-'• . =BIM • ..... . " ..f.:"':i ' ,.:::,;:,: . ; - , „...:::,......,,, . - ,, A,..t,F , - ,.r 4,,,, , rr7, - . , 7.7 7,;, I? er - :;,.1 41r,;Vi 1. ;.04 - 1:f;! : .::: y*,4.- 1 41 :, ;k': , r,i , .2 , -`;',,,L,1 - 2, --. .' .. ; .., ....:....: : , :: . i.';::::•-•':es , '.,-...z.4.' , ' ,- -'1-.. , , J.- - . - - 5.64p. - 40- , z;_z: - 1 .;„,t,,?-,;_i;,' , .', , ;',_ t , '1 ,r,,t VIE =COURT& 4/i2 i iihttf AY'S PROO:BEini OS. . Conlon PLase-,...Jutge Alllsons—The Nem Stay Law.c—ln the case of Murry vs. Belles, in whieh there,'*aa - twverdiet for the plaintiff a few days bazki Mt, GC - Mi. Wharten, counsel for- the .de, fendellt.“OpPlind to - the (Mutt fora year'estay, under) the net littrOod 1 3th Oottiber; 1135 T. Mr. WhilthStCielied, on, the eixth section of the net, whielealtoirit the .defendant tq, pieta his freehold whe,re,,,the snit was pending before the passage of the not,: Mr.,..Wborton read the math section, and said.thati ..its he - understood that section, it gave the doftirlent the , privilege of pleading his free hold:ansPkaring a. • Nta,y,: of extols Gob' for tide lyear from' this'Peamtke f the act.' • Dip MoDenghlin, who appeared far thdplitirititf, „contended that, , if:the, gnarl allayed tho stay, ; it could finly.roo .frons. the first:day of the term., Judge Allison said that this was a very interest ing point of praotiao. and'he would prefer a 000- aultatiehltith his brethren, Judges Thompson and Conrad, before melting any rule on the motion. In the meantimis'a 'plea Of frebboldinight be,filed, tied t h e,eentt wentd,,on Saturday,next, make their, I ordeilopon- it,. neje whether, et should stand or . not. Mr. Wharton stated that this plea was filed. Thentatterthemwent ever until Saturday.ne*L • ! Weit. S. , Stewarbni. Bates, Rule' to open judg , meet 'and 'set execution, granted. Brewster, , for plaintiff; ,Dar,il Webster for, defon..., dna I Quatimia:Sa4,otokst..feidgee Thompeon and Con rad.,-Tbe „Distriet -Attoiaey, stated, to the court , teatlee would call upon the aldermen who had To. delved notice to appear before the eourt, Leto their von-complidece •in Making their returns: men Devlin, Coulter, Collin, and Enon'Were A- Madame, in answer to the notice served upon theeti,„'t,i ; i , , Judgagliarapten said Moat hareaftei., he Would hold any alderman, responsible for a misdemeanor in Meet who did not make his return ten days be. fore the commencement, of thelteriu.. That snore tildermen',hopt persons in prison, whether through malignant motive or'not the public , arti,igdocont; but it is Very imbist individualti era enti tled to a txial....tm secs as paSsiblV, tii be kept in I?ri- eon at,..thel,plomtuto of aldermen: lite practice should be reformed altogether- , .• ' Upon motion of the District Attorney, bail was forfeited rid the foliewing eases': Ciohhard' MOIR, bait intlo,ooo for IdeS. til Stier+, of Near York ;4 01 1 11 Lethnitnry, bnitil:,sl)o 'for , livephinger: , • . Stitrento 'l..a.stierurt ,Distri c t Attoiney..',.'inered 'that the sentence of the law: ha passed, on., Lawrence Riley, convicted at .the last terntof -thie 'court of murder in the second degree. Mr. Win. M. Brill, counsel for the prisongr, asked teave'Of the' oeurt-to 'read 'a written' state ment,prepared by Riley, lAA lathed, islierttime after' thb affair required. . aiseti tea, and. Mr:Bull 'road it long and rattler Incoherent statement. of the prisoners, setting forth the /muses which led him,to the cps: missewOof.tlui whieb`Wee, jealousy,* Ile also %tate.). he was• iittioktid h , the' parties at York Bill's bootie, and- that ho used the' knife only' in self-defence. Mr. Mr, Bulithen said 0;0,1M:felt ballad discharged his datY kihis Client, believer ,fitehly,:to the, best of his, ability.' ,That although the defendant- was not satisfied with the verdict as it stood, he would. ' take upon himself, whore: human: life was the issuepto ask for a Raw trial. TtiatesenlemiV; ' however, there were many' points' the ie, complaint pressed undulynotinst his client,,and .. withent partietiler testiMPUY 'thee ,„ , „ For. Instance, the, cenditiou of ,the knife , with Whittalia . was committed WO oommentod on by, thaßlettiet Attorney. as .having beam,, pro-, pared, and showing n settled purpose on tlui part of this defendaritte'doininit, Amilrdet. ' Theris,,Waq no evident:a , that:any kick preparation bed been made; - 110:Wotild 'ask' the eettr,t,:to, minsidei.,that this offinee Wits eMninitted under' the inthienio, of the highest exeitementosed - While :the defendant I woe banking • fee his, wife, and •to - exterid to this young, man their clemency, . Judge Conrad , In-passing senteiMe, stild'thatthe defendant had been alba with a degree - of care And deliberation Which - left no cause of ' complaint, That he had:been defended with a real and ability snob la this, Or 46. - other bar, ;Could net have sue= passed ; that„tbe, ,inry bad, oftera protrantedt'de , liberatlon,,beraght tum.in guilty of an effened The highest but one k - eown to the law, and if they bad, under' thdeidefentio,'Coturned iv - verdict:feta higher, grade of.offettite; he could notlay that saira ,Ver diet would, be disturbed. After,pensertenti.»,, , ou, the eildelitte in the cask tite"judge procantlettio. pass the sentence •9f the !matt, 'which - wits five years' inippiaminent thellestern. penitentiary. Commonwealth. vs. Valises. In this,,eaSe, the' jury returned& verdiet 'of not. gailty.hgaltiit the defendatittriklt'pay the; cests.' - E. Alsop for. Commenwesitl rev i,i-Tin ii iel"Dortgliako foi„the, plain , iMiered.,bey of about sixteen years of ago; was before the 'court en thatikargenf .being acoeseory.to the murder of. Edward 4Dempsy,,,also 'catered, , which 'took place on yesterday:teach.' The firsttwittees,eallea'Woe Jame R... - ..l4arvia, - 4hd - testified ' Juni - ones and William. Spriggs camp to i,nether'erouge on the night - la tid est ion„ about half an hour. after tho dizeitsdil alto came in ; that the boys were sitting chatting-And' laughing Ackemher tie usual, when , ff ;write. saw , a pistol In the'bendk'of. Spriggs; he cautioned him about the use of it ? ' when ha sabldt Was not loaded, , wiliati Wan coitirs , dieted by.lonee; web "afterwards admitted it wi,» he who biccaght thtypigiel, to the lieuM; that Her.' ris's sisteeaNnt.,t,ltil time came into the roonOsitare, the boys:Wore ; upon seeing the, pistel• the beeline alarmed, and asked , Spriggs to ',pet. it-down; that Spriggs again.; said. 'that the• pistol eras not loadedotud ~was legato told .hy.,Toeta that it Vas heavily , toadedi , anditd )takehake ; that `gprigge, thee said, pointing the pistol attic bead of Demp iinditred ; that Dempsy,`, elfdown neer, theAoer, and never spoke afterwards; that Spriggs went one, saying 'he! would fetch a.dootor, but nerer.returbisd;qlintla met Jones afterwards with the (doers going to,,lthe; cesspool, where ,hd 'mill' the pistal; wail threird Mr. 'Willidid:S."Pii3OerXelii , indedawit, ,, Mod4 l . this testifnalik'theidinas nothing to prevent hsil, being tolien,b3t.tho , ,Peort.for ,Tones,. as he had not been shown:tit be in any,Way an accessory, to the killing of the deoeased.-....Re woe liable!to the' charge of carrying Seib/titled was prepared, with,anyetiaantible asioinht 'of to anssitillief idierge.„ , The te "; PYoppso4: on th e inatotinight be proved that Sprigge , and Joliet were nothigiitenneett with each other, The bend refutietkto admit him to bail:- ' irks Pietismsit - tory' Elonnence: "' A London jmii.tsi.iiniti do§odliei Mr. Matins; on l'ArlWassiii;,." lie feeling,. no, humor; no'BiC-now. Sir - damn ester „comes from the , honor• able member ler , Walliegford;-;but he i 6 'a mete logic Mill i ! and, io may' add, - workbag 'Without oil. Boni, the most unpleasant spealier.thaked'Cr gained.positino assitiniinerbe talk—and,Thosi, his corm beck Mr. lieltneto use morriZerdidti ill 'saying What. be intends ; to say, Than any fithiskinsteliring eould do, ,if be were to eve a Willileitstiolr to everysentence.: ~ No. were scripbervinowevers :eon 'gire , a, right potion of hfr. Nalins'a4erbal tai ls ; Will, theref9Th„tiike The liberty-to , present a ispeolmen;:aSSurtngohr readers that the sack is liko,iii;'sawpl"o, benaralito and honorable mem bers on tbe,Perisary,Olneli,,led by : lboamble, lord at the' liethrot her Majoisty's tlevernmenti and' supported by right honorable and henorable'nuan lams en; their s` of the Mose venture' te'ner r ' will they venture to afiirtn—that the preposition made by the' noislo . lcsrd lselow me • I iti.4 sOpported by righeheriblithio andbonortabld mothers en ti)isi side of the lionise, to n6t The ilOskands tree propv' sition which ought to Mode 4 asking. honors able and learned -friend .her' Majesty's Attorney ask the noble lord at the:head onset' Majesirs Government-I Silk the 'right Isono - rable' and honorable members wile silpisitt,MY'hoidertiblil and learned friend the Atterrerainstiral,'and I ask it with the etrongedt Uonfidenee:Whiiiitei.the,pro positiortmoyed by theliehle lord heiMimisonilsep ported by liglitThroilahle hail benorable-reetabers on this Side of,The Ijotise, jn nottooreconstitutionalv more oohed, 'arid - mare consistent with the °Wets( widish itty,honoraille nail learned friend, theAttei- - nersileneral, proposes to attain, than that which, has been itentdownfrote the lord% hes icceiyeif,the' sanction of rmy honorable and. learned:friend; Op AttornerGenerai, nod is supported, isi'tho, noble lord at ilie s- ltead ot her majeaty.s tioyernment i and by the riesthenorahlos and honerable members who surround Mal ,Let the reader imagine an houi'y' talk of this character, delivered With groat ilusesrel', considerable action, and in a somewhat *Will time, and he may possibly fawn settle conception of the • • oratory of Mr. Melina." A noWitt (414.0W1L50 Pl'Oaf A TIMEPACTLON We mentioned a few days, since, the mid of the lad lierthrep, at Ithaea, , vpon Whose - diseased limb there grew a angular formation,' like to the Cassion flower. ,Dr—lrairley; formerly, at Gooey it ollege; hes - Written' it Moro; detailed uceetint ,of this case. The lad: ht:front33, to 14,years old, and bra beensubjeet tenderness and -disease of the hip joint, - it two, years of -age, resulted eltenaNe tuinefaction; thump:tors later an abscess was formed; and finally the dasease caused the ineation of the hip-joint.. Vox four months the pa,J, tient haibber(nnabld -'td mono en inch in 'MA' abscesses have formed 'hi the abdomen, through which the fecal contents of his jatestine&woro dic- Charged; and his nervois, sensitiveness bee boon such that he would allow no este tsatouch hint ,or rake, an investigation, and careless ' wahine screws the floor has caused him to cry out wit i pain. The prolongation of :his - life "was regarded as a miracle. On the 4th lust there was,projact ed froM the right limb,,Whicti for a long thee bad been greatly swollen, a, stont,•on; the moor side, at the edge' of the gastro-entunino zausoio, thing at right angles - with it, more than seven Inchon ih height, chewer equalidy set upon it, resembli2g the Passion Flower, or the Chino Aster. On Weft • B odi l y the boy felt an'oozing front What bail been expected to be an abscess, and exiwiMed great re lief. Re did not permit any examination until Saturday afternoon', when a stem was seen aching at right angles with the limb, at about:the height, of three inches, crowned with pure white buds, - resembling the white buds' Of the orange being exposed to the light, the flower expanded, and assumed the color of a beautiful grayish per ple.—Rochester Democrat. PUNCTUATION POINTEI.—Tho points new need in punctuation were introduced into writing grai, dually, some time after the; invention of Pri The Greeks had mono, and there was no epee° be tween their words. The Itoranns put ,a kind of division between their words, thus—Poblius. Fielpio,Africanus. Trp to the end of the fif- Wanda century, only the period; colon, and wmina bed been Introduced. -The latter coma into use latest, and was only a perpendicular figure or line proportithonte to the awe of the letter. To Aldus Disunites; an eminent printer, in 1740, we' re indebtaid for the send-colon, and' ale(, for the present form of the comma.' lio also Mid down rules now observed in regard to their 000. The note of interrogation and exclamation were not added tillsoine years later, and it is not known by whom. Inverted commas r) were first used by None. Gillemont, a French printer,' and were In. tended by him to supersede the nee of italic let ters, an the riench printers' now mill them by that as e. Ent they have lately been used by Stnitittb?ptintera' to denote emoted matter. In a 101 , 1416 i book-r-The Art of English Poetry—printed in 11307, it ipptairl that the present mode of done • tins quota mutter is of late origin, as snail matter is therein denoted by being Win static. It is not aeltnown"by whom the 44:myopia° and dash wore in - vented. , _ MoRIAMiI oP OATUNIUNR Ortia U cite% of intimate Mewls -Witnessed, on Thursday Tasman& the 'Bth instaut,,at George's, Rano. yer aquate,! - „the marriage of the 44:m610160d fifsoso dOe t rosrMiss Catherine Idayes,.lo, William Averc Bushnell, ER., a distingaisbeCoitlren Alkineoting of the BrOperorn 1.14iolOoR:;ozad TraoalaNatildiaoaddired an not 'at ail Improba.. at al: vary attilaus !bat isciali . I . ,SopOrl :11.14,0 li, : e94l„Npii4Co.• N THE DISTRICT COURT , POR THE I oin AND COUNTY O$ Vii,II4ADELPIDA. The &Milli Webtero Baring Fund and Building Asses elation es. John CrOighten. Lev. r 40., March Term, lOW. No. 7438, The Auditor apprdated by the goat to distribute the hind ,rising front a sale under above writ of the fellow lug real estate—viz: All that certain lot or plane or ground. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of William Street. at the distance of one hundred and eighteen feet eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Fourth Street. in the city of l'hilutislphia, containing io front nu mid William street'sisteen feet, and in length or depth that breadth seventy-one feet low inches—wtit attend to the duties of hie appointment at hie otttco, No. 704 Washington Square, {south sido ) on AlOnday,' November !La, at !tour ,clock when and weere all persona are required to preterit their claims, Cl' be debArrad from coming la upon said fund.' A. MURRAY STEWART, 0e25-dIOtY Auditor N" -THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE I piIIr,AND"COUNTY OF PHILADELPIIIA. Matthew Seroplo to use of R. V?, Morrison es Jobe Vogel, District Court, June term, 1857. No. 519. Teat. Fl. Fe. to Lehigh county The'Andifor appointed by the Court 1.6 distribute the find arising trent the Wile of personal property under above writ,-will attend to the ditties of bit appointment go Fuesday, Ntivultibot 441., 186 f, at 4 o'clock P. Af , at hie office, No. 104 Waihington Square, to the city ot Phihnlelphia, whou and where all persons are required tuprestent their dahlia, or he debarred from coming in upon said food. A. lififflitAY STE WART, oe'22-dlet* ' ' Auditor. TN-THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ..11. CITY AND COUNTY OF PUILMAILYRIA. Thomas Wit IiTIMAOIII, Trustee, &c . . et. Robert Palmer ‘ Lerari Facies, March Tartu, 1657, Na 8 53 ' TIM President, Virecterti, 81 Co of the Bank of Pc nu sylvanis vs. Hobert Palmer and William Clayton, Into Averting as Palmer. Clayton k en. Youth:tient Exponas, Marc), Terui, 1857, No" 1033. The Auditor appoitited to distribute the money in Court, raised under the above entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale; of '; ' • ' No'.l.llettsuttge and lot of gionrel on the west aide of pelanat , e, second street between Pine:out Union streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front Is foot and In depth 41.1 feet tea flue-feet alloy hounded north ward by groans ) formerly of [Rime ltitutrater, 'now of theheire of Charles Allen, and southward by ground of Joseph Marstiall. No. 2. %et of ground, tyith frame And brick tenements, on the south side of 'Mary , street, between Front and firer/ad streets, in the said city, beginning 183 feet front Pruitt street, containing in front 28 feet, and in depth SD No 3. , lsst of ground with the two three-story brick toes konen thereon, 011 the north side of prima or 'Wash log. len 'street', ih the iota city, SI feet westward from The tiortbwest corner of Delaware Filth and Prime 'greets, containing in trout 2.4 feet, and in depth about 89 feet Subject to a yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars . 1 ill attend to his duties upon MONDAY, the 28th day of October, 1281, at 4' o'clock P. 11., at hie office; No 204 South FIFTH street, below IYelnut, is the said city, Oteo sod where all persona latoreoted ere required to make their Oakes, or be debarred' from cooing in upeu said hulk, 0801018 UV lIIDDLIt, Auditor _ 0012-1,0% CARPHANS''.' COURT SALE .—ESTATE oC ottirtri LEHMAN, d'oceasccl.—TNOMAN SONS, Auetioneers. , • ValOabla 18TATV.; _B T . JOHN street, bn. tweeli Hreack mitt Coates streoti. Pursuruat to an order of the Orphans' Court for the Oaf and Cainti of Philadelphia, will bo sold at Public Salet on T I OOBBAT, OctOber 20th 1167, at 7 &clock in the evening, at' the I , llll,ADBq'llla EXCillacil the following described property, Ate of• DAVID LOU 111ANolo'ceased All them frown TOPOSOB:geli; e u& lot of ground, Bile 'Med on the emit aide of 04. John street, here eon Owen hod VO.4fOH streets, • 121 feet 4 Inches north ortir4en Arndt.; containing., in fronton St. dohn street 21 foot 8 inches, awl dodepth anstwsrd on the verth line 100 feet; en on the tootle Hue 9il feet 14 lushes to al5 feet 191 u court or alloy, on which it is in front or with 12 feet 03 Inches, This and the following will be Sold so one property— , And two memmages, and lot of ground thereto be longing, situated on the east side of John street, 1 0 2 feet northward from Orson street; containing in • - trreadtti," Oorth and. south, on St. John street 10 fret. and in - depth easterard, gradually narrowing from lit. John street, 99 ,feet sod 1 inch to a 0 feet wide alley, and in breadth north and spoilt on the Bald alley 13 feet 8% inches, including the one moiety of a 2 feetU Inches wide alley op the south aide, to be left open forever, 'for the uaa of this and the adjoining protalaea on the south. Bounded northwardly by the lot and mossuages heretofore described., 1'450 to be paid at the time of atile„ lty the Court. JOHN SEIBIIItY, Cleric 0: C. 'REIM WElNSlttllalt, Trustee. ' Dt. TISOMA.S. Er- SONS, Auctioneers, ISO andl4l: (formerly 01 and 19) S. FOUltTll St. oel-19-20 ' ' „ NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN, THAT -LI application 'Will be wide for the renewal of Cetilll - No. 63, for Porty-Poie Shares in the Capital Stork of r , Th.: BANK OP PENN TOWNEICIP, in tho County of Philadelphia," issued In the uanie of "Louisa Put," dated April 17th', 1831, the same having been lust Uf mislaid . ocls•tbkmlwe efbnrational A CADEMY OF . THE PROTESTANT 41 Et'IISOOPAL 01113111)11, LODUST AND JUNIPER IiTRVIRTA. ,This Institution has been reopened for the Autum. 'ma &Woo, under the supervision of the Rec. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. EI., as Principal. The Episcopal Academy, preatints peculiar facilities, both for the moral and intellectual training, and for the Physical derolopment of the parakeet:emitted to its care. Na penis will he spared to perfect the pupils in the vs. • lions studies which, from time to time, Obey may par tn.,; white it will be the aim of the Principal, built in his instruotion and to his daily intercourse with the boys, to lay tile foundations of an upright, manly, Dud religious character. .The rooms of the Academy Wilding era numerous, [ ' arty., seawall ventilated ;`and,the pupils during recess enjoy the etlyantagesof an enclosed play-ground and an ample Ulrmlossilari• " Boys able to read, and not less than eight years of - ago are received soon as they bars. begun tor write dad cipher,. and. are conducted through the various Otaeoett of the Academy with a rapidity proportioned to their the, lowest choir (A) Is ' occupied In -Opening, lieading,•, Writing, Arithmetic, and Geogr. plusthe highest , eitess (It) id- the branches usually Studied in the Freshman year ot a collegiate course. The studies of the Intermediate dames. are suited to the toriona ages and abilities of the pupils. - The Tuition Pee for these in tilsas,A is sixty dollars per annum •, for all others serenty-five dollars per an num;!payable halt,yearlytd advance. Besidett this tee, therefore no other charges; the French language, ,Fuel, and the use Of: gymnasium being-included in the price above mentioned, . .; • ; Boys not studying the Greek and Latin Languages have extra lessons in lien of elaasical. The school time not spent,under instruction is, employed by the pupils in study under the, superintenticote of a teacher, fug ins spacious apartment arranged for that purpose. Thu Institution is Inspected monthly. by it committee of the Board of Teuatese, andrisited gam time to time by the ,bishop of,the Diocese. , Applications for admission limy be made to the Prin. elf at daily during the week (except on Saturday), be- Moen:the hours of tSA, M, and 2P:11. • oc . • ; ; TAMES THE LESS, IL PRILADELPIIIA. • PAaithlr BOA.R.DINIS 20/ 10 0/.Pen DOYL i Rev B. R. Macau, Raoron. Tho+Annual Session wUt beglo.:on .TUESDAY, Sep tedobei I. Circillats, may bo obtained at the Rook Stare or U. IWOKI.4t, S.:W. corner SIGUITEI and CNN:RINI:IT, or "I' Mei Rector, Poht (Mu, Fella of Schuylkill, Phila. miViAtu MoTHING'SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE prm.„, main awl fernale,in gala a shore of lbw troriVa goods sod cowforto u a BUSINESS EDIJOATION LEIDY 1311.0111F,11.8' BUSINESS ADADEMY .Nom. 101 owl lb° H1X.1%, attest, ttu. UAOI{, %ID re•opon on 1110111/hY, BRPTNIIDEII lit, for fill sod wiutor Studies, embracing a huowledgo of 1111(1K-ltEhtilINQ AND A SUM Id STIO by sinTlllled methods, Su a alert time 'lll LEIDY'S take' pleasure In saying, that during the pent year a large number, of samosa* acquired it 'BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling loony to stecure . pro. Stable Ablations, and others to prosecute their lownlexe operations successfully, cult-3m. -.BULGY FAMILY BOARDING S'CIIOOI. for? MALL: • 110Y4, ct.i.Ygoter, naavag., dis tant ono hoer'ii ride' from tibia City, Number • to toll . r Yew a solid, refined, and 'Melanin eduction, undor high social advantages, it preseute au opportunity Se/. dem °Pied., 11391W-4AOO . per annum, payable Rotel-annually in advance; no extra charges. The aVintor Torin °pone on the ?Inn .afONDAY IN ilirPitAlß4ll.t„ A few vafanintos at present. ; Pot. fu L ether,particulava, Wiese• ,„ gAv,1(11151 OLltitso, ocltbin w fr.2a , ' ili:AVabdatT, Delawavo„ eIIitTTENDEN'N PHILELADPITIA. COM - bIidS.CIAL COLLVSIII,, S.*. corner of StVENTH and CittlaTl.ll3T Streets, Second and Third Stories, Inz.NIdUMW, every style. COMIttr.SOIAX. LAIVEI AND, BORAII3, CaItIifEROIAGOALOULATIptIS. I.4ICTURVIIt,'&d, Rea ?Student has individual 'instruction from compe tent apd attentive Teachers, uudor the lumudints supervision of the 56'1911041. One of the beatrentnett in thieottutry bee charge of the - 1V ritlitg Department: . ' Fiends call 410 ace. Bpooltoena An 4 get u Catalogue of • Toram,tfr,o.' I.IROPESsOR SAUNDERS,' INSTITUTE, a. Tar MILADF:1,11(11: No 0 mittaty Whatever Is more like a private ,Tho co ree or study 'extensive awl thorough. Pre. Mawr Peuuders will receive a few more pupils under 'fourteen years of ago into, Lie family.„ Xoquiro of aiessrmi.l. ti. fillver arid Mathew Newkirk, or Col. 3. W. Form - WI lidittir of title Papor, whose sous or wards are now me caber! of his family. septl34l tiaPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR 1...7 YOUNG Isti:N' AND BOYS, N. N. comer EIGHTH and TONWOOD atreoto, Prolomorn of the highest Wuelifi Donn employed ; ' Oateloguen containing full pairticit ra, papila , names , tedimonials, tco , can be had ou application. att2s-m Y. DONLRAVY LONG, Principal. • ' -%ttorneDs at taw. rrif(IMAS P. ODODE• ATTIANgT AT LAW, Caption 11Tec 4 tenburg County, Va., MI saki° professional business in thu Omuta of Mech. lenbarg i Lutienharg, Italia; and Charlotte tamales. MMUS TO Rhapleigh & Rae, Philadelphia, Doti, t & White, New York. ' • battier, Bro., & Co., Baltimore. l'haYlit, Stone, & Banks, Petersburg, Va. !Win lit. bray, Richmond, Va. incal-s&w-`2w CHARLES D. EMERY, ATTORNEY AT Leff, Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pa., wit( pay particular attention to Securing and Collecting ,n Lycoraing and adjoining counties, 131=13 , Ifon. J. C. Knox, Supremo Dead", Thiladolptila. David J4yoa J Son, P.biln. tiorcrooo & Shots, phils. Aurspaeli, Ilona I Smith . , Shootz. k Co., " ovi..lm* EWIS S. SPELL S e ATTORNEY AT LAM, fia,2 AIRY STREW, 14011.R18TOWIV, Pa., wilt OttOnd with punctuality, and to the ben of Ws ability, to ntt bwartese natio/And to hie tare. or:141m molis4.l- (w. Koostz. MICUEL & KOONTZ^. kTTORNEXB LT I,lsW, • No. 28 Camp Street, Neu , Orleans. narssosago t 8 PiTILADZI,PIitIi CMOs ape & 00.,183 Market street. Smith murphy & 00., 97 Market street. Brown & Ce.,100 Market Street. rsta/Arair nANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY' At LAW, Elonthe t 00of =OM and 0:1dT Phthulgrphia rner ll4p YER'STROMRE i ATTORNEY Alf /VA LAW, OENTEM street, Pottsville, pc 111447 for Onto. VOW SAM-4'llE L STOCK..AND FIX -111: TtlttFS of a Carpenter Bbop, In Chorine, Above) Shipper, Street, vest of Fourth street. Inquire on Mc , premises' 0r.24.3t VOR SALE—Or In exchange for Stocks.— h ndsome modern residence, N0,,E40 North BR ,RNTH : treat; ohm 'Brown street, west aide. Lot 2.6 bj , 116 t—side yard. Apply on the promisee cel.7-2w Wat,'ITS,VITREENTINE-200 bbbt 13piritas Fomenttoo, to Ml%a, for Iwo by ' our Aktutwarovis, -*MT 'lloltottb WOot atom. itnitruna Eince 'Dail, ADE LP ILIA, GERMANTOWN& AND NOlt RIFT° W . N RAILROAD.-WINITH , AItHANORRIONT.--bu and otter MONDAY, 4.lctober 190047. NOR aNICUANTOWN . . Leave Philadelphia at 0,73 i, 0,4. ON) /3.% A. fa. , 2 " 3-19 min. 4,8, 0, 7,9, and 11 P.M. Leave (levant:down at 0), 7-86 win. 8,9, log A. 81., 1-19. 8-19 rain. 4, 6 0 0, 7,8, and 10 P. M. 1.1:r The 735 o'clock A. M. Train from Oennatdovin will atop only at Wayne Street Station ON SUNDAYS, TACCWO Philadelphia at 020 min,at., 2 and ag P. Al. I,,eaVo ettraantown 820 thin. A. Al., 1-10 min. and 595 unn P, OUESTNIIT 1111.1, RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at Syj , BM, 114 i, A. it, 2,4, 0, AOO 0 I'. M. I.kiveUnDittatt UM it '41,3-40 andlo-10 rain. A. 14., 12-60, 3-40, 6-40 and 1-40 min. Y. it ON OUNDLYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9-20 A. IL, ?. sad o}i P M. heave Cheatuut Bill at 8 A. 51.,12-60 am( 6-20 P. 11. FOR MANAYUNK, CONSUOLIOCILEN AND NORRIS - TOWN. - Imam Philadelphia at 8%, 0, 11 A. M., 3,4%, DX, and 12 P. M. Leave Norrlatowu at 1, 0„1 . 1.. A 11., I and t, 40 P. M. ON BUNDAYB, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M ILt , ave NorriAtown at 7 A, WI., and 6 P, CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING TOWN. Lowe Philadelphia at G 3 A. M., and 3P. M. Leave Downingtown at 73( A. M.. and 1 P. M. It. K. SMITIT, Superintendent. Dqa, 'Ms% and tireen Wrap, Philadelphia itterrimut titstilars VDWARD P. KELLY, M-1,4 2114 OHESTNUT STRERT, Sias just reesitell a choice. smart/neat of CRAVATS, GLOVED, TIES. SCARPS, MORNING DOWNS, SHIRTS, THAVULINO WAWA, ENGLISH PA TENT HALTERS, &0., &o„ which will ha cold at Modern to prices Jar creda—low far task: The tioennoen of KELLY dc 2/ROTHRII, is HOW at taudod at No, 81.4 CHESTNUT street, by R. P. 10/1,- I.Y or dollti P. DOHERTY. 0cr23.4t V 01IN P. DOHERTY, Von/IMA VIM ItOI.LT & LATI: NCITII WRENS, KSLLY , & CO., 'l' a I 1.0 , hl I CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EBIHTH, (ton How with him tho boot Tollore that an engaged In Ibn burinchc ha this country. PiIaRLES AWN, formerly tho loading tailor of thin rily ; At. Kavaan , formerly cutter for C. Roth &Co , mot tat.. Coat and Vent cutter with Wiens, ItoOy, & Cu ; Heuer WAONEIi, the boot Ponta and Vest cutter in the United Staten, for yearn cutter with Deplores, I»a/lier tho Irving Nouse, Broadway; and with Deplorris 1.431.1.118, under then. Nichol/tee Hotel, Uroadarcy. Plln lucnit unremitting attention paid to the wialtott of all who patroniVe the entehliehment. Thu best of Clotheo made et moderate pricts Jul Ua, low wires for ca,h. ocl3-if 1 AMES SHERID.AN, MERCHANT a/VaLOIL, Mos. 16 mull% 'boath NINTH fORENT, xttoll , l OfiNECTNUT. A terse and well selected stock of 01.0T118 sad CASSIStNRICS etwaye on hand. Mt (nothing and at thia Ratiblichinent 011 be of the bust nastily, and in the most fashionable style. I N gate/Woo given, to UNIFORM . Utd.Yrti• etsdAt' tjate, (Sam &7r, ((< 11. GARDEN & CO., Ilanutaoturers of and Who Neale Dealers In VATS, OAPS, FUSS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SUR AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROVCIIRS, 4P.velviEns, tc. No. (old No. 1131.1) DAUNT Street, Below Sixth, mouth side, hod No. 523 MINOR Street, Ptabilelpllls. O. IIO , iOY 04110011, D/N1131.001101.01. Sierchanta are respectfully Invited to exansine our stock NM/A LLENDER St PASCAL, L' ' UATTltita, 401-0 o No. 8 8. SlX7llotroet, Philadelphia B00(6 anti' elioco Ivo. 442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DIARKbT end 11VTI1 Streets. tientlemetVa Beat Patent LBiltber ()alter Boots Oftif do, do, " Patent Leather (Ilford Ties. " Calf do. do. Patent Leatbar and Oalf narrow strap Shone, nose , and Youths' Patent Leather and MIS air, (leiter Boots and Shoes. an. 141 For ado by tlBO. VS, TAYLOR. FALL STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. --JOSEPH U. TEOMPBON & CO„ No. 314 MAR. 10ET Street, and Noa. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLAC, have new In afore a, large and well-ansorted stook of 1100 TA and SHOE% of Clay and Radom manufacture, which they offer for rule on the hest terms for Oath, or the usual credit iluyere are invited to oat and examine flair stoat aul Ant ijOttliti attb IiESIRTITIMO. THE PALAOE RESTAURANT IS NOW open, at the Northwest corner of THIRD and STAN EN, below lihippen street, Call and see the most beautiful bar-room in Philadelphia, and taste the best ilmudy, Whiskey, &C., tcc., in the world. oel'.3.Bt* JOHN J. ANDREWS. rINIE OLD STAR ROTEL IN HARMONY • COURT.—The public, aro respectfully' informed that the OLO STAR ROTEL is still in existence. Me proprietor will be glad to see hie old friends, and pro adzes to tarnish them with a superior quality of Ale, Wines, and Liquora. 2fe feels aseured, that on paylog him vieit they not be disappointed. Re fs also prepared to furnish Oysters in every style, at the shortest tice. Luneh treat 20 to i'd o'clock. rep 21-1 m JOHN OgßldiY,. ItAfILLIAIII. lIANNING'S CITY LAGER 11LIM SALOON, Nu. 2T2 Oarlor , o Alloy, oep224in M uGOIVAN'S RIISTAITRANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WAlNUT.—fiatne aqa AI other delleseles in season. Fowllien supp)led with Oysters on the shortest notice. sep7-71n M ERGR agL i o l ge T A l kattErr . , ABO;Vii rilatampina. MoKIErEpt &Bon, Pionictoaa QCOTT lIOUSE--Cornor of Irwin Stro©t IJ and Outman° Way, Pittsburgb. D. D. blAilltitit, Proprietor. mil 3-3115 aohacra nab Tigaro LIAVA_NA CIGARS—A handsome assort IL A went, earl ae Figaro, Partagaa, eetarae, Sultana, 0 toria, Jupiter, 43010un, Navin.hinted, 7 , lorry Lopes, Union Americana, Orojoo, Flora Oubano, dco., &C., to , is X , M, 1-6 and ]-10 oxen of all itizem and quell ilo:,, in elore and coustautly reoe4lng, and for anlo low, 11% 011A11.1,1i8 TRTM, (new) MS 'WALNUT Street, aul-ly ' bolo* , Second, eeeood story tiIiTAIRO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS . 1 Milk eboica invoice of tbeao culobratud ands on board brig 46 New Era daily expatted lrota Ifavaua, and for sale low, by °VOLES Ttflp, (Now) 19S Walnut Arent, below &toad, , Sul ! Mend &or • trivowarce. WIJAKER CITY NAILS, 'tar o ; DIERCLIANT 11A118, - RIVET IRON, •• • • Ilsoutseturod at FOUNTAIN OIIFIRNROLLINII MILL, on thii Sebuytkitti above Spring Gorden Water Works, W 103 Hort!) WATItIL Street. t/tlh,Klilt CITY NAILS am warranted equal to any minas.l oet-tf JOAN lIALDMIAN, Agent. flillOrtlAS BAXTER.-11ARDWARE .Al. tiII'CLDRY AND TOOLS, No. 410 tiIAIICF.I! EVr. , I.nro Ninth. nnoth elAw. DifilnAnlphis nu 1-fini Olavi anb (51)ina Ware INDUCEMENTS TI) DASH BUYERS a. i TYNDALE A; MITCHELL, ' I 11.1PORTM1.3 Or ' DIANA, GLASS, AND COMMON WARES, aro now selling their NEW AND ELKHART FALL IMPORTAViONS, at, . , OrtILSTES BRDIJOND YMEB 3 , . With a HANDSOME DISCOUNT TO THOSE HO PAY CASH, 5137 FIIESTNIIT STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH WV., 140-42w-finw. .P.IIILADELPIIIA. A LADY, COMPETENT TO TEA.OII 171. tlio branches of an Nog education, French, nod Alusic;tviattes to obtain a situation as daily OUVOrtllan to young cltildreu. City references given, Address 1,1 A „lox No 182 I,.0 ; ocil2-1w WA I NTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—Able.budiod, 110Marrieli moo, to whom will be girup good pay, board, clothing, nod atteudatioa, Pay from tl2 to VZ per moutP. No mu having a wife ye child will be accepted. Apply SI for C LiiiRVION, at No. q't ititAittreTm at& above ghtb, north Ado. WILLIAM A. BOYAI,L, L10nt.24 Vogt. of Cavalry, ' not 5.10* ' iteerultlug,oolcer. WANT,ED.—A FEW AGENTS, ETTNER • V Mate Or Percale, are wanted to sett a now and very ientlular Look, just issued, entitled The ()rooked Mtn , or, Life by the Wayaide,, ' Pow editions have already Leen exhausted in Boston and the Now linglatl Statue. ' Agents are wasted to Convene the Middle, Foothern, and Weatron State. Mount now engaged wake from $6 to $l2 per dap. Address. by letter, Book Agent, 17 State alma, Borten; or call personally, a Aaron Oleo. (.61-1m tUine4 auk 134n0t0 JOHN NOCOY, IVUOLESALE WINE AND LIQUOR norm, Ali and MSS. Front and Water eta., bet Spruce. 70 puncheons ONO; celebrated SCUM in howl and in atoro. oe 24.2w* PORT WINE.—In bond and ontittOd to do tontine 2bo auks fit. Joseph's Pure Juice Port ,Vina, in qrs. and eighths, Ten puncheons John Mousey Islay Malt licetChWhls. key 2 years old ' Yitty pipes anchor ata. - alarett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J tkupny Brandies, al of which I omsr to the trade at reduced prices. JOS. Y. TOBIAS, att2l-Smog Da and DO H. Trout fit.. below Walnut. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND - 1 -11.• LIQUOR taTORB, No. Eoutheast Corner a 011011011 and SOUTH Streets. L LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER e IN VINN VINES, LIQUORS, OIGLUS, era., :ZS Seeth 1?//114 Street, Philadelphia. auL.l3. BRANDIES.—Pinet, Oat))Ion & Co., Ma u vett to Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various. Tlritagee, half pipe and quarter callus Pallevolain 1100helle Brandies, polo and dark, in M . pSpjloe quarter 6111111 a and one.olghtli easke, all in Omit= Boats atom, Imparted and for sale by .111;NRY 110111,EN dr, CO., pU 6 Nos. 221 and 228 Bon% Yourtli street. DITEMAR &BUTZ, PORTER, ALL AND LaQll)2. BEER lIBBYTNItY, No. NO view No- derap gy romptly a tend Nortli THIRD fl ed to treat,Philedelpizia.—BUipping cfyt . IXTBLOOMS BANG-B.—SOLD BY MALt. v wrog o. W 2 N. RlllOllNn et lania—Ant CRARLES 'CALDWELL-,-Wholesale and Natal! WHIP and OANI idanufaattirep, Na. 4 Narg.YOUNTH litreat. • • - FLOORING BOARDS-728,680 rpot Carp Ifoa ibbotins btILTQI, afloat' , for sale by " ' . Wi t itTlN do WiOAZIBTIM sal U, ;lOU Wafer Fitroat Tne , ?',Pititss'AsPl4itAisEtAlifliAv moNljAy, ocrtitte R. 2d, isst QlliP JOSEPH JONES FOR SAN FRAN- K, iliBCo.--To salt with quick despatch —Freight taken at reduced rates.—The beautiful clipper ebl p JOSNP/t JONES, Nelson Pendleton, commander, nor, completiowner loading at Rata street wharf, has 01 , 01' three-fourths of her cargo on board and nearly or her capacity engaged, will continue to receive frelglit for n few days, and nail as above. Shippers will please complete their engagements without delay, and band in hills of lading for signature. For balance of freight, which will be taken at very low rates, apply on board, or to 11181101', 81filONS & 00 , 12n (late 36) North Wharves. DIARY AND ADELINE, R NEW to , onEANs. Guarantied Bret vessel Deceive. freight this dm and tomorrow. Freight' taken at ae low Woo ea any other 11181k21 loading. The taat.wal/kg copiloted packet 134 MARY AND ADELINE, W. - Felon, Lowder, now completing Lot Ica& leg at Race street wharf, haring nearly all her cargo ea board, will continuo to receive what freight offers, and sad eta above. Shipper') will please hurry their goods alongside, and Mils of lading to the Counting Mouse for signature, For balance of Freight, at reduced rates, apply 00 board or to IJISIIOP, SIMONS & CO. oc2.4dtf 120 (late 26) North Wharves. The Ef. & A. Insures at the lowest rates, and will take stenos down the Delaware and up tho Efississivpi. Thenucceoding packet will continence toadies on m o p. day nest. Mary freights can now Ito engaged at low rites. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. STEAMBLITPS STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above snips will be withdrawn for tho present. October 111th. A. HERON, Jr --- FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND 11AVRE.—Tbe magnificent aleamtkip VAN• DENDII4T, Edward iligiona, commander, 6,..18 tons, trtil nail Prom New York ter South- Prom . Southampton and . .. . .. titopron and Havre Myra for New York. S.Lturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. li Satui day Dec. 6 Saturday Doe. DI Pirko of Paasago—Nivat cabin, fWO ; necond cabin, Pi Epode delivered In London and Darla Nor freight oi paasage apply to D TOREANCE, Agent, No: 6 Row Dug (liven Now York. Letters for England and Eutopo, prepaid, 125 crate each half ounce, (by onclovuro or voltage stamp. if from other eitiem,) will he received et No. 6 ilowliogireou, New York, up to II) o'clock on the morning of sail ing. oclo-tf - - iri . .HEAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU 11011t. First Cabin $OO Second Cabin In thu first-alms puddle-wheel ateatuattip ADBIBL, 1,000 tone, 0. O. honor. Commander, and NORTU STAB, 2,000 tons, P. N. Unroll, to sail from pier No. 3 North River, at noon prochudy, carrying the 0 NITBD STATES MAILS, vie heave N. York (or( Southampton, Bremen tor Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Saturday, Oct. 31. Weds'day, Nov. 4. N•SdOY. Oct. 31 Saturday, Nov. US. i WedeNCy, Dee. 3U Thom ateamera touch at HANBC. Sparta delivered In Loudon and Perla. For moulage and freight, apply to B. TONBANON, Agent, No GI llowliog Orono, Now York. ocio.tf 1 4 IOR LIVERPOOL—SATURDAY, Mb Ontober,—The packet ship NON PAtilaL, (lItU toes) Captain Fault, wilt nail as above Cabin passage Second Cabin Moorage .. Uncoils( cabin Bud steerage piussoogers found with pin visions according to the Ascetic= passenger not. ocd Apply to VIOL ILICHARDSON TOR ENGLANDAND FRAM:IEOBS7. New York and Marro litemashln Company —The Molted litates Mail fileaniships AMM10,2.,500 tons, Wild Linea, commander, mid. I+lllN '2 ON, ,600 tons, lames A. Wottou, commander, will leavo Now York, mavre and nouthalopton, for the years UM and MI, on the following days: TOME MT. Indian, Saturday, Aug. 22.: A 7 4440, do dept. Di kullott, do. Oat. 171 Arogo, do. Nov. 14 Fultou, do. Poo, 121 I.lall SWISS. 1661. &tag°, Tuesday, Aug. 2G Sultan, do. dept. 22 Araggo, do. Oct. 20 Walton, do. Nov. 17 Arno, do. 1)eo. 16 1868. VultAiu, do. Jan. 12 &rap, do. Vet.. 0 Itou, do, Hard 9 Magi), do April 6 rotton, do, Iday 4 Ali" do. June 1 Volum, do. dune 20 Prom New York to Roo Oabiu, $l3O ; Baaoral Oat)ln, Prom Havre or rioolltat Oabia, NO (rocs; Second Oa For lroigght orj anuage, ay, aIORTIMER LIVIN WILLIAM 111/ALlti, lIROSKEIt & CO., AMERICAN EURO EXP R&M ANb 011 ANON 00. ritHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATEN MAIL fiTRAISLEUB.—The Oitips composing true Liao are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. lidL27o, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James Want, .iYhese dap have bora built by contract, eaproraly for itorcrwnent orrice; (ivory care bits been taken in their eaaatruction,sa alms la. thoir engines, to ensure atvougth and speed, and their accommodations for paasongera era sinoquallod for ologoora and comfort. Pries paaeogo from Now York to Liverpool, in first cabin; $130; in second do., V 6; from Liverpool to Now York, hEi and '33 guinana. No berths secured tinlosa paid for. The chips of this line Rave improved water-14M bulk hoe& . . . PROPORDIt DAVID Or HAILINtt. VI / Dll NIIW rout. 7110i1 Livearoub. Oalturday, June 20, ' 1862 Wedueaday, June St, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1837 Saturday, Aug. 7, 6857 Wedneaday, Aug. 6, 165? Saturday, Aug:l6, 1867 Wednesday, Aug ID, 1867 Baturday,Seot 12, 1857 Weduesday, Sept. 2, 1881 Ratutelity, Sept.:B4 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 56, 1857 Atturday, Oct. 10, 1851 Wednesday, Ott, 14, 1857 futuniay, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Out 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 Wednesday, Nor. 11, 1857 htueday, Nor. 21, 1867 Wednesday, Nay. 26, 1865 Batuiday, Dee. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Dos, 9, 1867 Weduasday, Deo. 22, 1857 for freight or passage, apply to EDWARD l. COLLINS, No. 68 Wall street, N. Y. DROWN, SLIIPLRY d 00. blrarpouL BTDPIIRN KENNARD & 00., 27 Austin Mare, ' Loudon, D 4 U. WAitiMUGHT & 00., Purls, Thwownsan of these ships wanot be eioottntable for ' gold, Over, bullion, Specie, jewelty.pr mous atones or metals, uultse bills at lealSng u• a : nail thorid'or, and ' no rslus thereof' elpressed tbereln and-tt LUMBER 1 LUMBER 11—The sub4aribur, Who bee for several years occupied the premises at tilosn's Plaulug 1,1111, Kensington bee the to ToATI:s fiTItY.ET \Vital?, adjoining the Mauls. 'Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing hoards, steps, risers, shelviti,„ , ,, calling, reusing end , scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned end welt worked Per Ile at the lowest rash prices. Purchasers are in rdlxd call and awar) for themselves, and every et- Tett will be nada to glee satisfaction. Orders received and stipplied at the shortest notice for els kinds and , sites of Southern yellow Thither and besotting. • sot it.f S. B. 11101.11 g. Ijr)3IESTRAO FOR $2,001 LAND Dl4- ....11- CILIIITION !I CIIANON VOA POOH. AM ( ! The, Northwestern Mutual Gael llama( Aasociation vrill make a grand distribution of 630,000 worth of real estatelaud rum* to its members. The number of mem, bars it Malted to 16,000. st.oe and live letter stamps per memberahip, or a share. Any individual aeudlug $lO moll the stamps, atoll be antitlod to air shares; or any parson sending $lO w ith six names, with t It eaddrosa of each, carefully written, shall be outrtied told% abaft's. Thegollowing is the real estate to ea distributed : No. 1.) An improved farm of 30 acres in Cooke Co ,flllionia, clued at $3,000 No. ".' Au improved farm at 160 antes la White. aides Co., Illiuoia, valued at Ne 3, Au Improved farm of 160 acres in 'White r aidel Co., Illioola, valued at No, 9.3 An excalleot ptivate residence to Tinbuona, low valued. at 11,000 , No. 5.,100 acres superior farm land. in Cooke Co., Illinoia, valued at 3,000 No. 0.1 160 maim+ well pine timbered in Waupacca - Co.,Visconstu, valued at 2,000 No. 1.4 A good lot and cottage residence In Ohl - Cage . , Illinois, valued at No. t(.j 160 nerve superior land In Wbitonfillet Co., diligent, valued at 1.000 No. 9.f 10 acres good land lo Ohippoway Co,, IViaeouely, valued at 000 No.loi Jecf acres good laud 10 Ohippeway 00., Wisconsin, valued at , ' 000 . . No, 11j 160 acres 'gotid laud in Oblpykeiray Co., Wifloonßin, valued tit , 000 N 0.14 100 acres good laud' In Dunn Co., Whs. i cousn, valued at Bop No. 13 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., town, valued at . 500 nacrea good land lu Maioladleo o GOO N 9.35) BD acre» good halibut Alarahall 00., lowa, raluad at 000 10 , 1 40 &CUB good /WO in Elanlnn Oo , lOWA, , vela, d at . 800 40 &CMS good land In Mau 00., lowa, vat , nad at 1100 x, 184 40 soros good land In Joao 00.,10va, sal uad at 1200 Flu. i 94 40 Berea good laud In Mon 00., lowa, gal ued at 203 One buildlug lot lu Dubuque, lows, ♦al ned:it Nu,11.1 One building lut in Stealing., solaria, at 800 Nep 2'4,1 One building lot In Marling, I.lllnOlit, sadoad 200 No, 2,11 One LaNding lot in Sterling, Minot g, valued at , 000 N. 24. 40 acres farm land in Great Co., 'Macon. slu, valued at ' , 800 No. 2E. 1 40 sores faint laud in Grant Co , Wleoau ala, valued at 802 No. 28.; 40 acres land iu Grant Cu , Wiscooolo, valued at' " 240 , N 0.11 . 1, 90 acres land In (loot Co., Wisconsin, vb~nojl at 240 No. 28.1 40 acres land tu Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 29. 1 40 enmeshed In Crawford Co , Wieconeln, valued at 200 No. 30 j 40 Miran land In Crawfordtle., Wisconaln, ,valued at 200 Nio.l. 1 40 scree land la Monroe Co , Wisconsin, rained at 200 No. 32.; 40 acres land in Monroe Co., {Mennen', valued at 200 No. 68.'l 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wisconaln, valued at 200 No. 94 ; 400 sexes laud In Jackson Co., Wisconsin, request at 200 No. 86. r 40 acres land in Bad Axe Co.,l9leconzin, valued et 100 Ii I 40 acre& land In Dad Axe oo.,l9laeoneln, ,velned at 160 No 37.1 40 acres land in bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, 'valued at 160 N 0.28. One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 160 No. 39. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 800 Dro. 40.! One tot in Notion, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution wilt be conducted fairly and honor ably. The umnos and addresa of stockholders shall be Wiiti.4ll,(al 00 many arnall cards ea they have shares, end the whole planed In a box, rout the first nametaken out sheil be entitled to the improved farm No. 1, in the above 103, and the next taken out will he entitled to No. 2, aid en on until the 40 items of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,060 stockholders will be aent a cheap /nap of a IVostorn Pinto oi Tocrltory et. full account of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the name% and address of ouch as may receive the real estate—to canna aloe the deeds will be tent and immediate possession given. Each dp nlicAtiati must be accotapanied with $2.00 and One belief ettantssl Andreae 'LINDELL, JONES ar. CO., ,au-13, Chicago, Illinois. CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN v.SYLVANLA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by eroding estaillos to our sktitesei b can, at all times, ascertain the rice at which tr ottru aging. Parties wishing samples, by which 10 he quire4ned as to quality, can have them sent by mall, ottul *ing wt. J. Et DBASE D, • • 04149 1 tt kiliortlarOnt, attl4 AA Water Atilt* ebippmg. !Aram Saturday, Jan, 9 Poitou, do. Feb. 0 Arnim do. Much 8 I Fulton, do. April Amp, do May Fulton, do, May IN Luba sonra&leaor 11151. Arago, Wednesday, Aug 243 Mutton, do. 801 d.% Arago, do. Oct 21 Walton, do. Nov. 12 Amp>, do. Duo 113 185.2. ifutton, do. Jon. 13 Amp, do. Feb. 10 Iru'too, do. Ida. 10 drag°, do. April 7 Vultoo, do. May 6 tango, do. Juno 2 Fulton, do. Jaue 80 PASSIOS : thampton or Harre—Ftrot optou to Now York—Welt In, ODD harms. ply to STOYI, Agora, 7 Broadway ‘• Havre. Bouthnon ARAN saß ;umber KNOWLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH and WILLOW —Thu Spring Mountain, Sugar Loaf, and liazioton Lehigh Aldo, beat Sdbuyildill Coat, foe ailo. Term caali. oct23.lna* 224rk LBS. IS A TON.—BUYERS ur and constuners aro halted to ezacolne our stock of "Ihtilloll I/0011ST MOUNTAIN and BLAME 00AL." Our Opal Is selected expresely fur family um; being carefully/mm.omM, we will warrant it tree from Mete and dust. "We aell 2240 lbs.," being "'ZIO Ito. more" them sold by retail dealeta, at 4 '25 teats Ire. per ton." Also. on band a full supply of "'BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COMP' for Steam.generatlng, Blacken:tithing, and Belli/Iv/nil! purposes. This Doal cannot Im ez celied. • - Yards ; NROA.O audElle, "MO LOB. ID L TON. ineg..sao LMOBTON k 00 • - - 1 OALI COAL! COAL I—TAGGAIiT'o NJ ONLODUATXD BPRING MOUNTAII4 LIUIIOU ODAL. J. A U CARTEWBOREENWOOD, TAMAQUA VOAL OSIOTIOD W. SNYDER.% PINE YOREAT HILL COAT, RANDALL & MEREDITH USW/ for sate, and are couarataty recelrlag from abuva oalobrataa COAL OF ALL BIZFA. • . . . There is no Onal mined anywhere, equal fa quality those cad a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Cola la very carefully weaned at our 'aids, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, duet and all impuritlee, Our PRIORS areas LOW cattle VERY LOWEST. 'am left at our t)tace, No 161 ROMA PVONT street, above Walnut. Orders left st our Yard, OA LI.OVIIIILL street, below FIR.OAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATNII, street, above LOW/111,1 . ,--or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Varchasers for Wandly use will do well to call and ex amine, our Coal before floral:aiming elsewhere, en9.,11 ii i tOBUYLIZTLITAND LEMIGifi COAL:- t•-. 7 lam daily receiving, st my yard, the heat quality o. 801ttlYLK/LI. AND LEIIIOII COAL Ey cuatomors, aud all ,theca who may favor too with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be eat/aleatory to them. oiler p at ItoLOW Sut OR orior Cal o kept at this establishment to PRIS, ALIXANDER OONVERY, N. N. corner of Broad and Obetry Sts 11 AND gOITUYLKILL COAL.- DAI,Y, PORTER & 00. 00AL. DEALERS, No. 841 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest ratee, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill r - um,.. AND COAL.-MOWiliCiiikitY & MULL having connected tire Coal 1.114 the Lumber business, inform their friends that they 111110 wade contracts for a supply of the heat qualities of Lehigh awl Schuylkill Coat, and are now reedy to re• ceive orders, Twelfth cud krime streets. Orders may be left with . Mr. S. lIILPAPRIOK, Nu. 13 S. WIETIBC street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE cud WATER streets. inrugo anb Ormitnts llt EDER. IC K BROWN,—OREMIST AND DIURINIST, north-oaat corner Plll.ll and OttitsTNlPS Street, Philadelphia, tole Manufacturer at RROWN% WSW'S OP JAMAICA GINGER, vadat, in recognised and preactibed by the Medical fa -4104, add has (mmo ttra Standard PAULY MEDI- Oat: or the Uulted Wales. This Igneence is it preparation of unrutual etteelleups. During the Plummer mouths, no fatally or traveller lboul 1,0 without it. Iu relaxation of the bowels, in asllllo/1, and particularly in awe ralekuera, It is an satire and safe, es well as a pleaaant end efficient remedy. 41AUTION.—Persone desiring an article that can be. rellOtt upon, prepared solely from pure JAIIAIOI. OLIN• tittli, should he particular to ask for ,4 Drowns Bs. 101100 of Jamaica ginger," vititals to warranted to be wbs4 , it to represented, and to prepared only by PIINDR. KIM W / BRON, and for auto at bin Drug and Ohetuical Store, nortipeaat comer of VIVI% Cud 011tiSTIWT Weals, Phibutuiplda; and by all the respeotuble Drug gists and Apothecaries In the If. fitatee. ireproof gotta EZ=22lll large ageoitment of RV ANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER BANNS, VAULT DOORS, For Sanka awl &ores. BANE LOOKS, Equal to any now is use. IRON DOORS, SIFUTTSItS, &a., On as good tams an any other establlshruent In the United States, by EVANS k WATSON, No. 28 South SOLIBTO street, Phlladelphla. PIXAI3B OIVB VS A CALL. aulS-tt inntaro MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. Bola by OFIADWLOK & BUD., SECOND Street, first floor shawl U& ausaB-80.mo 'Pit PORTANT IM.PROVEMENT -1 N&W OM 0010370111 W InPatain COILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having beet, put to the most severe test, timing the two COLD DISTRIAB Or 1850 ago 1057, has proved to bo the most power/et haver in ter world, savist from X to X the fuel over any. of the test furnaces now to nse. Timms Fortssore are sonetruoted with a east Iron aoh pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shspod Are pot, 11100 with Ovatrick or iron storm The tire pot is nitrmelint ad with A SERIES OP OONVV, °a TAPENINQ HADIATOILS, largo and broad attheir base, but tapering to spec. three et the top, and unitleo with the mauler chamber, through which the heat and smoke pans to /be Sue. Toe wants products of combustion In the tone of soma 't sod 01,9111 a, ems suspended directly over the tire, Oellettilte et comproteed Into the tapering Owing and I.IOATIIVITALLY VIPUBVII to the tilled liOtiOn of the rays of heat and light trout the fire. • TWA heat and light is brought to a tooos 1 11011 Pons, not nnlilte the OOLLEOTION OP TITS SUN'S RAYS, toe focal point through en ordinary lens, reusing the elleitt7 Ghteltil to hotolllo intenaely heated end tho roughly youtuunt., by • tits operation the sonic AND ocean Ste Illet SQUALLY AVAILII/411 With the /OIL isitat.e for heattog purposes, While, In other furnaose, it is nanniun of, Attu WASTRD is vie 011111111101, All persons desirous a obtaining the beet and MOST Re(11 , 701410.11, ItRATING APPARATUS, should not fall tsf.estusdne the Now Rea Oosatottoo Cons Poulton, hetaraparehaelagAup other.- The at• tenticut of arclattesta aaa builders to particularly re- Queered. • ANNOLD dc WILSON, • (Buorwroars to E. A. garrison,) „ , No. 624 WALNUT Street, sat-tt . Opposite Independence 2i tar . OCAL PitkEll NIT NOT B . PEINNBYLVANIA 21A1l4LOAD COMPANY Ira new prepared td receive and torsranl YRsIUHT twtsraeu Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the toDorrlng rates per hundred , pouids : DETWISItIi•PIIILA. AND COLUAIIIIA. Viret Plass. Baena Class. Third 0103 s, ' Yourth *2 ctn. 'l9 ate 18 eta. ' 1a chi Flonr, " • ' 19 bts. per barrel. Pia metal, "," 10 ate . par 100 panda. IiNTWENN , ?MLA', AND LANDAt3TDR. Virat Ohm. Suobpd Olass. Third Class: Yourth Mast. D 9 ate. 17 , ate' 11 eta: 19 ots. . - - • • Flour, ii •,' ' 2b cie. per barrel Pig II otal,i • 'Wets. tier 100 pounds. AIITIDIE.3 OY FIRST' OLASii. , books, i• • • Freels Flab, Boots and Shoes, • biota in Nage, Oedar and Woodent Ware, Poster and Itle in bottles, Dry ti Pods ' = - ' Poultry in coops, llgge 0 - ..• „ Perk, (fresh,) Furniture, 0 . • Poultry, (dreasad,) Feathers, '• • ° • 0 NTrahstag Vapor. AIITIOL23 OH pa, CLAN. &Wee, • •' biplanes, Cheosp,Melons,' Oho or sad grade Head,' ' Oils 10 oasts or barrels, Ovickery, „,i, • Paper lola:tree, Oaudlea, •• +" Pastdboard,i" Osaka or Barrels; *nett,'" Peach IT, (dried,' LtroceCiea, • .. * n e t t, '" Peach raper, OUNS Era Wes/ ' ' ' ' 'Vapor gt h o tingo, Hotting In boles and tags, Queenevoire, liatilware, " ' • ' Sweet Potatoes, IlUtd,' Tobacco + kitten $ Iron, loop, band; nr sheet, Tea, ' Laatbor, ' " : Type, Liquor lu wood, ' Tallow', Marble Slabs and Marble TurpAutialt, (SOLI) Monuments, ' Vatelsh, ' ' Monuments, OP its CLASS. Aloclaol, ' • ' Potatoes,' Cullen,.. , Tnrnlpe, • Fides' (green,) , Vinagtr, . Lard,' IVlaltp Lead, Oyetere & Clout, (In obeli) Window' Glen, Tobacco, (taatudactimd,) ARTlOtalli 0/ o '4ri °LAW. ' Oultleii, •• y Cellos, +lilt, Flab, salted, ' " Tobsooo, (leaf,) Grain or all Mods', ' Tin,' , Nails and fiplkee, Tar, ' Pitch, ' ' ' • 'Wilkey, •• Plastic. ((3' For rurrhe'r intormation apply to F.. 1, ktNIIDDER, Freight Agent, Phi)* '• E. 11. QOM, Ft•Ogltt Agtlut; Columbia. aultl) W. IttIYXIIS, Freight Agent, Lancaster. FIROLUE FARM LANDS FOR' SALE, 4J Tlllt I LLINOIRCISNT ItaIs'ItAILIWAD COMPANY is now prepared to Octl about 1,60(1,000 acres of choice Parmlim lands, tit tree - tact 4(1 acres and, upwards', op long credits, and it low rates of interest. , Then lands war', granted by the Covernmont to std in the'enestruhtiteni t thin it49,d,, , sitpl are among the richest and Mott fertile its the ,world: They extend frees forth-Inistlint I fgotth-West, t hrough , the m iddle of the Plato , to, P extreme South, and include ivory satiate of clitnithandprestectionafoUndhetwesa thesis parallels of latittol4.' , The Ne'rtheris portion is chiefly prairie, intereneWdd with flue Ooves sod In the middle and Sopthoru mentions timber predominates% alternating with beautiful pralthni and openings. The climate is Mere Isealthy;sailit and equable, than any other part of the eouutry,--tbe air is pure and bra , clog, while liviiig, Isthmus' and alstioKe of excellent water *bound. • ' Bituminousfinal is extensively naluedand supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, heing furnished at many point. at $2 to $4 pei , , ten—scel weed can be had at the same rate per 'cotEr- Building Stone of 'excellent qtrality oleo abounds, which can he litocW'redi for little more than the expellee of transportation. ' The great fettillty of these (mule, widish 60(1 a black rich mould, tenni two to five feet deep, mid gently roll lug; their eoutiglitty'ttethillead; by 'litch every mei lity to Ambito& for travel and tremitvirtetion to the principal markete Bottle, Routh, Rig,' ' West, and the economy with 'l4th they can qultivated, render them the most S c alnetle 'investment that can be found, and present thequifet favorable Opportsinity for persons of indultrions habitant:id small means to acquire a com fortable independillsee txt few years. • Chicago is now the greatest gram market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands cad be transported to that market, make thein much more profitable, at the prices ;eked, than theist more remote at. 'government rates, as the addi 'Coast toot of transportation is . reperpetual tax on the fetter, which must be horde by the producer, in the re duced price be s 'mats es for Lie groin, &re, The title its perfect—Arid When the heal paymente are made, deeds eve execute by the trustees( appointed by the State, and its whom the' title to 'seated, to the put chimers, which convey to them absolute title* in fee elm. 'ple, free and 'deer of el' ot,y incumbrlume, lieu or wort lilts prices are front to'sao : internist only 3 per at, Twenty per et. Will be deducted from the price for cash. Those who plorchese on long credit, giro notes' payable in two, three, font, dreamt soryeare alter date, antlers required to 'meter° one-tenth Annually for five years, so as to have ode-half the laud underculf4atims at the dad of that time. Competent surveyets will accompany, those who with to 0.11119/1113 , these Lands, free of ammo, and sad them In making selections. The Leeds remaining unsold are ea rich and valuable I en those which have boon diepossd et, • OBOTIONAL MAPS; aril) be m eet to anY one Who 1 1 (rin 6i/6/010 fifty mote In postage Menne, and books or pamphlets containing nu melons instaucee Of successful farming, eigned by re spectablo and well known farmers living ill the neigh b,„l,,,o4, o f the !Wilma Lands, throughout the State— smen the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of bar vesting, threshing, ,eto.,—or say ether information— will be cheerfully given on application, el Mar personally or by letter , ln .134110 h /trench, or German, addressed to JOHN WILSON. Laos Oommissi4niii - or the Illinois Central R, 11, 00. Otflon in Mingle Centrist Railroad ...7poes Cbleeios It- RnoL. TO IRO. LNANDFACTURNRS AND oAPlTAiiignts, BBETTEIVA,P4II4NT 110R811,4300N ktkeufkigh This salashlO loroutioo—kriok VAst he mach's* for masofteturing Iforse-shoos °var, oilfired to the Ameri- Can PiPer,m l fat, solo cos facorsble terms, No sh3tatlMo ppgla be Me/ t , lrpntting , it into a 'obit Stook Clompany, stall stook taken for o large fart of the kostqlkie. ALVAN WILKINS, -0151140 t ~2pWZLLIAitt 6treet,Hee Ittlic. Ofrnittfp Judie. sIAVING FUND—FIVE PER. CENT. IN. SJ FEW:PT—NATIONAL SAFETY TRINIT COSI. PAN/—WALNUT STREET, BOCTII-W.ESP CORNER OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INOORPORLIRD at one Setts OP PRIINSTLTLIEL. Money to resolved la *Dyson), large or emelt, and in toteat paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office to open every day from Fo'clook in the morning till 7 o'clock la the evening, mad on Monday and Thuraday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. MENNEN, President, ROBERT BELYRIDON, Vice President Ww, J. Roan, Secretary. OIROUTORB t Hon. Henry L. Definer, ,0. latrolzeth Moans, Edwerd L. Carter, V. Oartoll Firewater, Robert Selfridge, Joiestitt IL Derry, Fiaml. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James H. Smith, Wrimeis Leo. This Company Confines its buelneas entirely to the readying of mousy on intereet. The liEreetmepte, itmounting to over ONE 'MILLION AND-A HALF OF DOLL AILS, are made in conformity with the v0,1110[14 of the Charter, to REAL ESTATE SIORTUAGVA, OROISND RENTS, and such Seat class securitlea as will alwaye in sular parted impurity to the depositors, cud which can ted stability to this Duni. not to give permanency!talon. jIX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of yirrit and WALNUT Streets. Open chilly, from to 8, and on Tuesday sad Friday Evenings, nett( II o'clock. Largo or Sllllll 1141114 tecouvoki aed pmd *Oh out untie*, with ME Y EE CENT, INTEREST, by cheat or otherwise. 'OLIN 1'110W:0)1V, Creel. riot raealnicars TUOB T. TASKEN, EDWIN M. LEWIS. aeoaara*V 1.5111 WM. T. ELBERT. tavereae WM. 0. Ludwig, A. 0. Levy, Charles E. Lei, A Shaker , lnrael W. Morrie, Jr., Ww. Neal, Thou. Neilieu, Thomas R. Reed, ht. A Jambe Rwthalf, Thos P Sparbtorg, Oster Thompson, Peter Willientlee, Isaac ff. Waterman, (Aeries T. Yerkee ..ehn B. Austin, John B. Addicts, Menton Alter, U, W. Baldwin % tfilium Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Charles B. Ca!stairs, Robert. (Bark, A. J. Drexel, famil.s !MUM, Wm. U. floater, Dertjamia tlerlara, John Jordan, Jr., Lowis Lawle, Jr., O. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PRA ORNT. STATI4 SA VINGS PURL , . NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER ORNT. STATIC &WINOS VUND. N o. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER OICNT. STATIC SAVINGS POND. IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.--FIVE 11 PER ORNT. STATE SAVINGS PUND. aul-ly anb Jran 1111IOUL Y. MYRSION. 1. YUMA/4 1111114101 t WILLIAM N. MLIMLIMIMI. SOUTUWARK FOUNDRY, PIPTII AND WASUINGTON STRIZTO, PfiILADIII.III/.4. MESA-LICK & SONS, EN GINEESS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low ProssureSteara ID:levee, for Laud, River, aud disrtue service 110% ova , gasometert, Tanks, Iron Loots, &0., Oast foga of all kinds, either Iron or Braes. Iron frame roofs for Claa Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &o. ReterUi and GU Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such se Sugar, Saw, and Orbit Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, M P ars, umping Engines, an, Bole Agent. for N. Rillienx , s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nastnyth's Patent Steam Hammen J. P. Ross , Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and stain Pumps. Superintendent—D. H. SANTO'', 11CHARD NORRIS & SON, LOOOl4O- TIVB BTEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, •IRIIITIINTII 51732711., HAMILTON, FAIRVIEW AND 411.11/A9 CUIVNII STRAITS, PLITLADIILMILA, Soma exclusively In the mannfecture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity for the nee of Wood or Coke, or Blintrunoicz Coal in in etude state, or ANTIMMITIe GOAL, 11M1001 1111M/10 14/011, OAS 011111, In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced et these Worke are equal to, and net ex celled by any. The materlala used in construction Mt mete on the spot, and insure the beet quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of ldathintry and Toots, enable them to execute the MMV=I Or ANT ARRINONIIENT NIQVIRSD. MILLED OAR WIttELS, UAMAIk R 1 D AXLIS, With Forging% a luty %ix% or form, IRON ANT) BRASS CASTINGS, And 11A011SNSI WORE isenorAllY. SIMARD NOltlilti aul-ly DI s Y LATIMER MORRIE PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BUIL EU WORKS. REANEY, NEAP*: & CO., PRAOTIOAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MAOHINISTB DOILER.HANLIDL BLACK SMITHS AND ROUNDERS, ... . , flaring for many years been in successful operation, and boon eXclasively engaged to building and repairing Manua and River Ruginea, high and low presence, Iroa Rout*, Water Teaks, Propellers, &c., c respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all nixes, Marine, River, and Stationary. Raving Gets of patterns of different Ales, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Imilers,ot the best Pennsylvania char coal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Bram Outings of alt deauriptiots; Soil Turning, Screw Cutting, and ell other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their eetabliahment free of charge, awl work guaranteed. . The antartibera hare ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety. cud are providutt with eboara, blocks, tells, ito. 5 ka., for clash% heavy' or fight weights.. . . . THOMAS HEANEY J AOOll O. JOHN P. LEVY, aul-y EVAOII and PALMEE Koala, Kaulogton H ANDY & MORRIS— MANDPACTUUSS CP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR OAR, BTRAM Cat WATER. Ate°, li.ENSTAL IRON COMMISSION Werthouen 8. M. corner SHUNT aul WALNUT. eul•9w aa.ELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Dttobu, for all INMAN of the tils,t dor Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Morns. HELALEOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION, Estrant Bache, removes all the symptoms, amoug which will be round Indisposition to exertion, lAMB of Parer, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Um:Loral Weakness, !terror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Ilorror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Voirersel Lassitude of the Muscular System often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptie Symptoms, liot Made, Fluehluge of the Body, Dryam of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Broptione on the lime, Patna in the Back, Hearinesa of the Bye Lida, freonenay Black Spats flying Leforo the Byes, with temporary Suffusion, Lose of Sight. If thou* artriptona era allowed to go on, which this me dicine 'amiably removes, soon follow Fatuity and li.pi• leptie Wits. IF :YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY A. of the above distract/0g othueete, use lIELII - PitIEPARATIONS. Try them, and be oonvf odes; .t their efficacy. I_IELIIIIOLD's GENUINE PREPAIiA. 1I RATION, Ettntot Buchtt, ,4 Give health cud vigor to the frame, And Wow to the pallid cheek P' And are so pleasant to their taste, that paDonta be come fond of them. HEUSBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA laxtrantlluclau—See overwhelming evleu -00,4 which will be produced to show that they do greet good to all who honer them with a trial. Evidence open for the inspeotion of all. HF r L➢[BOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Bubo —Price $1 per Bottle, de limited to any addrese. Depot, la Routh TENT U. sheet, Aedembly Building, below Oil ESTE LIT street, Pluiladel- Addrese letters, U. T. lIIIIMBOLD, b 2 South TENTEI street, below OUP,STNIJT, Philadelphia. Bold by Druggists and Deelere everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. sn7-3ma MARGUANT's ORYSTALOGRAPIIS, 011 PROTOORAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. . . . The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softnees, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accursey of detail, itusure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance;' while the seventy of the or. deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the ruabscriter to offer them, with the greatest sattelactien and confidence, to the public and to hie Mende. They are %%eared by lettere patent to, and eau tor had. ONLY of N. P. 11A1101.1ANT. 'W% Portrait% of the cabinet, and life sire on am herotofora. an 18.8 m PIIB LIO A.SIP S .—TIIE PIJBLIC IS respectfully informed that thrice+ have been opened by the 'District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect iug accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any 'failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper' time; or If not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Book* will be kept by Joseph holly, No. hl2 Queen street, third IS'ard; Charles Carty, No. 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Minm Kish, No, 1438 llutchluson atreet, Twentieth Ward; M... W. Medicos, No 'PPM Coates met, Plfteenth Ward; T hos.P. Dow iby, GPO 0 tti c o , Twenty-Fourth Ward, tW eaP Philadelphia;) M. 11. Ail/widen, Gas OiSen, Twenty. Second Ward, (Germantown;) Win. N. Market, (ss Offlee Twouty-Third Word iltranktord,) end at the si Lidice in Seventh street, below Market. by order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gis Works. A. KITE Bupefluteadonl, of bintaation DIILLADELPIM TYPE FOUNDRY- N. W. Cot. TRIAD and OFIESNUT Eita. L. PELOUZE gr. lON, thankful for the liberal pa. teenage heretofore accorded to their Establiahment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to refuters and rubliahera that their new BP.EOIIJRN BOOK fa now ready, and from their nicreased are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a oevaplete Printing 31stabliehment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical etperience lit the bueinees, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justitleo them inasserting that they can furnish a more durable and bettor to. %stied article than their cotemporarlee, Thom, therefore, who desire Printing Material,, would do well to apply to thorn previous to purchasing olaew here Old type taken at 0 mate per pound, in exchange for now at apeeimeu prices. tit 11 VANNI.---10,000-IPIII NT 11 iii, A ! is, Cards pry flour! ticSO W n.v...tki wuu.i.kllo,..ha• . 1 . V.-- , a J3l flaaddpia• Pr., •I the we AU, rump,. ivrenv.. ~,, 110 I.- or kt . p,.. NI A sokbiti.. ~,,,LA•A A th• w ,-- Trtets Cats and 1.10.0 ri Jr., vi a.- --• Te*Thsmusoleard• po Ilear.la z a 01# ''' Ikdi my WA 541.-110 Prier ar.lir swim& n CM Library, V OUR:riff MT. below Cbestriat. CHEAP SUMMER EUEL.—GAS COKE, erexeellent quality, 'geoid lathe PIIII,ADELPIIIA QMS WORKS for the reduced price of lire cents. bushel, and may be obtained in large or emelt quantity by ap plying at the Oen Othce, No. 20 south IiiiVUNTII Street To Purchasers by 'Wholesale, it la told at the Works, to Viret Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite a 112.60 per ton. (81,goed,) J. 0. ousesou, Engineer. Entraiment/. On WOSITZ, Aug. WI, seT, 1.27-ti dr!OAOIL ENGINE AND ROTEL LAMP viitantaryot E. 14 1161110 M, No./09 ( late 43) South ICCllitt, below Chestnut Um become e. seeing nt it 4 per swat to ens ROVITHILO AND litthlSltti lIIIItOttAIITSI, and also the conveulthoe of having their nil Owings Lamps saw silveri4ogplid Awl bottomed, nni tut orptsto to all partaX neartnnce antpirniess. H H OWARD FIRE AN) MARINE IN suit:trio: cum PAN T—Oinee No 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia The 11, 11otrin4 statement of the strain of the company to pul.:leitc4 in conformity twin' 1400110 U or ire Charter : nun/11 , 11$ Itltlntlaglt 1 , 110/1 ar , 4,tl 1, 19Z11, TO animas 21, 18.51. Fire pretniuml, „ MA Hue pretniu Perpelull I.'llllllM b 4 %529 g) 217.1%1 n. ..21 t),) TOttil altlutalt pTtAllYnii tSif.oll rArtaNi dre preittinuri M; I:ortiel vairiva 1,11111.1111111.1 .... /Lt.. GO 1.',0-1 , 0 013 se, beiluct return pretuiutni Net earned iltk3 857 VJ Marion Wm., 141,1 s9s k,,5 75 Vita luitst,, 4,40.,1 11 bd Selvage to 370/ma • • $7150 47 Interrd re. (Tired._ s mum ants 2,911 62 -13,023 26- 83,833 --- Ezprusrs for ennunlimions to agents, abaternruts lu lieu or oerip, salutes, taro rout, rurtillibing °Mee, books, eta. t , onery, he Protll, and 100 •24itTel. Cash 00 bend....... 2,615 69 Dille receivable..... 1111,267 02 110uds and mot tgagesl6s .000 00 Etoeas T 92,100 Co ?lock cotes 142,900 00 Due by agents sod ethers $754,0,45 84 DIRECTORS. P If Potts, Win V Leech, C E Spangler, It T Re.ii, Ahrehnui Re*, II II Mauston, Wm. It WOO 6, J. R. Withers, rrieortor Rowell, Abraham P. Eyre. J Edgar Mason, W. Raiguel, C (1 Sower, Cheri. Y. Norton, John W. Sexton, John LL Lowery, Ream. !tempt, James li Stiles, Nathan R Potts, It II shillingrord PERCIVAL M. PCTTS, ?feculent C. E. SPANGILVR, Vice President. W IT Woo.. Secretary, veld, R. T. KLASIL, Treasurer. FISK INSURANCE. ____ SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAM, AND SECURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N W. CORNER OP SIXTH. AND WOOD ST9 ' SPRINO GARDENS. CUARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. lAD 11. Dohnert, Boar/ Id. Pb 4 6, David WoMpper, Lewis .9b /snack Denjarnit. Irmis, John LandsU, Jolts Ems, Jr Charles Yield. Auloy U. Park, William R. Woo . James Darnell, John D. 4teveueou, Jamb S. Mintzer., Corwin Stoddard, Henry Romer, Thos. D Tillinghast, George H. Childs. JOUN 11. DOMIERT, President. L RRUUBRAAR, &maul. opt 21--ly j‘TEPTITNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- / OPP/CE 414 WALNUT Bt., Pranklin Buildings. Piny mAubvz IN.SURANCS. CAPITAL 4100,000, W ITII PRITILItiII TO INOREASB TO 600,000. This Company is now fully organ sad, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against foes or dsruage by /ire and Maine Perils, at current rates. OPPICERB. O. LACOULIN, President. MCNABB MIKLOS, Ties President. OEO. IiCOTT, Becrstars nutzerdas. D. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, D'm Osborne., Richard Bhisids, T. P. Ethowell, T"QUAKER CITY INS UR A NOE COUPANY, Oiled No. 408 eats Q) WALNUT IN. Oapital and Sarpine, 1250,000. This Company continues to make Nunressee 'vaunt tom or damage lay Pim and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Natiption end Transportation, at current Wee. 0PP106119. President—OP.O. U. HARP Vice President—B. P. ROSS. Secretary end Treasurer—U. It. tIOCKIBUALL. Assistant Becretary—S. 11. BUTLIS. NOTOEUI. George 11. Hart, E Y. Ross, A. 0. Cattail, Joseph Kdwarda, John G. Dads, Hon. Fleury M. fuller, Voatar 9 Perkins, Jolm 11. Climbers, an tar x. W, Beiley, Charles G. Imlay, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew A. Chambers, IL D. ConsWl, Samuel Jones, Al. D., A ➢. Chembrougl. 131IILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN- A. EIIRANCE COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania in 1318, are now established in their NNW OFFICE, No. 4dl CIIESTfiIIT Street, where they are prepared to task. ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of every description, in Town or Country, Including PUBLIC BUILDINOS, DWELLINGS SToRES, WAREBOUSS3, PACTWIIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, &e. A 1.., MERCHANDISE of all kinds; STOOLS 01 00010, Stodge of COUNTRY STORES, Goode or; SToRMIE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TIVIORRS and MEOHANICSS PURNITIIRE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, &c., &e., &e., at modertate rates of premium, and for any period of time. Thin Company rotor to their part Cane( IS as ample pato:dee for the PliOldlsT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are st this time uo unsettled claim ag dust them. ROBERT P. RING, Pren't. W. BALDWIN, Vice Prea't. 171111016 Irtaaratmas, Bee'y. sol.ass IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COL [.I PA NY.—The PI;I4IIIdIITUALLIVE thinriatiet OOMPANY, t3ontbeast Corner of THIRD and Welt Streets. Capital, 012,725 09. 1 ig,3I:IWV.B LIVES for abort terms, or for the whole tei 'of life—grants annuities and eadowmenta—par ebasee lire on intereste in Real YAM*, sad makes all contriets depending on the eontlegeneles of Life. They set se Nsee.utors, Admialettstore, Assignee', Tritsteee sad tinerdisna. . . MONIST RRCRIVRD ON DEPOSIT in any amonut— Vire Poi Cent, laterert allowed Irmo date of deposit, payable back on demand without notice. .90RRTS OP TUR COMPANV, anew lst, 1E47. Laura at the State of Peunsybre.nis,Thils. dolphin City, Penn's. Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other Gomm #179,1016 99 Roods, Mortgages and Real Itstate 111,131 19 Shots to Ranks, Insurance, Cu and Rail road Companies 91,729 98 Premium Notes and Loan on Colleterals 199,04 01 Cada in Rank, due front Agents, Inter est, &a 88,780 47 flUarentee Capital, Subscription Notes 100,000 00 5T1.1,4 OS DANIEL L. SHWA, President, SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Prei't. loan W. $OlOlOll. BettetlST, sal-I,{ ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE NY, NigVi , YORB.--4ffice, No 29 Well street, joining the Mechanise' Benk—Cesh Capital > i 250,000, set% ti surplus. This Company imam Dalldluge, Mer cheadisep Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, nut other property, against Lou or Damage by lire and tho Mate of Intend Nerigetion. olAmoiosa Hoary II linnet', Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rafus R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, !teary Doris, Edmund Fanfold, O. 11. Lilienthal, Hansen R. Coming, Theo. Politburo, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, 1:11sha 11. Morgan, Tbouias llonagan, Abut. R. Van Not, John U. Rule, William A. Cary, AlLeet Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Paston, Jaren W. Phillip, Louis Inrut, Charles A. Macy, Barunal 13.(Illdden, Rdward Hincken, Stephi. Cambreleng, Wm. V. Shepard, Thomaa Socktt, CharlesL. Prost, John Ward, Lathrop L. Sturges, Henry H. Bogert, William R. Posdlok, Peter Edell, Rotary Thayer, Benjamin I t Field, (leo. Weatfeldt, A. U. c Prothiughato. Zalmon Taylor, Thoe.!lT. Youngs Henry B. blossom. 'Samuel L. Michell, ALBRRT WARD, President. Br Erman A. Cattsy, Secretary. au 10-1 y lIIANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE 11 ' COMPANY.--Charter Perpetual. Granted by the Mato t Pennsylvania. Caplet, 000,000. Plre, IdatlO and Inland Transportation. D 11161046 Aarbn 8 Lippincott, Oberies Wise Vim. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles d. Yield, dimes P. 8040, Wm. B. Thomas, J. UAW° Rank, Wm. Neal, John P. ,Simorot, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. RECIISES, Vice l'reilideet ALSRND WV.V.KS, Seoretery. J. W. MARVIN, Surveyor. This Oinnpany was organised with a cash capital, and the DireCtova have determined to adapt the business to tte Available resources-4o observe prudence M conduct ireK its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. a, ide No le Iderchiusts , Raslmage, Philadelphia. ALIELE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSII NANCE COMPANY OP PRILADELPIIIA.—Office No M 4 WALNUT Street„ opposite the Et hangs MA RINI:IRISES on Vessels, Oargoa e and Freights. IN LAND' , TRANSPORTATION RIBES, per Railroads, Omsk', bolas, oust other marriages. ALL THE PROFITS divided annually' among the As sured, sod ample security in cease of lots. Dll2Olllllll. Edward nerds Miles, Thomas T. Stashes John At Odenhe inns, Algernon N. Aabbnlnes, Malden Williamson, Alfred Fusin, Femme! J. Pimples", Thomas 8. Foster, I vase Jeanee, Gustavus English, Reno Preset, James B Stroup, .'Sward 0. dames Alfred Slade, William L Spring", A. 1.1. elate% Franklin 0. Jones, Charles D. Oersteds', Daniel flatkloek, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John O. Nader, James Murphy, John P. fiteinn, Wiujis. Smith, Henry Orambo; A. J. Antal., Wm. J Caner, Samuel L. rantsborg. EDWARD MARKIN MILES, President ALFRED SANITY, Pica President. Jos% O. Secretary. sal-Iy' (TARTER OAK A.-/ INSUB.A.NOE COM% Cash. Capital $3 0 0,000. 1 vicinity %Nodal at the Pa. By leave we refer to D 0. Brawn &Co , Phila. non. Joel Jones, Phila. Olvitßees, Rout & Co., r. 800 Bufna Choate, Boston fleeter, Lea k 00., " Don. T. S. Williame, Ilart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Insu rance In the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA 0 BNB ft.AL INSURANCE AO ENVY, No. 413 fold No. 10) CHESTNUT ST. THOUPBOti B. ROOD, Agents, IRE AND MARINE NY or HARTFORD, CONN. Loma 1u Vlo , lndelpbia and sladaphia Office. Wants. 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A RomE STEAD FOR col—Third Division.—s3lo,ooo worth of games and Building Leta, in the gold region of thilpeper county, Virginia, to he divided amongst 10,%0 subscribers, on the TVs of December, 1837. Bun. sari phone only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, 000- he, wial the rest ou delivery or the deed. beery subscriber lf get • Betiding Lot or Farm, rouging in dow n value from $lO to $20,000 .$ here flume and lots are sold so cheap to imbue settlements, a suflichat number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compensate fur the apparent low price new asked. Up words of 1,300 lots and farms are already sold, and a " Company of settlers called the Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is now forming and will soon commence eettlement. Ample security will he given for the faith. tel performance of emitted.. and promiees . Nearly an t noil scree of land in different parts or Virginia, new at Command, and will be sold to mators at from $l up to $3OO per acre. Ilaqurshonelolt hires in off cores be gtvea . Wootdeuttere, coopers, Camara, tke , ate wonted, and five hundred Agents 10 obtain pubseribers, 14 whom the moat liberal inducements will be given. fme agents write that they are mating $2OO virumth. or full particulare, imbacciPtienal agencies, tke r , apply to g, BAUDIR, &rabbi Port Royal, Caroline county, Vs. 110 ALE ItOPE.--B open; aro ,jDrtted to call ii 99 and .i.nyitio our itiardia Bsie Bdpe arbia Ire asp sin sell Dudt is laiwitaxt, Inansti It supldor la p i nxii th dursOnt7:` Marl% lima k oo.', ant , ' No. fa N. Watatat, an 4 so X. Marva. PO WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRIIG AISID SMOCKS AHROIOS-WINTII. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO 11,11 LY Tlikl3l3 PROM filitlll4ol.3 PITT:4IIMM AND TOW WM, On and sttor Juno lii. pig. TWO outs TuDia rill trove Calvert :cation far Pittatmszk sad sit Wade. urn and South or Northwestern eftien. THt: 1101011Nt1 WAIL Tato' te*Ted Itettleiere dilly Vacetay excepted) it S IS IL II coanetti no: • lth the Itall Train Oft! tie Omit Penn sidtsaast Itoglroed, sod orris log in Pit:snarl/A, At 1.20 A 11 -06147 43 ):.011mort••Isiy Onid.ti written st 3 P. X for listr,tilf • ti 31437 EIPHP.M TRAM 11 "`.'• I 1 F It/ 5311337 at I'D P. X., con illverts GT., tba Paluaryl t.ttts Lalfra.vt for Pitt.:.urth. arriviag at 120 P M. if /. Alt thew tnma eutatt,t el.rrir at Pittabarg tr.ou, Ull%, the 1•1:1,!..g 1r43," aal Catho.l.l, awl it. N,tbrrti, atbartg 1,v.-.teru ID" bir Chirac°, !Cock Wand, Ruling ton, lowa City, Milnuatea, butaque, St. Paul's, and other leaden rates the horthweirt,will care ,o- 4 naffed mg', vitro,/ 0114 VA Melt,. is t'u*o, rah foFIr Ir.' thanes of care, by taking ibis route, Prasesgers for ClereLuol, :malts-sky, Toledo, cad Detruit, go by this route, and the trine ts anortaallad, ie° nit 11:1 nutea shorter than by any other route. irr Passengers for tit Louis, linhanapolis. Terre Haute. Cairn, and all points on the Lover and tipper tl ooassippi, wake Ito, chances of eara.aari series to ad man,. of any other mute; and to Cincinnati, Cula.r•lnao, Dayton, I,outsy ells, and other prominent titan, as quick si by any other emote Mt Western Baggage CHECKED THROLVII and Mrtad/cisaalli rare. 83 44--144,•A3 121,073 6- TORTH. The SIS k connec H ts) clos N ely with Ispreas Train" over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, tto , hseter, Buffalo. Nisznra Watts, an.l Canada, thus Con nog the most Street radical runts to Nerthweatom Pennsylvania and Western New York Passengers anti Gut Ms, the shortrat, cheapest, &DS most eipeshtions route to Nia,, , ara Palk and C SL.VIO TLrull4ll Tickets ats to M to Phdectelphia ins Or hootna and Lancaster Ly ott the trains at tZt each, Bath true 4um4 genre ennLeetuks Ptmeug