orcise a 'great inflame° upon the native mind, more especially if this success should Le speed ily followed up by the deliverance of Luck. now. Thomas Allen has been found guilty of an attempt to poison tho boarders of the Raj House, Indianapolis, and sent to the Jefferson , olle peni tentiary for fife yearn. • TWO CENTS GENERAL NEWS. Wednesday afternoon a man, whose nate. is unknown, was killed near the Gap by the light nidg train. The Lancaster (Pa.) Inland Daily says that ha was a laborer, and being out of work and unable to procure any, he remarked to several persons who werenear him before the train arrived, that he didn't care about living any more, al he had nowhere to go, and •had no money. As soon as he'perceived the oars be went on the track, and walked towards them; the engineer and fireman Bair the man, and whistled six times, but stilt the man did not heed them, but kept on the track. When the engine was within a few feetof him, be stopped on one side, when the end of the bumper struck him, killing him instantly, and knocking the - body some distance. As soon as possible the train was stopped, and the man was taken to the Gap. From his appearance, he must be between, thirty and forty years of ago. Ge is a. German but was able to speak English. A. C. Johnson, of Mt. Vernon, reco vered a judgment against the /Ginnie Central Railroad Company, in the Circuit Court of 'Union county, lately, for heavy damages, for putting the plaintiff off the train at night, some twelve miles from the station. Johnson had a $lOO bill, the smallest, and the conductor wouktneither change the money nor allow the plaintiff to' ride to the next station where he had friends, but dumped him down In the dark. The•court decided that a passenger is a passenger, if he behaves himself, even if his fare is not yet paid. The conductor's reason was simply that be thought the money counterfeit, and as the "tall young fellow bad on a white beaver, and bad the note in question,he supposed him to be a gambler, and didn't, care about hauling him anyhow !" The Hamburg ship Gutenberg, Captain Mope, from Hamburg Oct. 1, with 275 passengers, which arrived at Now York on Wednesday, lost 30 of her passengers and the chief mate on the pass age. The disease of which they died Is not men tioned, but probably it was cholera. Scarcely a Hamburg vessel now arrives at New York that has not lost from 15 to 30 of her passengers. Some persons acquainted with the facts reforthis great mortality to the character of the river crate" which is put on board of these ships. The mortality generally occurs during the first half of the pass age, as it did jn this case, while the emigrants are first experiencing• the effects of the water. Uncleanly arrangements on shipboard are also supposed to contribute to this sickness and death. • A writer in the Baltimore Sun, who bas been effieted severely in his family by that appallion disease, bronchitis, has found relief from the fol lowing remedy : Take honey in the comb, squeeze it out, and dilute with a little water, and wet the lips and mouth occasionally with it. It has never been known to fail, in cases where children bad throats 80 swollen as to bo unable to swallow. It is certainly a simple remedy, and may be a very efficacious one. The American Rouse, at Guttenberg, Nis., was entered on the 29l ultimo, and the inmates of one chamber, being five persons, were dosed with chloroform, the room ransacked, And the Clothes of the sleepers taken out into the street and robbed of their contents, valued at $614. A venerable couple—Mr. and Mrs. Butter field Varnum—died at Dracut, Mass., on the 4th instant, within five hours of each other. Ile was 82 years old, and she 78. They were married 4 57 years. The funeral was attended by upwards of seven hundred persons. A bill has passed ono branch of tbe Mis souri Legislature giving sovon hundred and fifty thousand dollars in bonds to the North Missouri railroad, and flee hundred thousand to the South west Branch Pileifio bonds, to be sold for not less than ton percent. discount, in cash. The Johnstown (Pa.) Echo says s--“ Every day we hear of the shooting and capturing 6f beers Tho mountains are full of them. Five of them were captured last week in pens, near the Western Reservoir, and from every quarter:4round us we have daily reports of a boar killed." • Tho Fincastlo Valley Whig says that Samuel 'Harrison, of Pittsylvanla county, is the richest nratt in Virginia He owns 1,700 slaves, and they increase at the rate of ono hundred a year. He is estimated to be worth $5,000,000. On Friday last, a woman in Corydon, Ind., was struck by lightning and instantly killed. At the same instant, .just as the lightning flashed, her sistor, who was lying on a sick bcd, aspired. James Gosling, a dry-goods merchant of Pittsburgh, rots been mulcted In $1.300 in the Dis trict Court of Allegheny county for calling Miss Morgan o "rascal.' The thetory of the South Carolina Cordage Company, at Charleston. has been destroyed by fire. Loss $50,000 ; partially insured. • The saw mill' of Messrs. Moore, Eddy, Co.. at Watertown, N. was destroyed by fire on Wednesday saning, :Loss $36,000, 711 E COURTS. FRIDAY'S PROCEEDINGS (Reported for The Prose.] DISTRICT COURT No. I—Judge Strond.—ln the ease of Whitson do Son we the Camden and Am boy Railroad Company, a verdict was rendered for thA plaintiffs for $197.50, hein& the value of two horses, alleged to have been injured during their transportation in the ears of the company. Copeland vs. Curry. An action of ejectment. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff. Ewing vs LAterria. Verdict for the plaintiff for $5,000. Niflobarts vs. Nolan. Verdict for the plAirdif for $379.99. Pombroker vs. Crow. Verdict for the plaintiff for $223.37. At the conclusion of the above business yester day altotnocoe, the District Court No. 1 adjourned for the week. The trial of cases in this court has boon marked with system, regularity, and cola. TUT, bISTRICT COURT No. 2.--Jadge Ilaro.—Stauffer, vs. Barrett, before reported in Tam PRESS. Tho jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for $1,087.53. The Insurance Company of North America vs. R. S Harris, holism reported in The PRESS. The iuty found a verdict for the plaintiff for $297. L. Nash Petit V. Charles Walters. An nation to recover a commission for selling certain real estate. Otterson for the plaintif f , and Henry M. Phillips for the defendant. The jury this morning returned a verdict for.plaintiff for $469.18 James tionlon vs. James C. Thompson. An rte. tion ou a promissory note. Byrnes for plaintiff. and Oeorgo W. Biddle for the defendant. Verdict for the plaintiff for ~i 278 11. James Manypenny v.r. Peter Kesler and James •Cone. T. J. Ashton and P. C. Brewster fur plaintiff, and Mallory and Kane for the defendant. This was a ease in which Monypcnny, the owner of a canal boat, laden, with exit, brought suit against the defendants, who were captains of the steamers Richard Stockton and Thomas A. Morgan, in 1854. The specific charge was, that the prose cutor had, through the acts of the defendants, bait hie boat and cargo in the river Delaware. The prosecution brought forward as a witness Mr. Moore, who testified, that in July of the year already named he commenced to raise from the bottom of the Delaware a cortaincanal boat, laden with upwards of two hundred tons of coal. The boat had been accidentally sunk at one of tho Port Richmond coal wharves. The witness, to pursuance ot his plau of operations, had towed the boat about two and A half miles above this point, intending to bring bar on shore. Having succeeded in this, he made preparations to raise her above the surface, but as the swells which were caused by the steamers Stockton and Morgan, materially in. jured the operations of the witness, he waited upon the captains of the steamers, and requested them, upon reaching tho point iu the river where the sunken bout was being raised, to slacken their speed, and thereby cause less commotion in the water. The captains bud consented to do EO, and bad fulfilled their promise for four or five days. At the expiration of that time the witness had sec. needed in raising the boat three foot above tho surface of the river, with a fair prospect of ul timately placing her in a position of safety. The two steamers, however. just at that juncture, it Is alleged, eamo down the river at great speed, causing such n swell as to endanger the lives of witness and his gang of laborers, and to knock out the bottom of the half-raised canal-boat, and there by eati,e tho loss of ono hundred lOW of tont flout her hold. On trial Couitus ts--Judge Thompson.—Dridget Conner againtt Mary Gormerly, an action to lot the validity cif the will of Francis Graham, de ceased, (before reported.) was on trial all of yes terday, and with no prospect of a conclusion. COVET or (RUETER SES,SIIINS—Judge Conrad The jury in the cat° of William Callahan, chaigeu with having sent a challenge to fight a duel, re turned a \ Orilla of guilty Judge Doran moved, for out arrestofudgment. Thomas Northpleaded guilty to the charge of carrying concealed deadly weapons North is a notorious pickpocket. Some three weeks ago he was arrested on the charge of being a fugitive from justice from New Jersey, and gave bail for his appearance at a future time. A true bill, how ever, was found against hint fur carrying con cealed deadly wedisnui in this State, and yet• torday he scat arrested in Pine alley by Detective Trefts, brought into court, tried, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment, all within the space of ono hour. Quick work! who receives the benefit? Alex lived units acquitted of an assault and bat tery. .John S. Leggett was acquitted of larceny. Sarah McCracken was acquitted of a conspiracy Mary J. Peale pleaded guilty to the charge of re ceiving stolen goods,. Mary Conner was acquitted on the charge of soiling liquor on Sunday and without a license. James Skitlington was cunsieted of an assault and battery. Aquilla MIMES was charged with extortion. The defendant is an alder man of the city of Philadelphia. in the 20th ward. It is alleged Ilainet charged 0 it. Lovett the SUER of ono dollar and seventy-fice cents fur per mitting him to enter into a receguizaneo to appear at court and answer some trivial charge- The law only allows the alderman twenty-five rents for rendering the same District Attorney Mann, on assessing the prosecution, maths a very foroibte and pointed speech, in which he stated that although this case was rather novel, and of a kind that did not often come before a tribunal of justice, yet if reports ho true, similar offences should almost daily occupy the attention of the court. Rumors allege that some of the city aldermen are in the habit of extorting sums of money for tho service ranging from $1 to $4, when the legal charge is only twenty-five cents on trial, A coxcoun, teasing Dr. Parr with an account of his potty ailments, amongst others com plained that he could never go out without catching cold in his head. c 4 No wonder," returned the doctor, "you always go out with out anything in It." Why are eagles given to lunacy I Because they are generally flighty in their ways. The chap who perpetrated this monstrosity is the same one who wondered how the Fairmount water works. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Clorrespondente fora Tam Pamiss , mill please boar in mind the following nate : Every communication caul be maxenpaaled by the mane of the writer. In altar to WWII 00121114111111 in the typography, but one skis of a chest should be mitten upon. 'ke shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen to Pennsyl vania and other States for contributions giving the ear rent neva of the day in their particular localities, the resoareas of the rtirrounillng scantly, the ineresse of •poptilation, and any information that will be interesting to the kenerst reader WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE PHILADEL. PULL MARIGETS. PHILADELPHIA, November 13, 1657 The apathy prevailing in the market for some Limo put still continues, and the transactions of the week have been quite limited in all depart ments of business. Bark is wanted at quotations ; Breadstuffs are in steady demand, and bringing rather better prices. Coal is more active and prices are firmer. Cotton moves off slowly, without change in rates, but the stock is nearly exhausted. Iron is dull and lower, with little or no inquiry for any kind. Groceries are also dull and neglected. Fish re main vary inactive. In Provisions there is nothing doing. Bides are riot wanted. In Naval Stores there is rather more activity, and in Spirits 'Tur pentine prices are better. Oils are unsettled and lower. Seeds remain quiet, but Cloverseed is scarce and wanted at higher fivres. Whiskey is better, but Wool, although in little better request, is without movement, owing to the difference exist ing in the views of buyers and sellers. There is lit he or nothing doing in Dry floods. The fall trade is over ; 1101118 of the jobbers are selling a few goods, chiefly to the city dealers and clothiers, but at low prices; all staple goods, however, are well bald, with light stocks for the season, the falling off, both in the imports and the home production, haring a tendency to strengthen the views of holders. The payments of the early part of the month bare been well met, notwithstanding the great difficulty in collecting and remitting money from the West at the present time, owing to the deranged state of the exchanges, and the inability of a large proportion of the western dealers to meet their engagements at maturity. Bansnsrurva.—The market, If anything, is ra ther firmer, with fair receipts for the season, the sales of Flour for the week reaching some 515,000 bbls, in lots for shipment, including standard su perfine, at $5.25a85.37i for mixed and good straight brands, the latter being now the general asking rate; $5.621a56 for common and choice extra. and s7as3 for fancy family Flour, as to brand, the market closing steady, but rather quiet, at these rates. The home trade are buying moderately within the above range of quotations, according to brand and quality. Bye Flour comes in slowly, and Cells in a small way, at $0.50 per bbl. Corn Meal is unsettled and dull, with sales of 1.000 . bbla Pe. Meal to note in lots a t 53.12153.25 per bbl, most holders asking the latter rate. Wheatisin steady request for milling, at former•quoted rates, and about 21,000 bus have been disposed of at S $1.28 for common to prime red. and $1.2541.3,3 for white is selling at the distilleries at 73a for Delaware, and 75a for Pennsylvania. Corn is bet ter, and about 20.000 bai old yellow hare been sold at 74a7E,c, closing firmly at the latter rate: some a 7,000 bas new yellow also sold at 5f,a57e. mostly at the former figures, to arrive. Oats are in steady demand, and about 25,000 bus bare been sold, chiefly good Delaware, at 33a331c afloat, including Pennsylvania at 33a34.0. Of Barley Malt, sales are making at $l.lO Paovisloss.—The stocks of all kinds being about exhausted, the market for salted meats con tinues at a stand, and prices are unsettled and lower. Mess Pork is held at $21422, and city Mess Beef at Isl7olB per bbl, but the sales are only in a retail way at these rates. Of Bacon a few small sales are reported at 1.4a13 cents for Hams, the latter for fancy aanyassed, and 11 cents far Shoulders. Lard is lower, with sales of country packed at 10a12 cents, and Western at 13 cent!. Butter sells slowly at 10312 cents for solid, 14a16 cents for roll. Cheese is taken ea wanted at Pad cents per lb., as in quality. Eggs are selling at 151 cents per dozen. Clnoczatem—The market for Sugar continues dull and unsettled, and only about 500 hhds have found buyers, in small iota, at 71331 cents, on the usual terms. Molasses continues dull and unset tled, and sales are limited to a few'small lots of Cuba and sugarhouse, from store, at irregular rates; ISO bbls New 'York syrup sold by auction at 25a35 tents, and 60 hhds Cuba at 20a25 cents, cash. Coffee—the market remains very inactive, and the sales are confined toAerne . isoo, bags at,lo.alli cents for Rio, and Wall} vents for Lagnayra, cm time; about 2,000 bags of the former sold by suction at 91a103 emaha.alareitini.t_A:i _L , market generally continues at a Stand and stagallont, In the absence of any Sales worthy of notioe, ara nearly nominal, traps actions being confined to smell lots from store at about previous rates. Sales of some 250 tons An thracite are reported on terms kept secret. In Lead and Copper there is nothing doing to es tablish quotations; about 2,000 pigs of the former have just arrived. AMIES are firmer, with a limited business doing in Pots, and Pearls at former quotations. BARK —The demand for Quercitron continues good, and 150 hhds have been taken in lots at S:5 for first No. 1. CANDLES.—There has been some movement is the market, but prices are unchanged, and about 4,000 boxes adamantine hare been taken to go out or the market on terms not made public. Cost, is in better demand. and prices are firmer, with a good inquiry for shipment East at fully former quotations; the home trade is also more ac tive. Corros.—The stock 13 nearly exhausted and prices about the same, but transactions are only in small lots to supply the present wants of a few spinners, and 140a150 bales hare been taken dur ing the week at prices within range of 12a1.5 cents for 'Upland and Orleans, cash and four months. INSIIICTLONS or FLOOR and 51a31. for the week enlinz Nov 12, 1357 Half Barrels or Superfine Barrels of Superfine.. do Fine do 31u.1.1fing3 . do Rye do Corn Meal. do Condo:need Fisn.—The demand continues limited, with but few Mackerel arriving or selling, and prices tend. downward : wo quote l's at $l2, 2's at. $ll, and 3's at s9ss93 per bbl. Pickled Herring Fell as wanted at sl , lsll per bbl, and Dry Cod. at $3 503 $3.75 the 100 pounds. Faerr.—Three cargoes of Malaga arrived last week. and sales to the extent of 15,000 packages Raisins aro reported in lots from the vftsel, mostly at $2.37ia52.40 for whole, $1.30 for half, and 65 tents for quarter boxes: about 000 boxes Lemons also sold at $2.25 per box. Domestic fruit is cm ing in more freely; prices of Green Apples ranoe at slas3l per bbl, as to quality. Dried do ba7 cents, Peaches 7alo cents per lb. and Cranberries at StiasN per bbl. Fnatnurs.—There is very little doing in foreign freights Some further engagements to Liverpool are reported at 2s. 6d. for Flour, Sid. for (train, and 2.75. 00. for Sugar and Molasses. To Londoa there is some little going forward at 30s. ner ton. A small vessel hss•been taken up to lo td Grain for Ireland, at Sid., and several to the West Itdicsou terms kept private. Southern Coastwise Freights are rather slack. We quote at 7a.c. to Mobile and New Orleans ; sa6d. to Charleston and Sa vannah, and 3c. to Wilmington. N. C. Colliers have been rather scarce, and rates dawn East are on the advance. The following, engagements hare been made To New York. $1; Troy, N. Y., $1.20; Providence, R. 1., 51.25; Boston, Mass., $1.70 to $1.75; New Haven, S 1 20 ; Westport. $1 00; Paw tucket. $1.50 ; Newport, $1.25; Petersburg, Vu., $1.50, and to Alexandria, $l.lO per ton. Hors are lull at Sal2a per pound, and but few selling. Mous continuo unsettled, and all the rezent import; remain cn the market unso:d. LEATIIER.—No material change in Trice! , ha 3 occurred, and good, heart sleek in li4ht supply and firm; but other kinds are dull and negket.M. NAVAL STURES.—Spitit4 7urpentine is scarce, and prices aro better. Mout LA bbli. hare been PM at 45alft.:, per. gallon Nothing new in ilo:da, Pitch. or Tar. Limited sales of thelatter are re ported at sl.7:t per barrel. Otns continue dull and unsettled, with but little selling this week. —Cleverseed is in request and wane, with but little offering. The dealers have been picking up a few small lots friwa wagons and store at $1 1'5a.,5.5 i 3 per bushel, and there is Mme re cleaned seed going out of the market from second hands Timothy continues inoetive at Sla” per bushel. .4. sale of 100 bushels is reported at the latter figure. Flaztced is firmer, with Sales of 450 bushels Pennsylvania at ,tz1.40. Ittcz sells sloWly at datilo per lb, as in quality. Setturs.—The demand for Brandy and Gin con tinues limited. and quotations are nominal. and unchanged. N. E. Rom sells slowly at 4SadDe. The stock ii light.Of Whisker. the receipts hare fallen off, and the market at the close is firm. Barrels have been .5 , 1 d to sortie extent at from 21 to 22.1 c, the latter for Ohio and Prison, 21e for hhd.i, and 20521 e far drudge TEAS are quiet, with a small business only to note. Tonscco is arm, but there is too little doing to alter prices WOOL. — The market is unsettled and dull, and business confined to small lots taken by manufac turers at irregular rates. We quote Pulled at 23e, Merino do 20a270, Tub 33535 e, and full blood and prime 503,550, cub and short time. Last week Joel Sehoonhoren, one hundred years of age, was disoharged from Sing Sing State prison, having been pardoned by the Gorerncr. He was committed for life for arson. He is a na tive of Orange county, and reached the age of a century in prison on the 4th of July last. tie saw Washington at Newburgh during the war,
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