The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 04, 1857, Image 2

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WEDNESDAi, litAthil)Ell-4,1857.
014 , 10E , 0E,T;11E PUSS ,.
:14 , '.I.I9.'4I7.43HESTS I IT,STRNAT,
At .1.2 o'clock to-day.
Thittraparls publithed expressly for
And cpatains a eamplete,aufamary of what has trans.
irked la our City, State, sad the Atlantla States, since
the dot - tartan, of the last stanzaic for,Cailfoc. , ..
All advertisements intended for the
' '
Mw3t be handed'in tSifore 10 o'clock' THIS MORNING,
Prise FUN CIiNTS per Copy, in strong wrappers, and
stamped, ready for wafting. • .
ON THE FIRST EtaE.—Editorial, The An•ony
moue in Periodicals; Correspondence, An Ap
peal, for a Protective Tariff, Dr. GUILLOTIN,
California News; General News.
UN ma FoVBTH P.aoa.--Poetry, The death
of Mary;. TheS ix Grey•rovdere continued.
Until &late period no moneyed institution
within: the bcirderi' of our Commonwealth
more, fully possessed the confidenCe of our
citizens than the Bank of Pennsylvania. It
was in Old eatablished and a favorite bank. It
maintained a high reputation for a long
itries'of years, and 'had passed, successfully
and triumphantly, through all the great
coati:Mons of the last half century. It
had been the financial agent of the Common
wealth in many of its moneyed' transactions,
It' had at one period branches established in a
number of the towns of the State. Its capi
stock ; ($1,876,000) was, until recently,
greater than that of any other bank in Penn
viva*, 'find but one bank now . (the Farmers
and Mechanics' of Philadelphia) has a greater
capital. These circumstances, and its popular
namo,"had given it such a prestige, that gene
ration after generation had grown up in the
belief that it was one of the safest and best
bankain the Union. Men distinguished for their
sagacity considered its stock the most reliable
investment they could make, and we hear
etreey - day; of People' of the most prudent and
cautious character who had 'a large proportion
of theietneans in it, and who will lose nearly
their tby its failure. Until within the last
few years it always had the reputation, and, no
doubt, deserved' it, of being honestly and pro
dently managed, and its stock,readily sold at a
high protium. Within the last month, however,
its notes bait) beenat a disCoan'S of fro'm ten to'
forty per cent. Its• depositors have been un
easY' altut the safety of their deposits, and
its 'tock_ has been sellitig lately at $lO per
share. ThoSIS who have been industriously
imtetigating' its affairs find its conditimf in-'
deed deplorable. .There seems no reason to
doubt, howeVer, that its circulation will all be
fully.redeemed, that its dopoeitois may receive
the amounts due them, but whether the stock
holders' will receile aeything, or if they do,
how much, tre matters . of conecture. It
seems certain that' nearly the entire capital
stock has bfen lOst. ‘Wluiteitritay_be saved
from the wreck will be only a small portion of
the :whole ,
' The censure of the public' for the inconve
niences eadlossea thus, sustained, by the note
holders, and depositors of the Pennsylvania
Bank, and the almost entire destruction of its
capital stock, falls 'exclusively'upon,its
late President, Mr.:Taol,,tes,Axarriorro, and in.
directly' 4ort :some of :the, directors, for not
having exercised a _closer , scrutiny upon his
manigement. He was first elected its Presi
dent in Bebruary„',lBsB, and speedily became
the ruling spirit of the institution, entirely
regulating' and controlling 'all its tranitac
tions.',, Amnon was a bold, able, and,
as the result voice, an unscrupuloris man.
Ho'brooked no interference'with his manage-
Mmit. The cashier occnpted, much more
subordinate and uninfluential position in the
bank lliadsuch offieers
_Usually do. , Mr.' AL
.o cputior over .0: large amount of the
stock of the hank, united to his tact and aetivi
te boards 'of ,directors
personally friendly to him through social ties,
,business relations, (mother influences, elected,
laid a number of these haveliad barely enough'
stela '; n
,the," bank:,to legally, qualify them to,
'became directors. Miin,dLsposest,-to distrust'
I , 4llni'Of: to - be irmenyeidently Inquisitive; were
ion:tested from the 'beard atthe first lepisortn
_, „
The, siffieressf independent action which
ter himself dM,the luirdc was al-
Ttetrue condition was known ,
only to himself. Of the total buahiess of the,
bank only a Braun portion was done with the
knowledge or sanction of the board: He de
lighted in "taking the responsibility" of
doing as he pleased. He loaned money with
'out the knowledge or consent, and with
out the sanction of the directors. Those
-who basked in the sunshine' of his
favor, Were Confident of 'obtaining such ac
commodations as they desired—those who
did not, soon' learned that their chances of
obtaining discounts were slight indeed. The
bank has gradually been declining in the favor
of the !'.business 'men of this City for several
years past, and the suspicion is general that
its means were used rather to advance the am.
bitions projects, to further the speculative do
'signs, and to accommodate the friends of Mr.
ALLTDONE, than to render any service to gene
int business interests, or to benefit its stock
holders. Mr. A. lived in magnificent style =
gave sumptuous entertainments, and was lib
eral to a fault with those whose power he
dre'aded or whose influence he courted. When
the 'premonitory symptoms of the late crash
Brit appeared, the crippled condition of the
:Bank of Pennsylvania rendered it necessary
for him to appeal to the other banks of the
' city foi aid. At first a comparatively
small sum—a few huridred thousand dol
lars--was considered necessary to relieve
the bank of its embarrassments, but a know
ledge of its necessities becoming public,
induced a run upon it by sonic of its heaviest
depositors, and the growing alarm increased
the . amount of assistance he needed with each
new day, until, the other banks also became
• frightened, and refused to accede to his demands
unless he made a full. exhibit of the atrairs of the
bank. This ho refuied to do, and learning that
there was little or no probability of his gain-'
lug' the' aid he required, be resolved to preci
' pitate the
,catastrophe - of a Suspension 'of
specie payments, and to drag the other banks
down to the position which he knew inevitably
awaited his own. At an early hour he called
•a. meeting •of the directors, had resolutions
in,,favor of suspension passed—notices to
that' effect posted on -' the doors of the
'tatultand„as he no doubt foresaw, a general
run upon all the banks of the city was com
menced,, which resulted in their suspension,
' and ivhich eventually led to the general sue
, lignaion:of nearly all the banks in the ',United
States.- When the Governor, after being re
(lw4,lted .to call the Legislature together to
legalize suspension, visited this city, Mr. ALM
, norm was on the alert to take him in charge,
and induced him to make certain conditions
favorable to the hank of Pennsylvania binding
Upon 'tte, other banks of the city before ho
~ ., w ould consent:to call the Legislature together,
He also witrtnly enlisted the Governor in the
proieet "ef.,nialting our State banks take the
netee of thciPennsylvaida Bank, a provision of
the relief bill. Ail.this, however, could not
restore the confidence of the public.. Mr.
ALLMON* lingered on for a few weeks,
avowedly ill, but apparently undecided as to
• what policy- he 'should pursue. There were
loud clamors for his resignation, but he did
.fiot heed them 'until the last manient. The
true condition of the affairs of the bank re
mained unknown. The key of tbo safe in
ichlch its 'principal papers and accounts were
` kept remained In his own possession, and was
oniyhandecl over on the eve of what cannot well
be regarded now , as aught else but flight from
the infamy which was sure to follow from the
' exposure of the ennflition of the bank which
, riad been ruined by his management. Ile
once bad many warm and zealous *lends In
this - community, but has few apologists or
defenders now. By his misinanagement of the and hit? precipitation 'of suspension, he
has done more mischief in connection with the
late financial t ro Ones, than any other American
bank officer, and it Is but natural that mem
. 'dens should be heaped upon hint' by the many
victims, of the bank failure, and a large . portiOn
of the community.. -
• = The presunt investigation under the directiOn
of Wm. C. PArrrxsox, Esq., Will be thcireugh
and c ' ofnplete ; and ik , o' ;doubt net pat 3he beat
'can be diMieil io'reider: av'Ealable
fbe ambi of the bank will be re/opted.
'By the .drago and Indians both of which left
Ellgland on tho 21st ult., We have intelligence
four days later than that'reCiiived by; the
Persia. The general intake* is of little
importance_ the most interestinge'Vents being
that Mr. W. J. Fox, the.CligtistiVflioilratt re
jected by the borough of Oldheim, at the kene
ral election, in March, on account of his vote
against sanctioning the Chinese war, has been
re-elected to Parliament, on a death-vacancy.
Mr. Fox, as principal write! in the London
.WeriarDisjitch, is: a 'distin'guished Member
of the Fourth Estate.-_ The,Prince of Males
had returned to England from his Continental
tour. The King of Prussia was slid to be re
covering, but was about' delegating his sove
reign powers, pro tempera, to the Prince of
Prussia, his brother and heir presumptive.
NAPOLEON HI. and Lord HOWDEN bad a long
and private interview. What was discussed
thereat is simply a matter of guess-work.
There may be a demonstration against Mada
gascar, as the Queen of that island, jealous of
foreign Anterference„against her rule, has ex
pelled all the French and English.
Two days before the dirage and Indian left
England, the Bank of England raised Its rate
of interest on discounts to a minimum of 8
Per cent. Since October, 1847, when Consols
were down to 80, the rate was not so low.
Now, however, the quotations are 888 to 88i
for money, and 88: for the account—• that is,
for time-bargains to be settled for on Novem
ber 10. The evident design of this advance
was to prevent the drain of gold to the Conti
nent and to the United States. It has not pre
vented nearly $1,200,000 being shipped to
New York by the drago. In American secu
rities there was some activity—Michigan
Southern and New York and Erie being the
favorite stock. The closing rates of American
securities in the London markets, on the 20th
October, ranged as follows
Illinois Central 1 per cent, n 6 7834
do do shares 5N disc
Michigan Central 8 per cent, '69 79
N. Y. Central 6 per cent, 1 83 74
Do do chorea
Erie 8d mortgage 7 per cent, 9 83
no abares
It is said that English trade outside of Ameri
can business was easy and steady, and that
money was plentiful. But several manufactu
rers, particularly in Ikranehoster and Glasgow,
had failed.
The "settlement" at Tattersall's, on the
Cesarowitsch, took place on October 19, and
is reported as " most satisfactory," which
means that the bets wore generally well paid.
It is not believed that Mr. TEN BEDECK had
won largely, as he had backed Pryor for the
Cesarewitseh, intending to win the Cambridge
shire stakes with Prioress or Babylon. When
,Pryor went amiss, he backed Prioress as far
as he could find betters, which was not to any
great extent. Elsewhere we give the betting
on the Cambridgeshire stakes, which were
to be run for on October 27th. Last re
port left Prioress the favorite (this was
immediately after her winning the Cesare
witsch,) but she is now headed by three
horses. The bets run nine to one against El
Hakim, (who came in second for the Cesare
witsch,) eleven to one against Meestissima,
fourteen to ono against Cyrene, and fifteen to
one against Prioress. These four are three
years old each. But Prioress, who is weighted
seven pounds extra as winner of the Cesare
witsch, will have to carry six pounds more
than El Hakim, nine pounds more than Mces
tissima, and pounds more than Cy-
Tone. This must tell against her. The odds
against Babylon, for the Cambridgeshire, were
fifty to one, and ho will carry only six stone,
or fourteen pounds less than Prioress. It
would not surprise us to find Babylon making
very good running.
Of the several recommendations in the ex
cellent message of Mayor VAI7X, of the 27th
ult., there is none more immediately interest
ing than that relating to the general equaliza
tion in the price of gas. The importance of
this measure may not have occurred so gene
rally to citizens residing within the old city
limits, Who are supplied with gas from the
Philadelphia Gas Works, at a cost of $2.25
per 1,000 feet ; but to those residing in the
Several districts, who are supplied by priiate
companies,,at a cost ranging from $2.50 to
$3.60;1t becomes a' uttier of very considerable
impOrtance, and the delay to remove a burden
so- nitinifestly_tmjest, justifies the complaints
that, are daily heing made against it, The
question is evidently one between the inte
rests of private corporations and the commu
nity at large."
By this delay, a main feature in the con
solidation act has thus far been practically
thwarted, and wholly at the expense of indi
vidUals, without the slightest advantage to Om'
city. The private companies now supplying
the districts, some of which are having the
gas furnished to them from the Philadelphia
(the People's) Gas Works, at a cost of $1.09
per thousand feet, are doing a profitable
business and are declaring handsome divi
dends. The public will hardly appreciate the
policy, however, of a system that compels in
dividuals to pay a profit to speculating compa
nies varying from eighty-one cents to $l.Bl on
every 1000 feet of gas they consume.
The ordinance of equalization, reported in
Common Council some time since, provides
for the consolidation of the gas works of the
various private companies in the city of Phila
delphia, with the Philadelphia gas works be
longing to the city ; also, for the furnishing of
the trustees thereof the means to extend their
mains, and the supply of service pipes and
meters without expense to the citizens, and to
equalize the price of gas in all the wards of the
city. It will be seen at a glance that this
measure could not occasion the slightest loss
to the People's . Works, but that it would
actually bring into its treasury a largo amount
of money now being paid in the shape of op
pressive profits to enrich private companies.
The justice of this measure—of removing
from our citizens the burden of an unequal
tax—is so palpable, that even those few who
are most benefited by the present system could
hardly oppose its reform, especially in these
times, when personal economy and retrench
ment has become an almost universal neces
sity; and much less can Councils consistently
procrastinate in complying with a demand, ao
earnestly urged upon them by many, and really
opposed by none.
We publish a second proclamation from Gov.
WALKER, in reference to certain other fraudu
lent returns of the late election In the Terri
tory of Kansas, In which we find that, with
more distinctness and force than in his pro
clamation of the 19th, he states his unalterable
determination to abide by the law, and refuse to
becoine a party to foul play. There seems to
be a disposition, in some quarters, to hold
Governor WiaxEn amenable because he does
not, it is alleged, pay sufficient attention to
the technicalities of the law. We direct
especial attention to this second argument from
his pen, in order to show that oven upon this
point be is as impregnable as in his position
against the naked fraud itself.
We cannot refrain adding, that never within
our experience have we known public opinion
to'be more united in the support of any man
than that which prevails in this community,
and so far as we can learn, in the State 'of
Pennsylvania, In favor of Governor WALKED.
We are happy to hear that the Postmaster
General continues to defer operations on the
old Pennsylvania banking house in Sooond
street. We trust that he will not be misled by
the idea that there is any considerable 'differ
ence in this community on the subject of the
locality of the new Post Office. We have not.
the slightest interest in the dispute—indeed,
our interest, if any, is rather against the adop
tion of the Custom House as the locality, In
asmuch as it must advance all the rents in the
neighborhood, and, as a matter of eourbe, that
in which our office is situated—but it Is not of
ten that so unmistakable a sentiment is made
mamfest as that against sending the Post Office
further down towards the river Delaware. We
trust our rulers at Washington will make a note
of this fact.
On our first page will be found two able and
well-written communications, one of which
advocates, while the other opposes, a protec
tive tariff. We publish them, as well on ac
count of
. their intrinsic
. merit, as in pursuance
of our desire to give all sides a fair hearing,
Is 'there not a fair Pennsylvania BUCHANAN
iniddle=gretind betweeh these two extremes,
upon wliich all parties can meet
Corriockadence'4 Thei Proml.l
. .
Ore - riatia'Mail to California—Decisions of the
General Land Pince la iegard to 10th See.
lions 'lO the !vgillanil 'Lands to Kansas"—
Patents leaned - for California Hanehos—Ap
polntnient of Mall Agents, dec.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 1857
I have learned from the highest authority that
the Post Office Department has closed a contract
With Messrs. Butterfield & Co., for the conveyance
of the entire letter mail, semi-weekly, in four
horso (wadies, to California. The trip is to be
made in twenty-five days, and the expeotation is
strong, from the reputation and ability of the
contractors and their securities, that the service
will commence and be performed according to tho
requirements of the not of Congress.
The route has two starting points on the Missis
sippi—one at St. Louis, and the other at Mem
phis—making a janotion at Little Rock, the capi
tal of Arkansas.
From Little Reck it paisos by or near to Preston
in Texas ; thence to the best crossing on the Rio
Grande, near Donna /Victor Fort Fillmore ; thence
along the road now making to Fort Yuma; and
thence through the best valleys and passes, to Gan
The contractors will send out a party by the next
steamer to begin their reconnoissance from Cali
fornia, coming eastward, whilst a party from Mom
phis, and another one from St. Louis, will start
westward to meet them. Each party will pass on.
reviewing the correctness of each other's work,and
doing whatever may be thought necessary for the
successful commencement and operations of the
The Commissioner of the General Land Office
writes to Messrs. Russell, Leadellen, & Ferguson,
Now Hope, Madison county, Alabama, under date
of 2d inst., in reply to their inquiry how to proceed
to select six hundred and forty sores of land in the
'Territory of Nebraska, in lieu of the sixteenth
section in a certain township covered by an Indian
reservation, that there is no law authorising the
State of Alabama to select in other States or Terri
tories lands in lieu of sixteenth sections.
' The Commissioner, under date of Slot of Octo
ber, refers the register of the land office at Le
eompton, Kansas Territory, in reply to an inquiry
whether " Miami lands" are subject to preemp
tion, to the treaty between the United States and
that tribe of Indians, dated sth of Juno, 1854.
By the seventh article of said treaty; 4 , citizens of
the United States, or other persons not members of
the said tribe, shall not be permitted to make lo
cations or settlements in the said Territory until
after the selections hereinbefore provided for have
been made ; and the provisions of the act of Con
gress, approved March 311, 1807, in rolation to lands
ceded to tho United States shall, so far as the saw o
are applicable, bo extended to the lands heroin
conceded." Tho second article of said treaty pro
vides for the surveying of the lands ceded and re
served, and the manner of selecting those re•
served. Until after such survey and selections
have been made, and the provisions of the act of
8,1 March, 1807, as stated, shalt be extended to
the lands therein ceded, no settlement with a view
to pre-emption can legally be made.
Patents have been issued by the Land Office for
the Simms and Fernandez ranchos of California; the
latter embracing 17,805 acres, or 4 sitios de gana
do mayor, (or leagues,) and the former 22,212
notes, or 5 sitios.
Jaa. R. Pennington, of Harrisburg, has boon ap
pointed by the Postmaster General route-agent on
the through wall line between Philadelphia and
Cincinnati. This appointment makes up the com
plement of agents for this service. Of the seven
agents in all, three have been appointed from
Philadelphia; two from Pittsburgh ; ono (the pre
sent one) from Harrisburg, and one from Columbus,
Ohio. X. Y.
Non•Arrlval of the Canada.
Hamra; Nov. 3-10 o'olook.—Tho weather la
clear and calm. There are, as yot, no signs of tho
steamer Canada, now due from Liverpool, with
three days later advice° than furnished by the In.
dian and Arago.
New York State Election
Now Yonw, Nov. 3.—The city returns indicate a
largely docreasod vote. The American ticket falls
off most, and the Democratic next. The State is
doubtless Republican.
Now Yong, Nov. 3-91 o'clock P. M.—Full re
turns from the Second, Fourth, and Fifth wards
give a Democratic majority of 2,547, and the Third,
Sixth, and Fifteenth wards, a Democratic majority
of 1,841. Last year the majority in the latter
wards was 274 votes.
New YORK, November 3-11 o'clock P. M.—Full
returns from fourteen wards show a majority for
the Domoorata, of 14,000 votes over the Republi
can ticket, and of 9,000 votes over all.
New Tone, Nov. 3-114 o'clock, P. M.—ln
eighteen wards of New York city, the Demoorata
lose 2,850, the Republicans 2,700, and the Ameri
cans, 9,040.,
Davi= Yonn, Nov. 3—Midnight.—The city gives
a Democratic plurality of about 23,030 votes. The
whole vote of the oily is about 50,000. The Ame
ricans lope 4,000 votes The returns from Brook
lyn indicate that the city has gone for the Demo.
erats. Scattering returns from the interior make
the result extremely doubtful in the State.
ROCHESTER ! Nov. 3.—This city gives a Pomo
°ratio majority of 600.
BUFFALO, Nov. 3.—Tho Democrats lose 185, the
Republicans 1,199, and the Americans 1,195 votes
OswEoo, Nov. 3.—The Demoorats gain 196 votes
in this city. "The Republicans lose 190, and the
Americans 136.
Massachusetts Electteu
BOSTON, Nov. 3.—lion. N. P. Banks, Jr., has
been elected Governor of this State by a large
plurality. The following is the vote for this city:
Banks, (American and Repub.) - 4,217
Gardner. (American) - - 5,073
Peach, (Democrat) - 9,243
Boivrom, Nov. 3.-9 o'clock.—Eighty cities and
towns in this State return the following vote :
Beaoh, (Democrat) - - 12,600
Banks, (American and Repub.) - 24,300
Gardner, (American) - - - MAO
The indioations are favorable for a large Reptib
loan majority in both branches of the Loginla
BOSTON, Nov. 3-10 o'oloek, P. M.—Returns
have been received from 130 towns, furnishing the
following results : For Governor—
The plurality for Mr. Banks will probably reach
Both branches of the Legislature are Republican
by large majorities. The lion. Caleb Cushingithe
Democratic candidate for Representative from
Newburyport, has been elected.
BOSTON. Nov. 3—Midnight.—Returns from 146
towns bave been received. The vote stands for
Of tho Representatives chosen,. as far as heard
from, the Republicans have 65 members, Ameri
cans 20, and Democrats 10. Tho whole of the Re•
publican State ticket is elected.
The Republican-Americans are jubilant. A
largo procession proceeded to the Revere House
this evening, where Mr. Banks, the Governor
cleat, and Senator Hamlin, of Maine, and others,
addressed them.
The Southern Mall•
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.—Tho Now Orleans papers
furnished by the Southern mail report that the
business of that city was reviving. Money was
more plenty, and confidence was being rapidly re
Tho Mobile papers announce the arrival of the
war steamer Fulton at that port on the 27th ult.
She left the next day, steering towards Aspinwall.
There was frost at Pensacola on the 27th. bu
none at Mobile,
Municipal Election In Detroit
DETROIT, Nov. 3.—The municipal election t4)-
day posed off quietly. Patton, the Democratic
candidate for Mayor, has been elected by about
800 majority. The Democrats have undoubtedly
elected their whole city ticket, and nine out of
twelve of the Aldermen.
The Banks of Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 3.—A meeting of the steak
holders of the suspended banks of this city was
hold to-day, and It was resolved to accept the pro.
visions of the Relief bill. The stockholders of
the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank have
appointed a committee to investigate the affairs of
the bank, and publish the lame.
Slave Cake at Cincinnati
CINCINNATI, Nov. 3.—Three slaves belonging to
Thornton Withers, who were en route from St.
Louis to Parkersburg, Va., were seizedlyesterday
when on a steamboat at the wharf, by a writ of
habeas eorpus, issued by Judge Burgoyne. They
were , 'doped under the charge of Davies Eggel
steno by order of the court, A writ of habeas
corpus was then sworn out before Judge Carter by
Withers, claiming that the slaves were illegally
restrained of their liberty, and that they owed
him service in Virginia, whither ho was carrying
them, when they were wrested from his hands.
The writ was served by a deputy sheriff, and the
slaves brought before Judge Carter this afternoon,
The trial resulted in the deliverance of the
slaves ~to their master, by Judge Carter. They
have beeh returned to Kentucky.
Naw YORK, Nov. 3.—Cotton—Solos to-day,
5,500 bales, with an unchanged market. Sugars
arm. molasses quotes at 250. Mess Pork, (west
ern,) $2O.
Freights on Cotton to Havre lf. Haohango on
Now York bao per cent. discount.
-AvousrA, GA, Nov. 3.—Cotton—Bales L to-day,
400 bales. Prices So. better:
SAVANNAH, Nov. S.—Cotton—Bales to-day, 200
bales, at an advance of In.
CHARLESTON, Nov. O.—Cotton—Bales today,
000 bates, at full Tirleas.
PRENSIMP. o.r TILE todyrratedrr.
Failures in Manchester and Glasgow
(Young and ✓fdvanced Prices of Canna.
There are two arrivals from England—tho Cana
dian screw steamer Indian, from Liverpool, at
Quebec, and the United States mail steamer
Arago, from Southampton, at New York Both
left England on the 21st ult., and arrived yester
The Arago brings throe hundred and six passen
gers, $239,000 in specie, and two hundred and fifty
tone merchandise.
The Arttgo's specie is consigned as follows :
E Behrond & C0...512,500 Lobach & Schefeler $50,000
Am Express C 0.... 33,000 A Iselin 0,000
DDe Rham 52,000 A Cok ino ...... .... 9,400
J J Merrian 25,000 Ilarbeck &Co 3,400
V Diahop ....... .... 10,000 A Jeauranaud 1,142
Walleratein &Kunst 10,000 De Mani 10,000
A 0 Roszire & Co.. 2,057 A Schultz 11,000
Geu'l Dick 1,0313 Order 2,100
D Alumgis 1,200
Tho steamer Ariel, which loft New York on the
3,1 October, did not arrive at Cowes till the morn
ing of the 18th, having had a very stormy
passage. The Canada, whioh left Halifax on
the Sth, arrived at Liverpool the saute day as the
The steamship Anglo Saxou arrived at Liverpool
from Quebec on the 20th.
Tho commercial news from this side the At
lantic received by these steamers had an unfavora
ble effect on the English stock exchange on the
10th ult. Tho Bank of England raised its rate
of discount from 7 per cent., which WAS adopted
on the previous Monday, to E. per cent. This step
was taken solely in consequence of the Amerioan
The Bank of France had raised its rate of dls•
count from 60 to 71 per oont.
The latest quotations of Console, on the 20th, In
London, were 880 to 1; Bank stcek, 212 to 214.
Reduced, 13it to 1.
Tho rate of discount at Hamburg had advanced
to 9} per cent.
The pressure of the Hamburg money market be-
came more stringent when the telegraph conveyed
the intelligence of the Bank of England having
made a further advance in its rate of discount, and
it was found impossible to obtain cash ma lower
terms than eight per cant. for the most unobjeationa.
bto paper. At Bremen the tightness has been, it
possible, atilt more severe.
Emigration to America from Hamburg was going
on upon a large scale.
A despatch from Bucharest says that the °Mations
in Wallachia had passed off as quietly as those of
It is confirmed from Madagascar that the Queen
has expelled all the French and English residents
from her dominions. The decree is dated August
25. Tho reason assigned 18 that the Europeans en
tertain the project of dethroning the Queen, and
placing bar son, Prince Rakoutou, on the throne.
Tho French legislative body is to be convoked
for the and of November, and the Council of State
was to resume its labors on the 20th of Oatobor..
The King of Prussia continued to show symptoms
of improved healtb, but would not Ito iti a condi.,
tion to attend 1.2 business for a long time.
A royal ordinance, signed by the King of Prus
sia, was daily looked for at Berlin, delegating,
provisionally, the regal powers to the Prince, of
Prussia. This would avoid a formal regenoy, to
which the consent of the Chambers would be ne
The Germanic Diet was to assemble at Frankfort
on the 22d.
A private letter from Stockholm states that Count
do Platen has been definitely named to succeed the
Baron de Ifeehsehild as Minister of Sweden In
London. '
Mr: W. J. Fox was electod member for 1:1ldhlra
on the 19th, without opposition.
There was a marked improympent on 'Chango aQ
Vienna on the 17th ult.
The consequences of an abundant harvest were
being felt throughout Prance, the prices of bread
having fallen in most districts to the ordinary
prices in plentiful years.
Lord ilowden is said to have had a long private
audience of the French Sinperor at St. Cloud, at
which the principal topic of conversation wall the
present state of Spain, and the moat complete ao•
cordancp on that snippet between Nngland and
Franco was the result
The Emperor and Empress of Franco left on the
afternoon of the 18th for Compiegne. The first
day's hunt there is fixed for the filet.
Accounts from Belgrade confirm the report that
two of the former Servian ministers, and other
persons, had been arrested on a ohargo of plotting
against life of the prinoo. The telegraph wires
hat been out and other means taken to Increase
the confusion, but happily order had not been dis
The suspension Of Messrs. When, McLean & Co.,
of Glasgow, and Hamilton , Canada, was announced
on the f;nglish Stook Exchange, but It was stated
that the assets show a considerable surplus.
The ex-Queen of Oudo was stated to be danger.
ously ill at a temporary residence occupied by Her
Majesty at Richmond.
Not the slightest ohm had been obtained to the
Waterloo bridge murder and mutilation.
The American ship. Richard Anderson, from
Rotterdam to Baltimore, general cargo, was aban
doned at sea on the 29thof September, watirlogged
and disabled, and the oaptain and orew saved and
arrived at Southampton. The name of the so
cond mate, who was drowned, was John Aldridge.
Mr. Patrick Dillon, Consul-General and Charge
d'Affaires of the French Government at Hayti,
has just died at Paris, after a lingering jllllOBB,
contracted during hie residence as Consul at San
The Art Treasures Exhibition al Manchester had
closed, and the 2'siar.f says with a financial profit.
correspondent of the Londna Times says : "The
Lyons and St. Etienne manufacturers congratulate
thew elves on having received so few orders from
the United States, this year, as they have thus es.
caped the consequences of the commercial midis
which pensioned so numb injury in the ohlef
towns of the Union. The last advices from Now
York announce that French silks were selling in
that city at Pram 2$ to 30 per cont. under the
manufacturers' prices at Lyons and St. Etienne;
consequently the shopkeepers do not Intend to send
orders to France until some improvement shall
take pinto. Large orders were received in the
course of last week by the manufacturers of fancy
articles (articles de Pails) from St. Petersburg,
and other towns of Russia. Similar orders, Ufa
coufidently hoped, will be received to a greater
extent, as the modifications lately introduced into
the customs' tariff of that country will multiply
the commercial transactions between Paris and St.
Breadstuffs dull. Wheat declined 6dal s. Cof
fee slightly lower. Tea—Sales unimportant; cow
men Congou le 3d. Rico dull. Tallow slightly
declined; P Y 50s 9d. Scotch pig iron 803000 s GI
Tho sales of the three days in the Liverpool cot
ton market were only 10,000 bales, of which 2,000
were to speculators. Business was chocked by the
increased rate of discount, and prices closed I-10d
to 1-Btl lower; the sales of Tuesday being bat
1,000 bales, all to the trade. Messrs. Richardson,
Spence, k. Co., whe quote the doolino, give no
Messrs. Richardson, Spence, & Co. quote the
breadstutro market quiet. Flour unaltered. Primo
rod wheat, from lto scarcity, brought tho full prices
of Friday, but white and Inferior red were easier
to buy. Indian corn in retail Inquiry at previous
rates. Western canal flour, Mans I Qhio, 112sa
335; Philadelphia and Baltimore 3lsa3ls ; red
wheat 7s ; yellow and mixed corn 37s 6da378 9d;
white corn 41ea4ls Od.
Itiohardson Brothers quote flour declined 6d
Corn a shade easier.
Messrs. 'Richardson, Spenco k Co. quoto beef
quiet. Bacon steady. Lard very dull and nomi
nalat6Bsans. Pork quiet. Tallow dull and in
but small inquiry, and prices weuk. Butcher's,
Pot ashes had advanced to 445. Pearls firm at ,
415a4.1.61. Quoruitron bark was nominal. Rosin'
dull. Tea—sales unimportant. Rico quiet. Fpirits
turpentine steady at :ids 4d.
The advicos from Manchester are unfaxorable.
There was nothing doing, and goods were offered
at lower prices.
In the stoamship Arago, from harm and Southamp
ton—Hon A Belmont, late Charge d'Affaire s to tiro
Hague, and family, Mrs Col Preumut, child and ser
vant, Lorenzo Starr, hearer of despatches from London,
Very Rev 0 blainimut, Rev P Cummings, Rev
Choynob, Mr Ileenenherg, lady, three children and ser
vant, Miss Yowler and servant, Miss Grinnell, Miss
Parish, Mr Bouquet, lady and child, Mr Fort, lady,
child and servant Mr Guldln, lady and eervaut, Mr -I ,
Stimson, lady. child and servant, Mies r Richardson,
Miss A Dickinson, Mr Christ, lady and daughter, Mr
Pellet, Mrs Pillot and daughters, litre Loomis, twa
children and nom, Mr Ilabird and lady, Mr Lamson
and Mrs Lamson, Sirs TOTIS. Miss Strom, Mr if MIL
eel, lady, three children and servant, Mrs Bowler,
two children and two servants, Mrs De IfontJean
and daughters, Miss do Maurice, Mina J L Burgundy
and servant, Mr Morrill, lady, and two children,
and sorvt, Sirs Drily, Mice Loony, Mr J T Latter and
lady, Mr Le Barbler and lady, Mr Olivier, Mrs Olivier,
two Masters Olivier, Miss Olivier and servt, Mr Olivier,
jr, Mr A Meyer and lady, Mrs N Brown and daughter,
air Leander Starr and lady, Mrs Starr, Miss Mary Starr,
Mine Elizabeth Starr, master Colin Starr, Mr Si Starr
and lady, Mrs ',encore, Mien l'helps, Mr J Edgar and
lady, Sire Charles Lo Cesne, Sir Townsend, lady and
aervt, Sirs Whotton, Slice Whetter!, Mrs Swan, child and
servt, Mr D Cordon and lady. Mr .1 Windeklido end
lady, Mrs Neville, Mr L Coltunti, lady. two daughters
and servt, Mies Schuyler and eervt, gra Stone and three
daughters, Sir L Schutz, lady and two children, my
Oronkrite and lady, Dire Crawford, Mrs Campbell, Sir
Dluinenthal, lady and throe curets, Mr Silverman, lady
and servt, Mr Law, child and hervt, Bliss Loney, Dire
Dean, Mrs Pratte, Mr Tho W Dale, Mr J T Boyd, Mr
Peodheim, Mr Lemnt, Mr N J Martin, Mr Louis Taselos,
Sir Gutterman, Mr Thos T Greene, Djr John Thibsu,
Hr 1 Y Beaureguard and non, Sir L Breton, Sir Good.
year Jr, Capt 0 K Collin, Mr Boyd, Mr Wm Schmidt,
I,ls. A Wasson, Mr II E Marburg, Mr De St Cyr, Mr
Quitson, Mr Sattlg, Mr Sturrenegger, Mr Wm Hart, Mr
W Allen, Mr Longpol, Mr Do St Maurice. Mr W A
Martin, Mr Broadbent, Mr II Hicks, Mr A Resiero, Mr
G Bauer, Mr II Itichanison, Rev Dr Pendergrodo, Mr
Magnin, Mr Winthrop, Mr Hy Jalm, Mr Hy 0 Cary, Mr
Wing, Lt Col Serrell, Mr Becket, Mr Lacoste, Mr N
PerrolX, Mr J W Ilnwormann and lady, Mr J D Colt
and lady, Miss L Prier, Miss F Prier, Miss C Stohr, Miss
It and Miss F Atschuter, Wee Langenback, lies
Stern and children, Mr Bang, Mr, L Cecil, Mr Pall
cal, Mr Latour, Mr 1' Martin, Mr Rammed° and
family, Mr E Breiru, Mr Braubacho and lady,
Mr II Branbacher, four glisters of Charity, Mr A
Altschuler, Mr S Baum, Mr Blinoly, Mr Cahn and
family, Mr Preterre, TR Paul Dragnet, Mr Wm C Catlin,
Mr Banstein And family, Mr IC noler, Mr Ch Coate, Mr
John II Dawson, dire Ducy, Mr and Mrs Humbert, Miss
Si I.anfretta, Mr Paul Maran, Mr Onarker, Mr (Riche.
roan and family, Mr Lartel, Mr Newgrass. Miss diary
Power, Miss Jeannette Toneps, Slice M A Dram, Mile
Sarah E Essex, Mr A Webb, Mr Brodireck, Necincilu
nidee, Mr 13 Cauret, J Renard S Basigulups,
dfr J Martini, Mr P dfartini, Mr G Parses°, Mr J B
Gulyon, Mr B blascara,Lorvenstun Sir J Vietal,
7 Dupulo, A Carlin, Ph Stoke, J Brisolun , ,
A Gaillard°,
Mr Bissell, Mr d' Bondhuin, I, Trietman, L Joseph
Babel, II Munch, J Orb, E Lode, 0 flinglaris, Any
Bane. Mr Hitchcock, Wm Synd, Mrs Gautier, Master
Win N /titan.. Total, Mt,
The following are extracts from a letter dated
Allahabad, September 6th
4, General Outram's forces marched in two col
umns. The first of six hundred and eighty-three
mon, left this place yesterday, (sth,) at ono o'clock.
The second, also of six hundred and eighty men,
marched with the General at ten o'clock last night.
The advance column it is intended should reach
Cawnpore on thelOth inst., and the General on the
11th of September, and if General Havelock has by
that time managed the crossing, the whole fermi
wlil at once moo eon to Lucknow, and the place has
every chance of being relieved by the 15th or 16th.
and, even Allowing for delay in the crossing, by the
20th. Tho rivers have all fallen wonderfully, the
Jumua having gone down thirty feet inn week;
thin will help the crossing greatly, and enable us
to net on the enemy's flanks advantageously on the
march to Lucknow, which could not be done at
the time of the previous advance owing to the
whole country being under water. We have in
formation that the Lucknow garrison have pro
visions to last them until the 20th instant
General Outram has taken some heavy guns drawn
by elephants."
In another letter it is mentioned that Mr. Col
vin is prepared to aid a column advancing on
Delhi with camels and other carriage as they ap
proach Agra. At Meerut they have also collected
earringe to some extent. The sth and 90th are
armed with Enfield rifles.
In another letter, dated the 29th of August,
writes from Allahabs,4
" We have sent on 400 men this week to Cairn
pore by train (forty miles), and the sick and
wounded menet General havelock' )3 force are now
on their way here. aad will come in the lust forty
miles by railway."
It appears from the above extracts that in addi
tion to the columns of Outram's force of 633 and
600-1,303, a detachment of 400 mon had pre
ceded him, which would give a total reinforcement
of 1,703.
[From the London Times, (City Article,) October 20.)
The Bank of England have to-day raised their
rate of discount from seven por cent., which woo
adopted on Monday last, to eight por cent.
This stop is solely Inconsequence of the American
news. According to the latest dates, the rate of
exchange even for the best bills bad fallen to a
point which would give a very large profit on gold
from England, and although, owing to the possi
bility of a sudden rebound, speculators on this side
might hesitate to undertake the operation to a
heavy extent, the amount of bills transmitted from
Now York, with direst orders for returns to be
made in specie, coupled with the sums being de
spatehed by our capitalists for the purchase of se
curities, Involve the certainty of a further drain,
against which the most prompt precautions wore re
quisite. Tho public, wore aware that the question of
an advance to eight per cent. would depend en
tirely upon those (hms, and if the Ariel bad ar
rived at her expected time the movement would
doubtless have been adopted three or four days
back, since the later accounts, brought via Boston,
are scarcely so bad as those with which she started
The rate now reached is equal to the highest
known ip modern times. and our only experience
of it was Ihr four weeks from the 25th of October,
1847, when the railway panic attained its climax,
and cornets were down at 80, the bank bullion
having been reduced to £8,312,000, and the reserve
to £1,547,000. In the present instance it Is un
likely that the pressure will last oven so long us
four weeks, but, no our condition must depend upon
the course of the American disorder, and it is ita
possible to conjecture what may be the next turn
of frenzy, we must hold ourselves prepared for all
contingencies. According to the accounts to-day
everything had been brought to a dead lock.
Debts could not be paid between distant pities be
cause there wore no safe means of recoittanee, and
produce ready to bo converted into gold could not
he forwarded to port, owing to the abaenou of any
power 'of obtaining advances upon it. Every ono
saw that if the machinery of ordinary custom could
again be set in motion till would instantly be righted;
but In no quarter was there power to bring about
snob a result. Whether escape would bo found
through some final convulsion, or through a slow
and fluctuating convalescence, no ono could pre
dict, but It was certain that matters could not con
tinue long in their then state. Among the Con
siderations on the favorable side was the foot that
the stock of specie in the New York hanks Still
stood at £2.280,000, which is beyond its average
amount, and more than £5,000,000 in excess of the
total bold at thecorresponding period of last year,
while their note circulation was less than at that
time. The California arrivals of about £250,000
each fortnight would also be retained, and in less
than a week the Vanderbilt would be duo from
.llavre with, it was believed, £200,000, to be fol
lowed shortly by the £320,000 lately despatched
from Loudon and Liverpool. Against these pros
pects the only alarming point is the possibility of
the rim upon the hooka for hoarding purposes,
which had already assnreed disagreeable proper
, tions, becoming altogether ungovernable.
Meanwhile, as regards our position, in all those
branches of trade not connected with America
there is a total freedom from 'mousiness. neer
(nytime° merely of an advance in the rate of
, discount to eight per cont. for a few weeks to meet
a temporary evil in whioli all other nations
pipate can inspire no dread on the part of any rol
-1 vent houses. 'fbe difference between that and five
per Gent, even for two months would amount only
to an extra 10.3 por cont. on all the neoommoda
lion they might require, and If their capital and
current profits are inadequate for such a contin
geney, they can namely he considered fit to be in
business at all on their own account. Of course
there aro oases where, owing to heavy contracts
having been entered into, or other similar causes,
the coot may bo peculiarly severe, hut these are
altogether exceptional. As a general rule, there
ought, among a sound mercantile community, to
be no terrors in eight per cent., or any other rote
of discount, supposing it not to have been occa
sioned by a reckless course of national extrava
.gance, and hence there is reason to believe that
the announcement of to-clay trill bo received
throughout the country, as it has boon in the me
tropolis, without the slightest indication of confu
sion or alarm.
The funds opened this morning at a decline of a
half per cent., in consequence of the impression
that the American advices would increase the drain
of specie, and the speculators generally were dis
posed to press sales. Most of the brokers, how
ever, were still buyers on behalf of the public, and
a recovery took place until about half-past two in
the afternoon, when the resolution of the bank
was notified in the Stook Exchange, and a fall oc
curred to an eighth below the opening prices, from
which there was no recovery. The first traeeac.
tions in Consols were at 831 to SSI, whence they
rapidly advanced to 881. They then went to 83 a
88 , which wits the last °Mein' quotation, and after
regular hours there were sellers at SS. For the
10th of November the final price woo 84 to Se
Dank stook left off et 212 to 2131 ; Reduced, 871 to
871 ; New Three per Cents,B7s to 87.1; Indian
stook, 201 to 209 ; India bes, 30A. to 20e. discount;
and Exchequer.bills, Us. to 35. discount.
Money was abundant in tho Stook Exchange at
the commencement of business, and loons on Go
vernment soeuritlea were obtainable at 5 per cent.
Ultimately the charge was s.'s to ti. At the bank,
In the course of the morning, there was a very ac
tive pressure, many persons anticipating flint the
New York intelligence would bo followed by a
speedy advance of the rate. The supply thus ob
tained seemed to be beyond tiny actual require
ments, and at the end of the day the balances in
the hands of the bunks and discount houses wore
About £OO 2 OOO of the gold by the Royal Charter
was mold to the bank to-day. It is said a larger
proportion would have been taken there if the rate
of discount had been raised at an earlier hour, but
when the announcement was made the greater part
hall been sold for the Continent
The discount houses have Increased their rate of
allow:wee to 7 per cent. for money at call, and 7 1
for deposits with short notice, being an advance of
ono per cent. Thu National Discount Company
have notified that their terms aro respectively 7.1
anti 71 per cent. The rate of the joint-stock banks
for deposits will he 7 per cent.
The corn marketshowed increased heaviness this
morning, and it was difficult to effect sales at a de
cline of 2s,
The final quotations of the French three per
cents. on the Paris Bourse this evening were 60f.
Bie. for money, and 66f. 800. for the end of the
month, showing a decline of about three-eighths pot'
cent. 3lost probably the movement made by the
bank on this side did not transpire before the clam
of badness. It is assumed that the Bank of Franco
will feel compelled immediately to follow the
The suspension was announced, to-day, of
Messrs. Auld .b Buchanan, of Glasgow, merchants
and shippers. Their liabilities, which are esti
mated at £lOO,OOO, nro believed to be chiefly
At hamburg, the rate of discount has advanced
to 01 per cont.
The Vienna letters mention the stoppage of
Mews. Malanotti & Co., for £40,000.
The trado reports from the manufacturing
towns, for tho past week, aro much 1e33 unsatis
factory than might havo boon expooted. It must
ho assumed, however, that, throughout the io
maindor of the year, the amount of our exports
will ho oonFiderably reduced by the cessation of
the American demand. Of course, the various
'houses on this side desire to say as little as pos.
slide of !their losses, hut, hitherto, the actual mis
chief seems not to have been of dangerous extent,
the steady conduct of our principal lams hos
ing kept them in a position to meet any temporary
Ine.nvenience. At Manchester, the failures, al
though numerous, have been entirely !hailed to
secondary establishments, and the largo suspen
sions at Glasgow are believed chiefly to have com
prised houses long notorious for trading beyond
their means. At Birmingham, it is said, no se
vere injury has thus far been inflicted, while from
Leeds we have the remarkable statement that
pm° would over all the liabilities that have yet
arisen In connection with the Ness York disasters.
It can sonreoly he hoped that these instances of
Immunity will continuo, and thuro Is little doubt
that the aggregate of debts duo to England from
failed houses in Now York, Boston, Philadelphia,
and Bel thuore is enormous, although from the man
ner in which they aro spread, and the stability of
those upon whom they have fallen, the public in a
majority of oases will probably be spared a know
ledge of them.
The Monetary Crisis In Ireland.
[Correspondence of the London Times.]
Lieumsr, Oct. 19.—According to the generally
correct authority of the trade report of the Ft fe•
mare's Journal, commercial matters here are on
a perfectly firm and sound bash, and except the
severity of the high rates of interest, there is no
pressure of any kind. There is not any urgency
for disoounts, and the banks appear to be noting
pretty liberally towards their customers. Two
bankruptcies appear in the last Dublin gazette,
one a country one, reported to be rather heavy,
and the other a Dublin one, of minor consequence,
As tt whale, the traders never pawed through what
has been a trying year with surer credit and less
disaster. High prices, high interest, diminished
consumption, and general dulness, have now ruled
for ninny months.
SALI,N,MondayIOotobor l9.—The COSarowitsch ac
counts were wound up this afternoon ; if the ab
sence of complaints be any criterion, the settling
was most satisfactory; backers of horses were
"let out" of their liabilities by the dead heat.
lied Prioress won the first time, however, the Ring
would have thrown in for an Immense stake, but
the dead heat compelled them to hedge to their
bets about El Hakim and Queen Bess; Mr. Ten
Broook, as usual, backed his mare, but he coupled
her in very few double event bets, having taken
Prior for the Cesarewitsob, and Prioress or Baby.
lon for the Cambridgeshire ; Prior, however, sed
denly wont , amiss, and was, perhaps, fortunately
for its owner, unable to fulfil its engagement last
week. No very large winners are reported, al
though several lucky persons are mentioned who
took 1,000 to 10 about Prioress on the first publica
tion of the weighls, , but who were, in consequence
of the mare's wretched running at Chester, unable
to "get out" of their money.
he briskly was the nettling conducted that little
time was afforded for the resumption of betting on
the Cambridgeshire; 9 to 1 to 100£ was booked
about El Hakim, and both Ithestlasima and Cyrano
closed at an improvement on their last quoted
prices. Mademoiselle de Chantilly, who had
figured at all sorts of odds at Novrmarket, was
again in good demand at 25 to 1. The business
transacted was as follows:
9 to 1 against Captain Smith's El Hakim, 3 yra,
Lordlb. (Taken.)
11 to 1 against oJ. Scott's Mcestissima, 3 yrs,
(Ist. 51b. (Taken )
14 to 1 against Mr. Wigram's Cyrene, 3 yra, sst
7 lb. (Taken.)
15 to 1 against Mr. R. Ten Rroeek's Prioress, 7at.
(including 7 lb. extra
20 to 1 against Mr. Simpson's Fright, 3 yrs, fist.
11lb. (Taken.
20 to 1 against Mr. Payne's colt by Alarm—plush,
3 yrs, Jet. 10Ib. (Taken )
1,000 to 95 against Mr. Driukald's M. Dobler,
3 yrs, Ost. 716. (Taken.)
25 to 1 against Count P. La Grange's Madlle. de
Chantilly, 3 yrs, fist. 31b. (Taken.)
30 to 1 against Mr J. Dixon'sDunboyne, 3 yrs,
Sat. 101 b. (Taken.)
33 to 1 against Lord Anglesey's Tricolor, 3 yrs,
fist. 81b. (Taken.)
40 to 1 against Mr. C. Capel's Prestbury, 4 yrs,
ost. 10 lb. (Taken.)
50 to 1 against Baron Rothschild's Ellington, 4
yrs, Bst. 5 lb. (Taken )
50 to 1 against Lord Ribblesdrilo's Glecsinger, 3
yrs, fist. 131 b. (Taken.)
50 to 1 against Mr. R. Ten Broeck's Babylon, 3
yrs, list. (Taken.) '
50 to 1 against Mr. T. Colpitt'a Daisy, 3 yrs, Get.
111 b. (Taken.) •
[From the New York Times of yeetertlay.J
More Fraudulent Returns Rejected—Second
Proclamation from Governor Walker
and Secretary Stanton.
Veto of the Territory—The Conotitutional
From the Lecompton National Domocrat, Oct. 22.]
LEMPTON, Oct. 22. 1857.
since our proclamation of the 19th inst., reject
ing the eo•called oleation returns from the Oxford
precinct, in Johnson county, another very similar
case has been presented for our official action. It
is that of pretended returns from three precincts
of McGee county, in this Territory, containing
an aggregate of more than twelve hundred votes.
This county is located in the extreme southeastern
portion a Kansas, is constituted from the lands of
the Cherokee Indians, whioh are not yet open to
pre•omptien or settlement, and is, consequently,
ono of the most sparsely populated counties of the
Territory, containing less than one hundred quali-
fied voters, and giving, last June, but fourteen
votes for delegates to the Constitutional Conran
indeed, all persons actually conversant with the
number of the population of the county treat with
derision the large vote pretended to have been
given there. Our information also excludes the
idea that there was any incursion of voters from
the neighboring State of Missouri, whose people do
not seem to have interfered with the recent elec
tion. It is, then, quite evident that no such vote
as is presented in those pretended returns was
given at the late election in this county.
It is not, however, on the grounds above stated
that we reject those pretended returns; but feeling
confident that no each vote was given, or even one
tenth part of it, we are induced by such considera
tions to give these alleged returns the most rigid
scrutiny, in ozdor to ascertain whether they aro
genuine, legal, and valid.
From intrinsic evidence on the face of these pa
pers, we are convinced they are not genuine, but
simulated and fictitious. Besides, they present no
evidence that the oath, required by our statutes,
was administered to the (clerks or judges of the
election. to secure from each and all of them the
" Impartial discharge of their duties according to
But, in addition to those grounds of decision
against tho legality and validity of these pretended
returns, there is yet a more conclusive reason
which constrains us not to count them. While the
names of the Totem, and of the candidates, all ap
pear to be entered on the lists, not one of the
offices is mentioned for which the candidates re
spectively weee intended to le designated. We
cannot determine, therefore, from the - face of those
papers, for what office any ono of the candidates
was supported. The uniformity in this particular
of these pretended returns from three separate and
distinct precincts, especially as the forms are not
made up in the same handwriting, nor (with cer
tain exceptions which only add force to the argu
ment) on the same kind of paper, renders, with
other circumstances, conclusive to our minds the
conviction that they are, as above stated, fictitious
and simulated. It is most extraordinary, also,
that not a single vote appears to have been given
for any county officers.
In rejecting these papers, we do not go behind
the returns, because no legal or valid returns were
made. Neither in the former instance, nor in
this, have we claimed the power to judge of the
qualifications of voters, and to exclude votes
deemed to be illegal. What constitutes a return '
is defined by the territorial statutes ; and to re
ject a paper as spurious or fictitious, or because, in
points of vital importance, it deviates from the re
quisitions of the law, and therefore is not a return,
in legal parlance, is not going behind the retains,
as we have been unjustly charged with doing.
If these papers (like those from the Oxford pre
cinct,) would increase, by nearly twelve hundred,
the apparent votes for the candidates of our party,
although the offices are not named, our obligation
is none the less paramount to reject them as we
now do, as spurious and illegal. An election se
cured through our sanction, by frauds so mon
strous, would ho more fatal to our party than any
deCat, however disastrous. We deem it our duty
to state that, according to our information, some, if
not all the candidates, who it was supposed might
claim their election by these frauds, have refused
to accept any advantage under them.
These disreputable attempts to destroy the elec
tive franchise, and all popular government which
is based upon it, anti to subject us to the responsi
bility of rejecting such papers, or rendering our
selves accomplices in Cite fraud, by giving it our
endorsement and sanction, will nieet,we doubt not,
the serious reprehension of honest men of all par
ties lit this Territory, and throughout the Union.
The intense and dangerous excitement produced in
this Territory by thee° enormous frauds has ren
dered imperative upon us, in this public official
manner, to make known our decision in regard to
them, believing that a just and impartial course of
action un our part will nerve to restore peace and
harmony to an agitated and distracted people.
If, instead of relying upon those papers them
selves as authentic returns, it is sought to deny the
fact that the results nro spurious and simulated,
wo cannot doubt that Congress, upon the question
of admitting the delegate, would, by an appropri
ate committee of one or both houses despatched to
tide Territory, and clothed with authority to send
fur persons and papers, inquire fully into these trans
actions, in order that the perpetrators of such enor
mities, and all their accomplices and confede
rates, may be exposed and punished. In
the meantime, we shall cause to be published,
at an curly day, a complete list of the names of
those pretended voters, that the people of this
Territory, and especially of the localities in which
these frauds were perpetrated, may visit them with
appropriate condemnation. As these pretended
voters ,re alleged to have come in large bodies
front Missouri, under claim of settlements on the
Indian reservations, and as wo have ascertained
that Gila allegation is unfounded in fact, we deem
it a duty to the people of Missouri, in order to pre
vent unjust prejudice against them in this Terri
tory, and throughout the Union, with all its evil
consequences, to give them the means, by publish
ing these lists of fictitious names, to exonerate
themselves from such unfounded accusations.
It. J. W.texua,
Governor of Kansas Territory.
Fnen. P. STANTON, Secretary.
iieiOW we publish the returns of the election. as
for us received, with the addition of Leavenworth
county, the whole of which vote has not boon re
ceived at the secretary's office.
These returns coruprio the vote of all the coun
ties Os far as received, BUM of which will have to
be deducted from several counties on account of
illegal returns, and others on account of illegal
When corrected, the whole vote of the Territory
will probably fall short of 1J,000:
Ransom. Parrott.
1,334 1,035
300 313
4517 574
27 127
37 99
159 1
10 :10
106 251
59 203
199 341
Leas enworll
Atchison ...
Douiphan ...
Neninha . ...
Brown (3 precincts)
I'otlowatomie, (1 precinct)
Douglas 107 1,602
Shawnee 61 149
Mohan'son 127
Davis 30 126
IVise and Breckinridge 7 258
Bourbon 175 96
Males* 1,202 24
Dorn 10 .--
Allen, Hunter, Wilson, Woodson—
(Allen) 30 es
Greenwood and Godfrey 13 14
Coffey 48 205
Madi,on and Butler 7 60
Anderson 2 201
Franklin 10 215
I,)kins 59 349
Linn 178 314
Part Fourth, Conaril.—Clay, Dickenson, and
Washington. Arapahoe not included in the appor
tionment, and unorganized.
Deducting from the aggregate Democratic vote
the framlidont returns from McGee county, rejected
by Dovernor Walker. the vote for Ransom is re
duced to 1611; making a majority for Parrott
of 3,041.
The Lccompton Democrat contains a call for a
mass meeting of the citizens of the Territory who
approve of the action of Governor Walker, to be
held at Lecompton on Saturday, October 31.
The Constitutional Convention met at Lecomp
ton on the 19th, as has been already stated, but
without a quorum present, and continued in ses
sion until the 29d, when it proceeded to the elec
tion of a clerk. C. J. Mcllvaine was chosen.
Supposed Loss of the Captain and Three of
the Crew of Barque David Nickels.
[Correspondence of the Savannah Burning Neim I
Sr. At'ut , STINK, Sunday, Oct, 18, 1857.
Mr. Etnrou : The barque David Nickels, of
Sourspurt, Me., from Matanzas, Cuba, to St
Mary a, Oa., in ballast, arrived at this port this
looming, in distress. It appear. , that. when about
twenty-live miles from this place, about 8 o'clock
on the evening of yesterday, the 17th inst., the
captain, (whose name the second mate reports as
llayn,) while in the net of harpooning a dolphin,
fell overboard, when the first mato and two of the
crow lowered a boat, and went in search of him.
There remained on board but two of the crew and
the cook, ono of whom reports himself as second
mate Behove the vessel to, and hoisted a light,
and remained about the place for a long lime; not
seeing them return, he sot sail, and reached this
city about seven o'clock this morning. Tho above
is the report of tho second mate, whogives his
name as Charles Smith.
Tho citizens of this place were somewhat sur
prised to see the vessel cotuo over at a very shoal
place, paying no regard to the old and regular
liars and buoys; but as luck would have it, the
tido was high, and she name over without injury.
I learn that the pilots of this place went in
search of the missing, but returned this evening
without having seen anything of them It is
strange that the second mate does not know where
ho was at the time of the disaster; he could not
101 l whether he was north or south of this placo.
I suppose another search will be made to-morrow.
Yours. R,
CUaT I .4 o —"Trying It On"—"Rough
ABM BiXll/.—s. Queen of fipadem"— ,, Black-Eyed
AND WALNUT 13TREETN.—` 4 Stage-Struck Barber"—
" Linda, the Cigar Girl"-- 4, Omibus. , '
E•RLII'S GALLIRIZI No 810 C11E11749.
The Arctic Ship Resolute "
CHRETNOT.—Ethiopiau Lite Illustrated, eoucludlug wah
a laughable afterpfece.
"Concert "
Special Meeting of Common Council.—A
special meeting of Common Council was hold yes
terday afternoon, in purulence of the following
phia, October 30th, 1857.—Sin : A special meeting
of Common Council will be held at their Chamber.
on Tuesday next, November 3d, 1857, at 3 o'clock,
P. M., for the purpose of considering bills on Com
mon Council file.
No. 15. An ordinance for securing the costs and
fines collected by the Police Magistrates for the use
of the city.
No. 21. An ordinance to organize a Department
of Consolidated Gas Works of the City of Phila•
delphia. to provide for the management of, and to
authorize a loan for the purchase of the Gas Works
of the Germantewn Gas Company, So., ac.
No. 22. An ordinance to establish and regulate
a market in the late borough of Prankford, Twen
ty-third ward.
No. 4. An ordinance relating to building per
mits, hackney coaches, omnibuses. wagons, darts,
fie , fie. Jim( D. MILES, Clerk.
TheP resident announced that the first business
in order would be the consideration of ordinance
No. 15, on Common Council file, for securing the
costs and fines collected by the police magistrates
for the use of the city. The provisions of - the bill
are as follows •
It shall bo the duty of the Mayor to purchase
and furnish a book or docket, to be kept at each
station house It shall be the duty of each police
magistrate to enter in said book or docket—First,
the name of each and every person charged with
a crime, misdemeanor, or violation of ordinances—
Second, the name of the person on whose complaint
the defendant was arrested, and the name of the
officer ranking the arrest—Third, the decision of
the magistrate, amount of fine, whether paid or
committed for non-payment, and if committed, the
name of the officer serving said commitment and
Ma return thereon under oath - rottetla, in the mar
gin opposite each case, the magistrate shall mark
all costs paid, and those which are incurred but
not paid.
It shall be the duty of the Mayor to provide and
keep . a general docket at his office for the purpose
hereinafter named, and it shall be the duty of
each and every lieutenant to furnish each morning
a statement to the Mayor in writing of all fines
and costs accreted at their respective station
houses, specifying the amount of money, and by
whom paid; anti the Mayor is required to have the
said return entered In the book or docket which
he is required to provide and keep as aforesaid.
It shall be the duty of the lieutenant. or Tiernan
having the station house in charge, to furnish Any
person a transcript of the docket on the payment
of twenty-five (25) cents, which sum he shall re
tain in full compensation for his labor in making
out said transcript; the said docket or book shall
at all times be subject to the inspection of any
member or committee of Councils.
The sum of ono hundred and fifty (150) dollars is
heroby appropriated to the Department of Police
for defraying the expense of purchasing said books
or dockets, for payment of whichwarrants shall
bo drawn by the Mayor according to existing ordi
Any police magistrate, or other officer, who shall
neglect to comply with the provisions of this ordi
nance shall be forthwith removed from office, and
the Mayor is hereby required to fill the vacancy
caused by such removal. and in addition to removal
from office, he shall forfeit all arrearages of salary
which shall be duo at the time of such removal.
After a brief discussion between Messrs. Holman
and Macoher, the bill was passed finally. .
Mr. Moocher moved to refer the ordinance No.
21, the second on the call for the special meeting,
to a special committee of three. An amendment to
refer to the Committee on Gas was negatived, and
the motion was agreed to.
On motion, the Chamber proceeded to the con
sideration of the ordinance to authorise a loan for
the purchase of the Gas Works of the Germantown
Gas Company, the Richmond Gas Company, the
Kensington Gas Company, the Northern Liberties
Gas Company, the Southwark and Moyamensing
Gas Compony, the Manayunk Gas Company, and
for the use of the trustees of the Philadelphia
Gas Works, to enable them to increase the works
under their charge; extend the distribution of gas,
and equalize the price of the same in all the wards
of the city. The provisions of this bill have already
been published in detail. The different sections
elicited a spirited discussion.
Mr. Wolf said that the consumption of gas in
the Twenty-second ward, according to the trus
tees of the Philadelphia Gas Works, was 28,900
feet daily, equal to 10,220,000 feet per an
num, at $1 59r per M feet. The sum paid by
the Germantown Gas Company to the city gas
trust was $17,271.80. The Germantown Gas Com
pany charge to consumers $3.50 per thousand feet,
Amounting to $35,770, makings difference between
the prices paid by the Germantown Gas Company
to the city trustees, and that paid by consumers for
the came quantity of gas to said company of $lB.-
498.20. If the same quantity of gas were charged
to consumers in the Twenty-second ward, at city
prices, $2.25 per thousand feet, it would be $22,995
against the amount now paid by the German
town Gas Company, which is $17,270, thus
making a difference of $3,725. Thus, while
the consumers of gas in the Twenty-second
ward would he paying the difference in favor of
the city gas trustees, they would be saying annu
ally the difference between $3.50 per M feet, now
paid, and $2.25, which they would then pay,
amounting to $1.2,775. There would then be
$572,320 saved to the city gas trust annually, a
sum equal to the interest on the price to be paid
for the works by the city. The debate on the
bill was continued by Messrs. Sites, Stevenson,
Miller, and Palethorp, after which the further
consideration of the bill was postponed for the
The following report was submitted one question
of order, by Mr. King:
To the Common Council of the City of .Philadel
ph in :
The select committee to which was referred
a resolution touching the refusal of members of
council to vote when they are in their seats, and
proposing a remedy for the same, respectfully re
That it is impossible to frame rules that will ef
fectually compel members of Councils to do their
duty, when they have not a will for it, and the only
complete remedy is in the hands of their constitu
ents. Such an attempt must fail, if for no other
reason than from a lack of power on the part of
Councils, to keep members in the chamber that they
may be subject to any rules at all. Members of
Council have not only been silent when they should
speak, but they have fled when they thought their
presence would make a quorum.
The committee have sought to prepare a rule
that will bo of some practical benefit; how far they
have succeeded, its use can only show. They
think, however, it will break up a practice that
cannot be too strongly condemned, as being utterly
opposed to the duty of a representative, which is
action and not inaction, and which your commit
tee believe to be altogether original with the Com
mon Council of Philadelphia, by means whereof a
quorum members are in their seats—but not a
business quorum in tho Chamber. The porno.
mentary rule is, that every member must give his
vote the one way or the other; but with tt, such a
rule would be only idle words, from the want of
power to enforoe it. Your committee recommend
the adoption of the following resolution:
Hamar T. Kixo, Chairman.
Respired, Ily the Common Council, that when
the yeas and nays shall be taken upon any ques
tion and a quorum shall not vote thereon, it shall
bo the right of each member of Council to announce
to the President the name of the member, who shall
bo within the Council Chamber, and who shall
have refused to vote, when the President shall di
rect the Clerk to mark the name of such member
as present and not voting; and it shall bo ao re
corded in th., journal. And if it shall appear as
aforesaid, that a quorum is present, the question
shall be decided in accordance with the rote of the
majority, except in those cases where the rules of
Common Council require the consent of two-thirds
of the members present, when the consent of two
thirds of those voting shall determine the question;
a quorum being present r
. L s aforesaid.
Mr. McManus offered in place the following or
dinance :
An ordinance to regulate the sale of Fruits and
Samoa I. Tho Select and Common Councils of
the City of Philadelphia do o-dain—That from and
after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be
lawful for any person to sell within the limits of the
said city, any potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, pears,
plums, apples, or other fruits or vegetables, re
quiring measurlament, by anrother pleasure than
the bushel and Its divisions ; and each bushel of
white potatoes to weigh sixty pounds to the
bushel, and fifty pounds for sweet potatoes to the
bushel, and for each and every sale hereafter made
by the basket. or by any other measure or mea
sures than those herein designated, the person or
persons making tho sumo shall forfeit and pay the
sum of five dollars, to be recovered by suit in the
name of the oily of Philadelphia, in like manner
as similar amounts are now recoverable by law,
one-half to be paid into the city treasury, and the
other half to the person or persons prosecuting for
the same.
This was ordered to be printed for the use of
4,813 7,55
Mr. Wright, in place, submitted an ordinance
authorizing a loan to purchase the Gas Works,
build a bridge over the Schuylkill. to build cul
verts, and to reduce the taxes of the city. Laid
Mr. MeMakin submitted a resolution that a
committee of three be appointed to act in concert
with a similar committee from Common Council, to
petition Congress, and, if necessary, the State he
gislature,to have the post Mike located in the cus
tom house building.
Mr. Holman was not willing that the city should
incur any expense in this matter. If the mem
bers chose to use their individual efforts to effect
this object be would not object.
Mr. }locker thought there was not a quorum in
the room.
Mr. Parker asked for a call of the house.
Mr. Maveher moved to lay the call on the tairle,
upon which the ayes and noes were celled, but no
quorum answering, the body adjourned.
Fifteenth Ward Relief , 13socialion.—At an
adjourned stated meeting of the Citizens of the
Fifteenth ward, held in the hall of the church of
the St. Matthias, on Monday evening, Charles
Brown, Esq., chairman of the committee appointed
to prepare a plan of operations for the Ward Aso,-
elation and a constitution for its government.
submitted the following report, which was unani
mously adopted:
For the purpose of combining the efforts of all
the citizens of the ward %%to may be disposed to
aid such of their fellow-citizens as may, from the
pressure of the times and the inclemency of the
approaching tvin ter,be deprived of employment and
need assistance, the undersigned agree to form an
association to be called the " Fifteentla 'Ward Reber
Association," and to be governed by the following
F. Jr. The officers of the association shall be a
President, eight Vice Presidents—one from each
precinct—a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Execu•
tice Committee, to consist of the President of the
Association, the eight Vice Presidents, and ttro
members from each precinct
Second. The President, Vice Presidents, aed
Secretary, shall be elected by the association at a
stated pleating, or aspeolal meeting called for that
These officers shall appoint the additional tyre
members of the - Ezeeutit s e Comtnittae Niii:eacA
precinct. '• ' -
The Treasurer shall be 'appointed by the Execu
tive Committee. -
Third. The President shall preside over all the
meetings of the association and of the Execitite
Committee, and in his absence from either, his dit
ties shall be performed by the Vice President pre
sent first, in the numerical order of the_precinets.
The Vice Presidents shall be the chairmen of
their respective Precinct Committees, and provide
over all precinct meetings Al the members of the
association that may be held.
Fourth. The Secretary shall keep the records
and do all the writing for the assodiation.
Fifth The :treasurer shall receive and pay out
all moneys of the association, and studl report fully
all his receipts and disbursements at each meeting
of the Executive Committee (if required by them,)
and to each ststed meeting of the association. He
shell pay out no money except upon orders signed
by the President end iocivtary or the Esoeutive
Sixth. The Executive Committee shall appoint
their Beeretary and suitable persons to collect or
receive money, food, clothing, ke.. for the nea of
the association; as also suitable persons to super
intend their distribution.
They may authorize the members of the com
mittee from any precinct to act as "Precinct Com
mittee." to afford relief where it is immediately . ,
required, to the amount of not exceeding three
dollars to any one person or family; which relief
they will report to the next meeting of the Execu
tive Committee. Ent in all cases where aid shall
be needed for any number of days beyond the next
meeting of the Executive Committee, end in all
eases above the sum aforesaid, it shall require the
sanction of the Executive Committee.
They shall call special meetings of the associa
tion. or precinct meetings of the members of any
precinct, whenever they may deem such meetings
They shall have fall power to make all needful
regulations for their own government, or that may
be required to carry out the objects of the aasocia
tion, and shall report these proceedings M eae's
stated meeting of the Association.
Seventh. Any citizen of the ward, who shall pay
the sum of fifty cents. shall be a member of this
association, and shall be required to pay the far
ther sum of twenty-five cents monthly as long as he
continues a member.
Eighth. The stated meeting of the association
shall be held on the first Thursday of each month,
at seven o'clock P. M.. at such places as the Exe
cutive Committee may designate.
A resolution was also adopted to meet on Thurs
day (to-morrow) evening in the same hall, Nine
teenth and North streets, for the purpose of elect
ing officers of the association. The Wilms of the
ward generally are invited to be present.
Young Men's Christian ,Issocsation.—The
third anniversary meeting was held last evening
in the Mbsleal rand Eau. aad was very ..sit at
tended. Shortly before eight o'clock, George H.
.Esq., President of the Association, took
the chair After a hymn, sung by the audience,
a prayer, and the reading of a portion of the
Scriptures, the third annual report wasiread. The
membership which, at the last annual report. was
seven hundred and nine active, two hundred and
fifty-four associate.twe nip two honorary, and twin
ty 1 ifedis now eight hundred and forty active, three
hundred and fifteen associate, twentv-soven hono
rary and 20 life, making a total of 1203; an increase
197. As many as from four to five hundred young
men have assembled at the monthly and weekly
meetings of the association, which are held regu
larly in the rooms at Ninth end Arch stream.
The number of volumes now In possession of
the association is two hundred and thirty-five.
The class for intellectual improvement, which
meets on Thursday evenings, has attained a high
degree of efficiency. It has thirty-fire members,
with an average attendance of about thirty. The
Treasurer's report shows the amount of receipts
for the present year to be . . $1,199 19
Disbursements, . . . 1.256 29
Leaving a balance of . . . $142 90
Exclusive of this, the society owes 5:410, leaving
it in debt $377.30 During last winter there were
six public lectures delivered under the auspices of
the association : two by Lieut. Henry, one by the
Rev. J. C. Fletcher, one by Prof. Hitchcock, one
hvßev. 'N. Morray,D. D., and oneby J. B. Gough.
Under the auspices of the society there were alsts
delivered twenty-two sermons to young men. The
meeting was addressed by the Rev A. Cookman, of
Green street Methodist church, who eulogized this
objects and operations of the society, and particu
larly dwelt upon the importance of giving proper
moral, as well as general training to young men.
Mr. Cookmau was followed by the Rev. R New
tm, D. D.,
and the Rev. J. Wheaton Smith,
after which the meeting separated.
Formation of Relief alssociations.—lt is in
deed gratifying to observe the many evidences
of &practical Christian charity among onreitisent,
as manifested by the warm encouragement given to
the formation of Howard Associations in the differ
ent wards. It is a glorious privilege thus to extend
the hand of sympathy and aid to the suffering
poor, and to alleviate, as far ashamanbenevolenee
can, the burden of sorrows which will undoubtedly
rest upon a portion of the community during the
ensuing winter. A meeting of the citizens of the
Nineteenth ward, bald for-the purpose of forming
a Howard Association. took plate last week in the
public school-house, on the Frankford road, above
Wood street. Eloquent addresses upon the present
financial distress, and its effect upon the worlieg
men and their families, ware made by Memrs.T.W.
Higgins, Andrew J. Holman. George W. Schofield,
It. Burr. M. D.. and A. Worthman. A permanent
organization was effected under the name of the
Provident Asvoriatton of the Nineteenth Ward-
Wo hope, as this is the largest ward in the city,
older relief associations will see that its wants are
An adjourne4 meetingtof the residents of the
Eighteenth ward was herd on Monday evening, in
the Kensington Methodist Church. corner of Queen
and Marlborough streets, to devise measures for
the relief of the destitute. A. constitution lima
adopted, and the following offioera unanimously
elected: President, John - H. Brimghurst; Vice
Presidents, George J. Hamilton, .Henry Bumm ;
Recording Secretary, G. W. Shinn; Corresponding
Secretary, J. W. It'ggs; Treasurer, Joseph Lip
pincott. After transacting some nniespasttant
business, the meeting adjourned to meet at the
someplace on next Monday evening.
Howard .association— Fourth Precinct—
Tiernry.Fourth Ward.—The citirens of the
Twenty-Fourth ward are actively moving in the
matter of relief. The great extent of the ward,
and the consequent difficulty of efficient co-opera
tion by its citizens in a general movement, has
led, in the Fourth precinct, to the formation of a
Howard Association for that precinct, subordinate
to the general association of the ward.
The officers of the association are as follows:
Thos. J. Butcher, Esq . President; Dr. H. W.
Sidciall, Secretary; Robert Glendenning, Esq.,
Treasurer. Committee on Supplies—Charles E
Truitt, Esc. ' • H. B. Harnish. Esq, ; Samuel Hut
chinson. Eorumittee on Collecnons—Albert J.
Asbmead, Esq. ; Dr. William Gallaher ; Isaac W.
Van Houten, 'Esq. ; Charles B. Truitt. EN. ; James.
Crowell. Esq.; H B. Harrish, Esq.: E. W. Ship
pen, Esq. ; 11. W. Si3ddll ; Hon. Win. D.
Kelley ; Samuel Hutchinson, Esq. ; A. Kendrick,
Esq.; John C. Keifer, Esq.
Brick Machine—Patented by Patrick S.
Dorian. August 25th, 1857.—This machine pres
ses one brick at a time, and two every revolution
of the shaft. It tomes into the mould sufficient
clay for making each brick by an ingenious and
simple arrangement; any Hernias and expansion
of the brick is taken away. The brick is manu
factured of tempered clay, with the assistance of
two boys and one man, and the power of one horse
to drive it. The machine is capable of snaking
thirty thousand in ten hours. It is portable, and.
only requires a space of four feet square. and from
its compactness, it is not liable to get out of order.
Expense not exceeding $5OO for each machine.
Moonlight Parade.—The Artillery corps of
Washington Greys made a moonlight parade last
evening, in fatigue uniform, and proceeded to Inde
pendence Square for drill exercise. The company ;
turned out some fifty strong and made a fine dis
play. The drill was witnessed by a number of
gentlemen, and the evolutions of the company
cited general admiration.
Industrial Women's .association.— There
will bo a meeting of this society this evening, at
the Commissioner's Hall, Southwark, Second st.,
above Christian. at half-past seven o'clock. The
public are invited to attend. Office No. US South
Seventh street, between Chestnut and Walnut.
Fire.—The alarm of fire about 73 o'clock
last evening was caused by the burning ofa frame
stable attached to the steam saw-mill of J. Sidle
Keen k Bro on Bridgewater street. between.
Market and Chestnut, West Philadelphia. Loss.
;600, which is insured.
Real Estate, Stocks, 4c.—The following sales
were made last evening, by M. Thames A Sons, at
the Philadelphia Exchanee
1 share Academy of Fine Arts, $l2; I share.
Philadelphia Library Co., $25 ; 1 share Philadel
phia Athenteu.m, $l4 ; 1 share Mercantile Library
Co., $8; 2 brick dwellings, Union and Hanover
streets, $1,400; three-story brick dwelling. No.
206 North Fifth street, 0200; valuable steam
saw mill, steam engine, and machinery. large
brick mansion, 3 frame dwellings, lumber yard,
large wharf, and 6 acres and 1 perch of land, at
Tacony, $12,000 ; lot of ground. N W, corner
Prime and Seventh streets, 0-1,500; three-story
brick dwelling, Seventh street. above Prime.
$l,OOO ; three-story brick dwelling, Seventh
street, above Prime. $1,000; neat three-story brick
dwelling, No. 983 North Fifth street. alcove
George, with a two-story frame carpenter shop. Ira
the rear, $4.300; three-story brick dwelling. No.
205 Twentieth street, between Wood area: and;
Vine, $1,7"25; 2 three-story brick dwellings. S. E
corner of Queen and Warren streets, 'Eighteenth
ward, $3,300.
[Reported for The Prue ]
Con CON PLEAS—Judge Thompaon.—Tothl et a!
d F i r i e y em of a tb n . 0
e the
a f e e i w o t i d o
t issue o e t e r
:i v
bell, deceased. An important alteration - in tLo
disposition of the testator's affairs was mach on his
death-bed, and the questions involved are his testa
mentary capacity and the due execution of the
codicil. The case is likely to ocen-ey several days.
For plaintiffs, George Mallery, F. Shepperd. and
George Mallory. Jr. For defendant, George
Wharton, E. S. Miller, and J. A. Simpson.
DISTRICT Corn?, No. I—Judge Stromi.—Man.
rice McNamee and S. V. Crump (late co-partners
as 'McN ame e and }'rump) tw Charles Faurest.
An action on a book account. Yerdiet for plain
tiffs for $215.09. William S. Price for plaintiffs,
and Lex for defendant.
Isaiah It'. Gerhart Owen Knight. Au action
to recover damages for slander. Gerhart for plain
tiff; Frederick C. Brewster and John Goforth for
DISTRICT Corer—NO. 27411aga Shar,irooi!
Clark Brown t.. Philip B. Purdy. Before
rerrotveidd.en'ef3dattifnoardLfendisazto.n vu.
Stout. An action of a ,Cl. fa sor triortege.
Mr. Amos A. Briggs for plaintiff, and Mr Nicho
las for defendant.
Goddard Brasher rir. James Shea. An action
for money had and received Mr. William B.
Ranken for plaintiff, and Mr. Daniel Dougherty
for defendant.
QuAItTER SISSSION3—Judge Conrad. Robes
Martin, Thomas Sommix, Wm. Tomlin... art
James Martin, were charged with the Ini,:eny o a
horse and wagon, the property of Jacob Endsoss.
The allegation of the defendants was: that the
property was taken in a frolic, and not nick the
intention of stealing. Verdict not ptlty. The
defendants were represented by irillim B. Ran
ken, F.sq
John - Schuler was acquitted of walieicus mis
Charles Weaver was convicted ci the larceny of
a shawl. Sentence deferred.
Augustus Hiller, an attempt to steal. Sentenced
to pay a fine of one cent, and one year and six
months in the county prison.
William Beek plead guilty to an assault and
battery. Sentenced to pay a fine of five itollan.
and cotta of proaecation,