The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 23, 1857, Image 3
Sitierintittr: - Buriausr,rnis, October 22, 1. T. In our keteerkropyesterdity upon',the Sett Mum: , queues okthe want of nnityend comaft of ackielf pre - Walling auiting'our - Itinintore And that , we bee. been athrieWhaknoliunderatOed. - PUr' coarse, from the eery .94rtnme*ernent of the BOMA , Season of distrees, words •.;,, abundant evidence of the fact that we are by no means the tulvocate-of,vhileene,nor Indisposed to award credit to Suell ' Or tfiejnliNig:iotititiODl of our city, or '„ where, 140flIkirfl toinliested,s, dispoeitioe to foal their obligations to the people, and to lend those accomModa tious,m, commerce which aro assigned as reasons for _their Oreittion. - We have Withstood the urgent demands of heats of our ',Miff frailest friend,' Miring the present time of tfoitidel-we hi eve fortartni, to visit neon the banking `' - ,eyete'm Mitt meisere ;of Condeinnetlen-whielt it hal me ,rlted, Cud We have steal by, consenting , to the passage :of slew relieving the banks from the penalty they had 'iuktlY incurred, in the hope that, with the Consequences , ; _of 'their fplly among their eyes, in the distress 9f all sl classes; and callings before us, they would be found to coins forward seelonsly to do all in their power to aid • the' emhairaseed, and to enable the clogged wheels of „coma - Mee to resume their motion It is with: no little , regret that we and ourselves disappointed; and that re gnittuieunies a deeper - shade when we find these of !,thebinis wh i n are disposed to do their duty to the'com ,lmonitydriven to the wall by others, who refuge their co-operation. Avery limited number of our banks have ovineed a disposition to come forward and meet the ,requirements ."of the community. Their action has been attended with the folioiving results: By extending their; :conote; they, ofeouree, beceme.le a day or tin:. debtors 'to the Other "Make, whose illiberality determined them refuse.the- aid required by a suffering tomorincty. - :The balancee - due were 'at once' required to be paid in ' diseonetett bilis receivable, with`the endorsement or guaranty of , the debtor bank. By this, means; the banks who to discount are strengthening them , *diva, etchariging the bills they bold, ea they fall due, foebther billy with the guaranty of the beet banke,equi valent., te• sieele•fende. their persistence in such a course at to thus Indicated,will, of necessity, force the only remaining inetitotions who have the disposition to ' helpnurMettoilia, to abandon the'good work, that they reel Nate thew own existence, so that among them all , • therewill be found little of either cid or comfort. One• of our' correepindents suggests that the imme diate pub - Bentley ot a weekly statement aliould be called by the pram generally, that the people might see „which of, the .banks were- discounting, and Which Were contracting. - '-Bat, under,thelrireient viriangetne e t,i' weekly, stateinent'wouldbe a debialoi, for thil:Siatileeil thin , paid, the,terte:fide 'dleCountera Would kb at once entered by the other banks as ionati and the reel - nature of their operationtibe smothered up, We are loth to publish what may be deemed Mead -vtintageoes: even of these loatitutioes who thus Mess , a burdened cproinunity on to destruction ; but the tale told at the daily clearing cannot be kept so' secret that the course of each institution may not be traced but, and wo would berecreant to the mercantile interests of the city if we falledio expose a continuance of thls'eel fish and cruel policy. It is an unaccountable thing that eschangeigainetthe South end Weal should be at are 'to seven per met, - while iL le in the West and South that the'niefuts of pay ment for our indebtedness are found. If right had free course, the balance would be largely the other way. The eountrylooki to the banks of the Rant, generally, for ald 7 but they are in the position of Dante Trot of the nursery rhymes, whose pig would not go through the bars; they' will not let down the bare, !Mr. ever. We do not ask oar Testers banks to trust all the mushroon coneerns engaged in' banking througlioutthe eount4, but we do expect them to ar negate receive theeliculution of responsible banks in Xlie South and Vest, if only for a short, time, at par. Thin they could afford to do, while - the actual balance of exchange is as above stated. " If the, banks of:the eastern cities 'would agree to re ceive the mites of the designated institutions in the Southwest at par for six Menthe, .produce would be "shipped, bills of exchange drawn against circulation mailed terniest them' the western 'debtors would io those who owed the banks; they would pay the banks, and general liquidation speedily set 'nil all .to rights again. The expedient is most Maple. at could not possibly cost" the banks one-tenth part of whet they wilt otherwise' inevitably loon by suspended paper, failed for want of the funds locked up In the interior, while the commerce of the country' would' speedily now on in Its aceustouied channel.. Our' egislature made a move in the right direction' in 'ordering that the notes of our own State banks Montalto ,received at - par. Will not our banks take thelnitiltiii , in voluntarily' extending this ar- rangemect to the notes of such of, the western banks. as are known to be in an undoubted volition? ' " - An opportunity Would thus be afforded 'us to regain the 'commercial advantages our city,hei teat by leading thiway In ausperUban, end we would be largely the gain. ere in the end. Cincinnati bee more true commercial en terprise and foresight thin almost any othei city - on the continent, and her people bare already seized upon the means' we - have above suggested as mother stepping stone to the prosperity they so well deserve. - Potter day's Cincinnati Gazette says " The leading bankitig houses hero are now 'receiving taper the notes of the Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, 'and kfissoUri bemire, State Bank and Bank of the State of Indlatia all currency bankable In'New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Boston, and Pittabergh." Receipts of the Wintemspert and Madre Railroad for Auguet and September, 1857 548,988 18 Bo do ' 1850 ' 61,1121 88 TOtal receipiri for The Ord six monde: of ' , the beat year, via; from. April lot to ' ' October let, .1807. - $101,012 92, Tho same from April let to October 1at,2850 181,438 11 Increase' ' 29,604 81 ~ Increase this year over last, B'i per cent. FAILVAIIB; Assiasmasys, &o —The following are the reported failures, aseignmenta, &c., for the week, from the New York 'lUrpendeser : - , , 8. li,symond & Co., Ashuolot, NAN.; suspended. • L. B. Brainard, fit. Albans, Vt., suisigued.- • Curtiss, Tobey, & Sampson, Dry Goods, 'Boston : sue - petaled ; ask an extension. ' - Tenney & Palliate', Dry Gooderßestrin, suspended. dregory, Tilton, & Co:, Dry Goods, Boston, sus pended; ask" an extension. , • Sampson, Baldwin, it Co., Fancy Goods, Boston; sus pended, Keith & Thornton, Clothing, Boston, failed. M.C.. Warren & Co , Hardware, Poston, suspended. Wm, Greenough, Hardware ; Boston , failed. ii Olafson, -Gould, & Skives, Boston, suspended; ,ask sue eXterision. •• Underhill ledge Tool Company; Boston,- suspended and aseigned.t , ~Blanchard & Grote, Shoes, Poston, suspended. J. W, Carter & Bro., Grocers. Boston, suspended. 13. Edgerly & Co (train, Boston, suspended. W. P. 13. Brooks, Yana - are, Boston, failed. , George Forsyth; Furniture, Boston, suspended: J.. id Holden, Furniture, Boston, suspended T. F. Smith & Co., Worcester, Mese., asurpended.' W. A. Fisher, Worcester, Masa., failed. , Wm. Bich & Co., Worcester; Maim., fixed. ' • - • The pacific Mills, Lawrence; Mass., suspended;' ask en extension of six months to pay in full. W..D. Cummings,-Waterbury, Conn., suspended and assigned.: - itosenbush & Hartmann, - BockvMe, Conn.,Sisidgined. Winslow, Lanier, - & Co., Bankers. New York city, euspanded. . , S. & T. LawTeace, Try Goads, 'New York city, re: , ported ' suspended, we are happy to say are now going on with the business as natal, • Bmnea, - Lyman; & Co., Dry Goode, 'New York city, Suspended. Carter,,Quiman & De Merest, Dry Goode, New York city, suspended. 8. H. Terry & Co., Since; New York city; suspended. Homer & Ketchum, Millinery Goods, New York city; mispended. , . 1, . S. Oolioder, New- York city, me peaded. :• • Gillman & Brother, Hosiery, New York city; see- S. Dentseire, DryGoCals,New York city, fatted. -* W. A. Crocker, Fancy 'Goods, New York city, MI; pended and assigned. • ' J. Steinberg & Co., "Fancy Gude, New Yet* city, etuusended. Loomis & Pholps;Straws, New York city, assigned. E. P. Williams & Straws ; New York city, ens- Fisher it Plimpton, Straws, New York city,' sus- LP, Hall & Co., fltraws,New York city, suspended. • Allason, Brothers, & Co., Straws, New York city, Suspended. • John Priestly, Paper, New York city, Auer:ended. Sands & Paradise, Paper,-New York city, suspended ; ask au extension.. - • - John P. Boni_Paper, New„ York city, suspended; mks an eiterialtar of four and' nix months; show” a good ' T maid loner &Go: Piper Ilanginp,New York city, suspended., B. Bidol U dge & co., Stationers, New York city, im pended:— ' • Simon Liierburger Cap, New York city, assigned. B. De "Agreede, Jove, Co., New York- city, sus. pended. " McCready, Mott& Brondag ,e andElcCreedy i Mott & Company, Shipping, New York city, suspended ; liabilities large; ask an extension; offer to pay in full, with Interest , • Kenyon; Cale ,tc Nutley, GrOcere, New York city, suspended. .. Darius 0. NUMB; Lumber, - New . York city, Ms. pelided: ' " " James N. Wtiod, Lumber, New York city, failed; lie bilities said oboist 11180,080. . • - - ITrieSilitutheilandiplinber,lllW York city, felled and liferriek4feyeil Witielies,Verr YOrk city, failed ,and aesi , • L, Comdil~ Ttifnim, New 'York oily, failed and as signed. . Pritt & Buffalo, N. suspended; surplus large. John Sage kikaii,BAßtto. N. Y., suspended, Batton & Griffin, Buffalo, N. Y.-, failed and assig ned. Elias Dorian, Troy, N. Y., failed and assigned. , - Darrow & Pm, Books - , Iteeliester, - .N.-Y., Alfred N• Bassett, Niagara Yells, N. Y., assigned. B. P. Dowel!, leneingbargh, N. Y., failed and sn arl k. LeMsim, Newburgh, N. Y.. assigned. „ Hiram Hoag, SitrahOgalltiNnte, N. Y. assigned. ' CeddlOgion 10.-Brown, Pferwl - ch, N. assigned. • W Nurwieh, N. Y., segued. • James Fisher, , Addleon, ,N. :Y., savoured Au g so ld - Wheaten & Van yleeolk. Whalionsburg, N, Y., failed and assigned: - , „ , F. filposen,Gsgego N. Y,, suspended. , • J. 11: Iltotheff, c Ptietns, N. :Y., assigned to Sylvester King anal. P.titemast. i"- ' Richard N.l_ l assigned. Daniel Blauvelt, Newark,- 11-4.3 Jerome B: Ward,:Nswark,-N.4., %upended. W,„ M. Simpson, Newark; N. P 4 failed. Careen elt Newbold, Commission, Philadelphia, sus pended. , -1 01 m ' Barertiuk.,, Fimusithielon,' Philadelphia, sus pended. A, F. Cheeeebrongh & Oommtletot,, PbJladel phle suspended; ask an extension.' Raiguel & Co., Dry Goods ' , Pbilaielphia, suspended. pond:Ur.' Tom* 4-Barker , - Dry Ideate, Philadelphia; slur & Co:. ' Der' Gooda,Whiledelphia, sus. ?ended ; ask an extensiOn,to per to full. J. W. Hoses, Dry Goode,Philadalphia, mapium, W. H. Sheluttra, Dry Hooda,lllladalpir e 4,4 4 'Levicke, Beasett, Oletbing, P 4)1104' CO.; Hats, Pkiladalpikia, sus pended.; ' : r A. M. Coning fc'Co , piper, Philadelth sitspendek. Theldutind Deposit and Loan Co., P sus pended and assigned; llabilitieesbout 84 10 ,0 08 -. Wtit,o6Keitieer, Philideliahla, suspended. S. B. Bond &Co., Pruitt!, _philedelphis, suspended. F.-8. - Savage & Co.;Chestihrtii; Philadelphia, lIIUII -3gB4blfth 90411 . , Pmude_lpit,a, failed' ,Inhuliznarg-k. o6 .o l 'bUidelPhiA; PrattOwel7 re ' "` port44;_piajoide to make up their accounts! to the lit , of December, Mad to pay In ten instalment. o(9, 12,16, 18, 2.1 24.0 j tie,'42., 48.monthe. ,Their sitatementp witilreigideit;eliitiifitetoryhe 'was impecteildshArel metBlolll2,9Bo,ooB, , lneln4ing 0840,000 • iiroodi. 11 g4f4oo;ofamOilndisit pipet and arer-draffir, 11414 14 . 0 ,9 00 .M4 41 0 11 S 2 • SC OM . 'Gnat areitialudiid hi the TX - ErearailbTOtt.i' prerionel,f •-• PortellilikoliaUiol*five emits on the dotter • • 'and renitalhatmlanne far ill months. • "Ai4.2 . 1Lute5 , &134. VittebrirahiPit.i suspended." - 4 • ‘l9l)f~itieton'ird.reninended.- „ Moss & Brother, Ileranton, Pa., Wed and assigned. Amin. IfeertlLLennox, Pa., failed. ' Cochran Ss - Little, Punatauny, Pa.. failed. 0. W. ,Pollard & Co., New Orleans. La,', suspended. . Louis Charles, New Orleans, La., impended. Melony & Bea. Now Orleans, La., suspended. G. W. Shaw & Co., Now Orleans, La., impended. Wakey and Hawkins; New Orleans, La., suspended. J. A. Doherty. & Co , New Orleans' La. suspended. Tossed &Danjen,Banters, St. Louis, do., suspended. Yemen, Robinson, & Co , St. Was Mo., suspended. Reed Sc Co., Bt. Louis, Mo., suspen d ed. Jesse Rewrite, Peduteh, My. tailed. Pharos, Taylor, & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, suspended ; ask an extension ; pay in full. O. T. Lewis, Cleveland, Ohio, assigned. Paige Croswell, Painesville, Ohio, failed. Kimball & Co., Canton, Ohlo, suspended. John A. Grove, S. Clairevillo, Ohio, suspended and assigned. ' Henry Jourdan, Troy, Ind., railed and assigned Wadsworth Sc Co,, ‘' Bankers," Chicago, RI, sus; paneled and assigned. W. P. Boss, late, Rossi Bomber, & Co , Chicago, assigned. W. H. AMU & Bro., Springfield, suspended. E. M. Philips, Bloomington, 111., assigned; ilabtlttlee about $30,000. B. & W. B. Thayer, Quincy, 111., Resigned to Newton Flagg. Crone & Levy, Aurora, 111., neitigned. Burtchy, Jr. Woodstock, assigned. T. Peirce, Milwaukee, Wis , assigned. J. L. }Jacoby, Milwaukee, Wis., failed. Marcus Otterbourg, Milwaukee, Wia ' suspended. B. Thorp, Milwaukee, Wia.,' assigned. John M. Griffin, Madison, Wis., suspended. Caaper Cluck, bbebaygan,'Wls., failed and assigned. . Martin Rich & Co., Horleon. Wis., assigned. Taylor & 800, Barabo, Wis., assigned to L. 0. Stan ley. Csesellman,sparta, Wis., assigned to Q. W Lincoln. E. S. Hawley Sc Co., Lyons, lowa, assigned. H. M. Walrath, Hastings, M. T. failed, Henderson & Holcomb, Montreal, 0. E. suspended Forms* 8011, & Co., Quebec, 0. E., tailed. It. Topping & Co., Toronto, 0 W , ouspended..l Duncan McDonnell, Toronto, 0. W., /Impended. 0 eorgo Wilson, Port Dover, C W., failed. PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, October 22, 1887. ' Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No so IValmit street FIRST BOARD. 1 2,000 Norristown R 60.00 1,000 N'Peona R 6'a...46 2 000 Yonna 64. —45-81 1,000 do 46 4,000 do ' a 5-81 1,000 do ' 46 .1,000 do Soxl 1,500 do 46 2,000 do 80% 11,000 ' do ....b5-45% 2,000 ' do' 4 ..130% ' ' 2.0 N Penns 11 77.; 100 01 ty 6's ' 8231 , 1 60 Reading IL 14% 100 do, .Ba% 50 do ... .83..14% 1,200 do .. • , ...... 82% I 8 Norristown R.... 02 700 do .... ...... 82 5 Girard, Dank.... 7 300 do 82 i 5 do .. 1.600 do ....N00..92- , 0 do 7 I;6oolifihrdnictouß 0.00,.: , , • RRTWRRN 80ARDS. 14 N „ _orrn_ , ,wn R.... 33 - 6o Reading It 14% 3 • do , ' 63 50 do 14% ' 3 ' do • 3d 60 - do 14% 11 Minehiliß ' ' 54 60 do 14% „ 13%0OND;BOARD, ',600 NFs R es, ..b3..45% , 10 Norristown 1t....62 800 Oity R Gs 8 0 25 Reading It 14% 10 Norristown R ...:12 2 Ilarrisburg R.... 47 10 do ........52 14 Penult 1t 13% AFTER BOARD. 2 Schap,' Nav prat,' OLOSINU PRIONS—DIILL ' ' , Bid. - Asked. I B id. . Asked. 9biladel 0 6 a..., 82 ' 82345 e N6s 'B2 prof 13X 14 " 6 . 1111....32 82X I Winspq & Elul 11 9 11 " " New....01X 92X1 do latmortVa 59X 6X13 Ponnsylv 5 , ....81 01X do 'do 2dm 49X 50 Wading It 14X 14X bong Island .... TX 8% ' do Bonds '7O 02X 67% I Vicksburg 0 7 do ld 0'1,44 70 72 Girard 8ank.....13X 7 Poona 1111 '33% 33,5 i Lehigh Zino X 1 Morrie Oanl Con 3a '3O Union Canal 3X 6 Scbu NBs e2....62 tag l New Crook " ska 7X 01( Cataw In it 11 a... 0.4 X 8 LATEST. 50 Reading 8.... e8..14,1i 1 100 Reading 11, ..2 d5..14 3 50 do 14M Reading closes dull st about 14N. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK Oorresporidenee of The Prom] NEW Your, Oct. 22,1857-5.20 P. 31 IE Wain pOsitively asserted that the banks have resolved to discount produce bills sent hither by the bank of the interior, and that the latter helot will follow their example. This assertion is believed by many, and many merchants who have been very settrvily 'treated, are willing, to tract again. • Their need is Impressing that they are willing to' (mill at any straw' to secure them selves from, drowning. The country banks ge nerally .are afraid to discount, lest the city banks, reaunting ' specie payment immediately, will call' on them to reduce their circulation. f cannot And any reason to Infer that the banks have any intention to do any such thing as resume specie payments. The first of April and the first of next October are spoken of as the days, one of which the batik autocrats may deign to fix as the' time when they will pay their debts in legal currency, think one day is us near the truth as any other. If they suffer no penalty for disobeying the constitution and the law, just .when; their fidelity to their obligations .is most ifeeessaryi' cannot, see why they should iriconvenienoii themselves to return to the tree path. They certainly, will not do, so from any sense Of moral obligation towards the pub lie. ,Rowever, they may, should they find that their, present position, like Mohammed's collie, is inconvenient to themselves and productive of. absolute loss. I. must say thatlo-day there seems a more hopeful feeling; and that counte nances look brighter. r wish most heartily that they may have no reason to resume their recent gloom., There is a, trifling relaxation of the ex trotne tightness of money, rates in the street being , a shade levier, and more easy of gale, This improvement 'is just perceptible...--nothing more. Business is narrowed down to the most contracted limits, and In most branches of trade--dry gouda in particular—the only relief obtained ia en "exten sion.' The demand for gold is less active, and the premium loiter. Geld can be bought easily at tai per cent., and,is selling at lia2 per cent. I hoar that it is returning to the banks on ordinary de posit, most of these institutions refusing to take, it on special deposit: Domestlo exchange is very irregular, and is Meditative of very great inconve nience to those having collections to make in the South and West. The arrangement between the Metropolitan Bank. and the Bank of-England is very oonvonlent as long as it lasts; but as its dura tion depends altogether on the Suffolk Dank being able 'to remit in New York money, it may cease at any moment.-^ • I am inclined' to think that we exaggerati the probable result in England, as soon as the full 'extent of our trouble is known there. There is no doubt that the easponsion of all the banks and the failure of ectinany merchants, together with the immonse'depreciation of all American securi ties, will canoes good deal of excitement, but, I do not believe that American credit will bo ~ atinthilated""or Aniestictin securities considered *worthless." ' The monster money dealers of Eng. , hied are not so liable to partici as our Now York bankers. 'The understand the principles and practice of finance most thoroughly, and they will not join in any , particular hub' hub. It is more 'likely' that they will dis criminate wisely bet Ween the rideable and worth. less securities now in the market, all equally depreciated, and will bey into those they consider good at the present low price, The advicos by the Kangaroo, toglay, are rather better than those telegraphed by the Europa. The protest of bills drawn by tho'Bank of Pennsylvania on Geo. Pea body, of London; to the amount of £20,000, is the chief item of the bad news. Foreign exchange is very irregular, and dull. Sterling is quoted at 98a103. The oasktranosotions of the Sub• Treasury for he day aro as follows : --- (including $28,000 (or customs.) Parmelee; - sam 131,751 37 Bal 6,048,605 04 The receipts of the Matont-house for duties are : 427,609 09. • Rho stock market is again weaker to-day, and closed dull this afternoon. The chief business done was for cash. The largest decline was its Michigan Soittheruluarantied, which (dosed at 10 against 25 yesterday. Reading closed at 271; N. Y. Con ical at 641; Illinois Central at 701; Brie at 9:,•• Panama at 138 ; Cleveland and Toledo at 27. Bank stooks are nnchangad.. State stooks aro a trifle lower. $53,000 Missouri Os cold at 65; Virginia Os closed st 80. Themew plan of the Illinois Cen tral, proposed to their creditors, is to substitute $3,200,000 in ten-year convertible bonds for $4O praline on - 80,000, optional - rights to mature iu January, February, and duly, 1858. The-induce ments to afeept t this proposal are plausible and ap parently. true. . NEW YORK STOOK RROWINOII BALES, ' ' . ' ' October W. , % , - . SIRST BOARD. • - 4000 NYStes 10 98 200 Cum Coal c 5,y, 6000 Tenn es )90 78)( 160 N y Oeu B b 3 68)4 NW Virginia &' , 80 60 do sa 63x 2000 Missouri es .• 68 614 , do s 3 04 18000 do • 65Xi 60 do ' s l O 04 o • tw 3000 d 05X 1 100 do ... ..... .. 15000 • do ... 05 , X 6090 d o ' 05,14 /8009 , do :; 05 • 1000 Cal la 'lO . ..60% 12000 do 00 '. 20 do 400 do 800 do 20 do 60 do 20 Mich Oen 11 20 Erie do 2000 Erie 2d m bd'B2 60X rpOIKI - do 4 ~0 00 4000 Erie count 22 10000 Hadlet mart 80 4000 Utllll,ol 24 mart 66 /00 do 880 do 8000 11l Oen 6000 do 18 N H & Hartford 106 200 Beading IL a 28 fa do •- • 60% /600 do • 00) 3006 BA Y bd* wp 00 93 Mock* Bk 90 38 Bk of America •80 82 Bank of Qom 80 100 do - c 28)i 60 518&NInIt O,Nr 10 do prd 20 70 do 10 6 Panama It 70 105 do 60X ...... 26 Imp& Tra 13k 75 10 Metropolltanßk7s 7 Del rcAlad ; • 23% 25 4o • • , 25 % 50 • do 93% 11 - do 03 50 do 150 do 100 do 26 Go te, 041 26 do WO Olev & Tel 60 Obi & R I 65 16 do 15 do 65 '6O La Crome &MU 6% 20 111 Oen It la 100, do, 10 70 BOARD.. 60 Harlem F. 'BO Mob 0011 R 84 200 Olev & Pitts It 10 60 do 1.30 10 200 In Oen 10 % SOO Cloy & Tol IL 27 308Chi&BLB 05 100 6111 & Ws* B. 16 100 La ()row & 9111 .46,1111011 So R pfd 19 " 60 Erie B. 9% 100 Heading II 03 27% 60 Panama B , 687( 8 d 0 ,- • 92 X 132 92 10 p m S h ip Co 70% II 5 'do _ 70% 800 Can d ton Co bB l4 31000 Missouri 6s IS 5000 N St 6it '74 102 1000 Ken 790 8 3, St 111 93 ' 1000 Virginia Co 78% 1000 do '79 8090 Taoists 1 90 721( 8000 Brie bd. '75 28 ' 1000 Irk cony Pit 22 5 Del & Had Co 92 - 10 Paella SUNS El 69$ 0 do 15 7 0 N Con 6 69 4% 190 „ 60 end Itirer R• , 14% MAlMlSTS.—asnes—Are unchanged, with miles of 17 bbis at $41.62y, for pots, and ad for pearle. ' BOSSDattirrs—State and Modern Gear opened about 5.10 cent/ per bbl Armee, with a good demand for the letuttern tnale ; , exportere, however, are buying very sparingly, and although the bulk of the sales were made at the advanced ram, the market closed some- What tamely; the sales are 10,000 bbls at 84,060g4,70 for comes to good State ; $4.90056.10 for extra State; 14.65074.76 for common. to 'good Michigan, Indiana, kc., and $6.85.110,76 for extra do ; extra %Wig .btando for. family use range at from t 6.00 to 177.60 por bbl:. • • Southern Sour is unchanged, and is heavy, with sales MIAS bbl at $6.40056.60 for mined to good brande of lialtimmucAlelandria Georgetown, grederiokeborg, "'t 1 7 5 • 860 57 for favorite, fancy, and extra brands do, litelading eaten Yeterateg at the h t her rate: Canadian dar &Met. for choice qualities, and there hi no aoperlin: on the market; we notice sales of 1,600 bble -it —" 1 007,13.117 for the ninge of extra brands, Modal at 16460e56.7e, • " Myedouria Jelling to the trade It 113.60014,76 for the eingi'efflate and superfine. • Corn IMIO6IIII tummy , ywe notice sales of 460 bbls ler- Soy kilo dried 43046 ; Sraudywino is quoted nominal qt 0.76000•07., • .; iridatts . l62 Cehte higher', With a g ood ' fientand and limited supply the Alm inelndel2,Boolnehele red, then' It s l ; 9 _,Kersl.B2, - Meatty:red Tenneeme lisoo! 2 A rJAPlisptiglri t: 4 ? •Soutbetn et'sl.46d • $1.60 ; 1,000 bushels white Ohio at $1.25 ; MAIO bushels Chicago spring at $1.06051.07; mid 4,200 bushels Western red, called "Itio Grande," at P. N. T. Aye is arm, with a moderate demand; *ales of 500 bushels were made at 80 cents. Oats aro soiling at 35040 c for Southern, Mafia for Jersey, 4eer4Be for Stele, and 48e& for Western. Corn is lower, with sales of 28,000 bus mixed Westeru at 70071 g, closing with free offers to sell at the inside rate, delivered. Barley is unchanged; 1,000 bus barley malt were sold at $l.lO • Corroff.—There is little or no Cotton offering, and quotations are nominal at about lle for nibbling, and 12e for middling fair. PROVISIONS —There is nothing but a retail demand for Pork, and about 100 bbls were sold in lots at $21.40 er521.50 for mess, and slo.Boesl7 for prime. A liberal concession would probably be made from these rates on any considerable lot. Dressed Dogs are selling at 7 Men7„tic. for prime corn fed. Beef is heavy and dull, with sales el 1130 bblo at sl2.oomsla for new country mess; $9.500510 for new country prime; $l2 30m513.60 for re packed Western; and $146415 for extra Western mem. Prime mess beef nominal at $214423. Beef llama steady with sales of 100 bbls Craginbi," and extra brand of Chicago, at $l7. Bacon is very dull and heavy, at about I3c. for Western smoked. Cut meats are retailing at about 10hc. for Dams, nod 910. for' Shoulders. Lard is irregular; common qualities for manufacturing pur poses are heavy and dull, at 12g mile., and choice are selling at 14X vsl4Xc ; the sales are 200 tee. and bbls. Butter and Cheese are In fair demand at the qUOtatiollß. WMSREV — Bates of 200 bbls. were made at 21m22c, or Ohio and State. FLOUR AND GRAIN AT TIDEWATER.—The Al batty Journal says: The receipts !leans', at tide-water, during the second Week In October, in the years mooed, were as follows : 1850. 1857. Flour, bhls 33,052 60,985 Wheat, bu 357,6:39 175,803 Dorn, bu 330,081 107,014 Barley, ba 182,249 44,600 The receipta at tide-water from the opening of the canals up to the 15th inst. have been no follows : 1855 1856. 1857. Flour, bble. ..... .... 702,141 695,445 463,562 Wheat, bushela 2,081,500 7,190,116 2,678,004 Corn, do 8 488,513 8,398,012 4,829,063 Barley do 571,717 1,009,476 702,574 fly reducing the wheat to flour, the deficiency In repel to 1,124,305 bble of flour. ALBANY LUMBER mmumr.—Tho receipts by moat from tho opening of navigation to October 15th, in the years named, were as follows : Boards and Shingles, Timber, Staves, Scantling, ft M. O. ft. 168. 1850 175 925,690 28,602 21,710 137,067,080 1851 .15,454.825 28 Bd2.- 108,000 05,430,295 1852 263,909,732 27,242 218,760 85,704,810 1651 326,755,159 25,283 18,527 92,599,358 1854 260,346,351 17,949 22,773 107,637,424 1855.......„198,308,897 97,944 8,248 117,525,525 1850 180,186,950 30,032 10,680 91,079,820 1857 207,816,602 51,826 06,810' 146,477,720 The receipts of board nod mantling up to the 15th inst., now exceed them of a :corresponding , period iu 1855, Ando all other artiolee named In our table. But as the Western supplies have been cot off, closing up of the season may exhibit ii different aspect. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. ;,. OCTOInni 2.2.—Rvening.—The demand for Quercltron Bark has fallen off, and a few small lots have been sold at $3O for Ist quality. Breadstuff's are but little inquired for to-day, and the only transactions reported aro to the extent of SOO hbls extra family Flour, part at $0 4P' bbl, and part at a price kept private Shippers are not in market, except for this description of Flour, and com mon shipping superfine is neglected and dull at $5 20 4F . bbl. The local trade are buying only to supply their present wants at from $5.25 to $7 4.1 , bid, according to brand and quality. Corn Steal and Rye Flour are quiet, with small sales of the latter, which Is very scarce, at '51.26051.60 41 1 ' bbl. Wheats aro in small supply, and the market is nearly bare of prime lots, the demand being chiefly for that kind, with rather bettor prices, which range 'at 120(s1250 for reds, and 130e135c for whites; the latter for good lots of Southern and Penn sylvania, mostly from store. Corn Li less in request, and about 1,000 bus old yellow have been taken at Ms 77e, which Is udecline. New Corn is quoted at 65068 c, as to condition. Oats sell as wanted at steady prices, and about 1,000 bus Southern brought 83e, afloat Rye is selling to Um distillers at. 70c for Peons. The last sales of Southern were at 73c, but holders now ask more. (traceries wire held with more firmness, and there is more disposition to operate In Sugars, the prices of which have an upward tendency; htit other articles are quiet. Provisions continuo at a stand still, without any change in quotations worthy of a re mark. Seeds are quiet, and Cloverseed is selling moderately at $4 76 if!' ho. Whiskey is firmer. Drudge ban been selling more freely at 20c, Ws at 21c, and bbla at 213(e22,tiff 4ff' gallon. 3mportatiano. [Reported ter The Prem.] LIVERPOOL—Ship Sarauak, Rowland-1 pkgo mdse 8 Smith; 4 W Watson & Co; 13 Wray & Oillilan,• 5 W II .1 Read; 1 3 Lippincott & Co; 1 1? Blakely; 13 IV McKee & Co; 10 W Churchman & Co; 31 Lewis & Co; 51 (1D Parrish; 1 J B Baxter. ' 10 Sharp, Haines. & Co; 2 Townsend & Son; 4 L ) Levy & Co; 3IV Parker; 2 Hooker & Co; 5 Whitmore, Wolfe & Co, 1 T Hall; 1 I Barton & Co; 1 E W Payne; 1 J F Johns; 2 Wight & Brown; 18 (leo 11 Reese, Son, & Co; 29 J II Orno ; Sharpies.; Brothers; 7 W J P Ingraham;' 6 T Thomp son; 20 Aldridge. Higdon, & Co; 10 It L Knight; 1 Shep herd & Vaidiarlingen ; 2 J J Bailey; 8 J Orns ; 1 Hamilton, Easter, & Co; 3 J M Sharpless; 1 It Creigh ton & Co; 1 Canby, Neville, & Hughes. _ K Mcllralu & Sons; 1 A Young; 5 Field & Hanitiy; 3 Smith, Seltzer, & Co; 3 T Baxter; 3lt & W Biddle & Co; 20 tons icon G Btulib; 25 J hitting & Bro ; • 614 do steel Potts & Roberto ; 12 cwt files II J 22 tons tin plates N Trotter & Co; 18 do iron N & Taylor. 11 cwt do Ulrich & Ruff; 62 tons do Stoover & WhiHaker; 5 do Nowlin,Marsball, & Co; 88 do iron Morris & Jones & Co; 10 cwt lidw Handy & Brennev;o cases steel Curtis & Hand; 5 J Chadwick; 8 tons do Dilworth, Branson. & no; 4 G Diet0111;18 IP 5 Justice & Co; 69 tons iron U It Mahoney & On; 17 Middleton & Ilarned; 10 J Leedom & Son; 2 do Wire Haddam, Carl, & Porter; 5 do iron E W Coleman; 2 pkgs maze J 51 Ford; 1 Caldwell & Crlskoy; 7 Shields & 8 11 Millions; 2 W B Hallowell & Co; 1.1 II Smith; 2 James,Kont, & 0o; 5 A Wray & Co; 4 E Marshall; 30 J . & J P Steiner & Co; Si) G Graham & Co; 98 Stuart & Bro;•7 A Cohen; 15 A It McHenry; 4 II M Watts; 8 T Mellor; 10 R Ewing; 7 J McGregor; 2 Bates & Coates; 8 11 Wiener; 2 3 Lea; 2 Grundy Warden, & Co; 2 Reward D Samuels & Sons; 1 Wright, Bros, & Co; 1 Smith VEnglinh; 21 crates earthw 0 Hammersly & Co; 34 S Aebury & Co; 35 P Wright & Bees; 266 pkgs Indy.) 22 tons Iron ordor. PAILADELPIIIA 'WARD OP TRADE, Wit. O. KENT, A . J. INEICENOR, 001INITTEN OE TEE ISIONTR ELLIS YARNALL, Marine lintelltgente PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 23, 1857 SUN RISES 0 40—SIIN SETS 5 20 II tall WATER 620 ARRIVED. Steamship Palmetto, Baker, 60 hours from Boston, wirh mdse and passengers to LI Wiusor AllO P 111 yes terday passed the ship Nonpareil, for Liverpool, at an chor off New Castle. Steamship Delaware, Copes, 19 hours from New York, with merchandiso and passengers to Jai Aliderdico. Behr Mary Miller, Laws, 8 days from Boston, In bal l' ill to I) Miller & Co. Sloop Ladies' Choice, Brooks, I day from New Castle, with outs, &c. to Robeson Lea. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Copes, N York, J Allderdlco. Ship Wm Cum clogs, Johns, Callao, Wm Cummings. Brig Alfred Eirall, Bead ling, Havana, D W Proecott. Schr Mary Ellen, Cottingham, Deep Creek, H Crosksy. Behr J II Houston, Russell, Charleston, SC, Pettit, Mtrtin & Behr Jesse Williamson, Yeager, Providence, Repplier & Bro. ricer Waterloo, Condon, Bath, Dock, Ott & DeHaven. Seer Cerro Gordo, Irons, Suffolk, Va, captain. Salm J Cadwalader, Godfrey, Providence, Morrie & kfurrsy. Seer Mary Miller, Laws, Providence, Wallace' & Co. Seer Ellen Matilda ,Wells, Boston, C A Becksher dc Co. Sir Novelty, Bell, New Yotk. W b 1 Baird & Co. Str It Willing, Claypoolo, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. pilit IRLSORIPILJ Vorreßpondance of the Philadelphia Exchange, CAPE IPLANii. Oct. 22. 9111, 141,001 10 The ship Sneanak, from Liverpool, with 550 passen gars, is now off this place beating in. Yours, ke, TllOB. B. HUGHES. fll7 TELICORAPII.j tOorreopondeuce of The Preen.) New Yoo. Oct 22. Arrived,lT 9 steamer Arctic, from Halifax; ship Quito, from (Minoltas; schr Napoleon, from Gonalves. Dome, Oct. 22. Arrived, ship Lombard, from Trapani; barque Young Oreok, from Malaga. NOHFOLY, Va, Oct. 22. The barque Mount Vernon, from New Orleans bound to Messina, boo put into this port leaking badly. Schr Ann D Washington, bound to New York, which has been ashore, has arrived hero in a leaky condition. Her cargo will have to be discharged. MEMORANDA Steamship Pennaylvania, Teal, sailed from RlOlOlOll4l _lst Inst. for Philadelphia. Steamship Indian, Jones, from Quebec, at Liverpool 7th inst. Steamship Borussia, Tninthuan, from Hamburg for N York, put into Greenock, Sootland, with her machinery disabled. Storonshlp Persia, Judklns, from New York 30th ult, at Liverpool 10th inst, Steamship Isabel, Rollins, from Now York, at Charles• ton 19th root, and nailed same day for Key West and Moan& Steamship North Star, Lefevre, from Bremen, via Southampton ,Bth hot, arrived at N York yesterday. Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey, from Liverpool Ith i net, at New York yesterday. 10th Coat. lot 42 20, long 0110, now ship 0 eorge Washington, bound X, 16th loot, let 45 60, long 48 68, now Br barque Brothbeek, bound out. 20th Met, off Qeorgo Shoal, paned steamer Jason, for Now York. 310 643 i 800 633 e 3 64X 6 b3 6,9 i 2teninshlp St Louis cleared at New York yestenlay for Aspinwall. Bhlp Marathon, Vandyke, from New Orleans for'Bos ton, put Into Gloucester, Mess, 21st inst. on account of weather. Ship Lueothea, Gay, from Boston, at New Orleans net Wet. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes. terday. Ship Invincible;Johnetone, for Melbourne, cleared at Liverpool sth last. Ship Mathilde, °lawmen, for San Prattelace, aided from Liverpool 4th inst. Ship Tartar, Mix, cleared at New York yesterday for Shmighee. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, for Philadelphia, salted from Liverpool 4th hilt. Ship Jacob Badger, Staples, from Ohinchaii, at' Havre lot loot .69X G9X 06X 64X b 35 65 Ship Dreadnaught, Samnale, cleared at New York 31st Mat. for Liverpool. Ship B B Sumner, Smith, fromPiew Orleana for Cadiz, before reported in Hampton Roads, came up to the naval anchorage at Norfolk 20th lost, to have lower mast put In and sails repaired; would discharge part of her cargo. Ship Josiah D Hale, (new,. 1100 tone) Lunt, sailed from Newburyport 20th inst. for New Orleans. Ship Samuel Dunning, Skolgeld, from Callao, arrived at Antwerp 3d Inst. Ship Pioneer, Montgomery, from Oallao, at Antwerp 4th Met. Ship Midnight, Match, from Alryab, wan below Ant werp bth loot. Ship Arcola, Pitman, Balled from 'Venice 29th ult. for G urgent!. Ship Hornet, Benson, from Calcutta for London, passed Deal sth inst. Ship Invents, Young, from Callao for London, palmed Deal sth Inst. Barque Asof, Simmons, from New York, at Lisbon 2f th ult. Barque Winifred, Munson, for itlo de Janeiro, exiled from Richmond 21st Inst. Barque Tammy, Whittaker, hence, was going into Curdenss 14th inst. Barque Hannah Thornton, Tarr, from Now Otiflllll9, at Boston Mat loot. Brig Abby Ellen, Gilchrist, cleared at Portland 20th inst. tar Philadelphia. Brig Baldwin, Montgomery, hence at Boston 21st lust, HMO F Nelson, Hooper, and Judge Whitman, Pressy, hence at Boston 21st inst.' Brig Evelino, Bay, hence at Gloucester 20th inst. Behr Alida Carberry, hence at New London 20th inst. Behr New Traven, Griffin, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 21st inst. Bchrs Arcturus, Cobb, and California, Rodgdon, hence at Boston 21st Inst. Bchrs Mary, Edwards; 0 8 Twitchell, Boyle, and 0 Harper, Holmes, hence for New Haven, at New York yesterday. Behr John Costner, Johnson, from Trinidad de Cuba, at New York yesterday. . Bohr George, Myers, hence at Norfolk 20th inst. Behr Wm Beatty, Williams, from Flushing for Phila delphia; at New York 21st inst. • Behr Cambridge, tort, hence atßortiand 20th inst. • Bohm L ray, Cain; Canton, Parr, and California, itodeon bendeAt Boston Blot inst. ' • - getik ki )(award, Burdick, hence at East Greenwich 19th Inst. , PRESS.4/tRADELPHICA, PRIOAY, OCTOBER 23, 1857. SohrJnhn 1l nano • Magee, hone° at Nall 111 vor 10th last Sohr S I, flitwker, Phillips, bunco fur Taunton, paid up Pall Ili vor ]llth loot, MAILINNI I,IIWEI.LANY. LAUNCIIEI,—Th., Fhip I.'iellyllllo wae, hiroly latinchtli fro, tha yo a.l of Meh.r4 Noyc4 & SO., Oqq ttuo,M., 20111 loot &o fv nbout 1000 thug, , 1 , 4474 °wiled by the builderg, ae wiAl ua Me.,ra J l Wlntue,k kc of Now Orionno Advices front Block Wand up to 8 P hf Monday, state that about nil the cargo on board the Parodi bad been got out, damaged, and a largo portion of it forwarded to Providence in lighters. Tho vessel has been stripped of every thing except her lower masts, and will prove a total loss, as her bottom is nearly all gene, and oho was breaking up. Barque J Dunham, which sailed on Thursday for Hey West, will take out two steam pumps and other mate rials for the agents of the various Boards of Underwrit ers at that place, under the aupervioion of Mr. Kwen, the kingineer of the lioant of Underwrite' s. London, Oct 6—The Wilton, Morris, front Jamaica, which wan in collision on the anti, of August with the American ship Catharine, of Thomaston, from Cardiff for New York. which Sunk two hoitra afterwards, is dis charging at the North Quay of the Import Dock of the West India Docks She IN going Into dry dock to make good the damage she sustained. Deal, Oct 4—Put in and anchored, the Hiawatha, Hall, for Havana, with rudder damaged' Liverpool, Oct 6—Am ship Lexington, fm N Orleans, is en her way to this port from Traleo. Tho Oceanico, front Callao, that wont ashore near Gordon Dock on the 3d lost, was got oil yesterday and towed lute the dock. Queenstown, Oct 3—Tho Lord Bontick, Harvey, of Swansea, for,Quebec, with railroad Iron, mailed from kliddlesborungh on Tuesday, Sept 1, sprung sleek, and en the 29th Id September, 100 miles 'wed of Cape Clear, the gorge sbi Ikea, and pumps gone, abandoned the ship, and she nook in 40 minutes after the crew left, they having only time to save a portion of their clothes. Tim next day they wont picked up by the brig Lucille, for Cork, for orders, where they arrived lard evening. rith, hit 4240, long 09, ship Mary, from Boston for N Orleans. 20th, off Ooorge Shoal, boarded ship' Webster, from Liverpool for N York. NAVAL. Tho U B ship Plymouth With' from Boutlumpton 4th lint. fur Nov York. NNW YORK, Oct 21—Cleared, ships 9 Crowell and John J Boyd, Liverpool; N Morse, N (Irks.; Flolaud, Apalachicola; M W Ilolt, Matanzas; edit. Marla, Ma raohltui ' • Oct 1•2.- Ar schrs D Laney Gardner, %tame; N W Smith, Wyatt, Cbarteetoui •Frinicle A Good*ln, Fairchilds, Newborn, NO; Virginia, Darla, Baltimore. :baled from Quararitlue, Br barque Bignet, Lewis for Portsmouth, Beg, fin Auckland, N B. Cid, brig Ceylon, Crowell, Hantsport; oebr J W Webster, Bennett, Charleston. BOSTON, Oct 21—Arr barues Oulleina, Galveston, 17th ult; Nand City, linekspork, Me; brigs Potomac Meer; Daniel Boone, Baltimore; ache Eureka, Carter. Alexandria. Via Quarantine—Brig Helen Jane, Stafford, Truxillo, 2,1,1 ult. Telegraphed—Ship Lombard, supposed from the Me diterraoenu. Cloared—Barque Oraco Hammond, Mahoney, New Orleans; brigs Anglo Saxon, Connor, Port au Prince; M I Wilkins, (Br) Mockler. Tatinagouche; Rehr Galati, Joshua Hallett, Fredericksburg. • Sailed—Steamer Niagara; Alps Starlight, Milton; barque California; brigs Chicopee, Anglo Saxon, Annie Laurie, Abbott Lawrence, and others. NORFOLK, Oct. 20—Br barque D It DeWolfe, Holmes, Jamaica; Br barque Julie Coyne, Bowden, Belfast, Ireland. LATH—Sid from below 11th, ship Molecke, (new) Eavannah. BELFAST-81d 18th, brig Martha Mlle, Pensacola. FALL RIVER—Ar Bth, ochre 11l 0 Durfoo, Hall, Alexandria; James T Brady, Dertino, Rappahannock, for Dighton, Brig Lech Lomond Is on the marine rail way, overhauling. OR ARI,EBTON—Ar 19th, Fr barque Madeleine, Port, Point Petro, Goad; brig (apt Tom, Chaplea, Camden, Me. Went to sea, Ilan galliott Johannes, Wynchmann, Amsterdam, 11101IMOND, Oct 21—Ar achr Danville, Now Ydrk ; brig Echo, King, N York. Old barque Adeline 0 Adams. Homingway,lhistel, Eng. CHARLESTON, Oct 20-OPd barque Revolution, Webb, Barcelona; steamer Carolina, Curtis Jackson ville via Yernandina, Via. Went to boa, brig Umpire, Moore, a Northern port ; ache Col Lester, Delaney, Ha vana ; schr La Plata, Ilutchinga, Georgetown, SO ; schr Martha Juno, Pierce, Georgetown, O. NEW ORLEANS, Oct 15-0111, ships llomisphero, Havre; Henrietta, Liverpool; schr Mai Harbour, Vera Cruz. FOREIGN PORTS. By the Kangaroo. LIVERPOOL—Entered for loading oth—Ship Moun tain Eagle, Yates, Cuba; England Campbell, Mobilo ; Ifeory Cook, Flaherty, Now Orleans; Burma's, Beck with, do. Sailed ship Jane II enderson, Fuller, 'Baltimore ; Soule, New York; °lobe, Coupon, Cheriestou; Baru bury, Williams, New Orleana ; Coronolla, Williams, do; Baltic, Zerega, New York ; Neptuue, Peabody. do. Sid from do 6th, Neptune, Spell, Boston; Lady Reg ion, Wooden, Savannah; Bamberg, Williams, New Or leans, From the LondonShliniog o:nette,.pet 0. Cld at London oth, John VIII:oot mon,lo York. Arr at Riga, Sept 20th, Robert Taylor, Harrlaon, Swlltemurlo. Arr at Cronahult, 27th, Telegraph, Wee, New York; :tavannah, Dixon, Newcastle. Sld from Hamburg 2d, Elise ; Roche ; Doyen)°, New York. Ar at Antwerp bth, Sobaatopol, Raines, Napoleon Crawford, do ; llero, Thompson, do; Charlotte A Manlier, Rogers, N york. Arr at Ifelvoet 3d, Akyab, Kline, New York. Sid Hera Ilavre 4tb Zenobla, Peters, New Orleans. Sid from Shields Oct ft, Hanson Gregory, N Y. From the Shipping tiazettee. Oct ED Sid Hein' Queenstown, 2d, Molly Stark, Cuebman Melbourne; Whilholumine, Thompson, Gape of Good Hode; Philo, Kidd, Trate°. Slid from Gravesend, Oct 31, Child of the Regiment, Glover, Port Philip. Arr at do 4th, Glencoe, McKenzie, Roo.choo-fOol Mary Ann, Cadwallader, Rangoon; Caroline, French, New York. Ar at Call% September 26, King BIM, brown, Now York. • Ar at Copenhagen September 20, Raketten, liorndall, New 'jerk. • Put back to Cluzbaveu 24, Boruesia, Trautman, from Hamburg for New `f ark. Ar at hamburg Oct 1, Oder, Meyer, New Tart. Mil Ist, Gutenberg, Meyer. do. Ar at llelvoet let ' Arnold, Barringer, Benetton, Now Yolk; 2d lifarlenna,Lleeslop, Baltimore. Entered outward at Loudon, Lth, Ocean Traveller, Boardman, Port Philip. Gibraltar &KAU, the Menu, British schooner, Bald, from Malaga for Philadelphia ' went on shore at the irer Pabuones, but on being lightened of port of her Argo, got off et high tide. Amsterdam Out. 2, by intelligence from Sourabaya, dated July 22:Ahe ship Ocean, Loonbardt, bad been lost in the Roads of Monaco. ay at Gibraltar Sept 3, Julia 11 Tyler, Leery, Leg horn, and cl i for N York 26tb,Young Oreek o lluuipbrey, Malaga, and chi fur Milton. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. - - - Up to 12 o'clock Last Night. , tiIRARD lIOUSE--Chentnut street, between Bth & oth J A Stanfield, N C bliss 8 J Stanfield, N 0 J V Brown,St Louis C T Tilton, Boston Nathaniel Eaton, Cuba John 'l' Price, N t A !Montt°, N Y - Edw II Miller, N Y .1 I. Thorn & la, N Y A (.1 Seaman, Balt JAI Forster, Ilarrinburg It Day &la Cambridge , .1 A Durmont, Phila Clark Williams, N Y Chas Darren& In, N Y Mr Whltney,Old Cambridge T Fisivant, Memphis Miss Fisivant, Memphis 1 K Campbell, Washingtn 9 V hunter, Washington Hat Leslie, Petersburg, l'a lI E Brush & la, Ohio Ws Byrne Dr B,M Byrne, U 8 A Moorhoune & la, iustrl'a John Tom, Englund J It Wardley, England David Thorn, Mobilo, Ala A Chisholm, Lee, Me W Depow. At Ai 1" Symon & la, N Y C J Moore, Vu 9 II Vaughan. N Y W F Blunt & la, N (I W Moore, Washington D K Cady, jr, & la, CM, 0 11 (I Andrews. Plymouth Mrs Andrews, Siostou Aln,s Audrews, Boatels 1' J W Markman, N Y J Alecto, N Y JAI Engels ,k la, N Y 3 cook & la, Newark, NJ J J Greshau, Ca T J harden, Pall River Win It Kibbey, N Y 9 W Butler & is, Richmond L W Mickley, nil. Coleman, N Y G A Moons, Reading Is McKnight, Beading Ito Helfenstelu, Shamokin Wm 11 Paine, N Y ti A Bonohnnu, N Bruswlck Gorham 6oanimnu, N Y I Stott, Hudson, N Y (leo Dickinson, N II Locgnecker, Lancaster llaselhumt, N Y Louis Ilirchhorn, N Y (Mot Doughertr, U 8 M 0 Geo W Goff, N Y A D Myer, N 1 Wm 0 Banton, N Y A Crocker, Fitchburg E N Bryan, St Louis MERONANTIP HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch, U W Huntley, N Y E Allen, Hartford J 0 Richart, Ohio J II Graham, Pa 0 T Jewett & la, Pa ki W Shindel, Lancaster Mm Witmer, Lancaster Mrs It Boger's, N Y Si II Neiman, Easton 0 A Southgate, N Y S 0 Andrews, N Y 8 Boileau, Easton J Quinley A. la, Bucks co K P Ellis, Lewistown Dr K I , Williams, N C Ur II It. Anderson, 8 0 Dr J E Douthit, N C Dr R A trouser, N 0 James Kirk, Mifflin Pa lion J 8 Yost, Pa J Root, York, Pa W W Ballard, Ohio elm. Bennet, Wilkesbarre Oeo Brandt, N 0 • AMERICAN HOTEL—Choutnut street, above Fifth. IV Mc(hods, N 0 II .1 Somers, Ohio I' Paldy, Danville Pa 0 W Cummings, Pa .1 11Anderson, Indians W W Greenwalt.Pittab'gh A Ureengwalt, Pittab'gh J A Davenport,'N i P V I) Lockwood, N Y 0 Borgne?, Harrisburg 1: P Bowen, Hay de Grace Wm Lloyd, N Y 1111 O'Rielly, N Y J 8 Lewis, Balt SC Collins, Balt II Andrews, Dalt L d Cropper, 11141 W P Perdue Ar Is, Pa II P Iletileid, Brandywine J It Woodcock, N Y If 11 Bates, Danbury, Ct J II Barr, Ede, Pe. $ II Field, N Y D ii Tuttle, N Y C f_l Benton, N Y V M Richards, N Y N Marston, N Y B Randall, Reading C W Marston, Westerly, RI L Llnderman, Columbus UNION HOTEL—Areh street. above Third. 8 Weimer, Memo'Mown D L Echternad, Pa J Weimer, Uummelstown D J Hummel, IlummoleCn J IV Chadwick, Pittsburgh ' Mrs Kennedy, Tamaqua J L Frey, Bethlehem 2d Lambert, New Rope 8 Forney, Bethlehem 8 0 Eckel, N J J TBtrickleu, Pittsburgh L H Laubaek, Unionville itobt Cromer, Illinois Hiram 0 Findlay, Illinois JAI Palmer, Council Bluff 80onklittg,Mt Pleasant,N3 Joe Aehton, Philadelphia Mins 0 Milton, MI6 Miss Caroline Ashton, Phila John II Owner, NJ John 0 Hopewell, NJ W 8 Wyckoff, Clinton, NJ David Thomas, Catasauqua 0 H P Swisher, Ohio Harbaugh & la: Pa 8 Jamee, New Cumberland David Freeman, Ohio 8 0 Iluyett, Carlisle henry Kerkeslager, Pa Joe De Whirlin, N 0 T McFadden, Pittsburgh Jae F Conner, NJ STATES llNlON—Market street. shove Sixth. Sand Corvine, Ohio Chas Grove, Columbia Jag F Weaver, blllosburg T M Melt, Mileeburg W F Sellers, Blair co Jos 8 Laird, McCoysville J 0 Laird , Ltudeftburg eel Heston, Pa 11 Swan, Clearfield Wash Burge, Pa 0 0 Ilookey, Dover B Myers, Minton IT Matson, Brookville John McMurray, Clearfield W B Hagerty, Clearfield 011 Edwards, Trent Run MADISON HOUSE---Second street, above Market. John Smith & la Intl Chas B Lawrence, Ohio Wm Niceley, Ohio . Edward P Weston, Boston Deo Janke, Ohio Adam Ennis, 111 Edmund Hawkins, N Y J Cilipin, Trenton N J ?I II Porter, Erie, Pa John Rawlins, Erie, Pa E W Stewart, St Louie D II Oouelly, Pa RP Milligan, Pa Richard T Letntoon, Pa ii It Davis, Balt, Md Thos L Manley, Dale ' Md 0 M Rump, Lancaster, Pa Peter Andrewa, Ira A Murdock, Ye *NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third, 'P T Davis, Pa Jos II Brown, White Hall N Polard, Wheeling, Va 37' Baldwin, Easton R Thompson, Doylestown 3 T Lowell. Allentown J P Lighthouse, N Y W Itolfseyder, Pottsville Sorel Sage, N Y Ciao W Morgan, Pa DIE Boyer, Reading J T James, Reading NII Imperils, 0W&It It T J Moore & la, Boston W T Ramsey, 0W& R N Johnßeigel, Raiding li P Boyer, Reading A Kelly, 'Vermont Wm Martin, N Y 8 Krouse, Pottsville L B Orbit, Pottsvillo Miss Strome), Pottsville .1 A Christman, Phcenlxvie II S Beekman, Easton F DI Blantuoo, Trappe Immo Rice, Kingston, Pa Di Long, Wilkonberre J P Rice, Kingston, Pa 0 Weldy, Tamaqua, Pa BLACK BEAR. INN—Fifth and Merchant. 0 Stover, Pottstown J B Dmtri!, Pa T P Duckett, Pa Henry It, rke, Phrenixv ) o Miss Armstrong, Pa Miss Wilkinson, Pa Joe B (fray, West Cheater Jacob Devoe, West Chester Thos Elway, Altoona Dr °rider & la, Pa BLI McDonald, Mifflin co Win A WoOds, Pa Alfred Bunting, Del co M Hammond Del W B Hammond, Pa ft Blackburn, Pa Jame' Brown, Md N Priz-r, Doylestown W Johnson & la, N Y 3 Woe Thomson, Mester co David White, Md II 3 Ewing & la, Pa 0 0 Dart's & la, Del co James Rhodos, Del co Miss H N Rhodee, Del co I 'John Il Ledom, N r Abram Schack, Pa A B Soong, Leectiburg Levi Musser & la; Bliss Skull Houston, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Otillowhlll. Oluts Snell, Reading A Buckman, PeaSterv'a Wm Locicman,llatuburg Ceo Pad, Pa Jacob Huth, Summation , DOILESTIO PORTS Opecial Nottceo "Hard Times; a Seasonable, not a Reasona ble Peen." A Lecture to be delivered by PARK PIMA• tas, Esq., at Concert Bell, Tueeday Evening, October 2Tth, at 8 o'clock. ' 0c2.1.4t* Cabinet Waro and UPHOLSTERY, L 24 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPEI4DENON SQUARE. OEO. J. lIENICEL'S, 52A WALNUT Street, 0e22.11na Late or 173 Obeatuut Street Prize ClothMg.—The entire Stock of fashion able Clothing is ilemlng out, regardless of cost, at, the birth-place of Liberty, southwest corner of SEVENTH and 111Alt,MIT,No. 700. A gilt with every purchase. 0e22.0t.0 linower & Incas. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, bridle, NM Lading, Bill Mode, On culare, Cardu , And all other kinds of Job Printing, at pecan to emit the times. ocl7-ly Buffalo Robes —lOO Bales Buffalo Robes of tho various qualities, just recolved from Minnesota. Also a htmlsotuo aasortmeut of Fancy Robes of our own matmfacturo, and for sale wholesale and retail by ORO, F. WOMBAT[(, oetl2-Im* 41b Arch Street. Acumen's Saving Fund Office 203 Walnut Ansel, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all duxes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Mee open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tile evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, dames A. Pringle. Bower's Infant Cordial.---Thls Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and ancient eminence known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable eanninative extant for infants and young Children. By Its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of Chodic, windy pains and spasnm. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties yen quilises pains of the bowels, loaminess, vomiting, &o. The Infilat Cordial has become a standard remedy, and km been used In thousands of oases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by iitiNFOr A. Bowen, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. testier of Sixth and Green ate , Philadelphia. To whom All orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 13-1 y Saving Fund—Fire Per Cent. Intereat—Na noual Safet Trust Company, in WALNUT Street, south west COMP of THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. lambi over Ose Mum AHD A lIALP Or DOLLARS, invested in REAL EST/111,11082.0A0118,GrOuND 116 SITS, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. his Institution confines its business entirely to the reuel ring or money on deposit. The office Is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. Ilintrtages In Lancaster, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. Mr. Kro tell, Mr. BARNETT FOLTZ. of Springfield, Ohio, to Mint BMW. E. BRINDLE, of Lancaster. On the 22,1 Institut. at Christ Church Chapel, Roches.. ter, N. Y., by the IL A. Neely, WILLIAM H. ORABBIL of Philadelphia, to AUGUSTA ELIZABETH daughter of Blies°. Smith, Esq., or Rochester. tk At Carlisle, Pa., on Oct.dier 22d, by the Rev. Dr Mc- Clintock, Mr. CHAS. W. CARRIGAN to Mies LIZZIE C. K. SEYMOUR. is On the 18th hatant. by Rey Fattier hlcAvany, of Bt. Paul's Ohursii, PHILIP G. MURPHY to MARY C. DONAIME, ilaugster of the late John Donahue, all of this city. On the Ith Instant, by Rei. Oeorge A. Durborow, Mr. MILTON D. HOLDEN Ito MP; JANE DOONAN, both of this city On the 20th instant, in Baltimore by the Rey. J. W. M. Williams, CLIMILE3 8 CUNNINOFIAId, of 'tor toni county, Maryland, to MN, LOOT V , second daughter of William Datueron, Eeq., of Baltimore. Dcallio At Charleston, Kanawha county, Virginia, on the 12th Instant, JULIA. RIMNIIit ROWELL, eldest daughter of Arthur H. Howell, of tide city, in the 10th year of her age. stt On the 21st instant, JANE 110E0E, in the 60th year of her age. On the 21at instant, MARIA THERESA, wife of Mr. Wm. 11. Adair, and daughter of the late Charles W. Leech, in the 25th year of her ago On the 20th instant, MARGARET, wife of James ilinchusan, In the 20th year of her age. On the 21st instant, SAMUEL 0., youngest child of henry W. and Mary 1, Scott. On the 20th instant, RICHARD MALONE, aged 40 years. 11:7 First School District for State of Pe-nn sylvania.--An examination of Teachers of the Public Schools will be held on SATURDAY, October 315t,1057, commencing at 9 o'clock A. IL, at the Mount Vernon school house, CATHARINE. street, above THIRD. By oider of the committee on qualifications of teach ers of the Board of Controllers of Public Schools. 0c22-dtoe3l W. J. JACKSON, Chairman. ID - Literary Soiree, In Jayne's Hall, for the WHIM of the Industrial Schools taught by the Sisters of tho Nob' Oros, November 2,1. Doors open at 7 o'clock. I. Lecture by the Hon.. JOSEPH It. CLUNDLICI3. Sub ject, Women-. IL Supper, and solo of fancy articles. 0c224.112 tEr Notice—Apprata.—City Commiesloners' Ocoee. Vatt.alalLPHl , Oetater 11, lan. „NOVA IS HEREBY (11VEN, That tho Commie. blonars will hoar Appeal. by alt persona rated for State and Municial Tax, en the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1858, for the several wards of the said city, at their office, No. 11 west wing of the State moose, (up stairs,) on the following days, between the bourn of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P.lO. let and 31 Wards--4)n Monday, October 10th, 1857 3d " 4th " " Tuesday, " 20th, sth " Bth " " Wednesday, " 21st, " 7th " Bth " Thursday, 4, 224, oth " 10th " Friday, " 234, 4, 11th .• 12th " " Monday, " 13th " 14th " Tuesday, " 27th, " 15th "16th " Wednesday," 28th, " 17th " 18th " Thursday, • 20th, " 19111 " 20th " Friday, " 30th, 21st " 224 " Monday, Nov. 2d,. Ind " 24th " " Tuesday, " 3d, " The Assessors of such wants an have not been supplied with Blank Notwas of Appeals are hereby notified to call at the Commissioners' Office and procure the same. GEORGE M. RILL, JAMES 31, LEDDY, City Commissioners JAMES LOGAN, 0c1341tn03 DREXEL & CO. NEW YORK EXCHANGE 3e4 PREMIUM AMERICAN GOLD 4,25 PREMIUM. It] BALTIMORE EXCHANGE 405 DISCOUNT rum PALACE RESTAURANT IS NOW open ' at the Northwest corner of THIRD and /MANLY, below Shippen street. Call and see the most beautiful barroom In Philadelphia, and taste the beet Brandy, Whiskey, Ac., Ac. , in the world. oc23.6tif JOHN J. ANDREWS. KNOWLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH add WILLOW.—The Spring Mountain, sugar Loaf, and Hazleton Lehigh Also, beat May Coal, for salo. Terms cash. oct23-Im* Ktgal Notices ... IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The South Western Faring Fund and Building Assn. elution vs. John Creighton. Loy. Bac., March Term, 1857. No. US, The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fond arising from a sale under above writ of the follow ing real estate—via: All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of William Street, at the distance of one hundred and eighteen feet eastward from the oast elite of Schuylkill Yourth Street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in fronton said William street sixteen feet, awl in length or depth that breadth seventy-ono foot six Inches—will attend to the duties of his appointment at his Mike ' No, 704 Washington Square, (south OW on Monday, November dl, at four (Pclock P. M., when and whore all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. A. MURRAY STEWART, Auditor oc22•alot► TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE AL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Matthew Semple to use of E. W. Morrison vs John Vogel, District Court, June term, 1857. No. 538. Test. PI Fe. to Lehigh county The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund arising from the sale of personal property under above writ, will attend to the duties of his appointment no Tuesday, November fld, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 704 Washington Square, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all persona are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. A. 41U.R.D.AY STE WART, 0c22-dlCit* Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY Old PUILADRLPRIA. Thomas Willtamson, Trustee, Ac. vs. Hobert Palmer. Levert Was, March Term ' 1857, No. 859. The Preaident, Directore,A Co. of the Bank of Pent eylranis vs. Robert Palmer and William Clayton, late trading as Palmer, Clayton Co. Venditiont Nxponas, March Term, 1857, No. 1033. The Auditor appointed to distribute the money in Court, raised under the above entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale, of No. 1. Ilesausge and lot of ground on the west side of Delaware, second street between Pine and Union streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front 18 feet and to depth 95 feet to a five•feet alley; bounded north nazi by ground formerly of (Worse Fitzwater, now of the heirs of Oblides Allen, and southward by ground of Joseph Marshall. No. 2. Lot of ground, with frame and brick tenements d on the south side or Mary Went, between Front 1112 Ehmond streets, in the said city, beginning 189 feet from Front street, containing In front 20 feet, and in depth 81 toot. No 8. Lot of ground with the two three-story brick mos. /11114011 thereon, on the north aide of Prime or Washing ton street, in the said city, 01 feet westward from the northwest corner of Delaware Fifth and Prima streets, containing in front 24 feet, and in depth about 69 feet , dul?ieet to s yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars. Wilt a tte n d to his duties upon MONDAY, the 28th day of October, 1867, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 204 South FIFTH street, below Walnut, In the old city, when and where all persons interested are required to matte their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said funds. 0012.10 t GEORGE W. DIDDLE, Auditor. jIILIA A. OARR, BY HER NEXT el friend, &a., vs. CHARLES D. IL CARE—Divorce— Common Pleas—No. 16, Sept. T.,1859, Please take notice, that depositions of witnesses on part of said libellant will be taken before me on 1/111DAT October 23, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the office of Henry O. Nuts, Esq., No, 193 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia, when yen can attend and cross examine if you think proper. • WILLIAM P. SMALL, Examiner. To CHABLIS D. 11. Deno. oc7-15t* WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- MlOl.B FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and W eatern Merchants, end Strengere, to particularly Invited to this Improved cat of Shirts, the moat perfect Siting artiole made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. any-lyif QAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES IJ TRUST COMPANY, corner of TUIRD and CREST NUT Streets. Large mid man sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FITE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. o®qe hours from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. .. . . DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. Prealdent—ATEPllEN IL CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK, TeIIer—JAISIES 11. RUNTRR. sell-lylf Galco tin 'Auction. MTHOMAS & SONS, . Nos. 119 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (Formerly Nos. dl and 09 REAL ESTATE, STOClffis fcc. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. tier — Ilandbilis of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. ID" FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SAVE . . Da- We have a large amount of Real retate at vate Pale, including every deacription of City and Country property. Protted Lints way be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. iI7" Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, aro advertised occasionally iu our Public Sale Abctracte, (of whit% 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) frou of charge. TWELFTH FALL SALE, 27TH OCTOBER. Will Include the following " — "' FOUR VALUABLE MARKET STREET STORES.— Four substantial four-story brick stores and dwellings, Noe. 1521,1510, 1517, and 1513 Market street, weal of Fifteenth street MODERN DWELLING. Neat tamlern three-story Brick Dwelling, 8. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with a three-story brick dwelling on Citron street PEREMPTORY BALE—FOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —HIRST WARD. Valuable lot B E corner Jefferson avenue or Maya mooning read and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N E corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson etreet. Largo and valuable lot, with two•atory brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore atreet, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and (ram° atablu,Moore atreet, adjoining the above. Sale of the whole absolute. irr Full particulrs in handbills and plan HANDSOME a MODERN RESIDENCE. . . - • . Handsome residence with double back building, and replete will all modern conveniences, No. 1317 Spring Garden street. This is a very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAM ENGINE, & (I.—Two and a hall story factory, steam engine, c., Twenty-Drat Ward, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty.Orst street, and the Phila delphia and Germantown railroad. TWO•STORY BUDA DWELLING.—Two-story brick rummage, B. E. comer Townehip Line road and Clear field street, Twenty-first Ward. VALUABLE LOTS..--Valuable lot, N. E corner Seventeenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRIUK DWELLINGS. Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden street mat of William street PERSMPTORY SALE.—FIVE GROUND RENTS, yin: Two of $37.50 each, two of $22 50 each, and one of $lO a year eecured en are three - story brick dwellings and lots, Spring Garden street, Owen Street, and Biddle street. TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS . . Two three-story brick dwellings, Noe. 870 and 878 Apple street, between Fourth street and York avenue, and Coates and Brown streets. Bale absolute. FOUR YEARLY GROUND RENTB. two of $B4, and two of $52 each, secured by a brick dwelling, Howard street and "tope street, (late Kensington.) 117" Full particulars of each of the above properties 'now ready in handbills. THIRTEENTH PALL BALE, 311 NOVEMBER This side will include Orphans' Court Me. ESTATE OP WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEC,D. ... . , THUM LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRIM DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSITNIC ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and Seventh etreete. Velitable lot, fronting on Prime street, mid ou Pass yunk rood. Valuable lot, Pasqua road, Two three-story brick dwellings, Seventh atreet, west Ode, north of Prime street. They will be sold sepa rately. Bee handbills and plan. Also, by order of Orphans' Court. ESTATE OP JOAN FITZWATER, MCI). ••- • . OVER MX AOItES ON GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MAGIIINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH A FRONT OF FOUR HUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AT TA- CONY, TWENTY-TIIIRD WARD. Samo Estate—TIIRIII-STORY BRICK. DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 288 North Fifth above Noble street. Same Eatate—TWO DRIOK DWELLINGS. - . Alto, Two brick dwellings , Union and Hanover streets above Prince street, Kennington. Executor's Salo—Late Iteckleece of Amelia Smith ELEGANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N. J.—Also, by order of Executor, to aloes an estate, the valuable residence No. 23 Main street, Burlington, N. J.. replete 'with modern improvements and conveniences, MX feet front, the lot 610 feet deep to Wood street, the garden improved with finest fruit tree., Also, a handsome residence, Wood !Afoot, Darlington recently occupied by Mr. William Ohmloner, nod a lo adjoining, 50 bylso feet ID - Full particulars iu hand bills. NEAT DWELLING, TWENTIETH STREET—Three story brick dwelling, No. 205 North Twentieth street between Wood and Vine streets. LOT, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD—A triangular lot, fronting on Park street, and the West Philadelphia Railroad, Twenty-fourth Ward, (late West Philadel phia) FOURTEENTH PALL BALE-10TH NOVEMBER Salo Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. On Saturday Morning, At 11 o'clock, one case superior German Flower Roots, from It. Vandersoboot & lone, Haarlem. LARGE SALE OF NEW MEDICAL BOOKS—ALSO A VALUABLE MEDICAL LIBRARY, which embraces a number of the Text Books. On Saturday Evening, Octoberiitb, at the Auction Store, Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, a large collection of valuable medical works, including library. For particulars ere catalogues and the books, which will be arranged for examination on Saturday morning. 1301100NER N. B. T. TIIOIIPSON On Tuesday Evening, 27th Ind., at 7 o'clock, at the Exchange, three undi vided fourth parts of the schooner N. D. T. Thompson, and her tackle, apparel, appurtenances, &c , has two note of nails, built in 18154, at }Wein'. Point, N. J. PEREMPTORY SALE ON TUE PREMISES-ELE. GANT RESIDENOE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. On Tuesday Morning, 27th October, still o'clock, without reserve, on the premises, the elegant Brown Stone residence, Walnut street, south side, third house west of Broad street, built for the use of too late owner and occu• pant in a superior manner, and finished throughout in elegant style, with every modern improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. ELEGANT PURNlTlME.—lmmediately after the sale of the house will be sold the elegant furniture. extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and chandeliers, piano-forte, &xi. Sale at No. 1919 Spruce street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. On Wednesday morning next, TSth inst ,at 10 o'clock, on the premises, the bond some modern four-story brick residence, with three story back buildings, No. 1919 Spruce street, west o Nineteenth street, replete with all modern improve mutts and conveniences. $5,000 may remain on wort gage. . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY OARPETS OAR FIXTURES, &e. Immediately after the sale of the house, the superior household furniture, all made to order by Moore & Campion, and been but little used. 07 Particulars in handbills and catalogues. Sale Nos. 119 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PINE MIRRORS, PIANO. FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an extensive As sortment of excellent second-hand furniture, mirrors, Sn plaumforte, carpets, Ac., from families declining hottaekeeping. Assignee's Peremptory Sale. SPLENDID ROSEWOOD FURNITURE PIANO FORTE, BEDDING, CARPETS, CUINA, Arc. On Thursday Morning, At 12 o'clock, by catalogue, in the Second•story room of the Auction Store, a splendid collection of household furniture, &c., by order of Assignee. The above furniture has been in use but a short time, and coot over $O,OOO. ***May be examined the day previous to sale with catalogues. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite tile Custom House. between Fourth and Fifth Streets. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, io NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF ROUSEUOLD FURNITURE—TUES. 117- We beg leave to inform the public that we bold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 1013 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may Divot us with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, Can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTIIERAUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. Da Pereonatavoring us With consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. lEr Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction House in the city, 17' Consignments respectfully solicited. 11.7' Sales paid immediately Ater the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE BALE, NOVEMBER lltb This sale will include— Orpheus , Court Bolo—Batiste of W. A. B. Jones, Dec'd. TWO-STORY BRICK NOM AND LOT, TWELFTH . . . . STREET. A two•etory brick house and lot of ground, west side of Twelfth street, 224 feet above Columbia avenue, 16 feet front, and 112 feet deep, to a 32 feet street, 09 ground rent. Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of ChasPßrownsbn, Decd. TIMER HOUSES AND LOT OW (MOUND, DREAD STREET AND WETTER LANE A lot of ground with the three houses thereon erected, B. W. corner of Breed street and Vetter Lane, 40 fee by 43 feet Ma ground rent. 1177 $5O to Depth* on each of the above when th same is struck off. EMIG ir " A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brill( back building. 10 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rent s4ooper annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. . AT PRIVATH BALE. A Bret-ease Printing Office, with a good run of busi ness, four printing presses, two Ruggles and one Adams. Type and everything necessary for the badness. Apply at the Auction Store. ►iIIIE ADVERTISEMENT BY AN AUC JR. TIONIOR of s PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE, In the Bulletin Building, has no eonneation' with our establlehment. Dela tf MoLAUGHLAN BROTHERS JOAN BA.YLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 825 ARCH street, between Third end Fourth Streets. BALER EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, 01 Bads, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew. dry, Hosiery, Whine, Trunke , Fanny Goode , Notions. N. B.—Ou t-door sales attended to All goods Bold at the Auction House packed. octdm political F OR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD BIWTOT TO DEMOORATIO ROLES. ciel64ka* V,HIP MARY AND ADELINE, FOR NElir ORLEANS. —First and only vessel this week. Receives freight until Saturday next, (unless sooner full) Freights taken at as low rates as auy other vessel loading. The remarkably fest-nailing coppered packet ship MARY AND ADDLINE, W. Tales, master ' having over half of her cargo now on board, with large engage ments coming alongside very rapidly, will continue to receive what freight offers, and sail as above. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and bills of lading to the Counting House for signature. For balance of Freight, at reduced rates, apply on board or to . DIBIIOP, SIMONS, & CO. d'Yd (formerly 36) North Wharves. The &A. insurea at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the Dual.lppl. The succeeding packet will commence loading on Mon. day nett. Heavy !relights can now be engaged at lowest rates. CONGRESS RANGE .-SO LD BY CHAD_ WICK & DRO., N 0.202 N. ONOOND Street. angle.-Smoo. Oaleg lin %action MOSES NA TRANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, B. M. corner SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French patches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, An., Ac. AT PRIVATE SALK—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, &0., &c., Ont-door Wes attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charges very low. Consignments of furultaro, clothing, jewelry, ika , tke ' solicited. NATHAN'S PItINCISAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, 'Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, segsrs, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles. 'Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of saint for any length of Haile agreed on, on more Ratisfaatory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. (sea] 51 . NATIIANS, NATHAN'S great We of FORFEITRP (MODS will take place in a few days Due notice will be given. WEED'S groat aale of forfeited Watches , JTivielry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, &e., wiltake place shortly. Due notice will be given WEBB'S great sale of Dry Hoods Clothing, Bedding, &a , being forfeited collaterale, wilt take plate shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF THE , lISUAL SELLING PRICES.—DoubIe-bottomed and bunting ease gold patent lever watches, of the most ap. proved makes; hunting case and open Love gold escape. meat lever and lupine watches, full jeweled ; floe gold enameled lever and lepine watched for ladies'; gold jewelry of every deecription; silver lever and lepine watches, iu hunting cases and open face; silver English, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of tar. nituro, beds, mattresses, mirrors. &c. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, andebarges to Suit the times, low. Consignments of every description of goods solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a licoited time. Charges low. SAMUEL NATHLA_NS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 Booth THIRD }Street, below Walnut, opposite Year it., only eight doors below the Exchange. llama of b.lnees from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door aidee, salt sales at the Auction House, at tended opOo the mosttatistactory terms. ---• eavaelattory tOr CAPITAL $200,000. Eslabiishetlfer the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mar chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goode of every description, All goods can remain any length of time agreed °F°9.• All advances ; from one hundred don'ts and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month; $2OO and orer, the lowest market rate. This Stare llouse having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri• vats watchmen for the premises • alas, a heavy item ranee effected for the benefit of all ' persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, thin office is prepared to make advanced on more mitts factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lerer arid other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced price.. atil-1J rIEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER VI N. B. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING 3 I At o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Ilardware, Cat Wry, Ilousekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, jewel ry, Fancy Articles, k.e. Dank Notiree S OUTHWARK BANK. PHILADELPHIA Oct 21, 1857.—A Special meeting of the Stockhold ere of this Bank will be held at the Banking-house, o TUESDAY, the 3d day of November next, at 12 o'clock noon, to take into consideration the act of the Legisla ture, approved the 13th inst., entitled " An act provid ing for the resumption of specie payments by the Banks and for the relief of debtors." oc23.dtN3 F. P. STEEL, thmhier, !'COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL kr VANIA, DfiILaDILIMIA, Oct. =,1857.—A Special meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the BANKING 'IIOIISB, on MONDAY, the second day of November next, at 12 o'clock At., to take into consideration the act of the Legislature, approved the 13th lost , entitled "An act providing for the resump- tion of specie payments by the Banks, and for the relief of debtors," and to determine upon the same. By order of the Board of Directors, oc-tN2 S. C, PALMER, Cashier. Tv OTI GE .-FARMER S' AND MECHAN ICS' BANK—PUILADELPHIA, October 4, 1857 Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Dank has been called by the Board of Directors under the provisions of the seventh section of the act of the CI eneral Assembly of this State, entitled " An act providing for the resumption of specie psymente by the banks, and for the relief of debtors," approved the 13th dry of October, A. D. 1857, to be held at the Banking- Douse of this Corporation, on TUESDAY, the third day of November. A. D. 1857, at 434 o'clock P. M., fur the purpose of taking into consideration the acceptance of the provisions of the said act. By order of the Board, oc22dtN3 E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK. 214 October, lBs7.--A Special Meeting of the Stoekholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking. ]louse on SATURDAY, the 3lst inst., at 12 o'clock, to take into consideration the Act of the Legislature, ap proved the 13th inst., entitled An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the Banks, and for the relief of debtors octlL'-dt3l B. B. COMRGYS, Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA. BANS..—Pazte.- -i- WILMA, October 6, 1857 —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Bank ing house, on Monday, the ninth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. The annual election for Directors will bo held at the Banking house, on Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember next. B. B. COMEGYS, oct7-wr&mtNlo Cashier. ANUFACTURERS' AND MECHA ILL NICE' DANK. PHILADILFOI/, OCt 4,1857. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Bunking Rouse, on Tuesday, Nevem. bor 3, at 10 o'clock, A. Al. The annual election for thirteen Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, November 16th, from 10 o'clock, A. M., to 3 rawftnl6 M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. fipSIMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL v {MANIA, PHILAD6LPHIA, October 12, 1857. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking-House, on Tuesday, the 3d day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. ocl2-onwikf tnovl3 COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, Pno.srature A, October 12, 1857. The Annual Election for Directors of this Dank will be held at the Banking-Douse, on ltonday, the 18th day of November next, from 10 o'clock A. 11,, to 3 o'clock P. M. 0ct.12-mir&l tnovlB B. C. PALMER, Ombier FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, OCtObereth, 1857. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Booking House, on MONDAY, the 113th day of Novena bar next, between the hours of B o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M ; and on TUESDAY, the 3d day of Noreen bar next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be hbld at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. M., agreea bly to the charter. oc7-tnoln E. M. LEWIS, Cleaner. Qt - o a rational ‘iELECT 'FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL 1. for SMALL BOYS, at CLAYMONT, Delaware, dis tant one hour's ride from this city. Number limited to kit For a solid, refined, and Christian education, under high social advantages, it presents au opportunity sel dom offered. TEES'S 5300 per annum, payable semi-annually in ad% mice ; no extra charges. The Winter Term openc on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. A low vacancies at present. For further particulars, addre ss ßEV . . JOHN B. CLEMSON, D. D., oel9-m w Sr. f-2w CLAYMONT. Delaware. fIRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, 8. N. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. I XOTURES, &c Each Student has Individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country Mut charge of the Writing Department. Please outland see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terme, &o. DROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, ..E. WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family. The course of study Is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. septl4-tf QPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR 1 , 0 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner 'EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professor of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils , names, testimonials, kn., can be had on application. B. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A PAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL POR BOYS. Rev B. R. BKraca, Becton. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Ciroulare may be obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Poet Oface, Yale of Schuylkill, Phila. aul743m 'NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE persona, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods sod comforts u a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTIIERS , BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 145 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, wilt re•opeu on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER let, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPINO AND ABITUMETIO by simplified methods, in a abort time TIM LEIDY'S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persona acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. att22-3m. F URNISHING GOODS AND LINENS, L. J. LEVY & CO. DAVE REDUCED THZ PRICES Or LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, BROCATELL ES, Ac , BARNSLEY MEETINGS, T ABLE LINENS, ENGLISH CANTON FLANNELS, Ac 0c22-3t 426 CHESTNUT ST. A MERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCILANGE AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, DT CRONISE & CO., SPECIE BROKERS, 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. AMERICAN GOLD /ND NEW YORK FUNDS AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS, BOUGHT AT THE MODEST I'DEMIUM DT 007-3 m DREXEL Sc CO HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, eight and a half miles from the city. Inquire at This Office. o=l-w re-It A311::1 1 C OP MUSIC-- I v. ON FBILIi ANL S.111:111)1Y, The OPERA will commence precisely st HALF PAST-SEVEN.- o -114 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A . MARSHALL Sole Lessee POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF THE OPERA. THIS (Friday)ITALIAN EVENING, October .A18;1, Will be presented Donisetti's Opera. entitled LA TRAVIATA. Principal characters by Mad. Gazzaniga, Signors Tagßade°, Signori Brignoli. Amodio. and Colletti And the Second Act ofDonizetti's Comic Opera, LA PIOLIA DEL REGGIMENTO. Principalcharacter. by Signorina Ramos, Signori Brignoli, and Tagliaflco. Saturday—Farewell night of the ITALIAN OPERA MAX M ARETZ ER, Muaial Director and Conductor. PRIOR Or An :—Parqattto, Dr.... Circle, and Balcony, $1; Family Circle. 50 cents ; Amphitheatre, 25 cents Ll - The Bow Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. 91. to 6 P. M., for the securing of Reserved Seats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T. 9lcKsoe. The Opera will commence at 7s precisely. 117 - Carriages will met down heads South, and tike up heads North. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., near Eighth. ADUISSION—Dress Circle and Parquet, 25; Family Circle, 25 cents; Secured Feats, 373. cents; Seats in Private Box. 50 cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 73 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock ; when seats can be secured. . . THIS (Friday) EVENING, October n, 1,557, Will be presented 8 1: : Harris , world-renowned UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Uncle Torn, (the great original,) Mr. S. E. Harris ; St. Clair, Mr. 11. D. Howland; Phineas Pletcher, Mr. S. Brown ; Topsy, with songs, Bose Cline; The Gentle Boa, Little Mary ; Harry, Little Ida. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. SULU or Nimes —Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, jai Gellert, 13 nimbi; Gallery (or Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. Si. until 3 P. 3L Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter peat 7. J. M. B. WHITTON LAST NIGHT OF JACK CADE THIS (Friday) EVENING, October 23,1857, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Tragic Play, written by Judge Conrad, entitled EM13131711 . „ Jack Cade, Mr. Davenport ; Lord Clifford, Mr. Talmo hill •, Mariamne, Mra. Rowers; Kate Worthy, Mira E. Taylor. To conclude with Nhakopeare`a comedy of CATHARINE AND PETRIICHIO. Petruchio, Mr. Dolman; Catharine, Mn. E. L. Moran port. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—LeO see, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, .11r! John Sefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Banquette, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents ; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box omm open ,from 9 o'clock A. hi_ to 8 P. M. Doors open at 6X o'clock ; performance to commence at 7. BENEFIT OF MI. AND MRS. WALLER. 'PHIS (Friday) EVENING, October 23.1851, Will be presented the celebrated Play, entitled the PATRICIAN'S DAUGHTER! Mordaunt, Mr. Waller-, Lord Lynterne, Mr. She - well, Piorpont, Mr. Brink; Heartwell, Mr. Young; Lester, Mr. Green; Lady Mabel , Mrs. Waller. Concluding with the interesting drama. called MADELINE; OR, THE FOUNDLING OP PARIS. Bertrand, Mr. Daly; Remy, Mr. Showell, Adelaide, Mrs. Proctor. SANFORD's OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doom open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter bears eight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stare—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPERCE. THOREUP's VARIETIES, PLYTH and CHESTNUT Streets, I X L. MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE NIGHTLY, Which will be found superior in talent, respectability, and accommodation, Commence at 73i. Admission, 10 cents. If Por further information, see Public Ledger, T. B. THOMITT, Manager and Proprietor Jitsutance Companies COMIIIONWEALVI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP THE ,STATh OP PENNSYLVL NIA.-ofileeN. W, Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streeta, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $500,000. Paid-up Capital, uOO.OOO. DAVID JAYNE, M. D. President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Prea , t. Sairtnu. 8. Ilona, Secretary. CIIRARD FIRE • VII ANON COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west o MKS DIIIO fl3O MARINE INSUR— IILADELPHIA—OfiIeye, No t THIRD. MILT TARRN." Wm. M. Swain, Jer. Walker, John Anquith; Jr., Juo. McClure, • H. N. Burroughs, Tho, Craven, J. D. Hughes, A. 8. Gillett ; P. D. Sherman, Purman Sheppard. Wm. P. Hacker, Stunt. Jonas. M. D., I. P. Steiner,Jeeeph N. D. H. A. Shackeford, Hon. JEW/ JONES, President. Hon. Ct. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. lon. 8. McHottio, Secretary. :AXES B. At.voan, Assistant Secretary. and-3m-if Orp. oi:fobs LADIES' DRESS TRININTINfIg,- AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below EteTenth And 316, S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos 93 and 97 GEORGE St , below Penni, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few Roars' notice JOHN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOODS, No. 12 BANE Street, Philadelphia. oell-3m Glass and Cljina Ware I NDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! TYNDALE & INITCUELL, - • • lIIPOWtHIS Ol CHINA, GLASS, ARE , COMMON WARES t era new selling Their NEW AND ELEGANT FALL IMPORTATIONS', GERATLY EIDUCKD Pawls, with a HANDSOME DISCOUNT TO THOSE WHO PAY CASH. MI CHESTNUT STREET, ABovv. SEVENTH sr., ie2s-•1T-(mw. PHILADELPHIA. - - LADY, COMPETENT TO TEACH .t 1. the branches of au English education. Preneb, and Music, wishes to obtain a situation as daily Governess to yonog children. City references given. Address S A., box N 0.162 Philadelphia P.O. 0c22-1w • WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to hom will be given good pay, 'board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to ill per month. No man having a wife or child will Do accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north side WILLIAM B. ROYALL Y let Lieut. 24 Regt. of Card/7; Recruiting Officer oet 6-1 m WANTED. -A FEW AGENTS, EITHER Male or Female, are wanted to sell a new and Corp popular book, just issued, entitled " The Crooked Elm ; or, Life by the Wayside." Four editions bave already been exhausted In Boston and the New England States. Agents are wanted to Canvass the Middle, Southern, and Western States. Some now engaged make from' $5 to $l2 per slay. Address, by letter, Book Agent, 17 State street, Boston; or call personally at KIM place. for .salr FOR SALE—Or in exchange for Stocks.— A handsome modern residence, No. s..x. North SE- Y Street, above Brown street, west side. Lot 26. Ly 115 feet—aide yard. Apply on the premises oel7-2w ecraing illlacnthcs A GOOD SEWING MACHINE.-HUNT, -El WEBSTER, & Co , beg respectfully toputraluco thetneelvex to the public M the manufacturers of the .turKovED sEmlca MACHLNE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Free from the object°oa which have been urged against those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL, and will be sure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those in want of A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND. STITCH,RUN, or GATHER; indeed, that will give entire 6ahsfactien even after they have been used for years, are invited to call at oar rooms, B'o CHESTNUT Street. HUNT, WEBSTER. A Co Sewing of every description executed in the best pal sible, manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mail to any part of the United States. autl2.-tuths 3m. Illiscellancono TPHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY -11 entered into a Copartnership, under the name of lIOLNINS & CO , for the manufacturing of all kind., of (miry and common Soap, at No tIS liorth ATEr, St A. F. HOLMES, C. F. MIAMI. Oct. 20th, 1857 oc2l-2w OCEAN SOAP MANUFACTORY _ . 110L51E9 & CO., having purchased the above worka coot Lehreeht Pranks, are prepared to receive onivra for all kinds of lancy and common Soaps All orders iecated with punctuality and Ale.patch, at the •ery lowest prices, for cash. oc9l-2r t E. & B. SCHELL'S 6 . • CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTNI FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, 9. R. CORNER OF TENTH AND VINE STREETS PHILADELPHIA. Whore every variety of MARBLE 'MANTELS. TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING. can 140 supplied upon reasonable terms. au:2-1-tuf3m GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES.- Duties' FURS selling, off regardles3 of cost. CHARLES OnKFORD & SON, - - - - - • . Doporting and manufacturing Yurnerg No CS-1 CHEST NUT St , below Seventh, will el°, their rotor , took of Ladies' Furs, without regard to co,t 0021-It BRANDIES.--“Pinet Marett, and other Cognacs of various vintages, in half laps and quarter casks; Pellevoism Rochelle Vrandtes, pale and dark, in halt pipe 4, hell asks, and our-r2 , 2,1th casks imported, and fur sale by HENRI" BOHLEN & CO., 0c22 221 m14'2'2.3 South Fourth street /110 IRON MANUFACTURERS CAPITALISTS SIIETTER'S PATENT MACHINE This valuable intention—being the best machine for manufacturing tlortr••chnes ever offered to the Ameri can public—i 3 now offered 1 r csle on ftvoratte t e n n o. No objection would be list to putting it in,' a Joiot Stock Company, and stuck tak-n foe it largo part of tio purchase ALVAN N 1 oc2l-10t 22 WILLIAM Street, N.c, fork. TO SHOVEL AND HOE MANUFACTUT REM --SUMER ' S IM aAItbEN Y.E.1l sti ore, fho ,ht to Itid:i4r, • ture undor thin Ihttmit 1113 . 1 . •,• ar I onf4el.l - A.!• tenon. oo Akin to ALI ‘S 'N S. OC2/-/Ot 21 WILLI \ll i•trkoit York TRENT.—The five-store B,;ous SToxy, I. BUILDING. tm THIRD Stroet, D,ek. Ap ply to P. BRADY k UJ, Partners' and Mechanlca' ltabk Bedding. ott2l.3tA' t:IIti:.;TNI:T Treasurer