(lir The Press.] 4 ' Na. Nome : I would beg leave to call your attention to a subject which might be a little In teresting to the: pablio. It is in regard to the naming of ,our national vessols. By regulation . of the Navy Department our line-of-battle ships are nam44'lor iiitatee, frigates after rivers; sloops of war after cities and towns of the Union, and brig, and sobtiorrors after fish. Now, by the recent lawordering the building,Of sin sloops the duty devolves on thit Presidont and Secretary of the Navy of naming thou, and of coulee, after °Mos or, towns. We lave Sloane alreinli named after Plymouth and Jamestown, commemorating the historical ,reritiniseence of',tite settlement of our country; andliexington, Saratoga, Yorktown, and Prinovtatt, ;in' commemoration of the battle& of the Risvolutionary war. I would' ieggest the naming of one of-these vessels after the theatre of one of the most important battles which odourred during that struggle—one wbioh revived the des - spiri ts of the Revolution in its darkest trials - and which @tonged the tlde of,affairs in favor of our patriot fathers. -The Christmas-day which dawned on the battle-field 'of ,Trenton was big with the fate of our nationality.: It. was to- our Washing ton what the "fun of Austerllta" was to Napo; leon. His game 'nits:nearly played out. Ifs could not hope, with his handful. of,troops, to arrest the marsh of the torso British force into Philadelphia, but by a Surprise he was enabl ed not only to cause the flight of their army, bit to benefit by the, stores and they, were ! obliged to leave behindf 'and • which t were sorely needed by our troops. ; , We tintieonsider this battle to Juive been the turning-point oc the :R'e'volution, and no name, therefore, viold be, more appropriate for one of our new eloonS:thiut that Of traittOn THE -MONEY MARKET. Prtuyinueri.e, 4,1857. Our etatement made - before the suspension of the Philadelphia banks, that At large portion of the notes faUing_diteat th is Anne tunl been bought up by the parties erhn lured, *env howevei unwisely, Rs borne out foqiity ; and Rho* the anticipation of so nitiek'Of this paper drained ~tts of our spools fur the henelit of _the . 1 ow York, tiaiikel - and pre oipitated easPenotou - npon us, ere now are reaping the adiantage of •thiSaimeosliti the dreaded 4th of November hu. hewn safely and suceesifully pawed It is true Whet elew hpuses whn.will pot date their notes on Sunday, have them tailing due on the fifth, the - bat of literati fell'on StindaY,'.but, the number of theme are few, and the worst day of, the fall season is 'safely )utSsed. ' The feet that' no particular hmgwo ?OS et** to break wag gen-, orally known, and helped to same the money mar ket of that pressure wind/ Imager/era/1y expected. In the stook market pricies were still, better maintained than on% yesterday, Ind matters gene rally store a better and healthier aspect. 4.lL together, the skies are brightening. There will be much anxiety necessarily felt to learn the result in England of the news of the general suspension of specie payments in . the United States. We shall not ,receive the looked.: for secoantafer more than a week, to come.. Yet the London, newspapers -seem to anticipate the catastrophe, sad are, to some extent, disowning it.: In Boston, where the banks and the merchants have milled together during the wholo,time since the panto mina/mined, money matters appear to be better thawleanyother of our commercial cities. . The Pos4 Last week was a quiet one in' money matters, On Saturday morning the banks held, of spade $3,131,000, , a - gain of nearly $700,000 since their Suspension: &mot negotiations for money con tinue rare, although rates are lower for very fa- VOrite *um We pate 11 per cont. as about the prise of the little first-ideas paper passed. Any thing inferior or even direrent is taken with cau tion, and at prices ranging from 2 per cent. upward. In the banks, , as a whole; money is easy enough. Among thirty', of forty institutions, there will be some exceptions, but the, ilepoTal rule Is that any-, body in' good hank: Credit Can readily borrow at from ele BPO enit.:ln Moderate sums." * * "AEI wahavet heretofore had occasion to say, the actual lows, of the banks are not very heavy, and :anon of the paper that is suspended. would have been renewed - - under any olrournatanoes. The country banks gait have been a heavy drag upon the market of lite,- by 'their overdrafts,' two now remitting more largely, and with the- general stagnation df bialness they will be able,' doubtless, to soon have balsam:4in Boston to their credit, al though many of them are greatly hampered by the gilt-edged paper that did not turn out to be gold. .On the whole, the active means of the Boston banks are large, and inoreasing with tolerable rapidity, and they are certainly ample, even now, for the properdomands Of the market. By the end of the year, their spade will probably run somewhere near five millions, with a loan not eioessively large. As soon, therefore, as New York is able to regime, we do not dou bt that the Boston banks will be ready to follow suit." The Baltimore American says : "The tone of the money Market is improving, and the feeling' to . -day' seems_ decidedly bitter. llisooont rates have not ehang?d materially, but eapitallats. are more willing to invest, and money is much mostaseessaiblo: • On, State-and oity stook money can bo hid readily at 1 per bent., and on otter eollaterals at if all per cent. per month. First-ohm 'indented paper 'can be placed at lf a If per cent., and prune single name do. at 2a 2f per cent-,per month. Prime paper is wanted at these rates. For exchange on New York and other point' north .the rates still rule high. We quote exchange on Now TVA at 6 a 7 per cent., on Boston at Sae per oent., and on Philadelphia at a 34 per cent. premium." A movement to remove the penalties imposed by the charter 'of the various defaulting banks in 'Tennessee, for refusal to redeem their notes in coin, ihas been defeated in the Legislature of that State. There seems to be a growing sentiment in that State favorable to the winding up of all the shin plaster factories, and is rigid adherenoe to what General Jackson in his farewell address tanned the " Constitutionaleurreney of gold and silver." The New Orleans Picayune iNta : ' . sc Our ,expeetation.s, expressed some time since, in ieterence to the probable change in the course of speeio—the procluot of the Mexican mines-- seems is fao.talready in part to be realized. The last English steamer from Vora Cruz took but $295,37 4 . while our own drafts from the gime port daring the month have proportionatelyin melded. It is probable now that the specie freight of the next steamer will be still lighter, and that nearly the whole of the month of October's coining will come directly to us. We should not be mutt surprised if , our receipts of Mexican coin during the remainder of the present and the next month wheall amount to a million of dollars . Cotton, the next two months, if not during the whole legion, wilt prove an excellent etiolate magnet." Wu extract from the report of the Bank of Ten :MOMS the following account of ita condition : The capital stook of the bank amounted, on the Arst 4f July lest, at the principal blink, to - - • - $1,886,833 43 /o. at the briunoheiyio - - - 1,474,298 01 83,301,131 44 Thies outs includes the stook of the • Union and Planters' Banks, amount ing to the stun of •• • - 897,194 00 And also the school fund - • 97,879 40 Do Ocoee fund • - 250,784 24 Do U:81. pnblio land fend 4,714 88 Also common echool fund • • 45,621 18 Aloe etook in Planters' Bank' - • - 232,700 00 Also'part stook in Union Bank • - 38,894 00 DBETA DOE 'ME BANK The debts duo the bank from loans and discounts,„ do not include debts due from other banks, • which are treated as sub, nor do they latitude the bonds of the state purchased by the bank, amounting on thein July last, to the sum - • $542,722 83 191oicti, if treated as disci:mute, will make those of the Ist July, 1847,. exceed those of the Ist January, JBB6. It is confidently believed that nearly tho whole of the debts will be made avail able. . , , On Ist July, 1656, amounted to • • 8968,827 17 " 1857, " - • 1,106,039 56 The bank has furnished, during the put two years, exchange on the ' principal cities, amounting to - • $14,092,000 Of that snm there was furnished on New l'oik and Vbiladelphiti : - • To the Union Bonk To the Planters' Bank ft is the City of the president and' directors of the Bank of Tennessee to make pooh recommenda tions to the General Assembly, for the amendment of its charter andthelawS by ibichit 10 conduct ed, as In their judgment may be deemed nooessitry to proiode the interesta of the ituditutlon. ' • PKIMADILPHII STOOK .B - 2COIIANON SALO, NoTomber 4, 11361. 'toppled by 21./ O liatAy st ir., Stock Broker,' No 8 wtn stmt. • , 1518132 WARD, 8,000 Peinsa 5s SON 20 Reav Mead R, 47 100 do ' UN 8 ao ' 49 800 do 8034 1 LebighBdrip . 28 200 do 80)4 100 Reading R. .. .. ... 36M 4,662.24 do 80% 100 do ....iswa.l6x 2,000 Schyl Nay as '72 . 100 do • - l ox 2 days.6s 30 ' do 16x 9.00 City Co 80 75 d 0163€ 100 do - 80 100 do " 78% 1100 do 80 , 50do ' 161( SOO do .... New.BBg 5O .do ~, ;.2, dy5.1034 26 PODIA It' " 83 50 "do ....e5w0.1634 7 do 89,1( 16 do ..........16,Y, 7do 83,41100 Erlo R' ' 1434 88. do . „.. ~:..88,1( 10011nlon Canal" a% 25 ear Mead . ........Pionui, 11 - `7'.V 8RT191 1 3 5 BOARDS. 160.29 Penna 50.20 re 80 100`Long Island R 65 . 8 ' 1,000,,N Penna R 80,..4 8 . 100 Reading R..b6wn.181( 1,000 Bch Nay Os 12 . - .65 6O d o e 4,1834 1,000 ~ , , ,dp A .24ye.o_ s _.' '6O do .....„ b6.1834 .185:05T ROARD. , - 1,000 N .ronius Rde ~f 46 : '6O Rending A $ 8,78% 2,000 1911mhen R 80,80” 100 _do „..b5a:1674 1,000 do ...... .SO, , . 60 "do ....bswn.l9 100 otti as: .. '..'.; ..; .80 " 10 ' do boa.: 1,000 do 80,3‘, 60 . do .... . . ....11 Led T. laltuad R..lota. 8 ' 200' de ....5 dya.l7 100„Readr0gR....14.18% 1 Penns R 833( .20 , . do - RN 'lO . do ' '1334 - .'do ' 162 V ',2ol9oirist'n R..10ta.68 109 do ..'..tae1i.10,4 100 2felrictree2..bewlk., ,t 100 . ' do" 45:16X , 100 "do 40 do .. s6i!o:18,1, ( r 53 i 806871)W pref. „14 1 do _l9 10011nloti 01 pref..b6. 84 10 Bear Meadow, • " '-'OlOB/Nq 1 , 1813441 611..;:68 0 47 k. 16 11 4/1„;;„ mot. , sog Peurksylv....BOX la.: 11•44.18311...,..18X 17 44 730644 10 83- dAi`j It 4% 1 44 so : Naar "$8I(• 1101174088104882 40 )6666 - N8582.5..61 62 1 . stook.: 1 74 too .164661611 1 * - :!:: .... :17 60 - „ ;44 Maine otos" 44 it Z • .E: OtiL.Fnut 2.' Bid. Azie Sp Koi 'B2 imf 15 Wmiiet& Put II 11 d6litmortlsss 68 ' " do - ' do 2d62 46 ' .: 48 -1.06118164 d ..".. 8 B,v -TiokobOre . .- . ; . . . 6 ' Girard Bank.l'... i V ', 8 • ' Lehigh - Zta6 • ' ,4; 1 lUnion Clonal B.V 2% ifircOreek g . , A Catsiflodo R 1t.:31 I '1 iiditßiidinii ....17 . k l : ,' i '7 .. !'llT.?*. "'"""ERILADELPRIA MARKETS:. NOVEMBER 4—Evening. Trade in Breadstuffs continuos inaothie, and the - market generally is dull, with light receipts in dock, of a u kinds, considering the eseson of the year. Sales et 1,000 bbls. Ohio extra Flour aro reported, part at a price kept secret, and part at $6 per bbl. ,The boat trade is moderate, within the range of $5.375 as 7 per bbl., according to brand a nd quality, the sales being mostly of the better ;brands and. extras. Holders of shipping Flout' are tlrm in their pretensions, but there are few, if any, buyers in market, and superfine is but little inquired for, at $5.25 a :,45.375 per bbl. The Market for Corn Meal le unsettled and dull, and a sale of:500 bbil. Pennsylvania Meal is reported on terms not made public. There are rumors of sales at'153.25 per bbl: for Pennsylvania Biota, but we could not trace them. Wheat is steady in price, wlth,fair receipts, and sales for milling at $1.20 a $1.26 for rod, and $1.28 a $1.35 for white, the lat terlor good lots in store and afloat. The sales only include about 4,500 bus. to-day. Corn has ad• yawed, and sales of about 1,500 bus. yellow have been made at 73e. There is very little offering, ,and some holders ask more. Oats are not so firm, and buyers aro holding off for lower prices. Wo quote Southern at 320 a 330. Rye is in moderate request, and about 250 bus. Pennsylvania brought 750 delivered. Bark is unchanged, and first qua lity Querettron readily commands $3O per ton for shipment. Cotton is quiet, being generally hold above the views of buyers, who purchase with cau tion, and only to supply their immediate wants, at the present prices; the stook is very light. No thing new in Groceries or Provisions, and the mar kets are dull and unsettled ; the former articles, however, aro hold with tolerable firmness. Whis key is in steady request, at 200 for drudge, 210 for hhda; and 215 a 22/o for bids. OLD SALT DOMESTIC MARKETS. CINCINNATI MARKET, Nov. 2.—Flour—The market opened buoyant this morning, but closed less native under the influence of the advices from New York. The sales were 65,50 and 150 bbls at $4 50; 160 do at $4.45 ; 110 and 53 do white wheat at $4.6044.75 ; 75 and 150 do at $1.30, and 75 do at $4.25. The imports during the last 21 howls , were 1,811 bble. Whiskey- - The demand was better, and prices advanced le. The sales were 500 bble at 151, and 120 do fromm'agons et 151:1 011—Ralee.of. 12 bids Linseed at 55, and 20 do 'at 52. 'Market did!: Cheoti—The market Is dull and prices tend downward Sales of 210 boxes at 9, and 150 do at 94. Butter—A good de= mend for Roll at 19a210. Other kinds neglected. Wheat—The market remains firm, with a good home demand, and a fair inquiry for shipment; sales of 800 bushels prime white at 87; 200 do do at 90 ; 560 do good white at 85; 600 do red at 78; 500 do do at 79; 200 do do at 77.. Received during the past 24 hours 4,247 bushels. Barley—The market is unsettled and prices drooping; sales of 000 bush els fall at 750, and 450 do spring at 63e. Potatoes are dull at 400 per bushel. Apples are in but limited demand, and the market is dull at $1.5042 per bbl, the letter price for choice. ALBOT CATTLE MARKET. November 2 Rnavzs—Reocipts, 1,872 ; being 372 over the pre vious week. Sales at 4 a sa. per lb. for ordinary. and 5 / a Ole. for extra. SllEEP—Receipts, 3,875 ; increase, 1.375. Bales at $3 a $4.50 per bead. Roes—Receipts, 3,550; increase, 550. Sales at 4aOc. per lb., live 'weight. RENARKS—Thoro were but few sales. Dealers prefer to remain idlo than to take the chanoes of the market in those tight times. Besides, a portion of the stock is held by merobants, who use it as a means of ex change. - BALTIMORE COFFEE MARKET, Nov. 3. There is but little inquiry for Coffee, and the market for it is very heavy. We have reported to-day sales of 100 bags musty Rio at 91 cents, and of 100 bags good fair do. at .1.01 oents. The trade are generally holding off for the auction sato which tre to take place on Friday next. The stock is accumulating, and prices have a decidedly downward tendency. Wo quote to-day common to fair Rio at 91810* cents, and good to prime do. at 10 lain cents; Lagnayro. at 19 cents, and Java Coffee at 10a17 tents per lb. We note the arrival yesterday from Rio of the barque Lapwing, with a cargo of 4,700 bags. Thin arrival increases the stook to about .52,000 bags. NEW BEDFORD OIL MARKET, [for the week endiag Nov. 2.[-Binco oar last the market for Oils and Bone has been very quint and without transactions. Now York Cattle Market. The following are the prices at which stock wail soli log yesterday. Beef Cattle. Prom. quality, IP' cwt $10.00010.50 Prime quality do 0.50b10 00 Ordinaryquolty:do . 8 500 5.50 Common gaol. do ' 8 250 8.50 Ild'orfor quality do 8.000 826 . , _ • Cows and Calves. • First onidity, each Ordinary do Ooniroon do Inferior do _ Prime quality, per lb . . . . a',4 0 7g Ordinary, per tb 2 a 6 .. - , Blom and Lambs, . Prima quality per lb • 636 er 8 Orlinary, per lb 8 er by§ Swine. "'rat quality, per lb 6%06 Inferior qualities 6 as}4: Stank bogs . • &gar! 260 bead were on sale today at Berson. BY THE.FILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. ftlerreepondenee of The Prem.] , /9aW YORK, Nov. 4-5.20 P. M. The arrival of the Canada at Halifax, with $1,000,000 In specie, and of the Star of the West at this port, with close on a million and a half, has rendered the money market more buoyant than I have seen it for a long time. Hew far the hopes of those who rely on the approach of easy times, because the banks are going to be strong, will be realised, remains to be soon. The rates in the street are lower. I have hoard of paper—the most exquisitely gilt-edged-- being sold at ono per cent. a month, less re fined qualities from two to three, and rather eoarso at any price the unfortunate borrower was willing to pay. There was a general rush to the American Exchange Bank, after the arrival of the California steamer, of the holders of Bathers & Church's drafts, to got cash for them. They were paid, not according to the date of the draft, but as the holder presented himself at the counter. Foreign exchange is less steady than by my last letter. Very full prices are quoted, but prime signatures are scarce. Sterling sixty days may , be quoted from 103 to 108—the two extremes. Exchange on Paris is 5.20 a 5.378 ; Hamburg 34 a 36, and Amsterdam at 40. There is not much relief in domestic exchange, but there is a prospect that it will not bo long be fore things are easier. It will greatly help all parties who have collections to make, and who can not dose on account of the pressure. On the whole, I think there is reason to hope for better times ere long, bat I do not apprehend the return of en easy market before the middle of January. At that time, in spite of the banks, money will be plenty, because bushier will have been so long stag nant, i and now the ease, small as it is, that we en joy, s only ennead by the absence of commercial nativity, and the comparative abundance of money. I have to record two failures to-day. The first is that of John Gihon rk. Co., importers of British goods ewle;;, it ie said, to unlucky vin e'. teflon in rai lroad securities; and the second. that of the Gropers' Steam Refining Company, which, four months ago, declared a dtvidendtwenty five per cent I The elearing house settlement to day, was as follows: Clearings, $10,164,355.94; Balances paid in coin, $781,300 31. .The cash transactions at the sub-treasury were as follows: Reeeipts, $90,320 75; payments, $129,982 63, (including $30,000, California drafts.) Balance, $5,761,603 57. The receipts for duties, to day, at the custom house, were $48,442 64. ' The stock market was very active this morning. Erie clotted at the first board- at 15}—a rise of 11 slue yesterday, with sales of close on 2000 shares. Now York Central closed at 67—a gain of 1 since yesterday evening; Reading at 30;; Panama gained 4, Galena and Chicago 3, and Cleveland and Toledo, and Chicago and R. I. respectively 1. Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana was weaker. There was epme activity in bank stocks. Mechanics' sold at 90, Bank of Commerce, Ameri• can Exchange, and Bank of Republic at 80. Very little was done in railroad bonds. A largo bust .ness was done in State stocks at good prices. At the second board prices' wore fatly maintained., .and improved in many cues. now York Centred closed at 681. Brie at 151, Chicago and R. I. at 701, Illinois Central at 86, and Sloveland and To. lode 321. State stooks also maintained their prise, and the market clued firmly, and more steadily than for some time pat. P. B.—l have just learned ' that a committee of members of the steering house lee been appointed to consider what answer is to be given to the coun try banks relative to the resumption of specie pay ments. I am told that the sourer will bo that before next July they need notdread a resumption, and that they may expand walla reasonable limits, U t t,UKATR. AaltEll are steady', with sales of 25 bbls at $7.25 for Pots at $5.50 for Pearly. Brinensrucca.—The marled. for State and Went ern Flour is firm for superfine end low extra grates, with a good export demand; the local and Eastern trade are buying freely, ant prices aro buoyant. The sale. are 15,000 bbls, n 44.8544,95 for com mon to good State; $5.05315.25 for extra State, $4,85a590 for common to gad - Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, &0., and $5.05a16.50 for extra do. Southern Flour is withoutimproveractat, and the demand. continues modorab, with sales of 1,500 bbla at $5.2545.40 for mked to good brands of Baltimore, Alexandria, Georgetown, Fredeileks. burg, $5.5040 50 for hvorito, fanoy and extra brands do, $9.7547 for est, a Petersburg and Rich mond, the latter rate' for" Rialto" and Rich mond city mins." Canadian Flour Is in mod demand for extra brands, and prices are Eimer, with sales of 1.200 hhie at55.26a56.75 for Comp of oixtra and fami ly brands. Bye flour is firmer for iholee' brands, which are scarce, with sales of 150 bbls at 83.0045 for the range of fine and imperil°, and, some extra brands have been sold ht $5.121. Corn Meal is dull, bit It is held firmly; we qtiote Jersey at $3.50 ; Handywine, $3.75. Wheat is without,ehmge, and there is a good 'demand; the sales aro 8200 bus white Southern at 21.46a51.53; 5,600 ref Southern. 51.221a51.30; 5,000 amber Southern, $1.32 ; 11,000 white fedi- Aria, $1.22; • 9,000 , whie lifiehigan: $1.2541.00, the latter rate for the lendsomest Western wheat received this • season 22,000 Chicago spring, sla $1.025; and 1,000 damaged Southern, 900. Rye Is heavy and dot ati 75 a Weenie, the latter an. extreme rate, Pats 'are- um:aimed; we quote, 35 aSS for Southern, 25 a4O foarsey, 40 a 43 for State, and 43845 for Western. - • 'O Olll 1 3 outer, wits sales of *OOO buhele at 78 cents for Mixed Walton 'Onoluding 14,000 for export) and BO Mita er Southern yellow. 100220 N, itiluschanrael. iPnovisions—Perkis quiet and heavy ' , the sales • are .100 bbls in Ids at $20420.25 for mess, $lO for prim!, and $l2 for olear. Dressed hop *41'0114 .at 2473 !oft and hard. Beef is 1,567,787 66 - 1,803,000 1,031,000 BEM 155 00045 00 . 45 0005 00 35 00045 00 25 00035 00 12120211 THE PRESS.-PMLADELPHI4, THURSDAY, heavy and dull; with sales of 140 bble at $9 50a $10.50 for new country mess, $4a57.25 for now country prime, and $10412 tin . repacked Western, and $12.50a514 for old extra mess. Primo mess beef is now active, with sales of 1,000 tierces Chicago at $25a525; 500 tierces India mesa sold at $27. Beef hams arc dull, with sales of 30 bbls, at $13.50a515 Bacon is heavy, with sales of West ern at 12a13e. Out meats continuo quiet and nominal. Lard is firmer, with sales of 15 tierces and bble at 11a13o, the latter rate for choice. But ter and cheese are unchanged. Witisuny is less buoyant; we notice sales of 350 bbla nt 22a223c, closing at the inside price. NEW YORK STOCK EXORANGE SALES, November 4 FIRST BOARD 1000 N Y S'a s)is '6195 1000 N Y SCe 58 '6O 95 4000 N Y St'o 68'60 100 0000 NY State s'B '5B BB 1000 TOnn (is '9O 74,i 2000 ; do 75 1000 Virginia 6's 79 19000 do 703 i 34000 Missouri 6a 69 4000 Cat St'o 78 '7O 60 3000 N Y Con R 68 79 350 N Y Cann 330 66 100 do 40 6474 60 do 2d 6111 100 do b 7 657 i 300 do 053 100 do et 651( 250 do 616 0574 40 do 630 00 100 do b3O 67 100 do 630 661( 250 do 67 2000 Erie 3d m bde 01 6000 Erlo It coo be '7130 50 do nl.O 40 }Ma Railroad 13% 4000 Erie bdo '62 30 1000 11ud It Ist nit 88X 500 do 89 500 111 Cott bds 72 1500 do 7114 10 Bank of Com 80 SOO do 14 90 do 141( 100 do 410 14 400 do 14,44 60 do 310 143 , 200 do s 5 15 80 I 30 do 15 8 Mn 6 Batik of N Amer 76 86 Alechg Bank SO 950 do 150 do 200 Readiug It Li 31 750 do 31 100 Ilk of ilepubllc 20 Ran Gas Co GOO do alo aog 200 do s 6 30% aOO . do SOX _ 20 Man Gap Scrip 105 30 Del & llud Co 04 160 do PI 600 01ev h Tol R 150 do 60 do on 03, 2 ' 10 MichS&K IR VA 100 do a'.o 81 32 do 10X C 0 Mich N lap o 2.04 50 do 510 25 150 do 25 CIA & It I It 45 do 65 111 Con It 62 60 do al 62 00 do 83 48 Cloy Col & Cin R Si 14 Panama It 72 SECOND 60 do b3O 69% 00 Lit Onset, & Mil R 6% 55 do 0% 87 Oal & Ohio It 05 10011 & Quincy It 55 BOARD. 6000 NY St . ° Ss '6O OS 5000 N Y St'e Os '72 104 X 2000 Cal 9 7s '75 59S 2000 Virginia Os 794 1000 Missouri o's 70 3900 nuel It lot m 80 7000 Eris Con '7l SO 5000 Mich 9 73g Fund 49 11.5 Imp&TraderA Ilk 70 05 P 1101119109 Co 7434 100 010tati Co 151( 200 Cumb Coal by 01( 400 do , 034 50 N Y Con R 2d 67X 00 do iioo CO, 100 do b 3 69 100 do 69 00 do 08,ti 25 do 660 67 60 do' s 5 68% 076 Erlo Railroad 15% 60 do 2d 15,5‘ 101 Chi & Rk I R 70 60 do 1,70 100 Malian 16 70% ISO Harlem R 560 6% 200 Mob So &N I R 11 • 60 do 510 11 35 bahS&Nlprtsk 25 60 ' do On 1000 Clov Tol I 1 030 31) 100 do 32 830 32 I b3O 32X 8a 5 do 50 La Cr & 5111 65i 100 do 200 do L'oo 111 Con It Zmportatione [Reported for The Press.] SALT CAY—Ship Tropic Bird, Foulkes-72,899 bus salt Thos Wattson & Sons. BAUM—Brig Brandywine, Cormaek-5000 hides 950 bags sugar T A Newhall. & Co. PaILADELPRIA BOARD OB TRADE. EDWARD A. Somme, WAILIMU TI. BASIN, COSMITTIM Or TIM MOM NewcoSis B. Tscolirsos, • LETTER BAGS Al the Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Sirocco, West Liverpool, scon Ship Aroioriel, Lowell London, moon Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers San Francisco, soon Schr Bannio, Ileaston, St Thomee, Nov 7 [Reported for the Press Date of Departure of European, California, - and Havana Mails, For the Month of November, ]857. Depats from Date. Destination California Steamer, New Nork—Nov s—Aspinwall Collins ‘• New York.. Nov 7—Liverpool Ravens New Yotk..Nov 7-11avana Now York.. Nor 11—Liverpool c , Now York.. Nov 12 —llama New York.. Nov 14..8 -, a k Havre New York.. Nov 17..linvaua Cunard. ‘‘ 805t0n,.., .Nov 18—Liverpool California Not York.. Nov 20—Aspinwall Collins 4, New York.. Nov 21.. Liverpool Cunard Now York..Nov 25.. Liverpool novena c' Nov , York.. Nov 21-11avana unmet. 4 , Neve York—Nor 28..W0 & Drew A closed mail, consisting of letters and newspapers for States owl Cities of the German-Austrian Postal Union, and Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poloud, nt19516, Greece, lonian Islands, ace, is sent seini-weekly. lilarinz siltriltgenrc PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 541557. ..0 63-ZIIN SETS 6 07 ,429 BUN RISES, Elan WATER EMBED Ship Tropic Bini, Foulkes, 15 days from Salt Cay, TI, with salt to Thos Wattson & Sons. The '2 Ii has been detained north of Hatteras for 10 days by strong NW winds. Nov 1, 3 Pas, passed ship Wyoming, hence for Liverpool, Cape Henlopen W 100 miles. Brig Brandywine, Cormack, from Paraiba, with hides and sugar to T A Newhall & Co. Bola W 4 Audenrold, Hewitt, 5 days from Boston, In ballast to L Andenroid & Co. CLEARED. Ship Mary and Adeline, Watts, New Orleans, Bishop, Simons & Co. Banque Bashi Lapsley, Bishop, Matanzas, George R Ayres & Cq. Behr Amanda, Blzy, Washington', DC, Webster, Jr. Behr W /odour°ld, Hewitt, Lostun, L Audenreid & Co. Behr Martha, Baxter, Boston, Boppltor & Bro. Ear Alsaira, Pedrick, Baltimore, Van Inen, Norton & Co, Behr Yankee Boy, Risley,-Itartford, • do Behr John Tucker, Wague, Newberg, do Schr J Dlrerty, Carroll, Bridgeport, do Behr Northern Light, Lake, Bing Bing. do Behr E Rickey, Tice, New Haven, do Behr if Powell, Powell, Washington, do Behr bl Wrightington, IYrightmgton, Pall Ricer, J C Whitaker. Behr Lion, Edwards, Providence, Gages, Smith & Co Behr W Severe, Brooke, Washington, do Steamer Farmer, Pierson, Baltimore, S. Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia gxchooge.) LIMES, Del., Nov. 8, 8 A M. 'rho schooner Mechanic and steamer Engineer are the only vessels at harbor. Wind NW. Yours, .sco, Whf. M. RICKMAN. VILMIRAPFIJ (Ooreeepondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) GAPE ISLAND, Nor. 4. 6 30 P M. No vemela in sight inward or outward bound. Wind eoutheaat—weather fine Yawn, &0., TUOS. B. HUGII.EB [BY TRLIORAPIL . 1 (001Y0SpOndOnOe of The Preae.) BOSTON, Nov. 4. Arrived, barque Mary, from Malaga; brig Arabella, from do. (Per steamship Canada.) MUM, NOV 4. Arrived—Mary Ogden, from New York, at Antwerp Oct 21st. oth, Map), at Cadls. 10th, Desmo, at Bar celona. 17th, steamer Mammals, At ffamburg. 10th, Marion at Cuxhaven. 22d, Aurora, at Liverpool. The John Corte, from New Orleans, arrived at Barce lona Oct oth. The barque Edward Ogden, from Leghorn for Phila. do , phia, put Into Gibraltar Oct 10, leaky. Sailed for Now York—Oct 18th, Yoeberg, from Ham burg; Het. Sylvanue, from Shield.; Wm Toll, fro Havre; 22d, Albert (fellatio, from Liverpool. Sailed for New Orleana—Oct 1901, Ilarlce V ',non, from Cuxhaven. Sailed for Roston—Oat 21st, Revenue, from Antwerp Sailed for Cliatleston—Oct 20th, Fancy, fin BUI:10069. ISILVORANDA Steamship Ericsson, Lowber, at Now York 3d inst. from Bremen, Oct 17. Experienced westerly galas nearly the entire passage. On the 80th nit, long 37 30, Ist 4414, exchanged signals with a barque bound east, No 4781, just distingniahing penant. On Saturday, 31st, experienced a terrific gale and a tremendous sea from WNW, which lasted 12 hours. Nov Mat 43 20, long 80, spoke the Br barque St Lawrence, bound east, with loss ofjibboom, bowsprit, cutwater damaged, mainsail all in pieces, hanging Own the yard; wished to be reported. Nov 2d, passed the Br barque Emella, steering north east, let 42 28, long 04 30. At 7A 81 exchanged signals with a Br screw steamer, supposed the Jason, let 41 30, long 08 80. Steamship Delaware, Copes, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. Steautehip City of Baltimore, Leitch, at New York yesterday from Liverpool, Oct 21, report.]: 27th ult, lot 5008, long 40 20, saw steamship Niagara, bound W. 26th, lot 4918, long 44 BO ; saw a oteamor bound W, with her funnel abaft the mainmast. 24 lest, let 41 21, long 0024, new steamship Jason, from Now York for Bremen. Ship Shacks:mason, Toulon. for Calcutta, was in the river at Liverpool 2lst ult. outward bound. Ship Flora Temple, Cole, for Hong Kong, eleared at San Francisco lath ult. Ship Scotland, Burt, for Callao, nailed from San Fran• deco 10111 ult Ship Neptune's Favorite, Emmington, from London, Aug 29, for Australia, was spoken Sept 20, lot 11 22, Mug 27 OG Nhip Alboni, Burnaby, from Akyab, was below Ant orp . loth ult. Ship Milton, Bradford, from Bombay, was below• Ant erp 10th ult. ShipJullus Closer, Ohsleft', from liavre, at Tonerlife Sept 10, and smiled 14th for San Francisco. Ohm Edith Soso, Nickerson, for Shanghae, donna at Boston 3d toot Ship Winfield Scott, McLellan, from London, April 28, at Melbourne Aug 5. Ship Callender, Patton, from Boston, was below Now Orleans 3d Inst. Ship Morning Light, Johnson, hence, 25th Aug. for Panama, was spoken 17th Sept, lot 2419, long 20 28. Ship Manitou, Honeywell, from London, April 30, at Sydney, NSW, previous to July 20. Ship Ohas Cooper, Short, from Valparaiso, arrived at St John, NB, 31st ult. Ship Pleiades Winslow from Callao, at Havre 18th ult. Ship Storm King, Callahan, for Hong Kong, sailed from dan Francisco Sept 22. Ship Belvidere, Jackson, for Callao, cleared at San Francisco Oct 2. Ship Mary, Bridges, for Calcutta, cleared at San Pran risco Oct 2. Barque What Cheer Baker, for Melbourne, sailed from Fast Francisco 24 ult. Barque Fanny - Major, Newton, for Honolulu, eloared at Ban Francisco Oct 2d, Barquo W A Banks, Bartlett, Tor Barcelona, went to sea from Charleston 31st ult. . . . , Barque R B Walker, Baynes, hence at Boston yrs tcrday. Barque Selah, Mold, at Boston 84 Met. from 808 more. Bell; Emma, llseeloop, WIL9 loading at Maracaibo 10th ult. for Philadelphia; lam before been reported L 9 pro bably the Irma Brig Atlantic, for Barbadoes, soiled front Now Moen 2d inst. Brig Sarni Small, Lano, hence at Salem 2d Mat. Belga lielona, Slum; Plutons, Clark, and bole, Griffin, hence at Boston 81 Mat. Brig Lyra, Haskell, bonen at Boston yesterday. Behr H DeLatin'', Bartlatt, hence, arrived at N Haven 21 inst. Schr I: II Atwood, Atwood, from Baltimore, at Boston 3,1 lust. Behr Adele Pelee's, Cartwright, honce at Now Bedford 3d Ind. Schr Amanda, Davis, hence at Boston 3/1 inst. Schr 1' A Sanders, Ireland, from Wilmington, NC, at New York yesterday. Bchra T L 31111 or. Paddock, and Jonathan Cone, McMaffei, hence at Hartford 3d inst. Behr Charles Carroll, Pratt, house at New Bedford 24 loot, While going in struck on North Ledge, but got off by throwing overboard a few tons of coal. The vex ed does not appenr to be damaged. Behr W A amill, Somers, went to sea from Charles ton let Ina. for Philadelphia, with 61 casks rice, 10 bales cotton waste, 60 Ws paper, 317 empty barrels, 66 old railroad wheels, and 06 pkge mdse. Bohr Rhoda nud Buelah, 'Loftin, for Philadelphia, went to boa from Charleston let loot. Schr Ring Dove, Palmer, hence at Alexandria 2d inst. Behr 8 M Bhaddick, Williams, henco at Hartford lot inatene Sebes Thomas Page, Robinson, and Id Clinton, Irma, hence at {Yeahlnglon, DO, 3d Inst. Behr RP Emstang, htelielly, at Mobile 28th flit. from Wiheington, Del. Sabre Lath Blob, Nickerson; Elio & Matilda, 11'0111; Hum& W IBatte , Crammer; Sahara, Bentley, and Alva. redo, Stanley, hence at Beaton 8d Inst. Behr J B Bleacher, Edward., hence at Portsmouth, ft I, 81st ult. Sabre Jeremiah Learning, Snelth,• Treasurer, Maher, add WenPCorbitt, Roos, hence at Providence lit Inst. NATURE MLBOELLANT. The ship Itteherd Anderson, before reported dental Supt 29, was from Rotterdam bound to Baltimore ) with a general cargo. She was an old vessel of 684 tone register, rating A 2, built at Baltimore in 1839, whore elle is owned by Messrs Hodges & Co. Gibraltar, Oct 10—Arr, Edward Cohen, Burgess, from Leghorn for Philadelphia, leaky. Melbourne. Aug 11—From the Sydney papers received up to July 20, it appears that a heavy gale had visited that coast, and that several coasters were wrecked. Brig ft W Barter, (of St George, Me) Barter, from Ss, vaunali for Boston, arrived at Now London on the hot ult. Capt Barter, the mate, second mate, cook, and two seamen sick, all of whom were taken to the Marine Hospital. Sickness broke out among tho crew soon after leaving Savannah, In consequence of which the brig made a harbor at Delaware Breakwater, where addi tional menu ere shipped ; and ehe proceeded on her voy age; three of the crew have died since leaving Savannah. Capt Dayton, of New London, took charge of the brig, and sailed for Boston on the 2d last. Sept 17, let 24, long 94 W, barque Young Turk, Lewis, from Boston, Sopt 1, for Sap of Clood 11opo. Sept 26, lot 34 60 N, long 40 30 W. barqae Homer, Lindsey, from Boston, Sept 14, for Mauritlue. POREION PORTS Liverpool—ln the river, outward bound, 41st ult, De anne°, Kendrick, Bombay; Albert Gallatin, Delano c ai York; Caroline, Myna, Charleaton; Chancellor, Bor land, Melbourne. 81,1 20th, Jan Foater, Jr, Abell, N York; Rappahan nock, Cushing, N Orleann; Joseph Gilchrist, Glichr.st, N Cork; Dido, Keaton, Ban Francisco; Montmorency, Kiddie, Loudon; Robins, Montgomery, Cardiff and Point de Gallo. DOMRSTIO PORTS . . NEW FORK, Nov 4—Arr, U 8 mail steamship Star of the West, from Aspinwall; Barque Gen Greene, Phinne, Bordeaux. Oct 2233, on the Grand Batiks, spoke oblp Reindeer, from Boston for London. Port brig Alfredo do Lonza, St Michaels; (mhos G J Miller, (Br) Albury, Abacon; Danville, Chester, Richmond; Franklin Bell, Robison, Fredericksburg Wm Allen, Grant, 8 Mulford, Doyle, and George Washington, Camp. Baltimore, Old, steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk and City Point; ships Gil ernleeve, Johnson, New 0ri0n,,,; Or phan, Rockwell, Lisbon; barques Cadet, Guide, Belize; Diana, Bagley, Glasgow; Convoy, Gunderson, Cardenas; brig Mary Anna, Grace, Charleston; schrs Commerce, Daniels, Norfolk; John, Burton, Wilmington, BOSTON, Nov 3—Are, barque Talavera, liferritinew, Antwerp. Spoke Oct 29, Cape Sable meat 50 miles, Br brig Ariel, from Malaga for Dolton; barques Helen Francis, Lewis, Salt Key; Indiana, Hawes, Savannah; brigs Vents, Sheffield, Galveston; Model, Dow, Jackson- ville; C F O'Brien, Mclntyre, Darien; Paulina, Taylor, Baltimore; schrn Sylvanun Allen, Sears, Alexandria; D Goodwin, Smith, do. Cld, Br barque Bannheo, McKen zie, Pictou; brig Nereus, Atkins, Cadiz; lichen John Pat terson, Moore, Cape of Good hope; L G Kelley, Eaton, Halifax; Umpire, Morahan, Charleston, SC. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Niskt GIRARD ROUSE—Ohestout street, between Bth & 9th. 0 N Mart, Rocheater,N Y Jae T Hurt, Erie, Pa D i Wailer & Is, Boston II D Bird & son, Ja E Cummiskey, Ilaltimoro Capt Li It Clymer, Reading D McKnight, Reading J Y It Hunter, Reading Miss I. Hunter, Bowling II A Hunter, Reading 0 W Cherry & wire,Memphis It F Cooke, LoulaTille Capt Barrie, Ark C li Williams, New York Sinclair Taylor, Cubs A Welch, Washington S It Morgan, Phila J It Water, Ohio John 0 Cotes, Now York Ohm, It Clarke, N J G Savory, New York D F Appleton, New York Henry Barron. D C Andrew Hall & la, Md Edmund Dwight, Boston Henry Upham, Boston A A Lawrence, Boston J M Churchill& la, Cuba N W Smith k la, 80 8 P Osborne. N Y J B Toalmin & is, N 0 Stung Brunner, N Y 0 II Booth, N Y D Ira Baker, N Y N P Holack. N Y 0 M Nrben, Lancaster J Wales & la, N Y W Wales, N Y Mr Moivat & In, Scotland TI McLean, N Y D II Cory, Albany G F Conell, N Y L D Nash, Oal . John lloskins, Cal T II Gillhln, Cal M W COX, Cal John Niches, Cal John Carson, Balt 0 A Zane, Balt J Rincholip, Ye Geo Taylor, Brooklyn II Gordta, Charleston Mr Jones, Ohlo 0 Kirk White, N Y Mrs Williams, N Y John Il Ribbey, Wt191111:011 W Ciallio, Boston II W Jackaon st lA, N Y Adolph. Hear & la, Mo John Honeyvoll, Salt Geo Hastings, N Y MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at ,below Arch. W W Arnett Prune John D Locke, N Y Richardßishop, N Y 3a4 V McNeal, Blair co, Pa WII Mayer & la, L Haven David Stine, Jr, Peoria Mrs Mary Mutton, Perms Geo Macklin, McVeytown JII Allen, Montourvillo Geo II Bryan, Lancaster W J Irwin, Clearflold II 0 Culbertson, Ohio B Culbertson, Cincinnati Copt JI? Thompson, Min T John Evans, Rockport Matt Williams. 9 0 Frank Adams, Ohio J C Preston, N'a II Dinh & la, White haven bawl McLean, M Chunk Thos J Rae, Chicago I L Cargo., Portland, Me Win II Duncan, Bath, Me Hanson Love, Pittsburgh Oeo Dimon, Boston Cleo W Dike, Boston N C Bailey Boston E J Furnum, N J Blair L son, NJ Jacob G Gets, Lancaster AMERICAN llOTEL—Cheatnut. below Sixth at. G Watson, PhDs Chaa 1' Robins, Phil& P E Paucost, Ohio N 1' Flint & In, Cal James L Du Bola, Pa W Winters, Eaatou Geo W Warringrord, Conn J Lebring, Jersey Shore S 4 Dantelth, N J R L Bogle, Ga Cep 1' Cpdyjce, Phiis ISI Davis. Auburn, N Y 0 Johnsdn, N Y W ik Smith, Washington W 0 Smith, Washington Eta Drolt, Boston Win A Fisher, Bait Joe II Brenton. Pa J Cone, Bristol, Pa John J Bush, N I J Bauman et, la, Lancaster Win .P Perdue & la, Pa W Wagonsoller Ala Pa J Strickland, Nashville M 14 Ilenkle Nashville W Jennings, N I II W Duval, Maas John Johnston, N Y UNION HOTEL—Arch street. below Fourth. Sand Hart, Berke co, Pa J Bower, Lock Haven Wm Nyhard, Lock Haven J N Jones, Ohio 310/11 , /19weetser. Meuse 000 Walters, Blair co Sarni Walters, Blair co L Schilling, Salem, Ohio J D Cone, Portsmouth, NH A Rutter, Jr, New Holland Faml R Hagen, Pa 0 B Grubb & la, Chester eo Falinestock, Gettysburg Col R Rateliff, Tamaqua J 0 Turner, Pottsville 0 Johnson, Beaver Meadow J Howell, Northampton W S Sharp & la, Salem, NJ O McOlintick, Cleveland, 0 J Ford. Cleveland, 0 J J Dixon, Del 8 It Milan, Del A V Donnell, Flemlngton,NJ 8 Wolle, Bethlehem, Pa G Shafer, Belvidere, N J J T Shafer, Belvidere, N F G Welch, Del, Ohio Band Shirk, Hanover W /I Butler, Chicago F It Semple, Chicago J S Fry, Chicago A W Hobart & la, N J II It Willard & la, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. ES Morin, Phila. M B Barnum, N Y Alfred Crease, Rokhonough G W Winton, Lancaster W L Boyd, Lancaster A M shnesses, Pa Hiram Ketchum, Buffalo B Q Wright, Lock Haven It Thompson, Doylestown Geo R llopkine, Ponna Mr Cornball & lady, N J B Kraemer, Phrenixville P Uhler& la, Penns N McCoy. Carbon co, Pa A J Handler, Pottsvillo Geo W Morgan, Pottsville J D Conrad, MlBlOllOll, 0 A F Patera, Whito Haven Wm Mayor, Mauch Chunk John Rolfsnyder, Porry co Wm !Bowyer, Danville E A Do Paw, Easton BLACK BEAR INN—PIMP and Iterebant. Coo Richards, Pottstown T Jackson & eon, Reading S M Shantz, Law,cncertile Wm Itelchie, Allentown Mrs Crook, Chester co, Pa 11 S Evans & eon, W Cltes E Slier, Pa It Lysle, Chester co, Pa C C Coulson, York co. Pa .1 Schwartz, West Cheater L McCall, York co, Pa Ellis Chandler, York co Isaac Yost, Bucks co, Pa Joel Fink, MenLavine John Lauderbaugh, Pa I. MoVltty, Huntingdon co S S Case York, Pa A Henderson, N Castle, Pa E O'Neal, Bedford co, Pa STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Harry W Swain, N Y J E Carroll, Philo J Pennington, Itarrinburg D Keck, Millerstown S Itedrocker & la, Lane co Mies Redeocker, Lana co Mize Carroll, Lana 00, Pa D Noigley, East Liberty N Normay, Pa Jae Noody, Newport, Pa S SI Hann, Wrlghtsvillo ,11 Slaynniker,Lancaater co Edw Herr, Lancaster Philip Snowden, New York BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Callowhill. Wm Bennett, Bradford co L S Stamm, Pleasant Vat'y Jacob Brumback, Reading J B Willett, Bucka co L Ktorp, liorks co Martin Seiple, Lehigh co MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. K lI Bedding, Warfordsburg Patrick Smith, New York 11 It Kirkpatrick. Del K D Wingert, Del John W Cullen, Dover, Del Andrew Clark, Kent co,Md W II Piper & lady, Del II Kennedy, Del It W Swift, Georgetcwn, Del IValtor Patterson, Pa J S Thompson, N J Jos It Pennington, Del J Wood, Trenton, N J Jae Ponder, Del Thos James, Ohio (frith ifteme SIXTU STREET PASAIINGEn ItAlf,lloAV.—NOt withstanding the pressure that has lmpodod the pro gross of things generally, thin Important city Improve ment is going forward at a rapid rate. The track has already been laid from Yrankford, as far down as Coates street, Irom which point, for the distance of a square In either direction, hundreds of laborers are now actively engaged in plying the crowbar, pick, and r ehovel, to the ceaseless cobble-stone-thumping accom paniment of rap, rap, rap—rap, rap, rap, presenting upon the whole a scene of active, congregated manual labor, that our citizens have rarely the opportunity of witnessing. Really, the scone is worth a walk to look upon. The work, when completed to its southern ter minus, at Washington street—forming the connecting link with the Baltimore depot —will be a very great con venience to travellers going elthtc South, or to Now York via Remington. The citizens residing along the route will soon be called upon to exchange the music of the omnibus' ceaseless rattle for the live-long jingle of the railroad bells. The ear-bob boll will be an indispensa ble appendage, of course, to sound the constant "lookout for the cars"' along the route. The Fifth street line, which we believe is to form the up-track, has not yet been commenced. BEAUTIFUL WEATHER.—Yesterday gave US S, tine embodiment of what is expressed in the term " a golden autumn day." The air was balmy and delight ful. There was a mellow haziness in the atmosphere, evincing a beautiful relic of an old-time Indian BM. mer—a season, by the way, that has been gradually waning before the march of time and the destruction of the primeval forests of our country. How eloquent, in their dying beauty, aro the sombre leaves that new carpet our squareN and bedeck our side-walks! A beautiful emblem, truly, of man's declining years—the evening of his life, when the flowers and foliage of " his atinuner'a ardent strength " fade and disappear from earth, oven as " flowers wither at the north wind's breath." WANTED! `{'ANTS!—It is computed that TUN Poxes is read by over 200,000 persona daily, and It is wanted each reader to know, that the place to buy the moat beautiful and the beet clothing, of the latest style., fashioned by the best artiste, to at the great emporium of Clifton, Albright, & Co,, in "Jayne'. Hall," No. 62T Chestnut street. Those liberal-minded and enter prising clothiere, to continue their hands in employ ment, will, as heretofore announced, eell their entire stock of the finest fabrics and latent styles at cost Miles. Let those in want of cheap and elegant cloth. log call on them. Special NOlitCs Saving Fund—Five rer Cent. Interest—Na Lionel Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south west corner of THIRD Street, PDILADSLPDIA • Open daily till 7 o'clock, and on MONDAY and TOURIIDAY EY:MINOR till 9 o'clock. Deposits received and pay. meats made daily. Assets invented to ROIL Ber/re, MORTOLONN, Geoonn ROOTS, and other tlret-elase securi ties, as the charter directs. noG From Auctloll. JOST 1111001111 D, A LOT OP FINE VELVET CARPETINaII, TO OH ROLD AT $1.67,4 DENTS A YARD, BAILY A BROTHER, CARPET STORE, No, 920 CHESTNUT Street, not-8t above Ninth Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE BQI7ARR. GEO. J. lIENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, .am Late of 178 Cheitaut Street Jackson, JOB PRINTNR, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Ladttig, Bill Heads, Olt. enters, Cattle, anti ell other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the tines. ooli-1J !seamen's Saving Fund—Of flee 203 'Walnut street, ono door west of second street. Deceivea de. posits in sums of Oue Dollar and npwarde, from all ohu3ses of the oommunity, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Mice open daily, from 0 until 5 o'clock, and ou Oton• day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Prescient Franklin Fell, Treaeurer, Merles 11. Morrie; Seore. 'Lary, 711a0013 B. Pringle. lluffalo Robes. —lOO Bales Buffalo Robe■ of the various qualities, just received from Minnesota. Also &handsome assortment of Fanor Robes of our own manufacture, and for sale wholesale and retail by aito. F. WOMRATII, 414 Arch litreet. ootl2-1m A. T. Cleury STOOK, LOAN, AND DILL BROKEN, No. 218 GOLD St , below DIMS, City and State Loans, Stooks, &0., taught and nold on commission at the Stock Board daily. Notes; Bins, &c., negotiated as heretofore. oe3o-1w gletver , a Infant Cordlnt....This lovaluuhlo Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and Is the most ported and relleble oarminative extant (or Infanta and young children. By Ite powerful Infuence a openly cure is effected In all canoe of Oldie, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigate:re much of childron'e 'mitering during denti tion or teething, awl by Its eoothlog properties tutu gullises palm of the towels, Jou/inflow, vomiting, Sm. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and hoe boon used In thousands of cases with the moot abundant louvres.'Co family should be without it. Prepared only by Ilaaar A. Bowan, At him Drug and Chemical Store, N. A. corner of Stith awl Green sta., Philadelphia To whom all ordwe moat ho addreseed. And for sale by Druggiete gouenilly. au 13.1 y Ala rnag es On Wednesday, bkweuther 4th. at Vigby Hall, the re. eidetic° of her brotlier.in-law. Edward 8 Handy Esq , by the Rey. E. Y luchanan, HARRIETT. HOWARD, of Nashville, Termetseo, to CEOIIC N PE(IRAM, of Ht. Louis, Missouri. New Orleans tied Nashville papers please copy] On the 2d last , by Rev. Robert Armstrong, Mr. AN DREW lIEPIIIIMito Miss MAROARET MOORE, all of thia city. Ott the 21. lust ,at No. 201 Uncover street, Kensing ton, by Rev. D. T tlow, Mr. WILLIAM HENRY MAL LON to Miss REMCCA A. CRI PPS, both of Philadel phia. [Wllmingbn papers please copy ] In this city. on he 211 alt., by lire. D li. Cheney, Mr. WILLIAM PACE, Jr., of Erie, Pa , to Miss LIZ. ZIE D. bIeOART IR, of Philadelphia. EleatlA On Tuesday, tin ad Inst.. Mrs. JANE GRAHAM, in the 83c1 year of h•r age. On Monday evaing, 241 Inst., DAHAR.IB IC. CARNA HAN. On the 3d belt, 3lre, AMY BRION, wife of Samuel Brion, in the 24b year of her ago. Suddenly, on to 24 inet „Mr.+. MANNAR - K Idow of the late Col..onas P. Falderal) On the 21 inat, Mrs. MARY hIYERS, in the MI year of her age . On thoad lost, ROSINA. B. RITTENHOUSE, e Mow of the late Jaeol tonhoube. of II oxborougli. Suddenly, on he 2 , 1 inst., ALBERT CARPENTER, in the 224 year of hie ago. fa' Pennsylvania Company for Insurance ON LIVES ANL CHANTING ANNUITIES, PHILADIAPIIIA, November 2, VW. NOTICE is loreby given, that a tot—ting of the Stockholders of this Compuny has been called by the Board ol !timbre, (under the provisions of the seventh section of the tut of the General Assembly of this State, entitled "An Alt providing for the Resumption of Epode Payments by tin Batiks, and for the Relief of Debtors," approved on the 16th day of October, A. D 1357,) to be held at the Oillte of the Corporation, on THURSDAY, the twelfth dayufNmember, A D. 1831, ut 11 o'clock A. SI., for the purpose of taking into consideration the acceptance of the provisions of the said act. Dp order of the Board, WILLIAM It, HILL, Actuary. - 117 . 1ndustrht Women's Association. =There will be a meetaig of this Society THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at do Commissioners' Hall, Musa - lensing, in CHRISTIAN Street, above Ninth, at 7yi o'clock. The public, are tivited to attend. Wilco No. 1:0 Bonin SEVENTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut nos-1t _,._. LD — Th e Citizens at SeTenth Ward are ear. neatly regulate' to meet each other at O , NEILL'S HALL, LOMII4tD Street, below Drawl, on THURSDAY ErENING, November Gill, at 7,..,' (o'clock, lor tho 1,,,r. pose 4 orgroviying a WARD RELIEF ASStaHAI lON. John MiOrea, I Henry M. Wetherill, Hoary McCrea, J. Buckley, Andrew M. Jam, Wu,. Parko r Foulke, William Iludol, Richard Norris, Samuel Weaken'', Edward Kiug, ' James R Ludlow, John Samuel, H. P Montgomery, Henry M. 1111doburn, John Serovendyke, I CJ. Lewis. nod-2t jj7•An Adjourned Meeting of the Citizens of the FOURTEENTH WARD will he bald nu THURS DAY EVENING, the Lth instant. at the Hall, THIR TEENTH nod SPRING GARDEN Sta., to cooddor the beat way of ottordmg relief to those out of employment, no)-2t* [Jr Met c anti le Beneficial Association off PIIILADELPIIIA.—The annual meeting of the Associ ation will be held on TUESDAY, November 10th. at 4 o'clock P. M., at their room, N. W. corner of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, at which time the Annual Report will be submitted, and an election held for Managers for the ensuing year. In consequence of the great financial distress which has fallen upon our city, and tho apprehension that the demands upon the funds of the Association may be greatly increased over previous years, the Board o Managers have decided that it be inexpedient to Incur the ospenne of folding a roam snalvenesnr at this time. WM. 0 LUDWIO, President. Phile.delphla, Now. 2, 1855 ED" Union Canal Bonds..-Holders of Mort gage Bonds of the UnlonCanal Company, not interested In the common or preferred stock of cold Company, are requested to meet at the GIRARD MUNE, on FRI DAY EVENING, Noy. 6th, at 8 o'clock. no3-4t MANY DONDUOLDERS. %IWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL INGS, Allllllll Street, south of Dauphin at. 00 TUESDAY, Notonber 10th, 1857, at 7 o'clock in the ocening, will be told et publ le sale, at the Phila delphia EXchange— AU that three-story brick manage, and lot aground, situate on the west side of Amber street, about 51 lea 9 Inches south of Dauphin street (late Northern Liber ties); containing in front oil Amber street 14 feet Nis Inches, and extending in depth 67 foot to a a feet wide alley leading into and from sad Dauphin street, with the free use and pririlego thereof. AU that three-story brick meesnage, and lot of ground, adjoining the above, of scone Rini) and deseriptlon. fre Both the above clear of all incumbrance. . . 'forme cash. $25 to be paid on each at the time of sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, nos-6t 130 and 111 (formerly 67 and 60 0. Fourth at, IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF PIIILADELPIIIA COUNTY, In the matter of the estate of JESSE IL TYLER, an aimed for the benefit of reeditore. The Auditor, appointed by the Conrt to audit, adjuat, and settle the account of JOHN H. COLLINS, assignee of J1L981.11 If. TYLEIt, and to report distribution of tlio balance in hie hands, will attend to the duties of tan appointment at hie office, No. 033 WALNUT St , Phila delphia on MONDAY, November Itith, 1851, at 4X o'clock , P. et. bi. ItUSSELL THAYER, nos-thaw-5t Auditor. COPARTNERSIIIP NOTICE.-WE have, THIS DAY, admitted Mr. JULIAN C. LEVY as a partner in our firm, and will continue our businese under the mine style at heretofore D. SALOMON & CO. Philadelphia, November 8, 1857. nos-3ta VITY OF RICHMOND (VA.) FUNDS lJ still purchased at tho lowest market rate, tor cash , by WARDLE, BARCLAY, & CO., nub-lt* N. W. corner of Fourth and Arch sta. COPPER—Lako Superior Ingot, for sale by W5l. 11. WOODWARD & CO, 510 Market street. iliru (oohs HEAVY BROWN COTTONS One Thousand Bale■ SIM:TINOS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, VUOM TUE LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN mEAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths and styles, which aro offered for sale for first-class pnper,.on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., 30 LETITIA. STREET. PARIS EMBROIDERIES. L. J. LEVY & CO., /HD NOW MORINO Tllttllt ENTIRIIIIIPOIVIUTION or ELEGANT PARIS EMBROIDERIES AT AND UNDER COST. no 2 1w 420 CHESTNUT STREET L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NNW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL h SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1026 ONESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleeent And 316 R. SECOND St., below Spruce. YAOTORIES.—Nos. 93 and 91 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, noar 'Union Orders mule at a few hours' notice JOHN B. STRYKER, TR., Wholesale Dealt, to AUCTION DRY GOON. No. 12 BANK Strout, Phil. ootl-2m /Konen AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS AMERIOAN (TOLD AND NEW YORE FUNDS, BOUGHT AT TUE lIIQIIEST PRZ1111:111 EY NEW YORK Exchange 31 a 4 prem. BOSTON Exchange 3 a 4 prom. BALTIMORE Exchango "X a 3S diet. AMERICAN GOLD 34i a43i pram oc7-3m DREXEL h CO 'HA NI LL A ROPE.--SUPERIOR CIA LEA MLA ROPN, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, RITLER & N o 2A N vh.twr at.. and 22 N Wharrex RUS SIA AND AMERICAN TARRED CORDAGN.—a superior article, manufacture and for sale by WEAVER, PITLNR CO., au 8-tf No. 98 N. Water it., k 22 N. Wharves. ROSIN.-600 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROSIN, to arrive per schooner I. IL Flamer for We b 7 AUSTIN & hLtOALItITEII, evlll- 119 North Water street COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store and for sal* by MARTIN & MAOALIBTER, aal 1115 North Wator Fltroot FLOORING BOARDS-28,680 foot Caro line flooring boarde, afloat, for Nilo by MARTIN & MARALIEITBR aal MR North Water Mutt IBER 5, 1857. Zalca bn %action. T N H off o I. l4 3tl A an S d 1 & 41 8 13?)U N T S LI FOURTH &MEET, (Formerly Nos. 07 end 60.) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, do. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. ID' Handbills of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sole one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving fdll descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. lEr FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORK every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. lEr We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pa nte Sale, including every description of City and country property. Panted Lieu may be had at the auotion Store. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. Real ithate entered on our Private Sale Re uther, are advertised occasionally In our Pubtio Sale Abstractx s (of which 1,000 copies aro printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS AND LOANS. On Tuesday Evening November 10th, at the Philadelphia Biding., at 7 o'clock, will ho sold, for account of whom tt may =- cora— $2,000 six per cont. Coupon Donde of the Wyandott Coal Company, payable January 15t,1812, with interest payable half yearly. $16,000 01110 AND NONA. RAILROAD CO. Also, without reserve, for account of whom It may concern, 16 Coupon Bonds, $l,OOO each, Ohio and Penn sylvania Railroad Bonds, dim in 1e76, interest 7 por cent., payablo May audNovainber. Known aa the Alla. ghaoy Bridge Loan. YOURTEENTII HALL SALE-10TLINoviemara. This sale will include among other property, the fol. lowing— TtSO VALUABLE LOTS, TWENTIETH STREET, SPRING GARDEN STREET, NINETEENTH ST., AND MONTERY STREET —A valtt.i.ble lot, N. E. cor ner of Twentieth and Montery streets. Valuable lot N. W. corner Nineteenth and Spring Garden streets. TAVERN AND DWELLING —Threo•atory brick tavern uud dwelling, north aide of Hamilton 'treat, oast of Seventeenth mtreet. PBRIIIIPTORT SAL■ THREE•STORY MUER LAGER BEER SALOON— Throodstory brick Leger Boer Saloon and Dwelling, No. 678 Apple street, between Fourth and York avenue and Brown and Poplar atreett.. . .... . . . . TiIiTEE.SToRY MUCK GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING—Three-story brick Grocery Store and Dwelling, No. SRI Apple street Sale absolute,. TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, OGDEN ST. Throe- tort'brick dwelling, No. 1209 Ogden street, (nurth side) between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. DWELLINGS, AMBER STREET. 2 throe•etory brick dwellings, Ambor street, south of Dauphin street, (late Northern Liberties.) A yearly ground rent of $2O, secured by a lot of ground, North &mond street, between Montgomery and Elm streets. FIFTEENTH FALL BALE-17TH NOYEDIBEH Orphans , Court Bala—Estate of Samuel B. Ashmead, NEAT REBIDENCN, ELEVENTII BTRBET.—The neat modern residence, with back buildings, No. 412 Suulh Illerenth street, below rine street. SALE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE PIANO-FORTES, FINE CARPETS, LARGE MIRRORS, Ac. CARD —Thu attention of ladies, and others desirous of purchasing, le requested to our sale at the Auction Store. this morning, comprising, besides 644 lots of excellent household furniture, elegant rosewood piano-tortes, One large French plate mantel mirrors, superior velvet tapestry and Brussels carpets, ingrain and Vonitiau carpets, beds and bedding, china and glass ware, large bagatelle board, superior office desks and tablet, double barrelled guns, gold chains, stoves, Au., forming a very attractive assortment. Catalogues now ready, and the articles arranged fur examination. dale Noe. 119 and 141 South Fourth Street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO-FORTE, VELVET CARPETS, Am M This orning, At 10 Wale*, at the Auction More, a large and supe rior assortment of second-hand furniture, mirrors, car pets. piano-forte, Au , from families declining house keeping SUPERIOR BAGATELLE TABLE, Ac. Also, a superior walnut bagatelle table, with balls and cues complete. Also, several oak and walnut office desks and tables. FINE TAPESTRY VELVET CARPETS. Also, at' o'clock, several inn Velvet Tapestry Brea eels and ingrain and Venitian Carpets, various sires. Also, at:tonality of railing for as office. SALE OF A MEDICAL LIBRARY, On Saturday Evening. November 7, at the Auction Store, will be Bold a Welled Library. Also, an assortment of new Medical Works. Fur particulars see Catalogue of the books, which will be arranged for examination on Saturday morning. Salo No. '1224 Spruce street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, PIANO-FORTE, FINE ENGLISH OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, CURTAINS, HANDSOME GAS 011ANDELIERS, ere., Ac. On Friday Morning, 13th inst., at 10 o'clock., by catalogue, at No. 1224 Spruce street, below Thirteenth, the entire household furniture, Ac., of a gentleman declining housekeeping. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of tale. Salo No. lon Walnut street. STOOK 01 , SUPERIOR FURNITURE On Itlonday morning, Nov. 10th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, the entire stock of John Duress, de clining business on account of 111 health, eomprlsing a general assortment of drawing-roam furniture, vari ous styles and coverings, superior chamber and dining room furniture, superior bookcases, &c., all mono factored su the best manner, expressly for private sales, and warranted. Catalogubs three days previous to sale. IATOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Birth Streets. Assignee'a Sale of a Large Account. SPECIAL BALE OF A LARGE: AND 'VALUABLE CONSIGNMENT OF SPLENDID AND FASHIONA BLE FURS FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' WEAR, SLEIGH AND CARRIAGE ROBES, Ac. To-morrow (Friday) Morning, Commencing at 11 o'clock, precisely, wo will sell with out reserve, the most elegant iussortmeat of fore for ladles' nod gents' wear, offered at suction this seuen. Included will be found. Hudson Bay Company's sable carriage capes, muffs, pelerines, victoricee, half-capes, ladies' and gent.' gauntleta, gents' cape, gents' collars, cuffs, Ac made in the latest atyle of beaver, Russian fltch, Siberian squirrel, Bohemian filch, swans-lawn, ermine, stone martin, chinchilli, myna. made, sliver martin American (itch, French amble brown mynk Ac. I==l Also, 'X largeoliso sleigh and carriage robes, made of wolf, fox, buffalo, tiger, genet, hear, and seal skins. The whole will be arranged for examination with cata logues, early on morning of sale, when the ladles and gentlemen of this City and vicinity are respectfully in vited to attend. amusement° MADAME LOLA MONTEZ AL Will give her celebrated Lecture, on BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, AT TIIE MUSICAL FUND HALL, ON SATURDAY EVENING, November 7. Admittance 15 cents. nos-3t* M'LLE. ER3IINIE FREZZOLINI'S First appearance in Philadelphia. M. STRAKOSOII has the honor to announce that FREZZOLINI . . . . _ Will give in thin city her FIRST GRAND CONCERT, ON MONDAY EVENING, November 9th, At the MUSICAL FUND HALL, [met3-1R A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— E A. NIARSIIALL Sole Lessee - • - • . TlllB (Thursday) EVENING, Nov. sth, 1857, Will be prestuted the Petite Comedy, in Two Acts, on titled Sir Charles Coldstream, Bart, Mr. C. Mathews; Sir Adonis Leech, Mr. 'Ceilings ; lire. Tom Saville, Mr. Rowland ; Lady Clutterbuck, Mrs. Sefton. To be followed by the Faroe, entitled THE PRACTICAL MAN. Cloud,ley, Mr. Charlea alathowa ; Horton, Mr. How. land; Cigna, Mr, Greene; Jennings, Mr. Boyd; Mrs ildway, Mrs. Silsbee Ounoluiling with the Farce of BETSY BAKER. Mr. Marmeduke Mouser, Mr. Chapman; Mr. Crummy, Mr Showell; Betsy Iletker,3lrn. John Sefton. PRICES OF ADMISSION : Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 50 cants Family Circle and Amphitheatre 25 ii Private Boxes 55 Seat, eccured without extra charge, T 110.3. 51 KEON Treasurer. Bourn open X before 7 o'clock ; performance will corn mecca at 7X. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. 'THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE W. WiIEATLEY, 6001.1, or Pnwen—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge. for Secured Beats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 5.9 cents; Beats an Private Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3 . ; Gallery, 13 coots; Gallery for Colored Persons, 'he cents; Private Box in (iallery fur Colored Persons, 39 yenta Box Mice open from 10 A. M. until 3P. DI. Doors will open at 65 o'clock; performaueo to commence at 7, precisely. J D 1 B. \VUITTON Treasurer. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Nov. 6th, 3857, Will bo presented, a New Play, with entirely new scenery, dresses, ke , entitled the QUEEN OF SPADES. Natant(' Nelidorf, Mrs IL L Davenport; Olga, Mine Anna Cruise; Princess Reredos, Mn. Tannehill; Ivan, Mr. Dolman ; Prince Moskau, Mr. Wallis. To conclude with the Nautical Drama, entitled . . . . BLACK-EYED SUSAN. Kalinin, Mr. E. L. Davenport; Capt. Crosstree, Mr. Tannehill; Susan, Mrs. Si. L. Davenport. IVALM - Jr — STIfEE T TH E STICE .—Les see, Mr. Si A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circle and Parguette, 25 emits; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 12X cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 cents. Box Ogle° open twat 0 o'clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at OX o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Nov. sth, 1857, Will be preßonted the great Dramatic Persouation Prelude of the STAGE-STRUCK BARBER. Jeremiah Clip, Mr. Cimarron; Podge, Mr. Kemple; Mrs. Itattleton, Sirs. Hickey, Alter which, the highly successful play of LINDA, THE CIGAR GIRL; Or, Mose Among the Conspirators. Mose Morrison, Mr. Chnnfrau; Edward Bradley, Mr Brink; Harry Russell, slr. peach; Linda, Mrs. John Sloan ; Biddy Scanlan, Mr. John Sloan. Concluding with the Laughable Pares of the OMNIBUS. Paddy Rooney, Mr. Julia Sloan; Old Dobbs, Mr. Eberle; Mrs. Dobbs, Mrs. Lebrun. 1:323 T IIOMEUF's VARIETIES— FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. NOTICE —SAM ASHWORTH'S BENEFIT will take place on THURSDAY, November 6th. no Programme ou thts occasion will comprise Vocal and Instrumental Concert by the Excelsior Regular Company. GYMNASTIC FEATS By Messrs. Magi Hon, Dunbar, Donaldson, and Crosby. PRODICAOLTS GEMS OF ETHIOPIAN ART By Messrs. fhosby, billy Thomas, Enoch, and Jim Sanford. SINGLE AND DOUBLE DANCES by M'LLE. LE EOM and MISS FANNY COLES. To conclude with the Amusing Afterpiere of BOX AND 00X. Characters by Fanny Coles, Billy Thomas, and Jim Sanford. Commenting at.half-past 7. Admission remains at 10 cents nov4-21* SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTII Street, abovo Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commons quarter before eight. Admittance 25 crate. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanfordis Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTEEDIEOE. DIAMONDS, RUBIES, EMERALDS, SAPPHIRES and PEARLS bought for cash— highest prices given—by Mr EMIR, (lately arrived from Europe ,) at the Milliard House, ARCH Street Nom No. 3.5. Hours from 10 to 4. oc3l-110 A BRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE „Lla. Sinking and Bmboaled Printing, Xnvelope and Seal Press Manufactory, 87 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Phlladelphus, Pa. aul2-17 TEL AND SUMMER RANGEg.— AL s Sold by CHADWICK & DRO., 202 N. OZOOND NI. foorlB4moi. U , 11) LP tides by 2,uaian. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO 42 . 1 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. OARD—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—TUES. DAY. ID- We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SS/ODIOUS fiALES ROOM, NO. led WALITOT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or Moot declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED 10 OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES 0011 THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAR OBTAIN FROM ANY OF TILE FURNI TURE DEALERs OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. [I7 - Verson' favoring u with consignments can rest assured that thel r property will not be sacritic.i. ID - Commissions more moderate than thole charged by any other Auction Ilona° in the city. gConsignments respectfully solicited Bates paid immeettately atter the goods ars sold REAL ESTATE SALE, NOVEMBER 11th. This sale will include— Orphans' Court Sole—Estate or w A. B. Jones, Dee'4. TWO-STORY BRICE notisp_AND LOT, TWELVTII A two-story brick house and lot of ground, west tilde of Twelfth street, 224 feet above Columbia arcane, it feet front, and 112 feet deep, to a 2/ feet attest, UV ground root. Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of Chas. Drownsou, Deed TIMER MUSES AND LOT Or GROUND, DREAD STREET AND FETTER LANE A lot orground with the three house' thereon erected, 8. W. corner of Bread street and Fetter Latta, 40 feet by 43 feet $lB3 ground rent Ea - 8.50 to bopaid on each of the Moors when the IMMO to *track olr. REAL ESTATE SALE-NOVEMBER 18T11 This sale will Include— Cepham' Court Salo—Estate of Patrick Smith, Deo'd. TIMEX HOUMA AND LOT OF GROUND, NORTH SECOND STREET . . . . Three three-story brick houses and lot of ground. eastelde of Second street, 170 feet north from Matter street, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep. $OO ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate. FIVE HOUSES AND LOT, WASHINGTON STREET, KENSINGTON. A lot of ground with four three-story brick, and one frame house thereon, east side of Washington street, 80 feet above Master, 20 feet front mid 121 feet deep, to Phillip street. $5O ground rent. Orphans , Court Salo—Estate of Andrew Lindsay, Deo'd. TAVERN STAND, NORTH SECOND, ABOVE RACE A three.ltory brick tavern stand and dwelling, two story bridk back building and lot of ground, on the east side of Second street, between Race and Vine streets, IT foot front, and extending in apptli 40 feet 13 Incite", then narrowing tole); leek, :1,14 xtettding the further depth of 10 feet 7 Inches, making In all SO feet clear of all 'membranes'. tso to bo paid on each of the oboe. when the tune ie struck oil. TO RENT DV' A three-story Brick Dweutug , with two-story back back building. 195 North Ninth atreot, shore Wood street. 'Bent ¢llOO per annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE A firet-olase Printing °Rice, with a gcoi run of hot ness, fottr printing presses, two Ruggles and one Adam* Type and everythlog necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. MOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER LIM AND COMMISSION aIidIOIIANT, S. H. earner BIRTH end RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE--Clold and sliver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, dee., Ac. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on .second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac., Ac., iko. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Anotton our. Charges very low. Oonsig,uments of furniture clothing, jewelry, Ice solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S E. Corner of Sloth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and Wirer plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, ce Grories, SaganH , ardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harneis, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab. 1111M:cent. M. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great Bale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches,Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, /co., wi ts take place shortly. Duo notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding, aro., being forfeited collaterala, will take place shortly Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT ITALY THE USUAL SELLING PRICES.—DoubIe-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; bunting case and open face gold escape ment lever and lepine watches. fail jeweled; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for ladies% gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepine watches, in hunting cases and open face; silver English, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds mattresses, mirrors Ac. OUT- DOO R SALES SOLICITED, and charges to suit the times, low. Consigumerits of every description of goods solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for publio or private sale, or to be bold for a limit ed time. Cbargea low. QAMUEL NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER, ,and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 £3outb THIRD Street, bolow Walnut, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Exchange, Genre of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sales, and sales at the Auction 1100.150, ate tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 1200000. Established far the lost Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thoneands on Die monde, Silver Plate, Watchee, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandiso, Clothing, 'furniture ' Bedding, Cigars, lie/deal Instrumento, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Moods of every description. All goods oan remain any length of time agreed upon. All INlTalleen, from one hundred dollars and upwards wUI be chargedl per rent. per month; $6OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Home having a depth of 120 feet, hasierge fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pm ♦ate watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy bun ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advaneed upon N. S.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this aloe is prepared to make advances on more mitts. factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in mall amounts, with out suy charge. . . AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, Oa Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 825 ARMS Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. BALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew. *try, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Oooti, Notions. N. B.—Out-door sales attended to All goods sold at the Auction House packed. col-lm GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. E. sonnet of E MIMI; and SOUTH Streets boys Second. EVENING BALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7% o'clock, et the Auction Store, of hardware, Out Ivry, housekeeping A dicks, Clothing, Watohee, Jewel ry, Fancy Artielea, .1/40. elasz anb Tit)ina Ware. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. lARX.Eilibi & WITTE, MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT ST, SATS NOW OS HAND A Complete and splendid assortment of WHITE, GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA, 13011 E. MIAN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED OLASSWARI3; RISC, PARIAN, LAVA, and TERRA COTTA WADES, bealdes tho greatest oariety of FANCY ARTICLES, which will be sold at lower prices than at any similar store in the United States. N. D. —Oooda loaned to Partlem on reasonable terms. oc :17-IC 3nonrance Companies pOIiIIifONWEALTYI FIRE INSURANCE NJ COMPANY, OP TILE SPAM OP PENNSYLVA. NlA.—Oilice, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Subscribed Capital, P 600,000. Psld•up Capital. $200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Provident THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Preel. Blk➢YL 8. Moo; Bocrotary. anl-1.7 irtIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR. 16.4 ANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA--001oe, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. "FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN." DILIIOIOIIO. Ter. Walker, Jno. McClure, The. Craven, A. 8. Gillett, Furman Sheppa rd, Banal. D. Joseph Klapp, SI. D. Wm. M. 13walu, Johp Aropsch, Jr., N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, 11.. A.. Bbackelford, lion. JOE Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, 8. Um R. Avroso, Assist JONES, President. Vice President. WM:mu; Secretary. tent Secretary. nl4-31114 political. F OR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTII WARD BLIOJTOT TO DYMOOAATIO OULU. OCIO-21o* Illillincrn Ocfob.s MFRS. A. LEAS WILL OPEN ON -OTHURSDAY, Nov. oth, at her rooms, Not 720 and 700 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Masonic Tem ple, Paris Fall and IVmter MILLINERY. no3-3t FUND --UNITED STATES ►J TRUST COMPANY, corner of THOM and CHEST. NUT Eltrecto. Large aud small sums received, awl paid hack on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office home from 0 until 5 o'clock every day, awl on MONDAY RYENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland from .£1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISH. Teller JAMES R. BUNTER n W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS A. , . No. 37 Booth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points to the 'United States an Canada. Stocks, Bonds, ko., Bought and Sold on Commission. Dneurrent Bank Notes, Checks, ko., bought at the lowest rates. . . Depnalte received and Interent allowed, as per agree mant bOV 2 -Am WINCIIESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE /i '.9 FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT 3IANUFACTORY, No. SRI CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Vieatern 314m:banes, nod Stranger*, ie particularly Invited to thla improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aub-ITIT WALL PAPER.- __- WAIL PAPER LARGE STOCK CIIEAY. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Now hl your chance Save '2.1 per cent. Work done et the lowest rates. N. E. corner of SIXTH & ARCH 0031-Iw* J. E. VANMETER CLOVER SEED.-NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cob, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeeper; and farmers, by Bending samples to our soldresa ' can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties whaling samples, by which to be governed as to quality, Ban have them lent by mall, by addressing um. J.ll CHASE & CO, esolii•tr 43 North Front, and 44 Water streets MARCUS BAST, No. 204 NORTH THIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Has for sale THE ADIERIOAN READER—a new book, designed by its author, A. D. KALB Tana, for the use of the higher alum in the Academies and Schools of America—by the dozen or single copy. not-Im M O9B-47 balosar it car a M m oLs 4 tr isT 74 3 lo , b 7 ' Miler* Wstor Stmt. fatal Salts. HOMESTEAD NOR 12,00!. LAND DI& AATBIBUTION !! CHANCE YOB 2008 51i2.11 ! I The Northwesterulliztnal Land BoneAt Arsecuttion will make a grand distribatiou of $lO,O OO worth of real estate and maps to its members. The number of mem ber" is limited to 15,000 2280 and Ave letter stamps per membership, or a share, Any individual eemilug 810 and the 'tempi, shall be entitled to ail shares; or any person sending 210 with GI nomee with t headdress Of each, wilfully written, stun be ontitled to la shared. The following la the real estate to be Wistritwit.wl No. 1. An Improved farm of .30 aura In Cooke Co , Illinois, alued at $3.000 No. 2. An improved farm of 150 acres to Whit*. aides Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 No. 3. An improved form of 150 met, la White aide, Co , Illinois, valued at . . 8,000 No,'4. AlleSeellent,pnwita Madan*, WM:LAKIN ' 5,003 lOWA, Waned at No_ 6. HO sue, xuperior farm land in Cooke Co , Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 6. 160 acres well pine timbered to Wanpaces Co., Wisconsin, valued at 2 000 No. I. A good lot and cottage reaidenee In Chi cago, 'lllinois, sallied at 2.000 No. 8. 150 acres superior hind In Whitesides Co. , Illinois. valued at 1.500 No. 9. 160 acres good load in Chippewa) Co., Wieconein, valued at 060 No 10. 160 acres good land In Ohippeway Co., whieowl., valued at 030 No. 11. 160 acres good land la Ohlppeway Co., efilieconsin, valued at 800 No. 13, 100 acres good. land In Dunn Ca., Wis• cousin, valued at SOO No. 13. 80 sores good land. in Ilarahall Co., lowa, soloed at 600 N 0.14 80 aeree good land in Marshall Co , Imes, ' valued at . 200 No. 15. 80 seven good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at coo No. 16. 40 acres good land in Waxbill 00., Terra, valued at 200 N 0.17. 40 acres good land in Linn Co.,lowa, val ued at 200 No. 18. 40 acres good land is Linn Oo lowa , rai ned at , 100 No.lo, 40 acres good land In Linn CO.,lowa, val ued at SOO NO. 20. , One building lot in Dutra:toe, lowa, val ued at 2.013 N 0.21. One building lot in Sterling, llllnobt, valued at 801 No. 22.. Ono building lot In Sterling, Illinois, valued at 300 No. 23. One building lot In Sterling, Illinois, valued at SW No. 24. I 40 acres farm land In Grant Co., Wham- Pin. valued at 5 , x , No. 25.' 40 acres farm land In Grant Co., Macon sin, valued at 900 Na, 26. • 40 acres Lad in Grote° , 4 011strusetn, valued at 240 No. 27. •40 acres land in Grant Ce., Wisconsin, • valued at 210 No. 29. 40 acres land In Crawford Co., Wisoccolin, valued at 200 No. 29. , 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisoiseic, valued at 200 No. SO. , 40 acres land in Crawford Co. valued at N 0.31. L4o . a.exes land in lloaroo Co. 'aimed at No. 32. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wlscouaiu, valued at 200 No. 83. 40 um land In Jackson Co., WiluouaLs, valued at 200 No. 84. 40 acres laud in Jackson Co valued at NO. d 5.: 40 scree land is Bad Ass Co., , Niaconain, valued at 160 No. 38. l 40 urea Land in Bad Lae Cto.,Wlawnain valued at No. V. i 40 aorea laud to Bad Lie Co valued at • 180 No. 88.: One lot in Fulton, Illinois, maned at 160 No 39. , One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40 One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued st 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of stockholders shall be written. on as many small cants as they have shares, end the whole placed in a box, and the dist name taken out shall be entitled to the improved farm No. 1, la the above list, and the next taken ant 'will be entitled to No. 2, and so on until the 40 items of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,9",0 stockholders will be sent a cheep map of a Western State or Territory. A full account of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such 14 mayreceire the real estate—to whom also the deeds will be sent and immediate possession given. Each op plication must be accompanied with fl 00 and five letter stamps, Address LINDELL, JONEB & CO., au-13 Ch'ing°, Illinois. f 1110 WE FARM LAIN Db rtltt, SALE.— Ns) THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL 11.411.P.0.4D C3IIPANY is now propared to still about 1,500,040 acres of choice Farming Lands, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, Ca long credit, . and at low rates of interest. These lands were granted by the Government to ald In the construction of this Goad, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and Include every variety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with fine groves, and in the middle and Southern sections timber predominates alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, rend and sonata*, than any other part of the country—the air is pure and tra cing, while living streams and springs of excellent water abound. , Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and supplies • cheap • and desirable fuel, being- furnished/at many points at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood can b had at the same rate por cord, Building Stone of excellent quality also abound!, which can be procured for little more than the expense of transportation. The great fertility of theae Lade, which are a Mack • rich mould, from two to tee feat deep, and gently roll log; their contiguity to this road, by which every tact My is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, South, Bast, West, and the economy - with which 'they can he cultivated, render them the moat valuable investment that tan be found, nod present the most favorable uppoettnity for persona of industrious habits and small means toucans a com fortable independence in a few years. Chicago is now the greatest gram Market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of those lands can be transported to that market, make them much more profitable, at the prices asked, than those More remote et government rates no the 048 tional cost of transportation is a perpetual tax on the tatter, which must be borne by the producer, in the re donerice he receives for hie grain, ice. Thuitle is perfect—and when the anal payments are made ads are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title la vested, to the par dummy's, which musty to them absolute titles In fee tem ple, frpe and clear of ewery inotunbrance, tea or meet gitto• Thep:ices are from sa to 100 interest only lt per et. Twenty per et. will be deducted front the price for cub. Those who purchase au long credit, give note; payable in twcy three, four, nee and stz yests after date, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for tee yeah, so ss to have one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. Competent surveyors will accompany those who wlsh to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid them in making selections. The Lands remaining unsold are ma rich and voluble as thaw which have been disposed of. SECTIONA.L BUTS Will be sent to any one whe will enclose fifty writs La pottage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing no merods instances of successful farming, signed by re 'gestalt° and well known farmers living In the neigh borhobd of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State— also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc.,—or any caber information— will he cheerfully give:son application, either personally' cr by letter, in English, Trench, or ! Ferman, addrelsea to ' 3ouri La isa Conenlealener of the Illinois Central R. IL Co. Offieo in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, 11. sel 11fiels4 LANDS! LAND S!!—.l. OFFER FOR enle tha following. ealuabll LANDS in SOCTLi. WESTERN GEORGIA. All percent are hereby cau tioned against trespassing upon any of them. October, 1557. T. N. BLOOM, Macon, Ox DOUGUERTT r - Ist District—Nos. GO, 95 , 97. DOUGUERTT 00CTIT, 7th Markt—No. 335. 9th do—Nos. IS, 325, 329, 333, 369, rs, 7.7 , 3, 393, 421, 4.6,7. 46.3. 10th Duttriet--No6. 45, 46, 47. VOETH COUNT( 7th Dhtritt—Noe.l24, 625. 14th do " 11, 12, 55. 16th do " :6, 27, 38, Wd. LIB COUIVT. let District—Nee. kV, 160, 16$, IhB lith do •• 4.181 lith the ^ 113, 14-e. Eri=6l==l 15th District—No. 91 TRIM ELL COUNTY 11th Dtatrict—Nos It.'S, 250. 11th du 188, 201 UISDOLFH COUNTY Bth 138xtrict—No. 144 CM= 13111 Md." 2!1, 3'22, ?Z.!. 24, 57, =7 375, 376, 3% 13th do " 6, 16, 10, ..^7l_ , 16, 16, 391, 372, 391 DISC/ICY 00CN tit 14th Plstria—Nos. 130. 27th ' 190, M. DOOLY COI73TY Ist Dlstrint—Nm. 1, 313 ^ _11.212, 213, 214, Vl, 3.2.2,273, 224, 2.25, 22d, 227, IN 2d do " 7th do " 211. 9th do ' 110 /10CSTO1 COUNT!' Gth Dlstrict.--No. 214. Bth District—No. 102 TAYLOR 00C - XT9 13th District- Nov. 87. BS. 11th do " d 3, 6/ 13/ lin 0 1T rter, GOLD 3IEDAL PIANO FORTES STEINWAY & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 64 AND FS WAXER, STREET, NEW YORK, Received the following first prire medal, in competi tion with the best Inannfutorera of lio,ton, Now York, Philvdelph•a, and Baltimore. TV) FIRST PRIZE MEDALS at the Illetropolitna. Fair. Washington, 31 arch, 18:55. A COLD JIBDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York-, November. 1:+55, (being the only Gold )1,14 gicen Co., Ilanmm within the Ina mx pure I A CUD PIEDAL at the Maryland Inititate, DAM mere, ISai. THE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at thi Pair, Cults' Palace, New York. November, ISSti. Among the judges. were the first Itinical talent of the coun Yy, such to Mason, Gottschalk, Wolfenhattpt. .d many other*. St. ,tc S. Pianos (with and without iron fronte.t) are warranted for three yearn, and a mattes guttsnter given. ltianott packed and shipped without chugs. Prices molerate. 0c27.-ti A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE 1 - 31 MANUFACTURER, No 115 West lilroekirkic, Noce York, solo nutaufactitrer of the, celebrated Concert Plane The subscriber would inform his nutter°s friends nod customers that he has greatly et I trgod Lie Inahutacturing department, in order to meet them-rasa in demand for his unrivalled Pisnos, nut as every piano, especially tone and touch. Is personally raperintor.ded by the subscriber, the ratio will be warrinted an In atranient which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetticss at tope and touch, stands m.sar.. passed. Every piano sold at the lowest wanufacturvrs' prices. A call is respectfully solicited. ce..^J-dc. - - r' s AGENTS WANTED.—A HONE tiOO STEAD FOR 310'—Third Div'Mon.—Uo.oo worth of Parma and Banding Lola, in the gold region of Culp,per county, Virginia, to be divided amen 10.200 subscribers, on the ith of December, Is 3 SiTti sniptions only ten dollars down, or Cifteendollars, one• half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Drery subscriber will get a bonding Lot or a Farm, ranting in value from $lO to /25,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to Induce settleirente, a sufficient number being reserved, the Increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low trice now ss'aed. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, sul a company of settlers called the " Rappahannock Pioneer Anioeiationtl is now forming and will seen commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faath• ful performance of contracts and pro:xi:sat. Nearly 45.000 acres of land in di ff erent parts of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from Slop to 3300 per acre. Unosestiosails tears Will ea ail ente3 be given. Wood-cutters, Coopers, farmers, &0., are Wanted, and fire hundred Agents to obtain sabscribera, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. g me agents write that they are making/200 permonth. Yor fell particulars, mbscriptions, agencies, ire.. apply to S. BAUDER. an24-tr port Royal,Oarnlins county, 9a. VVANTED, FOH THE UNITED STATES OAYALET—Able•bodied, 'unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, nod medical attendance Pay from 312 to 122 per month. No man haying a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED atIVTICE, at No. MT KIRKE r etraet above Eighth, north side. WILLIAM Z.. BOUM, LE Lical. 24 Ilegt. of Cavalry. Recruiting MPG? oat 6.2m* WELCOME RANGE.—Son at CHAD V • WIWI k 8314. MI S. MOND 18. wl9 ana Wisconsin Wixom:in WlioouS Wisconsin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers