t Superintendent 'Laverty 'has - fortiarded to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs the Lifland meri t of Colonel./., 4 Redfield. agent for the upper Missouri. The.'doeuraeut contains it' detailed ao. (manta the nonditinit'ot tlikindiantifin that agency, and it is felt of interest. • " Ontho 81stof May s Colonel Redfield left St. Louis and proceeded up the Missouri river, holding con ferences with the Indians on the way, and dhtribu ting the annuities to , the tribes who were entigod to them: A peaceable spirit seemed to influence most of the bands with whim be met. ' On the first of July he arrived at the 'villages of the Gros Ven tres, Mandenes,, and Arriokatems: "These three tribes do not now'nuniber over 1,800 or 2,000 souls. The small-pov, has; daring the Ptist year, swept, off full ene-fourth of their number. TheMandenes, only a few years Since, numbered five hundred lodges ; they cannot now count over thirty or forty The Assinebolies seem to have suffered more than the others from the disease; more than ono-fourth have perished—whole lodges being sometimes ont off. COL Redfield found thirty deserted ,lOges near Port William, the owners having all died or fled. Contrary to the custom or the Indians, the dead werei ten exposed, as they died in the lodges. • Col. Redfield states, that on the 3d of August n Mr. Malcome Clarke, of the firm of Frost' & Co., fur dealers, arrived at Fort Williams with several carts and horses, from St. Paul, by way of Petal:d ui, en route for Fort Benton. A party of about' twenty•flve mounted Assineboines mot him about four)nilei from Fort William, aud,having forced /dm to, stop, demanded presents. He complied. Supposing them to befriends; presented them with several articles, and gave them a feast. He Soon; however, discovered sYniptems of a disposition to do mischief, anti attempted to start.. He had with him but one white man, two women, and some Blackfoot who ywore in his employ. 'As he was about to set out, two or three of the Assineboines cocked , their gnus and shot at one of the Blaokfeet, a man twenty-five years old, who had long been in the employ of the company. Mr. Clark inter fered and frustrated their design two or three . times, thereby himself incurring great danger. 1 . The Indians at last consented to desist; but do- I mended' and forcibly took a keg containing ,some tWefer Parse gallons of alcohol. While no. Clark's attention Was directed !elide outrage, the Bleak foot above-mentioned was shot and scalped. Mr. Clark took the body to Fort William for burial. Col..Redfleld concludes his report by giving a very elaborate statement of the 'condition of the Sioux, Assineboines, and Gros Ventres In his agency, remarking upon their wants and character in such a way as to show that he has studied the unfortunate Indian in a spirit of true , philea thropy. THE MONEY MARKET. PIIILAIIP.LPRIA, November 6, 1857 The passage of our business men, unharmed over the perilous days of November has given still more confidence to the money market, and sales of pa per are reported by the brokers at and li per cont. At the stook board business continues to improve slowly, and the prices of securities usual-, ly taken for investment improve. The directors of the Girard Bank have passed their dividend. .The bids for its stock reached $7l per share. Penn sylvaiiia Bank stock sold at $7 per share. The Commonwealth Bank to said to be making preparations for the early commencement of opera• Lions; We have a brilliant example of prosperity re ported in Arkansas. The Little:Book Democrat says that the treasury of Arkansas is overawing with gold and silver, The various funds are enu-, merated that have their hundreds of thousands of the hard. The treasury has nik bank notes ;, no thing but specie In Arkansas; except a small old bank debt, does not owe a cent, and has in her strong box more gold and silver than will keep the Government for two years without any further taxation. - TlMM".are, no banks in Arkansas, and the taxes are paidln gold and silVer, and the State pays out• nothing but that kind of currency. • . The Baltimore Patriot says: . • "This, the 4th November, has been looked for ward to as likely • 'to be ope of the most difficult days in financial affairs since the commencement of the monetary pressure. Ifeavy' payments wore to be made, but, so far is we, aro Able to learn, they have been promptly met, doing great honor to the character of our commercial and business men. It is now confidently hoped the crisis has been Pawed, and we may look forward to an eailer condition of things. ' "The banks are discounting freely ; 'and doing all in their power to sustain and advance the mutual interests of themselves and the business commu nity Capitalists are more disposed to invest,, and good paper in being taken freely, at 11 to id per cent. a month. Second-olass notes unsaleable. Abney on call I per pent." In hi, late speech - to - the Board of Brokers in New York, Mr. Moran, the $20,000 a year presi dent of the Erie Railroad Company, delivered him self as follows : . "Their Competitors in the contest for the traffic of the West were the New York Central, the Pennsylvania Central, 'end ',the, Baltimore and Ohio Railroads." These fonr avenues of trade con stituted the greatest of monopolies., No other roads could or would be built to, compote with them., The, immense eailial required. to build them, and the physical formation of the country through which they passed, would preclude every possibility of other oompeting lines. The New York Central had one great advantage in the level of its road. The New York and Brie crossed the Allegheny mountains at a grade of 65 feet to the mile, the Pennsylvania - Central tit a grade of 95 feet, and the Baltimore and Ohio at a grade of 118 feet. The heaviness of grade, was a great disad vantage . to:roads doing a large produce business. It sated as is premium iu favor of the New York Central 'and of the Erie. The capital of the Erie road was $39,000,000-the' road reaelaing . from the lakes to New York barber. The oapttal of the New York Central was 'also 829,000,000—the road reaching from the lakes, to Albany only. But as Albany, was not the place for produce to remain, the Central had to use the Hudson River line, cost, ing 813,000,000—50 that; in fact, the lainfita of freight on the Central bad to be epread:over a gag. tel of 852,000,000," . , . _ We bare quoted more thins was necessary for our present purpose, for the behefit of the New York Ceara]. The paisage' We had marked for comment 1,4 , ,day, as to the misrepreeentetton In re gard to thel'enneylvania Railroad, but the Herald comes Witte rescue 'in the fotioviini extract, and saves us the trouble.. , lt says • "If the ptbple of this' city will slant up their eyes' and *lose their ears to the .admonittone of tune, it is not our business to open thorn; nor is it our intention to gainsay any of the arguments used by.one railroad .company to injure another, so Longa.% theyare confined to •the merits of the %muttons under discussion. But' when ;the Pre sident of the Erie Benson(' Company "mis represents- his• rivals, and says that the grides preolude_lbelossibility of Interruption, ,we can not but :point out the mistake, and, give the benefit to the party making the charge. On the 'Pennsylvania Central there are no Reel. grades as represented by the President of the Erie Railroad Company. Prom Pittsburg to the'summit of the Allegheny 'mountains there are twel.m summits to whielrthe grades rise from - Bto 49 feetto the mile, and from thence to Philadelphia, a distance of 258 miles, the grades, with the exception of a single plane, descend from 18 feet to the level; on the exception, the descent is 82 feet) but as the dis tant:els short, the consequence to the' traffic is not so disastrous., On the New York and Erie wo have tbirty-seders summits, rising from SO to feet to the /011 e. 42 rising 40 t 0.50, SO rising 90 to 00, 20 rising 00 to TO, and ono rising,ls feet to the mile. This difference, without contrasting the distance, shows plainly that in everythidg said in relation to vapidity is a draft upon figures rather than faets." On a level, it is now understood, that an engine, exclu sive of thenefght of tender and cars; can draw 019 tons. On alO foot grade, against the trade ' 408 tens. 8, On 03 - 331 tons. On a 30, ,44 243 tons. On a 40 44 201 tons. 0na.50 44 368 ton, On a CO 11 144 tent On a 'll/ 120 tons, " And if he (the Erie Railroad President) will look hato the report of his immediate predecessor, ho will find that the average load during 1855, on the New .York and Erie, was about 90 tons to the enginb: If ho also 'examines the same °Vial &mo ment, ho will fled, - in speaking of, the Western trade, that ' the city' derived, an outlet for 42,- 138 tone , _and an inlet of 113,330 tons; during the year above named. 'lbis onormeas business is far ther augmented by 380,787 tone eastward, and 305,708 tone westward, of a local business. Making altogether 84450 tons,nna requiring in the move ment about 203 engines.'! The New York admier and Enguirsr says : " The , Michigan , Southern 'Railroad • Company give notice that they will pay in-Toledo the out pone due, this week on their bonds.' This Is a measure Of necessity, not of choice: The attach mentioned against the company here forbid, for the present, their receiving funds at this point. , If their creditors will bo , lonient and allow the com pany under its new board to do what they eau to place their affairs in order, the bondholders will receive their dues as early as practicable." General statement of the ' movement of -spade from the year 1820 to 1850: , Exports. Inverts, Ten years ceding 3820 ...... 211,570,000 $09,141 , 000 Ten years endinglB4o ...... 50,840,00 , 202,400,000 Ten years ending 1850 .... . 86,010,000 66,000,000 ,dux years ending 1856 2,42028,09 0 - 29,788,000. It will ho mon from this that the net loss in forty :six years was as follows : Loss from 3621 to 1830 42428,000 , Loss from 1850 to 1856 210,142,000 $216,670,000 Clain 1r0m1831.40, 72434,000 pet,tem in 6fty,•etz yearn 243,13 t, 000 Thu land inks of the /Rinds Central Railroad Ceinpany for October were .9 1 15937, ' The earnings of, the New York, And NOW Haven itailiotid for the month of October, 1857: For FiumengOrs 767,166 76 For freight ' DA* to Total Less doe other rood.::i Total Eecelpts for October, 1850 Decrenso October, 1857 818,146 89 The following is the statement of thoPreyidenee' banks teNoitimber 2: ' - Circulation 51.843,624 ' 2,215.464 Deposits /080, ...... 18,512,869 oseete — 145,512 „ prom tbeAavAinnoll,Georgieln. Vre learn that the Tallahassee papers give a gloomy account of peon, niaryaifidrs' tliat - State. ' Tradils Looked and everitliing for the present is at a, and still, With no immediate prdpent of ; a " ohingd for the 13etter:,1AhasSimiliwesteitt Railroad Bank , 4 Obariestizi has an-agenny in Tallahassee; and its billaldritt , g,Wiat-!pari of ih• iiiioala soli tit the _ .i . , ', :ft+ 'edintir - "Sinde the anspenalotrof 'thatinstitattoni these bills have greatly depredated, and, se groat is the trent of oonilderoe, they are Selling of seventy. five cents to the dollar for 'other bank bills, and fifty cents for spade. In this state, of affairs, the papers call for 813 ortra session of the Legislature, with the hope that the assembled wisdom may devise some measures of relief. The following are to-day's quotations for Specla, 'by Cronies A CO , Bullion and Specie Brokers,Ao South Third street, payable in bankable funds : Amer. Dollars,old..l.oo I Am. Gold, old eoinagel 00 " " 04. 50vereign5............ 495 Ifettean Doan; 107 Napolson's(2o Fraucs).9 88 South Am. " 100 Ten guilders. . • 4OS Spanish Pillar Dollars.l.oo Ten Millers Bhs ;Five Francs 99 Spanish Doubloons...lsoo German .4/reigns 109 Patriot " French u 111 Ducats 2.30 American G01d............ ag to ag ,per cent. New York Eitehange sg to 4 u PHILADELPHIA STOOK 880111111011 SKIM, November 5, 1857. Reported by R. Manly, Jr ts ~k Broier, No Wthru Stock . 1,000 Penna 50 81. 8,000 do 81 1,000 do 81 1,000 do 81 200 do 80 1,500 do ..85wn.81 SOO Am Gold.. caalt.loBX 5,000 do.. canh,lo3X 600 City 80.... New.BB ll 500 - do' New.BB3 500 My Gaa oa.New.Bl 1,000 Parma R #3alst, m caah.9o 500 Tinton Canal 60-32 IEIWERI4 nom& 6,000 Penna 5s 81 I 2,009 Sell Nav Os 12...65 100 Iteadtng R ...66.113N SECOND 3 N Penn% A Minehlll '4 Norristown It 54 . '1 do ...... •• 54 16. do ...' t .. • • 4.sforrls Cans! pret,Bl ' 3 Peons R 35 ' AFTER 1,6e0 Dforrie Canal Os ;62 1,500 N Pa R os—oaidt.4lll 'fiLOBING PR Bfif. Asked. t Pkiladel 6 , 11....817[ 82 82 " " 89 Penneylv 6'11—.81 81% Ree4ingli IT% lIX Ide It onds 'TO 68 , do Al 8'0,44 80 Lonna HR 86. 86 Morrie Coal Con 32 38 Rohn N 63 82.... 52 65 , estook ' 7g 8g .; LAT. • 600 Reading 11.. : .b 6.1.73( 1,309 do—in 10t5.17,V Heading 01(1a at 17%017% PHILADELPHIA MARKETS PHILADELPHIA, Nov. s.—.Evening.—There is very little ohange in the prices of Breadstuff's, but the demand for Flour is .rather better; 11E41200 bbls. have been .takon for shipment at $5.370a 35.50 for standard and good straight superfine, and $6 per bbl. for fanoy Western extra; the market at the close beingfirna at our lowest figures for shipping flour. The sales to the local trade are also to a fair extent at from $5.371 to $5.621 for common to good super, $5.75a56,25 for extras, and $150a57.25 per bbl. for fancy lots, according to brand and quality. Corn Meal is not inquired for, and dull to-day at previous quotations, and holders of Pennsylvania Meal are anxious to sell. Rye Flour is quiet, but the receipts and sales are very light, prices rang ing at $4.25ae51.50 per bbl. Wheat comes in slow ly, and thezeceipts of good and prime, which are light, find ready sale at' previous quotations ; sales include also 4,000 bush. at $1.20031.27 for ordinary to prime red, and $1.29a51.35 for white. Corn is wanted,,but there is very little old Corn offering,' and u-few small sales are reported at 73 oents, , in Store; some holders refuse Abont' 1,700 bush. new yellow hreught 56 cents, Oats are steady at 33a34 cents, the latter for Pennsylvania, with sales of about 2,000 bush. in store and afloat. Rye is without alteration, and small soles are snaking at 73 oents for Southern and 75 cents for Pennsyl vania, the latter delivered. Bark is wanted at $3O for Brat quality Queroitron, but there is very little offering or selling to-day. Groceries are quiet, and buyers and sellers are apart in their views. Nail ing doing in Provisions worthy of remark, and the market is unsettled. Whiskey is selling more free ly at 20 cents for drudge, 21 cents for hbds., 211 a 22 cents for bbls. ALBANY LlSlbrun BIARICNT.—The' receipts by canal from the opening of navigation to November let, in, the years named, were as follows; Boards and _ Shioglee, Timber, Stases, ' 'Scantling ft. M. C. ft. The. 1830 291,368,490 00,880 24,332 144,918,580 1851 ' 233,208,805 30,272 108,000 104,622,290 1852 282,752,983 28;823' 243,033 99,725,508 1863 ' 349,787,810 28,088 - 18,221 90,932,488 3854. 278,998,651 19,403 23,029 113,149,423, 1865,.,.....216,419,324 61,231 11,687 130,101,425 1856 198,709,113 82,724 10,775' 108,306,825 1857,.......210,204,402 63,910 100,600 161,971,529 [From the Albany Evening Journal, November 3.] FLODD, AND GUAIN.—Tbe receipts at tide-water of flour, wheat, corn and barley, for the foarth week "of October to 1858 and 1857, have been as follows Flour. bbl. Wheat, ba: Corn, bu. Barley, be. / 850 61,07 ' 982,600 640,560 217,841 'for - aa,saa _032,005" ' 187,650 143,995 ' 'tweezes, 3,911 Dee. 430,636 Deo. 352,988 Dee. 73,350 The aggregatea 'of the receipts of the above articles eo far for the years 1850 and 1867, have beer, : Flour, Rol. Wheat ha, Corn, biz. Oats, bu. 1856 825,613' .8,785,817 0,390,884 1,370.139 1867' 599,622' 3,430,685 9,234695 , 013,764 Dee.... 225,986 , 5,848,782 4,165,180 406,475 Reducing the wheat to Hour, the deficiency- to equal to 1,,,295,741 bble. sour.' BREADSTUFHE AT BUlTALo.—Statement showing the weekly receipts of Sour and grain dozing the month of October: - Flour. Wheat., Core. Oats. Harley. week.... 35.884 295,108 167,450 16,137 2,339 2d week 35,160 413,004 '84,253 31,2'31 2,464 3d week. ...27,126 668,925 - 1 8,244 91,279 5,838 4th week1...68,243, 142,541 90,372 03,312 2,113 Totals 108,413 2,117,378 419,3 2 20 232,089 12,754 Statement Showing the Imports at Buffalo of Flour and Grain from different regions during the week end ing October 31st, 1867 Flour Wheat. Corn. Oats. Toledo 1a..10,877 .11,823 ,26,319 7,125 Ohio 19,487 24,419 21,740 39,,07 2,093 Michigan ~17,218 14,126 „., 10,675 Canada 3,909" 29,197 ' Illinois. „..11,327 693,858 62,261. 36,316 WisConein.. 6ea 62,916 68,218 743341 99,372 93,312 2,093 2,113 BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM' NEW YORK. porreseendenee of The Press.] Maw Your; Nov. 0-5.20 P. M. 'As I list!ve often stated already, the men most in need of money, however honest they may be, or however legitimate their business, if they do not Come within the category of-stfirat-alass men," can not obtain relief, - if at all,'at any but exorbitant rates of ,interest'. For , first-class aten,,things are much easier; the banks are accommodating, and I have beard of oases where these favored individu als have availed themselves of the proffered money, not for any bitainess want of their own, but to dis count paper at 20, 25, and 30 per Cent ! Even this it better than nothing I' but bad is the best. There 'is 'very little' stirring to-day.' Needy men ask at the banks and at the note-brokers, and nine out ,of tan go away ohopfallen and reftised. The less urgent get what they want - at the , money dealers by standing .a shave." and the independent men, who have always kept. moving, had a'good bank account, and, in fact, never wonted money, can got it easily now, if they' choose to ask for it. Nevertheleat, mast own that the ten 'denoy is evidently to improvement. Tho re port mentioned in the postscript to my last letter concerning the proposed action of At) banks with regard to resumption of specie pay ments, leeks confirmation. ' There is no doubt that they are oonsidering what is best to be done, and ,that they feel thatsomething must be done; but as yet, what will be done is unknown; even by the parties on whom action depends. A portion of the banks consider July{ 1858, the time to shako oil their present insolvent state and become debt•pay ing matitutiona ; others think April or May the right time, and others insist on tho mid dle of January. In the meantime the country banks do not dare to move. In com mon fairness all the blame as to the immobility of the crops is not due to the banks, The farmers cannot be got to consent at once to soil at lower prices thanthey have'been aCcustorned to receive, or to abandon the idea Abet prices will rise; and , the Consequence is that they will not part with the protium, except in small quantities to meet press ing necessities. There is uo doubt they are mis taken, that prices will teed downward, and If we have. anything like a- fair , winter and spring, We Shall see flour down to little more than to $3 or $3.50. To it very great extent this rolue tante; or rather stupid obstinacy; on the part of ,produoe holders, will deprive ns of. the means of paying our debts; but It could be very much miti gated before navigation closes if the banks would supply the •means to purchase and move to .the seaboard all. that, could be pur ebased. The failure of' ToWnsend, Clariele, & Dyke, , grecers, .is announoed, Foreign. ex ohapge to not Very` active at full prices. The beat bills are sold at 107a1081 for 60 days, sterling; heard signatures go at 103a105 , 6; eight dratta (ban era) 110; Francs, 5.37135 , 29, and Hamburg, 341a26;', The proceedings at the clearing house do- note mere activity. iThe clearings ware $13,880,- I 036;54, and the balances , paid in coin were $1,046,438,54. - The' cash - trassactions of the Sub- Treasury to-day wore . Etti follows ; Receipts, $49,- 013.83; payments , $12,304.57 (i ncluding $67,080 California drafts;) balance, $J,689,312.53. Tltb receipts at the custom house for duties wore $11,059.08. The Meek • market was very active, though at the commencement of the first board' nrt 'ow were rather irregular. Towards 'the close 'the market Settled :at ageneral ad" vane.: The greatest rise was in the stock of atiohigau,Oentral Railroad, which from 44 ad vanced to 53, under the influence of the tolegraphie news by the Canada, that London capitalists will buy the major portion of the new bonds. Galena and Chicago advanced 3 per cent Illinois Con-' i trill 2; Chicago and Rook Island; Beading 1 ; New York Contra)'? ;' , Michigan Southern, 11 for tho'old and 1.1 for the preferred stock, and Cleve land and 'Toledo 1, Brie fell I. In State stooks there VAS a fair Walnuts done, and prices tended upWards ,,, But little was done in railroad bonds— yesterday's views were,, generally maintained, At the second board there was' more irregularity in prices, and the market Owed firmly. Be a di a ,, olosed •at 281;''Now " orli 'Citntrat at 691; wa i f!, gati Central fallto 49;' MiChigan Southern closed et 121; Chicago and Rook Island at 715; Panam a at 75 and Cleveland and Toledo at 33. TILE MARKET,-,--Aisiage are steady, with sales of 66 bbls at $7.25 for pots, and $6.50 for pearls. Banansrtres.—State and Western flour opened firmly,' and superfine qualities especially were in ,demand at full rates, sales of State having been Made at $6 'per bbl, 'but at the close the market was heavy Small grades, particularly for the bet ter qualities ; Abe sales are 11,000 idols at $4.85a $4.95 for common to good State, $5,05a55.20 -for 'extra State, $4.8543.95 for common to good -Mlligan, Indiana, Ohi o'; do., and $535 0 . 5 0 ler extra do, - Marini tiouile item and lower, cluing kW- 1598,9254 70 . 24,121 29 y... 374,809 64 87,91:r3 43 FIRST BOARD 40 Reading R 11' 100 do ....tdiwo.ll 60 do 17 10 do 17 10 do 17 100 do ....b5wn.16% 100 do .... caoth.l6X 10 do 17 50 do 167 100 do e 6.16% I Ilarr&burg R 40s 10 br Yettua R ' , 7X 5 Bank of Penns.... 7 . . . -- .. 100 Swift R,..bswri.loX 60 do .....bsn - 0.16h • 6 Caro & Am R B 4) BOARD. 200 Reading R l'h ,60 do 17h 60 , do 17h 5 do 17h 60 do 17M 60 do 17% 50 Ren4l/3g R ..55w0.17X OBS—FIRM. Bid. Asked. N O 'B2 prof 18).: 743( 14E00 & Elm R 7 la do IMmort T 668 80 do do 2dm 50 Long /eland .... 23 Viekabilrg - 0 7 • eirard Bank 7% 8 Lehigh Zino X 1 Union Canal New Creek Catamilaaa R R... 6 7 EST. 100 Reading 1t 50.17% Rye Barley everovith &good dernandVive lactlee plea of 1,400 b bls at $5.21545.40 for mixed to good brands of Baltimore, Alexandria,- tiborgetown, ,Fredericks burg, ,te., and $5.45a56.75 for favorit, fausy, and extra brandado; Petersburg is quoted at $0.20 for superfine, with sales, and 30.75a57 for extra, the latter rate for "Rialto." Canadian flour is less buoyant, and we have only to notice oaks of 700 bbls. at $0.20a50.75 for the range of extra and family brands, the latter au ex treme rate. Rye dour is dull, with a small supply; sales of 150 bids wore made at $3.50a55 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn meal is dull and nominal ; we quote Jersey at $3.50 ; Brandywine $3.75. Wheat is less buoyant for common Western qualities, but strlotly prime parcels, both of rod and white, command full prices, the sales are 5,000 bushels Southern white at $1.50a51.55; 17,400 Southern rod and amber at $1 20a51.35; 11 500 red Ohio $1.15; 4,500 white Kentucky at $1.50; 24,500 Chicago spring at slal.ol ; 19.800 15111- waukee club at $1.03a51.08, and 4,200 red Indiana at $1.15. Rye is heavy and dull, with sales of 1,000 bushels prime Northern at 78e. Oats aro unchanged ; wo quote Southern 33a38. ; Jersey 35a40 ; State 40a43; Western 43a45. Barley is steady at 75a130 for State, and 80a80 for Canadian and California ; we notice sales of 1,000 bushels State at 75 cents, and 1,000 Califor nia at 80 sante. Corn is steady, with sales of 23,000 bushels mixed Western at 74 cents, in store, and. 75a751 for parcels, afloat COTTON is unchanged, with but little offering on the spot. Pnovistoxs--Pork is lower, and the market Is extremely heavy. The sales are 350 bbls, at $l9 89 as2o for mess—the lower rate cheek today—and $lO forquo prime. Dressed hogs are more plenty. and are ted. at Oittli for soft and hard ; 1,000 bard fed bogs were sold for November delivery at 7o ; and 2,000 do for Deoember delivery at Gic. Beef is lower for old, with sales of 110 bbls at $9410.50 for new country mess, $047.25 for now country prime, s9soxsll for repao)ted Western, and sll.ooasl3 for old extra mess. Primo xoess beef continues to be inquired for, with sales of 220 tees Ohio at $22. Beef hams aro steady, with sales of 25 bids. at $13.50a510- Balton is dull, with small sales at .12a13 cents for Western and pity smoked. Cut meats continuo entirely nominal. Lard is firmer, there being a good demand for ex port to the West Indies, with sales of 170 tes and bids, at 11413 cents for ordinary to choice. But ter and Cheeso are in demand at full rates for ex port. Wutsany.—SaleS of 000 bids., to-day at 22 cents, sod last evening after 'Change, 200 bbls. were sold from store. NNW YORK STOOK EXOHANOMIiRB, novetnLer & „ . YIRST BOARD. 8000 N Y SVella '73 105 i 25 Erie Railroad 15 2000 do 10515 I 82 do 14,1 k 8600 N Y St'e 8a '74 105 x 100 do 1415 600 N YBlata Os "130100 1050 do 14 2000 Brooklyn City& 85 300 do 810 14 6000 Ohio 6s 'BO 93 270 do 141¢ 830 Reading 200 • do iOOO do 94 9000 Tenn Os '9O 70 300 do 030 31 200 do 010 311( 100 do 000 31 3000 'Virginia Ge BO 4000 Missouri 6's 71% 9000 do 72 6000 do 030 72 48 Gal & Ohio R OTX 10 do 67X 150 do 08 50 Mich Con It 44 50 do 47 200 do 72X 6000 do 1,30 72 Ti 6000 do 72m 15300 do 810 72 x 1009 do 73 8.5 40 OW Cal 8 Ts 15 80 2000 Erie A con be '7l 30 16 do . 6 do 1000 do 29 3000 Find It lot mt 90 140 M bS& Nf ft 12 2000 lind R &l mt 1000 Mich 8 Sg Fund 40 600 111 Oen bds 71,44 ii Bank of Com 83 /5 Mb Skif I prf Jek 2516 20 do 20 950 111 Con R elO 80 35 do 87 100 do ell 85 11 Clev Col dr Oki It 83 6 netropontan 131 r. 80 25 Canton Co 151( 100 do 1534 100 do 660 1534 5 Dal & 1101 Oo 95 5 do 96 202 61ev & Tol 49 Pacific AI 88 Co 76 10 0 do elO 32) 100 do . IA3O 33 350 OM & Ilk It 71 50 do 890 71 no do • zIN 30Cumbd Coal 7 100' do 7,V 380 N Y Con R 68X 408 do 084 i 666 do 66 EtMEI 100 do 510 00 100 do 7.00 do 100 do 1)30 71k .13 LaCrosse k 411110 7 109 do 100 do 1,10 7 13083 Quincy It 05 49 03 200 . do a) 08 20 do 820 68N 125 do 68% 60 do 1384 200 do MO 69 100 do WO 69 80 Ohm .k gilts cpg lON SECOND 11000 Migsourl Os 725 2000 Indiana liVe MI 14 2000 Ilud It lat mt 90 32 Mioh Southern R 1234 DO do 1234 60Cle►&To1R 5234 100 do st 3234 100 do WO 33 100 do elO 3234 12 do 33 lOW Ilatlam 13. 2d m 62% 1000 Ills Cen R b 5000 Elie M s'B3 65 6000 Erie Con , 71 10 6 NY Couß 6911 103 do 6891 90 do 09% 300 do On 09h 300 Rolullogli 14 ax 200 • do 331( 80 Inch Oen IC 60 100 do 800 99 20 Pacific MSS Co 16 100 Comb Coal 714 100 do 14 7y( 60 Panama S 60 Chi&R do IR 7 b3O 7 2 0 50 60 do 140 73 36 do CITY ITEMS. Srairr Asurrnun SUSPENSlON.—Notwithstanding the apparent fairness that has characterized the Judi. vidaals who have hitherto yielded to a current they could no longer stem, the suspension horn referred to displays not only a duplicity in the indication of it s movements, but, to coin a barbarous phrase, an actual quadrupllolty in Its facial exhibit. We allude, of course, to the old State House clock. For several days past, it hsa stood mute, with Its movements impend its tongue silent, and the hands upon its dials, if not "looking nix ways fur Sunday, , at least, point ing in very anomalous directions for the time. 'Po those whose dilapidated chronometers are hourly de pendent upon the State Ifouse for regulation, this sus pension will be a serious disadvantage. It stopped" just one day too late to be heralded in the "Indepen dent," though its position in the steeple of Indepen dence Hall will probably compensate for the dubious honors of thin (defunct) privilege. It hos not yet been announced whether the clock merely asks for an ox tendon, or whether It proposes to be "oiled." The last time we heard It strike, however, we believed it was sound. Feasibly, flue man in the steeple may have forgotten to wind it up, in which case, being unable to withstand the run," it very naturally ran down. We rather expect, however, that "time"is what it wants, awl would urge upon those who have it In their power to give It, to do so with as little delay as the present tightness of the screws will admit or, making It obligatory upon the clock at the name time that when tile time In given to it, it will hereafter have the goodness to keep It. Y. 9.--Our suggeotlen has been aotlelltted; the sig nal for "reoumptlon " has just been struck, Good! May Ito praiseworthy example ho universally followed. "CITY ITEMS !" as we exclaimed in rising from a labor of snore magnitude but lees Importance, "but what's to be the topic ?" For pity sake don't write about hard times," responded a Pages-reeding teininine at our elbow. The following topics were then suggested ea having "turned up" In the day's perambulatiorut, to wit "Shopkeepers unable to change five dollar bale," ,! ragamuffins loafing about corners with nothing to do," "plenty of cheep goods awl no money," "high Niece of marketing," 2ke., dal. The throng of fashion on our Strada end stores crowded with cash buyers, finally proved to be the prevailing theme, and certainly it is the fairest of the live. We have not only had ocu lar demonstration—which in itself might be delusive— but we have the acknowledgments of our advertisers, that there is a marked improvement in their sales—a cheering indication, surely, and one that cannot fall to have its due effect in aiding to allay the much exagge rated forebodings of the coming winter. QUITE AN EXCITE3fENT is occasioned in Chestnut street, in consequence of b run for elegant fait and winter clothing on the fashionable emporium of Clifton. Al bright, & Co., Jarne's Ball, No. 627 Chestnut street. Thin celebrated firea have in store a large stock of neatly-made and piece goods, for gentlemen's wear, which they will continue to sell at cost price. The cut ting department is under the control of the veteran John W. Albright, Esq. Importation°. (Reported for The Press.] LINERPOOL—Barque Cheater, Farrow.-00 tons iron Isaac Jeans & Co; 024 bdle do 2.1 Pedrick & Co; 120 do do J Wood & Bro; 304 do do, 40 bars do Morris & Joaea 00 . 132 bdla, 17 bers do Garrett & Son; 1,011 barn, 174 bdls do Thos It Smith, 205 tasks soda soli Ii & F 0 Toe nail; 100 tcs do P Lennlg; 40 tea bleaching powders Pow ers & Weightman; 00 casks clay 0 It Dunn; GO do china clay N Leunlg; 40do soda ash, 91 tea bloaching powders C IV Churchmen & Co; 160 pkgs earthenware 8 13 Pierce & Sons; n do do A .P Ebormom 1 pkge mdzo J T Platt & Eichottler,• 3 do do Jules Haind & Co; 1 do do Haddon, Carl & Porter; 2 do do James Smith & Co; 7 do do Leiria & Co; 0 do do T A Newhall; 4 do do It Ewing; 12 do do W Wattson & Co; 1 do do J V Cowell & Son; 1 do do Thee Mellor; odo do D Graham & Co; 2 do do A Wray & 0,,o; 16 do do Stuart & Ilro; 503 pigs lead, CO bags rags, 310 pkgs soda ash, 17 casks ammonia, 140 do bleaching powders, 25 bbls chemicals to ordar. CAPE HAYTIEN—Brig New Ere.—155.000 Pm log. wood, 504 pieces mahogony 20T bags coffee, 47 bbls salte4 peppers to Thos Wattson It Bons. ,fillarint intrllionct. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov, 6, 1557. 6 65-SIIN BETH SUN RISES.. MIL WATER SteamahiP Delaware, Copes, 19 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to Jollies Aliderdice, Jr. 811 Bombay Hook, weed brig Now Eta, from Cape Haytion, at anchor, and gar J G Collier; off Reedy Point passed barquo Cheehiro, from Liverpool, getting under way; oIT Delaware City passed barques J W Reed, from Savannah, David Lapaley. for Idatanne, and a largo barque, name unknown, upward bound; passed below Chester three harm brigs and ten sehrs coining up. Barque Cheshire, Farrar, from Liverpool Sept 21, with anise to Isaac :meg & Co. Barque J W Reed, 10 days from Savannah, in ballast to E A Souder & Co.. Brig Now Era, Walker, 10 days feom Caps llaytion, wiib logwood, &c. to Tbos Wattson & Sons. Left bug Leavitt*, Lavonder, from and for Beaton in 5 days. Bohr Im o Rich, Smith, 4 days from Now York, with anise to Crowell A Collins. Behr Sarah 41 Kent, Really, 4 days from Baltimore, with grain to Thos Webster. Jr . Schr Loosdale, Whitmore, 8 days from Boston, with rodeo to Crowell Collins.& Behr (leo Ndward, Baker, 8 days (rem Boston, in bal last to N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr John lt W rllinmeon , Smith, 5 daya from Ramp. ton, Ye, In ballast to captain, Bchr /1 1' Simmons. Barratt, 4 days from Providence, In ballast to John II White. Bohr Lillie Bounders, Williams, 4 days from Provi dence, in ballast to Wallace & Co. Bohr Restless, Smith, 3 days from Great Egg Harbor, In ballast to Wm II /ohne. Behr Ellen Cush, Cain, b days from Boston, in ballast to Noble Hammett & Caldwell. BchrJohn H /Deriver, Miller, 5 dap. from Roston, in ballast to Tyler, /Mono & Co. Behr 311 Risley, Boyce, 5 days from Boston, S. ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Julia, Barret., 3 days from Boston, in ballast to John R'Whito. ' Behr It & H Estelle, Baker, 5 days from Boston, In ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co. BohrAlary Elisabeth, Shannon, 4 days from Hartford, Conn la Whit 1,0 Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Belie' Kate Futterman, Futterman, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Tan Bacon, Norton & Co. Behr H B Bascomb, Burt, 1 day from Cape Stay, in ballast to 0 A Hecksher & Co. Bohr Lucy, Standen, 1 'day from Brandywine, with meal to Robeson Lea. Bohr Emma, Btraughn, 1 day from Now Castle, with wheat to Robeson Lea. Behr Tows lillyard, 1 day from Newport, Del, with flour and grain to Robeson Lea. Behr Wm George, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr bigle, /now, B days from Chestertown, Mori% win to sstrtey, Wilson & CO, vitEss.—PHILADELPIIIAV FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1857. actg. John W Hall, Hollingsworth,S days from Little Creek, Del, With grain to Bewley, Wilson & Behr Sarah Warren, Settle, 2 days from Little Creek, Del, with grain to Bewley It'lleon & Co. Bohr Father ant Son, Yields, 2 days from Ifortilown, Va, with grain to Jae Barratt & Son. ' fchr Delaware, Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jag Barrett & Son. Sehr Fre Ward, Till,l day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jae Barratt & Son. Steme.ing America, Virden, 7 hours from the Break water, 'without a tow. Paesedisehr Flown, from Malaga, oil the Buoy on the Brown. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Copes, N York, J Allderdiae. Behr J Smith, Boston, Rosen, Binnick. son & Bohr Ceo Edward, Baker, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bahr Juba, Barrett, Providence, 3 R White. Bohr L Saunders, Williams, Providence, Wallace & Co. Schr P Simmons, Barrett, Providence, Tyler, Stone & Co. 9ahr II dr, II Estelle, Baker, Providence, do Bahr John S Shriver, Miller, Boston, , do Bahr Ellen Bush, Cala, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Schr J II Risley, Boyce, Providence, do • Behr Diary Elisabeth, Shannon, Baltimore, do Bchr It Pullormau, Pullormau, Alexandria, Van Da m, Norton & Co. PChr N B Bascomb, Burt, Newport, 0 A Ilecksber & Co. Behr Restless, Smith, Salem, W II Johns. Str L Caw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del.. Nov. 4, 8 A M. The ship Fleetwood, bound to Cape Town. Cape of Wood Hope, was towed to sea last evening by the steam tug America. A few vessels (colliers) are going out. Nothing coming in. Wind BW—weather eool. Yours, &c, WM. M. MOICMAN. [BY TELEGRAPH.' (COrrelmondende of The P reNs.) Now YORK. Nov b. Arrived, barque Cienfuegos, from Cienfuegos, having been ashore on Colorado Reef. Tb o bailee Laura, from Tobacco, and salt Rosa, from Rio Hach°, have also arrived. MEMORANDA. Steamship Pennsylvania, Toal, sailed from Richmond 4th lost for Philadelphia. Steamship II It Beach, Ramsey, from New 'York, ar rived at Baltimore 4th lost, and cleared yesterday to Tatum. Stuainship Northern Light, Tinitlepaugh, for Havana Mid Aspinwall, nailed from New York yesterday With 000 passengors. Ship Alexander, Bain, hence, arrived at Charleston 3,1 inst. Ship parody, Todd, from Now York, at Sydney, NSW, July 30, and cleared Aug 19 for Singapore. Ship Kathny, Stoddard, for Guam, sailed from Syd ney, NSW, about Aug 9. Ship Yankee Bangor, Mama% from New York, at Sydney, NSW, Aug fl, Ship Wisconsin, Scott, milled from Sydney, NSW, about Aug 15 for Callan Ship Scioto, Alexander, from Mancha Islands, at Cal lao Sept 17, and sailed 2'2d for England. Ship Morning Glory, Hobbs, sailed from Callao Sept, 23 for England. Ship Gen IBayn4,Bachelder, from New York, May 30, at Callao Oct 1. Ship Elam, Et croft, from Melbourne, at Calla Oct 1.1 and nailed Oct S for Chinchae. Ship Charles Ward, Gould, from Boston, via Valpa raiso, at Callao Oct 10. Ship Colombia, Ewer, at Callao Oct 12, had been con. demuhd and mold, Ship Magellan, Ring, from Valparaiso, arrived at Cal dera Sept 4. Ship Marion Groan, from Boston, at Valparaiso 11th Sept, and coiled 29th for Caldera and Iquique, to load for Philadelphia and Baltimore at $l7 00 per ton. Ship Golden Fleece, Lunt, at Callao Sept 26 from Ban Francisco, and sailed 30th from Chinch' lelands. Ship iheresa, Holman, from Valparaiso, at Callao 20th Sept, and sailed Oct 4 for Chincha Islands. Ship Elvin, Andrawn, at Callao Sept 2.5 from Chinch* Inland, ' and sailed 39th for the United Staten. Ship Worthington, Alexander, nailed from Islay Sept 29 for Baltimore. Ship F p'Sage, Ingersoil, at Callao 10t1) Sept. from Chincha Islands, and sailed 18th for the Hnited States. Barque t4ary 11 Kendall, Brock, from Mobile, via Cardenas, was discharging at Matanzas 27th ult. Barque Oak, 'Ryder, hence for Boston, at Holmes Hole 4th lost. Brig Bonaparte, Tyler, hence for Boston, at Holmes Hole 4th Inst. Zebra J B Wheidon and Mary Patterson, fro,n Boston for Philadelphia, at Holmes Hole 4th inst. Schr (I- S Twitchell, hence at New Haven 4th lost. Schr II II Bishop, Booth, cleared at Now York yester day for Philadelphia. Bairn 0 A Stetson, Nye, front Boston, and Roxbury, from Portland Inc Philadelphia, at New London 3d lust Bahr Prank Herbert, Mayo, cleared at Boston 4th lust for Philadelphia. Mrs Alert, Clummion; Convert, Snowman,. L Ches ter, Somers; J B Dickinson, Wheaton, and John Magee, Magee, hence for Boston, at Holmes 8010 4th lust. Behr 11 3 Scott, Taylor, hence for Lynn, st Holmes Hole 4th inst. Behr R P Stockton, Edwards, limo at Braintree 31 inst. Behr Arctic, Jackman, from Newburyport for Phila delphia, at Hole 4th Mat'. Rchr Winnesota, Baker, hence, arrived at Milton, Male, 4th last. Schr B Prink, Doughty, hence at Quincy 24 lost. Brig Bawl French, Parritt, from Eastport, at A lexan- Sr's 3d lout. Brig Echo, King, from Richmond for Pernambuco, sailed from Norfolk 3d inst. Brig Matizanilla, Dunning, hence at Portlane 3d Imt. Schr S G King Andrews, for Philadelphia, nailed from inst. Behr 4th Behr Damon, Pitcher, sailed from Calale 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Bar B 1 . 1f Shaddlok, Williams, for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford 4th Inst. Sclera Arilia, Meekine, and Elizabeth Niermor, Par ker, hence at Georgetown, DC, 4th inst. tiebr Louisa Snow, Smith, cleared at New York 4th inst. for Philadelphia. Behr A Eldridge, Bateman ' hence at Boston 4th inst. seSchrA Simpson, Churn, from Nor Bedford for Phi ladelphia, at Nowport Bd inst, Bohr Readlngton, Clark, from Lubec, arrived at Rich mond 4th Inst. Behr 8 Washburn, Thrasher, from Woodbridge, Ns, at Taunton Mot ult. Steamer Farmer, Dennis, hence at Balthnore yester day, and cleared to retain. SfARINE 11180ELLANY. Barque Glen, at Portland from llama, spoke 12th ult, lot 31 35, long 78 48, Br barque Zanies, 15 days from Attakapas for Queenstown; 22d, tat 40 12, long 5880, Dr brig Troplo Bird, from Trinidad for klelbourno, No; 24th, /at 4118, long 88 65, brig JIMIC4 Wallace, 3 days from Machias for Porto Rico, A despatch received in Gloucester reports that eleven vessels tyeat ettore at Chiticamp on the 29th ult, as follows: Bt Lou s, Queen of Clippers, Boa Witch, Ring leader, Mart Hart, Bridget Ann, and five other Glouces ter vessels. The following additional particulars are given: Bohr Bridget Ann was out to the water's edge and sunk; Mary Mart sunk; Mary Frances rudder and stern damaged; Montosuma on the rocks, with keel out. All the above are insured at the Gloucester Mutual In surance office, except the Mary Mart, which is insured at the Gloucester Marino. Behr Henrietta, of Rockport, sunk at her anchors; insured for $2lOO at Rockport, and $l5OO at Proviacetown. NOTIOE TO MARINERS llosToir Its anon Buoss.—Notico la hereby given that the Nuns and Cons in Beaton harbor will be removed for the winter, and their places supplied with spar buoys of corresponding numbers and colors. VINEYARD SOUND AND BOREARD'a Bey Boors.—Nn. nee Is hereby given that the Nuns awl Cans w Vine yard Sound and Durtard's bey will Le removed for the winter, and their places euppilod with spar buoys of corresponding numbers and colore. By order of the Light House Board. 0, H. D. CALDWELL, Light Comm Tuepectiv, Second District. BOSTON, Nor. 9, 1837. LIG IFT-110VAE AT TOO MOUTII OF UMPQUA Riven, ORE- Cos TPOOTORY. —Notice le hereby given, that on and after the 10th of October next, a light will bu exhibited in the Light-house recently nrected on the South Suds at the mouth of Umpqua River. The light is a tacit white light of the third order of Fresno', and elevated 100 feet above mean sea leveLand is said to bo seen from the deck of any sea-going vessel in clear weather 15 nau tical or 17,1‘ statute miles. The structure consists of a keeper's dwelling of stone, with a tower of brick, white.o asbed, rising above it, and surrounded by an iron lantern, painted red..—the entire height being 92 feet. The Jatittide, iongtitude, and magnetic variation of he light, no given by the Coast Sarvey, too: Latitude, 43 deg. 40 min. 20 sec. N. Lougitude,l24 deg. 11 ruin. 5 sec. W. Magnetic variation 18 deg. 55 min. E. (July, 1851.) tiy order of the Light-house Board. HARTMAN RACAL', Afsj. Topeg , l Bag's lit. Maj. Office, Twelfth Light.house District, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 22, 1857. Pol2Eltsli PORTS, At Melbourne, Aug. 14th, whip Kitty Simpoon, Brown, and barque Tens, Ayres, for llong liong early. At Bombay, Sept. 17, wipe Flora Southard, Small, for t Moulmehr Sweepstakes, Lane; Eliza BOtlrtsll, Tinkhatn; Galatea, Barber,and A li Thompson, Small, une• Sabin°, Mende., do; John & Lucy, Miller, do; Loo•eh ' uo, Mor ton' do. Ar at Callao, Sept. 11, ship Versailles, Eldridge, San Francisco July 10; barque Couraat, (Cray, Chinch& Islands, (and old 18th for England); ship Prompt, Ni cholson, Australlo• (and old 17th for Chinch& lalands;) Emit Light, Moodily, Sydney, NM, (and old 20th for Chineha Islandto 25th, ships John Fyfe, Lawton, Chin as Islands, (and old 30th for England;) 27th, ship Star of Hope, Pearson, San Francisco, (and old Oct 4 for Ehineha lolanda, Oct. 1, ships King Fisher, Crosby, Melbourse, i nn d tld 10th for Chinch' blonds); 3d, ships Eloisa, Cart nor. Caldera, (and old Otis for Chinch& Islands); Golden Cross, Bell, Boston May 22d,• Walter Scott, Coudray, Melbourne, (and sld Bth for Chinch& Islands); 4th, chip Ganymede, Bramhall, Sydney, NSW, (and aid Bth for Chinch& Wanda.) Oct sth, ship Antoinette, AfcCormlck, (with guano, put in leaky:) Gth, ships Black Hawk Bowers, San Francisco Aug 20, (and old Otis for Chinch& Islands;) Sunshino, Fierce, Chinch& Islands; Bth, ship Sir John Franklin, Wallace, Melbourne Sid Sept 12, ships Gauntlet, Borland, Oltincha Islands; Andalusia, Fuller, do; 10th, ship T B Wales, Burr, Ohlncho Islands; 230. ship Mary Glover, (reported Pe.. ruvien ) Chase, do; 29th, ship Thrall, Hiler, England; Oct 0, ship Cowper, Stevens, Chincha Islands, Also all, supposed Sept 13 ships Gleaner, Lunt; South American, Berry, and Indian Hunter, Austin, all for Ohincha Islands. At do Oct 12, ships Versailles, Eldridge; Goo Boyne., Batchelder; Golden Grose. Bell; Charles Ward, Gould, and Sir Jan Franklin, Wallace, all f,.: the Chinch& Islands; Sunshine, Pierce, for tebr Q IV Ken. doll, Wilson, arm Ar at Valparaiso Sept 20th, ship Red Rover, Logan, San Francisco July 20; 23d, echr Emoline, Bender, Guayaquil. fild, Bent 4, barque Magnolia, Kissatn, Caldera. Bth, ship 'Wild Pigeon, Mayhew, do; lith, ship Reliance, Pose, ((rola Chincba Islands,) Dunkirk, France, At do Sept 30, Alps Forest King, Redmond. for Cal dera. and Chanaral, to load for Liverpool at £3,10 per ton; Sea Bangor, Buanham, nor; Susan E Howell, Raffle, from Callao for Englund; and others. Ar at Caldera Sept 17, barque Valetta, Graves, Tot torabilla. t b lild Sept 4, barque Kato Hastings, Kingman, for Tal cahuano and Boston;osth, barque Magnolia, Klnsam, for Eaposa and Port 'Cobra, to load ore for Baltimore; 17th, barque Elmwood, Bastion, Boston, At Elide Island, Aug 21, ship °omit, Argult, loading guano for New York—wan half loaded and was gettlug from 30 to 40 tons per day, Oh! from Bolder& 11th ult, barque Isabella, Cobb, Elsinore. Ar at Alicante Bth ult, barque Paendl, (not Alendi Bryant, Now York. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, Nov. 6.—Arrived—Neap brgLOlliatt Au gusta, Maresca; brig B 8' Nash, White, Cardenas: schrs Harriet Neal, Hanscom, Aux Cayes; Wassehiakon, Leek, Norfolk, Vu; Alliance, Ponnington, Plymouth, N C; It 9 Johnson, Walter, Darien; 0 A Crook, Aka. ham, Alexandria, Va; Soloman Andrews, Puttrnau, Washington, NC. Cleared—Ship Eastern Star, Henry, New Orleans; barltuo Montauk, Lincoln Galveston; brig Princess Royal, Bermuda; swims llenrico, Whipple, Richmond; Pearl, Westervelt, Pattoreonviile; D 0 Hula°, Brown, Savannah. Sailed—U 8 surveying ear Boteditch. Budd, for Key West via Charleston. BOSTON, Oct. 4 —Arrived—Br brig Grand Turk, Leadley, Kingston, J; brig Paunie, Andrew, Alexan dria. Cleared—Ship Rising Sun, nolfleld Mobile; bargnee Wild Gazelle, mew, of Beaton, 490 'one;) John Hum phrey, Alexandria, Egypt; Nevada, Percival, Trieste; Fountain, Keller, Havana; Ellen ernard, Brown, Mo bile; echo Emma V. Cook, Connives; Leo, Percival, Jeemel; Mary Cleveland, Goodrich, Cape Hanlen. Cleared, yesterday, barque A CI IdCl , A Vianetto, • . Palled, steamship Imo" (about I P 1k1;) ships Ris ing Bun, Edith Rolle; barque A a 11111; brig Ellen Ber nard. HOLMES' norm, Nov 4.—Arr barquo Eventide, Par tridge, Wilmington , NO, for Boston ; brig Whitaker, Berry, Alexandria for do sclera Hampton, Eddens, Fredericksburg for do; S Ii Bailey, Whirlew, and Tri dent, Snow, Alexandria for do. Mary A Shropshire, Shropshire Richmond for do; ' Beauchamp, Bowfin!, Norfolk for do; Rebecca Knight, Endicott, Alexandria for Roxbury; E Williams, Buckliu, Richmond for Palm Johneon, Bartlett, Boston for Richmond; W Gre gory, Ductile, Rockland for Richmond. 10 A M— In port, the above arrivals; also brigs Eliza Ann, reps; 0 A White, William Crawford; W Barter, from Darien for Boston; Montrose, Brookline; ochre W P Fhillipe, Niger, Mariner, James P Cake, Merlin (Br), Saunders Emily Bowler , Hudson, Ocean Wave, wort Bonoolti Brut, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL 110TFI9. Up 10 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD nousg—Oheatuut street,between Bth & 9th. C F Morse, N r It F Dooley, Balt IT N Oambrit, lid J A Curtin, N Y 1' P Flint, Boston 'i 0 W IVoodruff, Nlt John McKelanea, it Y E CI Pearl, Nashville GA Ripley, U El A " Dr Wood, ti 9 A 8 T Sbaeff, Norristown Mrs Wood R Kinatien, Pa 8 A Allen, Trenton, N J A 9lnnickaon, N J J R Drags, Balt Spencer Hubbard, Utica. I' A. Gate & ta. N Y Wail Gaither. Somerset R S Withers N Orleans Jae White, N Y I Painter , Westmoreland co Jeremiah Kyle, Va J B Elmer & niece, Oa Jos Stevens & la, Balt 9 W Baker, Pro', R I VIT W Judd, N Y 9 L Harris, N Y Lewis Webb, Newborn, N 0 0 A lieldshlp, N Y Mra It 0 Clerennis, N Y II Henderson & la, Bath 0 Spencer, Hartford Miss Henderson, Bath T II Meetings, N Y B S Weller. Jr, Tenn Joe Winthrop, Charleston Pollard Webb, Washington J . AI Campbell, Bait K El Hollins, Balt K. It Ingram, Balt , Mr Holt & la, Louisville R 0 McCrea & la, Brooklyn J Round, Prov, It I Thos Charlton, Beaton Oren Smith& la, Balt Ohm Roaaire, N Y P 8 (lapin, N Haven A J IleWhirter, Nashville R Campbell, Balt Wm Atwater, I'a J 8 De Witte, N Y W Crew. St Souls I W Rushmore & la, N l' T F Milieu:lan N 0 Chaa to Allen & la, N Y II J Drown & la, N Y Max Strakesh, N Y A Johnaton, N Y Jas Potter Brown, N Y H 8 IYetmore, Tenn A /I Harris, N Y E 0 Read, Indiana B Babcock, Troy, N Y 0 B Knudson, N Y Wm F Anderson, St Louis J V Brown, St Louis L 11 Benedict, West Troy A 'Welsh, Washington /I Trumbull, N V II 9 Masterton. N Y John W Mott, N Y W D Culbertson, N Y MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. 31 Arnold, N Y II W Smith, Ohio 3 U McCauley, Ohio J Ileyer, Connecticut A &nigh, Pittston Saint SeMpvick, Preen co 31 Ilannum, Allentown M Stromider, Urea. co Wm E Potableday, It Y Cilia Irwin, Clearfield Henry Kennedy & la, Pa' .1 Jenkins Race , la, Phi/ Mien 0 Ross, Phila Master Walter Ross Phila W P Claybrook, Mo II E Leman, Lancaster 11 11 McNair, Washington J E Cowell, Mt Joy Henry Kurtz. Mt Joy Hen 3 5 Yost, Ps JR Farnsworth, Mass J 0 Crean, WM War Acitre, Wog tireero7 . o L P Potter, N Y C E Buck, Easton .laeol , Coffman, Pa Jammi l'' McNeal, Pa Payne Pettebooe, Pa AMERICAN 110TEL—Chestnnt street, above girth. 0 W Getty, Washington Chandler, Washington Jae TI Sltlegrove, N Y A M Ramsdell, Ohio lig II nem, Pittsburg J II Curtis, Philo John B Denson, Penns Robt 0 Benson, Parma Mrs I Leamiug & de, N I Henry 0 White, Wash L 8 Sampson, Boston IC B Sampson, Boston 0 0 Burr, Now York Walt Jackson, Now York Sawa 0 Preston, New York Hugh McGinnis, New York A Barrett, New York (leo Upright, Conn N D Waterman, New York N Rixford, Conn John Dickson, D 0 II C Streot, Now York J A Thompson, Now York B W Randall, Mlle M Noyes, New Jersey A II Van Ling, Now York Wm Miller, Penna Dr Sappington, md W D Whiting, Mau 111)eq, Providonoe,R V W Burwell, Norfolk, Vs J Meekechney & lady, Md (I B Smith, Philn G W Reynolds, New York UNION MOTEL—Aroh street. below Fourth. 110503 Swentzer, Maas II Pomertue, PB. It II Thompson, D O John litre, Ouorget'o, D 0 Jos Zigman, Reading Thos E Richards, Ohio J Spaulding, Ohio J CI Reading, N J WII Brackett A la, Nl7 11 Button, England If Shotwell, England It J Newell, Ohio Minty Storm, Ohio J 8 Striker, Ohio A M Moss, Ohio John West, Norristown 8 T Shunt, Norristown Capt F A Neville, Phila Jobe 8 Belle, Easton A Miller, Easton Win Mintzer, Pottstown 0 W llousel, Easton Win IL Wood, Easton W Wilson, Ohio STATES UNlON—Market street, abovo Sixth.. Jno P McOarkey, Lancaster 0 Ilabuker, Lancaster co Idles E Stouffer. Lancaster co Muni B Newcomer, Lane co Miss St Mann, Lancaster co E Mbar, Lancaster 0 A Schoffner, Marietta 8 T Reynolds Maryland Rich $. la, Baltimore Jun Turner, Ohio StorrettOloctomtate MADISON llOUSN—Second stint, above DlArkot. .Too II Mono, Md Mrs Menu, Md Jon Philips, New York Ml' Harmer. New York BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Callowhill, Chas Helfrich, Kutztown • Jacob Hutb Sumneytown Jacob II Dayaber, Reading Action H Replier, Reading ilenoevtllo Fisher, Pa Geo Kenter, Dauphin co John Price, Ducks co, Pa Henry J Light, Lebanon co NATIONAL MOTEL—Pace ;drawl, above Third, dMaritior i Harrisburg Wm II Dander, Baltimore Walter Smith, N J James S Richards, N Thou H Wilson, Pa Moses Mollie°, Vs S Kauffman, Tamaqua Miss M Heiser, Ashland,Pa F T James, Reading GeoK Rood, Lancaster Saml Lewis, Allentown Henry 0 notes, Easton J Comly, Chestuut 11111 Geo W Morgan, Pottsville 00l Thos Watson, Batton 0 etimiii hivernooll, M W Minivan, P 4 Doloe, Wilkesbarre H S Itockmnr, Easton BLACK BEAN INN—Fifth end Merchant. B Stephenson, Penn& If Lamborn, Inviter co Stephen Webb, Chester no Chas 0 Webb. Chester co 0 0 Caufraus. Lancacter John Whidoei, ad co LOVI Skew*, York co Thos J North. Chester co Chas 0 Worth, Cheater co Warner, Faison J D Mershbank, Chester co W A Traker, Penns Wm D thus, Pottstown Jl3 Molauy, Chester co base Thomson, Chester co Zpecial Notices saving rand—rive Per Cent. Interest—Na Moral Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south west Isomer of Tama Street, Pumannetiss.., Open daily MI 7 o'clock, and on MONDAY and THURSDAY Erasmus till 9 o'clock. Deposits received and pay. meats made dolly. Assets Invested in Rost. Davave, )40RIVAORS, GROUND RESTS, and other firet-clue securi ties, as the charter directs. nob From 6.4ction. JDU RIIICECIM, i 1.07 or TINH VELVET • CARPETING% TO TM SOLD AT S g CENTS A YARD. DAILY A BROTHER, CARPET STORE', ND, 920 CHESTNUT Stroot, above Ninth Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 623 WALNUT BT, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. GEO. J. lIENKEL'S, 1e24 WALNUT Street, tete of 113 Chestnut Street. 3 110kBOU, JOB PRINTER, EIBROUANT °hooka, Notes, Drafts, Dills lading, Biit Heads, Cir cular., Neil, and all otbor kinds of Job Printing, at prim to suit the times. ocl7-/y Seamen's Having Fund— Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street, Receives de. posits to aims of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of 11e per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon- day and Baturday until 9 to the evening, President Yranklin Yell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morrie; Reece tary, James B. Pringle. Buffalo Robes-100 Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualities, Just received from Minnesota. Also a hauddonis absortiaeut or Fancy Robes of our own uninufacture, and for sale wholesale and retail by GEO. F. WOMIIAIII, 4W Arch Street. ootl2-lm A. T. Chur, STOOK, LOAN, AND DILL DROICEN, No. 218 GOLD St., below DOOK. City and State Loans, Stocks, &c., bought and sold on coniuthalou at the Stock Board daily. Notes, Bina, bce,, negotiated as heretofore. oc3o•lwk Bawer , ' Infant Cordial,—This Invaluable Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable "ruditative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure le effeated in all cages of Chair, windy gains and spasm. Believes and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti- tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trap• gentiles pales of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, tte. Phe Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant sumac No family should be without it. Prepared only by Hamar A. Bowsa, At hie Drug and Chemical Ptore, N. X. corner of Sixth and Omen eta., Philadelphia. To wboul all adore meet be Addressed. dud for sale by Druggiete generally. au 13.1 y atarnanto On the sth Inst., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, !LARRY HARRISON, of New York, to EMILIE, dough ter of the late Joseph T. Bailey, Esq., of this city. On the 3d inst., at the Parsonage, in Woodbury, by Rev. G. R. Snyder, ALWERTUS WARD, of Gloucester city, late of Sierra county, California, to TAIIIZEN S. COOPER, of Gloucester city, N. J. (California papers please copy.) At the Palls of Schuylkill, on the 3d inst., by Rev. N. Judson Clark, Mr. JOSEPH WARTENBY to lilies ISA RELLA BERRMIRE, of the above plaoo. On the Sti teat , by Rev. C. J. Thompson, JOSEPH S. RILES to Miss OLIVIA STINE, both of this city. iiileatbs At ManayunkA3il lust , Mrs. BRIDGET KUHN, In the 21st year other ago. On the 3d lest., MARIA. ANNA, wife of Martin Stef fan, In the 47th year of her age. On Tuesday, 3d Inst., MARY, infant daughter of Thos. and Annie Taylor, aged 2 years and 3 months. On the 3d Inst., Mrs, CAROLINE GAMESTER, lu the 40th year of her age, On the 4th Met., Mrs. MARY PEARSON, wife of Imo Pearson in the 37th year of her age. i On the 4th net., SARAH MARGAIIIa tiOIJKLER, aged IA years and 6 mouths, wife of Edward 11. Davis. On the 4th icuit, WILLIAM MeOLEARY, son of Woe. and Maria McCleary, aged 7 years and S months. On the 4th lust., WM. HENRY, son of John and Mar. garet Taggart, aged 20 months, In Camden, on the 4th inst., EMBLINE A., only daughter of Charles A. and Mary Z. Bender. ID Sloth Ward... The Committee on Plan for a "RELIEF ASSOCIATION' , hero performed their duty, and Gail on their fellow.mitizens to assemble at the 'Vigilant Rail, RACE Street, below Second TIIIS (Sri day) EVENIAG, at 7 o'clock, to receive their report and perleet the organisation. JOHN MOHARIN, Chairman. EDwllt Eliaturert , Secretary. nog:Ito 113 'West Philadelphia Passenger Hallway COMPANY, Oftlce No. 410 WALNUT Street. At the annual election, held November 3, 1857, the following gentlemen wore elected Directors for the en• suing year: Samuel A. Harrison, ' Richard Biondi% George H. Mart, John P, (truss, William Ketchline, At a autoneoent meeting CONSTANT I.I4AICIN wi JOSEPH DUNOAN, Secrete noo-1t Attest: Ji Charles G. Imlay, John C. Mitchell, William W r ight, James Mcltrain. of the Board or Directors, as elected President, and ry and Treaaurer. OS. DUNGAN, Secretary "' Mercantile Beneficial Association off EttILADELPIIIA.—The annual meeting of the Associ ation will be held on TUESDAY, November 10th, at 4 o'clock R. M., at their room N. W. corner of SEVENTH and SANSOU Streets, at which time the Annual Report will be submitted, and an election held for Managers for the ensuing year. to consequence of the great financial distress which has fallen upon our city, and the apprehension that the demands upon the funds of the Association may be greatly Increased over previous years, the Board o Managers have decided that it be inexpedient to incur the expense of holding a ?MAO ANNIVERIURT at this time. WM. (I LUDWIG', President. Philadelphia, Nor. 2, /L 057. , nos _ for' issuasee ON Urn AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, PHIL/ DELPHIA, November 2, 1857. NOTICE is hereby given, that a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company him been called by.the Board of Directors, (under the provisions of the seventh section of the act of the General Amembly of DID State, entitled "An Act providing for the lteaumption of Searle Payments by the Banns, end for the Relief of Debtors," approved on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1657,) to be held at the 0111ce of the Corporation, on THURSDAY, th e twelfth day of November, A. D. 1857, at 11 °week A. Al., for the purpose of taking into consideration the 8038 1 48 nce Or provision of the said let. By order of the Board, nos4t WILLIAM 11. MILL. Actuary, 'Union Canal Bonda::-Holdera of Mort gage Bonds of the Union gama Oompahl, not lAtereated In the cru:don or preferred' etOck of aafd C9elldspy, ore requested to meet et the OIRARD HORSE, on Mm- DAY EVENING, Nov. eth, at a o'clock. uotl-4t MANY BONDHOLDERS. lIT Notice,—Union Benevolent Association.— Laving beau intormed theta Society, called the UNION BENEVOLENT 8001 En, bee collectons calling upon citizens for subscriptions, this le to Inform the public that said Society has no connection with the UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOOIATION, N. W. corner IMP END' and BANSOM streets. The Collectors for the latter are SAMUEL 0. 000 - Eli, for the section of the city south of CILESTNCre street and W. J. SIMON, for th e section north of that line. The above Collectors will Immediately commence their work, and the urgency of the ease of the poor at this thus is deemed sufficient reason for their early Application. They will be provided with books certi fied by the President and Secretary, and no person in ottthorized to receive subscriptions without thiopartlft onto, except the officers at the Association. CHAS 8. WORTS, President. JO7lll IL ArwoOD, Secretary. oc24.ifod3w Ire Union Benevolent Aaaoelatlon.—At the annual meeting of the UNION BENEVOLENT ASSO CIATION, held at their Hall on Tuesday Evenlag Oct 20. 1857, the following gentlemen were elected Milner, for the ensuing year, Viz Preeldent—CHAßLEB S. WtIRTS. Vice Presidents—OFlAßLEB EVANS, hi. 8., RICH ARD D. WOOD. Treasurer—EDMUND wilco R. Corresponding Secretary—J. FISHER LEAMIRG. Recording Secretary--JOllli 11. ATWOOD. MANdOtall. Benj. Coates, Benjamin Orne, Matthew W. Baldwin, John W. Claghorn, John l'arnuto, Thomas Watteau, S. Austin Allibons, John D. Taylor, William Al. Collins, F. Ratchford Starr,' , Thomas Latimer, 8. Morrie Wain, John Bohlen, Zebalon Locke, William Purcell, Joeepb U. Dulles, L. Montgomery Bond, William ' Arthur G. Coffin, John H. Harper. 0c24-rod2w NOTIOE.-011ESTNUT STREET Blum PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the Diver Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at. the DEPAFITNIENT SUE; VETS, City Duilding , FIFTH Street, below Wetoot, until the errand day of January, 108. Said Bridge to be of the following dimensiona, without any pier, or with not more than one pier in the water-tray ; the materiels of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by Are, Distance between abutments... 386 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not lean than.. 42 Elevation above low water 37 .f For an arch the springing line should aot be less than eleven feet above low water. The Plana and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditiona specified in the ordi nance & Commas, approved November 2d, MI, as fol lows, via; Samos 2. That all plane and estimates to be received by the Chief Ilogineerand Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding murk thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved iMall have been selected, StaTioN 3. That alt such plans and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a COMMiII6IOII consisting of three civil engi neers, who, lit conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plans by thorn preferred. Ehtoriox 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highways, upon a certificate presented awl signed by the Ohief Engineer and Surveyoi, to 'issue warrants in payment of the coat of the aforesaid adver tisements, and also in favor of theee parsons who may have presented the three Om preferred by said liant mission ; to the drat in point of merit, the cam of SIM to the monad, 5250, and to tho third $100; said warranu M be charged to Item No, 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, &0., for the year 1057, approved March 10, 1057.1 For further Information, or for cross section of river, address • STItItIaLAND HNNASS, Mier Hugh:tear and Surveyor Olty of PtiHada, nols4ltjan3 .POTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE IT AND COUNTY OP PLIILADELPHIA. Vtsl. 11. DOWERS, et al., to nee. &c. i es. GIDEON D. lIARMEIt Alias June, 1857, Ns. 549. The auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund meant( from a sale under the above writ, of the following real estate, via; All that certain messuage, tenement, and lot or piece of ground. situate In tier tuantowp, on the eoutheastwardiy side of Rittenhouse street, at the distance or four hundred and seventy feet nine Inches southwestward!y from the southwest aide of the main street, containing in front or breadth on said Rittenhouse street thirty feet, and extending In length ordepth that width, between parallel lines, at right angles therewith, southeastwardly, two hundred feet pine inehee (with the Improvement's thereon), will attend to the duties or his appointment at his office, No 142 S. Street, (west Bide ) on THURS DAY, November lath, 1837, at 4 o'clock P. It., wheui and where all persons are required to present their claims or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. ji no5•10t JOHN D. QtIiL,AIIAN, Auditor. ►VINO THREE-STORY BRICK. DWELL INOS, AMBER Street, south of Dauphin at, On TIMSDAY, November 10th, 183 T, at 7 coclotk De the evening, will Do aold at patina sale, at the Phtlx delphis Exchange— No. 1. All that three-story brick messnage, and lot of ground, situate on the vent aide of Amber street about 61 feet 0 inches Routh of Dauphin street (late Northern Liber tine); containing iu front on Amber swot 14 feat 10.54 Inches, and extending in depth 67 feet to a $ feet wide alley leading Into and from eald Dauphin street, with the free use and privilege thereof, No. 2, All that three - story brick messuage,lll.lll lot of ground, adjoining the above, of name Ain and description. ID' Both the above clear of all hicumbrance. Terms cult. $2 to be paid on each at the time of sale. M. TIIOIIIAS & SONS, Auctlouoers, notobt lap and 141 (formerly 67 and OW S. Itoarth st. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--WE here, THIS DAY, admitted Mr. JULIAN 0. LRYY as a partner In our firm, and will continuo our Mufineas under the seam style az herelofero. D. SALOMON Jr. CO. Philadelphia, November 5, 1851. nos-31* COPPER—Lake Superior Ingot, for Hale by WIC U. WOODWARD Ze CO., nos-.ltr 61C Market street. IZlry eaortis GREAT REDUCTION. AVRNISGING GOODS L. J. LEVY & CO Ilea th:s day wade a great reduction In prices of their neh and extensive stock of FURNISHING GOODS, Coinprisiug— IMOUATELLES, DAMASKS, LACE CURTAINS SHADES, CORNICES, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, &o. Jun opened, a choice tot of RICH SATIN CURTAINS AND EMBROIDERED CLOTH CURTAINS. nob-3t 426 CHESTNUT ST. HEAVY BROWN COTTONS. One Thousand Bales SUEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, EMI= Lkwitviom MANUFACTURING. COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, tINDIAN MATO AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING ['OHTANI', Of their various widths and styles, which aro offered for sale for firet•claxa forkper,on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., nO4-Itn 39 LETITIA SIItEET pARIS EIEBROIDERIES. J.LEVY & CO., ARE NOW °MEMO TIME ENTIRE IMPORTATION Of ELECANT PARIS EMBROIDERIES AT AND UNDER POST. not 1w 426 CHESTNUT STREET LAI)IES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, Jr. G. MAXWELL it SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, Tour doors below Eleventh And 315 0. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES =Noe. 95 and 9> GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Ordeca made at a few bon& notice. ee22 4ml! JOIIN B. STRYKER, Ja., • Wholesale Dealer to MIGNON DRY GOODS, No. 12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. ootl-2m Itloitcp. AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS ADIERIOAN GOLD IND NEW YORK FUNDS, BOUGIIT AT TUN 11101JEB1 PRTAIIIIII BY NEW YORK Ex cheep 3 ti a 4 prem. BOSTON Exchange 3 4 prem. BALTIMORE Exchange RX a 3X ;Bet. INAMERICAN II OLD 33 s prom DREXEL k CO B. & B. SCHELL'S CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, S. E. CORNER 02 TENTH AND VINE STREETS, PIIILADELPHIA. Where every varioty of ?if ARBLEIIINi'II LS, TOMBS, DIONUSIENTS, TABLE TOPB and FLOORING, can Le supplied upon reancinaLle terms. au24:tufilin MANILLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR MA LTA. NILIA BORN, inandfactured and for sale by WEAVER, NITLER..k. 00., 0,01-11 Nn 24 N Watwr at . andr2l R USSIA 00/thmo.—a superior ankle, meaufactitre aud for sale by W E AVER, VITIANS k CO., an s-tr Nn. 29 N. Water fit, k 92 N. 22kurvou. ROSIN.-500BARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROSIN, to arrive par fichainer net Formal. by DIARTIN - Ic IdAOII,INTER, 119 North Water etmat fIOTTON-100 bake 'Gulf Cotton, in more V eta for We by MARTIN a MACIALISTSR, enl tla North Wator Shoot FLOORING BOARDS-28,680 foot Caro bah &ming Nara, atlont j fors ae by BLUITIN & BIAOALIBITR 119 North w.f... RtPl4l.* G,LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO 1 " WALI4IIT et., t tnw prow: .n 11M OSer-17 bales Carolina kbi Moss, tor sue by AIITIN AOALLSTER, lig North Water Stmt. Balm 'bp THOMAS & SONS, ,LY,II, Nov. It 9 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STELIZT r , • (Formerly Noa. 67 aid rm.) • . • t REAL ESTATE, REOOE,S, &a. Publio Sales at the Philadelphia 'Exchange evilly Tuesday Evening. hWs • ilandhills,of each property toned separately, 1u addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous .to each late one thownind catalogues In pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the propertyto be sold on the following Tuesday. ' ' ,laW FURNITURE SALES AT TU AUCTION tilt= every Thursday morning. REAL %BUTE AT PRITAT2 SALE. ((7' we hare a large somas of heal Estate et PA. Tat. Bale, Including oral description of City and coustry property. Prlutmi Lista may be had it the sinetlou Store. „ . '. • PRIVATE! 84.11 MUSTER. 07 .- Rest Estate entered On oar Private gas Be `Tutor, 1,, 0 advertised euutudouellY In our Publie Sae Abet/ante, (or which 1,000 sepias aro printed wallah) free of charge. STOCKS AND LOANS. On Tuaaday %waning , . ' „ November 10th, at the Philadelphia Exchange, at 7 o'clock, will be mold, for account of whom a may con cern— *2.000 eii per cent. Coupon Bond. of the 'Wyanstott Coal Company, payable Janixasy let, 1572, with interest payable half yearly. $16,000 01110 AND PICKNA. RAILROAD CO. Also, without reserve, toe account of whom it way concern, 16 Coupon Bonds s sl,ooo each, Ohio and Penn eYlvatila Railroad Bends, due In 181 d, interest 7 per Cent, payable May and November. Known as the Alle gheny Bridge Loan. Also, without reeerre, 5 shares Stock of Company for erecting Bridge 'over the Schtrylkill war the 1414. Yar $5O, FOURTEENTH• FALL BALE-10TH NOVBII_IIIIB This vide W 1111041,0 among other gropertg t the fol lowing • Two VALUABLE LOTS. TWENTIETH - ETEEEE; SPRING GARDEN STREW''; NINETEENTE ST., ANN MONTI:BY STII.E.Er I --3.'isiaiblei lot, N. N. cor ner of Twentieth end lifonterg streets. Valuable lot N. W. tinter 'Nineteenth lad Spring Gaiden Streets, TAVERN AND nwEttrsa..—llaiee-story brick tavern and dwelling, north side of Hamilton .treat, east of Seventeenth street. POROMPTORY SALO. • TIIREE-STORY BRICK L.WEII, BEER SALOON— Three•story lbrlek Leger Beer Saloon and Dwelling, NO. 818 Apple street, between Fourth and York avenue and Brown end Poplar streets, THRBR•BTORY BRICK GROCERY STORE AND DWELLlNG—Threewtory brick Grocery Wry sad Dwelling, No. 870 Apple atreet. Sale absolute. ' - TIIREE•STORY BRICK DWELLING, CK*DEN BT. "ihree.story brink dwelling', No. "MO Ogden street, ;north side)!!!!trawnelflb.,thd.Thirta!nthatresste. DWELLINGS, AMBER STREET. 2 three•story brick dwelllogs, Amber street, sontl, of Dauphin street, (late Northern Liberties.) A yearly ground rent of $2O, secured by a lot of &retina, North Second ►treet,between llontgowerg and Elsa streets. ItIBTZENTH TALL BALE--Ing NOVNIIHA IX Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of &lintel D. Alameda, Deceased. NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH' STREET.--The neat modern residence, with hack buildings, No. 412 douth Eleventh street, below Pine street. - Administrators? Bale—Estate of Riehard Plum, Dee'd. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOUT BIXTERN MILES FROM MARKET STRRRT, AND TUBER FROM BRISTOL. Our sale let December will Include the valuable country seat and farm, 10T acre,, With superior Improve ments, known u ' , Farley." situate on the heights, on the west side of Neshamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. Pail particulars in handbills. • Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Ponrth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. On Saturday morning, At 11 o'clock, at the mutton store, two oases superior Getman Plower Roots, comprising the usual assort• meat. SALE OF A ILEX/10AL LIBRARY. On SatUrday Evening, Nprember 7, at the Auction Store, will be sold a Medical Library. Also, an assortment of new Medical Works. ' Porparticulars ace Catalogue of the books. which will be arranged for essunlnationon Saturday morning. Sale West Philadelphia. ROUSEROLD FURNITURE, FIANO-FORTII, PRIMAL CARPETS, &c. - On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the 3 N corner of Chestnut and Park atreeta West Philedelphia, the household furni ture. piano-faros, imperial carpets, An., of a lady leer. lag the city. May be examined at B o'clock en the morning of sale. Salo N 00.139 sad 111 South Fourth Street. 811PRItIOU VIIRKETIIPX, PINE ROSEWOOD PIANO ,FORTES, MIRRORS, SUPERIOR CARPETS, 100. On Th ursday Idortthig, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, 'a large saeortment of second-hand furniture, piano -tortes, ntrrors, cargete 3 Lc c., from families declining housekeeping. Sale No. 1224 Spruce street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, PIANO-FORTE, MIRRORS, FINE ENGLISH OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, CURTAINS, lIANDSOME GAS CHANDELIERS, &a., &c. On Ftiday Moroing, 13th inst., at 10 o'clock, by catsloine, at No. I=4 Spruce street, below Thirteenth, the entire household furtuture, &e,, of a gentleman declining housekeeping. May be elsrolood at 8 o'clock on the looming of sale. , Sale No. 1017 Walnut street. STOOK OF SUPERIOR FORNITORK. On Monday morning. Nor. 10th, at 10 o'clock at No. 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, the entire stock of John Duress, de dialog business on account of ill health, comprising a general assortment of drawing-room furniture, vari bus styles and coverings, superior chamber and dining room furniture, superior bookcases, &0., all =nu f.setured in the boat manner, expressly for private sales and warranted. jj:/- Catalogues three (lays previous to sale. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Cuatmo House, between Ifourth sad Pitch streets. . . OA.IID.—We Invite the early and particular attention of pnrchasers to the peremptory eaten( the most eaten sive end 'rateable stock of fare, for and gents' wear, carriage and sleigh robes, &c ever offered at auction, to be nude at our dere, this (friday) morning, commencing at 11 o'clock, precisely, by order of the Aasignee. The whole are now arranged for eramlnation wrth catalogues, and are confidently recommended LI the best articles In the market. Aasignee's lisle of a Largo Account. SPECIAL BALE OF A LARGE AND VALUABLE 001ISIGNIIIENT OP SPLENDID AND FMB:Ma:A BLE PUBS FOR LADIES , AND GENTS' WEAR. SLEIOII AND CANRIAGE ROBES, ace. This Morning, • Commencing at 11 o'clock, precisely, we will sell with out reserve, the most elegant essortmeitt of tars tar mat gents' wear, offered at suction this Beason.lncluded will ho found. Hudson Bay Company's foible carriage capes, muffs, pelerines, victorines, half capes, ladies' and gents' gauntlets, gents' cape, gents' collars, cuffs, AC., made in the latest style of beaver, Roseau Atch, Siberian squirrel, Bohemian Ateh, sinana'down, ermine,stone martin . , chlnehilli, mynx. sable, ail roe martin American Atah, French sable, brown myna, do SLEIGHAND CARRIAGE ROBES. Also, 20 large-sise sleigh and carriage robes, made of wolf, foX, buffalo, tiger, genet, bear, and Neal skins The whole will be arranged for examination with cata logues, early on morning of sale, when the ladies aad gentlemen of this city and vicinity are respectfully in vited to attend. Amusements MADAME LOLA 14101V - TEZ Will give her celebrated Lecture, on BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, AT TILE MUSICAL FUND GALL, • oat SATURDAY EVENING, November Y. Admittance 25 cents. nee.3t* ERMINIE FREZZOLINI'S LT First appearance in Philadelphia. U. STRAKOSCIL has the honor to sal:mance that EILMINIE FILEZZOLINI Will give in this city her FIRST GRAND CONCERT, ON MONDAY EVENING November 9th, At the MUSICAL FOND NALL. [nova-et AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A. MARSHALL Sole Lessee BENEFIT MAT/JEWS: ,TIIIS (Friday) EVENING, Nov. eIE, 1957, Will be presented the Comedy, arranged In Three Acta entitled THE BUSY BODY hlstplot, Mr. O. Mathew. • Sir Frauds Gripe, Mr illehlugs; Sir George Airy, lir. Daly;tranda, lltss C Dialling.; Patch, lira. John Sefton To be follow.* by the Farce. entitled TRYING IT ON. Mr. Walaingbam Potts Mr. Charles Mathews; Mr Jobstook, Mr. A'Bocket Jobstock, Mrs. Silsbee, Fanny, Men. Proctor. Coucludlng with the Urea of the DOUBLE•BEDDED ROOM. Mr. Dulcimer Pipes, Mr. Chapman; Major Minus, Mr Showell; Mrs. Deputy Lomax, Mrs. John Satan. PRICES Of ADMISSION : Balcony, 'Parquet, bud 'Parquet Circle 50 touts Penally Circle and Amphitheatre 25 " Private Boxes SS Seats secured without extra charge. TIIO3. Id LEON Treaaurer. Door. open X before '1 o'clock; performance will cam mance at TX. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE. W. WHEATLEY. Sows or PRlCZlL—Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 2$ cents; Seats in Private Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 68 cents. Box Wilco open From 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Boors will open at ti,tg o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. J. Si. B. ',VUITTON Treasurer. TLIIB (Friday) EVENING, Nov. 6th, 1657, Last night of the New Play, with entirely new acenery, dresses, he , entitled the QUEEN OF SPADES. Ragan Nelidurf, Mrs. E. L Davenport; Olga, Miss Anon Cruise; Princess Beresins, Mrs Tannehill; Ivan, Mr. Dolman; Prince Idoskan, Mr. Visalia. ro conclude with the Nautical Drama, entitled BLACK-EYED SUSAN. William, Mr. E. 1,. Davenport; Capt. Crosotree, Tannehill; Susan, hire. N. L. Davenport. .—L - 17VALNUT STREET TREATREes see, Mr. N. A. Marshall; Stage Manager. Sir. John Sefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents ; Secured Pests, 37 ii cents; Private Dux and Orchestra Beats, fiti cents. Box Office open from 0 o'clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 63i o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. BENEFIT OF MR. CIIANFRAU. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Nov. 6th, 1857, Will he presented the highly successful play of LINDA, THE CIGAR GIRL; Or, 'Mose Among the Conspirators, Moss Morrison, Sir. Changan; Edward Bradley, Mr. prink; Marry Russell, Sir. Beach; Linda, Mrs. John Siosn ; Biddy Scanlan, Mr. John Sloan. .fitter which. a Scene from the STAGE-STRUCK BARBER. Clip, Mr. Claufrau; Jane Chatterly, Mrs Jobe Sloan; Mrs. Rattleton, Mrs. Hickey. Concluding with the Popular Drama, celled O'FLANUIAN AND THE FAIRIES. -Phellm °Mulligan, Mr. Chat:lran; Jack,Mr.liemple; Mary Reiner), Mrs. Stoneall. riarguy , B VARIETIES— FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. NOME —SAM A6nwowurs BENEFIT will take place on THURSDAY, November sth. The Programme on this ocess,on wilt comprise Toes' and Instrumental Concert bj the Excelsior Regttlar Company, Dy Messrs. Magilton, Dunbar, Donaldson, and Crosby. PRODIOWC B OEMS OP ETHIOPIAN ART By blears. Crosby, Billy tord. Tbomas, Enoch, and Jim Pan MOLE AO LL ND E DOUB 11198 LE DANCES COL ES by wu.s. L. F and FANNY . To conclude lab Cie Amusing Atterpiece or BOX AND IRIX. Characters by Fanny Coles, Billy Thomas, and Jim !Sanford, Commencing atha U M:teat 7. Admission remains at 10 tents. noe4.2t* SANFORD'a OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at T o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance gd cent/. Ethiopian We Illustrated by Sanford , " Troupe of Stars—New DlLlgiall by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUVRABLIA ATTSEPIKOR. ' - ` --- OdUrlrghlrthnv JAMES A. FREER AN',- AtOPIONEEII, NO. 2 2 WALNUT ILTATZT libor• FOURTH. OtkliD-41AIN og nounanahrurfuss—ras• pa' We ben !ease to Infant the pone WSW° held oar riving weekly wales o Yundars Miry leadsl, tS oar ISIPAOIOUn BALMW BOOS, OW. lee Wh.L.NTY STRUT, wheteurery ponnibliinttention is gtetn to oS tent the highest pricesfor she goods of thole who my Lear a with consignmente. Feinillealinvini ructions of than %nature to diappej of, or thosidevilaing house loqing stol not tinning Liles at their own dwelling; ' can IMO their furniture 01.8.1 MILLY S.OIOIIID TO OCIS BALMS WOK, WHO= 'UM NT Dania NOUS FOR TRILEit. tua rrrem THAN Mira CAN OBTAIN SHOW ANT OP SIDI /1211X1- 11Thlt DOALEB9 Ott ANY OltßilAtrOtlON 00811 IN TRH Olt Y . - --- - . fEr Persons favoring us with ecealisteatehe eau net 'muffed that their property will notes eacetheol- M 7 Coeunhaloue more moderato Wee these shovel brany other Auction Hawse in the city. Myr Consigns:mute respectfully Waite& Ur dales paid Sumedletely atter the goods are sold. HEAL ESTATE EAU, NOTENEEE nth Mr sale will Dat . . 02Thaws' Coot Swiw-- Estate of W.l. B. /owes, Deed. TO-STORY BILWE DOUSS AND LOT, TWRINZIL A two-story brisk howse sad lot of .grouud, west aide of Twelfth street, 111 feet above Oohneltda online, 16 feet [root, satt.ll2 feet deep, to • 32 fast street, ad groundnut. • • ' " - Onktes' Court Sele—Xetate of Chas. Drowason, TIME IIUIISFS AND.IOI VIE GRODND, BREAD STILEST AND SSITIN LAND A lot otreolkoisttit I.l4h94l4l.ibumatotharoou orodeol, 8. W. coruer of Bread great sat )otter Una, 40 tobt., by 43 feet Ca 8 404,1 d rest' TE:1" ASO to be paid on each of the gore ithaa the same Li alrucY og. MAL ZSTATN eAtai—tronatais 11111. This sale will isselude— Orphans , Cows Shsle—Estate of Patrick gadth, 'Deed . ?NPR@ 1101D32.3 AND LOT Or AutotaD, Nona SECOND STItIST. Three threentary hetet lemma not lot of! east,lde of &ea./. Rarest, ITS feet north tram Maier street s :hi feet treat awl IGO feet deep. hfa,l pound rent. . J Orphan,' Conr4 Balo—ilanur Estate. iIVE /Wild-TS &ND LOT, — IVASTILNOTO3I STAMM ----_—_ KANSINQTON. A lot of ground with four three-story beak, and on* frame trouts thereon, lost lido of Woad/woo street, SO fer t above hipster, 21) test front sad test dap, to street. 4.59, ground rent. _ Orphans' Cant Sale—Lrtste of Andrew Lindsay, Dee•a. TAVERN STAND, NORTE{ EiSCOND, ABOVE I1At12:. A threastory brick: tavern dead sad dwelling, ten story brick beck building and lot of !Erma, on the end aide of dicondstreet, between Hans and Vine attests, 1T feet feont4 And ettanding ft depth 40 fig 4,4 bedew, then naninnottoug test, Led ilehtading the bather depth of 19 feet 7 inches, making in all 03 fest dui of 511 Inannbreness. 117" SSG tole pfd on *soh of the *boys vißoo lb* s.ms Is strut ed. - . TO war, . . , InFrthree.irtory RH& Ilwsl3lng, vith Sys...story back building. 19d - Nertli Ninth otroot, alfurs Wood street. Rant I Oparanana. i.pplr at Cho Auc tion Stara. AT TAITATH SAW:. A Arst-edsae Printing Once, with • good Ten e.r bad. sees, four printingpresees, two Xuales and me Mints Type and everything netegtary for dietentesee. Apply at the Auction Mew. 3 ,I OBESNATHAN 8, AtFOTIONBER AND COMMON XNBCHART, 0. B. image SIXTH find RACE Biretta. AT PRIMATE SALE-Aoßt and silver t lora, Laplue, English, Bess, sad hooch es, keiretry, or every description, mtudcal hurtrnments; AT PRIVATE BALL—Anrssned on sews! fair, household raralturs, of every description, beds, nut tresses, carpeting, looking glsnes , fancy articisa Es. &e., &e. Oct-door sales attended to perestolly by the Auction ea. Charges very low. Coesipismate of furnitars clothier jewelry, de , . O NATI:LAWS /HMC ALsolicited. LOAN OITICE, 11. E. Corner of girth and Ham Streets When money will be tossed anWA and silver plats Watches, Jewelry Pruners:is Clothing, Dry Goads Groceries, Began h ardware , Cutlery, ranitaret.hedl ding, Horses Vehicles, Harnews Blocks, lad an au ar ticles ermine for any length cif tbne agreed oa, maw, satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. If. DATHAN3, NATHAN'S great inde of PODPSITED GOODS will take plate in a few days. Due notice veil be givers. W.E.BW3 ors t sale of *felted Witches, Jenrehry, Dane ,Iltudeallnlttiments, lie., isilltakesdace ehortly, Due notice will be given. WEBB'S greet uric of Dry Goods, Glotimag, Belding, Au., being forfeited collateral', will' take place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE PALE, AT HAP TIM 'mull, SELLING PRlCl3.—Donble-bottomed sod herding rase gold patent 'lever matches, of` the moss ap pared make.; hooting cane and open Lure gold escape ment lever !opine iratches.fallietreisd %Ens enameled lever and lepine watches for, gold jewelry of every deactipttom -tamer and lepine watches, in hunting cues and open faro; silver English, Swim, and French, watcher; a genetalistatot fez , nitnre, beds, mattresses, minors. 414. OIIT-MOB. SALES SOLICITED , andehargst to mit the times, low. Consignments of every' devatiption of goods solicited for public Or private sale. MONET ADVANCED en all and' even. kind of goods for public or prirata Jae, or to be held for • Daited time. Obarges SAMUEL NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER, sad monrra LOAN ornas, At. 112 Boats THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear et., may eight doors below thsbehange, Muni of business ft= 7 o'clOek, A. M., until 10 &clock In the evening , Outdoor Woe, and ' salsa at the Auction Bone, at• tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL g 200,000. Established far the last Thirty Yaffe. Adviacea made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, flardware, shandies, Clothing, Pun intro, Bedding, Cimus, Musical Instruments, Guns, frame, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods Can remain any length of time agreed upon. An advancer, been one hundred dollars and apnea will, will be charnel 2 per cent. per month; $lOO and eror, the lowest market rata. This Store House hiring a depth of /20 feet, hue Lugo are and thief-proof vaults to atom all ealsmblem, Sad pri sate watchmen for the promisee; also, a heavy inmo mare effected for the benefit of all persons haring rode advanced upon ft. B.—On account of haste; as reallmited capital, this oriel it Prepared to mats affearieee Mk more esti/- rectory and accommodating i1111713/1 toss soy other to this city. Monet advanced to the pear ; in mall moats, with out any eberge. AT PRIVATE EMS Gold Patent Lora and other wattle', loyalty, sad Clothing will be sold at reduced prises. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, Delmont Third sad Poutih &matt. BALES ITEM TYLNINO, it 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, litudtraro, Cutter, Irate/La, Jew elry, Hater, Whips, Tracks, You,' Goats, Notiout. N. B.—Out-door Wei attended to AU goods awl at tit a Auction Souse packed. ocl-Ixot GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. Y. corner of BARRON mid 43OUT1[ barest/ above &and. EVENING was. SALES EVERY Si:MEDAN ETENTSat i , Et TX o'clock, at the Anctioe Store, of Ilardwars, Cat lery, llousekcepukg Artie:lea, Olottneg, Watches, Jewel ay, Nancy Articles, elasa nab - (Vilna Warr. NEW STORE. IdEW GOODS ites.x.sErt & 'WITTE, MASONIC HALL, TM cassratvr ST, lILVE SOW ON BJ Da Complete and splendid assortment of WHITE, GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CIIR4A ; DORS MIAN, CRYSTAL, and GUM= GLASSWARE; luso, VARIAN. LAVA, sad TRRRA GOTTA WARES, besides the greateet eartety of FANCY ARTICLES, ,whieh will be sold at lower prices than at any stealer store in the 'United States, N. B.—Goods loaned to Parties on seasonable tenne. oc 27-lf .3nsurattre trantvanits (101[310NIVEALTY1 FIRE INSURANCE V COMPANY, OP Tat (STAT.Is ON PINNSYLYA NIA.—Offfee, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Btreeti, PDSladciDbia. Babaaribed Capital, $500,0W1. Yal.d.np Capitol, 5.M.000. .DAVID JAYNE, M. b., Pritideat. TEIO3IAB 8. STEWART, Ties Pr 't. &mum. 8. Dloox, Sacretazi. GBARD FIRE AND MARINE LNSUR ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—OftIee, No. BM WALNUT street, west of TIMID. "FIRS BIM ONLY TAKEN." D1X30t0.113. Wm. IL Strain, Jar, Water, Jot* Anspseh, Jr., Jim McClure, H. N Burroughs, - Tho. Craven, J. IL . Hughee, A. S. Gillett, F. D. Sherman, Farman Sheppard, Wm, P. Hacker, liaml. Jones, M. D., 3. P. Steiner, Joseph. Klapp, 31.1). H. A. Elhackeltopl, Hon. aera, JONES, Freeland. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Tice President. Jso. S. Mollowas, Secretary. Timms B. ALroan, Assistant Secretary. no2-2tut-If polittcat. L'OR SHERIFF -JAMES G. GIBSON, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles. nob- 3m* FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWRLYTH WARD 808/TOT TO DEXOOBATiO RULER. oclB.9a* SAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and MUST NUT Streets. Large and mall sums received, and paid back on de mand, wtthout notice, with FIVE CENT INTER FAT from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office boars, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVRNINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for tale on England, Island, and deotland, from £1 upwards. President—FTEPllßN CILkIFFORH Treasurer—FLlNT FIBS. Teller—JAMES It. HUNTER TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS • No. SL Sonth TRIED Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible point• In the United States and Canada. [Stocks, Bonds, &e &Recta end Sold ea Commission. Dom:rent Bank Notes, Cheeks, he., bought at the lowest rotes. Deposits received and Interest allowed, SS per acre.. meat 110 T 2.3 m IVINCHISTER St SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAN SHIRT MANUFACTORY No. TN 011RSTNUT Street, above Bevan% a t reet, The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, le particularly invited to this improved cot of Starts, the moat perfect fitting &stied, made. At whole itsla nod retail, and made to order . amAlrif VALL PAPER.- WALL PAPER LARGE STOCK CHEAP. PRICES TO StrlT THE MISS. Now le your chance. Save 2 percent. Work done at the lowest rates. N. k. corner of SIXTH k AEON a3l-Iwk J E. YAN3ITTEIS MARCUS BAST, No. WI NORTH THIRD STREET, IYHOLESALE AND icE2 IL BOOKS.ELLEIt, Flee for atle VIE A 31ERICA NREA DER--a new book, designed by its author, A. D lista TARN, for the lase of the higher daises in the Academies and Schools of America—by the dozen or single copy. not-lm DIAMONDS, RUBIES, EMERALDS, SAPPUtRES and PEARLS bought for cash— higheNt pticei giveo—by Mr. UNGER, (lately arrived from tUrOpe,) at the Ashland Mdse, ,ARC/f neat. Room No. 85. Hours from 10 to 4. oc3l-1.4 -cm,A BRA3U SLACIE—ENGItAYING, Sinking and Bo:domed Printing, 8 0 4 Bed Press listestesiory, ittrurberry_Pfreet, between Second sot: tally a!ell Went aul Modena Street, Phtladclphui, ea; - - OTEL AND-S/tifra RANGES.— sold b7oBlmrpreraso., 202 N. 83007/D saan-amos. WELOOMtIiANGX.-80LD BY GRAD Ina itsW , Q, PA L 111479111 M.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers