. _ „ liiiitiaid — SlaPPOted litsitdered by his Wife. ( tO= the McKean (Pa,)Ditiaen i of;tbe 28th ult.) One_week ago, last Sabbath, a moat horrible and brutul murder was committed in Bldrod, 4% 684 county,,‘ ; The facts, • aerie learn Ahem, a re SD P : lows: • A:lami, by • the name ot,llaniel , company- with eoveral others, went to Olean ,on the previous Hattirday to - attend Dan itioe's °lrene, arid- tit Kielallon keg of whiskey. The keg was'' brought' to the house of M'Lain and there left. On Sunday. - morning 'some of .the•neigh bon entered' the hortse and, made inquiries for Afa.itin: Ms wife told them that he had gone away. Seeing a :band stinking out-from under the bed, and blood on the floor and on Mrs. M'latio's dress, they suspeoted that there was foul play'. They immediately assembled the neighbors, and, upon triVestigation, it ryas found that M'Lain bad murdered ;with an axe, his heed being almost literally out in phases. Five full blows with the whole bit of the axe had been given Min, either otwhiek would have proved fatal. One blow across the; book of his neok bad nearly , innferad his head from his body.' A sharp axe was found in the yard, covered with blood and hair. - TI e'Uttnok was probably made while hi'Lain wsa asleep on the bed, ,as the sheets were found mit away In the washtub, covered with blood, and badly out withthcaxe. - It appears that .M.'Thtin and his wife were in the habit of quarreling; and the 'morning of the 'murder .WLain was seen-. chasing his wife with the brdom from the house Aunt the field...lt is supposed that on her return she found hiie asleep, whereupon she seised the axe 'and , committed the horrible deed. Mrs. 14 , Ltdri it now in jail awaiting her trial. BY THE PILOT LINE. -•-• - LETTER , FROM NEW YORK (Correspondence of The Press ' Naw Yona,Nov." 3-5.20 P. M. 'lt Is' true that the eentraotiOn of diseounts in yesterday's -bank , statement Is not as large as In former 'weeks, but ills, nevertheless, quite large enough to indleatelhe steady adhesion to the same which 811 Men are now willing to condemn whose opinion is not' biased by interest. The M erest* m Specie and in deposits is eery considera ble; Mid the ' latter particularly, denotes re " turn .of conlidezee,., which, if properly used by,the--.. bank managers, aught be 'made abid ing, and might be productive of- general ad vantage.' - By the and of thin week it is probable that-the apeole' reserve of the associated banks will' not be far short of fifteen million ,; , and if "a strong position" le all that is wanted, they will certainly hero sufficiently attained their object to be liberal. in Seed as well ,ati in Mord. 'reheat& be _very Sorry:: to,'Pred, any_suck residt,altiforigh!l believe that; tlialast tow. tkeys;fear aid the iatherblulat, eitatmloritifeiledihreferferel of-411*-banks' best, supporters,: have roused- the bank ethers to see that they minnot continue to ruinthe publics with out ruining ,themeelves in the end; and that pru dent, well regulated liberalitywill do more for them than the grab-all policy they have hitherto adopt ed.- Nothing indicates' the narrow, selfish, little Jaw-money-lender-tike . feeling that guides the ruling spirits in our banks, than the anxiety they display to use their money for their own profit, and the wretched,. halting timidity with which they fear to gratify their desire. They even send, f am told, to the 'Aloes of note-brokers, and hunt over their portfolios, and after taming them over and over, and asking all „sorts of questions, and wanting every species of guarantee and colla teral, they do oecasionally discount a few of the number, but quite as often refuse the whole batch, because they must keep themselves safe. " Why should not we," said a bank director the other day, " aot just as cautiously as isprivate in dividual would in times of pressure? If you were to sea our bills receivable, you would not reoom mend, us to, extend." "No one asks you to not differently from a-, 4 private individual ; but would any sane 'private individual," who- bad many debts to collect, and who was to live for the future on what could earn from . any community, min his creditors and drive them to insolvency, when; by &little forbearance and' help, ho might I save them,- and ultimately ,nave himself ? DIM the amount of: year ,bills receivable that ought to. be your strongest indueement. to be prudently liberal, so that 811 may not be made waste paper by your own act:" The Arago brings the news of a • further rise in "the rate of discount by the, Bank of England, the minimum rate being now 9 per cent.' This,,how,- ever, -is not altogether attributable ' to the news from this side. Of course, it was an addi tional reason to adopt, the conservative course, and check the efflux of gold to this country, but it was far worm to prevent the drain of gold to the Continent, whither the freight, insurance, &0., are not near as high as to this country, and the returns of thiweek . 'preelous to the last rise show that While enlyt2oo,ooo weresent fit the United States, 11,760,000 were sent to the East arid the Continent of Zinnia: This' tringent measure on the part of the Bank of England hra net produced any stir in the oommerelal world - in England; the pressure is naturally severely felt, but money seems to be abundant, and console had risen since thapromulga , lion of the order:. Ills true that the New York crash was not known in England when the Arago galled and that the English public were deluded by our bankers' 'circular that arrived, wherein 'they declared 'their perf ect ability to' pay specie and maintain their solvency; but even ,when they -know all they will probably entertain and etpress a rather mean opinion. of our bank managers, and some "American houses,"—that liouses• which-do a large business with America may - fail,' but a 'great financial 'revulsion 'will not' in - my • opinion, be the consequence. If 'sorts "a calamity dote occur, it will be due, to varlet* of - concurrent eisinses .of whits!' our trou bles will only form a unit. The, London Times, and one, or two other papers wish to think all he misfortune is „due to American recklessness, AC., but 'the fact still remains, as some papers admit, that the greater share,of the blame is due absorber!). ' The news hits not precluded any sensi ble effect on one here. , Things are no bet ter endue-worse then they were yesterday. ,There is but very little doing in foreign erelong° at-for mer quotations. The business at the Clearing-house Via very large to-day. The clearings were $12,- - Sltiiie4:44; and*. Valances $1,109,190 A statement was made yesterday by Mr. Ed monds of the condition of the Bowery Bank. On Oat. ,28 the condition was about as follows: -Total assets, $1,118,000; total liabilities, $721,500. ; The following is a gross estimate •of the assets, taking them at their valuation : $569,600; deduct lia bilitlea $614,500; balance,. $25,100; capital stock, $356,000. - The cash transaction's at ,the Sub-Treasury, to day, were as follows: Receipts, $102,644.50. Pay- merits, $166,874.59; ,balance, 0,801,265.45. The receipts for duties at the custom house were 331,773.83. The Arago brought $229,837 in specie. • • • The stock market at Abe first board was rather onstald,y and excited.- Missouri' 6's went UP 1; California re, 2; Erie convertible bonds fell elf 1; N. Y: Central meek closed 'at tibr ; Erie at 121: Reading at 31, a rise of 2,; Michigan Southern (old stock) fell 1; do preferred' stook, I ; Panama ,2 ; Galena , and Chien°, - ri; La Crosse and Mil- Waukee, 1, and Cleveland and Toledo gained 1. , , At the second ,besxd, the , same , agitated feeling continued without any very groat fluctuation in priest): New York Central closed at AIM Erie at 14; Chicago and Rook Island 671; Reading 301; Michigan Central 40, end Panama at 711. Ohio S's sold at 95; California I's at 00, and Missouri 6's at 683.- The Brie Railroad Company me 'pay ing their, coupons as fast as, they can get the money in. In a week Ufa °invited that the entire interest will be paid. The new bonds, notwith standing all the exertions,-are taken very slowly. The Company are sanguine that they will raise, by means of thews bonds, money,enough to avoid the ['plaints/enter a receiver. NEW YORK STOOK BECRANCE SALES, November 3, • , • 'HIRST 110ABD. 10001 f 8 65'62 cenp,los 2OO N Y Can R 530 6335 1000 N Y St's tie 262 100 SO do all) 63% 14000 NY fitato fos '6B 98 250 do 064 3000 N Y St 4 e 6s '74 95 ; 100 do 510 63% 2600 City ba /68 - 95 j 325 do .64 ROO BrooklyeOlty Os 80, 250 ,do 64)( -• 500 Ohio fa ID 92 800 do • 641( 6000 Bent , ' St 4 e Os 83 50 do 015- 60 % 1000 Virginia. 6's • 79 300 de .30 63% LlOO3 laLmouri ea_ . 08% 100 do 160 65 19090 do b3O 69 09 do 0 '65 woo car 78'70 58 350 do 651( 50000' do ; „ 59 bD -do , . „ , Hon be 1130 '5O ' do, 65% 3 • ~do ' 2935 50 do ale 65 ' do 29 100 do ' a 3 6515 7600111 Can bads - 72 160 pdie Railroad e 3 12 1600 do ' 71 100• do , sl6 11% '2O National Bk 8255 23 0 .do 1215 fdi Bank of Com 80. 1 50 do 123( '6 ilhoe&Leather Bk 72 - 100 h erlem it bgo 7 BO Bank of Amer 88 50 '• do • , 'll% 60-Canton Co' ' 14% 200 do ax 100 do MS :15 Raison It It MO 14)( 278 Del ft 1101 Co . 93 do . 1435 116 Peel loldifi3 Co 74 Harlem It paid ' 193( SO Cusibd Coal Reading,lt 29 18 Mich Oen 11, 40 do a 7 '29%4 - ,60,11 ch So*, N 113( ' ' do',' 1410 • 28% I 4 60 in Ma IFS ak 2435 do LSD 20151 100 &mama B. sea 713{ do - eBl 136 " do' ' 71% do' 'a3 81 100 do b6O 73 Olds &RIB 60' 10 Gsl & Chi R 64 0 do b3O 61115 30 illev & Tol R 27.1( 1601 a Cr & 1111 '614 100 do PO 2135 100 do 'PO o%' 000 do 28 10 0B & Quincy It 66 , 203 do too 28)( SECOND BOARD. ' 6400 Ohio 65 '60 osx 143 Erie Railroad - 18%. 20000 do 95 100 do 13% 600 Cal NM fs '7O 60 50 do 810 1815 2/060 Missouri 68% • 200 • do s3O 13 • 136103 71 - 150 do aS 12% 3000 do' 70 100 • do b6O 18% ' 66 Stilton Sank . 110 i5O , do alb 1835 24 Am EX Bnkficrip 78 400 do 14 ' 90 Del End Co 94 60OhlkRkIRe6066 16 Pattie M SCo 74 16 do • 6735 220 Canton Co 15 109 'Reading R ?ex 292• ;do , rm a ISM 163116 h Cen it 40 160 N Cann ,60 „60 Mich Bdc RI 11- , 11% 100 do 85% 16 Mich &Nls p s 2434 50 do, 143 65% 21 Panama B 113( 280,Clev & yea It 29, fa) Gal & Chia 330d0, b tw lo 15-01,-aCroise dc MGR 'B% do b 29j( THE MARKET.—Asass are steady, with raise of 60 bbls at 87.26 for pote,and 66.60 for pearls. Bassnaretre.—The market for State and Western Peer opened with 6, mere active demand, especially for extra State and Western, but Closed with a little slack. atm, particularly, for the' common grades, which, in . some wee, Were sold at Sc below the opening rates; • the sides are 14,000 bblo at $4.80e44.00 for common to Pod elat e, 85466,25 . for „extra State, 84.8008400 for common 'to good Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lola, to., and setta.so for extra do. Beathernionr is unchanged, with sales of 1,300 bids' at 05.25865.40 ter mixed to. good , brands of Baltimore, Alexandria, Georgetown,' Vredericksburg. Scc.. arid 86.60067 for favorite,' fancy and extra brands do, in , eluding extra, Slane and Richmond city at the latter rate. , Canal:inflow is in good. demand,ith no superfine offering,• the sales are 1,480 bbl, 14 $5720080.75 for the „rangeof extra brands. . Bye flour is dull, kith sales of 60 bbla at 13.25064.75 for the range of , tine and superfine, the latter for choice. corn walla tauten slowly; we quote Jercoy at $3.50; Brandywine, P. 70; the sales are 69bbia. Wheat is in good demand, prime qualities being firm, white common grades are a little more freely offered; the sales are 4,000 bus red Southern at P. 25091.374 0,100 bun white-Southern at $ 1 . 40 081.63; 5,200 dam aged do, HmOlc; 10,500 white Michigan at $1.24 € 43,28 i 249,000 Chleago eprlag, part at 81.08; 18,00 Milwaukee 4 30 ptsy,oso6l.of; ;1,200 Decade spring, the first of the season , at 000 red winter Illinois at P. N. T. 1 Rye is steady, will, fides of 600 bus Northern at Ka: ' 4 ;Oats area fraction firmer at 8.303110 for BouthernrB6 aii4oe - for - Jerstiy, 40es 13a for State, and- 43e460 for Western. . , . • .'t , Corn - is „withiiiik material change ; 28,000 bus were - skid tOrdsi at 781084 , for Western mixed, and 80 for ' Southern , ' „ Correa iearm at the quotationa of WO morning,': 4' . Tedvisfoiiii- 7 Pork'is heavy tor, 'prime, but steady for mess ; -the sides ate 309 bide at 520e920.25 for mess, and $lO for primal' prinui meet It nominal at 06,600817 clear 82106136, Rest is unalcanaed,with' sales of ise „lads at 1901110.50 for 50161 7 a1" 44 ,11 80 87.25 for can- • ry ,piztree;,' '410.60i5a1a.50 , for nrlpsoked Western: . - • Total , 99,108,006 4:Weds beef ettlielY nominal. Beef hams are The' following is the amount of coal transported esibir;withelles et AT,to at 410( Haien over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week clam ; wit h, ainekedet 13c, in f est s t are alto. either neaditel. ,Lerdie &pier, with' sales of 160 tee ending pot. 51,1857 int libta iloneone latter for choice, Butter and Wang. Palmier:sty, Tent. slims itannehanged. Tons. Cwt. Tone. Cwt., Tons. Cwt. -,11 , 811 - sit-,Ts firm, with sales re Sp., bide, MOW: at Spring mope 12 102,610 02 MO/ 9a 41 4 40 / 3 1 4 / 9 9 9 17 991 VPi - • ••-• Sa i lt 2l l l 9' !Plirrc,,,l)/9111 14 7807 /4 50 , 0 5 0 08 I •!' 1;/ - YIirMONEV - MAIIICET. PntLiimunnA, Novembei 3, 1857 The proper (melon of 'banking is undoubtedly the loaning out of ,the money of the stockholders, end, to a certain extent, of the depositors. With this built:Less, which is proper and legitimate, the people at large have` little or no consent, it being chiefly of interest to the commercial ()lassos. But the function of for Ming the ourrenoy is of import ance to every man who lives by his labor or other wise, and therefore properly belongs to tho Govern ment of the country, as the protector and repre sentative of the oommunity, and to it alone. The groat evil of our 'present system consists in placing both these functions—that of banking, and that of creating a ourrenoy in the same—into the bands of the mum parties; giving the banks the power of enlarging or diminishing the quantity of currency, whioh is the measure of all values be tween man and man, or between the merchant and the banks. ' The remedy is obvious, and the strong grasp of the public mind has already seized upon it as a matter to be'enforeed by'stringent legislation. It is the separation from the banks--gradually, per haps, but surely—of the power of forming the our renoy ; and for this purpose all bank notes under twenty dollars should bo at once suppressed, and the amoeht 'to ha issued of the larger denominn• Bone should be fixed by law, not to exceed a cot :lain percentage upon the capital of each bank ; and the total amount should be limited for the whole State, and seourtd by a registry and deposits of securities. By this means the ourrency would not only become secure, but free from variation ; and our manufacturing and producing industry would be placed upon a mare foundation, and these `ruinous fluctuations of trade be averted. At the stock board, 'to-day, prices were firmer, and a better disposition was manifested than we have had to record for several days. Reading Railroad stook advanced again to 10. Pennsyl vania Bank stook sold down to six dollars a share. The receipt of another million of dollars in specie from Europe, and the expectation of another heavy ' :arrival from California,tonded to brighten matters materially, and the money market was easier than might have been expected. The loosing of nearly three hundred thousand dollars of bank ourplus,by the declaration of three per, cent. dirt 'lends on the bait 'orefitepiof the City banks, also ;aided in relieving the market. , .• • The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, we are InfOrMed, has 'resolved 'to pass its fall dividend, a Measure of wisdom which will entitle it to the thanks Of those who are 'interested in its real prosperity and success. It is extremely 'gratifying to us to hear that the directors have been enabled to re duce their floating debt more than half a million of dollars within the past few weeks. The following important points in regard to rail way mortgages have recently been decided by Justice' McLean, of the United States 'Supreme Court, in Circuit Term at Cincinnati. The sui t Was instituted in the name of Mr. D. D. William. eon, of New York, as 'trustee to the mortgage in question, against the New York, Albany, and liar lem:road. Mr. Frederick A. Lane, of Now York, of counsel for the trustee, made a lengthy and conclusive argument before the Court in support of the integrity and good faith of the mortgage, and the decision of Justice McLean is entirely vindica tive of the ,equitable right of the mortgagees (or bondholders) to 'the whole property acquired, as well subsequently as before the execution of tho mortgage, and to the franchise of the road. The points decided were as follows : First—That the mortgages hold the property ac quired subsequent to their ezecutton. Second—That the franchisee of taking tolls, 'operating the road, he., passed by the mortgage, and may be sold on foreclosure. Third—That the court have jurisdiction of the subject-matter of the action, and that the power of sale contained In the mortgage does not prevent ,the trustee from coming into a court of equity and 'asking a decree of foreclosure and sale. Fourth—That the suit is rightly brought in ; the name of the trustee alone, without jotning the bondholders. Fifth—That the appointment of a receiver is a matter of discretion with the court, and though there has been a default in the payment of interest, yet it appears that the company have done every thing in their power to koop up the road, but from ; had crops, &0., have not been able to moot their interest, and by permission of the trustee and some of the bondholders, have expended the in come of the road in finishing the same. Though no receiver may be' appointed for the present, yet an order may be entered requiring the company to make returns of their earnings to the court, and . the half of the net earnings, after keeping the road in thorough working order, may be applied to the payment of the interest, and the other half 'to the floating debt, (laborers, &o.) But if, at any time, it shall appear that the company in disobey ing this order, or is becoming insolvent, then a re- ceiver may be ,appointed. In the meantime, the edit to 'goon. ; Tho official averages of the banks in the city of ,New York, for the past week, ending Saturday,• Oot. 31, present in the aggregate the following 'changes from the previous statement of Saturday, ,Oot. 24: Decrease of Loans 8215,764 increase of Specie 2,411,798 Decrease of Circulation. 919,991 'lncrease of "Indrawn Deposits 3,080,252 Including theClearing-Houso transactions of the week, which averaged only $9,610,508 per day, against tuientr:eight and aluilf millions this time last season, and the Sub-Treasury statement . pf Saturday . afternoon, the following- is the gotieral oomparison With last weelc, and also with the oor. responding week in 1856 0011PAItertyl EBCAPItULATIO( Nov. 1 '66. Oat. 31 '57. Oct. 24,'67. Capital $54,24,000 $03,5160® 663,510,000 Loans 103,142,093 • 95,817,754 95,593,518 Specie 11057,676 12,883,441 10,411,643 Circulation ' ' 6,686,835 5,334,748 6.844,739 arose Deposits.... 86,522,092 61,463,684 57,530,384 .Exchanged 28,498,776 9,610 606 0,856.478 Undrawn . .... 68,024,118 51,8.53,158 47,873,000 In Sub-Treasury.. 18;406,672 5,403,366 5,835,209 Tho following table shows the business at the Philadelphia Custom-house for Ootober, 1857, and SR oompatetl with the same month last year: October. 1856. 1857. Value of mdze, let of month.... $921,613 52,578,853 Ileceireit in warehouse from fo• 3`29,731 Re r :e i fv n eA l V warehouto from 146'871 .. .. . other' dietriete 26,368 99,815 Withdrawn for coneuinptton.... 267,945 804,424 Withdrawn for transportation.. 6,330 42,883 Withdrawn for export 3,048 50,046 Value of mdse; in warehouse . tut or month .. 817,029 2,609,594 Entered for consumption from foreign ports 703,63$ 220,274 Free ladle. entered 119,219 319,398 MINS RSOBIYED 1854. 1855. 1858. 18.57. October $3 4 7,188 $216,088 $285,989 $115,072 Prey. 0 m05...3,604,768 2,690,034 3,510,028 2,698,334 *4,051,906 $2,906,722 $3,706,017 $2,813,407 A Pittsburgh paper says that, in Kentucky, every man who enters a town with anything like the semblance of a stranger is examined by a mob. If ho proves to be a broker, he is at once christened an " abolition broker," and rides out on a rail. Mr. Spriggins, of Cincinnati, having made a run on a bank in Kentucky with a ten-dol ler bill, relates his experience in away that will go far to insure the safety of the Kentucky banks as specie-paying" to the last. The ten-dollar bill was not cashed, but Hr. Spriggins left town under the following oirmintstances': "Unfortunately for me, es the crowd hooted mo out of town, this dog was taking an airing, and joined in the pursuit. He soon was close at my heels, and. acting from the force of habit, the well meaning but unrefleoting brute made a leap for me, and there being no coon behind me for him to catch on to, he inserted his fangs in my person. His weight, as he bung wiggling and snarling bo -kind me, considerably retarded my movements; but, with a presence of mind which rarely forsakes MO, I reflected that either the dog's teeth or some thing else must give way very soon. And so there did, but it was not the dog's teeth. The fact that this occurred in the presence of a party of beau tiful young ladies who had been drawn out of doors by the hubbub, and an unfeeling remark about a letter in the post omen, uttered immediately after wards in their hearing by a mail boy, added ma terially to the embarrassment of my position." In Jefferson, Indiana, a special committee of watchful ones one day est week pounced upon a suspicious-looking individual, with a box under his arm, and chased him far beyond the limits of the town, when it was discovered that his visit was solely a nrefeutonal one; and that his only object was to extract corns. So Indiana banks continue specie payments. The Springfield (Ohio) Nonlicireil says the °M ane if that town last week adopted a new plan • for Protesting their banks from being ran by the 'brokers. Learning that a broker bad reached town from a neighboring city to run the bank for coin, they promptlyplaced on one side of the bank entrance a bucket of tar and a brush, and upon the opposite a long, rough-looking fence rail, bearing this inscription : " Nary red to nary broker.'' As the broker approached the bank he read the inscription, glanced at the tar bucket, and retreated. The ,auk went on as usual. Judge Francis A. Cone, the former president of An bank of Greensborougb, Georgia, publishes a card stating that he will redeem all notes signed by him as president, either in specie or hills of the Augusta banks. The coal tonnage over tho Lebigh Canal, for he week ending Oat. 31, was as follows : FOR WREIL Tom.. Tons. Owt. Tons. Owt .. 7,575 13 204,0t1 02 not Mauch Chunk BummltMinee... Tunnel No. 2 927 11 8:222 08 Boom Run Mines /,800 05 46814 00 Beet Lehigh mines • 20 ,181 17 9,303 09 389,895 07 A. Lathrop and others, Pea and Dust Coal 195 11 3,201 02 .R4st Munch Chunk. Spring Mountain Mine. 1,151 14 32,503 02 y. Is t Sugar 'Lod do. 691 00 21.935 07 Coleraine do. 470 10 41;443 06 Stafford d 0.510 11 ... .. N. I'. and Lehigh Coal Co..— 520 02 26,150 07 German Penn. Coal Co 290 03 7,917 08 Botit4 Spring Mountain Coal, 634 08 16,074 15 North Spring Mountain Coal.. 522 00 10,985 82 Deaver Meadow Co 558 02 3,790 02 Penn Haven, Hazleton doal Co 1,520 11 79,807 12 Cranberry Mtnea 1,120 17 58,203 18 Diamond Mines 602.04 25,00210 Council Ridge • 1,209 17 31,579 10 Mt. Pleasant Coo l • . . .427 04 8,304.1 18 ..,%., Rockport.' Buck Mountain goal C 0.... 1,229 12 92,632 11 White'Hattets. ' Villkoabarro Coal CO ' 1,201 19 2,818 10 Wyoming Coal Co 246 15 9,228 14 Hartford 'Ooal'Co 147 05 19,891 02 22,844 16 800,496 14 Feet. 861,462 88,256,944 Total Lumber. Yor the week Per last report THE PRESSAIIIILADELPMA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMI3EIt 4, 1537, 13. 'fork& Lehlgti... 671 06 82,161 00 MAIO 16 council Ridge ...... 1,637 03 60,322 08 67,80 11 erman Penna. . . , 0,369 02 6,309 02 Coleraine k Stafford. 376 12 33,01 13 2 19 39,418 11 Dolbin Dehaven.. 200 14 9,3 17 9,424 Hazleton 1,779 10 44,404 11 40,180 01 J. 11. McCreary el, Co. 346 05 6,625 12 11,270 12 , T0ta1.........6,170 09 372,897 04 881,073 13 PIIILADILLPICIA BTOOK EXCHANGE BALES, November 9, 1857. Reported by R. Manly, fr.,,Stock Broker, No. 80} .Walnut street. FIRST BOARD. 2,000 N Poona 11. CM ...45% 16 N Orleans a5....110 1,000 do 45% 25 &bpi Nay.... 7% 1,00 Union Canal 63-32 4 Morris Canal prefd 2000 Wilmington It 6s 80b5wn.80 300 City Os 80 1,000 do 80 600 do 80 900 do PRII.BO 2,000 Sch Nor Oa 'l2-65 3,000 do . .2 de.65 1,000 Reading Hes '70.631( 600 Penua 5s 80% 500 do 80% 200 do 80 2 Harrisburg R...:40 8 do 46 3 do 46 , 25 Long Island R... 8 131ITWERI , 30 Reading R. eash.lo,V 100 do .. lawn .18 60 do 56w0.16 BECOND 1 do 80 5 Ponds It 33 4 do 83 0 do 83 4 do 33 20 do 33 60 Road R. 55rnecin.l0 60 do .... cosh.l6 100 do ,sssruAla.l o 60 do 55.10 75 d 0.... sOwn.lo 25 do .... cash .16,t( 75 do .... enah.l6)( 6 Beads of Penna.— 9 BOARDS. 60 Reading R.. :srrn.lo 50 do .... cAslt.lo 120 Lehigh et '7O 81 500 City R PRII.BO 300 do ....P1115.80 13 Penne, R 33 5 do 33 12 do 33 100 Rending 60 do 16% 10 Lehigh Nat , 44X 2 Bank of Penna.... 6 SOO City Oo 80 500 do 80 COO P01:111% So 80); 4,000 do ... 8034 3.000 do 804 3,000 do 80,4 850 do , 58.....00 2,000 Wilming , n B 0o .80 1,000 do 80 0,000 Schyl liav Oe 'B2 2 dayo.Sl CLOSING P Bid. Asked. Philadel 6 , 8....70% SO g " ‘• RM... 80 804 i " New.... 8434 88% Penneyly M5....80X SON Reading R .ON do Bonds '7O 03 do SI 6g,'44 80 Penns RR 3 0 ); 33 Morris Cant Con 32 40 Sohu N Os 02.... 60% 61X stook TX 8 TO 2,-SIRIt Bid. Asked. Be NSi 'B2 peer 13% 137; Wmap't h Elm R 7 11 do let mort 7'855 69 do do 2dm 49 50 • Long Inland.... 8 8 Girard Bank 7S 734 Lehigh Zin0..... y, 1 Union Canal lIX 4 New Creek Cotanlinsa R LATEST. 100 Reading It 16 I( I 50 Readmit R 1.15.16 Reading , 'dolma at 160165. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS NOVEMBER 3—Evening.—llolders of Bark are One in their demands, and the receipts of Quercitron are taken as fast u they arrive at $3O for first quality. Breadstuffs exhibit no now feature since the receipt of the foreign news, and the market of all kinds is unchanged ; there is very little demand for Flour, except to supply the local trade, at prices ranging from $5 87% to $7.25 4P bbl., embracing common and good superfine, extras and fancy brands, according to quality. Shipping Flour is held at $5.26er50.37X bbl., but there is little or no inquiry for this description, and the market bee been quiet today. Corn bleat and Rye Flour are without activity; the former is very dull, and the latter scarce and wanted at $4 25¢$1 50 V bbl. Wheat has been in fair demand, and about 3,500 bus have been taken at 123er12te. for fair and good Southeraßed, and 1280135 c. for White, mostly Masora. Corn has been taken to the extent of about 9,000 bus. old Southern Yellow, at 71c. afloat; a sale of new Penn'a was made at 56c. Oats aro in request, and some small salon of Southern have been made at 32¢33c. Rya in selling at the distilleries at 75c. qp be. Cotton meets with a small inquiry only at pre vious quotations. Grains—not much doing and the market quiet. An auction sale of 1,860 bags Rio Coffee was mode to day at from 8% to loge., SO and GO days, showing a d cline of Sc. 94 , lb. from the bighest point. Ifolders of Provisions aro asking former quotations. but the stock is very much reduced, and the sales aro only in a retail way. Whiskey is selling with more freedom at 21c. for hhds. and 21022 c. for bbis, BREADSTUFFS AT BALTISIOIIE, Nov. 22.—There was a fair inquiry thin morning for Flour, and for all varieties the market wan steady at the quotations of Saturday. There were sales reported on 'Change of 1.000 bole 'Howard street superfine at 23 cash, and of 900 bbis Ohio do et the name figure. City Mills super fine was held as on Saturday at ss.l2finss 25 cash, and 85 50 on thee. There was, however = nothing done in 'this variety, nor so far as we ceulu learn was there touch inquiry for it. The market for ail descriptions of superduo closed steady at the quotations. There has been some movement recently in extra Flour, and the market for it is somewhat firmer. Western extra is now sold at 85.75 bbl, at which figure males to a could°. rable extent have been made within the last three or four days on time. Howard street extra In still quoted at $6.25, and City Mills do at $O.lBO 504 P bbl. Rye Flour is quoted at $t 60a54.02,if per bbl. Corn Meal is steady at 53.75 per bbl for city. There Is no country meal in market. For Buckwheat Flour prices range at from $2 to $2 50 4f , 100 lbs In quantities. GRAIN.—The offerings this morning were larger than they have been for set oral dux past. The demand was, however, brisk, and for all varieties prices were 'well sustained. Of wheat there were about 26,000 bus at market. Prime shipping . wheats were In brisk de mand, but common wheats were dull. Reds sold at 100 cill2o for ordinary to fair, 118'025c for good to prime, and whites brought 110i:40e for common and medium qualities, 1250133 c for fair to good do, and 115, 138cr 140 c for prime and choice lots. Corn was also in brisk demand. There were about 10.000 bus at market, most of which changed bands at 18c for good yellow. and Ma 70. c for good to prime white, Some parcels of damaged white corn sold at 6506.3 c, and asmall lot new do at 66c. We continue to quote rye at 65a70c for Maryland, and 80m85o for Pennsylvania. One or two small lots were offered to-day, but no sales were made. The receipts of oats this morning were heavy, some 10,000 bus being at market. A part of the parcels offered were sold at prices ranging from 28 to 3.4 c, the latter figure being for prime 'lots. BUFFALO, November 2.—Viour unchanged, but tends downward, Sales 1,800 bble at $4.70 for superfine Wis. :corms ; $ 5555 25 for extra Michigan, Ohio , and Indi ana. Whea t steady. Sales 80,000 bushels at 80c for ,Chicago spring. Corn firmer. Bales 4000 bushels at 60 cents. Oats steady. Sales 8,000 bushels at 34 cents, afloat Whiskey firmer. Sales 100 bbla at 191 i cents Freights dull at 10 cents for W heat to New York. Lake Imports for the 48 hours ending at noon to-day-13,000 bbls. floury 78.000 bushels wheat; 21,000 bushels corn; 23,000 bushels oats. Canal Exports-100,000 bushels Wheat; 80,000 bushels corn; 24,000 bushels oats. CHICAGO, November 2.—Flour arm. Wheat active at 71 cents. Corn dull. Onto steady. Shipments to Buffalo-800 bble flour; 12,600 bushels wheat. Ship ments to Oswego—No flour; 73,000 bushels wheat. Re celpte-2,200 bblo flour; 116,500 bushels wheat; 3,000 bushels corn. if mporialions (Reported for The Press.] PERNAMBUCO —Retch Commerce, Parker —2,300 bags Cotinguiba engar, J Macon & CO. JACKSONVILLE, Fa—Brig Nathan, Fogerty-750,- 000 foot lumber,Bolton, Vanderveer Co; 7 tone old Iron, A G Nicho ls & s & Co. MONTEGO BAY, In—Brig Eureka, Dray-1 MO su gar, 8 tasks sugar, 3 puncheons lime Julep, 1 ton old iron, 2,780 pounds old load, 900 bags pimento, 7 tons Battle, 65 tone loprood, Outerbridgo, Horsey & Co, NEWBERN, N C—Schr Pauline, Jones-501,61i spirits turpentine, 211 bble tar, 219 bble rosin, 61 bids path, Cochran & Busmen. NEWDERN N C—Schr W II Harrison, Day-50 bbis spirits turpentine, 20 bbla rosin, 2B bbla tar, Cohbran 4. Russell. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. EDWARD A. SOODRE, WARNER M. BARIN G 002.11111761 OF TAR MONTE NRWOOMU B. 'Lummox, ,tilaritte Zintclitgente PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4,1 S 7. KIN R18E5.... Ma II WATER ti 53-SIIN SETS ARRIVED. Brig Ahby Ellen, Gilchrist, 8 days from Portland, in ballaM to captain. Brig Nathan, Fogerty, 10 days from Jacksonville, Fe., with lumber to Bolton, Vanderveer A Co. Brig Eureka, Dray, 22 days from Montego Bay, Fs., with mdse to Outerbridge. Harvey & Co. Brig Ditto, Barna, 16 days from Jacksonville, with lumber to Bolton, Vandervecr A CO. Behr Sarah N Smith, Smith, 7 days from Savannah, with lumber to Churchman, Craig & Co. Bohr Flight, North, 5 days from Bleb mond, with feed to J B Lancaster & Bon. Behr Throo slaters, Quillen. 4 days from Berlin, Old, with wheat and onto to J U M'Colley. Behr Watchman, Horsey, 4 days from Laurel, Dol, with corn to .7 II M'Colley. Fehr Golden Unto, Boone, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with wheat to Jas Barrett A Co. Bohr Two Brothers, Rickards, 2 days from Indian River, with corn to liewloy. Wilson A Co. Bohr Pauline, Jones, B days from Newborn, N 0, with naval stores to Chochran & Russell. Behr W H Ilarrlson, Day, 5 days from Newborn, N C, with nasal stores to Cochran & Russell. Bohr Alp:no, Hooper, 7 days from Sedgwiek, with lum ber to Bolton, Vanderveer & Co. Bohr Jas English, Neal, 4 days from Now Haven, in ballast to Van Posen, Norton dc Co. CLEARED. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Ship 1.1 B Mildmay, Webb, Charleston, B 0, Dawson & Hancock. Brig Leghorn, Row, P.oston, Binkieton , Con & Co. Brig Hesperus, 'Morgan, New York, Vaoduseu, Norton A Co. Behr U & Cranmer, Huntloy, Providence, do Behr Mary Adeline, Travers, Washington, do Behr S Bright, Noble, Georgetown, do Bohr L Taylor, Taylor. Newburg, do Bohr BP. Linderman, Murtagh, Bing Bing, do , Bohr James A Lemuel, Retire, Richmond, do Bohr 0 Moore, Ingersoll, Bridgeport, do Behr A 13 Hayes, Hand, New Haven, do Behr Benj Butler, Orosley, Hartford, do Behr Jae English, Nail, New Haven, do Bohr Jos Lawrence, Baldwin, New York, C Stiller A On. Behr J It Blather, Nickerson, Boston, 0 A Masher & Co. Behr Booed, Bottlers. Beaton, Tyler, Rona & Co. Behr BI R Carlisle, Winsinore, Providence, do. Bohr J L Redact., Endicott, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Behr Florida, Kelly, ,do Wallaco & Co. Behr Lacen, Clark, do do Bchr L II Endicott, Venlork, Newport, John R White. Ste II L Caw, nor, Baltimore, A Craves, Jr. TELIaItAPILI (Oortespondenea of the Philadelphia Exchange.) OAPE ISLAND, Nov. 3. 12 M. The pilot boat Herald reports having put pilots on board the ship Tropic Bird, from Turks Isieud; barques Cheshire, from Literpool, and 3 W Reed, from dal:afloat'. A barque, a brig and Lovers! schooners are now going up, and several brigs and schooners are going out with a 800 breeze from NW. Tours, &a., T 110.9. 11. HUGHES. (Correspondence of tho Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Dol.. soy. 2, 8 A M. The barque Oak, for Boston, a brig and live schooners went to sea yesterday; and on Saturday the ochre Alesla, Win Shannon, N Chandler, Josephine, Baud Lewis, Vaulter, Florence, Angeline, and several others went oat. IVind SW—weather pleasant. Yours, &o, WM. M. HICKMAN. bIEhIOIiANDA. Steamship Philadelphia, Beggs, Balled from Havana. Bth ult. for Nen Orleans. . . Steamship St Louis, Hudson, at Ilavana 28th ult. (tom 'ow York, and sailed 29th for Ant:antral]. Steamship (thew, from Now York, at (Ireenoch 6th ult. • • . Steamship Augusta, from Now York, arrived at Se. vanuah yesterday. Steamehip Marlon, Foster, from Now York, arrived at Charleston yesterday morning. Steamship Anglo Saxon, from Quebec, at Liverpool 26th ult. Ship Queen of the Seae, Cobb, from Melbourne, at Hong Kong Aug Bth. Ship Coeur de Lion, Tucker, from Calcutta, at Hong Kong Aug Bth. Ship fear, palm, from Calcutta June 2d, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Hollander, Millet, from Boston, arrived at Mel bourne July sth. Ship. Daylight, Holbrook, from Boston, at Melbourne July Ith. Ship Golden Horn Cos, from New York, arrived at Melbourne July Ship Adriatic, Scott, for Callao, sailed from Melbourne July 231.. Ship lied Gauntlet, Andrews, for Batavia, mailed from Melbourne July 28d. Ship Boma, Vihner, from Hinton for Bath, arrived at Portland 91st ult. Shp Harriet and Rade, Jantrin, from Baton, arriv ed at Honolulu aug oth. Ship IJocowah, Kirby, at London 17th alt, was char tered for gait Francisco. Ship ltabt Patten. Paine, from Manila for Boston, was reloading at St Thomas 17th ult. to sail In about in daya. Ship John Stewart, Sherman, from Callao for Clown, remained at Rio do Janeiro Sept 23d. Ship Rattler, Vorent, from Now Orleans, arrived at Rio do Janeiro Sept 22d, Ship Etienne, Nuns, hence via Richmond, remained at Rio de Janeiro 23d Sept, for New York. Ship Windsor Poreet, (*retrain, sailed from Liverpool 19th ult. for Philadelphia. Ship Caroline Tucker, Condon, from Callao for Darn wan oil Dartmouth 18th ult. Barque Merrimac, Pitta, for Mantanzaa, cleared at Portland Slat ult. Barque Lapwing, Kelly, from Rio de Janeiro, at Dal timore 2d loot. Barque Emily, Lyle, galled from 'lama 27th ult for Now York. Barque Reindeer, Simmons, hence, was dinellarging at Rio Janeiro 23,1 Sept. Barque Grapeshot, Clark, WAS waiting freight at 1110 Janeiro 23,1 Sept. Barque Fairy, DIM, from Foo Chow, arrived at Lon don lath ult. Barque Cordelia, (late Hutchins,) for New York, sail ed from Port au Prince 16th ult. Capt Ii and four men died, and the 0 sailed in charge of the Brat officer. Barque 0 J Kershaw, Pierce, from London for Mon treal, sailed from Falmouth 111th ult. Barque Oak, Ryder, hence for Boston, was spoken 2.1 lest off Barnogat. Brig Marinelli*, Dunning, hence for Boston, paned Highland Lights 5 P 111, Id inst. Brig Oath Rogers, Brett, from Oardeerville for Phila delphia. Brig Monica, Handy, from 'Eastport for Richmond, was In Hampton Ronda Het ult. . . . Brig Joshua and Mary, (Br) Turner, hence at New York yesterday. Brig Trenton, Atherton, for this port, called from Fall River 31at ult. Drlg hence, wan telegraphed at Beaton yesterday. Behr B Watson, Robinson, hence at Havana, 23d ult, Behr Horace E Ball, Clark, hence at St Jago, Cuba, 20th ult, Behr J II Corinne, Lenz, hence at Boston yesterday. Behr Eliza Elkintou, Naylor, hem for Haverhill, at Newburyport let holt. . . Bahr Harriet, reported hence, was sunk in the lower harbor, New York, yesterday. Crew eared. Bohr Roxbury Brown, from Boston for this port, sail ed from Newport 80th Behr .1 B Bleeoker, Edwards, hence for Bristol, at Newport 91st ult. Sohn' Adelalde, Clark; John Cadwallader, Godfrey; Williamson, Jr, Whoalore, and Percy Bonner, Gandy, hence at Providence Met ult. Behr IYanpones, Morrill. sailed from Providence Met ult. for Smyrna, Del, via Now York. • . Salm Edith Boso n Small, from Morris River, at Boston 2d moat. &bra itlaria Jive, Crosby, ant A Hammond, Pierce, from Baltimore, arrived at Boston 2d inst. Behr Df J Canso, Stokes, from Wilmington, at Albany 2d inst. Behr Elizabeth Engilati, linglleh, hence at Norfolk Blet ult. Behr Jaa Barrett, Darla, hence at Boston 2,1 hut - • . let Mat, It 34 36, long 75 20, eldp Vanguard, from New York for New Orleans. 31st ult, 40 miles A of Capo Cod, barque Volant, from Bostou for Cork. Sept 7th, lat 22 19 B. long 320 E, ship bound North, showlug red signal, with letters B. It F. MARINE MISCELLANY. Ship Chlora. Faulkner, eland from New Orleans for Liverpool, with a cargo of cotton and timber, put Into St Thomas Bth ult. with fore and mainmaat sprung, rig ging strained. and otherwise injured. Cork, Oct 17—The Am 814 Polar Star, of Boston, hauled out of the Royal Victoria Dry Dock, alter being sheathed with copper over felt, getting new mlzenmast, and sundry repairs. The Am barque Lincoln, of Providence, hauled out Ono Royal Albert Dry Dock, having been newly spar ed and general repairo, Including Muutzis patent metal sheathing. Deal, Oct 19—The American barque Ocean Home, Cowman, (late Means,) from Hamburg, with emigrants and cargo, got on shore on the Brake Sand early this morning, in very light winds, but came off again, on the flood, about 10 A M. without sustaining any damage, and has since proceeded on her voyage Om reported in yesterday's paper The Ocean Home had a North Sea pilot on board, who ban proceeded in the ship, Behr Orrellano. of Beverly, before reported lost, was fallen in v, ith by Br velar Stranger, 60 miles South of Halifax, which took oil' the crew and landed them at Halifax. The 0 had on board 200 qtis flab, and sunk in 30 minutes. Two of the crew reached Beverly Ist Wet, Loss OP TIIN SOUR HAIMIST ANN.—The schr Bay Queen, Cobb, from Distil= to Boston, when between dfinot's Ledge and Boston Light, SSW, at about 2 P 01, 2d lost, a schooner run on Harding's Ledge, and lin znediately back oll* and sink; the crew, flee in number, took to their boat. Copt Cobb immediately ran his Vee n] down to them and took them ou board, and from them we learned that It wan the schr Harriet Ann, of Lubec, Capt John Harrington, from Philadelphia for Boston, with coals; the crow saving nothing but what they stood in. The vessel wee not insured. FOREIGN PORTS. Sid. from Newcastle, NSW, July 27, barquo Ann Jane, (Br) San Francisco. Arr at Honolulu Aug 20th, brig L P Foster, Moore, Sept 3, ship Pelot, (Sr) Jones, San Francisco ♦ia Puget Sound. Old Aug 7, barque Metropolis, Preston, Portland, OT, brig Morning Star, Moore, Bolos and Ascension Island; 11th, brig Hero, Ton Holt, Ohria toms Island. At Barbadoes Sept 30, barque Excelsior, of New Ha ven, for Port Spain and Turks !Stand Oct 5 Arr at St Jago, Cuba, 20th tilt, brig fieguino, Nelson, Charleston; echr Baltic, Stevens, St Johns, Arr at Havana 28th tilt, barque Albortina, Barton, New York; 28th, barque Saranac, Higley, Newport, RI. Bld 20th, brig M A Slovens, Butler, for New Orleans; 20th, brig Mary Elizabuth, McConnell, New Orleans. 01126th, barque Aerial, Melville, Savannah. Arr. at Cardenas 24th tilt, brig Pastor, Titus, Havana. Sid 24th, barque Lucy Ann, Harrigan, Wilmington, NO; brig COI Penniman, Collin, Jacksonville. Arr at Matanzas= tilt, brig America, Edwards, BAH- Pax; 25th, barque Hooper, Perkins, Havana; 26th, barque King. Portland. Bid 27th, brig John Hatha way, Smith, 'Wilmington, NO. DOMESTIC POETS. SAN FRANOISCO—Arr Sept —, barques Fanny Ma• jor, Lawton, Honolulu; Edwaid & Ellso, (Ham) Am toomau. Hamburg MS days; Canton, (Swed) .Ekermattu, Hong Kong. 23d—Sld ache Falmouth, Stevens Acapulco, 21th—Std Lamm) Ella Franca, Blunt Puget Sound. 2 5th—Sid swell brig Rapid, Swenaon,'Calrrio. 26th—Sid Chit ship Mercedes, Loll, Hong Kong; brig S R Jackson, Butler, Coosa Bay. 25th—Old barques Johann Martin, (Pens) Rodman, Callao; Samuel Merritt, Wiggins, Oregon; ache' Mount Vernon, Joaselyn, Monterey. 26th—Are ship Coen's', (Dan) Boysen, Batavia; Br barque Sebastopol. Dawson, Sydney via. Honolulu; Ham 'brig Concordia°, Bonne, Siam. BIS brig Lyra, Wood, Monterey. 301.11—Std barques Columbia, Hard, Cones Bay; New World, Williams, Mendocino; brigs Concort, Candage, Puget Sound; Susan Abigal, Carno, Oregon; Quoddy Belle, Hatch, Humboldt Bay; achrs II 0 Ahoy, Almy, and Catharine, Perry, BMus Bay, Oct I—Sid Surd schr Genova, Demoro, Mazatlan. NEW YORK, NOP. S.—Arrived—Steamship Alaba ma, Schenck, Savannah; ship Aramede Snow, of Bath, Harndon, Ilav re; barque It H Gamble, Powell, St Marks; brigs African, Balton, from Poet no Prince, Oct 15th; Cosmopolite, 'Winch Sagan; sabre Target, Furman, Charleston; Arctic, Oritehott, Alexandria, Vs ; Hon rich, (Dan,' Stein, Angostura; atearnshlp Locust Point, French, Batt; Propeller Memphis, Watson, Charleston, Cleared—Ship Win Frothingham, Stetson, Havre. BOSTON, Nov 2 —Arrived, achrn S D Hurt, Hart, Jacksonville ; Stag, Townsend, Alexandria. Cleared, ship Gulden Stu, Morrill , N Orleans ; barques Rienzi, Seabury, London ; Avola, Kendrick, Cienfuegos; brig Mason II Davis, O'Neill, Savannah ; aches Mississippi, Trask, Gonaives, Geo Byron, Ford. Matanzas. Sailed, ship Western Empiro ; barques Almatia, (not befcre) ; N Boynton, Arida ; brig Wenonab. HIGHLAND LIGHT, Nov 2—Passed in at 1 P barques Talavera, from Antwerp for Boston ; &lab, from Baltimore for ditto; brigs Model, Lyra, 0 F O'Brian, Pauline; echo' Buena Vista, Celebes, Al batross. At 5 P M, brigs Vesta, (morn Galveston for Roston; Idensanilla ; zebra David Cox, H Stanton; also 2 barques and 1 brigs unknown. Wind SW—weather cloudy. HOLSIES HOLE, Nov 2—Ar barque Helen and Fran ces, Lewis, from Salt Cay 15th alt (and aid for Boston ) PROVINCETOWN—Sid 201.11 nit, Br brig Ilenj Cush ing, Somes, (from Gloucester, having repaired) Seri -116111. rwitTlAND—Arr Nov 1, barque Glen, Helium III van& Br brig Volunteer, Blangfonl, Malaga; brig E Baldwin, Montgomery, Solon, for Boothbay. NORFOLK—Arr Oct 81, Br echr Bright Star, Halifax, N 8, brig It :4 Moulton, MeGriver, Milton ; brig J. Weill, Ball, New Bedford; N Sunni, Kelly, New Bedford. ARRIVALS AT TIIE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Night. GIRARD 1100891—Chestnut street, between Bth & 9th. (ieo It lfeylman, N Y Thus Deford, Daltimors II 11 Forsythe, Kentucky Chas Weiss, England 0 A Whiting & wife, Boston A H Jones, Miss J Word, Palmer W G kicCoutlichue, Ala Saud M Lane, Baltimore Flt Fowler, N Y Samuel Wilkes, Harrisburg J P Wheeler, Boston J 0 Briscoe, Reading A IV Hutchison, Mobile John T Neely Washington E Miller, N Y W Vanden & Indy, N I Miss C Clark, S 0 Miss S Clark, S C W Chamberlain, Vs M 0 Jack, Greensburg W S Triplett, Va J B Nash, Mo John J Durrett, Wfishiton E Corderry, London Miss Cordorry, London LI Saunders, Wilmington John Adams & la, Scotland Dr Norris, New York N G Upham, N Harry Willette, N 0 D M Ferguson & la, N Y D Brown, Fall River 0 If Warillow, Ohio It Rodgers, Rome, Italy Mrs Rogers, Rome, Italy Jos W Low, New York B F BlcKeago & la. N York Snail L Harris, Brooklyn 0 Mullane, Now York A Simons & la, New Yoik Mr Danforth, Now York Mr Lyon( Now York 11 M Zook, Harrisburg GI A Nicifils, Reading Mrs Jones, Pennsylvania Thos J Atii owl, Pottsville Geo N Thum, Boston II I' Sheppard & In, Mass D 8 Dexter, Rhode inland W Woodruff & la, N York John Ackerman, N York Ohm C Alger, Newbury, NY (3 M Wolcot, Fishkill. N Y Afro Fairfield, Now York Miss Fairfield, Now York W Starr Jr, New Jersey 0 Belcher, St Louie J IVysong, New York D P Horton & In, Brooklyn N II Owen, Hartford W V Duloll, Rhode Island 8 A Heath, Ohio Chas 0 Poet, Now York 0 Kideton & la, Glasgow, GB k' S Hunter, Reading UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. 3 Sutton, N V Jl,l Kahn, N Y J Deaver. Woodbury Pa 0 L Croll,Mlddleton John Bishop & la, Ohio Calidn Id Kline, Pa F Foulke, Tamaqua. J P Foulke, Tamaqua Mrs S Ileteriek, Easton Miss A Helmick, Easton A D Miller, Schuylkill ea J Drake, Easton J 1' Wagner, Easton E E Keller, Miss Chas Kimball, Halt Miss Mortagh, Lehigh co 11 Mertaglt, Lehigh co Thor; Miner & la, Pittob'g T S Mathews & la, Pltt,b 3 Cartwright, Va (lotheb Meyer, Decks co T N Patterson, Schuylkill Wm Hetherington, Policy Mrs Lubeck, Tamaqua (I L J Painter, Money Mrs Donelsonid, T rs am D .t en u tilso n , Tamaqua MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. I,J Cohen & la, N Y .7 (1 Getz, Lancaster II Kennedy, Pa .1 A Kennedy, Pa Wm Du Haven, Pa A Hotchkiss, Pa 1' Rosa, Doylestown Il P Rosa, Doylestown (I Ross, Doylestown David Thomas, Pa Mr Fitch, N J J F Melina, Pa S A Ilaya, N Y D 0 Haynes, Texas A Weaver, Ohio L E Hall, N Y K II Stevens, Va J N Brewer, Pa W 0 Wagoner, Pa A Hoover, Pa Jacob Hoffman, Juniata co J Hook, Wayneabury A Markley, Iflontgoineryv A Harrison, Ind It II Smith, N Y Rev II Tullidgo & le, Pa J 0 Ramsey, Ohio T .1 Leannisig, Bucher, NY Nti Bradley, Meriden, Ot C Smith, Pa WII Van Delco& fan,, NY 9 Johnson, Pa NATIONAL 110 TEL—Race atreet, above Third. Jacob Able Beaton, Pa Jan Johnson, Pa Wm G Irwin, Pa J M Walter, Louise's', Pa S G Reynolds, Pittsburgh P 8 Waruickk la, Balt, Md Thou J Martin, Jr, Pa Joshua Oornly, Pa Geiger, Reading Mrs Rose, blineraville Wm It liberty, M Chunk I T James, Reading. U Yowler, Powlerevllle Jos Whitaker, Wheel'g, Va Henry Leh, Jr, Allentown J Drum Lucerne co P M Illaufusa, Trappo Samuel Yeager, Easton BLACK PEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant. R Crosman, Lebanon, N Y II Graham, Cheater co, Pa Si Cornett, Phila T 0 Worthington, kid 0 Armstrong, Ind A Bunting, Del co, Pa D Hartman, Huntingdon co E Prisor, Doylestown, Pa P Beatty, Del co, Pa 8 Vanderslice, Pa Jno Mussey, Milton, Pa Dant D Swift, Fulton Jno W Fulton, Fulton J Prownbeck, Birch Run G 8 Marple, N Y 1) k' Porter, York, Pa Dant Murphy, York, Pa J 8 Ayres, York co, Pa A T Guthrie, Chester co Mr Jackson, Cheater co Jab W Tanner, Chester co Thos Sloan, Chester co STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth, P Q Barnes, N 1 D L Snyder, Lancaster eo 0 Johnson, Pa D E Wilt, Harrisburg 001) Krippner, Landlaburg 0 Jeffries, Clearfield, Pa It Lotter, Bloomfield John B Jones, Uollisdaysb Lewis,o St Hollidaysburg II Shaw, Counellsville W A Spongier, Bloomfield. J E Hostetter & la, Lane 0 S Nisley & la, Lancaster II Qieh & la, Lancaster AO Clark & la, Lancaster Geo H Wilson, Buffalo Oro Johnson, N Y .1 At Callow°, Coon Benjamin Price, N H ChM Eiden, Lancaster Coaltaut /Attila, Laaaaater `AMEDIOAN HOTEL--Cheetnut, below Slath at. D Wootton, Delaware W Wilson, Delaware 8.8 Militants. Maryland Thos 0 Weateott, Tyrone J A Honey, Philadelphia Rey J Armstrong & da, NJ Moses Aloes, Mass Win Harper & Is, PhiCada Wm II Wallets, New York 81' Diger°, Now York Henry L Perdue. Patina John Henry, Phßuda Semi Carpenter & la, It I S Chase & Info. IVarwlek J Henry, phih, 813 Roberts, N Y 0 Chambers. Washington, P L PC C West and lady, N 1 John West, N Y WL D Bell, Augusta Va Geo Poage, Augusta, Va Mr Merchant, N Y E S Silllman, Pottsville 1 L Harvey, Washington J H McKee, Harrlsbu g I Miller, Harrisburg 8 N Callender, Illeadvillo 8 P Rupert, Va 0 Pierson, Newark, N J Ira Dintock, Mansfield, et Mrs Dalauge, Auburn, I's 0 Gordon, Wilmington H Price, Wilmington Hansa Gorsuch, Dalt BLACK DEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Cailowhill. Seiberling, Lynnville J D Walter, Pa 0 J Outninona, AL Belabor°, Bethel Mr Itiendressler, Beading R Yerker, Pa 1 W Whiter, Petition= I W Gearhart, Bucke co J B Vanhart, Pa It Cameron, Byberry S Young, Louisburg It Thomas, Franconia Nathan Landes, District A Clayton, Huntingdon A It Bright, Ben:mill° J Shaffner, Tolpenhockeu Wm Blank, Klinewrille J Erdman Etnawi II Winder, Hatboro' J IC Hill, Latrine H Erdman, Einaua Gee Meikel, Pa Mrs Moikel, Pa Miss I Beat, Lonhertville S Trumbower, Doylestown A Loraah, Zionsville Wm Thompson, Zionsville J Van ArlaJale, Pa J Lougshore. Bucks co U. Clemens, Chester Valley Jacob Kline, Del D Rosenberger, Owyned John Verger, Reading Jacob Miller, Pa Ohaa Ronda, Southampton MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. John II &Moon & wife, N Y Ohas C Orosucup, N J Thou Lockwood, Del Mice Mary Buckinaater, Del Mies Anna Townsend, Del Thu D Sipple, Del /M. 001VID, Pa John fit Vesuy, halt Phillip Knox, Minnesota J K Belcher, Minnesota II Buchanan, N J hire Logan, Ma 13perial Notires Front Auction. JUAT REC6IV6D, A MIT 0' FINE VELVET CARYETINGS, TO DE SOLD AT $1 37) CENTS A YARD DAILY Sc BROTHER, CARPET STORE, No. 920 CHESTNUT Street, above Ninth Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT BT, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. GEC. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, Late of 113 Cheatunt Street, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Dille Lading, Dill Heads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Plinting, at rises to suit the times. oel7-ly 'teatimes Raving Fund —Offleo 103 Walnut street, One door west of eeeond street. !teethes de posits le sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows luterust at the rate of flee per cent. pee annum. Oleo open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. President Franklin Yell; Treavurer, Charles M. Morrie; Secre tary, Jaime S. Pringle. Buffalo Robes.—lOU Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualities, just received from AI innosoto. Also a handsome assortment of Fauoy Robes ut our own manufacture, and for WO wholesale and retail by GEO. Y. WOISHATII, 415 Arch Street. A. T. Char, STOCK, LOAN, AND DILL BROKEN, No. 218 BOLD St , below DOCK. WI, and State Loans, Stocks, &0., bought and cold on commission at the Stock Board daily. Notes, Mils, &c., negotiated as heretofore. oe3o.lwir Sewer's Infant Cord Invaluable Cordial It prepared from, a variety of the molt choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and hi the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children, By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all eases of Cholie, windy pains and spusins. Believes and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tram. quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, do. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, end hits been used In Thousands of cases with the most abundant suceess. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Licsar A. Bowen, At hie Drng and Chemical Rare, N. B. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Drugglete generally. an lily Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na. Cool Salety Trust Company, in WALNUT SPINA, South west corner or THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Assets over Otia MILLION AND A RALI OP Ibmisus, invested ID REAL ESTATE, MOSTOICIES,GEOUND RENTS, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. his institution confines its business entirely to the mat ting of money on deposit. The office le open every day from 0 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock In the eronlng, end on Monday end Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. iilarnance. On toe 31st ult., by Roy. E. B. Bruen, JOIIN DUN CAN to Mies ELIZA CURRY, allot Montgomery county, Pa. On the let lest., at the Parsonage, by Rev. J, It. Rip ley, Mr. JAMBS ALLEN to Mica CATHARINE DUNN, all of this city. ..4".Thurses,,t treaulug t the.ZUltult., by Re s. s, ,s Mr. DANIEL MARANO to Miss LOUISA BUHR, both of this city. T2leatlys On Sunday evening, let Met., Mee NADA' RABBIS, In the 46th year of her ago On the net alt , NORNIAN lIALDWIN. twin eon of Samuel and Oarollne Bartholomew, aged 2 yearn and 4 months. On the Ist lent., MATTHEW EMITII, nged 64 years. On the 24 test , Mn.s ItOSANNA BRADLEY, aged 41 years. On the 21 Inst., Miss SARAH ANNE RAMBO, In the 47th year of her ago. On the 2d feet , Mr. JAMES GLEASON, aged 37 years. On the 2d Inst., Mlss ISABELLA TAYLOR, aged. 21 years. ([?'The Citizens of Seventh Word aro ear nestly requested to meet each other et O'NEILL'S HALL, LOMBARD Street, below Broad, on THURSDAY EVENING, November sth, at 73‘, o'clock, for the pur pose of organizing a WARD RELIEF ASSOCIAT lON John M'Orea, ' I Henry M. Wetherill, Henry McCrea, J. Beckley, Andrew M. Jones, Wm. Parker Politico, William Budd, Richard Norris, Samuel Wetherill, Edward King, James R. Ludlow, John Samuel, II P Montgomery, Henry M. Hildeburn John Scraveudyko, CJ. Loria. no,t- ' 2.t 1.17 - A. At Adjourned leettnit of the Chi/I'llllot the FOURTEENTH WARD will be held on THURS DAY EVENING, the lith instant, at the nail, THIR TEENTH and SPRING GARDEN Ste., to consider the beat way of affording relief to those out of employment. no4-ilt* LIJ Notice.—Union Benevolent Associntion.— Having been informed that a Society, called the UNION BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, has collectors calling upon Minnie for subscriptions, this is to inform the public that said Society has no connection with the UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, N. W. corner SEV ENTH and SANSO3I streets. - . . Tho Collectors for the latter MO SAMUEL C COOP ER, for the section of the city south of CHESTNUT atm! aud W. J. SIMON, for tho section north of that line. The above Collectors will immediately commence their work, and the urgency of the ease of the poor ut this time is deemed sufficient reason for their early application. They will he provided with bouke certi fied by the President and Secretary, and uo etsoll is authorised to receive subscriptions without this certifi cate, except the officers of tho Association. CIIAS. S. {WILTS, President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Secretary. 0c2.1-enl2w Union Benevolent Assoc. intlon.—At the annual meeting of tho UNION BEN EVOLEN T ASSO CIATION, held at their Hall on Tneaday Evening, Oct. 20, 1857, tho following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year, viz : President—CHAßLES S. WURTS. Vice Presidents--CHABLES BVANS, 31. D., RICH ARD D. WOOD. Treasurer—EDMUND WILCOX. Corresponding Secretary—J FISHER LEAMINU. Recording Secretary—JOHN 11. ATWOOD. MANAUORS. Benj. Coates, Benjamin Orne, Matthew W. Baldwin, John W. Claghern, John Parnurn, Thomas IVattson, S. Austin Allibono, John D. Taylor, William id. Collins, P. Ratchford Starr, Thomas Latimer, S. Morris Wale, John Bohlen, Zebulon Locke, William Penes, Joseph 11. Dulles, L. Montgomery Bond, William Bucknell, Arthur G. Collin, John 31. Harper. 00244042 w Q3' Marc nuts 1 e Beneficial Association off PIULADELPHIA —The annual meeting of the Assad alloa will be held on TUESDAY, November 10th, at 4 o'clock P.M., at their room, N. IV, corner of SEVEN TII and SANSOM Streets, at which time the Annual Report will be submitted, and an election held for Managers for the ensuing year. In consequence of the great financial distress which has fallen upon our city, and the apprehension that the domande upon the funds of the Association may be greatly 'uremiad over preview, yearn, the hoard o Managers have decided that it bo inexpedient to Incur the expense of holding a Yenta ANNIVERSARY at thin time. WM. 0 LUDWIII, President, Phnr.delphift, Nov. 2, 1857. no 3 rD'' Linton Canal llonds..•Holder• of Mort gage Bonds of the Untontlanal Company, not Interested in the common or preferred stock of said Company, era requested to meet at the ROM, on Nill- DAY EYBNINti, Nov eth, at 8 o'clock. no3-4t MANY BONDHOLDERS, ID - Office of the Receiver of Totten ? S. E. cor• ner of Sixth end Chestnut ntreet.t. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2, 1857. Tho Tax Payers of the City of Philadelphia aro here by notified to pay their City and State taxes before the FIRST DAY of JANUARY, 1858, for the present year. In accordance with the provisions of the act of Assem bly, there w ill be chargtil upon all taxes unpsid after that date thirty-seven cents. and each delinquent will be advertised; and, after the 15th of January, there wilt be an additional charge of Ave par cent. upon all sums unpaid, together with Intereet thereon. PETER ARMBRUSTER, Receiver of Taxes. rii ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. von DETIII,IIIIEI4I, EASTON, ALLENTOWN MA U 0 II 011UNK, WILKESOARRE, DOYLESTOWN, Ac. On and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1857, the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun days excepted) as follows: For Dethlehent, Easton, Allentown Mauch Chunk, and Wilkesbarre (EXpress) at 9 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Ku. pres,) In connection with L. V. R. R. and Easton, by stage, from Iron Hill Station, at 2 15 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 4.80 P. 51. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A. Di On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will run through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return at 136 P. M. TRAM FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bathelam (Papreas,) at 9 A.M., and 2.25'P.M, Leave Doylestown, (Accommoilitiond at 0 35 A. M. LIMO Gwynedd, do. at 220 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. For From Gwynedd 916 A, M. 1 Gwynedd 220 P.M Doylestown 430 P. M. Doylestown ..... . 0.35 .6.35 A. DI Inn to Bethlehem n 50 ~ Mauch Chunk 2CO ~ Wilkesbarre . 4 50 PASSENGER DEPOT FRONT and WILLOW Ste., Phila. RUGS WARE, Agent. O • . PPIOE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILA mum's Novem Stl 1857. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held ber t , his day, the Collor, lug t esolution Wee adopted ReAdt,d. That it is not wlylaable to declare a divi dend upon the stock of this company at this time In coming to the conclusion stated In the above resit lotion, the Board td 'Medals demn it proper to submit to the stockholders the reasons that have led them to adopt this con t se—notwi thatand jog the net earnings of the Company for the last mix menthe show no diminu tion front those of a similar period taut year. The Board admits that the receipts of the road have been equal to their expectations, but it is also Uwe that those receipts have been earned at extremely low rates— the result of unwise competition between the several railroads limiting from the East to the West This competition, which the Pennsylvania 'Railroad Company could not control or ignore without serious I Rimy to tiro trade of the city and State, hat not only led to the adoption of uuremunsrative tariffs but has entailed upon each line the heavy cost of maintaining high speeds and the employment of numerous agents and drummers for the soliciting of freight and travel, thus miterially enhancing the expense of operating each road, while the rates of transportation have been reduced below public requirements. In addition to the injurious influences which have affected, to en equal extent, the income of its rivals, the revenues of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have been subject to a still further reduction by the imposition of a fixed State "duty upon tonnage," which must be paid whether or not the freight charge yields a net prat to the Company, or the business must be rejected. The conaequene,es that have resulted from tble com petition, if unregulated, were foreseen at an early date, and an attempt made to arrest its evil effects, but the movement woe not sustained, • • The present crisis, however, by putting a stop to an undue extension tel railroad credits, has brought all companies to a position where the interests of the stockholders must be considered in the contest for the carrying trade between the En o t and the West, and each line be permitted to secure that business which naturally belongs to ,lt. With this view, an arrange. moot founded upon just and equitable principles, has b.en entered Into between the New York Central, the Now York sod Erie, the Baltimore and Ohio, and. the Penesylvania Railroad Companies, which, it Is believed, will secure better prices, and a large reduction in the expenses of working the respective roods, while the public aro protected from unreasonable charge.. Notwithstandiug the difficulties enumerated, the ac counts of the company show that a dividend of fully throe per cent, could be safely made from the profits of tho last nix months (a period of the year during which the business of the road Is comparatively light), did not the necessities of the company, under the existing Ihmuclal panic, imperatively require that the whole of its net revenue should be de; fated to the extinguish ment of its unfunded liabilities—lncurred in the con struction of the second track, the Improvement of the narks purchased from the State, and the equipment of the road. With a view to lessen these expenditures, the Board has directed that all outlays upon the second track shall be discontinued, and has materially reduced the pay or all officers and employees. To prevent a diversion of the net receipts of the com pany iron, the dividend account,arrangements were made May last to dispose of second mortgage bonds in England, which would have proved entirely successful, but for the interruption to the sale of railway securi ties by the unlooked-for Insurrection In India. }trey'. ous to that date the money markets of Europe had not 1 sees ered from the heavy expenditures caused by the war between the allies and Russia, Our own market, under the prevailing rage for cheap securities, has been eruwited with these of a less SulAtiatial character, pram...leg larger returns to the purchaser, and, In con sequence, it has not been prepared, except to a limited extent, to absorb our bonds at rates current elsewhere. The unfunded or floating debt of the company on the 3lat of October last, one 51,104,281 88 As no offset against which, the comptity have cash in batik and bills receivable, for the transportation of coal, kc 403,224 07 Leaving the actual floating debt $791,037 19 To meet this, and continue the work on the second truck, the company has $2,737,000 of second mortgage bends unsold. If these can be disposed of at reason. able rates, the debt con be rapidly cancelled, and the whole net revenues of the Comptuy, whatever they way be, divided among its stockholders. Should the money market continuo Inn state to reject all railroad securi ties ivithout regard to their character, the net receipts of the road Mr the next six months will, we think, suf fice to a lee out the whole unfunded debt of the company. The funded debt of the company consists of bonds, se cured by two mortgages upon the road, between Harris burg and Pittsburgh, of $5,000,900 each. Of theae bonds, there is outstanding of the let mortgage $4,005,000 And of the 2ii mortgage, there has been sold. 2,203,000 Making the total funded debt.... $7,1113,000 We have not thought it necessary to confuse this statement by including in It the funded debt Incurred fur the purchase of the Main Line of the Public Works, amounting to $7,500,000, bearing five per cent interest, as that Is secured by a lien upon the works parcLased, and ran readily Lo provided for as It falls due. Tho stockholders will perceive from this statement of the indebtedness of the Company, that they possess a valuable property, free from any financial difficulties that cannot be met by the suspension of the present, or at most an additional semi-annual dividend, if a satis factory sale cannot be made of our securities. It will bo borne in mind that this Company has paid MI per cent upon its capital knelt annually, from the commencement of the construction of the road until the paled when dividends were declared, sod bilICB that tone a surplus ever six par cent has been paid to the stockholders, equivalent to a three per cent. dividend for the past six menthe By order of the Board, J. EDUAIL THOMSON, President. BANE.' OF COMMERCE, PUILIDULPIII.I, November 8, 1857. The Board of Directors have thin day declared o divi dend of TIME Pan CENT., clear of State tax, payable in accordance with tho charter, after the 13th inst. uol 3taw2w J. C. DONI , ZELL, Casbier. SOUTHWARK BANK, DuLADELPIttI, November NU. The Poard of Directors of this Dank have declared a dividend of Tito PER CENT., payable on and after k'RIDAY, the oth instant. not-lw P P. STEEL, Canhier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PLIILADIMPIIIA, November 3 1857. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of TMIXS Pell CENT , payable on demand. no4-6t E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. %itinstmento "VILLE. ERMINIE FREZZOLINI'S First appearance in Philadelphia. M. PT RAKOBOII him the honor to announce that MLLE. ERMINIE FREZZOLINI Will give in thin city her FIRST GRAND CONCERT, ON MONDAY EVENING, November 9th, At the MUSICAL FUND lIALL. [nova-6t A AFRICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- .rw. L'. A. MARSHALL 'tole Lessee. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Nov. 4th, ISAT, Wilt be presented, the Polite Comedy, in Two Acta, en. titled MEM - - . Sir Charles Coldstream, Bart, Mr. C. Mathews; Sir Adonis Leech, Mr. Riehlings ; Hon. Tom Saville, Mr. nowland ; Lady Clutterbnek, Mrs Heft., To be billowed by the Farce, entitled TRYING IT ON. - . Mr. Wal - gingham Potts ' Mr. Charles Mathews; Mr Johitock M. A'llecket ; Mrs. Jobstock, Mrs. Silsbee, Fanny, Mrs. Proctor, Cellefoiling with the Farce of tho DOUGH DIAMOND. Lord Plato, Mr. Worrell ; Strlhaat Evergreen, Mr Shewell ; Margery, Mrs. John Sefton. PRICES ON AD3IISSION: Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 50 cents Family Circle and Amphitheatre 2 w Private Boxes 50 Seate secured without extra charge. TllO3 51 KEON Tremuror. Doors open A: before 7 o'clock ; performance will com memo at 7y(. IVHEATLEI" B ARCH ST. THEATRE V. Y --SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY Scalp or Patosa —Orcheatra Stalls, 50 cents; Dreu Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Scats in Private Loxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, t 3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents, Box (Slice open from 10 A M. until 3P. kI. Door, will open at Oh o'clock, performance to commence at 7, precisely. J M. L. WHITTON Treasurer THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 4th, 1857, Will be presented, a New Play, eith entirely new scenery, dresses, A. c , entitled the QUEEN OF SPADES. Katiuka Neliderf, Sire. E L Davenport; Olga, Miss Anna Cruise ; Princess Beresina, Mrs. Tannehill ; Ivan, Mr. Dolman; Prince Moskau ' Mr. Wallis. To conclude with the Nautical Drama, entitled BLACK-EYED SUSAN. William, Sir E. L Davenport; Capt. Croadrao, Mr, Tannehill; Susan, Sire. E. L. Davenport. _ _ TT see, N lit U r T N SAT! in .T .Stago 9 Manager —Les ,itr. John Sefton. Priees.—Dress Circle and !lorgnette, cents; Upper Circlo, GO cents ; Secured Beats, 31X cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, GO cents. Box Office open from 0 o'clock A. M. to 3P. M. Doors open nt OX o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 4th, 18.57, Will be presented the highly successful play of LINDA, TITS CIGAR GIRL; Or, Moos Among the Conspirators. Mose Morrison, Mr. Chanfrau; Edward Bradley, Mr. Iti Ink; Harry Russell, Mr Beach; Linda, Mrs. John Sloan ; Biddy Scanlan, Mr. John Sloan Previous to v. Lich, the great Dramatic Personation It elude of the STAGE-STRUCK DABBER Jeremiah Clip. Mr Cheat.; Poege, Mr. Ilemple; !tire ltattleturi, Mrs Hickey. Coucludlug with the Laughable Farce of the OMNII3UB. - - Paddy Rooney, Mr. John Sloan Old Dobbs, Mr Ehorlo ; Mrs. Dobbs. Mrs. Lebrun. T HOMEIIF's VARIETIES FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street!' NOTICE —SAM ASNIVOIRTIVS ISEN.EiIi will take pl.tce Ca THIJII.3DAY, November sth. The Programme on this occasion will compriso Vocal and Inetrumental Concert by tho Excelsior Regular Company. GYMNASTIC FEATS By Messrs. Magiltom Dunbar, Donaldson, and Crosby. PRODIDIOUS GEMS OP ETHIOPIAN ART By Mums. Crosby, Dilly Thomas, 'Enoch, and Jim Sanford. SINGLE AND DOUBLE DANCES by ➢t'LLE. LE FOLLE and 31133 FANNY COLE. To conclude lalththe Ainuoing Altarpiece of MIMS Characters by Fanny Coitl,ly Thomas, and Jim Commencing at half-past 7. Admission remains at 10 cents nova-2t* OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 25 manta. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stara—Ness blouses by the Sanford. Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE A BRAM SLACK-ENGRAVING, DIE Si- Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Press Manufactory, 37 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Ohoetnut Street, Phi ladolnb sa, Pa aul2-17 WELCOME RANGE.—Sot•u DY CHAD If • wiog k nno. mm N EINOONTI At •nlB.Bm MUSS -17 bales Carolina bloaa, tor mato by ALARM ec DIAOALISTER, smil 11911nrth VilaAr 80Ant COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, in score and for sale by MARTIN & MACIALISTER, ant 110 Pi nvtlt %Valor fttrwat VVELUUIat RANGE.—SOLDB Y ILMAD • • wyng &WO, 202 N PINION!' Pt enlP-8s" FLOORING BOARDS-23,540 feet Caro lirts flooring boards, afloat, for rate by bt&ILTIN & mACIALISTIR li===dl frfELAND SUMMER RANGES Sold by ounnwrom k URO., 202 N. SROOND auiag-Bmo. 1111ANILLA ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA /11 NILLA ROPE, and for nate by WEAVER, PITLER A 00., a .p.4/ Nn 2 7 N wain,. at , *TA 7J N Whams USSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED /AL OONDAGS.—.4I superior article, ta.ufacturs and for male by ISTAVBR, & . 18.11 Na. 73 N. Water et., & 22 N Vat CONGIMS - RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD. vac K & BRO., N 0.4112 N. SEGOND Street. OSIN.--45U0 ; AR HELS SOAPMAKERS' XL ROSIN, to orlvo pt , r seltoo_nor .11. Planner. For sale by MARTIN & MAOALISTER, au* 119 Nut& Walitt ett999. Oates bp 7ltation MTHOMAS & SONS, . Not 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (V ormorly Nos. BT and 69 ) HEAL ESTATE. STOOEI3, /re. Publto Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange *very Tuesday Evening. !17 flandbille of each property leaned separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. LET WllitHlTUltil SALES AT TILE At:ANION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Up' We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale. including every description of City and country property, Printed Lists may be had et the auction %tura PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. [1:7" l ad ver Estate entered or, our Private Balo Re glister, eretised oceasioually to our Plabllo Abstniets, (of which 1,000 copies era printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS AND LOANS. On Tuesday Evening, NoveMbar lUth, at the Philadelphia Exchange ; at 7 o'clock, will be sold, for account of whom it may con- Cern— s2,ooo six per cent. Coupon Bonds of the Wyrindott Coal Company, payable January Ist, 1872, with interest payable half yearly. $16,000 01110 AND PENNA. RAILROAD CO. Also, without reserve, for account of whom it may concern, 16 Coupon Bonds, $l,OOO each, Ohm and Penn sylvania Railroad Bonds, due In 1070 , interest 7 per cent., payable Msy and November. Known as the Alle gheny Bridge Loan. FOURTEENTH FALL SALE-10TH NOVEMBER This sale will Include among other property, the fol. lowing— TWO VALUABLE LOTS, TWENTIETH STREET, SPRING OAIiDEN STREET, NINETEENTH ST, AND MONTERY SFREET.—A valuable lot, N. E. cor ner of Twentieth and Montory streets • Valuable lot N. W. corner Nineteenth and Spring Garden streets. TAVERN AND DWELLING.—Three-shiry brick tavern and dwelling, north aide of Hamilton street, east of Seventeenth street. SILL THREE-STORYYsanurroar BRICK LAUER BEER 9 ALOON— Three-story brick Leger Leer Saloon and Dwelling, xo. 878 Apple street, between Fourth end York nYOuss and Brown and Poplar streets THREE•STURY BRICK GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING—Three-story brick Grocery Store and Dwelling, No. 870 Apple street Sale absolute. THREE-STORY DRIOR DWELLING, OGDEN ST. Three-story brick dwelling, No Iguts Ogden street, (north side) between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets DWELLINGS, AMEL,t STREET. 2 three-story brick dwellings, Amber nicest, south of Dauphin street, (late Northern Liberties.) A yearly ground rent of $2O, secured by a lot of ground, North Second street, between Montgomery end Elm streets FIFTEENTH PALL SALE-17TH NOVEHEER Orphans' Court Sala—Estate of Samual B. Auhmead, NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH STREDT.—The neat modern residence, with back buildings, No. 412 South Eleventh street, below Pine street. SALE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE, PIAt3O-FORTES, FINE CARPETS, LARGE MIRRORS, &c. CAR) —The attention of ladies, and others desirous of purchasing, is requested to our sale at the Auction Storo. tomorrow morning, comprising, besides SCe) lots of excellent household furniture ' elegant rosewood piano-fortes, toe large French plate mantel mirrors, superior velvet tapestry and Brussels carpets, ingrain and Venitian carpets, beds and bedding, china end glass ware, large bagatelle board, superior Mane desks and tables, double barrelled guns, gull chains, stoves, Ac., forming a very attractive assortment. Catalogues now ready and the articles arranged for exariduation. Sate Noe 139 and 111 South Fourth Street . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRAORS, ROSE. WOOD PIANO - YORTE,ti_EIXET OAMPETS, tcc. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, a ,roe and lupe. riot assortment of second-hand furniture, mirrors, car pets. piano-forts, Ac., front families de :lining house keeping. SUPERIOR BAGATELLE TAIGA'. &c. Also. a superior walnut bagatelle table, with balls and cues complete. Also, several oak and walnut (Alice des,ka and tables. Sale No. 1224 Spruce atr.set, SUPERIOR WURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, PIANO-PORTE, MIRRORS, PINE ENGLISH OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, CURTAINS, HANDSOME GAS CHANDELIERS, &a., &c. On Priday Morning, 13th feet., at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1724 Spruce street, below Thirteenth, the entire household furniture, Am, of a gentleman declining housekeeping. May be examined at S o'clock on the morniag of sale. Sale No. 1017 Walnut street. STOCK OW SUPERIOR FURNITURE. On Monday morning, Nov. 16th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1017 Walnut street, without reserve, the °nth.a stock of John Duress, de clining business on account of ill health, comprising a general assortment of drawing-roma furniture. vari ous styles and coverings, superior chamber and dining room furniture, superior nook-cases, &0., all manu factured in the best manner, expressly for private sales, and warranted. 117 - Catalogues three days previous to sale. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Canton House, between Fourth and Fdth Streets. CARD.—We Invite the early and particular attention of purchasers to the large and elegant assortments of fashionable furs, singly and in sets, French ant Scotch embroideries, bonnet and trimming ribbons, mons' rub ber coats, ladies' talmas, cloaks and dusters Also, a lice of superior English and Germantown knit woollen goods, such as hosiery, shirts and drawers, shawls, cravats, &c. Also, 200 dozen linen cambric hsndkerchlefs. Also, ladies' en and satin bonnets, French artitlcials, &e., now arranged for examination with catalogues, to be soli thin (Wednesday) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. PESEIIPTORY SALE Or AN ELEOLNT LSSOET . . . • MENT OP FURS, tec. This Morning, Commencing at /0 o'clock precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, for cash, an elogant assortment of choice and desirable furs for ladles', gent's and misses' wear, comprising muffs, polerines , victodnes, apes, gaunt let", Stores, caps, fro , made In the best manner, of er mine, stone martin, ltobenalan filch, chinchilll, aquir. rel, cop= sable, &c &a. VULCANIZED RUBBER COATS Also, 150 bentuality vulcanized rubber mate. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS Also, a general assortment of choice embroideries, linen handkerchiefs, bonnet and trimming ribbons, ailk fringes, gimps, laces, &c. Also, French artiiimals, ostrich tips, &c. Aloe, ladies silt and satin bonnets t richly trimmed. "'""' Also, an assortment of superior Germantown knit goods, such as men's and women's hosiery, lamb's wool and merino shirts and drawers, boys and children hose, wool mitts and gloves, scarfs, crarata, hoods, wool shawls pelerines LADIES' 'CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, DUSTEItS, &e. Also, a line of ladies' cloth cloak, mantillas, talmaa, dusters, &c., made In tho most fashionsbla style, richly silk lined, quilted and trimmed. N ()TlM—The whole embracing a choice assortment of staple and fancy goods, will be arranged for examina tion, with catalogue, early on the morning of sale, whets purchasers will and it to theSr interest to attend. SPECIAL SALE OF A LARGE AND VALLTABLE CONSIGNMENT OP SPLENDID AND FASHIONA BLE FURS FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' WEAR, SLEIGH AND CARRIAGE ROUES, ie To-morrow(Thanday) Morning. Commencing atil o'clock, precisely, we will sell with out reserve, the most elegant assortment of furs fur ladies' and gents' wear, °tiered at auction this season. Included will be found. Hudson Bay Company's iLable carriage capes, muffs, pelel Ines. victorines, half-capes, ladies' and gents' gauntlets, gents' caps, gents' collate, cuffs, ikc., made is the latest style of beaver, Russian filch, Siberian squirrel, Bohemian fitch, swans. Mien, ermine, stone martin, ehiochilli, myriz sable, silver martin, American Mob, French sable. brown myna, /cc BLEW!' AND CARRIAGE ROBES Also, large-eise sleigh and carriage robes, made of wolf, (ox, buffalo, tips, genet, bear, and seal skins. The whole will be arranged for examination with cata logues, early on morning of sale. when the ladies and gentlemen of this city and vicinity are respectfully lo •ited to attend. Drn eiooba HEAVY BROWN COTTONS _____ One Thousand Oates SIIEETINtIS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, PROM VIE LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COUPANY, (INDIAN DEAD,) NASHUA MANUFACTURINO COMPANY, Of their carious widths and e.tyloa, which are offered fo• sale for llrst•class papar,on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of tho Coropeolei, ALFRED SLADE & CO., no!-Im 39 LETITIA STREET pARIS EMBROIDERIES. L. J. LEVY & CO ., ANN NOW 01 , 11tRIN0 TONIR EXTIRS IMPORTATION OF ELEGANT PARIS EMBROIDERIES AT AND UNDER COST. not 1w 420 CHESTNUT STREET L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four duore below Eleventh And 31t3 B. SECOND St below Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos. 93 and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours' notice. 'WS Catf JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 DANE Street, Philadelphia. oetl-2m illonep AMERICAN GOLD -LT D NEW YORK FUNDS AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORE FUNDS, SOUGHT AT !HS DSOS'S!!! sitEstiult ET NEW YORK Exchange s 4,!‘ prem. BOSTON Exchange 93; a 4 preen BALTIMORE Exchange 3 a 83 duct. AMERICAN COLD 4aßprem. oc7-3na DREXEL & CO Itlillinern (Soobs TUTS. A. LEHR WILL OPEN ON _LTA. THURSDAY, Nov. sth, at her rooms, Nos 720 and 722 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Masonic Tem ple, Paris Sall and Winter MILLINERY. nog-3t CLOVER SEED.-NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND lITOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Clover Seed of the now crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our address, can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing wimples, by Which to be governed as to quality, can have them cent by mail , by addressing us. J. II CHASE & CO, septp•tf 43 North Pont,r and 44 Water +Ueda MAR CUS BAST, - No 204 NORTH THIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Las for sale THE AMERICAN READER—a new book, designed by its author, KALB TARP., for the nee of the higher claimer In VW Academies and Schools of America—by the dozen ntigilahr copy. no2-3m nIADIONDS, RUBIES, EMERALDS SAPPHIRES and PEARLS bought for cash— highest prices given—by Mr. UNGER, (lately antred from Europe,) at the Ashland House, ARCH Street Room No, 95. Hours from 10 to 4. oc3l-1w• SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits Tsrpastiss, to arrive, for sale by igil/Ne r t MAOALISTER, / / orth Water strest, Oaks -b2 'Auttitm. TAMES A. FREEMAN", AIIC ItrITEER; NO 422 WALNUT STREET, Rbove NOURTIL OARD—SALE OP HOUSEHOLD FIIILNITHEE--TETISA. We beg leave to inform the publie that Ire hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at oar SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. lOd WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest priors for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments- Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not Wishing Liles at their own direilings. can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED 20 OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAR OBTAIN YROM ANY OF THY FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AL'OTION STORE IN THE CITY. la" Perlons favoring us with consignments eau reit .ured that their property will not be sacrificed. jJ Commissions more moderate than those thargid any other Auction noose in the city. V' Consignments respectfully solicited. Lu." Bales paid tunneoLlely sitar the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE, NOVEMBER 11th. This sale will include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of W. A.B. Jones, Tise`a. TWO.STORY BRICE lIOUSR_AND LOT, TWELPT EL A two-story brick bongo and lot cf mond, west •no of Twelfth street, 224 feet abLee Colurntax arenne,lB beet front, 50.1112 fact deep, to s M.' feet street, ground rent orphans , Court Salo—Estate of Chu. Browneon. Deed. THREE HOUSES AND LOP Of GROUND, BREAD STREET AND FETTER LANE. . . . A lot of ground with the three houses thereon erected, S. W. corner of Breed street and Fetter Lane, 40 feet by 43 feet SI&S ground rent. ID' $.50 to be paid on each of the above when the was 12 struck ott REAL ESTAIR SALE—NOYE3II3EB This sale will include Orphans' Court Sale—Eatate of Patrick Boalth, Deed. THREE ROUSRa AND LOT OP OBOUND, FORTE EIIiCOND STREET. Three three-story trick homes and lot of venni. eastside of Second street, ITS feet north from Master street, Z) feet frost and IN feet deep. $9O ground tent. Orpkans , Court gals--gar's Estate. SIVE HOtioES AND LDE,yi AS ttINDEON STaEET, KENsitiorw: A lot of ground with four three-story brick, and one frame house thereon, east aide of NV ashington street, 80 feet above Master, 20 feet front and 121 feet deep, to Phillip street. $5O ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale--Estate of Andrew Lindsay, Doc'd. TAVERN STAND, NORTH SECOND, ABOVE RACE. A three-story brick tavern stand and dwelling, two- story briot bock building and lot of grocind, on tile wan side of Socotra atreet, between Bane and Vine streeta,lT feet front, and extending in depth SO feet d 3 inches, then narrowing to 145 feet, and extending the further depth of 19 teat 7 inches, making in ail COfeet clear of all ineambrances. sso to be paid on cacti of the sboTo when the saws io struck oa. TO BENT lET A three-story Brkk Da;elling, arith two-eta* buck back budding. 185 North Ninth easel, atarre Wood street. Rent POO per annum. Apply al the Ana lion Store. AT PRIVATE. BALE. A first-class Printing Office, with a good run of bud- UM, four printing pres4en, two Ruggles and one Adams Type and every - U:3.oz nocirrsory for Thobesirtrim. Apply at the Auction Store. 1110 SES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER /Ix AND COMMISSION MMICELANT, D. B. earner SIXTH gad RACE &mete. AT PRIVATE SALE--Gold and silver patent lever, Leptne, English, Swim, and French watches, Jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, &0., &o. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second Door s household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fanny articles, &0., &c., &c. Out-door aides attended to personally by the AnalSae ear. Charges very low. Consignments of furoltnre clothing, Jewelry, &o. &e., solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFIO.II, S. E. Corner of Eurth and Bace Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segue, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stake, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, immoral satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other 'stab lielonent. • IL NATHANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Glll3ll, Pistols, Musical Inatmments, &e., will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Beddirtg, &e., being forfeited collaterals, will take place ebottly Dne notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HAL! THE rszA_r, SELLING rRIOES —Double-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap. proved makes; hunting cue and open face gold escape. went lever and lepine watches. Cull jeweled ; One gold enameled layer and lepine watches for ladies'i gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and Opine watches, in hunting cases and open face; silver Engilah, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of bar niture, beds, mattreeuses, mirrors. den. OCT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, andohorges to suit the times, Consignments or every description of goods solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. QA3I.IIEL NATHA.NS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOA' OPPICS, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear rt., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. N, until 10 o'clock in the evening. °atmicor sales, and luau at the Audi,* Hasse, at• tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL MAO. Established for the laJt Thirty Years. Advances made from DUO dollar to thousands on Dlll moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, MOT chandire, Clothing, Parniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Gans, Harm, Carriages, and Goods or every description. egasomas;ml= All s/ty sztees from one hundred dollars sad upwards will be tbArged 1 per tent. per month; WOO sad over, the lowest mutat rate. This Store Mote hocbus s depth of IZI feet, has lame ffre and thief-proof vsulta to store all raloables, sad pn vote watchman for the premlue • oho, a heavy Lunt ranee effected fer the benefit of &dream:obeying good' advanced upon N. B.—Orr account of having ao rogimitel capital, thin once is prepared to make &harmer no more mile factory and accommodating terms than my other to this city. Money advanced to the poor, in emaU azooante, ptty Out any charge. . . AT PRIVATE PALS. Gold Patent Lam and other Watches, Jetretry, and Clothing will be .1d at reduced prices. aal JOIIN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 825 ARCH Street, between Third end Fourth Streets. SALM &VETS EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Hotfoot. N. B —Out-door ales attended to All goods sold at the Auction House packed. act.l GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. I. corner of BARRON and BOUTR Btreet4 above Beard. EVENING BALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At T o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Ilariterste, Cat lery, housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watch..., level ry, Panty krtictes, &a. last; anb Q.Tliitta tUarc N ETV STORE. NEW GOODS ItX3EN do WITTE, MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT ST., HITS :•OW ON UANO • Complete and epleudid assortment of WHITE, GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA ; RORIE MEAN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED GLAi4WARE; RISC, PARIAN, LAVA, and TERRA COSTA WADES, boobies the greatest variety or FANCY ARTICLES, which will b sold at loner prices than at any similar atom in the Unitod States. B.—dada loaner to Parties on reasonable terms. oc 214. r .1 1 .nsurante Companies COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TILE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA—OtEee, N. W. Corner FOURYII and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Subeeribed Capital, thoosoo. Paid-up Oapitsl.lWOECO. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Presidaut. THOMAS S. STEWART, nod Track. Balsam. 5 ?loco, Secretary'. anlely fIIRARD FIRE AN. ANCE COMPANY, PHI 802 WALNUT scree., west of " PIHE lUbllB 0 D 11.30! _ . MARINE INSUR ILLADELPHIA-0111ce, N. f THIRD. WILY TAE AN ." Wm. M. Swain, Jop_ Anspach, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F.D. Sherman, Wm. P. Flanker, J. P. Steiner. R. A. Shackelford, Hon. J9EY., JONES, President. Hon. 0. W. WOODIVARD, Vine President. Jiro S licßcu.is, Secretary. 7,lxxs B. AL TOAD, Ansietua Secretary no2-881-if Jer. Walker, Ino. McClure, Tho. Crayon, A. S. Gillett, Furman Sherpard, Sand. Jones, IL D. Joseph Klapp, M. D political FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD ISTEINCT TO DXMOORATIO HMIS. ciels=hrs* /11HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY 1 entered. into a Coparteership. under the name of ilot,si & CO., for the mionfeeturing of all 1-.1131s of futcy and common Soaps, at No. 2S north WATER St. d. F. HOLMES, C. 1. FILLSUJI. Oct .Wth,l - 47. oc2l-2w OCEAN SOAP MANUFACTORY HOLMES A: CO , having portliest,' the above works from Lebrecht Franks, are prepared to resolve orders for all kinds of (envy and common Soaps All orders executel with punctuality and despatch, sit the very lovreet prices, fer real, ova_ w* QAVING FUND.-lINITED STATES TRUO r COMPANY, corner or TIJIIID and MOT NUT Streets. Large slid small sums received, end paid Nick on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the dsy of deposit to the day of withdrawal Office hours. from 9 mail 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVEN INDS from T until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS fur sale on England, Ireland, and Seatland, rum XI upwards President—STl:PELEN R. CRAWFORD Treasurer—PLlNT FISK. Teller—JAlES R HUNTER pAKE NOTICE. JL Housekeepers and heads of faanlieswantint YLAVOHINO ESSENCES, SPICES, of any sort, CONCENTRATED LEY, BURNING FLUID. CREAM OF TARTAR, BARING SODA, WASH LEATHER, OLIVE OIL, INDIGO sal SAGO, with any other goods in that line, may procure them in any quantity desired, at less thsn parksge prtees, at the Wholesale Drug House, No. 154 N. 111110 Street, above Arch. Sign of the ()OLDEN NA L E AND MORTAR. oc2ll-1. 1.1 W. TINGLEY & GO., BANKERS .1-•• No. 97 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all ancessuble points lu the Dulled States and Camels. Stocks, Bonds, ,te , Bought and Sold on Columbaton. Uncurreut Bank Notes, Cheeks, tte., bought at the lowest rates. Depoeits reoelesall aad Intend allowed, sa per agree ment nor 2.. am I m NgIi .s E F S u T it, E , LSc iNG SOT, YVE and PdTSN! SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUPACiORT, No. Vtd OLIESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philancirla. Th"t,,,,,i ;on of Southern and Western lilereksets Stranger*, is particularly Invited to this improved rut OT Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made Atahnle sale and retail, and made to ardor suAllylf PAPER.- - WAIL PAPER.— LARGE STOCK CEEIP. PRICES TO SUIT TU TIKES. Now is roar chance Sara 2S percent. Work dons at the lowest rates. 2.1. corner of SaT/I it ARCH “3/./Ww J. 8, TAMIKESA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers