The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 09, 1857, Image 2

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• ~4 i,i-t-f ?iv, cy , ar ,co lA , -J , liToe
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' 4
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; 'MONDAY, NOV BER 9, /857. ;
Tan - , Fresr Another
FmropewilXonareby ;. Letter from Sebastopol;-
C9PlNlMisatto!;s3 rlhe -g44 1 1 . 4; The, -Crisis ;
Sheri, OFea#l‘; Recent Decisions by th,e, Seere
fury of the'.V.rikuniri C a pt ai n :Van
OfiitisrA6O4iiiit bf hitsVigt fo . trtatf;
'terns of Foreign News; Gen4al`Newi;
slor-Founsv-PAWaifst from. - the - West
Branch Valley.
(~ i •
„The Richmond So ut h ; th a :daily journal,' of
which-Mr. ROGER A. PEYOKAS the editor, dikes
not rellidi ,ourcomment ' s Upon tho,VieWß of Mr.
Senator Rump. on , the Kansas complication:
In The . of Wedneeitlailaat;the 4th inst.,
we flnd in article, WhiCh.we, print entire, trust
ing that a like courtesy will be accorded to us
in the republication of ournwn comments upon
that article: , . • •
00R141)TZIL—The Philadelphia` Pres—Fornoy's,
pipet -4khibits seal without disoretien in ip ape,
lagleifor Walker's usarpations tit Kansas: For,
not content With n worso thin; oriental, Idolatry of
its hero; the Preis, ende a vor # tepiltohaso his Wes
'by an indiierinitnate''abtiso of ailltandverseries.
1 - 4 ingennityi's hardly coal "to' the Invention 'Of
an original expedient • 'so the old game is played
over Llgalet With a servile( imitation "of precedent,
oven in the chit of charaeters."
:Everybody - remembers 110W,.in 1850; the South
one and Northern' opponents of the 'Conspromite
measures were confounded as equally obnoxioda to
public indignation. True, they , occupied antago
nistio! grounds. . True, , .Fretssollers Opposed the
Compromise because Melt short of Weir desperate
ambition, to annihilate slavery; thepatriets
of the South resisted its passage for the reason that
it involved fatal coneesfuons against the rights and
interests o 1 their, notion.. 'For ; all 'that, the fel
lowers of Foote and Forney were not a whit less
charitable to Seward than 'to Hunter: In their
perverse jlidgment it was the same thing to resist
as to perpetratea groat iniquity. ,Taking tho people
to be no better than idiots, the organs of Compro
mise thought to excite an , equal measure of pub
lie resentment against the Abolition agitator and
the conservative - citizen of the South who fought
against the uggression.-Then, for the first time, was
introdneed so fashionable phrase,of " ul
traista" and "extremists." Then, for the first time,
was it, a certain:school of, pblitioittes
thetto resist "a wrong was to incur some sham of
the 'responsibility, and , that plot submission. to
injtistiee stns the only way of approving one's pa
trioliite. lii thatday the expedientmiscarried most
miserably ; but, nothing 'disheartened by failure,
Foote and Forney are again clamoring, against "ex
tremists."; This time it is to Walker's administra
tion in, Hamm that all , Dardoerats, pre obliged -to
tionfoith under parn'of expulsion from the party and
aseocietior, with the Abolitionists"; Because Senator
Hunter and Colonel Davis cannot recoiled a it with
their judgment and 'their mineeienee to approve
the most, outrageous iota at Federal usurpation, the
Philadelphia Press chooses to', stigmatize them as
schismattes and to' confound them with free-soilera.
In, this instanoo the absurdity of the classification
is all the more apparent from the fact that it is the
npologisti, of Walker who 'are applauded by the
Abolitionists; while; we poor " firs-eaters" are ex
posed'be ; the concerted attacks of the Black Ite
publionn and the "National" 'organt. The Press
will discover that tho people are net to be deceived
by the humbug now any more than they were im
posed upon by it eight years ago.
The interminable article The Press presents
but one , point worthy of consideration ) and that we
choose .to notice because it affords us an epportn
nity to correet a misstatement of Senator Hunter's
The Press thinks to gain an unfair advantage
of Senator Hunter, by representing hits to oppose a
submission of the 06ntstitutiou ofKausasta the popu
lar vote. But Mr. Hunter has never said any such
thing. On the contrary, in his letter to Mr. Leake,
be expressly reserves hisopiision upon this point, for
the reason that it is not for him, butter the COD ven
tion in Rupoas, to determine the matter., Very likely
ho might favor such reference; but, ou the other
hand, be denies, that the absence of the formality
would justify„Congress in refusing .the Territory
admission into the Union.. If we understand his
position, he is not averse to tho ratification of the
Constitution by popular vote. He only contends
that the Convention, which represents the in
' .sOvereignty of Kansas, , must settle the
point exempt from Federal influence;
that if_ the people, of .the, Territory, .spealting
threisgb' the legitimate organism; should dispense
with the referenco)as the majority, of the States
belie dime,' Congress wool d 'not be justified,
for that reason only, in excluding , it from the. Con
federacy.. Is that repugnant to the' theory, of re
public:llllBin - or to the principles of thOlJemocratio
party? Is it not an inevitable deduction from the
Kansas-Nebraska ,act ? Every candid man will
admit that It is ,nOthinenfore nor 'leas than the
doctrine of non-intervention and popular ,sovpr
eignty. Mr. "Hunter adheres to the true and ori
ginal interpretation of the Hansas-Hebrasks act,
while his Odoersaries wOuld destroy' iMeffretioy by
A new and unwarrantable construotion.
It is the misfortune of smite of our southern
cotereporaries that their discussions of prin.
pies aro always made personal. To read their
articles one Would - ,suppose',that every pen
was a pistol, inasmuch as nearly every sentence
is au: Mileage. To contradict One ot Diem . iii
4lmost cause of affront, and to write a reply
Or a eriticiste is often; to provoke a chal
lenge. With all' these' obstacles bristling
before and around us, we ventured,a few days
ago to &Sent, certainly in no exceptionable
language, frbm some of the positions of Mr.
Senator ,li.nrelf on'the 'Krinsaif question, as
contained in his letter of the lath of Octo
ber, to Mr: Lts.ifU, 'We did thiswith:no desire
to participate in thi3 dispute now progressing
in Virginia, 'between. the friends and foes of
Ilvirreit; brit simply by way of comment
upon the. opinions of a distinguished leader of
public opinion in that State. Indeed; we are
free to admit that the course' pursued in
order to compel Mr. Hie:riea to,'speek on this
question has not seemed' to us to be entirely
chivalric or fair. ; keit when. he made his lien
tiMenta linen; they becanie public property.
AS such we treated them. The South goes out
of its way to construe our dissent from these
sentiments in a' personal manner. To this we
have only to reply, that, first, our support of
Governor WILLI= is the result of nothingimt
a profound devotion to the great principle
which he so boldly sustains; and, second, that
while wo were among the most steady advo
cates of the Compromise measures, eight
years ago, we did not sympathize with General
Tour xin his wild war upon the State-Rights
men, but we expressly 'eepeurred' :with these
'State-Rights men in: many of their com
plaints, and never_ indulged in the application
of tliii word'w extremists" in sieaking of them.
This is a small matter; but as The South isvais
lug an issue .of voracity, we dean it right to
revive the memory of our former friend in a
matter of which be Speaks so confidently.
And if, in 1857, the term it extremist" is ap
plied to all the enemies of the principle that
,6 The - will of themajority of thepeople shall pre
vail "in Kansas, the South must find the cause
of It in the fact that the bitter language
of Northern Republicans, in speaking of so
gallant a defender : of that principle as
ROBERT J. WAIKER, is, if possible, MlT
paned by many of the ablest papers and
politicians in the slive States, in speaking of
the same gentleman. The very number of The
South from which we copy . contains some strong
proofs of this assertion. Have we not had
Governor WAusteri, threatened, over 'and over
again, by the organs of the extremists, with
rejection by the Senate for his - independence
in Kansas ? We scorn to attack any man's
motives, especially any ono - whore we respect ;
and we ore ready, therefore, to concede that
The SontAis quite es Jionek in its opposition
to .Governor-WALKER as wo are in his support;
but Ifow long would that journal delay charging'
usafh complicity With rreeTSolllSle, if Mr. -
SeniAitn had coewerated as heartily with uses
be certainly has co-operated with the Southern
opponents of the Governor of :Kansas?
Tut Parse, in its objections to Senator
linieree's position _ - oil the submission of the
Constitution, of Kansas to the people of the
country—to those, in .a word, whom that in
strument declares shall wield the sovereign
power—takes no new ground:' That he does
not favor a vote upon that Constitution by
the people of Kansas has been charged upon
him by Southern papers of great and accepted
influence: in the Democratic party, and,publie
Democratic meetings in his own State have de
manded that this Cceistitntion should be sub
mitted to the people of Kansas, or returned to
them by Congress. When a Senator bearing
such a relation to the masses as Mr. BUNTER
sustains to the Democrats of Virginia--Lto
those Democrats who have borne him upon
their broad 'shoulders into various high peel-
Sono, , now for nearlydwenty, years—is silent
upon so great a principle as that which is in
volved. lit the 'contest in Kansas, ho
may well be put down' as averse to
it. And it in 'So regarding him, we are
wrong,,, We shall be happy ,to, hear it,. But
the Democrats oflieeklegliam, Va., demand
that the Ceti - 4814bn" of , Kansas shall be "O
n:Sifted to the people after the Convention lies
agreed Upoiiit: this 'they -declare to be the
true meaning. er,tte . , 4 3 4; 9 1 ?Ta stia .
Thjs :leas ivo klnderstinitit herein:Pennsylva
nia. It will not do to say -that- this Kansas
qtfeiti6tOlilto'-b§ )ettlUtPhy preiedents; and
thtif,`"heeen i kO,sfYiin:
have not atti?Nipiod titaii,o66ti tv ii m ;
there necessity to atfirinite_this:,Kan--
sas :Con:attention to!o•the , ptleplel!set : , the'
'Detritoll."' but Affiern , eeliatti tOnsBitiitio'n6
have, in a few ciSts, AO. been subjeiteil
torition gcflo ballot-box, it wo 401 W thsgo
was little or no division among the voters.
In the instances of Pennsylvanistairginia ,
and other States, and ia, the bill passed by
Congress providing for piiitiOaryrOps
admitting Minnesota into the Mitten, 418.4'8*e,
(for which bill Senator liiissamis voted,) it wits
specially stipulated that the people should vote
upon the Constitutions after" they were framed,
and they did t But in Kansas, there is a living
'and an irresistible reason for this popular judg
ment. If ever it was righteous in other cases,
it is imperatively .demanded , in this. The
whole spirit 'a the' Itailsai discussion by the
Democracy, in Congress and in the country,
looked to such a, resort. _Thera never was a
more solemn pledge given. It was the people,
and the people alone, that were to dispose of the
['question: The idea of any Convention, much
less one like that now in session in Kansas,
which was not ' c,hoSee by the majority, refusing
to commit itaysork to the voters created by itself,
is a monstrous assumption, and we do not won
des that the gallant spirits of the South have re
coiled from it with indignation. President
'BIICUANAN appreciated the importance of , the
ultimate judgment of the people upon the vote
of their Convention, to the full extent of the
WEIR CONSTITUTION; and his example in the
' premises has been followed by every national
:man in the North, and by many thousands of
our fellow-citizens in the South. The public
man who falters in this issue Beals his doom.
The Northern Democrat who tries to make the
Convention of Kansas superior to the people,
and who advises that the Constitution shall
not go to them for endorsement •or re
jection, finishes his career forever. We
can conceive of a Southern citizen object
ing to the rejection of the Oxford returns on
a legal technicality; but we cannot hold an
open opponent of the right and expediency
'of the people of Kansas to vote upon
their own Constitution, even in the South,
save' as a 'foe to the most vital clement
of constitutional liberty—the principle that
the majority should ride. The Northern nmn
'who acts upon the assumption that, after all the
attempts to get a fair vote in Kansas at three
elections, there should not now be a submis
sion of the Kansas Constitution to, the people of
Kansas, will snake 'himself an object of con
tempt to the South, and of laughter to the
And we shall be rejoiced if Mr. Senator
Hortrua will assist in letting the Kansas Con
stitution go to the ballotLbox. The South tells
us that be has not decided against this. re
medy for all the disturbing events in Kansas,
'although his second letter—that to the Rock
ingham committee, and against the Rockingham
resolutions—which we have just read, does not
leave the same impression upon our mind.
But it is not too late. He can do vast good
with his great name in Kansas, if only he will
follow out his natural instincts—his clear and
candid Character—and say, ceLar THE VOTERS OF
Some two years ago, that Kansas could not be
a slave State. The result has proved that lie
was a true prophet. Let him, then, not be
afraid of the people of Kansas, and we will
pledge ourselves for the people of Virginia, and
for the people of Pennsylvania. High honors
have been spoken of for ROUST M. T. Huse-
Tag. Ho is equal to them. But no man will
ever attain the empyrean eminence of the Pre
sidency who falters in regard to so irresistible a
PLE smut RULE."
THE New Orleans Delta gives .TAcon BAR
KER'S opinion on the financial crisis as fol
)01111: " Mr. JACOB BARKER considers the pre
sent financial derangement as a perfect god
send to the banks, factors, and cotton.growers,
but for which such facilities would have been
wanted as would have induced an early ship
ment of the whole cotton crop. The present
unequalled money preSsure in all parts of
Europe, independent of all influence from this
side , of the Atlantic, would have rendered
sales out of the question, and it would have
been sacrificed at or below sixpence sterling
per pound, causing such an amount of ex
change to be returned under protest as would
have ruined the' banks, planters, and factors.
As it is, the cotton cannot go faster than re
quired for consumption, which must proceed
on a limited scale, or a revolution would be
the immediate result. Hence, a shilling ster
ling per' pound may not only bo anticipated
but obtained, if the . planters will be true to
themsblies and to eaottother—a price which
will reinstate the lanks, and all others con
cerned, with a metallic currenny, which the
people of the United States are determined to
maintain, be the consequences to the trading
community what they may."
Another Plan
A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce
makes the following euggestions concerning a mode
of supplying the leading defeat of our banking
system :
" Let Congress pass a law authorizing the Sub-Tres
eery at its various offices to receive gold on deposit,
andlssue, certificates therefor, in sums of $2O, $OO, and
$lOO, payable to bearer, or order, as may be desired,
This will furnish a currency at par from Maine to Cali
fornia, and serve to equalize exchanges also."
This strikes ns as the most practical suggestion
of the day, - It would, without creating any of the
dangers of a national bank, give us a truly national
currency, representing simply so much gold and
silver on deposit ready for redemption, and would
furnish a medium of exchange superior to anything
we now enjoy. It would, also, wo feel assured
act as a cheek upon banking operations eve!) ,
where, and mance a state of soundness not attain,
able under present circumstances. Tho possession
of the power on the part of the morennfileeolßLlltl.
nay in all the leading cities to convert their gold
into this medium of exchange at, par, would be in
itself a wholesome restraint upon the banks, and
lead them into an effort to make themselves equally
se sound and accemmodatinglas the Sub• Treasury.
Pittsburgh Gazette.
• This project, wo think, is not original with
the correspondent of tho Journal of Com
merce, but with ono of our most distinguished
1:17 'The course of the Pennsylvania railroad
in passing its dividend is not only approved by
the press of all parties in this State, but by
many of the journals outside of our borders.
They all look upon that great thoroughfare as
one of the most substantial in the world, and
as certain to pay handsomely to all who are
interested in it. They regard the passing over
of the semi-annual dividend as a sure evidence
of an economical and careful administration
of its affairs in time to come.
Err WE direct attention to the call for a
relief meeting in the Sixth - ward this evening.
Mr. Mathews continues at the Academy of Mu
sic during tke present week. At his benefit on
Friday evening, ho was called on to address the
audience, and made some remarks which so truly
and aptly explain the principle of his manner and
purpose of acting, that we shall give them here.
Ile said
Ladies and Rent : Allow me to thank you
sincerely for the kind reception and encourage-
Mont, I have met with In Philadelphia, at what
may certainly bo considered a most unpropitious
moment. I have onlypeid you two visits in twenty
years, and unfortneately. my •arrival. has each,
time brought aerie s with it. (Applaeso and laugh
ter ) The present one is even worse than tholoet,
but I hope may be of shorter duration, and I em
therefore the more flattered and thankful for the
fair share of support I have mot with. At the
same time, I cannot but feel that the splendid
building in which I have had the honor of appear
ing before you is far too largo for the class of pieces
in which I perform, and the style of acting I pro
fess It is not by forcible declamation and p.m or•
fel display of BViioll that, I hope to win favor in
your eyes; nail to create memo laughter without
regard to consistency, is not my object It is by
expression of countenance, propriety of delivery,
and delicacy of by-play, that I seek to produce ef
fect, all of %Thickens necessarily more or less loot
in the magnitude of the house, and I cannot but
regret that a smaller area could not hove been
found available to carry out my views. To es•
aggerate my style would be to mar Louts it, and
to bawl outside opeeches and
would only melte the matter worse. (Applause.)
Idy aim line always been to keepeometly within its
true limits, and repro:tent society to the boot of my
ability, as it is, without " o'orstep ping iho mo
desty of nature," but insurmountable difficulties
oriso where a speaking trumpet is roguired for the
actor and a telescope for the spectator. (Tremendous
applause, and laughter.) Still, oven with these
drawbacks, I have every reason to be satisfied with
inysucCess, end if I allude to them now, it is only in
the hope of being able to persuade you that, with
greater facilities of hearing and seaming, ray Power
of amusing you, such as it is, would have had a
better chance of being really itoted. (Applause.)
However, I can only do my hest to be heard and
seen, and trust to your indulgence tend good nature
to make allowances for any defltsiency of sound
and sight that may tend to mar rum mutual ef
forts to please and to be pleased. (Great ap
Once more, ladies and. gentlemen, I heartily
thank you for your kindness, and .1 hope that I
may not be deceiving myself in the belief that the
applause with which you have honored me may
be construed Into an assurance that my endeavors
have, so for, at any rate, toot with your approba
tion. (Great cheering and applause.)
16 Spades" not being trumps, the Queen" bee not
won the trick, though Mr. 'Wheatley ha c k e d hi m .
self 'heavily (for' scenery, costume, &e.) at the
;Arch-street theatre. The, drama was exquisitely
got ut),lnt, not being well written, failed t o go
dtwri , =-With the audieZde. There was no lack of
ioeitiietinerre Mast „my; but thb WBB'
oustruottid, and not ;Oven' Obarming Mre. Daveb
port gold /ww it popular, sigara.xyg
Susan," however, Will be mutilated, and, with
"The Jealous Wife" as first piece, wilt be re
pouted this evening, with Mr. Wheatley:end Mrs.
DairOTTOrt AB .711 r. irred 21(rs, Ordlry.
,Chanfrau , rernains for another week at
Walnut-street Theatre, where ho has been very
Successful, and. , ! The paean Child" and Miss
Louise Reeder's - local drams. - " Linda, the Cigar
Girl," will be repeated this evening.
Buokley's Minstrels (considered as one of the
institutions of New York") open to-morrow at
the National Theatre, in full force, with their
Ethiopian singing and dancing, and amusioal bur
lesque of" Luorezia Borgia," with Miss C. Mort,
Mr. C. Swain Buckley, and Mr. R. B. Buckley in
the leading parts.
Sanford's Opera House will have a burlesque
on " The Old Folks' Concert," followed by (lancing
and singing, and the extravaganza of " High Life
in Philadelphia." It is a peculiarity of Snnford's
company to 'draw large , houses, no matter what
the outside pressure of the times.
ning, Madame Frezzolini was to have given a
concert at Musical Fund Hall. It is postponed
until Wednesday evening, when Sigisrnund Thal
berg, and Monsieur Henri Vieuxtemps, the great
pianist, and the eminent violinist, will assist with
their performances, besides Madams and Monsieur
Strakosoh. This is such a fine combination of
great and varied talent that we may fairly antici
pate this concert to ho ono of the best successes of
the season.
Mr. HYDE'S LECTURE.—On Saturday evening
there was a lecture at Concert Hall on "Brigham
Young and Utah," by Mr. Hyde, lately on "Elder"
at Salt Lake City, and author of "Mormonism—its
Loaders and Designs." Tho exposition was as
full, explicit, and interesting as might be expected
from an intelligent man who spoke from personal
knowledge. Mr. Hyde will lecture this evening
(also at Concert Hall) on Mormon Polygamy and
its Remedy," a subject which he has partly
touched upon in his book. The lecture will com
moner) at eight o'clock.
Hall was about as full as it could well hold, on
Saturday evening. The attraction was Lela Mon
toz as a lecturer—a new, and we aro glad to say,
a very respectable phase in the career of that
celebrated woman. As it is, she must find it very
profitable also. The subject of the lecture was
" Beautiful Women," and Madame, after a brief,
general iniroductibm'in which' sho 'somewhat pa-'
thetically lamented the evanescent nature of per
sonal charms, went' into descriptions of beautiful
women in various countries, who had passed under
her own observation. These descriptions, it must
ho admitted, were brilliant, graphic, and, for the
most part, very accurate. Of the Emprefe
Eugenie she gave a sketch at onto} faithful and
discriminating, delicately limned, and not too
highly colored.
Some of the English ladies whose beauty she
praised were certainly past their prime even
when she first visited London—which was about
1843. At that time, seventeen years ago, Lady
Bin ssington was about 58, and the Duchess of Su
therland about 43, and Lady Jersey, (who had been
beautiful in 1814, when Byron poetized on her per
trait,)was certainly ever 50. With groat good nature
Lola Mentos described them as they had been, long
before she knew them. The lecture, however, was
well written, well received, and very well spoken.
Lola Montoz has a musical voice, very distinct ar
ticulation, and a manner at once graceful and na
tural. She was dressed with groat simplicity—in
a plain white dress, without jewels or ornament,
and had a lady-like and intellectual look. She
was repeatedly and loudly applauded. On Tues
day night she will lecture again—the subject being
The Wits and Women of Paris."
[Correspondence of The Press ]
United States Frigate' Susquehanna at Spez
zia—Attnek upon the Pirates of•the Marl/err
Coast—Report from the Niagara—lnformation
of the Movements for laying the Atlantic
Telegraph Cable—lnformation of Indians In
Arkansas—Magramos Wagon Road Party—
Swamp Lands In Mississippi.
WASMINGTON, Nov. 8,185 T.
Captain Joshua B. Sands, of the 17. S. navy,
writes to the Navy Department, from the U. S.
steam frigate "Susquehanna" at Spezzin, Sardinia,
under date of 14th ultimo, that he sailed from Ply
mouth on the 30th of September, and that in passing
through the straits of Gibraltar ho had shaped his
course along that part of the coast of Barbary
known as the "Riff Coast," for the purpose of show
ing the American flag there, it having been gene
rally understood that the inhabitants were more or
less inclined to piratical practices. On nearing
the point marked 'Tape Agua," a body of men,
horses, and some cannon, were observed to
he stationed upon the bluff. Having cleared
the ship for action, Captain Sands landed
and brought away with him four Arabs, from whom
ho endeavored to gain some information of who
they were, and what was the design of their hos
tile proceeding, but without sueefts. Having
made a drawing of the American nag, be gave it
to them, tolling them that all vessels sailing under
it would be fully protected, and Their interests on
that coast constantly looked after. They were
shown the ship, batteries, and engines, and ap
peared to ho deeply impressed with all they had
seen and heard.
The ship then sailed for Algiers, where a stay
was made of one day. On the way to Spezzia she
lost two of her boats and some light spare in a gale.
After fourteen day's passage from Plymouth, Eng
land, the ship had arrived at Spezzia, whore Cap
tain Sands received the order of the Department
to proceed to Key West, which he would do as
soon as some necessary overhauling, and the recep
tion of water and provisions would permit.
Captain William L Hudson, of the United States
steam frigate Niagara, reports to the Navy,Dopart
inent, under date of 224 ult., that that ship was
still within Keyham Basin, and that they were
engaged night and day in getting out the tele
graphic cable into a largo wooden tank, 161 feet
in length, and 40 in width, divided into four com
partments. This had been constructed on shore
for the reception of the wire from the Niagara and
the Agamemnon, the whole to ho stowed in four
separate coils. Already six hundred miles of cable
had been landed from the Niagara, and the remain
der, it was expected, would be put ashore during
the next week. They had 'not yet commenced
landing the cable from the Agamemnon.
Captain Hudson had been informed by the di
rectors of the Atlantis Telegraphic Company, that
they were in treaty to have manufactured not only
enough cable to replace that which bad been lost,
but enough to increase the length to 3,000 miles.
Their engineer was engaged with a steamer in on
attempt to recover that portion of the cable which
had been run out previous to its parting at sea,
The ship would leave by the sth of November
or the Bth at the furthest.
Accompanying this report are copies of a reso
lution of the Board of Directors requesting Capt.
Hudson to allow the stern and bow sheaves and
other fixtures, on board the Niagara, to remain in
their present position until her 'arrival in America,
go Mt to be available for use on tho occasion of lay
ing the cable next season, in the event of permis
sion being granted by the Governnient of the
United States for the continued employment of the
Niagara in this service, and the reply of Capt.
Hudson that it would afford him pleasure to com
ply witn their request, unless the Secretary of the
Navy should otherwise direst.
The Commissioner of Indian Affairs has received
a report from A. 11. Meliissielc, Superintendent of
Indian Affairs in Arkansas, in which ho states the
number of Indians under his charge to be 1,200
Witohitas and Kuchies, 100 Wacos and Taltwaca
nos, 300 Codorcs, Anadekos and lowas ; 1,500
Kickapoos, Shawnees and Delawares ; and 600
Camonches. Several of these tribes have not yet
been located, and are very anxious to be at once
settled upon reservations where they will bo en
abled to improve in the arts of civilized life.
The Interior Department has received advices
that Dr. Nlagraves wagon-road party were, on the
23d of September, about thirty miles cast of the
South Pass, and waiting the return of their guide
who had been sent to Popo-Agie River to look after
winter quarters. The scarcity of grass ahead and
Captain Van Vliet's report of the hostility of the
Mormons, together with the non-arrival of the
United States force, induced them to take this step.
The Commissioner of the General Land Office,
yesterday, submitted to the Secretary of the Inte
rior for approval a list of swamp and overflowed
lands in the Jackson district, Mississippi, enuring
to the said State under the act of September 28th,
1850, containing 21,743 01-100 mares. X. Y.
The tiding brought by the last California steamer
that the river San Juan had boon blockaded
by the forces of Costa Rica, under command
of Colonel Canty, in tiding of great joy to the
friends, well-wishers, and abetters of General
Walker. Amid the anarchy of this renewed inter•
ncoino war in Central America, with Costa Rica
on ono side—that Costa Rica which, with pom
pous manifesto, called the surrounding States to
help her in aiding the right end rooting out a
horrid tyranny planted in Nicaragua—and
Nicaragua on the other, in defence of her
nationality against aggression, in which eho is
assisted. by San Salvador and Honduras, who
are jealous of the growing power and insolent
arrogance of their neighbor—and with the fact
glaringly apparent that Morn and his assoc Totes
now practise what they before fought against—it
is fondly expected that the redoubtable tilth
buster will receive en invitation to re-enter
upon the field of his recent labors. In the
height of the monetary crisis, his counsel
lors seeing only a small chance to obtain tho
sinews of war, advised a temporary abandonment
of the intended invasion; but at this time, when
the Sonic tel sky begins to clear np, and the clouds
which darken'ed it fly before tho prosperous breeze
of largely increased imports of specie, the hopes of
the tlllibusters gain strength, and it is said an en
thusiasm wakens up in the South for the mum, the
want of which, some time ago, drove some of the
leaders away from the undertaking.
Walker claims to this Govprnment to bo only a
sojourner in our midst, and to have-the same right
to return to his otbn country with ertnigrania that
largo companies of emigrants under American
loaders have to leave Gerinsp,7,4"roueo, and Log
laud, for the United States It is clear that the
State Department does not rooogniao bird In any
other character, when leading his amiable and in
dustry-loving followers, than that of a Alliboter,
and that it will arrest his movements in every
legal way. Tho General will keep up this war of
technicalities with our authorities, while at the
same time it is hinted to the faithful that he will
throw soldiers into places from which rapid and
safe transmission of them can be accomplished t o
the scat of the real war.
The plan may be a good one and well laid, but it
fails in an essential vital to Its success—there is no
confidence in the leaders.
These filibuster invasions embarrass the action
of our Gdverninent on questions involved in pend
ing oontrotrersy with other Governments, and re
tard the growth of our interests in Central America.
This Is admittedly so, and if for no other reason—
even forgetting the misery and sufferings of those
engaged in Walker's previous i nvasion—the Ameri
can people should sot their fade against all snob
enterprises in tbo present or the future.
From the returns received from Arizona, it ap
pears that Lieutenant Mowry has been elected by
the inhabitants of that region as their delegate to
Congress. As this gentleman will press the estab
lishment of a separate territorial government over
Arizona, and his right to sit in Congress as the de
legate of its people at the next session, it may be
well enough to state hero what information s ' . have
gathered on the subject.
Arizona is another name for the Melilla Valley
or the Gadsden Purchase, which was acquired from
Mexico by treaty stipulation, costing the United
States $10,000,000, and embraces an area of 23,000,-
000 acres as appears by the files of the General
Land Office. The plains are covered with a short
tough grass, which, unlike ether grass, when left
uncut, does not dry up and become useless, but re
tains its nutriment. Upon the mountain sides and
upon the high table lends, timber of various kinds
and fine pasturage have been discovend. An ex
ploring party found a growth of livo oak about ten
miles square.
This region is rich in auriferous deposits.' The
Sonora Exploring and Mining Company pub
lish that they own 23,000 mires and 130 mines.
Many ; i x these mines have been worked bY the
Mexicali; at various periods sines their first set
tlement of the country. Ruins of towns and mon
asteries are to bo seen at various points, The rav
ages of the fierce Apaches depopulated tbo country
more than 20 years ago. Settlement had nein=
teemed on the ancient sites, and was flourishing,
when the treaty with the United States caueekthe
withdrawal of the Mexican garrisons, stir not
being able to withstand the attacks of the AintelMs
without this protection, the settlers returned to
Sonora with them. When the United States
dragoons were stationed near Tubas, settlement
was nein commenced under the auspices of the
mining company I have named, which has gone
on, until now the population is estimated to be
from 6,000 to 8,000, mostly minors and traders,
The mines yield silver, load, copper, and gold,
the latter only slightly. If the analysis of the
era obtained from those mince be an accurate ono,
and will apply generally, they aro richer than any
of the famous silver mines of Mexico,
The inhabitants allego, in their memorial for a
saparato Territorial Government, that they are
fur distant from New Mexico, ridges of mountains
dividing tho two people ; that such Government
is necessary for thoir protection and the due en
forcement of law ; and that it will serve to repress
the forays of the Apache Indians into Mexican
Territory—claims arising out of these forays, to
tho amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars,
being now made by Mexico on behalf of her
under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Pennsylvania Bank Suing, Its Late Pre•
sldent—Third Street tirokris Summoned as
Yesterday, in the Court of Common Pleas, a
rit of domestic attachment wee issued by the
directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania against
Thomas Arnhem), the lute president, ter the sum
of $200,000 and upward, upon a charge that MU
bone is an absoonding debtor. The affidavit upon
which proceedings were founded is as follows :
PLIILADELPHIA, SS : Win. Goisse, Thos. A. New
hall, Win. P. Nowlin. Arthur 11. Rowell, Law
rence Lewis, Franklin Fell, John D. Taylor, Mon
cure Robinson, W. Lyttleton Savage, and William
C. Patterson, being severally sworn or affirmed,
depose and Ray, they are officers, via: (directors) of
the corporation styled the president, directors and
company of the Bank of Pennsylvania, whieh
corporation was duly created by, and now exists
under, the law of the State of Pennsylvania; and
for and in behalf of said corporation they further
say and depose that, as they have lately ascer
tained, Thomas Allibone, (late the president of
the said bank) is now justly indebted to the said
president, directors, and company of the Bank of
Pennsylvania in the sum of $200,000 and upwards,
for money belonging to the said president, direc
tors and company of the Bank of Pennsylvania,
which money the said Thomas Allibone had
and received to his own use, and which
be has not returned or repaid to them;
that the told Allibone. being an inhabitant
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, resided in
the 2tth ward of the City of Philadelphia till on
or about the 20th day of October, A. I). 1557, when
ho then absconded from his plane of usual abode
within the said city and county, and departed for
a foreign country, with a design to defraud his
creditors,' its these deponents verily believe; that
the said Thos. Allihono has hot left in said county
or State property sufficient to pay all his debts.
Wherefore these deponents, in behalf of said cor
poration, the presidents, directors and company
of the Bank of Pennsylvania, pray that a writ of
domestic attachment may bo issued against the
property of the said Thomas Allibone according to
the Act of Assembly in such ease made and pro
Wm.( Gme):, 7'. A. NEW/lALL,
Wm. P. Nmn its, ARTHUR. .11. LiOWELL,
iso. D. TAYLOR, M. Itonisson,
Sworn or nffirened and mabsaribod befoul me
November 7th, 1857.
JOHN B. Kns '
The precipe accompanyin ,, ° the affidavit directed
the issue of an attachment against all the estate
of Thomas Allihone, rout and personal, and also
directed the sheriff to attach all the moneys and
effects of the defendant in the hands or possession
of Win. C. Morgan and Themes M. Quickest], co
partners as Wm. C. Morgan k Co.; of Robert J.
Ress and - Kelly, copartners as It. J. Ross &
Co. ; and of Francis M. Drexel and Joseph W.
Drexel, copartners as Drexel k Co., and to suue
mon them as garnisheas
St. Geo. T. Campbell is attorney for the bank.
The oflimt of this doniostio attachment will be to
place all the property of Thomas Allibono in the
hands of trustees for distribution among all his
creditors. . .
It is well to be remembered that it is only nine
teen days since the same directors, who now stig
matize Allibono as an absconding debtor passed
the following :
Received, That the Board of Directors, in accepting
the resignation, express their feelings of deep regret ut
parting with Mr. Allitione, and sympathize with him
that (hr neee,,lty ea 1313, and trust that a kind Provi
dence may speedily re sure hint to his usual health,
and to the et:km-merit of a long life of happiness and
Wo need scarcely say that the endorsement thus
given to the saintly bank president sounds very
differently from the denunciation of him made
twenty days afterwards by the saute directors
titular oath. The fact is, that some of the direc
tors that thus sanctioned the flight of Allibono
knew perfectly well that ho was not sick—that the
allegation that his "nervous system was shat•
tered" was a lie, and that they wore not only con
niving at his mane, but permitting him to oboat
that justice which the swindled stockholders
would, in a few days, have inevitably invoked.—
Sunday Dispatch. Nov. 8
[For The Press.'
The Evening Bulletin, of Saturday, says that
~) l correspondent writing from Tamaqua in
timates that Smith demanded money from
Carter to heal his trounded honor, and because
this was retused he slew him." I have heard
the same intimation on the street several time's,
coming from Carter's friends. I certainly
would not excuse or extenuate Smith's clime,
but I cannot allow intimations to go out having
no foundation, and evidently Intended to in
fluence public opinion against a man who, as a
man, is as high-minded anti honorable as any
man I have tWer had tiro pleasure of knowing.
Mr. Smith has been a member of my family
and a visitor for tile last ten years, and I know
well that all the money Carter ever owned
could not have induced him to live with that
woman after be learned her true character,
and the otter of, money by Carter would only
have been considered by Smith as adding in
sult to injury. I pronounce the report un
founded in every particular—he never asked
or intimated to Carter that money could settle
the matter between them. .1. C. IL
[Tenoned for Tho Presq.j
DisruieT Corur, No. I—Judge Stroud.—The
usual Saturday business—the Current list.
Disrnicr Count, No. a—Judge Sharswood.—
This court was not in session.
Coo mou Pm:As—Judge Thompson.—Landis Scott
vs. Scott. In equity.
Lukens VS. Kelly. An application for an injunc
tion. The injunction was granted.
In the case of Todd vs. Freeman, the jury found
a verdict for the defendant, containing the validity
of the codicil to the will.
The court was otherwise engaged in the usual
Saturday business.
Quarann. SESSIONS—Judge Conrad.—Bill No.
292. Vincent Perry and Fergus Perry were con
victed of an aszanit and battery. They were sen
tenced to pay a fine of five dollars each, and costs
of prosecution.
Bill No. 29i. Michael Campbell plead guilty to
an assault and battery on ItfollaSSeS Boyce , . Fined
five dollars and costs of prosecution.
Bill No. 295. TllOlllll3 CElllphell was lined five &l
ime and costs of prosecution, for an assault and
Bill No. 433. James Hioks was convicted of an
assault and battery on Louisa hicks. Sontenemi
to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars and costs of
prosecution, and give security in $BOO to keep tho
peace for six months.
Charles Weaver, convicted of larceny, was sen
tenced to two years in the Eastern penitentiary.
Bush Taylor,
,for keeping a disorderly house,
was sentenced to pay a flue of one dollar, to give
bail in $3OO, and to four months Imprisonment in
the county prison.
It is rumored that the Panes of Wales ma}
poniibly visit Canada in the eourtle of nexteummer
Gen. Walker , e Loiter..
;11 , 49.1.1Mr0n, NturetAber 0.-"Thb following is a
letter addressed by Glom Walker to the Secretary
of State, dated " September 29, MT :"
Slit: It is currently reported that the Ministers
of Costa Elsa and Guatemala have asked for the
aotivo interposition of the United States for the
purpose of preventing me and my companions from
returning to Nicaragua. This request, it is further
said, is based on the assumption that I have vio
lated, or intend to violate, tho neutrality laws of
the United Statee.
The want of all official intercourse between the
Government of the United States and that of Ni
caragua will, I hope, be a sufficient excuse fur my
addressing you on the faith of a public report.
But the rumor comes in such a form that I am
satisfied the Ministers of Guatemala and Costa
Rica have attempted to dishonor the Republic of
Nicaragua in the eyes of the United States; and
I am further convinced of this foot by a decree of
President Mora, dated at San Jose on the 27th
August last, and ordered to be communicated to
the diplomatic corps generally.
The Ministers of Guatemala and Costa Rica at
tempted to humiliate Nicaragua by presenting
themselves to the United States as her protectors
and guardians. In behalf of the Republic of which
I claim to be the rightful and lawful executive, I
protest most earnestly against this assumption on
the part of Costa Rica and Guatemala, and ask
that the Government of the United States will not
permit itself to be influenced by such pretensions
on the part of these two Central American Powers.
On the contrary, it is to bo hoped that the United
States will, by its conduct, assort and vindicate the
independence of its sister Republic—the sovereign
State of Nicaragua.
It Is my duty further to say, that the people of
Nicaragua have not consented to the military au
thority nt present ozonised over them by the
agents of Costa Rica and Guatemala, and that
they therefore cannot be hold responsible for any
interference of these latter States in the adminis
tration of the munielpal affairs of your Government.
Conceiving that the Ministers of Costa Rica and
Guatemala cannot justify any suggestion they may
make to the United States concerning the execu
tion of its own acts of Congress, I desire to relieve
Nicaragua from any responsibility such of f icious
and intermoddllng.
So far as any violation on my part is concerned,
I deny the charge with scorn and indignation.
Having been received into the United States when
forced for a time to leave Nicaragua, I have in all
respects been obedient to its laws; and permit me
to assure you, that I shall not so far forget myself,
as an officer of Nicaragua, as to violate the laws of
the United States while enjoying „the rights of
hospitality within its
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
Eon. Lewis CASS, Secretary of State
For the United States of North America
°Metal Despatches from Utah
WAsurNarcv, Nov. 7.—The War Department
has just received despatches confirmatory of the
previous reports that the Mormons aro bent on re
sistanoo to the United States troops. The ap.
pointments of the army and the general prepara
tions aro such that no fears are entertained as to
the result.
The Administration has received no particularly
Important despatches relative to the events in Cen
tral America and the Costa Rican movements.
No matter what other Governments may do with
regard to these affairs, ours will pursue an inde
pendent American policy, without any entangling
Georgia Election.
WASHINGTON, Nov, B.—Tho official majority for
Govenior Brown in Georgia is 10,772.
Wisconsin Election
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 6.—The result of the State
election is still in doubt. Both parties claim the
election of their candidate for Governor. The Re
publicans have a majority in the Legislature.
Idinwevans, Nov. 7.—The Free Democrat, of
this afternoon, says that the vote is very close, and
nothing but the of mial figures will decide who is
elected Governor.
Georgia Ler„lslature.
Mituanmsvtuz, Nov. B.—The Legislature has
elected the Demooratio nominees for offices. Sena
tor Toombs has been re-elected to the United
States Senate; Mr. Thweat, Controller; Mr.
Trippo, Treasurer; Mr. Watkins: Secretary of
State; Mr. Groans, Surveyor General, and Judge
Lumpkin, as judge of the supreme court.
Bank Embezzlement Eine
BUFFALO, Nov. 7.—MeCanny, who was arrested
here on the charge of the ensbesslomant of money
belonging to the Bank of Upper Canada, of Toronto,
has been discharged from custody, the judge hold
ing the arrest was not proper under the Ashburton
Ald to the Poor of Trenton
T124NT441, N. J., Nov. 7.-4. large mooting of
citizens Vat hold hero this afternoon, to considor
plans for the relief of the poor. Resolutions were
passed urging the city authorities to take imme
diate steps to prevent two or three thousand peo
,ple from encountering actual starvation.
[From the New York Herald of yesterday
Horrible Outrage by Rowdies--An Aged Wo
man Violated and then Murdered—Arrest and
Escape of one of the Perpetrator■—One of the
Murderers Caught, ice.
The basement of No. 32 Greenwich street, on
Friday night, was the scene of one of the most
fiendish acts of violence ever perpetrated in a
Christian community. A respectable woman, well
advanced in years, named TereSa Spitzliti, was
ravished and then choked to death by a party of
four er five rowdies, who entered the premises as
above stated, against the will of the occupants,
and then commenced a series of violent acts
hitherto unparalleled in the annals of crime.
It appears that about 11 o'clock P. M., when the
occupants of the basement in question had retired
for the night, a party of four rowdies, named Mor
ris O'Connell, James Tool, William Hagan, and a
boatman called " Sailor Dan," name to the base
ment door and demanded admittance. This was
denied them, when one of the follows threw a brick
against the door, and proceeded to force it open,
while the others went around by the roar and tried
to gain an ontramm by the back door. It may be
as well for us to state here : that the basement was
occupied by a German named Christian Martin, as
a lager beer saloon of very low repute. But, nev
ertheless, the woman Spitzlin was a respectable and
industrious female, as will be seen from the sequel,
who lodged in the place during the night time and
worked out during the day.
O'Connell, who appeared to he the ringleader of
the party. Succeeded in forcing open tie front
basement door, when he entered the place, and
running through to the rear hallway, unbolted the
back door there and allowed his companions to
enter. As soon as Martin found that the place
was in complete possession of the rowdies, ho turn
ed off the gas, thinking that that would doter them
from any further acts of violence. But the
failed most signally. Finding that little or no
opposition was made by the proprietor of the
saloon, the ruffians proceeded to take improper
liberties with his wife and sister-in-law. The
deceased, who was lying asleep upon the
floor when the rowdies entered the place,
here Caine forward and endeavored to protect
the other women. Being an aged woman, undone
who could converse in English, she thought she
could manage to pacify the fellows by telling
them to take seats and behave themselves like
men. But they paid no attention to her entrea
ties, and seemed bent on doing something desper
ate. At this moment O'Connell and Tool, as it is
alleged, caught bold of the poor old creature, and
dragged her into an adjoining room.
Deceased struggled hard with the ruffians, and
screamed loudly for aid, but none could be afforded
her, for the other two rowdies had complete posses
sion of the premises. The ruffians, in perpetra
ting the assault, found it necessary to choke the
deceased in order to stifle her cries for help. Most
effectually did they smother the screams of the un
fortunate woman, for they choked her to death.
Having accomplished their hellish desire, they
left the premises and coolly walke.l off, no If no
thing had occurred. By this time, the police had
bof wind of the affair, and upon entering the
asement and examining the body of the pros
trate woman, they found that life had become ex
. .
They instantly went in pursuit of the fugitives,
and succeeded, after a brief search, in finding
O'Connell. The prisoner was taken to the sub.
station house, in Trinity Place, when ho ox
premed a willingness to do all in his power to
aid the officers in their scarab for the rest of the
gang. lie stated to the sergeant, then In com
mand of the station house, that if lie was allowed,
ho would go and show the police the spot where the
gang wore concealed.
The sergeant was completely entrapped. Ile
allowed the prisoner to go out in charge of police
man Gilfeather alone, and the pair proceeded
down Rector to Greenwich street together. While
walking to Greenwich street, just as they were
within a few yasds of the Battery, O'Connell
started elf and left the officer standing in amaze
went on the side walk. The fugitive was pursued,
but ho managed to make good his escape, and up
to the present time has eluded the vigitanceef the
Yesterday morning the search for the fugitives
was re•eounnenectl, but with no better result.
Sailor Dan managed to get on board a brig bound
to klobile and is now on bis way to that port.
O'Connell Is supposed to he secreted somewhere in
the neighborhs_d of the spot where the tragedy
was enacted, but the police are unable to find any
clue to hie hiding place. Tool was seen yesterday
morning, but it is believed that ha is now many
miles from New York. Ilagan's whereabouts hits
not been ascertained, but the polioo think ho is
concealed somewhere in Washington street.
The Geoupants of the saloon, 'minding the pro
prietor, a man named Wickle, and two mouton,
wore all arrested and convoyed to the station
house as witnesses, to await the aotioniof the coro
ner in the matter. The female prisoners evinced
much sympathy for the poor woman who had sa
crificed her own life while endeavoring to protect
their parsons from violence.
Thee deceased was a native or Switzerland, and
was about fifty-five years of age. She was a widow,
having lost her husband at sea about two years
hour last night the police succeeded in arresting
Tool as be was leaving house No 52 Greenwich
street in disguise.
Con. BY A FJNANCIEN.—Why are deposi
tors in this city like persons bathing after din
net' on a hot day, in a cold stream ? Because
Run upon its Banks would be the worst
thing possible for them.—New York Picayune.
kokbtiUT or MUSIO_, B. W. cOaMat OF 7380 AD 410 LO.
OUST STRIISTS.— " Busybody " Practical MID"...
Betsy Bakor.,l
Azov' . The Jealous Who"—" illack-Zyed
WALNUT 811111BT TLISATaz, J. R. 008zien 07 NINTH
Ann WALan? gramma The Ocean Chlld"--" Linda,
the Cigar Girl."
—Buckley's Opera Groupe.
CONCERT Mum—Lecture, Mormonism Exposed."
OFIREITNIM—EthiopIan Life Illustrated, concluding witli
a langbable stterpleco. .
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company should
take early measures to provide for the way -travel
over that part of the old State road used by our
citizens baring residences or business within an
hour's ride of the city. This is an accommodation
greatly needed. It would add to the revenue as
well as to the prosperity of the company.
Death of a Councilman.—We regret to learn
that Mr. A. B. Kauffman, member of Common
Council from the Third ward. died last night.
Rearing in a Case of Alleged Usury—Bank
Officers Again in Trouble —A MO of alleged
usury was heard on Saturday afternoon before
Alderman Enue—the prosecutor being Mr. John
Young, marble mason, and the defendants Messrs.
A. M. Bostwick, president of the City Bank,
and Joseph S. Riley, cashier of the same. Mr.
Young was represented by Thomas J Diehl, Esq.,
and the defence by Charles E. Lex, Esq.
The case was opened with a few remarks by Mr.
Diehl, who read a copy of Mr. Eastwick's oath, as
president of the bank, and the act of Assembly of
April Nth, 1850, known as the banking law. The
section quoted refers to the rates of discount, and
fixes the loans at one-half per cent. for thirty
days; and another defines the duties of bank
officers generally, and prescribes, for any violation
of the same, in the event of a conviction, a fine
not exceeding ono thousand dollars, and an im
prisonment et not more than three years. lle
contended that, in producing a copy of Mr. EAR
wick's oath, he did his whole duty, and considered
it ample evidence.
Mr. Lex said that ho had understood, from the
decisions in other cases, that any mete copy of
documents in•oasei of such serious import us this,
was not evidence, and he considered it a most un
just precedent to establish to receive it. Parties
by collusion with the Auditor General, with whore
oaths of this character are deposited, might an
noy continually, by potty prosecutions, any one
:.gainst whom they entertained personal hatred or
general malice
Mr. Diehl responded, and urged that the copy
was sufficient, and read another actof Assembly in
support of his position.
Alderman Dien decided that under the law as
presented by the prosecution the copy was evidence,
and it was road.
Mr. Diehl then proposed to prove that Mr. East
wick bad violated the act of Assembly passed
April 16th, 1850.
Testimony of Mr. John Young —John Young
sworn—Beside at No. 041 North - Twelfth street;
am a marble mason; was a depositor in the City
Bank in 1855 and part of 1856; received a note for
$703.50 from George Payne, and took it to the
City Bank for discount; the note was drawn in fa
vor of Henry A. Field, and endorsed by Field and
myself; saw Mr. Riley, the cashier, at the bank,
and showed the note to him; asked him if it was
likely to be done; he said he thought it would.
This was on Monday; the next day was discount
day; did not give him any particular reason
why I wanted it done; put the note in the
discount box on Monday; went to the bank
on Tuesday, and had the note returned; 'imme
diately went to Mr. Riley and asked him about it; I
he said that the reason was doubtless that it was
not done because they had so mush paper of heavy
depositors to discount on that day ; Riley told me
to put it in again, and he thought it would be done;
I then mentioned to him about a',draft that had
come on from the East, and asked him whether he
the note would be done, and whether I should ac
cept the draft. I told Mr. Riley that I wanted
the money to pay the draft; put the note in the
the next discount day, the day the draft was due
this next day the note was returned in 3337
bank book. The note was for $708.50 ; it
had less than four months to run. When it
was returned for the second time, I took it
to Mr. Riley and again spoke of the matter
to him ; he said what he had said before, that there
was too much paper offered, and that he would go
and see Mr. Eastwick and got him to do it forme;
did not ace Mr. Eastwick until about half past two
o'clock ; he came into Mr. Riley's room and had a
private conversation with Mr. Riley; I told Mr.
Bostwick that I was hard up and wanted the
money; 1 wanted the money very bad, and told
him that I would accept $6OO for it; Mr. Bostwick
did not give me the money; Mr. Riley told me to
go to the clerk and get the amount entered on my
bank book; did not make any deposits on the day
the entry was made. (The bank book was here
shown, and an entry of $6OO was found, dated De
cember 7, 1855.) 1 saw Mr. Payne and asked
him to lot tee have the note to use as evidence, but
ho said he could not find it; the whole of these
transactions took plaoe in the City Bank; I did
not take up the draft with the $6OO Ireceived that
day froze Air. Bostwick.
Cross-examined.—The 7th of December was the
second discounting day, on which the note was
put In ; put it in the discount box on two separate
days; am not able to recognize the discount clerk
to whom it was given; on the second day that the
note was presented, Mr. Riley said he would see
Mr. Eastwick and try to got hint to do it out of
his OWnprivate funds ; I told Mr. Riley I 'would
stand a shave, but did not beg Mr. Riley to
got anybody outside to shave the note;' Mr. East.
wick directed the entry to be made in the book,
but Mr. Riley told me to go outside the railing,
and then wont to the clerk a desk and told him to
put it down ; Mr. Eastwick was in the cashier's
room at this time; Mr. Field was a clerk of Mr.
Payne, the drawer of the note; the latter was net
'in the possession of Mr. Newell, the broker, on the
last discount day spoken of; I never came book to
the bank to complain of the matter; never in
' formed the directors of the bank of the affair,
though I spoke to some of the stoeltholdere ; one of
these was George Barber; can't say who else;
can't give the date of the note; do know that the
note was never paid; have not seen the note sine°
it was discounted; served no subpoena on Mr.
Payne to produce the note; the date of the note
was November.
The testimony of Mr. Young having been con
cluded, Mr. Diehl asked for the binding over of
the parties to appear at court.
Mr. Lea: asked for a continuance of the case,
contending that it was important that the note
Itself should have boon presented, in order to war
rant a binding over. lie offered the books of the
bank to the prosecution, and the officers, clerks,
ho., and hoped they would avail themselves of
them. Young has admitted that this money was
paid out of Mr. Eastwick's private purse, after the
note had been thrown out of the bank, where it
had been placed for discount, and yet, after a
lapse of two years, ho comes forward to press a
prosecution of this kind, without a shadow of jus
tice, or anything else to sustain him. Ileconsidered
that it was necessary to show that the note was
discounted by the bank, at usurious interest ; that
it was paid at the bank, and that the proceeds
came into the possession of the bank. This, cer
tainly, the prosecution had not done.
Mr. Diehl said that be had striven to get the
note so as to produce it. If it is not paid, it is in
the possession of the City Bank, and he would like
them to produce it. If it is paid, Mr. Payne h e s
it, and he (Mr. Diehl) would take either horn of
the dilemma.
Mr. Young was again called. lie had reoeived
no notice of the non-payment of the note, and Mr.
Payne had told him it tuns paid.
Mr. Lox again urged that there should bee sufft•
cient delay to ensure the produetioa of the note.
lie was particularly anxious that the note should
be produoed.
Mr. Diehl contended that aprima facie case had
boon mole out, and ono quite suffunent to warrant
a holding to answer. Ile was willing to rest his
case here,
The Alderman said ho thought the evidence quite
sufficient to authorize him to hold the defendants to
Metwrii.Eastwick and Riley were required to enter
bail in $l,OOO ouch to ansoor the charge against
From the date of the entry in the bank-book of
Mr. Young, it appears that the offence charged
against the defendants waa committed in Decem•
her, 'OM.
Police Ilems.—On Saturday, on complaint
of Fire Detective Blackburn, Timothy Lynch and
his wife were before Alderman Eneu on the charge
of setting fire to their trimming store, in Marshall
street, above Poplar, on the nignt of the 26th of
October, for the purpose of defrauding the insu
rance company in which the property was insured.
It was in evidence that the house was set on fire
in two places, and that the goods were removed
from the house and stored in II place in Hutehinson
Street, just before the breaking out of the fire.
Lynch was committed to answer, and his wife was
held to bail.
On Saturday afternoon a young man named S.
F. Taylor, who is employed as the janitor of the
Penn Medical College, was before United. States
Commissioner HexMt on the charge of abstracting
a one•hundred-dollar bill from a letter belonging
to Pr. John S. Leech, of North Carolina. From
the evidence of William N. Fenton, register clerk
in the post °Mee, it seems that the letter came
into his hands registered. The defendant went to
the post °nice and inquired fur a letter for Dr.
8011, of the Penn Medical College. Witness said
there was a letter there for Pr. Leech, of the
Pennsylvania Unkersity. The defendant said the
Penn Medical College was sometimes called the
Penn University, and that Dr. Leech belonged
there. The letter was given him, and subsequent
ly it was sent to the Pennsylvania University,
through Blood's Dispatch, minus the one-hundred
dollar note.
The commissioner continued the ease over for
two weeks, in order to enable the United States
District Attorney to procure the attendance of the
correspondent of Dr. Leech,
who, it is alleFed, en
closed the bill in tho letter in North Carolina.
Dedication of the New armory of the Na
tional Guards,—Wo learn that extensive ar
rangements are being made for the dedication of
the new and splendid hall of the National Guards,
in Race street, below Sixth, on the 113th inst.
There will be a large military turn-out upon the
occasion. The First regiment of infantry, P. C ,
will parade under the command of Col. Wm. D.
Lewis, who, in a spirited manner, has ordered out
the regiment for the occasion. The Guards had
endeavored to secure a parade of the whole divi
sion, or at least of the First brigade, but their re
quests were declined by both Generals Patterson
and Cadivalader. Tho Ltineastor Fencibles, Capt.
Duychman, and the Camden Light Guards, Capt.
Miekla, will also participate. An oration will be
delivered by John W. Forney. The infantry regi
ment will consist of the following companies • In
dependent Greys, Capt. lirneeland; Independent
Guards. Capt. Ormolu ; Philadelphia Guards,
Capt. Vallee; Minute Men, Capt. Berry Wash
ington Blues, Capt. Goslino ; State Fencibles,
Capt. Page ; National Guards, Capt. Lyle.
Regatta on the Schuylkill.—A regatta for the
championship of the Schuylkill took place on Satur
day afternoon, between the Atlanta, Phantom, and
Falcon, each six-oared boats. The contest was an
exciting ono, and witnessed by a large number of
amateur sportsmen. The boats started from the
Falls Bridge at 41 o'clock, and rowed to Turtle
Rook, a distance of 21 miles. The time made by
the Atlanta, of the Keystone Barge Club t was 21
minutes; the Phantom, of the America Club, 21
minutes and 35 seconds. The Falcon, in conse
quence of indisposition on the part of a rower, fall
70 seconds behind the Atlanta, and 40 %muds be
hind the Phantom. Tho Atlanta was declared the
Supposed Suicide.—Coroner' Fenner held an
inquest on Saturday afternoon, at Smith's woods,
West Philadelphia, alma the body of an un
known white man altedlijKatt fifty five years, who
was found with his brains' blown oat. The body
la stippoSed to be thittg Charles Gentler, of Cam-
Thwe.fomed wee about tive feet nix inchen
Intgldf , be wee dressed it Wok sack-coat and
paii , aat4ight silk and woellert vent; large whia
ker o, and YerY heavy moustache. The verdict of
thejuryll63, that the death of the dece‘sed was
caused hYstdoido, by shooting himself in the month
with a double-barrelled gun.
Fires,—About four o'clock, p:xte cday morn
ing, an alarm of fire was caused by the burning of
an old building, known as lianoock Hall, in nip
nen street, above:Ninth. The loss is estimated at
A stable, at Pennsylvania avenue and Pagoda '
street, was set on fire yesterday morning. and par
tiallyvitunaged.-- The flames were extinguished by
the police. Two lads, named Daniel McMullen
and James Clare, were arrested by Sergeant Lin
den, of the Fifteenth ward, on the charge of setting
fire to the stable. They were seen to enter the
stable by a man named McClosker, who also no
ticed them leaving it a few moments previous to
the alarm of fire being given The accused had a
hearing before Alderman Eneu, yesterday, and
were held to answer theebarge of arson.
The Commonwealth Bank.—Tho CommiS
sioners of the Commonwealth Bank held a meeting
on Wednesday last, and decided upon opening the
bank for business on the lath inst., at the banking
house, Chestnut street, above Fourth, under the
Philadelphia and , Western banks. The election
for directors will be held on that day.
Coroner's Inquest.--Coroner Fenner held an
inquest yesterday on the body of a child named
Elizabeth Robinson, about four months of age, who
died from neglect in Arch street, above Front. A
verdict was rendered accordingly.
PHILADELPHIA, November 7, 1857.
The upward tendency of stocks continues, and
the business at the stock board daily grows larger
Pennsylvania Bank shares have advanced, the
holders willing to sell demanding ton dollars a
share. The week closed upon an improving stock
market, an easier money market, and a cheerful
spirit among all classes of business men.
The advises from Europe represent that a great
state of uncertainty as to the future prevails in
the London money market, and that there are
symptoms of a renewed demand for gold for the
continent, which must drain the bank of still more
of its reserve. By the end of another week, we
shalt have the results of the New York suspension
in England reported to us. We apprehend no
great increase of the preset pressure in conse
quence, as the result seems already to have been
in great part anticipated by the bankers and the
The Directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania have
commenced proceedings against the estate of Mr.
Allibone, charging him with absconding with de
sign to defraud the bank , and his creditors. It
appears that he owes the bank more than two hun
dred thousand dollars. We are glad to see the
directors acting upon our suggestion, in pursuing
tho property hold by Mr. Allibone. It would be
outrageous if he could bo left rolling In wealth,
while the stockholders be has defrauded are, many
of them, reduced to poverty by the failure of the
The exports from this port, this week, were
$115,945, and the total exports for October,
$467,937. Among the articles shipped to foreign
ports were : Flour bbls., 14,411 ; Corn Meal, bbls ,
1,325; Rye Meal, bbls., 273; Wheat, bushels,
28,585; Corn, do., 7,754; Oats, do., 600; Cotton,
bales, 232; Domestics, packages, 17; do.. bales,
66; Wool, bales, 65; Rice, tierces, 32; Coal, tons,
2,512; Ship Bread, bbls., 1,118; do. kegs, 200;
Beef, tierces, 306; do., bbls., 389 ; Pork, bbls.,
404; ilatlNl, lbs., 23,819 ; Lard, lbs., 11,073; But
ter, lbs., 13,462; Cheese, lbs., 4,112; Tallow, lbs.,
428,438 ; Candles, lbs., 36,560 ; Soap, lbs., 80,886 ;
Tobacco, hhds., 20: do,, lbs., 35,241; Oil Meal,
Asks, 135 ; Potatoes, bbls., 100.
The debt of Missouri is a very interesting sub .
jeet just now to many of our readers. The St. Loui s
Republican says :
"The total bonded debt of this State is $10,532,-
000, or more than three millions less than it is
stated at by the Courier. Of this amount, $602,000
is on miscellaneous accounts, and $15,920,000 on
railroad account. Of the bonds issued to railroads,
$10,080,000 were delivered to the Paci6o and Bt.
Joseph and Hannibal roads. These two roads, it
has hitherto been supposed, would be able to pay
the interest on the bonds issued to them.
"The total amount of bonds authorized to be is
sued to the railroads is 524,950,000, but no one
now supposes that this limit will be reached. The
belief us, that the issue of bonds will stop with
those already out."
Mr. Walsh, in his Paris letter to the Journal of
Commerce, says :
"Sugar is falling; the beet root factories will
supply this year two hundred and forty million
pounds. The Isle of Reunion (Bourbon) will pro
duce one hundred and twenty millions; the French
West Indies will probably send a hundred millions;
altogether the supply will overbalance the demand
in France."
November 7,185 T.
Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No
BO Walnut street.
1000 L 51115.15 0'5'70....82% 1 20 PI Penn 11 TX
1000 do 82 % 10 do Ts
1000 do 82% 1 Lehigh scrip 31
8000 Pena 5'5 its 55wn 81 81 do 10r5.32
1000 Penn Coup 5'5...84 50 Reading 11 17%
100 City 11.13'5..c55n.82X 100 do 55wri.17X
5100 851. lity 6's '82..54 100 do 1.6wn.11 X
s_Ponn 11..---_-__2ll 100 do
10 .10 35X 60 do 17%
3 do ..... 3511 20 Norristown It ....65X
10 do 35% 2 do 56
5 do 2.52( 10 Girard 'husk B.l‘
1 do 35% 10' do 55ww. 9
1 do ....35% 10 Farm Jr Mee .13k..50%
1 do 85% 10 do 50%
4 do 35% 30 do 50%
2 do 35% 25 do 50,4‘
1000 C1unkA.1165'89511.04 150 Reading R 18X
.. . ......... . - ._
25 2iarrist7urg R.
1000 N Penn R
4 Norristown A.... 553 i
lON Penn I.'e ...85vrn.81
1000 Penn Coup 6'5....84
1000 N Penn It fi'm 111.47 X
6000 Wilmingtonll 6 , s 82
1000 City Ps
2 Penn R 85X
10 do 35%
1 do 25%
4 Norristown R.... 65%
80 Union Canal pref....3X
3 1.; Penn R 8
4 Reading R 18
100 do sswn.lB
100 do 18 Si
Minebill 11 551;
2 Bank of Penn..... 10
2 do 10
Bid. Asked. I
Philadel 6P5....83 84
" '• RR....83 84
" " New.... 905( 91
Pennsylv 6'5....81 81x
Reading P. 18g I 9
de hoods '7O 83
do Id 8'8,44 80
Penns RR 35X 36
Mortla Goal Cou3s 40
Bid. Asked.
So N6s 3 62 pref 14X 143‘
Wmisp't & Elm R 7 11
do let mort 7 , 5 65 60
do do 2dm 49 51
Long Island .... 8% 8%
Vicksburg 6 7
Girard Dank 8:14' 9
Lehigh Zinc X
Union Canal 83( 3%
New Creek
Catawias► 7
li hu N 8s 82
" stock
Put LADULenu, Nov. 7 th—Evening.—Breadstuffs
are quiet to-day. There is some little demand for
export, but shipping flour, standard brands, are
generally held above the views of buyers, most
holders refusing $5.25, which is the highest limit
of most of the orders now in market. A sale of
GOO hbls. good Western extra is reported at $6, and
175 bbls. fancy family do. at $7 per bbl The
local trade demand is to a fair extent, within the
range of $5.37k55.75 for common and choice
brands, including baker's flour at the latter rate
$5.75a56.25 for extra, and $6.50a57.50 per bbl for
fancy family end premium flour, as to brand and
quality. Corn moal unchanged but dull, and gen.
orally held above the views of buyers, who only
offer $343.12! per bbl. for country meal. Rye
Gout is selling in a retail way at $4 50 per bbl.
Wheats come in slowly and find ready sale at
firmer quotations ; 7,000 bu. have been taken at
120a1250. for common to good and prime red, and.
120a125c. for white. Corn is wanted at 75c., at
which rate about 1500 bu. have been sold, in
cluding white at the same price, all afloat. Some
new Corn has been sold to the distillers at 56c.
Oats are rather quiet and held at 32c for Delaware,
and 33a350 for Pennsylvania, without much doing
in the way of sales. Rye is unchanged, and held
at 73a75c, the latter for Pennsylvania. Dark
meets with a steady inquiry at $3O for first quality
Quereitron, at which price come small lots have
been taken. Cotton remains very inactive, and
prices the same. Groceries—nothing doing worthy
of remark to-day. Provisions axe also very quiet,
and prices unsettled and drooping. Whiskey is
selling more freely at Sic for hhds, 20a21c for
drudges, and 21}, 221a23c for bbls, the latter for
prime packages.
Classes iv NEW Yoex.—A large number of men
collected on Saturday in Tompkins Square for the
purpose of bearing the report of their committee
and devising some means of obtaining employment
during the winter. At 8 A. M. groups assem
bled in different parts of the square, talking
over their condition and that of their fami
lies, and at nine a meeting was organized. In the
absence of Mr. Smith, secretary, it was called
to order and presided over by James T. Maguire,
who said that their committee had advised nothing
further be done until Tuesday morning, when they
expect all the workmen who are out of employment
to assemble in Tompkins Square; 10r as that is the
time at which the promised work was to have com
menced, they will know hotter how to act. My.
Maguire exhorted them to be peaceable till then,
inasmuch as the eyes of the entire city are upon
them, and he was desirous, for one, that they
should conduct themselves as quiet, respectable
COOS' BANK, New YORK.—The fact has been dis
closed that Mr Geo. A. Clack, the assistant
cashier and paying teller in the Grocers' Bank,
New York, is a defaulter to the amount of about
$58,000. At the time of the suspension, the directors
suspected from the state of affairs that there Was
some other cause besides the hard times, but had no
poeit iv o clue. At the stated monthly examination
the balance sheet of the assistant cashier has been
repeatedly made to correspond with the deposit ac
count, the entries being properly footed up. By
means of false entries and certified checks, it now
appears that Mr. Clark has made his balances cot-
respond with the general balance sheet at the be
ginning of every month, his entire charge of the
books in his department affording him every
facility. At present he appears to have been car
rying on his operations but for eighteen months,
tkough tis possible lie might here been purrltill the
some plan since his first connection with the bank
in Mi t more than six years sines. About ten
days educe, Mr. Clark obtained leave of absence in
the country, on the plea of needing rest from the
exciting labor of the pest few weeks, and it was
not until after his departure that the defalcation
was made known. It 13 said that he has gone to
New Jersey, and that the officers of the law have
clue to his whereabouts. The papers have alrea
dy been placed in the hands of the District Attor
ney for his action.—Herald.
misrtsw FILOM Nr.w vort44,
[Correspondence of The Press.)
- New ; roax, Nov. 7-5.20 P. M.
There is no material Change to note in our mone
tary affairs. Another week has come to an end,
and the promise of that which is about to open is
not reassuring, though not absolutely discouraging.
There is nothing more puzzling for one whose duty
it is to give an impartial and minute account of
the events in the commercial and moneyed world
here than to avoid being buoyed up with false
hope, or prostrated with causeless despondency.
One class of men assert positively that the market
is easier; that the banks are doing their utmost;
that rates are coming down in the street, and that
by the middle of January the distress will be all
past. They say this, and give you what they be
little to be chapter and v erse for what they affirm.
A friend, perhaps two friends, of the select clam
called "borrowers of responsibility," hsve got a
discount, heard from a bank director that specie
payments will be renewed at once, and that his
bank is discounting far ahead of its receipts;
that Moses or 'Solomon, in William street, or Ex
change place, bought a note of Messrs. an d
at 2 per cent. s month, which they refused
a week ago at s—and from this it is inferred as
positive that "the week damson a decidedly easier
money market." Notwithstanding this ease. seve
ral large importing houses are reported failed,
and one large silk house. The names will proba
bly be made public on Monday. Until theyare,
lam compelled to withold them. The other class
of men, whose friends—the importers or the silk
house above mentioned—have fought bravely
against the storm, but who " faltered" somewhat,
although they recovered their footing, and still
went on until their strength was exhausted, are by
no means satisfied that there is a "decidedly easier
market." Be assured that the ease is only for the
already rich, and that the man who was caught in
the storm which the banks created, and who bad
not time to furl or shorten sail before it burst, will
not bo able to put into port. Be must be wrecked.
Tbo mass of our merchants are pinched and em
barrassed, and are forced, where they relied on re
ceiving money from country customers, to grant
six, eight, and twelve months extensions. It is
most probable, that Monday's bank statement
will show an increase in specie, an increase in
deposits, a decrease in circulation, and no alter
ation in loans. Perhaps there may be a few thou
sand dollars increase, but I believe. myself, that the
figures will be the ether way. I may be wrong, I
hope I am, but I firmly believe that the banks
will not extend their discount line this side of New
Tear's day ; that their determination, with a very
few exceptions, is to call lit debts per fax ant
nefas, and that the sentiment attributed to
one of their officers—" The merchants tried to
break us, sad now, d—n them, we'll break the
merchants"—is largely entertained and followed.
No one can say that I have ever spared the banks,
or tried to palliate their crimes, or shield theirs
guilt, as too many have done, hoping by these
means to conciliate and mollify them. I have told
the truth so far as I was capable of judging it, and
I am sorry to say I have had no reason to alter my
opinion. My bop? now IS in the Democratic
strength in our Legislature.
Foreign Exchange is somewhat irregular. Prices
are quoted all the way from 105 toll° for sterling.
The Baltic took out $225,6i0 in gold.
The following are the rates of corrected ex
Benign:mine.— 708 dls Augusta e 3 dis
Boston, at eight. die Columbus, 05..—e13 dis
—e ti dis Mobile —et c is
Baltimore 5e5,3 dis New Orlesm.... dis
Richmond —eol4 dis Louisville —as dip
Washington. DC-4310 die Nashville —BS dis
North Carolina. 244); dis 1 St. Lords —ll3 dis
Charleston..... fits Cincinnati ...... —O9 dis
Savannah 05 dis Detroit —Ol4 dis
Milwaukee . .... —eslo Ms Chicago dla
The note brokers are doing very tittle. They
examine and turn over sad over ell notes offered
to them. and only take those which are extra first
clam—the same policy as that pursued by the
banks, with the exception that the borrower pays
24 Instead of 7 per req.
The amount of certificates issued by the Metro
politan Bank. based on State currency, and toad
instead of gold at the clearing house, is close on
$5,500,000. The country banks have proposed to
redeem $5,669 or MAO a week of this tweets
lot, which they need for themselves, and thus
reduce their balances in the city.
The business at the clearing house to-day was
as follows: Clearings,s l o.7 Bs 4s2-74- Balances
paid in coin, $ 698,9481. 'The clearings for the
week, ending to-day, amount to 572,467,364.70,
and the balances paid in coin, to $5,777,684.69.
During the entire week, there has been a good
deal of activity in the stock market. The really
solid securities have advanced, under the influence
of the large foreign orders, and the fancy clocks
have taken a start, it being now the interest of
the parties who helped to drag them down to give
them a lift. I very much donbt whether they will
maintain their price. It is very truly remarked that,
notwithstanding the gold arrivals from England
and California, and the immense increase of
the specie in the banks, the advance on the en
tire week is scarcely equal to one day's decline
under had news. The reconciliation of the differ.
enoes between the Michigan Central and the Mi
chigan Southern, has caused the stock of the latter
to advance to 16, and the preferred stock to 331.
Reading closed to-day at 36 ; Erie at In, (seller
30 ;) New York Central at 691; Chicago and Rock
Island at 71; Panama at 78, and Illinois Central
at 86. State and bank stocks are still in request
by parties anxious to invest at present prices.
Missouri 6's closed at 721: 'Virginia 6's at 84 .. ; New
York s's (1858) 99 ; and Ohio 6's, 11886) 95.
Tho following were the transactions in stocks for
the week ending to-day :
Cash $4,290,606
Time 2,795, 1 c19
R" Mr. Adrian H. Muller sold to-day, at the Mer
chants' Exchange, by order of Jame K. Dubois,
Esq., Auditor of the State of Illinois, $7,000 State
of Louisiana 6 per cent. coupon loads, dated July
1, 1853, and payabla in 1893, $5OO each, 78raud
781; $lB,BOO State of Louisiana B per twat coupon
bonds, dated January 1,1855, and payable in 1895,
$l,OOO each. 78 to 784; 20 shares Broadway Fire
Ins. Co., $25 each, 1081; 40 do. North Amerieaa
Fire Ins. Co., $5O each, 93; 20 do. Commonwealth
Fire Ins. Co., $lOO each, 82.
2500 IST BSt eis '53 113 ' 53 Del &aa Co 93
3000 Brooklyn City Es 83 90 Penns Coal Co 60
3000 Ohio 6e 'B6 95 350 N E Cen R 110 GO
1000 Mich St'e 6a 90 41 do 6i J 4
1000 Tenn 6s 'PO 773( 650 do 09%
7000 Virginia Go 84 50 do enwk 09
5000 31issonri 6's 72 . 3 i 50 do all 68%
21000 do 72% 150 do 53 69%
3000 do 72% IEO do s6O 68%
5000 do s6O 72 as.) Erie Railroad 14%
12000 N V Cen RGs 80 2O do 14%
500 do 80% 15 do bai 14%
0000 Harlem B lit m GO 50 do 14
1000 Ws Cen R 5 74 t 50 do el 3 13%
1000 do 76 POO do slO 18%
4000 do 7 6% i 10 Sixth Ar R 85
500 Erie 11 bds '75 40 75 Reading R 33%
17000 Erie R 3m lis '53 65 700 do 34
1000 LaC&Mil RL 0521 350 do 34%
1000 do 20 400 do 34%
1000 Chi & R. IE. bs 85 600 do 610 34
1000 Hod R Ist mt 90 150 do oil 34%
20 Bank of Amer 92 200 do 54%
10 National Bk. 89 150111 Cen R 87
170 Ccuribd Coal Co 7 250 do SO
30 do 7% 10 Mich Ceti It 4551
10 Bk St of N York 81 27 do 49
5 Hanover Bk 70 50 do 310 49
10 Metrop'n Bank 87 30 Meh So &N I R 14%
10 do 83 50 do 14%
5 do 90 200 do 15
6 ImpATrailers'l3k 50 25 do DX
15 Bk of Commerce 91 155 do 15%
49 Gal & Chi IL 69% 156 do 18
100 do a6O Dii% 130151.1 a Bkle 1 prr 31
80 do 69 50 do seO 31%
650 Cler * Tel R 33% 50 do si,) 3'2
100 do aLO 33 si 10 Pumas IL 77%
.t 3 Chi &Rk 1 R 71% 5 do 70
90 do b3O 71% 230 do 77
50 do 5.30 70% 50 do 669 74
101111 & 3lis B 19% 5 Cler COI & Cin RO4
200 LaCrosse & 3111 R 0, 5 N IlitHartford B 1 06 %
2 30 do 61'6 do 106
100 Hudson R R 15
100 Comb Coal 6X'
145 NY Can R 8914
250 dd alO 20X
250 do 69%
150 Erie Railroad 14
430 do 14%
100 do sila 13%
20 Harlem R
10 Mich SAN p sit 334
100 Reading R 33
5 Gal & Chic 11 C9iC
100 Cie, Tol R
50 Chie&R I 11 it
50 I.IC dr R 6%
10 Ma & miisß 194(
15 Cler Col&Cin R .44
8000 Missouri 64 72X
5000 do 72y;
5500 do
1000 Tenn 83 '9O 78
4000 Virginia Gs 84
2000 N Y orkss 'OS 99
2000 N Y Cen is ni 85
500 111 Cen R 7rs
10000 do t(0 78
5011icli Sk NI It 15t;
I:0 do 155.;
:12 ImpkTrad's Bk SO
10 Del&Slud Col Co 93
'2.23 Canton Co 10
Nov. ^_d. Ste Born.lio, Hamburg, Am g01d.... $5OO
Nov. 7th. Str Baltic, Liverpool, Am gold.. 213,5130
Nov. 7th. tt ‘• " Nog. 13,110
Total for the week.
Preventsly reported
Total since January ht
Fame tune in 18543
Same time in 1655
Same time in 1854
Same time in 1853
Same time in 1852
Asn Ei are steady, with sales 0145 bbls at sl' 25
for pots, and 5t1.30 for pearls.
BREADSTCPFS.—The market for State and West
ern flour is heavy and fully 10 cents per bbl lower
at the dose; the sales are 1 2,000 bbls at
for common to good State, V.95a.55.20 for extra
State, mostly at SSoSS 10, $4.734-4 55 for common
to good Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, ke., and
$5.95a50 40 for extra do.
Southern dour is lower, and the common grades
are very heavy; we notice sales of 1,300 fbls at
$5.10a55.:30 for mixed to good brands ofßaltimore.
_Alexandria, Georgetown, Fredericksburg, be ,
and :5.3548.75 for favorite, fancy, and extra
brands do.
Canadian flour is doll, and the market continues
bare of superfine ; the sales of 750 bbls at .5.10 a
$0 75 for the range of extra and family brands, the
latter rate for very choice.
Rye flour is scarcely so firm. with sales of ITS
bbls at $3.50a53 for the range of fine and superfine,
the latter an extreme rate.
C orn mea l to dot and nominal; we quote Jersey
at S 3 50 ; Brandywine 53.73.
Wheat i 3 2a3c lower on common Western quali
ties, but strictly prime samples of Southern are firm
at former quoted rates. The sales include 2,500
bus amber Southern at SI 35 ; 1,450 white Southern
$, 6,600 damaged Southern 9041 2D;
MO white Indiana 51 23; 4,500 white Canadian
St.3o; 20,600 Milwaukee club at SlaSl 06 ; and
86,000 Chicago spring at 95a9Te.
Bye is dull and heavy at 75a78 cents fur Jersey
and Northern.
Oats are unchanged; we quote Southern at Va
380 ; Jersey, 35a40; State, 40.13: Western, 43.15 c.
Corn is dull, with sales of 15.000 bushels mixed
Western at 7:r cent!.
COTTO.N.—There is more activity, and the mar
ket is again almost bare ; about 900 bales were
told at 1210. fur middling Uplands.
PROVISIONS.—Pork is more active. especially for
prime, the supply of which is now much reduced,
and the market closes with mere Srmat,ss The
sales are 1,500 bbls, at $19.15 for mem. and 815.75
eslo for prime, including 800 bbls of the latter at
$l6, which is the closing price. Dressed hcgs are
In fair request at Nan. Beef is still irregular and
heavy, with sales of 120 bbLs at 544.410-50 for
country mess, 85.7547 for country prime, and
$0.50411 for old repacked Western. Prime mess
beef is quiet at s2las23. Beet hams are steady,
with sales of 50 bbls at $13416. Bacon is dull,
with small sales of Western at 12a13c. Cut meats
aro quiet. Lard is steady, with sales of 140 tes
and bbls at 11421 c. Butter and cheese are un
Winn - gr.—Sales of 400 bbls at ..`14.22fe for Ohio
and State, the latter rate for 300 bbls,
u,s,n 6 . 4 . 1
3.4 612.176
21 9gl