The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 11, 1857, Image 2

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ttlr'-. gi.c*. t1144`„ - P r ActE - :—,gotiiettiirig , AbOut n
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- ' mr.,Q4l. oottimpondiaktik "mua(bear with uor. ,
T4k* . ati, 7
34414atii: 4A.Arii..only;post,p4rn
C5016,46"4T0gr.., publil4o. 18:411,9ipp imme
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1R54:4114511511111 AND 215 COAIIIIIIIO2II.
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• ..icith.ti : tbsoio of mr.kwiloNr; pe.diPlo7..
10 01044.1344_i - Vi41 . 10, Primeinds , of the
stichhelders of :theriTennsylvania Malik will
beleAto•*k:iliether:;that"indlridnal ;414 no
pai,disa,/nthh; coseinimity • who-smdsted him
in-Ide grand piripesee of Speetfitition and ac ,
0 114fitifitt„' ,. xvii tecre. Odic ililicoa,tliet,
nieikalthe,directora Were OW in• under his
inanidpinteit tp Substirve,, if; net Ali _ idterests;
41pilitilif 1 4 6 iikiaafiA 8 S 10 IMiclAle B ' o Alii
imiast...44 - , he Ilea, .in atensive , •personsl
:orSflakei mitt have else' t4 O I '*II . OY, ' COX -
Itentin, csiithle Partfei. , Stine of these
arkitjthhiLttioMent'felleitatiegtheinsslifes; no ,
ddittCht9f Ogg* that tr. A*avoiS is the,
- geipegoilig aid: that,' like all others= insuch a
tillanin*;heililljer t eivkthe hintisinsiesd of
oriStglink:iiiib: l ilie . mbittplehipisi4. : A
WOXI-T4 such: 411 excitement se this is a
~ greth ei ' yes:deice. , The public - has 'a strong
app - '- for Seapegonte,, find*. set of men
ulAstritsl - thiii. better than /those who ark
frohablY 'mere 1011ty than Artnumn himself.
'ffiNialiir)iive repeated*. said, we do not
balkolo.eititer,Party , hithese disputies. We
4411"67ifi,;-14,, people, and Speak' for Astra
4444ilititigrottid be kierfproper:,thing, if,
I~oisiliet likely to arise ont of the &res.
tr" of =thif 'idiairs cif , the' Peemsylvtinia
::414:thei 6W - is/maid beheld itp to pub
lies3tsuninatics4l, Mr: Apx*eivitk himself,
itl*4sVentAir,hie vehMtsri
,41iii,,which we
arkl;- : ditpespd to ltmk, inr,,,, akar , rending the
somenhat a eonfident card 7oidda.relistive, be.
Polio a highly-important, *fitness; yid in this
ttatAingninte silk thiiie wiengs ,41itt the in,
nothet ~ stoeichelders of the Pennsylvania
Bash‘Of *blob bp is now. 'bletii salaried: Via
40, that ihere%thili be` DIV firing:l4in, iimi
atelking-itorse , algae. ' ' Let- those who-'are
611-040.5‘4904Pir iol4o44iipei,fortti
~,,r • appear: ,-These are times not , onl y for.
P.l4,i,dart, settlements, but 1 4 .3e,r4!' ' settle=
.t. 4 2 4 :5'• ~V01,6 4 1 A IA? ' n , 2 '4414 house all
aseans, and-letthose who hays been vied by
Mr. AXAL/11011E be gnititle i dOsiii'ataitn hi 'his
echifiiiiibn, lint)rt;the ' eitiiiii3l4* 'and:' penish
iilik,g.twiss-e. ;whii r kii , e• used lir. Antreass.
TpieOroks.; .
s tier " of thetonisillie liemotrat
'spiths as follows of the finhdain'the'etrlmties
Ml4labti'lltl:„ - SaoaN - 14 the T. 41100 "
~ 1 4, 0 esiicoceoptindeniiisity4severeoisbonintbons
of thistranmetion, 'and Modifier to - :tlititiorkuduat
geristallysho defeat 'of. MU Iniercieratio peril. hi
thSiTerritory.- -.We hope the:rustter iced
tii ilurbottom, end justioodonithe prerPettaidirs of
such a deed. No section of the tinkn derinvfvme
gest bymoit mesas, and Ma:party that Wiletkqes
t eughtfa • be ,bosten.- We' 'should like for ,see
Names :some into thin truion„,es.,aidoveStxte—
fiiiikOihotiostfi, not otlterittio- If this , as
dine,for.thelrineStef, the South, the authors
digo, lertkokthe &pith woos lit,- suds.. rase - WIN
age*li 4 teter' et , rtiest; We believe that, any men
milady glieultdende for ' themselves whet instOn
tions.thei /ave. So MOM South holds. It
is a doctrine hot only ocinstitittlenal,,butneetes
for her.:definieec and refety,;',. meta 'frond of this
sort borne of the test thiugsatos (pm afford to
:trite.,; - 4,# is 'only . the worse that lt done ne
the imeo; theDemeoraoy,r• The fastions.nill e*-
gage ut all sorteef primekort :election stays, w Jim* themselves by the plea that Ebir , WMoorskte
did it. , Le the guilty in, thit Anger-Afar the
peaotty of ,t te' crime—for iq lb altinsp
the mostesoredrightsof ` frgeutn".;' • •
W direct especial attention to taw extract,.
embodying; es'it does, the-senthrientati forei
blk,uttert)d, - ,hY tire ;I,ileirmork) "Andrei - net oil.
nqiiir4r,. - copied:, yeaterdaY. When the for
gery in the instances Minded, thtts indig
nantly inimtlii4l lithe • Southem press; the.
attempt to put 'Governor Warren upon trial
tmen 'Ma allegatlon , that he did not comply
with . the funhiricalides of 'the yaw , (tilthetigh l ,i,
as WO 634 freiant* eik'owii;. he la- enfliebrAst
vulnertibl - M4rh , that' poinq' ytill be "st
require; There:le; in thie ,case, a, great and.
oversiir'do*ing • equiiy. The public' 'sense re
coils from an attempt to palliate - snob a forgery
in any vayi the, public mend;sick, to the
death of false el ectione and fraudulent returns;
and if Governor •Watican hid simply rofneed
to,' put his sanction - upon - a' - crime like that of
Oxford, - he would have been sr:retained-ley
every-ninety men out of one hundred in the.
free Stites; and by a large, Majority of the.
honest citizens of the SMith.
Attention' has been called, in one or two
imitersitotheiredenee, of the BuCkshOt war,
introduced into the article of. the Pans, sus
taining:the rejection of the Oiford' returns.,
It his been condemned as adfrieleyant
tititieit.:.'lt'coild tot be So, when our object.
was show that the Governor of Penn-
Sylvania loOked hihind the retains, to recognise,
a fraud, whereas Governor WALKER; while:
siting within the terms of the territorial sta.:,
tide; tec&theresPonsibilitY for the puiPose
pyreetiog a fraud. We aver that, under
the circumstances, even if Governor WALKEN:
had lonked behind the returns, (as his oppo—
,ReMsaUegti,) he Would have been justified to.
the country by the fact that the case was one.;
Of, extraordinary, , requiring the boldest:
action, 7 that in all probability It could not have"
teen corrected had it been referied - to tt Legia-, ,
laturei .- 9r ;Which the false members to be,elect-_.
Id,by, the OXf,ord.votem created the majority..
Wecitedthe.tuckshotwarte prove that fraud
never ivill bermbraitted to by the'people:
'Cdohnspn ited It that if the feels, members from. cohnty had been - sent to the Kansas.
plgielatarei the result would have been pre- , :
Cisely as it was M. the ease of the false maern-,
hers from Philadelphia county in 1838—an' in
stantaneous resort to the remedies of civil war.
;" To show what little effect is given to the.
broad ,seal of• a State- Executive, when that.
, broad seal is supposed to corer a fraud, we.
again cite the New Jersey case, where five,
gentlemen, pretending to be in
Congress from that State in 1839 and 1840,
presented their credentials under the:broad.
,9eal 4 of k Ooreinor PENNINGTON. They were..
refused their seats, and the State went unrepre—
sided:until those duly elected were admitted..
Iu OM case of the Oxford fraud, the whole, ob
lief falsifying the returns was to create a.
srhajority in the KansaiLegislatnre and allow
false members to vote. When the' debate.
'en the Now Jersey case came up in the House:
of Representatives in 1839 and 1840, a num.- ,
Iper of ahle.speeehea,were made. We gips an.
9 ,
~ -. .
- i.ttriet from one _Of these speeches delivered,
by Col.: Wman, now Governor of California,
then a Representative from Olilo. Col. Wk.-
:04 told of dovernor PitizintoTox : ' ' _
When he attempts to silence the voice of a
fre'o independent people, as expressed
through the ballot-Uhi,. he must he
to cull Ulm. a bold usurper. This bigh-handed
outrage - upon the elective :franchise should
'exeite the indignation of every honest Man in
; the country. If," said he, wthe people of
Jersey tamely submit to such an outrage, they
:Ittivelostthe spirit and patriotism that chime
termed their fathers inthe &ITS of the Revolu-
Alen ; they have become the subservient slaves
• "of a' petty tyrant,- and are no longer entitled
~, to the appellation of freemen.",
;Jim - spirit which animated, Col. Wsmara
was-that which pervaded the entire Democratic
, party td Congress at the time: Governor Pia
lilliGrON was rebuked because he refusefl to
allow,the majority principle to prevail, and his
firoaci seal WAS contemptuously set aside; and
chosen hy, the majority given their seats.
• We cite this CABC;I[IOt for the purpose of prOv
ing,that it is‘the province of a *Governor of a
Statelo go` behind return', Ott simply to show
;.wiljah• has ruled In certain
cases. The Governor of a Commonwealth,
fajit tbe case of Iterrrea r may go behind the
for the purpose or recognising a fraud,
aid making * a' false majority,. bulall. history
"•littiiihowiettutt every nailipation of that or is
.PR? el4ll- ' e°rrecte4 '
A. 400.wori e - preeeden4 would be
of - ,aset orreekless'ibrge
8 4' undetr" coley- Of the: teat
• 111441filei - ' Of einnbet 'tt• Governor to
t flthotn hte .c 9-valeta°, eo,eti to,: constitute a
, lii9ttir* 'either:o"l/001,0141011
„...#J9107‘2 0909 1 4Ve the *tint dan.
'i•,/.4.1fhv,"."--1174143tei",be,...t.he.. Olen; Titio act
ftpcin:.tbejeecedent. in the Oxiobleaso.l ,The
: AriVagialplgollikelOased Oa, Aiwkibot
_war was
Yk r piriOaatAriliait; alangetotil.l:*Vstit; Vroyeraot
'lYAlReftOiricatia leattitniflilme , Of Oldbildi
wit)soo ligmiustitto *41,1011% - tbil /110,
We peiceive that some of the Southern
'Papers, justly indignant at , the violence and
fraud Which disgraced itife Jate election, in '
'Baltimore, are discussinglit4g tlientfelig
'the propriety of su,ggestl to Tim. Bteoff, , ,,n
aryland, the rejection tthetkretutn, so*
'to deprive. Messrs. .10191101a.ay1ie1154, , , , ,
Monarson HARRIS Of their seats as Repre
'nentatives in Congress, which seats they will
claim under the alleged majority of votes at
the late election in that cit. Will such of our
Southerßafttem, porarlep as look to this remedy
bear inalnd that If doi. ildoishould exercise
itrisessevistwounlyle.Might be, and weetlfink
'would bc,ppatainerl, by the people, he would be
following the example of looking behind the
returns, on the principle that fraud has vitiated
the whole—the .very example which has been
,cialrgeti upon Gov. WArarna, (though not
Butifidied) In, the matter of the Oxford pre
The • St. Paul Pioneer and Democrat, of
November 80, says that the official returns, so
far ai they have been received, give Hon.
ifurtrit H. Sinny, the Democratic candidate
for Governor, two hundred and ninety majority,
and that the full returns will probably increase
Akio:Au:6i*. The remainder of the Demo
,cratic -State ticket, and three Democratic
'Representatives in Congress, aro certainly
ttlected, and the party have a majority of three
in the Senate and six in the House, giving a
'majority; of nine on joint ballot, and insuring
the election of two Democratic United States
re are indebted to our old friend, SAMUEL
G. Sums, Esq., who has returned to this city
for, a short visit, for copies of Minnesota
papers in advance of the mail.
We might crowd our columns with extracts
from Democratic papers approving. Governor
WALY.Ea's course at the Oxford precinct.
Hear the Chicago Times, conducted by a de.
voted friend of Hon. STEPHEN A. Dour/LA.9
" In another column we pubiish the proclama
tion of dovernor Walker and Secretary Stanton,
declaring the rec Ont 'voting in Johnson county to
be void, on the ground of fraud. They give the
certificates Of election to the free-State men. This
decision, just and proper in itself, is made Upon
the ground that it is ,lust and proper. It turns
the balance in the Legislature, and gives to the
free-State men full control over both branches of
thet body. This is the result of a fair resort to the
Kansas Nebraska Act. It gives to the free State
teen power to legislate for the Territory. It gives
them,this same powers that were possessed and torr
idity exercised by their opponents in the last
regislature. It is tho result of that good, sound,
Demooratio polity which Walker went to Kansas
to enforce—the faithful execution of the,Kansas-
Nebraska Aot.
It is a foot which shows the superiority of Demo
cratio devotion to principle, over the wild, reckless
fanaticism of the opposition. Walker* and Stanton
aro both men of Southern birth ; they asked for no
other evidenoe than that an act was wrong and
contrary to laW, and by the exercise of a power
vested in them, they set aside the wrong and yin-
Misted the right. This is Democratic rule in
Kangas. This is a faithful execution of that law,
wkittli was intended to protect; and give vitality to
the popular will, and not to defeat it. Kansas has
free-State Legislature; it is not the result of
civil war, rebellion, or of Kansas Aid Societies.
It is a result aioomplishod by a fair expression of
public sentiment under the Kansas•Nobraska
Winibit defer' until' to-morrow some views upon
the poeition of 'affairs In Kansas, with re
spect to's State Govehtment,
*Walker was born in Nortlaumberland co., Pennoyl
viola:- •
Trarrn.—At a meeting of the proprietors and ma
nagers of the Western railroads, held a few days
ago in Columbus, Ohio, a debate arose coneorning
the affairs of the roads, when one of the members
remarked'" that the railroads of the country never
could repay, if they were dispoSed, the debt due to
the newspaper press (or its powerful aid when, the
idea of a railway had to be explained and popular
iced; the publlo benefits shown, and the people In
duced to come forward and associate for the purpose
Of aeOomplishing the great works that now need no
advocate." ;The same gentleman, in concluding a
speech on the subject, said " he could not forget
the amount of unpaid labor performed in the in
faney of railway building by tho only men who
could reach the popular ear and the popular heart
in the most effective manner." We believe (with
the Alexandria Gazette) that in regard to many of
the railroads of the country, they owe their Inc ep
tlen,.nrogrese, and completion mainly to the exer
tions of the newspapers.
It is not so much to approve these well-ut
tered sentiments that we print this para
graph, as to suggest to our different railroad
companies, now that they are discussing the
impedance of retrenchment, whether it would
not be , true economy to cut off' all free tick
eta, 'the newispapers included, and pay the
newspapers more liberal rates for'advertising,
.This would place all parties on an equal
"footing. It would insure the perfect inde
pendence of the press, would increase the
'revenues of the railroads, and would make
the directors and agents of all kinds more at
tentive and vigilant.
A'The Press is indignant and pitches into Mr. Al
libone, the late president, as the sole cause of all
themisohief. (Mr. Allibone left for Europe, very
sick and under the pressing advice of his physi
°lane,' a few weeks ago, the Press and all the
other , Philadelphia papers sympathizing very
deeply with him.")—Pittsburgh. Gazette.
Not so I Title Panes did not conceive it
necessary to, single out Mr. ALLIBONE before
his guilt was known, nor did an assault upon
'the directors, in justice to the stockholders,
seem to be essential, till their connection with
him was understood. We offered no incense
to Mr. Alumna in his pride of place; and if
we refrained commenting upon his transactions
till they were known, it was on the principle
that every man should be presumed innocent
till be is proved to be guilty.
Extracts from Dr. Samuel Jobusonls,Follo Die.
To Anscorrn ' v. n. kilbseondo, Dal To hide
one's self ; to retire from the public view gene.
rellyused of perSono in debt, or criminals eluding
the law.
• The marmotte, or mus sipinus, which absconds all
winter, lives on its own fat; for in autumn ' when
it shuts itself up in its hole, it in very f i t; but in
the spring time, when it comes forth again, very
lean,—Ray on the Creation.
To Basinoostx, v a. [A cant word not used in
,pure or in grave writings.] To deceive; to im
pose upon ; to confound.
After Nick bad bamboozled about the money, John
called for conntere.—Arbu thoot,
Every theatre in the 134 was well attended yes
terday evening. At the National, the burlesque
upon " Lucresia Borgia" again drew a largo audi
ence. Mr. Froderlok Buckley, a fino r viallniat and
popular composer, is the musical director, and the
new (Ethiopian) version of 4 . Trovatore" is to be
played this evening.
Charles Mathews, who appears at the Academy,
in two dramas, cannot play after Baturdry, as he
opens at New York (second engagement ut the
Broadway theatre) on Monday night.
Madame Frersolini's first concert will he given
this evening, at the Maslen]. Fund Ball, and, as
this cantatrics has never appeared in this city,
and bad decided success in Now York, pnblio
osity is on the qui vine to see and hear her. As
sisted as she. will be by Thalberg, Vienxtemps,
and Madame Strain:alai, the combined attraction
Is much greater than ordinary. The programme
so very liberal, (including three solos and a duet
by Madame Fressolint ; two solos and a duet by
Madame Strakosch ; and' three pieces, each, by
Thalberg end Vieuxtemps), that there really will
not be time for mores—in, other words, for the
audience to obtain more than the full value for
their money Which the performers promise to give
The Concert Book, which will be on sale et the
Mall, contains Madame Press°Has likeness and
authentic biography, with over one hundred and
forty songs and ballads, and musloal arrangements
for the piano•forte, of some of her most popular
Last night, Madame Lola Mentes gave a lecture
at the Musical Dina Rail, which. (an Irishman
might say) was so crowded as to bo "considerably
fuller' than it could bold." About two-fifths of
the audience were ladies. The subject was ex
tremely suggestive, and the fair lecturer, who con
fined herself very closely to what had come within
her own personal knowledge and 4observation, did
it ample jostles: She was much applauded
thtoughout, (her particular clearness of enuncia
tion enabling every point to be taken by every
person,) and was twice greeted with three distinct
rounds of approbation. The time occupied, as
measured by the clock, was an hour and a half—but
the audlenee heeded not the flight of time.
She commenced her remarks on " The Wits and
Women of Paris," by sketching the characteristics
of the French noblesse in that at ty ; the nobility
of the Empire, founded by Napoleon; of the Or
leans dynasty, formed by Louis Philippe; of the
elder Bourbons, consisting of the old titled fami
lies. She propheeted that whenever the Count do
Chambord, (" Henri V,") died, leaving the young
Count de Paris (grandson of Louis Philippe) as
representative of both branches of the French
Bourbons; the Legitimate and the Orleans nobility
would probably unite to recognise him as the heir
of ?ranee, which union might result in cense•
vie te e s very perilous to the present Emperor.
The isolated position of the elder French no
bility was next glanced at, very
,menstagly, and
With a mingled expression of contempt and pity.
Some specimens of these fossil remains wore de
wiped, with graphic force. Tlien came the re
's:mirk' that beyond any respect, in Paris, for the
Alittooracy' of ra n k 'tied birth, was the general
reverence for the, 'higher aristocracy of intellect,
with amusing illustrations, such as The devotion of
Ocelot delktorny, it the age, of twenty-six, for the
/Moue settees, MaileinolielliMpre, at the ase of
sixty—a devotion which, as her notional charms
had been limited, even in he youth, wasreod
only by her high intellect EArd womanly tree.
From this, Madame ptAid on to the'perfeetion
of Artln Parit—art in eoittiMe, In =miler, in she
ettisitieOn attireq4nd, oVthe Pont Naf, she had
eventel the MO of " M4M - sieur Jastaiii, artist in
3,` iecolleeticeriitd*,, and
anecdotes of celebrated living Partsiattenthors, of
both sexes. Madame Dudovant, bettiCknown as
Georges Sand, was the first of dna.. portraits,
• boldly sketched and brilliantly colored. The lead
ing points of her personal and literary career were
stated, and her character eloquently vindicated,
with a reference (which was numb applauded) to
'tbli'defonee orGebrgee Sand by the itiMMargaret'
d'Onsoli, in her o Woman of theNineteonth
Mademoiselle Rachel was more briefly, and less
favorably, glanced at, but Lamartine was spoken
of from intimate acquaintance ; of Professor Tisset,
the oldest academician, a full-length portrait was
given. Ho nad seen the execution of Madame Ro
land and of Charlotte Corday; he had known De
Stool ; he had lived under the Monarchy, the Re
volution, the Empire, the Restoration, the Orleans
dynasty, the Republic, and the second Empire,
and had supplied Lamartine with much of the ma
terial for the " History of the Girondists "
To the labors of Eugene Sue a tribute of praise
was given. But the hero of the evening was Alex
ander puma—always writing, and continually in
debt--•a boon companion among Princes, and a
Prince of boon companions. She related many
entertaining anecdotes—some, Illustrating his do.
medic life, were much applauded. Lem favorable
was the sketch of Jules Janin, the critic of the
Tountal des Debats.
Other celebrities were exhibited, after which
Madame described the position of Woman, iu Paris,
before and after marriage, and compared it with
that of the sex in this country. In Now York, as
in Paris, she said married life could not bo said to
make—a horns. The merchant was so engrossed
id business, speculations, and pardon, thathis brain
was a ledger and his head a counting-house She
had had opportunities of observing both, and saw
little difference between tho Fifth avenue and the
Faubourg de St. Hermit. Her peroration, which
was earnest and eloquent, drew forth repeated ex
pressions of applause. It was announced that, on
Thursday evening, she would address the audience
upon " Galgintry "—a lecture never before de
livered, and, indeed, only just written.
[From Occasional.")
WAStiIIiGTON, Nov. 9, 1857
There is decidedly a better state of feeling here
as to Governor Walker. A great many people
profess to speak for Mr. Buchanan against Governor
Walker. My opinion is, however, that Walker
will sustain himself at all hazards. Ho has the
right on his side, and that is a groat deal In these
There is not quite so mush talk of rejeoting
Walker as there was before the Oxford fraud. The
Southern Senators are not willing to force a sec
ttonal issue upon the country, I think. It is with
them to say. If Robert J. Walker is not national
enough for them, they cannot be eliewhere suited.
I believe the Southern people will not be reody to
take the responsibility of approving such a step as
this on the part of their Representatives,
The New York Herald's demonstration on the
printing question has occasioned some comment.
I told you long ago, that Mr. Buchanan bad re.
peatedly declared that ho was not In the printing
contest in Congress. So that this issue cannot be
made for or against any one. It is to be a "free
fight" all round. Any number of candidates are
Action of the Government in view of the Re
ports from New York—Col. Harris Ordered
for Duty to that City—Protection of the Citi
zens of Washington and Oregon Territories
against Indian Invasions from 'Wash Ame
rica—Chinese Sugar Cane—The Enlargement
of "The States" to a two-cent Paper—Land
Office Intelligence, &e.
Wasinttortis, November 10, 1857.—1 n view of
the recent telegraphic , reports from New York, I
learn that the President, through the proper De
partment, has issued orders for the protection of
the property of the United States id that city.
Colonel Monis left for Now York in obedience to
these orders, and it is presumed to take command
of the United States fetus there.
The informatidn from New York, which is cur
rent in the circles of Washington, is, that the mob
have conceived the design of pillaging the bank
and Bab-Treasury buildings of their gold and silver
deposits. This design, if over contemplated, will
be frustrated by the prompt and efficient measures
taken by the Administration.
The delegateh from the Territories of Oregon and
Washington will, when they reach this city, de
mand from this Government, on behalf of their
constituents, adequate protection against the pre
sent frequent and bloody Indian incursions from
British America. Murders and outrages have been
committed on our citizens in those Territories time
out of mind; and though our Government has
again and again brought the matter to the atten
tion of the British Government, it has•been put off
witlifine promises. In all probability the subject
will once more be brought to the attention of the
British Government, with the hope that, es the
Hudson's Bay Company, in whose territory those
Indians are, is before Parliament for a renewal of
its charter, something definite and satisfactory will
be done.
Molasses made from the Chinese sugar-cane is
now sold each market day in the markets of Wash
ington. It is raised in Maryland and Virginia.
Last year the imports of molasses amounted to
$0,000,000, but the Imports of this article of uni
versal consumption, for the present Oar, in conse
quence of the general cultivation of this cane, will
not be one-third of that sum. The flavor of the
molasses made from the Sorghum is pleasanter
and more palatable than that of common molasses.
For the successful introduction of this now agri
cultural product into the United States, the coun
try is Indebted to the exertions of IL J. littowx,
Esq., the chief of the Agricultural Bureau of the
Patent Mee.
The States, an evening paper which has now
been published near seven months, has met with
snob success as to justify its proprietor, and ono of
the original founders of the Washington Union,
Major Ilsiss, In enlarging the daily edition to the
sire of the last-named paper. The prospectus says
"The States will continue to represent the
sound, constitutional principles of States-rights
which have ever been uphold by the National
Democracy, but it will not bo so entirely political
that its columns wilt interest the politieian exclu
sively, nor so party as to betray
principle at the command of power, or disguise its
convictions at the suggestions of expediency."
The States, in future, instead of a penny, will
be a two-cent paper.
The General Land Office is in receipt of the fol
lowing approved township plats, from the surveyor
general of Oregon Territory, viz :
Townships 34 and 36 south, of range 6 ; town
ships 35, 38, and 40 south, of range 7 ; and town
ships 38, 39, and 40 south, of range B—all meet of
Willamette meridian.
Townships 39 south, of range 1, and township
41 south, of range '2, both east of Willamette
Townships 1,2, and 3 south, of range 5, and
townships 7,8, and 10 south, of rango 6—all west
of Willamette meridian.
Rogue river passes through township 35 south,
of range 7, and township 36 south, of range 0.
These surveys cover about 211,000 acres, and of
this amount there are upwards of 13,100 acres cm•
braced by 70 private claims.
The Commiasiener of Indian Affairs intends to
administer a severe rebuke to DRIURAN Tom)
for his various short•oominge, and for the insolent
manner in which he recently addressed the Bu
reau concerning affairs in Utah.
Young complains that his accounts have invaria
bly been disallowed, and that he hes on this ac
count with difficulty sustained the civil govern
ment of the Territory. The reasons for such Ra
tk:l by the Department will be given by General
DENVER, and an exposition of the pulley of the
Government towards Utah will be made, which,
we doubt not, will be far from pleasant to the ox-
Governor. X. Y.
The Arabia'■ News.
NEW Yong, Nov. 10.—The Eastern telegraph
lines are down, and there is no prospect of repair
ing them to-night. Wo are therefore unable to
learn whether the News' yacht has boon successful
in obtaining the steamer Arabia's package.
From Washington
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.—Thoro is now a prospect
of an early recognition of the Government of Nica
ragua, the reception of Yrissari, and the negotia
tion of the treaty which bas already been prepared
relative to the Transit route.
C. F. Hagedorn has boon recognised by the Pro
oidont as consul gonoral of Bavaria, to reside at
William W. Taylor has boon promoted to a chief
examiner in tho Patent ollioe, vire Herbert, ro.
Attain& In New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10.—Large hunger meetings
are now being held in Tompkins Square and the
City Hall Park. No disturbance has yet occurred
among those in attendance. The police have sup
pressed all speeoh•making. A strong pollee force
is present, undone regiment is also held in r eserve
Suspension of a Detroit Banking H ome .
DETROIT, Nov. 10.—Messrs. Q. & A. Ives, private
bankers, have suspended. Their assets are said to
be ample.
Freshet in the Susquehanna River
WILLIAMSPORT, Nov. 10.—The Basquebenne.
river at this point has raised ten feet, and still
Important Invention for Cotton Plantations.
Now YonO, November 10.—At the recent Pair
of the American Insulate, a silver ~piedul was
awarded to Major lieorge„ft. lienry, of Mobile,
Alabama, for his imprirentent In the manufaoturo
of yarns, by spinninitbieeed cotton on the plan.
tattoos. The inventoihas contracted with George
L. Yerger, Esq., an extensively known cotton
grower of Yazoo county, Mississippi, on whose
plantation the machine to to go into immediate
operation, to spin the seed cotton into yarn!, to the
extent of 400 bales per annum, for five years.
This machine is destined to work an entire revolu
tion in the manufacture of cotton.
It is tweposed fo forth a pint ,company undo,
the general law of Misslisippl, with a capital of four
nillitontbrdoltars, in shares Of one thousand dol.
lava each ; which will °entreet with the ihrtrier to
furnish the necessary machinery to spin the setton
into yarns, °barging no profit on the machinery,
itself, but requiring a tariff of say one-fourth of
the profit between the price of the raw cotton and
the spun Yarn. It is admitted on all hands. that
the litmus in the revenue of the cotton-grower
will be about one hundred Der cent.
Heavy' Freshet in Northern New York.
Etaitaa, Nov. 10.—The river at this point is
very high and Still rising. The water runs over
the New York and Erie Railroad Bridge, and it is
feared that structure will give way soon. TO
Now York and Erie Railroad trash at Corning is
washed away, so that no trains nun pass, and the,
town of Oosningis nearly swamped. It Is reported
that several buildings have been washed away
Ru; aevan, Nov. 10.—Great damage has been
done here and farther up the Genesee Valley. At
Danville, eight daps and sir bridges wore swept
away last night. The river is very high and still
rising. Numerous culverts on the Nov York Oen.
tral Railroad between here and Syracuse have
been washed away. Tho track is inundated in
many places and no trains own pass.
ALBANY, Nov. 10.—Two bad breaks have oc
curred on the canal, near Palmyra and Newark,
and it will take live days to repair the damage.
Robbery and Arson,
CINCINNATI, Nov. 10.—A party of burglars en
tered the grocery store of John Ilarltoh, at Day :.
ton, Ohio, last night, and after robbing a ears of
$6OO, they set fire to tho building, which, with the
contents, was ontiroly destroyed.
Wisconsin Election.
CHICAGO, November 9.—The returns from Wis.
cousin indicate the election of James B. Orem,
Democrat, for Governor.
Now ORLEANS, November 9.—Sales of 6,000
bales at an advacno of I cent. Market closed firm
at 12 cents for middling. Receipts 8,000. Molas
ses quoted at 25 cents. Red wheat ,quoted at Si.
Sales of Lard in kegs at 120 cents.
.SALTInonE, Nov. 10.—Flour—Sales of 1,000 bble
Ohio and Howard street at $5.25. Wheat irregu
lar, and prices lower; red, $1.1041.10; white,
$1,25a51.35. White corn, 750; yellow, 70a780.
Whiskey, 21110220 c.
CHARLESTON, Nov. 9.—Cotton—Sales on Satur
day and Monday 3,600 bales, at 1210 for good mid
AUGUSTA, Nov. 9.—The cotton market is buoy
ant, and closed with an advancing tendency.
SAVANNAH, Nov. 10.—Cotton—Sales of 540 bales
at 121a1210. The market closed with an advancing
Commove, Nov. 10.—Cotton firm at 113a113.
AUGUSTA, Nov 10 --Cotton market steady and
active. More buyers than sellers,
Wasu'Noma, Nov. 10.—The receipts of Cotton
for a week at Cialveston, Texas, amounted to 2,100
bales, and the exports to 1,100. Middling was
quoted at 91a910. Nearly 1,000 bales wore shipped
to New York on the 28th ult., on the barque Olen.
[Reported for The Press ]
DISTRICT COURT No. I—Judge Strond,—ln the
ease of Victor P. Miller vs. Maya Nesbit (before
reported in the Passe,) the jury rendered a
verdict for the plaintiff for $2,2461.
In the ease of Perry vs. Conrad vs. John Bober
(before reported) the jury found a verdict for the:
plaintiff for $404 75.
John Harp, Jr., vs. Jacob Williams. An Ration
to recover rent. Edgar Pettit for the plaintiff, and
John P. O'Neil for the defendant. Yordiot for the
Jonathan George and David George, copartners,
vs. William R. Hanson and A. P. Hanson, copart
tars. An motion on a promissory note. Raw Ger
hart for the Plaintiff, and Guyler for the defendant! .
Vordiot for the plaintiff for $953 53.
Peter Oliphant vs. William P. Roberts. An ac
tion on a promissory note. Juvenal for the plain
tiff, and huts for the defendant. Verdict for the
plaintiff for $1,199.63.
George Andrews vs. Michael Gegen. An action
on a promissory note. Verdict for the plaintiff for
William W. Weaver vs. Henry Phillippe An
notion to recover money alleged to be due for
board. Gowen for tho plaintili, and Thompson for
the defendant.
DISTRICT COURT No. 2—Judge Ilare.—Thomai
Ilaldoun vs. Benjamin B. Crayeroft. An eject.
mont for house and lot. Drayton for the plaintiff;
Carter for the defendant. Verdict for the defend
Georgo W. Gavatt Li. Charles iireelstnin. An
notion for work and labor done. Woodward and
Vaniant for plaintiff, and Hanna for the defend,
ant. On trial.
Commix PLEAS—Judge Allison.—Howard us.
Administrators of Tobias Buehler, deceased, be
fore reported in TUE PRESS. On trial.
On the opening of the court this morning, a case
was continued from yesterday. It was that of
William Herbert, charged with the commission of
an assault and battery. The suit was brought at
the instigation of a person who had been put out
of a house In Manayunk during aCerman " feast"
or frolic Herbert was acquitted, and the prosecu
tor ordered to pay 'the toots of prosecution.
O. W. Wooster waschargod t in eonjunetion with
William Murray and Virginia Smith, with con
spiracy in keeping a panel house in Green's court.
Defendants plead not guilty. The witnessealled
was Henry A. Greer. lie testified that his father
owned the house in Green's court, which was first
occupied by G Worter, about the Bth of Oct. last.
It was rented from witness as agent for the owner.
Mr. Knonss was then called; he testified that lie
went to the house with Detective Trefts and
searched it; the inmatee were Virginia Smith and
William Murray; Wooster was not there; ho found
a panel door as it is called. Counsel for the do
fence, at this point, objected to the giving of testi
mony of this nature, sledging that the Common
wealth has made the ease one of conspiracy, and
were first bound to establish the conspiracy before
proceeding to detail the frusta.
The judge decided that it was merely a question
of order of evidence, and that the witness should
Between the first and second rows was the panel
which moved on its hinges, and was closely fitted
into the partition Over It was hung a number of
female drosses when witness first wont to the place;
when Murray was first met at the place by witness,
lie said, " ‘Voll, if Wooster hired me to work, We
none of your business ;" in the front room there
was a bed ; the panel did not open into the room
in which the bed was situated, but into the entry.
The evidence which was given by this witness was
decidedly interesting. Ile had been told by the
parties on his visit to the house, of the whole in
tended plan of operation. Virginia Smith was to
ontioo men to the house, and Wooster was to fol
low them and enter the department by means of
the panel, and commit the robbery. In ease
Wooster was not on hand, then Murray was to en
ter and pilfer.
It was understood that Virginia was to find out
whether or not the victim was a married man; if
such was the case, she was to convey a mute signal
to her confederates, and they were to "pluck"
him freely, i. e. take all the moray that he pos
sessed—they took all, because they knew very well
that a married man would not dare to make any
excitement. In ease the victim waslan unmarried
man, he was to his robbed only of a portion of his
Money. In ease he was a countryman, he was to
be robbed of every cent be possessed, AO that he
would he unable, through want of means, to insti
tute any criminal proceedings.
Detective Traits was sworn.—He testified to the
discovery of the panel, and to having fallen
through it into the cellar beneath ; he testified to
the arrest of the parties, the discovery of the skele
ton keys, and de., in the trunk of Wooster, and to
the location of the panel.
The counsel for the defence offered no witnesses,
and commenced their argument by contending
that there was no testimony of any overt est of
robbery having been committed, nor of conspiring,
to implicate the defendants. On trial.
[From the New York papers of but evening.)
The force demobstrations to-day have so 'far
passed off without any apprehended disturbance—
the city being well prepared on all sides against
"force," or "force measures."
THE CUSTOM house.—A good many lazy and
curious people have been hanging about the COS.
tom house, and leaning over the railings since
noon, butgenerally they have been very promptly
dispersed by the pollee. The objects of attrustion
have been the United States troops within the
but these have been wholly
Sewn AND AID.—At half-past seven o'clock this
morning a body of U. S. troops came from Gover
nor's Island and took up their quarters in the
basement of the custom house They numbered
fifty-seven men, including non-commissioned offi.
cars. At the same time fifty-coven marines, in
eluding officers, came from the navy yard and took
up their quarters in the same place,—making ono
hundred and fourteen in all, to protect the Sub-
This is in pursuance of orders from Washington,
and inconsequence of the force demonstrations of
so-called workingmen In Wall street, the last
week, with their significant insinuations or threats
about the 820,000,000 in that street.
Lieut. General Winfield Scott, with his Aid,
Colonel Scott, camp into Wall street a quarter to
12 o'clock—and were both, doubtless, in Fenton
to be useful if their services were necessary.
.411ack upon a Newspaper Carrier.--Shortly
before five o'clock yesterday morning, a carrier
of Tao PRESS, named Charles Keates, was at
tacked by three men at the corner of Ten and
Vine streets, knocked down and robbed of dll the
papers he had in his possession. His cries for
help brought him no assistance, and his assonants
effected their escape. It is certainly a sotioo of
regret that such an outrage can bo perpetrated by
armed ruffians in a district where the pollee ar
rangements are ample enough for every emergency.
We hope that the Lieutenant of the Tenth ward
will adopt mammies calculated to prevent a repeti
tion of book a dastardly attack upon an nneftend
ing oltisen, who le quietly engaged in the pursuit
of ids business.
Fall Sale this evening includes several properties
to be gold, without reserve, by order of the Or
phans' Court,
711 E CITY.
ACADEMY OF Moine, B.V. CORNER or 11R0111 AND
OUST STROITS •—• Used Up"—" Twenty ?Monte+ with
♦ Tiger ,, —" Two Buzzards." • '
AMOY/ iheert.— ,l Jack 040".," The Abney Moon,ll
AIR WALNUT Th ' o Oceai Child"—" Wale,
the Cigar Cirl."
—Buckley's Opera Troupe.
ORlLlTNoT.—Ethiopian Life Illustrated, concluding With
I laughable afterpiece,
„. , rgoueusle TANOMAta I Firm aan,Ottesvartr Sos.r
-;upoticertt , --o , ,Gymettitie Pests ' l .ka t
Board of Controllers of the-Public Schools.:-.6 ,
The stated monthly meeting of the Board of Con
trollers of the Public &both was held yoyterdat
afternoon, at four o'clock,l th/ Athenreutp ,
Building, tense of :Sixth ..ttod Adjiplit !street/E t
All the mothball were present 4 --
Mr. Barton was duly qualified as a member of
the board from tho first school section.
A communication woo received from the board
of directors. of the third 'Seotion ' asking for the
formation of a third division in the Male Secondary
School, No. 5. Referred, to Committee on Gram
mar, Secondary, and Printery &heels.
A communication wee received from the direo
tors of the tenth section, asking for , the appoint.
'meet of an additional lonelier, which was referred
to the same committee.
Also, a communication from the directors of the
twelfth section, asking that new beaters be placed
In the different schools of that gotten. Referred
to the Committee on Property.
Also, a communication from the directors of the
fourteenth section, calling the attention to the un
safe condition of the building at Twelfth and Winter
streets, now used and occupied by primary schools,
numbers 1,2, and 3. A committee, accompanied
by competent mechanics, visited this building on
'Saturday afternoon last. The building, t ap.
pears, was erected about twelve years since, and
wee intended for two private dwellings. It was
sabseguently altered, and rented under the name
of- the Brotherly Hall. Some time alnoo the faun.
diatom of the building wore very inuoh weakened
by a freshet, and at the present time they are in
*very unsafe condition. There are four hundred
and sizty.two childrenAho attend these schools
and are in constant danger of losing their lives by
a fall of this dilapidated building. The communi
cation elicited a brief disouesion &Alton several
members, after which it was referred to the Ceps-'
*mittee on Property.
communication was received from Mr. 11. G.
4teisinring, chief clerk of Select Council, relative to
the resolution adopted in Councils, Instructing the
pity solicitor to adopt measures to obtain the dwell
ings on the Forrest school house property, in tho
Twenty gnat word. Referred to the Committee on
Also, a communication from George P. Gordon,
Esq., recommending the establishment of night
drawing schools in the different wards. On motion
Of Mr. Montgomery, the communication was laid
on the table.
The Committee on Accounts reported bills
amounting to $5,934.10 which were ordered to be
The Committee on Grammar Secondary, and
Primary solmols, repotted that theyi had 'visited the
different schools of the various sections, with the
_view of ascertaining the opinions of the directors of
"the sectional boards on the question of holding one
session. They found a great diversity of opinion
on the subject, adyantage having been claimed for
one as well as two daily sessions, The Cetumittee
offered a resolution recommending to the no
tional boards a rigid enforcement of the resolution
of the board requirin daily morning end after
noon sessions. From the Ist of October to the let
of April, the eohoole aro to be opened at 9 A. M.
and 3 P. M., and to be closed atl2 M. and 4/ P.M.,
and for the remaining months to bo opened at 81
A. M. and 2 P. M., and olose at 114 A. M. and 5
o'clock P. M. In ease of inclement weather, when
there is ono session, it shall oontieue five hours,
inclusive of a recess of twenty minutes.
Mr. Friebuth moved to amend the resolution, by
including the model, or school of practice.
A very lengthy discussion ensued upon the
merits of the amendment, during which one of he
members declared that the model school was a
humbug, and ought to be abolished." The advert.
tages anti disadvantages of a single session were
discussed with much spirit. Mr. Dusenberry con
tended that it would be utterly Impossible to carry
out the amendment. Its effect upon the Normal
school would be most disastrops. 4p . conolnding
his remarks, hp warned gentlemen agatest any at
tempt to injure an educational institution so °Mori-
Woes as the Normal school has proved itself to he
lle who tired the hlphosian temple acquired an im
mortality, but it was ono of infamy. 110 who
strikes the blow which will disable the great arm
of our school system may render himself notori
ous, but in years to coma will be a sullied for the
greatest remorse. Tho amendment was agreed to.
The Committee on Property presented a report,
with resolutions attached, providing for an appli.
tuition to Councils to appropriate the first floor
of the Southwark Hall for the use of the school
new occupying a portion of the Wecoacoe Engine
House, and that an appropriation of three hundred
dollars be made for fitting the Hall for school pur
poses. Also, a resolution authitrizing the dire°.
tore of the twenty-fourth Booth - Ai to pay one hun
dred dollars additional rent for thttkPunlap School
House, provided the owner make): the oecessary
Also, a resolution authorising tho POninlitioe on
Property to procure the necessary furniture for the
Itoxborough oat:tool-house. Also, a resolution pro
riding that an order bo drawn in favor of In.
swam Company for fifty-throe dollars, for insur
ance on the Roxborough school-house. The reso
lutions were adopted.
The committee appointed September Bth, to pro.
pare the usual annual estimate of the sum required
for the support of the Public schools of the First
School District of Pennsylvania, for 1848, reported
that they have received from the sectional boards,
.and High and Normal schools, estimates of the
amounts required for next year. The committee,
in view of the present financial embarrassment,
have deemed it proper to unite by every possible
means with the city authorities in reducing ex
penses, and have deemed it inexpedient for the
coming year to recommend the erection of any new
school-houses. The following aro the items of the
estimate ;
Salaries V . ,',97,900
Rent of Schoolhouses 24 080
Repair of School Houses 10,060
Furnaces and Stoves 8,270
Cleaning School HOUsel .. 31,271
Clerk llire 7,200
Furniture 9,410
Night Schools 18,307
Printing and Petty Expenses 3,112
For the employment of additional Teachers ... 3,000
For the rent of additional buildings 2,000
For the Ground Rents 9,000
For the Fuel 18,000
Water Rents 1,000
Hooks and Stationery 46,000
Salary of Secretary of Board 7,600
Salary of Clerk 000
Salary of Messenger 480
Rent of Office 000
Printing 2,000
Advertising 500
Porterage of Books, Carriage Hire, Gas 114 k,
and Incidentals t•e e • • 1 1 5 Z
Expenses of Committees
Mr. Montgomery offered a resolution that all the
schools of the pity be closed on the 26th instant,
Thanksgiving day. Adopted.
Mr. Leech offered the following :
Reaolved t That a committee of five members of
this board be appointed for the purpose of drafting a
bill to bo submitted to tbo Legislature, defining the
powers and duties of the Board of Controllers anti
school directors of the first Behold districts, and
also with a view to extending the present bounda
ries of the sections, so that there shall bo a less
number of sections than at present, and report to
this board at its next meeting. Agreed to.
Mr. Dusenberry offered the following :
Resolved, That the sectional boards be requested
to have all bills for salaries of teachers, both in
day and night schools, and all other claims against
their respective sections, up to the :11st December
next, passed at their stated meeting in November,
and send them to the Controllers' office on or be
fore December let, in order that the Board of Con
trollers may have them for consideration at their
stated meeting In December. Adopted.
After the adoption of a resolution, providing that
hereafter the quarterly reports of the schools be
sent to the directors of the respective sections be
fore the stated meetings In December, Marsh,
June, and September, the board on motion ad
Mercantile Beneficial ilssociation.--Tho an
nual meeting of this excellent organization was
held yesterday, at the hall, corner of Seventh and
Sansout streets. The attendance was large.
Tho sixteenth annual report of the Mercantile
Beneficial Association was then read. It elates
that in reviewing 'the operations of the society, and
presenting a report of the general administration
of its atlairs for the year that isjust past, the board
feel highly gratified at having just cause for con
gratulation on the successful results which have
attended their labors, and on the steady and in
creasing growth of the society. The year which is
about to close will constitute a striking epoch in
the history of our country. Its opening promised
to be a season or unusual prosperity Its closing
realized ono of the greatest revulstons that over
prostrated and paralyzed the trade end enterprise
of a commercial community. All entered upon it
with high hopes of success, bat the promise has not
been fill - filled, although the country never possessed
snore real and substantial wealth than at the pre•
sent moment.
The recollections of the past present no parallel
to the present destruetion of confidence and credit.
It is no ordinary misfortune that is now hanging
over us. Those who stood foremost and strongest
have had to yield to the storm. Rouses and firms
that have weathered every financial calamity for
a quarter of a century are now lying prostrate in
ruins. Tho whole treasury of this association
would scarcely meet the wants of a single mer
chant for a day; yet still, it it cannot relieve
commercial distress, it may do something for in
dividual suffering. We may not be able to says a
pian's estate, bat we can aid him to keep burning
the fire on his hearthstone.
The relief committees have disbursed, in relief,
to different members of the association during the
past year, eight hundred and fifty dollars and fifty
cents. Applications were received from quarters
every way deserving of aid, and which met the
warmest sympathy of the committee, but owing to
constitutional restrictions they could not be favora
bly entertained. This is the most trying part of
the committee's labors. Although the details of
afflictions are always painful, yet the entsoiousoess
of our ability to relieve them compensates us to a
groat extent for any effort that ire may be called
upon to make; but the seine details, pressing on
our sympathies and feelings, without the cheering
knowledge that the appeal can be met, makes the
ofilce of the committee not onfrequently most un
desirable, and ono that would be gladly avoided.
While the sum granted does not vary greatly
from the average of past years, yet the essodintion
has fatly accomplished its work of relieving all
those having a fair claim upon Its funds; and In
some respects the results may bu considered even
more satisfaetory than those of almost any year
since our existence as a benevolent organization.
In an association, numbering as many members as
this, and supported by the contribution of a small
annual sum from ouch, the amount at the disposal
of the relief committee is moderate, oompared with
the mills that any !minuted demand which the
members might make upon it, and were it disbursed
In large sums to one or two applicants,
destitute and deserving they might be, the bene
fits would be necessarily restricted, and the exist
ence of the association itself would bo of doubtful
expodieney. But where the amount, moderato in
itself, can be made the instrument of PAP) many,
by being distributed among them in proportionate
sums, the aggregate benefit is largely Increased,
and we must no longer estimate the work done by
the number of dollars spent, but by the number of
members relieved.
This principle has been carried out by the eom•
mittee in the arrangementof the featly during the
poet year, and they have every reason thus far to
be satisfied with the result. The sums granted
have ranged from thirty dollars to one donation of
fine hundred and fifty dollars made to the family
of a deceased member, left in circumstances of
peculiar destitution. The recipients hare many of
them been young men who had joined the aseestia
!n ion in the fell tide of health and vigor. etirgagitd
aotife busineas—some as principals and eoMe 4$
subordivatea—little anticipating that a few ghost
years would wholly hange their prospeata and Ott.'
dition, and bring them to seek participation all
fund wbieh their contributions had augmented:as
they supposed, only for the benefitof others. Tho
wise provision in the constitution that prohibits
the divulgement of the came or circumstances of
the recipients precludes any extended detail of
each ease.
Alitee l the last report, fifty-three new members
Ulm been added to the list of membership, eleven
„layttesigned, (atany.of thommt.Ociaturitof their.
removalfrom tba city,) four have died, and three
have bQe expelled, The ,Witlnputhar of went
berm be - Molting to 'the association, at this t is
1061. The receipts for dues, interest, ground rents,
ste.; foe tire saute period, are $2,081.0, making the
aggregate - Sum now in the hob& of the treasury,
including permanent instalments, $11,102.19.
A resolution was adopted at the lest annual meet+
log recommending the present board of managers
to mature tome plan by means of which the use
fulness of the association could be extended to mi . :
worn 'engaged in mercantile prirseits. It was con
templated tb embrace In our system of bonen
opium, the greater protection and improvement,
both morally and intellectually, of the youths of
our city, between the ages of fourteen and twenty-
One years.. Various schemes were proposed sod
discussed at different times, but without arriving
at abribing feasible and praaticable. It is hoped
that this subject may be referred tothe new board,
and a more lively interest excited In its favor. •
The report, in couelusion ; states that the board
aro aware that hundreds of young men, who come
here from the country, are allured by the delusivh
idea that it is only necessary to enter a large city
like oar own to command positiori and fortune, but
who, ere long, find their hopes all doomed to die- ,
appointment. Too proud or ambitious to retrace
the course they have taken. unemployed, and sub.
Jeot to all the temptations which idienese and dis
sipation present, with no one to mensal or eympv
thizo with them, they are, hurried on i step by step,
until they fall completely 'debased in 'morale, as
well as ruined in reputation. To avert a censure;
motion like this, would not only be worthy the
strongest efforts oCindividual,benevolence, but
should certainly command the attention of a so
ciety established almost exeltudreily for the wet ,
fare of the younger portion-of ititgerabers:
The labors of the present board arkneW broaght
to a close. With the full cotivictiorilhat the nese
elation is deserving of all support, they cannot, re tire
from their offloial trusts without most earnestly
urging upon all connected with the society to speed
the good work with all the means and influence in
their power ; for the experience of the peat moat
emphatically shows that all that can be given, and
all that Gan be done, will bo seed sown upon good
soil, whose future harvest will prove a crown of
blessings as well to him who receives as to him who
After the election of of for the ensuing year
the meeting adjourned.
Another Meeting of the Working-Men.—At
the corner of Spring Garden and Broad streets
yesterday afternoon, upon a vacant lot, there as
sembled about two thousand people, agreeably to a
call published in the daily papers:
The rostrum was afforded by a furniture wagon
drawn into the centre of the lot, and the meeting
was organised by the appointment of Wm. Crary,
president, George Clark, vice presideut, and Gee.
Carter and Wm. Wood, secretaries.
The President then requested the persons who
had published the oall to come forward - if present.
Word was accordingly passed with the many
tongued voles of the throng for " Brown !"
"Sykes!" "King !" (whirls names, it appears,
were signed to the call), but without response.
The President then asked if anybodj in the crowd
know suoh persona or had heard of them. The
only reply was a deafening and simultaneous cry
The President then said he would conduct the
meeting to the best of his ability, and would offer
the following for adoption, as expressing the sense
of the meeting.
At a meotitig of the citizens held on Tuesday
afternoon, November 10th, 1857, the following pre
amble and resolutions were adopted
Whereas, front the present alarming condition
of our financial affairs, that has led to en almost
universal bankruptcy, ruin and stagnation of all
business, a lack of' employment of labor that has
caused very many working-men and their families
to want for bread, the cause of which needs no
comment at this time, as it is no apparent what
has been done in deranging our ourreney cannot be
OOdOOO, we must have relief OT want for bread; the
best seourlties, our city warrants, are selling at a
discount, while ono dollar of these warrants has
more real seourity than five dollars of bank notes;
we are in want of a safe circulating currency, and
we know of none better at this time than for our
city corporation to issue city warrants. Therefore,
bo it
Resolved, That we recommend our city corpo
ration to Issue four millions of dollars of oily war
rants, as follows: ono million of one dollars, p,no
million of two dollars, one million of three dol
lars, and one million of four dollars.
Resolvq, That we recommend the warrants
specilled shall be a legal currency, to be paid out
and received at par for all debts duo by or to said
city corporation.
Resolved, That we recommend our citizens to
receive and pay out at par mild warrants for all
business transactions.
Resolved, That wo recommend that, so soon as
said Ana millions of dollars of warrants be in air
oulation, our city corporation be required to cancel
annually not less than six per cent. of said war
Revolved, That wo are compelled to sudmit to
violate the laws of our State, by having to use
smell notes of other States as a currency. and pay
a discount of two per cent. to procure them; we
protest against tins, as our own State will be filled
with worthless paper.
Resolved, That we consider tbe above issue a
relief not only to our city corporation. but also to
the taxpayers and workingman, and will enable our
city corporation not only to pay her liabilitios, but
also enable said corporation to continue the neces
sary improvements, with% will enable the work
ingmen—the bone and sinew of our land—to pay
their Teats., which will enable the taxpayers to pay
their taxes, and give the city the use of four mil
lion of dollars without interest..
Resolved, That we recommend the citizens of
every ward, without distinction of party, to call
ward meetings, and send in petitions to our City
Mr. Carter then offered the following, in adili
Lion :
Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed
to visit City Councils, and with them to devise
aomo means of relief by which employment can be
Tho President stated that ho know that Councils
were at heart willing to aid them, but afraid to
net. Ono party pulled one way, and another di
rectly oppoeito. Yethe believed that, if the appli
cation were made in a proper manner, there would
be no refusing, under the present circumstances.
Tho following-named persons were appointed as
a committee: Oeorgo Clark, First ward; John
Amber, Nineteenth ward; John Asher, Twentieth
ward; Henry I,er,an, Tenth ward, and Thomas
Kane, Tenth ward,
John Thorp, a mechanie, of the Second ward,
then amended the rostrum, and made a highly
tinged address to the assembled multitude.
" Is itpossible " said he, "that in this glorious
country I stand io-day, and see myself surrounded
by so many hundreds of empty pockets, BO many
hundreds of empty bellies, and so many hundreds
of suffering people who are seeking in vain for
labor by which to earn their bread ! And if on this
occasion there are so many present from one small
section of the pity, there must be in Philadelphia
at least 20,000 people now out of employ and unable
to toll ono day from what quarter will come their
nest six days' bread. And Whits we are in the
circumstances, look around us upon those who
have profited by our misfortune and reduced us to
our present deplorable condition. Where aro
they? Seated m their sumptuous parlors and
dining rooms upon Brussels carpets, surrounded
by luxuries, and quietly smoking their Hat-aims.
All this is an outrage upon the poor and laboring
class ofpooplo, because from them it is all wrested.
Now, hews halt we help ourselves? Ivan do noth
ing alone, but when united with twenty thousand
more, the question is not what can we do, but
what can we not do ? Before I would starve I
would steal. Some people may call this treason,
but Ido sot. If a man can buy $300,000 worth
of sugar, and then burst up and settle with his
creditors at thirty per cent., why he's a gentleman'
But if one of us should steal a chicken to sup
ply his family with a meal, he, forsooth, would be
sent to prison. Now, when a man steals to pro
cure moans to keep olf starvation, ho commits no
wrong nor violates any law—for in that case he is
tho victim of necessity, and necessity knows no
law. A rich man fails. Ileeheats the whole com
munity—robs the widow, robs the orphan, robs be
novolont societies whose money ho has appropriated
to his own uses, in the rich man's language—stolen
in ours. Where does he go'
A voice in the crowd—tq Vamp! (This sally
was followed by yells that suggested the howling
of as many wolves.]
Three months ago we all bad emplayment, We
were prosperous es far as work was concerned, and
the futpre teas smiling berme us. There was then
a vast over-issue of bank paper in circulation. Did
the hanks give their favors to those who had the
best right to claim it—to me or to you No. But
they lavished their discounts upon speculators—
men who boarded up the necessaries of life and
fattened upon the hard-earned savings of the poor.
Where they would have stopped nobody knows.
But tied Almighty at last frowned upon them. Tho
crops covered the fields with their abundance and
plenty crowned the harvest. The miscreants could
not buy up the crops then, they were too large,
and therefore they did the next best thing for them
selves—they burst up.
Now I'll tell you what we can do, and my word
for it we can put it in force and carry it through.
Lot us go down in a body to the banks, and lot a
committee of twenty-five of us go to each bank
president Lot those presidents have notice to
resume payment in a given time, or else we'll force
them to do it, and you'll find they'll resume in the
time you name. Let them bo compelled to re
sume or to shut up their doors. This is what we
went. Lot the banks resume payment and we
shall all have work, Look at the effect of the
matter elsewhere. One of the suspended banks in
New Orleans retained some (line ago, and what
was the result? Orders came from that city te this,
and to supply those orders, ono of the non-working
cotton factories in Southwark had re-commenced
operations and re-employed its men. Therefore,
I say, lot the banks go on, or let us deal with
them. I may be excited, but I deal only in foots.
Let a committee of twenty-five be appointed, and
let us go at it alien you will.
"How's the time, (cried a voice), let's go now."
"Who'll get up a banner ?" (cried another.)
Never mind now, continued the speaker, theme
are not enough us. We will hold another meet
ing, perhaps to-morrow, and then, instead of being
two or three thousand, we can call twenty thou
sand men to this spot. Then we can go with effect.
and make the hearts of the purse-proud bankers
tremble within them.
• The eonolution of these remarks was greeted
with furious applause.
Dennis Street then came forward, and urged
unity of action upon the meeting. lie said that
all their present troubles were brought about by
the speculators in provisions and breadstuffs, and
e cu i
e l a n t o n r u s
tho banks, whi onrushing
with the moans of clothing out ththeoponers. l
believed that, as the speculators hod brought dis
asters upon the country, and robbed the poor man
of his work, they should be compelled to support
those whom they had reduced to starvation. Ho
then drew a ploture of the present condition of
himself and comrades, without money and without
the prospect of getting any. What were they to do?
What were their daughters to do—the daughters
whom they had reared with every promlso j of use
fulness and virtue. Wore they to be turned out
as victims to the lusts of those who had ruined
their prospeots? Whet else could become of them
t with starvation staring them in the face, and all
the cotton faotoliei and workshops standing idle
with closed doors? Ile did not come here for pa
Utica! purposes IL nos a peaceably disposed
mati t , but be was strongly proofed by necessity, and
mud either steal, beg, or :.tan r ,
toes the the crowd—Then we'll steal—we'll
X ;was 'mon moved }h at a petition to Common
ag'Seleet Councils be 'drawn op and copies of it
leUt eats : precinct Ulna in the ward for signa
to ' and that a committee, consisting of one per
eon each precinct, he appointed to wait upon
the Maybe and implore his intercession in their
The motion was agreed to, and the committee
A resolution wasilext (offered, that during the
interval betweeh the Imesent time and Thursday
the petition, and that at two o'clock on Thursday
next a monster meeting Amid he held in Indepen
dence Square, at which time the Committee shall
wait upon Common Councils, and communicate
the result to the meeting immediately.
The resolution was agreed to by acclamation ;
and the heeling adjourned.
A nuuntnoth meeting may therefore be looked
for on Thursday next, as we learn unoffieially that
notice will be given to the unemployed in the
Seventeenth and Nineteenth wards to he present
on the occasion. We would remark In this con
nection that the above incendiary remarks wore
not approved by the officers of the meeting, though
at the time they gave no dissent to them.
Good order prevailed, and we trust that the
same remark will hold good as to their meeting
on Thursday next.
Real Estate, Sloths, 4-c.—The following
sales were made hist evening , by M. Thomas
Sons, at the Philadelphia Exc hange
$2,000 six per cent. coupon bonds of the {Cyan
dolt Coal Company, payable January let, 1812.
Sold at 14 per cent ; 5 shares stock of the company
incorporated for erecting a bridge over the Schuyl,-
kill near' the Palls—par $5O, $11; 2 shares in
the Merotile ihihrßy, $,B ; irredeemable ground
rent of s2o p a year. $2lO ; ' three-story brick dwell
ing and grocery etere,d4o.. 878 Apple street, $850;
three story brick dwelling and lager beer saloon,
No. 878 Apple street, $ 850; - lot of ground N. E.
corner of Twentieth and'Monteroy streets, $1.300;
lot of ground N. W. corner of Nineteenth and
Spring Garden streets, 56.800 ; three-story brick
tavern and dwelling, Datailten street, north side,
;4575 ; Wee-story brick dwelling, Amber street,
!truth of Dauphin, $150; three-story brick dwell
ing adjoining; 1460.
Eighteenth Word Ftoward
ant to previous adjourned meeting of the
citizens of this ward was held on last Monday
evening. 'rho President, Jno. Ii Bringhurst,
nounced the names of the following gentlemen as
constituting the executive committee: First pro
duct—Ron. Jno Robbins. Jr. ; Second—Lemuel C.
Simon ; Third—Clement Hooper ; Fon rth—Jno. T.
Ilubbert ; Fifth—Jacob Jones; Sixth—Dr. B
Housekeeper; Seventh—Heo. Hoff, Jr. Jacob K.
Vaughan was elected treasurer, in place of Joseph
Lippincott, resigned. On motion, the meeting ad
journed to meet on next Monday evening in the
Kensington engine house, Queen street, above
.9bolition Excitement.—Between midnight
and four o'clock esterdriy 'morning, about four
hundred irhite and black individuals assembled at
the corner of Sixth anti Lombard street*, having
been attracted by an unfounded rumor that several
fugitive slaves had been arrested, and concealed
in a house in that vicinity. They wore armed with
every description of deadly weapons. Sergeant
Thornton and a number of other officers succeeded
is dispersing the excited crowd before any acts of
violence had been committed.
Correction.—An accidental omission in the
type-setting of our report of the meeting of the
stockholders of the Bank of Pennsylvania, does
injustice to Colonel Patterson and Mr. Dutton
Col. Patterson is made to say that Mr. Dutton had
volunteered to defend himself. What be did say
was that Mr. Duttou he volunteered to defend
one who was not here to defend himself " We tor
gret the mistake, and embraoe the earliest oppor
tunity of making a, oorreetion.
Hones Dnatctald;—Between • five and six
o'c look yesterday morning, Mr. Slimm, who resides
ohant ten mit& from Camden, came 66 the city with
a wagon load of potatoes, drawn by apalr of horses.
When the ferry boat stnaok the pier at Market
street, on this side of the river, the horses became
scared and backed overboard with the wagon. Ex
ertions were made to save the animals, but they
were drowned.
Novo/ Proceeding.—Two individuals appear
ed before Aid. Haines yesterday, and sped a num
ber of brokers for passing notes of other States of
less denomination than fire dollars. The com
plainants had induced the defendants to exchange
a number of fire and ten-dollar bills for them in
the morning, and then went and made charges
against the.offending brokers, who were hold to
Distressing Sight.—At a late hotir last nigh t
a woman and throe ohildron of tender years were
turned out into the street, from a home in Water
street, below Walnut. by an Inhuman landlord.
They were brought to the Central Station by a
reporter of ono of the city papers, who kindly at
tended to their wants.
Coroner's inquest.—Coroner Fenner held
an inquest yesterday on the body of a man named
Joseph Walton, who was drowned in the Delaware
off a hunt opposite Dennypaek Woods, in the
Seventeenth ward. A verdict was rendered ac
Thomas Lynch was severely injured yester
day, by a largo block of iron falling upon him
whilst engaged taking it from the care at a depot
on Willow street. lie was received at St. Joseph's
Fire.—The alarm of tiro shortly after ten
o"clock last night was caused by the slight burning
of a shed at Twenty-second and Market streets.
The Ilformensilig House of Industry.—Of
the many charitable institutions of which cur city
may justly feel proud, there are probably none
that have, in proportion to their means, extended
practical relief to a greater number of poor per
sons than the "House of Industry." Its plan of
operation is very complete, and from what we have
learned, in a short visit to the scene of its opera
tions. we feel assured that the charitable dentitions
of our citizens could nowhere be bestowed with
greater certainty of accomplishing the Christian
end they are intended to subserve.
The House is located on Catharine street, above
Seventh. In the various departments of its opera
tions aro included a dispensary, affording medicine
and medical advice; an industrial school, for the
training of poor children; a temporary home for
poor mechanics travelling in search of work; a
table and chambers that are crowded with the des
titute during the severity of winter; bathing and
washing and drying rooms constantly open to all
who are in need or their use, and an industrial de
partment that has heretofore given work, wages.
and food to hundreds who, had it not been for this
refuge, might have resorted to criminal means for
a subsistence, or else have been subjected to the
degradation of common paupers. Without stop
ping to specify the charades, %mans, dm, of the
relief extended during the past year, we may say
that nine hundred and sixty-four persons partook
of the full benefits cf the House, as inmates.
and to include all whose wants were attended in
some degree byl the managers of this institution
would amount to at least ten times that number.
To relieve the suffering, minister to the SUN. be
friend the friendless, feed the hungry, and clothe
the naked, are the benevolent objects aimed at, and
hitherto most effielently accomplished by thia so
ciety. The debt upon the house, and all the
society's works, has recently been paid off by the
liberal contributions of its interested friends. The
entire sum expended in affording the amount of
relief last year above referred to was les, than
thirty-live hundred dollars, which is certainly, we
think. a very favorable comment upon the superior
practical efficiency of well-conducted Institutions
over the promiscuous alms-giving of individuals.
The present severity of the times, however, has
fallen heavily upon the workings of this institu
tion. From Joshua L. Daily, Esq., chairman of
the dispensary committee, we learn that the society
is now sntirety destitute of funds; and that it is
the object of those who have it in charge to call
upon our citizens in behalf of this much-needed
organization during the approaching winter
Several gentlemen who, in former seasons, were
among the most liberal in sustaining this society,
have been overwhelmed in financial storm. and
now fool that their first duty is to their creditors.
It is hoped, under the circumstances, that those
who have it in their power will extend a helping
band, by either kindly responding when they are
tolled upon, or else embrace the earlier opportunity
of leaving their contributions with the treasurer
of the soeicty. Wister Morris, Esq., in Third street,
below Walnut. •
Immense EstabliMnient.—The massive
and substantial edifice recently erected on the
site of the old Butler property, on the northwest
corner of Eighth and Chestnut streets, is certainly,
taken HI a whole, one of Me palate of our beautiful
city. The owners and occupants of it, Meslrs.
Sharpless Brother, do how, as they base for many
years past, to a great Went command the Friendly
trade of Philadelphia. The building they now oc
cupy has a front of the beautiful drab or fawn
colored Pictou stone, very similar in hue to the
Quaker shades that New York merchants are en
opt to exhibit to their Philadelphia customers as
being so well adapted to the `. City of Brotherly
Love '"fhe vial/mese of the stone, together with
the unadorned architectural character of the
building, has elicited an occasional criticism,
though, as the times have fallen out, their wisdom
in ha, - ing saved an expenditure of twenty or thirty
thousand dollars in mere outside shots, has been
very practically vindicated. A close inspection of
the elegant contents of their shots-windows of
massive plate-glass—and of which there are se% eu,
three on Chestnut and four on Eighth street—satis
fied us that whatever may he the peculiarities of
the building, its deficiencies were nut attributable
to the want of taste.
The interior is an immense palnce, devoted to
bio , inets in Om atrietest sense.
- - .
The blessrs. Sharpless have earned fur thew.
Folves an enviable reputation for their correct and
systematic way of doing business. "Regular so
clock-work" would exprc , s aptly the regularity
with which the operdtions of this tirtu—in-doers
and out—are conducted, score it not for this differ
ence, that a clock sometime.; stops The upper
rooms are devoted to the sthole , ale department of
the business, and are approached by a side stair
way on Chestnut street, also, by a stairway from
the main roam To stand at the head of this flight
and survey the great mass of wearable fabrics on
the shelves awl counters being turned and tossed
and examined by the buying throng is one of the
very best means to make one forget dull times"
that we have lately looked upon.
The Carpet lluviness.—One of the most
unique exhibitions in our several retail marts of
trade is that presented in one of those immense car
pet halls—for which our city isunrivalled—when the
clerks are busily engaged amid a regiment of buy
ers, and when the long level avenue between the
many-colored colonnades that flank it on either
side is literally bewildered with scores of undone
rolls of " velvet," " ingrain," " Brussels," and
•. tapestry." We were particularly struck with
the novelty of these exhibitions a few days since,
on entering- the celebrated carpet emporium of
Messrs. Bailey ,t Blether, on Chestnut street, be
low Tenth. The sales-room of this establishment
presents a front on Chestnut street of twenty-five
feet, with a depth of two hundred and forty-five
feet to its rear entrance on George street, and has
the peculiarity of being the only carpet room of
equal depth in the city, with unbroken proportions
from one end to the other. This old and well
established firm has copied the operations of na
ture in its onward march, and has developed
by slow, but gradual growth, upon a substantial
basis, a business and a reputation which those who
"hasten to be rich" but rarely acquire.
A large proportion of their sales are of carpets
of their own manufacture, and wbieb, for elegance
of design and durability of texture, have been
pronounced by European manufacturers to be un
surpassed by any in dm world.
The prices of stocks continue to advanee, though
the market shows an absence of that speculative
feeling which has pervaded it 90 largely in pros
perous times. and which has been the means of
working so much mischief. The high cost of
nioney prevents borrowing for speculation, at the
same time that it prevents any sudden rise in the
stock market. Too much uncertainty hangs orer
the Immediate future and to the expected news
from Europe to warrant any large operations in
stocks. Meanwhile. matters are slowly, and there
fore healthfully mending, and confidence is more
and More felt, m esel , day reams nithost leaving
the record of any new financial disaster.
The receipts of the Pennsylranla Railroad for
October, 12.51', are stated at E 389.921 21
For the same month last year 428,143
For the year 185 T so far
Same period hest year..
We are not able to state how much of the receipts
reported for last month were derived from the Co
ltunbissßaitroad. The felling off of receipts this
month is shared in common with the other great
lines, and may fairly be attributed to the general
depression of all business.
The New York bank statement shows an aver
age increase of loans during the week, $548,487 ;
specie, $3,603,711; deposits, $1,421,109.
The Courier and Enquirer says there is also
an increase in the exchanges or nearly three mil
lions per day ; all indicating more activity in
trade. Several of the banks have increased their
loans largely, while others have adopted a differ
ent policy. One bank exhibits a specie reserve
above two millions, and three others above one
million each. The deposits are more generally
and uniformly distributed.
There is a late reduction of bank capital to the
extent of nearly three millions of dollars; and an
opinion more prevalent that the beneficial results
of the banking system could be greater if the capi
tal were confined to a smaller number of institu
tions. so as to create more uniformity and cousiat
ency of movement.
-The New Orleans Crescent, speaking of the
banks in that city. says: "The line of deposits
does not show so large an increase as expected.
The coin drawn' from the banks recently is still
hoarded in the city. The increase in deposits is
not. however, any evidence that the banks can
with safety disconnt'on them. The State Bank is
working in line, and may possibly be in a condi
tion on Saturday next to grant something more
than renewals. The Bank of Louisiana and Canal
Bank are largely in line, and are in a pretty com
fortable position, and will undoubtedly be doing
something more than renewing paper in a very
short time. The Southern Bank is, as usual, very
strong, bat discounting nothing. The Citizens'.
Bank is receiving deposits condiUentely. It hid a
large amount of bills resolvable falling due this
week. The calls for coin this week have been vary
small. The Bank of New Orleans is working
along very well. The Vice-President, Frank Wil
liams, has arrived and assumed the duties of
The La Crosse Democrat Mates that Mr. Cham
berlain expects to have the cars running on the
La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad to New Lisboa
by the let of December, and adds that "nut year,r
it the times are any way reasonable. he expects id
push the road on to La Crosse. Meets of the gra
ding is done; the iron rail is already bought, and
$300.000, half cash and half credit, will make the
thing ' sure.' "
The Pittsburgh Dispatch. says:
" We do not attribute any bad motive to those
of the directors of the Merchants' and Manatee:a
rers' Bank. who effected the recant settlement of
the case of O'Connor Bro.'s with that institution.
We understand they felt a heavy responsibility
resting upon their shoulders, to secure the stock
holders, many of whom had their all invested in
the bank, from lose; feared the detay in colluding
their claim at law would be ruinous to the bank,
that they might fail in having the evidence to se
cure it on the day of trial, and therefore did
what they deemed best for the interests of those'
they represented. They did not, however, release
their late president from any liability the law im
posed upon him, to make good any deliciene_y in
the securities received from the O'Conners. How
ever we may regret their coarse, for its results
upon public morality, we cannot impugn their
motives iu the canine they pursued We defer
further comment. however, until a full statement
ef the whole affair, now in
' preparation for oar
columns, has been published.'
Condition of all the banks of Masseshusette,
Nov. 2.1, 1857, compiled front the returns to the
secretary of State:
' •
Capital 840,n - 2,780 Notes, Bills of
Net Circulation 12.783,719 Exchaz6e,ttc.s93,3B9,slT
Deposits 50.288,185 Specie 4,096,313
Profits on hand 5,727,478 Real estate 1,416,392
The above exhibits a ontraction in the circula
tion of Sl,o9l.o42sinee August 3d.
The Boston Post gives the report of the united
Concord and Manchester and Lawrence Railroad
for the six months ending the lent of September,
stating that the eapital stock of both roads in
52,500.000, and the earnings of the lain six months
have been $24109, and the expenditures $154,388.
This shows a net income of $101,742, or a fraction
over four per cent. on the capital, for the nix
months' business. A dividend of three par cent:
has been declared, yet recent sales show a decline
in the value of the stock.
The New York Herald says The notes of the
Western Bank of Lockport, Powell Bank of New
,burg, Chemung county Bank, of Horseheads,
and Ontario county Bank of Phelps, all of this
State, were thrown out at the Metropolitan Bank
this morning.
The Niagara River (Tonawanda) Bank notes are
again received at the Metropolitan Bank the same
as other State money.
The earnings of the Galena and Chicago Union
Railroad Company for the months of October,
1856.7; are as follows :
1666. 1837. 'hese. Dee's*.
.3138,112 54 3182,760 53 ....4.36,%5 54
111,652 11 73,19: 37 .... 38,450 74
4,277 68 5,000 00781 34
Mails, de .
Total ;354.642 31 M 952 63 .... $93,689 is
November 10, 1817.
Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No
801 Tralma street.
23 Penn R 63.23
10 do
10 Harrisburg R 4214
15 do 42,4;
2 do 43%
2 do 49
5 Cain Jr Am P
10 do
5 do
15 do
5 do
11 do .. . .
6 do
17 Vicksburg R
Reading R.
200 City 6's. ..... ....114 I
100 do S 4
500 do 84)
ISOO do 84X
WO do 84X
1000 NPennll 6's 4731
5080 do 10t5.13
1000 do 65.43
10000 City R 6's..expt.Ss
1000 do YRR. 841
1000 do .... ....... 84X
2000 do 544
500 Penn s's ...easb .81
5 ltiorciatowu 1t....56
6 do 56
15 do 56
30 Penn R 36
1000 Soh Ns 6's 'B2 0.3.55 x I
1500 do b 5.5 53(
4000 do
SOO City R 6'.3..expt.Bs' ht
1000 do
50 Reading R b5.177j
10 do 'B3‘
100 do b 5.18.%
50 Long Island R.... 8%
10 B R 7.%
1000 Del R 6's Ist ntt.6o
500 Sch Na Ss '82.1t5.55 ti
100 City 84S
100 Reading R.... h 5.181(
10 do 18S
50 do eash.lB
LU do 151rn.18
50 do s5Dn .lB
Bid. Asked.
Phtladel 6'4... .34X 34X
44 4 • &5
44 •• New 61 91 is
Pennsylv 5'5....81 811, -
Reading R IS 13,5 i
do Bonds '7O 63 I
do AI 6'5,'44 81
Peons Er 36v 361,
lilnrrisCsal Con 36 40
SehuN .52....5d 6334 I
block 71i SS
15,1 I
50 Reading R
10 do ld
2 Penn B 383‘
27 do .. . ... ..lots.3Bie
5 Cam Zs .. R 825 i
54 Lehigh scrip 403.33
100 Girard 8k...10t5. *7
•ao twat of Pennolots.lo
200 City 6's
100 Read R.
R.lots aSaia .18
1"..d. Asked.
Be N 6x'B2 prof 14 143(
Wirtsp't & R 7 11
de Ist mart Va 56 00
do do *Aso 48 601 C
Long island.... 8% 8'
Vicksburg 6 7
Girard Bank ..... fiX B,li
Lehigh Zinc % 1.
Union Canal 3 3X
I New Creek
..v. st
i Cataw idea R 8...3 7
5U R &ling
Readiug eloaes
PHILADELPHIA, November 10.—Evening.—The
transactions in Breadstuffs have been limited te
day, and only about 600 bbls. of Plonr have been
taken by shippers at S 5 371 for rod superfine, and
$5.7.3 for extra, the market closing with more sel
lers than buyers at these 'figures. The local trade
was also light at from $5.371 up to $7.25 per bbl.,
according to brands and quality Corn hlesl and
Rye Flour are quiet, and the former very dull at
previous quotations, most holders asking $3.25 per
bbl. for country meal. Wheats have been light
ly dealt in to-day, only about 1.800 bushels having
been taken for milling, at 1243.123 c for red,
and 130a135c for white, of fair and prime quality.
Corn is better; da5.000 bushels Southern yellow
brought 76 cents, afloat, and some new 56a57 canto.
Oats are selling to a fair extent, and about 1.700
bushels Delaware brought 33 cents, afloat. Rye
is wanted by the distillers. and taken at 75 cents
per bushel Bark is firm, and about 30 hbds of
lot quality quercitrort hare been sold at $3O per
ton Cotton is dull, and there is little or nothing
doing to-day Groceries are unchanged and
rather dull, with a small business doing in sugar
HMI coffee at about former quotations. Provisions,
no sales. Whiskey is selling at 21 cents for birds .
and 21a221 cents for bbls., the latter for Ohio
PLorn MEAL.—The market for all descrip
tions of lour was dull to-day Sales on 'change
of 100 bhls _Howard street super at $3.25 per bbl,
cash. For both Ohio and Howard street rupee
there was some little inquiry, but buyers did not
seem disposed to give the rates asked by holders.
and the market closed heavy, with sellers at $.5.25
per bid. City Mills Flour could be bad to-day at
53 121, evil, and ;5 371 per bbl, time, but no buy
ers at these figures.. Extra Flour is ouiet. no sales
reported We quote Ohio extra at 65.75, Howard
street extra at 50a50.25, and City Mills do at Sda
per bbl. Baltimore ground Family Flour is
selling. by the dray load, at $0.25, and do extra
at ST 23 per bbl. Rye Flour—No sales We quote
find quality at $4 621 per bbl. Corn Meal—Mar
ket quiet. We quote city Corn Meal at $3.75 per
bbl. No country Meal in market. Buckwheat
Flour ranges at $.2.152 50 per 100 lbs.
kiTtAlN.—The receipts o. Grain were pad to-day.
heat—An active demand and market buoyant
About 15,000 bushels were offered on 'change to
day, and eales of ordinary tofair red at 31.0741.15,
good to prime red at sl.lAtisl 22. Pales of fair
white at $1.22.a.551 27, good to prime shipping do.
at $1 302551.40, choice do. at $1.43 per bu Corn—
A fair demand and the market steady. About
12.000 bushels offered on 'change to-day, and
mostly sold, prime white at 751177 cents good to
prime yellow at 72a75 cents, and new crop white
end yellow Corn at 64 cents per bushel. Rye--
About 300 bushels Pennsylvania Rye offered to
day, and sold at 00 cents per bushel. Oats—Ras
cecpta fair and market steady. About TAO bushel*
offered on 'change to-day, and all sold; good to
prime Maryland and l irginia at 28a32 cents, and
choice Virginia and Pennsylvania Oats at nati
cents per bushel.
Found Dead.—An unknown white mask vas
found dead on the Darby road. near Summit MU,
yesterday morning, COTO4Of Fenner held an in.
38,.= 91.
14756,666 14
4,060,016 91