THE RECONCILIATION. A STORY OP TWO PROUD HEARTS ORAPISR I A mild May, fresh, ,and pleasant; and bright ; the soft air full Of the songs of happy birds; the wild flowers lifting up their heads in the sun shine, and the; green , leaves rustling and waving in the woods', , as if they were whisper ing secrets to the ddlitl4, wind that stirred them. It was a lovely day—a day to be happy in ; and yet a saddened look ,was visible on the sweet face of Faith Egerton, as she left the door of her house, and went slowly down ;the _gravel walk that led to the road side. _Her home—the home of her husband and children—was a pretty brown-atone cottige, overhung with vines, and surrandedby beds of fragrant flowers. Behind the house was a level and beautiful grove, in whose cool:re cesses she 'had often lain as a child; and watched the flickering light and shade come down upon the ground; for the earliest years of Faith, as well as these later oneiyhadbeen spent in this quiet place. Here she had been born—here her kind mother- had died—here she had lived with a dear and only brother—. here she had married her first love, and hero her children wore springing up—and here She hoped to close her dying eyes, with ell the 'old familiar scenes smiling in beauty around her.' She leaned upon the little ,gate, and looked wistfully up the road. She was sitting there for the coining of her best and earliest friend, and the sound of wheels made her start, and sent a color into her pale cheek that bad long been a stranger there. A dusty: stage-coach came whirling up beside the gate, stopped long enough for a lady to alight and:give some or ders respecting her luggage ' and dashed away again. The new-comer did not see Faith for a moment, so screened was she by the branches of a wild rose that grew beside the gate. The traveller lifted her veil and exposed a brood, high forehead, shaded by silky masses of black hair, a face well-featured, but grave, and full of thought, and deep, dark' eyes, whpse 'glances, were, kind; and - her sidles were beau- How •strange a contrast .15etween these two women l-the one fair h$ and soft-eyed, with a meekhulet face, on whose features con tentment and home-happiness Were Mod'plain ly 'stamped ; the 'ether, dirk atpd[proud, and self-sustained with'a look that said to the mpst ; careless observer; Oh, I;havo suffered 1" To one, life- had been 'a fair summer's day, with only now then _alight and happy cloud to the otlior—ah 1 whit to her but a bleak and storm, where eieryttiing shelled loved wither ed and died ? And yet, they were Of the seine age, of the earee'atath3rif aide by side they had sat at 'achool;tind played at hogs, in the childhood that lay beldridtliem. The tears sprung tinbleden ; the ayesi of Faith Bgerton,,aa she, saw ; jrteadfast look with . which. •her visitor; regarded • the .I'sccine atoned her. • She lifted the latch-of ,the 'gate, and stepped out Waldo het. ; ,q Faith, dear Faith, is it you!" said Ger trude.., . • They were clasped in each other'i arins once. Faith wept bitterly; but :Gertrude rims pale and' calm, and smoothed the" fair h'air tot her friend with a caressing 'gestate,' suCh as one might use to soothe a little child. ; ~,C ome, Faith," she said at last r as If weary of her tears; ci this is but a'sotry Welcome ;to give me after so long a journeY. • You know", I never liked to see you cry.'? But you are •so changed, Glettrtido I" re . plied Faith. • ' ' Welt, and if lam said Gertrude.` is they years since * , e, met, -dear ..Faitb, aU.I they have hot been marked/with rose-leaves for me. ;You must not expect' me tio hu quite the' same at 26 14'152 Life ebonies 'um all, you, know." • • "I know," answered Faith, sadly; i 4 but I never knew so well till now." cc Well, we will let that drop," said Ger trude. , f And now you are going to ask me in, after my long journey 1" ' " • , "Fray, forgive me," said Faith; blushing at her, inattesition: show you in your chamber myself. It has been ready for you all this week." - • ' They went np the Walk. together. Two fa - hatred children ran ' Out to _the. door to mt t theta. The youngest, a hog of,. some t i summers,- held :up , his little bands ' -to'' Miss Alewynne with 'a 'sunny, stale: , Shii stcMptid down and took him: in her aims, and walked along through the ball with Faith. _ • , -cc Are these your only children ?" asked Gertrude. • - ', , "Yes, and they are trouble enough for mo,r'- replied the mother, looking `at the children with 'a smile that betrayed how little the, htrou ble" was felt. • Gertrude sighed, and said, brokenly, 4 , I . don't know, Faith, why every one calls.= cold and proud ; perhaps I am, But when I take a little innocent child in my arms, something stirs in my heart that nothing, else can touch. I might have been a better and a happier wo man. Faith. if - nuid married." L. .e you know well whavniffaforite plan al ways was, Gertrude. If you hid only married my brother —,"•and this time it -was Faith sighed. i "Oh, Faith, spare me," was the half-laugh ] . ing answer. -1 • "But you would have loved hint if you had only aeon him," persisted Faith. ;; " lie is se noble, so generous, so handiomal Ho is only my half-brother; but if he had been my own; I could not have loved him - better." By this time they had reached the room which had,been fitted up for Gertrude. Why, you have made a little,paradise for me," she said, with ple4ed' smile, as shd looked around the chamber: "I shall never want to leave you, Faith." , "If any'pains of mine will keep you, I aro, content,"-replied Faith. ' " "But, Faith," said 'Miss Alewynne, detain ing her friend as she was about to leave the ' room, "I never know before that yodr para-, gon was only a half-brother. Your maiden name was Faith. "Anderson; priy, what was his ?" "Walter Roscoe," she replied. "He was, the son of my step-mother. My own mother} died when I was very-young." ; , "What, was his name?" The tone Was very; sharp and impatient, but -the speaker's face was turned away from Faith. • "Walter Roscoe," she repeated., ic My boy. is needed after him, Walter 'RosC.'oe 'Egerton." The jeweled hand that had been, playing with the child's soft curls was drawn away as suddenly as if a serpent had stung it,,and Ger trude turned a white and rigid, face towards her friend's, - as she put the ey down and pointed to the door. , . "Gertrude, what ails you? Are 'you ill 1" cried Faith, in terror. She caught the hell rope in her hand, but Miss Alewynne grasped her arm firmly. ' " Don't ring; I shall be bettor soon," .she said, in -a low voice: "And, Faith; for the sake of the old times when we 'were 'school girls togdther, say 'nothing 'o:n4:Meese to any one, and ask me no questions now. Leave me for a little while, and to-morrow will tell you all." Wondering and 'perplexed, Faith left the room, with her childreniadd went' down the stairs. Her Maitland met her in' the hall; and stopped to speak to her', "Has your' friend arrived ?" be asked. ((Yes, Alfred," she replied. "Have you seen Walter?" went to hisitgee, as you requested me, my dear, and asked him to come .and dine. He ioneented, and while talking with me, as usual, I happened to mentiOn'Xiia Aloe/yr:Ws name; be,,started up, and turned,White ;' but here he, come; Faith, and , !you can see foryourself, yourself, how strange he is: 'He ; stopped speaking, and both turned towards the door as Walter liose;o0 entered, pale and agitated. " Faith, is it true—is she in this house?" be asked, wildly. , "Miss Alewynne is here, Walter;;" she re plied. He struck his hand upon his forehead, saying, " Why was - I not told that she was coming?" . " - Don't lOok, so angry,' dear Walter," pleaded Faith. "I intended it as a pledsant surprise for youboth." lie half uttered an oath, and Faith, bursting into tears, cried, "0, Walter, don't! ,Don't swear before these children', too! 'You never did so before." " It was only on account of-your pleasant surprise,'" be answered, bitterly. "Don't ever trynnother, Faith. I have only come to say good-bye. The same house can''never hold Gertrude ---;" ho - paused, and then added, as if with an effort, "Gertrude Ale wynne and myself." "But why, Walter?" asked Faith, clinging him as ho was turning away. " Have you ever met before?" Ile looked at her with a strange smile, as be replied: "Yes, Faith, we met once too often." "Yon knew Gertrude, and yet never spoke to me'of her, when you know how much wished you to love each other,", said Faith, reproachfullly. "Oh, Walter, I always thought I had your confidence!" "And so you have, Ptah; except in this one thing," be said, kindly, softened by her evident diatiess. "And when she has left you, I will come back add tell you alt." "Not before ?" she asked, persuadingly: "Not before, Faith," he replied, "Let me go now." "Oh, Walter, I would almost give my life if I could only see you two happy together." "Faith, Faith, bow little you know of what you talk That woman has embittered my life;, she has destroyed my confidence in every human being ; she has deceived, and be trayed, and disgraced me. And yet, I know if -I look biat once upon her face, I shOuld for give her all; for I loved her, Faith; I loved her more than my life, Sister, I must not see her. When she has left you, I will come back again! ' till then, fare Well !" He kissed her fetidly, shook hands with ber husband, patted the golden heads of the chil dren, and was gone. The young husband and Wife looked after him wistfully. A cloud seemed to have covered the bright spring-skY, and the Attie parlor of the cottage seemed lonely, and deserted when they again entered it, becaine of the mystery, which might be guilt; that was (wen then sheltered within its ' seeftli W 0414; 1 • 44' OttArfElt If Walter Doseoo, turning away from his cis- ter's home,Abought sadly ,of the many days that inaist 'elapse , before' be entered it.itgain. Of Gertriule ho told himself again, and again ,her image came up before him as he had seen, her last. Have I not wronged her ?" he thought, as ho paged the floor of his office that evening. "Is it not possible she may be innocent, even though appearances were against her ? Shall I see her once more - Pshaw 1 what a tool I am? Did I not see his lips Meet hors? IC I asked for better proof than my own eyes have given me, I must be a madman. I will leave this place, and never come back till she has gone away." Ho threw a few things into a valise, locked the writing-desk beside, him, and stepped out into the street, valise in hand, lucked up his office, and walked away. His residence was a long distance from the garden of his sister's house, and yet it was there he found himself after a hurried walk of some five minutes. He lifted the latch of the gate; and entered. to It is the last time, Gertrude, that I shall be so weak," he murmured, as he looked up at the vine-curtained window, where a lamp was still burning ; " the last time I shall be so near you! 01 Gertrude, can you dream what you have done, or is your heart all marble 1" Re buried his face in his hands, and wept like,a child. The memory of the happy hours he' had spent with her came over him too strongly to be 'borne. Ile could only meet such remembrances with his tears. When ho looked up again he was conscious of an unusual bustle in the house. Lights were moving hurriedly in several directions, and, once or twice, he caught a glimpse of his sister's figure passing the window of Ger trude's room. What could it be? Was Ger trude ill? . - His heart stood still at the thought. lie could bear never to look upon her face again but oh, the grave must not cover it from him I Re sprang up the path, and was about to en -• ter, when the door opened, and Alfred Eger ton came out.. • "You here, Walter!" ho exclaimed, start ing back, as the pale face of his brother met his eye. Faith just told. me to go for you when I had summoned the doctor." • : "Tho .doctor!" said Walter, turning pale, as he found his worst suspicions realized. " Who, wants the doctor ?" • "Miss Alowynne is very ill," replied Al fred. ct She is threatened with the brain fe ver, I think." ,t 4 Oh, merciful heaven I" The unhappy man staggered, and caught at his brother's hand to steady himself. Alfred looked at him a moment, and then Said soothingly, "Walter, it will not do for me to stay here a moment. But go and see Faith; she will comfdrt you." Be wrung his hand sympathizingly, and hurried away. Half ;blind with his unshed tears, the un happy young man entered the house, and see ing his sister at her writing-desk, in the par— lor, sank down at her feet and hid his face in her lap. - Will she die, Faith 7" he asked. ‘c I hope not, my poor Walter. But she is very ill," answered Faith, laying her hand upon his bead. ' .cOur own doctor is with her now, and Alfred is just gone for ano ther." ' •' ' ' < 4 Whit are you doing ?" ho naked, looking ag at the half-finished note before her. as Writing to her brother to come to her," replied Faith. , "I did not know that she bad one, Faith." ," Oh; yes. 1 have never seen him, but she sent me his portrait. once. You know," she added, with a faint blush, "it was quite a dream with us; when we • Nero girls—that is, she'wlshed'me to marry her brother, and 1 wanted her to 'utiirrk mine." know- 7 l•know,", said Walter, and an indefinable expression 9f pain flitted over his face, , fc ,A,nd so she sent me Edward's portrait," continued Faith. e , Would you like to see it, Nalter t" ( (Yea," be replied quickly. She opened her writing-desk, and taking out a small, inlaid 'case, gave it to him. Be gave ono startled glance at it—another—and the poitrait fell from Ins hand, and he uttered a loud cry: ‘f 0,14, Gertrtidel" ho exclaimed. (4 Oh, my poet Wife t" •tt Gertrudo, your wife!" exclaimed, his Startled.sliter. - "Oh, Walter, when will these mysteries cetise - ff Now, With this moment," ho replied, ris ing; and seating himself beside her; (4 you shall' hear all—you deserve it. Faith, you haie bad your wish. For twelve months she has been-my wife." . op,. Waited" she exclaimed. et DOtiq interrupt me," he said. cc I knew, long ago; wliat your What was, but I wanted to Judge, of,Gertrude for myself. I knew elie thought yon'were my, own sister, and she mit me'as Walter Roscoe at a fashionable watm;.. leg-place without a `suspicion of my identity. I found her all you bad so often described. followed her to her home, and she was still more lovely there. Still, I did not make my self-MI-own as" your brother. Perhaps I hal OA fancy for one of your pleasant surpriseq," Faith." " 011;go on, dear Walter," said his sister. married her, Faith, and was looking for. ward to. a .happy meeting with you. It seas the second evening of our marriage, and I had walked out with a friend to whom I wished to asy:good-bye. The upon had risen before I, returned; and, as I laid my hand upon the latch of the gate; I remember looking up at the ,Moen, and thinking what a. tranquilly beautiful aspect It wore, and bow perfecfly happy I was. Faith, I have looked up at the moon Alan) , times since, but she never wear that lovely face for me now." Ho planted and sighed. Faith kissed him:, tenderly, and 'Waited for Ihe conclusion of the stori. c , Well, it must all be told," bo resumed. , entered the house quickly, thinking to 50t...! prise Gertrude with' akiss ' aa she was watching; tOr me. found her—oh, Faith—l found hen with her lips pressed to those of another, ands her arm around his neck!" Faith uttered an indignant cry. "Brother,"; she said, "there must be some mistake here, , Gertrude is good and pure. I know it." "Thank you for saying so," lie answered, with a melancholy smile. "I know it,too,now— would to Heaven I had known it then !" "But what did you• do, Walter ?" "What would any man do, Faith? I sprang; upon him like &tiger; she threw herself between ' us. Ho was about to speak; but she cried out, 'Not a, word, not a word, if you , love me !" ' Think of it, Faith I—he loved her! Was it not enough to madden me? I was mad, I be lieve. I cursed her bitterly; I called her wanton and unfaithful. She bad listened in silence till then. Then she turned very pale, and looked at me. can boar her saying now in a deep, low voice, 'After that, I can never be more to you.' She turned away and took his arm. ' They left the room; and I—l let them go. Yes, Faith,,l was too heart-broken to avenge myself. I was too deeply deethed to lift my hand, even when my wife left' the room with one I had' fully believed to be her paramour. From that night we have never met, and only two cold, brief letters, have passed between us." "Oh, Walter! This is what has changed 1, herds)," "Is she, then, changed 7" ho asked, eager- ly. "She has grown cold, and hard, and proud ; and she is sad—oh, so little like the Gertrude of my school-days!" said Faith. " She has been drinking a bitter cup, and my hand held it to her lips," said Walter. " Now hearthe rest, Faith. Half an hour ago I be lieved her guitly ; but the fatal portrait shows me the same face I saw on that accursed night. ,It, was her brother." "And she never told you so I" "You little know Gertrude, I see," replied Walter. "I wounded her in the tenderest spot. She is the soul of truth and honor ; but if any one should doubther, woo be to him ! ;And I—oh, what a fearful doubt was mine ! I ;wronged her deeply, and she was far too proud to forgive me. Will she ever do it, Faith !" "She will, she must!" cried Faith, earnest ly. "It has been a terrible mistake, but let 'us,trust that all will go well. I see it all, now. Not till to-day did she know that you were my half-brother ; not till to-day did she dream that Walter Roscoe and you were the same. Oil, how much she must have suffered I" . A low knock was beard at tbe half-open door of the parlor, and Alfred Egerton immediately entered., "I have been for the physician, Faith," be Said, hurriedly, and both have seen her. I have the best of news for you. They say it Is only the long and hurried journey, and great mentaLexciternent, that have prostrated her. They have left her quite comfortable, and she asked for you. Will you go up and see her While I sit with Walter ?I' Faith grasped her husband's hand, and looked upto him with beaming eyes. "You were ever a messenger of glad tidings to me, Alfred," she said; "and now, to re ward you, you shall hear mine." w She related what she had already heard, in a few brief ,words, and then stealing her hand into his, asked, "Now, what is to be done?" "I should say, my dear Faith, •that the sooner those two are brought together the better," replied Mr. Egerton, when his as tonishmeat allowed him to speak. e‘ I knew that you would eay so I" exclaimed Faith. Walter, follow mc ; and you, Allred, wait herel will be back in a few moments." They went quickly up the stairs together to Gertrude's room. Leaving Walter at the door, Faith entered, and went up to the bedside. Gertrude was lying,' half asleep, in bed. The traces of tears wore on her cheeks, and a small gold locket lay open in her hand. A rapid glance assured Faith that it was her brother's portrait, and sho bent down and kissed her friend. Gertrude started—looked up, and tried to hide her portrait. But some second thought prompted her to lay it in Faith's hand, and say, with a sad smile, te You see, I know him." is Is that all, Gertrude?" said Faith, gently. "All!" Gertrude, springing up in bed, and tossing the black hair from her forehead, Listen,, Faith ! I loved him more than any earthly thing ; I married him a year ago, though I never knew he was your brother. till to-day. lie held my heart in his hand, and unshed it to atoms I Re had no faith in me—in me, who would not have wronged him for worlds. Oh, Faith, though ho is your brother, ho has made my life a weary thing to boar. Leave me-40. morrow I will tell you more, but now I tun too weak." She sank back upon her pillow, and covered her face with her hands. Faith stole notse lessly away, and Walter entered and took her place. All was silent for a few momehts. Then without looking up, Gertrude asked, Faith, aro you there 1" It was a stronger arm than Faith's that was around her, and a moustached lip that kissed her hand. She looked up in bewilderment, and saw her husband bending over her, with his eyes full of tears. The sudden joy was too much for her, and all ler pride was swept away in a moment. ca Walter, it was my brother," she mur mured. “I know . % dearest,—l know all. But can you over forgive me, Gertrude ?” "Forgive ! " she repeated. There was a beautiful smile upon her lip as she drew him nearer and kissed him passion ately. The estrangement of a year was alt Mr gotten in that bewildering return of happi ness. Faith wept silently for joy on her hus band's shoulder, inthe little parlor below ; and who can doubt that the angels in heaven re joiced to ace so perfect and complete a recon ciliation between those proud and loving hearts; for those who forgive are dear in the sight of 111 w who has forgiven. Merchant &Opt° IIDWARD P. KELLY, 814 CHESTNUT STILEET, Ms just received a choice assortment of CRAVATS, GLOVES, TIES, MAUS, MORNING DOWNS, SHIRTS, TRAVELLING SHAWLS, ENGLISH PA TENT GATTI:IIS, itc., which will ho Buhl at Moderate' prices for credit—low for cash. The business of KELLY & BROTHER is now at tended at No. 814 CIIESTNDT strait, by E. P. 11111, IN or JOHN 'l', DOHERTY. 0c23-tt WOHN P. DOHERTY, OP FORMERLY WITH ICHLLY k. BROTHER,. LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, k CO., TAILOR, Sl4 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVR EIGHTH, Has now with him the best Tailors that are engaged the business in this country. CHARLES Rom ' formoriy the leading tailor of this and; M. KAYSER, formerly cutter for 0. Roth koo., iota Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, Sr. Co ; 11RRRY Woonee, the host Pants and Vest cutter .0 tho United States, for years cutter with Deplerris, under the Irving Wine, Broadway, end with &Inertia k Pettus, under thont. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the establishment. . . no beat of Clothes mado at moderate priers'for credit, low prices for ca.h. ocl3-tf I ES' SHERIDAN, MERCHANT 41 TAILOR, Noe. 10 and 18 South NINTH STUMM', .ROPE CHESTNUT. A large and wall selected stook of lAMB and CASSIIiffs'RES alwa}•s on band. All Clothing made at this Establishment wilt bo of she beet quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM (MOM. INSt. antbtf Winer, an 4 gionors. L)ORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to do baritone 200 casks St. Joseph's Pure Juice Port Wine, in qrs. and eighths Tun puncheons John Keyway Islay Melt Scotch Whin key, 2 yearn old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin, ?Urea, Martel, Bouvet, and 3.3 Dupuy Brandies, al of a hich I oiler to the trade at reduced prices. JOB, F. TOBIAS, an27-Ihnos 88 and 90 8. Front St.. below Walnut. A LEXA.NDER V. MOLES, WINE AND LIQUOR SPURR. No. TA goutheasi Corn, o GEORGE and SOUTII Streets. ant-1y I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINN {VINES, LIQUORS, (ROARS, &c., 20 South FMB( Street, Phibulelpb Is. BRANDIES.—Pinot, Castillon & Co., Ma mkt & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of tartans vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks i Pellerroisin Itoehelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter cmks and one-eighth casks, all to Custom Rouse stores. imported and for orie by HENRY BOHLEN & CO., au 6 Noe. 221 and 223 Routh Fourth street. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER DEER IHUIRIERY, No. 620 (paw No. 038) North THIRD Street, Ph Iladolphle.—Shi polar orders promptly attemlod to. aul-tf !jute, (daps, &c ! Li. GARDEN & CO., ~Ll• Manulacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, LAYS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, BANDY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL. FLOWERS, ROUCHES, FEATHERS, ¢e. ¢e. No. 532, (old No. 190) illAR'KRT Street., Below Sixth, south slde, And No. 623 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. NANNY OARDNN, OANIOI. DONOVAN. Merchants are roopoettolly forked to examine our 'dusk no7-2in QULLENDEIt & PASCAL, lIATTNII.B, 0u143r0 No. 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. floats anblioco NO. 442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 11 MAIO{ VP had PINTO Ellreeta. tleutlemen'a beat Patent Loather (Jailor Boota Onlf do. do. " Patent Loather Oxford Tlea. " Calf do. do. it Patent Leather and Oalf amply trap Shone. Pop , and Youths' Patent Loather and Oftlt Skin 7after Boats and Shoes. • aul-t( For sale by URO. W. TAYLOR. VAL.I, STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. , --.)031:141 u. TROMPSON St CO., No. 314 MAR KET Street, and Nos. a and G FRANKLIN PLACE, have new lu store a large and well-assorted stook ut BOOTS and SNOBS, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer fur sale on the best terms for (lash, or on the usual cretin. EME====l *ado anb licotauranto. rpm' OLD STAR ROTEL IN lIARAIONY ..u. (Jou RT.—The public are respectfully Informed that the OLD STAR HOTEL la still in existence. The proprietor will be glad to seo his old friends, cud pre mixes to furnish them with a superior quality of Ale, Wines, and Liquors. He feels assured, that on paying bin, a visit they will not be disappointed. He is also prepared to furnish Oysters to every style, at tith shortest notice. Lunch from 10 to 12 o'clock. op 21-]m WILLIAM RANKING'S CITY LAGER V T BEER SALOON, No. 232 Carter's Alley Mille driphis. sepl2-3w IfIoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH / pest corner of BROAD and WALNUT —(Jame and all other delicacies in ileum], Families supplied With Oyotera on the shortest notice. sep7-7nl Ni ERCII II . A LS' HOTEL , TUIIOURTILSTREF,T t ABOVIC em2l4f bleff..lllBol k BONti, Peopitirroas. 110118E—Cornor of Irwin Stroe 1.7 and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARICHR Proprietor. aulB•Sm 0110 ICE FARM LANDB IfOR SALE.- v THE ILLINOISCENTIIAL ItAILIICIALCOMPANY us now prepared to 801 l about 100,000 acres of choice Vanning lauds, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, on long credits. and at low rates of Internet. Those lands were granted by the Government to aid in the construction of thin Road, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include 'wiry variety of climate and production's found between those parallels of. latitude. 'f he Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with fine groves, awl in the middle and Southern section's timber predominates alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate in more healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the country—the air is pure and bra cing, while living Weems and oprlnga of excellent water abound.. llitumiuoua Coal Is extensively mined, and eupplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furulehod at many p o ints at $2 to Itt per ton—and wood can be had at the mime rate per cord. Building Stone of excellent quality alga aboundv, which can ho procured for little more than the expenie of transportation. The great fertility of their iambi, which are a black rich mould, from two to floe feet deep, and gently roll log; . their contiguity to this road, by which orery fool lity is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, South, East, Went, and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable Investment that can ho found, 'and present the moat favorable opportunity for persons ol induntrioun habits and small means to acquire a coma Natalie independence In a few years. Chicago in now the greatest grain market lathe world;' ! and the facility dad economy with which the products ot time lands can be transported to that market, make them much more prolitablo, at the prices asked, than those more remote at government rates, an the edit Coital coot of trannportationde a perpetual tat on the 'atter, which must be borne by the producer, is the re duced price he receives for bin grain, tee. The title is poribet—stuf when the Goal payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, nod in whom the title in vented, to the pia chasms, which convey to them absolute titles in fee slowpin, pin, free and clear of ewery lueumbrauce, lieu or inert.. gage. The prices are from $O3 to : Interest only 3 per ct Twenty per ft. will be deducted from the price for cagh. Threw who parches° on long credit, give notes payable In the, three, four, five and six years after date, outlays required to improve one-tenth aunually for Ova yearn. PO an to have one-half the land under cultivation at CI eud of that time, Competent surveyors will socoloyauy those who wish to examine these Lauds, free or alAs.rge, and aid theta in mating selections. The Lands remaining unsold are se rich and valuable 1111 those which have been disposed or. Will be neat to any one who will enclose fifty mote In postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nu morons inflttllteefl of nucceßeinl,faruilog, Rived by re; spectable and woll known fanners living 111 the neigh-, borhood of the Railroad Lauds, throughout the (Rate also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of Wt. venting, thrashing, eto ,—or any ether information— will be cheerfully given on application either personally E Cr by letter, lu English, Yrench, or Gorman, to JOLIN WILSON. Land Commissioner of the Illinois Oentral.R. It. Co. Officer in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, lin linole. aul CLOVER SEED.—NOTIOE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase (or cash, prime Clover Heed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers nod farmers, by sending samples to our addecsa' can, at all times, ascertain the price at whirls wn are buying. Pertiel4 wishing samples, by which to ho governed as to quality, can have them sent by mall, by addressing us J. II CHASE & 00, ' sen/94/ 43 North Front, and 44 Water streets - - 111 W. TINGLEY & 00., BANKERS .11.1* No. 87 Routh THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United Staten and Stocks!, Donde, &0., Bought awl Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Rank Notes, (Macke, &a., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits resolved And Interest allowed, u per agree. meet ' tut-lire SSARDINES.-6 0 CASES WHOLE AND HALF BOXES to Store and for sale by 'UMW BOHLEN & CO.. 221 and 223 South Fourth Street. 'WELCOME RANGE.--SOLD BY CHAD , WICK L 131 W. MIN. SZOOND at, stal.BLu PaßiftrttitADELPlllA,s ;+~rl I ~l' o=l= SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE ....... STEAM/MIPS STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of tho depressed state of trade, the , buvo ships will be withdrawn ter the ' , recent. October lath. A. HERON, Jr. FARE REDUCED AND HAVEM.—The I)EREILT, Edward lllulu will pall Prom New York for South- From Southampton and ampton and Havre. Havre for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 24 Saturday Dec. b Saturday Deo. 20 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100; second cabini $5O Specie delivered In Loudon and Bards. For freight or passage apply to D. TOREANOII, Agent, No. 5 Bowling tlreou, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 26 cents each half OttliCe, (byeuclosure of postage stamps It from other cities,) will be received at No. 5 Bowling-green, New York, up to 1134 o'clock nu the morning or pall ing. oo10•tf GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO BU ROPE. Anit Cabin $BO j Second (Min In the first-claw paddle-wheel steamship ADRIFIL, 2,(X10 tons, 0. 1). tUoLoW, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2.600 tons, I'. E. Caravan, to Rail from pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying She 'UNITED STATES MAILS, VIA; Leave N. York for Southampton, Ito- Bremen for Southampton vro and liremon. Southampton for New York. Ariul Saturday, Oct. 31. Wedoidity, Nov .4. N. tiat'y, Oot. 31. Batunloy, Nov. la. WeitahrY, Dot. 00 Theft steamers, touch at HAVRE. Nicole dollvtireil to London and Paris. 'tor 'omega and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. I howling linen, New York. 0010-tf Pun LIVI4IIIPOOL—SATURDA.Y, 17th R.' Oatober.—The packet ship NONPARNIL, (t 460 toua) Captain Paula, will sail as above. Cabin passage sBo ' " Second Cabin 20 Moorage 18 Sooond cabin and steerage passengers found with pro Irtalons according to the American passenger set. Apply to THOS. 11101.1.111DSON & CO. L"OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7. a. Now York and farm Steamship Company.—Tho United Statue Mail Mumma'tps /LIMO, 2,500 tone, David Linea, comunandur, and iftiIRON, 0,600 tons, 7.1108 A. Wigton, commander, xlll loavo Now York, (lowa and Southampton, (or the years HP and OS, on the following days: dultou, Botorday s Aug. 221 Anigo, do. Sept. 10 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 A roue, do. Nov. 14 Itou, do. Doo. 12 METZ= 1857. Acsgo, l'uoaduy, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 A rag°, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. tloY. 17 rcgo, do. Doe. 15 1858. Fulton, do Jan. 12 Amigo, do Fob. 9 Fulton, do. Horeb 9 A rag°, do April 6 Fulton, do. May 4 A rug°, do. June! Fulton, do. June 29 From Now York to Bon Cabin, $l3O ; Sewed Cabin, From Havre or Boothe' Oabin, 800 trace; Bocond On For freight or passage, op, MORTIMER LIVIN t WILLIAM 114ELIN, °RONEY CO., AMERICAN EURO • EXPRESS ANR CHANCE 00. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL 1 UNITED STATES MAIL ITRIIIIEDS.—TheIps sonmosing,this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Oapt. Oliver Eldridge. The DA I,TIO, Oapt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Samoa Went. ,:These Rhine have been built by contract, expressly for ttoverument service; every care ban boon taken In their construction, as also In their engines, to onsure'strength and opeod, and their accommodations for passengers are anequalled for elegance and comfort. Trice of passage from New York to Liverpool, In find cabin, MO; .in second do., $75; from Liverpool to New York, lid and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid (or. The ships of this line have improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OH SAILING. rllOll NOW TOOK. FROHI LITHRTGOL. Saturday, June 20, 1867 Wedneaday, Juno 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1807 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 28, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1867 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, Oct. 21 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1657 Satuolny, Nov. 7, 1857 Wedoeeday, Nov.ll, 1867 Saturday, N0v.21, 1857 Wedneaday, Nov. 20, 1857 Saturday, Doe. 8, /667 Weduesday, Doe. 9, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 21, 1857 Ito freight or passage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 66 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, EINIPLEY A CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD & 00., 21 Austin Friars, London. B. O.IVAINWRIOUT A 00., Paris. Thu owners of these shire will not bo accountable for gold, silver, bullion ' epecle, °okas steams or metals, milers bills of Bottrop c ned therefor, and tho VILNA thereof exproeaed therein ant 11 1311ILADELPIIIA, GERITANTOWNN AND NOR, RIB TOW N RAILBOAD.—WINTiat aIIitANOMMINT.—On and after MONDAY, October 19th, 1857 FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6. 7)S, 81(. 9}l, 103 A. AL, 2, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 0, eud 111% Leave Germantovro at 011, 7-35 min. 8, 0, 10X A. M., 1-10, 3-10 win. 4,5, 0, 7,8, and 10 P. Al. lE7' The 7.35 o'clock A. M. Train from GellnantOWo will atop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 0.20 mm. hl., 2 and 8X P. At. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1-10 min. cud 5 45 rein P.ll. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave PhiledolphiA at 7)i, BX, 11X, A. M., 2,4, 13 and 9 I'. 11. Leave Chestnut 11111 at 7 g,s-40 and 10-10 min. A. Al 2-50,3-40,5.40 and 7-40 win. P. H. ON SUNDAYS. LnavnAladolptda, 0-23 A. AL, '2 and OX P. M. Learn Ohnidnut UM at 8 A. M., 3240 and 8-11)P. M FOR MANAYUNK, CONSIIOIIOOKHN AND NORMS. Leavo Pbiladolpbla at 03i, 9, 11 A. 91., a, 4.1‘, 64; and 11 P. td. Leave Norristown at 7,9, 11 A. AI., 9 and 6 40 P. At ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. 11., and 6 P. M. COMER VALLEY RAILROAD PON DOWNING TOWN. Leas° Philadelphia at (.1); A. M., and 3P. M. Lease Downingtown at 7 )( A. Id , and 1 P. IL 11. K. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Orem) streets, Philadelphia lOMESTEAD FUR $2,001 LAND DIS TRIBUTION!! °HANOI: POO POOR MN!! JOUN CORLEY Thu Northwesturn Mutual Land Benefit Associatin_ will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real estate and maps to it. member,. The number of mem bers Is limited to 16,000. $2OO and live letter stamps ler membership, or a share. Any individual feuding l 0 and the damps, shall be entitled to nix shares; or any person sending $lO with six names with theaddrese of each, carefully written, shall be entitled to nix shares The following Is the real estate to be dbarlbuted No. 1. An improved farm 0f.30 acres in Cooke Co., Illinois, alued at $3,000 No. 2. An Improved farm of 180 acres In White side. Co., Illinois, valuod at 8,000 No. 3. Au Improved farm of 100 acres In White. sides Co , Illinole, valued at N 0.4. An excellent private residence in Dubuque, lowa, valued at • : 3,000 No. 5. 160 scree superior farm land In Cooke Co., Illinois, valued at • 2,000 No. 6. 160 acre, well pine timbered in Wanpacca Co., Wisconsin valued at 2,000 No. 7. A. good Wisconsin, and cottage residence In Chi cago, Illinois, valued at No. 0. 160 acres anperior land la WhiteSidea 00., Illinois, valued at i 1.000 No. 9. 100 gems good land in Chippewa Co., Wlscousin, valued at 980 No.lo. ICVS 9C1,38 good land In Ohippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 960 No. 11. 160 acres good land In Chippewa Co., Wisconsin, valued at 800 No. 12 100 soros good land In Dunn Co., WIS. cousin, valued at, 800 No. 18, 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., lowa, valued at • 600 No. 14. 80 nom good land In Marshall Co , lowa, valued at 800 No. 15. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 600 N 0.16. 4U acres good land lu Marshall 00., lowa, valued at 300 N 0.17. 40 aoros good land In Linn Co., lowa, val. nod at 800 No. 18. 40 moil good land In Linn Co., lowa, val. ued tit, 300 N 0.19 , 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, Val. nod at 800 No. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, val. owl at 300 No. 21. Ono building lot In Sterling, Illinole, valued at 800 No. 21. One building lot In Sterling, Thinols _ , valued at 300 No. 23. One building lot In Sterling, Illincle, valued at 600 No. 24. 40 area farm land lu Orant Co , sin, valued at ' 800 No. 25. 40 mires farm land In Grant 00., Meson- AM, valued at 1100 No. 28, 40 KOCHI land In Cunt Co , Wisconsin, valued at 240 No. 27 40 acres land in Grant Wisconsin ) Co., „ valued at 240 No. 28. 40 acres land lb Crawford Co , IVISCOLIBIN reload at 200 No. 29. 40 sores land M Crawford On., Wisconsin, valued at 2001 No. 30. 40 acres land In Crawford 00., IV:Noonan:1, valued at 200 ti 0,31. 40 OHM land in Monroe Co., Witieousin, valued at 200 No. 32. 40 scrag land in Monroe Co., Wiseonsin, valued at 200 No. 33. 40 amen land in Jackson 00., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 84. 40 acres land In Jackson Co , Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 36. 40 acres land in Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 36. 40 acrea land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 100 No, 37. 40 amen land In Dad Alteflo , Wisconsin, valued at 100 No. 38. One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 lie, 39. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. Ono lot In Patton, Illinois, valued at 100 Tho distribution will be conducted fairly and honor. ably. The nano, and address of steckholdere stall be written bit as many small card, no they have shares, and the whole &teed in a box, and the first name taken out Mall be entitled to the improved farm No. 1, In the above list, and the next taken nit will be entitled to No. 2, and so on until the 40 Rama of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,960 etockholdere will be sent a cheap map of a Western State or Territory. A full account of the distribution will bo forwarded in a printed circular, to each member ' of the Association, with the names lad address of such as may receive the real estate -to whom also the deeds will bo pent and immediate posseaslon given. Each ap. Oration must be accompanied with $2 00 and live letter stamps. Address LINDELL, JONES & CO., au-13 Chicago, Illinole. fIIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA.- NJ, In accordance with tho spirit of the timee and with a grateful appreciation of the liberal petronge they haie enjoyed from the travelling community, the Proprietors 'of the OLItAnD 1101.0111 claim the privilege of being the Brat In Philadelphia to respond to the universal demand for retrenchment On and after MONDAY, 19th Octo ber, their price of board will be reduced from $2 to to U. per diem. oel7-7t IMEABIIIIY, SYKES du 00. COTTON -100 bales Gull' Cotton, in store and for rale tiy VVELCOMV RANGE.-SOLDBY 011 Al l hO. 202 N ABOONDPt enll4-Bos HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES Sold by ORADWIOK tr. SRO., 202 N:LIZOOND auglB.Bmoi. 131iipiong ro SOUTHAMPTON nagnlficent eteamrhip VAN- Ia, commander, 6,208 tons, 4 059 . Arago, tiatuiday, Jan. 9 Fulton, do. Fub.• 0 Arago, do., March 0 Walton, do. April Arago, do Mai 1 Walton, do. NV, 20 LULUS soorsworma 1351. Arago, Wednesday, Ang. Fulton, du. 8ep9.23 Arago, do. Oct; 21 Fulton, do. Hor t 19 Arago, do ; Dew, 10 1858. Fulton, do. Jan 13 Arago; do. Feb , 10 Walton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 1 Fulton, do. May, I Arago, do. Jund 2 Fulton, do. June 30 P 000508: .thampton or Marro—Viral $l5. Upton to Now York-91rat In, 500 franca. tT to t ETON, Agent, 7 BrolutweY• Havre. EAN ( 4 Boutlitton. EX- Uailroub Eines. ItARTIN & AfAOALISTUR, lie North wothr eht.t. PRIhAV, 'neroOP,ti 2. G' ‘,l LBS. IS A TON.—BUYERS red 4 and consumers are invited to examine our stock of "LBIEIGII LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK lIKATII COAL," Our Coal is selected expressly for family uao; being carefully screened, we will warrant It free from slate and dust. "We sell 2240 lbs." being " 240 lbs, wore" than sold by retail dealers, at ' 1 25 cents lose per ten." Also, on band a full supply of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL" for Steam-generating, Blacksmithing, and Rolliug-mlll purposes, This Ooal cannot be ex celled. Yarde, BROAD sad VINE— Dig Rign ! "2240 LOB. A TON. ft;eo.3inj LEIGHTON &00 IB dr IoALI COAL I COAL !—TAGGART's dl ORLSEIRATID SPRING MOUNTAIN LEGION COAL. J. & R. OARTEWBOREENWOOD,TAMAQUA COAT, TTEORDE W. SNYDER'S PINE WOREST SOFLUYI. COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Rare for sale, and are constantly recall , * from above celebrated Collieri es , COAL OF ALL SIZRS. There le no Cloal mined anywhere, equal la quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority, Our Coal In very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant It perfectly free from elate, duet and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Omoe, No. 161 8011%11 FRONT otroet, above Walnut. Orden, left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. Orders left at oor Wharf, WATER street, above OAL. LOWIIIIIi—or not to either place per Despatch Peat, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers fur Ilan:Illy use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. aut-te §aCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH. C0M...- 1J I am daily receiving, at my yard, the boot quality o SCHUYLKILL AND LEIIRIII COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor ice with their coders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONYERS, N. I. COMOr of liroed end Cherry Me EHIGII MID SCHTJYLKILL DAM', PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. $2l Plllatfl Street, above Eighth, keep constantly ou hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh And Schuylkill Coal. au I.Bm runianesquaikretuAs dr NEAL!. baring connected the Opal *IVA 'the Limber business, Inform their friends that they. hare made contracts for a eupply of the beet qualities of Lehigh and BChUylkill Oesi, and are now ready to , re • calve curlers, Twelfth and Prime streete. Orders fumy be left with' Ur. 8. KM PATRIOK, No. 18 8. FITYII street, or with Mr. WM. 11. NEALL, corner PlN.ll'and WATIIII, streets. anlB 8m Chugs and Cienticalo. BROWN,--ortEmrsT AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH and 011.46TNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer ,f DROWN'S ESSENON OP JAMAICA GINUISR, which Is rocOguised and prescribed by the Medical Va cuity, add has become the Staudard TAMMY MEDI UM It or the United Matto. This Essence is a preparation of unusual excelloooe. During the glummer months, no family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in meg Richness, it Is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Peraons desiring an article that can bo relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GlN akin, should be particular to ask for "Brown's Ea son°. of Jamaica Winger," which is warranted to bo what it is represented, and is prepared only by PRXDP, 111011 nuowN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical dtore, north-east corner of YIPTII sad CIIESTNUT Streete, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists cud Apothecarloe In the W. States. Sire Proof Safes SALAJWANDER SAFES. A large aeeortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, For Danko and Stoma. DANK LOURS, Equal to any now In nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &e., On an good terms an any other establishment In the United Staten, by SYANS OE. WATOON, No. 22 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia... PLEASE GIVO US A OALL Sitritarto MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. iIL Sold by CHADWIOR h. 11R.0., SECOND street Bret doer above Rem IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING WURNAOB CHILSON'S NE H' CONE FURNACE, after having been pot to the most severe tot, during the two COLD WINTSKi ov 1868 aan 1857, has proved to be the moat powerful heater in the world, saving from h to) the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now lu nee. Mane romans-a are construated with a cast Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped tlro pot, lined with fire-brick or Iron staves. The fire pot la surmount ed with A SERIES OP OONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, largo and broad at their base, but tapering to small &per fume at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and ameba pees to the nue. Tee woof." products of combustion in the form of snwkc and Onset, are suspended directly over the fire, costume or compressed into the tapering Goose no CIONTINUALLY EXPOSED to the direct action of the rays of beat and light from the Ore, Thin heat and light is brought to a room, I 111108 Gone, not unlike the OOLLEOTION OP TIM KIN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the 0101 iii non class to become intensely heated and tbc. roughly ouseusten, by this operation the 111101C11 AND (lAOIO3 are IIADIt agIIALLY AVAILASLZ with the ITHIMP fur heating purpose', while, la other Wows, it in OARRIND 01// non WASTUD to Tlis All persons destrow of obtainlog the best and MOST ECONOMICAL IIEATINU APPARATUS, should nut tall to B.l.4lnine the NNW GAB 0021alnillia OAR Fuectow, before pereherlug any other. The et tontiou or Stohiteetil and builders is particularly re. ghosted. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Llarrisou,) No. L 24 WALNUT Htreet, Opposite Independence Sguar . gobacca al tb Cigar°. --- ~,,,,,,, ----------- I_tAVANA CIGAR *--A handsome assort 11. a- went, each aa Figaro, . Partagaa, Cabanas, - , Sultans, CI lulls, , Jupiter, Cloloso, Goarercisates, Torrpy Lopes, Uoion Americans, Orsjou, flora Cabana, &a., &0., Ao., in X, l(, 1-5 pad 1-10 axes, of ail sires bud quali ties, In store lour coustaully receiviog, and for sale low, by 011ARLES TETE, law) IBS WALNUT Street, below Second, wood Mori I iIIGARQ, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BECIAN,II.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "New Era," daily °spoked from Llamas, and for sale low, by 011ARLES TERN, (Now) lag Walnut street, below Second, sal Second Story, ijarbware QUAKER CITY NAILS, IIIEROLIANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN (IRSEN ROLLINO MILL, ou the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WARREN/USE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. 301 IN 11ALDEDIAN, Agetxt 111110 MAS BAXTER.—HARDWARE OTITLESY ANly 'Nom, No. MARK ICT BT. Ninth: moth ,00, Thil.d./Pb Is an 1-em :umber UMBER I LUMBER I !—The subscriber, JI-4 who has for several yearn occupied the premises at filoan , e Pinang Mill Kensington has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Threnix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he Intends keeping a large assortment of Oarollua and other floor ing beside, stepe, doom, shelving, coiling, fencing and scaffold boards, theronghly mumsd and well worked. Yor sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to esti and trainloo for thenutelveg, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Order' received and supplied at the Merited notice for Mr Made and mass of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling. and-tf • • S. S. 101111111.. ; T r— - 1 . 00AL FRk: NOTIO E—T 11E PENNEIYIIYANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are new prepared to replay and forwent FREIGIIT between Philadelphia; Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following rotes per lindrrid_ pounds ; DRYWNEN Nina, AND COLUMBIA. Pint Class. Second Olaßa. Third Olen, Fourth Claes. 21 ete. "18 eta , In ete. 14 eta. Flour, , 18 ate. per barrel. Pig moti i , le ate. per 100 pounds. BETWEE PHILA. AND LANCASTER. Yinit Cleas.. Second Close. Third Class. Fourth Clue 20 ctn. ' 17 eta. 16 ate. 13 eta. Flour, 25 ate. per barrel. Pig Metal, 10 ets,-par 100 pounds. ARTICLES OE VIRST CLASS. Books, • Fresh Irish, Boole and Miceli, • Nuts in Dago, Cedar and Woodeit'Wars',' 'Porter and Ale In bottles, Dry oode' Poultry in coops, Egite Pork, (fresh ' ) Furniture, ' Poultry, (dreasedd Weathers, ' Wrapping Paper. ARTICLES OF 2u CLASS. Apples, Molanses, Cheese, Melons, Clover and Grose deed, Oils in cuts or barrels, Crockery, Paper in boxes, Oaudles,, Pasteboard, CAB/CII or (empty,) Peichea,. (drled,) Uroceries, ' , Printing Paper, Guns and 1000., ' Paper Ilampugs, Herring in bolos and key, queonaware, Hardware, " Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco +. hales, Iron, hoop, baud, or sheet, Tea, Leather, ' Type, Liquor In wood!' Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (epte., Monuments, ' Val ulsh. ARTICLES OP eo CLASS. Potatoes, Turnips, Vinegar, White Lead, Window Ohm, AlCobol, Coffee, Hideo, (mend Lard, Oysters &Chung, (ln shell) Tobacco, (triannfactured,) 'ARTICLES OP artt CLAM, Codfish, Rotio, Cotton, Halt, Flab, salted, Tobacco, (led,) Orate of all Hada, - Tin, Nand and Nana; Tar, Pitch, ' Whlekey, ?hater. 117" for farther Information apply to it. J. BNt:IIMM, Freight Agent, Phila. PL K. BUICE, Freight Agent, Colombia. W.ll. AlYSitt3, Freight Agent, Lancaster. ANI4-,LA ROPE—SUPERIOR MA ty.Ta. !ULLA ROPE, manufactured and for Bale by WEAVER, PULER ft. 00., • ann.l.l Nn. N Water at , and N Wharves. COTTON= -200 baloigooti Middling to lid dlloir Pair Cotton, in itore Ind for male by 11ARTIN ant 1 North Water Street. MOSB--V Palos Oarollba Koss, for Rua by MARTIN h MALI:WEN, aui 110 North Water Street. FLOORING BOARDS-23,580 foot Caro lin& flooring boards, stlost, for Bale by MARTIN k MAOALIBTBRI se) lip Wirth VAN, IFltn4itt. A BRAiII SLACK—ENGRAVING, Dlr. 4334 Nattemsed Printing, Envelope and Seal Prone Manufactory, 87 Strawberry Street, between Second and Wed and Market and Chestnut Street, Pliltadelpbka, Pa. anl24y ROSIN:4OOBiauit:LS SOAPMAKERW ROSlili to Arrive per schooner J. R. Vlssinsr. Nor sale by • • , MARTIN & MARALIRTER, inn- • Ile North Water *treat CHARLES OALDWELL—Mholosalo etas' WHIP 11144,4411 kflulurpaturar, No. Non VOIIHTLI threet 104 CLENWOOD CEMETERY OWFIOE, MO. ww 118 WALNUT st., below MTH. en iltt . 1857.1 eilVillie ,fltttbs. QAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TIME/VC-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.-WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WEST 001L4ER OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. iIIOORPORATMO BY THM &ATP OP PROMOILYAMIA. fitoory Is received In any emu, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with &swat. The office is open every day from 9o'olook In the morning till? o'clock In the evening, and ou Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, Preaident, ROBERT BILLIMIDOE, Vice President. Wu. J. hVgD, Secretary. lion. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Menne, Alward L Carter, B. Carroll Brewster, Hobert Selfridge, Joseph B. Bony, Bawl. K. Ashton, Henry L. Ohurchmarl, James B. Smith, Yraneis Lee. This Oompany confine. its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The investments, amounting to over ONX MILLION AND A HALF OP DOLLARX, are made in conformity with the provision o f the Oharter, in REAL ESTATE MORTOACIES, GROUND RENTS, and such firet class securities an will always in sure petfoot nocurity to the depositors, and which can not tall to give permanency and stability to thin Insti tution. aul-ly Q,,IX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of /.." FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from S to 3, and on Tuesday and Yriday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Large or small lams received, and paid with out notice, with WIVE PER. GENT . INTEREST, by cheek or otherwise. ICON TLIODIBON, Pres't. 1101 PHSBIDINTB, TOOL T. TAMER, EDWIN N. LEWIS. OVORRTARY 1110 TRVASURik, WM. T. ELDEST. 71111137111113, WIII. O. Ludwig, D. 0 Levy, (Aeries F. Lew, A. Mickey , lsrael W. Morrie, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neil)loP, Thomas 8. Reed, 11. D. lame, Russell, Thos. P. tiparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williftw.oa, IMO B. Waterman, Charles T. Yerkea. ' *ohn B. Austin, John ) Addieka, Botouien Alter, AL W. Baldwin, William Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Charles 8. Carsterre, Unhurt Clark, A. J. Drexel, (Marion Distill', Win. B. Vostor, Benjamin Ilerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., aul-3m NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - Fin PER CENT. STATE BAUM MM. MO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE 1. PER CENT. STATE BAV/NOS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE I PER VENT. STATE SAYINGS BLIND. N °. 88 (241 ) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER C E NT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-ly illarliintrp nub iron ri lii• ••• . • . QOUTIIIVARK FOUNDRY, YIFTII AND WASIIINGTON SMITS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & EONS, RNOINEBRI3 AND 11A011INIBTB, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engineer, for Land, Myer, and Marine service. Boilers Gesometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ?co., Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Braes. Iron frame roofs for the Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, kit. Retorts and Otis Machinery of the latest and Most Improved conistructioo. Every description of Plantation machinery, such its Sugar, Raw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Bole Agouti for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Namnyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rom' Patent Valve Motion for Blast blacblnery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. If. BABTOL MOIIARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVEiLL STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 811VINVINAtli STREET, ILMILTON, PAIRVIIIW 4D sigma °AUDEN STIMETS, riIIILADELPIIIA. Ingsged exalts eelln the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVESTEAM ENGINES. Mangfiance to order Locomotive. of any arran gr. mat, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or Btrignissomo Coal in its crude slats, or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITROVT EMITTING MAE, 051 OR VIZI. In design, materiel and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to; and not EX• celled by any. The materials used In construction are made on the spot, and insure the beat quality and meet reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Corn. pkto Eguipmest of Mach terry and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF IVORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANY ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. MILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With Porginge of any else or form IRON AND BRASS CASTING'S, And MAOIIINE WORK generally. RICHARD MORRIE. BEERY LATIMER NORRIS. • 4014, P ENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL YR WORICO. RE&NEY, NEAFIR & CO., PRACTICAL AND TIINORNTIOAL ENGINIRRB 111AOUINI8TS, BOILER-MAKERS, PLACR SMITHS AND POUNDERS Raving for many years boon in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high And low pressure, Iron Hosts, Water Tanks, Propellers, he.,Scc.„ respectfully odor their services to the public, as bing fully prepared to contract for Engines of all sites, Marine, Baer, and Stationary. Having nets of patterns of different Rises, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and tow Pressure, Flue, Tubtl ler and Oylluder liollere,ot the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forging"; of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and spool/festival' for all work done at their estahliehment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The auteicribere have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with enema, blooke, falls, kc , sd., for raiaing berry or light weights. THOlfall HEANEY, JACOB C. BEAM, JOHN P. LEVY, aul-y BEACH sod PALMER Streets, Kensington H ANDY & MORRIS ISANUFAUTURIPS 01 CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR 060, BTBABI OR WATER. ALB°, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION mEßcuirs Warehouse B. E. sorner PRONT and WALNUT. aul•Sm Alebidnez 1. - I.E , l;ll l TP,Dl'..?,,E.'foUrZA.TithAille der, Kidneys, Urarel, Dropsy , Nervotus and Debit/tided Sufferer'. - 14ELMBOLD'n GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu, removes all the symptom, anion which wilt be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Lou of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General lYeakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Peet, 'Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often error- moos Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Phabings of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eniptions on the Pane, Pains In the Back, Hurls esti of the Eye Lida, frequently Black Spots flying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Loss of Bight. If these symptom are allowed to go on, which thin me dicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epi leptic Vita. YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY 9 of the strove distressing stiowisfa, use HEW. HOLD'S PREPARATIONS. Try thew, sod be convinced at their efficacy. lIVIPOTT.L F , B E L UINE PREPARA Wive health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !" And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them. ITELMBOLD'o GENUINE PREPARA- Ax TION, Extract Dacha—Bee overwhelming evolon cue which will be produced to show that they do great goW to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open or the inspection of all. IRELMBOLD' 6 GENUINE PREPARA TION,-11- Extract Duchn.—Price $1 per Dottie, de livered to any address. Depot, 12 Routh TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT etreet, phis. Address lettere, H. T. YIELMBOLD, Id South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Deakin everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. anT-3m* MARCHANT'B CRYSTALOGRAPIIB, OR PROTOGRAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIOUTII. and LOCUST. The above pictures differ esuntrally from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, sad truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of nhnewty, the greatest fidelity of reaemtdence; while the severity of the or• deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally !Atka the question of their permanence. • These hate enable the subsenber to offer them, with the greatest antlafaction and confidence, to the public and to his Medd'. They are 'enured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of E. D. MARWIANT. 11J Portraits of the cabinet, and life alae on may ae heretofore. Co 18-3 m PUHL I 0 L AMP S.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which talons arc requested to give information respect. log accidents which may happen to the Public Lampe; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the lproper time or if not properly cleaned and in good ighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Deily, No. 612 Queen street, Third Ward; Charles Carty, No 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; 'Drama}. Kirk, No 1438 Lfutcbinson street, Twentieth Ward; 11. W. Deshoog, No. T 231 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward; Thos. V. llowlby, Use Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphiad M. If. 11 , hultlen 1 Can Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (ftermantown;) Wiu. N. Market, Use Office Twenty-Third Ward (Vrankford,) and at the flea dtlico in Seventh Street, below Market. Sly order et the Trustees of the Philadelphia OILS Works. A. .1 . KITE, 0u1.13n1 Superintendent of Distribution 'I3HILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY J.- N. W. Cor. TRIM) and CHESNUT Sta. • L. PELOUZE & IiQN, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their fistablishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publisher. that their new BPEOIIIIO4 BOOK le now ready, and from their increased tecilitiee, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justilles them in assertisif that they can furnish a more durable and bettor fin ished article than their cotemporasise. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Oil typo taken at P cents per pound, in each: u nite for new at specimen 1-tt pi lEVANI4,-10.000—PRINTER,1 A le Cards prr flour :...atilklW TM Prim tfrl *ea ueetera ve 1., et. • "Ar ' le ."' 4 D l'illeolelpela Pre, al tea let• rAllee A Par a lIL ell I ~,,, uf . wt. , e , Mr h.. 111 14414. r .i.l O fe'' mkt, 6.t..4 *Mils p G . le o 0, e- T r . 7.6,....d pea. per 0.44 IR 0110 11 IS vm b.. 4 *su—surrey.. r 0.. inolly relo.d. 11, fo CorjAbrary,WOVICTII ST. below Cheeta9l. ('!HEAP SUMMER. FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent uelty,lttoldatthePlllLADilLPlllA 11All W WINS for the reduced puce of tiro cents a bushel, and may be obtained fa large or small quantity by a p.. eying at the Um Office, No. 20 South EIkFENTU Meet. To Purchasers by Wholesale, It le sold M the Werke, In First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a 0210 per ton. (810,10 a,) J. O. ORTMOtt, Nagineer. 'POILAVILPHIA GAB WOUtil, Aug. 20, IT, ~,u2741 ' , GAGE, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Paotery of N. W ID3I3HEIIti, No. 109 (late 43) South Eftiltrif , below Oheethut street, has become a saving of 50 per tent. to our 130‘1T)INflii AND WESTERN MDROUANTS, and also the tonrenlente of haring their old Oszrisge Limps •reer sttser-topped sad bottomedi and out by atpilui to all puts. oulit 17 110 WAR D FIRE AND MARINE IN SURA tl Cfolll' Y—Oftico No 412 LSUT Street, Philedelphis The following statentent of the affairs of the compauy is published to cooformity with a provision of its chatter PIiSMIVX7 6tlClflYPu ram! .11•UCdT 1 1 35:;.;, TO AO O U 3 ? 1.357. Fire pretniumx...... &farina prentim.... Perpetual premi um s Total amount premiums taken Rimed Ere yremiuum '25 072 94 Earned mulne vOO4Ollll 155 001 60-150,075 50 Deduct returu premiums Net earned Marine losses paid. $93.8 , 15 fire losses 8,031 It &trap, re ceh ed... $760 07 Tote ree t re ceived... R e inset , son ----- Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements In lien of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, nta tionery, &c Profit end lost Net profit. dEISET2I. Cash 01) baud 812,615 89 Dille receivable 119,267 02 Hoods and mortgageel6s,ooo 00 Stocks ^ 9^,100 00 Stock notes 142.900 00 Due by agents and oilier, 22,312 93 ----- $1.54,005 84 DIRECTORS. P.M. Potts, Wm. E. Leech, C. E. Spangler, R. T. Kenai!, Abraham Rex H. H. Houston, Wm. H. Wools, Jos. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thoirion, W. Itaiguel, O O. Sower, Charles 11. Norton, John W. Sexton, John II Lenore, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles. Nathan R. Potts, H. 11. blaillingford. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, Prasident U. E. EPANGILgit Vice President, W. 11. WOODS, Secretary. • WE R.. E.. Emil, Vomiter. FIRE INSURANCE. _ / SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSIIRANGE COM PANT. - CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAI,II, AND SECURELY INVESTED, • OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OP BIXTII AND WOOD . . STS. SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John H. Dohnert, Henry H. Phil ii, David Woelpper, Lewis Shionack Benjamin Davis, John Lindell, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Auley M. Park, William E. Woo . James Disraeli, John D. tßevenson, Jacob S. Mintzeo, Corwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tiilinghast, George K. Childs. JOHN 11. DOHNERT, President. L. KRUMBITAAR, Secretary. wept 21-71 y 12= NErTuATE INSURANCE COMPANY.— / OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings, • FIRE AND AIAR/NS INSURANCE. • CAPITAL stoopo, WITH PRIVILEGE io INCREASE TO 100,000. This Company to now fully organ zed, and prepared to make all kinde of lizeurance against loss or damage by Fire and lamina Perils, at current rates. onttoints. 11. 0. LAUOHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vice President. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, Win. Osborne, Richard Shields, I'. Y. Showell, T" QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OMea No_ (late 01 WALNUT at. Capital mid Surplus, $260,000. This Company continues to make Insurance spinet lose or damage by Yire and the Perils or the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transputatlon at current rates. OFPIOWIS. President-6W. li. HART Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treunrcr-11. B. OCOONHALL. Asaisteat Secrotary-8 U. BUTLII.II. SZTOSS. George U. Hart, E. P. Eon, A. 0. Oattell, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, Hon. Henry M. Faller, Poster B. Perkins, John H. Oknobere, an 8-17 LIMILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN- A. SORANCE COMPANY, Incorporated by the State of Penney Dania In ISIS, are now established in their NEW OFFICE , No. e 33 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of army deacription, in Town or country, Including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DIVELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES end MANUFACTORIES, WOILESHOPS, YE.f3SELS, &o. Alms, IdERCHANDIYR of all kinds: STOCKS - OP GOODS, Stooks of COUNTRY nottes, Goods on STORAGE or In BOND, STOOKS and TOOLS of AB TIMERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, "JEW ELRY, FIXTURE'S, &0., Ite , &a., fke., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. • This Company refer to their peat earner as an ample xuarantoe for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no =settled elnirps against them. BORSHT P. KING, Pree't. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Ertel. FIANCIIII BLAOINIMIN 4 See'y. !LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIRE DifitißANCJ6 COMPANY, Southeast (inier of THIRD and DOCK Streets Capital, fitil2,t3o 03. IN URB9 LIVER for abort total, or for the whole tare, of WS—grants annuities and endowments—par abase' lire on interests in Real Istate, and mates all eontraete depending on the contingencies of Lfte. They Oct so E xecutors, Admini s trators , Alugnooa, Trustees and Guardians. MONEY REORIVED ON DEPOSIT to any amount-- Five Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, payable back on demand without notice. ABBEYS OW TUE. COMPANY, Janusa7 1at,1247. Loans of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia City, Pentea Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other Loans 1179,885 88 Roads, Mortgages and Beal Estate . . 117,137 19 Stocks in Banks, Insurance, Ou and Rail road Companies 81,729 98 Premium Notes and Loans on Col Laterals 193,802 01 thigh in Bank, due from Agents, Inter est, &a 88,780 47 Ottarantee Capital, Subscription Notes 100,000 00 r 11,226 03 DANIEL L. KILLER, president. SAMUEL E. svoludis, Ihesq. loss W. Ilowson.Beerstarv. ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMP xi. A. NY, NEW YOB.D.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank--Cash Capital, $250000 sta b surplus. This Company insure Buildings, titer shandise. Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes and other property, against Lou or Damage by Fire an the Risks of Inland Navigation. DIRIOTORB. ifenry Grinnell, Caleb Barstow, • henry 0. Brener, Ndmund Fanfold, Hanson K. Corning, Ogden Uaggerty, Thomas &lowan, John U. Earle, Albert Ward, Charlee Seaton, Louie Lorut, Pamuel 6.4311dden, Eteph. Cambreleng, . Thomas Scott, John Wird, !teary K. Bogert, Peter lides, Benjamin U. field, A. it Prothinghano. Thos. F. Youngs, Sawed L ABUT WARD, President, BMUS° A. OAXLIIT, Sweaty. an 10-17 UANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE -MX COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $600,000. Yin, Marine, and Inland Transportation. Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Who, Wm. A. Rhodes, Akfted Weeks, Charles J. Yield, James P Smyth, Wzn. b. Thomas, J. Rinalelo Sank, Wm. Neal, Jolla P. 511130611, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President, Wit A. RIIODRO, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. • J. W. MARTIRN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors Rare determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 10 Merchants , bishango, Philadelphia. anl-dly MITE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSII- A RANCE COMPANY OF PEIILADELPIIIII.—OaIee No. VA 'WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE ROES on Vessels, Oargoes, and Freights. IN !AND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per 'Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other earrlages. ALL THE PROFITS divided anntally among the As sured, and ample warily in eases of los. Edward Harris Wee, John M. Odenbehuer, Mahlon Williamson, Runnel J. Sharplaid, Isaac James, Henry Pinata, Edward V. Jame', William L. Bpringe, Franklin O. Jonea, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. W Smith, A.. 7. Antolo, Samuel L. a EDWARD HA ALYRED YA: Joss O. K Beers fIEARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INBCFRANCR COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital s3oo,ooii Loosen in Philadelphia and viciuity adjusted at the Philodziplim goice. By leave wo refer to I D. B. Brown & Co , Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chaffees, Stout &Co, ,‘ Hon. Rohm Choate, Boston Hecker, Lea &Oo , , c Hon. T. 13, Williams, Ilart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Ilan ranee in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCA' 40ENcY, No. 4 1 3 (old No. 146) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, aal•em AMU, , . _. P in AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME tin", STEAD FOR $lO Division —4 310000 worth of Farms and Banding Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia to be divided airwave 10,D90 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1957. Out, scriptious only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollarsLone half down, the rest on delivery at the deed. Ever,' subscriber will get a Betiding Lot or a farm, rafting itt value trove $lO tai =Mel, These farina and lots are "id no Cheep to judope settlements,* sofficiept number beipg reaon'ed, the iotrease Ip the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1„11.0 lots coot ( um , a r e already sold, and company or settlers celled the " Rappahannock Vitmeer Association" Is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample seclude w ill be given for the faith- Ail performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 46,000 acres of land, In different parts of Vitginla, sew at command, and will be sold to sealant at from $1 up to 8300 per acre. Unquestionable Jai/3 Inn is all eases to gorse. Wood-cutter coopers, farmers, he., are wanted, and five hundr Agents to obtain subseribere, to whom the most libera inducements will be given. mo agents write that they are makingtgem par month. Yoe full particulars, eubecriptions, agencies,Sre s ipply to E. Bub int24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, a. BALE ROPE .— Buyers are invited to cal) wed examuie eer M nW Bale Rope, irltielt e a can sadgen ED lOW . 13 Amenfsp, and rzrent, "Prier Ja striV6"4 41/1114"4. *OavIti, attital k oo:, aul No. 98 N. Bata it. and 73N. Wharesei. ittettronce Companice V 15024 Cl 21'.' , 13 GI . 221 00 $lOlOlB 80 2,071 62 -8,083 66-- 93,833 70 60,386 61 6 3 40-141,283 0 Oforge Altsyrter, W. 0. Stotesbary, R. 11. Cathie, 0. 0. Similar, Geo. Scott. laul9l, N. W. Biller, Charles 0. holey, Wm. D. Leah', Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. Chambers, Cowbell, Samuel Jones, N. D., A. Y. Cheesbrongb. Joshua L. Pope, Rates IL (Saves, henry Davis, 0. /I. Lilisolaal, Theo Polhemus, jr. Morgan, Abm. IL Van Nest, William A. Clary, Thomas 8. Nelson, Jamas W. Phillips, Charles A. Macy, Edward Illutken, WM. E. Bhepsni, Charles L. Frost, Lotbrop L. Sturges, William B. Fosdick, Emery Thsyer, Geo. Wastfeldt, Salmon Taylor Henry E. blossom. . . m=orose Dflitero/111. Thomas T. Entetwr, Algernon X. Athburner, Allred Pasaitt, Thorns* 8. Foster, Gustavus Raglish, James EL Stroup, Alfred Slade, A Charles B. Caratslrs, Samuel Robinson John O. John P. Steiner, Henry Grambo, Win. leaner, 3rentaborg. .RAII3 MILES, President LITT, Vire Preeident. sul-1y Wpnt6. WESTERN TRAVELLERs. 'llO BPRINtt A ND BIIIIIIIRR AIIRANGSMINT AL IL NORTHERN CENTR RAILWAY: TWO DAUS rsards PROM BALTIMORB TO PITTSBURGH AND TUN WEST. On and after June 15t,1851. TWO DAILY TRAM will leave Calvert Mating for ratan:ugh and all West ern 1.1.4 R.uth or Nurthwastern Tag 1101INING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 815 A. 11. connecting with the Mail Train neer - 111e West Penn sylrsinia Itallneul, and arriving la Pittsburgh at 1 5) A 11 $:',X,,747 43 THE AFTERNOON PX.FREAA TRAIN Levees Eallisoire.dsily (Ani My et copied) at 3 P. M., for II trristotrit. TUE NW HT tAFIIESS TRAIN aced Caltiloory 1 VERT NilillY at ID P. It., con .; with the Li ilituiof ExpFels over the Penturyl 1i3.1 • F..,llrfoot for P.MALusgb, arriving attl..Ml P. M. 10 - Alt these trams connect closely at Pittsburg *alb trims orcr the Pirtr?.NrgA, Fort Wayne and ('/. Ritilsomf, and its Northern, Southern and eqPrn runuectit,n9 1D- Passengers tnr Chim,kci, Rock Island, Burling ton lowa City, 1411.111:1k se, Dubuque, St. Paul's, Madi son, nod, other leading :ides is the Northwest, will wire one hundred mare of tram/ and lea A ours in time, with four hrs chnoy,e• of ears, by taking this route. Passen„veni for Cleveland. Sandusk.y, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time Is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other mete. 10 — Passengers for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Ratite. Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper allasissippi, mate lens changes of cars, and arrive in ad vance of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Coluseiras, Dayton, Louisville, and other prom:hunt cities, as quick as by any other route. . . *1111,3 3 09 EE=I All Western Baggage CHECKED THROttall and Candled with care. FOR THE NORTH. The 8 15 A.M. connects closely with Fdrpress Trains over the Dauphin road for 'Williamsport, Elmira. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Palls, sod Canada, thus torn/dog the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers wilt &el this the shortest, cheapest, and moat expeditions route to Niagara Palls and Canada. Through Tickets see teased to Philadelphia via Co lunabis mud Lancaster by ell the trees, at 83 each, each train hariog sure conuections. Passengers by this route avoid tresselled bridges, and all the incourenieuce of ferrying across the Snsquehmana river. Passengers for Hanover, Blanchester, Gettysburg, Inas inittsburg, Chronbersbarg, go by the trains et 8.15 A. M., and 3 P. 11. WIISTBIINSTRIt BRANCH_ The Care on this road make ono trip per day, connect ing with the train at 3 P M. For THROUGH TICKSTS and further Information, Apply st the Ticket Moe, Calvert Station, N. R. corner of Calvert and Franklin atreets. repojt-tf 0- 0. LORDON,Sup't. DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-THE L ORKAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At mantle Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by P. continuous; Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line steamers to all points on the Western Rivers, and Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes; making the meet DIRECT, CIIRAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight con lo forwarded to and from the GREAT WNST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS Floor Ciatil—Boote, Shoes, Hats, and Cape, Book., Du Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drop, (in boxes and bales) !leathers, Fors, he Ike, as. 100 lb Sewer CLASS—Dome/We Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in esskcl, Hard care, Leather, (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelle, Eastward, ikC.&e... Kb. per 100 b Tamp Ccass—Anrila, Steel, Chains, (in cooky), Henip, Bunn and Pork, Balled, (loose or In sacks), Tobacco, mannlacturod,(except Cigars or eat de., &a toe., per 100 lb Pouare Cues—Coffee, Piah, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or bores eastward), Lard and Lard 011,Naile, Rods Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, At 43e. per 100 lb FLOUR-75e. per bld., until further notice . Oasts-35e. per 100 lb. , until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, he particular to lf-Ant package " Prassytran la R arcwitt." All Goods consigned to titte Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, 'ell be forwarded without detention. Facially A okwra.—Marrie, Wormley & Co. Memphis, Tenn.; N. P. Sass & Co., St. Louis, Mo. ; J. S. Mitchell S Non, Eranarille, Ind.i Dotoestill, Bell & Mardoek, and Carpenter 6: Jewett, LonissiLls, Ky.; M. C. Mel. drum, Madison, Ind.; 11. W. Brown I C 0.,. and Irwin tc co., Cincinuati ; W. Graham ,t Co. , Znuessilla, Ohio; Leech & Co., Nw.o.lKilbystreet, Boston; Leech k. Co , No 2 Astor Roue, New York, No.I William st. .nd No. S Battery Place, New York; E. J. /heeler, Philadelphia ; Eisgraw & Neoax, Baltimore; D.° A. Stewart, Pittahargh. 1101JSION, general height Agent, PhilMelptia. IL J. I.OIIBAERT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN LI AND AIHROY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES_ PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NSW YORE, AND WA Leave de follows, via At 1 A. 11 , from Kensington Depot, vi► Jassy City, Mail V.l At 6 A. 11., cis Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sey Aeteumodstion At 6 A. 11., Ms Camden and Amboy, Aaron:meas. 2 At i A. M., via Camden awl Jersey City, Horning Mail 3 At 10 A. M., by atratuboat Trenton, via Tacoay and Jenny City, Morning)'...prase At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. 2i. pram At 6 P. IL via Catalan and Jersey City, Evening 3 At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aocorr.atods tion, leeCtsas 2 At SP. M. via Camden and Amboy, Acernmucatte• Goa, 2ulClus. 1 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accuramoda ist Class 2 At 6 2. 21.,111 Camden and Amboy, Aceanmoda- Lion, 2nd Clam 1 The 6 P. M. line rune daily, all others Sundays • eepted. Express Lines stop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Plemlngton, &c., at 6A. wad 4 P. M., from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, 'Scranton, WiLteshart Montrose, Great Band, &r., at 6 A. M., via Delawar LaCkillf Una at Western Railroad Yor Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 3 P. M. For Mount Unity at 7 A. )land 2% 3 and b P. X. WM" LINSB for Briatut, Trenton, &a. at 21( and 4 P. Id • WAX ffEßSsMiiliZ= Steamboat RICHARD SPOOKTON for Burlbsgton and Bristol at 8X A. M and for Bordeuttnns and ustimme diste places at P M Steamboat TABS: t Y for Tammy at Id and 11% A. M., sad 4 P. M.. and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. lines, except 1 A. M., lane Intent atm 'phut. ED - Plfty pounds of bagge, t ee only allowed each pas senger. Passengers ere prohibited from taking any thing as baggage bet their wearing apparel. Al! big gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Co© puny molt Their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for lby =want De yond kllo o , except by special contract. Whl. Y. OATZSIEIt, Agent • C. Zs A. B. R. CO MORIINLL, Agent Phila., Tr. R. R. Co CHANGE OF HOURS,-PHILADEL LJ PIIIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Thtunday, JulyMT, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at BA. Id., IP. II (El.)reas,) and P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 4.15 and 11 P. Id For New Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 4 15 P. 11. /or Middletown at 6 A. At. and 4 15 P. Id For Dover at BA. AI and 4.15 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.54, Riprese, 11 A. AI., and 1111 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6 50 And 1.1.96 Ik. IL, and 433 and 9 56 P. M. Le&TO New Castle at 6 3) and 11.05 A. it., and 9 06 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 00 A. M. and 06 P hl. Leave Dover at 1.60 A. M. and ? P. M. Leave Seaford at 7 00 A M. and 400 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9 15 A. hi., 2 P. M. and 12 IT A. M. BUNDATS only at 12 P. N. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 6.26 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE ACCOMNO DATION TRAIN Leaves Dane de Orate at 6.50 A. M. . Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with 'Passenger Car attached, will nut as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 600 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 600 P. 51 Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6 CO P. 51 B. M. FELTON, President. EI N G ARRANGEMENT.-PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL HAILHOAD.—Rooning direct connection with the PITTEBUNOU, FORT WAYNE AND CIIICAGO RAIL. ROAD. For Cincinnati, St. lonia, lowa City, Louisville, New Orteam, St. Paulo, Indianapolis, Cleve Urea Kansas, Terre Ifante, Chicago, Neliroa=. —... . . In advance or ',Rothe ro'n't.;s oat et' Philadelphia. Ibnnixg don ceattectien with, all Ike groat Mo an Railroads. _ _ _ THROUGH TRAINS _ . . Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western cities, from the Perdasy-ltaats Railroad Passenger Station, south-east corner of xuitvg.s.rn sad MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh street,) as follows : - Mall Train at T—,A. M. Fast Line at 12 55, P. IL Exprems Mail at 11 en, Ought. Columbia. R. R. Line leaves for Iferrisburg at 2 30, P. M-, Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4 So, P. If. The B-Iprees Mail runs daily, the other trains, Sas• days excepted. Yor farther particulars see hand-bill, at the dilerent starting-points. Passengers from the West will and this the 'shortest and moat expeditious route to Philadelphia, Reltlmore, New York or Poston THOMAS 110011 E, Agent,. Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, Febrnery , _NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD FALL ARRANGER-ENT. BBTIII.IBIIEII, ALLENTOWN, alarm cnuNK, FAS TON, DOVLESTON, hC Oa and after Monday, October 5, MT, the trains on thin road will leave Pbilatielphis For Bethlehem, (`Express,) at 8 A Di For Bethlehem, Bastoo, Allentown and Manch Chunk, (Express) at 2 15 P. 51. Passengers for ]futon by 216 P. U. train take stages t Iron Hill station. For Doylestown; (Accommodation.) at 6 P. u. For Gwynedd. do. at 9 A. It. TRAINS FOR FIIILADIEFTGA. Leave Betbeleal (Rrpress,) at 9.15 A.M., and 2 45 P. alcoupe,. fins iLb L V. R R. trains, and arrive in Philadelphia at 12 10M. and 6 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Aeecertmextation,) at 615 A. 11. Leave Gwynedd, do. atSP.II. Accommodation tram run daily; other trains daily, &Lulus excepted. Fare to Doyleetown •• Bethlehem Pare to Maurh Cheek Oct LB. KITS 84 CO. L 141TEINITOBN, BEDDING. kc. No 413 (Iste IN) WALNUT Phile4elphia. A new and superior stile of Sprang Beds, LT/NA B. Hunt. Joscra WALVOII anal Om S HAR PE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHINe, 148 North YOUILTH threat, between Arab and Bata. antt•ly TEE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CILISTNUIt STRUT, forwests FABOBLB PAOKABRB, inatonAranzl_, mix Nona sad BPSOIX, either by its own was, or In eenneetlea with other BYNUM COMPABIBH, to LIM* priew4al TOWNS saut CITIBB of the United Metes, B. B. SANDFORD ' Gemmel ettperiertesditert. KO US /A AND AIIER/DA.N TARRED AA , coRDAGx.--a superior art Ede mozatfostori and for We by WIRAPBII, FITIKR & 00, as 8-tt No. 28 N. Water wt., & Stt N. mums. Hai!rads ELLISCLARH. igetent furnitnre elothing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers