The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 22, 1857, Image 4
----7--- t•be WOW 1:03 COvitiENAVE.. 1 t 014 ting . __, i ....s.mmormoli vu. ii tu 44 4,,t cc on rho larboard •-' '- aims* stsesaar , a4 ,- - - -..--= --V/ „ , _ isitswo', ~ts•r.l, l ""'="•"'"=', " " -= • .. ---- at this oar row . cat 46 " ~,,d it's our „chance. Teak your "WilaCCloo/1 thi brow, Sir LOOPlet , , and taliti!te We liti'ddieti'. ''- . , t i n ge mutt , oh ever-hem , vg a We' i; eider was promptly rtheyed, and we * ician ituslitr!= ill knYe vexed It hem, • ". gaistl!_!' • ! Malaya. l The *whale' m'a's • Whoa ,hell' a mile ihoe; orthe high,and &maim nowt, whoa ~,,,, xi' e.t . ,Mf,, going at the rate , of -three knots an hour, .- - gosrsione• , •,_ = - _ , TM; mate& of !the Wile field la easy a e lit h . an lowa:ath lowing as leisurely as a blacksmith's bel. shone., !!!! , : ! "!DOn't,*te ti!' noise, MY, lads," whisPored the ',captain ; "'keep your paddles.clear , of the tddes• of the heat. What a noble fellow he is = —gray-beaded; a' regulti,r' pidrieich. , sew, Parton; ir !yowl - Mon , him, I'll kill you—mind, =he's good for eighty-five barrels; 'yes, ninety ; perhaps one hundred,, and to; miss him deserves :death- r two ,deatb4743l4 keys 7 , Midi I .take Year Paddlea ,, out, er,=the water— he smells oakum.-no , he , doesnit ; paddle titvaY."' ' • I , lire were•follewing lit'. his', Wake, and as', the 'sett twitiSliittinton his Starboard= side, the cap- Mimeouelitded,the glare would half blind hint, and pueblo, us to,ippreach•Wlittettt being =ten, : 8154 ' l'Oce,d , AO : boat ;titmOrtlingly. ,= ~ I t was * 0,1 grand to see the noble fellow ploughing slo so' goodyi" Abe ,"Water, ,eurlirig' : eve*lda i b ail!' he Were' bathing' retitle benefit of his ealtb, andmijoying,the' pleasure. L* taxid , mp, ,, Partioni"- 'Skid' the." *captain' , : as iiini i itti , , o tth . tigh "fit a, 'Whisimirl-bia .OYI4 SlarMil , L .T e,hotl4l. l4 W i t P as lr i4 6l: uar lil e rel w ir itri c t k b e e t tv 3 hci ' le's Man mot bore , than'etglit'feet'off; the Per; eon eld,i,he iron :(Intrpeititl',,hy , thel naiddle, ii , dale eindy - ,' in' hie left. hand;, .the = men still Pad 164= just -keeping rivity'l With' the tiliblit•,:' whit the caphthx, watt,gradually, , edging , the boat teketin and stein OIL . 1 * ~*•, = ,= •, , • • , '*4‘ ert„'",, whispered, the tfeeptainr ;tint . the' t Pars n whispered • beek," elety on." YaDart; , Vl° I you ; you're near enough I" * ic Lay , on I' wasultillthe'reatienseiffibe!Pars' on: • " to here, blast you, there ' s' lay' on and have, yew ead knocked off," Ely - lithe boat anweep • -, on th the, ,steering , oar.', ~ his time there was' o order to dart, nor was It necessary; Tor * the, arson; •itkorderto give , incieatied velocity. ,ha th harpoon, Hp** ,inei:the , box of the I heat had sent oueeiron, after the other socket ;Op') to the Witele;ltiat - , 1 4411 the fie 1 ; then Jump ng delyaint6,' file 4tibitery,plene ' seised a it lanc but, tiefore he could bring it=to bear, the What fairly sprang out of water at least six feet, and - came; dowh " with - e ' splash' that Awe tied, the boat InJeatn.,6B,,if ,sho had been ism ried , iii the.ruhul'of , a water.spont.' • - it t e rn hard," shouted the , capttilletern for y urlitteill",,,ariCthe'vdeir, heat, to,. their 4 oars Id the .:Whirlpool .created =I bY liai luo = • lion, Ithe whale. , •13ut the Parson, true ti,, y;:i , bry it purpose , regardless of,tho geaseqv.en- Pki, Idle the: boa Jay'. almost, against, the wile! 'a. hump; sent=the- lance into his Vitals 'and urned It round and round; Ale captain awe ink Mei Medic for bine to sit. down to -his o , and lend a handtto back Abe boat clear of th wham'. I-- '-' ..' 2l ' '' l ''; ;" ; '',: cc e %Milts thick bletid l ,"" it& the Parson .., 49PoSfir,i' - *Sabls. P4Ohanged:placesVith the rapt ii, cI. cud not miss him." . , Th whale then went ,down nhout fi fty fath it 1 ,qpm, ut was toe rap:ol la*. lip i to *min long beripsi, ar4.W...a he canto to Mow; lay motion ! less fi?r a minute.- tc Lay on," 'mild the cap tain fe and I'll kill him dead." The order bad ,not be . repeated ;. the -Almon sent the stem Of,tli boat square against themludeitside, and the e ptain was about Pieking out' a so ft place `tar` li s - lance, when the Thai"; milled, short, 1 50iiiid mid, illisilig olies , inllei,Pf his flukes laid it. ge ly uPorithe boat's gunwale, and tipped , Iher o er,lteel - 0, , as' politely ,as a' lady . ould ' titre er hind in bidding adleit, , ?,BUt t qiiickly, as k It theilMtes. flew te the other • side, cut anoth r boat clean in two,und broke the third mate' leg. ,7Here'tisis "'pretty ',lness ; twelve shine tayerheinlinideedy Water, surrounded _ll ly , sh 103;tinant.the same , time,: liabiwto he 'sat d• bfpieceir by the whale's flukes ; but &eiterable'patilareh; • appaiently satisfied withhat,be bad done, le ft us to the !care' of ,sharkand paddled away Ivith , tWo,'lrtina end a 'beatlite'. ' '"' " ••'' ' 1 • ' •'' " , . ,t . - I ri ) tight ,our bent Vas the: work 6f a few Minutes, and , in half an hour she was an ark of safety with all bands' otibentit. The whale' Made owanl the 'ship, *nit' retied and round a lei sines, and then turned up tin Out and head aunwa do , He made 96 barrele. = ' ~ . 'The mate and inictind Mate; enable to:cap 'lure t e Other Whale, reurrnedto the ship . ; but that e afternoon, the - Parson saw him, or 19hOth folio"; like'hiM,' 0 . 011 bad Ai) pleasure ,'pt' ning 'to Idle:also. ; The three,whales „Made 71) barrels , of oiL t• t = • ,=, == ' f-'' In a x weeks the Parson, saw and , struck 'font la ge and Wive 'school ,Whiles, and. never wage one. , : This,: uniform success '' induced :mat't'e tain to• gile = him' 'charge ' of' the" third' :Mate's t beet, lb *lda "he ', killed , some , half ==a .dozen Pbales, wheit he had, three' of his "rib's stove,i and was sent ashore at Guam, tn . 'ißro', . = cure edical attendance,' l and , reuirdned there.`l.fix in thi. ' ~- ,: , ~, ~ .t if Wh ing•is not unlike war—every lowering is #ba le in whieh rill, aro liable to. lose ,their live;§. BO ttie`Wiiitler reqhlres niont ishill and, 1 eourag iliairWitiehller;or man-of--war's-man. HeMu think and=act at the same time—there i „ere Xict iven rules by which,',',he,*,itin ',govern Ihimsel for every whale he 'MUM'S Is apt to show s me new caper, against which = he: must prioild oti the instant:' ! Our .whalebten, . with ,a little artialtraining, would nutke ',the, moat fotmid lit ratio& 'in the world, &litho are 'certain .the most intelligent and daring: - • , . . 14erultd!froM' suclf .a Mood; 0! gloom, gilhint . „ 06ertonayo,, • . • -. , Per brilliant eyes are Hashing worn at thy and dto- And, gazing 0uti111 1 . 49 i u[ " -- ' .thisho' . . ie !hul ks Math named :at ' e geyeit of ,the gay, where Youth and Beauty throng P , ."The liguldrull of the howl bythe6 now - ; Letheali power eau chase e,011.0, b are kora tbiub `e- shadowed brew, • , , Where msoy . ebaght-Dyed bur,niboilet with, rapturous senile Wouhhgreet: • - Sir Leans do Courtenar n'aultor at 1 031 %1.04 ; • "Even atthy brldat board, thogoblet,l page byo , Nor upon hailing Beauty t g ar i,,,, T pi r i; t i o ; eye;, may not teach this heirt to sue, imwever fair the • • r_ • •• ' She "thorn I love my coldness left in other lend" to pine t , " niwere vain to ney - hoir fair she was whd Iron' me to „her bower-- , ;: The glorfoilo nerff shone on si'.inere peerleas ' She Is, or was, the pride of France—lb pureet, - Iday it Pair with() demeel see around--nhe was 'se file as they. - "I wooed. her—wouler—then forsook, and hurried me - , #ll Deeming her all too lowly born fo wed with oourtenaddif. But evert in niy sight le still tier meek, ingreringglai;. - For, day , end night; my, conscirnce, eemf,thitt,thir,:h4n Flawer of Fran c o., „ , ,t hiSgeit Odeon eritriy Land, lifiekft thierfeouhll - Win '.l cr.; Yy memory from the bitter,. thoughts whiei:plereed my - heart within. Yy itereatst§:struelc the cittarrpio,ni.44 brAFA, 6II ,' , : - • ‘", = '`e. , Upon the rase, so sadly fair; of her:wholdied „ I drolied the aloe-eopi till toy bride grew disai,treth its power, Yet, eret.Ohan ; toy thoughts were With that aeiti, 3 fet• eaten flower I plunged into the tide of war-,-,-lor,onthe;fight.r. et Amid the victor's pride, my heart less with that , tsiMill:t belle. ,r "I left 14 oot;try, friend9i' endbLmrf Ito ;Wei . 64 1 1.4 ewu ,✓ , :IT harried o'er therms once prorltl ' Bayonne: , . ; I sought 126'4 tit. wonted bOreerL•allui I I: Wight to yaks, , „ , , . These anxioas ityeiwitii never tiesinybosoualove again . "Could ehe bi 4, know hole In this heart Remorsi sternly set,,.. 1 . T." And Love—tho — ebaughleewhich deplores, but never. esuaSorget,, Than might her gentle bosom all tay_headstrong forgive, • ," And I 'night Clasp to mine, for, Genevierei , J , • "" When the felt dames bad heard this tale ful stymy s bright ele vrent,v 2 , , 4 Bat lel Ironi ptt 04t, brl ILnt crowd a.orelled lady Dawn the, long, ball she slowly pecepliOd l ikitta#4'l.l, Raising tedo t re hiA Wrindering eyes a CrOse—grdeationoa sign. 1 it, And theri 'Cita Criopislte placed a severed king of • Withdrew the veil from her tats tere i 'aud. paid ; r 4 Bit Knight, behold! "" - • Long aleie;"rieliihla Cross, thy faith was vowed in ar, Isayonne -I_4 This golden ring', (lied 'ilaidist, would bind me ever as thine own. Take hack thy rlug, that . * recreant Knight I;I Al; thee, from thy TOW. - - thon brokeet ihy„faith; I break, ita.pleageeyet--4 ter-. give tkee Tapir. •,- •• • Seek Gut some highborn dsuie as mate - = oh, dotiot hht deceive, '• - Hat Memory , ' self Faust ale ere then forgetest Gene- Page; I followed tiiroogli zneny a etownod, breeset As winged thy, bark her array Bight Through lastly , " tight I followed thee—di 9tld4'htutt.:" is mine,y . '",l, But that I loyeath r ee all too well, oh faithless' Leolhte: , no boat a toirtiiim;o to vArth.„ ifo took her Laud in SAL ght sank upon his breast : lit; pre Ona ifeell, riipaa. Thou, lOrdly pride, be &wed her by hie efde— " Sir Chltde;i ray, yint look upon MO:4'l/61 , 1re; my, Uprose that noble company Ind, pledged' thPm bowls And many a lay' or, gentle love did the old minstrel troll, • • Awl Deter, never more Gate the iiapPy'boionlb grieve . , • , , or leonne e, and Me lady geneviere * The email tie at the end nt the lance. • fir/1:F" belle. " • - " • " a And all pluck a m ,poey for my own d ." hTlercelet, " I h 9ar k ay • • o. _ [thorn the • The good off the west-and-rot VelabOe with ,ft l'a'rgo 'sperm whale' nieng"Side_',iastly to be xnt • in: The sea ivita intehth as a pond, and the sun hot as blazes. : •,, • ~ 7' • • In board' thera I" shotited the mate, who `• on a stag , e over, the aide, a In board there;' ahoy : .• :-• Sir," was the responati.' Whosoltopk buff/ it f" a Mine," reapended: a Voice' fromi the half deck, and up:bounded .Tom, a smart yam* boatsteerer,• with:nothing - en - but• a pair of drawers. In a couple„of Winks hi • made :a dash at the , open gangway overboard; for he was a good swimmer, but uniuckilptiliflobf• slipped, and instead of jumping•*ontside of the whale, which mut; eridentlyildit-inthittbin,lini back of •his head. itra ok the ridge bedni:whalg; and be went down witliAttChandS,,eitended over his head.. All Whelan , him supposed he was going" dona;a:fathoin or two to eiml and expected_Ninipatgain, a•few‘seConde; but not appearing soon, the 'men along the gangway and the mates ,upoa the atnes roared out; ~e )le•'s 4"save bu n,, befit. and in a seciond be ,Our best , swimmers plunged tifttii.",bin, and a 'bait Was lowered' at the, same [time. But it was all in , yaitti poor Tont - .rose - arr 1:11;orqt,- , 079 thetiten whet plUnged affer filtiatify Saw 'a, shoal ,off sharks descending in, the direction. they•supposed be was sinking,- -,ltitt f •doubt, he was devoured in lees than fire minntes, aftiF be, juiup9d oven . Shoals of sharks' generally keep - cent:. pa l ly with whOpth - eaptionklix.iihell ther OW§ whales siMisirlde;:and • dai , _ h A. 9103170114 that is thrown evertioarit • Theywould eat a whale's blubber in , a night,if not ' kept alf by;SPrideli: and lances. These sharp instruments t are predated by, them—they; Anal to 'know; that their touch is death, and, instinctively; keep a respectable distance until the 'careens { le l our, : rendered to - ttiem form; then-,they have a blori Out, and a free _tight, without in terference from salt beef surgeons.' • • , ...... • • . Poor Tom had taken his'}ast'dive. Thu boat, after pulling astern, following the set: nr, the current for a reasonable time;returned and was hoistedlip in Mena. -The men were to, oppressed wilh.lgrAtifilr'itne,the usual Bong,: and walked termini' Withouv exchanging a' word. The captain had walked the dcarter deck full five minutto p ;apparently „VA „in thought, when the Matt at the, leant head sung out, g 4 There she" blowa—there again—Mem o --- - - a Where away 7" demanded, the . captain, ' springing Into the main rigging: Bight astern, air,, ,large whales! There goes flukes, beaded' across the ship's wake , te port! There' she blows,' there,ligainiituo=' tinned the look-out, and seen the, eipMta and , mates were hp, aimed& of him. ' Clear miartite ,boats I" shouted the ' tale, and get ready, to talker away; dawn 'front' aloft. Ship-keeper, away' aloft -and „keep a good lookcint.'r - All hands were on the move; full 'of Wel/Md. - animation. Poor Tom was forgotten the excitement efithe moment. It was aot until the captain's' beat, bad dropped astern that he recalled to mind the fate of ,his boatateerer by his absenen'tidtri, the belie of the boat; but, , seeing the 'rabbi boy looking over the taffrail he sung ont7— ,„ . overboarkßill, and Pllpick you Op,' I Want you to pull the atter oar." • - Without' a moment's hesitation, Bill . was' overboard a fathom - deep, but rose to the tier - face like a cork,'and was dragged on board, a Now," said the captain, who was a , jovial young fellow, and delighted to "identify him= self with the humors of the crew, "you, s op; pull the harpooner oar; I ' ll glee yen a chance to fasten, if we have the good luck to getupo,n the whale; - but, mind, if yownsiss, I'll drive 'a lance through you." The young man whom be addressed as Par son had obtained the title by trying to teach a couple of New Zealanders to - read the Bible: All the men had by-names, such as Long Boy ; Broadsword, lack Ketch , Livercomplaint, Rhettmatismitaraftis, &c., 'and these ',names were more used than . those` on the articles. • This was tlie Paraim's first voyage whaling, and thovoyage 'was yet young, as there Were , only 300 bbla. oil on board, and the Ship could ' • stow 2,800 bbls:. ' The death of Toni had given - him a lift, which, of right belonged to- some -Waperienced spouter, of whom there Were se veral among the crew, and be felt determined , to show - himself worthy of the pla'ce the cap ,-taro had assigned him.. Pull, lay-boys--spring to your oars—bend 'your backs," said the' captain; grinding his teeth,'and pushing 'at the after oar with, al' - - head the_ . .that's y ou;`- another., stroke like , that,. - my heartiest thiiro,ihere she goes; now she flies, hurrah I, tho,naate drops--now we lead=- off shri , '.. - -o. The wbale'leilp , sir," laid thi Piton, In- IY , MlRlClULifinglit. t - • •• , Arete,---Aert.44 , son` biib ii iria. --T W pleS;generallyt regarded hest , for stew 04, .the-Fall Pippin trot. , autumn, and de Island Greening fdtiviinter; The:re PO!: tOtheili '. lietteit,, , -namely„ COIN. Garden • Apple for autumn stewing, 9 Es?Ptte, ,Sol.4enintrgh • Jer i t ivinter,, p•Meivatithcitif gaga!, ,wai t foupd , quite li, tite,,kallltipplet,, with- a moderate ing. - it , is •.worthlesittas au • eating leg .alwaYs hard: -3 (.1t wits' described . ars,age An the, Cwittrtter,.,) , Abe Spit-, is lilleqhalled - for, - ,rtclineavand - bigli liellhdAtifie'clianle &a admirable par,, er stewing , apple, ,1;14t. muires limit/ be Keswick Ccidlin lathe test: brise ollowing•iti For baking';'..the Sweet mtrbest for summer,,Pound Sweet„ for id elutlyWinter, and; Tallman Sweet inter t the , latter standing 'unriValled 11 hsilegaPplee, for its honied sweet -4,1•,! /A:I 671 , .t 7 i , lii.t .r” t , ,„., KREPOIO' POTATOES Is- Wirrrea.—Potatoes ; Spoil in, winter, if buried,,froni three causes. .Filet , an eTe4l44t,:wanCof ~ veutilatiou., Sec ondly,• d nearly allied , dampriesi.", 'Thirdly, and mo 'rare, Meat* , Tirructistlitd Meet et iheif p tope, Relied ,1101;e:top; of theiheap; • ivhele', t ey suppose they became frosen'f 'but; ,AftiS :la of tke natal' cattail; the;'danip,'fdiil; 'steamy ir 'ailetarded lbSie, , iie. coot , not , ;escape, nd:illie *Med ,them,. A' hole made I lifilhel p, with a crowbar , and closed Wilke Wen of traw f iwouldtgutvidknvedegresEto - I '..the coati ed am, and sayed i the,potatomi.• ' ;. The lest way to secure potatoes out.-doors, is to malietiergeliteapil lay 50 414 40 1 blieheltill I see that ,hey are dry and eleaniby digging be- 1 fleils',w:ef weather cornea on;' ,ever them all t ttWiriwit one fool of packed stsatO,• and three 1 ,inches o earth, : The straw will prevent damp tness;'an the few' inches "of earth 'Will favor ventilation. A `firmer'Who raises many pota. toes, and practices this mode, does not lose a peck, on!tha average; In k 0 bushels. '' ''' ' ~,,,,,... •., -,, •.• 1 . ..i. ... . f ound • y ALUM 01‘,zTRAM INIAIANURES: , Ii IS 1 1 by carefill chemical examination, that different kinds of ! straw ,pessess quite different values, to worklp into manure. This ;relative value „IS ,very early determined , by the quantity of ,nitrogen ;they contain." Barley straw is the 'jloorest f all; oat and ;ryir, Omuta are about 'one‘-tlii better; wheat ii , nearly , double ,in Vvelue to barley; „buckwheat is rather better Than I wh I'o:meadow:hay ,or,imon-stallus are far alm of•rtlylertheas, being' flee times Ps i rich In itrogea as barley straw ;, and red do-, ver hay nd pea-straw are each silent , eight.; tliniteras ich , ' as bitileY. l , l 'Whether tileSe hub- stances re mixed directly' 'with manure,_ 'or, eaten firs by animals; they produce :their rola- 1 tive elle ~ ..;i• , . ~.. g . . 1 '•1 ; ,i; , , c i, 7 CaratSlN SIICORSSION r :LIR " some parts o[ 4 Iliassacb etts, fonr,or live successive crops of Aarrots a e taken from the'amne"leud, without - Itdiminle red product. ' The MIII4 of tho New , plgiand Forner i saYs.lie. his !raised, four sue :cessiye caope, , with,,a gradual. , increase. All crops mu it, exhaust land teore'sl;r in,ll ioill'tta'a part, or al hi left On tber'land'i but, n this in stalk° -At appears ,that the annual , manuring imparted I more fertility than the. 'crop ;teak away. 1 1 ' Mattent ENRICHED DT, Gmant:—Nearly - Oery fer is • aware that the good controls -the (plait of manure, and thator, Mate - ripe, al 'dung' fro 1 liorsik Ted)kiih.: TA gals, i # quite a different tltinefrent the droppings of grass fed bargee. Same kinds of grain' contain More, nitrogen than others; and or Ceara° impart- ntore,ferttlizing power to-tie Maure. Barley is the, po rest, Indian corn,a little better; and• oats bette than either by about 20 per pent., the.illtee ot• bein'g,verY , lnilikt). ,; tl = , . 1 , ..t; .-.: ' 1 ' ' ' '''. ' . acom er, l Mei...oaks peon— ' irtiiiiiihten; N. Y., , manufactures' moisase,s trom Sweet,•;apples; incomparably better than by boiling doWn r' sweet cider"' se; commonly practiced,t by first steaming the apples soft, then preatling out the juice and boiling down. The juied Atm -yields' a' liberal quantity, but the precito 'amount he bus omitted to de termine. i ~..-„, . .14•:.1 • ReuxviNa Camonto CATTLII. 7 -1431C Said twit piauring,into the throat half's pint, more or leas, ef crriceet oil, .(or.lamp oil,) Will So lubri .010:0 4bstmetiou, • that the throat 'brikly outside with the hand will soon remove it--sliding it up or down, according to its posit , tion. In any case, the oil is a useful auxiliary. te`other means. :c ) - -' " ' STURTONEs IN Sitase.- r -An eminent ;and. .skilful: menage/ of sheep says that •ho set dein faits to „nure ,sheep of this disease in a few minutes, • by placing a spoonful of, tar ,In the molith,'; , andholditig it'shut tilithe **Ka and runs`dotyn 4,01, and, 'easter hit pioduce a'alower and leas,eeitain effect s ; , ' , , • .. • , ~ , ' Flarnzaci Powerus SEED TO CATTLE.--It IS anettadAr spine gOOSI . farmers, that pumpkin seeds haie a certain specific effect on cows; eamilng,them to dry; , tip •their, milk' f 'and that when the seeds are talten'orit before feeding, the_ yield a larger quantity; ' . • It ' f. THE ,1112 a thelth are t stoclt's and th The fo oral t sweOtan apple, l a few yi o,enburg flavor. ly sum sugar ; ' diately - Bough l stiturun lag for smog ; TIM, :.t slercllatttM :, i~ail6rs. [AWARD P.:KELIA. ••‘ Ju4 . LATn KELLY & BROTHER., 814 CHESTNUT STREET; ABOVE EIGHTH, .. Hee now OA hatht a large ofinotttnottt of OVEROOA T -IEOB, OLOTHS. CASSIMELUIS, VESTINUS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, MORNING GOWNS, &0., Sze., of the befit qualities and latest dyke, Prim inaderaie for credit, low for rusk The tasinees of KELLY & BROTHER will be 1i future • attended to by E. P, KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY, at No, 814 CHESTNUT street, ' _TORN P:DOLIERT,t, • YOUtIEttLY WIWI NULLS & nnotlfalt, LATN WITU LUKICNS, ItkiLLY, & CO ' TA I I, , 814, CHESTNUT STREET, It ABOVE RitillTll, him now with Id the bout Tailors that are engaged to the business in this country. ,BILIALIB BOTH, formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Ripen, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co.,' and ,latd Coat and Test cutter with Lukens, KellY, & Co.; itintnir WAONICH, the best Pants and 'Vest cutter in the UMW Stetting, for ,yoars Cutter with Dopierris, MAI the Irving douse, Broadway, and with Deplerrie & Pe ttus; under the fit. Nicholas llotol, Broadway. The most uureinitting attention paid to the wishes 'of all who patronize the ostablishinont. Thk, boat of Clothes made at moderate pricer for low pritss for, , f, AMES SHER IDA N, MERCHANT o"TAthow Nod. 16 mulls Sotiill li/N2ll firltilET ) 41110VE CLIEBTRIPP. • , • , ' A I ;tie 'awl well selected stock of OLOTIII3 and gASaIaIRRES always ou hapd. .5 • • 4,1 f Olothiug guide at this Refahlisluueut will ba of tho boat quality, and the most fushionabie style, Pattioulte attoutihu , given 01.11131. aue•tif . ; . Wa444'4, CI ;& A. Pt4ifIGNOT, • ' ' J. MANUFACTURERS' OV ATUII WI9E:9 AND biromeas D 7ATones, sorrni Tlf rRp 8111111 it BELOW 01.1118TNITT PHILAIIii:LP:II7.k." 'OpINtANT Pagolosos. ' ' AMU'S** PRCIDInSO? 11010-3111013* . T AMES E. CA.LtIWELL' & CO., a. N4, 432 OUESTkiIn, BELOW FIFTH. BTIINET, tinportora' of Watehon Vino Yowolry, Alanufneto• rora of fliorling and Skoo.lard Shiver Tea 84/to,.Forks and !Ipooni, note agents fr,r the nate of Charles Yrodsham's new aeries gold DlCial Loudon Timotooporn—all lha 1111108 on head, price's $230., $275 and $ 3OO . litorlina nod Sigtes Watches at the lowest prices. Mon fraLcOnsfrde 'Jewelry.. .Sheffield and Amerloals rioted Wares. sob-r 41$..YARDEN & BRO. , ; , ; LIXOPIOTURBRB AND Ibrloll[llSB OF ‘ B.Ii4yER,PIJATEP WAnnj o. tOl Phefatilltl Street; above Third, (np „ Oonstazitly on baud and for gale to the Trade "e.VA SETS, 001IIIONION SI U NIVION SETS, RNS, motum, .UOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, _LAS OASTORS, ES, SPOONS, ,FORlitt, LADLE, .te., (lading and plating on all kinds if metal. 882.17 LIIR,ANM r: DUBON & SON, Into of D .E 7 übogq,Oariow 00., Wholesale ILANIIPAIN PUREE! OF JXIVJIGRIT, 01108TNUT *vet, Phila. VitAtldla P. LOBOS() sun Itu QiLyER WARE.— 4.7 wiLLtArn WILSON az Nona., ISIANUFACTtiIigieS ill% SILVER-WARE, 1612,) R. CISIINKR. Yfrril,AND 011EllItY STREKTS. A large inisortnieut of SILVER WARE., of every de scription, constantly ou hand, or made to order to watch An pattoru desired. mpertere of Sheffield and Idlrmisql,ham Imported Waft. ;, se3o-41&w1y Wines anb EiQUArti 1113011 T Oond and entitled to do beature 250 maim Bt. Joseph.n Pure 'Jules Port Wine, in qra. and Wefts. twarli.oas JO? Remeey /Ass Malt Scotch WM& ke,,2 years , )1 y 111. pipes Anchor alaret.t, Martel, Dogrel, and 7. J :Bunny Brandies, al' or wtdob I offer to the trade at radii ced prices. JOB Y. TOBlted, remit tit.. below Wnlunt. an27-timos tiB And 00 A faitiliDtß V. IIGLILI&S, WINE ANII CR- 'LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Poutt mast Corner 0E011.014 and BOUM Sltoota. I: LEWIS, IMPOR'rEI AND DEALER Vi 'IN inn WINES, LiquoßS, OIGASS, 28 Soot YAFTII Street, Pittladelpht s. MANDLES.—Pirtet, Oriodilion & Co., MR at & Ca, , and ether brauflo of Cognacs of rartoua 'rintaiton, tri tokif gdpen inn quem Wanks Pellevoialu Roolollo Drawling, )5140 and dark, In ball pipes, quarter "0". 1001016- eiglItti NAB, all in Ouetom Bonne storm, icilnition sad for sale by IL&Nlar BOHLEN & CO., ' anti i Nal. 221 and :12.3 South !fourth 'stmt. DITHMAR & BUT Z, PORTER, ALE AND Leak BREA 11,1RWRItY, No, tal (new N 0.98.9) North THIRD Btre it, Philmlelphin.-8111pping ordots promptly attended to.. sul-tt , - lints, QTApo, &t. 11 H. GARDEN tic CO., M Vi , anutacturers o'l and Wholesale Dealers In - RATS, CAPS, PI3RS, STRAW GOODS, • ' RANGY SILK SAD STRAW. lIONNIPIII, ARTIFICIAL MOWERS, BOUCHRS, i FR& fIiERS; 4.c.., fe, tin. 6N2 (old No. 190) aIIatKIPT Street, ' 1 LWOW • Sixth, south aide, ' And No. 623 9 SlNORPtreet, Philadelphia. O. MINA( (URDU,„ • . DiIiIiCLUONOVAN. ' Merell#1:01 are r eapeottally invited to erstuipo our btock _ • , i 567.2ut SULLENDER & PASCAL, LIT, • • ant-aca IN. 418. 81.7a1t etreat TEAß Philadalphls. Boots anb , bfAII ET. soT WTI m : Ig re T ots. CORNER OP flentl:mea's Beat *Patent Leather Clidier Ingita• , • it Calf ; do. do, , c Patent Leather,ollord Ties. ' , do. do. c lc Patent Loather and Calf narrow strap Shoes. Bore and Yoath4 , Patent Leather ;and Calf Skin Gaiter lioaota and abuse., , , mittt For sale by War, %V, TAFLOtt. jfilAIA. STOCK Or BOOTS AND SUOES. 08141.11 11. TLIO3IPSON k CO., No. 314 MAU RNT $ et, and NW 3 and .6 FRANKLIN rbAot:, byre net! In store a largo and well-assorted stook of FOOTS Ind 13110E8, of City awl E astern manufacture, the boat tarots for Clash, or I. Sud 'Undue th9ir stook .~llacgtness. 1140111NE.1-11UNT, Leg reopeetfully topetroduee • the mtninfecturern of the ... .., ~.. ....- WIN 4. kIAiJIIINE , or family purposes. , ~ __'rue Which bare been ur g ed ugalnat those already known, in this market, THIS Al&OlffINE COMBINES ,TIDE 0001) QUALITIES ttl? ',TREK A 1.. L., and will be auto to. conuneud itself, upon examtnation, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seam tresses. Those in aunt of A 000 D ARTICLE., ticl, T , ati?lt make a hand:tome lock stitch, Work \VIVI AI OISE, that willltEM, BINB,STITCII, RUN, or li TM a; Indeed, that will give entire, satisfaction oven'aftet they hare Weal 'used for years, are mvited to mill at our roomy, 829 tllifo3•Yritr Street. 1 , ' ' RUNT, WEBSTER, Ac Co. rtption executed, in the best pos -4 Nonablo tenth.' San/plea of our 2,.. part tit . 11? e il.oltet) Staten. . • LAMS VOR SAL 8.- lanitAL RAILIIOAOOOSfPANY about. 1,600,000 acres of Choion to of 40 sores nui `upward% ou r: Woof {Dt44-04. dttodby the tdovernment to aid this goad, owl aro etneng the ea to thb world, They extend forth-West, through, the middta oT the gate, to fluid' [Warne Month, and include every atqlroductions lotion botween thaw parallel of latitude. bi ro Northern pertionla chiefly prairie, interspersed kr Ha flue groves end in the middle rod tiouthern deolinns, tinitior 'predominated alternating prairi,ra and open loge. Tbo etiolate is moil!, healthy, mild and equable, than spy nikier part of the, anuntry—the air is pure and bid. eing, while diving If treitne and epritign or egrolleut enter dadulnd. ' Ili plla ne Ousl ts uatenrirely mined, and ruppl les 'a ahem" - , lad deelrable fuel, being liiirulaheil at many pinuttrat $1 to $4 pot .tori--and !road can ho had at the game rite per cord. • Building Stone of excellent 3nallty also abounds, isnt3au he predated fdr Ilttlenneta than the expense oft[ portatidal The great fertility of Sheen 'ltihdd W111 . 41'164 a idiot rich mould, from twole dad feet deep, and gently roll , lag; their contiguity to thia road, by which every fact Sty is turtilabod for travel and traneportatioh to the 'principal markets North. South Past, West, and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the moat valuable investment that you be (flout, And ptscent the most favorable Opportunity for persona of Italltetribue habits end small manna to acquire a cote. tenable Independence in a few yearn. Chian. o is now the greateat grain niarkSeln the world; find thel,facility and economy with which the products Of theist bifida can be transported to that market; rusk's them mach more. profitable; at 'the prices asleed, than Mai more remote at government 'rates,' as the addi tiMMU Mist of transportation is a perpetual tax on the !attothpibibli meat be borne by the producer, lu the re „dueed price he receives for bin grain, ace. The tittele perfect—and when the final paymenta are made, deeds are executed by thp trustees appointed by the illetei end 'althorn the title la veSted,3e, the par demon, which convey to thew' beolutotttlea in fee sim ple, free and dear of ewary ineambrauce, Soh or :nett . rift Prices are from 143 to PO: interest onll3 per at., ,Twenty,ppri <AI will be deducted from the price for cash, , Those wir purchase on lons credit, give notes payable is *o;o4r e, four, live and ale years after date, and are required toimprove one-tenth annually for live yearn, ao as to have one-halfthe land under cultivation at the mid 9 r Ost,thne, • • • • Competent sureeyors will accompany those Whb'wish to examine these Lana, free of chirp), and aid them in making pelttions, • 11 "` . L4° remaining unsold are'sa rich and valuable as tli+Nthich have been dispelled Of. ” SSOTIONAI. MAPS Will he'sent to any one who will enclose Bay mints in vostagestatops, and books or pamphlets , containing no morons !valances' of sue:coastal farming, elguerl by re, evadable and well known fatmek living in the neigh borhood of the Railroad kinds, throughont the Mole— also amend of fencing, price of cattle, expense of tisr- Testlng,'thteabing.,. etc. 'any other inforniatiou— will lag lleerfully wen ortapplication ! eitherpertemolly or hytteliter in ltogibitt, yraucts, or Gannon; mulreased 'to ~ JOUR WILSON, La:adtlcaqmiaaioner et, the Illinois Central It, it, Co Office Pa Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, 11- '3119 1 C el I aul D E P4RTMENT OF MARKET-110MS, Oi!ria, S. W. mum or Ftirru ANII,9II64TNUT I, i.l PLIILADHLPIIIA, October bit, 11N57, Sealed i'ropoeals will be received at Ulla Oflic!mintil the 30th ayof NOVEMBER neat, at 12 o'clock, far the Ron gof the following Whttrtma and Landinge for a term 0 %Urea yeara Arch strdet Landing, et the foot of Arch etreot, on the river)3choylklll—leitee commencing December Slot 1.957, BTREETI, , Also, George's street Landing, at the foot of George street, on the rlveri3thuylkill—lesseeounneuelng 4 anli • ary /st, 154. Approved 'recttrity will be required, ' 8. 0. tuompiox . • . f ''04413 td lai carnadetkator of Markets. CLOVER' SEEP.—rNOTIOP' TO PENN VY FAmputs AND STORXICERPHIIB. The inideeelgned sin now preparedpurebeep for eac h, pilule IplOiet Seed °ego new Crap, 'Pennsylvania' atoeeklepine and farmers, by needing ratopteit , to.olir addreen, ascii at all, thnee, ascertain Pm mita at which ww are, byyl fir. Radios wishing samples, by wbith to be governed as to qualith can have f them mat by mall, by sAllteselns , J. II CHASE et 00, aenl94ll 1 4,llNneth Tropf,ang Water atteata WtJ OM 1 1' t G a I% ' S i 0 11l frelg!BAmpl CONGRESS EANGE.-13014D BY CHAD NICK No./92 toludND strut: • 4 1` P iii'SS4 , Al ii!.,AbEt a I 51. 4 111 P MARY AND ADE 'INE;POR NEW iNDLEANS.—FIrst and only yawl thiu week. Freights token at as lOw rates as any other Nlstiel The remarkably fast.salling coppered ship MARY AND ADRIA NE, W. Valcsonasterr, now loading at Race etroet wharf, has a largo portion of ' her cargo engaged and com ing alongside rapidly, and boing of moderato capacity, wllbhave despatch as above. Siiippera will please burry their goads alongside, and bills of lading to the Counting Nouse for signaturo. YOr balance of Freight, which will be taken at re duced rates, apply on board or to BISHOP, SIMONS, &ITO. c °Mir 120 (tortuerly,) 21 North Wharves. Thu &A. Insures at the lowest rates, cud will take atoain down the Delaware and up the Mlollthlppl. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. KEYSTONE STATE'. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, tho above ships will be withdrawn for the present. Oritobeirldth. . A. HENAN, Jr. iriARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON I AND lIA VIOL—The magnificent stramphip VAN- Edward Higgins, commander, 5,268 tons, will Hatt Prom Now York for South- From Southampton and 4tupton and Havre. Davy° for New York. Sato:rd.!, Oct. 2t I Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Dec. 5 Saturday Dec. 28 POce of Passage—First cabin, $100; second' cabin, $lO 1 Specie delivered in London and Perla. For freigbt or prage apply to D. TORDANGE, Agent, No. b Dowling Green, New York. littore for Englund and Europe, pro-paid, 25 cents ouch half ounce, (by enclosure of postago stamps if from utber citlea,) will be received at No, 5 Boa Ilng-green, ' Newyork, up to I.IX, o'clock on the morning of wt. ling.; oclo-tf CSREAT REDUCTION IN PARE TO EU -11.-PI • ROPE Phut Cabin $BO Second Cabin ...,...:...sbo In the flrat.claxo paddle wheel ateatusbly AMMO, 2,000 tone, C. D. I,uoi.ow, Commander , and NORTH STAR, 2 500 tons, P. N. Larovan, to hail front pier No, J North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, via: leave N. York fort i ' .;ont~mmpten, tin' Bremen for flouthamptori ere awl Drumm. , Boutharaptun lor New York, Ariel, Saturday, Oat. 31. Wollfoday, Nov. 4 N y , Oct. 31. Satur4Y>N o l• 2 8. iVeds'il l y, Deo. 80 Thgxe Nteaniera touch at HAVRE. Specie delivered in London and Paris., For parwago and freight, apply to Dl TOIIItANON, Agent, No. b fowling Green, Now York, oolUlf I.I,VERFOOL- r -SATURDAY, 17th 'October.—The packet ship , tiONSARSIL, 0450 limuY,Captain Faulk, will sail as above. Cabin passage Second Outdo 20 Steerage Ig Second eablu'and steerage passengers found with pro- ViNiosle accosting to the American passenger act, f9PIY to TllO9. RICIJARDSON & CO. EMILA_ND 'AND PRANCE, 1857. New York and "Myra atonewhlp Ooropany.—The Wilted Staten Mail Steeinnhips ARAGO, 2,600 toms, Broad Linen, commander, and 11111,TON, 2,600 tone, /amen A. %Atoll, emeeineder, Will leave New York, Metre and Southampton, for the yearn 1862 sad 68, on the followiag dap;' W. 11. Donna L1A•11. VIM TORN. 1957. 11158. I'ultols,l3tibdid9y, Aug. 22 Mugu, WindAy, Jan. Arago, do. Sept. 10 Fulton, do. Feb. 0 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Marotta Arago, do. No►. 1.1 Fulton, do. April 8 V01t.% do. Lea. 12 Arago, do Afay 1 Vaitoa, ' do. May 20 LIME Etkrall. /867. Arago, Tuoaday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. :tont. 22 Arago, do.' Ort. 20 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 A ram do. Doo 1G ?unct, do, Jan. 12 Arago, ' do. Fob. 0 Fulton, do. March 9 Arno, do. April 0 Fulloo, do. May 4 A raga, do. Juno 1 Vultou t do, Juno 29 ?RION OP P.If104011: , w Pro New York to Southampton or Ilatre—glret Oabin, $130; Second 041 n, pa. Faun Itarre or Southampton to New York—glrat Cabin, 800 Trace; Second Cabin, 000 franca. War freight or passage, apply to I • htORTIaI Ell LIVINGSTON, agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, farm.. UROSKEY k 00., Soutloton , AIdICRIOAN EtIItOpE A N EXPRESS AND EXI Par/o. ORANGE 00. mg TOE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITIID STATED MAIL STRAIIIERS.--The Rhlpe eampoiling this Lino are : The ATLANTIC', Capt. Oilier Itidrldge. The pataro, Capt. Joseph Conuitook, The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. ..i.Theso ships have been built by contract, expresely for deversiseut service; every care has been taken in their construction, MS alas In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for pageengere are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price or !mange from New York to Liverpool, in liret cabin, $l3Ol in secorul do., $75; from Liverpool to New York, 80 aud ',213 &nese. No barna meowed ithleam paid for. The Alpe of this line kayo Improved water-tight bulk Iheadx. PROPOSED DATES OP RAILINN. PlO5l NSW 1086. IMUNI LIT Matoos. dattlnhy, June , 20, 1867 Wednesday, J one 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Weduarelay, Jell 8, 1 85 7 Saturday, July 18, 1861 Wednesday, July 22, 1861 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Woduesday, Aug. 6, 1657 Saturday,, NW Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 Batunlay,Bept.l2, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, mpt.yl3,. 1857 Wednesday, Enpt. 30, 1851 Saturday, Oct. 10,' 1867 Wednesday, Oot. 14, 1867 Satunlay, Oct. 24, , 1057 Wednesday,.oes. 28, , r 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7, • 1851 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 3857 Saturday, Nov. 21; 1857 Wednesday, N0v.24, 1867 Szturday, Des. 5, 1857 I Wednesday,2, 1861 I Wednesday, Dee. ta, 186? For freight or passage, apply to EDWARD COLLINS, No. 66 Wall street, N. Y. DROWN, 14111SLEY 00., Liverpool. • 11TEP11101.KENNARD OD., X Austin 011116 London. • R. (I. WAINWRIOIIT k OD., Parte, The owuare of tuq4) shirt will accountable for gold, silver, bulllOn, specie, *pious stones or nudala, unless bills of lading,!,,ned therefor, and the video thereof eaprosate r l thereto . • tiailronb l idles. • qtRMA_NTOW.NN L. AND NO IL RID TOWN ItAELDOAD.-4YiNTER A RftANOEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, October 10th, HOT Leave' Philadelphia at 0,7 X, BX, 9X,115 A. M., 2, 3.10 min. 4,5, 0,7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leaveliermantown at 01i, 7-35 min. 8,9, 10% A. M., 140, 340 min. 4,5, 0, 7,8, mid is P.M. IL7 The 7.35 o'clock A. N, Train from tdarmantowu will to only at Wayne Street Station ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 920 nOn. AI, 2 and O) P. M. Leave; (lermautoan 8.20 min. A; AI., 1-10 min, and 5.45 min Al. CIIESTNUT HILL RAILROAD Leave , Philadelphla at 7X, 8x 713 , A. AI., 2,4, 6, and 9 P; Leave Chestnut URI at 71(,8 , 40 and 10-10 min, A. M., 1240, S-40, 6-40 and 7-40 min. P. M. ON FIUNDAIid. Leave Philadh‘llla, 0-20 A. 11 , 2 end 6A P. 11. Leave Chestnut at 8 A. H., 12-60 and 6-20 P. M FOR MANAYUNK, CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRIS TOWN,' Leave ;Philadelphia at 06 0, , 11 A. M., 8,4 X, 6% and 11 P. M. Leave 'Norristown at 7,0, 11 A. IL, 8 and 6.40 P. 11 ON OUNDAYS, . . . . Leave Philndelphin of U A. AL, end 8 P. " Leave Porri>Gown at LA, IL, and b CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD /OR DOWNING TOWN. Leave 01,:thutelpl+ift e 4.4 as A, and BP. M. Leave powningtown at 7,i( A, Bl and IP, U. K. SMITH, Superintesi4ont ' Depot, Ninth and Urinal itreata, I[4O9II!ISTEAD FOR' $2,001 LAND 7715 , !! °RANCH 11OR POW!. )4iit! I ! The Noithwestern Mutual Land neuent ,aesociation will make a grand distribution of $90,000 worth of real estate and ma an to its member,. The number of mem ber* is Welted to 10,000. $2 00 and five letter /damps per membership, or a share. Any iudivillual pending SIO owl the damps, shall be entitled to M 3 Shares; or any 'knoll Feuding $lO with Mx names, with theadd r oaa of each, carefully written, ithall be entitled tapir shares Thu fulthwing hi She 'real Waste to be distributod No. 1. .011 improved farm of 30 sores in Cooke , Co., Illluole , slued at $3,000 No. 2. An improved farm of 100 acres In White , Nsides CO., Illinois, valued et • 3,000 o. 3. , An Improved farm of 100 acres In Whita: aldea 00., Illinois, valued at No. 4. An excellent Inhale rosidenso In Dubuque, lowa ‘ veined at • 3,000 No. b. 180aerea suporlor him /and In Cooke Co., Illi voluml at ' 2,000 No. 0.. 100 acres well pine timbered In WaiipaCca (1o„ Wisconsin, valued at 2 , 0 4 0 No, 7. A good lot and cottage residence In Ohl. raga, Illinois, valued at - 2,000 No, O. 160 acres superior laud In Whitrialdes CO., Illinohi,valued at i 1.000 No. 9. lfD acres good land he Ohippeway Co., • WMOINIU, valued at , • No. 10. 100 acres good land in Ohippeway Co., Wiaronslo, valuadat 960 No. 11. 160 acres , good land la OhlppewayOo., Wisconsin ' valued at 800 Na, 12, 100 auras good land In Dunn Co., roust", valued at 800 No, 13, 80,M101 . 011good land inhiarshail do., Inv's, valued at 000 No, 14. 80 woo good load in Marshall On , TOM, valued at r 000 No. 15. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co., (ova, valued at 000 N 0.16. 40 acres good land in ManthallOo., lowa, ' valued at 800 No 17. 41/ acres good land to, Linn Clo., lowa, ' ant at COO No, 18. 40 acre, good land In LumOo , lowa, val• wed at 600 N 0.19. 40 acres good land inLion Co. t rows, val ued at } B q o No. 20. Coe building lot In Dubuque, lowa, val. mut at No. 21. One building lot In Sterling, Illinois, 'valued at 000 No. 22. One .building lot In Storting; !Made, valued at SOO No. 23. Una building' lot In Sterling, Illinois, valued at 300 N 0.24. 40 item/ farm land In (trent pc.„ Wisoon- Ain, valued at 1. ' • ' 1100 No, 25. 40 Rorer/ farm land In (rant 00., Wlaaoo- _, tdu, valued at 800 No. 26. 40 acres land in grant Co Wlticoneln vidoe4 Ot 240 N 0.27. r4O acres land In (DantWhicomin, valued at ,240 N 0.28. 40 acres land in Crawford Orl.;Wiaconoln, valued et ' 200 No. 29. 40 scree lend in Crowford Oo„ Wiscouala, Tithed at • 900 No, 80. - 401tcres land In Orawford 0001'11601min, ' 'valued at 900 N 0.31. ,40 carom land In Monroe Co., Wiattirain, value at ;'' I • • 900 No. 92. 40 sores land In Monroe OD : , Wisemasin, valued at r 200 No. 83. 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wl6OOllllll, valued at 200 -No. 34. 40 acres land In 'Jackson Co., Wisconain valued at2oo No. 36. 80 acres land In Mal Axe Co., WiscOnsin, vaMe6 100 No. 96. 40 acre, land to Bad Axe Co., Whiconoin, ' valued at ' 100 No. 97, 40 mail land In Did Ale valued at 100 No. 98. 'flue lot in Pultony 11111101 S, valued et 100 No. 30. - One lot Ju Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot in Fulton,llllnols, valued at 100 The dietril,utioawiil be conducted fairly and honor ably. The Dames and address of stockholders shall be written on as many aMall cards ail they have shares, and the Whole placed in a box, and the first name taken out shallbe entitled to tha Improved farm No. 1 la the above liat,•and,the next takon out will be ent i tled to No: 2 and no on milli Dor 40 Nonni of real Oatato aro all dlstrtoted Then to each of the remaining 14,000 " `stock olden) wilt be sent a . cheap snap of aWeetern State or 'territory. A full account of the distribution will be ibilvtirded In a printed circular, to each member of the AosOciatiou, with the nausea and adduce, of such as may receive the real estate—to whom also the deeds will ho ,tut and iniinediato posaeselob given. Xach on; placation must be accompanied with $2.00 and five letter stamper Address LINDELL, ! TONES dc 00., , au-13 " - -," Chicago, Illinois._ SARDINES. -100 cases of% BO hilt boxes " "4 ' In st°re eud Wig i tt'PßOttbllte.i I su 0 Nos ! 241 sod ABC Reedit swot. Obipping. STEAMSHIPS STATE Ol' UEOROIA turfs goornaueireil. 1657. Arago, Wedueaday, Aug.V.l I Mon, do. Bet& 29 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Wolter*, , do. Nov. 16 Arago, do. ' Leo: 16 1866. Fulton, do. Jau 13 Arago, do. Feb. 10 a'ulton, do. Mar 10 Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 6 Arago, do. Juuet Fulton, do, Jttue 90 FOR OBUMMiTOWN 4240L85. IS A tON.—BUYERS and • counnuers are Invited to examine oar Moak of LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK lINATII 00AL.” Our Ooal Is selected expressly for use; being carefully rareened, we will warrant It free Prot' , elate and dust. We sell 22401 M.," being 240 lbs. more" than Bold by retail dealers, at "26 cents less per ton." Also. on hind a full supply of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS 0O#1.." for Steam-generatlng, and. Bolling-nalll purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and Sign "2210 LBS. IS A TON. Noti•Sm] MOUTON h. CO (10 ALI GOAL I COAL f—TAGGART's WELHURATID SPICING MOUNTAIN LXIIIOII COAL. & R•OARtS/VBORRINWOOD TAVAQIIA.OOAL oratsuit W. BNirri.EIVIS runt iforan BOUtIYL RILL COAL. , RANDALL & MEREDITH Rave for sale, and -are constantly reeelvlas from above celebrated Uelllerles, COAL OF ALL SIZRE. There la no Cool 'Mew anywhere, equal la quality the and and a ,trial will convluee soy one of their great seinlriority. Oar Coat to very carefully gemmed, at our yard, and we will warrant it pe r free from slete, , dust end all Impinitlee. Our PRIDED ;trout LOW aa the VERT LOWEST. Orders left 'it our Oahe, No. 161 ROU'AR PRONT *treat, 11,010 Waluqt. Delete leffat our Yard, CALLOWHILL 'treat, beloa BROAD street. Orders 101 l at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LO WIIILL—or mot to either place per Despateh Poet, will , recelve prompt attention. perchmers for Fatally use will do viall to call and ex amine our Coal before purchaeing elsewhere. asit-tt V n 6iiiiiisKlLL AND LEHIGH COAL.— 1,7 I am daily receiving, at toy yard, the beat Quality 0. SOIRIYLKILL AND LEIIIOO COAL. fdy customers, and pli other Vrho mar favor ma with their onion, may rely on getting. Coal that will be Satiefsetory to them. Iv- NO inrerior Coal kept at this eatablishment to offer, at LOW PRIORS. Br CONVERT, N. N. corner of oad and Cherry Sta. L.EIIIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL._ , DALY, YORTNIt & CO., COAL DRALIIII2, No 021 PRIMN Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and buylkill Coal. Cu - - it HU AND COAL.—MHWNOMERY t L c !& NEAL'. having connected the • Coal with the !antler Welt:tem, Inform their friends that they have made contraeti for a supply of the beet qualdies of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re-' relve orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Ordara may ho lull with . Mr. H. KILPATIMOK', No. 13 S. YIFTII etreot, or with Mr. Wbf. D. NDA Lb, corner SIND and WA 1111 atreets. anlB-am tOrtias anb (Elienticals. , ~,,,,,,,,, 10 1 11. EDERICK BROWN,-01TEMIST ; AND DIIIRIOIST, north-east corner FIFTH and OHIRITNUT ;Streets, Philadelphia, vole Manufacturer of titOWN'S MUNCH of JAMAICA (iINORR, which la recognised and prescribed by the tune.; p a . witty\ add has become the Standard FAMILY MRDI -I.IINg of the United States. This Essence is a preparation of unuenal excellence, During the Summer months, no family or traveller '13041 be without it. In relaxation of the howele,in nausea, and particularly In sea sickpeBB, It le an active and NW as well as a pleasant and efficient raniedy. VAUTlON.—Persous desiridg att article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA DIN OUR, abouhL be particular to ask for a Brown's Re. ounce of Jamaica Ginger," which is warranted to be whittdt is represented, and le prepared only by PREDR RICK DROWN , PM for sale at ble Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and ,CIIRSTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists jtad Apothecaries lu the N. States. aul-am Sirc proof Odes ~~~~ @~ A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PifiLADRLPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, Par Satan and Storm BANE LOOKS, Eguai to any now In me. IRON DOORS, SUUTTERB, &e., On as good terms as any other establishment In the Unitod Mates, by EVANS WATSON, No. 28 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. aolS•tt inrnacto 11ACOREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. ' Sold by 011ADWIOK k SRO., SECOND Street, &at danr glove Rae. eriRIK-Smog "IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT -4 , NEW CIAB CONSUAIING PURNAOM CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURN.4OI?, after Laving boen put to the most severe test, during the two onto WINTEINS or 1856 AND 1857, has proved to he tho most powerful heater to the world, saving. from to j the fuel over soy of the best furnaces now in nee. Tunes reaUSOlO3 are constructed with a cut Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan•shnped Pre pot, lined with are-brick or iron doves. The tire pot IN surmouut• ed with A SERIES OF CONES, OR TAPERING RADIATORS, large end bread at their lase, but tapering to email spec. turem at the top, MI uniting with the smiler chamber, through which the heat and emuko pass to the tine. Tea efoomi products of combustion in the form of snot, and amnia, are suspended directly over the Ere, wvisin lor coutproand tutu the taperieg Corms and OONTINO ALLY NNPOINID to the direct MUM Of the raga of head and light from the lire. This' heat mid light Is brought to a /MB 1 11400 Doire, not unlike the comacorioN OF TIIR SUN'S RAYS, to a fecal point through an ordinary lens, causing the imbue ea, PAM to become intensely boated and thee roughly °Toe/sen t by thie operation the semis sun 04800 Are VILA 11QOALLY 41 , 81LABLN with the roll IT for heating purposes, while, in other furesaw, it is OSMOND OFF AND WANGAD IN TUN ontiiiisr. All persons desirous of obtaining the beat and MOST ECONOMICAL IMAM* APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the NNW CAR CONNIVING eOIN lIIIRNAOi before purchasing any other. The at -tention;of architects and builders is particularly r• • quoted. ARNOLD A, WILSON, (Sitecessors to S. A. llarrition,) No. 624 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Squar . (tobacco attb 4:Eigara., ' .........:-,,,,,..,...., ~,,, ...,....„„_.....—.........y.......,...........,..........., 'Ur AVANA CIGARS—A handnome assort [l merit, such ea Figaro, Fartagaa, Cabana', Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter,. • Cioloeo, Converenntes, Torrey Lopes, Union Amerleuia, Orejon, Flora Cubans, ito., Cto., kn., in K, if, 1-6 and 1-10 xixes, (101 l altos and quail- Hoe, in *tore and eonetantly receiving, and for mile low, by , CHARLES TETE, (new) 118 WALNUT Street, aul-ly below Second, second atop VICAR°, CABANAS AND PA — NTAGAS 11! ANOARS.--4. choice invoice of these oelebrited breads on boatel brig "New Nra,'. daily expeeted tram Havana, and for said low, by OHARLNA 'MTN, (New) Ott Walnut etreet, below Ilecond, sal Second Story. ljarCwart QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARB, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAINOREM ROLLING MILL, 011 the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER, CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oc9-tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent. T HOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE ourumi AND ,TOOLS, N 0.7 telg MATUENT ST. Nlpth. anuiti )0.1n,111114dolphis• an 1.6 m Emnbri - I. UMBER I LUMBER, 1 I—Tlio eubscribor, .11.4 who has for several yours occupied the premises at Bloan's Planing )VIII, Keuaiugtoti bee removed to COATES, BTittlET WIJA.UP, adjoining the Pbosnis Plaulog Still, on Lodestar., avenue, where he Intend., keeping d largo assortineat'of Oaronne and other tour ing buerd r e, stepc,'slierp, shelving, ceiling, fencing and ecatfuld Wards, thoroughly seasoned ' ant i Well Worked. For sale at the lowest each prices. Purchasers are in cited to e'en and examine for themselres, and every ef fort will ho node to give eetisfeetiou. Ordere received and eepplhal et the shortest notice fur els kinds And 'Neu of Southern yellow Pine, Timber end hcautilog. eul-tr 8. fl. 11,1011111. t . 00AL FREIGHT. N,O T .E---T fi E .1-41 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are tlow prepared to reeelPe qqd furwani YRNIOIST between Philadelphia,taneenter; nnd ()Mumble, M the following rebut per hundred plumb,: BETYYRNbi P 1.1 4 .14; POLUMBIA., PlretOlase. &mut ChM, T irdOleet Fourth 0141111. 22 Me: 1B ete • 16 eta, 14 ets. . , . . , . . ~ flour, 10 rte , per barrel. Pig metal, 10 eta. per 100 pounds, ItETWNtN PITILA.' AND LANUANTED. Fin , d Olean. Peccad Claes, Vila' Class. Fourth Class 20 eta. • 17 ote.. 16 CU. 13 ots. flour, . , % ota. 'per burro/. , Pig Metal, 10 eta. per 100 pagoda. AralOLEB (1, FIRST aLAB.i. Hooks, ; ' , Preob Flab, Boots and Shoos,, , '. „flute la Bags, .. Ceder und,Woixlen Ware . ,• Porter and Ale tu , bertha, Pry floods ' Yount, le ceaaa, . , Egga, , ( ' , Pork (fresh,) Parulture, ' - ' Youltry, (dressed,) Yeathers, , . Wrapping Paper. ' AIITIOLN9 OP 2u ()LAPP. Apples, , kdolumen, (Thecae, ' Melons, Clover and Crass Hasa, Ohs in cask* or barrels, Crockery, Paper in bozos, Candles, ' Pasteboard, Osaka or Darrel., (empty,) 'PeAchl'il,Plioai) Groceries; r Piinting Fn.}, Ones and Airfoil, , Paper hangings, Burring in boles and kegs, QUIWIOIIII/40, , , hardware, ~ , Sweat Polatoea, MO, i ' - Tobacco kalea, . ,• Iron, hoop, band, or sheet, - Tea, leather, t Liquor in wood, Tallow, e Marble fllaba and Marble Turpentine, (apts,!) Monuments, Vs, eish. . 'All.TlOliga DP in CLUB. Alcohol, " Potatoes, °p&p, , , Tail:lips, hides, (grnend , Vinegar, Lard, • White Lead, Oysters &Claw, (in s/011) Window Class, Tobacco, (manufactured,) AUTIOLF4 CP Aim CLASS. Codfish, ' Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish, pined, ' Tobacco, (leaf,) Grain of all Wilda, Tin, Nalls'and I?lpikea, Tar, Pitch, . , , ,Wbiskay, Plaster. 1171" Pod further Information apply to E. J .13NNEIDEA, Fte)glit Agent, Phila. E. If. 1101011 Freight Agent Colombia. 1 ' 11,113 1 W. 11. . MY-Kng, Fnsrglit Agoni, Lancaster ANA NI L ,L 4 ItORM,,-SUPEMIOR 'MA IT NI Gt roan{iroctored stud for Welly • WEAVNII, YITLNII & 00 ., , No. ? A r nt anti Sl2 N:Whortab- VCiTTON-200 balofigood Middling to Mid Ming Pair Oottou;In store and,fpr sale by MARTIN k MAOALISTRII, sal „ r , „ ; I Hod!. Fi'iamtabro. 11X4.1.3,84,--17 bales Carolina Moas, tor, 'sale by • , tjArrlN &:0,4.0.A.1.18TER, • atil • • „ HO North 'Wits* Street. VLOOitING , BOA.RDS-28,580 feet Caro Ilea lloaring boards, afloat, for sale b , Ikt MINIM • & 11A0M,18111V . a9l' ll l lNaviblcatsr imam ADRAitBLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE 4411E14 and Embosfied Printing, •Envelope and Sent Press Manuttotory, 37 Strawberry Street, between fleerget au4 Third, sad and Otieetnat Street, Pbtedelpbts, Pa. t't it 1 ti itavir OSIII --600 BARRELS SOAFMA.KERB , ROI ~ t o.wrive:per erlooner J. 11. Vlanner, 10ci'malebyl , `MARTIN X MARALISTRIII anal. 2 'IN North Wear *UWE • - _ fiIIARLES. ,P., O.4DIVELL-41V,liglea010 V and netnitiVlllP too aviootu T p x , tip. 4 North VONALTH Breast , 4 ,1 sub (243SNWOOD OENNIERY OFFIOE, NO 11 C W A 4 FPF ttt9 b#l rliaM ; , is UV oauiri~s, sanbs SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST .COM. PANY.—WALNUT STREET 1300THAVEST CORNER OY THIRD, PIIILADELPRIA. Iliooaroaltnn IT 111 87ATM Of PiIISOILTAILI. Money is received in any sure, large or email, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal.. The office is open every day from 9 Weir* in the morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thiami evenings till 9 o'clock. n' HENRYI ON. L. BENNER, President, OBERT BELVRIDGE, Tine president Wu. 7 . Slaw Secretary. DIX. 0101.15: non. Henry L. Renner, C. Landreth Manna, Edaard•t„. uavtay, , Y. Carroll firewater, Robert Selfridge, Joseph D. harry Saud. K. Ashton , Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. .This Company confines its business entirely to the receiving of money on Interest. The inveetrnents, amounting to ever ONE MILLION AND A HALF OP DOLLARS, are made in conformity with the provisions or the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and each first elan securities as will alweys in sure perfect security to the depositors, end which can not fell to glee permanency and stability to this Insti tution, VA PENNY SAYINGS FUND, Corner of 1 , 711/IPTII and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 9 to 8, end on Tuesday . and Friday Evenings, until o'clock. Large Cr email Nelms received and paid with. I out notice, with PIPE PER OENT. INTEREST by check or otherwise. JOHN THOMSON, Preal. TIOO PRISI DENTS, TKOs. T. TASKER, EDWIN M. t&WIB. coloativinv AID lesseVitita, WM. T. ELARRT. titoSTISS, Win. 0. Ludwig, 1) O. Levy, Charles 11. Lea, A. Mickey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal Thos. Neilson, Thomas S. Reod,l4. D. James Thos. P. SparlaWk, Oscar Thompson, • Peter Williamson, Tea. R. Watermest, Marlin; T. Yorkes. eohn It. Austin, Jelin h. Addieke, ' &demon Alter, M. W. Ballwin, William Clark, Ephraim (Mark, Jr., Charles S. Oaretairi, Robert Clark, K. J. Drexel, Cherie/1 Doti Win. D. Mosier, iltrojamila Gerhard, Jahn Jordan, Jr., Lards Leiria, Jr., a. -am NO. 83 (341) DOCK , STREET.-FIVE 111 PER PENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND: Np . B3 (241) DOCK STREET.--FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVI . NOS POND., No. On) 'DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT, STATE SAW NOS FOND. 88' (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE MG VENT STATE SAVINGS VUND. -19 • itlact)inerD ana kpite. ItIYtIYL . tind a. mil ' .. .1. 10 1 1 /13011.i1l ultimo% SOUTHWAiIk FOUNDRY, IIIFTLI AND WASNINGTON BTRICIIIII, • POILAIALPIIII. • MERRIOK & SONS, lINGINDERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low YTOS2II4Te Steam linginee, for Land, River, and Marine servito. Boilers, tiaaometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &e., Out ings Of all kinds, either Iron or Dross Iron frame roofs for Has Works, Workshops, Railroad Statitins, Retorts and (lea Machinery of the latest and most imprbred construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, each as Sugar, MN', and Orbit Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. Snip Agents for N. Rillieux , s Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Naninyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rosit'. Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps, Superintendent—D.L ItARTOL. RIOHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCUM°. TIVIC IiTRAIR ENGINE ISUILDERS, 111111VIIXTMISTU OTRIBT, lIAMILTOI4, ITAIRVIIIV AND OPRINO aARDErt sTßarni, PIIILALINLPLUA. Sugaged *10104,81y in the maunfacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. moiurgoturs to order Locomotives or Any arrange, MOM, weight or capacity for the use of Weal or Coke, or Bstuenesous Coal in its node irate, or • ANTURACITK COAL, WITHOUT SHIRRING{ 811000, OAS OR 71111. In design, material cud workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot, ant insure the beet quality end most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops and com plete I:ykipmnst of MacAtxtry and Timis, enable them to eleoute the BRST OP WORK WITH ORRAT ORSPATCH, OW ANY AIIIUNORMISICT RIQUIRE,D. RIFILLED OAR WIIERLS, 11A AIIIRRRD AXLE, With ➢orgiuge of any Min or form, IRON ANL BRASS CASTINNS. And MACHINE WORK generally. RIMMED NoRIIIS su!•ly lIIINUT LATHIER NOURIII DENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKS. RIIANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTIOAG 'AND TREORKTIOAL ENQINRSTIS, 11#0111NISTB,..DOILER-MAKNItB, BLAUK- SIIILTII3 &NO WOUNDRON. Having for many years been in successful operation, and beau oacluaively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River li:entries, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, 'Propellers, & 0 ., &c., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Enginea of all Bites, Marino, River, and liltationuy. Having sets of patterns of different algae, are prepared to execute orders with nalck despatch, livery, ,description of Pattertuttutking made et the ehorteat notice: High and Low Pressure, Pine, Tubn• lar and Oylinder Bellevuet the best Pennsylvania char coal Imo. Porgluga of all aimn and kinds; Iron and Brea, Oa/dingo of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specific/diem for all work dam at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The Subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and axe provided with shears, blocks, falls, &,c., &a , fur talsiug henry or light weights. . . THOMAS RICANNY, . - JAOOII Q. NRAPIM, JQIIN P. LEVI e r • • , . . and-y BRACH and PALMlRStraeti, Kenaington HANDY & MORRIS MANDHAOTIIKRTIS OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES YOU GAS, EITMAkt Oft WATBK. *LBO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MRRCHT'S Warehouse El. X. corner FRONT and WALNUT. illebicinta HELMBOLD's GENUINEPREPABA voN, Extract Dacha, for all Diseases of the Blad der, Kidneye, Gravel, Dropay, Nervous and Debilitated Mame. HELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Bache, removes all the symptom', among which will be forma Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Dreathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often ease loons Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Dot Hands, Fleshings of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Patio! Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, Palos In the lisck, Heaviness of the Nye Lids, frequently Black Spots flying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Longo( Sight. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, which this me. dichle invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epi leptic Vita. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of The abovo distreming ailments, vise lIBLIS. MOLD'S PIUtPAICATIONS. Try them, and be convinced 4 their etbeacy. HEIAIBOLD's GENUINE PREFAB& RATION, Extract Bucbu, a Ire health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !" And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be d/nue feud of them, fELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA TION Extract Buchu—See overwhelming °video ree which will be produced to chow that they do g reet goal to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the Inspection of all. ElEi i i o M N ßO x. L ti p u T GENUINEB.thu — Price $1 P o n , E Bottle,P A R A .r lirssed to any alma. 'Depot, 62South ateet, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philaatel. phis. Address letters, H. T. lIRLIIIBOLD, 62 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and bealera everywhere. Beware of estuttortelts. sul-Sult in A R l A t y N s T T sLOORAPIIB, OR PIIOTOURAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of MOUTH and LOOUST. The above pictures alder error tualy from anything ever before offered to the publie. Their softness, and truth of,color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail tonere, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance i while the sorertty of the or deal to which they are exposed lu manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satlernetiou• sod coptidenoe, to the public and to his friends, They tie 'soured by letters patent to, and oan be had UNIX or; IL D. 'MARCHANT. ID• Portraits of the cabinet, and life sise on canvan as heretofore. lie 18-3 m punLic AMP S.--TLIE PIJEGIC IS respectfully informed that °dices have been opened by the District Buperintendeuts of Public Lighting, at which eititens axe requested to give information respect ing Accidents which way happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure iu lighting or extinguishing them at the proper titue; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Cooks will be kept by Joseph Bally No. Mt Q.Uovu street, Third Ward; Charley Carty, No. lid South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Minim U. Kirk, No. 1438 Hutchinson street,,if weutieth Ward; 11. W. Veshoug, No. 7131 Coates scoot, Fifteenth Wardi Thos. V • Dow I by, awe Office, Twe uty-Foorth Ward, (West Phliadelphia;) M. It. M`Faildon, lial Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (Clenusotowni) Wen N. Market, ties Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Braaktonl,) and at the Gee Borneo in eleventh etreet, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Werke. it. J. KITE, oel-em Superintendent of Distribution. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Cor. THIRD and OLIESNUT Ste. , L. PELOOZII k BON, thaakfal for the liberal pa. tronage heretofore accorded to tit,lr Rotel)liniment, cud desirous to merit Ito continuance would announce to ?rioters sad Publishers that their new OPEollinibi BOOK is now ready, from their increased (* st and Millet!, ore now prepared to iirnish every thing ueoessary In so complete Brintiug etablishmeut, at the shortest no lice. Their long practiml experience lu the bueiness,. sod the fast of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in assorting that they Can furnish a more durable and better tin lifted article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing. 'elsewhere., ' , Old type Wren at 9 cents per pound, , i n exchange for new at specimen prices. aul-tr , EVANI4 S --10,000---pItINTEILi A, Card* Per 11110tir 1 ,„01 W ntwaata.a,aataaa tips • VP. A, D ?miaow. raa. a lie ht. rud.. UM." aor 10, (91/Iw. vka Paa {hulk NU alml Cools L Tea Tecasi Car& pr Maria E 111 *raw.% aa._sireaa. wadi Car: Maio, VOURTIL 13T. below Chasten:4. . . . , GMEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is sold Mao PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of five route a bitatiel, Mid may be, obtained In kirge or stall quantity by ap p Pltr e yttig 'at the (taa Office, No. 20 South EIBYBNTH at, _ . , To ;utlfouters by, Wholesale, it to 'old et the Works, In PirOt Went, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a ti2so per ton., / , ~.; • ( Signed, ) J. 0. 0R583124, Ingineer. TVILADILIIIIA Gee WOitea, Aug.. 26 . , 67. su27-tf (10A011, ENGINE' AND 110,Tr i t LAMP kaHciryor E. W UMBERS, No. HO, ,` l e EP IP! RlCHlrlii below Obeataut What; bah 'Demme 'a sayukt of 90 per cunt. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MUCHANTS, and also the amtvilence harlattlaeir old Oarslage Lampe new allvet- ppaki . and b9ttomed, .pa 4 aothy,expreasto hlt pe.i , ta; ' -WS ly . _ Jioniattre ennwpnica. FIRM INSLI4LAN,OZ. , 13PRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANI. CAPITAL 3120,000, PAID IN CAoll, AND SECURELY INYEAt•ED, oyykm, N . W. CORNER 011 SIXTH AND WOOD , 9PRINO OARDENS. QUARTER PERP !ATV AL 1.1.155L9 PROMPTLY PAID DIRECTORS. Jobu II Polmert, Hear, 11. PLII a, Dari.l Wlldirper, Urojatni. It. is, J.Jn, I Job Kiwi+, Jr Charles Y,”1,1. Auhay 11 Park, William E Itno James Denali, Johii B Stevensta, Jscoir 9. Mintzer., • Curwiu Ileuty Romer, Thew, Tslllavlsaat, George K. ['Vida JOHN It. DOUNERT, Preat.leut, L. RRU hl BHA AR, Sorretsry. *opt 21— ly NEPTUNE INSUHA,NCE COMPAN Y.•-- ottrtem 414 WALNUT Ynulklin Banding's. FIRS AND MAN/b'6 /NA UNANCR. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEOE To lITORKABE TO 600,000. This eillup.y 4 now rullf Organ sed, and prepared Iv mace sir kinds or Insurance against loss or dazakte by Vire and Markle Petits st current rates. , dillefatS. H.O LATIOHLIN, Presldeut. ' RICHARD BUIELDS, Elea President GEO. SCOTT, Secretary DIRECTORS tiyorKe Minster, W. C Stotesbury, It 11. Carina, C. C. Rutter, Ilse. Scott. Itesl9-r II 0, Laughlin, L. Bharwood, Win Osborne, Richanl Shields, T. V. Showell, HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE ' IN- BußreNug COMPANY 'OP PIIILADSLPHIA, ' PBANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. in WALNUT BMWS? AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $OlO,OOO. (FULL 4110007 alladOalaan.) Insetted se Cottons: First Bonds and Ilfortegee on Property to the Olty of Philadelphia $L45,400 Stocks north pm' •• . 1.12,100 Omit on hand 0,190 Anthil lit secured by Block notes • 190,000 Amount of fitoth doe on call 1,770 NlOO,OOO Tills Company fsflUts insurance. on %wilding., 14er chapilise, Pun:Mere, Lumber, ace ; on Vessels, Cargo, ittllYreight, to all ports, sad by Railroad, Gates, and Rivers, at the lowest ratee, and upon the moat liberal term, guarantying Prompt Payment on the ailjostoskit pf losses, crPerpoll , a inForshoo mole upon the usual terms PILVOTORS. P. N. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, 0 R. Ppangler, lk T Remit, Abr'm. Res, 11. 11. Houston, . Wm 11. Woods, Jos: R. Withers, ' aenigo Dowell, Abr'm P. }tyre, 7. Edgar Thomson, - W. Ralguel, U. O. Sower, Cherles Y, Norkw ‘ Sohn W. Seaton, ' JUm D. Levant, Herman Haupt, Tinnes V. Stiles, Nathan It. Potts, ' " 11. N. Durioughs, PIeRCIVAL 11. OTTS. President, 0. R. SPANOLRE, Vice Prea , L, W. 11. WOODS, See., Auglilly R. T. KENsin, Treasurer. T A E QUAKER ''TY 1 - " tcOmpAw.7 of _ -NSURANCE Ofgeo No. 408 (late 92) WALNITP, St Capital and Surplus, 9230,000. This Company continues to make Insurance against loan Or damage by Pim and the Perils of the Sea, Initial Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. OPPIORRS. I President-OEO. 11. HART Viso Preaktent-11 P. ROSS. • Secretary and Tressurer—ll, R. tIOGGBRALL • Amistant Secretary-8. 8. SUTURE. SOTORS. George G. Dart, It D. Rosa, A. O. Cratell, Joseph ildwarde, Johu O. Dale, Hoe. Henry IL Puller, Poster El. Perkins, Joke 11. Chambers, ea EE-ly x. W. Bliley, Charles 0. Was. D. Lewis, Jr., 3. L. Pomeroy; Andrew R. Chan:ilea, R. R Coggsball, Samuel J °llea, I. D., A. P. cheeibrough. PPHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN SURANOR COMPANY, incorporstsd by the state of Pennsylvania in 1448; are now established in their NNW OVIICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE, from LOBS BY WIRE, on property of every description, in Tone or Country, Including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINOS STOKES, WAREHOUSES, EACTOUIES awl MANUYACTORINS, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, &e. Also,' MERCHANDIZE of kinds STOCK S OP GOOS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORILS, Goode on STORAGE or In BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TIFICERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, &e., &e &a., to., at moderate rate. of ;premium, and for any period of time. The Company refer to their pant career ea an ample unarautee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOBBR3. There ire it this time, no unsettled thanes against them. ROBERT P. KING, Preen. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Preen. Pubis BLicrTIOABB, Beep. sal-3m LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST dimi- L, PANT.—The PENN MUTUAL LL9N INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and ROOK Streets, Capital, 3 e 12 ,723 03. IWBUlrika LIVX9 Tor short terms, or for the Thole term of life--grants touniltles and endowments—par, chases life on interests in Real Estate, and rushee alt nontrUts dependlog on the oontingenoles of Lite. They act as Executors, Adrolaistrators, Astioseim, Trustees and annzdiana, MONNY EXONIVXD ON DNPOSIT in any =mint— Fire Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of depalt, payable back, on dinaand without notice, AitakiTS OP TUB COMPANY, January /4, He. Loam of the State of Pennaylranla, delphla Oily , Penn'a Railroad, Camden and Amboy ILMlroad L and other Loans $119,885 38 Bonds, Mortgages and neat Vadat. 111,131 19 Stocks in Duette, Insurance, Gas and Rail road. Companies 51 ,729 98 Premium Notes and LOU/ on Collateral 193,59'! 01 Oaeh in Bank, due from Agents, Inter. eat, fan 38,780 41 Guarantee Capital, Subscription Note' 100,000 00 $ D.3NISL L. MILLZR, Preside 14 nt. 6' 83311131. R. 13TO8:Eri, Vise PtBlll. 701121 W. labssok. Seeretarr. aal-13 ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW YORK.-01boe, No 29 Wall attaet, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, 124,090, with a seri:lns. Thla Company Insure headings Mer chandise, I. ortAture, Yeasts lii port and their argues, and other property i agelnet Lou or Damage by Pure and the Rieke cd Inlan d Namgation. ' DIBECTOBS. Henry Orinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, , .Betfas It. Orarea, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund ?enfold; . , 0..11. Illieolleal, • Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polltemum, jr. Ogden MaigertY) Bliaha 11. Morgan, Thomas Monagan, . • AMA. It. Van Neat, . John H. Earle, William A. Cary, , Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Easton, ' ' James W. Phillips, Loule.Lorut Charles A. Macy, Samuel O. (hidden, Edward liincken, Steph. Cambreleng, Wm. B. Shepard, - Thomas Scott, Charlea L. West, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry H. Bogert, William R. Poadicis, Peter Wes, Amery Thayer, Benjaroin 11. Yield, a W sloe. eetteldt, • A. R. Prothingham. Zalmon Taylor Thee. P. Talmage, Henry E. Illostiotn. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. Menet° A. OAILIIT, Secretary. art 10-ly ruANUFAOTURERS' INSURANCE LYAL 0011PANY.-4 harter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Peanaylratete. &MA f 600,000. Pint, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIESOI . O2/1. Aaron 8, Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Waaka, • Charles J. Field, Jimes P. Smyth, Wm. D. Thomas, 7. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Heal, John P. Simons, • AARON 8. LIPPINOOTT, President. WAI A. RIIODSB, Ilea President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. AUBURN, 'Surveyor. This Company was orguilted with a sash capital, and the Directory have determined to adapt the business to ita available roaarures—t4 observe Rodent , * in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of teases. Office No. 10 Merchants' Nishange, Philadelphia. TIE MERCANTILE MUTUAL !NSW. MAROC COMPANY OW PIIILADCLPHIA.—OtiIim No. tat WALNUT Street, opposite the Nzehange. JJA RING IMSNS ou Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Cauals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL, TIIA PROFITS divided anuaally among the As sured, sea ample oactirlly Is ewe of lota, DIIIIIOYOUI. Thom* T. Butcher, Algernon E. Ashburner, Allred Pasant, Thomas B Poster, Gustavus English, Dimes B. Stroup, Allred Stale, A. O. Cattail, Charles IL Caritas s, Samuel Robinson, John C. Keifer, John P. Steiner, Henry C runbn, Wm. J Caner, )reutsborg. RRIA MIMS, PresHent ' BUTT, YIN President. 1. ~old) Xdward Harris Mlles, John M. &Nahaliner, Mahlon Wilihunaon, Samuel J. ilharpleini, Imam Jet .)8, llenry Peaut, ledlward O. James, William L. Bprinte, Franklin U. Jowl, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Willihm Taylor s James Idurphy, Win. P. Smith, A J. Antain, Samuel k EDWARD ILA ALFRED Y Join, 0. K Standar CHARTER OAK. FIRE AND MARINE MISONANOM COMPANY OP MAIPPPORD, tikNN. (Yeah Capita p 310,000. Losses in PONollotphli alit • vicinity istiustod at the Philadelphia Ulm' , IT lean we refer to /k. I D.. S. Dreier' Co., Phila. Hon. lint Antes; Philia. Chiffon, Stout & Co., a' Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea &Q.t., , " , Hon. T. S. Wanking, Hart'il We have facilities for p acing any amount or Insu rance in the moat reliable Companies PEILADRLPIIIA URNRRAL INsußenrk AURNCY, Na. 413 (aid No. 343) exasTwur sr. THOMPSON It ROOD, Ageute. Wants. 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A NOME_ tiITBAD FOR COl—Third Dlvlston.-1310,000 worth of Farms and Betiding LOU, in the geld region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided' amongst 10,200 subecribers, on the 7th of Deoineber, 185 T: Bob evriptionannly, ten dollars down,,,or fifteen dollen!, one half down, the rest ' ev delirbry of the deed. Itvary subscriber, will get a Building Lot or a Vllllll, molting In value Gout $lO to $25,000. These farms end luta are sold so cheap to Induce settlements, It sufficient number being reserved, the increase In the value of which will esuipeinsto for the apparent low price now naked. Up made of 1,86t0 lota and farms are already sold, and a company of settler' called the " Rappahannock Pioneer Astiociation" Is now forages and will noon commence a settlement. .Ample security will be given fur the faith- ful perfortesece of contracts and promises Nearly 48,000 acres of land in different parts of Virginia, new at command , and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to idoo per acre. Unquestionable !, ties unit in ail cases be peels. Wood-cutters, reopen, farmer., , arc, wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subseribers, to whom tles meet liberal leducements will be given. Imo agents write that they we making gOod pe r mon th . For full particulars, imbecripttons, agencies, be , apply to -11.14 ADDER, 05124-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Yu, ijotels aub tieototatito F HE OLD STAR HOTEL IN HARMONY 00 V .11, T.—The public are reepecletally Wormed that the OLD STAR HOTEL still In eitatesee The 111 173 p ai ri ta et" itgl i8 h 47 h i at t ;ttla a" a hl3 topii '0U rior 'f6 q . u s t a ily IEd of A pro le, Wines, ea/ LIVIDII, thlt Nth Wined that on paying him ,lil t thoy will not be diaappolateo. He le also preparolito'furnieh °lateral* ovary style, at the aborted notice. 4 o f , ‘ i $ f Lunch [thin 10:to 12 o'clock. eep 24-let ' ' JOHN CORLEY. lIANNINQ'S CITY LAGER' BEr BALOON No. 282 Carter's Alley, Phil* dolphla. sep22-8, MoGO 'AN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH,- wesi corner 'of BROAD gin 4 WaLNIFF.--Base and all`otlier deliciclea in /liaison. Families supplied arithOyaters on the ahOrtellt 00110. 5 erspilsu;,l MERCIIANTS' HOTEL; NORTH ROUSTIII4MINIT L Anon t FRILADMILPRIA., ' ' f au44:tt AfoNIVBXN & BONS, YROPRIMPOIIS QCOTT 11013,5*-4)Ornar! of , street osl and Dupeena Way? Plusburi:^o. D.MASHIE, Provistori " 4 as.ll-ka ,;11. 1) I .1 POiroato4 WESTERN TRAVELLERS, ERRING AND SUMMER ARRA-Noliwaxts., moor/mg.,- esivrßAL RAILWAY. two Luny TRAINS /mu DALTLMOBA I TO RITTAKURGH AND VIII WEST. On anti aft e r Jane lit, ISM, TWO DAILY TEAM mill kart Calvert tttrtion for Pittattitr g h and al l m eet . ern and Fan:4 or Northwestern titire TIIK MORNING MAIL TRAIN • LeSTPaI , !Lattimore daily ( Sanda l eseepted) at &IS A. 81: coniitct in; with the Mali Train verr the Great Peas ilia-anis Railroad, ant arrifin g in Pittabwr it h at 191 A SI. Tfit: ref:MX(IW( RUMS TILSIN ',arcs DAD insioe 11411) (Sunday *Scented) st 3 P. Yy for 11.trrisboirg. Tl 5 Y. 1t 11111 T Ie.XPRP.S3 TRAIN Leaves tintlinioro litvi MIN :46111T al 10 P. Y., eon netting with the Lirlituirig orerpie Pransits rutin tniiirointfor Pittsbergh. arriving at 1.20 P. !I lly- All the, Intini Vutmect closely at Pitub with trims ever the Piuthirrick, Port Ws yusM ('1..n6., lw,traal , and Its Neethern, ðers sad Western conitectioas Pa,aen‘ e rs for Chicago, Bock Malawi, Barliag toe , tows City, 'Milwaukee, Dubuque, St. Past's Midis soli, seal other levant,: cities in the Northwest, till save ose hitiul ad miles of entre! nod tea hours is Fide, with foot. Loss changes of cars, by taking this route. Passercera for Cleveland. Sandusky, Toledo art! Detroit, go by did -route, and the time 13 nneTusiled, being 113 miles sherter than by any other mate. !Lr Passengers for ht. Lords, ladisaapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo, awl all points on the Lower sod tipper nude loss changes of cur, and arrive toads ranee of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Coludbaa, Dayton, Louisville, sad other prowonsut cities, as valet aa by an other routs. All W y estern Baggage CILLCHND THROUGH and horcilei with curs. FOR THE NORTH. The 8.1.5 II IL. connects gladly with Diprese !Talus over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, theirs Rochester, Regale, Niagara Pans. mid Canada, thus forming the moat direct railway mate to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. • Passengers wIR Owes this the aborted, cheapest, add mart eipeditionit ratite to Niagara. Palls sad Canada- Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia cis Co lorable and Lancaster by all the trains at az each, each train having sure- ronneetions Passengers by this root. avoid 1.-essitned bridges, and all the Inconvenience of ferrying across the ilusquehanna river. Parasengen for Hanover, Manchester, tiettyiburg, Ems mittsburg, ehainbersburg, go by the trains at 8.4 A. M', and 13 P. M. ; . WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Care on this road make one trip per day, connect- IhAwith ,t - 1;;; train at 3 P. M. VIM THROUGH. TICKETS ZIA further infcrrmatiou, of ap (Arad audi the Ti.Franklla ti cket Office, tivate. Calvert Station, N. R. corner '• • - p.;- . t.0 • • 0. O. AMMON, Bairt. 11ENNSYLVANIA . RAILROAD. —THE HAT CENTRAL MUTE, obruseeting the As lan c Cities with Western, North-westerni and &tab western States, by • continuous Railway direct. This Email also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line steamers to ail points on the Western Risers and Clelelanil arid Sandusky with Steamers to all Ports on the Piortb•westero Lakes; making the gloat DIRECT, CLIEAPEST end ROUTII by which Insight can P 0 fOrwarded to end from the GREAT WEST. RATER BETWEEN PIGLADELPIIIA AND MTh RCt Pea T Chats—Boots, Shoes, Usti, road apt, books, bey Goods, (in boles isles Cu.) trunks), Drugs, (in boles and hales) Feathers, Pure, Ac Tie. er DV lb at sa eLass--bumentic Fibecting, , hirting and. Ticking, (in original boles), Drugs (en asks), Hardware, tosthar, (in rolls or Imam), Wool, • ina $ll eep Pelts, Eastward, ke. & c....60e. per 100 b Tina° Otago—Anvils, Steel, Chains, be casks), Hemp, tenon and Pork, Salted, (tones ot in sacks), Tobacco, inenufszturist,(except Cigars or out Au, Sce. .600., par y 0 lb noire lhatis--Cosec, Pleb, Dunn, (tee?, and Pork, (in casks or basalt Wastwanl), LAN and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Aeb , German Cloy, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, e Ide. per RC Ile PaUll—lba. per LW., until further notice. ins-415a. per 100 no., until farther not tee. liCabit ping Goods frogs any point E.set of Pliiladel phis) be Articular to uses package •, ric Pemorytramti Rai/ram.' All floods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. F141(1111 , AGIVad.-11.14 . 64, WOrinley &Co , Tep ; B F. Baas &Co , St. Loula, /do. •J. B. Ittitehrli & Suit Vim:mato, hut ; butneatol, & iturstock, and Carpenter & Jewrit, Louisville, liy.; B. C. drum, lladimo, Ind.; U. W. Brown it Co., and Irwin & Co., Clucitmati; N. W. drab= & Co., Zanesville, Cido; Lava,. k Co., No. At Xilbyatremi,Boatou Leerb & Co.. No. 11 Astor House, New York, No. I Witham at. mad No. ti Battery Place, New York; X. J. :Weeder, PluladolpLis; idagraw & Soma, Baltimore; D. •. Atewsrt, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOVSZOS, • General Freight Agent, Philadelphia U. J. LOILBAIIHT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa AIRW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN 1 2 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND ;TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINRA. PROS PRILAIMILPIIIA TO NSW TORS, AND WA PLACRS. Leave la coneys ' viz : /AU. At A. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey CI, Malt At 6 . M., via Camden aid Jersey City, Now Jer- At6 j 4n e ll7la °d jara ti' llen awl Amboy, Aammuo.l*- , lion 2 At 1 A ` ° ., eta Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail ' ' 2 At 141'A.1,1., by atemiablat Trenton, via Tacorty and'lersey City, Morning F.xpres• 3 1 At 2 .M , sit Camden and Amboy, C. and A. FA pre 3 At 5 .R. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mai 6 At 3 . 111. via Camden and Amboy, Accorindoda tio , let Clan 2 At S P,. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion,' Tad Claw I At 611. If., i•ta Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lat Class ' 3 At 6 Pi, M. via Canada's mid Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd CUM..., .. 1 The 6 P 4 M. line runs daily, all others Sundays • ceptel, Facyreas Lines atop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Radon, Flemington, kn., at 6A. and 4 P. 11., from Walnut street a heal. For Water Gap, Stroadaborg, Scraatca, Wilksebair Montrose, Great Bead, Ace., at 6 A. 11., via Delawar Lackaamma at Westcrn Railroad.. , For Freehold, ate A. U. ftA4 P. Y. For llama Holly aUA„ 11 . 1 2x, 3 a 616 P. Y. WAY LINY.2 Vol ittatal, Trenton. &a. itt %,% taut 4P. 11. WAY iddiS. Tor 4' eitnyte. Itaneocal, Thweety, liartington, Borden town 80. at P, B. StaaiploOst RicueRVEITOOKTON for Barliagtaa au! Bristol at 8% A. It . and tor. Bordeatoun and tatame 4tate *tea at 2% P ist e .i n b on t TB,Rze-O.V (or TSCeny lit 10 and 11% A. Id., sal 4 P. M., and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. it. All lines; except 1 . A. N. leave Walnut an** Thaxf.‘ fampifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger.: Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as Mango but their wearing apparel. All big gage over Afty pounds to be paid for extra. The Cora puny Wait thoir responsibility for Daggs./ to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for iihy &repent be yon d MOO, inteept by spetial eontract. WM. M. OATZMIM, Agent 0. A. A. It. R. CO. S. B. lIORBSLL, Agent Phila.. Tr. R. B. Co. CHANGE OF 1101TRS. 2 - . P HI LA DE L YUIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORD BAIL ROAD.; On and alter Thursday, 3 al,' 21,1651, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADE LPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M., I P. IL, (Expreae,) and P. For Wilmington at 8 A. M , 1, 4.15 and 11 P. M. Yor New Castle at 8 A. 11, 1 and 4.15 P. M. For Middletown at 6 A. M. and 4 15 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 9.15 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A.ll. and 4.15 P. M. , TRAINS FOR PHILADNIPIEIA Leave Baltimore at 6-54, Szpreee, 11 A. M., and 623 P. Leave Wilmington at 680 and 1165 A. M., and 2 88 and 9.54 P. EL Laavd New Castle at 6.20 and 11.86 A. IL, and 905 P.M. Beare Middletown at 10.00 A. M. and 2.00 P. 11. Leave Dover at 850 A. M. and T P. M. Leave Seaford at I 00 A. M. and 400 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 915 A. 11, 2 P. M. and 12 17 A. M SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Pniladalphia to Baltimore. do. do. 625 P. M. front Baltimore to Philadelphia. RALTIMORB AND HAVRE Dg GRAOR A 00014140 DATION TRAIN Leave! Havre do (Incest 6.50 A. 11. Leavea Baltimore at 400 P. M. Freight Train, with Paasenger Oar attached, will ran to follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate planes at 600 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. • do. 800 P. 11. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. 5. M. PRLTON, President. QPRIN G ARRA_NGEMEN T.-PE.N.N SYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD—Running In direct eoetuectioe with the PITTSBURGH, PORT WATNR AND CHICAGO RAIL ROAD for Cincinnati, St. Louie, lowa City, Louisville, New Orleans, St. Pants, Indianapolis, Cleveland, %scans, Terre Hanle, Chicago, Retina:Z. In advance of all other route* cut of Yidlodolptua, Faroo,og tloot tonairecion mita all Mg {heat Wen erw Ras/roads. TIIBOIIOII TRAIIIII Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and wagon Clive, from tddi Pennsylvania 'Railroad Passenger Station, south-ealt corner of BUXOM and lIAILKET streets, • tentrane+ on Rlerenth street,) at follows; , Mall Train at 7—, A. M. Past Line at 12 66, P. M. Expreie MaA at 1100, Night Columbia It, It. Line learns for Harrisburg at 250, P. if., Lancaster Aeconautodationj at 4.30, P. M. The Rff pees' Mail rang WI, the other train', sue -4Torltc2lleel.iiirtiernlars see liked-bills, at the different starting4oints. Passenger* from the West will Owl thin the shortest and mostexpeditions route to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hew Tork or Boston. THOMAS MOORE, Agent, , Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, Febrimry, 1651. Imlay TORT I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. .L 11 FALL ARRANGRamepp. PC,It BESIIL11111:31, ALLEN DOY TOW LS7OI9, N. MAD Olt CUIINR, TON, AO. Oo and after Morality, October 6,1857, the trains on this roa4 will leas Phil l 4 l, ll. l bili For Ilothloheru, (Express,) at 8 A. Al. For Bethlehem, ten, Allentown and Mauch Chant, (Express) at 215 P. H. PaasenOrs for Barton by 2 111 P. M. train take stasis at Iron 1101 'tattoo. For Doylestown, (Arcommodationd at 5 P. M. VOr Etwineild, do. at 9 A. M. TRAINS YOH PIIILADELVIIIh. roffillA Bothelern (Pareas,) at 915 A. M., wwd.9...55 P. M. connectrug with L. V. IL R. trains, add uric. la 5t.12.10 51, and 6 P. 51. Learn Doylestown, (aroommodation,) at 6.15 A. U. 1•1114Y0 Gwynedd, do at 3 P. M. dcoommodation trains run daily; other trains daily, Burolayi e;teptea Vans to Doylestown Bethlehem Ware to Mauch Chunk oct 5 SO eta. • - $1 60'adatk,/!lgt. tarnitute. B. Kurt.: & co. la. FURNITURE. BEDDING} , &e. No. Fla (lobe 129) WALNUT it Philadelphia. A now And emperior Milo a spring Beds. LYDIA. It, Kin. 7ossra Wilms 181olipttg H=A RP E S MEN'S AND BOYS' vo'curcurzia, 148 North FOURTH Street, Detweea THE , ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 atu3STNIIT STREET, &mania PAACRLS, TAOKAQNS, MENCIIANDIKR, BANK Icons avd -ISPEOIN, either by its own LINES, or In connection with other NXPRXNS OOMPANISS, to all the principal Tomo and OITIZEi of the 'United Stater. N. IA - BANWPORD, Gamma Superintendent.. IPQ US S /A. AND AMERICAN TAARED Li; coMokait...... superlDt 1111autaWAIEr• sad for by & 00.,, 4 s ll k N. WA* 04., SVC Irlhanes—