The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 24, 1857, Image 1

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' twrimi 'ems" rii Wm> P 14016 to th• eaniera. -4 iet vA l t !'4 4,S2 _ S ' '_2_.....' .... ,,.. • ' - . 7 .-•"''''' ' ---, -..........,,
40/ ' lOW to flebaoribers oat of the thin at fitx 'Omuta
4. - = ,- ma Ashur ; Pop* Dotouna volt Yams? Moesta; Tsai* ,
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, rsoct.Ala raw. glx Wawa, invariably ia arum for the . , , • "- - ---......... tz t: ,
fir;" 'tune ordstal. ' ' ---
' '' `„Tftd-WEEKLY.Pitaditi, 'WNW - -r , , 4 tqt '
PHILADELPHIA,' ":9' ;fig RDAY, OCTOBER 24, 185 7.
lifaiiNt ft' Oubocrlhers oat of the Olt", at Twain DOL. VOL. I — NO . 73.
•, • .-, riot Assn*, la advance. •
4.- -
, b.
-, "t2l
"mill (pee
Pause, w il l be seat to Butweribm , 21.
'",:saill, (per annum, ia.edraaroj at IP 011
- Tbroo — Copiesi_ o o 606
, jpo w o op i", „. ,‘ , ,if , - 000
„,,Teatlolktes„- 'W . ' - Ir. , ,12 00
Twenty 060911, 4, U• (to one addreee)...„ 20 00
I„Twenty. Melee, or over, " (to Merolla of mak '
~ , orlbor); ' 1 20
.---,.. "or, tr., Club Of , TwetlAyline or over we will fend as
41 611, V_py,39 ,t,lte otter-up of the qui,. ,
• ' J D", pOotmoatoro are ,requeated to, set ea Agents for
''Tgirtiicartiptiig: , . .
. „ .
. .
: 1 1.11EWE . EKLY PRESS.
THE MEEKLY PRESS It published front the City of
Yhiledelphe, every Saturday.-
It is conducted upon National Principles, and will
uphold the rights of the States. It wilt reset fanati
.ebno in• every ahape; and wilt be devoted to consory
atiee Aootrines, , as the tree'leandation of petal() pros
perity and -soolal order. Such Weekly Journal lore
' long been desired in the totted State*, and It is to gra
'thy this want that - THE WEEKLY PRESS is published
THE WEEKLY PRESS is printed on excellent white
-paper, clear,'new 'We, and in quarto form, for binding.
tit contains all the News Of the day; Correspondence
Oven the Old World and the New ; Axiomatic Intelli
„gessuek Report& of the various Markets; biterary Re-
Aims ;,11thicelisneoun Detections ; the progress of Agri-
`culture In all its various departments, &q.i
ffirir Terms, ierariebly in a:inane,.
WENNI.T FNMA will be sent to
''‘iibiiiribers; by mail;•sit - - 22 ' D0 perineum.
Xwentp Ooplea, when dent to ono aa
,Twenty'Clopire, or, over, tis'addrare of
each suterither, esph, - - 120 a
For, a ChM of Twenty-one or over, we will send an
.itra copy to the getter-up of the Olub.
Pbst Mt:stomas tv*tosKto See la Agents for MB
'WBNiltdf ,DROJTI. • ,
I grant teem if my political and 'per
mina frituidsiand all tothere`who • desire - 41nd 'ado'
`Weekly Newspaper, Will exert thetnsolvoi
;w1t$1,11" Taus eltatilatiOn in thole. respective,
mielghborhoods. • ' "'
•• • •
••• -Edlior wed liro,rietar.
Pnblitation 081ee of TON WONIELY P1L1125, No; 4111
.'ehestuat Street, Philadelphia,
. ,
, 7011.. THE MOD,
"Binbraoa ell the imintalneeeMary to
And an Um' datalleand nioei - oleganeles *blob impart,
- Gentlemen are invited to mil and examine.
oet26-em " • - 480'0}1E8TNU1' Btrent.,
.:Tittz•BANK.s. - -
The grandilnanclar crisis; ',Kith ' '
tisane convulsed the nation; '
- Should cane repentant tears to
And tea to reforMatiOn. : -
There Mao safety nowdulays
having note-detectors'
But n On ot the ly name
BkD directors. the bills when bitd;li
When holiest tradesmen merrefused,
Thole' Bank accommodatione,
'No Peewees: Poste RATS esr ' •
, IR STIGAR. annnt.Plots.- -
' - cipher le loped
Byofficers pkesidiag,•
Tie speculating friends, leeetiee .
With them the VAS Melding, ' •
kespeuelon, then, and Isa4,:ruptey, ,
O'er honest men tree,. lower,
• The speculators catch the birds
. Nrone bnehes others beat,
Time ram OT FOOD ?EMT RAT. ~
inidif ibis coarse should be sustained,
' Well may the people dread
Tinemotisran rowsn, 211013 BASIILT 178eD
To nos TIM rood or HARLD.
Banta estend
To tradesmen and nischatic.s..
Aisle? TUN mom Tx THEIR MIND'
"•- AND ti1111.4.4901D THU 'PANTOS. • ,
Give the produaiiig cl a sses he* ;' :
Sustetzt the wins of CA; ,
AlrorDisa index *no, non THY TILL,
The kw should be Invoked, and hold
The Banks to strict account;
• , BEYOND A 11000 .1150051%
In books of record, strictly kept,
The entry of each loan
Should make the ,dlacoonts, day by day,
To each oireotor known. ,
And if directors then connived,
There would be wit, and genes,
making frauds of capital, •
A CAPITAL offence.
Vve only room, ere I conclude,
To say to one and all—
: The safety-valve of these hard times
, In Beonett'e Tower Hall. ,
Yon htio no cause to' be ilertned, -
Except about yobs diet;
If you should went a. suit of ,
• 1 t1rsz,110•81( irtkl. Her IT. a
Yor Bennett knovi4 that sore , distress
The times hue on us - ,
AYD Batumi; auitenso, ORTAT TOR. OABIT,
11Z4No To alai Tlfti TroOLll2,
ILIZAJIA, No. 518 Market street, south side, belvreet
Plith and alxitt streetp.
17ALUABLX ,LI BR AR Y. , 11 00K iv—
Sr; •
KO: 0,./r A' `KS.
Itlebard LalorSbeil; M. P; Rdlted, with • Memoir and
„ Notee, by It. Rhelton Mackenzie, D. O. L.., sixth Ed'.
Nan, with rertralt and fae•Omlla letter... In 2 vele
Price $2. ," , : , • ,
,7.0. Untitled, Janies lbagg, and Itr,ldeglnn., Wiled,
witlildetinitra and Natal, by Dr. it. Illaelten itaelcensle.
" Thlrd.l6/04on. In 5 voltnne, wittkpartralta *pa rse
KADIN6PB lIIROMbLaNIIB. The Kltteellaneona Writ.
• Inge Of the late Memoir
and Retest, by 'Dr. R. Rbeltori afackensie. •,0o:i h to te
In 5 Inhumes, with Partratt. Pries, per yol., clot ,
By lila Ben i Win:-Kenry Curran I with ?Paten-and Ad:
.../Ntlonsi,by Dr. R. •Bbeltoallattentie, and a Pirtratt
on Bbsel and'third Edition. eletle.
tionalStOry, laming the Stet of Isar Margin's Novell
and Rommel. With an 'lntroduction and Notes, by
Dr. Shelton /11fackensie. 2 ISmo., cloth.
BARRINGTON'S SEXTON - ZS. Perional Sketches of his
, ;Own Time. - - By Sir iamb Barrington, erlth libistra
, tions by barley. "berth Edition. • With Retook by
Ar. Mackenzie. 12mo_ . cloth. Moe $1.26.
RIOORIPI3 LIPP , Off -- SHERIDAN, memoirs or the
Life of the Bight ilon: 'Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
- By :Thanes Moore erith a Portrait and fad Nmtle•
ethic ilditioa. 2 sole.; 12m0., cloth, Price s2.' '
BITS .0P BLARNEY: , ' By Dr. - R. tibeitois Mackenzie.
Ttikd Baton. 12m0,, cloth. Pride 10.'" "
-- By Major General Sir W. P. P. Napier, from the'
thor's last revised. edition, with • Sfty-ilvo Mape and
Plans, Ste Portraits on Steel,' and s complete Index,
brols., 12mo, cloth. Price 17
AP/ER'S 4 INSULAR WAR.' a Complete la '1 sof
aro: a Price 22 60.
TER FOREST. By J. V, Haan Elton, author of 1 •144,
- 'l - aol., Slam.' Second
Price $l2O
it.BAN or,Thaislibitory of a Toting *Puritan. By
C V i Briatiaistofi., 2 dais.; 12m0., cloth: - Price 22. -
-ABT - 741511 torn sad ABM street/. •.
-Inorder to gratify'. the Idahoan( our 'numerate pa
trons, and induce the bOok-bnyiNf ribllo,io all up their
Marin Ittinixontal lotrpriree, we intend to prwient to
WWI IVlZNatimper of books to- tho :amount of Sliad up ,
wore:4a am IP Mine et from 2f dent' tisloo.',Vall at
ova eataldiehneentdook otirvalnabliateek,lititidldet
for genrselvier4: --- • • '• •
you'are not buying at ohhiert, for ovary
'blear Ohl bile bookiest the meal price, and very nmay
well MK;addltioni 'present worth hatted. autidim
ALS No. 480 011111Ttirt Street. 14,13:;+-No connoo
Nok *Nis 2s) °Nov !top" #14.131:ty.: .0111.11. m ,
` , ,Qtgilittiriipsiionl , l4o.tijaitts
j •
a• " W n'A L L
48 North NAONT sed . 44 WATIalt Street, Pbtladelitle.
corumwevr. RICEIV/NO
t.F• •'
R., Aii,E D- -
On ermitgiesireilrom the' tritortor of pions,rtranis,
where our new (Nestling UM Is now In •pnersl
rif AhlOi TINNILY, A.ND ItED •TOP• bn
lilliellBlllB pad liatilemi Pdrolgn and Ame.
can RenDwAui sad CUTLERY, Nat! 28, 26 add 21
Nora POTH iitreat f got 8 166,1th0r Oommereo adroit,
PhiladOlphic ' imatt
(Yzez,h,v;itiveLiil A VA4Ii 13.ila'
4- 1 41915.00 (414,30:
TH°'4BvroOD"- • •
i ". ATTORN&Y...e'r LAW, -
Afte*4 l 4/11011 -- Areehlembigg Comity, , •
to*AroialowAbuslaelse inAbA Omitti'or Weep
Isobars, Obarlotiti eountle4.
qtr Rt/RR$;2O • ,„1,,
sAspleigh & 11 A9, - PAiLidol
Baptist& W,Alte,Xew, York.• ,
LaMar klo4Balthone,
' 8 [4.1 11 4.0 4 0,ti 8 0Wait botArsburg Va.
& Gray, Richmond,,,lrs,-. 2 t0c214&w,2m
dluotEt, A. tiEliie* .., ATTORICElir AT
A., Lkw,winistoportlasataingoomsy,P a , will wry
- oartiondar attention to Seeming And floqe e ti r 4 dom.
i i i 40 4 .14 and adjoiniiig townies: ~ .
maim .t
• . iron. 1. 0. XnaFillogdyno km*, Pktladeipta.,
I DOM. lora & s on, 'lliii. 1 NOrotosi & &bolts; NM*.
" &trip Reo & 0 1 1, ), ": I 1 4 3 :4th0 ShiWtit & Co., _d,,
.t.moins -4; wz A t f S,'"ArkIiTIFITYN „kit
JLaf.l.o- 3?
ednOteantroiatts..o6 deg. 4
iv itc , o47
ittionzu ,
,H , ,,ATIOBN.SYB, „
,;.,Vgeb4lllollk 00:iltaKarketAttilit. Z....
, :ernith:_o 6ll 34l 4 % 91 , 110rka6 , ,
Brown & 0.40 Afrrkeintrnot.,
. _ , .
I , -..,. a, i ~.1 :1,_
. .,1301JfiTtlitttlil. ToagNkr
%. • err L4,46WoffransenCorrorleulrseirpaim li ii ~,, ~
. tiftgoofo , rhOstdaloOlic .P .f'' ': "; ' I, ' '; 1/2013•641ff
; k4l lO TS.4--ikt oRNEtiAi
Tortom,pattnai l ki•vi.-mitik.,
._ , „ - 041345' . '1,41744, SI :.,,, . 4 4 ,, ,, 1.• , ,, , , , . ~...•) a a pv, ~
. ,-. • Ai,..411;yir,14.1 - , , A ... "3-41i, vi;"/-.ti ':•,...! ~., ~3:..- - 141 .V;h:ilp
The gendal depreilsionin trade has greatly
affected what may be called the manufacture of
books. There has been
,a general decline in
the book trade ever since the summer of 1856,
about which period commenced that political
excitement througlioUt the whole country;
which was scarcely ended by, the desiderated
election of Mr. EllicnixAx to the Presidency:
All through the summer,all through the autumn,
all through the Winter. of 1856,, publishers may
be said to have rested on their oars, doing very
little, and, actually undetermined what to do:
This the in every "city whore pub.;
44e 4-:llress+Jl
Ushers do congregate. It'
was so, no less, iii
Philadelphia.; In the early part of 1807, pros,
poets seemed ! to brighten, every one . eeemed
to think that bettor days wore at hand, bn
comparattiely few cared to' break the ice.
The APpLETONS, in New, York; T/OICNOE &
FIELDS, Boston, and LIPPINCOTT, in Phila. ;
(MOM, chiefly showed activity.
The spring season came and passed, with ,
out much hav , ing been done by publishers;
Then ,came a, pause--a waiting, it, was said
until the Fakwificlucame—a fall, indeed, but
not ,of , the ;expected kind. At Present, little is
toing;',' The AMmriews
,sre;preparing ibehi
ticiiCYclOpmdia„the 'fret volume of'fridch.,Wfll
I,4o . oisked,ltrligtury;•Redileld has nearly]
ieadyibittqitietptines; aliettutifully iliustrate4
tdjtiot(of POO, Ponnini
toiVsteXtin have limed that magnificone,
work of)luttsznx'S on the Horse ;in. America;
(the agency , for ;which, for . Penusylvania) has
been' transferred' to J. IL LIPPINCOTT, or thia
city) ; the yVait.Pitta jtiS;PO IqSlled
African Explorations; and promise Ltrima-I
STONE'S ; here and there, in other cities, we ,
find tkini 'sytliptOms' 'Here, with!
exception,the L'inxit's Life of Dn. K/sx,l
svhich,quirmp,& PprEnsmcwill speedily, issue,l
and of which, from. the high ability of the !
author , and' the deep interest of tbe'Mthjeet4
much'id,extiected l ive'do' not hear of'any forth.;
Ciifing,',Mivelty,. T. B. ERNE R SON announces:
that, he ,thiows amaillion copies of various;
hooks into retail WM' at half price, (the next;
thing belO away;) and A. RAN-!,
iIIAYj ` a
New 'York. Publisher, advertises 600,-;
000, books on the gift principle, which has'
been , so popular , (and profitable ?) here and s l
elsewhere: .For thO last two months, we ,are'
troll aishred ; the, sale' or hooka, by the gift'
itorei,has,.hetin :greater than the whole
'sales of all the publishers in this city.
-Whatever the cause; Ole' . same inactivitr
in thePublishingitrade boa' Preimiled in Rng-',
19d, Rinke the close of the Russian war.!
For some time, scarcely any books, except,
those - relating •to that warfare; had any
sale in England. ' Just when a reaction
was anticipated, and . the authors began to!
prepare for' fresh work, the Indian revolt'
came on; and turned. public 'attention into;
anotherand particular" channel. At present,!
the eXception' of, reprints of populari
works of; fiction,, for the various c 4 libraries,";
which lire - supplying the public with good,
literattird; chetiplyAthere - is :searcolrany do:
mand, in,London; for auy,books except, those;
Which relate to India. Mr. STOOQUELDR, '
formerly editor of a newspaper at Calcutta,
who has been trAng; Air AO/tat twelve years,
to iriducepnblisheratO:aecept his Written ex
perienees,of India . , now, finds himself a-man of:
the time, and has sold by tens of thousands;
a , hastily-written book, 'giving information
about 'the ,peoplo'and Sit? seat of war. Mrs.
CoLrx lllerMassrE ; a well-meoving woman,
who thought she had a mission to convert the,
Rindoos, and- three 'years ago, published two'
vOluntes,, called L, , ,Lifo on 'the, Missien, the
&nip, and thriZentina - ,"whiCh had no very,
great. isle, has reissued it 'as If Six years in;
Delhi'," • and tbe 'mere' name !sells :if off in
tiwusandg.' So alisOri?lng is 'tlie one prevail
{rig stenjeci.
In the absence of hook-writing, it might be
expected that American authors would, more,
largely thin heretofore, throw themselves into
the Magazines:: But with the exception oP
ITAIIPER'S, which is attractive by illustrated
artickeyand4he Knickerbocker, which exhibits
''So' 'largely' the general ,character of L. G. '
CLARK, its editor, the Magazines have rather
declined.- Of late Putnam's, compelled to yield
to the pressure'of the times, has been devoured
by Emerson's Mdgemine, which, like PHA- .
nAou's lean kine' swallowing up the fatted, has
destioled it, without bettering itself. The
Philadelphia Magazines cannot be said to
have improved, and, indeed, are 'gene
rally , accepted • as Media for ladies' fa: '
rather than, for any
literary character. About this time, accord-, 1 ,
ing to the public announcement, we have been
led to expect the first number Of the magazine
upon which PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & Co., of Boa-,
ton, have engaged not only American but also.
English authors of repute. With such a strong,
array of paid contributors as it announced,'
thlsllagrizine ought to' take the lead among.
American periodicals. We should have been
better pleased had it wholly relied upon the
large amount of available and undoubted talent
which this country now possesses. Bid; pro
vided It do not build up a party-wall of Aboli
tiOn;for the : express purpose of, running its
head against, we sea •no reason to anticipate
that, properly and impartially conducted, this
&Atoll magazine Can or will be a failure. We
await the, first'number with considerable
Two good things, this dulness in the book
tfade to effect. Authors, Instead of
writing, as horss'a are: made to un, against
time, will have
,more time for research, and
thought, and concentration. Writing too fast
has been one of the literary evils (White years,'
caused by `a great ileinand, for popular. books.
h'or, though we haiitiimore isewspaPers than i
any other country in the world, It also happens
that' we read mere books. Two or three years
age, there was 'competitdon among publishers
as to which, within the Season, should produce
the greatest number of books, by popular
authors. • That competition Is ended;and au
theta' have . lellare;ivhlch ,it Is to lie hoped ,
they will Izoproye,,,to, think , more, than
that they were able to do. •• , •
• • Another advantageoralned by the public, Is.
the elieck i wbielillitit Vicious , literature, known
as the yelleiv.CO'vered," hite received, It
en'ems - as much extinct as if it never had been
extant. With the exception of cr The Camelia
Lady,".'t lately produced in this city, (at a price
quadrnplethat of the actual yellow-covered,")
'we do not remember any instance, during the
preifent year, of a book of avowedly bad qua
lity' and motive having , been published in this
t. We have'done with it, we, hope, for
ed6r., , • a
pie Many, bestueit authors, .who are
seriously affected by the stagnation in the pub
lishing trada."Vonmesitore, pressmen, folders,
book-binders,'aftittts,:and engravers, more im
mediatelyhnt phpoi-makers;preas-ma
nuleCturers, .and type -founders are also in-
Volved/and must suffer; in the long run. Even
such newgitipers as depended largely upon
book-advertisements are compelled to do with
out them: :The , book-trade will recover, ero
long, we know, but-the •puffing,off of indiffe
rent booksorm the endorsement of people who
if read the; aAvance , sheets," will never he re
sumed, or coedited if resumed, by, any pub
limbers of ehameter. , „
laof' eromeh t ' 3 " says the
xm a npipprip,a,,l Brawls, "Is qpietly but no
MTV auginentin Miry. 'Several ships of tho
Tine din ndrilitrto nitted, and' other smaller -leo
sell are being
. eenotruoied. The • fortificationn of
grrione,'andipertlonlarly of Poia, already
exalt.• the idtairation of engineers, and, when ter
minated, will be among the strongest In ,Europe.
The %Via orals Thilfithe is also bo allergy com_
*tea, az, as to protect German 'ooMmoroa on that
river.'! - -
"Ity other piece of advice," ' Copperheld,
"you' know. Annual , income-twenty pounds.
dennal expenditure—nineteen, nineteen six; •re..
fruit—happiness. Anneal income—twenty pounds.
Annual expepoit amr „tf ron typ uti da ;night and ei X;
remit—misery. 'Tim blossom is blighted ; the leaf
withered; ; UP god ,tif Any 'goes delta upon the
4411 7'' Imouffil short, .q'ou ern' forever
.110.011T794,11ictiorian.. •
The illustration of .artintes Lady's Home
Magazine is very good—though , a very old
ncquaintaucp being Theodpro, ' " Ma
thematical, hAtraction " ( a philosopher with
an egg in his hand, and his watch in the egg
saucepan, on: the tire,) which has. been pub
lished years ago. The inoskreadable articles
here, some of . them very good, are those by
Virginia P. ToWnsend.
Mrs.Blephens' New Monthly, with several
illustrations, is very greatly better than 'the
number for October was. It has more fresh
ness and originality. Callender, Third street,
is the agent hero.
Harper's Story Books have come, to a close.
The thirty-sixth number, completing vol.
contains a story of domestic life, called , c Little
Paul," being a very truth-like history of a boy,
good and intelligent, sulfuring under severe ill
ness. We repeat that young people are greatly
indebted to Mr. Abbott for this interesting and
valuable series—the best of the 'sett, perhaps,
ever ,published; especially intended for, chit.
dren, but capital reading for grown people,
also, as we, who have, perused them every
month during the last three years, can person
ally testify. They contain over one thousand
capital wood-engravings.
From our neighbor T. B. PETERSON we
have received Harper's Magazine, completing
vol. xv. Ho has endorsed it "Price reduced
to 15 cents, to suit the times," which is curi
ous, Harper's being, at 25 cents, the cheapest
magazine in the world, every successive,lssue
being a a specimen number." The illustrated
articles comprise Partin. of A Winter in the
South, with 21 engravings La Reminiscence of
Dome, with 10; lir. Butlers Poem of Nothing
to Weary with two ;' In High Latitudes (Lord,
Dufferin's Tour;) with 49; and Oharlie'a Side.
walk Acquaintances, with 7; by Bellew..—With
'the exception of the skeleton tlgures' the
'Second artiCie, wbielt )vo emhot. lbncy, eier): , ,
one 'of 'these pictures is good. The letter
press and designs of A Winter, in the South
are of equal, i. e. of highest, merit. Nothing
to Wear is worth preservation in tho Idaga
2ine, andimars 're-petrlal, from its spirit, wit
and truth, though, here ,and there, its rhymes
are 'so-so ;—pattera and satin,'ardgo and car
go, Flora's and adorers, shorter and caught
her, lilac and Shylocle,andier and India, im
porters and daughters, thornier and California,
are not only bad rhymes, but Cockneyish.
There are several good novelettes of merit,
'a capital sketch called the ' Grizzly Bear of
California, and, indeed, out of many articles
only' two which may advantageously be
skipped, namely some common-place stanzas
on Our Wives, and a tedious dissertation on
the Education of American Women, evident
ly written by the heavy contributor. 'The
Editor's Table contains a thoughtful and ana
lytical essay on The Englishidind. The Easy
Chair is sensible and brilliant by turns, and,
though The Editor's Drawer is very full, this
month, we do not find a single old acquaint.
anee among its many and pleasant anecdotes.
Hero are a few, which wo select chiefly' for
their brevity:
liere we have a letter from Missouri, portraying
the astonishment of the writer whoa he asked a
lady to'danca : - '
"There was a grand frolic at old Squire horn's,
to whirl( all the beauty and chivalry for miles
around had been invited. I was among the happy
number, and whbn the auspicious day arrived, ar
rayed in my long-toiled blue coat and spotless
pants, I made my way to the festive scone. Dane
lug had. begun when I arrived. Accoutred as I
was I plunged i n , and soon wee lost in the thickest
of the fight. As' I extricated myself from the
mates of the dance, and began to survey the scone,
I was suddenly smitten to the heart by the eight
of a lovely creature sitting alone, neglected and
forgotten.. Her eye was full of life and love, and
beauty beamed upon ;her brow so radiantly that I
was ready to worship her as a star whose purity;
and distance make it fair. But I was drawn un
resistingly to her side. I did not wait to be intro
duced. With the license of the evening I made'
my best bow, and half fearing that so splendid
and intellectual a creature would not deign to no
copt nip proposal, I yet ventured to say that it
would make me very happy if The would give me
the honor of dancing the next set with her. In
einntly those lustrous eyes shone sweetly on me,
and her ruby lips opened to say, ' Yes, Sir-roe, and
thank you too; for I've sot and sot hero till I've
about tuk root!"
. 4 Don't you think,' said a brother lawyer to
Judge Greenwood, of Georgia, that Jim Pierson
is the greatest liar of a lawyer that you ever saw ?'
•" I should be sorry to say that of brother Pier
am,'freplied the judp;o ; 'but he is certainly more
eCOIJOIIIICIII of the truth than any other lawyer on
the circuit!'
"My little, curly-headed, threelear old Katy
Philip saw her grandmother patting some Wolfer
ruittehoS in a earoty-box one evening, and asked :
Grandma, who brought the matohos away from
heaven down here to us?' ' - -
" -Why, nobody, my dear ; people make them
hero, and we buy them at the atore.'
" No, grandma, 'cause last night when the wind
blew the candle out in the parlor, Mr. Drown said
to Mary, !tidies Mary, let you and I make a
match?" and Mary said, "Oh, matches are made
in heaven !" '
Doctor Ill'Ohosney, of Trenton, NoW Jersey, a
man of fine scholarship . and great research, is re-.
spoilable for the following remarkable incident in
our revolutionary history:. •
The success of, Washington at Trenton has been
generally considered as the turning-point in the
war of our independence. Yet very few are per
haps aware upon how slight an event that great
and (tallest event wee made to hinge. On the
Christmas Eve when Washington and his followers
crossed the Delaware, Colonel Kahl, the commander
of the Ilessians,'sat in a private room, near Tren
ton, engaged with a company of hie °Mears in
drinking Wine and playing cards. A Tory, who
had discovered the movement of the American
troops, Bent a note, by a speoial messenger, to the
Colonel, with orders to deliver it into Lie own
bender The messenger found his way to the house,
and a negro opened the door, but refused him ad
mittance; took the letter and delivered it at once
to the Colonel, who was just shuttling for a now
game. Supposing the letter to be unimportant, or
not stopping to think of it at all, he wont on with
his play. The reading of the letter would have
thwarted Washington's designs; but the love of
play conquered the Colonel's prudence, and gave
success to a worthier cause, involving the loss of
hii life 'and army, and ultimately the freedom of
the colonies.
Little did the Colonel think, when shuffling the
cards, that he was losing the greatest gamo that
was over played among the nations of the world.
"The principal avenue of our city," writes a
learned friend in Detroit, " hes a toll-gate just by
the Elmwood Cemetery road. Ae the cemetery
had been laid out some time previous to the eon
otruetion of the plank-road, it was made one of the
conditions of the company's charter that all fune
ral processions' should go back and forth free.
One day, 'as Dr. Price, 'a celebrated physician,
stopped to pay his toll, ho remarked to the gate
" 0 Considering the benevolent character of our
profession, I think you ought to lot ps pass free of
No, no, doctor,' the keeper readily replied,
we couldn't afford that. You send too many'
dead heads through hero es it is.'
"The doctor paid his toll, and never asked any
favors after that." •
[Prom the Chicago Press of Wednesday.)
Men were there, and women bud children. The
millionaires rode by in their carriages, and paused
to give their families a glance at the late seance
of so much of horror. Families were there on foot,
wives with their husbands, fathom with their
children, to take a view of a memorable locality to
say "teas bore,' and watch with pale faces, per
chance, as some ghastly corpse, blackened and
shapeless, was borne by, on the way to the 'cham
ber of the dead, the Grand Jury room of the court
boom. Hero and there was a mourner leoking for
some lest one, a wife, a sister making inquiries
for some trace of a husband or a brother swiss-
It Ia stated that, from careful inquiry and an
examination of the Lexlies,reeovered, death new
have been instantaneous, in most if not all cases.
The heavy wall fell with,suoh force as to brush and'
disfigure nearly every corpse ! The half-sonsumed
fragnienta of 'a. loft leg, and a 'left arm and bead,
'were found, of which nothing farther was known
,at the lime of writing. '
Arrangements were made for the burial of the
dead, in which solemn oeremony almost the entire
city would participate. In addition to the list of
bodies recovered, given heretofore, are the follow
ins'h 'A
A. Raymond, Worcester, Maas.
D. E. Emerson, Mass.
Mathias Marsh, fireman:
Martin Grant, 'Washington Hose Co
E. ltorneyn, clerk of Meta and Clerk.
Abram Bogart , _ with Campbell Fe Clark.
A. H. P. Corning, clerk M. S. L. do T. Co.
Lawrence Gabef, supposed to be a sailor.
John Kemal], late (I Port Clinton.
Thte makes the , amber of bodies already re
covered nineteen, and' two or three others are
known to be missing. The rescuers were atilt
vigorously at work.
Doubts have been expressed as 'to where the fire
originated, but the Press states that it was first
discovered in the hardwaie store of Messrs. Cor
dick, Cross, A Co. The coroner is thoroughly in
vestigating its origin.
, The Bank of England has raised the rate of
interest to nix par cent., and the opinion of many,
whose judgment and experience are large, is, that
money has reached the minimum point during, the
present' year. This is an almost .unprecedented
event; after a harvest of unexampled prosperity,
not only in this country, but thfoughout the civi
lized globe. NeVertholoss, there are signs distinctly
marked on the commercial borision which leave little
or no doubt about the fact wham indicated. On the
continent, and - mote especially In the Gomm
markets, tho value of money is in excess of our
own; attributable, according to some, to an ex
cess of railway speculation, and the absorption of
'argon:tams of capital in very questionable under
'takings. At Berlin, for example, the rate of dis
count is six ands half per cent.; at Hamburg, coven
'peicent.; at Frankfort, six 'per cent.; •and at Am
sterdam, five per cent., which is an unusually high
quotation for the last-named place. The Bank of
France cannot but feel this influence, and fact,
has already felt it, as seen in the diffioulty
which it has found in keeping up its stook of bul
-1 lion—the inevitable consequence of the disruption
' of the equilibrium eisewhere.--,Enropsan
Oct. 10
• Capt. Tainall, United 'States navy, sailed
from Boston fox -Tammy on Wednesday. • ' ,
E. J.
DAVENPIEtr.Aff ttimy
, . ,
~ .„
[Far The Prose.]
The chastening touch of s'orrow, can -,:it fit u
for a real sympathy With Handel. , Inf' 4lllfid
worship of the practical, it is difilcuit, It t *, tint
poffssible, to approciate'a eintritotar,:yikikrl„,go;of
aotiOntrand motives not with, au, prftwar prorr
once, but in . their relation to , thecia'..:i tt i .0 61
of his own inner nature., and who holds - - tit it
self light in the reale when iveighedigti,,l, v i ot,lo ' ;
lotion of hie Individual integrity; ItairrgtOsseri#,
as well as proper, quit ivs, should stimellS* 2 abs
street ourselves from the heartless realitirilife,
if not to look beyond them, at least 'tor MI
them against the possible attaintientiat :r i v na
ture, and see that wo are not negfootingo'„„, ! Jilt ,
velopment of our noblest capabifithni..e, hop
weary, ' therefore, of the , ineemple , tenoital, , 1; chi'
daily experience, we'Yearri tor, ' e,deepiAlittioirl
eligoof ourselves and of the trim, enuditlon4f our
happiness or misery, it cannot. be amlaa ado!'
on the strange, but pregnant bibtory 111 : yq
philosopher of Denmark, The faithful eac h '' grt,
of both the powers and tbe,W,eitkireassifrPtAr lin'.
inanity. Much does 'that history.fro*ii , of
the heart-struggles to whiob • ineserel4,'' fate
has 'doomed the race; , ' bdt, alsei f ,rtik6V, , ,deeil
it reveal of tho high
,uttrilniten tielAqind,
which consecrate the very fleshly. part , ',3k.f, us,
and,. arming us with fortitude and hopttAis'play
to our expanding view " the future
,lit l its in
stant.", To grasp its teachings in ' their ,
hansivenoss, however, and to incerpointeA4 in:
fluonoo into the life of our 111131thility04 is siskiiitiai
that our vision should be purged; that t ' t
wells of our emotion 'should be oponad'h . '' ' MG
far-ssaOhlttjt, gr
, lef ; and lit4:thelivn4; ' 'is',
freed from the rastiaintS of Artir oetWatili ' ` if
:ferendershould be laid baref:iniilllte/ ling
suieeptibililiee, as the *hiding Piattec'Of-o`i.tik fist
' fAiry'd mdditne and ImPerishabfe,bisisek;t;:, en
only can we think, fear, doubt, aqd ilarreftiwr•
dial unison with ,Hamlet, as: the Intetudt,i4und
strength of his impassioned feelingsdountuag vs;
and then, for the first time, do bier eitraorallitio ,
faculties command frdni us our loving fidiriliation,
blith for themselves and for their influence !pen
the characters by which' ho is surrounded..' •', ,
Hamlet is the embodiment of the tendenciis of
'philogopbio mind—tendencies whose full ,quitlon
is forever
,frnstrated by the overpowering rally
of his personal intent/sta. With thw profourelect
eason, urging him to intellectual effort of iin or
(Unary scope, he, combines an exquisite 'bunion
sensibility; end the severe trial of that Sinai.
batty, while it intensities the force, greatly nor,
rows the range of his reflections. Like all deep
thinkers, he is melancholy in view of the helpless+
nose 9f man in hisunequal struggle with thodefitifly,
that shapes his ends; but the singular until:Alone
which oppress his soul have swollen that melarf,
choly into a surging, and all but overwhellithig
grief, which, steadily deepening in Intensity, be
comes, nt loot, the essential and transfiguring
element of his character. The seriousness of phi:
losophy, thus intensified by a pervading' human
grief, brings no within the range of Sympathy
with his reflective musings.. A life of calm 01.-.
losophy, smooth and unruffled, excites but fAnt
appreciation in the oven toner of its way;
but triton agitated by the storms of earthly
trial, and the wrecks of earthly disappointrottpt;
then, in the poignancy of its anguish and f6e
soundless depths of lie emotion, do we find some
measure of the exalted happiness of which it was
susceptible. Hamlet's experiences give a direction
tti his thoughts, that places them within the scope
of universal sympathy; but, at the same tittle, tho
profound convulsions of his nature open up
glimpses of its unfathomod capacity, that show us
what ho might have boon, but for the untimek e y
trials of his youth.
Whilo groaning under the hoary burden of his
sorrow, and agonised by vogue auspioiona of hio,
nettle's oriole, Hamlet receives the reveletion'of
the truth, and the harrowing summons to revenge
hie father'', "foul and meet unnatural murder ,"
which properly inaugurates the Ration, of the play.,
From this moment his minds an arena for the
tumultuous conflict of the doubts that Lion him ur,
the ghost's sincerity, and the instinetive die tales 4t
hia refined morality; with thu influenee of the ►p?
perneturat visitation, whieh he finds it impossible
to escape. Ms exec ting login quiets his doubts, bet
is powerless before the profoupder questioninga of
his moral and religious nature. Assured of tip►
ghost's honesty, he yet is morally distracted by the,
irreconolleable impulses alternately emunsanditg
:and forbidding °Whine° of its 'behests. Rita-
kniusd to. a thorough conviction of the'ppuitit,l44-4
,tent of his wretchedness, ho quails, before the
prespoot of setting the seal of his own volition to
its increase and perpetuation. The contention of
his feelings, therefore, added to the violence of his
grief, results in an eccentric restlessness of pus
pale, that, driving him to and fro upon an inef
fectual course, threatens at times to overturn the
majesty of reason.
The opposition between Hamlet's mental organi=
tatted and the necessities of his fate is the inneiont
enuse of all the contradictions of Ma veering and
unsettled solicit), and'when examined by the light
of his constitutional tendencies, those contradie.
(ions will come at length to be regarded as the
strongest evidences of harmonious consistency.
Paradoxical as this may seem, oar instinctive
sympathies give it the surest confirmation. No.
where does he violate that sense of fitness, which,
often without an assignable reason for its decisions,
is, for the most pact, unerring in its accuracy of
perception. But, more than this, we believe it
demonstrable that his wildest eccentricities are the
appropriate manifestations of his characteristic'
Individuality. Some critics regard rho indecision
of Hamlet as the invariable result of the thought
fulness of his nature, not peculiar to this special
phase of his experience, but always disqualifying
hint for native effort ; but such a theory consorts tho
grandest elements of his strength into unmeaning
puerility. A philosophy that absolutely unfits us for
the discharge of active duties is emphatically a
badge of inefficiency and weakness, and degrades its
followers below the ordinary level of human cm
. putty. Not such, surely, is the tendency of Ham
let's profound speculations. The harassing exi
gencies of his daily life aro illy, adapted' to satisfy
tho cravings of his intellootual necessities. From
the unusual excellence of his powers, he rises
above the ordinary interests era worldly exist
oohs; but everywherh, we are made to feel his
supremacy over his fellows, not merely as sprier's,
their superior in rank and influence, ludas a man,
their Impactor in thought and action. The crafty
king is forood to the disclosure of his mystery; the
politic Polonius in turned into a by-word and a
jo 3t ;, and the young courtiers, Rosenorante and
thildenstorn, are bellied and confounded by the
directness of his dimernment, and tho bitterness
of his earoasm. They aro all dwarfed in tho
comparison, and in the very talents, on
which they rot their claims to eminence,
surrender at discretion. Reeding their in
most thoughts and purposes, be treats them as
the veriest playthings of his wit, and Invariably,
with the most consummate skill, ho meets them
on their, own accustomed .ground, and is victori
ous. Not the want of practical ability unfits hint
for the common pursuits of human nature, but
rather the absence of desire to' exert the ability
that be possesses. In the exquisite language of
Ophelist, he is " the courtier's soldier's scholar's
eye, Lougee, sword—the expectancy and rose of
the fair state," able to satisfy the Mick ideal of
a man and of a sovereign. Bat from the extended,
sweep of, Ms observation, and the immense pre.,
ponderanee of his retteotive' and imagleattve fa
culties, the goals, for whose attainment the tan
thinking herd are satisfied to strive, offer to him
no possible inducement for exertion. Ha lea men
net above human sympathies, but above human
tenth :ions . He recognises humanity in its loftiest
relations, and we are well assured that the desire
of his inmost soul is for the unbroken quiet of a
philosophic, life, casting abroad its divine seeds
of speoulation, and reaping its rich harvests in the
field of knowledge.
Hamlet's Is, without dispute, in the fullest
sense, a groat mind; sublime in the reach of its
comprehensive reasonings; profound in the depth
of its delicate affections. Reason anti Emotion
ilaye harmoniously co-operated in its guidanc e and
direction; anti the current of his life, till the in
°option of the play, has been placid and undis
turbed. With the appearance of the ghost, how
ever, these controlling eleuients are miraculously
divided and opposed. For the first time, their
dictates are Irreconcilable, and the current of his
life, thenceforward, becomes stormy and chaotic.
Identifying themselves with his holiest human
ties; typifying and confirming his grief and his
suspicions; and wielding the mysterious influence
of a supernatural authority, his father's ghostly
revelations and commands become the predominant
Influences of his thought. From the table tibia
memory they wiPe away all trivial fond records,
all saws of boots, all forms and pressures past,"
and "live within the book and volume of his
brain, unmixed with baser matter." With the
pathetic adieu of the tnajostie spirit still vi
brating upon his startled sense, he consecrates his
life to the remembrance and recognising, In that
awful moment. the inevitable isolation of his fat e
from human sympathy, ho roneunese at ones even
the tender associations that had enshrined the
fair Opholia in his love When, however,
the opportunity for action presents itself, he
is found unequal to the fulfilment of the'
dread command, his indecision Adios from
no constitutional hesitat:7, for ilatultd is often
liable to hasty Impulses, and falls a victim some-
Aimee to the mist intemperate rashness, but the
moral magnitude of the issue and the tempestuous
struggle of opposing motives Molts In lip uoecoue•
Anted fitfulness of purpose. Hamlet shrinks from
the contemplation of what ho Is 00880034
prompted to attempt, and aceotnplishos it finally,
in .the excitement of an overwhelming impulse,
which, for the instant, concentrates his energies,
but which is utterly inconsequential upon any pre
conceived design. To a weak mind the killing of
Use king had been an easy matter, but from the
very strength of Hamlet's nature spring hie
hydra-headed doubts. Well may wo wonder at
the stupendous powers of that. reason which could
withstand the overwhelming force of even a super
natural assault, and maintain its integrity Ulric!.
tato, though at the costly sacrifice of its tran
The position of hamlet in the play Is in portent
keeping with the peculiar character of his expe
rience. While centring in himself the prevailing
interest of the plat, ho exorcises little or no direct
influence upon its movement. The passive victim,
rather than the active originator of its events, he
is caught up in their whirling progression, and
hurried unresistingly to their tragic catastrophe.
With the exception of the play, tho killing of Po-
MMus and the closing scone, covering with its pall
of death this sublime rooord of human suffering,
there is little of more action on the part of
Hamlet to disturb our sympathy with the
development of his grief, and the agitation
of his mental conflicts. The histrionist, there- I
fere, finds his chief difficulty in the paramount
necessity of identification with the earnestness of I
the part. Unless lie strongly conceives the nature
of Its contending emotions, and individualises
Hamlet, through the manifestation of their inter
nal workings, he has no machinery of incidents to
fall backupon, and fails to invest his performance
with a sustaining interest.: Ills sympathy must
not rest in the " modes and shows of grief," but
must roach on to' " that within which passoth
show," to convey an adequate idea of which, no
1 Mock-solemnity, however hallowed in the antiquf
tios of the stage, can possibly AltrlOD. We
are well aware that histrionic emotion is not
and should not be real ; but, like all ar.
I tistic imitations, whatever the laws of their
particular development, it is based on profound
sympathy with nature, end a careful investiga
lion of her principles and phenomena. The actor
must analyse in his closet what the synthesis of
his art presents to the spectator's view, in the into.
gral unity of its effect, and though not precisely
experiencing the agonies which he represents, his
mind must nevertheless be equal to their compre
hension, and susceptible of their impressions. He
therefore, who undertakes the character of Ilom•
lot, assumes a task of vast responsibilities; the
more so, as the plot has little intrinsic merit, inde
pendent of its egoist upon Hamlet, to bolster up
the insufficiency of the delineation. Depending
for its Interest almost exclusively upon the gradual
unfolding of Hamlet's inner life, the ability to
render the part successfully, implies an ability to
measure the length and breadth of that life's ex
periences; a sympathy to embrace them in its
comprehensive mime, and a creative energy to re
produce them in their living force and truthful
In confessing, thou, tho instruction and deligh
hat we have derived from Mr. Davenport's rendi
lion of the character, we aro sensible of the ox
alted estimate we aro making of his powers
Though not fully satisfying the requirements o
OW part, we fool justified in pronouncing it one a
the grandest personations of the medal% stage,
and ono of the few, among such peroonations, that
will justify and repay the studious attention of the
srholar as well as of the artist. It is doubtless
Mr. Dr's finest professional effort, and we regret
that it- is .not to he repeated.' Especially ealen
tided to summon into cresols° his peculiar abili.
ties, and at the same time to demonstrate their
extraordinary quality and value, its repetition is
due to the public, that its distinguishing excel.
Wades may be more deeply impressed upon the
minds of our theatrioal audiences. It is not a
part necessitating violent outbursts of physical
paision, in which Mr. D. is, perhaps, inferior to
softie of his contemporaries; but It involves a
&lieu) , of refinement and an Intensity of feeling
Which, while they divest his impassioned utterance
of that coarseness, relying for its expression upon
more physical strength, greatly inoresso its es.
mica' force and suggestiveness. In his realize.
lion of that refinement and intensity, and in hie
discriminating interpretation of the conflicting uto l
fives which, apparently destroying the consistency
of Hamlet's notion, actually demonstrates the in.
trtgiteg - a .bil_aharsaior.. Mr. D. disauvenr.:the
purest, histrionic genius. His chief defect is of a I
reliable elocution, the judicious study of which art,
by conducing to a more rigid economy of his
powers, would prevent those tepees into a shallow
formalism, which certainly disfigure occasional I
passages of the delineation. In acting of such un
commim excellence we become peculiarly sensitive
of deficianoles. The general superiority elevates
the standard of our expectations, and we feel im
patient at seeing the perfection of the representa
tion obscured by blemishes so easily remediable.
To spook at length, and as they deserve, of the
varied beauties of the performance, were at present
impossible; but if we may be allowed the privi
lege of specification, we shall direct attention to
the interviews with Opholia and with his mother,
as unsurpassed in general sublimity and pathos,
and embodying all tho characteristic earnestness
of Hamlet's nature. In the interview with Opho
lie, which has always been a source of contention
to the critics, Mr. D. raises the vell of obscurity
which conceals the actuating principles of Hamlet's
conduct, and by the harmonising light of his in
terpretation justifies its eccentric harshness to the
sense of the spectator. With Ophelia's offer to re.
store the former pledges of his love, tbo inevitable
condition of his fate is forced, with superadded ter
rare, upon his consciousness. Tho sudden transition
from affectionate tenderness to frenzied excitement,
and the startling impressiveness of his manner, as,
with his outstretched arm pointing in the direction
of his suspicion, and his eye searching the unex
pressed motives of Opbelia, he exclaims, Where
is your father? lot him play the fool nowhere but
in's own house," are exquisitely truthful expo
nents of the distracting uncertainty of Hamlet's
mental condition, Wo read in them the anguish
experienced in his renunciation of Opholia, no lees
than the sleepless suspicions which forever haunt
his mind, and seem to necessitate distrust of even
those with whom tho dearest ties had always
associated him. But the irrepressible struggle
with his affection, and the spontaneity with
which that affection occasionally bursts forth
into triumphant expression: the terrible ener
gy of its temporary subdue] ; and, finally, the
convulsive agony of love, in which, bonding
his oyes Immovably upon her, ho passes from her
presence, to battle with his destiny alone—these
constitute the most wonderful revelation of the
profound secrets of Hamlet's asparienco that
orther histrioniern or criticism has ever afforded us.
The interview with his mother, excepting the in
troduction of the full-length portraits, Is equally
perfect. The harrowing, but majestic severity of
his reproaches, and, on the entrance of the ghost,
his supernatural awe, mingled with the wild ago.
ems of his lacerated affections, arouse the pro
oundest sympathies of his audience, but the effect
of the scene properly culminates in his unwavering
refusal of the maternal embrace. The solemn
sternness of his manner remains unbroken, until
his mother can no longer bo the witness of his
Weakness, when, with a moving'pathoe,• he yields
to the natural emotion of his situation, in the Me
morable words, "I must be cruel only to be kind."
In the scene of the play, his restless movements,
the intellectuality of his expression, the vigilance
with which he scrutinises every motion of the
king, and his terrible enthusiasm at the success of
his design, as his uncle at last 0 . blenches" under
the combined terrors of suspicion and remorse,
leave little to be desired. He, perhaps, approaches
too near the king, to preserve the entire proba
bility of the scene, although be does it with won
derful effect. That ho should, in his excitement,
advance towards the throne, almost unconsciously
to himself, is eminently natural, but Mr. D. ven
tures too far; and his deliberation indicates de
sign, rather than the unconscious result of eager
Ills rebuke to the king, at the opening of the
4th act, though brief, is remarkable for energy
and power; and the religious solemnity of his din•
courtio with Horatio, act sth, scene 2d, Is impressed
indelibly upon our reoelleetion. Ills fencing scone
is a model of elegance and gross; and, from be
ginning to and, the consistency of the porsonotion
"moults no feather." Ito perishes, at last, with
the dignity of a prinoo, and the serenity of a phi
losopher. In the words, " the rest is silence," tho
quiet of death is contrasted with the turbo/once of
his life ; and wo feel, in the sense of stillness that
steals upon us as ho sinks into his everlasting rest,
a morn realizing sense of the tumultuous disquiet
of his terrible probation.
INDIAN NAIIES.--" Poor" or pore," which
is found to make the termination of so many In
dian cities and settlements, signifies town. Thus,
Nagporo moan's the Town of Serpents; a definition,
by the way, sufficiently appropriate when wo re
float on the treacherous character of the eepoys by
whom it was SO recently garrisoned. "Abed" and
o patina" also signify town; Hyderabad being
Hyder's town, and Seringapatam, from *twinge, a
name of the god Visknoo---being the town of Sre
ringa. Allahabatl, from "Allah," God, and
~7 ahad" abode, means the Abode of God; that
city being the capital of Agra, the chief school of
the Brahmins, and much resorted to by pilgrims.
Punjab is the Country a the riVeßivers,anuTDoab
Is applied to a part of a country between two
For The Press.]
Among the many
any admonitory rebukes adminis
tered by the Saviour dram, to the carnal-minded
generation with which no had to deal during the
period of his incarnation, there are probably none
more frequently quoted and loss generally under
stood than the following :
" It is easier for a camel to go through the eye
of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the
Kingdom of tied."—Mark x., 25.
It is easy to imagitle that an ( indolent Teacher
would, in A promiscuous assemblage, address him
self to the mental inquiries, rather than the audi
ble acknowledgmeeta of him hearers, and, meet&
ingly, the response which these words elicited,
viz : Who, then, can bo saved' , " was, doubtless,
the inquiry of such as felt themselves to be in
cluded in that hopeless category. The immediate
context of these words, however, as also many
other passages of divine truth which might be
cited, prove to the honest inquirer that it was they
who "truss in riches" to whom thin prescription
was intended to apply—that it was not the mere
possession. of riches, bat the inordinate Love or
TREK, that constituted the" camel In the figure.
The simple possession of wealth, or any other
earthly good, where a righteous stewardship is ex
orcised over them, le nowhere proscribed in the
Bible, and it is a gratifying reflection to every
Christian mind, that we have very many men in
this and other communities, of all denominations,
who, though abundantly blessed in this world's
goods, are zealously laboring for something infinit4
ly higher and beyond the mere possession of any pe •
rishable earthly treasure, and to such, as we nnderi
stand the word, the passing of the "camel through
the needle's oyo" will form no impossibility with
God. Alas! who knows but that the lesson, which
is now being eo impressively taught in the money
troubles that are now foremost upon every tongue;
is hut a providential means of grace, intended to
assist the " camel's entrance" in the ease of many
a simeick soul ?+
There is another passage, however, containing a
figurative expression, in which the camel holds
conspicuous part, which, if it does not admit of as
wide a margin for theological construction, is eel ,
thinly no loss applicable to the inconsistencies of
the age in which wo live. I refer to the passage
in Matthew xxiii, 24:
"Ye blind guides! which strain at a gnat, and
swallow a Caine!.''
There are probably but few to whom, if tiii; test
were rigidly applied, the force of its truth would ,
not bo signally verified in their own convictions,
There is no doeibling the fact that we are a gnat
straining and a camel-swallowing people ; nor is
this making oat our ease ono whit worse than all
the rest of the world richly deserve Beginning
in the nursery, wo pass through all the grades of
this false discipline, until, in many cases, the /an
camel breaks the gnat's back, and life has proved
to be a failure. The over-fond mother shields her
darling from breathing fresh air, for fear of thq
croup, and at the same time kindly gorges it.
stomach with sweetmeats to keep the little angel
from crying. Youth are forced into close school:
rooms, because the " gnat " of not being in the
grammar school as quick as neighbor so-and-so's
Jimmy is hard to swallow; but the •' camel " of
crushing in the bud the physical constitution, and
thus inducing a stupid inefficiency for life, if col
an early grave, is wallowed down, cars and all;
with a simple marvel at the "inscrutable disi
pensations of Providence." In manhood we set
our mark high—with wealth, fame, or honor fot
our target; at it we thy with "perfect rush;" anti
with sails tattered, masts shivered, and keo
sprung, may at forty find ourselves in the posses
Glen of one or the other of these prizes. nit
"gnat" of patience Lae all this white been' ati
unentertainabie guest; and now, with the object
achieved at the price of a premature old age, the
posseasion of it is fouud to be an empty shadow;
The "camel " has been swallowed, but, like thd
man that won an elephant eta raffle, what's to
be done with it's the rub." As with individuals
eel with corporations, communities, and govern ;
To day, for instance, a small infraction of the!
law may constitate an exciting theme for millions
to-morrow a plain constitutional provision may be
flagrantly violated, and the eloquence of Obey
couldn't raise a decent breeze about it. So we go
and, I asic, is it rot spfast-Hosapre ars practlasli
a gnat-straining and camel swallowing race?
ANNCUOTE or WHITFIELD.—In the early period
of Whitflold's ministry in England, many of the
taverns became places where his doctrines and zeal
were talked of, and ridiculed. A,Mr. Thorpe and
several other young men in Yorkshire undertook ut.
one of theseparties to mimic the preaching of Mrj
Whitfield. One after another stood on the table
perform his part, and it devolved upon Mr. Thor'
to close this irreverent scone. Much elated an
confident of success, he exclaimed as he ascended
the table :
"I shall beat you all."
Tho Bible was banded him, and by the guidance
of an unerring Providence, he opened at the verse,
Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish."
The moment be read the text his mind was int.
pressed in a most extraordinary manner ; he saw/
clearly the nature and the importance of the sub-
jeet, and as he afterward said, if he ever preached
with the assistance of the Holy Spirit it was at
that time. His address produced n feeling of de
pression upon his auditors; and when he had fin
ished ho instantly retired to weep over his sins.
Ile soon after became associated with the people
of God, and died a successful minister of Christ.
It is certainly gratifying to find that the season
of severity which threatens the poor who havo
been thrown out of employment, ls already caiiing
forth an almost universal response; and if the
actions whisk are to follow should prove to he at
all commensurate with the promises now being in
dicated on all hands, the coming season will nut
only bring with it the necessary relief, but crown
with undying laurels the humauity'of our people.
In many pulpits in oar city sermons have boon
and are to be preached upon this subject; and in
snarly of the wards church members, aided by the
citizens generally, have held meetings far the pur
pose of adopting such initiatory measures ns shall
boat facilitate their benevolent operations. This
is eertainlY commendable, and too much cannot bo
said in favor of so laudable a work at this time.
The great importance of system ire the collection
tout distribution of aid, In a time like that which
we aro preparing to meet, is of the utmost im
portance, and the earlier such organisations aro
formed, now,lbefore the keen grasp of winter is
upon us, the more efficient will be their labors
when they are called upon to act.
LillmtitY or Da. LUDLOW --At a meeting of
the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church
of North America, hold in Newark, N. J., last
week, and at which Dr. Woodbridge was elected
Professor of Ecclesiastical history, Church Go
vernment and Pastoral Theology, in place of the
late Dr. Ludlow, the following resolution was
adopted :
_Whereas, The Synod bad been informed that
the library of the late Professor Ludlow contains
many works of permanent value to our Theologi
cal Seminary, and that theao may be secured at a
reasonable price: therefore,
Resolved That a committee. consisting of the
Rev. E. P. Rog, era, D. D., William 11. Campbell,
D D., Rev. W. J. R. Taylor, President Feeling
huysen, and the Elder Jame:, W, Beekman, be ap
pointed to Secure funds for the purpose,_and to
procure such works belonging to the late Rev. Dr.
Ludlow as may be deemed desirable for the li
brary of the Theological Seminary, and that the
committee report to the next Synod.
CALLS .-A curious illustration of
the way in which much of the time of; city
clergymen is consumad was given in a speech of
the Bev. Dr. Vinton, of Brooklyn, in the late
Episcopal Convention of New York. Dr. Vinton
said he had promised his servant girl a pair of
shoes when she had gone to the front door two
hundred times. Tho promise was made on Mon
day morning, and the shoes wore carload by ten
o'clock on 'Wednesday morning.
drool and seven students, at sir theological institu
tions, three hundred and thirteen were instructed
in the Sabbath school, and the average time of
their conversion was about sixteen years of ago. '
THE REV. Jowl Says, agent of the American
Colonisation Seeleth who went to Africa last
year, for the purpose of establishing a colony in
the interior, and the Rev. James W. Rome, esi
dent of Monrovia Seminary, landed at Baltimore,
in the ship Caroline Stevens, from Liberia : last
at Stamford, Ct,, on the 6th inst. The Rev. Air.
Hart, of Now Haven, and Rev. Mr. Hughes, of
Hartford, 'were the officiating priests.
Rev. W. S. lbw., pastor of the Baptist church,
at Phoenixville, Pa., has received a unanimous
and cordial invitation to become pastor of the
Laight Street Baptist church, in New York.
Tun SIVELINNHOROIANA have recently celebrated
the hundredth anniversary of their " Church of
the New Jerusalem" at Stuttgardt.
boon left to the Orphan Asylum of Columbus, Go,,
by E. E. Powers, Esq.
CtittnOtt OF TIIR EVANGEL'S TB—Catharine street,
above Seventh.—Tho new ohurob edifice on Catha
rine street, above Seventh, will be opened for the
Mat time for public worship on Sunday. the Scot
day of November next. Services at 10f A. M., 3.3
and Id P. IC During the week ensuing there
wilt be Divine Berviee ovary evening at It o'clock.
PINE STREET Pine Arcot obureb
(Dr Brainerd's) will be re-opened next Sabbath.
The usual morning and evening pervious will he
resumed. The exterior is unfinished, but the in
terior has been greatly improved and beautified.
GRACK Cuuncu—Corm r of Twelfth and Cho ry
Streets.—This church will bo reopened fur Divine
sorvice on Sunday, the 25th inst., at 101 A. M.'
and 31 P. M.
Rev. T. K. CONRAD has accepted a call to the
rectorship of All Saints' Church, Philadelphia.
Thin pariah 17/1/1 formerly under the charge of Roy.
M. E. Montgomery, now of New York.
. ,
eighth anniversary will be held at the Musical
/Prod Hall, Locust street, on Tuesday evening,
October 27th, at 71 o'clock.
Pon ?"—Thia will constitute the theme of the Hoc.
John Chambers, at his church, Broad and George
streets, to-morrow afternoon at 31 o'clock. The
text selected for the occasion is contained :n first
Timothy, v. 8. " But if any provide not for his
own house, be bath denied the faith, and is worse
than an infidel." Those who are acquainted with
the style of this eloquent pulpit orator, need hardly
be told that a stirring sermon for the times may be
,From ales received by the Europa at this office.)
CoLlNCtiiiirßet..4 AT CaLcutra.—We (North
British Mar/)ure happy to state that, from letters
received in ❑lasgow yesterday forenoon, dated
Calcutta, August 22, Sir Colin Campbell, who ar
rived on the 14th August, was in perfect health at
Calcutta nt that time, and bad taken the command
of the army. On the 17th of that month he issued
the following proclamation to the troops in India •
"HOT Majesty having been graciously pleased to
appoint me Commander-in-Chief or the forces in
India, in the room of the late lamented General,
the lion. George Anson, and her Majesty also hay
iog been graciously pleased to confer upon me the
rank of General in the East Indies, I now assume
tho command of the army in India.
" In doing so it affords me the highest satisfac.
Lion to find under my orders troops who have 50
fully proved themselves. in the recent arduous
operattons in the field, to be what I have ever
known British soldiers in every quarter of the
globe—couragoons, faithful, obedient, and en
'•ln former years I have commanded native
troops of India, and by their aide I have been
present in many battles and victories, in which
they have nobly borne their part; and it is to me
a subject of deep concern to learn that soldiers of
whom I had been accustomed to think so favorably
should be arrayed in open and defiant mutiny
against a government proverbial for the liberality
and paternal consideration with which it has ever
treated its servants of every denomination.
" When join the force now in the field restoring
order in the district disturbed by the disatection
of the army of Bengal, I shall, at the bead of the
British troops, and of those native soldiers who,
though few in number, have not feared to separate
themselves from their faithless comrades and to
adhere to their duty, feel lay old confidence that.
I they will march to certain victory.
" I shall not rail to notice. and the powerful (10-
cerement which I have the honor to serve will not
fail to reward, every instance of fidelity and valor
shown by the troops under my command.
I call upon the officers and men of both Euro
pean and native troops zealously to assist in the
trek before ns; and, by the blessing of God, we
shall soon again see India tranquil andproSperOUS.
"C. CAMPBELL, General,
"Calcutta, Aug. 17. Commander-in-Chief."
Le Presse denies that serious difterenees ex-
ist between Lord Canning and Sir Colin Campbell;
but in the same breath it is admitted that the new
Commander-in-Chiethas resented " an imprudent
anti uncalled-for attempt to limit his authority
over the army"—a enured, as every one must see ;
the best calculated to promote these very "serious
The London Times, writing before the arri
val of the Persia, (ou the 10th,) Says;
It id assumed that the stoppage of the Phila
delphia and Baltimore banks, telegraphed this
afternoon, is the result of a joint resolution on the
nart of those institutions fur mutual preservation
hem the the consquences of an indiscriminate panic.
Should such be the rise, the stop, instead of caus
ing an increase of distrust, may twist in promoting
a restoration of confidence. There are certain
conditions under which no banking establishments
can stand, and it will soon be seen if these
have been the cause of the present movement.
The immediate effect will be to cause bills on thesis
cities to bo old at Now York, and elsewhere, at a
heavy discount, and that most of the specie in
circulation in Philadelphia and Baltimore will
be sent away to purchase them. The stock
of bullion at other points will, therefore, be prW
pertionablv strengthened. The event. conse
quently, instead ef causing a further fall in secu
rities, may operate in an opposite direction. With
regard to the fresh failures reported on this occa
sion, the principal at Philadelphia seem to have
been Caleb Cope ik Co., and Hallowell tt Co., both
importers of tuantifatitured goods During the re,
lapse which occurred after the termination of the
groat American panic in 1037 the Philadelphia and
Lattimore • banks suspended, as in this Instance,
%bile those of New '1 ork stood their ground. At
that time their course hest been nulically unsound,
AO a long period elapsed before theywere able to
resume In the present ease no widespread nom . ;
Moreciia 3nlLativs, lase be.. shesiessibiti, and There Is
to hope that the difficulty will be speedily
. Tug BELFAST Meas.—The inquiry into the
came of the riots at Belfast has at length been
brought to a close. The Northern IVhig considers
the investigation to have been extensive, yet in
eomplete. It has, however, been proved—let, that
the celebration of the " Orange" anniversary of the
I2th July invariably leads to some rioting, the
Processions Act not having the effect of preventing
the erection of arches, the wearing of insignia, and
the playing of party tunes—all incentives and in;
citations to street rows; 2d, that the last July
riots, commencing en the 12th, were mainly ores.
sinned by the inefficiency of the magistracy; 33,
that the police of Belfast i s shockingly inefficient j
and, 4th, that the police of Belfast is a partisan
force, 153 out of 160 being Protestants, and many
of them Orangemen.
It is also stated that the Lord-Lieutenant of
Ireland has decided not to put any gentlemen on
the commission of the peace until they have given
an assuranco that they do not belong to the Orange
During the first days of the Emperor Louis
Napoleon's stay in Stuttgardt he was always ao
compamied by a military escort, which the Empe
ror Alexander was not, and when he drove to
Wilbelina on Saturday afternoon, accompanied by
the King, two officers, in addition to a guard of
about a dorm soon, coda at the sid e of the car•
ring°. Subsequently ho dispensed with all escort,
and walked and drove out among the people with
no other retinue than one Wartemberg officer, app.
pointed to wait on him during his stay here. At
a former period of his life Louis Napoleon, or, as
he was then called, Napoleon Louis, lived in Stutt
gal dt as a political refitgeo,und it was there that he
published many of 11;s anonymous works. Even as
fir back as that, he was a great favorite with the
present King, who screened him from the persecu
tion of Louis Philippe, and refused to expel him
over the frontier.
Some time ago a very large sum, more than, was subscribed for the establishment of a
commercial academy in Vienna ; but the whole
affair is likely to fall to the ground, because the
minister for ecclesiastical affairs insists on ap
pointing n Vatholio director and professors. The
principal subscribers were Jaws and Protestants,
and as they made it n condition sine qud 1/04
that Jews and Protestants should enjoy the same
ivileges no Catholics, they are about to withdraw
their subscript ions
According to the latest despatches received
by the French Government from tlong Kong, the
Court of Pekin had returned no reply to the de
mands for satisfaction addressed to it by M. de
Bourboulon, the French minister in China. At
the head of the griefs set forth in theso demands
is the murder of the Abbe Chapdeline, put to death
by the Chinese authorities. There is a talk here
01 operations being commenced as soon as Baron
Gros shall arrive at his post.
The Morning Post defends Queen Victoria
and the Ministry against the complaints levelled
against thew by " The Radical press ' for having
(pitted London at a period of such anxiety and
petit as the present. The Ministerial journal points
out that her Majesty and her Ministers have only,
in seeking a little relaxation amt health, imitated
the rest of the world, and eontends that no sympa
thy with suffering has thus been smothered, nor has
any duty been neglected.
M. Ferret, the editor of the well•known
rnedioal journal the Aroniteur des Iloprtarra, has
been sentenced to three months' imprisonment for
speaking (not in his journal, but by word of mouth)
disrespectfully of the Emperor. The public is
never allowed an opportunity of forming an opin
ion upon the merits of a case of this kind, as the
trial us conducted secretly by the police tribunal,
and no report is permitted.
People are already speaking of a separate
treaty between Russia and France that had been
prepared at Stuttgardt. Tho treaty, they say, will
render that of April 15, ISSO, complete, by receiv
ing the Emperor of Russia into the number of tho
°rest Sovereigns who have guarantied the integ
rity of the Turkish empire, and the existing divi
sion of power and territory in Europe.
The Pent correspondent of the Trieste Ga
zette says that Lord Stratford informed the Porte
that vast quantities of weapons aro bought up by
the ultra-Mahomedan party for the use of their
fellow-believers in Podia. The Vizier replied that
ho could not possibly interfere with any private
speculation which was not prejudicial either to the
existence or the welfare of Turkey.
The Clonmel Chronicle has again reopened
the question "Is John Sadlier alive ?" On the
authority of a letter received by a gentleman
roiding to Tipperary, it states that the notorious
John Sadlier to now living in Vienna; he was in
America, but mime over lately to the above-nam
ed city
The Journal de Frankfurt states that etforts
are being made in Prusiia to organize a . liuropean
electric telegraph union. If the projeet ts ennied
out, the Annuli argues that it ern simplify the
trairmi:sion of menage?, and cnniSe thu tariff of
charges to be lowered.
The French Government has received des
patches from Ava, the capital of the Itirman em
pire, dated the 25th of July. They announce that
the Burman Government remains a tranquil and
oven in , / „"t", veetator of the events which are
going forward hi British India.
Tho Austrian corps otiose evacuation of the
Boman States was lately announced, marched
from Bologna on the day appointed, the 30th Sep
tember. Its departure will be un important dimi
nution of the expenses of the Papal Govern
The Paris correspondent of the Daily News
announces, on good authority. that boll, at Coo
stnutinople and Alexawdria, the difficulties, such
as they were, in the way of ,ending troops to
India by way of Suez, hare now been entirely
A subscription is now being got up in Paris
for a monument to Daniel ?finning, President of the
Venetian Republic in that annas mirabilts IS-$.
AWES, C 7171 413 t it I,..IIINVENT,S.
Correspondents for ,• Tux ['gigs' , Will New heir b
mind tits following rules
!very emnamnication must be sooompanied by tke
name of the writer. In order to thews correctness In
the typography, bat one nide of a gust ■maid be
written upon.
We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen la Pennsyl
vania aa other States foe eoetribations siring the cur
rent news of the day in their particular localities, the
resources of the Earesunding country, the ineeesas of
population, and any inibenation that will be interesting
to the general reader
Over $17,000 of the $`20,088, of which the
custom house at Richmond, Va., was recently
plundered, has been recovered. Elias Wheeler,
alias Pulling, who was arrested at Washington on
the promise from the officers that they would allow
him to go unmolested with the balance if he would
return $15,000 of the stolen money, went on to
Richmond with Constables Allen and Boas, of
Washington, end pointed out to them the spot
where the gold was buried. They took ;15,000
and allowed him to go a short distance with the
balance and then re-arrested him. His accomplice,
Somerville, who bad remaiped at Richmond, upon
being informed of these facts, contented his share
in the transaction Re declares that Palling had
induced him to come on with him from New Or
leans, and that this was his fir't offence. He states
that had he remained in New Orleans he was to
have had an appointment on the police. Nth
Pulling and Somerville have been committed for
The parade of the Improved Order of Red
Men, in Lancaster, Pa., on Wednesday, we see by
the Expresr, was respectable in point of numbers
and very brilliant wt a civic display. There were
eight Tribes, four State Councils, and the united
States Council represented, and in the procession
were five excellent brass bands,'and two bands of
martial music. The display of banners. flags, de
corations, and other paraphernalia of the Order,
was very fine, and notwithstanding the prevalence
or a cold wind during the day, everything passed
off with the greatest satisfaction. Col. J. Frank
lin Reigart acted as chief marshal. The Liberty
Cornet Band headed the Shawnee and Wyoming
Tribes of Philadelphia. Both these Tribes carried.
beautiful banners. The Great Councils of Penn
sylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, followed in the
order of procession.
The Gettysburg (Pa.) Star says that Me.
James Grimes, residing on ‘• CarrolFs Tract," in
Adams county, mat with his death on the day of
the late election, in tt Blinding manner. lh had
been attending the election en Fairfield, and on
hie return home it is supposed that in some way
be was thrown from his horse. The horse re
turned home without his rider, when Mr. Mamie
man mounted it and rode back to look for Mr. G..
whom he found dead on the road, with his face
upon the ground. which was badly mangled. The
horse was considerably bruised about the fore
knees, and it is. presumed that he stumbled and
fun, Throwing Mr. Grimes to the ground with melt
violence as to cause his death. Mr. G. leaves a
widow and nine children to mourn hie untimely
Mr. Charles Moyer, a distributing clerk in
the Dubuque, lowa, post office. is from Reading,
Pa., and went home a short time since to take onto
himself a wife_ After the knot was tied, a friend
offered to send him a dog. Mr. Moyer assented,
and this week, so the Dubuque North West tells
no, received by the American Express Company a
brisk black rat terrier, with a bill of charges
amounting to $14.511. The charges were cheerfully
said by Mr. M., but he bad good reason to think
the dog a dearly bought 'pound of flesh."
We have news from the French West India
islands, Martinique and Guadeloupe, to the Ilth
ult. The yellow fever bad nearly dlappeared.
The newspapers were discussing the necessity of
obtaining a supply of laborers from abroad, and
it was claimed that the longest extension possible
should be given to emigration. A cargo of ninety
three Africans arrived on the lst of September at
Pain be:Petro, and a ship load of eoolies was hourly
A distressing murder and suicide occurred
near Hamburg. S. C., on Sunday evening. Mr.
John Randall, after come persuasion, induced his
n ire to accompany him in a walk, and when some
distance from the house violent screams were beard.
Upon hastening to the spot both were found with
their throats cut. Mrs. Randall died soon after,
and Mr. Randall on Monday morning.
There has been a further decline in the
price of slop-fatted hogs at Cincinnati. 'The Price
Current of that city says they are now doll at $1.75
102.25 g;ross, with a continued dosinward tenden
cy; and on 'change on Tuesday corn-fatted hogs
wore offered at 1.5.50 net for liovember delivery,
without finding buyers.
An ingenious robbery has been committed
at Toronto, at the poet office. A man named Mc-
Leod staffed some paper into the slide down which
the letters should run when dropped into the
Flit, and was thus enabled to hook them out.
Several money letters bare been abstracted in this
It is stated that a marriage took place in
Fairfax county, Va., on Saturday last, of a couple
who were divorced nine years ago. In the mean
time the man has been married and his wife died,
and on Saturday he was again married to his for
mer wife.
The Mississippian of the 14th informs us
that the returns of that place coma in gloriously.
The true Democracy have elected their entire
t:tte ticket by increased majorities—carrying
their entire congressional ticket, and an over
whelming majority in the Legislature.
While the Shaweeee tribe, No. 8, of Red
Then, of this City were it Lancaster the other
day,. Miss gate Stewart, of that eity,...preacoted
Them with d beautiful wreath of wu dowers, en
closed in a handsome frame.
The parade and review of the Third Division
of the New Jersey militia took place at Trenton
on Thursday. • There were fifteen companies in
line. After the review the Governor of the State
made them a very neat speech.
Anthony Burns, the fugitive, whose re-cap
lure in Boston produced such an excitement a few
ears since, is now a student in the Fairmount
Theological Seminary, near Cincinnati. He has
beau studying a year or so past at Oberlin.
A lawyer in the interior of Kentucky re
cently declined paying his merchant for his bill
of goods, on the ground that the trader might
suspend and keep the money ant of circa - teflon.
The children in the public schools 'of Cin
cinnati have contributed one hundred and thirty
re dollars towards the fund for Capt. Herndon's
lion. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Tres.
-ury, and Ron. Jacob ThOmp3on, Secretary of the
Interior, visited the Maryland Agricultural Society
F.dr on Thursday,
Mr. filtkrease, residing near Greensburg,
was killed a few days Mace by falling from an
apple tree.
Thos. A. Mitchell has been elected presi
dent and R. R. Rolland secretary of the Annapo-
In Railroad.
Major Emory, it is stated, has been relieved
fr.,m the Mexican boundary comm - mion. The work
has been accomplished.
A man died recently in Alabama from the
nail of his toe growing into the flesh. The trouble
i., technically called "phlebitis."
It is stated that goods to the amount of many
millions of dollars, now warehoused in the United
St rtes, will be reshipped to Europe.
Quarantine has been raised at New Orleans,
and it is now expected large quantities of specie
n .Il arrive from Cuba.
Hon. Thomas F. Marshall is delivering a
course of lectures at Louisville on the Philosophy
ot. History.
The fifth annual exhibition of the North
Carolina Agricultural Society opened at Raleigh
on Tuesday.
Dr. Cuthbert, an eminent physician of
Smyrna, Del., died suddenly on Tuesday last.
Philip Gadsden, a son of Bishop Gadsden,
of South Carolina, died on the l3th
Jersey City is without a coroner. A persou
was elected to till that office. but refuses to serve.
Eleven hundred tons of English Cannel
coal have arrived at Mobile.
The Loss of the Tropic Bird
In the St. Louis papers of the 20th we find the
following additional particulars of the Inca of the
steamer Tropic Bird, near Waverly:
The officers of the Tropic report having on board
ens handred and fifty passengers, which was a
large crowd for a small boat. The number in
creased the cor.fasieri, ant by the time the water
h id reached the boiler deck numbers of the pas
sengers were seen in the water , struggling for the
shore. and shrieking wildly for help.
At this point the river current is very rapid, and
fell thirty feet deep The bank is nearly yerpe 11-*
ilicular, and fifteen feet high.
Under such cireums.tances, the perilous position
of the passengers of the Tropic can more readily
he imagined than described. The sinking was
I cry sudden, and all of those who rushed to the
11111111 deck were, of course, immediately
in water, and floated out into the current, together
with mingled masses of wood, freight, furniture,
de. It is supposed that from twelve to fifteen
lives were lost The number had not been cor
reedy ascertained when the Crifssman arrived at
the wreck.
Among those drowned we can only name William
Hester, first sergeant company B. 2d artillery, Joel
Cross, Omo of company It, 2tl artillery. of Iona; a
son of Mr. Stephens, of Kentucky. and .i negro be
longing to Mr Stephens.
There were nineteen - .fliers on board in all. be
longing to two compavie,of United States artillery.
accompanied by officers Lieut. lle L igneil and
Capt. Carlisle.
Among those certainly known to hare been
drowned were a number of fleck bands, names not
known. In the confusion which prevailed at the
time our informant left the scene, it was impossible
to ascertain either the names or the number of the
le.t. The boat is a total loss.
One old gentleman, a member of the I,ezisia
tore front Clay comity, was carried aid struck
out nobly for the shire, which he reached with
the assistance of a noble-hearted frishits oi after
stiontning about ono hundred, garde.
years of age. The mate, it noble specimen of hu.
In 'stilly, plunged in :nut rescued two I elics. taking
the clothes of one in hi 4 tooth and lbtl,ling• tlr other
in see arm. while nit', the Other arm he in olc
his way to shore; after which. he plunged in again
and brought out a little 1,02,-
'r ho cook, reeiug a lady with tww children lying
ing in the 11130 S to the ,11.11 . .. threw id h t ,„,
jumpedin from th e e prsr deck, end sa,sin to tier
relief, rescuing the tit° httle girls, one of ten :rid
'one of seven )(MN old Ire tell th e 014,A 1,, h„ld
round his seek and he would ;..w itn nut with bee.
and then come back tor her sister; but, tube a
little heroine, she s lid : If
) ou plc l can
hold a little longer to the rope. Won't 3, ou idea,
take my little aster first 7 ' The !welter via+ re
lieved by the lout. A , seittleman si it it his (amity,
going from Ails...semi to Kentucky, lost his esloreil
boy, about eighteen 'ions+ old, who nest down.
carrying in Ills attn.' hi+ young. master. alead ti
year+ old The LW." nas ii j helm A gallant
pfline, ACM On hi; rotors rrt,:a SOW si,st,
found himself in the it der. in eompany . nith a
beautiful young girl, who clung to him w ith the
energy of delittir. Although several times o-ts
tied bone Oh the muddy stream, beat last emerged
With Isis flit' charge, amid the plaudit., of llst
[lesser of his noble struggle.