The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 05, 1857, Image 1

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    T.I/UT It SS.
ornoi,lik.. air craicirira. .srizagr,
?wormy oisto",rfor poyitle to th e (legatees.
Walled toUtooribero ont of the Oity it fitz Doti.tas
eon Moon; lOU Dot LAIS roa Eloot 110111118 TRIM
Dotttia roe BixMowr % inrasfably advasoe for the
ral ,- "Witaicile PRESS',
m a ned tolobooilbers oat of tbo Citr, at Tam Duo.
win A.uION,In aolooloo2 •
W:lo.***. It*
(psc, advinai,) it $5 . 00
ThreotOo l ptei • 0 r
• ' 5 011
It Ivo Oop ee, . 4 "
S 00
tan Copies', ' 4 . 19 00
Treaty °Wet, Y/' ' - • 44 (t0 Oat sddreasy.„ 90 00
TwentyClopies, or oyes, ,1 CW addles,' of eaak
subscriber), each: ..... / - - . 190
Sfor a Olub,ot !Sweaty-one or over, we will send en
extra oopy,to the getter.up pt the Olub, .
Dr . kook:nesters are requested to act se Agents for
Tex Wnsaty Passe.
. . ,
TRH IiaNINLY PIIBB9 is published from the City of
Itisiladelpba, every Saterday.
It la orb:ideated. upon National principles, and will
sphold therriglits ef the States. It will rectal fanati
cism in every shape; and will be &motel to,oonserv-
Mire dootainea, AB Abe true, fortisdatibn Of publlO woe
parity and - nodal order. gook a Weekty,Journal has
long bean dealred In tho,tinited States, and It is to gra
tify this want that Tag WRIIKLY !MIMS is published
WliNKLY.ramss la printed on excellent white
paper, aleir, new typ4, and in cpiarto forme, for binding.
It oontalis all the Nervri of the dap-, Correspondence
tam the Old World 'and the New; Dramatic Intelll
germs; ItePerta of the 'various Markets; Literary Ste
elton ildlacellaneona Selections the progress of Ali+
enlturo li kll. Ili various.4epartmento, do. , &a.
17 Tillps, invariabh, ift adnalus•
TON WBEILGY PRESS will be lent to
saboorlt/rs, by mAil, M ' - /2 00 per annom.
Twenty 0066 4 when sent to one 64-
46466 3 .20 09
4/anti 04162,' Or omen ', to addrom
peep taboottber eeoh , - - - 146 -
Otab of 'Tereniy-ene,ot O' er g we wilt ann4
extraeopy to tbe,getter,up of the Olnb. -
Pont Ritter* sin squinted to sot as Agnate Ton ?II
I will owtAiliwit:a inws4 Lai if say polltigal sail ppv,
anal friandi, and all ()they' who desire a ant elan
NbWirpapbr, will - exert theirisofrea t 4 eye Taal
WKLY PRESS a Wit orialsiligiln.ihelr'realiedlva
saighborbaods. -
If. FoItNET„
- Editor and Proprietor.,
Publloidioa Oftlos of TER witwror VRIES; Ho. 41!
pbestout Street,
alitha points noosaaary to
ommtar. aIIiIIMOT, -
ad all the. details and ?liner eleganolea width kapott
00.111/011.T, AND DIIRMII.LITY.
Wantiemon ate Invited to tali and examine.
0ct23402 430 OIIIISTNUT Street.
nrooionso at
1 ., 4. S. EIIIFIRVD,, •
spopitAti. MEET, NEW TORR.
10L.11'..13,1f Al;L L BOOKHELL.BI4O.
BENTOH2B ON THE Milli Bat. By the Eight Hon.
illohard Lido? Sheil,ll. P. 'Mita, with' Memoir and
Notes, by B. Shelton Mackenals, D. O. L. sixth Edi
tion Portrait aid tatalotile letter. In 2 vole
111 A Ir/. ' '
THE NOOTBB AMBROSIANM. • By Professor Wilson,
J• G. Lockhart, dolmen Hogg, and Dr. Magian. Edited,
with Membirs and Notes by 'lk. R. Shelton Mackenzie:
Third Edition. In 6 vo lumes, with portraits and fen --
similes. Pries $6.
MAQINN'S MISOBLLANIES. The Miscollansous Writ
ings 01 the late Dr. - Maginn. Edited 'with a Memoir
and Nina, by Dr. It. Shelton alacteimle. Complete
in 5 volumes, with Portrait. Price, per vol., cloth, $l.
By Mellon, Wm. Henry Outran; With Notes - and Ad
ditions, by Dr..E. Shelton Mockeosio, and o Portrait
on Etterd and faelindle., Third Minion. lame., cloth.
Price -
tional Story, beingthe ant of Lady Morgan's Novels
and Romances. With no. Introduction and Notes, by
Dr. It. Shelton Maokenes.. - 2 vote., limo., cloth.
BARRINOTONDI IDERTOII33. : Personal Sketobes at Ms
Own Time. By Sit Zolush - Barrington, with 'Dinka
tionarby Parlay. 'Bonet Naltion. , -With Womb. by
Dr. tiaeltenale; , limo. , cloth. Wks $1.26. -
MOORIPS Lilt ON SHERTDAN. Memoirs .of - the
Life Witte Bight Mon. •Ekhiud Hensley - Sheridan:
Ny Thomas Moore ,• with Portrait and faemimile.
Sixthlidition. 2 vols., 12m0., cloth. Price 61.,
BITS OP BLARNEY. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackensle.
T h ird idition, 1.2m0.; eloth. Pries
By or Cenral Mr W. P. P. Napier, from the an
ther,' tut revised edition, with fifty-dye Maps and
Plain, bye Portrait' on Steel, and a complete Index,
6 rola., PAno,
_cloth. Price 117 60.
APIER PBNINSULAR WAN. Complete la 2 Vol.,
On. Prloo $2 60.
THE 101116 T. 'Ay J. T. Huntington, author a A.Lady
ettelvAlbs!! ) ,, ho. 1 ed., 121 no. Second 61411;
' 25 '
ALBAN; or; The History 'of a Young
V. Huntington.' 7v015.,12aua., Price
' ar.l-tfcs • P...
.A . ,‘L ART 01[44P11"nriad Al]tbareereeta,. -;
Ist order '6O 1P114147 the relabel of oar pa.
ts, ateltudnee' the bootbuying pub'', to Pik up their
Marsala At the mei Sowprierki, we Salami to parent to
irrety puroksjpr of books to , the Saipan* of $1 Lad up
ward.% a Gift in rains of from 25 orate to $lOO. t Oatl at
our eskabllebment, look at oar valuable stook, and Oat
for yonrseivoe. • • - ,
Reoolleet you are I3oi buyinifiti chines, for every par -
ebseeegets hie books at the natal prioe,and very many
will get, in addition', • present worth baring. • anti-Lm
LIEITEI, in the OIISTON ROI:IBM Avenue, have al
ways for ealo rare and same Books, Gentlemen book
worms ars Invited to call and Judge as to prices and va
Atty. , Law and miscollaneon, books purchased in small
or large - quantities. Books continually receiving Isom
notion sel4.tli to Sc,*
Wattlgo, Jerni
- Manutisetuiere '
Ender' their Inipeottee, on the president exeluelvely
Oltis i sui lend Strews are kited That oar mann
I ~ otwy WATCHES.
0014•417 On tow a ridoodld stoek of Superior
Wotohoi, of ell the celebrated maker*,
meommoo, Elnaeleta,. DrOoehte, Rarango, Pings,-
Mel, lad" all other artielea In the Dimmed line.
Drewlevt. of ffEIY DESIGNS{ will be made free of
elm* for those wishing work made to order.
L beieSifil aswortment of all the new styles of item
sleek ea You% Stone and Shell Canso,
' Peed, Coral, Carbonate, kterquielle,
lava, &r., he.
Alio; Arouse and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles,
and of seperlor quality. aul-dtw&wly
' AID Taman's' OF Wl/011211,' •
I'gvatoioi. l Anatieri PM/OMM
Importors of Gratchea and Pine jewelry, Idanufacto•
rers or Sterling ant Standard Silver Tia Wa i l/orbs owl
Spoons, sole agents ter the dale of Oharlea Predthant's
new 'penes Gold' Medal London Thnekeeporiall the
Rises ort baud, prices MAO, 5275, awl MO,
English and Swiss Watches at the lowest plot.
Blob, fashionable Jewel
Sheffield and American P lated
ated Warm,
eael" •
• S. lAR'DBN & BRO. ,
aP XMIIIIIIO . II7AVIS 1110 1MP0172114 Or
• , SILVEII.42AT.eII wins, ,
No. Mk Chestnut Street, above Third, tap stairs,
' Oenstantill on hand and for Sale SO the Trade,
LADLEB, ten., ho.
Gilding and plating ea &C aude of metal, se2-1y
1812, ) E
A. large enortment of SILVER Want, of every de.
serlption; °eminently on bind, or made to order to match
an pattern &mired. • •
I •
mporters of Sheffield AO Birmingham Imported
warn. neBo-db-wly
//UWE', 08Y7011 & Co., Wholesale MASINAC
Flutters P. Dyson.
sun Elm
tire Proof eareo,
• lir's usortment of
6ALAMANDB VAU7px 7)001te,
Vor.Banks and Stores,
ual yH qO ßtos oH noUw
T Is T ms l
I nog DOS, 4 )
013 as food Ulna as any other establishment ist the
United States, by
NO, 26 South FOURTII street,
i)oteleattb .11-istattranto.
ii r BEER SA,L9OX, No. 242 Carter's Alley, Philp
delpttla. lep2l-Sot
west earner of BROAD sod WALNUT.--aame
and all other delicacies is losses. Families supplied
with Oyartors on the shortest notlao. ' • up7..701
VSIOTT ROUSE--00theet of Irwin Street
end Drettletut•Wej, ?Memel. B. D.
Proprietor. evlll.ltat
Ladies , NUBS Gelling_ off rogue" , se salt
7iognrthod and ituliitasattning, 624. Ott&o7.
PM 19, blow likkyon* , wilt 'aiwie their #041•• otos*. of
WSW NW, without Nowt t o ikat
820 OURSTNTIT .11101100 T, forwarda' 0.4110014
I , 4oltAff 00, IdEVAIUNDIZIt, VANE NOTES and
ISP)10106; *tikes *lts own LINES, es -in eonneetion
wtWottotr,oXP 001tRANISS; to all toe prinolpfal
'TWOS and OIT ati Milani States.
, B. 0: SdNDSOIM;
' - ' - dialisawal linnerlntandant.
ALE HOPE,i—Bayere are invited to call
-153 1 '.55d Idaintsie but Manila Bale Bop', *Mak we GU
await low as Amerkan, And *taint 0 rapildot in
-witionn, orruoi k
25 21. 'Stator 22 N .511151,05
VOL. I-NO. 83.
tegal Notirets
application will be made for the renewal hf Corelti.
cats No„ .68, for Forty-live Bharoa in the Capital Stock
or 4 , The BANE Olt PIM T,OWNgIfIV, in the County'
of Philadelphia,", issued in the -bikini or "Loulealle
Pal," dated April Mb, 1855, the saute having homiest
or Weald. . oclf...tha-Anf
liank Noticio.
osieult, Oot. 28th, 7857.
1101`10E.—A special meeting of the Btochholdere, of
the 41 President, Directors ' and Compsuy of the Dank
of Pennsylvania," will be hold at the Banking-house,
on the ninth day of November, A. D. 1867, at 12 o'clock,
IL, to deterndna'whother to accept or reject the pro
vision! of the act of Assembly,nntithvi An net pro
viding for the resumption 'of specie payments by the
hanks, and .tor ties relief of debtors," approved the
lath instant.
By order 'of the Board bf Direetere.
0e.29-019 YENIM.OIII4 !militant Cashier
ctober 1, 1857.—The anneal meeting of the
Stockholders of Ma Bank will bo held at the Banking
hoop', 'on TUESDAY, 3d Novomber, 1857, at 12
&clock M. ' oiB-theatuiNS
An eleotion for thirteen Directors to serve the ensu
ing year will take place' at the Dankluk-house,
day, the 18th day of November, between the hours of
: 0. T.
octlthastalNlo Cashier.
Puziamibroia, November 3,1857.
The 2oerd of Directors et this Thu* Lava declared a
'divid/ltdoor Twins Pea Cear., • payable ea and atter
Mdttpit.r, the dth lastanc...
not 1w..•
= PuILADSIJOLS, November a, 1857.
- The Directors have this day declared a dividend of
TB!Dia Part OAST:, payable on tlembuit.
nod-dt Cashier, ,
, • PaIL.UALTIIIi, October Oth, 1857.
The tinntud election for 'Directors will he held at the
Banking Itouee, on lIONDAY, the 18th day of Novem
ber holt, between the hours of 0 o'clock A. AS., and 3
Ode* P. Al.; and on TUESDAY, the ad day of Nevem
her neat, General Meeting of the Stockholders will tut
held at the Baukleg Home, at 4 o'clock P. H., agfooa.
bly to the charter,
maw or 1837 —VW.
The Winter emirs° of Instruction in this Department
will commence on',TISESDAY, November 3d, and be
coatinhod as follows :
Piofessor J. E. FRA'AF.II, TUESDAY and FRIDAY.
Prolosser E. 0. KENDALL, MONDAY and THURS
DAY at b P. DI.
Professor H. ROGERS, TUESDAY awl "FRIDAY, at
Professor 0. D. TREOO, MONDAY and THURSDAY,
at 4 P. IL
The Lectures will be amply illustrated by Models,
Drawings, and Specimens.
The Lectures will be continued until the end of
The Courses may be attended either singly or to ,
Scre any one Course E6OO
For the rout Conrees ' IS 00
For Tickets, apply to FREDERICK DICK, Janitor a
the University—oierth Building. And for information
respcoting the studies, to
Dean of the Rut/Jig,
West Rittenhouse Bquare.
oo at•dl2t
Roy B. flarssa, Reoroa.
The Annual Session will been on TUESDAY, Sep
tember 1.
"Ofroulare 'may be obtained at tho Book Store •of If.
HOOKER, OM. corner EIGHTH and 011ESTNUT, or
of ties Rector, Posh Officei Falls of Schuylkill, Phlla
delplala. , aul7-8m
Wmon o nude awl Anoxia, Sepia a slinro of MO
world 4 goods and comforts as
Now US end 160 sum' Street, near RAOE,
will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER let, for fall
and Winter Studios, embracing a knowledge of
by [amplified methods, in a abort time
TVA LEIDIPS take plesaure in saying, that during
the past year a large number of peraons acquired a
BUSINESS IiDUOATION; enabling many to secure pro-
Stable eituntlotis, and others to prosecute their ImeineaS
operations euccessfully. " auELEm
MINROLWOOLLEGM, M, $. corner of 13);VENTIf
AAA (111MATNUT Str•sts, &gold sod Third Mtatisi,
- 11001ELISNISPMEt; PXNBIANSIIIP, ivory style,
Mach Modena hash:letting inatruction from oompo
tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate
ilnperrialon of the Principal. •
One of the Beet Penmen In the Conatil has charge of
the Writing Department,
Please calland sea Speelmene and get a Catalogue of
Terms, &o. ' ocd.y
sißeralrary whatever is more like a private family.
The course of study Is extensive sad thorough. Pro
fessor Sunders will receive a few more pupils muter
fourteen years of sge into his family. Enquire of
Messrs. J. B. Silver endllithew Newkirk, or Col. J. W.
'Forney, Editor ' or this Paper, whoee eons or wards are
now members of his family. aeptl4-tr
School Year, consisting of two Tense, will com
mence on the tigeONll 'W.SDNESSAY of September,
and close the List Wednesday of June following.
Normal Mu, Troy Female Seminary—Tuition free.
Winter Term commencing September 10th.
The charge for tuition and board, inoluding all ne
oessarles cenneoted with it, each as room rent, washing,
fuel, light, etc,, $1.25 per nonum. An additional
charge is • made for music and the other ornamental
branchee of female education. Where a lilted 811111 is
preferred, $350 per annum (onehalf payable at the
commencement of each term) will be received, and for
it the pupil entitled to all the advantages of the insti
Pupil* may enter at any period of the term, and are
required to pay only from the time of entrance,
The Institution furnishes all potriblo feollitiec for e
thorough course of useful and ornamental education.
The Principals are assisted by more than twenty Pro
fessors And %%schen.
Bxtensivo courses of Lectures are annually delivered
by Professore on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Geolo
gy, Botany, Astronomy, and Bloeution.
This Institution is furnished with a valuable Library
and extensive Philosophical Apparatus, a welLsolected
cabinet of Minerals _and Shelia, met Napa, Oharts,
Globes, and Models.
Every facility is afforded for the thorough study of
the Trench language. The Frond, teaclacra reside in
the family, and adapt their system of instruction to the
ace of The language in conversation.
' DIPLOMAS are awarded to young hullos who have
passed satisfactory examinations in the full course of
English studies, with Latin, or ono of the modern
languages. CEBTIFICIA.TEII to those who have com
pleted the partial course.
The pupils are received into the family of the Princi
pal'', in which every arrangement is made ter their
physical education, and the improvement of their man
ners and morale. They occupy private rooms, two in
mush, the rooms of the female teachers and that of an
experienced nurse being among those of the young
The advantages of this Institution aro the result of
tho accommodated facilities of more than thirty years
of Its onward progress.
Circulars containing more particular information may
be obtained by application to the Prinsipals, John 11.
Willard and Borah b. Willard, Troy, N • I-
The toned ter day scholars aro a per quarter for the
introductory class of English studies. These are Read.
log, Writing, spolling, Grammar, Arlihmotle, Hu&
manta of Geography, Geography for beginners, tad
Geology for beginners.
gor the second class $7 per quarter. This includes all
the branches constituting the extensive course of Eng
lish studies,
dons It. WILLARD, nooretary.
Mayor and Iteeordur of Troy, ex-officlo.
Benjamin Marshall, John D. tlnhtra,
Itobert D. Slllitnan, ThoonnitV. Blatchfonl,
Jonas O. lloartt, Wax K Mow,
JM Van fichoonhoven, Jonathan Edwards,
Deo. B. Warren, ' Thomas 010W011,
John A. arlswold, John Mallory,
tlrl 011beft, na29-thn
1. DARBY, A. M., President, Lecturer on Nature
W. /1. O. PRYOR, A. M., Principal, Teacher in al
Rev. G. W. CIIATPIEI.D, A. M., Teacher 1a the Col
leglate Department.
Ulu H.ll. ANDERSON, Teacher in Primary Depart
Wm. 11, Poiosp
tfra.3l3LlA A. PRIOR, Teacher of Music
Mrs. JULIA P. DADDY, Teacher of Drawing and
The senior' a this DiaMakin oonsineueed on 'the
(kat MONDAY in Ootobor, and will oontlnua ulna and
months. _ .
Primary Department, $3O; intermediate Department,
$4O; College Department,. $5O; Incidental POO, Id;
graduation Fee, $6; binalo on Piano or guitar, M . ;
Ifee of Instrument, $6; Pencil or Monoohromatie Draw
ing, $2O; Water Color Painting, $3O; Oil Painting, $10;
Preach and Latin, each, $2O.
The Tuition Peed must bo settied before soy pupil
will be entered.
loud can be obtained In private families at 112 00
per Month, hichtiing washing, wood, and lights.
The Institution possesses advantages for ilktetratton
In Natural galena, superior to those of any similar one
in Ids° &nth, There is not to be found, in any gentle
Sebool, more complete Chemical end Philosophical Ap
paratus, and a MOM extoneive Cabinet for Illustrating
all hranchee of Natural litstory. These menu* ere in
daily t use.
ani t er t e h r;ttt i g i ! k w ' ilr blediunglearase undergoing
r tui °Pa pes!
Able. .
Auburn 10 811 healthy as there la any necessity for.
Iq amid not he healthier, unitise the people should
never die at all,
' The President and Principal have the entire control
of the Institution, and any Inquiries addressed to either
of then} will meet with prompt attention.
N. I—Poisons wishing water, sotto, coerce analysed,
may hare It done by sending to
300 2l.df Professor J. DADDY.
Ai mint ' 40 as
OlSaro,.'“ ' , Partagas,
abaneit, Winona,
1 Qloria, Jupiter,
' - Calm, , Oonveretantes,
Torrey Loped, Union Americana,
key Orajon, .11iora 'Potions, he., he.,„ in X, X ,1-5 and 140 exee, of all sizes and quail:
;ilo Pt litere and eonatantly receiving, end for sale low,
assr) 188 WALNUT Street,
below Second, second story
•411: 11/ 1 4.011.—A., choice Invoice of these celebrated
Broods °° bond brill "New Bra," dolly expected from
nicema, and for Belo low, by ONANLIth T NTI4,
(Nee) U 8 Walnut street, below Second )
ant _ dolma Mary.
.. .
. .
' . 's‘\ll I / ; ; : . _ 7 •V`ii t ti.,,- , ' .. •
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11, M. LEWIS, Oaehier
A hfuldsome ageort-
.11. AND soturiLitml, COAL la at
BROAD fiTrtto, aboro Vale.
Sold RI reduced prices. Call and aeo. 0u31.6a ,
WILLOW.—The Spring Mountain, Sugar
Loaf, and Ilasloton Lehigh Also, boat Ralntylklll
Coal, for solo, Tonna cash. 0ct2,1-Im*
and C1)101[1111011 nre invited to examine our
stook of lioolltiT MOUNTAIN and BLACK
ItKKTII 00AL." Oar Vaal Is selected expressly for
fatally use; being eitrefullreerdittietl, we will warrant It
freo trout elate and dust "We colt 2240 lbs.," being
" 240 lbs. more' , than sold by retail dealers, at "25 cents
lees per toil."
. .
Also. on hand a full supply of a BROAD TOP IIIT11.•
MINOUS COAL , ' for Stostnieuscating, I.llaelonnithlng,
and Boainvuoll purposes, Vas Coal cannot be ex
Yardn, BROAD and VINR—BIg Sign, ,• 5240 LDS. IS
A TON. [ael.Stn] 1.1 , 11011T0N h 00
Have tor mad, and are Conditontly recnithse from
above celebrated Collieries '
1)0AL Olf ALL suns.
There le no Mal misled Anywhere, equal in quality
these, and a trial sill convince any ono of their great
punctually. Our Coat is vary carefully screened at our
yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free freer elate,
dust and all impurities. Our PRIORS areas LOW m the
°Mere left at our omee, No. lel 001.11.11 FRONT
street, above Walnut.
Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWRILL Area, Delon
BIiOAD street.
°nitwit left at oar Wharf, WATER, street, 'above CAL
LOWRILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post,
will receive prompt attention.
Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex
amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf
►.v? I am daily receiving, at my yawl, the hest quality
and all others Who may favor we with tholr °Mord, may
rely on getting Coal that will ho satisfactory to them.
No Interior Coal kept at this establishment to
oiler at LOW YRWES.
N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Bta
RD PRIME Street, above :Eighth, keep constantly on
hoed, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh
and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-Get
& NI:ALL having connected the Coal wit 4 the
Lumber businsisa, inform their friends that they have
made contracts fur a supply of the bed qualities of
Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re
ceive orders, Twelfth awl Prime greats. thdonf may
ho loft with Mr. 8. KILPATRICK, No. 13 8. FIFTH
street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINR and
WATER streets. aull3-9m
Dooto anb Olioro.
M POIRET and YIVTII Stroete.
Getaleuten'a Boot Patent Leather Gaiter Boots.
OM( de. do.
•1 " Patent Loather Oxford Ties.
14 a Calf do. do.
" Patent Leather and Oaf narrow
attar shoon.
Boys' and Youths' Patent Leather and Calf akin
palter Boots and 23hoes,
ara-tr For male by
—JOSEPH 11. THOMPSON & CO., No. 314 MAR ,
ICHT Street, and Nos. 3 and b FItANKLIN Pl4Oll,
bare sew in store a lame and well-amorled stook of
BOOTS and 3110 ES, of City and Eastern manufacture,
which they otter for ante on the beet terms for Col, or
on the usual credit.
/loom are Invited to call and 'Lamina their stock.
on the Schuylkill, abort, Spring Garden Water Works,
WAREHOUSE, 103 Nortb WATER Street.
QUAKER OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any
b.f. Ninth. month 1111111. Yhiladniphin .n I.flm
cAttornepo at taw.
4111 attend with pweetuality, WS to the beet of hie
ability, to all barium entreated to his coo. 001..3t0
LP' AT LAW, Southoast Corner a BIGIATII and
OUST Stream, Philodol
Ai LAW, MITRE knot, Potteville, Pa. au4-1y
scriber offers for sale, with a perfect title, the
property known as the RBID GOLD AND COPPER
MINE, sitoatedgmilea front Concord, Cabarrna county,
North Carolina. With the mine is a plantation of 745
acres of excellent lend, well watered and wooded, and
large MANSION 11011811, with barns, minera' houses,
powder and engine house, and other buildings; new
steam engine, 45 horse power; Chinas mills , stamps,
pumps, Am, enthriteing ail tho machinery and tools ne
comer', for the full equipment of a mine, in good order.
The mine has been worked at intervals for tho last 60
years, and has always been profitable to renident pro
priotors, but has never been worked for any length of
time with an engine and machinery Tito shafts mid
galleries urn well constructed, the atoppioga ham norm
been taken out, and from LO to 75 nil tiers can lou profit
ably employed in the old workings. On the property is
a formidable vein of copper and lead, which has never
been worked, and a now gold vein has been discovered
Rloco the first of this month, at which threo men 11111 , 0
beet, at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day,
with a good prospect of its eontinuance,
n02,01u CHARLES.). GILBERT, 181 Broadway.
Tho ecnanniers of this celebrated beverage need no
description of its qualities, or evidence or its excellence,
beyond the benefit they Lave derived rroni Its ace CNN)
lb Introduction into this country; to those who bare
not yet wade an acquaintance with this 0110WNIMI
Milt - Liquor It may be won to elate a row facts :
Owes its excellence m a beverage to tile superior quality
of the hops and snail, the millers' properties of the river
water immediately communicating with the brewery,
and the scientific skill appli,el in its inanufnoture.
Not being swoetenod or streogthened to please vitiate,
palates, is, therefore, neither heating nor beady, lin
stoma& and appetizing,
Is the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern lu
Ida routing buogalow—the worthy rival AA' brandy
Is the drink without whichno tithe 000 ho complete—
no jouruey bt dmyk poosible,
Is the favorite drilA in England of turd and bagmen
duchess and nurse.
ba the muoh-edolired toulc for 'eyelids and rereone
weak iutoriorg.
Will keep lu all elimaton; and Is good at all meals—lnn
chuou, dinner, or supper.
Is pronounced by the medical faculty cue of the mos
wholesome beverages that cell he taken, and is found ti
be not less agreeable to the palate thou it is lamellas
to the health.
In universally conceded to bo unrivalled In exocltongo
by nay other imported into the United Rates.
Dealers and consumers will And it their interest to
give this Ale a proteronce. Yor sale in cask and bottle
Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVER Bt., N. Y.
On MO at Dehtlintiade, William It., corner or Dear,
and Chambers, corner or Broadway .
Sutherland's, la Pino street.
Borry's,lo Pine •trout.
Itlchardewat & Naylor. ID) Water at.
George Y Ilnrgooo, 4a3 Broadway,
N. B. Golding, 337 Broadway .
is now prepared to receive orders for this important
manure. For all laud. upon %Odell ashes are beneficial,
the Marl is more than a substitute.
Piofessor Cook, in hie amnia' report to the Legisla
ture of Now Jsrsoy, sage ‘i The value of those Marie is
bent icon in the rich and highly cultivated district
which haa boon Improved, almost mode, by their use ;
but It may bit 'unreeling to examine the mega of their
great rano in Agricultaro, and to compare thorn with
other (cantina. For example ; The potash Oboe may
ba taken at an average of five per cent. of the whole
weight of Marl, a nine! when dry weighing eighty
pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would contain
four pounds of !potash ; thin is nearly as much no thoro
in in a bushol of anleached wood ashes." And again—
It lo probable that the groat value of the Marl in to be
found In the fact that it contains nearly all no inn
ateness noceneary to make up the ash of our common
cultivated plants.
Price, Itellverrtl on board vessel, at the wharves of
the company at Portland Ileightn, on Bari tan flay, New
Jersey, seven genie per bushel. For farther portion
lure, see circular, sent free of postage. 01 dorii for
othor fertllizeni will receive prompt attention. Address
either of the undornigood,
Weeville Pont °Mee, Now Jersey.
No. 82 Nam.' street, New York.
0110811F1 W. ATWOOn, Secretory, No. 10 Cedar street
Now York,
N. n lolling Marl for Hprlng nno nhnuld
owlor Immediately, to ',enure It oarly altlinnent. Ordure
will 14 tilled to rotation. oct '2o..thn
signed would respectfully call the attention of the
public to the foot that they have and are doily reducing
the price of Philadelphia ries, from $2 26 per 1000 feet
to the low prlco of $1 elf par 1600 feet, by their MDR'.
nyoULATUR, which save. 25 per cont., a clear saving
of va vents on $2.25, Thereby reducing the price from
$.2 25 to $1.60 per 1000 feet.
Wu are daily putting the Regulator on all the princi
pal and prominent buildings in thu city (hurdles.
libruries, factories, hotels, and other public buildings.
It hoe also been placed on at the Philadelphia Ex
change. Unudreile of certificates in favor of the said
Regulator, from thrive baring tried it, showing the
above saving, can be seen at our ollice.
Store-keepers nod the public generally aro requested
to send in their orders. Cost of Regulators front $0
upwards, according to elm Orders through Blood's
Despatch promptly attended to.
N, 13.—Fifty energetic, enterprising, and persevering
man wanted, to anuses for the MOSEL REGULATOR ,
lan make from $2 to $6 per day.
Ogles No. 42 Routh !fifth street,
next to Blood's Despatch.
COTTON -200 bales good Middling to Mid
dling Yalr Cotton a
In store and for sale by
aul 119 North Water street.
Turpentine, to Arrive, for sale by
An 1 110 - Vorth Water ;Area.
m. &MAO, 102 N.IIIOOND at. itolo-810.
etrangcro' eitibe in Vbilabriphin,
For the benefit of strangers and others who may de
sire to visit any of our public Inatitutiona, we publish
the annexed list.
Academy of Music, (Operatloo eorner of Broad and
Locust streets,
Arch Street Theatre, Arcb, above 6th street.
Pnrkinoou'o Carden, Chestnut, above Tenth.
National Theatre and Circus, Walnut, above Eighth.
Sandford's Opera Nouso,(Nthlopinu t ) Eleventh, below
Walnut Street Theatre, northeast corner Ninth god
Thomenf's Varieties, Fifth and Chestnut.
T11010144'0 Opera House, Arch, below seventh.
Academy of Natural Sciences, corner of Dryad and
George etreote.
Anatomy of Pine Arts, Chestnut, above Tenth.
Artlsts' . .Band liall.rliridnut, above Tenth.
Franklin !natant°, No. 9 South Seventh street.
Ahmthetlfie, west side of Schuylkill, oppocite South
Almshouse (Friends'), Walnut street, above Third.
Association for the Employment of Poor Wowed, No.
202 G seen street
Asylum for Lost Children, No. 118 tiorth Eleventh
Blind Asylum, Race, near Twentieth street.
Christ Church Hospital, No. 8 Cherry street.
City Donn' tal, Nineteenth street, near Coates.
Clarkeou'e Hall, No. 163 Cherry street.
Dispensary, Fifth, below Chestnut Arcot.
Female Moiety for the Relict and Employment of the
Poor. NO 72 North Sovouth atroot.
Onardians of the Poor. ogled No. 60 North Seventh
Dorman Society Hall, No. S South Seventh !treat.
Home for Friendless Children, corner Twenty-third
and Brown 'drools.
Indigent Widows' and Single Women's Seeley, Cberry,
east of Eighteenth street.
Penn. Widowit , Asylum, West and Wood streets
Eighteenth Ward.
Masonic Hall, Chestnut, above Seventh street.
Magdalen Asylum, corner of Race and Twenty-first
Northern Dispensary, tio. I SpringOanien street.
Orphans' Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth street, near
Callon bill.
Odd Yellows' Hall, Sixth and Haines street.
Do. do. O, E. corner BresAl aud Spring Gar
den streets.
Do. do. Tenth and South streets.
Do. do, Third and Brown streets.
Do. do. Budge Road, below Wallace.
Pennsylvania 'Hospital, Pine street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
Pennsylvania Institute for thelnstruction of theldlll4l,
corner Race mid Twentieth street.
Pennsylvania Society fur Aileviating the Miseries of
Public) Prisons, Sixth and Adelphi streets,
Pennsylvania Training Selsool for Idiotic, and Feeble.
Minded Children, School House Lane, Germantown,,
office No. 112 Wal nut isteet.
Philadelphia Orphans' Asylum, northeast cer. Eigh
teenth mad Cherry
Preston Retreat, Hamilton, near Twentieth street.
Providence Society, Prune. below Sixth street.
Southern Dispensary, No. ut Shipper street.
Hideo lionevolont Association, N. W. corner of
Seventh and Sammie streets.
Will's Hospital, Saco, between Eighteenth and Nine
teenth etreete.
St Joseph's Hospital, Girard avenne, between Fif
teenth and Sixteenth.
Episcopal Hospital, Front street, between Hunting
don and Lehigh avenues.
Philadelphia Hospital for Diseasen of the Chest, S. W.
corner of Chestnut and Park eta, West Vhlladelphia.
Custom House, Chestnut street, above Fourth
County Prison, Pasnyunk road, below Reed,
City Tobacco IVaroliotise, Dock and Spruce streets.
City Controller.' Chico, Girard Bank, second etory,
Commissioner of City Property, office, Ointra Bank,
second story,
City Treseurer'e Office, (Brant Dank, second story.
City Cominbidlontea 011ie°, Mato Rouse.
City Solicitor's Office, Fifth, below Walnut.
City Watering Committee'a Office, Southwest corner
Filth and Chestnut.
Fairmount Water Works, Fairmount en the Schuyl
Girard Trust Treaeurer's Office, Fifth above Ohestnnt.
Moulin of Industry, Catharine, 'bore Seventh.
House of Industry, Seventh. Moore Arch street.
House of Refuge, 04140 Parrish, between Twenty
second and Twenty-third street.
HMO of Refuge, (colored) Twenty-fourth, between
Parrish and Poplar etreets.
ilesith Office, corner of Birth and fhtusorn.
House of Correction, bush Hill.
Marine hospital, Cray's Ferry road, below South
Mayoen office, B. W. oornor Fifth and Oheatnut
New Penitentiary, ()oaten etreet, between Twenty
first and Ttrenty.seennd streets.
Navy Yard, on the Delaware, corner Front tend Prime
Northern Liberties Om Works, Malden, below Brent
Post Office, No. 237 Dock street, opposite the Ni
A Office, Remington, Queen /street, below Shacks
on street.
Peat Oillce, Spring aarden, Twenty-fourth atreetnad
PennHylvanla Avenue.
Philadelphia Exchange, corner Third, Walnut and
Dock utrents.
Ph ilndolDhla Oan Works, Twentieth and Market; Mee,
No. 8 S. &youth htreet.
Pennvlvaula Institute for Deaf and Dumb, Broad =a
Pine street&
l'eun'a Treaty Monument, Beach, above Ilanover
Subtle Iligh School, El. I➢. corner Broad and preen
Public Normal School, Sergeant., 'delve .
ItcOorder's Office, No. 3 Kato Ilium, emit wing.
ate GONG, Chestnut street, between Fifth and Math
Sherifra Mice, Rtato Homo, near 81:th street.
Spring Garden Con,, imionor'a flail , Spring Garden
and Thirteenth streets.
Union Temperance Gall, Christian, above Ninth
United Staten Mint, corner of Chestnut and Juniper.
United States aroma, Gray's Ferry Mad, near Fede
ral street.
Naval Artylum, on the Schuylkill, near South street,
United States Army and Clothing Equipage, corner of
Twnlfth and Girard etreete.
United Mittel; Quartermaster's Office, corner of
Twelfth and Girard stroeta.
College of Pharmacy, Zane etreot , above Boven`h.
Eclectic, Medical College, Mines street, west of asth.
Girard o,Alege, Ridge road and College Avenue.
Ifonseopatbic Medical College, 'filbert street, ably'
Jertereon medical College, Tenth street, below Q eorgo.
Polytechnic College, corner Market and West Pent
Pennsylvania Medical College, Ninth etreot, below
Philadelphia Medial College, Wirth etreot, below
Female Medical College, 020 Arch street.
University of Pennsylvania, Ninth Area, between
Market and Chestnut.
University of Free Malicia° and Popular Knowledge,
No.oB Arch street.
• . • ..
United Stateirericuit and District Courts, No. 24
Wirth et reet, below Chestnut.
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Ififth and Chestuut
Court of Common pleas, Independence 11.11.
Distlict Courts, Noe. 1 and 2, corner of 811th and
Chestnut streets.
Court of Quarter Besolone, corner of 811th and Chest
nut streets.
American ➢apttat Publication &moth No. 118 Arch
American and Voceiign Christian Union, No.l4l.olteet
nut 0443(4.
American Sunday School Union (new), No. 11Z1
Chestnut atreut.
Amorman Tract Society (new), No. 029 Oltextunt.
11termini, Omen street, below street.
Pennsylvania and Philadelphia itibto Society, coiner
of Seventh anti Walnut stroota.
pronbytoriun Board of Publication (now), No. 821
Ohrr.tout Ntroe, t.
Presbyterian Publication Bonne, No. 1134 Chestnut
Young blen'a Christian Association, No. 162 Chestnut
Northern Young Men , / Christian Association, Clea
mantimn Bead and Franklin.
Philadelphia Bible, Tract, and Periodical Office (T.
Stooktou'a), No 695 Arch street, first house, below
Sixth street, north side.
Luthoran Publication Society, No. 132 Arch street,
bolow Eighth.
PRIMO. Central it. R.—Depot, Eleventh and Market
7 A. hi., Mail Train for Plttsbargh and the Vivati
12.55 P. 51., Past Idne for Pittsburgh and the West.
2.00 I'. NI, for Darrieloarg and Colombia.
4 80 P. M., Accommodation Train for Lancaster.
II P. M., Empress Mail for Pittsburgh and the Wert.
Bending Raiiroad—Depot, Broad and Vine.
7.50 A. 11., liaproa Train for Pottsville, 'Williamsport,
Elmira and Niagara Palle.
3 80 P. Id., rut above (Night Express Train.)
New York Linex.
I A. AL , from Kontilogton, via Jolley City.
C. A M., from Camden, Accommoilatiou Train.
7 A Al from Camden, am Jerrie). City, Mail.
JO A. ti., from 'Walnut stroet wharf, via Jersey eity.
2 1..01 via Camden and Amboy, Express.
P. If via Condon, Accommodation Train.
fi P AL, via Camden and Jersey City, Mail.
0 P. PC, via Camden and Amboy,.AccominedatiOn.
Connoting Lanes.
6 A. M., from Walnutotreet wharf, for ilelvidere,Easton,
Water flap, Scranton, &a.
6 A. M., for Freehold.
7 A.M., for Mount Holly, from Walnut otroet wharf,
2 P. Al. for Freehold.
2.30 I'. M., for Mount Holly, Bristol Trenton, Au.
3 P. M., (or Palmyra, Burlington, Borduntown, Jto.
4 I'. AI., for liolvidere, Eaaton, As , from Walnut street
5 P. Af., for Mount (folly, Burlington, As.
Balliniore R. R.—Depot. Broad and Primo.
8 A. Id.. for Baltimore, Wilmington, New Castle, Mid
dletown, Dover, and Seaford.
1 P. M. for Baltimore, Wilmington, and New Castle.
4.15 P. M., for Wilmington, Now Castio, Middletown,
Dover, and Seaford.
P. M., for Perryville, Fast krolght.
111'. AI., for Baltimoro and Wilmington.
North .Pennvytessia R. It. Front and Willow
6.15 A. M., for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk, An.
8.45 A. M., tor Doylestown. Accommodotion.
2.15 P. M., fur Bethlehem, &Mtn, Mauch Chunk, Ao.
4 P. M., for Doylestown Aoconinualation.
5.851'. AI., (or Gwynedd; Accommodation.
Camden and Atlantic R. R.—Vino street whoal.
7.30 A. M.for A Cantle City.
10 45 A. A l., for Hoddonfield.
4 M. for Atlantis City,
4.45 P. M., for Haddonfield.
Ear Wesiehtner,
By Columbia It. R. mai Westchester Branch,
From Idarkot street, south a, above Eighteenth.
Loave Philadelphia 7 A. M. all 4 P. M.
" Wostehoster 8.80 A. M., nod BP. M.
Leave Philadelphia 7 A. ht.
Westchester 3 P. M.
Weatthester Direct Itallread,open to Pennelton, atubbe
From cutthroat Eighteeuth and Market Rhoda.
Leave Phlladelphla 6, and 9 A. 9t. 2,4, and 6P. M.
" PenneHoc, Grubbs bridge, 7,6, and It A. rd, and
4 and 0 P. M.
IDo Saturdays bat teal,, from Pennelton at 7 A. M.
L0a913 Philadelphia 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.
Permolton Ds A. M. and 8 P. M.
Germantown 4 - Norristown B. ft.—Depot, 9th and
8,9, And 11 A. M. and 8, 4.48, 8.48, and 11.15 P. H.,
for Norristown.
61. m. and 3 P. M., for Downingtown.
8,8, 9, 10, and 11 30 A. DI,. and 2,4, 0,8, and •
M. for Chola:nit Hill
8, 7, 8,9, 10.10, and 11.30, A. di., and 1,2, 3.10, 4,5,
6,7, 8,9, and 11.30 P.M., for Germantown
Chester Valley R. li.—Leave Philadelphia 01. M. and
P. M.
Leave DOWAingtOWLI7X A. M. and 1 P.
2.80 P. M. Richard Stockton, for Bordentown, from
Aluut street wharf,
10 and MIA. ht., and 4 P. 11., for Tawny, Magog
ton awl Bristol, from Walnut etroot
0.80 A. Id. Delaware , Boston, and Kennebec, (or (Nip
/day, lint pier bolowSproce Area.
7.80 A. M., and 2,8, and 0 P. rd., John A. Warmer
And Thomas A. Morgan, for Bristol, But'
Wigton, &e,
Tin internecine war between scholars, when
they to viarrol, is us bitter as the wrath
of Minim. There is, new proceeding in the
cOlututs of the London Timm a philological
dispite,'dreadfully learned and remarkably
angry respecting the new word TemantAm.
As Sr Lucius O'TnionEn would say, " it is a
very pretty quarrel as it stands." We take
loetfio.interfere in it—first, on the safe prim
ciphof, being tar away from the scene, and
next because we want to claim, as American,
the hrention of the word which supplies the
sublet Of dispute.
Avery ugly word it is—but it is likely to be
WM:ed. It was formed to express, Mere
brick'', what has hitherto been conveyed by
010 IWO WOlll3 " Telegraphic Dispatch."
Soindprinter'a devil, out West, who wanted to
condom; started " Telegram," to represent
the;Oundabout expreSsion of news convoyed
by tie medium of the Electric Telegraph.
Amp the water, they say, that, in the abun
danteisure attbrded by his nearly sinecure ki
th:olm in the foreign department of the C ircum
leaden Office, one of the Government clerks
naidcbto word. No such thing. It was the
printes devil in Chicagow.i 1
o manufactured it.
Tb; rival Universities of Oxford and Cam
brichn have sent forth letter-writing dispmants
on tie word "Telegram," which, by the way,
mauttbe Included In may future English die
tionrry, so The Times has adopted and Con.
atanty uses It now. These learned disputants
have ,freely quoted Latin and Greek, and
WOW( as freely employ ifindostunee and
Syria', (to show of their learning,) if the
nowtmpers bad fonts of type in these lan
guagts. Oxtbrd argues that Telegram is " a
word constructed, as every Greek scholar
knows, on perfectly sound principles." Cain.
bridge as positively idnntr; that this assertion
Is wholly erroneous—that the Greek tele
gram/la is not a possible form, and that Wu
&mn does not convey a possible sense—
that the ending "graph" had its 1160 re
strietal, by usage, (as in autograph. chirp
graph, holograph,) to the writer or the thing
written, until the close of the last century,
when telegraph was invented—that photo
graph, also a nineteenth century word, is an
exception, but constructed according to strict
analogy—and that, as telegraph cannot now
mean the despatched, instead of Telegraph
Despatch, we should use the word telegrapheme,
instead of telegram, which (Cambridge says)
is a barbarism.
NATHANIEL Lyn, tho mad dramatist, declar
ed, over a hundred years . ago, that
"whoa Greek meets Greek, then Nunes the tug
of war,"
and flict literary battle about Telegram shows
it: Oxford contends that analogy (as in
anagram, epigram, &c.,) is in favor of Tele
gram. Also, that the word is not half so
barbarous Jut as telegrapheme," and that the
Greek word tele, used in the new com
pound, not as a noun but a preposition, the
final o in grapho, in composition with it, would
remain unchanged, and that telegraph and tele
gram (in Greek, telegraph eia and telegramma)
wotiabo compomnis correctly formed.
We believe that awkwardly 119 the word may
sound now, " Telegram " will live. There
really is too much philological pedantry In the
suggested “tolegrapherne." Henceforth tele
irrallA Is the news sent, and telegraph the way
Of sending it.
disputing-on this word, they brave In
cidentally dragged In reliable, which Is do'.
nounced by one sot as cc a vile Americanism;"
while, on the other aide, a Cambridge “First
Class" man declares that it is as good English,
and formed in much the smite way, as g , deni
able," “unduniable," "eatable," ' , drinkable,'
pitiable," and a thousand other such words.
Say what men may, reliable Is a good word,
perfectly in accordance with the analogy of
the language, and it• is too usethl and well
established to be written down by all the pe
dants in the world.
But, as wo are trenching on philological
grounds, let its point out a mph+ of words
which really may ho called 66 rile American-
Ono is the word loaned—manatctured
into a participle, out of the noun-substantivo
loan. Instead of saying 4, 1 lent hint the
book," wo often say "I loaned it." There is
no occasion for such a word, and almost the
only justification for the coinage of a new
word, or the use of an old word in a new
sense, fn that it was neemary. Another no
velty, and a very miserable one, wholly inde
fensible, is the substitution of the Latinizod
donate lin the 5AX01117.1.41 give. What can he
more absurd, and even affected, than the
words " ho donated a thousand dollars to the
charity," instead of "lie gore" the money.
Thu Latinized word donation evidently sug
gested tho coinage of donate as it substitute for
the verb give, but nothing can justify such a
Wo print below, tho report of a cot
mission appointed by tho English Adm
ratty on tho subject of signal lights, to be ca
riod by vessols navigatmg at night. The n
morons accidents that occur iu our hay and
river from the want of a properly regulated
system of such precautions, and the awful dis
asters which we have been called onto chroni
cle between vessels encountering each other
in tags on the high seas, give considerable ill
forest to the recommendations of the commis
sioners. It will ho seen that they apply to all
vessels under the British flag, in v,hatever part
of the world they may be. Similar regulations
for American chips would save many lives and
an immense amount of property annually.
Llghto for Strum and Vesorto.
Coll , 7llllfell BOOM, rally, March 211th,1857
Rut : The committee appointed by the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty, to inquire into
the expediency of altering the present system of
lights, established for steamers and sailing vessels,
assembled on the 7th of Maroli, and have continued
their meetings until the 28th instant; and leaving
fully considered the subjeet lin which their opinions
have boon required, hero unanimously agreed to
the following roport :
Thu committee having considered the instruc
tions of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty,
together with the memorial of four hundred and
thirty-five musters of colliers from Shields, praying
that colored lights, red tend green, may be os
tablished in till sailing vcosels, to point out their
respective tacks, and a bright light when going
free; and the committee having also made them
selves conversant with the evidence given before
the committee in 1852, judged it necessary to call
for ouch further evidence no might enable them to
come to a satisfactory conclusion. For which pur
pose, the committee requested that members of
shipowners' associations, the most intelligent
masters, pilots, and other persons, might ho nos
looted front the ports of London, Glasgow, Liver.
pool, Shields, and Bull, and also naval alums,
who had had experience of the working of the
present system, sines its adoption in 1852.
From the information obtained from these per
sons, it appeared to the committee that (here was
an uniform opinion that the system now in use in
I steamers is perfectly oatiofactory; hut with respect
to sailing vessels, directly the reverse; and all
agreed that colored side-lights, similar to those
carried in steamers, should be adopted in sailing
vessels, in order that vessels approaching each
tither might know which way each is standing.
The general opinion also woe, that the Sailing
vessel should not carry (ho bright white light at
the mast-head, the smite no in steamers, so that
this would become a distiognishing mark between
the two classes.
The next consideration was, as to whether the
colored lights, red and groan, should designate the
port and starboard tarb, or the port and starboard
sides, when shown in sailing vessels. Tim first
impression, iu most instances, with the persons ex
amined was. that the run should be designated;
but when it wits explained to them that either
colpred light might, according to the direction of
the wind, denote a sailing vessel going in the 0 1 1-
poke direction to that which would ho indicated
by the exhibition of the seine colored light in a
steamer, and if the white light of this latter ves
sel were not visible, it might toad to collision, they
readily admitted the propriety of the color of the
light designating the side without any roforenoo
to the tack or the wind, and that they would then
instantly know which way the vessel showing the
light was Standing, the same as now in steamers,
and that the same rules would apply to all vessels.
It then became a serious question, whether those
colored lights should be shown only occasionally,
when a vessel was seen, or be kept fixed. It (ho
fo r mer, (oecasionally,l it was feared the present
groat evil of indifference and want of n ' 'good look
out," from which so largo a portion of all the cob
Miens arise, would still exist. On the other hand,
it is certain that the smaller vessels and coasters
could not carry fixed lights in bad weather. After
weighing all the opinions and objeotions on this
subject, the committee consldei that the host mode
would be to recommend strongly that the colored
tights should bo carried fixed, when practicable.
leaving with those who cannot do so the responsi
bility of neglecting to show such lights by band,
when approaching ether vessels. Tf the foregoing
suggestion be adopted, it should be made impera
tive that when the vessels are under Way, those
lights should be on dock "from sunset tostinrise,"
ready for use, and kept en their diatinotire aides
of the vessel, no as to prevent the possibility' of
chewing the wrong light.
In all vessels that Carry their lights fixed, it Will
be twee:vary to adopt Havens, no in steatiorS, that
the light may not be seen on the opposite bow or
side to that intended. In the smaller classes at
vessels, the committee are of opinion that the
weather board in moderato weather may ho made
to answer that purpose; and at other times the lan
terns, when used by hand, may he so screened as
to show a light only in the proper direction.
With respect to vessels at anchor, the opinions
have been very conflicting, varying between car
rying a white light, as at present, or a rod light;
and agate, whether the lights should be fixed, or
only sheen occasionally on vessels approaching
These points 'having been duly considered, the
committee ennui to the conclusion, that it would
be desirable that nn uniform single white light in
a globular Motel n, so as to show nil round the hori
zon, should be continuously dxhibitod at anchor,
"where bust seen," at a height not exceeding twen
ty feet above the hull.
In recommending this system of lights to your
lordships, the committee are aware that some ad
ditional expense will be loured ; but they dd not
anticipate nay objection. Theowners and masters
of vessels who have boon examined by the commit
tee, have themselves proposed the adoption of two
colored lights and a white light; it may, therefore,
be presumed that the cost of ono more light in ad
dition to that now In use would not be objected to
es a means of obtaining a greater security for life
and property.
The eubjeet of lights' to distinguish jrllot•vesaols
having been brought before the committee, it was
found that lights for this purpose were in general
use, but subject to no particular regulation, each
port having its own signal With a view to este:.
fish one uniform system for all pilot-vessels, it is
suggested that, in addition to the lights proposed
fur sailing vessels, they should show a white light
on the eame level with the colored light.
A moulorial from the pilots' coiumitteo of Liver
pool, praying that they may be permitted to have
two lights exhibited by vossole at anchor within
that pert. having been laid before the committee
by their lordships, the committee consider that
such oireamstances have been 'stated respeeting
the numerous ferries; by the persons from Liver
pool who have been examined, so as to justify their
suggesting that this should bo made a speoial ease,
and the prayer granted. And as it appease to this
committee that cases may arise at other ports, from
the crowded state of the anchorage, and the great
length of the vessels, in which it may be necessary
to define both extremities, the committee recent-
mend that, on the application of the toed authori
ties to the Admiralty, their lordships should au
thorize a white light to ho exhibited within the
limits of their port by vessels at anchor, In addition
to that now preposed.
Although not coining immediately under the
subjects of lights, the propriety of establishing sig
nals for avoiding collisions during fogs, has boon
so strongly impressed upon the committee, that
they have given it their consideration, and, submit
that their lordships should recommend an uniform
practice in that respect. The mostecommon instru
ments for this purpose in use at present aro the
stoma-whistle er bell, and tho horn, and the coin
mince think that the use of these might ho ad
vantageously limited as follows, via; that as the
coasting and other smaller vessels do not all carry
bells, it is desirable that their lordships should re
commend, 113 a general rule, that all steamers
should, in a fog, use the strarp•tuhistle or bell, and
all Hulling-vessels a fog-horn, and that these sounds
should be made within short intervals. A pattern
of a cheap and useful horn, known as the Ameri
can tog horn, lies been forwarded to the committee
as one much usod at Liverpool; and the commit
tee think it well adapted to the purpose. The pat
torn accompanies this report.
Iu conclusion, the committee, fully impressed
with the importance of the subject broughtender
their consideration, aro unanimous iu their opinion,
for the reasons above stated—
Firstly—That no alterations should bo made in
the menet system of ateamers' lights
Secondly—That the bright light now exhibited
by sailing vessels, when under sail or being towed,
should he abolished, and that instead thereof each
vessels ehould exhibit, between sunset and sunrise,
to any vessel or vessels, a red light on the port
side and a green light on the starboard side, cor
responding to the colored side-lights now shown by
steamers, without any reference to tacks,
Thirdly—That thou colored lights should ho
fixed, whoa practicable; and that when such
lights are not fixed, places should bo provided iii
ihluh the lights should ho kept on their respective
sides ready for exhibition.
'Fourthly—That ail lights, whether fixed or ex
hibited by hand, should Mese bareetkod as to render
them invisiblo on the opposite bow or side of the
vessel, -which the committee consider quite practi
Fifthly—That the ilghtiproposed tdbo exbibitid
by sailing 111.4015 should in no owe hu of leas siso
or power than the lantern which the committee
recommend, and which shows an uniform and un
broken light oversixteen points of the compass.
Sixthly—That all vessels at Anchor, whether
steamers or sailing vessels, should exhibit "whore
beg seen," between sunset and sunrise, a white
light, of uniform size and power, in aglobular lan
tern of six incites diameter, at a height not ex
ceeding twenty feet above the hull of the vessel.
SevullthlY—The entillitildeo consider it desirable
further to recommend, that the pilot vessels of the
United Kingdom should be designated by particu
lar lights. They would, therefore, submit that, in
addition to the rod and green lights now proposed
f o r oil classes of stank...vessels, pilot vessels should
be permitted to exhibit a white light, on a level
with the red or green light.
Eightlily--The committee having taken inconsid
eration the subject of signals during fogs, would re
oommend, for the regotons stated in the foregoing
report, that SteIIIHOIA 011011111 nee either the steam
whistle or hell, anti that all other roacha should
use a fog-horn.
Finally—The counnitteo taro of opinion that tho
above regulations, if approved of by their lordship'',
should apply to all vesnis of the United Kingdom,
in every part of the world, unless especially ex
cepted by the Admiralty.
The committee cannot close their report7without
stating that the evidence adduced proves that the
minutia' of collisions Is chiefly attributable to the
neglect of a "good look-out," and they submit that
it y6uuld be strongly impressed on the masters of
all vessels that this huportunt duty be more rightly
attended to.
Wu hove the honor to be, sir,
Your most obedient. humble servants,
M. I). CIIADM, F. W. lintwiter,
11. J. kinciv.ts, S. ELLEntir,
lir. 'lnnis.
P. S.—Patterns of the sido light and of tho an
chor light aro traminitted horowith. Thu expenso
of of tho former colored rod or groom will ho
under 1:1, and of the anchor light about 7s. 6.1.
Thoy each hold ono-foarlh of a pint of oil, which
coats about 2d., and will burn about fourhoen hours.
ildph Osborne, fist'., M. P., Secretory of the
Scalping a Woman on the l'inlns.
Some m coke ago none from Carson Valley was
published which told of the almost total destruction
of no emigrant train by the lndians. A woman,
who was one of the train, was scalped and loft for
dead. It turned oat, however, that she was not
dea 1, nndshe has since recovered to tell the extra
ordinary story of her sufferings and hor resolute
endurance, which deceived the savages. The lted
Bluffs Bearers, of the 10th of September, thus NHS
the story :
An instance of the most remarkable fortitude
nod heart-rending cruelty wo over heard of is
related to us by a black man by the name of Scott,
who has recently arrived hero from Missouri, by
the way of the Plains. He informs us that a short
time before ho arrived at Stony Point, on the
Humboldt river, the Indians attacked n train of
six mon, one woman, and a child. The moon were
all killed but one, who made his mope. The
child was also killed, and its mother shot in seve
ral places with arrows, evolved, and left for dead.
All the while they wore scalping her and strip
ping the clothes front her body she was perfectly
conscious of what they were doing, hut feigned
death, and lot them tear the skin from her bona
without even giving signs of life, knowing that if
she did they would either despatch hor at once or
Luke her into hopeless capthity. At one time,
when they had left her fur a moment, she ventured
to ehange her position, in order, if possible, to re•
limo herself from the uncomfortable posture in
which she was lying; but on roturning they soon
discovered that she had moved; and, for fear that
life might not be extinct, they took hold of the
arrows that were still sticking in hor heel, and
worked them about in her wounds, and pushed them
deeper into her flesh, and stamped upon her with
their heels.
All this rho endured without uttering a groan
or drawing a breath that could be perceived by
the savages; and in that condition was loft as food
for the wolves Fortunately, howevor train
came along bolero eho had lain long in dint condi
tion, and dressoil her wounds and hreught her
along with Ihmn; and not the least remarkable
fool attending the whole matter is that she is fast
recovering from hor wounds. liar head, wo aro
told, is nearly well, and Um arrow wounds doing
better than nay one expected.
Amount of Specie In the Country.
It becomes important et the present time to as
certain how much specie there is in the country;
in other words, tine amount of that currency which
cannot he depreciated or in any way disturbed by
any explosions. The specie basis of the banks it
stated to bo about mxty minions, and tine unpiny
turns to the mould in goners! (*lodation among
the people. On this point, the Philadelphia-Non/a
American says :
Win have taken the pains, for our own satisfac
tion, to look over the official figures for a series of
years, in order to approximate a safe opinion upon
this subject, and they develop some results of stri
king littered, at the present janoturo, which ought
to inspiro feelings of encouragement, oven in the
most desponding. Notwithstanding the enormous
depletion of precious metals during the last seven
years, it will be seen that the coinage in that po-
Hod exceeded the exports by an amount almost
equal to the whole coinage during the preceding
fortpaight years.
Coinage. Exp0,.1.1
$53,1347,1138 GO $2,894,292
e 3,888,889 LO 24, 030 4 60
. 57,845,547 50 37,149,091
. 04,291,477 44 23,245,493
. 00,713,835 47 31,434,713
44,360,342 93 152,587,531
. 43,794,063 90 41,537,853
. 25,803,782 60 130,849,153
1857 (8 mouths)
$415,.226,717 74 :4284,891,470
.245,581,47fi 00
Deduct exports
EICORS coinage 51D,815,541 74
Add total coinage before
1650 160,000,030 00
$289,U4,641 74
Now ill coautry.,
SKETCHES ItY isCeL. Isy Clust,ci DICISHIS, Tole
T Petersen. Philadelphia
The uniform edition of Chatles Dickens'
Works, with illustrations by Cruikshank, Cat
termolo, and 11. K. Brown, now in enurso of
publication by3fr. Peterson, will be completed
in twenty-live volumes, the nineteenth and
twentieth of which consist of “Sketches by
Box." Twenty-two years ago, when Dickens
was a parliamentary reporter on the London
Morning Chr'onicle, he published, in the tri
weekly edition of that journal, the sketches
signed "Box," which afterwards, collected into
book-shape, introduced Dickens to the reading
world as an anther. For it is a peculiarity in
-English literature, that--with very few excep
tions, Such as Macaulay—scarcely any writer
is recognised as an author sinless he has pub
lished a book. So tboitre h rh/y was this acted
upon, until very lately, at least, that the Litera
ry Fund, out of which distressed authors are
relieved, made it a point of not even consider
ing any case in which the applicant had not
published a book—no matter how worthless.
A lifagazinlst, however brilliant, would thus
ho passed over, and a Were newspaper writer
would bo scowled at. Barnes and Stirling, for
example, the greatest writers for the London
Tinwi, tined not present themselves, if wanting
relief,; to the Fund, , because though they had
respectively Written scores of volumes, as re
.quentity (to say nothing of quality,)
neither had published A book.
The success of the ISketclies" was so great,
that Chapnitui & Hall, Lebdon publishers,
wore thereby induced to employ Dickens to
write an Olustmted serial for them. Hence
came The Posthumous Papers of the Pick
wick Glob." There was this difference: the
"Sketchps'y made their mark by their own
merit alone, whereas every subsequent fiction
by Dickens had the advantage of characteristic
illustratio as. Wonderful aids to publicity and
popularity these have been, for they gave the
readers pt Tamed knowledge, as it were, of the
various individuals Introduced in each story.
litm Pederson has preserved every one of
these illustrations, pre tinting well-executed
repetitions of engraving, and preserving the
spirit, and the grace, and the humor of them
all. Here, in these " Sketches by Dos," are
twenty engravings by George Crulksharik, the
greatest humorist with the pencil and graver,
since William Hogarth, and superior to Ho
garth 'in many points. The paper, typo
graphy, and binding arc also excellent, and
warrant us fully irt saving that, not even the
best European earn; .of Dickens can at all
compare with Peterson's, which has the ad
vantage, also, of being sold at a third of the
English price.
[Correspondence of The Prose
New Yong, Nov. 3.
It hi not a part of my nature to kick the dead
lion," or to withhold from the lame dog my arAst
anee in crossing the stile; but when I behold the
position of the New York and Erie Railroad, and
BM fermi to listen to the slanders against the
Reading by the parties engaged in prolonging its
existence—to hear it proclaimed that although they
aro in a very tight place, they "area d—d eight
better than the Reading "—I feel the necessity of
departing from the prinoiples ,that hitherto have
governed my notions, and to show to the public the
actual position in which they stand. In the expo
sition I shall, therefore, confine my remarks to the
work in question, and leave the Reading and the
Pennsylvania Railroads to tako care of themselves.
They, having the location and the distance in their
favor, are not in the market for sympathy, and
Were it not the gambling and speculative prepare
city of the New York operators, they would not be
exposed to the influence that is crushing the great
mercantile interests of the imuntry. But of this
in the sequel.
In the conception of the New York and Erie the
ostensible'objeet was a monopoly of the trade of the
West. One end of the work was to rest upon the city
of New York, and the ether eventually on the shore
of this NM °, and without considering the later
seeing mountains and the otherwise impracticable
difficulties, "the capital and pride of the city"
was adequate to its accomplishment. It was "a
great living artery." It was , tan imperishable
monument to New York enterprise." It was "our
oottntry's glory." It was, in short, the offspring
of 'Wall street, and all Mankind were called upon
to retmrerime and glorify the projectors.' But now,
ilik r itittittaiVeft CeieilifttyiPiallatilfrat
money hate refused` tin Una; irlitor,Osi iticiyutu
purses of the menagera are exhausted, and Oa 1
bond-holders aro seeking their interest, it is dis
covered the projectors were destitute of science,
and the work is up to its capacity. Its location
is a direct violation of the laws of gravita
tion, and the fact that it is begging its bread.
from door to door, is a proof that time is necessary
to the relief of the managers. Renee. the abuse
of the Camden and Amboy, the Reeding, the
Pennsylvania Central, and the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne, and Chicago. On this recto, which here
after is to be the trunk lino between the East and
the Nast, the distance is not only shorter by ninety
to one hundred miles, but the grades throughout
are of a character to enable one engine to do the
work of three in any other direction. From Chi l i
cago to Pittsburgh them is no grade against the
trade exceeding thirty-three feet to tho mile.
From Pittsburgh to the sinewit of the Allegheny
Mountain, the object is attained by a maximum
grade of forty-nine feet, and from thence to the
city of Philadelphia, over tho Lebanon Valley and
the Reading, a distance of too hundred and fifty
six miles, a single engine can do the work of tire
on the New York and Erie. These fasts determine
the course of the trade, and as the distance is ono
hundred unit eighty mi\es iu favor of Philadelphia,
which alone will save $5.40 per ton to the producer,
we may recognise another fact, that the forty cents
per ton would take every ship now rotting at our
wharves to Philadelphia fore cargo.
But as my paper IS exhausted, soul as the fore
going is enough to show that there acre two sides to
story, and that people, in glass II noes most not
throw stones, I must conclude with tho promise to
continue the subject. It. r T.
Hord Time* in the \ rest
TURF:ATE:Iet) FAMINX.—Wo have already men
tioned that much suffering prevails in Stearns
county, Minnesota, in consequenco of the destruc
tion of the crops by grasshoppers. Tho Chicago
Journal says :
A committeo from Stearns county, headed by
Mr. Toenvoord, lute member of the coustdutional
convention, were in St. Paul on th e 20th inst , to
solicit contributions for the relief of per.ons in
that county who are on the verge of starvation.
For the past two years the crops 10 Stearns lease
boon totally destroyed by grasshoppers. There is
not a bushel of wheat or oats in the county, raised
within its borders. Farmers but two years since
comparatively wealthy, are now mitering front a
want of necessaries of life. Over two thousand
people. it is estimated, will requiro
There is suffering and a pm:pet:tire (amino
among the lumbeinien of the Wtsconsin lumber
region. We have advices front there up b, the
19th ult., and hundreds of poor neon bad been dis
charged without a moment's awning. and some
with neither a cent in tbo pocket nor scarcely any
food in the house.
The mills from Green Bay to Menomonee were
ell shut down without one moment's warning.
Some of the men were paid elf with notes at sixty
and ninety days, others with due hills. There is
nut a barrel of pork, Dour, or anything for the in
ner man, !mallet twenty dollars In money in the
whole region. Men who are not ado to walk are
going to Green Bay, leaving their wives and chil
dren here with not three days' provisions before
them. Jobbers are leaving tho woods for want of
pork and flour fur their help.
Of the pressure at Chicago the Tribune elys:
A number of landlord+, in view of the falling off
in landness of their tenants, and the financial bear
ing upon the trading and producing classes, have
voluntarily reduced their rents, some of theta one
third. Vacant rooms and stores can now be had
from twenty-five to fifty percent. cheaper than was
asked six months age. One instance came under
observation this woek, of it store-room in a fine
block Waled, on South Water street, being ranted
for $2,000, for which the owner demanded ::4,5110
last spring.
MLR P :ilz E TOE LITTLE MiNns.—There tO
a 1 g, dull, hard semen ahead, ant every dollar
that the poor now pos4ere will be worth two, hy
ena-by, it they should keep it so long. Everything'
that you do not abeolutoly need in there times is
dear et any price, and touching thie we have a ta
ble to relate :
Once upon a time, a young female squirrel wont
to housekeeping in a hole to ti a crotch of the big
elm tree which fonds off from our dwelling the o.
snails of the sun during the summer solstice. it
was late in the fall of the year, end winter 1511 S
ebsee e t hand, and a hard and long winter the shier
aunt more experienced squirrels knew it woe going
to ho. They raked and seraped together all the
nuts they could get and stowed them away in their
respective tenements for further tee ; and still they
thought they had not enough, for they foresaw short
001111110 M in the spring. Some of the mere crafty,
who had tt . stock of hazelnut, (esteemed a delleller
by the squirrel race) and a few kernels of corn which
they hail imported from our barn, without 4saying
for lt, offered them for sale to their loss considerate
brethren in exchange for butternuts, walnuts, tint.
acorns; hut as more corn could be obtained only
nt the ,p onse of being shot by the farmer's boy,
who was fond of squirrels too (squirrel.stew,) and
the hexed-bushes wore bare, these luxuries; ought
to command, they said, high prices. However, as
the times wore hard, "they would bo sold at a
sacrifice," say one beautiful hazelnut for a dozen
common acorns, two charming kernels of corn for
four ordinary walnuts, and other things at the
lame low rates. The young squirrel, who had
just gone to housekeeping, with a tolerable good
supply of the common necessaries of life, thought
she had never heard of 0 bargains " so tempting
before and, notwithstanding that her aged mother
besought her to save her provisions for future
need, she exehanged half of her winter's supply
for a handful of the superfluities. She bad
enough, she thought, of everything now, and
Lsided herself vastly upon her smart trading!
ong before spring, however, all her provisions
were gone,
and when the grass was green again
she was thankful to nibble it to save herself here
mono: to aninkaroxiquils.
Correspondents for " TEN Paasanvia sdai4 Lear
minQ tle following rolu : -
11'mi eorwittinication mast be tneoreyented hy the
him@ ef the writer. In attar to humus eorsretneee In
th e krPolaaPhy, logs sids_ot 4 , akteLshola
written upon.
w. shall b. mow, pburd to rourom is Poway:-
Yuba an/ other Stake Cor soaktbalaosa glaring the ear
rent neva of the day to task parthabir born*lo, the
menunee of t h e earroannUng aountry, the birds* of
population, and any lottatinattun Mat rill ba kat/mating
to the general reinter
The cage of Charles D. Phillips, triesi at
Weet, Chester, last week, before Judge Heine& for
the murder of J. Cleaver Bartholomew, near
Paoli Chester erlunty, Paresulted in a verdict of
roanslaughter. The trial Pa , resulted
great atten
tion. the murder of Bartholomew being committed
in May last, under 'circumstances and an a manner
which, at the time of its commission, produced a
great sensation. The prisoner Vail defended by
Thaddeus Stevens. Joseph ,T. Lewis, and John
Rickman, Esqrs., and the prosecution was ten
' ducted by Wm. Butler, the Proseenting Attorney.
The jury were out seven hours, at the mill of which
they returned a verdict of mansiaughtor. Be has
not yet been
sentenced. The penalty is imprison
ment not lens than two. nor more then eve years
The West Chester Republican soya that (tie ease
was tried with care and fairness. The prisoner,
who behaved with becoming propriety, was at
tended by his father, mother, brother, and f e m al erelative, during the course uethe trial. Thefather
end brother of the unfortunate man killed were
also in Stltilldftneo during the progress of the
Commodore Stewart resides at White Hill,
adjoining Bordentown, N. J. lie lives upon a
farm of two hundred and fifty acres, in a plain
country cottage, fro. front oefentallun, the dwelling
being on an elevated summit upon the right hank
of the Delaware, which here makes a sweeping
curve. A river island, well cultivated, is in front,
and the scenery, including a view of Berdentown„
is nett and beautiful. The distingaished
dote, who has been associated with the navy for
sixty five years, is now eighty years of age, and
more active end viracioes than hundreds of men
at fifty. liis oomplesion is fresh and rubicund.
and his frame i3etprzglabt cud goitre. lie presidee
over the navy yard at Philadelphia, thirty miles
off, but vitas it daily, Always leaving at an early
hour and returning in the afternoon. For the ad
mirable preservation of his yhysigne he isindebted,
DO doubt, to an originally good constitution, but in
no less degree to his general Intelligence and com
prehension of the laws of life and health, and to a
prudent, temperate, (not abstinent) and active life.
—.New York Herald.
The Marchioness of Londonderry,-possess
ing an independent fortune of 1:11/0,000 a year. a
peeress in her own tight, and beneficiary of a great
many other very good and pleasant things, seems
inclined to look upon her estates as principalities,
and her eelliere and peasants as subjects. At Liar
ron Tower, says a late English par, she arrived,
" punotual as the Queen, in a Cleopatra's barge
species of ehariot, in Whieh reclined Lady Antrim.
the merohioneas driving._ Lady Londonderry was
attired in a cloth.of-gold mantle, embroidered like
au altar olnth; Lady Antrim, the letnigest dowager
in tho peerage, in a piquant Parisian costume, even
more startling and delightful," On a rabed
dais," addrestes from the tenantry were received,
and a written answer was read "with a perfection
and elocution which reminded used queen Vtetoria
when opening Parliament.
The body of au Irishman, who is supposed
to bare been drowned on the night of the 1 1 th,
was taken from the wickets of the lock at Preemats•
burg, Pa., on Thursday last. Ile was seen ineotn
pany with another person about eight o'clock on
the evening of the 11th by the lock-tender, with
where be conversed, stating in the course of the con
venation that be was from Germantown, Pa., and
that be was in search of his son, who was in the
employ of Wm. Dougherty as a hand on one cf the
canal boats. Ile was e gardener by occupation.
and about fifty years of age.
On Thursday evening last a worthy and re
spectable citizen of the borough '(New Hope. Pa ,
named John Petty, committed tatiehle by drowning
himself in the canal at that place. The demised -
was much respected by bis friends and neig . hbets,
and has been in a melancholy state of natal for
some time. Ho sold his farm in Solebury a sear or
two since and moved with his family to Maryland,
but being in ill health. and losing a son, while
there, he became dissatisfied, 'moved to Philadel
phia, and from thence to New Hope, a. here ho re
mained until his death.
The Siamese Twins, says the Wytheville
(Va.) Tele'frraph. arrived in our town on Sunday
last end left, on Monday, with the intention, as we
understand, of proceeding &nth as fat as Cuhi,
for the purpose of exhibiting themselt es. They
bad mig of their children with them, and upon a
gentleman expressing surprise at the number, he
was eoolly informed that there were a heap mere
at home, and upon inquiry it was ascertained that
they had fourteen in all. They ore above ferty
years old, and seem to be in the enjoyment of good
The trial of Frederick Cueva, for the mur
der of Oscar DeCranval, which bas been going on
in the Hudson county (14. J.) court, before JudAe
Ogden, for the last eight days, was conciuda on
Tuesday night.. The, jury were absent but two
hours and a half, end at' 8 b'elock returned to
court with a 'indict of manslaughter. The penalty
for this offence in the State.of .New Jersey is im
prisonment in the State prison for not leas than tire
nor more, than ten years. - The court was adjourned
until Wednesday of next weekt at which time the
prisoner will be brought up for sentence.
5 7, 4 4 1 - eilt
PAattlierPrilkAissio_tilS - „
334064ftng s gpopv;,opct l iti Ira teartedVfor-Jvime.-=
time that, one would nqt recover. • A whole
some Wore poisoned do 'a shriller manes? some years
since, and an investigation was made into the
matter at that time, which showed that in the in
terstices or pores of the cheese en oil collet:led.
which possessed poi...menus qualities, to which the
illness of the family alluded to was ascribed. The
oil was plainly to be seen on cutting the cheese.
The shipments of grain from Chicago this
year are 6,000,000 bushels less than at this k aeon
last year. The receipts are pretty ample now, but
not more so than last year. 'I be same falkog off is
noted at all tho lake ports. The Cincinnati Pert,
Owen.: says the receipts at that city are not half
what they ought. to be, and the boats at our own
landing which lately arrived from below are pre
paring to lay up, it being impossible to get good
cargoes below, even at the lon est po.sible rates of
We published, a few days since, an account
of a man named Fee, living in York district, S. C.,
who had killed mute of his hock, and then set fire
to his hoard, and it was suppo9el had burnt up
three of his children in it. We are gratified to
learn. however, from the Yorkville ENVIIref, that
the children have been found, all safe and sound,
at the house of an aunt, soniesh miles from their
home. So the trazedy isnot so bonid as it was at
fast believed.
The official majority for Hon. Salmon P.
Chase, the Republican candidate for Governor of
Ohio, is 1:51,5. All the amendments pni,o,e,l to the
state Constitution have been adopted by enormous
majorities. They provide for single legislative
districts, annual sessions of the Legislature. the
equalization of bank and individual taxation,
general acts of incorporation. 4e.
The trial of Charles D. Ylullipa for the unit--
der of J. Bartholomew Clearer, in the Brent Vnl-
boy, Chester county, Pa., is now going on at West
Chester. The testimony for the Commonwealth
closed on Saturday last The parties baring ex
tensive family connexions, brings together at the
county neat a vast concourse of people.
At Wheeling, on Saturday, fifty eents per
gallon was paid for Chinese sugar-cane syrup.
This syrup is said by the Non. A. W. Venable, of
North Carolina. to be valuable as a preventh a of
typhoid fe‘er. Ile says a physician ha' assured
him that where persons use much molasses they
are never subject to typhoid fever.
The body of a white Dian, very much de
composed, was found near the Greenbrier lye 1
White Sulphur Springs, last week. The dec^ased
had Sf2oo in gold on his person, was well diessed,
and apparently passed middle age.
On Monday afternoon Mr. Wm. Brooks, over
eighty years of age, a citizen of Ilarford county.
hid , and residing near PerryinansN ilk. was t
when some three-fourths of a mile front Perr,ymans
ville, by a locomotive.
Wiley Ashby. living on Elk 'River, Kanur
bo county, , white digging, coal for his familr's
UFO, was crushed to death by the falling of the
coal hank, on Tuesday last. Ile leaves a teilo and
large family.
The Evening Amnia!, of Newark, N. .T.,
into which The 1 - 24 , 1 e and frei ronian Itavo Inca
merged, appeared last Monday as the beum.2ratte
tag:,lll, tinder the managentent S.
late of Port mouth, N. 11
The Boston Post states that Enoch Train,
Esq, of Lit erpoot ricket notoriety, his deter
mined to have that City, and 1.,•11 him-elf in
Now York, it litre ho is about to Ed.trt u new tine of
packets to Liverpool
John Limit, who cons injured at a row in
Erie, Pa , September 30th, by Michael Shelm•
hitting him with a brick, died last week. Stietmit
has won c numitted to answer a charge of tuan
David Shields, Esq., long a resident of
Sewickley. Allegheny eounty, Pa., a tout f wealth
and integrity, dad at his te , i,lenett in the Fa.,
above named on Sunday night last
The Memphis (Tenn.) Bulittin expresses
the belief that Gen. W. T. bass II aria -.oil be
entirely restored to his mind. lie is r,pidly re
covering from his inahnly.
The Indiana (l'a.) Merl-owe:- says that Rohl.
Cannon, E'q., postmaster at home post office, In
diana county, died suddenly on Wednesday morn
ing. the 11th ult
Madison comity, Ky., was last 'week visited
' with several of the heaviest frosts ever witnessed
in that section at this season of the year.
The Constitution of Minnesota has been
ratified by the people. It received over 40.(too,
with only about 1,0110 against it.
John Black, fir the runnier of Wm. A. N'iv,
is to be bung in Ifabershaw, (1.,., on Friday, the
Ilth of beeenthe r ,
The new custom house, at Bristol, has
been eempleted. Tho basement is oompied as the
resat office.
L. R. Whitfield, Esq., editor of the ('snider:
(Ark.) South Stump, died in that 'dare on the
Hog cholera has made its appearance in I.o_
gag co un ty. Ky., and in Sumner, and adjoining
counties in Tennessee..
On Saturday last, two large stables belong
ing to Mojal. John Linderman were burned down
in Columbia, Pa.
Mr. Matthew Purnell, one of the oldest and
moat respected citizens of Snow Bill, Mal., died
last week.
.A. fire occurred in Whitby, Canada, en Satur
day, which destroyed property to the amount et
George Stendflold died suddenly, in Balti
more, on Tuesday, from apoplezY.
The Kentucky papers record the death of
Judge Snodgrass.
Enoch Mudge, Esq., an old resident of Cin
cinnati, is dead.
A new African Methodist Espiscepal church
was dedicated at Portsmouth, Va., en 4iindaZ,