The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 23, 1857, Image 2

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TILE WEEKLY PRESS, No. 11, for the week ending
SATURDAY, - October 21, Is now ready at our counter.
It will be found en excellent number for persons to mall
to their friends at it distance:
TUB LITTLE SIPS t A SOng trorii Beringer.
-BISHOP. , '
ROPE, &v.
. .
, ERs, A NEW MD FOR BEES, fr.o!
. . . . . •-!!"
• ,
NOTES PROM THE DIARY op . ..a_ock. .N.
THE WEEKLY PRESS Is tarnished to • t
$2 per year, in advance, for the single copy .
of twenty, when sent to one address; $4 I
Single copies for sale at the counter of Tuts • . . .
flee, in wrappers, ready for mailing. • ."
Persons sending clubs . of twenty or over will . pitase
bear in mind that the . paper thus ordered cannot b di
rected to each subscriber, unless the club prim? of $1.20
per annum Is 'paid, and paid in advance. This in in'
accordance with our published '
rates, and some of bur
friends have - overlooked it. 'Aar heavy lists compel no
to adhere to this rale. ' I
ill' Fourth page-. abearitifulatOry of colw, o
PyoudHearts." Egret page- 7 -E4ltorletb
lief of 6.4' Laboring Classes;" a letter from
OUT correspon&ut4p a aimh r g4l:lied
officer of the , e
austinlmsetta Politics;
of Gen. Haskell ; News, &e. - I -
- 117" The able article froth the Cincinn t pti
Inquirer, proposing a law by. Congress, im
posing tax upon bank notes of the lesser de
nominations, will attract general attention
The sentiment of hostility to secretpoliti 1
associations has now become national. 'While it
was surrounded with the glare of a patriotle hut
'Mistaken motive, and hidden • under the fell
which . excited the curiosity of thousands, it
swept over a number of the States of the
Union, putting many good men out and cariy
ing many bad men into high position. /Jut
owing to the manner in which the whale
scheme was exposed and betrayed 'tia; public
criticism, its decline was as rapid as Its rive,
and its history furnishes a new.exempliticatihn
of the truth,,that no party not , fonndeti upim
enduring principle can long survive inthis age
of progress and of inquiry: It is, amazing,
however, that, with the fate of such an organi
zation before all men, there should be' zrow'in
existence, in this community, another secret
Political organization, bound together, as ive
have every reason to understand, by signs and
obligations, and intent upon carrying certain
• projects by combinations in the various wards
of :the city. We do not speak from rumor,
but from the positive declarations of. those
candid' and enlightened men who 'have de.
flounced the existence of such a party, ad
have admonished those with 'atom 'they ha -e
influence to avoid it: This organization,
-like that which may now be called a mere
collection of the past, appeals to the sympa
thies of our citizens of Irish birth, anrlclairis
to number some thousands of adherents. We
trust there Is little danger that such a party can
attain very great influence in our community,
opposed, as it is, by every intelligent, right
minded citizen, whether of foreign or uati*e
Our object in this article is simply to state
our unyielding opposition to, all such Mendes
tine political cabals, and to declare in advance,
that any politician entrusting himself, to such
'a cabal, is sure to prepare'himeelf for an over
whelming rebuke at the polls. The manner of
conducting the primary elections of most of
the political patties, for years past, has-been
generally and justly complained of., Quiet
men cannot' participate in theso elections,; if
they attempt to do so, they te, in too many
cases, elbowed or crowded away; and no* thid
an election of great importance has passoil
over, and preparations are being Made for arm
titer, we deem it right, in all . frankneis, to de
clare that patiently as the system of conduct
ing primary elections has been submitted to,
(and chiefly because this system has beob
about the best that could bo contrived short cf
the enactment of a law to secure fair voting in
these assemblages of the people,) there is
stern spirit abroad never to tolerate the pack
ing of wards by secret political parties, whe
ther they are called by the sobriquet of "Mol
ly Naguirea ":'—a not very graceful appellation
for a great party, but scarcely less graceful than
"Know Nothingism "—or whether they rally
'Under the more glittering title of a American
The Boston Courier, an old-line Whig Jour
nal, seems to take great pleasure in showing
up the inconsistencies and absutditiaa of the
late speech of the Hon. N. P. Bainas, Repub
lican candidate for Governor of Massachu
setts. This speech is Intended to revive the'
double excitements of Abolitionism and a high
tariff for protection, but the Courier, while by
no means indisposed to the theory of high du-
Heil, has not been caught by the abundant
chaff of Mr. BANKS. The following extract
from the article of the Courier serves to ex
hibit the ex-Speaker of the House of Repre.
sentatives in no enviable light.
" Nor have we any more faith in those swelling
mountains of figures with which Mr. Banks forti
ties and amplifies his speeches, and for which be is
becoming noted at least, if not famous. Ho told
the Wall-street merchants last fall, that 'the
people of -the United States would give to the
world in 1856, as their part of the industrial pro
duct of the human race, forty-five hundred mil
dollars.' Sixteen hundred millions of this
weintn crime from agrioulture. , Noir helelle nu,
le.Ptineuil Hall, that the agricultural productions
of the country, for this year, will make a value of
two. theisand But who, we ask, can
trnitaialifanolful exaggerations, which jump up
to' aniuorease of four hundred millions iriti single
„ • , • -- .
But Mr; Dinka presumptuously deals with mil.
Rees and with fiat, as if they were the balls of a
game, rather than serious realities in political and
economical science. Go now declares the defent of 1
Mr. Guthrie's tariff poliolwas owing
to Ptei South:
I. It came irons the Southern puit 4,the country, awl 1
from Southern statesmen opon.ti mi
* d that it was
a protective rneasurojes:lgned td re the advantage
p Vi gre
and prosperity of the irtice4fente 911',190mstg of. the
country i jhe NOW' • •,, .
entry which were chiefs
"But in his sp4ithilij.Coliff rem, jiff' ISM, ho
ii ,
charged the defeat of i 'lfie.tan'tinftUut: of the (miff
to the Middle States. ;f. T-. 4430 : 1,10tTo: i tli my, friend
from Pennsylvania,' In his iingilago, 'that the
fixed, determined, and rosistass opposition to that
measure came front the Middle States, particularly
from Pennsylvania.' (Cong. Globe, p. 912.) To
what can we impute such a change of front, except
to the convenieece of ,h ir new theory to his own
net; position and'uni purposes?
"But we forbear, though we had' much more to'
say of this empty yet fallacioes harangue., Our
space' fOrbids the further. pursuit of the subject
to•day. There are those who will be imposed
upon by it. The extravagant estimate whieh or
dinary men ~sometimes put upon themselves too
often passes current with the unthinking Multi
tude. ,Intelligent persons, who read this speech
and reflect on the . subjects it discusses, and Mr.
Banks's own history, pretensions, and present party
objects; will see it in its true light. Ah ! sad
spectacle for Ilfa'isachusetts, once led by the
wisest and best men of . the nation, to ho thus
reduced to the instructions of Memrs. Banks
and Wilson, and , the rest! As sure as truth is
superior to presumptuous ignorance—as sae as
political ' tergiversation betrays Insincerity alq;
unsoundness of )!rinciple: so men of this stamp
have only their own selfish objects in view, and
not the public welfare. They may he talkative
and artful, but they are neither wise, nor eloquent
with the promptings of the heart:
Veil skilled to keep vain thoughti alive,
And all to protpleo, nought to give,--
wildered children leavitheir home,
After-the talit:itlow's arch to roam,
Theirfilioieers batter fair esteem,
Warne, faith, and honor, for a dream)?
We have'but a word to say, and that is sug
gested by thn coiamenta. of the Courier. 'The
attempt to charge the present collapse in
money matters upon the reduction of the
tariff is Die most Purblind partisanship. The
North American may hammer out yards of edi
torials in support of this theory, but the day
has gone by when dead prejudices can be re
animated by such appeals. And yet, while
this is so, we do not at this time recommend
free trade as the best panacea for the times.
The tariff of 1846 was itself in a great degree
a protective tarid; and no considerable party
in this country is yet ready to write free trade
upon its banners, and to carry these banners to
success. We are for the revenue policy as ad
vocated by the present President of the Uni
ted Stites, Mr. BuoniNAN,, in his repeated
speeches while a Senator in Congress. Ills
platform on this subject has always been ours;
and there can be no question that, if he had
not led off against the rampant free-traders
on the one hand, and the 'ultra protectionists
on the other, we could never have reached
that safe middle course upon which our
revenue policy may be, said to be estab
lished; at least 'so flir as foreign iron is con.
corned. , The idea that an inexorable ad
ea/Orem system of duties shall prevail is not
our idea. We are for specific duties in certain
Cases, and especially upon foreign iron. There
never was, in our opinion, any great principle
involved in this,question between specific and
ad valorem duties, and we stand ready, hero
and now, as a Pennsylvanian and a Democrat,
to advocate this view before the country.—
But we are opposed to the revival of any of
the high tariff extravagancies of 1828 and
A paragraph in our foreign news, by the
Europa, has nearly taken our breath away, for
the nonce. We are told that, imitating FHB.-
MOM and ISABELLA, whb first called them
selves sovereigns of cc Spain and the Indies,"
- VICTORIA of England is about proclaiming her
self Empress of India—which, were it, true,
would mean that she 'thereby desired to ex
tinguish, to the last snuff,'such once brilliant
but now flickering and feeble lights as the
Great Mogul, and his long-following line of
nominally trihutary,,but actually independent
Princes. We do not think that. Queen
voari;partieularly at the moment when her
sovereignty is 'so decidedly challenged in
India, will assume the name of Empress. At
vner:saner-tmie; -two Magi may be wor
noting—first, the belief that, for some th e,
Royal into an Imperial atattem, an Emperor
ranking higher among the ruleis than a King
does, and, next, that she tiro assume Imperial
title and sovereignty in India, under the statute
passed,in 1858, which regulated the power! of
the East BidiaCompaily. ' As this may he not
generally known,' and possesses much political
Interest, we'sball briefly state the facts.
In 1813;Bio charter. of the East India Coin
pany, confirming it as a great money-making
and patronage-dispensing monopoly, was re
newed;by Parliament, for twenty years. 'ln
1838, the charter was not renewed, (as regards
giving 'the Company, a monopoly as traders,)
but a statute was passed by which all the terri
tories, possessions,revenues, and merchandise
of the COmpany, (except the island of St.
Helena and the property therein, which was
then vested in the' Crown,) were continued to
the Company in trust for the Crown of Great
Britain and Ireland until the year 1864. The
territorial revenues were, charged with a pay
ment of ten and a half per cent. per annum on
the existing capital stock of the Company, and
provision Was made for the future redemption
of this stack by the Government.
In 1868 Parliament again passed an Act,
providing for the government of British India,
and continuing the territories in the possesshm
of the' Compaily under the Company's govetln
ment,-in trust for the Crown, until Parlia
ment shall otherwise provide.
The actual bearing of this is—that, on pay
ing £2OO (or double its nominal, and a third
less than its actual value) for every £lOO 'of
East India Company's capital stock, the
British Parliament can dispossess the Com
pany for over, and make British India an intle
gral part of the British Empire.
Nearly the whole peninsula of Ilindostin
can thus be transferred from the Company to
the Crown, and at a great gain to England, its
each £lOO of stock Is certainly worth £BOO,
and is to be redeemed at two-thirds of that
amount, or £2OO. To this complexion must
it come at last, and it matters little under
what title, Royal or Imperial, the vast territory
of British India is to be governed. The CoM-
Pany are clearly Incompetent for the respoh
aibility Imposed on them by law. They can
be put aside by the same law which gave theni
dominion. They will be put aside, we think . .
At the same time, we shall pause ere we credit
the report that Queen V/OTORIA is about de
claring herself Empress of India. She cannot
do it, were she so minded, with other than the
most deliberate speed—for Parliament has to
put the East India Company, out of the way,
by legislation, before the territory which it
now, holds "in trust"' for . the Crown, min
come into the possession of the Crows. Were
thelking to be done at all; provided Parlia
ment does not meet until the ,usual time neat,
year, the Company cannot be bought out
earlier than May, and Queen VICTORIA could
not assume the title of Empress.of India until
India was'adually under her sway.
Great ROI at the Opera To•utglat
We have
,not yet called attention to the
extraordinary reception of Signorina II AMOS
in the roll of Lucia-Lextraordinary, consider
ing the great pressure in money matters. The
house was very well filled, and the satisfaction
manifested was unbounded. The beautiful
prima donna was warmly applauded, and was
assisted with much success by AMODIO, Belo-
MOLT ; and others. Tonight we are to have our
favorite GAzzanmk in her great character in
"La, Traviata," together with the second act
of the "Daughter of the Regiment," with
RAMO in the leading part. This rare bill
should draw an immense house. Our excel
lent friend, MARSHALL ; who seems to rise
with the emergency of the times, has never
exerted himself more energetically to please
the public than at the present moment. He
deserves to be encouraged by our people.
'ln consequence of a despatch received last
night, Miss CUSHMAN will not appear on Mon
day evening at Mr: BURTON'S National Theatni.
Due notice will be given at' her first appear
The . criticiant On Mr, DAVENPORT'I3 Amid,
by our theittrical correspondent, will appear to
The Result In Ohlo
The Oincinnati Enqiiirer gives the repotted
majorities in all the counties In Ohio, which foot
up as follows : • .
Obese •• • • • • - 24,965
Payne • • •• • • - 24,422
Showing a majority of • ' • 543
ThO universal dependence of nations, each
.upon the 'other, has seldom been so fully shown
as by the effect Which the monetary crash in
the United States" has produCed in Europe.
.1401 ; cnly has- the:shock been felt in England,
which ig in closest and most extensive buying
And selling relations with us, but also in
Pram",liarid, Belgium, Prussia, Austria,
and such of the minor States as have any
pretensions to trade and
,commerce. Every
where, the money-markOt has suddenly be
come tight," and the banks, public and
private, have largely raised their rates of dis
count, even for good paper.
This state of affairs will lead, we suspect, to
a general reduction of the military establish
ments ' all over Continental' Europe—simply
because the cost of keeping up such large
masses is more than the finances of any Eu
ropean nation can well sustain at present.
Herein is one of the great advantages which
this country possesses over every other. We
have not to sustain a large standing army, be
cause our policy is not aggressive, and, if we
ever have to act upon the defensive, a million
of trained and patriot men would spring to
arms to repel the threatened danger. .
While it thus is the °Vous Wrest of Eu
rope toing its natiolVe4endrttre:liown to
a minimum, (for in the present state of the
tponey-market, the BARISina and tho norm
lIILDS will not lend money, save at enormously
high rates,) England alone must increase her
military forces, and, indeed, has to do this
literally in a manner regardless of expense.
It is calculated that, by the end of November,
an additional force of 50,000 British soldiers
will have reached India. As many more will
be necessary, in future, as the native troops
are unquestionably not to be relied upon.
With the present difficulty in recruiting for
tho_pritish army, both bounty-money and pay
In d& be largely augmented, to tempt men to
become what Falstaff calls , g food' for pow
The other European nations, happily at
peace with all the world, can probably get on
without now loans or increased taxation, if
they materially ant down their heavy military
expenses. What are England's prospects?
what is her financial condition?
The revenue return for the year, and the
quarter ending September 80, shows a net de
crease an the British revenue, for the year, of
£109,400; and a still larger decrease of £889,160
on the quarter's revenue. That is, on the
quarter's revenue there had been a net increase
of. .2200,095 on the Post Office, general taxes,
and miscellaneous, agaitist a net decrease of
£10,895,255 on the other sources of income. It
1 , 1 worth notice, too, that the branches of , the
revenue upon which the decrease is, are pre
cisely those which, in their, largeness or dimi
nution, indicate the commercial success or
failure of England. Thus; the great falling
off is in the receipts from Customs, Excise,
Stamps, and Property-tax.
For the information of our readers, we shall
state (in our own currency, as more intelligi
ble) the exact condition of this national balance
sheet. That is called the net revenue of the
year, ending September 30, 1857, is considera
bly less than the actual amount paid. The
English custom is to deduct the cost of collec
tion, &c., and merely show the amount which
is actually on hand for expenditure. This cost
may average abodt $30,000,000 per annum,
which, added to the year's net revenue, gives
a total of £77,l7B,ool—about equal to $285,-
891,375—as one year of England's revenue.
Rather more than a third of this is expended
in paying the interest on the National Debt.
Taking this annual revenue under its sepa
rate heads, the not amount yielded is—by
Customs, $116,632,545; by Excise, $87,595,-
000; by Stamps, $36,781,115; by Taxes,
$15,495,100; by Property-Tax, $78,765,120;
by Post Office, $14,650,000 ; by Crown Lands,
$1,388,270 ;- and by Miscellaneous, $5,730,155.
The decrease 'on the quarter just ended; is
$2,497,295 on Customs ; $740,000 on Exch e,
and $2,078,495 on Property-Tax.
Here, evidently, is a Smiling revenue. The
decline in Excise and Property-Tax shows the
diminished means, of all classes in England,
and the great falling off in Customs' dut'es
shows much decreased imparts. Thp expr
of manufactured goods from England, in he
first eight months of 1857, are of nearly $50.-
months of 1856—but what are they now likply
to be, when the trade with Hindostan and the
United States is so greatly abridged ? Truly,
with the certainty of additional war-taxes, and
a permanent augmentation of her standing
army, England's prospects for 1858 are rather
The Memo Times and Kansas.
IVe. copy the following from the Chici.go
Times. The fact th 4 the Times is the hotne
organ of Senator Dolmas gives great signifi
cance to the views it expresses as to the proper
course to be pursued by the Constitutional
Convention of Kansas; and, we may add; it
but expresses the unmistakable and decided
convictions of ninety-nine out of every hun
dred Democrats in the free States; and We
have yet to see anything to convince us that
the views enunciated by the Times aro not also
those of the great majority of southern Demo
The Convention which was elected in Kansas
to frame a State Constitution for that Territory
will soon meet again. They cannot fail to liars
observed, what all the rest of the world have ab
solved, that the voice of the people of Kama is
iii favor of a free State. We know not what may,
bo the purpose or the feelings of the delegates
upon the question of slavery ; but the recent elec
tion has demonstrated that nothing also than a
Constitution which shall exclude andprohibit
slavery will be accepted by the people of the Ter
ritory. That fact is so patent that no man earl
shut his eyes ton.
" It was said that the Convention when elected
was unanimously pro-slavery. That we know to be
untrue ; we know that there were many delegates
who were in favor of obeying the wishes of the
people; and a majority in favor of submitting
their action, no matter what it was, to poptilor
approval or rejection at the polls. What thitt
Convention will do, or what it will not do, we
have not the means of knowing. But we know
that any attempt to force a pro-slavery constitu
tion upon.tho people without the opportunity of
voting it down at the polls, will be regarded, after
the recent expression of sentiment, as so decidedly
unjust, oppressive, and unworthy a free people,
that the people of the United States will not sanc
tion it. It would add thousands to the vete of the
Republican party in every State of the Union,
and give to that organization what it has never
had yet—a show of justice and truth. To the De
mocratio members of that Convention the course is
plain. The pooplo have decided in favor of a free
State. Though they have notlvoted on the naked
issue of Free State' or 'Slava State,' they
have voted practically in favor of a free State.
Two-thirds of the Democratic party in Kansas
have voted it ith the free-Stato party at the recent
election, in order to make the popular dectiston more
phatio. As Kansas must be a free State, even
those persons in the Territory who are known as
' pro-slavery' men must recognize, in the late elec
tion, a decision which must not be slighted nor put
at defiance. To that expression of the popular will
there should be a graceful, if not a cheerful, sub
mission. Kansas is to he a free State! That foot
being ascertained, lot the Convention frame a con
stitution to suit her best interests upon all other
questions, and lot the prohibition of slavery be put
into it, clearly and without quibble, plainly with
out disguise, explicitly, broadly and firmly. Let
the Convention theit submit that constitution to'
the people. Hit bo adopted, Kansas will come
into the Union at the next cession, and the Repub
lican party will expire for want of sustenance. If
any members of the Convention desire to pro:
long the controversy, or to have a regular, di
rect vote upon slave State and free State, let.
a free-State constitution—the Topeka Consti
tution, divested of such of its provisions nations has
shown to inri unsuitable—and a slave-State Consti
tution be prepared. Lot them both be submitted
' to the people—the vote to be free-State Constitu
f ion, yes, ' or 'frec-Stato Constitution, no ;" slave-
Unto Constitution, yes," or slave-Slate Constitu
tive, no.' Let them, if they desire to vote in favor
of &elm State, have the opportunity, but let the'
Constitution-be submitted to the popular vote, and
at nn early day.
" Let the present Convention submit this matter
to the people without delay, and have the long
'controversy settled finally, and in the only effee
teal manner that is possible. In six months after
the admission of Kamm Republicanism will be no
Why Has the Specie Gone Abroad T
Singe Juno, 1854, the export of Epoch) from the .
United States hoe boon upwards of three hundred
an d aiatrfive millions of dollars, ($365,373,180,)
commit* in that fiscal year with eight minium),
and ending*); the fiscal year 1856-7 with sixty-nine
millions of do/kars. The hnportof specie into the
country at different times, within the ;IMO period,
was ninety-two minion; ($02.056,054,) so that our
not export of specie ahem June, 1844, when our
present crop of paper exvnixte bad just begun to
grow, bag boon two hundreo 6114 fifty-three rail-
Hensler dollars, ($253,317,016 )
Why bag this specie gone abroad? That is the
great question for the present crisis—the v i ttlA4fi k m
of questions.—Exchan gr.
This specie has gone abroad, because, like
all other articles, it goes where it is most
wanted, and where people are willing to pay
the highest price for it. Specie; in the com
merce of the world, is like goods put up under
the auctioneer's hammer—it goes to the high
est' and best bidder. When any nation really
wants it, and is able and willing to pay well for
it, it is just as certain to get specie as It is to
gat grain, or dry goods, or iron, or any manu
factured article. Tariffs have a great deal less
to do with its exportation from, or its importa
tion into, a country, than many wiseacres
would thave.the people believe. During the
last year the brill' of 3812 was in operation, the
export of specie from the United States was
considerably greafer than the import of it.
And the first year the tariff of 184(3 was in
operation, the import of specie into the coun
try was greater than it had over been before.
The prolific production of gold in California
rendered it plenty in this country, and led us
to attach less . value to it than other nations
did. It therefore went abroad. The late
panic, however, created an active demand for
it here; and, notwithstanding the present
tariff is considerably lower than that of 1840,
the export of specie immediately stopped, and
every foreign steamer that arrives brings spe
cie, into this country. The tide turned the
moment the demand became greater hero than
We learn from a reliable source that the di
rectors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany have passed resolutions reducing (with
their entire approval) the salaries of all their
officers and employees to a considerable ex
tent, and suspending all work not imperatively
demanded by the interests of the company..
Thi) saving thus effected will amount to quite
a large sum. In the midst of the financial re
vulsion, which has created unprecedented em
barrassment in all branches of business, and
particularly in railroad enterprises, such a
Movement, is well-timed and 'judicious, and
calculated to strengthen and increase public
confidence. Thousands of our citizens are
personally, deeply intetested in the prosperity
of this improvement, and the whole commit,
nity has an important stake in its wallitre, and
the intelligence that the managers have formed
ri fixed determination to limit the expenditureS
of the company to its net income, and taken
efficient measures for doing so, is highly
gratifying. We also understand that the float
ing debt of the company has been greatly re
duced, and a strict appropriation of the sur
plus earnings of the road will soon entirely
liquidate it. Meanwhile, the business of. the
road steadily increases. While the receipts
of other great lines have been greatly re
duced, its revenues have increased nearly
$200,000 during the last two months, over the
corresponding period of last year, and only a
small portion of this, probably not more than
one-tenth, has been obtained from the Colum
bia railroad. These facts will go far to inspire
full confidence in the financial soundness and
stability of fin; great railroad of our state.
Appointment—Swamprand Overflowed !Ands
lu Florlda—Arrest for Forging Land Warrants
—Clerical Changes.
WASIIINGION,OCt. 22.—Jous M. HARRILL has been
appointed United Staten District Attorney for the eastern
district of Arhansas.
A patent, N 0.13, for swamp and overflowed lands In
the Tallahassee district, Florida, enuring to the aeld
State under the act of September 28, 1850, embracing
40,860,70 acres, was yoetardey transmitted by the COM
misfiloner of the General Land office to the Executive
of that State.
The Pension Bureau has advices that a min named
Itanvourt was arrestod at Carthago, Tonneasoe, for forg•
tug land warrants.
DAVID Dues, Esq,, of Maine, has been appointed to a
second class ($1,400 per annum) clerkship In the bureau
of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, vice JAMBS
G. PERBLIS, promoted to a third class ($l,OOO per an
num) clerkship, vice A. D. CABWNLL, Esq., of Blaine,
resigned. •
A "Herndon Fund Association•+--Interesting
Accounts from Wagon Road Expeditions.
WAtiItINOTON, Oct. 2 —The ladies of the District, at
a meeting hold in this city this afternoon, /Termed them
selves into a ‘, Herndon Fund Asaociation," and up•
pointed a committee with instructions to issue a circu
lar inviting the co-operation of the women of America.
to raise funds, and invest the same for the benefit of the
family of the Into Captain Herndon • The Mayor of
Washington and Colonel Irwin delivered addressee on
the occasion.
The Interior Department has just received additional
advicen from Superintendent Megraw's section of the
Wagon Road expedition, dated at Independence Bock,
on the 13th of September.
Engineer Lander, who was in advance of the party,
succeeded in finding an excellent route train the emend t
of the South Pass to Beer and Soda Springs, on;the
Dear River, and had been quite successful west of these
Upon the discovery of a good road between the points
first mentioned depended the success of tide portiop of
the parolee who are engaged in the conxtroctlon ot' thin
great thoroughfare from Fort Kearney to the Carla
State line, at Roney Lake. The'opeeleg of pew
route will nave many miles of travel to how.o Niel*
and Oregon emigrants, It is thought ther - expeill Lou
will get throngh to California by the 11th of Deem se.
The accounts of Superintendent Kirk's section of
New YORK, Oct. 22 —The steamship North Star ar
rived at 8 o'clock thin morning. She left Southampton
on the Bth instant, and brings London pipers to the
,amo date. Iler advices have been anticipated by the
Europa at Halifax. She brings 270 passengers, but no
specie. Her voyage has been delayed by encountering
strong westerly gales during the whole passage. Her
papers contain nothing of interest.
Arrival of the Edropa at Boston.
Boma, Oct 72. The royal mall steamship Europa,
from Liourpool on the 10th unit., ma Halifax, arrived
at this port this everting. for malls will ho despatched
for Philadelphia to-morrow morning, and will be duo
the same evening.
The Merchant* and Manufacturers Bank of
Pithlbilrgh..,Slratile Disclosures.
PITTERWRO, Oct. 22.—A bench warrant Wall hoard to.
day, issued at the instance of Mr. Scott, President of
She Merchants and Manufacturers Bank, against Jam re
and ;Reroutes O'Connor, bankers, of the firm of O'Con
nor, Brother, h. Co., charging them with obtaining
fraudulently, and by the complicity of the book-keeper
of the bank, f.lBlii,ooo. O'Conner in his defence made
grave allegations against the bank, denying the in•
debtedness of the firm, and claiming to be the
agents 'of the bank for the purpose of drawing specie
from the other banks on their noire to replenish
its vaults, that largo amounts of the notes of dis
tant banks of a less denomination than five dollars, and
also counterfeit money, were drawn Iron the bank on
their checks ; that their dealings with the bank since
February last have amounted to over three millions, a
large portion of which was not on the private account of
the firm • that the respondents In vain attempted to ef
fect a seithiment with the bank. and had placed securi
ties In the hands of a disinterested party to cover any
Further investigation was waived for tho proAent,
Messrs. O'Connor having made ou maiginuout for the
benefit of their creditors.
Notwithetsnding these developments, the notes of the
back are still taken by the other banks in payment of
notes due them, and aim by the public. It Is said that
its stock will not bo depreciated.
The Country Banks of New York
Synscusx, N. Y., Oct. M —A convention of the coun
try banks of the State of New York was hold hero this
afternoon. Over thirty banks were represented, among
which were some of the leading institutions in the
country. It was resolved, as the duty of the banks and
the intention of those represented, to prepare for an
early resumption of specie payments; and before said
resumption. to keep their bills as near a specie basis as
possible. Also, to Increase the line of discounts to the
extent of their ability, and to aid in forwarding pro
A committee was appointed to effect an association of
the country banks for their mutual protection, and to
arrange a system of redemption and exchanges, the com
mittee to report at a future meeting.
The convention then adjourned.
C 1.61131,010, Oct. 22 —Tho °facial returna of the eiec
floe in 72 counties give Chose, the Republican condi
date for lloyemor, a majority of 2,027.
The indicatiops are that the Senate will contain 15
itApnbitc... and 18 Democratic members, and the House
will he composed of 48 Republicans and b 7 Democrats.'
CITICAOO, Oct. 22 —Thirty-three counties in Ailing,-
ROCS, which have been heard from, give 11. 11. Sibley, the
Democratic candidate for Governor, a majority of 1,700
Nineteen eremites are yet to bo heard from, bUS
the returns will probably increase the Democratic ma
Discharge of AVorknien at the Norfolk Navy
NORFOLK, Oct. 22.—Upwards of fifty ship-carpenters
were discharged from the navy yard to-day Times look
squally for the winter.
Financial /Males in New Orleans
New ORLRANII, Oct. :I.—Financial affairs are still
mars gloomy. Many favor a sumpeneioo of our banks
as the only means of relief'. A sullen and bad feeling
prevails. Thera is nothing definite to report regarding
our banks, but tho most of them are In a weak coy
Street Fight st Memphis, Tam
MEMPHIS, Oct. Cochfell, proprlotor of the
Commercial Hotel, badly wounded Dr. Hooke in a
iitreot light to-day, with a pistol.
BALTIXOII6, Oct. 22 —Flour iatiniet, but rather heavy;
salsa of City at $5 00 cash, and $5.37y, on time; How
ard and Ohio at $5 93015 37); lied wheat at $1 o.sts
$1.17; white, $1.1541.27. Corti—White, 60007 e ;
yellow, (Monde.
New 0 rite ANN Oct. 52.—Cotton—Bates of 3,000 bales,
at OA; oath:. for middling to gpoaginalities. The receipts
to-day were 1,700 bales. Flour bu t - uuted at $5. Sugars
sell at 10X mile.; molasses at 40d4be. bard, In bar
rels, at 101(e.
New OBLEANS, Oct. 22.—The aspect of affairs too;lay
was more gloomy than over. Nothing was done In et.
change or freights, and business was generally un
Tho negro vote of Ohio is variously estimated at
from one thousand two hundred to ono thousand
five hundred. In this county they range from one
hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty. In
Lorain, they count about ono hundred and fifty.
Over one hundred voted in Oberlin, whose names
are regularly registered and ohallengod by the
Democrats. In Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula, all
vote without a why or wherefore. It is safe to put
down the negro vote in tho Reserve at from five
hundred to eight hundred, bat comparatively
few of our black population inhabit the Reserve.
Tho groat body of them live in the southern part
of the State, in the counties of Ross, Highland,
Galin, Brown, Franklin, and Hamilton. how
many are allowed to vote in these regions contains
to ho known. There are between fifteen anti
two, thousand free blacks in the State, all
anxious thi pia, anti who the Republicans declare
havo a right to ,vote, and shalt veto. It is oafs to
say that, take the lelat i e through, ono in tan do
vote. Tito proportion is Mitch greater in Republi.
can counties, and the guestioh is, what shall be
done with thla vote? They aro oast in 34 0 LVAitliftd
law. Tho Democratic party oppose their going in,tu
the ballot•box. They, of course, will favor theif
coming out.—Cleveland Plaindeder.
A Mrs. Thompson, below “The Falls," oa
Sherlock creek. Mariposa county, California, le
driving into the hill. She is represented, by a cori
respondent, to bo a hard-working and energeti4
woman, and is famous for her mining qualifications,
as she works with her hired mon every day hot
Arrival of the North Star.
The Ohio Election
Minnesota Election.
The Negro Vote of Ohio.
Proposition to Christianize India—The English
Money Market—Condition of Affairs in the
United States.
The United States mail steamer North Star,
Captain Lofrebre, has afrived .at Now York from
Southampton, with tho Gorman, French, and
English mails of the 7th inst.
The intelligence by this arrival is the same as
brought by the North American, at Quebec, but
not so late by three days, as received per Europa,
at Halifax. We find some additional item of
Interest in our tiles.
A tlespateh from Berlin says that the visit of the
EMperor Napoleon to the King of Prussia will not
take place Immediately, but will yet be among the
events of the present year.
The Congress for the definite organization of the
Danubian Principalities is 'expected to meet in
Paris early in November.
On the 30th ult. the Danish Diet woe opened
by commission at Copenhagen. The proceedings
excited no interest, and the Assembly broke up
afteiTstecting the President and Vise Presidents.
There were three Admirals on the Russian line.
of.battle.sbip "La Forte," which foundered, one
of them being Admiral Moller, the Captain in coin.
mend, who had only just married, and had his
wife and two of her cousins with him.
Th. Court of Caseation . at Paris, had rejected
the appeal of Captain Doineau, and he would be
executed unless. the Emperor interposed his pre
rogative. The appeals of the Arab chiefs had also
been rejected.
According to a telegraphic despatch received in
Paris, the Austrian corps, whose evacuation of the
Roman !Bates was lately announced, marched
from Bologna on the day appointed, the 30th of
Tho-thrlattemizlng of India—Day of National
On Wedneaday, October the 7th, nye tbo Lon
don Times, the whole country mot to deplore, in
the preaenoe of Ood, the national visitation in
volved in the Indian mutiny. As a day of na
tional humiliation, and its suitable accompani
ment, national self-examination, the editors
remark :
l can be no doubt that the object for which
e ' Ott to consider ourselves to hold India is the
future Christianity and civilization of the people.
It will be said this is aiming high, and so it is, but
until it is proved that this result is impossible we
taunt ahn at it ; as a Christian nation we have no
other alternative. Some say this is impossible.
Then are no philosophical theories to this effect,
'theories about races and what they are susceptible
of. Ana even before the theory about racer; sprang
up, the institutions of Ilindostan were thought by
leant c o oppose tin irresistible obstacle to Chris
tiou •
Sidney Smith adopted this ground in an.essay
fifty years ago. India has, iu fact, acted like a
Diedusa's.head upon many persons, and seine of
those the most intelligent thinkers. The sight of
the Morn features of that rigid system, with the
minds of the natives locked in its iron grasp,
has chilled their life-blood and deadened
hope. What can wo do against such institn-
Genf, noting upon such a race ? The appeal to
the imagination •is indeed fearfully strong.
Still, oven apart from plain promises of revela
tion, reason itself tells us that it is quite impos
sible that we can pronounce against the capacity of
the Ifindoos for civilization and Christianity. As
minatter of fact individuals among them do become
sincere Christians. And when wo talk about the
capacity of a race as such wo talk of what we know
nothing about. Who can polsibly toll what there
is or is not in a race, and what may be made of it?
It is a hidden vein which facts only can inti
mately disclose. And in the meantime we are
bound to act with a view to the very highest result
wl ich may, for anything we know to the countrary,
be attained.
But how are we to aim at the conversion of the
Ilindoos to Christianity here is a puzzle indeed.
The Gospel, and the enlightened morality of mod
ern limes alike forbid us to use force, and the sun
, must roll back to the East again before we can
notate life the old theory of persecution, which
effected such wonders of conversion in the mid
dle ages. Charlemagne and his Saxons are
gone for ever. We are deprived of that
mighty engine of conversion, and what have
MI in its Mead? We have the appeal to the
ordinary evidences of Christianity and to the
great fact of modern Europe, which is a re.
suit of Christianity, and which au intelligent fin.
cloo must appreciate. Ito must see that Christiani
ty is, as a matter of fact, the groat civilizing and
renovating principle in the world, that all the
greatness and power we see in the world are con
nected with it, and that whatever that vigorous
and strong element tuay be which makes great
nations and successful ages, and which produces
growth and progress among mankind, it is never
found except in combination with Christianity.
The Latest English Monet - Market
[From tho London Tinos, Oct. 7.)
LONDON, Tuesday evening, Oct o.—The quotation of
gold at Paris is about 5 per mille premium, and the
Mart exchange on London is 25 20 per It. On com
paring those rates with the English Mint pace of 13
17.. 10iid. per ounce for standard gold, it appears that
gold is nearly , I.lotha per Cont. dearer in Paris than lu
By &dykes front Hamburg the price of gold is 424 k
per mark, and the abort exchange on London is 13.4
per St sterling. Standard gold at the English mint
price is therefore about 1-10ths per cent. dearer In
homburg than in London.
The coerce of exchange at New York on London for
`bills it sixty days sight. is about lON per cent., whirl.,
when compared with the mint par between the two
countries, shows that the exchange I. against England;
but, after making allowance for charge, of transport
and difference of Interest, the prenent rate leaves no
woe. on the transmission of gold either way between
the trig, countries
elliattki n ig r eitt ntr42.:
heavily Ode morning at a further deelino of an eighth,
and, although there was oubitequently a recovery, it was
not maintained to the termination of business, the mar.
ket closing very heavily in consequence of numerous
sales of securities on account of parties at Liverpool in
receipt of further adverse mare front America by the
Battle. The find trannactionn in consols formoney were
at 01% to DO. but there were RA usual several orders on
the market for purchasers at 00, and the execution of
time caused a temporary rally to 90 to M.
After regular hours; , telegraphic intelli
gence to the effeet that the Philadelphia and Baltimore
hanks have impended, andlhat several additional fall
urea hare, taken place In those and other principal cities
of the Union, caused a rehmse to•the opening quotation.
For the 10th of tiprembey the latest price was 90,if to
3: • In consequence of the purchnea on the part of the
public in the early part of the day there was uo pressure
for motley in the Stock Exchange, loans on Government
securities being obtainable at b per cent. In the dis
count market there was a full, but not an excessive de.
wand. The• knowledge that further largo sums of
bullion were in course of withdrawal front the bank
caused considerable anxiety.
In the foTelgo exchanges, this afternoon, there was
no change or iropoclance (row the rates of last post.
The final quotations of the French three per cents on
the Paris Bowie, this evening, wan 66f. be. for money,
and 68f. Btu. for tho end of the month—showing a fur
ther relapse of a quarter per cent.
About 488,000 In gold was taken from the bank to.
des for exportation to the continent.
it Is assumed that the stoppage of the Philadel
phia and Baltimore, banks, telegraphed this after
noun, la the result Of a Joint resolution ou the part
of those institutions for mutual preservation front
the consequences of pu indiscriminate panic Should
seek be the rase, the step, instead of causing an Increase
of distrusy may assist in promoting a restoration of
costldenco. There are certain conditions under n high
ne honking establishments can• stand, and it will noon
bit seen If these have been the cause of the present
movement. The immediate effect wilt be to cause bills
ca these cities tote sold at Neat York and elsewhere at
ai•cavlt discount, and that most of the specie in circu
lation In Philadelphia and Baltimore will be sent away
to purchaufthesn.
The stock of bullion at other points would, therefore,
bf proportignebly strengthened. The event, conse
quently, instead of "(ganging a further fall in securities
ney,operato In an opposite direction. With regard
to the fresh failures reported on this occasion, the
witicipaliu at Philadelphia been) to have been Caleb
Cape & Co., and llallowoll & Co , bolt importers of
twoufactured geode. (luring the relapse which
occurred after the termination of the great Ame
rican panic In 1831, the Philadelphia and Balti
more bunks euiponded an in this instance, while
those of :fel, York stood their ground. At thud
limo their course had been radically unsound, and
a long period elapsed before they were Ala to ru
suno. In the present cane no widespread commercial
halation Las been oliasivable, and there to room to pope
that the did:lenity will be speedily surmounted. The
PI rsto is the pert. steamer - to arrive, and she may be
lacked for on Saturday afternoon.
In the steamship North Star, from Southampton, &c
—II WIT I ' II . holy, & 4 ,clilldren, H Alberti, lady, & 3
children, Minna Hayes, Adgl Bolder, 0 H Uarlicka,
Chas do Moutel, J'Whipperlinger, Carl Reimer, (loathe
Farber & lady, F W Hack, Emil Eggers, Mrs Griffith,
Alois Meyer, J Slelhnau, lady & 4 children, ft Kress. J
Bechtel & Mercado. J Esclibach, DI Eschbach,
I, Jaeger, D Lohman, H Bummers
atadt, E 11111e r J Busch, General Count Heiden
helm, Mario dross', LOUIS° , 10 Mould & brother,
Chas J Kluge lady Jr three daughters, A Schaper, C
,Panknln Ciardtx, Spengmati & lady, Mad Reisig,
Miss Bo yd, f,I Luskuy, E Franklin, Capt Pike & lady,
Ida Werbe, LOulee Rindshoff & lady, A M Seixeas
& family, U Onerfeldt, Martha Ouerfeldt, Marie
Kirsch°, II , lintel, W Helsensuttle, Una, Bleluors,
Illisha Lerch, Marie lldoers & baby, 11 Schmidt &
lady, Fanelli Miehalis. I °broach & family , II &hull,
• Krohn & -ehiter, li Woltgen, Anna Warming,
Werullull, Vona 14ndeinau, W Yehrt, I G Dam
" Merman, iluly 41t` child,. CID* Elam} & 4 children, 11
Steineck, lady & children, W Ahane, I H Urambert,
lI Preaaen, 11 llohlor, A liackliar,Elish rpsyder,Altasn-
Oer, Daub', If tauuterer, It R later, 0 IYalter, Marie Hal
lerman, A. Hallarnisn,D Trenton & child, DSchuub&
faintly,/ Trey, J Speller, L Trobenhoff, II Kahn , II i•
shunts, L Muller, .L Loges, Wilhelmiou fondle, M
Schwab, Chas Clark. M Wickenberg, W Gorrige, A
Thompson; T, Wildbarger, M Moacket, /nibs Monck et,
P Oholublia & sister, E Parsons, lady. & sister, A C
Purr. A H Burr, Mad Mayr & child, Matild Dahl, M
Calogne, 'l' Rack, P Itylihner, ,Toy Morris & lady,
A E Bandelier, A Bandelier, If Laibnits M Moucher,
Madame Taupenas, Ilra Hammond, 11 Clamor, I.
&roman, la Aveman, A Cardinal, J i Thomen, John
A Green & lady, L Lagougina, Roqueray, A
Suarez Coranaz,,llenJandn Neel and two children, L Le.
rens, Chas Havard, N Serane, Anton Pia, Catharine
O'Neill, M Tuaillon & lady, A Busch, J Bloch, K Per
kins, lady & two children, It Dunlop & lady, 0 Fischer
& lady, U Mann, U Yisbor,N Carmeuery, It Martine, E
Roomer & sister, 8 II Waters, McKean & Buchanan,
W Atkins, lady, & two thildrun, J Mallory,
Miss K Burns, John Gregory, Janos forcing, Wm
Bunting, 0 8 Putnam, Mrs Bali, Charles Sparrow,
' Mrs Ward & son Mono,. Lees, J If Dooley, W ii
, Buxtax P Tolichet, L porkier, 0 Yelper & lady, It Zer
' wick, Elise Seblocstein, W Mehrle & family James
Aiglewmat & lady, Adel Donning, 0 Seuftleben, H
Seuftleben, Augusta Senftluben, E Rudolph, I Cher
' hairline, DI Martin, E Lassaille, T Ifoßlauer, J Ilof
fiver, W Diedericks, Barb Leroh & daughter. &trims
Stoube, Vise Mother, Marie Vogt, It Raritan, Agatha
Mast. 1 1 Schlotterback, Mad Riviera & three children,
Mrs Ilumbart, MI7 M Evans, E Henning, W U
Manning, Wm C I emu 4, lady, J It Northrop, Mr.
Alman & four ch Riedel, 0 Hants, Amelia
Hansen, 11 Aubrey & two' Wan Igflpn
Our Detective 01ficers.—liecontly a Humber
of arrests, of a very important character, have
been made by our detective aims, which go far
to prove the possession of unequalled skill and in•
genuity on the part of those who have boon select
ed to guard the rights and property of our fellow
citizens. Probably the moat important arrest
effected iu this city for some time, was that made
a few days since by High constables Russell and
Trefts, of the notorious" panel thieves," who have
boon committed to prison by Alderman Enou to
awa it; Weir lea' on the numerous criminal charges
preferred against Shom. The developments which
have boon made, tlirongh the exertions of Messrs.
Russell and Trans, exhibit a most startling etatp
of depravity among the gang wholiaVa fortunately
now boon at least temporarily checked In their
career of wholesale depredation. We venture to
assort that, had not this arrest been made, at least
a dozen robberies of goods from our most exten
c_ire establishments would have been made during
The ptoso,nt week. The community no doubt ap
preciate tiniserldeel Of smith officers.
WM. MCMilder, the first settler and ptigi
nal owner of' the- laud on which Albion, Orleans
county, NeW York, stands, has, been sentenced to
be hung on the 23d of October, for firing the houso
of the county' suPerint r endent. McAllister is 78
years of Age: He teeelved'his sentence with the
most perfect indifference.
OMIT STREETS.—" La Traylata."- 4, La Figlla Del neg.
REM. ISIIIII -., Jack Cade"—" Catharine and Patru
STREHT —" Uncle Tom's Cabin 11
CHERTNOT.—Ethiopian Life Illustrated, concluding with
a laughable Afterpiece.
—Miscellaneous Concerts.
City Councils.—A stated meeting of City
Councils was bold yesterday afternoon, at which
the following business was transacted :
. . , .
Petitions were received from sundry citizens re
!nave to the reception of city warrants inlnty
meat of taxes. Referred to the Committee on Fi
A communication was received from Peter
Fritz, Man., inviting the Mayor and the Select and
Common Councils of the city to review the parade
of the United Order of American Mechanics, which
is arranged to take place on Monday, November
2d, on the occasion of the dedication of their now
Hall, at Fourth and George streets. The invita
tion was accepted.
A communication was received from the Chief
Commissioner of Highways, giving a list of Super
visors, for the different wards, with their sureties.
Referred to the Committee on Finance.
A message was received from the Mayor, calling
the attention of Councils to a bequest of Mr. Elias
Boudinot, of .1,300 acres of land on the Susque
hanna river, to the city of Philadelphia. Referred
to the Committee on Law, and the City Solicitor.
Mr. Marselis, from the Committee on Girard
Estates, reported that they had under considera
tion the subject of the finances of the trust. and
Informed Councils that there is now on deposit in
the Bank of North America, to the credit of the
fund for the improvement of the Delaware front,
a large and unappropriated balance. The com
mittee are of opinion that so large a sum should
not be permitted to lie idle at this time. The
committee recommend the passage of an ordinance
to authorize an appropriation of forty thousand
dollars out of the income of the fund appropriated
by the will of Stephen Girard for the improvement
of the eastern front of the city and Delaware
avenue, to be invested temporarily in loans of the
City of Philadelphia.
The ordinance was then taken up for considera
tion, and passed finally.
Mr. Cornnian road in place an ordinance to make
an appropriation to pay road damages caused by
the opening of Chestnut street at low-water mark
on the Schuylkill. After a brief discussion the
ordinance was laid over for the present.
Mr. Beidoman, from the Committee on Finance,
presented an ordinance providing for the transfer
of certain items of the appropriation to the clerks
of Councils, which was passed.
The ordinance from Common Council making an
appropriation of $l,lOO, or so much of that sum as
may be necessary to pay certain State taxes on city
property, for the years 1855 and 1850. The ordi
nance was agreed to.
The resolutions from Common Council providing
for a retrenchment of the expenses in the differ
ent Departments, were next considered. Mr. Na
ikons opposed the resolutions. Ile thought that
the city should not discharge any of the men em
ployed on the different streets. He had been in
formed that about sixty men had been dischar,led
from the Renting Park. The city should increase
rather than diminish the number of men at work.
Mr. Roberts favored the resolution in some forci
ble remarks.
Mr. Bradford opposed the resolution, as it was
calculated to create a panic among the laboring
Mr. Common contended that the adoption of the
resolution would oreato alarm. We havo had our
banks and mills suspending, and mon thrown out
of employment, and now we want to tell the peo
ple that the Directors of the City Governmenthave
iesolvod to suspend operations. The resolution
will have a tendency to pauperize largo numbers
of those thrown cut of omployment by its opera
Mr. C. thought that the city should issue two
millions of paper money, of a denomination not
less than ono dollar, and pay its employees inure
per diem, than at the present time.
Mr. Nathans moved that the resolution be re
ferred back to the Committee on Finance, with in
structions to report upon the best method of em
ploying the laboring classes during the winter. Not
agreed to.
Mr. Gamble moved that the whole subject be in
definitely postponed. Not agreed to.
Mr. Nathana moved to strike out the last clause
of the first resolution. Not agreed to. The reso
lutions were then agreed to.
The question being upon the preamble, Mr. Gam
ble objected to the phraseology of the first clause,
which declares the present time to be one of un
precedented monetary difficulty. He did not con
cur in this view, although much distress every
where prevailed. The preambbi was agreed to.
Thu resolution from Common Council authorizing
a transfer of certain items in the annual appropria
tion to the Board ofauardians of the Poor for 15,7,
was concurred in.
The resolution accepting the sureties of Mr.
Lamb, Commissioner of Markets, was concurred
The resolution discharging the Committee on Fi
nance from the further consideration of the reso
lution of the claim for spreading tan in the vicinity
of the County Court House, was adopted. Mr.
Iteideraan stated that the charge was exorbitant.
Mr, Taylor sahl that the judges of the Court had
no right to order any snob an expenditure 'of
money. Mr. Common °noosed the resolution. I
az— offered a rex:untie. seszreefri. s te
Chief Commissioner of Highways I. inquire i o
the expediency of employing additional men pn
the public highways.
Mr. Roberts road in place, an ordinance to va
cate certain market stands, and to prevent the stitle
of products or farms and gardens, by persons who
are not the ()whets thereof. The bill affixes a pen
alty of five dollars to over? 'violation of its provi
sions. Referred to the Committee on Markets.
Mr. Burns, in place, submitted a bill authorising
the Receiver of Taxes to accept the city warrants
in payment for taxes until the let of February
next, but that no interest be paid on such war
Mr. Miller moved to suspend the rule to con
sider the ordinance, which was agreed to
The bill was then read by the clerk.
Mr. Drayton said the bill was a just ono, as the
city should be willing to accept her promises to
pay in payment of her claims. If this bill was
passed, all the warrants afloat would be brought
in the city treasury. They have demands upon
them which can only be paid in money. Ito trust
ed they would not pass the bill to-day, but refer
it to some committee. He moved to refer the or
dinance to a special committee.
Mr. Miller said this was a matter of record for
them who wore in their employ. There was no
market for the city warrants—limy could not be
sold even to the brokers. He know of no other
way in which to relieve these people. The passage
of the bill would at once create a market for these
Mr. O'Neill did not intend to oppose this bill,
but he could not see how it could relieve the work.
inginon. Pass this bill and not a dollar will bo
paid into the Treasury. It will only be the means
of adopting measures to band over these warrants
to the brokers—the most gracoless set of scamps on
God's earth.
Mr. 'Wilde) , thought the passage of this bill
would do much , but should not be passed
without much re eetion. Ile moved to amend to
refer the subject to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Miller opposed the reference of the bill to
any committee. Ile thought it would relieve the
humble class of the creditors of thecity. Ito dif.
fered from Mr. O'Neill in his view of the question.
Ile Crusted that unless there was some substantial
argument for postponement, the bill would pass to
Mr. Burns urged the reference of his subject to a
special committee.
Mr. Marcher urged a reference to some corn
mitten. If this ordinance passed no taxes would
be paid until the tax-payers could purchase war
rants, and no money would flow into the treasury.
Mr. Parker trusted they would defeat the ordi.
mince, as its passage would he an injustice to those
who have already paid their taxes Ile pitched
into Mr. Miller for his inconsistency.
Mr. Moocher read the Act of Assembly, which
forbids the corporation from dealing in or re
issuing any certificate of debt.
Mr. O'Neill said the bill was a "dodge," got up
to advance the rates of scrip now in the hands of
certain brokers.
Mr. flollman hoped they would not ant hastily
by passing this bill at once. In committee was the
proper piano to discuss the subject. Ito thought
that thero was danger that tho interest would nut
be paid on the first of January.
Tho motion to refer to the Finance Committee
was not agreed to.
Mr. Miller thought it better to give the work
ingmen broad than to pay the interest on the first
of January.
Mr. Marcher thought they hail no right to pass
such an ordinanoo.
Mr. Div was of the opinion that the bill was of
too much importance to be passed hastily. lie urged
a referenee to a special committee.
A motion was made to amend " to report at the
next stated mooting," which was agreed to.
The yeas and nays were demanded on the mo
tion to refer to a special committee of five, by
Messrs. Miller and Marcher, and resulted as fol
lows: yeas 37, nays 23.
Mr. Kneess moved to suspend the order of the
day to consider the bill calling for plans and esti
mates for a bridge over the Schuylkill at Chestnut
street. Not agreed to.
A communication was received from Major Fritz,
inviting Council to review the American Mecha
nics' procession on the 2d of November, on the
occasion of the dedication of their now hall, at
Fourth and Brown streets.
Mr. Parker moved that the invitation be ac
cepted, which was agreed to.
A message was received from the Mayor, calling
attention to the Boudinot bequest, and asking that
some action be had to make them available for
charitable purposes.
Mr—Holman submitted a petition asking for the
paving of gieher street, from the Reading rail
road to Lehigh avenue Referred to the Commit
tee on Highways.
Mr. Drayton. of the Committee on Highways,
submitted a resolution approving of William if.
Reilly and Dr. Beckman as sureties of William
tragrh, Commissioner of Markets. Agreed to.
Also, a repOrt, stating that there were many er
rors made In the assessment books, among them
$50,000 in the Vint ware► alone, against the city,
and an ordinance authorising an appropriation of
$5OO to examine the tax duplicates.
Mr. King desired to know where the fault was.
The errors are made by the assessors, many of
whom are incompetent, and the city is burdened
with the expense of employing clerks to correct
their errors. Last year the expense of this work
was only $250.
Mr. Member alluded to some [erasures made in
the assessments In the office of the commissioners.
Mr. King said that if this was the case, there
must be something rotten there, and the books
should be removed to a place of safety.
Mr. O'Neill said there was ro department in
which so many errors occurred as in the City Com
missioners'. • In his connection with tho office, he
ascertained that the assessments had been altered
is that office. In one instance the amount of as
sessment was reduced nine thousand dollars.
Mr. Steel was in favor of having d permanent
clerk, who shall have the entire charge of the
books. He moved to postpone the subject for the
pfosept,•eo that the Finance Committee can report
an ordiniihav to that'effeet.
After considerable debate, the report and ordi
nance were adopted. •
The ordinance, passed by Select Connell, aut,hor
icing the investment of ;40,000 of the Girard Trust
Fund in city bonds and for the improvement of.
Delaware avenue, W,13 taken up.
Mr. Wilmer thought the Lanka were very uncer
tain instant-lons, and the funds of the it ir.t:d Es
tate should he removed to a place of ~tfety
- Mr. Hacker thought that the North America
Bank, where the fund was tow deposited, was the
safest place to put it. 11e4tles this, the North
Ameries Bank was always ready to lend the city
when she wanted it.
31r. Wilmer said the Bank of North Atocrici
paid four per cent. for the use of obout $30.000 of
this fund: and when the city desired to borrow she
was compelled to pay six percent. There was cer
tainly not nun it gallantry about This
Mr. Brayton urged the referoneo of the EtiLje •t
book to the other Chamber.
The ordinance war postponed for the present
and ordered to he printed for the OM roe ,
Mr. Miller, from the Committee on Mg
submitted a report and resolution, authorizing the
paving of portions of Amber street, Ceinrobi
avenue, Washington and Front streets. The ref.-
lution was agreed to.
A resolution authorizing the grading of Annet.
Bolton, and a portion et Fourth street, was alf:o .
debated at much length. This subject, unimpor ,
tent apparently, elicited much discussion. Pend- -
ingthe debate, a motion- to adjourn was made' oust
negatived. The resolution was agreed to, and the
Chamber adjourned.
"Dull Music."—The stagnation in business
is now affecting all classes of people, even these
whose avocations are not generally supposed, to be I
dependant upon monetary prosperity. The most
bitter complaints we have heard this season, were
tittered by a sexton and undertaker, who corn
plained that the dearth of business was bringing
him to ruin The apothecaries also murmur—not
at' the total decline of business, for people must
have inediciner, but because the " Flummix Hair
Tonic," the "Pimple Eradicator," and all other
nostrum cosmetics aro dead stock upon their
shelves, and cannot be sold. Even the retail shoe
dealers swell the volume of complaint, and asse
verate their belief that people are coming hack to
the good old Arcadian days of stone hatchets,
bare feet, and sheepskin breeches. The idea at
first suggests itself that people must have Wide
and shoes, even though they cut off their visits to
the opera, and relinquished their indulgence in
white kids and rosy-cheatedjaponicas. Yet it
seems that the boot and shoe-dealers complain 119
loudly as the barbers and hair-dressers, whode
elate that society is going to Tophet, because tong
b e ards and growing locks are becoming a compel
wiry matter of fashion. Thie is a queer state of
things, and all brought about, not by a lack of
funds, but by a lack of confidence. Instead of
being in the midst of a panic, we should be knee
deepin doubloons. Queer world this!
Fatal Result.—Sarah McDermott died at
the Pennsylvania Hospital, at three o'clock yes
terday morning, from burns received at her home
in Bedford street, on Monday night. The deceased,
lit the time of the accident, was kindly provided
fur by Alex. W. Blackburn, Fire Detective,
taken to the hospital under his direction. Corohcr
'Mayan held an inquest in the case yesterday, at
that institution, and a verdict of death from burns
accidentally received was rendered. Mrs. McDer
mott lived in very humble circumstances, and she
leaves an intelligent and very interesting little
son in a destitute condition. This lad, while his
mother was suffering from her burns, was conti
nually at her bedside, exclaiming in the most
affecting tones: "Mother, dear mother, do not
' die! do not die!" We hope that he may be pro
party cared for.
Police Item:.—Yesterday morning Special
Officer Taggart arrested Maria Russell, alias
"Irish Maria," on tho charge of robbing John
Williams, alias "Baltimore Pat," of $l2O, in
Shippen street, bolow Fourth. Maria was com
mitted to answer. No money was recovered from
William Keating, charged with robbing the
house of Mrs. Byrnes, at Pine and Willow streets,
had a hearing before Alderman &nen yesterday.
The house was entered on Wednesday morning.
about half-past three o'clock, by breakingopen the
second-story window by three or four men. Keat
ing was arrested about half an hour afterwards
about half a 'square from the house. Be was com
mitted for a further hearing this afternoon.
Officer Kneass, in connection with High Consta
bles Russell and Trefts. yesterday morning succeed
ed in arresting" Big Cnuekles,' anted thief, on a
warrant from Easton, where he is charged with the
commission of several misdeeds. A heavily loaded
Colt's revolver was found upon the person of the
prisoner. Alderman Enen committed the accused
us a fugitive from Northampton county, and also
to answer the charge of carrying concealed ilgadly
weapons. There is scarcely any doubt that the
pistol is stolen property. it is numbered 133,483,
and may be seen at the Central Police Station to
day, by thoee who have missed any such article,
.dn Artist's Studio.—We made a brief visit
yesterday to the studio of that celebrated and de
serving Philadelphia artist, Charles Cohill, Esq.,
at the southeast corner of Fifth and Chestnut
streets. Ills collection of photographs, painted in
oil, and portraits painted from life or daguerreo.
types, is certainly one of the most attractive and
beautiful that we have ever seen. As the eye sur
veys his gallery, familiar faces appear in form and
feature true to life. Ills coloring is just and admi
rable, and every detail of his delineations bespeaks
the finished limner. It has been said of the cba
rooters of a distinguished novelist that they almost
moved on the page; but the faces about us in
this gallery look with speaking lip and smiling
eve, as If ready to enter into pleasant converse with
every admiring beholder.
Fire.—Yesterday morning, between nine
end ten o'clock, the chimney attached to the
French dyeing establishment of Mr. M. B. (Im
peller, No. ILI aeuth Tenth street, below Chest
nut, took Bre and burned with considerable rigor.
The sparks communicated the flames to the roof,
and the joists of the second-story floor also took
fire near the flue. The fire was extinguished by
the neighbors by means of a few buckets of
A Vessel Picked up at Seg.-Probable Loss of all
on Board-. Very Mysterious Ctreamstance•.
[From the New York Herald of the ?AL]
We have just learned the fact that the sloop
Brandywine, of Wilmington, Delaware, wizli
bushels of wheat on board, shipped at Coggins'
Point landing, James riser. Virginia, by E. ltuffin,
jr., for, as the gentleman who is ourinformant says,
the firm of liern, Stuller,l. Co.. of 124 Pearl street,
in this city, was picked up by Captain Charles
tiormain, of the steaming Wave, about a mile east
from the light-ship off Sandy Hook, on Tuesday
morning last, and by him towed to Jersey city,
w here she now lies.
Captain ormain says that during the previous
night it blew a perfect gale, and when the vessel
wan discovered by him, at daylight in the morn
ing, the sea was making a clean sweep over
her, her sails tying lame in the water; who was
heavily laden, and must have sunk in one hour
Inter. No person was found on board, not even
any trunks, clothing, books, or any evidence of
ownership, except a copy of the bill of lading,
which being shown to the consignees, proves to be
correct, they having received duplicates of same
by mail. The bill of lading states the vessel to
h•tve been loaded with wheat, as above stated, at
the place named, and is signed " Captain John 9
Corns, by Mary E Cures,' in whose handwriting
the bill is.
The compass was found on the cabin floor, yawl
boat gone, one anchor gone, and another, properly
weighed, at the bow. A largo size musket was on
deck. The hatches were duly fastened and
caulked. Since bringing the vessel in nothing has
yet been heard of the crew or of whom it was
composed, or of the presence of any person else on
board. The cargo isinsured in the Orient Mutual
Insurance Company, Wall street. Whether the
vessel is insured or not is not known.
Full particulars will be given, so far as is known,
to the friends of the miming or those interested by
calling on William Jolliffe, Esq , the counsel of
Captain Germain, at Jersey City, by whom the
vessel and cargo will be detained for salvage
Wo present the returns for Governor as far as we
have obtained them :
4 4 .. ri
COUNT! t 9 4°
ae S
11.rks e. 722 :3750 874
Cheiter 5344 1.260 524
Uvlaarmre 1698 1814 Gl9
Prankhn 3186 30804 91
1.1 ban. 1940 251.3 1%2
lhn 1533 1217 101
:Montour 1080 L 64 71
NoahampUm 4067 1111 1010
Philadelphia 27749 10001 14145
1 , , buy lkfll 5930 3.79 551
Union 971 1275 159
11 I °phut 3109 2656 000
Cumberland 3073 21441 53
Bucks 5747 4501 101
Lehigh 2.505 2957 9
Blair 1819 1450 559
Clearfield 1459 721 =5
Northumberland 0"21 974 490
Westmoreland 4351 WS 24
Allegheny 6080 7657 1158
Li corning 2872 170 E us
Et le 1985 3305 . .
Luterne 5288 au 214
Lancaster 6485 7699 1...:03
Adana 2559 19.51 53
Fulton. 817 570 9
Montgomery 5448 2018 1358
Wayne 1992 104 50
Warren 899 1389 9
York 6314 Ina 1332
Redford =3B 1588 39i
Snyder 999 g 69 81
Columbia 2410 1144 30
Huntingdon— 1749 1674 240
. 2379 10111 163
. 25.'19 2928 49
914 199'2 ....
Total 141.273 17,279 27 NO
l'ocker's majority over Wilmot 43 c'.4
Packer's majority over Wilmot and liallehurst..l6,7Sl
Aggregate vote hut year 341.766
Aggregate vote this year •ki3,792
We have returns for Canal Commissioner,
front the following countiev
Northumberland won *I 414
Westmoreland 4333 3343 84
Lycoming 2731 /778 224
Luzerue 5266 3630 314
Lancaster 6618 7740 11C4
Adams 2364 1011 68
Fulton 814 674 6
Montgomery 6480 2580 1302
Wayne 809) 1689 50
Warren 870 1340 2
York 5300 1711 1298
Montour 1065 675
Total 11094 2 89627 23119
In the acme counties the vote for Governor is no
Packer 111,169
Wilmot L 69,042
Hallehunt 24,062
The Romani halleteompany, Mr. Forrest, Char
lotto Cushman, and Miss Heron, are to succeed Mr
Matthews at the Boston theatre.
ArP . ALF.I.NpfIjtIR
Clestroyed—ioss 6700,000—Vrar-
Int Loss sI 1.11--111ine Bodies Iketoyered—Fit•
teen Kbol4n to be Lott.
[From the Chicago Frees, Oct. all
A calamity most appalling in its nature has
burst upon evr city.. :Thades'xnetion of properly,
in amount bsfu - re unparralleled, but far more, the
loss of probably Mot less than twenty human
will be enrolled in our annals against October 19th,
1857, and make it ever mournfully memorable.
About half-past Vclock yesterday morning a
6re brol,e out in tho business block 109 and 111
South Water 'tree:. thence tprea.ling to right and
left, and ex tentlinc,. across the alley to the Lake
street front of the bl,ek, until twelve store; of the
fir.t ei ire . four soil lice stories high, and 'filled
frost cellar to tn.& tIIQI valuable wares and titer
bandi ;e. were lai 1 :mouldering heap; of rub-
. •
W..r, th to all. a fearfal lo=s of human life WM el The ilotnlow oho 1.. - .triAed can be known
nnlY by I Tim, saffnient to indicate the
mis•ior.. or by cle "it 4 tbs.•, of thd catastrophe.'
(p to dark I wt cvenin4 Moo Ipinlie3 had been re
.orered, and six more were known to be in the
ruins It is not to ho believed, we are sorry to
I..ty, that these figurei account for the larger share
of the victims to the calamity.
It is not distinctly known how, nor is it defi
nitely stated where the fire originated. The most
•sreful inquiry. and a summing up of the best evi
dence in possession up to the hour of going to
press, tends to the conviction, that the fire lifts a
veil which shrouds the' life of toe' many of our
clerks and employees who find. theironly home and
their only social life in bachelOr apartments in the
upper stories of our business blocks..
ft is in sad, but too painfully strong evidence,
that the fire, which originated in the five-story
building, Nos. latt and 111 South Waterstreet, was
...tied by carelessneseaud drunken recklessness
•,f tho participants in a drunken debauch of clerks
and the abandoned females they bad made their
eninpanim, and nßsociatee in a Sabbath night's
Nos 109 and 11l South Water street were wen
ded on the main floor by the extensive hardware
.stablislnent of Messrs. Corrnick, Cross, Co.,
who had their double store filled with a large stock
.1 general hardware.
Messrs. A. I) 1 itsworth ,1 Co. had, the area of
i.oth floors of the second story filled with ready
trade clothing..
The huildtug was a total loss, annd little. if any
thing, was saved from its contents. Messrs. Car
wick, Cross, Co. value their stock at 542 000; in
,,ured for ff. 32,000 in MUM and offices as follows:
llowaril, Now York, $10,000; Merchants, Phila.
$5,000: $5,000 divided among other offices.
Th. Messrs. Pith in .b Bro. had in the store $52,-
000 in cash, notes, and securities, all of which were
Itlessrs. Titsworth A. Co. lost. $lO,OOO in ready
made clothing.
Next west the flames attacked the store of
Messrs Lewis k Page, dealers in paints,
oils, Ac.,
which was swept through its fear stories with
frightful rapidity, the inflammable nature of the
•took adding tenfold to the heat of the flames,
which now raged with appalling fierceness.
Messrs. Lewis .t Page estimate the value of their
stock :it 370.000 ; insured for $50.000 in offices not
designated. The building was owned by Dr. D. S.
Smith, formerly of this city, non of Waukegan
It was built iu 1855, and valued at $l,OOO, and
fully insured.
No. 116, next west, was that of Edward Hemp
stead, wholesale grocer. The building and the
stock were very effectually destroyed. Mr. Hemp
stead's loss is $50,009, one-half covered by in
surance. About 83.000 worth of his stock was
s iced in a damaged condition. The books and
papers were got out in good order. The building
was owned by Dr. Philip Maxwell, of this city,
and was valued at $3.000, said to be well insured.
Eastward from the origin of the fire, No. DT,
omupied by Messrs. Clark ,t Dater, •wholesale
Grocers. was destroyed with its contents. Their
stock was valued at $45,000, and is insured in
various offices for an aggregate of $30 : 000.
No. 10i, next east, vacant, was pretty thoroughly
gutted. Thu store was lately occupied by Messrs.
Eggleston Rockwell, wholesale grocers.
Messrs. Honore .t Co , at No. 103, wholesale
druggists. Their stock was much injured by re
moval and by water. Loss estimated at $2,000.
The fire department and citizens on the ground
- • ..
ought strenuously against the progress of the
dame., but they made their way through windows,
whose iron shutters were inadvertently left open,
to the splendid fve•story marble block of the
Messrs. Edward and Walter Wright, through the
premises of T. B. Shay, Nos. 114 and lld Lake
Mr. Shay's magnificent establishments,. which
contended for the palm of the Stewart's of the
cap, was filled with his rich stock of dry-goods.
through which tho flames made their way, as if
revelling in carrying on the work of derogation.
Mr. Shay estimates his stock at $125,040, which
is less than half covered by insurance—te the
amount of $45,000.
The fire commenced in the fifth story from the
roof, and gave warning sufficient for the remora!
of a share of Mr. eLs,ke's valuable stock in his
.alesnxln, and many nutty books and costly arti
clew of stationery were removed. Our readers—
the admirers of the exquisite painting', valued at
exposed in one of the show-windows—will
he glad to learn that " the Belie" war safely re
moved to the Tremont Borne.
On the fourth Boor was the bindery oars.
Wm. Stacy. Jr., .t Co., whose Inn of Welt, tools,
,te.. was total, amounting to $.?..500, wholly ante
cured. On the second floor Nathaniel Gould s pi
ano forte wsreroom contained about twenty ki AMOS
nod two ehureh organs, the former belonging to
himself and R. G. Greene, the latter, wtth two
viand, to Erben. of New York. The loan here was
total. Mr. Gould loses $1.500, Mr. Greene about
toe come, Mr. Erben d.'14.0.1; all unironred, as tar
as 'remold learn.
Suddenly a fearful crash announced a now phase
of the calamity. The heavy and towering wart of
the adjoining store had fallen outward upon the
roof of Barnum's establishment. and had carried
all before it to the haremenL Firemen and eiti
rens, wall, roof, aa.l merchandise, with the tam
ing ruins frum the sore adjoining, •• all mingling,
A fearful scene of terror and dismay ensued.
Iheportion of the wall left standing had fortu
nately preserved the front portion of the store
which was densely thronged by a eonfused crowd.
Many of them wereprostrated by the flying mis
siles, many were trampled and bruised in the 'light
of their cotupaziou.s, but eon all was clear for a
spiels extending about thirty feet from the front.
1 he store was very deep, and for nearly two-thirds
of its whole length the building was ama of
ruins, now beginning to burn briakly. :lathe lames
conveyed in the fall hastened to feed on the
wood-work and the light and combustible portions
of the wares.
Tho loss of the Messrs. Barmen was total,
amounting to $1.5,000. Geu. li. S. Bradley oc
cupied a portion of their premises as a jobber of
jewelry. Ilia lees we did not learn. The building
%AA owned by John Hie', Esq.
Next east 3lecsis. Tappen Bros , clothier'', at
Nn. BM, suffered serious damage by removal. by
water, and by thieves. They estimate their loos
at SID WA), for which they are amply insured. C.
fl.tlanbert k Co . occuplel the sarcoma flood so
dealers in jewelry. They estimate their lass at
F. Newhall t Bro . fruit dealers. No 10 Clark
street, lose $2OO. and the injury to their beading,
wroed by Captain Bigelow, by the failing of the
w ill of Ifetup=tead's store. will be about ..!.500
This e nd s the lose of property, which reaches the
appalling aggre;ste ~f nearly :700,000. a sum
larger by far than the loss in any preceding single
fire in this city.
It falls heavily and disastrowly upon our busi
ness community, before staggering under the pres
:ore in the general commercial world. It falls
ruinonAy upon some of the parties, doubtless. and
sweeps away, as by a breath. the accumulation of
Loss of Lie —John llirh, jr., aged thirty-ffre
years, 11. S. Bradley. aged fifty-five years; P. R
Clarke, aged thirty year; E. 11. Barnum. aged
twenty-fi,e year: L. C. bite. aged twenty-two
years; John V. Itiekey, aged twenty-three rears.
Timothy Buckley, aged tnenty-da years; henry
B Rusiell, aged twenty-four years; Auguste
Wolfe, aged eighteen years; John Tarr, aged
twenty-eight years; Jean Junger, aged thirty-four
) ear; age unknown
Lo.; of Pro,riy—J. A. Smith & C+, $5,000, LIAM.
riuire ample ; 11 If Nagle, 12. CW. ins ample: 7. B.
Shay, ;400,0W, ins .$45,000; heard Wright,
ins ; Asher Urieht &Co , WO, i 2 1 ,1 nakttown_
N (1011, 11,5 N), in, nut stated R O. tirrrno. 51,SW,
1,1 not stated; hrtien. V.:AAA, ILI wit sate i Musical
uninsured; ;1t...7 Jr , & CO. $3OOO,
ur/ I n u red. Walter ifright,f-Y.i,foo, ms 8 31 , 0 " ) ;
Ilarmoo, $15,000. ins. not stat,il J Ilizh. Jr , $3,000.
111 f n..t , II 3 Itrn/ley, V/ SW, ins rot gate! ;
‘t. I,.rs Tappan, 310 MO, in: slunk ; C If Cant..” t&
nn.courtsl; nhot. $3,000. Ins ma
. Ilcinp , t rad , ..0. , 101. i $ 15.00*, Dr
II ccut.ll, 1.,.D.PJ. in. mot•tnW. Lew, nt
Pa s -e, ,$:0.09
S Swab. inn. 15.000 Canyt e k
& Co ,f12.0u0 sus. f 31.1.40; Pitkin Brae . tr,gen '
A U Titsuurth& . sto X.J. 4.10: 1.14 ens
watounte.l). 01.500; Clark & Deter, 140.(5r.a3, tns
f,5),0U0 , Dr. Douglass, frs,Cosl, , ra • 14. 00 0; issOner cC
103 5. 11 &ter street, 15,(00; owner of 103 8/ Water
strc.l, f 1,500; Honore & Co , n,00), ins =Flo ;
trill .2. Itto , rJaO, lassoed; Capt. lEr.olov,I)0),
Fur.]; D. B. Cooke k Co.. $130,1=, ins. .2,00)
Total Doi, $6-76,X0.
f Reported far Ste Preis I
Draraicx Cora?, No. I—Judge re—Stephen
Smith. rt Fidel Fisher, and tiecr If_ Stoeckel,
executors of Theobal.l Stoeckel, d 'Fed Sri fu_
our mortgage Verdict for plsiitiff, $1364 "64 .
liecege Erety, EN , for plaintiff:judge Pane,
fur dcfeedant. . . .
Economy Building As,eistioner. Fidel Fisher
and tieorge W. : 4 toeeket, exeettors of Theohahl
Stueokel, deceased Set. At. sip m0e....... Per
diet for plainti ff . $1.22.1 32. Gorge - ir i q t. i , EN .
for plaintiff: Judge Parsonsfderendant.
Lc.lie .t Brydon es. Ilea ~4 , Woodward. Co-
Thii WAS an action to recur one-half of the pro
ceeds of Pak, of 51 &Tile lof tohacco. On the
I. n 3
Ilth of A pril, PSIS, Samuel Rawlishipped from
New Orleans , and consign defendants, two lots
of tobacco, in one of whit e wss!olely interested:
in the other, hie letter cd notice informed the de
fc.danti that other partb besides himself had an
interest in the tobacco. The name, of tho other
partied were not diseloal, but the rlaintiffs al
leged that they were h 4 owners ef the 21 hop
heads, and produced nWila3 . receipt for One-kW
the coats. On the I I th,f October. ISN., the plain
tiffs notified the defenints of their interest to the
shipment. and requegl them to wont' accord
ingly. On paned i f dainties' interest. and the
amount realisod froarDe wale of the tobacco, the
plaintiffs rested theirvißh aw Claimed
__ ,_,,
the Oct pivcceds, withitemi from ,rarr.-1-r-i,-..„-,
mit. ii, ie.!. eflelldea that they bad dealt
with Samuel D- Rain , en the footing of Ids being
the owner, and thei,h pe ts 4 .4 etbrot they t new.
er were boula to k,.. A n the tranlact ion Till
they s. had aid Ra ve,
!Art of the proce;ll 4 ".4 fil,
the ?ale 4, i f rap ti oco, ar. o . t 1.,,,t, tee poorer:, Quo.
on acemant of the/ipmeut. bad teen rottalted . at
i l ''",' llr l ', m"ney, A,,,i 1,0 been 1... d t.o cc at`eolli.
• 11 Y • but it lippested that the I.ay tnt ut ‘.l-2.3 nil*
ether Ow, defeinlat. hal reeeirod 'llainge in:
threat. t"
8727 2579 915
1503 5195 4:3
1615 163.1 55>
1990 2671 lctl
IM 1279 39
%TWA oiO3 14;52
Oil 340 v:a
961 1467 ICO
9679 2739 311
A 073 3300 30
LP/ is
3401 &416
1143 149.,
The jury returned Iverrlizt for plalntiffa. $1,003.
50. David Webster, ri`fl P.C. Mcblurtrie, Esql 4
fit plaintiffs; IV E *man, and J. P. Loui
bead, Esqrs , for defencants.
COIUMON PLEAS-Jirlt Allison.—John II Pale
thorn vs. Benjamin Syb e . An action on a lease to
recover an amount pahYrbr taxes and repairs.
Verdict for the plaintiff. ti. Paderborn, Esq.
plaintiff ; J. M. Arundel.
'ass for defendant
There was no other bu3ibefore the Court.
. . ._ .. . . „, ..
Eitle was acquitted of se 6'
QUARTNIII BuSSIONS--ju a Thompson.—Joseph
liquor on Sunday,
bat ordered to pay the coat
John Ferguson pleaded gu of an imu at and
battery on John Barnes.
Henry Myers pleaded guilty the larceny of a
William Baum was oonciM of
1 PassiDS
counterfeit $3 notes of the Ilia COunty Bank
of New Jersey.