PIIIIKEISD 'DOW • 011MDAYIU *OIIPT.IIID,Y ' 41114,611;N:i R E ori T toc;.A - 4, 4 :, .0 4 issujr, lo .e,11:E11111, • thrifeeti Chien' ',Oa Winne, isphle to the earthier. IllithdhelhitieteMie Ott of the City- it Ste Duxes. Adam[;taa Pomo DOLLAIIII eOl Mese Moatas= Taw Doctles roatellehipirees, ieeerteely.le sveaoe Joe the thee eraeoe; :•', „ • • , mai,4rt4lo,katioievit of the City, it Teen Doh eettent,le advance: ) • - -16111144,144141 to liabfariblorit • ••Syi iolot;(por otixibM;:ke advanced at "' WOO 'M60060641' . " 600 Piro COPlivo'' • " ' ' BOO leitlapitit, Is - - 1 2 00 Vironty - • "' , (to 041 sAldreolj'„,- 30 00 Twenty Coploe, at ant, .(to - eddeose of oath' otthortibat),,otob.. t ' 6,4 I ' 2o lot o (ilo l a et twenty-ono of Door, we soVi. ea ostre copy,.to. th e getter -eA of the 010.• lUPoottnattott.oro tqaottol 6o sai6( for .184 Virlift'i ' • - - . THE'INEE . IiLY PRESS: ,TitE:9,DEAPEST AND BEST - WEEKLY . li . EWSPAPEIt IN THE COUNTRY; . ein.rav vsnattimmtilvais' I , c) muss THS'itIIBKLY PRP& lephblished front the City of Illisiladolphio: every &Airplay. , • - It is - cOliduiited epos "National' Prlnctiplelli. ind , will , Aphold the rights of the States, it will resist fonati- Caw Its'ererysha 'pa and will be devote& tti coraserf,. atlVArittei, as the. fir" '10426t4011"0f phblio, mak, Dal And ,riochtl-order;: linen , a ,Wpok4 Journatluis long . n geared in ,_,_the 'United Stitml, Sod , i t is to gra tify this want that TUE WPM! PM'S le lailAished PHA WASKLY ERSEr3 U painted on eacollent white' itow bpe, - Ind quarto form, for binding":' If obhtolno all the News Of the day ; Oorreepoldentar irons Co Old , World' and the New ; Dmarestlo • intern -400001. Repoli. of 'the various:Machetes...Literary ite 'nova; Misoellaneous Selections; the pressen of Agri aulture in all iteyarions depertmelatt, /to, km. Mt"; germ., ilvosiably amigo. Plittlqpitg.lorPßßSS will lie sent to - salsierlberw, by mail, at - - 9i2 00 per imam., Twenty_ Copies; when sant to one ad dreg; - - 20 00 - ' o. Tyrant, &Plat, Or over, to address of Inch rubocsibery *soh, - - 120 E. Nutt Club' of Twenty-one or „over, we will send so into copy to theigettert•aa of Ake Glatt. • 0414140= ars ifft,Wfo4.tt!, o ta, 4 ,0 fclt I %Nte-eat:o4att • 115itii,1 . 04441111.0..6440;.1 , "mug Atccenesokaalt -ettostir.'who•aesira-i"drist 'ciao WeekitNewspaperrWin • snort thin:RW*lml° giro ' large etroalatton In Welt , wpm:tiro JOIN N. IiORNEY , • Editor and Ptoprlntar." ; Publkstiost Obles of "PIIE PIUMB, No. 411 inantriat !neat, Philadelphia,' ,,. .• ' t - - • I COTEDINOS,FOR TUB lINAD, Anbraoe &IRAs paints penesaaryto'.. ' DENTDDL BWYNOT; • • - ad all The "detail!' and blear 'eleganalei *bleb impart MISR, SOMPOBT. AND ntruAslurr: Geittlenian are United ta'aall and examine. - - ' " • , 450 , 0DESTNIIT Street.' Backe. VALUABLE LI BR B 0,0 4,,S d. B. 11131iNIELD, IITRERT; 11111 V "YORIS.: 0 VD: BY ACt'L . 18 . 0 liL L B R 5 agET(Thlit ortagutig. BAR. 'he *the - 111glie Hone Billtedi with& Mentoirand NOtely by t 'a. Shelton Mackenzie, D. 0. L. 'Sixth Mi klos, with Tortralttaiul lemeinille letter: la 2.10111; Prim 112. • k. • SHE 12002121,ildblibilialeMl. ; Pr ofelasaiirilson, J. 0. - Lockharc limeallogg, end Dr. Mited, with Menadre and Notee, Dr. R:Philtonllackenaie. Third 'Edition. 6 viitiunot, With' pertralta and fee. slmitee. "Price $5,:" .• • - •• • • • ' MAGINN'S 141130BLLANIES. The MboellenootioWrit , In of the . late Dr. Maginn. Etilted,'lrith a Memoir and Notes, by Dr. D. Shelton Ideckenzie. Complete in 6 - volumez, with Portrait. • Price, per vol., cloth, 21. WI ON TRH 8.T.t,80N.401111 Pult,EOT °URBAN; By hie sou, Wm. Henry Curran; with Neter and Ad= ditto na „ by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, and a Portrait aitBtee , atod,lervelatile., Third 'Mlitlon. limo., cloth. THR aptuLpD:Tita 0 , 2LABBICIEB; a Ns gang Slo0r; brdrigthe .ol - Lady Morgan , " Novel.' MuLßOlniineelf.'„ With An: Introduction 'end Notoi, by 1222)“2,1212. • 2 vole.; 12m0., oloth. DARRINGTONISSRZTONSILierionaI ketches of Ala GernSluncAiy2irTomilz.llatrirgton,4ith Minim= *mobs Barley; • •Sourthi Edition. -‘ With Memoir by Dr. Heickinnie. , 12610., cloth... , Pries 514 5 , moomps, - .Luf 'OP linitlDAH: • Henioisi of the LTiet4tti Eight. Hen. Rieherd ,Bricieley Sheridan: henitir Maori; 'Wit' Parrott and ,lan-elto lle .' 'Whim. 2 you .;12.0., cloth: Prioes2; - 'BLARRIft: 'Dr. R. Shelton 1222k2a28y Third Rditlon. , 12m0., eleth, 21. - '•• THE HISTORY OF TRH WAR IN TM PENINSULA.. By Major General Sir W. P. P. Naylor, from [the ',au thor?a,last revised edition, filty.flye Maps and l'lsne 4 llYO,Portralis On Steel, and"a complete indez,, 6 vole: obier."l'llcithl' 60. - " ' AMU'S PEN11123014.11.` WAR.' Complete tvol„' Sur: 'Priori PAO; • • • THY TOE -8y .7.17. Huntington, author of'-Lady 14110//, , ' .P.Albart t i'Jka. rot:, 12mo. Howled Edi tion. brim 111 26 ALBAN ;,or,• The Miztory,‘ Toting , kur .. itan.• Y:. if 2 rola, Eno., cloth. P/100 ' 0 , 374.r , „ , , • r , WDBESON- &CO (GREAT LITRE • I _lll3llll aud4Holl *eats. - X* criAekto _ittatUr,the •wtobes,ot our ofrooormis p.• **lN mad:thoisoo, the book:buying public to 81l up thole nbfeelea fit tip war low prices, we .Intend to'oripunt to :rgpluottoiaor'id loboits to . :thoriolowit uu zip. , AC Qin 44(taisia et- truth 26 °natio PO: , Oall at exit Italßeept;ledkatourr4TarbleHook,andrfleeT • ileuellset mare lel buying atvliuteeq for aveti &t -allow gets Me boots at the usual pries, and very, Dumf. will gut, is addition, it . , present worll baying. au7l-am Wattbei, ‘or. . 101MILEY & • CO., CHESTNUT STREET. JUs idannfacturen of . lIBLTISII STEELING' SILVIS Wilt% Midis 'their Inspection, on' the T1.0E11064 ololiudosly Oitisons and Strangers ors invited to whit one menu 144 1 "7 ' . ; i • • WATOICES. ' Cliastantii.Ort lurid ''..llk splendid stock of, paper* 'lWittchits, of *lithe celebrated , makers. ' O.ND S arrawimr„ litrootatta; Brooches,. ltar-Illnim Ringer- Singh sad all other articles In the Diamond line. Draeriagiii of :NEW will be made free of ebsige for these Wilelthig Work made to orrice. • ' Rica GOLD JEWELRY. A ,beatitiful assortment of all the new styles of lino its& as Mamie, Stone end 'Shell Cameo, leas; Oartsincle, Masotti* • ~ &e. BAISHATO i .. .WAITERS &O. Also, Arouse sad Maible,OtOOKS, of newest ;Vies, iihwitof gawp* quality. attl7dtwAwly A. - PEW:IIOMT Ci ; `ItANDIAOTODIDS OE WATCHCASES AID IDPODTIIII. BELOW In SOUTH THIRD STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT, FIIIVADALPHIA.„ 001STA1117 PIIQDIONOIL A 0608711 PlOlOllOl. Del9-ISmosit .TAMES.S.:.OALDWELL & CO., • t1e:4112 QIIBBx Wr BBLOT4' PLPTIT 87/11,17, Isaporton of4Watchea and Nine Jewelry, Maantaete- Teli Of A - Wing and Standard BilYei Tea Seta, Porn and *papas, {tole agents for the gale of Charles IrOdahain's Woe, Genii (lold , Medal London Thnetneinro--511 the Aix on hand; pride's USD, $216, an 44300, •Stnallah awl Swim Watehee'et the lowest plum. • • d* E faiddoneble Jewelry. - , _ ,811.02d01d end Aniethsext nted Wixom. • 4S. JARDEN & BRU. • , 4a. • araseraoremaas AIM nirOlaTilti • ; WILTE.B,PLXTED, WAIVE, p[o. ,acld Obeertaut gltcooto4bore Third, tip stake, - • - • ' PhiladelphLs. • • OeastaStly oi head and rot aide to the Trade, . 1 21 U SETS, , COaIktIINION - SERVIOB .SETS, EBBS -PTTOODISS %OOBLETS4 OUPS WAITETts B AS,: ~ , JERTS,OktROBS, EWES, iSOONS, MM, , LADLES, k 0.., ,to. , Gilding and adatfpg on akl kinds of meted. :',1027.1y IigILVER WARE.* - -.; - WIVLIANI-WiLSON SON., MANUFACTURERS OF name wAIIR, - (ERIABLIOILED 18/2,) • •I. N. CORNER 71y? AND engin: - gistaigio.L A Sarre aseeranent of moms WILDA, of every de• figstiptlotwxmatantly on hand, es made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Sheffield sad Edrailngham Imported LINANOTS P. DUBOSQ .& SON, Ito of Pubblq Cargow & 00., Wholesale MANI3IAO- 4044611.80i.11WALRY,804. 011118TNIIT skeet, PhilL. 41100111 L Dtiio94.Wig. N. pulhomi. . • win ata liritiroof'oofgo• -4A-ALAik4NmR. ai E$ •-•"• lifts airoitmont of '- •` myna k WANT , ON I znlzapoLf.,.VA_ltiANuFAcTußEp SALAIIAR 41AVEfi, • ' • DOOPA NOT Baas And *rem. BANK LOOKS • - ttol *any noir In no, , Dh AB ) 1311.101 , 1'X'Ati, ko 94 as PO t4iPtilagatt';.eit4b/id,".nr4'°, {he tubr • cRVANEI &'WATI3ON, No. 26 Muth VeIIRTH street PLitadeSPht PLUS* Om ye A coa,„ latele qta licetautatqii. jAnttiAloi }SUNNING'S 011"1,140,11, • • 1 4* SAVO./f1 No , 232 Oar** AnanITIA cmSOWAIT'S' RESTAURAPIT, went eoinei of 'BILOAD,and WWI/T r —ea= and an other delltaalep in Season. ho`4ll0 11 30 .11 1144 with oysters on shoffesf notion. Ner- ERCHANTS , TIOTEL,) • -•; ; NORTH POUR:111 EMMET, • '-. Asovit lettaturi, .• • • a0.44-tf Malagnsx...& 80143,,PROPEIXTORN .11 , 114.X1TT. HOUSE—Cdrnoi of I ff in,,§treee ammaituesut WqsFittablirilk B. D. MAILKBBS Proprietor. , sulB-90 taItE4VitEDUCTIOIC OF P,RIOES.--: tadlimertailfselling_oif reirisrpiii of ow OHARLIIB OAKIMID ecIION - 0 , I 'lmportkig and noinufaottirink lariiits, MU 011138 T. I '. RUT et. bdisw 016ve OW' entioo 4toineot Plitij**ll3lli -410 , 100 OFPIOE; "faiwpi ci . lfrltnify• ,forriixds.P.A*ol4fiei ,IPkOICO4,IO;:fILER monarie, BANK ,rions 1111 1 1MArither Vita bojaffn, lo .` oooo oottft , "' ifitlioffq UMW COEIfAXIIt kali the O,W, 01 "%TM 04 441041 of tito United etstoo, .• • t:23; Lloungros*, ' 1014 ; - fiennol loporiotondont. . . Lieux_ROPL-43nyiirrit*invitedtoleall iadmlY. keitArdui.sea.iB4l6i'which, ire can mplk M Orr M Amlitioanj- and' varnatit superior in k{44;‘- , 4 , . t datallntT Wing1001444a.410.; :•-• ;3 1 1;14'6' 414, jisx4rserin, opkltscl9*7o/ . . :ff ., ,, , — c.'4 , - •••:`:. `' '-, " • • , ''.. i . - ,1.: ' s ,1 \lii if • ..., \• oti ,/ ~ / .• , .-'....!, .'.. .I.1"" ( 4 *it ..:, ':' :, 5 ''', \ 'i , t .., , , ~ , „ , 11111111 . . rer,;,1,5 •• W -- • ) 11 e, • 4 .....,,,,„„,,,, •II d, ';''• .i..:,, -,-',' , (/' t . ", ~ • „. a .... t ri s s \ ,%, i t tNi/,`•/.. ..„./' ,. . ii • ~-, . , ~r r . .....". • ,-:..,•.: triti,* , ~... -- -X_....• • ' /...........Z., .. _ - . ,-7•:•-• -- ‘.ll • _ ' .ok K 't ,•• . • • : •.: .1 . - --, k16.. •••i 1 '' ": .••. , . . . ..!., lo t r 154 , - - - :., .--r.z , . i:' • A tv•fr..o.: , . '.- -•?" . .4. 0 , - ;,;:ii - iii,6:7 4. 4wipm, .........,... 1. ..::,:„.: .., r.....: : .:,:. _ .:,_,..4 :44 ,, ,4 1 , 1 , , -'- '•-•:•• -wl ~, ... -1 . 7 - .., t'Aik .1::: , ,'":0; ....... :. ~..k4' •'0 ,,, ,-,., ••••-.„.• , :licvs,s -, •••• •,. ••••••• „.,...,•—•;---- --_-,.- ~, . ..--,-....,: *v ,.,,, , .... „,!...,.. 1 ,...,, : .. v ,„ ,••••:.,, ..: ~.. ••. -• -.7 i.., . - '..cf .4r i • ... ‘ ,7....if,e, , ,,,t . _i . , • : ,0.i....r• • .--- --- .; ...... .. ..— i .-.A.- ...,----- - • „., . •• `• - 44,0 2 ' 1 :''':' ----- --' ..;! • • ' ' ' ' . .. .... •,..--- _ r _ ii ito A , ______:—. . —_____, ~,_,,., , t , .,..., - ----i• —.--- . • . 1... . I L I ••••-.--...... ----•-• • ....... , . , VOL. I-NO. 82. Legal Nofirm ESTATE OF JAMES KELSIE, SR., DE. ceased. WRBREAS. Letters of Administration to the estate of J'AdfifS RELSII, Sr., late of Philadelphia; deceased, hate been granted by the Register of Willa to tiro' un derelgned ail Indebted to the said estate are requested to meta, immediate payment, and Those having claims against the same to present them to the administrators 'JOIN REMIT " IRAN cis u . i t Etsrf ! Administrators. . . . If. W. eerner of Fitt and Prone ate , Ms 284 1 1 0r,fr-6t " • .. ..- ' Philadelphia, Pa. 'N, THE. COURT OF COA9EON PLEAS YOD,, THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL THIA,• • 4 0. 1 4 - t'o!kbyher nextfrlenl, ko., vs, Charles •O. It' Our; Sept. T: 1856, l•lo.16. Libel for divorce. And ;:ww, Oct: 24,1857, err metlon'of 'leery. 0, hots, •Xcq.:; ter libellant, the Court grant a rule on respondent show 'cause ' why. a divorce a• vlncolo • reatritnonii 'idiould not be decreed.. Returnable Saturday, Nor, 7th, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. 11 0c:27-tutko,4os .10STATE - JAMES McGLONE, DE- Jut akiszu: • • • , Lepers o f Adnilnistration o n thVabore estate have been granted to the Undersigned, to 'whom all persona iddebted to said decedent are requested to make pay ment. • i.[ : PATRICK MeGLON.E, 1200 Chestnut street Or his Attorney, . , 11A IA wp.oartat, 130 South Sixth street, oel4-wet* . , , , . - . , Notires PHILADELPHIA BANK, , PattaiLDHLPHII, November 2, 1857. ' The Dowd of Directors bare, THIS DAY. declared a dirldetref of wow PEI Om. for the !gat MX menthe, payable mat:emend, 'clear of the gate teL no2•2t; r COMEGYB, OP PE ANTA enebial meeting of llie'Stoekholdere, of the -4, President, Dtrectors, , and Oompwy of the Bank of Pennsylvania," will be - held at the Banking-house, on the ninth dayst Nonni:lNi, A, ih 1867, at 22 &cloak, M., to determine whether to wept or reject the pro tif the set of Aigeoblj,tentitted "Au not ro ;Tiding 'faiths restnption, epeete - payments by the Reinke, airid'for' the relief: of debtors," approved the 18th instant. By order of the Board of Directors. - ' :00.294N9 J. L. FENIMORE, Assistant Cashier. ripRE PHILADELPHIA BANK.—PtuiA .I. DYLPHU , October 6, 1867.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank trill be hold at the Bank ing. Itattie, oa Monday, the ninth . day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. „ The annual election for 'Directors will be held at the Banking house, on Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember nett. B. B. CO/MOTS, oct7-wtkratNl6 flashier. MV o U s r i g i T c n . ERS' A ND,, DLECIIA- , ' , ,PIIII3DELPIIIA, Oct. 4,185 T. The amnia! meeting of the Stockholders of this Bunk 'wilt be held at the Banking House, cm Tuesday, Novem ber 8, et 10 o'clockiA, 81. t The annual election for thirteen Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, November /6 4 01, from 10 o'clock, A. Id., to 9 P.. 11. L . mwftnlil W. WOODWARD, Osehiei 'COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL- N.../ velaA, Pnicioncnna, October 12, 1857. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bent will be held at tho Backlog-Bowe on Tuesdayathe 9d Soy of November next, at 13 o'clock M. oel2,mwict tnorl3 :CO* fiEROIAL ' BANK OF PENNS YL vaNtA, October 12, 1857. The'Annual Election for Directora of this Bank will be Held at the Banking• Howie, on Monday, tho 16th day of November next, from 10 o'clock A. M., to 3 o'clock octl2-markf tootle , 8. O. PALMER, Oashier WAHMERS'. AND MECHANICS' BANK. ji. ; , liearmii'sie - iatti:r Lr lfl i r l eero c re t°b w e i r lf t l l ) L 4 east the Banking - House, on MONDAY, the 10th day of Novem ber next, between the hoary of 9 o'clock A. M., and 8 o'clock P. )1.1 and on TUESDAY, the 8d day of Novent. her next, a Ormond Meeting of the Stockholders will be tald at the Banking Donee. at 4 o'clock P. El., agreea bly to.tbe charter. Loci-toga R. U. T.RWIR, Deshler ?4,ttornt - po at gam Oti r o l GOODE- , LA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boyrtion; ilfechtenkurg County,' Va , Attends to protessiobal trosinens la Vie Courts of Mesh• isubbrg; ludenburg, ltatitax arid Obarlotte countioi. SbaPleigh & 800, Philadelphia.. Baptistk White, New York.. • Zanier, Bro.olcSo.,,Baltimore.,; , ' fitayth,Stone, & Batiks, Petersburg, VW— ;• Adis & 4rkt, Mahatma!, Ts. ' foal-Lim-2m S_ S. WEL LS, itTORNE AT AA LAW:No.2 AIRY STREET; NORRISTOWN, Pa., will attend with punetaalttl, and to the . boat of Ids ability,. to all business entensted, to bb care. ; , ootnrn TIANLEL "DOUGHERTY,' ATTORNEY 1./ °AT LAW, Southeast Cornei of STGIITH and CrOST Streets', Philadelphia. sal-11 TER /3 TR 0 USE,' ATTORNEY AT oIiNTRIN itre4t, Potty/Ills, P. iin4-ly ASS's EAST INDIA PALE ALE.— I The aomamers ot tbiscolobrigod beverage need no demlitiOn of Itsqualities or evidence of its excellence, 'beyond the benefit they hitvo derived from its use since ita introduction into this country; to those who have , notyet made an acquaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor it maybe well to state a few facts : • BASBII EAST INDIA PALO ALB Owes its excellence 8.11 n ,beverage to the superior quality of the Lope and malt, the mineral prope al.+ of the river ?water immediately communicating with the brewery, and the *Monti& *kill applied In Its manufacture. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALB Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palate, therefore, neither heating nor heady ; but fitoiluaitic and appetizing. DAWN DANT INDIA PALE ALE 10 the delight and enlace of the Indian Entaltern in hie fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawns, BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the del* without which no Min can be complete— no journej by: dawk Resale._ BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the favorite drink In England of lord and bagman— duchess minnow • BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the muoh•admired tonic for invalids and pereons of weak interiors. BMWS EAST INDIA PALE ALE Will keep In all climates; and le good at all meals—lun eieon, dinner, or supper, BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is pronounced by the medical faculty one of the most wholesome beseragea that can be taken, and is found to be not less agreeable to the palate than it is beneficial to the health. , BASSI EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is universally conceded to be unrivalled in excellence by any other imported into the United States. Dealers and CAIMSUISMS will find It their interest to give this Ale a preference. Yoe sale in cask and bottle by TROMAIS MaISULLY.N, Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVER lit., N. Y. On sae at Detram:doe's, William et., corner of Beaver, and Clumbera t corner of Broadway. Sutherland's, 38 Pine street. Berryie,lo Pine street. Richardson d Ileyter, 120 Water Et -George F. Burgess, 483 Broadway. - N. B. Gosling, 331 Broadway, GOLD MINE FOR ,SALE.—TRE SUB scriber offers for sale, with , a perfect title, tho property known as the REID GOLD AND COPPER MINE, situated 8 miles from Concord, Cabarrue county, North Carolina: With the mine is a plantatien of 74e acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a large MANSION HOUSE, with barns, miners' houses, powder ,and engine house, and other buildings; new Warn engine, 45 horse poser; Cldlian mille t stamps, ccumps, Jo., embracing all the machiner tools anary or for the full equipment of a mine in s good order, The mine has been worked at intervals for the last 50 years, and , has always been profitable to resident pro. prietere, but has never been worked for any length of tmOwith au engine, end machinery. The shafts and ollories sop well constructed, the stoppings have never been taken mit', and from 50 to 78 miners can he profit ably employed in the old workings. On the property is fortaidable rein of copper and , lead, which has never been worked, and a new gold vein has been discovered since the tint or this month, at which three men hare been at Work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its continuance, no24hu ' CHARLES J. GILBERT, 181 Broadway. GAS! GAS ! ! GAS ! !!—THE UNDER signed wOuld reepettfully mil the attention of the public to the fact that they hove and aro daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Gus, from $2.25 per into feet 60 the low price of $1 60 per 1000 feet, by their BIODIO, RAO Ulan OR, which saves 130 per cent , a clear saving et 1 canto ,on $2.26, ther,eby m reducing the price fro V.,25 Icith,so per 100 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on all the prinei. pal , and 'prominent buildings In the city churches, libraries, factories , betels, and'other public buildings. It has .also, been plated on at the Philadelphia Xx. change: Hundreds of certificates 'in favor of the nail Regulator, Nun those ;haring tried it, ehowing the above saving, pan be men st our, (dace. Btore4reapora and the public generally are requested tomcod ln , their order. Cent of Regulatory from to uptiarda, according to 'size. Ordere through blood's Despatch prOmptly attended to. : N. IL—Pillyenergetic, enterprising, and persevering man wanted, to *amuse for thellODRI, 111.01,11,61011; eau make from $2 to $5 per day. ROBERT T. Elf TOUT dc. CO., °thee No. 44 South Filth street, '0024-1M • next to lilood , s Denpateb. CI_BEEN SAND MARL;OP NEW JED SE Y. ILA —THE NEW /MISSY PERTILJZER COMPANY is now prepared to' receive orders tor.this important manure. or all lands upon which ashes are beneficial, the Marl 10 mere than a substitute, professor Cook, in his apnual report to the Legisla ture of New Jersey, says: " The value of these Marls as best seen in the rich and highly cultivated district which has been lint:roved, almost node, by their use ; but it may be interesting to examine the cannon of their great adlue in Agriculture, and to compare them with other instill:era. For example: Tho potash alone may be taken at an average of tire, por cent. of, the whole weight. of Marl, a bushel when dry weighing eighty poands, - and in the proportion mentioned would contain four pound' of 'potash ; this is nearly as much as there ,is in a bushel of uuleached 'wood ashen." And ;gain— it iii Probable that the greet value of the Marl is to be 'found in the fact that it contains nearly all the nub -0611001 necessary. to make up the ash of our common cultivated plants. Price; delivered en board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland Heights, onilaritan Day, New Jellefri scion cents per bushel. For further particu lars, see circular, sent free of postage. Orders for other fertiliser* will receive prompt attention. Address either of, the undersigned. CHANLES SEARS, President, Dleeville Post Office, New Jersey , . . TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Trcaanrer, No. 82 NSSIIILII street, New York, Gmonos W. ATiooni Secretary, No. in stmear street, iNew York: N. 11..—Those whaling Marl for Spring use should ,osider Immediately, tp secure its early shipment. Orders will ha Sled iw 7.47411)11. ,0Ct29.6111 t. e sc')3. .SOFIELL'S coy. iimißp4 'WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL AOTORY. MA.RBLE , ...0, , , , F..001111E8, OF TENTHHALL AND VINE BTREP.TB, • • - PHILADELPHIA. iilterey'errriclety" of MARBLE MANTELS TOMBS, 'MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPE and FLOORING, can be stipplled twin reasonable Ceram. , att24.tufßrn COTTON -400 bales good Middling to Mid elllas VAN Cotton{{ in store sod for Nile by MARTIN ac MANALDVVRId, 119 North Water olrßet Ely 'Ortss. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1857 Timm. ANONYMOUS IN PERIODICALS There is an afflectation in some American periodicals of concealing the names of those trim write particular articles. Like many other bad customs, this is derived from the practice in England. The Edinburgh and Quarterly lleitiews may be said to have established what was formerly only occasionally adopted. Yet who could be mistaken as to the authorship of the leading papers in each number? There, in the Edinburgh, as visible as if the name were placed at the head of the article, was ,readily recognizable the keen analysis of JEJR. , FREY,,the laughing sarcasm of SYDNEY SHITU, the vigorous hand of.Bnomnam, the strong sense* of Honzut, the logical force of Wnara ter, the metaphysical thought of MACIUNTOSH, the Imaginative delicacy of Moan, and later still, the brilliant word-painting of ltfAeAur,Ax. So, in the Quarterly, reading men at once know the sarcastic bitterness of OITYORD, the ele gant scholarship of ELLIs, the kindly feeling Of WALTER Scow, the deep learning of Setrrursr, the geographical knowledge of BAR. sbvr 2 ,,the poetic criticism of bfit Itkit, and the ItWeeping force of - Loestawr. This recogni tion is more difficult now,' when the writers in the great British Quarterlies are so much in ferior to those whom we hail) named—flounder ing in the deep waters which the others breasted, with sinewy force and wonderful self reliance. They, are less readily recognised, because, wanting the individuality which ema nates from Genius, there is loss interest in speculating about inferior people. The Magazines have affected the anonymous . also, but, with the exception of Blackwood and Household Words, the concealment has been almost nominal. Chamber's Edinburgh Jour nal, in its prime, (which long since passed away,) kept a good deal, though not wholly, to the anonymous. Dies ass has made it the rule of his Housekold Words, and the result is two-fold--first, that some excellent writers, such as SALA and Wuxin COLLINS, have in ' voluntarily given an echo of his style, and next, that, while Gtermis actually writes very little in his own periodical, ho gets the credit of almost every good thing that appears in it. Blackwood preserves the anonymous mar vellously well—and better now than formerly. When " Christopher North" poured out his poetic prose, every body detected JOHN WIL SON. When " Ensign and Adjutant Morgan O'Doherty" rollicked in the pages of Ebony, running riot in criticism and getting merry as well as witty at the "Nodes Arnbrosiame," who did not know the erratic and brilliant pen of Dr: Macumr4 7 And so, equally, with DE QUINCY, OILLIES, LOCKHART, STAIE, and a long array of wits and scholars, who used to write for Blackwood. ',Utterly, few are recognizable. ATTOUN, always—ALlSON, often—W.4,lMM, invariably. The style betrays each known writer. Sometimes, there is a good deal of guessing. Thus the authorship of " The CRY tolls" was a long time undetected. So Zaidee" was not discovered until it appeared reprinted in a separate form, when it appeared that a practised novelist, MAROARDT OLIPHANT, was the writer. So, " The Athelings," alto ODIPHANT, was attributed to many authors, until, at last, the truth came out. So "Lady Lee's Widowhood," a dashing, splash ing, man-of-the-world novel, was accredited to ut least twenty popular authors, and turned out, at last, to have been written by a cavalry officer, Major ILunrs. Harper's Magazine ostentatiously preserves the anonymous, and does not gain anything by doing so. At first, when it avowedly was mainly made up of articles !( conveyed " from foreign periodicals, perhaps there was worldly 'wisdom in not naming the source. But, since it has become established, with a circulation larger than any monthly periodical ever ob- Ltained, in any country, it has gone largely into original articles, and, in truth, takes very lit tle from foreign sources. It can well afford to abandon them altogether, resting its credit on entire originality, and generously doing jus tice to its own contributors bypublishing their names. The Knickerbocker, on the other hand, which is the oldest American magazine, and composed wholly of original matter, almost always publishes the authors' names, and many a reputation, which now is groat all over the world of letters, had its commencement in the genial pages of" Old li:flick." Had they been cabined, cribbed, confined," within the fro zen boundary of the anonymous, when they first wrote, they might, in disgust, early have dropped the pen. When Putnam's Magazine was commenced, in 1853, there was an affectation of mystery as regarded the authorship of the respective articles. A poor affectation it was—for that universal confidant, the press, was made ac quainted with each name, and told the public that LOISOPELLOW and BRYANT, CURTIS and Cozzens, and all the rest, poetized or prosed in such or such articles. We were curious to see how the new peri odical which notional Boston had announced would manage. We did not dream of the anonymous here, for twenty-four native and six foreign writers, of more or less celebrity, were duly advertised as forming the literary stall of the Atlantic Monthly. A fortnight ago, the first Number appeared (beautifully printed, we must say) and lo! not an author's name to even a single article. Strictly anonymous, in deed. While we yet wondered at the want of judgment thus exhibited—for the public like to know authors' names, to judge whether what they aro reading equals what they had . read, from the name pens, besides the gain in the way of popularity—we find a paragraph in a Massachusetts paper, which raises the curtain pretty fully. There aro nineteen different articles, (exclusive of editorial, literary and musical,) and our country con temporary names the authors of eleven of them. We learn that the Personal Reminiscences of DOUGLAS JERROLD MS written by JAMES HAN NAY, au English writer; Illusions, by Encason, the transcendentalist ; The Manchester E WM. tion, by CHARLES E. NORTON, of Cambridge; British India, by C. C. HAZEWELL, of Boston; The Origin ofDidacticPoetry,bgAnus RUSSELL LOWELL ; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, by Homms; Pendlam, by J. R. TROWORIDOR Sally Parson's Duty, by Miss R4ll TERRY, of Hartford ; Akin by Marriage, by C. W. Ppacto, of Suffield, Ct.; The Mourning Veil, by Mrs. STOWE; awl The Financial Flurry, by PAR RE GODW/N. By the way, had GODWIN'S name been prefixed to this last, we should have read it moro carefully than we did—for you may as well put a kettle) on the fire and bid it not boil, (the illustration, though homely, was made by WALTER SCOTT,) as get PARKE GODWIN to write without his plunging, in some way, into a diatribe against the South. And, sure enough, at the wind-up of a discus sion on the causes of the financial panic, Mr. Grooms slily introduces a hit at "the inexorable shape of the slave-power," which (he declares) "consults no interest but its own in the management of Government, and Will never make a concession to the manu facturers or the merchants of the North, unless it be to purchase some new act of baseness, or bind them in some new chains of servility." PARKE GODWIN is a very able writer, but the atlantic Monthly will tie well to remember that the first serious blow to the undoubted popu larity obtained by Putnam's Magazine, under the original editorship, (by Mr. Bamos,) was given by its publication of Mr. GODWIN'S at tacks upon the South. The information respecting the authorship of articles in the Sttantie Monthly came to us, in onecountry paper. From another, published In. New York, we learn that Florentine Mo saics was written by MOTLaY, historian of the Dutch Republic; Santa Filomena, by Lose- FELLOW; The Romroany Girl, The Chartist's Complaint, Days, and Brahma, by EMERSON ; and The Gilt of Tritemius, by WHITTIER. TllO sum total is, out of nineteen anonymous articles the authorship of eighteen is declared, in the newspapers, adthin ten days of the pub lication of the Magazine. Such being the case, how useless, how ridiculous, is the Idea of affecting the anonymous. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1857. CORRESPONDENCE. AN APPEAL FOR A PROTECTIVE TARIFF. For The Prem.] LEBANON, Ootobor 27,1857 It is not in the spirit of the partisan that I ad dress you this letter, but with the view of calling your serious and careful attention to a subject, in which you cannot avoid feeling, in common with your suffering fellow citizens, a deep and absorbing interest. The sad condition into which our work ing and business ela,sos have been suddenly plung ed, and the present and prospective misery that is likely to grow out of the terrible revulsion that has overtaken us, demand the thorough and un= biased consideration of the people, and mere par , Ocularly of those who are placed in the .responsi ble position of journalists, and as such, exert the influence that you do. The temperate tone of your paper, and the sympathy you profess to feel for those who carryout and conduct the great indus trial operations of the country, lead me to expect that you will henoeforth give to the overshadow ing interests of the working classes an earnest sup port, and receive the sincerely entertained view' heroin expressed, in the same spirit of candor and respect in which I assure you they are offered. However difficult of solution, and whether proxi mate or remote the cause may be, of the fearful break-up in business and nearly total stoppage of manufactures that have taken place within a few weeks past, there is no mistaking its effects. These are presented in eharaeters that' not only excite commiseration, blit the most serious apprehen• Sion as reeptiots the condition of myriads of work lag people during tho'approaching winter. In the manufacturing and mining districts, the desola tion produced by the revulsion is the meat parent. The throng of female operatives, who so recently tilled our cotton-mills, and made them resound with the hum of industry, are now east down and lamenting at the torpor that rests on their spinning framer and looms. Hard-working, honest men, embracing an aggregate of several hundred thousands, have been suddenly bereft of the means of supporting themselves and their families, and stand in woful, helpless groups about the closed doors of the nvichine-fihops, foundries, rolling-mills, factories, furnaces, and forges, in which they lately toiled contentedly and cheer fully for the bread and raiment to which they, of all others, are the most strongly entitled, This is not only a distressing but an alarming state of affairs; and it requires but little acumen to point out the danger to society, in thus instantly wrest ing from immense numbers of our people the "from hand to mouth" support, on which so many of them depend. Be whore it may, there is a fear ful accountability resting in some quarter for the absolute want imposed upon our producing dames. On occasions such as the present (minis, and in any emergency of danger and trouble, it is na tural for men to endeavor to trace effects to their camel; and even to venture on the suggestion of remedies, whether they possess any virtue or are heeded by those at the helm or not. Specifies so cheap and freely offered, may be worth little or nothing separately; but from the long array of them, now presented to the public, the " powers that be" may be able to extract a little something from each, that will when combined afford the re quired relief. Permit me to add ono more to the list; and though the remedy is by no means an original ono, but on the contrary a very old one, it is nevertheless balsamic and deserving of the consideration and adoption of our citizens Indi vidually and collectively. I esteem it not only for its inherent virtues, but because it has come down to us, invested with the celebrity of having figured conspicuously in the public, and private, practices of such sound economists as Dootor Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Tames Madison, and others equally renowned And endeared to the American people by their examples of wisdom and patriotism. It is simply this: Nations and hide% vidnals, to Le pros". otts, mun live within their inromc• kfr. Fox complimented Doctor Adam Smith, in the House of Commons, for Isis clear and forcible exposition of this trntit in the " Wealth of Na tions;" and, though it has long sinoo passed into an axiom, it is no less strange than true that we still persist, in violating it nationally and private ly. As long as wo continuo thus to sin against the clearest light, wo must suffer from such periodical, rovulsions as the ono that is now Involving in ruin our working and commercial classes in all sections of the country. Tho extent to which wo have boon pursuing the suioidal polio," of spending more than our income is exhibited by the tabular state ments of exports and imports which Amon:Tony the last report of the Secretary of the Treasury. During the last eleven years, from 1846 to 1855 inclusive, we have bought foreign wares and mer chandise to the amount of $2,351,527,001; audit' the same period we have sold to other nations breadstulfs and other productions to the amount of $2,029,172,896, leaving a balance against us, taking the olohn years together, of $222,354,105; while at the same time there was a drain of 8277,644,6911 in speedo and bullion from the country—of which but 875,524,923 has returned to us, leaving our circulating medium and bullion $202,119,653 short of what It would hare been under a policy that would have limited us to buying no moro than we sold. The effects of the system of low duties, orpartial freo trade, that has boon in oporation for the last eleven years, are various and somewhat compli cated, but still not very difficult to trace. During tho operation of the tariff of ISA our manufactures have had to strugglo severely to oko out a hero ex istence in competition with foreign workshops; with the exception of the spasmodic prosperity of the past throe years, brought about mainly by tbo increased price of labor in England, and the enor mous inflation of credit, produced hero by the in flux of European goods, which wore offered at low prices, and on toms so inviting that we could not resist buying, and to an extent far beyond our in come. The most prominent recipients of this abun dant credit were railroad companies, which were numerously organized all over the country, tind particularly in the West, whore railroads have boon built that aro twenty years in advance of the wants of the present timo. But the ability dem% roads to pay, it seems, was a secondary considera tion, and was entirely eclipsed by the facility with which cheap iron could bo bought, and loans no• gotiated abroad; but that very indifferent iron and lone could only thus bo had at heavy sacrifices in the way of snares, ranging from twenty to thirty per cont., could not have possessed a feather's weight in the estimation of the pseudo Yankees who headed there schemes. To oporato such roads, pay interest on their cost, and declare dividends out of their earnings, WII9 of course an impossibility ; but in order to give them prosperous phase, immense floating debts wore created, by borrowing money ut enormous rates, thus sustaining and extending the reprehensible and ruinous system of usury, that is now devouring the subatanee of our honest busineas mon. The holders of such bogus railroad, and other securities of the kind, were not in the true sense of the word panic-stricken—for that implies alarm without a Cause—but they have had occasion to bo alarmed at the fact, that has within the past few months become frightfully apparent, thatsucb investments are worth little more than the paper on which the certificates of them are written. This discovery has caused the rush of securities of all kinds into market, and is the cause of the ruinous decline in the price of them, and of the total overthrow of confidence, that has occurred in all sections of the country. Facer:sive importations, or the practice of buying more than we sell, has not only crippled our mann factures, created a stupendous line of abundant or cheap credit, by means of which unprofitable and costly railroads have boon built, and the wildest speculation in hind, encouraged along the routes of them; but it has stimulated indi vidual extravagance to an almost incredible extent. For the proof of this, I refer you to sta tistical statement No. 16, annexed to the last re port of the Secretary of the Treasury, which shows that the average annual consumption per capita of foreign goods, under the tariff of 1842, was only four dollars and fifty-four cents, while the con sumption per capita under the low duties of the last cloven years has reached a yearly average of seven dollars and seventysix rents. The differ !moo in our use of foreign fabrics and wares, under the protective and free-trade periods, is three dollars and twenty-two cents per capita less' under the former than the latter, which, multiplied by 21,000,000, the average of our popu lation for the last eleven years, gives above 51T,000,000 as our annual. and $817,000,000 as our total consumption of foreign goods in tlint time, over and above what, it is no more than fair to presume, it would have been under a policy that would have restricted us to living within our in come, or have made our imports and exports td range as they did under the tariff of 1942. The balance of trade in our favor during the operation of the tariff of 1942, or for four calendar yours under it, as per official statement, was $40,262,188, exclusivo of spool() either way, whioh is the truo method of stating the account, instead of classing coin on either the debit or credit side of It. In cluding specie In our import and export uooount does not exhibit its true standing, from tho fact that such a rendering of it does not help to shoo* the true consumption and produotion of the coun try; but in order to bring out the sucoeasful ope ration of the tariff of 1842 in still stronger robot, it will be found, even after adding tho import and export of specie, that the balance in our favor was $24,279,181, In view of rho Mote stated, anti Culled from offl. dial sources, I em at a loss to know how the revul sion 'tinder which the country is writhing can bo trued to any other oauso than that of living be yond Our income, or, In ethos words, importing Mush more than we export. This, it seems, to mo, is the true secret of our troubles, and to blame the Minitel, or point to them as the origin dour embar rassment, as many persons do, is mistaking ono of the effects for the cause of our distress. Banks have doubtless many sins to answer for; but I can ned see why they should be denounced and held accountable for their inability to pay their debts in epoch), while the policy of the National Govern ;went is suoh as to render it impossible for them to convert the best of assets into coin, by draining the country of it to pay for extravagant imports on one hand, and looking up million'ef specie in the Na tional Treasury on the other, ;Though the question of a protective tariff is still a mooted one, and many aro sincerely opposed to 55515 a 1111 043UM-40011USO they have not given the subject the careful and earnest consideration it deniands—thorn are, however, signs of healthy re flation appearing of late, in the right quarters, .oh this important matter. As instances of such re tire of the " sobor second thought," I have only space to refer to the Into circular of Duff Green, Esq. t which is fall of misgiving as to the work• Ingo of the tariffs of 1818 and 1857, and to the re cently published opinions of the editor of the Rich. ;Bond Examiner. In that paper of the 23d inst., ihere is an article published, that is full of protec tive tariff data, in spite of an effort to conceal it. TO, 041010 referred to gives the imports and ex perts of specie from 1815 to 1857, showing abidance against us of $258,317,020, and then goes on to say that, until tho return of the bulk of Wig , 'fat .treasure to our shores, "we cannot expect a return of an easy money market and sound, system of business." But how aro We to Lidop the drain of specie that has been going oh—faith the bars exception of two years—for the past thirteen? Such a tariff ea we have now, 'and have had for years, will not do it, no bitter expe rience has pros-on; and the only method to reverse thestroatu of the life-blood of business, and keep it Bowing into, ;Maud of out of, tho country, is to re turn to a tariff approximating, in some respects, to the tariff of 1812, under the four years operation of which vie gained specie to the amount of $15,033,- 207, while business of all kinds flourished uninter ruptedly, and the balance of trade was largely in our favor. To attribute the drain of epoch:3 from the country to over-issues or paper money, is a mistake which is too apparent to pass current. If tbe statement of facts herein contained prove anything, it is the necessity of such An adjustment °Our revenue laws us will produce much more of an equilibrium in our exports and imports than hae'oxleted for the last ten years ; and if such St change is to ho made, there should unquestionably be discrimination in favor of our manufactures. It Is a groat mistake to suppose, that this subject is effete. It is new more fruitful than over, and not to whit less out of place, in the dismission of the eufferings of the people, than is the idea of re trenchment in the mind of the bankrupt. De voted, as I believe you to be, to the interests of four native State, and to the working and busi ness classes throughout the country, induces the hope that you will do what you can to promote the change in the present tariff that the depressed condition of manufactures and trade imperatively domande Wry respectfully, Yours, hu , THE TARIFF. [For The Press.] A few men aro just now busily engaged in advo eating a tariff—not for revenue, for of that we have hail too mud, we yet have enough, and we ought to need and require oven less; but these persons now demand a tariff of protection for the waka of protection—a thing always protested ngainst by the mortars of free trade, and rarely eountenanced oven by their opponents. I, Mr. Editor,' am in favor of free trade, and I propose to make a few notes, and to put a few queries upon the resPoctive themes of free trade and a tariff. I shall, of course, express my own opinion on these euhjeote, without regard to whether it accords or not with yours; but, thanks to your liberality, Tile PREFISi isnot only open to ono, but to both aides of these qttestions, and if I ho wrong in any position I Who, I shall be glad to be corrected : I Shall begin, then, with a note upon the origin of the Hord " tariff." In Traub on Words, page " Nor Is the true deri'ratiotsr•af' tariff' • unwortlev to be traced: we all know what it weans, namely, a tired scale of duties, levied upon lin. ports. If you turn to a map of Spain, you will take note, at Its southern point, and running out into the Straits of Gibraltar, of a promontory, which, from its position, is admirably adapted for commanding the onto moo of the Mediterranean Sea, and watching the entrance and exit of all ships. A fortress stands upon this promontory, called now, we it !as also called In the times of the Moorish domination in Spain—. Tnittr.t. — The name, indeed, is of Moorish origin. It was the custom of the Moors to watch from this point all the merchant ehips going into, or coming out of, the Midland Sea, and issuing from this siron hold to levy duties according to fixed $O3lO on all merchandise passing in and out of the straits; and this was called, from the pined where it woe levied, Tarifa' or' tariff,' and in this way we have acquir ed the word," and the thing. Now mark the origin of this thing. Here were industrious and peaceful merchants trading to and from the different countries of the earth, anti in terchanging their respective products It war for the advantage of the producers and consumers that this trade on the high seas should be free, nod that their products should be untaxed But their ships snore obliged to/ pass this fiertre,s, ' Tartfit,' whence these Moorish sea-robbe t e forth, and, with levelled cannon, cried snip! The obit) hove to, and the Moorish otheer of customs stopped chatted to levy the fixed duty. /lon. mod, he took wo aro not informed, but that he did tale, and for the purposes of his see/wits, is clear ; and jest what he took, the merchant, the producer, anti, finally, the consumer, fort. It is true, that this import ditty or lax wade tho remainder of the goods dearer—that these imported goods rose in price, because out of them the owner had to make sip his loss. The consumers, icier as well as rich, had to pay that much more for them, in conga gum of which fewer of them were imported —the domestic producors of the like goods hail less . competition to encounter. They etWe quontly raised their prices, all which the consumers had to pity. In Glow times, the owners of these ships and goods called that net of the Moorish custom office roltrry ; the people who imported them had not then discovered that this tariff pre. lofted their own industry. They too were a bile pie peoplo, and they said that by such it tai Uf they lost just what the Moors gained ; and even the littler did not imagine that this not of theirs was a protection to the industry, end downrightly profitable to the purchasers of the plunder they had left ; they were a very intelligent hotly of men ; they know well that they were thereby taxing—or, if you choose, tarilling—am many for the benefit of the few—themselves. With them might was right. Unlike the modern Willer, they scorned to contend that taxation was no tyran ny. So much far the origin of the tariff ;we shall next consider whether the thing has not over since retained the same signification. I have said that the tariff originally signified this, vie : the forcible taking of a part of the owner's goals, inconsideration or the remain ' der being allowed to pass free; and I say that that it yet its meaning. I said, too, that when the Moors of the Oastio " Tarifia" took a part of the ship-owners' goods, they thereby injured the Importers and consumers of the remainder; and I new say that when, by way of tariff or duty, our custom-house officers take from the ship-owner a part of hie cargo, they too, and to that extent, injure the importer and consumer. in elket the cages are exactly alike. Observe, I speak of the affect of the two operations ; I do not say or mean that the intention of our eustoni-houso officers or their principal, the Govornutent, is like that of the Moors. I huvo nothing to say about the motive or Intention of any elan, or class of men, be they in favor of it tariff or otherwise, I say that the thine itself is wrong—its meet is injurious, no matter with how good or patriotic an intent it may be done. Some wee, and I regret to have to include among them the chief advocates of a tariff, cannot discuss the merits of free trade without turning aside to impugn the 'motives of its friends. Witness their daily assaults on Mr. Dallas and Mr. Walker. If we assort that the act of 1816, reducing duties, was beneficial, their replies are : What de you think of the Kano letter? Wes not Mr. Walker bribed by British gold Was ho not poor, and is he not now rich ? And both of them should be hung! True, gentlemen, you did burn them both In effigy; but I have never yet known that thelanguage of a fishwoman, or the logic of the fagot, has persuaded or convinced the judgment of any man whose judgment was worth changing. Lot the merits of every proposition, and not the motives of its proposers, be the sole subject of con troversy. But, to return. When a merchant of Philadel phia exports the products of our workmen, ho does so in order that ho may bring back or import in exchange or in return for them, other products of greater wave; and of course he, and consequently this olty and the whole country, are bononted just in the proportion that what he gets and Imports is greater than what he exported and gave. Now, with this return oargo ho is stopped at his home port, not,' it is true, by a Moorish, but by a United States officer, who demands and takes from him a certain portiOn, or what is the same thing, the value of a certain portion of his property; and for what? Why, as tho prlee or consideration for permitting the remainder to pass free. I say, then, that a part of his property , is thus compulsorily taken from him, just as effectually as formerly by the Moors of Tarifa. Oh! but, say you, it is taken' lawfully and for the support of Government. I reply, that I am not now considering the motive from Which it was taken, or the purpose to which it has or will bo applied Tbo merchant or owner has lost it, and that is all at present I wish to show. BO fay, then, our tariff and that of the Moorish sea robber, aro identical. Now, when the owner has brought in the remainder of his goods, it is ovidont that either he or those to whom he Bolls it must boar the lass of what has been thus taken, or else that it must be borne between them ; In either Cods, and up to that point, the importer or con sumer, or both, are losers and are injured to the amount of the duty, tax, or tariff, thus imposed upon them. And that was just what happened to the importers and consumers in the ease where a part.of their goods was taken from them i or tarifa, by the Moors. So that it is true, then, that in its effect upon the owner and consumer, their tariff and our tariff are identical ; and if the levy of a tariff on our imports has the eject of protecting the in 'dustry of those among whom they are Imported and who consent° them, then the Moors' robbery must have had the same effeots ; they must thereby have been the protectors of home industry, and thus havp exemplified the saying, i‘ that. IS no robbery." The supposed difference we shall examine hereafter. It is ineleted that to levy a tariff—that is, for the Government 'teetake from the importer a cur tain part of hie' property as the conSidoration of permitting the . romaindor to be brought into the enuntry—io in dna to increase the wealth of the country ! Thus, if Mr. Copo should bring to our port a cargo worth, say $lOO,OOO, and the Govern ment should tako from him 50 per cent. of those goods, or $.10,000, by way of an import duty or tariff ho will have but $50,000 left. anti he oats add that amount only to the wealth of this city; and yet, the friends of a tariff contend in effect that Mr. Cope and, the people of this city will possess more wealth by having this remaining $50,000 than they would have had if the Government bad not taken from them the other $50,000, but let them import it all untaxed and free! Now, that is cer tainly a curious problem; it may be stated thus: What tax or tariff upon, or percentage taken flaunts given quantity, will yet and consequently increase the quauti ty jrom which, it has teen taken? Oh, but say they, wo do not contend that the quantity of goods imported is Increased by the duty levied upon their importation; on the contrary, we admit that it is thereby d, creased. Very well, gentle men, we shall soon see bow that affects the commu nity. In tho first place, then, how were these im ported goods obtained? Mr. Cope got them for nothing. or else he paid for them. If he got them for nothing, surely he gained by that, and how win the people to whom goods aro given for nothing ever suffer by the gift? Is any individual injured by obtaining for nothing what he needs? And if DO ono is so injured, how ran a community, which is composed of such individuals, bo injured? There is a very easy way to test thLs : lot any person inform you, "Nfr: Editor, in whist instance he, or any other given portion, has been injured, that is to say made poorer, by having received goods for nothing; when he does so I will support a tariff to keep him, and others like him, from obtaining them so cheap. But suppose, which of Numb' the foot, that dlr. Cope paid for the goods he imported : with what, lot me ask, did he pay for them ? Ile must have paid or given for them tho products of American labor: float is to say, ho exported the products of the labor of Americans, of home industry, and brought back and imported in exchange for them, the $lOO,OOO worth of goods I have spoken of. Now, are not those 0100.000 of goods the product s of American labor, of home industry 1 If a car penter works at, and puts in a building, his labor for ono week, ho can point to what he has actually dono, and say Mar Is the product of my labor and when his employer gives him his wook' a wages, slay nine dollars in gold, can not he also point to the gold and truly say, that is the product of my American labor—of my /soma industry? Is it tho lase so because the gold may be foreign— Spanish or English? Certainly not. Is he not en titled to the whole of tho $9? Should the Govern. went put a duty or tariff on his $9 of gold, and thus take off 10 or 20 per cent , because the gold had been imported or we, foreign? Verily , no . I And if he iureets this $9 of foreign and im„unelad gold in any other foreign and imported article, be it cloth for himself or silk for his wife, is not that article also the product of his American—his home industry ? And if the Government takes from that 1U or 20 or 50 per cont., by way of a duty or sari fj does it not thereby tako that amount from Irim and hiswifo antifamily? And is not that a duty or tax levied upon and taken from American labor and home industry Change the case, and let sue show it in another light. Suppose the carpenter still to have his $9 in gold, and that cloth enough to woke Lima coat wore at this port and were imported free of duty for that sum ; now under this free trade, and in the absence deny duty or tariff, he would obtain this cloth for his coat at nine dollars, or for ono week's work ; that coat is surely the product of his labor! but, says the friend of a tariff, the Government should have put a tax or Orilla one hundred per cent on that cloth defuse they allowed it to ho imported, in order to protect American or home industry. Very well, lot that be done, and we shall son how it will operate When that duty or tariff of one hundred per cent. has been laidon it, the cloth can thou 100 brought into this port and bo sold rot eighteen dollars. Our friend, tho Ameri can carpenter, walks down to the importer with his nine dollars in gold and asks him for tho cloth for big coat. Al,, my worthy Ameri can mechanic, I could hare cold that to you for nine dollars when the Gado was free, and before I was.compelled to pay this duty or tari ff of MO per cent. on the cloth, but 7101 ,, and under this tari ff just put on to protect American laborers and home industry, you must return and work another week, and thus give tho product of your labor for two weeks, in order to obtain tbo coat, which, under freo trade, and without any tariff, you might Lave obtained for only are week's labor Of course, Goo carpenter feels the protection, though be divot not get the coat! Oh, but insist our tariff friends, the Government iv thus main tained, and an American instead of an English cloth-maker will ho protected. Protected ropiest what Why, from the competition of the fo reigner. How did he compete with the Ame rican 0011r-rood:or Why, he sold his cloth to tho carpenter for $9, while the American • cloth-maker could not make or sell it under $lB, and so this will protect the hitter, because the English cloth at $9 will thus be kept out of the market, end the American carpenter num buy at $lO from tho American cloth-maker! In other words, the carpenter is taxed, or one-half of his labor and of the product of his industry is taken by the Government, to protect his neighbor, the cloth-maker! But why does he submit uncom phsiningly to this tax f Because it is not taken directly from him, and he trios to believe that he dots not specially feel it because he does not actually see it. If he will strip it of its high soundiug nowt of protection, ho may at once see too well as feel it. Thus, suppose that, instead , of the duty or tariff of 100 per cont. being put on the cloth before it is imported. as ut ',resold, the Government were to admit it duty free, end then call or require the ear , pentor to posy them the tariff or duty of one hun dred per cent. —that is to say, to give them nine dollars in gold, or which is the same thing, to give them the wages of his labor for ono wcok, for the purpose not of supporting tho Government only, for that would bo but a mere !retinue tariff or duty, but to protect tho cloth-violet—would ho do it! Would ho submit to pay that duty or tariff Assuredly cot! Ito would say to the Government, 1 will boar my share of the publio expenses—l will contribute to the revenue you need, but I wilt not submit to bo taxed to support the business of other tradesmen Millions for defined, but not a cent for tribute! OR. GUILLOTIN [For Thu Prees.] The author of the graphic and very accurate skotch of the tato John Sadlier, in THE PRESS of to-day, says, "The inventors of the guillotine' and of the Soottish maiden,' both perished by their own discoveries." Tho Earl of Morton, who invented what was called " The Scottish madden," (an instrument of copilot punishment which anticipated the 'me chanical principle of the guillotine,) actually lost hie own head by its means. Tho Scotch carpenter, Brodie, who invented that improvement on the gallows called " the drop," whereby death Was made more rapid, ale,' person ally experienced the advantages Monis own in genuity. But Pr, Joseph ignatius Outlletim whose adap tation of "The Scottish maiden " was caused by a feeling of humanity, to diminish the pain of death by rapidity of execution, and who deeply lament ed the facilities it gave to murder during the Reign of Terror, in Franco, died quietly in his bed, " in peaceful retirement," (as the Cycloiketlia of Biography Informs me,) in the year 1814. Popu lar belief is that ho perished by his own invention in the French revolution, but ho survived until the above date. TWO CENTS. THREE WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE QUAKER CITY 1,600,000 IN SPECIE COMING TO NEW YORK ACCIDENT TO TEE GOLDEN GATE EXODUS OF THE MORMONS OF CARSON VALLEY INDIAN DIFFICULTIES The atpaniship Quaker City ; Capt. Shuteldt, from Mobile the 27th and Havana at 5 P. M. on the 29th ultimo, arrived at Ne w York on Monday afternoon, four daya from the latter port Ttio Quaker Oily made tho run from Mobile Bar to Havana in forty hours. The steamship St. Louis, Capt. Hudson, from New York for Aspinwall, arrived at Havana on the 29th, and left the same day. The steamship Cahawba had not arrived at Havana when the Quaker City left. The steamship Star of the West, Capt. Gray, from Aspinwall for Now York, arrived at Havana at 3P.M. on the aith. She had on board coven hundred and fifteen passengers, (all well.) the mails, 31,600,000 in gold for New York and $50C,000 for Europe. She would leave nn the 30th. Twenty dve of her passengers earn' to this port in the Quaker City. The cause of her detention wad the bon-arrival of the Pacific steamship Golden (late. That vessel left San Francisco ou the .sth of Octo ber, but on "the following al ny her machinery (in Part) became dicibled, and oho was compelled re return to port, where she arrived on the 10th. The ensuing day ber passengers, specie, and mails were transferred to the steamship, Gulden Age, and again took took their departure, arriving ut Pana ma on the 24th. The /01:110 day the passengers, &e., recobed Aspinwall, and immediately em barked on board the Star of the West, nhich had awaited their arrival. Twenty-five of her passengers canto to Now York in the Quaker City. The following is a list of their names: Cal. John C. Fremont and servant, Ron. D. C. Broderlok and servant, li. Palmer, B. Allies, J Moss and servant, C. McDonald, lady and three children; Mrs. J. B. Ober, Mrs. J. N. Angier, R. Barnes, Mrs. L. A. Young and two children, 11. Haight and lady, B. C. Williams, Col. C. James, C.. Meyer, J. B. Pertly. The San Francisco News Letter, noticing the departure of Col. Fremont, says: "Col. Fremont leaves our State by the present outgoing mail steamer, the Golden Gate, an route for the East and Europe, whither be proceeds with the now completed survey of his vast domain, Los Maripo sas. About fifty tons of auriferous quarts, from the various veins, yielding, with the present im perfect methods of reduction, fifty dollars and up wards per ion, have been shipped in order that the savaur of Europe may confirm, by the severity of their tests, its unquestionable richness. Col. Fre mont has, by his brief sojourn among us, discharged every lien and outstanding claim against the pro perty, incurred in its development, and is pro ceeding to Europe to perfect arrangements by which the construction of the extensive canal for mining and irrigating purposes can more fully exhibit the incalculable richness of the :Marino ' ins." The advices from San Francisco are to the 11th of October. We have no very important news to report. The official returns from nearly all the 'counties in the State giro W eller 11,630 majority over both the other candidates. The total vote was about 90,000. Mining returns since the departure of the previous steamers are Tepee minted as very encouraging. Quarts operations hare taken a new start, owing to some rich dis coveries which have been made recently in differ ent portions of the State. Our seeounts from the mining districts are even more than usually favorable. The streams are nearly all flamed, and the diggers bard at work In their beds. Astounding accounts of the richness of the "Cape claim," at °roving. are ?mired. Col. Fremont has been sojourning in Mariposa county, adjusting his difficulties with the miners located on his grant. He has Cent down several tons of auriferous quartz, which is to be shipped to Europe, where It will be tested in the most thorough manner art can devise. An unusual number of deeds of violence have occurred in various parted the State. A civil suit against Henry Bates, late Treasurer of State, and the sureties of his official bond, for the sum of $lOO,OOO, the amount of the bond, was tried in the Sacramento District Court last week, and resulted in a verdict against the bonds men for the full amount. The case of Bates against the Pacific Express Company has been continued until the next term of the District Court., This suit was instituted ter the recovery of 024,000, advanced to that firm for the payment of the July Interest. 'Bates and Rowe, his deputy, are both still incarcerated in the prison-brig at Sacramento. Bain, who has been carrying on his peculatlona against the Mint 'for years, has at last been sen tenced by the United States Circuit Court to six yi,eve r traprisoument_in the State Prison and to pay a fine of 52,ta0. - the line of telegraph is to bo Immediately ex tended from Marysvillenorth to Shasta, Sranksiottni IVeaverville. The crops have all been garnered. and the yield is excellent and abundant. The arrival of emigrants across the plains was increasing daily. It was computed that 16,000 had arrived this fall, and the total number for 1957 would not fell short of 30,000. A project is now on foot in California for raising money for the coustruotion of a wagon-road front Clear Lake to the Sacramento Valley, at a point nearly west from Colusi, a distance of some twen ty-five or thirty miles from the Valley. and se; en ty-tivo miles from 31arylville. The best batter and ohocse that California produces aro the pro ducts of the Clear Lake +alleys, and the dairy business is already carried on there to an extent which would surprise those unacquainted with it. The United States frigate Independence had ar rived at San Francisco f ro n t p an ., The United Settee strainer Wahs•h was lying at Aspinwall, where she will be stationed for name time. Two SC93CI3 of the United States nary were cruising off the cent of Nicaragua, on the lookout for Walker atmd the fillibusters. The Mechanics' Fair eloied on the 2iith ult. having been attended with an immen.o concourse of people, and having netted over and above all exponene something over 'moo. It has bed a very favorable effect upon the industrial interests of this section of the State, and gives rcliewed evidence of our productive energies. Oa the 27th, the California State Agricultural Fair aas held in the city of Sineltton. - It woe ar ranged on a lewd comprebtat 4 ice reale, and in cluded within its oeope agriaultural products, tt prior of meohanieal art, both useful Neel ornamental, and tiro stock. The ilieplay tras exocedin4ly cre ditable to the State Squashes weilfaing 213 pounds, beets of blt ponnds, potatoes of 211 pounds, apples and pears weighing 2 , 3 to 20 ounces each, corn stalks 20 feat in height, indicated the wonder ful produotivonees of California soil, and challenge comparison with the world. A largo wagon was also on exhibition, which weighed 0 or five time sand pounds, and was capable of carrying twel% tons of merchandise. It was intended for a team of twelve mules. Among the incidents of the fair was a display of female equestrianism, character istic of California in some remarkable rove,: 0, and not easy to be excelled One young lady, after riding nearly all night, from Sacramento to Stock ton, entered the lists on the ensuing morning, and scoured the trot prize. Among ether accomplish ments in this department, she showed that she could saddle her horse, leap on his back from the ground. then unsaddle him, remount in the 93M0 way, and then ride him at full speed bare-book la woman. A little girl, of eight years only, joined in the race, and came near gaining the first prize. She could also saddle her horse, change her position, in full career, from a female attitude to that of a male, and ride her horse with a rope about his nom instead of a bridle. The exhibition was attended by thousands. from all parts of the State, and so great was the assemblage that accom modations for slopping could hardly be found. We have later and interesting news from Southern California. All labor• i 3 suspended at the copper mines' of San Ysidro. On the contrary, the Jesus Alariti mines are being worked with energy. The exploring party sent out to examine a now route from San plego to Deseret for the overland mail has returned, and report favorably thereon A party of emigrants, arrived from Texas. report serious difficulties with the Indians. Groat excitement existed between the Sonorians and those on the Gadsden purchase, and no Ame ricans were allowed a passport into Sonora. The Pinto Indians in Arizona had chastised the Yuma and Apaches, fur killing some of their wo men and children. The Pimps killed one hundred and fifty or ono hundred and sixty of their oppo nents, and lost only twenty-five themselves. CARSON VALLEY. We copy the following telegraphic despatch flew, the Sacramento State Journal. It is dated Genoa, Sept. 17. It will be seen that by it the rumor of the exodus of the Mormons from Carson Valley, by order of Brigham Young, is confirmed : " The Mormons are all making preparations to leave for the arrest Salt Lake ; they will leave hero in about ten days, and will have in their train over 100 wagons. Their farms have been purchased by immigrants coming over the plains this 800.1011. The immigration this year is immense. The valley me all alive with men, women, children, and ani mals, 1, ho have just arrived over the plains. The immigration this year will reach full 25,000, and probably 30,000. Two-thirds are women and children." We copy the following from the Sacramento Union., tinted Placerville, Sept. 26: "The Mormons wilt start on the 25th October. There will be upwards of two hundred wagons, a portion of which are ordered to emigrate to Sal mon River, and the balance to Salt Lake City. Brigham Young has ordered a secret cavalry com pany to organize from the Saints in Carson Val ley, armed and equipped with one year's provi sions and clothing. Sty informant also states that it is the intention of the Mormons, if matters get too serious, to seek a refuge in tho Russian Posses sions, where they hare already driven the stakes for a new 'Mon. " The rich valleys and meadows in and about Carson aro porfectly alive with stock. Genoa is ail activity—escurstcuists are arriving dotty from the States." The Financial Crisis In the Atlantic Slates. [Prom the San/rancho° Herald, Oct 5 I By the steamer yesterday we received news of financial crisis in New York. Several of the oldest established banking and insurance firma had sac numbed, and railroad stocks had declined to a figure nnpreced en tedly /ow. The New York papers. with eommendable prudence, have labored with might and main to allay the excitement, and the probability is that if they had pursued an opposite course we should have to chronicle the most wide- Suomi ruin in the Atlantis States. Here tee can dame the causes of the pule without reotstilut, NOTION TO CORRXOTORMWL. Oorrupcmdenti tot r Tit Pile*" VII Meese War in mind the' Mowing rates : Ivory communication must be atoompanted by Ute name of the writer. In order to insure correctness to the typography, but one 'aide 01 a abut &amid be urines, upon. We elan be greatly Oiled to ge,timula Peehee - Tapia and other States fret iintrilnitiotel jiving the ear rent news of the day in their partleular looslitiee, the rescarcal of the en mending comets 7, the istitase of population, and any inheination that will be intimating to the general reader and can form an unprejudiced opinion cn the sub ject. It must be confessed that the news of finan cial distress in New York does not excite any very unusual degree of surprise in this conunanity. The fact is, we have long expected it, and the only question for us to discuss is, as to whether we have by this mail received the worst of the news, or if the recent financial troubles are to be regarded as simply the prelude to that greater, mere general and morn sweeping crash which is yet to come. But en this branch of the subject we do not propose to speculate at present " Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." and in obedience to this wise precept, we will, at this time, confine ourselves ex clusively to the facia which are admitted. The panic in New York is ascribed to expansion, gem:- 7 + ,11 5, iu importations in the construction of rail roads, and in the agricultural productions caused by the demand for readstuffs during the oontinu ance of the great war in Europe. It is not our intention to dispute these premises. They ars doubtlessly the cause cf the recent failures, through in a remote decree. The immediate cause to the changes obserteb's in the movements of specie. We stated, a few days ago, that there was a most gratifying diminution in the amount Of specie shipped from this port eastward. An examination of the statistics of the custom house shows that the diminution atnennts to no less then $1,070,18.5.35, mid that it bat for the most part taken place during the third quarter of the pre sent year. . . 011FG ON Our •dates are to the lith nit. The Constitu tional Convention was at last makine s•nue dehnite progress, and there was no detalt of its fi,uat ad journment by the let instant. The slavery leans Linde little furor, and the 'let tepee ' , alley" seemed to meet with general empties:tense. SANDIVICII ISLANDS Arrivals at San Francisco from the Sandwich Islands bring, dates to Sept. sth. The funcral of his Excellency the Late John Young took place ou Sunday afternoon, The re -11111i135 were escorted with military parade to the royal tomb, where they were deposited. On Thursday last the United States consulate changed hands, our worthy (lice consul.. Dr. (loorge A Lathrop, giving, place I. his successor, the lion. A. Pratt. The Pottine3ian saps: Captain John Paty's guano exptorine expedition resulted in taking pee eeesion, in the King's name of two islands uw.o which guano woo discovered. Laysnan's Island is the name by which one of these places is known; and the other is called Leesnskey 'S Island. MEXICO. The Pinto Indians had broken out in open re bellion, and were laying siege to Titsla, the capi tal of the State, with a force of 5,000 warriors, commanded by the old chief : Juan Antonio. The C 11112.0 of this tutbreak is as follows : At the sale of the church property. eonfocated by order of the Supreme Govern:tent. General Al varez became by far the largest purchaser, obtain ing mere tracts of land for extensive sums. The Pinto Indians had always inhabited these lends rent free, while they belonged to the Church, but after they mime into the possession of Alvarez, he compelled them to pay a small tax, trilling iu its nature, but still a tax. This proeeeding irrita ted these Ladling to the almost, and they laity re fused to comply. To enforce obedience the Gene ral bad recourse to military coercion. when they arose in open rebellion, as stated. They declare their intention to resist to the death any Jateropt, either by Alve me or by the Suprema Government, to enforce the tax, and have gathered 5,000 warri ors, who have laid siege to the capital. To - resist this force Alvarez has but 2,500 men, and is by no means certain of subduing the rebels. GENERAL NEWS. The United States sloop-of-war 'Vincennes, lying at the Brooklyn navy yard, was ordered to be put in commission yesterday, the 31 inst. The Vincennes will sail for the coast of Afries the latter part of next or the beginning of the week fallowing Those having letters to send to their friends on the coest of Afruus can leave them at the Naval Ly ceum on or before the 10th inst. The United States sloop-of-war Cystic, off Hampton Roads, to expected to go out of commission in a few days. The injury sustained by the steamer Sammie, DOW bilig at the Gosport navy yard, on the night of the Path ult., is thought to he of a more serious nature than wan at Ant apprehended. She will in all probability have to p m dry dock, and perhaps be put out of commission. The Dutch brig, Walburg, with Drawfonl's equestrian statue of Washington on board, has ar rived in the James river, and is now at Newport Nellie, awaiting orders. •'The arrival of this tassel," says the Richmond Enquirer, "almost simultaneously with the intelligeneo of the death of the artist whose genius was manifested is the completion of his great work, ore hit light went out forever, will be regarded by some as a melancholy coincidence; yet it is grati fying to know that the object of his latest toil has been borne in salty over the saes, and that Virginia will be permitted to perpetuate his memory by adorning her Capitol with his most conspiennum achievement." The • Binghamton (N. Y.) Democrat states that a trial earns off before Judge Dakota at the Broome Circuit. last week, between Mr. Beebe, a reepeetible gentleman of Arty years and npwanla, and Mr. Ayrai.aistnatnevarapeorthe Brießalimad Mr.-Beebe batdpnashased a ticks - Strom ...Newburg te - Adikiss% liatlkaarrielal at Deposit, heleit the eare;belog istigwed‘to lay iiiteettldifaar-attiell:eor, The next day betook-the. taa 'a'eloek A. St.-^eueP grant train, west. but left it at Great Bead, atd took the day Express train. Ayres, the eeedue'or, refused to recognise the ticket, and put him' off the train forcibly. Tho suit ass brought for damages for the assault. Mr. Beebe recovered a verdict for $250, under the direction of the court. Hon. John Hamilton, of Warren county, Pa., died at Saxer Grove, October 27th, aged seventy-six. He was one of the early settlers of that county. He was a native of York county, Pa. In 1803 he settled in Cherry Tree, renaegoCOUnty. Ho removed to Franklin noon after. tie filled tho office of commissioner and sheriff of Venaorro county, of which Warren was then a part. In 181 d he was appointed judge of the county of Warren, which otbec Ito Debt until 15...1 Judo Hamilton posseags..l in an eutincut de;roo the clia raeuristies that mark the true renr..3yirsui..u. He ABS honest in hi 4 intercom-se with alt person, kind and friendly to all. The SAnta h e Gaulle of the Z:Oth Septern. her reports the 'mended re.d.prilttOn of bie otTicet,y Judge Perry E Broektts.of the t , tipreniu Con rt of the Territory of Nell' 3lexieo. The cause a growing. defect of herring. uttribatej to Cao peculiar climate of that country. The resiguatimi will the effeet this mouth. Occasion is taken by the Gazore to testify in atroeg terms to the bizit estimation in wiiich Mr. It roettus is held in the ToTitory, hoth ea 1 judge and a man. A yonng man, Immo] William Cooper, was accident l}y=t of by hi. Lather nn Friday last, while hunting ia the »eighborl.e.si of LE"Si k0t..,11 Pa. From the neldlilh received by .3fr.. Burt Cceper, a resident of oar city, and a ht,,thcr et" the pat,: man shot, it appears that the father had fired h's gun at a pheasant, when one of the shot therefrom glanced and struck the son in the eye. through whieh It is supposed :o have entered ids brain, sad eau el his almost instant death. Orders have been received for a detachment of two hundrol and fifty-three United State, re-- ern ti from Governor 'S Inland, to go in the Northern Light on the fah of November. They aro destined for the 4th infintry in Oregon, and 3d artillery in Oaliforni 4 and Oregon, and are under command of Colonel Casey. The officers aeeinepsnying the de tachment are Lieutenants St. Clair Dearing and James Howard. Miguel T. Tolon, well known in this country, died in Cuba a short time since. By bis death the cause of freedom has lost one of its most Jealous and constant advocates, Cuba has beon deprived of a most faithful and uncompro ruking champion of its liberty, and the literary world mourns the loss of a distinguished poet.and a learned and proficient scholar. A telegraph despatch from St. John, N. 8., states that three persons, named Breen. Stavin, and Lis s•n. the supposed murderers of the Backen sie family, of six persons. on the 2.lth ult., were arrested at their camp in the woods, and brcaght to this city and placed in jail. They offered no resistance. The coroner's jury had returned a verdict of if Cul murder agains.t the above parties Enoch Mudge, Esq., an old and well-known resident of Cincinnati, died on Saturday morning,. Ho had been engaged in business in Cincinnati for over twenty years, and was highly respected for his integrity and many excellent qualities of head and heart. Franklin 0. Hulse and Thomas Atkins, on a charge of Manslaughter, in killing a citizen of 3larblehead, Massachusetts, were sentenced. by Judge Bngp, at Lawrence, to ton years each in the State prison. Early on Sunday morning Paddock's lame building at St. John. N. 8.. containing theatre, ball-room. billiard-room, tc., was nearly destroyed by tire. The lower part was saved, but was badly damaged by water. Insurance tvlo.ooo. There is a clerk who has been in the New York post office forty years. lie formerly carried the whole Southern mail in a bag under his arm across the river to Jersey City. The same mail now amounts to ten thousand pounds daily Geo. Vail Snodgrass, of Surdell celebrity, came to Savannah on Sunday hot, and the Burden murder is revived Ho, or eonr,e, is pointed at wherever he goes, and the question now is. "Have you seen Suodgras In the New York Court of Oyer and Terati per the trial of .liclasol Caneemi 1Y.13 1.01:01101 until the third Monday of November. and a pscel of ono thousand jurors ordered to nem]. Wm. W. Mulford. a carpenter, while it work at Bridgeton, N. J., received a slight blow above the eye with a shovel. from the effects of which be died the next night. Major John Campbell, U. S. Treasurer Mahn. General Jackson, is publishing s , ma articles on the panic in the Abingdon Firziniait. The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail, of Thursday, announces the prevalence of killing frosts in that neighborhood. Robert Wilson, whose legs wore broken at the limo of the collision of freight trains on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, died on the ZiOth In an affray at Clay's Ferry, Fayette county, Kentucky. a few days since, Caswell Brown was killed by William Rice. Mrs. Ann Yarick, daughter of Gen. Win. Floyd, one of the signers of the Declaration of In dependence, died in New York on Friday. John Nelson, a citizen of the United States, and native of Wegt Point, N. 1"., ,I.ed et the city of Mexico, 11th ult. The St. Patti (Minn.) Plover is of opinion that ion Alexander/Is/pity •• is probtbiy elected Governor by a hundred votes." Milwaukee, by a recent census, has 44342 inbabitants. Bayard Taylor's wedding-day was appointed for Titehlai of last week, at Uotba l Geramn,T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers