The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 24, 1857, Image 3
• 41"--4, ttiat a 'Fran arta . We in, salsa ttifflaSt rot r flip;Zat,",atlt-L LEutEgirlf ST! NmPo_ e, l 41' the.daY 'l4 - ririve la /4'; anui,g 94 , 4 44l„.l4avlnC°rle, ut9l;:gesAktrlva`jr; „,.,144)2_ ,Foinealg INEN jmpi rli*U cs. , tßeportel ter The Prescl • , - • ` ' ' 1 1 OR •itt I , lllso3l,=Bris 11elh4" iteealey7-8.0,000 lbOQierot4 ThtielyettOf &• 13 4 1134 • „E3I44ADFLotto. BOARD oit TRAM. ” ri.tO r otii r oVi . ; iciatviti Orr !91 • NOfftl: RU;v3 • _1 • LETTER e l i xs464° ' Lanham, soon rig - Port au;Prlnce, soon 'brig Oregon, (14).C.tre" Or THE OCEAN I/TEAR/ERIC TI(E1 'UNITED STAUB'. • -' etdlYaa f• r t 7.1101 i you t• , - ' - DAT ,New York !Pluton 4, 'lleyre....oot 24 'Atterstio.•,:t .. . :New' York 1ttr0rp00t..,:.•:.*„...00t 24 Aidtribur4..•: .......... "fork Olafigor Oct 31 , RindiWa • • York 'Homburg . ;•; .... . Noy 1 -.. • , /OM t1111,01..g. , t, " " 2 , it4oll • 10Y . ' DLT Bonwta '` qtatoliure New York Oct 1 Oen Wiltiumet'..:ltiy,orpoot Quebec, . „ . Oct 8 Battle ' - lAyorpool , New Oct 14. Nettle, - 'Liverpool - Nevi Yottr..Oct 11 1 Ar0g0,,,... „8outhall:104m, New, York ...... .. Oct 2 MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA; STNaIifESS. ' fstrtansirati , 4rOm liaw York .arriving at Ha, " vans /Eli, and NS* Orleans Stool . - New, Orleans 20Es;, Havana 294' arriving at New York2Bth. , ' tatrairaaadrrt—Froin New York Ith of each month ; arriving at Havana 12th, end Mobile 14th. }from MAL pile 224 Havana 24th, - ,arriving at New York 28th, j OarriWaa:- . -grom New York nth, arriving atliavaira ' 17th . and NOw Orleans 18th' 'Prom *New HrleisurE7thi 'Havani29th,rarriving at 'New York Bd. , Om.Eroni New York llth;arrivingat Ha.; !vana'2ll4,lo Nett Orleans 28th. -Vim New Orleand lith;ffavann Bth, arriving at New Xork 18111 . Ittaoir Warraron:=Prow,New York 2781 h arriving at • 'Havana - lac B,ol`New Orleana pa. 'From Paw 'Orleani 12th - Itatinalath, due at New York 18th. , ' jearost. r 4roni Oharleston 18th and Ath, due at Ha, vans.= and Ith. '. Emu 'Havana 10th and 20th, due at 'New "AA Nakao-a slat. - Tboxworop, audt • steamers aitil'frotu &LIN* oa and liith F -11.11iritte ,Intaltsence. POlLlelir' PHILADELPHIA; Eet..24; 1,61. 21111971118193: - *ITO ... .. 19 1114911•WATZRA - " - "' '7 12 11;if - HMOS *[sassy 16 days Howi'Yert an- Prltmei wlth, frwOod.tollutif Wattsott & Sone: - • Ovia Dia Brown, IfSHOrtt, I' day; frostiVilmingtoni lah iallest to-,1 Baker.. ,-; - Labwit 116atley t .frirm New York.' ; .` Schell W Metiedict, hills, from New York. • • Behr Jas Ilemdt,Dwris, 6days from Boston, in ballast, Behr , (lee •ge, Jaifteonil day from Smyrna, Dal, with grain to Rewley;-Wilson & Co; • - • Behr John Lank; Artist; 1 day from 1/roderlottiDel, , With wheat to Jae Barrett & Bon. •• . - . Behr Delaware; Denbiol day from Srayrne,'Der, with oats to Jae Barrett & Son, . Rehr. Golder. Otte, Boon, I day-from Ifroderies, Del, with oath and cone to Jae Barrett & Son. ; Behr Lydia Ogden, _Wisher, 4 days from Baltimote, with coal to J W,Bacon & Co. Behr Belle, Bolt, 3 days from Indian River, with tom= bet to J W BecOn Jt, - . • - Sloop llama, Stratighn,l day from New Castle, with eats and wheat to Robeson Lea: ' Sloop Oars, Cibereon, 1 day from Brandywine, with poor to Robeson Loa. - Sinop Alfred, hforrow,l day from Brandywine, with flour to Robeson Lea. - • • •' OLVARED. . Ship alexatider, twin, Charleston, Silaidefin & Co. Benito Linton, Power, Pernambuco, Lewis fr, Damen. Bergne,Bß Walker, Raynes,ltostoo, B A Bonder &Co..' , Brig Sera Wadi, Barrett, N York,,Tyler, Stone & Co.; Brig Jas McNeal - Thomas, Halifax, J Atwood. yargneenilifheaton, Waahington, Tyler,, ,iltolso &CO, - - - • Sehrlmhie, Huntley, do • • 13c1R3 aellarrott, , Doiti, Boston, -' do • Rohr II W Benedict, New, York, Vandasen, Nor.' Ste 11 L Claw, Ner, Baltimore A Groitsjir. ' l3/4 . Win &turnings, Johns, for Callao, left Welnnt 'treat wharf yeeterday afternoon,- in. tow• of sterimert Robert Herds. Nor cargo consists of 1260 tons coat' • • • IMF VILIIONAPH.J Porrearadence of tho Philadelphia Exchange. . OAPE ISLAND, Oct. 23, b 10 A Al Two baiques, a brig, and several schooners went in 40-darli The whip Nonpareil for Liierpool, barques .7 Brune,lfor Baltimore, .Washington Butcher, for Now Or/rwor, brlglfelen //brood five colliers, went to sea tit kftemoott; . Wind south—weather foggy.' - Tours, • - THOS. h. tiIIGHIS. pariver.raitArm,i - Olirrieepondence or The Dreier) —blur Teat, Oct 23. Arrived, *big Webeter, from Liverpool ; barque Dub lie, fromOardAues; brig Austina, from Oseepeachg. - Boma, Oct. M. Arrtiod,brigtleAuti;fremiltalem.i, : . . . . , . • • •' _ AQUIUrfa, Os. Oct D Barque atid Nickels instistress-1,061 of the Cap-. lain, Watt, and Two of. thy Crew.—The borque'Darld: Nickels, of nearsport, Maine, from Mammas, boded to. St Marys, put in at St Augustine on the 18th in distress. The captain of the barque was lost overboarl, and the first mate, With two of , the crew, lowered a. boat and went in search of him. It le' supposed that all wore lost, The nomad mats, Oharles Smith, two of thd crew, and the cook were aboard of the vessel. The pilots are starching for the Missing beet. • lairisespondence of the klalsdelphls Exchange. LEWNB.. Del.. 0c5.22, 8 Al. • Thepat - hot ship Saratialt, from Liverpoolds at an chor in harbor, iu company with a brig and two sabre. The -wind for -the last two tlaye .bee been , quite fresh from NW, end so cold shit lee a quarter of an , loch thick was formai lest bight.. The !argue .7 0 Broome passed upon ThUrfday <merlin. YOOlt to, - lIIOKMAN. Correspondence of The Press., -••Hama DI GRAM, Oct. 73. Ten boats left here this 'morning, laden and con signed as follows: t , - - • ••• M 0 Romeo, bar Iron to Perot & /ire; American Eagle, Ind A Cook, lumber to A Oroskey; Bearer Rills and Bose,- inmber talk:talons &-Taylon Charles Blanchard. - lumber KED P Taylor & A McConkey, slate toMr Boandeer, 1,1 Plirm a n, lightplinatars, anthracite coal to Del City; Than Runt, lime to Chesapeake Oily. ' Steamship ;Jason, Britton, from Brenton, with 4bo pas aeagerry prriored at New York.yeaterday: , Steamship Yrulderbilt, Niggles, for there, cleared at New York yeaterday.: , • • . , Steamship ,Atlantic, Bldridge, for Liverpool, cleared ihldew Yorleyeaterday. • .1 , Steamship H B Beach, Ramiey, from , New York, ar rived at Baltimore yesterday. • Stdp. Minos:, Kemp, from lithuritica, was otr•Liver. pool Oth inst. . „ Ship Diamond 13 tato, Yornythi for Leghorn, eaqed fm Berme Ist lnet. . .. . Ship Itancsater,Decan, far Philadelphia 20th that, sraeadvertlaed ISt Liverpool lOth bast, Ship, Darlington, Paso, train Liverpool, arrived at litiebec latir haat " - • ' Ship Catalan, Dulles, for Seaton, railed train Odeua ltth ult. Ship 4riadue; Knight, sailed loom Macao July 21 for Bombay.: Ship 8 0 oabott, Watts, cleared at New York yester day for Melbourne. Ship , Orpheas, Obese; for Philadelphia, toload (or Hong liong, cleared st New York yesterday: ,- • Ship Shoed*, Win, cleared at New York yesterday for Ship Wesimoreland, Bean, for Philadelphia, was in the river' Idvarpocdifith Inst. - •-13 hips Tosicarora, Imulavy, and Windsor Forest, Graf ts:in were loading at Liverpool 10th inst. for Philadel phis tha 12th., ghip Thonise, from Bombay, arrived at Cox havanSth - • Ship Gifu of the Ocean, Thornton, from Calcutta, at Cuxbareu fah hut. , , • - Ship Levant Peterson, from Yelpersleo for Hamburg i was off Dover tts lust; EihigLueonis, freeman, from Havre, at Charleston Karithin, Vandyke, from New ()rheas, via eloneestar, arrived at Boston 22d inst. ''••• • ' •• • Ship John Stewart, Sherman, remained at Ito 131 b nit, • . Borgne Henrietta. Bilis, front Rio de ::.eeiro, In triuppton Roads 22.(1 Indent. • .• , ,- • ; • Barque Warren Fisheri llailagher, for London, sailed from Arecibo .1" 11, ad 'inst.,. • • • ' Barque Pomo, Kennody, for Baltimore, at Manhood Barque Bruner, Lankenan, hence for Bremen, vrao off gor.istut lost. - -• BargnsAchilles, Speddeo, was loading at London 9th loot. tOstblit wt. Munn, Bdinund Dwight, Nickerson, oleared at Balti more 22d inst . :foe Marna; via Toppahannock, Va. Barque Airon IMarvey, Millar, wee at Riming, Weal 00dEi . Atrips, Sept B,So WA f or Monrovia to a few da P4 ' 'ealveri i f itaitia, wan 04; W,coillt: of /Idea, *pi /9, to esil,for **dig 2 day. Wig Myr-VA; Walkerdience, was at Cope "ifaytien 30th nit;" arrived 29th ; espootedto mil on her return, about 201.Vnist. ' - Brig Meies',Sliunott/eimiSed Boaton,224inat.- - for . , Portland •. , Brig 300Blicables, frok itiVannati foe Philadelphia, -widilimbaftn fl fittehie, pot lute Nair 'York 21st inet. fo r ender( havlag, while •at the Breakwater, in a heavy northerly gate, boat both anehoss and was driven to des, • ftehe Orattieltile; Baker, hence, arrived at r Gioneeste MT tioiai . 'York, at Mouceiter, bee tialtacitd Parker, Sr, P1416401144N aged crafts2lin'Brven 224 Ind. " , . . fov oe ou biaTti,, °Yr, r ildeire 21st as to load Sam N6rtUerp 1141 t, ,Li!lcti,'itoitiiq DOich tol. 15th lust. • . . • , Oche Lamm ) Beano, house for Roston, at Apulia .1011 t Milt: • • • , • 'Bohr Oychnin, ladlifor PhUenisipida; sailed from New. Bedfordihat. • Schrs Rhoda and ; Baela, ifoPmame, And We Boman, bitoroot Obildrotoo Mot inst. B,abniNellisrp Ithrbniddre, and„ floe. Henry, Amith, hence at Richmond =I inst. ' Bohr IL.RWenitent, &fo li ar henna at Wilinhigtan, N M ot inst., , Bohr Shemusdoth,:iicic ' eMet; hence st Norfolk. 21st. B•fbr obi's A. out hum id Dumas 21it Bar a from Taunton for Philadelphia, at NowpOrt 2 0thluat, s,s remained Blot, A U. Ilobr POtteir, fro m liestol 21st st. for PhUseleinhia,• Bobo, Jarpos MoOkrokey, EltObblai;, And Rath Halsey, avid, hence at Providence 21st inst,• Rehr OhArles °scroll, Pratt, fur pil p ul a , „aka. from Providence. Pig inst. Behr Ltol3,AlfrArdl. galled from Beira;tiat that. for Philadeltdda and went Into tlmrport. Bept,•2o-41th Flown, Ilaldsth from. Midge: tor -PlOkadelpida,leout ma, short at the rarer Mekong*" ,lcui on,belna N riteaed of petite* of her cargo, got, oe at bight*. - • •, r atamset-,Nteterla t tUuyter, or as Tramatlaata Tele; grafltta;arr,tred at Nal( York yesterday from ithilree. -'- - - ; MAIM MISOILLANY ' • - Br brig Onrielan, Graham, from prowdento for Brd ner OP , getting =dor way, on Tuesday leati at New go to /ea misstayed, and rwenlashors on south side of Oosstees harbor, She wouhrprobably be got off at high - watt% Mat. ..' - Steamer Neptune, from Boman, toothed barque errs ashore at-Nantucket , on Moudty. IMO Morris pieced two large trooltoritnd fat ttetm pump on board. Ito a u , Silts op 110.407 pt to bent her of, but 'Oa pro!, badly prevented by the stronewlad.l. A deipststrof the 21st gaga Otptr,ltiolterdelet forllotton that rooming: , ti e becliggp f ,,t,opito of getting; her off. !the Tassel It foll,..K'sret@n; mid Mot weather is too rough to render ani.liaditaira.L.Steamerl fffantuaket abitoment or the 1114,1d0w.i 'The" M ft twirling ear Oallatin, while ;meg g awp 'Amu istatolent Anthem apoittbs , rotha otqatltaffhippattirg Centre ; and bilgod. She was alterwardlf got off cud tettin44. - Pikkeria Matt, where eke retaliated at lad advice*. t9gewtoo,ftout MO* -Illandollthf pieta Mop Umteg fipm as' , RI R Sji M' Met eaoe ':.•,•:',.•;•:-."'.. r• ' - - !WOKEN' -- ' - ' ' 41;*If;ilot05 - Atilf,ltitat818 , 571;iliiiitrOlitiinfat 'oo4' Ziryalyl4, for Notti..-, •. ,- 4.:, i ,4 r 4 t• 4' •: ", • ; -, q (.44 A-hoot Oifireist OW Anal , LiAtIO) l w - •,, ;fro' 6w.parx . : AiiirlB,lcr *libitum; ;• • 4 4:- • • ..''.l-ia_ 4- 3 444 Aot , i , qmio,oo,lNktipiceorthahliaviviti , ~..., ,r , - "Aksi werp•Tl Portaioostli; for ItiWoisig ...1 0 ! 4, .. , . ~. ' Itorktike fOtionouth pilot , - , - -':' _ A .; 211.0,0040)4 10 barauer D ttedfref,.sa ' Y. '' 0010# 111 0. zij , gadairclitf . • , ' ' I 6e,* l ' 7 ,f.6 britiicirf!iii,iipiof - ,:. - m.„ 4 - 1 t.,=.17- - retp fir ~, ! .., ,k y.1,,,, =. • : -9; i' , -..f . i,,A .- ' - • - , • - •'''''4-4.iigraopvtwocvotia, n ;, ~ ,Fr 7,,. 1,.. 1 2 1 ,.,w1 4 ~,,, "1-ritr Barmittli ey, t, 7 . " . ' -.', - - Tx , # 11 .40, ,, ,A.4w) mann., brow , ''," '-'''''-'-_, '-:'', l ,- - ::•:: ..., :,;-,-:,` --- --, , - , ' . ; , • .1 '~?~A'~in~"~N~F~ya.". ~wzk ; ~c ~mSr'k' « l~: v:' .•><`-eu.4i.~e-na~x.:~.ivt.. A_dc;sn P.-... ~. Mystic. The A ll' is 410 tout burthon, and is intended *the coasting trade; sent P Smith, Cooper, iWni N C, Brands Beuridge, Newborn, N 0; old salmi I) Oakes, 'Culver, Lavacea,4lMth State, Horton, from Savannah, Globe, Gentler, Watlingten PROVIDENCE=-21st, below, schr. X W Lindsay, Oro• well, from Alexandria; J L Mimed, do; ready, ochre Village Belle, Petrick, for Nanoemond Vii; Knight (of Dennis) Sears, for a limlthern port, according to wind, DIGHTQN, Oct 20—Arr ochre Wm A Crocker, Turner, and Wm. Cobb, Endicott, Baltimore; 1 B & B L, PhatAt Alexandria. BRISTOL, Oct 21—Balled, eohr hfotatt, (of Newport)) 'brig Segue WARREN, Oct. 21—Salled, barks Bruce, (or War:: ren); Luther, Matansas. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOT) Up to 12 o'clock Last Night• • GIRARD HOUBR—Chestnut, street, betweenßth & sth Ilitableld, New York R F Newcomer, Baltimore J Maryland - M Brininer, Washington L Able, Washington 0 W Yerby, Chicago , F ',Moore, Waakington L Wilkes, Virginia ELloainfi, S Reeve, Columbia, 43a t, Ogden &la, Francisco It J Nevin, Washington II 0 Jarret, New York Dr A J Morrison & la, gy W B Winans & la, fry II P Russell, N Carolina 011 Stricte Bo ston York 1 . 1 Eaton, Boston J 8 Wiggin, B Webster, New York Thosll Ferris, New York A-li Jonas, California : J Freedman, New York . W Ilastings, New York • 8 Cele, Washington F S liasbrook & In N York 0 A Welch, Beaton, D II Armstrong, St Louis J 0 Wilson,•Pillsburgh E ii Dolt, Virginia T 0 Baylor, U 8 A. T L Ogler, Jr. S Carolina 0 Mayer, Penns J L Wentworth & la, Philo Airs Wentworth, Philo Miss Wentworth, Philo John W Brown, Ohio „I A. Perkins, Ohio Non Wm Elliott, S 0 , Mr Peasleo & lady, Mass lire Pletcher & don, Mass' Isaac Lohman, New York . Fred'k W Byrne, New York J R Morrie Now York V Niemeyer , Virginia L D Dix, Virginia W A Gold & lady, Balt 0 IV Sutherland & In Va John J Gibbon, New York Mice Mary Gibbon, N Y • I Kelly, Washington - Gee Megrath, Now York I, It ticltay, Roston , J MAlnrdock, Mass sI Beckman, AI Chunk J It Gorman & la, Dayton• Geo Taylor &oil, Brooklyn W P Yetridge, N York W Sprague, It I , , J Penrose A. la, Illinois L M.Olova, Nebraaka ' ' A McClure, Nebraska 0 WL Morro*, N,York Wm T Barrett, Darbadomi Kingsland, New Jersey W Thatcher, New York ObIL T Wend, New York II Blanchanl, Boston Theo Ripley", New York J D Williams, N Carolina ED White, Washington J P Ainerhill, New York 1 Reimery, New York : 1111110RANTB , ROTELLPfifirth at., below Arch Chas E Anderson, Va J E Brown, Rithuming, Pa M. !Bomberger, Jackson, 0 J H Billingsley, Trenton K Kon ,1 0 Jones, Belding FS 11 Smith, Columbia co,Pa W W Snodgrass, Ciu, 0 Mrs Roland Curtin, Pa A Neff, Va Wm Redd, Pittsburg Thayer, , Ve 0. RcOollough, lows W R Miller, Pella „ Lewis 0 Cook, Chicago Tyson,Pkilla,B B Bpence,,Oillo Abrm Edinger,' Pa , 0 Kipp or. lady, Ohio ABhargeon, Oarlike, P tars Burket,,llerwick, P Walter KattiiUnntinadon James McCabe, Pa W V Wright, Clearfield!Jial Pollock, Ps 0 0 EtichercAletander,Pit'',Wpalllkiestlei, N Y W 2/111er, Plink , • " Oilfillan; Chester co, Pa E Bowman & la, " J Frio* lk la, Etrasborg White ! Lancaster? R Unica° Ps • AMERICAN ROTEL —olleatunt street; above Fifth. E T Whaley t Whale:villa Mrs BAS ltider Whaleyvlo Miss BIM Bider,Whildyvle Chas Alt, N-Y Geo Blaming Balt • J Alakochney and lady, bid A Gilroy, Phil& • , • S A Armstrong, Ohio • Indiana J .11 Thompson and nOn, Ind 0 B Benson, Washington •- 811 Benson, Washington L B Smith, Washington John Humphreys, NJ L Womeisdorff, Pottsville Thos S Small, Alabama . W A Andrews, Alabama IY, Bettor, Portsmouth, V S Jacksoni Winchester, i 7 W J Hoke, NC' J 11Coehran, Md • Gilehnst, Washington S Oilchrist,'Washington - It N MoVeigh, , Phlia. Sanford; N Y S J Gaskins, Balt WW Williams, Washington S J'Dlekey, Chests, en,Pa, 3 Butt; Balt • - A Carter, Perth Amboy P 0 Danekelman, Schuylkill co, Pa UNION 110TBL—Arch street, above Third. Levi Lewis, Balt ME Cross, Del co, Pa , Meamnis,'Phils G Bboarnalrer dc la, Bel -1.1 Unanget,Belviders, NJ vidcre, N Olinger, Pa P Loop k lady, Lewis. C Zimmer, Lagrange; (In ' town; Ps Buck, Franklin co, 2n Jae Zuck, 'Franklin ea, Pa A SLong, Richmond, Vs T Lept, Richmond, VII JIL Samson, Fitchbarg, Mass 3 3 Schmucker, (I ettys'bri STATES Lane street, above Sixth. T Babson, lane co; Pa " W Croon, Bloserville, Pa J Caro, Dauphin co, Pa L W Jameson, Balt W Rudy. Balt. L A Itolmas, Balt OW Bloch, N J •' • J Bomberger, Shippone. 0 Kratter, Olearville ' burg, Pa J Schroeder, Columbia, Pa J Shenberger,Columbia,Pa 11 Swan, Clearfield J W Pell, 11l K K Boise, Columbia; Pa• W litoVey, Ilorrisburg I II 'Richards & la, ' Thicker, Lancaster co ' ft IbPiltuor & 10, Pa ' P S Plemiog, Stonotown Col A Bolton, $y -- • ll* Jackson, Rending J E Pox, Cheater co, Pa John McVey ? Harrisburg' NATIONAL HOTEL—Agee street, above Third.' Jos 8 Abell, Milli .1 A Leach, N Y Wm Simpson NY ' bt Weaver, Minersvllle ; J W Stanley, Pa P Uhler, IThlerville, Pa i Jos L Yoder, Pa M Strain', Northumborltd, Win Jones, Pa . Oeo IVAlorgan, Pottsville LL J Headier. Pottsville II .1 Behaellor le la, Ohio JO Latest, Canton, 0 Mrs B A Brock, Allentown .1 A Cristinen; Pb ntiville'Jae 'Whitaker, Mt Clare Miss M A Both, Allentown • . -MADISON.ROUSI--Secoad street, above Market. 1 W L Cannon, Del r .11 Scarborough, Del DrWise, Del . . Jno Simpson, Richmond ' Juba Drown, Kent co, Del Adam 13 Haar, Lane co, Pa Mr Wood, P.t.Penn, , Del .IVm Kennedy, Indiana It B Leeolndlana ,‘ - Matteson, Wisconsin tl B -Outright, NI. Bobt B Jump, N J N Lee Towsuenali New York BLAOH , DIAR INN—Pirth and Merchant, Gee Yawata, Chester, Pa Mrs Callaghan, Phi la Thee Dewees, Chester, Pa , Danl Stubba, Chester, Pa Wash Ewing, Cheater, Ps Thee Warrington, West • Jacob Schwatc:West Chester • 'Chester Abram Bally, Cheater, Pa Jeaso James, Chester, Pa , Jesse Parana, Delaware, Pa 0 U Taylor, Delaware, Pa , VP Moody', West Cheater 'J (Iray, West Chester David litner, Pa D Richards, Jr, Md• Baer, Pa ' T L Richards, Berlin, 0 J N Benjamin, Ma t Lamborn, Cheater, Pa , BLACK.DBAIt ROTE —Third street, ab Callowhill , J lleaduman, Bucks co, Pa' C Ronda, Byberry J Cadwalader, Bucks co; Pa Id Haldeman, Bucks co, Pa 8 Yell, Buckingham • A Clayton, Southampton Pinney, Northampton H Winder, Hatboro J Van Artsdale,Weaaterville A Ilegoland, Yeastervllle A.Boads,ilybarry 1 G Cleramens, Chester Val J Mathias, Berke co, Pa hi Idathias,.Berks co, Pa Mrs Ilaldeman, , Virarrington, - • . IFrencitylltatc;-.Trarburtert has lust imported 'something . ne, in:the , Way of i lint, which is pecu liarly adapted ta business, travelling, and sporting pur poses, possessing all the softness and compressibility of 'Mellott Hat, St is quite free from the common-place nharacter whlchattaehei thereto. Warburton.haa alairreceived an invoice of Children's French Leather Caps. These articles are unique in appearanee,genteel In character, and serviceable in the highsst degree; Tlyoywell diseiveltiO noticed' parents. 4*Cheitant street, below Fifth. oe 24-1 t Isiducerneuta •Extriordinary.:.oll account of the sherinSis of 'oar Southern and Western Trade, It has left us with a very heavy stock of Fall and Winter Clothing on hand. La order to close it out, we have opened our entire House for We will sell zoo'sdials of init.' - - LIPPINCOTT & CARTER,. , 42i Market street, or. 24,1 W 'hatireen Vourth and Fifth sta., Booth vide. qinteriinei a Seaaonable, not a liensona. ble Poem." -1 Lecture to be delivered bypARK Ant, 'Req., et Oencert nail, Tuesday' Evening, October 27th, et 8 o'clock. 0c23-4t* Cabinet Ware and ETHOLSTERY, '524 WALNUT ST,. OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SWAMI GEO. T. HENKEL'S, • r ' 624 WALNUT Street, 0e22-36 Late of 173 ,Oheetnut Street Peke Clothing.—lrke entire Stock at fashion ahls Ofothipst 1p elosh% out i regardless of cost, at the birth:glietref Lilietty; southwest cbizei of 13EVEN11.1 end ALMLKET,No.'7OO. 'A gift with every ' oeggAt* Bows Moos. Jackson, . • JOB PRINTER, *DROHANT STHEDT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, Dill Reads, Cir. caters, Canis, ut a aft (Alice kinds of Job Printing, at prices to snit the times. : , 0c1.7-ly Robes,-100 . Dales' Buffalo Uobes of the various qualitlesOust received from Minnesota, Also a handsome aesortseent of 1? ancy, Robes or our own nianufachme, and foriste whohniale Mid retell by ORO. Y. WOMUATII, 0e412.1m* 415 Arch Street. . e 111,itiseselr !Sointais iraintl-49fttee , street, one door west of second street, , Receives do. posits In sums or One Dollar and upwards, from all elieiee of tho commuiiity, and' allows interest at the rate of Bee per cent. per annum. Mace open daily, from 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In - the evening. President l!renklli :Treautier, Charlie M, Morris; Secre tary, dames 8. Pringle, Bawaila_ Invalnable Cordial fa prepared from iivallety of the meat choice and 'efficient arotilatice known Ili medicine, and le the moat perfeeit iitioftelfahle• carlidrolire extant ter besets and :young By its powerful influence u speidy cure is effected in all oases of MOM.; wifely pains and sparinui. Relieves •and mitigatee touch' of childionle suffering during dent!• t!on or teething, and by its soothing properties tran guilts"e pains of the bounds, looseness, vomiting, ko. Tlie . lntant Cordial has bec:ome a standard remedy, and bors been need , in thousands of; oases with the most steutdant stmaees. :No tinnily shoaidbe without it. ?repaid only try ,- Hamar A. Dowse; . At biz Drug and Chemical Ettore, N.aornor Edith and Groan obi., Philadolphin, Towhain, itirodensmoil: 4 3 Addr.*a. , And for sale 4..llnalega Redirelf.. •-; • , an 28.17 40,1426 Irimi—rivri' Per CeWai Conga Beaty 'Smut Company, in WALE!? Street, south. west earner of Vella , Street, PHILADILPHIA. Algae eve g ghn MILLION AND • HALF OF DOLLAR", invested la Heil HBll7l, HOITOAOIII,OIIOIIND Hrtzs, and other And clam securities, es required by the charter. his instaggOn C0D812911 Its bilging" entirely to the renal. vhfir 'of inoney on deposit: • ' - ' " aline' It open every daj from 9 o'clock fa the 'morning mita 1 ienlont: in the ewenins, MA on Monday 'tind,Thursdsy mantras until 0 o'clock. ' On WeelnoidaY 'Oet. Mit, by the REIT.' &Weida, OSORGR KNOWLES and MATILDA JOSKPHINE, denghter of Joseph Jones, Eeq., ell of thhieltj.: ±Aitbe Famine of the M. E. Ohnreh; Winelow, N. 4 . :,10th 164.,'' by Rev. B. H. Johnston ,' Mr, JOSSPLI O. DOUGHTY to Mu LOUISA' P. VANNEMAN, RR of }Waterford. •" 'On the 7th Iriet.;by. Key. W: - Etabop, JOHN W: HER INQ of , y r w e yte.4; beL, to Mee E. J. QULER, of Thaletelphti,• ' - 401004iii•D Itinawbl Untolayn ui the 311.14 ' StrIFNE4 li r E i ll. : ; th:10711 dituAtil t t Or Arthur Lgorell, or this „ ? .. rrle:l; k :o l t a iil9 22at Mo!VtiPAL'In 'the Withlremeothisc , • •• c ' c On tiae.24t Inot,„ suw, wife of_ Thomas Oif; 414' lost.; Piniag , vuumir.rai, Okthi. in 4.04 - 04.14, SOWEt.affied 22 . On, the . tt lust, MIMI it: M;80i.04135, *gd yeare. • pain 'Notices Inkatigs. Mg Pit Er Church of the Epiphany..-Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, aortic° TO-MORROW et 103 A. M., and 7X Y. M. oo 24.1t*, Fry Rev. Thomha Stockton, D. D., net pNVENlN G reatitin JAYNE'B UAW SABBATH MORNING and ,ai usual. Subject inthe evening ; Position and Danger of the Just ; a sermon for the times. lto Nottce.—Union Benevolent Assoclutiort.— "laving been informed that a Society, called the UNION BENEVOLENT BOUNTY, has collectors calling upon citizens for subscriptions, this is to inform thu public that said Society has uo connection with the UNION . RENNVOLENT ASSOCIATION, N: W. corner BEV , * RETIE and RANSOM atreets, The Collectors for the latter are SAMUEL C. COOP ER, for the section of the city south of OILESTNUT street, and W. J. SUWON, tor the section north of that line. The' above OoHectors will immediately commence their work. and the urgency of the case of the poor at this time is deemed sufficient reason for their early application. They will .be provided with books certi fied by the President nod Secretary, and no pollen in authorised to rocolvo subscriptions without this certifi cate, except the °MGM of the Association. MIAS. S. lifilP.TS, President. lons 11. krwoon, Secretary. 0c24-eod2w Union Benevolent Manelntion.—At the annual meeting of the UNION IttNEVOLENT ASSO CIATION, held at their Ball on Tnesday Evening, Oct. 20, 1857, the following gentlemen wore elected officers for the ensuing vest, viz Prosident—CHAßLllA S. WURTS. Vice Presidents—CHAßLES EVANS, M. D., RlOll - D. WOOD. Tteasurer—EDMllND WILCOX. Corresponding Secretary-4. FISHER LEAMINO. Recording Secretary—JOHN H. ATWOOD. 145050005. Benj. Coates, Benjamin Collins, Matthias W. Baldwin, John W. Farrell, John Femme, Thomas Wagner, S. Austin Allibone, John D. Taylor, William M. Collins, F. Ratchford Starr, Thomas Latimer, S. Morris Wain, John Bohlen, Zebulon Locke, William Turret, Joseph H. Dulles, L. Montgomery Bond, William Backup, Arthur O. Condo, , John H. Harper. oeh4-eod2w Flrot School Matelot for Stew of Penn- , Sylvania.—Au examination of Teachers of the Public' Schooley/ill be held on SATURDAY, October Stst,lB67, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M,, at the Mount Vernon school house, I7ATI{ARINI streot, above THIRD. By order of the committee on qualifications of teach ore of the Board of Controllers of Public Schools. oc22•Stoc3l W. J. JAOKBON, Ohairman. - - ITYP Literary Soiree, in Jayne's Hall, for th benefit of the Industrial Schools taught by the Slaters o the Holy Ones, November 24. Doom open at 7 o'clock I. Lecture by the llon..lessen R, thisnomfa. 'Sub ject, IVomart. 11, Supper, and solo of fancy articles. oc2l-to2 IE7 Notlee—Appeals.--elty iliontsnisslonera Office, PHILADVI•PIIIA, October 11,1851. NOTIOE IS.IIESEBY GIVEN, That the Oommle-, shiners will hear Appeals by all persons rated for State and MuniCipal Tax, in the city of Philadelphia, for the' year 1868, for the several wards of the said city, at their office, No, 11 west wing of the State House, (unstalre,), on the following daya , between the hours of 10 o'clock A: It. and 1 o'clock P. M. • let and Al Wards--On Monday, October 10th, 1857.. 21 " 4th " 't Tuesday, " 20th, " sth " oth ' a Weduesday„" 2let, " 7th " Bth " Thursday, 224, " _oth "10th " Friday, " 234, 11th "12th " fitetaaY, " lath " 14th " " Tuesday, " 27th, " ' 15th " 16th " Wednesday, " 28th, " 17th " 18th " " Thursday, ' 20th, " 10th " 20th Friday, " 30th(' " , 21et " 22d Monday, Nov. 2d, " " 24th " Tuesday, "• 34, " The Assessors of such wards as have not been supplied 'Mk Blank Notices of Appeals are hereby notified to call at the COM0111111101101 : 0 Office and procure the same.; GEORGE M. HILL, JAMBS M. LItDDY, City Commissioners. • JAMES LOGAN, • oclUtoo3 F IFTEEN CENTS FOR HARPER ! HARPER, PIPTERN OENTS! ! • , • TO SUIT THE TIMES, • ' FOR SILLS A? T. E. PETERSON'S, No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET. CLOSE OF THE FIFTEENTH VOLUME. HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER, CON THNIS: , A WINTER" IN THE SOUTH. (Third Paper: ) Illustrated by Twenty Engravings. A REIIIINISOENCE OF ROME. Illustrated by Ten Engravings. NOTHING TO 'WEAR,--AN EPISODE OF CITY LIFE, by William Allen Butler li/ustrationr—lliss Flora Willimasy—Nothing to Wear. IN MOH LATITUDES. . _ Illustrated by Ten Engravings. TILE MAN WHO WASNOT AN EGOTIST. HOW I CAME TO DE MARRIED. EDUCATION OF AMERICAN WOMEN. LOST; THE STORY OP FOUR YOUNG MEN. OUR WIVES. - ' RACHEL'S REFUSAL. JOSEPH THORNE: HIS CALLING. HELEN LEE, " CLUBS AND CLUB MEN. TUE GRIZZLY BEAR OP CALIFORNIA • A STRAY HOUSE. MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS. 'LITERARY NOTICES. Books of tho Month. EDITOR'S TABLE. EDITOR'S EASY CHAIR. EDITOR'S DRAWER. CHARLIE'S SIDEWALK ACQUAINTANCE. Illusiraltons.--Love at First Sight—The Shang hae—The Ride—The Nice Boy—The Two Knives -Hid Pride—Charlie attar being Licked. FASHIONS FOR NOVEMBER. Illustrations,--Proutenade Dress—Coiffure-0 loth Cloak. More than ONE lILINDEED AND SEVENTY SAND Copies are now issued of each Number of Ma rzn , s &Lir MONTHLY MAIZINIZ. . . This SOWS", to which the history of Periodical Lite rature affords no parallel, has not been achieved, and le not malotained, without a liberal expenditure .f labor and money. The ample remuneration offered by the Publishers enables them to secure the host productions o f the most ocoompi led Authors and Artists of the country, to whom at least THINS THOUSAND TIOLVARS are paid for the Matter and Illustrations of each Num ber of the Magazine. By a careful and laborioUs selection from the abun. dant materials thus placed at their disposal, the Pub- I ishets believe that they have produced, and can con tinue to produce, 0 more attractive and useful Maga zine than hes over before been offered to the groat masa d the American reading public. Among the regular writera for the Magazine are numbered the most die tinguished American Authors; but the Publishers have refrained from announcing a list of Contributors, being desirous that the Articles Aphid be estimated by their own intrinsic merits rather than by tire names of the Authors. . . No extraordinary appeal to public attention has been made, or will be made, by the issue of "Specimen Numbers," containing an unusual amount of matter or illustrations. The successive numbers of Mamma's MACIIZIN6 will contain the same amount of matter, and will be, as far as possible, unilbrrn in respect to illustrations and mechanical execution, The Publish ers, however, will endeavor, by a diligent use of the constantly increasing facilities at their disposal, to make each Number every way better than the preen. ding. -It will be the constant aim of the Pnblieliorit to 511 the pages of the Magailne with Article& Inculcating round views upon the great questions of Life and Morale, leaving the'disenselon of sectarian opinions in Religion and sectional questions in Polities to their own appropriate organs. barge's ?dummy is also the onstage? Periodical published. Each number contains /eon SIXTIONN TO FORTY-EMIT MORK PACICIa, printed in a better manner, and upon better paper, than any other American Monthly Magazine. Subscribers hare alga the assurance that it will be permanently and punctually issued, and that its general scope and eh - erecter will remain:un changed. The Magazine weighs over Riven and not over eight ounces. The postage upon each somber, which must be paid quarterly .in advance at the office whore the Magazine is received, in Tunes OSIMI. Each number of the Magazine will contain 144 octavo pages, in double columns, each year thus compnsing nearly two thousand pages 'of the choicest Miscella neous Literature of the day. Every Number will con tain numerous Pictorial Illustrations, accurate Plates of the Fashions, a copious Chronicle of Current Events, and tomastial Notices of the important Books of the Month. . The volumes commence with the number for JUNE and DECEMBER; but Subscriptions may rem theece with auy Number. GALL OR SEND TO T. B. PETERSON'S, No. 306 OfIESTNIIT St., abovolThird ORITTENDEN's SERIES OF TREA TIBER ON 1300K-ItEEPING. ' .11. 0. & 7. BIDDLE, No, 608 UINOR Street, (be tween Market and Chestnut, wont of Fifth Amid publish— CRITTENDEN'S BE/tIRB OF TREATISES ON BOOR REEFING, comprising the four volumes below named; 1. Treatise on Single-Retry Boot-Reaping, Teentlee on Single end Double-Entry for Common 3. Treatise on Single and Double• Entry for High Moots. . 4. Treatise on Single and Double-Entry for the Count ing house. Eor each of the above volumes A. 0 & J. B. bare published a KEY, and a eet of Miniature DL A N K BOOKS, adapted for the writing out of the Exorcises contained In tiro wdrk. The sevend volumes of Mr. Crlttenden , s series aie now the text-books to commercial Colleges in Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louts, Chicago, Ac.; and In most of the Normal Schools, and a great number of the Nigh Schools of our country ; while, as a book of reference for practical accountant'', the Counting Mouse Edition is, undoubtedly, the most popular work pu the Science of Accounts published in the United States. on 24-St NOTICE TO RETAIL DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, WE WILL RECEIVE NOTES OF TUE BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA AT p A It For goods sold, from this day, If payment is made within fire days after purohase. • ' • OUILLOII, ANDERSON, dc CO., No. 883 (old 197) Market street, below FOurth—up stairs. Phila., Oct. 24, 1837. oo 24-61 el_ I GAS ! I GAS I !-THE UNDER ILA signed world respeotfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they have and are daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Gas, from $2.26 per 11)0Q feet to the low price of $1.60 per 1000 feet, by their 6101)E1, REGULATOR, which saves 86 per cent., a clear caving of 76 cents ou $2.25, thereby reducing the price from 12 26 to 81.60 per 1000 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on ell the princi pal and prominent buildings in the city churches, libraries, factories, hotels, and other public buildings. It him also been placed on at the Philadelphia Ex change. Unmixed/ of certificates in favor of the said Regulator from then having tried it, showing the above saving, can be seen at our office. Moro-keepers and the pupils generally are repotted to nand in their pritons. Peat Regulators, from $d upwards, according tu, piss. Orders throus t t!,lllomPo Despatch promptly attested to. N, 11,—Fifty energeNo, en,terprising, and persevering men ranted, to canvass for the mobicx., RIAGLIpiTOIt mu make from $2 to /5 per day. ROVER' T. XCNIONT ac CO., Office No. 04 Douth Plitt, street, neat to .1400ps Despatch. SHIP JOSErg JOATES FQJ SAN pL4isr- OISCO,-I`o eon with slo l * 41° P •tc Y* --Y " I ) 4. taken rednced rates.—Ttie beantiful clipper snip JOSEPH, JONES, Nelson Pendleton, comvaantler, now completing her 104106 at RUG street, 44 pas over three.fourthe of her cargo On board and'nearly all of leer capacity engaged will continue to poll* freight for a few days, and sail an above. ' , Shippers will please complete their engagements without delay, 11041 band In bllls of Jading for admixture. For balance of froigkt, which will be taken at 'very low rata, apply on board_, or to /11SHOP, StaIONS di op., 0t;24-dtf 120 (late 30) Nortb Wharves. SRI? MARY AND ADELINE, FDR NEly OBLEaNg, guarantied drat YOSsei. Raeapeee freight thie day and Monday, Freights taken at as ado rates as any ether vessel loadiPF. The faet-sidling ceFFarad Paelaet ship e. l 4liF AND ADRVINN, W. Pales master now cote/toting her losd. lug at Race street wharf , having near) an her Cargo en board, will continue to receive what 'eight Mien, and Jail as above. ' Shippers will please hurry their goods ideltifeldeg aid bills of lading to the Counting Witte for 1144Sture. For balance or Freight, at reduced rates apply on board or to DISIIOPSINONStk CO. oc2tdtf 220 (hate so) North Wharves. ' The N. &A. Insures at the lowest rates, aP4 will take steam down the Delaware and op the niilleelFFL The succeeding packet will coraMencaleeding RP Mom day next. Heavy freights can npw lie_ engaged at We' 'rated, TORN MoOOY, 'WHOLESALE WINE ~o'D LIQUOR. STORE, au and alas: Brant and. Water ete.. bel. Spruce, lepunclbeone Gray's celebrated. SCOTOR WHISKEY, +n bond and In store. oc 24-2ird, •rt- 4 t ""'s;-' 3 w 4 W''.rrsrmctnieuwmßcuaurNc4aezowumoeamlrsw - • - - Notiro. I N THE DISTRICT COURT YOR TIME OITY AND COUNTY OF I'IIIIACELSUIA. Thu South Wastorn Saving Fund and Dulidius Asso ciation is. John Oroightau. Lou Fon., March Turin, 1667. No. 764. Tito Auditor appointed by the Wort to distribute the fond arising froma ralo under above writ of the follow ing, real eatatasyls All that certain lot Or piece or ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the forth side of William Street, at the distance of ono hundred and oighteen feet eastward from the out aide of Schuylkill Fourth Street, In the city'of Philadelphia, containing in fronton said William street sixteen feet, and In length or depth that breadth seventy-ono feet six inches—will attend to the duties of lila appoluttneitt at his Oleo, No. 704 Wnottiogton Square, (000471 side,) on Monday, November at four o clock P. M., when whero all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming In upon said fund. A. AltritttAY WrEIVAIIT, Auditor._ oc22•dlot IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PUIDADELPRIA. Matthew Semple to use of E: W. Morrison 113 John Vogel, District Court, Juno term, 1867. No. 638. Teat. Fl. Fa. to Lehigh county The Auditor appoluted by the Court to distribute tke fund arising from the sale of personal property odor above writ, will attend to the duties or hie appointment on Tuesday, November 1.1, 1847, ut 4 o'clock P.ll , at his office s No. 184 Washington 'Square, in the city of Philadelphia, whoa and whore all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund, A. MURRAY STEWART, 0c224110t* Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TAE HUY AND 00IINTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Thomas Williamson, Trustee, &o. vs. Robert Palmer. Levert Macias, March Term, 1857, No. 858. The President, Directors, & Co. of the Bank of Penn sylvanis vs. Robert Palmer and William Clayton, late trading as Palmer, Clayton & CO. Variational Iliponas, March Term, 1857, No. 1033. The Auditor appointed to distribute the money in Court, raised under the above entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale, of No. 1. Massone and lot of ground on the went side of Delaware, second street between Pine and Union streets, In the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 18 feet and in depth 95 feet to a five-feet alley ,• bounded north ward by ground formerly of George Fitzwater, now of the heirs of Charles Allen, antisouthward by ground of Joseph Marshall.' No. 2. Lot of ground, with frame and brick tenements, on the Seuth side of Mary Wed, between Front end Second streets, in the said city, beginning 183 feet from Front street, containing In front 20 feet, and In depth 85 taut. Nod. Lot of ground with the two threeslory brick men enages thereon, on the north side of Prime or Washing ton street. In the said city, 61 feet weetwanl from - the northwest corner of Delaware Fifth and Prime streets, containing in front 24 feet, and in depth about 50 foot. Subject to a yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars. Will attend to hie duties upon MONDAY, the 26th day of October, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. .201 South PIPTII street, below. Walnut, In the said city, when and where all persona Interested are required to make their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon sold funds, , GROW); W . :BIDDLE, Auditor, V C Xi O r tlagl .li ' a . O ITR FOR TIT Estate of JAMBE HAMILTON, .docessed, The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and nettle the account of TIIOIIAI3 OADWALADER, Executor and Trustee of the last will and testament of JAMES HA-. MILTON, deceased, arlstog from that portion of the: estate belonging to schedule B annexed to the inden• taro of partition in maid estate, dated January 2), 1849,: recorded In the °Mee for recording deeds, are., In Phila delphia in Deed Look WO, No. I, page 407, and to' report d istribution ; and also, the 27th account (A) of the said Thomas Oaclwaladar, Executor to Trustee afore• said, arising from that portion of the estate belonging, to schedule E, annexed to the indenture of partition dated 11th day of Juno, 1852, recorded In Deed Book T H, No. page—and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his office, No, 628 WALNUT street, in the city of Philadelphia,. on SATURDAY, °OTHER 24th, 1867, at I P. M. oel3.tu thksa-Lt PRANOIB,WIIAIITON, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE M- CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM WALLAOE 000 K, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and Hattie the fourth account of JOHN T. WY'S, Administrator c. t. a. of WILLIAM WALLACE COOK, deceased, and to report distribution, meet the partial) interested at his office, No. 628 WALNUT street, in the city of Phila delphia, on SATURDAY, 00TOEIRS 24th, 1857, at 12 M. 0013-tu thkes-5t PRANOIS WHARTON, Auditor. NVIIEREA.S LETTERS OF ADMINLS TRATION to tho estate of 0 hatharine Ileidoman, deceased, have 'been granted to the undersigned, all personslndubted to It will make payment, and those having claims will present the same to D. S, DEIDEMAN, Administrator, e12416411* WalVt.we street. Oink Notices CIIRARD BANK.—PHILiDtLPIIIA, October Vf 23, 1857.—A special meeting of the 3tockholdersof this bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUES. DAY, the third day of November next, nt 12S o'clock D. M., to take into consideration the act of the Legislature. approved 1311 s inet., entitled "An Act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors." oe 24-tne3 W. L.I3OIIA.IIFER, Cashier QOUTH WARS BANK. PUILADIMPOIA, LI Oct. 22, 1857,—A Special meeting of the Stockhold ,rs or this Bank will be held at the Banklng•hOuse , on TUESDAY, the 34 day of November next, at 12 o'clock, noon, to take into conelderatlon the act of the Legisla ture, approved the 18th hut., entitled An act provid ing for the resumption of epoole paymenta by the Banks, and for the reliotof debtors. ,, 0c23.4tN3 F. P. STEEL, flashier, COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL YAMS, P111(.1,1111144111, Oct. 22, 121.1.-11 Special meeting of the Stockholders of Me Bank will be hold et the RANKING ROM, on MONDAY , the second day of November next, at 12 o'clock M , to take Into considemtlon the act of the Legislature, approved the I ilth Inst., entitled An act providing for the frump tiros ufspecie Payments by the Bauks, end for the relief of debtors, • and to determine upon the same. Dy order of the Board of Directors, • oe'M-tN2 O. 0. PALAIHR, Cashier NOTICE.—FARMERS' AND MECIIAN— I ICB' BANK—Piticanstaitta, October 23, 1857. Notice is horebtgiven that a meeting of the Stockhold ere of this Dank has been called by the Boanl of Directors under the provieloos of the seventh section of the act of the Qoaeral Aasombly of this State, entitled Anact providing for the resumption of specie payments by the Lanka, and for the relief of debtors ," approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 1857, to he held At the Banking noose of this Corporation on TUESDAY, the third dey of November, A. D. 1857 , at 4% o'clock P. M., for the purpose of taking into coosideration the acceptance of the provisions of the said act. II y order of the Board, os22dtNB B. M. LEWIS, thudter. %no PHILADELPHIA BANK. 21st October, 1857.—A Special Ideating of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking - !rouse on SATURDAY, the 31st Inst., at 12 o'clock, to take Into consideration the Act of the Legislature, ap. provid the 13th lost., entitled '• An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the Banks, and for the relief of debtors." oet9l4ABl B. B. COMYS, Cashier. LIARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. PIIILADICLPIIIA, October fith, 1857. Theannnal election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 10th day of Novem ber nest, between the home of 9 o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. 55.; end on TUESDAY, the 31 day of Nevem. her nest, a General Meeting of the Stookho lders will be lkid at the Banking Ilona°, at 4 o'clock P. 11., agreea bly to the charter. ocl-tnolo E. 51. LEWIS, Mahler. 11AFT - K,. op COMMERCE, .11-, October 21, 1267.—Nottce is hereby given, that a meeting of the Stockholders of this Institution will be hold at the Banking Howie, on TUESDAY, the 3d day d' November next, of 12) o'clock, to take Into consi deration the act, entitled "An act providing for re. Puloption of specie payments," passed by the Legit's. tore of Pennsylvania, and approved the 13th day of Or. tuber meant. By order of Board of Directors. oe2.2.thstu t Nov 31 J. C. DONNELL, Cashier. ii.ENSING'rON BANlC—Pinwa,traut. October 7 1857,—The emtuel meeting of the Stockholders of thls baulk will be held at the Banking. house, on TUESDAY, 88 November, 1857, at 12 o'clock 4. pBB-tilmoutris An election for thirteen Directors to gene the eneu log year will take place at the Thinking-house, on MOD. day, the lath day of November, between the holm o U A. M And 8 P. M. O. T. YEIIKI:8, ocBthsatetNl6 Cashier. eburational VRITTENDEN's PHILELA.DPHIA. COL , hIIIIIOI4 001.1410/3, S. S. terser of SEVENTH sod CHESTNUT Streets, Second sod Third Stories, 11001 K-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWB AND FORMS. • COMMERCIAL OALODLATIONS. LECTURES, aco. Each Student has individual Instruction from comps. tent and attentive Teschere, under the Immediate impervision of the Principal. One of the Beet Penmen In the Country . hu charge of the Writing Department. ' Please call and see Rpeoimene and get a Oatalogtte of Tama, An. ima-y (11101 0 ESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE; 81. WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever Is more lllce a private family. The course of study is ex.legsive my; Aorploay. Pro. Amor Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into hie family, Enquire of Items. J. 8. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or 001. J. W. Ponmy, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. septl4-tt - QPRING GARDEN AOADENY FOR 10 TOTING MIN AND BOYS, N. E. corner NINIPFU and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors or the highest guallikAtlone employed. Catalano cuutulplug full gargerlifali PLTIPP Trough teptfampy t ao be ad on app 2 21 a. au-in _ I'. DONLBAVY LONG, Principal. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING 11011001411 OR BOYS. Rev B. R. iimegma, Rama. The Annual Setelou will beslii on TURD'S?, Sep. Comber}. Olrculsrp ta_ay be ohlttitiept !Olio lioolOtore ilookEA, 11. cornetillG/ITII sod IaanTNIIT, or oT the Hector, Poet Office, Yells of Schuylkill, Ph yla. &aphis. aulTSua NOTII I I 4 4 4 SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE J. • persons, male and female, to gain a share Of this world's goods and comforts an a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RAOE, , will re-o en on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER let, for fell and win r Studies, eminlaing a knee/No(4h or w,,, N0p,..0.,,,1MEP1P10 AND ARITHMETIC by alum fled methdds,in a short thus THE LEIDY'S take pleasure In saying, that during the pastyear a large number a persons acquired 4 'BUSINEM EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations succeitsfully. aufiltSca. political, poR SifERIFF, RDW/RD T. MOTT O • TWELFTH WARD OOBJBOT TO DiIIIOOTATIO BOLTS. 0016-2m* AMERICAN GOLD 4Nft ALPV 1 04 K 11 4 011 4 11 q 8 . - AT ynIifEsT * OVARRIfT BATES, ORONISE & CO., B , PECIII BROKERS, 0c22.6t 4Q 801.1711 Till Rll ST. A CfMEBIC/4N 01 4 p VIP rivw yang PUN TIS AMERICAN COLD AND NEW VI:MI YRNII4, BOUGHT 4T Talp =Min ?MAMMY ST oe7-Bra DREXEL & CO A BEAM BLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE ..tIL Pinking and Embosaad Printing, Zneelope 644 ;Sea Press Manufactory, ar Strawberry Street , betwee n Second and Third, and Market and Cheatnnt Street, Phlbadalptua, Pa. anl2-17 ATUItDAIr, OCTOBEn •Ira otpory re , ANIIIMVPOI. TariVACturt Wen (Amusements AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— E. A. MA ESUALL Sole Lessee, 'PAW:WEIL NIOIIT OH THE ITALIAN OPERA. TIIIS (Saturday) EVENING. Oct. 24 Will be presented DonlaetW i a Grand Opera n Three Ante, entitled moitrzlA Principal character. by Madame Oazzanlga, MG , Adelaide Phiilipe, Signor Wigan'', Signor Aniodio, and Signor Oolottl. And the Third Act of Opera of LA SONNAMBULA. Principal character, by Signorina Items, Signora Taglialleo, Madame Avogadro, Signori Drignoll, end Mueller. MAX lilhiltETZEß, Minkel Director and Conductor. Pic OP AUIIIB9ION —Parquette, Drain Circle, and Deleony,tl; Family Oircle, Ur cents ; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. V' The Ilex Office of the A endow m opon from D A. DI. to 6 I. M , for the socurin of Reserved Beats and Dozen, without extra charge. , Treasurer Mr T. McKeon. The Opera will commence at IX precisely, IL7 Carriages will set down heads South, and take op heads North. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF AiIISIC.— SPECIAL NOME, INAUGURATION OF TIIR DRAMA. 'The Lessee km much pleasure in announcing that he has effected an engagement with the Celebrated Eccentric Comedian, MR. CHARLES MATURWS. Whose rendition of his various rounds of character hays been recently witnessed by thousands in New York and Boston. from the public and press of which cities they have elicited extraordinary praise and marked enthusi asm. This meat artist will make his first appeaiance at Ma establishment, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, Oct 20th, 1857, In the new Comedy of MARRIED FOR MONEY, And the new Farce of PATTER. vs. ("TATTER, Roth played for the Drat time in this city, and supported by* company of PROMINENT AND TALENTED ARTISTS. PRIDES OF ADMISSION; Batboy, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 60 cents. Faintly Circle and Amphitheatre 25 .. Private Boma $8 .Seats secured without extra charge, 0c24.1t WHEATLEY'a ARCH ST. THEATRE , -SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY 130A6a ov Peinee,—Orebestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Olrele (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Fatally Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents ; Seats in Private Doles, 75 cents ; Whole Private . Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 tents. Don Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors Will open at 0,1( o'clock; performance to corpulence at 7, precisely, J. M. WIIITTON Treasurer. TIIIS (Saturday) Evening, October 24, 1857, Will be Presented, by the great Star Company, the beautiful and greatly successful Romantic Play, written by It. D, Wilkins, entitled v.. CIVILIZATION. Donnie, Mr. E. L. Davenport ; Ladle XIV ; Mr. Mal lie ; .',,Theresa ' Mts. Davenport ; Hortense, Mrs. D P. - towers. To conclude ~w ith the Eccentric Corn edy of . . PAUL PRY. Paul Pry, Mr. J. S. Clarke; Harry Stanley, Mr. Del man; Mrs. Subtle, Mrs. Thayer. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Los- TA_. , ;ea, Mr. A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Ptieo/I.—Dress Ijlrclo end PaNuette, 60 serail Upper Circle, 25 cents ; Private Box and Orches tra Seats, 75 cents. Box Offlco'open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3P. M. Doors open at 6); o'clock ; performance to commence at 7, precisely. LAST NIGHT OP HR. AND HRS. WALLED. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October 24, 1857, Will be:presented Shakepeare's Grand HistoricaltTra gedy of MACIDE If Inebeth, Mr. Waller; Maccluff, Mr. Daly; Lady Macbeth, Mrs. Weiler; Donalkaht, Wallis. Con• cludlag with a Laughable Farce, by Mark Lemon, called DOMESTIC ECONOMY. John arnmley, Mr. Chapman; Mrs. Shackles, Mrs Stoneall. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST NEAR EIMITEL Antlission,—Dross Circle and l'arquette, 25 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Secured Seats, 37h cents; Seats In Private Box, 513 cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence at 73i &cloak. Boir Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when Beata can bei-auttred. • THIS (Bstorday) EVENING, October 24, 1867, Will be presented 8. V. ffetrris's worfthrenowned UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. . . Uncle Tom, (the groat original) Mr S. E. Harris; St. Clair, Mr. H. It . Howland; Phineat Pletcher, Mr, S. Brown • Tom, with gongs, Bean Oline ; The Gentle Ilia, Little Mary ; Harry ; Little Ida, SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 25 cents. I.lthloplau Life Illustrated by' Sanford's Troupe of f3tars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE APTERPIECE. THOMEITF' VARIETIES— VIP= and CHESTNUT Streets, I X L MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE NIGHTLY, Which will be found superior In talent, respectability and accommodation. , Commence . Admission, 10 touts. Mr F o r further information, see Public Ledger T. B. UNARM Winger awl Proprietor illiotellancoug FOR SALE.—THE STOCK AND it.'FIX TURES of a Carpenter Shop, in Charles, above Shippers street, west of Fourth street. Inquire on the premises. ock4-111 UELP PM THE POOR.—Tho Agents of the 1101.111 MISSIONARY SOCIETY of the city of Philadelphia— Rai. Joan Braga; Mr. loom P. AaIIISON, Rev. R. T. Ream., Mr. ALISSaT G. ROWLAND, 110 r. T.S. DUNHAM, Mr. JAIAZS g"t Notes, Are now making Annual calls on our citizens, to solicit subscriptions to aid the Association In the noble work of relieving and elevating the Poor, and in view of the terrible amount of distress and want that must, necessarily, grow out of the afflicting crisis we ore pass ing through, the Managers earnestly hope for and urge intrettilealiberslity on the part of their fellow-citizens. By order of the Board of Managers. 0501105 U. STUART, President. A. R. Mecum Secretary. THOS. T. MASON, Treasurer, No. 433 Market street. 0011-u to k th-2or Q, APING FUND.-lINITED STATES a. 7 TRUST COMPANY, corner of TLURD and CREST NUT Streets. Large mid sutall sumo received, and paid book on de• mend, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT . INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. °Moe hour", from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 man S o'clock, DRAFTS for sale on bogland, Ireland, and Scotland from £1 upwards. Preeldent—BTEPllEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY VISE. Teller—JAMES R. BUNTER. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SMOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORy, No. 198 OIIESTNUT Street, above Eleventh etreet, PhllloBlolu The attention of Southern end Weetem Marehanta, and Strangers, le partiettlerly 'mites( to this improved out or Shirts, the most perfeetfitting article made. At whole este and retail, And made to order. an4.l,rif %IRE PALACE RESTAURANT IS NOW 1. open, at the Northwest corner of THIRD awl ETANLY, below Bhippen street. Oall and 800 the most beautiful bar-room lu Philadelphia, and taste the best Brandy, Whiskey, erc., &c., In the world. 0c23.6t* JOHN J. ANDRIIWB. KNOWLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH and WILLOW.—The Spring Mountain, Sugar Lou!, and Hazleton Lettlgb , Wit . Balmy Will Coot, for solo. Terms poll. 00t23-Im* C— LOVER SEED.—NOTIOE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are new prepared to purchase for cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending sample!' to our address ' can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can have them sent by mall, by addressing 00, " Ot, 4 PO, sool9-tf 48 North Front , giox streets n W. TINGLEY Sc CO., BANKERS .3_3. No. 87 South TRIAD Street, Philadelphia. COLLSOTIONS promptly toed, on all accessible points In the United States and Canute. Stocks, Bonds, &0., Bought and Sold On Commission, Uncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, dco., bought at the lowed rates. DepoaltareedaVO4 and Interest allowed, an per agree ment n4l-am WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE pository, 1,000 and 1,011 CHESTNUT St.,above Tenth, is now open for the sale every descripion of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance or finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner of SIXTH and MASTER Streets, to which the attention of fltisens, and Elofitlern att4 'Western gentiornim to respectfully cant* N. 11.—Especlai attention given to carriages for re pairs, in the shops connected with the Repoaltory. En trance on Chestnut street. cell-s to dr, th4m BOYS' CLOTHING. _LP P. A. HOYT & SRO. have now on hand a very large assortment of HEADY-ISADN goods suitable for the present season which they tear uttipheed to sell cheap. ASSEMRIN 'BDILDINGS, Southwest *ergot TNNTII and ONESTNUT streets. N. 11..... M% hive a large assortment of new goods of a s_uperlor quality and make. sepVi-lmtntha 4110 SHOVEL AND HOE MANUFACTU ' REII.9.—S/LETTER'S IMPROVED GARBE N lIOE. Patented Jim, 1857. The right Aq Aare under this patent may be secured on fevoreble terms on application ' iLirAN WILKINS, 501 -155 24 WILLIAM Street, New York. T o RENT-THE FIVE-STORY BROWN STONE DUILDINO, on THIRD Street, above Dock. Apply to P. BRADY & CO., Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank Building, oct22-St* Chestnut Street. FAIR FOR THE SALE OFVIr,S.NVIIL 1 and Fancy articles, for OW Veneta a T. FRAN MEI X CIILMOR, TalrAnntll,llo the first Fair Sher have had 'for st4tood•years, will open at JAYNE'S MALL, earner of SEVENTH and MIESTNUT Ste., on MONDAY, Oct. 19th, 1957. 0017-3 no a-4t* SSARDINES.--60 OASES WHOLE AND 11ALP BOXES io Store awl for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & C00c22.13t oc22.13t 221 and 223 South onr4,l3tre et • fIOTTON-400 baleo Gulf - T.l6lton, in store Ltd for osIA MARTIN & MACIALISTXR, aul 110 North Wotor litroat HOTEL AND SIMMER RANGES gold by MIADWICK k BRO., 202 N. SECOND Ei angl2-3:pos MANILLA RO?.---ATIPERIOR MA NI1,1"1, 110rN, toonulacturtat and for sale by WIAVEN, PITLAIR 50231 pin 22 N. Wator at., Rod 22 N. Wbarree. COTTON—'2OO bales good Middling to Mid. tiling Pair Cotton, in Moro %nd for sole by • lialiVits 4 m400151E11. sal 1 Nortii WAter fitreat, MUSS -17 halos Oarplltla Moss, for sale' by mairtlN &top/,1311M, • sul 118 Nortb Water Street. FLOORING BOARDS—UAW feet Cara Ilni Goering boar % 11890, for sale MARTIN & MAOALISTRII) sal UP Nortb Water Fitted F UR.NISHING GOODS AND LINENS, L. J. LEVY 4!k. 00. lIAVZ RIIDOORD 'nil PRIM Or LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, BROCATELLES, &a., BARNSLEY MEETINGS, TABLE LINENS, ENGLISH ' CANTON FLANNELS, &a 0c22-3t 428 CHESTNUT T. /4; 1857. Einles I),D 'Auction aITHOMAS & SONS, * Nos. 139 and 141 BOUT!! FOURTII STENET, (Formerly Noe. 07 and 09.) REAL ESTATE STOCKS, fte. Public Salo. at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. Ilaudbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which wo publish on the Satimlay previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in paillphlrt form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be soil ou the following Tuesday, ff 7 FURNITURE SALES AT TILE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE I.G" We have a large amount of Heal Estate at Pri• veto Bale, Including every description of City nod country property. Printed Meta may be had at the auction Btoro. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. tEr Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re- Oiler, are advertised occasionally In our Public Sale Abstraetn, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. ItEAL ESTATE, AROUND RENTS, &c., TUESDAY Pamphlot catalogues now NEXT. ready, containing full de scriptions of all the property to be mold on Tuesday next, 2lth Inst., with a stmt of ealea 3d, 10th, and 17th No vonibor, CARD.—SALII POSTPONED.—The sale of the ele gant WALNUT STREET RESIDE SCE will tike place ut the Exchange, on TUESDAY lIVRNINO, 27th lust , Instead of on the premises. ID The aslo of the FUR NITURE is postponed till FRIDAY WORRIED. PEREMPTORY HALE AT TRH Exelimiog—ELE GANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. - - On Tuesday Evening, 27th October, it 7 o'clock, without reserve, at the Ex change, the elegant Brown Btoue residence, No. MI Watnnt street, south side, third house west or Oros.' street, built for the use of the tato owner and occu pant in a superior manner, and finished throughout in elegant style, with every modern Improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. TWELFTH PALL SALE, 27TE OCTOBER Will include the following— FOUR VALUABLE MARKET FITREET STORES.— Four substantial four-story brick stores and dwellings, Nos./521,1619, 1317, and 1513 Market street, west of Fifteenth street. MODERN DWELLINI3, Neat modern three•etory Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street. with a three-story brick dwelling on Citron street PEREMPTORY SALId.--YOUlt VALUABLE LOTS-- BRIM DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WARD. Valuable lot S E corner 7efferson avenue or Moya mousing road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Largo and valuable lot N E corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street . . Large and valuable lot, with two-etory brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and extending through to 'Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore /dna, adjoining the above. Salo of the whole &White. It? Pun particulars in bandbilla and plan HANDSOMB MODERN RESIDENCE, llandsomo residence with double back building, and replete with all modern conveniences, No. 1317 Spring Garden street. This is a very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAM ENGINE, ke.—Two and a half story factory, steam oogino, &c., Twenty-first Ward, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty•first street, and the Phila. delphis and Gormoutown rallrood. TWO-STORY 111110 K DWELLING —Two-story brick montage, S. E. corner Township Line road and Clear field street, Twerity.arst Ward. VALUABLE LOTS—Valuable lot, N. E corner Seventeenth etreet and Woodpecker Lane. TWO ,BRIOK DWELLINGS—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden street, east of William street FERnSIPTORY SALE.—FIVE GROUND RENTS, viz : Two of 137.60 each, two of $22 60 osch, and ono of $4O a year, secured on fi ve three-story brick dwellioge and tote, Spring Garden street, Owen !greet, and Diddle street. TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Two three-story brick dwellings, Noe 870 and 878 Apple street, between Fourth street and York avenue, and Goatee and Brown streets. Sale absolute. FOUR YEARLY GROUND RENTtI. two of $B4, and two of $52 each, secured by a brick dwelling, Howard street and Hope street, (late Kensington.; IE Pull particulars of each of the above properties now rawly In handbills. THIRTEENTH WALL SALE, 3d NOVEMBER I=l o!phans' Boort Sale. ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEO9D - . THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRICK DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSYIINK ROAD. Voluble lot, N W corner Prime and Seventh streets. Voluble lot, fronting on Prime street, and on Pass ynnk road. Valuable lot, Paasyunk road. Two three-story brick dwellings, Seventh street, wes side, north of Prime street.. They will be sold sopa rately. Bee MOWN and plan. Also, by Order of Orphans' Court. ESTATE OF JOHN FITZWATER, DECT. OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND 'MACHINERY,' LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH FRONT OF FOUR HUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AT TA- CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Rattle Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING Tbree•ator; brick divelllog,No.266 North Yiftb,above Noble Anita. Same Estate—TWO DEICE DWELLINGS. Also, Two brick dwellings, Union and Kluover streets above Prince street, Kensington. Executor's Sale—Late Residence of Amelia Smith, ELEGANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N. J.—Also by order of Executor, to close an estate, the raluahl residence No. Zi Main street, Burlington, N. J., replet, with modern improvements and conveuiencea, 3.3,1 i fee front, the lot 610 feet deep to Wood street, the garde Improved with Sliest fruit trees, &o. Also, a handsome residence, Wood street , Burlington recently occupied by Mr. William Ohaloner, and a to adjoining, 60 by 156 feet. fjp — Full particulars in hand hills. NEAT DWELLING, TWENTIETH STREET—Three story brick dwelling, No. 205 North Twentieth 'treat between IVood and Vino etteete. LOT, TWENTY•YOURTfi WARD—A triangular lot, fronting on Park street, and the West Philadelphia Railroad, Twenty-fourth Ward, (late Went Philadel phia ) FOURTEENTH FALL BALE-10TH NOVEMBER Sala Nos. 139 and 111 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. This Morning. At 11 o'clock, one case superior Gorman Flower Roots, from R. Vanderechoot & Sons, Madero. LARGE SALE OF NEW AIRILWAL BOOKS—ALSO A VALVABLE MEDICAL LIBRARY, which embraces • number of the Text Books: This Evening, October 24th, at the Auction Store, Nos. 139 and 14 South Fourth street, a large collection of valuable medical works, including library. For particulars see catalogues and the books, which will be arranged for examination on Saturday morning. SALE OP STOOKS, Ice., On Tuesday morning, 27th inst., Tor aocouna of whom it may concern, Two bonds, $l,OOO each, of the Columbia Cool and Iron Company, due 1801, including the coupon of July lent. Bale peremptory. Terms cash—payable at the time of sale. BOBOONER N. B. T. THOMPSON. On Tuesday Evening, 27th Inst., at 7 o'clock, at the Eaobange, throe undi vidod fourth parte of the schooner N, B. T. Thompson and her tackle. apparel, appurtenances, &0., has to sets of sails, built in 1854, at Salem's Point, N. J. Sale at No. 1919 Spruce street. lIANDSOILE RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE _ On Wednesday morning next, 211th Inst., at 10 o'clock, on the premises, the baud- Kane modern four-story brick residence, with three story back buildings, No. 1919 Spruce street, went of Nineteenth street, replete with all modern mauls and conveniences. $5,000 may ragAin qn mort glrillii/R TAPVBTItir 0).11191'1'8, OAS F/XTURE9, Occ. . Immediatall lifter the sale of the how, the superior honsehold fittaltuta, all made to order by Moore & Campton, and been but little used. [[j' Particulars la handl:dila and catalogues. Me Nee. 239 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO. BRUSSELS OARFETS, ko On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'elock, et the Auctiou Store, tut extensive U. eortment of excellent secon4-w4 furniture, mirrors, Bee pleno-forte, cemte, am, tram families declining bons elteeptir. AselKneee Peremptory Sale. ROSEWOOD FURNITURE, PIANO OPLENDID . - FORTE, BBODING, CARPETS, CHINA, dr.c On Thursday Morning, At 12 o'clock, by catalogue, in the Second stole room of the Auction Store, a splendid cellectionof household furniture, .kc., by order of Assignee. The above furniture has been In use but a short time, and cost over $O,OOO. * * *May be examined the day previous to sale with catalogues. ELEGANT PURNITUU On lirlday inst., at No. 1404 ‘Valtrilt street, will be sold the elegant furniture, eztra large mirrors, splendid curtains and thapileliers, piano -torte, Ac.' Particulars in cata logues. Zewing illatliinco A GOOD SEWING 11tA011INE.-HUNT, WEBSTER, & On., beg respectfully to introduce themselye to the publio as the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE, adapted to manufacturing or Bunny purposes. tree from the objeotioue which hare been ureed against those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITILI OP THEM ALL, and will be lure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstressec Those in want of A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a han&mone lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOM!, that will HEM, BIND, STI TOG, RUN, or GAJDBIt ; indeed, that will give entire satisfactiou 'even they have been used for years, are invited to call at our rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street RUNT, WEBSTER, & Co Sawing of every description executed in the beet pos sible manner, end on reasonable terms. Samples of our work cent by mail to any part of the United States. n22-tutta this. THE HNPARSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY eulerf4 tato s Copartnership, under the naine of HUGHS & 00., for the manufacturing of all kiwis of Wm: and common Soaps, at No. 2 north WATER St. A. E. HOLMES, 0. P. SIMON. Oct. 20th, 1867 0c21.2w COHAN SOAP HAMM/MOAN HOLMES & CO., having purchaaeA tke above works from Lebrecht Pranks, are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of fancy and Menton Soaps. All orders executed Riteimuctuality and despatch, at the very loweyt prkees, for cub 0c2.1-2w* • T E. &B. SCHELL'S 4.• CITY MARBLE MORES AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, 8, N. CORNER OF Tgraff AND VINE STREETS, FIIILADELPII lA. Wll9to ovary variety of MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING, 0311 L. impplled upon reasonable terms 3113-tunto GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. Ladlea' PURE selling off rowdiest of cost CHARLES ttAN,FtIItA & EON. Importing I'M manufacturing Furrier/A. 621 CHEST NUT St., Woe( Sotenttt,will close the r entire stock Ladles' Wurs, without regard to coot. nRANDIES.-“ Pinot eastillon " Afttrett, aod other Cognace of various vlate ' gee, In halt pipes end quarter cadre • I' ell erolsin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in halt plpee, half calks, and no-eighth casks. Imported nod for Pude by RORY BOHLEN & CO., ec22 21 and 223 South Fourth street. T _ O IRON MANUFACTURERS AND CAPITALISTS. BIIETTEIVS PATENT lIOEBELEIIOE MAURINE This volusble Invention—being tho beet machine for tneaufecturing Horse-shoe' ever offered to the Ameri can public-4e now offered for Cole on favorable term , No objection would be bed to potting It into a Joist stock Company, and Mock taken fora largo part of the yurchsee. ALVAN WILKINS, oc2l-10t 22 WILLIAM Street, New York. ORSES TAKEN TO WINTER IN 111 MONTOOMEHY COUNTY eight and a half mdet from the city. Inquire at this Office. 0e21.w t 0-31 VHABLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale V sad Retell Wllll' and °ANN Manufacturer No, 4 North FOURTH Oates bv ',union. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. OAIID—SALE 01 ITOUSEUOLD YIIRNITERE—TOES4 117 - We beg leave to Inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday. at our SPACIOUS BALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where pro,y possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor no with consigmoontn. Flunilieshariug portions of their furniture to cluiposo of. or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales of their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO 0 1111, SALES 1100 M, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER. PRICES FOR TIIEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY BAN OBTAIN ERQ3I ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY ()TILER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. peraone faroring us with consignments can rest •Anrell that their property will not be sacrificed. it p Clummisitions more moderate than those charged any other Auction !louse In the city. 'Err Cousignments respectfully solicited. ifj" Wes paid immediately alter the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE BALE, NOVEMBER 11th. Thiessle will Include— Orphan' Court Bale—Entato or W. A. D. Jones, Dee'd. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, TWELTTLI A two-story brick house and lot of gronod, west aide of Twelfth street, VA feet above Colurobia arenue,l6 feet front, and 112 feet deep, to a 33 feet street, $59 round Cont. rplotne Court Sale—Estate of Chan. Brownrou, Deed. TERRE MUSES AND LOT OF tiItOIIND, BREAD STREEt AND FETTER LANE. A lot of ground with the throe houses thereon erected, R. W. corner of ilread greet and Fetter Lane, 10 feet by 45 feat $lOO ground rent. fly- $5O to be paid on each of the above when the sane is struck off. 033M1 ]jam A three•etory Brick Dwelling, with two•story brick back building. DS North Ninth Area, above Wood street, Rent 4OOper annum Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE A first-chum Printing Oftleo, with a good run of bnei awl, four printingpteases, two Bogging and one Adams Typo and overythlng necessary for the tombless. Apply at the Auction Store. M.OADECSOANINA-HISTIOUNA-mENRSokAANUTOTBi(j).NLERet SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—CoId and silver patent layer, Levine, English, SWISS, and French watched, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, AG., ace. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Arc , Ac., Ac. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction ear Charges very low. Consignments of furniture, clothing, jewelry, Ac., Au. solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and Mires. plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Bev H an, ardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, (Homers satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. leek] M. NATI:LANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great solo of forfeited Watches, dewsky, Onus, Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Due notice will be Oren. WEBB'S great sole of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, he., being forfeited collateral , will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF TILE USUAL SELLING MMES.—Double-bottomed wad hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; hunting case and open face gold escape ment lever and lepine watches, full jeweled ; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches (or ladies'• gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepine watches, in hunting cases and open face; silver English, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirror.. die. OUT-DOOR BALES SOLICITED, andobargee to exit the times, low. Consignments of every description of goodasolicited for public or privet° onto MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private esle, or to be hold for a limited time. Mirages low. Q,A.MUEL NA.THANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFYICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door salee, and sales at the Auction Hotute, at tended upon the roost satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Established for the last TAirty Year,. Advance,' made from one dollar to thoneands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandiae, Clothing, • Furnitnre, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Inetrumeots, Guns, Monies, Carriages, and Goode of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All Advances, from one hundred dollars end upward', viii be ehare,ed 3 per rent. per month; $5OO and over the lowest market rate. This Store 'lousy having a depth of 1%1 feet, has large Era and thief-proof vaults to More all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy iron. ranee effected for the benefit of all ' pereone having goods advanced upon. N. 11.—On account or having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more eatie factor" and accommodating terms than amg other io this city. Money adritneed to the poor, in smell mounts, with vat any charge, AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lover and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly ViiOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custoro House, between Fourth end Mit Street,. TORN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 8 245 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, {Fatale., Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Pauoy Goods, Notions N. B —Out•door Wes attended to All goods sold at the Auction House packed oeldm GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets stave Second. EVENING SALES SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At TX o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, On lazy, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jews ry, Fancy Articles, Ao. Watches, Jettielrp, BAILEY Kt CO., CHESTNUT STREET Alanulaaturers or BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their Inspection, on the presolees exclusively Citizens and Strangers are invited to visit onr 11111111 factory. _ _ _ WATCHES. Constantly on hand a splendid atonic of Superior ‘Vatthes, of all the celebrat.l maker' DIAMONDS. Neck Wee, Braaelets, Brooches, Rar-Itlngs, Finger Rings, and all other 4410101. In the Diamond line. Drawing@ of NIIW DreeIGNS will be made free or charge for them wishing work made to or de r . RICH GOLD JEWELity. A beautiful eaeortment of en th e nee , e w ee of pi.. Jewelry, such tul sr _osalc, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquisite, Lays, &a , &a. AREPPIRLD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, &O. Alio, Drente Oita Marble °LOCHS, of newest styles, and of iniperior quality. aul-d twetwly & PEQUIGNOT, kJ.. Id INIIVACT BEERS OP WATCH MED AND IMPOKTIng OF WATCHED, 1 SOUTH TRIED STREET, BELOW OWEBTNIIT PII ILA DEL P II I A. CONSTANT PEDOIOSoI. !morals Pagotaior Delo-amoAD /AMES E. CALDIVELL Ft CO., Nn. 432 ORESTNUT, BELOW FIFTII STREET, Importere of iWatches and Fine Jewelry, Manufacto rasa of Sterling and Standard Shyer Tea Sets, Forks anJ Spoons, sole agents for the sale of Charles Frabffiam , s new Renee Cold M.'dal London Thnekeepers—aLl the slim on hand, prices S2A, $215 and $3OO. English and Swiss Watches at the lowest prices Bach fashionable Jewelry. Sheffield and Ankerickn Fisted Wane. setcy I 9. JARDEN )3RO. IikNOWAOIOII.IIRB /ND 1111 , 017123 OP SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 304 Cheatatit Stroet, *bora Third, tap stall-ad Philadelphia Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, OORLETS, OUPS, WAITERS, BAS KETS, CASTOM, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, &a ite Gilding and plating on all kinds or antra. 5e2.11 pRANCIS P. DUBOSQ & SON, late of .1: Dubcog, earmw & Co., Wholesale MkNUFAO TUB.E.RS OF JEW.ELRV,3O4 101.11:3TNTIT atreet, Phil& delphia. INEima P. Dimon au3l 3m SILVER IVARE.- WILLIAM WILSON & SON., MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARS, (ESTABLISHED 1812,) 9. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. A large reeortment of SILVRR WARE, of every de. eeriptioa, oonstantly on band, or made to order to meta tor pattern desired Importere of bhefeeld and RlMlngham. Imported were_ ee3o.d.ft wly ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL, CHURCH, LOCUST AND JUNIPER ST RENTS. This Institution has been re-opomed for the Autum nal Seasion, under the supervliion of the Rev JAMES NV. RP.ItINS, A. It , rs Principal. The Episcopal Academy presents peculiar facilities, both for the moral and intellectual trainMg, and for the physical development of the youth committed to its care No pains will be spared to perfect the pupils in the ve nous studies which. from time to time, they may pur sue p while it will be the aim of the Principal, both in his instruction and in his daily intercourse with the boys, to lay the foundations of nu upright, manly, and religious character. The rooms of the Academy Building are numerous. lofty, and veil ventilated; and the pupils durlng recess eb icky the advantages of an enclosed play-ground and an ample tlytnnaeiuru. Boys able to read, and not less than eight years of age, are reoeived as soon as they have begun to write ad cipher, and are conducted through the various classes of the Modem) , with a rapidity proportioned to their ability The los est clast (A) is occupied in Beading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Geogra phyj the highest class (11) in the branches usually studied In the Freshman year of a collegiate course. Thu studies of the intermediate classes ire suited to the various ages and abilities of the pupils. The Tuition Fee for those in Class A Is sixty dollars per annum; for all others seventy Are dollars per an num; payable half-yearly in advance. Besides this fee, there ore nn other charges; the French Language, Fuel, acid the use of the Gymnasium being included in the price above mentioned. Boys not studying the Greek and Lstin Languages have extra lessen in lieu of classical The school time not spout under instruction IC employed by the pupils in study under the superinteudeoce of a to ieber, and in a spacious apartinent arranged for that purpose The Institution is Inspected monthly by a committee of the Board of Trustees, and visited Gem time to time by the Bishop of the Diocese. Applications for Minis,on rimy bo Wade to the Prin cipal daily during the seek (except en Fatorday). be tween the hodrs of 9 A. M and 11P XI oc 11-ta,tb,snt-t1 DEPARTMENT OF MARKET-HOUSES, Orrice, S W ,010.11 UY Firtu !NO CIIZSISET Putt IDRLPIIII, October Ist, 1857. Sealed Proems wdl be received at this Office until the 30th thy of NOVEMBER next, at 12 o'clock, ter the Renting of the follow itig Wharveo and Lateliage for A term of three years: Arch street Landing, at the foot of Arch street, nn the river Schuylkill-41.e commencing December 31st, 185 T. Also, George's street Landing, at the foot or Georgesheet, sheet, on the rirer Schuylkill—lease commenci og ay let, 1869. Approved security will be required S. C TIIONIPSON, Thlrn Couui.,,ioner of Market. FOERING, FOX Sc CO.- 1.11.1,3 IX SCHUYLKILL AND LEIUUII COAL, Fouthweet tomer of oalLe to Jr. th Gt RACE AND BROAD "• • A:\ I, . • . t A 'lll —WINTER i 31.4„)A LAY, October - - - FOR GER)IikiiTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 0. 7%, sg. 11X A. M., 2, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6. 7. 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 61,,, 7-35 MID • 3,9, } DX A• 1-10. 3-10 =kin. 4,5, 6, T., 6, and 10 P. lt. Irr The 735 o'clock A M. Train from Germantown will stop only at Wayne Street Station. Leave Philadelphia at 9:.3.) cun.3l . Cana 6L P. 31 Leave Germantown 820 min. A 31 , 1-10 min. and 5 43 min P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 7X, SX, lIX, A., SI., 2,4, 6, and 9 P. SI Lease Chestnut MC at IX,S-40 and 13-10 min.. A. M., 240, 3-40, 5-40 Lind 7-40 lain. P. M. Leave Phi S-20 A. M , 2 nr,l CA P. M. Lesvu Che s tnut 11311 at A NI 12_5, 4 „ . 4 P. )I. FOR MANAI:UNK, CONSIDAIOCREN AND NORRIS- Leave Philadelphia at 6s, 9, n A. M., 3, Syi, 5%, and 11 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7, 9,11 A. 11., 3 and 540 P. M. ON e.uzirmrs, Leave Philadelphia a: 9 A. 31., and 3 P. M Leave Norrietovn at 7 A. M.. and. 5 P. M. CIIESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6% A. M., and SP. M. Leave Downingtown at 73( A. M . and / P. M. 11. K. 3311111, Saperintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia /11arbani Zattors EDWARD P. KELLY, 814 CHESTNUT STRY,ET, Has just received a choice aissertment of CRAVATS., GLOVES, TIES. SCARPS. MORNING GOWNS, SHIRTS, TRAVELLING SHAWLS. ENGLISH PA TENT GAITERS, Svc oLich will be sold at Moderate prices for credit—low for cash. The business of KELLY fr. BROTHER is no. at tended at No. 814 CHESTNUT street, by E. P. KEL LY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. oc-tf JOHN P. DOHERTY, VORMIRLY WITH WELLY & BROTHER, LATE WITH LUKENS, KILL; & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGIITH, Rea now with him the best Tailors that are engaged in the business In this country. CHARLES ROTH, formerly the leading tailor of this city; 21. &tress, formerly cutter for C. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Teat cutter with Lukens, !tally, A Co.; Husk WansßE, the best Pants and Teat cutter in the United States, for years cutter with Depierris, under the Irving Bomar, Broadway, and with Denims* & Pettus, under the Bt. Nicholas hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishen of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. oda-if JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos, 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNIIT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and OMNI-MEARS always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the beet cLashty, and in the moat fashionable style. Particular attention gluon to UNIFORM CLOTH MG. ana-ti mats, flaps, 9r v . IL GARDEN & CO. NJ. hlawatactu.rare of mi Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILT( AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROUCRFS, FEATHERS, ir., e. No. 53% (old No. 196) BIARMT Street, Below Sixth, .012 tale, And No. 5..3 MANOR Street, I'Voludelphis. 0. 88187 0.111D2d, D.L.IIIL DosoyAjr. Merchants are respectfully invited to nanzoine our fflock SIJLLENDER & PASCAL, RATTXRS, No, 8 S. ERMA etreet, Philadelphia i3ools anb shocs. NO. 442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HAZLET and YIFTII Streeta. Gentlemen's Beat Patent Leather Gaiter Boots. " Calf do. do. n Patent Leather Oxford Ties. Calf do. do. " Patent Leather and Calf fstrrow etnp Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Patent Leather and. Calf Dan !inner Boots and Shoes, aul•tf Yor sale ly rALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SEIOES. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & CO.. No. 314 MAR— KET Street, and Nos. 3 and t I/HAMM PLACE, have new In store it large and well-auorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, at Ctty and Eaatern mannfactnte, which they offer for sale on the beat term' far Cash, or on the usual credit, Buyers are invited to call and examine their stock and-dtf §oteis and litsiattrants IVIES OLD STAR ROTEL IN HARMONY 011HT.--Tha public are respectfully informed that the OLD STAR HOTEL is still its existence. The proprietor will be glad to see hie old friends, and pro mises to furnish them with a superior quality of Ale, Wines, and Liquors. He feels assured, that on paying him a visit they will not be disappointed. He en also prepared to furnish Oysters in every style, at the shortest eotioe. Lunch from 10 to 12 o'clock aap 24-1 m NVILLIASI BANNING'S CITY LAGER BEEIt SALOON, No. =2 Cuter's Alley, Phils *apt% WAN S of R B E R V A A D IT s it z gT, S T OUTE!: irrGw°est cornet ' and all other delicacies in season. Families supplied. with Oysters on the shortest notice. 111,1EROHA.NTS' HOTEL, NORM FOURTH STRUT. Aeolic Maser, PHILARRLFILL4. u24-ti MoRIBORN h EONS, Fsongramot. ICOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street and Dl:quanta Way, l'ittabargh. B. A MA PICRIi i atal3.3m [IAVANA CIGARS—A handsome assort ment, such as Figaro, Partagas, Cabanas ; Sultana, Oleiria, Jupiter ; Colo°, Concord:antes, Torrey Ulm, Union Americium, Orejon ' 1 Flora Cubans, ite., se.,, iico. ; in "i,Ar ; l•lli and 1-10 boxes, of all sizes and quail- WI. ; in afore and constantly remising ; and for sale low, __ CIIAILLES TETE, (new) im WALNUT Street, below Second, second story IWIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS SE9AR.9.--A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "New Ent," daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Second. aal Second Story. QUAKER CITY NAILS, AIERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, nu the Schuylkill, above Spring Ganlen Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QThARY-R CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oc9•tf THOMAS E. BAXTER.—ELUDIVARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No 910 MARKET ST. boas Ninth, mutt, midi., Philadelphia an 1-6 m ,3itsnrance Q.7ompanics CONMONWEALTU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE STATL OF PENNSTLYA NIA.-001re, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Areets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, 000,000. Paid-up Capital 1,X0.000. DAVID . JAYES, M D., Prrrideat. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Preal. BINTTIL S. Moua , Secretary. aul-1y eI_FRARD FIRE AND MARINE /NSUR 'UR ANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Mike, No, MI WALNUT street, west of TIMID. "PINE RIMS ONLY TAXMN." DIIIIOTOAS. Wm. M. Swain lotto Anspach,'Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. tracker, 7. P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, Wx, 11. Daaosti it.. J9} lloss. G. W. WOODWARD, iso JlllB B. ALYOHD, AsKis LADLES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES. 1026 CHESTNUT Street, tour doors below Eleventh And 31S S. SECOND St.. balm. Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos 95 and 97 GEORGE St, Tenth, and SECOND Street. near I:rdon Orders wade at a few boon' notice OLIN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wimlesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOOD?. No. 12 MANIC zqrs,et, Phita,tetphia. octl-tno Class 116) E.l)inn tUnrr 7.NrDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS TYND&LE & lIITCHELL, . . CHINA, GLASS, AND COMMON WARE, , , ara now ,elhog their NEW AND ELEGANT FALL IMPORTATIONS, Ottitti at VC.76t Patc s, with a HANDSOME DiSEOL'NT TO THOSE . . . 11 . 110 MT CASE 707 CIIESTNL'T STREET, APONE :WA I.NTII Sr., ne.?..5,.w-fraw PHIL LADY, COMPETENT TO TEAC H _La_ the brim:hot or an i:oraish eLocation. Prone, a: t wohe4 to obtath a situation as ata:ty Ocverne-3 oung chtlartla City refereucvs S ,hoc No 162 PhtlathiphiA I'.o WANTED, FOR THE. UNITED s rn ES CAVALRY—AbIe-t,hci, ul ‘.l t whom will be giren good Fly 3:r;, al 1 medlcal attendance I . .ty fr,,x; $l2 la $2-'= - 'th• No man having w!fe. , reitld utl , 1 for MOUNTED SERVICE, .0: No. 1 , 1: tlA:tti above Eighth. north bide 01111:13 N i TEl_ or ran i t . F.EWA(? ; ..\ LIT . 111:1-1 .I t Teri . popular Lod: ],•o• 1•r • • , •• , or. 1,1:e t'••• t .•••• 1, tt, already Lei 13 PX1,31 • . I• 1 1 • AZeilti • w Int .1 t,, , y Folltherll, SEA t• 4 0 1 ,1 t e make trop ;5 to gl,l per A•11;, , ,•by I,' , t Agt tit. 17 State street, ; or c.IL i F,LIIIO place Lr"•-frn FoR SALE—Or in exd A hand•ome modern re., 1 , ;; e, No Nue:l 7-1- liereet..%bove Btoxn t, 1r 1..• Iy II foot—Aldo aril A; .1, .1 0 e Feet:lige, 'o-nirrs • I . lll4,atntte, t.. 1.,/, for vtle MI.IITiN & MACATI.TM: anti 115 gvrn• 11 err ,t. BEST= ON Su4\ GEO. W. TLYLOR JOHN COIVINf arra anb Cigars garatuare JOHN HALDEMA.N, Agee. Jar. 'Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven. A. 8. Gillett. Furman Bkeppard, B=l. Jonea, M. D , Joseph Klapp, St D JONY.S. Pretelent. Viee Prestaeut. . 31c3ltrUt ix, Secretary. ,tara Secretary. owl-am-it Orn Boobs I=l • Is Mid 1q B ROYALE. I , t ut _ ll wt CLt Orr. 2u t .t.-.ltU.: