TatsuriCto',Tiw • , . the ;Test -Cheierly f ubtiean ¢ Densoerat we find the foils:4l4 poem, whioli le ,far to o good Mbe allowed to languish in obscurity, aid - we have pleasure in itdoppil 110 latxoduoOry remarks of gamma W,Paantla,A-; the, editor of tbSt ez collentiournal.' He nye : i",Whealloon's I Bridge of Sighs' came,., like. a Walling ayiriti 'through the world of letters, huMan' alfeelion - iund Sympa thy bent as 'a reed 'before its marvellous pathos. It was thkilikestoittn ja,tha „Soleil* of the poet, , and those who had been wild with' , ntirth °ler flashes 0f:344404161 wii Were; *Vona,' transferred to the huinid realm ; .of Amin]: by , the, pathetic) imagery of the Bridge of Sighs.' It was St and right that Iloon's minierY should 'int embalmed in an imitation et his ova chapping poem, • and how happily and exquisitely it has keekt done be low, we need scarcely lay:' The lines dre from the pen of the Hon ...B.tairawßusu, a • son of Dr. BBNJMIIie Rums, one of tho r signers of the Decla ration of ,Independenels,' and. an alike credita ble to his genies, and the tender sensibilities of his heeit. So ,impTessod have we boon with , their beauty that we have almost felt unwilling t o see them placed in tae aphemeial a aloha as the columns of a rural newspaper. ,We sincerely hope, however, they will eventually meet With that pre servation widolt they are 110'101)11Y 'entitled to receive, for we see sere ~tkey- are issarcely less beautiful than those they so closely and touchingly haitate..,l—En. Pause. TO TUE MEMORY OF HOOD, AND RIB DDILKIN OP EIK1118." BY s'inuaL nests. "One snore unfortunate," • , Gifted and great; Never importunate: • -With his sad fete ; One unrequited Gone to his doom, Whose wit bath ignited, And long shall keep lightel, The lamp on his totub. Think of blot gloriously ' , • Warm-hearted man ; For pathos or pleasantry ~ First in the van ; Judge him censoriously, Blame him, defame him Then, if you can t , !think of him tenderlY l Wlt'i pity's touch= - Livings so "slenderly," airing no mttch.— Thoughts fortuan's preference, Oft hapy reference Left f or the young Left for the- 4 . old ones,” lines for untold ones— Bountiful Poet, be honored and snot! England's 4 4 keen ' , Aden • Long In the dark, And u. rightfhl decision,” (Bitter the mark,) Made him live poorly, Suffering surely Sorrel, and pain ; ' • Misery lifting the latch of his dome— Health and hopes denting, Manfully mteting— Peace nor security, Naught left but purity In his hard home. England relenting, Too late repenting - Neglect foe the while, Her sunshine astray Till Lis life passed away, Has awoke to hie worth, His raarvellons mirth, And calla him her own, When laid In the earth. To the brokon•down door,. And the pangs of the poor, , A friend and a brother, Symitattly reaching, Charity leaching To love one another. He who oft w oman," With holiest tie, Oenld paint her sweet beauty In loveliest dye, Or think of her frailties With gentlest sigh ; Who, scorning cold fashion With bravest compassion, Could tell of her hapless, Her evil behavior,” And through rashness or guilt, ' To forgiveness' hilt Cast •' her sins on her Saviour." Cohn be his rest, And hie memory WAIL Weer 0115411141, 1857. - TIM SIX GREY POWDERS. ItY TIM AUTHOR OP g 4 TUB, MID COURT -"Alit." [CONCLUDED.] A small, better-class pottage, built in the form of a lodge and so , c:sliod, stood alone amidst trees, which nearly surrounded it, whole grove of them, thick;' ,and high, and, lofty. Had the trees possessed human ears, they might have detected sounds, - late that night, inside the cottage--unusual sounds of dispute, and then commotion, and then dis tress; and afterward the outer door was flung open, and a woman servant sprang out of it with a smothered shriek, 'topic bar way at a top speed toward the village, and rang a loud peal at the lodgings of Mr. R ice. That gentle.. man was just on the -point of stepping into bed. He tinned to the window, opened it, and, looked out in hismight.ahlrk. It's here,' isn't it, thatletr. Castonol's part ner lives V' a woman breathlessly uttered: c' That's near enough. Yes. 'What's want.- ed 7" Oh, I not knbw you the flurry, sir. Please to' come this instant to Mr."Castonel. There's not a moment to lose." "To Mr. Castonel 7 Where 7" •• Ho is,downatßeech Lodge. Make baste, air, or ho may te dead before you eome." it Hs • dead i Kr. -Castonel i, What in the world is the matter with ban 1" ' ig Poison, I believe. Ploiasoi, to bring your remedies for it.?, “Hero”--for she was striding AlVay—wwlmt description of, poison?" , • "I can't tell. Iron had bett4 Sr come and see, sir, instead of wastingtimo." Full of consternation and ~altti in, Mr. Rice thrust on a pair of trowiers ovi ar his night shirt, and a coat, and, came out in that way, without a waistcoat or necktie. He rang 'at Mr. Caatonel's. , . c' Law bless vs 1" cried Sohn, in his sur prise, ds lie flung open the door, W. didn't ex pect you, sir; I thought it was nn later. I'm sitting up •for him." Mr. Rico vouchsafed no answer, ihe was too hurried. lie collected what lie wanted from the surgery and turned to the door a®•ain. 4 ‘ Do , you know anything of :minder, sir, whether he ain't a coming home ?" di 'mended the tiger, looking with curiosity nt Vie signs of Mr. Rice's hasty toilet, and his a a hasty movements. Your master is ill. He has be. seta ilten ill at Beech Lodge. Where's Ralph " He's gone to beti„alr." "Call him up to mind the hon se, aid you come after me down there. You may be, use ful." Away sped Mr. Rice again. Jo At before he turned off to the fields, ho met I tr. and Min. Alin, near to tho gate of their own house. They were walking bomo•from th s hall. "What's the matter?" cried M r. Ailsa. "I can't wait to tell you," Wa 8 Mr. Rice's hurried answer, wlthoht small ng his steps. "I fear Castonol has destroyed b imself. Ono of those women has been up to m ei from Beech Lodge. He is there." will go with you. I maybeor service," eagerly cried Mr. Ailsa. Howe :many more tragedies are we to have T 3Ni ary, my dear, can you run in alone?" as Oh yos, yes, James, lose no. tin to 7" Tho two women—the young, and • handsome lady, about whom so much ekvstery had exist ed, and the woman servant,—.were standing outside, the Lodge, looking out foe• Mr. Rine, when the surgeons approacb ,ed. “Yon aro too late." They did not know w hick spoke; they pressed on, in-doors. Mr.. Rice half turned. his head at a' noise behi nd him. It was tho tiger, galloping down. a. the matt sitting room, stretched on the, floor, between tins' table and the fire-place y was Mr. Castonel—.. dead. - • Tho servant followed, them into the room. Not so her mistress. 4 i Too true!" utte red Ri co , «h o h io g committed 'suicide. 'What's this?" He was looking erectile table. A decantov of wine and two 'glasses were there. One el" the glasses was f All and the other had been emptied. " no AV Annan was sobbing violently : . and Bea med to I lave lost all idea of caution ot • self-control: • • • " Clin't y ever liked him," she said , " but it is itorrible to see a 'pan, well ou r i and the next die.before one's eyes." What nes led to this ?" inquired Mt.*. Rico. - "He ci me bore about eight o'clock, and b a hada I j ic lent quarrel with my mistress. I hear d bite or it; here and there." "W ell?"' "I grew very• bitter; and my mistress at length flew into a state of frenky, and coma to the, dem and called me in, that I-might- be-. a witness to her words, she said. I had nov ar seen bcr in such a state before, nor anybo:dy else; and she knelt down and swore a soleton oath that things should go , on, in the way they had been going on, no longer ; and :that she would declare the truth to, the world,' and force him to acknowledge it, be tho eat 'se quences what they might. That calmed Ildt. Gasttmel ;"thongh, for the matter of that, he had not been so violent, but I think his .cold sneers provoked her. lie looked at her with a curious expression, and eat -, doWn on the sofa and 'seemed to be, thinking. The% i ho toldrnete get the wine and some wine=glai sea, What are you Saying 1" Interrupted a t :aim voice, and the mistress of the lodge appes .red. " Any information necessary for these gentle men I cangive myself." • The servant 'shrank from the room aid ,l 'be gan talking to John in the kitchen. • The , lady confronted the fturgeons, keeping the tab' he be tweenhetielf tuul the body • 4 ( Can You 40 notiditg for him ?" tel9 • othing,l grieve to say," repllo d Mr. Ailsa,, speaking .vviklt involuntary reap act in spite of Ids prejudices. • Whatever marline been that lady's b latory. she laid the bearing add manners of a l ; refined gentlewoman, P . "He •must hate been' dead it quartet, of an hour," added Mr. Rice. 4 01iitthif wilfully polion bleaself," ` 11 0;!! , '0, 1 0bd Wee flniftikPiyer,J.. Mr. pauied, probably" in et uprise. r< Theis could it have been taken in noil deka f" Neither that: ' it bire." `They both stood staring at her. Was She to be believed? so 'quiet, so 'collected, so lovely-looking I ; Row were,they to act? An indistinct4lidea of having her secured ran through le: Rice's mind. ,— But he :did not knew liow"te , see swiet it, or whether he viould',be justified. . f 4 I will give you an outline of the circum stanees," she proceeded. «Re —« c4adrim," interrupted James Ansa, ca it— I beg your pardon—but it may be my duty to cautiOn yon,not to criminate yourself." A proud smile of self-possession, one full of meaning, arose to her lips. «I wish to toll you," elm answered. «ANY it not be well to reserve it for the coroner's inquest ?" «No t . I should be an ineligible witness for him, in any court of law." "Why Ineligible for him?" involuntarily inquired Mr: Rice. ,(' Either for or against him. My testimony would not be taken." Her wcrds to them were as riddles, and they waited in silence. "Ho, came down hero to-night, and we quar relled. No matter what the quarrel was about; it was Such that wo had never had before. He calmed down, apparently. I knew the more smiling he was without, the more tempestuous he was within. Istood here. Here," she added, advancing to the mantel - piece, but still not looking at what lay beneath ter, and placing her ;dhow on the shelf and her hand before her eyes, 5t I stood in this way. He was pouring out some wino he had asked for, and I watched his movements in the glass, through my lingers. I did not, intentionally watch him; my thoughts wore ihr away, and I suspected nothin#. Suddenly I saw him slip something from a papei into one of the glasses; I felt sure I saw him; but I had my senses about me, and I took,no notice whatever, only drew away and sat down in this chair. He handed Inc the slats, the glass, mind, saying the wisest plan would be to forget our dispute for to-night, for he most be going, and wo could dismiss the matter, at issue another time. I took the glass from him, raised it to my Ups as if to drink, and then, as though by a sudden impulse, put it on the table without tasting it. If lam to drink this wine,' I said, I must eat a biscuit first. Roach them.'" The lady paused for a moment, and her hearers waited with breathless interest. knew 'where they wore kept—in that closet," she added, pointing with her linger to the closet opposite the fireplace, and two me dical men glanced at it. "Ho opened the door and stepped inside, it is rather deep, and came forth with the biscuits. But in that mo ment I had changed the glasses. I took a biscuit, began slowly to oat it, and he drank up his wine. In a few minutes ho shrieked out convulsively. I sent for aid, ran out, and hid myself amidst the trees, for I was afraid of him. When my servant came back, we went in together, but I think the poison had then done its work. It must have been subtle and deadly." Mr. Atha took up the empty glass, and with Mr. Rice examined the few drops left at the bottom. Not at first did they detect the nu tlike of the poison; it was indeed rare and subtle, leaving, where it should be imbibed, but little trace after death. "She says master's dead," sobbed John, as the gentlemen wont out. alt can't be true." "Too true, John," answered Mr. Rice. Sir, did he poison hisself, as she says ? Did ho do it on purpose ?" "No. He drank a glass of wine, and there was poison in it. He did not know it." 011, my poor master!" Full of excitement as Ebury had been—and had cause to be—on several previous occa sions, it was nothing compared with what rose with thelfollowing morning. Mr. Castonel dead I, Mr. Castonel poisoned ! John ostenta tiously closed all the windows of the house, and sat himself outside on the door-step, for getting dignity in grief, to answer the mass of inquiries. It was Mr. Ailsa who carried the news to Mr. Chavasse. a Is not this a confirmation of our fears 7" xclalmed the latter. "I fear it looks verylike it." "Oh, It is horrible!" groaned Mr. Chavasse. " Three young and happy girls to have been foully—" "Nay, nay," interrupted James Ailca. '.No thing is proved." "Aad never will bo now," replied poor Mr. Chavasse. ‘f It is a mercy for the rector that be wont beforehand." Before the day was over, fresh news had gone out to Ebury—that Mr. Chavasso meant not to pursue the investigation he had con templated. Where was the use? ho argued, since' the guilty man—if ho was guilty—was gone. Where, indeed? echoed a few judi cious friends. But &bury in general consi dered itself very shabbily used, and has hardly got over the disappointment to this day. An inquest, however, thorn was to bo over Mr. if not Mrs.'Castonel, and Ebury's curiosi ty concentrated itself upon that event. Seine gessip,. told by the parish beadle, fanned the flame. When ho had gone down to serve the two summonses at the Lodge, and required the name of the lady, she bad replied cg Caste nel." "Then it is a relative of bis, after all," said the village. "And we have been judging so harshly of her and of him !" “I think I shall call and leave a card, when it's all over, and I am about again," said Mrs. Major Acre. a That is, it she stops here." The ""dummy drawer" was examined pre vious to the inquest, and found to contain exactly what Mr.' Castonol bad said—a phial of hartshorne, and some magnesia. "Which, of course, ho was putting there," ,was Dame Vaughan's comment, "when little Tuck might him on the steps." The drawer had evidently possessed a se cret Spring, which had been recently wrenched away and was gone. `The day appointed for the inquest dawned, and 'those • who were connected with it, and those who were not, flocked up to the "Hard wick Arms." The strange lady was called in her turn, and the coroner demanded her name. "Lavinia Castouol. I presume my evi dence will be dispensed with, when I state who I am. A wife cannot give evidence in mat ters that touch upon her husband." The room started. "A coroner's court is an exception," called out a voice, which was drowned by the coroner's "Hush." "Lavinia Castonel," said he. "Any rola tlon 'to the Isle Mr. Castonel 7" ; wife." riding hum—a shock—almost a shriek. Squire Hardwick interrupted it, surprised out of his magisterial etiquette of silence in sn ot her's court. w It is impossible you can be his wife. You state what is not true." gg Mr. Castonel's wife," she calmly repeated. 4c His widow now." Groat confusion arose, and the coroner was t tL i vitr i l s e e ss u l . t i t o f e l i r t s y t tr t tre r s e s st it ive P ry o Possibly was asking questions ; ono rose high, cc liad she married Lim since the death of :the last Mrs. Oastonel 1" "No, she had not," she replied. " Sho had married him before ho first came to Ebury." Higher rose the confusion. " Then, if she was his wife, what was the position of the un happy young ladies to whom ho had given his name?" ".The inquirers might Settle that as they pleased," she carelessly answered. e 4 It was no business of hers. She was his lawful wife." Nothing more, touching this, oould be got out of her. Sho would afford no other ex planation, no confirmation of her assertion, or any details. Bet her *aim, equable manner carried a conviction of its truth to half the court. The coroner took her evidence re lating to the death of Mr. Castonel ; It was exactly what she had told the two medical men, and the maid servant, so far 'as she was able, confirmed it. That, at any rate, was truth. Tiny jury believed it, and their verdict was to the effect that Gervaso Oilstonel had met his death at her hands, but that she was justified in what she had• done, having acted In self-de fence. So that was the end of Mr. Castonel and his doings in Ebury; and a very unsatisfactory ending it was, in ovary sons° of the word. The lady and the maid left the place the day subsequent to the inquest, and that was the ending of them. Numerous tales and sur mises and rumors went abroad; as floating rumors always do. Ono said the money to establish Mr. Castonel had been hers, not his, and that she dared not publicly avow herself to ho a wife, or it would be lost to her; another, that he had forced her to submit to his appa rent marriages under threats, for that he held some dreadful secret of hors in kis power, and she feared to gainsay him ; another— But why pursue these reports? Nobody could tell whore they originated, or if they were true or false. Tho wholo affair remains a miserable mystery in Ebury, and probably ever will do so;'and its exasperated curiosity has never been able to ascertain whether tho time ill-fated young ladies did or did not die an unnatural death. Mr. Castonal was buried in tho churchyard by their side ; and it took the beadle and four subordinates an hour and a half to clear it of the mob afterward. And Mr. Ailsa quietly dropped into his old praotice, and .00k on Mr. Rico and Mr. Tuck and John, for ho found there would be Work for all. And to the lab tor'a extremo discolnposure, ho found Mrs. MUll Was to be' taken on too, and would rule himas of old.. And since Ebury subsided into tranquillity, it has become a matter of it good taste" there never to breathe the name of Ger. vase CiurtA,:mel. I The fast line of passenger Care going west on Saturday evening at 6 o'cloek, when one mile east of Mifflin, ran over a man named John Mur phy, mutilating his body in a moat shocking man ner, so that death must have boon almost instant. It appears that he was walking on the track, and failed to 'Observe the. near approach of the train; when he met with the disailer. His remains were Seottiedand placed in a coffin by Mr. O. M. Lewis, Of Mifflin, tebelorwarded to the friends of the de eenied at York,Pa. chalhe iathilt. an .oblotionfor delegate tp, Congress vas held by the,oettlemente in Dakotah' TeVritoryilud Alphettli Fuller, formerly 'of St. Paul, was duly chosen by the people to represent them in that capacity at-Washington. tHg PRg§§eiakPititiADEtii ropoga PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. . QUARVIRMASTIIR'S Ovrica MAZINE CORPS, WRAbington t Oct. 10, 107. !MALMO PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 3 o'clock, p. m., on Friday, the 13th of November, 1857, for supplying the marine corps with the following artieles during the fiscal year ending 80th Jane, 1888, vie; ' 600 to 800 uniforio caps, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 Barbs° pen:moons 1,000 to 2,000 patent-loather stocks. 600 to 800 privates' uniform coats, complete, of navy blue cloth, Indigo dye—to be chemically tested. 60 t Q 100 sergeants' uniform coats, (same as above.) '6O to 100 musiolansicoate, scarlet cloth, cochineal dye—to bo chemically tested. 600 to 200 pain non-commissioned °fawns' epau lettes. 600 to 800 pare brass centre straps. 30 to 60 rod worsted sashed. 1,000 to 2,000 pairs linen overalls. 1.000 to 2,000 linen shirts. 2,600 to 3,000 pairs brogans, Nos. 0 to 11. 600 to 80 marine blankets, (gray.) 600 to 600 knapsacks. 2,600 to 3,000 pairs woollen socks. 600 to 800 marine fatigue caps, the cloth to be navy blue, indigo dye, and chenileally tested. 600 to 800 fatigue frocks. 1,000 to 1,600 flannel shirts. 600 to 1,000 pairs woollen overalls, blue kessey. 600 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. 300 to 800 watch or great coats, do. 600 to 1,000 palm Canton flannel drawers. 130 60 musicians' jackets, scarlet cloth, cool& neal dye—to be chemically tested. 1,000 to 2,000 yards 6-4 sky-blue kersey 1,000 to 2,000 yards navy-blue cloth, to be chemically tested 600 yards scarlet cloth, cochineal dye, to be chemi cally tested Maniples of the above articles may be seen on app. cation at thin office, or at the office of the assistant quartermaster marine corps,lBo Spruce street, Phila delphia. • It is to be understood that the accepted bidder Is to take alltuaterial used for manufacturing coats, overalls, ffio., on hand at the time of entering into contract, at the contract prices thereof. Bids will be received for the whole or in parts for the artielesrequired, and It most be explicitly understood that a critical inspection will be given all articles fur nished AS to lit and quality, and that articles which do not come up to the sample will be rejected and thrown upon the hands of the contractor. The quartermaster reserves to himself the right to Increase or diminish the quantity named above, as the exigencies or Interests of the service msy demand. Proposals to be addressed to the "Quartermaster of the Marine Corps," Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Pro posals Or Supplies." , The papers publishing this advertisement will send the paper containing thejirst Insertion to this office for examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense—at the rate of 76 cents for 300 ems first inser tion and 87,1 i cents per 800 eau for all subsequent In sertions. oclo-stuthttiovl3 PROPOSALS FOR EREOTING THE 1 CUSTOM /10111114 2 do., at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. TaIIBURY DIIP/lITYIIII_, WANHINGTON, September 21st, tell. PROPOSALS will be received at tMs Departmentuntil the Stith day of November, A. D. 1857, et 12 o'clock, noon, for the construction of the Custom noose, Post Moe. and Court Room, authorized to be erected at PLUM AMBOT, New Betsey, according to the plena end specifications prepared at this Department; said proposals to be either for the whole building, or 'operate for the different kinds of work ; bills of parcels nautili every case accompany each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total amount carried out ; the Department reserving the right to reject or Accept the proposals hereby invited, or any part thereof, when it deems the interest of the United States require it; the Department also reserves the right to exclude the bide of any person or persons whom there is just cause to believe will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which they have attempted to obtain by indirection; and all bide when there shall bo parties in Interest who do not join in the bids, and all bide that upon Investiga tion are below a fair price for the work. Bide will not be received in gross, end no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details ore furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work end materials, which ghat be subject to the revision of the Department, en that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, as the interact of the United States may require. Ninety per cent, of the amount of work done, and materials delivered according to contract price (said amount to be ascertained by an estimate of an agent of the Department appointed for that purpose,' will be paid from time to time as the work progresses, mid ten per cont. retained until the completion of the contract, and the acceptance of the work, .ke., by the agent aforesaid, and be forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment of contract. Contracts will be awarded only to maker-builders and mechanics ; and the atudigninent thereof, except by con lent of the Secretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit ure of the name. eiNtetli proposal must be accompanied by a written guar antee, signed by two responsible persona (oorlified to be so by the United Mates District Judge or Attorney of the said District), in the sum of $5,000 for the whole work, or of a proportionate amount if any port, that the bidder will, when required, if hie proposal be accepted, enter Into a contract and bond, with proper and sufficient securities for its faithful performance. Form of Mond and Certificate required will be fur nished on application to the Deportment. Plane, specifications, and working drawings will be ready on the let of November, when they can be had on application to the Department. No bid will be considered unless it fully complies, in all its detniis, with the retake eases, of glass adver tisement. The proposals must be sent to thin Department, ad dressed to the Bearetary of the Treasury, And plainly endorsed PROPOS/1.18 FOE THE PERTH AMBOY CUSTOM 11008 B," and will be opened at ono o'clock of the last day named for receiving the name. HOWELL COBB, 24-tb fohtn-tno24 Secretary of the Treasury. PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS FOR 1868 OVVION 1.14111 Nil CORPS, Washington, October 10, 185 T. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS, will be rocoived at the office until TUESDAY, the 10th of November next, at 8 o'clock P. AL, for furnishing Rations to the United Stites Marine Corps, at the following stations, for the year 1868, vie: Charlestown, Magsachusotte; Portsmouth, New Umnpshire; Brooklyn, Lend Island, Now York ; Philadelphia, Penneylvants • Gosport, near Norfolk, Virginia; Warrington, Florida; and Washington, District of Columbia. Each ration to nougat of one pound and a quarter of fresh beef, or thres.quarters of a pound of mean pork; eighteen ounces of bread, made of beet superdne dour, or boat superfine dour at the option of the Uovernmenti and at the rate of six pounds of good coffee, twelve pounds of boat Now Orleans sugar, eight quarts of beat white beans, four quarts of vinegar, two quarts of call, four pounds of good hard brown soap, and one•and.a.• half pounds of good hard dipped tallow candles, to one hundred rations. The beef required shall be delivered on the order of the commanding ofileer of each station, either in bulk or by the single ration and shall consist of the boat aid most eholco pieces o f ' the carcass; the pork to be No. 1 prime mess pork, and the groceries to be of the beet quality of kinds named. All subject to inspection. No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by the names of two sureties known to this office, or certified to by some official person. To be endorsed " Proposals for Rations for 1858," and addressed to the Quarter. master of the klarine Oorps, Washington, D. 0. D. J. BUTITEDLAND, Quartermaster. The paper publishing this advertisement will send the paper containing the first insertion to this aloe for examination, accompanied by a duplicate aocount of the expense, at the rate of 76 cents for 360 ems first !ionand 117 34 cents per SOO eau for all subsequent in. 'odious. The National Intelligencer, Star, and States, Wash ington, D. C.; Argus, Portland, Me.; Patriot, Concord, N. U.; Garotte, Portsmouth, N. U.; Post and Courier, Boston, Mass ; Bridgeport Farmer, Conn.; Daily News and Atlas, N. Y.; Dagledirooklyn, N. Y.; Argus. Penn sylvanian, and Press, Philadelphia, Penn ; Patriot, Harrisburg, Penn. Republican, Baltimore, iii.; States. man and Argus, Norfolk, Ye.; Democrat, Pensacola, Va.; Courier and Orleanian, New Orleans, La.; will publish the above three times per week, until 10th No. comber. OelS-tu th and eat t Nov 10 PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING MARINE BARRACKS AT PENSACOLA. FLORIDA. NATI' DEPAPTIIHNT, Washington, September 21,1867. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Proposals for build ing Marine Barracks at Pensacola, Florida," will be re eelved at this department until the Sib day of Novem ber, 1857, st 3 o'clock P. 31.. for the construction of the Marine Barracks authorized to be erected at Pe nsa colajlorida, wording to the plans and specifications prepared by the direction of the Navy Department, eopies of which may be seen at the offices of the com mandants of the Navy-yards at Portsmouth, New Kamp shire, Boston, New YorkWhiladelphia, Norfolk, and Pensacola, end at the Navy Department The proposals must be for furnishing all the mate rials and completing the work in a manner satisfactory to the person who may be appointed by the Navy De partment to superintend the same ; and the department reserves the right to reject or accept any of the propo sals heroin invited, when it dooms the interest of the United State' requires it. Ninety per cent of the amount of work done and the materials delivered will be paid for from time to time, es the work progresses, upon ostimatea made and certi fied to by the superintendent on the part of the United States, and ten per cent. retained until the completion of the contract and acceptance of the work by the snid 'Superintendent and department. and be forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment of the contract; provided that no bill shall be made for an amount leas than five thousand donna. Each proposal must be accompanied by a written gnarl =tee, signed by two responsible persons, (certified to be so by a navy agent, poet-traitor, district judge, or some other officer of the United fitates,) In the sum of live thousand dollars, that the bidder will, when required, If his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond with proper and sufficient security for Ito faithful performance. Bidders are invited to examine the pm end spelt eetione at the offices heroin-before mentioned. Tbo proposals must Ito sealed and addressed to Oils department, and plainly endorsed "Proposals for build tug Marine Barracks at Pensacola, Plorida." The bidder only whose offer may be accepted will be notified, and the centred, will be forwarded as some thereafter as practicable, which he will be required to execute within ten day. after Its receipt at the post Oleo named by him. 411 the above work 1. to be completed in all rests:iota according to the plans and specifications within twelve month. from and tator the date of the contract. ISAAC TOUCHY, se24tha-tN6 Secretary of the Navy. Oewing Illitcljfito A GOOD SEWING MACHINE,-AUNT, WEBSTER, h Co., beg respectfully to introduce thwaselve to tbo pabila as the manufacturers of Sho IMPROVED SEWING bIACIIINR, adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Pree from the objections which have been ur-ed against those Weedy known in thin market, THIS MACHINE COMBIIIES THE HOOD QUALITIES OW THEM ALL, and will be cue to commend itself, open eaunination, to families, Wars, saddlers shoemakers, and seamstresses. Thaw in waiter A (11.11311 ARTICLE, that wilt make a henchman lock-stitch, Work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will EMU, HIND, STITCH, RUN, or GATHER; indeed, that will give entire satiefaction even alter they have been need fur roars, aro Invited to nail at our rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street. HUNT, WEBSTNR, k CO. FleoWILIg of every deaorlptlon executed in the host pea tinge manner, MI on reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mall to any part of the United States. uti-tntbs Stn. SEWING MACIIINES.—GROVER, BAKER, & CO. , E UNRIVALLED SEWING MA CHINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trial it is de monstrated beyond all question that It is tho popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kinds of shoes. The fact that it does ono-third more work In the mane time, awl does it better ; that it is the least liable to get out of repair, being simple in Its construction ; that it makes the leant noise, and that it is acknowledged on all hands that it is best for a new beginner, has given the pro prietors a demand for it to such an extent that they are obliged to delay the Oiling of orders in many cuss for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this city, and the case has yet to occur whete a person who ha. purchased one has exchanged it for another kind. Taking into consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from 15 to 40 hands in their ehope, dolog the work for the manufacturers, without exception, use this machine In preference to any other kind, and al- Way/ recommend them in preference to others, it would Beam unneeeseary for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their superiority, The undersigned, BOLE AGENTS teethe sale of these Machines. always have a supply, and have made such arrangements that they cell them open terms that will meet the wishes of all. ;Unlike other Machines sold to this market, It is free from all Infringements of other patents. BAKER & BROTHER, OINTEAL SQUAB., LYNN. GLENWOOD OEMETERY 011710 E, NO. US WALNUT IL, Maw EVIL 119 UV ropoonla • . pROPOSALS FOR INDIAN GOODS. DISPARTMENT or TON INTEIHIOR. Office Indlan Affairs, October 15, 1857. SRAM) PROPOSALS, endemic:a t , Proposals for In dian (loolle," Wane I, 2,3, or 4, an the caso may be,l will be received at the Moe of Indian Affairs, Wash ington city, until ton o'clock A. M., on daterdey, the 14th day of November next, for furnishing goode for the Indian departmont for fulfilling treaty etipulatione with various Indian triboe, and for other Indian pur poses, as follows Cue. No. 1. Mackinac Blankets, Cloths, and Dry Goods. 3,000 pains 3.point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 luohes, and weigh 8 pounds. 9,000 palls 24-point white Mackinac, blakete, tonneaus° hi by 60 inches, and weigh 0 pounds. 1,500 pare 2-polot white Mackinac blanket', to measure 42 by fit Indies, and weigh 6 }( pounds. 1,600 pairs 114• point white Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 20 by 60 Mob., and weigh 41( pounds. 1,500 paha 1-print white Mackinac blankets, to measure 34 by 40 inches, and weigh 8X pounds. 800 pairs 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets', to mea sure 60 by 72 Inches and weigh 8 pounds. 400 pair: 2g -point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 54 by 00 inch., and weigh 0 pounds. 200 pair: 3% point green Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 66 by 84 incline, and weigh 10 pounds. 400 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 400 pairs 2h •polut green Mackinac blankets, to in.an sure o 4 by 68 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. 200 pairs 3%-point indig . c, blue Multiuse blankets, to measure 60 by 84 nachos, and weigh 10 pounds. 200 pairs 3-point indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh a pounds. SOO pairs 2%-point indigo blue Mackinac blankets to measure 04 by 60 inch., and weigh 0 pound,. 200 pairs 3X-pointtlentinsila blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 00 by 84 inches, and weigh . 10 pounds. 800 pairs 3-point Gentinella bluo Mackinac blankets, to measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds, 950 pairs 2% point Genii nella blue Mackinac blanket", to measure 64 by 06 inches, and weigh 0 pomade. 3,500 yard. fancy list blue cloth 2,000 44 " black cloth 500 44 " green cloth 4,503 44 gray list blue cloth 3,500 " sayed " blue cloth 8 , 000 ff li if smfylet cloth 1,000 " " 44 poen cluth 1, , 00 pounds worsted yarn, 3 fold,' 100 dozen cotton Hag handkerchiefs 100 " Madras 250 " fancy cotton " 60 " black silk 44 50 44 8-4 unite" shawls I 100 44 0-4 100 44 4-4 44 60 44 8-4 woollen shawls 1,000 pounds linen thread 76 44 .awing eilk 600 piece: ribends 160 grog" worsted gartering TS pieces silk handkerchief,, 35,000 yard" calico 26,000 " Merrimac calico 16,000 " blue drilling 15,000 " white 6,000 44 Georgia stripes 3,000 " blue drains 3,000 " cottonade 15,000 44 bed ticking 3,003 " Nentockyjeaus 8,690 4, liatibPfli 10,000 " plaid husey 6,000 44 blotched shirting 20,000 " domostio shirting, (unbleached) 20 000 " 44 shooting 44 10,000 44 checks, stripes and plaids 200 don't woollen social 2,000 yards Ilanneln, assorted 1,000 pounds cotton thread MO dogma npool eottou 300 pounds best Chinese yermillion 600 " " American 44 1,600 " brown Oiling twine, No. 30 1,000 " cotton maitre 2,400 flannel shirts 2,400 calico 44 10 stomas Canadian bolt;. CLAIM N 0.2. Ready-Made Clothing. 200 frock coats, indigo blue broad cloth 200 pantaloons, 200 vests, 100 (rock costs, " heavy twilled 100 pantaloons, 41 000 vests, 100 Mackinac Indigo lino blanket capotes 100 black satinet overcoats, (bin, 1) 100 sheep's gray cloth ovureoats 100 " " coats 100 " " pantaloons 100 black satinet costs 100 " pantaloon. 100 ' 6 vests 200 blue satinet coats 200 " pantaloons 200 " rests TAO cadet mixed sattnot coats 200 " pantaloons 200 ' 6 vests. CLASS No. 3. Hardware, Agricultural Implements, and Lem. 0,000 pounds brass kettles 1,000 tin kettles, (15 sizes) 200 ousts Japanned kettles, 8 In a nest 50 dozen 10-quart tin pans 75 .1 0 4, it 76 4 100 4, 2 " 800 " !pitcher knives 200 ‘4 sesiplog 5 61 gun Oiltte 60 gross gun worms 160 " squaw awls 120 fish hooks, assorted 300 dozen fish lines 300 gross needles 150 dwell coarse tooth combs 150 lino 160 " scissors 16 " bush scythes 16 46 gram " lb 4, grain " 10 " MILOS 30 " grubbing hoes 00 " weeding " 100 pairs homes 200 trace chains 100 tog chains GOO drawing knives, 10 and 12 Inches In length 250 augers, In equal proportions of IX, 1, X, and N•inch 200 hand saws 80 cross•cut saws, 7 feet In length 50 CC 0 It 60 dozen handsaw Giles 10 " croas-cot saw Oleg 10 wood mops 250 quarters socket chisels, X, 1, and 2 inch 70 planes fore and jack 245 dozen shovels 26 . 4 spades 600 camp kettles, (3 sizes) 2,000 short handled frying pans 100 dozen basting spoons 200 44 Iroit table spoons 200 4, tin cups lb scythe saaths 25 " axes, to weigh from ix to 5 pounds 100 " half axes, to weigh 3X pounds 70 " hatchets, to weigh lx pound 16 4 . broad-axes, ordinary size 50 zinc mirrors 76 tiro steels CLASS NO. 4. Northwest Guns. 1,000 northwest guns, glint lock 210 •i percussion lock, Proposals will be received for the delivery of said goods at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, hlemphis, or Cincinnati; but in considering the bids, the cost of the transportation of the gains to their respective destinations from the places proposed to bo delivered will form an element in deciding upon the proposals. The right will be reserved to require a greeter or less quantity of any of the articles named than that epoolned in the above schedule, also any others of a different description that may be needed, at the lowest market prices. Goods of American manufaeture, of the required styles and quality, will be preferred; but as the samples of blankets and cloths aro foreign fabrics, it will ho ne cessary, in proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that a sample thereof shall accompany the bid. The articles to be tarnished must, In all respect', conform W and be equal with the samples recently cc. tented, which may be seen at this oaten. They will be rigidly inspected and compared with then samples by au agent or agents appointed for that purpose. Such es may be unequal thereto In any particular will be re footed ; in which QUO the contractor will be bolted to furnish others of the required kinder quality within three days ; or, if that be not done, they will be pur chased at his expense. Payment will be made for the goods received on invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to Inspect them. It will be understood that all bide for furnishing the goals above specified may be rejected at the option or the Department, partienforisfif made by one who I. not known as a manufacturer of, or regular dealer to, the article proposed to be furnished ,• which fact, or the mi meo, mu* be distinctly elated in the bide offered; and that the bids of nll persona who may have failed to comply with the conditions of any contracts they may biro previously entered into with the United States Wien, at the option of tho Department, be rejected, in acoordanco with the lotterand spirit of a joint resolution of Congress relative to bids fur provisions, clothing, for the use of the navy, approved 27th March, 1854. Betels will be required, in the amount of the bid, for the faithful per:orinatice of tho contract, with two or mere sureties, who* suftieleney um* be certified by a United Staten judge or district attorney. The propagate met embrace the articles, with the quantities thereof, as they aro arranged lit the foregoing schedule, with the prims annexed to each, in dollars sad cents, at which they will be furnished, and the amounts umst be cerried out and footed up for such class. They should be inibmitted with the following heading: I [or we] hereby propose to furnish for the orrice of the Indian department, and according to the terms of Re advertisement therefor, dated October 15th, 1557, the following article., at the primer thereto [hero Insert the list aocording to the class or 01101116.11 proposed lord deliverable In the city of [Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. New Orleans, Pt. Louie, or Cineinuati, as the cave may bed by tho first day of April next, or at Bush time or times daring the year 1050 at, may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Affebs; and I for will will alit, furnieh, at the menu prices, such additioual quantities of the same kinds and qualities of goods, and at the lowest niarket priooe, such other articles of a different deserip• lion 1114 may be required for the service of the lodine department during the year MS, deliverable as mimeo etated ; and it this proposal be accepted. [here limn the words, •Ifi whole or in part,' if innre than rote (lase ho proposed for,] 1 [or we] will, within twenty days thereafter, execute a contract aerfoillagly, and glee security, satisfactory to the oommiAsioo.r or Wien Affeire, fur the faithful perform: moo of the same " More Insert whether the party proposing Is or is not a manufacturer or regular dealer la the article proposed to be Each propose' must also be necompanied by a guaran tee, in tine following form, to be signed by two or more responsible person., whose eifiliciency must be certified by ono or more persons, personally or officially knoivii to the department : " 1 [or we] hereby guaranty that the above bidder, for bidders,] if a contract shall be awarded to kim, [or them, [ according to bin [or their] foregoing bid or pre• Posta, will execute a contract, and give *eerily for the performance thereof, as preeeribed In the advertisement fur prop** for Indian goods, dated October lb, 1857 ; and I [or wo] ugreo to pay any and all damages or him* which the United Status or the ludtans may buffer by Dolmen of failure so to du on the part of the *ld bidder, [or bliblers."] No proposal will be soneldered that does rot strictly conform to the Jenne and direction. of thin advertise ment. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. CHARLES E. MIX, oc22•Disktu tuoyl4 Acting Commissioner. eromintosion illerrlianto I H. CHASE & CO. alr CfrENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY lINONITiNO CLOVER SEED Oa oonelpunont from the Interior of Penneylvanla, whore our new Cleaning Mill le now in rmeral us°. tEr• Aleo, TIMOTHY AND IMO TOP shove on baud. cell-tf DANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers In Foreign and Am plest' HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 05 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Nut slde above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aul-H CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER OIIANT and Importer of HAVANA ETOAIIB (New) IN Walnut greet. second story. ant-lp WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE pottery, 1,009 and 1,011 CHESTNUT St, above Tenth, le now open for the sale of every description of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner of SIXTH and MASTEN Streets, to which the attention of citizens, and Southern and Western gentlemen Is respectfully called. N. 11.—Eopeolal attention given to carriages for re palm in the shops implicated with the iteporitory. En trance en Obentuut street. corks tu tk-!w 1 4 11111ISDA NOVF4MBEII, 5, 1857. - ----- - --- ORLEANS PACKET NOTICE. LOUISIANA LlNE..—Shippers per slip Mary awl Adeline, Captain Watts, Kill please hand in their bills of holing this day to the counting house for signature. Freights will ho received until this evening at low rates., 11ISII0P, SIMONS, do CO., IV so 2-dtt. 120, late 86, North IVherves. falllP JOSEPH JONES FOR SAN FRAN 019Q0.—To sail with quick despatch.—kreight taken at reduced rates.—The beautiful clipper Chip JOSEPH JONES, Naimoli Pendleton, commander, new completing her loading at Race street wharf, lies over tbroo.fourthe of her cargo on board and nearly all of her capacity engaged, will coition° to receive freight for a few, days, and sail as above. Shippers will pleas° coni,lete their engagements without delay, and hand In blunt lading for signature. For balance of freigkt, which will be taken at very low rates, apply on board, or to 111.91.10 P, SIMONS & (JO., 120 (late 30) North Wharves. gAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMSHIPS STATE OF GEORGIA KEYSTONE STATE. In conaoquenoo of tho dopro.thed gat° of trod°. the above shipii will ho withdrawn for tho preoont Ootobor 10th. A. lIERON, Jr FARE REDUCED AND lIAVRE.—The n Edward Iliggiu will nail From New York ter South• From Southampton and aniptou and film°. Mane for Now York. Saturday Oct. 2.4 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Duo. 5 Saturday Deo. 26 Prioo of Passage—First cabin, $100; second cabin, $6O Specie dolivermi lit London and Paris. For freight or passage apply to 1) TORRANCE. Agent, No. 6 Dowling Gruen, Now York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 26 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps If Dom other cities,) will be received at No. 5 Bowling-green, New York, up to 1114 o'clock on the morning of nail. log. oclo-If GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU RUN. First Cabin $BO I Second Cabin 150 In the tivid-olass paddle-whoel steamship ADRIEL 2,000 tong, 0. D. LUDLOW, Commander, dud NOILTII STAIt, 2,500 tons, P. E. lamina, to call from plor No. 9 North River, at noon precigoly, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, via: Leave N. York forl Southampton, Re- Brower' for Southampton ore and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Arlel, Saturday, Oct. 31 Weds , day, Nov 4. N. SaVy, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov. 20. Weds'd'y, Doc 80 nano steamers touch at IIAYLLE. Specio delivered In Loudon soil Paris. For passago and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Dowling (hoot, Now York. oelo-tf ii ox ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7. AL Now York and Havre Steamship Company.—The United States Mail Stoaiuships ARAD°, 2,600 tone, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, 2500 tons, James A. {Cotton, coonnatolor, will learn New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1867 and 58, on the following days Lain NM Vona. 1537, Talton, Saturday ; Aug. t./ Arno, Saturday, Jan, 9 Aug°, do. Supt. 10 Stilton, do. lob. 6 Stilton, do. Oct. 17 Atugo, do. March 6 Arno, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April 3 V Oton, do. Duo. 12 Amp, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 Lillll lIATIIII. 1001. Arago, Tun,lay, Aug. 20 Fulton, do. Hopt. 22 Arago, do. Out. 20 Vulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Duo. 16 1808. LULTII 1300TIUMPT010. 1857. Arnim, Widoesday, Aug. '26 Fulton, do. Slit 21 Arago, do. Oct. 31 Fil.Rou, do. Nor. 18 Arago, do Doe 16 1051. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 IFulton, do. Jou. 13 Arago, do. Fob. 0 Amp', do. Fol. 10 Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, do Mar 10 Arago, do. April 6 Arago, do April 1 Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, do May 6 Arm°, do. Juno 1 Arago, do. June I Talton, do. Juno 29 Fulton, do. Juno 80 PRIOH or PA98108: Prom Now York to Bollthairipton or (farm —YlrEt Pablo, slso ; Second 0010, $76. front llama or Routhauipton to Now York—Moot Oabln, 800 flaws; Elocond Cabin, 600 franca. For frolght or passage apply to DIORTIMER LIVINOSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM lailiiN, " Marro CROSKEY A; CO, " ticuth'ton AM BRIOAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX- 11 Park. OIIANUK CO ant FIIHE NEIV YORK AND LIVERPOOL J. UNITED STATER MAIL STEAMERS —The Shlpa tionipobiug Um Liao are: The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. fho tinurio (Int Joseph Comstock. The APRIAI. I IO, Capt. Jam. West. ~These ships have been built by contract, expressly for alovernment service; every care haa boon taken m their construction, no also In their engines, to ensure etrenglh and eprod, nod their .5,111.1:IA1one for pamongera aro nuovallod for elegance and comfort. Prier. of tannage from New York to Liverpool, In Brat Cablu, $130; iu second do., $76; from Liverpool to Now York, 30 and 20 guluean. No bertha scoured nuloaa paid for. The snipe of Ogle line have improved water•tight bulk heads. PROFOSND DATTS OF SAILING. axon 611 W YORK. TROY LIYYRPOOL. Saturday, Jane 20, 1887 Weduevdey, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wodnooday, July 8, 1157 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wedneadny, July 22, 1157 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1557 Saturday, Aug 15, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 107 Saturday, Sept 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 11467 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oot. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oat. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct.. .28, 1851 Saturday, Nor. 7, 1867 Wednowlay, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wodueeday, Nov. 20, 1857 Saturday, Sea. 6, 1867 Wednewlay, Goo. U, 1867 Weduesday, Poo. 22, 1851 For freight or 11 lunge, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 60 Wall street, N. Y. DROWN, 13111PLRY & CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN IS lINNARD & 00., 21 Austin Brian, London. It, G. WAINWRIGHT & 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not too accountable for gold, silver, bullion, epoch), jewelry.pr eoloue stones or metals, unless bills of lading., nod therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein aul-tf MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES Bold by CHADWICK b. DUO., SECOND Street Ant door olvro Rate. tudlB-3nma IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NIIW OAS CONSUMING YURNAOS C NILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the moat severe toad, during the two COLD WINTURPI ON MB AND 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater an the world, saving from to the fuel over any of the test furnaces now in use. uses FORNACRS are constructed with a cast Iron ash pit, and a broad, ehallovr pan-shaped Ore pot, lined with Ore-brick or iron staves. The tire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, cia TAPERING RADIATORS, largo and broad at their liana, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the ocular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the tine Tug wnota products of combustion In the form of smoke and OASES, are musponded directly over the fire, CONTINUO OT compressed into the tapering Costs and CONTINUALLY UNPOSED to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This beat and light is brought to a cocoa I lion Coca, not unlike the COLLECTION OF TUF. SUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the BARAN AND niece to become intensely heated lend tho roughly 00N801111D, by this operation the IMMIX AND CIANNIS are lUDS lIQUALLT AVAILAIILS with the TONI luny for heating purposes, while, in other furuloes, it IS °SERINO 01/ AND WASTND IN TUN 01111111 IT. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ROOM/6111)AL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fell to examine the New 000 Commix° Coos Nuax.ton, before ',damming any other. The at toution of &ranted,' and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to S. A. liarrison,) No. 624 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Squar Wince nnb tiquors BRANDIES Pink. Castillon," 711arett and other Cognac., of rnrinoa rintageg, lu hal pipes and qpartar cake ; Vollorobdu Rochello Itrandle, pale and nark, in half pipes half camks, and 0/10-01,lit mica, Imported and for mite by • TOHNIoGOY, WHOLESALE WINE AND LiqUOR sTonv„ 311 and 3138. Na ant and {Valor RN.. bet. Sprues 10 pundwous (Itay's culubralod 5C011.31 WHIM,. EY In bond and In tiara 00 24 2n DORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to do bunture 250 cool. St. Joseph's Puro Juice Por Wino, in qru. and nightly+. Ton puncheons J ohn Runway Islay Malt &etch Whim koy, 2 yi.ain old Plity pipe/ Anchor (lin. Merott, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupuy Manlike, i of which I offer ip the trodo at reduced ',Einem. JOS. N. TOBIAS, au27.llmoe bB and 00 0 Pront M . below Walnut LEXANDER V. 'HOLMES, WINE AND J LIQUOR STORE'. No. 220, Bouthowit Corner o (MIRO end AOUT II Strente. gri I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER NJ. IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, ()MAIM & ,20 South YIFTII Street, Philadelphia aul-ly BIIANDIES.-I'iaet, Oatitillon & Go., bk nett & flo , and other brands of Cognacs of 11211i0110 vintagen, In half pipe. and quarter casks ; Pellovoixin Iluohslle Itrandloo, pale and dark, In half ninon, quartot tasks and ono-eighth tanks, all in 011A11111 HOU. sterol, Imported and for lode by 111 NILY 1101ILEN & CO., Noo. 221 amt 223 South Fourth ntrtwt DITHItIAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND I, ABER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (nal, N 0.938) North TiILED Strout, Philadolphia.-81)Ipphig ordure promptly attondod to. 1.111-It illertliant tkailorp FDWAILD P. KELLY, 81 4 CHESTNUT STREET, Has Just resolved a cholso aoseltlosut of CRAVATS CLOVEN TIES. BOAIIES, INCRNINU fIOWNS SHIRTS, TRAVELLING SHAWLS, ENCLISII PA TENT HAITERS, &0., ho., which will be sold a , Moderaie prices for credit—low for rash. The business of KELLY S. BROTHER is now at tended at No. 814 CHESTNUT street, by N. P. KEI. IN or JOHN P. DOHERTY. 0023-11 JOHN P. DOHERTY, , r01041411 . 1.Y WITII CAI.I.T & LATH WITH LUKENS, KELLY, .4. CO., TAILOR, =f= llas now with him the bent Tailors that am engaged in the business In thin country. CuAitt.as Born, formerly the leading tailor of this city H. ICATuna, formerly cutter for C. Hotta & (Jo., and Into Coat and Voat cuttor with Lukens, Holly, & Co; 'how( WAONSII, the host Pouts and Vent cutter In tho United Staten; for years cutter with Deplerric, under thu Irving Homo Droadvray, anti with Deplerris & t'attus, under the St. Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to thu x ishes of all who patronize the entablinhuonnt. Tho Lost of Clothes tondo at moderate prices for credit, lour prices for cash. ocl3-tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT ay TAILOR, Nos, 16 atollß South NINTLI STREET, ABOVE CILEBTNUT. A large Rod well selected stock of CLOTHS and OASSIMERES always on hand. All Olothing made at this Establishment will be of the beet quality, and In the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. aue•tf E B. KITE & CO. -E-40 FURNITURE, BEDDING, An. No. 418 (late 128 ) WALNUT et. Philadelphia. A new and superior style of Bpring Reds. LYDIA B. KITS. JORNPII WALTON sun Cm C _ HARLES P. OALDWELL—WhoieRaIe and Retail WHIP and DANE lianufsetttrer, No. 4 North 20 SOUTHAMPTON inaguitleout steamship YAN- A, couttuander, /5,20$ tees, furnaces HENRY 110111,EN & CO., 221 and '223 South fourth xtreot furniture. LAVING FUND—IFIVE PER CENT. IN TESEST—NATIONAIi SAFETY TRUST COM PANY —WALNUT STREET. SOUTH-WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. iNOORFORATED EY THU STATIS Or PeoNeTLTAOIA• Money le received in any nun, largo or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office Is open every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, Provident, HOLIEST SELVIUD(IN, Vice President. WY. 3. Risen, Secretary. D 111110201113: Hon. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Mums, Disvaril L. Carter, B. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph 11. Barry, Pawl. H. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Yrauols Lee. This Company coMIIIIIII Ito brudneea entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The inveatmente, tunounl.ng to over ONE MILLION AND A ITALY OF DOLLARS, are made in conformity with the provision of the Charter, to REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as will always tu sure perfect security to the depositors, and which can not tail to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution. aul-ly - QIX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from to J, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Largo or email snout received and paid with out notice, with FIVE PERCENT . CENT.INTEREST, by check or otherwise. JOHN TllirilSON, Proe't. TICK 41,4 THOS. T. TAMER, MCBIOIO EDWIN M. LEW/8. BNORKTIRY AND TRIASURXX, WM. T. ELBERT. TROliTMid, WM. 0. Ltidarik,, D 0 Levy, Charles E. Lei, A. Mickey, Israul W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Nual, 'rho, Nallean, Thomas B. Rued, M. D James Hassell, Thos. P. liparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaac 8, Waterman, Charles T. Yoram dohn B. Austin, John Addieks, &lemon Alter, , M Baldwin, Witham Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., CharluA S Cartastra, Robert Clark, A. J Droxol, Charles Wm. B. Foster, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lowhi Lewis, Jr., sul-3nl NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N °- 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER C ENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. ivo. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE 1.1 PER CENT. STATE SATINOS FUND. and-ly illocl)incrD club iron. SAMUEL T. /4111414101 C. J. TAIKIIIAN NUMMI WILLIAM H. NZABICIL. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BMWS, M lE= MERRICK Sc SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tank., Iron Boata, ko., Out ing. or all kinds, either Iron or Bran. Iron frame roofs for Gas Work., Workshops, Railroad Stationa, &e. Retorts and Gall Machinery of the latest and most Improved rout - suction Every dencription of Plantation machinery, such u Sugar, /Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Puna, Open Steam Trains, Deferators, Filter., Pumping Engines, & Rule Agents for N. lisilieut'a Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Naamyth's Pateut Stearn Hammer; J. P. Roos' Patent Valve Motion (or Blast Machinery and Steam Pump! Superintendent—lL U HARTOL R ICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO- TIY I: STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, EIRVIINTINN7II SMART, HAMILTON, WAIRTINW AND NPRING °ANDRE ATRANTIII, PHILADELPHIA. Engaged meagrely in the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES litanufsoturs to order Locomotivos of Roy arraogo mot., weight or capacity, for the nee of Wood or eoks, Of Ri tununaur Coil( in oil Ml* Oats, or ANTHRACITE COAI., - • • WITIIOO7 XMITTING 8110111, GAM 01 PIM In design, material and worktnannhip, the tooomo tione produced at these Works are equal to, and not cl eanest by any. The material,' used lu construction are mole ou the spot, and lucent the butt quality and must cohabit, %took The large extent of Shops, and Com ea Equsyto.las of Machinery and Teals, enable bent to execute the SST OF IVO iCK IVITII ORRAT DRSPATCH, or /CAT ARRANGmtIiMIr TrzQUlHun. OUILLND OAK WU KU'S, 11AXIIIERED exim, With Y 44111120 of any silo or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINOS, And DIAL - MINH WORK gonorAny. RICHARD NOIIItIB sul-ly 1:= FIENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOM- A. m WORKS • - REANEY, NEAFIE k CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENOINNIEB, BIM/MEWS, DOILER-SIAKER3, BLACK MIMS AND POUNDERS. - - . Having for many yearn been in successful operation, and boon exclusively eugagal in building and repairing Undue and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Loots, Water Tanks, Propellors, he. .ko., respectfully offer their services to the public, as Tieing full f prepared to contract for Engines of all limes, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. livery description of Pattern-making wade at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder lloilere,ot the best Pennsylvania char coal Iron. Yorgiuge of all sizes and kinds, Iron and Bras Castings of all descriptions; Moll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specificatlone for all work done at their establkhinuut (too Of charge, and work guaranteed. The eubscribern have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lay to perfect safety, and aro provided with choirs, blocks, falls, .to., for raising beery or light weights. . . THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB G. NEAVII, JOHN P. LEVY, and-y BEAM and PAL3IHR Streets, Kensington H ANDY B:IA2sI)IyRATTS— its 07 CUMBERL4ND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR OAS, STEAM OIL WATER ALSO, OENEIZAL IRON COMMISSION MERCETS Warehouse 8. B. corner FRONT And WALNUT. aul•9m itlaidito VIEL3IBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract nadir!, for all Diteanes of the Mol der, Kidueyo, Drivel, Dropsy, Net - room and Debllitatod Startlers. LIELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Beebe, removes all the symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Lore of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Yoet, Wakefulness, Hinton.. of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Binocular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptic' Symptoms, Hot liana, Blushings of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenanco, Eruptions on the Yaoo, Pains In the Back, Heart...sus of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spats flying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Lou of Sight. If these eyinptono aro allowed to go on, which this ma diclue Invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and leptio Fits. TF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY .1 of the abort) distresehug ailment', 1110 11111.14- 1101,1P8 PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced of their ellicacy. HELMBOLD'iI GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Buchu, "(live health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pulled cheek And are . pleasant in their teat°, that patients be come food of them. UTELMBOLIV 9 GENUINE PREPARA -11 TION, Extract Buchu—Seo orerwhelining hii h will ho pro,locod to allow that thuy do groat good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the iuspeation of all. lIELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA TION, Exti act %w ho —Price $1 per Bottle, de hewed to any slime Depot, 52 South TENTH Wool, Aileembly Building, below 011ESTE UT street, Philadel phia At',hese !otter., It. T. lIIII.IIIIOLD, 62 South TVIIT7I street, below ell ESENUT, rbiladelphla. Sold by Dregvate and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. au7-3m* NI A R C l u t i A t y N siAl T , 'B ,OGRAPIIB, OR PROTORRAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. miter of ERIIITII and LOCUST. The above pictures diger essruttally from anything over before °tiered to tho public. Their softness, and trolls or color and outline, extraonlinary onnutenesa and accutitey of dotitil, insure, or necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while tho severity or the or deal to which they aro exposed in manfpulatton equally IlVttles the question of their permanence. Theta keg enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction awl coulldence, to the public and to Ms Mends. They aro neeared by letters patent to, and tan lie had ONLY el E. L. I'iIAItOUANT. ID - - Portrait, of the cabinet, and life 11111) on Coors. {to heretofore. an L IC LA MP S .—TIIII PUBLIC IS iNdpoetfully Informed that Offices have been opened by the District Siiperinteinlente of Publie Lighting, at which citirtine aro requested to give information reatiscl ng accidents which oiay 1141.1 to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the lroper time; or if not properly 'loaned and in good ighting condition. The Books will bo kept by Joseph Bally, No. 808 Wharton at., Yirst Ward; Charles Carty, No 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Milani U. Kirk, No. 14R'8 Hutchinson atreet, Twentieth Ward; B. W Deolning. No. .223 i Coates evert, Wiftoenth Srard, Thos. V. Bowlby, Gm , Oilier, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Pliiiiidelphia;) II ft. at , Paildeo, (las °Bice, Twenty- Second Ward, (tiermautown;) Win. N. Market, Nat Ogee, Teenty.Third Ward (Yrankfoni,) and at the (lee Oilire in Hon oath street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gam Work.. it• J. KITS, oel-(,n Superintendent of Diatributlon. pIIILADELPIIIA TYPE FOUNDRY it. N. W. Con THIRD and CIikISNUT Ste. L. PELOUZIi k SON, thankful for tho liberal pa tronage heretofore eocordod to their listehlishment, and desirous to merit its continuance ' would announce to Printers and PubNabors that their new SPECIMEN 1100 K is now ready, and from their invaded are unw prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Putablishinsut, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience is the business, and the feet of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in Resorting that they can furnish a mo., durable and better fin ished article than their eoteroporralee. Three, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to Forebrain elsewhere. Ohl type taken at ci cents per pound, to exchange for Dow at epecinien pica. aul-tf CREAM SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, Is sold et the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of five cont.& bindle', and may be obtained In large or small quantity by ap plying at the Gas Oftice, No. 20 South tiIIPENTLI Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, It fa sold at the Worts, In Pint Want, by the too, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a 142 00 per ton. (Signed,) J. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. PHILADYLYIIIA Ole WORM'. Aug. 25, %I. anlt4f COAOII, ENGINE AND LIOTELLAMP Vaotory of E. W USSR ERS, N 0.109 (late 49) South MIMI, below Choatnut atreot, hag become a wring of 50 per cunt. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver topped and hotfooted, and sent by etyma to all parts surd ly 131 E IVANS. - 1 0 ,000—PEINTE11, , A E Curds per Dour I 0 1 FIV TM Pme dial lou wuoverle4 10, Se in 6 IpTIV•W‘ D 11444•101 a Pre, at Ow WA . viD - . rug..., lATITUA . c or A UMW.. I.vi t . o f 00 g" . " pd..,0u..0 Cm.b. U s OT" .- ID Car. TAbrsry, FOURTH ST. below Cheetoot. - - insurance CTompaities. - urOIVARD FIRE AND MARINE IN eillitA Neff C O5l Pl7`iT No 412 WALNUT Street, Tim, following statement of the Affairs of the company Is initilighed in conformity with a provision of its charter . PREMIUMS 1180111V111, FROM 10003? 1, 1860,21, 000007 at, 18.57. Fire premiums $88,724 81 Marino premiums 211.793 02 Perpetual premiums 224 Ou Total amount premiums taken Earned fire premiums 25,072 96 Earned marine premiums.-- 355,00 W-180,018 C. 6 Deduct return premium,. Net earned $1013,369 09 trarlto lessee pald. 814,8 5 5 75 Ihte loesee p1d.... 8,031 11 Salvage vs- $101,916 66 ce,ved... $760 67 Interestro- ccieed...4,361 61 It a - illlllll . - aut.. ..... 3,971 52 —6,683 66 93,233 70 Expenses far commissions to agents, abatements in lieu or scrip, salaries, UMco rout, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, c Profit and lose A SS NTS. Cult on ...... $12,315 b Dille receivable ..... 119,203 011 Bonds and mortgngoc 1c5,000 00 S Locke •ft , 100 00 Stock note, 142,tuk) 00 Due by agents and other, 2'2,312 03 8754,095 8 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm P Leech, C. E Spangler, It. T Remit, Abraham Rex, 11. 11. Donstit, Wm. 11. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, tieorge lloweil, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edger Thomson, IV. Raignel, C O. Sower, Charles Y. Norton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Losrars, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles. Nathan It. Potts, 11. IL Shillingtord. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, President C. E. Srasatss, Vice President. W. 11. WOODS, Secretary. oetll, R. T. }Wen., Treiumntr FIRR INSURANCE. seRINU GARDEN FIRE INSURANCH COM PANT. OAPITAL $190,000, PAID IN CAHN, AND SECURELY INYESTED, OPPIOPL N. W. COIINPII OF SIXTH AND WOOD . . . . .. BTS , SPRING GAHDENB. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIREGTORB. John 11 Dohnert, Henry M. Phil, g, David Woeipper. Lewis Shirusack Benjamin Darla, John Lamle', John Esanx, Jr Charles Yield, Antal Al. Park, William E. Woo . James Duman, John B. Bteventon, Jacob S. Blintzes, Corwin Stoddard, Dreary Hornet., Thos. D. Tillinghast, George K. Childs. JOHN H. DOHNERT, President. L KRUIHIPLAIR, Secretary. *opt 21-1 y NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPARY.— il orrium 411 WALNUT St., Fratlklid Elul[dingy. FIHR .4.VD 21/A R/Ni" i/VMURANCR. CAPITAL, 1100,00 U, WITH PRIVILEGE SD INCREASE TO COLOOR. This Company la now fully organ sod, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against ion or damage EI Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vice President. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. IL 0. Laughlin, D Sharortoxl, thiberne, Richard Shiolds, T. Y. Showell, I A. C. Stotalb ( 21°M 0 Mutter ary, U. M. Uerllle, 0. 0. Butler, Cleo. Scutt. pial9-y rrliE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE .1 COMPANY, Odlee No (late 93) WALNUT Bt Capital and Surplus, 9250,000. This Company continues to make Insurance agalmt lona or damage by Sire and the Perils of the Sea, Island Navigation and Transportation, at current rate*. OVVIOEB.S. President—OHO II LIART Vico Pro.ldont—El P. 11.088. Pacretary and Treaeurer—H. R COGGIIIIALL Aasimtwal Sacrotary--$ 11. ]IOTLYR. YOTOBB. 11 W. Bailey, Charles . Wm. D Lewis, Jr., J.L Pomeroy, Andrew R. Cliambere, It Coggshall, Samuel Jona, M. D., A. P. Ohoembrough. Georg* H. hart, N. P. Roes, A. 0. ()Well, Joaeple Edwards, Jolla 0. Dale, Non Henry M. Feller, Yoder 8. Perkily!, Joan H. Chambers, au fly ITTFEINSURANCE • D TRUST COM PAVY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5611,735 03. INSURES LIVEStor abort terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and eadowenents—pnr chases life on Interests in Real Estate, and snakes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. MONEY ItKONIVIiD ON DIPOSIT in any amount— live Per Cont. Interest allowed from data of deposit, payable back on demand without notice. APSIITS OP TOR COMPANY, January 15t,1887. Loan. of the elate of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia City, Penn's Raiload Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other Loan. $179,836 SS Bonds, Mortgages and Real Mats 111,187 19 Stooks en Banks, Ineuranee, Gas and Rail road Companies Premium Notes and Loans on Collateral/ Oita In Beak, tae from Agent., Inter. eat, AA 1118,T841 4T eserontesoapitsl,3abeariptlon Notes 100,000 00 STU,2IS 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STORES, Vice Preset. Joss W. HOINUI. Secretary. euldy ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CORI:A NY, NEW YOBB.-ofileo, No 29 Wall street, ad porting the Mediu:ties' Bank—Cash Capital, $260,000, 9{4 a surplus. Ilia Company insure Buildings, Mel , ettandia*, Furniture, Teasels In port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damage by YIN and the Bulks of Inland Nangation DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Fleury Dada Edmund Pantold, O. H. lAliecilbal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo Polheruns, jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Morgan. Thomu Monagan, Abut. IL Yu Ned, John 11. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Easton, Junes W. Phillips, Louis Land, Charles A. Huy, Samuel G.Glldden, Edward Ilincken, Steph. Cambreleog, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L Proat, John Ward, Lathrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R Paunch, Peter Edet, Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Yield, Gee. Wastreldt, A. R. Yrothingham, Salmon Taylor, Thos. Y. Youngs, Henry R. Blossom. Samuel li Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. RIPILIALD A. 011CLIY, B.retary m 10-ly MANUFACTURERS' INS UR AN C E IT-S. COMPANT.--Charter Perpetual tirentett by the State of Poutuylraola. Capital, $500,000. lire, Marine, ant Inland Transportation. DISIOI . OIIII. Amon 8. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Yield, Jamea P. Smyth, Will R. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, Precedent. WM A. RHODES, Tice President. ALFRED WSEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIAN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Director. have determined to adapt the ►asinees to its available resources—to °Merv. prudence in condunt tog its stairs, with a prompt adjustment of loges. Office No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, Phlladelphia. aul•dly 91111 E MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSII - J. RANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELFILIA.—OiIIee No. =I WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE Itliiiill on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RIBN.B, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL TUE PROFITS divided annually among the As sured, and ample security in mos of 1044. DIRECTORS. Edward Harris Mee, Thomas T. Butcher, John H. Odenhelmer, Algernon li Aabarner, Mahlon E illiaisison, Alfred Fassitt, Brined J. Sharpies'', Thomas S. Foster, Isaac Joanes, 0 ustayne English, Henry Preaut, Jamos E. Stroup, .Edwani O. James, Alfred Slade, II ililam L. Springs, A. 0 Ca:tell, Franklin CI Jones, Charles 13 Carstaire, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John C. Keifer, J1 , 11./1 lilerylsy, John P. Steiner, Win. Y. Smith, Henry li rambo, - A. J. Antal°, Wm. 3 Caner, Samuel L. t rentaborg. EDWARD HARRIS MILER, President. ALFRED YASSITT, Vice Provident. lon O. Kieree, Secretary. sal-ly (11IARTER OAK FIRE ANI) MARINE NJ INSURANCE COMPANY or LIARTFORD, CONN. Coal Capital $300,000. Losses in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the ?At/ads/I,lla 0./lice. By leave we refer to D. 8 Drewo A Co., Phila. Ron. Joel Jones, Phila. Charrees, Stout A Co., " I Ilea. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea & Co., " I Lion. T. S.Willlaine, We have facilities fur placiag any ouocuut of hum ranee to the most reliable Companies. tiENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 4.15 (old No. 145) Cif ES'I'NUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. liailrovb I:into ORTII PENNSYWAMA RAILROAD WINTER AIRANGEMENT. BETHLEHEM, EABION,ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, WILKESBARIE. DOYLESTOWN, ..ke. On and after Wednesday November 4th, 1057. the trains on this road will lean Philadelphia daily (Sun days excepted) as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Ales:town blanch Chunk. and Wllkesbarre (Express) sl. 91. IL For Bethlehem, Allentown and Stanch ("hunk, (Ex. pres,) us connection with L Y. It. R. and Easton, by stage, from Iron Dill Station at 216 P. M. For Wl!Mown, (Accumradation) at 4 80 P. 11.. For Owynodd, do. at 10 A. SI On Tuesdays and Fridays as ID A. M. trots will run through to Doylestown, leanig Doylestown to return at 1.33 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethelem (Expreas,) .t 9 A. M., and 2 25 P.M Leave Doylestown : (Aecomr odatlon,) at 6 3.5 A. M Leave Gwynedd, .0. at 2 20 P. 11. . , ON PIINDAII. For # ?rom Gwynedd 916 A. 11. 1 Gtynedd 2 '2O P. It . lltolestown 430 P. 11. I larlestown I SSA. if. Yarn to Bethlehem $1 60 " Mauch Ohnnk 200 " 111'Goebert° . 4 50 PASSIINGRR OF.PIT, FRONT and PILLOW' Its . Philo 31.1.19 OLARK, Agent. Eumbet LUMBER I LUMBER ! embecriber, who has for several. years ocupled the premise, at Bloanis Planing Mill, Keosiogbo, has removed to COAT}IB STREET D'llditr, &Wining the Phoenix Planing Mill, oa Delaware STOIEIEIy where he intend. keeping a large assortment of Cardin& sad other door lag - boards, Mops, risers, abelvlngdailing, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly 'mooed and wall worked For rale at the lowest cub prim. Purchasers arc in vited to call and examine for themolves, and ever y ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders revolved and supplied at the shortest with, for als kinds and sizes of Southern yellow Pins, 'rimier and Scantling. aul-tf 8. 8 11.101 ii• (blotting QIIAEPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTIIINft, 148 North num Meet, bctwoca *rob and Mac 8844-1, TC;WESTERN TRAVELLERS. PRING AND BUMMER ARRANUF.MENY.3. NOR }INCE NTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORD TO FITT - SBURGII ADD TRY,. WERT. On and after June let, 1831, TWO DAILY TRAIBB will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern and South or Northwestern TILII MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8.16 A. M. connecting with the Mall Train over the Great Penn sylvania Railroad. and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.20 A. M. IZEIZO THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Laatei Baltimore daily (itittay etasyted) at S P. NI fur Harrisburg. TUN frlOllT ISPRILISTHIix Leaves Baltimore Evkar NIGHT at 10 P. If . Ma' electing with the Lightning Rimers over the Pennell sante Itsilroaa for Pittsburgh, arriving at 110 PY. - tij - All these traius connect closely at Pittsburg with train. over the Pittsburgh, ;bre Wages nag Chi:ogo Xaalraod , sod its Northers', Southern sad Western consectionc ED.- Passengers for Chicago, Bock hits!, Berlin/ ton, lona City, Milwaukee, Dubuque, St. Paid's 11 son, end other leading cities in the Northwest. will sacs. oat hundred miler of tears! and its hours in title, with four less changes of cars, by taking this route. fl 7 Passenger* for Cleveland. nanduaky, Toledo, and Detroit. go by this route, and the time is ariequaLled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other ante. Er Passengers for St. Loris, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper Mississippi, mute len changes of cars. and WTI TV in al ranee of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Columba; Dayton, Louisville. and other procaine:it cities, u qaiak as by any other route. All Wevteru Baggage CEIZCILED knatiftif with care. 50,38t1 C,7 03 40-141.233 27 EZIET9 FOR Tit& NORTH. The 8 15 AM. connects closely with Itiptsas Trains over the 'Dauphin road for Rochester. nuttslo, Niagara Falls, and Canada, that forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Festers New York. Pamangere wilt End this the shortest, cheapest, and most roxpailitloto route to Niagara Palls and Canals. Through Ticket. am iera.l to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 sub. each train barb.g sure connentionn Fusco-pry by this route avoid trmeelled bndgiss. and all the inconeenimme of ferrying acmes the Susquehanna rarer. Passengers Lir Flint Ter. Ilsach,ater, Galtymborg, Igna mittsborg, Carlisle , Cliamberabrirg, go by the trains at 8.15 A. u, ant S P. 51. --• • . The Cara on this road wake sae tnp pa day, connect. is with tba train at 3P. M. Pot TElltUtGli TICKHTS cod farther atforsaatiea, apply at the Ticket 0150 r, Calvert Matas, N. 7 sonar of Calvert cad PradlUia stoats. asp.N-tf C. C. ♦DEEON, Sept. 13ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-111S i et RAT CHNTHAL BOUTS, isonnesting the At leotl Cities with 'WiAtern, North-western. and South western State., by a cant:coons Railway direst. This Road also connect. at Pittsburgh with daily line .Lammers to all point. en the Western Riven, and Cleveland and Sandaaky with Steamers to all ports od the Forth-western Lakes - making the most DIRECT, CHEAP EST and It/LIMAN ROUTE by which Frotglit ran be forwarded to and from the GRILL/ WISE. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND.PITTS BU Starr CLASS—Boots, SIMI, 'Hats, and Caps, Rooks, Dry Oasis, (in boxes bales and trunks) , Drag', (in hinge and balm) Ymthars, Pars, to Tic. sr 1W lb BanOrn CLAtla—Docoesne Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drug. (in ca.k.), Hardware, Leather, (in roll. or boxes). Wool, and Sheep Poe., Eastward, tr./gr.-00a. for 100 b Titan egoist—Anvils, Steel, Chain., (in casks), limp, Baron and Pork, baited, (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, manor/clonal, isioepteurars or eat do , e bk., par iao Tenant et-tat—Coffee, Pislt, Pgasow, Beef, and Port, (in casks or boxes landward). Lard soot Lard Oil, Nods, Soli A sh,German Cily, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, doe We. per 100 tb Ptova-750. per ,bbl - nail farther mottos. ll nits -35e. per 100 Pie , anti further notice. In abi;ping floods from any point East of Plots:101 phis, Ls Ofetieular to Haar. packs i ge •• vie ryt,a3 • Koslosesd.'' All Goods cum in to Hie Agent. of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be fursa2,l4.l without detention. raglan, AOl/Ivs.—'Harris, Worm:try Pt Oa., Itempttia, Tenn.; It Y. it/d4 1. Co , St Loui., Lo. • J. 8 Mitchell A, Son,Es.mimile Ind.; Duniesmil, Bell Jr rirdsa, and C a rpenter & Jewett, Louisville, Ity.• S. C. Lel drum, Madison, Ind i H. W. Brown & CO., and Irwin & Co , Cineindati ; N. W. Llrahaa & Co , Sammotht, Obio; Leech & Co.. No. A 4 Silby strrst. Boston, Lose& A. Co.. No ' • 2 Ardor Ilona*, New York, No. 1 With= at and No. d gallery Place, New York- S. J. Sara...4r, Philadelphln; Wags. & boons, Baltimore, I). A. (Savant, Pattburgt, H. H. HOUSTON, General Prated Agent, Philadelphia_ H. J. Unita EitT, Inparialand•nt, •)tocsia, Pe. NEW YORE LINES.-TIIE CAMDEN II AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRYLADRLPHIA AND TILRNTON RAILROAD COMPANTII MATS PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORY, AND WA DAIS la follows, 1111: tau. At IA. M. from Harddriften Depot, Ma Jimmy City, Mall At 6 A. M., via Cstodso arid Jersep. City, New Jer sey Accommodation At 6 A. 31 , via Camden sad Amboy, Amosawmd; Mos I At T A , viz Camden and Jersey Otty, Horsing llaii 3 At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy mid Jersey City, Morning .11Mrver 3 At 3 P. 11 , via Camden sad Amboy, C. acid A. Ks- prom' 1 At 6 P. M. vla Camden and Jersey City, Rrra.a; Mail 3 At 3 P. 31., Tif Camden and Amboy, larommala- Lion, Id Cleaa 2 At 3 P. 11 , via Camden and Amboy, Aaaroamoda lion, 2akt Class. 1 At 6 P. 1 19 Tia Camden sad Amboy, ,Aaamaracia• Mon, lstClaa• 2 At 6 P. M. via Cam aa4 Amboy, Aroma:a-da tion, 2ad , Clam 1 The 6 P. M. Ilaa raw Catty, all others dreadaya • toptad. triprosa Mara atop at the priaripal ats4toar rely. Yor Iteloolore, Buten. 7 /orraottloa, ac, at 41. lad 1 P. M., from Walaat stroat 11111111. 31,729 93 193 . 692 01 - - . For Water tiap, Stroadidnrs, Sawatow, Wilkawlaarr Montroacc, Great Ben, to at 6 A. 11., ris.Delawar Lackawanna at {Futon' Railroad_ For Freehold, at 6 A. M. Lod 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at TA. M.. sad IX E tad 6 P.ll miza/mima for Palmyra, anaemia, Dorarly, Darlington, Dorgan town , at 3 P. Steamboat RICIIARD STOCKTON for Bontentown and Intermedlnte places at SIM P M Steamboat TILEN'It.Y for Tummy at 10 and 1.1), A. M., and d P. SI. M. •ll Hum, azdept 1 •. Y., tan Tabun gees irtuf. {rte rift) poturds of baggage only allownd nook pas senger Passengers ars I robibited from taking nay thing an bagirage but thair soaring !apparel. All tag gage Dyne flfte pounds to ba pa:l,l for ea•.rs Ilse Piga trait their responsibility for tailings to one dotal per pound, and sill not be liable for limy aroarnt ba good $lOO, tagapt by special context. QPRING ARRANGEMENT : PENN SYLVANIA CRNTRAL RAILROAD.—Di to dirt tonne... Hun with tho PITTSBURGH, PORT WAYND AND CHICAGO RAIL ROAD_ Yoe Clnehanati, St Louis, lowa City, Louisville, Now °flaw, EL Pawls, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansas, Term Haute, Chicago, Rebrade--. In advance of all other mates out of Ehllzielptua. Formic; arts' coanrcties with ali the Grrat Wm. sew Rai/roads. - . - Lean Pb Rade' phis, for Pittsburgh and western &that, from the Peensyixania Railroad. Pawnor Static*, south-east corner of ELEVENTH sr..l &REX streets, (eatrecce on Eleventh street,) u Mons: Mail Tule et T A. M. Peat Line at 13 Si, P. M. Exprem Mail at ll O).Night_ Columbia R. R. Line leaves for tlerrishorg at 130, P. M , Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 431, P M. the Express Ilml ram duly, the other tram., Slas. days excepted. for farther part lenlars see kand-Mlle, et the &Merest startmg.points. Passengers from the West rill hod that the shortest and moot expedttmas route to Phdadelplia, Deltlmore, Ilea 'fork or Beaton. THOMAS MOORE, Agent, Pissenger Line PensAylranis kallroad Co. Febrisry, ISST. and-ly PH I L ADE LPill A, GERMANTOWiN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —IV DYER. ARRANUSIIENT.—On and &nor MONDAY, Ottaar 19th,15.5T. . _ Leave Philadelphia at 6, ~I‘, 95,11!.., A M., 3-10111111 4,5, 6.., 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 61i, 7-35 min. S. 9, 19% A. M. 1-10. 3-10 win. 4,5, 6. 7,8, and 10P 11 11J The 735 o'clock A M Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PhllAdelpb is at JO ram. 1.1, 2 and e. P. 11. Yearn Germantown 8 :54 Min. A. 11 , 1-10 Win ILO 545 min I'. M. MIIMEN=IO=I Lease Chestnut Hill at 7 iir,B-10 an,llo-10 min A. M., 12-00, 3-40, 3-40 and 7-40 min. P. M. Leave Philutalphia. 9-2,3 A. M 2 auk 63i P. M. Leava Cheutnut UM at BA. M., 124.0 and 5-• Al P. M FOR MANATINK, CONBIIOIIOCKIN khD h ORRIS Leave Philadelphia at OS, 9, 11 A. 11 , 2, ilc, 51i, and 11 P. 11. Leave Norristown at 7,9, 11 A 11., 9 and 5 40 P. 91. Lestro Philadelphia at 9 A II , at ' l SP. M. Lear. Norristown at 7 A. M , and 5 P. DI VALLEY RAILROAD FUR DOWNING Leave Philadelphia at 63,1 A.ll , and 3 P. H. Leave Downingtown at 7 y A. 1.1 , and 1 P. 31. 11. K $.1111 . 11, Superinten.lant. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, PhilaJelptts CIIANGE OF HOURS.-P HIL ADE L. !'ill A, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and alter Monday, Nor. RAI, 1 SST, PASSIAGER TRAIN)/ LEAVR PIIILAIsILPII/1 Per Balticuurn at BA. M., IP. M (bliprees,) acid 11 For Wilmington at 8 A. It, 1, 3 30 and II P. M. Yor New Castle at 8 A. 11., and 3 30 P. 31. For Middletown at 8 A. II and 3 30 P. 11. Yor Dover at 8 A. M. and 3 30 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. U. TILIINiI FOR PIIILIDELPHIA - • Lease Baltimore at 8 40, Expreat, 11 A M , and 8 P. M. Leave WllmLegton at 8 and 11 43 A. M., and 2 SS and 06S P. M. Leave New Castle atll 06 A. M„ and 9 (6 p. M. Leave Middletown at 10.15 A. M. and S OS P. U. Leave Doter at 015 A. M. and i P. M. Leave 6eeronl st 100 P. M Lear* Wilmington ►t fO6 A. M., 2 P. M. and 12.15 11. SUNDAYS only at 11 . :P. M. from Philadelphia to do. do. 6.25 P. U. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND lIAVRR DR GRACE ACCOMMO DATION TRAIN Leave. Havre de Grace at 0.60 A. M. Loaves Baltimore at 100 P. Freight Train, with Passeager Car attached, will row as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate) places at 600 P M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 0 60 P. M. Leave llolthoore fur lievre-de-Grate at 6 t oc 31•ly B. M. I.RLTON, President. CH. GARDEN & CO., hionotsetxreen of and Wholoonlo Deniers to LILTS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, SANDY BILE AND STRAW BONNETS, IRTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROUtHES, FEATHERS, 4-c., #,. No. b 32, (old - No. 196) MARKET Street, Delon Sixth, month side, And No 6..:3 MINOR Street, Thilidelptai. OA ISDIX, D VII &L. DO3Ol/111, hierelillaila aro rospeethilly Lnyited to EILIIIIOII onr ItOCk st7-2ha SULLENDER & PASCAL, H ATTIRE', No. a B. Una 'beat. Phaidelphla. CONGRESS RANGE.-SOLD BY CIIAI4 wIcK k IMO., N 0.972 N. NBOOND Strut: eajl9•t®oe. WESTMINSTI.II BRANCH IFAL Y. GATZMBB, /grrit O. & A. R. IL CO. A. B. MORRELL, Agent Tr. B. It O. THROUGH TRAINB FOR OERMANTOWN CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD ON SURD►SE MISMI TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Baltimore gate, Caps, a'r
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