, ,'-'• " - T - -- - 1 : . --- t . : I : 4 , 17 1 . , 71 Rs, -Ansa. ,. ...,m411,., ... ST IPS AutOAti•-or sitraisrHmisilltAiao . -Km - :.-iii o. 1 ,:.Si ',;Y eif-:-., ii,, ,, ,,.. , ,', 1,1 '', , , ,;, ,1; '. .• f ',;) rOONTINtriO.I„ .', r**:oo4o. or o.4iol*.ii Pi EWE' . ~,sit4easi) wtweintoldetedmate and gaisty-tharonlythappineis. oft lift.' -Parties . at illeffohrtlf abOilf-kOtka.**,*adiSl;bes-.cainasniatie inot a tithaortnirstUwe fell-, bee u**l4 mmabo, t„i,.."Mr - Aflnit, .1 1 ,4'.Mt --...t4 , -; , -J los - P.ll , t t 13 t:t tiq , , :e.y.: :- ', tl v. ; 4 .A 04InTet:140 't et am earkbouhl . whin, she: 1 ,4 4 i - morlikety - Ationfetber CidteiVeitifF: cesisr eallt*,44/.44-AM440 1- 4,6147;"-ial gaid'addiaitiS,. ai IlistAt:7AWAa i and,4ftee grietisig:Frattraq ahe phusedler bands ott hef lace, and buret ititeldfter teatil., - . '-, 3, '' ''':.,' ' - ' - ' 2 • taxy,ileVittfiltilt , :itsloA i ot was for tlin tptulPOSe iit-seelittinyAltd l tYL,l, 7-hYI ...., L. ...-ri,,, slotseilltkekt.kilatititUdy.iiierfortodoloiman , daring what she . couldratt%and wished the, vibt ivOYe'''#llll 144ke oSit,VOltld'bko"4;. she' AiOliAvOtikokiiko t bikit l / 4 140 raorif lug, and had come upon a painting andAwo dratti nOp r ' 4 o -1 0,91-0 - Z1 61 4#1, "i/eli Onb - sir littattlae.,, . 4 , 'IC., ,", iporner, ~E40 1. ,04 1- 4 601.1-...,liancesched-Istried!tbom downiin herhandi^and,Wlhein al4VO' 001 wiki4 9 10 .1 !5A# 1 9. 1 40: 11 00 4 , n 4a, 1 instead: ' ' - . .".c,, k),.---d,0.:_., "These are poor Ellen's--" e 5,91. 1. Ne t t Hrs. LeicestkWisluieeYafill : bilta:, ..,1' he did, . theiraWi_lillYett4 3 eiotlli whalfueo.Rent: ant but: ' MotliklSSO able. Wquid you IniadAltufg inif r ofie. p r o llm l, Tillantitk-,Tki.01 111 .0 0 :11%,' 04 itilk . l4o, 9v.ii v nith4..,! , :,:., _:. ,,...,,_. . di Aliiiato t.:11 , 111 all, dear atm. Leleostor."- "lilakS.A..thatitirdo l l4l lo loo l . ll l o 4^ Ca& - taltiei r h ' 1/';y l . : A_A ti-IndaedkuoPtaiswalsti , FranCesosith lil.g eXCUMBIV*,O4ICOr k*.p4410,10:0,1, Mn dePhidlielliturnelthvyviMitetAlMMajocotheyr, werezdone•-amimasOdahts*--out op Orr obi Intaberblnietthittiiibraingla o - 4 0,4 ' 7 ' -04,bellOtt4VeltAi1444181404; fantWAVAtith430011101441 1, 0. 0 1.0bit a poor dis,ml itkicionplitheutsliqW," ithe`Mar= Inlit00 1 "iir100 00 .5*1 6 , 1 1 61 1001ti i i0 44' thatyo Oititigiiitil'et *lsha , Plir your.-Aappt., nessaskaincorelp as:Lidsitedilt-rof my -'-owlil child.. May you and Ms.. Castonof biliaPPY." About this time,runnwa..! ,legan to be clren latediaßlVl4.o Ps. AtentlaW.wbo"; waSISOSIWs4 Paatiaala lira', rabotitto'rtu , tannt, ~,.L:i 4i, ,i.'l.E} - .C , 77 , 7.rqi , - - 17: 7 12.•,... , 7 , 1'...7X .1 . / . , 1' , colon hadietter mind. ; your p's and ` cried old Flock4We Unorolsy, to Mr. Rice. of 'Poly*** Ahate, Alas- -ii" making - wtrgbrair h*uhiatki*af ? 'biet.l4 that` l e l b‘kiffibitel."l#4*R.e°: ~‘ A. .:-; 'oliow so?" demandedtho assistantanigeon, willa4l oo lVVOUtoaßar.ACMlO.PabOiben Kr. - lisi „Was fit - 0,1„,.`,1,4*. - Valtduot is Wed „i ;; ..., :,,. ,•I -. -.0 ).;,-.- .: :L f.) ,, , , :f •11 . , !,./ - , g4Aoa,ll6l)ther fillYV`111)711011314 0/1/100 . 4WW*101 1 **tiktill idgp►ile_ "ffeaticiag.tiobadrotCnisoselittit,ao:lnia Ink fUlt swing.tillequit lotikitta•Otopoi slid Youq ,l4 , o 4)''AeivitlAt#,,,YP P.*, twitlAlk At i ,lloolk4C,—, ... , 1 ~„ ii ,41PPROP , 6 -1 r l lloollllol4Mialtor ihena!'- “Tbere'll - be - more tailstret.nue_than..th i S (I k i gic - f#7 lo ;# l lkrtlr.t. ?."Al ~ .1 1 , . i ra); , - daW, Fs! Laftt.4%l lo o.arbitlbayellla a. - I Throne** wiin*tid kirtinOind I lltrilAil‘t And his - "O . Othiiitatttigiciu*.^o -1 _4 6,04 " 1etki45)0.44040. 4 4-4n.inalittilagfgenz.: thoosolilopulattotitit: oltsiddloriptdoso4pi '' Littlerittilt,"lo (fta Id'` 2s derstaf4;',WfailftWkWillm*Rtutalidalt-voleai : . wb,eintd,nrimiitientit, ' , stdceottpder `Mr. 41 188 1 wattzbfArCt #.434 1 A - 4 4 '• :- ' - '' " We- ' '. 1 4*. ,- 0r"*.4 44 1` 4 .- 0144:Sirs" Ire 'bereitidrlneenigdY4ll44l4o.loli 41twespecti .ful. *tide otspeol_W r "CMPS; Is'. tpo4;fit wen-c00 ,, ,, , i ~-" - , ..,-- ii. , - :;,-- . „. „,,, ~ ,, A 4- g oiitt':"iiiii 'cutiAystiql.,' No: Mere! news *ft foreign - climates-. to 1 me ; ; , 'Bury « , Inlo 4 ‘tfl4oo7-#:mr, ,t 9 Po, rt,Oimit. .HmU•! / -.,„ - -..,..H:, .' t. 2,.- '' - - 1 , ..-;, 11 ~.-.-1 ' of 911;taw y-f-skeraiidunat Tim ~,, 1 *Vat' knoiw , whereitos begin:- I,‘,#Witr;:lkrala Ibt% ingletemsd:Wkiltalat;#44.oaStOitel"- 'i. - `5.X04... Wiliest Irlstor'Zymnielf trarentou when I left," obsersqd e' titti4Ol:J",'.'":,'; ,4 1447 bet l itAlin!ClPlWet 7 P-44114,Mii. Taelit; .4 l44' 4; dude lit of two-frigid I lepttOo .tianyl*- , Ro r tfpaglk the shOrtasktWiizihtld'ie'lO-,0at..;.M barOA '*: mO/(9 0 0t.4 7 tyab14 nnt:.ind 4 iane,oar here,a d Myself t 4 Mr,-fi*lt*el."- .- , -- "Ira' RelOPLWood 44 tOifilattWlipt' A , bolt PP lo tob'lPWlte:OutoPittir,c • ):3 -v. . or eis; lie "b y e. ' 1:14:," came doublet dein. hersofrom-London,-Wlera IctlilindWklitStjAtjd! two i aPI9,PIPIPPP 6 S Ed gk':o l . l iiiii Ptotick away: or, : Ajor Ara. itrinutotot4rookoluded his niece against his will.' When h_ 7-1;1.'"•• , 4:"'- ' i F; - - ' - !f! - i•;,: , •:' -f , fr. . - Will , n14 96f5 /k4-14 1 0 'r14;r5M4 °f i iA ( * • .A • ts,,: lll iii-iotr ' , sai d arSlardidil Mr. - tiattnial'a' i negt; MOO was' • to run away . 704 ~P 449 1 1- 4aleester, ;= And. she: died.a What did therilte ot?!'n'idniti the doctor. " I ‘..ngl i t t1V 1 44.0 Mr. , Tack , / *eked R 1 0 . 2 , 04 - -4siiotitiwisolltie novel knew; he eoil*Mit, make' Wont. LTherhid loth heel( illi,btit,tierivrecoVerkiii, inil`went'effehilikni in, . 4011 AlitiOngfr ,f AnAztiow...lie: has ` marri ed hiriCeliChavasse.a __,,, tot ration* •11046 , felt phnid,, i tojPl NO'' , 'mom iiik'Airsi`: ''' ' -' ..: ',,, •, ,f 1 • . , 44; 0 4, 7 6's4tamthoughlPaispOnded,tiviiittlti - 1 nuea4 ,r 4 She and herbidthei**l9l.•*.k*: bn4 c .nvOlteidik i ttnltti*l'llettlbiiri. vier 'sinner' they liipeak " amp* the street. /iFrandeluserytid our-Ipeor , Rereti -- prd, afrind ~i 'TknOW to" Was ,w114,. • #14k filiti,+! _';.- .. ,_ itWhO is - ' - iflhoL eurate.t., Poor,„ kr.' Islander is trO longer able to ta e k t ee tinty. Ellen% rifielfig herlrith l'frl h ic r .„ ino"fitiagi s do MP AP., , enrt h6r 'oo,o_,Ctirdis - AL I fl Year. he is on his , hist legs. L. , - nirliatt.soeCefil'imiitiilds' Mi'itiatiinel I, —Do , yon 111whiMtv:".' , ~ i' ' ' , •,' • / 61400: 4 440 ,1 0 jorito . , , 100 Cerlliemto.4 him. , iittioalVirepeated AtlTTach, *Ws, ve ry deddistahake of the head, at don't rulderaMiln tilm„ --- , *OA got - n.lool(ofrnifeys,thet% queer. I iiiiiYairlfe.p*takii 7_44 on ,opt asslittal4, Ilitr.l Albia:' rd Comolo 'Yen forlalf whathe gives. l You'll get pletitykif4raiiticii: hack. r °epic will be ea fil'tet!irtilfo',yo,4 if:for; Sonsliow t atii,xlol6iiit 'A4404400 411 Atria:, They talk mortilbinitihat strange witratin:w. • -- - . , MmAtiluiP ...(4.4..l4P.!^ftletet. arsilint npeak4, then" - —' ' , - , i " Weli;riii*W Me011001fili : likti 4,lilii down betßiA/4 4 t0) 1 korod Ithir, - ind hi - Mgh4 , ,a oppii, With der ariCstin lms kiwi, *Rat ibteo in MO B r .4 J lyl t r biil i klAo,VP;; ; "'":', - , :s ' : : kt ' hitimilikei piiill: ' "Ettii • iir young an d iliyatindismitty sOttighlte , a tadyi. ; 'lo:flikatt " goes NIP', .1, 1 14# ow was 4004;, 1. f,, • -e t v,' _ ,- ~ F U 160112 l'i remarked htt•Ailitt.''•''' • '"' - "By the way, you remember Mary ShiPle7 44M4',',..i-__ .... __, ~ -.- ii . 'reir indeed," returnedltiii,4,llm. " Mary was a ioad iiirt. ,- 1 - 4oulChiati• taken her abroad witty me, if she could Nava ha her fa414. 4 . ) A ii i-:":".1 4.t..1- 1. • , , i i ;,..-. ‘,. , .. ~ ~,, 7 -10406 *lc ' Ail iili: ifill*, i !v,is*.i ihots l ibi**A k Tick;" dis 'for she Imo gone all wro , " Otine-wrongi,-;biosi:i .: q d •° An ir.' Oaitboal iteta`thiil4e. , But he 14 i'elffelloyt, and, wadi:. 'Oink bhp 'it,lanib. 3411 010 Mt IttothlAZ a tilit At IPIHAII to be einklur into* tleollneit , ~,,, ::, „ . -,,- ~ ~ , "I Am ighq.""Viarr,tloll"Mittirited'idra: Alias. a er - talith t Wali aurae at the ball when we were children, and she named Mary " after me .-h =' • - i ' •,- , - ,:.,- "It append" ,ti Me," observed"Mr.,,AlM/t ) I arouslug, Wine& (rem a reveriej *that your friend-114 Oastonel•hatiluot brought. hapPleoss to EbbiY, , takeili fer`alhin a 11 . , ,, ~ :, j , ; a He bse,hrought plenty, of niguipinness and plenty of ileathill- rephettilt,A , Teek. ii" I don't . say wit his falter added the .144 man, ahnt hill his *Mareol6e " ' ' - ,-, - , • "`"alChatit renagiiiilleitir thlslitili twat: claimed Mr. °esti:lolo4U letdown that same night with his wlfe. a Twelklao Inietit pew) danniff.e.*4 !With' ekcitf itoi4t, . ta r se !Mit ii**4-010; and litt h,4 *lf; Oilitlllai- Itegi i lalutA ii, Viols .Atiott; prityli) ",„ ~, i, .7. , : ~ ,-1, ""YnOnanrer 7 4 oo iloutikwortei 11 1 1 0 Sd r filiti 31 4 44 16 1 411 1' 110 4 ' iC* 07 0 1 4iii*,t; tiig., ttiC;tittl*t rather ,0, , the ' . itgriiii its words.: ,"Every ono . 41 z• raying leuyilll take Itternto fionf.:Y f ' sll Y Pio 4 n4 16 1',t 1 40 6 , titzlit PtOrol itimaiibio_stiaLP - • t,.. , Its _there. hi Moe to be formi d able i.! l ellfliffnkty hilialred Mr. Oastonel. a VII 'itew him up rtilltices. apt tnit9ltl Whagl*ll 7, ,? , i htloi'inulafis't,Olii4Viiiiiii* • IrretiP 4 . ; It I ititAti": l Piigket lig*Pitsri i 4 l,, ' fi, 0 Instil .* orfaile, mut lia.wite., i connected trlth , haltthen glint people of the county,. She wasMislillardiiick of the hall,. and the nicest girl in tbsworld,!' . -,,, . . - F.= Mile,POWat. elileiWili to - I'o-'4044'14'64e' .cesa.was.mot grouuniese i for nf eighteen pa. iiiinti.tehe'fo lik . in the' nett three *field '664ritlierfeh 'illid ' ti'W(aiir'llt4en „ot tlwun were to Mr. Atlas, though he ' never solicited a' latugliymtseil all ,' ti • • .iii, c. i :i , „, , 'fir , _i goo , thoworld would get:ottvithotit gossip i Setr ,°4 people,riuktell. One clay,,Mra„ licaloi - A c t o 1if0 . , 11 f;.1: 1 A4 10 4404 1 46 01, a ,entitiou; i womattoottia,4,siolti to . .tito)atotottil. ,f I Now,l Llny-deirit OM lislfito' ripthfielf,t "I . 4101tt•te.1 ,A9p44.:Xt4biecillenCtrikigt p i rtv ' 1 ranee,' glanad it her vri h' an imp , took. : "Oh, the pithigtio *ill 4660.63 bock to MY hns-I lzd. „They ' ion pfAt t. - VA ifet ?Altit„Attipos l r c i 1 lienbcili s iiiiilit 1 . 44 16 # 3 0 4. 31 1401 A ctg q ,' aS elbkAln o l44 4o)#l.otti° 4 ol 'l:6 lliniAiitY 6 ii*ft,iO4, *alt./0414bi;4 7 . .caprloes,ototheret,l4,llo nein • L But Janie , , ° , lkileitilmit ludo very *6c - remits t uxttl:10:71 1ir5611 -,- ilv Pi+l - 4 4414 4. o '. .4 , ..4 1 . . I 4 ..• "a l tr i o . , • ow ~ . ~... V " 1 ,`. AV .• , 0 11 ' ? 1:4401 't!'9'. .Atitiliaiviotii‘ • . :1 40 s h illoyo4itot II Aislolglia!illk4;44.4 glii! , 1 , 1, 4 P1 0 ,.', 1 0 4 , uot Ainkol#.344 .‘.. thoaat4 no was Amen runic 5 ,- , , ==3 • "Arr. ~- ' • • LA vivid the ruilied:;iuto ,the," ohenite of .P raeses... , , „. , • ." And I hearAilsa declares that, had he been in Ebury at the time, he should hay() taken upon himeelt tb,ttiniMr.:o,istotiel before the, ..jesticiii tor it. ' Tliey have forbidden her to let him go there anymera.'?" "He Adea• not '0 , 6 them ," 'cried 'Prances,' -• " , ' i 4 T wouldnitiaia'aii'oatti one way or the 'other; but- f does; child; hohr-not be likely 'td tell you," observed the senseless old lady; ~l bere a ; no ,annwe.rillg.ferAnen. - , My dear cll'ishand,fiad staving of, his ,own; that, he was. T o o vy,trefiting his Intothey - Mlicersto .t -too ,al.libinte'YOu' like; bays, t Vitt "ne - ver,let„tha women know it.' Meaning us wives, my 'dear." , !Panda at like OTlO'StUplited. ' ' ' 4 . ! And poiv lAtu going on to your nimamit's, add "-x.,?' ' .3 1 "Oh, Islay do not spy anything of this to mitontnit t , 3 interruPted:'prinees', rising / in 'ex eitepient, ...!! She will Write word to papa, and :—..pray do not, Mrs. Acre l". •• •' - ' ' : 1 "As you please, child. If I don't, other - ;Ipacple.wlll., i It",c,knswe - sllove; Ebury." _ , 1 Whin Mr. tastonel . entered, Frances met ' hitn-with passion. ''' ' . -,-- . -, ~, 4J, Yost haves decitiVed Me throughonii" . she „ .. ctiiid; tcyett . ' have 'dee:died papa! and rather - Ad:ditto • a Idupe, if wouldleave yon and go hrtitielci.liie again.; .PspaWonlit,',,notlet,"'ine, timeherii.;2,tknow:his . ssitliusiiits...ge spoke about this.very subject,‘ and begged•me linot to, marry you till it Was, cleared 'tip. ' I ivil) =nor itaY here" ..::,', : ' fI.L., ' 1 Mr. Castonel looked; 1 as the ssying is, taken, by storm...! 4 4 Whitt' , on, 'earth 'p the -matter, ljringett I.' ,X,"fttli'Oilty' ofriedoecit.',' . ,-',"• " .. wElpilrocation will ; only .make natittea .. ors°. :Oki' shall gomadl: ,- I.shall go Mad! lutio:iltink that p' eople, shMild be Able' to,Sity the l s 6of inO; that they did of Caroline:Ball - and Hen Leicester E' , ..- , .4. ~, ~:',, •- ' ... - i , Mr. Castonel's countenance-flashed red, Mid' 'Alen became desdly,pale, '," lie faltered forth, Lr tber than spoke4:44 . ,And what did they say of Caroline:and Ellen?" . ' -1:-: !. ; ':-' ' • • Ito That - Yob hAglectbdiheir. for alma." ' il l i'•oll.','2, The.perfectly negligent tone,of the' 'l' aculition; and .the .relleved - and.halemocking .f 4 c'et a id a q,telii t''? calm PI , , 40 ,4q .*44 ':**4* Casionef. l- . 1. .. ' - ':', l -I ' . ' - . ',';'„., '" : ' - .1:- .%, ', - 1 4- . 4 lkiii — lithe klii: dew' about Mari' Ehipley. 'lf ',has bean - disclosed to me lolday..; , Pspa,- qUestioned you on Met' report himself, and -'pu dm:44oo,oer°, was truth:in-St.". ._ .... , : ~,.. 1 " There was no truth in it," WU the cohere -14 of Mr. Castonel. , v4Why, did.' yon not -tell die yhat . , yO.me,ant, before mgalting yourself thric; ~flances,f,, ‘, .I,_ceuld, hive, teassiAred y01i,',.. : iWe will leave Mr.: Castonebto his resssur. Iltv • Merely observing that he 'didtsnek.eed In h s taskt'and so '6lth - that 'hie Wife' wes - r4Y, ,tqgo down on her knees. for, having doubted i m.-0-3rmily, he possessed - some subtle power,d &Mr. Castenel. - c . - i ,---- _, ~' , ;June camoittoutd, strange to'say,rMws went 1 :eitt to Ebutyiof the Illness of . Mrs.' Castosel. 1 IStradia;:heatifte'ket,'syinptenik were the same )t4 '.tliO4tk which ;441 01 4 el [ cd Mr. Castonel's As( ithd,second wives, destroying prospects of 4 , Mrs. Chavasptlarilied lii:liothictic: France's Unified if ber.perhirbatfen. , wEou have sent, I rfcir Mr. Allss, of course," said,Mr. Chavasse. .. 1- ;44 Mr. Allia-jeliall - attend' he wife of mine,", wed the defermine&r4oinder of the, surgeon,' «X'll see his coffin walkifirst.tt - : •,. .- .- , k!,liisten, Mr.:Castellel: ' 1 You belie lest I*o wgeaj"tt ,ibretigh • negligence 411 haviiqg giid..adlileej I know not. You `AA ni;t lose my daughter, it I can prevent it. "Mot an hour shall go Oyer Withont further ad.: „ • .; • • i" any•inedical man you•please, ex cept .41 11 44 1 , Castonel. should • „- _ • . il gsYciti have taken a prejudice against him," ,patorted•Xrs..4ThaVaske. itMone are's° des& spot.". Allsa shall never darken my doors. I will 'ailed- an express' toltbetonfitry town for one or Abe' other , of , the pllyslcheml.,',s9llich will .7f , u baps l" ••• •••,• • •f. t +2 ° ' 4 ' • i« Dr. 'Wilson,"; answered Mrs:Chatfasse.— '"And meanwhile let Mr. Rice'coina in." So 'it 'was Mr: - Mee' visit to Mrs.,,gastonol, and declared die. was in no ,dimager whatever. • • 1. 4 I 1100.f't110;'! ' 1 43411/ Mrs; `Dhayaase. - et I not.think But past events are enough to "'TM' 417 aelPated /Ir. Rice. .;- Dr. Wilson came in the couraeof the, day. `heiaid . ; ju,tit Rice,,had Tlie*folieWing. day' however, Mrs: Caslonel was' 'worse; the day''after' that her. life •wati "despaired, .of., Her own , state; of ,excitement •zentributed to.the danger.'. She woke np that ;Morning from a doze, and whether she had - dtearecd,ipythingAo 7¢.a urtcer- ittikted up id lio,,hor eyes glaring wlldty. -Mr. Oastonet *as then 'alone with her. kl,h, Pervase o , ji4pit, I Ap} itt'clonjjek,V , , :.;,. j • reMyClear, no." For: of- course it- was his sipty) , M;'spothe ~ her.ilw palm , yourself, She 'eked, him; 'ln deep dpitresso l be going to die?' Must I 'Weed follow c ßllen,.)l. l eiceste,r 1, I rtif) have lhought,nethiugiotdeath"--Who decreed it eo fir oft'?" ; • ; • ,•', • t 7 MN quiet; Prances, j insist upon: It," •he '"'You - do' yourself ,lacalculable mischief." !" /167 Gervitso, do lon 49niembet nft.4:1,9110 What dinvw I 'done should be cut off - in' the nddat of. ray AtliPll lll .oPiii ": Out net without werning; That .dream was my warning,.and , I neglected it.". i Fiances 7-7", ' , , .6 Yet whikt:4lo„thay 4ono; Oaiolina and Ellen? Oh, Gamma,: save , What will n et do , Withotit s ine y•• Stwelne; atvie ma net tint thhi b Mr. Oaateael strove to .kolti :her still, but -she shook awfulln, and- as to stopping her words; he'inight well'have, tried to atop a 'torrent Ap_ its, courie.," "' : ig Thtgraiti I the grave grave for, me! I who have lived but in pleasure f "'•' ' • f. ,‘ My dear Frances, what pre you raving of ? ,YRTlihiiokre,d iglOblid4 o ; . 11 4 beenin ocont pleasnroA ; • • , t on yes, innocent in , itself. If I had but thought D•iffi with it, and striven to please hire+ and;,lf ;never, did I, There lay the • sin I not in the pleasure. Oh, save me I Fetch Dr; liVilson. 1 mnst not die , - f They calped liOrLaft°ol,*hile; and for a day . or two her life 'hung-upon 'Then she beg* rb ta;grit beitfir.4 - But thbpwore alfziod#Tatitontilt,,thoso' around? her bediildfi, ker,iinibifiOre,"; hor-!zuotlifiefcgeOd_ old'Arrs. for theyremembered-It was when they Irertiapparinitly retororing that, thallrat and 114 Secondlirs. Oastonel . L A few more.days, stud Franneiv sat up in dier fireasiaglwalw as, gay aa svor. danger was teeny oirtiOnfi'Mrs. OhaVainieretiinied houlite - et Oervise,', l , Oa Salk Alai* borlashand'a hand, what a gQoßei tleas.t4lnititoifiriyeein Jv Ay, you Were; Frances: -' , lint-you would 110 ,listen ineiben; yaFrao.”' ' 1 .:1‘ I i ay iii,l4tO'tllo room to-Mor row, nudism visitors, may I no f" ,, ' te To balark:votii May 'giTliert' S ,Ving hell, , plgaie:„ I'Must dond to order me. very pretty.mm.” It. was Mrs. Muff who answered it, not Han- Mr„qudanel- left #ie'riiom AS she c ams ic I lam going into t h e drawing room to-mor prir Yo eaid'Mrs;,Osetonel. 'I , Do you kno4r • •:, : . - ; , : 4( YeNl3llt'ami heard Mr. Rico say you wttiviedinlt'vlsitera?" "I did not hear. him, say that ; but I should ; itbink there's ho,keason'againat it," replied the ihoulekeePhr. - • - ; Chat t " want done, added tMrs. Oastonel. w Hannah must go to themilli riers' and , debird their.; to send me up some sit !ting-np 'Cape, to, cheese, froM. If they have Inoue, ready..they must make me one. Some itblngo simple and elegant. Shall. .1" have it itiriraMed,Witli*bite'ribliOns fir &lc?" I - Ifre.iiiwir thought pink, as her Mistress was tjustneiv so pale: ; • ; Olrep[iifalc; • notbitli" Suits My complexion liffeiqink," dried - Frances—all; her old - vanity i in. fiat force: • Send Hannah immediately, I sue iMpatiedt tOtry Wen." up'eanie, but net fill night, and Fran ces had-a glass brought to her, and sat figuring 'of before it, declaring she, had never looked Igo well; if she were but 'a little older, she would take the caps for, good. Mr, Castonel looked on, and laughed at ' her.' ' "It is getting timo: for you to be in bed, Frances," he said.. "You must not presume too much upon your recovery." "I am not tired, in.tba least," she replied. wI will not go till I have had my supper. I never felt better." , ,; • . - "Do you know who they say is dying?" he resumed. .. . "Mr, Leiceshir. i ." . "Mr. ',Mousier!" , .. • .. - . Iflt is:thought to be his last nightb . So, I hear, Is the opinion of his friend' and chum, Ailsa." ,1, - .'- , - 1,-1 - ,,1 . Mrs. Castonel did not Meth° tone. "Poor Man I poor Mr. Leiceater,l" she eighotl. ' , Well, tberbaveihad their share of sorrow. ' How ,papa and-tritentriVould havo . grieved for. liinfi I hafe'tlought` Ot'it 'since Tidy illness;. - and we aro many of us, while Allen Fits their may child. • I wonder ‘ r ,o 74111 gbtihe liVi9g. , I bopp. opmq or,itee' - Young' Watson." Oh, Pran., cos I Woritilymitto i I • " ' "` '''''' "I hopeit will "be anybody rather than Mr.' Hurst?" s saW, the surgeon 01 6 0 11 4' 1. " ' ' '' :fqn.n/i. kilipPylays we shall liavo.togethor -again, Gervase i" aho went on. • w Nhat should yon have done if I, had died l'' • ' ' j ',. ' i w Thebeht"l - Contd,r"' an swerctl Mr Chet tonol. At that moment Mrs. 'Muff 'dune in with the, lightAupppe 'op:her- mistress, and remained withllCtrltle :Mid 'ate it, Mr. Castonel del i e t tlelegdin to: alaberatory. As she was carry} 4 .1, -41 . The waiter again, a ring came to the , 11; and John - brushed past to answer it' i :•,.., rhAtatell4lllthetnel'? • • .., . ;..- -. ~ r,'i Ssfoatut iountli"owasthn tiger's ref ;filmier 1 ' 1i ,,.. 0 111 4 1i i i',".1 1 ,,,*0tf,0040iti : 4 /#41 4 0.1 'or 11i; ‘,..,.. 4 . : •• 41 Then must c'ota tie fast as ho can pelt to minis..he'sln a tit: 3 J,•.. , ; , . • "You are waisted Mi.'MajOr Acre's directly, uir,".,sald,..lohn hastily entering the laboratory, She's took in' fit." Mr. Castouel had faun out one ,of the little drawers—to John's amazement. For the lad had always believed that particular drawer to bo a sham 'drawer,. There _appeared to bo piper or two in it, and a phial. The latter thp surgeon held in his hand, and in reply to the message he unuttered something, which, tojohn's ears, sounded very like a Curse it." I never knew, sir, as that drawer'opened..--,- Tiegone l" thundered Mr. Gastonel, turn ing on Ms servant a look so fell of evil that the young man bounded,back some , yards. Am I to go anywhere r" he stammered, not understanding. ct Go out and find Mr. Rice," raved his mas ter. "Send him to Mrs. Acre's." Scarcely had John departed When there came a second. messenger for Mr. Castonel. 4' If he did not go at•once, Mrs. Major Acre would be dead.", Thus pressed, he took his hat and hurried, after waiting .a minute to put rthings straight in the laboratory. Mr. Rice, hdwever, had arrived at 'Mrs. Major Acre's, and Mr. Castonel returned home. ian the folloWing morning, Mrs. Leicester and Mt. Miss stood around the rector's dying bed., He lay partially insensible; he had ,so lain• ever since daylight. :44 Do you think Dr. Wijsonlate 7" whispered Mrs..Lelcestai. , It is half past seven." ' Iu I expected him before," replied Mr. Ailsa. f 4 ltut, dear Mrs. Leicester, he, can do . no geoth" • ' • . j "I know it," she answered, through her tears. ,At that moment there rang out the deep tones of the passing bMillenot , ing that an im mortal soul bad been collo away. Ono of the chamber Windows was open,'to admit air, and Die sound came boorulpg fri, front the opposite church. It aroused the rector. 44 Have my people. mistaken the moment of My departure'?" he murmured. "Or to It that one of my fellow-brethren is called with me 7" Leidester, loaned over him and gerdlY Spoke', her ar having noted the strokes more accurately than that of the dying man., 4 4 It Vatitit' he, I, fear, for Mrs. Acre. It is for a 'woman." t wl fancy not for Mrs. Acre," observed Mr. /MM. aMr. Rice loft her'last night, out of danger." It was striking out now, fast and loud. Mrs. Leicester noticed her husband's anxious eye. ‘‘ 'Who goes with', roe'?" ho Panted—at who goes with me?" and Just then little Tuck stole into the room, With a whitened face. ,c; Who is,the bet tolling tor?" asked Mrs. Leicester: For Airs. Castenel. She died in the night." " With a sharp eye, the rector struggled up in bed. What fear, what horror was it that dis torted his: countenance, as he grasped Mr. Allsa'satin and strove to speak? They never know, for he fell back speechless. ;(c 010shere cab Dr. Wilson be 1" sobbed Mrs. , Leicesteri c' Why is he not hero P' Ho will not be long," whispered Mr. Tuck. eelle was met outside tho village, and taken to Mrs. Chavasso. The shock has brought on an attack of paralysis. Poor Castonal, Rice says, is in a lamentable state." ce What 'did she die of?" marvelled Mr. Atha. -ice What did the others die of?" retorted Mr. Tuck. Colivnisions orsome sort. Nobody *hews. I never heard .ot such an unlucky man." He was interinpted` by a movement from Hrs. Leicester. The minister's, spirit had passed away. (TO BE CONTINUED.] ebucational. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. DBPABI'BBBI. Di' MINES, ARTS, AND MANUFACTURES. cones' or .1857 --11355. The Winter course of Inetruotion to this Department will commence on TUESDAY, November Sd, and be continued u follows: ' MECHANICS AND CHEMISTRY. Professor d. Y. FRAZER, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P.M. •• • • APPLIED MATHEMATICS. Professor E. 0. KENDALL, MONDAY and THURS DAY at 5 P. M. CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, AND CON STRUCTION. ' Professor P. ROGERS, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 P. M. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Professor 0. B, WM% MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 4P.M.. - . : The lecturee will be amply Illustrated by Models, Drawing', and Speoimen". The Led:tree will be continued until the end of March. !The Course" may be attended either singly or to gether. . . . TERKB. For any one Course ' - o,oo' For the four Course' 15.00 tile University—north Building. And for information r spouting the studies, to • , .. ~ ' NAUMAN ROGERB, i , . • . Da:su./Ina Faculty, . ,oo 26 , 118 t , West Ritteollouso Square. -ELECT PAIITLY BOARDING BOBOOL N., tor SMALL BOYS, at OLAYMONT, Delaware, dis tant one bour'ilrlde from this city. Number limited JO gen: ' • , Jro a solid, relined, and Christian education , *ender high Social advantages, it presents an opportunity eel done °gored. , : TEMS-4300 per antiam,'payable semi-annually in aavanca; no extra charges. ' Tho 'Winter Term openo on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. A few vacancies at present. For farther particulars. address REV. JOHN D. CLEMSON, D. 8., oolO•na w & f-2w " CLAYMONT, Delaware. lIALL 'ff.: ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOLPOR BOTH. ''HIT - B. 111 r Bursaa, RIOTOII. i The Annual Beeilon Min begin on TUESDAY, Rep. timber I. • ' Circulars may be obtained at the Book Star* of H. HOOKER . , IL T. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT or of tho Bettor, Pont Office , Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. anl7-6tu :.NOTHING BO NEEBFI7L TO ENABLE *nom, male and female, to ga. n a share or this otorid's goods and comforts as a ' BUIIINES,VEDtiOATIOif. LELOY BBOVIERS , BUSINESS ACADEMY, , Nos, 148 and 160 farrll. Street, near RAON, I•sii-open MONDAY, BRYTEMDFIR Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BO OK-KEEPING AND ARITIIIIRTIO by simplified methods; in Asher& time ' THE LEIDY'S take pleasure in esying;that during die pild, , ,lear' a „large number of pardon. acquired a BUSINESS 1.D1306.110N, enabling many to secure pro fitable. altuations, and others topropeoute their business Operations aneetwafully. . an.l2-Bm. fiRITTENDEN'a PHILADELPHIA C OM IL,' irEULtI: 001048, 8. B. corner of SEVENTH end CHESTNUT Streetedhlcond and Third Stories. i BOMKEEPING,,PENMANSHIP, every style. 00MHEIOCINL LAWS AND FORAM. , COMMNECIAL CALC ULATIONS. LECTURBS, r ,ke. • " ' LBash Strident bat Indiviktnet tristitiotion from cornea nt and attentive Teaahers, lender the immediate lupervislon of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has eharge of he Writing Department. I Please nail and see Speolmend and get a Catalogue of Terms, &c: 008-y piROFESSOR, SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST THILADBLPHIA. • No Seminary whatever la more like a private family. The course of Andy is extensive and thorough, Pro eater Saunders will 'receive a few more pupils under urtopen years of age . tnto his family, •Enquire of Pro (((e ems. J. 8. Sliver and Mathew Newkirk, or Co). J. W. orney, Editor of this,Paper, whose sone or wards are pw Membpro or 10 , 160u 1 1s- . ooptlatr itterrlianto Or H. OniSr& 00: 'ENERAL • • 'COMMISSI G ON MERCHANTS, 'to3 North FRONT and 46 WATER Strest,"Philadelphlts. 1 ooflarAwy.AT stKosrviNG • CLOV , ER.SEED :on oonsignment from the interior of Pennsylvania, 'where our new Cleaning Millis now in general use. i EOM Also, TIMOTHY, AND RED TOR always on 'hand. sel2-tf HANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION MEROUANTB pad Dealers In Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 28, 26 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Eaat Bide shoes Commerce street, Philadelphia. auldf 011AELES TETE, COMMISSION BIER ONAN't - and Importer ,of HAVANA. ORGANS, (Nye) up ?Walnut Area. second story. au1.17 gittto, grape, &t. 11 : H. GARDEN,' & CO.,' 1.11 , lisoutisetursre of sod Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS; FURS, STRAW GOODS, • NANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL .FLOWERG, ROOCHES, • FRAME -RS, tc., ts. • " No. 5.92, (oldlNo. 190 MARKET Street, Below Sixth, south side, , And No. 623 MINOR Street, Phllidelphle, O. RIMY 0/.1911N, ' DAUM DOlOl/131. - MerobAnte are reepootfally incited to main, our dock • ' ee7.2m SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS, • acl•d+a ' No. B. SIXTH West, Philadelphia rri • KINGSPOIO , B4 SON'S PURE • OfIN9I:00,8TAIICH Our the laundry) hee Web 'Jibed a gtehter 'celebrity than has ever been'obtalued by any other StFeb. Michas been the result of Its marked superiority In quality, and its Invariable uniformity. The public may be assured of the continuance of the high standard now established. The production to over 20 tone daily, and the demand hoc extended throughout the whole United States, and to foreign countries. Working time on a very large scale, and under a rigid 'system, they are abluto sewe a perfect uniformity in 'the qualityrthroughorit the year.' This la the great de inderattim ih atatett.tenltlng, and Is realised now for the Ord time, • z• , The,very best Starch that can be made, and no other, Is always wanted , hy consumer'', and this will be sup plied to themhY the Grocers as soon as their customers 'have learned which la the best, and ask for it—other wise they would be likely to 'get that article on which the largest profit combo made. • Mr. Kingsford has been engaged in the manufacture of starch continuously for the last 27, years, and dating the Whole or the period the Stareh'idade under his super vision has bean, beyond any question, the hest in the market, For the ,tirst, 1 7 years he had charge of the, troika of Colgate de l Co.', at which' perio'd he In vented the processor the Manufacture of Coin Starch'. ity"Ask for KINGSFORD'S STARCH, as the name Oswego has recently been taken by another factory': It is sold by pil te beet grocers in nearly every part of the cetintrv, " T, KINGSPO,RD ik SOWS OSWEGO CORN STARCH tr? , i/dVoge, Ate.) has obtained an equal celebrity with el Stare fee the laundry.. This article is per. teetly Ohio; ihd Is, I every respect, etplel 'to the best Iletmuttk Areo*ltobt, besides having Winona! quail: We ',flitch ihnder It inveduabfe for the demort. • Ntito ;Starch hal bead Ostensively packed 'shit 0014 'as Corniterehittnd has given Wee Impreeeteus ;email at 16 the t'eltt mertte'of *Si Corn' Starch. From its greatSelleser stud • purity, It le coming area Intiigeneral nebhe diet Militants and Invalids 31, , N:ISELLOOG & CO., Agenda, • ',oc2.B‘tf 29011IILTON Street N. Y. El OTEI• AND. Stri(Mall citANGES at Sold 0110WIOIK & ifilo: s , 202 w. MICSOND 8 1 . • MbNlisAV; Nilrgrittnit 2, i 967. ripllt BEST ASSORTMENT IRMIGII 1 AND SCIWYLKILL 00AL is at 1.1 DORMAN'S YARD, BROAD WERERT, •Love Vtaa. Sold at reduced prices.. Call nod Km, oc3l-aw KNowLEs , COAL DEPOT, NINTH and WILLOW.--The Spring Mountain, Sugar Loaf, and Macieton Lehigh Also, beet Schuylkill Coal, for sale. Terms each. oct23-Im* O LBS. IS A TOI4.—BUyERs 224 v and oonsumers are Invited to examine our Block of .1.1:11101EI WOUST IVIQUNTAIN and BLACK. REA= 00A.L." Our Coal is selected expressly for family usei being carefully eereened, we will warrant It free from slate and dust. We sell. 2240 lbs.,. b e t" .240 lbs. more" than 'old by retail de tilers, at .25 cents less per ton." Also, on baud a full supply of"BROAD TOP )11117- MINOII9 00AL" for Steam-generating, Blacksmithlug; and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and TINE—BIN sign, "2240 LBS. IS A TON. [aeB..om] , LEIGHTON &00 COALI COAL I COAL I—TAGGART's CELEBRATED SPRING SIOUNTAIN LEHIGH GOAL. R. CARTER'S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA 00AL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SORUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL Sr MEREDITIX nave for Rate, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collleries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There to no Coal mined anywhere, equal In quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at out yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, duet arid all impurities. Our PRICES are al LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. lbl fIOMU FRONT btreet, above Walnut. Orders left at one Yard, CALLOWRILL street, Woe BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWIIILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purohasers for Rainily use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. and-tf QCHUYLISILL AND LEHIGH COAL. 7— I sin daily receiving, at my yard, the hest quality o. BOIIIIYLKILL AND LEIII.OII COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, mItY rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. /go offe No inf PRlO erior NS, Coal kept at this establishment to r at LOW L.BIIIOII AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— ..3 DALY, POETEE & 00., COAL PEAL 11118; No, 821 PRIME Street, abode Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest Wag, a fan manly of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal: . au 1.-13 m .UMBER AND COAL.—MONT4OMERY A. 4 NRALL hiving connected the Coal wit: the Lembor buainete, inform their' friends that they have made contracts fora aupplk of the beet' qualinea of Lehigh and Schuylkill 0011, and are now 'ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be left with Mr. B. KILPATRICK, No. 18 8. MTH etteet, or with Mr. 'Whl: D. NULL, corner PINK and WATER etreotd. 'aulB.B n' BRANDIES.—"Pinot Caotillon " Morett i and other Cognacs of various 'vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks k Yellevoliln Rochelle litandlea, pale and tb,rk, On half pipe., half cask!, and one-eigh th casks. Imported and for sa te by • HENRY BOHLEN !a CO., 9022 ' • 121 and 223 South Fourth street. JOHN • 1A14)00Y, WHOLESALE WINE AND LIQUOR 3TOF.R, , • 311 and 9189. Front and Water 'eta. bet. Bprooe. 10 pu'nolieont Gray's celebrated 800T011 WIII3IIEY, In bond and in Stare. on 24-2w* DORT WINE.—In bond end entitled to de benture 220 casks Bt. Joseph'/ Pure Juice Port Wine, in ors. and eighths.' T 912 puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whig. key, 2 years old Vitt) , pipes Anchor Gin. Idarett, Martel, Bouvet, and 7. 7 Donny Brandies, al of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOB. P. TOBIAS, an274lmos 82 and 908. Front St—below Walnut. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND .rk. LIQUOR STORE, No. 226 0 flouth enet Cornet o GEOROJA and SOUTH Streets. Way CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND PEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &G., 26 South MTH Street, Philadelphia. sully B RANDIES.—Pinet, Oast'llon & 00., Ma rett & Co.; and other brands of Cognac/ of various vintages, in , half pipes and quarter casks • Peßeveled° Itoohelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter oaks and one eighth casks, alt In Custom H ouse stores, Imported and for sale by • • • MINA! BOHLEN a 00., au 6 Nos. 221 and 228 South north street. 11ITIIMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE .1-.• AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (nog N 0.938) North TRIED Street, Philadelphia.--13hIpping orders promptly attonded tb. cal-tf 5/ L8 1 ' AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOR $lO I—Third Division.-4310,000 worth of Yams and Building Leta, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be , divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1867. Bub mriptlons only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on deliver* of the deed. }leery subscriber will get a Building Lot pr a Bann, ranging to value from, $lO to $ 26,000 . These farms and lets are cold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will Oempensate for the ,apparent igw pride, now asked. Up wards of 1,100104 and farms are already aold, and a company of settlers called the ' , Rappahannock Pioneer Associaton" is now forming add will soon COMMOUG. settlement., Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 42,000 acres of land in dliferent parts of Virginia, lOW at command, and will be sold to sottlers at from $1 up.tu taw per Aare. Unquestionable titles will in all ease., be given, Wood-cutters, 000pers, farmers, &0., are wankel, and five hundred Agents to obtain subacribera, to whom the most liberal inducements will be giren, me agoutis writs that they are making $l4O per month. Per full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, ko. apply to N. BAUDiIi A salt-tf Port Royal; Caroline oounty,lla. WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodled, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance . Pay from - $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 2d Rogt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. oat 5 lm UTAN TE D.—A FEW AGENTS, EITHER Male or Female, are wanted to sell new and Very popular book, just issued, entitled " The Crooked ]:lm, or; Life by the Wayside," Four editions hive already been exhausted in Dolton and the New England States. Agents ate wanted to Canvass the ?diddle, Southern, and 'Western States. Some now enged luck, from $$ tO $l2 per day. Address, by letter, hook Agent, 11 State ;street, Boston ; or call personally at tame place. • ri rAVA N A OIGAIth - 0 - 4 : meat, Nadi as Niger°, C Portages, abanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Cloloso, Oonyerciantes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Orejoo, Flora Cubans, &e., &0., ice., In N, .f(,1.6 and 1.10 axes, of all slew! and quali ties, Ins tore and constantly recefring, and for sale low, by 011.ARLIIS TETI:, . - kew) 138 WALNUT Street, below &wood, second story IGARO, CABANAS AND PANTAGAS F• 138,GARfi.—A (tholee invoke of tbeee oelebrkted brands on board brig "New lira," daily expeated from Havana, and for sale low, by ONAItLEB TETE, (New) 1138 Walnut street, below Second, sod Second Story. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MEROLLANT BARE, RIVET IRON Manufactured at YOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WARE.UOUSB, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oeS•tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent. THOMAS E. BAXTER.-HARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 ST. boys. Ninth. sonill Pbllodolphis to 1-Am NOTICE.—NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. Ou and idler WEDNESDAY, November 4th, 1617, the Trains on this Road will leave Philadelphia as follow", viz: For Bethlehem; Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk &c., (Express) at 9A. M. and 2.16 P. M. P .M. For Doylestown (accommodation) at 4.30 P For Gwynedd, do at 10 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem (express) ato A. Si. and 2.25 P. pi Leave Doylestown (accommodation) at GM A. Si. Lease Gwynedd, do at 2.20 P. 01. Accommodation trains run daily; other trains daily Sundays excepted. ELLIS CLARK, 0031-41 Agent. CHANGE OF ROURS.-P 11 114 A.DE L PRIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. 2,1, 1857, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Express,) and 11 P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M.,1, 330 and H P. M. For New Male at 8 A. M., and 3.30 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. 31. and 3.30 P. M. For Dover at BA, H. and 3.30 P. M. ' For Seaford at 8 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Express, 11 A. M., and 6.21 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 8 and 11.45 A. M., and 2.85 and 9.65 P. M. Leave Now Castle at 11.66 A. M., and 9.05 P.M. Leave Middletown at 10.15 A. M. and 8.05 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.15 A. Si. and 7 P. M. Leave Seaford at 4.00 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.15 A. 51.,2 P. M. and 1215 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Phliadelplint to Baltimore, do. do. 0.26 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE AllOOlll9lO DATION TRAIN Leaves Harm de (incest 6.50 A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. 31, Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will run as follows',— Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at 6.00 M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 6.30 B. M Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace at 5 P. al. oc 31.1 y 8, M. BELTON, President. RE DE R AND DRUGGlST,:north•cast corner YIPTIE and 011$STNIIT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturir .of SHOWN'S 'ESSENOIiI OP JAMAICA 'which ie recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa oulty, add hes become the Standard FAMILY MEDI. , DINE of the United States, •' ; • This Esionseis a preparation of unusual excelled ' s.. Daring the Summer months, no family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, hl nausea, and particularly in sea alakneseYit le an active WI tare, an welt as a pleasant and efficient remedy, ' CAUTlON.—Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pare JAMAICA GIN. GElti should' be particular to Bak for Drown.s E. some of Jamaica Ginger' s ' , which is warranted to be Whaftt Ie represented, and is prepared only brriumS• 111 C ,K ktatfor atlils Drug and Chemical Sthre, north-east oerziet 'fif 'PISTIL' and 011ESTNDT Iltreou, rbDadil i Pbief sad by all the respectableVitig este and Anetb caries fn' The states. "anl-Sfre rOTTON•=2OO Vales good Idd td . gitt ‘d 411411.4 t ggit°1 121 1 44;1 4 ;110 6 /10ITill: ' 110 North Ifittor • ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Eta Wino nub Kiquom Wants b (ffigaro Co bacto a S—A handsome assort- garDware Uailroab .Eince. fDrugo anti Cietnicale illiiliPing NEW MILEANS PACKET NOTICE. LOUIHIANA LINE.---Shippers per ship Diary and Adeline, Captain Watts, will please hand In their bills ,of lading this day to the counting house for signature. , . Freights will be received until this evening at low rates. 1318110 P, 811110N8, & CO., in „ no 240% 120, late se, North Wharves. P JOSEPH JONES FOR SAN FRAN 1...7 oftio(b—To WI with quick despatch.—Preight taken at reduced rates.,-The beautiful clipper Alp 7,OSEPH. /OM Nelson Pendleton, commander, now completing her loading at Sacs street wharf; has over throe-fourths of, her cargo on board and nearly all of her opacity engaged, will continue to receive freight for a few days, and sail as above, Shippers will please complete their engagements without delay, and bead In bills of lading for signature. For - balance of freight, which will , be taken at very low rates, apply Ott board, or to , , BISIIOP, SIMONS &,00., 120 (late 20) North Wharves. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. STEAMSHIPS STATE OP GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October leth. A. HERON, Jr FARE REDUCED AND 11AVRE.—The TO SOUTHAMPTON nagnifleent eteamship VAN ,a, commander, 6,20 ton', • DEEDIGT, Edward Eihrgial Will sail YrOM New Eork far South- From Southampton and aropton end Ifavre. Havre for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Siturday Nov. 14 Saturday , Dec. 6 Saturday Doc 28 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100; second cabin, $6O Spade delivered In LoOdon and Paris. For freight or passage apply to D: TORRANCE, Agent, No. 5 Botvlbag Green, New York. • Erittera for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps If from other cities, ) will bo received at No. 6 Bowling-green, Now York, up to 11X o'clock on the morning of Wi ttig. oclo-tf CiREAT 'REDUCTION IN, FARE TO EU AJI ROPE. First Cabin SBOI Second Cabin 250 In the first-class paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL, 2,000 tons, 0. O. Luotow, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,600 tons, P. E. Less:fan, to sail from pier No. 8 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, viz: Leave N. York for I Owl"mrcwi no - 1/Temen COT Southampton TTO and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, .1 Saturday, Oct. 31. Wede'day, Nov. 4. N. Sally, Oat: 81. Saturday, N0v.23, Wede'd'y, Doe. 80 'These stsamora touch at HAVRE. Specie delivered In London and Paris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Oren, New York. oclo-tf FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1857. New York awl 'Myra Steamehip Oompany.—The United States Mall Steamships ARAGO, 2,500 tone, David Lluea, 'commander, and FULTON, 2,600 tone, James Wotton, commander, will leave Now York, Nene and Southampton, for the years 1821 and 68, on the following days: LIAYS NEW TOOL. /UT. 1858. FUlton, Satniday, Aug, 22 Arago, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago, do. Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 Fulton, do. Oct. 11 Arago, do. March 0 Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Balton, do. Deo. 12 Arago, do. May 1 Bolton, do. May 29 ' NATI HAIN. LEAN 11011tHAIPTON. 1867. 1857. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Arago, Wednesday, Ang, 20 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Fulton, do. Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 20 ' Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Arego, do.' Doe. 16 Arno, do. Deo. 18 ' 1858. Ises. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, do. Jan. 18 Are,go, do. Feb. 9 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Patton, do. March 9 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 0 Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, do. May 6 Azsgo, do. June 1 Arago, do. June 2 Fulton, do: June 29 Fulton, do. June 30 PllOB OP PASOAN!: !From New York to Southampton or Havre—Firet 'Cabin, $l3O ; Second Cabin, 215. !From Havre or Southampton to New York—First , Cabin, 800 hats; Second Cabin, 600 francs. For freighter paanege, apply to ' MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, " Havre. • OROSHEY IC CO., " South , ton, AMERICAN ELIROPEAN EXFRSS AND NEI It Parte. MANGE CO. aub TEE 'NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL lINITSC STJiTSS MAIL STNAII&NS.—The Ships composing this Line are : The ATLANTIC!, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. • The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIO, Capt. JILIIIIIB West. Li.Thest ships have been built by contract, expressly for Wovernment wales; every care has been taken in their eon/traction, am alto In their eugines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodatiene for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first oaths, $130; lu second do., PS; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 gulnese. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of thin line have improved eater-tight bulk heads. . . PROPOSSD DATES OP BAILING =E3MII Baturdsy, June 20, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, 3017 4, 1857, Wednesday, July 8, 'lB5l Wants'', July 18, 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1851 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 iasturday, Sept. 12,, 1657 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 28, 1861 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1851 Wednesday, Oot. 29, 1867 Saturday, NQT. 7, 1857 Wedttesday,'Nor.ll, 1857 Saturday, NOT. 01, 1851 Weilneeday, Nor. 20, 1861 &Unduly, Doe. 6, 1861 Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1867 Wedustulay, Dec, 22, 1857 ' For freight or pang°, apply to EDWARD K. 00W..1.."413, No. 68 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY 00., Liverpool. STEPUNN KENNARD & 00., 27 Austin Friars, • Loudon. B. 0. WAINWRIGUT & 00., Parts. ' The owners of these ships will not be aeootintable for silveri Wilms specie, jewelry.pr scions stories or metals, unless bills'of lading its a g nod therefor, and the value thereof 4ipreseed therein anl-tf furnaces. ACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. Bold by 011ADWICIE dr. BRO., SECOND Street :drat door Oars Rea, augll49moi IMPORTANT IMPROVEMRNT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACH CHU:3OIP4 NEW CONE `FURN3CE, after having been put to the most severe test, during the two COLD Wixtooo OP 1858 AND 1867, has proved to ha the most powerful heater in the world, saving from to the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now in rse TANNIC YONNACEs are constructed with a east iron ash pit and a broad, shallow pen-shaped fire pot, Hued with dre-brief or Iron staves. The fire pot Is surmount ed with A SERIES OP CONES, oa TAPERING RADIATORS, ;tarp and broad at their base, hut tapering to small epee 'tures at the top, and malting with the similar chamber, ,through which the best and smoke pus to the line. Tax wnoi.e products of combustion in the form of 'mate and OASES, are amended directly over the lire, ' oesriirso or compresaed Into the tapering Cones and 001121NUILLY UNPOSED to the direct action of the rays or hest And light from the lire. This heat and light Is brought to a soots i Rion Orme, not unlike the • OOLLEOTION OP TUE BUN'S RAYS, to • focal point through an ordinary lone, (musing the aims AID onus to 'become Intensely heated nod tho roughly OONIMMDD, by this operation the Seoul AND 00959 are YIDS WAIL" AVAILABLI with the MU. MSC/ for heatlair purposes, while, in other furusnaa, It is CIAURIND Orr AND WASTIID IN TIM 0915001. Alliersons desirous of obtaining the beet and MOT ROONOMIOAL MUTING APPARATUS, shout not fall to examine the New Oda 00a8ONINO Coca RONNAOA before pnrchasiug any other. The at tention of architects' and bulldogs is particularly re. quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Enozessors to S A. Darrloon,) No. 824 WALNUT Street, Oppoelte Independence Squar . LOOM, FREIGHT NOT I C E—T E PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now Prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. Second Clam Third Claes. Fourth Clan. 92 eta. 18 et' 18 eta. 14 ota. • Flour, • 18 de. per barrel. Pig metal, 19 ate. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN TRILL. AND LANCASTER. Piro! Clue. Second Olase, Third Claes. Fourth Clue 20 ctn. 17 ate. 10 ate. 18 ate. Flour, 26 eta. per barrel. Pig Metal, 10 eta. per 100 pound.. ARTIOLES OP FIRST CLASS, Fresh Fish, Nuts in Bags, Porter and Ala in bottles Poultry In coops, Pork, (fresh,) Poultry, (dressed,) Wrapping Paper. --- ____ In CLASS. Apples, Molasses, Oboes., Melons, Clover and farm fleet, 011 e in oasts or barrels, °rookery, Paper in boxes, Candies, Pasteboard, Oaalut or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried,) Orocerles, Printing Paper, Cone and Mee, Paper Hangings, Herring In boles and kip, Queonsware, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, , Tobaccos hales, Iron, hoop, band, or sheet, Tea, Laathar,_ T e Liquor in wood, Marble Blain and Marble Turpentine, (epic.!) , Monuments, Val ni eh. ARTIOLRB OF In CLASS. Potatuea, Turnip], Vinegar ' White Lead, Window Glees, booki, Boots and Shoes, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Dry Goods Furniture, • Feathers, • ARTICLES Alcohol, Coffee, fides, (greend Lard, Oysters& Clams, (In shell) Tobacco, (nanufactured,) ARTICLES OP tam CLASS Salt, Tobacco, (lea) Tin, Tar, Mickey, Codfish, Cotton, Yloh, train of sit kWh, Nails and Spike', Pitch, Planter. 11:7 For further Information apply to E. J. BREEDER, Freight Agent s E. K. .11010 E, Freight Agent, Columbia. gull) W. 11.MYER21, Freight Agora, I.nuoieter titerchant eailors. E DWARD P. KELLY, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, flab JUNI received a choice amortment of CRAVATS GLOVES, TIES. SCARFS, MORNING GOWNS SHIRTS, TRAVELLING SHAWLS, ENGLISH PA TENT GAITERS, Ac., Ac., which veal be bold a , Moderate prices for credit—loco for rash. The business of KELLY & BROTHER It now at tended at No. 814 CHESTNUT street, by E. P. EEL LY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. oc23•tt JOHN P. DOHERTY, PORMEHLY WITH KELLY k BROTHER, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, Qc 00, TAILOR, - - - . . 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE IHORTH, lies now with bin, tho beat Tailors that are engaged in the business in this country. Cesium Rorer, formerly the leading tailor of the city; ItAnith, formerly cutter for C. Roth & Co , and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens. Kelly, & co.; 1113 MAT WAGNER, the beet Pante and Test cutter in the United Mates, for years cutter with Depierriq t under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplorrie & Pottus. under the St. Nleholes Hotel, Broltdway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Olothea made at moderate prime for credit, low prices for caxh. 0r.13-tt TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT el TAILOR, Noe, 16 antllB South NINTU STREET, ABOVE OIIEBTRug, A large and' well Wasted 'Rock of CLOTHS and OAI3BIISINREB always On hand. All Clothing bade of thin Establlehment will be or the beet quality, and in tho most fashionable) style. Peirtiaalas attention ern to UNIFORtI CLOTH. INO.• auO•tf rro. SHOVEL AND HOE MANUFACTIT RERB,..-811ETTER'8 imenovtD GARDEN ME., Patented June, 11367. The right to tgourao tore under this Patent luny ho !Secured on fttombid tenni, on appliretion to ALVAN WILKINS, 002140 t 22 Nymmus 13treet, Now York, LAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.--IYALNUT STREET 13013111-VIEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INOOMAATED BY THIS STATII OF PiNFOILYAIIa. Money le received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. morningce la open e,ary day from F o'clock in the ill 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 0 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. RENNER, President, ROBERT BELERID4II, Vice Preeldent. Wm. J. Rase, Secretary. DIRS(I7O/3: Hon, Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Manna, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Hobart Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry Sarni. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churehman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. • This Company confines Its business entirely to the reoeiTing of money on interest. The investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A UALP OP DOLLARS, aro made in conformity with the provisions of the ()barter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, And such first class securities es will always in sure perfect security to the depositors, and which can. not fail to give permanency and stability to this Intl tution. aul-Iy V n IX PENNY' SAYINGS FUND, Corner of 1 0 ‘.7 YIPTII and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, (corn 9 to 11, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock, Large or email sums received, and paid with out notice, with FITS PER OENT. INTEREST, by cheek or otherwise. .101114 TROUSON, Pree't. VOX P9X2IPXATO. THOR. T. TAMER, EDWIN M. LEWIS. snoperesi AND TRIABONNX, WM. T. ELBERT. TRIDITMNA, Win. C. Ludwig, D 0. Levy, Charles B. Lea, A. hdiskey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas B. Read, H. D. James Rumen, Thos. P. sparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter WllUamaon, Isaac B. Waterman, Charles T. Yates. auhn B. Adsths John B. AMA ' s, Salomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, William Clark, Sphrand °huh, Jr., Chula. S. Caratalra, Robort Olark, A. J. Drexel, Oharlos Dutilla, Wm. It, Foster, BeaJannu Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lew!, Lewin, Jr., NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVVIGS PIMP. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE BAYINGB TUNE. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS DIED. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - prvE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. sul-IT sAMUSL V.WERBIOX. 7.1/VGIALM WERIMOM WILLIAM MAISURICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, PIFTII AND WADDINGTON STRUM PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Yee., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. • Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, rhs. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every desorption of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills , Vacuum Pans, Open Stuns Trains, Defeetors, Filters Pumping Engines, dec. Sole Agents for N. Rilll'enVs Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Namnyth's Patent Steam Hammer, J. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. BARTOIr RIOHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVE STEM ENGINE BUILDERS, ' SITINTHIMITH STREET, HAMILTON, FAIRVIZIIAND /RHINO GARDEN STREWN, PHILADELPHIA. Engaged exclusively In the manufactare of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the me of Wood or Coke, or Bituminous Coal in its crude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, ITITROIPT KNITTING 810LII, OAS Oll k 11111. In design, material and workmanship, the Lortomo tivee produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials need in construction are made on the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stook. The large extent of Shops, mud Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the IlEsr OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANT ARRANOREENT REQUIRED. OHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With Borgloge of any min or form IRON AND BRAS CASTINGS,' And MACHINE WORK generally. RICHARD NORRIS iul•ly PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOLL SR WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE St CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINIIERS, MACHINISTS, POILF.R.MARERS, BLACK MIMS AND FOUNDERS. 11011 LIVERPOOL Haying for many years been in sucaessfhl operation, and been exolusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low promote, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &a., &c., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being hilly prepared to contract for Engines of all sites, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Promote, Fine Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsylvania char coal Iron. Forgings of all sites end kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, EOM' Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawlnge and speoideatlone for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, whore they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, tills, &0., &C., for raising heavy or light weights. THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB G. NEASIE, JOHN P. LEVY, anl•y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington. "HANDY & MORRIS MANUFACTIIIII3II3 01 CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR OAS, STEAM OR WATER. •LBO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHTS Warehouse EL IL corner FRONT and WALNUT. HELMBOLD'® GENUINE PREPARA xx TION, Extract Beata, for an Diseases of the Blad der, N. idueys,Orsv al, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. llE T litl N ßO Ex L tr D aa 'a t hEuNyo remove. si T i t i t tsAß pth A . : among which Will be found ' lndisposition to eurtion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Uorror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimneu of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Unruh, Plushinga of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Paoe, Paine in the Back, Ileavi.ess of the Lye Lids, frequently Black Spots dying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Loss of Sight. If these eymptons are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably removes, soon follo w . latnity and Epi leptic Pita. ifF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITR ANY 1 of the above distressing ailment', nui 11F.LBI BOLD'8 P.REPARATIONB, Try them, and be convinced their efficaoy. lIELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA ELATION, Entrant Buohu, health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !" And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them. 1 - MIBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA PTIQN Extract Buehu—See overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to @how that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the Inspection of all. EPLMBOLD'e GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Beam —Price =I per Bottle, de livered to any address. Depot, 62 South TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia, . . Address lettere, H. T. HELIIBOLD, South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphis. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. au7..Emls MARCHANT'S ORYSTALOGRAPIIS, 011P110TORRAP1110 MINIATURES IN OIL, N. IL corner of EIGIITH and ',ROUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of roeemblance ; Iflnllo the severity of the or dual to whioh they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These (seta enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends. They are enured by tetteri patent to, and can be had ONLY of E. D. MARCIIIANS. Kr Portraits of the cabinet, and life sloe on 0/113,10 as heretofore se 18-em 'UBLIC LAMPS.—TI{E PUBLIC'S 1 respectfully informed that °likes have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public, Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Buhl io Lamps; or of any failure in •lighting or extinguiebing them at the propor time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by dcweph Bally, No. 800 Wharton at., First Ward; Charles 0 arty, No. 19 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Minn/ O. Kirk, No. 1402 Mitchinson street, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Desbong, No. 2231 Coates ergot, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.Y.Bowlby, One Twenty-Fourth Ward, (Wes' Philadelphia;) M. 11. APPrulden, Gas Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (a ermantown;) Wm. N. Market, One ONce, Twenty-Third. Ward (Frankford,) and at the ilea °glee in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia One Works. A. J. KITE, pet -Gm Superintendent of Distribution. 1311ILADELPMA TYPE FOUNDRY- N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sta. , PELOUZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa. tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printer. and Publlehers that their new SI'EOIMEN 1100 K is now ready, and from their Increased fiallities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in • oomplete Printing Establishment, at the aborted no tice. Their long practical experience le the Wanton, and the tut of their personal superintendenee of the manufacturing daplament, Portiiiea them In asserting that they can furnosh a more durable *nd better fin ished 'allele Chau their cotemporasles. Those, therefore, who demo Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing °Moldier°. Old type taken,at 0 mute per pound. In exchange for now at epeelmen pigeon. , ant..t( OLIEAP SUMMER FUEL.--GAS COKE, kl of excellent quality, Is sold at the PHILO DISLPHIA GASWORKS foe the reduced price of fire cents a bushel, and may bo obtained In large or small quantity by rip. p tr if eeting, at the Gas Ofnce, No. 20 South atiVENTII S. To Purchasers by Wholesale, It Is sold at the Works, In First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Au. thraeits, a 1$9.01) per ton. (ligned,) J. O. CRESSON Engineer, : OAS WOREB , Aug._ V 3. 'of au2l-42 ! CO — AOll, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E. W ESSII EMI, No.loo (Into 49) south .1111111Tir, below Chestnut street, hat heroine a. saving of LO par coot, to our SOUTHERN AND, VESTRIES DIE.IIOIIARTS, and also the °ousel:dance of having thult old Carriage Lamps new silver•topped and bottomed, and Kant by express to all part sniff ly m EyA r 04 ,- 10 , 000 —PDINTED j i A I E The fro. tbat l Fro a :e " Peril°Eir I sil•W D poddd* Prole, al 0.4 4.0 .slllll' rs•Clax 1"1111.0.1 A re 0 41 " n r A cua.k.. .1 inib , 111. h. n 1 4OA 7. pAd.. cse. ur 6,..t. D L yrOnla „ Trette.nand Nth,. 10 .0 , , Im 10 , 4 Al6- trees rerlso•L 0 1C0r.141 ea 4, V 0 RIPS AT. below Cbeetent. !innings Inds. ftlatlnnern attb iron. Illebirlitre inouranct QGnitilatties. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN, ORAN: .1: CO S IPANY—OOiee No, 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia The following slaternent of the affairs of the company 1 / I poldmhen In eonformlty with • proviaion of its Charter pagMlUlli 11XVIIVED 1005 AVOUS? 1, 1856,20 AUGUIT ' • 31, 1857, Pire premiums 538,720 81 Marine premiums 217.793 62 Perpetual premiums. 22.4 00 Total amount premiums taken. 5256,74 T 43 Named re premlu ate 25,072 08 Earued marine premium§ 165,005 &1-180,018 60 Deduct return premiums Net earned 8168,339 09 Marine lease pent. 89 3 , 8 8 5 76 Fire tones paid.... 8,031 11 Salvage re• $101,918 88 calved... $760 67 ll:Aymara. ceivad _4,351 67 tt a - none ..... 2,971 62 —8,043 60— 93,883 70 Elpenses for commission. to agents, abatements in lien of scrip, salaries, ofilre rent, furnishing also, books, sta tionery, he 60,35 e 07 Profit and loss ea 4u-141;133 Net prat- 524,0768: ASSETS. Cash on band....,,, 812,515 89 Bill., receivable..... 119467 WI Bonds and mortgages 165,000 00 Stocks `'o , 100 00 Stock noted 112,900 00 Due by agents and others 22,312 93 4104,095 84 DIRECTORS. P. U. Potts, Wm. 9'. Leech, O. E. Spangler, R. T. Renal, Abraham Res H. H. Houston. Wm. H. Woods, Yoe.. R. Wilber*, George Howell, Abraham P. Nyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Italguel. C.G. Sower, Charles E. Norton, John W. Sexton, Johull. Lavers, Herman Haupt, James E. Sidles. , Nathan R. Potts. U. H. 81011Ingford PERCIVAL M. PO'ETS, President. C. E. SPASOLti, Vies Pweeident. . . . - W. 11.Woon.4,1308ratary, . ~ . . on T 2 R. T. Kitsem t Treasurer: pIRS INSUBANC.I. ' , , ,- SPRING GARbfill BIKE INSURANCE COM- PANY. CAPITAL 8120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SECURELY INVESTED, 01710 E, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD BTB. SPRING GARDENS. OHART ' ER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dohnert, Henry M. Phil. 11, David Woelpaer, Lewis Shinnack Benjamin Davis, John Louden, John Evans, Jr Charlie Yield, Auley M. Park, WI llam N. Woo James Burnell, John B. Stevenson, 7,1,00 S. Mintzer, Curwin Stoddard, Henry Homer Thos. D. Tißlughast, George K. Childs. SOMN H. DORM; President. L. 1(11.IIMBHAAR, Secretary. wept NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMrANY.— /. OPPICE, 414 WA'LTHIT St., Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE 70 INOREASZ TO 600,000. This Company is now fully organaat, and prepared to mike all klub of Insurance sodnat loam or damage by Fite and Marine Perlls at current rates. drnozoo. n. C. LAUGHLIN, Prealdent. RIOILUID SHIELDS, Vic. Preadont. CEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. I Oporge Minder, W. 0. Stotesbury, R. M. Oarllle, - O. 0. Butler, Geo. Scott. faul9-y, B. O. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T F. Showell, 'TIRE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE' 1 COMPANY, °Mee No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Staples, $250,000. This Company continues to make Insuranee against loss or damage Fire and the Pella of the Sea, Inland. b Navigation and Truaportatlen,at current, rates. OFFICES. President-OEO. U. BART Vice President—E. P. RO9B. Secretary and Treutirer—U. R. COGORHALL. Amistant Eemetazy-8. R. BUTLBR. - ROTORB. R. W. Batley, Charles G. Win. D. Lanni, Jr., J. L. Pornoroy,r Andrew I, Chamber* H. R. Coggat tall Samuel Jones Al . D., A. Y. OhaliabAingli.• George H. Hart, E. P. Rosa, A. 0. Oattell, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, Hon. Henry H. Puller, Pieter 8. Perkine, • John H. Okombero, an 8-1 Y 113111LADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN- • &MANCE COMPANY, incorporated by the'lltate of Pennsylvania in 1848, are now establithed In their NEW OFNICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, _where th ey are prepared to make ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of story der tription, lu Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUP.DINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, PAGTOEIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, TERCELS, Ice. Also, MERCHANDISE of all kinds ;. STaCK.S. OP GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STOLES, Goods on STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR: TIED:MRS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Re., Ac., Re., at moderate rates of _premium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to th eir past career ai an sinpls gtee for the PROMPT S ETTLEMENT .of all their i rs' lBl6. Them meet tale time no unbolt's& ad= egahlet them. ROBERT P. RING, ?remit. 31, W. BALDWIN, VlO3 Preet, /1.410111 BLACIErtteWil, Sea'y. • sal-the • 1 IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COlt, . PANY.—The PENN lain:JAL LIPItINSURANCII COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5612,726 OS. INSURES LIVI4I for short tanager for the whole term of Ilfe—grants annuities and endowments—par. chases life on Interests in Beal Estate, and makes 111 contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. - They act as Exeentors ) . Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians: . MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT' in any amoant-; Vire Per Cent. Interest allowed from Sate of deposit / payable back on demand without notes. , ASSETS OW TILE COMPANY, 7 annoy ist, ISM. Loans of Um State of Perinsyheinla, ' delphla City, Penq'a Railroad, Camden • and Amboy Whoa, and other L0ana.t...1379,896 38 Bonds, Mortgages and Beall:state. . 117,13 T 19 Stooks in Banks, Inuirance, flu and Ball- • road Oompanlem SIM SS Prandam Notea and Loma on Oollaterahr 103,692 01 Cub in Bank, due from Agents, Inter- ' eat, to 38,780 di eursate• Capital, Subeirlptlon Notes 100,630 00 sn3.,za 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, Prse BAMVEL B. BTOBJIB i yice Joss W. Boisoi. Secretary. • A. ROTIO FIRE • INSURANCE COMPA- NY, NEW YORK,—Oftlee Ne. 29 Wall aye et, ad joining the Mechanics ' Dank —Cash Capital, 114150,0eff, with a surplus. This Conipany,insruw.lluildiagis Met , el:audits, Yarnßaze, Veneta in port and their M Met, and other property, agalcust Lou or Damage ty Eire and the Risks of Inland Naugation. DIRZOTONS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua t. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rana R Graeae, ' Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davie, Edmund Penfold; ' 0. H. Lilioniewl, Hanson R . , Corning, , Theo. Bonin:ma, jr„ Ogdep Haggerty, %Bahl S. Mellen, . ThoMaS hlonegau, Abut. B. li Neel, John H. Rule, William A. sh Cary, Albert TriA, Thomas 8, tielemi, Charles Reston, ' James W: Phillips, Louis Loral, " Charles A. Mawr, Samuel G. Glidden, 'Edward liincten, aleph.. 01ml:salmis, , Wm_ R. Shepard, Montour Soott, CharleaL'. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Stave Henry H. Bogert, ' William R. Podia; Peter Edebi Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Yield, Geo. Weetfeldt, A. R. Prothingham. Salmon Taylor, Thee. F. Youngs, Henry R. Blossom. Samuel Y. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President, R1611.11D A. MIMI', Secretary. am 10,1 y MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE 0031PINY....41harter _Perpetual. Granted by the State of Paaugylvania. Capital, $600,000. Pb., and lalual Transportation. DIIEOIOI3 Aaron IL Lippincott, Charles Wits, Wm..A. Rhode., • Alfred Weeb, Charles J. Yield, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Bank, Wm. Neal, John P: Simons AARON B. LYPPOCOTT, President.. WM A. RHODES, Vice * Prasident. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a each napitai, and the Directors have determined to adapt tivi haziness to Its available resourcea—tn olatervepradenee in conduct ing its affairs, with 4 prompt adjustment of loam. Office No. 1Q ffierchaate Exchange, Philadelphia. anl•dl7 RERCANTILB MU' UAL 111813-. RANON OOMPANY OP PRILADNI,PRIA.,-015co' No. =WALNUT Skeet; oppeelte the Ruthann.: AMA RINK RISKS on Vessels Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION ,RIERES,,, per Railroad*, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. • • ALL THE PROPITB divided annually senora the M ewed, and ample security' In caaei of ices, MASONS)). Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon N. Ashburn**, Alfred Familia, • - Thomas B. Poster, Quitavus English, ' Jams R. Stroupi Alfred Blade, • A. C. Carrell, Charles B. Caminito, Bannacl Robinson, kihn 0. Reirer, John P. Steiner, Henry Omuta, J Oust, ;.rentaborg. RBIS MILES, Preeldent MITT, Vice President. Edward Harris Miles, John M Odertheimer, Mahlon Williamson, Bausnol J. Bkarplese, Lissa Jelnes, Henry Preaut, Edward G. James, William L. Springs, Franklin 0. Jones, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William To,ylor, James Murphy, Wu. F. &pith, A. J. Antolo, Runnel I. EDWARD ALFRED FA Joss o,t CHARTER OAK ^ INERTIU2(OII COMPA ARE AND MARINE iNY o► HARTFORD, CONN: Loaner in Philadelphia sad iiindriphin Office. . , Oath Capital $300,000. vicinity adjusted at the PA • by leave we refer to D. 8. Brown & Co., Phila. Ilon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chances, Stout &Co, .. I Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Backer, Lea & Co., 4 .llori.Z.B.Willlania, llatt'd We have facilities for p acing any =want of Don ranee in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Nu. 4.18 (o/d No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. T11 0 81&P8ON & ROOD,. '.. Agents. Dooto ani) Shoes_ INTO. 442, SOUTREAST, CORNER OF .1 ALSBEIBT and .111711 Streets. Gentlemen's Boat Patent Leather Gaiter Boote. 44 .Calf " Ito. do. 44 Patent Leather Oxford Ties. 44 Calf do. do. 44 Patent Leather and Calf narrow strap Shoos . Boys' and Youth"' Patent testher and Wit skin Gaiter Boot* and Shoot aul-t1 For gala by FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON k CO., No. 314 31AIts, HET Street, and Noe. and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE have sew in store a large and well-assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of CIO' and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale on the beet tends for Cash, of on the usual credit. Buyers are invited to call and eiamlni their OWL and-dtt R ALE ROPE.—Buyera are invited to call and examine our Manila Balt Rope, willub ers can can sell as low as American, and warrant It Superior In strength and durability. WEAVER, PITLYR & 09., ant No. IN N. Water at. and 2$ N. Whareew. /lI_A BRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING; DIE pinking and Enitemed Printing, Envelope and Beal Press Itannteetory, htranberry West, between &vend and Third, and Market and Chestnut arse. phuggelphin, Po, iml9 47 910 WESTERN TRA 'LLR/28. M MIRO ANDS:WM ARRANGEMENTS. NoRrHERIy CENTRAL RA/L WA T. TWO, HAUT TAAINS . /ROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBUFAR AXIOM.- On and after June Ist, 1857, TITO WILT MINS will leave Calvirt Station far Pittsbirghlo sal We* ern swat Beath or !forth waatalla cities, • - TUB MORNING MAIL Loam Ilidtlaidre daily (Sunday aned) at 11.5 £_ /4 • conneding with the Man Train over serest Pima tylvartla and - arriving in Plifehalith 14 A.M. . THE' AFTERNOON EXPRESS TEAM• • Leave. Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) It 3 P. Lt.. fur Harrisburg. • •• • - • • THE MORT EXPRESS THAI, . Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT sf 10 P, 11r. ;eft nectiug with the Lightning Exyreasiorse the Pensa7l - Railroad fur Pittshargb, arriving at 110 P. Of. it - All these balms eonneet elosely at Pittsburg with trains o'er the Pittsburgh, Fars Wayne dad Chicago Railroad, sad ita Hartbeest, Southeru sad ,Western connections It 7 Passengers for Chicago, Bock /Mead, Berlin, ton, lowa City. 14 animates, Duboque, at. Pael'a, Mad *On, end other leading cities in the Borthirest,,vill son, one hetektred miles of travel sod reu ours in t with foe. less changes of cars, by haring this mete: -- lir Passengers for Cleveland. Sandusky, Toledo, aid Detroit, go by thin mats, aad Ore time u.7squallid, being 113 mites shorter than by any other route. Bassengera for St. Louis, Tedianapous, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lover and Upper Mississippi, wake lea changes of can, sad arrive in ad • Vance of any other route bud to Cinclnuatl, Colinabes, Dayton, Louisyille, and other prominent cities, Lc quick 11.13 by any other route. All Weeteni Baggage CHECKED 'THROUGH unit Anted:err raids tare. The 8.15 A.Y. connect* closely with Express .Trains over the Dauphin road for Williameport, Elmira, Rochester, Bun'alo, Niagara Palls. and Canada.. thus forming the most direct railway root* to Nortlwastrirn Pennsylvania and Western, New York. Passengers will find this the shortest, cheapest, and most eXPedilioui route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Through Tickets are Issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at Ea each, tads train baring sure connevtions Passengers by this route avoid treuelle4 bridges. and all the inconvenience of ferrying across the Susquehanna river. Pessengere for Hanover, Nanehester, Getrystuirg, gm mitteburie, Carlisle, Cliamberabing, go by the maims at 5.15 A. hi., and 8 P. Al. WESTIIINSTPIS BRANCH. The Cars on ale road make one Mip per day, ecmaet. Jag withlhe train at P. M. - Per THROUGH. TICKETS and &dim , latereasstion, IrPIAY at the Taal Oalre. Calvert Patten, AL %Mei Calvert and Rranklia streets. I asp2B.tf 0.0. ADRiAN, Bart. j_VENNSYLVANLi BAILROAIL=TRII MAT CENTRAL ROUTE, nouns:tin the Lt lentie Cities with Western, North-westens, and South *sebum State., by a continuous Itailway direst. This Road also =meets at Pittsburgh with daily line stew:nose to all points on the Waite:. a, and Cleveland and Washy with Eton:nets to all =I North.western LU..; anangthe Wet CHEAPEST end RELIABLE ROUTE Ey which htigigi e l m be forwarded to and frosn the tlitiAT WEST. - - . BATZB BITHILICK I , IIILADILMA AND PIM BURGH. . . Vast Cuss—Boots, noes, Eels, *roll - Ow, Books, Itry aoodi, (in boxes Ulna and trunks), Drugs, On bonne and bales) Postbus, Pars, to Teo. at 100 lb mom Cuss Domino Sheeting flirting and Tiding, (in Wend balm),'/Wait tin m - Hardwire, leather, (in rolls at bau), Wool, and Sheep Polls. lostrard, he. is- ..1100. per 100 b. Than Cues—Auilla t Stool, - Chain, (in maw, Romp, Bacon and York, • - Salted , (loose oz saclut),,.Tobt•.4, • manufactured,leioopt (agars or . Pourru c 0 /re.,...Esti per 100 A. Raten, -Biwa, sad Posh, (in oohs or bliss sailboard), Lard milord Oil, Nana, , - Baia Ash, GlautanOlay, Tar, Pltalt, - Rosin, he 10a. Pa 10 lb. Tions.--The. per bil l until farther notice. eseur—abs. per 100 its., until farther notiee. In shipting Goods from any point East or pkitigal Phint be Mttlinlar to VAIL Pangs via Puumpleasta itouros4." AU Goods consigned to *ll..Aigent, of this Road, at Philodel . phis, or Pittsburgh, wlii bs forwardod without detention. SIMMS Aoarrril.--Ilarrit; Warmly& 00., Menph* Tenn.; B. F. Sass & Co., St. Louis, Mo.; J. B.lslitchen & Eon, myansriue, Ind.; Dumeand, Bell & and nter & Jewett, Louisville, Hy.; B. C. Mal-, drane„ Lad. • H . W, Brown & Co., awl Irwin' it 00., Cincinnati • g. W. Graham & Co., .Zenvivilta,, Ohio; Leech & No, 54 Kilbyetreet, Dm- rt; Imola & Co , No. 2 Astor House, New York N. /.-Withrmist, and No. B Battery Place, hes York—S. J. Sander s .; Philadelphia ; ?Away & /Cams, Sktin 1 0 1 1 1 ; B. A. Stewart, Fittabargii. •. . M. H. nintraiotg," " General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LiMiliAjtitt, flaportntendont, Altoona, Pa.' NEW YORK LINES.—THE tAKDEN .1 AND AMBOY JUILBOAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND MINTON SAMBOAD COMPANY'S USES. rota PHILADELPHIA 10' NSW TOW AND WA, ' Leave as follows ' cis: PAM. At 1 A. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mad IM, - At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jar sey Accommodation At 6A. M., via.Casoden and Amboy, Acocancoada- - Von ` l . _ ' At '1 A. U., yin Ounden and . Jersey City, li?rning _ 3 . Mall A. 1.10 L. M., by steamboat Trenton, einlsenny and Jersey City, Morning 'l3.rpritan a At 2 P 2d.„ Tit Camden sad Amboy, C. and A. Er- prim At 6 P. It via Camden and Jersey City, Xvening s At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acconmada- Von, Lt Clam. .. , ... ....2 At 3P. 11. via alien ..... ' Lamy, ... tion, 21101aso. 1 At 61. M., vja Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lit Clam 2 At 6 P. l{., via Camden and Amboy, Accoomooda: Von, 2nd _ 1 The'b P. M. daily all (Altars Bandafa a rpre : ea Linea stop at the priadjml statlent oeIT Tor Belridereritastourli-- and 4 T. M., from Walnatstompt W For 'Water Gap; Stroudsburg; Screaton, Wilkesbarr Montrose, Great Bend, dr.a., at BA. M., vie Delays, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. Sor Freehold, at 6 A. K. sod a P. W. .Tor Mount Holly at 7A. M., and 3, and P. M. , 'WAY. 2.LNES , . . For Bristol, Traizion ite.alt, sad 42. M. YiAT Yoe YabrOri, Ranboas, Drawly, fiartington, Bard= tom k.A., at 3 Steamboat matine_ti.u . StOOKTON for aad Briatol at 8% A. , 11f 1. lad for Bordestaen and totems dl/Aoplaeeast 2)(l 4 _,St , ... • , • —•, Steamboat THJINI.49 fee • isteny at 10 and 11 ,1( A. hf and i P:.„ld., and far Borlioirtaa sod Bristol at 4P. All linaiv Atieit• A. 114, . lease Walnut Area wharf. • • I:l7•ltifty poinds of baggage only allowed awls pia ; ileum. Passengers are prohibited from taking lay thing as baggage but their wearsog apparel. Mg gage over KV pounds to be paid for extra. The Coin ploy Walt their responsibility for baggage to one dots; per pound, and will not be liable fur ray amount 'As Yana SW% except by - special contract. WX. 11. CATZMER, AR IL H. MORRELL, Agent Phila.. Tr. 11. IL Co. , PItIN G AB.RANGEMENT—PENN -11,3 BYLVANIA OUTPAL RAlLROAD.—Roinsbig la direct connection with the PITTRUReII, FORT WAY3II AND 'CHICAGO RAIL ROAD. Far Cincinnati, . fit Lon.% lowa CH, Lonlavip ti, New Orleans , tn. Paula, ' - _lndiana . , Cleyel►od, ~,_ .: Kansas, Terre ante, Chicago, - Ifebreift. - ' " In advance et all other rental ant eflonnadelphte. Forming ants mutation wit% 'n72 Lir Grua WM. we Ha ilroads.,- , „ Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh end western cities, from the • Pernsyliania Raitrold' PIL/Fseuger" Station, south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh street,) as follows - Mail Train at I' A. M. Past Line at11111;P.M. .•.pressMail ' . at 11 00-, Night. CoMmlls R. R. Line lease for Kerrigan at 2.30, P. H., Lancaster )Acoommodation,) at 4.3% P. N. The Express Dian runs dany t the other train*, Elm daceerigher ' part - IenLMI see hartd-billsH, a t the different starting points . , Passengers from the West will find this the shortest and most expeditious route to Philedelphia, slaltimort, New bark or Boston. THOMAS MOORE, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvar.la Beamed Co, Philidelnkia, Ifebrnm7,lB67. artlAy NORT : PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD %AIL ARRViGEMYST,. BETHLEHEM, A_LLENTOwN, MAITORCIIONH, MB SON, DeTLPSTON, &O. On Med after Monday, °etcher 5,1837, the trolls ea this road will )care Philadelphia For Bethlehem, Irapress,) at 81. M. For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and Manch Chink, (Express) at 2.15 P. M. Passengers for Easton by 215 P. M. train take stages at Iron Hill station. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 5 P. M. For Gwynedd. do. at 9 A 11. ' TRAINS FOR PHILADELPIIIA. Les►e Bothelem (Rwpww.t,) at 9 15 A.M., awl 2.46 P. 31., ounneriang with L. V. R. R. trains, and arrive tr. Philadelphia at 12.10 M. and 6 P. 31. Leave Doylestown, (Aeeommodation,) at 6.15 A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do. at 3 P. M. Ad:tomato(talon train run &fin 'other MMus dilly, Busdays eleepted.• • ' ' Fare to Doylettomt • • " Bethlehem Bare to Manch Ghtmk oet "DHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWNN L AND NOR RIB TOWN RAILROAD —WINTER ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, October Ilath,ll3sT; •' . . FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at O. TX, BX, 9X, 11X A M., 2, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 1' M. Leave Germantown at 61i, 7-55 min 8,9, 10) A. M., 1-10, 3-10 min. 4,6, 8,7, 8, ant 10 P. M. Um' The 7.36 o'clink A. M. Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS Lease Philadelphia at 94.5) min. M., 2 and OX P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. It , 1-10 min. and 6 45 min P. M. eIIESTAUT RILL AKIMBO/M. Lear° Philadelphia at 7X, S), ux, A. m., 2, 4, 6, ed 9 P. 91. Leave Chestnut Hill it 7.1(8-40 and 10-10 min A M., 12-50, 3-40, 5-40 and 7-43 rain. P. M. ON t3tINDAYS. Leave 'Phil/Web/1121,9-29 A. M., 2 and 83; P. If. Leave Chestnut Bill at 8 A. N., 12-50 and 5-20 P. M. FOR MANAYZNK, CQNSMOROCREN AND TOWN. 'Leave - Philadelphia t dx, 9, n A. 11., 3,4 X, sx, sad 11 P. M. /More Notriatawra at 7,9, 11 A. 31 , 3 atal 5 40 P. XL ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelpbia at 9 A M., and 3P. M. Leave Norri.town at 7 A. M., and 5 P. It. °MESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING ' TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at t) A. 31., and 3P. M. Leave Downingtown at 7,y A. y . and IP. M. - 11, K. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green greet', Philadelphia. LB. KITE & CO. . 'FURNITURE, BEDDING, he, No. 413 pate 129 ) WALNUT at Philadelphic A tow sod superior style of Bpring Be4l. LTDII, B, RITZ. Jaunt WALTON anal am ONO. w. TAYLOR Sdl ARPE , S MEN'S AND myys, =THIN% 145 North YOU T$ Street, Venni' Arai and Rms. and-1/ T --- OE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, CHLITNITT STRUT, forwards PARCELS. PACKAGES, MERCHANDISE ; BANE Ro an d ova% 'ether br its own LINES, or In tow:motion with other EXER4S3 COMPANIES, to all the wrinalpal TOWNS an! OITIIo of the 'United States, Z. S. 111.19DPORD; aneral hapirOutoadloat - RITS SI A AND AMERICAN" - TAXERD CONDAN.I.—a rem*. :eywitOmokars and for Bala by WILMS, VITLNN Q(l., ®-V No . WI N. Water at, & Wlutroair. CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD EA" pD. Nol a'sBBO.;No.%ZZP.ICIRM Atria 01410-114 m. .ails e. FOR THE NORTH. TIIROVOR Ta.inis iLLIB . OLAik, /4.grat furniture Clothing.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers