+ t 4 I FRIDAY, 00 TDBER, 16, 1857. 'THE WEEKLY PRESS. THE ili:gijay, paisp, No.lo, for the week ending SATURDAY, WEEKLY 17, i 5 now ready at our Counter. Persona desiring to aCquaint their friends throughout 'the country-with the remit or our election ' • and the prookedfugnot the State Legislature , will fludthia num ber of the WEEKLY PRESS the boot rein= for . that purr - tee. It containa— A IFIAMIIILLY PREPARED TABLE OF THE RE MAT OF THE ELECTIONS IN PENNSYLVA NIA, ABM, AND lOWA, AS TAR AB HEARD FROM. THE - PROCEEDINGS Of THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE LEGISLATURE, TOGETHER WITH THE - MEASURE OF RELIEF ADOPTED BY 'MAT BODY. - - PART 0 OF FAMILIAR. LIFE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PENNSYLVANIA SCENERY. NO. 1 OF AN INTERESTING SERIES OF SKETCHES Blr BRETBIARD. WAIN FROM THE WEST BRANCH VALLEY, NO. 6, Lu JOHN OP LANOM/THR. TEMBOX. TUNNEL—A FACT. TRW TRICK PLAYED UPON MY WIPE AND AUNT: BITTY COLEMAN, 9Y ma LATE Mae. /ODEON. CORRESPONDENCE. LETTER FROM A COUNTRY VILLAGE. NEW MEXICO. WASHINGTON. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. MONEY, GRAIN, CORN, CATTLE MARKETS, Ao• ' FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. AOORREOT AND RELIABLE EXHIBIT OP THE CON • DITION OF THE VARIOUS BANKS THROUGH . OUT THE COUNTRY. FOREIGN MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. LATEST INTELLIGENCE FROM EUROPE, INDIA, CHINA, CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON, THE PLAINS, &O. NEWS. PERSONAL. POLITICAL. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. - xlsolladaixotre. MARRIAGES ARP DEATHS. , OTT IMAMS. BALTIMORE ELECTION, AND RIOTS HUSOELLANHOUS. „ ADVICE TO A SON. /PASSIONS FOR OCTOBER, FROM LE FOLLET., HEW YORK HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. war. JOHNSON AND THE BARQUE ELLEN. CONFIDENCE AN INCIDENT. HOW TO MAKE A. PANIC. • SUSPENSION OP HARPER A BROTHERS. A'OUINESR SUGAR-CANE FIELD. JOKES FOR HARD TlMES—Pusan. "TIMM OP GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE OUSTIS. HEAVY MILLINERY BILL. OOLUIIN FOR TEE YOUNG. ?IT AND HUMOR. POETRY. THE SCULPTURED PORTRAlT.—(Original.) DO YOU EVER THINK OF ME?—(Original.) THE MIDNIGHT REVIEW.....-(FRom Tam Giama.N.) HYMN STING AT OBEENFLELD OATTLE SHOW. EPIGRAMS ON PHILIP BYNG PHYSICS, M. D., ' 'LITERARY CRITICISM. . EDITORIALS. LIVING TOO PAST. WESTERN WARMERS' IMPOLICY. THE ELECTION IN KANSAS. GUE. WAGON ROADS. • HARD TIMES. THE SIMEON OP SUSPENSION. EXCIDISIVE , PRICES. ' NEW. RELIGIOUS 'FEUD IN IRELAND. DEATH OP HON. LOUIS IicLANE. GEORGE WASHINGTON PARER OUP* COMPLIMENT PROM THE PRESIDENT. EFFECTS OP THE PRESENT TARIFF., PUBLIC OPINION OP THE CURRENCY. 'IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS. 'ROYALTY AND WHISKEY. BRITISH CONSUL AT NEW YORK. GENERAL HAVELOCK. THE RELIEF BILL A LAW. • THE RESULT. =ITER. WILMOT. TEE WEEKLY 'EMS is furnished to subscribers at $2 ger year,, in advance, for the Mingle copy,,and to clubs of twenty, when sent to one address, $2O, in advance. Engle copies for axle at the counter of Tan Pans of fice, in maniere, newly fcr Persona sending chats of twenty or over, will please inter in mind that the gaper Ikea ordered cannot be di rected to each sotoesiber, look= the club price of $1.20 per annum is paid, and paid in &Alum. This is in &octane* with our palasked rata", and Some of our friends kayo overlooked it. Our beery lists compel us to adhere to this rule,: pt' Fuser FAan- T Editorial, Literary Criti cisms, Foreign and Domestic News, &c. 117".H0n. Wx. STIIONQ, judge elect of the Supreme Court, is among the guests at the Washington House. — • - • • GENERAL FAC . KEIVtiI.IIIIMIORITY, The rote* o; the aectlin;tiotwithetanding tie adatance of the telegraph, do not yet en able us to state the exact majority: of "the Democratic candidate for Governor. He will have an immense pluraiity—probablY forty thousand—and a handsome majority overboth his competitors, probably fifteen theusand. ,The vote, is light, but there, is little doubt that, had there been a heavier poll, his ma jority would have been quite as large as it is. Of the thousands 'of citizens who did not :vote, it is to be taken for granted that ; the want proportion were disposed to' the' Demo ',crabs party ;" but they were heart-sore • with their own difficulties. The election day passed over them almost unknown; and although they looked at the returns, on the morning of the 14th, with something of satisfaction, yet the rapture of the strife ,hsrl departed, at,least temporarily; and they soon came back to their own wants and to'their . own: ' -Governor I'ionsa :goes into ,the althorns tosial office under most peculiar circumstances— .lle is a man Of large beneioletlee, 'add. fine, ,manly impulses. His 'Speech in the Senate; against the distraining of tenants was a beauti.: fel exhibition of philanthropy; and we cannot, `doubt that lie will be among the foreineat to recommend such measures as willasitat to roll 'from -the public heart the weight that now oppresses it. In times like these, when a' tuanelal pestilence has,dwept 'over the 'land hlte; a ,devastating angel', he' lithe• true pa-' blot • who can forget himself for the anon' good. When the late epidemic mowed !down •the citizens of Norfolk, 4 1 4.4 the heroes who remaitzed to comfort. fie :dying and to relieve the sick, mere reraem fbered with gratitude in every quarter of the; 'country, and in the direful days of the, Yellow: levar • PhllOelphls, the;penwho i met that tempest of death and ontlivedtti were looked 'tap to by their fellow-citizens as so many ,great' benefactors., ,Sotoo,, we repent, in this day of, 'ilimn4alinffering, the statesman who • can re commend a cure for the ills under which the, littioring, , or who will give -his; jiohest efforts to banish these ills' from , the ho- WOM of society, will win a more, enduring'faine: Olin that which flows from the spy:denim of par-: Zone. THE KANSAS ELEMENT ',%\lthough the absorbing intereat'growing out . of thO'difileulties in money * matters has con- Isidore* lessened the usual excitement atten dant upon $n important State election like the laat,lt is apparent that there quite enough. solicitude entertained to give to,a &PAM ele- Ment nontrolling influence, not only in, this State, but in lowa, Ohio,, and also Mine aota. This element was 'the' belief that the policy of peace 'and equality, which had been adopted by Mr.,Bionattau, and vigorously car tied forwardby GoVernor Wamon in Kansas, would dispose of the troubles in that Territory, and so' remove foreVer ' from the 'Political arena the vexatious issue which has cost so much anxiety and so much alarm to the people oethe United States—the 'twitted purpose otlir. Brammiss on this sub ject, early avowed in distinct terms, and per- Vevered in without , turning to the right or to the lefts Notwithstanding his purpose was violently assailed: by the extremists, it was 'hailed at the beginning with the best feeiinga, aind was confided in t,c, the end, by the great middle majority of ourcountrymen. • They asked at his hands nothing more than fear:dealing in Means, and be gave it to them. The enemies of slavery in the free States did not require that he should become a proselyte of their peouliar notions, nor, indeed, did many 'of those who entertained opposite "views.; all that was expected was that the elections in Kansas should be conducted on legal and regular grounds, and this reasonable expectation has not been disappointed, by the President. In vain the violent men In the, South attempted to show • that he ~ had fallen into the hands of the violent men in the North. ,Their complaining' Critic* _Was answered 'by the Tact that a charge was made by the opposite extreme that he had fallen into the handier the slaveholders. We tat/tithe result before us in this State, and the following article, from Mr. GRUELEY'I3 New York TAtiktie of yesterday,-rather gives up the contest in the two States of. Ohio and lowa, and in the embryo State' of Minnetita. The Tribune, though indulging a '•Uomplain ,lng spirit, &Nee the victory to the Democrats, pnd 40',4110.1,?,4,0 to P. 04 6 .0.4 t.i.,16,46119 time the cause which chiefly contributed to this victory : "Elections for State officers were hold on Tues day last in Pennsylvania, Ohio, lowa, and, Minne sota, all of which, wo apprehend, resulted In favor of the Slave Democraoy. In Pennsylvania, the division of the opposition was so obstinate as to paralyze effort, and the <Democracy' had it all their own way. In Ohio there was a respectable contest, but the public attention was too much ab sorbed by pecuniary anxiety, and tho Republicans polled far lees than their full vote, and are clearly beaten. lowa, we judge, has gone the same way, for similar reasons. Minnesota is not yet heard from, but the results in the nearer States inspire little hope of a'Republioan victory. The heedless and over-soilltng have been made to believe that the triumphs of Freedom in dramas is sure—that lduchanan'and Walker sire dealing fairly by it— and that no further effort outside of the Territor r y is required. We shall see whether this belief is in accordance with events whioh ,the future hiss in store." THE LATEST FOREIGN NEWS By the Vanderbilt, which left Liverpool on the 3d inst., and arrived at New York yester day, we have received four days later news from Europe. We have copied, from the files of Liverpool and London newspapers received at our office, some interesting articles of in telligence, not given in the summary of news which has been telegraphed, and would parti cularly refer to the able leader in the London Times of October 241, on the actual condition of affairs in India. It goes further in admit ting the critical position of the British than the English press has yet had,the candor to allow. Of European intelligence, the only feature of interest is the termination of the Imperial conference at Stuttgart. It is asserted that the Czar is not disposed to reduce his army. Nearly the whole of the British Cabinet had assembled in London, and were having daily meetings. There had been a very strong ex pression of public opinion on the fact, that at a crisis, when personal attendance in London might be of the most vital importance, the Queen continued in Scotland, at forty miles dis tance from any telegraph, and that nearly all the Ministry were also absent, for over six weeks, enjoying field-sports and rural life, instead of minding the affairs of State. This discontent had brought the Cabinet to London, but the Queen appeared determined to remain at Balmbral the whole time originally fixed for her resi. deuce there. Her stay, therefore, would be continued for eleven days longer, not much to the satisfaction of the grumblers. On the London money.market, the news of the suspension of the American banks is likely to fall as a heavy blow. The city article in the London Times of the 8d instant, admits that, for three or four weeks preceding, the intensity of the panic at New York had induced an almost total suspension of specie remittances from that city, so that from £500,000 to 4800,000 that would otherwise have reacted England' had been temporarily withdrawn. It calculates, we perceive, on the panic being over by this time, and says : " With the return of confidence, therefore, not only will the usual shipments be resumed, but many arrears will have to bo met, and as the fort. nightly consignments from California continue to reach New York the ability to meet these calls may be expeets re,Pidly 'to revive. It may be hoped, therefore, that dwing the nest two or throe months our receipts from this Varter (New York) will again at least suffice, with Ate quantities from Australia, to keep the stook in Eke' honk of Eng land from further reduction. "At this moment we have the £173,000 brought by the last Australian mail nearly duo at South asepton, but there are no other very heavy amounts to be anticipated. Whether the eastern demand will continue on the comparatively moderato scale assumed during the past fortnight depends on a variety of contingencies. Meanwhile, Austria has yet to make her Ana arrenrcements for resuming Cash payments on the let pf plantlarY, and at Con stanttnople there is anxious speculation as to the possibility of attracting new funds to hoop the machinery of state from actually breaking down. "From both these directions our own market may possibly be influenced. On the other band, the Bank of Franoe,,if it should resort to any ex tensive issue of £2 notes, may oreate - some partial inflation. The balance of probabilities is, there fore, wary even, and the conclusion •is that we •re.. main for some time without anything to enliven or to aggravate oar present dull condition." . The Arabia, rhicl;t left New York on Wed-. nesday, would carry Over the news that the Panic had matured .into a Orisis, This intel ligence will probably reack, Liverpool on the , 24th inst., and may induce the Times tO come to a very different conclusion from that which, as we sea above, it bads arrived , at. We can I scarcely :lea what the actual effect of ourl monetary affairs Ltp9p thotie' of England will be until the first week Pi Aravember. - Meanwhile thit. - weakly: ittstemest of. the Bank - of Engltuid, published on October g 4 -1,1 shows that the amount of notes in circulation is £19,142,120, being an increase of £240,905; mid the stock of bullion in both departments is Z 11,276,08, 'phewing an increase of £B7,j 628 when compared the preceding return. There wore over £6,000,000 e' hank notes un employed. The hinds keep steady, A WORD TO ODR , The city banks have thirty days to accept the provisions of the relief act. By that act they are compelled to receive at, par the notes of! those banks In whOsesolyeney they have eon- i Waco. It is rumored that this whole period: of thirty days will , be suffered to elapse before the law Is formally accepted by our banks. We trust most sincerely that this will not prove to be the fact. Whatever doubts may,be enter-; tabled, in reference,. to the thlid section by many of our hest citizens, 'it 41: the. law, and cannot, and should not, be , evaded. Any delay in accepting the pro-I visions of the relief act would bear with ex treme hardship upon our mercantile s com munity, for whose ~benefit, ; great part„, that, relief was granted ,by the Legislature,: and especially upon those merchtuits du the. interior who are indebted to Philadelphia, and , who, holding the currency of the in-I desire to pay their obligations to' their creditors hare. Thirty mays' in these! times are an age ; everybour is important; and' the very principle upon which Governor Lem called the old Legislature together, if it meant anything at all, meant that the sudden action of that body should afford instant ease balminess .eircles. We trust, therefore, that the banks will spangly:determine what course they will take in the iureoo,l and we have; no doubt, if they act , liberally to 110 . r cus-: tomers and to the community, they will be applauded for so doing." ; POLITICAL JUDGES The retaAtpf the late election in Pennsyl-: vania will °penile healthfully on other ques tions than that of politica ; There can be no ; doubt that .the tendency 'of things in some quarters of the country, has been to cover the' elective judiciary with distrust and contempt. The practice of judges, openly participating in politics has been the wain cause of this, tendency. The climax was rear.4o4, liewever,, by the nomination of Judge Wilier, as tile Republican candidate for GoVernor, of this State, at a time when he was presiding over the judicial district composed of the counties of 8ra41074, Thiga, and Susquehanna. It is true that lie resigned this post, apparently to take the ehatio t o of tlie4Antsign, but itlis also; true that he resigned it wl tlthC distinct tacit! ,understanding that in the event of his 4efust he.ehonld go back to the bench. MA defeat having ;taken place, Mr. WIMIOT returns to the, scene of ibis Judicial duties; how much better qualified to dischamthem alter the exciting. . . , and irritating campaign grough which ho has passed, and with the consciouscooasthat ho has lost caste at his own home, we leave Atliers to say. The people of Pennsylvania, however, have boldly, marked their sense of the habit of encouraging judges to become politicians, and ae trust the rebuke will not be without its effect in other quarters. fig - The bill passed by the State Legisia-• tnre last winter, SuthoriAng l the extension of the Beaton MBank, chaster apd an increase of $200,000 to their capital, whieb the Governor did not aign, became a law on ,Frlday last without his signature, he having failed to re turn it within three days after the assembling of the Legislature in the recent special 8CM;1011. , .ruauc oto,suourrs. , Signornia Ramos, the Spanish singer, who made snoh a hit at the Acadomy.of MusiO, on Wednes day evening ; as "La Figlfa'del Beggimento," on poets the performance thfs mting. "Jack . Cade", (who has ''got his, head in Chan cery, poet follow):ls drawing great houses at Ardh Street Theatre, with Mr. Davenport and Mrs. Bowers in the two loading characters, and is to bo repeated this evening, Miss and Mr. Etchings take their benefit, at Walnut street Theatre, this evening, with a new domestii drama called "Temptation,'! and "The Muleteer of Toledo." They are entitled to what will really be a benefit, and wo hope they raayobtain it. By theway, in the house bills of last night, it is stated that Mr.: Mayhew Is Editor of Punch. 'We are under the . impression; from 'per- . opal knowledge 4 kiMfact, that Mr. Mark Lemon Oath the sOriaalP9lttliquestion., t., • _ -_ • THE ELECTION. THE STATE. , Tho majority in the State fOr General. Packer over Wilmot, will probably exceed forty thousand. The Legislature will bo two-thirds Democratic. We see by our exchanges that the election passed off quietly, everywhere. The returns In an official shape reach us very slowly. Amnia COUNEY.—Thosllarrleburg Keystone thus speaks of the glorious result : „ - " The miserable minority in which Mr. Wilmot is loft, is a signal rebuke of the black Republican agitators; whilst the olcotion of General Pnekor, by an overwhelming vote, is a proof and vindica tion of the fidelity, of Pennsylvanians to the Consti tution and its guarantees, full of hope and conso lation to the patriotic and Union-loving Democracy throughout the - nation. - • " In Harrisburg General Packer has over four hundred majority, and, from partial returns from the townships, it is supposed ho has a majority in this county, which has hitherto given largo Oppo sition majorities. The greatest portion of the Demo'cratic ticket is also elected in this county— one member of the House' certain, nearly all the county officers, and a majority of some seven hun dred and fifty for Senator, which it is hoped will overbalance the Opposition majority of Lebanon." CLEARFIELD CODNTY.—A friend writes us from Clearfield, that tho vote was very small, and fur nishes ue with the result of two districts of that county, as follows : , Packer, Wilmot. IlarlaLurst. Clearfield Bordugh 45 22 42 Lawrence township • ' 105 67 17 This is a small loison the vote of Mr. Buchanan, and was caused mainly by a few disorganizers. Mormon Courtry,—The following is the veto for Governor in Middle Smithfield district, Monroe county: • Packer 280 I Wilmot MAJORITIES. October 1850. October, 1857 4 , sl tti , Counties. o al 1.1 1 8 I ad Et a X 1 , a au PI ' Adams, 39 --- -- Allegheny, , 4225 1580 Armstrong, 255 -- Beaver, 049 _ -- Bedford, 33 -- 600 Berke, 6061 6000 Blair, 606 Bradford, 0976 603 -,,- Cambria, 1183 1200 Carbon, 653 600 Centre, 821 760 Cheater, 446 Clarion, 957 Clearfield, 660 Clinton 131 400 Columbia, 1699 1200 Crawford, 1508 Cumberland, 251 ; 400 Dauphin, 525 800 Delaware, ' 610 • 100 Elk, 230 , Erie, 2103 Fayette, 183 600 -- Franklin. 116 100 Fulton, 253 -- Green, /085 _ Huntingdon, 286 ' Indiana, —181 Y- —,-- 1000 Jefferson, /23 Juniata, 90 Lancaster, 2444 ' 1200 Lawrence, 1078 Lebanon, 634 075 Lehigh, 871 1000 Luzerna, 1021 1500 Lycorning, 307 1600 McKean, ---.. 232 Mercer, 838 10'mimin Monroe, 1619' Montgomery, 1944 2000 Montour, 661 600 I , 7ortharopton,232g 3000' Northumbl, 1176 Perry, ' 6T 400 Philadelphia, 3934 17000 Pike, 691 -- Potter, 263 7 —. . --- Schuylkill, 1738 80Q0 , ,--.. Somerset, 774--, -- ----. Snyder, -L-- ,264, 100 Susquehanna, 1304 700 Sullivan, 107 _ _ , _ Tioga, 2678 Union, 440 -- Yensugo, 25 Warren, , , ~- 492 -- Washington, /V Wayne, 137 -,-.r - ' -7- —. WestmorePd, 635' Ow n-7-.4. 7 W yoming r a l York, ' • 0 1482 2500 ' — - .A.. 1.. ._ excy 82,605 29,002 CU" The following well-timed communica tion was sent yesterday to, Councils by the energetic Chief Commissioner of Highways: ' Pnitauxtraa, October 15, 1857. To the Prc.'itient and Members . 9f Select and Common Council s ' asl GENtLEIVEN: The undersigned would respect fully inform Councils that the ainoont,of 'money appropriated' toilits department, for the repairing end repaving of streets, will be exhausted by the tenth of November next.' It was believed that the appropriation would have been ample for the entire • year, but in consbquence of the extraor dinary sorority 'of the frost of last winter, the streets and highways required more then the usual amount of labor to put thorn in a proper 'condition for travel. 'An additional appropriation it not de sired, but simply. a transfer of balances that will not be required tor . fte IWrpoSO±i for which they were intended.' I would suggest that, the $15,000 appropriatotl to pay the portion of constructing the bridge at Oirard a 1 Penneylimula nynnms,.-.'a "' a " . 4 " . $5,000 appropriated foillte bridge across the Schuylkill at Chestnut? street,- be transferred to item two for repairing streets, as it is riot probable tho, fn this advineed state of the building season, - the woriir of, either will' e commenced this year. By this arrangimmat most of the men now em ployed in repairing the itieeh may be continued at work, as long as tee ; weather permits it to be done with advantage to the city. 'Otherwise the necessary, repairs must be discontinued early in NaVembei, and the men discharged. Yours, respectfully,' • JOHN M'CARTHY, ' Chief Commissioner of Highways. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. From Washington. W 4811,1507021, Oct. 16.—The Secretary of the Interior has directed instructions to be Loaned to the superin tendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis and to the agents. to sweat forthwith to - remove 611 intruders upon the De.aware Indians, and their reserves in Kansas. The War Depirtmerit haiiheen requested to issue the rumen retry instructions to.'the cobimanding officers of the troops in that Territory. It Is expected they wilt be prepared to co.operate with the agent of the Indian Office by the time their services will become necessary. secretary Thompson says the integrity of the Indian Territory nniet pF eldbasardi be preserved, • - _ The rWashinoo4 44Fika. WASOINGTOS, Oct: 16 —The Bank of the MetTlie has declined to have anything further to do ' the other banks of the District. Therefore, the estab fah ment of a clearing-house is abandoned. They will, howeter, act independently of the flanker the Metropo lis, and agree open a plan to:regulate exchanges and af ford all the business facilities in their power, Thia was underatood at the meeting of bank officers held this evening. 'rho amount of United States, stock redeemed at the Treasury to-day was $2 . 6,566. This probably closes all transactions in that line for the present: - Favorable Turn of Affairs at New York. Nay, yppt, Oct 15—Evoning.—Ilusiness affairs leaked more oheerini to.div. The banks are going on as usual, excepting that tkey pay po jpecie. Stocks took en upward Yuen et the prat board ; Vir ginia sixes adyancipg 17; pillaVre,re andlipdson Canal, 10; Erie convertiblea, 5; tind.',New Yet Sts,te ;stocks, 12. The other stocks also advanced it: We Stara. It is said that a special agent from the Itothschl Lie arrived here in the Vanderbilt, with orders to buy securities to a large amount. Specie is abundant, and lacks buyers at One, per cent. The clearlng.house to-day agreed that all balances may be settled in current funds instead of specie. The bunks arc' ,, .1. 1110 ,11 harmoniously. At(oge t tlter,thkags are tending greatly towards a rest°. rat' ton ,0 . coppdoAct) and revival tor business. 710 Uoston MAIN; &wog, Oct. 16.—At an adjourned meeting Xo-day for the purpose of arranging plans fOr fiCilitating business at the clearing-house, it, was proposed to discount hbo rally on undoubted paper so as to furnish relief to tho business men, who are beginning to bend beneath the pressure. Little, Alden & Co. have not suspended , and ask an extension only In behalf of neveral mills for which they are agmts. 'The Ntlrgidttct ittpthd. PETERSBURG, October t6—The branched of the Vir ginia twirl:Eel/Ingo Boas Hero both ensvdnded. RIGIGIOND, October 15. - -The Rank of Virginia sue tNd m uvd specie pomade this morning. •—• • r.' The Casts In Iliesr Orleans—Run on the Ranks— . . Vilest Bang 43 aspended: . . Nan , OntlaNl3,oeited}er 14.—A heavy run was com menced on n it e l * hankatitta Morning, and the ev.eito moot was Increated, hf the Mien Dank suspending spe cie payments. • The Batik of James Bibb was kept open till 0 o'clock this evening, and not a doubt is ospressed of it or the Southern Bank, which ate the only free banks left. Affairs are in a very unsettled condition from the ap prehension that the run will be continued to-morrow. ttrdat Confidence is expressed in alt the banks now'stiled lug;and ;Argo deposits were made to-day. No (alleles bare neeMierl: . . The United Ststes jiranch. Mint has purchased from the banks 0400,000 in paying gold for it, thus affording some relief to the linoj The notes of the Bunk of James Kai) t o 4q t ic n by the citizens and Southend hanko: The day closes India cheerfully than it opened. New Onmssae, October 15 1--The run on tho banks was resumed this morning, and Is vary heavy upon the' Citi zens' ardeanabliankiii but not so severe upon the others. noun is Mesh excitement, and business is paralyzed. The'Ottireps , (hectolitres) tae think, Sank of Loui siana, and ,Oarial Sank, all refused this morning to take the noted of the fyie'ben}ni. *me commenced early on the free banks, and before 'three o'clock the Bition,l44rchahtsOluitt Traders', and the Bank of New Orleans suspended SPeele payments. ' Therd nag no run on the Southern Bank; (one orthe free banks) as well ea the Bank of James Robb, (also free, was consi,V.,,..wil perfectly eare• The circu lation of t 'stetter is meetly it& distance. , The Oitizette.Banit held open, payZ..s. o .M° o'clock,, • , - Tho chartered banks are standing by each other, app largo deposits have been made In all :the chattered banks, no well as th the southerzr llank, to a larger amount than had been drawn out. There le considera ble excitement prevailing, though those making the run are perfectly good-humored. The fllnclnnutt r Money Market—The Kentucky, Indiana land Ohio Bunks. CINCINNATI, October 15.—T4tl money market of this city is in au unsettled condition; consequent upon the news from Now York and elsewhete. ' • . . It ie the general 'opinion that the banks or too States of Xetituety; Indiana. and Ohio, will net 2 geuerally sue- peed, ter the Eirceeent at least. • ' • • , *tte• o 4orpiß, A . AnGesTs, 0et,.104. Public meeting of tlio citizens of Augusta was held to . ;y, andl resolutions adopted recommending OM bunks' tomispend specie payments. The Union. Bank suspended in the morning. Acausea, GA , October 16.—Alltho banks In Savan nah suspended this morning. The Tennessee,Danke, NASIITILL6i OCt. Bank of t relniCefißle has suspended' The Legislature of this State la consider idg a resolution to legalize a general suspension of the banks. Its notion fa 001E1111. Thu Planters , and Union Banks will hold out till the last l unless antlioriSed to suspend. Missouri Banks ST. Louis, Oct. 15 —There has been a heavy run upon the Dank of the State of Mlll6ollli all the morning. Opinions diller as to the ebility,of the Ink tohoht op,t, THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA4 FRTDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1857. CINCINNATI, October 14,--The following ore reported majorities in the counties named—Perry, 400; Morgan, 600 ; Hamilton, 8 , 600 for 'Henry B. Payne, the Demo cratic candidate for Governor. The county of Greene given Chive, the Republican Candidate, 1,200, and Harden county 130. In forty counties there hen been s Donnoratie gain of 7,000. Ct,IiVEL AND, October 14.—Burther retinal Show addl. , Cma o gains for the Democratic ticket, In forty-five counties the gain reaches 10,000. The content le, on all hands, considered close, and the remit tor Governor In doubtful. Tho Legislature in probably Democratic. Mummer', Oct. 35.—The returns of the election from fifty counties show that Chase, the Republican candidate for Governor, has lost 9,000 on the vote re ceived by Cot. Ihemorkt at the Pr,eeldentit The contest is now no close that boil' . 10101 the State by a small majority. CLEVELAND, October / 6 : -,4 iitrtirelipuntles, from which returns hate been received, shorr a Danicratic gain of 10,101. The Democrats olefin the Stab by a email Majority ; but, so far, their gains 'ars no' largo enough. lows Election. Doourios, Oct. 14. —The returns from the Interior come In ['lowly, thorn bring °Tay three or four filegralt offices In the State. The Extra Session of the New York .f.egisla lure. ALBANY, October 15.—The statement in the morn- Ing'a Argus, that theUevernor had deetdati4o call en extra session of the Legislature, is not correct, The question is yet under advisement. Accident on the Mohawk (N. Y.) bridge. SCLIHNEOTADT, October 14.—The [Merit; of the old Mohawk bridge gave way thin forenoon,,,recipitating fifty head of cattle a distance of eighteen bet into the river. Only one cow was hurt. This is tie first acct• dont that has occurred since the building d the bridge, in 18082 It is expected to be repaired k to-morrow morning. Important Railroad Convonton CLEVELAND, Oct. IL —An important %limed Pon vention met here last night. The attendeme was very full, and business of an important charaol,r was trans acted. A committee was appointed, whlh will report to-day. The principal objects of the Clomention are to reduce the present speed of trains, 'tweet° the fares, dispense with foreign agents, and cut off tie large num ber of dead-heads.i, New ORLEANS, October 14.—Clottou.—Sles to-day of 1,000 bales at Irregular prices, pricolpair at 9)010o. The receipts were 3,000 bales. Exchange. are still no minally quoted. THREE BAYS LATER FROM MOE ARRIVAL OF THE VANDEiBILT. THE EMPERORS •AT STUTIGART LATER FROM OHZNi. TROUBLES IN ALBANIA The United States steamship Vantdrbilt Capt. E. Higgins, with Francis and Englits advices to the Sit instant, arrived at New Yok yesterday. She loft Havre on the morning of the Srl, and Southampton at midnight, with the tnpreeedented number of three hundred and eiglry-six paasen; gars, of whom three hundred ant twenty-one wore first-class, $20,000 in specie, and a very valuable amgo of merchandise. The voyage bas boon unusually wintry—strong westerly winds pre vailing throughout. On the 9th abe sncounterod a terrific gale, which lasted thirty-six tours. Tho mall steamer Arne, from Yew York, er r rived off Qowos on the evening of Cu 2d. and pro cooded to Havre. The Calcutta lotterg and papers, giyingTull de tails of the intelligence previonsl+ received by telegraph, had reached England. The Emperors of Russia and Austearnet at Wolf mar on the let of October. The Kbg of , alimony had not than arrived. , It is reported in Paris that the isle de la Re union, formerly Isle Bourbon, Js to resume the name of Isle Buonapvte, which it lore under the first empire. , From China wo learn that Madrid Seymour had resolved upon the blockade of Rho Canton river. Five hundred and twenty officers nod men of the royal artillery had arrived, and wore forthwith despatched to Calcutta in the Sampson. Trade at Avey was improving. Aeoording tq Ipttors of the 24th &Member, from Athens, the Greek Giairernrrient 1)114 eiltkpTired the exportation of cereal amps, In uonmquortee of the abundance of the harvest. News from Constantinople of the 16th announces an approaching ro-arrangement of the diplomatic service in Turkey. It is well knovn that Prince Callimaki is to relinquish the =Way at Vienna. F.chamyl had .taken prisoner tin Governor of Ishat?itts, and an entente had ,braittri out in that district. ''' The Emperor of the Preneh is MXOI4 tope in tent on a personal mooting with all the printiipal sovereigns of Europe. A despatch from Berlin says that the English Government had given notice to tie Prussian ma nufacturers of tiro-arms that no mire suet articles will ho allowed to enter the Eaetlndtes without special permission. Despatches from the Trench Minster in China represent the situation of affitirsas unfavorable, and ;Immune° positively that the court. of Berlin will ndt agree to any arrangement. A letter froth Paris; of the Istinstant, states that the fact of ttip explandol4,. 0 tofugsma from Genoa was confirmed by thg ,p4iodtion of the names of those who had been so treated. • Constantinople letters and jourelds state that n" now complication bad arisen 'ln that silty touching Montenegro.. A district of Albania having re volted, the Pasha of Scutari hati.taken measures to chastise the robots, and sent WI men against them. Meanwhile Intelligence was received that the Montenegrins' meditated a ascent into the' plains tosuceor the insurgents'.'' nyinterforentgi with the Montenegrins would aconablej Aslip , npic..... 4 .r.. - VlO , 'real? ustria bad held a oonferondo ih tile inlets'''. f Foreign Affairs, and recommen eittira to instill t the Pasbaof Scutari to suspend his ineaeureslor the present. The United States consul at Southampton, Mr. United States frigate Plymouth, in the Southamp. William Thomson, paid an, official visit to the ton waters, on the 2d instant; ho was saluted on embarking and leaving, and entertained 'at a dijonner on hoard. Captain Dahlgren and his officers were in.rite4 p a )?anguet on the 3d, at Mr. It. Andrew's residence et IVillehStor. The frigate was to leave on her return homo on the 4th or sth. ' The English money market was wore animated on the 2d. Console olosed at 901 to I. India stock, 207 to 210. Exchequer bills,oB.,to ss. 'dia. THE MEETING OT THE EMPERORS AT The Faris corrospondoritof tho' london VMS' thus refers to the it:portal meeting it Stuttgart: " As regards what passed at the Satttgagt jnter view, I am disposed to dwell wpm many of the numerous current reports, most of wlichlare'doubt less founded much more on renjectun, or on very slig:ht inferences, than on authentic information. It es said that, among the projects noted and die cussed was ono, for the establishmed of a perma nent conference amongst the groat pwers; for set tling by arbitration all differences teat may arise , in Europe. This would completely hrmonize with a rumor mentioned some time ago, Ott a reduction of standing armies would be amongtho questions debate d'hetwoon the French and F.ngsan mann rats. I must repeat. Juni/ever, that it it ho opinion of many perkons hero, who certainly dohot belong to the re,ar party, that the French amy couldnot safely bre materially Tethice from its present strength, which is required, t s oy fa y not for the defence against foreign foes, nt fe the rirtiinta mince of tranquillity at home." VIENNA, Friday , Morning, Qat. 2,-The Vienna Gazette says: " TheEmporer.Francisleseph sailed on the Emperor Alexander at Weiner, the latter went to moot His Majesty on the stmeaso. Hav ing embraced and kissed each other,dteir Majes ties hod:treed for some time together.' CONSTANT.INOMB, Sept. 23.—The rie in the ex changes continues, but paper has .loaroased in value tee the extent of 20 per cent., ad the civil list quotations to the extent of 50 pe 'cent. The national poverty ix extreme, and monlon is made of certain eommoreiel failures. Qs'inniercial THE LATRVLOOON 7t,ffiNEY' . naillisir—..oXDott, Fri day Evening, Oct. 2.—ne• fPncle opcni,/te-day, with animation, and most descriptions expennaecl a rise, but the tone area soon changed by a hear sale of eon eels. In the discount market the damanda as active. Foreign Exchanges are unaltered. Norithstanding largo arrivals of gold from Australia, thesupply is in sufficient to meet the continental &snails and the prospect is discouraging with regard to tO immediate course of the money market. einctrthet reduction in the rate of discant In July, the bulpon in the Oarik.of Er ' has demased 000 starling. 'f lie Intensify 0 - n p.panic New York has induced an alma' sclapenafen Of teak remit tances from that side, but with the return icetilldencs, not only will the usual shipments he rescind, bat the old erre' to will be met. It may be hops, therefore, that during the next two or three months receipts front that quarter will at least suffice, will the supply from Australia, to keep the stock in the lick of Eng land from any further reduction. 7n the railway market, to-day, blichigs liedthern, Now york Central, and l!onneylvania Cenral abound increksed firuitiass, LONDON, October 73 —The Money market, animated. Consols ars quoted at 90X. E,Setieqner 1111•OsiitiSs dis count Myanmar. Oct: 2.--Corrox.-i-The sales f the week have been 27,000 bales. 'Prices aro :easier,nd though quotations aro unchang!d, for finer graderthere has been 'a locum, - of ,i‘d in the inferior qustieS: The market elolgell quiet, but 'steady 'The Res include 0,000 to speculators, and 2,cOD to exporters, The esti mated sales on Friday w,ere 0,000 halos. Tp 2400. to port in Imago bales; including 198,909 Ambrati: The currant quotations aro: Fair Orteem% ; &Mg do, 9 3.10; Pair Mobile, Sti Fair Uplands, (IX ; Middling do, 813-10. Tho Manchester advices are favorable, n average business woe going on without change In prigs: Navar, STORES—MAID is buoyant at 3s Odds 7,7jil for common. Spirits of Turpentine steady. . PRODUCE—no Sugar market is quiet,hutuotations are barely maintained. Coffee atradY, • Be a iailnrra,— The market exhibits adecl Ming temlendy; 6 ualliJen having slightly dealt": Corn is dull and 64 11Y4 , 60 , 19hout dell, and Stead her, Tho quotations are; Western 'Canal pk w , Ao licor n o m], era Flour, 3150325; Ohio F our, ..4m334-, litWteat, le ield On ; Whlte Wheat, Senile bliied Oin,`Jia Od. PRovisions.—The market is generally ill. Lard heavy; all qualities aro generally lower. Bi heavy ; Pork quiet; Bacon firm. THE LATEST. hiyaarom., Saturday, October B—Noon.—tithe mar kets aro closing quiet and steady. The quotationti for Cotton are barely malntned Flout is' dull, same circulars quoting a duels of Ott, Wheat dull and 2des4d lower„ Corn dull and ed lower. Beef 4eary and nominally qUotad. • Lard heavy, anO} a Plight decline on all qulties. tlpainclotespuoyant. From London Times Oily tit : Betel nualgd, Oct. 2.—The funds opted this moiling with some i:: 4444 , 10n ) and most delePtierts or 1 . 1 securities experienced a 1: !'ll3 th tone onto mar. ket wan thou altered by q heavy n :109014. The first transactions were at the improved qui44°4' of yesterday afternoon-90% to %, and, althoth there was far some time n tendency to a forth upward movement, there wan ultimately a resctit of an eighth, tho nom prices being O 0) to Lc for may,' and 90% to n for the' now account,on the 10th ciNovent• Nor. Vero, ,was not much general hustnestand the rate for money remained at 6 to coat. • In the discount market today the demand' settee In preparation for the pii,itoonto,talliovitko 4otiorrow, which will be very forge, , Tit" the foreign exchanges thin afterimou e o rate? Were generally the sterna as last pest/ , The corn market was quiet this meriting at he rates of Monday. The report of • LiVorpool cotton irie" i ketfot the week shown a steady business at former quotalius. 't'he Bunt prices of the French three per cot. on the Patio Damao this &miller, Were Odf Um for money, and 68(05c for the occouht, showing little &Hutton. At Vienna there has been o alight Increase of limeys.. About £28,890 of gold was taken from thil+ank for We lt Is believed that the aped° shlpped , by the Penlnsii. lar and Oriental steamer Ooloinbo will pot belP he. low 1.600,000. Fully 135,000 is gold forlnd.l6 private accotniti dd.:mend having arisen from the wit es buy. lug up sovereigns at a large premium in Oslnen4.sn more coniTl4,Pt,tY,4.9ll,4l4eliBdiVer. Ohio Election. Markets IgEtrkepi, &c STUTTGART ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS IPROEF/LES OF LONDON AND LIVERPOOL PAPERS RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE OF "TUE Plass.") Tho Fellows of Josue College, Oxford, have chosen a now Principal, in the room of the late Dr. Folikes. There was IL full attendance, and the choice of the Booiety fell on the Rev. Charles D. D., formerly Fellow of the College, and now incumbent of Itolyhesul and honorary canon of Bangor. IMPERIAL CONFERENCE AT STIITTGART.—The correspondent of the London Times says, "In the matter of popularity both with the Court and the people, the Emperor Napoleon has made infinitely greater progress than the Emperor Alexander. The Emperor Napoleon has lost no opportunity of :showing himself inn light aoCeptable halite people; hit has walked out in the streetsarm-in-arm with a single, gentleman, a IVurtemborg officer; he has taken or feigned an interest in all that the King is most feud of promoting, and for which he is so deservedly popular, and gave himself the trouble to sit out the whole of Weber's Der Freizehittz last night, which was played at his especial desire to hear a genuine German opera, and continued applauding even after the curtain had fallen. " Daring their stay hero of four days each, the Emperors IMO been in each other's company at least twice a slay, but in the presence of others ; what, however, is more to the point is, that they have bcon closeted together three times perfectly alone, for periods varying from ono hour and a half to two hours each. The last of these interviews took place. on their return from the Vold urest at Cannstadt yester day, when they retired to the apartments occupied by the Emperor Alexander at the top of the Crown Prince's villa, and remained together for nearly two hours, at the expiration of which they took leave of each other with the greatest apparent satisfaotion, at their having made each other's ac quaintance. • "The general resume of the information I have boon able to collect with reference to the nature of this meeting and its political results amounts tq this : the two Emperors have hail the satisfaction of snaking each other's ac quaintance, and of exchanging the expres men of their individual views, wishes, and aspirations, hut that nothing beyond this has boon obtained, except it bo some matters of so very trifling moment as not to be worth citing in con nection with this event. What little I have learned shows me that, however much satisfaction the Emperor Napoleon may have experienced at the overtures made to him, and however gratified he may ho by the homage thuspaid to the position ho has acquired for France in Europe, and at the ad ditional prestige these events will give him in the eyes of his own people, he has not betrayed any inclination to jeopardize or tamper with the Eng jish alliance, which ho looks on as fundamentally essential within certain limits to the well-being of France and his own stability." Those members of the family of Orleans now in England, but who do not habitually live there, are about leaving, with the exception, as I am inform ed, of the Puchet,s of Orleans, who proposes re maining fqr the whiter, and who is expecte4 to re side in the neighborhood of Richmond. ENGLISH VIEW OF INDIAN AFFAIRS [From the Times of Ott. ;.] The arrival 'of Indian letters and newspapers puts us in possession of opinions as well as facts. One naturally wishes to know what is thought and felt at ono end of the wire, or other line of commu nication, while war rages, or conspiracy threat ens at the other. But, the bare facts ones an nounced, there is not much to satisfy impatience in the speculations, the rumors, or the gossip, eyrie at the very seat of el-Imminent. Many alourisrhas found that at Geneva or Borne he was to all prac tical purposes no nearer the Alps than in White hall or Cheapside ; and it would seem as if people wore no nearer Delhi and Lucknow at Bombay and Calcutta, than wo aro at home. Their conjectures aro little less wild. They seem almost equally con demned to be idle bystanders, when every feeling would prompt the quickest and most vigorous in terference. Anglo-Indian opiniou, however, has evidently entered a new stage, thongh omshet with out preoedent. Some of the filter, More Oulatle, and Inerb teirtertrig geoStions that occupied it . at first, have now answered themselves. Of seventy regi ments not ono is now loft to foster the fond illusion of its fidelity, till the happy moment for the bullet or the " tulwar" to do its appointed work. Not a mess remains to be butchered sitting, or a colonel to be rudely interrupted while writing to the Govemor-General a letter full of happy assu rances. Few stations remain to be burnt, and few treasuries to be " looted." The death of malty herldred Akers. civil and rollitery, in ,battle, or minis generally by the hand of the assassin, and the massaoro of as many women and children, have gone far to exhaust the fund of private solicitudes. It is true that there aro stations dotted about of which little is known; but the mind wearies of repetition. Lucknow 'would be only Cawnpore on a somewhat larger 'Beale, and should the infection which has reached the Bombay and Madras armies infest the whole of thb dark 1,104, tied lead to equal atrocities, no numbers, no op . lor the :want of novelty. So opinion has now passed into the .hard, calculating, military stage. The residents at Calcutta can look forward to the approaching cam 'paign. The real war, according to Indian notions, has not yet begun. It must begin in September, and end in May, after which month it seems taken :for granted that not a shot will bo fired. Passing, 'then, over the preliminary horrors, Indian politi cians are evidently satisfied with the prospects of •the war. They think that we shall have a suc cession of triumphs, and that next spring will find ',us holding India with a stronger grasp than we over ;did lsofore. Strangbly enbagh, this conviction be trays itself at the very tinto that the gravel of the 'English mail brings - what seems them an immense underrating of the mutiny. We believe that on this :point they aro mistaken. The statements and esti mates made, in or out of Parliament, to the best of ;our recollection, simply reflected from time totime Ake latest news from India. It was nobody's busi ;noss here to anticipate worse than was known, and •roinforeemeete were despetehed, If not quite as ex peditiously na if the worst had been known, as ex -Ipeditiously as anything is ever done in this country. • military eatimate, then, taken at Calcutta :looks 'rather to the reserve than to the forces :engaged, and rather to the surrounding country {then to the actual seat of war. Even the prospect of reverses in the present battlefield. and the inter ruption of communications, sloes not some to concern t them as numb as might be suppose'. At Calcutta ,they aro safe. The arrival of the Chinese force, the sight of the Shannon in their river, the passage of several regiments up the river, and, above all, the • departure of Captain Peel, withl 900 British sailors and ton 68-pounders, mabo them (col es severe as we do at home. The arrival of Sir Colin Camp bell, a commander-in-chief, with real power, replacing Sir P. Grant, who, Rs an Indian officer, had responsibility without power, con tributed to this comfortable feeling. At all events, the tido of war seemed to se rolling up the Ganges, and every wave of it would drive further inwards the mutineers of Dinapioro, who have created so much Mare) ; of itainghur, on the very borderts of Bengal proper; of- Oudo, and the whole valley of the Ganges. Looking at: the other ex tremity of the disturbed line, the state of things at Delhi was so encouraging that we felt ourselves jus tified in calling it the other day the bright spot in our Indian prospects; but at Calcutta they wore even more sanguine, and fully expected, on the 23d of August, that the assault had already taken place, when it was supposed the mutineers would be dis persed and a large parts? the besieging force would be available for the relief of Lucknow, and the conquest of Oudos The tables had so far been turned. on, the mutineers that time was in our favor. Every week was adding several thousands to Mir throe, and the idea of a Sikh invasion of Ifindostan under the British flag Was so popular in the Punjab, that there appeared to be no limits to the accession of atrength from that quarter. In Delhi all wag confusion, dissension, deser tion, want of powder, percussion caps, money, mon, and food. The king was most uncomfortable in his quarters; our ertllloo% having found his majesty's range The Mahomodans and }Undoes were quarrelling for the use of the water tanks. All were greatly discouraged by the uniform de feat of the recent sorties. In this extremity the question was whither to go—whether to oonourt discretion by going down the Delhi side of the Semen, or to take the more valorous courts of crossing the river by the bridge of boats, and malting for Cede. In either case it would be strange if we did not follow them up, and inflict that chastisement which they now avoid under the shelter of wails and streets. As far as eon be inferred from the desoription of our camp before Delhi, alit the hodiee of Trregulars flocking to our aid - from the 4 Punitib, 'Cashmere, Kumaon, and Nepaul, wo are much better prepared for open warfare than the garrison of Delhi, with no otner " tower of strength" than their " King's name." The probability is that the more desperate and deeply committed of the mutineers, driven out of Delhi, would swarm in the direction of Cede. It is vain at this dietance, and this day, to speculate ion the fate of Lucknow, which, be it well or ill, is now a thing of the past. Even at 'Calcutta they had had no direct and certain news 'of the Ord:lord with its precious and helpless charge, for a Whole month:- Wools' sup posed that General Outram would attempt to re lieve the place by going up the Oogra or the Gooretee, sshjoh might , be, a necessary • change of route, but serves to show the time required for the task. 'limit, whatever the result, there will then •ho Amply two armies in the field. Agra, at least, we assume to bo safe, as it is no longer mentioned with anxiety, and is said not even to be invested. Certain points, such as Alla imbed, will then ho hold for military purposes; but 'otherwise it Will ho a simple, ordinary case of two armies in the field, depending for success on their spitit,: their numbers, reinforcements, sup plies, and the good-will of the population. Wo feel no question tiod, ip all those points, except, possibly, the nuns Mrs isetually brought into notion, too 'dive the best of it. r We have all the chief con ditions of success. It will bo found—indeed, it has already been found---thet, as wo have said from the first, this is not arebellioe, or oven an insurrection; it is only a mutiny. Notwithstanding certain taunts at our want of prescience or want of capacity to comprehend the fact, this is only a military revolt, inspired by those causes and motives that prevail most with the military charaetor—aggrandise ment, love of plunder and general license, pure restlessness—in a word, all those feelings that have rendered India is sea of troubles for these many eon terra' ' , The mischief is almost eonfined to the soldiers, useless it be an accession of credit and strength to their cause that the criminals they release from the , gaols, and the ruffians of every town held them to plunder and de stroy: • But, on the whole, with rare and accountable exceptions, the people are in our favor, and as the war proceeds will be so more Ism) more. Every day the war will be confined to a still closer compass, and with Bengal, the sub ayah countries, the Pun jabs Mid 'Cent ral In airconvourgiler, wo'shall 'crush the mutiny; Ivo fully exited, before next setnituer. Mr. Editor: Your article upon Omnibus Registers, in THE Pause of yesterday, does not exactly moot with my approbation, and I feel dis pose,: !a think that if you will give the matter more horough exarilltultipn, YOU must undoubtedly come to the conclusion whiet, upon a studied reflection, I have subjoinedbelow. My Ifilnvo in favor there of are'simply these : Firstly, In entering into an omnibus at thp Exchange„partioularly ut a late hour of night, (which generally becomes well seat ed before startiog,) by paying the fares in advanco you avoid the'disagreenble detention made by the driver receiving the fare of .tho passenger getting out, and 'wr.,iting for change, especially tivbero it is in is dark place, apd when he must pull his gloves elf for, eaeh separiito fare; furthermore, at night a passenger too becomes Moreor less drowsy or sleepy, if he has somo distance to ride, that ha will naturally fumble longer for the faro than by paying upon entering the omnibus. 4s to the dial plate, Wifas been found, upon examination, to bo of great and Material advantage to' the proprietors —ad much so, that they receive nearer the sum total than otherwise. Knowing this to be the fact, I feel It my duty to wilco It known to yop. Utrisn#, IP4llfulzi,phin, pursdav, r Oct. 150, 1857: COMMUNICATIONS. THE REMEDY FOR THE READING RAIL ROAD COMPANY. [For The Press ] What is to be the _fate o f the Reatfing ratlroad ? Is it to go into the hands of trustees for the benefit of the holders of mortgage bonds, or is it to be as signed for the benefit of all its creditors ? To Nome such condition it must shortly come, under the present inefficient and injurious management. The company is hurrying on to the catastrophe. There is but one moans of checking its downfall ; which is, to change its responsible officer, and re place him with another who has knowledge of the condition of the concern, experience to judge of its interests, tact to administer its affairs, and the con fidence of the public to cheer him onward. In proper bonds the Beetling Railroad Company will resuscitate its business, arrange its indebtedness, and thus not only protect its general creditors and its bondholders, but its stockholders, the coal miners of Schuylkill county, the coal merchants of the large cities, and the owners of coal lands. The interests of other coal regions are also involved in this matter; so largo a business as that ofSchuyl kill county cannot be mismanaged without in juring the coal trade in other parts of Pennsylva nia; so that this matter is of vital importance not only to the minors, transporters, and dealers in the product which finds its way to market by the Reading railroad, but to all other coal operators, and to the people who burn coal. Tho present president of the Reading Railroad Company, R. D. Cullen, assumed his post at a period when, unhappily for the company, its former president, John Tucker, had resigned. What the merits of Mr. Tucker had been in that position is shown by the testimony of the managers, as given in the annual report to the stockholders in the be ginning of the present year: t , The managers have to inform you that Mr. John Tucker having tendered his resignation of the presidency of the company, a meeting of the board was held on the 6th of November, and the vice president was elected to succeed him. The elec tion of a now manager in his place was deferred until this meeting.. Mr Tucker had been so long connected with the, company, was so perfectly acquainted with its interests and connections, and managed its concerns with so much seal and ability, that his retirement will be a matter of re gret to you, as it is to the managers. When it is remembered what the company was when he joined it, the difficulties through which ho guided it. and the prosperity in which ho leaves it, hie abilities as an administrative officer, and his devotion to your interests, will be duly appreciated, as well as the uniform kindness and consideration for others which euabled him, after a long course of power, to retire from his office with the good-will of all those with whom he had been associated. . , .. ~... . . " By order of the Board of Managers. "R. D. CULLR:f, President. " Office of tho Philadelphia and Reading R. It Company, Philadelphia, January 12, 18.17." Prosperous in its business, and with full hope of a continuance of good fortune, the Reading Rail road company, when Mr. Cullen took the veins o f power, was considered staupak end nolvent. There was mutual eogdonce between the transporters, shippirs, and dealers in coal, and the company Mr. Tucker fully understood the wants of the trade, and his arrangements were of a naturo to encour age the coal interest, while they were of profit to the corporation. The concerns of the Beading Railroad were thus in good position to be fostered, and still further improved by judicious manage ment. The directors, perhaps too confident that this state Of affairs would continue without the con trol of an able head, sent to have thought that very little care or judgment was necessary in the choice of a successor to Mr. Tucker. In this fatal spirit of self-reliance, they elected, as president of the company, a person who was not a citizen of the United States, who had no sympathy with our people or institutions, and who really had no in. Wrest in the company, being a mere agept or clerk of the McColmonts l uglirh sockholders. Mr. Culien entered upon his duties as if ho con sldortid it la mission to unsettle all the plane of his predooessor, and to prove his administrative ability by making radical alterations in the most important rulcs of business. His first blunder was to totally alienate from the company the feelings and confidence of the shippers at Port Richmond. To this succeeded equally strong discontents among the minors of Schuylkill molly. phis dis satisfaction has shown itself io che diminished bu siness of the 'road; an the increase in the tonnage of the slower but better managed Schuylkill Na vigation Company. floats have succeeded in di verting the coal from the cars, and instead of tho business of the railroad company showing, as it thould do, an increase, It, has fallen off immensely. Nor is this all : the financial concerns of the com pany have become most dangerously involved, in consequence of the vest sums for which it has be come responsible for the clonatruation of 'Mi. Cul len'spet'scheme,.the teltanon Valley Railroad. instead of attending to the transportation business of his own road, the Beading Railroad president has turned his attention to the construction of an other road. In this way three million of dollars of floating debt has been created, and this floating (Lebanon Valley) debt is what drove the company to the wall, and caused the protest of its oblige. lions. The directors have great cause to complain or Mr. Cullen's eonduet in this Lebonon'Palley affair. He promised them the assistance of the BicCal- Monts in order to moot the obligations assumed for that work, and thus free the other business of the Reading Railroad Company from difficulty. In this promise ho lies utterly failed, and the debt so recklessly contracted new bears down the concern. As a financier Mr. Cullen is without merit. An incident which has just occurred , shows his cede of financial tactics very plainly. The Reading Rail road Compaby hold a note for five thousand dollars, duo by another company, a few days ago, and since the bank suspension. That company had EOM time previously made a contract with tho Reading Company, that if it was wished, tho note phould bo renewed, to the same rate ae the Read ing Company was paying upon its own notes at the Limo of renewal. Previous to this time, under Mr. Cullen's mis• management, the Reading Railroad Company's Paper had been protested, and Mr. Cullen having ecome conscientious, insisted that it should be tenowed for six months at simple interest. The 'pompon) , whose note was held by the Readitig was rotitled to a renewal on the same terms; but the nsoientious Mr. Cullen would not renew at sim ple interest, but demanded three per cent. a month. his was the conduct of a Shylock, who was not pven content with his pound of flesh, but required the blood too. Ho was remonstrated with upon his disregard of the golden rule, " do as you would be Flows by." After argument and indignant reproof, his heart was softened one per sent., and he agreed .o take two per cent. a month. The debtor cons amp was not obliged to pay that amount. A coin- Plaint of the proceedings of this model president isms made M the directors of the Reading Railroad Company, and the latter compeller/ Mr. Cullen to fulfil the agreement which, iq the spirit of a Shaver, ho desired to break. This incident is a fair sample of the financial tactics of Mr. Cullen. He boo no capacity for the station he fills; he has no idea of the suavities which accelerate business; he has no pity for the distresses of the creditors of Hie company, or for the stookholdero whom pro porty he is depreciating by gross mismanagement, recklessness, and personal unfitness for the duties of the station which be holds. ; That these opinions are those of all who know 'anything about the wretched management of the Reading Railroad Company is susceptible of easy proof. There is an utter want of confidence in the Colton administration. Of this fact there is testi money in the following resolution passed at a maet log of the citizens of Pottsville, on the 3d of Ooto• bar, held at the court-house, Walter' Sedgwick. E'sq., in the chair, and John $1 Crosland, secre tary, and published in the Minvig Register, of ifim 10th : "Resolved, That, in the opinion of this meeting, there is groat necessity for a change in the press dewy of tho Reading Railroad Company, and the policy of the directors; and no believe the re- Wooden of John Tucker, Esq.. to that post, MI. trammelled by a vestige of the present manage ment, 'will be the best and most effectual way to do justice to our coal operators, merchants and business mon ; bring' the staple product of our country into fair and successful competition with other coal districts, and thereby furnish a basis of 'credit, confidence, and prosperity to this great artery of mineral wealth." The re-election of Mr. Tucker is most impera tively demanded The hand that raised the com pany front the brink of insolvency is the only one to again lift it from the position to which Mr. Cullen has east it down. That Mr. Tucker had guided the company " through difficulties" and " left it prosperous," was attested by the tee nagers, Charles S. Bokor, Samuel Norris, George W. Richards, John Aahhurst, David S. Brown, Joccph Swift, and Mr. Cullen himself. That Ithe Cullen management has not "done justice to our' coal operators,' merchants, and business men," is declared by the citizens of Pottsville, in town meeting assembled. Furthermore, they say that the only remedy for the , ruin which menaces the company, is the re-election of Ilfr, Tudor, and the restoration of that confidence in the manage ment of the concern which is now almost' totally withdrawn. This matter concerns the bond-. helders;the oroditois, and the stockholders of the company. Will they exert their' authority to rescue the Rending Railroad Company from the incompetent hands which bane Sailed to guide it? or will they permit it to go into bankruptcy to their own ruin? These aro questions of the utmost importance. The causes are known ; the remedy is in their hands; will they adopt it? The Apple Crop.—ln awaye of the counties adjacent to our city, the apple crop, with the ex ception of the cider apple, is pronounced a failure generally. But wherever the eider apple is thund' in the orchards the trees are laden with fruit. In the middle, and lower sections of the county this is partioularly the ease. 'This is a matter worthy of attention of farmers, and many are already strongly itnprocsed with the idea that the eider ap ple is, the inset, profitable and, best suited to this region of country , it hitving proved the most sure °rep for several yours past. • , Salo of ologaat hoasehohl.furaiture, North Sixth streot t tiie morning. the Thomas 4. Sons' attar tisemtat. ! AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING ACADEMY Or MOBIC, 8 . W . oorNER or BroAo AND 1, 0 . CENT STREETS -- Ls Yiglia Del Reggilnellto." WHIUTLIT'S /moil STREET THEATRE, ARCS OWES, ABOVE SETH —" Jack Cade"__" Spectre Bridogrcolo " WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. CORNER or NINTH' AND WALNUT STREETS.—" Temptation"—Muleteer of Toledo " NATIONAL TOE 1/ay.—WALNUT &HRH. ABOVE EIGHTH STIMET Uncle Tom's Cabin," SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHRSTO/T.—Ethinpinu Lira Illustrated, concluding with a Inughra,le Afterinece TIio4EUP'S VARIETIES, FITTS AND CHESTNUT STREETS —Miscellaneous Concerts. Proceedings of the City Councill.2-A stated meeting of City Councils was held yesterday after noon, at which the following business was trans acted : SELECT BRA:4CII. In the absence of the- President, Mr. Taylor, of th , i Sixteenth word , was called to the chair., Theireadira of the journnl was dig:reused with. A number of unim portant petitions and communiesitions were presented. read, and appropriately referred. Mr. Copier, from the Criramittes on City Property, submitted a report on Sedgley Park, which *0 are una ble to publish this morning for want of space. We will endesvor to find room for it to-morrow. The report gives a history of the property—the finctuations in its value— reviews the charges, and gives the statements and proofs of Mr. Andrew Miller, and concludes by stating that the committee a renew their previous recommendation to Councils to accept this generona gift with feelings of the grentent eatiefaction," and by expressing a belief that in future times " all who have been instrumental in ef fecting the addition of Sedgley to Fairmount Park" will be recognised as public benefactors. A communication was received front the Commission ers of the Sinking Fund. On motion of Mr. Nansens, it was referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed In the Appendix to the Journal of Mart Counci le A communication was received from the newly elected Commissioner of Markets, giving the names of his sure ties. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The fourth quarterly report of S. P. Fearon, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, was read and referred. During the months of July, August, and September, there were fifty-five fires. The loss on real estate was $28,310; on personal estate, $45,405. Total loss $71.715. Insurance on real estate, $23805. Insurance on per sonal estate $ 35,8 2 _0. 0. Total insurance, $59,425 Lose on real estate over insurance, 82.505. Lys on personal estate over insurance, $9,785. Total loss over the in surance, $12,290. The following is the classification by districts: Lusa. Insurance. First $340 . $l4O Second 32,635 30,325 Third 8,000 2,000 Fourth 30,100 :24.880 Fifth 750 Sixth 2,650 050 Seventh 3,240 600 The following in the statement anbmitted by the Com missioners of the Sinking Fund, showing the amount in vested on account of the Covent Milking funds, the cash balance to the credit of each, and the quarterly appro priations duo to each, October let, 1857: Sinking Fund of certain obligaisons. Amount invested $2,30000 Oath balance 385.25 Appropriation, October 1, 1857 342 25 , ... Sinking Fund of Road Damages. Amount invested $6OO 00 Gash balance 226 75 Appropriation Oct. 1, 1857 184 50 Total Fund 1711 25 Sinking Fund of N. 11". Railroad. Amount invested 1;12,300 00 Cash balance .9,351 60 Appropriation Oct. 1, 1857 1,950 00 Total 16,601 50 Slaking Fund of Sunsing and Erre RasirOda. AMOLH t icareated $12,600 00 (bob balance 3,551 or; Appropriation October lit 2,150 00 Total 19;201 00 Sinking Fund of PAvladelphia Gas trorks,s2o,ooo 00 Ant iuTested 5,109 25 Total 23,799 25 Sinking Pm/0 of City Debt of 110,00C1,000. Amount Invested $182,478. 84 (lash balance 34.373.54 Appropriation 24,000 00 - Total 241.852.38 Sinking Fund of Loafs q . t . . $1.,000,000. Amount invettod 113,300 00 Cash balaoca. ..... 3,460.75 Appro.pr4tion 3,000 00 Total 19,160.76 Sinking Fund of Loan of $BOO,OOO. Amount Inv. ted 13,700.00 - Cash balance 2,535.55 Appropriation 2,400.00 Total fund $8,035.55 Several resolutions from Common Council were con marred in, and the Chamber adjourned. MOWN COUNCIL. The Chair submitted a communication from John 51cOartky, Commissioner of Highways, stating that the amount appropriated for the repairs of thestreets would be exhansted on the 4th of November next. He asked that $20,000 be transferred from other items for that purpose. Referred to the Committee on Highways. Also, a communication from the City Controller, ask ing an additional appropriation of $398.50 to pay a num ber of small claims. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Also, a commanimtion from the Commissioners of the Biuklog Fund, giving a detailed Recount of their opera tions for the last year. (See proceeding of dulcet Council ) A message was received from the Mayor, et:sting that he bad signed the resolution authorising the contracts for cleansing the streets A communication wee received from Mr. W Lamb, Commissioner of Markets, giving the names of his cure ties. Referred to the Committee on Law. Mr. Bteel, in place, submitted an ordinance, supple mentary to the ordinance passed and approved January 22, 1957, prohibiting the sale of game out of mason. Ordered to be printed for the use of the members. Mr. Mueller submitted the fourth quarterly report of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Mr. O'Neill, in place, submitted an "ordinate for conselidaNng the different gas ir94l. Ordered. to ho printed. Mr. Burns, in itls.ce, submitted an ordinance for the erectiod add control of a market house in Frankford bald over. Mr. Ring submitted a resolution. compelling the mem bers to record their votes when present. Referred to a special committee. I Captain Day called up the resolution passed by Select Council, calling upon the Board of Health to report in relation to the expenditures by that body in filling up a lot on Pine street, betwoen Fiftsentb, arid Sixteenth streets, and in regard to all other expenses and receipts by that body. The resolution was agreed to. An ordinance was submitted, repealing the ordinance passed July, 1554, directing the City Treasurer to deposit the funds of the city in certain banks. and leaving the subject to the discretion of that functionary. A motion was made to refer the •abject to the Cons inittee on Finance. Mr. Moocher opposed the motion. Me desired the Question met at once—it Neva& Democratic measure, and he thought should be met squarely, and without refer ence to any committee. Mr. Parksr said, in reply to the last speaker, there was a difference between Democracy and demagoguism. It had been alleged there that all the banks Fere broken If this was a fact, they could soon get a Demo cratic Legislature to mend up the matter. • Mr. Miller desired the matter settled at once, lie wished the name of the Pennsylvania Dank stricken from the list of banks In which the City Treasurer is compelled to deposit p cortAin portion of the ,city's funds. Thu motion to refer to the Committee en }finance was agreed to by a vote of 31 to 26. Mr Rerkins called up the ordinande alithorizing the payment of the Interest on the mortgage upon the Ledg ey Park. Mr. O'Neill said that at the lest meeting he was sur- Pprised at the opposition to this ordinance. He was then Informed this was a scheme to shift a certain responsi bility upon the city. Since then, he had been informed that sixty persons had Joined together to purchase this property for $60,000 or $63,1100. They Intended to sell the gravel on it for 616,000 or 6211.900, which they will expend in puma and grading - . as well as the laying of water pipes on Parrish street, Thompson street, and Girard avenue, which will be extended through the ground. These men will then divide the property into lots of one hundred feet by 200 feet. so that each. man for his $l,OOO will get a lot of 100 by 200 feet at a price of about 60' cents per foot Of those who propose to purchase this ground, too are butchers, and the other two brewers of lager beer, who will occupy the river front of the ground, and the filth from their wotks will be pumped into the reservoirs at Fairmount for the people to drink The oc cupancy of this lot by these men would be of immense advantage to the medical community who profit by sick ness and misfortunes He appealed to them to pass the ordinance. The ayes and nays were called upon the mot rra Lo suspend the rules, to consider the bill, when it watt not agreed to by a vote of 34 to 23, (not two-thirds ) Mr. Holman, of the Committee on Variance, submitted a report, stating that of the $3,001:1,000 of tax levied by Councils last year, only V 1,200,000 had been collected up to this time lie submitted the following preamble and resolutions: WHEREAS; Our citizens, in common with the people of all sections of the country', are sufferiug from the effects of one of the must destructive financial 'embar• tassments this nation ever witnessed, it therefore be hooves us to exercise more than ordinary economy and retrenchment lathe administration of the affairs of th city— Therefore, be it resolved by the Select and COM neon Councils of the city of Philadelphia, That the heads of the various departments of the city are hereby au• joined to exercise the most rigid scrutiny and economy in the further expenses of the city, and that they are hereby authorized to curtail the expenditures of the public money', in every department where the interests vif the city will possibly permit. Furthermore, to report to Councils what, hit any, fur- Iliac reductions can tie made in the estimated expend'. tures of the departments for the year ws. Resolved, That we hereby call upon the citizens it largo to aid on In our efforts to sustain the credit and interest of the city, and that all persons who are in debted to the city, for taxes or otherwise. are earnestly requested to make prompt payment, so that the prom leg demands upon the city treasury. may be promptly met. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. Mr. Holman, of the Committee on Finance, submit ted an ordinance authorizing an appropriation of $l,lOO to pay the State tax against certain property recently sold by the city. Agreed to. Also, a report and an ordinance arthorizing an appro priation of $2,700 to tha City Commissioners, vu : $1,200 for indexing hesessoris books. $5OO for making up etreet lists. $OOO for pay of election offprs. $330 for making out tax duplicates. $lOO for stationery. The ordinance, after some debate, was agreed to Also, a report and resolution antherizing tho transfer of certain items of the appropriation to the Gmardiatis of the Poor, which was agreed to. Mr. Drayton called up again the ordinance author izing the payment of the interest on the mortgage on the Sedgley estate Mr. Miller said this was not in order, as it had been once voted down. The Chair decided the question in order. Mr. Miller appealed from the decision. Mr. Parker moved to lay the appeal on the table. The ayes and nays were called, and the motion agreed to by a rote of 41 to 12 The ayes and nays on the motion to suspend the order of the day so es to consider the bill were called, and it If. agreed to by a vote of 38 to 14. The ayes and nays on the final passage of the bill re sulted as follows YEAS—Messrs. Baird, Black, Boyer, Brown, Burnell, Butcher, Clay, Ceaper, Day, Boukherty, Drayton, Ford, Pry, Oinnodo, Dolman, Jones, 'Sane, Kauffman Kel ler King, Aneass, Lewis, Moyer, McFadden, Mclfwain, McNeal, O'Neill, Palethrirp, Parket, Perkins; Steel, Thompson, (Oscar,) Yanhorn, Vsurey,Wartm4, Wildey, Will uma, o u, Wright, (B. y.,) Miller, (John,) (Pre sident)-1 Y 0. NAYS—Mews Faulkner, Kerr, Thompson, (John.)-3. The Ch.ir decided the bill lost, as them was no quorum present. Messrs Cooper, Colboon, (}Disler, Makin,, Mc,Makin, McManus, Moocher, and Stevenson, declined voting. A motion was made to adjourn, but not agreed to. Mr. King moved to postpone the subject until neat meeting. JUNWS at CO A ebarp debate now ensued between Messrs. Parker and Miller, which was mere personal than parliamentary, more plain than palatable, and more partial In its ap plicability than particular in the selection of language. Messrs. Stiel and Clay advocated the passage of the bill, • and dilated upon the impropriety, of the above members sitting in their places and defeating the bill by their refused to vote Mr. King declared Common Council the most chiidish body ever convened in any country under the sun, Mr. Miller spoke at some length, declaring this a scheme of speculation to defraud the city out of 000 Mr. Kneaoe replied to the last speaker. • Re thought there was no authority.for " dodging" the vote on this or any other question. 'lle administered to the last speaker &severe rebuke. The motion . of Mr. Ring 'wax not speed to. i No quo rum. Adjoarned.. ,1 , , THE CITY. IRE ~,CQUA'TS. Y TE-RDAV'S PitOCEEDINOB [Reported for The Pips.) V. S. D/STRICT ,Corar—Judge Grier.—Ewing mr. Blight Jinige'llrier charged the' jury in this eazo at great length. and with great distinctness and elaboration. Jury out. " COLIION PLEAS—Judge Allison.—Mange w. Bel lug. An action torecOrereorondadons for lands sold. On trial. McLoughlin and W. F. Johnston, Esiis , for plaintiff ;U. St Wharton, EN for de fendant. l'ol'lll . No I—JuJre Aare —George Lauer v. The National Saving Fund. -An action to recover 9:125, dt posited by the plaintiff with the Liavlng Fund in 1554 The defendants produced 311 order par t °rang re here been Aved by plain tiff date•l nth September 1856, for s33B,onwhich they Ind paid th is amount The signature was proven to he the phtintiTs. awl that the_partypre tenting the order ha I the deposit hoek. The plain tiff alleges the order we= forced. On trial. Judge Dann for plaintiff, P. C. Brewster, F 1 .., for de fendant. DISTRICT Caa? No. 2 —Judge Sherwood.— In the ease of Edward Kearney vs. Welsh and Evans, before reported. theta a verdict for the plaintiff of 550 Daniel In - _gherty, Esq., for plaintiff; and Aaron Thoir.2sc:-, Esq., for defend ants Henrietta Stoeckel vs. George Stoeckel and Fidel 'Fisher An action fur wa.low's allowance under the act of Assembly Verdict for plaintiff 53 9 7. H. M. Phillips and Earle, Esqs., for plain tiff; Judge Parsons for defendant. Jenkins and Evans vs. William Henderson. An action fur lumber sold and delivered. Verdict for plaintiff $201.39 Alsop, Esq., for plaintiff; IV. U. McAllister, Esq., for defendant. Wm. C. Mclntosh vs. the trustees of the Third Baptist Church of Philadelphia. An action for money adranced to the trustees. On trial. H. 31. Phillip- and Ilanna, Esq , far plaintiff W. Jenkins, Esq., for defendants. QUARTER Sessions--Judge Thompson —John Bates was convicted of assault and battery on Ellen Bates Sentenced to pay a fine of one cent and costs. and enter security in $5O. John Gallagher was convicted of stealing a pair of boots. Sentenced to five months' imprisonment. Henry Emeriti was acquitted of burglary. Garry Carroll was convicted of etealing a coat. Sentenced to six months. Henry Kamera! was convicted of carrying con cealed deadly weapons. Sentenced to three mort.h.s. . Margaret Kelly - was sentenced to nine mor4ha' imprisonment for the larceny of wearing apparel. Lydia Shaffer was sentenced to fire months' im prisonment for the larceny of silverware. Alexander Moore was sentenced to one year is he eastern penitentiary. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW 'volts [Correspondtace of The Press.] New YO2E, Ott. 1557--5.20 P. M. There is decidedly a tetter fPeling to-day, add tb tore of the money market is tartly improred. The at, pension of the unjust mete of specie settlements at t) Clearing House where the public were compelled 2 receive paper, respired on at a meeting last night, b done much good. pee Money article in era number of Tea Passs resolutions.] There is now is good prospect of a restoration of col edence, and a retie nto good business relations .A said yestepley, we now know the worst, and are r longer 'ee apprehension, and we are better able helot oUr difficulties in the face. Money is Ail/ frightful scarce; but this will soon improve, the banks being-no resolved to act in harmony, nod, although rather late to help their customers. Specie does not demand mot than one per cent. premium, and even at this prie buyers are not abundant. The receipt of State eurrene on deposit, and in payment of notes due at the banks i generally established no a rule by all the banks of th city. This is a great relief and will materially help th forwardiug of the crops from the West. On the whole a few old fogies regret the suspension of specie paymesta but the community feel relieved and satisfied, and an far more hopeful than I have seen them ghee ow troubles began. The run on the savings banks tussah sided. The rule, not to pay more than ten per cent in specie on demand. has done good. It was erraneonal3 reported that the hi-tisane' hank was insolvent. Ii does business as usual and shows *tette of 0000 with an intact capital. Some tumors have been'ereme listed relative to the solvency of the Bank of New York, Its eondition ' on thel3th inst., was as follows: Loans and dis counts /13.675,..ett State stocks 5110,146 Deposits... Circulation F2,577,111' Exchange On Philadelphia is not higher than 5 pe cent , and on the West and South very irregular ant Calling. The Chemical Bank stillmaintains nude paymeats,ant will continue to the last. Its capital is t. 300,000. bet- Bement/ at the Clearing House were made to-day in bank notes, in packages of $l,OOO. coin, city notes, or certificates of deposits of coin. The transactions were . Clearings, 38,375.f00 GI; balance in coin, 6872.373 36. The news by the Vanderbilt is &Terabit. There is s report that the Rothschild, hare despatched an envoi to purchase a cast amount of oar Securities dram for payment in sterling. Foreign exchange La gone us to 101, but this is an extreme rate, with a Large number or second-class bills offering. The North River Beal goes into liquidation. The Boston bank officers have proposed a measure of relief for adoption by our banks, which, if carried out. will be of incalculable benefit. It Is rewind foi the banks of bath cities to juin in extending monetary assistance to the merchants inproportion to their beat ing capital. That is to say, New York to extend $0,000,000, and Boston $3,000,000; or $10,000,000, and $5,000,000. Should this be done, great relief would ba felt. The following ia a statement of the Boston banks for two weeks : Leans and 1113 Specie. eicctastion. Deposit,. October 5, $49,315,935 52,661..950 $6,241,673 $12,961,411 •, 12, 45,913,064 2,645,492 6,252,90 e 13,439,0 Increase, 575,512 1 ,6 1,324 $ 478 , 41 Decrease, f.-.44`1..5T1 The stock market has taken a great jump. Byer). thing has advanced. Reading is about stationary. Nor York State stooks Aivanced from 5 to 13 per cent ; mitt aisles to the amount of $70,000. Virginia Ws rase per cent. ; Penn. Coal Co., 12; Delaware and audios Canal, 10; N. Y. Central, 4 ; Panama, 3 ; and. Chicago and R. I. 5. Nothing declined. The advance is so rapid that I fear it will not be makttir.ed. A compari. son of the bulletins with those of haturday arid Monday will show the immense whence. The cash transactions of the Sub-treasury for the day were as follows: Receipts, Sl2S,9iki.So—sl4l,o3o tran,- ferred from Boston, payments, $193,069,94; bsl se e , $5,687,091.20., The customs receipts for duties 10-day were $22,000 NEW YORK STOOK EXOLIANDE SALM. SECOND BOARD--OOP. 15, 1457. . . . . 6,500 Virginia 6's 84 5O N T Centre/I[bl° 63 63 - -4,000 Ito State 6'3 OS al, do X' 3,000 do 67X 100 _Erie It 105( 3,000 do 67) 40 La Crosse & Illilll 7 2,000 T eithtste 6'3 '9O 64 170 do 6% 5,000 do 65 220 Hudson River R 13 68,000 N'T State s's '5595 15 Harlem B 73j 10,000 do fi'a "73 103,X 250 Reading B MO 3434 8,000 do 5'3 '74 95 20 do 35 11,000 do 6's 'OO 99 100 do b3O 35 7,000 Mich State 6'a 99 10 Panama ft 68 1,000 Harlem Rist sei 60 290 Clev & Tol R Mi 8,000 111 Cen R lids 59 20 do 283 f 2,000 Erie It 2st m isis 75 100 do sex 50 Amer Ex Bank 70 130 Chic & 818 "10 677( 43 Bank of Com 703( 7 do 67X 50 Cumb Coal Co 7,i( 100 do slO 67 150 do ISO Tx 25 do MO 66X 12 Pa ideal SCo 67x 13 WO/ & Mise B Hi MARKETS-58023 —The market is better for Pots-. sales at 6 37Xa6 50; Pearls saleable at 5 75. COFFIZ.—A little more is doing, 700 bags of Elo nolit this morning at 1031411 s. Corms—The market 10 very scantily supplied, and notwithstanding evidences of an improved tone in cora inerciat matters generally, there has not been any open ing of trade in cotton, for the reason that there is no stock here to operate in. We continue to omit quotation as nominal. Fisu—The market for all kinds eontinurs dull and heavy; no cargo salsa have been made. Small parcels from store command about former rates. Fovea, lively demand for Western Canal Flour for the home and ea-tern trade, and for export, bet mainly for the loch trade, the extreme prima asked at the close checked the demand, end the market closed dull and heavy The better grades are uwettled The sales arell,ooo bbls at $.1,75a $4 85 for common to good State; $4 90.) $5 IO for extra do ; $t.70354 85 for ‘uperane Indiana and 3lichipm; $4.90355 $5 for (nitre' do; $5.Za55.70 for extra Oblo ; for Bt. Louts brauda, areA $3.75857.60 for extra Geneaeo. . . Canadian Flour is better—the arrivals are larger, and family extras are more plenty. :islet of TOO this at $5 20.156.7 F—the lal ter place for family brands; tine out of the market. Southern Floor is also better, and in fair demand—tbe offerings are not very large. The sales are 1.200 bbts at $5 &dab 60 for mined to good brands Baltimore, si. a., and $5 755a7 25 for the better grades. • Rye Flour is quiet and nominal Corn Meal is offered less freely, and ts nominal at V.l fiDed , l OD for Jerseyand Brandywine Gaatst.—The market isnot well supplied with wheat, and with a good local and fair export demand, prices are 215 c better; the high prices asked at the class hadactd. Bli'PPers to hold off. _ . The s ale, aro 32,000 bushels at $l.lB a£l " ..S for south ern red. $1.35.151 30 for white do ; for ehoiee red Ohio; $1.15 for prime red Indiana; $1 40 for prime white Kentucky; 01.tid for red do, and E.5ce51.15 for damaged southern. • rife i 3 quiet—held at 73,175. Oats are without much change and in good demand at 34d57c for State and Western. Barley is quiet at 72890 e. Corn to more active and is better; the stock is very small and tbo eastern and local demand poor. Sales of 27,000 bushels at 09810 for Western =zed Other kinds are nominal. HAV—A fair demand for shipping at 55:166c 4' I,oolbs. faok—The market for all kinds is prostrate, arid in the absence of important transactions, prices are altogether nominal. NAVAL 0 1 02E2—Owing to the greater momentary ease in the money market for the time being, in con sequence of the stoppage of specie payments by the banks of i-sue, a better feeling haw manifested itself ilm o . , s a goodLfi,portion of the mercantile community, and there Lela been more disposition shown to enter more extensriely into net g anat.,. In view of these circumstances, holders of - spirits turpentine hare been enabled to place 400 hbls in shipping order at 37e cash ; being quite an improvement on tb.o prierss offered a day or two since ; this is the lowest price current in this market for a long time, and were it not for the low rates of sterling exchange and the high rates of freight, ship pers would be sure to realize a handsome profit at the prices current in the British markets. In crude there is nothing doing, arid prices are almost nominal. Com mon rosin is steady at $1.50031 55 °' 310 The delivered, but the inquiry is less animate. In fine rosins we no tice sates of 300 Ms Waite at $0 4P' 210 lbs. Small sales of tar are making at 02.102 25 for selected. Otis.—All kinds continuo dull. American linseed commands 63010 cants per gallon in casks and in tails ; small sales only to the regular trade. In other de scriptions there is nothing of moment doing I'lWVl9lo33.—Tbere is a more general inquiry and more steadium in our Pork market, with few arrivals ; sales of 210 bbls at 022 50c523 for mess, 821.40 a 22 for prime mess. unit 017 00a517.70 for prime. Beef iv without change ; the demand is more active. Pales of 110 Ibis at 113 500014 00 to: repacked meat, and $lOOOl6 fur extra pnme. Prime mess in nominal at s's. Beef hams are in fair request ; salsa of Ohio at 016 47 212 pounds. ' Western Bacon is in fair demand at 12,i4c Cut meats are quiet at 10c for shoulders and Ile for hams, Dressed hogs are quiet at 7!.4 e3c. Lard is in retail demand. and in unchanged; sales of 50 bble and tee at 14315 c. the latter price for choice ; which 19 scarce. Butter is plenty, and in fair demand at 12a1 6 a. for Ohio, amt 15,120 c. for btate. Cheese is saleable at 13 trah c SUGARS appear to convalesce slowly; there is a re- Siring tendency in prices, though Do quotable change can be made Stuart's prices arra boil a cent lb lower, making a decline of 4c per rind from the highest point. We quote loaf at lle, crushed at 1030, ground 9y, and circle A crushed at 10.,c. TILLS are dull, sod prices are nominal. IVRISENT —The trawactions are feli, buyers offer 20c; it is firmly held at dir. The Parade of the younger Members of the Temper4uco Order, which is to take place on Mon day next, promises to be a very creditable affair. It has been brought about through the energy of Good Samaritan Section No. 1, with the aid of other sections of the Order There will be a very large turn-out, and a grand display of banners., flags, and regattas, should the weather prove favorable. It is expected that over eight hun dred persons will participate in the demonstration. Return Judges—The return judges of the city and county of Philadelphia will sea at the ,E l eprerus C?iiirt room, this morning, at lo evook. 14,055,54 Z $1,154,623 j 1,478,141 323,618
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