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I' ' ' , ......,_............, _ .. ______ 1 'iltAlLrmeir %EMU V ' • Mhadatttgabocetbers ovitAit *hi Olth io* Timm Dor , ..ItIO 4P.1R 4 in ?OiFtn°l* s• • • **E Cl* ' • ift9eoe . lOU he Viet tO 111106.4.7: wittitorifigruil," " Threello,htfi',"' - •{r r 443 firkc,p; 1. • • 08 Teo flophoi.s. 1"• ,, Twegt.T - PePlielf:". " (fo'oee eddreee),.i. 90 ' 00' Twettplopiee, er,otee', ",,(to,,,,ldreee Of sadi .1 40 ;OF a' NtV'ko"pli-,okie oc,oivr, 1,111 1,40, AO extra - W:4i fffelittet , et.of the 0,10: , 11:1'40itoilitere ere oetelefted, to , ac t Apotero Ihrtirsectir • , • • 4 ~.., • 044 wife; K•er , . 4 4 r. GO.; CHEST • NUT' STICENT' • ihmutiitureng or • •", BRlTifili EITRRLING kinirAs *ft", eriistioit,:2in piekiilseas facte)4o " s .? ) Ootuifiiqiii pa, )44f1 I,eplendldatoollof,Sqwiat :Waage*, of all the celebrated makere. An jniAMOIPDS L :''''I` - ` j Nectlieer, `.1164,, , 014 ni:6o4 nmwhitiebf i trO rqi.,94ofa,;ioooog work mac ett eft/ B rAs , - -41.0111.: VOLD JEWELRY beautiful 'ideortiblot of all+ tha hew iltyloo . oi 4 f4tllC 701614 ' `; i ItaiVioriailPirtkitteti;iiil4yl4lll4ji , 't 1/14;;,tie.',_ ,1, • 1ai110 1 0410 5 00 3 1 . 01,_ _KOS, *Al'o l Rli, aleiciittatita *ad fdathle,CLuultS, of 110100 *Wei, and at onperlot quality. " iwit4tw4wly riproilosats,., .. - BRIP.OSMIttOWEREVEItig. - 1t; 14.104 4 difO r filtnlind.t01401411Pli! 'C:4 4 1 4 :304 „qrkritlSSiAtillitit"' " Lei s .65,iiktti: fa4tatllbilV*lplit' finftdatPlinnenntideedartned.it Propbasisfeekeldtt Ardrineanfracks at PenfacobtOnorldli,fl will bane, celverat..tbldepartment tintib the OW dayot,Novern bee, JidsT,' d, tecirk fqr the ,noustraction. of the tearing naafi dutliinfted to be emoted ati„Peasa- 1 rola, literati,' ageordink to' thriPlina and seeilltiiii4 l l proparbil -by - the dirocned for the epnristant,' copies of nbleh maybe seen at, this , Weed of the eettn. ma/Windt of the Natilards at Porldinouth,Now tamp. shire, Boston, New tort, Philadelphie,' Norfolk, and Pomace*, mul at thellayrnoperintent. • , Tht proposelinntat baler furnishing all; the mete, data Mad completing the work in famanner,matiefactorr to thb person' xi:l6'meg be 'appoitited by, the,Navy Doz. parturient to imperintandtbe same • end the department reserves the right to reject Or fiecept flifY of, thd prope^ eats herein Welted, when it 'deems the interest of the United Stake romtires. it. • • • ' Ninety per cent. of the atunant of work done and this materials delivennkwill be prod for from, time fto time, as the work "prozOpaps,,npon 01adies made, andhern fled triby thehoperintendent on the part of the United htates, and ton per tent. retained nntil' the completion of the - generate' hid acteptanceof ,thework bj,ttie said saperintendent end department, andboforfeitqd in the event of non-fuhltinent. df the n 'crintract,l pr,favided that no bin ihill be mel d Ter MI, shohnitless thaia Bra thousand dollars.-- ' Emb prepaid tiaisiVe accompanied by s'iritten goer . antes, signedbytwo rceponsfbio,penions i terlifiedto be ao by a rialipsigtoft, posto.aster, nistrict' edge, - Or sone ether OP nut StaimiAle ISSall fire thousand dellenctbat the bidder will.,;stiatt reqeiced, if his ' proposetbeionepeek.enier 'lute a hentrimt and bond trith proper lull sufficient; security hirltefilthful, performanist." ,, Bidders are invited to examine the plane and speefili- • cations at the infidel; berein.heletementioned,' • The prerticals moat be sealed' and..addrefine4 'tp *Li department, hod plaint* endorsed "Propoials iug Marine =Barracks at Pensacola, The bidder Only whose offer May be accepted will be notified, and Abe 'contract trill 'be forwarded 'Soon thereafter as practicable which he will be required to execute within tee days alter itarecolpt at the post/dace named by him. All the above work, Into be completed In all reaped* accordingitd the plans,n4 specifications within twelve monthsfrom an after tbedate of the contract, : . • 'Shall TOMMY, , - heeretary:of the Navy.. siditbs4N6 Duot , dsALB - kOR'RATiciNS FOR 18&B 0)1106 MARINO oosra ,',WigetittlatO _n October 10, 11361 SEPARA,TABOAUD PROP OBALB;• will be received at the office •TUBSDhIf ;the 10th, of November next, et 4,e , clockit. M., forlarnishing. Retie= to .the United ettatea hfeeine,Morps, it the. foleeng eatiors,, for the yeir lB , bey T 114.1 , _ ' Obirleatown, bfasechnetts; . " Portsmouth, New Itsuipshirei; Brooklyn, E i ond Islood, , ,New York; ' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; tieWrt, Deer Norfolk, Virgin's; i - .Wertogton, plortdat ; And .1 • Niud, pinging, District of.flehnubia: *Each ration to consist of one pound and a quarter 'of fresh beef, or three-quarter of * -pound of ,moss pork; eighteen ounces of bread, made of beet euperdne or beet superne dour, at the option of the Government; and at tiactAnte' ‘ of,slx• pounds of good; coffee, twelve pounds Of let New Orleans sugar eight grunts of best whim hese, four quartlirtf, sing er, two Outs of,aalt, four pendant good, fuel, brown soap, sod ...one-asui.v.- half pounds goodhard dipped tallow candles, to one kindred rations., • „,, 2., • The beat required . eltall he" delivered .Ort the order ot, the sonimendingiddeekOL.seeb.- station; either in bath or hi the4ogie ratino Aerobe& mishit or the beat ,„ a ad Ojuf Pleo.l o ' f the ; Orme hike port to. be .to• pr ior ".PerPorna,met the grooerlea be be. of the beat quality-Or; ods uanid,. r All WOO lks ineneetton. N.° bid WIP ItliteStectealese etatompanTakjoe :ea pet' ,tivtAK*llehiet 44Nidesid P,lntllieedmieditt , ftersee t„**Vaddieseleitlattocerirter--, r Weelswilonlaii i a.l .Ironns ‘'• - ---Itaiztanuader. the tele publishing thief tolvirtlimeet send the paperotleinieg theigr,rt insertion dto this °See far . examinallon, accompanied by OdUptiCatelOeettllt of the eXpelletr;lit o'9 rate of VG cents for, 36tr.emiefirst +teem lie, and pr„li cents per 000 eme_fopsli -subsequent in:, settees, 1 The Nettialil Intelltgencer, Mari sad States, Well ington, DI, P.; Argue, -Portland i Me.; Patriot; Cowed; 'N. EL; Gazette, yortsptontb; N. IN Yost and Courier, Boston, Mies.; litudgeport fanner, !den.; Daily News and Atlas; Bagte,llroOklyn, : y. ) ~trgne.,Pentt-. sylvanlan,, - ,.and`Tresa„ Phi(adelphia, . Penn man s, Norfoal : • Democrat , Pensacola Yu, Courier and Orleaumn, a Most priestui, La; publish thAshorp Akre time per 4reelt, until lOthlit” ao 13-tdib and sat t Movie„ . , PROPOSALS Is Old ,:,EltEOTEig.G.' . , OUSTOet : at Perth 'Amite'', :Nair Tiotteunir Dgrantetailw, • - Wass morox, September Slat, 1561. I PROPOSALS will be required at this Department uniii the 25th Aty, of ,Nbreleberi 1 81. 11 at 1 2 0 ' 010 cb! noon, for,* &instruction of the Cutest) House, Peet Orden, andACourt 'teem, ,authorirAr to be, erected , at' PRRTR-Altilolf, biew,Jeraey, according to the Went and spaohliations peered at,this Depareat;- maid, proposals labehither r the whale builXng, (wawa*e for the dlffereglrinda of ; ,hilla of parcels muslin every case 4tceompany each:l:ado:with the amount eleach kind of work, and the total ,anteent carried out ,• the Departmenkreserving ttio right to }e ject or accept the proponent hereby, twrited,,or any pa ct thereof, when it deems the,isterytfor tile , united tatee re, it; the Deparhnerit also reserves this right to exclude the Ms of any person orpersons whom thVe la inet nose to believe will not kithfully"perfeim 'tlie contracts, or , which they- havw-attempted to Obtain by indirection; and all bide when there shall be parties' in Interest who do not join In the bidif,; . and all bids ll at upon trireatift: tion are below a fairPrsen fairibii`wk: Bida Wiltiset be receive& in gels; end §o nexitract be awarded,',to a bidder value detail's ate filrelsh4the Depirtmedt of thirprlieS differezittrindepiWork 'and materiais, - whkh _shall ,he subjbctio the rerisidri of the Department, so that It may lidept the whhie or part of the bid, sa the interest of ;the United' States nay require. .4%,1, k , ' ' A 4 101 1 8 Ninety per dent. Mr . amonn I e , wor , , atui materials delivered. +recording . 10 ',.egottlitt , Prim , (said amount to be lineertiint4 by an mumitte of an -agent of the Departnient appointed forlhiti purpone,) will be paid from time to time ,aar theater*, preirromee, and - ten per cent.' 'retairtedliiitif the completion of the contract,. and the aocoptance online work,, Ra., by,the agent aforesaid, and be forfeited tif nOn•falatment of contract,,-, 4 Contracts wilt 'tie "Warded oniitoreneter T buiidere and meobanintrand the' Luigi/Meet thereof . , except by eon-. sent of the Mara* bf the Tr,esaiiry, will bettiyarfeit. - rtre of the _ , , Ruh proposal must I , aoacemianleab,y, 141 MM altar, antes, trignoti by two' reeponsible pers ons (cartl)lo tO Bo by the Celled Sista DietribC;Jodge_, ,or Attorney, of the said Diatrict,), in the ,aue . r ti t for sbe,woole work, or btabcittibnaktt • Amount it any part, that' the bidder whhii ropiiredi prepoeal„be. accepted, enter - into 'a Contract and bond, with proper, and sulliciont eecurltlee for its faithful Poem of - 10,ti4 flettioteet4 'required "wilt be iiishost owippliotition'te the, Department: Plane apeeillratibab,- , n' *Ain dressiest he ready on the latrif tforir, when they can Laden, application to Rie;Olipartobint, ' , No bid foal' ei iantiderair noes's' it fatty complies, ix all its cletnift, tyitloite rfpnfretnettlf ef, tap atfoer-, -The prdpealsikistst,, aivisa f d tsB' Sea of the' Tiewiti aad 044, endorsed "PROPOSALS POR,,TR,S p$ ollWeOld'Alltiiilo,y Sind, Will be Pot Al'OlOalt or,the last ilistsitstruid for rt#itlitt ante• will% pi)ist„ -* '24•ih.44,41102k,',. :. IB S , the TieseiteY,!. .111511ROPOSAIS fkiffnininOilften *Own (1Oows,„ , , Woobingtoo 00.10 JUL UALfiD Piioto4l.l3 wlano-seeolvotat thlo aloe until 3 o'olma,polo, onSeitiey,the 16th of November, len, ter iwyptyMsahe marine mope with the following - Artioloo doling the &eel year eluting Setb Jane, 16b8,. 600 to NO oniform tape, complete. • ' 1;000 to 2,ooolciathittpotepoocc , .. t 3.,1 . 3( . 10 to 2,000 pa ,tents•leathic stoclds. s t to 7,, / 7: 4 ,7 ' bir,:l 9 % 1.7,, tiOriplote, of , chenalcilly tatstesi; °, 114 ' d) : ° 7 4° b 4 iso to 100 r oorag / ,e , uniform 'Mhlte, ' ' maw' ~,, ' ,s s ;„mpoce,). ', -1, •,- - . ' Ott to .100 nituleleaedbate, meet cloth, cochineal • ' ' ' 411 e—to tam obootterlty tooted: .- 100 to ,' 20 , /palre 1031:06ttindestticip4 olflons o 6tmo ; ' , -4.,' .., . tette*. . s;' J , , --, 000 to 500it . kiat bruit centre strapo ' ' 0 0 to ' '6O toditototed sathee. 1,000 to 2,000 hillti Ihteh fuelling. ', ' 1: 4 : i t : MO lg i e T t ettlr,te, • s ,ir to IL ~ 600 to 804 =Wu t il Vjtrt 15 0 ) , 600 to VlNtkiMpilefte,, ~ gr Y :, 1 ' ?AGO to 3,oofirpedre woollen mike, ,r, 64:10 to WA marble faiket 4si the el' th he ' . -- .' +` /,' blalti IttOtito IAI ' 4 ° I 'D - °IV Y :-' •I r . tottoii • , sr Ytf, 421 4' fagitilltitilr ~ in tot 800 rettigilltilkitio. , ,' 1)00 to 3 ; 600 Bonnet thlctel t•'s, , 's . , , , , Me to 1;000 Vilifil ithalen oituite pile tot.. ' , 600 to I,oooitoottonjtaketa, t ---,, •s 4 ' 00 t 6 ' 000 it'Ahl thoeireitt ebete, „" ' do . . . ,' iboa to 1,000 palm Canon Hormel drawers. At 'ss. 00 inneleker Jacket", Doorbit obb phi - ' ' , neal dye —to Do chemically tested, c ii,tinier trtirl,ll:. , re: VII Zfikt 'l!f 1.94 "14 41; ,eimmiertecotor imams eotpey 10916Pfite 6r:ot . 0b , ,dal it , ' 4 ' l ".., tAI •.r , f •,41 ..r7 - ; i 1„ • be tuiderftoosl that the accepted biddiii IA ttc ~,utcoontootwistooks Oh thenstrechiclog torte `cove 1, liaitd at the time of ootetto Ito ' kid, it •='`;',110,400544404466P 014 ~ ,, , ,, , ,.-4140 svittwseeim ler ihi litolt, ot id pell'or'ibe' •- S, !ill:Il i /teal onai l it mutt 14 bhp - tidily' eketohe 1-r,liiriiioagtoalefrtmliP2,l°,lolP i'll Irtielest i t i t :. s'' horetetMegsiO the somPit'4l . ttie'Vei2P 4 ,l4 . o 4 l ,ft.,, do. ~Actatilii rawer um oviitmosu. ,,, - 6 , 'VT i `' .., !r kr Aillittonnottwtresorrisito idemeltteer Agfa iti A 4 - ekt"ittaila pavdllll4,l4tPantitl earned BZraAo4'slte ~-,- ' ,ot • ,4triket Unto* mil ~ , 0, ,, , '''''i' '. 0 4 4 1 to thatiatiortirittlie - - K - . : * iedthetio in, D. 0.,,4011-6 upit., .'ilt SO • .Ai 7 ;, ifjot "z"..4 : 3,61. Aid., .. ire ...iiviiit 44 , 'ti.7 14t ' - illiajratimeetka. t 2 this ofibOrr, -4.4?.4. - - - titts:44,ll=tul;t: Letbeeirtzl Y, . ANC . „,,. ,i I,l9l4ketnalci,C *it' taibisti4 , (4 , l7) ' ''' `, - -41-:4, s; l'ft- - - 14 {14 ';1 - (;',: ' s.l° t thi l li t i r„) r nio 'i '') ' VOL .1--7 No: 71. ' nog itt,P4l4lbCloll4l' *pi ea d , bo u ene,of otefogere end ,others who may den aloe to 'lift 'any of our piddle Inatitntirnl r we , publielv the annexed Hat. enanto 'Leona 61. inuaininte. , • " • Academy of Iduele,: (00eratle,) corner , ot Booed and d.oeuetetreept,„- , , , ' Arch Ofreet,Thiltre, Arab; ab ove dth itreet. -„ 'farlapeen'aGaideen Vbeetnnt, aboyd Tenth, Theatre and Miens; Wahint, above Eighth. • Sandford's Opera Waite kEthloplaill Eleventh, below italatit Street Tlaietre, northinult earner Meth dud Wolluti•, , .. 1 , , 0 ;: ; - . • Thommur.!sYlo6llo4Vittit end Obeetlent.• • • ',..Thennee!eppera Hone°, Arch, below Beventb, - AND 40.11/10VS.. Aadetiioy ACteeees,eoreer 'at ,Aroad and George:streets: " " . 7 " Aeadenii of Flioi Arta, eitestentint:eve Tenth': • Artists' "and WAN,Pheetnot,-abdve Tenth.. - • YtelWllllXnWituto, 10 ,80ellt Pienth street.' ‘. :: AM1131 . 1,011018. r Aliniltonse ' wee! elde otp ovre ehitylklll, Oppeeltuth street. ; • • • - Alm4oteie , (e i rtindsii,' . Walnut 'street, abore'rhird. '",teation for the Stsployment of poor Women, No. 202 erten:street: '4 0 31} 101 ,(orii9tit.Obtldren, No.! M North Zanotti street. - Street. ,Christ °haat' Sfoenital,'l , lo. 8, l)lerry street. Oily iloqpitil, bfineteentli n atteet,'near Coates,. Olsiblon , s MINT/ street. ' , *liispensary, Fifth, below Otteetnnestieet. • • 'Female Society for Van:flatlet and Illnyloyment of the Poor, ,110. 72 North. flArrenth street. finardisas' or the i l'4or;offlee No, 88 i North, Beventh kferman aoefitiffell, - No. 8 faiith` Helena! „ name , for -Friendless , Obildreo, coturrt Twenty-third end /frown streets.. • , • - ,• IndkientWidows'and Single Womentsfloolsty, °hem; 614 finslBAtfilltWSPOOCti t • • tfi. kr, '"1"1944 4 1114 ai t,PM A , OPT Seilatit ;0 4 4: - .446st r,ie r 4 t, t e 4T hi flirß iu M- 6' 41i4 t,":k Tr,47 :10 4 Nortiotta INdponeory, No. i Spring Garden Oiphitue Asylum; (o6fored,) Thirteenth. 'street, near • ,Oild fillOWs!' .. Fin4firsto.od 4.oa44l l ltreet.„ ' : De. , do. "LE. coiner Itroad And Sprint elu ded strbets. Do. do.- Tooth and South streets. • • • • - DO. do. - Thltd luidProivn striode': - pp. . do.. Ridge Road, Ixdow Wallsre,' • Ponnaybri , opi 'llO 0 ip 041,14rp0t, between Righth era Moth; "'` • • • I ; Pootivlionts ttiiilnstrucilon of the Blind, corner Rece and Twenttiieth street. • PeungYlvania E140,94ne-..4lleviatlng.tita Miseries of Public Prisons, Sixth and Adolph' atneats: Pennsylvania Tridning:School. tor Idiotic and Noble alindad Ohildrau,iSchoat HbSab Lane,"Gartnantown : (Moe No. 10'1941mA sleet. Philadelphia Qrkhans , Asylum , northeast cot. F.iigh teplith and (Merry' ' ' ' ' Preston Retreat, Hamilton, near Twentieth street.. Providence Societz,..prnee, below'Bixtn street. • dqatheiti'DlstiedidtrY, Nil. 08 Shiken street.' thdon Bottivolent deitoctadign,- N. , W.' corner of Seventh and &monk streets. ' '' . . . . . . .. .. W,ill'ia 'tiepin'', Ike., between Eighteenth and Nine teenth atteetti. ••• • , •• • , ~; • R. lose h's Hoeiltal,„fltrard avenue, between • Sit leant!' an Stateenth. Spiiiii . ' Ileeptta"; Tont street; between Hunting don and ph avenues. "- •• • •' "' Philadel it fleabite' for Diteaseliet ' the Chest, S. W. comer of keatnnt and; .sark etc, West • l'hiledelphia .' - • i . „. . ; -111111.10 znantsoe. ' 01 4 0 M Roane, Cheetunt Iltreet, above South • Haunt, Prialp,Rpolyank„ road, Oolow Wed. , I Olty ?ice* Yfesehour , Dock and 'lianas streets. 1 'City C kitroller'a Nide, Girard Bank, second story. •'; OCRULlilltiOatlV of nny Praberty, ranee, Girard Bank, • Wend liter'''. ' • ' -•'-'- • " . Oity Traeuentir's Mate, (tiring Bank, second story. ' Tivita•Cloanutiseloneee.Offteei State House. -.City Solleitotte Otto, Fifth, below Walnut. • Ony Watering Continltteoo.o6oe, ikuthweat earner CAS aid phestuut., , ,1. , . • - , ' falvaibmit,Webe 'tfutii, '111[111011111: on illa ,flaiLayl• . nnard *Sat ir.04.60• elemoiiiii,:boie imakiumt - , :, Howie of Industry, Catharine; 'bete lieVenthi ' ' Howie of India/thy, Seventh, abovelArek street. . • ' Rouse of Refuge, (white,' Parrish; between Twenty 'Fecund and Twenty bird street. . • ; ~ • ;• • • _.' Home of Refuge, (colored ,) , Twenty - fourth , between rarrbikand Poplitrotreeto, Health Ofilee, Worrier of Sixth and BAMBOO. Haim or notreetlou; Huh Hill. , Marini' 'Hospital; HIV* Yeah raid, below South 'treat. "Hliy orle °Moe 8. W. earner Piftb 'and 'Chestnut 'tre* i'Sat,tetittall;,Cloatell street,/ between Twenty titet and twenty-eecond sheets. ,„ 'NWT Yard, nit the Doiseueva, testier Front and Prime Nettlystie ItibtitieS Gait W 0116; Idablen, below Front !Tait °Zoe, No. 24T Dock street, Opposite the Ng blegira.d, •1 ‘t • Pont °Wet Kensington, Queen street,' belovrahaoka inuon street; .• • Peat, Gfrivet, 81)04, Gar den„twantvfourtli street and Panniyletnis Avenue. , , • ••Fhilsde/als Niehaus., corner . third,, ;Walnut and PhilsAelPhiaGeiWirlreiTsrentiettrind Ifariceir nice ; . 88: &Tenth street, ,‘ , •'1 s.; , • • Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and Dumb, lima and Fibs Streets, j. I f .Fleases treaty Afonament, !Boob above Hamra 4,rot. • • , , ;Publie' Nigh 'eninar 'and Green 'Patine Nornial ahool,ltergolant; shove Ninth. ; Regorditife Ctifee,lfee. State flotive,esitinuit. Stets Obeartnietetreet, between Mb' and B luth •=: t. . , • Ilitelitrag l / 2 04.0Aatelfoissee"ater Sixth street. JV r i i , Pesilubminnar sr Ralf, Spring Carden ni ;:-ThWast,lresPefege,l44l set, above Ntnth , itreat • - United Statel 'hint' doruer of beki4toot ‘r;d l liiniier United Bates Arsenal, firers Perri Road, near Itede n4NsirittLyf Maio - lkilio n t th ablaut' ',United States Army and Clothing Equipage, comer of twelfth and Girard streetsi United Mattel Quartermaster's - Offite, coiner of twelfth ar4. Givevit stteeti, , ,• • • '•'“ aot.Lvatts.' *•r• • . , College of Phermsey, Zane street, above Seventh, ' ',:iCeleetla Medical College; Melees streektiest of Wirth • Opllege,,Sidge road and Collogelivenue.. gotaceopthlo Medical College, Filbert street, above Vereittit. 76ffersonMedlealcollesplAantts ctfootAndow fleorce. politeebrde 9ollege, censer, *asked and West Penn Ne eylvenls , l'edleal College, :Muth street, belovi' ,Afelllcal, College, glith streak, below 6falnsit. YeindirldisliOnVOollege, 229tiV n ,id - ieei.. ffniresnity of Penraylrenisi fildtb street, between Xarke6 ,Obsatnat, • . , „ , Thiltereity,Of Rrep.gediolpe . Popular toowiedge, Pp. 68 krdB: street. „ , • Lei:untilor clones: *nee , Thetrlet Oahe, `No. 24 putt etreet,belojr ,Obestogit.: - I • • idi • flown* Court,,of, Pponeyleanli, En and Oise/that recdai, •-•-• Ootctt of OonsmOn Indetrendencto - n idatriet Ornorty Now: .1 and 2, cornet' of Blnlh and Cheatoutstreete.. —. . , „ - Conti Quarter See4ope, corner or Sixth sod Chest attests. • , ' liteurnome neerirriona. • American Bonet labile/anon &MeV', tin: us Arch American and Paraign Christian Vniort, No. 141, Chest nut Meet.' ' . Moneticaiik 'Sunday iota)] Union (new), No. 1122 Chestiat straet. • 4-Amerlosu yll66E6olety , ( new), No. 929 Ohs Omit. Itenenist, Omen street, below O►ilowbtll street. • Penney'vents and Philadelphla 41118,414:minty ; corner LleventWand Wahint "treats. Prssbjtsrlan• Board: ote• Piablleallon • (new), No. 821 Cheituit atoss t. •. • . ;: • Proneyteriani • PtbJleatlon Mins°, No. 1894 Chestnut stmt., • ; Young lgents'ehrlithial Aisoolaiion; 162 Chestnut ; r . • ' . tiotthont-Tooqg Men's Christian , Association, Ger nsentoin Itcad And BiUfkltn , Phitideijihiri Bible, Tract, and Reriodical Pince ( S, 13,iitoektori'S);'No: OSS Arch street; first house below street. north lido. LothenutiPoblication Society, No. Id 2 Arch street, ;bolowitightli. - ' , ' euibt . - - -I ' " aIsII.,ROAD LINES. .. . , . Pissa.iCestral le. le.—Depot, Blevonth and Market. lAi M:, Mail Train for l'itbsbergh and the Meld. " :11 10 64 f'; Y., Past Lino for Pittabiugh and the Welt. 2 P. M., for Harrisburg and Colunibli:-. . . I,{1)13 P. M. Ascontonalitirrn Train tor Lam:artier; -' !ILP. K., Kiwis Min fok Pittsburgh and the Welt. Banding. Blitroart.-Depot; Broad and rob.' 7";66A. EL, Express Praia for Pottsvitle,.W,iillaineport, i Bimini and tflagaraltalls. ' ' Lad P. M., as above (Eight Express Train.) , ; -• New York Liars. - - - 1 41.:M.;tram Kensington, via Jersey Oily. 'll A. M . 3 frovsoamilen, Accommodation Train. - ' 1 A., lit_ i from Camden, via JorseYolty, Mail. 10'1. MM ., frons,Wainnt street wharf, Via Jaraik, bur', ,wp i g. ;via °Madan and Amboy, *aprons. , - g E. &Li via Camden, Accommodation Praia.- . Alt ,nd.,, via OanMen and Jer*O.YOBY) Mail ')) P.,M " via C a mden an 4, /tallboy, Ace° nuntastion: . ' . ..... 1 COSlreetitog Limo, r 64„14,,,Yr0ne Wslaststreet wbarcit,r Oelvidere,ligaton,' f Waterflap , *MOOD, A. -::. ' tit '. , OL•r tslo' Proshold, ~.. ~ ~.L -- , , 1:A.1E4.196 Wltinnt 11417;trom Walnut attest wkart, • ' 4E. EL fqr Wresbold. ~ -,- „ , . ~, - , .., , . • . 240,, kit moof ifoli r , ifiat4„irenion, A.. ' a P:M,lfor, Minim, Bin lagton, node town; do. 4 P.4,,f0r gigaideali;gllrian, its., from Walnut street .but ~ .. , . , ;,, , • 64,1(1;64.14601101V, ll ' iltiingon) kb. ~.. liallitnesell. "B.—Depot, inroad a w l pt b , ) , EA. 11.,10r lialtlmors,Hiltainton; Hew . Cutts, 6114- . , , dietmen,Dovoroind Seaford ; „ , : 1 I. .fittirilliitirtlfihnircuti a.d Now thou.. •04, .... ~; for 1 ••••Icki? M r eW °ratio,' Middletown,. ' ... i I: o oyeroma award. . .6, . , . , Itlit i i , Torl'orryriliii Paal , Preigb.t. ... . . . I. M. for Italtlainra and WilmE dg d n a,. NOW nnilefiValein JR. 11,,...—pewt, vront and Willow.. 8.11. c 4 toe Beilaq kat arm, Mauch Oknak, An.. ,a,44 A. 4 fit" Doiratown• ~,socamsdation. r . ; '2.lr, P. ~ tor,Dethisissiti, ,i . ,srusi,, Manch ,Ohnnk, An.. :P.4II:IB"DPY/"l";lloitigkilkidatiori.. •, -, .; ~ . i 1 :461P. ~ for Ordcdranziodation— i . • Canc . & and • tishrir. " , ,B,—pise street Mis t: , TA4: : for"A tilitis tri 1.,' ~ • • • 104 A. ~ for Btaddirtideld i- = • .. U. X:, fir Meier* eft?, • ' ' 44 p; 1 1,11,, for Hottsurold. . • ' ' ' 1. • , Poir Weinchestert ''' t '''' I.4ilatitilL,k, '' " ' • .1114 Wartehoster Bruise, - • ;p4 a 'Vytt e l t ods BB2 '*,., l B : ( o l t ilthAtegois.sisirtss ste.;, 1 1 8 81.0tod P, if, • • •, • ~,, 5 • , IL lase l'hiliuldpids I d s IL - • " ' WOftegOldair g p,.IC. 'i ' ' • '; ' • ' 100i:ester Direst Dallicssi 'apse t 6 Reassikri, (rubes sisiMiricet etreets Diem mbrthreit Diietsrsib Ettia Phdrelphia 6,. and 0 A: dd; 2,4, „,,a 8 P. Y. ,:P titan, Gm Erldg e, 'f' - 'and 11 A. M I O E 4 ~ ' , 4 and 61 1 EL" onAieny ' a teat itr i als t from Pitu . :o4 9 - 88 ,7 7 A. 88, ,- 1 1 4 1110lhiladelphia 6A. M. and 2.P. M. ~. • 3., pannetton tegk Ai 111: and It P.*. , r, : liirreinsulteirax ir litdrieteettit',oli. R.-Depo t, ' , EA _MIA i. 4 1 4,6411 Ai IE - 440 6;4:16, 6.45,, niiiid 11.1.6 4 .. DI., t T 1 ~ tnr Horeistoieri• ,61.36. Ind AE. M. for E ); 90).i,10, , M6111404,111V ,A,O, 8, itnd 8 • , 0,,, r . , „ I Y. ter Militant' Ai • , - -•. • . , -",,A.71 8 ,1 1 , 4 0.10; lust MAO; A.: lit,7„ 'snit i, 0, ji:to, 4, t, . i , ~,i . ..1 Ili I; ;4 Akita° P:V ; i lls ieritowil Ph""" f ak V L /I*;',,rlittv#A,Wittielyd 4 Ai it, and iP ' i:"l r , 6 , 4 itai ..:__ ..._ f, lg. , 416 4 A 4,011.1.,- - ..i . • '• b 2w '-' ib t u t , a 1 6 ' ',101%.11661447000, trOnv r ',,} 0 ,0t 4 44 *'. 7 41 . 61' '' tor t -si ' Ent iing toi - ""` tat.'4 a' w'l hiart' 94 1 140 wlarf , ; ig,ftl A- . 1.... 616,11 ; A: ena$1)110,1000190 ' millY , futi l PAts loir an teet. " 0 4.fk , ,A. M., mist_2, is, and II P. , , J o h n A warner - A likMmEaVA o7 ooxtd/ llieltrieto4 But. %de ;ii.' ,'AilikitagfriOli. ti .1 ~.,is ,+ • ' i , .x .al ,'» Tug WEERIS inicilapEgT WEEKLY XEWSPAPER r IN TIIE COUNTRY. OngIAT INDlCfalthilllNTS, TO MIMS, I , l, T u l d lt - I W o fr o li vl Y ry PLESS tud. l; . publistied from the City of It la conducted 'upon ,National principles, and will uphold, the rights of the States. It will meat lomat• dam iR 'every nhapti; and will, be devoted to cousorv-. attire doctrines, t ithe true foundation or public pros, perity and social order. Such a Weekly Journal has long been desired in the /Jolted States, and it is t 5 giit• WY Thin wool that TUN WidtiffLY PlitISS ispublished TUN WESION ,PpiSS is printed on oacellent white piper, 'clear, new type, and In quarto form, for binding. It contains all the News of the day; Correeptunleuce from the cid World and the NoPf,; tionscatlo Intent genes; 'Reports or 'the varlbus' Markets; Literary Re clown ; Miscellaneous ftelections the progiess of Agri culture in all its VILCiOIIB departmenta, dtc., &A. , 'VI Terms, latiariathy so advance. TUN WEEKLY PRESS will be seat to subsoribers,,by,niall, at - • $2 00 per Twenty Copies when sent to one ad , dress, - - ,- • -- - - 110 fwetity Copies ; or over, to Wrens of - each saber:Mot, each, - - 120 Fora Club at - Twenty-one di over, we will send an entry copy to the getter-up of the Club. ' • Post Masters are requested to act as Agents for TIM WIOIIfLY MSS. 11 wilt esteem it a great rarer if my political and per sonal 14011(4, and all others who desire a trot ebtas Weekly Newspaper, will exert themselves to give TI O 0 wERKLy Pimp a largo circulation in their ;respective noiabborboods. • ' 'JOHN, IV. FOHNEY, • Editor and Proprletot. ' Publibation Ottleo of TIIN WP#4I.Y.,PIMS9, No. 417 Olurtniitltre6t,'Philidelphl4. , , , . ( 6,t Virtss THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22,.1867. VIIILIE7ROYALTY OF INDIA That Viscount . pAsx*: ought to be recalled from the yice-royaity of India, is admitted upOn all, sides; That he will be recalled, is extiemely doubtful: first, because ha . is a nobleman and well connected , and next, be cause, in such a ease as his, recall would in dicate incompetency and involve . disgrace. , - If it be said that Lord ELLENBOROOOII was recalled from India and still figures in public life, as a disgraced man could not 'do, we . reply by referring to facts. Lord Em.mmonouon, in truth, was an active nod ' very successful Viceroy of India, highly distinguished as a politician before ho accepted that lace; an eloquent man, too, and, above all, with some previous knowledge of India, having been Indian minister (Presi dent of the Board of Control) in Pain.',, first Administration, in 1834—'5, and subsequently re-appointed in, September, .1841 - . Within seven weeks of his resuming 'this, office, lie was; made GovermarLGeneral of India, (Oeto heti 30,) and at a very critical period, the Briiish having been expelled from Cahn) at :that time. ,It was Ander Lord ELLEN nonoiam's gov'erninent that the Affglians were wholly defeated, and, Cabul recovered; that Door MA^ HO ED and AKDAR Klux (his son) were subdued intn'obedience; that Seindo was conquered and annexed; that (in 1843) Lord ELLENBOROIsaII received the thanks of both houses of Perim nient. But, by that curious arrangement, the chatter of the East India Company, the Di rectors, who have the power of appointing a Viceroy, subject to ,Die confirmation of the Crown, have the absolute right to recall him without any reason assigned, and aetually,dfd , I recall Lord ELLENDOROuau, because he had treated them as mercantile speculators who aimed chiefly at receiving a good per-centage on their cotnmereial shares in the East India CoMpany, out'of the labor and the poVerty of the Ilindooo. So far from being disgraced by thattrecall, early in 1844 Lord Ettstmonouon was 1 honored; for Sir ROBERT PEEL, who judged soverely,of public,men, raised him, on his return, from a, staple };crony, the, lewest ,rink in the•peerage, to an'Oarldotn, which is the third highest. ' ' .. . . ' ' This coo of Lord ELLENHOROIgaea was the only one inwbich a' Governor-General ever was recalletlfrontlndia. In 1776, the British Government. desired the recall of WARREN Maims, but had not the power to do so, un der the Regulating' Act of 1773, which per mit* it only to be done on an address from the test India Company to the Crown. The Proylrietord of India stock were appealed to, ! the ithole influence of the Government was thrown into the 'Scale against ILtinsnas, but the'i lotion for . his recall was negatived by a made ity of over one hundred. A conditional resignation, which iLtsintos had sent to Eng land,';!to be used by his agentunder certain eir cumatancee'which bad not occurred, was taken as an actual resignation, and eagerly accepted by the Rest India Directors, who nominated a new Governor-General. BM, when this news reached Maims, at Calcutta, he refused submitting to be superseded, declaring that his,agent had ex ceeqd his instructions, and appealing to the judges of the Supreme Court, who decided that be bad not resigned, and therefore could not be supeiseded. Ifewrisas actually remained in °Rico nine years after this, not having retired until 4he sprieg of 1785,and, in the interim- diatel time, having brought the Malwatta, French, and Carnatie wars to an honorable conclusion.. The recall of' Lord CANNING CAR scarcely be suggested by the PALMERsToN Administration, which appointed him, nor is it likely that the East ndia Directors, whose policy (or rather impolicy) ho has, been carrying out, will dis miss him. It chief rests with himself frankly to adinit his own incompetency, and, virtually confessing that ho is unequal to the exigencies of the time and the events, tender his own resignation, and thus make a vacancy for a better man. This, we believe, is what Lord CANNINO will not do, for it is a ruling principle, with Mediocrity to have an overweening con ceit of its own limited capacity and powers, and fancy itself great where others find it only contemptible. Lord °ARNIM] is precisely the man r i ot likely to show the world that be pos sessea the cardinal virtue of Resignation. ~ ' Lord CANNING had three qualifications for the high office he now holds, to which he was appointed hi July, 1855, at the age of forty three': First, his father; GEorton Comma, the orator and statesman, had been the inti mate friend of Lord PALVERSTON from the en. it:artae of the latter into aloe snore than half a century ago Secondly; Lord CANNINO is first cousin, to' the Present Duke of gortleoid, a nobleman connected by blood , with massy of the hdute noblesse of Eiglancl. Lastly, Lord 'amino happens to be a pauper peer, to whOm the emoluments of the Indian Viceroyalty (me t' timated at some £50,000 a yeae) were very t necessary. ,„ GEORON' CANNING, the 'father, (who was Prime Minister, of England, at his death, in August 18270 was a political adventurer of great ability, brought forward 'in public life by Witus,it PITT,, and .so ' fortunate as to marry an exemplary woman, with a fortune of over 4100,000. Her sister married the, late Duke of PORTLAND. 'Cranium held high office during the greater part of his life,' but the salaries' of Cabinet Ministers in Eng land, considerable 'as they arc, rarely cover the additional expenses Involved by official' station,. and, In addition, CAN. also bad many and costly contests for the p ar litimontary ' reprefientatiou 'of Liverpool, by which his Means were so ,much reduced that, to recruit his fortune, be had accepted the Ocivernor-Generalahip of India, in' 1822, 'mid was on the eve of quitting England, when, on the suicide of Lord 018TRRREd0u, he became Poreigh Minister, but, actually the acting, as Lord Lrysavon then was the ostensible bead of the Government. On t his deatk r a peerago.was conferred upon his widow, with a large pension, to both of which (and to little mare), her' ion, the present Viscount, sue. needed, on her death, in 1:837.„ Educated at Oxford, Where he graduated with honors in classics and. mathematics, at the age of 21, the younger OANNING, ateepted by Whig and' Tory as it 'sort of legacy from his father, (who mud balanced. his politics by com mencing life as a Tory, andl ending it as a and successively held 'the ces foreign' ,Illider-aeOretary, £1,600; chief, cominissionet ,of woods and forests; 42,00, tt ittlyoittinfiatiir7 general, 42,504 a:Year. All through; fl•iim first ebtry into Oftlee, , in 1841, the great point uppsid/0.4 ryas; s not his fitness for public btud noes, bp( the .fftness of Merativt q and increasing , I PHILADELPHIA, i`HpR,SI)AY, OCTOBER 22, 1857. salaries for him. So with hie ittst'aimobitmept, , five years' lioltling of "which usually would endblehini to, live with Oriental , luxury, , he-• sides realizing from. £lOO,OOO to £150,000, In addition to a pension of '£5,000 a-year, sonpr rally granted by tike East India Companyr-of which, the Into Viscount HARVINGE, and the present Marquis of Darmouste, were the latest' recipienta. The allegbd incompetency of Lord Costriti appears to be admitted and lamented upon all sides. , His great fault has been, that he turned the deafest of deal ears to all AIM tutini,Wanr: legs which he received respecting the n progress of that disaffection, which so sadly and so tragically broke out, in Bengal, into open and bloody rebellion. Lord 'CANNING 9111, RR . it were, within the crater of a volcano,' and heeded not the rumbling of the raging eud, confined tire beneath him, nor the sulphurous fumes and vapors which.aroso all aromidlint It would seem, abet; that—with'the bestpes-' ; 5i1316 intentions, we are Persuaded; for his pvl-, vat°, character and conduct have, over , boon exemplary—Lord CANNING rather encouraged , 'certain attempts at proselytism which were mean in a manner calculatett, if , : pot , „In- . entleth, to wound tho feelings and shock the religious prejudices of • the Hindoos. The main cause of, the Sepoy insurrection, no doubt, IS 'to be traced back to the systematic bad lgoVetilinetit of Ilindostan, by, the East India Company. The renewed charter of 1858, Sta!tuto 16 antlll, Viet., c. 95,) continuos the 'paynhent, out of the Writer/al revAilnea of st dividend of 101; per cent. per anoint) on the existing capital stock of the Company—a rate iof interest exactly three times as cinch as is yielded by usual investm'ents In Consols. To meet this payment and the expenseit of govern ing i lmditt, the net revenun wrung from that country, rich itself but with a poor population, i5',£20,000,000 a year. \Ye repeat that it is scarcely probable that Lord CANNINQ will have the public brand of in conipetency set upon him by recall, which would be dismissal. Ho may be recom mended voluntarily to quit a post he does not occupy to public advantage ; but he is a plod ding man, not likely to take the hint. .. The report of his recall appears only in one London paper, which certainly would not have news of such importance earlier lion the ' , Tinley, which, to a large extent, enjoys the confidence of the Ministry, Mr. Lowe, one of its editors, being himself a member of the Ad ministration. In all probability, this report has' arisen out of the statement respecting Lord Cmounn's recent Quarrel with Sir Conn C.kmrev,m. and Lent Iltem, which the inven tive' genius of Le Pays recently put' forth, to startle the Parisians. COMMUNICATIONS. 'OEN. JOSIAH MALAN ON INDIA I Vor 7h . v Preaa COCIIRAIIVILLF. P. 0., Chester eo., pa., Oat. 19, 11157'. The last mail frinn India brings intelligence of significant import. The mutinies upoq the Bom bay bide are widely extending, and the fearful re sult pf a general defection, so long anticipated and anxiously deprecated, hes, probably ere tide, been accomplished. The Europeans having been long! forewarned, will be in a .measure pre pared for tho worst, and a reasonable hope exisfe that the, native vengeance and barbarities practised by the. northern insurgents, may bait) no lounterpart in the South. At Madras, the army has also exhibited Sufficient evidence of dis loyalty and treason 'to their salt. There to an In. expl cable difficulty in attempting to comprehend or explain the contradictory and apparently futile movilmeuts of General IlLovelook in his endeavor to l'el,iolre the garrison of Lucknow. Three separate efforts have resulted in failure! On tho third at temiit, the report says: "lie loft Cfortipore August 4th, and after reaching Lucknow, was obliged to return, which he did on' the nth! The ,distance front Cawnporo to Luok now 1 is about sixty miles, and has bean travelled by the writer in three easy marches. The country is an open plain without strategical impediment, and the cloven days lost in the demon. stratlon of General 'Lovelock shows that hie com missariat arrangements were motet fault. The only inference to be drawn is that Havelock 'ti force is in• competent to raise the siege of the insurgents against Lucknow, and consequently no measure of safety for tho garrison can be accomplished without considera ble ieinforeements to Gen. Havelock's little army Indeed, the fact is admitted that the safety of his troops at Cawnpara is seriously compromised ! The ;garrison of Locknow, said to be about one thouiand souls, principally women and children, antle to have been abandoned to the mercy of tea insurgents ! The accounts admit that the population of Bengal have displayed a re• hornet's spirit : of this there is strong evidence in the Mutiny et hum Dam. This station is the head qua4ers of the artillery of the Bengal division; !he position is six miles from Calcutta, or seven from; Port William, and lies half way from the city to Barrackpore. Tho last-mentioned place is 'the obantonmente of the Presidency division, and the alto of the Governor-General's eountry.seat. Tho troops here were disarmed in the early part of the rebellion. There is no longer a doubt but that !the whole Bengal Presidency division, in cluding the northwest provinces, are in a state Of eon rebellion, and the population through out hievast extent are in arms against their former rulers, 'The population, of the northwest provinces habitually bear arms, and if Central India is, es they say, encircling quiet, the reason of such pacific condition may be found in the fact, that every man, capable of bearing arms,' has gono to concentrate upon Delhi, or Agra, or some' ther point d'appiti, of the insurgents. With out a!donbt, there are at this moment half a mil. lion of men in arms, prepared and determined on resistance and plunder ! It is not to bo supposed I the European system of discipline or titeties h ill be I preseived by the insurgents, at least for field ope- ' rations. They will divide into innumerable hordes of ettialrY and bodies of horse artillery, the ma nagement of which they well understand, and avoid a general battle. They will necessarily practise the , guerilla system, and such sys tem will be attended with a result similar,' it shot pantile', with the Spanish guerilla operations agaiqst the Preneh.• The climate will fight for Omni and fatigue and disease will destroy their enemies faster than war. ,The country must enfer from their depredations; the annual revenue, of twenty-one millions sterling, will be lost to the ' English, at least for the period of two years, undei the most successful view of affairs UM-. I mately, a famine will ensue, killing million's ef the' unhappy people,. The question will arise, ' 'wheter ,India, at least the Bengal Presi ,deie ,divisions , will be worth , the cost of 1 conq est, if it can, be achieved; and, indeed, whe4or India, connected with England, like her former Amerioan colonies, by a commercial treaty, 'Would not he infinitely more valuable to the com i merce of Groat Britain, than the recsonqutst of the country under the existing circumstances and Mare prospects? An'unexplained fatality hos in dict(' the British Government to send an army to Delh(from Calcutta, marching a numerous body of green troops nine hundred (relies through a trOpitial and deadly climate, in place of sending them; p the Indus, the course of which river is the historical highway of armies and caravans to ward rho north of India, at least sines the days of Alexander. But I reserve this eutdeet for future disots4slon. ~ Yours, sincerely, TIIE AlLANTlo.—Newfouudlund papers deny the atement that the land telegraph portion of the Atlantic telegraph is abandoned, or likely to be abandoned. Indeed, a considerable outlay has Just been made in alterations and repairs, and thereris competent authority for the statement that therenie namely any line on this side of the Atlan tic which is so substantially built or works with Veal; facility. The greatest trouble last winter was ott the Cape Breton suction of the line ; amid we bare beard It recommended to lift the present sub matiz4o cable and extend it to Prince Edward mend, avoiding Cape Breton and Nova Scotia alto gether; and, in view of the early laying down of he Atlantic cable, this seems a suggestion worthy of consideration, as It would enable the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company to carry - Abair communication all through undor their own supervision and control. A few days ago a dosporitte shooting affray oocuriml at the ...Jackson railroad depot, at New Orleans, between Win. J. Logan, proprietor of the Pelican collet, home, and James IL Wingfield. After both the 'emnbatants had dieolutrged ovary barrel of their 'revolvers, Logan fell to the ground wounded In four places—in the arm, in the lower part of thelog, in the side, and lathe nook. Wing field was unharmed. i3everal persons at the depot made narrow escapes. The chief of pollee had a buttoh allot from his coat, another man was shot in the oalf of tho log, and another in the heel by the 'flying balls. The skirt of lyingfield'e coat was per foratdd by three bullets. Logan's recovery is 'Vuhtful. — rett,Wortblugton, a St. Louis wombat/ died do che;i2th CORRESPONDENCE. Lyiteb Law In Pennsylvania—Great Excite , ment In Clearfield County. . . . ipqresponaeneeer The Press.l CLustietatx, Oet. Id, 1857. 104,sisually qufet town has been the scone of ono Of the wildest excitements ever known. Until to dayi ledge Lynch was unknown to us, save by ropitation, but we have had such an exhibition of bid power as should satisfy every law-abiding eith • rant For some years pant berseatealing has ha chue so frequent in our community as to render it *Mee for our [union' to leave their horses at all eapOsed, and the groat number taken left no room tu,dpubt that an organised gang wore in our midst elged in the bushman. A strong fooling of in dik alien was abroad throughout the county, and the law having no terrors for them, many people entertained the opieloii that stern necessity do. )branded that Mere should ho a terrible example bade of some to intimidate the rest, and perhaps 'Oekik up the gang. Some weeks ago, a young ntail named' Robert Warden, was lodged in our Al,;eharged with this offence, and at the time of lii! IlVeat Many were in fevor,of rising above the .4.1 t. land haulting hint at once ; but good counsels painisqled a and nothing of the kind was attempted, 00 4titatight of the lath instant this young' man ;It , tti /s jail, and made an unsuccessful attempt to tiik With 'him a horse belonging to the sheriff. On he following night the sheriff's office was br4ets into, it IC generally believed, by the sense man and some money taken therefrom, and anOther horse stolen from this immediate neigh borhimd. Pursuit was at once made, and the same man stunted in possession of the borne. When the um' of his arrest and approach reached here, ' the, populace wore excited to madness. Several ,' hundred persons congregated in the diamond of our own, awaiting the arrival of the prisoner, .with i ropea prepared, determined to execute him 'Witliput the preliminaries of judge and jury. As the, ;wagon containing him drove up, it was sur rater by the crowd, already blinded by passion, the- risonor seized and preparations inado for hie inmllnliate execution. By this time the excite -10814 was fearful ; the awful cry of "hang him," " hahg him," resounded upon all sides, while, tillthp of our eitiiens, whose judgments had not heths l blinded by passion, interposed to preserve (Wet and shield'the culprit from the fury of tho motel . After a protracted struggle, the populace yielded to reason, and agreed to leave the prisoner in flie hands, of the officers, provided be made a fall confession and revealed the names of the mem liersief the gang, which lie willingly agreed to do, andad once gave a statement of their manner of prom (lure, their names, and all the secrets co - neotttd with them. ills statement implicates elgh otbOrs, three of whom have been arrested, and ho officers" aro in pursuit of the ethers. b'ytur toms,,of oin outbreak were visible when one of thorn orought in, but were soon quieted by the efforts e authorities. This evening affairs are more i, yet many fool as though they should not 'allowed Warden to be rescued. Woo to tho sinducilty thief taken in the act of stealing a i in Clearfield county ' was 1 of tL I quid Lava l nazi FROM CALIFORNIA inpondoaco of The Press] BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19,1853 , Democracy of California were delighted to 'that 'you had once mere de termiued to publish oeratio paper that would reflect the princi plesf f the Democracy of the Union. " Tux Mien" a WM well patronised hero, and when your paper coin to hand you may expect a large list of aut. seri rs. We were greatly disappointed in not re. 1 epee'l g the first number of Tun Poen per the last atm or. 'Whave just passed through an exeiting oleo lion,!. in which the Democracy were triumphant. Oro efforts were made to destroy the harmony of our pry, all the isms having been combined to deft t hs. Notwithstanding this, John B. Weller Irallitleeted by a large majority over both opposing candidates. California is Democratic to the core. By their vote in favor of paying the State debt the Demoecacychave preserved the integrity of the State` by anstaining the in vfolabllitrof State cre dits` wititleir the debt was contracted constitution ally Or foot: California Morals are deeidedly in the ascendant —aepnvietion has actually been made. The feels ate ea fellows : Gladivin, Ilugg, ik, CO. were largely engaged in the provision and grocery jobbing trade; heir credit stood high, Gladwin being knoWn to be a man of property. One bright morning Front street was thrown into an excite ment,i-11., H , h Co. hail failed for some $300,000 The Sheriff took possession of their store, and it was illseorireil that they had confessed judgment in favor of their friends, hail issued executions, and mined on their Own stock. This was done without the tnowledgo of the creditors, In whose favor thesa levies were made. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. corncooed a suit for fraud, and it jury brought. in a ve diet against Oladwin, Rugg, Si Co., branding Ahem as swindlers. They will now have to pay thelridebts or be imprisoned. They belonged to the retreat and best. Thus do the mighty fell. The most absorbing topic of the day is the Mint illsol4sures. The lato molter and refiner, Col. Ila razthy, on retiring from office, was unable to 110- couni for $180,500 deficiency in hia accounts with the treasurer of the mint. This created a tremen dous s psoltement. ril. Harazthy, being a leading and 'lopular icon, has many friends who aro loth to be iove him dishonest. The theory suggested by the late matter and refiner meets with but little favor with the public and scientific men, and but few arsons can be found who credit the suggestion of D I. 11, "that the gold wont up the chimney;" alth gh some of the officers of the Mint hero ewerlUD:belief that, the gold might have been lost u the chimney, their friendship for the colonel and confidence in his honesty misleading theta into the *lief in a theory that is opposed to all scientific exporienee. Miklos this, another defalcation was soon dis covered through the energy of , the present super intenll eine A titan by the name of Bien, employed i in t o eoiners' department, was detected in em bezzling gold, and confessed to the crime. A grand jury 'Tao immediately empannolled and a true bill fount . This was followed by yet another. One of the assistant assayers of the Mint was, through the y , .,0f" the saperinteudent, detected in deposit. smelted gold in the Mint, to be coined in the of his friend, Mr. 11. Blum. This bed been on for two years, large amounts of gold being AA in this irregular way. Szabo could not ias not accounted for We gold—his pica for ,iiiiunting Is, if he did so be might ereminate .if. This Seeds assayed his own gold, thus pg any valve OIL it he pleased. This matter II being investigated by the grand jury. Yes terda the United Staten grand jury mule a pre. sent ent against. Colonel Ilarazthy, for embezzling $l5O, 00 of bullion, the property of the United ~,, Statell, whilst ho was refiner and molter in the Unittid States Branch Mint in tithe city. It is re ported, and generally believed, that the grand jury will forrot out more frauds in the Mint. 04 fact is singular. It is patent that the em ployees of the Mint were poor when they entered that o stablishinent;but have since managed to re alize minus out of small salaries. Harazthy ac know edges himself to be worth considerable over 100,0 0 dollars. Bien issaid to be worth over 30,000 i l a delta . Szabo is richer than Mon. Singular good forts e seems to have followed in the wake of even ash Me employment in the United Statesßrench Mint The ilovernment should, without delay, appoibt a commission to fully Investigate the Mint affairs, with wirier' to send for persons and papers, and administer oaths. But for the untiring ener gy of the Superintendent of the Mint, C. 11. Hemp sted, iiii., then frauds might have been concealed ; now ho has won golden opinions from friends and foes. Szabo was an applieant for the office of molter and refiner, to mend cot. Huntley, all the offi cers of the Mint having joined in bis recommenda tions Di the President. . Thi lion. D. C. Broderick is preparing to leave us for his duties in the United States Senate. Buchanan will And in him a eteadfast supporter. It is said and believed here that Dr. Owin and D. C. Brodeirlek are on good terms, and that our delega tion will work together as a unit on all matters that Concern California. By next mail I will advise you of all that trans pires n the Mint affaire., Lwow/ire. ______ eller Ing r 1111 M goln depot and not J. IiARLAN .Thi3 overntnent has started the word I telegram" for telegraphic despatch. A news papal correspondent dismisses the propriety there of, and writes: "An epigram, a diagram, a mono gram i and an anagram; but an autograph, a litho graph, :a photograph, and a telegraph. What is the principle + 'When the compound denotes the oharaister of the writing, it takes grata: when it denotes the means, it takes graph. In the ease of a telegraphic message, the means of transmission are indicated. Therefore, the proper word . is a te/egr'apit. Do not be misled by the government tolegram'—an illustration of the proverb that a little learning is a dangerous thing." Wi E. Read, a blind man, educated at the Statoi Institution at Indianapolis, living near Rising Sun, has oonstruotedt a six-octave piano forte, ;which he intends onhi:biting at the county f a i r new t week. A pinup made by a blind man! It will ho worth cooing, arid it ought to be an in structive lesson to the mechanics with eyes, par tiouts4iy thoeo who have berm so negligent ae not to have specimens of their 'handicraft on exhibi tion at this fair. There appeats to be a great wife manufac tory in Indian °milord, Mats. 'Ryan the weaving room of the Ward laths, In •whlrh an average of eighty persons are employed, one hundred and thirty-seven Ode have be en married within two yeaTB4 FROM .VIRGINIA Correspondence of The Yrou.) MOUNTAINS OF VIM/MA, 00E. /1, 1857. By accident, Some three or four numbers of your paper have fallen into us hands. They give the public a satisfactory assurance that you will make good the promise of your Prospectus to establish a that-class Joanna In Philadelphia. I needed no such assurance, nor did any other person' familiar with your character as a writer and &journalist. Evory one rrho road the Lancaster Intelligenrer, or the Philadelphia Pe»usylvanie a, or the Wash ington Union, while under your control, will read• ily take, without an endorser, your promise Missile a paper worthy of the State in which it is publish ed, and of the party of which it is un organ. Could I tender you a more acceptable compli ment? I will not attempt a definition of " a first-aloes journal," further than to. declare my unwilling ness to inimit to such a deeignationthe , preten alone of any of the "freedom-shrieking organs with which you' ere brought in daily collision. 'Some of them have doubtless earned the repute. tion which they enjoy tie enterprising nesoc paporo. Undeniably , they possess the facilities of publishing to the world the Most remarkable debut* of the ctayain anticipation ottheir oreurrenre. lint no journal devoted to higher-law Abolitionians, even though It may distance the lightnlng in the trammel/Won of" lintellikohtm; tun • be , 'allowed a positipu alnong the, most prominent, ir) the estima tion of the reflecting patriots of this' Union—a conservative, tuitional sentiment being, in their estimation, indispensable to the constitution of a first-class American journal., The Conservative Democrats of the free States are entitled to the confidence and gratitude of the friends of the Constitution, everywhere. Per secuted and defamed at home, and (stearige to say) by a portlou of thb people also, they have yet fear lessly followed the path of duty, as marked out by an enlightened patriotism, till they haro reached and fortified themselves in a position which defies assaults from all quarters. They surely have cause for patriotic exultation, in the approval of their principles by the American people, us illus trated in the elevation to the presidency of your own diettinguished favorite. and in the election to I the notional Congress of .11 majority of his political friends. In the groat contest, wnieli has resulted so auspiciously to them and to the best interests of the' country, their " press"—l mean the conservative press of the free Stator—bus acted a prondoent part • the most important part, I have no doubt, within the range of its circulation and influence, for in all the political battles now fought in every portion of this Union, the press hag to ho chiefly relied on for both offensive till(' defensive opera tion. In an engagement its position is every where in the field—in the foremost attacking column and in the roar-guard, in the centre and the right nod left wing of the army ; at every prac ticable point, •in a word, where foes are to be fought or friends defended. In former political contesta, and particularly the thrilling one through • whieb the National Democracy have on recently passed iu triumph, the conservative press of your own State has nobly performed its duty. It ham but to put forth tho same amount of °porgy and enthusiasm in the election now nearly at hand, to insure the uttiir rout and annihilation of Aboli tionism and Know-Nothingism eombined. Upon all practical issues of notional concern there is an entire coincidence of sentiment between the Northern and Southern Democracy. Taking your journal, 'fug Parse, as an exponent of Northern sentiment, I may say, without hesita tion, that we are as united in principle as we aro harmonious in action in presidential elections. This remark may bo made as to all question+, not oven excepting the overshadowing ono of slavery ; for In behalf of the "peculiar institution" we claim nothing that Tut: Purls would withheld from us, inasmuch as that claim is limited to our eighty under the Constitution, the bond entered into by our fathers, the Nortberu and Southern patriots of the Revolution, seventy years ago, i which bond must necessarily remain n full force and virtue during the continuance of the Union. Nor does there seem to be any difference between its with regard to the characteristic differences of the white and negro races; Tile PREPS agreeing entirely with us as to the physical, mental, social, and moral inferiority of the negro, and proving, also, that the Abolitionists hold the rains opinion, if wo are to take them by their worke rather than by their words. And here I may rouvirk, in passing, that events beyond the control of any Abolition Society, or of any political organization, are forcing the world, against its will, to the still farther col elusion that the negro, under even the most fever abbe circumstances, is ineapablo of seltgovern mont. It is quite certain that came of the zealous I colonizationists of former years are now convinced of the folly of attempting to build a great Re public out of African materiel. Tha Colonization: Society, you will understand, was a Virginia idea, originating with Mr. Jefferson, not long after the Revolution, and warmly approved by Marshall, Madison, Monroe, and. the other distinguished Virginians, generally, without regard to party or soot. It Is needless to assure the reader that the colonization project originated In motives of the purest philanthropy. It was deemed by its ou tliers as the most practicable experiment for testing the capacity of the negro for self-government. They thought that in Attics, the land of his race, he would enjoy the fairest opportunity to make some thing of himself, after haviogbeen Belong under the training of the white man; and they awaited there ault of the experiment with anxiety and hope. There' could not boa 'solution of the problem during thelife time of the chief projectors of the scheme. Some of them lived tong enough, however, to see an exhi bition of Imes incapacity for role in other quar- I tors. They lived to see, or to be familiar with, the history of negroes without a master, in Hayti and Jamaica—the history of Africans who, under', the discipline of slavery, arose far above the stature of their ancestor,' in their native land, and who, after acquiring freedom, " advanced backward," with a rapid step towards cannibalism. At first, the government or Liberia was under the control and direction of the Colonization Society, and at that time the most sanguine anticipations were indulged in with regard to the future destiny of Africa. But what is the proapeetsince the negroes aro left to take cure of themselves? The latest report is to the effect that they are seriously threatened with (amino, not because of any providential visitation, but in consequence of the laziness of the negroes! And this report comes not from enemies of Libetia, but from mis sionaries now in that country, who have perilled their lives in this enterprise, to make a great Re public out of it. One of these missionaries writes, that though but little labor is required to secure the fruits of the earth in unexampled abundance, yet the danger of starvation is imminent, owing to the general repuguauce to labor on the part of the Liberians With this information Waco us, taken in connection with our knowledge of the fact, that freedom from labor is the negro idea of liberty and indeendence, we cannot bo sanguine of the establishment of a Republic, -or of a respectable Government of any kind, by Afri cans. Should our strong-groundod apprehensions be realized, and the Republic of Liberia expert- °nee the fate of all other negro efforts at self-govern ment, the freedom-shrieking Abolitionist will find tho way of the transgressor harder than ever. Ifs will find it impossible to convince any respectable member of intelligent people, even of his own par ty, that the white man of the South has deprived the black man of the priceless blessings of liberty, and of elevation in the scale of nations, intended far him. by his Creator. The oppusitionjournala of this region would make you believe that the Administration is daily losing the confidence of the people of the South. In this theyahow about stomach candor as they did last year in assuring their readers that Fillmore was infinite ly etronger than Buchanan, as a. presidential candi date, and that the latter was hound in honor mind' good faith to give way, to prevent the success of Fre mont. So far, at any rate, as Virginia is concern ed, I can assure you that Buchanan has lost nothing niece his election, Virginia was the foremost State in bringing him into the field as a candidate, and sire will not abandon him "without a why or where fore." As yet, she eves in his Administration a great deal to approve, and but little to condemn. So far as the "vexed question" of Kansas is concerned, the instructions to Walkor, as officially made known, meet the very general approval of our people, and the entire action of the Administra tion has beau fa strict accordanees with those Instructions, and with the principle of the Kansas bill. It would indeed appear to be somewhat difficult for a Virginian to find a color able pretext for assailing a line of policy which has so horrified the abolition clergy of New Eng land, as to call forth front them a " protest in the name of Clod and the country. ( Vi,lr letter Pro fessor Silliman and others to President Buchanan.) Tho Democratic sentiment of Virginia in regard to Walker may be stated in few words. From his antecedents—his long residence in the South ; his ten years' service in the Senate as a Southern Re presentative; his zealous and efficient advocacy of the annexation of Texas and of every other important Southern measure; hie acknowledged in 'Memo In the Cabinet of Mr. Polk, a Southern Pre sident; "anti last, though not least," the zeal with which lee was uroed by Southern men for the Governorship of Ransas—wo thought an appoint ment had been made in deference to the South when we saw the announcement of Walker's nomination to the office. We did not approve of his speeches, es reported shortly after his ar rival in Kansas, as they placed bins in advance of his instructions, and ins position not proper for him to occupy as Governor of the Territory. Whether or not he was misreported in the first instance, it must be confessed that his - official acts have been unexceptionable in our view; and the endorsement of his course by the conservative men of the Territory, and the violent opposition to it by the Abolitionists of the James Lane school, most sa tisfy ue of the propriety of Governor Walker's retention in office. A totter-writer for ono of tho Northern papers recently stated that several of the Virginia 'nem. bets of Congress go the full length of Mr. Keitt, of South Carolina, in opposition to Walker and the Administration, as defined in his recent letter from White Sulphur Springs. This, I have no doubt, is a mistake, as the sequel will prove. The members of Congress from this State are all Democrats, and will, I am sure, support the Administration. But I give, my opinion not on the strength of what I have beard the members say, but upon what I know the people of Virginia expect and demand of them. The people of Virginia aro unmistakably in favor of the Union and of the Administration that upholds it, and their members of Con gress aro not likely, therefore, to take ground a' mast oithor. Ono of the Roman Satirists tolls of an actress who, upon finding herself hiss ed by every body present, with more than womanly confidence in her own dramatic power, declared that she felt a perfect contempt /or tke rest of the audience. If any Congressman of this State feels a contempt for the Union and Admin istration sentiments of the rest of the people 01 his district, he will hardly express it, or act it out on the national boards at Washington. Tho money pressure, from which the trading classes of the North and West are suffering so severely, is felt also in the commercial circles of Virginia, and tho panic and alarm have extended to all interests among us A terrible pressure was predicted, by some or our sagacious ones, many months ago, and all of them knew it was at their very door when they beard of Its appearance to TWO CENTS your oily; so true ie it that in the chain of ott' national commerce, tta in the chain of nature, Whatever link you etrike, Tooth or ten thousandth, severs it The chain of commerce will undoubtedly be se vered whenever the link of confidence is stricken from it. I have not, as yet, beard of any important fail urea in Virginia,. and the general impression seem to be that our merchants and traders, with few ex ceptions, will be able to " weather the gale." The banks at Richmond, Petersburg,;Lynotiburg, Nor folk, and some other points of less importance, were paying out specie the last I heard from them and the hope is that they may be able to hold out to the end of the chapter. They have, however, a strong temptation to atop cash pay ments; the legal penalty against suspension being a dead letter on our statute book, and the same institutions having cooped, a golden hatvest by likO delinquencies in former ...years I need not explain to you how or why it Is that there is vir tually no law against surammion id Virginia. • You knob that in most of the States the law in the mad to A forfeiture of charter, and that the penalty is enferrea , in every initanco by an act of Assem bly legalising the suspension. ; Virginia does not differ from bar dieter States either in the law against bank delinquency or in the itoode of executing it, and hence yon May pledge you boner that If all her banks shout? srtspoud , m the 'present crisis, en accommodating Legislature will , come at Once to their relief. A great deal Might bb written on this sabjeotof grOat pirsetical condom to Qv pelvic.; but ; I will not, a‘M to the. lenith of this lotter y already too long, I fear, for the interest 'or 'plitienee of the readers of "Tut: Puoss," • I twill writo you . again ..whati the spirit mares tne.' MOYTICOLA. A qua of Lymeh Law In Teanessee—Murder, Robbery, llangitta. ic e . Tim Memphis papers hare the following story : The, Cumberland mountain, has been the occasion of no Milt excitement, Irma &fit to hut, in that region of c9untry. There are many features connected with this affair of a painfully thrilling character, and !more than usually novel. Iturtil be recol lected that the body of the deceased was found a little off this road, boar a point called the erase of the toads, in an advanced stage of decompoiltion. The, body of his horse was also found, near by, mingling its dust in common with his ill-fated master with the dust of the earth. The men had beet inhumanly murdered, and the honey to Pee - Vent ( his neighing., bad been carefully mauled and tied to a tree ' where ha starved to death. The body of the deceased was recognised as that of w an named Beget, who had ;been in the habit of eking annual its to that country, and who was generally believed to be a dealer in counterfeit inont.y. It was ascertained beyond a doubt that the ileceased, in company with two other men. epo24 the night at the house or Baker, as he passed through, though Baker denied at first all knoW• ledge of suck a man. Baker was arrested and brought to trial. Ono of the travellini companions of the deceased comes forward and diverges the plotrieh resulted in his death It was known to Bak r tl,st Puget hail a considerable amount of go I , money, as well as a supply of counterfeit. At convenient time, previous to his departure in ho morning, Ba ker concocts a plan with 1 the , two companions of deceased to murder and I rob him, the witness averring that he obje ted and was forced to acquiesee.• Baker told deco sod, as he prepared to depart, that he would buy lot of counterfeit money from him, but he woo have to go to some of his neighbors to pro curel the means, and would meet him at the cross road . The deceased agreed to watt, and did wait. leak r came, and the parties repaired to a occluded Ow adjoining the mad, and deceased bat upon a log, ad was Counting out the money, when witness, f who -copied a position near them, heard a blow, and urned away to avoid the scene. Subsequently Bak r and his companion told him that the work wasotte, and Induced him to accept one hundred doll 13 of the spoils, T ro were other Circumstancea which were est rule Ito fasten the guilt on Baker: One was the findi gof a knife gear the body, the binds of which fatted the wound, and which was proven to have beenfliaker'a, and indeed has his name scratched upo4the handle. . . . B ter was found guilty in the Circuit Court, and appopled. Ile was brought to this city on Saturday lasttruni la now to jail here. • • P `.vises to his removal great apprehensions of an a , ompt to rescue him were entertained, and the jail as regularly guarded. The Spatta Times of the .th gives the following account of a counter mov mont, resulting, no ; doubt, from this ounce hen. oh : 0 ~ town was the scene of t most intends excite ment on this day (Friday) by the arrival of some two . undred and fifty armed men from the sur ,, roun ing counties, (principally from Orerton,) for the impose of executing summary punishment upo Jerry Raker.. About UM o'clock the armed men, came pouring into town, with rides, shot genii, pistols, and other weapons, and by twelve o'clook the town presented a Nene of eonfuslon and itxcitement such as has never been witnessed in tto State since its foundation. The streets and public square were thronged most densely, and there seemed to be As settled determina tion in the crowd to execute Baker at . all ha: yds, and the rope was . purchised and fixed to ali bof a tree near dioxin. At twelve o'clock the roved moved towards the jail, when court ad. jour ed. and Judge Goodall and most of the bar re paired to thejail porch, where they met the vast mulOtude. Col. E. L. Gardenhire first addressed .the Assembled crowd in a very impressive and elo quent speech in behalf of law and order, in which he beseeched his old friends and associates of his youth, amongst whom he bad been reared, to stay their hand of vengeance. His speech was well re. calved, and must have had a powerful, effect upon the populace, in quelling the deep-seated feeling of vengeance Judge J. L. Goodall next appeared, and gave the crowd a most impressive speech, re pletFith sentiments for law and order, and to the red institutions of ourcountry. T o gallant J. W. McHenry, Esq., of Overteni county, was called for and appeared before the audience, and gave them a speech of half an hour, in which ho appealed to the citizens, in words elo quent and sublime, to observe law and order ' and to stay the band of mob law, as they loved their country, their homes, and the laws of their country IVo 'cannot do justice to the speakers upon this cccailion, who are entitled to the lasting gratitude of their countrymen for staying the band of mob law in our midst. . - . The speaking over, the citizens dispersed in quiet, and Baker was immediately hurned off to Nashville. It. is due to state that it was supposed that Bellies friends intended to release him, which caused the excitement. The Charge! against Colonel Sumner—Nlcara gea Affairs., &c [Frei the N. Y Times.] Wistuttarest, Oct. 19 —I am now able to give you some further particulars in relation to the court Inertial recently ordered to convene for the E. of trying certain charges against Colonel E. VI Sumner. The charges are preferred by Ma. jar Dens, assistant inspector-general, and origina ted tis follows : Before Colonel Sumner and his cavalry left Fort Leavenworth for the expedition against the Choy etthell. General Smith ordered the inspection of the regiment, and charged Major Deas with that duty —a young and inexperienced officer, who probably never saw a cavalry regiment paraded before. Military men will understand the outrage, if not studied insult, intended to be inflicted on Colonel Sumner, an old cavalry officer, by subjecting his command to inspection under such circumstances. Colonel 8. undoubtedly felt indignant at the out rage, lint he is too strict a disciplinarian to have given expression to his sentiments. By, the Army Regulations, when an inferior in rank inspects the command of his superior, the latter is not required to be upon the ground at the inspection. In this case Cal. S. was present, and sent his adjutant. to inform the inspector-general that the regiment was ready for him—whereupon the latter went through the inspection. Major Deus was undoubtedly provoked by the personal and official coldness with which Col. Sumner treated him, and so made complaint of his conduct to General Smith. Out of this a correspondence ensued, in which, as Deas charges, Col. Sumner knowingly misstated an official fact; and upon that ground preferred the charge of "conduct unbecoming an tater and a gentleman " This is a serious charge, involving the cashiering of an officer, if substantiated; but nobody here wbo knows Cal Sumner believes for a moment that it can be sustained. Major Deas presented the charge first to General Scott, who, knowing the circumstances already, would not even read them. Persevering in his efforts, ho then preferred them before lien. Smith, who ordered the investigation. Of course, if Major Deas fails to make out his CM, we may expect that the tables will be turned upon himself Col. S. is a cavalry officer of twenty-five years' service; Major Dens is comparatively new in military affairs, having boon appointed from civil life There is reason to suppose that at the time when Joseph L. White gave for publication the statement that Yrissari Ina been received, and the treaty which ho desired agreed to by the cabinet, be bad reason to fully suppose that the thing would be done that very day ; but be knows better now. It never wasfintended to recognise the present Go vernment of Nicaragua—of that I am well satis fied. As I have said before, the President is waiting for an opportunity to recognise a Government to be founded there by Gen. 'Walker, who enieeted to have been off for Central Americus again at an ear lier date than this. General Walker's plan is, Who is able to reach a rendezvous with anything like the force he antici pated a few weeks ago, to make an attack first upon Costa Rica, anticipating an cosy victory, obtaining valuable spoils situ maw of prosecuting his enterprise, at the saute time that he retaliates the late Costa Aim movements against him in Nicaragua and subdues Lis must formidable enemy. The convention of Western railroad dele gates' in session at Cleveland, adjourned ou Friday night, after two days and a half of consultation and action. The measures recommended by the committee, referring to the running of trains, freight and passenger tariffs, the employment of Eastern agencies, free-passers, .10., were generally appointed to confer with the with some slight modifications .. A corn- The final action of the con; ention gives to any Western company the t liCs tr t e c te' r d n o'f r t a e ilro w ad iu elpanies. right to open or -retain' an office in' New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, for the sale of tickets, until such time as satisfactory and just arrangetuenta can be' made with the Eastern com panies for the transaction of their passenger busi ness, it being agreed that no runner, bill-poster, or solicitor Shari be employed. In 1887, when the business world was con vulsed in its centre, under the effects of a monetary crisis, this country imported from abroad, during the year, oversight million dollars' worth of broad lituffs. 1u 1851, when wejsre experiencing syrup toms of a similar revulsion, we hare a surplus of upweirds of thirty millions value pf breadstuff's for export The differenee is decidedly encouraging. NOTICK TO ,COlbEtitalPeleDlafTfi e Oorraspoudenta for Plan" will plow home to Mind the roles : item eomumnication must be accompanied by the name of the writer. _ln order to insure ecertetreen to the typography, but One aide of a sheet &mat be written upon. We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen in Pesutsyl- Tanis and other Butes for eantributfara giving the cur rent news of the day is their lartienlax Realities, the 11/10212the of the ettrronzttling sonar], the ineresse of population, and any information that will be interesting to the general ree4ee GENERAL NEWS. Caiitain Edrrett, of the'ship Sultana, which arrived at NOW O r leans on the 10th, from New York, reports that on the 22d alt., at 9.30 A. M., in lat. 34.50,. long. 73.21, paned the corpse of a man dressed in a black frock coat and pants, with a gutta-percha life-preserrer around him. The chip passed rt . short -distance to leeward of the Corpse, whilst' appeared as it it bad been in the water a long time. At 10 A. M. passed three morn to leeward, one of whom was dressed in black clothing., and the others in light. At the same time saw a piece of spar, apparently part eta steamers mast, with one horn of the crosstrees attached, near which was a tin life-preserrer and an iron bound barrel. In a letter received from California, it is stated that the south:el of the wageu-road ander the superintendence of Mr. John Kirk was progressing finely. On or about the 10th ultimo the expedition was within one hundred and fifty ranee of the east ern terminus of that section. Several of the per sons oonnerted with the expedition give rather an unfavorable oceount of the country between Honey lake and Humboldt river. It dues not come up to the p re s entations respecting it ; water and gnus notbeing plentiful. Before now, it is suppeeed, the Mire expedition beins returned to the itdrting Sin , and that the entire work is finished. The brass foundry, of S. H. Litchfield & C 0..,, on Lewliatreet, Bast Boiton, was destroyed by fire to the 19th ' inst. Also, a large dwelling liosse„Mjeiatittg it, occupied ' y Irish families. Setae wpod and coal in the store were also burnt_ The total loss is about $12,000, and Messrs. Litch field are insured in the Hope and Market offices In New York, for about $5,000. A fire at NJ. 3 Bra ttle street, Boston, on the 20th, destroyed the property of A' Webster and J. J. Johnson, both confectioners, to the amount of $5,000 The two uppSr stories of _ the building webs destroyed - damage about $2,009. The Norfolk .Rrgits learns that Alexander Galt, the artist, has completed the facial pnrtion of the Statue of Jefferson, oniered by that State. It now only remains to adopt a becoming costume to ocimplete the statue, which will be ready for shipment next yeas. , Ha is clam Superintending the pork on the statue of Clay, ordered by the ladies of Virginia, to be executed by Hart, who is &Maned in London. Mr. Galt's statue of Rut ledge, executed for the United States Government, trill reach this country next month. The last device for "raising the wind" is that ;of salting wool to make it weigh heavy, and thus defraud the Foram/ser. The inventiou, ac cording to the he Roy Rrystblicax. belongs so a small-souled farmer, living a few miles south of thaeplace Salt costs less than two cents a pound, and Mciol from forty-five to fifty cents. There is loom: hing gained in the mixture! . T .e'Legtalature of Missouri is now holding its a journed semion. The new Governor is to be inaugurated ; the revenue system remodelled; a new lipportionceent of representation made : and lee. ation in reference to the financial crisis is also ex fed. The completion of the several line. of MI V is considered amongst the most important subj cts of the SeliioD. Tse bud new handkerchief used by the fastibmables in Paris is a small square of cambric bordered with a ETICCe101:1 of lace insertions and becne, each edged by a narrow lace; the ' , lace which finishes the handkerchief trout be wile— sere al inches deep The round handkerchief, rich. embroidered, is also in rogue in the gay capi .. . A of a• arra. natl. (ilia hi/ man, named Duncan McDougal, 34 years died in New York last week, from hating 'wed his false teeth. A post-mortem exam'- , resaltod is finding in the stomach two std. teeth, and the gold plate upon which they n set. It is supposed they slipped down teat in the night time, while asleep. Boston, the other day, a locomotive Was etttally switched of the track, that it dg lied the !wasp of Mr. Book and Mn. goblet. Mrs. Book was in her kiteherL with her little. chi! , when the accident occurred, but she seised her 'tile one and essayed into the cellar un h ed. T e United States Northwestern Boundary s i com ission wes, at the last dates , on 'the shore of Bain a, Almon Bay, east of Point Roberts, near the fortnintliduranel, hoping anon to start into the lute or. The English commieioa AM waiting the arri al of its surveying party, when it also would f start, Tim Dallas (Texas) Herald has adricea from theour men who were reported killed. The Her Id says : " Since the reported killing of Re Evan I a an, Wigfall, Eva, et a!, the former has been, cinietlylolding his courts, and the latter has beeOn a visit tO .New Orleans. Wigan is not ac-' wan for yet, but will doubtless tarn up. T e operations along the entire line of the l ed Lebanon Valley Railroad, we understand. have beerianspendal, in txmsequence of the financial embasnxtracente of the company. The workmen Ire all unable to obtain their pay, which, in some easel, amounts to considerable. Diniel W. King, a respectable citizen of &Mild, Connecticat,lll3 pleaded guilty of a ch,zge of forgery, and is sentenced to the State prison for a term of sizyears. Ilia father, a man of ten aidetlable wealth, died of grief soon after his son's acre t. ,Albright -looking young mulatto, says an exchange, passed through Oswego on the under ground railroad on Saturday, and is now doubtless "safe in the arms of the British lion." He was the cioacisman o, his Excellency Sonny A. Wise, of Vlrginia. Titey have caught a queer fish down at New Lontion. . it le about four feet long—has a eon entrains Oa from the back of the head to within an inch)of its tail, which is pointed and sharp as a needle. The old fishermen never had anything like !t . J n Siegling, Jr., a young and talented me er of theSharleston (S. C.) bar, died on Sun day est. David C. Sletas, a young and active merchant of Charleston. died on the same day. S4ninel O. Cole, a coach trimmer, lately frowLaneaster, Pa., committed suicide at an early hour;on Sunday morning, in Charleston, by blowing his brains out with a pistol. P l ieeident Buchanan moved his household on onday, from his recent summer sojourning place--the United States Military Asylum—and his family are therefore installed for the season at the Executive Mansion. A ittrong-minded lady of Lowell, Mrs. Young, has mitered her severe protest, like Miss Harriet Hunt, of Boston, against women's payment of taxes without the right of representation. But the tax Collector took the money, neverthelesa Ilk Democrats of Portland, we learn, are expecting Judge Curtis's place to be filled, either by James O'Donnell, Esq., or Hon. Nathan Clif ford,,both very distinguished members of the Cum berlind bar. . 04er two thousand girls employed in the ohm business, in New York, have been discharged from i employment by the breakage, stoppage, or wan , of money of the persons who employed them. M. J. P. C. Hyde, of Newton, Mass., has already manufactured five hundred gallons of good niolaes from the Chinese sugar-cane, and his mill still fontinues in operation. l e T o brothers Smith, proprietors of a splen did aeh orchard near Sacramento, California, have it is said, realized between $60,000 and $70,000 this ear from the sate of peaches. J n Murphy, Hugh Riley, and Dennis Sul lira three garroters , have been convicted in the New York Sessions, and each sentenced to ten yearg imprisonment. Inc Verdiersville, Orange county, Vs., a littlel girl, deaf and dumb and puny, has lately had the typhoid fever, and when she recovered, her s nisch and hearing wero restored. • The inauguration of Governor Harris, of Tennessee, will take place on the lot of Novem ber next. Ahoy was lately murdered in a field near Nottingham Forest, England, merely to rob him of his t4ots. Eltven bodies have been recovered from the ruin.s ; of the late disastrous fire in Chicago, and it is expeat.ed that others will be found. Gen. Harney, 11. S. A. and Major Pleason. ton, of his staff, arrived in 6E' Louis on the fdth. A groat lire at St. Petersburg, lately, de stroyd 170 vessels, laden with produce. It his stated that ten slaves escaped from Norfalk on Monday. A Oretnen's parade will take place at Rich mond'? Va., 29th inst. The Time for Heroism. Fortunes that bare stood the shock of many de cades are now falling with a crash, like trees when!the forest bows before the hurricane. Men who supposed themselves safe from all the changes and revulsions that visit the monetary world find themselves penniless and helpless Women who have keen bred to luxury, and have never known a want which money could gratify, are thrown into circuMstances where they must work with their own hands, dismiss their servants, and submit to the closest retrenchment and economy. In emer genc4s like these, what shall bo done? 8•1 3 ,01 therei be weeping, and whining, and dodging Or shall there bo a true heroism. thing above all these dif f iculties. trampling them under foot, and setting the face toward a new success MS adversity that reveals the good and tho great in human character. A man who can Net) the accumulation of many years stripped from hi m , and, without sinking before the di-hearten ing vision, can gird up his loins and roll up' the sleeves upon his hermit Mini for another struggle with fortune, fo a hero--a true man—one who de serves well of his kind. And a woman who re ceiveS adversity with fortitude, and id ra igh ta ay bends. to her circumstances, relinquishing emu forts, i with a cheerful heart, that her husband's hand tanned provide for her. at the :nine time sustaining him, encouraging him, and helping him, pis a heroine—one of the genuine .tamp—a heroine to love, to be proud of. to hle,s pith the homage of intellect and heart. These times will prove that there is something better than wealth in the world. and thiat,h the lesson he costly, it is one which loom:11)y of Os n e ed to learn. Honer is better than wealth; let it keep it unshilned, and sooner part with every cent than with Self-respect and a good name. A firm. brato heart is better than wealth, for it can min a for tune when wealth has Sown. Lou e is hotter than wealth—love that laughs :It .lisa,ter and isirerty, that clings to andeetuforts thos e nhetu gold has for saken and grows brighter 33 the object n: it- dt votion is stripped of other good. Religion is better tli.in wealth—religion that lifts the fufferer into a i i ik e and sublime recognition of ti prie. iden ial handle the world's disturbed affairs, puts a finger-to the lip of complaint, and elevates the eyes ia a firm and unwavering trust- heroism is better than ti eat ta —heroism that snblimates and ennobles the heart that wealth has made timid and tivan, and stimu lates to deeds of Kieritiec, endurance, and :l e e ment that glorify our humanity. and redeem the charaeler 01 a money-serving rare We can Late slid keep all of these if we hale net atn,th,r " red , '—Spriazifelel Repaid/eon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers