~.'BiS4'l::t r ~~~' ' T$E .PULPIT. '` VOCTIRA NE or VIE 'RESURRECTION' fOr ThoPtese.J his .Watt the subjoet of a discourse Preached, epecial. request, is the, geatetstreet Presbyterian on Sabbetb,cr,eaing, the 4th instent, the pastor; Rev. DUPP4II.II— a'prolude to, the dootrino abut to be dis- i.uosued,:74r.,Pirsro46 road the portion of Scrip-, titre contatiroa in the fifteenth 'chapter of St: lett#,,tp the Corintbittno, from the twelfth itr i.liiiltt , ettly-siztlt.verse inclusive. The speeint . . , pyst,e(geripture upon which tho discourse was be found in the latter clause of tho, ,verse of 'the . twenty *Nadi' chapter of • "There shall be a resurrection. of the dead, bath :of the just and unput," speaker remarked, in opening, that his at tention had , been drawn to this subject at this time by to iarietY . of oirounuancses, which it was need! Um - to detail. 'Upon the importance of this doe 4 trine, he, as a minister of the Ceopel, need hardly as it might justly be said to constitute UM -Chief article and basis of our faith; it was indeed our: great. consolatioti and hope. Pre-eminently had- this doctrine been dear to the primitivn Christians; yet he was sorry to and that the great doctrine of the reaurreotion of the hody was: in many instances being too slightly regarded by prod femora of Christianity. But the other day, a good Christian bad remarked to him in reference to thig subjeot, that ‘.‘ the body was a minor matter ;' ,- and ,be; for one, felt ithisdutyto revive ita imortmiao; It had been' the hope that the dotty mould one Jai), spring' forth pure from the tomb; that sustained the martyr in the, darkest hour of his person Bona! The Apostles had laid great stress upon this deed trine: ' It was true, when Peal preached it ni Atheds, the philosophers received it with monkery, and while they-were unable to disprove its troth; they used every means; as they supposed, to rendet it impossible by dootroying, the bodies of their do' , I 'ceased in divers ways. - • • - The presentation, of this &Chino V had elver! `been attended, with great power upon the eoni science of zuenl,daven greater than the iMmortality: of the 504.1 'Talk to a man of his soul, and 14, heard--you , as if yon, were conversing with hiM about a stranger,;, bat let. it, be concerning his out), ward being, and he is far more likely , to apply it td l himself. We had the evidence of 'the MisSionariesi io preie that the enunciation the resurrection of the body caused the wildest emotions seating poi -heathens, even when 'every other appeal 'maned to t s be made in vain. He was prepared to admit that) in very many reveals we' were prone to thinltiooi ranoh . of this initarard, perishable tenerieni oft clan but as bodies that were designed again to ,rise from the dead, we did not think.enongh of 'them. !hat, then, was the doctrine of the Resurrection?! ''eras the fiat of a series of ,questione he should ask and.answer in this, and the discourses whieh• wore! to follow , open 'The same subject—i. e., Whatiwai true and 'formal " statemantef it? Ac n general! statement, the text wn sufficient; literally ron-1 dered,, however, -the' word resurrection signified! to stand up, as controdistiriguhthed freak the pros trate p4alioit :of the body in the tomb, and had'{ :hence -I;een need to signify4ho renewal of life', or! the rising up of something that had fallen dowit— not the uprising of a' different body, for ribthing Could be said to" rise again that had never rayon do‘lin.„Xtits doctrine, was, hence, that the actual body in which. we now exist is again to be united with the soul that now inhabits st. sentence maybe' said to be the gist and pith of Mr.. Duffield's view of this momentous sabjeotT : In the' serditcl place, it would be interesting to .jnqatriirbether this was a doctrine of, reason, or of revelation only. In the first place, we idea that this had not been a" doctrine of the Greeks; they had held the belief 'in the immor tality:Op the Seel,but not in the resurrection of the body, and iS had bion.this dread of eternal mortal annihilation that bad induced among the ancients theoustorciof embalming the bodies of their dead. Thotititli.was, reason alone was inadequate to the conception of this inspiring truth. • It wase, lesson that no man could draw from any exhibitiOns or'plienomener in the natural world. It had been oft attempted, he knOw, but there was a flaw in the simile. , Tatittuttratiorl Voquently employed' of tim re wisialof spring Rae very 'good and beautiful, so far aa it weat,lnit the analogy failed in ono very imPortant : That; the 'shrubbery which decayed; in autumn, and which again came forth in Spring, was not dead, but hail merely iitspendert its life functions. In order to make this analogy perfect, it mould be necessary for us to Pack •up the plant by, the roots, burn ; them to ashes, and scatter them to the Windi; yol his ,hearers need Met be informed that were this course universally adoptodivith the vegetable .Itlngdom the genial influences, of the vernal sun would return to us in ran; Thia doctrine was hence not one of natural refigion; but pdrely of revelation ;'and 'inasmuch teason had not discovered it, it was not for-the caprices of man to niter - or amend it. [This was a tine touch, well put in by the spelt ker, angwe art; free to admit, clinched his posi tion's° handsomely sa to cause a slight tottering of our own doubts respecting the vartietilur Construe tion•of•that portion of revelation.] UpOri:the exact antiquity of this revelation there were seine differences of opinion., Jos had evidently embraced this doctrine in its Silken whek_he.deolared, "I knoli-tlitirmP deemer liveth, and that lie shall stand•itt theiat ter day, upon the:mutt:l : And though after my skin worms dostrOy ;this body, yet in my flesh shall son (bd.!' tellienno)cpresaions of Jon wore indeed wondetifnlVOniftoant. 'Many, snore 'passages of Scripture were road to illustratothe existence of this hope in the minds of other .*red riviitera. Some critics had affirmed that foists was the first sacred writer to whom this 'doetrinShMeld be traced. The, remarks of Ezekiel respecting the, " shaking of, the dry bones in the that Were , again brought together and clothed withtleshoras also regarded by the speaker as pointing to the general rosorrecticn of the body Willi kat day. The name might also be said of the declaration of Baslizt, that "-those that sleep in the dint shall awake„; ;some ; to everlasting life, andsome to everlasting shame.!! In Christ's time, this doctrine was held by, the Pharisees, and in deed by:the' Jews gerierallV—tbe' Stichteees alone disputing it. • TIM th•st avowal of this doctrine by the Saviour we foist& recorded In -the fifth of Jona', in the words For -ss e the Pother raiseth up tluidead, and iiniokeneth them ; even so the Bon quickenith whom he will." And again : " Marvel not it this ; for the lioings - onining in the whisk all - ilia are in the graves shall hear his voice, and Thall come 101110! ,Tlie maryeW hero alluded ,to 'was the heeling Pf:an iMpatent man ef-thirliokht 'Years' standing, bit Whiehi miracle: was evidently tea siderediniselapirable to that which should one dAy be performed upon our mottel ' bodies, virtually enduing them with immortality. , 1 , t .1 The spe4er, hero offered several slim:dative sug gestions respecting the probable motives of the Sa viour in speaking , thus to his , hystanders on that occasion. The great leotthat" . " the time was 'com ing, in which all that ere in their graves shall hear his voice," was evidontly, upon Christ's own ad inhabit, the Marie :of the universO. The reser- Motion with Him was no Secondary , rtffairJ—it was a cardinal point in tho Gospel plan ;'and in fact to rob us of this would be to deprive us of the Gospel But whitlkift.rweie,t.to to look fei . the avidenom of the fullitment of this Scriptural promise? Was it to the post that Enoch and Elijah' hid been taken in their bodies to heaven? or that Christ - bad raised tho widow's Son, the daughter of Jairus, and Lazarus trom the desd? •,110, neither of these, nor all of them combined, but to Oinures own nu- SURUZO2IOII, were. we to 'look • for the groat and crowning .eyldenr,,e, of the truth of 'this doctrine. "If the resurrection is not tine, then ie not Christ raised," was the Gospel statement. It then, Christ had arisen from the dead *ord. Ing to b own palliation, and 'nt the some time declared} that at the laot 4 414 Itemould anise, up all, what more complete evidence could we ask in proof of the general resurrection? ' .This" dootrine wag avowedly the most inexplica ble-of all doctrines, but the proofs of its truthful utessnere certainty correspondingly Brent. ie the third plots{ the design of the retnrree• Lion was briefly &moldered by the` speaker.. It was possible_ that this general uprising of our decom posed bo dies was intended as a grand, final, dis tinguishing eihibition Of 42tod'a power . ; or , again, might be designed to perpetuate the human Mae in this immortal way, as, without this reser reetion, a ,linkof its perpetuity must necessarily be broken; .or it might be designed merely to make the ImMortality of 'man doubly perfect. in - tins heathen system, already referred to, the body wee left entirely out of the question, but the jrnmPria, litr,Whleli had been, brought ,to light by Jesse Christ was oomplete, and prdvided for the, material as well as the spiritual man. ifisisas, indeed a:doctrine that shouted:venni(' 'lvan THE ORAVN Another design of Omnipotence in the general resurrection might be to bring the entire man he- fore the judgment seat of Ohrist, thus verifying I the enunciation, that "There shall be a 'resurrec tion of the dead, both of the just and the' unjust." In view set all this, then, the doctrine of the re. surreetieneheuld not be with us a bare admission, but &firm, soul-thrilling nobly, We should re gard these bodies in death as seed sown in corrup tion,- to be 'raised in ineorrnption ; sown in dis- Iskor, - te be raised in glory ; sown in weakness, to be raised hi-444er; sown a natural body, to be :imaged bod,Y, even as it is written, " The first., inFi Adan!... was Made a living soul; the last ,A4Kii::swAs made a quickening spirit." ; li6 speaker closed by Beyfeg that tho doctrine ;4?fAt9esurrection was a 'glorious doctrine, and, ,*die time, would Its filtitteent. • °tilos son:eons are to follow upon the seine sub .' 'itoti4,44ounild the succeeding ones prove as able res pgarthe first—of *rich the above is "orreaseksketelp-rtbey oanaot fall to secure a •ck . i..,lo7,opAtiOtteadattee. _ - . - puorpsALt FOR ''INDIAN GOODS. 11.,,. , cia i, ,,e 73 1 1P,911r101NT OP 11111 /NPITIOII,_ 011104 Affaire, October lb, Itibt. •-• SPALSO PROPOSALS; endorsed ' Rroposats for In-, dian Goode,'" [chisel; 2,8, or 4, u the ease may be.), Will be received at the Office of Indian Affaire, Wash-I in ton city. until ten o'clock A. ld.on Saturday, the 14th 'day of NOveniber next, for furnishing goode for. the Indian department for fulfilling treaty stipula tion' with varioue Indian tribes, and for other In per.: penes, an follows : Ouse NO.I. Mackinac Blanktis, (Moths, and Dry goods. 3,000 pairs 3.polut white Mackinac blankets, to nioaanrci 60 by 12 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 3,000 pairs2N , point.whltellisOkinscblakets, to measure, 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 0 pounds 1,500 pare 2-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 42 by he Inches, and weigh 64 pounds. 1,500 pairs 11 , point white Mackinac blankets, to rues- - sure 56 by 60 hulas, and weigh 41( pounds. ' 1,600 palm 1-paint white Mackinac blankets, to measure! 32 by 46 lichee, and Weigh 84 pounds. 300 pairs 3-polnt Scarlet litackinno blankets, to men-' inire 00 by 72 inches; and weigh 8 pounds. 400 pairs 24-point'ecarlet Mackinac blankets, to met" ' sure 54 by 66 Inchon, and weigh 6 pounds. 200 pairs 84 point' green Mackinac blankets, to men., an 66 by 84 Inches, Old *sigh 10 pounds. ' 400 palm tt,point green Maeldnic blankets, to, measure; 60 by 72 inches, sad weigh 8 pound.. 400 pairs 24. point green Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 54 by 66 inches, and 14146'6 pounds. 200 pairs 34-point indigo blue Masking. blankets, to measure 80 by' 84 Inchon, and weigh n pounds, 200 pairs 3-point indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to' measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh pounds.. 1 300 pairs .2,4,point iodide blue Mackinac blankets, to ) measure 64 by 00 inches, and weigh 0 pounds 200 pairs 34 , point tiontinelle blue Mackinac, blankets, ! • to measure 66 by 84 inches and weigh 10 pounds. MO pale% 3-point Gentinells blue Mackinac blankets to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 poilude) , 350 pairs 21( point ilentinelle bltiefifackinac blankets," to measure 54 by 60 inches , and weigh 6 pounds! 3,sooyards fanny list blue cloth 2,000 , black cloth 600 " ' " green cloth 4,500 " graylist blue cloth 3,500 " saved ti blue e(otb 3,000 scarlet cloth 1,000 " it " green cloth 1, , 00 pounds worsted yarn, 3 folds 100 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs ,100 " ,Madras 250 'fancy cotton , " 50 ,1 4 black silk " 50 " 8-4 cotton shawls 100 " 6.4 100 " 4-4 60 " woollen Anode 1,000 patinae linen thread 76 " mewing Bilk 600 pieces ribands 160 gross worsted gartering 76 pieces silk handkerchiefs 36,0:0 yards calico 28,000 Merrimac calico 16,000 " blue • 16,060 " white 5,000 Georgia stripes ' 3,000 blue, denina 3,000' rr cottonado 15,000 " bed ticking 2,000 RentUcky jeans 3;600 " sstinets 10,000 ," plaid linser, ••rOOO "g , • bleached shirting 20,000 'dordestio shirting, (unbleached) ?AOOO ' •tr sheeting, 10,000 checks, stripes and plaids 200 dozen woollen socks -2,500 yards flannels, astiorldd. 1,000 pounds cotton thread 600 dozen spool cotton - 300 poun ds best ()hitless 'septillion 600' " Amerietn 1,500 ' " brown gluing twintv,..No. 80 1,000 If , Cotton 'moire 2,100 Daniel shirts " 2,400 calico ' " 110 dozen Canadian belts. °LASS N 0.2. • Ready-Made Clothing. 200 frock coats, indigo blue broad cloth 200 pantaloons, " 200 vests, • • ' 100 frock coats, " .heavy twilled 100 pantaloons, " rr 100 vests, sc 100 Mackinac indigo blue blanket motes ' 100 black Casinet overcoats, (No. 1) 100 sheep's gray cloth overcoats. ' 100 • coats 100 " pantaloons 100 black cloth coats 100 pantaloons • 100 " vests 200 blue satinet coats 2gb It pantaloons 200 " vests' 200 cadet cloth coats 200 ' psztalools - 200 . - vests. . , • CLASS NO. 3. Hardware, Agricultural Implements, and Axes. 0,000 pounds brass kettles 1,000 tin kettles, (6 sizes) . 200 nests Japanned kettles, 8 In a nest 60 dozen 10-quart tin pane 75 6 .1 44 75 4 100 ti 2 rc 300 butcher knives 200 " scalping 26 31 gun flints 60 gross gun worms , 160 squaw awls 125 " fish hookd, assorted 300 dozen fish lines 350 gross needles 150 dozen coarse tooth combs 160 " One 150 , s scissors 15 bash scythes 16 grass 0 16 grain ." 10 adzes 30 grubbing hoes , 00 " treading " 100 pairs homes 200 trace chains 100 log chains , 800 drawing knives, 10 and 12 inches in length i 250 angers , n equal proportions of IX, 1, X, and x-inch • 200 hand saws 30 cross-cut saws, 7 foot in length 55, 41 6 r. , 44 50 dozen hand-saw files - 10 '• eras/Foot saw files 10 wood rasps 260 quarters socket chisels, %, 1, and 2 inch , 70 planes fore and jack 26,dozen shovels 25 spades 000 camp kettles, (8 111‘05) 3,000 short handled frying pans 100 dozen biotin spoons 200 - iron table spoons 200 " tin cups 16 , f• scythe spathe 25 axes, to weigh from 4); to 5.1( pounds 100 half sees, to weigh 3% pounds 70 hatchets, to weigh 1X pound 15 broad.axes, ordinary size , • 60 zinc mirrors - 75 fire steels oLAiat tic,. 4. Northwest Guns. 1,000 northwest guns, flint lock' 210 " Krcusalon look Proposals will be received, for the delivery of mid anode at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis; of Cincinnati ; but In ansidering the bids, the teat of the transportation of the unto to ,their respective destinations from the places proposed to bo delivered will form en element in deriding upon the prophets. The rgglit will be reserved to require a greater or lees quantity of any of the articles named than that specified in the above sehedul ,e also any others of a different description that may be needed,• at the lowest market prices. Goode of American manufacture, of, the required mid quality, will be preferred; but as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, it will be he cessary,'ln proposing a domestic artiole of either' of those kinds, that a sample thereof phial accompany the bid. The articles to be furnished ` iuudt, in all respects, conform to and be equal with the wimples recently se lected, which may be seen at this °Mee. They will bo rigidly inspected:and compared with th6se samples by an agent or agent,' appointed for that purpose. Ouch as may be unequal thereto in any particular will be re jected ; in which case the contractor will be bound to furnish others of the required kind or quality within three days ;. if that bo not done, they will be, pay ehaited at Ins expense.: 'Payment will be made for the goods recelyed.',Oit invoices - thereof, =titled by tt[i ' neat Or impute appointed to inspect them. ' It will be understood that all bids for furnishing the goals above apecified may be' rejected at the option of the Department, particoloripit made by one who Is not' known an a manufacturer - of, or regular dealer In, the article proposed to be furnished ; which fact, or the re verse' most be distinctly stated , in the bide offered; and that the bids of all persons who may have failed to comply with the conditions of any contracts they may have previously entered into with the ,United Stites shall. at the option of the Tepartment; be ire]ected, In accordance with the letterandephit of a joint resoluthiu of Congrooe relative, ,to, bide for. , provielons, clothing, eco, for the use of the navy, approved 27th March, 1654. Bonds will be required, in the amount of the bid, for the faithful per.ormance of the contract*, with two or more sureties!, whose sufficiency must be certified by United States Judge or district attorney. Tho proposals meet embrace the: articles, with the quantities thereof, an they aro arranged in the foregoing schedule, with the prim' annexed to each, in dollars and cents, at which they will bo furnished, and the amounts must .be carried out :end footed up for each clime. They should 'be submitted with the following hee ‘‘ ding; I [or we] hereby propose to furnish for the service of the Indiandepartment, and according to the terms of Ito advertisement therefor. dated October 16th, 1857, rho following articles, at the prices thereto affixed, [here invert the list according to the class or C 1666161 proposed for,] deliverable in the city of [Boston . , New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Loins, Momphim, or Cincinnati, tie the case may be,) by the first day of April next, or Manch time or times during the year 1859 u may he ordered by the Cominiseleuer otlnditin Affairs; end. ler ,we) ,w1)1 also furnish. at the same prices,ouch additional quantities of the same Mode end qualitice of goods, and at the lowest market prima, ouch other articles of a different descrip, ties an may bo required for the service of the Indian department during the year - Is6B4cliverable as a above stated; and If thie proposal : be accepted , [hero Insert the worths, 'ln whole or in pert; If more than onectints be proposed for,) I [or we] will, within twenty' deli therealter4 execute a contract accordingly, and give eoeurity, satisfactory to the Courmiestoner of Indian A ffaire, for the faithful performance of' the ' aame." [hero insert whether the party proposing is or , is not a lointifacturer or regular dealer In the articte'proposed: to be furutitiod,l " " „ Nub proposal must also be accompanied agniran.` tee, in the following form, to be signed by'twoor more responsible persons; whose sufficiency must be tertified by one or more persona, personally or °Moistly, known' to the department: • r ,• 1 for we] hereby guaranty that the above bidder, [or bidden,] If a contract aball tie awarded to him, [or according Noble [or their] foregoing bid or pro) pout, will execute 6 contract, and give security for the' performance thereof, as prescribed to the edvertilement• for proposals for Indian micas, dated October' 16, PAT ,• add I [or we] agree to payOny and all damaged or 1611106 t which the United Staten qr the Indians may suffer by reason of failure to to do on the part of,the said bidder, [or bidders,"). ' No propose( will be considered that deed not strictly ;conform to the terms and direction, of this advertise By Order of the Secretary of the Interior: OMARLSB MIX, oe2 2-thatu tnovl4' Aeting Com m !D OP R T LS FOR F LIURNISHINGRINTINO. THE PAPRR lIBC P ,OSSIOS SOFBRIMIIIiDIiNT OF TOM POSI•10 kOINTINO, • Washington, Oetobor let, ISO. IN PUTifiIiANOD of the provisions of the Act to provide for executing the public printing,” Pee., op. proved August 20, 1802, sealed proposals will be received at this office, in The Capitol, until the first klonday 11th lay) of December mat, at twelve o'clock it., for tur. nishing the paper that may be required for the public printing for the year ending on the first day of Deceno. her, MS. The subjoined Het speciftee OF nearly as can be smear. ' tallied, the quantity, quality, and description of each kind of paper that willbe required: CLAIM 1. .10>080 resins fine printing paper,' uneetendored, toy numenre 24 by 88 Inchon, and to weigh forty-five pounds to the ream of 480 sheets. OLAEIII _ 4,1 M reams flue printing paper, alenderodl, to measure 24 by as limbos, and to weigh fifty-six youndi to tho loam of 480 sheets, MASS 111.. • 60313° real " 00 P er1100 shed and calondered printlog paper, to measure 24 by 88 Wettes t and to weigh. Afty-i two pounds to the ream of 480 sheets. • CLASS Ir. 300 r:T n ll e glaZ;lo b hag i age t d . ayad Wondered itiotlog e r qht pounds to tho roteni of 440 liii"enti.to weig h 1,000 ream siguirflue sited and eslendered map riper. of each' clog ae may be required, correeponding in weight with paper measuring 19 by 2,4 ,inehea, an we i ghing twenty pounds pee ream of 480 sheets. t ohaaa vt. . 200 reams ouporOob' plate paptirAcahinderea or um. Wondered, Sammy be required,) 19 by 21 inches, and of ouch weight per roam as may be required. The fibre of the'paper of 'ouch of the above classes to , be of linen arid cotton, free from all adulteration witbi mineral or other substances, of a fair whiteness, and put up in quires of twentv.four sheets each, anti 111: bundles of two reams each, each ream to contain 480 perfect sheets. Uniformity in color, thickness, and weight will be required.; and no bundle (exclusive of wrapper!) varying over or under five per mt. from Diet Standard weight will be received, and the groan weight will, in all cases, be required, killing of various thick.' Imam' in the same bundle to make up the weight will be considered a violation of the contract. MAIM Th. No 1-1 60(1 rooms quarto post writing paper 0. 2-2,000 roams atcap writing paper ; No. 3-500 reams demi writing papar ; No. 4-3,000 reams folio post writing paper; No. 5-600 reason medium writing paper; No. 6--50 reams royal writing PoPor No. 7-0 reams super-royal paper; No. 8-50 reams imperial writing paper; No. 0-100 reams colored medimo (assorted.) CLASS VIII. No.'l-6,000 reams writing paper, l 9 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty-eight pounds per ream. No. 2-1,600 ream writing paper, 10 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty4hree pounds per ream. No. 3-3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 26 Inchon, to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. No. 4-100 reams writing paper, 78 by 27:Incheil, to weigh twenty-four pounds per ream. No. 6--34.0 reams writing paper, 18 by 18 Inches, to weigh twenty-two pounds por ream. No 6-.400 reams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve pounds per ream. All the papers designated in classes 7 and 8 are to be of the best materials, free from adulteration, and finished in the beet manner. The papers In class 7 are to be white or blue, of the regular standard alms of the roe pective kinds, and of such weights ae may be required by this office I those in class 8 are to be white, and of the sizes and weight specified In the schedule. The right to reserved of ordering a greater or lees quantity of each and every Mod contracted for, at such times and in such quantities se the public service may require. Bitch class will beinmaldered separately, and be suit{ Ject to a separate contract ; but bidders may offer for ono or more of the classes in the name proposal; and the, privilege is reserved of requiring a bidder who may have more than ono class assigned him to take all such classes or forfeit his right to any claim Samlee (not less than one quire) of each kind of pa -I per bidfor, and but one sample of earls kind, must se.: company eseh bid ; and, lit m asses 7 and 8, be numbered to correspond with the number of the paper proposed for in that schedule ; and, In the first Wit classes, to ho properly designated on the sample, or It will not be con sidered. Allpreposide and samples must be transmitted: to this office frog of postego or other expense. Bach proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it, and must Sicify ,the price por pound (and but rine price for each of every kind of paper contained' in the clans proposed for. AII the paper in the several classes must bo delivered at such place or pliieee as may be designated in Washing-, ton City, in good order, free of all and every extra charge or expenae, and subject to the Inspection count, weight; and measurement of the Superintendent , and be In all' respects satisfactory. Blank forms for proposals :will be, fundehed at this office to persons applying for them; arid none will be taken Into consideration unless eubstantially agreeing Therewith. Bonds, with approved securities, Will, be required p and the supplying of an inferior article in any of the! classes, or a failure to aupply the quentitY required at any time will be coueldered a violation of the contract. , Hach bidder is required , to furulah with hie proposals' satisfactory evidence of ability to execute them and proposali u.naccompauled by ouch evidence will ho. 'rejected. The proposals will be opened in the manner required by law, ,5 orf,the first Tuesday after the drat Monday in December , ' neat, 18th,) "at ton o'clock A. If., at tho', Mike of the' Superintendent. Proposals will be addressed to the ," thiperinteudent' of the Public' Printing, Capitol of the United States. IVashington,' , and endorsed Proposals for Supplying Paper." A. G. SHAMAN, ' 003 s St Superintendent or Public Printing. PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING MARINE' 1 BARRACKS AT PRNSACOLA. PLORIDA. NAlrt llaeeeraaar Washington, September 1 21,1857. SEALED PROPOSALS, endoroed 4, Proposals for build ing Marine Barricke at Pensacola, Florida," will be re-, ceived at thin department until the Bth day of Novem ber, 1857, at 8 o'clock P. M., for the construction of the Marine Barracks authorized to be erected at Penn. , echo, Florida, according to the plane and specifications, prepared by the direction of the Navy Department,: topic' of which may be soon at the otlicea of the com mandants of the Navy-yards at Portsmouth,New Ifamp shire, Boston,. New, York, Philadelphia, • Norfolk, and Pensacola, and at the Navy Department The proposals meet be for furnishing all the mate rials and completing the work in a manner satisfactory to the person who may be appointed by the Navy De-, pertinent to auperintend the same ; and the department • reserves the right to reject or accept any of the propo- Rale herein invited ; when it deems the Interest or the Culled States requires it. Ninety per cent, of the amount Of Work done and the materials delivered *ill he, paid for from time to time, an the work progresses, upon estimates made and certi fied to by the superintendent on the part of the United States, and ten per cent, retained until the completion of the contract and acceptance of the work by the said superintendent and department, and be forfeited in the event of non-fulillnient of the contract; provided that no bill shall be made for en amount less than are thousand dollars. ' Each proposed rend be atcompanied by a written goal antee, tripled by two responsible persons,icertified to be so by, a navy agent; post-Master, district edge, or some other officer of the ' United' States) in t e sum of five thousand dollars, that the bidder will, when required, it Ida proposal be accepted, enter fete a contract and bond with proper and sufficient security for HA faithful parforMaliCa. Bidders are invited to examine the plane and specifi- Lefton% at the offices herein-before mentioned. The proposals most be Reeled and addressed to thin department, and plainly endorsed "Proposals for build lug Marine liarracks at Pensacola, Florida," The bidder only whom offer may be accepted will be notified, and the 'contract will be forwarded. as soon thereafter as practicable, which he will be required to okeoute within ton dart after itareeeipt at the postonice numed by him. • • AII the above work is to ho completed in all respeota according to the plena and specifications within twelve months from and after the date of the contract. ' ISAAC TOUWtY, so2lttui-tN6 Secretary of the navy. pROPOSALS FOR RATIONS FOR' 1853 QUARTNIMASTIM'S °MOM MARI nt CORPS, Washington, October 10, 1657. lEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be received at the office until TUESDAY, the 10th of November imat, at 3 o'clock P. M., for furnishing Rations to the Milted States Marino Corps, at. the following stations, for the,year 180, via Charlestown, Massachusetts; Portsmouth., New Hampshire ; Brooklyn. hand New. York ; Philadelphia, Peremylvanis • Gosport, near Norfolk, Virginia; . Warrington, Florida.' and , Washington, .Districi, of Columbia. 1 1 ' Each ration ,to COPIA Pr one pound and a quarter of Creel, beef, or throaquarters of, a pound of mess pork; eighteen ounces of bread, niade of beat superfine Sour, or bast superfine Sour, at the option of the Government; and at tho rate of six' pounds, of goal coffee, twelve pounds of best New Orleans sugar, eight quarts of best white beano, tour guar* of vinegar, two quarbt of salt, four, pounds of good bard brown soap, and onmaud-a half pounds of gtiod hard dipped tallow *Mew, to one hundred rations. The beef required shall be delivered on the order of the commanding officer of each station, either in bulk or by the single ration, • and shall consist of the best awl 'swat choice pieces of the carcass; the pork to be No. l prhoe 'mess pork, and the !groceries to bo of the best quality or binds named All eubjeet to Inspection. No bid will be entertained unless actompanied by the names of two sureties known to this office, or certified to by some official person. To be endorsed " Proposals for Nations for '1840," and 'addressed to the Quarter. master of the Marble Corps, Washlmilho s D. 0 . " D. T. HUTIIIiIIbAND, • Quartermaster'. The paper publishing this advertisement will send the paper containing the first insertion to this office for examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense, at thS rate Or 76 cents for 300 ems first Inser tion, etaSN' cents per 300 ems for all subsequent in sertions. • • '• •.• • • • National Intelligencer, Star; and Staten, Wash ington, D. 0.; Argue, Portland, Mo.; Patriot, Concord, N. U.; Dazette , Portsmouth, N. II.; Pont and Courier, Bunton, MM. ' Bridgeport Farmer, Coon.; Daily NOtra and Atlas, N.Y.; Eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Argue. Penn sylvanian, and Press, Philadelphia, Penn.; Patribt, Harrisburg; Polon.; Republican, lid!Hamm, Nd:; States man and Argus, Norfolk, Va.; , Democrat, Pensacola, Fla.; Courier and Orleanian, New Orleans La ; sill publish The klitive throb times per week, until 101 h No vember. • t on 18-ta Co and sat t Nov 10 11)ROPOS.A.L3, FQR ERECTING THE CUSTOM 'BOWIE, ko., at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. TasSIMRY DIPLRYXIIXT, Weenixoron, September 21st, 1857. kk PROPQSALS will be received at thie Departmout until the 25th day of November, A. D. 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the construction of the Custom Musa, Pont 'Office, and Court Items, authorised to be erected at Milan AktlloY, Now, Joreey, according to the plans epecificatiene prepared at this Department; said _!proposals to be hither for the wholobuilding, or noparate for the different Mode Of work; bills of parcels must in (every case accompany cook bid, with the amount of each' kind a work, and the total amount carried out ; the .Department reserving the right to reject or 'accept the jpropronals hereby Invited, or any part thereof, when It deems the tutored of the United States require it; the :Department alse'reserres the right to exclude the hide 'of any person or persons whom there in just CAM° to ,believe will not faithfully perform the coutracta, or iwllioh they have 'attenipta to obtidis by indirection; ;and all bids when there shall be parties in interest who do not join in the bids, and all bids that upon itide are below a fair price for the work. ' Didii will not be received In gross, and no contract trill be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the ;Department of the Floes of ttio'difforent kinds of work' 'and materials, which shall be subject to the revision ' ;of the Department, so that It may adopt the whole or .part of, the bid, as the intend of the United States tuarrequire. • , - I Ninety per cent: of, the amount of work done,and , i niateriata delivered according to contract price said , Amount to be Itecertained by an' °etiolate of au agent of lthe Department appointed for that. purpose,) will be mad from timo to ,time tut the work progresses, mid ten pee cent. retained until the completion of the coutract, , end the acceptance !of the:work, &c., by the:agent' aforesaid, and be forfeited in the event of non.fulfliment, of contract: • , tteatbe awarded only to minder-builders and. °thanks ;and the assignment thereof, except by con. eat of the Secretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit pro of the same;,! , Each proposal rand be accompanied by a written guar. doe; signed by two responsible perfume (certified to be po by the United Mates Matelot Judge, or Attorney of the said Dintrict), lo the cute' ,of g 5.060 for the whole ,week, - or of a proportionate amount if any part, that the bidder will, when required, If his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond, with proper and suilliclent securities for Ito faithful performance. Verne of hood and Certificate required will be fur picked on application to the Department. ' • Plans, epecitications, and working drawings will be eadly ou the Ist of November, when they can be had on application to the Department. I No bid Will be considered unless it fully complies, in all ill detaili, with the requirements of this adver tisement. I The proposals ;most be, sent to thin Department, ad 'droned to the Secretary of the Treasury, and pleb:lly 6ndoraed ~P IIOPOSXL4 DA TIM PERTH. AMBOY PUST011,1101:18k1, , ' and will he opened at one o'clock; of the hut day named for.recolvlng the same. ; . 40W141,1, 001i113," 24-th slato-tooll fieerotary of the Treasury. !PROPOSALS FOR BOFFIA.I§I, • QuAsTsgmAsTsies °tog Areenti 00iPS, Woe legteo, Oct. 10, 1867. SEALED PROPOSALS will be 2 'reeeived at this office until 8 &Clock, p. in:, on Friday, the 18th of November, 1867, for supplying the merlon corps with the following articles during the fiscal year ending 80th Jane, 1858, vie 600 to 800 uniform caps, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompoons . , 1,000 to 2,000 patent-leather stoc ks, I 600 to 800 privates' uniform coats, complete, o 1 navy blue cloth, Indigo dye—to: be ' chernically tested. 60 to 100 serpents , . unifoirn eoats, (same as' Multi.) • 60 to 100 musiciapa',costs, ecarlet cloth, cochineal, dye—to be chemically tested. 100 to' 200'ptirs non-commissioned officers , open' rotten: 600 to 800 pairs bruit centre straps. , 80 to 60 red worstokl rashes. 1,000 to 2,000 pairs linen overalls. 1,000 to 2,000 linen shirts. 2) 93 0 to 8 , 000 Pain btogette, , h/oe. kto 11. , 500 to 80J marine blankets, (gray,) 6W to , 800 knapsacks. 2,¢00 to 5,000 pelts woollen socks. , 600 to Imo marine fatigue cape, the cloth to bo navy, , ,blue, , indigo dye, and chemically' tented. to to' 800 fatigue frocks. 1,000 to I,6oooannel shirts. 600 to 1,000 padre woollen oversits, blue kersey. 600 to 1,000 woollen Jackets, do. goo to I batch or great coats, d o , 600 tol,l n pairs Canton flannel drawers. 86 to' 60 minlelans , jackets, starlet cloth, coolll=' neat dye—to be chemically tested. Samples of the above articles, may be peen on op oi, Whin at this office,' of tho office of the assistant • geurterunuitcr merino curpi, IS9 Spruce street, Pli.lla dolphin. I i is to be understood that the accepted bidder is to take all =aerial used for manufacturing coats, overalls, & e nu bend at the time of °uteri.; into , contract,. at the contract prices thereof. hide re q uir e d ceived tor the whole or In parte for the articles, and tt inust be elpllcitly understood that n crlitcal inspection will be given all articles fur nished an to fit and quality, Cod that artlelom whlek do not come up to the sample will be rejected and thrown upon the hands Of the contractor. The quartermaster reaervos to Monett' the right to Increase or diminish the quentity named above, ac the exigencies or interests of the service may demand. Pi °posts to be addressed to the "Quartermaster of the Marine Corps," Washington, D. 11., and endorsed "Pro posals for Supplies." The papers publishing this advertisement will seed the paper containing the first inaortion to this °face for examination, acoompauled by a duplicate account of the eapanite—at the rate of 75 cents for 800 ama first timer- Ma and £I7N orate per 900 owe for pH aubsequent in sortions. Ileill•stutlitNov73 ehipptitg. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE . STEAMSHIPS ' STATE OF UEOEGIA AND . KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trede t the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October 18th. A. HERON Jr 11 - 4 1 ARE REDUCED AND lIAVILN.—The TO SOUTHAMPTON , agnincent ateamshiplaN. , a, commander, 5,268 tons, DERMA', Ildward liiggin. will mil Frain New York for South- From Southampton and amptou and llavre. Ilavre for Now York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Dee. 6 Saturday Den. tii Price of Passage—First cabin, POO; sewed cabin, 160 Specie delivered lu London and Paris. For froiglit or passage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent„' No. 5 Dowlhig Croon, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre.paid, 26 tante each half ounce, (byouclosure of postage stamps If from other cities) will he received at No. 6 Bowling-green; New York, up to 1134 o'clock on the morning of Nil, log. ' (MIMI" L GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU; ROPE. Virst Cabin 880 I Second Cabin " In the first-clue paddle-wheal steamship ADRIRI,, 2.0/0 tons, 0. D, LUDLOW, Commander, and NOSTII STAR, 2.600 tons, P. E. DirltYllE, to sail from pier No; 8 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, vie: Loavo N. York for Southampton, Bremen for Southampton , vro and Bream. Southamptonfor Now Yolk, , Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 81. Wededay, N. Sat'y, Oct. 81. Saturday, N0v.28. WedahPy, Deo, 80 Them steamers touch at HAVRE. Specie delivered: in Lotion and Patin, Yor passago and' freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New: York,' 0c,1041 ' lOR LIVERPOOL—SATURDAY, 17th; Ootober.—The packet ship NONPARRIL, (OW, tous).llaptain Bitola, will sail as above. .2 1 , Cabin passage ' &mut Oablis . Bteerago 18 Hewed cabin and steerage passengers Senna with pre-; 'Wows according to the American passenger act. era- Apply to • TllOB. RIOUAUDSON & 00. I: 4 10R ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1857:-' New York and Havre Steamahip Oompany.—Yhe: United Ram Mall Steamships AKAQO, 2,601 tone,: David Linea, commander, and YULTON, 2,608 Mos, James A. Walton, commander, will leave New York, Uwe and Southampton, for the years 1861 and 68, on the followling days: I.NAVN N • 1857. filltou,Setutday, Aug. 22 Arngo, do. Sept. 121 Fultou, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Nov. 14 PUltou, dd. Doc. 12 1888. At m°, Saturday, Jan.' 9 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 Arno, do. Mardi 6 Fulton, do. April d' Arago, do May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 Lima notrrnanreon. 1857. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 28 Fulton, do. , itepa.2.3 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Walton, do. Nor. 18 Arago, do. Leo. ld 1848. Walton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, do. Jan. 13, Arno, do. Yob. 9 Arago, do. Feb, 10' rotten, do. Marob 9 Walton, do. Mar, 10, Arago, do. April d Aram do. , Apra 'I I Walton, do. May 4 , Fulton, do. May 6 Arago do. June 1 Arago, do, June 2 Fulton, do. June 29 Walton, do. Juan 30; POlOl Or POMO% Wan 1857. Amigo, Tuouday, Aug. 85 Button. , do. 0814. t.,1 Arno, do. Oct. 20 Patton, do. Noy. 17 Arago t do. Deo. 12 1858. From Now York to Southampton or nine—lint Cabin, $l3O ; &toad OW% $75. 6 r 01.1) Baure or Southampton to New York—lint Cabin, 800 frau; Second Oabin, 600 franca. - Por froight or pot age apply to MORTIMER LIYINtIsTON, Agent, T Broadway. . IV ILLIAM IRMO, " Barre. OROSKEY & CO., " Southlon. A MERIOAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AAR 1515.- " Part*. mow{ 00. atts IIIHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL JL UNITED STATER MAIL STEAMERS.—The Ships corm oniug thin Line are The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge: The DALTIO, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James Went. fTheee ships bare been built by contract, expressly for tiovornment service; every care has been taken in their construction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and 'Teed, and their oteommodstiouo for pansangere are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of poooksro from New York to Liverpool, in liret cabin, $130; in second do., $7O; from Liverpool to• New York, 30 and 20 guineas. No bertha aerated tlalem paid for. The Alpe of this line hare Improved water tight balk beads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. I /HOU NNW YORK, PROM L11(.10001., Saturday, June 20, ' 1857 Wednesday, Juue24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1807 Wedneaday, July '22, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1807 Weduesday, Aug. 6, 1857 Potorday, Aux. 16, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 12, 1857 Rat utday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wedueaday, Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 26,' 1867 Wednesday, Supt. 80, 1867 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Weduesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday; Oct. 24 1857 Woditetulay, Oct. 28, 1857 Sattirday;'Nuv. 7, 1857 IVedueaday, Nsv. 11, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1867 Wednesday, N0v.28, 1867 Saturday, Doe. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 9, MI Wo4uvedsh Dec. 22, 1817 Vor haled or pe.senure, apply to INWARD K. COLLINS, No. 68 Well atroat, N. Y. 'MOWN, 8111PLNY A (10., Llverpoot. 8114P114114.11.2NNARD A 00., 87 Auso9 Friw, London, B, li. WAlNlyn t torise& Ctl., Perla. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion,apecie, Jewelry,pr solace atones or tuoLart; Willa or 'Mingo ned therefor, and the 'stile thereof expressed therein adf-tf itlinea anb ii:innaro: pORT,WINE.—in bond and ontitlod to du x. bantam OA 'casks St. Joesphla Pure Juice Port Wine, in qre. and eighths, To panehoona John Ramsay Inlay Malt Scotoh.Whtir key, 2 vitro old llifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marott, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dopey Brandies, al of which I otrer to the trade at reduced prima. JO5. P. TOBIAB, suiT-Smog BR and 90 B. Front Ht—below Walnut. A TAIXANDER V.IIOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR f3TORR, No. 220, Routhaut Garner o 01 , 10IttIN sad BOUTII Streets. I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINN WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARIi t Ao., 21 , South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. BRANDIES.=—, Pinot, Onatillon & Co., Ma- Tett teoo., and other brands or Oorruscs or various vintages, he half pipes and quarter casks ; Fellevoisln Rochelle Brandlea, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom Hausa stores, imported and, for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & CIO., , as 0 ROC 221 awl pa South Fourth street, irIITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE II'AND LAGER Min BREWERY, NO. 520 (not tio.9”) North TUUU) Street, Phils.delphla:-81AppIng orders promptly atteuded to aul.tf HO7IIESTEAD FOR $2,001 LAND MS .I%MUTTON!! MANOR FOR P0011141.Etil! The Northwestern Mutual Land Bement Aeseclation will make a graud distribution of $lO,OOO worth of real 'estate mid mope to its members. The number of mem hers is limited to 16,000. $2.00 cud five letter stamps per membership, or a share. Any individual sending $lO and the stamps, shall bo entitled to mix shares; or , any person sending $lO with six names with I headdress of each, carefully written, shall be entitled teals shares. The following is the real estate to be distributed : .No. 1. An improved farm of 30 acres in Cooke j Co., Illinois, slued at $3,000 .No. 2. An Improved farm of 160 acres in White , sides Co., Illinele, valued at !No. 3. An improved farm of 160 acres In White sides Co., Illinois, valued at iNo, 4. An excellent private reeldenee lo Dubuque, lowa, valued at - 3,000 No. 6. 160 acne supetiot farm land In Cooke Co., Illinois, valued at • ' 2,000 N 0.6. 160 sates well pine timbered In Wanpacce ! Co., Wisomisin, valued at 2,000 N 0... A good lot and cottage residence In Obi. oago, Illiuols; valued at 2,000 , No: 8. 160 acres superior land in Whltealdes Us., Illinois, valued at 1.000 No, 9. 160 acres good land In Chippewa). Co., Wieconein, valued at •060 10. 164 acres good land In Chippewa, 00., Wisconsin, valued at 900, No. 11. 160 acres good land in Oblinteiroly , , Wieconnin, valued at No. 12 100 acre, good land In Dunn MD. consio, valued at 800 No. 13 . 80 coves goad land In Marshall Co,,lowa, valued at „ , 600 No. 14. $0 acres good land In Mardian Co , lowa , valued at 000 No. 16. 80 acres good Walla Ideraliall On;, lowa, valued at 600 No. 111, 40 fierce good 414 In Idefettall Uo;,,lotee, valeeclat ' . 800 No. 37. AO tool goisd land In Lino 00., lowa, rsl vOd et 800 40 acres good land In Lion 00., lowa, yal i ued at ' 800 No. 10. • '4O acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, val= }red at ~ „ 880 No. 2.6. One bidlding lot in Dubuque, lowa, val. lied at 900 21. One building lot In Marling, Illinois, valued*"' , 800 No. 22. One 'building lot In Oterllng, valued at, 000 No. 23! One building lot in Sterling, Illinola; 800 valued at ' 180,24: 40 acres farm land in grant Co., sin, raked at ' ' ' 800 No: 20. , 40 Scree farm land In Greet Op., WraeonT ' ohs, valued at • BOO os. go, 40 tort, land In OrentOo , Wisconsin, 'valued at 0 1210 N 0.27. 40 sores land In Omit Ce., Mammal% , valued at •t • , I , 240 No. 24. 40 acres land In Crawford 00., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 29. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisamein, valued at 200 o. 30. 40 acres land In Oromfordoo., TV iscousln, valued at 200 N 0.31, 40 sores land In Moutoe Co., Wisconsin, valued et 200 No. 92. 40 acres laud In Monine Co ., valued at 200 No. 33. 40 acres land In Jackson Co., Wieconaln i • valued at 200 No. 84. 40 sores land in Jackson (10., Wistansia,' valued at 400 No. 35. 40 acres land In Dad Ass Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 36. 40 sores land in Dad Axe 00., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 27. 40 acres laud In Dad Age 00., Wisconaln, valued at 100 No. 88. Ono lot In Button, Illinois, valued at 160 No. 89. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot In Balton, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of stockholders shall be written on as many small cards as they have shares, and the whole placed in a box, and the first name taken out shall be entitled to the Improved farm No. I; In the above Hat, and the next taken out will be entitled id No. 2, cud so on until the 40 items of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,900 stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a Western fiats or Territery. A full moonlit of the dietribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each membbr of the Association, with the natues'aud address of such as may receive the real estate--td whom also the deeds .will be Bent and immediate possession given. Each an. plication must to accompanied with s2.oo,and nee letter etanimi. Address LINDELL, JON/18 00 .1 au-18 Chicago; Illinola. 41,00 A V RANGE .—SOLUBY, (MALI Wlua &lit% 1102 icosoompac saut-sia AirmiDAY, ocTonga 249 18,17. - „ 2240 LBS. IS A ON.—BUYERS 'l' and common M O W are Invited to examine our stock of "LSO LOCUST MOUNTAIN BLACK 'LEATH COAL," Our Coal to selactOd elpreelly for family use; Wag carefully screened, we will warrant It (roe from elate and duet. "We Bell 0 440 lbs.," being " 240 lbe. more" than sold by ratallSealere, at "25 realm less per ton.l , Alio, on head a full supply of "BROAD TOP BITtl. lIINOUB COAL" for Steamllenoralluif , Blu kinulthing, and solling . mlll purposoc„ Thla Coal cannot be ex. celled. YAM', lINOAD and VINN-alg Alga, "2240 LBS. IS A TON. feelLStn) LEIGHTON k 00 OA la 00A1, I COAL I—TAGGART's ONLNBRATED BPRINO MOUNTAIN LNIIIMI 00AL. J. &R.DARTER'SOREENWOOD,TAMAQUROOAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST 0011UYI, KILL IJOAL. RANDALL, & MEREDITII Haye for side, and are onnetantly Tenet's* from above celebrated Collieries, - ----- COAL OF ALL SIZES. There Is no Coal ruined anywhere, equal la quid* those and a trial will convince any oue of their great 'superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at oar yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, dust and all impurities. Our PalollB treat LOW as thol visity Loyvv.Nr. Order% le ft at our Offloa, No. .161 8011111 /DONT stroat, above NVolout. ()Mora left et our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, bolos BROAD Street. Orders left at oar Wharf, WATER 'treat, above OAI. WWIIII.I.—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt atteution. Purobseers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our ()pal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf 80111tYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality o. 'SCHUYLKILL AND LNHIGII COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRIORS. ALEXANDER CONVERT, aul-tf N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Sta. LMICH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER fic CO., COAL DEALERS, No. S2l PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the Very lowest ratea, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an 2-On .lIMBER AND COAL.—MONTGOMERY & NBALL having connected the Coal wits the Lumber business, inform their friends that they have node contracts (or a supply of the beet quslibes of Lehigh and Schuylkill Ooal, and are now ready to re ceive orders,Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be loft with Mr. 8. KU,PATRIOK, No. 13 8. FIFTH street, or with Mr. WM. D. MULL, corner PINK am! WATNR streets'. Chugs anb iltbetnitala LIRE DER lIDK BROWN,--OHEMIST AND DRUGGIEST, nortak•east corner YIBTII and CIIIIPTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of DROWN , I3 VSSENON •OP JAM/10A MINIM,. which le recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, add has' become the Standard FAMILY MIMI OIN it of the Milted States. , , This limeace in a preparation of minimal etoellebee. During the Bummer months, so tastily Or traveller should be without it,. In relaxation of the bowels, In nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is en satire and Aare, as *ell as a pleuaut and efficient remedy. oA.l3TlON.—Persona desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAIOA GIN-, GDR, should be particular to ask for " Brown's Ea ounce of Jamaica Ginger," which is warranted to be what It in represented, and Is prepared only by FRED'S RICK 'mown, and for male at his Drug and Chemical Store, north - east corner of PIPTII and OIIIDITNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug. este and Apothecaries In the s, Staten. • anl-Sru Sire proof gores i, ~ A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S , PILILADEI.PMIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, - VAULT DOORS, BANE LOONS, For Banks and Stores. Equal to any now In nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., Uu as good tams as any other establishment in the United States, by EVANS & WATSON, No. 28 South FOURTH street, i PLEASE GIVE US A OALL. Philadelpha. aul3-111 forum MACGREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES. Sold by 42111ADWIOK & BRO., 01100 ND Street, Bret door *howl Ram auglll,9moa IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS,OONSUMINCI YOUNAOII CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, son having Dem put to the moat severe teat, during the two Oobn 1117411 W oe ISM AND IttT , boo proved to be the most powerful heater Os the teeritl, roving from to X the fuel over any of the best formes now In use, TURNS Puswdors aro constraoted with a nut Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with linobriek or Iron staves, The fire pot Is surmount ed with A SERIES OP CONES, ok TAPERING RADIATORS; large and broad at their base, but tapering to small spar murex at the top, and uniting with the Ranier chamber, through which the hoot and smoke pass to the flue. Tux wools products of combustion in the form of sotoie and oases, are anepended directly over the fire , Orolvisin or coMpressed into the tapering thinsit and OONTINOLLLY EXPOOND to the direct union of the rays of beat and light from the tire. This heat end light is brought to a soave 1 nos Coca, riot matte the COLLECTION OP THE SUN'S RAYS, to it focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the smoke An° cases to booome intensely heated and tho roughly consume°, by this operation the sooce AND 00010 are KANN IQUALLY Ai/MAI/LI with the COIL Ifilol./ fur hosting purposes, while,ln other furnaces, lila U &Reign Ora term Warden IN THIS outsuily. All persons desirous of obtaining the boat and MOST EOONOIIIOAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail, to examine the New OAS OONEIONINO WAY VONNAOII before purchasing any other. The at tontine of arch itects and builders is particularly re quested. , ARNOLD I WILSON, Oinceessors to S. A. Usrrison,> No. 624 WALNUT Street, ant-if Opposite Independence squar . Humber LUMBER I LUMBER I=Tht subscribtar, who heifor iieveral years occupied the premises at filoan'a Filing kilt Kenslngtoo, has removed to COATES tXtr adjoining the Phosuld Planing Mill, oh 'Delmar@ lunette where he intends keeping a largenesprtinent of carotin* and other [Wr ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and seatTeld bafx[dtt, thoroughly inmeened an d well Worked. For sole at the lowest cash prices. Pnrehaeari are in vited to mill end orinalne for theiuselvea, midi every ef fort will be Medi to give setiefeetiou. Orders received and /applied at the shorteet notioe for all kinds and sites or S'ohthem Yellow pine, Timber and }Mantling. go-tr OLIAL'IItEI TNO T I 0 E—T H E U PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD 'COMPANY are now prepare 4 tolreceire awl forward FRERIRT between Philadelphia, Laucaateri awl Columbia, at the followlog rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Clue. Beeous Olean. Thlra Clara. Fourth Clare. 22 ete. • .; MI eta lOcte. 14 ete. Floor, 18 eta, per barrel. Pig metal, • 10 eta per 100 pounds, BETWEEN PIIILA. AND LANCASTER. First Clare, Sosond Clam. Third Citee. Fourth Clam. Wets: lI eta.. 10 rte. • 13 eta Flour, 25 eta. per barrel. Plg• /total, 10 eta. per 100 pound/. ARTICLES OF FIRST CLABS. Booke, ' • Yresh Pleb, Boots sea shoo, Nuts 'unapt, Cedar and Wooden Ware , Porter and Ale In Dry Goode • • •'• • Poultry lo coops, F.gge, ' • 4 ' Pork, (treali,) Furuiture,' , ~" ' (dreseed,) Yeattiere, Wrapping Paper. ARTIOLRS OP 20 CLAN. Apple!, ' ' ' /dolmen, Cheese, Melon., • • Clover and Grua Beet, Oils in cooks or bairels, Crockery, Paper in bore'', eandlen, Pasteboard, Cooke or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches (dried,) Orocerles, Printinipaper, (lune and Miles,' Paper Hangings, Herring In . boxes endless", Quoennware, Hardware, Beget Potatoes, Mope, Tobacco 4 'sales, Iron, hoop,hiirehaet, Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor In woody ' Tallow, Marble Blabs and Marble Turpentine, (apts.!) Monuments, . Val • ARTICLES OF an CLAW. Alcohol, • Potatoes, Coffee, • " Turnips,' 111,100, (greend Vinegar Lard, • White egad, Oysters &Clams, (In shell) Wlnflow Glass, Tobacco, (manufactured) .A(LTIOLFS OP ern CLASS. Oaldah, RONirl, • Cott4ll, , • • Balt, Flab, gaited, Tobacco, (leaf,) ntlit of sit kinds, Mlle and Spikes, Tar, Pitch, Whiskey, Planter. (rr• Per further Information apply to • . it. J. RIMER, Freight Agent, Phila. S. hi 'llOlOl4, Freight Ageut Colum bia. ante) LIYMRIi, Frelglit Agent, Lanoister. 1111010 E t FAIN LAN - LIS - SALE .-- ‘," LIP_NQISkIENTRAIMAIGROAD tenets prePared tbitelrabont'l,Nril„ooo 'sores of ebOlee Varthing !nude, in traits of 40 verde and novelle, on long creclite. end at low rates of interest:' ' Thew lands were granted by the Clovernment to aid 'in the construction of this Road, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle 'of the State to the extreme south, and Include every varlettor elliliate end productions found between those ;wallets of IstiMde,,, The Northern portion thinly prairie, I demi! hied Itlth One ginvee, and In the Middle end Southern peetions timber predominates, alternating with beautiful Insides and opening*. • . The climate le niore,lnialthy, mild and equable, than 'pay other par t pt the egrintry 7 —the'alr In pure and bra cing,' while tiring **reales' and epringe of excellent 'water abound:_ • BitIIMIIIOUISfoaI le extensively mined, and euppliee a Chgnpt and .desirable feel, beteg forniobed at many ibitite at >; per ton—and wood can be had at the name rate per cord, ! Buildlug Storm of exeellent quality also &boned', I which, caw be Remixed for little more than the expense of transportaklbn, The greet feetillty of these lands, which are a bile% ' club mould, from two to live feet deep, and gently roll ',Mg; their coetiguity tp this, road, by which every that dB, is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal, inarkete North ,, }hod, West, end the !aeronomy with whlit they can be cultivated, render (them the molt vain ble inveatibent, that can be found, And present the Mos favorable opportunity for pereone et industrieue hablto and small maims to acquire a sow. fortable Independence In a few years. ChicagO Is now thfgreatest grain market In the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of them lauds can be %reimported to that market, make ;thorn much more-profitedile, at the pekoe asked, thou ,those more remote at government .reiti,e, as the addi itlonsl coot of treneportetion to a perpetual tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer, In the re duced price be recelvee for his grain, &e, The title Is perfect—end when the Buil payments are !made deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the Sate, and in whom the title ht *este% to that put chasers, which convey to them absolute titles in fee aim , pie, free and clear of ewer' Ineumbeance, lien or 'inert ' Igi Ce prim% are from le to la t interest only it per et. .Twenty per ct, will be deducted from the price for mob. Those whit purchase on long credit, give notes payable in rev, three, four, live and 'ell) - eare after date, and are required to improve one•teeth annually for live yearn, so as to have one : half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. ' Competent serveyors will accompany those who wleh to examine these Lands, tree of charge, and aid them in ',making selections. The Lands remaining unsold are as Halt and valuable ea Wee which have been dinposed of. SECTIONAL MAPS ,Will be sent to a nyy one who will orioles* fifty tenth in vantage atatupe, and books or pamphlet' containing no 'merous Instances of shiceesfni farming, signed by re epectable and well known ferment living in the neigh borhood of the Iteilroed Lande,,throughout the State-- 'elm The cost ifl fencing, price of cattle, expense of bar etc.,—ei any ether information= will be cheerfellyglven on application, either peroonally j or by letter, lo;hinglleh, Wrench, or _Gorman, addressed JOHN WILBON. Lirld Oothiehisieher of the 'Central It. 13: Co. • • OBloot In 111loois Olotril Railroad pepot , , Iliblaiogo, 11 Roots. - ' aw Ciauinge innbe iIAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN KY THREST—NATIONA 14 SAFETY TRUST COM PANY—WALNUT liTntarr, 13OUTII-WEST CORN ER OF THIRD, PIIILADELPUIA. / 111 0011POILMID HT TRH STITH 07 PIIIIISTLYOIII. honey Ix received in Any mem o large or mei, and in teract paid trout the day of *elm% to the day of with drawn'. The ogle. Is open every day from °Wont In the morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, *id oa Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. II&NRY L lINNNXR, President, lIONMHT •Vtoe President. Wie. J. Ryan, Fineratary. D 111107011: Hon. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Ittunis, 11.4.1 ward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Hobert Selfridge, Joseph B Barry, Sunt. K. debtou, Henry L. Churchmen, James B. Smith, Frannie Lee. This Company consnes Ito bantams entirely to the receiving or money on interest. The inveetmente, amounting to over • ONX MILLION AND A MALT OY DOLLARS, are rude in conformity with the provisions or our °barter, In lIIKAL RSTATE SIORTOAURS, GROUND DINTS, end such Mat class securities u will always in. oursperfect Warily to the depoeltere, end which can oe% NO to glee pen:mummy and stability to this Insti tution, `IX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of YIPTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from II to S, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until o'clock. Large or small Roma rerel red, and paid with. out notice, with BM PER CENT. INTEREST, by cheek or otherwise. JOHN THOMSON, Presq. VIOLA PASSIDENTN THOS. T. TASKER, EDWIN M. LEWIS. SIONATARY AND TRIANUIDIX, WM. T. ELBERT. sanaTuss, Wm. 0. Ludwig, D.C. Levy, Charles E. Liz, A. bliakey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas S. Reed, M. D. James Russell, Thee. P Sparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isase S. Waterman, Camden T. 'Parkes. oho B. Austin, John E. Addieks, Manson Alter, M. W. Baldwin, William Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Charles B. Oarstairs, Robert Clark, A. J. Drexel Charles Dotilh, Win. B. Boater, Benjamin tierhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lowl. Lewis, Jr., anl-3m IVO. 88 (241) ' DOOK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. OTATE BAVINGB PIIND. Ivo. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE L PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. IVO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS PUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. PPIE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS PUND. aul-ly Illatikern onto iron IM=EMM SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FrilLl AND WASHINGTON BTRIIIIIO, rattenatnzia. MERRICK & SONS, NNOINEHRS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam lingluse, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers Gasometers Tanks, Iron Bata, &0., Out ings of all kinds, eithe r' Iron or Brass. Iron /ram. roofs for (ha Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &e. Retorts and Gas Maehinery of the latest and most Improved conatruction. Votary description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Paw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, 'intent, Pumping Engines, &a. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux'a Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Naamyth's Pateat Steam hammer, J. P. ow 14.' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—ll. H. BARTOL RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVE ' STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, ONVANTNINTU STREET, %MILTON, PADWINW AND MING BARDEN STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. ELOCOMOTIVEngaged exelnalvely In STE the AM manuf ENGINES. lfannfacture to order Locomotives. of any arrange ment, weight or capacity ? for the use of Wood or Coke, Or Rttummies Coal in its trade Volt, or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITHOUT IMITTIOO 8110101, GAB 01 PIAN. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo then produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot, and insure the beat quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of Afackinery and Tools, enable thorn to exeoate the F:ST OF IVOR% WITH 111 , 11:4T D.RoPArcH, OP ANY AURANORMPAT REPOIURD. MULLED OAR WHEELS, LIAII9.IIIRRD With Forging. of soy oho or form ' IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And IdAOHINY WORK morally. RIOEIARD NORMS laul-ty 1:1111111RY LATIMISK NORRIS . L 'PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL xII WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENQUIRERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND POUNDERS. Having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Beets, Water Tanks, Propellers, &a., reapectfully Offer their services to the public, aa being fully prepared i to contract for Engines of all sues, Marine, Rver, and fltationary. Having nets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-makiwg made at the ahorteat notice High and Low Preamre, Plus, Tabu lar and Cylinder Boilers of th e best Pennsylvania char coal iron Pinging, of ' all sites and kinds. ' Iron and Braes Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Bcrow Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pails of boats, where they con lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &O , , for raising heavy or light weights:. . . . THOMAS 11SLIMY, JACOB G. REAM, JOHN P. LEVY, sttl-y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington H ANDY & MORRIS MAN UPAOTURIES OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES NOR 4/18, WITAM Olt WATER ALSO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHT'S Wirohouse 8. N. oorner PRONT &ad WALNUT. sol.llm Illebichics i.ELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA TION, Xxtreet Bodin, for all Diseasee of the Bled. dor, Kidneys, gravel, Dropsy , Nervous and Debilitated Sufferer*. ][_TELMBOLD'H GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Bucher, removes all the symptone, among which will be found Indisposition to exertlan, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Woakneas, Narver of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Ilorror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often cue, 1•1011)1 Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushinge of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Euoll,llooll on the Fame, Palos in the Back, U1M01“01111 of the Bye Lids, frequently Blacklipota eying before the Eyee, with temporary Suffusion, Loin of Sight. If thee° symptens are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably remoras, noon follow Fatuity Lad NO- Fits. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of the above distreasiog ailments, use HELM 11OLD11 PREPARATION 8, Try them, and be convinced of their effieley. lIELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Buchu, "(lire health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !" And are so plcuutant In their teats, that patlenta be come road of them. . 11 .1 1LM :1111 B° Nat L e D e.: 9 tHu il eh E u 1 1 1 8 13 0e IN oe ll erwh P eI R m E hrg evul A en: cos which will bo produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for tho Inspection of all. IFTELMEOLD'o GENUINE ritEPARA .II TION, Extract Bnclitt.—Price $1 per Bottle, de livered to any addrens. Depot, El South TENTII street, Amembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. Address !attars, H. T. HELSIDOLD, 52 South TENTH atreet, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Draggleta and Healey, everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. ata7.4131* MAROHANT'n ORISTALOORAPHS, Olt PUOTOORA.PIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N. N. corner of EIOLITU. and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially tram anything over before offered to the publie. Their softneee, aad truth of color and outline, extraonlinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of reaomblanco ; while the savorily of the or deal to which they aro exposed in manipulation equally aettlati the queation of .theirpermauence. These fasts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence , le4 the public and to hie friends. They Mt seenrod by letters patent toi end can be bed ONLY of,R. D. MARCHANT. Portraits of the cabinet, and life 'lse on canvas as heretofore. , ea 184 m ÜBL IC LAMPS.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully luform ed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect log accident' which tuay happen to the Public Lampt; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at the FrOperl time' qv 'if not properly cleaned and In -good lighting condition. The flooka will be kept by Joseph' 11ai1y,240. 612 Queen street, Third Ward; OharlesOarty, No. 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Want; Dimes O. Kirk, No, 1439 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Deshong, No. 2231 Costes meet, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.V. Ilowiby, Oita Office, Twenty•Wourth Ward, (West Plilladelphia;) hl H. lii'Vadden, One Oillee, Twenty. Second Word, ( Germantown ;) \Vol. N. Market, One Mot Tweuty•Third Ward (FrankfOrd,) and at the fine dale. in !Juvenal street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of„ thp Philadelphia Qui Works. A. J . KITE, oel-6m Superintendent of Distribution. ,pITILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY ,. W. Car. THIRD and OHRERMT Sta. L. P.KLOLIZE & &ON, 'thankful for the liberal pa ' teenage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, acid desirous to merit its continuance would announce to relish:Ant and Pub'Kahan t that their new EPEOIMXII 'BOOK is now ready, and hem their increased facilities, are now tirtkpared, to runtish every thing necessary in a 'complete Printing', Establishment, at the shortest, no tice. Theft' long practical experience in the business, and the fent of their, personal ,enporintendence of, the manufacturing depot went , justifies them iu &starting that they cart famish a more durable and better 'tin. lobed article than their cotetuporaties• Those; therefore, who desire Printing Materials', would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. • ' Old typo taken at 9 out!' pei pound, In exchange for now at specluion prince. aut.* ' 1 , ii: V Al ll B.--10.041)0--PIDATER, 1 A E "rile Per Hour: ... a ss' . n. Prang tka Sta. ow 11.044 if M. 0. 4 . ..e. IP R.. — A D ItYllaaltlphia 4 ,, 1. ma ,at ta. has . .It 1 , Via wa tt Itartaali .4. CI. II& 1.... B 2 Pr ." l" d 6,610* * • Pn.b.C.hmat ..a. B T. ri.....a 0w - Cit the any bad 431 a —f? Prim small n,.,.1, D Cor. Library, POURTIRE AT. below Cbeetant. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of exCelleut quality, basold at the PIIILADKLPIII4 IandWORKS for the reduced price of five cents e bushel,. may be obtained In Large or small quantity by lip! plying at th e lies Office, No. 20 Booth RiliVßtint Street, ' • I To Piirehasers by Wholesale, it hi sold at the works, in Pirrit Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An !threcite a t 52,50 per ton. , (iigued,) Y. 0. ORKSSON (Ise WORI3, Aug. 20 , ' M I . aay_ty COAOH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP factory of E. S 9 lISSIIERB, N 0.109 (late 49) South ;EIGHTH, below Chestnut street hu become a saving 6i) per cent. .to our. tOI.IIBLET WESTERN 'SISECEVANTS, dod tag* 6 doorsill° pr baring their :old Carriage Lumps pow allosi•V *MI bottomed,' loot mit 11 "oat to fl veto. " wan 17 Insurance Orompattico. lIowARD VIRE AND MARIN E IN. lI II 4NCE I ' O ;II . 3NY-091re No 413 WALI4IIII titreot, Pbtladelobl a 'rho fellowo o , Matt...rot of the affairs of the conteatty le puolta4 e d in eaufortaily WWI PTUVISiaII of iii charter . rk11111051.1 RECNIVCI.I knoll It OII6T f , W: 6 .l° 113 ".? Flee premium,. 31, Ka. 338.7.3) bl 111arine premium. 217.793 62 retivetuel premiums 234 00 --- TO:011010001 premiums Laken. 33.16,747 43 ?issued Ore premiums 2:072 be. premiums ... 755 Uif.. 41-1;0,073 54 Deduct rutuns preustunvt Net earned Markle Itmel paid 1193,885 I's Ylre lessen paid.... 8,031 11 Salvage re. eeived... $760 67 inteneat re ceived...l,36l 57 1t a - Inater anee 2,911 62 —8,083 66 93,833 70 Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements In lieu of scrip, salaries, office rent, furoithing eaten, books, sta tionery, he Profit and lose Carl' on band 1831116. 912,515 89 Mita rtvelvable 119,267 (c, bonds and inuctgagesl6sooo 00 Stock. 292160 00 Stuck not,. 142,900 00 Dun by &gout* and others 22,312 93 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Win It Leeeb, C. E. Spaugler, K T Keum I, Abraham Rex, ii H Hoodoo, Wm. IL Woods, Joe. R. Wither", Cleorge Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, 0 a Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John U. Leviers, Herman Haupt, James E Stiles, Nathan R. Pone, II U. sblllingford , , PERCIVAL M. POTTS, President. , O. E. SPlllOl.lli, Vice President. W. 11. WOODS, Secretary. ~,,e22 R. T. $111311., TISLID7OI. l I IIRS INSDRANOE.• ___l. _____ SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE CON PANT. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SECURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OW Sinn AND WOOD STS SPRING GARDENS. OLIARTXR PEEPET 1J AL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dobnart, Henry M. Phil a, David WoMpper, Lewis Rhinos& Borijamin Davis, John Landeli, John Evan% Jr Charles Field, Auley M. Park, Wilibun R. Woo . t James Darnell, John B. atevenson, 1 Jacob S. Mintzer., Corwin Stoddard, Henri Homer, Thoa. D. Tillinghast, Ql=l=l3 George X. Childs, JOHN H. DOHNEHT, President. , L ICHUMHHALH„ Secretary. s.ept 21—ly N"TIINE INSURANCE COMPANY .- 0171.011 414 WALNUT St , Pranklin Buildings. FIRE AND AfARINE IN.WRANQR. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILSON To INCHBASSI TO 600,000. This Company Is now fully organ red, and prepared tcl man all kinds of Inm:trance against iota or damage by Piro and Marine Perlis at etirrout rata,. UlllOlO9. 11. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHAND SIIIKLI/S, Viol President. ORO. SCOTT, Secretary DIRSOfGIiS. R. 0. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. P. Showell, 1111 E QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 408 (lat. 9d ) WALNUT Bt. Capital and Surplus, ,2450,003. This Company continue' to make Inserane• %Nosh Mao or damage by Yire and the Perils of the Boa, bland ! Navigation and Transportation at current rata*. OYFICEAS. President-41E0, H. HART Vice President—S. P. ROM. Beeretary and Treasurer—H. R. COGGSHALL. AJohtant Secretary--9 U BUTLER. ROTORS. fleorge 11. Hart, E P. hose, . A. U. U►ttell, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, Hon. Henry M. Huller, Yoder B. Perklne, John H. Chambers, AU 8-1 Y lIIILADELPIIIA FIRE AND LIFE IN- . SURANON COMPANY, Incorporated by the State of Penneylrani* in 1444, are no. established in their NNW 0551011 , Na. 433 CHESTNUT Street, when ther ere prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSORANtIY,' from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of every description,' In Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS I , DWELLINGS STORES, WARRHOOSES, FACTORIES end MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, Ac Also, MESOHANDIZE of all kinds t STOCKS OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STOLES, Goads on' STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TI 510ERS and MECHANICS; FIIRNITURR, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Am,. /Se., kn., at moderate WAS of premium, and for any period of time. This oompony refer to their put career as an ample guarantee for the PHOPIPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at thin time no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. XING, Preen. M. W. BALDWIN, Vito Pfeil. VOMIIOIB BLAOI3I72XIr, Beo,y. I INSURANCE AND TRUST CON PANY.—The PENN lIIUTtin LIPS INBURANCK COMPANY, tioutheaat Corner of TRIED and DOOK Streets. Capita 1,1612,723 03. IKBIJAK3 LIVES for abort tarots, or for the Whole term of life—grants enmities and endcormenta—per cheese life on intareete in Reel Ratate, and makes all contracts depending on the oontingeneies of Life. They sot aa Kaeontore, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and 11mM:tn. MONEY SISONIVID ON DEPOSIT In any amoaut-- Piro Per Cent. Interest allowed from data of deposit, pay able back on demand without none*. ABBB2B OP TIM COMPANY, January let, 180 T. Loans of the State of Penns triads, Phila delphia Oity, Pena'aCamden and Amboy Railroad, and other Loans 3170,885 38 Bonds, Mortgages and, Rea Palate . , 117,181 19 Stooks to Banks, Insurance, Oaa. and Ran toul Companies 81,729 08 Premium Notes and Loma on Vollaterals .. . .. 193,892 01 Cash In Bank, doe from Agents, Inter est, ice 88,7121 47 atiarantall Capital, Subscription Notts 100,000 00 E7ll 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, PreaMeat. ,.= HAMITEL E. 3TOEMII, Vice Prea't. JOUN W. WORNOZ.Beaetare. aol-le ARCTIC, FIRE INSIJRANCE CONPA NT, NEW YOBX.—Oftles, Not) street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $250,000, with a surplus. This Company Insure Buildings, bier chandiu, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property , against Lou or Damage by Pica and the Risks of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Joshua L. Pope, Rena B. Graves, Henry Davis, at Theo. Polhemus; jr. Nihau E. Morgan, Abu B. Tan Nest, William A. Cary, Thomas S. Nelson, James W. Phillips, Charles A. Miley, Edward Marken, Wm. R. fibepanl, Charles L, Frost, Lothrop L. Purges, William R. Fosdick, Rutery Thayer, Geo. Weatfeldt, Zalmon Taylor, Remy E. Blossom. Henry Grinnell, Caleb Barstow, floury 0. Brewer, Edmund Fanfold, Hanson K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Henson, John H. Earle, Albert Ward, Mottles Easton, Louis Lorut, Baronet o.oUdden, Steph. Oambreleng, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Henry E. Bogert,* Polar F.des, Benjamin H. Yield, A. It. Frotbinghanti Thom. Y. Yonngi, • ALBERT WARD, President. 111fHAID A. CALVET, Secretary. an.lo-ly MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Ponneytranta. Capital, $600,000. ➢tre y Marine, and Inland Traneportation. Aaron £l. Lippincott, Charles Vide, Wm. A. Rhodes, AVred Weeks, Charles J. Yield, , Jesnes P. Smyth, Win. B. Thorned, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, Jelin P. Simone, AARON O. LIPPINCOTT, President, WM A. RHODES, Vice President, ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J W. INASTISN, Surveyor. This Oorupany was organized with a csah eepltal, and the Directors hare determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing its Weirs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 1 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. sat-dly /VILE MERCANTILE MUTUAL RANOR COMPANY OF PIIILADRLPIIIA.—OttIee No 72.1 WALNUT Street, oppitite the Exchange. MA RINAI RISKS on Veande, Cargoes, and Iheighte. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION USA per lantroado, Canals ; Banta, end other terriers. ALL Tllll PROFITS divided annually among the /s -awed, sad ample security In elms of ltilwarl Marcia Mlle*, John M. Odanhalmer, fashion WlDisunion, Samuel J. Sharpies, Luau Jean., Hoary Froaut, Edward 11. Jame*, Vk Mid= L. Springs, Franklin O. Johns, Daniel Ltaddoelc, Jr., Illiam Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. Y. Smith, A J. Aiitelo, Samuel L 4 EDWARD HA ALFRED WA. Joni O. , Seer CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Cut, Capital $300,0N) Loaves in PhNadelphis and vicinity adjusted at the Ph ilade/phia Office. RI leave we refer to D. S. Brawn & Co., Phila. I Hon. Joel June., Phila. Chaffee', stout & Co., " Ron. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, tea & Co , " 1100. Z. El Williams, Hart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of loin rune in the moat reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA ON_NRR.4L INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 4.18 Odd No. 1 HOMPSON 45) CH OSTNUD, T ST. T & RO Agents, 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD POR. $lO !—ThirdDivision.—s3lo.ooo worth of Parma and Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst %1 10, subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1857. Bob seriptlout only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one halt down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Parm, ranging in • value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots are sold eo cheap to mdse* settlements, 11; antficient number , being reserved, the Increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. 'wads at 1,&50 lots imd fume are already sold, and a company of settlers called the " Itappahannock Pioneer Association" la pow forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith gut rformance of contracts and prep:lieu, Nearly 4501 I auss of land In different parte of Virginia, new at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to ;*3OO per acre. Nat:estimable titles will in all cases ;be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, &e.. are teamed, and live hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, ;to whom the moat liberal inducements will be given. me agents write that they are making $2OO per moo For full particulars, eubscriptions, spacial &e ap to • E. BALIDE ' E, au'.2l-tf Port Royal, Caroline count On. BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call .ILP and examine our Manila Bale Rope, whicti we tan cam, sell as low as American, and warrant it superior In strantb and durability. WIAVIR, Immo, h co., • ant' llo.2l4l,')Vatir id. tea WI. Whams.' 1101,916 86 60,38667 63 40-141,'283-7 *24,015 8764,095 84 °torte 1410etur, W. Btoteeboxy, R. M. Curtile, 0.0. Butler, Geo. Scott. [attl9-y It. W. Dailey, Charles, G. Imlay, Wm. D. Demi., Jr., J. L. l'octwroy, Andrew einunbers, H.B Cowbell, Baninel :ewe, U. D., A. Y. Obeewbrough. =NZ= D1111101 . 0)18 OSS. Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon R. Aaltbarnar, Alfred VasaHi, Thorosa 8. Poster, (tuataras Xngliti, Jamas 11. Stroup, Alfred 81149, •. O. Cattail, Moults 8. Quitting, Samuel Hobimon, John O. Wager, John P. Stainer Henry Uremia: Wm J Omar, rentaborg. KRIS HILES, Prealdant ' ITT, Vice Preaidaot. aul-ly illauto. taailtaabi po WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND STOIWRIS AILIANOWIERNTS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM DALTIMOILN TO I'ITTSBUNCiII AND tar WE T._ On sod alter June Dl, VOL TWO DAILY TRAINS w.O leave cert Watioa lee Taltidiargii sad all West rn and, tk.atit oc Northwatara cities TIR AWLS ISO WAIL TRAIN Letve• Lattimore daily (iaselay eaceptaKt) at $ U A. 11. connettiuz w ith the Kai t ?rata ere. the D tyl ra nu Railroad, and arriving is Pittabargh at 1.91 A SI TIM rn.RNOON laming TJUIN eleatlt4) aS s r• 1.,t. II ur.i.trt 'fa is lii lir k TWAIN Lauivrii lialtimore Y.V IKKY NIGHT at le P. IL-. Om eetiiie • ith the I.4yhtuiet Express over the Penseyt tts,‘ 11_0 lor •arritioj, at / ki k,- thr,a trciril r uzl,l elnaely at Pit •ith tesarte c.rer the P.l/0,.70. Pat Ksyse t = rMI "dee kn , !re.s./, vol a. No:tetra, Southern and 'Writ •rlltf Mae, r.1.U.11. Pao:wager. .br Chicago, Leek letzsd, Daheliag ton, lowa City. ililourikee, Datongne. 9t Pura, Wadi u, stet other leatho 4 rtt.ra ge the Northwest, will VITO 0,.• h witurd mite Of :rani aril See hears TIM Y•/00, Irak fuer Irslebengea of can, by taking this mute. Passengers ter Cleve/and. Mainittsky, Toledo, ara p by this mote, sail the time u aseepatUssi i brine 113 miles shorter than by any rah...pate. jr,f" Passengers for St. Louie, lalishaputie. Tarn Haute, Cairo, ..d all point. GU the Lower sad Upper Ilvisissippi, make less changes of min, and arrive la ad wince of anyotber route; and to eilaseinn.ti,CONtatlU, (ryytou, Louieyille , and other prominent cities, a. quick so by any aberrant.. 111 Weitera Bagger MMHG THROUGH sad nsdled aria cars. IFO R TAX' NO STK The 8 IS A.M. connects closet y witk Exprikai Train, o. er the Dauphin toed fur d fur lliamsport, lochester, Buffalo, Niagara Valle, and Caro.* tbas Ming the most direct railway rout. to Northuesters Pennsylvania and Western New Tort. Passengers will thel this the shortest, cheapest, t most expeditious route tn. Nilicsra halal and Canada. Through Ticket* are issued to Philadelpitia six 00- Weans lad Lancaster by all the trains at MS each, each train haw los mire coaliectinos Passengers' by this route ovoid trewelied Images, sal all the loacw,weviarscs of ferrying , sates the Susquehanna lire?. Paw ugers for ilaborer, Manchester, Gettysburg Im tiaburg, Carlisle, Chambershorg, go by its trains at 15 A.M.,stal3P- M. The Care on W thia ElT road MlN make one triSTER BRANCH. • per da ins with the train at 3 P. M. p y, waned •• • . Tor THROUGH TICKETS and farther information, apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station„ X. E. earlier or Calvert and Franklin streets. sep-tt - O. C. ADBItON, Bark BALI ROADo—THE 1. GREAT CENTRAL RGUTP., mammal:kg the At untie Cities with Western, North- wtsterm and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst. Thie Road also connects at Pittabargh with daily thus steamers to oil points on the Nesters Rivers, and cievelatid. and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports ow the Ninth-western Lakes; casbov_g th• most DIR&CT, CGRAPEST and RitLIABLR BOuTR by which !eldest coo he forward.' to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES DETICIERN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTA BURGH. 51157 CLA93—Boots, Shoe. , Hate, and Caps, Book., Vey Goods, (in boxes hales and trunks), Drugs, (la halve and bales) /anthem, Pars. ke 13e. - er 100 It Saceon Cosa--Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (la coiginal bales), Drugs (La maim), Hardware, Leather, (in roll, or boxes), Wool, and .9beepPelts,Raatward, & e ke per /00 k Tillao CLass—Anyly, Steel, Ch a i n . , (in casks), Hemp, Hama and Pork, Salted. (loam or in sack,.), Tobacco, mandacttuect,(exceplCigara or mat &e., Ac .boe., per 100 RI /owl= Masa—Wee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in asks or boxes eastward), LaMi mallard Oil, Nails, Sods Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosie, ice Me. pee 'OO lb Itotia-75c. per thl., mail further notice. a tiStu---35c. per I® lbs., until further notice. to shipping Goods from any point East of Phlladal plda, beWiscular tonal/. pang*" via Pewzighword Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Raid, at Philadelphia, or Pittabargb, wCI ha forwarded without deteution. Vitt f UHT Wormley& CO. lidemphia, Tran.; R. P. Sass & Co., St. Louis, no.; J. B. Mitchell Soo, Br...villa, Ind.; Dam easel, Roll it Murdock, and Carpenter & Jewett, Lonimille, Ky.; R. C. Mel drum, Madison, lad.; 11. W. &rows & Co., and Irwin A Co., etneitanati ; N. W. Itlraharta 4 CO., Lit/OTC/0, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. bl Kilby street, &ottani Leech a Co , No. 2 Astor House, Now Tort No. 1 at. and No. 8 Battery Placa, New Yor k; J. flueeds-r, Philadelphia ; Magraw & Herons, &animate; D. A SW:art, Pittnborgh.. H. H. HOUSTON, Gabe& Freight Agent, Philadelphia H. J. LOMBARRT, Paparlotanilent, Altoona, Pa. NEW YORE LINES.-THE CAMDEN .1. AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PUILADKLPWLI AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINRS, FROM PHILADILPULA TO NM YORK, AND WA Lease is follows ° via: Pal/ m At 1 A. M., fro Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mail 22 At 8 A. 11 , via Camden and Jersey City, Key 3er- Fey Accommodation At rl A. M., via Camden sal Amboy, Amommoda tion„.._ 2 At i A,visCionden and J erMy City, Morning Alai! At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, els Tammy and Jersey City, Morning Express 3 At '2 P. M., ria Camden And Amboy, C. and A. Els- pram 3 At 5 P. 11. Till Camden and Jersey City, Evening MALL 3 At 3 P. M. ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lot Clan 2 At 3P. Idvia Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ind Clue. I At 8 P. M. ' ria Camden and Amboy, AMISIZIKtiIi . tson, litClitas 2 At dP. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2.1 cam I The 6 P. M. line nutt daily, alt ethers Bands,' • molded. tlipross Lines stop at the principal stations only Yor Belvidere Futon, Flemington, to ,at 6 aml A F. M., from Walnut street .beef. ror Water Gap, Stroudsburg, &canton, Wittasbair Moutrase, Great Bead, Au., at 6 A. M., .ia Deists's . Lackawanna at Western Rai I r oad , For Freehold, at d A. M. and 2 P. M. For &fount Holly at TA. 1.1., yes 3X, 3 and to P. M. WAY LINE •-- For Bristol, Trenton, &e., at zg and 4 P. M. WAY LlNit Par Palmyra, Rantooras,Beeerti,Barlbsyton, Borders eno .ke., at 3 P. M. Steamboat RICHARD BPOOKTON for Burlington and Bristol at SI( A. 81 . and for Bordentown and interme diate places at 23i P N - Steamboat TB.S.NIt.Y (or Taeany at 10 and 11% A and 4 P. and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. All lines, except 1 A. M., lean Wass/ Rea wharf. MrNifty pounds of baggage only allowed esek pas- Parsossere are prohibited from taking arty thing an baggage but their ambit apparel. AU big gage orer Afty pounds to be paid for extra. The Corn psoy bruit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for Eby amount be yowl $lOO, except by special contract. WU. M. CATERER, Agee% C. A A. R. R. 00 R. B. MORRELL, Ageat Phila.. Tr. R. R. Co CIIANGE OF HOURS.-P HILA DE h. PIMA, WILMINGTON AND HALTING/RN BAIL ROAD. On and alter Thursday, July St, PASSENGER TRAINS LICAYE PHILADELPHIA Yor Baltimore at 8 A. H., 1 P. K., (Exprahrl,) and P. H. War Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 415 and 11 P. K. For New Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 4.15 P.N. For Middletown .8 8 A. H. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover st 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Yer Seaford at 8 A. H. sad 415 P. M. TRAINS FOR PIIILADELPRIA M2Ml=M=l Lento Wilmington at 0 60 and 11.66 A. L, and 2 22 and 9.65 P. H. Leave Maw Cutle at 6.74 and II.IM A. M., awl 9.06 P. M. Lowe Middletown at 10 OD A. M. and 8.06 P. M. Leave Dover at 8.60 A.M. and 7 P. M. Leave Bestort at 7.00 A. M, and 400 P. M. TRAINS TOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 915 A. 11, S P. M. and 1911 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore, do. do , IMR3Z6=I BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE ACCOM3KI DATION TRAIN Leaves RIOTS de Grace at 6.60 A. Loaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Passesger Car attached, will row to follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 6.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 8.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington far Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. Imlay 8. M. FELTON, President. QPRING ARRANGEMENT.-PENN SYLVANIA CNNTRAL RAILHOAD.—Banning In direct connection with the I'ITT3BURCIII, PORT WAYNR AND CHICAGO RAIL Yor Oiseinnial, fit. Louis, Lonienlle New Orleans, Bt. Pauli, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansas T . 'Terre Rants, Chieag?, Naluar.6. In advance of other roCitee out of Philadelpbta. Pnrmizg dose tomutliqa %rib% all As Grew Trete rra Kailroadt. Taßovon TRAINS I Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western cities, `from the Pennsylvania Railroad Paserager /Dalian; ,ouch-east canter of aILRVENTII ant IA V. LT streets, (entrance on Eleventh street,) u follows : Mall Train at I—, A. X. ! Past I.lne at 12 11, P. M. Rapist. Mail at ll 130, Night. ' Columbia R. R. Line leaves for Marrisbueg at 2 .10, P. Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4.3 D, P. M. The Express Mall run. dells , the other Unica, Sun days excepted. Vor farther partienlars see liand.bills, at the different 'starting-points Passengers from the West will tlnd this 'the 'hottest and most expeditious route torbiladelphla, Baltimore, New York or Poston. - ittOMAS MOOSE, Agent., Piasenger Mae Penneylaw:S.4 Railroad Co. Philadelphia, February, ISM. NOETII PENNSYLVANIA II A IT,HOAI). FALL ARRANGRMYST. FOl BETULEHENLALLENTOWN,MAPPIICHUNE,BAS. TON, DESTLESTON, On and after Monday, October 5, 186?, th e trains on this road will leave Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. 11. For Bethlehem, Reston, Allentown and Hanel Chunk, (Express) at 2 15 P. M. Passengers for Beaton by 416 P. X. train take stages at Iron Hill station. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 5 P. M. For Gwynedd. do. sl 9 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethelein (Fatiress,) at 9.15 A.M., anal,* P. '5l , tionneeting with L. V. R. R. trains, and arrive in Philadelphia at 12 10 11. and 6 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (A reernmOdatien) at 615 1. M. Leave Gwynedd, do agP.M. Accommaltaion trains rem daily; other trains daily, 2u.udaye excepted. race to Doy leetatrr Bethlehem Pare to Mauch Chunk art 5 so ete • . use imus*CLA,u, ett. -furniture B. KITE k. Co. Le FURNITURE, BEDDING, he.. No 413 (Lute Pa) WALNUT st A um cad superior style of Spring Beds Philadelphia. LYDIA B. KIM JOSIPE WALTOI suEl Sus Cot4ing Sll AR PE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, ItS North TOUR= Ettrest, 'Ahrens ' Ar c hc and Raw. sea-1y 1111 , 0 ADAMS EXPRESS CO. OFFICE, 520 CHESTNUT STREET, foreard ' e TERCELS, PAOKEHRE,• WIRCHANDILE RANH NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, er in connection with other EXPRESS COUPE KIM, to all the principal TOWER and 0121 ES of the United Sb.tra. E. S. SARDEOEI . Gamma! Superintendent :pp ITS SI A AND AMERICAN TARRED %EL OORDAOIE-4 superior article, rosourattar• sad for solo by WILVBB., PPTLYH 8 00., aa 8-tr Bs. 98 N. Water st., a n whom& lowa City,