~;,,~;:, ~~= _ ~,.y ;_ . ~~„ ~ ,,, t,., > . , !., . ,=, ' ,, , . -,,,. , ::4's.+';' ---.Y-I':-.'-:' :40:44 Arra" MIA /sllllll. - - - -HOW 11111 MM ACI 1 . 14 " •• ‘" or vilittri „ ii4,:4l.l l lo4 l litteM7l lo.lll W Ctlida i SO gently that I uw not where baicatf PlisStiartlfhtsslalak 5f 414114 h ' ." 44 4' 4' rPO 0 If 94tir ;ovo 4 : ^ P•:' MP 4'l , tvilbeiP / ~.! , ?VA_ , pow, ,„ ~, 4 ~. '•- Tab Janata, wito luKkitittritod Cedar ders, i . ~e • - ..;=G t ,,,, 1 poppko o .:nikottellto pintos likiii tail , ' . n•. ~, Altbrono otiktopm b 0,1090 ittrannt i g i v ,.. , _ ~ . ~, ,; ~ 04 Tieflit,A0talltiiihOoKb413 tRm, 't„ ', , 1 ti'4 , '''''''''i " * boa s soinetiiitown like misiitot ainattitio b urn',: ~;: 4., f-, ... ,Vhok WatibtO the ) 3 0 , 4 1 Otliint B i# PM* ''' ' :,.4, - , 41A ,4t,- OW thiSint6llll4lhilinte/411:6 t 0 e 4 <;„„,': ,115.0 q V* c,,..; cm. , 341 , 111&116. nift, ~ , ,.t . 4 ,-,!,,, ~ , v ,, 1• . E.!14:. , t ,, .0 •••r•7; . 1 . 1 •• ` ~ ~ , . ,t, 1 ;•,,.t' bli if If OW, +.I, • OIIANG/114111PrdlISM. , 4,`"TF!,Aii.e,,*, ` 6 44lAci ; '4'4 ioi`e, I , ~:::: „;:i. , , L 1,..g.,,44q,,,,w0d,„0.4 6 imp 0 ,„ , Into whose Mut top "10%4 ilimbod for NO f ' ! '''' 1+419 1, ',•, 1 Wliatiiothis MOW* bey*, 1144** tb° l st ctj v . ,„ ,PF r 4 F,SIF.P O A, 04 uggUPg '9 4 .1 104444 1"”' .'' .. - ,i. L'., 24 °V 9 CP ,l o.4l4.concetlod *" b orn 0 dre ams' '' , ~„;, I , p„:1" Xtratherriiii.theirmarli ottroitosonnontal. itiooloo, f , , .. •Ant 'fed Otcliff AO VOW Oios ti plonani trOto, 4 ' '—'X'Pa,,ib43,oAol4oildliillUi‘'leXoi , 4 r r *I'W?YIV",I9#I44O to4 O bVW wand WO faesii r „Atnt, likooontb 'nog Ittopui, lips4t* dnehos Mown the yoloq, DootirolonStitti p tispiton.... ''' . 4 , , • r.,.triirS ilili,,Odin'oi. ilpilioart, pa finwhip, pita ' ,ii, '''w i ttiliiritit'initi,insispoutittott tn:potttbstotholt, ' '' ' . ''''' 1 ' lint ) Sit OltEr IP9WDERS.‘ ''' .1,.^ , rir r. • al, L,,7 , riril 1,,, ,1-, - 1; 4 1 r. • '"" ` ll"ll tirr. i lrcl * Otl . f ‘ r oi. 1 .0 Oolavr - rAiim.P. ,t 4, ,z,,...1 p , MI Y> efft.,, ,,: . ! n I 7 q r ' 7 ,4 iii- :. 1 44 z4vAte.l brill4e 4 4 l `derPeidble, and the ....,,. vs, ~snu7 one+ owSbury•chnrebyard gaily - and ~ , d ,a-407 hotlVlTJAVtirtfii.weridailild been. .tered for -1 , 1116 ` liii)MMail liit,* intindionsly. The -' "'" 1 4 1 44:A 6 11W M. ery early , hod! %in , the - a I `.i —.Ft moraingiontvfleirpect tO itirregretted spin -, ' -giater,- -, -1011,0104terilitertitentsfse t i ed kr , .., :,'.., '1 %41/..50441 1 0 16 Voltdderi ler -"demi t'ven t. ,1 LI 1... , sequentty, ino - sloe* , had' the deck , stceck it sr , 4 '- nine 'ithairipattleml44o`l4le, itVe t4ivatil `' ''"" -L 'Abe' ehirt.)olol,tetitmajohetizio'reasnid:to ' Abe and loon to shoals. Ali Ehlidi• meet c..• I 7 4 0-, there* 'alk! motwetaulibtity. ~' TheyitaikeW 1 o *. IYlliAtir NI ir- 1 4414:,*.549Vie ...it 'Pay' , ''',:, ~,y3, 4 s 14 %Aglatii 6164itii of reafeett solhsiiinen9 l .: ,-, Ntv - etta'tretitpti but , there TM e Mere , Ipetterhil, nducemeskin their inieri, it:er idiiiesilig , '',,' ' 11 ” 'f iheydeedikefitrAllaliteuelli,iiife; Mid of star " ' -4,1 of F. ~all• thee iitell4rased'%itioidel' and ali With ). 0 211 ,01id:t0 1 1i .4 , Pistki4es ohillehlill it was , 3 " ` " ''' c'itunineitin evorrnook f stercely leaving room .1. •,1 ~ leer for the t efi les te passe pliie idele.' the,',itioh' '' ""held'i)4ll4eaii.44 oft W iitiliOiYirdi eial. atiere 'iiims iiotWj Ac h of Auk no,•nor a We t 'but • e, e , ~,, what was slitwititts• feet.-" t' t' ' _ '.! , • , , ~' .. •' - They caw it file out brae rectory ind,cross "" '" thd'rtied, iehhile ,fituer4 litr.,,,Sursi officio" , '''' '''''ta ng. 'The coffin wit home br eightlaborers, 4 0 1 -eoldlparisbitmertf, and the meddlers, rollowed "' with mati7' treddsi- Aietrel.lierol4,PtArhe, tf i 'V'''',r-' ' ltelli'i''si*X„AliakvirslkUti next-to o,reli4 ~, I , 1,, alies.,=thandio theltely We% coin* Wthii - ...evqt uaginvei, itatthe'traiiii of tale filet Wm, passed 5,- , v ~,,,1 AIL% 1, ;:$ tia , rri r-' '' ",- i r. , • '-. r., ,t, 711 , es r 441 wnatree , thideompsred wink' , the ehow which followed 7—*ith,'itti' tinfoil' Oat: its 'l ' l ', ~,e al ttet. ,`t r " l ,4l l ,l,4;P„l4reteirlehi; audits lieltrie, 11 ' !''t. ' ' sne m iwoupung-aoacties, and Ite•velict trap ,Y. , t , Ilings, and its vaiLhearers, limi 'its ,Eddilinse , ' -- , , ~ scattli end Tudistrids t 'Aild ,It 4 white ,liandker. - . / ,',, - "AtillikettThe' r *Etteii ,slette,, whit' their 1 solemn "'" ilitie and sticks of offiee, stmck ;Midi the fry, " 1 " b ""' °r illfa i4V 3 : l',l`,?,; 4l3 4:,9 , Ar ei t a k 94:ldu P ii g, eir, ... ' dish; - , , —1 ' ' "Look at:Mutt!! whispered the mob' OS Mr. Castottel mored'ap . theptillt by slow doicrooe after the - 10;r4ho'hteadio,iind sexton Cleat'is , ,the" f irat with illiti.oulty.r w Don' 4e took ~,,s,•libito 1,,,,F1is handitereher;:aa ' his!ls, , cpvering• ,hie face with, ain't whit:et," ' , 1 , o''''',, ,''',4rZafeigif to make him. , ite.,--:.?' r ; _.' 'T,—!'Elbash-sh-sh I Soso • who's 'a' foiloeinitt of ,p , him I It's Idr, .ojudittote.:A4Mbing likd a .!,.t. 7 "6lllo,firailhels such a great stout ientier man. ,, •••:.;. , &. rq k; - 1 MIME] __ ....--....., But --Mr. - °Mussel were' still ,in foreign, puttif,'Mat kilaWettatithing 1..0 WI I',', .-: " Theratfit t lifarifOrd, .I , l l,tatt.rt,VAAttie. ,trarinlteliartAitlCitia In-ji'ciffingo arid sht, to be ..!,... 1 .....11 4 PflSlO,fetAmid:got •herti'dt,: If p i rritr..#o :,..I -: Able ,tteartihigoisTlOWlle!a - W ,tiln , 1 ' ri. .t/ck Itle .4delit ;ilOkik, , l Ath thirc; "' "i'vittiii linifoilkattnir,inad , thosiiii?Or-'6l4 ll Var ~,,,, ~,,..raying.toot-,-Poor things P.7. , ' "--"-' ',,-,, • ":„„ ~,,..'.', •,.1 ..t• tl:. 1.4-It aaeths'butlitiote,i4kf 044),11.14 , Plinio*); •On2,9ll'leltritOrdtwassseitourisge like IL ''lt'l , al lidell. Who so proud as ahe l 'itiber YelM i liiiik 1 , t .,,., borfeathersl'tn-w :-.; iIN 1 , :li4 3 FIT 1 : ,,... ; o , v- ~ , 1 Y oLbitienie dia7,tur*lt*, - .401414t It's . .I '' , ' : sa ia:l"• P. 6411 0 0; Weralielong, r hiiii: • ;:: t ' ~Pliii Ai* Iliad.* shocking sehoilVs' , ''''' i f.,1 bi 1, it 1 , :',1 , %Well; it's ,11 - fearionte:thing'flitibie poor .-%,',.!. yotitig Itidf to' hi:6 taieiVentikrio suilden." , , "'`;.‘'.:::..fc.lt were aa -femme a tbing.for , .114 ;fiber" ;i Til <W. 0 Aridlironitiqof test,Vll4. e 1 might. i t s , .e, - . haretook l ihririt4lo,l4 ' ~.i l uill.he liavelg .'.:. ." - ..it:tl '1 .tt.t - ~' ~, . - - t.o.akdow.wiltti oknow f aintettipteillrinine I :.•.- --•••Vinghtut,-. ST madri''Onts ',,of;thii,:tiketators.,,, . ' ''.' if Thitt,',l. SIM dliktftili gleerlitiewhatlit was ~,, ', `, alitolicYcitn :Ci ..,):, -„ , ‘„:3 1 , ', , , ,, ,1” , F , '4 i 4 * ,'I ,v. ,, :.-1‘ ~ : , M urmurs were' sWiling''sdniniC,thii: irowd. 1 •'' ' ,t'..AVYritat i tias'ltt:What et - Mk : tome ',i et '''' 7 - r:. ,`. l ' irlVl4tttoOli,ibitt .habY of Merv '- S id le p, ACwaS,A,lying.:safestatownly-ltti •liid. •'`'=--''';; bigiuleil - af - - ' Into P' persisted. ore %went,agony Dame riiighibil" 4 4 'hive not forgot t, • If ' 'l, 4 °Tll , q -1 1 1 01 , 11Yi10. 1 . 1 14, 4'4 UP' -lig- ' A` m " a',. ~9q`asF..44,9yiel'a stooLlY R--; *•l., a :,.-..treanabiolot Ink young girl, aas .• this Mr*.43stskinentibit Of ilionvilsloria." i', ~ -"' ' A f i gP;24)4311• 4 4 4bor o,' se ~411-4114 1 .1 'II*: htolturt). a ctome, - ,come, yeti . tre_e*,'''hlterrgOtiid'it I .marptitdkiifsist taii!li&PVliiipel. ,eel eivill '‘ ..: `' - '' 6l2 klleST,lti,YOlitTaxiii o,, i , ~ • •,- •..--', :, 1 ;'- 4 " 1.:: 7:: iy::: Blit, the..cite. bad . been 'glyei* sae pepultur - • - feeling arose, and Idattes,,Areates i and 111Wityds, .".Ntire - potired"upeti' Mr. Catena He ;could' not look: whiter. orMoreimpenettahlel - be bad done ibtbrii,-bit he littibtlatliN4 'the I beaditfluil, lb 'Within' fckPikfofolAirrili passage guicket;tiat lie'inight get. Inside the ehureh t , " As seonms-that object trattattained,,,the bee._ die rtiehlatback among thitartald t 'and Used his tongne)rint hisitek vigorously; and iihat With,. that-And ;his formidable cocked hat, lie,aite , '. • needed-in, enforcing silence,. , , ~,•,...- ' , i •'' - '" Sorrin'etlkMis;'Claitonet , .Wat laid. in, her, -, •-, , !Kr.eYspAe unto the two lair flowers- who 'hid ;.--...„ gone .beforo;heroitid'the procession - returned in ita Poinine'iiiii)VilliniptlenreC, ; And, the mob ' '''''di p it A liitil Wake after win up vllti .. ..' three groans for Mr. Castonol. ! ‘ : l ,' ." '',' ;';' :,' ,"','. -,•-•,,:: ''' ..',- ~Mt' - '' ' '.'." •, . 1 '.;- - ,X444o4oniAoinage`,l4l one ;the :' f i ; ., , *gene orconoldorableamitement:llhe church 'l-J fikt:;lard was gradually, nmptying itstgrel,''is• mass. • ,„ ,or,htooare Atitiga,:fer ',•tivelfhtitilit-bnid 'taken ~,,-,,'.'.,', kti :there t Awe . bodies had been consigned to •, Li!„.: their Tarear,eartli, - till thelrare'ehould ;yield' '-', " 4 UP Ifedead.'' Thie'Weta thaVerAlio tehliOx Oftlllo place, a matt.O.t V 41.444 orrow i'the other. v:,4,-that acid levetryoues woman, and it wee;t the last tliftrtheFtinstion lay. i , A, gentiernan Whil ha(l„ attended the Moore! % ,,1 ot ; the. reiitoi,miide MS way, as, the mob Ala- . persed,•towards the residence Of Mrland'M,rs., Chavassli tbb,' parents 'Of .thelit-fatial. young, „ Ilidy'jqst interred. It was NivAllies fie had ' • been; called in to, Mrs. Otomisso; -for the 'par fulalick 'other daughtir's deifithtedbreught ,Mt an 111114111 ~l tralitilS; .i'be.;taiitlieal‘ mon) - ' hiiii. Aerator, her life, but they knew! that; ,t;; , she =wont& ternain a paralyned!cripple-i-that , , f idni liitl'stakdiftdi, passed trahaiigay,`,mitidl6 , ' ''' 44 .Werniu s tto a misqfable„; decrepit. ono. •As Mr s 'Alba iras passing , down , the stairs. fromthe , Ohnniber, a deb Way ;pinitied open; ~ )di band itasiedi and bei WWI Pulleitintb the ' 'darkened parlor; ,It was by,,Mr.••ChaVallie,' w ho' tri°"%tClOokt'lllt, felled,_ and, s(ttrug ...... r doiyijneb 6,41114 '4' 01111' It was t he; first - ' - Eine - -tiny,4 , ,tatt met for 1 years ii for, , ,sineci Mr. Aillia,;s rentrn,Mr..Chavasse bad been sway in Seetiaud, ' - eadmining Into ,some agricultural . ,bnitr,,,itmneuts, Vih,0v,.141 ,ot Austberly, to ~ ~ ..sylten& be nataantirsteward., :The news of his rr• : , ...4aughter's death had brenghtlini• honni. - -,,,, -• •„-oh, , ,mtga , 03Y4ear',I'riettd - ,:;eatild'yee not ',. ' ;,,`,,littis S'aiNl heO!,. ', , - - , ~,,, ~ ~, , , : 1 -e , I was not hetattendatit,r , was Mr. Alisa's 1 '' - ,- reply. 's 4, Mr.- Rice 'aflUDr. - Wilitni 'ne doubt did all they could i MoV,te..apeak,ttf, her Mite: band?? ~ , ,: , . .. t. r I w , ls,,it .tru e , that'islie was getting well?---I , know notiOng. I only reached herMatinie for -' ' "the,lntkial, and My wife it not ,in estate to give Le o partioulats, even if AIM knows them,.! , 4 4-I , Aelo. that she was getting well. 'She had: beef; 111, ..as you; are probably aware ? ' ]tut bid'receiered.so tar as to be:_ont of danger.",. .• , o Entirely , to V , ...,_ ~ •'- . - ~. '',; As Mr. Rico , fella rife :" -'', :' -.. , .k. , '"" i ;Atid.;lli'en .-iitiii. Was:taken suddenly With , , . . . . convelsionst" , t: 1 , - - 2 ' Mr! #llstiliodded;;; " ` ' '' ' '''' '-'`" '' ; " ''' 'i . " 1 ; ld ifs0; -01 the / Other„ n rives bane di e , . ,-,..mr, ia ii was Silent. ,-.,•;-; . -"Did-yon ever,--Imar ,of three , wiytt: the , )4'meg of *)tie trtightoing,lkieilthtut atta cked? i: -,:,, PlCYo*PiliP_Eir, - F . 4,nttaugia"cbincipiender , ~ N ot to my recolleCtlon:.' -. I '' '," ', .1;., „, ,•.,. ". "And that whaattteay were teat:l , o4, as , thl 3 Y.o, ll Y.o°;'*f. t 1.4 olioulil Suddenly die o f 'oonieuliiimil" ~, . 1 1,,, • t. -Mr: ARO look'eddistreesed., .- ' '-,' , ' ~. ~ ~L, ,14411c6olitilillOw,"addedlifi4Tlittifiltier,loWe,r i,„, i , jilg.,o4„ypip p, . 41 tlin _thought ,crossial.my mind ',this; morning to stop the funeral 7 ,, But, Some. , •! - 3 , -howa ihrinakfrontilieliiiliblili3tWoold have -"' '' esiiigetrinirtdY 'grief - held - in& fall hold:Open' . ~,,,ree, ..1 said,to myself, intice cause aniequim .v. , it will not bring-my cliildliackt6./1f0:7,7 i, ,0. , o . ::# ireViti4,` ,,- .ilitiMiii:A,gt:' Alin.. ~ ' .•-• : t"::,;;.#*4.liirrkvidf.yestenlayi perhaps i li4uld, have entered itpon it y I anisprai 0001, ,had 1 :t1;* 4 !s , re -PlAsit .t,jkhlf:Aled;;‘,:gptialt,.jour .",'..,',, .9)4ll.44AliaaUtilreettletirielies• •• gee ) rat; ' ~ ,h, aneleorst for erarptatog ri...4 A ~_ f ,„: ~, :: . •-,„, t1 lit. . - lititdatribtithet eiairtit )oOttriu_e,itttin,'i o,', t,',, ig.l ,„o,oo . ;'Alia.,. , . , ,,m`OluigOOatip,. no, pets -•,'.."`•,1 -; .4 6 I . i t du 1*it#46.4•410:l , l gO - X' •,. , m n i l ~,l itend offatirfamtvetpe.te hint; ,bu we ' .pretasitbaPhietiat l etietpildOtafteo :ts ”'I ihnatitttilpeitabli ititt:' 7, :, „ I , :; 1t ,, 41. 1f Um" oyerrhtad ,. oftlhato'hueinege o %.aloo.4ildeeleilbo" -i 0 1 ;1 1 0 11 . .ii, g l mt!. l Xittlna,.W , tire utiii tom limeDeTtighat' tti . ,...dkefline Mitt „IlitAfiiiilMAtbsi4g •••.,-, .. • "41V1 ? "41 PIA* 4 04; .** , * 0 101 ,0 0 01 It' OA ,•-a.:- ~ • 1.4,,,,J.-...,,,,,,. v.-:•,,, , ,.. ...... .; ,:f , :%4 7, :i inll , i .7., , ,,11 -,.6 ~ . ..m s t; , " , ,i M-0, , „}, 1 ; -- ,5,1,14. , (1 , 3 - ,3 f iLgit.t.l4:o , -.',. , a 1 ,ti t f. 3 .7; toatz'Actr aTiviL 17- t•':•)o t E ! Init== think ItiOss'ettmordinal one, At iba; th L i keVeltif**6.o4 9l *- I " t '' t. in one . - -- • thiklasa. Each cent, each death, taken by-itself, would give rise to no sus b hut tilhdilkou•donie‘ c4d 'them to gether, and look ripen' , the* 0411 1 velY, , it then'thelniM: 'ilthlieled. '1'4144" added Mr. Phavauate, =gluey, «IkneW the full par- Aieurass chtldV , , death—the' 'as they , tookOco,"" - ,• • lYt,Toik . inotir;gait,latirt • al/11141 'Viva/4 f Otta• a , Wdhid he te117" , ,' ' • , ictoolkiaultitigops .„ Vl•Po.you Anowli whispered .Aff. y E - esse , , , ec thst , tliegtotifilid,'ht iitilljiissed him ,111 , 01 °', d (300ar,d,itifilgi blith sonar? • „ , -A - , ~, if MO4 l l' ' A , - 0 ;i:-'-' , ' , '' , •'' 1 ,:,3:: :. , if rei 401: - lylf,at' fiTool' ) I 'win. , he eon ihmecill.„itill4ll4, Ida hands; ) , ,i'-ever;to let her have;.uastonel I ~I t, was. my , wife w rried me into it. "`Ailsa; l l - mitlet at tlieloa lonian of r t bey, patklied, ; I shall, riot , rest till , do: If Castolief will not , ,furnish , them,. I'll ask Mrs. 'Muff,' o 1•. ~ 1.,.-,t_ ~ - • ' . ‘ ' i . , 1 `Mr." (shaiiitiatk! i'init i e o a irresolut e{ all day. 44,the thisktiour,i he Attila through the t X9l-, 'light to thohonse!of his soli-in-10i ~ lint 'Mr. Oatttonel hisitalthitittah'ent ique,where, under upper of, the, iiighti, -,. The , faithful, tipper-ser ,vant, and, housekeeper ot all , th•S' ?Lis. Caste nets cam'elojdntritr_thedini n g jroout, Mad the two'site,' 46Wit s anCsobbed, , one against the •• ' 0 What did Bite die of?" groaned Mr. Chit:: Ileum. Pir, 4 ?..isifi , ,Mrs.; Muff, rc I knoW, no . mord 'thin you. When ihntrent toiled shiiviah'il Well X wei;,arictin inetgei, talking ilieift.4W ; cap , shi3 had bought, and the visi tors. alie.would. see ow the inorrcift. ITh,at,yris abut , half-Ost inue,:and -hr ° l cier iire'iffere all abed'in the - house: 'ln the* uddc.le of the night,if you killed me, I couldn't to.l you the: Alma, for itt .. my • lief* Vietikir , Init may hia o o - IMetlabiiviwe—their i hedroembell, 'the Ano,whieh,' hung ~bY John's *doer, on they top landing, in cue Mrs Gastonet is called out and wants ;kW; 'COM,rang,,Mtt suelt'a' drimidfitXpeloxid and longe4 brought us ill eut,ot our b eds;andmaster was shouting from' his chamber. The others stepped' to put a few things On,ibtdiAind4Wwin my 131ght-clothee. S Y; iiter 4 mii/Ates totisl - Caitonel•wai death'? ,ollow did , she seem , whert , youlgot to her ? Mow did she, lesk '' , She" Wei 'writhing, on :the , bed in awful agony, screaming and flinging her arms about. Mt. Claitonel called it ebnynlaiona. • Isuppose it , was. It .Was Net' as "the other two poor ,young ladies ,Went off. lie MO ins fine state, .and threw himself-en the body' after Ward, end sobbed as hifi heart Would.break." I 441114 she] take,•anything in the night?" -• • "Nothing • iseept- 'Mine barley water. She had4rtuak that; forthe'gles.s,was empty;” • ' • ',fillfro.',Muff,!' lid Whispered; tatting horliand with.:,aL•beseeching look, 4 , d0 you feel that there has always been fair play ?" "The moroiful, goodness knows, sir., I can' help askingi'myself all sorts of ugly questions, '. and thou. am vexed at doing it. :I know one thing.: that it is an unlucky house, and as soon as tomorrow comes I take Myself out of it. I could ; not, stop., • Mr. Oastonel owes • me three-months' wagelf,iand if he say's I have no right . to ; theni, for' leaving, Withont: wrirning,, Why ho Mind - keen ; them. Hamill !neither won't stay. • I-bad hard work to make 'her re , 'it:Mincer theluntirel. ' ': =l' ' ' ,-; s i;_,' . • o •Terti Miethem ' idl'after'deith. i •How did they look 1',..". . . =r l , ~ , • . : = • ~' : ti , f‘milbero all, and noticed nothing extra ordinary: 1 But M. Oastonel, bad; the o odles acrowed down - quicklY. "',, „ ' , , ~ • : , „, 44 11infanything ever happened to excite your ~ ~ suspicions 7" -,. • - ' 34 I cannot saY t it hail. ThOngh' , one olrcum 'starlet+ has been nalieh lu . my mind the last few days. '; The, evening-of the iltiath of the first NreVastenel; rend 'Hannah wore, seated in the kitchen whenWO heard it ,noise In', the la tioratory... I `went to see, and there vcas Mr. dastonelilvho must have stolen down stairs and gone in Witheittnels,e.; Rh lid let fall one of the little drawers, and I saw a phial and a paper or two bn the - floor. - He'wits in a fierce rage with Me, for looking in; ,But• the Curious part le„,,lliat t he baitaliirays passed off that draw er for a dummy drawer." ', - ' • ,'. 1 ' 11r.1:abitviessir did 'Pet speak:, '', .rie, lietened 'etigOrlii. ''" ' , ,! • „,' .. • • 4Mosd.on the night of our - pi daughter's death; • sill lie had'ipit ' tlutt Wad ' IliaTter out Wit," JohiCii'ent in aiAct iiiw:litn with it, and Mr.,atuttettel=to; use the lad'! wade—howled .atilm and chivied blot back again. - ' r What it, eddlhltgit:ls; ItirOsitiViaid he le nie,,tlitit ;40 4 OiPAA.ks , - that I: should' always have took that drawer for athatri!'"' ~. ;",' ' ! c' ;. , -:1 - ,10.Did Annotide hirdit the' , drver when his, ..t.„x. 0 ,..,.A4 Y00,Ate.4., Poor ',Ellenl;eleester ?" ' • (i.r? o. But be may have: - gone to' it every, dayr otohiii life withonf XV Seeinghiml The curioruipoint hilliatinir Should have,beert peen at .It on _these two particular sights, ind by leitheti.tof Itit iitt,linytitthei Him: - ; :Oh, sir whether 11 - bita been bad Itiolc,"or whether it' hateheiniiiiiything'W(i*, whitt a mem if this , toga had,peiroi come near Ebury I" - , "It would have he, sneerer," ochried &or Mr. Ohainile!' ' - l'.. ' ', -' ' On Ilte.:lf.4l44l4 , aftertiorin ! John Was In. the--taboratorn•when Mr: ;11M6 - and Dirt Tuck "lEtere's itiretiititate Oflthings," oxclalmed ,the,.,tiger. ~:4) MothitrAinff's •' gone tiff, and Hannah's gene olf,,,,leaving ! me,' and master, 'ad Italnif* in llie hetise to 110 the work for PPleelYes.", , , 2-. =, ~ . . ;;;.. • - ~ ~ . - - 0 :41one off!" 'echoed - Mr:, RIM: - lc What ,for?" ~,,, ~. : , !# !Sou eiriaenali'Mn'.that," returned the ti ger.: 4 4• Hainah sidd - -ther bouStiitimelt`of poi -I_,"NlAl7,l3!,,Mcialeted.llo: ice. ) . 4 1 eir,With loe:riiiiiare to.hirmllajor Acre's." '! , 4,4451=te1l you what?' cried littleVuelt, as John MetA,0R.,,,"Afr, 1 ,0,44199,01•Wi1l audit no Pleas 'Winegar. It must be a dreadful out-np to the feelings to' hate 'iiM imittiry „pending whether you hate Mire/U.l'lod opa wheloMl 0 Affitem'of. poisoning."' _ i • -,. " What do 1 y,otrmeartrt,cried Mr. ,Rice, '0 41.14 1141 11 m , ; ~,,,-, .. .., , ;•.,•2. : 4 , , .h.44ChavaMO is , betil.eit"itii inquiry. He has ,taken . some Maploreit' in Illi; hnad ' about foul : play.; SO,theberki. is to conic, up; and an In , (pestle be bald." - r , - ' ' . "Mra.,,Caatonol,l4,,body 7" cried, Mr. Rice, nhlekly.' 4414Toriserise t" !, ' =42 1 5 "a Mri: - Castonel the ! third. And. it they find anything qtteer,;„Mrs. Oastonel the second, and Mrii; castonell the' ; drat;;Will r,fellevr.. While thAY AO-4,110A iiiiteo;they.lnaidiginter that that of Mary Ohipliik's." , ' ~ •,' „or. 4 •4 - - 4 -Where:slid you tear all this l'" "dem ande d Mr, lice, inerednionsly. -, -, .. ', ' lc, 0, I heard it. lir. Chavasse was %shiver ,ing - ever it yesterday, !butlie's!ibtietr at the Hall to-day;and laid-lilt sosiiicione aid inforL motion; before Squire liardwirk: I say, you see this hot at, drawere ?" •. . , • , fi Well 7" resinned =hir.•Rioe',, castlug,u yes p his i , nidro , i3 'soniething* ith'ent that top ono being it Beget drawer and not a dummy ; and theymy it basirotlbmithineintfida or y that won't do to be 100hed4",,," , - ~ ,-- 1 4 4 I' do "n6V believelt is a drawer," Observed hir,ltice. •44 I never knew it vac"- !' ' " : I ` lo r4,'=,'..r,ejo)nedlittle Tuck. " Hand me the steps; itill,yhtf.' I'll. halide look." 1 ; i, , 4i pet the steps aleim;andAlitt" drawer tooi'! siiidliii: Rice, , "Whether it's wrong or right, ,we need ' , not draw , oureolVes ' into thenffair. =Better keep &Wait.," ', . , ;I , 1 ," Welt y perlutpit ; you, are !right: What do yOuthinkMr; ,Frencis Hardwick said?" , . , "I had rithev not' beat , . 'How 'was old Flockaway,7", . , ~..„3 ,- ~ ~ , , . . , 'v 44 My I" - ej'acithited little Tlick ' ' . 40- Xi never • , . went. • tibigt) tt:',' -'- ''' -:: , ~', '..: ; ' 44 Then:JAl go now.: tr'suppose this gossip put it out of your, head." „ , 44 ItAid, 1 say, though, "Rice; Itn'tr it a horrid gefer,Oastonel?"•= ~„ -.. ,t • . It must have been a , c horild'"gfit"fo, hir:,l Otustonel to' hear this : and 100 it lie did, for h i e'VM:Meted.outaide the open window. !Had 'he 'Placed lilmself there to listen'? No 9 1 10 had 'ever known Illitif to - Sit down an that bhnoh before:':`., :liti.ltice left house, and Mr.' Tuteast 13 his epee ' on' the 4 drawers. - Ile'Vailit' gee -net to- ed, Itarmlesa_littlo" fellow, but liked in dulge his curiosity . .."41 Shall I look, or shall I, not ?" soliloquized he: i - ,44 There's'atf old !pre. verb that says 'Discretion is the better Part of valor.' 0 bother discretion I Here goes. there's nobody at home to See me." ! , - . Be sot the steps against the,ease oi.drawers, and idolititbd lip, his eager band * Mitatriitched. ! ROC at that moment a bead and. shoulders „slowly rose before' themindow, and Mr: nick, '!clue fright, and the steps,,neariy came down 'together'. For it was Mr.Castonel.l' . "Are yen searching foranytbing i" equably ;demanded Me. amtonel.' r= = - :=',::'i; ',“Mothlugoltr," btanitttercd: Mr, lI4Ult, ptt itiguitho titepa,veri tjuibbly. 1.400rn0 but hero," said gr. Castonel. [TO BE tpIi,TINUE/3.1 00 3 . 1 / 1 9, 411101illro. .t7h,WESWFBII, , es 064 beg respeettelly to IntrOdwie thenundve tithe public tut the ariantifactureve 'ot the • • adopted to manufacturing 9a:family purposes.- Free ,firritivAlie:blijeCtione,itthich hart been lined optima those alreanydinown In warket, THIS ' ILLOUINE COIdIIINEg TVA , 000 D QUALITIES OF rafLALL - , and wiil - be nttre to:Waimea 1 4 0 4, Upon tion,qo hunlliei, tailose, aaddierif ebeetnakers, inatiscastresses. TWO te isanto( (101PUTIOLE, make , altandienie look-tititcb; work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will BEM, 8188, STITOIZAIIN . , OXOATHEitt.lndeedithat4lll giverentire istitrottion tk‘O Intl they have hem Vised tor toil% iThiOtited to call at our rooms, SW OLIESTNIIT Street,' ' 11UNT . , -, WEBBTIk o. poring of every deneription executed In thtilieltpos- C l i =nrc2lt_efunniablelers, ssaliplea et oni iget-utuus'ai'- rtilrMlP!t:4.44lle3rl4/Aid4tattell' IIIWAULOAMS --gAritraitt 11019113131bilifT :ETlLBST,strroordr LPARO :P.AOKAGAN,,JOIRQIUNDI22O ZAN& 'l4llYr}tB ohd •stiou, either , br 'oft 'LINES, or ,IO oodeedlon -iritirelikar-BXPRIN COILVANDII, loom, Ac,, A o a 4i pa i TOWNS sat OplilVl or, 0,41' Vultid 36101. • '; • 1 .1 Gongs] kiaporlatonSoit. .<11;,; . { E • 011ARItlffbCALDWEL 1 -/ "414011(1114suisinam . ,;4 - , W11.:ill"•!'i 'lt if r` "..„1 ~; 01 , , Ib~ ~~~ ~l' ~~ (5 , von : MD/Alt ,G,Qopo, 1041;4 - )triaTro - s — vitel ftiiainsi, • Office Indian Affairs, Ootobee 13, /Brit ' '; 'SkIALED 1110-V0064,5y esdorsed $$ ftepOsals for in dish Goode," litlitte I, 2, /I, or 4, as the: case may be,] 'WM 'reedlied &VIM Office et Indian Affairs, Weab.- ington'oity,'until ten o'clock A. M., on Saturday, the 14th day of November next, for furnishing goods for the Indian department for fulfilling tretitY litiftulikit° n° with varlet:4 Indian tribes, and tor 'other Indian pur poses, as follows i, • ' Mass NO. . /ifeekiwat /36sakets,• _•OlOths, and Drg pootis. 8,000 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure '" 00 by 72 inches, 408 weigh 8 pounds. 3,000 pairs 214-point white Mackinac, blititete, to measure '.61 by 08 inches; and weigh 8 pound': 1,600 pain 2loint White Machined blankets, to measure 42 by 65 lushes, and weigh al( pounds. I,6ol:ipairsimloointerhits mackmao blankets,. to men.' • tore 80 by 60 Whoa; and weigh 41( hounds; 1,600 p+i 32 whi hes to Mackinac) blank ets poun;tomee asnre y. 40 inc, and weigh 3 d 800 pairs 8- p oint scarlet Maokbeio b lankets , to mea sure g 2 by 72 I nc ase, and weigh 8 ponds. 000 pair. 214.polutd(tatlet Mackinac blankets, to men auto 64, by 60 Inches, and weigh 0 pounds. Mingle kg point green Mackinac blankets, to mea t -sure 00 041nclies, and weigh 10 peunds. 400 pairs 8-point green alackinaublankete, to measure 00 by 79 inches and weigh 8 pounds. , 40 . 0 w a r s sit ten Matkinab blankets, to rites- Eir ,,, - ge by 66 thee; and weigh pounds.. ' ,200 pairs 8.4 -point indigo blue Markham b)anketi, to , measure 60by 84 Inches; and .weigh .10 pounds, 200 pain/ 3-point indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 80 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 800 pairs 2.1-point Indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 04 by 80 inches, and weigh 6 pounds 200 pairs 3K-point timstinella blue hisokintso blankets, - , , to nutelute 00 •by 84 inches, and weigh 10 pounds. .800 paire,&•point Gentinella blue Mackinic blankets, to mesterei 60 by 72 inches, and weigh Bpounde. 860 pairs 2X point Genthiella blue necking° blankets, :to measure 64 by 08 inches, and weigh 0 pounds, 51,5110yar fancy lint blue cloth $ ~ 2,000 ~ 1 1 . 4 , black, cloth 600 , 1 4 , 11. green 'sloth 4,600. 'gray Net blue sloth 8,600 saved blue cloth apoo ci scarlet cloth " " green cloth,, 1010 et u uliaiorste/t yarn; 3 folds 100 cams cotton Sag handkerchiefs 100 „ ,Mtelria" " :111.3iC,fPOtt011 " 60 ' black silk" II ss, 8-4 cotton 111181114 , 100 " 0-4 100 ," l-4 ' , 30, 'ie woollen shawls 1,1%) poindsllpen thread ' 74. 0 sewing silk 600 places 160 gross worsted gartering 76 pieces slit bazulkereblefs 86,050 yards, calks; 'R6 000 $$ iderrimao cilleo 114000 " blue drilling 15,000 I s l " white $! 6,000.." Georgia etripes , 11,800' 1,- blue denims . 3,000 1 $ eottonade 15,000 $$ bed ticking 2,000 .. Kentucky James ' 8,600 ~ satinets /0,000 " plaid Hussy 8,000. U bleached shirting, 20,000' it domestic shirting, (unbleached) ' 28 000 $ 1 $$ sheeting . 6 10,000 $$ sheeks, stelpee'and plaids 200ihisen Woollen Socks ;800 yaids'llannels, aeaorted 1,000 pounds cotton thread 600 deems spool cotton 360 Pounds beat Chinese vermillion ' COO " American 1,600 " brown gulling twine, No. 80 - 1,000 $$ cotton manta 2,100 flannel shirts 2,400 calico " 10 dozen Oanadian belts. 01465 No. 2. •'Ready-Mae Clothing. 200 frock coats, indigo blue broad cloth 200 pantaloons, " 200 vests, . , 100 frock costa, " • heavy twilled 100 pantaloon, $$ 100 vestS, " • " I,IQO Mackinac indigo blue blanket oapotes 100 black satinet overcoats, (Na. 1) .100 sheep's gray cloth overcoats log 44 31 " coats 100 .. " pantaloons 100 black satinet eoata 100 pantaloons 100 " rests 200 blue satinet coat). 200 pantaloons 200 . vest. 200 cadet mixed zatinet coats 200 pantaloons 200 recta. - CLASS No: 3. ' Hardwars, Agricultural Implements, nod 42.8. 8,000 podade brave kettles 10000 tin kettles, (5 Mies) 200 nests Japanned kettles, 8 in a nest , • 60tdozen 10..qnsrt tin pans • .76 II 0 .1 11 75 11 , 11 it 100 II 2 800 •It -butcher kzdees SOO scalping 25 M gun Uinta 60 gross gun worms - 160 • " squaw awls 155 " flab hooks, assorts& 800 dozen gbh lines 350 gross needles 150 dozen coarse tooth combs 160 it fine 11 160 I. scissors 'lB " bush ssythes 16 gram 115 grain ' • .10 i, adzes . ' • 80 " stubblng hoes • ea , ,a weeding. ' - 100 pain limes . 200ss trace c h a ins , • • 200 log Chains „ 600 drawing knifes, 10 end /Slashes la length 250 augers, in equal proportions of 1) , 1, X, and X-inch . • goo_ hiu44 Bars ... 30 cross.cub saws, 7 feet in length 50 a y 0 11 , 11 .• 60 dozen hazedaaw files 10 cross-cut saw Bleb 10wood rasps 260 4i - tartars socket chisels, )(,1, and 2 Inch . 70 planar fore and jack 25 dozen shovels - 26.'spades 830 camp kettles, (8 sizes) 8,000 short handled frying pans ,100 dozen heating spoons „ 200 .‘ Iron table spoons 200 , sups -16 s• scythe ansths 25 " saes, to weigh from 45g . to frjg pounds 100 Is half axes, to weigh 3) pounds " , hatchets, to weighl,4 pound ' 16 sO broad.agss, ordinary size 60 ", lino mirrors - ' • 76 so fire steels OLAIIS,No. 4. NortAmin Guist 'l,OOO northwest 'guns, dint lock 210 " peretuelon 100 k. Proposidi will ta receiied for the delivery of said 'goods at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Chime, St. Louis, Memphis, or Cincinnati ; but in considering ,the bids, the coat of the transportation of the tame ,to their respective. dedinationa from the places proposed to be delivered will form en element In deciding upon the proposals. The right will be reserved to require a greater or lou quantity of say of the articles named than that speoified in the above schedule, also any others of a different description that may he needed, at the lowest market prices. Geode of American 'manufacture, of the requited styles end quality, will be preferred ; but as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, It will be ne. cessary in proposing a domestic article of either of thole k inds, that • wimple thereof 'hall accompany the bid, The Miklos to be hindered met, In ell- re s pects, conform, is and be egtuil With the samples recently so. looted, which may be seen at this Milos. They will be rigidlylnapetted and compared with those maniple. by in agent or agents appointed for that peeper*, Such u maybe unequal thereto 'in any particular will be re. jetted ; in which case the contractor will be bound to furisish others of the required kind or quality within three days ; or; if that be not done; they will be pur. chased at his expense. Payment will be made for the goods received on invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to Inspect them. It will be understood that all bids for furniablog the goods above specified may be rejected at the option of the Department, parade/or/sr if made by one who is not known as a manufacturer of, or regular dealer In, the article proposed to be furnished • 'which fest, or the re. M verse, ust bo distinctly Meted I n the bids offered; and that the bids of all persona who may have failed to comply with the condition' of any contracts' they may hare prestOtielf entered into with the united States shall, at the option of the Department, be rejected, In acoordance withthe letter and spirit of ajoint resolution of Congress relative to bids tor , provision', clothing, do., for the use of the nary; epproeed 27th March; 1854. Bonds will be required, in the amount of the bid, for the faithful performance of 'the contract, with two er more sureties, whose sufficiency must be certified by a United States judge or district attorney. . The prepaid" , must embrace the artioles, with the quantities thereof, ea they are arranged In the foregoing sehedule,ivith the prices annexed to each, in dollars and cent'', at which they will be furnished, and the amounts moat be carried put and fOoted up for each claim. They eheald be submitted 'with the following heading: r. I for we] hereby propose to furnish for the service of the Indian department, and according to the terms of ifs advertisement therefor, doted October 16th,1851, the 'following articles, at the prices thereto affixed, [here Intact the Bet a ccordinge to the obas or Ousel proposed for,) deliverable In the city of [Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, belthnore. New Orleans, St, Louis, Memphis, or Cincinnati, as the ears may be,] by the first day of April next, or at wilt time or times daring the year 1561 as may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs ; , and I , for we] will also furnish. at the same 'prices, such additlenal quantities of the li same kind! and qualities of. goods, and at th e lowed market prices , such other siiielen of a different deacrip. Con se spay be required for the' xervice of the Indian department during the Year 11/51, deliverable as above stated end if this proposal be accepted,lhere Insert the words, 'ln whole or In Pert , if more than releases 'be proposed forA (or Ire] will, within twenty days thereafter, 'etecutif. ' 'contract accordingly, and, give security, satisfactory to the" Commissioner of Indian Affair*, for the faithful "lerformanee of the same.' , (Mere, ipsert whether the party proposing is or is not a manhfacturer or'ragubtydeuler In the article proposed to be furnished.) Each proposal must also be iseconmanied bye guaran tee, in the following form, to be signed by two or more ' responsible persons, whose suillelency must be certified by one or snore persons, personally or officially known' to the depaithient I for we] hereby guaranty that the above bidder, [cir bidden,] Its contract shall bo awarded to him, (or there, j according to his for their] ,foregolng bid or pro posal, will execute a contract, and give security for the INrformaneis thereof, mi prescribed In the advertisement for' proposal. for Indian', goose; dated October 16, lily ; and I for we] agree to pay any and all damage,' or Irmo& which the United States or the Indians may suffer by reason of tailors so to do Ma the part of the said bidder, (or bidders.") - ' No proposal will be ,eonaidered that does rot strictly contorts to the ,terrus and direatione of this advertise pient. By, order of the Secretary or the Interior. MARGE& ki. MIX, Acting Commissioner. oc24•thatn inovl4 o' acrd ants eigaro 1.. A. Ir. .11[AVANA OIGARS---A handsom e wort. must, Soh sa Plgere, , Neaps, Causal, ' ' ' &khans, , Gloria, , ' ' , Jupiter. , Woo, Conserilantes, Torrey Lopes, V111912i Americana, Onion, • 'Flora' Cubans, ki: ,to., ke., in .3g, ji,l-5 end 140 nes, of all sloes end ' gum'. ties, In store end constantly ruching, and for sale low, by ' OHARLIS TY,TH, (new) lge WALNUT serest, below tweed, second Story pi GADO, :ANAS AND PARTAOAS BEGARII.—A ebolce invoice of these celebrated brands 0a board brig Now Era dolly expeoted from • U1k560, and for solo low, by 011,01,103 T&111, (Now) 188 Walnut grad, below Secondi sal Woad Story. , ..,Oruware. -QUAKER CITY NAILS, MEROHANT , BARB, IttYST UtON, ,4 6 hG u ti0 t i i ifo gt titraplAlll GIISBN 'ROLLING 'AtII.I4 on the &buylkilliabote Svin . g Garden Water Wolof, wartsmitatllo9:Norta WATira Street. QUASAR( 0 1* 11411.8 warremucutovtat to anj tube: toO•tt ,--• HALDEMAN, Agent. YTWOMAS E. t AXTE I " • E OOTLIBIt AND TOOLS, No. KO hikilaki ST. WI. Pa% Knifii ass 1.141.41011•. 1.61 poisttk4intuttittiiink TrifiSOAVI NOVRMOBIR 9, 11.857. • { A proposAs. 11101iRiii08ALS ,FOE . 72- 011P - PLikS. QUARTIAMIIIStIIIO3 0 1 / 1 1011 MABINI 0011P41,, Washington, Oct, 10, 1851. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received et this 43(1103 until 3 o'clock, p. m. , on Friday, the 18th of November, 1857, for supplying the marine corps with the following articles dung the fecal year ending 80th June 1858, via 600 to 800 uniform cape, complete. 2,000 to 2,000 marine porapoons 1,000 to 2,000 potent-leather stocks. 690 to, 800, privatii , uniform coats, complete, of navy blue cloth, indigo dyo—to be • ' chemically tested.. 60 to ' 100 aergoants , ' uniform coats; (same ea ' ' 60 to 100 musicians' coati; scarlet cloth, cochineal dye—to be cheralcally Seated. ' 100 to 200 pairs non-commissioned officers. epee kites. 600 to 800 pairs brass centre grape; 80 to 60 red worsted cashes. . 1,000 to 2,000 pain linen overalls. LOOO to 2,000 linen shirts. ' 2,600 to 8,000 pairs brogans, Noe. 6 to 11. 600 to 80' marine blankets, (gray.) , 600 to 800 knapsacks. 2,500 to 8,000 pairs woollen nooks. 600 to 800 marine fatigue caps, the cloth to be navy blue,. indigo dye, and chemically tested. 500 to 800 fatigue frooki. 1,000 to 1,500 flannel shirte. 500 to 1,000 pairs woollen overalls, blue terser, 600 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. • 800 to 500 watch or groat coats, do. 600 to 1,000 poire Canton flannel drawers. 85 to 00 munitions' jackets, scarlet cloth, cochi neal dye—to be chemically tented. 1,000 to 2,00 pants 0.4 sty.blno kersay , 1,000 to 2,000 yards navy-blue oloth, to he chemically , tested 800 yards scarlet cloth, cochineal dye, to be chemi cally tested Samples of the above articles may be seen on appli cation at this office, or at the office of tha asalstailt quartermaster marine corps, 180 Bpruaa Argot, Phila delphia: Ii I, to be understood that the accepted bidder is to take all material used for manufacturing coats, overalls, on bend at the time of entering into contract, at the contract prices thereof. 'Bids willbe ioceived tor' he whole or in pixie for the article, required, and it must be expliCitly understood that a critical inspection will be given all articles fur. uisbed u to fit and quality, and that articles which do not come up to the sample will be rejected end thrown upon the hands of the contractor. The quartermaster reserves to himself the right to increase or diminish the quantity named above, as the exigencies or Interests of the metric° may deinand. Proposals to be addressed to the "Quartermaster of the Marine Corps," Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Pro posals for Supplies." The papers publishing this advertisement will seed the paper containing the first insertion to this Mace for examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense—at the rate of 70 cents for 300 ems first inser tion, and BTX dents per 800 etas for all eobeequeat in aertiOne. oclo-atutlitNovl3 PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS FOR 1868 Qtrearsaussrart , s 011/1014 . MAIIINE CORM Washington, October 10, 1957. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS, will be received at the office until TUESDAY, the 10th of November next, at 3 o'clock P. 2d., for furnishing Rations to the United States Marine Corps, at the following stations, for the year MS, viz: - Charlestown, Massachusetts; ' Portsmouth, New Hampshire Brooklyn, Loud Island, New fork; Philadelphia, 'Pennsylvania ; • Gosport, near Norfolk, Virginia; Warrington, Florida; and Washington, District of Columbia. • Each ration to consist of one pound end a quarter of fresh beef, or three , quarters of a pound of moss pork; eighteen ounces of bread, made of bent superfine Hour,. or best superfine flour, atthe option of the Government; and at the rate of six pounds of good coffee, twelve pounds of bent Now Orleans sugar, eight quarts of best white beans, tour guar* of vinegar, two quarts of mat, four patina of good hard brown soap, and one-and-s -halt pounds of good hard dipped tallow candies, Au one hundred rations The beef required shall he delivered on the order of the oommanding °Meer of each station, either in bulk or by the single ration, and ahail consist of the boat and most choice pieces of the carcass; the pork to be No. 1 prime mess pork, and the groceries to be of the best quality of kinds named. An subject to impaction. No bid will he entertained union accompanied by the names of two sureties known to tide °Mee ' or certified to by some official poreon. To be endorsed ,( Proposale for Rations for 1158, ,, and addressed to the Quarter master of the Marine Corps, Waskingtor4D. O. D. J. BUTIIBRLAND, Quartermaater. The paper publishing this advertisement will eend the paper containing the first insertion to thin office for examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense, at the rate of 7b cents for 180 ems first inser tion, and 87g emote per 300 ems for all aubsoquent in serdone. The National Intelligencer, Star, and States, 146114 ington. D. C.; Argue, Portland., Me.; Patriot, Concord; N. IL; Duette, Portsmouth, N. U.; Post and Courier, Boston, Maze ; Bridgeport Farmer, Conn.; Daily Nowa and Atlas, N. Y.; P.ogle,Brooklyn, N. Y.; Argus. Penn sylvanian, and Press Philadelphia, Penn ; Patriot, llarrisburg, Penn.; _llipublican, Baltimore, Md.; Statee man end argue , Nor Norfolk Va.; Democrat, Pensacola' Fla • Courier and OrleanLan, dew Orleans, La.; wilt publish the above three times per week, until 10th No vember. 0813-ta ttt t Nov 10 PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING THE CUSTOM MUSE, sto., et Perth Amboy, Nii* Jersey, TalllardlY DirealtritinT,' Wearisome, September 21st, 1861. PROPOSALS will be received at this Department until the 26th day of November, A. P. 1857, at 12 o!elock noep, for the construction of the Oustom House, Post Office, and Court Room authorized to' be erected a PRATE( ASIIJOX , Now Jersey, according to the plans and specillutione prepared at this Department; said proposals to be either for the whole building or eepera L te the different kinds of work; bills of parCele.tenst tu every cue accompany each bid, with the !mount of each kind of perk, and the total amount carried out ,• the Department reservingehe right to reject or accept the proposals hereby invited, or any part thereof, when it deems the interest of the United States require it; the Department also reeervea the right to exclude the bids of any person or persons whom there ie just cause to believe will not faithfully, perform the contracts, or which they have attempted to obtain by indirecti on; and all bids when there shall be partlea in interest who do not join in the bids, and all bids that upon investigu. Lion are below a fair price for the work. Bids will not be received in gross, and no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work and materials, which shall be subject to the revision of the Department, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, es the interest of the United States may require. Ninety per cent. of the amount of work done, and materials delivered according to contract price (mild amount to be ascertained by an estimate of en agent of the Department am:oh/tea for that purposed will be psid freer time to time its the wort programs, and ten pee cent. retained until the completion of the contract, and the acceptance of the work, &0., by the agent aforesaid, and be forfeited in the event of non.f all:Smoot of contract. •••- • - . Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics ; and the assignment thereof, except by 00n. sent of the Secretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit. ure of the same. r , Each proponal most be accompanied by a written guar antee, signed by two responalble persons (certified to be so by the United htates District Judge, or Attorney of the said District), in the sum of $5,000 for the whole work, or of is proportionate amount If any part, that the bidder will, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond, with proper and sufficient securities for its faithful performance. Porn of Bond and Certificate required will be Pu nished on application to the Department. Plans, specifications, and working drawings will be ready on the let of November, when they can be had on application to the Department. No bid will be considered unless it fully complies, in all its details, with the requirements of this adver. tisement. The proposals must be sent to thla Department, ad. dressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and plainly endorsed "PROPOSALS FOR THE PERTH AMBOY CUSTOM ROUSE," and will be opened at one o'clock of the last day named for receiving the same. HOWELL COBB, 24-th sktu-tno24 Secretary of the Treasury, N'OTICE.-.NORTH PENNSYLVANIA .1. I RAILROAD. CITANCIE OF HOURS. On and after WEDNESDAY, November 4th. 1857, The Tralue on this Road will leave Philadelphia dilly, (Sun days excepted) as follows, viz: Per Bethlehem ' Easton, Allentown, Manch Ohunk, &a., (Express) at S) A. H. and 2 15 P. M. For Doylestown (accommodation) at 4.30 P.M. For Uwynedd, do at 10 A. Dl. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem (express) LAO A. M. and 2 25P. M. Leave Doylestown (accommodation) at 0 35 A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do at 2.20 P. M. Accommodation trains run daily; other trains daily, Sundays excepted. ON SUNDAYS. For Gwynedd.. For Doylostown From Gwynedd 2.20 p.ltl Froto Doylestown 0 35A, M. 0e31.4t , ELLIS CLARK, Agent 011 ANGE OF HOURS.—P Aril. ADE L. PIMA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. 2.1, 1817, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRILADELPIIIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M.,1 P. IL, (Express,) and 11 P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 3 30 and 11 A. M. , For New Castle at 8 A. M., and 3.30 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. DI. and 3.30 P. IL , For Dover at 8 A. M. and 3,301 1 .. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. TRAINS FOR PIIILADELFDIA Leave Balthuoro at 8.40, Express, n A. M., and 0.28 Leave Wilmington at 8 , and 11.45 A. M., and! 2 88 and 9.65 P. M. Leave Now Oectle at 11.05 A. M., and 0.06 P. M. . Leave Middletown at 10.16 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.16 A. M. and I Y. M. Leave Seaford at 4.00 P. M TRAINS, FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.13 A. Id., 2 P, 61, and 12.15 SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia Baltimore. do. do. 6.25 P. M. from Baltimore Or Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND 11AVRE DE GRACE AGOOMMO DATION TRAIN Leaven Havre de Grace at 6.60 A. M. Loaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Paseenger Oar attaohed, will run 40 followe : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 6.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. , to. 6.60 P. bl Leave Baltimore for 11avroqle•Grace at 6 P. M. on 31.17 8. M. FELTON, President. POO AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOR $lO !—ThirdDivieion.—sslo,ooo worth of Farms and Bonding Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,900 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 3857. bub• seriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one. half down, the root on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging In value from $lO to $25,000. Thom farms and Into are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the Increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up- wards of 1,850 lots and farms are already sold, and a company or settlers called the a Rappahannock Pioneer Association' , in now forming and will noon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith. ful parfornianoo of contracts and prandial. Nearly, 40,000 acres of land In different parte of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $BOO per acre. Unquestionable titles will its all eases be yi yen. Wood•cutters, stoppers, farmers, Ace., are teamed, and five hundred 'Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the moot liberal inducements will be given, A me Agents write that they are making $2OO per month. Yor full particulars, aubseriptionsiagenciee 40, apply to • E. 112111/61 A autt•tf ' Port /Oral, Onrollne county, 'Va. 7(TANTED, FOR TIE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, -to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No men having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET Week above Eighth, north aide. WI' I SAM 73: ROYAL, let Llo~c . 2d Rogt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. oat 6.2m* WANTED.—A FEW AGENTS, EITHER Male or Female, are wanted to sell a new and very popular book, lus t issued, entitled "The Crooked Yam; or, Life by the Wayside.li Boor editione have already been exhausted In - Boston and the blew Rogland Mates. Agebte are wanted 'to Cenral/ the Middle, Southern, and Western States. Some now engaged make from $b to $l2 per day. Addreee. by leiter, book Agent, IT State Street, Bodoni or call palatally at Maio plan , ' oxf-lm itailroab Linea. Wants ~h~ng. tin= REMO NEW ORLEANS' PACKET NOTICE. LONI3IA NA LINE.--Shippers pCr ship Mary and AdelluelllaPtain Watts, will please haud in their bills of lechrig this day to the counting house for signatute. Frelghta will be received until this evening at low uteri: BmOP; SIMONS, .h CO., 111 no 2-dtf. ' 120, late 36, North Wharves. SHIP JOSEPH JONES FOR SAN FRAN- K" 0,1800.—T0 mil with quick despatch.—Preight taken at reduced rates.—The beautiful Clipper ship JtiflEPO ;ONES, Nelson Pendleton, commander, now coMplehng her loading at Itace street wharf, has over throe-fourths of her cargo on board and nearly all of her capacity engaged, wilt continue to receive freight for a fevvdays, and sail as above. , Shippers ippers will plepleasecomplete their , engagements Withouelity, wadi:and in bills of lading for signature. Per ballince of freight, which will, be taken at very low rates, apply on board, or to 11/8110P, IHMONS dc 120 (laten) ?forth Wharves. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. STNAMSIIIPS STATE OF GEORGIA KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the Om Alps will be withdrawn for the present. October 16th. A. lIERON, Jr. "'WARE REDUCED .I. — "AND HAVRE.—Tbo O SOUTHAMPTON agnlficent steamthip VAN commander, 6,208 tone, DERDILT, Edward Iliggi will sail ' • From New York far South- Prom Southampton and empton and nay., linrro for New York, Saturday Out. 21 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Doe. 5 Saturday Dee. 20 Price, of Passage—First cabin, $100; second cabin, sao Specie delivered In London and Paris. For freight or plumage apply to D. TORRANOII, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ouncre, (by enclosure of postage stamps if from other outbeed will be received at No. 6 Bowling-green, New York, up to 3.136 o'clock on the morning of sail ing. 0.1.0-tt GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU RON:, First Cabin 380 I Second Cabin $5O In the Silt-clan paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL, 2.000 tons, 0. D. Loobow, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 3,600 tone, P.R. LEI , 6VRE, to Sail from pier No. S North River, it noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES DIAILS, via: Leave N. York fort Southampton, ' Bremen for Southampton traria Bremen. Southampton for New I ork. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Wede'day, Nov. 4. N. tiaVy, Clot. 81. Saturday, N0v.23. Wededty, Dec. 30 Vies° steamers touch at HAVRE. Specie delivered in London and Paris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Dowling (ireou, New York. oclo-tf POE ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.- 1: New York and Havre Steamship Oompany.—The United Olsten Mail Steamahips ARAD°, 2500 tone, David Dikes, Commander, and FULTON, 2, 60 0 tons, Jame' A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1857 and 58, on the following days : LIIATS NOIR YORX. 1857. 1858. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago, do.• Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Feb, Fallon, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. March Arago, do. Nov. 14 Sutton, do. April 'd Fulton, do. Leo. 12 Arago, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LHATI SOUTHAMPTON. 1867. ' Arago, Wednesday, Aug.2B Pullen, do. Sept. 23 Amp, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Arno, do. Deo. 18 1868. Fulton, do. , Jan. 18 Arno, do. Feb. 10 1 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 1 Fulton, do. May 0 Arago, do. June 2 Walton, do. June 80 LIIIII 811111. 185 T. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Arago, do, Oct, 20 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. D 00.7.5 1858. Walton, do. lan. 12 Arago, do. Tab. 9 Walton, do. March 0 Arago, do. April Walton, do. May 4 Arno, do. Junes Walton, do. Juno 29 PRICE 0? PABHAON From New York to Southampton or Havre—Firs Cabin, ; Second Cabin, $75. From Havre or Southampton to New York—Firs Cabin, 850 from; Second Cabin, 600 franca. For freight or passage, apply to MORTIMER LIVINOSTON, Agent, I Broadway WILLIAM ismvieg, " Havre. CROSIERY & CO., " Bouth , ton AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRICSS AND EX-" Pads. CHANGE CO. soft THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL .1. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS —The Ship* somposing this Line are : The ATIANTIO, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. , The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIO, Capt. Same' West. ,iThese chips time been built by contract, expressly for dloyernment service; every care has been taken in their bonstruotlon, Li Moo In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. - Price of passage from Now York to Liverpool, in Bret cable, 1130, in second do., $16,• from Liverpool to New York, SO and SO guineas. No berths secured unless paid for.' The ships or this line have improved water-tight todtheadi. PROPOSED DATES OF BAILING. ISOM 11W TOIL. FROM LIVERPOOL. Saturday, Jane 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1861 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1957 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1887 Saturday, Aug.'ls, 1851 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 28, '1867 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1861 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, Oct: 24 1851 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1857 Saterday, liov. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1957 Wednesday, NOT. 20, 1861 Saturday, Doo. 5, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1861 Yor freight or passage, apply to EDWARD K. °OWNS, No. 58 Wall street, N. Y. E 11.0114, _SHIPLEY k CO. , Liverpool. STEPREN KENNARD ft GO., 21 Austin Triers, Louden: B. G. WAINWRIGHT A. 00., Paris. tbs owaerl of these Alps will net be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, opecle,jewolry.pr °Pious stones or metale, union bills of 'adieu, •s .• nod therefor and the value thereof expressed therein auttf furnaces. 111.AOGREGOR ROT—AIR FURNACES Bold by OLIADWICIE to DRO, SECOND Stroot first decor above Rowe. auglB-Bmou, prORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAB CONSUMING FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURN.IIOE, after baring been put to the most severe tent, during the two GOLD AINUREI 07 1868 .00 1857, hew proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, saving from 'X to X the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now to nee. Tsass Yuarnose are construoted with a cast Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan shaped fire pot, Hued with are-brick or Iron Mayas. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their hoe, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the &fluter chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. TIM WHOLE products of combustion in the form of /mkt and nesse, are stuiponded directly over the are, OeNYINED or compteased Into the tapering ConEd and CONTINUALLY SEpODED to the direct action of the rap of heat and light from the DM This heat and light la brought to a focus 1 anon Oman, not unlike the COLLECTION OP TRH BUN'S RAYS, ton foctat point through an ordinary lens, causing the EWEN AND OASES to become intensely heated and tho roughly oolismann, by this operation the 81106 N AND OASES are MADE EQUALLY AVAILABLE with the FM mots for heating purposes, while, in other futuatew, le CARRIED Orr AND WANTED IN TEE CHIMNEY. All persons desirous of obtainlag the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to 111.41111ne the New GAB CONSIIIIINO Ouse FORPAOIS WON purchasing any other. The at. relation of architect' and builders. 3" particularly go. quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successora to S. A. Harrison,) No. 8% WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Squar . 'VOCAL FREIGHT NOTICE—THE IA PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGIIT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pounds BETWEEN PIMA. AND COLUMBIA. PtratOlaaa. Second Clue. Third Clue. Fourth Class. Ude, 18 ate 18 eta. 14 eta. /lour, /I, ate, por barrel. Pig metal, 10 ote per 100 pouode. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANOASTER. Ytrat Olase. &mood Clue. Third Clans. Fourth Claes 20 ota. 17 eta. 15 eta. la eta, Vlour. 25 eta, por barrel. • Pig Metal,. , 10 otd. per 100 pounds. ARTICLES OP FIRST CLASS. Boots, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shore, Nute in Bags, Coder and Wooden WAN, Porter and Ale in bottles, Dry 00045 Poultry In (mope, EOM Pork, (rresh,) Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Feathers, Wrapping Paper. ARTICLES OP go CLAPS. Apploe, Molasses, Cheese, Melons, Cloverand Grans Bead, Oils to oasks or barrel'', Groshery, Paper in boxes, Candles, Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaohes, (dried,) Groceries, Printing Paper, Gunn and . lllfies, Paper Hangings, Herring In boxes and kegs, Queoneware, Hardware, Sweat POJateee, Hope, Tobaccos )ales, Iron, hoop, band, or fleet, Tea, Leather, Liquor in wood, Type, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, opte.9 Monuments, Vim Ash. .ARTIOLES OP /n CLASS. Potatoes, Turnips, Vinegar, White Lead, ' Window Glass, Melba], Coffee, Rides, (groao,) Lard, Cyders &Mame, on Wail) Tobacco, (manufaatured,) ARTICLES OP 4.rs CLASS Roatn, Salt, Pleb, Ratted, Grain of all Mac, Balls wad Spikes, Pitch, Ploater. Tobaeen, (100,) Tin, Tar, Whiskey, - lbPor farther information apply to E. J. EiNEEDER, Freight Agent, Phila. X. K. BOlOP,lreight Agout, Columbia. gun] W. 11. kIYkRB, Freight Agout. Lancaskr. itlerrhant QTailors EDWARD P. KELLY, ' 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Hag Rat rocolvod a choice aesoetsnent of CRAVATS GLOVES, TIES. WARPS, MORNING GOWNS MIMS, TRAVELLING SHAWLS, ENGLISH PA TENT GAITERS &0., &e. which will Lo cold a Moderato prices J a r credit-410 fur cash. ' The Lush:teem of BELLY & BROTHER is now at . . . tended at No. 814 CHESTNUT street, by E. P. RE! I.Y or JOIIN P. DOUNNTY. oo23•t1 JOHN P. DOHERTY, TORWERLY WITH [ULLA' LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 114 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, line now with him the best Tailors that are engaged in the business In this country. CIURLSB 110TH, formerly the leading tailor of tide City • KATBEII, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co , end ' late coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Redly, &- Co. Unser 19.1eNxn, the best Pants and Vest cutter In the United Rates, for rare cutter with Dopierrle, under the Irking Rouse, Broadway, and with Depierris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Pieta, Broadway The Most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the establishment. The best of Clothes made at tumferate prices for credit, low Prices for rash. ocliLtf JAMES SHEIUDAN, MERCHANT TATI,OIt, Noe. 10 imid/1113onth NINTH STREET, hiIIOYA OIIHSTNITT. A larg o and well, o.looted stook of °LOTUS and °AMIN REF always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establisbment will be of the best quality, and in the moat feabionable style. Partials's; Attention given to UNIFORM OLOTII ING. , itud.tf To SHOVEL AND HOE MANUFACTU •KRIIB,—SHETTIER'S impn'ovED GARDEN ROE. Patented June, 18151. The right to manufac ture 'under !hie Patent maybe secured on favorable term!, on appliOation to ALVAN WILKINS, oal-/Ot 27 W/LLIAME4rott, New yprk. fisting. Inds. QA.vma FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TERE3T—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANT.—WALNUT STREET, SOUTUAYEST CORNER OP THIRD, PI3ILADELTIII,k. INCORPORATED PIT THE PTA'S Op PENNSYLVANIA. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The °Mee In open every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till? o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thureday evenings till 9 o'clock. LION. HENRY L. BENNER, President, nOPERT SELPRIDGX, Tice President. We. J. Rats, Secretary. macrons: Hon. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Menne, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridg, Joeeph B. Barry, Band. K. Ashton, Henry L. Chuchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee, This Company confine/ Its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The Investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A UAL? OP DOLLARS, are loads in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and ouch Brat clans securities as will always in sure period security to the depoaltora, and which can not fall to give permanency and stability to this Usti. tattoo. SIX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH end WALNUT Streets, Open daily, from 9 to 9, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Large or small sumo received and paid with out notice, with PIPE PRCEzg ai g o TE , r ltE r S e T i , t, by check or otherwiao. JOHN r N Tu. rapsinxpre, TIIO3. T. TABlalt, NDWIN M. LBWIS numsraar AID TRI/SURBI, WM. T. BLIIBRT. Inoorams, Wm. O. Lndarig, D. O. Lary, °harks B. A. Idlskey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas B. Reed, M. D James Russell, Thos. P. Sparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Willlmuson, Isaac B. Waterman, Charles T. Yerkes. John B. Austin, John E. Addicka, Belomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, William Clark, 'illphrann Olszk, Jr., Charles S. Cant%lra, Robert Clark, A. J. Drexel Charles Buttlb, WM. B. Boater, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., sul•Sm MO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FINK .111 PER OENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. JO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. IVO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. a¢l-1J ftlarlnnera anb ,run oiluitt. •. NERRIOIC. J. TAIJOILAN lIIIRRIOE WILLIAS E. MIRBIOI.. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, iliali AND WAHNINOTON STRIATE!, PHILAMILPIIII. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Laud, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Clasonsoters, Tanks, Iron Boats, &0., Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Bram. Iron frame roofs for Osa Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &s. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Ryer} , description of Plantation msohlnery, ouch aa Sugar, San, and Grist Minn, Vabunro Pans, Open }Ream Trains, Defecatora, Pilfers, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. Pillbox's Patent Sugar Bolting Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rome Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pampa. Buporintendent—D. H. BARTOL Ipe ICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOM6 STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 1111VVITUJINTII BTRZET, lIAMILSON, ITAIRVIHR MID SPRING GARDEN STREWN, PHILADELPHIA,. Rogaged exclusively in the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or lietumenoses Coal in Cl, crude state, or ANTHROOITS COAL, WITHOUT EMITTING BEOIII GAO Oa FIRS. d In design, material an workmanship, the Locoace fives produced at these Works aro equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are nude on the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stook. Tho large extent of Bhops, and Com -s,efe Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable ern to execute the EST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANT ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. ORILLKD CAR WHEELS, lIAMMERRD AXLES, With Forging. of an y sine or form, IRON ANA BRASS CASTINGS, And 11A0/11NR WORK generally. RICHARD NORMA. HENRY LAT/SIER VORIMIL aul-ly PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER IVOIUIS. REANEY, NEAFLE & CO., PHAOTIOAL AND TMEORETIOAL INGINDIRD, MAOHINDITS,: . I3O.I . !:ED ;. kIApM, r. DLAOK. BMITIIS AND YOUNDEC9 Haying for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, Oro., arc., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marino, River, and Stationary. Raving sets of patterns of different aims, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. nigh and Low Pressure, Blue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers,ot the beet Pennsylvania char coal iron. Porgings of . all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and epacifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock rooms for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &s., &c., for raising hear/ or light weights. THOMAS ItIIANEY, JACOB H. NEAPLE, JOHN P. LEVY, anl.y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington. HANDY & MORRIS MANUBACTURIMB OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRONTUBES FOR GAS, STEAM OH WATER ALSO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCErS Warehouse O. X. eorner FRONT and WALNUT. and-8m fllcbirhtes. 11 - ELAIBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA- A.l. TION, Extract linchn, for all Diseases of the Blad der, Kidneys, Gravel, Drop], Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. HELMBOLD'" GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu, remove. all the symptons, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loos of lifemory, Dielimity of Breathing, General IVeakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Peet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the binocular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot /lands, Flushings of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Few, Pains in the Back, RCIAVI"CIIII et the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spate eying before the llyee, with temporary Suffusion, Loss of Sight. If these aymptons are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably removes, soon follow fatuity and Epi leptic Fite. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING 'WITH ANY of the above distreasing ailments, use HELM BOLD'S PREPARATIONS. Try then, !MIA convinced of their efficacy. ITELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Bache., "Give health and vigor to the triune, And bloom to the pallid cheek :" And are to pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them. LTELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA AA. TION, .Extract Ducliu—See overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show that they do great good to ell who honor them with% trial. Evidence open for the inspection of all. iIELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA .I.I TION, Extract Dinka —Price $1 per Bottle, de- Roared to any address. Depot, 62 South TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia Address lettere, 11. T. EIELMBOLD, 52 South TENTII street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. anl-2.ln* MARCHANT's ORYSTALOGRAPHS, OR TROTOORAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N H. comer of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures diger essentially from anything ever before offered to the public,. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed In manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. Theme facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to hie friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and oan be had ONLY of Y. D. MADOILANT. . . 1 . 6" Pox traits of the cabinet, and life Mae on OntIVILD ae heretofore. se 18-Bin j 3 UB 1,10 LA MP S .—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully Informed that Offices have been opened by the Diltrlct Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect ing nceidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No. 898 Wharton at., First Ward; Charles Carty, No. 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Ilirern O. Kirk, No. 148.8 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward,• M. W. Peshong, No. 1231 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward; Time, V. llowlby, One Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadolphia;) M. It. hl , Wethlen, Gee Office, Twenty- Second Ward, ((iernanntown;) Wm. N. Market, One (Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Franktord,) and et the Gas Office In Seventh street, below Market. fly order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. KITE, Superintendent of Distribution. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY I. N. W. Oar. THIRD and CITEBNIIT Sta. L. PELOIIZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa. tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a oomplete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience la the Inisleesa, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Justifies there In ae~orting that they oan furnish a mare durable and letter fin ished article than their cotereporarlei. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them prevlome to purchasing elsewhere. ON type taken at 9 oente per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. anl•tf fIITEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is sold at the PiIILADELPIIIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of are cents a bushel, and may be obtained In large or small quantity by ap plying at the Oas Office, No. 20 South SHVIII2TII Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it is sold at the Works, In Float Ward, by tho ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a 42.60 per ton. (Signe:lo J. 0. ORESSON, Engineer. PRILADIELPHIA OAS Worms, Atte. O. au2T-tf COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Yaotory of E. NV 118811 EDS, N 0.109 EIGHTH, below Oheetnnt etreet. has beeorne • oaring Otto 43 ) South of 60 per cent. to our SOUTHEUN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of haring their old Carriage Lamps new a ilver-topped and bottomed, and want by atarnas to all partat Wag la r m E V.1.1VN,-1 0,000---. t. "us Tim ~ A IL En rd% pile tient I .IEO W Th. P:eoltke ....,..,IvheJ 1., dor triad. vh.„— A D pu.hipeu e ~,,, . th.l. C O/ '.. Fa ...m ..... me wie. Tee Pere log A 1..111..... " o t ibelL t A` ems,. cat, we tx...t• D L Tea Tlomnad Cui....5... 1 * 71; , 010 4 It* very hot eh Li—lar Irks. greatly Minot s leo , Tarim FOVIIT Er ST. below ChestrnA B Inonnuut .Conqtanits. - fOIVARD FIRE AND MARINE Ili;1 suntioE compArry—office No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following atatenteut of the affairs of the company is published in ccuxformity with a provision of its charter PREMIUMS REUEIVLD FROM AUGUST 1,18.50 1 70 ACGO7T 31, 1857. Pire premiums Marius Perpetual premiums ..... 1438,720 SI 241.793 62 214 Oo Total amount premlume taken Earned fire premiums 5,072 00 Earned marine premiums 156.005 GO-180,070 En Deduct return premiums.. Net earned Msrino losses palil. $99,885 75 Plrs losses paid.... 8,031 11 $101,918 88 Palvage E7OO 5 7 Intereut re- Tt fueur. mace 2,971 62 -8,083 08- 93,833 70 EXpenses for commissions to agents, abatements In Ilea or scrip, naiades, office rent, furnishing offite, books, sta tionery, Occ Profit and loss ASSETS. Cash on hand....... 112,615 BD Mlle receivable 110267 Bonds and mortgagee 165,000 00 Stocks 222,100 00 Stock notes 142,000 00 Due by *gents sad others 22,312 03 $784,085 84 DIRP.OTOB.S. P. M. Potts, Win. P. Leech, 0. E. Spangler, R. T. Kemal, Abraham Rex, H. H. Uomston, Wm. H. Woods, Joe. R. Wither., Heorge Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, I. Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, 0.0. Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Leware, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, IL H. Shillinglord. PERCIVAL AI. POTTS, President C. E. SPISOLIIII, Vice President. W. H. Wimps, Secretary. 0c22 R. T. Assam, Tresenrer F IAR INSIIICANCIL SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE WM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN OAIUI, AND BEC Cant INYYSTED, . . . 01710 R, N W. OORNER OP SIXTH. AND WOOD OTS., SPRING GARDENS. , °HARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John H. Dohnert, Henry M. Phil. s, David Woelpper. Lewis Shinnack Benjamin Davis, , John Landell, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Auley 11. Park, William E. Woo . , James Darnell, John B. Stevenson, Jacob S. MintseP, Curwin Stoddard Henry Homer, Thom. D. Tillingbut, George K. Childs. JOHN H. DOHNERT, President. L. KRUMBHAAR, Secretary. 'apt 21—ly NEPTUNE INSITRANZE COMPANY.— OFFICE 414 WALNUT Bt., Franklin Buildings, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. • OAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE to INGLICABB TO 000,000. Ibis Company Is now fully organ and, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against lose or damage by Fire and liarthe Perils at carrent rates. dirnomis. 11. 0. LAUGHLIN, President RICHARD MUDS, The President. 011.0. SCOTT, aecretary. DIIINCTOBS. 11. O. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, Ti'... Showell, T'QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, °Moe No. 408 (late 92) IYALNYIT St. Capital and Surplus, $250,000. This Companeoutinues to make Isuraranoe against loss or damage Plre and the Perlis of the Sea, Inland Mitigation end raneportation, at current rate'. OFFICHRS. President—GEO. H. HART Vice President—E. P. BOW. Secretary and Treasurer—H. R. 0000 SHALL. Amlatent Secretary-8. H. BUTLER. YOTORS. B. W. Halley, _ Charles G. hiller, Wm. D. - Lewts, Jr., L. Pomeroy, Andrew K. Chambers, 11. R Coggehao • Parente' Jones, M. D., .I...Y.OneeetTengh. George S. Hut, N. P. Roes, A. 0. Cattail, Joseph Bdwarda, John G. Dela, I.lonry M. Puller, Poster B. Perkins, John 11. Ohambari, an My DIIILADELPIIIA FIRE AND, LIFEIN- A SURANCE COMPANY, inoorporated by the State of Pennsylvania to 1848 are now established In their NEW OPPICE, No. 4.33 CHESTNUT Street, when they are prepared to make ALL RINDS' OP INSURANCE, from LOSS BY WWI, on property of every deseription In Town or Country, Including' PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, PACTOBIES and MANUWACTORIES, WORKPEOPS, 'VESSELS, AA. Also,' MERCHANDIZE of all kinda,_. STOCKS OP GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STOSIR, Goods on STORAGE or in BOND , STOOKS and TOOLS of All.. TIVICERS and MECHANICS; PURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ae., Ike.,,e. An . , at 'moderate cairn inromlam, and for any period of Rds.. This Company refer to their put eareeine an 'ample gnerantee for the PROMPT SETTPRuIeNT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims agahmt them. ROBERT P. KING, Pree't. ._ M: W. BALDWIN, Vice Pree;k. Plums BUOZIORNIi, 0007. , IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST cog. . PANY,--ThePENN hfLITITAL LIEN INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast ()truer of TRIED and DOOR Streets. Capital, $612,726 08. INSURES LIYES for Abort terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities And - endowments_pu. chases life on interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They sot IS Executors, Administrators, Aseranees i Trustees and Guardians. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT arocmt— Five Per Cent. Interest allowed from -ditto of 48200, payable bank on demand without notion. • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, Jaao ry15t,1857.. Loam of the Stale of • I , ennsylraula,,phila. delphia City, Penn'', Railroad, Camden • and Amboy Railroad, and other !Amt...., 4,119,935 88 fonds, Mortgages and Real Sartain 117,187 19 Stocks rn Dank*, Insurance, Gan and fall- -- road Companies 81,729 93 Premium Note' and Loans on Collateral, 190,392 (11 Cult in Bank, due from Agents, Inter est, &a 88,71E1 47 Guarantee Capital, Subscription Note* 100,000 00 $71,213 03 DANIEL L. MILLER , PreiMe l at. ILLIIIIKL E. 8T0K333, Vice Preel. Joel W. Honos.Searetart. eO.l-17 ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE'dOIIPA NY, NEW 'YORIC.-4111ce r No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics. Dank—Caela Capital, $260,900, with surplus. This Company Insure nuildiur, Mer chandise, Furniture, 'Vessels in port and their °argon, and other property, against Lou or Damage by Fire and the Rieke of bland Navtotion. DIREOTOBS. Joshua L. Pope, Hutu R. Orates, Henry Davis, O. M. Lilioa al, Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Elisha E. Morgan, Abu. R. Ten Nest; William A. Cary Henry Grinnell, Caleb Barstow, Henry 0. Brewer s Edmund Penfold, Hasson K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Monagan, John H. Earle, Albert Ward, . Thomas B. Nettie . % Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Loafs Lorut, Charles A. Make, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward }Hocken, Stoph. Cambreleng, Wra. E. Shepard, Thomm Scott, Charles L. Prost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Ede', Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Veld, Quo. Westreldt, A. B. Frothlngham, Salmon Taylor, Thee. P. Youngs, Henry E. Blosaora. Samuel L. Mitchell ALBERT WARD, President. SI€7IAID A. OACLIT, Seeretary. au /0-2 y MANUFACTURERS' INS UR AN C E ILE COMPANY.—Oharter Perpetual. °ranted by the State of Penneylvanta. Capital, 1500,000, Inn, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIUGIOIB Aaron S. Lippincott ) chutes Wise, Wm. A. nada', Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm. D. Thomas, J . Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Shwa, AARON R. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. BRODER, Vice President. ALPRED WIT-KS, Secretary, T. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company woe organised with • cash ocipital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the badness to Its available resonrces—to obseryo prudence in conduct ing its affairs wlth a prompt adjostment of foams. Office No. 10 Merchant.' Rschange, Philadelphia. rpilE MEROANTILE MIITUA.L INSII- A. LOPE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA,—orgee No. 223 WALNUT Streetj oppoeite the Exchange. MA RINE RISKS on Yeasels Cargoes, and Pre! his. IN - LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Eaflroade, Canals, Boats, and other cirri/tees. ALL THE PROFITS dleided annually among the As sured, and ample security in cues of lose. 0161101 . 0315. Edward Harris Miles, Thomas T. Dutcher,. John M. Odenhelmer, Algernon E. Ashburtier, Mahlon Williamson, Allred Fassitt, Barunel I. fiharpleag, Thomas B. Foster, Imam Jeanne, Gaetano English, Henry Preant, James H. Stroup, - Edward G. James, Alfred Blade, William L. Springs, A. G. 00141, Pranklin 0. Jones, Charles D. Carsten", Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John 0. Hefter, James Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. F. Smith, Hoary Orambo, " A. J. Antelo, Wm. J Caner, Samuel L. srentsborg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, Przeideat. ALFRED PABSITT, Vim President. Zone 0. Hanna, Secretary. aul-ly VIIARTER OAX. TIRE AND MARINE V INSII.B.A.NON COMPANY OF lIARTYORD, CONN. Cash capital $300,000 . Losses in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the Paitadeip3 a o.bic4. By leave we refer to D. 8. Brawn & Co., Phila. Hon. Dist Jones, Phila. Incases, Stout & Co., " non. Rufus 0110 44, /Swann Hacker, Lea & Co., ~ Hon. It. S. Millikaan, Hart'd We hare facHltiee for p acing VI ll,Metwt of insu rance in the mod reliable Cornpnnies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. fila (ad Ne. 140 CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON k ROOD, Agents. J3ooto (nib sbots. IVO. 442, SOUTHEAST OOR} OF MARKET and FIFTH Strati:ll. Gentlemen'e Beet Patent Leather fa4ltor Boots. Olaf do. do. Patent Leather Oxford Ties. Calf do. do. Patent Uglier and Calf farrow 'trap Shoes. Bays' and Youths' Patent Loather and Calf Skit Shaer Boots and Shoes, ant& For eale FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPII U. THOMPSON fr. CO., No. 314 MAR, KET Street, and Nos. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, hare lOW in store a large and well assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manotacture, which they otter for sale on the beet terms for Cub, or on the usual credit. Bayer' are invited to eall and 0212CliDe their gee% and. dt! BALE ROPE.—Buyers am Invited to Can and examine out Manila Bala Bort, width WS Can can sell aa low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durabllty. WIMPS% lITTAR k 00., No 28 N. Watar at end 22 N. Wttarvoi ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Making and Imbosaad Printlng, Envelope and Beal Press Mantactory, 87. Strawberry Strobl, Ultima Second and Third, awl Market and Mataut Street, Phliaddruat Maar c.:43t~gaDs:b-~~ 116iTgtirELA,VE LERs. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. IVORIIIRSN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS . FROM BALTIMORE To PITTSBURGH AND THIS WEST. On arid after lane Lt-,1f47,TW0 PAILY TRAINS will leave Ualitert Station foe Fittalmrgli and all West. era and South or Northweatem Mies. THE 11ORNING HUN: TRAIN Leaves Baltimore chill (Sandsy sAcripted) at lb A. M. connecting witlithe Mall Train Over the Great Peon airlrawla BraiLrual, and 'arriving in Pittsburgh at 1 A. M. THE ATTERNOON' 'EXPRESS TRAIN • Leaves Baltimore daily (gamily excepted) at 3 P. M. for Ilarrieburg. VIP TIGHT T.X..PELYS3 TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERT NIGHT at 10 P. M., con necting with the Lightning Illpiseee over the Pearsall. vents Railroad for Pittsburgh, striving at 1.20 P. N. Q? All these trains connect closely at Pittabun with train, over the 'Pittsburgh, Pot Wayne and Ohmage Railroad, and Ste Northern, Southern and Western connections jr - Passenger' for Chicago, Hock Wand, Muting ton, lowa City, Milmsukce, Dubuque, St. Peal's, Mad iion, and other leading citise in the Northwest ,willsava one A endreid mass of crewel and tea beers in t me, with fear lest changes of cars, by taking this route. _ Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and Detroit, go by th is route, and the time 14 =equalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. 0:7- Passengers for St. Laois, Indianapolis, Terre Ratite. Cairo, and all points on the Lower and tipper Mississippi, make less changes of tarn, and arrive in *d unes of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, and other praminent eleae.,a• g ni.% , es by an other route. MI Western Baggage CHECKED THROUGH and handfed seise rare. FOR THE NOR TM. - • The 0.15 A.M. connects closely with Pdtpreas Trains over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rocheater, Buffalo, Niagara Palls, and Canada, than forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers will And this the shortest, cheapest, and mad expeditious routs to Niagara P alls and Canada. Through Tickets are tamed to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each, each - train having sure eenneetions. Pamengers by this route avoid tree iled bridges, and all the tmonrinlence of ferrying fumes the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, Gettysburg,Em taittithars, Carlisle, Chambershiug, go by the trams at 11.16 A.M., end 3 P.M. WESTMINSTER BRANCH, The Oars on this road-make one trip per day, connect ing with the train at 3 P. M. - for THROUGH TICKETS and farther information, apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. R. corner of Calvert and Franklin streets: rarNi.tf. 0, 0. AMMON, Stmt. P.:4,141 43 1183,369 99 60,380 GT 40-141,283 2T *24,016 82 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—TILE RESAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic Cities with Western, liorth•weetern, - and South western States, by a continuous Railway direct. Thin Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line dampers to all palate on the Western Rivers, and Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to an ports on the North-western Lakes, making the moat DIRP.CT, clazepror and RBLIABLI ROM try which Freight can he forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. BATES BETWEEN PiaLtAitulue AND BURGH. mina? cLiss—Boots, /litmus, Hats, and , Caps, Books, Dry Goode , (in bops bales and tranks), Dngs, (in boxes and bales) Panthers, Furs, de ........76e. er 1001 b SSOOND (,`Lass—Bototstie Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in origina l bales), Drags (in casks), Hardware, Leather, (in rolls or bowel), Wool, and Sheep Pelts,Esstward,&e..ke....oo•. per 100 b Itgrato csses—anyils, Steel,. Chains, (in euks), Hain!, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or sa sacks), Tobacco, manufactured,(exeept Cigars or eat - 'Ace. , ie 100., per 100 lb, 700115 Cues—Coffee, FM, - Baron, Buf, and Pork, (in seeks or beau eastward), Lard and Latd 011, Haik r Bode dab, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Wain, &c 40e. per 100 lb lLooa-7k. per, bbL, until further notice. SAIN- - 35a. P ee r 100 The., until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point Eat of Virran fa tecular t =eo la n= ge to " tre.A; N :4 Y or72.7: Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will b• forwarded without detention. ' Oporge Muster, W. 0. Stansbury, B. M. Carina, - O. O. Butler, Geo. Beat. [aul9-3r Name= An asrs .—Harris, Wormley & Co. Memphis, Tenn.; N. P. Sass & Co,, St. Louis, Mo. v • J. 8. Mitchell h Son, Evansville, Ind.; Dumeenil, JUN & Murdock, and Carpenter & Jewett, Louisville, Sy.; IL C. Mel drum, Madison, Ind.; EL W. Sem% & Co., and Irwin & CO., Cincinnati; N. W. flrsham & Co. Zanesville, Ohio; Leech k Co., No. 64 Kfibystreet, Itiodon; Leech & Co., No. 2 dater House,New Yea, No. 1 Will i am et. and No. S Betteryylsce, New York • E. J, &seder, Philadelphia; Malpraw 4 HOODDI lilthooro; D. A. Stewart, Pittateush. - pow YORK LINES.-TICE CAMDEN 11 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA .AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S L.Lvis. FROM. PIIILADELPHLA TO NNW YOBX, AND Wd Leave u follows ; via : Pus. ASIA. IL., from Hansingtoss Depot, via ,Jsrsey At BA. 11. via Camden sad Jersey City, New Jer. - Aey Acco mmodation A. M., via Camden sorAzoboy, Atenioarods. tfoa 2 At 1 via Camila and Jen.; City Movair.g - 3 At 10 d.. M., by ,stuadvasa TreutoB, tie.TAtony and Jamey Clty, Morning 'Expresa . . . At 2P. M., via Oamdeit sad Amboy, 0. ;;:d Si- Ir P. 6 M. via, Camden and Jamey City, Rl:ening Mail 3 'At S P. M.; Ma Camden and Amboy -Acecramoda.- Mon, lat Glass , 'At 8 P. Ir., iii Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion 2nd Clam. 1 At 6 1 1 ...14.4MalTaniden mat Aniboy, Antammod.a. Gan, lat Clam 2 At 6P. M. via Camden. and Aram., Incommoda. Mon; 201Glats ' • 1 —Th• 6 P., Al. 'bee rums 'daily, all others • Sundayroa mind. , rzpresa Lines atop at the principal stations Par Belridem, button, .Flemington, kn., and 4 P. M., from Walnut street wharf - For Water Gap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wheaten' Montrose, Great Bend," &a. at 6 A. M., yin Dslawa g I.ackawanna Western Railroad. For Freehold, at I A. M. and 2 P. M. Per Monist Holly at 71.1.1., and IX, 2 aids Malt LlliSa for Bristol Trenton &a. at 2X awl 4P. K. •' • ' ' • 'pant . 7dr Palmyra, lianadeas, Beverly, lair Linton, Borden tone &a. at 31P. M. Steldtddot — BlCHAßD STOCKTON ter Bordentown and tateraddlate plums at 2X P' It , Sleariaboat FILINU,II..for Vaasa, at 10 a nd 11X A. Id. sad 4 P. id. .8. • Al] Ihted, iLteAlta 1 A. R., leave Wawa area wharf. irryirty Vandi of beggar , anti allowed each pea manger. Pasaengers are pro titled fro taling say thing ea baggage bat their wearing apparel. All gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. the Co= }any limit their resrponzibillty for bagsme to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for Tay walnut be yond $/00, except by special contract.; , WM. IL OATZWIrEt Agent o.d R. R. CO. B. B. Idolol.Ell, Agent Vhila.. Tr. - E. B. co. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.—PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL B MIMAR.--Rannixeg is direct connection with the PITTUVROV, PORT WATRIC AND RIIIOAGO RAIL ROAD. Nor Cineinnatt, Bt. Louis, lows City, Losdaills, New Orleans, St.. Peale, Indianapolis, Castanet, Kansas, Terre P le ats , Mugs, - Nebrest---. In Insane* of all o th er nudes on or Pidladelpha. Forming doss tossasios With all ste great Mit a% Railroads. Leave Philadelphia, forPittatnargh and Yeetern cities, from ' the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station , math-rut oornar of BLEVFNYR and !lAMBS streets% (entrance on Bleventkstreet,) as follow : Mail Train at 7—, A. Fast Line at 12 65, P. ka. Raprent - at 1100, Naght.. Columbia R. R. Line losses for Harrisburg at 2,30., W. M., Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4,30, P. h The Express Man cane daily, the othert.mais.. days e t e rther ted. partletdars see hand-bill,A, at the different starting-point& Passengers from thaWast will end this the shortest and most expeditlorts coats to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rea York or Boaton. •• • • THOILIS itgORP, agent, Passenger Line Peritiqtrantsitaare44 Co. PLlledelphialtebruary, 31347. . - - suLly .NORTII PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD PALL AIIakNIMIENV. Nov - ov- BETRLDIIII3I, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHlThilt, RAg. TON, DOPLESSON, &C. On lad alter 'Monday, October 5, ISST, the trains on, thin road will leave PhlLadelphis. Per Bethlehem, (RipreM, ) A. M. Por Bethlehem ' Piston, Allentown ant Stanch Chunk, (Express) at 2.1.5 P. M. Passengers for Beaton by 416 P. M. train take 'tags at Iron 11311 station. Por Doylestown, (Aoeommodation,) at 5 P. 31 Yor Gwynedd, do. at 9 A. Id TRAINS FOR PIIILADBL.PHIA. Leave Detbelem (Expreas,) at 9.15 A.M., and 2..15 T. 51., connecting with L. Y. It. R. trains, and at rive in Philadelphia at 12.10 M, and 6 P. td. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 615. A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do.. at S P. M. Aeeormnodation troths ran daily; other amine daily, Boxidaya excepted. Pam to Doylestemzi 1, • Bethlehem fare to Meath Chunk oath - DULL ADELPHI A, GERMANTOiriNg it. AND NOR RIB TO IVN RAILROAD.-- , Ar.NTIOR ARRANOMENT.—On and after MONDAY, octal/ 19tb../851, . . FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 0.7 X, BX. 9X, 11X A. M. 2, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 6jj, 7-35 min. 8,9, "lox A . 21 ., 1-10, 8.10 min. 4,6, 6, 7,8, and 10 P. 1.1. It 7 The 7.35 o'clock A. M. Train from GeananWwn will atop only at Wayne Street Statio*,,,, 05; STLNDAI6, Leave Philadelphia at 910 min. M., 2 mad 6% P. M. Leave Germantown 8.91 min„ A. M., 1-10 min. and 6 45 min P. M. CHESTNUT RILL RA1L8242,D, Leave Philadelphia at 7X, BX, 11X, A, 2,4, 6, , and 9 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill at I 1(,3-40 and 10._10 min. A 51 12,50, 3-10, 5-10 and 7-10 win. P. M. ON NDS. Leave Plilladehilds, 9-20 SU A. M. AY , '2 and 6% P. 31. Leave Ohesiput 8111 at 8 A. 31„ 121 A and 6-20 P. 31. FOR MANAYLNR, CONSIIOBOCBIBI AND NORRIS . TOR Leave Philadelphia at ex, 9, 11 A. 11., o, 4%, SX, and 11 P. M. Leave Norristown at T, 9,11 A 31., S and 5 40P. M. 181 SUNDAYS, Leave PhiladelAla at 9 A M., and 3P. 31, Leave Norristown at 7 A. 31., and 5 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING TOWN. LeavaPtillsdelphia at OX A. M , and 8P- 31. Lam Downingtown at 7X A. 14 , andsl. H. R. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth sad green streets, Philadelphia. L• B. KITE & CO . .SUBNITDILS, BEDDING, lk e. No. ()Ate no) WALNUT et A new and imprint etyie of Spring Becbp. tonna. D. KITS. JOSILPH WAX tin Can Slt Alt PE ' S MEN'S' AND Boys , K 7 CLOTHO% 148 North, 1 01:113TH Street, between Areal and Sue. ana-1y LUMBER I WI ER t t—The subscriber, who has for several yeera occupied the premises at Sloan , a Planing Mlll Reesington, has retrieved to COATES STBSETWHARP, adjoining the P hauls Plowing Mill s ** Delaware arenue, where he intemda keeping assortment of Carolina aid other floor ing steps, risers, al:Wring, ceiling, fencing and scarifold hoards, thoroughly seasoned and well snubs!. for sale at the lowest cash prices. Pr-rowan are he alted to call and bromine for theniaolvee are *eery a r. fort will be made to stre satisfeettne. Order. received and supplied at the shortest notice for ale hurl, ant idses of &athirst Bellow Phi*, Sten eat Beetahlbtz. 1 0 1 1 - if L L ItWitat, H. B. Rorarom General Freight Agent , Philadelphia. LOMBAXII2, eapetintaadest, Altoona, Pa. TJlB.Orerf TELLINS . • 80 eta . . )50 . ; 2CO LLZFI . CLARK, Ager intniturt Clotbittl timber.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers