The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 15, 1857, Image 2

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; THURSDAY, ObTOBBR 15, '1857.
- Ne w York
-,eneb t ew
Vol Hon. Charles
A The_News.
zfuT ma. wiLatoT.
xr....lfrotor; •the candidate - for Governor
tiii,',llepaMicasle, departs the s scene of
his .".late - ' With ' dignity.
rilife, admonished:l4-00de Kate, in advance,
the Very kindest spirit,...'Wp.foretoid.,,his
We iniplored him' to desist from hie
' But lut - , refused our counsel, and
he 'is almost • as , badly worsted as if
1 , - •: 4 ' he had Started out t .run for the fewest
• • votes. There is a, metal in thhecuttastrophe.
-7 , = Mr. 'Whiter was the author (putative or real}
of,the.Proviso that bears his name. He has
'ban nsort of ~trumpet ,Of sedition ever since
- 4848; passing through various phases of poll
„,tiCifrom that time, and changing his coat and
sname abnost as often as the rider in the
,:iirmte who Starts out, Lie Mr: W., very
• , and' erids it very lean onie indeed. The
to which hehasbeen trite in all this
;enperinnee has been Abolitionism. , But this
twos provedto he the !lidded 0811 his specula - :
lBas weighed, him down from,the first,
it has mini 'him, politically, deeper than
:phimmet 'ever' sounded... •The place where he
~,`descended will he avoided by all aspiring Poll
.- *lllllll3 hereafter,is the Mal current is Shunned
• 'by the Mtutione' mariner.
,' His overtitiow
• ,
inch the race ,of mere demagogues on the
iday.ery question In this , -quarter., It stops
” ' Atte ',anew of faimiciern in -gennsylvania.
It completes and closes (1), by such a point
. 'lss , "dec.ree as :this ':natioti : has - never :yet
`newt, the career' of a Mani who,' to gratify
. 'his" Own Perptetei, has for ten years distiuhed
and divided as - happy a people" sui the siM, in
all his donne, his shone npon. There
are larger k lessoim taught than this; but rarely
lams mum*.
. .
One of the papers deolares that "the back
of the great pinto is broken," and the Ewer
%lion is not extravagant. • _We think that the
wont '• has happened. We think that, the epi
diankkhas. spent its 'airy. , There was yesfer
• :daya e,sensahon, of relief in the Colianu-,
- •
nity that 'inspired well fox: the fixture. It ianOt
. • • ' •
for na to angpst the cause of thii change., for,
the hattei-enough that it Was manifest. The
weary sad winded crew of the. gallant ship.that
Ito long struggled with • the tempeet; and
vainlir looked for friendly aid, could , not,
cisortF4ildly welcome- the sight of "land",
• than:,thhi and' other ComminitieS 'welcome'
the uptiroach 'of better' timed, in - the preseni
aids'. The roiliest .cif, confidence among our
ims4o l elliatel fetid &tit - great necessity
Mir .by. the „adoption of
meastires, of relief for the laboring
People, and theiestaillithintmt of as- system of
ethirity, for the dependent 'poor,
,that muck
. ireteCt them 'against' the `'rigors of 'thi' apt
• preaching: winter." Stir r elY there is enough
'in the .contemplation 'of these blessings to
;e4Mponsato tiathr whatever Of 'effort and 'of
• - unity we can accomplish:'.
•Therititoration of confidence in business
• ;circles in such a country ours is not an im
possibility; even hi such a crisis as that we are
about &pm' There is 'not , a people
.:-inth'e - werld'so capable' of pr e se r ving its equa
rdMity in the midst of the wildest moments of
,Spoindatieri or so 'eCtial to, &teat soch4
and political revulsicins, aieur owit.Andthe
• 'reason is,Tbecause the basis of public security
rlarastrUnd public opinion: -Evoriman is per
*Melly intereeto hi ileephig the peace,','
7find of , actiag Justly , to his follow-man; The
- .4mbile'Calanaitylatheindividnal'ealsmity.
eerament is so comPli thO creation Ofthe
people, that it must legislate for the whole
sad not for a few; and Whenever it goes - out*
its orbit to assist dame, if departs from its
migine; functions: - What's Minding army
therefore, le :Europe, Fib& opinion is to the
• -15Mted States pond whenever this Public opt+
soh becoMee cilirritpt'tll_6:laWs era no avast,'
'and itee government duke into;dierePute. pit
• its, then, aettogether in the presentemergencY,
rionembering ;that while the bravest„peoplis
may be overthrown *their dissensions,so
the Peaked may rise into the noblest manhood
by their cordidenge and co-operation.
The banks have 'a putt) , play, within the
' 'next few months, of 'no mean sigeitleance.
' :They 'would have" sunk into utter contempt=
they would have heee spurned out of the sight
of eivihzation had they not beenAtr -a Teri
' 'large degnie,lnirolied wittrtlie 'interests the
.'This has 'Naiad' both charters
and their. characters. The people are ready to
14,Ind,trest to the banks under each chums
istanomies these; and it IS beCanse they belieti,e
' that the banks will attempt to, respond to the
wishes of the community, that party weapons
have, for -the moment, been- cast and
' • centime* revived among the business eirolee.
Shall they be disappointed ' ,
_ .
The Legisletare"of adjourned yea.
illidsh nirseing on a bill width relieves the
: tanks from the penalties invoked by anemic+,
- provided they resents on. or Wore - the • second
Monday in April neat. finish is the gist of the
we are to have another era et leganied
we are content that It skallbe inaugura
ted by . the Democratic Legislature of the Prat..
' dent's' own State, whose Onteher 'Vote seemed his
eleetien . .-4 1 t Y. Trilliito of Tranenlay.,
II- the very madness , ei partisanship.
Does not Nen'''York Tritnins".knowrthitt
the Ohie,Lith and,Trust Company, located in
New York, via, the - immediate *item of this
'_ 1 14 . 05 and that' the present
.sMpensiMi . law of
youn g iiyania *la passed -hy , the votes of
• nearly the entire itepubilean party, aided by; a
'alacrity of Deraocrats, the t
, . -
;:._ ' THE CRISIS IN .1011 LAND." '',: ,
What may be . the effect "of our monetary
•••Arbils upon Europe ?-!..otratherupon England?
• ' ,
This is ssuestion which has been raised since
the'sditoension" of the ;New York banks.: We
have oven he a rd It thiggnatridthit OM reiult may
"be to cause the Bank of - England to - suspend
,-, ,„. specie piyinentt-nitlier`A'ditilenle thine, site
, 'lng Adt. the whole .'present 2 bitMe:Of Bank ;of
= .-. -England , not:eels 426;006,000, aphid , ' whfoll
- '*-
area debt from the GOvennuent to the bank'of
44/)09 0 s9 0 . 0 0 :0009,099 , „ Of,..,other,,,Se*l4s,
- •,..: , and 'A11,009,060 'toiling Orgoid Intim vaults
. - of -the'Bank. ' Now,with the'llank's noies
,- ~.',..*atiOrdsii,widelyt # payable only` in Lin
-- . don, and at:theßranch Kadin( in tewpri4i
-, -f-' , llil towns . of EnglandAlevenimi ll ions o f g9ld
1 111;200 to meet any ran which might take
•,. :., ?;ill‘aa".. '; And Whether at `the ,llank of Eafilt4id
• ; :
or at''-the • Brindisi, Eleven: millions mire
~- - -- n ould, be prOvlded:by the joint stock barks,
,'"Whiefr do oefiliue Votes; io,affelmestincredk
;,;; .blishort thire.ll, ll Or, .:LOndOn ", in - only four
''' ' :". - horns and a half Alitince from Liverpool, four
, • - Ar • .
from Manchester- , and :Sheffield, five , from
•, - - 'Leeds - and , Exeter, seven , from Newcastle,
‘ ' -. two and a 'half from Birminghim;; and - three
• , from Norwich. , No ran_ on; the , bank :or its
. . branchee, . therefore,- need. be, apprehended.
: • The'raest remote Bank Branch'ean he 'reached
- in - s even hours, and the great commercial and
~ '.. ,Manufacturing capital:tire Witblu isllitui tour=
= - -ney:from London td- from three to five hours.
But there will be, fora long time' to come,
~ A great drain of specie out of England, on ac-
count of the War in Indio, because the froopi
_makrbe Paldrfed, "clothed i , and armed, and,
'macro than that, the expenses of the Anglo
' , ' Xigllsn Government must be provided • for—as
. - t t bsinnllention of revenuein BengaLif not in the
and Bombay Presidencies; is outof the
• !i1.. 14 •,,, - th '
,ii on - for the • present.: Ent' - , Er , , specie
::!•!`,P ) will chiefly: be savir.---rnpeasybeing in
. 4„iiittisral currency in India, andgold mohirs not
;used, , Still, if sliVer be sent out in '
“.',rtisvge quantities it must be bought by gold, so
i tge
-'''"the r is -
equalized. • '
,r_ • , iti*js interesting to is chie fl y because
-' '- 4; 2 - Pt E England
:-..". : 1:?... ; 19t,L - "* . ifely indebted 'to England, but it is
*l l lO
_.. : : : 1 : 0: ', Olio way: Prom $300,000,($00 to
.. - - - -,, t' 400,00,000 of American , steCks,'of''all sorts,,
,'': .''ithelii._ tgere 'by poisons Nrhir ;took, iliein for
. West:kat or for`speculation. This is. a
..":. - flarga'anionnt due by the United States, but it
• .: ; '::!",:::_ii:si*,dabt,„- - whleh, "cannot, b • called in... The'
410ettigleaotuch , as they are; will` be' held on,,
;-,2. : ; 4 4 . 407ahti by, some people, will make largely
"--, ' - .‘"Fl'kl - 404,02).1ifaCz , -•• • ' -:•, •- : , ''• ,; • -• • ' ~•::,
, - ;,;- - ;.• -1 -?• ,- :Altygland,', is we - MVO ; shorn in former a r t s
; • 1;.1 4414 1 '41.:iii ' ' ki t actually ri.atir - liiadetuits' from
11,%:::.A itiste. - ,tiiii Icitent. ),t But she Would , take $100?
VM:rY*O;OO9 - '*jktty id , itec4;'o"ii. 4 ol 41 ''klk , ' can
.i 44
75: 1,- 'f''-i 41.41,13 :-illgia ' ;'ciiiipi:i 6114. abijililiiibi
-,,:-.; ,'.'f'tt k iti-5 0 _,; tot t he
, euspension of Specie payments,
-- ,;'.." - -';',.-:".• , •:?• , 'Oili Over the Count4 - nottally Makes bank notes)
;',.''-;- V.!.. - P,, - ,-,- - , • . ,
of almost all descripti4a, current ff . : payment
of canal and railway fieiOtA4nd gtiNfoo will
now pour forth her treikiiiO3 thi4elltbtrd,
whence they may be largely eirPorb , *the
price be moderate, fittin seientyftlye
hundred million diallari.,wlt
country, from this source alone, in the next
four months.
The want of current means, whieb kept bread
stuffs- in the West, has also kept back the
cotton Crop., It is libmted, now, and Eng
land must bay our present finan
cial condition, there will be diminished' need
of British manufactures in return(iripayment)
for °Otto% the deMmad in the English markets
may calculated on as a good deal under the
average be,
aggregate usually purehmied, The
Lancashire men, of course, will have to
manufacture • less than Mirial, the Ameri
can deinand being leas, but there is still a great
home consumption, and a considerable export of
cotton' yarn to the- North of Europa, and of
manufactured cotton to Greece, Turkey,
Egypt, Syria,' and Persia. r America is Eng
land's best, but not her o'n/y, customer. There
may be 41short time" (which means lower
wages) in Manchester and its attendant crowd
of cotton.apinning towns, but as to thinking
that the trade is to be ruined because of a
crisis three thousand miles' distant, 'John
Bull will laugh at it—particularly while Aus
tralia continues to pour large' and increasing
tributes into his treasury. ,
We look hopefully forward for a considera
ble amount of gold from Europe, as purchase
money for our cotton and breadstuff's ; we do
not think that the Bank of England will break,
this time;' we knoW that gold will continue to
dome in largely from California; and we know,
too, that now or never is the time for a spirit
of e,onfidence, liberality, and even generosity
to prevail, to - carry us safely and keno:ably
otit'of all difficulties. '
11:7* SmaTurkel are coming In upon is like
the vermin of Egypt. . They lire not, however,
of our creation. Tha State Bank of Camden
has, as we learn, opened an , office in Church
alley, from which clouds of this trash are sent
out. Did the relief act legalize such issues as
these? And if not, why is not the law en
forced what them?
.There was a very large and fashiorutble audience
at the Academy of Music to witness the dant of
Signorina Ramos, a young singer of great merit,
who appeared as Maths in a La Pieta del Reggi-
Manta." -This lady, Judging from her appearance,
cannot' be Mare' than twenty years old. She is
rather petits in stature, with a good figure, dark
hair, black eyes; pleasing features, and one of the
prettiest rosebuds of a month we ever saw. She
appeared terribly frightened at Ant, but soon ral
lied, and won an encore (that stupidest way of
signifying delight on the part of an audience) for
the drum Nolo. By the way, she regularly plays
the vatuplan on the dram as charming Alboni did,
and, as we heard remark:3d, when she acted the
song, walked as if ibe had lags. The farewell at
the close of the first at wail beautifully given, but
the impression Was that thd Vooallit's expression
aqui far greateithin het power. ' She was called
out, and received a shower of boquets. :
In Act-IL, however, she had more courage,
which grew into (madam - when she sari how
kindly she was appreciated. The singing lesson
was archly rendered, and encored. Here her
skill as an actress came into play. Everything else
went off with increased and increasing enema.
Her solo was delicately expressed (we must nee
an awkward phrase,) and the conclusion was truly
acceptable. She has made a great hit, but is not
equal to Gassaniga in power though Lilly her
equal in mire:non. Her style is very good, and
from the way in which she played part of the
'character, she evidently would be more at home in
the comedy than the tragedy of the Italian Opera.
Signorina Ramos, who was prima- donna at
Madrid, is Spanish by Meth, we believe. •
Brignoli :and Tagliafico had the 'characters of
Tonio and the • Sergeant, aid greatly contribu
ted to. the completenese of the performance.
"La be repeated to-morrow eve
ning, with the Sante oast. 'With such houses as he
had last night, Mr. Marshall evidently can afford
to turn a deaf oar to any half•price suggestion.
So much the better. • -
EtiZGANT RESlDiffOlt. 4ND gatNlTUßE.—Thotnas
Boni' advertise' one •of the handsomest frost
denees in Walnut street, to, be sold on the pre
inisee: •
' Furniture this morning at the Anetton Otero.
- -Vantatins - pitiate 'Library My eveulng at the
&notion roan tip stairs now arranged for exami
Stock and real mate every Tuesday
Oorreephneenoe of The Prem.)
WennNatoli, Oct. 14, 1867
Now that the slavery question hal, to a great
extent, been removed from the balls of the national
legislature, It 'ls probalilethaSother questions of
interest and importance to the country will de•
mand and receive, at the binds offflongress, prompt
consideration and action at its next' session. Of
alt those indioated, so far, none will command a
larger share of atiention'tban measures intended
to be brought forward relating to the currency of
the country ) ; and kindred subjects. some gentle.
men desire the enactment of a general bankrupt
law, 'like that now In 'operation in England.
That law is contended to have worked with
beneficial results screw th e water, and to have, at
this time, the approval of almost that entire com
mercial community, who have oertainly been most
capable of judging of its usefulness. The power
of Congress to enact a comprehensi , 4 and uniform
law on bank lanes being doubted, to effect the aim
in view, therimay be a move made for the amend
ment of the Constitution to remove all doubt, and
to place fully and completely in the hands of that
body ell power of restraint and control Of
such anzronoy.
,Thit more radical measures will
be introduced, have no doubt, and pressed with
great earnestness and much force of argument.
Hon. Andrew Johnson, who has just been cleated
M the 11. D. /Senate from Tennessee, is known to be
a thorough-going Detocrat, of the hard-cash
Jackson school. While a member of the House of
Reprimentatives from Teneessie, he more than
once pointedly stated his objections to the banking
system, as it exists in our midst.. Hon. Geo. W.
Jones, from Tennessee, and others, are of jthe same
way of thinking. These gentlemen will have a
solitneof their own of the old-fashioned character.
universalA fiee-banking law will be advocated ;
with what success, however, Itis difficult to say.
1 have given the rumors that float about in po
litical circles here, withoit
,golng' into any argu
ment pro or eon. That there is a wide field for
careful research, and that valuable results to the
people may be reached, none will deny.
Mr. Buchanan is disposed to do all that he can,
fairly, to ward off the threatened distress among
the meobanies of I , hiladelphia daring the approach
ing winter. . Of the Ave sloops-of-war to be built,
one will hegira' out to the successful bidder for
the oontrtmt, and one of the remaining four will be
irl sat ed , tia*
c o ns 0 u nderorder of the Navy Depart
at the navy yaid GI Philitdtdphii. This job
will give of Waif steady employment for the winter
-to at 'least five: hundred
.hands, bud indirectly to
"many more not in the Otivernment yard. '
demlo SoCiety of Georgetown' College, being in
formed, of the death. of St, W. P, Ctriria, on mo
tion of lir. C. 113.. Konny,, a committee of three
"were appointed to prepare a preamble and resole
hone, expressing the feellir of the Society at the
melancholy event. - •
The committee, consisting of Messrs. Kenny, of
Pennsylvania, Rost, of Louisiana, and O'Sullivan,
of New York, reported-the following, which were
unanimously adopted : •
Whereaa, ,The Philodemie Society of George.
town Cullego, having heard. with profound regret
the ,death of, George, Washington Parke Custls ;
. Whereas, In th e deceased, this Boolety hes ever
recognised a warm and efficient friend, an able and
eloquent member, an earnest and ardent promoter
of Eta principles; and ~,-
Whorsas, - by his deith our common country has
lost ' a patriot nati onal and true, a °liken honest
and; sauna, without ottentatlen ; noble,
without pride; courteous, kind, and affable in his
deportinent i `envied 'by few, beloved by all; and
- Wlte;tas, he was the 'only person whom the
Father of his Country called bythe endearing title
of eon, and was the tact link that bound us directly
to a emoted and venerable name; therefore : '
Resolved, That this Society expreises its deep
and earnest„regreffor the loss of so distinguished
and himoied, and
Resolved; Society sympathizes with
our felldwniticens throughout the country, in being
deprived of Olra eo worthy of affectionate regard,
and that it participate 'in the feelings which the
tidings of Ms death mustnverywhero awaken.
esolved, That OAS Society expresses its eicz e r,i
Condolence with the family and Wends Of the de.
gentled, in the' irreparable' lose 'Which'they, have
sustained, and thattifbiatimonyfor Its Sorrow, each
Member wilt wear, the usual bodge of mourning for
the space of thirty days. "
Resolved;, That a - copy of lbw resolutions be
sent to the family of out. deolased . fellew-Member.
' Resolved, That thole proem:1(1141 be published
in the Washington Union, Nevi York Herald; Phil
'adelphla Prdss, and St; Louis X.eaddr.
• .B.EV. ZDNABD WELCH, B. 7,, President.
B. Karin!, Oor..tice. P. B.
The Frewah papers announce the marriage,
at fdalmilsOn,:ef General Bsa' lioman, Who was
formerly tlgepflearatary of State, In Spitin, for
the Was, peptitlittent, under,the Bartorloas mints.
ti" tit* ito4,,Situihtsr, Q 1,1: rich" 4.mezloan
,morshant Atiteea pluisas, .the, Dake,,le Rian,
!sena) Jitent Prim,llt.'Bfavo- Mar Mot and imam'
other high personages oonnteted with Ortie, wore
Thyr .l . 4 l ßlT.;4ol4'.
(00 tinES Of tll646POrteirVotti"-foitho van
oui:oendidateli74 thio,Oity are' as tofleirs :
tl,emocrate. .'Americans ,- - :Republicans.
, --; ~ "
-f GOVEI4OIV.'' ' '
—.26,426 I Haalehurs6.l4,o23 I Yri1mat.„.9,39 7
CANAL C03114/8810NER.'
Strlckland.2B,Bo9 I Lindorman.l3,ls4 I Mi11ward...8,09 3
Strong ....26,2088r0em......13,091 Lewis-- .8,796
Thompson.2o,l6B Brady 13,071 Veech .....8,992
8011eau....28,719 I 0arr011.....14,288 I Wllklnson..B,slo
1iennar....20,494 I 8arre1:ie....14,067 1 8e1t1er.....9,080
JUDGE OP 0011110 N PLEAS. •
Ludlow ....... ; . 28,956 1 Conrad, (Am. & Rep.) —21,462
...._ PROTHONOTARY OF THE D 18911107 00 0 RT.
McFadden 26,269 I Chase.. 22,085
CLERK QUARTER. 811881098,
Crockett 24,182 I Keyser, (Ant, & Hep.)..21,603
City Legielattve Ticket,
„....,, r .6032 I Bishop
RI rkpatrlck.6o49 Adams .4980 Dock, A&R,..6283
D0neran....6805 Church 2823 Thomas, A3R2490
.11aui5ay.....6065 8r00ma11...2648
Armstrong..s943 Thorn 2901
County Legielittlye Ticket.
Martell', °via, lie . mllton,
..• . 1 4 1 3 7 Am 47 376 . Am. &IL
... 1,668 824 802
... 1,184 ' 687 • 155
1,001 406 199
.. , 915 897 219
... 802 857 460
.. 911 781 503
1,008 1,040 • 402
1,489 819 477
996 578 234
1,896 259 430
628 964 1641
1,577 . 840 898
1,423 , 868 812
770 460 310
708 412 634
045 " 394 489
1,028 , 686 294
First. _ _
Twelfth .. . .
Eighteenth .....
Twentieth '
Twenty-fourth, ...
A 6 910IBLY.
—19,993 A W Green, Am.... 15,616
.20470 I R Eldridge, Am.... 16,641
—20,097 J I Anton, Am.... 15,007
i. 20.926 J H Seott, Am 16,014
26,244 D H 131yer, Am 15,605
40,181 DW Sellers, Am.... 15,671
—21,027 George Deed, Am... 15,57 5,
..20,251 G P Gordon, Am..../5,535
.19,916 0 .9 Abbott, Am.... 15,054
.16,202 G 0 Fox, Am 16,062
.19,261 Smith, A & It.. 6,660
.20,200 0 I Search, Adc It— 4,405
.20,111 T H Waram, A& R. 6,099
,13,1055 11 194: . 1..raeff,.A.,& B. 8,844
Jos H Donnelly, D.
J H Well', Dem...
D H Ho°lane, Dem.
Henry Dunlap, Dam
J H Dohnert, Dem.
T Tamely, Dem...
2,1 blelloy, Dem..
J Donnelly Deco...
0 Hyena, Rem
H Asti:4 Dem...
J T Owen, Dom
A Arthur, Dem
-111 idlueleld, Am.
D Bayne, Ant I3;874I (TA AllegeOr, AI H 4;883
Al, English, G Gibson, A & R... :1,192
The following senators hold over :
Philadelphia, county—Harlatn Ingram, D., R. L.
Wright, D.
Montgomery county—Thomas P. Knox, D.
Berko--John 0. Enos, D.
Ducka—lousthau Ely, D.
Northampton and Lehigh--Joseph Larebach, D.
Adams and Franklin—Oeo. W. Brewer, D.
York—Wm. H. Welsh, D.
Cumberland and Perry—Henry Fetter; D.
Centre, Lycoming, Clinton, and Sullivan—Andrew
Oregg, Oppo.
Blair, Cambria, and Huntingdon—J. Creswell,
Jr., D.
Lucerne, Montour, and Columbia—George P. Steele,
Bradford, Sueguehanna, and Wyoming4l. Reed
Mayer, Oppo.
Tioga, Potter, M'Hean, Elk, Clearfield, Jefferson,
and Forest—Henry Souther, Opposition.
• Mercer, Venango, and Warren—G. W. Schofield, Op.
Erie and Crawford—D. A. Pinney, Opposition.
Butler, Beaver, and Lawrence—John R. Harris, Oppo.
Allegheny—William Wilkins, Democrat, and E. D.
Gamma, Opposition.
Armstrong, Indiana, and Clarion—Titian J. Coffee,
Juniata, Mifflin, and 'union—James M. Sellers, Oppo•
Schuylkill—O. M. Strewth, Democrat.
Total—Democrate, 18 ; Opposition 8.
The following new members were elected on Inset.
day :
I. District. Philedelphia—S. J. Randall, Democrat,
(to fill a vacancy); I. N. Nanette, Democrat.
11. Dist. Chester and Delaware—Th(os S. Dell, Dem.
VIII. Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne—Thomas
° Jr., Democrat.
XIIL Dist. Snyder, florthumberlared, Montour, and
Columbia—Charles R. Buekalew, Demderat.
XV: Diet. Dauphin and Lebanon—R. Z. Haldeman;
Democrat. •
XVI. Dist. Lancaster—Bertram A Schaffer, Opposi. ,
tion ; Marshall, Opposition
XIX. Somerset, Bedford, and Huntingdon—Wm: P.
Schell Democrat , (doubtful.)
XXII. Westmoreland and Payette—Jacob Tnrney,
XXIII. Washington and Greene—George W.
• XXVI. Lawrence, Muter, and Venango—
Democrats. Opposition. Doubtful
13 a
8 3 1
Holding over..
New members.
It has been many years since the Democrats have had
so large a majority in the Senate of Pennsylvania as they
will have at the next cession. And our representatives
n that body are not only numerous, but among the
ew as well as the old Democratic members, there ate a
umber of gentlemen of vfny line talents.
The p robable complexion of the gown of Repreeent
alive. eas follovis :
Democratic. OppoiMon
Philadelphia City,
Philadalphba County. ...
Lehigh and Carbon
Monroe and Pike
Wyoming Sullivan
Columbia and Montour
Lycoming and Clinton
Union, Snyder, and Juniata...
Cumberland and Perry..... ..
Franklin and
Bedford and Boma:net
Armstrong and 'Westmoreland, 3
Payette 1
Greene 1
Bearer and Lawrence
Mercer and Venango.
Clarion and Forest...
Jefferson, Olauflald..
Elk and McKean
Crawford and Warren .
Potter and Vogt.
i 2 (prob.)
81 45
Painocratio majority on Joint ballot, 88
October 1850.
4 1 ;
Adams, 39
Bedford, 33
Berke, 0001
Blair, --
1160101, 666
Cambria, 1188
Carbon, 068
Centre, 821
Clarion, 917
Clearfield, 000
Cithton 111
130lumbls, 1699
Crawford, ---
Cumberland, 261
Dauphin, ---
Delaware, ---
Elk, 2a9
Payette, - 183
Omen, 1089
Jefferson, ---
Juniata, - 49
Lebanon., ---
Lehigh, 171
Lusarne, 1021
7qcoming, 097
McKean, ---
Mercer, ---
21181 in
Monroe, 1619
Montgomery, 1944
Montour, 601
Northankton, 2320
North= '6, 1178
Perry, 87
Philadelphia, 8434
Pike, 691
Schuylkill, MB
Somerset, --
8 ---
Sullivan, 107
Vanango, 26
Warren, ---
Washington, --
Wayne, 107
WestmoriVd, 886
Wyoming, 41
York, 1482
400 -
20400 14023
82 1 605 29.802
pErissitimarize ELECTION
nologisr comoir.
[Special despatch for the Prete.)
Prrreatraon, October 14.—Peyette county, Packer
61X) n 4 40,1 113 Arinitro4, Democratic ticket elected
Allegheny, Democratic Oonanizeloner elected.
Plerfisonon; October 14.—A1l the dietricta In the
county hate been heard from, excepting inne. The
Tetnrrup so far chow a majorit for Wilmot of about
1600 votes. The county ticket. ' .
close and uncertain.
The Democrats will probably elect the County Commie•
dome, and two Representatives to the Legislature.
sans aomurr.
PAlibittO, Oct. 14.—Packe1 uudority OVIL Vtiltftpt 111.
Duke county will be over 6,000. Its this city the vote
Stands as follows : Packer 1662, Wilmot 668, llsalehurst
BLitt 000NTY.
ifiEgobA despatch for The Prem.'
UOLLIDATOSIVRO, ()etcher 14.—DeZEIOCIStie AlllBl3lbir
inn ,eleott4; , District Attorney - close ; Pecker hu e
- socrs coenftr
[ipeotat despatch for the Press.]
TINNTON, Oct. 111.—Phe borough of Mortise
twenty pin for the Democratic aoveritor over the Pre.
ISOnttal alocttos., • . •••
DOTLIISTOWN, Octobirl.4. • —The Democratic Majority
for/fate ofileere, including*. Governor, !rill range from
CAMBRIA covers.
JOHNSTOWN, October 14.—Johnstown' and five dis
tricts give Packer 863, Wilmot 349, Usslebtirst 105
The Demooratio gain In Cambria county is about 1,200
votes. The majority for Packer, and the balance of the
State ticket, is about the same,
(Special despatch for the Preis.]
boOansrsm, Oct. l4.—Gen. LI. X. lackman, one if
the Democratic nominees for the Legialature, has 800
majority in this county. 001. Lloyd, the other candi
date, has also a large majority of about 600. Packer's
majority in Clinton is about 400
LOCK iliv6N, Oct. l4.—Clinton, 400 majority for
Packer; 800 for Jackman.
Wilmot will lead Packer about 100—* gain of about
600 over the laid PAsidential election.
The Democratic Sheriff, !Premium, and Assemblymen
are elected by a email majority.
The rest of the Republican ticket has carried by a
email majority.
The liaalehurst retells about loss of 100 since
last tall.
. The Republican District Attorney Is elected over a
combination or Democrats and Americana by 850 Ma
dOUNBTOWN, Oct. 14.—Itattrne from Indiana county
Indicate about 1,000 majority for Wilma.
• • .
LA:WANTON, Oct. 14 .—Wilmot's majority in this
county is about 1,000. The Republican county ticket
is all elected, with the exception of the Prothonotary.
WILLUMBPORT, Oct. 14 —The Democr;tio majority In
this county will not be less than 1,600.
WlLLiansroar Oct. 14.—tleneral Peaker's majority
In this county will be about 1,000 Totem. The rest of
the State ticket is Democratic by about - TOO majority.
The majority for 00l Lloyd and General 'Jackman, for
members of the Assembly, will be about 1,200 Totes
in Lycoming and Clinton counties.
L6lllOll 001INTT.
The DemocratiojnaJority la over 1,000,,
NORRISTOWN, Oct 14.—The vote In this pointy is as
follows—three districts to hear from: .Paoker, 6,001,•
Wilmot, 2,301 i Hazlehurst,l,l6B. The kit piths. ticket
rune the same way. In the whole county, Packer's ma
jority over Wilmot will exceed 2,m,
Datimaba, Oct. 14.—The Democratic majority for the
State ticket will be about 000.
BABTON, Oct. IC—Correct retnrus frorgaighteen dis
tricts in Northampton county show 8,030 najority LOT
Judge Findley has 400 majority in the Le
high county has given him 600 majority, Securing his
election as Judge of the district.
PITTBDOROIf t October 14.—Thti vo Wasb„lngton
county le close, but part at 4o 'ticket Is
Tho following are the reported2matorities to the diffe
rent districts and counties; •
Tem. Rep: Amer.
Clinton County .. 400
Centre " 700 to 800;•
Columbia " 1,200 to 1,000 ....
Snyder " (Small majority.)
BANDY 1100 K, Oct. 14.-10 o'clock P.M.—The weather
due, with foreign advice,' to the 8d instant, has not yet
to•nigbt la foggy. The steamer Vanderbilt, now fully
been signalled.
New Voss, 0ct.14.-1034 o'clock P. ht.—There is no
chance of obtaining foreign news to-night, as the tele
graph Line to Sandy Hook is out of order.
Nay You, Oct. 14, 2N P. IC—There is comparative
quiet In New York to-day ; and an Improved feeling in
Wall street.
There is a general expression adverse to legislative
interference in regard to the auspenaion.
It la believed that the banks will be able to help them
selves. There is the utmost confidence felt in them '
New YORK, October 14—Evening.—Wall street was
comparatively quiet to-day. There has been a moder
ate run on the various savings banks, but all demands
were promptly metby the institutions of the city ; but
three in Brooklyn were obliged to close.
At the last accounts the officers of the New Yo k
saving' banks were holding consultation upon their
future course. They propose to pay 10 per cent. on de
The Bank of America and Chemical Bank continue
the payment of specie. The Manhattan Bank is said
to be doing the same, and it is believed gm other banks
will follow, in partial payment of specie.
The statement of specie paid yesterday, by the city
bloke, not including the marine banks, foots up nearly
Notice was posted, to-day, at the various 'banks,
stating that business will be continued as heretofore,
excepting the paying of specie. Cheeks will be re-
ceived on deposit, and in payment of notes ; and bank
notes will be paid and received as usual. Many of the
banks have still large amounts of specie. Gold is cell
lag by brokers at 405 per cent.
At the morning session of the Stock Board, it was
resolved that payments might be made in certified
Checks. There was a general rise in the prices of stocks
of from log per cent. at the second board, and prices
were firmer.
At a meeting of the merchants held this afternoon,
Junes Brown presiding, It was
Besotted, That the meeting had entire confidence to
the ability of the banks of New York to . meet all envoi
mentat dollar for dollar.
That it is the duty of the banks and merchinte to offer
every facility for the movement of prolitee to the sea.
: That the ergenci of the times demandil an immediate
call for an extra session of the State Uglil/1ton).
And that a committee be appointed td Weil upon the
Governor and solicit his immediate action to that end.
At:committee consisting of eight person, Azas word
hotly appointed, which proceeded to Albany this eve
1. (prop.)
A meeting of the officers of the several savings banks
of New York and Brooklyn was held this 4.fternil6), end
resolved to pay depositors only in the 'notes of city
Several of the heaths which cloud their doors yestaar
day resumed business to•day.
The supreme court judges today held IL meeting, gild
decided to issue no process against the banks, excepting
upon notice given in the usual form.
The action of the merchants' meeting falls to glee
satisfaction. Mr. Richard Schell was 'present with a
resolution censuring the banks for demanding specie of
each other when they withheld it from their customers,
but he was Induced to withhold it.
1 2 (prob.)
1 (prob.)
A strong movement is progresiing among the Republican
leaders against a special meeting of the Legislature, or
any other recognition of the suspension by the banks,
while a large majority of Demacrate, together with a
few Americans and Republicans, aro uniting in the
movement for the support and relief of tle banks. '
1 (prob.)
1 1
BUSTALO, October 14.—The meeting of the bank presi
dents of this city, which wu held this mornlng, was in
harmonione in its action. An miJournment wu had till
this afternoon, when it Is believed a general suspension
will be the result.
Bnoonnyn, Oet.l4.—Three of our savings banks have
closed their doors.
491.11/11111, Oct. 14.—. The City banks have resolved upon
a general anagenelon, and will take the aotea of all the
country banks at par.
Oolong, October 14'—At a meeting o 4 the bank pre
sident or this city, held this morning, a general sampan.
sin of specie payments wad 'toted.
PORTLAND, October 14 ,our banks have sus•
Bono; October 14—Noon.—The Maaktchuaetts Bank
continues to pay specie. A meeting, to consult about
redeeming small notes with specie, takes place at 10
October 1851
BOSTON, Ott. 14.—ETening.--The sneOnsion of specie
payments by the banks of this city cased but little
excitement. The banks have resolved to cot:dilute their
exchanges at the cleating house, and reams specie pay
ments as soon as possible. • The banks of New Bedford,
Palr•Haven, Worcester, and other principal places have
suspended. The Nantucket and Lowell bake paid specie
throughout the day; but it is believed the enepension
will soon be general throughout New liaised.
Haman, Conn., October 14.—A1l our city banks
have suspended except the Conneciictt Biter Bank.
There la no excitement.
t I,'
1 1
a 41
Boston, Oct. 13.—The Concord, Meacheeter, Law
rence, atethnon,And Bangor banks havesuspended.
ALuANT, Oct. 14.—The committee frog the New York
banks had a conference with the Governor this' after
noon. It is believed he will decide in szcordance with
their demands to-morrow morning:
Bosrox, Oct. 14.—The Pacific Mil Oorportion of
Lawrence, Mess., is reported to haves ended.
Also, the arm of Messrs. Little, 'A n, & Co, dry
goods Reporters. •
. .
TRENTON, Oct. 14.—The banks hero item suspended
There Is no excitement,
Waitron, Oct. 14.—The quipeoslon bf the banks of
this city caused no excitement. The (baling Is farm.
ble towards the banks, which still aeccodate the pub
lic, with specie for small change. T h e is some talk
about calling an extra session of the Leislature, for the
purpose of repealing or modifying tin stringent law
&salad suapenslone.
Pirskaaninto, VA., 0ct.1.4.—A brain:lot the RBll9Ollll
bank of thin city has 'Amended.
The Virginia and Exchange banks are still paying
NEW Oscc►xs, Oct. 13.—The ansposion of the New
York city banks has canoed an uneasy;teeling.
The Louisville savings bank has bet, dosed. it was
a small affair.
A. meeting of merchants la to be hell here this even
Mg to consult upon financial matters. i
J. L. Johnson & Co., grocers, 01 this city, have
ailed, No other failures hare been tunounced. '
:mums n►NKS. !
DETROIT, Oct. 14.—111 CollllollAlettee 0 the ettspenainn
of Eastern banks, the Michigan Insuanteee Company's
Hank, of this city, discontinued spa e payments this
morning. Otherwise, its business wi go on an mai.
The action of the bank is almost ' onsly approved
liA meeting of citizens will be held thi afternoon at the
City Hall , for the purpose of cons! ring the present
financial difficulties.
From Washingtost
Wasaixorort, Oct. 14.—About st4ooo 11. B. Stocks
from New York were redeemed this mooing. After to
day no further purchues will be male for the present
The Postmaster General left the ettr this morning for
Philadelphia and New York, to look Gler the sites for
the post offices In those titian . '
It Is not true, to stated, that the grrnment of Nica
ragua has been recognised end the d its of the treaty
with that Republic adopted at a Oabiret meeting. The
question is still under consideratiO. Yriaserri, the
Nicaraguan minister, has left for Ne York,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14--Brenbig.—Vie entire amount
of United Btates stock,' redeentedito-d4r.wassl43,ooo of
which one-third went to Virginia, 044 nearly all the
other to New York.
Lancaster County Aorlcalearal Falr.
LANOsirtga, Oct. 14.—The County! Agricultural Hair
opsued this morning, and is meeting with a most com
plete success. The show elceeds bY far the State Fair
held here four Irma ago. II Trill .iontleue open four
Movement. of Gen. Pliolker.
New Oct. 18.—Geh. Gennladsen esrleed
here to-day. Gen. Walker's moremiats will be deter
mined he a few dive.
The Expected Foreign News
Arrival of the Grenada at New
81,050,000 IN GOLD COMING.
Fatal Duel at San Francisco.
NEW 0/41.EdNa t October .1.3.--The steamship Grenada
arrived this evening from Havana, which place she left
on th{i 10th tout. She brings California dates to the
00th ult.
The steamer Northern Light left Aspinwall for New
York with $1,260,00D in gold.
The Grenada experienced a severe gale on the 3d and
4th inst., and afterwards discorered the wreck of a ves•
eel, but could not reeks out her name.
Governor Weller's majority In the late election was
11,000 over both of his competitor&
The newly elected Legislature Is largely Democratic.
Mr. Dates, ex-Treasurer, and Rowe, his clerk, have
both been committed, In default of bail.
Chief Justice Murray la• dead.
Col. Casey, of Tennessee, has been killed in a duel
with Mr. Illsir.
The overland mail from San Antonio, Texas, reached
Ban Diego, on the Slat of August. All well.
The reported ascaaainatlon of Alvarez, in Colama,
Tans, has reached San Francisco.
Disturbances have occurred near the boundary of
Lower California, between the authorities and a cora
puny of Americans. A party had loft San Diego for the
purpose of arresting the Americans, who were believed
to be fillibusters.
Governor Castro, of Lower California, fearing a revo
lution of his own people, is sold to have joined the Ame
Blight shakes of an earthquake had been 'felt near
San Francisco,
The CaWanda markets are dull, but the accounts
from the mines are excellent.
The English and French fleets have left the Ohincha
Islands, placing them at the mercy of Pavane°.
The murderer of Mr. Sullivan, the British consul, has
been discovered to be a mere 'hired bravo. Ile has not
been arrested, and his employer is unknown„
The Isthmus papers furnish nothing of interest from
Central America,
The Constitutional Convention of Oregon was in ses
sion at the met advices, and come agitation had been
occasioned by the discussion of the slavery lineation.
The Baltimore City Election
Bermatone, Oct. 14.—The municipal election which
was bold here to-day resulted in the success of the
American ticket in every ward of the city, except the
Eighth. In many or the wattle the Democrats had no
candidates. The vote polled is very small.
The Ohio Election
OL6VSLIND, October 14.—The returns of the election
hold in this State yesterday show the following ma.
jorities :
Counties. . Democratic. Republican.
Stark 300
Wayne. 300
Sandusky 400
Lucas 200
Henry 150
Defiance. 100
Loraine 1305
Medina 800
Huron, (sii towns) 480
Wood 250
Lake 1403
Cuyahoga, (Clevel'd, and 7 towns) 400
Proble 600
Clinton 700
Warren 720
Clermont 600
Butler 1200
Pi eke way 550 •
Fairfield 10
Muskingum 400
Montgomery 000
The Democratic gain is considerable over last fall, but
not in sufficient ratio, as yet, to carry the State.
The lowa Election
DOlitlQUe t Oct. 14.—The State Motion Jawed off
quietly. The following majorities are reported for
Samuels, the Democratic candidate for Oovernor : Dur.
lington,lso ; Dubuque, 922.
Davenport gives a Republican majority of 200 retell.
Political Riots—Baltlmore Election—Several
Forgone Wounded
BALTIXORZ, October 14.—Several riots occurred In
this city last night, which were created and partici
pated In by the rowdy political organizations.
" Turner a German tavern, was attacked by a
political club, and all the windows in the building were
smashed. The same outrage was perpetrated on several
other buildings, In various sections of the city.
An American procession was fired into, and the houses
from whence the shots were fired wore completely sacked
in return.
A number of persons were wounded, including four
police °Dicers.
The election for city council is progrenting quietly
this morning, bat warm work is apprehended.
Serious Disturbance In Baltimore—Police
Mikes Killed—Fire-arms, Seized.
BALTIIIORS, Oct. 14—P. U.—The affrays that occurred
lust night have given rise to much excitement, and a
severe fight' occurred between the Democrats of the
Eighth and the Americans of the PHA ward. Efuskets
and pistols were freely used, and Police Officer Jordan
has been killed. Other" are wounded, and maenad the
rioters era aopposed to be killed. ,This affray occurred
in the neighborhood of Jackson flail, in the Eighth
ward. The police searched that building and captured
a quantity of muskets. The New Market engine
house was also searched, and a quantity of firearms
Other diaturbancea are also reported, one of which la
eald to bane ocourred'ltt Lexington Market.
ISALTIIIOIIII, Oct. 16.—Evening.—The note have been
quelled. So far only one of the wounded Is dead; that
is Police Offieer Jordan. Several persons were badly In
jured, mostly members of the police force.
Indiana Politics
INDustAvouts, Oct. 14.—An election was held an this
State for judges of the Supreme Court of the State, to
fill vacancies anima by the resignation of Cooking* and
Stuart—also for county clerks and commissioners. The
Democrats claim that under the Constitution such va
cancies must bo filled by the Governor, and therefore
made no nominations.
This (Marion) connty elects a Republican clerk and
Departure of the Steamer Arabla—No Specie
New YORE, October 14.—The Royal Mall ateamahip
Arabia sailed at noon to-day, with one hundred passen
gers. She has no spode Mt.
Health of New Orleans
Neff OBLISANS, Oct. 'M.—The deaths during the past
week were one hundred and twentythreo, including
twelve from yellow fever.
Nan Oats/Ns, Oct. 18.—Oottm:i..—£1111es of 3,030 bales,
at fiXelOc. for Middling. A turn In favor of buyers has
been made. The stock in port to estimated at 130,000
bales. The receipts to-day were 5,600 hales. The re
ceipts at this port, so far, less than last year, are 35,-
000 bales, and at all Southern ports, 130,000. Flour is
steady at $5 02.
Freights on Cotton to Liverpool ;id ; to Havre if.
There is nothing doing in Exchange.
fEeported for The E'reitej
—Jacob G. Ewing vs. Blight et al. This was an
issue sent to a jury on a bill filed by Jacob G. Ew
ing vs. Blight et al, to ascertain whether, on
November 22d, 1855, the plaintiff was a citizen of
New Jersey . On trial. Messrs Fish and Northrop,
of Philadelphia, and A. Browning, of Camden, for
plaintiff ; E. B. Miller fordefendants
CORWIN PLEAS—Judge Allison.—Lazarus Mayes
vs. John Carlin. An notion to recover rent paid
defendant as landlord of premises, of which the
plaintiff was the owner. Verdict for the plaintiff
$18.25. Moses Dropsle, Esq., for plaintiff; G. O.
Collins, Esq., for defendant.
George Hawks vs. William Rushworth. An
action for money had and received. Defence, pay
ment. Verdict for plaintiff, $B3. J. K. Owens,
Esq., for plaintiff; John Markland, Esq., for de
Distmet Count, No 2—Judge Sharswood
Fedel Fisher and George W. Stoeckel, executors
of Theobald Stoookel, deceased, to the use of the
Herman Saving Fund Association vs. John Cooper.
Au action of ad fa on mortgage. Verdict for
plaintiff, $1,629.60. Paxson, Esq., for plaintiff;
E. Thayer, Esq., for defendant.
Howard Tilden vs. William L. Helfenstein An
action on' two chocks. Verdict for plaintiff,
$5,955.- Eisler for plaintiff; Abbott for defendant.
James B. Ferree vs. Joseph R. Loud. Action on
a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff $450.20.
'Edward Kearney vs. Walsh and Evans. An
action for work and labor done. Defence, pay.
ment. On trial. Daniel Dougherty. Esq., for
plaintiff; 0. Thompson, Esq., for defendant.
DISTRICT Coon; No. I—Judge Hare.—lshi
'Craven and David Davis, trading as Craton k
Co., vs. James Goldey. Verdict for plaintiff
$86433. lifillett, for plaintiff; Irensant for de
fendant: •
John Hudson vi. Jonathan Balderston°. Ver
dict for plaintiff $2840.42. H. M. Phillips Esq.,
for plaintiff ; Stover, Esq., for defendant.
Hugh Morrow vs. John Bacon, Treasurer.
Feigned issue. Verdict for plaintiff. Amos Brigs,
Esq., for plaintiff; A. Miller, Esq., • for defendant.
George IL Beauniond, assignee of Louisa S. Pear
eon, vs. Hiram Cline. An action on a bond. Vet
diet for plaintiffsl,l4B 70. F. 0. Brewster, Esq., for
plaintiff; Amoe Briggs, Esq., for defendant.
QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Thompson —John
Adams was charged with the larceny of a bag of
meal. Verdict not guilty.
Liam Thompson was acquitted of the larceny of
a pair of chickens.
John Thompson was convicted of the larceny of
a piece of beef.
Mary Gillingham was convicted of the larceny
Of eggs.
Charles Pembsrs was convicted of the larceny of
Martin Hogarty was eonvioted of the larceny of
a watch and chain.
The New York Evening Post relates the
following singular case of the vioissitudos of for
tune : A few months since, the partner of a com
mercial home in this city was taken to a lunatio
utterly deranged, as was said by , his un
paralleled prosperity in business. D uring the
year previous his firm had cleared $1,800,000- lie
died In the asylum, and his own estate was valued
ut $2,800,000, all invested in the concern of which
he was a partner. The firm itself failed the other
day, and is now said to'be utterly insolvent. One
item of the assets' of the deceased's estate was a
thousand shares of the Ennio Central Railroad
stock. which was selling at the time of his decease
at sl4o'a share, and which was worth, after pay
ing up the InStaiments, $BOO,OOO. The same pro
pert ..oia a few days since, at publie silo, at
$50,000 ; All tlds 6courred within eighteen menthe—
the prosperity; tho insanity, the decease, and the
.Sudden D e aih.--Coroner Delavau yesterday
held an inquest on the body of a woman named
Elisabeth Airier, who was found 'load in one of the
cells of the First Ward station house, at an early
hour In the morning.
THE LIFE OF JOHN FITCH, Inventor of the Steam
boit. By THOMPSON WESTCOTT. 1 vol , illustrated
pp. 411. J. It. LirozocoTr h Co., Philadelphia.
SIO VOS NON VOWS might be the heraldic
motto of inventors from the commencement.•
Arkwright did not invent the spinning jenny;'
nor Watt the steam engine; nor Thos. Spen
cer the electrotype ; nor Morse the electric
telegraph ; nor Fox Talbot the photographic
process; nor John Fitch the steamboat. Of
course not; it was contended that some coun
try mechanic anticipated Arkwright ; that
there and the Marquis of Worcester, had sug
gested the application of steam as a motive
power; that Jacobitz, the Russian, spoke of
the electrotype before Spencer, the poor Liver
pool picture-fin= maker, made it; that Da
guru was in the field before Fox Talbot,
though he did not publicitate the discovery
as soon ; that Robert Fulton (whose first
successful experiment in steam—naviga
tion was made, on the Hudson in 1807, ex
actly twenty-one years after Fitch had ac
tually carried his plan into operation on the
Delaware) is to be handed down to posterity,
labelled as a public benefactor, because "he
invented the steamboat." If we charitably
carry out the advice of giving a certain black
gentleman ce his due," surely we should accord
the same grace to such an earnest, honest,
persevering, simple-minded, and creative man
as John Fitch.
He was, in truth, no ordinary person, but
the world has dealt very hardly with him.
Mr. Westcott, his biographer, in assert
ing and vindicating his claims to cele
brity as a practical man and successful in
ventor, has done two other good things, and
done them well. Ile has enriched the bio
graphical section of our national literature,
and ho has produced an important contribu
tion to the history of practical science. The
book is well written, without any attempt at
that declamatory style, so often affected, and
*sadly so misplaced and ill-adapted for the
serious matter of biography. The narrative is
plain, clear, full, and, from the labor evidently
bestowed on the collection, - comparison and
coliation'of facts, bears internal evidence of
being correct. The book, with all this merit,
has one fault—it does not conclude, as such
a biography ought, with a good index. The
table of contents is full and satisfactory, but
this is only half what is required. As, in all
probability, the work will pass into numerous
editions, this want can be supplied, and must
be supplied to complete it.
Mr. Westcott asserts the claim of Fitch,
over Fulton, as inventor of the steamboat. To
use his own words:
It is the design of this volume to remove all
pretext for error upon this point , and to endeavor
to place the fame of the original in the favorable
position now occupied by the imitator and copyist.
If the United States are entitled to the distinction
of being the scene of the first practical applications
of steam to the propulsion of vessels, reliance must
be placed upon Fitch's successful experiments in
1788. 1787, 1788, and 1789, and which in 1790 were
crowned by the practical proofs afforded by the
passagesof a packet, passenger, and freight steam
boat on the Delaware, which for more than three
months, made trips between certain places as
regularly as do the steam-boats of the present day,
with ease and safety, and without material stop
page, accident, or delay. If we cannot rely upon
Pitch's Claims to the invention of the steam-boat,
England Is entitled to that honor. Symington's
steam-boat was tried in 1788, and practically suc
ceeded In 1801. Fulton's experiments at Plom
blares wore made in 1803, whilst his triumphs on
the Hudson (entirely destitute of originality) were
delayed until 1807; or twenty-one years after Fitch
propelled his first skiff steam-boat on the Dela
ware, and nearly as long after Miller and Syming
ton built the first Scottish steam pleasure-boat at
In this narration are sketched the early career
of the subject of the biography; his Revolutionary
services to the State of New Jersey; his adventures
in the wilds of Kontuoky and Ohie; his captivity
by Indians, and as a British prisoner; his exer
tions to obtain means to construct a steam-boat;
his trials, failures, difficulties in building machine
ry, and his successful application of steam to the
propulsion of three steam-boats on the Delaware;
the abandonment of a fourth when nearly finished;
the propulsion of a steam-boat at New York; his
mortification at the lukewarmness of his country
man as to the merit of his invention, and his final
suicide, to escape from an existenoe persecuted by
continual misfortunes.
As collateral to some of these events, and proper
to an understanding of them, full reference is made
to the steam-boat plans of James Rummy, together
with notices of the experiments,' of ,Samuel Mo
rey, Nicholas I. Rooseveldt, William Lon street,
the Stevens family, and Oliver Evans, after the
time of Fitch, and before the appearance of the
Clermont, Fulton's first steam-boat on the Hudson.
To those have been added, references to steam
boat trials In Europe, by Do Jonffroy, Anziron,
Perrier, Miller, and Symington; together with a
sketch of the contests between various inventors in
the United States after 1807, notices of early ocean
steam navigation as well as of Western navigation,
and whatever could be adduced to add Interest to
the main narrative, and to render the volume
within the limits assigned a record of the origin
and progress of the propulsion of vessels by
The promise thus given by Mr. Wcstcott is
fulfilled to the letter,
and beyond it. He gives
a complete personal history of Fitch, showing
how, no matter what the difficulties to be en
countered, he was fertile in invention, mid
facile in expedients. Here is an Instance.
Fitch had served his apprenticeship to a clock
maker, who taught him nothing of his art:
He was kept at brasswork ftwn early sunrise to
ten o'clock at night, but he was not taught any
thing relating to °look work or watch work. In
reference to the manner In which he was treated,
he said, many years after : " I never saw a watch
put together during my apprenticeship. When I
attempted to stand by to see him put one together,
be would order me to my work. I seldom got to
see any of his tools for watch work; they wore
kept locked up in his drawer. He never told me
tho different parts df a watch, and to this day lam
ignorant of many parte by name. He never per
witted me to turn a piece of iron or brass in his
shop." In eight months' service Fitch had not
boon taught how to oomplete a single clock. He
had commenced one, but was not allowed to finish
it. He worried through these months of injustice
until after be was twenty-one years of ago, when
ho had a controversy with Timothy about the
treatment which• he received. A quarrel ensued.
Fitch threatened to seek redress by law, but, final
ly, it was agreed that ho should be released from
farther service, on payment of £B. He set out to
his father's house to find the means to secure the
payment of this amount. The feelings of the
young man as ho trudged homeward may be faint
ly imagined. He had "learned his trade," ac
cording to the belief of the world, but he knew no
thing. He was a olookmaker who had never made.
a clock, a watchmaker who had never taken a
watch apart or put one together, and who hail
never seen the tools necessary for snob delicate
operations. The portion of his life most necessary
to enable him to getforward in the world hadbeen
utterly wasted. No wonder that his heart was
heavy as ho thought of this injustice. He said,
it I saw the cruelties with which I was treated—
the wickedness of the man—the dilemma which I
bad brought myself into by running myself in
debt three years, to wear out them clothes for
monsters, and £8 more added to it, and I eat out
for home and cried the whole distance, and doubt
not but nearly as much water came from my eyes
that day as what I drank."
When he got home he was ashamed to represent
the ease as It really was, for fear of being sent
book. Ho therefore conoealed the extent of his
ignorance of his business, and represented himself
to have been badly treated. His,
Timothy Ring, and his brother, Augusta, gave
their joint note to Oheany, and took up the bend
of their father.
At the age of twenty-ono John Fitch now found
himself at liberty, having but a limited knowledge
of brass working, and without skill as a olockmaker
or watchmaker. His clothing was scant, he was
in debt £2O, and could not work at journey-work
in the trades which be was reputed to have learned,
for fear of showing his ignorance. He resolved to
set himself up as an artificer in small brass work ;
but how was ho to obtain capital? At that time,
one Reuben Burnham was courting his sister Chloe.
This young man lent him twenty shillings, and
with that small capital and some credit., he com
menced business. Ills father, with more liberality
than could have been erpeoted from him, offered
him board and lodging for one month without
°barge ; and thus furnished. the young and inex
perienced brass-founder went to work. He suc
ceeded admirably, he thought, and in two years
had paid all hie debts and was worth £5O.
He bad also, in that time, learned something
about the construction of brass clocks. Timothy
Cheany had stopped at his shop once, whilst on nn
errand to clean a cloak in the neighborhood, and
either in a spirit of irony or of unwonted good-na
turo, offered to permit Fitch to go with him and
see how it was done. This proposition was de.
dined, but shortly afterward hearing that Roger
Wolcott, a grandson of Governor Wolcott, had a
cloak whiob was out of order, our brass-founder
went to him and requested that he might be al.
lowed to take it apart. He candidly confessed
that be never bad done work of that kind, but de
clared that he had confidence in his ability to clean
and put it together in good order. Mr. Wolcott
consented to this proposal, and Fitch, having taken
the clock apart, succeeded, after much trouble, in
getting it together rightly, and it went very well.
After that attempt he undertook to clean brass
clocks whenever he could get an opportunity. He
made come blunders at first, but after a time be
came tolerably proficient at such work.
At that time ho was induced to enter into part
nership with two young men having less sepalsl
than himself, in a scheme for manufacturing pot
ash. Fitch supposed that he could manage his
brass work himself, and entrust. the potash works
to them. He soon discovered the unpleasant situ
ation in which he was placed, Ono of his partners
could not be relied upon to do the work, and the
other had no money to advance upon his share.
Under these circumstances, Fitch was compelled
to purchase the interest of both. He was entirely
ignorant of the method of manufacturing potash,
and to understand it, he neglected his brass busi
ness and went into another potash house at small
wages to learn the process.
The man who could thus conquer difficulties
was precisely of the genus of which James
Watt may be taken as a representative.
His original idea of propelling carriages on
land by means of a steam-engine, which was
actually the germ of our present railway travel,
arose as early as April, 1785, when he resided
fn Bucks county, Pennsylvania. But, unable
to realize it, ho turned his attention to apply
ing steam as a motive power on water, and,
even at the first, hit upon paddle wheels, as
now used. Three months after he commenced
his experiments, their value was so well recog
nised by competent persons, that the inven
tion was brought before Congress, by Fitch, on
their strong recommendation. Congress re.
timed it to a committee, who made no report
on it. Fitch might have sold it to Spain, but
declined giving up to one Power what
whole world should possess. In September,
1785, he submitted his drawings, steamboat
and models, to the American Philosophical
Society, at Philadelphia. The Society possess
the model to this day. In the same year he
brought the Invention before the Assembly of
Pennsylvania, where it was favorably reported
on. In 1786, the Thought became a Fact.
The model moved a boat tine!) the Delaware.
The dream became - it' reality. In 1787, au
actual steamboat of some size was put to work,
and succeeded. Por the further course of the
invention, its triumphs and misfortunes, we
refer to Mr. Wes:cows lucid and entertaining
narrative. Here, however, is a bit of peculiar
Al thongh not in the proper place, it is of suffi
cient iniftortainto, to add here a fact which was not
known to the writer of this biography until the
work of the printer had reached the present point.
This io, that there is yet living in Philadelphia,
(July. 1857) a gentleman, Mr S uuuel Palmer, lib°
was a passenge: ulna Fitch's steam-boar, the 1 enc.
Verona,. His. father, Mr. Thomas •Paliner, was a
member of the Steamboat Company, and seems to
have made much larger ad VIII.CCS to aid the scheme
than the majority of his associate shareholders
(See pa 's 181 and rasp , 317.) Mr. Samuel Palmer,
when a mull bpi , wide .Vrtrip, in company with
his frillier, upon Pitch's bolt, from Phila.:lphi*. to
Burlington. He has a' vivid recollection of the
journey. They went on board at Market street
wharf, at which a large number of persons were
collected to see them start. The steam-boat was
propelled by paddles in the stern. It went along
noisily, the machinery producing a constant creak
ing and shaking, and the force of the engine caus
ing tho boat to tremble in consequence of the re
sistance of the water. At Burlington they came
to at Kissolman's wharf, in the lower part of the
town. Mr. Palmer is unable to fix the date of this
voyage; but as the boat in the regular trips in
1790 went from Arch street wharf, and the start
ing-place on this occasion was Market street wharf,
it is probable that Mr. Palmer's journeywaa either
in 1788, after the successful experiments, or in
May, 1790, before the steam-boat ran regularly for
the conveyance of passengers and freight.
In despair, Fitch sought for patronage in
France, but the Revolution prevented the con
sideration of his invention. returned in
1794, moved a boat, on the Collect, (New York
city,) by a screw-propeller. At last, in the
summer of 1798, a broken man, he committed
suicide, at Bardstown, Kentucky. There,
After life's fitful fever he sleeps well."
His grave remains without any memorial,
save "a rough, nnhewn, unlettered atone,"
which, his biographer says, (.perhaps is a
fitting monument for genius and misfortune,
neglected in life.and unhonored in death."
So died that Public benefactor, John Mb,
Inventor of steam-navigation--kine of the many
martyrs of science. After all, this Life of
him is the most suitable Memorial that could
bo raised to justify his merits and honor his
genius. In raising it, Mr. Westcott will ob
tain honor for himself also, for he has done
his work ably, honestly, and in a tine, af
fectionate spirit.
ABOTE IRETH.—" Jack Cade"—" Lave in Livery."
AND WALNUT S.—" The MillionaLve"—A , Viii
kiss end hie Dinah."
BTREIIT — 4. tide Ton'a Cabin."
Barman's °PIMA BOOBS ELITTITH 8471211 /son
OHILITNI7T.—EthiopLan Life ' lllashated, concluding with
a laughable Afterpleee.
—llleeellaneoua Concert..
Omnibus Registers.—These contrivances,
known as omnibus registers, to our mind, deserve
to be classed under the significant appellation of
" humbugs." No one relishes the present system
of banding up a " tip " at the moment we enter an
omnibus, and to receive an acknowledgment that
the driver has clutched the money, by a s tro ke of the
boll of the sham clock placed beneath the Jahn's
box. Nobody, except the omnibus owner, has faith
in this kind of satisfaction in advance. It Ls not fair
payment to pay your fair before you are assured
of your ride, whether travelling in an omnibus,
steamboat, or railroad oar. What is sauce for the
pose should be sauce for the gander. To suspect
that a man or woman would be paltry enough to
play the rogue for the value of a sixpence, cope
eially, shows a lack of confidence in humanity un
worthy of an enlightened and Christian people.
No one will guaranty you a safe and pleasant
ride, free from break-downs and crowded, seats,
but pocket the pennies from every passenger, and
then stow away an extra half dozen more than
there are regular seats for, exelusive of baskets,
bundles, and a full supply of babies and poodle
We well know that the position of an omnibus
driver is one of the moat undesirable among the
avocations in which men are necessitated to en
gage. He should meet sympathy rather than
aggression; and these , contrivances, tending not
only to impeach his honesty but to make him
suffer pecuniarily for the mis takes or thoughtless
ness of the public, are unjustifiable and reprehensi
ble inventions.
Independence Square.—lt may not be gene
rally known that the square of ground bounded by
Chestnut, Walnut, Fifth, and Sixth streets, was
originally laid out in building lots, the 6&1110 es the
rest of the city plot About the year 1722 the
northern half of the square was purchased by the
province of Pennsylvania from the - persons who
bad taken up the ground; and the State House
was built. The structure wm finished in the year
1735. About this time the Assembly bought up
the southern portion of the square, and the dwell
ings which stood upon it were demolished. The
ground was then levelled and a high brick wall
was built around it. This wall was, long after
wards, cut down; and iron railing. was put up
around it, at the oust of the city and by consent of
the Legislature. About 1785 the grata was much
improved, by the planting of trees, .t c. 'and it be
came a popular place of resort and a lasbionable
promenade. The Declaration of Independence
was publicly read in the square at the time of its
adoption. After the Revolution, the lets at the
corners of Fifth and Sixth streets, on Chestnut,
wore sold to the city for 152 each (cost price), and
the County Court House and the City Hallwere
built upon the ground thus purchased. •
..d Defeated Canditfale.—Yesterdarmorning
about half a dosen girls made their appearance at
the Mayor's office, and told Alderman Rneu that
they desired to institute a complaint against one of
the defeated candidates for breech of promise and
obtaining their labor on fain pretences. The fast
of the matter was, that the hopeful candidate had
hired them on Tuesday to fold elecition tickets, with
the promise of liberal pay. Upon calling at his
place yesterday, they ascertained that " important
business" had called him from the city in one of
the early train. They were farther politely in
formed that, " when they got their money, it would
be in specie, and would do them good," which lat
ter fact they were not disposed to doubt, but con
sidered it advisable to apply to the Alderman, in
'order to learn the exact tome at which they might
look for the "specie." The Alderman condoled
with them, but was unkble to give them any re
dress. The girls took their departure, firmly no
solved, as they stated, to work for no candidate
unless " he paid in advance."
The Moyamenting House of industry.—
Among the many noble institutions of Philadel
phia, this deserves espeeial oommendation. The
benefits of the institution last year extended to
over three thousand patients. The number of pre
soriptions amounted to 6,080. Nearly a thousand
persons have partaken of tho benefits of the house,
468 being adult females, and eighty-nine under
ten years of age, exolusive of the children in the
schools. Situations have been found for numerous
persons. The amount of wages earned by the in
mates was two hundred and forty-eiht dollars.
The society have purchased an a djoining lot
for $3OO. The receipts for the past year were
$4,184.48; the expenses, Including interest on
mortgage and ground rent, $3,697.17. Dr. Dewees
Martin is resident physician, and attends the dis
Fires.—Yesterday morning, about 1 o'clock,
a building on the west side of Rachel street, below
Poplar, Eleventh ward, occupied by J. P. Peter
man, cabinet and chair-mater, and owned by
Filler .4 Davis, was set on fire and partially de
stroyed. The estimated loss is about $5OO.
While the above fire was in progress another
alarm of fire was caused by the burning of a shed
in the rear of the Green Tree Tavern, in Race
street, between Second and Third streets. The
damage was very slight.
An alarm of fire was caused yesterday morning,
in the Twenty-second ward, by the burning of a
brush beep.
The alarm of Are, about seven o'clock last even
ing, was caused by the burning of the frame boat.
house of George Williams, on the Delaware, at the
foot of Lehigh avenue, near the coal wharves. The
damage was about 9350.
Model Station House.—Lient. A. Ruther
ford, of the Fifth Police District, certainly has the
model station house of the city. The old south
western station house, in Fifteenth street, below
Walnut, has been appropriated to the use of btu
division, and it forms &model establishment. The
apartments are roomy and well ventilated, the
men have ample accommodations for their bunking
arrangements, and the yells for the prisoners are
eeeure and comfortable. The telegraptie operator
at this station, Mr: Thomas G. Dentry, is held in
grateful remembrance by all the representatives of
the press for his uniform oourteay towards them
Ile is universally acknowledged to be a very skill.
ful operator.
Central Office for the Coroner.—Mr. John
ft. Fenner, who is to succeed the presentleble in
cumbent in the °rice of coroner, has an opportu
nity to gratify the public and the reporters, by
the prompt establishment of a central office. We
trust that he will readily acknowledge the neces
sity of yielding to what has long been the demand
of the people, and instead of having his office in
the second ward, where he resides, will keep all
his official documents in the vicinity of Fifth and
Chestnut streets. Joseph Delavau, Esq., who is
about to retire from the position of coroner, will
do so with the proud satisfaction that he has fully
discharged hie duty.
Naval ..Asylum.—There are now in this in
stitution about one hundred and seventy persons,
including officers and attendants. The expenses
last year were 341,210.08. A -beneficent Govern
ment snakes a liberal provision for all the natural
and moral wants of the old sailor. He has the
best of food and clothing, the moat comfortable
apartments, and a small amount of pocket, money,
as an looentive to good behavior, leave of absence
occasionally, church privileges, Ao. The benefi
ciaries of the Asylum arelnortasing annually, and
additional buildings will Soon be necessary.
Philadelphia City Institute.—The object of
this association is to supply the moral and intel
lectual wants of the western portion of the city.
It is located on the southwest corner of Eighteenth
and Chestnut streets. They have a handsome
reading-room, with a library, containing over 1,500
well-selected volumes, on misoellaneous subjects.
The Institute appears to be in a highly flourishing
condition. William H. French is president;
treble and W. Chapin, vice presidents; W.
Rhoads, treasurer, and L. Kroules, corresponding
Probable Murder.—A colored woman named
Mary Wrigley, aged 35 years, was admitted to the
Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday afternoon, suffer
ing from two compound fractures of the scull. It
to stated that she was struck over the head with an
inax epohpylahrershtruseebta, lived
between w iel ß
and Thirteenth streets. Her injuries, we have
been assured, will prove fatal.
husband, or
below am
Christian, " w ho
We learned last evening that the person who in
flicted the wounds had been arrested.
Strayed from Home.—A girl, named Anna
Kelley, somewhat deranged, has strayed from the
residence of her mother, 1107 Cherry street.
Any information concerning. her will be very
thankfully received by her distressed parent, or at
the Central Police Station, Fifth and Chestnut
The Wharton Night School, located in Fifth
greet, below W14440441j bq copped on Mon-,
day evening next, at 7 o'clock.
The Schuylkill- Riser.-L—Until lirithlM a few
years the shoreon ' both sides of lilafs dream has
presented an inieghtly field of dwarf mule and
fetid mud, engendering pestilence and death.
The rapid growth of West Philadelphia is gradu
ally eradicating this eel'. Owners of property on
both sides of the river are beginning to see the so
cessity of budding wharves, and laying oat a
cious levee on either share for the purpoee of trade
and commerce. It would certainly add much to
the value of property in this direction if there was
wide and elegant avenues along the entire length,
between the Fairmount water-works and the john.
tion of the Schuylkill with the Delaware. The
vast resources of our own State, aud'of the great
West, are naturally seeking Philadelpliis ma pint
of distribution to the ends of theglobe. We can
Fee no reason why the shares of - the Schuylkill
should not be lined with magnifiaant warehouses
and places of business. Within the last year a
capacious whorl has been constructed at Lombard
rtreet, end n Sae planing-mill built intl. centre.
Within the same period an establishment, called
the " City Glos.] Works." has been erected at the
font of G cargo sweat. Other works, deaden, will
soon be brought into operation along the burden of
the river.
The necessity of new bridges across the Schuyl
kill has long been made apparent. There ought
to be one at Chestnut street, and at other streets at
convenient distanced below this point. Now is the
limo for the city to take thus by the forelock, and
snared° the Walls as to render them effective for
the purposes of business, not omitting to laj - off
parks, or "breathing places," for the benefit of
generations that are to follow the resent. If we
mistake not, William Penn, inlaying out our city,
designed that something like thisshould be mem
plished, but tin last of traffic and gain hasi then
far frustrated the intention:. Let an enlarged
spirit of enterprise be able to the ne
cessary space on the shores of the Schuyikfil for the
rapidly expanding requirements of our inhabi
tants, and the mercantile and trading interests ge
Murderous Juan —Yesterday a difficulty
occurred at the raw factory of Bringhurst rt Co.'s,
Second and Oxford streets, between two men
named Charles Elletraker and W. Miles. The for
mer threw the latter against a moving ty.erbeel,
and he was injured so badly that his Life is des
paired ot. Ellstraker was held to answer by Alder
man Wright.
New Paster.—Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D.
D., was ittstalled on Tuesday ersesing as Pastor of
the West Arch Street Presbyterian Church. The
sermon on the occasion was preached by the Rev.
Mi. Shields . D. Seardrean.folktried ht a &no
to the newly installed. Pastoviand one to the eon
gregation. An efficient chess was Frement.
Official notice hat been given by the'Dlty
Commissioners, that appeals from the eseectossmt
for State and municipal taxes will be heard en
room No. 11, west wing of the State House„ 001A
mencing on tho 19th Instant, apd oiodu on the
3.1 of Nimember. Two wards will be beard each
day, Sundays excepted.
On Wednesday, the 28th inst., a navel row
ing match will come MT on the rirer Delaware, be
tween the skeleton boats William Glenn, of Phila
delphia, and Thomas li. Daw, of New York. The
boat Glenn weighs only seventy-ire pal:tads, and
each boat will be rowed by one maa..
liccident. About two o'clock yeatmtlay
morning, Mr. F. W. Leathman was passing through
the market, in Second street, above Coates, when
he stumbled over a chopping block and broke his
leg. Fie was conveyed to his residence in Feasth
street, above Poplar.
Rua Over.—Last evening, during the alma
of fire, a young man, named Stoddard, wag ran
over at the corner of Fifth and Chestnut street.,
by the Franklin engine, and very. seriously' in.
jured. Ere was taken to.the Pennsylvania Hospi
Hand Crushed.—George‘M'Corfe,,aged 36
years, bad his left hand badly crushed bye piece
of iron falling on it at the Bash H il l Iron Works,
yesterday. Ho was taken to the Pennsylvania
Drowning Case.—Yesterday morning an un
known woman was found drowned in the river
Delaware,.near the Twenty-third ward. Coroner
Delano was summoned to hold an,inquest in the
Leg Broken.—An individual who was taking
a nap on a stall in the Callowhill street market,
fen to the ground about 1 o'oloek yesterday morn
ing, and broke a leg.
The Citizens of the Thirteenth Ward design
holding a meeting this evening for the purpose of
forming a Howard Auociation. The oldeet la most
The Pilot Boat Herald, Captain Fuller,
sailed at one o'cloek zesterday afternoon, for the
Capes, after having received a thorough aswritaul
ing and repairs for the winter cruising.
Thigh Fractured.—Michael Tagne, i pare
old, had his right thigh fractured yesterday after
noon, by a street pole falling on him at =wreath.
and Federal streets. He was taken to the Kowa' -
[Prom the New York papas of lest mains.)
COMERSTIr MoNnr.—There was considaratia
counterfeit money afloat last night, and three
arrests were made. John Wheeler was arrested
by officer Dage, of the First ward, charged with.
passing a counterfeit $3 bill on the alaga' and
Traders' Bank, of this city. In the Fifteenth
ward George Stanley, an Englishman, was arrested
by officer Robb for passing a counterfeit ten on the
Itondont Bank; and in the Nineteenth ward Mary
Smith was arrested by Sergeant Carry, also for
passing a counterfeit ten upon a grocer named
George Hottiek, 425 Ninth avenue, Of whom she
poronased a Deur* of ten.. The prisoner names to
give her true name.
QuESTITE.—On Saturday last $4,000 in emusterfeit
money was found in the privy attached to the house
No. 275 - Sixth avenue, by the man who keeps the
store on the Arm door. Information was immedi
ately given to the police, who took poseension Of the
money, consisting of $2,000 in ten-dollar Mils on
the Bank of Readout, and $l,OOO on the Ocean
Bank, and., at the instance of the storekeeper and
his .daughter, arrested a gentlemen and lady re
siding up stairs, on suspicion of being the counter
feiters, and looked them up in the Fifth ward
Mormon COltezezect.—The Mormons of this
city held their last cm:defame jelterday, prepara
tory to their departure for Utah, whither they are
!Tout to emigrate in a body.
Asorun Bor •litranear.—On Sunday last the
fancy Store of A. L. Bartlett, 157 Dane street,
was entered by burglars, and a Ruandly of plated
jewelry, pocket-knives and a pair of boob, carried
off, valued in all at abo nts2lo. On Mondaymorn mg •
it was discovered that the window-shutters had
been broken in and goods stolen. It was found
that the burglars made their escape through a rear
door. The ease was placed in the hands of °Hoer
Field, of the Fifth ward, who, upon issiniry,fonnd
that a boy named Peter Byrne wu mean to emu
out of the Store, and be arrested him tipall WI&
elan. When taken into eastedly be - bad ea the
boots missed from the store, and he seknowledged
that be committed the burglary in company with
another bo* about his own age, named William
Barker. Oa being examined before ;sake Os
borne this morning, he goad guilty to the charge,
and was committed. He is only thirteen sears
old. •
1837 wad 1937.
[From the 'Boston Poet.]
Some still go back to the suspension of 1837, and
say that the cases are, at bottom, analogous, and
that what then was unavoidable is necessary now.
W e have remarked at same length on the facts
that prove them not to be. Take an Mmtration
that comes home to osr present condition as to
specie—one drawn from the state of the ex
changes. Nearly a fortnight sac we remarked
that to place of the millions of foreign indebted
ness, and of the ruinous drain of specie oat of the
country of 1837, the rate is such of 13.51 that it
must bring specie from abroad. Look at en
ehan4e to-day !Itis at such a rate as to allow a
margin of profit to import specie from Europe
of between nett end nuns per cent ; the trade is
such that specie mast coma ; and it is safe to pre
dict that heavy imports can begin within thirty
days, while our own product is • in constant
ly from California. Need we point to e difference
between such a state of things and the state that
existed at the date of the 1837 suspension? Then
our exchanges were against us as to specie, and
it was flowing out of the banks and out of the
But look at this alleged analogy in a paint of
view in which we have not considered It. The
suspension of 1837 took place at a time when our
crops were all in—had been all used np. Indeed,
all through the South the planters had even
pledged the croEs not yet sown—triune ofll3S—for
mean., to melt their engagements. Let a mean a
fact or two. Here is a citation from a New Or
cans paper of 1937 just before the • n :
" New Orleans, April 5, Inf. Three Tnadred
bales of good quality cotton were bought for re
mittance to Liverpota, on Tuesday, for Seven mom.
To-day we hear of several Pots being offered at six
ants; In Hinds coankh.flissihrdppt, more than
a tAousamisusts hare been brought.", To show
the state of the South, we take the Mowing
from the ./Ifirrearieleias, printed at Jamison, the
seat of Gcm3rnmont : "Nearly three millions are
to be recovered in the three counties of lath,
Madison, and YISOO, and proportionally in other
counties of the State, bythe approaching terms of
their respective courts.' , And the Welt was as
bad off as the South. In fact, crops there had fail
ed, and up to the very day of the 1831 suSpensiOk
we were increasing our indebtedness to Europe by
importing wheat. A table of these importadorts is
beforena, down to April 19, a few days before the
general suspension This is no lea curious than it
is valuable.
January. February. Muth. April.
_49,000 11,900 118,000 2,580
_15,100 78,000 85,200 53,000
... 7,000 8,000 40,800 SAW
... 1,000
P 11159141.
22,000 14,000
ipo 81,1300 50,400
25 000 1,300
6,100 -
____. - 8,000
Bushels 132,600 110,800 413,30* /8*,300
Stich was the condition of the country i as to
crops and specie balances, in lear• Then, by the
natural coarse of trade. specie was going abroad;
going abroad, too, to settle balances ormasioned by
commercial transactions—to pay for the flood of
wheat that was roaring in upon us. The aspen
ion took place In May.
Now look at, the state of things to-day; furs an
°rioter, defers the crops have coots csarker.
able; they must go forward; and they are what
Theo cr ops are enormous; they eiU soo nbe asail
the foreigner cannot do without. We can stop
breie importations at any moment, and the in
dications are that they are pretty effectually
stopped for the present; but the foreigner cannot
slop bo i ling of mt. Cotton must go forward; and
this artsole at this moment—:croahers to the con
trary notwithstanding—is just as good, if not bet
ter than so much specie- The grand surplus at
the West Is waiti ng t o pay eastern indebtedness;
and this will soon set the wheels of trade in mo
• • .
Here are recuperative elements, all loos to be
available, which bear no analogy whatever with
their condition in 1837, and which, too, are be
yond the reach of the furious bulls and bears of
the stook board ; - and even the railroads, which
have been a main cause of the present panic, are
to be a most powerful instrumentality to aid in the
work of recuperation; for along these highways
are our varied. products destined to tow to their
natural markets, with a celerity =known before.
Whoever brings these crape from the greaariee
of the Heat to the markets of the East will do a
publio service; and when here, they will mime in
aid of tie struggling mercantile community.
These are the clece.. tidings in the tr4nass
horison. They may mcite yetjustifrthe kg of
LAND HO . 1 . The are enough ' however, to warrant
the conolasiom, tif the ship can be kept afloat
a little loriger she will reach a safe harbor.