THE 'MONEY:I4OMM litttentrOlttig 0400120.851. . . L The sales_§f- itontra4,644.eieTwno linprotoment in P rice°, rid hfibit'sio,ney- rallethgeneral stagnation still prevails. 'The ixiOnets 4(4lra - 4 - where thogreatest biatle and anitlistleit usually prevails, there le bat little heard but corriekeetten' niena the probable 'effect!' of the lose . of employment cod /4400' ofwlytar,upon the condition of oar irriduatire classes. Unite' in, reali sing the importance of prompt and deeded action, but no two pernoni seem to' agree' as to the mode in which relief can ind,ouglit to be extended. One public-spi rited citizen. advertise* his, intention to bestow 1,000 loaves of bread weekly upon the poor during the win ter, and many others ere biety in' preparing for organ ised action A a eninlier 'end; It le of the importance that every one Who is able should - contribute information- through the co lumui "Of the newipapers,' showing' how' the domestic, economy e? the 'Poor may be improved, pointing out the beet 1118111111, of reducing their expenses, without di minishing their • comforts. geery suggestion w ill b e usefel 'Whlehleints out cheap and agreeable substitutes for dlit:stich an may be readily obtained in Omen of scarcity, and distrese. „ • • It le 1114mportant for the success of the measures adopted for their toiler, that those in need tihaitia heartily no,operatein .. the work to be done: If the poor do not 'prudently serve themselves, others cannot effectually aid there—if they are not their own friends' none cannot sufficiently befriend them,' ThoseSvho are idle in , trying tn, procure means of subsistence, and those who are wasteful in using thorn, ought not to ex pect, as they do not deserve, equal consideration with the iioneit; . the industrious, and the prudent: hence it Is the . du4 g ail who Would obey the holy precept to `bear one another's bardens,” , to point out the ways in which teas Lump be spent, or a little be stored by , ecenoniy,'lhat the 'means collected for iellef may be productive of themost wide-spread benefit. Partionlarly.essential is it that la our efforts to all mill together through the hard sintscits now close upon us, we should stet Correctly; TheMainditticulti to met is not so much in the collection of funds ei In tbo attention. necessary for their proper . distrlbution. At first there will verylikely be found a multitude'of fedi viduale,to tender gratoitous services, but it is apt to be the cane tbat the Most public-spirited and benevolent men are not the most active and persevering, and after their first efforts of seal have passed, and other impor tant engagements and agreeable pursuits attract them, they may suffer the management of these affairs to fail into colder and unfit, bade. 'lt eeeme-to'us advisable , that in this respect, partictilarlyi We'should start right. Probablyit :waddls a great_ point gained,lf ,the beet fitted for` the 'duties, ainong..those out of, emplaiment, were aeleet,ed dad paid for their labor at a fairrate, to attend constantly as a matter of business to the inveart , gotten 'and irellef'of distress, tinder the direction of small echuraitteea.The business could thus be managed by a few gentlemen oat of active business - life, whose enthsiasm would not be likely to be dissipated by their absorption In other and pressing occupations. , We do not know that these reinaria'Are eilictly in place in „ the money market,'l but they have occurred to us as the natural consequence of the discussions beard in all moneyed circles, and they certainly can dd DO harm. Our friankbleyor Vani has now an opportunity to snake himself s reputation Which will lasts life-time, and which would place our city for beyond our great rival in the estimation of the whole country. We are surprised that he has not already put himself at the bead of a public movement to organise the whole city into a society for the protection and encouragement of the industrious, end the toltef of theAnfirel lie is miming it golden opportunity, such as will make the nom who host:tot to - embrace lt, and such'as comes to a roan but once ln a generation.' ' ' The New'' Uk TritunS has the, following wont o warnalito ceubiti utechallica, which applies equally as well to Philadelphia as to New York : "We learn that from all quarters of the Country me chanics are thronging tollew Tone in Search of employ went This is folly, for which they are likely tO OAT Business of eUry sort is 'stagnant, here, as it Is every where else. alcaufantories end - workshops are _either closed or more than supplied with hands already. There is not a Job to be done' which has - not already . at band twice the number of workmen required to complete It. Keep away from the city. then ! Stay Where you are known, and where you can struggle the impending west of Winter with at least some friends and acquaint-emcee to help you, or give you an , occasional cheering word. Don't come here to swell the vast array of idleness and suffering which, three months hence, will appeal to the citicens of New Volk- for charity." This is geed advise, and commends Itself to the com prehenslett of acerylaidY. It mbethw terininbefed that' the now banks' have a good deal Of inbOeylotobidleitt' to insurance companies, &c., driwing' fit= 4,' to 6 4fr, cent., while the sub scribers,to mid stock are on the verge of bankruptcy. As there is ~ n o- i mmediate prospect of their going into operation, (perhaps many of them never will) how mach better would it be to cetera the money to their anti.' scribers, and relieve, as far as may be, some of the pres sure which we now suffer ! Two or three hundred thou- - sand dollars would be a great Item now-a-days, circulated among the community. ' The Miners , Journal shows tbs.! the diftharged. operatives in - Schuylkill county understand their real interests, endure leaving idleness and starvation there for work in the West, where food is plenty. The Jour.' nal ys . " We learn from the conductor of the Auburn and Susquehanna Railroad, that large numbers of miners, and laborers from Schuylkill county, continue to pass over that road almost daily, destined for the West. Many go Rothe coal and lead Stade oflllinols, and others to the lawn and Ailatiouri coat fields. Others seek work wherever they can got It: Schuylkill county has Mat several thousands In her population within the last three months, - - Many others would go, but they hive not the 'wane of getting away," - Blacksmiths, coopers,. and , carpenters, are in demand in Savannah, at fair wages. A gentleman in Princeton, Illinois, writes to the Boston Pen ae follows : . " Wheat Is soiling for arty cents, a bushel by those who are obliged to sell, while those who ire not on hard premed are holding on for an improvement =in prices. Many farmers have bought beyond their means, and are now obliged to sell their crepe at almost _ - no advance on the cost o.r/tieing, or, .borrow money at dye or all per cent, a month to make their papinents; and whe ther they pay their debts or low their lands, eithei subjects them to a ruinous sacrifice: Millions of bush cle of wheat are now in our granaries and stocked on the prairies waiting for your eastern men to come and buy at a fair price, that our eastern debts may be Patd, our farms be rescued from forced sales, poor men be sup plied with food, and shylooks, both east and west, be prevented from damning their precious mule for six per cent. ainenth. • "One of our townsmen has just returned from a visit to New England. • Ile Oyes a meat deplorable account of the manufacturing towns and villages In Massa chneettatand New Hampshire. , Ile Ave their everlast ing cry Nigger' has bee tome to an end;:and the universal prayer for Corisisf— , mere Cotton , —has taken its place: I think that is a good symptom—at least it Jo 'a good exemplification of the nature of human nature'-tor,! Where a =Ws interest Is,' le a true adage Could Boston -Common be moved be ' low the tropic, what a beautiful cotton field ' , Would make. and now• soon it would be stocked with 'chat tele.' " • Millions of bushels of corn are reported as unbariest• ed in the We torn grain Odds for want of the labor Bich is so .tedebrlant In our large cities. , We learn that John Rultne, , EK.was thisday elected a director of the Pennsylvania R ailroad Company, in place of O.E. Spangler, Esq.; resigned: The Pottollio Miners', Journal of tO•day . thus seats up the coat trade for the present season : - 1056. 1857. Loss. Gain. Schuylkill—R.ll:,.l,Bol,67B 1,520,752 340,924 Bcbuylkill ' 910,830 1,020,13980.109 Lehigh—DA 183,841 ' 886,890 ' '238;049 Lehigh Canal 992,150 755,157 236,993 Del. and Ilud. Canal 426,584 388,730 38,825 Penne, Coal Co ' 515,0 . 49 '490,739 24,310 - '' Scranton, South.. r,.. • 76,409 287,188 191,459 ' • ' 4,944,419 4,809,984 039,052 601,817 4,809,034 604,617 • Dee. in 1367, tone.— 134.435 134 435 Add the loss from the Wilkesbure region of about 90,000 tone, and the aggregate loss of anthracite sent to market this year, compared with the lut, reaches 234,- 435 tons. PHIVAZILVIIi& BTOGK EXOBANGE ELM, ' , October 24, VAT. Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Spokes, No: 801 Walnut dreat. MST BOARD. • - 600 N Penns It 6e....45% 200 City R de 80 600 do 45X e 8 Beading 13X 9,000 Penns be 81 8 • . do 134( 100 do 81 . 2 do 13% 1,000 Oity 6e 80 13 Ilarriebarg /I 40 • 300 ,do New,B9 j 2 , •do 40 1,000 do , New.B9 sdo 46 - 500 'do ; ,N0w,.219 i , enna B. „• 010.32 X 1,000 City! NAP 80 , 2 Sob Nay pref 13) .11ET,224E„ ; BOARDS. 22 Pa 11...(tP:ca5h..221( 3 Morns Canal pref,79 BNO9d4p 110ABD.. 1,000 Elmira - te let Hart Lebdrg ID 40 sookt - "65 " 30 I , o7'enoa R • 7,1 g 3,000 City —.BO , 60 Needing • 14 , , Uarrietriarg 'I ' 20 - d0..;..2 3 I do 40 20 do 2 dyn.l3% . ' - CLOSING PRI Bid.rAsked. Philedel 6 , e....80 80X 81 ' New.... 89 90 Penneylv 5 , 8....80% 81 , Reading R 13% 14 do liOdds $7O 02X 05 do Id 8 3 8;44 70 76„' Donna 112" ' MI( 32% MorrisOlnl Con 31 ,' 33 foto N 68 0.4.00 X, 81% stock 7• 9 138-13TE4tY. diked Be N 611 412 prof 13„l1 14 , Wmatet &Rim R 9 • 11 do lot mod I's 65 60 do do 2dio 40 60 Long Island T,K, 8 VickeDurg ' 87 . Girard Lehigh r • ••% 1 Union esattii::..SX 4 Mow ()took ' g Ostmalies R. , 8 , :,!Hipar!apoito., [Reported for The Prem. - 11.0111110NR—Steimeh pyermajlvonli, Teal-148 las tobacco Backale, Ideptonuen & Ca' dtk Note Blietint; 25 Mercer n smok Rotolo; 30 h o e 89 edo Roblin & Tett; 2 bbla liqaor .& Moen; , 11 bags muds Y 2 " (4 -P; 2 i° " i t" B atltStb; 80 . etdirty cob Ponliney do Blaney; Oitobacbbis Powell andlYeighttaan; Shines mho B M Juti4; 280 bop note HotriB . , Heyl, & Co;' 88 Ilenisgellouq , Saloon,- 45 /bogs, spied ',Tudlitt Ac Showell; 160 do Peas CI, It egoaatobmai. 20 bore Iron A II iraaclice; 65 pkge suddries US empty, coke order. ,f3lartil'Ailttittoftt4. PORT OF PHILklp 046 , A 0 ; 967. SUN eu4s--subrerrq,:—. HIGH WAYSiI, 011,:e ***. ..... Urier.k.B ABBIVED. ship Beranek, Rowland, frOm'llverpooli Sept 16; with Indigo and 360 passengers to lope, Oct 1; lat 96 N, long 38 30 W with a reck Which appeared to be a British ship of hankie, all unde rwater h with the exception of about 80 feet other, bow. She had painted, gotta, and was painted yellow Inside r ' hiol esquire bo*- - eprit, and no antitank; apparently t i mber Wait, gusher timber port ' appeared to be re4ntly battened In, 'She appeared to have been but &Alert thee in that situation, as her sails were etill'hittging lathe yards;' cobld cover no name, as her stern WAS In under water. Cot 6, on the'llanks of Nortfotindlaud, spoke Selo Prim Ban ner, of Beverly; wlthl6,ooCitieh—wishod to bh repented. S had two births on board during the wedge, -En. perienced very beat"' Wtatheidur, air the psesage. Took a pilot on the 211 t Mat - Steamship Delaware, Copes, 21,honra from New York, with merchandise and passedgetrto allderdice. Reports having passed 011. The Buoy op the Brown chip Wm Cummings, for Callao, lying at &holier; 'below the Brandywine passed an Unknown bowline; ppdird boind; off 'Reedy Island passed the ship Aleaandar k fer Chattel'• ton, at &nation; below New Castle pseud the Wanes Belle, frompeaton, end Beet Hallett, trolls OhartWon • ui tompauyarttle about Sixteen schoenen!. Steamship Penurndvan ,ia Teal„trytn Biehmotittata Norfolk, 261tottee; with hddadidifd Vapid to Thowii Webster, Jr. Below, Reedy Island ; llama Bens ' Hallett , from Charleston, two' Ugh and 10 Was nriard bound: OR Reedy Point pureed drip W.nt rani, 840111110, krißß at arieboi 4 l i,`, ~' .7. 1 4 • ;-Brig Ben) pars rßsillv pallidilili 24 daysfront Bernardi -es, Ntn,:in. h•altaiif to captain. On the 13th that. Ist 82 ao, long jf, ,30; :James .. BiChardson, seaman, aged 22 , ' r larl/41L4/12121 1 ,Tafilifilyillh44il': lost tei kisitit,,Nirlist N 00.. . ' , --' f .' '''.`,:.--- l'ilb.l' Vail -11111.01iiielStites; CitiOii fiSsts'Neiiitori, in Whet - Behr Jorlissrmaski Thildrell, lidiritrOishlfil*?l , l*lfi NO, with lumber to mArtlittip. a Son. ' ' ' ' " ' " ' " 1 800 Lieni taltailditMaia !cola Bristol, with mass to :olPhilli.- - Seshifile,,,:,et,le.. e -44 `i a z Behr Tot iltostb, S' dliya Nyco Norilleir, sOtli sedge to' , l‘ , -4 ( : i i :a_ 14 , , .i /16 o', I r.... 4 MO • hitilleti6 Asp from Alexandilii;Witle 0 9 4 to X • 11 4 - 10.1 TN ...;:-0 mi v - Ed 4.1 4 -' ' - - .imiai ,A. w-1,, ‘1 , i41'...i1 .ii.r.;j .4 - -II Behr J D Fish, Bell B, daye,from Lewes,, ped, with mdse to Theodore W Parker. " • Behr Wm Severe, Brooks, 6 days from Richmond, with feed to B Lancaster A Soh ' Behr Adele Belida, Cartwright, from New York. Behr El Warren, Beattie, 2 dap from Little Creek Landing, 1101, ,with oats to Bewley, Wilson & Co. CLED. Steamship Palmetto, Baker, AßE Boston, II Winger. . Brig Globe, Roberts, Georgetown, 130, If Clark. Bohr 0 Loeser, Snow, 'Matanzas, W P !dolma & Co. Bohr Sylvia, Hathaway, A Co. Coltunbia, Me, E A Seeder Behr Adele Seliele, Cartwright, New Bedford, Blakie. ton, Cox tc CO. Bohr Hannah Willotta, Grimmer, Roxbury, Alm R White. Bohr Rachel Miller, Ifenderson, Charleston, 0 Miller & Co, Steamer Farmer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [BY TBLltatitraj Correspondence of the Yblinelphia Enhance. CAPE ISLAND, Pot 24, 630 Y St. A barque is now off this plan going in• Not a 'lend has been obsorved going to soa to-day. Whid S.. wea ther buy, with earwig indications of au approaching atom. Yours, Ito., TUGS. U. 1111011113, [or TELNORAPII.J Worreepondenco of Tho Ram.) Now Yon, Oct 23 Arrived, ships ll A Morn, from Antwerp; Mercury, from Havre; Vik;ng, front Antwerp; barques Poutucket, from Lisbon; F II Fanning, from Norman's Pond; Monte zuma, from Demerara; brige Reindeer, from Malaga; Amanda, from Angostura; Prioress Royal, frown Bermu da; ;Mountain Bagle,.from Sisal; Linda, frown Port an Prince; Armand, frown Rio Grande; steamships Petomaka, Cushman, from New Bedford; Pelican, Auldrieh. from Providence; brig Judge Hathaway, of Boston, Small, from Ponce, PR, 7th lust Sailed in company with edit. Mohawk, Staple, for atomics, to load for Baltimore; 181.11 lost let 33 30, long 73 30, spoke barque Wm Wood aide of Brunswick, Mo, from New, Orleans for Barce lona; sehre Cameo, Ensterbrook, Duckeport, NC; Mon Fisher, Wilmington, NC; •Josephine, Ferris, Albany; W Phillips, %Vilma, Jacksonville; Silas Wright, (Hidden, Savannah; R Franklin, Townsend, Virginia; Rio, Snow, Washington, NC; S Smith, Smith, Georgetown, 80,Alen Armotrong, Frisbee, Alexandria; A Law, Wood, Virginia. Below, ship Patrick Henry, from Loudon. ,f Correspondence at the Philadelphia Exchange LEWES, Del.. Oct. 23, 8 A lg. The brig Semi Small, Rehr 'Emma, and sloop .7 D Fish left the harbor this morning. A three masted schooner polled up this morning. Harbor bare of vessels. Wind mouth—weather mild. Yours, &o, WAL M. HICKMAN. MEMORANDA Sieammbip City of Richmond, Mitchell, hence, arrived at Norfolk 23d inst. dteamship Delaware, 00.1103, hence at New York 24th inst. Steamship Mans Sprague, Matthews, hence at Ru th, 23d lust. Steamship City of New York, Howes, for Dhiladel. !Ada, cleared at Beaton 24th tun, Ship Lancaster,Deoan, hence at New Orleans 2.1 d nat. Ship Banshee, Wingate. for Ilia do Janeiro, went to sea Worn Hampton Rondo 223 inst. Ship Otaeonthe, Maxwell; hence; arrived at Now Or leads diet inst. . . . . Ship Northern Crdwn, Rolle% from 8t Stephens, NB, arritred at Deal 13th inetr . . . Ship Laura and Lenlea, for San Francisco, sailed from Liverpool 13th last Ship Challenge,' Winger, for San Francisco, cleared at Now York Zd inst. Ship Black Prince, from Singapore, Arrived at N York 24. th Mat. - - Ship Crest of the Waco, Colley, from Nam for New Orleans ' was spoken, no datooke, off the Western loL ands, 16 days out. Barque Our 'Bitten, Kent. for Constantinople in a few days, was seeking freight at Sebastopol about 29th ult. Barque Swan, Lennon, for Montevideo and Buenos Ayres, cleared at Baltimore 2&i inst. Barque J 0. Brune, (supposed) Coyle, hence, was in Chesapeake Bay, hound to Balithuoro,-2% lost, • Barque Robert, (Olden) Gerdes, for Akyab, went to sea from Hampton Reeds 19th inst. Barque Scotland, Rowe, for Valparaleo, cleared at Boston 23(1.ittat. Brig Madeira Pet, from Chicago, at Liverpool lath anti Beg Aaron Eaton, Percy, hence at St John, NB, 20th Mat; ' Brig Benj Carver, Berry, from Searsport, arrived at Charleston 2111 inst. Brtg New Era, Walker, for Philadelphia in 6 days, was at Rape Maytien 6th Inst. Wig Oar Bell, Northrup, for ; Mobile, sailed from Richmond 23d Met. Brigs Beeline, Hay, and Ara, Chase, hence at Boston 24th that. &lira k V Ilere, Courtin.. Wm Loper, L 0 wltHantjones, Gipsoy, A Titrell, Lawn, NV B Darling, Payson,Joseph 1 3 Cake, and Caroline Hall, Benno at Boston 24th brat, Behr Triumph, Artie, from Delaware City, at Boston ' 2.lth hut. Rehr Lonsdalo, Whlttemorei cleared at Boston 24th inati for Philadelphia. ' doles Emotion Rickey and' Isabel, oiled from New Raven 23d lost. for. Philadelphia. Behr J 0 Brooks, Oral Tam, hence for Portland, at Ed gartown 2lat lost. Behr Victor, Saari, henco for Providence, at Newport TM trot. . • Schr Waupoua, Norris, from Smyrna, Del, for Provi 'donee, at Newport 29. d inst. Schr John It Plater, Gandy, from Woods Hole for New Smyrna, Fla, sailed from Dutch Inland Ifarbor 21st inst. with 80 wood cutters. Schr Dolphin, Bennet; hence at Bath 22,1 inst. Schr Aid, English, hence at Boston 234 inst. 'Behr Diamond State, Casey, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York 24th Inst. Bohr Ephraim and, Anna, Dole, bona) at Charleston 224 ihet. Sohn 8 Blaikman, Sherman, And W A Newell, Tur ner, hence atVilnitngton, NO, 22d inst. Bcllr Empire: hence for Norfolk, went mbar° at Cape floury on Friday night last; assistance was sent from Norfolk on Saturday, . "lichr L irkindirott, Vankirk, sailed from Newport 21st inst. for Phtladelphin.,, &Bre Ann 8 Brown, Brown;' nenry P'Shomons, Bar. raft, and Ocoan,Weve, English, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 22d last. flair S S MUM, Cook; from Taunton for Philadelphia, !Ailed from 'Newport 21st. heat. Sehr Monterey, Steelman, for Delaware City, went to sea ftom Dutch Island Harbor 21st Mat. Behr .1 D Bleockor, Edward; hence for Norwich, at N York 24th lost. ' Schr Alan* Bacon, WiMime, hence at Hertrord 22 d ed.; Satire A E Douglass, Galilee, and 'Yankee toy, Rigel, for Philadelphia, mailed front Provideaco al hut. Schr Pequonnook, Burrows, for Philadelphia, sailed row pratldeneo 233 Inst. Behr Isaac Rich, Eolith, aimed at Now York 24th nst. for Philadelphia. Bickner - Black Diamoad, pow; cleared at New York 24th for Phl4de MARINE MISCELLANY. &lir Paulo, Dodge, for Georgetown, SO, with loat her, arrived at Charleston 214 lost; was bound to Bar hadoee; struck heavily while crossing Georgetown bar; aping a leak, and one in for repairs. The steamer. Ald and Charleston, which started from Charleston to aid the chip John Eavenel, put back 21st lost, he consequence of the heavy NE blow prevailing. They will start again u soon tte the weather moderates. Solar' Yorktown, Perkins, from Malaga, Sept 24, at N York, 4th inst. Uses ekperieocod strong westerly gales for the limit tea days: Sept 28, tat 43 90, long 31, while lying do In a heavy NW gale, wan knocked on her bean, ends, and boarded by is beavysea t which store bulwarks and swept decks. Sept W I let 42 50, long 3214, taw a briepainted black, with loss of mainmast, steerring ESE - Tha U 8 surveying ear Gallatin Is safe in Portland. Tho report that be went ashore on the rocks in Ren ntben river and bilged Is Incorrect. Warms Partom—The sloop Frederick Brown, Gardi ner, arrived at Providence 23d inst. from Block Island. with the remainder of cargo, sails, rigging, spars, sto. saved from barged Pared!, ashore at that place. All the cargo, - excepting 31 bales of goods, has been saved, and the vessel abandoned.' The officer, stet crew of the Pri ma arrived in the Frederick Brown. Quenatown, Oct 13—The Prince George; from Mo bile for Falmouth, was abandoned waterlogged 4th Oct. Master and two men drowned. Bornholm, Oct 4—The Hercules,' for Ipswich, is wrecked. The Elizabeth, of Newport, from Elba, is wrecked. Crew saved. Oeleutts, Sept B—The John Dalton sunk in the river Ifooghly. The Rajah sank on Diamond Sand. Ifeithaven, Ott 12—The Prencle war steamer Pelican towed In, with lon or foremast and bows completely Move in, having been in, collision. Tralee, Oct 10—The American ship Lexington, hence for Liverpool, left Valentia Bay Bth twit. in tow or the ateamtug Resolute, and when off Puffin Island, St Plano bay, at 2 P Id, the banter parted, and being close in, she drifted on to the cliffs,' apparently got into a cavern, lurched, and disappeared. Three mon drowned. The Resolute returned to Valenti* with the remainder of the crew. The life boat of the eteamtng was loot. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 °Wad- Last Night. ' , GIRARD 110118X-70heatnnt , street; between Bth & 9th J W Ileanten, Lanierlite - 0 ti.Phillps,Westindlea 1111yslop. New York Geo Dickinson, Now York W Starr, Jr. Savaunak, Oa Geo D Fowler, Vs Mrs Jacob, Ky It J Lackey, Washington W W Schuyler, Radon P P Lowc,Ohio J 8 Thayer,New York T 0 Shaw, Cleveland Semi Bowlby, Newark, Ohio • 8 51 Harris, Philada G II Christian, Cincinnati, 0 OW Itethbone, Ind A 0 Pletcher, Cincinnati, Underhill, Ohio D,gtevenson, Boston • H Jarrett, New York E P Christy, New York Robt Sherrard, Jr, Ohio J,Votitig, Washington, Pa Geo Pegram, St Louis " A(I Warren, Concord, N H JII Smith, Charleston, S C lire Ross, Charleston, S oMrsHenry, Charleakm, SC Mies Roos, Charleston, 8 R H Ellis, England ,' Jae 0 Smith & lady, Va Dr Ohnrehman, Vs' MD .7 Echole„ Ala W 0 M c lnnis, tia D Dyer & la, 'Beaten N Walker, 111 Louis I, Stough & la, Virginia - Thos 8 Isaacs & den, Pa Mrs 0 13 Ateedd & son, 80 'BF °Mornings, Tenn Go P Doan, St LOWS 0 0 Morrie, Delaware • J'P Marvels; Maryland ' Mrs Hall, Reading 0 It Wood Now York 0 B Leland, New York Jlt Cunningham & la , Ind Miss Reinhard, Indiana W 0 N Shrift, N Bedford • 'E W Potter & ta. N Haven W 0 Nettlbton & la, /Maven W A Docker & la; Illinois It T Croon & la, Chicago Dr MW Wilson, New York 0 Mother, New York I B Mentor, Lancaster •Tlios Pawl,* Penns J P Jones. Reading 4 , J Crekan, Went Indies J Greenleaf'dc la, N Orleen Mr Orgy, London, Erg •T 8 Willistne,-Now York J Eyre, New York - • Robt 8 Darker, Mobile F F Tolger, N Orleans Plf Maesdam, ti West , / X Pendleton & le, Ky 'MS Roberts, MadiSenrille ii 3 JetTonl, Charleston, 80 Ralph Pont, N Y , H W Patrick, Athens, PS - • Edbort Belloni, N Y ' D P Graham, N Y John P Gore, Boston • ' -Lieut A Ramsay - R Babcock, It I P Hallman, N Y,. . • A /ogles & la, Balt " Mrs Emerick, Washington Z Posth, Puts • Wm M Oranston,N Y,- 'Jag E Ray, N Y - Jolly Brooke, N 'Y - RAW 8 Brooks, N Y R 8 Stevens, Kansas ' De U Grisham Jr la, Vs Hq A Boyer, Franklin, Vs- T E Edson A Orooker, N Y H Nutt, Wilmington, N 0 .11 R. itelpor, Washington. Dahl Stone & la, Boston • T- Cherry, Balt W Whitlfsm, Va MroXirby,Doston MIA Woodward, N Y John 'A Nicholls, England' 'John Rotherham, England John W G Cummins, Pa Wm L Lyda, Bat JO:. Woods, Phile James Cooke, Ind • Thos Davidson, 0 W Oeo /Dalin, Pa Jae El Anderson, , Leverich, N Y Ino MillerA la Vs • tdßictiois , 110FELFourth et., below Arch. H•Tournalro, N Y • 351 Trnsdell, Beverly, 0 A Trout. Idinersville Levi RepiDgcr, Pa Alt MeClown,'Fairview, - Ta, Mies Bottler, Pittsburgh A OilleaM N , J Stoufter, Pittsburgh W ToaakhortY, Bedford W J Wire, lod • V Fetterman, Pittabtirgh J H Kerr, Washington co , Blltinter,ltoral Dale, Barnes, N Y ,I;ltrown,-N 0' . Mrs B Brown, N 0 MriL Gauldeo, ,t3a ' 11,Thompson, Manyunk Col Wetherell Lee; Pa R Curtin, Centre co. Pa DIV Moore, Clearfield , Win Ovortield, Jr, Beaton Jos Smith, Rockville, Pa' SI If Smith, Cambria co Hodli B.ldott, Pike 000 hn Kelm, Newport, Pa 0 T Ketmi Newport, GLllctutelnger, Pa 'AMERICAN HOTEL_-Chestnot street, above Fifth. II Brolialte, Europe - • 0 O'Digge,Porittmontite,Ve ,i"(1 , 00unor, Newarit,l4 3 Hon A It Wootto, Philo Win Springs, ltd • , Davis, M wif , gadard, N Y • • ft' &Dungan O , Y W RBoever,Phille 000 B Lewis, Balt ,Odoper, Balt • ' • 8 J German; Pa pli a s ylLewisi Phil& ' Cleo Joroungs, Nebraska I D Roes, Cheater en, Pa - J M Mouton, N 0 .11 U /dosing; Chtilleothe, 0 1 11111,n, D o lt o„Willfaxasan & la, Belt - 8 W Rao:Alton, - noc, Peetoly, Mass - ' 'Mrs Anna Warrington, N Y Alaeligte Adonis; NY •' ET Whitley, Md 11Itemington, NY- • •• 11 liOnlbertson, Troy, 0 811 Weiner,--N If • W& P Ch tsifillmsir Belt N Delaney, Tenn Rpm,- N•J • •' • John Wake, N J & Is; Balt •a • ' Sommers. Md 5/ Ratty. Ng, •• , • • " lINION HOTEL,—Arch street above Tbiiil. An l 4„___4,_elettl'abilit, Pa' • 'Jamei b oner , aottysburg . '" 4 " - ""..t t- sgli •' - . ' '- A Mal; 'Balp Y a a l ue ri 24 43 ' ~ I •,'' 1 p Ositaet, R Vedtoid Ps, 12Litlinwi-tottovlde, Psi' 'll Mcool, miikfart6t, l o • Ilit A Pan, Pittalitinfli , ' 2 9 Brim°, Pitlaburgh r 1 1) 11 1; rithibititiv''' --f-e 0 Brown; Cincinnati, 0 A A ril , Cincinnati . , 0. -' 7' M Palmer. Council Bluffs I Ir y -kqi 13 "P4A) TS , - A, SAlrla . Ohld ; It) , i 9'l 4 l :. 446 4 "j" , ) , XJ ., Le 'Co Wil r 6li ki'Ateall -P ite hi vlllii; 0 ,' *talk MlAClftliiii . "' 'A: A leloilliniAlng „ . I ia c crd..... / Il i id 't a - rIWIS, Bekalig ' V l it T""..37T-Mr A 04012,001, NATIONAL WlTgit 7 Bacfl Street, ohm Thhd, UPs.irlamb, Lancaster co P W Housekeeper, Pa J 111.000 i, Bancaetor co , A Nriox, Blair Co Wm II Abel, Easton T Jamea, Reading Geo W Morgan, Pottsville Hooker, jr, Dauphin co Mrs Dean, Ashland, 0 T Romly, Pittsburgh Fleury Millbouse,Bssex Jeri 8 Twiner, Canton, Or D 8 Sampsel,'Ashland, 0 It 8 Drobst, Philade 8 A lgate, New York A 8 Nichols, New York J A Ladle, New York Win Brown, Tyrone City Pottsville STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Chas Donavan, N J 0 0 Itoko Jr la, Pa It L Parson, West Chester E McDonald, Pottsville Saini Goodwin, Pa Wm Oliver, Ohio D P McCreary, Pa John Elliott, Pa • D Morris, Norristown, PA 0 Creasman, in John li Illyler, Pittsburgh Goo W Milford, Pittsburgh Tohn Drown, Ohio John Buskins, Lancaster John Langdon, Chester, 0 Alex Jackson, N Brighton R Silvey, Ohio 0 McClung, Va Dobt 3 Gienoir, ye Thou Williams, N Y Thos Mules, Pa James Curran, Pa John Johnson, N Y Wm F Gorinly, Pa John L Neese, Lancaster Johu ilighley, Columbia MADISON HOUSN—Secoud street, above Market J 0 Rankine, Ph i% N B Lefever, Mobile (leo McMurtrie, Ohio Archibald Howie, Ind Henry B Bona°, Ind Dr B L May, Del D 31 Caldwell, Boston John I/. llhomy, Borden A P Aringtrang, Pa Henry Conley, Balt BLACK BEAR INN—Plftti and Merchant. , II Clark, Chester co, Pa G P Wickersham, Pa Gideon Speakman, Pa Stephen D Byers, Pa W W Blake, N J Andrew Smith, Chester co W Garrett, Chester co John W Hayman, Pa W It Way, Chester co W Kirk, Chester co Chas Bishop, Chester co James Scott, Cheater co Davi I Kimble, Chester co Oeo Roberts, Adams co .1 Tonklmon, Ps J B Okeson, Juniata co Tag Watson In, Phllnds Goo LElterem, N Y John Dugan, West Chester A w Dilworth, Pa Jacob Itranenoin & Son, Pa Iff4ACIC BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Wl°lollll. Steven Roada,Southampton NV Sussman, Suinneytown Q Homer, Philada J W Sankey, Columbia co Daniel Gilbert, Pottstown Faber Sellers, Pottstown TIGAG Butler, Pottitown Eipecint Notices Inducements ISatraordluary.••On account of the shortness of our Southern and Western Trade, it lion left no with a very heavy stock of Pall and Winter Clothing on hand. in order to close it out, we have opeued our entire noose for ItETAILINO. We will sell regardless or cost. LIPPINCOTT & NUNTER, 424 hfarket street, od 24-1 w between Fourth and Fifth sta., south side 4 -laid Times; a Seasonable, not.a Itensona. blo t'oem." A Lecture to be delivered by PARK BEN/A WN, Cm., at Concert Ball, Tuesday Evening, October 27th, at 8 o'clock. ' 0c23.4t1i Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT BT, • OPPOSITE INDEPENDENON SQUARE. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, 0r22-3tu Late of 173 Chestnut Street Prize Giothing.—The entire Mork of fashion- able Clothing is closing out, regardless of cost, at the birth-place of Liberty, southwest corner of SEVENTH and 3IAIIKET,No. 700. A gift with eiery purchase. oa2-6tfr nnows & Molts. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, RBIs Lading, Bill Heads, Oir.. colors, Cards, and all other kinds or Job ?rioting, at priced to suit the times. oclLay Buffalo Robes.—lOU Bales Buffalo Robes of tiro various qualities, just received from Minnesota, Moo a handsome assortment of Panay Robin of our own inanufacturo, and for sole leholosalo and retail by CEO. F. WOMRATII, 416 Arch trot octl2-lna Seitmeals Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, ono door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of Ono Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Me open daily, from 0 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon. day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Bell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris ; Remo , Wry; James S. Pringle. Ildwer's Infant Cordlal.••.Thin Invaluable Cordial is prepared from *variety of tho moat choice and efficient aromatice known in medicine, and le the meat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. fly its powerful Influence s speedy cure is effected In all cases of Chofic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves sod mitigates much of chlldron's Buffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quillses pains of tho bowels, loosatieee, voulitiag, The, Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family shouldbe without it. Pripared only by linear A. DOWnn, At his Drug sod Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To 'whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. as la-ly snitng Fund—Ftve Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in WALNUT Street, smith. wed 'corner of TIMID Street, PIIILADELPHIL negate eeoc DAN MILLION AND A MAL. OF DOLLANS t InVelltett in 11eAL EMUS, IMORIVIONSPROOND RIMS, end other first clan securities, no required by the charter. hie instlintion 0011filleN its Matrons entirely to the mei vitl of money on deposit. 'f be office to open oTery day from S o'clock la the morning until 1 o'clock in the evening, end on Monday and Thursday (linings until p o'clock. illarriages At Wilmington, Del., on the ma host., by the Roc. Marion Dreek, OEOROE BLIGHT, .Esq,, of Philadel phia, to KATHARINE ; daughter of the Hon. d . Milli • 011. 01, the 21st hint., in Woodstock, Va., by the Rev. Mr Gray, Mr. WM. 11. COOPER, sr this city, to Miss CORNELIA NAMPO, of the former place. On the morning of the 22d inst., by the Rev. A. A. Willits, JOSEPH P.MAROT to Miss AMANDA RUSII - allot this city. tOcatlio. On Friday morning 23d loot., MIFFLIN LEWIS, of Che9ter county, Pa , In tho 04th year of his ago. At Wilmington, Del., on tho 229 inst., Mrs. DATIL!, EINE EIOHARDS, nt the 02d year of her ago. Soddenly, on Thursday, Oct. 22d, , JAMES D TO:9, of Marcus nook, Into 01 Philadelphia, aged 93 yearn. On the 224 inst., EVALINE, infant daughter of Thram and Angelina Maxwell. On the 22d that., MATILDA AONES, Infant child of L. Theodore and Jean 0. Ealing. The number of Interments In the city of Philadel• phis, for the week ending at 12 o'clock today, le„ . 176 Lott report 180 Cancer 9 Adults.. .......... .... 88' Omani.; 9 Children 87 Croup 7 Consumption of Lungs 28 176 Convolni ons 9 Males 08 Dropsy li Females 77 Inflammation of Brain 9 Maraimus... 5 176 Eitlit Born 14 Boys 55 Unknown 9 Girls 32 , 104 87 Other diseiwies::.: 71 Under 1 year ' 44 Between 1 and 6 years. 37 Total 173 , • Under five years 81 Of the above there were.-- From the Alowhouse.. 9 People of Oolor 8 From Country 2 City Burial Orottail... 6 JOHN N. HENDERSON, Health Officer. ril"The Union School and Children's Home." --The eighth anniversary will be held &Übe MUSICAL FUND HALL, lomat mired, on TUESDAY EVENING, ,211 h instant, at 7)( o'clock Addressee by Rev. Dr. Brantley, Rev. Mr. Goddard, and Rev Mr. Taylor. as 20.1t* • ID - 7 Notlce.—Unlon Benevolent'Asiochitlon. Haring been informed theta t , oclety, called the UNION BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, boa collectors calling upon citizens for subscriptions, this Is to Inform the public that said Society hew no connection with the UNION DENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, N. W. corner SEV ENTH and SANSOM streets. The Collectere for the tatter are SAMUEL C. COOP- Elt, for the section of the city south of CHESTNUT street, and SIMON, for the section north of that line. The' above Collectors will Immediately commenco "their work, and the urgency of the case of the poor at this time it deemed sufficient reason for their early application. They will be provided with' booke certi fied by.tbe President and Secretary, and no person Is authorized, to receive subecriptiona without this certlll. nate, except the (Ahearn of the Association. CHAS. S. WII T 2, President. Joni ff. Aiwoon, Secretary. 0c24..e0d2. 117". Union Benevolent Aosoelatlon.—At the minuet meeting of the 'UNION BENEVOLENT ABBO. CATION, held at their llell on Tuesday Evening, Oct. 20, 1857, the following gentlemen were elected Wren% for tho ensuing year, no Preeldent—OUAßLE3 B. WURTB. Vice Presidents-0/IARLXB BYANI3, M. IL, RIOII ARD D. WOOD, Treasurer—YLlMllND WILCOX. Corresponding Secretary—J. FISHER L.EAMINI.I. Recording Secretary—JOHN 11. ATWOOD. IUZIAOIIIO3. Benj. ()mites. Benjamin Orne, Matthew W, Daldwiu , Johu W. Olagharri, John Yarnum, Thomas Wattgon,, S. Austin Minoan, John D. Taylor, William M. (lolling, Y. Ratchford Starr, Thomas Latimer, D. Morris Wain, John Bolden, Zebulon Locke, William Patios, Joseph IL Dulles, L Montgomery Bond, William 13ucknell, Arthur O. 00Blu, John M. Harper. •rod2w tsWc - ' , First School District for State of Penn• sylvania.—An examination for Teachers of the Public Schools will be held on SATURDAY, October Sist,lBs7, commencing at 9 o'clock A. It, at the Mount Vernon school house, CATHARINE etroet, above TIIIRD. Ili order of the committee on qualifications of teach. ore of The Doard of Controllers of Public Schools. 0c22-dtoc3l W. J. JACKSON, Chairman, try- Literary Soiree, In Jayste's Halt, for the beuefit'of the Industrial Schools taught by the Sisters of the Iloly Dross, November 2d. Doors open at 1 o'clock. I. Lecture by the lion. Jokier% R. OULNEILIA. Sub• Ject Woman. 11. Supper, eM sale of too erodes. oct2-tnt tr 7" Notice—Appeale, , --Clity Cominteatonera ODIC°, PattaD¢LpiltA, October n, 1861. ri T b h s t the rated fCommis.oreles ion?) L I O w l : 11 1 , hear B llE 4 R p E p l e Y a 1 s a b l E y all N p y amil oar kt m un B lo t ipaT or l ihe itic, nithe several wa o rds ity o o f Ph f ae il o inl aid el o p i h kr ia , , f at o t r h t e h i e r office, No: 11 west wing of the State House, (up stai') A. th m e .s f o oi l le i w o l , u c g ioe dzy p s,. m between , the hairs of Id o'clock m ist 10d r th Wa ,t rde-o ,c u Mon day, October 20 19 i t h h : 1867. fith 6th Wedneiday, 21st, '" 7th Bth Thursday, " oth "10th' " Friday, • '4 234, " 11th .• 12th Monday, 24th, " 13th ."14th ".Tuesday, 2 711 , 16th'" 18th •pionseday, 4 ' 2814, " ' 17th ," 18th Thursday, , " 14th "20th' Friday, 30th,, 21st 22.1 " idonday, Nov. 24, ''` 234 " 2Stke' .f • Tcteiday, Bd, ~t he Assessors of such intro as hartenot been supplied with Blank Notices of eppeole ere hereby mottled to, o 4 at the f iloolluieslorlers'.olBoe sod procure the none. ~ • EOIIIIB,M, 0,11,1 , - ';le 24 mss ~.imppy, Commluionenl. • MAN, . ocas4tao THE PRESS.-PRTLADELPTHA, IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN tLJ the PtIILADELPIIIII POST 011'101: up to 12 o'clock I'. AL on Saturday, Oct. 21,' 1857, [Pon" , ajmlying for advert - 14ml laittora will plottho intuition the dote of the Idat,l Open 00 Sunday from 74 to 834 o'clock A. M., atul 2t03 P. , Atkinson Maria Ellis Emily Marllntr Sopla Arnold Isabella Frazer Marti't J Malone Lime J Aubry T Floug Abby Mrs Mitchell 0 J Mrs Ackley Bums Fent/soh Julie flitter Aludra D Anditert Bailie Freeman N H MINA Jane M Allen Mary Farax Hannah Mrs Miekle Elizabeth Allen Mimes Frisby Margaret Mitchell Unto Alexander II aI Firt Anny allay Morris Widow Archer M Miss Fautness Ideate& Moran Mary Mama Sarah Fleming Rate Mortimer Emily E Ander, L 111 Fenny Mary Morgan Kato 0 Ado (I odfrled Mrs .11ort A E Muss Monaghan Marg't Anderson, Ell.'lo (home Ells% Montt Eliza Miss , Barren Bridget Stanstey Marg't Morris 111 B Miss Barker Reilly L Gunning ebriat'n Murray Litellsi Barker Louisa Orunewald The's Morton Mary Borsch N Dire (ilii Gilman Elmira Noon Miss Beam Baran Doodwln Sarah II Netter Atma Barry II 0 Mrs Gibb Annie Miss Noon Rosanna Botts Mollie L Uriiiths Marg't Newham Esther Benson Mary Ann 0 lynn klisses Nishol El is J Bareldstore R (I reenfleld E T Nourso J U Mrs Bureaus. Wesley Dialfroy Luer Mrs Orsthelin R Mad Mrs (lowland idzzie B - Owens Ellett Brubaker K(I e- Griffith' Eliza Bliss,Otto D Mrs Boyles - Martha lloodrich Helen. Owen Lucy 0 Bunting Cath'o (tumbler Julia Otto Riles. Bush Ma Garver Anna M O'Farrell lane Bonsai Mary (Deer Mary E O'Brien N Mrs Iluehauan 0 A (Albert at A Mrs O'Neill Ellen Brown Mary W 0 romibect It 0 rtuuteit Rata Brown A Mary hart Marcella Plakdown R J Butler CV A Harvey Ellen Pouter Mary Mrs Burns A Mrs Hato Louisa II Penny AI L Bi owls Matilda Harnioning Sophia. Powell Harriet Dynes Mary 11 Harding Ooru'a 0 Patton Florida Buck Ann Mrs Hadley Anna Potter M. Mrs Bradford Hannah Hawthorne Rio L Patterson E Mrs Brown Comfort Hawks Lizzie Pribilnuit a 1 L Mrs Bair Mary Miss Heller Miss Add Piaster Ruth liargiu C MIAs Rodney Anus J Fitton Mad T Boner Mary Haines Mrs A Pecor C Mrs Brigham Louisa Hayes Mrs Mary Penny Mrs Bucket 0 Anetto Healy Theresa Perry II Mrs Boggs A Isabella llagan Alm Read Ada A 2 Brady E Miss Hayden EP flrs 2 Itlehison Wm Mrs Branghan Marg't llolby Mary N Ranson Mrs Buegart Ellen Harper diary A thiscanna Miss Briggs Phoebe Hamilton Mary Rawlins Mary J Burns lamb% M Holladay eliarrte Rice Mae Bootee heel Mrs Hart Lizzie Rant. ay SAV AV Brown Charlotte Hargrave 0 0 Mrs Reese Mary Ann • Burk Bridget liaggarty Mrs ROAM Ella Muss Buckley II T Hagan - Elizabeth Reed Lusetta ' Brooks Mrs ilenrey Annie B Read Rebecca A Buck Fanny Hauraban Eliza heed ft airs • Bradley Alice Hitchcock QIF Rhine Alice Mrs 'Matto Miss 11111 Elizabeth Ryan Rachel Bonne Mary II Himirielwrlght S Roarer Josephine Brady Mary Ann Houston Mary A Ross II Miss Buck Jane Mrs Howard Cue Mrs Ryan Ellen Mrs Burns Susan Hooper Itichil Mrs Rooney Proirces Branch 8 A Mies Ilnusuran Mary Its(ulna 'f Inane Amelia Howell Eliza Ituppreaht Kleine Careuon Rusy Hoff Thos P Mrs Roberts Sarah (loader Mary Hecker Nancy Sampson Mary J Cuillum Cathie Holt Clara Mrs Shreinden Mrs Campbell lipids Howland Annie M Sharer Catharine Cull Irene Mrs Iloyland Eliza Same Miss Carpenter Mrs Johnson Mary Stickel Louisa Comber Mary Imlay. Sarah E Muslin° It I) Miss Carlin Catharine Jones Einmalt Savage John Mrs Canis Bella Miss Jones Maria Schannell Ellen Campbell Mary D Jones Ann Si gattralle Jane Mies Campbell Carrie Jellree Josephine Shubert Christ's Codes Maria Johnson Mrs Sipple Mary Mrs Callahan Calle° Jpy At Mrs Smith Jane A Caswell Mrs Ella JOHOLI E 0 8 Mrs Smith Moll A Cheseln E J Mrs Jenks Id A Mrs Siginton Marla Carpi) Ann Mias Jones Perch) aka Smith Susan Ann (lavender Natalie Klitiordlinger Al Bnaritown E Miss Clark Harriet a Kendal St Miss Smith Martha A Cromear Mary Kenyon Emma V Sinclair It Id Miss Coleman Eliza Keefer Sarah Smith W Mrs Cross John II Mrs Shaker Ann Rit Smith Mrs Conroy Marg't Kenmsey Ellzab Smyth Bridget Collins Marla' Kennedy J Mee, gum klesw y Mrs Cutber Lizzie It Kelly Margaret Simmenli Mary Condolly Oath's Kingsley S C Miss Spurs Arm .1 Mrs . Conway Mary Keys Jana Miss Stay Maggie Mllll4 Comerford Mary Kerr Bossy Miss Storms Amelia 0 Cohn Theresa KIIMI)tly 1600116 Stout Priscilla Corcoran blargit 2 Kohlenkomn Ern Swaney Edw Mrs Cunningham Mrs Killeen Bridget Jr. SWAin Thos Mrs Conway Mrs Catharine Stitolor V SI ktrs Crowley Mrs Livingston Ueo'ua Steadman I[o4o M Curry Cathie Leeds ki DI Mrs Sterling Hannah A Courtney Julia Loughead 01' Mrs Standart Eliza Collie AMU . Georgia Stott Sophia Conway Monett Larkmann Susan Stopeetis Mrs Cutter Caron, 0 Lavas Margaret Stokes DSi Mrs 2 Conner Cathie Lambert Rachel Sayers Eliza J Delany Annie Larkins Mrs Thompson Si Mrs Daley Mary Lyman Wm Mrs 2 Taylor E D 8 ktra Davidge Sarah Lamb P J Mrs Toushiton L Darling Louisa Locki E D Miss Thormley DI K Davin Kato Locard Lydia Thomas Belinda J Davis Ellett Si Lanster Penny Tholin T Airs Davenport Sallie Lutteman Pauline Trimble Aun Peel Isabella S Luakenbaugh E Thomas Emma pan son Cathie Logan Sarah Miss Tents Cath Mrs Doss g 0 Mrs Leyburn Louisa Tye Annie Mrs Deane Eliza Miss Lovejoy Annie 0 Taylor G Mra Desmond Sallie Lergwick Caroline Whilebread S T Daly Mary Ann Lindsay tliwisina Walsh Bridget Ihrvis Susan A MaCloskey Oath Watson E Mrs wit Mary Miss McLaughlin Marg Walltor M Mrs ll vvis Julia (3 kleCrossau Sepik White Mary A Diharn A Mrs BlcKenua Oath's Wards P P hoary Margaret Micody Mary {Valises Mrs Dorsey Tibia McMullin Miss WaHors Wl3 Mrs Dow Farah Juno McLoughlin Mary Walsh Annie E Dickson Mrs MeNattridge Hot Wharton 0 H Mrs Davis Elira'h Mrs 131e0 rath Mrs Wall Fan94e Muffleld Jas T McConnell Miss Webar Liebe Davis Amanda Mclntyre Martha Williams M A Dougherty Marg't Mctiary Anne V Wilmot Amanda Devine Rosanna McFadden Mary Wilkinson N A Douglass Elieh McDoannoll Susan Mrs Dugan Margaret McLellan 0.7 Mrs Wilcox Mrs Dual on Mrs Mcllvain Louisa Wilinore Ann Dona Sophronn 2 McCann Ann Wilmer Al II Dorlngton Mariet AlcCianaghanlintb Wilson ki Mira Douglass Ester McLoughlin Mary Werissa Ada Dolphin Itelmoca 1110Prizitt Ella Wilkinson II A Dosser Fanny A 111cRenna Susan Wiernanu L Mad Dougherty Mrs Aleoske Eliza Williams Mrs Duy Hattie Miss MeClacstney Al Williams Mary Donahue Lizzie Blefilunis Cath'e Wood Rebecca Doodey Al arg't Ilacilermott Mary Wyman Lizzie Dougherty Vath'e Martin Annie Wood W W Mrs English E M'so March D Ann Mrs Woehell W Mrs Ellicott Lizzie Mai tin Elisabeth Woofers SD Mrs Yager Eliza A Mathews Rachel Yenning M Mrs Earnest Frances Manning Mary Young Mary Einmerson Ann it Mackin:4las Aim Vail Maria 1) Emiugrick J A Missick A. 7 Alta Young Jam; Engle Ellen Miss Maloney Ellen Ulrich Al A Alm Andrews Ed vr , d Cleary John rrebn George Anthony Henry I. Clark Martin Foster inn J Alexander John Clark A Haskins Jae II Allen Wen E Clark F Harland Capt A Alm Augustus , Clement & Yore Haunt It Able CII Cox BOY Peter J Grogan Phil i Arree Franklin Connell Oboe II ti artisan Eli Abercrombie It Cope J L Gardner, Brewer Allmon D Cope Vincent & Co Allen Copt J Coyne John George limy Allen It W Conrad J Gluier :sane 0 Allen Win V Carlin S Fisher George J L Ai nistroughte Colwell Janice Gideon Prof Joe Ashton John Cotton Amos ("khans Jos J Andrews W 9 Cooper E J Gleason Potrick All:1011On John it Coop nos Wilson Andrew Arthur Robert Cook Patrick Gleesoner 0 1' Aroold & Stn. Coolie Isaac Id K Gillingham Saul , ' Appel D Conlon John Gifford J Ashcroft John Cox Mesas A It J Gilbert W 0 Anderson John Coniston Wll Gibson Wan S Audoutt Veto Woo Conroy John riiblos C Barker John Coffin M M Gluck Benedict Baldwin Lc A 8 Colhoun Wm 11 Gilman Z •• • . . _ .. .. . Tinker James Corbett IV L Glasgow Loyd Miley, IVoodward Cone! Carl Gillett A It & Ho Courtiand RM. II Golden Rev El linynan DIV Crumptleld K D Gorin Henry F Dail George Culbertson Dlf Gorrara Mons") Bacon Allen Curry Wm (i °Man Anthony 'Ranson Philip Curren Patrick Gorton Geo J Raker James Cresson Chnn 51 Gould John Ooromat 21,1857 Barlow II N Cropper Hooey M Goodall II L 4 MBAs Chas M CIIIIIIIIMI It W Cordon Capt B W Mater Henry Creasman Philip titailmmJas II Bayard H Id Cummings J Co D Uriffith A J Uneasier David Cummings Hlt tirnhain Richard Bally Mr Cropee John bli lireen Wm Bald Clipper, Ilinsley& Urn) , lotus H Under Andrew Coppers tlrlttiths Thus Baker Jos Dumber Michael Grafton Oen W Unrtlett Wm Miran,' Michael Grant Bittat'l Baum G Millings Tobias allerratt Dr T T Bull It N DMA kirnstus I/ Green Evan Bailey Samuel Daylames .( freer Johnson Sandhi Edmond Daniels 8 Guloo George Berth John Davis damuoi W tirebb Chem . . Baldwin Lt A 8 Bale Allen 2 Berlin Isaac 2 Davie Tunes Barnard Mona Davenport Jae It 2 lirettrem Capt U.l &Irminger W Dennitedt Chaa aravin Christ's Babe ;aka E Detnikeey Jae Grant Ii 4 Benedict & Smith Doekor I 0 B amber Chas t Best E 8 Dmkert R Grata' Wm Deebo J Dents h Mosel Orlea Gee W 801 l Dr Jas E Deyamport T J L Gurney U E L Berteano Mons Devonshire RobtE OrHIM U . Belli Dominica De Rota Mons Gray Israel Berthround P Devlin John Greoff Jacob Beebe John E Do Veit Rafael 11f Uradwohi Rev K Beaumont John Do Vito Mr GOMM/ &Co T Bent Wm Henry Dedras L , Grady John Bischoff Mr Dannerßobert - Urigon I R Dills W 13 Dickeort J Hahn Chas . . _ . litaStr, 3 8 131feDbaosh Pbil Slide 'Wm . DirCias Dillon Patrick "fait J P 818., Daniel Diehl Jonas I "radio Dinkintluo k, DlMinlck Ant HMls.ll Stephen Mears !den Dick Dr James Helen 080 0 Bloomsbury Jos Dickerson ILL Hammond L lllnvdelt Willard Dora Joseph Ilammerschlag Bioko 178 N Dr 4 D Dougherty W W Hamilton I make I Doag David H Halm Abraham Blacksbawl W Downing II Tim'y HaxerElwood Bonner Ander J Dodson W P Hatalett B Boller Otto • Downing 11 W Hamilton Dr K II ltowlin Richd II Dorrone W T Ham Knrlam Bayley Robt ll D.ntet Wm IN Matey DT Wm Booth T. ll Drexler 0 Hall et II Bond John 11 Drum James :farrison J 0 Daudet Antonio Drake Evan L Hankie P . „ Borne:neon F Drake, Brown A Harlan Elwood Dourlier On Harlem Jacob Brown,Willis Duly Jacob Hayden Wm Brown Chen E Dukkondall Dr It Moult Woe A Drown Wm Du Bola S 111 Hartman John Brownaeorge Durnmar George linnemayer A Brown Gordon A Dopey T Haskins' Smith Brown W R Dunlevey Robt Hatty John Brown Th Dauphin Edward llerragby Brown W S Bonn Joseph H nay. W Boyce Col J II 2 Dumont A J Harvey John Branner Robt Elliott Matthew Hartman J Bright Mr Eanor Thin Ilartauss Aaron Bradley Andrew Eckstein Ii 0 Hall las Ilryce Jae G Edruerton Jim Herman John Braman Beni Ir Ilher Jneob llatdon Robt Bright Wm Editor " Ladles' Hardick P 8 Brooke & Pugh Companion" Harvey & Shut- Bryant Dr J D Ballinger Joe Brett B A Editor Phi la Ship. Hayes John P Brennard R N ping List Hands Elennd 1. Brittigan Henry Eaton John P Bunnell Geo W Drantigam John Elliott John U Ihunkrecht G L Brandt Edward Eastburn Sain't Harper &Mitchell Brewer Francis P Eckhart Abram Mulls I A Brandon 8 G Elkinton A Janice Mangold ChrieVa Dyer John 7 Eilmonson Capt J Heron Franele Bradfield & Belly Elwert 0 F lleutham John Bryan John Id Elehelbarger J U 11111 Herbert U Dulls Michael Eaton Sam`l U Henkel Geo A Buckley Edward Eldred Judge Heath Andrew Burdick Jos A Eieenhart Goo Helmer T Butler Thos It Earhar tDr Jacob Hendenson John Burton B T & Cc Herman Geo Burk Wm A Emhart Dr Jno R Hepburn H 0 Duck J Emory Was Henry Nathan 8 Budd Walter I Ernest Entonin Herbert Michael Butler Sobt Field Edgar Reiter David Hitcher Geo II Farmer Capt .1 0 !Leath Theodor° Butt C , Tories Bold Ilayder It Bucher John D Pau Itner Mr -Henderson W W Carman Daniel Parnun3 Juo M lieuderson Alex Caldwell Mast Ch Furdrer Rev Id Mudd,: Thos Campbell Joseph Flares. Aaron Docker Nevin Connor Wm - Fisher Col Geo 2 Co Cotta Rev Wsu T Nippon John Itointielman A E Odeon A George Fillmore D F Hillman 8 Cavanagh Wm Fletcher Geo Hitchcock Dr K Camellp Moos N Pitch Pi 8 Helms W Campion NII Fischer Geo Iligghse J P Canon Gideon Figuerle Wan Hietnenn N Cameron E Vidor Coo comer Wm Campbell Jas Fitzpatrick Chas Holland /3 Campbell Geo Mellor Henry Hayes, 0 Campbell Jae Fitter Cll Hupkina Ge SII Carpenter Goo VIM Geo W Hoye John C a b a ll ero II C Vobeitter David Howard Geo II Oarricavura Loon Footer Woe It llama John 8 Colter Hard J Foster Mentor cW Dowell Geo Carter Jacob Fraser Mr Hoskins Cartwright Capt Fetter P F llongood PA , Fronds Cal,t J 3 Hough Mr Carpenter Eden P hankie UP Holmes & &hoe- Carter Richard Prldenbnrg M Sold Churchman 13aml Fonda Jae L llouldnooth W D Carrolton Wm Follow Jae Hoffor & Noble Chadwick' Goon Franke dc Bast- Hyde Geo Childs John burn Hunt Bderd 'Chadwick Chas 6 Praiser W W 'Hughes Wm Chandler Thoa It Emden Perdired Huchhold J Chapin Mr French ()apt J Hurloclr d 0 2 Oheatet 00l J L Foster & Kenney Humphr e y Dant Christie James Q • Fronde Chas W Hughes U T Clark Robert Foster E B Hyatt & Co Clement Mr Frames Casper Hunter Hugh Clark, lobn, e e Fowl. Henry Hunt E P GENTLYMEN'S LIST Griswold A W Urger Sung MONDAY, OCTOBEWT - 26, 1857. EZ=lll Humbert A Miller Chas Smith Ceo 11 Dr Hunt Webster & Michell Dil & Co Smith Clifford Co, Miller T Smith Drewly Innerarlty S ' Ililll3or Jan Smith Wm It Daum Chu It Morse Joseph L Smith Greenwood Idle 0 L Mount M II Smith II M Ingram Thom K Moore it D Smith Mr Jenkins /as ' Mon Wm 0 Smith J M Jackson Joseph Moyer Henry Smith .b French Jackson Tll 2 Marie Henry Smith Daniel Jam= C L Morris Edward Snowden }Arra Jordon J T Moore Jam Al 2 Snow Lorenzo Jmulmon Win M Aterhatt Joseph Snook Wm W James F II Morrell Abraham Server J D Jennings It Morey Jelin VI Solomon BIM Jamison J K Moore Thom II Sundbeimer Jos 2 Jenkins Ceo Moore Francis Dr Solomon, Lewis Jenkins Gen 2 Morton Alfred Syttles Wm 11 Dr Joluison II A Moore Then Spender Jr Ceo &Almon Jacob Morris Ceo II Speedie James 2 Johnson S W Moore Philip A Spencer S W Copt Johnson P L Methanol' IS D Speller 19 11 Dr Johnson Leonard Morris Littleton Spellhisay rat II Jones Win Mors Saint Spencer Ceo Johnson John 0 Morrow Itubt Spitr Joseph Johnson Wm B Mooney David A Syringe° Mu Johnson Jas P Mort. Joseph II Sturg (1 Johnson John ll Mooney John Stunt Wm Johnson Johu Murphy Michael Stevens &hod Dr Kay Jr., A Myers &Co W Still Chu Kure at Myers (I Stratton ll r Karol. Dr M Mollie) Win Stores Mr Kayo Edmund Nrugert Win Stern Myers Ifedrie John Newluwer B D Stevenson John 2 Kechline WO Norton J A Stuart Wm • • - • - • Keegan Joseph Neal IV 1) Steekham J 0 Jas I Norris J A Stansberry &Koff Keary UMW Neveire M man Kennedy & Son J Neater 311 , 4 Sterott "Irwin . .. Kennedy Dr BA. Nicholas &Co Steven A. CO J Keuitzteen li 0 Knelt 3 A String Joseph Kaifu Owen Noell Win tr Steward J It Maier Baud Nevin & Native, Steet Richard Kelly Copt J 011ie Holmes & Co Shirrs lien Rev Kepner BMA O'Grady Wm Stokes Dariata. Klamath John V O'Donnell John Stewart Jlt Knebal !teary Owen D J Stallcut Mr Klttirrick Pat °livers II li` Stanford James M Kirksey John Oppenheimer II Stewart Win It Knox & Co O'Brien Patrick sterntlial Chas Kohler J NI Ogden Jesse Stilwell Elias Krauser Cyrus Ott Win II Streit & Son Bro Kirby Capt J B Oppenheimer 0 Stanfield John Krider K 0 On en J J Strong Clias Killed DNI Orb B P Stevens & Co J Krsutel A O'Byrne John Stilloon, Leek, & Kendall Mason O'Conner Thos Price King Parberry Wm Suoton Moses Knowles Jonath'n Parker John Bweney Patrick King non 8 Paganetti Basilica Swartz W Irk & Wells Parker Jas 0 Sytno & Co Wan Wm Patton dna Sutherland 11 N Lannlug E Patterson John Taylor Thou Ladd N A Palmer Chas Talbot David Langan Thos Paddock 8 Capt Taunton EW P Laudalin II Paul Erhard Terry Asaph Lary Jacob Patterson Toe M Terkun Jeremiah Limning J P Parker Thos 7 Tallent & Waldo Lauer AI Pallet lt Taylor Yates & CO Lsontuy Chattick Park Jno D Teehanle Tub Lavender Mr Page Henry It Tilley Walt Laytor L Parkee T W Thorntou&Smithd Lamer Eta A Pendleton) It Dr Thompson Joseph Lawrence 01L Phillips 0 P Thompson J A lamb Dr Nll Pendleton 3 E Thompoort IV 11. Larch Jesse L Peacock & Fick- Thomas 8 Capt Lee James ert Tbirdon Mona Lewis 3 0 Peterson E 9 Thornton B Leaman N D Peysson Auguste Thompson F I' Liftman Lucas Perry Sol W Thompson Dlt Lentz F LI Peugno P W Thomas 3 B Lerner It Perry Benjamin & Thompson J It Lest David P On Thorp John Leslie L L Perkins Lowe Tibbs .ts I Al Logged P Pierce D Capt Thomas W V Lechler & Sou II Pismo W P Tinsley N P Levy B Pinot E 11 Tillie J 8 . • - Lekr Samuel Pitman Beni Tilden K W Li nekin Copt Pierson It W Tompk los A N Leiber Isaac Powell Geo W Townsend 8 Leibrick Conrad 2 Povey John Tnemly Thos Lee & Lady Win Poole 9 K Turner W L Lelbrich John N Porter Itobt Tooloy John Leach k Sou 0 Porter Joseph Tosbert Wm Lehman Chas Proott 0 Tombs James Lloyd h Russell Printers Union Sy Todd Jae 3 LIDA idanmel Pryor Tlwa R Tracy Patrick Lile Wm It Dr Printup J J Trimble All Libnhart Theo Price Davie Troddwey Tim Litteit Willing Pugh Wm P D Tollman Jos . . .. .. . Llvoliey 7oha Pula Emanuel. Todd Samuel Ltuebto Thou 8 ILIVIIIIM Sobastlo Torbert WE 2 L Irtagh Ju Rao Hyman Walter Casper Luther 0 S Randall R E Waiobrlght J A Loose Jacob Itadway ar Co Dee Walker, W E Llomt Mane P Itassin W NI Ward Judah 1,0t16. W Redman 0 A lVdltou S 0 Loogrestadler W Read Wm U Wadhams W & Co Lurch Heinrich neon Adam Walker Thou Larchner Obrixt'n lieynola Owou IVAtehouse ll [MIA R Reagan JM 4 Waro V, Lockett P E Reed W 11 Wolters L . - . Lent Ambrose D Rea John Wallama Osborn Longstreth R. Remington L W Watson Leyden]. town John 'r Rees Lewis Way Albert II Lou* Gets Ithydny Frank A Watson Alex Lodge Joseph Reed II 0 V Wain B F Lockwood Jon Reeves Harris Warner Deorge Luke John W Riehards It II Warrington Jl' Lynn John ittehm bred Walker II Ludlam Chas Richards Ohm C Wagner John Luti David M Richardson Win A West W V LOOCIEN. Richmond J 11 Webb John Philadelphia Nol3 Rico Roman West J V Fidelity No 138 Richardson TDr Weibel Joseph McClure Samuel Richardson David West 11 Mellrose Robt W Ricketts John 11 Weber J McC/oes Cil Rivelan Jas N NYcilb A. Caps McDonald John Rogers Thos Wotheold (I 2 Mulled° Mallow Robeson Jim F White &Co Y W Calbe Thogutui Robertson John Whitson Cyrus McChiro John at Itosaton F 'Whiteside N F Mc(Yancey Jahn Robison Wm 8 Rov McAuley A Rey Robinson, Collins Whitney Jlt McClure Masud &Co White &Co L McConnell James Robb Alex Williams N W McNeal' Ilugh Robison John Wirmanu Pinny McClellan J D Hooper Robs Williams J It IletiMoney Chas Itobeits Milnor Witmer &co McCabe] Dina lc pollards Victor Wilson Deo McDonecla Thu Rook Warren Wilkinson Major McCarron Philip Roby Win V. Wirmsnu IF II 2 McConnell Sand Roe Wm E Wilson William McMackin Win Itobenson W K Williams nos McKune Frank Swot, Clark &Co Willison Samuel Mclntyre John Russell &Co Wilson Jr J 2 Manughler Mich Ryland Martena D Wilson Dalen McOurvel I John }Wand A ley. Wilson Theodore Mclntosh John Ruff John D Williams Kohler ArcHliire Michael Reese David Matthiew & Co Maldnoroin Pat Scarbough (Pm T Wtlitens S Ilex Mallinchey Hog Samson Jll Wilcox .1 N Mellon nos 3 Sawyer A Wilkins Abraham Me Hugh Mr Kinds Join Wiggins W N Rebuts Mac's Scruggs B. ft NV iglarnsu John klcaelr Juo I, Sanders J 0 V Wlitams W F McFarland John Scloutlen Aneri- Willistani4dw McNeil 3 W can Well W 7 McNamara Peter J Sancti's Nicholas Williams N N Mimidose Wm A T Schell F P Winchester John Marsala hill's A I/ Savory John WhSltarna Jas Maloney SI Ssytnrell Chas Wilson W 111 Magruder Alberts Scott James D Williamson II Mgcloy Lerida Savage Winthrop Willson Jerusha Madden nos Salisburg Semi 'Worrell JSr Manch T Sanders V 0 V Woods D - ... . Macrevo & Co WS &heHanger W W Woolly 3 P Dr Madra 3 Schirok Peters Woo!drop T S Mcßride Qeo W Sawtelie El 8 Woodruff E 8 Mays. 1 , Senior The% Wr'gilt I onalhan Matieem Jesse Seller oeo 8 Lieu Wright Isaac D Musou Bain , l Seass ltobt Wright J W 3 Misrldes It L Sewell (100 Wu Oil Michael Marsh Mulfd,M D Seam' Geo Wyman Prof Mayne John Selman Leond U Wurster John Massey Thee Seaman NEd Dr Wyckoff P Haskell Thou Selfridge .1 Queens &. CO J I' Marin Wm E P Seely John Q niggle Jas Martin 8 Shone J Quinn Jan Mager A Malan! .9 13 Quirk John Marker: Mr. Shramna Allied Iltustea.l William Martin John Shields Jinn°. Vaughan D Merittiew CaptTll. Shade'. (den Vanhorn W 3 Mayors & Bros 8 Shields WashOton Vangunder C 9 Moyne Sit Showman Men W Vyno And 11 Mason T 11 Sh rimer Denbo:lL Vandegogg J U Meson & haw Elkerrett & (MINH Vankyke 0 V Opt Slertoku IV, Id D Simmons & CoJN Valentine 3 K Metcalf Joseph Simpson Henry II Yowler J M Melville Chas Sibley John P Vandetrinit 0 0 Meyer henry Singleton John Van Ingen Wlt Stonily W Simons Joe ht 2 Yung Lewis Elerkl Gustav Sloneker T A Young Charles Mead JOB P Slater John Young D T Mester PITO. tiloemuck Jae Zattra A U Itlichle John Slipper G. V Zeller V X Michael M Smith Andrew Zimmerman P Mitchell IV Cl Smyth Owen Zitte It 11 Miller TII Smith &Co J lif Zimmerman P Michener dna 0 Smith Jaben 0 Ziegenfnes J GIDEON G.NCESPCOTT, P M. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEPARTMENT OE MINES, ARTS, AND MANUFACTURES. COCIIIHN OF ISM ISM The Winter course of Instruction In tbie Department will commence on TUESDAY, November &I, and be continued as follows : MEOUANICS AND CHEMISTRY. Profeseor J. N. FRAZER, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P, M. ALTRLIED ISXTREMATICS Professor E. 0. KENDALL, MONDAY and THURS DAY, at 5 P. M. CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, AND CON STRUTION. Professor F. ROGERS, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at P. M. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. .Professor C. B. MEW), MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 V. M. The Lectures will be amply illustrated by Models, Drawings, and Epeelinens, The Lectures will be continued until the end of Idarch. Tho Courses may be attended either singly or to gether. TERMS For any cue Course For the four Courses..... .... For Tickets, apply to FREDERICK DICK, Janitor at the University—North Duddieg_ And for information respecting the studies, to FAIRMAN ROGERS, Dean of the Faculty, oc2B-dst West Rittenhouse Square. LJ. LEVY & 00. • AIL: CONTINUING TO FILL THEIR BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF /AHOY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, ♦T •ND UNDER COST. oc 25.1 w 42.0 CUESTNUT STREET ESTATE OF JAMES KELSH, SR., DE oszed. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the estate °WALES KELM, late of Philadelphia, deceased, have been granted by tho Register of Wills to tbe uu neraigned ail trotebted to the said estate are requested to wake Immediate payment, and these having claims against the same to present them to the administrators. JOAN KELBiI, PRAMS 61, KELM Administratore. B W. corner of Fifth end Prune eta , 'cc 9.6-th,w,fr-6t Philadelphia, Pa. (CITY OF RICHMOND, VA., FUNDS •J purchased for cash, at the lowest market rates, by WARDLE DARCLAT, & CC, SO. It* N. W. corner. et Fourth and Arrh etc THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY enterixl Into a Copartnership, under the rutruo or BoosEs & CO., for the manufacturing of all kinds of ocy and common Soaps, at No. 28 north WATER St. A. P. 11014111:81, Oct, 2001,1867. 0. P. 81113011. oc2l-2w OCEAN 80/12 hthIitIYACTOBN. . . 1104111145 A. CO., haying purchased the above work' from Lebrecbt Franke, are prepared to receive ordera for all kinds of fancy and contusion Soaps. All orders executed with punctuality and despatch, et the Nary lowest prices, for cash. oc2l-2w* GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES.- Wien , FURS selling mil regarillena of cost. (MAKES °ANSON", ik SON, Importing and manufacturing Furriers, 024 CHEST NUT St , below Seventh, will clove the r entiro crock of Ladies' Fun, without regard to cost. ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE, Sinking and liimbnuad Printing, Nnrelope and Seal Ptella Manufactory, 87 Strawberry Street, between Idenond and Third, and Market and Okeetniit Street, Philadelphia, Pa. anl2-14 MANILMANILLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR MA LA NILLA ROPIL matartatured and for sale by WNAVEIt, FITLEII.4 00., annAlf No 49 N. Wits, at., and 22 N. Wharves. COTTON --200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Fair °ono; MA note and tor sale by In RTIN k MAOALISTRR, .01 North Witter fitroat. MOSI3-17 bales Carolina Koss, tor sate by MARTIN st. IiM)ALIBTER, and lip North tarter street. CONGRCONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY MAD. ESS Wpm e BRO., N 0.202 N. BROOND fittStt• su4lB•Bnion. tIVELCONE RANGE.L—Soro rr (MAD 'v v WICK k BRO. NO N. EISOOND sulli-am ( Itmttocmcnto iiMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- E. A. MARSHALL Role Lessee INAUGURATION OF THE DRAMA. The Lessee has much pleasure in announcing that be bas effected an engagement with the Celebrated Eccentric Comedian, alit. CHARLES MATHEWS, THIS (Monday) EVENINU, Oct. 26th, 1857, Will be presented the new Comedy, a hetet' by Mr. Charles Mathew", entitled MARRIED 'NOR DIONEY. Mr. Mopes. Mr Charles Blethers);; Sir Robert Mel lowboy, Mr Millings ; 111114. 'Mopes, Mrs Stbdiee , Ma- Mita, Mr'. Proctor. To be followed by the inimitable Interlude, written by Mr. Charles Mathews, entitled PATTER VS. CLATTER. Capt Patter, Mr. Charles Mathew!' , Poter Parker, Mr. Le Moyne; Patty Parker, Mr. Nichols. The witertainotenta will CO{III.IIOIICP with the Farce, in 1 Act, by Morton, entitled POOll PILLICODDY. Mr Pillicaltly, Mr. Chapman; Mrs. nine/114, Mrs. Proctor. PRIORS OP ADMISSION: Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 50 cents. Vennily Circle and Amphitheatre 'X. , " Private Boxes Si: Seats secured withnnt extra charge, three days in ad "U". Dee" Open X before 7 o'clock ; performance will commence nt 7,X. Wil E NFL E ARCH . HE lyr . —SOLE LESSEP W. WIIEATLE Y. Soot. or PRlM:Ord:Mara Stalls 50 cents; Dress Circle (to extra charge for SecureeEeats), du rents; Fatally Circle and Amphitheatre, 35 cents; Beate tit Private Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private BOX, V; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Frowns, .23 cents; Private 80% iu Gallery for Colored Ferment, 33 cents. Box °filen open from 10 A 51 until 3P. II Doors will upon at 6,ti o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely, J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Monday) Evening, October 25, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, Shaky peace's Sublime Ttagedy of MACBETH. Macbeth, Mr E L Davenport; &Nedra, Mr Wheat ley ; Lady Macbeth, Mrs. D. P. Bowers. To conclude o Ith the Side-aplittlng Farce or MY NEIGHBOR'S WIPE, Mr Somerton, Mr. Dolman; Mrs. Somerton, Mivs. A. ()ruble. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Leg- Fee, Mr. E. A. ; Stage Jim:lager. Mr John Sefton. Prices —Weis Circle and Parquette, cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Oreles• tra Beats, 20 cents. Box Office open Crow 0 o'clock A. M. to 3P. M. Doors open at 0% o'clock.; percent - mice to commove nt To precisely. TICKETS TO ALL PARTS 25 CI NTs THIS (Monday) EVENING, October 29,18 g, The pyrfOrUlMlCel to commence with the Laughable INece called TUE STAVE-STRUCK . BARBER „ . . Jeremiah Clip, John, Moustache Straiten°, Mr. Chen ft ; Jane Chetterley, Mra Sloan. To be followed by the Laughable Drama of TUE TOOIThE Mr. Timothy Toodles, Mr, Chanfrau I Mrs. Toadies, Mrs.Stotieall. To coalude with the Farce entitled M-FAVARRISni OR , SALMI BY MYATIII. Shrirupton, Mr. Boswell • Mike Murphy, Mr. John ploan; Mary, Mrs. Stoneall. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTII Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before Night. Admittance 25 cents. kthloplan Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stem—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTEEPIECE. Political pea SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD RUBJECT TO DEMOCRATIC ROARS. ocl6-2n) bank Noticeo BANK.—PunaimPuu, October 1...51 23, 1857.—A special meeting of the Stockholdersof this bank will be held at the Honking lIMIAP, m, TU DAY, the third day of November next, at 12 o'clock ht., to take into consideration the net of the LeKislatures approved lath inst., entitled "An Act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors." pc 21.4)03 W. L. SCHAFFER, Rarbior _ SOUTHWARK BANK.— PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 22, 1857 —A Special meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Bank will be held at the blanking house, on TUESDAY. the 3d day of November next, at n o'clock, noon, to take Into conaiderattott the act of the tegida sure, approved the 13th Inst., entitled Au act provid ing for the re/rumption of specie payments by the Bank and for the relief of debtors." 0c23-dtNS 6. P. MEL, Cashier, COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, Y11111.4111111.1 , 01A, Oct :2,1857 —A Special meeting of the Stockholders of this Dank will be held at the DANKINO HOWE, on MONDAY, the second day of November next, at 12 o'clock hi , to take job consideration the act of the Legislature, approved the lath inst., entitled "Au act providing for the rrsnmp• tlon of specie payments by the Banks, and for the relief of debtors," and to determine upon the name. By order of the Board of Directors, 0c2341'.i2 B. O. PALMER, CaAhier. NOTICE.—FARMERS' AND MECIIAN -1 ICS' DANK—PIDLADELPIIII, October ft!, lag Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stott:hold ers of this Hank has been called by the Board of Directors under the provisions of the seventh section of the net of the Uenerel Assembly of this State, entitled " An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the banks, and for the rebel' of debtors," approved the 13th day ot October, A. D. 1857, to be held at the Ranking. house of this Corporation, on TUESDAY, the third 41.1 of 'November. A. D. 1857, at Ag o'clock P. SI., for the purpose of taking into consideration the acceptance of the provisions of the said act By order of the Board, 0c22.1tE3 E. St. LEWIS, Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK. 2lst October, ISSf.—A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of this Rank will be held at the flanking. Ileum on SATURDAY, the Slat Inst., at 12 o'clock, to take into consideration the Act of the Legislature, op. prod.' the tnth lint., entitled '• An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the Banks, and fur the relief of debtors oct22•dLll D. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. PHILADIMPIIII, October 6th, 1857. The annual election for Directors will be Leld at the flanking llouse, on MONDAY, the 16th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. N , and 3 o'clock P. M ; and ou TUESDAY, the 3,1 day or Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will he libld at the Banking Mouse, at 4 o'clock P. 11., egreea• My to the charter. ocl-tuolB 11 M. LEWIS, Cashier lIIHE PHILADELPHIA BANIC—PIuLA -1 uttsulk, October B,lBsl.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this think will be held at the Ilank• lug house, on Mouday, the ninth day of Novenae, next, at 12 o'clock 11. The annual election (or Directors will be held at the Banking house, on Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember next. ll li. COMEGYS, Cashier, • MANUFACTURERS' ANA MECHA ILL WIGS' BANI 3. PUILADELVIIIa, Oct. 4, 1857. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Dank will be held at the Buddies Rouse, on Tuesday. Novem ber 3, et 10 o'clock, A. It. The annual election for thirteen Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held et the Banking Muse, on Monday, November 16th, from 10 o'clock, A. 1.1., to 3 P. Id mwftal6 M. W. WOODWARD, Ciabier. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, PIII4IUBLYIIII, October 12,1857. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the IlankingAlouse, on Tuesday, the 34 day of November nest, at 12 o'clock N. 0c1.2..r0w&f tnovrd COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, PHILADBLPHI., October 12, 1857. Tha Annual Election for Directors of this flank will Ito held at the Banking-House, on Monday, the lath day of November next, from 10 o'clock A. M., to 3 o'clock P.M. oeLlZmwkr tnovlB 8. 0. PALMER, Cuhier filiGrellatteons A MERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE WAND AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, Ur CRONISE & CO., SPECIE BROKERS, 0c512.6t .10 BOUTII VIM ST. AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORE FUNDS, DODOUT AT Tug WOUEST PUEUIUM DT ot74mg DREXEL & CO GAS! GAS!! GAS I lI—THE UNDER- Mond would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they have and are daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Ore, from $2 25 per 1000 feet to the low price of $1.60 per 1000 feet, by their MODEL REGULATOR, which saves 95 per cent , a clear saving or 75 cent' on $2.25, thereby reducing the price from $226 to $1.50 per 1000 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on all the princi pal and prominent buildings In the city churches, libraries, factories, hotel., and other public buildings It hat also hems placed on at the Philadelphia Ex. chugs. Hundreds or certificates in favor of the mill Regulator, from those having tried it, showing the above miring, can be seed at our office. litore.keepors and the public generally are requested to send In their orders. Cost of Regulators from 1,43 upwards, according to sire. Order. through Blood's Despatch promptly attended to. N. It —.fifty energetic, enterprising. and persevering men wanted, to canvass for the MODEL REtilitATOlt can make from $2 to $5 per day. ROBERT T. KNIGHT .14, CO , Oleo No. 44 Routh Fifth street, oc2{•lm neat to Blood's Despatch SILVER WARE.— WILLIAM WILSON Jr SON., MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER wAn (ESTABLISHED 18120 e. w. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STRIOTE A large ataortutent of SILVER WARE, of ovary do. loription, oonatantly on hand, or made to order to motel, any pattern desired. Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported wars en.lo-damoly I'RANOIS P. DIII3OSQ Sr. SON, taco c.( Dubowt, Carrow Is Co., Wholesale MANUFAC TIMM OF JEWELHE,BO4 CHESTNUT street, Phila delphia. es.ixola P. Dulorig, Wu Q DOBlNtill 401 aro QAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES 1.7 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CIIEST• NUT ntreets. Large and small SUMS received, And paid back on de mand, without notice, with EMI PEE CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. (Moe hours front fl until 6 o'clock every day, and nu MONDAY EVENINOS trout 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sato on England, Ireland, and &offend, from 11 upwards. President.-BTEPIIEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES It HUNTER. sel7-Iylf WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISMING STORE, and PATENT ELIOELDEN. SEAM 8111 RT MANUFACTORY, No Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh atreet, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strengere, Se particularly Invited to thin improved rut of FibirEl, the most perfect Stting article made. At whole sale and retail, and wads to order. onAlyir BRANDIES.—" Pinot GiustiPon," Marett, •A-"' and other Cognacs of various vintages, In halt pipes and quarter casks Fellevolsin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In halt pipes, half cuts, and sinnnightb casks. Imported and for mile by HENRY BOHLEN & ec22 221 and VS south Fourth street. V bales COTTON -100 Calf Cotton, in store V sad (or ulo by & MAOALISTRII, North !star Street Oates bn 'Auction ivir THOMAS & SONS, ILE. Nog. 199 aml 141. BOUM YOUR.TII BTRISZT, (Bonnerl) Nom. Pa and 69 ) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, &a. Public Soles at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tua,tty Handbill. of each property Issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale 011.) thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Toetddy. irr YURNITUEE SALES AT TIM AUCTION STO MI every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE PALE. IE7 We bare a large nwouut of Real Matta at Pri vate gale. isachrliug every deacription of City azal country property Pruted Lists may be hsa at the anctiou Blum PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ID" Steal }Nate entered on our Private Role Re gister, aro advertised oceacionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. CARD—SAGE POSTPONED —The we or ma WALNUT STREET RESIDENCE will takeplace at the Exchange, on TUESDAY EVENING,'XIth lost instead of on the premixes. fl The nate of the FUR NITURE is postponed till FRIDAY MORNING. REAL ESTATE. GROUND RENTS, &c., TUESDAY Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing full de sc riptlous of all the property tube sold on 'Tuesday next, 27th met , with a hit of atlas :34, lOth, and lith No ., ember STOCKS. On Tuesday evening, 27th inst., 15.71, At 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, previous to saki of Real Estate— bhares American Academy of Moak; share in the Philadelphia Library; share io the Afercautile Library Company, chore iu the Philadelphia A.thermum. For account of ohom it may concern. Tw.' bond., $l.OOO each, of the Columbia Coal and Iron Company, due 1101, including the coupon of July Sale peremptory. Terme cash—payable at the time of sale, TWELVTII FAI,I, SALE, 2.7T11. OCTOBER. Will include the following._ FOUR YALUABLI: MARKET STREET STORES.— Foer substantial four-story brick stores and dwellings, N 05.1521,1510,1517, and 1513 Market street, west of Fifteenth street. MODERN DWELLING. Nest modern three-story Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with a three-story brlck dwelling on Citron street. neemPTOILY SALE—POUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —.FIRST WARD Valuable lot S e corner Jefferson avenue or Moya mooring road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N R corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore Street, adjoining the above, and eitending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above Bale of the whole absolute. Er YuII particulars in handbills and plan HANDSOME ➢MODERN RESIDENCE. Ilandsoms residence with double back building, and replete with all modern conveniencee, No. 1347 Spring Garden street. This DI a very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAM ENGINE, &c.—Two and a half story factory, sienna engine, tkc., Twenty-first Ward, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty-first street, and the Phila delphia and Germantown railroad TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING —Two-story brick mescuage. S. E earner Township Line road and Clear field ',tree!, Twenty-drat Ward VALUABLE L OTS.—Valuable lot, N. E. corner Seventeenth street sad Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRION DWELLINGS.—Twa three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden street, east of William street. PPAIAMP TORY SLLE.—FIVE GROUND RENTS, viz • Two of 5T1.60 each, tempt' $22.60 each, and one of $lO a year, secured on flee threeatory brick dwelling' and lota, Spring Garden street, Owen street, and Diddle aln•et TWO TRREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS _ - Two three-story brick dwellings, Nos. 876 and 873 Apple street, between Fourth street and York avenue, and Coates suit Brown streets Sale absolute. FOUR YEARLY GROUND RENTS, two of $34, and two of VA each. secured by a brick dwelllog, Howard street and Hope street, (Late Reostegton.) 117 0 Bull particulars of each of the above properties uow ready lu handbills TOIRVEENTLI PALL SALE, 3d NOVEMBER Mir AIN will lac ludo Orphans' Court Sale. rall'ATII OW WILLIAM A. BUDD. DECD THREE L.V;IGE AND VALUABLE LOTS z AND TWO BRICK DWELLINGS . SEVENTH STRLET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSYCINK. ROAD. Valuable lot, N W earner Prime and Seventh streets. Valuable lot, fronting 012 Prime street, and on Pam. yank. road. Valuable lot, Paasynnt road Two three-story brick Ilwelllugi, Seventh street, sreat 4i30. north of Prone street They will be sold hepw. rattily See handbills and plan Ale by Order of Orphans , Court. di:STATE OF JOHN FITZWATER. DECD. . . OYES SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SSW-MILL AND •MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE Wll5.ltF, WITH FRONT OF FOUR HUNDRED FELT ON TUE ItIVEII DELAWARE AT TA CONY, TWENTY-TIIIIID WARD. &me Estate—THßEE-STORY DIIIOK DWELLING. , . Three -620u brick dwelling, No. 260. North Fdtb,above Noble ntreet Same Estate—TWO BRICK DWELLINGS . . Also, Two brick dwellings. Unlen and Hanover streets, above Prince street. Kensington. Rxecutor's dale—Late Residence or Amelia Smith, EL'fitIANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N. J.—Also, by order of Executor, to close an estate, the valuable reuderlce No d 3 Mein street. Burlington, N J replete with modern improvements and conveniences, 38,14' feet front, the lot Bid feet deep to Wood street, the garden improved with finest fruit trees. kn. A io, a handsome residence, Wood street, Burlington, recently occupied by Mr. William Chaloner, and a lot adjoining, 50 by 156 feet, irr Full particulars in hand bills. NEAT DWELLING, TWENTIETH STREET—Three story kick Mt/citing, No. 205 North Twentieth street, bet ween Wood and Vine streets. LOT, TWIINTY.FOURTIL WARD—A triangular lot. frosting Oil Pork street. and the West Philadelphia Railroad, Twenty-fourth Word, (late West Phlledel pin t) TU.Stial-STORY BRICK DWELLING.--Three-story brick dwelling, No, 953 North Fifth street, above George street, with frame bollding in the rear. FOURTEENTH WALL SALE--10TEINOVEMBI8 PEREMPTORY SALE AT THE EXCHANGE-ELE GANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. On Tuesday Evening, 27th October, at 7 o'clock, without reserve, at the Er °hinge, the elegant Itrown Stone residence, No. 1404 Walnut /Arent, south side, third house west of Broad street, built ter The use of the late owner and occu pant in a superior manner, and if [gelled throughout in elegant style, with every modem improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. eIIOONER N. B. T. THOMPSON On Tuesday Evening, 2711. inst. , at 1 o'clock, at the Exchange, three undi ♦lded fourth parts of the schooner N R. T Thompson, and her tackle. apparel, appurtenances, &e , hoe two ante of mils, built in 1854, at Kaighn's Point, N. J. VALUABLE MISCELLANEOCS BOORS. On Tuesday evening October 21, at the auction store, will be sold a col lection of valuable roiscellaneona works, a portion from it pritate library For particulars see catalogues and the books, which will be arranged for examination ou Tuesday morning Bale at No. 1818 Spruce street HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE On Wednesday morning next, 2Sth inst., at 10 o'clock, on the premlvea, the hand some modern (our-story brick residence, with three story back buildings, No. 1919 Spruce street, west Nineteenth street, replete with all modern improve meets and conveniences. $l,OOO may remain on mort gap) . . JUPR.RIOR FLTRNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, GAS VIXTURE3, 2ce. Immediately after the intle of the house ' the superior 1101130301 d furniture, all made to order by Moore Jr. Vengeful, nod been but little used. I[Lr Particulars It; ttaudlUlts tto . d. catalogues Sale Nos 130 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO• FORTES, BRIT:SEES CARPETS, Ac On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an ertensive as sortment of excellent second-hand furniture, mirrors, line piano-forte, carpets, Ac , from families declining housekeeping Assignee's Peremptory SAle SPLENDID ROSEWOOD FURNITURE, PIANO FORTE, BUDDING, CARPETS. F.LEGANT EDINA DINNER AND TOILET WARE. SPLENDID POR CELAIN VASES, PAINTINGS. Au. On Thursday Morning, At 12 o'clock, by catalogue, in the Secorid•Mory room of the Auction Store, n splendid collection of hou.iehobl furniture, Arc , by order of Artaigure. ALSO, 2 BEAUTIFUL MARINE PAINTINGS, BY BONFIELD The 1000 TO furniture has been fu use but a abort time and cost over $6,000. * a ssJitay be examined the day previous to Bale with catalogues. A. splendid suit of solid rosewood furniture, corn prlsing wardrobes, eliptie ends, with French plate udn or doors, bedsteads, dressing-bureaus, washotands. commodes, he , to match; splendid Suit of solid rose wood drawing-room furniture, d it-nosier st) le; tiriggs's p dent extotovon dining-table, fret long, with init liogsuy leaf case, grotesque cars ing; serf splendid, French china. and beautifully painted cases; hand• some toilet dinner and tea sets, cut-glass ware ELEGANT FURNITURE On Friday Morning. 3010 inst , at No. 110! Walnut street, will be sold the elegant turnitnee, estra large mirrors, splendid curtains and chonieliers, piano -forte, Ice. Particulars in cata logues tromnussion Merchants 11 . CIIASE & CO. af • I, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 13 North FRONT awl 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia CoNaTANTLY CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior of Pennsylvania where onr uew Cleaning Mitt is now in general age. fry. Ai,o, Tummy AND RID TOP always on hand ANDP & BRENNER—COMMISSION Mk:HM:OIM and Dealers In Toreitru ar! Mar &An HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nod aa, .5 sad North FIFTH Street, East side above Commerce strwt, Philadelphia aul-tf IHARLES TETE, COMMISSION Mt N-/ CHANT and Importer of HAVANA 9EO ARS (Now) OS W•lnut street. second story. anhly VRITTENDEN's SERIES OF TREK TISES ON DOOK-KEEPING. . C J RIDDLE, No 60‘, MINOR. Srect, (be teeth Market and Chestnut, west of Fifth street publish— CRITTENDEN'S SERIES Of TM:ATM:SON HOOK If I:E1.1Stl, comprising the four Nolompit he usme 1 Treatvol on Singh-Entry (look-Keepinir 2 Treattie ou 1 4 inqle amt Double-Entry for Common eehools S. Tronli.e on Single and ltoublo Entry for lli4h School,. 4. Treatise on Single nod Double-Entry for the Count ing house For eat hof the abr.% e reiomes Y A J 11 hare publlsho it KEY, or a set r f 3lituaturo It LANK SOUKS, ad :0,1 for the ',nuns out of the Exercises contained in the work The ~,e‘..rrt toilluitt 4 tor Mr Criltenilen'a cad, are nuR t h e le , f o:wherein! Colleges in Milton. Now York. Ph.hlelptia, emeinnell, Louisrille, St, Louis. Oho sue, A t , mod in moat 01 the Normal Schools. and a gnat number of the Ilitth tf.chools of rot r country, while. as a boot of reference her practical acciaintants, the Couniiini Edition is, undoubtedly. the rums poptil m k thr Z'ClUlled a Accounts published In the &Joao! St ties oc •24.3 t 11 W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS jut. No. 97 south TIMM Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessable palate In the United States and Canada Stocks, Conde, kw, Bought and Sold on Commission. Uneurrent Bank Notes, Checks, to., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received sod Interest allowed. a• per wee moat. atibare TO SHOVEL AND HOE MANUFACTIT RE.II.9.-811.ETTEWS IMPROVED GARDEN 110 E. Patented Jaw ' 1857. The right to manufac ture under this Patent may be secured on favorable tome, on application to ALYAN WILKINS, oc2l-10t 22 WILLIAM Street, New York. !,11c5 bh r%artion_ j AMC -1 I::: :AS. AUCTIONEER, /it) L D DAT Er We beg leave to Inform the public that we held our regular weekly sales of Inninture every Tuesday. at cur SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. Ih6 w.aLsur STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments Families haring portions at their furniture to dispose ot. or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales tst their own dwellings, can hare their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES BOoki. WEER): THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR Ta FURNITURE THAN TIIEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE 113RIA TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER lUCTIO.N STORE IN TILE CITY. 11:7" Persona favoring us with consignments can rest toured thattheir property will slothe imenSeed. irr Commissions more raalerate thsa those charged by any other Anction House in the city. DO- Conaignme cite respectfully solicited. icr- Sale* paid immediately after the guods are sold. REAL ESTATE. nu:, NOVEMBER 11th Thla sale mill include— Orphiate Court gale--Estate of W. A. B. Jones, peed_ TWO-STORY 13111Cli nous): AND LOT, rwiLiTtr A two-story brick house arid lot of ground, west aids of Twelfth street, 221 feet above Columbia avenue, 1G feet front, and 112. feet deep, to a Id feet street, $l9 ground rent Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Chas. Brotrlnson, Deed. THREE HOUSES AND LOT 01 , GROUND, BREAD STREET AND FETTER LANE . . _ A lot of ground vrttb the three houses thereon erected, S. W. corner of Bread street and Fetter Lane, 49 feet by 4.1 feet Fled ground not. [Er S5O to be psid on of the above when the woe Is struck olf TO RENT 1D A three-story BrickDrelling, with two-sta' brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rout $490 per suouou Apply at the Auc tion store. AT PRIVATE SALE A drat-clans Printing Office. with is good run of busi ness. [oar printingpreases, two Ruggles and one /Warns Type and everything necessary for the businese. Apply at the Auction Store. Sale No. 422 Walnut Street, above Fourth. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, OFFICE FURNITURE, ELEGANT. LARGE MIRROR, &c, .4c On Tuesday Morning. At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, will be soil an as sortment of superior furniture, comprising—pair ele gant rosewood finish hair-seat tete-a-tete sofas. made by Moore & Campion; 4 walnut parlor chairs to match; hand some walnut Jenny Lind bedstead, dressing-bureau, and marble-top washstand to match; hair-seat ricking-chairs, walnut-cane parlor chairs. h•hogany dressing-tatrean, walnut what-not, elegant gilt-frame mirror ssrra inches. &c. OFFICE FUENITUR.II.—aIso, large double office desk, iron ' &c . &c OENTLEMENiS FURNEIIIING GOODS.—AIso, • large assortment of shirts, stockings, drawers, under shirts, gloves. neck-ties, handkerchiefs—remaining un called for at our sale in Eighth street yiI'OLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street opposite the Cutters House, between Fourth 41,1 Path Streets. IMPORTANT SALE FOR CA.SIL WEDNESDAY next, commencing at 10 o'clock pre eifiely, we will .11, 'without reserve. a large and Taloa ble assortment of staple aad fancy fall and waiter goods, cooslatlag of . _ FURS, FURS. Including furs (or ladies' and gent's wear, sue& as carriage capes and cuffs to match, pelerines, victorinna, moss, sleigh-robes, caps. collars, gloves, guaktlets,te., made in the most fashionable manner, of ermine, minx cable, atone martin, liteh. Siberian squirrel, genet, fox, "wolf, neuter, Bohemian !itch, mountain martin, bearer, Uddson Bay sable, &a.. &c., embracing a most elegant consignment, suited to the requirements of consumers and the trade. 1 7ELCANIZED RUBBER COATS• Also, 200 best quality vulcanised rubber coats, war ranted to stand any climate. Beet goofs in the market, and specially Stilted to omnibus drivers, and othera ex posed to all weather. WRNER-PL &TED WARE. Also, best sayer plated test-sets, castors, with est gla,ts bottles, &c. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. Also, an extensive consignment, jut landed, cousirt inis of 25 ...tons rich black, brown Led blue French silk tare falls. Also, 300 dozen ladies' and gent's embroidered and plain 'men cambric handkerchiefs. Also, 600 elegantly embroidered jsconet collars. Also, 100 splendid style and quality jatenet gauntlet seta pla:i ." tr ' w 6oo ies to Pi n eee sli s r whi-t : ll.°°4'. iu --e6"" of d.ptteasad wns, cato brlea,Sand jaconets:Ze l ' "hcP Also, elegant book and 5C.3.9 collars, jacenet bandtd collars, Ice. BONNET AND TRIMMING , RIBBONS. Also, ICO cartons poult de sole boomer and trimming ribbons, silk fringes, velvet ribbons, gimps, &c OSTRICH TIPB AND ARTLFICIALS. Ataa.SOO carton), ostrich tips. French artaficuds, 'km CLOAKS, TALMAS AND MANTILLAS. Also, an elegant assortment of latest Pans style 'ldle!' cloaks. talmss, mantillas. hascines. to , of choice, materials in all the fashionable colors and black. WOOLEN UOSIERN GOODS. kc Also, a general assortment of superior keit woofers bowery goods, consisting of lambs wool and merino. ',hats and drawers, cricket jackets, hose lad halt hose, scarfs soil cravats, hoods and pelt/mass, Shetland wool shawls. Cashmere and merino hose LADIES' TRENCH PATENT WOVEN CORSETS. Alen, 150 dozen ladien' 'white and mixed French patent TOTPA seamless corsets, long and short. BONNETS, BONNETS. Also, 20 eases ladies' fall style silk sad satin Bonnets SALE OP OIL PAINTINGS AND 31111110R.5. TIIERSDAT next, at 11 o'cloct. will be sold to eleee accounts, 2 European oilraintings of pleasing modern ail ancient subjects, richly framed. Also, 2 very elegantly framed lane site mantel mir rors, equal to any tti the city Hay be examined any time prior to sale. N. B.—The whole will be arranged for examination WI th catalogues early on the morning of wale, when tho trate and purchasers generally will Bad it to their in terest to attend. S E N NATHAN S, AUCTIONREI3 AND COMMISSION MMECHANT, S. 2. owner SIXTH asd RACE, Streets- AT PRIVATReALC-(iuld said saver patent Ines, Roglish,.Bviss, and Prerielt watches, jewelry, r rT er7 P ft e lZ t ri IteLr uu angli t on seeood floor household furniture, of erery d'acriptiOn, beds, grist: tivsses, carpeting, looking glasses, fanny articles, de., A.c., de. Ont•door sales attended to personally by the .trmtion re,. Ckarges very low. Coseiruneats of faraltuze, dotting, jewelry, ke ke., aolicited. • . NAT ELAN'S P RINCIPAL LOAN OP PIC 8. F. Comer of P.-eath and Lace /Street', WM,. money will be loaned on gold and adrer plats Watches, Jewelry, Diamond*, Clothing, Dry 011ods, teroceriea, segars, Ilan:Mare, Cutlery, imitate, Bed ding, Doreen, Vehicle*, Ramer*, Simko, and on all ar heirs of 'Mille for any length °Clime agreed on, on mere mtisfactory and liberal terms than at any either wish ii•thment. 15e5] 11. NATHANS, NATIIANI3 great sale of PORIMITED GOODS will take place in a few day, Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great ale of forfeited Watchaa, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, llasical Inatraments, &c., will take plate ebortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Arc , being forfeited oollaterals, will take place ghostly. o notice will be , given. fT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF TILE E3UAIe P,,LLING PRICES —Double-bottomed and hunting es 's gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; hurtling case and open face gold esmipee meat lever and lepioe watches. fort jeweled; floe gold cum:acted lever ant repine watches for ladles; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever aad lapirm itches, in hunting cases and open face; silver Englis'a. S.,ies, and French watches; a general assortment of tar. mute beds, mattresses. mirrors. A,. tieTeDooll SALES SOLICITED, and charges to salt the times, low Consignments of every dwription cf goals solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVA.NieD nu idt sad every tied of goods. for public or privets asta, or to be bold for a Ito:Eitel time. Charges low QA.MUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, lc, and MONEY Let at 0771 CE, No. 112 &alb TIIIED Street, below We Lunt, oppcwite Pear at., only eigltt doors below the Exchange. Hones of buaineas from 7 o'clock, A M., mail 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door gales, and males at the, Auntie= Hon" at tended upon the moat altufattory term.. CAPITAL 11:05,000. tablia Aut fo, the last Thirty Years. Advances made Rona one dollar to coenr.,,i, morls, Bilver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Yer chandiae, Clothing, Iwraltnre, Bedding, Cigar*, Sinitic:al In4ruments, Gana, Home, Carriages, Sad. Goods of er:ry description. AB goods can rem*ln any length of time agreed All sdnumees, (ma one hand:l444l%re and tpwarda will Ds charged 2 per cent. per month, 000 sad ovez, t.l, lowest market rite This Store House having a depth of 'Mt feet, lung large. Ere and thief•proof vaults to store ell valnibles, and pri vate watchmen for the remises; also, a heavy lama ranee effected for the benefit of all persons kaung reels. aliened upon. N. B.—On account of haring an tirthmited capital thy, Mace is prepared to make advances on more sails factory and accommodating terms than any other to this city. Money advuoted to the poor, in Lagl annuals, entic out any charge. AT PRIVATY &ALB. ❑old Patent Lever and otber Wattle., Jewell-v. and Clothing will be sold at reduced trwee JOIIN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER--No. 3.25 ARCH Street, bstsreen Third Red Fourth Streets SAW EVERY EVENING, at i o - clock, Or Boole, Shoes, liardears, Cot!try, Watches, Jr•- •Irr, Hosiery, Whips, Trani*, Fancy tiossis. Notions —Oot•dour sales attends,' to All roods 1,711 at the Auction noose packed oel-1 IEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER l_n N. X corner of BARRON mei S01;111 Stmts. above Second. LIMNING SALES SALM RYRRY SATURDAY EVENING, At TCo'clock, At Vat Anat.:, Store. of 11.-AwAre, et-.: levy, llowtekooping Art 100, Clothtuff, WattA"t.Tio.) Ty, Fancy Articleo, ke insurance Q:ompanics. FIRE INSIrRANCE I-) COMPANY, OF 7UE OF PENN.iYINA,- NI N W. Corn, FOCRTLI as I um.sur Eltr, ota, Pjkiladalphta .Satraershed Capital, 1.5.C0 )(Cy Pall•up DAVID JAYNE, M Proai.le at THOMAS S. STEWART, Prts . • Marino S MOOS, Seu—atary. IRARD FIRrA_ND MARINE INSIiR VI COMPANY, PUILADILIIIIA—OIka, No. 332 WALNUT stmet, wit of THIRD 'PLR& RISKS ONLV TAKJ—N ' WINCT , IS Jer tsrarea A S Witzwael Sheppard, aunt Junes, !.1 L , J. 31. tu Jo Anipszh, Jr H N. IturroLqh., J It Ilughe., F D It n I' Illcker, 3 Y St,rlor. • A eharkelhrd. /Lou JOE JOS Pre.' itti G WooIiWARD. ri^.4 Jr. , . 8 Jlc3lt'LLty. mac.-etas Ji Maa B ALvos.u...ka.sutuvt srerr. :sty. •ra 141,:,.ir Orn (Souo 5 NOTICE TO RETAIL DRY (;ODDS MERCHANTS. WE WILL ELcLirf :WTI'S OF THE DAV: l'l-N!“1 - 1.11NIA AT P A 1: For " NA, from lh,. d.v .11 py.aent with Le. tre dap after larob. , ' GUILLOU. ANDERSON. L CO , No ..)A3 (..41 111) If .rket ron•tli—;• •t, , Oat LADIES' DRESS T l i l 3lllNtlS, - AND KNYTTINA: ZEPHYR' , NEW GOOD.i. OPENED DAILY. J li MAXIVEEL & co`: WHOLE: 4 ALE AND RETAIL ,rot:Ex. 1020 CHE:,TNYT .'Wet, I.inr Elerecth An I aIS S. SECOND ht rtircr-. FACTORIES —Noa 95 ani 97 41E0):01: Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Osier+ 1124.10 at a few hours' notice JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wl.lrani,. in AterlON DRY GOOD?, No 12 DANK Etr,t. Phi 1120.11117.. BOPEL AND SUM RED. RANGES - Sold by CHA DW ICS & DRO , XI N. SECOND El, suglB-Staos ...eZI 4ra f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers