The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 07, 1857, Image 2

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    rfi_ 2 :',.:zi,. :
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' ,. .-1 1. :::' ,. .,..;i ., - - .,-;VF.',..€4,:- , ';• traliWrt - 717:7 7 ,1 1 7 7 :':
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-SINTgaPti.A*PY,SABSRZ• 1801.
-11ooi,to,P11190t.isit.b.0 ,1 00 01 t9a, 1 41 0 0 ,
of - Too `PoioO' o:2.l ) ltthburgh. , Re ,wlll, do
yoF piff
Ori inalitii,644.4 l ifOt4lfiatiaa4
Ifilly11 1 g:0* 1 1414 . rindai at,
alai It,
YU'pa-L4'444 ok .
W) ll 4lo4,§Abbath iteadt l - 4 2,4 fatal*,
gene,Election Returns, Horrible Murder in
. _
11Witi tt
dye, eve
.1(0.41464#4,, 11 /
of the City Cbnneila livreferestee to.the: pre,
adi r iagthl thelmblicipeties;led the 444)0-
%,tille 6 P/4 .1 4. • , 1 1 4 11 .
throughout the corning :winter.. _ have
nothing- to ' the;honiestlietween' these
Counells'on4 Mayer; But hen io road,
over the debate ivhiehtairla place in the Logi to,'
lature,;6f . :o - F - #o,o4;,vf,AitpJ Atiriaso to
believe that they -do little credit; rhiladel.
phis:. Bitch aotidictslietweea our nOustituted •
between didemit .elasseaftn . a arida, like the,
Preeettikjit , the '6ldeU sin* before Philitde'l
144iiktirnike:0447.Vaiiiitta gonsQlti~R#gd mu-
nicipality4thedebates 4 inthe Cottons wore not
t9930tig.4. 0 W.4 ofiWilPfillefr:PholF3l o .4,b.r
who- represeet7their-dfollew-citisens. ; in , the
COUlfellil2 l Theteestotliofr tiuty•,bit ilibjected
to tiii.49* tig4oo4B; t441k5210 most be,
by, , the doable ...Ordeal:of the. minting , of the
Cotincitisatid 'tbo f???? 1 of their' pro : ;,
'caiAlage.' Title fiirXitiliia ,
tance,of the delthetatione Of those municipal .
biidiVe;',ind . tothe''.nainOtty . 61'41er:tins our"
best oltionithisinisent us in bodies;
and at the i samethee inorespethereeponst . : .
bility tit our 'eldef iiisiteltata and Of's *614
that stirthund him the -AisehArgt- of 'his ,
itopertant';,dutiei:':„lf e'jtiliiiroit • that;: Mayor
Vans, every iiiiinfite and
to ~prOerrts' public can ,
cOicOlite' rid' liighef '
ambition ' at" aiaiOli; f ;"s,
moment. ~,"ga,belleve.,that , th e..l33th mas
sage which: tiddstisaafi,:to Councils, one
week . tigqhewassidinated hythe most part
ode Motives; . anikit is not iidagtdO fart° Jai
that that document was generally'approved by,
out peoplec'alid tleit; . in prialeiding4 atrthing
contrast to the 'flinger:ma sliOries preached
by Mayor Woos, of- Mew York; it offered
abundant istaitancoif to Our laboring 'poronit- , •
tioi4 /.1 1 104, '4looi-f0 that
which =ie now -, .upow,us, eould-1 do ..more ito!
strengthen thplitindiaf sioleneelhatin conflict'
between the PeOpie and tliski:Onatitided 'authro.t„
rides 3 , and, we hope; tharefom, that all good
men swill rally around the Mayor in his honest
efforts te r preserve thepaane;,,inCtlinti
such , i'-,recenetliation, wttt ~be .eireitert :be
tween himself and the representatiVes of the;
people 'ai(iiiill:'Prompfel thS 'common Awed'
_ • •
v - Iti are rejoiced to hear . 60 / 11 Abnutihnt
authorities; and itoni the telegraphic despatch ,
of the l'itisident to the :114 Mime .
Swarms, of.,pfew York, ,that, he Axecutive
does not intend to displace Gov..WArana for
refining toptit his name to the Oxford forgery;
which we Ithverepeahally &Monnecid in these
columns; and we are glad to tie° that in seve
ral of the papers of the South, the emirs§ 'of
Governor MA bitterlY denounced.
as We fearedif,:naghf he; ''Phe sense of him
tility to - fraud is not confined - 4o latitudes,' and
ire - believe, as strong ltothei3Outh it "ire,
in. the North; and while ma y he that Gov..
Walnua has not been so' obserrant of tebbnidid
ity as of ',right-- , though, even in this point
we conceive he , has steadily, followed - ante=;,
cedents—yet, theenoimity of the wrong which
was; attempted in Kansas; 'and . which he 80
promptly rebfiked, will, we predict, ,he Sure to
justify him th e; file countrymen
' On this question of Kansasithe National De
mocracy`--'of': the .free ;State's .are -abundantly
contraitted.'lfOloring, the e,arripalgit Which
ielulted fit i'llir.,..Braina_Ltiee election,. any ,
Malignant, opponent . had prophecled, that
the first Governor whom Mr. BIYOUANAN
might appoint to Kansas 'i*titild" reject, ap:
monstrous, ia.frand as that, we, have, de
nounced in Kansas, and for thivact would be
removed from his high 'place by President 167-
°HASA; such a
,deplaration ivonki have been
Bedded as, in to, th e character, of our ,
candidate whom me :knew no well; whose in
tegrity we so ihlly confided In, and whole' con'--'servatiVe 'Care er inspired`tunah confideneo
among a men, even Among who
been his opponents for years before. 'We are,'
therefore, rejoiced that the'Peeeidant of the
United I,3tafes his' no' iden diaphiCing
"Pramcitif and' we know that the latter will so
fully justify ;himself to 'the Presideneand to
the Administration for the c:oimod he 'loo.4.eari:.
ed it his Solemn - (hay to take in the matter of
the Oxford frand;tand intitat Which ho.auhae
quently expoied and rejeoted,that tain,°
even the Most ultra citizen orths t SoMb, wilt
fail approve the adminiehation his
in ildwas welt as other respects.. - •
The San Frani:dace journals are speculating,
very- ingeniciusly, on the 'Proepecti of dimi
nished exports - of gold from California to New
York. ~ The Herald says : “For two or three
months past there has been every perceptible
decrease in the amount of gold shipped froth
this port, 'and ,Ave have - no doubt bit that Abe
close'of the year will exhibit a very, giatifYing,
diminution in our. aninuakexportation.t l - -: . '
The Times, on the other hand, says :' . I ,F Our
eptemporaries, .we fear, .are two hasty in fe
licitating the piibliO.;eir the ,falling 'Off of the
expOttatiOn of the precious metals from our
State, as, after active search, we are, really at
a loss to aseortaln what data they found their
allegations on.- ; Statistical tables do -not not bear
theta out In' the:suppositiori, and If they' had
consulted figitres;"they diiiabtiess . would rliavO,
ascertained that the' total shipment for the
year 1867.wi1l not fall short' of that of 1856,
and may fully equal that of 1866. It is true,
California has become a producing conntry,but
she is stills neophyte and bleeds freely—ei free
as when she needed the necessaries which her
teeming soil new affOrds. The gold iihippedfrciiii
this port frar; January lst to July Ist; 1857, a
period of, six.: months,lvras - :528,688,990.49,
since which time, up to, ttie 21st of this"nionth,
We find that $11,491,7413:79 liaVe also left our
shores. :.Of the last amount, $8,810,263.12
was' hipped in.inly; $4,095,150.89 in August,
and 88,685,880.28 is September, which has
still-ten days' transactions tit be added 'thereto.
Takingicito consideration that the past
is the dullest of all the, year, not alone in
the production'of gold; but in the transactions
of.husineas, We can see" ; _hcit little ground for,
hoping that . the succeeding quarter will ex. ,
hibit a Material reduction ;.''',.oli' Ati 0001illiY,
buidness enlivening; COploid with the', incoming
rain, affords a certainty that thishipnients will
be as propertienatelyiarge : a'ir Miring shelter
periods of past 'tear."
The ' decrease in the 'quantity of gold Cr'.
ported fromcalifornict, (if - decrease there be,)
cannot be attributed to any diminution in the
yield of, • gold; - tor all acconnis concur in de=
daring ~ that to be, augmenting, not only from
the . steady work of the 'gold hunter and
miners; but" from Ithe, introthictlon of ma
chinery, whereby labor ,Is greatly facilitated,.
and Improved , methods of obtaining the:limo
metal. pat of the fdisbiii:whiCh surrounds _ It.
By 'all accounts, there is more-gold in Califor
nia than any ordinary: mining,', Operationi 'can '
disengage freinits Secrethliling places h sen.
uries. T . he treasure appears literally hex-
haestible; and alMont 'every
,Ifiiy'a experience 1
confirms:6:o qi,iiiiiin2 *4lllO en* sources of
supply have yet been scarcely reached.
The ,San Francisco Times glyeti tie ,'folkiii:'
ing — ai the sum total of annual shipment of gold
from California, from' the' discovery of the;
metal there : ' '
1849...........: 58,121,250 1858 ' , • 157,90,024
1850 .21,816,08 109 ',., 01,828,658
1 0 2 ' ' --'
' 9 5,5 88 4 89 18 5 6 .., •. , . ' 48 ,0 7 ) 543
' Further, the shipthent of gold, , in •41* first
sir months "of each year had' been es igilOvki
leo ... . ... .::;:',, , i,063;in. f0i...,...::,-.'. 42t,taimo
700..';'. .... ;... ', 12,645,274 ito6 ' -, 10,807 40
1851:.1: - = lc:Kaaba i55e.....i:.,.;;,25,100,V4
' 1852.. 19,80,510 .1851: , ' , - ` - '28,80, 99 0
1853 , '-' ,' ' 29 , 252 , 9 4 9 , • ~,,, --, '.
The*intentit':cietital,lyehippol , o n , Califor
nial**e. *lit Afriq 400.$ 0r1e67, 'ataottueo
to $86,180,784, - and on an average; the whole
oblilAilitA. :9ttliii . 4*.elit -. **:' 3 o l be 1 4 1 1 a0 ,
sipAio;iiao.),itiri;itti be: 490 4 / 1 16 . 415 , snore,
011010 , 2124 pas 1141i f it,.# 1 4pec - 1*:14 - Ititmk
.- t o sh-9. ! . , p r is e oy • , however. do ':tot so
New York. "Our remittances 10 the Atlantic
are on the decretse," says , the Time 3 i 4. but
4.vhile we have curtailed our commercial rela
tions with that section, ~, k haVe enhood in
others. Ws are now irkthe pursuatiN of an
active and growing trade wi , . :',, 4, wt % -
i iit
fair to prove of greater ,
~, . •1 . ' ....!
intestine difficulties in i A :..ti' , I ao . ,
tinue. The followingVa ' - 4• !?ii''' ,
pOrtatiOtl of treasureVroMlibitilort Orilit;'
past three months I .
if ow York... 42,694,80441 Australia .• 20,000 00'
*Wand -- 600,609 61 -Vslporsl6o—. 2,00000
Chios . ..... 666,719 00 Botaris 1,26000
T "'4l %; s ! ` re e rv i
A 001784,
ii01.4411kM4524/o** t"-.0$0004:10'
En land 6E004 Australia. 16,000 00
fUna "t's zasArth 66 rant a?: 00„
a.usniso9, l 9 l ,xl•c :
, •' Ar.4* , ,i5089.
Ef6l2Bwlli Ulla; : 28;810 00'
• 08,49401 Tinto:is" 20,000 00
pain 218,02 00
- • 23,680,330 28
'This last. statement Is up to the 21st only;.,
since whiCh .time eeveral,veliels have left ; ibi
China, Calcutta, Ideaido, and South Areeri- -
'po;poilo' 040 of tieasuri is to be tibitaubil,
us none has been registered in the custom
house. '4,t, is prsbakle,tioNeyer„ that they have
taken at' least i6oAbb but as we. have Au.
'lnithentio data,. such. surmises cannot be added
to the amount above We'll.' The result, then;
oi lhikhineitienths 1s as foliowa:
Yrea: , 1494 4 17 1 4tti; i 91.7 let., i 23 , 41 3 3,9 . 49
Promi ; 91 1' 844.2/ 11,491,743 79
These tlEtiros are . highly intereating,partieu. ,
larly when it Is 'remembered that the exports
' o f treasure , visibly Wert:ski towards th e end of
the, year, the shipments of the months of- OC.
inber;Noiember; ,and DeceMbei being, of an
average; greater than ,tlie rest of the year,•ll6
the following table ex h ibits •
' I • "L. Noietieber. December.
x 86 1 1" '5613416;875 $2 t 107,783 $5,011,002'
4862 - " 6,295,887' t 0,073,491 •-•- 4,020,810-
1858 , 8,580,5148 .050,648 - 049,447'
1854078,295 , , 0,501,870.- 4,954
1465 ; 954,844' ' 4,153,204, , „4,92z 2
And the return for the quarter of 1866 givei
Al2,711;618: • ;-• - '•-• • -
„The San Francisco Herald gives a ,‘ delibe-
Vateopinion ; in' , the , following glowing
lengnage: ' •
• •
"It is our deliberate opinion that the yield Ot
our mines this - year will equal, if it does' note" -
ioeed, that of previous years ; but for all that, the
'Amount which will be exported,will in all probability
be meals below ,the Elgarea of any, preceding yew
Howes:tithe otherwise? We fun:. raise snore wheat,
d'arley, ens; ,osta L tikan la l ueuesserT: fir lour con'
.2 411514108, aind, therefore, bity! no, need or "import
int hreadsfiffs: ',FrOusintr'dairies our marketalre
supplied WEE hitter And obeise• Sufficient !bribe
,wantif:of ; Onr, people. dlitill,whiskey, Malts
,wine' an d bratuly, reline sugar, build Steamboats;
',construct machinery„ and are. engaging in Illailll
faottuini palmy, candles, rope, brooms, and thou
`sands'of other things, which before were imported
at a heavy expense, and, before long, we may, be,
able - to produce .everything of which 'we may
staid' in need—hoth luxuries and' neteniaries.
-How is it possible, under these circtunetances, that
.the shipments of gold fink this port should con
tinue to be 'to great as is ,former years?' It'is a
-matter oteorpriee" to us that the amount of 'gold
'sent away from Oalifornia should Pofitinne year
lafter year to reach so high a' figure, after' we had
effected a saving of twelve or fourteeu millions of
dollars on breidstuffs shinei by 'raising them' our
selves, and pc many, mop. tinilione by.proAnOing or
'manufactinhig thousands; almist, - of articles for
'whiohi - at one time,"we 'solely , depended upon
:foreign supply. 'Year. by year, the exportation of
golittrout this State will 00 diminished, till It has
,partlally.if not wholly ceased. Such a result is
,inevitable, and Eastern spedulaters would do well'
,to regulate' their eporations'aeisordingly." ' •
:The agricialtural prospects of California will
`induce immigration;' ftir India 'Acidity and
'strongly,' than . ever "the :gold-hunting mania
!did; e few years ago..', lready; a
,bigher dal
'soriptiort of people were entering that State;
'pot alone rough seekers, after treasure, but in-,
Idgfitljouß steady. man, 'with their , wives and
children, flocks and herds, desirous of
( settling down, to the pastoral or agrioultural
life; lic rilleia of California. The
emigratkin of this class into California is esti,
_at. from. 25,000 t0. , 80,000 for the year
',1867. When the great railroad shall bo conz ,
,atrected, thereby facilitating access to Cilifor.,
nix; this working 'population will yet more'and
more 'increase. It may be expected that a good
deal orgold wlltbe 'retained by these peepte,
'as they. earn it. . A:portion will be hoarded, a
'portion will , be expended in the purchabe :of
land and. the 'erection of dwelling-hduses, a
portion expended for some of the
tiles of life;a'portion will be employed in trade'
:and commerce, and, no tionbt, <especially in• a
population containing so many PonusYlva-
MOB 4 corasiderible Portina will le;itsed, in
the'estabhahment of manufactures.
;The tendency to hoard is great, There Mai
be 'shout 050M:1006f gold in the Milted
!States,—and of;this it is estimated that one
half is _hoarded., :Aliening „liberally , for the
goldiwhich the; banks used, to Isaue, for the.
balance in the , United States Treaeury; and;
for what is in circulation, there cant:o be less
than i 125,000,600 kept out of use and sight,
simply hoarded up by careful people, and not
unfrequentli in"comparatively small amounts.
But, as the Scotch ;proverb says, ce mony a
little make a raickle."
! , %Wittig the estimate of the Boa Francisco
: papers that the OaEfornian shipments of geld
to the eastern' Stites may decline, front varl
'es m , utes, we do not see that such a falling
-RC would -materially affect this part of the
Vinmtry: Before the discovery of' gold in
*strati the effect might have been serious.
But our largest foreign trade it with England,
the recipient of all the Autitralien . gold, and
as long, as, Lancashire wants to buy cotton
and we have got' it' to sell, so long may We
depend:upon a large, steady, and constant
supply of gold from England.
Somebody said, we, think it wee, Mr. CAL:
Holm, that it required a great intellect to un
derstand and illustrate the tariff question;
Oar. 'correspondents, _however, are ',men of
experience' and learning, and brine much
roftection k to support their respective
Thoie who advocate a high protecave
however, and who charge excessive Importa
tions, upon the system of IoW duties, make
some most transparent mistakes. One fact in
histery 'seems to have been overlooked by this
class of thjniters ; and that is, the enormous
amount of importations under the couipromise
tariff of 11533, in ,1886-86, while the duties of
that tariff were, still at the highest. The fact
is, the whole' business of tariff will be best
regulated by a sound, currency. It is our
paper money which mainly sets everybody wild
with speculation=-that, and the consequent
and sure adeMice of labor and produce, fills
every channel of trade with schemers. who
look only to present gains for themselves,
leaving the certain future contraction to he
borne by those who can least afford it.
,If we
COnid have a currenoy of gold and 'silver, and
allow no bank notes under $2O or $6O, this
would go far to 'make econOmy . a nepesOty;
and to protect indpstry, and Manufactures from
those expansions and collapses 'which first lift
thent up' to the skies, 'only to 'dash them down
to thi earth, ‘a
mass of undistinguishable
Preistrtug Poultry for Market.
The New York TriATO gives the repairing di
*Sone preparieg ivratitrY_ for market; milk*
Will no doubt be of interest to our formers:
Yink.eiveno food for twenty-four hours previ
ous to killing. • good in the crop is liable to sour,
and always injures the sale. Purchasers object to
paying for undigested food.
Second. "Sticking" In the neck with a penknife
is the hest mode of killing. If the bead le out off,
the skinseeedes, and the neok.bono is repulsive.
Third. Most or the poultry coining ' to thin market
is badly "welded," or "wet picked "Dry plek, ,
ed" is preferred, and cells a little higher, other
Wage being equal. Great care should be taken in
pinking to remove all the pin feathers, and to
avoid fearing the skin; particularly upon the lege,
where it is most likely to be broken. If prOperly
scalded it looks best. •
Fourth. , The intestines should not be drawn,
After picking, thehoad may be taken off, and the
skin drawn over the neck. bone and tied. • This is
best, though much oomee with heads' on.
Minh. Next In order It should be " plumped" by
being dipped about two seconds into water; nearly
or quite boiling hot, and then' at once into cold
Water about the , same length of- time. Some
think the hot plunge sofficlent without the Old. ,
lishould be entirely cold, but not frozen, before
being peeked.: If it Mabee market mond,
out freezing, %will All all the better.
Sixth. For t Packing, if practicable, use clean,
hand-thieshed rye straw; If this cannot be had,
wheat of oat straw will answer, if clean, and free
from dust.. Place slayer of straw at the bottom of
the box, then alternate layers 'of poultry and
straw—taking care to stow snugly, backs np, tilling
vaeanoles with strarr, and filling the package so
that the lid will dratr down Snugly upon the eon
tents, Boxes • holding not over three hundred
pounds aro the beet packages, •
Seventh. Number the packages; mark the con
tents of each on the clever place the invoice of
the:Jet ,in one paekage, m a rked "bill" sending
duplhsate by mail; direatplainly to the consignee,
piecing the ,name of the consignee In the corner. .;
• Oommort-sense attention to those rules will often
wow, twenty-rive • per cent. higher prides then
poidtry of the same value originally will bring if
!Wanly droned ~- a nd : packed ; and • carelessly
di r iet e d end stupidly ?intruded, tis aftenhaPpanil.
To bring the highest quotations poultry must be
good'and well handled: , • - • '
'Governor Allston, of South - Carolina has
appointed the 19th 4ey of the present month as a
dayollbstWrintin'tbilt State: The Governort
of Ohio is mur ding boo iipp:d4ts4 the 2itb.
.I' . ',
fOorreepoudenee of The Pro 'C. F;
Governor Walker's Pro Alitete n -An Rau.
44 forlollo 11
,e— 'it of 1110 , lap to
*A Myelaill:-; pe , - L -1,110 _in ei - ot of
do,vti y.
Reep t ,., rig ,lictlott! , the At
ka,* cturnaptikinn "ee CinintYpiuspen
al,lll) ImillstiWin ielpatlen*,the Or.
,If ki ' Report a the F ar/141111111114 114 fekthe
Vacancy on the Supreme RenctAiDaptetn
Pepsis Expedition, ice., Ace. ,
Governor Walker's intention was' to come East ,
directly the Constitutional Convention of Kansas
adjourned ; and as that convention had been,it:
the latest mounts, in session for several dap;
be will reach,. here v rth,f3sturday,..theltb ipabs i nt,
as itmaislext.keitethe Weald! , ill` heihaithined for
a week beyond the time be set for his own doper
hu' fr'oni i the' TOritorifer abdenee; lie
tvillredefie the paPerafrointhiptittarteroontaintng . .
arstinientS, pro 'Mad,coit.', on the. : o4,t,i involved in
ie; roe* r o44acitith i li, together with the various
c0 4p.,01, 3 ,04, telegrams concerning his rumored
kemoval,,yrbtob in ; lill .probability will draw from
him and detailed} report to Abe President of
the. ground upon *hid{ his tuition 'weals/led, and
the reasons in defence of his proceeding.
In reference. tollio alleged returns from McGee
County, whiohyhelthirew out, there is; so' far as r
can learn;, : very 'differenee 'of 'opinion. His
conduotinthli habitat; islistiflable beyond perad
`ventarki,itt eillette attendant circumstances are
se be himself atateirta'em, nail ae they are stated
by oiltere; of the tinth . of whielt, there eau be no
Gentll at t de
emma, here , yr 011/ , bitter
!emaciation of poy,,Wallterir{ eonduct in throwing
opt, the „returns;Of the,fixford preelnet,. Johnson
eounty,:nowsegard his proclamations and all ,ho
has done with more! fever. Though they may not
yet agree.thit he has pursued paegal course, still
they esy that `their fnagnient„ , by *biota they are
to be botinft;:will be formed froth a'dareful study
ot the blots es they shill 'appetir la the official
teport. Th 9 truth is, that at the ' &tit tele g rapbto
news fmin Xenia:3' Some politicians went off in fall
6# t4l GOveria o i Welker and Sedately Stanton,
without exercising littletiniey 'Patienee, which
theM 'tAra whither they ,
were on the rlght, pent or , net. , „
' I do mot believe : the•President 9r 'his' Cabinet
have expressed any decided opinion in the matter
to anybody., Anton theymndortike. to decide - on
questions of this importance, it is fairly, to be pre
sumed that:they will dd lay-with' the hots , fully
and authoritatively beforethetn; *hid fa not the
ease now, for all the" inforinatiteithey are ntidet-
Steed "is'-what had bete' i'piablisbed in - the
' ,It leeks as if the tiling ef tho.riPaaney upon the
SUPreme Iteneh of the 'United 'States, occasioned
by the resignation of Chief jpstiee Curtis, would
beacon brought' to the', attention of the Cabinet
for deflnitd aotion.; The appointment will be made,
reportllie, , true, shortly after the assembling of,
(kcsgress. The aspirants for the ;pima° who have
had their ,elaims pressed with any degree of seal
are Ron. Nathan Clifford, of Malne,Attorney Gene
ral in Mr: Polk's Cabinet; Ron: Jno. J Gilchrist,
Of New Samiahire, Associate Justice Of the Court
Of Olaiitia, , and , Hon. Isaac F. Redfield, Chief
Judea of Vermont: • •
By °thole! advioes of October let, the Department
oithe literkir is inforMed that Captain pope'sex-
PeditiCP to sink 'artesian wells on the .Totnado del
Muerto were eneceiefulty at work, and had gone
as far as ika; FesoP• The small steam engine they
hart Mice& with, theMworked like a charm.
The Gove rnment hpe es4blishod a depositary of
the UnitedStatestreusury at Omait eity, Nebraska
The,reoelver of publio moneys at that
place will also take charge of this' depositary.
Heretofore; the, receiver of pubic, • moneys at
that plan - has been compelled to transmit
all sick moneys to , St. Louis, from which
place' they have been radrnea to disbitrsing lo
nia agents.' This roundabout 'niovethents will be
Obilated In future,' and moneys can be paid out
at 'Omaha, Without unneceasary delay, to the In.
(San' agents; for disbursement under the law.
The federal metropolis that has lain for so many
months in complete lethargy, shows indications
,now,of re-aw'akenhlg animation. The Avenue does
:not wear the deserted look it has done, and hotel
'and boardinghouse-keepers rejoice in guests, of
*bleb they have been wofnily in want during the
recesi.• Senators and members of the lower house
drop in on as, engage'their rooms at the hotels or
boarding her:Ms, or' hire houses for the cession'of
Congrese,' and aftei staying , a few days, wend their
way homeivard, to Scion return witletheir
601os-seekers for pleads within the gift of the next
Rouse of Representatives are all nien the groitnd,
and not at all backward Ii advancing theirclahas.
Wasldnitin,Andeid:.bide •fair not to be behind
hand in furnishing the customary, hubbub and
eioitement for the few days immediately prec eding
the opening of the session.,
The statement of Abe Treasurer of the United
States, for the week ending 31st of October, which
X send in advance of all others, is, in general as
follows :
'Amount of recelpts MVO 84
Drafts paid 1,459,251 12
Drafts issued.i 1,560,700 09
Balance adtdect to draft.......... 9,0 3 8,181 32
Redaction 744,015 86
- , , X, Y.,
From Washington.
WASHINGiON, Nov, Preildent has pro
' claimed as binding in force a treaty between the
United States and Peru, conoladed on the basis
'that free sh ips make free goods, and property of neu
trals on board an enemy's vessel not subject to
detention or confiscation, unless the same be con
traband of war. The' contracting parties engage
to' apply - these principles - to the commerce and
navigation of all Powers andfitates as shall con
'sent to adopt theta as permanent and immutable.
, The Governnient's finanoial prospeotahaving im
proved, it IS now thought a loan will be canoes
easy: 'A tax on tea and coffee has not been con
Later from Texas—The Cotton aid Sugar Trade
WAIIIINGTON, Nov. B.—The Southern than fur
nlehoe paperafrom all points as late as due.
The dates from 'Galveston, Texas, are to the
27th ult. '
The Drops of San Augustine and Sabine counties
Wire vary fine. The cotton crop is later than
usual. , There are several vessels below loading
gotten aired to European ports.
By a careful estimate the cane orop of Brazorla
county yields 3,085 hhds. of sugar, and 6,000 bble.
of molasses. The cotton crop promises more than
an average yield, say 8,000 bales.
The dates from Hohston, Texas, are to the 28th
ult. There are glares of bales of ootton piled up in
this town. The warehouses are all full and over
flowing. There is a general disposition to ship it
direct to Liverpool. ,
A company of seventy-eve rangers, ordered by
the Governor, bad passed up through Ban Antonio:
From Kansas.
Sr. LOMA; November 5.—A letter to the Demo
crat;dated Lecompton, the 2d. Inst., states that
Governor Walker loft there a few days previous.
Ills destination was thought to be Washington.
It is stated that Walker's object in stationing
troops at Lecompton was not exactly to protect tho
convention, nor to watch the proceedings and be
propitred for any action his pro-slavery enemies
might make against him, but because, the Legis
lature having a large free-State majority, they
will probably repeal obnoxious laws, 'and depose
office:holders,' in which case a repetition of the
bloody scenes in the early history of the Terri
tory wanipprehended.
A Constitution will be submitted to the people,
with a "slavery clause," which will be objectiona
ble to the free-State men, but too moderate for
pro•slevery ultralam,
Maryland Election.
Baratuona, Nov. 6.—The returnsfrom the seve
ral counties of the State which have been reoeivod
show that the result will not materially vary from
last year's vote. • The American party will have a
Majority in both branehes of the Legislature.
The suooessful competitors for, Congresis in the
first and fifth districts are in doubt yet.
The atekeess at Jacksonville,' Flai
SA.VANNAH, Nov. 6:—Several,pbyeletane ofhtek
sonville, Pin , pronounce the fever prevetlini there
of a bilious congestive oharacter, and not tho yel
low fever, as boa been reported.
Sloop.of.War Cyane.
NORFOLK, Nov. n.—The sloop•of•war Cyane put
into this part to-day. Her hands are to be paid off.
Nair °amiss, Nov. o.—Cotton—There was an
improved demand In the market to day, and prices
further advanced fo. Bales of 9,000 bales at lfia
10.10 for middling. The receipts to-day were 6,000
bales. Sugar adVatioed , sales of fair at Ola
Ole. 'Molasses has advanced la2o. Flour Is steady
at $6.87e Corn quotes at 85a7L0. Whiskey, 17n
171 e. Exchanges:are better—on London, 95; on
Nei York, 4a5 per sent discount.
Nair Yana, Nov. O.—Flour heavy; sales of 8,000
bble at $6.86a55.90 for Ohio, and $5.204540 for
Southern, an advance of boon eMb. Wheat ad
vanced; sales 41,000 bus at 980 for Chicago Spring.
Corn quiet; 9,ooo'hus sold. Mess Perk 100 lower
at $19.020 Simko are higher.
Barirtmong, Nov. o.—Floor and Grain in fair
demand at yesterday'. rates.
Oriaarassvorr, Nov. 6.—Cotton—dales .of 4000
bales at prloes favoring sellers.
§,svatntan. Nov. 6.—The prim of Cotton at
tide ptsoo,
,Itittoon, and Columbus, advanced I
out. , ,
AUGUSTA; Nov. • B.—Ootton—)ldarket, firm Aita
aotivd. • •-• • `."
En Land Incumbent at Chatham Canada West,
writes that 5000 men had left thist garrison for
India, *hose' wives and obildren remained at
By the arrival of tip steamship Canada at Dos.
ton, on Thuraday,'Welifiy!. later 'Moe of Engliah
papers. :
Tho very full t oli e4t il " eB P athh whi e h we
published on Thuradaralitlolpated all the more
important news.
There iu nothing later from India.
The following extrude from English papers will
be found highly interesting:
[From the Loudon Times, Oct. 23
The money market is exceedingly quiet, and
owing to the absence of any important failures
and the signs ofgeneral stability among the lead
iug tifid ahlnPing firma throughoUt
the Country; a very hatisfdetety . feeling is ob.
ifereable...,,,,Cnoertainty _eta prevails. Os, to the
probable necessity of any further upward move
ment on the part of the bank, but the question
will, perhaps, be 'solved before the lap of an
other week. ' se
It is said that in ease an advance
above Beyer oat. being adopted, the joint-stock
banks are not likely, to make anydnereaso In their
rate ; of allowance for customers' deposits. Their
present rate Ia 7 per cent., and under any aircum
stenos this will most *probably be their limit.
A movement in the bank minimtint beyond its
existing point would obviously be too exceptional
to admit of any general arrangements being based
upon it. The demand to-day was comparatively'
moderate, both at the bank and out of doors In
some instances choice paper has been negotiated
at 71a71, but in Most quarters the bank 'charge is
upheld. On six months bills 9 per oent. has been
paid,' It an unpleasant feature that there are
again sotto symptonis of a demand for gold for the
Continent, and if this should increase, as there are
no more Australian arrivals to be counted upon at
present, it can be supplied only by withdrawals
from the bank. About 16,000 sovereigns were said
to have been taken to-day for New York. The
amount of silver to be provided for the next over
land mail on the 4th of November will depend
upon the fresh quotations of the Indian and China
exchanges shortly to be expeoted by telegraph, but
more than,l3oo,ooo is understood ta be already en.
(From the Liverpool Journal, Oet. , , ,
Opinion begins to fix itself on the public ,teind
adverse to the competency of Lord Canning as
Governor-General of India. Private letters irom
Calcutta speak of him In terms anything but
respectful and it must be admitted that no
thing appears in the intelligence from the East
to warrant a hope that Lord Canning is praotioal—
ly equal to the occasion. Ile has done nothing to
make his name prominent before the üblio ; but,
if reports be true, he . has done ninny things whisk
in:Meech his mind of littleness and commonpMe.
A!, howevdr, every mail is expected to bring home
news of the utter discomfiture of the rebels, minis
ters would he' hardly Justified in entertaining the
question of a change of governorship. The insur
gents can hardly hold out very long; and, as we
observed a. week or two since, the fall of Delhi will
be the prelude to their dispersion as 'robbers and
Yagrants over the whole country. They may be
troublesome, Mit they must cease to be formidable.
The illness of the King of Prussia has opened
hp • the important question as to the effect his
death would have on the policy of Burdpe. It
is not, however, clear whether his recovery will
be of a nature to enable him to renew his gov-
Ornment or to disqualify him from an active part
in the 'administration of affairs. If perfectly re
covered, matters will go on as before; if imper
fectly 'wavered, a regency may be the cense
queue° : and, as he might outlive the prince,
his brother, our princess royal will become
Queen of Prussia, without her mother-in-law
having worn the crown. The Prince of Prevails is
almost an old man; but he has managed through
life to render it difficult for any partyln the State
to claim him as an ally ; while one considers him
an aristocrat, another pronounces him a liberal;
but, as all is uncertain, the natured his principles
cannot be ascertained until he takes upon himself
the business of government—if he ever is per
mitted to do go.
A Prussian document has just appeared reaped
lug the Principalities on the Danube ; the repre
sentatives of Prussia, at the different courts, re.
oeivedYit last May, but it was only permitted to
reach the light within the last week. It was, of
course, diplomatic in its nature; and would jos.'
tify any conduct, should oircumstancee be favor
able or otherwise, to the Moldo Wallaehian union.
The union may now be regarded as an estab
lished fact. The election, in both Principalities,
gave to the new Parliament a majority in its fa
vor; and as the Divan is now sitting, it is pretty
clear that Russia and France have predominated
over England, Turkey, and Austria The Sul
tan will have to setimit, for 'England has her
hands full in another plains, and Austria, without
England, can afford no physical aid. It is not
'quite clear that the union will be of any service
whatever to Russia; for, as to Frame, it is Mapes
.sible to conjecture what interest she could have
,beyond that of doing a favor to the Czar, 'unless
there be any truth inn story (which SAMS absurd)
respecting the election of young Murat as king of
the 'Principalities. Union gives strength; and the
two Principalities being united will form sb,popu
lotion greater than that of Belgium; and, like
Belgium, may exist, independently, In the envy
and jealousy of surrounding nations. '
' Spain has still just that kind of existence which
attracts a passing natioe when Madrid agitates
itself with a ministerial crisis. It is quite ovt.
.dent that, in this country, the strength or princi
ples of parties in Spain are not at all properly ap
preciated. 'We know very little of them; and it
because ourinformation is so imperfect, that we
ascribe to court intrigue the dismissal of one Pre
mier end the appointment of another. The court,
we may be assured, like other courts, is controlled
by circumstances resting on public opinion—for
there is an opinion oven where despotism reigns;
and, at these changes have now become rather fre
quent, we may rest assured that there is au agita
tion below which must soon manifest itself in the
light of day throughout the country.
In France, a very curious trial has taken place.
At the last election, in one of the provinces, a can
didate, said to have been a very equivocal ohareater,
'appeared Ito was not returned; and, although
pronounced insignificant, the law officers of the
crown thought lit to prosecute him in a criminal
court. He was defended by an adherent 'of the
Bonapartes, but who, inheriting the feelings of the
advocate, made the ease of his client's a point of pro
fessionalhonor. The defence wee an able one; for, on
the cross-examination of witnesses, a most extraord I•
nary disclosure took plane. It appears that the bal
lot-box at that election, and, no donbt, at all other
elections, was a mere sham. It was something
'mote—it was an instrument by which the voice
of the people was set at naught, and the influence
of the court made triumphant. A moro profligate
proceeding never took place in any country in the
world pretending to constitutional rights; and
what all reasonable mon suspected is now made
manifest, that the voice of Prance has never been
consulted in either the election of Louis Napo
leon or the election of members of his pretended
The home incidents of the week are few and un
important. Members of Parliament have spoken
at meetings and agricultural dinners ; but as the
only topic available to them was India, thoyoould,
of course, only repeat what has been said as well,
or better, before.
The consequences of an abundant harvest are
new indeed felt throughout France. The price
of bread ban fallen to 14 sous the 4lb loaf in
Paris, and to 12 sons in several of the depart
ments; and these are, I believe, the ordinary
prises in plentiful years. There was no farther
fall in the corn market last week. Prices ars firm,
but without any appearance of a serious rise.
Tho offers of wheat for sale were less numerous
at the last Paris market. The farmers resisted a
farther reduction,
and prices remained nearly the
same as during theprevious weeks, namely 31f.
the 120 kilogrammes for wheat of the first quality,
and from 2df. to 301. for other descriptions. In
the markets of the central departments quota
tions were lower, but were firm or higher in the
East and Alsaae.whare purchases were made on
account of Prussia. The shipments of corn for
Spain have contributed to keep up prices for
Marseilles. The Paris flour market was more
active last weak than for several weeks previous;
prices were maintained at from 42f. to 55f. the sack
of 157 kilogrammes. The factors declared 4,080
sacks for delivery within 30 days at these prices.
In consequence of the firmness of the market,
flour for - bakers' use was more demanded than
Although a large quantity of wine has arrived
at the wine market of limey, prices are well sus
tained on all qualities, nor is any important re
duction anticipated during the present year. An
improvement has taken place in new winos in
the markets where prices bad fallen, and Ross
sillon, which was sold in the country after the
vintage at W. the hectolitre, now brings Sot. and
Of. Brandies aro also looking up. Spirits of
wine distill/ad from beet-root is quoted at 1081 the
beetelltre in Paris, and 104 f at Lille. The dis
tillers In the north, who felt apprehensions on ac
count of the good vintage, are now more confi
dent, as they learn that the wines of the present
year will be kept for drinking, from their superior
Horrid Murder Come to Llght—Coittessed by
the Murderer—Mon Killed and Hurled In
[From the Delaware State Gazette.]
The old adage, "murder will out," is about to
be strongly illustrated in the discovery of a mur
der in our own State. The particulars of the hor
rid deed, which we here relate as nearly as we
could gather them, were given to us verbally by a
gentleman from the neighborhood where it was
committed. who is acquainted with some of the
-In 1852, a man living in Murderkill-hundred,
Rent county, named Joseph Downham, entered
seourity for the appearanee at court of a negro.
Pourt time rolled round, but the negro did note)).
pear.' Downbam was heard by several persons to
say, very significantly, be would fetch him. In a
day or two - Downhan appeared in court and' ex
hibited a hat with a hole in It, alleging that ho
had gone after the negro and that ho fired a load
through hie (Downbani's) hat, and made his es
cape and had gone Thls story was credited,
and nothing more was hoard of the negro. Down
ham's security was not exacted, but a short time
after this aeourrenee ho left Delaware, and has
sines been living in the State of Indiana
A gentleman from Delaware named Carter,
during the last summer visited Indiana. In con
versation with a gentlemen in that State, ho was
told that Downham, on ono occasion, when drunk,
while talking about Delaware, was asked why he
left there. i n reply he sold he got into a serape
and hod to leave. When asked what Bert of a
serape, he replied, that it was only the killing of a
d—d negro, These reinarke were treated us the
ebullitions of a drunken man, and Mr. Carter re
plied that he never heard anything about the af
fair. But when he returned to Delaware he told
this story to several persons; finally it reached the
ears of Robert W. Royoolds, Dsq., the register of
Kent county. This gentleman rotated it to At
torneytieneral Bieber, 'who summoned Mr. Carter.
The latter gentleman could give no further infonn-
Alen. A white man, who lived with Downham in
1852, named' Andrews or Anderson, was then flir
t:nosily summoned before the grand jury of the
Kent county court, at the late session. To the
questions of the grand jury he made, to substance,
the following statement :
In 1852 he and a negro named Pompey worked
for Downham. One morning he told them to go
late a woods to chop. Downbam passed to the
other side of the woods with a gun, about a mile
distant. When be returned he said to Andrews
that he had shot a rabbit. The manner of the ex
pression created suspicion, as he had said he would
shoot the negro, who had refused to appear at coutt.
That night he told Anderson and Pompey to get
their shovels,
as ho had a jeb for them. Re led
them across the woods to the body of the negro—
told Pouipey to dig a hole and bury the body, and
threatened to kill them both if they ever divulged
the secret. The body wan dragged about thirty
yards and buried. Downham subsequently left
the State, and Anderson, and Pompey have been
fealfut of their lives ever since Anderson, we are
told, says that Downbeat set in ambush with his
gun; waiting fur the negro. When he appoarest
Downham could not got a fair shot, but at bearing
h noise ib the bushes the negro turned square round
and looked him in the fsoe—Downham then Brea
and put thedoad inithe negro's forehead, making a
hole deep enough to take in a man's finger.
The bat Downham exhibited in court, it is sup
posed' was shot through by himself. We under
stand that J. B. Nickerson and Joe. Harrington
started to Indiana on Monday, with power to
arrestlDownham. But it was discovered that a
letter directed to him had preceded them, from
Dover, some three days. It was thought this
letter was intended to convey the intelligence of
the discovery of the crime to its perpetra
tor, end efforts were made, by telegraph from
this city, on Monday afternoon last to have
detained at kite of the ' distributing offices
throngh which It would have to pass. Thebe
heard what office it was dirooted to in Indiana.
UM, too late. We have not
eSfrbOnitßd were,
t e l r a e g there duh- uncalled for for two or three
days, the officers may proceed to the resi
dence of the man they seek. We have given
the above information as it came to us. We may
have made some errors in names as well as circum
stances,. but our informant got his information
from one of the grand jurors who interrogated the
witnesses. We learn further that the Attorney
General, acoompaMed by Ron. J. P. Comegys and
a number of others, proceeded to the place desig
nated, and bad the remains of the negro man dis
interred on Wednesday last, for the purpose of
examination. The hole made in the forehead by
the shot was distinct in the skeleton. Downham
it is said told more than one person about his
house that he would shoot the negro, previous to
his committing the am, lie was the owner of a
large tract of land in Rent county, a part of which
we believe he still holds, and we understand he
has several relatives now living in that motion.
[From the New (Means Picayune of the Mat alt.)
Tho steamship Opelousas, Capt. Ellis, from Pow
derhorn, via Galveston, arrived at Berwick yester
13y this arrival we have Galveston papers to the
20th inst., and others from interior and coast
Gov. Peaso has issued a proclamation recom
mending that Thursday, the 26th pros., bo ob
served as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer,
The Galveston Civilian learns from a corres
pondent that the crops in San Augustine and Sa
bine counties are very fine, but the cotton rather
later than below.
The Galveston News of the 27th Inst. furnishes
the following intelligence :
We understand that there are now several ves
tals in port to g, or about to do so, with cotton
to be stilipe t to European ports.
The state Atte notices the death of Mr.
Samuel Stone, otte of the first settlers of Austin.
He was in the Mier expedition, and suffered the
long impriastinent tO which the volunteers of that
expedition were subjected.
We regret to learn that Judge Ambrose Crane
died on the 15th instant, in Brownsville His
death was sudden, and supposed to be caused by pa
ralysis. His age was about seventy years. His
funeral was largely attended, and all the lialves
tonians in Brownsville were in the procession.
Judge Qrano was one of the earliest residents of
this city, and was universally respected.
A gentleman from Brazoria has shown us an es
timate, carefully made, of the probable crop of
each plantation in that county, and the total
amount is just 3,085 hogsheads of sugar, and 6,000
barrels of molasses. Thee is on the supposition that
the cane will not suffer from an early frost. lie says
the cotton crop of Brazoria is promisin to turn
out considerably more than an average. 4t is esti
mated at 8,000 bales.
The brig Empire, from Boston, arrived off Gal
veston Bar on the 25th inst.
The Houston Telegraph, of the 28th inst., says :
" Acres of cotton balm are now piled up in this
town. Tho warehouses aro full to overflowing.
The necessity of doing something with it is appa
rent and, if we are not misinformed, thorn BOOM
to be a general disposition to ship to Liverpool
without delay.
The Supreme Court le in session in Austin.
The San Antonio 4edger. of the 24th, reports
the arrival of a groat many carts laden with corn
and wheat, from Presidio del Norte and gl Paso.
The San Antonio Texan, of the 220, says :
The company of rangers, ordered out by the
Governor under the charge of U. 11. Nelson, has
been mustered to the full number of seventy-five,
and passed through our city on Tuesday last, on
their way to the memo of operation. They are a
hard crowd to wake up" and we sincerely hope
they may not have occasion to be aroused.
Persons at a distance have but a little idea of
the extensive business done by many of our mer
chants here. We know one house here that pays
freight on six hundred Mexican cart-loads each
year ; and this firm is excelled by many other
houses. And we know some twenty other houses
that will average four hundred and fifty carts
each. Now, any one can, by consilering of tho
multitudes of entailer merchants, who have during
the year, the intermediate number of carts rang
ing from four hundred and fifty down to five, have
some idea of the immense amount of business done
In San Antonio. These carts average about thirty
hundred pounds each, of dry goods and groceries.
We find the following in the Galveston Ci
A correspondent of the Austin Intelligencer says
that at the late camp meeting on the Bianco, about
nine o'olook in the evening, while the services
were still proceeding at the stand, the sheriff of
Comet county, with two sons of Woodson Pitmen•
game, rushed suddenly up to the tent or camp oeou.
pied by the fatuities of Day and Pharr, for the
purpose of arresting Pharr, against whom the
grand jury of Comet county had found a bill of in
dictment, charging him with being concerned with
the mob that killed Woodson 131assengame eighteen
months ago. Pharr was seized, but extricated
himself, and ran off between the lino of tents and
the preaching stand, pursued by ono of the Bias
sengames with a double-barrelled shot-gun, who
was in the act of shooting him when some person
shot Plassengame with a six-shooter. He foil in
stantly, but his wound Is not considered fatal. The
other Blassengame ran around ttie tents and shot
at Pharr .14th a double-barrelled shot-gun, but
missed him.
The line of tents was about thirty steps from the
preaching arbor where the sorvioee were going
on, and the whole affair ocmirred in the midst of
men, women, and children, to the imminent dan
ger of innocent persons being killed. The entry
of - the sheriff was sudden and unexpected, and in
the dim light of the camps, produced a great con
fusion and excitement, and the meeting was
broken up next day, as families were unwilling
longer to remain there.
[Reported for The Preen.)
—Robinson vs. Fisher. An notion for salvage
James W. Paul for libellant; Lowbor for the de
easiner and Young ti. The Boat Star. Report o
commiesionere confirmed.
The grand jury wee discharged for the term.
Courion PLEAS—Judge Thompson.—The fol
lowing is the arrangement of business for Deoem
ber term, commencing Monday, December 7th
1857 :
December 7th, erooptions to auditors' reports;
Bth, road oases; 9th and 10th, certiorari list; 101 h
and lath, equity argument list; 16th, 17th, and
nth, orphans' oourt argument list; 21st, insolvent
January 4th to 15112, two weeks, Jury trials, first
period; 18th to 29th, two weeks, Jury trials, second
period. February Ist to 12th, two weeks, feigned
Issues; 14th, rules for now trials; 15th, to end of
term, miscellaneous argument list.
The easo cf Todd vs. Freeman is still on trial
Divorce Cases. T -Some months since we gave
a statistical !mount and character of the
cases in divorce, instituted in this country,
from 18113 ito 1.556, inclusive. They number
about two thousand flee hundred for the then
ten years. Those cases, from some cause not
apparent, have increased to an alarming extent.
For March term of the present year there
were sixty cases; for Juno term there wore
seventy-three; for Septemher term sixty-six;
and for the present year there were sixty
cases; for December term there wore thirty
cases—making for the your, two hundred and
twenty-nine cases. Of those, nine in every ton are
brought by the wives, and fifty per cent only of
those divorced marry again.
QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Conrad.—Barney
Campbell was charged withpassing a counterfeit
note. Verdict not guilty. George W. Barr I,as
charged with the commission of an assault and bat
tery on tleorgb L, Buck. Verdict not guilty.
Alice Mclionna was charged with being a common
scold. Verdict not guilty.
Bridget Thompson was acquitted of stealing a
James Ricks, charged with the commission of an
assault and battery on his wife, on trial.
James Chew was acquitted of an assault and
James McCoy was acquitted of an assault and
Panel•llause Case.--V. W. Wooster, Virginia
Smith, and William Murray, were charged with
the larceny of silver ware valued at $59, the pro
perty, of the Rev. John Chambers.
The first witness for the Commonwealth was Dr.
Ware, who testified that the silver-ware stolen
from the Rey. John Chanubers's residence had been
in the possession of Mrs. Chambers for more than
twenty years; before her marriage.
Rs-officer Kneass testified to the finding of a
large quantity of skeleton keys in the defendants'
house in Green's court.
George Johneog, a young man who had been nr.
rested on the coma charge, turned State's evidence,
nod was put upon the witness•stsnd. le testified
as follows :
Mybelf and two men wont around to different
houses; ono of the party entered the house, and
the ether two of us remained outside. This silver
warp was taken from ope of the houses, and carried
to the house in green's court, where it wee put
away; it was afterwards taken ton pawnbroker's
in South street, and left there at night ; the pawn
broker left Smith, Wooster, and myself on a cor
ner close by, and gave us twent dollars. The
whole of the silver-ware weighed tour pounds and
ton ounces.
When the witness had given the above testimony
the court discharged the jury till Monday morning
at ten o'clock. Thereto a groat Interest manifested
in this me.
POUNDS.—Moneieur do M— died on the 27th of
February last, leaving a will, entirely in his own
handwriting, which ho concludes thus "And to
testify my affection for my nephews Charles and
Henri de M—, I bequeath to each d'en,r (i. e.,
Of thorn) or dear, i. e., two handrail thousand
francs." Tho paper was folded before the ink was
dry, and the writing is blotted in many places.
The legatees assort that the apostrophe is ono of
those blots; but the heir-at-law, a legitimate eon of
the defunct, maintains, on the contrary, that the
apostrophe la intentional. It will be curious to
watch the result of the oontest.—National Mag
Lola Montez lectures, on Beautiful Women, this
evening at the Musical Fund Hall, Locust street.
Mr. Strakosoh gives a concert, on Monday even
ing, at the Musical Fund Hall, at which the vocal
performers aro to be Madame Frets()lini, Madame
Patti Strakosoh, and Signor Nicola. Mr. Molten
boner will play on the violinoello, and Mr. Btra
kosch will play a Fantasia.
SOO THOMAS & SONS' pamphlet-catalogue, issued
advertise, for the let of December, " Farley," the
elegant country goat and farm of the late Mr.
D}ORAI{D PA ON ) formerly of Dr, 0111DP&N.
CUNT IVEREETS —" Cool as a Cucumbor'"— , . Littlo Tod
Making Misorles of Human Life."
• • ' "•
/ROVE Ingomar, the Barbarlau"—ii Black-
Eyed &man."
AND W/LNII? STENETE.—"StageStruck Barber"—
"Linde, the Eiger Mesmerism."
CONCERT MALL.—Lecture, Mormonism Exposed."
Oriesruer.—Ethioplan Life Illustrated, concluding with
a laughable afterpiece.
ic Bread or Battle" Demonsfralion—petru
chlo's Famous Steed—An Amusing Seene.—We
have witnessed many a curious parade, but never
any quite so peculiar and ludicrous as one we saw
yesterday morning. Between 10 and 11 o'clock a
party of men and boys made their appearance on
several of our principal streets bearing an antiqua
ted-looking banner, and several rusty old guns,
and, of course, created considerable of a sensation.
All who participated in this very formidable de
monstration, were evidently laborers. First in the
order of the parade came an individual mounted
upon a huge shaggy horse, which looked as though
he might have gone through all sorts of hard ser
vice until he was even past doing duty in an oyster
cart, the very last employment of broken•down
and used-up horse flesh.. Like the famous steed
stridden by Petruchio when going to claim his
shrewish bride, the animal was " hipped with an old
mothy saddle, the stirrups of no kindred; besides,
possessed with the glanders, and like to mose in
the chino, troubled with the lampase, infected with
the spavins, raied with the yellows, past cure of
the fives, stark spoiled with the staggers, begnown
with the hots; swayed in the back and shoulder
shotten ; ne'er-legged before, and with a half
checked bit and a bead stall of sheep's leather,
which, being restrained to keep him from stumb
ling, bath been often burst and now repaired with
knots; ono girth six times pieced."
The party, consisting of nine or ton persons,
walked in single file, headed by the device, which,
if it indicated anything in connection with the
guns, was a very empty ono so far as it was
allowed to go.
Over this assurance, on the top of the pole, was
a loaf, which, by its size, seemed to represent
eight cents.
It seems that the selt-styled Protectors of the
Poor marched up Sixth street apd along Chestnut
to Third, before they were arrested. Chief Rug
gles ordered Officer Carson and a party of seven
men to intercept the party and escort them to the
Central Station. The " Protectors" turned into
Walnut street from Third, where they were
pounced upon, and, all were captured with the ex
ception of the solitary horseman, who succeeded in
making his escape
The reader must not understand, however, that
the fact of the leader being mounted enabled him
to escape. Ito was not fool enough to attempt get
ting oil with the spavined beast he bestrode; so he
got off the animal , - and then got off himself, leav
ing his Bucephalus in the hands off Sergeant Car
son's party. The " Protectors ' were marched to
the Central Station, at Fifth and Chestnut streets,
followed by an immense crowd. Old Woolley was
sent to a neighboring stable ; the guns were
stacked in the turnkey's room, and the "Protec
tors" were placed in the cells of the look-up.
The names of the captured as given at the Central
police station, are Win.llpland, John Reeve, Jno.
ilahavan, John Douglas, Robert Taylor, John Mc
alachlan, They all professed the most perfect in
nocence in the matter, not even knowing who had
put the emblems of blood into their hands. The
oldest of the party said that as be had nothing to
do, he didn't see any harm in carrying a loaf or an
empty gun. Ile was just entering into e very pro
found argument, to convince one of the officers
that nu empty gun in ahungry man's hands would
shoot nobody, when the officer quickly quieted him.
Some of them were of that class of boys who are
calculated to create a disturbance under almost any
They were just on their way to Second street at
the time of their arrest, where an excitement
would easily hare been made, which a few °Mears
might not so easily have quelled. The six men
were brought before Alderman Eneu, who read
them a lesson, and sent them bark to the cells.
The prisoners stated that they belong lathe neigh
borhood of Thirteenth and Federal streets. Lieu
tenant Dickhart, of the Reserve Corps, assembled
the entire party on the benches of the basement of
the Central Station, and in a very sensible address
endeavored to convince them of the serious ten
dencies of their conduct. As they passed into the
cell they were viewed by Mr. Clark, a truck farmer
on the Gray's Ferry road, whose farm was invaded
on Thursday night by a party of men with guns,
and a large number of articles earned oft He
stated that all the faces are familiar to him, but
he could not place them exactly. Than, for the
present, ends the first and very ludicrous "Bread
or Battle" demonstration in Philadelphia
Relief Meeting in Me Tenth Ward.—Pursn
ant to a public notice, a large and intelligent
mooting of the citizens of the Tenth ward was held
last evening, at half-past 7 o'clock, in the hall at
the northeast corner of Broad and Arch streets,
for the purpose of forming a Relief Association. On
motion of Mr. Charles S. Ogden, Joseph R. Chand
ler was called to the Chair, and Mr. 11. C. Town
send appointed Sooretary.
On taking the chair, Mr. Chandler made a neat
and graceful speech, in which ho returned his sin
care thanks for the honor conferred upon him in
selecting him to preside over a meeting of such
strength and respectability. He alluded feel
ingly to the great amount of suffering which
already exists in this community, and to the impe
rative necessity which calls for the adoption of
speedy measures of relief. He hoped that an asso
ciation would be organised in the Tenth ward,
which would in part relieve the heavy burden of
those thus oppressed, dry the tears of the widow
and orphan, and restore to a position of useful
ness in the community many now bowed down
under a crushing load of poverty.
Messrs. Ritchie, Pierce, Tyndale, Hacker, and
Chandler were appointed a committee to prepare
a constitution for the government of a relief Asso
ciation of the Tenth ward. These gentlemen re
tired, and after a few minutes reported the follow
Article 1. The name of this association shell be
the Tenth Ward Relief Association.
Art. 2. All persons contributing to its funds
shall be members of the association.
. .
Art. 3. Its object., shall be the relief of such per
sons of this ward as may ho in need of assistance
during the coming inclement season.
Art. 4. The officers shall consist of a president,
two vice presidents, 11,seoretary, assistant secretary,
and treasurer.
Art. 5. There shall be an executive committee,
to consist of ono person from each presinot in the
Tenth ward. Meetings of the association from time
to time shall be held, at the call of the President
or of the Executive Committee.
Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Executive
Committee to appoint bleak committees, who shall
collect moneys„examine into oases reported for re
lief, and report the same to the Executive Commit
tee, and to attend to such eases, and furnish relief
under the direction of the Executive Committee.
Art. 7. The association may adopt by-laws from
time to limo. not inconsistent with this eonatitu
The constitution was unanimously adopted.
The following gentlemen were selected as per
manent officers :
President, Joseph It. °handler ; Vice Presidents,
Themes Watson and Thomas Evans.
. • - •
Secretary, George Boldin ; Assistant Secretary,
Craig S. Ritchie ; Treasurer, D. Parrish. The
meeting then adjourned.
Police Rents.—A German named Frederick
Sixties was sent below on Thursday evening by
Alderman Gordon, for shooting a small boy. Mr.
S. resides at the Dutch settlement, in the vicinity
of Morris, Tanker, and Morris Foundry, and the
boys, it Is alleged, annoy the whole neighborhood,
by throwing stones and other missiles, and isehav
ing otherwise in the most reckless manner, On
Thursday the prisoner tired a load of small shot,
with the intent to sting some of the boys, and did
so to a much greater extent than ho supposed he
would. The boy, however, was not seriously
Some time during Thursday night a man was
found lying upon a door step in the Seventeenth
ward, very drunk He had with him a carpet
bag, which had been broken open and which,
upon examination, was found to contain a quantity
of female wearing apparel, together with a
"jimmy" and some other articles of the burglar's
craft. Tho bottom of the carpet-bag bore upon it
the name of Mr. James Ellis, Broad street, above
Mr. Ellis was sent for, and stated that his daugh
ter started for Burlington on Thursday morning,
taking with her the carpet-bag filled with clothing.
Tier brother accompanied her to the boat, and the
hag was left in the cabin. It is supposed that the
loafer described above carried it off. and, after
breaking it open. disposed of some of its contents
and put in articles of his own. The young lady
has not since been heard from.
The prisoner had a hearing before Alderman
Eneu yesterday morning lie gave the name of
Edward Williams, and declined to give any fur
ther account of himself. He was hold fora further
hearing Tim same individual was arrested on the
day of the firemen's parade, on suspicion of at
tempting to pick pockets. He was sent below for
thirty days, and it Is supposed he has Just got out.
The Central Office for the Coroner.—Coro
nor John It. Fenner, who entered upon the dis
charge of his official duties in the beginning of
this week, is now engaged in fitting up an office
for himself, at No. 429 Walnut street, below Fifth.
This central location will be found of great impor
tance and utility. An elfleient clerk, who will
take the trouble to preserve full and aeon
rate accounts of all eases that crane within the
jurisdiction of the coroner, will certainly be a
great adjunct to the press of the city. We trust
that there will always ho easy access to tho re
cords of this aloe, and that, by this method, wo
will be enabled to give prompt and correct reports
of all that Is interesting which they may contain.
Suicide of a Young Female.—Yesterday
morning, a young female, of abandoned eharacter,
was found dead in bed at her residence at Ninth
and Carpenter streets. Coroner Penner was sum
moned to hold an inquest. It appeared, from the
evidence, that the deoeased had swallowed a
quantity of laudanum during Thursday night, for
the purpose of destroying her life. A verdict was
rendered accordingly.
Railroad acrident.—Yesterday morning Mr.
Joseph Edwards, a baggage master on the North
Pennsylvania Railroad, while coupling the care,
got jannned between woof there, andwas so badly
crushed about the body that his life is despairod
of. lie was convoyed to the residence of a fiiend,
on Washington street, where he was attended to
by fir. yasey.
Lecture by Elder Hyde.--John Hyde, late
Mormon elder, and author of "Mormonism Ex
pond," will lecture to-nlght, at Concert Hall, on
"Salt Lake City and Brigham Young."
We are gratified at being able to announce, by
authority, tho full, satisfactory, and honorable set
tlement and payment of all disputes and accounts
that lately existed between the Merchants' and
Manufacturers' Bank and Messrs. O'Connor, Bre.,
S Co. This settlement will place the bank in its
old position, as one of our most favored and popu
lar institutions, and will be highly eatiefaotory to
tho depositors, bill-holders and stockholders.
Messrs. O'Connor, Bro., .4 Co.'s banking business
will go on as usual, and we wish them all success.—
Pittsburgh Union.
RECOVERY OF SENSES.—A little girl In
Orange Co , Va., who was forraorly deaf and
dumb, has just recovered her speech sad hearing,
by means of the typhoid fever.
Tho New England Worsted Cornpuy, whose
suspension was reported a few days since, will keep
their works running during the winter. This le
good tire to their operattvee.
Pg/LADZINHIA, November 6, 1857
The effects of the steady stream of the precious
metals, pouring luto the country fur the purchase
of our breadstuffs and cotton, are felt more and
more daily in the operations of all branches of
business. The growth of confidence is of course
very slow, after such an entire prostration, and
thou who only compare one day with another ;
are not apt to mark It ; but if we look back to 'the
close of last week, we shall be satisfied that there '
has been; since that time, a very decided change
for the better.
It is a cause for congratulation. too, that with
the fury of the storm avowedly spent, so 'many
mercantile firms are left standing, who have pus
ad through the trial unscathed, and will hence
forth be able to demand that a prime position and
standing. be . universally accorded them. It will
be their boast hereafter, that they weathered the
disasters of 1857 without coming under protest or
seeking extensions, and the number of those in ac
tive business in our city is far larger than might be
supposed. Failure is still, as it should ever be in
Philadelphia, the exception and not the rule, and
we point to the fact with the more satistaction,wh en
we recall our protest against the proposition that
our business teen should unite in a general move
ment to demand time for the payment of their
We are now coming upon a time when short
credits will be in fashion, and with good fame and
our old character for fair and hvaorable dealing,
our business men will ultimately be all tho better
off for having experienced the gnat orsah of 1857.
The stook of the Reading Railroad Company
improved again today, closing at 18, and the busi
ness at the stock board was animated and cheer
ing. The announcement is made that the work on
the Lebanon Valley Railroad s near Harrisburg,
which was suspended lately on account of the
money pressure, has been resumed, and will be
pushed forward rapidly. It is expected to com
plete it early in January. It will be a good thing
for the Reading Railroad when this long-cherished
enterprise is consummated.
The New York Courier and Enquirer sap
"The banks of this oily that hare acted upon
the dividend question, have (the American Ex
change Bank excepted) passed their semi-annual
dividend for the present. The claims of stockholders
(many of them widows and orphans) are, it Is true,
strong; but the ,results of the recant suspension
are not yet fully established, and many of the
banks doubt whether they have actually earned
dividends for the past six months. The average
surplus profits undivided in July last, (amounting
to 8 or 9 per cent.,) it is thought generally have
been sunk by the recent losses. If so, and until
the work of suspension and failure is fully known,
the bona fide profits are matters of conjecture
only, and not a proper subject for dividend."
The National Intelligencor says :
"The Directory of the Chesapeake and 'Ohio
Canal Company meet today at the City Ball.
Besides the regular routine of business, the princi
pal topic for consideration will probably be as to
permitting the coal companies to navigate the ca
nal temporarily on a credit of four months, as so
licited by them. Unable to sell their coal at the
North on other terms than a four months' credit,
the companies can do no better for the canal than
to otter the same in the payment of tolls. We
learn that the work at dams Nos. 4 and 5 is going
favorably forward."
An election for directors of the Jersey Shore
Bank was held on the Bth ult., which resulted in
the election of the following gentlemen : John A.
Gamble, Samuel Humes, E. D. Trump, Robert
Crane, James Gamble, H. F. Durell, John Webb,
James S. Allen, Michael Sypher, Huston Hepburn,
A. H. McHenry, John Sebring, Jas. Williamson.
The Republican Bays the directors met at the
banking hones on Monday, 12th ult., and elected
the following officers: President, Hon. J. A. Gam
ble; Cashier, J. J. Sanderson. There was no teller
A letter from Havana to the New York Journal
of Commerce, dated October 29, says: We are at
this moment under the greatest money pressure
that can be brought to bear upon this commercial
community. Those who have been engaged in
stooks will be most severely dealt with, as they can
got no discounts through the banks, and will de
pend entirely upon the forbearance of their credi
tors whether they go to the wall or not. The prztv.
Ho feeling is, however, favorable, and will smooth
the path somewhat, which is a little more rough
from the liberal contributions of specie which
have been made to the chests of friends in the
United States, at New York and New Orleans
Some interest is manifested In commercial cir
cles in the failure of the Grocers' Sugar Refining
Company, in New York, concerning which we
find the following particulars in the Herald :
" We referred to the suspension of this company
yesterday. It seems that it has been compelled to
appeal to its 'creditors for an extension of time to
meet Its obligations. This muse has produced
much surprise among persons engaged In the en
gar trade, as well as in money circles, and led
yesterday to a good deal of talk and excitement.
We learn that this company was organised under
the previsions of the general State law authorising
the formation of companies, do., without a special
act of incorporation.
It commenced with a paid up capital of about
$600,000, and on the let January, 1857, declared a
dividend of five per oent. in cash, and made a stook
dividend of twenty-Ova per cent., which augment
ed its capital to $750,000. Falling into some pres
ours far money, it proposed at one time to issue
bonds to the extent of about $200,000, but aban
doned the idea, and, we understand, gave mort
gages on their building and real estate. Notwith
standing these struggles, the trustees declared a
dividend on the let July of five per cent. in cash,
on their capital stook.
Hence, a question has arisen among the creditors
of the company, whether the trustees, in declaring
a dividend. in July. which they contend was not
justified by the condition of the company, or by its
net earnings, have not rendered themselves per
sonally liable for its debts.
Tip amount of its liabilities not known, but a
considerable portion, it is said, consists of notes in
the hands of sugar importers and note brokers.
The members of the Trust embrace some of our
most prominent, energetic, and enterprising mer
chants, who, if any body of men can do it, will be
able to work the company through its difficulties.
The Trust is composed of nine members, as fol
lows : G. D. Morgan, J. Thorn, Ponvert,
Charles Deninson, H. B. Shermer, Moses Grinnell,
Thomas Tileston, James Warren, and one other
name not recollected. Mr. Grinnell was Presi
dent, Mr Briggs Secretary, and Mr I Boldridge
November 8, 1857.
Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No
80i Tralnut street.
2000 Lehigh o's '7O ...82
1500 do 82
1000 Penni s's 81,E
1500 do 15w0.81x
3500 do aswu .811 c
2000 do stown.Bl,lg
1000 do 05.0.81%
1000 Sch Nov Ve
300 do 51
1000 Ca kAm 118'a 'B3 83 si
1000 Penn R B's Isl m. 9 0,
1000 ri Vesta R 8'5....47
100) Lehigh Val It 8'..60
47 Echo Nov pref.... 14
4 Lehigho3o Scrip ....30%
0 d%
10 Lehigh Noe 4511
4 Ilarnsburg R.... 47
3000 Lehigh Ws '7O ch,B2
500 N Pen o R 8'5....47
600 do 47
25 liarriebarg R 47
33 Pena R aa
2 do 30%
2 do 364
25 do 36)
10 Csm & Am R..... 8.5%
4 do ..... ..caah.Bs%
14 14 Poi= R. 7%
10 Reading R 11%
1 do 17%
100 do 1 4 ,5
759 do lots.lll
100 do 115.15
100 do lawn .18
60 do 45ru.18
100 Long Island a.... ag
100 do 2 dye. 8)
Reading R. 18
100 do t dyn.llB,l(
100 do 1:65.18.4'
100 do cub .183
1000 Penn 5'5...55wn,81X
500 do sawn.slll
550 9oh Nor 6'o 'B2-62%
600 do 63
1000 Cite o's 83
1500 do 83
300 do 83
25 Reading R 18
10 Penn R 3634
8 do 18X
1 do 36X
25 do 3.83;
16 do 36,1
10 II Penn IL 7x
22 Lettish Scrip.... 05.31
35 do 31
GOO N Penn R 6'5....47
500 do 414'
967,21 Lebigh6's 'lO-82
100 Reading It 18
60 do 11
Bid. Asked.
United States 6's .
Philattel 6'5.... 83 84
RR 13 84
4, New.... 89 90
Perineylv 81,‘
Reading R 18 18,1(
do Bonds 'TO 63
do Si 6 , 5,'44 80
Penns RR 36 30%
Morels Cant Con 33 40
ficha NCa 82....63 64
4, stook. ..... 7,4(
Bid. Asked.
N de 12 pre( 14 14%
Wmspl.k. Elm R 1 11
do let mort 7'155 CO
do do 2dui 45 50
Long Island.... 8X 8%
Vicksburg 0 7
Girard Bank 81( 9
Lehigh Zinc X 1
Uuion Cuial 9 3%
New Creek as Si
Ottamissi. It R... 6 7
60 Restlingit....b6-1860 Reading R 174
100 do e5w0..17X 1100 do 17,ti
Reading closes at about 17)4.
We copy from the Bulletin the following state
ment of the tonnage from the Lehigh and Schuyl
kill regions for the week and for the reason:
Linton. Boumatti..
Week. Season. Week. Season.
,22,845 800,491 35,801 1.088,050
. 8,170 881,074 34,484 1,582,811
Total 31,021_2,181,571
1850. Week. Beale:ma. Week. Season.
Canal 34,975 1,0.13,854 28,709 1,004,920
Railroad 6 ,Z 1 5 138,502 40,994 1,954,236
41,192 1,202,358 60,783 2,959,156
1856. 1657.
Lehigh Canal 1 083,854 800,407 Dee-263,356
188.502 391,074 1nc..242,511
/Schuylkill Cana1...1,004,920 1,089,850 Inc.. 63,810
" Rai1r0ad.1,054,216 1,582,811 D0c..811,425
Total 4,181,51.1 3,893,232 Dec-308,280
week ceding Thu:lday, Nov. 5, 1851:
From Port Carton
Schuylkill Haven
Port Clinton
Tots' for week
Previously this yam.
To same time last sear
Coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
road for the week enacts Thursday, Nor. 6, 1857:
From Port Carbon
o Pottsville
" Schuylkill Raven
tt Auburn
" Port Clinton
Total for week 34,483 18
Preylonely We year 1,648,327 03
Total tor year
To lime thus tart year 1,954,735 13
ImerrerioNs or FLOUR and sflat. for the week ending
NOT 6, 1857:
Matteis of Superfine 13,387
do Fine NS
do 276
do Rye ill
do Corn Meal 563
do Condemned 150
Puncheons Corn Meal 60
Total 14,734
PRiLuigLpAip, November.6,lB4l
The operations of the' Keck just pant * have been
limited, but the markets generally present a more
settled and hopefal . feeling, and business shows
symptoms of a gradual improvement. Brcadstuffs
are firmer, but sell slowly at rather better prima."
Bark is in steady demand, without change in quo
tations. Cotton is very dull, and the stock unu
sually light for the season. Groceries—Not much
doing to alter quotations, which are hardly Rae
tained ; an auction sale of Coffee being made at I
decline. Iron is without demand and very dull,
and prices altogether unsettled. Rides--Nothing
doing. Naval Stores—Rather more doing. Oils
are inactive, and most kinds are lower. Pro
visions, with reduced stocks, are selling mostly in
a retail way only, at lower figures. Seeds remain
inactive, bat Cloverseed is scarce, and wanted at
previous quotations. In Teas, no alterations to
notice. Tobacco is unchanged and very quiet.
Whiskey is more active, and for Wool the demand
is limited and prices nearly nominal. The Dry
Goods trade has been pretty much at a stand—the
fall business about over. There is no material
change to notice in the prices of the leading arti
cles of cotton and woollen manufacture, but the
disposition to shorten credit is becoming more
general, most of the large Eastern manufacturing
companies having limited the time forselling their
goods to six months. The retail trade has, how
ever, been very active, and most of the large
houses are closing out their stocks at very low
figures for cash.
BRE6DSTUPPB.—The receipts of all kinds are
moderate for the season, but the market, with a
limited demand both for export and home consump
tion, is without much alteration. There is but lit
tle inquiry for Flour, and 4a5,000 barrels have found
buyers, mostly better brands and extras, at 55.31!
a 55.50 for the former, and $5.5045.75 far the lat
ter, including 1,200 barrels extra family Flour and
1,500 barrels Brandywine, on terms kept private.
Standard shipping brands are held at $5.37; per
bbl., without sales to any extent. The home sales
are moderate, within the range of $5.371a55.75 for
common and choice retailing brands, $3.5044.25
for extras, and $6.50a57.25 per bbl. for fancy lots,
according to quality. Corn Meal and Rye Flour
are very quiet. Sales to the extent of 14 to 1500
bbls. of the former are reported, part at $3 25 for
country meal, and part on terms not made pablic;
the latter has been selling In a small way at $4.50
per bbl., and is very scarce. Wheats are in fair
supply, and 22,000 bushels have been taken tor mill
ing, chiefly at $1.2041.27 for common to prima
red, and $1.2541.35 for white. Rye has been
selling to a moderate extant at 73375 cents, the let
ter for Pennsylvania. Corn has improved, and
with light receipts; about 14,000 bushels old have
been sold at 71a73 cents for yellow, and 72a7leents
for white, chiefly afloat. New Corn comes in slow
ly, and sales have been made at 5643 cents, ua
to oonditiOn. Oats are also better, with sales of
16,000 bushels, mostly Southern, at 30135 cents, the
latter for very handsome lots; the bulls of the sales
were made st 32333 cents for good Delaware afloat.
Paovlsions.—The stock of all kinds is light,
and the market unsettled and drooping. Mesa
Pork, city packed, is selling in a small way,
mostly for ship stores, at $22.50, and Mess Beef at
$l7 per bbl. Of Bacon, some small sales of sum
mer-cured Hams have been made at 141 a 15c ,
latter for bagged, and shoulders al 12 a 120 c.
Lard is lower, and sales of country paoked are
reported at 11 a 123. per lb. Butter is also tend
ing downwards, and sales are limited at 10 a 12c.
for solid, and 14 a 16e. for roll. Cheese—no
change, and a small business doing, fins are
worth 14/ a 15 per doz.
CIEOCEHIES.—The operations of the past week,
in Sugars, have been limited to about 150 hhds.,
mostly taken by the trade at II a 81.3., on the
usual terms. Molasses continues neglected. and
the sales confined to a few small lota of Cuba, at
22 a 28e., and Sugar House at 24 a 25 c., per gall.,
short time. A sale of 50 bbls. New York Syrup
was also made by auction, at 31 a 324., cash.
For Coffee, the market has been very quiet this
week, and prices about the same, buyers gene
rally holding off for the auction sales, which in•
eluded about 1,850 bags Rio, at 9 a 101 e., thirty to
sixty days, and 120 bags Laguayra et 1210., cash,
showing a decline of ie. from the highest point.
Msys.l.B.—Most of the iron foundries having
stopped operations, the market for this staple eon-
Unties very unsettled, and the demand for pig
metal limited to a few small lots taken at s2oas24,
mostly cash. In other kinds there is nothing
doing to establish a quotation. The stock of lead
is accumulating, but no sales have come under oar
notice for some time past, and holders decline to
sell except for oast'. About 1,500 piga Spanish hare
just arrived. Copper is firmer, but we hear of no
sales ; yellow metal is steady at 22c, on time.
MMES.—Both pots and pearls are fine, but
quiet at former quotations.
BARx is in steady demand, and about 150 Mids.
have been taken at $3O for first No. 1.
BREAD continues dull, and prices the same, but
the sales are mostly for home use.
CANDLE s.—Sales aro confined to the wants of the
trade, without change in quotations.
COAL.—Vessels are tome, and there is rather
more demand for shipment; cargo prices ranging
at $3.75a54 per ton for white ash and red ash coal,
mostly net cash.
Conan continues very dull and the stock light,
but prices, with a limited demand from spinners,
are unsettled and drooping; the sales reaching
only about 150 bales, in small lots, atfrcm 121115 k,
including both Uplands and Gaffe, cash and short
Faituans.—The receipts are increasing, and
small sales of good Western are reported at 500
per pound.
Fish are very quiet, and a moderate business to
note in Dry Cod, prices range at s3.isas4 the 10.9
pounds as to lots. Pickled'Herring are selling at
stas4.2s from store. Of Mackerel the sales are
very light, and prices rather lower; we quote l's
at $12a512.50, 2'e slllsll 50, and 3'a 69a59.50
per barrel.
FREIGHTS.—There has been rather more produce.
offering for Liverpool, and engagements to some
extent are reported at 2s. 60. for flour. 6s. for Beef,
and 251303. for heavy and light; 1,100 barrels
molasses have been taken at .255. and Sugars at 273_
6d.; to London we quote at 9.3a3Ps per ton.
West India freights are dull. California rates are
steady at 22a25e. ; New Orleans, 517 c. ; Cherie 5
ton and Savannah 5a60., and Wilmington at 4a6c
Colliers are not so plenty, and Eastern vessels
scarce. The following are the rates paid during
the last week from Port Richmond: to New York
$l, to Wareham $1.15, New London $1.121, Bridge
port $1.15, Quinsy Point $1.125, Boston $1.55a
$1.60, and to Alexandria and Washington $l. A
ship has been chartered to load coal for Bong Kong
at $12.50, one to Mauritius at $l3 per ton. and a
small vessel for Ireland at 900. per bushel for
Party —Two cargoes of Malaga have arrived,
and the transactions comprise some 7a8,001) pkgs
Raisins, in lots, on terms not made public. Domes
tic fruit is more plenty, and green Apples are selling
at $1.50133.50 per bbl, as in quality. Dried fruit
is moving off in a small way at 'is& for Apples,
and fialOc per lb for Peaches. Cranberries are
plenty and dell at s7ls3 per bbl.
Wm:ca.—But little Crude offering or selling,
and prices unsettled.
Gu.t.No —The demand has fallen off, but prices
are the same.
.11ENP.—The market for all kinds remain! very
quiet, and in the absence of sales quotations are
quite nominal.
HIDES are very dull. The stock bas been in
creased by the arrival of 12,600 Laguayra and
Brasil, but we hear of no sales from first bands
Hoes are selling in a small way only at SalOc
per lb.
LEATHER.-Light stock, is in fair supply and
dull; but heavy Leather is wanted, and if hero
would command fair prices.
Lowasa.—The building season is nearly over,
and there is so little doing that quotations are
nearly nominal.
NATAL SlimEs.—There have been some few ar
rivals, but the transactions have been culy in a
small way, at 44a45c per gallon for Spirits Turpen
tine, which is Rim, and $1.70a53 50 per bbl for
Rosin, as in quality. Tar and Pitch are quiet.
OlLP.—Fish Oils aro dull, and a limited busi
ness only to note in sperm and Whale, at about
former quotations. Lard Oil is lower, sale 3
of Western having been made at Me eaEh Lin
seed is selling slowiy at eaob.
70,1 65 2,071,667
PL A.STER.—There is none arriving, and the de
mend is rather better. The last sales tsar at
$2. 50 per ton. Riot is in very light =apply,
and the sales are in a retail way, at 4a4i cents
per lb.
Savr.—An arrivalof SL 3fartin's remains in the
market unsold. A cargo of Turk's Island, just in,
bee been taken to arrire, on terms not made pub-
SEISM—The receipts of Clorerseed have fallen
off, and the demand is more aotive, at.,l-1.7545
per bo, with bat little to be had at the former
figure. Several lots have been taken from second
hands. to go out of the market, on terms not made
public. Of Flaxseed, 300 bus domestic have been
sold at $1.40 per hu. Timothy is neglected. and
small sales are reported, at ff3as2l per ba.
SPlRlT.S. — Nothing doing in Brandy and Gin A
few small sales of the former, only the sample
packages, at auction, at very low figures. New
England Rum is dull at 4Sasoc. Whiskey has
been selling to &moderate extent at 21a2 2/e. for
bbls , the latter for Ohio and prison; 2le- for
hbas , and 20c. for drudge. The receipts are
light, and the market at the dose is firmer.
TALLow.—The market has been more soave. and
city rendered is selling at 9a9le. per lb.
Min .—The sales have been mostly to tio trade,
at about former quotations, with a large discount
for cash.
Tons. Cwt
.10,901 10
. 1,573
20,105 10
, 3,011
1,.Z,111 13
1,083,849 13
1,004 920 07
Tons Cwt
9,639 19
. 1,825 05
17,171 07
319 18
6,329 11
1,53;811 01
Tonacco.—Little or nothing hu been dor e, and
there are no changes of any moment in the
Woot..—Business continues at a stand :mad prices,
in, the absenoe of any recent sales, except in a
mall way, for cub, are nominally unchanged.
ROVOE-ET-Noll l . — Lcblter, (staking hit itrist
once on thogame4--"Black, I win—Red. I Iwo!"