• - - • cfo.*iib‘t 657, • • -We have oneerim mos pa poor) y ooluivrt, - oxfoPt in ourosirnattyy.o4oYerYarliero Oa moneyed instite, tins of ttieloiarieinsii:tii,iiitdetng'pai ntinait to el vleii466 ireAsl:4llittio baits of P!iit!idef... eieeitinif "tiik son* prirs:not. bY these , cor porations is well known toalltwho ate do unfortunate as to betthelVdobtenqond-the -bUndreda-and Shothainda Of b . tuibsist4POh the plttiuice; or &iityr, ghat di; gree, it to owilairiftwit they are now out of employbient and dittittitali chested, ao to speak, out of Moire* pat sestion, thi of, their (mu hip's. Tilli,attfFif44, , E. uffipli:briege mono than three hen. dredithousaudlollaza-in spode td , 'Boston floes pear prof; Orlin Ifaiiie brings tierk inittion 6f t ,4sl4lo*'nitire t California eentinuee beri gold4:,tielkitei:thih silent of two or 'Woo millions every oionth ; the exports horn New York' last 'reek - were ' i liac* ittlifi',for sinz,pluirloiip Week' tbla r dollar the banks is Balton; continue.the. generous millstones they extended to their eustotnero beithre the' Xiapenaldu'the bante`*kf disoOunt kiodiiOo-piper largely ' , to taiiiktivu* Johoduits erect - where are prinupt to felleve‘tlie -needs of each other . , and no , huntedlown because Of itiOpresehtii.: • abilitp Ortliib, t'hibefelike,banica are rocicani; onixtbeY fail to discharge their part, to the otherwise general' effort to thindliorate fetid' trace ; they, 'ohlyi s tienia4 the pounder flesh. Tho ship mayaink,Auid all pried', bat they will not Ad to her....2'heyisaS their beat friends, felling around them like autuntki."` . lllByei, yet thetare . IMVte`lie moved from their And that ; can, he given is,,that'tbey have Mr, reed,,,no, leader—no one stlaose•whidoui , , will justrfy, and whose talents Will 'command ;the, aeries concetimde.o opiiiiitiOhl`tke,htAiiielli" the eruidket shall *scribe., ;*„.do"tint .heEeve thatthere hitiuth• in the sootier, ; Thehtlie bank Presidents act ai NWT. believed it to toter unhappily Arse 7 bid there "ere theist, arseurtheto viluiAusee thri:'neeeetttrj.hrahlii and judg. ment,`not'Onty for this but 'for far more intricate.' and difficult eituatlonms, , lThe tretiblaile in the jealousy which „they. , entertaiwil cinvot ittntlier irfthit petty dread, lest one shall have r higiier'plene 'ateengl them than thh" - ntlierir sPirit,,whieli, commencing, probaldi, in' an ' k Parlors, has made itself fatal to but too many of the Interests dt 'Philadelphia—the spirit of envy and dett B l4 lo • ;.; •,! It id lain fonegialettireti:te. Reamilble end Pin laws fOiPlief, Vials* kir thew who axe willing to too , el nu% their niatosrachereeversl foxarehanies and ere , willingficitOilioOdeeirceh:ii , #*{S; ' , 0110 another ofatithis`Perlhi,lie Aali,Ase::_Ahe ; OW*4 basll*; j(eiery bark!' Ito ,purees Ito ~own, seallay: seem, intent only upon gettin g itself introit' task - 0 1 sition then sdmeother banleoiad, xecklin,. of 'the, son segnericei to'ttie it' it only caiiriderhrough, the general ruin, and live, If they do not speedily , mend their ways, they will dad a reckoning depianded' at tho hands of the borfeand.sinete . , of the, 'OuntrY, whichihe itoriteitef them t • - • At the Bank of Pennsylvania, the board of directors' continuo their invest igatiotrot its itflairs,'hut no definite information of thi exact ,cZl'edithin of the bait* Pito be obtainid. The' neitesi eppmsch to a plain statement. hitherto obtainable by Inquirers ii,thatthe extmohters " nod matters better than they expected : "' is geneF. rally understood that Mr.' John We ls h swept the preeideocier the biz*, if lie - Linde its affairs in snob condition as to warrant him in so doing. , O frank' and full exposition of the exact,conditionef telnetitutlrM will be the true .polley Of the dire'cbirs„ and fan more beneficial t 6 the iotepasts of, the eiockholdere than any attempt to cloak matters affecting their intermits, while' the poblie•feellog towards the bank pfr:• • •,, The'keb?linarketkboWs s general decline in all kinds of stocks, and the money ifiarket is extremely dull: The uote-brokers ate deing ' The folloirlogide todayraqlotatioris 9f . :49919, by Cronies & ~ specie tiioien, , 40 Booth Third atieet,. i milde in bankable feeds " 4 • Amer. ,% Dalliers 01d...1 08 Am.Gold, old colnage.l 08 " X ~ .1.01 Sovereigns • •• • 496 Method DoLlaraii....l 4 o7 Napoleon (2011railei)':.81/0 South Am., " • 106 I TOD Guilders 405 Spanish Pillar Dollars." 18 Ten ... . 8 00' Five Francs 09 Spanish Doubloons: —lei 00 German Crowns 1 08 Patriot do _l5 80 French " 1 101 Ducats ' 225 Adnerim Gold 8,4 i to 43i New York Exchange - 2 to 8% The fellewlwie a ehttement of , the cost • trenspOrted ova the johigh ;Yeller Harold t for the weok ending Oct. 11, 1857.1 , t - " PRA, I OS T. OTA. Tons. Ont. 'Pons. Cwt. Toni. Cwt. Spring 711onritain. .2,127 04 98,978 12 90,103 - 16 Bat Sugar Loaf "382' l9' 37,794 13', 78,177 ;12 N. York tetelligh .2:: IS; 16 .20,971; OS', , 81,180 ,18 Connell '1,7910 'O4 , 63;037 'lB ", 66,174 00 , German Penna.; ; ,• • ,6;269 ' Ca, * `, '8,869 02 Coleraine & Btiford: . IMil 06 " 88,748 "lir 88,874 01 Dolbin & Doha:ten, • 00, 13 -• .B,lBa ",19 '32 Itaaleton " - '"' 1,409 ' 18 '41;483 08 42,893 'O4 J. B. McCreary & Co. . 6,0e2:13,„ '0,003 Total ..... 'lB ' 30,808 ZOO, P6l* 03 The followlmi aie the tOotingi nf . the statement of the Boston banketbe the peat week , Compared wlthiboae of the week prev!ous: • •—•— , • ; . . 'Oct. 13:' Ott. 20, - Capital 5t0ck..,".231,900,000 $31,980,080 Loans & 48,918,001 '48,414,900115e 1468,100 Specie - - 2,841,6002,601,000 Dee, 81,600 Due Pm otier Wks, 8,126,000' '6,740,000 Dec 385,900 Due to 02;0r batiks. 8240,500 3,483,800, Ina 223.300 Deposits 18,439,000 . 12,778,060 Dec' 663001 (limitation' 6.355,000 8,071,000 Deo 284,000 The malarial irealtili of the tintteil Mitee; is an estate, maybe thus stated; , , , Value of farms and cultivated soi1:1 $6.000,006,060 bores cattle, sheep, . " " ktvtculturalttuplements..T.:,.:-.. 100,000,000 =Jowl . . ' 4,500,000,000 ~ d welling houses ' • ' ' 3,500,000,000 railway". and saiabli•:•-4,1“- ' 1,100,000 000 " " liarrndS6i,nnanly• %and shop* - • •( 404,000,000 commetelallnuine - ' "200,000,000 agricultural' produce; iddreestia zainntsettires,and foreign r(.l:lllll''''''' • . 'bawl 1,11f)0,006,000'• gold and ether oda 'and balifon`p 800,000,000' public lands, ships of •war' testi , " fictitious, navy yards, panne A bidldings; Oct • • 4,ooopposloo Grand total This le by no mearie it bad table of Amite fora coin = try which owes lees ,than, two , hundred pelf Lone fn all: The Ilitn'ola Central Railroad Company ban notified the holders of its doatlog debt that they. are: prepared to renew it !orals mrinthe,";adding' .. tim hiteepet, land Wei Of tiicopipapy, lin. the gement amok briau, gnet, weep $73,2113,78. Theliew York And Uarlent road Company 1111111101/1108 thit the licriamber coupons on their Bret 'mortgage, bonde4lll be paid,, at the trea. earer's office, mend after*OfititY,November2. PHILitpRIATAII4Of. IXOELIsNAIiIt - 6etofier 21, 186 . 1. Reported ZPR.-.lWitnly, Jr., Stock Broker, No. Wainpi str:itt/ Out' 80611,D: • 1;000 Bth Nov Pa 1 82-.61 I 2,000 C31;04446 New. 98.4 1,700 WibilogtonAdo.Bo ; Beading 11-.4 3, 44,14 1,000 City 1164.,:..861:8,1 60, - do ; .oaah..l4k 3, 000 do 031 f, :168 do ...lots, .14% 600 do ..P.8.8.:.63 ,O 2 NoytitOo 1,000 N Poona It 611...47 .1 = d .4ona;R • "' 85/4- 2.000 •do 47 , , •• ‘ .... 0&8.86;( g 1,000 do ~.48%, ,-; do 0k.P.36/i 1,000 •do . 46% , 10 do 34% 1,000 , 'do -lawn .40% ;100 Bch Nov pr0fd...14 • 2,000 do .._..2 de.48% - 8 Morris Oat prefil.Bo 2,000 Blxnita 78 lot ,10 Harrisburg ' 65.60 10 do 40% 1,400 Oliyeas 66..41.90 ; 10014ew 1,000 City; . 6's 83, 50 Long Island 8... 1,000 do 60 , do • 8-- 400 _-do 86 - • • „60 , do "t 8 1,000, ', ~do ',8316 . ;160 do , :;",'"do` • 1 .1111416 . 711 .5111 - iNty ' 82X1 do .44161d11i'.118X1 cr/r, : 4311011,16; I,'-loolllly6t , ' 1 130. 25000(4'8s '82% . 1 , 2 ' ' 64 25 60 25 Morrie Canal, - , , ! 34,, 1 ,. ' CLOSING PB Arkid: , PLilsdel 0 1 6..3.8231; 83 831(- tem Peonoylv 5;p::..811f 811641 Boodingll 14% , de Bolide '7082X 61 do M 6414070. , 73., Poona RB - 84),( 84% Morris Osal Gaga,* , ,36 N 82.2. - .80 611( „mot TX; ,14 I •LtiT, 8,000 ' 100 Reading "14% Reading closes dull at 14, 4.OABVS. ' - ], 00814 Petneat a't!'' 40 1 ‘ igAgD '' , , - ti ,, -• „,, , II .i , ,60./.998 /48114 i t '... s , 69 Norrixtawn --.‘ -69 ',- '2O Bear Meadow IL. .45 • 46 ; , 3,0 Ifeeriebutß•ll-""*88 -: 0 poem 3,4 R , , O. 4°' ' Y a4 l ' lOAB-21.11,L, ow sk, 1 0 , 82 i,ret 13N IV' il ime ri ; l ilt Elm R 9 „ L. 1,„1 , tdo Istmert7'6 80 ~ ,2a/a- , : f, ~ B M 1, hong ia t a ""• — 8 , . 7 , i 9iCkebnlß g. 8 , k , , i• , 4 41.9114.1154 1 .I.,ehlfle Zoe %. , Union Canal' 8)i 6 N Ji• mee Break Ottikvista R it... 8 , ' ii,,f 60 Readt4R:::.6 100 -do ....55wn.14% 0 ? 4 % , . • PUIADZLPUXBOARD QF WM, 0, - • ',• . • - A. J. BOOKNOIIj 001013%11111 01AMU )10111.111. ELLIB YA2111.114., sAos, - At tnimiiihavasrsi k a444!ktidirotii*, 1114.10*A Joitee;Stowits - Br{ Or( Sr) arbeir '"' Port ad Prime iced a'riu;:3iita menu PORT 'OF PHILADELPHIA, Octi , sg, lOW BUN 1118 n. ; .41 ewer 38.4SUN'OBTEL ... . HIGH WATBA 64B - - e rit i ,Aktry -, • • • ; Brig Isola, Griffin, front 'Dighton. ; • Behr Geo Atooe,lterlthew, 16 days front llat:atio. Jo, ballast to capita/ad Iv .1 Ft tft r, , Behr /air Leader, Ad a ms , 4 date from' Bellebilj , " with intober, to J.W Bitbew&Oo.. , " ' ache Liberty, Wood, 9 day/ from !adieu 110 st, with corn to Bewley. Wilson & C 0 .% . 4. , , • 'Behr netsry,diolfe,'Ataine, 2 dap • - with corn to Bewley; Wilson & 00, ", Behr Belle Montray;Priee ' -4 dati'frolai 'Biltimore with wheat to Cotten &00. • • debt / Mercer, Ofilleb,'ff days' from bietof, in bath& to eaptein. - A , Behr Thee W Levering, estyl44 ditYi s frOu4eSociak; Ns, with Wm to T W Parket , . • • " Sehr Ateseidai'Oootabs 9dayi tram Hankoe WHlsithis4 her to captain. Behr Janieef mid - Brextuei, , PdtterLß diyethoMAintil Biter, Va, withitamber to leolton;Wandsnreer & Co: Behr Jeel3 Doughty, 'Murphy, tdays from itiolunond, with aborts torrapters.4 4 ; ,•••,_ ; • s " flobr B & N Poi, White, 3 days from New Fork] With' mdse to Jaime Baker. . , • 4 ' ' thin Ohre, Townsend, 4 days from Befolirrfo ' ,Witti shinglee to eaptild: -Behr Guy WM, Getifinihant,V days from Bolfolk, Va, With lumber . to captain. - . . Behr 11 Colpener, Alexander, oeye fr9m"Ellsa. bath city, -NO, witlitember to Bolf 4ll ,Visiddilser & Co. . Bebe Sea- Biowet, Thompson, itdayefraig n iu mm e .4 - with iron, &c. to Caeca & Co. .t - 11 1 ' Behr L Rich, Nickerson, from inmitlui, . od a , w p,oorbittittom, from , Hairiurrec , Ear Henry lijositmovilvins, 8 dim, from radian W. - - Ter, with corn to itowleyol6'o6., ,- ,,, ,, 4. u'li , OLBABBEt. fltoarnship'l l lilneas Seraglio, 3 fAtth 6 W o 4 Boitoa,, WAIT Brig Isola; Griffin, ilosteri;john B. i6hitsl. , *alone, Otover,l3oetow,lllolo43; COX & Co. *he Allen Middleton, Jr, (new) Sipple, Baiblidoes,- • :-Wylie dc Bre - ~ - J llWay thitadlobi le a Tyler 'Mobs' Br s s • 84 - bx Thos Pagei-i Robinson, Wiwaington, DO, Tyler' Pch r;:! P,_ ? ' Dial oear } hgo id . gi»ipay,ton(Qus, Bohr lastoi);;;t1-; fig • „ i) , ~ talc Jr. -5.4; :ibbify; do ' melon, Del, captain. , • ,BM A'Groree is. , It 11 Ai f i 0, Viiybis iii i.O • • . Oki brigll - 116 iw •4,61 1 *? * ” . It* paroatly Oast YAW 9.• IfoViiid li g ht sehoopetir passed lip. Wind NW—vial:Aber 04. /co., Tyke. I:IIIOQUES.''' , 3 • Ott vationerti: I -" " " (Oarreepondenoe of The Prose.) , • • Wraidsovoit,'Oet Skip Jahn Beveled hie stopped: dischetillutt• Mr I"' retail tott arylved, anit leavestqt,tlae Tassel , tratoediati ly; Two steamers and pump,' ott Iltewrytoto Charles top, to the her off [I" ootieihie. 1 (largo li ghtened will to rothlpped. • [Per Vireos.] Mated. Not New Glovaoi, at Id ar ' nelilet; 24tti tilt, WO - sound,: at Baicidoosi 20th, poet, °test Western and Untveree; at'l,ltorpool. Attired from Otolileetotith, Alarm. sit Dotei. Arrived from Savannah-2d inet, Roeoldo, etllmner-, haven. ' , , mulct tor lb .Y.;tlt--40tt Neptune sod Wotp, from Liverpool: 4th, Oceati Agoote and Lips, from Ilem burg; 604 otoonbarg. tOisi Cutttyou; tith, , Alfred Motet ~o'c iwitzetlatolj (toot Liverpool. , , • ~ gelled for ' ' ew Orleans - 7th, 0 A aforriien, (roar Orem:weltf ; , V , 1 Sailed irtailismattelt-77tb, 111074, trete fleetwood,. „ Gorrespondenee Uni thiladelladallEstiange. • LEWES, Del., Oct. 20, 8 a. The following Teasels were at barber yeeterday, land a portion Ala renialn)'vls; EktroP,P mundoa, voquet, Sea T Tun, 11Welasalc Golden Eagle, P Armitrong,AßOjim, sloOp,tio Smith; and eleamer Engineer. Wind girotig,froin • , Yours, kq a,;•WM.MOKIIAN. Correspondence of The Free. Hewitt lie GuSoa, Oct, 27. Qlx boats loft, lioro ,thle morning, laden and, con, aligned as folio* T Thomas, baX:lion ,to", 11 I 'fitting & Bra'' Lane, lumber, anitinlin IfelehlY, lumber and staves to Norarotui &81teeta; lierclionte , Sriend, light, to limn e'en) Wrightil X litlfenstein and ji , r• tP•i li rT 6 sP i ti• s -• " ' ".MBMOBAND4: I , • •:, s , Steamship dit'alfer WY, Ohnfeldt, trim:mew ' York, ,via Havana , arrived at Mobile 16th inst. l. ~ Ship Harry Stn'', Redman, from Liverpool ; et Mobile . , Ship ~anthee , Wingate, sailed fromllaltiroore yester. Jaidelineiro. • I,Bl4',Travls, for Liverpool; with .1290 bales cotton,, palled Pdni Galveston 9th Inst. „„' „ - -80ip Tiopio Bird, Fortikes,'hence. remained at Peme .rara 24th nit. Ship Rosso, for Akybb, cleared M Now York 20th Ship Starlight, Matthews, cleixed'ai,B 4 Oston 20iti Mai for Bari Francisco.' Shin Lady Itueselti'(Br) 'Sinclair, from Traleofor Ha rannah, put Into New York yesterday to land 929 pas seng , Ship rs H B`Bumner, Smith, flow Xew Orleans bound to Oedis, put into Hampton , Beads 18th inst. with loss of 'moat and sails, she would probably proceed to,Norfolk for repairs, Barque Oldllickuii,YokeocHr, itence arrived, at Mew; 008ane 20tk Wet: Neatins ; lawhi; !arrived at Beatnn 2412, hat. front Alexandria": ' , „Barque lali,ElparrOw;froinlroint for Pernionbu,- pp, wee epokenl7th histnit 80 , long 80. Barque Belle, Ityiler, sailed trim Boston 214" for Philadelphia, s • Brig Tangent, Bettnett,lietied at Boston 20th, hat. littige - Russian, Coombe, and; IlaabOl, ;Colley, „hones 'alßelom 19th Inst. ' Belga Boldwini Montgomery, hence, was beloW ton 20th inst. „ =owes, cleared. at, Boston 20th inst. fdf Liverpool, Bug , Brig Alibis,. Lewis , sailed from Alexandria 20th inst. for Boston. • , • • . • Brig Pauline, Taylor, cleared at , Baltimore 20th inet, for Boston. Brig Alrnccabah, Carlisle, hence, arrived at Boston yeeterday. ; s .1.- • , . • • Behr Eton's°, Thschor,, kerma, arrived at Portland lOth,lost. • „ . Behr Yankee Boy, Maley, from Bristol, Pit, arrived at Efartrord 19th Mat. , , Behr M d. Ogden, Platter, clered at Beaton yesterday for Philaielphis. , Schr Martha Wrightingtoui Wrightington, hence at faltiliver 18th inst. , Schre Joni Pirnum, IBaker;-, Mail, Crowell; Petition stock, Barrbugits i • Efenry P 4tlmenono, Barrattp W. ',Morse, Phillips; Firm, deffriee; Flyaway, Davis; Ocean Wave, English, and Fly, Oheeeeman hence at Proyi.. dense litth Matt t •!, l ; Sabra ptltilla, Wass; Charm, , WhAldan,• 8 P Seaman; ,AlN.llenkina, Dodge; ,New Tort Packet, San bkon; Cantata. Slaroklam, James Bllm;Babbidge; Binkleyp A Corday. Babcock; and Uses Mann, Hen ,deraton, hence at Boston 20th Inst.• • ,debt 8 D,Bellowai Clark, hence at Middletown 16th. 'Bohol Almon' Bacon, P 'Armstrong, arid B if Tyler, hence at Middletown 19th last - - lichrit. Lamm, NM Wright, Kate Stewart, and Mary Elks; silted from New HATOritattt inst. for Philade. Behr llharon, Thurlow k hence at Newburyport 1910 ' Behr Venice Knowlton ;. , , hence at 841011118th inst. Behr 1.8 Walden, Wheeler, hence at Boston 20th lost. KARINVIIISOKJAANY. , .... 'fichr Arthur S Simpson, Churn, frOin Smithfield, Vu, at Previdonce 19th Mat, and proceeded to Now Bedford. 3 011 the morning of the 11th WA: pickedtup Capt Jones and four of the crew of the eche 0 P A Cole, of modicum' flaltimore for New Bedthrd, before reported wrecked on Hoge bland: When foetid, they were floating on a per; lion of the wreck, and wet...nearly exhausted. tichir Snow Small,' Ainsberry, ((late Crocket, deceased) which arrived at Providence on Monday morning, sailed trent Charleston Sept 28, and on the 4th lust; off Cape lietteres,•experienced a - heavy gale - front NE, during which the vessel sprung 4 teak, and Continued to leak daring the heavy weather at the rate of AOO strokes per hour shifted dock load of lumber, Ice. had heavy NE end lINE winds from the Id to the lath Met; On the ,18th, M, offilernegat, during a heavy blow from NW, tarried ewe, bob ably, split malatail, and sustained :other !damage. Capt Ebert 0 ()rocket, master of the debar Squall, died on the Bth lust. in let 3844, long 12 18; latter a short illuessibrought on by 'Severe exposure. !Ke 'was about 25 yearst' ago, and , e 'a native of ,Bock .port, Me. " (Hairnet Neptune, Capt Morris, with it 'steam pump, tWassist barque John Swaney; arrivedet Nantucket 'on;Sattentsy night or Monday: • • . the Havana Mario de la Marine of 14th'inst. reports 'the Wreck of three vessels,namee, de. un;Mown, on the ,kiya near the entrance of Nuevltat. One was American, ' 4notherfiremeni and the third French. The 'ship A B Kimball, reported by telegraph from Halifax lost on the English coast,. was an A 138 vessel, 'owneilin Portland, built In Prue poridete; In 1854. The 'barque John Swesey,' before kat , orted 'ashore at Nalitueket,ls full of water, and the weather IA toe rough to render her any easistooce.., 200 lbs ivory ties lended'otarlday) lad several ditakspalin oil do Sendai: ' Sew Joel havestu..—We learn from' the'Wlimlng temdburnal of the 20th; that the Memnon Stiwati and Mariner areweeded to getting 'the; J:-lt. off Prying Pan Ands,: on the 19th inat,-and. towed her to the Western Bar, where she conimeneedlightenine Both Steamers 'hived at Wilmington, 20th hut., with a portloh or her NOTION TO MARINERS Basta Cruz, Teneriffe—Red+Ctehr on Note grad -L. She Spanish government itils even notice that on the of July last • filed red light was established on the ontecestreme of the Mole at &intik Ores, Teceritfe'. ' She light is 21N !betide:4e the level of high water, and is sislblo at the distance of 4 miles. as soon es the light hi 'holm, all others on the mole ate Screened. ' r-poo 000,000 Stainers of vessels approsehlog the anchorage from the atisthivard are informed thattbe light bears SW from It 'ind they are cautioned keep St well open on the port band,' and to be• careful of nearing the chore to the northward of the Male within a depth of 25 fethome, In order to avoid some sunken reeks recently reported there. ;Opting tidee riot B,li feetoceepe 6 feet. !Saris:Ma in 1867, ?I,deg W.) AgaitiC Ottellt—Fraltri; (WC.IICOfI3I)—POIIV int—Lgadiflg Lights, for. the n otice Channel—The Pre b '. Government Jim glvon notice of. the following cb*nke in the Imeition of the lower light of the Grand Puke? Great Ohannel to Port 120rient. `` On 'the 3Sth September nest, the lower light'of the two 1704,;lighte !Malty when in line, lied to 'Port L'Orient hy the Grand Pau or Great Manuel, will be 'renfored In the same tine of bearing to the south bit& Alen of Port Loafs, and will be placed In let 47 dog 42 min' lane N, and long lidos 21 min 12 sec W or Green ,wleh. Its height above the sea at high water will be2o * feet cold 1t will bolisible at the distance Of eight The Ught will be 1,d26 yards from it in the di rection of N 82,deg .14, and being 02 feet above the sea, willbsYielbie at the distance.oP twelve miles.' Omlunanders of ships ire reminded that the compass comae (N 83 deg N) on which these two lights lead in tbrbugh the Great Dl:Leonel, must be left as soon as the two 'Ueda of the Little Channel appear over each other, and that these two lights kept In that position must be carefully steered for, , [All bearings are.magnetio.. Variation in 1887, 22 deg W.)' By command of their Lordships. JOHN WASHINGTON, Ifydrographer. '•HydrographicOilice,fAchnlreity, London, • September 10,186 ff • • • .PORTifa. NEW YOWL, Oet, 21.—kr steamship Itemphie, Wet. ~",.n.l43,,torleston; brig Dunkirk. of.filoworth, Griffen, Vnin 140111pithe Taakoa Doodle, Ohue, Alexandria'' Col Bitterly, Tyler, N 0: Below, barque Harmon, of Haipawell. Old, steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk; `ship) Vanguard, Norton, N Orleans; Omar Pasha, Tot 'Ter Oltsriestoic IW H Ooton, Tibbetts; A A Tyng, Jacksonvitie. barque itogatta , Meth 0,41 5 gehe P Rurrit, Hartiek; Trankiln; it Mart, !l'hootae, Quarles. / 4) n. NO,S*ON, Oct 20.—Arrived barque Jestiee Story, At kins, Baltimore ; Sr brig Uprose, Biafk Elver, Jw, brig Slick Rawir,Alexandria; ochre Maria Davis, Wheiden, Gape Haytieni,Basalt Woodbride, Alexandria Yankee Norfolk.; 17.3 Whitden; George Kilhoni; Doter prisuf; steamer Win Jenkins, llallett, Baltimore. Tele. graphed—Barque Oatiotaa, from • Galveston; brigs W . Elee,Trom do; U Oonsiss, from, Newport. Cleared— Barque California, Hampton, New York; brig A Law rence' Puller , , Baltimore. Balled—Wind W. to NW Ship aVm Wtrt, , lnottsoonero barmiesMityboseet, Be booU; sebr Gen Yeade., Soiled Saturday : —Birlp Nathan Hanou, end eel= ai klt Gould. • • • - • • BRISTOL—Ar 18th ears Jas Wizen, Caber, James Rivet; &fence, Gladding, - ,tlbany; 'Mary Eddy, of Mid from Pall River., to, logo for Cuba. • liith—Ar sehr my. tart, of and from *mott o , In toed for Begun, • . IifICKSPORTSId 14th, barque Island they, stereos, for Boston. ffOREIOif PORTIL Ars at. Hong Kong Auk, 4, - barque, Mandarin, Vox, .fflnpspore., 257013 iISCOUSOV re 44d Am in allong Hang paper, She 4434 teen, while, ship Mandarin, of New York, the only"Ameritanyliwird 4t that pane, Ia nspie than -. At ilicitoAtig 9, shippeurga Z, llo , ll4tetow, for Hugo s4looo_ D , • > 4' • •' Ar oronatio Plitit` nit, "(by tel to London) barque TeleffraPk.ol4ll,lPlX,Xet..-AlsNlY4l.-abiPeniPPexad to be ths Erialds - , - am Boston. Ar at Quebec. 16th inst, ship Yuric,,44iipiery; barqueil Ibrahim; Hughes, New Quay; Margaret; Clerk, Green belt. Old lath ship Moffatt, Crawley, - ',endow, barques Duchess NOOkumberlabd,' , 'Wgedld; Portsmouth; Niene, Hiubsern London; kris Pommes; 441 1 1, Efii coy. Quebea, Muth/eh, Aberdeen;'Siam, gtifford vreenock• ine 'Devon .Ora Liverpool. ARRIVALS -At THE PRINOIPAL 'HOTELS piio Votaii: Lait Night, . , • - , _ _ , iaptatil libtriot&eiltnitt etreet, between Bib & nth A X Sante, N, Y ~,, .loa 11,Banet, Boston '1 teAllworth,,Vinginia , „, Ttf Budd i oh m u s t, oll , 8 0 nrary Barrio, 'IL, asklngton 15 Latimer dc la,Wlteittagton !IP" ' Morrobr•Worhington,Wpr Keyser,Saltimare ' 4 _,P' OM Wash, , P.O. , &meal Story, NY - , utga Thornton, Jr, N J ,W /I ilenonkk, Baltimore 1i Mire & la, Mobile , BIN& Reeding, ObtoV2 , Mrs II Meid,,Ohiago . , , , W.Bldltakelf, ,Washington 1111, Itelper, NY , ~ ,n :, 0 0 Vetoer, Lexington, By 'l4 camping, Tonuenee , • T J Atwood, Pottorille It tkliligman, Nif , A V lantrans, Mese • N a Eddio ..* 44 , Waabington A $T lowa le la; California 'aesi W Dobbin, Baltimore , (leo ,Banley, Bagaloj N Y Wm W Illtalc v loaton ~. Geo& Oannlngbanii DB A A X Smith, Wleconstri . X llarsly , Washhigton , • • Me Winn& la NorrolknYcli,G Navin Cuba ' o "' l3 /Nde,.2 Cleite •,.,,,, . „,fitephen GlaUlt, WI D 13 Gray, uoltusbna ...1,0 Gordon, judtimoro. 'Geo W Wylie; Ned Win -- W (t - Ouneben, Richmond It IllicOleUan & eister,,?n, MnlryWolls,,,QA , i,, ' • r 8.4. Wixom, Proildende -' '8 8 Bjeincer, Lancaster . 0 Y Welch,, New York W'L Ilatbswey, Masa , I k illeatey, , Lenceirter.' II N. Horton , .Bobtori •' ' OP W i ri l 4B 4 &111 Tout Win B ,Klbiey,_,New York I r., B 11, England ~ . Tkoe Quigley, Xy -' . ' Choi 0 Odon,New York It B.Leverlcb;New York HT 111 Murdock, Men •• L. , X Bturdevant, Conn' • ' 1 Wit Traci, Meant - , ~..‘. BO Ueltenatebe & la, Pa ' Goo Xitlfr4,llordreille A Dunham,/ meetfi n d , Jkadeithudelatrstill T .. r , X B Welch •Boston , r B'Oolea & be, Long Oland I) L Gray, it y Johnuke Marrisbun Oboe II Cooper., Lencauter fir &m ar t N. g . ~ ,I Leblanc, Cuba Tim Benoit jr, Conn% 0.0 0 Volburn, NY *Warne de ine,yarls t f /On Potts , Brown, N Y : ins* *j 4* . irw" it* iri t -i' Y . L , t 1 Ali Va r '' dam . 4 e li f "- 42 13/ NY ‘' ' ''''•' Maack° -le art, 'Lt. *ABP tow,* nolopl: 1.11- hi gr a il;t * 6 .' ' W W agete Pkr Ai' ' , I A Led o noind, s Y " - ' ' l43.l l 4 '!Xese i 4 IN', #4olllllllt, #Y • , "- .ii: 3 lo l Statillit MOT ' ' XL, Fourth' et., Wily Arai:" au* la ad, NY - Wu I. 9 ,, i t i r ~ ~ , • Alvseu f di Mrs Mary` r O. 14 .3t_._,S, iris - ~ , ,w r parnietwo '- ' .t . Ow". 161 4 Pkila , .. it Imam* McKinley, Pa r Ø0 'garner P4mAouth "- , ii , q , , lIIAA 0 141c0iple, ht , AM& Li . t ..n t ., ..,,, L ki X oyee , Lielpeetr r . fit 11 * Y 4t , : .1 a=gtflkdiAililb, tl; !Bl' " . a Brrieoticott__, wa - • ' 1/14 , v,„ ,; ‘ , .'' ' sge IL Ailey li .1' / 70 1 150 , 018 K A Q Brodhead, Jr, Pa !Ml:= !OMMII=I= lida D R Porter, ilarria o Lancaster /no L Bistar, . i naml Buck, Pa „ / Pheter;N d' • - 1. Pomroyi Prideeton;NJ'W, B Huron, Pittsburgh Ilamtnent, Clorniati;'Die Mrs; Bloidoksmi, N T Binniabson, Jr, N N Merriam, N Y Abrm Rdinter, Pa ' John Moles, N Y O W Lett, Orsogerillo Wilson Laird, Mr's . Q Gibbon & la, 'N J . Jos White & Is, Ohio AMRRIOAN 110i111,—Ohestnut street, abovo Barriitt,N 0 ' Jams 'M Mayer, Ala .1 FE Strickland, Nashville ' M Rankle, Jr, Nashville John 11 Gilkey, N 0 ; ' Chas McCormick, VP John B Chambers, Pa S Whit Frith, Pa J B Holloway, 111 Dr Gloniger, Pa Cleo W Thompson, Mt Joy .0 8 Clark A; la, N J Itßoddeldi•N J • J B MoOreary, 'Tamaqua ftrinton, Went Chester 1101111th, Conn • L Bu Bois, Doylestown • ('leo W 1, Nicholson, Del We, Lindsay Ic•da,. kid ~•• 1111sa Gertrude Evahs, ILI S 8, Preston, Balt • Solomon J Fagan, Md Mrs Mitchell, Cincinnati John N palette, Philada • esotl WClMforki.,Boaton • , D Leland, Jr, Boston OStearns,Wil'n,Del C 111 Alimond, Wil'u, Dol 0 Adams, NX • • W Randall, Waste.n • 0 0 Itandall,Waithht, •' Mia's C MYete, N JO 0 Myers, N Y • Adams OBkey NC, • A jones, N Y Chas P. Tuttle, NY UNION MOTEL—Atroli street, above Third. W Ewing, Ya ,141 P,yster, Charobersburg bum Krebs, Ye Jos P James, Washington ' osWells, Washington , J 0 Wilson, De, ~ J Nuts, Shiremanstown J Edit YreCdom Pa. Aaron Diebl,East Freodom D B Ernst & la, Pa J A llana, Green Csatle Pa 0I) Brodhead, Monroe co I/Saylor, Maureen() , M it Strop, Mauch Chunk , Geo W Martin, Johnstown D E Jones, Lehighton, Pa 0 Morris, Baltimore Gen M Cropper, Baltimore Saml Jenks, Pittsburgh • , David Myers, Pittsburgh Thou]) Willloll4 Allentown Semi Fraser & la, New York Thos Moore & ia,New York D A Bmitb, Pottsville L bletualg, Pottsville Wm E Anderson, Flowing- ; R McDowell, N J ton, N 3 • , %MI N Ida, Troy, N Y D Longakor, Pa , NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. 'Jos'Jones, Lewistown -M Lobengood, Harrisburg IL`Good, Md Z GGlarkson, ObamberalOg L F'Sassaman, Pa 1 I Shantz, Lebanon S Kauffman, Allegheny city Z Markle, Danville D Kipp, • 0 PT Morgan, Pottsville B Hooker, Pa . 8 0 Green & la, Doylest , n Lewis Hamilton, Lancaster 0 II Roth, Pittsburgh Honey 8 Weiss, Pittsburgh Sarni A Brown, Pa Dant Everett, White Haven Geo I. Rube, Allentown Pearson Partin, New York Miss Yoho, Danville E4W B Purcell, New Ham- Joe Purcell, New Hamilton llton Z D Hoyt . . Kingston, Pal II J MADISON HOUSIS--.Second street, above Market. P. Valentino, N Y thin Jefferson, N D Tiviebell,Tonn ' John II Jenkins, Indiana Peter Blackwell, Ind J S Pinch, N Y N b•Effilieffinbi NY, ; 0 Yea:Amen, Oin, Ohio J W " Geo Cannon, iDelaivere, W U Oannoh ; Delaware "D N ithuumitige, N Y BTATES UNION-rilarpf atreet ebpvaßlatb. R Hurray Clearfield, Ai' DonnalV, - Perry Co Dr Gloninger, Lebanon James McOune,Lockport Hugh HCOune, Lockpoit Edw B Purcell, Pa John Purcell, Pa S McLaughlin, allegbauy R 'tanning, Allegheny co Pu 1 1 4,. Pff ' - A Entricken, Pa , 4 W Sitranger, Pa Jas Fulton, Westmoreland Goo S Hendricks, Bedford Geo Johnson. N Y • • Rev Wm' Smith, N J Philip Leaning, Chin ,•Wm J Wallace, Harrisburg J I{ Manning, Lancaster Samuel Evans, Columbia J P Hutton, Lancaster co 311 Arms, Columbia R L Shriner, Easton ' BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant. Eli 'Mutton, Chester co, Pa Robt Lisle, Cheater co, Pa lease, Leedom, Chester co X 3 Young, Now Jersey A Spencer, Havre do Grace H Rupp, Shiremanstown Aug Leopold, Unionville W 8 Harris, Pa Monty Stoner, Dauphin co W Mellon, Photolxville /ease H Erb, Pa Andrew 0 Rowers, Pa ' Moses King, Birch Run, Pa J L Ickes ' Po Pratt Roberts & la, Mee; D Morr ison, Waterloo for co, Pa I 1' Robinson. Waterloo N H Gillespie, Lancaster co John Campbell, Waterloo 141 Wilson, Lancaster Co Thos Anderson ,lanc co John Lacktand, Md A 11Drinton, Aid BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Oallol4lll ti II Reber, Reading E 11,Mfinbeck. Pa ' Aron Lams, Zanesville Wm Blank Hiltless , 'lle Ono Landis, Mont co, Pa Bad Helfrich, Long Swamp Mrs Wrightmlre, Reading Mine Wrigbtmlre, Reading Jos Shappel, Long Swamp Jos Eisenbard, Glanville Owen Faust, Macungie Professor Saunders. Institute, .West Philadel phia,' At the Weekly Examination of Protesbor Bann. deft' pupils, this afternoon. beginning at 3 o'clock, ad dresses will be doliVered by the Rev. T. IL Stockton, D. D., Rev. W. U. Woodi and W. D. Baker, Rm. The public are Invited. Professor Saunders will La pre pared to receive a few more pupils Into hie family, the first ifonday of November. Address Oct, 2241 Cabinet Wari and .UPHOLSTERY, • • 62:1 WALNUT ST, ',OPPOSITE ,INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. 0E0.4. , HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, 0e22-90 , Late of 173 Oheatuut Btrook iNPrlze Clothing.—The entire Stock of fashion ablo Clothing Is closing out, regardless of cost, at the. birth-place of Liberty, southwest corner of BBV.ENTII and DIATUCET,No. 700. A gift with every purchase. • 0c22-ot* BROWN & inektion, JOB PRINTER, BIEROMANT STREET. • Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Reads, Cir. culars; (lards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times, oclT-ly Buffalo Robes. —lOO Bales Buffalo Robes of the 'various qualities, just received from Minnesota. Also a handsome assortment of Fancy Robes of our own umimfaeture, and for sale wholesale and retail by ocil2 1m Sleasiten 9 e saving , Iruird Of floe 203 Walnut etreet, one door welt' of second street. Receives de resits to sumo of One Dollar and upvrards, from all classre 'aft'. community, and allow', Intereet at the rate of live per cent. per annum. °Bice open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Platurday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charism Al. Morris; Becre• 4, James B. Pringle. nowitrls Infant Ceadial.--.Tble Invaluable °orate!. is prepared from a variety of the meet choice and ofticlent aromatics known iu Medicine, and is the most portent and reliable carminative extant for infants and 'young children: lly its pOwerful influence a speedy cure, is effected in aliMmes of Chotic, windy pains and spasms. Believes 'end mitigates ranch of children's suffering during detail. lion or teeihidg,, and by its soothing properties tran gailieea pains of the bowels, 19osetume, vomiting, &o, ' The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been med i a 41touescide of cases with the most stoindarit success. • No featly should be without it. Prepared only by Ilaawr 'A. Hawaii, ' At his Drag and Chemical More, N. B. corner of 81.1 th end Green afs., Philadelphia. To whom all orders meet be addressed. And for Ws by Druggists generally. an 1847 Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Ns. thins! Safety Trust Company, in 'icecap? Street, sonth watt corner 4 PIM Street, POILADELPSIA. Assets over owe 3111.ci021 AND 1 lieu or Doctena, invented in RILICESTATM, MORTUOICO,GROURD BENTS, And other Scot clue securities, , as required' by the charter. his institution confines its business entirely to the raoei• ring of money on deposit. Tito Mlles is open every day trout 9 o'clock in the •corning until 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday 'and Thursday evening! until 9 o'clock. Ey the Be,. George Chandler, on the evening of the 2Tth ultimo, Mr. J.AOPD B. QRAMP to Miss AMANDA M. HAND. By the name, on the morning of the 20th instant, Mr. PHILIP It, ZIEHLHH, of Aolesbury townebip, to Min ANNA MUER, of Tinfeum. On Monday, 19th instant, by Alderman John Swift, LEOPOLD MEIGNEN to JOSEPHINE A. LIZP, ell of this city. . . . Qg the 19th instant, ELIZABETH HALL, daughter of the late Frederick Iloache,' in the 29th year of her age. On the:2oth instant, WILLIAM A: M. BRIOOS, aged JS ears. . • • On the 19th instant, HARRIET, wife of Thomas Itobinson, in her 28th year: At Now York, 19th Instant, CHARLES DIX, aged 29 yearn On tie 29th Instant; Mr. JAMES TEAS. ' It 7 Pint School District for State of Penn sylvania.—An examination of Teachers or the Public Schools will he held on SATURDAY, October Stet. 1857, commencing at 9 o'clock K. If, at the Mount 'Vernon school house, CATHARINE 'street, above THIRD. By order of the committee on qualifications of teach ers of the . Board of Controllers of Public Schools. , 'oc22-dtoc3l. , ;W ."d:3ACHßON;Chattmat 17- Llterary,Soliee; In. Jayne'i Hall, for Um benefit of the Industrial Schools taught by the listen of the Holy Oroes,'Notnaber 2d. Doors open at T o'clock. J. Lestare,by the )100. JOSXPLII D. 011AND14111. tub- Jed, Woman. Bupper, sad alas of fancy articles. 0c22-tat lieparttlient of City Properly-•office Second Story Girard Conic, north aide. PIOLADILPIIIII, Oct. 20th, 1857. NOTICEE Is hereby given to the public, that the State Maim Clock wilt be stopped fora few days, to come dtlenCe of cleaning and repairs. , RUGENC MOM Commtseloner of City Property. OMVNotice:Appents.*- 1 0tty Centuatistostrs' , PiObsoamems, October 11, 1857. NOTIOM 18 HEREBY (IVIZN, That the Commis ,skwers wilr hear Appetite by all hellions rated for State sod Munlol•pal Tat, in the etty of Philadelphia, for the' Year 1858,,f0r the several Wards of the said city, at their °Mx, No. 11 wed wing of the State House, (up sham) on the following days; between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. &ca l . o'clock P.M. let and' 2d Wards—On Monday, October 19th, 1957. Bd. " 4th A' Tuesday 0 ' 20th, " 6th 11 8th 11 ' ". , Wednes day, 23st, • 7th 11 . Bth " Thursday, 22d, 0 9th " 10th 1 ' 29d, " 11th "12th 11 Monday, " 28th, " 13th 11 -14th Tuesday, " 27th, " 16th 41 18th Wednesday, " 28th, " 17th "18th " 11 Thursday, 1 • 20th, " 19th "20th ' ,l Friday, 0 30th, 21 4 i 1 0 Monday, Noy. 2d, " 23d " " " Tuesday, 54, " The AEI6BOOII of Inch wards as have not beer, supplied with Blank Notices of Appeals are hereby notified to call at the Commissioners' Ofdee and procure the sante. OROBOX 91. 4 11 14(4 ' • JAMES M. hEDDT, city Oonstuisalouers. 7042 1 , 04+ 1 ,/it 0013-dtao3 lfilIIIII!TISELING GOOD -11 ? .AND • V. ° 3. LEVY PITY aemeose THY vettomm or 'LAW; CURTAINS; ' - ' ' CURTAIN MATERIALS, SEOCATELLES, &o.; : i!OffSLEY BIIESTINo S t TABLE LINENS, ENGLISH CANTON FLANNELS, eco 00224 t ' • 426 'OHESTNIIT ST. V ERICAN GOLD • • • • ' • AND ''Nllli' YORK DROJIANOR , blririn'"' ;AT 011RRENT RATES, ORONISE & CO., ; 0c2244 40 ISOM THIRD OT. ItggSe—illaitaLllELPllll4 tittlitsDAY, O iIOBEIt 21;- 18574 Bpecial Notices PIMIVIMBOIL E. D. B►DBDUS ' West PLll►delpbl► Institute OEO. P. WOURATII, • 4/6 Arch Otreet.° ,illatilateo Meatbs th9 o6ol ° 1)40 POS Al MIA INDIAN 001):, ' bar 11$TMBIT Or Tug Lunation. corm tudluti Alfoirs, October IN 1567. SEALED l'lttll'OriAbtl, endorsed ‘,..tr4popitl4 (or Mon U 00du, ,, talon I, 2,1, or 4. nu thu cone any bp.] Will be recolvel at the Men bf Indian Aftolrs, Wpsh ington city, until tau o'clock A. M,, pp daturday, the 14th day of Ndiecoher next, for' furnishing ; goods for the Indian department for tutillting treaty atienlattons with varlotti Indian' tribes, and for other Indian put , pone, as follow::: .QWesNo.l. Mackinac 111amtils ' Chubs, and Dry Goods. 3000 -pairs 3-point whitellatikidso blankets, to measure 00 by,72 inches, ami weigh 8 pounde. , 3,000 palts 2x -point whiteMackinaoblakete, to measure ,61 by 06 Mph% tied Weigh 0 pewit . 1,500 pairs 2-point white bleeltieeeblsekets, to masers 42 by 64 Inches, and weigh 5,1( pounds, ; 1,500 pairs point white Macktrute blankets, , to mom , sure tlliy . 511 mailer, and weigh 4X pomade, IMO pairs tepelnt white Mackinac blankets, to measure 34 by 96 Inches, and weigh pupas. 300 pairs 3-point scarlet A/tickles,' blankets, to mea sure, 00 72 Inches,' and weigh pounds, ,40(Ipairs 2j`-pointecarlet Maekime blit ielt ete, to Mea te sinb4by 00 inches, and weigh I pounds. 200 palm ex point green Mackinac blanket!, to uses , . ' • +sure till by 84 inches, and weigh 10 polindri. 400 pairs 3-pint green Sleeking° blankets, to lutetium • 60 by 12 Inches, stel'weigh 8 Pounda. ' 400 pairs 23e -point grime Mackinac blankets, to' 'num sure'64 by tilkiriehes, and weigh 8 pounds. 200 pairs 3X-point indigo blue Matiklutto blankets, to measure 66 by 84 inches, and Weigh 10 pounds. 200 pairs 3-point indigo blue Mackinac blankets; to measure 00 by 72 Inchoe, and weigh B pounds. 300 pairs 2X -point indigo' blue Mackinac blankets, to immure 64 by 66 inches, mid weigh 6 pounds 200 pairs 3X-pointllentinella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 84 iechee,, and weigh 10 isOunds. 300 pairs 3-point Oentinells bitinkitickinao blankets, to measure CO by T 2 lnhes;and weigh 8 pounds. 350 pairs IX point Gentinella blue Meal:Mae blankets, to immure 54 by 66 incheei and weigh 0 pounds. 3,600 yards fancy list blue cloth , 2,000 " " black clOth 600 " " • green cloth 4,600 " . gray Ilst blue cloth , 3,500 " awed " blue cloth 1,000 " " scarlet cloth 1,000 " ," green cloth le 00 pounds worsted yarn, 3 folds • 100 dozen cotton Vag handkerchiefs 100, Madras " 250 4 , faucy'cotton 4. 60 " black ellk 50 " 8.4 cotton shawls 100 4 ' 6-4 100 4.4 50 " 6.1 woollen shawls 1,040 pounds linen thread 76 et, sowing silk ' 600 Mimes .ribands 350 gross worsted gartering 76 pieces silk handkerchiefs ' - 35,0t0 yards cafice 26,000 • 4, Merrimac calico " 16,000 "•bine drilling 15,000 " white' " 6,000 " Georgia etripes' - 8,000." bluadenim 3,000 " cottonade 15,000 " bed ticking 2,000 " Kentuckyjearis 3,600 " eatieets 10,000 . 14 plaid limey 6,000 " bleached ehirtiug 20,000 4, domestic shirting, (unbleached) ' 20 000 " sheeting " 10,000 " cheeks, stripes and plaid.; ' 200 dozen woollen cocks • 2,000 yard@ flannels, assorted 1,000 pomade cotton thread • 606 dome spool cotton 300 pounds best Chinese vermillion 600 " " American " 1,500 " brown gifting twine, No. 30 1,000 es ~ cotton maitre 2,400 flannel shirts 2,400 calico " lid cloven Canadian belt!. OLAB3 No. 2. ' Ready- Mode Clothing. 203 frock coats, indigo blue brood cloth patttaloona, " < 200 vests, 100 frock coats, , " heavy twilled 100 pantaloons, " , 4, 100 voile, loo Macinac indigo blue blanket capotes 100 black caeinet overcoats, (fie 1) 100 sheep's gray, cloth overcoats 104 4 . " " coats 100 " ‘ " pantaloons 100 block cloth coats 100 " pantaloons 100 " vests 200 blue satinet coats 200 " pantaloons 200 vests 2:10 cadet cloth coals 200 = pantaloons , • 200 " vests. 01113.9 No. 3. Hardware, Agricultural implements, and Axes. 6;000 pounds brass kettles ' 1,000 tin kettles, (5 Altos) 200 nests Japanned kettles, 8 In a nest 50 dozen 10-quart tin pans 75 if 0 -' , 76 " 4 " 100 es 2 " " • 300, " butcher knives • 100 " scalping " 25 01 gun flints , 60 gross gun worms 150 44 squaw awls 125 " fish hooks, assorted NO dozen fish lines 350 gross needles MD dozen coarse tooth combs 160 " tine 150 " meteors 16 " bush scythes 16 " grams 15 " grain " 10 " mhos 30 " grubbing hoes fA " weeding 44 100 pairs harms 200 " trace chianti 100 log chalas SOO drawing knives, 10 and 12 Inches in length 250 aurs, in equal proportions of IK , 1, x, and i s -Inch MO hand saws 30 cross-cut saws, 7 feet in length 'BO 14 it 60 dozen hand-saw files 10 " cross-cut saw bleu 111 " wood rasps - 250 quarters Rocket chisels, X, I, and 2 inch 70 planes fore and jack .26 dozen shovels ' 25 " spades 600 camp kettles, (3 'hee)' 3,000 short handled frying pans 100 dozen basting spoons 200 " iron table spoons 200 4, tin cups 15 f• myth. seethe 25 " axes, to weigh from 4 to 6X pounds 100 44 half axes, to weigh as pounds . 70 " hatchets, to weigh lit pound 15 0 broad-axes, ordinary size 60 ' slue mirrors 76 " tire steels Cases No, 4. Northwest Guns. . 1 ) 1)00 northwest guns, flint lock ,210 " • " • permission lock, , Proposals will be received for the delivery of said goods at Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Daltlmore, New Orleans, St. I,onis, Memphis, or Cincinnati; bat la cobsidering the bide s the cost of the transportation of the same to their respective destinations from the places proposed to ho delivered wilt form an element In deciding open the proposals. The right will be reserved to require a greater or less quantity of any of the articles named than that 'paled is the above schedule, ales any other. of a different description that may be needed, at the lowest market prices. Goode of American manufecture, of the required Myles and quality, will be preferred; but as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, it will be ma mmary, in proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that a sample thereof obeli eecompeny the 1,14. The articles to bo furnished mast, in all rasped., conform to and be equal With tho sample+ recently ea. Meted, which may be seen at this oftice They will be rigidly Inspected and compared with , those 'temples by ell meet or agents appointed for that purpose. Such as limy be unequal thereto In any particular will be re „lected,; In er latch case the contractor will be bound to lurpieh others of the required kind or quality within three days ; or, If that be not done, they will be pure chased at his expense. Payment will be made for the stones received on invoices thereof, entitled by the agent or agents appointed to impact them. It will be understood that ell bide for tarnishing the ;MB above emitted may be rejected at the option of the Department, particuiarle if made by 040 who is not known as a manufacturer of, or regular dealer in, the edict° proposed to be furnished • which fact, or the re verse, Outlet be distinctly stated in tne bids offered; and that the bide of all Termite who may have failed to comply with the conditions of any contracts they may Mere previously entered Into with the 'United States Medi, at the option of the Department, be rejected, in accordance with the letter and spirit of a Joint resolution of Congress relative to bids tor provisions, ototbing, Sic., for the use of the navy, approved 27th March, 1854. Roods will be required, In the amount of the bid, for the faithful performaime of the contract, with two or more sureties, whose eullicieney must be certified by a United States judge or district attorney, The proposals must embrace the artielen, with the 'Umatillas thereof, as they are arranged in the foregoing schedule, with the prices annexed to each, In dollars and cente, at which they will bo furnished, and the amounts must be carried out And footed up for each clam, They should bo submitted with the following heeding: " I [or wej bombe propose to furnish for the service of the Indian department, and according to the, terms of its advertisement therefor, dated October 15th, 1867, the following articles, at the , prices thereto affixed, [hero insert the list according to the class or chimes York, for,) deliverable In the city of [Boehm New New York, Philadelphia, Dalthnore, New Orkin', St. Louis, Memphis, or Cincinnati, as the ease may be,) by the Omit day of April next, or at such time or times during the year /868 an may be ordered by the Commissioner Of Indian Affairs; and I [or we] will Om fernish, et the pamo prime such Willem! qnantitjed or' the name kinds and q ualities of goods, and at the lowest Suerkee ' prim, such other articles of si different descrip tion as be required for the service et the India* departniept during the year MU, deliverable on above Mated; and If this proposal be accepted, there insert the words, 'in whole or In pert' If more than One class be proposed for,) 1 [or wej will, within twenty days thereafter, execute a contract accordingly, and give security, eatlefeetory to the Commissioner or Indian Affairs, for the faithful performance of the same." (Here Insert whether the party proposing is pr is not a manufacturer or regular defiler in The article proposed to be furnished.] mach proposal must also be accompanied bye mean tee, in the following form, to be signed by two or more reeponeible person'', whose sufficiency must he certified by one or more persons, pereonally'or officially 'known 'to the department : "I [or we] hereby guaranty that the above bidder, [or bidden,] if a contract shall be awarded to him, [or (hem,] according to his foe their] foregoing bid or pro poen!, will executes contram,aind g l e e mu ft i for the performance thereof, as prescribed la the advertisement for peoposele for Indian geode; dated October 16, 1867 ; 'and I [or we) agree to pay any and all damages or losses which the United States or the Indian. may suffer by reason of failure so to do on the part of the said bidder, [or biddera."l No proposal will be coneldered that does not strictly conform to the terms and directions of this advertise. tent. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. CLIABLMS B. MIX, Acting Commissioner. 0C22-the&Au tnovl 4 BPinet Cent'lion," Itarett, inny Red other Cognacs of various vintages, in half plpes and quarter casks • Pellevoisiti Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half plfes, ball cask', aud one.eightb casks. Imported, and f r s e sa by • 111011 Y 1111111,EN & 00., 0e22 421 owl 0:1 seed, Vogrta street. %Inn UNDERSIGINED 14Y1 THIS DAY -E. mitered ipto a Oopertnerehip tinder the name or ROGRES & co., for 00 atip4futgrigg or ail kinds of law and common Soaps, at No. 28 r'grth WATER Bt. A. W. gopktze, • Od. Wth,1857. O. .W . SWUM 44:1.4ht , WEAN SOAP 1141,NOMAOTORY. ROGUES & CO.; having porehesed the above works from Lebreelit Freaks, are prepared to receive orders for all kill& of tenor and: sPoletou Bops. ' All orders oxecutod with pqnchutlity and despatch, et the very lowest priced, for cub. ; • 0021.2w* faREAT REDUCTION' OF PRICES.— Ladles' FURS selling off regardless of coat. HARLES omaono , Importw g en 'Cd rosoufacturhig Furriers. N so 0.624 CHEST NUT St., balow &mouth, will close their 'entire stock et Ladles' Tore, without regard to cold. oc2l-4t ARDINES.-60 CASEpS"WHOLE AND .:HALF, BOXES In More and for aile by HENRY BOWAN 8c CO.. 421 and 723 dontb,Yourtb Strout. ---- i , iithbo I iANGE.-L-SOLDBYOEteu v k 0, 607 N. sum) at. sale-4143. Allistellcincottil. fro RENT.—Tho Bro-story BRows STONE J.. BUILDING, on THIRD Street, above Dock. tip ply to P. BRADY & 00., Tamers' and Mechanics , Dank Building, oct224t* CHESTNUT Street. nOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN AA- BURANOE COMPANY—Office No. 412 WALNUT Street, Phllslelphia, Tho following statement or the alTalrs of the company Is published In cooformlty with a prevision of Its charter : POOIIIOOEI 01/0111080 011011 ,AIIIIIIST 1, 1816, TO aOOOO7 al, 1861 Piro . promiutrja, 838,729 81 217,793 82 224 00 Marine premiums Perpetual ..... t... OM amount premiums tskeri Earned fire pronaluinx ...... 25,072 06 Elwood marine preugume 105.005 60-100,078 66 Deduct return premiums Net earned $108,3119 09 Merino Imes paid, $93,685 70 Vire losses 8,091 11 . $101,910 80 Selvage re. calved... $760 57 'lnterest re. wired-4,351 GT a o - Ineur- one° 2,971 62 —8,683 66 93,833 70 -- Ml:Musa for sommisilons to agents, abatements In lieu of scrip, Asiatics, office tent, , furnishing aim, books, sta tionery, ho 60,386 67 Profit an d long 03 40-141,283 27 . • Net prat 624,076 82 . . AMTS. ' Cash on hand $12,515 89 Bilis receivable 110,261 02 • Rends and mortgages 105,000 00 Stocks 292,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 - Due by agents and others 22,912 93 ----- $754,095 84 DIRECTORS. .i P. M. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, O. E. Spangler, li. T. Remelt, Abraham Rex, 11. 11. Houston, Wrn. 11. Woods, Ins R. Withers, George Unwell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Ralguel, C.C. Bower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Lowers, Mermen llaupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, IL 11. Shillingford • PERCIVAL M. POTTS, Presulunt 0. E. BPANOLVII, Vice President. W. li. WOODa, Secretary. 0c22 R. T. Ream, Treasurer Legal Noticco. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OITY AND 00UNTY OP PUILADELPIIIA. The South Western Saving Fund ond Building Aeso elation vs. John Creighton. Lev. Foto., March Term MI. No. 763. The Auditor appointed by the Conrt tp distribute the laud arising from a sale under above writ of the follow. ing real estate—vie: All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of William Street, at the distance of ono hundred and eighteen feet eastward Irmo the east side of Schuylkill Fourth Street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in fronton said William street sixteen feet, and in length or depth that breadth seventy-one feet six inches—will attend to the duties of his appointment at hie office ' No. 701 Washington Square, (south side.) on Ilonday, November 2d, at four o'clock I'. AL, when and whore all persons are required to present their claims, or bo debarred from coming in upon said fund. A. MURRAY STEWART, '0c2.2-1110t* Auditor. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TUE 1 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Matthew Bomplo to use of E. W. Aforrison vs John Vogel, District Court, Juno term, 1857. No. 533. Test. Pi Ye, to Lehigh county The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute - the fund Arising from the sato of personal property under above writ, will attend to the duties of hie appointment on Tuesday, November 3d, 1837, at 4 o'clock I'. Af , at his office, No. 704 Washington l3quaro, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coining iu upon said fund. A. MURRAY STEWART, 0c22-dlOtir Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT. FOR THE OITY OF PUTLADELPIIIA. Estate of JAMES HAMILTON, deceased. The AMliter appointed to audit,adjust, and settle the account of THOMAS OADWALADEII, Executor and Trustee of the last will and tunament of JAMES HA MILTON, deceased, arising from that portion of the estate belonging to schalule B annexed to the inden ture of partition in said estate, dated January 24, 1549, recoiled in the office for recording deeds, kn., in Phila delphia, in Deed Book WC, No. 1, page 497, and to report distribution ; and also the 27th account (A) of the said Thomas Oadwalader, Executor to Trustee afore said, mixing from that portion of the estate belonging to schedule E, annexed to the indentwo of partition dated 11th day or June, 1892, recorded in Deed Book T 11, No. page—and to report distribution, will meet the Fortis. Interested at We omen, No. 528 WALNUT street, in the city of Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23th, 1857, at 1 P. at utsl3.tu tbdisa-bt IIIANOIS MURTON, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY OF PLITIJADELPIIIA. Estate of WILLIAM WALLACE 000 K, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the fourth account of JOIN T. LEWIS. Administrator e. t. a. of WILLIAM WALLACE COOK, deceased, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his office, No. t2B WALNUT street, in the city of Phila delphia, en SATURDAY, 00TOILER 24th, 1857, at 12 M. 0c134u tbAlut-6t - PllOlOlB WIIMITON, Auditor IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE - 1 1- City and County of Philadelphia; Estate of BEAN -018 AMITY, deceased. MARGARET MoAVOY, widow of said decedent, bee presented to said Court an inventory and appraisenient of personal property, which she has elected to retain uutler the provisions of the Act of April 14, 1861, and 441ml:exceptions are filed before FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1851' at 10 o'clock A. 14., the sense will be allowed end sPlifi. l •4 the Court. ANDREW MILLER, Attorney for Widow, 2008. Vint BT. octktudth 2w* TN TIM DISTRICT COURT FOR TILE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIITADELPRIA. Thomas Williamson, Trustee, &o. us. Robert Palmer. LevertVarlas,lfarch Term /857, No. 853. The President, Directors, '& Co. of, the Bank of Penn sylvanie or. Itobert Palmer and Williem Clayton, late treeing u Palmer, Clayton & Co. Venditioni gloom's, Iderob Term, 1857, N0..1033. The Auditor appointed to distribute the money In Caen, raised under the above entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale, of No. I. Idessuage and lot of ground on the west side of Delaware, second street between Pine and Union streets, In the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 18 foot and In depth 05 feet toe Ave.feet alley; bounded north. ward by ground formerly of George Fitzwater, now of the heirs of Charles Allen, and southward by ground of Joseph Marshall. No. 2. Lot of ground, with frame and brick tenements, on the south side of Mary street, betzteee Front and Second streets, in the tield oily, beginning 183 feet from Fronttoett 000 ttilelog in front 20 feet, and in depth &5 feet. street, No 3. Lot of ground with the two threoatorr briar melt magus thereon, on the north tide of Prime or Washing ton street. in the said city, 61 feet westward from the northwest corner of Delaware Fifth and Prime streets, emitalnlng in front 24 feet, and in depth about 09 feet. flubject to yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars Will attend to hie duties upon MONDAY, the 26th day of October, /861, et 4 <06.104 P. M., at his office, No. 204 Routh FIFTH street, below Walnut, in tko eald city, when and where all persons interested are required to make their otalmn, or be debarred from coming in upon add funds. 0012.10 t GEORGE W. BIDDLE, Auditor JULIA A. CARR, BY HER NEXT friend, Ito. v s . CHARLES D.ll OARll—Divorce Common Pleas- - -No. 16, Sept. T., 7856. Please take notice, that depositions of witnesses on part of said libellant will bo taken before me on /FRIDAY, Oclobor 28, 1857, et 4 o'clock P. H., at the o6loe of floury O. Kota, Esq., No. 188 South FIFTII street, Philsdelptila, when you can attend and cross. examine if you think proper. WILLIAM I'. SMALL, Examiner. To OSAILIIS D. E. Oa att. oe7:lst* Dank Notices NOTICE.—FARMERS' AND }BOHAN -4.1 Ns , BANK—Patc,thin,PntA, October 23, 1857. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Bank has been called by the Board of Directors under the provisions of the seventh section of the act of the Oeneral Assembly of this State, entitled An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the bunks, and for the relief of debtors," approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 1857, to be held at the Banking- Rowe of this Corporation, ou TUESDAY, the third day of November, A. D. 1857, at 4,4 o'clock P. It., for the purpose of taking into cousideration the acceptance of the provisions of the said act. by enter of the Posr4, 0023 IL If. LEWIS, Osehler. STIIIi NTlLAppxrilA BANK. 2let Qcjoher, 1247.—A Special Meeting' of the ckholders of this Dank will be held at the Bankusg 'louse on SATURDAY, the 31st inst.at 12 o'clock, to take into consideration the Act of th e Legislature, ato proved the 13th inst., entitled '• An act providing for the resumption of specie payment's by the Banks, and for the relief of debtors," 0c22.4t31 B. D. COMRCITS, °giblet. BAITK COMMRBOE, P _ 11114DIRLPHIA, October 21, 185 f .—Notlce la hereby given, that a meeting of the Stockholders of elle Inatitutlon will be held ay the thinking House, on TUESDAY, the Sd day of November next, at 12ji o'clock, to take Into canal. deratlon the act, entitled Au act providlog for re m:option of vein° payments," passed by the Leirlele• tura of Peuneylvanta, and approved the 13th day of Oc tober Fremont. by order of - flolr4 of lurectore. .44.0 1 .4 1 crfoy .3.1 J. 0, pONNEf.b, Cashier. ''TtI — NSINQTON —.NK. . BA.. ......—rummumpHlA, aA October 7 11157.—The /Mil meeting of tho fltoekboldera or tbla Dank will bo held at the Banking house, on TUESDAY, 114 November, 1857, at 12 o'clock 008-tbaatutN3 An election for thirteen Directors to serve the enso tog year will take place at the Banking•bouee, on Mon day, the lath day of November, between the hours o 9 A. M. and 9 P. M. O. T. TXRKES, octitheatuttile Cashier. AND MECHANICS' BANK, Hon for Directors BILADCLPIIIi, October Bth, lefet. will be held at the I ia T u kh FARME RS'eIna; : 11s e e l r 1P on MONDAY, the 16th day of N0T13133• ber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. II ; and on TUESDAY, the 9d day of Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be Mild at the Booking House. at 4 o'olook P. M., agrees. bly to the charter, oel-toolO N: U. (ladder A LADY, COMPETENT TO TEACH XX. the branches of era English education, Freud', and Music, wishes to obtain a situation as daily (locomen to young childroo. Okty references given. Addrexi u A., box tip. iti2 Philadelphia P. 0. 0c24-by IvANTED TQ RENT.-4 CONVkINI eat uousE, With Ourdati, Sto. within one hour of the EAchenge. Addrette " PIIuMPT," Blood , e ne. WANT YD, TI - IE UNITED STATES eAvmax—Able-bodled, unmarried men, to w h o ,* will tto given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Val tram $l2 to $4 per month No man haying a wife or child will he aopepted. Apply for MOUNTED figittlOß, at No. 80 MARKET street above Eighth, north aide. WiLLIAIt 11. ROYALL, let I,teut.. 24 Raft. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. oat fi-lmit WANTED.—A FEW AGENTS, EITHER ',fele or Yernale, are wanted to sell a new and very lapttlar book, jot issued, entitled 44 The ()rooked Elm ; or, Life by the Wayside." Your editions have already been exhausted In Boston and the New England States. Agents are wanted to Canvass the Middle, Eleuthera, and Western States. Borne now engaged make from $6 to $l2 per day. Address, by letter, Book Agent, 17 State street, Boston ; or call personally at came place. ec3-Int bur giale. FORSALE-Or In exchange for Stocks.— A Unborn.) riledein rellidance, No. 820 North BB VBNTII Street, above Brown ntroet, wont aide. Lot 26 by 116 feet—aide yard. Apply on the premises, ocl7-2w Oaks bp %union, MTHOMAS & SONS, • N0e.139 sod 141 SOUTH FOURTH BTRZET, (Formerly Noe. 67 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Ao. Public Salve at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. Ifluidbills of each property honed separately, In addition to which we publieh on the Saturday previous to each sale ono thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descrlptiona of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. MT FURNITURE, SALES AT TRH AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. URAL ESTATE' AT PRIVATII SALM. 117' We have a large amount or Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, Including every demerlptlon of Oily and Country property, Printed Lists may be bad at the Auction Store. /164,747 43 PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. IL? Roal Estate entered on our Private Sale Re- Aster, are advertised oectulonally In our Public Sale Imamate, (of which 1,000 copies are printed wookly,) roe of charge, rppityli WALL BALE, OM POTOBUR. Wlll include the following— -- FOUR VALUABLE MARKET IiTREET STORES.-- Four substantial foul . ..story brick stores and dwellings , Noe. 1621,1519, 1617, and 1513 Market street, West of Fifteenth street. MODERN DWELLING. Neat modern three-story Brick Dwelling, 8. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets , above Wallace street, with a time-story brisk dwelling on Citron street. FEREMPTORY SALE—FOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WARD. Valuable lot S E corner Jefferson avenue or Hoye,- mensing road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N N corner /enema avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable,Moore atreot, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, Sale of the whole absolute. • • E:r Full particulars In handbill. and plan lIANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. Handsome residence with double back building, and replete will all modern conventencea, No. LIM Spring Garden street. This lea very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAM ENGINE, &e.—Two and a half story factory, steam engine, &c., Twenty-Brat Ward, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty-first a treet, and the Phila delphia and Germantown railroad. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Two-story brick messuage, S E. corner Township Lino road and Meer geld street, Twenty , first Ward. VALUABLE LOTS.—Valualde lot, N. E. corner Seventeenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BLIDA DWELLINGS.—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden street, neat of William 'Greet. PERSIUP TORY SALE.—VIVE GROUND RENTS, via: Two of $37.50 each, two of $2260 each, and ono of stO a year secured on five throe-story brick dwellings and lots, Spring Garden street, Owen street, and Riddle TWO TIME-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS Two three-story brick dwellings, Nos. 878 and 878 Apple street, between Fourth street and York avenue, and Coates and Brown streets. Bale absolute. . . . . . YOUR YEARLY GROUND RENTS. two of $B.l, and two of st 2 each. secured by a brick dwelling, Howard street and Hope street, (late Kensington 137 gull particulars of each of the &boro proper . " now ready in handbills. THIRTEENTH FALL SALE, 3d NOVEMBER This sais wiN isciada Orphans' Court Oslo. ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. BUDD. DRO,D. THREE LARGE AND VALUADIX LOTS AND TWO BRICK DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSYLYNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W earner Primo and Seventh streets. Valuable lot, fronting on Prime street, and no Pass yank road. Valuable lot, Pasmunk road Two three-story brick dwellings, Seventh street; west side. north of Prime street. They wilt be sold sepa rately. See handballs and plan Alao by order of Orphans; Court. ESTATE OF JOHN FITZWATER, PROD. OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH A FRONT OF FOUR HUNDRED FEET UN THE RIVER DELAWARE AT TA- CONY, TWENTY-TUIRD WARD. - Same Estate—TllDEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING Three-story brick dwelling, No. 260 North Ylftle above Noble street. same Estate—TWO MOE DWELLINGS . Also, Two brick dwellings, Union and Hanover streets above Prince street, Sensulgton. Riecutor's Sale—Late Residence of Amelia Bruith ELEGANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N. J.—Also, by order of Executor, to close an estate, the valuable reeldence No. 23 Main street, Burlington, N.J , replete with modern improvements and conveniences, 331 i feet (coat, the lot 610 feet deep to Wood street, the garden improved with °nest fruit trees, &c. Also, a handsome residence, Wood street, Burlington, recently occupied by Mr. William Chsloner, end a lot adjoining, 60 byl66 feet. ir r Full particulate in band. bills. NEAT DWELLING, TWENTIETH STREET—Throe story brick dwelling, No. 206 North Twentieth street, between Mood and Vine streets. LOT, 'mgNry-pouRTLi WABD—A triangular lot, fronting On Park street, Aud the West Philadelphia Railroad, Twenty-fourth Ward, (late West Philadel phia ) FOURTEENTH PALL SALE-10111 NOVEMBER SALE AT THE AUCTION STORE TRIG lIIORNINI . . CARD.—The Attention of ladies, housekeepers, and others, Is requested to cur sale at the Auction blocs, this morning, comprising over 800 lots of supe rior furniture, floe mirrors, piano -fortes, handsome Bramels, Saxony, Ingrain, and VonUlan carpets, china and glassware, beds, bedding, plated ware, book•cu_ses, An., forming a very attractive sale, Catalogues now ready, Cud the articles arranged for examination. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South FourtYStreet - - SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, FRENOU PLATE AIIRRGER, TAPESTRY OARPETS, This Itiorqing, At 9 o'clock, lithe 44Ctiou Store, so extensive wort n ent of excellent second-hand fundture, roliovrood pjeno-forte, French piste mirrors, tspebtry autrpeSe, from (Amities declining housekeeping. SALE OP A PRIVATE COLLECTION OP MUM LANEOI.IS DOORS, AND 01101011 LONDON ES CRAVINGS. This Iyerilmr. .• • ... October 22d, M the Auction Store, II collection of valuable miscellaneous 'Woke from a library; also, choice and beautiful London engravings, comprising a variety of pleasing and Interesting subjects. For par ticulars see catalogues. ' Bale Nos. 139 and 24/ Boath Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER. ROOTS. On Saturday Morning, At 11 o'clock, one cage euperior German Florae Roots, from R. Vanderschoot & Bons, Haarlem SOIIOOI.IBR N. B. T. TIIOMPSON. On Tuesday Evening, 27th inst., at o'clock, at the Exchange, three undi vided fourth parts of the schooner N. B. T Thompson, and her tackle, apparel, appurtenances, /cc., hoe two sets of sails, built in 1814, at IC.aighn'a Point, N. J. PEREMPTORY SALE ON TDE PREMISES-ELE. DANT DESIDENON AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. On Tuesday Morning, 21th October, et N 1 o'clock, without reserve, on the premises, the elegant Brown Stone reildence, No. 1404 Walnut street, south side, third house west of Broad street, built for the nse of the late owner and occu pant is a superior manner, and finished throughout in elegant style, with overt' modern Improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. ELEGANT NGRNlTURR.—lnimedlately after the eale of the house will be sold the elegant furniture. extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and chandeliers, piano -forte, /co. Sale at No. MO Spruce street. HANDSOME RESHMINOE AND FURNITURE. On Wednesday mornmg next, 28th inst., at 10 o'clock, on the premises, the hand some modern four-story brick residence, with three eery hack buildings, No. DM) Spruce street, west o Nineteenth street, replete with all modern Improve meats and conveniences. $5,000 may remain on mort SUPERIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, (MS FIXTURES, sc. Immediately after the sale of tho house, the superior household furniture, all made to order by Moore & Campion, and been but little used. lesr — Particulars th handbills and catalogues. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, ppo osite the endowHoagie . EOllllO. between Yourtb and Wirth Streets. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER J NO. 422 WALNUT STBSET, above FOURTH, OARD.—SALE lIOUSEISOLD FURNITURE—Tan 137. We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOU, NO. NO WALNUT STREET, where ovary possible attention is given to ob tale the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having porticos of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales ttt their own dwellings, can have their Nrgittuu CAREFULLY REIdOYED TO OUR SALES 110011 WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRIOES FOR THEIR FURNITURE TRAM THEY CAN OBTAIN FRODI ANY OP THE FOAM TURN DEALERS 011 ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. . . . IL Persons favoring as with consignments an rest ensured tbSt their property will not be sacrificed. frr COMMIIIIIOI3B more moderate than theae charged by any other Auction Clouse in the city. CoUlgamoVis Vipectfully solicited. &Ilea pald immediately after the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE, NOVEMBER 11th This gals will lucludo— Orphans' Oourt Elalo—EstAta or W. A. B. Jones, Deed TWO.STORY BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, TWELFTII A two-story brick haute and lot of gronud, west nide of Twelfth 'greet, 224 feet above oohtintuo 11yenye, 16 feet front, 112 feet deep, ft' d 4 feet street, IN ground rent. Orphang , Court Salo—ebistate of Chao Drownaon, Dec'd. TURK): 1101,18kS AND LOT DV iIIIOUND, DREAD STREET AND YfiTTElt LAND A lot of ground with the three bowies thereon erected, W. corner of [banal street and Fetter Laue, 40 feet by 43 feet $lBB ground rent. [Er $.50 to be paid on each of the above when the saute is struck off brick Brink i be A ck th aildin t 7 7 . No b ri t l e i ll lY n tth wi e t t h re: - a i ttv r l Wood street. Rent $4OO per annum. Apply at t he Auc tion Eters. AT PRIVATE SALE. A trot-class Printing °Mee, with a good run of bol uses, four printing presume, two Rugg's/land one Adam. Type and everything neeeetery for the business. Apply at the Anetiou Store. riplE ADVERTISEMENT BY Atf AUC TIONEER ota PRINTING OPPIOE 'OR SALE, in the Bulletin Building, has an conneotioo 'nth our establishment oath if JJOANBAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 82r ARM Street, between Third and Fourth Street.. BALESJf VOLT BVBNYNG, at I o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Wipe, Intake, Fancy Goods, Notions N. ii —Out-door sales attended to All goods cold a the Auction House packed. FOR SIIERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD EIVADIOT TO ÜBMOORATIO BOLAS. 0058-2131* Yr() IRON MANUFACTURERS AND OAPITALISTS. IMIETTEE'B PATENT HORSE-SHOE MACHINE. Thla valuable Invention—being the beet machine for manufacturing Iloree.eboes ever offered to the Ameri can public—ti now offered for sale on favorable terms. No objection would be bed to putting it into e Joint Stock Company, and stock taken fur a lame part of the purchase. ALVAN WILKINS, 0021-10 t 22 WILLIAM Street, New York. rtio SIIOVicAND 110 E itANUPACTIJ- A- REIL9.--SHETTER , EI IMPROVED OA RD E N HEE. Patented /nee BM. The rhea to manufac ture inkier Patent may be enured cu favorable terms, on application to ALVAN WILKINS, 0c21./OI 21 WILLIAM Street, New York. GIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA.— In accordance with the spirit of the times, and with a grateful appreciation of the liberal patronge they have e 0 J 0 .1 0 4 from the travelling community, the Proprietors of the DIRA RD MOUSE claim the privilege of being the first in Philadelphia to reepond to the universal demand for retrenclpent. On and after MONDAY, 19th Octo ber, their price of hoard will ho reduced from $2 $0 to $2. er die m ocplT-It PRESDUIVit, BYHIS k CO TO RENT bfoLAIIMILAN BROTORRS Political Balm bp 'Auction. mOSES NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. B. corner *RETIE and RACE Bluetit. .AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and direr patent lever, Levine, English, Swiss - , 'and Preach watches, Jewelry, of every description, musical Instruments, &a., Ac. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on round floor, household furniture of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glee/tee, fancy articles, do, Ac., Au. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture, clothing, Jewelry, &e., &a., SoHefted. N ATHA N PRINCIPAL LOAN OW/ICI, B. E. corner of Sixth and Rau Streets, Where mousy will be loaned all gold and Wirer plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry {foods, Groceries, Segura, Hardware ' Cutlery, Yurultare, Red ding, Horn% Vehicles, Ilarneas, Stocks, and on all as titles of value for any length of time agreed on, °Omar* satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other natal , . lishment. tees) M. NATHANS, HAMAN'S great sale of WORVIITED tiOODS will take place in a few days. Due mottos will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, JireelrY, Gnu, Adele, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Dee notice till be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goads, Clothing, Redding, I Ac., being forfeited collaterale, will Sake place shortly. Due notice will be Oren. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HAL? THE USUAL SELLING PRP:MS.—Double-bottomed and hunting cue gold patent lever watches, of the meet ap proved makes; hunting use and open face gold escape. meet lever and lepine watches, full jeweled; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for ladies , ; gold jewelry of every description., elver lever and lepine watches, in hunting uses and open face; silver English, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, intrust, Ac. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and charges to suit the Ulnae, low. Consignmente of every description of goods solicited fur public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, or public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. , QAMIJEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, t.. 7 and MONEY WAN 07710 E, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear et., mil, eight doors below the 'Exchange. Hours of busineu Dori T o'clock, A. M., ROW 10 o'clock ha the evening. Dot-door sales, and sales at the Auction amuse, at , tended upon the Most satisfactory terms. , CAPITAL $200,000. Estee/GAM far she MG Thirty , Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Die monde, Silver Plato, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Met chsodfse, Clothing, 'Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Home, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All geode can remain log length of time agreed np All advances, from one hundred dollars and npvmds will be eharged 2 per cent. per month ; end over, the lowest market rate. This Store House havinga depth of no feel, bee largo Are and thlef-proOf unite to store all variables, and pri vate watchmen for the ;Mabee ; also, a heavy inem mace effected for the benedt of ell persona having good* advanced upon. N. 11.--On account of having an unlimited capital, this office I. prepared to make advances on mote earls factory and accommodating terms thaw soy other la thin city. Money advanced to the poor, in mall amount', witti out any charge. . . AT PRIVATH Oold Patent Lever and other Watabee, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold et reduced prices. (,GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER ‘..N N. E. corner of BARRON and BOUTti Streete 'Dore Second. BPNNINU SALItB BALES RYRRY SATURDAY sirtease,l At 13 o'clock, at the Auction Store of Hardware ry , Cut le, Housekeep i ng Clothi ng , Watches , Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, &a. ettucational ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JUNIPER STREETS. This Institution has been re-opened for the Autum nal Session, under the super v ision of the Bev. JAMES W. ROBINS, A 1,1 , as Principal. The Episcopal Academy presents peculiar facilities, both for the moral and Intellectual training, and for the physical development of the youth committed to its care No pains will be spared to perfect the,pupils in the va rious studies which, from time to time they may pur sue; while it will be the aim of the Principal, both In his instruction and In his daily interoyarse with the boys, to lay the foundetione of an upright, manly, and religious character. The rooms of the Academy Building are numerous, laity, and well ventilated; and the pupils during recess enjoy the advantage. of an enclosed play-ground and an ample Oputuaeium. Boys able to read, and not leas than eight years of age ' are received as aeon u they have begun to write and cipher, and are conducted through the various dame of the Academy with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. The lowest ekes (A) is occupied in Spelling, Beading, Writing Arithmetic, and Geogra phy ; the highest Maas ( U ) In the branches usually studied la the Freshman year of a collegiate course. The studies of the Intermediate classes are suited to the rations eges end abilities of the pupils. The Tuition Yee for those in Blues A is silty dollars per annum ; for all others seventy-eve dollars per an num; payable half-yearly in advance. Besides this fee, there are no othercharges; the trench Language, Fuel, and the use of the Bymnasitim being Included in _the price above mentioned. Boys not studying the Greek and Latin Languages have Sidra lessons in lieu of classical. The school time not spent under Instruction is employed by the pupils in study under the superintendence of a (ember, and in a epaeious apartment arranged for that purpose. The Institution Is inspected monthly by a committee of the Board of Trustees, and visited from time to time by the Bishop of the Diocese. Applieatlona for admiaelop me be made to the Prim cipal daily during the week (except on Saturday). be tweeo the hours of 9 A. Al. and 2P. If. oc 8-to,th,sat4l CRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEOR, S. E. corner or SIPENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and 'Third Skeen. BOOK-KEEPING, SEAMANS/11P, eTeryatyle. 003IMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. . . LECTURES, &e. Each Student has individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, ander the immediate " perrielou of the Principal, One of thelleet Penmen in The'Clonntry has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Elpeukaboa and vet • Catalogue of Terms, Ire. a c gy PROFESSOR SAUNDERS'INS'PITUTE, WEST PRILADELPHLi. No Seminary whatever is more like • private family. The mural of study la extensive and thorot. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pu under fourteen years of age into his famil. E nquire of Kenn. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Cal. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards art now members of his family. eaptle.ll SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOTH, N. B. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing fall particulars, pupils , names, testimonials, Oro can be had on application. sio2A-2m F. DONLBAVY LONG, Principal. LIALL OF ST. JAMES THE, LESS, Am- PHILADELPHIA. A PARTLY BOARDING SCHOOL FOB BOYS. Rev B. R. Sumpaa, Hama. The Amami Simian will begin on TUESDAY, Sep. Umber I. Circulate may be obtained at the Book Store of 11. UCIONER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Poet Office, Palls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. anl7-din NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE 1 7. Ramona, mile and female, to gain a Aare of W w °lwo goods and comforts as a BUSINESS RDIIOATION lAIDY DROTHSRS' BINGNISS IM Ttl&Y, Nos. 148 and 140 81ETU &met, our RACE, will re-open ark MONDAY, SIPTFAIBIR lot , for tall and winter Studies, embracing a toowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KIIRPING AND ARITHMETIO by simplified methods, 41 a short time 'TUN LNIDI"9 take pleasure In saying, that during the past year a large namber of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUOATION enabling many to ■secure pro !liable situation*, and others to prosecute their businese operations auccesafully. au2l-3m. 211ornevo at Sam °HARDER D. EMERY, ATTORNEY AT V LAW, Williamsport, LynamLug oonnty, Pa., trill pay particular attention to Securing and Collecting claims, In Lycomiug and adjoining counties. SU Hon. J. 0. Knox, Supremo Bench, Philadelphia. David Jayne & Son, Phila.l N °recce' et Sheets, Phlla Azapach, Reed & " Smith, Shantz & Co., " ocll-Im* WI S S. W E L LS, ATTORNEY AT 3111-1 LAM, N 0.•./ AIRY STRPANT, , will attend with punctuality, and to the beat of hie ability, to all business entrusted to his care. ocl-am J. J. Moen.) (V B. Swims MICHEL Sc KOONT7r-- ATTOSNEYB AT LAW, No. 28 Camp Street, Nem 0/116141 RI/VIIIIIIOII/1 IN PHILADILPIIIA Caleb Cope & Co ; 183 Market street Smith, Murphy & Co., 87 Market street. Wm. H. Brown & Ce., 108 Market street. Pau2T-2m* DelllEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY LAW, Southeast Ooruer of SIGHTIt And OUST Stroets, PAll•delpihis ara•ly YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT 11A LAW, OENTP. •treat, Potts Tills, Ps. HELP FOR THE POOR.—Tho Agents of the HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY of the city of lholelphla— Rev. JOIIN STRIIIT,I Mr. Joss P. ARRISON, IL Rev. T. Kiissit, Mr. ALtlitle a Rowtann, Rev T. S. DUSHAM, Mr. Jsmse Notnn, Are now making their Annual calls on our citizens, to solicit subscriptions to aid the Association in the noble work of relieving and elevating the Poor, and in view of the terrible amount of distress and want that meet, necessarily, grow oat or the afflicting crisis we are pass log through, the Managers earnestly hope for and urge Increased liberality on the part of their (811 w-citizens. By order of the Board of lianagere. IiWOROE 11 STUART, President B R lleert.tes , Secretary. Taos T. Mieka, Treasurer, 4.1 t Market street. oclT-8 to & th-2w HOUSE Or REFUGE.—Applications for the situation of ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT at} TEACHER of the Boy, School, in the white de. partment of the HOUSE OW REFUGE, will be received by the autrocriber until the Brat of November next JAMES J. BARCLAY, Chairmen Executive Committee, ocl7-3t-a to & ih Ithenteum Building. XVII. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE ♦♦ VV watery, 1,009 and 1,011 CHESTNUT St., above Tenth, is now open for the male of every description of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner of SIXTH and MASTER Streets, to which the attention of citizens, and Souther,. and Western gentlemen is respectfully called, N. 11 —tspecial attention given to carriages for re pairs, In the shops connected with the Repository. En tnuee on Chestnut street cell.. tut th.:Rn B "s'CLOTHING. Y. A. HOYT , RAO. hare now on hand a very largo assortment of READY-MADE goods nitable the present season which they feel disposal to sell cheap, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Southwest corner TESTI! and 011EATNUT streets. N, 11.—We have a Isrge assortmeut of new goods of a superior quality and make. sep22.lmtuths FOERING, FOX & CO.— SCIIUVLKELL D 7Ar aittali COAL, Southwest corner of oel7-e to d th Bt fkAOR AND BROAD. y IQUID GUM 11Mtli'S, MOSS, AND Pastea Oa superior quality manufactured by N. G.Wintkiief & C0.,102 South SECOND Street. OrliWats toad store-keepers please call and see them. oesti-iltd COTTON-104 bales Gulf Cotton, in store rbill for safe by bIABTIN & MAOALIFISXR, 110 snrth War Str*ot SPIRITa TURPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits Turpeutios, to arrive, for sale b and y MARTIN & MAOALIB79II, 119 1475v1b WWI. Bmiat :~721C itt:ihis "- 1.`:; I ST. THEATRE. WHEATLEY. Scans or PRlcza.--Oreheitra Stalls, 50 cents Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), to cents; runny Circle and Amphitheatre, Z' cents; Seals is Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents ; Whole Private Box. ;a Gallery, 13 cente; Gallery for Colored Persons. :15 cents ; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. a' Box Office open from 10 A. 51. until 3 P. IC Doan open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF JACK CADE THIS (Thefraday) EVENING, October-. Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Tragic Play, written by Judge Conrad, entitled JACK CADE. Jack Cade, Mr. Darceport Lord Clifford. Mr. Tantte bill ; Marianne, Mn. towers; Kate Worthy, Miss E Taylor. To conclude with the comedy of the MONEY MOON. . _ . Rolando, Mr. Wheatley; Date, Mr. Dol=n; Juliana, Mn.t E L. Davenport. WALNUT STREET TILEATRE.—Les See, Mt. H. A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, !Ir. John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circle sad Pulptette, 59 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box. and Orchestra Sesta, 75 cents. Box. Oillee open from 9 o'clock A. AL to S P. M. Doors open at 63i o'clock; performance to commence at T. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OP MB. AND . _ THIS (Thursday) EVENING, October dd. lad; Will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of . . . MACBETH. Maebeth, Mr• Waller; King DIII3CBII, Mr. Boswell; Malcolm, Mr. Showell; Bangui', Mr. Young; Lady Mac beth, Mrs. Waller. To conclude with the laughable farce, called ROUGH DIAMOND. Sir Wm. Evergreen, Mr. fitienett; Meager', Mn. John Sefton. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 111 liter 'Eighth. anitoiatok—Dress Circle and Parquet, 2 "; Family Circle, 25 cents; Bemired Seats, 37x cents; Seats in Private Box, 50 tants; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Deere ope_ n at 7. re commence at 7X o'clock. Rol Office open trona 10 to 4 o'clock, 'when ,cats can be secured. THIS (Thoradity) EVENING. October 22,1557, Will be presented 8. E. Minis' world-renowned - . UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Uncle Tom, (the great original,) Mr. S. E. Ilarr:_s; St. Clair, Mr. H. B. Howland; Phineas Pletcher, Mr. S. BrOwn • ToPel) with eonge , Ben Cline; The Gentle Nra, Littl e Mary; Many, Little QANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 1 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Ad.wilttance 25 eents. litbloplazi Life Illturtrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE APTERPLECE. THOMEUF's VARIETIES, "WWI and CHESTNUT Streets, I I L. • MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE NIGHTLY, Which will be Nand superior in talent, respectability, end szeomnsodstion. Commence at 756. Admission, IS tent". 1:17 For further information, see Public Lidger, celo-Iw* T. B. THOREIST, Meaner earl Proprietor i3ooks. MEW LAW BOOKS.- Just Published by LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Law and Foreign Booksellers 112 Washington it.. Baskin. UNITED STATES ANNGAL DIGEST. 1836.—United. States Digest ; containing a Digest of the Decisions of the Conrte o; Common lA. , Equity. and Admiralty in the United States and England, for the year 1856. By George 9 Hale. Royal gro, $5. ANGELL ON HIGHWAYS —A Treatise on the law of Highways. By loqeph R. Angell and Thomas Dar fee, Bvo, St. 0e17.3bs fa dc th JOHN CAMPBELL Sr. SON, BIBLIOPO LISTS, in the CUSTOM HOUSE Avenue, have al ways foe sale rare and same Books. Gentlemen took worms are invited to call and judge as to prich and ra riety. Law and miscellaneous books purchased in small or large quantities. Books continually receiving from auction. se24-th to Ams VALUABLE LIBRARY BOOKS.-- rtletleman Br J. E. REDFIELD, 34 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK, SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, SKETCHES OF THE IRISH DAR. By the Right Hon. aFtleksid LaiorSheil, IC P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by H. Shelton Meckenrie. D. C. L. Sixth with Portrait and fee-simile letter. In 2 vole_ Pries U. THE NOOTEM AMBRO'SLANAL By Professor Wilaoa r J. G. Lockhart, James Hogg. and Dr. Magian_ Edited. with Memoirs and Notes, by Dr. B. Shelton lieskeasie_ Third Edition. In 6 volumes, with portraits and fac similes Price 13. MAGINN'S MISCELLANIES. The Miscellattoons Writ lop of the late Dr. Idagiun. Edited, - with a Memoir' • and Notes, by Dr. H. Shelton Heckert:ie. Complete in 6 volume*, with Portrait. Price. per vol., cloth, Fl• LIFE OP THE RT. HON. IGEN PHILPOT CURRAN. BJ his Son, Wm. Henry Curran; with Notes, and Ad- Milani, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, and a Portrait on Steel and fen-simile. Third Edition. 12nt0., cloth. Price;; 26. THE O'BRIENS AND TILE O'FRAHERTIES ; a Na tional Story, being the Drat of Lady Morgsn's Novels. and Romances. With no Introduction and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackensle. 2 vols., 12mo„, cloth. Pries $2. BARRINGTON'S SKETCHES. Personal Sketches of kin Own Time Dy Sir Jonah Barrington, with Hiustre tions by Darley. Fourth Edition. With Memoir by Dr. Mackenzie. .12mo , cloth. Price 51.25. MOORE'S LISP OP SHERIDAN. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinetey Sheridan. By Thomas Moore; with Portrait and fsc-simile. Sixth Edition. 2 rout. Shoo., cloth. Price 62. BITS OP BLARNEY. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. 12m0., cloth. Price $l. THE HISTORY OP THE WAS IN THE PENINSULA - BT Mii}or General Sir W. F. P. Nipieri from the an thor's last revised edition, with file-five Maga ar.d. Plana, five Portraits on Steel and a complete idea, 6 vole. Thno, cloth. Prier: } bid 111APIEV8 PENINBIJLAN WAR. Complete ia I rot era. trios $2 6 0. TEE POREST. By J. V. Huntington, author of , Lady . Alban," &c. 1 vol., 12ano. Sewed Edi ' Don. Priee SI 25 _ ALBAN; or, The HietOrY of a Young Puritan. By .1 ocr-t6 V. Huntington. 2 TOIL, cloth. - Mee 62. - - ; • " • ifirENDERSON & CO's GREAT LITER ARY HAM, FIFTH and ARCH strew:a In ceder to gratify the wishes of car numerous pa trona, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to preseat to. every purchaser of hooka to the amount of ;1 and up wardf,ll (lift In value of from 25 &iota to 5100. Call at our establiabonent, look at oar valuable stock, and eeleat for yearselvat Recollect yea are not baying at &anew, for nary Tar-- chaser wets his book, at the tonal price, and very many will gel, In addition, a present worth having. anill-a= EYA24B'GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE.. No. 43 8 CESSTNIIT Street. N. B—No . eormee non mith say other livroao in tiro City. anl-Bart ZOMMlSsiett illarbants J H. CHASE & CO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t 3 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Pkihidelpiii CONS TAMS' RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On nonslgnmant from the interior of Pennsylvania, where our new Cleaning Mill is now in goners! ale. Also, TIMOTHY AND SRO TOP always on hand. 1411.2-tt HANDY & BRENNER--COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign lean HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe, W, 22 and 21 North FIFTH Street, Hut rids above Commerce streot, Philadelphia. act-t! CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION 'MER— CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SEGABS., (New) US Walnut skeet. wand Mary. Insurance Companies CORMONWEALVI FIRE INSURA N CE' COMPANY, OF THE • SPAT), OP PENNSYLVA NIA.—Ocoee, N. W. Comer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Suhicribed Capital, $500,000_ Pedd-ap Capital. 8.3:10.000. DAVID JAYNEII. D., rived:tat. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vies Preal. SIXTIVL 8. Moos, Secretary. anlar GIRARD FIRE . ANON COMPANY, P . WALNUT street, west "FIRE RIMS Dlll, MARINE INSUR— IMLADELPIIIA—CIeics, of THIRD. ONLY TAR N." arose. Wm. M. Brain, John inapsel, ' Jr., H. N. Barrongha, J. B. Wagtail, Y. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, 11 A. ShaeltaLrerd, Hon. Jea JON 49, Premdent Hon. 0. W. WOODWARD, Tlee President. Jno. B. MoMmus, Becretaty. /alma B. ALTOID, Anne' Sant Demetery. and DrD (Boobs LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING zsellyps NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J- O MAXWELL to ,5.02 s WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES. 1096 CHESTNUT Street, tow doors below Elerenth •Aad 31S S. SECOND St.. below Stomou PAGYORIES.—Nos. 91 and 97 GEORGE St.. bstosr Tenth, and SECOND Street, near 'Union Ordera mute at a taw hours' nottre JOUN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholesale Dealer in Ater zoN DRY GOODS, No. 12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. oetl..flm QAVING FUND.—IINITED STATES ►►~J TRUST CO ANN, earner of TIIIRD and CREST NUT Stteetii. Large sad small sumo received, and paid back On de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST frond the day of deposit to the day ef withdrawal °(sc, hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and. on MONDAY EVENINGS from lama 9 o clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland. from £1 upwarda President—STEPLlEN R CRAWFORD Treasurer—lPLlNE FISK Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER . AMERICAN GOLD NEW roes FUNDS JAMAICAN GOLD AND NEC SOAK vr,,Nrtz, %OUGHT At rRZ gloat...sr pitsmint st DREXEL & CO it W. TINGLEY & CO.. B-A—NEERS lle No. 37 South '7IIIRD Street, PhAl_lelpho. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all ar-ce.slble points In M. United States and Canada. Stocks, .Erin.b, Bought and Sold on Corzooltntoo Unourtnat Bank Note, Chochs, tc., bought at the lonnul oleo. Peposita rat:aired and intermtt allowed, an per ILT:w -eans% ant-c,,. IVINCLIESTER ric SCOTT, GENTLE MEN 9 YORNISIIINO STORE, snd PATENT EILIOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY'. En fPsi PEESTMJT Street, above Fstsenth street. PhiL,lelph/t The etti4ttlon of Southern aul Westeru Merchant, au.). StriuMfees, fs partienlszly invited to this in.,l.,sred rat of Shit*, !heated perfect fitting article meil, At whole tele and retail, and Insole to Grther. BALE ROPE.—Buyers arc invited to call and amtudrutour Manila 112Je Rope. which . re can. can ,cll as low gia A Mariam , and vatraut it taporier cn strength and durability. . . . ' WEATIVt, FITLER A' CO. ND. 23 11 VIA*? ani rye OTEI, AND J U 3,111 EH RANGES Soli by CHADWICK. A '1313‘).. 24.,2 qECOND goaglS—amos. Jar Walker . , Jno McClure, Tho. Craven, A. S. Gillett, Tasman Sheppard. Saint Jones, M Joseph Sapp, M. +e•L^ &mit.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers