it - ' II .4"'EEOXIB e4 , 44 3 -"= , _" - ici - l ar i r -717. ,, 4 if it ifil ~. i ....,-; ; / . .., 4h. 2 -lien *97e kilt! When 47ifilididiappened Soaks aipeace, and nothing witil.alked of at court,'sal the memoir -writers, WilyTeitiAlf; t l - 61arritiniptits,''carnivals, masque radek, and se' iiiirtli;ionenneldent occurred to stipplr thb! toinalelkii 'With talk.: This was no - cifhlic-t4wthif iietioxiTof breach of promise of kil.P.g.9.:,4oWAthi.Lhe:Marffe.iteroe l l.Miltjeis; ''' P ee Anil,""-wltllle'rinimpeado mon . ,4 .Vof,,lfitiijigAtinte-,1,4n -•Who 1 . ". ' iveligt piAllanoni. i'lS'otie 4 , the V j t.' ''- - " I "I " enough" ''.' 19 , 8 oate , arem ngo 1 . -fist : IttaifitiVeiblitttleifivlvnitementit; Others s' t-KM.PlPX.lfilliPti.thPeeti° oast eitherr' If 4 11 ?i j lardy with-senflmental peal iilives df otisolWri r, Odtuttltfolkitl•front,tincitt to timesre- ' vedied to,us in_V i tinrWorluW.-,' ` ' l ".;'' s''7; - :110044194 hrofiket.Tan . .clied in ',Piedmont, lefty ing ner children. His wife was instantly "be stegi3d Wittilifferd'of-nutriiigo 1 , 3 4 -varfda-vgrest ICi'4s.' 4144itstAt t i -- SI eireMustance. et which, W1T4,40 - stifiplatted,by, the.ehroniciers ~, not to ; ervel i"lbr Madame Phillpties Was a very re , filrnA .. l4§,abittirtbimilitdy, aliened:with' great , hefines-mid-lii Alio doiver of:her yOuth ; she possessed, moreover, in addition to all -these ' phileltltiq# f 4 sWlllMlsailiF , lir`e,s'' ol ..reYeelle tn iafe r owil rfght,J4i,qeicoroddkrublci. expectal tions.e.Pirstiarnong -the suiturs,-who,followed dei4elosely! 'on , tild'faineial;'Wits' the above likpitil,s4,M,MlMll•Pf.,,saltlehlilA b' edema' to have eon • a ,lbolialt follow, ahetwho-Was eer ,tainly mokt ~ scandalously, ,trcatcd : , The nar ' . ' ;inter Va'cite t iWitt4-'s si'dh,,titAceifitively ' - Warn state.* ,veßY,llatintgiVffiets. ,- ' a Philippes - - fritgatAt teknesingt'itber-Matlltds'S service, ' • --.. emir* weiald -bii-Raeidpiityto, make use. of .0911 4 91 the Ikailmild' in'Prince,,' Writtlier he.was gomeby„expresa -Order of the king. - . „Despite of her riches, the fair widow seems t( ff,4tiNb e AdAitletratif* :, * l oo}# 'r 4 s43'' PIO , $ "e allowed'lief/suitor .to pay her eipenses '.. altbe , waY,lfronM Tufln-lty'l'aries and these - Otiiissqs - Iyete ;14' 1?,0" Mna, light; ''All the household bier of 'r latiiilinctbaud, besides her ciWtlckaccompanied- hers , -The Marquis thought hii- lied '-the. `gaud in finis own hands, and as. Siltielf the;ttind, f_lf,reatter by, antic ipatlon-- iditiated ihaf ti ,the gentleraen,•servants, and ortiers of tlw,i . deceitfed , „should be dismissed, lietrietililli!lsreciat be e s r kre i s r' Sa s i k n e e c t ic a l i l l y d Oinoiselles, feuartieirde 'obambre, and .others for different kinds ofovori, as many as fifteen or. sixteen. Nit 'Madame Philippes was to prudent that she nevet t it isralleged,,allowed a Word to , esPape tharWould bind her; and yet , ise , :bleydi that.slie'eltained all; the' assiatance alio wide/ " ' ' * ' Tile Mary uis, as so on as,theygot upon French - glontld„hzidurd.o!Sd:(ltaliam that lie }gas), all WA idlelaita likiiii-the-watch 'to' prevent any consmunicationmbeing brought from a rival i for, he did uot doubt tint both a rare pearl Would be i migerly sought after.,Tet,,in , spite ;Mail precantioph. int.-40On• as the party lar. rived at Lyons, a courier , carats 'from-M. de Vietildville, at-0101v° of the lady, mid dalivered 1a 7 0, , t , te.r0 09%,eret11thatno One ever suspect- WO* . -existence. ..Theseletters contained thedufbrinatfon that the court had , heard of the p'eciiMlig•haarlidge witialli" Marquis of Salucca; AS, believed,th,e couple were coming to Paris for. tha_wedding. , . The nowstifid much pleased tie king, Ilegatute, hi);_hmlys heard ' that lows:bounds, miot (iii it,gpu more iliac any thia,,Tiszuf thought that .-the. Marquis, having become &Freed:lnnen Ili - thiiiilliance, would be tebieleitliful , Ofer 'api,rtiiitiii. This ;toss was a tiiiittitrient'ality not to have been expected from Pralmia 4 ll l 3 -First. ', However,' said the Cortes- Pendedtl 41 think you are going to marry Were for. the god_ of, your own country ,than year owl-good--If what khear,be true ;''but -I e t atiti#t•yetboTe'Velt i for it is nor,likelythat -/, Pi.Pllidi:tatet)idving"tefin. so h a ppyin your tisitluerriage -enter , on Ai:wilier so-hurriedly witbont.eveni;taraing youtfrienda." -• g , Madame de Monte-pw it in reply Wrote very 91w o. i aeteristietfer; ''.,Eirtneue other things, she said :-... 44 /,would. rather, die than do any thing Otwhich I might-have-reason to repent; -yeti will cdefetilhat the, extreme necessity iiki mos ickhl4,o4leadi of thelate marsh left s , alt made „me , trip in words. But al ave He in n has so' lielpiul Mt, that., here 'I linimviived in Franid.without being ,iffilanced,proiniscd, or eontwiod.loliving man, :4 ;I am veryanuch . surPrised 'the kinCeb,offidthitik I. am going to ll_Agl4 o i*B l "44 l lii 4rls° of r ay 00 1M4u 4 5744 kali:lßC* ..tast s. •I will never loran -Itidiawkend, if I were, the last man I abbfild - Agiests"to Mt& 'Me "se would`be the Ittik 4111:11 1 010:-Ti 6 1444 0 i , ieafinItaWitich I will give youriwbeii.we-tneef, ,, but, especially, he , , Imiudelie4-li tt , ide!f i,'.VerW il b e; aired -Fibllidlliti:" ',""';'- ' ' ',-.,; But spite ofthis dec , aratior, the,beantifid Madame Philippe!' remained at Lyons,.under the '*llit thi&M;Rqutil, "Wlicf ,',lfent ttrelve daYain ratikineilfejprepaiations, intending_ to arriviztat , ..conrt - hi t.tnagnific.ent style;'' When thepft arleitiith - set - oiff,;tliefebagglige was qt ellOrannifi 4 1 14,4 1 /*trais 50' uiAikntrOns, tbat sox,greatimatswere.filledai They did all-their cuoillig off-beard: 6 With • thent - they-tooi-a liOd*".4taks{:4oo(l' PY ..,A... Marlillie to arniiselifir mitbe.,river, and alleviate, the en nui- SO°, lady for the lots (if her' Itugband. Tifek 4MM-tied:en flid toie iit Rentable, and sentbi land the horses and mules, which ,ar- rived as soon as therdid at Briare. ,1 I , ' , 1 , M. de yieillevipo had news of their ,move ments nearly every daJr, by;:thn.douriers .who constantly passedron their ivapfkomrPledmont • to tho'court ;: he went'out front Paris as far as Corbel!, with about eighty hone r on 'the eve ning when"the travellMn . arrived at , ErsOnne. He sent a traetisenger , - 'directly? to lititdame Philliipbs,lnibriling her of hilf;iiniSe4Ont's; and got back an', answer not to show himaelf until the next day, at the dinner that•wiakto take -place at •Juir4. The, lad'.; appears to ' have been afraid that if the allgliteit misfile:ion of Ida Intention, had come to the Marquis, lie would have , s :seized her -and tairlied _her by forte- - ~,'''" _,,, a, ;'; -.,: ,J way'" ~: ,leille , 4lfe, , politelY4epi'outoof Alta until the dinner was Over,und theii nide up withilig froap. 4c- Tiefewbic treat iiiiverence and atklaiatiimsPami-.54%11 'ttillso , lllen,beganto tali as well , about they good cheer they had enjoyed by thp load, as about - tho„edventures that necessarily happen' in So taiga ;journey. At a -fitting opportunity, however, the lady sliripoji•swan- Lind Secretly calling the Sibur Plets's-ail.•ahat, a Breton gentlemen hiller serviee, ordere4 him as soon as they reached the-Porte Saint Marceau, to disentangle her train, from that of per suite, and move along , trio mink", it3 ' 111 . 6 direction of the Porte Saint- Gaines where, they werevto stop whilst she bade adieu to the Marquis. , Soon afterwards every one mounted, radial and.alic and this gorgeous; brilliant train" ar'., rived' in good- tinte at , Paris. At, the gat& Pleisis-au-Ohat_canied, out Ids instructions, and deiflprolialy ' ttparatetl: tbe" lady's .people frorm-the -Other/h.; The -Marquis, surprised, called orit`that they mistook the way, But heya... 1 4 , ..hin1e , ,..-INlPPes.PUllieg lIPc , aaid ' o bit th" Orr are going where they ought; for your lodging ft in r ilMtlfoilted 'des' Drains, in Hnol . ob3tor of Ifotre pamp,and mine ja in the ostel Saint fltiiijis, near the Angustfnes. My, honor commands me not, to lodge in your house, but to, separate myself from you, which is 'wily, I new, _-bid Pm adieu; but not, sir, without thanking you very humbly for your goed-company by the road. As to my part of the' expense, I hays it all down in writing. YourMaistre,digiites antlPleisia-mi-Chat will saftle Matted' r,o - ,ivelf together, that before. a week is over sve.aliall he quits; I..mean as far as regards money ; 'for - ,- -- for obligation t.S you will be eternal: " Now, I beg you - fo _consider that this seParatlon is only a bodily separation ; I leave you my heart) which you will be pleased to kcelf4.'- So, saying, she kissed him,,' and said, ~A diou,,sir, we shall meet to-morrow at the king'S lodgings : " ' . ' The Marquis Wes's° istonished at this sud den change, that fora !onetime he could not utters slngloword. , His sighs and sobs, how ever; showedhis - atignist - ttlabla eadnesa. At last his presence of,taind•rOturned, and, look ing at the lady in- anything but a loving man ner, ho said; "Mariam; your adieu gave Inv heart apang ; but yeiti'..latt words, and the kids with which you 11Si/it Niro:Wed, me, have seme what revived rre, though' this sudden change aratprompt resolution seem stunige. To-naer row, say., we shall meet; but bear in mind the promises you have given me. Adieu, madam;" - . Then the . two . companions. parted ; and Madame Philippes joyfully. took her way in liberty to thellotel Saint - Denys:- The same eidnine Vieillevilfe brenglit teller - rind intro ' cluced as a suitor ithel'Prlita de la Roche sullektialVll3 of royal Ord, 'gins brother of-thenksiof i pioptponsibr. , ,.,lt itur N oprwg. lievo me, n u ke tins goitlemen, as soon as riot- Bible, master of your person and your wealth, for all delay will ~ be periloutO said- he, • Th e prince and "liiiidanic, ~l'hilikOs •iie're pleased wi t h one' iinothei; and radial:tied Prormsefi. - Meanwhile the Maraud iffinnebundi who had succeedediMarslipl " Ifientetaa l a le ille,,go vernori3MPl,llAd,lta:/nothth.pc9joht Of succeed=ing also to his widow anitpropertyy lie there fore had written to the , llanphino to plead his , caude; atulioleprolieht that, by putting' their 'f. revenqespgether,• they intgld make up, a hun dred. thdl i tArril .I.ivol!,.it-Yett,q; yPry Ore thing' in li f iarice toeany one bait a wined. " The, , Dauphine' Mille vrith„, this mopotial and stfovgll . lipoltd4lr , favbt , 'of Dittinebundi 4, I kuoivi"r OA she„ f , that the Minfqui.s of. Sable° is three tuner as rich, but his position is more, uncertain; --Besides,•he is very disagreeable' in person, with ii'i,..tifi!Vi i i" , At, dir.tY: mrtiTtliY, and awkward. lYnemars zny:eatiihdukt r in you knew; Is a very pFeserttable felltemmi , -,, -. ./ . 0 ;; ,- t it 3 f:i*alfle.l/: : PiPliPeAit' B Vielli i br. cen ., -im.g , , or jt engage.mentsfivfliit Oprmeeranw , the Daupli#elaticoOltigly„Avitlidmr herpro . . positl,tind recommentid herlo,inafrY' us:fdat a Kt l r' s ,ai b ik T filet t iAlittit i i# laid:great 'affeaa , 0 _40,r-e_,..----_ ll -1 , 4;"4 , ni g t ~exeroiso Ila atm. ~,,,,ea.,,,,„! , , ,,,,c, t , ~ ,,, , ,,,,,,v,:,,N, all •' fi I.: 'l-'-' , , . -T49,000, k l iOt t ,AilgAKOti ,dir 19 . ./tWfie ca t lig - 4,3 0-htsethitreesi instead-et- ni4- , ;.- jpilllbrlilmfe,-li6llll4.lilnef 1iii,c1q146,6 gel WWI 'lldObil Vio , itturs d thdA"' ry" 4 ' e ..,-- . .i, - ve , ; 'SOLI 114'01 ,AfAMT.4(eigiti:rtigittiver . c e, I , .7,lAohtEart. a I*fn-1144W dtitery tow i So •• 4 4 : 4 0 ,4 a lalskupouotoltpir.w.itti lisilintleyiiig ;., ,, 4 3.Aigtid,leVlVi*e p ,l W;r l de) 3l ll'Vegae . I a 41/ 4 1... lranon,c inigum toe, a yobefore, ' 0 4 •• dr lap - " .rarts,,- Rik „p a b y ; ki, ~,...4„ ..„, .... ,„ _ti„.... ilte4 tfte g ,‘ e.` l O7 TAVOn icileartithOgiltAig did, ~. ; 'netlike to uialifs' - hin 'ltitthority against the interests of a prince or own blood. Madame_ Philippes,wati much' disturbed by the prospect of, being forced to ally herself with her obstinate suitor;, and we may be sure there wore all? out 'consultations at the pitel Saint Denys. When the, day of trial ,came,, she .appoared, accompanied , by M. de and many: other lords and •gen tleMen:,;:' fadieh . - and' maidens. - Every expected a long and' scandalous discussion. .The First President began the proceedings by telling Madame Philippes to raise her band and : swear to tell he truth ; one then ;askedher. if She had not promised Marriage jtb Monsieur le Marquis Jehan-Loys' de ISaluC64, then present. The lady, forgetting all her hints and inuendoes, replied, on her No. The ' , President was • about to examineifor closely, and the grefiler bad taken when On' fair defendant stepped 'forn'ard, and in a firm voice uttered the fel ;holing speech: • • 6 ‘.lslessieurs, this' is the first time I have over been Ware a eclat of justice, and, there fore, I am afraid that timidity may make me contradict myself, in my answers, to Cut short 'all the siabtletios in which yen, aro so prolicient,d, now say and declare, before you, 4eutlerneu, and all present, that I swear to God and the King-:-Lto God on the eternal dahination' of my soul—to the Xing on the confiscation of, my honor and my, life—thet I never gave any promise of marriage to Mon sieurle Menials, Jehan-Loye of &duces; and, what is more, navel', thought or doing so In my life. And if any one says the contrary, here, is (taltink It: de Vieilleville by the hand,) hmy 'knight, who is ready, saving 'the honor •of this, court, to prove that he villa lies I', ' 'This wiirlike demonstration, so much in harniPUY, with the character of the period, and the chivalry which Francis the First was trying to rotive,,'met With complete success. business!" exclaimed' the Pre sident, familiarly. 'C Greffier, you can pack up your papers: There is no writing to do. Madame leMarechale has ,no writing road, and a much shorter one." - Then addressing the Marquis, he said : "Well, sir, what obser vation do' you make on this incident'?" . The Marquis had glanced at. his own portly person, and compared • it with the martial as pect of the lady's knight. ' don't want, a, wife by force,", said he, ‘' If she won't have me, wITI won't have her; and there's - We end." '„ With - these words 'he made a low bow and left the'court. Then M. do Vieilleville asked if the lady were not free to marry-whom she liked, and, being answered in the affirmative, invited the whole ,coinpany 'to come and be present at- the ; betrothal between Madame Philippes and • the Prince de la Rochesuryon, which would take place immediately. But the wily lawyers declined, saying that they Must deliberate and send a. deputy to 'acquaint the king with - What:had taken place. One of them also ; whispered to the knight: ""You brut a six months' trial before you if you had .not 'been so clever. The Marquis had an interrogatory of forty articles -prepared as to expressions that had been publicly used by the lady to him and his people; as to the kisses she ..had given him by the way, cape oially the kiis at Porte Saint-Marceau; and as to her saying •to one Saint-Julien (a circum stance that would have gone much against her',) that she-Would give bins a chain of five hundred eons for the wedding," • fr Well, well," said Vieilleville smiling, "all We need say now is, that a French woman has outwitted a hundred Italians." -- Thereupon, the betrothal between Madame Phllippes and the prince immediately took place; and iu two or three days they wore married at-thb Augustine without much cere mony,the bride', being a widow., They lived happily' together for twenty-five years, and had a' son and- a daughter; but the princess survived both- her husband and her children, and died in 1678, forty yearei after her curious journey from Turin to Paris. listen anb Kinnors 1110tBANDIES.—cc Pinet Oastillon," Marctt, and 'other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks • Yellevolein Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half ;Irma, half casks, and sue-eighth casks. iniported and for sale by ' HENRY BOIILBN & CO., 221 and VS South Fourth street. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de -250 cask's' St: Joieph's Pure Juice Port Wine, in qrs, and eighth*. Tan pituchlions John - Ramsay Islay Malt ScotehWbbt , key 2 yearn old . Vitt! pipes Arieboi 3 Oln. Blirett,itartel, Bouvet, and 7..7 Donny Brandies, al Of Whith - I Ofter,te the trade at reduced prices. ' JOS. P. TOBIAS, au274mos 88 and SO 8, Front St.. below Walnut. ALE±Attntia y. gOLM}JS, WINE AND LIQUOR OTORN. - No, WA, Nomtbeast Corner o ORON.CN ofolArVlStreets. V , I: LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER Ve IN VINE WINES, LIQUORS, 4314A515, &Al South FUME fitreet, Philadelphia, and-1y 119tRANDIES.—Pinet, Oastlllon & Co., Ma rett & Co.' and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks = Pollevolsin Rochelle Brandies gale and dark, in half pipes, quarter 6mtkilitd one•elghth casks, ill in Otuitomllouso stores, hitporte4 and for sale by ' KENBY 130111,8bj & 00., an 0 Noe ; 231 and 253 South Fourth street. inrnatez. 1114,CGRAGOR NOT—AIR FURNACES .1.:K.1 Sold px 011APWIC1/1.& 8110., SECOND Street firaS door abase Raps. r antrAB4lmos. POORTANT IMPR QVBALENT— ' NEW (}As' CoNsuntiN4 ornotAtlE CRILSONV NEU' CONE I%URN4CE, after having been put to the most severe test, during the two dol o wltti as OE 1858 IND 1867, has mend to be the: moot powerful heater in the world, racing from g to X.the fuel over any of the best furnaces now In use. Terse l'unsts.oss are constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and'a broad, shallow pawnhaped fire pot, lined with Bro-brick or iron staves. The hen pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OP CONES, OR TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, bat tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the ander chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the due. TEN wad& products of combustion in the form of stmke and GABBS, are suspended directly over the tire, neurtnen or compressed into the tapering Goma and CONTINUALLY careen, to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. Thin heat and light Ls brought to a rime 1 DACE OWE, not unlike the OOLLEOTION OP THE SON'S RAYS, to a focal point through au ordinary leas, causing the SWIM AND OLDEN to became intensely heated and tho roughly .00X8011110, by this operation the ECM/ AND OASES are MADE EQUALLY AVAILABLE with the ?DEL ITULY for heating Purposes, while, in other furnaces, it to miasma 011 AND WASTED IN THE CHIMNEY. All persons deeirons of obtaining the beet and - MOST.I4OOI4OStIOAL HEATING APPAIIATUB, should not fail to examine the New Gee 001180)(INI3 Cone Ftranson before pnrchaeing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD d WILSON, (Bnceessors to 8. A. Harrison,) No. 524 WALNUT Street ? Opposite Independence Sonar . anb Sljo a. N° . , SOUT.MAST CORNER. OF MARKET and PLFTLI. Btreete. Gentlementh Beat Patent.Leathor (+alter Booth. " " OM( do. do, " Potent Leather Oxford Thu. fi " Calf do. do. if " Patent Leather and Call narrow Amp noon. Bore' and Yonthe Patent Leather and Calf Skin Halter Booth and Show and-tf par sale by • GEO. W. TAYLOR. 'ALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. .112 --JOSEPH 11.1'11011IPBON & CO., No. 314 MAN. KB: tared, and Nos. 3 and b yRLNKLIN PLACE, 'have xew ',tore a, Jargo and well.asaerted 'stock of BOOTS and'BlloE3, of City and Eastern ranuufacture, which they offer for Bale on the bat tonne for Cash, or on tho usual credit. rill , KINGSFORD & SON'S PURE ...2. • 02151200 STAMM (for tho laundry) hag ostab. 'idled a greater celebrity than has over been obtained iby any other March, 'Zoe has boon the result of its marked supOrlerity in 'quality, and HA invariable uniformity. ' The pnblio may be'assured of the continuance of the high standard now established. The production to over 20 tons dolly, and the demand 'has extended' throughout the whole United States, and to toroign countries. Workmg thus ou every largo genie, and under a rigid isystcm, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity In ithe quality , throughout the your. This le the great do s dungen,' In starch•making, and Is , realized ngli , fur the 'first time. , - The very best Starch that can he made, and no other, 'is always wanted by consumers, and this will be sup. lolled to them by the Grocers as soon as their cuntomers hove learned which Is the host, nod ask for It—other wise they would be likely to get that article on which the largest profit eau be made. Mr. Kingsford boa been engaged in the manufacture of Starch continuously for the last 27 years, and during the :whole of the period the Starch made under big super vision has been, beyond any question, the beat in the market. For the first 17 years 116 had charge of the works of Wee, Colgate Co. at which period he in. vented the process of the manUfactUre of Corn Starch. trr Ask ter KINGSVOItIrti Baum, as the name ,Oswego has recently been taken by another factory. it is field by all the beat grocers in nearly every part of the country, ' • ' • 'T-RINGS9ORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STA-11011 Iron puddings, kc.) has obtained an equal celebrity with their Stalch for the laundry. This article fa per. redly pine, and is, in every respect, equal to the best Bermuda Arrow Root, Insides having additional quali ties which tender it invaluable for the dessert. Potato Starch hus been extensively packed and sold lin Corn Starch, and has given false impressions to many iss to the real merits of our Cora Starch. Prow Its great delicacy and purity, it Is coming also nto general use as a diet for infants and invalids 3J. N..KR1.1.000 & CO., Aguots, 0e284f 190 SULTON Street, N. y, p , ALE•ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call • ince a t ri,:l.:V i ry anll42l:l w e a ltope e r t h i l , ? p zli o c r n i lt t.revigth and durablrltr. Ame rican, VMAY.BIi, PITLEB & 00., afil • • • 1 , 10:,941N, - "Watiki 'id, awl ,2.3 N. i51mr..,.., B I'FAINAR • Iit — BUTZ, 'PORTER,. AL AND LdORD. DBED DUNIVNIIY, No. 620 (bee 0, 038) North TIIYBD Street, khfladelphie,.—Shipping •rder`tlliotpptly attended to. . , I I .4)-R.XX . , SLAO.K.—EgGR - .AVING,. DIE' Sinking and ,Embossed Printing,' Envelope and 414Piela Dianntaatery,ll7 Strawberry Street, between oneroVand Thirl, andldarket and Chestnut Otreet, bliadaiplai, Pa.. -4, 1; ' - , ' , aul2l, `O.OIION-160 bales Gulf Cotton, in store , ito,l • MARTIN fr: &tit" ' AIiIiTRIA; aal , t 110 North Vistsvr Striwot • 6PPER—Lake Superior Ingot, for sale by U..,mcguT9.euu,s4 00., " ' Ma Market st reet, It - 01 - 1 -, ;'' I )1' :111 ' ) W494 , 8400 NA At, 64144' v ePr lA` „ ' I,f, 1 . fritE 50.4 4 141 ti ADES TRH wip , NpliAY/..:NpteMßErtfli, 1881, ObiPP ll lll. NEW ORLEANS PACKET NOTICE. LOUISIANA LINE.--Shippers per ship Mary and Adeline, Captain Watts, will please hand In their bills of lading this day to the counting holm for signature. Froights will be recolved until this evening at low BISHOP ? SIMONS, & CO., no 2-sltf. 120, late NI, North Wharves, QMPUOSEPIf JONES FOR SAN FRAN -011300.—T0 sail with quick despateh.—Breight taken at reduced rates.—The beautiful clipper ship JOSEPH JONES, Nelson , Eendloton, commander, now completing her loading at Race street wharf, has over three-fourths of her cargo on board and nearly all of her capacity engaged, will continue to receive freight for a few days, and sail as above. Shippers will please complete their engagements ,without delay, and band in Whirl lading for signature. For balance of freight,. which will be taken at very low rates, apply on board, or to 1118110 P, SIMONS & CO., 120 (late 30) North Wharves. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE fITNAMSUIPB STATE OF GEORNA KEYSTONE STATE. " In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October Nth. A, TIBRON, FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE.—Tho magnifieent steamship VAN DERBILT, Edward Higgins, commander, 6,205 tone, will mill From Now York ter South; From Southampton end =phut and Havre. Havre for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday ...... ....Nov. 14 Saturday Dec. 6 Saturday Deo, 26 Pitce of Passage—Ara cabin, $100; second cabin, $ 5O Specie delivered In London and Parisi. For freight or moulage apply to R. TOREANOkI, Agent, No: 5 Howling Ocean,New York, Leiters for' England and Europe, prepaid, 26 genie each hill ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps if tram other offload will be received at No. 6 Dowling- green, New York, up . to 11, 1 / 2 ' o'clock on the morning of sail ing. - aBEAT REDUCTION-IN FARE TO Ell .. ROPE. First Cabin $BO 1 Sdiond Cabin . . ... .$5O In the firet-claaa paddle-wheal ateamship ABRIEL, 2.000 tons, 0. D. Lupton, Commander, and NORTH STAN, 2,590 tone, r. E. Late:vas, to nail from pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying tits UNITED STATES MAILS', via: Leave N. York tort Southampton, Bremen for ~ompton, ~.. ....mpton vre and Bremen. Sonthainptonl for New York. Ariel, , Saturday, Oct. 81. WethOdaY, Nov. 4. N. Bat .y, Oct. 81. Saturday, N0v.28, Weds'd , y, pop, 80 Tkeao steamers touch at 128 , Specie delivered in London and Paris. For wane and freight, apply to D.. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Groan, Now York.oolo-tf , , , L'OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.- 312. New York and Havre Steamship Gotnpany.—The Milted Btatee Mall fiteamehips ARAGO, 2,500 tone, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, 2,500 tons, dames A, Wotten, commander, will leave thew York, Havre and Bouthampton, for the years 1867 and 68, on the following days: LILTS 1111 W TOILE. 1967. 1869. Fulton, Saturday, An. 22 Arago, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago; do. Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. March 6 Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, 40. Aprll Fulton, do. Deo. 12 Arago, do. 11ey 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LEAVII BODTtILMPTON IM7. LOATO 11.1YENI 1867. Arago, Tuesday, Aug, 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Arago, do. Oct. 29 Fulton, do, Nov. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 16 1868. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, Arago, do. Feb. 9 Arago, Fulton, do. March 9 'Fulton, Arago, . do. April 0 lAr ago, Fulton, do. Mayo Fulton, Arago, do. June I Arago, /tutor', do. Juno 29 Fulton, PllOl or reseaog : Prom Now York to Southampton or NaTro—Flril Cabin, $l2O j Second Cabin, $l6. From Ilavre or Southampton to New York—Flrol Cabin, SOO Date; Second Cabin, 500 francs. Per freight or passage, apply to MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, Agent s 7 Broadway. WILLIAM Mara. OROSKEF & 00., " flontleton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX-it Pixie. OttANOE CO. $O5 Wednesday, t e ng t , A Fulton, do . . 0 13t .23 21 Fultou i do. Nov . , 18 Arago, do,. Poo. 10 1858. fIpHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL -11- UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The Ships tiomposing this Line are The ATLANTIO, °Apt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstook, The ADRIATIC, Capt. lames West. ...iThpse ships have been built by contract, expressly for Wovernment Benito); every care hoe been taken in their constmetion,mi also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their actommodatiens for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, In trot cabin, $180; in second do., $18; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. No berths moored unless paid for. The ships of this lies have improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. TAM NSW TO K. /BOY saes: 00L. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, M. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1851 &today, Aug. lb 1857 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 Saturday, Sept.l2: 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Septa°, 1857 aturslay, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 18.57 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1667 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1857 Saturday, Dee. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1E67 Wednesday, Pee. 22, 1867 For freight or pusage, apply td EDWARD K. COLLINS No. 56 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, BUIPLEY & bo. L LWe r pool. STEPHEN KENNARD & 410., 27 Austin !tiro, London. ' B. G. WAINWRIGHT 8 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, ballion, specie, scions stones or metals, unless bills of ladingt:s n ; ned therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein liana forteo GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES STEINWAY & SONS, MANUFAOTURERB, 84 AND 88 WALKER aItEET NEW YORK, Received the following lint prise medals in eompeti. tion with the best manufacturers of Boston, New York, Ph iladelphie, and_ Baltimore. TWO VIRST PELEE MEDALS at the Metropolitan lair, Washington, March, 1855. A GOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pianos within the last six years.) A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, Balti more, 146. TILE FIRST PRIZE, MEDAL at the Pah., crystal Palace, New York November, MO. Among the judges were the first musical talent of the country, such as hf, Mason, Gottschalk, Wollenhaupt, and many others. St. &S. Pianos (with and without Iron frames) are warranted for three years, and a mitten guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped without charge. Prices moderate. 0c2741 A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE MANUFAITIVRER, No. 155 Blest Broadway, New York, solo manufacturer of the celebrated Contort Piano. The subscriber would inform his numerous friends and customers that lib hex greatly enlarged his manufacturing department, in order to meet the increase In demand for his unrivalled Pianos, and as every piano, especially tone and touch, in personally superintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an in strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands unsur- passed. 'livery pland hold at the lowest manufacturers' prices. A' etal is respectfully solicited. Merchant Zailare JOHN P. DOHERTY, rORMERLY Witit ISLLY k ant:ll'llßA, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, tc CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STIIERT, ABOVE EIGHTH, lies now with him the beet Tailors that are engaged In the businese in this country. OiTABLES ROM, formerly the loading tailor or this city ; M. &men, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Holly, do Co.; Manus Waosen, the beat Pants and limit cutter in the United States, for years cutter with Doplerria, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Depierris & Pettus, Under the St. Nloholaa Hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the eatabliehtnent. The heat of Olothea made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cools. ocl3-tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT OF TAILOR, Nos, II andlB South NINTH STREET, ABOVE OUESTNUT. At large and well selected stook of CLOTHS and CAB3IMEREB always on band. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the beet quality, and in the most fashonable style. Particular attention given to lINIPORK CLOTH ING. au6-tt -furniture. LL.B. KITE & CO. . FURNITURE, BEDDING,&o. • No. 413 (late 129) WALNUT K. Philadelphia. A new end superior etple of Bluing Bede. LYDIA B. Kim. down peal Om CAS ! GAS I I GAS! I I—TUE UNDER ,t_rt signed would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they have and ere daily reducing the price of Philadelphia litts, from $2.25 per 1000 feet to the low price of $1.60 per 1000 feet, by their MODEL REGULATOIt, which saves 85 per cent., a clear saying of 76 cents on $2,25, thereby reducing the price from 52 25 to $1.60 per 1000 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on all the princi pal and prominent buildings In the city churches, libraries, factories, hotols, end other public buildings. It has also been placed on at the Philadelphia Ez. change. Hundreds of certificates in favor of the said Regulator, from those having tried it, , showing the above saving, can be seen at our office. Store-keepers and the publio generally are requested to send in their orders. Cost of Regulators from $$ upwards, according to sine, Orden through Dlood'a Despatch promptly ettondod to. N. IL—Ylfty energetic, enterprising, and persevering wanted, to canvass for the MODEL RED ULATOR can make from $2 to $5 per day. RODERT T. KNIGHT & CO., Office No. 44 South Fifth Arcot, next to Moodie Despatch. T COLD, MINE FOR SALE.HE SUB x_A scriber offers for cola with a perfect title, the property known as the REID GOLD AND COPPER ALINE, situated 8 miles from Concord, Cabarrus county, North Oarolina, 'With the mine is a plantation of 745 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a lingo MANSION ROUSE, with barns, mitten' hedges, powder and engine house, sad other buildings; new steam engine, 95 horse power ; Chilian mills, stamps, pumps, Ad., embracing all the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, in good order. The mine has been worked at intervals for the last 60 years, and has always been profitable to resident pro prietors, but has never been worked for any length of time with an engine and machinery. The shafts and galleries are well' constructed, the etopplugs have never been taken out, and from 60 to 76 miners can be pron. ably employed in the old workings. On the property Is bformidable voin of copper and lead, which has never een worked, and a new gold vein has been discovered Since the first of this month, at which three men have been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good pracpeot of Its continuance. no2-Om CIIARLEB J. GILBERT, 11l Broadway. 'TLNGLEY & CO„ BANKERS B. Na, ST.South THIRD Street, Philadelphia., ' COLIZOTIONSimomptIy made on all accessible points In the 'United States and Salads. . Stocks, Bowie; &tr., Boned lad Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Bonk Notes, ()Make, 8 4 1 3.'1:ought at the lottest rata.. Deposits reeeteed end thketest allowed, as pee agree. meat. nor 2.1 m lISSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED OORDA.OI.—• saperioV *chats manufswatall • ind forfial4 WEAVER, FITIAR & 00., K' Ili &V P 9, e 8 x, Wm , * 0,, /4 22 /1, %Imes, rirlllE REST ASSORTMENT OF LERIGEC AND SCHUYLKILL COAL is at , II DOMAN'S YARD, DROAD STREET, above Vine. Sold at reduced prides, Call and coo. 0031.0 iv A LBS. IS A TON,-=8U YER5. 224,,..„ and COMIIIIIIBII are invited to eXaullne oat 'stook of "ÜBEIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK :HEATH COAL." OUT Coal is selected expressly for family nee; being carefully ecreened, we will warrant it free from elate and dust. " eell 2240 Ita.," being 240 lbs. mon" than sold byretalldealers, at "Woods less per ton." • Also. on hand a full supply of "BROAD TOP , BITTY; MINOUS IJOAL ,, for Steam-generating, Blaskamithlngi and Rolling-mill purposes. Thls Coll cannot WHOP. celled. • - •• • • Yards, BROAD and VINN—Big Blga, 220 A TON. [seB-3m] LNIOUTON & qp rOALI COAL I GOAL I—TAGGART 4 oRLDBRATRD aPRINQ MOUNTAIN LEIMOII COAL. J. &R.OARTEWB4ingorwooi,TAmmituooAL GEORGE W. DURUM PINB TORIZT sogun, RILL GOAL. RANDALL 6; MEREDITH nave for male, sindfire oonstantly noir* from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There it no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality, these, and a trial will °optima any one of their &eat aupenority. Our Coal yery carefully noroOned at bur yarde, and we will warrant It pedectly free' from slate, duet and all impurities, Our RIOIIB armee LOW lithe VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our °Moe, No. 151 Mena YRONT street, above Wslout, Orders left at our Yard, OALLOI9IIILI, fitrietib4lo* BIPDAD street. ' , Orden, left at our Wharf, WATER street, above eAt- Lowitua,—or cent to either pleas per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family lase will do well to eall and er mine our Coal Wen pull:hulas eliewhero. ant-t& • QoEturfaril4t, ANTI e tc Iz. 01:5.04.7 I am daily ragetving, 0 nly yard the bait qiiiittro 801.113YLKILL AND LEHIGit 00A.L. My onetotners, and all others who cosy favor me with thelx otters, spay rely on getting OW that will be eatisfaotorp to them. DV— No inferior Coal kept at this estAbllehmeot to offer at LOW PRIOIIB. .EHIGH AND SCHITYLKILL A-4 DALY, PORn'E & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very breast rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an 143 m I i Southam) • T .UIABER AND coax,.—MONT4OIIERY i.. 41 4 ;MALL having connected the Coal with the Lumber Malacca, ilAmtn their friends that they her , mule contracts for a niggly of Me pro quait to s o f Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now MO to ;P -eels. orders, Twelfth sod Mots streets. Orders may be lett with Mr. 8. KILPATRICK, No. la 8. TIPTIL street, or with Mr. WM. D. NULL, corner PINK ant WA.T.BII streets. aulB-11ns QUAKER CITY NAILS, -- AIEROHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, ou the Schuylkill, above }Vein Garden Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street, 21 7 415 -lift CITY NAILS are warranted equal to ,aity 1.11 O. OCD-tr WI:10MM E. BAXTER.—IIAEDWA.RE 013TLItRY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARICXT ST. Loon Ninth. .out'h WM. WAWAlylila au do, Jan. 13 do, Yob. 10 do. Mar. 10 do. April 7 do. May 3 do. Juno 2 do. JOON SE WI NG MAO /414 S..—OrROVER., t• BARER, & CO.lfi UNRIVALLED SEWING MA. CIIINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases, After years of trial It is de monstrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kindi of shoes. The tact that it does one-third more work In the same time, and does it better ;that it le the least liable to get ogi Of repair, being simple in Ito construction; that it makes the least noise, and that It la acknowledged on all hands that it is belt for a new beginner, has alma the pro prietors a demand for it to such an extent that they are , obliged to delay the filling of orders in many cases for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in thin city, and the case has yet to occur whore a person who has purchased one has exchanged it for another kind. Taking into consideration also the fact that those who employ from 15 to 90 liands In their shops, doing tine work for the manufacturers, without exception, use Ibis machtne in preference to any other kind, and al ways recommend them in preference to Others, it would. mom unnecessary for the proprietors to advertise their twopence, or sot forth their superiority. The undersigned, BOLE AGENT/floe the sale of these Machines. always hare a supply, and hare made ouch arrangements that they sell them %ton terms that Meet the wishes of all. Unlike other Machines sold in this market, it is free from 411 Infringements of otherrttepte, k BROTHER, GIMBAL &KURE, /AM. V n EWING MACHINES.—PRATT'S 1,7 PATENT—PRICES FROM $l2 TO $25. The'" LADIES , COMPANION" is the most simple, durable, compact, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without puckering the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work, and al anyafasteniag the thread when stopped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but ono thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from five to fifty to the inch. Any one can learn to operate them in half an hour. Printed direc tions accompany etch timeline, by which any one can use them. We are offer these superior ma chines at the above low prices, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for borrowed pa rents, this machine being made under our own patents in every part, and infringing upon or using no other. Thorn are some hundreds In constant use in this city and vicinity, which are giving the best satisfaction. Every machine is warranted to give a - adduction. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and ',tumble them and their work, and Judge for themselves Samples of work, and drawings, with description, seat to any part or Me country. by . Salesrooms 113 WASIIINOTON Street, Boston, and 577 BROADWAY, New York. oc 27-tf 10tASS'g EAST INDIA PALE ALE.- The consumers of this celebrated beverage need no description of its qualities, or evidence of Ito excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from ite use since its Introduction into this country ; to these who have not yet made an acquaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, It may be well td elate a few facts : BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes its excellence as n beverage to the superior quality or the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the ItTer water immediately communicating with the brewery, and the scientific skill applied in its manufacture. BASSI EAST INDIA FALB ALE Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palates, is, therefore, 'neither beating nor heady, but etomachlo . and appetising. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE To tho delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern in hie fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawn.. BAN'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Di the think without which no tlNn can be complete— no journey by dawk poasible. DABS'S EAST INDIA PAL% ALM Is the favorite drink In England of lord and bagman duchess and nurse. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the muehoulmired tonic for Invalids and persons p week Interiors. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Will keep In all climates; and Is good atilt charm, dinner, or enpper. BABB'B LOT, INDIA PALE ALB Is pronounced by the medical faculty one of the molt wholesome beverages that eau be taken, aad is found to be not less agreeable to the palate than it is benefielal to the health. BASS% EAST INDIA PALE ALB Is universally conceded to be unrivalled la oacellensi by any other Imported into the United States. Dealer' and comment will Sod it their Interest to give this Ale a preference. For sale In cask and bottle y TROMAS htoIkIULLEN, Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVER St., N. F. On eale at Belmonloo , e, William at, corner of Beaver, and Chambers, corner of Broadway, r Sutherland's, 18 Pine street, Berry's, 10 Pine street, Richardson d Rayter, 120 Water et, George F. Burgeffe, 48.1 Broadway, N. B, Dolling, 231 Broadway. GBEEN SAND MARL OF NEWJERSEY. —THE NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY Is now prepared to receive orders for this Importaist manure. For all lands upon which rakes .re beneficial, the Merl is more than a substitute. Professor Cook, in his annual report to the Legisla ture of New Jersey, says : The value of these Maris Is best seen in the rich and highly cultivated district which has been improved, almost niade, by their use ; but it may be interesting to examine the causes of their great value in Agriculture, and to compare them with other fertilizers. For example: The potash alone may be taken at an average of live per cent. of the whole weight of Marl, a bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of ipotash ; this is nearly as much as there is In a bushel of unieached wood ashes." And again— it is probable that the great value of the Marl is to be found in the fact that it coptaina nearly all the sub stances necessary to make up the ash of our common cultivated plants. Price, delivered on hoard vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland heights, or:Raritan hey, New Jersey, seven cents per bushel. For further pertleu hers, see circular, sent, free of postage. Orders for other fertilizers will receive prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. . . . ODAELES SEARS, President, liicevillo Poet Office, New Jereey: TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 NBRBO,II 'street, New York. Geonas W. ATWOOD, Secretary, No. 10 Oodar stree New York. N. B.—Those wishing Marl for Spring use should order immediately, to secure Its early shipment. Orders Will be filled In rotation. ' act 2941 m LONGWORTH's OHIO WINES. GENERAL MiI:NOY FOR ALL TILE STATES, TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. By a special arrangement with Mr, LONGWORTII, am enabled to offer his Wines, in large quantities upon 'the lowest and beet term, The Whin to be delivered In Oincinnati, and forwarded by usual means of convey. Once (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the °gnomes of storage, commissions, double freight, eta., will be avoided. ' No orders under this arrangement will be forwardea for loss than twontptive cases. All orders moot be directed only to FRED, S. COZZENS, 78 WARREN Street, Nair Yong. By the present arrangement a handsaw° profit on these wines can be made by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1863, quarts. Do do do do pinta. Do do do 1852 quarts. Do do do do pinta. Still Catawba, vintage 1852, quarts. Do do extra, vintage 1852, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Still Catawba, in cask., of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED. S. COZAKES. General Agent for the sole of N. Longworth's Wines, 79 WARREN STREET; (opposite Hudson River Railroad Depot,) no2-11m New Youl. CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3, 1867. NOTICB.—The Board. of ROYISIOU will meet at tills °moo on the following named days, from 10 o'clock A. 51., untlll o'clock F. M. let and 24 Wards on Monday, November 0, 1857. 3d 4th " Tuesday, a' 10, " 6th 6th " Wednesday, " 11, " 7th Bth " Thursday, " 12, " • oth 10th " Friday, " 13, 11th 12th " Saturday, " 14, , 13th 14th " Monday, 18, • 15th 18th " Tuesday, " 17, " 17th 18th " Wednesday, " 18, " 10th 20th " Thursday, 4 4 10, " 21st 224 4 . Friday, " 20, 23d 24th " Saturday, " 21, " The Assessors of the several 'Wards will be peiticular in attending upon the days, of the mooting of, their, GEORGE M. MILL, JAMES M. LEM, JAMES Lochoi, • • PETER ARISIBRIISTRR WILLIAM V. MoGRATIl t nov7-dt2lot. LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO. T 11a WAINTIT ,t.4lwilror PIPER f an I riONGIMS FcANGE.—SOLI) DT ()Hai). wuni N 0.203 N. ONOOND ROO. 11411-11aco. ALEXANDER OONVERY, N. B. oorner of Broad and Meru EU 4arbuiare. JOUR lIALUIMAN, 41goat Zeming Machine° Board of Revision taub .enles ITOMESTISAD FOR 82,001 LAND DIS- KALTRInIITION ! ! 011 ANON 201 t POOH, MEN ! ! The Northwestern Nutual Land lienetit Association will make a grand distrlbutlon of 180,000 worth of real estate and maps to its members. Tito number of mem bers is Ilralty4 to . ItaCi *O,PO lad Ore latter stamps Der membership, or a abate. Any individual sending 49 NO Ale atom', shall tm, entitled to lx 'bares; or any parses sending $lO with Nix name,, with t headdress O V)Ff' , 4 written, alien be entitled to atx charm. '' e o w„inu is the rod_ estateito•be,4ll44biiitod : , pto. , n Improved ram 40 01:08 1 0,t0 90oke__ igir 4 qtr . . A Iffirtaitinirwl.t . opt 0,...i 7 4; rplu44aa 411 t t )to. St Au lid Tod ram' of leo &brag InWhitt- aides Co., Imila, veiled at' • .•. _,.. 0 , 000 N 0.4. An exoellent private residence la Dubuque, Imma t, ~..,, ~ , .. , •,, , 1 .1, , - ,d, OO No. 8. 100 oot:i. ooporto,l F ',;,,land la Cooke CIO., 1111noyained at' ',, , '', ' . ° 2,064 No. 0, 1 poresir,qo plia4 timbered to Waufaiita, co., IV corultn, valttod At 000 No. 7. a rat Int "and cottage residence In OW- plrf9so 4 aetliii va tiot ia lt:r t ,land to Whiteside& C0., 2,09P 141104 alue4 , , " l'.ooo No. D. 160 muds goo f t,liad to OhlppoWay 00,, WilmlaNA, eilied at' , ° IP No. 10. 169 ammo. good ,Iluitt'lp ,Ohlepaway co., Widoobalit, value 2 at ' i 060 No. ll.'. 160 &Orel goot - land lu phippoway Co., 12licatnaa;talDed at No. 12 160 alMta *ed iina In Palis`ol4 ) Wla amain, ye.)uild al ' , ' .., . :lien No. 18. 50 Oral 04 band,in NaraMll Do., lowa,' ', ;.;;; valuad at ' uuY N.l: 0 actraag*l4l in Mikhail CO., lowa' valued at , r 6,., 1 Ito. lb.' 60 sopa goto 0* iititititiketi Cit., Inerei: -7 eeintel it' ~ *9 No.lo. '4O 4oreige#l, tenti in MarahillOo., luirh . sallied at: ' N 0.17. 49 at; good laud in Linn oo.,.lotia,val• tied at , • , No. 18. '49 aprea toed land in Lumpo., lowii, yet. 1. ,, • 1 ued ' f 't . . I"' Ko.lo. 440 *as goiel lirid In Linn 00. ' tows eel wen at ., _. 81 ?° , No. ofi, t Aerie tetuonir let In Dubuqie, LW*, Vat q led N 0.21. 06i 1,11141 ii lot in 'l3 - terlitif,,llllnots„ valued at 800 No. 22. One building lot In Sterling, Illinois, valued at „ 800 No': 88; Orli 'banding' litlie - Willie 111111014 ' valued at' ; , ; 1 '., •i L 0 ;, • , :.' 800 No. 24. 40 soniStatin land in Grant CO., Wlaaorr. , ', • ' On. valubd at , I No. 25. loner./ tarn lend in Cant Co., Wlieakit. sin, Woad at - No. 26. •40 cores laud •In Grant Clo , , Wlll,ool'll, ' • valued at' ' .! 240 N 0.21. 40 wee Ind in' Grant Os., Whiscussin, ; valued at 240 N 0.28. 40 sorsa land in Orawford 00., Wlssonain, valued at 200 No. 20. 40 Mel land in Crawford 00., Wisocuoip, ' valued at 200 N O . P. 40 Woo laud Itt Crawford 00., Vilsoontin, veined et 200 Ko.Bl. 40 aossa laud in Monroe Co, • - - valued atSOO No. 82. 40 saes bad in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, raluod at SOO . No. 88. 40 sera bad in Jackson Co, valued at 20/0 No. 84. 40 acres land in Jackson 00., Wisconsin, calmed et 200 Nd. 30. 40 sores land In Bad Axe oo,Wisoontin, valued at 160 No. 36. 40 sores land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, , valued at „ 180 No. 87. 40 acres bunt In Bad Axe 00., Wlrootudn, valuedl6o No. 88, One lot In Fulton, Illinois, 441na4 at 160 No. SO, ,One lot in By te al U ll uois, rained at 100 No. 40. One lot in Butte*, Illinois walued et 104 The distribution will lit conducted fairly and honors ably. The names and address of stockholders shall be written on as many small nerds .as they have share., and the whole placed in a box, and the first name taken out shall be entitled to the Improved farm No.l hi the above lid, and tbs,next taken out will he entitled, to No. 2, and eo on until the 40 items of real estate are All distributed. Then to each of the something 14,980 stockholders will be sent a cheap snap of a Western State or Territory. A full account or the distribution will be fomented in a Minted °troller, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such as may receive the real estate—to whom also the deed 4 will be sent and Immediate possession Owen. Each ap plication must be eaconipanted with $2.00 and dre letter ,stamps. Address LINDBLL, JO M NI'S * 00., an-18 , ileage, 111h:tole. 11HOICE FARM. LANLzI rtha SALE.— .rff THE ILLINOIS ORNTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY of now preptred to sell &bent 1,500,000 aorta of choice Farming lands, in treats of 40 acres and upwards ; on long milts. and at low ?sten of intoreat. Tisane lands were granted by the Government to' alit In the construction of Otto 'toad, and are among the richest and meet fertile in the world. They extend from North-Beet and North-West, throng!' the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and Inalnde every variety of climate and productions found between three parallels of latitude. The Northern portion Is chiefly prairie, interspersed with due groves and In the middle and Southern sections timber predominates alternating with beautiful prairiall 1044.°P,M1P110. The °IWO* fs more healthy, inlid and equable, than any other part of the lonutry—the air Is pure and bra cing,. while ltving streams end springs cd excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, end supplies • cheap and desirable fuel, being furnbilted at many points at Si to 14 per tau--and wood can be had et the ume rate per cord. , , Building Stone of ,excellent quality also abounds, which can be profinted for little more than the expense of transportation: The gust fertility of these lands, which are a black rich mould, from two to Ave feet deep, and gently roll log; their contiguity to this road, by which every fin, i lity is furnished for gavel and trensportation to the principal mukete :North, Swath, Bast, West, and the economy with' which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable investment that can be found, and present the most favorable opportunity for persons of industrious hibita and small means to inquire a nom: fortable independence in a few years. Chicago is now the greatest gram market lathe world; and the facility {lnd economy with which the products of these lends can be transported to that market, Make them much more prodtable, at the mien &eked, then those mord remote at government rates, as the addi Bonet cost of transportation is a perpetual tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer, in the re. dued price he receives for his grain, &o. The* itle is perfect—and when the anal payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and In whom the title is vested, to the per chewers, which convey to them absolute title. In fee sine , pie, free and clear of 'wary ineumbranse, lien or mort gage. The prices are from $8 to S 80: interest only 8 per et. Twenty per et. will be deducted from the price for cult. Those who purchase on long credit, give notes payable in two, three, four, live and six years after date, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for five years, so as to pare one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time, Oompatentourveyors will accompany Moan who wish to exorable them Lando, free of charge, and mid them in making aeleotione. The Lando remaining untold are ea rloh and valuable u thou which have been &pond of. EMOTIONAL MAPS . . . Will be sent to any one who will enclose fifty cents in postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nu maroon Iristances of stuseenfol farming, lived by re spectable and well known farmers living in the neigh borhood of the Railroad Leads, throughout the Rate— also the cost of fencing, pries of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, eta.,—or any ether 'information— will be cheerfully given on application, either personally or by letter, in Rogileit, Friona, or Merman addressed to 70IIN W1L3014. Land Clommissioner,of the Illinois Oentral R. It. 00. Oleos in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, lino's. Ir, ANDS! 'I,ANDS!!=-I OFFER FOR xalo the following valuable LANDS In SOUTH WESTERN GEORGIA. All persons are hereby csu• tloned against trespassing upon any of them. Ootober 1857. T. It. BLOOM, Macon, Gs 0017Htt. ..•.. bdonusHrt Ist Mattlot-7333. 00, 93, 97. 7th District—No. 365. 9th d?—Nos. 19, 329, $29, 333, 369, 376, 379, 380, 410 406, 408. 10th District—Nos, 45, 46, 47. W 01173; ()MINTY. 7th District-14a. 121, 623. 16th do 11, 12, 65. 16th do 20, 31;88, 239. Lit COUNTY. Ist Dlutricl—Nos, 130, 160, 168,, 106 13th do 6 ', 9, 181 , 14th do • " 113, 144. HVtPTVR cowurr 15th Dintrict—No. 91 TRARELL COVNIi 'llth District—Now, 126, 250. 12th do 103, 201. EIIIDOLT.II 0013ATT Bth ID htelot—No. 144 12th Dlqtrict—Nos. 200, 221, 222, 222.224, 225, 251; Sa 18th do • g, 70 18,3 7 1 0 9, 8 2 9 8 6 ;98, 70, 391, 992, 394. ÜBOATUR COUNTY. 14th Lohdriot—Nos. /SO. '27th do 190, 240. DOOLY COUSTY Ist District—No 720 211,212,213 214' " 221 222 222, • 224;225, 220.227, 2 . .25 '2d do 155, 237. !7th do 4, 211. 9th do •, 110. /1013210 N COMITY .6th District—Ng: 21i Eth District—M. 102 ?AMA 0017NTT Dletrict—Nos, 87, 88. 14th do . 6 03, N. TITIFF ICE 'OF TIM COMMERCIAL MU- A-r TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, , iCOMMERCIAL BUILDING, Noe. tit and td* WILLIAM STREET. l New Tone. July 23,1857. The Trustees, in eonfonnlty to.tte charter of the Company, submit the following statement of its affairs on the 30th of June, 1847 : Premiums on Risks outstanding 30th June, 1850 1215,012 15 Premiums received during the year ending 30th June, 1057 700,127 31 Total Premium $975,140 14 (No Policies have been issued upon Piro Rieke disconnected with Marine Rieke.) Premiums marked off as earned for the year ending 20th Juno, 1957 $749,224 6 Loma and Exponaos.... Return Premiums Au•lueuranoes . .. $430,093 13 ... 45,202 10 ... 62,031 67 The Aisets of the Company on the 30th June, 1057 Mere as follows; Notes In [Oconee of Premiums Premium Notes mot Bills Receivable Leslie en fitooks, Stocks mud other' Sound , ties, Solvate, and ap-fpouranco. Claims., Cash t o Banks, Total Assets i The Board of Trustees have this day reLlirW, - iliat an interest on the Sax Pali One.. on the outstanding Scrip of the Company, be pild in cad' to the holders thereof, pr their• legate representatLytas, on end after TUESDAY, the 11th of August next. The Board have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TEN Rae OiRT. on the net earntnlPreinlutus of the Company for the year ending Dilth Juno, ISSh for which eartitt- Wee will be Intlell on and tater TUESDAY, the 11th of August next. • I By order of the Board, HENRY D. KING, Seoretdry. Titi/gT.EE4. leery W. Barstow, Jo , rdah ti. Low, James 0, Bell, Stephen D. llarrison, Charles L Proet, William 4. Sole, Oeo.ll. iforthrtirid, , . P • Aimee L . Anima,' 'a ' ' Shoppant Gandy,. John IL Beaman, Charles (lama, , Otgarlaa W. micomp, Cornelia! W e , Tama's, ' ' . John I'. Clark, Cotta It . 1 1 17,4 , 7 e, L l A tii .rv 9 a ltsik,, l C; Thos. B. Coddlnatou, James 11. Mulford', Moses Taylor, Silas K. Everett, 11. K Corning, . Schuyler Livingston, JIMe , W. Pb 11 14.1, t a W . illik,m T. ,Frost .. John U. Wlllllitsr,'" ' ' WEllint 'lt:Kirkland, William H Brothil,' v • ~ Henry A. Heiser, Louis S. Fellows, , ~ KIND D. Crocker, Willard H. Newell,, „ John C. Jackson, Jacob A. Cohly, '`. Joseph F. Navarro, , Oliver Wetmore Wm. W. T. Oraaaway, , ~ i i 3a,HHAliki TIT, President. y, ' ; ii*Oil, 41, 1041 HO . V4tAxpoldios,, 0 1 Witt ,E l f OALDWRLL4o:Wholesale ~ , Tairi 7WW AIitACIANN Motoboturor i Ho. A wilr ef , KTo a um o rszautEo-4200 mob, spiiiii rPottoo, to am's, frito by ian I ' ' 1 Irwth Wate • • ~ . iLtli a. iuogasTig, r stre t et. _ .. 081tre4 7 500 BARRELS SOAPMARERS rrer' "ItAlgra3:o,llAtnne! • • 119 Not% a*. etroel, SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM FANY - - WALNUT STREET BOUTH.WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. Itsooaroaarau Mr she STATE or Ps.eIiaILTLEIA. Money la received in any sum, large or email, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. • Tho Oka is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thareday evcpings till 9 o'clock. LION. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BELPRIDGE, Ties President. Wu. J. Bach Sermeriary. DIRXOIOIB : Ron. Ilenry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Mamie, Edwaed L. Carter P. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, PAWL X, Ashton, Hew L. Churchman, ,ljunes . B. Smith, - primal Lee. MOoey, is i : ecelved and payments made daily. 'The Investments are made in conformity with the hrferieions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT. URGES, GROUND RENTS, and sash first class securi tlee ss will arrays masses perfect security to the deposi• tore, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility tb Ehlithetitutioa. aulay 1., SIX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH unt IY4LNOT Streets, Open daily, from 9 to 8, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings until 8 &Meek. "Large or small MUma received and paid with. out natio*, with FIVE PER CENT. I NTEREST, by check or otherwise, JOHN THOMSON, Preal. vas PRS4IMMTB_, Tlloll. T. TASIIEB, EDWIN M. LEWIS. esoaarasir MID TEVASGIIIII,' .., li ?if 1 •a,A r Peatiereury t s=, ii /Win B. Austin, , 1W111. , 0t LAderillt .7ohn E. Addlcks, , , ~ D. C. Levy, Selemon Alter , . Owlet B. Los, *_. W. boldwhi, A. kliskey, William Clark, ' , Israel W. Morris, le., Eplirsun Clark, ie., Wm. Neal, Charles' S. Carsipaira i , Thos. Neilson, Bohert Clark, , Thomas B. Reel, U. D At. J. Drexel, , , Jarues_Rumell, Charles Dulilli, , Thai. P. Sparhawk, ' Wm. ll:Foster, Oscar Thompson, Benjamin Cierhard, . Peter Williamson, ;obn Jordan, Jr., Talmo S. Waterman, Lewis Lewis, Jr., - , Charles T. Yerkes. anl.Bm •gt 241 'DOCK' STREET.—FIVE` rritwumattorsontontlitb: NO. 88 (241)4M0K STREET.-FIVE NER OZNT. BEATE SAYINGS YUND. MO. 88 (241) .DOCK"STREET.i=I- FIVE PER OENT, ETATE SAVINGS YUND. N; 88 '(241) DOCK STREET.- FM Pirat ORNT. STATE Ni.VINOS FUND. •nl-1y ♦. 311111110 Z. J . TAINMAN 10113101 C 161LT.,11/1 Y. mikatoc. QOUTIIIVAR K. FOUNDRY, PIPTH AND WASHINGTON en/IMM taILLDILPIIIA. WiSCOII2III GEMES • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MAOIIIN7EITS, manufacture Iligh and Low Pressure Stearn inglneil, for Land, Biter, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Botta, /co., Cast ings of all kinds, elthar Iron or Brom Iron frame roofs for Gail Works, Workshops, Railroad dso. Raterta and Gas Machinery of the lattat and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such aa Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane , Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agerets for N. Itildena's 'Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Naamyth's Fatima Steam Hummer; J. P. Rosa' Pat ent Valve Motion for Bloat Machinery and Sloan Pampa. Superintendent—D. E. BARTOL RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVX • STEAM MINE BUILDERS, sivinnzairra 117101t7, HAMILTON, 1 . .1111711M AID RISING GARDIEN PIiMILDELPHI.A. Named exclusively in the manufacture of LOOOMPTIVT4 STEAM ENGINE. Mantifieture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or OOVIC . ith for the use of Wood or Ooks, or .Bite mians Coal tai rtr n ude stair, or •• • AISTABAUITiI 00AL, virisnomi EMITTING BMOCS, OAO 01 roll. To design, material awl workmanship, the Locomo tives produm4 at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used In coristractlon are made on the spot, and hum, the boat quality and moat reUabls stock, Ms lug. oxtent of Shops, and Omn i/Ista Zgeipmeist if kfaririsiery crud Toots, enable em to.aiteanti the SST OF WORK. WITH GREAT DESPATCH, • OP ANY ARRANGOWENT 00000000. . . . ORLIALRD OAR WIIRRLB, 11111AtERRD With Forg.ingii of any size or form, IRON ANTI BRASS CASTINGS, And NIAOIIIIIII WORK prierally. tacueln SORLIg. Rlttlit`f LAVIRRR ROHM ant-I] 113.8NN STEAK ENGINE AND BOIL 2E wan. • REA.NEY, NEAITE & CO., PtiormAr A.Nb THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, AtACHLNISTa, BOILER-ALSEERS, BLACK , MIMS, AND FOUNDERS. Haying for mini , year, been in suecessfel operation, and been exelmively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and law pressure, Iron Boat!, Water Tanks . , Fropidiers, &0., Ac., respectfully ogee their service's to - the public, as being fullyprePared to contract for Englue of all slue, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having sate of patterns of different sloes, are ,prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the allotted notice. High and Low Pressure, Pine, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilere, et the beat Pennsylvania cater coal iron. Verging' of all aloes and kinds; Iron and Braze Coatings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above buolneol- Drawings sad specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, aad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with obears, blocks, falls, iko.oko., for reining heavy or light weights. THOMAS REANEY, JACOB G. biIIARIE, JOHN . P. LEVY, ata-y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Remington NOTICE.-CIIESTNUT STREET 1N BRIDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPART6IENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building, FIFTII Street, below Walnut, until the second day of January, 1058. Said Bridge to be of the following dinionsions, without any pier, or with not more than one pier to the water-way; the materials of construction throughout to be Indestructi ble bg fire. Dislance between abutments. 986 feet Width of Bridge, out to out. not less than.. 42 Elevation above low water 97 For an arch the springing line should not be less than eleven feet above low water. The Plana and Estimates will bo received under the arrangement sail lionditione specified In the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 2d, 1867, as fol lows, viz SZOTION 2. That all plans and estimates to be rewired by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each pittu nod estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, at that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have been selected. Suer= 3. That all such plans and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila. dolphin, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, i‘ hen it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission consisting of three civil anti neere, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and deoido upon the relative merits and applicability of the plane presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plans by them preferred. SEPTIOX 4. It shall bu the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highways ' upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the coot of the aforesaid ether tinomento, and also in favor of those poroons who may have presented the three plans preferred by said com mission ; to the first in point of merit, the suns of $421:1; to the second, $250, and to the third $lOO, said warrants to be charged to Item No. 10 of appropriation made to the Department of Itightrays, /to , for the year 1867, approved March 16,1867.1 For further Information, or for cross section of ricer, address STRICKLAND KNEADS, Chief Engineer mid Surveyor City of Philada. riollditjana MAROIIANT's ORYSTALOGRAPFIS, OR PIIOTOORAPHIU MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGIITII end LOCUST. . . . The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever before offered to the public). Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and'acmiracy of detail, insure, of unwieldy, the greatest fidelity of resemblance ; while the toiverlty of the or deal to which they are exposed In manipulation equally settle* the question of their permanence. These facto enable the subecriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and - to Ills !donde. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of 11. D. BIADOLIANT. 110 - ',Portralts ef the cabinet, and lire size on canvas as . heretafere. cs 113.31 n PUBLIC L AMP S.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfullyinfortned that (Mired have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting,sit which citizens are requested to give information reaped. log accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or Of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition.. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No. 808 Wharton et., First Ward; Charles Carty, No. 18 South Seventh etreet, Ninth Ward; Ilirion O. Kirk No. 1438 llutehlnzon street, Twentieth Ward; M. W, Deshong, No. 7231 Coates met, Fifteenth Word; Thos. V. Don lby, ( lee ()Mee, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (Weal Phlladelphia;) DI 11. DP Fadden, Ore Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (Germantown; )9nt. N. Market, One Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Prankford,) and at the Gas Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Ou Works. A. J. KITH, ocl-em Superintendent of Distnbution. $11t8,232 80 T)HILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Cor. TIdIED and CIIESNITT Ste. L. pwv,otrzE & gold, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Estebliehmeut, end desired,' to merit its continuance, would anneuuce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN 1300 K is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing atecessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest nu tlet,. Their long practical experience ip the business, end the fact of, their personal ' superintendence of the m annfecturing'department, justifies there la Asserting that the can furnish a more durable and better flu. felted inielbian Their cotemporaries. Thee, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, roulit46 *ell to apply to Thera previous to purchasing elsewliert.' Olt type token at 0 tents per pound; In exchange for new at specimen prices. aul-tf $201 400,1 ,150 04 'l2 50 $119.240 9 ifI)TEAP SUMAIIa FUEL-GAS COKE, oxoonoot o ootity, ti sold at the PHILADELPHIA (VAS WORKS for the reduced price of tire cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by •pp! plying at the Clam Oka, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. TO DlWOhatiere by Wholesale, it is sold at the Works, In "Ind Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a t 52.50 per ton. (Bigned,) • I. O. OBSESSON Engineer. Pligkumbiugu. Gsr WORKS, Aug. 20, 's 7' . an2T-tf VOA° ,:kNGINE AND HOTEL LAMP 11l Factory of E. W USSHERS, No.loo (late 49) South below Chestnut etreet, has become a sating qc6o per cent. to our SOUTNERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTEIi and also the convenience or baying their ffid Carriage Lamps new eilter.topped and bottomed, 9ad sant br impress to 11l p•rt• atil2 17 Mil EVANIII,--10,000---PInr4TE Ke i l A Coirdu per Hour! ittfoliW , r6r,.0.1..,...rkdA ir Ile *6.1. vitt A p 114i4dypila Pre* at Or 1.... MO W lap.saw billmte f a Tals Peer B A Zylitlrlan. Me& °atonal-MM. B .1. --, *O h ' IL lier.?* to tuftua tam.pert. E 0. , ..1 ,0, .t1U—Lirhi...3.411.4..a. sow .. . .. t. ry itiqualen 8 . belcroi Chestnut D 3.1 N0 . 2c4 NORTH[ ARCU S BA 4 THIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, ties for rale THE AMERICAN READER—anew book, designed by Ito anther, A. D. If ALB -or -. MIR, for the nee of the higher (liaises in the Academies and itebools of Aumic&—br the dozen or single copy, no 2-110 galling° Jnnbz illathinern anb Jran "Insurance Companies HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN 8174tAN" COMI'ANY--011ied No. 411! WALNUT Street, Philadelphia The following statement of the affair. of the company is published in conformity with a provision of its charter lIISNIErga IS2O6IYED FROM AUGUST 1,155 G, TO AUGUST 31, 1817. Fire premiums Marine premi ums,,, Perpetual premiums E. , 729 A . 97:L9 221 09 Total amount premlarus taken Earned are premium; 25,072 2,5 Euned marine premium; 155,005 W-180,073 5d Deduct return premiums Not earned Marino lawn paid. $03,814 15 Fire losses paid.... 8,031 11 $101,916 86 Salvage re. ceh Interest re , c01eed...41,351 67 It. - Incur. mice, 2,971 62 --8,083 08- 93,833 70 Expenses for commissions to ageyte, abatements in lieu of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, stu tinnery, c Profit and loss ABdWrii. Cash on band. ..... .$12,516 69 Bills receivable 119,267 02 Bonds and mortgagee 165.000 00 Stocks . -, 9^100 00 Stock notes 1t2,900 00 Due by agents and others 22,312 93 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, . V 6 ,111 P. Leech, 0. E. Spangler, R. T. Kenai, Abraham Rex, U. H. Heston, Wm. 11. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, C. it Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John U. Leware, Herman Haupt, James E. Stilts. Nathan R. Potts, 11. H. Shillingtord PNRCIVAL NI, POTTS, President O. E. BP/NOLVit t Vice President. W. H. Wooos, Secretary. on?.: s R. T. KaSSIL, Treasarer. FIRS INSURANCR. _____ SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COSI PANT. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASII, AND SECURELY INVESTED OYPICR, N. W. COR.NP.II. BIXTie AND WOOD . . - STS , SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dohnert, Henry M. Phil, S. David Woeipper, Lewis Shirmack Benjamin path, John Landoll, John Evans, Jr Charles Yield, Auley M. park, William E. Woo James Duruell, John B. Stevenson, Jacob 8 Mintzer ) Curwin Stoddard, Hoary Homer, Thos. D. Ttllinghast, Geone K. Childs. JOHN H. DOLLNERT, President. L. ICRUMBHAAR, Secretary. slept 21-1 y NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- OFFICE 414 WALNUT St. Franklin Building's. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CANT AL 100,10, WITH PRIVILEGE TO INCREASE TO 500,000. This Company Is now fully organ zed, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against foes or dimness by Fire andhlarine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. H. O. LA.UCHILLE, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vie* President. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Cl. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, (laborna, Richard Shields, T. F. newtll, T"QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Cake No. 44)8 (late D'2,) WALNUT Bt. Capital and Supine, $250.000. This Company sontinnea to nuke Insuraiese against loss or danuige by Fire rind the Perils of the Bea, Inland Narlgation and Transportation, at current rates. OFFICERS. Preeideut—OEo.ll HART Tice Prealdent—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—U. R COGOBEALL Ataistaat Secratary—S 11. BUTLER. ECTORS Z. W. Holley, Charles G. Daisy, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew IL Chambers, R Cousholl, Samuel Jones, AL D., A. Y. Cheesbrongh. George 11. Hart, X. P. R.)ss, A. 0. Patten, Joseph Edwards, John 0. Thde, non. Henry M. Huller, Foster 8. Perkins. John 11. Oharuleri, au Sly LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The FINN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, g 612,726 03. INSURES LIYES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life on Interests In Real Ebtate, and mike, all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They set as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT in any amount— lire Per Cent. Intereat allowed from date of depoait, payable back on demand without notice. ASSETS OF TILE COMPANY, Jana Ist, 1857. Loane of the State of Pennsylramia Phila delphia City, Penn's Railroad, Camden and Amboy R.ailroad and other Loans.-- $170,885 88 Bonds, Mortgagee and Real Estate . . 117,137 19 Stocks in Drake, Insurance, Gee and Rail. road Companies 81,729 98 Premium Motet and Loans on Collitersis 193,892 01 Cash in Bank, doe from Agents, Inter est, •to 38,780 47 Guarantee Capital, Subscription Notes 100,000 00 5m,225 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. BTOILEB, Tice Pree't. Jose W. HORNOR. 3ecretace. sul-le A RCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA -Ex NY, NEW YORK.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank.—Cash Capital, g 200,000, with a surplus . This Company metre Buildings, Ker• shandim, furniture, Tassels in port and their Cargoes, sad other property, sgsinst Loss or Damage by Pire and the Risks of Inland Nartgation. Duisoicirts. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund Pent°ld, 0. 11. Lilienthal, Benson R. Corning, Theo. Polhemns, jr. Ogden Beggarly, Elisbe E. Morgan, Tomas lidonagan, Abta R. Van Nest, John 11. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Wert, Thomas B. Nation, Charles Eas ton, James W. Phillips, Lords Loral. Charles A. Macy, Samuel O. Glidden, 'Edward Bincken, Bteph. Cambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Stott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lathrop L. lito.rgee, Henry K. Bogert, 'William B. Fosdick, Pater }'Eden , Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Yield, Geo. Westreldt, A. R. Frothlogham, Taiwan Taylor, Thom. P. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, Preaident. RlfiLlar. A. OaaLar, Secretary. au 10-1 y --...--- Tur AN UFA C T ERS' INSURANCE 11, 11 COMPANY.--Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennayleanta. Capital, 000,000. Are, Maxine, and Inland Transportation. EBZ=! Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Cherie/ 3. Yield, James P. &myth, Wm. D. Thomas, 3. !Line a° Bank, Win. Neal, John P. Simone t AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. .7 W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company wax organized with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of loose. Office No. 11., Merchants' Sschange, Philadelphia. MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU: 1 RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA —Office No. 2.L. WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE RISKS on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freight.. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, par Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL THE PROFITS divided annuity among the M uffed, and ample security in came of loss. D 112070312. 'Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. Asbbunser, Alfred Fausitt, Thomas S. Foster, Guitarus Regina, Jana. P. Stroup, Alfred S:sde, A O Cntte ll, Charles R. Caretstro, Samuel Robinson, John O. John P. Steiner, Nancy Urambo, i Won. J Caner, areutaborg. KRIS MILES, Preoidest. ISITT, Vice President. Ediraail Mania llama, John M. °babetutor, Mahlon Wi!Mammon, Samuel J. liharplese, laaao Jeanee, Usury Proaut, Edward G Jamas, William L. Sprimo, Franklin O. Joned, Daniel Maddock, Jr., Wham Taylor, Jamul Murphy, Wm. F. Smith, A. J. Autelo, Beanuel L. • EDWARD HA ALFRED FA: Jon 0. Rerrita, Becretar CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPA IRE AND MARINE NY ov HARTFORD, CONN. Lognes Philuielptila &WI ilatlelpAra Office. Cgulti Capital $300,000. vicinity adjusted at the PA 13y leave we refer to I D. B. Drawn & Co., Phila. Ron. Joel Jones, Phila. Chat:fees, Stout & Co., " Ron. Rufus Choate, Boston Ranker, Lea hr. Co., " Don. T-S.Williuw, Rart'd We have facilities ( or p Acing say amount of Inv ranee in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GEYER AL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. TROALPSON .1. ROOD, Agents. tiailroab ,Cines NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD MINTER ARRANGEMENT. FOR BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, 31 AVC II CHUNK, WILKESSARRE, DOYLESTOWN, dc. 0111 and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1557, the trit on this road will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun. d excepted) as follows: Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Mouth Chunk, and Wiikesbarre (Express) at 9 A. AL For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Manch Chunk, (Ex. pros,) in connectmu soth L. V. It It. and Easton, by stage, from Iron Hill Station, at 1115 P. 91. For Doylestown, (Accommodation) at 4 90 P. M. For Gwynedd, do at A. M On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A 91. train will run through to Doylestown, leaving Do3lestoun to return at 1 as D. 91 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPII/d __. . . . . .. • _ _ Leave Bethel= (Express,) at b A.M., 34;d 2,25 P M Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6 35 A. 51 Leave Gwynedd, do. at 220 P. 51. ON SUNDAYS. Per I Prom Gwynedd 9 15 A. M. I Gwynedd 2 20 ^I Doylestown 439 P. M. I Doylestown 0 35 A.M. Fare to Bethlehem 91 50 4, Mauch Chunk 250 t , Wilk esbarre 450 PASSENGER DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Ste . Phila. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Lumber. LIBER I LUMBER I !—The subscriber, who has for several years ccoupied the premises at Sloan'' Planing Mill, Kensington bail removed to COATES STRLET WHARF, adjoining the Phienli Pluming Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intend' keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, calling, fencing and scaffold beanie,thoroughly seasoned and well worked. /for sale at the lowest cult prices. Purchasers are in- vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef. fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at The shortest notice for alt hinds and adzes of Southern yellow Pine, Tisher and Scantling. and-tf 8. B. ItICHTB- elotbing. SII AR PE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North ROLITH !Urea, between Aroh ham I¢o-4 IFWESTERN TRAVELLR • st. SPRING AND SUMMER AIRANGEM NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS IRON ILILTISIOR2 TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WM?. On and after June Ist, HSI, TWO DAILY TBAHIR will leave Calvert Station for •Pittelwargh and all Weal. ern and South or Northwestern cites. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sandal *zagged) at BIS A. M. eonneatiag with the Mad Train weer the Great Pens& aylvania Bailrcad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at .1.91 A. U. $':54,747 43 . . THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 T. M.. for Harrisburg. THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERT NIGHT at 10 P. N., con - nesting with the Lightning Kneen over the Penney,- vaubsßailroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 120 P. IL au three tritium connect closely at Pit tib with trains over the Pittchargh, .Fort WayesM Chicago Railroad, and its Northern, Southern and Western corimections. 117" Passengers for Chicago, Rods Ists_adtEuLEAr to., lowa city, Milwaukee , Dubuque, et TaargiAlw eon,and other leading titres In the Northwest,. witlaava one hundred mike of (rand end tea leers in time, with four loss changes of ears, by taking this route. U Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, ToDato, _sad Detroit, go by this route, and the time la wasqualled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. 113- Passengers for Bt. Louis, 12141=11001.11, TWIT* Haute, Cairo and all points on the Lower sad Upper inake less changes of ears, and arrive in ad vance of any other route •, and to Cincinnati, Cidni.bas, Dayton, Louisville , endplate, pruntinent ne quick as by any other route. All Western Baggage MEM= TILEOUGH and handled wild care. FOR THE NORTH. The 835 A H. connects slowly with Magma 'Trains over the Dauphin road for Willlansepairt, Binds% Rochester, Buffalo . Niagara Valls, and Caen* tbeks forming the most d i rect railway rout* to Kierthereatorn Pennsylvania and Western Hew York. bind this the shortest, cheeped, and most esedlt i route to Niagara Palls and Canada. Through Ticket. are hatted to Philadelphia clia 00 - tumble and Lancaster by allthe teats." at Was*: eatTi train haying we connections. Posse ngter' by this route avoid :reasoned bridges, and all the iscontenienne of ferrying acres the Scoquelumna river. , - Passengers In Hanover, Itanchester,thellotolosreana mittsbnrg, Carlisle, Chaniberaburg, go 17 Go Dabs at 8.16 A. M., and S?. M. WWTAINSTER BRANCH. The Can on this road make one trip per day, esoiffieffir tar with the truly at S P. Id. for THROLVA TICKETS and Author • r frfWW. apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Steam, If, leers of Calvert and Tratiklin greeter. ' -- t• sep2B-tf 0.0. ADRIAN, Bop* sios,sog og ea 40-144,M 27 824,075 82 8,7 4,095 84 VIDENNSYLVANIA. ItAILROM2, GBRAT CRSTBA.T. ROTITR, !antic Cities with Western, North-imam Doeth western States, by a continuous Railway d %ost. This Road also emu:meta at Pittsburgh with Has steamers to all ppoolnto on the Western HIV Cleveland and y with Steauters to au the North-western Lakes; =akin the mast NWT, CHEAPEST tind RELT A RUC BellTlby *bids 171411 A can be forwarded to and from the GREAT MT. BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPH/A. AND PITH BD BOR. Fled, CLASI—Boots, Shoes, Hata, and Cape, Boolu, Dry Goods, On Dozes bales and trunks), Drags, (in boxes and balm) Feathers, Pun, Ite no. Sir lh Susan Ctass—Doinestie Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, original toles), Drags (in csalta),HArdirare Leather, (la rolls or boxes), Wool, ad Sheep Peltyrostward, &e. &C.' -sec 1611 Milo Cites—Anvils, Steal, Chains, On taste), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Belted, (loose or in sseks), T naanufactand,(escepteigerst=. do., ere pet liO D. Wants Cuss—Coffee, Nish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in auks ar bones eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Ge 7111112 Clay, Tar, Pitch, Ruin, he. 45 a. ist . Me A. Fiona-7 So. per bbl . unt l farther notice. hurt-35e. per 1001 M., until further notice. In shipping floods from any point East of Phendel phis, be Neticular to wens package win Polnaghenti4 Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Bold, at Philadelphia, or Pitlsbergh, wtil be ferwvds4 without detention. Pestle, Afliltll.—Harris, Wormlsy, & Tenn.; B. P. Pam & Co., St. Louis, ;J. 8. 4 0A21 & Son, Evansville, Ind.; Domeanil, Bell & and Carpenter & Jewett , Louisville, Ey.; B. O. BlM drum, Madison, Ind. ; H. W. Brown k Co., end Irate & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanewmilir, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. Al Eithystreet, Leech & Co H No. 2 Astor ouse, New York,No. I Willman M. sad No. & Battery Plane; New York; E J. asoeder ; Philadelphia; Magraw L Koons, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. George Mister, If . . C. Btotesbury, It. M. Capin., 0. 0. Butler, Cleo. Scott. faultl-g - N 1Y YORK LINES.-THE CAXDU I IND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADRLPRIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINN& YROSI PRILADILYRIA TO NIW TORS, AND MA PLAORR. Leave as fellows ' via : Tain s At 1 A. M. from Kensington Depot, via Jersey , City, Mail 41 At 6 A. 2d., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jae say Accommodation At 6 A. M., Tie Camden and Amboy, Aconsonneds. ton. , .2 At I A. - M., irta Camden sad Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy end Jersey City Morning $ At 2P. M., via Ha mden sad Am boy, end A. Lx. FM At d P. M. via Camden and .21 Jersey City, riesling 3 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Ola le .. 3 At S P. 11. via Camden and Amboy, Anconcenda tion, 2nd Clam. 1 At 6 P. 31, via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lat Clam At 6 P. 11, via Camden and Amboy, donne:node, tion, 2nd Clam The 6 P. M. line runs daily, all others Bundma• opted. Express Lines slop at the principal statical only. Tor Belvidere, Beaton, Plemingtou, ke., at 6A. and 4 P.ll, from Walnut street abaci. For Water Gap, 13trondebtuir, &mantas, Wilkeabarr Montrose, Great Bend, &c. at 6A. M., via Delany Lackawanna at Weldo ' Railroad. For Streamtd, at 6 A. M. arid 2 P. M. For Mount Molly at 7 A. M., and 2.g, 3 and 6 P. M WAY LINE 3 for Bristol, Trento o. &a. at 2g and 4P. M. • WAY Lna Tor Palmyra, Itaaeseas, Snarly, Darlintera, Border taint &a., at S P. Id. Steam►oat RICHARD STOCKTON far Dardantaws and interm. diate planet at SX P tl Steamboat for Tammy at 20 and I.IX A. M., and 4 P. M. All lines, except 2 A. if., lay. Was% straw wharf. fiErlfilly pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking say thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. AU beg gar over fifty - pounda to be paid for extra. The Cent piny limit their responsibility for baggage to one dole[ per pound, and will not be liable for lay amount be loud $lOO, except by special contrast. WM. R. GATZMItit, Agent 0 & A. B. R. CO. E. B. MORRELL, Agouti Phila., Tr. R. QI'R I' G ARRANGEMENT.-' :NM. /..., SYLTAh'IA CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Dania; to direct connection with the PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNII AND CHICAGO RAIL ROAD. For Clueirinati„ St. Lou,,i Tr wa Oily, Lonierille, New Orteros, St. Paoli, Ladiartspolie, Clevelsod, .li . arass, N Terre Haute, Chicago, No mats. Ilt &drains of 41 other routes oat of Philadelphia Forming Hose reaserfros with oil the groat Weal. erw Rai/roads. Leus2ialladelfaia,foaVittabrugl lad western difai4 . from the liennuirsnis Railroad Paraeaur Static% south-east corner of ELSTRtiTH sad ILLIKIT duets, (entrance on Yleventla street,) u Mew Mail Train at I—, Put Liza at 12 65, P. X Salem Mail at 11 00 Rigid. Columbia R. R. Line learnt for Harrisburg at 2 3d, P. 31 , Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4.N, P. M. The Ramat Mail rams daily, the other tiling, MIS. days excepted. per further partleulars ee• haud-bina, at the difertell etartinglioiata. Pametigers from the Weal vitt lad this tke akorteat sad most expeditious costa lonaladehoh* Baltimore, Jew York or Bauer, THOMAS 1100)3, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad On. Philadelpkia, February, 18.57. anlay PPHILADELPHIA, GERMANIYIU AND It Itil9 TOWN ItiILII,OA.D.—WUI7U ARRANGEMENT.—On wad atter MONDAY, Orteima 190, 1847. Leave Philadelphia at 6, 7,X, 3X. SX, /1X A. M.> 3-10 mia. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 6%,745 teak. 4,9. PIX A. M , 1-10, 3.10 min. 4,5, 6, 7,1, and 16 P. EL DJ" The 7.35 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne Street Statizn. 31 , N . SCCDAYS, T... 1 .0 Philadelphia at 9 31 won. L, 2 aod 5X P. M. Lome Germantown 8 20 loin. A. 11 , 1.14 min. sad 64mn P M. M3ligialMZS=l Leave Chestnut ILII at 7 X,5.40 and 10-10 mix. A. N., 12-50, 3-40,5-40 and 7-40 min. P. M. STO Philadelphia, 9-20 A. )1., 2 sad P. M. • Leave Chntnut Hill at 8 A. 14,12-50 and 5-1.0 P. N. FOR BIANATURK, CONSHOEIOCKIN AND 1101).1613. Leave Philadelphia at 6)i, 9, II A. M , 8, 4 If, 5% and 11 P. 11. Leave Norristown at 7. 9. II A. M, 3 Ltd 540 P. ■. LE4lTelphis at 9 A. Ir. clitd. SP. i. Lease Norristown at I A 11., Inds P. M. MESTER PALLET RAILROAD FOR DOWNIMq Leave Pkiladelphia at 614 A.M.sad SP. H. Lease Downingtown at IX A. 31 . and 1 P. X. H. S SHITH, Superintetalast. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Pliladelp CHANGE OF HOITRS.-P HILA DE L. PRI A, WILMINGTON AND BALTFAIONIRAII On and after Wednesday, Not.ll, PASSENGER TRAINS LRAVZ PETLADKLPHIA For Baltunore at 8 A. M., 1 P. It., (Ripiess,) Aid n . 31. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 1.30 and 11 P. For New Castle at 8 A. BC, and 3.30 P. 31. Far Middletown at 8 A. IL. and 3 30 P. 11. For Dover at 8 A M. and 330 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. TRAINS FOR PIIILADELPRIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Express, 12 A. M., tad 4..11 . M. Leave Wilmington at 715 and 11.46 A. 31., sad Ida d 9.55 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 05 A. U. ' and 9.. a p. M. Leave Middletown at 10 15 A. M. and 8.05 P. M. Leave Dover at 0.15 A. M. and 7 P. M. Leave Raeford at 4 00 P. M TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Lear, Wilmington at 9.15 A. AL, Y P. 11. sad 14.16 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 625 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND MAITRE BE GRACE ADCS:IMMO DATION TRAIN Lesvos Marro de Grace at 6.60 A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Puseager Car attached, will rest aa follows :. Leave Phlladelpkia for Perryville Lod intermediate plum at 600 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 660 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Ilarre-de-Grace at 6P. M. oc 31-1 y S. M. FELTON, President. SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS, No. 8 5. man .t...t. PAliodorPkis, THE ADAMS EXPRS CO., OFFIOS. .1. 333 WITSTNIIT STM T . , foments PARCILL RACEAGM, MEBC,HANDIZE, BABE NOTES ea SPECIE, eltber by its own LINES, or in ossoteetkot with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the Omega TOWNS end cum of the United States. _ COTTON -200 bales good Middling MM. &ling Pair Cotton in dere end far sale KAMM it ictoma t irit, and . 119 Werth Water stmt. HOTEL AND 3IIMMZE RANGES.— Bold by OULDWICN I BIN, 3102 N. SNOOD 01, sattil-Scus. Ilailrods. H. H. HOUSTON, Qenent Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. J. LOILBAII7P, - linpetintendisst, Altoona, Ps. THROUGH TRAINS FOR OERMAN?OWN CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD ON BUNVANS ON SUNDAYS. f,jats, Cape, 2r. . _ B. 8. ILLIIDFOII,I 4. Gauen] Superlota