' I PILOT?tINE ,. - - • vr'4 ' 'I :00,:411nlarIg0WYork•ioinuiserelalletter hay. klatiditidtitleildi ne, teat oitraok the folloWlitsfsh*lluefivessin4Posr:l ' • - Thn;iiieni4iiiti,:liini - ‘44iliforday , was kopt up :," until the ntmal hour of olooloOko doors, or until the om en , ee emtneed'to:the crowd that no more • PkYoullittl Wonld'bintide in specie . Moat of the tarp :banki4laisf.itlVAi three' o'clookOziolnding th e a p a aistg to that hoar, admitting none at the The ;whole, atuiltiut of ' coin paid out not' counting Theorings Bank, • • et:: `MHBOIIIf deltaic - ' available was institutimuiwits mach WalVie.Pretefutu'in; their late official • inter ~1* of 'Kano ,of , the' boa , ehmt . tots and rata hankator• houses al , elr..htdancas to remain only on special krona* of .thebetter fottified banks perilape , tor edema 1i5i11,4041. thought "it possible to go onivithout suspending specie payments, and a fail - • in' of. dotetailbstion - was communicated to the elerksPakith therwere not slow, to express to the itieold:t The Crowd =toll off after , bank: hours, and ,theiketiMintinkbsided. ' , •The,e °Sail helm bank officers Met hit even- Rildnftat ainsiderable discussion, hearing all trol end weighing all the ciroutermacoa or the • 4, 150 1 1. 4 11 *4 to • the- conaluelon that it was only, a tueitleVeralew hours whether they ,would ens -4 They might continue to pay another lay,..thentrengest of, them, but the result would be „tformatl i e j esiori . ,With• exhausted means, and nothint am , ' in , property or' tanding. - - The' /Beak Card show/ a general adrpnse of from tto 9, per oent. A reeolution was adopted at ,Board, bye a •vote of, BO to 20, that payment *Mild bereoeived certified °hooks.* New York State are pressed on t h e market: The 000- filen the Vatted Stites Treasury derltt• Ana thief the redemption of loans is diseOntinued ediaitleittereitaieti to Sell other kinds which have' formed the hasps of bank circulation. ' r•Atlio mats tleagektl,ol at the But4resatiry, tto l dll7, • - • gas,ftd. • gab • • • • og ' 830 19 ,R•llB4attoi.i. ' " ,- 4,702867 80 ' &ties at Iko Custom Iloese were t,/-161#.;TiztatSTO EX.0114.11118 SALES.'; relit ‘;....pcoirD:BOAD-002'. 14, 1651. tA,oitimilimartste es ea le. Arch s & tibia ee • 10 (a& Ohio ft .; es • 4 8 0 ., ' 1 134 a • lg fr i tel " Vix 1,000 0610 flt,de No 85 100 - do.' = 10% 8,000 ylnin64 is 41'• • 200 Oire & Tot It 24h: - ,- 612.,001 1 R141 16 - 143 - .tlO - do' • '26 'I u ContliVntal Bk 00 • 400., do • " - .Sag = • ',,,1400041114102106' • -180)ti ft 114 64 • 64 •do • • '43 , " 2‘llN 0eutt41 , 12,. BO • '10•':-do; • ' • 83i( 200 , y,;`tbi , a ,, , , i--' - -• i)0. 100 do 43 113 -441- —do • - . 1011,11 6: Miss ft 11 • , _ • , , 4t . : NEW - YORK • REARKETS. - = , - WdDritilD,AT, October 14 . 188•.: for both kind' is fair, 44,54.75 for Peals, and $0.25e50.40 for Pots.,, Theatock consists of 180Mwrols Pot. and 734 of Pottle. kinds are dull ; prices lionalaal. ~..`.:OiderOA`, *Runes nowihnd. -The, latest 'quotiiiioiui 'll4g44:',Patddlid3 septa grout the *ghost figures of the Ttag4Re odrtk.t for ail. lands' Conihmett Rull'and tam. Dry Ood are plenty, and heavy at $3053,02X for Western 211:14' et. treorgetxf sates of 400 qts. large Bank at the Waldo rote. Mackerel:are In good supply and dull it $10.40010.50 and sB . _ for large le, 2s, and 82.. Tickled Herring are, "quiet 'at $8.5080.75 by the cargo. Small parcels from store command 453.87Kapt. Smoked Herring can be' bought at 400. for sealed, and 20a. for No. 1, /Loon, ltc.—A: fair demand for Waiters (Mail flour, 'and with greater case in our money market, holders are able to command lOoleo4p bbl • advinoe on the low and stadium gram.' TlMdeniand' is - _owe , "dive , for the „trade.- The sallis are 7,200 bbla at $450054,60 for cont. Atom to good Stall $ 4.765 5 4.00" for extra ' 40 Ba.6oes ••••• *Lae for superfine Mallon* and Michigan ; $4.15055,40 Mr extra dot 151.15057 for , common , td tholes - extra 0hi0;55.7.004 7 / 4 o St, Lome,brands,",,ind y!..60857.70 'lot extra Denser: , Canadian tidtli la iioderata ',until); and is better• ot;4oobleh at 1550165 for extra brands. No imper ils* hero? 04164ft - 1,1 . .65W fa'loo better, and In fair de mand 'rattail trade: Ilia activate - are not large; sales -;,of'loo 7 bbisittls4.4o6lls,so'lOr, taxa' to.good brands Mtltiatere, -ike,- Amy s S Weir forfthe, better grades. IfTatiattila - 014, and ikudimlnel at E 5110.4.0. , Corn 'meal ilinaethio at $3.30a13.40 for Jeriey; - and s3.Bqlts4 for Braudywlce, and $100519.50 for puncheons. Hock deur Is quiet at $2 41 , 100 Tbs. Omint—tlie demand for wheat is more - active;"sud -laftletitoderatWofferingi and a decided improvement in money market, holders are able to obtain an ad. VMS yt 254 a per bluthel. The sales are entail, about 7,000 taiiiieb; at $1.21051.26 for Red Southern; $1.25 ''-',4•81.115 for White do; and 8130651 for damaged do. -11 Ye Vqnnet' at 70c. Parley is inactive at 75alaks. Ibitaysti lower; the Moak is fair—vales or State at ‘440670f at 456520; Southern at 38044 c; and - Weiltiad OW. -,born is 2macta better 'and in good demaadfoithi lad Ind' city trade—the Mock Is light inktbitirelvalainOderateed of 31,000, bushels at (SO? lot:lffeetern seized—olosing 60061 cis, and tither kindenoridnal. ' • ' P.lt4rtlhetraY ina with, fair de .,'‘iwari poly . 1:0 patent, pr, ire loser ; sides of 400 d 'baled at iiest4fr.loo . „ , ..biota,-Obatlnaiwee* . for inirinfaeturlng biri3 been only 500 eiV ilauphter and „ 170 4 de y western; prices continue nominal. Boye r s of i nserts'i orderelmesretlred , from the market, and ,sstillo y 'pressure lasts; the trade c souothe tempted into th il webers Or any conederabli quantity of fildri, • $1 A dialled orMo froin lest quotations. , , • WM-4re norainel'_at.darla for common to 'choice ' - 'l4(flial;Azo dull it 7Oieniji;,44; for ,lesin.:.- - Var • tontines entirely nominal , pipe 41311 shod Solna dgbisAtttSnd her at,;,o,lpe, g per cent 11kte-41Alidtd fainicldre •NOtaIIIGVAA iota 111,11 i 'mle yysterday, 30 • •alliWer4l4.llll4:,at 20(4 . 4 Mos. - ..12fairsiltrossis-4lldrlts Ttstpeutlne Is, * maid; and. ?Moen tend sprongly;derrmord, consequescy of :the lathe 'Mom market'. 95 - cants is the 'best price .01Aelsiable foysrholepeasels;bdt smell lots,, as Wanted ' by the finds, tommididieeente des Crude diem Ismotbloglioing;sosS pritsinSo Satogother Sokstaisl—' rho • loath& et teft /Wirth Cotitity Lade publlo;yrse t 3,78, bet it 'Would being torattch price nay.- Common lawn 'ristilfered '1 rieleet riecline—eales„bf 2,000' Mae at iieoliteiliolik lb* ilretettroos, yard; The, me units* Ass strides aro Sapid; mid prices iiniewhat . The *mete true of TarinsdPitch, Cht.1141..0 „lb. - present disjointed' stite Of - monetary af iitreile4'.7".4ntralitiortHreasiot be eipected.in; Ms branch of trade : T'broseek nos:soder review has biOn of' ex treks - 400st, and;we May, ehnoat ity;fletresafeni b dt ‘nnisitatnia nOt Transpired to tottlbe iSonstioloof the . Lit assertion. „Linseed; both ,Reglish4nd - American, has to *refry limited extent at 6810700, Irk - erode whoile nothing Hsi tem:4lra ;•' this hit Lies of dark and black worent iessilar,ind of handsome at 729 Crude sperm Is eulathia held St 11120, it which the Lit sales were Jude. , Other kinds are equelly inlet, and In, the abiedaPort nportaat tmasactfonsi previous prices are quite seminal. Camphene sells slowly at 40647 c, end st 430600,4a5tt,'' ' • Puovielesi.i—There Is nothing passlag In our pork masirrst &advisories nondualfor mess at s2e and pan!, - -111 W 'Bost fs'ilutisissq 0 retell' Ursine= In repacked east fit $lB .600144 - 60; and In extra POOL 'Pshnemetts beef nominal at 125,f0r Mainland. - • , • *re la tociderate deelind--salei of new State dirdbilbs Ind ^,.10 3¢, to - the Bacon . lowar; scull sales of Western 'smoked at . Cut iseate gad hillsolted demand at 106 for shoulders and 110 fpr hams hi silt. Druid_ hogs are dull and nominal at • PIM and nibre plenty, ' - : • , porn, -fa retail demand. Choice Is icarce 4des W , bbli - add ' toirof this, coup,r other 'clads s'after skimlnal: , " Abhor - Is dinMed and Ill'ple[47 /216/451P4r" MIK ilk( liy!,2, I*o2llo 44111ligitei450060: , ler ,•410minen - Potatoes* are it :Lit Wages ..grisers - :,415; 111.18X0,2.21) for Junes, and mer- Oeis 13.2idthbli sweets are higher; sales at 112.7 en • ' are still ..delh „erica norelnal...•: Tile 411 0 4" 4-4 4 1 / 1 *let tf,.!..s • ..osmosa sither;to buy or tilg mow MARKET. • „ PEnatottion*, October 14,18b7. The rim le,o. larket abeam no material change, beyond -4,ke sudden ocriallsitlon of the etchangea between this city and New Yolk t The city that would not suspend, the Nibtaltaint" 'tfie,htinklon ayatent, bating Barren :Z .4880 1 1 8,dblefitien, all:the, bank-notes of:ths country at,onee bt upon very; nearly the 'same level, while, 88iiiiieniluni for real incuity'Oilrprobabfyid'etutee s still 2,4 Filter than atpntsint, bidone by onkel - tetelnitii the result of the deliberations of the bane tit accepting the provision, of the tolief bill tem* • - ' • - lyenttniudtrinidttork vie reined to 18 to-daYby some gildtgalcprie Of the dock board, while other shares, ' showeis further depression and the whole transautions ''',4ol/dfittPiere very email ainonit. '• '• ,"91e5 in the Trietted States Tieunry has been co • ,wlt sedaoad that "no, further dieboreemeats will for the l',lorefiestite eeadtr , by the : redemption-of government . .- , '„attaini, as ampere b y „ followipg tads/ notice s pub , Ilthedin thank* Pansitrday;,. -0 . - ' Tinian Dyes anise Oct.B 1867 ' i 1 1e given, that the lindtatio's elettained • , -,,fter, law,sualtaising this Der e artment to Punkas* 3 ere. thelJolted States, having been racked, it is -,* • mtlkin ; its _power. to' make , further, purchases at 4****...- ' . -......3- x; . ; , - - - ,- A' secretary of the Treasury." 7..', - ,...4'....Vhage eambano.qtmationot the acceptant* of the pro . ?.)Kskig of ',relief bill- by the banks, as any:other . 4 11100theemt their part would, not only be WWII In itself, „,,,Ittti . „. 'll/11*,,lstthe th e *OM :directly answerthle U . ** - l ''7llffignlialt - y pi the aulfewhigi thit have so forcibly bee '' '' ini the loi:Vitable ~ result of peoloarlig '4l: z ” ' .sedisgir date of things. ,We Minot believe for .. . ' r- - a medtiOthattlieseriatititntione will dare kiMMutos se ' • • --,:::;i4/00,1107.41thanlv7.4Wiii,thpidly accommodate . , itself - tirtfof SO oOndlthes of 'things, The exchanges will be " r VOWS/ thi teltilon of the crops will :,',? ierilsitintlA ankoer'Siaboardtowai will In - an in= g.C,itiorfatesiireinuie Voir woutA activity. Those -.-irkehimicaiionnthist before the bleat will make vigorous - 7,44lakeil aorta to regain their honoublistsding, , # l l4.,theeotholiamo_ been so f o rtunate as 'to bate' re: - ,ilthtedtheliMreditirikhnilired,'will'ilmitheir Mildness thlikte - IseitivingtheiMd . *ld improved , ed, eid reap TI - th 't - ".'-wikettiettfor the doubts ; inalettee and cares over' which -2 1 k 40 741 •1 , 4 ," 4 ", 131 th1iP1ied., • % wh ' . ptitik .1 tirthitherie:ressim_for the pania which liar ~„ ,_,l,,;etitengideolnnih Ada in the laud has been WOMB.* 0 - IMPUMI44O, .40$ cow ; . :iled , it lute done all its work, 0 - A11i.,„ takill fs l- i 4 irt r icelLaie only to avail ourselves theltnithinerible wens* of wealth with *Welt , fkd viliiiktd. Our co urittli to ii ,ltd ;4 , 0 year .1861 still a ...i4felite Old Itrlisi. ~ lit-the `wolf is afthe door -,- 41111,00iiiiirieu, ere *re,. it in per' ower speedily . ' Ilijitinilifin : re! i nioni. - = All • tlankis needed it earnest. 1: , 3 , Let us not look Wevlutt, hie bend lost ' '411444. ' 4 " 4t ,what - Noah% to' us; inky. shelf 04 1 4 - * l t „ i Pt. , ,94, red eltunaitte Of- awathaod ,tiationess;, oft zr , =;WW: f oriv, ticliestl people oft 'firth: Our barns are hamlet wit} golden haVeetrotir cotton and tobac. 4-..-fic, l l l ' . o o o.i 4 9tOtndltoodt penetrate to every - Yellen our rffeet Ore edl in 'OA ' navigable order; our - --, ....:0004 4 liconC yet isiverellreelts - before the Close of Ravi; spXem, salon snipkfts tannse lig/ :tidy to " r =tY `tii , 141.4 t fOirttt 2 Ikaata lona 10 1, 9 6 4 ittaisstb) , ' ' • 31Wit ist.uoltMly olajbeo,O? It ill Nit JI•0**04 1 0th*I".04 1 00,4 Iritigfoloktuitias, :;halift4.4l adaatr)illq- I p ** idrerldvi • . 4..146 11. Let 1 , 0 444 4011 1 t, Ibt) plat br riot Wit* W0r41 , 0,,,' Olt itiiiiol4;*ltivoi - , . l 4a4l!illaa‘aar tko ispstkWasik*. 1 0 6 4 4 7 i 001 4s, 40 ill toll46lkr dal iii 6 o* (ll,ol . • *Oa?" following commualcatticirced 0.1461 .9PV, eoWr `Lijowie r l " 9 *ll4. 74 9 :0erva l l e r a f t l t4 l. 4`l. ay' bloof toUstaid, la tie a4a4„. t aa ocomiatita.,l shawl*, am AgnytiPtel. Alt .akal tetty mobile* sails } Vialiol 4l, * • T- A.10100,- , *I - OS* 04,490 OW Isot , rout?. =chow tkit rr 1 1 ' 1 -1 ,2". 4,1111111, 4cfn - tfifWS:O k• Aft if iIIAPAA ;I :Ag zi W=4 if . . laerfelhe perfeeiton of reaton, we ineintrie the' .teaching of mend'. amnia ,vrould, Provo to hp, good law,! We therefore give ofir =oplhion on the question, which 'id, that the "pereon wine has received the calderas is ' reeionstble to the company (Orittem. The fact that the note wee oellodielle does oat relieve the ?anon who re. calved the collateral fromiespousibility. The company gave hini the bonds as' tient* for the repayment of a certain once of money at a certain time, and when the time arrived, they had a right to demand from him, on a tender of the amount; the return of the note and ca. Literate. • , Emetically hewould be liable to make good the differ ence between the, amount of the note and the value of the bonds, end to 'give a guarantee that he would pay the note in case of its presentation for payment at any intact, time to the company. In other words, his ac ceptance of the bonds as. security for the performance Of the conipaiPs part of the wintract, blade him. to Make goad his "part of the same, which Is, to return them to the company when it stands ready to pay the note at Maturity. • - Our Madera have seen the law for- the relief of the banks and their debtors, Election first fixes the date for the resumption of specie payments, April 12th,11168. The same section remits certain penalties incurred by the banks.'and euthoriaes new bank stock to be paid in f‘current funds." , Section second requires a vreekly bank statement in the 'cities of Philadelphla,•Pittsbnrgh, and Allegheny, end a monthly itateutent from the rest of the Pennsylvania banks, under a penalty of $5OO to $1,000., That penalty !twits as if the Legislature was in earnest, but why was the time for pormnencingfixed January, , lBsB, Instead of November,losl; neat month! Is it to enable the weak banks to strengtheithernseives through the operation auction three which'pute one perfect equality, good, bad l ana l indifferent bank' notes, in the payment of dells, to such : 'bias as accept the provisions of this not Within thirty dsys? • It provides', also, as a safeguard against euspected In. etitutlent, far a commission of examination. • If half , that Was heitrd et the, 'LOOM debates be trim, come of 'the mare courageous bank tiFesidents should make oath at once 'and have a commission appointed, one whicli ,will ferret, out whatever is sought to be hidden np: Section fourth allows ,paYers'of State taxes to pay in 'Penneylvanis currency. - " Section fifth -binds the batiks to pay to the State Treasurer whatever hires or deposits ore due him in specie, whenever ha demandspayment.: , The banks will be very Careful not to solicit deposits from that cos tomer. The Berle motion -authorizes him to demand Specie ou ", all bank notea' which may hereafter be in the treasury." .-• ' &cliche Math stays executions on certain Judgments, and it( &abed forthe relief' of debtors generally. We approve tt fe fertheist, end think it knight hare been ex tended to otheeettees with geed remits. - 'Section seventh makes the act, excepttliethird section, take effect immediately. 'lt gives the banks thirty days to decide whether they will accept the third sec tion andpsy one qUarter of ono per cent. of their capital for the privilege. ' „, Section eighth releisMthe country banks from keeping their notes it par in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, a rather unnecessary section to come after section third. ' ' Section ninth reserves to the Legislature the pester to revoke any tithe pharters of the accepting banks. Section tenth prohibits officers of banks from buying Pennsylvania currency at less' than par. Penalty $lOO to Sl,OOO. ' . Section eleventh prevents, for elk months, the sale of forfeited collatershi, without the consent of the debtor. As drawn; this section Whets other... holdere of collate rats besides banks. Let the pawnbrokers consult their lawyers. - Section twelfth 'enables cattails saying funds to re quire, during ,the suspension of specie payments, two months notice before paying tbeir,dipoeltore. The earnings 'of the Pittsburgh, Port, Wayne, and Chicago Italtroed Company, for the month of September, Were as felleWs, ' lirmi./dreight "- Passengers..... Mail idiseellaneous., • , Total 2178,29127 Miroo22e for September, 1650, were 172,165 60 . . . Increase over August, 1867 05,684 21 PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANGE HALES, ' October 14; 1887. - Reported by R. Manly,. Jr., Stock Broker, No 801 Walnut-greet. —.,- 01110.1. .1206.11 D. 500 City 6's 83 ' 100 City RR. 8'5.... 'B3 400 " ' 83 000 fichuyi Na Ws 'B2 61 1000 Penns we 85 oPenaz Mt 82if 1003 ' ~ - 'B3 3" 32% 200 " 83 1 <, • 02% 550 N Penna RR 6'n 45% 100 Long Island RA 7% 1000 ~ .... 45Af' 60 ~ 7% , 1000 1 , , , .... 461/ 60 1, cash.... 7% 200 City RR W 5.... 88 - 2 !dor Oa prefbswn 80 100 '' " .... 83 110 " " • 80 300 " BETWEEN BOARDS. 100 R,eading b 5 17% 6 Palms - 1111, •• • • 32)( • 200 - MOND 1000 N Peruas,Bli 40 1000 , . • 40 - 2000 4 ' • 40 2000 40 2000 45 100001 LT sa t ._ 10000 a & 5s 52 Up 1201teactIng11.111oto 17% lc* 100 " - -..,. 16 97 " lots .... 177 j . 100 r,",,,0hyp.,. 18 1 Monts Clan pre 330, _ , ANTE'S 110.6 ED. 28 Nordstaw4llll 61 60 , gg ... 61 . 10 gg 61 12 gg • .. 51 294innehill 1116 35 61 61 7 5 . " " 1111 . ... . ... 22 3.. gg 32 4 gg .... 32 Schuyl Ns prof' 13% ,41 13% - 20 Girard Dank— . 7% 1104.1t3). I'loo Bead E x3wn.... 183 100 -Beading 101... 18 100 " sawn—, 18 • _IILOSING Bid. Aidiod. go XOs lft prof 13N 14 Waisp , t Rimll 9 11 • do latino4d7ls 82 85 do , do 2dixr .60 Vietg island sburg " - 8 Girard Dank' 7; 7% Lehigh .. 1 Union Canal 2% New Creek Oatawissa R 8....8 . .. . dd. Asked,. Phllailel,o's."...ll23t, 92 •. - 1 It ' - 'll6 Ri5....82 - 83 ff.. ." New.... 93 916 • - Piiile 6 , 5..".. „ 82 83 I)eadl nns ig IL • ' 1.8 ,181( 4t., ,Fond. PIO 69 02 8142%, , 44 TO .61 Penns UR 82 32X UnrehtCant 061186 89 _Mahn N 81 82.. ..60% 613( "stock 6 - 8 PHILADELPIU.A MARKETS. ,October lith—Evening.—The shipping demand .for Barirtsless active and there Is little or nothing del ill; to-day, hut we'qtiote lit quality at $35 0/1" ton, Brea t stuffs aro; held it, previous - quotations, the demand,. hoWertarjof Flour does not improve, as shippers are pretty much out of the market, and standard superilne. Is' held it $.5.25e5.87: barrel, but the transaction. are only to zupply,the home trade, at from these rates up to $OO7 Ve barrel for comment* extra and fancy family flour, the latter for fancy Drank the stock on 'sale is light, and the receipts quite moderate for the amiss of the year, Corn Moil end Rye Flour are without demand at former: quotations, there being no shippers In market. Wheats are not so plenty to-day, and holders are rather firmer' in their views, with sales of .3,ooo , lmeheis to note, In lots, at 1120110 cents for Wile good red; and 1200125 cents for white. Corn is Amerind not Mneliotfering, and about 1,000 bushels Southern Yellow brought 75070 cents. 'Oats are not so plenty, and 203 , 000 bushels Southern have been mold at 35c Ws afloat. Rye is wanted, and prices range 73 75e for Wavier. - and Pennsylvania. For Cotton the demand Is limited, and prlees in the absence of business are unsettled and drooping, holders generally refusing to sell except for cash in the present unsettled state of the times. Groceries continue neglected and dull, and the prices of sugar and cation are nominally unchanged. Provisions—nothing doing worthy of remark, and the minket for ill kindsvery inactive. Seeds—no sales; clo verseed 11 quoted at ss6ssli, and timothy at $2.25es 02,00 bishit.: Whiskey is eallingat 21)03220 for .this and 20W2leforlilide. -NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET, WlexeSDAy, d3C TOUR 14.—At 'market-3,M Beeves, 232 Cowl, . 483 Yells, 11,104 Sheep, and 8460 Swine—which shows from last week. an Increase of 274 Beeves, 26 Cows, and 2,L64 Swine, and a,decatemsof 74 Veils and 802 Sheep, and In fur; all kinds of stock fell oil In price—heaves perbares 'two manta per pound. It was a dLfflealt matter to rcsallze lec for good grade. Cows held on, for 'prime animals at 40030 e, and here and there a sale was Made even higher, at Allerteees ; at the lower •yarde cows were not eo brisk, except at O'Brien's, where the Supply wan short. 'treads were stirring- at 607x0, Sheep 7a90 for titres, Poor 4eabc:, Swine x 600.14 for corn fed, lad 6Naktic for Stork b ogs, and dull. . The fall in cattle and stagnation in trade was owing lo the tightnew Of 'the money market and unsettled sake of mange generally.. The lauds were in a sloppy condi tion and many of the cattle looked dejected and fagged , MlfiAlo, Oct. 18.--,Fhareisonly a retail doomed for Flour at 114.76a5 for superfine to extra. Wheat, 76e.; Corn hook and cared at Edo. Oata Newer—CO buyers at clear 840. - Whiskey held at be. Ftelihts...-Wheat to New Itcrk, 170. Imports yesterday-4,000 bbla: Flour, 182.000 bash. Wheat, 20,000 bush. Coro, 11.000 bush. Otte. Export* yesterday-2,000 bbla. Stour ond b 20,000 bosh, Wheat. , BEDBOBJ) OIL IdABEET, October 12.—Our matkitb totally Lucille Om the continued depression I ' l . o * gilo.RV iner. kot, AO ket , we have no sales to report 3 ,tucitßilf 1 ,11;.-.-,WdaiernOt's Shipping Lis!. 1 `' . ,Ji iaH ijo. [Reported for The Press.) PRENARIIIIO4I-11aique Union, Power-1260 bags brown: sagas Limb & Damon. ' - NEWOASTLX, E—Ship Naples-400 tons coal R Tay lor & 0o: PHILADITAIWA. 1101 MO OF TRADE. Wm. O. Warr, • : A, a. Boctiqui, °mourns OT ?HI moan. ILos LETTER HAGS' —"At the Merchants , Sachets/0, Philadelphia. Bhiss,Joseph Jonas, Pitmans Saa preemie°, goon Brig Orogok - (o4,Greci... • Port en Prince, soon arine . intelligence PORT - OF PHILADELPHIA., Oct• 15, 1851. evx-sib*B 0 28-411321 OEl'O b 83 HAM WATIR 11 67 .saarrsa. • • - • Ship Nspiese, 71,mtmast, MI days from Tforresetle, gag, with awl tti Robt Taylor I Co. Aim* Tinton, " Power, from Pernambneo, Sept 17, With eager to Lloyds 4t Demon, ` Came into the Break. 'over Ott 12, hirving . wade the passage in 26 days. Left brig !rend, Oormiak, to rail In 8 days for Prinalbs, to mutt boding rot Philadolphia, be the' only Arne. 110141 Vowel hiport. ' Sept 26, 104 MOB 12, long 46 QV, spoke' ship Sig Talbot-, fross-Valbio bound to Goads. lorpei oat BO daye, and Segueeted to Do reported. Brig Saml SmU, Lane, I days from Olotwester, with ettewltollasiter & Wright, ' &krYollpu Ititehiew . ,6 days froze Boston, with pies tir 86 ean& wallets& M Mae, baby, g day* &ors Baltimore, With =UM to TBM !Mater, Jr. siguoZgarilloottoni_di days from Qaorgetown, Md, wltli globs to Newleit Wilton dr. 00. 6chrpolawiiei'DoOY,l day f rom ihdrtna t Del, with Ada 'SO Jai MAIM Es' Won. „ ' • gabx MMl , srry, &iinson,6 dais Nora Danyoreport, in ballast to osOlo. Bete Empiric; Chambers, / days fr og (jtonosstor, with Moue to parkar,k. Wright. & • ga r : riesrsdp ire &blth, 4 days Minn 'Providence, in Word tiktyloti Stone* 00. • '':id;iiiirkweight s , Dolidi Mobilo, Ospr Brothers. Behr 0 61 Vendee,' Poster, 6forsiston, Bishop, Simms " -MIR la W. ' Parry, Masan, ObarlastOis., 0 Miller le„ Co. . NotreU, Timer) Wilmington, J Poker. dtW Tull, Neweeeib, Mobile,— . do Behr. J' Lwunhobl r iwith, Providence, 'TRW, Stone ` , '4 • , • • sooukisi a a isooton,.moloy, wflmisston, 7W, Slit ssa Mar t Itittaim, A 0rm,10,,7,. - • - The pilot boat fierald,o,. aptPuller,saleadtmawtal.4 otter .yeaterday afternoon for In C a pe s of having received a thdrough overhauling and repairs for the winter cruising. COY TILIGRAPH.J dorrespondence CAPE ISLAND, Oct. ISLAND, rathsu 14, 2 Pelt The pilot boat Jahn Whilden, from a cruise, came in this afternoon, and reports having boarded no vessels. Nothing going out. Hind NE, and stormy. Yours, !re., 21103. ii. lIIIGNEI3. (BY TRISORRPR.] (00ITOSpoIRRORCO of The Prom.) New YORE, Oot Arrived, ships Mary Robinson, from Bombay; Lizzie Oakford, from Oaleans; Robert Lane, frotn Liverpool; Melia, from Liverpool; barques Wilhehnine, from Rio de Janeiro', Vickery, from Loando, William, from Male, go; brigs Itaaka, from Rnenos Ayres; flea Foam, for Rio do Janoiro;.sehr Kate Weston, from Malaga. Correspondence of the Philadelplala Exchange. LEWES. Eel.. Oct. 13;8 A DI The following vessels are at harbor, viz: Barques War ren Hallett and Elm; brigs Ormus, Taratine, Amanda. Thos M 'Mayhew, Juba, Mabel, Aaron Eaton, end Rehm Made Moult Jane M Jenkins, Jonas Sparks, Ala bama, Altda, Kaig kn's Point, Vulcan, Five Boys, Arc turus, M Wrightington, Only Bon, Favorite, lleeme. It Cook, J 0 Whipple, Amos Kalkenburg, Mary Jane, Zs. Tails, Maryland, Ordnair, Narragansett, and Aeolus Bteamships Kaman and Jackson left the harbor this morning. Wind BE, Yours. &a, WM. M. HICKMAN. The schr George Garb, still remains fast *Morel they are now unloading her, and hove succeeded in pumping her out. W. M. 11. Correspondenth of The PreeS. HAVIIS Dlt a RAM 0ct.14. Two LOAN left hero this morning, laden and con signed as follows: • John Q A McConkey, bark to Bewley, Wilson & Co; Cant P Shay, lerabor to Malone & Taylor. The City tee Boat, Capt Kelly, left Messrs. Balmy & Needle's ship yard at 3).( o'clock yesterday afternoon, and will proceed as far as the Breakwuter, to test the generation of steam from salt water In her improved boilers. Steamship Keystone State, Hershman, hence for Sa vannah, having repaired, cleared at. Norfolk 12th inst. for destination, and was detained In Hampton Roads by the gale. Steamship Northern Light. from Aspinwall for New York, sailed from Havana 11th inst. - Steamship Palmetto, Baker, hence, arrived at Banton 13th last Ship Crusader, Eaton, from Talcahuano, Aug 2, ar rived at Boston 13th inst. Ship Stalwart, Lucas, hence for Liverpool, was spoken 6th Met. tat 40 43, long 43. Ship Consul, Mortimer, from Liverpool for Savannah, was spoken 23d ult, let 49 20, long 16 20. Ship, Quito, Ilawklna, from Islay, Peru, arrived in Hampton Wads 12th inst. Ship Elizabeth, Oreely, Cutter, from Callao, June 10, for Rogland,Vras spoken Aug 8, lit 39 9011,10ng 31 40 W Ship Pamperb, Voggins, tram New York, Aug 12, for Shangliee was spoken Sept 6, fat 930 N, long 30 W. Ship Kite Hunter, Trerethen, was op at N Orleans 7th inst. for Havre. Ship Orozimbo, Pease, from Now Bedford for North Pacific Oceatt, returned to port 12th lost, leaking 2000 strokes in 24 hours.' Barque Louisa, Souper, from Neuvitas for New York, put into Hampton Roads 12th Inst. for supplies. Barque Robert, (Olden) Gerdes, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for Akyab. Barque Elcorlaza, Roder; from Havana for New York, put into Hampton Roads 12th test. for supplies ' Barque Sebra Croaker, McDonald, for St JBgo, cleared at Portland 12th inst. Barque Mary Broughton, Bowers, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at Boston 13th lust . . . Barque Lucerne, from Coast of Africa, put into Nor folk 13th inst. leaking, and with lose of spare and sails. Brig Xenophon, Doak, for Hlll4llll, cleared at Port land 12th hat. Brig Anna D Tarry, Orilla, cleared at Boston nth Inst. for Sagas Is Orande. Brig Cleo E P•escott, Gilkey, for Camden, Ble; cleared at Bolton 1 9 t,n last. Seim Et& Reed, Green, hence, arrived at Boston 13th init.. Bohr R 4 dington, Clarke, for Richmond Vu, Balled tram LuM 010th inst. Bahr Ospisin John, Davis, from Woodbridge, NJ, ar rived at East Weymouth 10th last Bohr Cyclone, Dail, hence, arrived at New Bedford 11th lust Behr "Urbanise Norton, from Delaware City, arrived at Dartford 12th .... 877,690 01 .... 96,150 83 4,482 29 ...„ 07 24 Schr R L Stargle t Morris, hence at Roston 13th Inst. Behr Mary Nutt, Williams, from Wilmington, NO, at Richmond 18th lost, Behr Elate, racemire, hence, arrived at Richmond 13th inst. Btr Richard Willing, Olaypoole, hence at Baltimore yeaterday. Str Josephine, Orumley, hence, arrived at Ltartford lath lost. SPOKEN. Aug 24, lst 13 24 8, long 36 N, Br ship Adelaide Sardinian barque Amado Pretelongo, from Belize, non, for London, was lost Aug 19 on the coast of Won dorm. Captain and crew arrived at N Orleans oth lost. Latiacitzu—At Thomaston 7th inst, by Mara. Ed ward O'Brien, and, Burgess O'Brien & 00, a superior ebip of about 1860 tone, called the S Emerson Smith. bite le Intended for a freighter, and has been sold to Cart Ebon Creighton. At 'Warren 9th most, by Mr Aaron Spear, a barque of about 300 tone, not named. At Addison Pointild last, from the yard of Messrs J 0 Nash k a One barque of about 400 tons, called the Fannie Co, milton. She will he commanded by Capt Warren Wass, and is Intended for thegeneral freighting business. She is owned by Oapt Wass, AlessrsJ Cl Nash & Co, Peek & Church, of New York, and others. NEW YOIIK, Oct.l4.—hr, steamer Ourlew,Willlams, Providence; barque Jane Daggett, Lambert, Glasgow; brigs nary Ann, Cole, Dorchester; Rebecca and Frances, Cottrell, Eastport; sabre Cyprus, Parry, hillltnidge, Cid--Steamers Roanoke, Skinner Norfolk; James Adger, Turner, Ohexieston,• ships Wm Stetson , Jordan, N Qr learui;Plymonth Rock,lierrnann,Londombarques Alarm, lirehant, Terceira; The President Freeman , T[sl fax; Express, Limburg, Havana; brigs Mary Lowell, Pome roy, Laguayra; It Dent:amend, Chapman, Aspinwall; The ships Phoenix, for Liverpool, and 0 B Lamar, are detained at quarantine, by the thick weather. BOSTON, Oct 13--Oleared., Ships Reindeer, Patterson, Loudon; Dictator,' Shaw, blew Otteens,• brigs Marls, bailey, Port an Prince; ?Jewels, lltyp..o, Pensacola; Louisa, Savage, Jacksonvil/e. CALAIS—Sailed 4th lint, brig Tempest, giamicin, histamine. BANKSPORT—Ar Bth, Br barque Oolomo, Robbins, Liceepool, UAW, Oct 11—Ar ehtp Oharter Oak, Yintalevy, New York. . . NEW REDPORDSId 13th, schr Geo 0 Gibbs, Gibbs, Louisiana, with a live oak party. NEWPORT, Oct 12048 A M—Ar brig Madeira, Olsen, Boston for Barbadoes; aid 11th, barque Saranac, Martina. ' , ' PENSACOL k.—Enierad. Oct 6 schr Afartba, Harrison, New Orleans; barque Gamble, Kean, Havana; achy Flo tnerfeldt, String, Tortugas. Cleared Oct 3, brig Mary tlamilton, Baker, Key West; Behr Dora, Soghich, New Odeana. BALTIMORE, Oct IS—Old, chip McAuley, Rodgers, . Liverpool;' Breto barque Gustav, Von Banton, Damen; Or ache Resporunble, kit Johns, NY. 14th—Ar steamer Artlean. Oundiff, New York. Old, barque Fame, Ken nedy, Richmond; Br brig Milo, Campbell, St Johns, NY. 81d, barque Gustav, Bremen; brig K 11 Reece, Demerara. WILMINGTON, NO, Oct 12—Ar brig Doses Lau. thorns, Baltimore; crier Satoh B Strong, Mott, K York. Cltll3th, ethr Batterly , Taylor, N York. NORFOLK, Oct. 72 —Arr, barque Montpeller,Clay, Boston; schrs Moro, Willett , York; D W Edridge, Ogden; Now Bedford; 1 f' Lotiland, Taylor, from James river, bound to Now York, put in with loss of sails and spars; Black Squall, of tbo Cumberland Coal Co. put in pith foremast sprung. Cid, ship flora McDonald, SkJnner. Baltimore; brig Eaglet,Wallmr, West Indies. ILADIPTON BOADS,Oct.l2.—Brigs Princetonotlion, tfetanstca, bound to Baltimore; D Boon, Bogen; Balti more, bd to Boston; schrs Gee Kellum, Bunnell, Balti more, for Boston; Quirk Step, Richards, Baltimore, for Salem. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut street, between Bth & 9th. A V Brown & la,Wedaington Miss Saunders. 1) 0 Dr .1 H Albridge, Baltimore A F Gregory, Ya W F Blunt, Va Rev J Rogers and lady Lloyd W Williams, Balt J Eta, Mobile 0 Negritel, N Y Mr Knox, Boston Mrs CI Wethend, Baltimore Mrs Bathurst , Baltimore J G Bathunt, Baltimore R G Harper, N Y Chas Mayer, Lancaster RS Sandros. Boston J . W Stearn & la,Milwaukee Wm Blanchard, Boston Henry Fees, Jr, Milwaukee WII Hopkins, Prov, B I W Lawton, Boston • D W Pugh and lady, N Y Simnel Stover, N Y J0ha,..'... Jenkins, N 't J W Swinburn, N Y Alfred T Davis, N II Chas Stoddard, Boston . Tisdale Drake, Boston James Stade, Boston W P Davis, Boston A Sturawood. Boston 0 Planer, Boston Geo 0 Hunt, N B Wm Williams, Pa 0 E Ilabricht If Y 0 B Paine, Me P Van Vista, 'N Y A J Pickens, Mass J B Goldey and lady, NY . AJ . Parham, Petersburg Geo lii Ivea, Conn B Gray, N Y Samuel D Stryker, Jr, N Y Herman Hoop, N Y Adolph Hoop, N Y George T Wallace, Va James S Barron, N Y Edwin V Welch, NY C Wendell , Washington .I . IC Campbell, Tenn George H Raymond, Del II Yonland, N Y Wm II Kibbey, N Y A V Winston, Ohio Fred Orgill, NY John Benders & wife, Pit FJ Se bolt, Washington JII Hutchison, Hy John 'Todd, Hy Mr Maury & lady, Del Gen II Walbridge, N Y Andrew II Sallad, Reading A Hollingsworth & wife, J A Steele, Derby Boston . John S Coates, 11l MrsP B Ranson & de, 'fa It ()tangle, Wheeling Gov David Tod, Ohio Israel Painter, Pa Miss Tod, Ohio E W Carpenter, N Y Col Alstor, N 0 Col A II Johnson, N 0 E Jencks, timunab /I 0 Middleton, Va If latter, D 0 S Sharp & la, Id 0 Miss Lewis, B 0 R II I, Bond & la, 110 fi a Church, N Y II D Horton & la, NY D 0 Weston & lady, Conn J P Pennell, N Y 3 Vandoren & la, Va MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth etreet,below Arch. Hon J S Yost, Pottstown 0 West, Waterford, Pa R Slack, Boston R REtzler, Money John Black, Munor T Smith, Waverly Pa GW Eihawde, Euton Spyker, Gina, lffilialabg Dr Whereon, Ohamberebi D J Seltzer, Lebanon, Pa Mrs Hammond, Lebanon Hon 0 R Buckslew, Pa Hon Geo Scott, Pa J N Luke= Pa 0 F Loomis, Springville Hon II Brodhead, Beaton Thos Hare, Pittsburgh, Pa R A Neal, N Y .1 N Mathew, N Y . Jae Fryer, Balt, Nd A L Packer, Bristol; Pa Joe L Wilde, Wheeling, Vs Jno Stevens, Ohio G W Sittler, V; Dent DMus, llMiddleton J V Eleenbewer, Newburg W W 'Frazer, Nerly Thos White, York J• 0 Clark Birmingham O 8 Baird, Indiana George Wilton, Coal Port A Fleming, Salteburg J Van Voorhlee, Pa J H Bell, Blair co, Pa GeoP Steele, Wilkes Barre Steuben Jenkins, Pa ef. Lyon, Danville, Ps Richd Rea, Mineraville John 0 Evans, Berke co Hon J A Jaluee, Easton Herman Rupp, Lehigh co Bawl Dkomick & la, Pa 8 J Franks, K Territory L Westbrook, Pike co, Pa Morrison, Pa lion J'll Walton, be&da,Pa .n H D Foster, Pa 0 T Taylor, Waterford " Warner, Erie, Pa Gideon J Ball, Erie, Pa Hamilton Hill, Oberlin, 0 AIcUIRIOAN BATE L—Ohestnut street, above Fifth. M M Rhodes, Taunton J B Nortleet, Buffolk,Vi J Preston, Va. W A Doolittle, Brooklyn D Woodslne, Bpringtleld M T Buck Va J W Harper, Va W P Padgett, AlexVa J J Long, New Orleans W Appleton te la, wash B P Johnston, Washington Jos T 13oaney, New Jersey A P Partington, N Jersey- Gee U Moore, Denmark B T Muse, N 0 B Barnes, N W W Williams N Y W B Benson, N Ohas id Newhall, N Y Ono 8 Davis, N Y JAt /heck, Minenvllle J J Patterson, Harrisburg M Smith, Vs P 8 8 McMahon, Alabama E W Stearns, N J Mrs Pima, Vs Mitchell, lows ZRO Livingston, J W= Pottaville D Smith, N 13 H Mann, Bat J Gene, Philadelphia Edw Harrison, Brooklyn J Leilenring, Pillesoro, Ps W Bartlett, Brooklyn R D Weimangh, NY B JRlOharda ) Muc JO George, Boston NATIONAL H.onlL—ltsee itreet, above Third. • Kownover, Danville D Thomas Oatisauotta, Pa p Uhler, Uhlersville, Pa. Oomly, ehesout Illil P Hayfield, Dupont, DO 0 Heebner, Lee, Blau. W Summit, Pa IL agitator, Blair co, Pa ffi Llak, Blair co, Pa. Z Siegel, Reading; Pa O Foster, hfinersville & Beck ls, Orwigsburg W Stater, Buck* co Pa P S Ludwig, Allentown 0 A Lichtenthaler, Liles, Pa W 8 Weill, Allentown, Pa P Harts, Pottsville Rotator, Pothrillle, Pa M. T Iluebener, Letts, Pb- NS Wong, Letts, pa Rev 4 Tor Xacharlas,Dalt Ekes Heiner, Balt Peter Shearer, Reading Wm Louge, Halifax, Pa Jos B Nalifes, Pa Win Shammo, Halifax. MADISON 11OUBB—Second street, above Market. N B Cooper, Philadelphia B llardlog;_Conway, Min BrewsW., Boeton A CI Crowell, Lock M aven J B Towniend, Delaware, L Lawrence, New York WmO'Brien, Pitteburgh - Chu B Carpenter, N Y 0 Stack is la, Bucks co P R Winthrop, Nicaragua Mrs Opodman, Delaware Mrs Mullen, Beleware ' It Ls, Boniest/a:1. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THFURSIMY, OCTOBER 15, 1157, MEMORANDA MARINE MISCELLANY DOMMTIO PORTS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night •Nioif I.loTiL—Arch street. above Third. d T Stewart, Easton W H Castrior, Easton L Andrews, Ohio . Miss Brown, Virginia Id Thompson, Centre ' 0 . Mendenhall, Illinois T T.Wlormau, Huntsdin W ITuderwobd, Centro co 0 flapper, Penna J Hood, NeWfille Wm Lowman, Indiana, Pa WM Crawrouder Indiana ha Single, Death Creek Wm McCurdy, 'Fillmore, Pa Schuedor, Penna. Henry Hobs, Reading T A Lambert, Aubbrn Wm Johneton, Concord,Pa B P Jackson, Cumberland Ellsbn Numbers, Ohio J Stewart, Buncannon J Stoner, Pittsburgh I. Stover, Pittsburgh J D Kempf, Virginia 8 donee, Auburn Henry II Romp!, Va • Ueo Eram, Newark, Del W B Liollingeburger & la, L B Smith, Pa Waynesboro', Pa B Gould, Williamsport, Pa 311 Murphy, York. Pa' WII Lawall & la, Easton Wm Cooper, Now York Sam'l Billings, New York J U King, Waterford STATES 'ONlON—Market street, above Math. Ales D Boggs, P It It P McCrossin, Cambria co Robt McCaro t narrisburg 1) P Borneo, New York Jas V Wells, Clinton co John Dougherty, Lane U S Weaver, Ashland, Pa M J Speakman, Christion David Irvin, Clearfield Semi Houston, Kittanning, Robt Thompson, Ration co D Green, Ohio R N Laving, Phile Henry Reck, West Lebanon J A Hagerty, Clearfield Miss U Green, bleVeytown Ezra Gray, Cochranville A Lewis, Lancaster to P Andrews, Bath, Ohio S 0 Stahl, Columbia R Milkouse, Rural Dale /ti Tod I, Pa E McDonald, Pottsville J 51 Miller, Newport Chas E Stapler, York Dottrel Scnyser, York Llano Bauman, Lancaster John NY Boonton, Lane Thos McClure, Beaver, Pa BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant. J Taylor, Oboe co, Pa Miss Taylor, Cites co, Pa II If Brown, Lane, Pa II aleSparran, Lancaster E A Smith, Lancaster George Clark, Pa John Reed, Lung island John It Reed, Long Island Miss II A Reed, L Island John W Swift, Pa Jag Swift, Jr, Pa Wm Preston, Del BLACK BEAU lIOTEL—Third Area, ob. Callowbill I 1 Winder, 'labor° J J Liarbet, ittontu'y co Mrs llarbel, litontey co J F Young, Lancaster co J Buip, Amity 0 Finney, Plymouth T Crowys, Doylestown N Faust Upper Dublin J 0 Kline, New Jerusalem 1' Lento, Lowhill P Stehle, nestling W K Green, Boyartown F Rocdiker, Rending 0 Kern, Wooster, 0 . E Shoop, Dauphin co blre Shoop, Dauphin co Master Shoop, Dauphin co 0 Kline, Earl Ville Wm °Ming, Amityville J Mier, °baster to A Laces, Ziooavillo E. A Leinbsch, Reading. 13perial Nottro. An Examination of Professor Saunders' Pupils wilt take place on every TWIRSDET ATTESSOOS, com mencing at 3 o'clock, at the WEST PUILADELPHIL STITIME. Addresses will be deiivered. Parents wisbing to learn more of this Seminary, and' the public generally, are invited to be prbeent. West Philadelphia Omnibuses on Chestnut or Market streets will bring visiters to the West. P#PADELPITIA ISSIMITS, CM Tit Vir (WM and Water sta. 0414* Prof. Saunders' Institute, Philadelphia, at the intersection of Market and William streets ...After a proper. regard to morals, health, and 'safety, the Best aim of this Institution wilt be, by constant attention to the ordinary branches of education, to make the children and youth, committed to its care, GOOD ENGLISH @MO LARS i the second aim will be, ley judicious attention to other branches, Including ancleut and modern lan guages, to make them BETTER ENGLISH BOGOLAT4, and In the end WISER and GREATER HEN than they would otherwise become. This Singinary, distinguished for purity of morals, so cial enjoyment, end successful application, has a pa tronage an SELECT on any institution whatever, as may be seen from the fact that the reneging gentlemtM, Well known to the community, have am. had eon or vr,taaa under the care of Professor Saunders: The Ron. J. W. Ardnead ; late United States District Attorney; Thomas Allibone, President of the Bank of Pennsylvania; Monet D. S. Burnett. W. Goddard, J. B Keen, S. Nowell, 11. Wescodonek, Wm. G. Moorehead, J. Cooke, William Goodrich, Wathington Butcher, William Buck !toll ; G. G. Westcott, rostoMPT of Philadelphia Messrs. Thompson and Foster, President sad Tice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Drs. Bicknell, Ward, Ruaton, and Tyler; Rev. HOME God dard, Cross, Renshaw, Wheeler and Good; Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Rev. Dr. Newton; Messrs. J. 0. Mitchell, W. W. Run. B. Dixon, T. S. Watson, Matthew Newkirk, G. Dana, Jay Cook, Thompson Black, Charles Provost, J. S. McMullen, S. )3. Hittitp,l. A. Gendell, John Caldwell, J. B Callahan, S. Newel, T. T. 4tWood, Richard Blan don, J. R. Smith, 11. C. Blair, T. S. Taylor, T. Malls ter, S. altenura ; G. D. Karl" ; J• S. Silver, S. gutchin son. E. T. Phillips, K. 1,4x4, Ti owva Fitagerald, Editor Philadelphia City Item; Br. Wm. I. Birkey; Dr Caspar Morris; Captain T. Yogdes, U. 8. 4.; Ron. Joel B. Sunderland; Gen. F. Wynkoop ; and war orriaag of high distinction. Report of the lion. Ellis Lewis, late Chief Justice e the State of Pennsylvania; the lion. N.B. Browne, into Speaker of the Senate of Pennsylvania; and the Rev. W. W. Soar, the Rev. Edgar 11. Levy, and the Rev. O. R. Ewing, ow the part of the Patrons and Examiners of Prof. Saunders' Xpajitgte, West Philadelphia. As our eons or wards have been mils of Professor Saunders, we haft) bad opportunities of b,ecomlng thoroughly acquainted with the discipline, instruction, and general character of hie Institute In West Phila delphia. It affords us pleasure to express our Most unqualified approbation of his entire system for moral, intellectual, and physigalelllture• ills pupils aret trgjued to a nice sense of propriety In their intercourse with their teachers, and with one another. 'fp never saw a imalow more like a well ordered and affectionate family. Every gislter must be delightfully Impressed with the pervading . cheerfulness add air of refinement. Whilst, the languages and the higher branches of mathematics are egtensively taught, with great accu racy, the English brandies, and especially arithmetic, receive particulainttintlefi. ' . Professor Bounders has selected for his sepias:l a magnificent grove of lofty trees, covering more than two soros. Tho exercises In this delightful gymnasium con stitute oR small pert of the charm and advantage of the Institute. Present at severs s itaaminations of his pupils, we were highly gratified with all agave*l witnessed. OFINIONS OP 71111 rIfILADAPYWA Pp*, !HOBE EDITORS HlVEeLainto MORE Elos4 Asp , aktos nps VITT TIIAN IN ANT OPIM. Paor. &MINDER s , Doretrort.—ilavirty, had a awn un der the Professor's chair, and In hie family nearly a year past, we can speak of his school as eminently worthy of patromsgo.—Wohn W. Furson Editor of the Press. To those parents who desire. to combine the best phy sical end moral development of their children with a higt.toned, sound, and Judicious mental training, the Institution of Prof. Saunders offers peculiar advantages. —(Editor of the Buiscoyal Recorder. krof. Saunders, we Isere, is a model teacher, both as to discipline and succelent iffsdryotion. Parents who have patronized his Institute ore delighted with it.— [Editor of the Christian I/Wafers, Prof. E. D. Saunders Is a gentleman of past merit and recognised ability in his profession. Ws are not surprieed to learn that his classes are rapidly filling up. —f Editor of the North American. Paor. SACINDSRS , Isertamrx.—This Seminary Is lo cated In the midst of a grove of noble trees, and has in ets front a large portico, extending the whole length of the building, and In larear a beautiful garden. The view of the, surrounding country, and the city of Phila• delphia, from the upper portico, Is magnificent. In the choice of WA Wallop, Professor Blunder* has combined, In one, 4.11 the helps the greet . an philosophers brought to their aultdanch In imeressing the minds of their scholars—the grove, the end the Lyceum. If the youthful mind Oen any w ere receive deep draughts of knowledge, or imbibe morale In their purity, thin Is the spot, and, the man for the Work. We were preqt while the smaller boys recited their lessons in and were highly delighted with the readiness wit which they declined the verts—the rest key to the language— and the tacilety with which they rendered English into Latin, and nice versa.--(Ediror of the Evening Bul letin. Veer. BsONDERS' Inertrura.—This seminary, most eligibly located in West Philadelphia, has received the highest connuppdations from Judge Lewis, General lYynkoop, Colon,e/ Forney, G. G. Westcott, Igsq , and others who hare had spas pr wards under the charge of Prof. tameness. We take pOesprp In adding that his educational plan is such that studenta find books a re. creation rather than a tedious task ; and that mildness, decision, and the law of love, are alone depended upon tp insure attention in the school-room. Our personal eaperieues enables us to glve a willing endorsement to the many ilattaring momiums which the Professor and his Inetitute here reeelYed. We hare heard gentlemen. whose sons are under his care, speak in such enthusies4 fermi of his entire management and arrangementa, that tie itre con. strained to request any of our friends who have sons to educate to pay him a visit --(Editor of the Preneyt vanioa. We have long known Professor Saunders, both in Vir. globs and in ibis city, an an able and experienced tea c her, end have repeatedly borne teatimOnY Whip ad mirable system of instruction. The names of the dis tinguished gentlemen who ere hie patrons, furnish an ample recommendation of his Institute to the public. —(Editor of the Christian Obssrver. Prof. Saunders has a roost • delightful location, i.nd every advantage for a school of the highest order, in fitting boys and young men for college or buninem. Ile la a thioropgb teacher and an admirable disclditurlan. No school trb*Yor is composed of youth from more reined fatuities, awl ye are never knows a system of instruction more adtaltsilli, adapted to the capacity of youth, or tending more to make !heat km) their studies. —Editor of the ..Sen. SIOTESSOE SAUNDERS' iNST/10111, ;MOE WS OWN im mediate, able, and judlYlone supervision, lms acquired great ceiebrity.--(Editor of the City item. It affords me great pleasure W testify Of Professor E. D. Baundere, who was my alumnae in Yale Vollege, that, distinguished for scholarship, he bag been re markabl successful in the management, for a term of yeas, a lone of the largeet southern Seminariee—V. H. .Flotolos, Pie Rector of Epiphany Church.. The _Allot:list is from General John H. Cocks, of Virginia. It has fallen to my let to be acquainted with Profs& eor 11.1). Bounders, u a timber of tooth, from his first commencement iu my vicinity to the 444 auccessful es• tablbdtment of the Institute in Petersburg; ens I call any, it has rarely; if ever, been my lot no know a inure successful educator, upon the broad scale of moral, as welt as intelleotuaf culture. The undersigned having been pastor of the Presby terian Church, In Petersburg, Virginia, whilst Pro ressar Saunders had charge df the Institution referred to, is enabled to testify to the tilnarkable success with which hie labors in that city were ettended.—[John Leyburn, D. D., one of the Editor; of Oa Presby terian. Professor ilisunders ma accommodate p few more Po' pile la his owu family, to remain the whole thee, or (as several families prefer) from Monday morning till Friday evening, at a corresponding deduction in price. Address PROP. lIATINDIREI, ocl2-13t Weer I/201001AM. Buffalo Robes.-100 Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualities, just received from Minnesota. Also a handsome assortment of Paw Robes of our own manufacture, and for sale wholesela and retail b 7 020. P. NVOIsIRATIF, octl2.lm* 416 Arch fittest. Seamen's Elating Fund—Office 003 Walnut street, one door west or second street. Smelts de posits In sums or One Dollar and upwards, from all chases of the community, and allows interest at the rate or ave per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 °Week, and on Mon- day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Pelt; Treermir, bherles 11, Maris; Years• buy, Junes O. Pringle. Beweee Infant Cordlsl.—This invaluable Cordial is prepared from &variety of the meat choice and efficient aromatic., known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infante and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy our* le effected in all CMOS of Cholie, windy pins and spasms.' Believes and mitigates mash of children , . Inhering doing denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trap• nullifies pains of the dowels, looseness, vomiting, .to. The Infant Cordial has bootee a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of VMS with the molt abundant sumer.. No family should be without it. Prepared only by altnlT A. Bowes, At his Dm and Chen:dial atom, N. N. comer of BLlth and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addremod. And for side by Armada morally. an 18-1 - Buying Fund—Fire per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company. luOm Street, south west corner of Thaw Street, PNILADZLPHIA. Assets over Onus MILLION AND A UAL? or DoLLAREI, iuneted In BAAL ESTATI, M0RT03083,6601/ICD ILuxra, And other drat olase securities, as required by the charter. his institution Confines its business entirely to the rot:d ying of money on deposit. The °Mee is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock In the evening, and ou Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. Illarringes On the 11th inst., by Rev. Abel C. Thomas, Mr. SAMUEL ItIOHARDS to Miss KATE second daughter Of John A. Clerritt, oil of Philadelphia. On the Bth inst., by Rev. James Outhbevt, Mr. W. d". SELLERS, of Pottstown, Pa., to lilac KATE M. - HORNE, of this city. Meatlps On the 12th Inst., Mrs. MARGADET J relict of the late Joseph Browtio. On the 12th inst., Mrs. DIARY NOLAND, aged 30 ye era. On the lith Ind , RACHEL JONES, In the 27th year of her age, On the 12th lost , Mr. WM. JORDAN, In the 73d year of bit age. Notice—Appeal.—Clty Commissioners' Office. PinLaDßlPlita, October 11, 1857. NOTICE IS 116111 lIY GIVON, That the Commie. stoners lON hear Appeals by all persons rated for State nod Municipal Tax, in the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1858, for the several wards of the said esty, at their office, No, 11 went wing of the State Mouse, (up stairs,) on the following days, between the hours of In o'clock A. St. and 1 o'clock P. 111. let and 2d Words—On Monday, October 19th, 1867 84 gg 4th " " Tuesday gg Seth, 6th gg 9th gg gg Wednesday, g g :gat, g' 7th ‘g Bth gg " Thursday gg 524, gg 9th "10th " " Friday, , 11th " 12th " 44 Monday, . 4 20811, lath 44 14th 44 44 Tuesday, 44 27th, " 15th 44 10th 44 44 Wednesday, " 28th, 44 17th 44 18th 44 44 Thursday, 4 . 20th, 44 10th 44 20th 44 " Srlday, 30th, 44 21st 44 22d . 44 44 Monday, Nov. Id, 4 23d " 24th 44 44 Tuesday, " 3d, 4 • The Assessors of arch wards as have not been supplied with Elm* Notices of Appeals are hereby notated to call st the Counisissignera ,- OtSce and procure the same. GEOIGIE M. tatx, TAMIS3 U. LEGGY, City Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, ocl3-dtno3 MIT ecrobs DRY GOODS NOTICE In consequerhe of the unforeseen character of the moi, JOIIN KIEHL & 80N Have dotermined to otter THEIR ENTIRE STOOK For 414, wititout re6art to cost. Cash buyers will find It Ovrtraagepoe to call. No. 918 CHESTNUT STItnET, ABOVE NINTH oCI3-83t* REDUCTION L. J. LEVY & CO. Will ' eontinue to offer during this week their entire as sortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND SHAWLS, under the Cost of Importation. • CLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. Just opened, several miles of Paris-made CLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. oel2-liv No 42S CHESTNUT STREET. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GLIODS OPENED DAILY, 1. (I. laurni, 4 epri. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OTWIEJ, 1090 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 Se SECOND St., below Spruce. FACZOICIES.—Noe. 95 and 9 7 GEORGE St , below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union, Orders made at a few hours' notice, JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., . Wholesale Mahn' In Aturnatrints ( lNDS. N 0.12 DANK Street, bib. cc -2, / loitep. NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI MORE FUNDS—Uncurrent Bank Notes—GM and Silser—bought and sold by EDWARD CLARK & CO., 35 South TIIIRD street. ProcApp.Fula, Oct. 15, 1557. ocls-1 w AMERI(34IsT 0- QR . ? lliD NEW YORK FUNDS AEIERIGAN GOLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS, BOUGHT AT THE HIGHEST PIIBBIUV BY DREXEL & CO, F ORsrIERI F F, GEORIO BI svop. oclslw PATENTS versus BANKS.—FOIJNDRY 1. men and manufacturers of Agricultural Imple ments will find it to their interest to obtain the right to manufacture the IRON HAND SEED PLANTER, made entirely of iron, and pat lighter than any now in use; is so arranged as to plant two rows at the same time, and distribute the corn In the hill, Address "ELLIOTT'S AftENOY,I , I4S South FOURTH street, pleulelphia. ocls-3tditltw • 111TOTICE IS HEREBY gIyEN, THAT 11 application will be mado for the renewal of Car rate No, 03, for Yorty-flre 'Shares in the Capital Stock " The BANE. OT PENN TOWNSHIP, in the County of Philadelphia," issued In the name of "Louisa De Pul,l l gated April 17th, 1155, the mane having been hat or " 0015-tia&m4w* NOTIOE.— ALL PAterlES TitADIDIG I obligatione of the AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, hearing the uatue of WaiIDRAICr W. PORTGa 08 Corresponding Secretary, will please report the mine to "The American Sunday School Union," 1172 Chect nut sheet. • ool6•Ite TAISSOLUTION. -THE COPARTNER ./ SHIP heretofore existing between the under signed, under the of E. W. CLARK & CO., is this day dissolved by-nrutial consent; and either of the pArtneks Jo okittieriteit fo 95u tee onine of the firm in JAY CIIWAROORKR, punqu, J EDWARD W. CLARK, OLARENOE H. CLARK PUILAWILPIIII, October 13, 1857. 00P,AUTNERSHIP The undersigned hive this day associated themselves under She IMMO of EDWARD W. CLARK & CO. for the transaction of a general Banking, domestic 'Ex change, gad Commission business. EDWARD W. CLARK, rtIENCEII4 11. CLARK. . .RI3ALL. 174itiwhigirr. 0c1343t PIIILADELPHIA, October 18,1861 WPARTMENT OF MARKET-HOUSES, AL/ OVVICD, 8. W. CORNER Of RIM AND OIISSTNUT Brastra. PIIILADILPHIA, October Ist, 1857. Sealed Proposals will bo received at thin Office until the 80th day of NOVEMBER next, at 12 o'clock, for the Renting of the following Wharves and Landlogs for v. term of three years: Arch street Pending, at the foot of Arch street, on the river ElcheylPW,leaxe commenclng December 313 t, 185 T. Also, aeorgo's street Larling, at the foot of George street, on the elver dobsylklll—lease commencirigJarm try lit, 1858. Approred security will be required. S. 0. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Markets. Del-% s to lm SAVING FUND.--lINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small coma received, and paid back on de mand, rinput notice, with FIVE PER OBNT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 0 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 0 o'clock. . . . . DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Sootland, from 11 upwards. Prestdent—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD Treuarer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. lIIINTER CLOVER BEED.--NOTICM TO PENN- Li SYLVANIA BARKERS AND STOREKEEPER& The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Glover Seed of the new crop, Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending sample.; to our address, can, at all times; ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can have them sent by mall, by 444rpooPs sic 3.11 CHASE & CO, sea 94f 4 fforairotit, and 44 Water streets tI EVANEC,--10,000—PEIINTEE, A E Cards limy flour: Ts Prustha. was etwrlopt.l II Oa 1144 0135*W A jp 4.%11.1,10.1a Issas, as du I. ..call le ' rg/MILI.IIIiIIIIIIMS •,,,,I 0 11...- 'Mame D A 1011.1ika. ' iljp.. - c oo . rtata, Cots sad llowsta D II EVOlt Trll nomad Carla to nowr.i• E 8 io ass.H.liswid) l .—rii , Prk. (..011. 1 ** D Cm , lA6ral7. WOURT II NT. below eh astir* MUSIC t IatTSIO I MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. Three beautiful Boardman & Cray's PIANOS, as well an three beautiful MELODEONS, offered this week at a groat sacrifice, owing to the greet financial crisis. Muted Instruments of all kinds at and below cost. Several very fine Guitars among the lot. 301111 MARSH, Agent, No. 1802 CHESTNUT Street, ocl2-1w above Thirteenth, Philadelphia. °HEAP SUMMER FIIEL.—GAS COKE, ILI of excellent quality, is sold at the ruiIADELPIIIA OASWOUNI3 for the reduced price of five cents a busbel, and may be obtained In large or small quantity by ap plying at the Oas Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Paranoia by Wholesale, it is sold at the Woke, in Unit Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to 'An thracite, a 114.60 per ton. (Signed,) J. 0. ORESSON_, Engineer. POILADRLPOII (lee WORKS, Aug. 26, la . att274f NEW YORK CITY SUSPENDED BANK 1.11 NOTES of solvent Banks. taken at par for Gro ceries, at the lowest each prices, by 0. DONOGHUE, lb youth WATER street. 0c1.4.3t*1 ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Beal Press Manufactory, 87 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Phlladelphlc aul2-ly RUS SIA AND AMERICAN TARRED CORDAGE.a suptlelor article, manufacture and for sale by WEAVER, VITLEri & CO , au 84f No. 28 N. Water at.; & 22 N. Wharves BALE ROPE.—Buyera are invited to call and examine our Walla Bale Rope, which we can can sell u low u American, and warrant it superior In strength and durability. WRITER, PITLER & CO., an Ito. 28 N. Water it. and 22N. Wharves. CHARLEB P. OALDWELL--Wholosale *rid Retail WHIP and OANE Manufacturer, No. 4 North FOURTH Street aq4 HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES - As Sold by OBADWIOK to 11110., 202 N. BEOOND Bt. anglg-Smos. CONGRESS RANG.-SOLD BY CHAD. WICK & BRO., N 0.203 N. SECOND Street. auglB-Bmos. moSS-17 , bales Ilt r a l ll la & M ailo s 'Al c i r sT ra m b sul HO North Water Street. ROSIN.-600BARRELS SOAPMAKERS' Roam, to arrive per schooner J. H. Thinner. Tor salaby MARTIN & MAOALINTER, Anal. no North Water street. WELOOMPARANOE.-80LDB 0 AL- W 1014110,102 N. BBOOND Ot. anl64tah. ==E! tinlca big 2.urtion. MTHOMAS & SONS, e Noe. 139 sud 141 BOUM FOURTH azitawr, (Formerly Noe. (I awl 61.) REAL E§TATE, STOCKS, &c, Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. ILP Handbills of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale ono thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all tho property to be sold on the following Tuesday. 1 . 1 FURNITURE BALES AT TUE AUCTION STORE eTnry Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE frr" We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri- vate Bale. incladiug every description of City and Country property. Printed Mete may be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER [ Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, aro advertised occasionally in our Poblie Sale At etracto, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS, LOANS scc. On Tuesday evening. 20th irritant, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex th ago, will be sold without' reserve, for account of whom it may concern -1123 shares Philadelphia and Pittston Coal Co. 0,1000 Coup nu Bond Columbia Coal and Iron Company, 25 per cent of the purchase money to be paid on each of the above at the tune of sale. Alta,, 10 allares Philadelphia Mercantile Loan and Building damociation. I-12 per share paid. • G shares linigitay Farm and Land Co. $2OO per share paid, for another account. 5 original shares of the Ban Priinclacp LAO Co., equal to 100 pew shares. Mao, 10 ahttres Philadelphia P.AChanae. 0 aharea American Academy of bhl3lo. Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Library, and Philadelphia Athenmum. Also, the patent right to HeppePa Snow•Plough. ELEVENTH FALL BALE, 20th OCTOBER. This sale will Include— Valuable Property, known 03 the Port Providence Axe ant Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo- alto Plane Urine. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, &c. Elegant modern reiddcnee and °Mena, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch strertc 25 feet frottt. on Arch street, 128 foot on Thlrtment4 street. F. Orphnns' CiLVEDdart amq. STATE lAN, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Valuable Real Estate, St. John street, between Green and Coates Streeta—sereral messuages, and lot 37 feet 8 inches front. BUSINESS STAND. Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian atreets. Sale abeolnie. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND LARGE LOT, 20 WARD. Valuable brick residence, barn and stable, and large lot, corner of Cherry and IN akeling atreeta, late borough of Traokford. It fronts on three streets, and is a very desirable situation. PIIIIR AMOK plyEwnias. Fem. threeidorihricli dwelliage, On Ninth street and Ohnrlea Willow and Noble street'. • /AWE AND VALUABLE LOT. Lam awl valuable lot, occupied m a coal yard, east site h r inth street, north of Poplar, with railroad track, office, Sic. DWELLING, POPLAR STREET. Threo•story Brick Dwelling, No. 810 Poplar street; between tighih and Ninth streets NEAT DWELLING New tbree•etory brick dwelling., No. 122 Tranktord Road, north of Bedford street, with a three-story frame dwelling in the rear, - - • NEAT MODERN DWEIZINO. A neat moor three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings, No. south Fifth street, below Waahington, 12d Ward,) GROUND RENT $OO, Also, a Ground Rent of $6O a year, on the pro perty at the N. E corner of Putnam and Howard streets, (Into Kensington.) - - - NEAT DWELLING. Neat three-story brick dwelling, No. 418 8. Eleventh street, below Pine street. TWELFTH YALL BALE, 217.11 OCTOBER Will include the following— MODERN DWELLING. Neat modern three-story Brick Dwelling, 8. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with a three-story brick dwelling on Citron street. PEREMPTORY SALE—YOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WARD. Vaigable lof S E Mlle; 7efferioq gee or Moya mousing road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N E corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street adjoining the above. Sale of the whole, absolute. Pu ll particu lars in handbills nod plan. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. Itaudeorae reahleuce with double and replete ndmidtn CdPitttildtiddee sq. 1I 47 aPring Garden strect• Thll le it , Very heiratile rag erica, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAM ENGINE, &c.—Two and a halt story factory, steam engine, &c,, Twenty-brat Karl, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty-first street, and the Phila delphia and Germantown 'railroad. TIVO•STORY Brim DIVELLING.—Two•story brick neessuage, S. E. corner Township Line road and Clear field Rhea, Twenty.Srut Ward. VALUABLE LOT.—Valuable lot, N. E. corm 4even. teenth street and Woodpecker Len 2. TWO BRICK InVELINGS.- I Two three-stm brick dwellings, Spring Gardsn'street, east orWllliam street. TEMBITTORT•I3ALE.—TITE GROUND RENTS, vie Two of $.27.60 each, two of $22 60 each, and one of $4O s'yeer, secured on five three-stork brick dwellings and lots, Spring Ciarden street,' Oweq sheet , aluk Biddle street, 451: or Wt sircet, fltieentty Mind. THIRTERITH Plitt STitN, 34 NOVEMBER. Thie ule will include Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE OP WILLIAM A. BIYDD. Itt C'D. TGREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRIOK DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSYUNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and Seventh streets. Valuable lot, fronting on Prime street, and on Pass- Funk road. Valuable lot, Eassyßuk r.k t , Two three-story brick dwell ge, Seventh street, west side, north. of Prtme street. They will he 5914 sepa rately. See handbills and plan. - Also, by older df Orphans' Court. ESTATE OF JOUN . PITZWAT2R, DECD. OVER SIX ACRES QV picisni pare VALUABLE *Tpitiki - B4W-141EL AN MAORINERT, LARGE MANSION, TIIII4II /BA 4 DWEILINO9, LARGE WHARF, WITH A PRONE OF POUR HUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AND TA. . - • CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Same Estate—THßEE-STORY MICK DWELLING Three-story brick dwelling, No. 220 North Fifth above Noble greet. Same Estate—TWO DIME DWELLMS - . Also, Two brick dwellings, Union and Hanover streets, above Prince street, Kensington. FOURTEENTH FALL SALE - 7 10TH NOVE4BER SALE OF SUPERIOR Fincriporoi, PIANO-FORTE, OARP/ITS, kc CARD.—Our gale at the auction store this morn ❑ng, will Include, besides over 610 lots of excellent household furniture—elegant rotewood piano-forte, secondhand piano-forte, rosewood melodeon, fine mir rors, fine Brussels and Saxony carpets, Imperial, In grain and Venetian carpets, superior book-cases and ofiice•deeka, china and glassware, superior plated ware, patent sowing machine, handsome MA quilt, beds, bed ding and mattresses, Ac, forming an assortment well worthy the attention of those desirous of purchuing. Uatalogues now ready, and the articles arranged for ex aminatihn. ' • We Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Strast SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, &a. This Dimming, At 0 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an &itemise assort ment of excellent eecond•hend furniture, rosewood I.llmo-forte, Yfrench plate mirrora r tagestry carpets, Ac., from families declining housekeeping. PARIIAM dEITING MACHIN& Also, a Parham patent sewing machine In good order. PIANO-FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, SILVER PLATE, Ac. Also, a second-han4 planod'lrte, gee mlrrore, rose ood melodeon, 'Brltssele 'nnd Fitudny carpets, book cases awl tliSks, silver plate, superior plated ware, acc BALE OF A PAIVisTE L/BRAAT • This everting, October 13th, at the Auction Store, will be sold a valuable PRIVATE LIBRARY, comprising English and American editions or Important and Interesting works On various subject,. Also, a very superior double Magic Lantern, with dis solving views, cost upwards of $l5O. For particulars see catalogues and the books which will be ready for examination the day previous to sale. NOTICE.—ELEGANT PURNITDRII, The elegant furniture, large nairrurs, superior piano, &a , to be sold on Priaay, at N 0.261 240ri6 Sixth street, below Vine street, may be examined rim day; from to 3 o'clock, with catalogues. The entire cabinet fur niture was wade to order by bleare & Campion, and it is iti excellent N h order. No. q. 61 th Sixt street. SPLENDID SaIe PURNITURE or , MANTEI. AND PIER MIRRORS, SUPERIOR PIANO, PINE VELVET CARPETS, OIL PAINTINGS, &c. On Friday Morning At 10 o'clock, at No 261 North Reath street, below Vine street, by catalogue, the entire elegant furniture of a gentlemandeclining housekeeping, including a very elegant rosewood piano, seven octaves, made by Shore, cost $ 900; pair large and elegant Preach plate mantel mirrers, richly framed; elegant pier mirrors,flue rose wood drawing room turniture, crlinsonegocatelle covers, elegant velvet carpets, Ene oil paiptiug, elegant chin deliers, dming-room furniture, patent extenaloa dining table, book-case elegant walnut chamber furniture, latest style ; plain chamber furniture, &c., Ac. ET The cribinet !genitor. was made to order by Moore A Champion, has been la use but a short time and equal to new. no Catalogues will be ready, and the furniture mar be examined The day previous to sale, from El to .6 o'ClOck. Sale Nog. 139 and 10 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN PLOWER ROOTS. On Sitlurday Morning, At 11 o'clock, at the Auction Store, 2 411000 ■Uperior German Flower Roots, comprising Ilyseluths Tulips, Crocuses, Narelasua, Ac , from R. Vanderschoot & Sons, Ilkarlem. PEREMPTORY SALE ON THE PREMISES-ELE GANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. On Tuesday Morning, 27th October, at 10 o'clock, without reserve, on the premises, the elegant Brown Stone reildenee,'No. 1104 Walnut street, south side, third house west of Broad street, built for the use of the late owner and mu occupant in &superior manner, and finished throughout In elegant style, with every modern improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. ELEGANT FURNlTURE.—lmmediately after the sale of the house will be sold the elegant furniture, extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and chandeliers, piano-forte, &o. STEAM TVG "HARRY I,ESLEY.' , On Tuesday Evening, October Roth, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the steam tug "Harry Lesley," Her length is about fifty feet, draught of water four feet, propeller four feet diameter. The whole in perfect order and nearly new, the boat having been used, but every short time. She now lies at the foot of Coates street wharf, Fairmount, where she may be examined. SAMIIEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and HONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of busineas from 7 o'clock, A. AL, until 10 o'clock In the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction /IMO, at tended upon the most satiefactory terms. CAPITAL poo,ooo. stablislted for Ms last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to Monism& on Dls monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware_ j itter obandise, Olothing,Furniture, Bedding, Cigars r meetesi Instruments, Clans, Horses, Carriages , and Hoods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advance', from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per eons. per month i $lOO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Houle having a depth of 120 feet, has large Ore and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri• vete watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy lane ranee effected for the benefit of all'persons having goods advanced upon. N. 11.--On account of haying an unlimited capital, e this office is prepared to make advances on more setts. factory and accommodatingtem= than any other In this city. Mousy hdvanosd to the poor, In anal amounts, with out any charge. AT PHIVATX BALL Odd Patent Lever and other Watahee, Jewelry, and Plothing will be sold at reduced price'. ankly Oa. bn 'Amnion WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, T 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom H ouse . t•etween Fourth and Fifth Streets. . . OAll.l).—We write the early and particular attention of all parchrsers, to the very extensive and valuable consignment of FUN for ladies' and gents' wear, to be sold this day, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. Also, in continuation, will be mid a choice assort ment of thick Wrench and Scotch embroideries, rcalline ry goods, ribbons, 4c c. Also, an invoice of gold Jewelry. Also, Silver plated seta, castors, spoons, forks. 4: e. Also, a line Germantown knit goods, cricket jackets. Alm, 114 dozen pearl and leather porte-mommies, segar cases, ke The whole now arranged for examination with cata logues. SPECIAL SALE OF FURS This , 15th lost , commencing a M t 10 o'cl orning ock precisely, we will sell without reserve, a valuable consignment of furs, made up In a stylish manner, for ladies' and gents' wear. Included will be found, viz Etlllitle capes and culls to match, victorines, sleek ties, yenta' coat collars, ladies' French sable victorines and cuffs to match, litch capes, foot muffs, gents' gloves, muffs, &c. Alao, One splendid Ilynx sets, cost sza. Also, Out do carriage Cape and cuffs. cost SITS Also, (Seats' newt.% sinropean style Our caps. S.LEIGII ROBES. Also, TvNats sleigh robes of grey fox, coon, and black bear, prairio wolf, Hudson Bay Company bear, rocky mountain, 'he. Also, Carriage mats. pelerines, $:o , comprising the most elegant and valuable assortment of furs offered at auction for a long period. Lathes and gentlemen of this city and vicinity are respectfully Invited to make exami nations prior o age. EMBROI , ERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. This Morning. In nonnectlon with Sale of fore , commencing at nay 11 o'clock, we will sell a valuable consignment French end Scotch embroideries and millinery goods. CASIISIERE SHAW La. - . . Also, A line elegantly Yens printed cashmere shawls LIOSIERY. GLOVES,WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Also, A line men's and women's hosiery, gloves, lambs wool and merino shirts and drawers, ridusg guant lets, buck gloves, &c. SILVER-PLATED WARE. Also, An invoice host quality silver-plated ware, con sisting of rich tea sets, castors, table and tea wow', table rovlrs, k c. QNtiIitAINTOWN KNIT 0001).3. Also, An insoico ssernaantoven knit goods, suck as chants 4 " / "Y, hoods, lakrinss, Yittorines, wool sleeves, Ao. NINE GOLD JEWELRY. Also, An Invoice tine gold jewelry, consisting of cameo plus, ear-drops, gold seta, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, &c. The whole will be arranged for examination with cata loues early on the morning of sale. FOBTE-bIONNAIES, SINIAB-OASP,S, POCKET BOOKS, &c. In this morning's sale vrill be found -14 dozen pearl and leather port•monnales, velvet and leather pocket-books, segar-cases, &e. SALE OS LEWES, &c., AT YOWF.LTON. Tuesday next, SO% lust , At U o'clock precisely, we will sell without relent', aR Fowelton, 5110,000 FEET LUMBER, Consisting of 3d common white pine boards; 3.'4 hemlock scantling; joists and sawed spruce; with a variety of articles used at the late State fair. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD PURNITIME-.TVSB - Er We beg leave to inform the pn,'elic that we bold our regular weekly sales of Furn.ture every Tuesday, at our BFACIOTIS 84441.1 ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest wines for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR BALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL RE,ALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FIJRNITURVTRAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY Ot THE' FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ...trpf moIiALVTION STORE IN THE CITY. 137' Persona favoring us with coasignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. 117. Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction House in the city. 117 Consignments respectfully 'whetted. (D" Bales paid immediately after the V* erp Bold. TO PIIINT.P.RS 4) : 7 I T 5,445 .- F.X.TENSIVB SALE OP 4 P rN ;NG 01ICE, POWER MsEEP, ecc IvilePokilo4go• *ruing, 17th of October, will be sold without reierve, in the fourth story of the Bulletin Building, Third street below Chestnut, the entire stock ind fixtures of an extensive printing office, comprising Adams power preens hydran lie press., a large quantity of type, and everything fitted for conducting an extensive book and job printini Er Terms cash. Sale No.ltiortlitighth Street. sToclE ?11D•rili.V.MES - Oir A GENTLEMAN'S • 01 1 NISHING STORE. On Monday morning. At 10 o'clock, will be sold, at No. 124 North Eighth street, ahoy* Arch street, the entire Stock and Fixtures of Gentleman's FursdahingStore, consisting of shirts, gloves, collars, underclothing—ea silk shirts, {ilk drawers. lambi' wool do do; handkerchiefs, soaps, &c. SEWING MAGHWER. Also, a Tea seuisa leach se, cost $l5O, large size; an d e l will& if dls: er's_d_o ,_ cost $lOO. OUNEROLD FURNITURE. Also, the surplus Household Furniture. TO R.AI., ru• - • A three-don ba Arick Wrenlog, with two-story brick ck bctilgia Nerfli . Ninth street, above Woos; dreet. ieritl4oo per imam. Apply at the Auc tion Mon.' • • AT PRIVATE BALE. A first-due Printing °flee, with a good run of bull nese, four printlng presses, two Ruggles and one Adams. Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Btore. riMIE ADVERTISEMENT BY AN AUC JL TIOi4EIL of a PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE, lu the Bulletin Building, hoe no connection with our establishment. ocl3 tf MoLAIIGITLAN BROTHERS. ArIUOSOMB9 I ITiA N SIXTH and RACE likenets. AT PRIVATE SALE—CoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swim, and French watches , jewelry, of every description. musical instruments, dr,t; Ac. • AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second Soor, household furniture, of ovary description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac., Sec., Ac. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture, clothing, jewelry, Ac . &a., eoiiclted. NATHANIPRINCIPAL WAN 017105, 8. E. Cotner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and sliver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds Clothlog, .Wy Goods, Groceries, Began", Hardware, Cutlery, Purniture, Bed ding, Horses Vehicles, Harneso, Stocks. and on all ar ticles of val u e for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory as liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. feel] V. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great tittle of FORFEITED GOODS will take plane In a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistol , Musical Instrument', Ice , will take plua shortly. Doe notice will be given WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collate:all, will take place shortly Due notice will be elven. PEREMPTORY SALE OP PIIIINITCRE MISROES, BEDS, MATTRESSES, .fse. ,tc. On Wednesdazorrung next, October 210, at 1(1 Wel In second-story rooms, S. E. corner sq sLAttci.n4' e streets, entrance from Race street. TO TAT AUVADOES, Consisting in part of oval and square French plate mir rors in rich gilt frames; mahogany and walnut frame lookingg glasses; bedsteads of every description; walnu t embe; cradles; bureaus- card tables; marble top tables, sofas; lounge's; plush ' divans and chairs; spring seat parlor chairs; cane seat rocking chain ; stuffed rocking chairs; win dier chairs and settees; cherry tables; mat tresses; feather beds; marble top sideboards; and nume rous other articles. The whole will be sold without reserve, to pay advances. Aioso,, a quantity of second hand furniture. Out-d t oor sales abilcited either at privatewellintts, stores or elsewhere. Chirps low. Consig rrnihts Of second hand and new furniture, and goods or 'O4 . description solicited. Liberal moils ad vances made At private sale, a surrior furniture wagon, nearly now, will be sold low. FURNITURE AT PRIVATE SALE . Furniture ct every description errar.ged in upper rooms at private sale, at unusually low prices. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watclass, Jew elry, !killer), Whips, Trunks, Fancy goads, Notions. N. B.—Out-door sales atten4e4 to All goods sold at the Auction lloue pechni. • CIEORGE - Tr: SMITH, AUCTIONEER ' N. E. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Streets afore Second. RVSNING BATAS SALES EVISY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7) 1 ; o'oo4, ni the Auction Store of Hardware, Cut lery, Novoßelieeping Olothi4, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. 9tinuattlunts wHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. --Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. SCALY Plitass.—(Jrcikesirs Stalls, 6 4 cents; prom Circle (no arms o ) l arge for Secured Seats), 50 cents ; Penally Circle and Amphitheatre 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents ; Whole Prints Box, t ' 3; Gallery, 19 cents ; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box In Gallery for Colored Persons. 38 cent.. Box Offioe open from 10 A. H. until 3 P. 61. Doors open at 4ugater before 7, performance to C 0111981166 quarter past T. B•WIIITTON Treasurer. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, October 15,1857, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Tragic Play, written by /edge Conrad, entitled JACK CADE . . . Jack Cade, Mr. Davenport; Lord °Mord, Mr. Wheat ley; Marlamne, Mn. Bowers; Este Worthy, Miu E. Taylor. To conclude with the laughable Como/lett& of LOVE IN LIVERY. - . Lord Sparkle, Mr. Dolman Mr. Howard, Mr. Stearn ; Violet, Mils Emma Taylor. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les see, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Priees.—Dress Circle and Pareuete, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 20 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 PeAiti. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to P. M. Doom open at 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7,46. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, October 06. 0657, Mr. and Wu R ings will appear in the popular and laughable Domestle Comedy, entitled THE MILLIONAIRE. Clement WouldAw, Mr. Itichinga; Mr. Laseellee, Mr Boswell; Entity Laacelles, Miss Ilichlogs ; Mrs Lofty, Mrs.. Silsbee. To conclude with the laughable farce, entitled VILLIKINS AND 1115 DINAR. Tom Bap, Mr. Chapman; Crinkum, Mr. Eberle; Mn. Ottnk.um, Mn. Etoneall. ATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST. • near Eighth. anaissioN—Dress Circle and Parquet, 25; Saxony Circle, 26 cents ; Secured Beata, 37) Bents ; Sesta in Private Box, 60 cents; Orchestra Chairs. 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To corms:lone* at 7) o'clock Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can be wanted. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, October 15, 1851, Wlll be presented H. E. Harris , world-renowned UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Uncle Tom, (the greet orienal,) Mr. E. Harris; St. Clair, Mr. LI. B. 'Howland; Phil.. Fletcher, Slr. 8. Brown ; Topsy, with longs, Rote Cline; The Gentle Eva, Little Mary; Harty, Little Lie SANFORD" , OPERA HOUSE ELEVENTH Btreet, above Chestnut Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence (matter before eight. Admittance 93 cent'. ntdoplan Lit. Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of gtare—Sew Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGUABLE AHTERPLECE. . -- THOMEUF's VARIETIES, PUTT! and CITESTNUT Streets MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN ENTERTAIN KENT, In which will appear, every evening this Week, Mies ADA DUVAL, Soprano. It will be her first alperrance to America. Mad. PAYNE & Mile L 'FOLLE will also appear, Aided by Comedians, Vocalists, and Musicians of ac knowledged talent. Commencing at 7,14. Admission, 10 cents 0012-Iw* THOILEUF, Proprietor L"LOORING BOARDS-23,680 feet Caro Lai flooring boards_ afloat for male by __ KUM MACALIBTER Gal 1.11 North Witter Street. eivrtrationai. I:. it A FICAL LPING, MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS, PENMANSHIP. O'Donnell 's Book•keepiny Institute, S. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND ARCH STREETS. OPEN DAY AND ErENING VV7 II ART O N NIGHT SCHOOL: nWiefrdEsi'll be 7; n-° hONDSI ENWrn:t, October 19, 1, at G clock, at the Wharton House, FIFTH street, below Washington. The Committee will be in attendance on Wednesday, Thureday, and Friday Evenings of this week, to receive the names of applicants, who, if minors, roust be ac companied by souse responsible person. No pupil will be admitted who 13 under fifteen years of age. oel4-3t It . L. FLANAGA:si, Secretary, ACADEMY OF TEE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JUNIPER STREETS. This Institution has been re-opened for the Autum nal Session, under the aup,errisiou of the liar. JAME 6 W. ROBINS, A. Id., u Prmelpal. The Episcopal Academy grunts peculiar taillitres, both for the moral and intellectual training, and for the physical development of the youth committed to its care. No palm will be spared to perfect the pupils in the in. clone studies which, from time to time, they =ay pur sae ; while it will be the aim of the Principal, both in his instruction and in his daily intercourse with the boys, to lay the foultidatlons of an upright, manly,.amt religious character. The rooms of the Academy Building are numerous, lofty, and well ventilated; and the pupil* during mesa enjoy the advantages of an enclosed play-ground and an ample Gymnasium. Boys able to real, and not-less than eight years of age, ere received se iwon as they have began - to write and cipher, and are conducted through the various classes of the Academy pith a rapidity proportioned to their ability. The lowest class (A) is oec= Spelling, Beading, Writing, Arithmetic, and play ; the highest chat (11) in the branches . asuslir studied in the Freshman year of a collegiate coarse-. The studies of the intermediate classes are ignited to the various ages end abilities of the pupils. The Valois Fee for those in Class A la sixty dogma per annum; for all other. seventy-aro dollars per an num; payable half-yearly in advance. Banta this fea there are no other eh a• the French I.4l:4rnac r " Fuel, sad the Ilse of the Cryjanasium being iacluded na the price above mentioned. Boys not studying the Greek and Latin Languages have extra lesson,' in ilea of classical. The school time not spent under instruction is employed by Um pupae i n study under the superintendence of a leacher;and in a spacious apartment arranged for thatpurpose. The Institution is inspected monthly by &committee at the Board of Trustees, and visited from time to time by the. Bishop of the Diocese. Applicationa for admisejen may be made to the bi n _ cipal daily daring the week (except on Slturday) : be tween the hove et 9 A, M. and 2 P. 11. oc 84,011.34-1! C - RITTENDEN'B PRILADELPHUt CON itLERCLIL COLLEGE, S. N. Th ir d SZT=TEI end CHESTNUT Street!, Secoud tades, BOOE-lIREPING. PENMANSKINweery dyte. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALC,ULATIONS. -- LECTURES, Ac. Each Student hut individual Instruction fro-.a amps tent arkl ettenttee Teachers, ender the immediate en petshuon of the Ptincipal. Oneof the Best Penmen he the Count,y hes - charge of the WeitiacDepartlent. Pleas* ad.l wad sere of Specimens =sites Catede • rue . Terms, j"EFFERSON IEEDICAL COLLEGE. 01311. Or irtaanllClOir isOroass. Pref. Dusazasott Monday, October 12, at 7 P.M. " T. D. MIMELL.• Taeaday, ' /3, "7 P. 111. Mune ...... ..... " ~ 44413 P. N. 4 t PUQ J. g. ii OAST ircKeia...Tbanday, 4 , 15, "7P. M. ii P. M. Baena Friday " 16, "7P. M. " Gaon 111{ ri t• 44 Bp. S.M. CLlNlCS—.Wednesday and Batnrday, Enna 32 to oe&-St ROBLEY DIJNOLLBON, M. D. Dean. PF /ROFESSUR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PfULADELPILIA.. No Sondemy whatever is more like a private Vs.*. The COWIN of study is extensive and thorough. PlO feasor Smolders will receive • few more pupils under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of lifesars..l. S. SUM' and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, editor of this Paper, whose lams or wards are now members of his family. septl44f , PRING GARDE ACADEMY FOR •.Y YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. N. corner MOWER and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professore of the highett qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full pestionlan. pupils' names, terthandals, ltiu. , on be had on application. an 2 . S4I DONLIATY LONG, Priatipat - - - - 11GL OF ST. JAMES HE LESS, HILADELPILIA. A TAMELY BOARDING SCHOOL FOB, BOIL Ham S. 8., Blinn, Rama. The Annual Semite; will begin on TIIIISDAY, Sep tember 1. Chen Art may be obtained at tha Rook - Store et H. NOON.E. 8. W. corner EIGHTH and OFLEXINIIT, or or the Bettor, Bost Office delphia, , Valhi of Schuylkill, anl7-em NOTHING KO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE wodr uk. andecomfortri. l e , to Pin a thin of this BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and HO SIXTH Street, suns RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, tae Sail and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEESHIG AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, is a short time THE LBIDY , B take pleasure in saying, that during the put year a large number of persons angaired BUSINESS EDUCATION', enabling many to Name Viu- Stable situations, and others to prosecute their bestnass operations suecesafolly, anZt.an. atr4es, Jetutirp; & A. PEQUIGNOT, V. MANUFACTURERS OF WATCHCASES AND acroirssa Cr wircara, ' 1 SOUTH THIRD STEM; BELOW CHILITATIT PHILLDELPISIA.. OoritriSr PIQUIGXOT. .A.coa.Vs Pao[vamp? selii.aziovr S ; CALDWELL • 0., eP No. 432 CHESTNUT, BOW STRUT, importer* of \Watches and Sine &meaty, RenalWa ren of Sterling and Standard Meer Tat Sets, Ports and Spoons, sole agents for the matt of Chula Prodabanes new sane* Gold Medal London Timekeepers.—all the limes on hind, prices 2250, $215, and $3OO. English and Swiss Watches; at the lowest poises. Bich fashionable jewelry. Sheffield and American Plated_Warea. ses-y I S.J. : 'DEN & BRO. KAIIMACIMLICILS m rrt eo Of SILVER-PLATED WARE, 304. Chestnut Street, above Third, trip stare,' Philadelphia. Constantly on hod and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COHMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS,__ _RAS EMS, CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, PORES, LADLES, &e., &e. ?Wing an all kinds of metal. - KU, Oildlng mod lOR CI P. DUBOSQ & SON, late of a.• Imboaq ' Carow & Co., Wholesale MANUTAC r CRESS OPJEWELRY,3O4 CHESTNUT Orem, ntla ielphia. ettaNcris P. DEMOSQ. Wr. H. Dawaa au3l 3m SILVER WARE.- WILLIAM WILSON llc SON., - MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, (MA /JARED MIL) 9. W. CORNER LITRE LTD CHERRY STREETS. A barge auottnont of SILVER WARE, of tcription. constantly on hand, ere made to order to =tab any patters' desired. Importers of Sheffield and ..Blitalnithazn hipartai rare. saie.d.ksty Wants ------ Ai r ANTED, FOR THE MUTED STATES CAVALRY—Able.bOdled, UXISISSZtiIki roses, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and mr,lltal attendance. Pay from FM to !43 per motnth. No men having it wile or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED ELERVIO.E, at No. 817 m "grt street, above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM[ B. ROYALL, lit lieut. 2d Regt. of Canary, Recruiting 01leer S EITHER E r o D ie .. Th A e FEW A aret G ed E to N EL T el , Male a new cad veer popular book, just immed, entitled The Crooked Elm; or, Lae by the Wayside." sour eddiona hare already been exhausted in Boston and the New Midland tstos Agents are wanted to Canvass the Middle, Southern, and Western States . Same now engaged make (torn 15 to 112 per day. Address, by letter, Book Agent, IT State street, Boston; or tall personally at snore place. or_3-I.la Sewing illacones AGOOD SEWING MACHINE .— HUNT, WEBSTER, & Co., beg reepectfally tormtrodtee themselves to the public es the manarecturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to scommtacturing or family pkrpeees. Free from the objectioas which nave been against those already known in this market T u g M ACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OH THEM ALL, and will be care to commend itself, span examination, to families, tailors, saddlers_, shoemakers,and seamstresses . Those in intact A G O AD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock stitch, mark WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, RIND, STITCH,RuN, or GATHER; indeed, that will gm mare aitallettl)ll even alter they hare been uied Tor years, me Wilted to call at our rooms, 1320 Oar...WITT Street. HUNS, WIRSIIIII, & Co. Sewing of every description executed in the best Ten sible manner, and oa reasonable terms_ Samples of oar work oust by mail to any part of the United States. a022-tntlui am. • insurance Emnimnies GIRARD FIRE ANON COMPANY, P ei $l2 WALNUT street west o rues thEREI DlllO D MARLNE INZITE • ELPILLI—Cace, Ro. f THIRD. INLY TOO 3. Jar. Welker, boo. McClure, Tbo. Crareu, A. B. Gillett, Furman ehepwl, Real. Joule, M, D atoeeph %bpp , Id: D Wm. H. Stain, lohn An.spaeb, Jr , H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Einem, B. D. Sherman, Win. P. Hecker, J. P. Steiner H. A. Shackelford, Hon. J9llf, JONES, President. Ron. W. WOODWARD, Vim President. Jso. 8. Molictus, Secretary, 7Letta B. ALIZIRD, Assistant Secretary. anl-Sto-If Orntlemcit's furnishing toots NCHESTER ts: SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, aryl PATENT 811017LDElt SEAM t;LIIRT SIaIirPACTORTI, No Ted CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street. Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, ar".l Strangers, is particniarly invited to this improved cut of Shirt; the moat perfect fittiag article male. At whole lige and retail, and made to order. an6-Iyll Bank Nona° F ARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October Oth. The annual election for Ihrectors will be h,ld at the Banking Rouse, on MONDAY, the 16th day of Noses.- her next, between the hours of V o'clock A. 8., and 3 o'clock P. m ; and on TOESDAT, the id ddy of Norern.. Der next, a 0 oneral Mo?.tlvg of the Stockholders will be held at the Denting House, at 4 o'clock P. 3.1., agrees My to the chartor. oei•tno18 E. M. LEWIS, Cashier - - KENSINGTON BANK.—PRmuns.pini, October T. ISs7.—The annaal meeting of the Stockholders of this Rack vat be held at the taakihc house. oa TCESDAY, 31 Noremker, .1S;l7. at o'clock M oc3-thfatutS3 An electron for thirteen Directora to eerre the min ing rear snll take place at the liar.king.b c use, on Mon day; the 16th day of :`.:oTember, trta - cen th, bows of 9 A M and 3 P. M. C. T. Y.E.kE.E.9, ocSthsatutNle, Cashier. W. TINGLEY & CO.. BANKERS A-Ps No. ST South THIRD Stroote , Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly mate on all accessible paints in the Malted States and rianada. Stocks, Roods, Ztc., Devitt lint Sold on CCMILISIFfO/2. Unenrrent Bast Notes, Chen , See , bought at the loosest rates. DepotHe 1 . 110111114 and later:et allowed, as pee mat. . its
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers