The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 02, 1857, Image 3
, _ •,.-_ . _ _ ~, , iit.ottimitipa r* ,p o ,.,z,.„,,,!ivtt,tv-,,P,no,ea:4.;rt'k - r ai ) ulviatfrAliT'sslPlQ o . - -q .I . FY! cali.e.. adiFiluANAOlirkittgiFf;toX Owf barozeiiiita..Ceti4 Krum: eilevmereliFlES on Irriort eatt6sfpnah - ,_::. , 'l 4.: - ~,, • , ,i .h iq, ,r, JAM. Mid o .ll4hoC44iTtei, ' OkOred Ifith=" homicide o Al3ll,lWititlY iir Uzi Owe:- 'Their .°"eilt' ilg"kilf4i B A IV. 'lke Agin -14 - ". ' 0f 1 ).4, .0 - ttare# o * - 04 iiT. Migentinp; 71ThiPI Mon #8,4 4. IWO , .#l,l# iNt the house of Blirshoth .liirstes, in - tie aeleh hood of PilidArtWorrtthsfaehayikill:riThijedke SixedllWas4lisranicatit-at.hail.v. , 4 ,-.i ,, i.K ' . t , ": The - qam *of the Comtapaweel lb - ,ut. 11111lamii, ebtrvuotottot4 , hoiloic i eli aw.r.faue, Pte., r", 0.41. .),1,t.,.04 . ,*, , f .”' 44 5 74 Y 7' char ei.. ~ 1, 4 t- -- .4 ~- --- -.."4 ,-,' , t -..2. , , ',-:, '',' ' Allirfollairing oase s 'aieilikfiit 1 ,tibtL a kati miasma msd basterieschn Ilefu7l..7l% t ' 4 ""'na.-' l.9 P 7 ' herdi jahn!ldeßride,l Alexander' rcessiv.xuusolls . 4047,, False pretenops--Jeanatte - Taylor; -, eon: Wrikistgi , V, ',WI-,Weeliteeer'4: :INutlanea-John Henyt , AtiSabeth ;Glikirsori: • Tmioepy. 0'r1y. , .. wec4l44.4.ol;olMrlei Weave4Atileatax`Fend,m7' John' Henry, Jolla: Miller,ClirrusAqhkr!s: . s.sl4/_„ ' , 4aiDEI.IPIEILk:AkAIRKETPIi ,•, 9PT, ;,*.ucrattit-7:l3iehhig:44o4otoge Ohms tittioOe. " #A*l O . 4 1 (.43:. 411 , 4 0, bbitmr :Vow obi/ bate b4"' d i n g " ftwl l =Mt fitieiGhlo'estriitot term kept private: Com, mots' eopiiilite Is ' ihOted at #s.llsophrk but 1 1 w41 011 .1filkatf tht folinft , AVM' , ii 4.10 stoke continue light; and the local iistleis beteg eup, pked,et; Prom PO.BN . `hp iot-ktir ral bbl 't to or ootoou extilledd tiiri?hiptotC)lhrizOtO• Pi4; . ivi:)l l *. bcfar4, and Pit 44 bot,tkete to no Idea Sri, WhiAtikeOlOilitrelowli; ind pilule lots Wet with•itair , d olliaidgitgiati tor,liiiVio4;it,kiitidltild'to • $1.000; 1 4W, 4 00444 4 . 11 , 1 40.*iiiiitat, pseei.lekos. 7 . 4o 'tore and. -okoiti;t Oortt aeentad, !Lad t eina4000.6;090 bkekelp 'olitoo,tiern - wine dhirepol oeketWhiiliChi,:eiteVCOrtdilti; kttilkeitelY` 1 1 4 1 4.itt ) '-'44 1 " , As . ,0,k44 4 4t, 14 4 _ Boothe% have toten"naide , kto: iact Vetage. 51Z361 , , 10 :Belting at, the tilettlferiee9tOste.-lor litAktfielttoti'#, ,OftteitS'tk etc ftrtpuoil OttiViitilit . 44iiik, and nod ; WI/40M gudettled,:litk,bitt hati.<;i2tro; colicace*sigev Oitteesnyiere out PA;3744o47,ziot,hincdoOtirtstfii Eateda:iia ii.lwaated at S4,6OsSWIE 10 ) ", bakilbrt-lr~t44l!tai lolk at Etadfla..*torewgr, r• "•'*".-, I ... `•,..:VilibiPoo4ll6BbiertlOßN:;:,4 K isPhietl , ;Tobei Sea p how ti V o ' Awl**, . , 'fit this' wants' Blues& , - - fee4famltedVilltipplitsgesesaallg t idthotagi' eseetibiltaa -.'.- S t; rneelliingl;togiebrway, i n, - • logimoisleitoes.', wallow 'smote: gesmasig , ' g eitaiNWllo; ai to suallige is ddri, eer a*t ateisiseise laird 2 1i , 04 lalselltt s : said , egos at $U.$l4 , Bay Totowa., still cosies lu slo all tog Wets We *bits tbabfilsetandeadyi bat we. stall -- 'oontbatigestlsto ilgarsCerie 1 , 40111 at 'DWI l' Men& MOH: ~, ,fitir: waist kaa -ag; elesead , Of•lphlo I T 0.., .., wsoqaissopalitlyara , Omit , ditotietlosealtogothin I u ;OM +GO be no more hi toaiketlustilihs easelieg oaths , ?., annic-,aspisedOs *lel ant as forYibrie *WS, tan ts, ' ~- I sgre fe bat Milo - dont - Alb lasAtetrllblben, open at loneeerstei 'than kinrelenstaitiatopriveallid, , , Notaarg ' doislafaseto* Tama datingabilleasit,oontegnenle. lyre , lur bitiona., Thirlaiperotlosie foe the wait: etiiioiri vim 'Goons liiitxtr;=jrlinre ha: , - anvintileann• In ths. ,- Dry • Goods enarkat daring . peat Sisk: , Tbeiatide ass IgeiGnOly-aotietpating•o - quiet "tate of tbingi for lanzaitlintto (*MC , ' Goall'ats • dentine thi prodnetton'of , ate-reenottee hat greatly:di- ' ~ , selalealedi Sad tlds fainGe 3 enniniinanur litteigtheied - ,:thelielliiredliolase.'”Domoatles of- stliraelitles trie In lightaings qtadd4iCbatereiteang groaeslof 44 Bross It Peak atm., sal light do : at 088Y,4 esitfeAlllsieb Naas% esagiat frotatiX to Water sastoitigto4lialitp andadathe ,- Welsote Resat Otalii , , :,.stliii9ft Sestiflllniedipi let Breentia-Dealake at 12414 loistsiealebeekS sled-Meting Sal* at lailTeents.e Oanaburgs ais selling at SmalfiX °ante foe S-4.110,114 asiiinfor 7444.2)10511' semis fat ilit satire quota enwrap 2gisall , Twllliat Illiils MU, Barnet Heat& Mende seibetagtag illgatiOXeSenateilatel Illesebed , the:o•l2S? • tientle: Beaks tug it from 9 tit log gentl y 4lnioiro& kap , piloting' asaibllebibents' laatas ,- eeeently• stopped; woes enthily, aid; attliSaiielietion. ;.mast (birgreatly: reilusi l , wei 'soar ressookbly anttelpate 4it , advatnee• lei panes: 4 TberS at noinn - Wodient selling; 'trod Web lota as self daepoicdnf being falfeates, - ; , i ~.. ~,. 4,6 ~; - ' ,a. ,tl ~,,,-. •,.., , ,•:*1......r... , „,•.0 - , ••; , , , ,:..u.,: , . BRIGHTON OATTLE MARKET; •Oetiober , 291 , -;At - tnaeleet i l aiirAtiirvsfs,, , l," Stores 4 000 Sheep and Lam Seed 400•Boina: '- ~ ;,• --- •4 . . .r!-•••• I , , -, Besefeattl4PtleaCextra note 2; ari l senility Blab' wediadaueliti $7 , tbled quality giis'6o' k `P , t g Ozeu 2 ,- yo sealei... „. ', , -* , _, . I Rapit-AV260531'.'',50)1344 d4Oxiii: f`', avhot:tblag f.frp years old - SHOOS e , . ~ ,f ilitkiw—Sst4So irlb. •4 • ~,,, , ~,. , i ~, v -:: • , Map 4,ll.*Wbie-artik 2443::151' bp , lotiot soii • , Bitilig , :irlititesile 80 weft:lll4dt exil9xo.x f.. / L W e_6ls4l/A-544$ tiftfatOri,4liNittlfdifdo l l" o 4 04Por, T,'- a " , "M ed t7 4 re ll6 f °4#l 11".4 1 8 57,, 'mi., b t u ... ~83,252 60,955 Whiras,b4...l ,• • • - MAW: r 216,005 .flora, telgte Iharletjuke - ""`" /42,219 44i600. 'The reeelpta at Aide-water from the - oUeutuf of Atm "MU tip *0 thei6thinsrli:liita been itiqollorei • 180: - ••• • -1856. • 102,141 - ' 4 03,445'. Whta t Niebols. - ,: - .•.2,081000 74190‘114' ' ! ..2,41f8,004 Corp, "!'" 11,4,88,618 . ' 8;3911,612!: 4 1 818,848 Ba titt' '9 09 0 76 , • 102174 the'tiliert to fiout:;ilie deffeienette . 46l , t*/)/k*A 0 A,100144.#! ), Y,-, , , , : • ,24 f ~1t411 # 44140 [Reported for t'ho Press.)_ aGuAGt—aritHouittor; Mixon-TSB tiiiiteAs stew risMidis'm MOF6otiebiSks"swbot 4160,'115 :DM bbls dry wino, 6210 boxes, 2026 halt , atid 2600 At do M R 130dtotet. 000 kiltsad 590,yir do Myst rithikul, 178 sigh* bobs* Mosby do; f lo'sabartirtoorut do. 700 bails sagralsio deil2Mixixes swam db frA*l ol 4, lll 4Agliiioel;': • Mate of Departure of Mweepeetata elMersin,: fr lAtn I"aset-Marrasta Magna ,- •" 4 ' 4 - 4 11ei th e• Month - Of lirobeiwiFer i lMai ' 4 , 44, Departs hero Date. Dertinathe 'ilanalianitt ateemer.r:Rew:YorkANtie r- 2..llkinbiarktt *amine ' 4 - New York,.Nev 2-Itareana 44, " ca.& 4 -Wow. NerlazNOV 4-4 -6,lVAlPtnwiatt akcollide - 4 sNew.Yorleafot: 7..cttiverpawt -:: NowYreir.:Noe "71.1terazis gi'., , 'Plaitel'ork;:ltertr, - .l.lierpeet Tork.'iNor 12-11stans ItemTotriaida I'4 - ;.o4i44Masre Mellttnr a,' - YOrk -Nor 17-Havana opurte • P,Paeetou. :Nor IP-Liverpool aj altrpritle'; 4, War Yo ' rt..Nor 20.. Aepinwall oopino•• ' , lffy York. .Noy 21-11velpeet Ithtnew4'l , Yoric.,Nciv 2. 1 1,1mp00t, , , Am.* 27llnraini "Brispen - "' ' " ?tee lterfc-Nee2K.frar& Dr et etessitestftelesA aidnger tettitien4 Poirapspelyitor plata nEttal era tAe Qualm. Attatristt PridalUalod, 14=N, tahli ie e kii P •itatr." ,lll2slo ! * mitpoigaivt 8011 , 1 PP IPAIR4DII4' ' 4-415'.Ztliii0 1 44' 1 :::d Op, 1/1051 WAVIL ' • ... . .4114 ~: ,; r x •,,,,',./ . att &Ole alai; LIO hoard MN New' i'dili; Libellant' MO ;iurp,itumn & QC Totted gonad bpOltfinriatf&,Bo, , 1 /Or WW 29 *-ABfr "1 400,0 : 35, 474 froill SciVitiab: iirsKio. to big' ' es fe, CO.' '''' " •trarr, Mart/140 ' 0 0 '0 04 ' 614 4 4- ' "la I # 4411i.indse to *Owe Ogling. j , '" , '''' Z 4 ' , . 1 44 , 1,WWWROMu I PO I C I P U I# O r flikri rtatil,,ll, 1 oPidikisl,o - 0111,X 00)/40. .. ' , ' 1 , ,attlfej;alTib Pri fat,4ldaiet frqiiffiatiort,, •Tir t4iVet a er er pa . '- ' - • •", •,, sokr,v4rS Sißtoore; Tide: i diiiltlußrialdion' %ell* x4Wlfsal..k.' oo . . „, setur. sinweet,ltirroughi;ti lais, IPitei Begoa, In Belfast to Btori, CU ort 00. '' - ' - • ' ' • , - .1 4 &hi Pliligilph ITrtitt. Vdays Ji; 01100, net, : leith. back to 4 14 PieCeltes,„ Seta Hops. Morris; 3 'day! from Indian River, with -Ran W A W'SWW I,I 6 Ce , ' ti , , .1 '• ,>,,'" 4 - , 'l4 ' ' Steamer Bobert Um*, scuridifugar, 66' 'holies lioin 3.14410414144.,/iskig 4 , 49k1• lalgrga fim4,kg gem I _laden with flour, graiu, gal, hon k laudn)t,o., '4:9 woo o ' 4 ' 4° " °th q") ,A *P 4 •tiku:4i l 4 . ):ffe9>l9#44l l4 i aiantorthcosol#4 , . .1 ii i iii 1 afilftWftll4 ,3o l.9 f; ( l4l.Plire. 'o 7o 44 9 l3 ; 7 -4;dl' Winiulf • , ~, , ~ ,- . , , ,i . I liamttiOsiff.llldef,,Boaloll.,,tirlMeakil4Balrin.; Brig I. l lB.ortgp, Baker,"BeT We ,W 0 1,2 41 14 00 . Behr A itoe,lpersi Ohl* BostpnriTliorigiftrafe & 6, 1 doter M . I ,lllm9rei tattle, IhwOlft I'Lifiltk•Vq4_.kVo.' t t Illehr,Taililguitt) Birrughlis AO4mA ... .uni,. l l- 1 ' . ?gtr/11. LBW, Lig, ,Baltintore, A,Orimiii, AV,: tar SILIORAPriA , I V' (10WW190114111141. of the Thilwielphle,,) NAPE ifALAND, N 9 7. M`3, l c 11 „.., The ship :Wyoming, for Liverpool, and ,brig Mack; ihtueN, for St Jago de Oahe, went toseast 8 o'clock last evening. The ship Nestorian, In to 44 goamerNeta- , were;from NowAorir, paged in this morning, and the , .31 li'fi Wang, from West Indies, and Aurora, f t li ~...,,,., aftsimaut, followed byfthe ' Autet srlitiOnt.#42Y„? PA" 6 krit'APPOirte' ~.„,,,0 1 4 A uk it s y, „mtodgyr- T WOMltercoolv It,. , -,`i .o i Yours, ate., TUBB. B. miamos,, ~ . PT Tnift.. ' • .. Wernissop M.! ristivi . ) I , , . .1,..1 ~ 4 ~ n Ir., .1:961. 1 4 i ard;..,,3 ,hi pe , ;apptrailal'frorci l o kerpoi,lpN eptune, 111011.4O;hantnaltANKet0,,i3N184,04,Wistacklea, from °lemon', Wan 'PP* 8104,0,i trout goit 4 4lAirflorqh from` Omuta; ketch Brothers, from Bordeaux; sehr I L Bow!, aularrifeesn•lhantatibo, , ~, , . i ~,_ ~t - a.,i, ~, i ,,- ; •,_, , .1 t ~, A lso wahtut, Ships Treside4 Olinger .fgro.hfinfoitil P bine, from dn . ; brigs Penobscot, from perribo;,,,ONAO W°lll4lngt°n•rroin Malaga , ochre. Doltddp, from Sly , boon,Afrteil, Z -4 3"Iiowartii trim' 'gambrel* ,Tingor; ' from Wieutheri; "Shannon, from Kagan; ' Ndwewil jily,l, , 1 0 , 4 *OSA. , i `,,•, - ' ' 4 " ' • • ' • - - , 4' - .'," AOliilig t liai.-i4, i Arrived, iihiP elocitOs • ticri, tnini Calcutta; ban . net. =WA) 4 3 90 1 . 0 90ePtR ° "lbri KilgrkrtbfrWu .1)..1.9". ' •1 4 A .53 41 tit i l i t hrikiii A : .4. f : . , I• ' ii,, •; I IaWAM/114 n , B Bemilli ,14 , 6 44 4 /o. c il i lFeia, at New Icork' 'alitait. fdr Halthbore, . „ ihnit til ... poPl i rlirl i e,l f ir; rr e ; u lti l AA' f°l " Ship w ‘` l4l44l Y wr 'l4 et 'Ar t M i l lle g t $ l . foir /,f4 1)4 wanly set l, o4 & V* , ' ' g " , ferTN-C#lluffi OA!e, et l eefo St ) !"t'" Rik . t: for tdritrpool, wittr ,seu puleugera, slid a cargo; wadded nt sloo* l , I/ ",‘',,," , - „ ,_:,, , , , fled , , dbip ,Beirgotoift*Ploo , l,l s 4), 14 6 ',..M,tivEk Itaraart SOB alt . , fp4lfetr Bile it.„ ' • AO itatatitmair,tepart)fir#l4)S, ITQM RaT am' l AM 44,1604.440)ti5agi.._ 2,. ~_.,,,_...t". '' , _t.._. • Names Anna -Munroe, from N ew 'York, at Torteginy nod sailed for New °Amine padfult. .111110...11. .B.„Stenhene6n, firi 'Pensacola, sailed front any 'West 24th nit, a i i aii ' . t' ' uil ealß-Birqsridom°92;4lll:lAs:le,l,leiteel;:e"ed:str,,,::ll72sni.4ll3ollllt: , tmj 4: !A„Dtebert,,ffewitt,. for I RIO fif)Janelroi ..-"". uii ' Alblon Lincoln, Pink ham, foe Baitlindife 4 ~ .• sort 14 pa - ' .' "' ea Semi theateuxVor ,_ il nip's, sailed Irani Sartori 80th nit, will Imi .‘,4 Serene John J Pelmet', Turner, from City Point 14 iZil l 'ev l 4,ti„ sen:r9Llfs i mptr loati:4oll, 7 _ a tlllitiilr, vinAliZe ' ait itrirClieke4 'Tseelitag *market. ' • • •tt I ' ~, ,I ~, ii ..-- gt I) . and Diaffell, Tibbut, for 'Philadelphia, 09,0 AtrON'IM O I ti!o , ' A 11 - 1 2 ' 7, e. i ti r . , f.l A ,{ t ( 1 k 1 , rerilrAMlJOillio, Witt { pours o4 o 4 , 1 "Z . .,5.,... - qtr i,1447 , 4y.04;1,i414; 1 ;01 1 i • Y ' ''4l' At ~ n4O !i ..- - -,- .4 0141,: x ...,1i0 • ' lea*set,*tatmori, StSsi Isos, os• • tatsl, l l aft- kw- _JP-x. -4;l' ' m 1 ipightikialiee, hence, inked et. Ittobtlei - ; ; s t i • --.- •• - - i V t eo , ' 10f -4 W: 4 440N -, . 40 - 1 47 4 1 6 1 15 WI attic ilAyileitleptOitit:o44 , o' .... • 'l' , : ' ,AttilaftVfleatki il :Oka, toitiOni * t.r. ' .' - Of . ;ii:Ciiitt-4ahotioai' it )0 ' . 44 F pa. 6.;,..., nod. ; garacf.i..l4liasi; ana Tart Thomas,Minata,4lthltarom Proldenea 29th nit. cot Philadelphla „ a Mg P.O#nry,,tBroiri, fronli Boston for Philadelphia iaa atiPloarPprt BOth nit, - • „ (fehafAiiir,f,spd:HO TwHohell, hence at, N Haven St rittt itodine - ,littlei;oloared at Now 'Pork 31st foa , Phllaaolphia. 2Ara" Er A' Vreeka,'lllebant, Patic: Nary Miller, and las B Heintrt,_henee at Prorideace2olh ult. War B Wegoiai Vailth;oloweed at Poston 31st 'nit,- for Philadelphia,: - • - - Bohr Snow Bq,dbli; - Haskell, for Philadelphia or flock toit, Jda,, a,prdint to wind, ealied from Providence 29th nit: I • 11411.11414 81180ELLANY. Ship daintiridge; Mate, at-New York on Saturday; Irian Liverpool, stove boat, split mile, &e. during a gale frbroW Woh the 11th ult, In let 46 , long 66 ; same time bill overboard Martin Bonner, of Ireland; had eta deathidurldirthe passage. ' " Key West, Oct 24—Workmen are now employed 'upon the new light house building' upon Loggerhead Key, 'Tortugas, I understood it Is to be one hundred and :S l ty feet high, and will be neighed ac soon as possible. - fever fa still here among two yowls—one death add two slek.—gly letter to Ellwood Walter, Esq ] The British screw steamship Edinburg, Copt Cum. ming, , aailed from New York on Saturday for filaegow, ...With 87 cabin passengers, and 149 in the third cabin. Nor cargo constant of 4500 bblit dour, 2300 hetes cheese, bbla apples, 13,200 bushels wheat, 277 tirkins but -Om 461 bble rosin, 2846 hides, &e. • ' Ibiorfolk. Oct 30—The solo Oordolla; from Tfaracaitio for New York, put in here in distress :—[ fly telegraph '4O Ellwood Walter. Esq.] The ship Edith. Rose, 610 tons, has been sold at Bee. 'ton foi ,U+O,OOOPl • • : The hull of barque Peron, of Providence, ashore on Elook' blind, was sold at auction on Saturday loot for 890. During the heavy N E gale on Sunday she wont intirely to pieces, sod drove upon the beach. All the cargo had been previously got out. • Barque Triton, °engine, from Calais for Berbadoes, pat into Rockland 24th last, leaking 2000 strokes per hour. YOREIGN PORTS. 11 7 -'Be'' ban. ',la).- At Buenos Ayrea 2 E40 1, barques Alabama, Sherif; Frad Griffon, Davis, for England;: Wanderer, °auMeld. r Boston, nag Thorndlke; Sawyer. do; 0 8 Hayes, varlet, !kora blevr , /l'ork About June 18, ar Aug 214 emota, Hallett,•froat Boston May 30, or 27th; brigs 8 Churchman, AskerselorNear,York; Bonita, Upton ' une. i 81d Aug /B,' Slap. Alma; ,Freeman, Calcutta; 25th, barque _Marls, Brown: Montevideo; .81st, ship Alice firhorsdike,Bpakling; Calcutta. f_Old Aug 20, terquas Juba Knox, Ginn, East Indies; Est Albers, Gregory, Rio de Janeiro. , .. ~ . POUTS iNNW YOBS, Oct 81—Arr,, ship; Cambridge, Obese, Liverpool; W S Lindsay, Gray, Oronstadt; Br brig John Butler, J'ark, Melaga, Old, ships ki Tyson, Morrison, Liverpool; Nerved Queen, Young, do; Charlemagne, -Oates New Orleans; barques Louisa,erend Hooka 0 '2' • ape ors, Laura prom) ,Wilmeen. remen; Jules, tielfOestapt‘ Perk Prinee..Ceace Trinidad; ;,V Cobb , g Peterson, Havana; ;Eliza Berm, (Br) Wet ''Sa=wn, ilermQ4lo brigalmsbella Day, Aspinwall; Rm ma Portoe;Alent,ric,;(Pr) Morrison . Plelifax, N 8; ' Kstil W 00 4!!) ' BOSTON, Oot3o,llibrigiliinueliallem, Lovett, Malaga. Old,' bargesi„e3am;i3lick;A Ryder, London; Dorchester, White, hailing - re; brig OroCus: Mama Mn. tunas; 'sabre B A dward "Biefett, - Hstthews„ Coasiven, Marcie, Wadep'Port an Prince; Violette;'(Fr) Harmon, St Pierre, 144 Z 131 d; ehl.lbiwiutil, Bermes, Katandin,; Bliss & Ella, Joao& he m ss, Felicia 4 barques Western' Moneka,;jlcotiand, &ABMs, Island' City,. lielifax, 'Yolante, OharlottoOlizone, Almatie, Levanter, Sam Slick; . Mgt America ' Beauty, 0 Field, CroCee, J.A Taylor, E-Ilaldiela= Tampa, Moonlight; dims Alma, (Fr) •AddlsOu °Midi MitP tabors. Br brig Beauty, re-' Ported sailed "born, *lied on' the 281; and is bound to Hall fatirithler'inwerd 'dna of fruit. Oct' 81-:-Arr, ships Agnes, 'ones, Liverpool; Mite of Maine, Hurophroy ; 00.44047'nd; barque Daniel Webetor,, Atkins, London. - 01dOprig_Weitoneh: 'Bose, Portland, .to load for,ooa; dim Nickeremt; Nlekeznori, filch" .11.1&XANDBIA',Ocirr,brigileimonde;OrOcker; laity ,Point, Ye. 81d, ship Zephil, King, Now Orleans; Ulg•Andover; Ciorrell, Boston; ochre Cornelia Orook, 1011tlielli',' Golden Rule, New' York. "" • 111.011.MOND, Oct 80-4di'eteemahip Roanoke, Skin.; 'ner, Now York; schr Buda Roger., Boston', Squire 4t. ...Broth's!, Wetzel , . Ne,y,„York. 814'. debt* 'Lynchbarg; Chensi.Ofew Yale • ' • - " " WLLIMINOTON, Ifinoverian .brig ohanna Berme en Bostiin,' Old Oct 30, brig I'ducipa•lfdmi Emm kine;'.fit D -* omingo; Nair' ;NA, %,Adams, , Boitiki;lparsue Oubs,'Leavitt, Morena - , , SAVANNAH;' Oct 27-01 d, ship highland Chief, Bwenton,,LiVerpeol; barque Palmetto; Bacons, 8t Jose Ae Oubefi - brigOregon; Race, Boston; schra Piandome, Jaren/1,14w YorkOhircia Farrow, litatadell, Havana. NNW ORLHANB, bat. 23-Bteemehips' Megiba Op& Llteielijialialsole ; 2 ships - Baden, Btilphen, Liverpool ; Beresepore, Stone •, Hampden; Butnem •, 8 Clover, Kell ,BMWn' Ml ward Oillderi; . Fontaine • barques MaidOwee, 'N 'York ; j P Coombe, B 000, Itoston ; , 'Didhe' , loliiiiel - „Tillbert,,Bacoom • averland, ditillmiti," from Bremen;' flial,; 'Berms • 'Deecublerta, Mimes, Cleared, steminhipObarleli Mo rgan, for del -radon • ships Orown Point, Oonk; LiVorpool j • Amelia, plWellebel Oliegewt keel, Dolena'Lleerpool ; r it Jar . ;way, Collier, Joe 11-Toone, Pennington, !Tortugas. Below, ehipe Potent/ice head, Liverpcni ; John Han'. ,seek, 00ifitri. Shewieut, , , Higgins ()hes 8 Pennell, !Meld:her, ;Liverpbol Zambia. Peters, Have Mary ! "O'Brien, Vesper,' 4loston ; birquen Stranger; 'Brown, ',Liverpool . ; Star , " Crockett, Rockland, Me ; rain. If :Bpearing,Plogers,lleth,llle. „ • , Towed to sea7.7th . nit, ship H Marcy, brigs Ida and 40.reole.;18thy shipolleiniiiphere, Artesian barque Hsu 'Mak, Serer ; brig' Nathan, fitemon ; chip Hardt ' ; berqqes Repko; Henamisee•,- lath,' ship Verde!, lb - i1t;1!#446, 7 / a pay'ReUr; ;Tig'4l4l7 Bilzebetli; '` ,±441,v0,Ar THEITEINIPA HOTEL": , street, between Sth & 'Mr Montage, Madrid, Spain It T Sermour,-N Y.• !D Y, - , A Biechog; N.Y 0 W Olalloapo, Boston It Hodges, Baltimore BAlPatteriani N.Y. •:.• H. 31 0 Brown, CaUfaml• . ABE Jonoo.loolloHila • , " T L Olirstuar, , N 0 A H,elsoestrli W Urieh &lei Trinidad, OhasP Landon, W P Sheermon; Waahlus'n L 11,Burr, irgaishle A It Folmar, Washington 'DoßAßoberteogla la,N 0 Isaac S Jones do la, Batt . 'Br PIS Irish& Is, , John A Banks,lleading KW J Plia_ ake - Reading AllosM Storer, Beading • P Meek Kam r an! ''t3 A Ridgely, US A . W Bree4toot, Baltimore Stnerevant, Boston D Larell,Philadelphla P B Changer, Kentucky .11,7 0 - Seism California , I Julies Merriam.* he,' , Va %%Bedsore. Binghamton A Q Seaman, wobLogom , &Porter 4./a,lertarneh ,John NToula,Beltlmari . 1)P Woodmen. St Loula • John 0111, Louisville, Kg • it'Awsa, J.Pt T A Verdi, NOwport Bt Z Armstrong 'D MiseArtnetrong, B "Ohs 8, D=ti .4 Mr Hutchinson /..• Is, 04 his OarkleOlichmond, Va JetneaMooro, England ,/-31.0e0par, tit Louis, Geo Outnuig, Boston. . LJOnee, PprUmouth P fraud, New'Orleitne Ma4Oliairrgin,Sl Orleans. - , 1 John It Lina Odap.o Hovey, Bootag: +, I.Ward, Palmer. /lass B Buftman, Vs •, , - , ticlorarte, N Orleans 111110rVO I,rible,,laitcw • ,1P PauUeou, N Y Wm H McKnight, Ind , MWtmdinuy, Boston Asa Stevens, Arrkrr/114.1,1704, N UOlllO4 , 00 Orabaviroil • iatatrber,l,ol:oollo„ .0 WlRerpro f 0 .4.: A &War, N 1";.0; • 41, Ai Xbbas, 1111140140 N.Y„, .. ... „ .13 grlderokar UnTlrkuri Wk.:oo4‘ Or lona )4' 0 Nat'l/400 ir Orqw, ,/ 0160trelmod, Balt Orson Adam", Belt . if Xemlidar,,Nalt „ .....It.Y Ilawliugs, Bolt . Dr {boll ;Pk fig) , Mrs W B Bydrr, lowa • ~ . i , ~, .r . *lololl 4 lNrB' N EL—Fourth at,, below Arch. 0 illtalttiOratieft,it;.•". - ' • i hulbatatilalll, New Jersey It W A. Nail, Sbathlaktori" AjUtehllas, Coon . elink,,ilartea'h Col ' WtoWtle ''Obambereburg iil.l4Mu,Ne2r Jitney . l • Strattfo Nov Jo rsoy Ityau, Ohlo%; bin 4:411144 Samosoullarirey; '•:" Walt Orissa° , eater o'l3 Olean, - Rochester "Atian," InalanafelP Sohn 011111*Virginla '• A Wait, Reading mart:P/14s, Pa ' Xigsb Virginia , lIN/ON 110TEL—Ock aboValthirth'' II Palsgrork, OhicagO , 'David Morrow, lily G V Vials*, lola ••„,:: Era 0 Warron, lowa oily I A JMapoldi6Dointylighvillet3 Whylook, Dahlia Ha, W Bpragg,..o , • A B Itlabazdion; 11l D: Stou,,t • Non,0111: W Wstotfird; ilokt 4 n' • gimotrlmfort, Reading Wlt Hanson, Philo, • V G. Alton: Chilli o#lo Smith, Washington on PAndraiio;li • t Win Troldar, NO 1 ., ot a Richard POtott;nl4s &l N Poling it, 111, .' 0 0 gnat; gtorcoi,e.d . ' • 0 Pryling,olhitO l co; 11l Mt* Montgomery ' John LettHuue,rhAs M Kato Yoh Ihilith"4}.qc Atdi7'9;'l~¢Yr A.M.RNl.4l(4ioi . EtOttestnut stied, atmee Wm J JahrtiMr:kiel,fei/talto L 0 Butch; Ohio , " W Wsight,‘Va , ` " It N Weatherly, N Win , B. a Finho, Wilmington It a Truitt, Philo: ,T ilcOabe & la, Narrishurg J NV Quof, Traelm, Y And FulleriTeVi.: Alex 0' Orgbli, qhMlestpu W W Orahh, Charleshirt,. Bermoni 'Sr L L Livinoton. .311th Morgan, Pathwilto Ohmilt Tertle;Newarle, Dil":11is; Isowsalf B. 'Arnold; Va - ' " - john O'Donnell, N Y '2 Btsrltweither, Easton , iv 8 Wlgghits to son,Wallb, DLlTlngstod, Wash; Pa -1, 'Perms IlirOommings, Wne4,, -; 0 O'Bittledild; Erie, , Paoli% Li Is II Ben:l,N Y '- 0 0 Noyes, Mass - Markland, J kin J M Bnirchilde, Balt' • •Mias N J T 8 Vickorsai 0 " 2' , G W Smith, IN J • C Dagitt WElnv J. 7 Patterfron, Nati ' T Street , Mt- Harbbion, pa • - J DosovancPa , '•'- • ' UII Ilehry & la, Pittsb'h IT W Thomas, N V W Samford Pittsburgh ilserrale ' ' Littlrigtoo, Va Al. Popper:Nalvlr/WT - B Mcßride,' Bettifilen, _ 0 Miller, N Y • _ NATIONAL - 110.01.4aseer striae', Own' Third: intradoiratali3Ody-Buo,fit7llßeymeyer, Pittabgrth -Jaeobß Willianui , do T•B Waaiter . , Holmberg, Y$ .1 ÜBirodollari , , der kileadiefir ottraliiok-t 0-19kforgan',Theelit.0111e I Lafpock,:Bloomaburg, Pa. D Baker, Bufrale,'N Y &MR. Y - -- Geo N Meredith, PhDs AI Notaimgot,Tettitrine Calm Iterbner, Balt .I.Xlfigkornms, firgrdopopil* Oloka Gewley, NeerAlerlin /4.0 1 04, 1 , / efluerprino dsunsiittoilipg _ , Stklmicip4, " aTA,I•2B frlBloB—Market street, at 0508 4 ,44. 118 1 0 SwallaY/ 1 ,, , C , ' tonfors bonoioter co Jacob fliamairks,4BV7 so. ,-.loku Walker, Pa ♦ Shoteell, Ohio Deunell f Columbus, 0 Mut Olorill (*Pew ; Q WWllllUu4is .4aXeggl, Maart,CD PA 1 E Wa, S t ahl° , Davld Pr! ar,liCaussa 0,190 F Fag - • " Wm J ,DEOO, t / /4, .ebertres, Pa Bliluerk Geo p !ma., S Keprkeeg Perrovillo Alex D'Boxia,."•it P. John Morey, ljesrlaboxx J Sharp, 8a1t.!,, gonitioN BOKontittoo, 0 •, , , MADISON 110Thig—geo!olut otreet s iboo NeePt. gobt W RejnoldseDel 8 D Taylor ) A 11. Notting, N Am Jones,N 1W Wradttme '• ' 1 , W norsey, Del • Michael DlsinaSy; 1 i Preston, Va • ' Debt Metren,_ ' • 3 A P - Elenneoe, N Y gaol PlierociTNet, " Masa Übe riltisbyrkl , Voster boon , Del Retry lettlmer, Del • U 0 - Pigobani, N y Bluspou, Pa I.r Al? f_( ,i,',IBI.4OPICSNALIIfINN. , .P.gth and •Ifeeebent, ' •?• Samuel 0 Chase', 0$ 0 DWeivir,Colebrooirdale Jacob II Joing,Chestei (le , - Mirk Brcuko,'Onestor Wm Brinton, Chester Co Jae W oodward , Chester co Jae Orbit, Wm Nay; Lowloofilo, ka fleo Hoeri,'llostir Od! Vim D Hooper; A Wino', Xfairlibuig , Wishingion'olll; Del Co TAwreneet - Springnold ' ; P H Heppe, Baltimore Chao D Alexander & la, ,-' %011190; Daltitdore ' • Norristown. -• 4ohist loimoit, Tit anlieldl Lexington ) Ho " Wm Ili 'tetuij Shirleyeburg I 4 - 11414. Moira. Hub:Wl J 0 Weye is la, ra Isalolr Po BLAOK BBAR,,HOTI:b—Third. above Caßowl/111. Chas Boaltgai,lAigfi Beg,' B. Bruner, Philo, ..7,acolfrA Drown, lonri 4 Sterifit, - - " ' • ' • ! i 15p'eciitr CaMae& 'Ware and ` UPHOLSTERY, % - b2eIVALtiI3T ST, ; ,, I, 4PEOByrF ,INDEPENDENCE SQUARE'. ' GEO. J: HENKEL'S, WALNUT. Street ; ' .14 4142.803 r 'Litenrl.73 ohadhut Strout, ",folt" rxiititsA r ' _ MitItOLIANT BTARET., i , tiblokei Natoli Drattoilillte La4iog,llll‘flea4s, Cir. *Oars, Cards, sod all other kinds of Job Printing, at Prins to suit the times. 0447-1 y " '7; Sifl3 MThlint Reee l Yie. de ' 414 10, 1 161. Munk c 4 One ,Dopar'aneuniviids, 'Nom all dee.elOtheanninnuntvivinnallaita interest at tha rate 1 r e1 K *41 1. 7, -Ve. . ',Owe roan dig?, taln6 runil 6 &cinch; and oilt.hfort. .daraddlistadday sultill la the evening. President Ininitlinellelir resinterreharlet , Iforrldri3oo *Aims 6. Pringle. FORNEY'S STEAMER !yRESS , FOR CALI- FORNIA , In, coniequonc'el'of numeroniletters received by the. last California mail, we, determined to 'publish an edition of TEE PRESS, exclusively for circulation in California, Oregon, Wash ington !Territory, and along the Pacific coast, and on the 19th inst., the first'number of the Steamer Pates was issued. This number was necessarily imperfect, owing" to the short time allowed for its preparation; but still, we think it fully e'qual , in all its departments to any pa pier of a similar character sent from the At lantic States. Our Whole edition, with the ex ception of some twelve hundred copies ordered by Mr. SULLIVAN, our agent in San Fran oisco,"was exhausted ou Monday long be fore the closing of the mail, and we are now fully eonv Laced that the publication of such a paper in Philadelphia must bo success- N. The Steamer PRESS will be issued regu larly every, fortnight hereafter, on the 4th and 19th of each month, the days previous to the sailing of the steamer, and will contain a com. pieta summary of news up to the hour of going to press. Tux PRESS will be devoted princi pally to Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in telligence; our object being to promote the interests of our 'city and State on the Pa ntile. This, we think,' can be accomplished by publishing a papor which will command a ready sale iu California, and which will bring before the business and reading community of That quarter a semi-monthly compendium of what is transpiring in this. . The Steather PRESS will be sold at our etamter, in strong, wrappers, and stamped ready for mailing, five cents per oepy, Orders will be received in advance. ILI" Orders will be, received for the second number, which will be Issued in time for the next California steamer, of the sth proximo. Buffalo Robes.-100 Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualitiee, just received from Minneeota. Also a handsome assortment of Faucy Robes of our own manufacture, turd for sale wholesale and retail by OHO. F. WOMRATII, oatl2-Itusr . 416 Arch Street. Chin, STOOK, LOAN, AND BILL BROKII, ' ' No. 218 COLD St , below DOCK. City and State Loons, Rimini, &c., bought null sold on Limn:o;km at the Stock . Board daily. .Notea, Bills, &c., negotiated as heretofore. oe3o-Iw* Bowes Infant Cordial,-,--Tbls Invaluable Cordial is prepared from &variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. 'By its powerful influence a speedy ours is effected In all ease! of Cholic, wiady pains and spume. Relieves and mitigates much of ohildren's suffering during denti tion or ,teething, and by its soothing properties tran qtallses,palns of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &e. The Infant Cordial_ has bernme a standard remedy, and has been tied in thousands of eiStoll with the moat abundant encase'. No Dimity should be without it. Prepared' nly by Essay A. Boise, At his Drug and Chemical More, - N. B. earner of dixth and Crean sta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by DraggLsts generally. an 18-ly !Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Nit. tional Safety Trust Company, in Watsn Street, south west, corner of THUD Street, PHIL/06L1111/1. ♦saote over ONE MILLION AND A 'LILL? dr DoLLille, inverted 111 /UAL NOTATE, 310811110118,0 ROUND Beers, and other Stateless securities, as required by the charter. his institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. The office is open every day front 9 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. Illarnages. On llifthqtay, 29th ult., by Friends' ceremony, ai the residence of Came M. Bond, SAMUEL FURMAN, to DEBORAH. R. pgvguta,L, boil, of this city. Do the 29th ult., by the Ike. Albert Borneo, WM. W•OXEN, of Beititnoro, youngoat ilaughter of the lato John (3. Smith, poi, At Manayunk, on the 29th of Oc tober, by tho flee. 7. .V. Claxton, BRYAN M. MOREL, of havalitudt,pt., to PSARY;danghter of the late John Winpenuy. By the Rev. Mir Cookinan, on the morning of the 2994 ult., Doctor .7: A. 110LTON, of Centreville, Md., to Was KATE LATTON, of Bridgeville, Delaware. Cleatl3s. On the 30th ult. Mrs. WILIir,IRIA 13033, widow ,ot the late Trederiek Poem, la the OO ear,y,t ;for ego. On the 29th ult., Mr. AARON kleC4l3.Tk'i 49 r yeara. Oa Brialy morning, 30th ult,, In the tdd year of hie iage, WILLIAM REEVE . On the 30th ult., RACIIEL, wife of John Child, In Ilse 78th year of her age. Nov. ]et, Mrs. LUCY VON NIEDA. widow of the kto Atutial 'Von Mode, in the Bath year of her age, stir At the rasidence ot hie brother-it/4w, Charles Moo. red, Eq4., Willlenisburg, Long Island, Now York, the Rev, L. L..i3A)441t, of Boston, Mann., who, for mune twenty years NM d,lacin,,Tylatind in hie profonsLino an a public apeaker; hut, whenhealtiii fage4 him, (owing to a bronchial affegliondlto ecktbarXeo Fit 4 all hp euargy Lad talents in tku> hOthlue of ARVMPbNis• Pf :the efficiency and reliability of the linen, east in tow York, has been owing to hie proton: and personal at ;tention., The nubile have just canoe tie regret. Me 'death, whilehin relatives have suffered an irreparable ,lona. City Atonality. UNALTH OPPICg, October 31,4857. , . . the number pr Totermeilta Sn tbe city of Philadel phia, for the Neck rAiog at 12 Wcfock to-day, 1A... 165 Lest roport 176 Consumption of Lung,* 33 Aduttg Convulgiong L, Childtou Congestion of tho Brain 0 Dropsy' , - 5 155 Disease of the Roast.. 8 Debility s Males 80 Typhoid Never 5 Footslog 15 joilatutnation of Drain II .41 .' 4 , Longs 5 155 8 01 J Anna . 10 , , - Dom. 38 412 9 kris 32 Other Mimosa—, 0 WO Total 155 ... . , ' Under 1 year ' 43 9 . , .. , . Between 1 and 5 yearn. 21 - Altnshoupo ' County Prison. Penn Ifonpital ??..901, Color imm N. 11.ENDERSON, ffealth Ofter VWO/flpe of }he ge,eelyer pi Te4es, 45: p., F or : 4or of vrtPkeetp.o iilrentit. ULADIMP4I/, Nov. 2,1857. The Tar PaYere of M0014 , 00' Abliade gitip,re Yen,- by notified to pity their oily and State tapes keforp the FIRST DAT of SANUARY,I2IS9, for the present ykar. In accordance with the provisions of the net of asseut big, there will be charged upon all taxes unpaid after that date thirty-seven cents, and each delinquent will be adVertisad and, after the 12th of January, there will be an additional charge of five per cent. upon all suing together with interest thereon. PETER 'ARMBRUSTER, no2.Bl,Receiver of Taxes. 117" Northern lloiniClOFFi/endless Children. —A public meeting of the Yrleridi 'fhb InOution, and the public generally, will be held TILIS (Helldal) EVENING, Nov. 2d, at CONCRRT HAIL, at half vast seven o'clock, when addressee will be made, by Rev. %Rims ,Wadeworth . ,, Rev J. Chambers. Rev. Alfred Coolay,spany.,iiingaton Goddard, and ethers, with in tereating fiiiktee?e?4o /*ingested with the Institution and Its opetationa. Ail persons interested in the crile 8f iiiinlrity are respectfully invited to attend. ' 9924tte DiFiilrpieln of illgtirl.yo t S." W. corner of Fiflk and CheateAt sires Potober 31st, 1057. All persona having Maims against this Pepsrlment for labor or materials furnished, will ',reseal tlooln, out delay, at this Wage; ' JOl4l SicOARMY, 002-2 t " Chief Commissioner of Highways. !Er Notice.—Union Benevolent Association.— Having been informed thata Society, nailed the UNION BENIIVOLENT,BOOIBTY, hea'collectore c:elling upon citizens for , subsCriptionii; title is to Inform the public thig.ilakt Jilefr hco nn 'cm:mention with the UNION litiNß4llo 4880OIATION, W. corner BEV ICNVIrea 4gestibt 'The Collectors ore hotter ire SAMlip 0. OOP. foe the section of the pity south' of 'fililliSTNUT street if and .J. 131M91tl for gbo' section notth• of filet line. • , The above Collectors will lenne4 l o o 4 Onin'fiPa their work, and the urgency or the case or the poop et this time is deemed sufficient reason for their early application. They will be provided with books oertf. Dpi} by the President and Secretary, and no person is 44110r,1 1 04 to receive eubscriptions without this certifi cate? epe i pt Ar , )e ( , f9cors of the Association. •• ' - • ' MIL 0, WUItTS, President. 'lon if. ATWOOD. 130401.9.7. n024-eod2w • Mar Union , Benevolent, Asioi llie , annual , meeting of the UNION BENEVOLENT Al3BO - held at 'their Hall on Tuesday Evening, '4l Cl i t ?a, 4957, the; follown4 gentlemen were elected erc ref c the pnoullig year, via : • g. wuras.• Id. I). Itloll. %a:NO.Ii, WOOD: •• ' • ' FnagitretLEllMUND WILCOX. rreMPling' tieeretary—.L TINIER LEAMINO. eßvinqYqretery-401IN I. ATWOOD. ' •' 10 ) '4531 , 45: Benj. °mato. • lieajarißrn, Mathew' W. Baldwin, Jahn W. , cmhoru, debit liarnum, Thome Watteau, S...kustiu ohn D. Taylor, Millen' Bt. tiolline, N. 'Latchford Starr, ggio T pa Latimer, S. Morris Wain, 4 r ekto Zebulon Locke, William Parra., loseptt 11. Dulles, L. Btantgomory 1190, ifiil4loll , Arttnir tt: 099. n, /Wert/. 023-*24:. A wolf ersory of the Young New. ci t ri,„ tiou Assagiation.-4, 1 0 TAW Anniversary of this 'Akin hoglp a kipspatt, 1 1 13 ND 'HALL, on TV/1814V EVEN:OQ ItcP, 4 Th Addres,Bo ww llyerod Joy f.h.e4tfre4 0 94 - non, BOY , i• Wholoa opf 107. Igekat4 \Y too, U. P, Tickets can ho prpcisreif wig , ' f§ogeligionD Book StOfen ParryMCkfilian'M ff. If o .9lAr'Si NS 40 rooms of the Association, . ' Wlit, S. SPENCER, , GEO. 8, FOX, Oommittee. ~0ca14(4 0 . ()ROWELL, ID Literary Soiree, In Jayne's Hall, for the benefit bf the talueirlul schools taught by the Bletera of the Holy OFO9/1, Noverobar 131.1. Doors oval at 7 o'clock. T. - Lecture by the lion. Ootatra WIANDLER, sub. Jett Woman, 11, Supper, Rd polo qf fasAoy articles. 1D Notice—Appenhl.--aly Comtelistener! °Mee,' P41E41.6141 October v., 2857. • • NOTION IS JINR} Y GIVEN, That the Commie sionerawill hear Appeal% by all perwas rated for State and Ifentolpal Tax, in the olty of Philadelphia, fur the yearlBsB, for the several wards of the stud city, at their office, No. 11 west wing of the State House, (up Maim) oh the following days between the hours of 10 o'clock 'A: M. and 1 o'clock P. U. let and IdWurds—On Monday, Wolter Path,,UM. ," 4th " ", Tuesday,, 20th, " sth ;; 6th ;; Wedneedv, " 21st,, ;' 7th " Bth " T holiday, 2241,' oth 10th u 4; Prlday, " 2 8 d, " 11th if 124. .. Monday, " 26th, " lath ‘; 14th le el - Tediday, ,270,, it 15th '; 16th Wod eaday, 28th, 44 17th lath ", Thur ' sday, ‘• rh, 10th " 20th ';; P e day, " " ".2212218" Monday, Nov. 2d, " Tpe 23d 2.4 th , " Tuesday, " . Bdt Alth k coil at the o :t ril o m t o l i t cj i to h e f:. A:p r i 1 : a Ica e :n o ft r d e e p h n r o o o r t : u b u r y e : p p t ohsteui Mime. lied ONOILGE 11. MILL, A 118611 .0 41 :WY Oitv Commissioners. AMB LOCIAN, • ' oola-dtwa TtiE .0 1 44 . MONDAY tovgnalg,2, , LIST OF LETTERO, REMAINING IN the PHILADELPHIA PO9T : OPPIOD up to 12 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, Oct. 31,1857; [Person , applying for advertised Lettere will please , mention the date of the Liet:l Option sun' (loy fro= I% to B}j o'clock A. 81., and 2 to 9 Allames Airs A 0 Griffiths Marg't Naylor Caroline Atkinson Mary A Greenfield EF O'Brien Alre T„ Anderson Ann Geist Mary Oghletreeli Anderson Ellen Goodrich Helen O'Brien ?4i C - Abraham Ellen Garver Ann Maria Ormsby Mrs E Alternus Mrs Green Mary Ellen Pharos Phial" A' Adams hire Ann Oresbeck hire K R Pony Martha I. I Andrews Annie Ai Clover Alre Sarni' Pendleton 'Mrs W Atkinson EliztihJ Heider Mice Annie II Baty Margaret Harvey Bridget Pickdown It ' Barker MIRK Sin Harper Mrs Ella Z Paul Mrs J 2 Barr Rachel Haynes Susie 8 Purvis Sarah Bally Edith H Hand Rosanna Pearson Allice Barrowelough E nitrides Vary Pritori Martha Beatty Mary A Barris Mrs Sultan Puzeori Meals Ball Henrietta Hand WO Mary Is Rader Marla Bast Elizabeth Hartford Mrs A Reigle Mrs Mary Bannon Anne Matrons Mrs Risley Mary A, Backus Mary hart Mrs Sophia Rodzheffer Oath Bain" Martha fllmphlll Mary Raisin"' Mrs Win Backustour Elia% Haywaru Kate Rol& Mary H Bennett Laura Marcia Hannah E Rhine Mrs Becklngham E Hahn Mien ROllO 0 Randall WII Betsch Mad W Harris Mary Ann Richardson H W Banninslor lAI Ragan Emma Reed hire A L Bird Henrietta V Haines Aire Sarah Reinhardt,' Sophia Blair El lz tbeth Henson Nellie Rea Mrs Mary Bordley Kate B Henderson Bell Raymond ILW ' Boyle Mra It Hassan Bridget Read Mien Mary Bostic Hannah Hill Miss Mary Reed Mre II II Buckwaltor al A Iliohman Anna D Rice Mrs Emma Butterworth 11 Hunt Dr Harriet K Remedy Margaret Bondo hide D Hazzard Kate Reed Mrs Alma Brown Mrs Ellen Hopewell Sarah J Itowlmad Joannett Bonn Airs lionegniais Mary Robbins pidia Bourke Catherine Huguenin Mad Russell Albs Buck Mrs Maria Hunter Harriet Wads Mies Sarah Duccannun Ann Holcomb Marla Roberta Ellen A Brown Jane M Rood Mrs A R Itudolphisen Mra Brown Mary L Howell 1,1400 0 Robinson Isaac Brown Mrs Ellen Holler Dorothea Aire Cawman Ruth Hughes Harriet Rodgers Harriet Canfield Charre A Hughes Mies Ellen Rupporleht Miss): °sunbelt Ellen Hubbell Fanny Reyes hire B 0 Carley Elartbih Hunt hire Edwil Shippers Margit Cantwell Miry Hull Mra Captl B Shedd Minn D ' Caldwell Mary J Johnson Mary Ann Sherlon EI nbth Carbery Mary Althea Mrs Alice Satchel' Mine hi Carter hire Jones Miss Mary H Sandia Anna M Carroll Madge Jennings Mary Sharp Mrs John Chaffee Belinda Johnson Sarah Shepora Beau Carson Marg't Jones Mu Annie 2 Scott Mrs 11 Carrol Margit James Mra Socket Miss 1301 Chapman Mary J Johnson Lenten Shalcrou Sarah Cashin Virginia Jones Aire Anna II Schuler Mary Casey Anne 'Johnston Ellen Smith Margaret Calvert Mini G Johnston Sophia Bleton MEI Win Clarke Mary Jones Mrs Augusta Smith Mew , Clarke Miss 0 A Jackson Sarah B Silers Mine Mary Clutch Mine Kate Johnson Anus Smith Gertrude Clarkson Sarah Keller Miss Mary Smyth ludoreA Collins Maria ./ Kingport hire Dar Skerritt al S D Cochrane Ada B Kingsley Mien S Smith Lydia D Coates Elsz'h Si Krone Elizabeth Silt Mrs B G - oourvisler Carol's' Kennan Isabella Smith ?dre Conrody Sarah Kelly Miss M Switcher Rebecca Correa Mrs G A Kinsman EM L Smith Mrs II A Crone Alm Emily Kelly Mine Smith Maggie Crosby Mrs Eliza KeesoMrsTimothy Smith Mrs Mary Ouillnan Cathie Kerr Mrs Hannah Smallwood Ida Cornell Susan Kunchs !damsels Smith Mn Joe P Colwell airs H E Kingston Mrs II Morrell Maggie Commerlord Kate Kinney Miss Margilutherly Mrs (lee Coyle Miss Ellen Kerrafra Jane Sewers Jennie Cox Eliza B Kelly Bridget Spencer Rachel M Cox Mrs Nancy Lanabdin Lizzio Stewart Hannah Colton Mary It Lee Min Anne Splice Mrs Ann Counts Ellen Lewis Mrs AII Stockton Mrs E 0 Cochrane ST B Long Mrs Louisa Stirrer Alive Mary Darla Mrs B 0 Lee Mrs Jane A Spear Mises Martha Dayida if enrietta Logan Mary A Buhr Sarah Ann Dillon Wm Mary Lewis Mrs PAI Spoon Catherine De fiandram Lop t:ills Mary SommeraEliebta Deveranx Car Leffisrle Matlidalt 7719 194 1 Davie Julia Roget Isovris, Mra Minis Tomlinson )fury Heavy Margaret Lindy 441 L W Dennistou Emma Loughran Mary Tracy Julia Diehl Margaret baby= Aire Townsend. Sue & Dinisury Mee A G Logan Mrs Alison Julia Davis Et:thee Mips Lusby Marietta I'm Mary Davies Mn, Sarah Leybamns Louisa feel Elizabeth Dilatown Roselle Levy )fro Mary ruler E A Davis Elizabeth Lynch Mills Pali/ 99) at Docket: Maw Leopard Alary'L Titian osephine Downey IssfigetLandonhyg Ile; Warrington Mrs I Drake Mrs Ann V Lalyen prances 1 Chivy 4A's E ',Tett Harriet II afeyera Manual' l bill, Sally DOW Megoujgal Angle over Vellrlall Duncan Anna C Meblrlim Ei s 4 01 1 Fins 1 ." Dowell Airs May )jinn Emma ein Lonisa Druck Frauosa Martino Mrs Ann Warrington Jane ' Dobbin Miss Ann Marlin Bridget Ward Mary 0 Douglass %nee Medlar Relnieoa Wearer Mrs L Dunlap bliss Ann Alava bliss ip Walker EsherpSire Qulio Merit' Martha Wadea ' gohnW Mauer Estelle , Wog One Mulls Ewerling Mary 2 Marvel Alias Kate West Mra V Edwards Mary A Malone Mule T Walton Mary A Flack Mies Jane Aliller Mrs Mary 2' Wescott Julla Fitzpatrick Oath Miller Mrs Chris White inunna 0 Fair Margaret Megga Miss 11, Williams Flora A Pargil Aira Milk MILS Jane Williams Mary Friabe Marg i t I Moore Rebecca "Willlanni Filly Mrs Ann Moloney Mary Wilson Julia P Fnl fez- Vary; Montgomery Alice Willard Sarah S Fondull Elirb Idc maps Jane Williams Sophia M Foster Henrietta urillit Rebecca Wilcock Mrs Galea Farrell Ellen Myers Mrs Wlthingtan Kate Ferguson Lou Murch Caroline Willington Mina Ferguson Illtzih Murray Miss. Mary Wilson Mrs Mary Field Miss Ai L McMurtney Marg Williams Airs Fry Mies Annie B McKinney Marth Wilson Al Fitzgerald Ann McGrath Mary Wyman Lizzie sizik Lily to McCowell Mary Worrell Alm E Leming Nrp I cOprit Mary Woolf Mrs E .;$ n otraull7 AV Jr Wyatt Mra Fitton Cordell a Waikato ar*n WooßNisecie Freeland Emelio eCrillough Wiriest Yeller AP 414 Tlnerbinny Cab Wo'od Susaik Gehring Elia'h cql/inn 4 0 / ts4tmlf^", Greenrield P ‘4Ph v 1 : 1 0 1 !Ve0 , Garer Miss Susan alcalenemin yoneig4 13 Grine! hire Julia McCafferty Pan Yeomans Mrs 13 Gerfreth Sarah .1 McNeill Mra Fr B 'goring Eliza Gallagher Sarah McFadden M,l Young Mary Goodrich Helen Norris Oorn'a F Vail Marian V Greiner Mrs WlSlNeblett A S York Mrs II (.111*Pn Jenetta Nicholen Mary Ulrlok Mns M A apr,ley Siva 3 Pfeagle non trailer MnB E W k'V I S A V,i /!lis Viroas Mrs E p u tams I.linins tobeceA Varrtt Mr' U• 00r4w4C8Mlai .G. " " • " • ampanti , s Tiff. Allen Win X Clift Nathaniel Venn T Addix llarvey Clark Baba W Field Rikter Allison JoWM Clark faahut Matson Win Clothier Caleb Fields Class Alexander AY C Clerk Geo Alexander Bam'lJ Cleaver Abrem P Finnegan Pat'k Adams henry D Clerk & Carroll Fitzgerald Dennis Arorrienn Trust Clark John 2 Furman David Compipiy Plitftg get , rre e lli a A Addledn harry s,say a Ashton Fran iley D I m0in,..10.1.? tleYelisnd•ltisury Friwar. I n . 3 Abell 4' ' Clark MoseT Frederiek JOT Ajelenkler C 9 !look Wm Frlst Dr II ll' Allen Caere Cox Afivaljana ril Aarne Henry Colon Anti 'riff', 6 Dri e h Ash Micheal W Corbett Lowli ranke Ober Appleton Cleo 8 Cooper 1' F Frazier Manuel M Arnold Wattle'. Connor John Frees It L .. . . Ayres Wm Coughlin P P Freud Eninti Andrews It P Collins D W Preeth 3 Arthur, Mart Cooper Erwin J Pucks Mr ' Arnold Elias Corley Patrick Fox Quo g Aucklepokltru -Coolboon Aotty /trouser J 144 i 1 f Pvi forl iv ti Furness Wm Bviri, . 0 C 'ouS 'qrto At 1 1 ;oulF1.1 1 Pi!" P Dar* hildienV Co l li ngtwortplii 9 Aojoyip Lit . . . Daman! J I Counaor °Shorn rduraln S !knife' I%llp exi;t4bl 2 V C'P2Fre. l ;o! lc B i l l! harries D Maltby tiopor wni cr Booth John pottipgbern W (jeep pen Time Bacon Cornelius Couell Joo Geri on gen Dauer John Cooper & Stokes Gardener AI 8 Derr John Cooper 8 J Oomph! John Barr John II Cox A&J . & Co Garretteon DR. liarnsdale Al 8, Cook Pitt Comely Francis flatlet John Cohen Alex Carrot Henry Bairiki Monsieur Commonwealth Gall Wm J 41,111 Bank Cashier of Garrott Davie Ea t A•ei• iloWo eroei t iaN f°ur , Pi:ie ue eN h 64 Bliger lit Davin? Doitera,idsopA 1340:40 Tt B Barksdale kILD Conrad 'T A Ultson Jbllh Nat Lookt pd rims 0.0 XE Ullports.kl • list.on4n !toy goDike Cillobriet:Capp Barr Jog p. P9,94s Celff P Oilman Zibe - Berger Pant Conran in vi• [1 1 179 1t 4 7 Mil re Bat north A Costa S ' 'steep inns 1:1 Berlin J COBina Jtev V D 911bort Mr Beakley Dr Jacob Consugra Caster's Oilier Jacob Boards & Cum. Cooper 011 mm Babbler minga Coultas Mu-land Giles Wm A Barman Frod'k Cohn 11 II Goodwin Mears BeasnJohn Coleman Ezra 2 Goddard Jno Bernard Chu Orlatman Wm Govett A II *tooth Jp 2 Ornery WHIM P Gollfried .1411c11 , 1 Datioaiei Ouyler Jacob A. °cranial' D Begley Indian! ()ramp`, p ly Goodall II Bandos Dr I J tallsolDr /like (imicor4 Derrant Franklln Cram Dr A 6ordttu.Jam I Benton &Co • Cunningham. Thca Gsant.R , D, Benckart Gee F Cullalngham Joe Granger R D Bennett Larry Croissant F • Greenwood Wm 4gliee John It ()rout Mahlon Gruud , Francie B6 rr l ' i t"r # Erl B ,Urbt4n graraincia Rec Ile XI &Do en A i , - r t Isaac: 4J Relbcteks OIMS ClinlP'l 4 b , oß 1 re 111 la A Miles Edlain 11 Orightou' Thus 1 tette!' ai Bird Mr Cunningham J ohn 0 rill'orth Chas Bl.hop !ley 4 011rtio Boland Green F,J" limos j/anle/ DP1 1 1114119 ll' 1171 11 811 W4I Mi Bird dine °lk nestles ironer Prank Illackfoni Boht A Davie D R Graham 0 0 Blanco Busman Davie, Moody & Green 0A M D Dishy J r - Oo Gunther Aaron Blockford G D - Dart sT A Gunivan Thou Black James David, Thompson Cheatham W I) Breen Francis & Co • Ifamilton James Boswell Jae A fool. Able Hager Christian Boyd Isaac. Davis Jacob Halley J J API ?PT/ V aids slum hate 11 J & Bon lirqu 1.d01ng111111i,76 Leo \y liftlir4 Bou Ms! banjo ~ stria Ad'ata al i'm II Bollis sewn N 'Batumi John Ilausstemau.Y -. Boyd Capt 4 F 2 Ilamant Talues dale lionert Jc liprgsrd John 4 Hassey Frank Haley John liomman ir li l'ilvie Jahn 1141'41 Jackson Boyd Hugh I-Oniiik -Wary A Harris John 0" Banton I) W 0 Dais 11 'Harvey Joseph Boueryiro Geo Davis Thou W & Harlan Den J Booth W A Co Hatfield John loch Anton Daasonvill Mr Ilaziehurst .Ichs BorgonsklM Day Wm 'Harris A W • Brown Michael Davis Joshua Harris JR I Brown Dr Silas Denman II B Llanyman Walter Won k 11 penney Cho Hard John Brown Wnt S Health 11l ' ' illr"iryillid9l+l Brown 1! II Dolma 'W It t Brown Ilemy Debollls John ill Harsh dadkaun Boucle Chan DenntaJohu Hartman J . . . . Brodhead Juo Derrluger Baml Hays J Bruco Robert J Debust John It Hays Robert I/ixlateral Capt W Delano Mamma Harrison Mr Qypgsso It Hardin:lu II 0 - Bridges W p Pion:mut 4aefib Hartley Joso.Pll Bryant A &2 Blies4nies Hartley Thos Branneln Chas Diekerdno . II N llSrrle EpWralui Bridge TE 2 Dillon! Dr Thos Harris Chas)c. Ilrealott .If{ n plllon Thomas Demuth 0 j Ditake iau PlitOtt49ll4 4195{0, 1 113 k Breen Owen Dittmar Henry &mitts Brothers &Co Dougherty John 0 Havolona Sontag Browett J W Doyle John Iless J Burgle John R Dodge Cleo II llelghold J Burt Dr WB 0 Doran Martin Hahne Thomp W Burrows Win Declarer Martin Henbyrnan A E !Names JO Donner Chas Henry Jae D BludcwairF yg r o John 2 Heys Thou BAshor enry onottan virn 4 If avulglieury Butler Home I? onernandllefiry Hasterd Juhn Birgit Thus Ilohity Hugh Henri at B Burns Jae if 2 Donnas JBs 8 Ifeernon Pr p Carrtullua Jae S Donovan Copt Hers Jacob" CautPdald 4 0 li ', onahue levee Hendricks JII Cprroll Ini ose , ger tiptop iforiimn f3tulaler Chllencler lir J TIC uttan r Al . k. Do Dampen Wm 2' Doty II , Illeittosn T U tsBV 11 Dolman our} Hill rwarcls ells ion Edwd Elliott Jut B. Hind a Thos Campbell Bernard Elton W D 11111.sman John Calder 0 Edwards Rev J . Hinders Mee . ~ . . . . . . . Cardanen Iloury Ellison Wll Mete Jno N Campbell Dugs Eble Mr Ilielcumn Cleo 11 Cutts Bev Wm Ehertz Wm Hill Henry Campbell tteo Ellis Thos 11111 Wm Cotton Frank B Elliyoul Hilburn Chas pope Ward J Eldridge John Hillman Jao A NPY ° Viaftef tilltrott Itteltbt Hitch ist Carter Wm • rablenger Beni Homan Chas F Wen Thos Eahealterh 0 Iforraing /4 Calins Roth 'Pio ) . 0 0 „ g i r,„„ 1 , b Canikhas Fred Eaton Dr Rollin I °not en Hobert 0.0011 Coo . Edwards Win I °Quinn Jno It ognyboll 4 , Everts Edger Hopkins flea J e a /b ra t, hiptyp Ewing Coo C liedgett T 0 CaldSmil John N m itt nails I alma 04 Boa Carey II C Emory T S / olden N II Callahan Wm Frani 401 m Hood Daniel Campbell James 4 Ester Beni Ilonston 0 On Facg 11 nolland Il II Omit John Frey Martin J Hogan Dr Jim Eller Ferdinand Houghton d H Chapman Oboe Emersondr. OP Hooley A C O h h e ern e u r t L W"ra zi" Ilmous Co o, It Hoyt Nn , Members Dr 14 Varies Ilott't Monnma Jae elatile D yopell Jolt Itedges l' 0 Clambers n W Fl u e Jaoob / 10 dge John Chalonor Wm Farr Dr It Horau Michael Chase James Farrell Wm llousem P a Memnon Capt 0 Fredrieb Coo Holm Henry • • Clark Chas Fenton 0 F Hoffman T Clark W J Fenton Anthony Howard Henry Cast j L Fart Stephen IlkPo Lewin , Carr B L Faster 11 B Heat kl 0 Cantour II Forman 4 Haler Abram ' LADIES' LIST 'than Chas i ll :di , n Le n dy D a r r d j s hi l l' t e a r 01 4 , 1 • `.. 4 fi'Mlifi Mint ' ""r Hughes Joseph Milner Lartin 'il l 28 8 : : : 11 tr t : h h hh 4 ' & 14 :e ftr o Fi s ne l:F le° fi llt u titn W rl A V CI li M li e ll ik a e r n rP hU' ' Smith er " o° 19 ii Hutchings DAI Mitchell (le e 1 1 : 4R b .q. Hubbani Capt R li Milton Capt L Bei Woe a Hustler Nathan Miller Matthew , B Soo '" ,,en '"" Hutehenion D 0 Miller Thome A Sonde." Ch" A ' Huhn Christian Mitchell it Huff John Sourwit ‘e I L ' o e u t e i : lintcheoson MI 71 14 n u ll e e u rfillt h s a B r e S S o o ri w t e mln l n im .Ilunt James ' Mitchell Panory F Southwick "" Iriln S " Mitchell Dr 8,11 Swale Itattia..'w Isles Lewis . Miller Daniel Spear Rev Chas! Ingram T II Mitchell A Spoiler Chum II Ivory John Miller Philip Spillage Albert 0 Jack S Beoton 2 Millar Adam Stack Thee Juconwlter Robt Miller Hun II 11l Stein Zeiohren L Jacob A y Michael M Strunk Hiram Jacobs Robt J Miller Win ' &Bea Dr John Jackson Samuel Morrit James A Stanton .11W • - Jeuktotr Ueorgo Motor John F Slone 001 Jenka A 9 Moerk /Amor Stringer James Jenkitni dr Bros Merlin Mr Stewart J Jacobs Jno 0 A °Moody J Monroe Strueve Joseph Jeffery Rev It Monarlie John D Stoitt Ii F waking' Joint I' Morgan II 'Stearns J W Jettklue II It Morris (too II Stron Job I' • . . James S 112 Morris 0 0 Stall/ John„ Johmion II D ]Hoorn !dr Steinmetz W 9 Joidau W (1 bloom A Starr John Johnson Prod N Morris (yin It Stillwell Ellen Jones Ellwood Mooro Jr it 0 Stanek Volentin Jones WI limn 'Morris Jon btonobrook Thos JOLIPII J T Moran ft Strawbridge Oeo Johnson Win W Moron m KIM Henry d Jones Edward Mooroan Jan 1' Stevenson John Ramona John Montt Mon J on Molnar John S Jones Eli Morgan & CO 0 W MOM) , ROA 9 Jones Thos Alvioselinan EJ Sturgeon Oeo Johnson John W Murry Alexaniler Sutbkopp Philip Jacket Chao Marlow Aleznudr Sutter Rudolph Johnson Henry Munrohow 0 Z Sumner A T John W it Myers Dr J L Stoop Chan Jones Isaac Norton Oinn I' Tar It II . , . . . . Koper GeoW Nagle John 1? Tay ton Christian Kantly David Newton Richard Terhuue Jere Kantloy D Nathan's J ht Talmadge Cap J F Kelly W II Miami Itobt Tompleton D V Kendig & Town Nicholson Chas Taito John Keen Mr Neasher John Terry L (I Kelley N W Norris Col ti- P Talligant Louis Kelley J ohu N Neal Harrison Taggart Joshua Kelley John Nyco Win Templeton Roy 11 Kennedy Jae Nicholls Cleo C P Rearm! Capt J J Newman Sol Talbot J J MEI= Homy Abraham Norton Frank B Taylor John Y Karats Jacob al Newman Rev L U UEN Kennedy Chas Orristreet 8 J Thompson Owen Kelley John P Oakley Dr 118 Thomas John Kemble Jas O'Brien John Thompson A Kelley A Olmstead Jas Timmons 8 W Keller Geo S O'Neill Chas 9 Thornton Richard Koohre Henry Oluer Oboe Thompson Reuben Kline 'Wm K Ort Joseph ' Tindall Jarvis W Kruse Joseph Oliver Prof P B They John]) ' Kinsey John Oliver T W Thompeon A 9 Kline Koury II O'Donnell lir Thompson A Ste. King D R rotten Jas 51 wart Kind TMD Palmer Wm Tisant Mr' ' King Wm Paxson A D Tibleitts Isaiah Killen John Patten Mr Thompson ik Co KnOX Warren P Patrick Dr Jno P Knlgbt T /Orrin Payson Capt 011 Thomas & Fuller Kloppel 011 as Parrott V W T{aloor Solomon li-uprrjetculf 114}mer 11 4 TolnAn Jolinson KluirWm Darker Ooorge Troy Ueorge Knoop Louis Poynter D E Thenhohn oao A Koerner Eugene Patrick Itobt Trainor Clnta Keen J 9 Paul 9& A Trautor C Knaff T J Parker W L Trenehard LieutS Lambert Auguatuo Paschal L & Co D Limning J P Parker J )1 Trimble J It Lanman J Parker Dr RII Townsend Rev Lunch John Yowler U Li Tolbert Dr J Lample Archibald Pendleton Dr J C Tuttle Caleb Lambe Charles Pennlogton J P Turret! D L Laughlin A M Phillips A P Towle Dr S R Lehby Dr Jas Palouse &Co K TreinperJno Lebo T Pendleton Cap N Turner Edward Leareh Dr John Philan Wm P Toulumn Jlt Levielh C E f! ctery Rey Mr Watt Jr Wni Lee yorditoo Plagateldee Wasupler Elias Lehprid Chao' Peyton Lfl Walker W E Leon Peter ?Mee S E Walker David . . . . .. . Leoleve Jos p ' , hullo N Ward L Coryell 3 Leah Thos Perham Chas 0 Warne Edward Leote Daniel Pedrick Alfred L 'Wagner Mr Lewis.; N Phillips 8 P Wolfram C Levels Pontoons A Phols Thos W Wavle? Loa Sinn Ramergot' IA WallEer i Lewiq E Rota DSr II Warnock. obn LehmanVleo Panther t W 11 , 'dIss Jno Leila 4 ELG 34 Rio .lay Watts Dr Leo )Vm 1' Raphilelfm Walton IP Leyy Chas Rhodes A Wiillenstelo & Lewis Ghas , p liee4 4 liikust 'Goofing Z Innfir ifilllriclt fall'eapt W 4 Madan:MAL 4fihn ea.po 8 pue . l allege 419 Meld Elle4eli Reel'3 V arren slt Lighteap Genry Redmond Geo 8 Warner i 8 Le4l llor Thos Rohl 9 9 WII}P , MI9 8 44 Loycl, home' 11044YCileal 11 1 9 1 afia 404 n 14 11 liqdapalagar 4ql Witty ogt Yr rAe , §N . Lsober flr 011 ltedhe or Ic. Nit Wainwright 414 Lowe Dr Itobt Reedy Wm li'lnicalt & Col, Lynn It W }tensor 4 AI Walton 4 Palter" 9 M Low ' Donne UM. 11 D non Lombard Ins 0 Rood John 31 Webb Wm Long Howell Rondo Capt Wash Well. J II Locket P 8 Higley Rent Weller Jacob Lockett Francis .1 Richard John Werner John Lynn Geo Richards W P Weiss Charles Luchett Dr Goo T Bobbin Geo Weatorwelt IV P Luthlrick Then Rautroe Jan S Webster 1(I Long James Robbins Jr Co .1 A Webb Dr J L.TIIO ji Hosfinborgfin lie 8 Wlorlaw Oe p l' Logan W If. hull Lora 14 , 43 ll 03. ' •t. Lopulan Thos B Rogers &VoW El Wllllon Itobt D J Lombard Dr I 1 W Rosensteiu L 0 White Jo Co W 3 Lynburner Ford Roach') Rev 3 L Whltuoy Rev .1 Lobeteln R Robinson Prank Whitt, II J 3 . . Luper 0 II Howland ProolE2 Whitney J J Loughessi 0 I. Boas 8 II Whitaker Chas II 1 , Luedemi g totip P Rowlan4 pe W Whiles le A Longsfre II / isimr fiornsis ( lea White !L • LbVailn Yint" •110 Ingot:F . 11 , 11 Wliitho • Jacob ' annals. Reyna:lost Wibg l' ul shr t ekeroon Its Uogera Jam.. IT Ilsmi Wes' II lil . Friendship 74Itpahli.i.r0iCt 8 II Wilson W 11 pasta, VOlintilg 1111V1!L.449 Wlnkierohrl o Outten berg 100 Witty Laws demob Wilson John V aleOltire Saint Roblo Du Coma Wilisloy Win McCall Ono A Scharff Dr T J Witike J (leo afeoalla Bamford Sends John It Wilson J 0 bleDevitt 0 Salisbury 8 Winter J W alceollomQ P Savage Wm E Wilcox WA DicOracken Thos Scales J 0 Wilson Wm . .. McDonald Mbar Scott James D Williamson RSA McGallen Stewart Scully John Wilson L V Aleoamds Isjm . hex Emporium Wileot 9 Ireth.Y 3pa 1r " lil'ihit2p' l o lib' 4 Willtrma It Ve2alrne rTA 2apptnribu Thor Widen Coo hicHarlan Dr P Bailor gaud II Wilkinson rir Bro W-- - - - • • Scattergood Ben 2 "B P McElroy A II Schmitt Heinrich Wilson N It McGuigan David • Scanlan W B IVlddifield 0 8 Mcllvalue Dr NU 2 fichriner Henry' Wills Geo llcKibbins Itobt Sehulo Arnold Wise J A McHinstry 'Wm B Saylor John Wilcox Jas Wanness Jerjer Scott Rev 8 L Wister Joseph Ac inner ittighWm Srhmit Mon Andre Wilkins n hoot 1. q arta° Vault Sarttell Henry Wittily J. ' " ognad eedit John v frinirtiii 2 Q idca r i,4?, list • Bailors Ph(lar WIG lams J• It McVally Meaty -,ala) John 1. 4112.2 '4 , 2 mr erli Pick rimTl l ; II viiien4 Rey L 4 4 191 4 11 1 , I 1 14,4.4.011,44 1 u Irma 1 0 novirour ti U Wood Alexander Magill'J P Seltzer Augustus Wood Martin Idalcba Louis Sec Typo Union Woodward Dr It Magoon Harrison Shafer Erenst II 2 "lifiscarthyJohn Sheror henry Wood TII Maguire David Shacklett B 0 Worsioy Thos Major Wm Shaw J k Worthington Dr Magee Peter Shaw IF W 11 liiiguirs Patrick PhArairat4 Wink VOArOly V( 2 • A s.ra) 4 pp W 2 2420,: , y , p . woo,' &,(M 22'i, S min 1.1 . ..1 Short XII 21-1144 LE OP' Mau a 2 Bilaw 4olin 11 VYritrooF H'U 111 , anik.oWski lyna Sbidip, Davie 4 yler Mosea r 4 4rlihi ,2rolisg2 44 Pail} 1 A SPI4II 41100 shirPrrog 4 w 4irta4 o - rrati mme (tea Simirdy 4Ca 4 p auloan Bashi Mason Jas P Sharp R Vansant it Son J Manner Dr it B ShalVin Vogel Wm Matthews Edwd ShoningValenttne Van Dyko Dr F A Maurer Jacob S Shea James 'V eiten Joseph. Slayer 0 B Shively Ell Vorhice Mr Mason W 8 Shreeve J B Van Hooter J II Martin ar Bro II Biller Joseph Van Starketiburg Marton Wm 8 T Simpson James W T li t titilVio.o.:o M i l i e u . NV w 11..71)1-ST IX Megtintral , Semi. Biome. Dtiarm ji Totiog Dr'a bfereilitit Morris Sloanaker 'T A Toting Dr '' Meyer , BSli .. ' Sleek 4, Co 'Ahr Yorke' B F A 45 , 4 Sloth 1. " t o o,, ery4 rfl §P - 1, 1 AtartiP fi I r4ni fleLi elsorly Auele mini " (car) Young 3a ii oral Joseph Omit Bat W Young Jti Melon John Smith Amon Seitz 0 A Meyers Henry Smith Niselon GIDEON O. WESTCOTT, 1. /41 %TUNIC/PAL CLAIMS. —NOTICE /S 17. i. hereby given to the owners of premises mention ed In the appended memoranda of Claims for Paving, that writs of Seire Faelea will be Issued on said Matins In three loonths front the ditto 1 emir, hoteds qui ith\nd AO Le aid et the otHoe , 0111.ttnlietsigno, 212 some PIP,T tr Iltteet, belowlYntouthat.oraratoro tbat•tb,t4:" . Wnt i t!';'!;:11S11111, November 2d, 1657. Attorney for Plaintiff. City of Philwdelobis tote use ot•tleorge \y. ildrotpl es. Operlen Ifeynol4. (1. r .,„ . 4 . T., 1957, No, P,3. 1: 1 161mr63.81). Peeing sotitblest torttep Twenty-see eel an( ppen ettee4. %Me v 5. 4 . 614t11'. Titus 0 P., September 'P., 1057, No. 63, Olefin $lO 17. Paving north side Clayton st. 153 feet west of Twenty-second. RIMS 1,1 Jesse Coniston. C. P., September T , 1857, No. 68, Claim $42.03. Paving north side of Clayton street, 62 feet west of Twenty-second. n03.m.3m MARCUS BAST, No. 20} NORTH THIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Hu for sale THE AMBRIOAN READER—anew book, designed by Its author, A. D. KALB TARR, for tho use of the higher Hama in the Acadomica null &hoofs of ArneOpo—by ttte dozen or single copy. nu2-ltn .ODIGW6RTH's OHIO WINES. AA, GENERAL AC,ENtI.‘ KIR E wrAT NN 2'o Ir7iat i kS,4lß I/BALERS. fly q appolql arrangement with Mr. LONGWORTII,I amenabled to offer libilYinen, in Inrge quantltien, upon the lowest and best terms. The 'Wines to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual mane of convey- Mien (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchneer ; by which the expounes of storage, commissions, double freight, etc., will be avoided. No orders under Mil nrrangoinent will be forwarded for less than tWenty.flye mon. All orders moot be directed only to VBtlll. 8. 6042EN8, *I3 WA MIN Stceut, Vets By the present arrangement a handsome profit on these wince con ho made by thh wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, 'vintage 185:1, (knurls. Po do lu do plots. In ' do do 1852 . quarts. Du do do do pints. Otlll Catawba, vintage 1652, quarts, Bo do extra, vintago 1852, quarto. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Btill Catawba, in cash, of various qualities. Catawba Broody, or superior quality. FEND, S. COZZNNS, Oeneral Agent for the walo of N Lougivorthis Wines. TB WAIIRBN STltll T, oppnalte Iludnon River Railroad Depot,) no2-61u Naia YOXII. eiry Ooobs RIS EMBROMRIES. J. LEyy & ca., .1116 NIIIY (11 , FERINCI 1101 TIRE DIVORTATION DV MAU AZ;T PARIS FiNIBRO/DER /ES AT AND UNDER OOST. Rua 01 CHESTNUT STREET LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL Oh SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1006 UIIESTNHT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 8. BEOOND St., below Spruce. PAOTORIES.—Noe. 95 and 97' GEORGE St., Tenth, null SEVOND Street, near Unlon. Orders made eta few hours' notice. nen 4mif JOHN B. STRYKER, Wholeaate Dealer la AVOVON BAY (MOP& N 0.12 BANK Btreet, Philadelphia. oatl.2m VVI4. D. ' OGERS, CARRIAGE RE peeltery, 1,009 and 1,911 CHESTNUT St., above Tenth, is now open for the sale or every description of Carriages, combining style, durabHity, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner or Bunt and AMMER Stree t s, to which the attention of citizens, and Southern and Western gentlemen is respectfully called. • • H. 11.—Eapeolal attention given to °arrives for re peira t in the chops Connected with the Repository. 14/ trance on Oheetnut 'Wet. eol7•s tn.& th4ro RIN.--600 • ARRELS SOAYMAKERS' ROBIN, to orrlvO_ per lichooner J. IL Manner. Yor sale by MARTTIC & MACALIe ER, aujil• 110 North Water .treat. VLOORING BOARDS-28,580 feet ()aro Itna flooring boards, silos ,t for male by AIAOALISTICR . • 319 North Water nittecinefiti try 0%.71ns ite Immense Audience ui Con cart Hall. on Tuesday Evemh, g PAINE BENJAMIN has been induced to repeat his celebrated Poem of ..ilAllll T 1000," on TUESDAY EVENING (November 3d) neat. nt the above named Halt. Tickets EA cents. To be had at the klall during the day. 0e31.3t, AMERICAN ACADEMY ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- E. A. HARRIIALL hole Lessee. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Noy. 2d, 1857 Will , presented. for the second time, a New Comedy, In i T ll ist e Acim,.oniltled a 011R101.18 CASE Twiggletonillr. ChasleehialleVe; Mr. Aubrey, Mr Daly ; Mre. Aubrey, Mad. Penis!. To be followed 'by the Popular Chnedletta, entitled LITTLE TODDLEKINS. Brom:1=11th, Mr. Oharlen Mathews Captain Little- pop, Mr. Showell; Annie Bablcombe, Mn. Proctor; Suomi, Mho Pries. Conchniing with the Farce of TO OBLIGE BENSON. Mr. Bennet', Mr. A'lleckot; Mr. Trotter Southdowo, Mr chigon!) • Mrs. Beason / Miss Price; Mn. Trotter Peutlidou 714 e. Proctor. rmoso OP ADMISSION: Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Oircle.. Family Circle Cud diophltheatre..... Private Poxes beats secured without extra charge. TIIO9. M KEON Treasurer. boort! open X before 7 o'clock ; performance will cow. wilco at 7.1 i UT STREET THEATRE.—Lea tee, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr; John Sefton. Prices—Dress Circle and Parquette, 26 cents; Upper Circle, 9.5 cents; Secured Suite, 3134 cents) Private Bos and Orchestra Beate, SO cents Box Ofilce open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 P.M. Doors open at ay o'clock; performance to Commence at 7, precisely, THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nov. 94, 1857, The performance to commence with the Farce re e-elved en its loot repreeentation with Shouts of Laugh ter; celled the .STAGE-STIIIETOK BARBER -.-• • • - . Jeremiah Clip, Mr. Chaufrau; rodge, Mr. Mamie; Mrs listtleteat t Mrs. Make,. To bo followed with a New Local Drama, to Two Acts, entitled LINDA, TILE CHAR GIRL; Or, Mae Among the Conspirators. Mose Morrison, Mr. Ohantrau ; Edward Bradley, Mr. Brink ; Harry Russell, Mr. Beach; Linda ? Mrs. John Moan ; Biddy Scanlan, Mr. John Sloan. Concluding with the new Iriah Fame of MESMERISM. Mike Murphy, Mr, Join 81trimpton, Ur. Boa wall; Mary, Mrs Btoueall. AVITEATLEY'n _ARCH ST. THEATRE. usags W. WIDEATLBT. SOMA OF PRlollB.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Beata), 50 ccata; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 centa ; • Scats In Private Boxes, 76 cent,'; Whole Private Box, sa; Gallery, 13 coots; Gallery for Colored Peraooe, 26 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Cebred Persons, BS cents. • Box Office open from 10 At. until 3P. M. Doors will open at Oh 9 , 0,94; performance to commence at 7, precbsoly. 3. M. D. 'VUITTON Treasurer. Tills (Monday) Evening, Nov. :d, 1857, Will be presented, a New Play In Five Aota, with en tirely new scenery, dresses, &c., entitled the QUEEN OF SPADES. Hatinket Nelidorf, Mm. E L Davenport; Olga, Mies Anna Cruise; Prince.. Harridan, Mr.. Tannehill; Iran, Mr. Dolman; Prince Mostmu,Mr. Wallis. To conclude with the Nautical Drama, entitled BLAIJN•EYED SUSAN. William, Mr. E. L. Davenport ; Capt. CenpaNne, Tannehill; Susan, Mrs. E. E. Daverkpor, T: IHE ARCTIC Wl' RkSOLUTEJ-- ITARMIATION . TU TfiE DRITLSII GOVERN.. A!ENT., at Lowes t December MB, Painted by cow. inand of Her Majesty Queon Victoria, by William 81129012: Now Exhibiting at EARLE'S GALLERIES, N. VAS CHESTNUT STHEET. Admittance 25 cents. • THOMEUF's varpi eft..zBTNUZ Streets. MISCELL.kgEOCS coriouny taciliciq4l) Moro 'talent, more Noyeltied, Excelelor Attraction. THo bodutlful daneouse, PaNNY COLES, will appear EVERY EVENING during the week, in addition to the SUPERIOR fAIXBANX regularly engaged, Vencorl commence at half-poet 7. Admieeidn, 10 contd. J. B. TLIQUII,Ij, oc,ll-3t* Manager , and YeoPrictor• SANFORD's Off i ßA ITc 1 "°" -.,._ • OVi t RA. ELENENTit Street, shore Cheatnut. Spate olpti et 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before etErht Attnittauce canto. Ethiopian Lifelur.truted by 86111023'11 Troupe of Stara—New Amoco hp the Saalfeld Children. To ounidode with A LAVITIABLI AFTERPIECE. OFFICE OF THE COMMERCIAL MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, COMMERCIAL, BUILDING, Nos. 57 and 59 WILLIAM STREET. Him YORK, July 23,183;, The Truateee, in tonfornuty to the ‘ler%er 61 the Company, submit the lullowl4l stataittent of Its affairs 0 the 5001 of Aune, , Pt...111111W on Watts outstanding 30th Juue, 1850 • 5315,012 75 Premiums recei,ed daring tho year ending 30th Juue, 1551 780,12 i 31 Total Prom'ulna (No Polklea lukao been iraued upon The Rigt dialontuleted Iklth ftrak4.) Pre'nthrold Ularked off eartled for the yeAr opliug . 3otl J uuo, 1657 5749,224 65 Lome.' amt Expaaspe Itolitra 146w1tt0n... He.insuraocex $630,005 13 05,M 10 (0,034 61 8 , 619,232 80 The Assets of the Company ou the 30th Jime,l33i, wore as follows; Notes In advance of Prentiuma $‘41,150 ISO Premium Netet and Bias Receivable, 102,161 . 12 bonn. on S•ockl, Stocio and othii Bennet • }ma, nilthad;and . Iteeinsurance Claims Cash in Doubt Total Assets $119,258 94 Ths Board of Trustees 'have this clarresutvedithar as on interest on the Sic Pan 0 Vali, on the outstanding Scrip of the Company, be paid in cash to the holders thereof, or their legal representatives, on and after TUESDAY, the DM of August next. The Deani have also tictlare4 a &trip WviAenti, of Tax Poe Cove. on the net earned Premixing 61' the Cbwpany for the yehr ifOth Attila; 'IAN, 'to* vfhlch certifi cate be isvded and after TUE&D,iy, t , a AAttt of AtigttsTilekt ' " By; older of tt,ft D4r4rd, 41i1NRY D. IL/NO, Secretary TRUSTEES Henry W. Barstow, James O. 8011, Charles L. Frost, Geo. D. Morewood, Sheppard Gandy, Charles Carats, Cephee 11. Norton, Robert U. 'lsraeli, Cornoltnt W. Whonta e f Thus rlteCtlaAlltolt,' Mbssa 1 1 aylDr , K Oornliig, Jaioea W. Plottiv, 4 41.4 tl. IVIIItam~, Brotlte, LOllll. B. YOUOWS, Willanl M. Newell, Jacob A. Corey, Oliver Wetmore, Charles P. Marks, DAN'I, DRAKE n02•13m ADRIAN B. 110 Josiah 0. Low, Stephen D. Harrison, William A. Sale, Jame' L. Adams, John B. Seaman, Charlie W. Illossinn, Amon°. Phelpz, KA' l'Olyrka ti i tlei, d al aa es KvereD, F4hUAler ttyinstoz, wilUam V. Frost, William 11. Kirkland, Koury A. Keiser, then D. Crocker, John 0. Jackson, Joseph V. Navarro, Wm. W., T. Oreenway, Preiblent. RES, Vice-Preghleat ASS' a E4sT IN,DA4 PALE -- ALE consumerrof Vale Setebrarl i heyerage need no' Briptionittitaainalltfilt, liklde ce of Its eacellence, tiepin.% CIO beneliV thei l have derixed from to lee dime Its ioirodAction Into t Is counD'y to 'Moo have not y'ut made; en flOdee with title CROWNING Mal may be Welt tn PA LE few facts : " /VASS'S EAST INDIA ALE Owes Ito °sullenest aa a beverage to the superior quality of the hops and malt, the mineral properties or the river water immediately communicatluß with bite brareyjr, nod the scieutitic skill applied is Fie mallufr Wire. BASS'S EAST INDIA Etn ALE Not being sweetened or ! .. .reugthened to please vitiated palates. ) is, tktrefore, neither heating nor heady, but !'totnachic and appetising. BASS'S EAST INDIA CALE ALE Is the qapgm be solace of 414 Indiad 'Subaltern in aekumininVutgslowtlire wofrhy - rlyal of bland, pairdea, I BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is tbo drink Without which no tElln eon by complete.— no journex by details posaible. • BASS'S EAST NIIRTA PALE ALE In the feyosits 00; fu tnglsod of lord and bagman -4,lVairila sun ourse. DAIS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the Matt admired tonic for invalids and persons of weak interiors!. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE. ALE Will keep in all climates; and is good stall meals--lun aeon, Manor, or copper. . . BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALB . Is pronounced by the reediest faculty one of the molt wholesome beverages that tan be taken, and to found to be not lea, agreeable to the palate than it is beneficial to the health. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE is tunversally conceded to be unrivalled In excellonse by any other imported into the United States. Dealers and consumers will and It their Interest to give this Ale a preference. For sale In cibess.~ and bottle by THOMAS McAIVI:LEN, Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVER St.. N. Y. On sale at Delmonico's, William sa., coruer or Beaver, and Chambers, corner or Broadway. Sutherland's, it Me street. Derryli, Id Flue street. Richardson & Napier, 12.0 Water et. George F. Burgess, OS Broadway. N. B. gosling, adT Broadway. uol•ein GOLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB acriber offers for sale, with a perfect title, the property known as the REID (TOLD AND COPPER MINE, situated S miles from Concord, Cabarrus county, North Carolina, With the mine Jig plqutation of 745 acres of excellent loml, well watered and wooded, and a Ingo MANSION HOUSE, with barna, miners' houses, pettier Wild engine how, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horsepower ; Chilian mills, stamps, pumps, AA., embracing ail the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, in good order. The mine hos been worked at Intervals for the last 50 years, and bas always been profitable to resident pro prietors, but has never been worked for any length of time with an engine and machinery. The shafts and galleries are well constructed, the stopping's have never been taken out, and from 60 to 76 miners can be profit ably employed in the old workings. Ou the property le a formidable vein of copper and lead, which has never been worked, and a now gold vein has been discovered mince the first of this month, at which three men have been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, th a good prospect of Its eontimiance. CIIARI,EB J, GILBERT, Broadway, EvELANDI ENGLISH LITERA, IVJ TIME. THOUSIAD. E. C. 8: J. BIDDLE, No. 698 61Inor street, publish— %. A COMPENDIUM OP ENGLISH LITERATURE,- from the fourteenth to the close of the eighteenth mi te chronologicolly arranged; consisting of lliographl• cal :hutches of the anthem and selections from their together with Dotes explanatory, illustrative unO directing to various criticisms and the best editions, By Prof. O. D. Cleveland. 9. ENGLISH. LITERATURE OF TUE NINE. TEENTII CENTURY.—By Prof Cleveland. A Sequel to the “Compendinin," arranged on the mute plan as it The above named two volumes are used as test books in the principal Normal School., and extensively In other first-class seminaries of our country; and are an admirable guide or chart fur private students, pursuing a course of reading In the literature of our mother tongue, Nearly ready for press 3. A C9kll'ENDliild DS' AMERICAN LITERA TIJIIE —Ny Prof. Cleveland. oe 31-21 PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DEN TAL OURONNY.—The Come of Ifittruetion will coturuenco on MONDAY next, Nov. 2A, at 19 o'clock, and continuo until the lot of March ensuing. For further information addrena T. L. IiIICKINOIIAM, Dean, ocaLltit No. 211 North Ninth street DIAMONDS, RUBIES, EME RALDS SAPPIIIRES and PEARLS bought for euh— highest prices gleetz—by Mr. UNDER, (late) arrived from Eurori) at the Ashland Gouge, AUG Street Room No. S. Soma from 10 to 4. oc3l.lw* SPIRITS TIJAPENTINN-200 bble spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for axle by itaitifikOALlFlTZll, au 1 — l - 10 North Water street. .R . 0 2. .--SUP d F ; I I2 I t MA WIANZB, I turM 4.3bra & * ()(r.,i' ouo.o No, sa N. water ot. ) Pad 23 M;Wharrii NrTHOMAS & SONS, e Nos. 13n sad 141 SOUTH POURTII WPaERY, ' (formerly Nos. tif and OIL) REAL .P.STATX, BTOCES, ha. Pnblia Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every T esd ay Evening. Handbills of each property lamed separately, in addltion to 'atlas we pabllah on the Batarday _previous to each sale one thousand catalogues In pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold On the following Tuesday. / 111 tNIT111111 BALES ,h? 31111 AIIOTIOIf SITI I7- ORE every Thursday morning. , • • • REAL 'ESTATE' AT PRIVATE BALE. 117/ - We have &large amount of Real Tetsto at hi vete Sale. Including every, description e of filty Jul& S ale. property. Printed Lista be had at the may . auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. 11l - Eat! East. eatarsel P. our Private Sale Re gister, are advertise," occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed 'HIV) free of charge. 50 cents. ..... STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues non reialy• contalumg full de scriptions of All the property to be sold on Tuesday nest, 3d November,withe list of sales larch and lith" November. • - $12,000 WILLIAMSPORT AND ELMIRA. RAILROAD COMPANY. 011 Meade) , ermine, hut. at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, will be sold, withoot reserve, for actouot or whom It may COLICO/11—. 24 Bonds, $5OO each, Williamsport and Elmira Rail road Company. Thep/re Coupon 10 per cent. Bonds, interest payable let November and May, due ISM. $8 000 LEcuan VALLEY RAILBOAL BONDS. 4 First Mortgage Coupon Bonds, SLOOO each, Lehigh Talley Railroad Oompany. Sale positive. 2 First 'Mortgage Coupon Bonds, $1,030 eich, Lehigh Valley Railroad lion:many, Bala posits°. Also, for other secoants. LOTS IN GLENWOOD CEMETERY. 4 adjoining lots Glenwood Cemetery, Ttr. : Nos. SO, 81 , 82, and 83, section 3; they. are near the improve ment, and are among the best lots. LOTS IN PHILADELPHIILETERY. 'I lots Philadelphia Cemetery, A viz CE : Nos. 1, 21, =. 23, 24, 28, and 20, section two or. three of them ate Main avenue lota. ' • Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Libtari, and Philadelphia Atheureum. STOOKS AND LOANS. On Tuesday Evening • November 10th, at the PhiledelphialEichange, at 7 o'clock, will be sold, for account of whom it may con-. cern -87,000 ell per cent. Coupon Bonds of the Wyandott Call Company, payable January lst,lsll2, with Interest payable half yearly. AI W , w oo i o th O ou H t l re m A r N v D e, P fo E r N N a A c . uRnA ILw.h 4. om C iOt .m ay concern, Xt Coupon Bonde,El,ooo each, Ohio and Penn sylvania Railroad Bonds, due in 1070, Interest 7 per dent , payable May and November. THIRTUNTII PALL Bs IA td NOVEMBiIIt Vila sae will include Of_Vttnn . IMO Bala. MATS 01 W/LZIAM A. BUDD. DZO'D. Tam LARGE Alnl VALUABLE LOTS_, AND TWO BRICK DWELL:HOB, sr.V.ENTII BTREET, RADIX STRUM, AbUll TREBTUNK ROAD. Volantdo lot, N W corner Primo and Seventh etreete. Vilankdo lot, fronting on Male Arent, and on Paw, yank road. Valuable lot, ressytink road. . Two throe-story beak dwelllage, Ewronnt strata, wont side, north of Prime street. They will be sold seww. Maly. Bee hondbllit,%nd,RlAn. Also. by Oer of Orphans" Court, SETAE." OE AOHN EITZ'NATER, DEO'D. OITA B rAER OE GROUND WITII VALUABLE Et AM W-MILla AND MACHINERY, LARGE MDR, THREE YEMEN DIVELLINGE, LARGE ARg, WITa BROD? OP YOUR , HUNDRED FEET or TEE RIVER DELAWARE AT ,7.4- Con, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Woe Estate—THßEE-STORT BRIM DWELLiNti.' Throe-story brick dwelling, No. Ede Northltill,h,tlxsys Noble street. • Same 25t5gq.....4W0 BRICK DWRLLINGB. Also TWQlrlc dwellillp,Mal,alk and fLanover streets ? above Barn street, Kensington. >? t utor's Sale--Late Sadden* of • Amelia Smith, M...V9 6 ./4 68AN810N, 111 / 8 111NOTON,N. by order of Execotor, to close en estate, the valuable $t Stain street, Burlington, N J. , replete With modern improvements and conveniences, 38X feet front, the lot 810 feet deep to Wood street, the garden Improved with lined (volt trees, /sc. Also, a handsome residence, Wood street, Burlington, recently °coupled by Mr William Chsloner, and a lot adlolnleg, 60 by /6 8 feet. U Pull peatictilsre in hard. bills. NEAT DWELLING, TWENTLETIi STREET—Three story brisk dwelling, No. 205 North Twentieth street, between Wood and. Vine streets. LOT, TWENTY•POIIRTII WAB4-4, triantliditir fronting on Park Areal. and is West Phl4,lelphia Railroad, Twenty-fourth Viol, (late West PhiladeL . phis ) TIIKEN-g.aaRY PRIOR DWRLLINO.—Three-story bilk dwelling, No. 9i13 North Fifth street, ahoy George street, with frame butlding in the rear. - ,VALUABLE PROPERTY 111011TERNTh WARD. TWO TILREZ-STORT smog IMMLINGI3.-70,0 three-story brick dwellings., ine og them occupied sea grocery store, 8, pproer of QUeed and Warren etreete, IikiVELLINGS.—Two threo-story brick, • asd ,gien tk,reo-story frame dwelltogs, B . )1. 0011 MY DWI* 'Si Veikas, streets. Hot 4or the abase pro e Derti e s! arO 45t ' red s rildss V o ll:eluded 0 0 -sal 5073,140 14 FOURTEENTH PALL BALE-10TM NOVEMBER. This liale will include among other property, the fol. I° T ri tTiV4ALUATILIit 'LOTS, TWENTIETH STREET, SPRING GARDEN STREET, NINETEENTEI ST, AND MONTERY STREET.—A tenable lot, N. E. cor ner of Twentieth and Montan struts. Valuable lot N. W. corner Ninateonth road Spring Garden etreets. TAYFIRPI AND DWELVIN6.—Three-story Welt tavern end ": 0 1 11 4 , 1 , port We of Hamilton street, out 9! 490019Plith Street. PIIIIMPTOET ALL . • . TRURR-STORY BRICK LAGER BEER SALOON— Three-story brick Lager Beer Saloon and Dwelling; Di. 878 Apple street, between. Hearth and York Metiers sad Brown and Poplar streets. TIIRRIATORY BRICK ORINIKX STORii AND DWELLlNG—Threeestory brick_ groaery More Aid - Dwolttugrtfoilil hlreetsale about • TIIRBP 2 .BTORX I.OK WAN Ilet, Three-I:Dry •dwelliug, N o. '1209 Ogden street, ((Ay 'side') between Twelfth glad Tikirteeatb stmts. Tm" B 4 D ßVgiCiff KURTZ BT: share ~p,~~idtreet. 4'8411 n. KSO %arts street, nu DWK.I4 , INOS, AMBER STREET. 2 three-story bnok dwellings, Amber street, sonth of Dauphin street, (late Northern Liberties.) A yearly ground rent of '4'o, recure4 by slot of ground, North Second street, between Montgomery and Ell streets. FIFTEENTH PALL SALE-17TH NOVRAVAVA, • • Orpheus' Court Sete—rtste tm Scvssi % sokessedi, NEAT ItiLIOE, SITRF.E'r.—TIke rest =Oars), nws wt *lt billdiuge t No. 412 tiOut*ti Everentk ■ *A, belay Pine skeet. We No. 1514 Callowhlll street. IIOVSEHOLD rupsrrun. l'aesday Morning, .11110 o'clock. at No. 150 Callowhlll street, .sboye Fifteenth, the household and kitchen furniture of a lady declining housekeeping. Maybe examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of iale. SALE Or BOOM ON vkitiOys sinußeq, On Tuesday Evening, Nov. Sd, at the auction Atom, !Ai araorf i nrl of galg• ablo miacellaneogo walla, 1.0414). 60p, %Ant) . .. For particulars #c.e,cs,t4opios„ W 2 i 01 ,2T1il Bout& Pout Street. IRIPERtva TUBE, PINE - MIRRORS, ROSE . MOOR PIANQ-FORgE, VELVET CARPETS, &a. us Thu.* Mornin g , AC. oailock, at the Auction Store, a Large ant tape riot taartment of 140nd-bang furniture mirrors, tar pats. piano-forte, &0., from flu:atlas draAining house keeptug. Sale No. 1011 Wriant street. STOCK OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE Oa Monday mottling, . . Nov. leth,tt 10 o'clock at No. 14;7 'Wont street, without reserve, the entire, st , elf of Joh4:Durons, de clining business otiimceunt of 111, comprising a general assorimen ot itrellztroOm furniture, vari ous st,rl,es due rings, en or chamber and iooo:llnrnlyure,lMpertor boo -Mita, &C., C., UMW, tiCtUrtil in ths hest ouVassiy (or private sales, and warranted. IE7 Catelotties three Ave previous to Isle. WOLSERT 4 SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 OILESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom Vous., between Fourth and Fifth Streets. SPECIAL BALE OF FURS. On Tuesday next, 3d lust , Commencing at 10 coulee], precisely, we T; spit, Y catalogue, for cash, a consignmentof pars for ladies and gent's wear ; sleigh and carriage robes, An , con sisting of muffs, pole4nes, capes, vietorines, gloves, sleigh and carriage robe., An., of the latest style, made of myng, ?Able ' ermine, stone martin, Itch, Mason Bay Company's squirrel sable, chinchtlli, besver,'fog, neuter, Ac, The spenlal attention of Mies . and gen tienten is invited, The whole may be egamined with catalogues early on the morning of sale. PEREMPTORY' SALE" OP AN 'ELEGANT A 93481.- MENT OP PUBS, Ac. Wadnewtay negt, atia Commencing at lei o'clock ppectsal,g, we will sell, by catalogue, for cash, an 'elegant assortment of choice and ttesicaltle furs far ladies', gent's, and misses' near, comprising mars, polarities, metortaes, capes, gaunt lets, gloves, caps, An. made in the best manner, of mine, atone martin, Ilobemlau Itch, wolf rel, wax sable, Ac., Ac, •VULCANIZED RUBBER. COATS Also, lAD beet quality vulcanised rubber coats. EMBROIDERIES AND AIILLINERY (leaps. Ala., a general assortment of elvilms embroideries, linen handkerchiefs, bonnet and trimming ribbons, Silk fringes, gimps, laces, Sic. , . . Alan, French artillpials, ostrich tips, &a. Also, ladies silk and satin bonnets, riehlitriindled. , ""m" •"" "^—^- Also, an assortment of auFatior Germantown knit gouda, sPeti 4i l motes and women's hosiery, lamb's wool and merino shirts and drawers, boys and children s hose, wool mitts and gloves, scarfs, cravats, hoods, wool shawls, pelorines, LADIES' CLOAKS, 3IAKTILLAS, DUSTERS, Ac. Also, ► line of ladies' cloth cloak, nautili.% alums, dusters, Sc., made In tho most (million:Ole style, richly silk lined, quilted and trimmed. NOTICE.—The whole embracing a choice assortment of staple sod fancy goods, will be arranged for examine- Dim, with catalogue, early on the morning of sale, when purchasers will find It to their interest to attend. AMERICAN GOLD AND NSW YORK FONDS AMERICAN GOLD /AD NEW YORE 11011(1117 A? THIC lIIGIIMAT PREMIUM BY • BOSTON EX.ollflUgli 44!5• prem. NEW YORK Exchange 4 a 4yj prem. BALTIMORE Exchange 3 a 4 dist. AMERICAN GOLD 4 s 5 prem. oc7-3m DREXEL Jr. CO FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WA HD Miler TO 011110ORATIO RULES. 0016-Zll* WALL PAPER.- WALL PAPER.— LARGE STOCK CHEAP. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Now IN your chain& 5315 25 percent. Work done at the lowest rates. N. E. corner or SIXTH & Anti 0c31•3w• J. E. UNMET...ER TAKE NOTICE. Housekeeper' and heads of famine* wanting FLAVORING ESSENCES, SPICES, of any sort, CONCENTRATED LET, BURNING FLU/D, DREAM OF TARTAR, BAKING SODA, WASH LEATHER, OLIVE OIL, INDIGO. and SAG with any other goods in that line, may procure them O, In any quantity desired, at leas than package prices, at the Wholesale Drug House No. 154 N. THIRD Street, above Arch. Sign ofth4 G OLDEN EAGLE AND MORTAR. 0c29-Iw Sales bg 21,action WOOLLEN 0000 S Along), Political 13, . TAWS A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, I:ta. 422 3YAINOI , IIIIOI7ST, abalr4 romnr. - • OA. II II-6A1,11 OY /10IISERO!,D 1171WITM18-1131:4. DAY- We beg leave to Warm the public that, ere held oar regular weekly sate. of YuSniture everyTresday, at oar EPACIOUB SALO ROON, ' IN WALIIVT ST RE ET A where °my AMIN/ Stittakil is even ta ob• Wu the ki,theat pricesfor, **voile PI AN* Who nn) favor as with coustgereeetic Fastllleelioving portions of their furniture td dispess'of, -or these aerie" , is , E boom keeping and not wiehtni Wes at Hu* own .dwan. can have their furniture I CARRYULLY 2131"" TO OVR SALE3 . IIOOV. - warn THEY WILL REALMS BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAII THEM OAN OBTAIN FROM ANY ;OP - TILE ' 11 : 11 /M PRAIERS OR ANY OTRIVit AUCTION EMI IN THE OITY, Jrr Persons fanning , Us ';ritbcoushounents can rest world that their property will net smarilleefi. Dowenisoncurs some inedirrate, than chariot by Kr other Auction Upon he ths city. Orr C.4.1g - 8. , .0 reaped/ay solielteci. Wei paid immediately *nor the good, ire sold. ~ • ; REAL ESTATE RAL,E,NOTY4II.II,B 11• h. This Bale will luelado— Orphaes' Court Sao—Estate of W. A. B. rouse, Dee& TWO-STORY BRION HOUSE AND LOT, rwurrs enn.eteiy Wok hoini• and lot of gromait, west sits of Twelfth street, Ti feet eibrra Columbia arsons, 15 foot front, nod .112 feet dap, to 4 M feet street. Pi grocrad rent_ • : 0pt... , Court sa•—krtoe of ChM- Bi'mniion. 04 e'd. THREE HOUSES AND LOT 01 GROUND, BREAD • STREET AND TETTER LOl4. • A lot armour.. with the tkrottliouses Mum otootitl, S. W. Comer or Breed wort sad Netter Imo, 40 foot by 43 feet $lB3 poonct root, iig • 160 to be paid on oath of the shoes" obeli the Min 13 Enna off. IiCAL ESTATE SALE—Nov.74O2B Drill, This isle will roelndo— Orpluins' Cadetlo—Fstate or Patefek Smith , Deed. TAE nouns AND. LO? OF GROUND, 'NORTH SECOND STRUT. Three three-story brick house lid lot of grand. east side of Second street, 176 feet - north horn Piaster street, 20 feet frost sod 100 feet deep. $OO grows( Hat. Orpt ans' OCazza Sale-Llsame Saida. PITHIMESTS AND LOT, WASHES - OTOS STILUT. ENSINOTON. A let a 1 ground withloir three-story brisk, sad ar-e frame hoops therton, east shio of Washington street, 00 feet abovelfseter; 10 feet host sad IA feet deep, to Phlllip street: , 860 ground tent Orphans. Oast 0110-011 statoof4adrestbeisay, Deed. TAVERN STAND. NORTH MCOO4 *DOTY RADII, 'A three-story lniek tavern stag .and dwelling, two- story brldrbselt leading endlot of ground, on the sad aide of Sewed strost,hetwiteis Seed sodirlsse st-esb; 37 feet trout, sod extending is depth 40 feet 436. loolues, then psi-rowing td 1436 toes, one oneadipg Oleo farther deptlfof 19 feet 7 fetches, tostiagla all pfiet - clear of all ndumarmadia.: 11:i7 450 to be paid °iamb albs above TIMM feet SUDO 1112401114 . 113.- Ihrlimitei7 - ir tick lUlß* Dm6lll . " rtglwitit 6 , 64116;1 brick beek burbileg. 1116: Berth ifitttl street, abort Wood street. • Bent s4ooper annum. Apply at the Ater lion Store. • - A? NaVATI SALT.- - A arshelen Prietiegoatee. With &goal Mt at bug, nee, kw petulant prams, tpq liegghte sod PIA Mime Type and everything aecetear, for : the lateitetee. Ant: at the Auction Store. • '• - • - Bale at in litalpitelreere Foosth. STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S • nits, G 40089_ qh2 ?AA./ ' At 10 o'clock, rill be said at the ;action store, the remeieleg stook of ,fientk4noce cotopthlns. paeril sesoFtinewt of koode /be t tawny of which wok' autertar_ looleded ere evest 7 , sire esslitor re sairfp aria 4nAlifllAin &is& laths's' dririos irstuglot fibres; • Aar 4% 4 kid Lambda i% steal lastsi unraercloWag. ;ad orrery tartAr, etirock_ articles, ROCBEILOLD TLIRSIT - CRE,. CARPETS; BEDS, ke. • Also, lame assortment of Owl secoadAnd feral pupate, bade, &a.; So be said by win of 'mom. 110 E RAN S;49:UotIONEKR AND cakuinanor• vot s eataty 111: - 0220 ISIXTR and ILLOS Streeta:— .w • AT .RRIVAX6 14414,0014 dad Wei,' ieeir; terms, fluglra l rerles; Peelle*, Jaorski7. Gram,. desexi On, teusietts,' &a., dee: A? PRIV I ailLitAttraeleCefiCaiemg itair; household turultaridl',inery sag tresses3eokiy f 4 KT azthdallse4l,l Outdoor eklaiettitiNid to persensilyinstinl'AgerlSon der. • Ohnglet very Joy. • posalgoseneft - et fendtcre, owelrY, NATHAN'S raursCITAL WAN OIPS/0.1, 8. N. Hernerof SUM lisd tie. !Meets, Where nzeneynal ba_leaned 'on plld asf itlher plat Watched, lewalrg, tDry Groceried, Seger', Iriollware, Cutlery, Imitate, Het , ding, Iforseg,.Velticles, Sioa,t. 4, on all 'IIW- Sieled of valet Icr asjeleogtk 41 . 11nUt wined no, ewnwire "kiata 4,04 7 1 40 Iceneddlets at any: other estab lishment.' 5 .11,111ATHAN8 i • • NATHAN'S great iaIe . OfTORSETTID GOWN( sfflA take place in a few days Due notice will be event WlHllllgreet :rah/ of Attalla filches, firwatapc Guns, Pistol', H e idi Instruments, kn. takeplase shortly. ' Doe notlee WSBIII greatule ' atDeTfhoodlic.clethieg,ll,64l4, .to„ Woe Welt& collatesdh4 Iritt take Own 4moyty. Dee motto° will be given. y• ' - AT „PRIVATE BALI, AT KALI Mat T 'M AL ULM% THIDES.--Deoble.bottitaned ant Wiling case gold patent lever at lb. 'mat ap proved makes, hrsitieg nee sink egen,feee gat empti.4 . went lever and Ilpine watches, tat•jowapt; rad eatunsled lever sad leglail Argtkl.f.t ',tar Isollee; gad jewelry of every lakeariptlon- ellrer tenet ad Nettie watches, in linencegeestee indepenfeek ghee Isettisk, Bette, sad Freprat 1 ,1 14 mi a*Palotonst wittl , esses. mirrors, OUT-DOOR 241,10 undotrftt, to*, %pectin:on, low. • • -t - Consignments of, every 4voription at vicrksetietled for public orprliatelikle; ' AIONSIY ADTANgain we all atu; ' , VerylaD . of geode. forlpieblldge ghats sale, or to be held lbw. a limited time. . 1 1kAl•• less ;( . .1 • QAMUFAI: NATRANS; AUCTIONEER, MONEY, LOAN 01 7 / 1 02, No. 142 Oeutl TM= Street, Weis *atm, opposite roar gt, poly Itkoors belowti*Fachutte. - ; .4( iterdaeac Ave :r,c?gracgc s .S- mho 3,1 Oilt•doo=V:ltlitai : at Eb • ' Ammon $01114., 1. Undid. upon the most saNatactory CAPLTAId f1i00102.0. • • xsittauthafer R4a 4re hirrg Asia Adolumee , nude toms on*Anltaz tet.Nonsands OM Dta. moots, Silva PlateWatitsse, Jartlity, Hardiram Her: aVandiso, OlethlagOnzeinue,ildding,Mana=w Instrument, - Onsi, u Howl% Us ndepts aot' nary deacsiptlon. An twat .s ratdain . likT . LOl;gth of MN, "Irani upon, lidTllMaa, foam om totedrel 'Kit Ma charged 2 per sew. lowoat mao•-• ectxtames, foam cmtaretratt dollare W.. amid/ ittt . etargtd 2 Per wt. per moats t i o aad arar, 4.0 towed market rote. 'his alms Ham having a depth of 120 feet, bee bomb Ire and ttilotiroot netts to store all valaablea, and pelt eater vstokomen' for tto pierasee oho. a seam /404. reoei advineed effected for tber benefit of aft pino= leartog Loeb upon • t N. B. —Cht ALLOf Amen( as meMeditedeapftal, this office te prepeopt to peaks altpmeellOO atcrt eatiw this city. factory end som=oodattog term than soy otteer 14 Money mirsnasti to Um**, In mak imoottnte, Witte; oat coy chary. IL6T - Gold Fittest laver s lttr ad other ß Stretchier, Jewelry, and alotatos via be moll at reduced vetoes. IOXIN BAYLIS, AIIGTIONEER—No. kItCII Street, between Mint sad Paertb Streetk, SALES EV.EIII EVENING, et.? o'clock, Of Boots, 8110 es, flardware, Cutlery, Wet:chez. Aim elry, Gallery, Whlpe, Trazett, 150 Cy Oooda Nottens. N. 8.--Out.dcor es* stiooted to All gaols sell it the Auction Moue pseud. oel4.ea GEORGE •W: SETT% AUCTIONEER N. B. corner at sinew uoi sot.= stmt• AV/mom ann. - , SALSA retßltT SATURDAY RYIRLYti, At! 0%194, Atha hactiaa Stoto,:or nant.sre, Out riMotkeeksaptag Articles, Meths% Watches, sncy Attie*, 4ei. • • - Glass anD Qtliina tUarc, NEW STORE. • • - NEW GOODS. MAHXZEN & MASONIC 'HALL, 713 CHESTNUT ST., HA'S NOW ON RAND A Complete and splendid asserbssent of WHITS, GOLD BAND, and DECORATU ITSSNCII CHINA; WILE, MAN, 'CRYSTAL, ant COLORED GLISSWARB Bin% P*SIAN. MYA k sad /MLA: POTTA Man besides Ole nreata4 Tarleks of ' , '-ve•soY-Awricyt.itt,, . wkict, will to xa.t.t loves+ prises than Woe in Om Stand States". . . ti B.— floats !maid ta, Puna* on reasonable terms. • • oo 27-tt ,Inklraucv Crontpanirs. VOMMONIVIALT3I FIRS'INSURANCE k i.4.. 92 0 1A , Zip4! ,STATE OP YOORTII iffir Plt i llidelphirt. • Sti r bactibed Capital, ssoomo. Pald.up Capital, 0300.000. DKVID JAYNIti M. D., Preeldeat. THOMAS E. STXWART, Vias . . . BaNtnrt. B'. 'loom, Searelary. aul-]P IRARD „VIRE AND ICLRINE INSUR- G ANCX COMPANY, PHILADELPILID—OIice, No. . 30 3 WALNUT street, oast of rum "PTAs DIENS ONLY TAX/Rt." . . ~ inisoross. wtA. MAtaida,, •- . • Jar. Walker, DAD &newt, Jr., atm. McClure, M. N Burroegke, Tba. Crayery tJ. B. Magbea, ' ' A. 8. fallen, '.P. D. Sharman, • Turman Kb W ra. P. Berk*, • &m 1 laste=., J. P. Stainer Joseph Klapp, M. D. H. A. Shetalfora, ' Eau JOEL JONES, President. Hon. ti. W. WOODWiIID, Vim Preableat. Ixo.B. 81c3lowur, Secretory. .limitil B. ALTolo. A/ Secretary. not -Sar•ir Kumba. .UMBEit I LUMBER!!—The aubaariLi r, -a-d who lus for several years occupied the minuses at Sloan's Planing •Mlli hasvesocul to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, oa Delaware amuse, 'alters hs intends keeping a large annutuuntof Carolina and other noos ing bouda, steps, risers,shslving, ceiling, fencing ant scalfoldboateM, thOteaghly seaaoned and well worked. For We at t h e lowest curb prices. Purchasers are in vited in Call and examine for themselves, and area ef fort will be made tie‘ siva satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the filmiest notice for ale kinds and Matt Of Banta= yellow Pins, Timber and Scantling. S. 8 WOWED. T"UNDERSIGNED HAYS THIS DAY entered into a Copartnership, under the name of MIMES & CO., for the manufacturusg of all kinds of rtncy and conunon Soaps, et No. SS Borth WATER St. A. Y. HOLSERS, C. E. ERROL Oct. 370 i, 1557 0c21.21c OCEAN ROSY MANTJFACTOAT. HOLMES & CO., having purchased the above vial. from Lebrecht Franks, are proposed to receive orders for all kluda of faser and common 8024%. Alt orders executed al% punctiality and despatch, at the eery lowest prices, for cash, oe-t-N-* SAYING FUND.--ITNITED STATES TBIIBT COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Large and small atom received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE TES CENT lynx- EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. (Ace hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, a n d on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 ontil 9 o'clock, DRAFTS for We on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from .£1 upwards. President—ETETHEN OBAWPOED, Treasurer—FLlNT TIES. Teller--lAIIES R. HUNTIR 11 W. TINGLEY & 00., BANKERS Jur. No. 87 south TKIILD Street, Philad•lphta. COLLECTIONS prompUt= on all aoteasible points tb• Voited States and su,,,aa Bonds, &11_,Stonki sad Bold on 0061 , 111Mikle. Umtata/A Bank Noted, chocks; Ito., Wulft at th• lowest rates. m pesoslto r•selred and Intarest allow* as peeers l oot t r i sa REATEE & SCOTT, GENTLE ., ITZETEEInKt STORE, and PATINT suctuLosata: MAIACTOR ,Y No. fed ORISTNIJT 8b .t , abora Beatnik Etna, PhiladelpLia. The attention et Southern and Western Merchants, tad Strangers, is particularly Invited to this' improved cliti Stiles, the moat perfect dtttnif ertiole male. it idiots aala and Mail, and mole to order. ad4r4