!OHM „OP' A;DELPIIIA, Oct. 19,1897 ;lani SUBS:- . --“..:-..-6 a-mil BATS 628 ,%,:1-WAlrOjiti:.v.44:4:,4; - . 1 ; . 4 . w.V4 l4l .. .'. 2 l::itnt-i... - A-v , :‘,1,.,6 . , .., :;iii t Arlottl:,', , ~, -. , 'tg - ' 751, .../ ' ' 140iero' ; depe6, **Olo from New Vila, " 1 : 7 - igle;6l4 01111111141111 to Jae Allderdiee. ' v - ;u "It B,l4tltti4rd ono - (Br) brig rdad ten schooner% -VlTli.:l 4 2r t 9 tut tt t-' ;., '"'' ' V " . liOlio . B.frisria- aptirae,p4ol6 , 6l, fro pa Boatel', Ult faley l* r a l e i r e t r a lfl ar nAn n at r iliM ..„, ~4 r-, i,, . !:),!4'. Pa t li a. : A W ~ ° lib` i s Arline A ri,--iP. I 14 i 'PLO, 6,1 . DI Itill , :fr 6 goat - -13 '"p xiti-At f thmeo,,,hittehea,,from Rteh. iiki 'd, vils'iliti Point, 24 hOure, with rodeekvifid poison -1 alient V a b rWll r' 'Silefi, irolll PB 6l h6ten• '.l , `, t f §.13,4 4 , plithise';Orerit;from Bortoii,, „ I .. Bebr /Write Bletar#,Alorth,s days from Richmond, Vs, ~ ," f ot,R reo4'W7 R taneviter Bon.. • 1 ..,- -,. ' seixeslizotkimele, Neyiertrom Porioxgrove. , ;,,, l't Aoki` J.eduCW 13AU, r lXollingsworth i l dey.trom Littio -A - .'s toos t ivedaii4 - b e l wlWwheet,t6 A ewley Willett k 00 . ' t . ' 1 , ,• 3 ;* _-' - Ali) . Noliperoll, Patilke, Liverpool,' 1' Mehl:46oA "' "A: 00. - • . . ii,;-,1 'Betitte Washington Hotelier, Collins , hiew Orleans, ~ ,,iglou t t4 & Co.. ~ .„; , ~., T . A N ew hall ..`.- 4 ...4e-el i t , j'..O' Brune, Coyle, Battenort,t '''' t "'• 4 '!". , bit_ ----. i'.' ', •" ,‘ 1, laotilermel• ' 4 - ~ . .q. " l,- riglalumna, Grioo, Boston ie ‘ vordon, Noble, Ham ''--'' " 4, - PAildent 21'017, Ani no, ~. ... , itt " 1 niatt,/eCitlinell:-. „- z ...- ~. i ie . t , 0 ,, , D EC stetson , ' - ' 3 Bohr,' 4',W l 4b4*, Cliff9rd, "I ', P r.,' '"' ' , ..;tbc.l.lsl2lirlott - f) Slimy, Oh . w, aa" , nn !dim, Tyler, ' ' 't '''‘'' '-' tfso/2 lalasßblovter, , l . 4 pa, Armin ea", ' - '"litan# • • Mershon,- . f.,-, ,egg .1 1 , 1 ,ri ah , g,, ,A ,1410,,t Baker. V l34 s c u l i f il - E , B Bawiird,lisk Pr es ) z.l3 to er n bil it , Starters d n o t & Co : ' Qlu.*llll-49 4 11671°r 14 York Bla&iston, Cot & go. . ' I'P .jae hr ilrYal o il' e liY' 4. idia er. " ',4ll„on;blest, do s l3 c a ltr''P lai ern m y,ll s etini aa r, t oandx n ,..P n rev_lde , nee,_,... d . o .-, - ' 'l l4lsPPlune ' lUiel ' Wil attmo7l,l 4 l P iro "urr er acir. ''''l ' . ''‘,Wni-1"'"' Donnie, 'York,IV it Baird & Co.; '''' ' Blaolrßiappod, Al! leu, h .„.... '''' ' '.'''' r .:(*X r tiltl ph ° a tieloo. iioi-g. ,-" ' ~- ,--. caTe*SenP! a g isLAND, Oa. 17; or , 31. ith a mo ot - - E ' ' til'it ' i‘qt!ber • biks , 6 "g 04 f " th° be tter, Puly a few -.' ..!. 4 erritil ) Poliqeorn . NW '4°4 an -amts /i aky .tS OntiO4il7, '''''.;-tieliototenthareheet , Ortartrdstllb 1 2 8 1! ~. ' ?'''''' ' ".- #retPti i „thi.i' A g:ink, ' - ',,...'',.;: j ,: ' -, '• , Tlloti. B 4 lIIIGED/ 8 ' A A tiliiiittlBl2olit-TBare ,ant,serers.l ochoo*etitolnS . :%'fiilici - iliif.'''W south ,'_ f , . 4. It -V• ~t - :. fay rysLagamns4 .. . • . , ~ .. ,--: 1 - '1 t,''' (ochiaa'ponderete ofThe Preu) 2B . .` , Now YOPO, Cot -..1., -.:,.3:`,.t. ' ,I f,' F L " -* dfrenth Tar steamer Salton sailed to day for St ~gip . sit ,srocedittarq ' tiO Clara Windsor, trout Port in Prince; hargaeßunrlse r troto idaisgavtuirque'lleindeer, -fromosetharst, frioat„ hrlgoOmaast,ima Gonaiver, .:1414 "l)elalq bPitl:*.rf4 1 41xl:: e Oct ~ F L ' Y''. n irgtiard sP A• C ltyas;PPPOOU'inu*Orbo lig "" t "" C kerki*a dit`tae Seidemtor— All oh of eirreikaMthrOdatt liste,:telth, the, eMomstiou of M't lis l6 o.l.l l/ #0 4 *1 60-: •-• r 4 ~marort, Oct. AL ' 'N'AlL '. — ' : i' oAtt'S'iStielthit4telderilioac fro m ;-44 0 0, t taw IP kissing for the COASE. ; , '4" 'Orditilitivelsetifec:iditid'it 'the ,t?Ortemonth Navy ' Yard to tit ttiesdoop,ot war ,Yandalier to; sea itaratellate -11. ,Thaaloop vat St tome La expeetedtAi arrive at Ports 14 th ladviattee part, ottlda month, and the john Adstrailhortl anal% ; - . - OurrettisM4stiee Of tba Philadelphia Exchange. - - LEW.EB, Del..:Odt. 18; 8 A 81; , The . Teasel in barber la an English brief whirl(' Came In uu.Wednesdaayg evening, and hi now getting un- Nilif tin ?Ulnae/This., Wind treeh from NW. Titint " ootq, i MO: Di ; HiOnIAN. r . , , • 'LaWES, Del; 00.17, 8 All: .4. ,atfni.MShip , came in, last night, and remains at the EitiAirstiik;nnppostid the, Phinee,s Sprague, from Bos ton, together with four steamers and a steam tug. The weather .Irllll v;r7:ll9indly yesterday and stormy last night, but Is now mild s t ud Clear.. • -Tina's" &c WEL 11: MOXSIAN. - ,' : : , SteainshiP Arabia, Stone, from New, York for Liver-' ',,liwil; was iteanlfith WM, hit 40 se,4png 10. , L - :ilteasashili Ards, lOU, from . Liverpool td at N York ' Trukpra, . peas aps ; putted R 51 atemnshiP Ramps, '- ', froialtadrn, ' 'tilt, 0 A 7W, missed - II 8 .51, steamship ital .== to; froto4tiow Vork, ferlarorP o o; 7 th, 2 801' - 11 ,5 4 ,0 30,1 ' Mr sisminship' Kerala, frnaz New ;York for Liverpook . „' ~'MRl2itroo4l,H,,paased steamship Oity of. Haahington, i . I. " hottalt Vol elute -WM6 E O, lito I? 51, 8 miles east of Fire ' ,I.lslatid, piu,dird attlp :lady Russell, b,onad for winolair - , , ~ : " JiataTralegißept NI:. . -/- - .- ~ • ' ' '-, ' BMeinship Meek Warrior,liMith;bliaiod 'at, Nei" Or: , ;,.......: leal 41,10ih l is t . for New;York,'vls, Havana. , . , - - ' - `Bs.lsual4 Philadelphia, ikiggs, torMayani and, 24ir '.. Orleans"; cleared at New York 17th lust, ~.; . ~ ' - Ship Restonian, Burnham, for Ban tranclsco, Cleared ,!„lt , lseil'ork 17th hot, . . _ 104 N .7,2lOirts, Tailor, for New York, remained at ,-. '''::.!twileutti-Ang 22. ...' '. :' ' ';BblP Heaton% Ocean. Munilion, forPlilladelphfa; re ' L ' ."- ''ziihied at Calcutta Aug 22. It .. t`, I,' 1 Matit Dray Yeathisr, Brown,. sailed fromManilla Aug 1 rttg i :i rot' y . , . ~. J , .. ' " , . 1, ..,ia , , iliaire, 'Crowell, for London, sailed from Mann* • - 7.-- , --. K ..- . •.- i. .. , ~ - ~ . , .-' :'lslllp Jacob ) Jail, Bohm , for New York, woo at Manilla Aug 1. • , , , lihip, ;Whitlwirdißurtitt, for New York, sailed from ~' A lkaftla ,Inlio 18. , - '-'• 1-: - -- - Mit 000011atiMiiii jot ROSton; nailed from Manilla.' ~,_, , I.- , .... -,3. . •`, .. ... , -,..,- B p * Chariot Of Plum,. Kniowlei, . from - Callao , via ..Hampton a 0446, arrived at New 'Loth 11th haat. .. ... - - 48 1 4 P lemPest, fitimpsoni forl‘ivirpool, was towed to - - B, l frookNevf. °Amon 24.1n5t.. ~. ~ ~, . , 1p laying Mist, Linnell, fronx'Arica, Peru, was be-. ~ ~ a ~- ; low,batimorp 17th haat, .;. ~-. . .. ... i .... ~ • ; -. „ 4 ,.„. ', Ship ',Emma, McKenzie, cleared at. Charleston 15th t , for Liverpool, , .... . . , , , '" . t ' i...c . . 5 Obitgilikr, ilawkins, from liday,l'ern, before report ". hi amPten: Roads, cleared at Norfolk 15th inst. for i rtya .., ~ ti,Hew. ,0rk..,. .. , , ~ , , , 2 , , itlatp,paniet: BbarP,CMhios, from Penang June 6, Or ' Iliad at Boston 17th inst. : - - • -.-. , • Ai!kmuilctf xi niebborn Ellis, supposed for Philadel. hmit. ..137efinett, Bertlay, remained at Manilla Aug 1, pae, Lull, from!Adelaide, arrived f at I.s‘andeatled Lag.' fOr Sad Premise°. Bar Comet, Burr, from Hong Kong, sailed from. ,Baripteillenjantin - Naliett, Bernell, for Philadelphia, • want tonsalltanCharleatOnitdkr /nor'' • • ~.- -4 .1 1 4 4 , 4 94 , .- I rtuarNebr6 l he -110, 4 - 1U St Kitts, Was Cl •,; nonlife roth nit; arrived 24th. - , Barque Belles Byder,' for Philadelphia, •cleared at Bostongith inst. „ • • Besweir, klary P 81sde, Atkins, hence, arrived at Ilos-' 1 'ton 16111, Benne BeankilieUr. Corson, far Gediz 1- trai towed to rhanbeletr.r.thlearer a Suet, • ~i i targlaafrhomaa .../allibone;Themparin, hence , was be- ir'NeW ON - mum 10th inst: - Bargee Virginia &mai Mryle, for Malaga, was towed to gaffes Now,Orleaos 2d hulk . Brig tei7 di:mamma, Green, from Weejeasi arrived at ^ • . ,Brig Isola, Griffin, from. Dighton lot , Philadelphia, 'seße4 tom Pall Myer 14th Inst.. - Brig.Marths. yashington, Anderson, hence at Port ; , Brig Leghoicn, Mitch, cleared at IlOston 17th inst. for ,•, . , Albion, Parker, hence at Liverviol, NS, 6th inst. L iitehr fleradengtesmt Set:cider, for ilialthiore, went to .swardrions Vharleston 16th , , r Behr give Boys, Baynes; hence at Worfolkitith inst. ' ftc florid% Kell, ' cleared at , Bostortrith inst. for P alphas. . • - • • 'W ft , Roe f iriggins; hen., arrived at Norwich /oth last..: • ' Schr,Telegraph,. Beath; „hence, arrived at Norwich 7 4 4 12thinet, hv 519•" C, Mershon, Turner, hence, via. Key West, illfafed ft New Orleans 16th inst. - • Behr -Ai- H-Oulpepper, - Alepwidcr, -- for , , Philadelphia, r,rdeariv#at Norfolk 16th hot: ..- • , „ .Oryartal ;Palate, Leighton, hence, arrived at 811- ‘ dada - lath inst. •Bahr pahnle, Dowton,eleared at SaVannah 14th inst. 11:1,f9rInglidebia• ,Selairs Sanders, dreland, and If Rehihart, Peter atz",'lrdin Charleston, arrived at Wilmington , 80, 15th Srb ' te.g l 4- 4 jrcetr Otttri..B Wales,Willisms, and aornarnaitritoeum, for Georgetimn, 800 vent to sea frtim Charleitonlath Sehr.Eleetrio, Lori; from-Delaware City, arrived at Prerfdeneo lath itort.. ' *du- , Albert; Phan), Allen, for Prederielaburg, galled from Providence 15th loot. „Schr „Jhurtrsre 0, _Stephens, for 'Wilmington,' NO, , 'sleazed it Charleston 16th , ,„gar (fame. Darhyaduillner, before reported ashore - at the lireakatter, and which was got off hy Mr Lyons, Streaker arrived et Near Yorkon Saturday last: Behr Ostharine Rogers,Brett; forPhlintelphia, sailed • from Gardner lath Mat- : - - - -•-• " 60 4‘jk 7¢ ffligt!t m3led from New Rayon 15th host. „., tqr rhusgetphis.. $. • Atekaor Americo, (tug) Virden, hence-ot New York - SPOKEN. s . ' • Bept 7, lat 22 VT, Jong 2BS a ship showing whits • Agent red border; and letters KW In it, steering NNW, showing Boston Nos 88 86, or 32 38—probably the Tsar, Pali, front Csleatta, Juno icfor New York,whloh hiui Nos SO _ 4 - MARINE BIIBOXLLANIt.' 2'ho,, American company who have beenasideavering totalse the steamer Oansdian, sunk near. Quebec, have ~,4bandoned the work, eiteing there is no prospect of sue -, ,t; peas, Thu./nal, machinery, &o, are ;advertised to be ? . Soh/ atlenotlon at Quebec to-day. IiAtIOWSI Teasel supposed to be a Baltimore sew:74 repot joedun,the Prod. Shoal'an Saturday e*i 'lllotehr t O: VA, Vole, wilwaquently • -Whale ,on Rog Wand. The 0F A 0 „was regietering. 0n1y"23. tons, built it • " 1 ' Dorallastiallbgßi 1551;and owned In Balthiore. = • • The barque Piroßl'.lonee from Providence far Zane ,: ~.b&rAreat whim night or lath Inst. on Block island; at , • • 'lO otakek; Is foll'of water, and has her etern stove in. inaliras a fine vessel of 850 tom, borthen; built at Cape Ilbtiboth, Me, in 18514nud with her cargo,which We , • "Valuable one, Li fullynortreo by titserance,in fire offices iff Boston: 01 1 Pt Perry, eracbr /AMA PerrY, arrived at Pan Pren deco 84ipt 15,3 n Yetroalonaki; reports . -gigo t ; shiplarops,•ofikeden, bud 4:isen,ln the •••••••' l `-'• cariferVmdatht i arld:waslorontjust donates Lewis ' Pratea, and sirelyainhered in Oiultio,'aßay. 4onte of per tre* had gone sishere - intaalei,tai, 'and were ",freasWicedesth•npou their,. while lying upon it Twe •", ,- ..W.hireof "the crew had their fingers &moil so badly as 4 - , ,`=" 4 knagi to -be•amputated l which rendered their handy, ' jt • DCH1MT104051,73: NEW YORK, Oct 17-Juxlvad, brigs ' ,Ouba, W a llace , art *Prince; Bleetrii'o4) Morrlson„onanies, YR • - 'Sari , TS& de •is Torre, ,ldatwell,lilarsealbo; Busses, litaktin,`AnsZtyief; Viper, kfottiSavannah; Verifbnith, I dm iha i'llTigton; B Myers`, Cobb., Virginia. • mlaarskt-ateatushlo Augusta, Woodhull, Amens* Marbon,lkeiteriObarlesten; Jamestown, Pert" Nor ' "- folk; ships Palestine, Spencer, London; Adintrel, BUT , ; .a.tlati.llWjej . )fganitoldt P,aulsen,ldinbetg Beremillea rah, EEittx° MO% Baker, Boston; barque 'Mhz& Denial Ulgaller, Emus.; brigs Lavatca, Parker, Key Wpiti., Portland; astir Peacoc k , ~ g idirolLstesinter Atalanta, lisse Clheroatei DOSROW,'Oet A6,7:o l etire4i at r ' Belicht, Baits, piew - - ihitg u a l lianatiee Frances , Jones, While; 'Patina,' oabota:Barsumm i bLbrrg LLD"! D Torrey, Segue;,)l 0 1(eurtio y Worth, pitotoriond,Ta; Sus an , Tt n ., t , 1146 °l 7 Y*l l *. ib „Boston,. Oet. , arr. rr aulno .14nerk, of Boston, !Terri% Sitt'Key.' Tel egraphed, bricZweisi, Cleared ; peeler, ship Mkt, Eialbalfr Warlow, Urer: Smith, deousel. ,Coisativiae, Lrl N C• Sett BUM, , hs , ,Bir chi sitearue,rJosepla Whitney,• Howes, 41m t",t E i o ,l o htioons Beate% Nerfolk End "' . • , "rifjkithit Sid lf-,-0.0a;141:114 1•1841, ' • ;.` (ID) P llipa, Plat* de Cuba; Brerglade, Bine UM, Me. Cleared, • steamship Wm Jenkins, Ponce-PR; BallVElee ife lOrearie„ cub,. g ,Bointa Z nirstext, „ WILMINGTON,' Ne,,Aiii • i . O-4 - ir4"ei, ochre John 0` .40 7 Naronsend, New , Terk' eka • La A - dgorbOrto , Ate , ;34,,,, - 1,,,,T,d d • veer, 12 .31 . 110 Out ..etsainalslp Thomas -- "'" :1- 1 111 1 11146 , at. ea York - brig Greigot BIM Whialliata. - G . `l9, , fdATlved ad, a ft , h ord , }ill._ham Irosn• Sew-Tort bark Ora Provost, Dunha m, g,,,,j.s ew pork • brig,,OWeneei Batumi*, fro, Charles 01# eumfigreent,,(kodfrey,:from NeW , Teerk. j'AV'Aeheri4laBtAn, Pt far thirdanali brig Mystic, tif NB . • OIUtBANZ, 00 1 .10-;;Arrirod, stsenistilp Texas ~YorbirlOrerris Gilt; Chia Morgan, Place ,_-I,Thinfola !A-0.114,4w. ; ships Cordate, Biah p, blew.Tork; Banana sat ' ).4 0 .0110loirCklisallrW.4410 ItWa AV- ft* Bair . .;' „4 .t... ,-- Yra l frigiie_psewrldi - 7 - Gteartit,-ssesmswp Geri mi l k, Geraeny 1101 , 021 Rodewald ' , Liter: VIA ] ak Sew, Chase, New Tortqlark. atte,Ait, inae,NenKate, PolUiutln: a(4/13100)1j SOW - 11; 1 ''.-. 'MIL - 001 , .51;4.041V4=5,51a -111:140'.101DI - V.ICtiti , Ise BIM , 4. Ai'4.- 1 1 - ;.:Tlrglarnif 'WARP' ,' P,',' "I t ' ' a . ;.,,,,, , A. iti ,i.'e_fHiiikiiett",Wldoqtre.sartilfToilit-2 ■ u-f,I,An ta' ...:q1v.1' , 7 •, , , , L •, . , h • • 411614App,' , - , .,Ji ,, .... ,-4,.---',l4‘, s „, k tf-4 4 „i i :o stet, .10.4!, TIONTIZTS WAAD: r oaleivr 4 . . 41010 . , ye 4,roili-,:f.04.i..3 .14.. ;.. .', e41841104-gfc'. l 4Ao .oaa A A4lO 7r i zi-i4 ARRITAAAVIN Islliolllli ROTEL% •li'+S: l E~.~ klYJiUtiY'au4.~ks GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut street, between Bth & 9th. J P Thorn, N York • Win A Shepherd, N York M L King J Itikemen, BeiVannalt Wm H Horton, Llberty,Va Goo H Orth Wm II Dobbin, Baltimore Warfleld, Baltimore Jos Grinnell, N Bedford Thoo Pearson, By T Richards & let, N Y Dr T ("Roseman, Brooklyn J 8 Heyward, Del • John Geores, Pa Wm ft Glover, Hy 16 . L Johnson, N York James 0 Marshall,..Prie B Cole & la, Wush , n. D 0 J.B Hunk", New York A 7 Wilkioe & la, Balt Mies P'firsee, 'Baltimore Miss A Brans, Baltimore Dr 0 H Aties,,Baltimore•' Y Berger, Baltimore .Richard H Budd, Ky •J 8 Casement & la,OlevePd W G Ournhard, Richmond J 0 Miller, Vs Baud MWheeler,Dover,NH RE Robbins, N York Wm 3 Reid, N York 7 F 7ordetn, Chicago lOW's It Mono ,k la, Va miss Hough, Alex, Va. " HarringtonSHarrington& la; N Y A Fergie; Nor York Mr Nitzlimuons & dau, N Y H Hammond, New York Hamplon Zane & In, Ky Miss Zane, Louisville, Hy Miss Churchill Ky Miss z on e L o EY Master Zane, Ity Dr Percy, Louislaus Mr Borsbiane, Lonistaaa Jos A Balaton, Newltorlr - Jobra Harrison, N Y H Pierce, Carbondale, Pa S Goulding, New York D Kennedy, Roxbury Mtn Smith, Roxbury N Gelman, Portland ,Wruj Lippincott. Pittsburg DTI Holmes & la,N Orleans ,Tames C Coale. Baltimore .1 Robinson; New York Gilbert A Wolkini, Gs, R A Rankin.d; Is; Liverpool Mine Rankle, Liverpool Master Barkkiu, Liverpool D D Conover, New York' • Geo Henson, NOW York WM °Minium, Georgia • A Knight, NEllf York bI Louie Clark, St Louis Dr L Y Blickburn, N 0 A Jordan, Va • 3 M Maritimes, Va Cl• Di Dexter; Boston , Beni Poor, Boston J . H Billings, Boston - D Rose, New Orleans L Benet, Ya : L bt Oloss, Nebritska EA Spencer, Ohio Dr A Malone, Nebraska 0 B Paine, Eastport J W Branna. London G ABblUips, Conn W'Reed, Ye JII Martindale,ltochester Win 0 Pease, Meal 8 REnex,Tosten 8 B Ounningliern Tenn B W Moors, Texas J A :Wentwoll, dJamesldtirphy; N y ," Onanldlag, N Y ICH - Cady, Wieconsitc 'W P Bryan & la, Tenn Tlirgoyne, N Y Mrs 8 T Msrbury, Md Pendell Marbury,'ldd" W J Borg, M D, Brooklyn J B Amiss, Ye 0 H. Burg, Balt T Hopkins, Md Gee R A Ricketts, N Y 0-T Bearburg, Ye. ' H Snowden, Va James A Dosnuan, N Y B W Horton, Cleveland d 0 Briscoe, Reeding • J Atcork, Reading D A Barney, New York MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Ymirth streeLbelow Arch. P. K Burns, Plainfield. 0 Gauss, Balt C A Rioter, 'Vs ass A Lewin, Va Sloe P Ferguson, Nebraska W Haven, Pittiburgh David Patterson, Klttaning W W Porter. 0 Coo J Payne. 0 - Jas 0 kleXlbbin, Cal M Curry, lenlyville W 0 Curry, Lewistown Thos Scripps, England W h Strong, N York • /no Stevens,Ohio B. II Underhill, N York W A Porter, Waynesburg 0 R Kepler, ICY 1; K Wunderlich' Pa John - 0 Kaufeettalifornia John Grubb, California WO Johnson, California John Campbell, California , RP - Ritomneon, California. J . LN Y • WM-Maple, Oatawissa `,• DE SFainsworth, Pa 'Pirrn Ilarthiy, Glenwood Pittnier,'Franklin, Ps NoblelLelley, Ohio - Thes L Sanders, Phila :Wm / BoOth, Cooperstown E H Klrklin & la, Scranton K Cook, Pittsburgh T Smith, Freeport, Ohio P. K Kennedy, 'PhDs STATES llNl9N—ltiarket rifted, above alath.l)4l &own, Now,York J A Shludel, Indiana .T Rhoden; Butler county Wm Robinson, Pa Chee Wareen, Baltimore GeOrgo Z Boons, Chicago Moses 4 Smith, Maas W a Smith, Masi Woal Wallace, Msae , A B Span. Leechbnrg, Pa Bra W Risze, New York W Burg, Philada Geo °lark & la, Pa E M Derendurf, Brooklyn ADBoggs, P R A 11 Chase, Lancaster Wm Coulter, Latrobe, Pa AIdERIOAN,4IOTBL - -Ohestant street, above Fifth II Tucker, St Paul, Min B F Lattomus, Soy's, Del J P Boardman, Danvers, J Monier, Lyneh , g, Vu Mace Oapt Cone, Bristol, Pa J Cori Phila. - II Goodson, Phila 0 Grayaon, Wilmington W Hetrick, Phila W Danforth; N Y 0 II Mann, Balt D Norris, ,Aselsot Surgeon 'W S Barris, Jer Shore USN. ' G /fames, , Wash, D 0 • G Parfe t Augusta W J D.Bell, Augusta WJ Dendersen, Balt Wilm, Del 0 Dempsey, Wiim, Del P Sinclair dr, la. Dover, Del Mrs Leslie NY ' bflaa Dreedin, N Y ,• • ,A Smith, ti AIM Allainee, - Balt ' nine al (Mines, Balt 0 Dagitt, ' A J Crain, Bloom'n, lowa T Street, Balt " R T Coverdale, Lan, Ohio J 0 Faller &In, Balt It R Rowland, Balt 1.1 0 Rowland, Balt ' •W W Williams, N Y V N Williams , N Y W R Seaver, Phila SLACK /SEAR INN-Fifth and Merchant. Wilklnamti;Chester . co S D Dyers, Chester co its Nenett;Oheater w W . A Markey, Franklin co D T'Black; White 78x11 Adam Shoos, White Hall 'l'N'Aluipky, retina Jno Missies, Penns -Poise Brookar, Radii* W p Skinner, Spring Run Jno Skinner, Spring Ron );& - B S Young, Belvrdere, N W S MIL 'Phoenixville G Speakman, Newtown MO Jackson, N ow' London Tea Scott, Lewisville, Pe Lawienee, Salt' ,' • ' Pas Scott. Cheater co, Fa Hugh Jackson, Chester co John 'Arland, Oliester co Levis, Media, Fa F C Slake & Permingtn saml Brown, - Philo /antes Brown, Phila Walker Stewart, Salt DaVIS Perkins. London, 0 Jesse Bowers's*, lows Aug Leopold, Barks co PetSellatlerty. Pa. Jas Rowland, Bait NObt Somers, Bait lINION HOTEL—Arch street. above Third. Edward L Polk, Bucks co John B Ohle, Zanesville, 0 Henri llord,'Monroo, 0 J °lumbers, Aurora Ind ,W m Richardson, T Philip Werner, Berlin, 0 Bumhurat. Bedford, Pa I) Johnson, Ohld O Brunos, Hoboken Wm Hancock. Danville, Pa 0 P Stadiger, Phila M Nelson & sister Hiram Sw4tx, Lancaster E P Brewster, Bridgeton Edw Sheleto, Pittsburgh 3 11. Spangler, Pa It Morton, Indiana , H J Stone, Wheeling Samuel Boodinern Pa L 0 RUMMY, Salem, N J Wm Thompson, Balem, N j E W blagerds, Piffle 4 M Palmer, lowa 4 . J Davis, Ironton, 0 A Rummy, Salem, N 3 8 Bloinington, Pa J W SchloSser, Md NATION/1 'TOTED—Race street, above Third. • U S Stall,llowanita Express Mrs M Toddin, Toledo, 0 It Wolin, Jeffersonville,.lnd 7 W Merrill, 'kneeling, Fa G 59 Morgan, Pottsville • • I Tames, Reading Jos Whittaker; Mt Clare It D Cornelison, ' Scranton Knowles, Mauch Chunk, J Robinson /0 lady, Pa Feliz Stravnia,•Pottseille - Cleo Heckman, Reading -Samna BG Pronetiold, Ps Sam! R Sharp, Eransburg ~ . • MADISON ,BOVRE—Resond street, above AtArk.a...__ vs-ziervirec late — te, TOM; tasvmuilieW York Robt llannings, Baltimore J K Foreman, Baltimore Alex BBrisselL Baltimore , P B Briton, Pottsville 11 Goddard; Pottsville 0 M Allen, N J James L Baszesd, Baltimore Bami, Magruder, Baltimore Wlll B Bembtoi,PhiLsis T B Goodies-, Ma G Palmer, Bostonßl bill, Webers, Pa P A Griner, Ps " Obas Plumley, Maas Born; Pa Mrs Bern, Pa BLACK BEARUOTEL—Thitd atreet;abova neuban Winch,Warren, 0 7 Skinhart, Warren, Ohio .A Buckman, Feaaterville Enos oaldotuan, Bucks co 'Sigmond -Rogeland, Pa, Oco Clemens, Pa Steconitoads, Southampton Mrs Vanaradato, South , n Frank Itoads,Bouthampton Miss Bomb, Southampton , Special Notirea. Jackpots,' JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET: Checks, Notes, Drafts, BIlLe Ending, bill Reads, Cir culars, Cant!, and all other kind' of Job Printing, at price* to salt the Rotes. oell-ly Prize Clothing.—The entire stock of fashion 41e 010ihi.Ftz 111 408114 ant, regardiene of coat, et the birth-plice of Liberty, sontimetit corner of SEVENTH, No. 700110KET.' A gift with every puichaae. 11* ' , , , BROWN & UtOge. Buffalo Robe..-100 Boles Buffalo Robes of the rations quallties, just received from Minnesota. 'Also a hindsome assortment of Yaw Babes of our own manufacture, and for 11103 wholesale and retail b 7 • aso. WOMRATIEL, octl2.lm* • - '416 Arch Street. Seamenln Surdas Fund— ' Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second West Receives de - posits in sums of One' Dollar and upwards, from all daises of the cotatounlty, and allows Interest at the rate of five perOent. per annum. - O ` "open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Moo diy sad, Battirdaftantil 9 in the evening. President Prinklln, Pell; Tree/nixes, Charles M, Morris; Secre tary, limes S. Bower's Tilting Card Invaluable Cordial to prepared [roma variety of the most choice and efffetent aromatics known , in medicine, And /a the most peilict and reliable terminative entruit for %touts and young eldidreo. • By its powerful influence a speedy cure le effected le an Coffee of Choi& ' windy palm and enamor. nelieyes and mitigates much of chiblren'a suffering during denti- tion or Prattling, and by rte soothing properties tree-, guineas pane of the bowtls, loopmese, vomiting, &o. Tha Intent 'Cordial ha's becomes standard remedy, and boa been coed in thousands af Oases with the most Abundant snafus. No family ebouldbe without it. Prepared only by Minx A. Bower, 'A,a hie Dici and Chemical Store, • It II aef and cfreen eta., Philadelphia. To whom an orders mind be addreatad. And for Isle by Druggists generally. an 18-ly Sating' Pinii—Ftve Per Cent. Interest.-14. transit Safety Pilot Company, in WALNUT Street, south- west corner of TIDED Street, PHILADMPHII. Asseta overthill MILO:a MID HALF Or AMAMI, Invested ' ;aim; Monvasoss,Cisounn Mars, and other ' 9 i4obeeo sionittles, es required by the charter. his institution confines itn balms entirely to the mai. - vingOf Money on deposit. - oiliest is open every day from 9 o'clock ha the 'morning until o'elook In the evening, sat on Monday ical.Thursdny -.mania until S o'clock. „- -c, - . .+ Niett(46. . • . . . . On the 113th Instant JAMES KELM, abed 07 years. The relatives and friends or the family ire respect. fully Invited to attend the funeral, from hls late reel. dance southwest corner of 'Pleb and Prunt streets on Tuesday morning ate o'clock, without further notice. Interment at St. Mary's, South Fourth street. ocll.St* irr A Ilileetift, of the Holders of the Obli gations or the AMNON:IAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION will be held at the Society's Howe, No. 1122 OILEST NUT Street, ..on MONDAY AYTEDNOON, pet. 19th, at 6 °Wools. veld-It* & Nitlte—Appeals.—City Cantu, OISCO. PHILADYLPHIL, October 11,1867. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That th Eommie. donors; will hear-Appeals by all persona ra for State and Municipal TO, in the city of Phlladel o, for the yeas 1055, for the several wards. of the said ty, at their oftlee, No. 11 west wing of the State Mous , (up stairs) on the following days, between the hou of 10 o'clock A.M. and 1 o'clock P. M. „t at and 24 Wards—On Monday, Oato 19th, IBM. :'Ed . ” 4th " " Tuesday, " 2 , 1111, - - bth 0. sth •‘‘ . 1 -, " Wednesday, 1 275 ti " 7th " Bth -" , 0 Thursday, , 22d: " 6th "10th " " Friday, ' 23d, " 11th," 12th 4,, , _ ‘‘ Monday, ' 20th, " 18th " 14th ' " ' " Tuesday, a, 27th," 15th " 10th -" 0 Wednesday, 0 28th , " ' •17th " ISM " " Thursday, ' Wath, t 1 I9th " 20th "- " " Friday, , , 80th, " ,511 t '" 22d ," '' " Monday, NO. 2d, " 534 " 24tbH " : " Tuesday, 4 .; 3d, " The Awesome Of such wards se have ot been supplied with -Blank -Notices ot Appeals are ereby notified to call at the Gommisslottersf twee mad roeure the same. ~.-', GEORGE M. HILL, JAMES M. LEARY, y 1:lityl - • - - JAMES LOGAN, , 1 - .` - .... , ,..'; -, 1, , I : , ,: . "O,EPA'OT FAMILY BOAR ING SCHOOL P. , 7 for SMALL idOYBy stpLAY NT, Deli - entre, di e . Cant one bonen fide ' from Dila CI t . Nuoiliar limited to ten,- - - Nor n' mond, refined, awl Christi n education,' under bi g bdi ° 6ll "Irtattget) it present an opportunity 'sl am TDimas-4100 per annum, ma ? Pelat'snnuanY in sdraneN t SO extra CAW VS(' -` The 11 inter-Term erne eri the pERPT MONDAY IN NoYEOMMai Aleit vacancies at paiisant. ~ --,.., liniAortilerparticulara, sadreal f..„ RDV, JO B , 0 aIIION, D.'• =- . 4 aollam wit taw -- -- RN oi y a NLisimrsiv. ii,l4'. . - 4 , A;C:' ,o i•' •,, ', • ITp to X 2 o'clock Last Night I r Comraiselonerti. ocl3.4tna ,(eiptrotiop IST OE LETTERS REMAINING IN L the PHILADIEVIIIA POST MEN up io 12 o'clock P. AL on Saturday, Oct. 17, 1657. [Persons applying for advertised Letters will please mention the date of the List.] Open on Sunday from T to toi o'clock A. 5!., and 2 to SP. DI. LADIES' LIST. Ashton Frances BE Farrell Miss Al Moore Miss Each '1 Adler Fannie Flattery Mrs J J Mooney Ws Al D Apo Sarah A Forrest Rollie A J Morgan Miss lion MMus Jammy Farrell hire Mary Murphy Mary Avery Mrs 0 Poland Mrs E , Moseley M Louisa Aldrich Sarah Farrell Ansa Julia'AleKenney Mrs Ashton Jennie Flattely Emma McElroy Cath'ne A.rrey Miss Bose Ferguson Mrs It J MacDonald Mrs M Ayers Mrs S A Folk Mrs Susanna McLellan Para Ann Bayard Mrs Ann Fog Sarah Ann McCias.er Elizab Bergen Atlas AT Griffith Sallie McComb Louisa Bade Mrs Emilie Grace Bereina McKean Min Beatty Sarah L Gibbs Catherine McCullough L A Barrit Bridget Gratin Edith ' McLoughlin Mary Bailey , Harriet A Green Mrs Yam McCann Rosanna Bersy Sarah A Green Elisabeth Monate tire Sarah Bauman Mary Griffith Mary R McCready Miss Began Mrs Gill titre Atary 0 McLaughlin nridg Beach llannerah Gilmour Mrs J M McCloskey Biddy Barnet Emma Gray Atm Ellen McDonald Mrs S Beale Madame Ginaett Mrs McClure Mrs Ilan Dilly Mrs S Gibson Adeline Nugent Margt Bliss Mira , Goodrich Helen Nog Matilda „ . Bird Mrs Thou Goodwin Jeanette Nickelson Mrs B Bien Miss EG O Greenfield Ellett NOV). 9SI Burk Bridget Green Mary E Ogden Mrs II Brown Charlotte Griffith. Rebecca O'Neill Ellen Bootee Mrs Levi Gruber Jos's Owens Helena 9 Butte Mariam Gibb Miss Anna Ostbelmer Louis Bush E Edla Grubb Harriet O'Corn or Oath Bonsai Mary Hassinger Mary 2 O'Brien E G 'Sown° Mary E, Harrison Eliza Olden Mrs L Bodwell Samanth narylott Lucy Owens Mrs P.l Busher Mrs 0 S Hayes Mrs Mray O'Belrims Mrs Buchanan 0 A Harris Mrs Sarah jOwer Ann Brown Anna M Hawks Lizzie Potter Annie Butter Misa 0 V Hamilton Mary Purnell S A Burns Men Agnes Helembold WasParaona Mary • Brown Matilda Harriet 'IV Pine Lizzie Buster Leah Jane Hawkins Mary A Penny Virginia Dynes Mary E Herbent Caroline Prevost Mrs Al” Buck Mrs Ann Heifer Magdalena Palmer Miss Brown Car'e II 3 Hackney Angelo Peirce Mrs E Boyle Hannah Hawthorne Em L Pursey Mrs E Brown Mary A Homy Bells II Pierce Mrs DI A Bradford Hannah Harbert Pattie Patterson Mrs AI Budd Sarah' ' Hatfield Cath'ne Powell Mre E Burr Mrs Hull Miss Sarah C Reed Mrs M Breer Mre Eliza Hall Mrs J . Mort Ricketts Emma Brown Mary 'IV Hill Mrs Ellzabh Reed Mrs A L Boyles Martha Hickey Louise P Rolling Mrs K Brown Comfort Housman Mary Reed Mrs M Butler Miss S N P Morley Miss Eliza Rhodes Sarah Brien Miss Mary Howell Lizzie C Begets Mrs 1' A Camp Miss Ann Hutchison Mary 'Maple)" Mrs E L Carpenter L E Hughes /dies Kale Riley Mrs Stung Champion Anne Hughes Mary Ricker Elvin, Cain Mrs Holmes Mrs Jane Riche Grace Canavan Hannah Horne aline Oath Randall Sarah Candy Thou Hynes Miss Riddell Carol's Carpenter Cit Ilurriphreysalnythßomerantaner L Carr Miss Sarah Ives Mrs Lucy A 2 Robbins Mre E B Chapman Mrs 3) :Irvin Mrs R Russell Mary Carlin/ Mrs Mary Ireland Amelia Ryer Randolph Ohauvenel Mrs F Johansen Mad 3 Mrs Campbell Hinds Jonealdrs CharPte Ruth Virginia B Can Mrs Julie. AJohnSon Mrs Rodellita (lavender Miss Jordan Mary Rosenfield Maria Oheselin Mrs E J Jones Mrs hi A Roy Miss Mary Carman Mrs Jas Johnson Mrs Ella Roberts Isabella Christman Ed Johnson Mrs 0 D Robinson Sarah Clark Mary Ann Johnson Mrs SI H Rockafellow Clayton Edmund Johnson Mrs 3.1 B Scott Emma litre Mrs Johnson Mies Bob Solid Amanda Clark Appleton P Johnston Mrs J A Sampson Mrs II Clark Miss Kinsey Miss Jane Sambland Caro Cleary Mary %sidearm J Samernase Louisa Compton Bliss Gli Kerlin= Anna Shepherd Ellzab Cramer Elizab Kahn IdissiE Seeder Mad Crowley Mrs Knott Mrs Mary Sagar Maggie Colson litre J E Knaguer Mrs Jane Sinalinger Marg't Conwell Isabella Kingsley blies .1 0 Smith Mrs Currier Mrs Kimberly Miss Snyder Miss L A Crew Henrietta Keiser Miss E A Smith Mrs Mr. ry Cox Mies Annie Knell Miss Elezab Smith Fanny Culhand duffle Lockman Caroline Simms Charlotte Crawford Miss Lee Henrietta P Slates Mrs \Val- Connings Mary Lawler Miss Elvir ter Cullin Miss Mary Lane Miss Ann Smith Mary J Crompton Ann Lewis Mrs Mary Spencer Ann D Curtis Hannah Lacy Miss Keturah Spruce Ann Dennison Miss ML Leansphor Mrs 0 F Sturgeon Helen Deeordeuz Sarah Levy Septima Id. Stone Eliza P Deverenx Eliza Lou Miss Emma F Stoner Mil J 0 Braids Henrietta Lee Mrs Solomon Sarah Davidson Mrs A Lyons Mario ill Stock Margaret Delaney Miss Kate Leechler Hester A Todd C DeerMargsret Lodge Mary Tull litre (1 Da Costa Eliza Laws Mrs 0 Taylor Mrs M H Dean Mies Clara Levy Miss Annie Thompson Anna Dawson Mrs Ann Lyon Mies Lizzie Todd Jane Deem Sarah • Lawn MSS Jane Turner Mary M Dillon Mike Leahery Mrs Thompson Mrs 1.1 Davis Miss D Lewis Susannah E Dills Teresa Lelhtor Mrs II A Tullaford Mrs P Darin Mrs Ang Lockhart Catlens Tyson Josephine Deem Mrs Sarah Loib Mrs Samuel Thomson Mrs A Dickey Mrs David Leary Miss Cath'e Tyler 8 A Directress School Mayer Sarah Terris Mrs J E for Girl Mantua Lizzie Taylor Mrs L Desoto Madame Matthews Mary A Treadweii Mrs II Dean Louisa Mallory Anna G Thompson Maggi. Davis Mrs); it) Mang Mrs Margt W hitlock Mrs A Davis Miss Julia Maguire Mrs 0 Warren Clara Dune Miss nose Mallory Annie G Ward 'Mundt Dolby Miss Ann Markey Mrs Sarah Ward Mrs A Darnell Mrs Si E Mahon Catharine Whitty M M Dulgnon Mrs Mary March Mrs Ann Whiteley Annie Doran Miss Sarah Marditso Amelia 'Weeks Mrs M A Doran Catharine Merrill Martha Walter Mrs E Dotey Mrs Jane Mathews Mrs Wauberger Mary Dougherty Kate Macy Mrs Wm II Wayne Mrs 9 ' Donaldson E A Mather Emily Weeks Mrs EIC Doughton Mrs EE Malone Miss Mary Watson E A _ . Dunlap Bally B Mercer Mary S Weleh Mrs W Dye Julia Arm Martine Sophie. • Watkins Mrs T G Dradey Cecilia Meyer Catharine Warner Mrs W L tiny Mra Chas Mille , Mies Haat Williarna Mary Duabotrer Elizab bllrhell Clara Williamson Ann Ely Martha B. Miller Margaret Wilson Mrs 0 Endicott Anna B Magee Mies E Wilby p E Edelen Mary Ann Michell Mrs Ann Wilson Maggie Ersln Miss Kato Middleton Jennie Williamson AII Evans Lucy SI Mitchell Link, Wllliamfl Oar Edwards Jane Mitchell Miss 0 J Wilson Maria Huth& 0 Annie Murilt Mrs Jane Wright Sarah Eaton Mary 11 Morgan Kate 0 Wood Mrs P Fortineyers M Idozlogeon Lizzle Vincent Ellen Penton Miss Jane Moulding Alm W Vincent Mrs 8 Fogerty Ellen Monroe Mary E Vincent Mary Prost Mary B ' Anna J (tulullu Mrs S Forneford Bridget Moseley Maria L quertille Mrs 0 I? Felthouse MHO Moyer Mrs Mahlri Queen Mrs W W Fagen Josephine 811111111 Mrs Mary Zama Amelia Priebe rn Elizab'hbloore Mary Ann Zulich Annie DI Friable Cells 0 . . - _ - a/INTLEMBN , S LIST Abele B Ohenoweth Wm Fleteroft WII 2 Albright WF. Obettortone Dr Fltzweter aeo W Abrahams Louie Ohaiselberry Dr I )21o,ten J.. Alboo 0 8 ohurlon Henry Fisher Ohirs D Albright Win Crodaran Barone Pletcher .1 Aaron Julius Clark E Fletcher Thee Arnold AMell Clements Paul and Pletcher It Agent of N J El. Peter Finn WII preen Co Clarke Edad k Co Floreheim Lt II Allebone Thee Clabaugh G W Alexander & Ot- Clark Edvrd -. • . . . ter °lepton J II Bruer E a& W J Angle Lewis Clark E J W Foster Chas W Aertson It B Clark Geo W Fox Coo 8 . . Arnett D D Clements Walor II Foley Atories Andrade Jon . Coen Harry C Frits Jos Aspinwall Goo W Colvill J Finer Wm Armstrong II G Cooke Luther II Ferguson Wm K Archbold Basn't Coles Richd T Forsyth Copt A A urmer Lt D El El Coombs E Iloffmn Fury Pat'k N 2 Coleman It IT 8 D Fnmuam P .5 Articoop John ConnedonneßA.oo Foster N D Ange a cam It Bawl Foster BB Anderson B. Cornelison Robt D Francis Jan 8 Atleten Thos Cooper John IL Franklin WJ 2 Bayles A D Cotes Patrick Peoning Geo W Bailey John Cotmau W F Brod „I' D Bascom, Bird Jr Cotten Henry W Pranks Jae Co Cooper James Franklin Jae P Bente 8 0 Cook James II Fletcher J D Bayer John Coleman II T Forto Henry Bacon iLdgar F Collard Still A Gardiner W L linker 0 W Coontre Gihon Gallaher Pat . - . Barnes B 8 2 Colyer David E Gardner Dr W A Baker T H Cooper Erwin J Gagger W Barker Jas Cohen J 2 Gamble Lt W M Baxter Geo • Coleman E Gallagher J D Baldwin ['apt I) A Conover 011 P Gera El Honks galena Cooper John II Garriet Win Barnes Samuel Cole Joseph Garnett ABBE D Barnes Geo M Coblaugh Eaten (sheep N L Baker 00l TII Comley Bawl Gideon Prof 2 Balderston Mark Cooper Erwin J George WII 2 Baker Wm J Celine Then Geasey Henry Bean Lewis Cooper Bawl Gargle! L P Barr Jan Oedema John W George Danl. Baker J Cousins Dr Algorn Geer Emerson Belknap) Criddie Mettle Gessler Bernlol Bertrand BO Crawler] Dr Wm Gelsenberger M Bennett B P Crosby J B Geytrone 0 Berlin Isaac 2 Craig Jos D& CO °menu J Berth. Joyce L CarmarnyP Jr Co Gillonly Thos Darning Xing Cunningham JOhn Gibbs Pat id Beakloy Dr J Curley Patrick GIG Thos Bedford Geo Crosby Lumen B GllloEd G 2 Berkman L E Crosland Olias B Gittnr Jacob Beecher Win Crocker Dr T L Glasgow Jesse Decker John Chnninge Joe Gilbert A 0 Black Theo Cabbage Jae Gitchell Chas 8 Benson° E Orosble Jai 031)04 Wisley lielknapJ Craig James George Mr Mena Daniel Curtis Chas Glass Cleo W Biddle John AI Gunner Joseph M Oilman John (F Birchen Elias Daley Eugene Gibson Jas Bicker W A Davis JM& CO Glenthwortt Col J Bishop Eph pm% Andrew G Ciondheimer Jos Higley Michael Davis L H Goodwin it W Bubl og J W Dany John 8 Gormely Pat'k Blanker Heinrich Darragh J L Clare B G Blanchard & Son Dement James Gidley Henry Blanton Wll Davis 0 E • Golding Win Blume Carl Davidson Itobt Goodley Henry Blanton Wm - Dougherty Mich , ' Gormley y Billtenelorf A Daniel B W Griffith ltich , d Blanchard Wm J . Da y John A Olvin Lt Wm Birth Henry Dalton Chas Grace Jai ilbliOM JOB DIMS ;Smell G l ues Ii Thee p. Buopley John Dailey Daniel Griffith 0 0 B o oth y Henry De Brum A D Curia Mons Betides Antonia Dealey B (lumped W T Dolton R W Benagen E Gnerrant Dr TDP Boman Fernand Deterish Adam Greenlaw Amos Dourrows II L De Haven 3 E Origin & Henry Bougie B. 11. Del Villar Dr Grubbs John W 8 0wer ,.., G oo De Ville Casper AI Graham J D Bowman dims Delano Der Dr Irl GregarY W Boyer J 8 , Devlin John Green Dr Chss I) Bovaird Eat DeMpsay Thee (Fray 2achli Bawdier Augusta. Den:Milli Juan Grimes IV Barrendelo Jos Dean Wm Quire,' John Wm Dowell B Dellent Griffith A J . . Boadon Henry J Be/raven 13 A Gofro Amos Bones N H 2 LleCourtin/0o L HCrund French! J Brown win , Ditherer/. Geo B Gray John M Brown Lewis T Devegne H Om/brick F Brown W A Delay Martin Greenmail Frannie Brown Win dc Co Dello Villa Graff a T . . . . Brown W S Devine Patrick Garvey Pat'k Brian J W Decline Wm Gunn T Br3Te ;14 Dennis Wm Grattan Thos L Drummer A & 00 Dickerson I L Green Lodesa Draunt B R b, Co palmist Theo P Grattan Capt 0 J Bryan 0 Deonbacjt E 0 Bridgman Henry Divine John Gregory Dr Paul Bryant A G & CO Dicke Loond W 2 Hagan Andrew Bryan 4 10 s u Dick/asap J, Di D Hammond oleo Broomell Isaac N Dosne ; Parker Haines Alex. Broker J pagan John Mines Bradford Geo Et Wine Mr r t p w il 2 Brockway W E Doug Joaeph H2gizatijjeo Bradley Hiram Dougherty B P Havierty ;awe Brady Tiros . Darr Capt Joseph Hargels GotHelb Bray G Donnelly Stephen Hammond p J II Broom George L Doblin Wm H Haldernma Co Dobbs L BM Hanon 0 0 - . .... . . Bridges do Co Mw B Halbach Augustus Busch George Doyle Patrick Hamblin L Burk 0 R Borg Geo Haas B Bea u ." AII Doug Won Wm B liaillOA Henry Bucker Chas A Dowell LAI Hagan J Busby Jos Dsopera $ Hakes W B Butler Oapt J Drayton Geo Haas 9 L Bumbach 'Wm Dysart Jos Hiding It BlattDavid Dyer David Hall jejordsu Burrows 0 A Dutton Abraham ti Hamill 0 F Butler I` ' Du llondle D K Hanes Solomon Berkeley Bedell Didaida MatthewN IlittHu* Clint Butler Itey J ft Dutenie : g Beni P Harmer A A Bunker Peter D gglilel T Harvard Hatch D Horace Boly Jas E sc .51) A Harris 13 Wm BurtonDtE W Ebel* Blici'l A liartysflaml 0 Cantu B Bdaar Jonathan/Larkins W Carriers Gasper Bads Dr D)) fay ll tr. Co Cabe mo tt o Edmundser Jos W /linking! W Catto Bev Vi= T 7th A 0 Ifernishiegen A Cables Capt Jno 8 Edgerston J K Harrington Wm Oarver NV lhoul Eltonhead Win D Harmer Col Win OarbannleJulcusL Evans W A Hanley L Carroll Pat'k Bailey 0 0 Harrington I D ' (woks I. B Evans Conrad Hanle Robt Carlisle I J Espy Prorlaa P 'Musk:mot One Cart John II Elms T M Harris Ohm X Campbell Alex Board Hiram DI Hayer P Oaralde B Fete Ed / riling Mr Oadwalader J G Freninen Earl 114117 M I Carter Capt R al Fenton Goo yllts I B Canada Joshua Fees Jacob Henson Henry J Orsbbes ceps .1 P 2 Farnham Robt Haley Pat elllllo/11100 mince Falllgarit Louisad Hebzell John 0 I Cade Ezekiel Faris Thee ll Henderson Rev W Clamp 7 II Fay B Hendrlcke Dr J A . Carter Dr Ed 0 Fallon Chris Henry 111 1 Obristlan Robt B Fabberootte I Reston lEr Churchill ()apt W Fon° 0 X Ilellard C Ohenney Fitch Feseber I Cooper Henry 0 41 Oharr D W 0 Penton Ebenezer Horn Rev L OhuMbilli ohn Farrell Jpo Hendetaon Jno B THE PRESS,-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1857. Hendrix E A Moore Geo T ampler' Geo Hennessey J Moran ins T Shephard /no Stay Michael Morrison Jno Shroder Mr Henn Christian Moffatt Dr IV B Shaw Francis Henson It N Moore Owen Shepard Thos Henkles Geo It Moran Pat Sheets Isaac 1/itchorson lif I IfoutgoincryJnoG Shaer Wm Hill Thos D Moorehead B Samands W L Hitch WT 2 Morgen Thos 11 Skinner T L Minks V W Morrow Jno Slog thamt ii. Hill Joe A Morrison J Simons Win Henderson J L Mosley Lcaur't II Simons &Co Hilton Prank Hones W T filunlctson Jno J Ilitharoth 0 Myers Gustavus Smith Bawl F Mtchlngs Geo W Myers llonry Smith 0 It Hines Jas D Mullin Wm Smith Chas A Ilouston Jesse C bliirrel Mr Smith W P Varner Jan Muihend Tho Smith Walter (I liodgerton C 'Myers Dr a L Smith II Horner Jest 9 Murry Thos W Smith Dr 0 0 ' Hodgson W P Murphy Jae Smith Jan ' Hooper Fred A Murray Wm Smith Jos 1 Hailer Thos klyern Jno V Smith Henry 11. Horn J T Murphy Jas M Id D ' 1 Howell John It Mulligan Smith Jun W Holloway Mr McClelland W W Smetiturat Chas Holland F 0 MeCorm Patrick Snow Dr Jos B Hopkins li A Iletlool Wm Snowden Dr S G Holmes Win hicDonithi Jon Snyder. Jacob Houghton Dr Jno McDonald D Snowden Jos 8 Hollingsworth A McDonnell John Snaybarger Copt W McDevitt Cannel Solari Hogh Dr Was McClure Andrew Spayd Jno Hopkins Dr Bhi MeComac Pat Sprichler Fridollti Horton Thos ht hicalpin Alex B Sprage Wm Hoffman Win McGollough 11413 Spencer Cleo Holmes, Otis &Co McCready Itobt Sprecker Ferdin Ihtehings II II MCOaffray Patrick Spencer Geo Holm. John it McDermott moo Stumph Gottleib Hunter Itobt McClure Andrew Stiles Jno A Hunt Jan S McCarty 1 at Strlcoapd Lawin Ilurlock Wea Illcelenningham J Stowbor Fred Ihulnot Isaac D McCurdy Jno It Stites Cresson, MD Hurley Tim J McCollen 011115 P Stephenson Sarni Hughes J It Mclntyre W J Stark A G Hurney Isaac McKenna Iliehaelillockmann G W Hunter llobt Melleerer Hugh Stiles Augustus Hutcherson W McFadden Jlt Stansbury Nichols Hunt C J' iddioug,h Jas Sturdevant Mr Hutchins J G McMannua Prone Stonebrook Thos Hunt Isaac hichllllborn Jno Sterling inn T Lodi. NiehOlan Md.:anon ins Steward Bev Irwin J W McMichael Wm Stout Jacob 0 Itubsee 3lt McGiarery Jun Stone Win Jos Iverz J A McManus Jan Stoydlaowell Cap% Jensen 11 McQuay Jae II Peter Jerry John McGreath It II Strunk Hyrum Jennings Mr McKivot Jae Stepenson 11. & Co Jenks D T hlcTliorn Jos Stodkam Wm V James Louis McNolis Jan Steward Wm J ackson nos B MrSparron Archib Enalibridge Geo Jackson Bawl TloVragli Jno Strean & Oo Jennings W 9 McNally Ohas Sterling& Ahrens! James Thos MicNarill Than Swintz Geo Jace Prat Nail/ Dennis Bust - roe Joe D Jenkins & Sons Nardi Lorenzo Symons 111 , Jordon W 0- Nolen Jno C Summers II B Johnson Dr 8 Newkirk Henry Taggart Henry Johnson Win Nelson J Teed Dr J L Jones Thoa Nelson Sarni Taggart Capt 0 Johnson Henry Nickerson Copt 1 Tenets inn Johnson David Neil Wm Taylor Juo Johnson McNeelo Nelson G Taggart Chan & Co Naughton D Tatnall & Lea Johnson Ben Nelson Dr Wm A Taylor 0 At Johnson Lt And Noblit Elbert Peat 011 U 8 N- O'Neal W Tabbert Capt 0 Jones .9 P Oppenheimer 3 Taylor Jll Jones Ashhel Otam inn 1 Th o m as 4 " Kaufforman Isaac O'Donolitut M Thompson CI P Keenan Thos Ott Mons I` Timar I Keifer F J Orr Wm Thompson J ill Keller Capt 0 S Parish J D Thorne Wm Kelley Mr Pauley Thos Talton Inc, Kendall W B Paley Jas M. Theta Francis Keefe Henry W Park J Thorn Columbia Kelley Henry Paltrier Bobt Thornton &Smyth Ktmbel Cleo A Patton 5 11 Thomas W T Klenny Bernhard Patterson Thou Thompson T 0 Kiely I Parker T J Thompson Peter Knox Jlt Parker Richard Thomas IV II& Co Kelm & San Patchett Jan Todd Hon Jan Krnusen Cyrus Paxton Prof Treadway T Kugler Geo Patton Robt S Tregb, Hard & Co Kuraheads A Patrick Dr J Tyson J W Kirkpatrick Thos Patinae J Toy W I Ki ng ,d irg a Patton, Hutton & Tall Dr 0 Hinter 0 9 , Co Tracey Hugh Kutz Bawl J M 1) Parker J'll Todd Wm Krasen Oyrnn Parkinson Jno Toby Franklin Kroll° John E Palmer James Twemner Henry I Klups & Lende- Peters Francis Tyndall Henry guth Perry John Tuteue Leopold K Ito James Peabody Franklin Trapp Chas Kuppinger Chris Ponder L D Toy John K longer Adam Peacock D B Toothaker CI II Latigner Z Samuel Peace Dr E Torres Moses A Laybrant Joseph Peed James B Trento] Mr Low James Peiniola Joseph N Townsend DO Lavery Win Phinuey Jos Trewendt Than Loudenback 8 Percival ins II Wagner L A Law James Platoon Dor F 0 Ward Isaac Lunhuff James Pinkerton John Walker W D . . - . . . .. Laughlin II 0 Platt Jr Wm Warrlngton Geo Lehook L Pluto If J Walter Geo Landenburger Jno Pepplowell Jac Wallets Laurens Legrango M A Poteliorriaola Dm- Watson T J Landlna Wm S porinin 'Wallace Robt Lawronco 1 7 0 Pringle Jacob Walker N 0 Limning J P Proskauer John Watson Osborn Lorduor 0 J L Proctor Jac Watterbouae II too 3 T Ran 0 Waite G Sr Loll 0 D Ray Lobt N lYaterman W 0 Leeson Geo Ranking Dr It /1 Wahl Geary Lents David Randall S W Wagner Saw! LORIS GOO II Redman Dr Con A Walker Geo . . Lean J R Reynolds J E Wallace Wm Leslie P Rills Connard Wainwright J Lewis & Bruce Rhoads Saud A West J Q Lewis Capt W J Reynolds Morris Westervelt W P Lewis Wu J Renwick Henry Wernie W Lebold Jacob Redmond Mr West J V Levlsle 0 B Rayed Win II Weaver D Leslie Frank Resnick Eliz B it eaver Oeo Lickengen‘P F Redman G W Webb John Lincoln Thee B Reeder Goo K Wells W 0 Lisle Wie It Reasmour Geo W Weruley Lewis gab J W Reddlek J II Welsh 000., ng Jas Richardson David White dB no Jacob Richardson 8 D White LW& Co Lott Judge P Richardson Wm Whitaker:lN II Lovelace G Richards J II White 8 Lockheed JnoU Itichwnison Jno White II J Lung Ebenhard Ring J 0 II Whenben Jas Lundy D W Rice J W Whiteley Hugh Lockett Dr F E Robe Warren White Satull L Lodge 0 Robinson John Wheeler E Lowery Joe Robb Jun Whiteley urn & Loovee Wm B hockey T & W Stone Liao Col Wm Rotherham Thos While} , W 111 Lytle John J Robins (leo W Williams 11 bounce. Ross Wee Well Copt (1 E Jordon Encamp- Rowland Jno Willing Dr 0 meet Nu 65 Roller ton Wto Wilkerson 61 J Jefferson No 12 Bose Joe Weber Perth Philadelphia Nol2 linkart. a.,.....n a , such,... en.. - - COVellefit No 896 Ross S U Williams E D . . . . . . il'ohocksink N 0384 Robertson Jno Willard w :Magee Thos Ringaria Sig D Wilkinson Major Madre] . Rosenberg F J Wilton - or 0 F lagill Daniel Rosenthall K A Williams Ileac Massey Alex L Rowand Joe Winslow JII Macy Ohas G Robins Thos Wilsor. W R Matadi Jno Rae Albert Wilson Rat Magoon Peter Rush Jae M Wilkins Mr Madison Ohas Rua V II Wilson Mr Macilaniels Osb , o Russell YII Wike Jos :Staguan Peter Ruo Semi Woodhull A A Masan E L Russel). & Oo Wood II K March °Lemuel Ituddman Wm 13 Wood Burnt Martin & Phelan &your Deal Worster 0 W Martin Francis Searbury (leo T Wachner II Manual Wm Scott W II Worth J J D Mason Theo Sands Richard Woodruff II D Maxwell Geo Schulz, Henry Woraley Thos Martin Sam! Shockley Jas Woodruff 0 L :Uralic' /3 R Scott 0 0 Wollaston 3 Martin Dr Chas Id Selmer Joe Wood U It & Oo Idasewell Smith Schlemer Christ Wright 1 D Mathewson &Col- Schwidt Philip Wright P 0 brook &heating Jc Levi Wright P Marshall Dr Mum Bchrlver Riad Wyckoff T idegarge A sandmen J J Werahter 0 • Metcalf B ti Sargent Rufus 'Dasher E W Steidle John Schmalz° Chas 'antler 9 Melville Ohm T Saxton Francis G Vaughan D Meininger Ohm Scott W R Vetter Mons Mean G W ' Schrubby li. 0 Vogela Gerold R Mead W A Seibert M & Co Meetur Dr Wm II Bedgerlch P 0 Qulcksall Benny lilichener Jno G Settle lion Thee Quinore F 3 Mitchell Jim Sebford Jae Vandyke Dr F A Make!' Jno Sennett Chas Yeager Geo Mathieu 9 Seed Wm Young 0 II Miller Oeo Shaw Benj Zehnder J D Miller Jno B Sbubat David Zeigler Martin Miller Jno Shalder Jim Young Jno Miller olt Shand, Thee E Young Jackson Miller Gee Shute Elwood Zergman E W Morris Geo W Sherman Joe Yeager II S Morey Nathan Sharpe 0 Yeager W II GIDEON G. WEBTOOTT, P. M. Ford Capt ELen B Forte Chas L J. LEVY & CO. Have this day made a FURTHER REDUCTION IN TOR PRIORS Or THEIR STOOK GENERALLY. oelftSt No 4.26 CHESTNUT STREET SACRIFICES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. G. MAXWELL & SON Announce that they have made a FORTNEN NEDOOTION AT RETAIL, below the cot of manufacture sod Importation, of the x.hote of their choice fall and winter stock of LADIES , DRESS TRIMMINGS, with the view of reducing their stook so rapidly by this sacrifice, that in replenishing it from their MANTJW TOIIIES, full employment will be insured throughout the coming winter to the many operatives they have engaged therein. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CIIESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh 318 S. SECOND Bt., below Spruce. 0c19•1.t LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND ENITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. O. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1090 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 8. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES,—Nos. OS sud 07 GEORGE St., below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union Orders muds st a few hours' notice. JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY 000DS. No. 12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. 0ct1..2m CIIRARD HOUSE, PHII;ADELPIIIA.— IA In accordance with the spirit of the times, and with a grateful appreciation of the liberal patronge they have enjoyed from the travelling community, the Proprietors of tho GIRARD DOUSE claim the privilege of being the first in Philadelphia to respond to the universal demand for retrenchment. On and after MONDAY, 19th Clete. her, their price of board will be reduced from $2.60 to $2. per diem 0c17..7t LOS T Oft STOLEN .— THE FOLLOW- Iog described acceptances have been Loot or Stolen, and all persona are cautioned against negotiating or re ceiving the same, as payment has been stopped. One drat: i idrawn by JUAN T DON tlit, Philadelphia, on CllB. A. EO4BllElt, president of Forest Improve ment Co., . Y., dated Sept. 16, 1867, at 4mo, dated and accepted. $2,950 80 Do do 25, do dc do do ' .. 1,040 60 Do do 18, do do do do .. 1,000 oo Do do 19, do do do do .. 2,250 00 Do do 21, do do do 4o .. 2,867 50 Any person finding the same will please retain them to the undersigned. tool7-3t) JOUN TUCKER, FAIR FOR THE SALE OF USEFUL and Fancy articles, for the benefit of Sr. IRAN. CIS X 01.111E011, Fairmount, and the first Fair they have had. for sixteen years, will open at JAYNE'S HALL, corner of SEVENTH . and CHESTNUT Ste., ea MONDAY, Oct. 10th, 1867. 0c174 w & e-4tst n W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS AAP. No, 87 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all **audible pointe In the United Status and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, dtc., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, &0., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree. meat 1,314,0 'WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- V MISN'tI YURNIBITING STORE, and PATENT SHOULbillt 15u4s,t MUST HAN'OPACTORY, No. IN CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Weatorn Merchant", and Strangers, Is particularly Invited to thin improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect Eating &Mole made, M whole sale and retail, and made to order. aub.litf . BALE RORE.—Buyers are invited to cad _IIJV and examine our Manila Bale Rope, which We CAD can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, VITLER & 00., and No. 28 N. Water at. and 22N Wharvet. HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES - Sold by ORADWIZE k BRO., 202 N. SECOND St. tu212.-2rong. CONGRE SS RANGE .—SOLP 13Y 01-.LiD WICK ft BRO., No. 20g N. BIKIOND Street, suglB.Bmoo. fOry Opals 5624 4mlf Itlistelltpicom. PRESBURY, SYKES & CO Minttsemento AME RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MARSHALL Sole Lessee POSITIVELY LAST WEEK ON THE ITALIAN OPERA, As the company leave for Havana the lasi of the month Second appearance of the new Tenor, Signor BOTTANDI. THIS (MONDAY) ItYkINING, October 19. 1811, Will be presente9.l or the last time, Verdl's Grand Opera, entitled Flvlra Ernanl. , Lon Carlos ion Ruy Unmet di Silva Sigtior Tagliana°. Lait OFara nights, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SA TURDAY. PAWN OC ADMISSION:—Parootte, Dregs Circle, and Balcony, ; Family Circle, 50 coats; Amphitheatre, 25 cents irl!'The Box Office of the Academy to open from 9 A 61. to 61 , 91., for the securing of Reserved Seats and DUO, without extra charge Treasurer tie. T. McKeon. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely. lir carriages will net down heads South, end take up bends North, WHEATLEY' B ARCH ST. THEATRE Y —Mole Lowe W. NVIIEATLEY &ALI or Pamus.--Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Chain and Amphitheatre 25 cents; Beats in Fri vatO Boxes, 75 cents ; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; °alter) , for Colored Parsons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. Id, until 3 P. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. VHS (Monday) EVENING, October 10. 1857, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Tragic Play, written by Judge Conrad, entitled Ml= Jaok Cade, kfr.Darenport ; Lord Clifford, Mr. Tonne. hill; Mariarune, Mrs. Bowers; Kate Worthy, Mica E, Taylor. To conclude with the laughable comeditta of LOVE IN LIVERY. Lord Sparkle, Mr. Dolman; Violet, Miss E. Taylor. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Lee abe, Mr. D A. Marshall ; Stage Manager Mr. Tam Sefton. Priem —Dress Circle and Parquetle, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. JO S P. 11. Doors open at 7 o'clock; porformance to corn , mance at 7,t( . WASP APPEARANCE OF MR. AND MRS. WALLER. THIS (blandly) EVENINO, October 19.1857, bo presented Shakespere's tragedy of HAMLET. Hamlet, PrMew of Denmark, Mr. Wailer: Lae r tes, Mr, newel'; (shoat, Mr. Daly; Horatio, Mr. Drink; Dtaiedlitgore, Messrs, Chapman and Taylor; Opbelio, lifre. Weller. Concluding with the laughable afterpiece, pilled PERFEOTION _ . Charles Paragon, Mr. Showell, Sir Laurence Paragon, Mr, it'Becket; Kato O'Brien, Mrs. Weller; Sagan, Mn,. Jo i Sefton. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., Eighth. ADMISSION—Dress Circle and racquet, 2 5; Funny Circle, 25 cants ; Secured Beats, 3736 cents ; Beats in Prirete Box, GO cents; Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 7X o'clock. Box Omen open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when /seats COO be secured. VHS (Monday) EVENING, October 19, 1857, Will be presented B. B. Harris' world-renowned UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. . . . Uncle 'rem, (the great original,) Mr. S. E. Barrie; St. Clair, Mr. R. B. Rowland; Phineas Fletchor, Mr. S. Drown; Topsy, with songs, Rose Cline; The Gentle Eva, Little Mary ; Barry, Little Ida. SANFORD" , OPERA DOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doora open at 7 o'clook—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 2f. cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford , a Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the Sanford Children To conclude with A LAThaIIAIILE AFTERPTEOE. THOMEITF's VARIETIES, FIFTH and CHESTNUT streets, I X L. MUSICAL AND TJiRPSICIIOItEAN MELANUE , NIGHTLY, Which will be found superior in talent, respectability, and accommodation Commence at IM. Admission, 10 cents. 137- For farther information, see Public Ledger, daily. T. B. TIICIMOII, Manager and Proprietor Ecgal Notices IN' THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Thomas Mammon, Trustee, its vs. Robert Palmer. Levert Facial, March Term, 1857, No. 853 The President, Directors, & Co. of the Donk of Penn eylvanis vs. Robert Palmer and William Clayton, late trading so Palmer, Clayton & Co. Yenditioni sxponas, March Tenn, 1851, No, 1033. The Auditor appointed to distribute the money In Conrt, raised under the above entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale, of No. 1. Meaauage and lot of ground on the west side of Delaware, second street between Pipe and Union streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 18 foot and in depth 95 feet to a five-feet alley ; bounded north ward by ground formerly of (Merge Fitzwater, now of the helm of Charles Allen, and southward by ground of Joseph Marshall. No. 2. Lot of ground, with frame and brick tenements, on the south aide of Mary street, between Front and Second streets, in the said city, beginning 183 feet from Front street, containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 85 lent. No 3. Lot of ground with the two three-story brick men map% thereon, on the north side of Prime or Washing. ten street, in the said city, 61 feet westward from the northwest corner of Delaware Fifth and Prime streets, containing In front 24 feet, and in depth about 09 feat. Subject to a yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars. Will attend to his duties upon MONDAY, the 20th day of October, 1847, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 204 &buil FIVT It street, below Walnut, in the said city, when and where all persons interested are required to make their claims, or be debarred from coming In upon mid funds. ,0c13.10t GEORGE W. DIDDLE, Auditor. IiTANLL. CARR-, -BY - ÜBE& - MENA' 111 Mond, &0., vs. CHARLES D. H. CARR—Divorce— CORIOOO Plese—No. 16, Sept. T.,1850. Please take notice, that depositions of witnesses on part rd' said libellant will be taken before the on PM ea, October 23 1857, at 4 &clack P. M , at the otllee or Henry C. huts, Esq., No. /33 South FIFTII greet,. Philadelphia, when yea oan attend and cross examine if you thinkproper. WILLIAM P. SMALL, Examiner. To CHABLIS D. 11. 011111. oal.l6t* Doak,. VALUABLE LIBRARY BOOKS. PUBLIVIILD HT T. N. REDFIELD, 84 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. SOLD BY ALL BOO.KS.ELLERS. SKETCHES OF THE IRISH BAR. By the Right lion, Mlllichard Lalor Shell, M. P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, 1). 0. L. Sixth Edi tion, with Portrait and fac-almile letter. In 2 vola Price $2. TILE NOCTES AMBROSkAN.R. By Professor Wilson, J. O. Lockhart, James Hogg, and Dr. Maginn. Edited, with Memoirs and Note,, by Dr. R. Shelton Maakenzie, Third Edition, In 6 volumes, With portraits and fax airolles Price $6. MAIMNWS MISCELLANIES. The Miscellaneous Writ ings of the late Dr. Maginu. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Complete in b volumes, with Portrait. Price, par rot., cloth, $l. LIFE OF Tlll6 BT. HON. JOHN PIIILPOT CURRAN. By hie Son, Wm. Henry Curran ; with Notes and Ad ditions, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, and a Portrait on Steel and fac-simile. Third Edition. 12m0., cloth. Price $1 26. THE O'BRIENS AND THE O'FLATIERTIES; a Na tional Story, being the Drat of Lady Morgan's Novel, and Romances. With au Introduction and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. 2 vols., 12m0., cloth. Price $2. BAREINOTOWS SKETCHES. Personal Sketches of his Own Time. By Sir Jonah Barrington, with Illustra tions by Barley. Fourth Edition. With Memoir by Dr. Mackenzie. 12m0., cloth, Price $1.21. MOORE'S LIEF OF SHERIDAN. Memoir, of the Life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. By Thomas Moore ,• with Portrait and fat-simile. Sixth Edition. 2 c015.,12m0., cloth. Price $2. BITS OF BLARNEY. By Dr. B. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. 12m0., cloth. Price $l. THE HISTORY OF TUE WAR IN TUE PENINSULA. By Major General Sir W. F. P. Napier, from the au. that's laat revised edition, with fifty-five Maps and Plans, Ave Portraits on Steel, and a complete index, 6 vole., 12roo, cloth. Price $7 60. NAPIER'S PENINSULAR WAR. Complete in 1 vol., Soo. Price, $2 60. THE FOREST. By J. V. Huntington, author of i•Lady Alice," " Alban" &o. .1 vol., 12mo. Second Edi tion. Price Si 26 ALBAN ; or, The History of a Wilzig Puritan. By J. V. Huntington. 2 rola., 12m0., cloth. Price $2. oc7-tf UENDERSON & CO's GREAT LITER gi ARY PAIR FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and Induce the book-buying public to till up their libraries at the usual low pricos, we Intend to present to every purchir of books to the amount of $1 and up wird',value of from 25 cents to $lOO . Call at our eetabile oat, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pm. chaser gets his books at the usual prise, and very many will get, in addition, &present worth having. null-8m !VANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N. B.—No connee Min with any other house in the City. sul-8m Oats, (Cape, Sel ... CH. GARDEN & CO., Manulacturere of and Who leasle Dealers fa HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, I/AHOY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROUCRES, FEATHERS q.t., te: . No. 633, (old No. IMO MAIIKET Street, Below Sixth, south aide, And N 0.62.8 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. O.IMIN9T °ARMIN, O/NintroxoTAN. Merchants are respectfully Invited to examine our deck eO7-2m SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS, sal-0m No. 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia Sat ("laic FOR SALE—Or in exchange for Stocks.— A handsome modern residence, No. 820 North SE VENTH Street, above Brown street, west side. Lot 28 byller feet—aide yard. Apply on the premises vcl7.-2w CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cads, prima Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania stsrekeepere and farmore, by Beading samples to our adlress, can, at all times, ascertain the price at which yr' are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to ba governed as to quality, can have them sent by mail, by noldreaglng 12/1. J. II CHASE seole-tf 43 North Front, and 44 Water streets EVANS,-10,000._puiNTED, i A Card■ per floor! 1010 6 W The Pre. fiat v. u..44.1...1 by am wy,A, qr. •- - Ir A Vtat.a•lploa Preis. bt a+ kle J4: 1". F sssss . !Min. i p C Ills Frw B Emblbillaa. v. a t%4 "s Prier. Cerlsonell*.a. D 10 1"' ..4.-- Tre Th...d Cara per Ilacm,h w ti•.*7 bftt . 1 0.—IarPri.. really rodw.l. D 'IIW. Llbroy, FOURT II MT. below Chvaclt. IAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT StreMa. Large and small slums received, and paid hank on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER OENT INTER EST froii3 the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Moo hours, from 0 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for mile on England, Ireland, end &offend, from II upwards. Prealdent—STEPlTEN R. ORANTORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Taller...-JAKES R. HUNTER, CREAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, iesold at the PHILADELPHIA GAS WONKS fort he reduced Frio° of rive conte a bushel, and may be obtained In large or small quantity by ap plying at the Has Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, It it sold at the Works, In First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite a t 22.60 per ton. (Signed,) J. O. ORESSON J Engineer. FarlJpaLraU 0411 Wont), Aug, 20, '67. ma274f Zatee be Qtuttion MTHOMAS & SONS, Nos. 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (Formerly Nos, 61 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, dc. Public Salsa at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, ELT Handbills of each property lamed separately, in addition to which we publish on the fiaturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet forte, giving full descriptione of all the property to be sold on the (*Howl ug Tuesi . . . Mine. 0 azzaniga ,81 , gnor ilottardi Signor Amodio Mr FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION Br RE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE (Fr We have a large amount of Real Estate at PH veto Hale, including every description of City and Country property. panted Lists may be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. in" Real Estate entered or, our Private Sale Re gister, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. .STOCES, DEAL ESTATE, Arc., TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing fall de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday next, 20th inst., with a list of sales 27th October, end 8d No. vember. • STOCKS, LOANS &c. On Tuesday evening. 20th Instant, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia EX. change will be sold without reserve, for account of idiom It may concern -1123 shares Philadelphia and Pittston Coal Co. $lOOO Coupon Bond Columbia Coal and Iron Company, 25 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on each of the above at the time of wile. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Mercantile Loan and Building Association. $42 per share paid. 5 shares Ridgway Farm and Land Co. $2OO per share paid, for another account. 5 original shares of the San Francisco Land Co., equal to 100 new sham. 56 shares Empire Coal Company, Also, 10 shares Philadelphia. Exchange. 6 shares American Academy of Music. Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Library, and Philadelphia Athemenm. Also, the patent right to iieppel'e Snow-Plough. LOTS MOUNT MORIAII CEMETERY—Lot No. 60, section 37; lots Nos. 28. 91, 43, and 44, section 42; lot No. 17. section 30, in the Mount Moriah Cemetery , FIFTY-FOUR SMARM BANK PENNSYLVANIA. Also, 64 eharee Bank Pennsylvania. ELEVENTII FALL SALE, 20th 00TOWN11. +11;;;ie * ;111 Inelude— Valuable Property, known eatbe Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo site Phi:enterMo. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENOE,&c. Elegant modern residence and oftices, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets. 25 feet front on Arch street, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale. 'ESTATE Or DAVID LERMAN, DE01). VALUABLE REAL ESTATE - . Valuable Real Relate, Bt. John etreet, between Green and Coates Btreete—several messuages, and lot 3T feet B inehee front. Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets Sale abaolule. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND LARGE LOT, 230 Valuable brick residence barn and stable, and large lot, Corner of Cherry awl Wakellug streets, late borough of Frank ford It trouts on three streets, awl Is a very desirable situation. Four three-story brick dwellings, on Ninth street and Charles street, between Willow end Noble streets, LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT ..... Large and valuable lot, a:envied ass eoal yard, eau side Ninth street, north of Poplar, with railroad track MECO Jec. . . . . . DWELLING, POPLAR STREET. 'Three•story Brick Dwelling, No. 810 Poplar street between Eighth and Ninth streets. NEAT DWELLING. Now three-story brick dwelling, No. 129 Yrankford EOlll.l, north of Bedford street, with a three-story frame dwelling in the rear. NEAT MODERN DWELLING. A neat Modern three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings, No. south Firth street, below Washington, e2d Ward.) . , $6O, Also, a Ground Rent of sop a year, on the pro perty at the N. E. corner of Putnam and Howard streets, (late Kensington.) . . . NEAT DWELLING. Neat three-story brick dwelling, No. 410 B. Eleventh street, below Pine street. TWELETH BALL BALE, 27TR OCTOBER Will include the following— MODERN DWELLING. Noat modern three-story Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with &three-story brick dwelling on Citron street. PEREMPTORY SALE—FOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRM WARD. Valuable lot S E corner Jefferson avenue or Afore mousing road and Moore Worst, and Crosby strict. Large end valuable lot N N corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore atrect, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street, Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street, adjoinlug the above. Sale of the whole, absolute. Full particu lars in handbills and plan. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Handsome residence with double beck building, and replete will all modern conveniences, No. 1341 tipring Garden street. This is a very desirable residence, and In a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STRA3I ENGINE, dec.—Two and a hal tory factory, ateanz engine, &c., Twenty-Brat Ward fronting on Clearfield, Twenty-Bret street, and the Phila dolphin and Germantown railroad. TWO-STORY BRIOK DWELLING.—Two-story brick messuage, S. E. corner Township Line road and Clear field street, Twenty. first Ward. VALUABLE LOT Valuable lot, N. E. homer Seven teenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS.—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden street, east of William street. PER ahIPTORY SALE .— FIVE GROUND RENTS, viz : Two of $37.0 each, two of $22 60 each, end one of $4O a year, secured on five three-stork brick dwellings and lute, Spring Garden street, Owen street, and Alddle ...treat, east of William street, Fifteenth Ward. Peremptory Ftzle m Estattht! of Joseph Young : deed. 91'11,13 ' TillttLYl.3lll7o,4lr. 111140 g Dfgra.iiilig. Ttro three-story brick dwellings, Nos. STO and 87(t Apple street , between Fonetb street and York avenue, and Coates and Brown streets. Bale absolute. THIRTEENTH WALL SALE, 3d NOVEMBER This min will include orptmo' pouf Bala. lISTAtE 02 WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEO'D THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRIOK DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STRUT, PRIME STREET, AND PASSYDNE ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and Seventh streets. Valuable lot, fronting on Prime attest, and on Pau yunk road. Valuable lot, Pimp:ink road. Two throe-story brick dwellings, Seventh street, went nide, north of Prime street. Thep will be sold sepa rately. See handbills and plan. Also, by order of Orpheus' Court. ESTATE OF JOHN FITZWATER, DEO'D. OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE 'WHARF, WITII A FRONT OF FOUR lIUNDRED FEET OS THE RIVER DELAWARE AND TA CONY, TWENTY-THIRD NVARD. Baffle Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No. WM North Wirth above Noble street. Eatate—TWO BRICK DWELLINGS AW L Two brick dwellings, Union and Ilanovar streeta above Prince street, Kensington. FOURTEENTH FALL BALE-10TH NOVEMEER PEREMPTORY SALE ON TILE PREMISES-ELE GANT RESIDENOE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. On Tuesday Morning, 'Nth October, at 10 o'clock, without, reserve, on the premises, the elegant Brown Stone residence, No, 1404 Walnut street, month Bide, third house west of Broad street, built for the use of the late owner and teen occupant in a superior manner, and finished throhghout in elegant style, with every modern improvement and convenience. Particular. in handbills. . . ELEGANT PUltNlTUßM.—lminedistely after the sale of thu house will be sold the elegant furniture, extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and chandellere, piano-forte, &o. Sale Nos. ]39 and /41 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. Oa Tuesday Moralug. At 11 o'clock, st the Auction Store, one case superior German Flower Roots, from It. Vanderschoot & Sons, Uuriem STEAM TUG GARRY LESLEY." On Tuesday Evening, October 20th, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex- change, the steam tug "harry Lesley." her length is about fifty feet, draught of water four feet, propeller four feet diameter. The whole in perfect order and nearly new, the boat having been used but avery short time. She now Heist the foot of Coates street wharf, Fairmount, where she may be examined SALE OP VALUABLE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, &c The greater portion from a private collection. On Tuesday Evening, October 20th, at the Auction Store. collection of valuable and interesting boots on variabssubJects, many of them embellished with doe eagrafings. For particulars see catalogues and the boots, which will be arranged for examination two days previous to the sale, Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, tee. On Thursday ?doming, At 9 ofelock, lathe Auction Store, an extenalre assort meat of excellent second-hand furniture, rosewood piano-forte, French plate mirrors, tapestry carpels, ke., from families declining housekeeping. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- Nature 260 casks Bt. Joseph's Pure Juice Port Wine, in qrs, and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Booed' Whle• key 1 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Oln. Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupay Brandies, at of which 1 offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOB. P. TOB/AB, au27-Bnios 88 and 00 8. Front Bt.. below Walnut. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR BTORE, No. 220, Southend Corner o GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER . IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, OIOARB, /to., 2B South PIPPII Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly Ti DlES.—Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ma rett & 00 , And other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter subs ; Pellevoisin Roehelle Brandies , pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth seeks, all in Custom Moe atom, Imported And for sale by HENRY BOHLEN lc 00., au 6 Noa. =land =3 South Fourth street. riITHMAR & RUTZ, PORTER, ALE —EI AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (nem No. 038) North THIRD Street, Phlladelphia.--ahlpping orders promptly attended to. aut. if NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI MORE BUNDS—Unourrent Dank Notes—bold and Silver—bought and mold by EDWARD CLARK & CO., 35 South THARD street. PHILADSLPIIIA, Oct. 16, 1837. oolb-lw AMERICAN GOLD AMERICAN GOLD gip NEW YORK EVEDB, DOUGHT AT THE monger PRENIVN BY ocT-31u DREXEL & CO BUYS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT RRO. have naw on band. a Tory largo assortment of RHADY•BIADIi goods suitable for the present season which they feel disposed to sell cheap. ASSNIIDLY BUILDINGS, Southwest coraer TENTIA and CHESTNUT streets. N. B.—We have a large assortment of new goods of a superior quality and make. e1:42-1110.121b' nUS S IA AND AMERICAN TARRED OCISDAGE superior article, manufacture and for male by IVNAVIIR, MUIR & 00., an 8-tf No. 23 N. Water at., & 22 N. Wharciel. BUSINESS STAND FOUR BRICK DWELLINGS °ROUND RENT Wines anb Liquors Money. NEW YOBS Furips Sialeo by %actin. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 4.31 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom Howie. between Yoarth and Fah Streets. SALE OF LUMBER., Aix, AT POWELTON. Tuesday next, 20th inst At 11 o'clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve, at Powelton, 200,000 FEET LUMBER, Consisting Of 11 common white pine bawds ; 3x 4 hemlock scantling; joists and sawed spruce; with a variety of articles used at the late Slate fair EXTENSIVE SALE OF OERDIANTOWN KNIT GOODS. On Wednesday II oruiug, 21st inst , commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell to close an account, 2500 DOZEN GERMANTOWN KNIT - GOODS, OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Consisting of 1 000 dozen gents' woolen cravats, in scarlet, white and fancy colors. Also. 100 doses ribbed scarfs. Also, 100 do ladies' wool habits. Also, 100 do ladles' wool taltnas A 100, 500 do ladies , neWest style opens bootie. Also, 50 do misses wool hoods. Also, 250 do wool hulery, men's, women's, boys , and misses. Also, 100 do men's lamb wool and merino shlrts and drawers. Also, gloves, mitts, Datelines, shawls, victorines. SALE OF FABiIIONABLE FUELS. Included in Wednesday's sale will be found •a in voke of fare for Indies , and gent , s wear, comprising victorines, capes, muffs, boas, pelerines, Calm's, cuffs, &c Also, one tiger sleigh robe. FURNITURE, &c. Also, will be included an assortment of fundtare, looking-glasses, mattresses, he , belonging to the Es tate of Jahn Guy, deceased, to be sold by order of the ad ministratrlx. NOTICE.--fiaroplea of the whole will be arranged for examination early on morning of sale. when the trade and purchasers generally will find It their interest to at tend. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, 4bcee FOURTH. OAED—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITUBE—TUES- ICJ We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those wbo way favor us with consignments. Families haring portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing gales at their own dwellings, can hare their furniture OAREFITLLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE !SETTER PRICES FOB. THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OP THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN TILE CITY. Er Persona favoring na with consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. Er 7" Commissions more moderate Ohms those charged by any other Auction Rouse in the city. ConAgnmeats respectfully soli cited. IL7 Bales paid immediately after the goods are mid. Sale N 0.124 North Eighth Street. STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A GENTLEMAN'S FUEN/SIIING STORE. • This blaming, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, at No. 120 North Eighth street, above Arch street, the entire Stock and Fixtures of a Gentleman's Furnishing Store, consisting of shirts, gloves, collars, underclothing—as silk shirt s . silk drawers. lambs' wool do do; handkerchiefs, perfumery, soaps, &c. SEWING MACHINES. Also, s Singer's sewing machine, cost jllO, large else; and a Hunt & WolsAes do, cost $lOO. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Also, the surplus Household furniture. TO RENT A three•atory Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Bent 5199 per annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE. A first-alms Pfilltlng Office, with a good ruts of busi ness, four printing preemies, two Ruggles and one Alamo. Type and ererythleg necessary for the bollooti. Apply at the Auction Store. THE ADVBRTISEMEN B AN AUC- TiONENB of a PRINTING OFFICE FOR JAI,E, io the Bulletin Building, has no connection with our establishment. oels tf MoLAUGULAN BROTHEBS. MOSES NATE ANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. X. corner SIXTH and RAC& &meta. AT PRIVATE BALE—CoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swigs, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instrumonta, ace., Ac. Al' PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second door, household furniture, of every description, beds, met, tresses, carpeting, looking ghosts, fancy articles, Ac., Ac., &a. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charge. very low. Consignments of furniture, clothing, jewelry, Ac. Ae., eolicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OVVICE, B. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing Dry Goods, (Irocerise, Began, Hardware, Cutlery, iurnitare, Bed ding, Horses, 'Vehicles, Harness, Stock*, end en all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms 1/4 1 / 3 at any other estab lishment. (eek) 81. NATELANS, NATHAN'S great kale of PORPEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gun,, Pistols, hlnsial Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Owls, Clothing, Bedding, Re., being forfeited constants, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. PEREMPTORY BALE OF FURNITURE, MIRRORS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. On Wednesday mecums. next, October RIO, at 10 o'clock, In second•atory rooms, S. E. corner of Sixth and Bane streets, entrance from Roes street. TO PAY ADVANCES, Consisting In part of oval and square French plate mir rors, In rich gilt frames; mahogany and walnut frame looking glasses; bedsteads of every description; walnut cribs; cradles; bureaus; card tables; marble top tables; sofas; .lounges; plush divans and choirs; spring seat parlor chairs; cane seat rocking chairs; stuffed rocking choirs; windsor chairs and settees; cherry tables; mat tresses; feather beds; marble top sideboards; and nume rous other articles. The whole will be sold without reserve, to' pay advances. Also, a quantity of second hand furniture. Out-door Wee solicited, either at private dwellings t stores or elsewhere. Chairs low. Consignments of second hand and new furniture, and goods of every description solicited. Liberal cash ad vances made At private mile. a superior furniture -nee, nearly new, will be sold low. FtiftlYlTl7lll. AT PRITATE SALE. Serrature of every description arranged in upper rooms g private sale, at unusaelly low prices. QAMIIEL NATRANS, AUCTIONEER, 1 , 0 and MONEY LOAN 07.1705, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Szohauge. limns of business froni 7 o'clock, A. M., =ail 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door males, and sales at the Atiction Nome, at tooled upon the most satisfactory terms. , . . CAPITAL MAO. Established for the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands On Dia moods, Bilver Piste, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer &Wise, Clothing, Puenlture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages ; and Goods of every description. !HrtfljlJflul]lT.l All advance.. from one hundred dollar, and upwards will be charged 2 per tent. per month; 2500 and ever the lowest market rate. This store Hones having a depth of 120 feet, tie Large fire and thlef-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; she), ► heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all parsons hiving goods advanced upon. N. B.—on account of having an unlimited capita', this at le prepared to make advances on more sat* factory and accommodating terms than any other to this city.. Money advanced to the poor, In small amounts, with oat any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Nestehea, Jewelry, sad Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. anl•ly JOHN BA.TLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 826 ARCH Street, between Third and Foarth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whipa, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions. N. B —Out-door sales attended to All goods said at the Auction House packed. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. E. corner of BARRON end SOUTH Streets %byte Second. EVENING BALES. BALES EVEEY SATUISDAY o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cu lacy, housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watebee, Jetta ry, Fancy /articles, ho. illertbant enilots EDWARD P. KELLY LA? KELLY ft, BROTHER, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGRTH, Gas now on hand a large 'madmen! of OVERCOAT INGS, CLOTHS. OiSSIMERES, VESTINGS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, MORNING GOWNS, &0., &e., of the beet qualities and latest styles. Prtet3 wtoclrrak for credo, low for cash. The business of KELLY & BROTHER will be In future attended to by E. P. KELLY or JOIIN P. DOHERTY, at No. 814 CHESTNUT street. 0e1341 JOHN P. DOHERTY, PORMINGY WITS LZLLT & 111011111 E, LATE WITH LUKENS, HELIX, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE EIGHTH, Ilas now with him the best Tailors that are engaged in the business In this country. QUARLES Rote, formerly the leading tailor of this city; N. KAYSER formerly cutter for U. Both it Cu., and late Coat and Teat cutter with Lukens, Kelly, ac Co. ,• Hasse Wsonsa, the best Pants and Test cutter in the *United Eltatee, for years cutter with Depierrbs, online the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplerris Pettus, under the Bt. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the establishment The beet of Olathe' made et moderate prices fo credit, Imo ',rites for ca ,h. oclS-tt LAMES SiER IDA N, IifERCHAN' TAILOR, Noe. 16 sada flotah NINTH STREET ABOVE OILESTNIST. A large in well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIaItiItES always on hand All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality and in the most faabionable style. Particular etiolation given to UhiLSOltit CLOTH.. INC. aus-rf insurance Campnities COMMONWEALTII FIRE INSURANCE COMP/NY, OP TUE Friar, OF PENNSYLVA NIA.-021ea N. W. Comer YOUNT/I sad WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Subscribed Capital, /800,000, Paid.up Capital. MO.OOO. DAVID JAYNE M. D. Preeldeat. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Pres% Ellisost. 8. broom, Secretary. CVRARD FIRE . VI ANON COMPANY, P 802 WALNUT street, west o FIRE ItIMB I MSC D MARINE INSUR I . DELPHIA-oMce, No f THIRD. INLy •TOl5. Jer. Walker, JllO. McClure, Tho. Craven, A B. Gillett, Furman Sheppard, Sarni. Joao, hil D Joseph Klapp, D Wm. U. Swath, John Anspach, Jr., U. N. Burroughs,' J. B. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Backer, J. P. Steiner, IL L. Bharkelford, JONES, President. ), Vice President. NcMuti. a, Secretary. ,cant Secretary. anl4m•t! Hon. JOEL Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Jxo. 8. .1/1138 B. ALTO RD, Aisle COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of S. W 88111.1113, N 0.109 (late 43) South EIGIITII, below Chestnut street, hoe become • saying of 60 percent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN !ASSONANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lampe new eilver•topped and bottomed, and sent by erpreas to all parte anl2 ly I.7 ARDLNES.-100 moo of W) half boxes saoli, in store and for ago by HENRY BOHLEN & CO., 44 8 NO4 221 and 7.23 8 Fourth atteot OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.—E. P. MID DLETON ft BROTHER, importers of Wines, Ems dies, tso. Algo, sole proprietors of the Old Wheel Whiskey No 6 North Front Street. eeplT•lm COAL.—The very best assortment of LE -111611 and sommant COAL on hand, In BROAD Street, seeoud yard above Vine street. nowral DORMAN. c=ipppizzi QUIP MAR Y ANL) ADLIJ LSE, I'OR NEW ORLEANS.—Pint and stay Teasel this week. Freights taken at sa low rates as any oth e r ee eeel held. The remarkably fast-exiling cappersi ship It ART AND ADELINE, W Felts, master, now loading at Bane street wharf, has slugs portion of her cargo engaged and com in alongside rapi•ily, and being a moderate capacity, will hare despatch u abuse. Shippers will please hurry their goods alormide, sod Dills of lading to the Counting Hoare for aizuture. For balance of Freight, which will be taken at re dosed rates, apply on boxed or to BISHOP, 6 IMOSS. & CO. celOtf 120 (formerly) 36 Borth Whirres. The hi. & A /MA,' at the lowest rates, arid will take steam down the Delaware sad up the Ilimietippi. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE STEAIMIIIPB STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed slate of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present October 16th. A. !ARON, Jr 0 SOUTHAMPTON FAKE REDUCED AND HATHZ.—The • !leant atesamh:p VAN , oomaasoder, 5.263 tow, DBRBILT, Edward Ili, From New York far South- From Southampton and *raptor" and Havre. Havre for New York Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 6 Saturday Dec. 2d Price of Passage—First cabin, $lOO second cable, 550 Specie delivered In London and Paris. For freight or passage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, p.m-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage ,tamps if from Other cities,) will be received st No. 6 Bowling-green, New York, up to 111 i o'clock on the merning of sail ing. oc.lo-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU HOPE. Hirst Cabin 330 I Second- Cabin CP In the fart•cleaa paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL. 2.000 tom, 0. D. Loewy, Commander, and NORTHSTAR, 2.500 tons, P. B. :Lessees, to sail from pier No -3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES lILILS, vizi Leave N. York kap I Southampton, Ha. Bremen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Weds'day, Nov 4. N. BaNy, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov. 23. Weds'ey, Dec.3o These steamers touch at ILS.Vak. Specie delivered In London and Paris. For peassie and height, .p•Ar to D. Toxuasca, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, Nei' York. • oclo-tr FOR LIVERPOOL--SATURDAY, 17th October.—The . packet stile NONPAREIL, (14,50 teas) Captain DMA, will salt as above =At: Steerage Second sable and steerage passengers found with pro wheel., according to the American passenger act. Apply to THOS. RICHARDSON k CO. (1 OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 18,57. .2.* New York and Havre StewmalOp Company.—The United States Mail Steamships ARAGO,, 2.500 tons. David Lines, commander, and FULTON, S,SO.) tons, lame A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Elam and Southampton, for the rare UST and DS, on the following days: LIAR 11W TORN. 1857. 1858. foltota,B4.lnrday, Aug. ZI Arno, Satarday, JUL. g Azov, do. Sept. 19 Yahoo, do. Yob. 6 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arego, do. Mardi 6 dreg°, do. Nov. 14 Palt er, do. esprit Talton, do. Doc. 12 Argo, do. May 1 Voltam, do. May 26 LIAM ZAIU. 1467. Sago, Tnesday, Aug. 46 Fulton, 40. Sept. RS Arno ' 4 0 . pet. rulton, do. Nov. 17 kr 4 4 0 1 do. Deo. 16 1666. Itoe., do. lux. 14 Ingo, do. Tub. 9 Fulton, do. Mee! 9 _trap, do. April 6 tuna% do. May 4 imp, do. Jane 1 Faxon, do. Juno 29 LIAM woman.?mt. 1817. Amp, Wednesday, Ac 3.26 Polar*, do. &pt. 23 Arno, do. Oct. 21 17.1t00, do. Nor. 13 Amigo, do. Dec. 18 1868. Paton, do. Jan. 13 Argo, da. Tab. 10 Pulton, do. /dar. 10 Arno, do. April T Yulton, do. May ' drag°, do. Joao Ittlton, do. Jane 30 MIMI OF PASSION prom New York to Southampton or Hairs.-Lust Cabin, $1.90 Second Cabin, VS. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, SOO trans; &woad Cabin, 100 trams. he tar ig or passage apply to MOS ht TIMRH LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 &sodomy. WILLIAM ISELIN, Hawn. CIMMEMY & CO. South'too. AIEHRIOAN 211i1OPHAN PaPHSFIS AND XX- Pub. °HANOI CO. anS TIANEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL TED STATES MAIL BTRAlLltlia.—The Skips umposing Out Line are: The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver ladridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. haw West. ..iThese slips have been built by oonUsat, itigrestly far dovernment mortice; *my care has been taken In their =striation, aa also In their engine*, to ensure strength and enied, and their arecauxualAtiens for pmeengare are =equalled for elegance and comfort. Pea, of paseage from New York to Liverpool, in drat nada, MO; in emend do., $75; from Liverpool to New. York, 30 and 20 /ohm,. No berths eawnd nalusem paid for. The ships of this line have improved 'rater-tight Calk heads. PROPOS:CD DATES OP SAILING ►lO3l XXV Toll- datarday, Jane 20, 1867 Wedneeds y, June 21, 1837 3stueday, Jelly 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 ssturday, July 18 ; 1867 Wednesday ; July 22, 1867 daturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 B.turdly, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1837 ssturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1867 itarday, Sept. 28, 1857 Wednesday, Sept.3o, 1857 sstarday, Oet. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14; 1857 esturday, Oct. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1457 5 stuntay, Nov. 7, 1867 Wednesday, Nor.ll, 1957 5 durday, Nos. 21, 1867 Wednesday,l9ov. 1857 isttuday, Dee. 6, 1067 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 21, 186 T Tor freight ar_rusv,_app/y_ter EDWARD H. 001.1,1128, No. 64 Wall *treat, N. Y. BROWN & CO. DYNPMIN EINNABD & bo u .:Ttuth, bassdao. B. G. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Paris. The owners at throe ship' led not be ma:mutable far old, direr, builiaa, specie, jewelry.pr soigne atones or tostalk, 'nearbile of tedlut,•,.. ; m a t unarm an d the value thereof expressed to there aul-tf Railroad tinge DIIILADELPIIIA, GEBALINTOWNN AND NOBS ID TOWN BATLECOAD.—WL'iTER ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, °eater 1911,1811. FOR GERILiNTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 8,7 x, BX, 9X, 11X A. M., 2, 3.10 min. 4,6, 0,7, 9, and 11 P. Leave Germantown at BX,I-85 min. 8,9, 10% A. 1.10, 3-10 min. 4,6, 8, 7,9, met le P. 51. fp. The 7.26 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS, Lear* Philsdalphis at 920 min. 14,., 2 and 8X P. M. Leave Germantown 823 min. A. 14., 1-10 min. and 5 45 min P. M. OIIRSINDT RILL RAILROAD MNiiiMM=l2=l Leave Otteeitatit Hill at 'I g ,8-4Clsad 1.0-14:1 main. L. M., 12,40, 340, 540 and 7-40 min. P. 31. ON fiUNDAIiI Leave Philadelphia, O.M A. M. 2 and 8% P. M. Leave Chestnut 11,111 at S A. M., 1240 and 6-20 P. IL FOB MANAYONIL, C0t.1 . 1102400E.EN ARID NOWS- Leave Philadelphia at IN, 9, 11 A. M., 3,4 X, SX, and 11 P. M. Lease Norristown at 7, 9 1, 11 . A.y., 3 and 3.40 P. M. 0:7 eIIkDAYB, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A M., sad 3P. M. LPITO Norristown at 7 A. M., sod 3 P. M. CHASTER VALLEY RAILIVAD POE DOWNING- Lean, delphia at 8)i A. M , and BP. M. Leave Downingtown at A. M , and .I. P. M. H. K. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green etreete, PDiladelphia Lumber. LUMBER 1 LUMBER I!—The anbscribar, .ho has !or revers/ years occupied the premises at iloan'a Pinning 1411 - I _,_ _Knovicgton has removed to COATIS STREET WilditY, adjoining the Pbcenil Planing Mill, on Delaware aretme, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other koor ing boarda stem risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and icalfold bo e rda , th oroughly /0,401104 and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prima. Purchasers are ha rked to call and examine for thameelrse, and *very e(. fort wiU be roads to give satistactioes. Orden received alutl •upplled at the shortest make for al. kieds sad. slaw ot Breathers yellow Pim, Timber and bantling. aal-tf 8 4 B. ILICHM. 13oots anb Shore. N 0.442 , SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MARKET and FIFTH Btreetd. Gentlemen's Beet Patent Leather Gaiter Beata. Calf do. do. Patent Leather Oxford Tian Calf do. do. " Patent Leather end Calf narrow strap !Mow Bays' and Yocas' Patent Leather sad OW Bin loiter Boots sad !Thaw sul-tt For sale by FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SIIOES. —.INEPH H. THOMPSON it CO.. 10. 314 MAR KET Street, and Nos. S and 8 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new in store a large and well-assorted rtock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and laatern nasaufutr-re. which they offer for sale on the beet terse for Cash, or on the weal (dealt. sta• Boyers dtf are invited to call and examine their stock Wants iir'eA7ILDRL FO A I7:2 4 IIN . ITED e4 ST . A. e T t E to S whom will be gi.en good pay,' board, clothing, end medical atterdas,e. Pay from ill to $ per month. No man haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED BERTIOS, at No. SIT MARKET street above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM 8.. 80YALL, /It Went. ti Ent. of Cavalry, Iteeruitino Officer Oct 5-Im* VVANTED.—A FEW AGENTS, EITHER T V moat or Female, are 'ranted to sell a new and very popular book,just Woad, entitled "The Crocked Elm ; or, Life by the Wayside." Four editions have already been exhausted in Boston and the New England States. Agents are wanted to Gann., the Italie, Southern, and Western States. Some now engaged make from SS to $l2 per day. Address, by letter, Book Agent, 17 State street, Beaton; or call personally at same place. koarbtuate QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARE, RIVET IRON, Mandactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL on the Schuylkill, above Sprms Garden Witty Welk? WAREHOUSE, 108 North WATER Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS am warranted equal to any made. 00941 JOHN LIALDEMIN, Agent THOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE 11 CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARSIT ST. born Ninth. math Ode. Philmidolphio 1-tho Glass anb Thina tUarz INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS ! TYNDALE & MITCHELL, !METERS of clime, GLAW, AND COMMON WARI,O. are noir selling their NEW AND =GANT I'LL IMPOR2ATION.; -, at GELITLT RIPCCIO TAICI3, With a ILANDSOSLE DISCOI7NT VI Tuosy, WHO PAY CASS. 707 CILESTNIST STRUT, ABOVE SETENTII 1.45-2w-Drov. PHILADELPHIA. SPIRITS TURPENTLVE-200 bbls Spirits Turpentine, b arrire, fur tale by MARTIN & MACALISTRR, 711:0Grth %cat., Sheet. MYER STROUSE, ATTORNEY A? LAW, OlNTlllstrest, rottsnlle, Ys. suClp 660. W. TAYLOrt.
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