The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 22, 1857, Image 2

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emergency what was the remedy ? The judges
, of the highest court in • tho State were called
upou'th enroll; In substance', the.Goastitetien
itself, and, by an extra judicial opinion ) , a :sort
of ex post facto decree, to declare the punish
ments *paged , ' upon ' snipereilea bythe 004 7 :
stitutionlo be theruSelsies in ,suspension, and
in effect to:liberate the' banks: or the - Stater
from these punishments precisely , as if the
Constitttiitiii had ne'Verfieeirin existence:" *e
scorn, the petty business .of commiring • mo
rality • with other cities, or setting' n'oliti
standard as better than Others,. — We .ito not
take comfort from New York distresses, or
glory- over:the woes of the =West and 'Sbuitr..
These evils affect Us'in common, and the blow
aimed. by jndiciary of New York, shameful
. and shameless as : it was, -is shied' at the'
reputation of ciary 'Stet's), sad wijl ; affect our,
whole country before the natione ofthe earth
...It may tach, and we trust it:will teach; the
bitter , lesson to, those , New-' York Jnitriidis„
lately: SO - reedy 'ie. for.
hayingylelded at oncelo , the 'money pressure,
that the proudest:May:fall, and that:the ein'tif,e,
decry in Our, • neighbor ''pee, Miy;''sre May 'Ve
guilty:etthe,Miiit day,oursalyes. ~ Our_ObjeciM
this articlets simply to put on record-our ceiL
„nest protest againstthe practice whicht hia ex-
*ample' of 'Neiv t y'cirle 'May est4blith';
peal 'to who 'can diecover, the remedy
against.tbis frightful alternative, to'rpUt 'that
remedY tilt° `operation at. the agrlie l st io`aefida,
moment.:. 13„ 1. r , Z" . -{ ,••
We and in history but,one instance like that
of the judges of 'New -York in ' iirprOpe: to
the banks of thst.State,'and sieCannot refrain
believing that the instance alluded to, most die.'
reputable skit Was,isithont the 'Only
• which these judges...Could_ tlnd .to, strengthen
their betide. , :The instance is,- that of The pre- ,
siding judges of t the Court'of King's
• in the - reign' pf Xing :Qantas
judge's in council, before the trial of certain al
leged criminals; resolved to suspend the habeas
Corpus,ac‘ to deprive the accusedof many of
their rights trial to" imprison jUrois for
contumacy, and to do various other things in
violation.; ofneagna, charter; simply itntk , alone
: for the parPostrifif executing vengeance upon
all personaatirOated of hostility to the throne.
These proceedings are so similar to 'those we
are commenting uponithat we-are strongly Ws
, posed to:bellavethat they fon}ed the only tie.,
Ms tipPtt' ':New York 'judges have ,
acted.: It will be recollected that this course
of the ltritieh'.-judges in 1667, 1 nearly two Liao-'
dredyearaigo; was regarded by Parliantent / iia
'an inneVation is the trial of men for their lives
and liberties. 1 , The :Lord' Chief Justice' was :
himself brought to trial before' the bar of the'
Horse - of dotimiond for this , high';Offenee; and
was formally censured for the , course: , pursued
by hid:well and his associates. : • ,
,- ,
5~; ',: .
" „APAtic.trilry NT:‘l;
. AarikteL-7,-,4"N=4 4
1 1 1111 - RBDAYI- OCTOBER/28i .1857.
(ix mot Fraer Pactx—Att Editorial °retie
Vice-Royalty, -,of ,, lndia; a Communication
from Glens Ifarlan on, India ; Correspondence
from, Clearileki county, California , and Vir-,
&Jai / Cale of Lynch Law, in Tennessee ;
The T.fliarkisi - against', Colcini3l' Sumner ; and
General - News. ' ' '
ON THE FOURTH FROH—Poetry; De Courte
nay ; Incidents of—Sperm Whaling; Agri=
No incident ;of the suspension o s,p
paymentd4 the banks is eideulated to operate.
more to our lasting discredit • tbarrthe Manner
in whfch lavi' has been defied, and Condit:lt
tional obedience made to 'bend to the *lithos
of these' institutions. Nothing' will 'Occasion
more profound alarm to the true patriot, as he
deliberates upon this spectacle, and, gives way..
to the reflections of future dishohor,which it
suggests. That must, indeed, be an irresisti.,
ble power in the State 'which• is greater than
the State itself ; morepotent •than the lA's;
and mina comManding and ir,ioversible , than.
the Constitution itself. 'We kdow 'that it Is
urged, and Many cases,,justlY,;urked', that
these resfdts would not have falowed-suspeu
sionihad not the people , themselves been in
extrieably ; surrounded by complications with,
the banks; , had not trade felt the strong band
of the money power upon its throat; 'and' had
not mechanies and laboring men been more, or
less dependent upon this power 'for Airs
ployment and food. But , it- is well worthy
of consideration, not 'whether this wide
spread demoralisation to which we have
referred is • directly charged to the • banks,,
or indirectly followed troll"), tbeidis=
tresses of the people, but whether there will
will be any protection hereafter for, the great
interests of society under the segia of I the:law,
and whether another statute, or another 00U
stitution framed, to serve and save the people,
may not at the convenience of the' banks, :be:
over-ridden ,or sulio'rdinated, ' or utterly and
forever put down. This is the question. 'lf
we ltiok over pie list of laws adopted, bi the
several States of this Union for the restraint
of banks of issue; if we read the prOvisions
of thd several Constitutions,' Some of Well
make suspension almost a penal offence, and
others of which prohibit the circulation 'of'
any bank notes ;whatever, we will be impresied
alike by the, severity of these several, enact
ments, and by the consciousness that they can=
not be' Wielded,' and were neier intended to be
violatedivith impunity. • ,
The case of the banks of New York prel
Bents such a, picture as may well excite'the
gloomiest apprehensions. They , were In-
Whited from suspension by a constitutional
provision. The Legislature'tOuld give, them'
no relief. long " period of time, mist have
elapsed before they could have 'been released
from the' penalties imposed for such attimeri-'
sion, and hefirie such releatie coidd come, ac
cording to the terms of the Constitution itself;
they. must have gone Into liqftidation, land
have utterly •passe4,out of existence. ' In this
The Rvenini Poal 'estimate's "the iednetion
of the eircidition of the country since the first
of May last, by the depreciation, of railroad
stocks, bonds, acceptances; tke„ $4OO l ,-
, — ,So by the .pro.c,tical 'dekructiOli of
some f l our hundred millions of paper currency
in the country within the past six ,months} a
vacuum' has" haen made' which alma) must
Jill. Assuming, for the, *the , illustration,
that there are $800,000,000 of specie •in the
country, and without reference to our preign
balances, that Specie is now worth just , twice
as much as it was before the destruction of
four hundred millions of circulating medium..
Just as fast as :paper securities began to be
discredited, in other words to ":he withdrawn,
of course the price of gold advanced,: As
gold advanced " debtors' thuhd themselv,ea, ,
obliged. to pay more to take „up their' notes.,
The goods for which the retailer gave his prti
mise to pay one 'thousand dollars in May are
not now worth but $500; net becatise the
goods have'deprecinted,but becausi gold bap
appreciated.„ Every merchant, therefore, who
was extended, has to pay twice as much now
as he promised to pay when he gave his note;,
and every creditor who is paid, gets twice -as
much as ho is entitled to ; and for 'the same
reason. "commercial community could
withstand Such a tax , upon its•business T no
legislation can meet such exigencies.' , ,
With these facts in view, and assuming that
no one's property is worth half as much geld
to-day as It was six months ego, let no One
auppose,that the difference can be made up by.
legislation'. The relief lies within ours lvee:
We must take a leaf from the book of the un
- just steward. Those who owe us ten pounds
we Must tell to write down five, If we will have
it in gold. •Xf we can wait, a currency will
soon grow up from the common necessities of
the community to take the place'of a • Portion
that has been annihilated, and then the people
will be able to meet their engagements and or-,
der will be' restored. There need net Decease
- rily be'any very great sacrifices submitted to.
The barks, Minhot be worind uPglintil a plenty.
of time has elapsed for them to provideDdme .
substitute 'that can discharge their • proper
need be' no sensible ;Italian
- tion of the prOperty, the actual Wealth of the
country,' 'if immediate' ateps 'are' taken, as,
- there doubtless will be; to , . commerce
' with the West; all we 'have to do kilo keep
steadily view the' fact that gold,
- great deal Mere relatively than It used- to be,
- -"and other
_preperty proportionately less f.that
the whole property of the cow* , settles
• - together, and that when We get, to the' nadir
of-Ithe,tiparfelid-horizon, if we:du
.lejeupy the seine relitive,
position that we did when we were ,iit its
fifia th,
Much misapprehension prevails concerning
me late stay law, and we deal a few width! of
explanation necessary to coV'n° 9Fl i f,
'prevalent errors. It is imagyie 1 / o f9w °;
hate never read the sixth Asictionpf the so-,
called Relief Law, thtt 1110 :0 4Ne,,ntt0,,n :9 1. ..:
debts is interdicted for 'ail yeitiVellotillat'lr sii'
'map is sued, all he has to do is to claim a stay
'of execution, and it is granted. But this is a
'geese error. The , new law, like the old, re
quires security for the debt. That security is
bf two kinilailittel r/itl Mfg brined by the
debtor, to the amount of the Judgment ob
taitiwithitatiiirlitiChirtilettir rithilthhiiiitea;'
or else the :personal 'security , of some third
pinion, who le ahleito,satisfy,the i court of his'
ofteiency •to,';,ussnilie the neW i lifibility which
he ndertakes to.incur4 , , , • .. ~,., : . .
;',..The , Moat material change : 'that 'has been the law as it stood
,prior to the.
18th of October, 1857, consists in the fact that
"O'ii , yent, lit 'alleWed ;as ,a' Stay Of exeCution on
'all jMigieents, withoniregare to amounts, where
,tbh i debtor is ;able :to comply with either 'of
theiceeiitulittens i ,; Wliereaa hithorte 'the ',tithe
of. I the , ,atay Alai been graduated , accord
,lug I, to 'UM ationnt' of the debt.':' On judg
inentalifireaftert, `ehtelhed,' ;the 'stay is to
be computed , •howl. the first day of the term
16,Which Milt ilt,brought. A judgment debtor
cop d, always. plead. tiis fr'eeh'old, but that
free old , :' col listed 'of sishicumbered "real
.eitete., liTer4',he ,le allowed 'to plead his`
if his estate be worth the debt
;Ow* and above existing inctimlirances. ln'
this; respect' Ake': law ,has • beena: modified.
Hitherto, . on judgments before ', aldermen,
three, six, or' nine , months , stay 'has been al
lowed, 'and, hi _court, six, nine, or twelve
ininitba; according ' 'to 'the' aniount, of the
judgineut; alsd the *if was obtained either by
"pltutding a fieehold worth the amount of the
,judgment; and - o frek faint ' ininuilbranc'es, hr
'by ;entering ' tile security of a responsible
'pillion.' ,Now,- the.,time. ,is,.made , uniform, ,
than is, one year; •Withill* 'ognid• to the,
sumreeevered., ',
,sts' ,gailr'ther
e . meet he
`,Swiftly.. ~Th ere is 'no . such • thing' as' a
stays withent:SeenritY, 'and this 'egregious
ignitrance ,pi' the;jaw.-should ho at once
corrected: i There are also- qualifications
`Midi exeentionii,2 in the , act, of,lBth ,Of
Oethber, 18g, which go tar-to eprive' a
. f . .if the benefit seemingly held out' to
hinai I,fholiaalo.o hie atay, 'or tf he has waived
it, lie cannot demand the new stay. 'lndeed,
this! provision ;Of the recent' act; like many'
,Otbere. to be filiftuf in it, promises to be relief
0n133 in name—an empty sliadciw, and a feeble
bepe.,, It will not prevent the bringing of a
'single , suit; , ,and we venture to express -the
opiion that ;there is. not one' case , in ten,'
perhaps not cone, in ; flfty, in which the
debtor. can comply with its requirements,
in lider te avail lilineelf of its se-called bene
fits. f Already Rq courts have , decided . a
iudrit which has deprived the law of more than
halfitii promise, and every day new questions
'will risewbieh judicial precedents will settle
',age st'the debtor. '
i t
~,T e'attelifit tiirellevetheembarrassments of ]
debtors by Stay Laws has always proved u n. I
fortnate. It was Signally so in, 1841. Ilk
mois we,believe, was the first State that tried
the experiment, and Its failure became quite
con teno ns . lii that State' a law • was passed
, , mortgagors
givi ig to twelve months to redeem
the mortgaged 'property from the purchaser at
'sheriff's mile, and Prohibiting the .Sale, from
,bel°made for less than two-thirds of its op.
prai value.., The Supreme Court of the
Ifni ' Slates,. in , the i case of Bronson as.
Hip iei'reporhutin '1 Howard, Zit, decided
thatithiftlaw so altered the remedy. f the. cre- 1
Alto! as to impair the obligation of the con-
tract,' . and "Wes 'therefore :uneoilstitlitional.
Babiediuentli in McCrlicken -vs. ,Hayward,. 2
Holm!, 608, they, applied this same doctrine to
jiidgmenri - exifiting'.at , the ,timil the act was
passt'd. ' Ne..luitine ,lirmartu, . who delivered
the pinion of the' court in' that case, 'stilted
the Principle on which the decision was made,
to b that ac if any. subsequent law (subsequent
tote judgitient) 'affect to diminish the duty
or I pair the
1 2
light, it necessarily beais'on the
bbli ation of the contract in &dor of one par
"the injury. of the ;"'andlre further
:obsetried, ff that any law, which •in its opera.
Beni amounts to a field* or obstruction of the
s righa aceininiby a heritra4t, though, profess
leg o o act only on the remedy, is 'directly oh:
niixxitis to the protiibition of the OtonstitutiOn.4
Tilleinplitielingiisige and thiesound conga
tnti nal &Orin° lies again distinctly re-affirmed
by t eStili4 l 'Opouit,6e,tlfii TrAa St'in in
the I case , Of,Grentlee's Lessees, 3 Howard,
"707.. It has. aid? . but •` very' recently received
the approbation:Cie Older ; .I,liatiCe Lisivis of
our awn Supreme , Court,' in. the case' of the
9,:eatern l • Saying*,unikei i . the ell' of Phila.
delAida, repotted in one' of, the .ettiTont num
bergof the Ametticcits Ian!: /Moue.' Indeed,
roniagb,enr'Snirerail,Ocind held that the act
of 2 t ;t3th March, 1814, allowing a stay of seven
'yea 'to delitqa who obtained , thb consent of
tWoirds of their creditor's In numbers and
value, Was: constitutional only as applied to
those who hee . anie creditors idler , the passage
6f the set; and without pausing to discuss how
fareh s a qualified doctrine
this is ire
' pair d' by the more recent and authoritative
deli ions of the Supreme Court of the United
Star s,. we may, properly : point out the
fact l that it is still guarded by the prin.
cipld that ; the, coutmet of the parties shall
'net ibo interfered with by legislative enact=
i 1 FPOPimen.9! l,3 B4llative tinkering, the
act f lath October, 1857-Asa marvel and a
'curiosity. One would think that our law-ma
kers, ad stultified themselves against the most
'familiar principles of legal science. ' But we
kne‘v that there were sound lawyers, both in
,gie, enate and the House, who raised their
,voids; but in • vain, in opposition to its ob
noxious features. A happy Ignorance of the
bonjtitution of the United States, and of num
herless decisions' undertt;'is, Meat compla
cently exhibited in the provisions which make
it Obligatory upon a creditor to receive pay
ment of his just debt hi Mich intaifilnithe hanks
,are,iutiforized to use ; which forbid the sale of
colkderals for the period of six 'months after
the assag e,of the act, and which allow char
iere companies who have made a aolemn con
trichto' pay en'demend erecter an agreed time,
two !months, longer than, IS speeitled in this
'contract. This; we know; is the ago of pro
gresii;itl we;ara tirapikedfor,all tbings. But
such legislation as this is reform going back
' I H" : ' , „'`! H , ' .
TIE ta t pENNIirLVAPpI4.
co • bleatng Kansas has susPended its
rogu, r Instalments of reanufactnrod sympathy,'
and gone into hanitruptei miertho fact that the
majolity of the people, have ruled In that Terri
tory;there,hisbeen a'steady stampede into the,
054n i terittic
' A y one glanelng over the returns' of the
last, aleatlOn'tn, this '4tate will,'swi,the proof, of
this „ , ,
need' not! take' into
,tonsideration the
vote ihrciivii for kr. ZiE HUH f 6,• because it
is. Manifest• that it the Democratic party is
true to itself; all this vote will hencefor
ward. ,be enrolled under our banner.
Fierir citizen who voted for Mr. iIAZLNIIVOST
had More or., less c on thlenze in the Democr atic
partY. Those who still call. themselves Arne
ricani, most see that Americanism has become
an ohsolote , ides, , and :thole" who separated
titiemselves from the Democratic party on the
tarifilquestion cannot deny that the represen-'
latives (it the Democr acy of this Stste,.at near
,a 1 the recent sessions .of Congress," have
steadily resisted special legislation against the
iron ,nterests, and this example will be steadily
follorVed hereafter, whether our interests are
assailed by the extremists of the South'or the
Republicaup of the North. There is also one
principle in common between the Americans
and' Denwerals—Wri mean the principle of
devotion to the Federal Custitutiok—and it
is impossible that this principle should not
bring us together, in view of the fact, as we
have stated, that' ether 'twines' have passed out
of existence, beginning with the' buttress
of secret societies,: and ending
With 1 the Silly , Kansas farce, which. has
been I pretty Well
played out, al demon
tinted' by, the late elections. But 'these
prospect*/ . impese • certain positive duties
UpliniDemoorats‘ =lf they are equal to these
the', Propliefy, hail Made will, im
; if they are not equal to them, we
Shill relapse into our old 'divisions, and fight
old battles over on the fossil remains of con
temptible att*iosities.
trofeeeer, Agasetst haw received s tempting
offer from the Emperor of Prange to Wilt o' poet
,of high honor, in that country, the protectorship of
:petcohtology inliteNtieunt of Natural History at.
Paris) but; be has declined. the proffered dhitino•
tt*tr, Essi,4liiitAlitllA , iliAi ttioit§tiAY, 6i)?ronErt isst
By the Europa, which lefaiverpoolork the
10th inst., wo have three ,tdays littoOiecvs.
Tile Indian mail had not ai4i'Ved at 'ol:4,:above
date; iiOr E ltieeil,"ernild considerad'due
the - 1.
:th. Elsewhere; ',and at length, we
!have notleo the reportsi that Lord PANNING
had bid recalle4 from India,. and that (ac
tually without any warrant for doing lie) Queen
VICTORIA was to be proclaimed Enipress of
Hindostan, at Calcutta. Mrs. GLA£43'B receipt
fiir cooking a hare would be of use here, only,
instead of "First catch your hare," it might
run "First re-take Hindostan."
- The'news of the eonlinuance and increase of
our commercial and. monetary -troubles had
reached England and France, and the almost
immediate' effect was to . tighten . the mo.
,nay-market in every commercial . district
of Europe where •the news bad reached.
Consols, which were 001. on the 6th, had de
clined to 891 on the 10th, 'a fall of nearly two
per cent. " The' Bank. of England lied raised its
rates of discount to 6 Percent,' but' elsewhere
it was 7 per cent. and upWards. The bullion
in its vaults had increased £618,000. The
drain of gold, from England, had commenced,
and the k'atropa brings over £68,160 in specie.
,Further large•shipments of gold were expect
ed, and the United States and India would
draw away as much as two or three millions
sterling in a few weeks, itwas expected. The
feeling in the London money market •was
that the worst had eventuated here, and that
people wore neediessfy panic.struck. The
'Arabia would carry out • .the news that
the ' Now York Banks had suspended
specie payments; ,which intelligence would
produce a very different and lees favor
able impression: Meanwhile the Market re
port is "Advance in Cotton—Decline in
Breadstuffb." ' How curious it is that when
cotton is up, breadstuffs are down. We seldom
find an exception to this..
Of political news there is little, except that
the religious feiid (induced by the street
preaching of the Rev. Mr. HANNA and his
friends) which had led Belfast to' be placed
Udder Martial Law, was, so far from subdued,
thatthe Irish Executive had been compelled
to extend the limita:of the Proclaimed district
around Belfast to , prevent people depositing
fire-arms just outside of that 'town; and
"mighty couvaynient" ter immediate resump
tion', in the event of "a bit of a scrimmage."
Apropqs of Ireland: CATHARINE HATES, her
best! ballad-singer, had changed her condi
tion, having been married in London, in her
thirty-eighth year, to Mr. Bushnell, of New
York. •
The expected death of FREDERICK WIL
LIAM IV., King of Prussia, is spoken of in the
EurOpean journals. He has just completed his
tiftyleighth year, but his constitution is tinder
stool' to have been undermined since 1848, by
his addiction to the excessive use of intoxi
cating drink. When he ascended the throne,
(June, 1840,1 and for several succeeding years,
FREI/ERICK Watisu was one of the most de
senidly-popular sovereigns in Europe. The
manner in which, during the year of revo
lutions (18480 he professed the moat liberal
opinions, and acted most tyrannically, will
ever be his reproach, living or dead. He
has been truly characterized as "time-serv
ing, vacillating, and insincere." As he has no
child, ho would be aucceeded by his brother,
FREpERIC WILLIAM LEWIS, Prince of Prussia,
and father of the young gentleman who is to
marry the Princess Royal of England. He is
a military martinet, with the, character of
being an Absolutist in politics. In 1848, he
certainly showed a leaning that way, and quit
ted IPrusia, for a time, in consequence.
But he never took any vary decided political
parti and, with his character for good sense
and ilain dealing, would be as likely as not
to govern Prussia with liberal and paternal
The crowded state of our
,columns has pre.
vented us from earlier calling attention to the
folleWing correspundence, between the lion.
Tuolus B. FLORENCE, the energetic and at
tent(vis representative in Congress from the
flrst'district, and President itumotezr. Any
one who knows the good heart of Col. PLo
nruce,'and his Warm attachment to the people
of Its district, and also the' strong feeling en
tertained by the President for the working-
Leen; of Philadelphia, will not be surprised that
an appeal, so gracefully arid earnestly made,.
has been attended with success :
i PUILADELPHIA, October 10th, 1857.
To 41s Excellency . 4:4If . 6II . BUCTIANAN, Prteident
of the United Stater
Alf Dein. Sin :, There is great distress in our
midst. Hundreds 'of operatives of the various
trades are at this moment unemployed. The sud
den 4rrest of all business, produced by the crisis
in monetary' affairs, ' has plunged entire families
in the deepest gloom. There is a dreary prospect
forte working and laboring classes in the ap
prottalaingYalement season., Winter, with, all its
seve i
i f
ty, is well nigh upon us. It is a duty to
pro do for the needy, and Clod ' s blessing will
folio all efforts made to alleviate suffering. It has
own red to my mind that a means of doing so is
In year power. At the last Congress an appro.
priation was made for building five sloops of war,
witffiauxillary steam power. If one of those yes
ids 'were constructed at our navy yard, and
orders given' to commence work immediately, much
relief would be given to hundreds' depending upon
their labor, or the proceeds of the work of their
hands, for bread and raiment. Our mechanics
and artisans are skilful, indeed unexcelled, in their
peculiar vocation. Vessels of war and machinery,
constructed in our eity, aro proverbial for efficiency
and perfectness. There is assurance, therefore, of
the production of a vessel which will fully realise
the expectations of the Navy Department, and be
a specimen of naval architecture of Which we all
may ,bo proud. I bog you,therefore, to please in
dicate your desire that the orders solicited to tut
oomptish tho purpose referred to may be issued at'
the cultist practicable moment, and the eel, I
assure you, will merit and receive the generous
approval of an entire community.
frtilY your friend, ' THOMAS B. FLORENCE.
[The favor of an early ',error solicited.] '
WABIURUTON, 16th October, 1857
MY DEAR SIR: In 'answer to your favor of tho
10th 'instant, I am happy to inform you that the
Government have determined to build ono of the
now Noops at Philadelphia Navy Yard.
From your friend, vary respeotfully,
iron. Thomas B Floronoo
Wo notice with much gratification that,
while candidates aro presented for Speaker,
Door-keeper, and Postmaster of the new
Houk, of, Representatives, but ono name is
mentioned for Sergeant-at-arms--that of ADAM
J. GiOSSI3IIF.NNER, of York county. This is
a jus't tribute to an honest and upright public
officer, who, with very distinct and emphatic
Democratic politics, is ueVor a candidate in
the House of Representatives without receiv
ing slarge number of votes from other parties.
We take it for granted that Mr. GcossualCNNEß
will be re-elected without opposition.
081460866. Octobar, 1867.
Counti 'ri ' ' '
El .2 046 g
1 A .
: A r a 5, 0: Ft
Adame, 39 -- 4454 --
Allegheny, 4226 • -- ' *lOB9
Armstrong, 395 I Ml* _
Beaver, • --- , 049 -- 400
Bedford, 33 : ,-- 770* —.-....
Berke 0061, 5972* -- --
Blair,' _ goo* -_
Bradford, .L- 1 3976 *3050 i
Bucki, 650 ' 948*
Butler 603 ,--- -- 1
Cambria, 1188 1337*
Carbon, 053 886* --
Centro, 821 518* _._ --
Cheater, 440 320*
Clarldn, 957 —.-- --
Cleariteld, 660 , 734.* --. 7
Clinton 131 -- 320 ---
Columbia, 1099 "1260* —- -
Crawford; 1 1760 ' 600
Cumberland, 251 812*
Dauphin, --- 525 451* -
Delaware, 519 * 16
111 k, 239 --
Brie,' 2103 -- __ * 1320
Payette, /83 600 , --
Franklin, -- 110 128* _
Fulton, 233 817* --
Green, 1089 -- -- ---
Huntingdon, 280 71*
Indiana, 1817 —..- 1000
Joilersou, —, 123
Juniata, 49 -- --
,Lauceater, 2444 * 1202
Lawrence, 1678 *NO
Lebanon 684 '— 4 084
Lehigh, ' 871 ---- 848* ---
Luzern°, 1021 1782* -- ---
10+comitig, 397 -- 11402 -- —.
McKean, 232 --
Mercer, . 838 -- k 389
Man ,19 315* -- --
1 Monroe, 1619 . 1400*
Montgomery 1044 -- 2840* _
Montour, 561 612*
Northampten,232o 2957* --s-
Horthumb'd, 1178 1887*
Perr; 87 _ 401*
Phila y delphia, 3484 17748* --
Pike, 591 500*
Schuylkill, 1738 2aa
---_, 2901* _-
Somerset, 774 _ _
Snyder, 254 10* -- --
Baliquthanna 1104 • _ 700
lialltrao, ' 187 ---,-- 204*
Tlogs, 2678
VilioEl, ......-- . 440 -- _ * 304
Venting°, 26 •----,,-
Warren, 492 --- -__ _
Witahlnton, 108
Wayne, 187 _-- , 801* -..._ ___
WeatmorePd, 635 ' 913* . _
Wyoming, .' 41 -- ' 500
York, 1482 ' 2638 * - -
• • .. 82,605 29,602
Those marked with an asterisk [k] are official
. Mr. Neafie has just finished a brilliant engage
nkent' , at Dubuque. Maggie Mitchell was an
lion. James B. Clay—Appointments—Wagon
Roods—Decision of the Land Office—Shawnee
Lnu &e.—llloop.or.Wer—lron Work—Na
val Intelligence—Maryland Elections, Sec.
WABITINCITON, October 21.—110 n. Janos 1.11. MAT 1s
in town. Ile has received tho congratulations of a host
of friends
Josarn ham +atm appointed United Rates
District Attorney for Georgia, in placo of tionuon, ro
PHILIP R. FitNl/ALL, Jr. ' of California, has been
appointed &second lieutenant in the marine corps; vier
Jens L. Simone, promoted to po f i first lieutan,apt.
The Vert Kearney and Hopei Lobe wagon-road patty
were about sixty miles west of Port Laramie on the 6th
of September. All hands were well, but their propose
rhadtmenelow. This election of the road would not be
completed this [mason. Advice[ from the western divi
sion of this road, under Mr. KICK, are very favorable.
Me was then a short distance from tho termination of
his work—the City Rocks—aud would probably return
to California late la the fall.
by private advices from the RI Paso and Fort Flint&
Road it is learned that the expedition under Colonel
Tatou had arched at Fort Chadburnu, Texas, on the
131 h of September. This party bad experienced severe
weather, which had delayed their progress There had
been considerable sickness he camp. Col. LliAoll had
been left at. Fort Chadburne until the ox train in the
tear arrived.
Maier Bwonv has boon relieved from duty lU the
Mexican Boundary Commission. The work has been
accomplished, and the multi aro nearly roady,for pub
Maps showing the laterelNig and fifteen miles limits
of the g Southern railroad," Mississippi, from Jackson
to the Alabama State line, have been filed in the Amo
ral Land Office by tho agent of the State, in view of the
grant to Mississippi by act of Congress approved 11th
August, 1856.
The attention of the proper department has been at
tracted to the Bales in the loves Trust cession, also In
the Delawares, East and West, and in the reserve for
the Peerless, Plankeshawe and Wastrel:skies. It will h
remembered that In the Delaware cession there are
the towns, via: Hartville, Jacksonville, Lattaville,
Leavenworth, and Sevier, two of which ware re
quired, under treaty and acts of Congress, to be
'mid for tbo benefit of the Indians. Adjustments of
sales for the Peorlas, and the Eastern part of the Dela
ware lands, Including (farts tile and Jacksonville, have
already been made. Thosothera are under advisement.
The Shawnee lands in Kansas are attracting general
observation. They are situated in what io known as the
Pawnee district, and In the most southern part of that •
Territory. These lands ,are very ins Mug, and
white settlers are crowding in to the discomfort
and i prejudice of the Indians, who are guar
antied from disturbance by treaty stipulation.
Energetic measures will be taken by the authori
ties for au early and satisfactory adjustment 'of this
matter, ao av to discriminate what aro public lands
liable to be disposed of to settlers and others, and what
should be allotted to these Indians
In relation to the accretions made by Lake Bolivar,
Sliisissippi, the general principle laid down by the
general Land Office, in connection with all such cases,
is, that, if the lake Is a permanent body of water,
the owners of land extending to it would hold,
as riperian proprietors, whatever accretions might
be found in their several tracts, by the reces
sion of the water; but if It should be found
that the lake was not a permanent body of water,
but was shallow ; that it may disappear by the operation
of natural causes, such as evaporation—then the land
covered thereby is the property of the United Mates;
over which the lines of the public surveys should be ex
tended, and iu that case would be liable to sale as other
public laud
Preparations are making at the Navy Departuteut for
the Construction of a sloop-of-war at the Philadelphia
navy yard. Wasvgaveue's contract and drawings will
be completed this week, and immediately thereafter the
drawings, &c., will be made for the Philadelphia sloop.
Weeny, who has the contract for furnishing the iron
work for the Now York sloop, will have his forging done
by the forges at Reading.
Tho Clovernor of Maryland, apprehending a recur•
ranee at the approaching general election of the dis•
graceful scenes which characterized the recent election
in Lattimore, lately addressed a letter to the President,
requesting the use of the United States troops stationed
at Pcirt Dlclleury t to prevent any disturbances which
might arise It is said that the President refused to
comply with the request, saying, very justly, that the
civil power of Maryland ought to he sufficient to pre
serve order within its limits.
Captain J. It. MUNTOOMIUT has been entered to re
lieve Captain Pa/M3Ol on the Third Naval Court. The
lattot boo been appointed to the command of the Pow
listen, now fitting for sea.
The store-ship Supply is preparing for sea at the New
York navy yard. She will take supplies to the African
and Brazilian squadron..
The following is a list of her officers: lieutenant
commanding, A. P. Y. Gray; first lieutenant, Aaron
K. llughes; second lieutenant, John Kell; third lieu
tenant, loaeph D. Bloke; fourth lieutenant, Janes 11.
Gilli+; passed assistant surgeon, P. 3. Horwitz.
Tun STRAII-FUTOATE POWLMIN.—The steam-frigate
Powhnten is now fitting for Ilea at the Norfolk navy
yard, and will Join the East India Squadron as flag
ship The following is a list of her officers:
Captain, Geo. Y. Pearson; Brat lieutenant. 4. D.
Johnston;econd dot, S. D. Trenchard ,• third dor.', W.
W. Roberts ; i' fourth do.. T. Rout' ; fifth do.,
tw it,
Between; sixth do., A. W. Haißrsharn; fleet sury,eon
W. 11. Apottsoood; plumed auletant surgeon, O. W.
Willtruoson ; assistant surgeon, 'J. W. Sandford;
pure4r, B. P. Gallaher '; captain of marines, A. 8.
P vier ; acting master, Robert Boyd; chaplain; Henry
Wood ' boatswain, Edward Kenney; gunner, Henri
Pitzothortio; carpenter, J. G. Thomas; alilmaker, A.
A. Warren; chief engineer, W. 11. Shock; first ahala.
tent engineer, W. 11. Ruthaford; second aSsistont engi
neer, G. W. City; third assistant engineers, W. W. Dun•
gao, N. R. Archer, Q. 8. Bright, William H. King.
X. Y.
The Custom House Robbery at Richmond—
, England's Neutrality relative to the Nicara
guan Transit Route—The Secretary of the
Navy—Offielal Visit to New York by the Se
cretory of War—The Wagon Road Expedl•
WASHINGTON, Octobor2l.—A despatch from Richmond
states that both the robbere concerned in the plunder
ing of the custom house in that city are now in O
men there. Of the money stolen, $lO,OOO have been re.
Assurances have been officially given that lfinglatel
will not interfere with any arrangement which the
United States may propose with Nicaragua In rela
tion to the transit route. Thus, all objection is with
drawn by Great Britain.
The friends of Secretary Toucey confidently assort
that he will retain his position as Secretary of the Navy.
Ilia declination of a Neat on the bench of the Supreme
Court is now being considered couchisive °lithe* sub
The Secretary of War left Washington this morning,
for New York, on official business, including an inspec
tion of the defences of that city.
The El Paso and Port Yuma wagon road expedition
were'at Port Ohadburue, Texas, on the 13th of *tom-
Ler. The severe rains which bind fallen had delayed
their progress aver the plains, and caused sickness in
the camp, Including that of Mr. Leach, the superin•
tendent. They expected to reach El Pam on the 16th
The Fort Kearney and Hooey Lake wagon road expe
dition, under Magma, were at a point 70 miles west of
Fort Laramie, on the 6th of September, all well.
The Southern Mull.
Wd2IIINOTON, Oct. 21.—The Southern mall (umbilici
pullers from all points South as late au this ; but they
contain op news or special Intermit.
The cravings Sank of Mobile closed Ito doors on the
16th must.
Arrival of the eahawba at New Orleans—Over
half a million In Spreir—Deellne In Sugars—
Capture of another Slaver.
New ORLEANS, October 11.—The United States mail
steamship Columba, from New York via Ilavrma on the
18th Instant, has arrived at this port
She brings over hall a million in specio Tho health
nr the Island was in good condition.
Business was more active. Sugars had declined. The
stock In port amounted to 180,000 boxes.
Another slaver had been captured off the coast. She
had on board at the time about 540 negroes.
The Missouri Legislature—Message of Gov
Br. Louis, Orttober 21:—The senate organized yenter
day, by electing Benjamin V. 'leaser es secretary.
The message of the Governor was submitted. Go
vernor Jackaou, in referring to the deterioration of the
State credit, and the check given to the railway wit=
by the monetary cries, recommends the
,Legialature to
take decisive measured to secure, beyond all question,
the honor and credit of the State. He recommends such
amendment to the railway system as will enable core
pardon to Name work so fir done, and ultimately to
complete the roads;also, to place such additional guarde
Upon the banking system u will confine it within ltd
legitimate limits, and tend to expel depreciated
paper ,from State. Iu order to accomplish
this,; the, Governor advises that no snore State
bonds shall be iesued; that a tax be levied to *over
the whole amount of interest en the bonds of the State;
that the State bath a representation in the different
boards, in proportion to the amount of bonds Issued to
roads; that the bonds of the State In future shall be
dispoied of by an agent appointed by the Executive,
the *coeds to be delivered to the oflleets of the moveral
companies; that the Board of Public Works bo em
powered to penetrate into the details of the manage
ment of the different roads; that ono bank In the city of
St Louis be made a clearing house; and that whenever
a bank shall have failed to redeem Ito clreulation,at the
clearing house, the bank commissioner shall close It in
accordance with the existing law.
The GOvernor eontends that legislation In regard to
bank suspensions can only result in producing greater
difficulties than those they are intended to alleviate. lie
believes that whenever a private booker or broker sus
pends payment, hie assets should be placed in the bands
of a trustee for equitable distribution among his credi
The amount of State bonds duo to railroad communes
ou the 13th of October was $7,000,000.
(love rnorfilewart will probably be inaugurated today
Front Nebraska—Arrival of the Utah Expedi
tion at Fort Kearney.
BT. LOUIS, Oct. 21.—Advices from Fort Kearney to
the' 4th of September, whith bars been received, state
that Col. Johnson, with the Utah Expedition, had air..
rived there. Tho 6th infantry, eight companies of the
10th, and two battalions of artillery had reached Fort
Laramie on the 7th ult.
Col. Crook, with Mx companies 'of dragoons, was ex
petted to arrive at Hort Kearney on the sth instant.
The weather was favorable, and there were indica
thins of a late fall.
Arremt of a Murderer.
New Yoie, October 21.—A young man named James
Rogers, aged about eighteen years of age, was arrested
to day at Now Brunswick, on the charge of having
murdered Mr. John Swenson, in 10th avenue, en Satur
day evening. The latter was walking with his wife at
the time the stab wee inflicted. Rogers is Implicated in
the murder by a companion who was with hint et the
time, and he has made a confession.
' ,Financial Affairs at St. Lout*
Sr. Lome, Oct. 21.—A large meeting of the merchants
of this city was bold at the Exchange yesterday. It wee
resolved that the notes of all solvent banks of tho coun
try be taken at par. Several private banking instill'.
iona are receiving all currency on deposit.
Further Foreign intelligenoe by the
rholoAblot of this ahretifor of tho .Ensperore.
Hamm, Oct. 21.—The following additional Rani. of
foreign news were received by the Europe.
The effect of tho American monetary crisis has been,
sesetely felt is Parie; owing to the nun-receipt of ex.'
pectdd ratultauces.
Money wee very scarce, and there was every prospect
of the bank rescinding the recent measures of relaxa
tion, if not to advance the rates of discount.
The most reliable secounte of the late ending of the
nrotTned heads of Europe stab that the principal ob
jects of the meeting Wore tomtit° a reduction in 'the
standing armies, in order to relieve the financial dial
cattle' of the various Goverrunonts. The difficulty of
obtaining loans had rendered a reduction of exponal
tures IndiSpensable.
BitMOO VON Otlftelli of an approaching conference at
Paris on the Danish qusetlon, affairs of Italy, the union
of the Principalities, and a general reduction of Euro
pean gramme.
TWO apeculators in stock's on the Bourse had abscond
`ellzlo'ne being a defaulter to the amount of 3,000,000
francs, and the other nearly 2,000,000 francs.
Ms reported that a direct communication le about to
be established between Trleate and New York through
the Lloyd's Moamar.
No official intelligence had been received that the
Queen bad accepted the re:lip:Mien of the Narvaoz
,`,Oras said that General de 11Gruel hod been notni
ttled Captain General of Cuba, but the decree had not
made Its appearance in the official gacette.
The project for the union of the two branches of
the Bourbon family was under discussion in high
Latter.—litsnaio, October s.—The Journals folly
Confirm tho acceptance by the Queen of the resignation
of the Nam= cabinet,
'ha Bank of Rolland bas raised the rats of discount to
t tier cont.
The financial pressure at Vienna continues very severe.
Oue broker committed suicide and another aboconded,
being a defaulter to a large amount. Numoroue failures
have oleo occurred.
The Vienna correspondent of the Map nays it wee
creditably reported that direct communication well
about to ho established between Trieste and New Varle t
by means of Lloyd's steamers.
The Dank of Prussia has raised the rate of discount to
6% per cent
The health of the King of Prussia te falling rapidly,
and fears are entertained that Ids death Is sear. All
the foombers of tho Royal Family are assembled at
- The King of Saxony has paid a brief visit to the King
of Prussia, and it was considered that thin was the !oat
of the royal interview for the Peasou.
A reduction of 25 por cont. in the export duty of how p
had been decreed in the Pontifical States.
The trlal or the parties engaged In the recent lrleur
rectlonary attempt In Italy commenced on the 2Stb
September at Palermo.
The solemn entry of Prince Broderick W of
Prusela, and the Princess Royal of England, 'into Berlin,
after:thoir marriage, ie axed for Febrar7 234 • Great
preparations aro making for impelling oar emonwg,
Negotiations have been opened at Bt. Petersburg for
atrogty of commerce with Austria.
. Biz Russian vessels having disembarked troops at
Alesio, they ce,tried the Bazaar and destroyed the ship
ping lying in port
The Maslen Minister of Marine officially reports the
loss of the lino-of-battle ship Lefort, cud that all on
Loan; perished, including 13 officers, 743 seamen, 63
women, and 17 children. The same storm caused other
disasters with great loss of life in various parts of the
Ac4ounts from Turkey state that the town of Caiat
has been nearly destroyed by fire.
The financial conditiod of Turkey le unchanged.
Paper money has depreciated 20 per centutu.
Tho commission for settling the Turko-Ruestan fron
tiers ln Asia hue concluded Its labors, and the English
and Wrench commissioners arrived at Conetantinople on
the 27th of September.
eThe Russian Government has inflicted a severe pun
ishment on the parties who violated the gravel of the
English end Front& In the Crimea
The losurreetlons In Persia have been suppressed
No later &deices from India have been received, but
passengers arrived In England by the last mail steamez
report that Nena Sahib is resolved not to be taken alive
by le Itritish troops. Ile 'has a body guard, who
have tflet orders to kill him in case he le in danger of
being captured.
The steamer Indus, with the heavy portion of the
last Adieu mail, had arrived at Southampton. She had
nearly £400,000 in Australian gold en board.
paemengers say that almost the only man who es
caped the wiseacre at Cawuporo bad gone raving mad.
Wheiii they left Calcutta, only 3,000 pemone had arrived
there!eince the outbreak.
There are said to be 30,000 en utnteern between Osten
pore iud Lucknow.
H. is considered doubtful whether Commit Cumin can
&arena the river Unita, as It Is lined with forts, well
manned by mutineere.
AL he last accounts outy 3,000 British troops had ar
rived l at Calcutta Maratha outbreak.
It Is (eared that the garrison at Lucknow will fall be
fore iiSsiabtoce can possibly arrive.
Letters from Chloe receives! at Paris rays that the
Viceroy Yoh has Weed a proclamation, attributing the
departure of the !Wallah troops for India to the fear
ortated by hie ualitery preparation,.
Tilt adds that the new Obineee deeta will soon appear
and scatter the barbarian vessels. The proclamation
conelides by proposing fresh taxes for the maintenance
of the Imperial troops.
It vias believed by many at Calcutta, that when some
English troops arrive out, the mutiny will suddenly
censol and the Sepoys will bring money and treasures,
and Uy down their Orion. They are In much terror of
English soldier*
Luoknow, it wit feared, would fall before azalatatice
could`come to it.
TWO slavers have been captured on the west coast of
Africa. One of them was an American-built brigantine
called the Sarah Jane.
Late dates from the west coast of Africa have boon
' recelied in England.
A slaver, with one hundred and ninoty-one slaves on
board, had been captured by the 'British steamer Ante
lope, bff Idollab,
Palm oil was scarce, and trade generally dull.
An; American-Ludt , brigautino, culled the " Sarah
Jane,} , hed been taken Into Sierra Leone by the British
ebip Alecto.
f,12:000 were found on board' of her, but no mere.
MrsMr and Mrs Betram, child and two servant,, Mr and
s Emerson , Otpt and Mrs Leasipa and infant, Mr
and Mrs Isarbt and servant, Mr and Mrs Bacon, Mr and
We Parsons, Mr and Mrs Eastman, Mr and Mrs Bruo
and two children, Judge Boyd, Mrs Onwacl and nurse,
Miami Eastman ( two;) Misses Dines two() Signora
Bare i, Miss Itm,ker, Mrs Low, Mrs an Alin 'Sark°,
Mime Asburg (two;) Miss Peck Mies Scanlan, Aliases
Bertr m ( two;) Miss Vnngor , Miss Trot, J Rola, Miss
Sadie pet, WI Russel and 'Mid, Mr Waker, Capt. To
bin, r }fall, Dr Oliver, Major Carter, Dr Champlin, Mr
and Mrs Talbot, Mr and Mrs Cribble and infant, Mr and
Mrs Maxwell, Mr and MraClaringbull. Mr and Mrs Scott,
Miss Reid, Miss Buckley, MIAs Smaller, Mist Wilson and
two sisters, Mrs Evens, Mrs Emery, Mre Welherbee, Mr
Bunco, Gurney, Sampson, Hall, Jackson, Evlng,
Vaughan, Jackson, Sweats, Nickerson, Blake, Brewer,
Harries, Kimball, Ilickabodo, Monroe, Bateman, Gra
ham, Van Conneghsin, Topo, Hitchcock, Payson, Va
lentine, Se(gler, Jemminer, Meyers, Osborn, Rochaten,
Molders, Einmous, Walthen, Antram, Mallory, Guppy,
Bouran, Beckley, Jackson, Shaw, Trolegros, bang,
Rule; Good, Bailee, Howell, Goldstein, A If Lyoing,
motif, Taylor, Ripley, Brown, Itassia, Lyons, Newman,
Craig, Ardaram, Thayer, Yeatmau, Lorenzo, Murphy,
Butler, Bode, Hardman, Batch, Maitland, Rooker,
Payn4, Bowes, Buckingham, Gilmore, Breadfut, Grif
fiths, Beenbreka ; Clarke, Pertiso, Ashbury, Bertr one,
Financial Affairs at New Orleans.
Na* ORLIINS, Qct. 2P,.—This day closes very gloonb
ly wit i regard to Omaha matters. Nothing Is doing
In eueh►age, and nutnerena workmen have been die•
aharded from the various manufactories lu r • *lei/mance
of the of procuring funds.
()STAG°, October 91 —Tho funeral or the bodies,
Amain the Nine of the recent conflagration, was at
tondefh, this afternoon, by a large concourse of citicerus.
Most k the bushiest, houses were closed, and the build
ings 4ong the line of the prooosaion were draped in
Morisse Disaster—All Perished
Oavevoa, Oct. 21 —Thu name of the vessel that cap.
Mend leatertley bat beau , aaeartaitzed to be the Wet
Raynor, of Toronto. All on board parlobed, and the
vessel hau PitICV roue to Oecea.
Darorr, Oct 1.'1.-11. H Pinney, of the tlrm of Pin
ney & Lawoon, State prison contractors at Jackson
Mich ,committed eulcide this morning No cause is 'a
ligned for the act.
Marine Intelligence,
Naw War, October 21 —Arrived barque Harmon,
from Cianienas, an brig Fornaz, from Cardenas.
(Correspondence of Thu Prelel
WHAT CHESTER, Oct. 19, 1857
Mn. EDITOR: Your correspondent of last week,
professing to give tho result of the late oleo.
tion in this Senatorial district, was singularly in•
accurate. As if purposely to mislead, he gives Mr.
Oauffman's name precedence over Judge Bell's,
and then awards him a large majority in Cheater.
The true vote, as officially ascertained to-day by
the conferees, is—
esteem—Bell, 6,415 ; Cauffman, 6,155—8e11's
majority, 260.
DELAWARE—BoII, 1,620; Cauffman,l,6lB—Bell's
majority, 2.
Bolls majority in both counties, 262.
This correction is, perhaps, of little praa Beal im
portune° ; but the Domooracy of the district ought
not, even in appearance, to ho deprived of the cre
dit duo to their noble exertions.
Mr. Charles White was engaged to ho mar
ried to Miss Mary Hale, daughter of a moat re
spectable oitiven in Columbus, Ohio. On tho eve
ning fixed for the wedding, and at the appointed
hour, the parlors of Mr. Hale's residence were
thronged with ladies and gentlemen, beaux and
belles, assembled to witness the ceremony, but
hour after hour passed, and Mr. White appeared
not. A search was instituted for him, by parties
indignant at his' conduet, and ho was found at his
own residence under the ministrations of no lass
than three physicians. It appears, that before
starting for the wedding, ho was troubled with a
cramp in the stomach, and to relieve himself ho
took laudanum, which, instead of relieving; him,
prostrated him. Ho is not expected to recover.
ABOTII Atree.—'r Jack Cade"—" Honey Hoot,"
Smarr —" Uncle Tom's Cabin
O RBSTNUT.—EthIopIan Lite Illuittrated, coucluding with
a laughable Afterpiece,
—Alleeellaueoua ooucerte.
Pennsylvania HorlieulturalSoeiely.—Wo re
ferred briefly yesterday to the 'stated meeting of
this society, which was held on the previous eve
ning a e t Consort Rail. E. Keyser.) wice-presi
dent, was celled to the chair. Of fruits, Isaac B.
Baxter exhibited a fine display, comprising several
varieties of grapes and a number of choice pears;
Mrs. Mackaw, ten kinds of pears of unusually large
specimens; Peter Raabe, ten varieties of grapes;
Samuel W. Noble, a collection of apples ; Town
send Sharpless, fine specimens of butter pears;
Thomas Brown, also fine pears of same kind"; E.
H. Butler, a dish of Duchess pears The artificial
designs exhibited taste; and were contributed by
John A. lioehring, J. J. liaberniehl, Joseph Cook,
and Robert Icilvington.
- Vegetables in great abundance, and fine, were
brought by A. L. Felton. Alexander Brown's gar
dener had fine street potatoes, grown in Pennsyl
vania. A specimen, sailed red Mercer potatoes,
were exhibited by Rev. D. A. Tyng.
The following were tho premieres awarded : By
the Committee on Designs, do.--Table Design—
For the best, to John A. Goehrirrig; for the second
best, to J. J. Ilabennehl Basket—For the bost. to
the same ; for the second best, to J. A. Goehring;
for the best composed of indigs mous flowers, to Jo
seph Cook. Baquets—For the 'best, to J. J. Lieber
mohl ; for the second beat, to Id. Kilvington. Spe
cial premiums of two dollars each to Joseph,Cork
for a display of cnt dahlias, and a table design.
The committee called the rat tontion of the society
to a beautiful style of ha:acing basket by Joseph
Cook. Also, to hanilsopso boquets by John A.
Cloebring and Joseph Calk.
By the Committee on Fruits—Graves, for the
collection, to Team B. Baxter; for the second
best, to Peter Raabe. Pears—For the best collec
tion; to Mrs. Mackr.w; for the second best, to
!nab Baxter. Appl es—For two best, to S. W.
Noble, Special pr amilons of three dollars each
to Townsend Sharpl,ess and Thos. Brown for a most
perfect display of 'Outlier pears.
By the c,n Vegetables—For :the best
display by a market gardener, to A. L. Felton.
Special promiirm of one dollar to Samuel 11.
Simpson, gardener to A. Brown, for sweet potatoes
grown in Ponxisylve.nia. The committee noticed
a dish of potatoes, called rod Mercer. by Rev. D.
A. Tyng.
A . communicatimn from Mr. N Lon,gworth, of
Cincinnati, was r cad, desonnting upon the merits
of the seedling gr ape, called the "Union Village,"
raised from the Isabella, a specimen of which was
shoran. The Cr mud ttoo on Fruits considered it not
equal in gavot and merits to the Isabella.
Police Iterbis.—The returns of the lieuten
ants of the 11. 1 .fferent wards, made to Mayor Vaux
yesterday morning, did not possess any especial
interest. The only matters worthy of note were
the, hearings before Alderman Eneu, at the Cen
tral Police Station In the afternoon Conrad
Esher,lan officer at the Walnut Street Theatre, and
WaShington Conrad, a constable of the Fourteenth
ward, were charged with having allowed a crimi
nal to escape atter having arrested him. The
principal evidence against the accused was that
given by the hotel thief, Ephraim Pharo, who is
now; under arrest for robbery. Ile testified that
he had been arrested by the two defendants on the
charge of robbery, and was subsequently suffered
to escape on giving them a pawn ticket for a watch
said to be worth about 8150, which had been
pledged for $4O. The defendants refused to ask
the witness any questions, as they thought him
unworthy of holier But for their arrest of yester
day, certain developments would probably have
beau made, by which several thieves would have
been arrested and a quantity of stolen property
recovered. The watch referred to is supposed to
have been stolen by Phan, although he alleges
that; ho purchased it in St. Louis abont six months
since. The whole case appears to be involved in
mystery. Esher and Conrad were hold to answer.
The lad named James Dunn, aged about seven
teen years, who was arrested by Firo Detective
Alexander W. Blackburn, on Monday night, on the
charge of firing two stables in the Fifteenth ward,
had a hearing before Alderman .fineu yesterday
afternoon A number of witneosas were exam
ined, and the crime was very clearly proven
against the defendant. His own confession of the
deed was also given iu evidence. A lad named
Hoover was arrested as un accomplice, and both of
the accused were committed to answer at Court.
Matthew Connelly and Warren Wright wero
before the same magistrate yesterday, on the
charge of attempting to pass a $lO counterfeit
note, purporting to be the true issue of the Bank
of Roundout, Now York. They were committed
to adstvor.
The little boy "Johnny Whiters," who was
found, about three weeks since, in the streets, and
taken to the Central Telegraph Station, was sent
to the Northern Home for Friendless Children yes
terday morning by Mr. David Wonderly, tele
graphic operator. The little fellow is apparently
not snore than four years of age, and is fat and
healthy. A child such as this could not have been
cruelly deserted, and no doubt his absence bee
caused a mother's bosom to be wrung with anxious
solicitude. Every effort has been made to find the
whereabouts of his friends, but without any sac
cuss.) Ile is now in au institution where he will
bo properly cared for. .
ruck Dealers in the " Neck."—For a
nu or of generations past, and at the present
day, hiladelphia has been and is. in a great mea
sure supplied by the " Nook," with vegetables,
frui and herbs, which articles are now popularly
known by the euphonious name of " truck." The
" Neck " is bounded by the Schuylkill and Dela
warrg at the point of their confluence, and is one
of oar most ancient institutions. Its entire sur
face is out up into truck farms, varying in extent
from two to thirty acres. Its inhabitants osoillete
between their cabbage, pumpkins, and other vege
table patches, and the markets in which their pro
(lncur are sold. The " Neck " was first settled by
Swee es, who, in building for themselves, worked
twootding to the light they enjoyed, and erected
houses after the pattern of their Scandinavian
forefathers. Of these structures, a number are
still standing in all their quaintness, while others
have been modernized by raising the side walls,
and lessening the acuteness of the angle formed by
the roof trees. And if the dwellings are charac
terized by quaintness, a portion of their inhabit
ants are no loss peculiar. From long propin
iquity, the associations of the truck farmers
have become so intimate by intermarriage,
that , the " Neck " is rather a family domain
than, a district divided among as many dif
ferent owners as any similar spot in Germany or
Tho people of the Nock toil almost without ces
sation, but, to do them justice, when the seasons
prove auspicious,they make money at a correspond
ing ratio. Few agriculturists of a higher grade
understand so well the economy of tilling tho soil
as do the market gardeners. The value realized
from:a single acre by the latter would startle many
is farmer who prides himself that in raising thirty
bushels of wheat to the acre ho has achieved a
feat truly wonderful. From four to five crops are
taken from every perch of the truck farm in a
single season ; and the system of rotation Is so
arranged that a second and different kind of seed
is planted upon every patch the instant its growing
crop is removed
Winter is Corning.—lt is yet too early for
briskbrisk, fires, and thick overcoats look effemi
those fall days, but winter is coming
on, upd his forerunners are among us, with the
chilliness of his icy breath about their skirts.
Witlf the favored eons and daughters of humanity,
the °timing of tho season of snow and ice only in
voivos the ordering of now furs, and thick, soft
clothe—the filling up of the bin with coal—the put
ting In order of stoves and grates—the anticipation
of a iherry season of balls, of parties, and of sleigh
rides; and those happiest hours of a right-minded
man's existenoo, when he gathers his loved ones
about his hearthstono of a winter's night, and when
the howling blast outside only enhances the appro
ciatian of home and home comforts. To these we
say that the terrible wind, fresh from frozen
regions, that makes such bravo music in their
chimneys, and around the angles and gables of
their 'comfortablo mansion, carries misery and dew
lotion into many a human heart. Winter brings
terror to those who lack the comforts of home, who
pine for food in cheerless dens, and who have not
sufficient clothing to bid defiance to the blast.
Thera is a wide field in a groat city fur the practice
of charity, and those who hays enough, and to
spare, of this world's goods, cannot better evidence
their 'appreciation of tho blessings they enjoy than
by le ding a helping hand to those who are unable
to help themselves. Winter is coming ! Do not
let ibt chill blasts freeze up the well-springs of the
heart, and hedge in more completely, in i barrier
of selfishness, the bettor promptings of nature.
Cotble-Sione.—To one hell of 'us Philadel
phians an architectural description of the State
House would be as great a novelty as it would be
to the inhabitants of St. Petersburg. People who
look .t things often, think they see them when in
reality they do not. Familiarity begets indifference,
and Indifference is the parent of contempt. A
(Mint)! foot, supporting a lovely piece of femininity,
as it trips over the cobble-paved streets, ands an
ample number of admirers; but those cobble-stones
themselves—who ever bestows a thought upon them?
Everj , one of those oval shaped pebbles is probably
as ancient as the rock of Iloreb or the crags of Sinai
111 those days in which " there were giants," these
mammoth pebbles may have served some juvenile
ogre for marbles or *ketones, and then for ages
have lain, until the stoue-hackers" of the Dela-
ware procured them for our streets.
Every stone which now paves the highways of
Philadelphia was grappled up from its muddy nest
i n the buttons of the Delaware. The spot where
they most abound is in that shallower portion of
the river lying between Trenton anti Easton.
The Men who procure them are "stone
hackers," and if over there were in the world a
set of fellows proof against cold, hunger, privation,
ague, and other evils, it is those very men. Fish
ing in the early spring, atone - hacking as soon as
the water becomes sufficiently clear and shallow,
and pursuing various odd jobs that may " turn up"
during the winter, there are few laborers who per
form harder work, make wore money, or spend it
faster when made, than these Dame men. They
usually reside in huts along the river bank during
the heeking season.
I n the morning they sally forth in a flabbottonsed
scow, provided with the day's supply of bread,
pork, and whiskey, their only provisions. Coupled
w ith tobacco, the ardent is their greatest necessity.
Making their way to the desired spot, they jump
overboard, provided the waters be shallow, and
begin' their work. Furnished with heavy Memel
shirts and drawers, and inwardly fortified by a
copious imbibition of the stone-hacker's panacea,
they plunge into the stream and fish up the paving
stones with the utmost diligence. When the water
is deeper they resort to grappling tongs, and with
such Whet, that the average earnings per man is
about three dollars per day, and oftentimes still
Not all them pebbles, however, will isomer the
purpose. They must be emphatically touter stoner,
and of the proper shape, or they are rejected. It
Is a singular fact, that unless worn by the attrition
of water, the stones are of little or no value. The
Shorn yields abundance of pebbles, yet in all cases
they are porous, friable, end, therefore, valueless.
Not so with most of those taken from the river
bed. They are dark In color, hard as flint, and
very nearly uniform in shape. So expert a geolo
gist is the stone-hacker, at least so far as his own
holiness is concerned, that He can tell as soon as
ha Boos it above the waters whether it will pass cur
rent in market
When his scow is filled, he returns to Trenton
and unloads his cargo upon the wharf. When his
accumulation is suffieient, he finds a ready market
in dozens of sloop-owners, who ply constantly to
Trenton for those miniature boulders. The price
paid is adman dollar a Weis or cart-load. Should
there be any land-stopes smOng them, they are
immediately rejected"; old - hackers, however, are
ne ver mi s taken in the go dity:of their wares, and
out of a hundred peroboa, not a duzen stones will
'be rejected. Thu little community of packers is, in
some respects, a" fast".one Thtre are about a
huddled and fifty of thine located between Tren
ton stud 134strie. Ommaiupallyn dote!' or two visit
Philadelphia in a body, and then, how the money
flies' Sonic of their number. in years gone by.
are now mon of wealth and substance, not a few of
the present magnates of Trenton having obtained
the basis of their fortune through the medium of
the grappling tongs. They culled the cream of the
business at u time when Russ and pelgitlo pate
meets were unmentioned intiavations. Nair, libo -
ever, it is muelt.leas lucrative., Thu rieliest.slimos.
sits of pebbles are removed, and our present sup
ply is brought front localities still farther distaste a,
Yet every pebble' in our streets, over which'bil;kai:
walk and vehicles crash, has its owe history. and
might preach its own 81311)1011 if It were but gifted
with a tongue and a language.
The , c Secretary of the United Stales,"—At
noon yesterday au excited individual Went to the
counter of the Girard Bank, and demanded of the
paying-teller a large cam of money. He produced
no check, and his general condact led to the belief
that the man was crazy. Ile persisted in his de: 1
mood, stating that ho was the Secretary of tho
United States, and must have gold. His conduct
became so violent and .disorderly, that the services
of an officer were brought into requisition for the
purpose of conveying him to the lock-up. At the
Central Police Station tho demented " Secretary'
gave the name of PeterVitzpatriek. Peter was
very kindly allowed the use of ono of the cells to
exercise properly the functions of his office.
Mr. Editor: I send you a copy of the re
turns handed to me by the judges bf ,the target of
the Columbia Rifles, on last 'Monday :
Sergeant Weeks, first prize, gold medal ; Private
Keag, second prise, silver medal; Private Evans,
third prize, McLean gold medal; Corporal Tur
ner, fourth prise, handsome silver Medal; Sergeant
Sinex, fifth prize, handsome silver medal; Sergeant
Rice, sixth prize, handsome silver medal; Sergeant
Hahn, seventh prize, handsome silver medal.
Judges—Major 11. W. Graaf, Colonel W. Rich
mond, Lieutenant J. MoCartea.
Trial of a Stationary Steam Fire Engine.—
Dr. David Jayno has had a powerful steam Ere en
gine built under Carter street, in the rear of the
post dace. It was partially tested yesterday morn
ing, and with the most gratifying result. The
water was thrown through a quarter of an inch
nozel to the top of the Chestnut street building.
The engine was constructed at the establishment of
S. V. Merrick & Sons, and it certainly reflects
much credit upon their superior skill and work
manship. •
Fire.—Yestettlay morning tho woods in the
vicinity of the Falls of Schuylkill, in the Twenty
tint ward, caught fire, bat the flames wore extin
guished before any considerable damage had been
Dead Body Found.—The body of a newly
born child was found, yesterday morning, on tho
Market street bridge, and taken to tile Ninth ward
station house, at Fifteenth and Filbert streets.
Oorouer Delavau was sent for to hold an inquest.
I Reported for The Press ]
Bishophad o hearing before Charles F. Hazlett,
Esq., United States Commissioner, on the obarge of
passing counterfeit coin of the value of a quarter
dollar. The testimony was, that the " defendant
went into the store of Bridget Hollis, and purchased
a piece of meat, for which he tendered one of the
counterfeit quarters in payment; that she tested
the coin with her teeth, when it broke, and, that
the defendant then offered a half dollar which also
was a counterfeit. George Fenner, Esq., who op
peered for the prisoner, contended that the prisoner
was intoxicated at the time he offered this base
money. The defendant was held in $l,OOO bail to
answer the charge.
DISTRICT COURT No. I—Judge Haro.—Cessan
dra Morgan vs. Emmet E. Vansyckle. An action
for malicious prosecution. Rh defence. Verdict
for the plaintiff $5OO. Abet., Esq., for plaintiff;
Isaac Gerhart, Esq., for defendant.
McCalla & Horse vs. Solomon Kayser. An ac•
tion on a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff
5303.07. Stokes and Cooper, Esqs., for plaintiffs;
A Phillips, Esq., for defendant.
Peter Rogers vs. Sides & Stover. An action on
a book account. Verdict for the plaintiffs $321.09.
Wardale McAllister, Esq., for plaintiff; Budd and
Marshall, Esqs , for defendants.
George Morrison Coates vs. Solomon Kayser. An
action on a book account. Verdict for plikintiff
5373.72 Stokes and Cooper for plaintiff; Phillips
for defendant.
DISTRICT COURT No. 2—Judge Sharswood.—ln
the case of Mccuagh vs. Clarke the jury returned
a verdict for $lO4. Wilde, Esq., for the plain
tiff; Junkin, Esq.. for defendant.
Ribett vs. the City. An action for work aila la
bor done. Verdict for theplaintiff $125. Den
nis, Esq., for the plaintiff; Porter k Ashmead,
Esqrs , for the defendant.
William Bastian vs. Dougherty ik Powers. An
action to recover damages for trespass for the ille
gal sale of property. On trial. Stover A Briggs,'
Esqrs , for the plaintiff; H. M. Phillips & Coleman
fur defendants
In the ease of Moen Bacon vs. Grier, before re
ported, the plaintiff suffered a non•sujt. W. L. Den
las, Esq., for plaintiff; David Webster, Esq., for de
COMMON PLEAS—Judge Allison.—John A Evers
Vs. August Legscheit and Rachel Legseheit, late
Rachel Alter, administratrix of Charles Alter. An
notion for goods sold and delivered. Verdict for
the plaintiff $llO 14. J. B. Cotaken, Esq., for the
plaintiff A. Thompson, Esq , for the defendant,
Gotlieb Sharer vs. Charles Fischer. An action
of covenant on a lease.. Verdict for the plaintiff
513 15. J. P. Longhand, Esq., for the plaintiff;
Wallace, Esq., for the defendant.
QUARTKR SESSIONS—Judge Thompson.—John
Mclntyre and Thomas Bryan pleaded guilty to the
larceny of a watch, the property of Henry Curtis.
Sentenced to Ave mouths' impnsonment.
Charles IL Taylor, for the larceny of shoes, was
reutonced to three months' imprisonment from the
day of his commitment.
The jury in the case of Robt. Fulton and Adam
Bak amen, charged upon cross-hills with smelt
cod battery, found Adam Bakeman guilty. Sen
tence deferred.
James Whitohoad was acquitted of an assault
and battery on John S. Sites ; but ordered to pay
the costs.
WEDNESDAY, October 21—Evening.—The markets
generally continue dull and unsettled, and In Bread
stuffs the transactions are limited to the wants of re..
Milers and bakers, who are buying Flour as they want
it for consumption, at from 55.25 upwurde, to PrIF 427
hot, the bitter for extra and fancy family brands, ac
cording to quality. There are few if any shippers in
market, and standard brands are quoted at 5.5.25855.373 i
bbl, without salsa to any extent being made public.
Corn weal is offorednt $3.62N 853.75 4p bbl, but there
is nothing doing in Pennsylvania Meal at these rates,
the market being dull. Rye Flour is scarce, sad wanted
at 5.125 4fY bbl; there is no stock, however, here.
Wheats continuo la fair demand, at fully former quota-
Cons ; there is very little offering, and prime lots would
bring rather better prices. Sales include, also, 2 500
bush at 103012.3 c for Reds, and 1338135 c, the latter for
prime Southern. Corn is wanted, and but little offering.
Small sales of Pennsylvania Yellow have been made at
flic;aral 1,000 bush., fair quality, only, at16077c, In
store and afloat. Oats remain dull, and a email bunt
nese doing at 33c for Southern, and 34836 c for Penn
sylvania, as to quality. Rye Is selling as wanted,
at 75c for Pennsylvania. Bark is quiet at 530,
farther small miles of Quercltron being reported at this
figure The Cotton market is unchanged, bat buyers
are shy, and prices with alight stock are unsettled and
drooping. Groceries are attracting more attention, per.
tieularly sugars, which are held for higher prices, and a
little more doing, part to go out of the market. Pro
visions are very inactive, and prices about the same.
It hickey Is held more firmly by come holders, but the
prices range at Mc for hhds and 21X IsMXe for bbls.
Breves at the Washington Drove Yard, corner of Fourth
avenue and Forty-fourth street i at Chamberlain's Hod
.° River Bull's Head, foot of Robinson street. For
Beeves, Cows and Calves, Sheep and Lambs, at Brom:t
inge. us girth street, near Third avenue, and also at
O'Brierea Central Head ((or Cows, Calves, and
beeves ouly), Sixth street.
The current prices for the week at all the tuarkets
are as follows.
4 cwt..slo 600111.00
do .. 69 500610 00
do .. $8.500 $9 00
. do .. 68.000 Ed 60
Find quality....
Onhaul quality
Common quality
Inferior quality
First quality $80,00a110.00
Ordinary quality 150,00a555,00
Common quality t4o,oostis,oo
Inferior quality $2&,00a0135,00
Extra quality per lb 7 87Xe
Other qualitiea do 6 8630
First quality $4 50815 60
Other qualities esl
First quality
Other qualllies
Owing to the falling off in the receipts of Beef Cattle
prices have advanced %c 4r lb on all qualities. The
average quality was somewhat Inferior to that of lint
week, but as the supply was rather small, the demand
was pretty good. The best drove on sale were from Ken
tacky, and were 'Oll by allertonk Myers, at from 103
/1 44 0 100 lbs. The latter price however, was obtained
only for the very best The range was from Hall cents,
and the general selling price about 9X.
Other stock are without notice:44le change
Swine are still plenty, but the demand Is light, end
prices hero declined to 5118 g cents for still-fed hogs,
nod 5). eto01(e for cora fed.
The total receipts for the week were as follows :
Beaten, 12,859; Cows and Calves, 190; Veal Cohen,
47t; Sheep and Lambs, 10,719.
Receipts for the week, 2,000. Very few Bullock' were
sold, and the ales made were at dude for ordinary. and
6.151{c for good to extra. All the markets East end the
New York markets aro overstocked—New York alone
haying a surplus of 1,700 head left over from last week.
The general impreselon amongst dealers is that lower
prices will speedily rule
Busse—Receipts for the week, 3,000. Dales moderate
at $21:43
Hot's—Receipts 6,000. No sales.
,seek Owing to the same causes as stated In our last,
the market for Oils and Whalebone remains Tars quiet,
and without any noticel: 2oo alenll e 'e lisln.....
sh w ipme l ntn .w,sm
to Europe
Ls ,
ofeo i ie 1,000.t0 I barr
CINCINNATI 51A1LKET, October 10.—Flour.—The
market is unchanged, with a moderate local demand.
The sales comprise 1,100 bbla at $4 4004.50 for super
fine and choice, and $4 6004 75 for extra. The re
ceipts since Saturday add up only 1,302 bbla
Whiskey —The market is firm and the demand good ;
sales 050 bble at 16Xe, and Alfd do from wagons, at
15% c.
PlOTlSiollll.—There Is nothing doing, and prices are
h,Grocerlea.—There is more doing generally to the
market, and a good demand for Sugar, chiefly reflood,
which cello quite freely at 10,golflie for yellow re
flood, end llreliXe for white do. Coffee raugell from
10% to 11No In the regular way. Molasses 484110
Cent' do
Cheese —The demand is unchanged, with a moderato
demand. The sales are 400 boxes at oyi aloe.
Grldn.—The market for all kinds Is quiet, with but
few traneastions. Wheat remains steady at 75850 c for
red, and 850900 tor prime white. Corn is in fair re-
quest at 40042 c, the latter for shelled Rye dull at (10e.
Barley is unchanged; the supply is fully opal to the
demand. We quote prime fall at 90e, and rpring at 800.
Oats arc steady at 30a 32c.
Baled Hay—Prime hay is in good demand at $l4 per
ton, but common hay Is dull at slowsl2.
Potatoes—.4re in fair request, and prices firm at 40e
per bush.
Apples--Thare Is a good demand, and prices are firm
at It 00052 25 per bbl, the latter for choice.
The New Belli()14 theatre was opened on Monday
last by Mr. J. A. Owen, with T. D. Rice as the
i3Y THE PlirnlifilS/E.
[Correseoaderwil She Preu.] '
Now Term Oct 21.1357-a NI P. M.
It is announced by means of the city papers that
the bank+ have resolved to expand to the extant of
5t,500,000 during the present week, to enable the
country banks to move forward the crop. I have
no dould,that the gentlemen who received and
published this stelcieent believed it, or wished to
beii 9 f lint I Fee no reason to believe it until I
see that it is VI ne. If it proves SO, it will doubt
let do a s ast amount of good It does not require
-to be ; I. prophet, dr`spe,:listly endowed with talent,
to tee that abile the business of the whole country
is :parsl)re.l, the mops unwured. and every one
sift sid to badge or trust his neighbor, the people
must antler , Tv get relief the crops must be
moved and sold, and to d this, concerted action
and confidence are required. Every day that
ibinr ' , remain as they are adds to our ember
reisments, and renders the remedy more difficult
and , more costly, When 'the banks suspended,
thit is, declared their inability to redeem their
prOrainivfo wutledtolnsagihe chat to compen
.3feiF this - 'great great - calamity, immediate benefits
would arise to .all our; naciney and basinestemn
inanities. The chief of these was that we
should :bedte:an: augmented 'currency by which
the country dealer, could• purchase grain,
flottr, 'to , :and fotward them to
market on the seaboard; that the factories, •
wills, machine sbops t and other industrial estab
lishments where' nambern 'of workmen are em
ployed, would be set in motion and sustained, and
that boarders of specie welsh!' soon see the folly of
their fears, and restore their capital to the availa
ble wealth of the country. As yet none of these
promises have proved. to. be well-feunded. On the
coatr.try, with the exception of the promise al
luded to in the opening of this letter, we ,
have no sign of any movement, in the crops.
Mills and factories are being closed every
day, and hundreds of operatives thrown obt
of . employment. Merchants are failing every
where; possessors of money are afraid to lend
it, and the only disposition evinced by the banks
,is to make themselves as safe as possible. There
it not a shadow of just excuse why the banks should
not accommodate the mercantile community. They
Good not lend tc+ any enormous or undue extent,
but that they should arrest the downfall of credit
and not precipitate it; that they should resters
'confidence by showing it, and thus put the busi
'new machine again in motion and keep it mov
ing., however +slowly, until panic was allayed—is
their imperative and unquestionable duty.
The financial news from Europa is not encoura.
ging. The advance in the rates of the Bank of Eng
land with the prospect of a farther advance, and
the probability of the adoption of similar measures
in Prance, are not at all calculated to encourage.
If there were to be united, harmonious, and ener
getic measures taken by the financial measures of
theleading cities—were they to tern to, and say
•' We will move the crops; clear Wrens debts, real
ize our wealth, and make business move again,"
it would be done, and they would be immense
gainers. But will they do it?.
A friend of ours has just told me that he was
unable to pay his gas account to the Brooklyn Gas
Company, because that association would not take
what is called city money, but wanted gold. My
friend said he had just got his bills from a bank.
Yo t matter, the we-want-to-make-ourselves-safe
principle prevailed, and he mast either submit to
hare his gas cat off, oxpay three percent . premium
to pay in gold. This is the manner in which largo
1 and wealthy corporations deal with the public, and
try to restore confidence!
To-day money is in more active demand than ;ast er- day. Rates in the street vary from 30 to 60 per cent ,
I 04 per cent being only heard of in the ease of some
I extra A. No. I individual. The story goes that "the
banks are disposed to be a little more liberal." Foreign
exchange is &Ole very unsteady and irregular. Sterling
may be quoted at 98 atm for Bitty days.
The cash transactions for the day at the Sub-Treasury
were as follows: Receipts, 6997,942 44, including 641,-
000 from customs and $500,000 transferred from Berton;
payments, re 71.634 14; balance, $6,039456 91.
Tile reedits for duties at the customhouse were
641.650 47., The business at the clearing house was as
Be.lumen "Aid is cola
SiThomp;on, Morse, & Co., 2 Wall street, quote land
warrants thls week as follows:
Baying. Selling.
9 66 sere Si 66 tr erre
76 85
85 75
75 85 ci
40. sere warrants
IGO ;•
Alt the- bank Dille of Nen England are roxieed on
Jeposit, at a quarter per cent. discount, by the Metro
politan and American Exchange banks of this city, ex
entang the followmg
Viaitorr—Darby Bank; Miss*not Bank, of Shel
don; Stark Bank; South Royalton Bank; St. Albans
Bank, of St. Oman
Cossecricuir.—Bridgeport City Bank; Charter Oak
Bank, Hartford; Colchester Bank, Colehester, Ex
change Bata.. Hartford; Hartford Co., Bank of Hart
ford; Hatters' Bank,' Bethel; Mermen. Bank, Hart
ford; Merchants' Exchange Baal, Bridgeport North
America, Bank of, Seymour; Pabquloque Bank, Dan
bury; Pawcatnk Bank; Thompson Bank, Thompson;
Wooster Bank , Danbury; Wooclbary Bank, Woodtrtuy;
Windham County Bank.
DI xasacirosarre--Lee Bank, MW.; Weetern Bank
• klaxsa--Canton Bank; IlLavarth Bank; Exchange
Bank. Bangor; Bank of; Banco& Bank;
Maralime Ban k; Manama River Bank; Sandford Bank;
Rockland Bank.
Naar ilamenniax—lxater Bank.
Rifoon limaro—Nana received.
Thrown out by this morning's Telegraph--trneas
Bank , Conu. ; Quinabaug Bank, do. ; Bank of Royalton,
The Tompkins County Bank. of New York, whose
Lilts were rejected some time back, are now reeetrut at
The Pratt Bank, of Buffalo, re-opeued its doom on
Saturday last, and now transacta basinem ea usual.
The stock market is heavier and lower on anent the
entire Bab New York Central has deelined S o f; Erie
Panamalß, Reading 3 Panama 3; Cleveland and Toledo V,
and Chicago and Reek Island 3; Virginia e's have
2,11; New York State Wm of 1872 and *73, 2, and 1111-
s Central bonds 2, The market le not neer so limy
ant signior:Lat. This is, however, to be 'expected, a
Wady Improvement of vo marked %chamfer not being
idssible lathe present state of the money market.
' • October M.
WEI NYStOs 12 104 50 N Y Cen It s 3 64%
5000 do '73 104 50 do sl5 61%
7000 Tenet 8t tie '904 78 50 do 63 64%
1000 Virginia 6s 63 210 do e 64%
1000 do 82 •50 do MO 65
19100 do 81 200 Brie R 10%
5000 Missouri St de aBB 10 do 11
25030 do 030 66 16 Rad Meer E. 16
14090 do 6 81( 45 Harlem it I'
3000 N R Cen R 76 87 10 0 .13 A Qedoey R6O
1000 Br R net bter7l 25 1100 Reading B 28
9000 111 Con It Ms 66 100 do MO 27%
'5OOO do 13.5% 200 do x 327%
5000 do a3O 65 . 450 do 37%
5000 do 66 38 Mich Set N Ia 11 11
2300 11l Er bds eel pr 61 10 do 10%
23 Bank of N York 80 50 do 10%
10 Am Eldh'ge Bk 75 139 , do. 10%
8 Hammer Bk 70 50 do 10
5 Metropolitan Bk 75 10 /IMO &Nla r.f at 21
39 Continental Bk 65 Z . do 28
20 Bk of America 80 32 do 25%
6 Del A llud Cleo 90 30 do 25
60 do 95% 82 Panama B TO
50 do 630 95 6O Gal ft Chieago R 66
50 do 915 93% 25 do ass
wo Cum Coal Co 6 60 do bal 06
100 Canton Co 14% 800 Cloy & Tol B 27%
100 N Y Cen 883 66 150 do stw 27%
50 do 66300 do 510 23%
257 do 65% l5O Chi it B 'lard B. 61%
100 do D 3 65% 50 do 8711
10 do 65% 80 do 67
5 do CD 60 do s 5 66%
100 do 630 65% 25 li Illdlartflt 63107
50 do 63 65% 100 New Jersey 11 107
191 do 03 64%
17000 Missouri St 6s 661(
10900 Tenn St 65'90 71%
1500 11l Coo 11 bds 64
6 Ba of Commerce 00
59 Nan Coal Co alO 53%
50 Canton Co
10 Y Coe R 643(
310 Rtodiog R S 3
38 Panama
310 Cler h 'Col R 27
Hod Rivera 13
10 aria It 13X
330 do 10%
1500 do 63,4
100 Onto Coal Co 6
20 Pao Mail 9Co 79
26 Del & Hod ClCo 94
1000 lit Sr bdaw't pr 60
1000 Ilarleva It lat m 64
1000 N Y Con 11 la 01
MARKETS—Aeries.—The market is quite em—the
demand fair for Pots at 18.611 i. Pearls are firm at tti.
The stock consistent eirt this Pearls, and P2l bbls Pots.
Baleratus is steady at le cash
Coyne is in moderate demand; the total silts of
yesterday were4so bags Rio at 10Xe tit , lb, and ZO bags
Jan at Ida
COTTON Is Still quiet and nominal. The stock is es
timated et not over 2.000 bales
Ftora, &e —The demand for Western Canal Flour
11 more general, and with light arrivals and a entail
etool, holders hare the adratitage. The trade are toy
ing more freely, but there is little inquiry for export,
owing to the high priers which ',resell
The sales ere 6,500 bile at 14 60.111.75 for .nansois
to good State; 14 Wald 15 for extra, do; 14 65c514.15
for superfine Indiana and ; $160655.50 for
extra do ; 1545 YO far common to good extra Ohio ;
15.10aN 20 (or good to choice extra do, S 5 60011.5 D for
Et Lotus brands, and $6 70a57.15 for extra Genessee,
so called
Carnelian Flour is in better demand—the arrivals are
fair Sales of 1.000 bbls et $5 1.08115 10 for extra
brands Southern Flour is more plenty, and the better
grades are lower; Valle common brands are unchanged.
Sales of 1,000 bbls at $5 1100$5 t 3 for mixed to good
brands, Baltimore, he , nod $5.651:47 for the batter
Rye Flour hi in limited demand at $3 50n$4 €gig
Corn Meal is quiet at $3 25 for Jersey, and $3.15803
for Rhin:Venue Buckwheat Flour is in good demand
at $1 75a02 12N for 100 lbs.
saes—lfoldere of wheat are quite firm; the demandis
more active for Western, sad on some descriptors we
notice soma improvement_ The demand is sot vary m
istier export The sales era 22.000 bushels. at $1 30
for Southern red; $1•43e,51 id for do white; ft Ofi for
damaged du, $1.17 for red Ohio and Indiana; $1.32 for
fair white Canstaan; and $1 03351 0 7 for Chicago spring.
Rye is driu, the demand more /Leib e—salea of 1,000
hash at 78.190 e for Northern Oats are not plenty and
in good demand at 330400 for Southern. 38a42 for Jer
sey, 46.314 for State, and 48:150 for Western. Barley is
held steadily at Tto.ssis ror :two; ester of 0000 bast
California at 60.165 r
Corn is better and iu fair demand. with moderato IS
rivals o f good The inquiry Is confined to the tame
trade entirely. The ERIE'S are 17,000 bus at Merle for
western msed —mostly at 71, itinthert yellow is no
minal at 74075 e, and white do at SosSBe.
- -
lIAT—The demand has been good for shipping, and the
market is well sustained with a limited stockk--seles of
700 bale" at 55065 c per 100 lbs.
P2o7tszoss—The demand for Pork is limited. and the
market is a shade lower,
with few seller' or buyers is
market—there is man Instrury foe the nary, but we
hear of few sales—amall lots, about 100 bbls in all,
changed hands et 121 50.0E22 fcr me:0..461f for prison,
and K 20.500120.75 for round mess, and thin mess.
Buy is in limited request and new is lower—plea of
47 bbl. at $O 750510 for new prime; $l2 60.113 for do
Inesei . sl2osl4 for old repacked Western, and $14.25a
116 for extra do, amt small lots 50870 e above these
Primo mese beef is dull and nominal at MORD
Beef bares are selling slowly at $l6. Bacon is gelling
slowly at 13c ; English do in salt at 104,12 A.
Cut meat. are in limited demand at OAc for aboulders
and 10A for barns Dressed hogs are in demand at 6A
0 I Lard is lower but more active—idea of REI bbis
Cod ten at 12014, and small lots still higher.
Butter Is 10 fair demand, at 130lic for Ohio, 160200
for State, arid 2207.3 c for Orange comedy. Cheese is in
better demand and mote plenty at 605,1.,e, and choice
lota at .
Emu is dull; 100 tierces sold at $3414 50 per bbl, as
to quality.
SUGARS—Raw segue have 'deemed a Wide, with a
moderate demand ; .ales of 1250 laideCuta at 6A "HIV,
including 600 hhds for export on prorate terme, and 550
hbde Relate on private terms We here nothing new
to notice this morning
Taos—The trade Is without improremeat, and prices
entirely nominal.
Toescco—lncluded in the few sales making are 63
Ude Virginia loge at 4a4) c; IS bhas Keetucky at 14c;
50 bales Cuba and 103 ceromm St Domingo, for export,
on private terms
Wetscim—A moderate demand, but holden Sze firm
at the mimic.; sales of 110 bbl' at tie caedi.
Setts mr A. 11. kluttia, OCIO3/11. 21.
11,100 0 Y city 7 per cent assessment bd5....90,14
62.000 do do do
100 shares Niagara Ins C0..50 es, 118, 116, 115 K, 115
.10 Rest River Ins Co 1971
' 5 do Am Exprese Sex
$5,000 New York& Harlem B B Co I per
$2,000 Brooklyn city 6 per teat. Water
LOMA stock 70)( ~
$lO,OOO Tavola Mato 6 per cent. bonds
ol 1837 81X ‘•
40 shs Lorillard Ins Co VZ ea. 112
25 do Indemnity DU Co 100 es. 70
510,164,246 10
b2„.119 76
49 tact int