The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 20, 1857, Image 2

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    ' l l r t s
On the first page will be found editorials on
Thickeray's forthcoming Novel, and the Crisis
in other States 1. a Washington Letter; Private
Banking in 'California ; a Communication On
-the Relief Bill; Correspondence between
1 Beriater " Douglas and the President; the
- Northern' Light on a Coral Reef; General
Mr To-morrow we will publi eh the recent
and brilliant speech ,of , Tuomes Fnenors
Ibrionsa. - Also, iteasons,!' &0., by An
'maw liman,
In consequence of numerous letters received
by the last California. mail, we determined to
'publish an edition of Tar Plums, exclusiiely
for circulation in California, Oregon, Wash
ington Territory, and along the Pacific coast,
,and yesterday the first number of the Steamer
Puss was issued. This number was neces
sarily imperfect, owing to the short time al.:
- . lowed for its preparation; but still, we think
it folly equal in all its departments to any pa
per of a similar character sent froia the At
lan& States. Our whole edition, with the ex
ception of some twelve hundred copies ordered
by Mr. Somaves, our agent in San Fran
oisio, was exhausted yesterday long be-,
fore the closing of the mail, and we are
now fully convinced that the publication of
such a paper in Philadelphia must be eacceSs
fa'. The Stearner Plass will be issued regu
larly every fortnight hereafter, on the 4th and
19th of each month, the days previouti 'to the
sailing of-the steamer, endwill contain a com
plete summary , of nova np to the hour of going
to press. Tax Parse will be devoted prinCi
pally to Philadelphia and :Pennsylvania in.
lelligence ;' our object being' to ' promote •the
interests of our city and State on .the Pa
cific. This, we think, can be accomplished
by publishing a paper which will command a
ready sale in California, and which will bring
before the business and reading community, of
that quarter a semi-monthly compendium of
what is transpiring in this. •
The Steamer Pans will tie 'sold , at, our
counter, in strong wrappers, and stamped
ready for mailing, at five cents per copy.
Orders will be received in advance'.,
• ' We haVe news from Europe four days later
• than that brought by the Vanderbilt. 'The
xnatheteatner North America, which leitLiVer
pool on the 7th inst., arrived ativer, Loup,
yesterday, en route for Quebec. The tele-
IraPhed summary of intelligence brought by
- •
her will ha found under its groper heed. As
q; 3 nsual, we shall briefly indicate hero what it is.
The day on which the mall 'left was kept
; as one of solemn National Hum illation and
Prayer, on account of the Rebellion in India.
The order so to dedicate that day was forced
alien the Ministry by a certain pressure from
, ',without applied through the religious newspa
pers, and also by the Earl of Shafteibury and
the Evangelical clergy and laity of.whonf ho
'its a sort of chief. In this country; perhaps,
; he may be,better known by his former, title of
Lord ASHLEY, and remembered for. the active
part he took, while a member of the House of
Commons, in favor of abolishing the labor of
women in coal mines, and of diminishingtho
number of hours in which, each day, children
were to work in the cotton and other factories.
Considering in what terms,', more curt than
courteous, Lord PatstEnsrox; a few pears ago,
snubbed certain Well-meaning pereens in Scot
- land, who wished him to set apart. , ar day , for
Humiliation and Prayer, when the har - vest was
• had, (telling them that God would help those
who helped themselves, by using the iiiiprOyed
Methods of agriculture which modern 'science
has introduced,) it is not probable that the
present step was voluntary on his part. 'But it
, was the late JOSEPH Hums; and not Lord PAL..
xensrosr, Wise ',declared that', concluding
Queen's speech, at the close of a session, with
an expreesiea of gratitude to Divine Providence,
was a .humbug. Lord.Paammitirox, at- least,
has not openly expressed such a sentiment as
, The long-expeoted ,change ,of ; ministry at
. Madrid has taken place. General NeavAnz
had quitted Spain for Paris, and is ateceeded
,as Prime Minister (acitiallY as President of
the Council) in the Provisional GovernMent:
The Crown Prince of Sweden•lnie been sworn
.in as Prince Regent, during - the illness—which
• means the insanity—of his father, Xing °Scar.
The result, it any, of the meeting of. the Em
' peters of Russia and AuStria; etWeiinar; had
•not transpired., The French legislative body
• was Soon to. meet, and a eongress 'of the great
European powers,' to arrange 'for the, future
government of the now united principalities of
Wallachia AMA Moldavia, is .to assemble at
Paris next month. As these 'previncesi will
probably be effected into an independent
dom, much intrigue is going on to secure:that
the'cholee shall fall so as to eerie the intefests
of some particular,
,dynasty., Is there, no: Co
thrgliosting about, whose head the new crown
would fit?
The Bank of England has lent $6,0,60,000 to
the East India Company. The militia of the
'United Kingdom were 'being called ;out,
and in process ,of
, raphl organization, to as
'to' allow an additional force of-ten thoukand
regular soldiers to be sent to India, and it was
thoUght' probable that the Mainninth Great
Eastern steamer, instead of malting • her !first
and trial trip to this country, would bo char-
Mred to convey this large force' te' Indiap via
the Cape of Good' -Thipe. great
Bolivia is not to be, launcheduntil the:first
week in next month, and as it will take some
time to fit, her up after that, her veyego to
India cannot be as immediate as the necessity
of the oaee requires.
The' Indian news, by letters to Barbs, is re
ported as much more gloomy than that com
municated to the British Government frog the
Executive'in and speaks / of live jean'
bard fighting being' nee'etisary; redover
English dominion there, and add's, that the
rebels were under European generalship, ;This
reads :very like the particular and:startling
news with , which our 'friend J,e .04s: delights,
every now and then, to surptiee the world.
The meeting of Parliament would not ftake
plate, it was Itelieved," ; eirliertfairi the nsual
time:viz.; the and OfJanuari"or the first week
' There bad-been a slight decline'litlid price
' of Coneola In London. tsidtqtraewhat
advanced In price. The provision market'ait
steady and dull. Breadstaffsof,all sorts showed
a decline of prices: • • • '')
When Pennsylvania, animated by the spirit
of the coming time,' and stung; with the re.
_collection of her losses by
fi ,conliding in paper,
fseept out'of 'her borders' the brood Of
Small notes which, like a cloud of devastation,
were circulating in every family the'seeds of
'-future desolation, there *Med huge , dey egotist
ouretaid old State, and any ; number of jibes
upon our hostility to progression I ,We remain
ber bearing these accusations in other'States
many a time, till our cheek flushed with indig
flatten 1 and marry a Pennsylvanian when he
rellteed the small.notes ,of our neighbors, en
dared the. same reproaches: What , the result
has been, 'all men now admit. The'specie ,
~,paying cities of New "York and Boston had no
.._serall - coin for the working people. This was
:rvely enough :while confidence - prevailed.
But when pity-day came, fnd, eenficienco do:
veiled, taking specie along, with, it, the small
:.notes beeeme a disease and a drug !Atha hands
of the working masses: " Meanwhile, rufmspe
.i,cierpaying Pomisylvnnie - (as 'elm is most un
justly called) finds all
_the small
,channefs of
circulation tiled with gold and silver. ; There
is plenty of ft. ' Hoit,;lo to 'keeplt in cir
culation? Sim,plk`bi'reteWing our protest
against Sisiall notes froiriTetlinr,'BtOttie:' Lei us
11494i'tkpra steadily andorterrity,. , Let us
mix ;neighbors of New Jersey, State , Bank
- oftatadeti, and all,
, ntid the othat States who ap,o? l ,- "4 8 tjieir kipay, repro
'slioney We do not. need your
't,_ ; :farre;_We'iare p.orderit , wlth , BFritm
;,;:,:drops'in_the shape of gold and . ' fillVqr - dollara
- 4i4ifer Nies
The New York Courier and Enquirer, of a
late date, recommends, as a desirable modifica
tion of the banking system, a provision that
61 no bills under five dollars be hunted for the
present, and none under twenty dollars after
January, 1859." , A siMilar'yolicy IS earnestly
advocated in many qMoersi e`,,A.l#ge propor
tion of those who ha r te nitiM atteutively 'stu
died, and who beats eMtapieficild, the banking
system, including many who are closely iden
tified with it and deeply interested in its ope
rations as stockholders, directors, or bank
officers, have become thoroughly satisfied that
bank notea, under twenty ,dollars, should not
be iiumfie The' eXperlineht of a paper cur
rency,--of-low. denominations, has proved a
failure. It has utterly broken down. There
is no necessity for it The National Govern
ment, by the operations of the mint, is abun
dantly able to ihrnisb all the currency
required for ordinary small business trans
actions. The increased demand for small
coins which a prohibition of small notes would
create couldbe readily supplied in a short time.
With our largely increased stack of Califor
nia gold, the vacuum that would be created by
doing away with notes of the denominations
of five and ten dollars could now be easily sup
plied, just as silver was readily found after the
destruction of shinplasters under one dollar,
.and as, in Pennsylvania, after prohibiting the
issue of notes under five dollars, the channels
of circulation were completely purged of un
sound and greasy small bills, and their place
supplied by an abundance of specie currency.
The whole banking system of the country
has, for the third time in fifty years, broken
down, and the fourteen or fifteen hundred
banks of the United States hive suspended
specie payments. The theory of our system
is, that banks are to' pay specie on demand,
and they are all chartered expressly on that
condition. Experience, however, has demon
strated that, in reality, they never can pay, if
they are caUcitspon to, do so. From the very
nature of their organization, and the character
of the liftainess:they transact, their ability to
meet their engagements, and to comply with
.the' requisitions of their charters, depends
solely,upon the degree of confidence or fer
bearinee with which they are able to inspire
the community.' At best, therefore, the sys
tem - is an unsafe. one. Many remedies have
been proposed, and there Is no doubt that
various new guards and checks 'may advan
tageously be engrafted upon the banking sys
tems of the 'different States. But it will be
impossible to'effect 'any very valuable reform,
unless the specie basis of the country, and of
the banks themselves, is enlarged.
In England' and in France small notes are
not tolerated at all. Their lowest denomina
tions of paper money are above twenty dollars.
Coin is the 'circulating medium for all ordi
nary small business transactions. In times, f
panic, therefore, there can be no run upon
their banking institutions, such as we see, in
this country, by thousands and tens of thou
sands of men holding notes of small denomi
nations. The precious metals, too, are con
stantly accumulating, just where they shohld
accumulate, in the hands of the masses of the
people'. Under the,tuinous small-note system
of Now York and New England, specie is com
pletely driven from the ordinary channels of cir
culation, and gold coins of this lower denomina
tions are almost chriositlei. Even Under the im
proved system of Pennsylvania, witch- prohi
bits notes under five dollars, but tolerates those
of that denomination and often dollars, the sup.
ply of specie among our people does not accum
ulate as rapidly as It would if no noted under
twenty wore issued. If we had no notes under
the latter denomination, oven if the banks did
usiend, the great body of the people would not
be subjected to any serious loss or incodveni
thee, for their ordinary currency would not be
vitiated or affected by suchinumension. Their
circulating medium would be established on a
sound and immutable basis-,--it would be found
ed on a cash, not on a credit system—they
would have in their hands money, not the mere
promises of banking Institutions (liable at any
moment to be broken) to pay them money:
• With the
,specie basis of the "countsyi in
creased by, suoh a measure as Unit suggested
above, and the banks themselves placed upon
a More Build fatidation than 'they have here
tofore possessed, we might look forward with
some degree of confidence for security in tie
future, and hope to avoid tho frightlhl dean
cial revulsion!' , which have so often spread
dismay and' havec throughout the land.
In these dap! of cent per cent, when every
gold dollar appears as unique as if, bathed of
being coined yesterday, it had been dug mit by
Mr. LA,TALan ii•oresome American Nineveh, it
may serve a good purpose to turn away front the
study of
,financial ruin, and refresh ourselves,
by, way of, y,ariety', with a good look at the de
cay of fanaticism. It we grieve to heart-bieak
ing over, the sufferings of thousands of honest
men, many, of theui 'wine of our nearest friiinds
—if we, mourn over the prospective poverty of
crowds of the sons 'of toil-L-we are certain to
realize a change for the better in'the Observa
,upon the overthrow of those merelii fac
tious' organizations 'which ere the product of
our days of prosperity, precisely as weeds and
noxious herbs are apt to start into a rank
growth; on the most" luxuriant soll4-and
which, we should add, are tolerated,' not
because they do any good, but because,
when there is so much that is healthy and
wholesome, we do not feel, or do not care for,
that which is the reverse. If we aro now sur
rounded with great dangers, we may be glad,
because all small differences have fled from our
midst.' If we have seen honest and energetic
merchants, mechanics, and manufacturers,
prOstrated by misfortunes not of their own
creation, we may congratulate ourselves that
there is but• one sentiment in 'the country—
that of heart-felt sympathy for their privations.
The contemptible feuds about slavery; the
shameful depreciations of our Southern follow
countrymen; the shrieks over bleeding Kan
sas; the clamor of makingthe North paratrionnt
to the South'; and all the foolish fanfaronade
of fanaticism, only yesterday; bow awkwardly
do they seem to us now ! How much like the
brass tinsel and false velvet, and pewter Jew
'dry, of the political stage, after the play, and
when the painted ball-room has been deserted.
The people aro looking to sterner virtues ; to
more hardy principles; to A more enduring
creed, in this their hour of woe, than the
miserable theories which' caught so many
thousands' in our days'of sunshine.
Governor Ifixo, of Now York, has ap
pointed Tburiday, 20th of November !as a
• . ! November, '
day of general thanksgiving..
Oise Mati Killed and Ewa Men Stabbed on High
Street and Liverpool' Wbatf—A Policeman
Ede* Dead in tato etre** it East Boston—
. Another Kale Stabbed,
[From the Boston Traveller of yesterday.]
On Saturday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, 'three
men ' ''. who Were' apparently intoxicated, named
George J. Sutton, Henry L. Sutton , . and Sylvester
Bacon, stopped for a few momenta in a lard con
nected with the boarding home of a Mr. Fagan,
No. 44 High street. ;
Mr. John Donnovin went into the yard for the
purpose of remonstrating with them. According
to a statement made, it seems that a fight com
menced between the . parties and a man named
John Hilton joined with Dentiovan, and the
fight became general.l Then Henry L. Sutton drew
a - knife and inflicted a deep gash upon Donnovan's
head, three in the breast, and one on the.arm.
Sutton ran down' Pearl street, on to Liverpool
wharf, followed by. Hilton, who said that he in
tended to chastise the man who had stabbed his
cousin, and advanced towards Sutton with 4 pen
knife in his hand, when be (Sutton) made a plunge
•at him with the knife, the blade of which entered
the neck, and with a downward direction, pene
trated the lunge. He immediately fell, and was
conveyed to an apothecary's shop, where he died
in about twenty minutes.
•The murderer was stilt upon the wharf, and the
crowd undertook' to capture him, but as he was
armed with his bloody weapon, many were
afraid to epprosoh him, A teamster armed him
self and called upon Batton to surrender, which ho
refused to do r whereupon Mr. Jacob Todd ran up
behind the man and grasped him' about the waist,
and endeavored to disarm' him, when Sutton
stabbed Mr. Todd in the thigh, making a deep
flesh wound. He. was taken to his residence, in
West Concord street, and during the evening was
very feeble:
Sutton was finally overpowered, disarmed, and
taken into custody by surer Vino', of the Second
pollee station, and others, who immediately con
vaYed him to the Tombs.
Donnovan was taken from his boarding house
and conveyed to the Hospital, where he was at
tended by physielans, who expressed as their
opinion, that although the man's injuries ware of
a dangerous nature he , would probably recover.
On Saturday night tee continued to. improve, and
there was a fair prospect or his reeovery.
The eamis paper gives the partionlarsof the mur
der Of Polieeinan &aid IL'lledsdon, on Saturday
night, by some. person , unknown, who, at the last
accounts, had not been apprehended; also, ef
serious stabbing affray, in which an Ainotrending
man wall seriously wounded. , .
American asters seem to be, rushing towards
England. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Thorne were to
make , their appeiwance Mike Albert and Clarriek
Theatre LeadertiNpteatborath. '
[Cerreepondenee of The Press.]
The Prealdent—Remonds—Sleep.ef-War—Gun
Wasfintaros, Oct. 19, 1857.
The President comes to town early every morn
ing from the Soldier's Home, 'and occupying a
room Alt the State Department, is busily engaged
with the Seoretary of State in preparation for the
meeting of Congress.
On the street there are rumors of removals
from the State Department, and appointments to
fill the vacancies; but I can find no foundation for
them, and refrain, therefore, from publishing the
names which are given.
The ',iron work for the sloop•of--war to be con
struoted at Philadelphia will be given out to the
lowest bidder. The advertisement requesting bids
to bomade will soon be published. '
I should not be surprised if the Secretary of the
Navy recommended to Congress the oonstruotion
hereafter of vessels of small draught Instead of
more of the huge steamers like the' Minnesota and
Niagara, which can only enter one or two ports in
the East India and China seas. Gun•boate of
small draught, you will remember, was a pet
measure of Thomas Jefferson.
The following advioea have been recently re
ceived at the Navy Department :
nritourn, October let, J 857.
Sin : I have the honor to report that we have
landed all the machinery so unfortunately employed
in laying out the telegraphic cable from the Ni
agara. A large water-tight warden tank is being
prepared at this yard for the reception of the
cable, and I have every reason to believe, from
the manner the work is progressing, that we shall
commence discharging the cable on Monday next,
the sth instant.
I enolose herewith a copy of my totter to the
board of directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Com
pany of the 22d of Soptomber, with their &orate
ry's reply.' I avail myself of the occasion to report
the transfer of Lieut. 0. IL Wells to the U. S.
steamer Susquehanna on the 29th ult. by order of
Capt. Sands, to supply the plane of Lieut. Harris,
oho returns home from that ship sick, and to
Mato that the officers and crow of the Niagara aro
in goad health. I ankrespootfully,
Your obd't servant,
Wcr. L. HODSON, Copt
Ron. I. Toncsr, Secretary of the Navy, Wash
Captain Hudson, under date of September 22d,
writes from Keyham to the directors of the Atlan
tic Telegraph Company, that on Friday, the 19th
instant, he bad received an official communication
from Admiral Sir James H. Piamridge, proposing
to take the Niagara into Rayburn basin on the
17th last., for the purpose of landing the cable
and machinery.
The ship was hauled in, as proposed, but before
reaching her berth in the basin, a telegraphic de.
epatch from the Admiralty informed the admiral
superintendent that the telegraphic cable was not
to bo landed until further,:orileni. Bad it been
supposed that the cable was not to have been
landed before the vessel was taken into the ba
sin, ho would have remained at his mooring,
and not have subjected the officers and crew to the
many restraints and inconveniences rendered ne
cessary in a basin or dock yard. He had declined
the use of one of the hulks in the harbor intended
fur the officers and crews of vessels laying in the
basin. Ho demanded to know what conclusion the
board had reached. The secretary of the board
replied that they regretted the inconveniences un
der which Captain Hodson, and his of f icers and
crow labored, and that they had arranged to re
lieve him from his embarrassment immediately.
Suairansa, Orme, July 29,1857.
Sin: In connottion with your order of the 20th
of April, and my letter of the 10th of the same
month, I have the honor to report the following
circumstance to the Department: Mr. George
Smith, en English merchant residing and doing
lansiness at this port, some years since lost a
brother, who, it was supposed, had been wrecked
in a typhoon with Mr. Nye, an . American
merchant, and others, on the Island of For
mosa. Since then, Mr. Smith has used
every endeavor in his power to ascertain whether
his brother Mt companions aro alive and in cap
tivity on that island,
lle engaged and despatched, a short time ago,
seine Chinese, from Amoy to Formosa,
to make in
quiry, and to endeavor to ascertain if they wore
alive and on that island.
Accompanying this are the reports lirbish be
has kindly permitted um to take copies of, for
transmission to the ,dePartment) made to bimi by
the agents despatched by film to Pennon.
I have the honor, &c.,
Conitnanding U. B. Naval Forces,
East India and China seas.
&watery of the Navy, Washington.
The reports refeled to are as follows :
Statement of Go-Ree, Rice Merchant, thirty
seven years of age 3 a native of Chttn•Chenn,
at present residsng of clat-a-Afun-San-to-
Tel Hong.
At Liming-Kiang, in the 28th or 29th year of Tau-
Hwang, (1849), some shipwrecked men arrived. I
saw three white men ; ono shorter and two taller
than Mr. Tait. They had been bought by a Can
n man from the aborigines. This was six years
ago that I saw them. One bad whiskers ; the
others had not. They were wreaked seven or eight
years ago ; they did not seem to work. The Can
ton man was very gob. The Clanton man's name
Ido not know. Lioung-Kiang is an inland place
two and a half days walking. Tung - 1 i
ong s the
nearest port—ten hours sail to the South of Ta-
Statement of three Chinese sent to Formosa to
',take inquertes relative to certain reports of
European Slaves in that Island.
Third moon, 23d day, (17 April, 18570 loft Amoy,
and on 26th day arrived atßoh-lie. After landing,
it rained for many days; took up our quarters et
the Ange Inn. Owing to the rains, we could not
eat about making inquiriis until the first day of
the fourth moon (24th April, 1857.) Gool-Kep-Ea-
Sin and Ong Clint went to village of Banca, leav
ing Jeh Mooy at Hoh-lie makting Inquiries, as
also giving notices of rewards for information.
On the same day, (1001-Kep-Ke-Bin and Ong-
Chut reached Banes, and put up at the house of
Chuang°, and proceeded to make inquiry. On the
2d day of the moon, (25th of April s ) they asked at
the kfandarin's office, and ascertained that in the
20th year of Jaen Kwang, 51840,) a vessel was lost
at Queroalas, with 130 foreigners, both black and
white, who were taken to Tai-wan, where the Man
darins, Tat and Oan, killed them all.
On the sth day, 28th April, they ascertained
that, during the 9th moon of the 22d year, (Decem
ber, 1842,) at the village of Bin-pan-le, a vessel
was wreaked, with 18 foreigners alive; two had
beau drowned at the wreak. One of the bodies was
washed ashore, and buried by the villagers. The
rich Chinese purchased the eighteen survivors
and delivered them to the Mandarins at Ifoh-lie
sailed Tan-Tai-Kun, who sent them to Tai-Wan,
whence they were sent to Foo-Choo to be forward
ed to Canton for transmiasiou to their country.
The anchor of this vessel may yet, be seen on the
beach. On the 9th day (2d May) proceeded to the
village of San Oayen, and took up their quarters
in the shop of Andre.
On the 16th (3d May) engaged six middlemen,
who went into the country. In the interior there
are Chinese who say a vessel may be lost on the
other aide of the island. On the 17th (10th May)
returned to Banes, and learned there', that about
five years ago, a small fishing boat with five Indians
was lost on thecoast,and that the men wore returned
to their country. On the 19th (12th May) engaged
middlemen again to go into the country to inquire
whether, eight years ago, any vessel was lost. On
the 22d (15th May) they returned and re-
plied that they could learn nothing of auy
such a loss. On the 24th (May 17th) they pro
ceeded to the north part of the district; neither
there could they learn any news. On the 7th of
the bile month (29th May) they returned to Amoy
by junk.
These statements are certified to be correct by
Mr Ilenvel, the Commodore's clerk.
Statement of Balances of Appropriations on the
30th day of Juice, 1857; the amount appro
priated for the fiscal year ending the3Oth
june,lBsB, and the expenditures or the quarter
ending on the 30th September, 857, for Cali
forn 'a . and
Med for the
Fiscal year,
ending 30th
une, 18/58.
Valances on
the 80th
June, 1857 •
$15,082 501
Cayuga Indians
lir, mitt at Cali
Circuit Judge o
California -
Appraisers , atore,
San Francisco
Survey of Island.
os coast of Cal.
Survey of Lan.
to California
Salados to settle
land claim
California • .
I Defence of suite ) ,
lands occupied
by Marine 1101.!
Oral, Cala,
Indians, Califor
Road from Do
Kearney to Oat
Ifornie • -
Purchase of Alto
oknd additional
defences of Ban
Yrancleco -
Navy yard and
magazine at
Mare lel., Cal.
Mishima railway
in California
legislative as
sembly, an d
public build
300,000 00
899,808 001
Territo'l7. • -
Light houses and
light house es
160,191 76
269,861 221
coast of Cala,
al and Clarke,
Oregon and
California -
Surreys in Ore
gon lands -
Indians, Oregon
Territory -
Cm. onndlitary
expenses I n
Oregon -
Monied riflemen,
under J. 0
Tremont -
284,433 121
112,802 801
1,366,714 76
630,413 di
Mr. Barrow is making great preparations for his
spring season at the Howard, aommenoing in Maroh.
m r . M e nu Back. will bo the stage manager.
Re has also secured Mr. and Mrs. 13Iake, Miss
Charlotte Thompson, Mr. W: H. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. E: L. Davenport, Mr. Brougham, Mr. George
Jordan, and Mr. Dyott. Ho is also negotiating
with Georgo Holland and Sallie St. Clair.
- •
= leole Ohioago. She has
Mrs. Ferran =9 P.,-, j.ntatioa of "La Fiam
produced Mr. CIaPP-0
• Mr. Collins Was M North's National theatre,
Ohlogo ; last week.
THE PftESSAIEIitAteIItPHIAi TUESDAY, OelbitEß 20, 1857.
In Ohio, the result, though not so decided as
in Pennsylvania, is quite as significant. We
have given the returns up to the last mo
ment, by which it will bo seen that the chances
in favor of the Democracy are good. The
Ohio Democrats have taken ground in favor of
the Independent Treasury for the preservation
of their State revenues, and this, with the di
visions in the opposition ranks, by the seces
sion of a large number of Americans into a
separate organization, added to the establish
ment of peace in Kansas, seems to have done
the work of Republicanism there. t ire :give
the last returns from Ohio :
Tho returns show gains for the Democracy. A
despatch from Cinoinnati puts them at 10,000 in 45
counties, and says the Governor is doubtful, and
the Legislature Democratic. We give a table of
the majorities in, counties as far as we have the
returns for Governor:
Counties. Payne. Chase. Madill. Chase.
Hamilton - - • 3500 ------ 7710
Perry - - - - 450 298
Greene 1200 960
Morgan - - - 600 646
Stark - • - - 300 ' 322
'ayne - - 300 139
Lucas 200 209
Henry • - • • 150 71
Pethinee - 200 17
Sandusky - - • 409 117 --
Lorain - - 1383 1798
Medina - - 800 520
Wood 250 508
Lake - - • • 1903 1142
Cuyahoga - - - 400 893
Preble - - - • 500 528
Clinton - • 700 838
Butler - • • • 1200 935
Warren - 720 --- 845
Clermont • - • 500 87
Piekaway - • - 550 83
Fairfield - - 16 200
Muskingum - - 400 343
Montgomery - 609 677
Hardin - • - 130
9725 8533 8989 9958
These twenty-five °aunties shows Da ratio
net gain of 2,149. ' Ohaae ' e majority, last 'ear, in
the State, was 113,550. There are eighty-eight
counties in the State.
Hamilton county, which gave Mall 7,710 ma
jority lad year, gave Buohanan but 3,708 ma
CINCINNATI, October 17.—The Colimbos Jouraal has
published a table of election returns, and, 'mantling to
it, Chase, the Republican candidate , is 'MIAs* ahead
of ;teary B. Payne, Democrat, with the counties of
Paulding and Meigs to hear from,
The returns from these two counties are : Paulding
169, and Reign 200, for Ohmic The official returns also
change the previous reports In favor of Chase, and he le
therefore probably elected.
OISOINNATI. Oct. 17, P.M.—Reported returns from
all the counties in the Plate have been received, but
each party claims a majority of (oar bundled votes *Jr
Its candidate. Official Morns will be required to decide
the result.
OIXOINNATI, Oct. 77—Evening,—The malt of the
election for Governor is still undecided. The Republi
cans figure up a majority for Governor Chase of 1024,
while the Democrat,' claim 800 majority for their candi
In lowa, a Democratic victory seems to be
certain, up to the present writing. The Demo
crate in this State fought on the principle of
hostility to negro suffrage, which the Repub
licans advocated; and this, with other causes,
including the decay of Republicanism, and the
breaking up of a corrupt banking system all
over the country, has given them the advan
Tho returns from Minnesota are just begin
ning to arrive. In this State the Republicans
and the Democrats united upon the same eon.
stitution, with the exception of a separate
clause which was presented to the people on
the subject of negro suffrage, the Democrats
against it, the Republicans in favor of it.
They elect one delegate to Congress until the
State is admitted into the Union, which will
be early next Congress. They also elect three
members of Congress, which shows the rapid
increase of Minnesota in population, which
three members take their seats the moment
the constitution, which has been adopted by
an overwhelming majority, is accepted by
Congress. It is supposed that Hon. Heinv
M. RIOE will be one of the Senators to be
elected by the Legislature chosen on Mon.
day last. The news just received at the de
parture of the steamer shows that the Republic
ans have probably carried Minnesota. The
following is the latest despatch :
The tide of victories has not been confined
to the Free States. It will be icon that
Georgia and Mississippi have rolled up enor
mous majorities for the Democratic t,party.
We give the returns as far as reeei4
An election was hold in Mlssissippl,on the
6th instant, for State officers, and Ave mdm
bars of Congress. Tho Democrats have car'
tied everything by immense majoritles2-Ifc-
Wimp, Governor, and five members of Con
In this State Judge Ilitowx, the Democratic
candidate for Governor, has a majority, of
about 13,000. The result of tho Congres
sional emotion is about as follows:
In tho first district Col. Reward (Devi.) is no
doubt elected by 400 or 600 majority over both
Gauldon and Bartow.
In the mond district Judge Crawford beats Mr.
Elam over 1,400 votes.
In the third district Mr. Trlppe'e (Am.) majority
ovor Col. Dailey to about 400.
In the fourth dietriot Col. Gartrell (Dem.) beats
Mr. Tidwell ovor 1,000 votes.
In the fifth district we have not received enough
returns to make a close estimate, but we think
Judge Wright's (Dem.) majority will be near
In the sixth district Judge Jackson's (Dem.) !no
jority will be over 2,000.
In the seventh district Mr. Hill (Am.) beats Mr.
L. Stephens about 275 votes.
In the eighth district the majority of Hon. A.
H. Stephens (Dem.) over Mr. T. W. Miller's 1,267.
The Demooratlo majority in the Legislature is
very large.
The Augusta Constetursona/ist of the 11th says:
" We hive full returns (which we publish in an
other column) from one hundred and five counties,
which give the Democratic candidate for Governor
a majority of nine thousand four hundred and
seventy-two votes, according to our calculation.
The remaining thirteen counties are Applin, Chart.
ton, Clinch, Coffee, Colouitt, Berrien, Dide, Ba
raboo, Irwin, Marion, Weriwether Union, and
Ware. From all but o rt very few of thesis havit we
reported majorities, American and Democratic,
which lend us to believo that the majority of Judge
Brown over Mr. Hill will equal, if it does not ex
ceed, that of Governor Johnson over Judge An
drews in 1855, which was ten thousand two hundred
and fifty-six votes."
Brown's (Democratic) majority for Governor, in
the State of Georgia, exoeeds ton thousand. Six
Democrats to two Americaris are elected to Con
gress, being a Democratic gain of one.
Tho Nashville Union, of the 11th inst.. gives
the official vote of the) gubernatorial, election in
Tennessee, as follows:
Per Harris, (Administration) - 71,159
For Hatton, (American) • • • 59,807
Harris's majority, • • • 11,352
Tho Demoorats have gained thirteen represent
atives in the Vermont Legislature.
We learn from the Nashville Union that the
vote for United States Senator in the joint conven
tion of the two Houses of the Tennessee Legislature
stood as follows:
Andrew Johnson, Dem 57
Niel S. Drown, Am. 515
during the
quarter end
ing 30th Sep
tomb r,1867.
Johnson's msjorily 14
[From the St. Louie Republican of Oct, lo.]
A friend who left Leavenworth city on Wednos
day morning, and arrived Met night, turnitthes US
with the following roturns of the elet3tion in Kansas
on Monday last.
In Leavenworth county the pollswero kept open
two days, and at the elate the vote stood :
For the Republican ticket—
Wyandot township - - 63 majority.
Stranger - - - - 40
Leavenworth city - 200 f,
/05,230 15
For the Demooratio tioket—
Delaware township - 67 majority
Kiokapoo - - - 500
557 "
Mohican county—Democratic majority 03.
Doniphan county—Democratic majority 50.
Douglas county—For the Republican ticket :
Lecomptan township - - 158 majority
Willow Springs - - - 350
Calhoun - - - • 166 "
Lawrence, first day - - too ~
173,140 03
Johnson county, it is reported, has given the
Democratic ticket a majority of 1,700. [This
county and Douglas form a district for the election
of members of the Legislature, and it is claimed
that the majority in Johnson cannot be overcome
by any vote at Lawrence, in Douglas, on the se
cond day.]
Shawnee county.—For the Republican ticket:
Tecumseh township - • 160 majority.
Topeka 190 "
Jefferson county is reported to have given a ma
jority for the Democratio ticket.
Upon these returns the Democrats claim the Le
gislature by a decided majority.
It Is conceded that Barrott (Republican) is
elected delegate to Congress by a considerable ma
jority over elov. Ransom
The election was a very animated one, but ter
minated without any disturbance whatever. It Is
understood that United Slates troops wore posted
in the neighborhood of various towns where there
was reason to apprehend collisions between the two
parties. but there was nooocasion to call them into
689,90 17
Spalding A Rogers' Amphitheatre, New Orleans,
has been much improved and tastefully arranged
inside—a second and third tier has been added,
resting on pillars, and tastefully decorated. It
will open with the renowned Matt Peel and his
Ethiopian troupe; to be followed by the trained
elephants; the 110110111; next the great triple ar
eas for ten weeks; and last, but not least the
Marsh children.
Mrs. Charles Howard commenced a week'a
gagement at the Boston National, Moldy *Mk
303 4,
1,165 ,‘
October, 1858. October, 1857
COUISIi63. $2, i
~„. I> .;
A 'ci M
. 1
, P Su 134
Adams, 39 in
_ _
Allegheny, 4225 _ *lOBO
Armstrong, 895 160* _
Beaver, 049 _— 400
Bedford, 83 -- 600
Barks, !ma 5972* --
Blair, ___ 369* ....._
Bradford, _—
397 5
____ _ *3OOO
050— 816*
Butler _ 603
Cambria, 1183 _ 1200
Carbon, 653 885* _ _
Centre, , 821 618* —.—
cheater,. --- 416 120* --!-- --
Clarion, '957 _ _
Clearfield, 060 734* _ • _
Clinton 131 320 _
Columbia 1099 •' 1266*
-- Crawford: ma 5OO
Cumberland, 251 612*
Dauphin, 625 453*
Delaware, 619 _ *l6
Elk, 239
Erie. --- 2103 1200
Fayette, 183 _ 600
Franklin, --
259 116 128*
, _ _
Green, 1089 --- --
Huntingdon, -- 285
Indiana, 1817 1000
Jefesrson, -- 123 ---
Juniata, 49
Lancaster, 2444 1200
Lawrence. 1678
634 015
Lehigh, • 871 848*
Luserne, 1021 1732* _ _
Lycoming, 397 -- 1570*
McKean, 232
Mercer, —.838 _ _
31101 in 19 315* _
Monroe, 1519 . 1400* _
Montgomery, 1944 2830*
Montour, 501 612* _ _
Northaropton,2326 _ 2957* _
Northamb'd, 1178 _ _ _
Perry, 87 400
Philadelphia, 3434 _ 17748* _ _
Pike, 691 560* _
Potter, 263 -- ---
Schuylkill, 1738 2853
Somerset, -- 774 ---
Snyder, 264 10*
Sasqltehannit, 1104 700
Sullivan, 167 -- 204*
Vega, --- 2578
Wawa, 85
Union, 440 _ *304
Warren -- 492 --- —4—
Washington, --- 108 --
Wayne, • 137 801* _ _
Westmoterd, 035 900
Wyoming, 41 -- 300
York, 1482 3530* .......
• 32,006 20,002
Those marked with an asterisk [*l are official
The North America at River du Loup
Resignation of the Spanish Ministry.
Otago, October 70.—The North Atlantic Steam Na.
vibration Company's steamer North America, from Liver
pool, has arrived. Her *dykes are to the 7th lust , four
days later than thine furnished by the Vanderbilt at
New York.
The Spanish Ministry had reeigned.
The Royal mail eteaulablp Europa arrived at Liver
pool on the 34 lust,
The Collins malt steamship Battle arrived on the 6th
The paper,' received by the North America announce
that the English Parliament will not usomblo before
the usual time.
The Bank of England has loaned to the East India
Company 11 : 000,000 sterling, India bonds being given
as security.
The United States frigate Plymouth left Southamp
ton on the Bth instant.
The aeloct committee of tho Muse of Commons aro
reported to be In favor of ceding a portion of the Hod•
Bon Bay Territory to ()evade.
More troops are deld in readiness for India, and ten
thousand additional militia hare been oaths:idled,
The Indian advlcee received at Earls are more gloomy
than the English letters. They assert that the rebels
are under European generalship; that operations have
been commenced to prevent the union of the British &t
-ete; that are year✓ hard lighting in India may be anti•
dilated, and that the Indian native troop. are not trust
worthy anywhere, and should not be depended upon.
The French Government are ad3ptlng measures to
promote the production of cotton in their 'Neat Indian
The Oorpe de Legialntll will soon be convened.
Tbo difficulty between Branco and Denmark In rely
tlou to the Bound Dues ham been amicably arranged,
Nothing authentic , has transpired concerning the in
terviews of the Emperors at Stuttgardt and Weimar.
The latter meeting is said to have been very friendly.
The Russian eighty-four gun chip Laporte bad cap •
aired between hovel and Oroastadt, when fourteen
hundred, persona were lost, including three dmimls,
and their wives and children. Of the crew, only six
General Derma had left Cadiz for Par la.
Las/suds has been appointed Prom!dent of the Council
in the new Provincial Cabinet.
Prince Marino bad quitted Park for Madrid.
The Prince Royal of Sweden has been proclaimed
Regent during the King's 'linen.
The Congress for the definite organization of the
Principalities is to meet at Paris In November.
LONDON MONNT Mame—The money market was
slightly more etringent than at previous advices. Con
note quoted at 00890)g for money.
laraaroot, M n—Cotton—There is a largo ape.
culatlve inquiry reported; speculators having taken
13,000 bales during the three days, and all quantities
had slightly advanced. The sales of the three day!'
were 30,000 bales, of which 3,000 were for export,
LtTitRPOL, Oct, 6.--Bucanaroava.—Flour la dull,
and all qualities have slightly declined. Wheat is dull,
at a decline of ldre2d. (Porn also exhibits a declining
tendency ; White Corn Is 10 lower. The following are
the quotations:
Flour—Western Canal 30031 s
Ohio 82033 a
&natant 31031 s 04
Wheat—Bed 7s ikialla 2d
White saws Od
Corn—Mixed 37s Od
White 40042 s
Bacon is dm, and holders demand an advance. Lard is
NAVAL Brous—Roan is quoted as steady at 4e 7d for
common. Spirits Turpentine closed firm at 40a.
BARE—Mere le but little inquiry, and prices aro weak
at 103 ddefila Od.
Oorras—The market closes dull.
Illios—The market is firm, at 24020 e for Carolina.
LONDON, Got. 6.-13readntuire are dull. flugeile quiet
Coffee is heavy, and all qualities have ',lightly declined
LONDON, Oct. T.—Business is entirely suspended, to
day being observed as a day of general tasting, humilia
tion, and prayer.
Mormon Outrages
WASHIPO7OR, Oct. 19,1817.—A letter has been re
ceived in this city from W. P. Landon, one of the clerks
whom the late surveyor general (Burr) left in charge of
the °Bice, when he, for his own safety, left the Territo
ry of Utah last spring. Ile was, on the 18th of Septem
ber, at Placerville, California. In giving an account of
his escape from Salt Lake City, he says that while en
gaged in conversation with a party of emigrants, ho was
assaulted by a gang 'of Mormons, led on by a fellow
named Dick Pettit, sod a ruffian associate, who, with.
out cause, severely beat him with stones and clubs. Ile
was scarcely able to reach home in consequence of his
wounds. The same afternoon they attacked the deputy
surveyor, Mogo, by atoning him.
Laudon was driven from hie home at night, leaving
hie wife and child at Balt Lake City. After adroitly
eluding his armed pursuers, he reached Vlacessille in
the most distressing condition. Ile says he met on the
road the Indian Peter, who used to frequently visit the
surmor general , * °Mee. Peter informed him that
Brigham Young had sent him out to get horses and car
bines. The Indian spared his life, because he bad on
several occasions given him red paint. Landon had not
long parted from him before he (the Indian) shot a man
with live bills. The man escaped, though much
Another clerk, Mr 'Wilson, In the surveyor general's
Aim), teasels° attacked by the 'Mormons. Thoy roughly
soloed him, hearing him away from his family. They
commanded him to come along and make no fuss, or
they would d—n soon show him what they were going
to do with him.
kr. Landon'a letter glen the particulate of these oc
cUrrenoes. Ile concludes by saying that all the
tdormons have left Placerville and Carson Valley for
the purpose of defending Zion
Sailing of the California Steamer Postponed
New Toni, Oct. 19 —The St. Louis will take out the
California malls, and sail on Thursday in place of the
Northern Light, adrerthied to sail to-morrow. The
Northern Light has been withdrawn for the present, in
order to go into' dock, to ascertain if she sustained any
damage from being ashore during her last trip from
Marine Monsters
NosioLE, Oetobor 19 —The ship R. P. Sumner, from
New Orleans, bound to Cadiz, has put Into Hampton
Reads, dlimasted and leaky.
Powman9,llkfo., October 19.—The brig Ganges, from
'Wilmington, bound to Buenos Ayres, has put In hero
ittatnalge to the North Branch Canal
PITTBTON, New York, Oct. 19 —The recent freshet
carried off the Homo Race Dam across the Bunquehnn
on, near Tunkbannock, suspending navigation upon the
North liranch Canal for a long time, if not an entire
abandonment of the work.
Failures at Boston
Boston, Oct. IQ--Thu ((gloving failures are an
nounced: W. Greenough dr 00., hardware ; J.M.Gol
den; furniture; George Forsaith, chairs; Keith &
Thornton, clothing; 3.W. Carter & Co., grocers; and
W. P. B. Brooks, furniture.
New York Hank Statement
New Toni, Oct. 19.—The bank statement of to-day
chows a decrease' in loans of 54,612,000; decrease in
specie, 53,633,000; increase in circulation ; 5504,000 ; In
crease in deposits, $3,149,000.
Eastern Motley at New York
Naw.Yoas:, Oot. 19.—The Metropolitan Bank will
commence to•morrow receiving Eastern money on de.
posit 4t ig per cent, discount,
The FiMinisters—The Atlantic Cable—The Pre•
eldent at the I.Vhlte House.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 —lnformation has been received
from tho Routh that General Walker's expeditions, ono
to leave Now Orleans, and the other Galveston, bad
been delayed in consequence of the financial pressure,
and would not leas o before the first of November.
They do not expect to meet with serious, if any op
position, from the 1 ederal authorities. They propose
to land at Romp point of the Costs RiCA. CMS( on the At
lantic, and then march on San Lon, the capital of the
Republic, which can be reached in two days. Their
calculation is, that when it is captured, the entire coun
try will be in their possession. The aggregate forces
will be from 1,500 to 2,000 mon.
A letter from Captain Iludeoo to the Nary Department
says that the Niagara would begin to discharge the cable
on the sth inst.
The President today resumed his residence at the
White House.
The Southern Mull —lnteresting from Mexico
uI Oct. 19,—The Now Orleans papers re
calved by the Southern mail contain later Mexican ad
Railroad enterprises, particularly the Tehuantepec
road, were the principal toplea of discussion in the Mex
ican press. Three States had consented to grant
extraordinary powers to the executive, until the new
Government is fully established.
Several radical journals ridicule President Comonfort
for his change of opinion in regard to the repeal of the
tobacco export dutte.4
(leneral Pillow's letter caused much Indignation
agni ust Banta Anna.
llenjamiu, La Sere, and Soule•are pamengere by the
etramer Texas.
Another Santa Anna conspiracy bad been discovered,
but it was promptly frustrated A revolution was to
have broken out on the '2sth ult. in the city of Mexico.
Their arrest caused great excitement, and an alarm
prevailed among the inhabitants for three days. Among
the conspirators arrested were Generals Salto, Obando,
Salosso, ilonella, and Col. Dominguez, who were
doubtless in Santa Anna's confidence. The guerilla
bands still bold out against /Dearer., and communica
tion to the Pacific is cut off. Tho Progressio says that
Marione Vegar had been sentenced to death for the as
sassination of Gen. Alvarez, and that before this he had
expatiated for the crime, executive clemency having
been refused. This is tba only intimation of the death
of Alvarez.
Twenty-seven hundred thousand shares of stock of
the Tehuantepec road had been offered to the Mexi
cans, and was well received by capitalists.
Tho late storm extended along the whole Gulf coast.
Mdch damage had been done to the Tower of Mercer.
Vera Cruz had yielded to its violence.
The vomito had disappeared.
There le nothing later from Sonora. Yucatan was in
stars, quo, The Government holds Merida. Another
account says the revolutionists were about to make a
coap d'etat against Merida, with heavy artillery
The Governor of Now Leon had imprisoned the Bishop
of Monterey, because of his refusal to swear allegiance
to the new Constitution.
The tower of Nombre de ilio9, iu Tacotecao, had been
attacked by banditti, who carried off 1;30,000 in specie,
together with other property.
Terrible Conflagration nt Chicago•-Lost $OOO.
000•-Four Lives Lost... Others Aliastng.
ClllO.lOO, Oct. 19 —Tho most destructive conflagra
tion that ever isited this city occurred this morning.
The loss is estimatod at $OOO,OOO The principal suf
ferers are ea follows : Messrs. Cormick & Co., hardware,
$40,000; Messrs. Tilworth & Co., clothing, $40,000;
3.ol.Dunham, $23,000; Mr Shay, dry goods, $130,000 ;
Messrs. Cooke A Co , bookstore, $130,000; Edward
Hempstead, grocer, $40,000; Messrs, Lewis & Page,
oil Moro, $OO,OOO, About $300,000 of the lonia covered
by insurance. The origin of the Oro is unknown,
- .
The following persons SVPI el killed during the lire, by
the falling of walk : John Dickey and Peter Iteuvan,
firemen i Mr Barnum, proprietor or a variety store, and
Mr. Clark, hardware merchant. Other persons are mis
sing, awl it is feared that they have also perished.
Monetary Affairs In St. Lonl
Sr. TAMS, Oct 19 —Messrs Tesson & Daryeu, bank
ere, closed their doors this morning.
The weekly statement of the banks shows a decrease
of fifty per cent in the coin The circulation and de
posits of the State Bank hose decreased during the week
nearly seventy per cent , and its decrease of coin is in a
still greater ratio.
Minnesota Election
CIII CAGO, October 19 —Returns from seventeen coun
ties of Minnesota give 11. II Stbley, the Democratic
candidate for (taverner, a majority of 000 over Alexan
der Ramsey, the Republican candidate.
The New Orleans Asioelated Press
New 011LRAN4, Oct 19.—The New Orleans Picayune
was this day admitted as a member of the New Orleans
Associated Pre.s, for the reception of telegraphic news
from the agents of the New York Associated Press.
Steamboat Sunk—Eight or Ten Live• Lou.t
Br. Louis, Oct 19 —The steamer Tropic was sunk on
Thursday last, near Waverly, on the Missouri river.
Eight or ten lives are reported es lost No ilarther par
ticulars have been received,
BALTIMORE, Oct 10 —Mr'Beta IS active at an advance
of Urine. Sales of whi(eat I•2oalaZic ; rod at 1104r115e.
(torn is steady at 641465 e for white, 66dT6c for yellow.
Flour is firmer; sales of Howard street awl Ohio at
12)4o sdvance, Whinkey 0 dull and heavy at 30431 c.
(Reported for The Pre..4.]
U. S. CIRCUIT COURT—Judge Chien—The case
of Myers vs. Baker and Stetson, an appeal case.
was under argument this morning.
U. S. DISTRICT COURT—William Gunn was
charged with passing counterfeit coin of the United
States. Verdict, not guilty.
D/STRICT COURT, No. I—Judge Hare.--Joseph
Hammett vs. G. J. Naylor. An action on a pro
missory note. Verdict for the plaintiff, $lO5.
Dennis, Esq., for plaintiff. .1 Wagner Jermon,
Esq., for defendant.
Howard Tilden to the use of Willis R. Austin
vs. Wm. C. Rudman, jr , executor of Wm. C.
Rudman, deceased. An action on promissory notes.
Defence. Verdict for the plaintiff, .51,423.130. Da
vid Webster, Eaq., for plaintiff. Charles Gibbons,
Esq., for defendant.
Robert C. Green vs. Samuel C. Scarlott. An
action of ejectment. Verdict for plaintiff. F. C.
Brewster, Esq., for plaintiff. A. 11. Smith, Esq.,
for defendant.
Amanda Goble, vs. Henry Trimble. A feigned
issue to try the rit;ht to certain pods seized cinder
execution. On tnnl. Vansant, Esq., for plain-
tiff. M. Mueday, Esq., for defendant.
COMMON PLEAS—Jullgo Allison —George Jones
vs. Thomas Brown Au action for work and labor
done Defence, that the contract was made with
another party. Verdict for the plaintiff, $20.49.
T. K. Finletter, Esq., for the plaintiff. A. D.
Tarr, Esq., for defendant.
Eliza (Winger, administratrix, vs. Joseph C.
Molloy, security for Daniel Daley.. An action for
rent. The plaintiffsuffered a nonsuit. S. Wetherill,
Esq., for plaintiff. H. T. Coleman, Esq., for
Daniel McCleary vs. Henry Pennington. A
Reit?, facias on an apportioned claim. - Defence,
that the work for which the claim was filed was
badly done. On trial. George Thorn, Esq., for
plaintiff. Clinton Aug, Esq., for defendant.
QUARTER Sessions—Judge Thompson.—William
C. tlodfrey, one of the Aratio explorers in Doctor
Kane's expedition, was charged with bigamy. The
testimony on the part of the prosecution was that
he married a person, named Sarah Anne Fetters,
In the year 1851, end again married ono Ellen
Road in July, 1857, his first wife being still
living. The certificate of the first marriage was
produced in Court, and the defendant's signature
to it was offered in evidence, but there was some
difficulty in proving it. There wore no witnesses
examined for the defence. Jury out. The Dis
trict Attorney for the Commonwealth. Lucas
Hirst, and. David Suby, Esqs., for the defen
Elizabeth Barry was acquitted of an assault and
battery on Miss Levy.
Peter Cassidy was convicted of an assault and
battery on J. Bensloy.
[From the New York papers of yetterday.]
Tan MURPEREIt.—About 15 o'clock on Saturday
night, an unprovoked and diabolical murder was
perpetrated in Tenth avenue, near Twenty-first
street, by ono of a gang of three miscreants. John
Swenson and his wife were rettuniug home from
market at the hour above named, and while pass
ing through Tenth avenue, near Twenty-first street,
were conversing together when the gong referred
to made their appearance, and one of them,
pretending that he thought Swenson's remarks
were intended for him, naked him what he was
saying. Mr. S. replied that be had not spoken to
Tho fellow then struck Mr. Swenson and
knocked hint into the gutter. Mr. S arose and
started 'awards his assailant, but before reaching
th a ruffian, who was about eighteen years of
ago, turned and plunged the blade of a dirk into
his breast. Mr. S. fell mortally wounded; and
died a few moments afterward. As soon as the
fatal wound was inflicted, the three ruffians tied.
A lad named David Scott was the only person,
except those above named, who DIM the ,blow
struck. Dr. Robert Rd saw the ruffians running
away, and heard Mr. Swenson crying "murder.'
The policeman on duty in the neighborhood was
away, he having gone to the station-house with a
prisoner. The circumstance was, however, FOOD
made known at the sixteenth ward station-house,
and Inspector Carpenter despatched several men to
carry the body of deceased to his late residence,
and to search for the murderer. The officers did
as they were directed, but, though they scoured
the neighborhood for several hours, did not suc
ceed in effecting the arrest of the assassin. Mrs.
Swenson has partially described the dress of the
murderer, and it answers to that given by Scott.
Tho deceased was a native of Scotland, thirty-two
years of age. Iht was an industrious and temper
ate soon, and was employed as a machinist and en
Litter from Ifinatio.
The United States mall steamer Black Warrior
sailed from Now Orleans on the 11th, arrived at
Havana on the 13th, thence at ten 4. M on the
14th, and arrived at New Yolk on Sunday eve
A cargo of ono hundred and seventy-nine Asiat
ics had been landed at Ilarana from a Norwegian
barque. She lost seventy on the pa , sag,e.
Sugars are more active .upon feeorablo reports
from Europe, and large quantities are going for•
ward to that market.
Freights improved, and front Europe quoted at
£2 ss. to t 2 lOs.
Exohange on London 9 to 10 premium, and re
ceding, largo amounts having been brought in the
States for the Havana market.
The island healthy; ivoathor fine, and the sugar
crop promt o b
Tha Warrior iB' bri e r ngs er go i tn c qo . u . Orleans $16,000 in
speolo, and from Havana $135,329.
Miss Sarah Slovens, a young actress, who was at
Wallach's last seam, finished ai engagement at
Buffalo on Saturday - , when she produced Messrs.
Goodrich and Warden play of "Fascination,"
herself ai Beatrico, and Mr. Colin Stuart as Fa
111 r. Henry Wallach sailed fo' England In the
Canada on Wednesday last sifords us great
satisfaction to state that he irn in the spring
to amino the noting nue • t_ w s management of
the }toward Athentouw, sailor Mr. Barrow's
Wier:urea ABM! Slicer TusArea, Aeon ATBEET,
AZICIViSITTU.—.. Sauk Oade , —" Sudden Tbou:, , hts."
AND WALNUT OTRNlTS.— "qunchbark"— , s To Oblige
STEER? —" Uncle Tom's COOL"
Stiroeu'a °reek EiuosziTSLiVENTO Siemer, ABOVE
CUICEITNUT.—Ettilopien Ufa Illuntrated, concluding with
a laus•hable Afterpleer.
TU011.31 ,9 4S ittliTH AMP elltorNOT STIIICETJ
—Miscellaneous Concerts.
QUO Stamm - 6, Luci Di Lammermoor,' to-morrow
(Wednesday) evening.
Relief i}letliag for Twentieth Ward.—
Pursunut to announcement, a meeting of the citi
zens of Twentieth ward was held in - the Hall,
northwest corner of Girard avenue and Spring
Garden street, last evening, at 7i o'clock.
The meeting was organized by calling Professor
WlLLiam 11. ALLEN to the chair. On taking his
seat, the chairman stated, in a very forcible and
feeling manner, the object for which they were as
sembled. The labor which they were called upon
to perform was one of humanity and Christian
duty, and should enlist the co-operation of all, ir
respective of name or sect; it surmounted all
party feeling, and he hoped, whatever might
be determined upon, that this would be borne in
mind, that our charities must not cease with a
thigle donation; the bounties of Heaven were be
ing constantly lavished upon no, artd it was hence
our ditty, in grateful response, to' continue our
charities while their aid was demanded. As the
sun shone unceasingly upon the world through the
day, so our charities must descend upon' the needy
—as the dews descend by night, must our boun
ties bless the suffering poor.
At the contusion of the chairman's remarks, Ed
ward Orate, Esq. in a neat speech, introduced the
following resolutions:
Resolved, That a committee of one from each
precinct in this ward be appointed by the Chair,
who shell be empowered to appoint a committee of
ten from each precinct in the ward, to be appo jilted
by this meeting, to organize an association in ac
cordance with the object of this meeting, and sp
pint soh officers, and frame such rules and regu
lations or by-laws, as, in their opinion, will best
subserve the charitable purposes of this association;
and that they have power to form a sub-committee
of their body, to confer with similar associations of
the other wards of this city upon any and all sub
jects connected with the objects of this meeting.
Resolved, That the committees of ten, of the
respective precincts, be empowered to rill any va
cancies that mayoccur by resignation or otherwise,
by appointment of other citizens of the precincts
in which ouch vacancies may occur.
Resolved, That the ladies of this ward, whose
natural impulses are always charitable, be invited
to aid this association in the promotion of its ob
jects, by the kindly supply of such articles of ne
cessity and comfort as wilt alleviate the sufferings
of the poor females and children of the ward.
Resolved, That the secretaries of this meeting
be requested to send notioes respectively to
the members of the committee of ten from
each precinct, appointed at this meeting, re
questing their punctual attendance at a meet
ing to be held in this room on Friday eve
ning, the 23d last., et 7i o'clock ; accompanying
Loch notice with the above resolutions. After the
resolutions were read and unanimously adopted,
the Chair appointed the following-named "gentle
men as the committee of ten : _
- • • ••
John M. Riley, Peter Hall, Samuel Scattergood,
Thomas Ryan, Henry Haines George
Augustus Lambert, Edward Haines,
'dimes H. Mil
lington, William Rattier.
At the suggestion of the Chair, the committee of
ten retired, for the purpose of appointing the sub
committees of ten from each precinct, arid in
few minutes returned with a list et a hundred
names, which were accepted by the, meeting.
There being no further business to transact, the
meeting adjourned at 9 o'clock, to meet at the call
of the committee.
Cadet., of Temperance.—The parade of the
Cadets of Temperance took place yesterday, and
was a very creditable affair. About nine o'clock
in the morning the line began to form on Spring
garden street near Broad, and such exeitement as
there prevailed we have seldom witnessed. The
line began to move at ten o'clock precisely, and
the following are the principal features of the pa
The Chief Marshal and assistaats on horseback,
led the van. Behind them was a brass band, fol
lowed by Good Samaritan Section, No. 1, of the
Cadets of Temperance. The members of the sec•
tion were attired in white shirts, with fanciful
rashes, dark pants, and black cape, with the name
of their organization placed in the Loot. Some of
them had belts around their waists, on the front of
which was also printed the name of the Good Sa
maritan, and some had caps of tic• or. pewter
suspended to the belts aforesaid, as emblematical
of the cause of cold water. A majority of them
were very youthful in appearance. The aeetlon
displayed a magnificent banner of blank velvet,
an incredible number of wreaths, small and large
slugs and fanciful decorations. Some were Imbibed
as sailors. William Penn had a representative,
and there were some half dozen Mohican Indians.
One of the banners of the organization contained
a beautiful painting of the deed of the Good Sa
Friendship Section, No. 8, came next in order.
Their banner was draped in bleak, in mourning.
Tho members were attired as those of the former
Germantown Section, No. 1, displayed some very
small boys, who, however, were sheltered under
very handsome banners. Axemen were in this
Silver Spring Section, No. 20, made a firm dis
play. Their banners Were equal to any that we
Have ever seen. A portion of them wore attired
as sailors, and exhibited their patriotism and de
votion to the water cause (sailors being semi
aquatic) by carrying American flags A peculiar
ornament was in the form of a bell made of artfifi
dal flowers, and suspended from a meta of the
~roe material.
Elm Tree Section, No. 27, with their deooratioils,
were but a fae•simile of those that had preo4ed
Manayunk Seaton, No. 40, with a hassdnwought
up the rear. The procession moved over the route
which we have already published.
Pennsylvania Colosizalitos Society.—W e gave
yesterday a list of the recently-elected officers of
this society. We learn that the past year has been
a memorable one in the history of the AmeriCan
Colonisation Society. The superior ship ~‘ Miry
Caroline Stevens," 713 tens burden, built mainly
by the munificent gift of $36,000 friars Mr. John
Stevens, has made two voyages to the African
lieptibliol with 217 passengers on the first trip,
and 222 on the second. These constitute the
total emigration for the past year-439 persons.
The ship is now at Baltimore, preparing to Sail
again on the Ist proximo. The greatly-exagge
rated report of a famine or scarcity in Liberia has
caused quite a number to postpone their intention
of going at this lime, and perhaps forever.
Health an 4 prosperity have prevailed through
out Liberia. The State of Cape Palmas has been
formally united with the Republic, thus making
the extent of the coast line of the Liberia Com
monwealth as far as from Portsmouth, N. 11 .; to
Norfolk, Va., the territory containing about 23,400
Einar° miles. The new towns of Robertsport, at
Grand Cape Mount, on the seaboard, and Carr
burg, about thirty miles hick on the high lands of
the interior, have preyed very eligible and salu
brious points for settlers, so much so that but few
cases of acclimating fever have occurred among
their inhabitants. The churches have generally
been visited with revivals of religion. The native
tribes are becoming more and more subject to the
1 twe, and aoeustomed to the manners and habits
of civilized life. ' The increase of Liberia is gra
dual but sure, modest but firm, her expectations
large, and her achievements unprecedented in the
history of that race. These blots, which we have
learned from the usual annual statement of the
board of managers, a concise, a carefully prepared
document will be found of general and encoura
ging interest to the friends of the Afrioan Coloni
sation cause
Police Ilems.—Yesterday morning, about
three o'clock, a shabbily•dreesed man, who was
much intoxicated, was arrested at Thirteenth and
Christian streets,
on suspicion of having stolen a
new coat, which he bad in his possession. The
suspected individual was taken to the station
house and searched, when eight hundred and five
dollars in gold were found in his pockets, together
with some bank notes and valuable papers. It was
, übsequontly ascertained that the stranger was
from Memphis, Tennessee, and that the property
found about him was his own. The indiscreet
stra Igor may congratulate himself upon his arrest,
as it was the moans of saving his money, and pre
venting him from getting into the clutches of
those who are ever on the alert for such victims.
A. colored girl, named Harriet Ringland, who
lived in Lombard street, between Sixth and Sev
enth, left early yesterday morning, with about
-ixty-five dollars'worth of clothing belonging to
other parties, The polleswere informs!' of the rob
bery, sod a despatch was eent to the First ward
Station-house. The thief was found seated in a
car, bound for Wilmington, with the plunder in .
her possession. Dinah was slightly astonished at
the facility with which the lightning tracked her
A hearing in the case of the persons charged
with maintaining a panel establishment, in Green
street, took place yesterday afternoon, beDire Al
derman Enett, at the central pollee station. • After
n full investigation all the parties were committed
to answer at court. The silver stolen from the re
sidence of the Rev. John Chambers, an account of
which we gave yesterday, was recovered in their
possession. The arrest was a most important one,
and reflects muelmfredit upon the detective qualifi
cations of High Constables Russell and Trefts, who
effected it.
Yesterday, Henry Russell, Franklin Drake, and
Isaac Shinn, election officers of the seventh pre
cinct of the Twelfth ward, were before Alderman
Clark charged with a misdemeanor in office in re•
fusing to accept the vote of Mr. Charles Eggers
tort They were held in $5OO bail each to answer
at court.
Religious Intelligence.—The Rev. J. K.
Conrad has accepted a call to the rectorship of All
Sainte' Church, Philadelphia. This
_parish was
formerly under the charge of Rev. H.. E. Montgo
mery, now of New York.
The Sodality of St. John's Church, Thirteenth
street, below Market, participated in a celebration
on Sunday evening. The church was filled to its
utmostespacity, and the exercises were of an
posing character.
The committee which has been engaged, for se
veral years past, in preparing a new Liturgy for
the German Reformed Chinch, is now holding its
final sessionsin the old Consistory Room of the
First German Reformed Church of this city. In
this room, and around the very table now need by
this committee, some of the earliest members of the
church were acoustomed to meet, pray, and con
sult together many years ego. The committee has
nearly completed its work, and exts to place all
the material of it in the publisher's pec hands before
closing its present sessions. The new Liturgy, it is
supposed, will make a book of about four hundred
pages, of which three hundred pages are already
stereotyped, and will vrovide forms for all the
usual services of the Christian Church.
The Old Cent.—A large quantity of this
coin still remains in circulation in our city. When
the new cent was issued we welcomed it, not so
mach for its abstract attractiveness as for the
pleasing contrast it presented to the then current
copper. We then fancied that the imParedded
cent would follow in the wake of flps, levies, and
pistareens, but it appears we were doomed 'to dis
appointment. The old cent is &despicable wit , of
circulating medium. Its fashionable stoves they
are never tendered to a lady Unless 4ret wrapped
in paper. Who, wearing spotless white gloves,
would contaminate them. by handling th e di rty
coin? Who kripw4 to what extent they are in
fected—who handled them last, or what impurities
may be mingled with The verdigris that corrode!'
their surface? One moment they are in the fou l
wallet of the spend begger,the next in theidelleate
I portemonnaie of a city belle—one moment in the
band of a hospital errand boy, the next in the till
of the storekeeper, to be transferred to , a beauty,
lelinrit ni •- liViitislaVifh itilfdricolliVElplite —
Seriolek Puilint p.tie.--Ttng 4. felting, while
a wonfan nsuietlBauth Mcile`rmott - wag kindling a
fire ,st her residence, .in rßedford. street, below
Eighth, her dress caught fire, and the was very
' serionsly buinedibout t (he arMal and faros. She
was taken to the Pennsylvania Hosrital.
Union Beilei.Edilif .1 1 .ssotialion.—The election
for officers of the Union Benevolent Association. to
serve during the ensuing year. will be held at the
annual meeting, which will take place this even
ing at their building. northwest enrnerof Seventh
and Sansout streets, at half-past seven o'clock. ,‘
Deceuseil.—The runny friends of Doctor
Str.ea Drake, of this pity, will learn, with regret,
that be die,l at • Saiatu;a. N. 'Y., on, Sunday, the
11th last .of disease, orate heart lie was a gen
tleman of ‘ , retit prnetie.d knowledge, sterling
north, and sincerity of 'character.
The Stated Meeting of the Pennsylvania
Ifortieultural Society will be held thia evening, at
S o'clock. All oblects for competition are to be
raged by 7 o'clock. The committees-will award
premiums for grapes, apples, pears, and the naval
The Double Track - oil the Germantown and
Norristown Railroad has been completed - , and is
now in me. The time for running' the trains has
been altered, and the cars commenced yesterday
morning , * run under thernew arrangement. - - -
Tke Rarfulf :of thernilitary yesterday passed
over tlie'routepieiiously . designated by us. It was
Inett arranged, and was quite creditable.
Stocks, Groand Rents, Real Estate, itc.--Sale
ibis evening at the Exchange.
Elegant books this evening at the auction rooms;
now arranged for examination.
See Thomas k Sons' advertisement and ea.
Jalopies of both sales
iCorrespondenee of The Press.]
Maw Year, 0ct.19.1357-6.20 P.
The week opens heavily. The fear that the
banks are not going to sat liberally, and that they
are trying to deceive each other and_ the public,
creates an uneasiness and depression which no
promises can dispel. Business at the note-broken
is very dull. Rates are perhaps a shade easier,
but scarcely anything doing.
The gloom of despair site on commercial men.
They have heavy liabilities coming due, without
a hope of getting relief from the banks, and
money not to ho had elsewhere, except at
a sacrifice tantamount to failure. I can sae
no signs of the buoyant feeling alluded to by some
of the daily papers'. I can see a great-deal of
apathy, but no disposition to "to make the best of
it," except among those who are either quite safe,
or have nothing of which to make, the best or
worst. There was a meeting of the Clearing horse
on Saturday evening, when the following re_NAn
lions were adopted :
irkercos, It hsa been deemed eepedient,daring the
s'us'pension of specie payments by the banks in this city,
to receive and pay out, at par, the notes of the banks in
this State generally, and aloe to admit the mace in set
cement of Mamma at the clearinghouse; awl
Whereas, There is special danger at this )unclose of
the undue expansion of paper marefey; particularly of
these States which are ant, like those of New Turk, re
stricted In the extent of their imam by securities re
quired by law; and
Whereas. The aid and credit of nor city banks will
inkwell,' be sought in facilitating the client:Son of
such Issues, ander the promise of incidental benefits:
lissoterti, That it be reannmended to the banks com
posing this association to decline rennin any new
account with an agreement to redeem at pax. the rotes
of banks oat of this State, at least antic the resump
tion of specie payments.
Resolved, That a printed copy of this resolution be
furnished to each of the banks of this association.
The Metropolitan Bank gives notice thfit, on
and after to-morrow, it will receive new England
bills (except Rhode Island) on deposit , . at a dis
count of per cent. The following the untie,: •
The Metropolitan Bank will take on &wait, at k per
rent. discount, all New England money which Is re
ceived at the Satfolk Bank, Bostrea—(tlde, for the pro.
sent, excludes all Rhode Island money)—paying foe the
net proceeds the day altar it is received and counted by
this bank, reserving the right to reject a barge or un
usual amount of any one bank. No buds can draw on
account fof its remittance of New Ragland money, till
the day after it Is seat forward. Interest on year so
count will cease on the Slat hut_
Guiana I. Sassy, Cashier. -
The receiver of the Mach:Lai& Banking Ann.
elation (the first bank that failed) commenced, on
Saturday, paying Ely per cent_ of all cla
is ims
against the bank. This very creditable speed%
winding up the affairs of the institution, and is very
welcome to those whose money was leaked up_
Foreign exchan ge is inactive at 100a105 for ster
ling, and 5.2.5a5.60 for francs—the latter standard
and outside rates for both The badness at the
clearing house is somewhat heavier; it partially
is on Wonder Clearings, $13,19r,...n0.49; balance
paid in can, $922,790-44.
The cash transactions at the Bab-Treasury were
as follows: •
Total receipts, $257,978.11, (r_s,ooo for transfer
drafts on Boston;) total payments. Ingra,7sll sr,
($60,000 California drafts;) total balance, $3,547,-
The receipts at the custom-house, for deposit:Si
were $29,201.22.
The stock market was former at improved prices.
The business was large, and the second board
closed with great buoy incy and steadiness. Bead
ing closed at 32, New York Central at NI, Illinois
Central at 77, (an - advance of 5 from - font beard)
Panama at 72, Chicago and Book Island ati 69i,
Michigan Southern at 12, and Galena and Chicago
at 681. Minoan' 6's left off at 661, Tennessee
at 701. and California 7's at 60. The following are
the sales :
' lOOO N Y St e's '62 100
1000 do ea '65 100
1000 Ohio St e's '6O 9IX
5000 c 91
2000 Virginia fla 81X
500 do 83X
7000 Missouri 8t 66 65X
15000 do
5000 do s 3 651 1
IN/0 do 66
5000 NT Cen B R 7s 88
1000 Er R cyt bat '7l 27
2MO do 28
3& Gosh Br'ch ilds 50
7000 111 Cen B lads 62
500 do 62‘,;
2600 do
20000 do s3O 61 X
5000 do s3O 61%
6060 111 Freeland bds
pr 60
70 Bkot Commerce S 3
10 Am Rtela'ge Bk 78
87 Del& IladClCo 95
50 do elo 95
50 do 630 95
250 Cam Coal Comp 6
260 do 1.33 6
25 Pacific MStmCo 74
60 N Central R 63%
282 do 55 %
100 do s6O 64X
100 do s 3 65;
150 do stwk 66
930 do 66
100 do 615 66
50 N T Centre) R e 66;
150 do e 66X
50 Erie Railroad 510 11
210 do 11
100 do e 11X
la Sixth derma R 81
91 Hudson Rher R 16
100 do 15X
200 ' do • 15
106 Panama R R
200 Readiniß It . 530 93X
50 do MO 333
100 do e '4X
100 do 530 33
500 do 13 33
100 do 230 31%
135 11l Central R R 15
100 do s3O 74
75 do 10%
100 do 130 72%
25 Clay & Pittsb R 13
100 do 580 13%
50 Gal & Chic 11 210 61
50 do e6X
900 Cles & Tol R sal • 21X
12 do 28%
550 do e 3 21X
3:10 do 110 5x
200 do 2.70 18
100 do bi 98;
10 Cade &RIR a 69
100 do star 69
5 do 10
WO I.a C mom& REM I
95 do 6%
1000 IfluonA St 6' 66
50 N Conn a3O 60
115 do a 9 604 .
100 do .10 66 , ,
100 do 060 60
3/ do fa%
100 Reading RR 31
130 Panama R R
11 Gal lh Chic R 69
41 do 66%
125 do 7.
33 Mich Sdr.:Clodli .13
15 I.a. R 63
25 Chi& It 1 R 6911;
15000 do 66X
1000 Tenn St 6s 'OO 70%
WOO Cal St 11 15 60
2000 In St Con R bds 63
1000 do 031‘
500 do 634
23 Union 113nk
100 Clar k Tol 11 11 2011
100 do bl 5 29
15 Pao Mail 8 S Co 74
21 Del & Iludeleo Sd
50 Cam Cool Co
5 N Y Central R 66X
60 do blO 66X
MARKETS —Aeoss—The market is firm for Pots at
$837) asBso; Pearls dull at 8415.
COY FlE—Very little hu transpired this morning, bet
the market appears steady ; and a moderate inquiry pre
Corms—There is no morement, mainly owing to
the small supply, and prices are consequently namms.l.
The decline is over 5c from the highest point of the
FLora, &C --The inquiry for Western canal goar
/sir, but with liberal arrivals. Prices are 5810 c loser
or the low grades. The demand is mainly for the home
sad Eastern trade.
The sides ate 8,000 bbls, at $4 7012433 for common to
good State. $ for extra do, $4 6585-1 83 for
uperflue Irchaask and Michigan, $4 90a53 55 (or extra
do, $5 156255 75 for common to good extra Ohio. 15 75
6257 25 for good to choice do, $3 50857.25 for St Lucia
brands, and $6 70a57.75 for extra Genesee.
Canadian Sour is a shade loser; the inquiry is fair for
the city trade ; the sales are 600 barrels, at 10 20.010 15
for extra brands. Southern dour is quiet, and rather
easier. The inquiry is mainly for the erty trade. Sales
of 100 barrels, at gs.asass 55 forces:anent., goal brands,
and 11.70057, 2 A for the better grades.
Corn meal Is quiet, and is nominal at F 3 ?le#3 10 for
Jersey, and ill Selsti for 'Brandywine. Rye flour is quiet,
at f 3 30a$4
ORll3.—"the Inquiry for - wheat is more active;
Southern Is not plenty; this fs Is request for milling at
rather better prig; but Western is plenty and 34.5 c
lower—this is in moderate request for export.
The sales are 40,010 bus at $1.30051.25 for Red South
ern; 11.21X0it.M for dauber do; 11-11w1141 for
White do; the latter for a splendid article ; 1122 for
good White Michigan ; 11.06 for Milwaukee Club ;11.05
for Chle.a.go, and $1.16 for Bed Indiana.
Rye is in limited demand, at 75060 c. Oats are lower—
the demand more active at the decline-sales of State
and Western at 41050 c.
Corn is loner; the demand ill not so active, the snpply
larger; sales of 12 000 bushels at 13 reike for Western
mixed other kinds are scarce and nominal.
Har—The demand is fair for shipping at 65866 cents
fir 100 lbs.; the stock is small.
NATAL STORIS--Bpiriti Turpentine has been in good
request (partly previous to our „tot) for export, and
sales of 1,050 barrels were etrectvd at from :Sc4oc,
chiefly 39Is4ec. all cash this advance. however, has
not been sustained, and the market closes tamely at 3Se
cash. In Crude there has been also some movement,
.ales of 2,000 bhls. to arrive hosing been effected at
fa 25 ts' 2dO lbs parcels on the spot, and held at $3 504
$3 75, without finding buyers, however.
Common rosin is quiet but firmer at $l-65611 60
310 pounds delivered; sales 224 bbls at the inside rate
In other descriptions there is but little doing -.sales of
55 bbls extra No. 1 were made at $5.50 per ' %.0 lbs.
Tarr is quiet but steady. Pitch cuthmand; sfierq Ls
Olt.;—All kinds continue drill. American linseed is
selling in smell gooutities it 00sk0ita, cash, and 7 5 . 4
months. •
Paortatoisa—The demand for Pork in of<a retail
character; prices are much the same; Wes of 70 libli et
$.2^... 25.0522 50 for mess, and $11.22 fo r prime„ s s i d i-21 for
prime mess
Beef is rather easier, and is in retail demand—sales of
50 641 s at $lO for new country prime; $l3 for do metes;
Sl3dsl4 for old reputed western mess, $14.250515 for
extra do. Prime mgss , to nominal.
Beef hams tire quiet at $lB. Cut meats in small stock
—sales of shoulders at 0) cents Dread bogs are
saleable at 73(0 cants.
Lard is rather lower, the demand is fair; sales of 200
bbls and tea at 12)i oldc for fair choice. Cheese is in
good demand at 6dB,iic. Butter is in demand at 12% it
Souses._ the feeling appears improving , 17c for 6hio, and 18 e2oe for State.
and holders
are &eking higher figures. A few ales have been made
at rather better pricea.
Ta4ow.—A fair inq nit 7 for prime, and bolsters are
firmer--sales 012,000 lbs. at 969,te, each.
TtAS—Are quiet—the feeling bas not shown any ma
terial improvement.
WHISKET.—The market is quite firm--sales of 20.0
tibia at 201121 c.
r. John Powell, a doxtezione rider of the circus
staying at Qolcheeter. recently exhibited, in cos
tume, the novel equestrian feat of ' riding and
driving four bare-backed horses at a canter through
the principal streets.
Durand, Georgina
_Dad- Ring ,
The New Orleans (her .o a n Comty,
an vi d th m laiste wn e
Lyater, Gibron, i te i , d b a e y g , a oe n a t n ' , e l n 2 g . erse cta me z nt ra s T tld iata ern ,,
phis, T,en n' , ,V l d 4, 14 a %lively," were in pre
partition. ,