The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 16, 1857, Image 4
Zegal Notices, I THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE A.•OITY,-- AND COUNTY Of PITELADELPEUA. - 01 - Thome Willlanison,• Trustee, ke. , Retort Palmer., -Levert Pules, March Vert; 1657, No. 653: " The, President, Directors, kOO. 01 the Bank of Penn sylvania Itr. , Bobert Patine. and William Clayton, late treeing as Palmer, Claytoo k Co. Venditiont Expel/as, Nisch Term, 18,57, No. 103.9. - The Auditor appointed to distribute the money in Court, raised under the abase entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale, of , No, 1. Measuage and lot of ground on the meat aide of Delaware, second street between Pine and Union streets, in the city lAPhilsdelphia, containing in front 18 feet and In depth 95 feet to s five-feet alley ; bounded north.' ward by ground formerly 'of George Fitzwater, now of the heirs of Charles Allen, and southward 'by ground of Joseph tiarehall.' No. 2. Lot ofground, with frame and brick tenements, on the south -side of Mary street, 'between , Wont bud Second streets, in the said city, beginning 188 feat from Trent Street; containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 86 feet. No 8. Lot of ground with the two three-story brick mes images thereon, on the north side of Prime or Washing ton street, lu the geld city, 61. feet westward from the northwest corner of Delaware Pifth and Prime streets, toatainnig in front 24 feet, and in depth about 89 feet. Subject to a yearly ground renter forty-eight dollars. Will attend to his duties upon MONDAY, theltith day of October, 1847, at 4 o'clock P. M., at Lie office, No. 2046outhIFIFTEL *street, below Walnut, in the said. city, when and where all persons interested are required to make their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said funds. 0c12.10t GEORGE W. BIDDLD, Auditor. NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters of Administra tion open the Estate of,TAMES DUGAN, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. all persona in debted to said Estate will please make payment, and those haying claims will present the same to .fAlifl DUGAN, Administmtrix, septll-ffitit Grape street, bfanayauk. A. CARR, BY HER. NEXT at. friend, dco., vs. CHARLES D. H. OAER—Divoree— Common Plems--No. 16, Sept. T., 1856. Please take notice, that depositionsfif witnesses on perk of said libellant will be taken before me-on PRIDAN, October 23, 18M, at 4 o'clock P. hi., at the office of Men 0. Ruts, Esq., No. 183 South FIFTH street, u Philadelphia, when you can attend and cross examine if you - think propor. - WILLIAM P. SMALL, Examiner. OnAniln D. H.OlllB. oc7-16t* T D STRIO COURT OF THE ITED STATES in and for the Eastern District of onk, e neater of the proceeds of Sale of i3OOW-BOAT The undersigned, to whom It was referred to distri bute the proceeds of the Bale of said Scow•lsmt, will meet all parties Interested in the said fund at the office , of the clerk of said court, No. 24 South Fifth street, below Chestnut ; on THURSDAY, the ..Vd day of Octo ber, instant, at 4 okdock P. M. - MIAS. D."IISAZLITT, Oomm'r, TN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION J. IN INSOLVENOY OP OE7 O . ,011t11,TfitiFFElt, Notice 1s hereby given that the subscriber hei r , - applied to the Court of Common Pleas for the city and County of Philadelphia for a final discharge under the provi uioni of the Insolvent Laws of the Oommonwealth, and also that be has applied by Petition for the benefit a the flat Sectionot the Act of June 16th, 1636, relating to insolvent debtors--by which section It is provided that the court, with the consent of a majority in number and nine of creditors of an Insolvent, may grant him an exemption of hie estate and effects from execution fer:hie: indebtedness for the , spate of seven years. These ap=; plications will be heard by the Court of OomMon Pleas on Saturday, October 10th, 1807, at 10 o'clock, and the 'attention of creditors and all others interested in these applications us invited. „ W. 0. OBB.ItTEIIPPNR. NO 211.irtta 3w* Books. VALUABLE LI BR AR - Y BOOKS .- POILLISIIND BY J. S. REDFIETiD, BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. SOLD RY ALL BOOKSELLERS. SKETCHES OF THE IRISH BAR. By the Right Hon. NEU:hard baler Shell, M. P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by B. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L. SlEth Dil ation, with Portrait and foe-simile letter. In 2 vols. Price $2 , THE:NOOTES A.MII/10SLAN/S. By Professor Wiletin, 0. - Lockhart, 7ameellogg,and Dr. Magian.. Edited, with Memoirs and Note', by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. In 5 volumes, with portraits and fac. similes Price 2.5. MAOINNIS MISCELLANIES. The MiscellanMus Inge of the late Dr. Moginn. Edited, with a Memoir and cotes, by. Dr. H. Shelton Mackenzie: Complete in &volumes, with Portrait. Priee, per vol., cloth;sl. LIPS OP THE RT. HON. JOHN PUILPOT CURRAN. W i lly his Son, Wm, Henry Curran; .with Note a and Ad. damns,' by Dr. It. Shelton Mackenzie, and a Portrait 15 on Steel and fao.slosile. Third Edition. 12m0., cloth. Wilco id 26. THE O'BBIENS AND THE O'FLAIIERTLES ; &No. tiOnal Story, being the first of Lady Morgans Novels and Romances. with au Introduction and Notes; by Dr. It, - Shelton Mackenzie. 2 vols., 12m0., cloth. Pride $2," BABBINGTOIOSSICETOILES. Personal Sketcheaof hie Ottn Thoe2, - Byl3lr /dealt Barrington, with Mantra , Ilona by Barley. Fourth, Edition. With Memoir by D I -. Mackenzie. 12m0., cloth: Price $1.25. sunAtEE LIFT OF SHERIDAN. • Mon:mire .of the Lif e ethe,Rl_ght Hon.. Richard "Brinaley, Sheridan. , Tio m mes oore ; with Portrait ,and Sfith . Edtion. 2 vols.,l2nio.,:cloth. Prices 2. BITS OF IIL,MINEY. ' By Dr..R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition; 12mo cloth. Price $l. THE HISTORY tiY TEM WAR IN THE PEtinistrie. By Major General ;,Sir W, F. P. Napier, from the ati. thorhs last revised anion, with fif Maps and Plans, five Portraits on - Meal, mud a complete index,. 5 'rola., 12mo, cloth.' Price a: 60. NAPINIPS PENINSULAR WAS, Complete 1 v0 1.,l Sm. Price $2 50. THE FOREST. By 7. V. Huntington, author bf g•Lady Alice,"‘ , Alban," &c. - 1 vol., 12mo. 'Second Bpi tion. Prim $1 25 ALBAN ; or, The History of a Young. Puritan. • Ist S, V. Huntington. 2 vols., 12m0., cloth. Price $2. : oc7-tf SPLENDID GIFTS AT 489 CHESTNUT .STRERT.—TELE ORIGINAL STAR GIFT BOOK STORE.—a. G. EVANS would inform his friends end the public that he has removed his Btar Gift Book Store and Publishing Route to the splendid store In Brown's Iron 439 CHESTNUT Street, two. doors below Fifth, where the purohaiter of each, book will receive one of the follow ing gifts, veined at from 25 cents to $lOO, oonsistingof Gold Watchee, &o.: • • WORTH 650 Patent Rug. Lover Gold Watches....6loo 00 each 660 Patent Anchor Lever Gold do. .. • . 60 00_ a 1 400 Ladies' Gold Watches, 18k. cadet—, 35 00 f 800 Silver Lever Watches, vraninted.l.• 16 00 600 Parlor Timepletes ' " 00 °COO Cameo Sots, Bar Drape, and Pins.... .10 00 — SOO Ladles' Gold Bracelets f 12 00 " . 600 - a ""Neck Chains 10 00 1,000 Gold Lathe* (large size and doulde ease,) 10 00 2,000.G01d Lockets, small size 800, ,1,000 Gold Pencil cues, with Gold Pens... 600 " 1,060 Patna- Gold - Pons; ,With Uses and • Ifolders St 2,605(1ikaa Pencils 2 60 2,600G01d Perm, with Silver Beattie 2 50 8,600 Gold Rings my It 2,000 Gantt , Heavy Gold Rings • ' 216 ‘, 2,100 Ladies , Gold Breastpins 260 8,600 Misses' Gold Breastpins. 1 60 . 3,600 Pocket Rnives - 70 " 2,000 Sots Gents , Gold 803001 Stade - 300 " 2,000 sets Gents' Gold Sleeve Euttons..... 300 "' 2,00 0 Pairs 1101les' roar Drops - 2bp ", - - - EViNBI4 OlitilOgge contains all of the moat popular books of the day,and all,;1105 inmost' psablleationsfir all of which wILI basold ea to as can be obtained at ,other Rorer. A:coraplete catalogue of book runt, free, by bppltettion :the' mail, by, adareeeugAl. U. EVANS, 459 CHESTNUT Street. Agentiwinted every town in :me- United Statue. Those desiring sato act'cuue obtain full perticulars by addressing at above. - ,"" - , „ N, —s4oo worth of Gifts will, be given Arltb every, 111,000 worth of books cold, , ee26 atuthtf r -- - - j~ENDERSON & CO's GREAT LITER' ALL ART PAIR HUTH and ARORntrentit. s In order to gratify the 'wishes of oar numeronS' pa titOnn and Indnoo the book-buying pnblie to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of 'books to the • summit of $1 And up war ,s (lift in value of froinls cents,to ROD. Ciall at our establishment, look et onivahiable s to ok, and 46liet for yoursidveio- " ' '‘ ' Rorolliatyou ere not buyidcot Ain.* for overhear chaser We is books the •nsnal OW), and very many will get, In addition, a present worth haying. Bugg,-3m , „ TORN !CAMPBELL% Sr :SON;• 131,BLIOPO ' m * t 4 the cu notysE Avenue, have al ways for Aisle rare and,seame Books, eentlemon book: worms are invited to call awl judge as to prices and ra riety Lew and miscellaneous books purchased in small or large qualtltkes. Books continually receiving from auction. - - sett-th to am* EVANS' GREAT GIFT BOOR. BALE; No. in CELBSTMIT Street. N. B.—No OGintiO4 tion with any other hoose,iti tho City.. antaa tDi*C~ 'atu3.`iigtior`"s: fILDITHELP WIIISKEY.:- - -E. P. - vv DLETON & BROTHER, importers of Wines, Bran dies, /co. Alto, sole propriaton of Om OM Wheat Whialrej; No - . 5 North Front Street, sepl7-11n 01IT WINE.--In bond and eatitted to de „„ bantam 260 esska-Bt..Toooppo,s, Pure ,Inlpel'ort Wine, !mire. and elkhthe., - Teh punebeonadoltn *Musty Islay Malt **YakWhie . key, 2 yeareold • • • Mlty pipes AnebtorGln.: Mlarett, Martel, Bonyet, and I. J peony Brandied, ill Owlet& I offer to 'the trade at real:mid pricei,- • , Jos. inal.smcir Wind oo S; Front St.,below Walnut. A. LEXANDER V. HOLME,S, WINE AND .41 L1Q1704 STORE, N 6. 226, Oontheind Corner 911011. GE and BOOTH . Streets. , suruy? L LEWISMOORVER AND DEALER VSIN FINE' WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, At:, 28 South BITS Obraot,,Rbiladelphia. - sul-ly 10tRANDIES,•-, 'Pinot, Oast:111ot /k Co., Ala"' JP lett & Clo., and other brandlof Cognacs of rariMit vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks • Sellevoisin Itoehelie Brandies; pale sad dark, in'hall'p i l i pea, quarter oaks told one-el - 6 th mta aks, all in Onsto owe Mores, imported and for sale by- - 11:ENSX BOMAN' dr 00.,, an 6 Mi. 921 and 228 South Fourth street. ' fIIT.IIIIIAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER DEER BREWERY, No. 620' (new No. 088) North THIRD Street, yht4delphlB.-:-Shipo44 , orders gromptly attended to.' • • • ; , yui„(1; fiLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN dI FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned aro now prepared to , purchase "cox mush, prime Meyer Seed of the newcrop.' Partrisylveniip ritorakeepere and farmers, by sending sampled to ocr' addrese can, at all tiniesiitiscartain the price at which we are 'buying, ' , Attlee y 14111131; samples, by which to be SoTtrilud u to quality, Can have them seat by than, by addressing ao. 1.11 OIIABE & 00, sepl9.4f 43 North Front, and 44 Water streets Er zvANs,---10,000—rniNTER,1 A E - Cords per dye ailill t lV Tb. Pero fkal. mu °lntake,' by ct,,,,r1,4,,...“:11,w . p Pilla#lo4 Etna, la the le. ~. 4.. Irster oar, bremno tfi'. Cd 104 , ' ' Rift., R A , 00 -- , Mat. Cots nod 0c..4 0 L, ' 101 0 °I Too Thoonad Canby. Ramis E ler • • dm.", ima,.4.4.1. D • to ! Orr. Library, TO EAT n SIN below °bastard. --- MUSfo i - Mtr:SIC! MUSI,OI ' AT IIALF I hIOE. Three beautiful Boatdmanlo Gray's PIANOS, , as well as three beautiful lIELODEONEcoffered this week at a great „asatifted, owing' to the greet financial crisis, Musical Tnettemente of All kinds at 'and below cost. B" B :alver.T4 lo .Qultars among the lot: • • , 3011 N Agenfi r Il0:1302 CHESTNUT Street, ' 00124 w • Aimee Thirteenth, BUMPIER FUEL—GAS COKE, oreseellentguality; head altherlillADELl'lllA OASWORRiI for the reduced prise of tire cents a Wallet; ti ;and may be obtained in large or email 'gaudily hi ilk: far st M OBS oe NO. 7,0 Beath BEV DIT To iarelataire by Wholesale, it sold silt° Works, Ward, by the tanost a price egnivalent to An. thruate, a $2.60 per ton. • ' (Signeda 0. CRESSON, Zaniness, .Parc4tpumfut Aug. 28; l. " sm9l4 11pOSIN.--600 BATiRELS SOAPMARER,S' - 5 - 11 f WSW.; arritit'ber-ohoorer 'XI: Plaiii4r:• Joilale by: .1 , MAFIN er, MAOALIBTER, • -• • tia!pribwyar,trmli IIargLOONSRANC/O,LD.RV , OFIAdd 1U5 1 4 . #019, Wilt 4 /WM $l. ula-$lOl Eihippmg. FOR NEW ORLEANS—LOUISIANA Line—with quick despatch. To nail in all thin reek, with what freight °gem Freight taken at lowed rates. The remarkably fast-sailing ship MARY AND ADE LINE, W. Pales, master, is now loading at Race street wharf, being of email Capacity, and having a large por tion of her cargo engaged and going on board, will have quick despatch as above. Shippers will please hurry their' goods alongside, and bills of lading to the Counting house for signature. 'For balance of Freight apply en board or to' BISHOP, SIMONS, & 00. ocltdtf 341 North Wharves. 'The hf. & A. insures at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the Mississippi 'WARE REDUCED J. AND IiAVRE.-The TO SOUTHAMPTON magnificent atoamehip VAN , . commander, 6,268 tone, DEIrBILE, Edward Higgl will sail From New York ter South- From Southampton and ampton and Havre. Havre for New York. Saturday ' Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 6 Saturday Dec. 111 Price of Passage—First cabin, 5100; . second cabin, $OO , Specie delivered inLoadon and PANS. For freight or passage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (byencloeure of postage Wimps If from other cities ,) Will be received at No. 5 Bowling-green, New York, up to 11% o'clock on the morning of Emil log. • 0c10.4f f GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU.: ROPE. First Cabin S3O I Second Cabin S5 O In the flret•class paddle-Wheel steamship ADRIEL, 2,000 tone, C. 1). LUDLOW, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,500 tone, P. E. Lernvan, to sail from pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, viz: Leave N. York for' Boutharoptentya-1 _.,ampten,— Bremen for 1 ______mten vre and Drothen. Southampton for New York. Ariel,' Saturday, Oct. 81. Wededay, N. SaVy, Oct:3l. Saturday, Ncrr. 28. Specie , delivered : These steamers touch at HAVRE. In London and Pori). For passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Oreen, Now York. oo18•tf FOR HAVANA, VIA CHARLESTON, S. 0., AND KEY WEST. . The splendid and favorite United States Mail Steam.. ship ISABEL, Capt. Rollins, will leave Pier 4, North River, New York, FRIDAY, Oat. 18th, at 8 o'clock, A. M. for HAVANA, touching at CHARLESTON and KEY WEST, to land mails and passengers. The ISABEL hue Just been entirely overhauled, and fitted with now boilers, cabins and stato-rooms,double air-tight bulk heads fofward and aft, thus making her one pf tko most desirable steamers, for safety,- speed, and comfort, now afloat. For passage, having elegant accommodations, apply to 89029/01D, TI - LETSON, & 00., No. 29 Broadway, New York. Or to JOHN WM:MIER, No. 7 Walnut street, Phila. , odt 0016 FOR • , LIVERPOOL—SATURDAY, 17th AL . October.—The packet ship NONPAREIL, (1450 tons) Captain Santa, will sail as above. • Cabin paMsge Second Cabin • t • , Steerage.... Second cabin and steerage passengers found with pro visions according to the American passenger act. • Apply to Tom. RICHARDSON k 00. 0.5. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1867. New York and lime Steamship Company .—The United States Mall Steen:whips MUGU, 2,500 tone, David Lines, commander, end FULTON, 2,500 tone, Semen A. Wotten, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1857 and 68, on the following days: LlJlrliir Saturday, Jan. 0 Bnlfoa~ do Hob. 6 tril l C, go o. . 1;1,1 ' 2 ?La; 29 Pulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, , do. Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Nor. 14 Dalton, do. Deo. 12 LlAlll ' LIATI BOUTITAKPVON. 1857. 1867. Avsgo, Tuesday, Aug. 26 Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 26 Patton, do. 'Bot. 22 ' Fulton, do. Bept.23 Avago,, Oot. 2e drago,! do. Oct. 21 Patton, do. Nov, U.• Fulton,. do. Nov. 18 Asap>, do. Deo. 16 Amp, , do. Dee. 18 1858. /806. Runup, do. , :an. 12 Fulton, do. Jan. 18 Avago, ,do. Yob, 9 drago, lb. Fop. to lotto'', ',do. March 0 Faison, do. , Mar. 10 Arttgo, , do. April 9 Arno, do. „ Aril 7 :t o o Yrge 4 l rule 5 Pulton, do. , June 29 Fultoo, do. dime 80 Pima or razason , Frain New York to Southampton or Havre—Find Cabin, $l3O ; Second ()obit', $76, From Rana or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 800 hue; Second Cabin, 600 [ranee, For freight or passage, apply to MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, Havre. 0/30$0.Elt & 00.. " Bouthiton. AMERICAN RIGIOPEAN - -EXPRESS .6.N) EX- " Tarts. OHANGY4 00. au6 1111 - HE NEW YORK AM/ LIVERPOOL J. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The alp ebmposing this Line are: The ATLANTIC, Gaut. Oliver Eldridge, The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. ,V.The ADRIATIC, Capt. Smell West. ,g Thew ships have beenbnilt by contract, expressly for government write; every eartvhas been taken m their 'construction, as also in thelrenglnes, to ensure strength lid speed, and their sooommodatiens for pationgera are shequalled for elegance and oolnfott. • • Pries of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin, $130; in eeoonddo., $76; tkan 'Liverpool to New Torl4 90 and 20 willies& No bertha secured unless paid CV, The Alps of this lino:have improved water-tight PROPOSED DATES OP BAILING. II pox huw - soak; /MOW LITIRIOOL. gpitlilttYj June 2A, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 &Budd:: ‘I4J-4,. 1867 , Wednesday, July 8, .1867 Ilettudny t , :ow , 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1867 itturit B ji Fla Wednes d ay, Aug. 8, 1857 Npturday, Aug:loi prxes6l7, Aug. 19, VW gataiday, SaPt: TO) . ' 867 e hatidt7, eept 2, 1867 Saturday,tlepths; 1867 W eery, 1867 ilitturdi3i, Ott : 18, T 857 Waii4i ay, Bet. 3i, 1867 Siettirdo:i Oct. 28 107 Wednesday, Out. 28, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, N0v.21, 1867 Wednesday, N0v.28, 1857 Saturday, Dee. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. r 9, 1867 A Wednesday, Dec. , 1857 Por freight° r Immo_ _ppi,y I EDWABDK. 00h1:Ut i 8, No. 68 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, 8111:PLIY' 00.,iLiverpool. ' BTEPTINN 1111N#4.3D & 80., 27 Austin Prism, _ London. B. e.venormaittet CP., Paris. The owners of thaw OW will hot be seeonntable,for lald, ether, Ifilltosiospreete, ),nisKti.lic Colons stormier dale, unless bills of thlingt,)ll'f, therefor, and t e vale Narootexpremeol , sul-tf 3 Qiamnnseinri bferthanka. 1 - H. MUSE & CO. • GENERAL COMMISSION . MEROHANTS, 48 NorthIRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia CONOTAMLY RECEIVING `, i -- 0 L:0 VBR -S E-.E D .. On conalgnment from the interior of Pennsylvania, 'where our new Cleaning Mill Is nowIG general nee. han IV" Also, TUMMY AND .11./l TOP Owaya n 1241 . O d. ' ." , se HANDY & i3A4XNEIit—C, OMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Porelgn end Ame rican HARDWARE and,OLIngERT, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North PISTII Streit, Viet stdeisboo Commerce street, 90 ,1 7 11 01 1 , - • ' • g*tr CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of IdAVANd. BEGAN), ( ew) 188 Walnut street. meted story. . aul-ly 1 ARIL—THE SIIBSOR IBER So R ESPSOT • FULLY Inforactheir friends and the trade goner allythst they Woo made arrangements for One of their i layers bearing monthly for the French , and German yroni AnanyL years , experience the permanent red dence In Paris of two of the Arm and an abundantcapital, they caino ff er unmet facilities for THE PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION in any of the European markets for shipment direct. They are also prepared to receive orders from samples fOr Plowera and Pee.thers from their extensive and well known manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or duty paid. HENDEBSON, O,AYTII to CO.. Importers, ',alllo-Irma No. 200 Broadway. timber. PiUMBER I . LUMBER I—The eubeeriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at O l an's Planing Mill, Kensington has removed to %PATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Plicenia Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, , where he intend,' keeping a large assortment of 061'01(116 and other hoer his boards, elope 'risers shelving, ceiling, fencing and acwifold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. Pbr sale at the lowest cash• prices. 'Purchasers ale In vited to nail and examine for themselved i sod every ef tdrt will be made to give satisfaction. Orden received add supplied at the shortest notice for sat kinds and slime of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling. S. 8: MINIM ' ii3ooto antt Oboes. 0. 442 SOUTH:BAST CORNER OF Min= and FIFTH Rom' la ' tientlemento Bed Patent Leather patter Boots. 1 ,c Cat do. do. . " ", Paton,* Leather, Wand Ties. Ceir , do. do. „ ' It Patent ',oaths, sad BO narrow strap Moog. goys' and Youth"' Patent Leather and OaLt Skin Gaiter Boole and Shim. atil•tf For isiqe by, , ,ONO. W. TAYLOR. :VALL STOOK OF BOOTS ANOSHOES. - —4OBSIPR R. TIIOSIPBON 00: No . 814 MAR- K 7 Street, and Nos,' 8, and 5 'FRANKLIN PLAOB, here new In store a large and wall assorted stock' of 1190T8 and MOBS, of Oity and Eastern mannfitehiali i which they offer for sale on the best terms for Cash', or Pn the usual credit. }Mye dl rs are invited ,to apd and easmlne their stock, ,1- dewing 'ittacqines iILGOOD SEWING OONINE.—HUNT, WEBSTER; & Co. beg rsapectfully toltntroduce tit =elves to the public 'ea the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACIIINE adapted to manitfooturing or family purpose'. • ' ;Free from tho objections, which have been nrged ogolust those already known in this market Tilts MACHINE COMBINES TUE GOOD QUALITIES OF TIIEM ALL, and will be sure to commend }Wry upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, ahoemekers, and seamstresses. Those in want lAA GOOD ARTICLE, 'Gtt will make a handsome leek-stitch, work WITII LITTLE NOISE, that will GEM, BIND,STITOU,RUN, or GATHER ; 'lndeed, that willipve entire satisfaction even after they have been usedsfor years,' are Invited to call at our rooms, 820 01IESTNUT Street. , RUNT', WEBSTER, & Co. Sewing of every 6iedition executed in, the boat pea- Bible manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mail to any part of the United States. au22-tuth" 3m. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF, THEISTATN OP PENNSYLVA- M.A.—Witco, N. W. Oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, ddoo,ooo. Paid•ap Capital, F 200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D" President. • TROIKAS E. STEWART, Vice Frail. ELIEIIIII. B. Moon, Secretary. - - sum, ;COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL - I/ANT FactorYor E.W 03811 - ERO, No:109 (late 43) South ElGHTll?oelow,Ohestont street, hoe become a saying of CO per.pect• • to onv SOUTHERN AND:WESTERN , ISEROIIANTS.i and also the convenience of bating tbeir oldi Darriage„Lampe new eilver-topped and bottomed, sod oont lOy,,oapremt to all out! „ , anl.2 Iv iLiARDINES.--I(M):rinses of 00 half basal 68 GA° In afore and for & 00., sti 8 Nos. 221 and 2285. Fourth street r fA N lELA ,110 PE 4—SUPERIOR MA NILLA ROPBli zdandastared end for islobi WICAUR,AnnIitCO' - No. 28 N. Water led,22, ,fIOTTON-2(10 Will good Middling to . Mid dling Fikits ilattonfßi_storesnd for Oats by ' • M&USIN Nort hCALITE 1 Water gitrnot COAL,—=The very beet assortment of LE HIQII and SOHUYLKILL COAL on band, in BROAD Street, second yard above Vine street. sol4-1m ' HOWELL DORMAN. 2240 - Ln 7 r A TON.—BUYERS and consumers are Invited to examine our stock of "LERIOR LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK "MATTI COAL." ' Our Coal is selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, wo will warrant it free from elate and dust. "We 801 l 2240 lba„" being " 240 lbs. more) ) than aold by retail dealers, at 4, 25 cents lose per ton." Also, on hand a full supply of "BROAD TOP SITU AIINOUS COAL" for Steam-generating, Blackamithing, and Rollinkmill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and VINR—Big Sign, 2240 LDS IS A TON (eel-3m] LEIGHTON & 00 COALI COAL I COAL I—TAGGART's CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH 00AL. .& It. OARTEIVSGABENWOOD, TAMAQUA 00AL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE POREST 80IWYL RILL GOAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH - - Have for sale, and, are constantly receiving from above celebrated °elf!orlon, COAL OF ALL BIiES. There le no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Ooal is very carefully screened at our yards, and tre will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all Impurities. Our PRIDES areas LOW as the VARY LOWEST. Ordege left at our Office, NO. 161 MUIR FIIONT arrest, above Walnut. Orders loft at our Yard, CIALLOWIIILL street, bolo* BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER attest, above OAL LOWIIILL—er sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing olaowhore. aud-tf BUOK MOUNTAIN COAL--Diroct from tie Company's Itingo, Bpd the only authorised agents, by retail, south of Kensington. dleo'Lehigh and Schuyyiklll Ooal. T. TREADWAY, Swanson stroet, au2o-2m] let Wharf above Washington, Southwar k QOHUYLKILL .A, , ND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving at my yard, the bt ualit°. BOHOYLKILL AND LEHIGH 00AL. 'my ea c u stom ers, end all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Opal that will be satisfactory to them. ilk Nolufarior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW RilatiSs. ALBUMIN* PoNvERY, N. E. corner of Broad andOiarry !:8 LEHIGH AND SORITYLKILL COAL:— DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on haul, at the very lowest rates, a lull supply of Lehigh and SchuylkW coal. au 1-Gm .UMBER Alittao.o o -40NTQOINIERY dc NEALL having connected he Peel with the Lumber business, inform their friends that they with made contracts for a supply of the beat qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Ooal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be left with Mr. 8. KILPATRIOIC, No. 18 8. FIFTH street, Or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER 'streets. aule-9m An - chant Cam. E DWARD P. KELLY. 814 PgrEB'FNEIT LOA XXjiLY & BROTHER. STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Has navy on head }largo a/Implant of OVERCOAT 'NOS, ULOTEIB, OASSMERES, ymmtroas, GLOVF.S, SHIRTS, MORNJNO apwNs, 6r.0 , 4cc., of the boot qualities and latest stylea. Prices moderate for credit, low for twit. The business of KELLY & BROTHER will be in future attended to by E. P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY, at No. 814 OUNSTNTJ I P *vet. 0e1.3-tt JOHN P. DOHERTY, FOOMORLT WITH ICSLLY & ONOTHEIt, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE EIGHTH, Ilas now with him the best Tailors that are engaged in the business in this country. coeou# LOU, formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Kscass, formerly cutter for C. Roth AG CO., and late Coat and 'Vest nukter with Lukens, Belly, & Co.; nastily WAGNER the best Rants mut Vest cutter in the United States, for years cutter With Denterris, under the Irving Rouse, Broadway, and with Depierrie & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas lintel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the establishment. The .aos. or Qlothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for rash. JAMES Sag A 4. AT, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 andlB South NINVI STREET, ABOVE 011.ESTNBIT. A large and yell itelecAed Wok of OBOTIB3 and OASBIKEBE6I always on band. All Olothing_ncede et this Establishment will be of the best quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIVOIM 0101'n• mina /Drugs nub ebenticale. F REDERICK BROWN,—CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, north-'seat corner FIFTH and ORESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of BROWN ' S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which is recognised end prescribed by the Medical Fs. cony, and hail' become the Standard FAMILY ILEDI- OfNE of the Tnited States. This Rssoucc , lea preparation of unmoral excellence. During the Bummer atop no family or traveller should be t without it. t.n relatation of the bowels, in tortuMe, and particularly In sea sickness , it is an active and Bele as well as a pleasant and aliment remedy, CATlON.—Persoria desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pnreIAMAIOA GIN GER, should be ponliculer to ash for lirown , s Ea- Nonce of Jamaica Ginger," which is werranted to be what It is represented, end is prepared only by YREDE.; RIOR BROWN, and for sale at his Drag and Oltetnical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and ORESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug ;lets and Apothecaries fa' the U. States. aul•Sni Sire Vroof Oafets. SALAMANDER SAFES . ' A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SAILAMANDEE SAVES, OOSS, VAILLT D Por Siobi and StqTAt BANE WOKS, Equal to any now In UM -IRON DOORS, 131IIPTERS, On at good terms aa any other establishment In ilia troltod State', by EVANS & WATSON, No. 28 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. aulti-tt •PLUABS GIVE US A CALL. ,h,frnacea. ThfIACIREO9R HOT—AIR FURNACES. Hold by & Street, flret door above Have auglB-Bmos. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT— NEW GAS CONSIIHING FURNACE. CHILSbN'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the , moat Severe test, during the two OOLD,W/NSPH3 OP 1856 AND 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater in rhs world, saying from to % the feel over,any of the beat furnaces now In use. TRISH FORNAOIIB are constructed with a east iron ash pit, and a broad, ShfilOW pasi•shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron efeyet. The Ore pop I eurmount• ed with 4 SERIES Os CONES, oft TAPERING 11.4pIeorikl, large and broad at thelrimme, but tapering to mall aper tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Tan wawa products of combustion in the form of smoke and asses, are suspended directly over the fire, .oeseisrn or compressed into the tapering Comas and oexrtnoarAT IMPoSID to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a fowls in sacra Conn, not unlike the COLLECTION OP THE SEWS RATS, to &focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the BYO= AND GABBS to become intensely heated and the. roughly OONSOUD by this operation the BMOS• AND 01828 are SLIM IittIIALLY AtAILADLII With the rusl. Irßel.P for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it in 0181118 D 077 AND WASTRD IN PRI 00t111111Y. All persona deeiroas of obtaining the beet and MOST NooNonswg. LfILSTING APPARATUS, 'should not fail to essinine the Nov 'Oen Cosentino Coss Foserson before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects spd builders is perticolarly re quested. ARNOLD & musorr, (Successors to S. A: Itarrison,) No. SP WALNUT Street, Oppoogo Todepenclonco Square. Mobatra drib Cigars. A handsome assort- HAVANA CIGAR' meat, suolt u li trao e, Gluts, Torrey Lopes, °colon, tc.c., la 3i, 0,6 and 1-10 tiles, In stare and constantly aul-ly Partagad, Sultana, Jupiter,• Ocoreettiantes, 'Union Americana, Flora Onbana, kc., dco., oxes, of all ekes and quell receiving, and for sale low, OPARLEB TETE, ew) 188 WALNUT Street, below Betend, 'second story "VICAR°, CABANAS AND PANTAGAS SEGARS.-4, ehblee Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig , ‘New Erti,i , daily expected from Ilteans, and for eats low, by lIIIAELES TF / TE, (New) ISO Walnut street, below Second, ant ' ' " Second Story. (Eapti, Sot EL GARDEN & CO., • Manutacttirere of and Wholesale ,Dealers In HATS, OArS, rITRS,, STRAW GOODS, FANOY BILK A.Np tYrRAW BONNETB,. ARTIFICIAL FLOWARE,PitOUCRES) FRATILRBS,..fe.j fa. No. 632, out No. 196) 11 - 6,IIKST Street, Below Sixth, south side, And No. 623 MINOR Btreeti Phdlidelphia. 0. Mal' GARDEN,, DANIEL DEMOTE D . Merchants are respedfully invited to examine our dont ee7.2m SMLLENDER & PASCAL, HATT.BRS, aul 6m Nu. 8 8. SIXTH greet Plata&lphtik. f)arDware QUAKER OITY NAILS, mIIitoMANT BAJ S, RIVET IRON Manufactured at FOUNTAIN QUEEN ROLLING MILL, On the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WAREIIOIISE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER OITY NAIES are warranted equal to any made. 301 IN HALDEMAN, Agent. Frit I A E . Jo; ' \• 1 OUTLEDY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST bons Ninth. Fatah aide, rbiladalphis au 1-13 m .furniturt. B. KITE & CO. .11111MITIJM BEDDING, No. Ala (lain 129) WALNUT et. Philadelphia. A new end superior style of Spring Bede. LYDIA D. KITE. Joni% WALTON sun Om Clothing B"s' Lc F. A • tIOYT . 8c BRO. haie 'noW en' balm a very large assortment of BEADY-MADE goods suitable for present season which they feel disposed to sell cheap. MISEMBI,Y BUILDINGS, ' Southwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT slreeta. N, B.—We have a large assortment of new goods of a superior quality Bud make. 'ep22-Imtaths QIIAREE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between &rob and Him., sue-ly ------- mgr. ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 320 OKESTNUT. STREET, forwards PARCELS, PAORAEFES, -KEROILANDIZE,_ BANK NOTES and SPECIE ; „Other by Ito; own LINES, or connooliorl "Rh otbot txprisas ocapANits, thi prinalp4 TOSIBB iinfl MIES of the Mita Btdtoki. B. S. ELANDPORR, fkol•tt WNW Supedutecdont, PRESg.-4 1 MLADEtPH1A, PRII3AY , OCTOBER 16, 1857. 1 - 1110 ICE FARM LANDS FOR SALE,- mu THE ILLINOIB,O.ENTRAL RAILROAI COM PAN ir as now prepared to sell about 1,600,000 acres of choice Farming lands, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, f long credits, and at low rates of interest. These lands were granted by the Government to aid in the construction of this Bond, and are among the richest and most fertile in tho world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State, to tho extreme South, and include every variety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with flue groves and iu the middle and Southern sections timber predominates, alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. Tho climate is more healthy, mad nue equable, than any other part of the country—the sir is pure and bra cing, while living streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furniehed at many points at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood can be had at the same rate per cord. Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be prooured for little more than the expense of transportation. The great fertility of these bade, which area black rich mould, from two to live feet deep, and gently roll ingi their contiguity to this road, by which every fact pity is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal markete North, South, Bast, West, and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable investment that can be found, and present the most favorable opportunity for perilous of industrious habits and email means to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. Chicago is now the greatest gram market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of those lands can be transported to that market moo thine map Mere profitable, at the pylons' asko4, th,u, thou mo.o remote at goverwatant rates, as the rolqi Hanel coat of transportation is a perpetual tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer, in the re duced price he receives for hie grain, r The title ie perfect—and when the final payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title Is vested, to the pur chasm, which convey to them absolute titles In fee sim ple, free and clear of ewery hmumbrance, lien or mort gage. prices are from $0 to $3O: Interest only 3 per ct. Twenty per Of . will be tiebeted tow the not e tot cash. , Those who purchase on long Oreatt, give notes payable in me, three, four, five and sit yearn after date, and are required to Improve one-tenth annually for five years, eo an to have one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. Competent surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid thorn in making selections. The - Lands remaining unsold are as rich sod valuable as those which have boon disposed of. SECTIONAL MAYS Will be sout to any one lybo will enclose fifty ciente to postage stamps, and books or painphiets bontaining pg maroon instances of successful farthing, signed by re epoctable and well known farmers' living in the neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State— aleo the coat of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc., ---or any ether information— will be chcerftillygiven on application, either personally cr lry letter, tingllsh, French, or German addressed to Xonx *ILBON. Land Commissioner of the Illinois' &hind R. R. Co. ' Office in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, IL linois. eel ILTOME STEAD FOR $2,001 LAND DIS -I.II.TRIBUTIONii CHANCE FOR POOR MEN!: The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real estate and maps to Its members. The number of mem bers is limited to 15,900. $2.00 and five letter stamps ler membership, or a share. Any Individual sending 10 and the stamps, eJtnll bo entitled to eta shares; or any person Bending $lO with six patine, with t headdress of each, carefully written, be entitled ta all filigree. The distribution will be mode In Chicago, Sept. 26th, 1867. The following is the real estate to be dietrilmted No. 1. An improved farm o'3o acres In Cooke Co., Illinote, 'lined at 13,900 No. 2. An improvad fermi of 120 acres In Write aides Cu., valued at 14000 No. 3. An Improved farm of 100 scree to White aides Op., Illinois, valued at 8,000 No, 4. Annuitant licliatorenidento InDubitque, lowa, valued et 8,00 No. 5. 160 acres superior farui land in Cooke Co., Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 6. HO acres well pine timbered in Wawa% Co., Wisconsin, valued at 2,000 No. 7. A good lot and cottage residence in Chi cago, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 8. 160 acres superior land in Whitesides Co., Illinois, valued at 1 000 No. $. 100 acres good land In Ohippeway Co., Wisconsin veined at pep No. 10. lad' acre, good land In Chlppeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 900 No. 11. 160 acres good land In ChippewaY 00 ., Wisconsin, valuod at $OO No. 12, 160 acres good land in Dunn Co., Wis consin, valued at 830 No. 18. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 400 No. 80 ccroo good hod In Marshall Co., XOlll%, veined et 000 No. 16. 80 acres goad land in Ifershall Co., Tows, ' valued at 000 No. 10. 40 acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 800 No. 17. 40 acres good land in Linn Co., lowa, val ued at 300 No. 18. 40 acres good land In LinnOo.,lowa, val. tied at 800 No. 10. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, val ued at 300 No. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, rel oad at 800 No. 21. One building lot In Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 22. One building lot lu Sterling, Illinole, soloed at 300 No. 23. One building lot in Sterling, Illinote, valued at 800 N 0.24. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiscon ein, valued at 800 No. 28. 40 napes tam land In Brant Co., Moon . Bin,tralue4 at 800 No. 26. 40 acres land IP Circuit Co , rained at 240 N 0.27. 40 acres land in Grant Co., Wisconsin, I valued at 240 No. 28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, • valued at ZOO No. 29. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 80. 40 acres land to Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 N 0.31. 40 gores land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued 'at 200 No. 32. 40 acres land In Monroe Co., Whoonelp, valued at 200 No 33. 40 acres land In Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 34. 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valuod at 200 No. 36. 40 scree land in Bad Axe Co., Wisomudn, valued at 160 No. 80. 40 acres loud in Bed Axe Co., Wisconsin, raled " No. 37. urea la in AO 4;e ViiPcPff4/12 160 valued at }PO No. 88. One lot In Halton, Illinois, valued at 340 No. 39. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, vetoed at 100 No. 40. Ono lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of stockholders shall be written on as many email cards as they have shares, and the whole placed In a box, and the first name token out Isbell be entitled to the Improved farm No. I, in the above list, and the next taken out will be entitled to No. 2, and so on until the 40 items of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining_ 14,900 stockholders will be sent a cheap Mali of a Western State or Territory. A full account of the distribution will ho forwarded in aprinted circular , to each member of the Aisocletion, ritp the namos tad address of such as may receive the real eetale-to whom also the deeds will be sent and immediate poesession givelri. Each ap plication must be accompanied with $2.00 and five letter stamps. Address LINDELL, JONES & CO., au-13 Chicago, Illinois. LOCAL FREIGHT NOTIC E—T 11 E PIIGNSYLFANIA.' RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Lanceater, and Columbia, at ilia following rates pee huAre4 pr i rs D:TwVIY Atip 1101,111440. First Oboe. fleoond M. Third Oialt3, Fourth Waal. 22 eta. 18 eta 18 eta. 14 eta. Flour, 15 cta. per barrel. Pig metal, ' 10 cts. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PHILA, AND LANCASTER. First Clans. Second Class. Th 4,101,143. Fourth Clan 20 ctn. 17 cts. 15 ctn. 10 cts. Flour, 20 cts. per barrel. Pig Metal, 10 cis. per 100 pounds. ARTICLES OF FIRST GLASS. Books, Fred' Floh, Boot, and Shoos, Nuts la Bags, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale in bottles, Dry Coods, Poultry in coope, Eggs. 'Pork, (fresh) Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Feathers, Wrapping Paper. ARTICLES OF 20 CLAS S. S Apples, Molasseb,' Ohm°, Ajelone, Clover end arose Seed, Oils in casks or barrels, Crockery, Paper in boner, Candles, , Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried,) (hoodoo, Printing raper, Guns and 111000, aver ganging, Herring in boxes and kegs, Lemoyne, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco In bales, Iron, hoop, band, or sheet, Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (epte.o Monuments, Fin atoll. ARTICLES OF 20 CLASS. Alcohol, Potatoes, • ooiree, Turnips, Hides, (greend Vinegar, Lard, White Lead, Oyatera & Clams, (in shell) Window Glee,, Tobacco, (manufaaturedd 4P1191x6 0 ? I'VE , ( 44 40 . Codtiebi 146 P? Cotton, Fish, salted, Tobacco, (lead Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar, Pitch, Whiskey, Plaster. For further information apply to D. J. SNEEDER, Freight ,Agent, phlle. E. K. BOIOE, Freight Agent, Columbia. mill] W. 11. MYERS, Freight Ag4nt, 'Manager. • NORTE! PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 1 414 , ,4 111 AtuiRMIT. DETIILEIIErd, ALLENTOWN, 1.411011 °WINK, EAS TON, DOYLESTON, • On and after Monday, October 6, 1807, tha tutu on this road will lean Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. Ear llethlebom, k:aatoa,Alleatoivo and Mooch Ohm*, (Express) at 2.16 P. 81. Paasengors for Easton by 2 16 P. M. train take daps at Iron Hill station. For Doyloxtown, (Accommodation,) at 6 P. 14 For Gwynedd . do ' at 9A, bi TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leavo Betioloin (Eapreoe,) at 9.16 /1.14,.,.an4 2.46 P. , conneefing with V.. RR. trains, and 'arrive In Philadelphia at 12 10 T 1 and 6P. 6f." ' Learo Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6 16 A. 16. Leave Gwynedd, , do. • " P. El. ' Accommodation trains runSaSy r other Iraine daily, Sundays except* Pare to Poylestows . . , 81 do. Bethlehem' , Fare to htauch Chunk. ." , 260 oct 6 ELLIS OLARK, Agent. Adele dub liestauranto. /FEE OLD STAR HOTEL IN HARMONY 0011 RT.—The public are respectfully' informed that the OLD STAR MOTEL is still in existence The proprietor will toglad to see life old friends, and pro. minee to furnish them with resuperior quality of Ale, Wines, and Liquors. lie feeleassured, that on paying him a visit they will not bo disappointed. He is also prepared to furnish Oysterainevcry style, at the shortest noteco. Lunch from 10 to 12 o'clock. , ' cop 24 '1 1 P , 40161 aoubrx. WILLIAM MANNING'S GITY LAGER 11REE. SALOON, 'NI.I. .28: Outer's Alloy, Phila. deiphia. • • iep22-3m IaGOW4INPS, RNSTA,URANT, SOUTH.- w'est corner of 11110 AD and , WALNUT.—llanaa . and all other delicacies in aeason, Famlliea au_pplted with Oysters on the shorted notice, - eopT•7m ,AIgIIOIIANTS' IIOTEt, VORTII 'FOURTH BTltlll., ABOVE MARKZT, ruzLepEuktrA. • ( anti-tf IdeXIDDEN & SONS, PRoptuaroai, COTT HOUSE--pother of Irwin Street NY and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh: 'Di D. 11, Met Proprietor, , , • ItiyEtt , ,girtio US E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ORNT/LE street, Rettsellle, pi, 144-IyA litTiocellattrov,fs. tinilroatt Einco eauingo funbe AVING- FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN- K, TAIIEST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY:—WALNUT STREET, SOUTRAYESTemant OF THIRD, PUILADELFIIIA, /NCORPONETED BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. . . _ . Money le received in any aum, large or small, and in tenet paid from the day of depoait to the day of with , The office la open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday 8961114 e till 0 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wii. J. /teen, dearotary. DlntOreite: Hon. henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Mame, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Saint. K. Ashton, Henry L. Oburehmen, Jamoe B. Smith, Francis Lee. This Company confines its business entirely to the recci 7 ios of money on interest. The inveatmente, amounting to ovor ONE MILLION AND A UALF OF DOLLARS, are made In conformity with the provisiona of the Chatter, in REAL ERTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTiii, and ouch Bret claim securities as will always in sure perfect security to the depoeitora and which can not fail to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution. aul4 • _ V,IX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIBTII and WALNUT Stroote. Open daily, from B to 8, and on Tumidity and Friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Largo or small sums received, and paid with out notice, with FIVE PElt CENT INTEEEST , by cheek or otherwise. JOHN THOMSON, Pres't. VIOB PRESIDVNTS, THOS. T. TABKEE, EDWIN M. LEWIS. OROUBTABT AHD TREABORMR, WM. T. ELBERT. TRUSTWES, ru. 0. Ludwig, D. O. Levy,Oharlee E. Lex, A. allskey, Israel W. Morrie, Jr., Wm Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas 8. Reed, M. D. James Russell, Thos. P. Sparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaac S. Waterman, Charles T. Parkes. 70/An B. Attalla, John E. Addicts, Solomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, William Clark, Ephraun Clark, Jr., Charles 8. Oarataira, 'lobar; °lark, .4. J. Brovl, Charley Butt Wm. B. Foator, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER OENT. STATE SAVINGS FOND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER GENT. STATE WINOS FUND. NO. 83 (241) POCK STREET.—FIVE PEE GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-ly illatliincrn nub kon STEAM ENGINES PROM TWO TO on HUNDRED HORSE POWER 11.60, TOLL 193ORTMER? OP MACHINISTS' TOOLS, iLIDE LAMS, PLANING IiIACIIINES, MULLS, CHUCKS, DIORTISING MACHINES, &a Pot Salo at the MACHINE DEPOT— No. 136 NORTH THIRD STREET. nel7 lmo J. M. HOLLINGSHEAD. glllllBl Y. 111/RBIOII. S. VAUGHAN WILLIAM IL KIIRBIOK. QOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, 1.3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREAM PnILADILYIIII. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, (or Land, /liver, and Marine service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ho., Coat ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs (or flee Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, it 3. Retarta and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved conetcuction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Octet Mills Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &a. Sole Agents for N. RilLieux'a Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nusruyth7s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rosa' Patent Valve Motion for Blut Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL. ant -1 RICHARD •NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVE STEAM ENGINE BUILT/ERB, 1111,12/71/11Itir1r OTILFUT, riA3I{LTON, PAIIIVINW MID 6p11TN47 GATIPEN BUMS, PUILADI4I,PHIA. Sngaged exclusively in the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, welett or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or Bituminous Cool ix rts crude start, or ANTIIIIAOITIt COAL, WITHOUT MUITUFG FOLOKI, OAS OR 71111. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot, and insure the boat quality and most reliable stock. The largo extent of Shops, and Com. Vats I?quipmext of Machinery and Tools, enable hem to execute the EST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANY . AIIIIANOPMPNT RZQUIRED. MILLED CAB WHEELS, I.IADIMERED AXLES, With rorgingo of our alto or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And NAOIIINE WORK gendraly. an:34K. ROfl4U "04Y, EIENIVIC L4'14111111. NORRIS PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL- At WOREB• REANNY, NEAFIE & CO., rumniom. ~ANp TIIEOII#4IO4 L Vl.lO/NEKRB, NAOIIINIyITS, DOMNII-ItIAKERS, BLAOK- Tim ANT 1111iT11.9 AND WOUNDEItii. - - - - Raving for many yeare been in successki, operation, and been enolusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &e.,Ste respectfully offer thole Santee% to the public, as being fully prepared contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary. Baying sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Beery description of Pattern•making made at the shortest notice. nigh and , Low Pressure, Flue ' Tubu lar and Cylinder Bollers,ot the best Penroylvanis char coal Iron. Forginge of all eizoa and kinds; Iron and Brass Cedtinge of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, 11.011 all other work oonnected with the above business. Eitawinas and sperideations for all work done at their estililishtsegt freti of 'charge, and work guaranteed. The etiltertperil hitTe' ample wharf dock' Deem for re pairs ath9Sta , where Sliey'saniolo perfect safety, and are provided with aheare, 'blocks, falls, ko., &0., for raising hoary or light weights. THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB G. NEAFIII, JOHN P. LEVY, aul-y BEACH and PALMER Street., Heruilogton HARDY & MORRIS . !JUNIN/WTI:MERE OP OUNBERL4ND WROUGHT IRONTUBES xOR am, EMU OR WATER. ALSO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHT'S Warehouse S B. corner FRONT And WALNUT. aul-3m Alcbicinco UELICHOLD's apiuusrg PREPARA VON', SitraayDnchu, for all Diseases of the Dia& der, liihasys, Gravel ; Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Suffersi. - • WattBOLD") GENUINE PIIEPARA ma. THIN, Extract Buchu, rernovea all the symptom, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weekuess, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Vest, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Univeresi Lassitude of the blueoular /System, often enor -1110. Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing(' of the Body, Dryness of the Elkin, Countenance, Eruptions on the Fee°, Paine iu the Back, Heaviness of the Eye Lids, frequeutly Black Spots flying before the Dyes, with temporary &Mellon, Loss of Sight. If these symptom are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epl leptio Eta. YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of the above distressing aliments, nee HELM BOLO'S PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced or their efficacy. HELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA EATIoN, Extract Buchu, , f live health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to pallid cheek !" And 4ro cp pleii'capt ip tUoir taste, that patients be come feral of them. ITELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA- A.A. RION 'Extract buchu—See overwhelming feriden ceo which will be •produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for theimpeotioa of all. LIELAIBOI,D's GENUINE PREPARA. TON, Extract Buchu.—Price $1 per Bottle, de livered to any address. Depot, 62. South TENTH street, Assam')ly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philade]. phis. Address letters, H. T. HELM BOLD, 62 South TENTH' ftreet, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia, Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Ijouotilleilli• ater-Sme ,M R . 00 rl. - Alsr V.? 8; CItYSTALOGRAPIIB, OR PROTOORAPRIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N 11. Corner of EICUTII and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything over Icier° °tiered to the public. Their sonnet., aud truth of color And outline, extraordinary tninuteness and accuracy' of detail, insure, of neceasity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal b which they are exposed in manipulation equally dettleo the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscnber to offer them, with the greatest satisfastion and confidence, to the publics and to his friend'. ' Thep are secured by lettere patent to, and can be bad ONLY of , E. U. MARCHANT. D. portraits of the eithinet„ 4N4Ore eir.e Oa canvas n heNtotort • me 18-3 m , .") trBL IC LAMP S .-THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that °Ekes have been opened by' tho District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect ing urcidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time' or if wet properly cleaned and in good lighting condition The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, N 0.142 Queen street, Third Ward; (iaries Carty, No. 79 South Eleventh atroat, Ninth Ward; ldiram U. Kirk, No. 1418 Ilutchlnson street, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Deshong, No. 2231 Qoatel snot, Fifteenth Ward; Thoe V. Bowlby; One orrice, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West PhilalclTHal) N. ll t 'al+Fadden, (las O(fice, Twenty fiecosd Ward, DU erinantewn i ) Wm. N. lilarlret, (las rjf~j err, enty-Third Ward. (Franliford,) and at the One Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Worp. A. J. RITE, Superintendent of Distribution.' PFIILADELPIIIA TYPE. FOUNDRY—, N. W. Vor. THIRD and CIIESNIIT L. PELONZE k, fiON, thankful for the liberal pik i tronige heretof ere accorded to their Establishment, llnd deslrouslo Inerit Its continuance, Would announce to Printers and Publishers that thely new SPEOIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their isicreased facilities, snow pieparod to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the siortost no. tics. Their long prntical experieuco in' the Incsiness, app the feet of their f venoms! superintendence' Of the ufactoring department, Justifies them in asserting thoy can fumble a more durable and better fin. Wilt article than their cotemporariee. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them Freston!' to purchasing elsimbere. Old type taken at 9 gents per pound, in exahanin for tlew at epeeinnin prices. anl-tt , 'TOL/MS' SELF-RIGHTING SURF AND 4.111. LIMB BOAT.—'Phe endersigned aro mole agents for the Bale of HOLMES , RELP-RIGIITING BURP ANU LIFE BOAT. Patent right for States or Cities or boats ready for use, can be obtained by applying to insuoi.islmUNs, & 00., 66 North, wharves. so 18-1 m COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store 11,4 to t ante by 4 IttAOLLITXR, , • 110 1 , 16,91 t Mad* HtmAt • CILENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO. ‘LA LH WALNUT at., below MTH. as Utt Jrionrante ((Companies FIRE INSURANOE smING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM - CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAM, AND SECURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD STB, SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John It. Dohnert, Henry M. Phil 0, David Woelpper, Lewis Shinnack Benjamin Davis, John Landoll, John Roane, Jr Charles Field, Auley M. Park, William E. Woo . Jarmo Duneli, John B. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintzer, Curwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George K. Childs. JOHN H. DOHNERT, President, L. HRUMBITAAR, Secretary. Sept 21—ly NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— OFFICE 414 WALNUT St, Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINP INIURAIVCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO 600,000. This Company is now fully organ zed, 611t1 prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils at current rates. danoEßs. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vice President GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. II O. Laughlin, D Sharwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. P. Showell, Osorge nigeter, W. 0. Stotesbury, R. M. Carllle, 0. 0. Butler, Geo. Stott. [aulO.y HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN- StfRANOE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPAJA. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No 94 WALNUT STREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $600,000. (rci..t. MOON? 80890111BLD.) Invested as follows: Flrst Ilotda and Diertmes on Property in the City of Philadelphia $195,000 Stocks worth par 222,100 Cash on hand 01,190 Amount secured by Stock notes 190,000 Amount of Stock due on call 1,710 000,000 This Company effects insurances on Buildlnge, Mer chandise, Furniture, Lumber, &c.,• on Veletas, Cargo, and Freight, to all ports, and by Railroad, Lake., and Rivers, at the lowest rates, and upon the meet liberal terms, guarantying Prompt Payment on the adjustment of tomes. irrPerpetual Insurance made upon the usual terms. DIRECTORS. P. AI. Potts, I Wm. F. Leash, C. E. Spengler, R T. Ransil, Abr'm. Rex, H. II Houston, Wm. 11. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, George Howell, Abr'm. P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, C. G. Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, I John H. L ewers, Herman 'Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, I N. Burroughs, PERCIVAL H. POTTS, President, 0. E. SPANGLER, Vice Pree't. W. 11. WOODS, Sec., AuglB-ly R. T. KENSIL,' Treasurer. T"QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT Be. Capital and Surplus, F 210,000. This Company continues to snake lusurante against Loss or damage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportationat current rates. UFRIOEiIB. President—OHO. H. HART Vice President—E. P. ROM. Secretary and Treasurer—H. R. COGOSITALL. Assistant Secretary-8. H. BUTLER. EOTORB. George IL Hart, E. W. Bailey, E. P. Ross, Charles G. Irelay, A. 0. Cattail, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., Joseph Edwards, J. L. Pommel, John 0. Dale, Andrew R. unamboro, Ron. Henry M. Puller, H. R Coggslual, Foster S. Perkins, Samuel Jones, M. D., John 11. Chambere, A. N. Cheesbrough. an 8-lly t HILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN- SURANOE COMPANY, Incorporated by the State of Malaylmulla in 18413, are now eatabllshed in their NEW OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of every descripllon, in Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS; DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, &a. Also, DIERIKIANDIZE of all kinds STOOKS OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goode on STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TIFICERS and MECHANICS; nrlll7l7M, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, &a., sc., Sc., ace : , at moderate rates of pretaintn, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career an an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. KING, Preen. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Preal. It/RADOM BLAOLVORNII, Elee'Y• and-8m 'LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST s_ACOM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5312,725 03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life on interests In Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT In any =print_ Five Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, payable back on demand vrkttiout notice. ASSETS OF TIIE COMPANY, January 111, 1857. LOUIS of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia City, Penn'a Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad - , and other Loans $179,995 88 Bonds, Mortgages and Real Estate 117,137 19 Stooks in Banks, Insurance, Gas and Rail road Gompanles 01,14 98 Premium Notes and Loans ou collateral; .... ielon 01 Gash In Dank, dna front 'Agents, Inter est, Bco 88,780 47 Guarantee Capital, tiuttterlption Notes 108,000 00 5T11,224 OS DANIEL L. MILLED, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Preen. JOSH W. UORNOR. Secretary. ecru A RUTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA. .4 - 3- NY, NEW TORR.—Office, No '29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, 5260000, with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire and the Risks of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus lk. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Utility avil, Edmund Penfold, O. 14.'t youitial, Hanson K. Cortilm, Tlieo. °Humus, jr. Ogden Haggerty, ' Elisha . Morgan, Thomas lionsgun, Abro. H. Van Nest, John H. Earls, William 4. Vary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Charles .Easton, James W. Phillips, Louis Lornt Charles A. Macy, Samuel 4. dliddea, Edward Ilincken, Steph. Cambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Ede ,s Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Field, Goo. Westteldt, A. R. Prothingham. Zalmon Taylor, Thos. P. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WAI?, ?resident. Mansur, A. OAELIT, SOCTOVITy• ekulo:ly ItriANLIV - 40T1114E4S' - INSURANCE COMPANT."—Cbarter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $600,000. Pire, Marine, and Inlaid Traneportatidn. DIRISOTO 8. ,Aaron S. Lippincott, ( . 1 vies Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, 4 -ro4 Weeks, Charles J. VlO4, 4 @a P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. alto Sank, 11Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. IWM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WERRS, Secretary. J. W. AIARTISN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing Its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 10 Merchants' Eashinige, Philadelphia. sal-dly riIHE ItEROANTIL AttrT,UAL INSET- A. RANCR cOI4PANT Cl PH/LADBLPHIA.--Oltice No 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Eixchange. MA RINK RISKS on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, par Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL TUB PROFITS divided annually among the Ai wed, and ample security in cases of loam. DI4IIOTOIS. Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon B. Aahbgrner, /lifted Passitt, Thounut S. rams, Gustavus Ruglieh, James It. Stroup, Alfred Slide, A. O. Cattail, Charles B. Gerstell.", Samuel Robinson, John C. Keifer, John P. Steiner, Henry Grambo, Wm. J Caner, rentsborg. .RRIS MLLES, President. iSITT, Vice President. qr.-1.; Edward Itarria Mi John M. Odenhoimer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. 8111414eal ) Isaac Joann, Henry Precut, Edward 0. Jammu, William L. Springa, Franklin D. Jonas Daniel Haddock, jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. E. Smith, A. J. Antelo, &toilet L. I EDWARD HA ALFRED FAB' JOHN 0. EZYPIIII $ &Mt& CT -TARTER Q"A.I4. FI#V, A_Np MARINE INSURANCE COMPAN p or HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital '8D,0,01:0. tomes in Pbßadelphia and vielnity adjuined *4 tie PAI/d4efp4ia Oilice. By leave Iro ;ger 1p i i D. S. Braun & 00., Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phil". Chaffee' Stout & Co., " Hon. Rufus Choate, Roston Hacker, Lea & 00., " Hon. T . &Williams, liart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Insu rance In the most reliable Companies PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No: dIS (old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. Wants. 0,05 AGENTS 11011E sTNAp spa El, ~'blr~Qivislon.- IQ,OOO worth of farms and Rand pg Lots, In the gold region of Culpeper county, Vtrginca, to he divided amongst 10,900 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 11157. Sub scriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one. half down, the rent on delivery of the deed. Every, subscriber will get a Bantling Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lota are sold on cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of Which will compensate for the apparent low price now tusked.slip wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, sad a company of settlers called the "Rappahannock Pioneer Aasoclation" in now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith. ful performance of contracts and promises Nearly 45,000 acme of land in different parts of sitgilitia, 11.5 , 17 at command, and will be Sold to smittens af frpslsl tip to $3OO per acre. NuestioSatda 4(6w ,to in sit CCM] be given. Wped-cdtlers, coopers, farmers, Ac., are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be - given. o t me agents writs that they are making $2OO per month. Vor full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, dm apply to' , R. BAURE ' It ' au2441 Port Ronal, OntolinS Want:, lie. (Attontens at Law CHARLES D. MRI 7, AVTORNer AT LAW, I l l'illiainaport,/yccurting county, Pa., will pay particular attention to Securing and Collecting claims, in Lycoming and adjoining counties. MYERS TO Hon. J. O. Knox L iilupreme Bench, Philadelphia. David Jayne & Bon, Phila.Norcross & Sheets, Phila I Anapach, Bead & Co., " Smith, Shantz & Co., " ocl-lra* 1 4 EWIWELL 4', ATTORNEY 41 lf 11 aleWipi N w O ii V ii : AIRY pt u l i ll t t y t c lp o ß DT I 0 8 Tr , t ' N t:i. Pi i i ~, OWN') %9 an bttaltogot eotruated to tos care. oct-3m 7. J. hipm9L.l MIOIIEL & KOONTZ— ATTORNZYS AT LAW No. 29 Camp Street, Nrto griCall3, • REFRININCIZS IN MLA/AM/A ; Caleb Cope h Co , 183 Market street. Itb Murphy h Co , 91 Market street. k . Brown & Ceo, 108 Market street. (au27.2mlt GEORGE H. ARAISTRONG,'• ATTOR- NiiY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, 1,844 Lombard street, below IlroM, „ sepl7.lmiS fANIEL DOUGHERTY 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Corner of £IQUTU and 01.113 T Streets,Philselphia, 5u1.17 RESOLUTION FROPOSIN(} 1`.. 4 j B 11;) PUNTS TO THE OONOTITIIION or 4 ....51N 00,41. monwerilth Ecto/orti by t.h. Settotr oni House ,j n.presentu• tires of tht Commontztolth of Pirnitiyann in in Gen eral Assembly m+ t: That the following amendment.; are proposed to the Conitituti,u of the Couninotiwalth, in accordance with the provtaions of the tenth artiele thereof. FIRST AIIIIIIIK1111?. Tharp shall be an additions) article to said Constitu tion to be designated as article eleven, ax follows ! Mattel.' XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. gnomes 1. The State may contract debts. to supply casual deficit or failures in revenues, or to Meet axiom_ Res not otherwise provided for; but the aggreg ate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more sots of the general assembly, or at different periods or time,shall ors er ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the mouey arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. &MON 2. In addition to the ahoy, limited power, the State may contract debts to repel Invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the State In War, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the State; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Samoa 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec tions one and two of this article, no debt whatever ehall be created by, or on behalf of the State. Section 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first aeasion, after the adop tion of this amendment, create a oinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; which stoking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the State, together with other funds, or resources ' that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by as signing to it any part of the taxes, or other reverie. of ,the State not required for the ordinary and current ex panties of government, end unless in ease of war, inve, pion or insurrection, no part of the said slaking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in eating-Matt meat of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of five millions of dollars. • . &IVOR 6. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any manner, or erect, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual company, corporation, or association; nor shall the L i ommonwealth hereafter become a)oint owner, pr stockholder, in any company, association, or cor poration. • Sermon 6. The Commonwealth shall tot assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township ; or of any corporation, or aasociation; on leas such debt shall hare been contracted to enable the State to repel Invasion, suppress domestic insorrection, defend Itself in time of war, or to sexist the State in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Enovios T. The Legislature shall not authorise any county, city, borough, township, or Incorpo r ated dis trict, by vtrtue of a vote of its 'fitment, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association or corporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution or party. 8100 ND AMISDYCN? . . There shall be an additional article to said Constitu tion, to be designated as article XII , as follows: ANTICLB OP NEW COUNTIES, ' No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over pee-tenth of Ito population, (either to forma new county or otherwise ) without the express assent of such county, by a sots of the electors thereof; nor shell any new county be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. ?HIV .61020112 NT. From sectiop two of the first article of the Constitu tion strike out the words, "oflhe city of Philadelphia, and of each county respectively;" from section five, same article, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several counties;" from section seven, same article, strike out the words "stir/ger bile city or Phi ladelphia nor any," and insert In lien thereof the words, "and stop , and strike out "section four, same article," and in lieu thereof insert the following: Sermon 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and silty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to the number of one hundred, shall rapportioined and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble Inhabitants In the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxable,, may be allowed a separate represen tation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, end no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a =Selma number of taxable, to entitle it to at least two representatives shall have a separate representation unlined it, and shall be divided into convenient distriets of contiguous territory, of equal taxable popolation as near as may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative." At the nail of section maven, same article, insert these horde, " the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly qua/ in taxable population as possible, but no ward shall be divided in the !oratorio* thereof." The legislature, at Its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide tho city of Philadelphia Into senatorial and representative districts, in the man ner above provided ; such district, to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. ►ooars aavanaue►, There shall be an additions.: section to the first article of gild Constitution, which shell be numbered and read es follows: Samoa 26. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any epeciaie' l pc general law, whenever in their opinion it ,yinjuriout to the citizens or the COM.osVcAlin ; in such manner, however, that no irkis,atiee alien be done to the corpora. tors. In OINATII, March 29, 1851. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nap 7 ,• on the second amendment, yeas 23, nap 8; on the third amendment, yeas 24, Lap 4; On the fourth amendment, yeas 23 bays 4. [Extract from the Jouttl e 02 1X.Q. W. RELY, Citric. la rue 00,311 of RSPUEBJXrd7rrns, April D 3, 1857. ' Resolved That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the second amendment, yeas, 67, nays 31; on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays 22; on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. [Attract from the Journal.] JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Piled in Secretary's office, May 2, 1867. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SIORITAIT'S Onto', ifraareetwa, June 22,11±41. .Peansytrania 33: tie certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct ropy of the original "Resolution proposing amend ments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth," with the vote in each branch of the Lergirdsture upon the final . passage thereof, to ammo from the origtnale on file this Moe. In f r eshmen; whereof I have hereunto set my [ca.] hand end caused to be affixed the seal of the Eeoretarre Office r the day and year above vrritten. A. G. O ' URTEN t genretavl of the Commonwealth. Is Bravos, Mara 2T, GI6T. The resolution proposing amendment, to tie, Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration en the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and neye were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Yeas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Eli, Eva,,, Fetter, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, illinger, Knox. Lanbach, Lowie, lifyer, Scofield, Sellers, Shu man, bteele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Tag gart, Speaker-24. Nees—boners. Orabb, Oresswell, Raney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Soother-7. So the question was determined to the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nay, were taken agreeably to the pro vision, of the Constitution, and were an follow, viz: Yaks—Wens. Brewer, Browne, Crewnrell Ely, Hyena, Fetter, Pinney Flenniken, Ingram, J ordan, Knox, Laqtach,leals, .k y lier Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, liking, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-28. Nee—Mears. Coffey, Crabb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, Villager, Penrose and Boodeld--8, • Bo the question wagdeterniuted in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yeas and nap were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as followe, viz : Yea—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Orabb , Creuwell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, Eilorger, Erma, Laubach, Lewis, Slyer, Scofield, ffedless, Shaman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welch., IFidktas, and Wright Nave—Meson. cogcey, Qregg, ihnia and Pennsnu --4 . So the qUeOlcoa was determined In the affirmative. On the { i naction, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays worn taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : lisas—Mesars Brewer, rowne, Coffey, Cresswel I Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, Lituback,Lewis, Hyer,ficolield, Bellers,9buman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wrigbt-23. Nave—Messrs. Crabb, Tinney, Aonlan and Pennies-1 tlo the question woe flotrarralued to the affirmative. Is rum Howes or Risrarsisraervis,l April 29.1967. 5 The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being tinder consideration, 'On the question, Will the House agree to the Brut amendment The you and nays were taken agreeably to the pray:. sionrof the Constitution and were as fellow, via : Yaws—Meson. Anderhon, Arthur, Backbone., Bali, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fauseld, Fester, Gibboney, Glides, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiossead, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berke,)lmbrie, Alines, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson Kauf(mau, Very, Knight, Lei senn ug, Lon gaker, loreo, Milieu', Naugle, AUCalmont, PiClivain, Moorhead, amnia, Mu Selman, Nichols, Nlchnlaon,NunemliCher, Pearson, Peters, Petnken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelqhla,) Ramsey, Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Stem,, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Btevehun, Totes, Vahvoorbis, Tickers, ToegtilelWalter, Westbrook; Wharton, Williaton, Wlthirotr, Wright, Sikernertann and Get, okker-78. NAT 5,44011711. Ewing, Benson, Doek.l.lamAton, San cock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebannn ,) Lebo, Iltruthers, Thorn, Warner and Wterbrodo=l2. So the question mu determined In the ailttoitive. On the question, Will the !louse agree to the second amendment? Tho yeaa and nape Were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follows, via; Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Backbone°, liai3, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Xnt Veutio4, Poster, Giblet, Hamel, Harper, Heins, illeetand, Billed:l,e, Hoff man, (Barks) Housekeeper, Iriabne, tones, Jenkins, Johns,aotkneon, Kauffman; Kn ight , Leiseuringer, Longa her, Luvu t, Ilaribeir, klliugleWllvain,Hoorheial, illus. selman bi cbols, Nicholson, NueemaCker, 44.„,„, P. hire, Ve'lliken, Pownall,Purcell, Unroll, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York.) Reimer Itoberis, Rupp, Shaw Sloan, Tobin, 'Vail, Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Gets, SpetukerL47, Nave—Mame. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson Blehop, Brawn, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Clib honey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Dine, Hoffman,(Leb anon,/ Jacobs Kerr, Lebo, hilCalmont, Mumma, Reed, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centred Stevenson, Struth ers, Thorn, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagonseller, Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright-3i So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the House agree to the third amar,dtuant f The yeas and nays were t)leu agreeality to the pro visions of the 9pustitutito, and were ea follows, all Ylis. - 4V , il• 44 , (er4", /1"kl"m5Q1,1-11, B ec k , 1111eii)dn; ide , er, Brown, Csllruel r - fru , li ,C F ase .. .. Cleaver, Crawford, Dicke:, ; Y.. I._ .so u te i r ne a g i a b . b , en il oy,Llemol, (B Ll e ar rk icr:lte Ho m ff _ m e e , a r t4iea ( tu b dLEi on il , l ) , Housekeeper,lmb a r n iA le, bo ln , e m s, h . J gat sco e b r a , , 14, Joh ye n t s t , , Johnson, Kauffman, If Mangle, M'Calmont, N Moorhead, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson, onemseher, Pearson, peters, pet riken, POWtlall, MI/Cell, Ramsey, (York,/ 'Reamer Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Slott?, ilk, (pilehil l ga) . )3thith: (Centred Stevenson, Totals ail s 'gickii r s, lilt Voeghloy, Wegoriseller, W e e brcelF, Williston, With aro_e.,t 7 . l ;.thermigt 1 4? Geta , sPsekar-72. rfs'an—illessrs. 4rtior, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty; pock, (lilacs, Hamilton, Hancock, Hine, Jen hies, Knight, Leisenring, ld'llvain, Ramsey, (Philadel phia,) Roberts, Struthers,, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode-22. i So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the (htir% errant I The yeas and nays . vre talui agerpeak ' to tie Tn. vision! of 'the pone. Tom, and were as ollow , Tin: IeVAII-10$103. AJA enspuotathar,Beckhouse,'Haclros, Bag, l ( ed); Senson,_ ishep, Bower L Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase, ( learer, Crawford, Dickler, Ent, Ryster, Fausold, Poster, Olbborier, Cildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Theatand, Hill, llileinte, Heitman, IBerne,) Hoffman, (`Lebanon,) Ilumekeeper, Imbrie, nes, Jacobs, .lenhing, Johns, Johneon Rauffman, Herr, Lebo, Leiseuring Longaker, Lovett Mauer, Mangle, El'Oelmout, 14'llaalue, Mumma., gasaah nlia Nichols, Niche son, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters Pe trilten,Pownall Purcell, Bentley, (Philadelphia) it m . sey, (York,)Reameasd,Roberts, Rupp, Shaw,Eiloan, Smith, (Calabria) h r (centred Steeeneon, Tolen, Vail, I. ativoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Weganseller Wallet, Warner, Westbrook; Wharton, Walhap n : Witherow Zimmerman and Heti, lApeaker-43. Nava—Means. Bock Hamilton , Hancock, .Struthenr, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright—T. , So the question was dete rm ined in the affirmative. —... , , . fritOkiianVe-0/PIOO, ElellallOan, .Inne 22, 186 f. Pronseleanta, ss. Ido codify {pat the ?bon and forosci4 a Imo sa 4 correct copy of Ma b , Yeas , ' and it lap" tabs an ilo re 6 anbou Prnentling amendmende fob* 0041 2 ilistioN A . 4t the Commonwealths se the same appals, INS sew wERO" nide of the two lisnaes of the General Anensday. sd pats' Commonwealth for the session 0f1857. (L. LI Witness my hand And the seed of said olio Mo. twenty-second day of JIM!, one thousand eiflk hundred sod afty-ceven. A. G. CLUITIN, suss-m3na Secretary of the Conantatt weals. Uailroats TO WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE TO A THE WF.ST. On and af PITTSBIIRO ter Jane Ist U , MI, ND TWO DAILY TRAM will Nave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern and South or Northwestern cities. THY MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaven Baltimore daily .anattday excepted) at 815 A. M coin zcting with the Matt Trait over the Great Penn sylvania Railroad, and 'miring in Pittsburgh at 1.73 A. 31. THE SPEERNOON EIPBEE3 TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily Caucaley excepted) at 3P. IL, for Harrisburg. THE NIGHT EXPRELS. TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY 311011 T at 10 P. If., con necting with the Lightning Rai:items aver the Pennsyl vania Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. If. these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over the Pittsbargt, Fcmt Warm. ¢.4 'Chicago Railroad, and its Northern, Boathern lad Western connections. .117 - Passengers for Chicago, Reek Burling ton, lowa City, Milwaukee, lhahugue, St. Paul's, Midi eon, and other leading cities in the Northwest, will save one Asuldred milts of turret and tea hours in time, with four less chewers!' of tars, by taking this route. Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo. and Detroit, ro by this route, and the time is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. irr. Passengers for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Ilaute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper Mississippi, make lees changes of cue, and arrive in ad vance of any other route; and to Dayton, Louisville. and other prominent cities, as quick as by any other route All Western Baggage CHEMED THROUGH sad handled with care. FOR THE NORTH. The Sat A M connects closely with Express Train. over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Budato, Niagara Walls, and Canada, thus forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western Nes Fork Tameirgers wiH find this the shortest, cheapest, and most expeditious route to Niagara Palls and Canada. Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the Imaiserat 13 each, each train haying sure connections. Passengers by this route &Told tresselled bridges, and all the inconventeasea Of ferrying across the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, Getty*lsar, Ens inithiburg, Carlisle, Chamber/burg, go by übip traits at 8.15 A. M , and 3 P. M. WESTIeiPSSTER BRANCH, The Cara on thin rout make one trip per day, connect ing with the train at 3 P. SI For THROUGH TICKETS and further informations apply at the Tiekot ogee, Clavtrt Station, N. E. corner of Calvert and Pennine, atreata. 0. C. ADREON, Snp't. PENNSYLVANIA BAILELOAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At Janne Cities with Western, North-western, arid South %astern States, by a continuous Railway direst. MN Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily tine steamers to all points on the Westeiri Rivera, and Clareland and Sandusky with Steamers to all porta on the North-weatern Lakes • making the most DIRECT, CHEAPEST and RELIA BL E ROUTE by which Praight can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. lions CLASS—Boots, Shoeg, Hits, and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, Ow hones and bales) Feathers, Pure, Ac. 750 . per 1.00 81003 D Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware Leather, (In rolls or boxer) ) W O O 4 and Sheep Pelts,Fmatwatd, ice. a.... 900. par 100 b TB/00 OLLINS—AmiII, Steal, Ohakro, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or en sacks), Tobacco, manufactured, (except Cigars or eat &a., doe 500., per 100 lb. 70 0 812 Blau—Cages, Fish, Raton, Beef, sad Pork, (in Asks or balm eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Haile, - Soda Ash, Germania:, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, he 40c. per 100 lb Ftoua--750. par bbl until farther notice. *acre --33e. per 100 lbs., until further notice. In ehi) p'ng Goods from any point East of Philadel AM, be Articular to nail package " via Peasisvenaiis Rail be All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, tri3l be forwarded without detention. ViLICIOUT Anew! —Harris, Wormley4 Co.,l4swipit Term. ; F. Sass & Co., St. LO•013 110. •J. a Mitche Ban STIMITiIIe, Ind.; Dumeenll , Bell A Mardock, and C arpenter A Jewett, La:draft's- Hy.; H. H. Mel drum, Madison, Ind.; H. W. Brown 4 Co., and Irwin dc Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham A Co., Uncaring, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 54 %Hay atseet, Boston.; Leech Co No. 2 Astor House, New Yerk, No. 1 Wiliam et. and I t o. 8 Battery Plage, New York; E. J. &elder Philadelphia; Magraw Leona, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pitty.bargh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. II J. LOMDAERY, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN IN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINKS, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA Leave as follows, viz : • Fitt At I A. M., from Kennington Depot, via Jersey City, Mad At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sey Accommodation A,t 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommods tion,„_ 2 At 7 A:11, via Gander: and Jersey City, Morning Mau At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Exmess a At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. In press 3 At 5 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Wining Mail At 3 P. IL, ria Camden and Amboy, Amononods tion, let Clue 2 At 3P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Acconnooda tiou, %debuts. 1 At 6 P.11. ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Class At 6 P. M., Till Camden and Amboy, Accommoda.- tion, 2nd Clue 1 The 6P. EL line ram daily, all others Shy • cepted. Bipresa Lines stop at The principal stations Maly. For Belvidere, Easton, Fl • ton kn., at 6A. - and 4 P. M., from Walnut street w - For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilts:bur Montrose, Great Bend, Av., at 6A. M., Tilt Detour Lackawanna at Western Railroad. per Ireabold, at 6 A. K. and 2 P. M. Vox Blount 120117 at 7 .. /1. 1 ; 1., and 2,x and 6 P. X. WAY Litia Par BrInto), Treat:Fa &c at RN and •Y. I. FAT LOB - - _ For Palmyra, Rancocas, Beverly, BarLiagios, 8074191 town Ice , at 3 P. M. WAY LrNs ffMiati= Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Duzlir.xton Bristol at 8% A. M . and (or. Bonletdown and rote ma. diate places at 23; P steamboat TRSN'o,N for !soapy at 10 and n and 4 P. M . and tor Burlington and Bristol at 4 Y. All llnea, except 1 A. M., leave Went irt!v4 wharf. E:i'llifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas, 'anger. Passengers 11111 prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel: Us gage titer fifty pounds to be paid for ex - tn. — lb Coln' pinky Omit their responsibility for baggage *one dale: per pound, and will not be liable for 2nyamonat by yond $lOO, except by special cataract. WM. R. GAT 2 34313., 1 - C-4 A-2.11 00, R. R. 810 222L1, Agent Phila., 'Pr. R. R. Co. L TAN GE OF HOUSS:-PHIL ADEL. V MA, WILMINGTON AND DALTIMORX BAIk ROAD. On and after Thursday, July 2d,1857 PASSENGER TRAINS LEANS PIIILADFLILLA For Baltimore at 8 A. AI , 1 P. Et., (Zxprala s ) and P. 51. For Wilmington at 8 A. AL, I, 616 AnA 11.2., For New Castle at S A. M., 1 kn.]. 416 P. U. For bliddletown at 8 A 51 and 4.15 P. It For Dover at 8 A. 51. and 415 P U. Poe Seaford at 8 A. At. and.4ls P. 24. TSAI:NS FOR PIIILADELPHZA Leave EaltDoore at 8.54, Express, 11 A. td., and 4 S 3 P. 51. Leave Wilmington at 860 and 11 66 A. Id., and 198 and 9.53 P. Al. Leaya New Castle at ant 11 66 A. 11., and 6.06 P. 51. Leave Middletown at 10.03 A M. and 305 P.M. Leave Darer at 3 50 A. M. and T P. M. Leave Seaford at 7.00 A. M. and 400 P. TRAINS YOR BALTI2dODIR Dials Wilmington at 015 A. M , 2 P. hi. and 12.17 A. M. SUNDAYS only 61 /1 P. N. from Philadalphis to Saltimora. do. do. 6-15 P. 11. from Baltimore to Philadelphia BALTIIIORS AND HATEE DE GRACE ACCOMMO DATION TRAIN Leaven Havre de Grace at 6 50 A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4 00 P. M. Freight Train, with Pawner Cu attached, will ran air follows: Lease Philadelphia for Permit's and intermediate places at 6.40 P. M. Lease Wilmington for do. do. 8.00 P. M. Lease Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.00 P.M. B. M. FELTON; ?resident SF RING ARRANGFIgiiiT.-PENN SYLVAIe/A. CRNTRAL .11.111,110A1).—Ikumtil ht direct connection with the TITTSBUROII, PORT WATICR AND CHIOAGO RAM lOAD. Bt.Lania, lowa City, New Odell=, d Bt. Pa', Yor Oineinnati, 11:04,;Lasoha, Clerauxl, Ream, Terre Haute, Chicago, Nebractz. In advance of ell other routes out of Philsdelgua. Forming 8:051 texacction with aft no Gras: 'Mrs era Rai/reads. TICROIIGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western citing, from the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Etaticm south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh street,) as follescs Mail Train at T—, Fast Line at 12 5.5 P. hi. Express Mail at II 00, Night. Columbia R. it Line leaves fur llarrisburg at 2.a), P. M.. Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4 90, P. M. The Express Mail runs tally, the other trains, San days excepted. For further partletjars lee hand hill!, at the different etartiog•potais. basseugsra from the West will find this the sl•,attent and. most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Now or or Boston. TIMMAS 1100118, Agen„Si s Passenger lane Pernwylsania Hsilr- 0 ,4 Phtladelpitia, Febmary, IEST. • ant- PHILADELPHIA, CSR z 'TOW AND NORRISTOWN RATIAGADAR,.. RANGEKRN TS. On and after May 6th, 1841. YOR teRRMANTOWN. Leave PMhdelpkia at 6,7, 8, 410-min., gyp, um, A. at .3-19'nun., 4,5, 6,.F ,S, 9,1.1,5 c, M. I.eatiherniantown at 4,1, 6, '646 ink," 7O 1134, A. 1,2, 3-10 tan., 4 50, 78, 10%, P. M. 6 , 60 7-35 o'cloc k, A M., train Prom Germantown, will not stop at intartnethate Stations, , ON SUNDATB. Leave Philadelphia at 9-20 A. M., 2,3, 10, 5-30 and P. M. Leave Germantown at 8-20,9.20 A. 31., I-]B, 4 X, 15, and? P. M. CIIESTRIIT RILL RAILIIO6.B. Leave Philadelphia at 17, A; 1110 1:02 Jam A. AI, , 4,6, 8,9, P. AI Les " 011901,01 1 1 1 1,1 at 7-15. 7.5, 10-10, 11- 19 S =dlr., A. A., /- 4 ,004.9, 6-49, 7-40, 1 . 0-10 min.. P. 14 • /40e Phillaelphie, at 9-I , D A. 31,2, .3X ani 8 P.3[. Lenft phestant Bill at 5 At- 31-1 3 2 ^W, 4-10, and. 040, P. 31. • On and Alter Max 413 151.7. roi luau:run, cblisaortomar AND ma Etv3TOWN. Leave Philidelphia - at 0,9, and 11, A. f., and 3, 41‘, 6X, and 113‘, P. 31. Leave Norristown M 1,9, and U, A. K., 9, and 6X, P. M. Olt SMUTS. - Lean Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 8 P. M. _ Leave Norristown it 7 A. nod, 8, P. M.. gIiESTER VALLEY RAILROAD._-113E DOWNIM Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., sad 8 P. M. Leave Downingtawn at 13( A. M', and I P. M: aal-ly nylillY 8384111, _Gang. hp!. Depot, tIINTII and °Uri streets, plO. .'44144. SPIRITS TITIIPENT Turpentine t to forari to . ant lb % North WELGOILE RANGE.—Sore st CHA j v W/OK /t BRO. 11911 N. osocue Et. au