• : .„ Mit cf I ‘ 4-:;.; ,2, ; /4 r : ('? • .d uaheinutittets at thastOtsk board Is, qu te l imit prietel''ain7! poorly inottairied;'-yenneylveniii `" ,sold *IS and that of tie !alma Bank tat'S7i Were no other Waal bank stooks, ? .I :#g;lit4 ;id:die:444 Priaa of f . ';',".`„Amdingrallroad. Stook falloff -1; clads" at lb: . Thor. .4.40141,4t4 report, jet money Mar t , • ,Y l- 3 ,,t' * ;.lot;'tthirdi yet But _ little will be lone untilafter the 4th of t blovendmr,lo itkich eyery '460:1(110.4441 . , ! • 'f ,t; Belt • t ai ta • ty l awars antimity aror, 1 ' , :.'itstiet t y: SS to tlitillaillt•AP44Sylyania, we have 4 j;. ;' i i 4 i 4 4t..l4;l4,,it., : ta * ,;ttbeadiiil4,Olii,i : saders a Nita , r igliketalernent,,otits coadition. l, 'Wo , kriow that it is a } labor of ,storpe,'ziikt#o,iait; tok;:Parties uotio ' oe wawa. ; _ ~ whierextOngefrittl'ttaitwaotleas over 'millions of " Td_ellant,",'lriditb** 440 baa abandoned it with r. to others; to get at Its yahet oondit ahr , an,d `ire:ltave;Sthoiefore,Pa i4o.loeCilte, . .tlulo# Pending I:lnvestigation. Ws have beetle the better paneled to bollere that the gtittMutei.aiwis4d Ass . making , aio ; lfthatAtan, 16;111 rerfort;_that _ditty therenghti.' ' 9he ''''ttarning - PiPe'ra made *,lengthy,; stata;meit al to the condition of UM banks few t da;" sine, which ' ,. oo , !prouiptWstated'te'.l?e**eiit; anti has been .',"paaeded,by, a quite diteranSmte; is going tberounds of the Press I, l , titk 'pomments, `tend ifyit prov e pve, hoaiit4 4 4 work great ""Y Inlory to , the 3 stookkoldslyk - Ohoso' , lou4s, In nay not Viet to:be,tnitiOeMarlylnoreased. Nl**,,,iitiPOllAk‘i4Otarbittittinitarttom as It Is at _.present conducted,,. but we 4i-tat lioltirs that It reformed Viabolithicl,l4 fissaulting Bo' the Bank of Pennsylvania is soneekned; we would 'rather lend our aid to no effert On' the part of the stdokholdera, to recommence its , badmen's; 1( the, titian of the -"' - 'exatitination will, Justify,, in making it, than 'to crowd the bank to the. wall .by en eatery la ad • , , vanoe, and, in its ruin, add another blot to the . _ - Jatti,eofAtfrisity. :;:`,•;%hei s Uiesptere,of , the' itorestiviting istinmittee , do „," - Zzise , taestrrhogr/y , bullitl i ria' #,! l. lo o *t Al 4 4, *iv 441:0.4*.r5v in mat 'aziensOuLt!lfsitssititstrisiding fr dereliißitierstiof, t tliffettY (liftese;h*ild term) :diattaiired in the course et their-labors * , theyedll ~ spintic hopefully Id ilte:fritire a Sif thlibant! *PO tile, they keep ; then;, corn quires, they have Itnisheitheir labors, tditltt trill' bilust Ili well for us 3 0 6 ' pintiartarilyi and fae,:, tishily,more.olutritable, :Mt.upon-the igood Old• rids " not to Ittri*Ca *a#*o4.lo) is dog:trend s idther oridenee or - further publleity tathe eXaggetated *MO: to nihking their, rentMhs,,-Wejiipre in view only } the double purpose of explaining that it is =dyed possible to tell jest how the 'bents ',annuls, while O • en 'lollk ili:lino4lllooltaii,'onif of _abeyant' thist the etatements now in eirolilatknt ere Da tellable, and arebelcitiliteo4,:thing y nd ' nntie „=oassary-;aaa.to Many, whose Mean' efauptort may be taken ofd them:hi:loading ,tlfit, bank with Ski/ fonshnOsAii Air =Apulia. - llho eiwanllj:•nrarVipe bee bdbtl Its pr we ' Per`xethei,6l44,4e ,ieleainiti: to show -' -bow the batik -waa brought dawn, had ,ette.kOnfOsiodlsnaritiyi - ;tir 'tichubirleTiset folly, or ~: dilibWri,,lsl.' be n , a - tOloikit.tliandik, that ilM„wirishould‘. itliliave hint ill , better finding: iowardskhil,Ehrlui, ste iiniolialblyfeel tor hbuirfter /OW tinrope. trnetlher }nay : r - .tie a way foetid to beld-hlipifsatifortiie 'for Asia Of the loasesentaited uptiothe baniC The' expert ef 'specie ' from. Ness YorletVis only snil,oop„ egotism 5i,821,944 .the same week last ;:.Year,,lti addition 'Wilds seat, $350,000 in geld went: to New Orleans. The income of spade ex elusive - ,o; percale ,by imprets from Philatlelphiai. l ` r "Alltbieitt4,4 and the'i'r eat s ac• fr o l4/ 11 1M0 ' • ' /, 200,01: 1 0. Ormada, form Haratia I 366,00(1 . . LT O O4Ot. 114..1 4•W , t ' - $1,91d,c100 ...............................48],000 ,zßofill%; • ;• :$691 ,006 - Ate -New , Yoth and EtielOorepiiniirilftti# V.l4 lo 4; o . l * * fin W M(1 1 ,ritatOrl • 4 d - rtlifittiaoPlltiltiailble at thendot feet of 'treetThe' nianathintint also eon t : thekbaiiklonVintide itc,,tientotniter,, tfio, rinenintise being , willingly , renewed, wOrii" , . t dilettanti, by all tidbit:Ns the Nortiiin I,l6OrdWoiaio this' _day,tieolareti temi-annutd dqidetattottheeS - • •• - , ,.,Thii.rhiladelibiaßank hat alitodaelsretf l uthwitk, . • satintaidirlilendvf 'three pie !Writ: '„ • • ThiPhiiieleYptiiatrittango ,ClowipSitihive 40. „ ottwo and a Illit'fieiltot Thetunount . rtoeired for duties at 43'ne York ,EnkTrilatuey during-the' month of °debar; wai New an> 1:4 44 W nilneitignlnerohatige; 41 reek for this week,loul 'tuft, 4 - atm:kV* ..147 Uocdo t 4 Ilito;d01 'hew* atlarchilapry,' ' 44 " - 915,742 Total foiribalntgk. ' • A.,l'*l f4 9101)9 A 7 1 Total for Ater. . . , 1,.-..:*411915411,* •• ' • ”Vit'etotai ,, eittue„'of toetrign - intiorta ltotion, for ,rlie , witekintlini - OototionOi•itatterfoliono 1457 .it _ ,• i i moas ,1868 ..... „.,t 1 .",.. FARR Ismersaao • li k° "l7 . l o l 4.lAli 3o o , T i aaktatea .ti tatatit oo3, P , & -follows - that - 6y renient reoeired up •• ito Oetaber_2othiltitOitiWne stiVeo)liartifeiti th e . ''dtitieent:tier , iiitnA 6 ,tite lure p of ,80i,227. She , irineipol'ansounte'rieeeWifollornm, , leoadnuyliVititingnuil'D. 0 $230;888 01 imistiattieditiorer. 1101rIork 614,214 98, .assiatenfireaturer, Philadelphia. 20 1 686 98 JtAtiattentmetiatazer, St. Louit,,hto ', 1,168,000.0$ ..... „. 08 A. t *.tatea,'Phiptdol,l;l#” e 3 0 1 AM 30 iltow ... 1,40287;90 • Bosch Mint, son Fradelsoi. . 04/ " 3. soya at the prate4iiiiii z s.lhere it not leas than $600,000 of everdtiti oina pro. eiteaupapsirditporited'. br eastOaraditeet in the haaly of that oity ; :that the indebtedness in Bt. • bathe' alote,'`dite :or tojtitiWinet iitto in the ilk nautili"; imihb . oo east wen indebtedn, Ot.tliilaideidtan4. and Other., to , imitate' 'itt.'-th'S 1141.4i0,04, That 1 pima a2p500,000 / of which 111,500,000 is us to the Nast.' dtheitotina in the Tef,eitory are .... -„ folios:ix% la an übstraob at the business of .. . . tilk Poillaignit,4 fer,tholoentb of,,Ootobsi , : .2211 4 f esitall!mnits kw bounty bind receirat...ll,22o TfulOberd warrants warran or certificates imiatsb , ,J.,..:4 i. 1,084 . . „ INlLetrf a illttsg ;r e cd =1 r . gi-;; .., . 1 5,180 ‘:-A l t d ir 4A44 051,64 Sa 4 "nt!`"` 4','.•[ S . i Nn3 Totilmu;;;Oiihagtio;;;;;;;Igi ' " ''' ''" 281,661 • "Pritalteimyipst 'nia am 'swill/odes tssuaa...2lltpia . ;; ',, ~ To middy ahem - warrannt IjUl retiviirif 20,963#9 ~ . a!" . ...: # ..c . - , f - 1 . - * tit r.tko_.' • '-: 1 ' ' ' ni, 4,- . lafrufail, Esnbankeillank bas digsterect , i; semiquarinaltaidand of three our . sent ., payablo ' I i ad the 24 or tilf3itinittek, antOri, ttildoiiitkl i d two _ Oink sooll eerßip(iireeleint. . . n., +:u 1 ittiltere Weieeit, offVues, l iii,t4 , bee?Viiiitoted t tvionsier thAlion - #O4 :0 464,,0r horn, ---- ''' Litd'AiMi teats:Ma 'C nk ompany{ and IGeorge ,MA °Me' ..- ), et tillseityduriiMinerfirWAehrtaniTreisor r, to wade nt. TotA i otasoon as thit Ohms win lie ft Amd,thd., . „. ~,,. ,ti r: 1, ri .1 ,"1 iSi ilteilbil i1i, 4 k .1 0 4 ", 4 1 11 # 1i0 :41" . .. 43 '._ 011 9 1 a t ' fill il ' AlBllll', 14611,431pi11f; ROAD IMAM, XIV MOrni• ' ' Ottair•lsf, 18611 by. babta6ci.`,.l '''' i 1 ,, , a10,1 1 18,fir 42 ,-,., locelpto durili3 The loofah .:' , ' ' • " '' '' " i ' _ ~ Os leconiat of Nikons !6882,110'43 , =.= do Potent Ten.. 4,880 Oi = == == - 'do c , , P`.o.'llipt , mt: 'Apt la , , , do Treaders..., 2,300,000 AO ` 1 ' do Miscellaneous . ' 22 ,013 784281,287 4T ,horts, ••,-• •• „7,478, 8 6.. 4 , 1 1 1 ? irizir9t4l • 5,727,624 48 3144 4.4 Pod 628 • . 1 •••••04151 4 , 0 4 Oa Moe l do ..,•,A••xr;:tt., s ••• 4 4) • , • ", 00487/44va4444861. 1 738b9164 , 944 F, lopp ~,:sysoinclii7e,44l99)o9tit:'; '2 .. 14 1 5', 1 8 • 09 1Q U 02 :' ' o l 4 l o ' 00 .93y ree9/999d9quic ti!en"(ll,q':l'" 1,619,198 82 e ri e ' ' ' ' .2147`341 18 t,r W 01 .' 6 . 4 .1 44 '1 I'4° r * iice ? u ß ti ;,ql 40 • • , „ .-F -- *7 - •" -- , 00 892 1 0 43 xacalpta tor t'ilalkain7 17l Act'? `i,449'47 98 • „R. Decrease la o,otal9r ••• • •' 2,657,62 T) 65 18e ball 476‘. ' tilt:ma Ex. kilt rOr A15 , P04 84 ByeainxeeP4nuittnotrOth..3,63o,B3lt42 -- 1 1 .1 11 !/ 0 , aia 88, 047-8, 6 ,1: 1, 1 4 • • ' • .„ .8,851,301: To payment" 16 - 66(04 ' .. : 8,995,091 97 „ • 46 " nee ...,aript2B-4.0142,,za5,00, • , . 230,200 By cottant.sul.l4 j AtA"sOLAVATMO as, , _J. __ Ol • -AG. •. Amy Of. 187 ,a 63.18-3,786,276 47 • „,,,,.: unpart'd • 140,6}9,10 I • • itt)thit tortalunti.;Vtafifkg -1,848,179,07 , 0 1 1 ..:Tdio,„, . sA,scie 54 , • ~ t •rt, ~ lrersorerratbeeigms;,49, gaa 1T9509 &ant Aismr, Oritot4tir 7 ”rrr or,44::Vonth vrelbig ber 0101350 A ; Det/do4l4;ioraft COIN S3OOPO • Foreign . bC , OIII - tet. bites **Wok fkataiooo, — :‘ , Tatil, Sa:000. - - - Deposits anet,? prOloreee'Of Silver —floretgn Oetni, 15c3,0oo; poolgn Bulan idtpoos Bated-010W But. Van; rntainna goutOisto , trutted Stafer Bul lion, obi cable. 498,900;...Betigmites Bußlear (Leto '104:1,0w, lOW ts, *Mein Ims, $24 000 , total de. t 4. vostis* /8 in 99irtior..x, 4 A, Gold- G:, Sii :Mined , States Aunt, P skilseelpale, jar , colNege s 1 31 0- 4,1 *4 2-5,, AvDet iilitfAnll l l SALO, ItdrYmlt~Y 2, um—„ % ,(71,/gtdoilitrikerseici, . „ . q- , : , b ' MOT BOARD."' - '''' 1 ' ',OOO X Pia r di:::;;;lfirililosiling E.... - . .;-; As ~ do ..? / frj MN: 100 do ' lox ;AGO do ' go X"" dO do ".! ookyo.'lleli ir."'.. - , I,ooollehldndo :451; : .111-i; -fo. , , N ao , t I f ji•• *lO 4 ,V0ti.0001.1111111111,-.41A441,if , 12 ,.. ~ ,dh, ..;,StWjk.tit. ' 4 11fi l it 7 4 1 :1: - foi " 16 ) 'II6C . '''',' Z i":!'"' titt Vi IC, - 881 e• 6 x,11,;41 1 8 • , U.l' , e 8 . ' "t ''. ''.141 ' - ' 4.10 - ' de ' i5 , C;',14 ,1, 'idie , ~,- I . BB'r:" ‘ V i ' a ti -2.-''' 'HX‘ 'l' 4s * '''''' AM , • 1 llii4i# irea t ir - i . „: ~, "1„,,... 4it • • ✓ ,i. ip ';;,-, . .„. „ ba- Orzialk 1 .. , ,,, dO - 41.•101 14 %, , 8 088818 AoiX''': '. 82X ,T-?.1 ,. . 1 1 . 1 .- ~ .,:- .4 11 4 4:, 4,18 , ,- ,. ' cliTleg*tll l l' lO ...- .1.41.,v.............14^, , ,At! dd. - ..vi.r.,aid..-- ~ ,,_14 .., ~ 'At x 4 t .. v., ,,,,10' -, ; . -44) , :„61. , ;affi".1 „ . 5 le, 40/.41:1; a .C.,..4% , •,' -1,.. • , ` 0- ..,?,,, q 1,;) -^ ~. :04 o,4l.4.llolB63k.idtiiii4ritiiii4k, A .11' 4O so no ' to :.;;maux isowillOwa.ON , v t -,:- RioPziA JNA#P„- ; too co U.. t .... , „Bo 1.;000 waodieo a oo.so op do ..... : .... 86 , 1,000 do ~. 4 a ' 100 do ..,,, "., .80 601ead'e 11..55wn.14x /,100' do ... 82 50 do .. e 6.16 700 do .. .. 80 ' 50 'do I...aim:lloX 1 I,ooo' •do .'.. '. 80 59 do ' ...... .• 10 X &XS Penneß Oa ... 4 0 % 00 ,_ a° , 1, , l a 6X ai2oo City 8e 'DO .:•: . 82 , 2 Rao.. o, Pend.,... MOO Wilnibien a 154,80 14'Glrard Rank.... 7 - • CLOSING PRIGEI3—P IIISI . Bid. Asked. i •• ', , bid., MIMI. • 1 Philadel 0iii....79X 80 Bo NOn 'B2 pref 13X 18% “, 44 1tR.....79% 80X Winapldi Rim R 7 11 L i‘, ‘ 4 New,...08x 885; de liamort 74165 57 Perulaylv Lia....80X 80% do do 2dilk 49 • LO Reading R 15X .15X Long Island.... 8 ex de Bonds 10 68 Girard Bank ' 7 7,x do id 0 , 8,44 Tif , Lehigh Zine..4.. x'l. , Pond RR ..... 83x , 85,, Union Genial 8l 4 Kerrie Gard..... 32• 40 (New Greek x Bohn Nea 82,...60% 61X Oats:Assn E.IV, —6 7 ' "stook. 7% , dx .',l-3? /00 Beadin al /53( _Reading oes dull at 15(06.4 - • , PWLADELdriIfA-154f31f Novx —Breadstuff,' of. all kinds are floe today, and the market hi quiet, the only transactions 'being same 2e300 bblp superfine at $3.311 The local ddalere are huyininx Wanted at $8.84 up to •$8.50e57 per bbl for corn- - intikhrands lo extra and 'finny lota, al to are and quality. Zorn ifealand Rye Pour are inac tive, and the former very OR ; at, previous quota tions, holders being tree sellers at $3.56 for Penn sylvania meal, and •no 'buyers at that. Wheats are selling albarly Lt $1.20651.25 for fair to good rods, and $1:i0051.35 for White. y Corn Is inquired, for, sod ,3;5061tis Southern yellow bfought '7lO alloitrai4 any, sold higher to-day. •No ZleW corn failing. Oats. aro in' fair request, with : Bala 04;500 bus at 320 fnp Delaware, and 330 for initiiiliquolik. A sale of very handsome Southern , :Nes made at 350, an extreme price. :Blois taken in 'lots at the distillers at 'l5O for Peuntylvania. Bark :fa hold Amity, at $3O for. Brat qOality, and the re velpts And steady sales, meet of the steak now in the warehanso,beitig ±a4dat that priee. Cotton is hoid'at 'talent previous quotations, and a 'small business doing to supply neighboring spinners, who buy only for their immediate wants. market meet with a limited demand , and the for Segar,is . dulialid somewhat unsettled. Coffee and )iioliases also rOtaain quiet. Provisions ale in very llghtisdpply,Nitalioyeie Voiding off .i . or''lorrer priiiiegatri's4:l(ganerailr ourrent t smolt Intait 1 °4 61 4 Itheraci eleretions Seedsi—nothing .sictiermortbyetkernark to-day,' Whiskey is held latilinier'!,4o . o , (4 . 'aria'Priees range at 21a22e forbhis; 4 1 2.10 - ro's. !lag.; ; 4 , ` I.III.Ii&D.ELPIIIA MARKET. -The arrivals of Beef Cattle at the dlffer'ent yards , rim% ab0u9,200 head' this wcok, embraOing oom7 loon to Prime qualities of Pennsylvania and West- Oa' Oattle; •inoludirig a fear Southern 800 );es. The ettendanoo at market was fair, hitt prices, , owing, to the ditixisltien of buyers to ,hold off, were a la the ?lower,: ranging, At :frem".sB, to $lO, the latter etaig,an;piltreme:rato. Pniretne ;into. -The + bulk of the salon were from liEti $9l. the 100 lbs. About 0.50 (lows and - ,(ittivaaWore at riiittlatilds week—a large in. orease—and , :ntet: with stow aale'at from $lB to $2O for Dry Con*;;'sisto sgt for pprip g prp, a i d $45 to ipko.aub for Cows otrlCalves. The Bogahronght 'abot&2,soo hoed, all of whiett warelaken from the yarns, :at from $7 to Ihead° Ibo4—,tbe latter for oorn'ted. .'Sheep and Lambs—Most of the', tartrate, about 5,00 bean:, hair, been` sold at from $2 to $4.50 (morning to oonnitten, BITPFALO, Oot; 31 '. , --I b iottr is tinebbngod. There is a pair detuatid: Salsa 'td,day 1,000 this. at s4* Ali' impe,r4d., Whoosh); 24.97085 'for extra uanada;sadlana,andOldi); $5.25 for ohoici extras. "Wheat Is stiiedy.with" a good demand. Sales to day 90,000 bathe% at' 800. - for•• Oblong° , Spring; 82to. for MiliWinkee' Oink' 87}o. -for Bed Winter .Indians'; $l.lO , for AM; 'St 14 for oboists; While' Mtn" lotrmer. Sales today 9,000 bushels at 69e Oats - Arm,. • Sales 37,000 boahels at 34a356:.,,W,M0key is steady., Saloe 1, 0 00 b.bi_ie at 206. ','Freiglito are active-100- for Wheat ,to Now amporto tvrentrfonr honrs-0,000 bbls.• Viotti; 143,000 bushels Wheat;-30,000 bush , ills Corn, -attd.-20 000 losshals. Cats. 'Exports in Mimi time 381000kutell Wheat and 9,000 bushollOals. ‘"oBWAoO,tiot. to hotter demand: Sales -today 1100 bbls at 1 54.50154.75 for mum lurdnflto • extra! State,"iithing Armor. ;Wheat ti, Salos t 1 60,g00flifehele 'ehioigo spring at t 63d t '" Corti. fa bit*, Baled 3,100 Wholes, at 42c. .litobels Wheat; Onin; ,7.300 bushels Barley. lONSatt,l2.6ltie • 40-DAY-2,300 bble Flour ; 8,000 NiShela.Wheati and,4,000 bushels Bye, ski'. whoa 6, no tivt. 'B4leirtil.s* ..lcerals.doll: 'Catalan. .Bint , startre ~pp,knatir4-4. I?. _lasi' Flour; '; 100,000 hitahols' hisae,;;And l lr j ovo armhole Corn.: thrienas ro tcrivez49—.l 4 4 Vicar. , 64.000 btuthela Whee. Un eaneaa,-8;600 barrels;Plonlyloo,o,oo bus W heat, sad 44,000bpqmq Cerra, ' I . . ' ' •[Beportedlor.l'rie fataballTOTS—lfifilhoiatillValtet, Effort h-1 parka bay nor .1.03 goat silos, 38• bull hides, 2 % /Ai/Acid soetsdis, 1 box turtle shell /039 bbls eat, 6 bap ‘lpeolr,e gold anti sllveranurotehe k'Catstairs: Jumithiox three-inutad4ebr Altrora;Labglotg:.% • `B,l/opkgs sof tlead, 50.4 r casks sweet wine, 60 blids olive 4401 bates bunch ralsins,2ooo bolt bOiesilo;2000 qr 13qxf#A0, gal boxes Woad», WA half boxes do,l 1000 qc boxsa,do, isoo Alas seedless/do, 600.baxes whitedfalap. 900 belt boxes do, BOO: boxes :lemons Biidnevo • ' Alp.a.ene44-1111g, Callest-46,000 feet leal l'e‘ao g g 04 01 414.. .1 , ' -, , 't.WEILLADTITRIA BOAILD 98 TEADR.' Enwiitpin krout*, - IVAlarloCloEASOlif - ' o#1111011; OP 111111 /40117 g 141 WP°PP' 1 1 1 4n1 0 i; ~ ;t - , i-.; , - ~" I ,'-': .iL.ETTEIEL' , BAGS' • t 'the Fier/kaki , Wiehasiii,TAßadlipAini Ship Biroesoi West —••— • ''''' Liverpool, econ Ship Astoria, Lowell - - • ' • ''" 'London, Boon Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers San Proticiado, wen /Misr Fannie, Resiaton, St Thomas' Nov 7 [Reported for the Presi J ' ' t Date ark pe , ietrinre of L,guropau,, galifavnin, g i ll Pl Nana P1P4 114 ar the Zinnia - Of illoOenael'i /86 7 . , bep!rhal.7om Date. Destination. ctriird: , 11!eiuner:',.boiton .. Nov 4..Llyerpeol ' Oalitdrista - • Notit..tioy 6—Aspinwall, • 'Crollltus cc ';'Now,YOric..Ney 7..Liyaroool Havana , i New York..Noy I..llsysna Ounard ; cc„ Now York. Nerll...Llyerpool Hsrana,„ New York ., Nor 12.../layana • Haile ; I ; New Yor.k..Now 14..6'n kiloton Moreno 7 , New York.. Now 17.,ElaYstia Vonotd„ L ..;' l . 805t0n.... .Nov 14..1AverOool Colffonals New Y0rk.,N0y,20.. Aspinwall COLltni - , ,c . New York;.Nov 21.,Llyerpool Cori,ird ' ;lc:: New York..Noy nitrous, , .tc New York—Noy 27.,.111tyana Brsto,en,, New York,..Nor 28,43gn Brent , A. alosscfneall;oonslatlng of letters and newspapers for States scut Cities of the German-Austrian Postal Union, and Denmark, lior,way,Bwodeo, Poland, Russia, Oreece, lonian Islands, &a, Is sent sere!-weekly. • , • ' —",„);Aloitte roltAx Int_tmLADEl,Vanifavov. BUXt i3889.:,- 0 :,....4,58-oun BETB 6 OT ' B'l6 , OED.- • StaaxqihipPeliwfwo, coAr - IT hotwie from New "fork. igidsisitCpaueogers to J11.1481114.1141eFd100. Towed r iiioiskid the ship Nestoriuk. Oltip'Neetorian; ttOodlitte, i 7 hours fri;m New Yoik,' to ballast to Worlum?ip. & 0o." Brig Thoi Walter;' Worth, 19 days from St Mirtins, with salt; &O. toisurotolso dr. Carstairs. ; _ Brig ' . .toshpli,'Oidles, 7 days front Savannah, via New Yoritiwith'ittmhey to 8 8 litteble. • Riot: tozonAntes, Baker, addays from Sernambueo, with sugar, Psd; to;Jobn Kann & Oa. , Be nehr Aurora . in (three vited) Langlois, 06 daye from Mains. with fruit, &o, to'Bennore & Brother. Bohr Martha . , BanteriCl2 , llts . roPl' , Boston, with :wise to Crowell k„Ooltitts.' • , t 'Behr, YirgitilaqtaYpoolei dityii, Dam tinitininh; with 'intithettO Pettit, Wain& Co. - • Bohr "Anna tiltoss011; Warrington; 2Op trom Lows, pwli with:pan to Bewley, Wilson & B Zvi oohr rk; Chinibtrs;'2 days (rani Layrei;Del,with cons to Bewley, Wilson & Co. - Schr Henry Wolt,:i}tkins„2 days from Milton; Del, `ltittrearW,toliftwiey,l.Wilscoi de 00. Behr Itansbin,ltraos, 1 , flay from , Magnolia, Del, witit.whesatp Bewley,Wilson dc 00. )Bohi, Boson., Townsend, 8 days from Indian . }liver, ,;11Ah earn to tilowleyi Wilson & tio. •.. , Behr au L. „Reverie, geaver ; l. day loom Dover, Del ; with corn to insPoratt,& Bon. , • l‘chr ,QoatcpUesq Smithies, Otto; . from Milton; Del, with earn to 4,11300a11ey. „la*, Di smantltato Bmithers; 2 days from Millard, ,Datt With grin ift.l le filoOollay. • , • loh.y,lß,Wrightington, Wrightingtot4 8 days'froM nal Blyer,inAinoukto JYi Whittater .t • aßehaBrMol Atorrea,ll days from Kilowatt, with Stone W.OSciilaft - f• gloop Oh, Bill, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with noise toll rather, - Staniar armeriPi/rsen, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr,, g.44141e; Beverly , P erre, W Ai Baird dc•Co. ' u „ t ; CLEARED. • "oot" 0 , Copes, lt,Totk, J Aliderdloo. . Barites I D Wilson,. , Peaeock, New Orleans, A Baker. Bahr J B ;Austin, May, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Calder's% • Bahr Village Dem, .Pitinney, , Boston, N Sturtevant CO, tlf itaLIeaRLIS.J - (C,o*oo . 7!denee L ef.thelhiladelphie, Pachange.) - • " ' - ,deP2l 18I.AND ! l ( ov. 2. 12 ') The bed tieelliwiee; from Porimosuro, Tie Paraiba, Vent - Went- the Pre water,thit The brig Dido suppositddrorn , West -Indies, n ivont op te - .d.y, The barque Phantom, for Pio 'Janeiro; went ,to sea at 8 thli -morning: -A ship and , three barques are now off thfifplece going up; Nothing aeon going out; Wind filiweathbr fine. ' , blown!, ko:r MOIL 9. HUM& • 3 ' ,- , ci woosinf.f ' ' Wetteepondenee of The .Prieal - New YORK. NOV 2. :Arrived, barque Busse IV Li rid, from Cadiz; brigs , Prineseicerlfrederiek, from Waster New World, from Cardenas; Lausarotio; from dp. , - ' An arrived frothBt'rtientne en the 4th ult..reporte,thet the shin Chleora;liom New Qrleano for Liverpool; put lathe oar prbvious in distress; with fore andinain masts I sprung, rigginglittained, and otherwise injured. ' 2 ' - • • BOSTON, Nov. -2. Antred, Ships Fleet - wive, Profit 311.1116 j Tranquttar, from Trapani; borque!flart Jacinto, from Vvoustaerk• ••=•• ,• • (Oorrooponantee of The PreAl ) 111.1 , XX Dx gluon, Nov. 2. .boataleft hero Ulla morning, laden and cot alined as follows: , - - Orion,Mheat„ rye and flour to P. Kirkpatrick; Thos Craig, lumber to Cleo Craig; Reporter, spokes to YOung r k,Wordyattont - R Ws:forfeit, oritiltacite coal to Delaware • • --• "-rt' Y - i r ' R ifEADRLYIIIA, "Itigkof llOraign and' Coastwise Arrittla at this Port, for 11 , Pito4tIk;Pf OrOblrr/ 47 ; rORIDOX. -••; , • 6 lingo., Barque 1901,0012(W • Tatra ' • .t, / • . • ciinwpriss• „,, • 24 , •,••• '' . . 20 ; Beige 11ennaninrs' '.t. ' .#ll Bonn* 1,,Y 11 , 4 1.,:o.)•••• I,,,••ANIHNORANDALNICkviow otl4 Nl oo4lll ).XatalOVlroutltisti, , , e , -I.onininprOk Natobirtin;:ilta , s2 onb , lll . in1 , 219, :4 1 , 1 !0r, Lorig rn, and la specie. • • .p lisw York, Korot), henc. at R.ooton Nor. 2, 1.13.57: , Steamship Atlantic. Bldridge; from New Orkt 47th ul. for aver Poet, ,wss semi 9 A hi 28th, off Nantucket. ateamehlp Pennsylvania, Teal, hence at Norfolk 39th 'nit. and nt Itichinond Met, Remnant , Clahrarba, Bnllotk, for Maxine. and N York, cleaved at New Orleans 20th ' Ship Challenger, Wiusor, from Now York for • fLe FTIOCISCO, was spoken 27th ult lot 40, long 7160. Ship Cato, Atwood, from Boston' for Oaloritta, was spoken .7 1.70 0 2 9 ; lot 29 3014, look 31 40 W, 26 aye oat. Ship 'Finland, post, was spoken Oct 69 (?) Ist 8014, ; long 74 33. Ship Vol:4o' Bird, 'Foulke, from Salt Key for Phila delphia; was spoken 28th ult., no laS,eso, by an arriyal at Now York yesterday. Ship Indiaman, from Boston, arrived at Son Prancisco .previorta %Mit inst.' • Ships +Adelaide and Mastiff, frem New York, arrived St San Francisco previous to Mk nit. • Barque Irma, hare, for Philadelphia, was loadlciat Maracaibo Shoot 12th ult. ' , Barque Reindeer, Simmone, at Me de Janeiro Sept 18, , was discharging. , , . Barque Lapwing, Kelly, front Rio de Janeiro, au be: low Baltimore reeterday. Barque. 'Venue, Atkinson, from New York for Ouracoa, passed Sombrero Island Oct 12. Brig Elise, Rom, front 'Wilmington, NO, for Rotter dam; wediApoisen 16th ult. lat 38 11, long 34 23. Brig Albert, Adams, and schr 81 A Johnson, from Wilmington, NO, at Boston le t inst. Brig Bormuda p Hoyt, for PrOViaolloo, sailed from Illolurnind nut tat. ' Behr (loorge Remy, White, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond 31st ult. ' Brig H Moans, Treworgy, hence at Boston let inst. Brig Joshner and Mary, hence at Now York yesterday. Behra Mary Haley, Haley, 8 A Ilaminond„ Cain, and Robert Corson, Corson, hence at Boston Ist ILO. Behr Si A Stephens, Collins, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York 31st ult. fiche Oeoego Mangham, Scudder, from Charleston, at. New York 80th nit. Steamer M Chapin, Gruniley, for Philadelphia, -sailed from Hartford diet ult. Propeller Olympus, NVP,O4OII, for Idaltitoore, cleared at Albany Slat ilt. Steamer Planet, Loper, cleared at New York plter. day for Philadelphia. dtottmor J 11 Collyer, Chapin, from Portland for Phi- Wapitis, at New York yesterday. . , 92d ult, lat 4918, long $3 51, ship a II Lamar. Brad ley, from New York for London. 28th ult. Ist 33 50, long 7390, ship Iffauplals, from N York for Now Orleans. Ship Australia, Dotter, at New York let inst. from Liverpool Sept 27, h•d two births on the passage. Oc tober-7, let 46 30, long 18 30, had a were gale, daring which lest lower fore and main topsails, while lying to. Brig Penobscot, of Bangor, at New York let inst. item Arecibo, PR, reports: Oct 10, tat 30 30, long 70, spoke Br barque Tigress, Oewsey, 10 days from Black River, Js, for London, short of provisions, and supplied her; 23111, lab 37, long 72, saw a berm brig about 8 miles to the eastward, with lees or mainmast, steering N. The P has experienced heavy weather for the'lest 10 days. Loss or ithnOserrem—Theßr Seim Shannon, Ilutolt moon, at Now York 14 lost. from Nassau, NP, reports that the chip 001Ppee, of Portland, with a cargo of shooks, bound to Cuba, was wrecked on garbor Island -on the 17th alt; cargo and 'crew saved; vessel a total Mee. The shill Zone sailed 12th ult. for albraltar. Barque Virginia; Ward, at New York yesterday from Turks , Island, has been:eight days north of Hatteras; experienced heavy westerly gales on the night of the 27th alt; while hove to under a close reefed maintop sail, shipped a sea forward, which carried away the gal ley with its contents cook excepted; since which time Brave been compelled to cook the beef and pork In a cof fee pot. i'r H Oliver died at Port au Prince Sept 30, and Thos Swift Oct 4th. Dour belonged to Anton, and were sea men on board the brig Pico. Brig Fanny, Martin, at New York yesterday from 4ackeonvillo, reports: No date, Cornelius Outlet., sea man, of Ireland, died. The 3' has experienced heavy weather; lost part of deck load, and sprung a leak. BliatlSE Losses ron Ocronan—The N Y Courier and linquirer publishes the following table of marine lasses for the past month, showing an aggregate of forty-two vessels, of which six were ships, nine were barging, live were brigs, and twenty-two were schoenen. The tidal value of property lost was six hundred and sixty-three thousand, three hundred dollen]. This is the value of the property totally lost; excluslie or damages to'roe sols uot amounting to a total loss, and of partial losses or cargo, , , . The vessele reported In this list are chiefly American, although some foreign aro included, when bound to or from a United States port, or known to be insured In this country Tho summary Statement of the losses for this year thews that there were in April May June July August September October Ten mouths NOREION PORTS ' At Maracaibo about 12titult, barques Oarless, for New York, loading; Olarn II Lutil, for Now York, do Ssexatil , Oct 3,2, brigs tobt 'Wing, Nickerson, from and for Boston In f days; Times. Joao!, do do, In 14 days; ear Emily Heath, Penny, from and for Now York, do At Turk's Island. 10th tilt, loft brig Etawando, Ward,' of and from N Haven in 48 boors; also anew clipper brig, Gaut Webb, launched at lien:nada, to load for b, Y; elm befangr to Methdi & Frith. At :Rio do Janeiro Sept IS, left ship Sunny South, frond lierr Yo'rk jag arrived; barques RA Cochran, do; Blue Flag, lluroluun, Balt, de; Anchor, Lewis Lon don, do; lulls. Dean. Cage, NO. soon; Storm Bird, re pairing; schr Rnlulah, Yhorener, Obarleston, just or; brigs *rite, Crowell, N Y Jn 3 ds; Executive, Eldridge, srtg, and others as before. At Cahoon, 0 A, schr Cortex, bound to the windward CAIRt to load for New York. - At St Thomas, 0 A, Aug 15, trotting, barque Warren White, and brig Onward. Citric Town, Sept 2, ship Judith, Brown, from New York, for Aigoa Bay '2 days; brig Noble, Spear, from New York, ding. Bld from Muscat Aug 21,, barque Outdo, Very, Wens, At Tarragona 11th lust, ahlp Chapin, McOrillis, for • At Vera Cros DI et ult, barque Flash, Wilson, for New York, Idg; sehr °Seen Bride, Nickerson, from UOStOUt dieg. . Ar at Quebee2.sth toot, brig Promise, Terry, London; '26tti; ships China, Drennan Cardiff; Ottawa, Crawford, Port OlasgOw; Rankle, Mclntyre, London. . Old 27th, -ship Ailsa, Alain, Port Glasgow. barques Irene, Peterson, Loudon; Lilltas, Pugh, Bartnouth; brig Spring Flower, flicks; Queenstown. Ar at go 26th", %hip Mariano, Smith, Falmouth; brig 'Vivid", Smith, Malaga, DOMESTIO PORTS - - - NEW YORK, Nov 2'--Arrived—Steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Portsmouth; barks Stampede, Lapis, Salt 04 (T L); Virginia, Ward, Turk's Island; brigs Lucia W -Anglor,Tootbaker, Turk's Island; Billow (Brit); Rath. DOllO, St ohn, /2 ; Aun bleßean (Br), Riches, Malaga ; St Marys, Johnson, Maracaibo; Pico, Goodenough, Port au Prince, Oct 11 ; Ida 1) Rogers, Taylor, frn Rio Ja neiro, Sept IS; Fanny, Martin ; Jackson %dile ; Isabelle. Beurmann ' Taness, Minatitlan ; Hiber nia, Murphy, St Johns (1‘ It) ; Abby Taylor, Orabara, Aspinwall; sabre Carrie Sant ord, Lombard, Jame); Ed ward Kidder, Errickson, Savannah; Prospero (Brit), of London, Malaga; E _Kerr, of Baltimore, Badhlell, Guayama (P n); Margaret, Beacon. City Point ; Laura N Johnson, Johnson, Newborn, N C ; Ylorenee, Mayo, Brazos Santiago. , fans asn-;Stilps Ifartford, McKay,, New Orleans; Rome, Lincoln, Savannah; brig Queen of the South; Chapman, Gibraltar; echr lilanbassett, Blake, Charles ton. BALTIMORE—Ar 2d lost, brig Abbott Lawrence, Fuller, from Boston; schrs Hugh W Pry, Wilson, from St Johns, P B, Oct 7th; Motto, Crane, from Malaga; J Nickerson, Dakor, Boston; R S Dean, Cook, Taunton; Golden Eagle, Kelsey, Troy, NY; Wm 1., Montague, Jr, Rerun; Linemen, Martin; N Y; Huntley, Hammond, NY. Below—echr II D Mears, Snow, front NY. Cleared, steamships 'Milli= Jenkins, Hallett, Boa tom fleorge , *Creek, Morley,Oharieston; Locust Point, Brea* New York; barque 'Garton, Hogg, Rio Janeiro and a, market; steamers George Peabody, Pritchard, Richmond; Pranklin, Colmary, New York. Sathyd 21 %tad, barque* Modena, Eldridge, Boston ; Maryland, (Gram) Ilelliners, Braman; brigs Peerless, (Br) Skating, Arecibo, PR; Jessie, ( Br) Pye, Halifax. MOBILE, Oct. 27.—P,Iesred.—Sehr Calliope, Boakley, Havana; Storm Cloud, Southack, Key West. Arrived ship Northern Chief, Yeasts , New York; , barque Goorgo Thomas, Hearn, Boston. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 28.—Ar, ships Par West, Den. nett; John Hancock, CoMa, N York; Potomac, Reed, fin Liverpool; brig Tallulah, Hanson, Havana; ache Gen. Scott. Gerloif, Minatittau, Cld, steamship Ottharba, Bulloch, N York; barque William and Jane,Cobb, Bor deaux. Towed to lea, ships Lochinvar an Nathaniel Thompson, Express, barque 'Mystery and schr James E Smith. Below, ships Houghton, Weldon, from "he pool. . ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Late Night, GIRARD llGHElR.,—Ohestnut street, between Bth & Bth. J AGrien, Portamouth,,Va Wax W Suter, N Y T W Evans, Nashville Edw Reed, St Louie A Dathet, N r Ohas P Barns, N Y 1 II Daniell, N Y It W Bogart, N Y It J Haldeman", Pa at A Wetmore, Tenn G Richardson, Pa at Weisenfelt, Baltimore 13 II Palm, Washington Peter W Sousse, N Y H A Bradley, Washington J G Bennett & eon, N Y VW Whittlosey, Po Orem Adams, Baltimore A II Jones & to., Cal II al 0 Brown, 011 Geo Pogrom, Pt Louie 0 W Cherry & la, Momphle Wm Williams. Pa P Poullain, Ga. E Stockdale, Ky P Hayden, Pittsburg P 13 Lewis, Baltimore Dr W B Crane, Baltimore Walla °overly, Harrisburg 00l II P Thompson, N J . .iliniep Emil, Lanpaster J W Goddard, New York JP II Dodge, New York .It W Bonner, N Y Thom Sheppard, Baltimore E 0 Eddie & la, Washington Mies Rutter, New York Mien Smith, Now York Sarni Harrison & la, Mo Mr Mote, Now York lieu B W Orono, Now York Mrs It 0 Stanard, Va II lit &maitre, ltichMond, Ye John Iliginbothem, Balt 14 MacDonald, London, Stag Id Gilbert, London, Eng Saint Walcott, Natchez Wm It Wright, tintches A El Anthony. N Y N Orr, N Y Rev If Stringfellow & lady, 011 Ilutlor, Hyde Park, NY Hyde Park, N Y D B Post, N Y John W Evans N Y E V Bryan, St Louis I H McKoo, N ' 3 A Eddy, Troy ' , Lii Gold, NY • l',ll Road, Oluclonati, 0 C Wendell, Washington Jam Oartwrlght, England John Prott,ll Y , John ./' Braden, N Y P N Walker A wife, Iticrn , d We, 11 Barony, Mobile John Pincher, N Y W J . Willis, N Y Laden H Thompson, Va IV .9 Poague, Va 0 Rolling, lit Louis, Theodora Bottom!, N Y II II LIM, N Y It at Blackford, N Y II II oobrin, N Y (1 W Banning, St Louis Paul Deintity, St Louis II II McLough lin, NYesbat'n 013 Darling, Vt Titus E Eddy, Troy MRIIOIIBNTB , ROTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. O M Bailey Winthrop Maury Oberndorfer, Kg J Wise,lnd B Curtin h In. Centro co M T Warne & la, Easton T T Jenkins, Mlnersvllle Thos hear Minerarilie J II Burr, New York henry Mahar, Padua, Hy 1) K Klnports, Pa B B Isett & wife, Tyrone Uri' Neff, Pa 0 Rome,' Strasburg, Pa John Jumper, Itelneravtlio Mm A Kaufman, Lancaster B 8 Jamison, Indiana ao,Pa David Barnet, Beaton • R Warner, Boston Mon J B 'Yost; Pa John Hopp, Hanover, Pit Wm Stoddard, New York Tames K Davis, Pa Aaron Disslnger, Eliza , town Solomon Young, Lewisburg James Pollock, Tho'vlile John K Groin, Bloomsburg UN Greta, Bloomsburg RII Biggs, Bloomsburg P m liarber,Wnsh , tonville L W Brodhead, Delaware N li Pratt, Conn ABIERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. Edwin V Chandler, Eel John Hight, New Hope I' Fritz, Chaufbersburg It Fleming Davin, Edgmoot '8 I. Fritz, Cherobereburg . /3 Frost, Pittsburgh, Pa B Brown, aid 0 Cummings, do Francis Darden, Pottsville G W Cummings, L Haven II U Aechternaoht, do John Opdyeke, Easton Than J Lewin, Phila. John B. Harrison, Pa •,.. . . . it w l3tilmon. Ilfd 0 .7 Dougherty, Philo It Dunlap, N Y A 7, Lewis, Milford, Del 11 8 Sampson, Pa I, L Sampson, Pa D Danford, Pa , . Jae W Linville, Philo, Miss M 0 Lloyd, Williamspd J Wilson Musser, LewielPs J N Frock, Millersville Jaa Presteott, Now York Geo by Kinzer. It I , Herman Bure t New York 'l, Short, New York A IV Iseardaley, New York J Anderson Newport, It I M Smith, Troy; Nlt Mrs SIP Kirkbride, N Y L Parasura, Baltimore ONION ROTEL—Arch greet, below Fourth. J P Norton, Beading Jos Harvey, halt N 0 Randall, Md N Brown & la, Salem, If J Mrs A Brown, Salem, N J Jll Whiter, Salem, N B Stokes & la; Stroudsburg Mho M B Blokes, Stroudebg 110 hEyers, Jersey city (1 id Campbell, Jersey city T B Wilson, Allentown Miss Di Wilson, Allentown 0 A Fox, Pottsville W D Halm, Delftware, 0 T Mack, N J II 0 Rill, Utica, N Y .61 .E Walker, Del J Drown Ohio It Brown, Ohio • - R Q White, Pa L W Hoot', Northumberland RS Stevenson. Northtim , d Wll Moore, Lycoming, Pa Wlt Johnson, halt Mr Lambert, New Der, B Winer, 11 Y • Obas Tatman; Odessa, Del 13 Edinger, N Y Geo Wlggan, Tamaeua W Donaldson, Tamaqua Z 9 Wingard, Plttat, , arg J Carter, TarOlut4 . _ BLAON. DRAB noTEL—Third at., there Oallowhill AI 8 80, 9 c k, liamburgi Pa blrßeimgardon & la, Readg O Briber; Reston Jno ihtiber, Beading A abriver, Sharon, Pa 11 P Pa Mrs Wilkooon, Bowling Obso Nang, YlVOltyllio 111.7 . g g g g A PRESS'AVILAbEt I / 4 1MA, ttrEStAlti NOVEMtEIt 3 $ 6 51 9 EL4OX ONAR flllf.L4Hth awl *octant. J T Collins, Elkton, tdd • David Kinsible, Mester co igilyidvumea, chew= co Wm Y Tholupsim & la, Pa 'Mrs bloore, Pa , J ,l weer; Bloomsburg Wm E. Hobro, !looming to !Israel Gain, Lireuzaing°o:, Hbael Sall, Pa Moses glom: Htletr BOA> Pe. J Miller, Coatesville. Pa .1 Otephinsoni Pa 1 Isaac Y Hoblboon, Lana co Junes /remits, flestonvillu • STATES UNlON—Market street, ifbirreSlith. J Black, NJ' E Hurnalf,Vottsville L Goodall, Lancaster T'bos ONO, lorslatonin Goo Dickson Del ' Jos/demi, Colombia . Aire McAlpiu.' Harrisburg Miss 800 Harrisburg It Pox. Molitor 00, ' Geo Dino; Ctilnberland Co Abram Alarquart, PA IfL Croft, Lresburg Pa Mrs Vitt, OnMberland Co 'Oben Taff Reed; Readleig °N Male, N J ' j'ohq D Drop lie, Obi.? V W Weaver,,Juullita Co 'HATrOHLL HOTEL—Race tartlet. above Third. D T Sterling, Peniza Reuben Holley,tLowiatown D Dakar Bellefonte , t Wr,lll9,Oks, oston DO filley:l4 ' ' Deo It - otos, Reading WmMcCracken, J 3Et Hreigh, Catania% Mrs M Wender, Minersville R Wells, Jotterrovllle, Id D 0 Saylor,Shotterarlite, Pao P Dock, OttasattOtie Wm Major, Leesport Dr .1 W Royer, Trappe Horace Royer, Trappe Geo W Morgan; Pottsville It 3 Headier Pottsville 11l Book & lady, Delaware 0 Harbor, Ttlscarora II ?Mate, White, Haven Wm Khmer, Hazleton, Pa IrWilliatai t 'llszletont Pa Col Peter Dellis, Penton MO X .1 . Setp,,Fossfon Oat ,Thos Wstson,Esstoe 'Henry utubip, Rork co t Pa Wm Reach, Loak glififTl John Shortly, Tamaqua It It Greer, Tamaqua MaJ Rineurt,laniequa John Gray, Wilkesbarre Thom Plyna,Wl kesbarre Morgan P Medlar, Tamaqua „ MADISON MOOSE—.Socoml layout, sboye ' llarket. II Cornier . , N Y T D Race, Begird,' Del Geo Moore, Frederica, Del Thos II Moore,Dot Jae Cook , Frederica, Del Wm A Cook, Fred's, Del Jno Iloynoltle, Del T D Appioton; Pe/ Mils IA L Appleton, Del Dana McCoy, Mese floury Willis, Mute 13 McClure tic eon; ckes co JII Roberts, Jr, ChM! co James Ponder, Del D. W Reynolds, Del . Jo,, Ramer, Seaford, Del A Card.•-•llarinY noticid In be Sunday Dispatch, of this day, my name published as one of the Directors of the Dank of Dennsylvanlit, I confider It duty I owe to myself to contradict the report.' It Is true that, on the 2d of February,. 1.867, I was elected n Director in That unfortunate institution, but Immediately after receiving an official notice,pf my being elected, I sent In a resignation, a copy ag,erblch is bore annexed. 1 hope the Editors of the Sunday Dispatch will, la their next number . , Cermet their role. take. U. MEMOIR RF... Philadelphia, November Ist, 1817. Puruannutnii,Vebrunty 5t15,1851 To the President, Costlier, and Dhottors of the Bank of Penney Wants, PhiladApida Gentleman: \ ' laying received an official cominnnication, announc ing my election as Director of the Bank of' Penneylra.- Ma, I think it proper to express the gratification I feel at this unsought-for compliment and unlookedfor honor. At the tame time I one obliged, front a COASCi entious seats of War is Correa, to plate Ingmar hands thin note, as my resignation, believing that no man has a right to accept an appoiniment of any hind, un less it is in his potent faithfully to perform the duties of his post, and at present my own affairs require all my attention, abide would prevent my doing so, 'With my beet wishes for the prosperity of the Bank, accept, gentlemen, the assurance of my sincere regard, with which I have the honor to be, Most respectfully, your friend and obedient servant, n03.1t4V [Signed,' U. 1111138011EIST Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 824 WALNUT ST, , OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. GEO. J. 11ENEEL'S. 624 WALNUT Street, 0c22.1tu Late of 179 Oheatout Street Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Draßs, Dills Lading, Dill lleada, Cir culars, Cards, eud nil other kiwis of Job Printing, at prises to suit the times. Value. 8.9,6.52,700 008,60a0 I,n,P° 1,010,700 1,°.11,500 810,500 710,700 0-13.000 9,172 100 663,300 FORNEY'S STEAMER PRESS FOR CALI FORNIA. In consequence of numerous letters received by the last California mail, we determined to publish an edition of' Tits Pages, exclusively fbr circulation in California, Oregon, Wash ington Territory, and along the Pacific coast, and on the 19th inst., the first number of the Steamer PRESS was issued. This number was necessarily imperfect, owing to ,the short time allowed for its preparation; but still, we think_ it flilly equal in all its departments-to any pa per of a similar character sent Prom the At lantic States. Our whole edition, with the ex ception of some twelve hundred copies ordered by lir. SULLIVAN, our agent in San Fran cisco, was exhausted on Monday long be fore the closing of the mail, and we are now fully convinced that the publication of such a paper in Philadelphia must success ful. The Steamer Passe will be Is*ed regu. lady every fortnight hereafter, on the 4th and 19th of each month, the days previous to the sailing of the steamer, andwill contain a com plete summary of news up to the hour of going to press. Tits Puss Will be devoted princi pally to Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in telligence; our object being to promote the interests of our city and State. on tho Pa cific. This, we think, can be secoulplished by publishing a paper whloh will command a ready sale In California, and whioh will bring before the business and reading community of that quarter a semi-monthly compendium of what is transpiring In this. The Steamer Pans will he sold at our counter, in strong wrappers, and stamped ready for mailing, at five cents per copy. Orders will be received in advance. $15,321,700 ag" Orders wilt bo received for the second number, which will be issued in time for the next California steatner, of the sth proximo. Seamen's Saving Fond Office 1203 Walnut street, one door west of second Iltrete. Recelres do• posits In sauna of One Dollar and upwards, from all fsluses of the community, and allow* interest at the rate of Ave per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until B &cleat, and on Mon• day and Saturday until 9 In the evening, President Franklin Fell Treasurer, aeries hi. Morris; Secre tary, Junes 8. Pringle. Buffalo Robes.-100 Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualities, just received front Minnesota. Also a handsome moortmont or Fancy Robee of oar own uumutacture, and for sale wholesale and retail by ORO. P. WOURATM, ootl2-Im* 415 Arch Street. A. T. Chur, STOOK, LOAN, AND DILL BROKER, No. 218 COLD St , below DOUR. City and Moto Loeue, Stocks, &a., bought and gold on minlasion at the Stook Board daily. Noted, DIIIg , 40., negotiated ao heretofore. 0e..40.110 Bower's Infant Cordlal.e••This invaluable Cordial is prepared front a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable carminative extent for Infants aced young children. • By its powerful influence a speedy cure Is effected In all asses of Cholie, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigetee much of children's suffering during Von or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quillses pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, lko. The Infant Cordial hen become a standard remedy, and has been need In thousands of cases with the most abundant encomia. No family should be without it. Prepared only by natißlf A. BORNS, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. B. corner of Sixth and Green etc, Philadelphia To whom all orders must be addressee]. And for sale by Drogglete generally. an 13-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Vent. Intermit—Na tional Safety Trust Company, to WALNUT Street, loath west corner of THIRD Street, PIIII.IDILPHIA. Mute over Oen 1111,ctoit AND A HALF OP DOLLARS, Infested In Rust. P.:ETAT/4 StORTOOCAS,O ROUND RENTS, and Other that class Beisurlties, as required by the charter. hie institution confines its bushiest entirely to the renal. Ting of money on deposit. The °Mee le open every day from 0 o'clock la the morning until T o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday eTeoungs until 9 o'clock. • On the lot Inst., by the Rev. George Chandler, Mr. PETER. PERIIIeON, of Savannah, Missouri, to Mies Lin 13, GRAHAM, of thin city. On the Bth of September l by the Rev. J. 11. Kenhard, TORODORP. LIINUIIRGII to Mine MARX OILLAM, both of this city. On the 6th of September, by tit° Rov.John Ohtantera, Mr. WILLIAM If. FERGUSON to Ilise AMELIA Y. 110R11, both of Philadelphia. Nov. lot, Mrs. LUCY YON NIEDA. widow of the late Daniel Yon Nieda, in the 66th year of her ago, * On the Met ult., ELIZABETH BECHTEL,. wife of Jacob Bechtel, In the 75th year of her ago. On the 31st ult., Mrs. MARY ELLIOTT, in the 434 year of her age. On Bendel morning, Norember lst, after a protracted Illness, Miss ELIZABETH M. BARROW, in the 64th year of her age. On the tat lent., WM. MADELY, after a lingering ill ness, In the 14th year of his age. On the let inst., MATTHEW SMITH, aged 64 years. Suddenly, on First day morning, the let Instant, PETER LIPPINCOTT, of Westfield, N. J., In the 60th year of his age. ' , a7Ttarcantlle Beneficial Association of PIiILADELPHIA.—The annual meeting of the Associ ation will be hold on TUESDAY, November 10th: at 4 o'clock P.M., at their room N. W . corner of SEVENTH and UNRUH Streets, at whirl' time the Annual Report will be submitted, and an election held for Manager?' for the ensuing year. In consequence of the great Anantial ,distress which has fallen upon our city, and the apprehension that the demands upon the funds of the Association may be greatly Increased over previous years, the Beard of Mangers hare decided that It be Inexpedient to Incur the eXpeuse of holding a noafdo otioivaitaaita at this time, GYM. U LUDW ID, President. Philadelphia, Nov. 1857 noS II Union Vigil Bonds... Holders of Mort one bowls of tbo Union Canal t/otnpatig, vat tutoniotod. In The nommen or preferred stock of mold Company, are requoctod to meet at the GIRARD HOUSE, on PRI. DAY EVENING, Nov, Bth, at 8 o'clock. no3-4t MANY BONDUOLDERS. Irr _OM" of the Receiver of Tairee, S. E. cor ner of birth and Chestnut etreets. PUlt.lbaLenta, Nov. 2, lel& The Tax Payers of,the City of Ph lhodelphis are hem by untitled to pay their Olty and Plate Wee before the MST DAY of rANUaTtY, 11158, for the present year. In accordance with the provisions of the act of Assem bly, there will be charged upon all taxes unpaid after that date thirty.seven cent., and each delinquent will be advertised; and, titer the 15th of January, there will be an additional charge of five per cool, upon all sums unpaid, together with interest thereon. PIITEIt ARMBRUSTER, n02.3t Deceiver of Taxes. elf l iglitrae g ru l t s o tt:t i g gh."""s ' s ' 17- :"rner PIfI.4ID;LPOTI, October 21et,181Y% All percorui haying clalme spinet this Departmeni for labor or tutorials furobthed, will present them, with oilt delay, at ttdeOtAra. JOAN McOARTIIY, no2-2i phlel Vommiseionor of ilislorar. svrcial Notices. ' 1 illarnageo. Elltatlx, • • Ib 4. itteu , s th Nan Anao.llo.6oll.—The Third Aanrrerriri of thin ASSO., elation will be held In the MUSIOAL FUND HALL, en TU6SDAY EVENING welt:, at FM Warm*. , Addresses will be delivered by the Hey. Allred took men' Roe. Z. Wheiston 6rolt,h, Itiohatd New ton, D. D. Tickets can be procured at any of the Religione took Storer; Parry S: McMillan's, H. Hooker's; and rooms of the Assoclatlon. WM. Y. SPENCER, GEO. 8: FOX, cammatel WM. a. CROWELL; nettee....Appenla.—City Cotnntlestenere Whe t Octobet 11,1867. , , NOTION IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Commle. Genets will hest Appeals by all persons rah"' for fainto and kiunicipal Tax, in the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1658, for the several wards of the mild clty, et Melt taco, lick.o west wing of the Mate !louse, (op etelve,) on the following daye, between the hoar. of la o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock E. 181 au4 24 Wards--0u Monday, October 1146, 1831, ITC Tueedaj, 20th, 6theth Wedeepay, it 21et, 7th 6 6 Bth 6 ' « Thursdnyi a 241, 46 9th 6 4 10th 11 " Friday, " 23d, 11th " 12th " " Monday, " 20th, " • 13th it 14th it Tuesday, " 27th, 15th it 10th , 4 Wednesday, ' 4 25111, 44 11th ' 4 18th ' 4 4 ' Thursday ; 4 • 20th, " 19th " 20th " Friday, 30th, " 21st 44 224 4, Hooky, Nor.t 21, " 234 24th " Tuesday, " The Assessors of such wards es base not beau supplied with Blank Notices of Appeals ars harsh" notlBed to call at the Cornsoleelonere' Office and procure the same. M. HILL, JAM9S M. LIiDDY, (City Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, orl3-dtno9 • ptILLADELPHIA BANK i _ PHIL% DELP N 11/, ovembei 2,182 T ., The Board of Directors have, THUG BAY- declared e, dividend of TURA 6 Rea INNS. for the loot viz menthe, payable on dammed, clear of the State tax. not-3t h. It. COM.YAITS, Caabier. ,filillitierD Otfobo MRS. A. LEER WILL OPEN ON THURSDAY. Nor. 6th, et her room, Nos 720 and 722 OiIiCIiTNUT Street, opixente thei tdisonle Tem ple, Ends MI and 'Mutat. MILLINERY, , no3-3t eAmusetnento. Owing to the Inunense Astrilvaco nt Con cert all, ou T. nett* Evening Jaet , . ' PARK BENJAMIN bee been induced to repeat bid celebrated Poem of Tone," on TUESDAY EVENING (Wovember Rd) next, at the above named Mil. Tickets• 25 rents. To be had at the Mall during the day, ' ocal•at I'LLE. EHMINIE FREZZOLINI'S Find apparanca in Phila.!. M. IiTMAKOMIM has the honor to 'aunonnce that ERMINIE FREZZOLINI MI give to the city her FIRST GRAND CONOZRT, ON MONDAY RYRNINO, November 9th, At the MU4IOAI4 FUND NALL. [ tmv3-13t A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- Am- E. A. 61ASSIIALI Sole Lessee. THIS (Tneaday) EV.ENINO. Nov. '24,1.857, Will be presented, for the third time, a Now Comedy, in Three Acts, entitled a ,OAMI6 OP SPBOLIPATION. Mr. Affahle Hawk, Mr. Charles Mathews; Sir Harry Lester, Mr. Showell ; Barthworm, Mr, Wettings; Mrs, Hawk, Mrs. Silsbee. To be followed by the Popular Comodletta, entitled LITTLE TOBBLBKINS. Browasmith, Mr. Charles Mathews; Captain Little. pop, Mr. 61/Lowell ; Annie Bablcombe, Mrs. Proctor; Susan, Miss Price. Col:winding with the farce of 1305: AND Cox. John Box, Mr. A'Becket; James Cox, Mr. Chapman; Mn.t Bouncer, Mts. Nicholls, PRICES Of ADMISSION : Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 60 cents, family Circle and Amphitheatre 25 • Prirate,Boxes EB Beat. secured without extra charge. THOS. 61 KEDIV Treasurer. Doors open ,v g before 7 o'clock; performance will com mence at 7, WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les 'V see, Mr. E. A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr John Berton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; Upper Circle,2s cents; Secured Seats, 37,4 i cents; Private hex and Orchestra Seats, 60 cents, • Box Office open from 0 o'clock A.M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 6X, &clock ; performance to commence at 7, precisely. THIS k Tuesday) '&IISININtt, Nov. 3d, 144, The performance to commence with the Force re ceived on its mat represuniation with Monts of Laugh ter, called the BTAOE-STRIIOII. BARBER . . . Jeremiah Clip, /11r. Ohanfrau ; Podge, Mr. Rumple; Mrs. Rattleton, Mrs. Hickey, To be followed watt k New Loud Dunne, in Two Acts, entitled LINDA, TILE CIOAD'HIRL; Or, Mose Among the Conspirators. Idose Morrison, Dlr. Ohantrau ; Edward Bradley, Mr. Brink; Harry Russell, Mr. Beach; Linda, Mrs, John Sloan; Biddy Scanlan, Mr. John Moan, Concluding with the new Irish Farce of ' • ' - - - - - Mike Murphy, Mr. John Sloan; Shritnigon, 31r. Boo won ; Mary, Mrs. Stonoall. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE V -SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY BOALii or Tame —thvbestra Stalls, 60 cents; Drau Circle no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family , Circle and Amphitheatre, 23 cents; Bettis in Private Boos, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery; 13 tents; Gallery for Colored persons, 26 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored j:ersons, 88 cents, BoX Office open from' 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors will Open at Ch o'clock; performance to commence. at 7, precisely. 7. M. D. WIIITTON ' Treasurer. TRIO (Tuesday) Evening, Nov. 3d, 1557, Will be presented, a New Play, with entirety now soeuery,dresses, Sto , entitled the QUEEN OP SPADES. litativdss tiellitiort, Mrs. D Davenport ; ova, Mlm Anna Cruise; Princess Derealna, Mrs. Tannehill; Iran, Mr. Dolman; Prince Mostau, Mr. Wallis. To conclude with the Nautical Drama, entitled ItLAOK-EYED SUSAN - . Willtam,,Dfr. E. L Davenport Cnpt. Crosatreo t Mr Tannehill; Sulam, Biro. E. L. Davenport. fiIHE ARCTIC SHIP HESOIATTt.— ITS RESTORATION TO TfIE BRITISH (10VERN DIENT, at Cowen, Uocomber 10, 1358 Yaluted by tom. mond of Her Majesty tjueon 'Victoria, by William Simpson. Now Exhibiting at EARLE'S GALLERIES, No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET. Admittance 25 cents. 0c31.3t* 11.110MEUP 8 VARIETIES- Imu. and CHESTNUT Strootn. 1111SQELLANEOUS CONOERT NIQIITLY! More talent, wort, Noveant, Escalator Attraction. The beautiful daimon, FANNY COLE, will appear EVERY EVENING dut tug the week, in addition to the SUPERIOR, COMPANY rquiaily engaged. Concertaim:nonce at half.paat 7. A doilselon, 10 cents J. R. TROM.ItW. ti0.31-3t* Manager and Proprietor. SANFORD's OPERA. 110IISt.- NIA:TENTH Street, shore Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'olock—to commence quarter boforo eight. Admittance 25 cents. Itthloplan Lao Illustrated by llanford's Troupe. of Stars—New Dances by the flittuturd Children. To conclude with A LACOTIAItIiII mararixer.. lary etrabo. PAIR'S EMBROIDERIES. L. J LEVY lc ARK now OrrITAINa 'Efts% atillsVl6 11 , 4PtakelTI0N bT ELEGANT PARIS EMBROIDERIES AT AND UNDER 00ST. no 2 lw 420 CHESTNUT STREET LADIES'DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPUTRS. NEW 000DS OPENED DAILY, .1,4. MAXWELL dr. SON. WROLKBALE AND RETAIL BTOREA, 1020 01.1ESTNIIT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 310 B. SECOND St., below Spruce. YAOTORIES.—Nos. 95 and 97 0.7.01107: St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Order, made at a. few hour,' notice. Ben Ana JOHN B. STRYKER, Jm., "Wholesale Dealer In AUCTION Dill GOODS. N 0.12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. oetl•lm illotteD. AMERICAN' GOLD AND NEW YORK VENDS AMERIOAN GOLD /ND NEW YORK FUNDS, SMUT AT TIM rilaDasT entictuit DT NEW TORE Exchange 0;( a itg prim). EOSTON Exchange ag a4g preen BALTIMORE Exchange " a 3) that. ASIERIOAN COLD 4 a 5 prom. 007-3 u DREXEL h CO. fiLEVELAND'S ENGLISH LITE RA. ‘...) TURF. Tweem-eIfTII Mousivrt. ' N. 0. dc J. BIDDLE, No. ON Minor street, publish 1. A OOMPENDIUId OF lINOLYSII. LITERATURE,- from the fourteenth to the close of the eighteenth con - tory, chronologleally erraoged; consisting of Slographi cal Scotches of the authors and selections from their work•, together with notes explanatory, illustrative and directing to various criticisms and the beat editions, Sy Prof. 0 V. Cleveland. 2 ENGLISH IifT.EIRATONE OP THE NINE , TROTH CENTURY .—By Prof Cleveland. A scquel to the .oouipendlum," arranged on the Name pten ne It The above natned two wohnnea are used as text books In the principal Normal Schools, and extensively in other first-clans seminaries of our country; and are au admirable guide or chart for private students, pursuing a course of reading In the literature of our mother tongue. Nearly ready for presa 3. A COISPENDIUId OF AMMAN LITERA TURE —By Prof. Cleveland. ' oe 31.3 t AVM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE 11. F .- v poeitory, 1,009 and 1,011 elllidTNUT Bt., above Tenth, is now open for the sale of Avery description of Oarriages, combining style, durability, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the corper'of srxru and MAST.I,II. fitreete, to which the attention of chit one, and Southern and IYeatern gentZotuen la reapontfully called. N. h.—Repetlel attention given to carriages for re palmist the shops cintnected with the Repository. En twat. on Chestnut Mutt, cell 4 to le mARCUS BAST, No. 201 NORTH 111t1t1) tintNET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Ms for sale THE AMERICAN READER—anew book, designed by Its author, A D. /CAI.II Tana, for the use of the higher classes in tha Amtdentioa and Schools of America—by the dozen or single copy. uo2-1m PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF O} TAT. sunG-NRY.—The Cowie of instruction will C0111111011C1) ou MONDAY next, Nov. 2d, at 12 o'clock, emu coutinae until the let of March ensuing. For further information addreee T. L. IitIOKINCIIIA.M, Den, 0c31.2t* North Ninth street.' DIAMONDS, 'RUBIES, E M E It ALDS SAPPHIRES end PEARLS bought for cash-- , . highest prioes glren—by Mr. UNGER, (lately arrivt , i from Europe,) at the Ashland House, ARCH Street Room No. 36. Hours front 10 to 4. 0031-hr* SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for aslo by_ MARTZ. DIAOALIEMER, au 1 .119 - 4rtb Water stroot. lUTAIII LLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR, MA JUL VILLA 80P.% manufoctured and for sale by WEAVER, YITLER 004 anll-41 12n 'XI 17 Wafer ok , and '72 N Wharves 'Op lISSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED .n.a, CORDAGE—a superior article, manufacture 922 for sale by 'WEAVER, & CO., ea Mr Nn 98 N. Water st., & 99 N w25*,49 inONGIt RANGE.--SOLD BY QUAD. NJ WlOl & BRO., N 0.302 N. BIOOND Meet. supaßAmets. , SI .--60(I tAHRELS SOA.P.M ROSIN, to arrive per acbonner B. Blanner. Tor stile by MARTIN & MACIALIETRR, Oca- 139 Nor* Water West '". Salta In' ( Audio 4 At THOMAS 'Si . „vie Yoe and lit SOUTH VOCIATH or 841;T, , • (Formerly Nos, 61 arid 09.) • • ANAL ESTATS, STDOES, Public Saba at 40 Philadeipm s , lizadews suety Reining. Handblll t e of each property Issued separately, In ad.Ction.te which DAbltali on the Saturday prellooll aeach , sale one Atiouwan hatalognee In pamphlet form, rjrug desirlpllons of all the property to Ao ki, on ilorringTnernily., e, • • _ •, SALES • AT TWA AUCTION itv..;Tory ;4exeste7 Damning. • ' ' • , • ,Ifrth.XBTATil AT PRIVATE BALE. le bole a tug* amount at Real Estate at Pri vate Ela Opt,inoludlog ,everyi deseription. or City and Noplirty. ,Ytliattti LAU may be had at the auction ' • , PRIVATE - BALE REGISTER. I ID' Deal • Estate fratersd on our Private Sale Re.' 6later ore silifertleed 000nelonelly in oar PabllO Bale Abatraets, (of Widish. 1,900 coplee are printed weekly,) tree of charge, 1 , • • - • STOCKS AND REAL - DOLTS, THIS EVENING. Pamphlet anteing-nes now , ready, containlng full de, scrlptlons of all the property to be usld This BIAA- Iog, ad November,witti n tilt of sales " DEW au/ 1 01W' November. STOOKS AND LOANS. - - - On Tuesday livening i• November 30:b. at thePhlbstelphialixelliange, as T &cloak, will be, old, for account of whom 10 tuiy CO' 0 " cern— • VA= aix per sent. Coupon Bonds of the Wyazdott Coal Company, payable Jaausry Ist, 1872, with taunt, polable half YeariY , ._ 4 i OllfCrillD 'PRIMA. RAILROAD CO, Algo t without reserve; for amount of %boon it may concern, 10 Coupon Benda,gl,oCKl each. Ohio and peon aylvanla Itallroad Bonds. due in 1816, Interest I trot' coot , payable key and November. Known ita tls Alle• ghany Bridge Lose. $12,000 WILLIAMSPORT AND %min& Binaio.6 COMPANY. Erening. SI Inst., at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, will be sold, Withullt reserve, for OCCOIIIIt Of ,wbout 14 may concern -24 Bondi, $5OO each, 191111 &import aiid Elmira BA road Company. They aro Coupon 10 per ceht. Dobria, - Interest payable let November and 11% due/ST• topam ° Lm! 4 P.1 1 . 1 4 11- ,/ I A/LawAT) BO NDS_ • 4 First Mortgage Conpori lBoeds,ll,ooo each; Lehigh Vailey Railroad Coconut,. lilile posltlre. I • ' • 2 First Mortgage Coupoq Bond., SlOOO ea c h, Lehigh riediroad Company. Sale posit ive. Also, for other imamate, LOTS IN GLENWOOD OSAINTEItT. 4 adjoining lots Glenwood. Cemetery, Tin: Noe. HO, 81, 82, and 83, section I; they, are near, the Improve meet, and eire emorall The best i i r. LOTS IN PIIILADELP IA CEMETERY. 7 lots Philadelphia Demote y, via; Sios.i 1, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, and 20, section II; two or three of them are main avenue lota. ' Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile library, and, Philadelphia Athenfeum. TUIRTEENTR, PALL PALE, TIII3 EVEN/N-0 MN Belo will include Orphans' Omni Sale. ESTATE OP WILLIAM A. BUDD, DEO'D THREE LARGE AND V*ALOADLE LOTS, AND TWO BRICK DWELLINGS, EEVENTLI STREE T ', PRIME STREET, AND PASSYUNK ROAD. Valnable lot, it W torner Primo and Seventh streets. Valuable lot ; fronting ou Prime street, and 'on Fans- Funk road. t Valuable lot, Pessyunk road. Two tbree-etory brick dwellings, Seventh street, west aide, north of Prime street. They will be sold sepa rately, See handbills and plan. Ala, by Order of Orphans' Claud. ESTATE OF JOHN FITZWATER, DEO'D. OVER SIX ACRES OP GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW—MILL AND , IdACIIINERY,I LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHAM', 'WITH. FRONT OP YOUR lIUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER' DELAWARE AT TA: CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Same Estate—TlME-STORY BRIDE DWELLING. ,Three-story back dwelling, No. 280 North Pifth,above Noble street. Same Estate—TWO BRIOK DWELLINGS. Also, Two brisk dwellings, Galen and Danosor streets, above Prince street, Kensicgton. Executor's Sale—Late Residence of Amelia Smith, ELEGANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N. by order of Executor, to close an estate, the 'valuable residence No. '23 Main street, Harlington, - N. 14, replete with modern improvements and conveniences, IS% feet front, the lot 610 feet deep to Wood street, the garden Improved with - finest fruit trees, &e. Also, a handsome residence, Wood, street, Burlington, recently occupied by iiir„ William' Illhaloner, and a lot adjoining, 60 by 160 foot. B 7 Full particulars in NEAT DWELLING, TWENTIETH STLEET.:-Three. atmq brick dwelling, No. 206 North Tweetlab gnat, between Wood and Tine streets. LOT, TWENTY-FOURTH WAAD—A. triangular lot,' fronting on Park stroet, nod the West Philadelphia Railroad, Trolly-fourth Ward, (late West Philadel phia ) TIIIIEU-STORY , DEICE: DlVELLlNCl.—Three.etory brick dwelling, No. 083 North Fifth street, above ti serge street, with frame building in the rear. VALUABLE PROPERTY 11.1011TRIKTI1 WARD. TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGSt.—Two three-story brick dwellings, one of them accept td its grocery store, Pi. E. corner of Quoins and Warren streets. FIVE DWELLINOS.—Two three-story brick," sod three throe-story frame dwellings, 8. Y., , aorner Dtike and Vienna streets. Both of the above , properticia are Insured. sad the policies are Included in the sale, FOURTEENTH PALL BALE-10TH NOVEMBER.; This sale will include among other property, the Nl lowing T TWO VALUABLE LOVE, TWENTIETH SI R EET, SPRING GARDEN STREET, NINETEENTH AND NONTERY STREET.—A ealuatielot, Al 4 E. cor ner of Twentieth and Monter; streets. ' I Valuable lot N: W, corner Nineteenth and Spring Garden streets. TAVERN AND DWELLING.—Three-fitoryi bzlck tavern and dwelling, north aide Of Hamilton, street, east of Baventeenthatteet, • . YZIOMPTOIT THREE-STORY BRICK LAGER BEER SAilo,' , l— briolr_L•parileerigaleon abtlrgrell jr; _ SIB Apple streot, between - fourth sad York Aveiro. and Brown sod Poplar s treets, THIGIE•STORY BRICK GROCERY STORE AND DIVELLING—Tbree-story ' brick egot. Store and Dweltiog. No. 814 Apple gtreot. Bale abgoluto. ' THREE-STORY UItICK DWELLING-, OGDEN ST. Threo-atory Welt dwelling, NO. 1209 Ogdun street, (north Bide) between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. HREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, /LURES BT. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 920 Sluts street, Above Poplar street. DWELLINGS, AMBER, STREET. 2 three•story brtek &Welling., Amber street, ioath or Dauphin street, (late Northern Libertles,) ; A yearly ground rent or $2O, secured by a lot of ground, North Second street, between Montgomery and, }:lm garnets. FIVTEENTII VALI. BMA-17n( NOVESIBYR Orphani' Court Pale..y.state of Bammal Aslomead, NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTH ItITREET.—The neat modern reeldenew, with book buildings, No. 412 &nth Eleventh tared, below Pine street. Sete No. MS la9ttcrebNl greet HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Tbls 3forning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 1608 street, , above Vifteeuth the household and kitchen furniture of r , lady declining housekeeping. May be esniulneit et 8 o'clock on the morning or tale. SALE OF BOOKS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. This Evening. Nov. .ti, at the auction store, an assortment of rain able miscellaneous works, a portion from a library. For particulars; lee catalogues. Fele Mot. ISO wad. 141. Rath Y0w1.% ntem. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, YIN) MIRRORS, RO3R• WOOD PIANO.YORTE, VELVET OARPSITS, La. On InlandAt !darning, At 10 o'elook, at the Auction Store, a largo and rope. nor assortment of socond- hand furniture, mirrors, car , pets. pzino-forte, from families declining house keeping. 'tsurraton BAGATELLI TABLE Ac. Alto, a Rupert. walnut bagatelle Biblo, with balls spd cues completa.l Also, *aural oak and walnut Deice desks and tablet. Pule No. 122 Spruce street. SUPERIOR NURNITURE, lIRUSSELS CARPETS, PIANO-FORTE, MIRRORS, PINE ENGLISII OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, CURTAINS, RANI/SOUK GAS CIIANDELIEItS , Ac., dm. On 'Pride), !doming, 13th Inst., et 10 o'clock, by catalogue at No t 124 Spruce street, below Thirteenth, the entire household furniture, kr., of gentlemen declining housekeeping. Slay be °imolai:4 et 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Bale No. 1017 Walnut atteet. STOOK OF SUFI:DIOR rURNITIM: On Monday awning, • Nov. 16111, at 10 o'clock, at No. 10.17 Walnut street, wttitout reserve, the entire stock of John Duress, de clining bush:teas on account of 11l health, comprising a general assortment of drawing-room furniture, 'rad on, styles and coverings, superior chamber and dining room furniture, superior book-cases, he„ko., all manu factured iu the beat manner, expreasly fur private nales, and warranted. 11.7 - Catalogues three days previous to sale. lATOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, T 431 011ESTMIT Street,. oppoette the Clutha! 110%160. between Vont% athi Fifth Streets OA.RD.--ITe incite the particular ettentiou of pur chasers to the large and elegant sasortmeat fashionable furs foiladies" and gout's wear, to ho sold this (Tues day) meriting, commencing at 3U3 o'clock. The:whole, embracing about 20Q lots, era new arranged for enrol nation with catiloguei, 'BEF,C.TAL SALE OF FURS. This Morning, Commencing at lb o'clock precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, for cub, a consignment of furs for Ladies and gout's went; ,sleigh and carriage robes, ,ke. eon slathig of muffs, pelermus, capes, victorious, gloves, sleigh and carriage robes, &c., of the latest style, mode of 'exult sable, ermine, atone martin, Birch, Hudson flay Company's squirrel sable, chluchilli, bearer, fog, neuter, &e, The special attention of ladies and gen tlemen is Invited, The whole may be examined with catalogues early on the morning of sale. rkitEkiPTORY t3ALE OW Ati T,LEGANT ASsonT- • -- lIENT OF FUNS, Wednesday past, 4th Inst., Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, for cash, an elegant assortment of choice and destrable furs for lance, gent's, and misses' year, comprising =Aril, pelerlnes, lactormes, capes, gaunt lets, gloves. cape, ha,. made in the beat manner. of er mina, stone martin, Bohemian filch, chiachiili l squir rel, mynx sable, din., he. VULCANIZED 11111113Elt COAT% , Also, 750 brit quality vulcanized rubbereanti. EMUROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS Also, a general araortmont of Cimino emlirolderien, linen handkerchiefs, bonnet and trimming ribbons, silk Moog, gimps, Meer, Fro. Also, rronch artißciale, ortrich tips, Lc. Moo, laittiraallk and satin bonnets, Tidily trimmed. 'WOOLLEN tiOODS.. Also, an assortment of superior Germantown. knit goods, such en men's and women's hosiery, lamb's stool and merino ablate and drawers, boys and children s hose, wool mitts and gloves, scarfs, cravats, hoods, wooelliawls, palatines, An. LADIES' CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, DUSTERS, is Also, a flow of ladlest.cloth cloak, mantillas, tolmas, dusters, &0,, made In the most fashionable style, nobly ellk lined, gnu ted and trimmed.• • NOTIOE.—The whole embracing IS choice assortment of staple and fancy goods, will bo arranged for examina tion, with catalogue, early on the morning of aala, when purchasers will rind it to their interest to attend. TAKE NOTICE. housekeepers end heeds of faratlieawisiting FLAVORING ESSENORS, SPICES. of any sort, CONOENTRATED LEY, BURNING FLUID, CREAM OF TARTAR, , RARINO SObA, wall Lmentin, OLIVE OIL, • 'INDIGO, and SAOO, pith any other goods In That line, may procure thew in any quantity desired, at less than psokeire prices, st the Wholesale Prug 'aqui, No. 1.61 N. THIRD Street, above Arch. Mgt* of the OOLD RN EAGLE AND MORTAR.oc2OIw , , E. Si B. SCHELL'S " OWK btAlusLm WORKS AND mum limiTrat FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, B. OORNNK OP TINTO' AND , FIND STRUTS, PLULADELPHIA, Where eTeryniiety of MARBLE MAN TFILS,TO*BS,' gornigurms, TABLE TORE and FLOORINO . . ittOplied upon reasonable Wins. tun, COTTON -200 bales good Mlddlltig Idld. Clog Pslr Cotton LI) store and for sale by it&liTIN & MAOALISTBR, aal 119 Huta Water stmt. +-• M!Me=:l I t 1 11 i Satz* , bD' %intim TAmNs_.A.. FILEEMAN, AUCTIONEER, fio. 41.141,WILLICUT mum &ban FOURTH. owp-seta 02 I.I.OVEgOLD Err W e beg Lulu to Worm the 'Subtle that we boll owr papaw steeply Wes of lornstury *fluor uesdsy, it our PAOIOUS BALES 1100*, O. flet WAISCT BYRNES, !hero eyery tioulblo attention Is grata to ob.' tolls thtilligheat prtbeifos the goods n 1 theta who nay favor us with consignments. Yamaha blahs, portions of their furniture to Aker" ob hit-throe itoclialug /100.3- , heaping and not withing mapa et their, ow, dwelling,: sou Mese theta furniture °Ann:I4yRIXOTED TO OUR 9/liliti3 noomovimm TART WILL REALI2.II IEITLR YROJR9 FOR ,Thlraft FURNITURE YUAN / 1 "Y o ti onYAIN lIOhI ANY OP TRY. YURNI ?URN bit Artus OR .ANY OlgibatAgonom BTORB IN TON OIT Y. ' / iCr" liereous ran/ring im with eorsitirmepU east rest uttered thattheir property witi not be aterifleed. try- Oommlseloue more moderato thou three charged by any p other Auction Rona* in The eity , Qomignmenta reetililty Moneta,. ,Sales lemisgtheeir atter the Ruda Ire sold. • RSAL ESTATE SALE, Nuystisza, Tills sale will Include— Otithinne' Court Salc—kcce,,, o r W. A. 0 . TWO-STORY BRIGS,. HOUSE AID LOT, I'INELYT.LI STRY.ST. two-story brick bows and lot of tricini, wont sits of Twelfth street Vci foot &bora Colli m bl4. aTCII4O, IB foot front, nod ILI feet doop, to Sr (set 'street, kid nrotind tea- --' o r ph.l omit; issti—liotate of Chi. 8Y 0 4430r1. Deed. 11/01JOXS AtiID,LOT OF OILOVNY., DREAD _.._--- kW ?RA LA NK: A lot orgroonalrith the' itu , oo houses thereon eroded, S. W. corner of Breed street 'and' Ifetter Lone, 40 feet by 43 feet $lBB ground rent. same 1:17. po uck old to , !lipoid no eeleti Of the abort; ehen . ' ele 11 str f uteA.T. xsTATA , BALM—NOY - Mina iota. RIM Os will Jacinth,— vrpheth' Court Ileds-.Deteto pt Patrick Ainlth, Deed TIIREE'IIO74II2I4,ItD "LO T alj OROITINW, roars • - • ' • ' /MOND STRUT. Throe thrsoktary kick &Mail 4314 tat, at wound. eutsid• of *mod street) foot milt Jima Master atraat, /0 toot ' (mitt 004 100, rant deep. " rant Orphans Coin&lo.-gannt Extol. • • FLY& glolagill AND ,LOT. WASUINDTO. 13111.1=1, HOSINGTOX. • • • A lot or ground with roar threw-atom Dom bomb* thereon, Not olds f or 'Molting s 10 root obovo atoSter, 12 (at groat god 121 foot deep.* ptalllp stmt.. WO groan& rent. I • 'Orpboul , Court gald-..trototo of AlarmLlT, Doe& TAI/11121 ISTAND; . -Mortg SECOND, Aso RACE. . three -storT bask twoorn stoma saillw Mg, tw sto7 brlok book WWl:lend lot of ground, On theorist lido of *mond attest, betworn 111:o mut Vino; streets, 1 7 feet front, And ettending d•` •R 40 teat Iljg inches,' then borrowing to gtX teat. uod'ortonding the farther d.pthit r.,t tzar,. nuking, in %lOW Colt oloor st sit lneatribroneor. • fEr 1,50 to be paid on each of the above :when the, aeon to skulk off. Ebtle at 422 Walnut street above Fourth. STOCK 07 OSNTLEMEN'd FPLN1..91113i9 GOODS. This Morning, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, at the auetiorJsteri, the i remaining stock of a ,patlenles'a lb ng rime, comprising a general amortment ot gooda I that line,: many et width are Very superior Included etpan t sire caahmera *mists; first quality bordello loath* drirlem gauntlet gloves; for dm lad and silk ct; stock. , loge; underclothing, and every VSZLIti o f es artmlos. 110CBE1IOLD YIIRSITI.IIIV., caapgrs, lISDS, lee. Mao, large assortment of good seeond-hand fare!- , tore, carpets, hada, &c., to be sold by ordei of axons tors. TO RENT. • Dor A three.itory Brisk Dwollinir, with 100-irtio7 kith hack building. 196 North Ninth ohliet. aka* Wool attest. Rot:414000o ammo. Apply 4 the Ana tlon e!.oro. AT PRIVATR BALI. A enrt-oloso Mating oMoci, with o good it of biol. iweao, &or priAllog prows, two Routes iota oha Adams Tribe adA eyerythlog noosooory for thobiodolo. thd Auction Store. VIOSES NA TRANS,AUOTIINEER FAL AND COMMISSION MUOILANTe 8. . NNW , SIXTH andILICS Streete. l ! t 1 . • AT PRIVATg SALH,GoId and altiar PO op "ATI Iteglish, Swiss, and Brunel' witehes,,Jewelry, of every description, magical Instrnmente, ke &e.. • - AT PRIVATIL BALB—Arninged on rea d floor, household furniture, of every description,A, mat tresam, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy aes, ke., Ac., &a. Out-door sale' attended to personally by th,_ Auction ear. Marge. Tory low. - Ccostplcouida of clothing, jewslm &0., &e., solicited. NATHAN'SPRINOLVAI, LOAN OlfrOil, • • S. N. Corner of aidttb and Baca Where Money wil below:tad ongold and ci r plate Watches, Jewelry; Diasionds; Clothing, Goode, Orooerlea, Bogue, Hardwires, Cutlery, POW ding, Horses, Vehicle., DArnsise, and Pen Wee of nine for any length of Oa" agreed on ea satiefactory and liberal tenni than at any nth r Mob- , lishmimt. r H. RAT ANS, ATHAN% great sale of .70STRITED' P 8 VIP Bob. place fn a few days . , ,ta e K44* be en. • , IB great iMin of forfeited .Ifatches, , PlitehroMushial Hotta:mei, &e., trllt *WU.' abortly. Due notice will be Ores. ' t . grestsale of Dry Gooflei, Gletkitdi, ke:; being forfeited ecirlaterals, will take Dee notice will be given. • 'AT• PRIVATE BALD, AT UAL?' THE L SELLING .PNlCllS.—Detible-teittoined and outi . 'cold gbiel patent lever watches', of the t Ap proved`tockem hunting vise auid optri f4ejolt treuspe tu na laver arid lepiaa witottet; fun itor _ - gold enameled lever sad l . piae watches tar halgold Jewelry of every description; silver, Itrsop lip trying, watches; In bunting msee had open face; Pilver Bilis, and linnets watches; A general kisortm of triz niter., beds mattresses, mirrorsAto. 14 OUT-Doo ' ll. fl Lv , l 110,Lioiy,sof 1414 W to ital the Mies; lon%, „ Carialgatuentii ever] description It goods ;;cited for public or private vale. • • • • ••, MON&V ADVANCIiD on all and twerp kind 110014. for public or priests see, or to. be ,held fob mit time. Charges ' • ' ' -I " . . . iI4UEL NA.THANS; AtIOTIO ELER,, snit AIONn .CMlliae r a•-tia swath • THAD 'street, tido* Walnut, oppoatte pan . ~opts sight doors bellow the E ' xchan'ge. Ileum oftetsincas from I delude,. A, ell LP o'clock In tha evening. . . • Outdoor sales, and sales at the Sinatimo Hdue, at. tended, upon the moot satlsfootory terms. CAPITAL •1000,000. • I .ffstAtiraldfor ate hest Thirty Trani. Advances seeds from one dotter to thousands .Diu r mends, Silver Plate, Watches, yewolrg, Nand, , )for" chandise, Clothlng, Pathan., Bedding, cigars Instromoote, Ones, norsee, Carriages, and of ovary description. , • ,• , fill goods eon 'math &of , length of time agreed All advances, from one hundred do ll ars mat n wards 1/111.14 'hared 21por boot. par month; POO otter, the Theriot socket tote. This Store limns having m depth of 129 eat, h WA* (health thief-prootomdts to store all valtiables, sate wstelamen for the promisee; goy, a 1, loan ranee effected for the benefit of all persona l's good; advanced upon N. B.—On &accent of having ad" unlimited pita, this Mee is ropersd to mike aktrascos on too esti& this factory cut ressomodoting terms Shoo :sty o Is Cikr. • • • Metier advanced to the poor, In small eollttnet la th eat any chant. .. . AT TRiMATII BALL bold Talent Lever sal other .Watchrwl Jrne • Clothing will be sold at reduced prises. 4 TOUN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEBBLN . 825 • ARCH Street, between Third arid Fourth S HU. BAUM .141+IttY HYMNING, at 7 o'clock Of Boots, Shoal, iffardware, Cutlery, We , law airy, Hordery, Wide, Trunks, Fancy Geode, . toms N. IL—Oat-door salsa attended to All, goods mid at the Auction Hour. packed. . , , , odd -1m ----- - GFORGE W.' 'SMITH .ARCTIQ ER N, coma BARRON . Art soma Streets above Second. EVENING BALER. EVERY SATURDAY IMMO • At o'clock, at the Auction Stove, 91liszc, - Cat levy, lioneakeepsne Attlatee,,Olotlung, Watches,ewe r!, Fancy Articles, &e, • &ass anb (Vilna ilDarr. i "NEW STORE. • NEW GOODS. HARXEIN & WITTE. ! • MASONIC ATAAL, 113 clissrivur xivhe Now os neap a i Complete and splendid assortment of WIIITYIoGOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA; DOHS MIAN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED GLASsWARE; DISC, TAMAN, LAVA, end T.ERRA COTTA WARES, Geddes the greatest variety of YANOT ARTICLES, which will be aold at lower price, than at any egrallar store la the United States, N. B.—Goods loaned to Partite on ;el terns insurance Qlatnianies", 1 COMMONWEALTH CE COMPANY, OP TUN ISTA.ThOIf PENNSYVirk• W, Canter. 'SOMME{ and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia .Bnbenribed Capital, 100,000, Paid-up Capital, t 200.060. 'Dian 'JAYNE, IL rt., Prealdeo. THOMAS S. STNWAILT, 'lee Preen. .13Axtrit. S. MooS, BoaetA l 7. ant-7J irIIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INUR -11....• ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Omoe, No 102 W MAWR street, - west 01 THIRD I "PIGS RISKS ONLY LAKIN." DIVIOTOIS. Wm. If. Swain, Jer. Walker, . 1 Jobp'Anspach, Jr., /no. lacOlure,. I If. N. Burroughs, Tbo. Unseen,, J. 11.11ogher, A. 8. Gillett, : P. D. Sherman, Furman Sheppard . N. Wm. P. Hacker, Rawl. Jones, Al D. , J. P. Steiner, Joseph Klapp, AL D. IL A. Shackelford, Lion, 40SL JONES, President.' Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. ' Jiro 9 MONIILLIN, Socrital. JAXIIII R. At.rnan, Assistant Secretary =no2-801-11 L'OR SHERIFF, UMW ARD T. MOTT, . TWELFTM WARD elnInCY TO DISOORATIO atTLIC OCI6-21:01, ITAE UNDERSIGNED RAVE THIS pAY Jt.. entered Into s Copartnership under the Paine of HOLMES & CO., (or the manufacturing of all kinds of !lacy and common Soaps, at No. 23 north WATER St A. F. 110LAINS, Oct. 20th, HAL 0. V. BJIEOII. 0c2.1.2w OCEAN SOAP MANUFACTORY. ' TIOLMSS & CO., having purchased the above storks from Lebrecht iranks, are prepared to receive oriers for all kinds of fancy and commosi Beeps, Alt orders executed wAh punctuality and despatch, at the very lowest prices, for cash. . oe2l-42x* 4AVING EfrNi).--trNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets., Large and mall ennui received, and paid back on de- Inand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST born thd day of deposit to the day or withdraws'. 0910 a hour*, from 9 onta S o'clock every day, and on MONDAY Is'VENINOS from 7 until Y o'clock. lillaßTB for male on Ragland, Ireland, and Scotland, train .C 1 upwards. Prealdent—STEPlTEN R. ORRWFORD. • . Treaastor—PLlNY PIPE. Teller—JAMES R. DENTED. salT4yll" 11 W. TINGLE Y & CO., RAN: LIN N o , 37 south TIMID Street, PtillsslsilobinJ COLLECTIONS promptly mule on ellantenglpie pbiny In the United States liml Canada. •• "' 11 Stoclu, Bonds, deo., Bought and Bold ea Bakal trneurrent Bank Notes, Checks, &,e., bought el the lowest rates, , , , , • , - , . . . - Deposit* repaired awl latereet allowed, se pee wee bey 2-3pe REITER _TER St SCOTT G LE ENT WM% EURNISHING STORE, , and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No: 190 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attentien ofloutheni and Western ?geminate, and Strangers, la Itediteraerly Invited to this. improved cut of Shirt*, the most perfect fitting mutt's]. made. At whet er isle and lOW, sad made to order. . so6-11rit' WALL PAPER.-- WALL PAPER.— , LARGE STOCK C.HEA.t• PRTOL4 TO SUIT THE TIMES. Now Is your durum San 26 prrotut.• Work done pt the Overt rater, • N. S. eoluer of air= ARCH • ce3l-Iw* • J.' V: Irearrta CILENWOOD CEMETERY ornoE, NO VI us want , St., below PITT% or UV r;. afY 1 ~ i political I , 1 ,ii. .. 1 ,:., , lt .... i Al3lll UN MASONIC FEMALE Mascot J. DAJUIT, ♦. X., Prodded, Letterer as Natural Moan— - w u: O. IL Prix Aipai, riaeue to au ur. Oi CRIMPL.D, A. 11., TlPLatti in tie Cal la/Oats Digarta,M. ' • hVal4 hia , l.ll.l2Bll3olll,Torthar to Prizary Depart anat. Jetia A. of liasie. Mrs JULIA: P. Akin ; Saarlir of Dravin; ani Paint*. Tba aeolion at Vela lastitatlas esauraaNd. as tls XOND.LY,ia ,October, mad mill °win.. ataa fad a Val' umpthii, ' YES 1$1: 'Mary Department, Viti; Intarmwdiala Depart:sant, MO; Catt Dpairtaiwart, ISO; Incidental ria, V; Graanthon $5; Mule on pimp or Guitar, $52; U wit of Itneantitent SS; Pend! or Monochromatic Draw ing, $B3 ; Water Color Painting, $5O; ozi Painting, fitai Preach and latin , siach.,=o. The tuition Amy mut be mettle& Wore any Pupil TIM bit tutorial. • Board can b obtalsed fa private fiaralea par smant.la t isehiSlog vaststreg. 'wood, Wad tiatta n. Isatitskiikaa pommy aotraatadas for illoat'atica in gatora4 Win* Oil OW to Om* al Aar ariltar on. in ett 154ari• u 12.2 t ta'oelosoit, la soy fa=af• &Loot. ifiote oesopletb Clketiiioal sad Philosaph;ml dY modes, sot a awe ertimati• Cabtaat for ilzustrawas aL bUaebS4l Of Natural lifistory. !Casa =SW are is daily one. • ' Alt the College linAldbars ore andafgoics repairs, Metand linryibillt will' be made as teal as yoa a_ _,..exttazials as .1144167 Ythere is any neeoss:ty Le. renthi not bw - Asaliftlar, alder pu. people aSon.l.l ".er TheVeltt i nVinYPi nc i l b. 14 1130 en•dre eonwor or the tnstantioNonot any inqatlies either of them will meet with prompt attention. N. B —Penman wishing water, walls, or ors may hot* it dam by Netling to oe 27-tf Professor Y. DaBBT. „ Tdshoet /MAUI 9.1111 N AR T .—THE Tear, sereeittise at two Tamer will t , c`=• mouse pa the asco‘D StiltDattbalY d Sevtar....bar, led doss the lad iroifssaisy of Jan reihmit-S. ' - Nonni Close, Troy Vowels Ssatiaary—Taltion frac Minter Term etratererotire iknotadaior . .2,llo , thre tar Ultimo out boor& lastalleg 1 S. elaoStle. altd it, lath as rank mut_ esehx.4, ft el; - it t r ; 'ere, P.M per 'aims. La 14Atitosal =mad fur *Add sal the other serre--restel toy./ 4{ozuthkedicatito.. 'Whores tied sr= is pie 4240 fir • SUMO icete.hall payable at the toarttoal doalleal Sash Waal Ira le resorted, 8.1 for the folpit eirtitlid to all the adraateges Of the Usti. alfic - 0 4 , 01 SOS af term. &Li az* al to pap poly Ism i time Glut:inapt*. 'lnstitution fdruftliedall posals facilities be a %awl" ortirsio at **fel and ornamental education. The potapala Atit.s.Wect *taws than Sweaty Pro. Neap ast3 'Nathan. - ihtfitsit,TS cbstrsea4 Laciness are aaaaally delttamt bf PagrelietadarOltsmuatty, flatten/ PltilpaalAT, G• 4O- ey. Botany, antronceny, and Itociarmita • Thus Inatitutioa in candallad teas! a minable Library and eatimaive Pfillocaptdeal isigaraitaa• a welleclectol cabinet of Minerals ;and Paella sued Yap, Charts, Globes, mad Model& ' • • • lisiny facility la Adortott 'tot Out Mama& ttzly of the Tra - tcli Ur-pi/XL The, ?Rock titackatc reaida is licar trolly, and adapt their 'ldeas of laattactica to the He of fhb Ackstorb to toorroratUon. DIPLOILtd.hto olitcalod to young ladies who bars tatistaatoo,lascatutSola rut the toll coarse a 'ittaled,` with Utica, or olio of the maim langsairtri: OrtITIVICATES to Mom Who ham. roc, SOMA tbs portal conser. PaPIU Iv MA iato the family& the Prin pata, artlek ory anaagaroaot L nada for thtar physteaVolliralloa; acid the hogrovroatat of their wa g:ars led caocalo. 7hey oreopr Wrote moat, two is Mk the ?POOP d the ((Mae lichthara sect that of as 12 erlaciecci, aurae bolas . action those al tie 'vein The ssissataires of this Institutloo Ire the result of the , sicotiewitated fiseallies el ben elm 'kitty Tsars of AA orisreeit I:swam qtrecifineeoehilisiog isierispeetieoler Istossestioo beehtetted by appliaLeki to %Le Vstatipsls, John IL WO lea am Bmab LAVLIIsod, Troy, 11 Y. l'he Pt?" 41 */ to , per queer for th e 3itiodoclosi 4141 of &witch 4iktfas. _These ars Re Ki ll*, 4reittok, tretlll4, Grammar, Aritheeetie, Nadi -moat at : 114Surrapli . t for' boatmen, lux! YorW liaalarf,bnimittra. • mogul flamers gam tw. Oki leeledes all the trandess emostitailsig the extensive mane et Eng .- Itch mndief. BZ• - • - ,rntatin. .NJAMI mezdaei.L. Pt. &M. ' Jots 11. Wa..t..exp,Ser.rete.7. Mayer sad teettrynd ex-eario. Beepeutie Marshall; • John D. Wilard, bitrtAD. 541.104,14... Bletatord., Jams C :hear, • Mee now Jl3 elloattioveze,' :Jeigkeir.F.4irerdj, Geo. B. its:reelp I ' 'Monne Closes, ,'John A. arjtpolig,. Jahsr Italltry. ITrj Gilbert. - • - • oft truinif 44 61, <D31.4bA.X.<4 1 ,14,1 iO.POBIES. huINWAY: & MSS, u AliD as Icssama srazsz, ' ',TRW TORAT,, Rokioettiolsotioicutgiustifriir sandals in calnprtl lisa. with thy Inft ass tinst.flosaanc,lran Yot`i, + , '1140 -VIM' PlilMlittial 4 ilia iiistropolitsn Nnir, - .WaShingidnY liacrls; MS: - A GOLD linpAla e; Oa Crystal Palsae,Ven York, Aida Irt Noreßper. 3n the lanais years 44, ening the ant j Goisi Waal e'en for .thi 001,12 lgarsaleaf the Matzland Institute, Heti- PioVhAPI i • • FRE FIRST PRIZE SIED/E at Ow Tar, Cues! ?Ova. TwkgragotArile46. *Jong ta• jam verb are ( zis lau.aw talent or tuantry, sash as IL WOrtoiltsupt; - aa4.l.laar others. St. ay* , Naos tirfa. sad withats; Erect Femmes) are FhP , lntscl- ler Litres yno sad a vAtteto p.oust m.. 'lliattbs Schad Ma rp, i, thOped mit.l.oati charge. rice* wode " " 'oat- st O. FORTE MAANFACTUREA.N.I.I47test thready+ Ne. Tort, , soie scutratartaret — or th e eabilsrated.r Plano. The subscriber would inform Its - terserows trdrAda t exelfwatenears Ott babas treitly enlarged It s manetsehatuo dspartsaent, in alder Wawa the ineceass ld demand fbr his noritelleel Planes. mad LI OTIM7 plane. 'especiittlyieas tad emelt, personally ariperinterAoi by The subscriber. the public will be warranted an in 11'4_14°1"M/4A, /Gr bum,. th..rdreagth, sat d arability, P+Yrr stsepites ur laze sad ;ranch, elands unto r. passed.-- £m? Verso fold *tree loyat nasal ecru rent laie+a - , :Neale ienegaittully soiled ltd. • ' cre29- -:* `4l,lVSTllimeous. tip FIVE 'Ok 'THE COMMERCIALMir v Ets.titarsei coin.A.NT, -003110181111. L SCILDING., • : Hu, SA. ttlut bfrif.ll4l4.ll( fireßtr. •h'Sw Ttsut. July. M, IEtST. • eistaintetty to tbs ebsrtet ci the Company, sabitat felfeeftat ststansest of Its altsirs GO WO 30th a Jas,4, lail . • Pessstaistos. sotatssollsit !obi Joao, =3,613 IS Premium, received lon e; , thy year elate; MI Jilt*, ' V 53,122 31 Totil'imotaa; • " $215,14a 14 (No' Ppllcies has bean David wpm , * Ere ALAI dbamocted *4th Mezfae i t ia..) Pramitims umere4 off 93 ea=sed foe the Jest gateig rtlt Intre,l33T 37-19=4 36 • • :1 : • Inosts and 1417 $570,09613 _ _ .4ssts +Flews. Return 4ceccuazas.... Reiman sees ' Sus sas SO :the Assets el the Crapszy at the 3Oth Jece,l6sT, were as follows :' Notes In &Oasts of Preudeies ' MA SO tressioas Notesead 5i1d,164 13 Lears as Stocks, Sacks sal other Semi ' titirSalre.oom3 VA:4I:IIPLMIC* Claims . Cteh 83 &mks: - Total Assell4 1 719.2541 The Board of 'Goateed hove this say rewired, that as an interest on the Ott Vim CIXT. Cal the outstanding Scrip. of the Company, Do paid fn cash to the holders thereof. or their legal representatives, on and after TUEBDAT. the 11th of dtgnst nest The Board h ire also declared a Scrip Dividend of Trs Per Can. on the net earned Premium of the Company far theyear eading.,lith June, 1361. for erbkh eertifi cotes rill he Lisued on and after T UT.SDAT. the 11th of intirt cert. By order . of the Beard, HANBY D. TUNG, liserotary. TB 1.75 liern*TV. 'Barstow, James 0. 8.41. ' Charles L. Yopst, . (leo. It. Idorwsresal, Shepard oav,Jy, Ckarlat Corow, ' • Cepbas 8. Norton; Robert R. Dodd', coiobrc, R. Ti 11011163, 'rhos D Coda/mg - ton, Moses Taylor, ,Coroiag, James W.' Ptllips, 'John Q. rnrill.l39, walla= Broths, Louis B. Follows, H Nowell, Jacob A. Corey, Ulster Wetmore , Charles P. )f'r ks, EX'S. Josiah 0. TAW, Stephen D. Benison, `4 WD= A. Age, J 191611. Adams., John B Seaman, Charles W. Blossom, Anson G. Phelps, Eduard Se., out a, John P. Clerk, James EL Balton!, My E. Everett, Schuyler Livingston, Wislono T. Prot, Wiilliam B Xtrklezol, Henry A. Ileiser, Worn D. Crocker, John C Jackson, Joseph P. Nevsno, Wm. W. T. Greenerey, Pro-43ent. , Vico-President DAV 6 DRAKE to2•Gm - ADRIAN D. 110 LONGWORTII's OHIO WINES. • a IiNEEIL AGENCY YOE ALL THE STATES. 'TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. ay a epeeist arrangetneest with Me. LUNGWOATH, I am enabled to otter Ids Wince. In large quantit,es, upon the lowest and hest terms. The Ifeces to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual U1t41:13 of convey ance (railroni or tteuntoat) direct to the rarehater ; by winch the expenses of storage. commissions, doable freight, etc ;wll/ be avoided. ;lip orders under this arrangement will be forwarded forleos than twenty-Hee cams. All orders mutt be directed only to FEED. S. COZZENS, TS WARREN Street, Now Toss. Dr the present arrangement a handsome profit on these wines can be matte by the whole.te dealer.. - Operating Catawba, vintage 1863, quarts. Do do. do do pints. do do 1852 quarts. Do do de do pints. 888 Catawba, vintage 1852. tsusrts. Do do extra, vintage ISL 2, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Still Catawba, In rests, of various quaLities. Catawba Brsndy, of superior quality. IRLD. S. COZZABS, General Agent for the rale of S. Lougwarthta Wines. 78 WARBItIi sTREEr, (opposite Hudson River Railroad Depot,) nod -dot K N GSFORD & SON'S PURE '.oSWEGO STAReII (tir the laundry) has estab fixned f rester eetebrit}ihen hes ever been obtained by toiy other Starch. Tine has been the resqlt of Its matted sopeef on ty in quality, and i ts inyariabla tthifortuity. The TWlelle'enke ba asswireint the oontin.nce of the hick standard now ettabiished The product&an is over 20 tons daily, at.i the demand itaS eXtundsd.,throughout the whole Vartsit Stares, and to forSigin countries. " -.Working thus on every large scale, and under a rigid system, they aro able to secure ► perfect uniformity in the in quslity throughout the year. This. is the greet de s deraturnat-arch-making, and is realised now for the fitutiirne The Teti best Starch that realm outdo, ants coo oth, le always wanted by consumers, and this will 18) ettp plied to them by the Orceere as soon Lather= customer, have learned which is the hest, and ask t o k Ishii they would be likely to get that article on which the largest profit can be roads. ' Kingsford has been engaged in the rosaufectare of :Starch continuously for the lest 27 years, pod daring the iklitnia of the wind the *IWO* made anderhis super vision has been, beyond ILO cputlos, the best In the market. For the drat 17 years be bed charge or the works of Wm. Cotgatre Co., at which period be in vented the promo of the ramiateeture of Corn Shwa. Ask tot EltieSivittos sTASCH, a. the tuna Oswego bet recently been taken by another binary It Is sold by ell the beet grocers In nearly every pert of the country. • • T. KINGSFORD th SON'S OSWNGO CORN srksca Pud4U4sr he,) hag obtained an equal wlebrity with their Starch tot the, laundry. this artiele is tort tectly pare, and I,s suety resPeet, Nall to the WA Ditetorialc hyrper 04 beak ee baring additional tiieslithlth render ipStritheable tor. the &Pert. Potato , Starch ba4 **/1 ,e-Tkotatrely puked and told u Corn Stints, kid has given false Impraitsiou to many as bathe zeal merits Wieser Corm ttfutg. - From its great delicacy and parity, it is coming also Into general ue as a diet for infanta and invalids g. N. ENT,LIINIG tr. CO., Agents, 186 lIILTON siren, N. T,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers