iruniklsatvfzn4oAiii eitAk A bitieV3tiiitioto ibmatab;'itiblightid: In Tn Pali " 7811 * da 7 mot alleinfermed oritliatothe Steamea,Vmpiro Vity; ferXeil•Alvef,'"itruok on tit reeks ooff,liell-idate during a dona • ib g' rk 411 staarisiewas sunk: 4het passengers, tactual one hundred and -fey taom i s were. saved, The baggage woo lost, 0 0 lippor saloon of' th steamer.was under roatir: l ' -- The" story was en tirely wrong, as sie , find • by, tiro subjoined state meats front the lOW Ttirbw, rte::, ' • "It Boerne that the,ateatnerktni upin one of the rooks whielt extend in an irregular reef for , marl half a mile below the southern pplat of Blackwell istikoa.‘, , , , t large hole was made in her bow, but lb engine was immediately reversed, the boat backed off, and in a few minutes- she 'reached the pier or nearTsw:nty-drstatreet, whore, with the aid planks, hit 'passengers welch bately transferred t a soVoopei,,,Mni thence to the wharf. Nobody w hurt. There wore, shoat one hundred and eighty, rpa . senors onboard, - The shook when she streak very. severe, and, of,course, in view of, the la temblo disasters at sea; the'Mott gainful alar and eanitement spread among the passengers The 'alarm Was'greatly 11%01904b the ' hazy hazy 00 dittop of the atmosphere, winch abut out the Ala and`seemed toyrrap the heat in a pail. " Front the rooks on whioh abe struck to die foot of Twenty - first street is a little over a mile. BTATBMENT - OP- MC. WM, IL, PAVES: , • , False, Berl, Of;Portenottth,, • ~ now stopping at French's Betel, hasobliged us with the following statement I.' We Matted from Pier No. 3,•North river, at five P. M. the fog-being So thick at the time wo could mammy see from stem to stern of the vessel, and within three miuutoS of our leaving , the dock we could no lougec gee land. -I do net, think the vessel kept. full headway through, the fog, and . it did `not appear to bo longer than twenty minutes after'. starlinglhat hu stns.*. I was standing forward at the time, on the saloon-deck. and,. a number of passengenk,Wereinear 'me. We stnek at about twenty: renkilkif - pflat live o'plinik, or as near that eel cabWe could not See any lights ,06. either Sheri* but it was not yet,quite dark.. The log bad Veecitan tough danger, and we could seereely see anything At thetinte the ship, struok I was sitting dawn; !the shook was'very, sensibly felt, although I' did not roe or hear of any persons 4)04 thrown down in coneequence of it. All'en, 'Wird appeared to know we had struck a rock," and great confusion immediately prevailed. The .5401:11011 were much -frightened, - but the min did all they emit,' to pacify them, assuring them there was no danger. I had no conversation with Captain Brayton! but sierhini giOngordere with perfect coolness', and behaving pourageously under the, cirelleaataniaes, I ,also saw • Several of the effOril".or,the ship, inlAMl:esticifei of their duty, and I heard them assuring thaPaSsengere there was but little danger: , The ship was immediately' put toward land on the NetitYork-e'de, and within what appeared to me an ,hour we reached the foot of Twenty-first street. - It named to motto be a very long time after our striking before we reached land. -At, the moment of 'opt striking, I think the engines were shut off, but almost•imme diately after they were put on again, aid we put back. 'judge that the bole wan made In the bows, load about five minute's after the accident I noticed, water to - the forwardand aft cabin. I watched it gain -momentarily, although the pumps were kept, , going all the time,, and when we arrived at Twerp.. ty-first Street, there 'were, I should think, three feet of water in the saloons, es the tables and chairs were floating., Everybody was on deck,:and great confusion prevailed, When We name in sight of land, I felt very much satisfied at the prospect of safety ;no cheering arose. from the passengers, bat the confusion almost immediately ceased. When we came -op to the dock at Twenty-first et, we laid alongside a schooner, and all the p asseagent landed' from the steamer across; her dealt.' Tam satisfied " that nobody jumped overboard after the accident; we all know that we were so near land that - there was's certainty of being saved. , No one ,seemed to lee in a hurry to leave the steamer after arriving at the dock;' some left hronediately, others not for one or tiro hours. staid 'two or three, Imam en board ;ithell the water bid nearly all been got Ont. Within two haute of our reaching land, thOaderq the ord4ne *ea, 'Ap ! ',strid.Tsid honered, frem: , the progress ade in pneephigtheeldprt that :the would be freed in a very Short time. 'fhe baggage was all on desk, and, eonsequently;iwa , not waged by the water. I left the Empire Stativ at about 10 P. , b1., and took the ears' for-Treacles Hotel.' STATEMENT OF ME; HILTON, OP BOSTON: We left the Battery at the usual Hine. It grew quite thick in a few minutes after we got in mo• Mon. This was about sir o'clock. I don't knew exactly Our position, but I think we were some' wherenner .13thokwelPs Island. She struck quite' heavilj upon a rook. The passengers were very much alarmed, -The women, of course, screamed and fainted, 'ae. usual' on such VlCatliollo, but the men were owl.' Agood many confused ideas began to arise, - as_ a matter of course.,- The captain deei ded to - return. to New York hreeditately t and; got; headed toward the They, succeeded jA gets ling near enough to the pier at thefoot ofTwenty.f first or Twenty-secend - atreet to be able Oland alt the passengers over the decks of two schooners I vermin the cabin, and did not - see • what 'boomed after vve‘git ofrfrom the rook. The'irater poured in very fast at the leak. When she struck grined, the second time as she approached 'the' pier; the water 'had' risen nearly, to, the top ;the cabin table— It. was probably„three. feet , deep in the dining cabin. :The engtuee, however, "were puraning'allthe time: ..We passed. from the Em pire State over the and on team nearest schoenen and then' upon the other, Which lay et right angles to the first: Froth this we Succeeded in leaching the 'pier: • It',was se foggy that you could see, nothing at all, - In fact; from the time the fog buret upon us, the steamer ran Wild:, It did not, however, came on thick, until we had got fairly under headway. „It, then seemed to drift very suddenly in' from the ocean vent thick. end became uncommonly dense. There was' not quite the anal' number of passengers 'on board,. who weramtlinifin the inthin at - the time, The AWOL.' dent happened - before sapper .;: all there who applied: for it the passage money was returned_ The baggage still remains truths crates on board the steamboat. -They are on the_ deck above the water.: ,LATEST FROM VIE BOAT. -,- The boat ran on the rOoki .at the West end or Blackwell's damaged the. b,ottore very badly for about' fifty foot : By getting the passengers to fall batik to the atern of the boat. they were enabled , . to- get her 'off. The. donkey engine was started to_prounp,Ottt the „water. They then turned abent end groped. theieway into about water, and finally succeeded in, landing at the foot of Twenty.-firatetreet, 'where some sehoonera were lying. With the asaistanee of plaiths, ism, all the passengers were gat'on -shore without, wetting a single foot. By keeping up the %steam in the z don-. key-engine they, were enabled te,keep! her -afloat,' They'expact to get het around this' morning tn, thii dry dock." Her repairs Will' probably 'occupy a week's time. „prom the, time the boat struck the' greatest confusion prevailed. ' The male passengers, especially; ran about the wreck mlereated' the greater part of-the coral-, Mon. It watt with the utmost difficulty that the offi map could prevent then:arm jumping overboard. The ladiesmanifeeted on the contrary, thegreatot , • wtolmore'. , , 4.NO4IItER CO L LISION. Lou of UmMealier Metantora.on tbe,North * off - 1)414 eirY; 0564 if clack this A. M., during ii dente fog, ran into; the steardboat Motamora, on her way to New , Tork, ' and , sunk . . her to ..the ' upper d oak - . No liaes'wein lost and" when the early. Pough keepsie train passed, at at o'elook, two steamboats, and some twenty rowboats, were at work trying to tow the hiatemoracm,shore- ' --" " - The Commodore was on her way to AlbanY;and was detained all night, as was the Now World) by the fog.. • ..auornen•acootniv.. - Dirring,thejdense, fog which onvolopodthe Pldrtli river Aids morning, a collision occurred , ;between the steamers/ Commodore and hietamora: The former loft this city this morning for Albany, And at about 14 O'olbek dame in collision with the Meta more, which MO bound 'doign from Raverstrair and Nyack: 'The' !detain e rs was, strifeklorwird of the gangway ,' and,'• so completelit, nut, through that she sunk in four minutes, ' , • The•Metamora's pamengers were mainly, taken on board the Ctommodere t , and Irere transferred to the eteiimer Isaso R. Smith,. and brought by her to No York, It is - not known' thatany . lives, were lost;lnt thought . ' that two':or' tbree . persona perished.. A man', is MiCto, have jumped, over board, and not foliose been jseen afterwards, and another man and koolored.boyain reported miss ing; 'Shit ommodore transferred her own Raman gm to thabiewWorld, alio bound fox:Albany, and both balite 'returned to Now York. The Oommo. dord hiti - heistern broken, and leaks guile badly. , IDelermiaed masa toleluhreslea Lady. • • . The Cincinnati Gazette gyres in account of's. bitty who, while living in ,California three, yeas a40, - , was the means-of, marrying it young butt friend of hers to a fellow named Munson, who rob bed , bit, - Itlfe and soottlessrted her.i.i sailing - for Yaw had braughtmliout the i match left'Californisi and boldly face/her raison-, siblittiAn the premises, and'en the -nailing ; of the' illintlionterierdibeued she toolc plasma; for Ne*,Yorlr;de t ermined to follow the, betrayer, °f i ber oonfidenoit Andthe lovia;lof a wife to thei hounde oNsiellisition, , andFihring; him-to punish- t Lliiielf , '-Arrlying in New York ,' air- got , traces' op his - Abotateps,lbliciwed hint over 'o:wised router,' itintikehe craolcuthrtubd'is"ril/ege" lb 72,01insPlim- , wheel silk found Ida with tincilluir,wile, to`, hishad beerfmaitiod Vetere going. bride - --warran t -was . issued 'for, his, arrest for; bfgarayPiiitfbaring no.proofs ..of his' socond.mat-! liege, after * -short 'rumination; he ,• Was , - die.: , dui - rated' by tide 1:n11411444e terroina: tion of sigaisliAit lady .imabidiately returned b.? California; ?toured the -necessary affidavits nub stantiatinip: blinuoii'S -Marriage ' there, together with evidence' orthettot of his having absco n d e d •with tones $15,000 of his second -wife's fundr; and r onios snore returned to the. Attalla' side in sears& of thir, , bilinier'ethst:crieftd: Jae" - she bal*issmatedlibi'fol; tie or: thee° .411,ouths, with the meek deternsfaed4ad, reitless perseve..i :ranee ; lietthels far without ewes. Ile hadlaft the ritagiiiihera he r bed. resided , when arrested = fit:bltleel'iluut . &Wiener • the lady bad 'obtained sante sabstqctinit fences of his movements, When we 'stet het,, fettogioati had riot' pot siuseeeded ascertaining prasentresisliniee: althoughSho is satisfied it 50rahrhatkin . ,the,West., She-had al; read* expended a large amount other own funds in the pursuit; and impulsed herdetermination, not to give up the, ohase until her "sweet revenge's, had begn grel*fl; aollwiluoii4i m it hi , to pollee, BY TM PYLAVIANE. irsoat minv:Areitic„ I,ooMlPOudenCe 114 , ,Prigiia;..-,:t ; Rfsreion; Odober,/$1 48 4t.440 Y t z. This is bi tie the :gitenileirand most dionattowt de,S , ,Ilet±3tglab eeninstthe itteectunitsC.Exchangeircede 'and tlseyua 'ThOrtne continued th ie Toni; ; itll44 2l 44 ll 4,o l 4P l 7,Yo t iiieentAile3onti. - : When .4 1 0:4 1 4 - ; 15 - 1 *, ;kiioslll - 11k A 4004, i*4610.A.‘19.41 the - , :morknoAnnir. Toni:nye* ontto, and , , it a' Inter hour, Iho. St.,fitchOtilatiltitlitOot:ll#aktitiolloiOith 3 d.' The . 'Ci Vt Bl°4l 4 .- * 4 nde , ' .."7"m•- ••• 1 ?7 , .: 0 ,0 0 0 1 01013 • 1.13 - 111 1 1 1#1# 4 .! ) , 1 ,g 4 4, 44 ,20,?;# ."43.9k"- - •, ~1011.008 - ' 1.008 60,219 3,000,00- ,nlllO - 000, fkerm ll o44 l 3/04 61 03 8,897 19 0 , 359 02 ' 666,000' 102;o00 Coleraine& 80r:ffard. 128 03 88;616 03 38,148 /6 - 1 w W 4 ‘,1W:: 4 1Zig..4 4 .•••• 451 :4 1 " 004 , 600 110 1 0 1 a Ot• #luea., ,194 18 88,589 01 8,183 1/ . • ~.eOl, --4 - 4 '•%- a •ii- 4 4, -; - • •; 00 000 Iff 0000 , .... ,• 821 03 40,658 03 41,483 08, IMP/ ; OM 11. McCreary& 00. .. .. 5,60 18 8,682 18 010`tu.,0i 4 -,., ,, ,,•-,r,,,f01-41 , /.4.0•44148; • ••• „ . ' 204 ......0,096 06 858,817 19 880,808 06 'Theldeat alarm orevalle t 'and every one that can is desiring out his deposit In gold, In Rome cases replacing I I it as a specat deposit', with liberty to count in the next 'average, The etreet is crowded with eager and fright ened ifitisens. Every ePectee of rumor is current, and -the general opinion to that all the banks will suspend. Mr. Leavitt, of the American Exchaiage Dank, has made a statementto the customers and others in Ms bank, ex greasing his determination •to hold open till the last dollar is exhausted, and that others of the strongest -Unite • will do likewise. To-morrow will decide the question. The reported failures to-day are as foliowii 'Biles,' Douglass,' Wheelock, & CW., Dry Goode; I. A. Bearri,:Dry Goode; Blackwell, 'Whittemore, & Co., Dry Goal; ; W. Landon dr. Co., Dry Woods; Carhart, Bacon, &, Co., Dry Goods; Derrick, Fault, & Co., Furnishing, Goode; Lndlum, Leggett, & Co., Produce; Ames, Mar rick, & Bliodes;Stationers I Dyiers & Alstyne, Brokers. This wide-spread disaster is attributable, in my mind, very much to the conduct of the bank directors, who, by a little liberality, might have eased the pressure, and kept themselves wife. Now they find the folly of driving the public to desperation. And yet they have their apologists. Them are scone who affect to tee reasons for. encouragement in the bank atritereenf Published Ytt terday afternoon sad who, glosaing ever the fact that (hero Ls further co n/maims front teat week of $4,017,- 030 to muss end. a further decrease of $4,670;376 IN 'DEPOSIT, think the ,intireileil in specie of $75,881 a very consoling and „reassuring state of things. I do not envy the intellect of those who believe such abennlity, nor the, conscience of those who, not believing it, say- to; merely to bolster up the ini quitous action of the city banks in these times of unparalleled hardship. No one Is tool enough to sup pose that the batiks ought to have expanded to an ex tent sufficient to relieve all borrowers without any re gard to their own condition—the consequence of their reckless expansion. No ono would have recommended them to become "produce forwardersyi but between Ate and a contraction of $20169,083 fa nine weeks, and contraction of $0,000,000 within the last two weeks, when - they announced an intention to extend their dis count line three per cent.—there is a wide difference, appreciable by the meanest capacity. We are still de luded by_the cry.- It wee very rife Me morning that now the banks are " le a position to expand with safe tar ; if that the Sub-Treasury Is about to pay out fabulous sums, and theta California remit tenet. is due this week; that we have touched bottom, and that we niaylook.for the dawn of better times, if we only have patience. I have been duped so long by this twaddle, that I am de termined not to delude the•readers of TUE PRESS by repeating it as reliable.. If it Fovea to he true, well and good; and if it turns out to be humbug, as I believe, with regret, then I am itukocent of having contributed to the deceit. The Journal of Commerce, of this morn. log, contains the following, which will give you a good idea of the intellectual calibre of the men by whom our messy institutions are directed. "Weare awry to hear that daring the height of the ex citement this morning, some bank officers behaved much worse thin any of the poor servant girls or Irish labor ere whose folly has been so much condemned. We hear that one bank president, whose croakings have been his only utterance , since. the -pressure began and who ban thrown a. wet blanket over every previous effort at WOW action on the part of the banks, instructed his receiving teller to refuse certified checks on other in stitutions, and actually did question a depositor who was offering a certified check upon Another Walt street bank—an institution that, in prosperous times, could Any out his establiehment and keep it on hand, without' Berliner inconvenience. Such old grannies do more harm than generally supposed, but there is no cure fur their peculiar aliment, and all we have to do is to suffer patiently-"' The panic Is now so general, that there is little pros pect of anything, but a general crash. I can see no other result. II is sad to contemplate, but when it is over, we shall be better off than in the state of fearlul apprehension we have been in for come time. .The stock market is, of course, in the greatest con fusion, on account of fire bank crash. Certified checks were of no use, and prices fell off on almost the entire list. At the First Board Beading and Chicago, and B. I; B. It. advanced x per Cant., and La Creme and Mil. ; but N. Y. State ins, '74, fell 2 per cent. ; do do. s'x,'sB, per cent. ; IX ; Missouri o's, I ; N. Y. Central bonds, 1; 'Erie 2d intge, 10 ; Panama, 3 ; and Cleveland and Toledo, 2. 'The Clearing House Settlement Eases follows I Clear. Inge $11,457,121. ; balances paid In coin 0704,71011. , a.enes are dull end quiet, with small salmi at $0.250 $8 50, for Pots and $5.75 for Pearls. • lISEADSTOPFB.—The market for Flour is demeaned, titul May be quoted Smite lower, with sales of 4,001 bide, at $4:40054.60 for common to good State, $4 650 - $4.75 for extra do,, $4,35m14.48 for common to good Michigan, Ohio, , &a., mad $4.80055 85 for extra do,, $5.60417 for extra Geneeee and 85.05057.50 for extra St. Louie. Southern Flonr ' l3lo cents lower, With sales of 000 Obis, at 850a55.45 for mixed to good Baltimore, Alexandria, &c„ and $5.450051 for extra and fancy do, Canadian Flour is also lOo'lower, with sales of 300 bbie at $4.90055.08 for Super to extra. Bye Flour is nomi.' nal at 53.75054.50 for fine to super. Corn Meal is - very Heavy, *LAB.BOO/.3.40 for Jersey and $4 for Brandy ; COrrae:—The. market's dull for Rio at 10x elle., viith small salea., Scott's circular estimates the Mock of Rio at 30,127,,bag5, and. the tote' stock at 104,535 bags and mate. , L COTTON—The market 1100 unsettled that it is not pos. elble to give any reliable quotations. Gaeta—Wheat IS 3065. lower, with talcs of t 2,000 bushels at g 1.206161.22 for southern red; 81.2501.30 for southern white, and $l.lO , for prime red and winter Ohio. Oats aro heavy, at 43044 c, for Jersey; 54058 c for ditto; 05058 c. for western, and 30044 e. for southern. Rye hl dull, at 70c. for prime. Corn is heavy and lower, with sales of 81,000 bushels at Marko. for mixed west ern. Barley is nominal, at 70085 c, llar'is toiling slowly at 60m70e. Eines are without any movement, and et entirely no spinal prices. hon.—Scotch Pig la dull at $23,2429, six months, with a very liberal allowance for cash. 1 Lining is quiet and nominal. Light and middle WeightsPrinoce are quoted at 20m22c, and Rio Grande dud Buenos Ayres at 2.2024 - o. 14.skst.,Brottes-411 the articles classified under this gcad arena dull, tad_ prices ao nominal. that I cannot ive any quotations on which reliance can be placed Otis.—Crude, whale, and sperm oils are dull and un- Changed. Linseed oil's heavy Ist 08070 e. Pnortstose.--pork unaettled, with .sales of a few bbla dt sls for prime and $230528.60 for mess. Beef iv , very heavy at 818.50C414.50 for repacked Western,: and $10061.0 for extra de, Beef Muns are heavy at Me , $1740. Bacon and Cut Meats are a fettle more active. . _ . . . . . . . Laid is dull at Ittribe. Butter is heavy at 14e17c far OLIN and228245e for choke dairy. Chesso is rateable &MARL—Saw are loner and dull at Oir6X- for Cuba, And ag 10r.Porto Alto: 'Refined are quite inactive. Vinson. is unsteady at 20c, 1 NE.,W .YOIIV 0100 K EiEIIANGE SALES. '130.00N11 . 310.A.1110-007. 13, 1557. 6,600 Missouri 6a _ , Mx lOO he U Si -10 kik otOommerFo 11- 100 do 32 10)_.. - do; ,- . „., .10... ' 100 - .do . . 0:14 I tA/Bod 11 11 , ,LS 20 400 do as :4* ohm & Tol n. . okg 100 Panama It , 65 in 01001 & Cln R 10 100 N Y Central It 84)4 Too Harlem it ' - .6 100 do , 54;4 1200td ds'M IP. , 1 69 26 .do • , . ,65 THE MONEY MARKET. PUILI:DALPRIA, Oct. 18, 1851: I The advisee to-day from New Took are welling blue, tinitappearaneea seem to jtietlfy the opinion that every merehanfthere, with hoary payments to make, will be •obliged to yield.te the pressure. ItSeeins to make no difference what are his securities or assets, unions he flu 9 i cash or Governinent bonds, be cannot pay his debts, :and is forced to the will. This le the result of the lo pllMB_ course pursued by the • barrio in our slitter city, and it will, in the end; cause the failures of'nearly, if not all the banks themselves, by filling them with the suspended, paper of their customers. They cannot break up the majority of the merchants by ouch a system as :they have lately pursued, without breaking themselves lithe and. The banks that have already broken held one-fifth bf the banking capital of the city r 'and the stampede has commenced with each violence that no one can presume. to mirk where it will be stayed. We wait anxiously to • learn the effect of to-day's noire open the banks of New England. The country banks of Massechusetts held, • at the end of depteriabei, $1,030,631 in specie, for $14,. ;023,002..0f clyeniatiOn;' while their leans equalled the total sum of their capital, deposits, And circulation. A more rotten state of things can hardly be Imagined by 'those accustomed .to sound banking, and a collapse . would very speedily happen if it were not for the fort that they discount largely to parties who will send their notes abroad, • The whole West has been flooded with this worthier, carrenCy;and not the least 'of the mertffications our self-eeteeni Sailers In consequence of the suspension of our, banks, la the sight of our people paying brokers a hew -premium for these rags over the notes of oncowu banks. We fear that there will be an early and a fatal reckoning ;day for these instlintlans, who seem to hove totally forgotten that paper money was only intended at a substitute for the precious metals which it represents. They could not well have gone further from their pro tended'office of providing a trustworthy and convenient medium of exchange for foreign and domestic mercan tile transactions.. They have set afloat many millions of promises to pay without the wherewithal to keep the promise, and its fulfilment bids fair to be opeedily ex• acted ir9oltheni to their utter discomfiture. The New York beak officers held a meeting et the clearinghouse yesterday, at which, after reciting in a prearohlrfolx oraeieti Most excellent reasons why they airfield not hayo,broughtthia resolutions, hurricane upon the:ceientryr they passed two resolutions, one of which readona ‘.'l?Saereed; That the banks of the city of New York are determined. stall" hizards, and under all cireum otences, to perform their duty to the country, and all its great interests, In A the maintenance of specie pay ments, and that all Clamor ht the community should one. tans them In gorrylmpout this determination." Wow they perforratheir Anti to the country, le made manifest in the telegraphic news of to-day. It is certainly time .that this whole boldness or bank ing should be overhauled and reformed. We do not be lieve tbitt:thirituing comnion sense of out countrymen iiijf aver reindir Perrnit,:tilistrwi people Shall be ridden to raid: and -Odra,' by these. miserable currency -I', • • ' pf . 04 sertinloapte, we 'would paint to' the Nprossion ln, 041 prlbe,of cotton, amounting tOlogu• cants *pound' hi ten days, effecting aloes to the edoritrj; to the value of this great staple alone, of more then thirty inifilon'e of dollars. Our °Fa laisiposa,allikira are in a quiescent state, and even the general election proceeding in our Midst fails td aiakin'atii kind of enthusiasm. There has been Mira bustle manifested on Third street to-day, as the telegraph reported every few minutes the explosion of another and another of the New York paper mills, effootibg A sort of general,, though perhaps, temporary conffireation of the Specie funds" the brokers have for some days been anxiously buying at Ave or Aix per Cent. premium, - - At the stock tumid Reading advanced slightly under the demur& for cash !flock, but Pennsylvania Railroad sleek declined to a 1..- The panic in the New York stock ,market bad little effect bore, perhaps because things notConffi easily be Made mach horse than they are. ' • Accounts from Virginia represent the tobacco growers and shippers as Ina high state of excitement in cense ,quanee !hader:4nd' for arxextenelen made by, or in behalf "of,lfielr commission merchants in New York. ••The }Muses engaged in the mane trade iu this city, we are glad tO learn, will not he obliged to resort to this Measure. - • , • -, The realpt4 ofthe North riatisylvanla rtailroad i du rzing the month of ,September, 1867, were... .830,038 14 eeplepber,•lB6B •• 6,678 24 Theresa* 123,104 90 quote • the football of the New York 'bank State ment published yesterday, though the news to-day makes it of, Out little account: • • Oot. 11, '60.. 0.34.10057, Oct 3, ?,57. Capital ' 8541 , 43,000 864,474,000 $ 05,130,000 •L a ktisi =167 ,1 4 7,392 101,917,589 106,935,499 fineefe =- 10,381{791 11,470,294, 11,400,412 8,748, 980- .CirthlaSion 7,623,699 ' 7,916,102 Deposits:. 80,078,144 • - 03,301,081 07,978,657 ~ k zehested - • 26,099048 13,650,605 /5,180,291 •.11tidrawn - ,, , • - ' 60,979,20 k . '49,740,176 62,798,30 - Blite.Tr'eleary; .13,478,467- , 0.100,650' 7,748,267 .=The following shows the amount Of cosi transported ,IgY*tti4 Tow: Yalleyllatiroid; for tho week ending MIKIS,. . Wigr, • Dasprotrmr. TOTAL. , _ Tons, Cwt. , Tons; Owt. Tons. Owt. ig/Pt.09. 0 tain,',...2,056 .18 , 94,919 19 96,976 12 Una 1,200 05 70,658 08 77,794 13 -- m .... , Le1da1i...1,374 15- 29,796 OS 30,971 03 000 1 1 0, / Ridge ' "- 10 38 9 27 10 _ THE PR'EgS.--431-MADELPHIS;' WEDNESDAY, OCTOMR, 14, MI. The Coal tonnage on the Lehigheausl, foe the week ending October 10, hoe been as follows VROSI Mauch Chunk. Summit Mines Tunnel No. 2 Room Run Mince.. Teat Lehigh Mime YOB WOLK. TOTAL. Tons. Cwt. Tony. Owe. ... 0,302 17 210,134 11 437 12 7,030 03 1,234 00 43,603 10 67 15 20,133 15 11,092 04 310,810 05 A. Lathrop and °there, Pea and Dot Coal 05 05 2,783 OS East Mauch Chunk. Spring Mountain Mines 1,010 03 29.209, 02 gnat Sugar Loaf do. 1,014 12 20.380 05 Coleraine do. 279 02 40,407 00 Stafford d 0 .610 U ... • .. N. Y. and Lehigh Coal Co ... 365 18 23,009 10 German Penn. Coal Co 110 12 7,311' 10 South Spring Mountain Coal. 200 05 14.628 07 North Spring Mountain Coal— 209 19 10,170 00 Beaver Meadow Co 310 11 2,745 03 Penn Hanna Hazleton Coal Co. Cranberry Mines. Diamond Mines.. Council Ridge.... Mt. Pleasant Coal 1,126 12 75,480 03 1,133 13 54,663 17 853 17 32000 06 1,125 07 28,057 11 318 08 6,831 05 Rockport. Buck. Mountain Coal C 0.... 1,024 10 10,423 19 Whits Haven. Wilkeabarre Coal Co. Wyoming Coal Co Hartford Coal Co. 21,288 or rr,7 2 1,016,312 35„201,G48 Total Luinher. For the week.. Per at report Total ... 'AMPS° Today's quotations for specie, payable In bankable funds by Cronies & Co., specie brokers, 40 south Third street, are as follows American half dollars, old, $1.08; American quartet dollars, old, 1,05 ; Mexican dollars, 1,00; Booth Ameri can dollars, 1.08 ; Flemish pillar dollars,l.l4; five francs, 1; German crowns, 1.12; French crowns, 1.14; Ame rican gold, old, 1.12; sovereigns, 605; XX francs, 4; X guilders, 4.20; X thalers, 8.20; `Spanish doubloons, 16.50; patriot doubloons, 16.40; ducats, 2 36. Ameri can gold, 007 ; New York exchange, for collection, om - PRILADELPIITA STOWE. EXCIIKNGH SAVES, October 13, 1857 Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No SO} Waittut street. BIRBT TIGARD. 1000 Oity(rp da cask. 042 N Penna 1000 0& A 011 es '64. 64 I 3 Poona Itlt 3 1 200 City Gas 5.0 new. 82,4 13 do 8000 City as . 82% 3 do 1000 do cash— 824 4 do 31 500 City RR6ac PKG. 83 4 do 1300 do .... 83 21 Readingitlt 15 600 do aPP.P.. 83 14 do 1000 Sob NOlOB2 sSwn. 51 4 do 7290 Poona 5s 83 0 do - .... 15 1500 do 83 25 do 1600 do 83 2 Minehill RR bog 8000 do .—. 83 4 do 4 N Poona AIL.. 734 6 do LOs BOARDS. 4000 Otty 04 DETWEE 1500 N Pa RR Gs— 45,V NO do 451( SECOND 8000 Penns 5s 83 100 Reading RR 15% 8 1 300 City RR Gs 83 100 do .... 15% 1000 City Gas as new. 82% 20 do .—. 15)4 100 do now. 82% 2 do ,—, 16% 1200 City ils 82% 200 do 244. 15% 500 do .... 82% 5 Deav Mead RR._ 45 100 do .... 82% 12 Minehill RR..... 50% 100 do .... 82% 16 N Pennaßß cosh. 8 4600 do .... 82% 32 Norristown RR... 50 1001 C&ARR 6s '64 c. 64 . 12 do .... 60 28 Penns RR lots. 31 5 do „ „ 50 18 Reading DR 15)4 0 Girard Bank 7% CLOSING PRICES—STEADY. Bid. 4sked.Bid. Asked. IT 8 We, 438....124 I Schyl Nov Wei 13 14 Philada ex 82X 83 Wmsp , t & Elm R 9 11 do KR...82N 83 I do Ist mort 02 05 do New 94 94X do do 2dm 49 50 Penns 5s 82% 83 Long Island.... 75( 71' Reading 1t 15X 15X Vicksburg 6 8 do Bonds , 70 65 60 Girard 7N 8, do 810 ' 14,'44 70 80 Lehigh Zinc )4 I Poona RR 35% 31 "Union Canal 25( 35j Norris Cant Con 35 39 New Creek g Schyl Nav 6n 'B2 50 51X Catawissa RIl ... do Stock 6 8 LA.TNST. 100 Reading... slim 10 100 do .... 10 Reading closes 50 Reading RR 18 SO do 103( 1031e1035 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Pnitanstente, Oct. 13—Evening.—There is no quo table change in Breadstuff's, but tho demand continues limited, and the market is dull and unsettled, and the only transaction in Flour, for shipment, la 400 bbls Wes tern extra family at prime kept secret. Shipping brands aro held at $5 25 df? bin, but the demand is only lor the local trade, at from $5 25 to $7.25 P' bbl, including com mon to extra and fancy family brands. Corn Meal and Rye Flour aro not inquired for, and dull at proclaim quotations. Wheats are dull to-day; about 4,000.15,000 bushels have been sold at si.oseszas for common to prime red and $1.20051.130 for white. Corn is better, and about 1,500 bushels good Southern yellow. brought 75070 c. Oats are about the same as lest quo ted, and 2,000n3,000 bushels Southern Rohl at 35caa 36c afloat. Bye sells on arrival at 13075 c, the .latter for Penna. Of Bark some small lots have been taken at $35 for first quality Quercitron. Cotton rules dull and drooping, and buyers and sellers apart In their views. For Groceries the demand continues limited to the wants of tho local trade, and prices are hardly sus tained. Seeds aro attracting but little attention at the present time, and the receipts and calm of all kinds aro Wiling. Whiskey is selling to a moderate extent only, at 21,1ic2.2e for bbls, and 212120 for drudges and blade. BILEADSTUFFB.—The quantity of the leading articles of breadstuffe delivered at Buffalo, Ogdensburgh, and Oswego, from the commencement of navigation to Ist Instant, are thus given in our eXcbanges : Flour, bbie, Wheat, bush. Corn. bush. Buffalo 397,001 3,201,328 5,141,100 " Oswego 76,700 3,139,166 1,017,442 Ogdensburgh .... 224,298 328,100 401,670 .• ,• •(13730,. 0,7430,5 a 7;40402 A Ohica:go me ' rchantlast week, sips the Trallet, paid $lO,OOO for .$9,000 eastore ozobauge, SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEARIEOS. FROM TELE IJNEEED STATES. STRUM 411011 TOR ' DAY Arabia. ..... ....New York Liverpool Oct 14 Argo .. . . ... .. .New York Bremen.. ....... ....Oct 14 oof lianbinglon.New,York Liverpool ....... ....Oct 75 Fulton New York Havre Oct 17 New York New York Glasgow Oct 17 Niagara Boston Liverpool Oct 21 Vanderbilt New York 13'mten it Havre....Oct 24 Kangaroo New York Liverpool ....Oct 20 ' FROM RunorE. ' TROX , FOR DAT 'Borussia Hamburg New York Oct 1 Oen Williams. .:.Liverpool - .Liverpool Quebec Oct 3 Vanderbilt—Boutbampton New York Oct 3 'Asia Liverpool New York Oct 0 Edinburg Glasgow New York Oct 3 North Star... Southampton New York Oct 7 'Kangaroo Liverpool New York Oct 7 ,Europa Liverpool Boston Oct 10 Baltic Liverpool New York Oct 14 . Perak% ....... ....Liverpool New York Oct 17 :Arago........3outbaropton New York Oct 21 MOVEMENTS OS HAVANA STEAMERS . . • - POILIDSLPiIIe—Brom New York 24, arriving at Ha van& Bth, and New Orleans 11th, From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at Now York 28th. glum Cur—From New York 7th of each month, ' arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 224, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. • 0111/LIVSA—From Now York 1210, arriving at Havana 11th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at Now York Bd. EMPIRE Cwt.—Front Now York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 23d, and New Orleans 20th. From New Orleaur sth, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 19th BLOCK WARRIOR—FromNew York 27th, arriving at Hanna Ist and New Orleans 3d. From Now Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, due at New York 18th. Juan—From Charleston 39th and 4th, dno at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, doe at New York 18th and 3let, The OaWombs mail steamers Hall from NOW York on the 6th and 20th of each month. Marine Ilittelltsente. roar OF ,PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 14, 1567, MTN RIBES-. WWI 'WATER .0 2T-SUN SETS 6 33 11 13 ARRIVED Behr Charm, Vllldin, 6 days front Boston, with todso to Crowell k Collins. Seim Courier, Loring, 0 days from Boston, with rodeo to D Cooper. Seim Gee Edward, Baker, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to captain, Schr Paugasset, Waples, 6 days from Boston, in bal last,to captain. Behr ties A Tittle, Adams, 6 days from Boston, in! ballast to A Heron, Jr. Bchr Ckipsey, 'fogies, from New York. Behr W Loper, Robinson, from Medford. Behr B Iran°, Steelman, from Boston., CLEARED. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Richmond, Thomas' Webster, Jr. Bohr Ceo A Tittle, Adams, Mobile, A Heron, Jr Rehr Eastern Belle. Turner, Boston, L Audenreld & Co Bohr I 8 Counce, Long, Boston, E A Bonder & Co. Behr Gipaey, Inglea, Boston, Wallace & Co, Behr Wm Loper, Robinson, Medford. D Patten & Co. Bohr J Troika, Steelman, Roxbury, Tyler Stone & Co. Sloop Mary Warren, Stokes, Wilmington, Dol, captain. Str Ironskles, Yondervoor, N York, W St Baird dc Co. Bir Bristol, Allen, New York, IV M 'Baird & Co pis IIiLVGRA.PRA Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. ()APE "IBTAND, oct. 13 4 1 , AL No vessels he been observed to pm In to-day Brom the Breakwater several passed to sea this morn ing. Wind B—weather warm. Yours ; &q., THOS. B. HUGHES. [BY YBLEOSUPII.I (Correspondence of The Press.) BOSTON, Oct. 13, Arrived, barques Osmanli, from Palermo, and Uetaini from San Lucas. New TM, Oct 18 Arrived, ship Hope, from Shields. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange, LEWES. Del.. Oct. 118 A M . . , The schr Geo Darby Copt 3fulliner, from Now York, bound to Aspinwall, with an assorted cargo, took fire in the hold on Saturday Teat, while lying in harbor, and had to be run ashore sad scuttled, in order to entinguleh the smouldering goods. Yesterday the holes were stopped, and the waterpumped out, The steam tug America made an attempt to haul her off yesterday, but did not succeed; consequently a portion of her cargo is being discharged into lighters, and as the vessel is but slightly damaged, I think she will be got oil today. About fifty vessels are in harbor, among which are the ti 8 steam frigate Saranac and brig T M Mayhew. The wind has been very strong Mote Friday last from the NY, but has moderated, and Is light from the Nast. A barque le now in eight coming in. Weather cloudy. Yours, &o, WM. M. 11101illAki. MEMORANDA Mr David Marshall, pilot, from Lewes, Del. arrived lest evening, and reports a ship from Newcastle, Eng, above Reedy Point, and barque Union, from Pernambu co, below Delaware Oity, both at anchor. Steamship Arabia, Stone, for Liverpool, cleared at N York yesterdoY• Sinearnship Keystone State, Merehtuan, was reported Hampton Roads 12th inst. Steamship Argo, Bannon, for Southampton and Bre men, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Tonawanda, Iprobably) Julius, hence, 30th ult. for Liverpool, was spoken 4th foot /at 89 ao, long 78 44, steering SE. Reported a large ship with black cross in foretopeail. Ship Samuel Dunning, Scolded, from ...Balm for Liver pool, put Into Portsmouth 27th ult. Ship Maverie, Ellis, from Callao, arrived at Queens town 28th ult. Ship ' J 0 Boynton, Drown, from Callao, arrived at Queenetown 20th ult Ship Tigress, Lawrence from Callao for Prance, wee spoken 28th Aug, let 111 8 N, long 25 30, Barque Fenelon, Holkins, for ,Valpatalso, cleared at Boston 12th inst, . , , Barque MOD, Freeman, for 'Buenos Ayrea, cleared at Bostonl2th Inst. • • ~. Brig Beronds Hoyt, from Windoor t arrived at Rich mond 12th Inst. Brig L Berry, Berry, cleared at Boston 12th inst. for Rio de Janeiro. Brig Ilenrioo, Dopes, from Para, 12th tilt, arrived at Salem 10tDelhi, h ins Brig Kenny, for Philadelphia, Was at Fort an Prince 20th ult. Ade Oarolizie A White, (Copt White dead) was at Port an Prince 30th tilt, for Anton in 2 days. - Behr Baena, 'Viet*, Potter, from Delaware City, arrived at Warren 10th Inst. Behr Roxbury, Brown, from Norfolk, at Portland 10th inst. 100111 ..Behr Wm Henry, Passapea, hence at Richmond 12th hut. Behr W Sevier, Brooks, sailed from ltichrtiondtlth lost for Philadelphia. Behr W 11 Horsey, Holborn, hence, was discliM Thome 10th 'nit; arrived 17th. Bahr Francis H Smith, Smith, hence at Folly Landing Warwick, 10th inst. Behr L II End(Cott, Yanklrk, hence at Newport 10th loot, to discharge. Schr Nancy It Megan, Griffin, hence at Fortland 10th hist, Schee Flight, Huntley, and A Pharo, Allen, hence at Providence 10th last, Behr Id It Hnrliain, Wlnsmore, hence at Providence 11th inst. June 27, lot 14 N, long 0139 11, ship Alboni, Barnaby, from A kyob, Dfey 70, (or Falmouth, E. June 20, lot 07 N, long 01 N, ship Colombo, from 3too goon for galmoutti, B. Aug 1, lot 34 42 8, long 20 37 N, ship J S Chapman, Coalman, from Bombay, June 12, for Genoa. Aug 10, Ist 0 31 N, long 20 34 W, ship Continent, Gibbs, from Now York, July 14, for Australia. Aug 21, let 14 00 N, long 20 10 W, ship South Caroli na, Simpson, froM Liverpool, July 28, for lilelbourne. Aug 27, lot 9 36 N, long 20 60, ship Urlel, Poster, fm 'London for Calcutta. Bent 17, off Tuskar, ship Invincible, Johnson, from Liverpool for Bbanghao. Sept, 26, lat. 48 48, long 76, Dreni ship Adler, Ousts, vus, trom Bremen for New Orleans. Off ship Island 4th inst. achy Win Macrae, all well. .10 4 ,14,44- 111•11.INE MISOBLIANY. .. .. 8,080 19 Kil 10 10,a1 19 Ship Wm Jarvis, Santini, at Now York 12th inst. from Leghorn, reports: Aug 23, during a heavy squall, lost foretopsall: Aug 30, whyle lying to off the Rock of GIG• Taller, nun run Into by au English barque, which car ried away main rail, split sells, and did other damage. From the 10th to 26th Sept. experienced a succession of heavy gales from IVN W to WSW, with a heavy cross sea, 'making considerable water, and split several Wis. On the 27th, lot 42 00, lon 31 20, at 6 HI, took a hurricane which lasted about five hours; lost the Wrentl and fore topsail; the ship during a portion of the time tying with her lee roil under, and making so much water that It was impossible to free her until after the blow was over and the vessel righted; sprung bowsprit and split rad• dor head. _ . 'long Kong, Aug ]o— (( Resolved by Electric Telegraph at London, via Trieste)—The American ship Nabob, ashore ou Prate Shoal; tho American barque ()banning lost at Formosa. . . [The Kabob, Capt Colo, was at Kong Kong July 25th, uric. The ()banning, Capt Jacobs, was lest reported at Amoy July 8. She was an AIX vessel or too tont re gister, built at Fairhaven, Coon, in 1847, and owned in. Boston by W Delano Falmouth, Sept 27—A chest containing a book, om which was written "William D Murdock, was born In the year of our Lord 1832, 17th Sept, nt Mount ]lolly. Naud. an iron stamp marked "William D Moore," was picked up on the 18th Sept, in let 40 N, long 14 W, by the Preussicher Adler, at Falmouth. . . . NEW YORE, Oct 13—Cleated, ship R Sprague, Pat ten, New Orleans; barque A Brewer, Elmer, Mobile; solar 111 E Wells, liallock, Wilmington. BOSTON Oct 12—Arrived , barque Leon, Pratt, San I year, Spain; brigs Nereus, Atkins, Malaga; Meteor, Anderson, Pictou; schr Gen Yeasts Teel, Port au Prince. 'Cleared, ship Florence Nightingale, (Br) Gales, Liverpool; barque Tremont, baker, Leghorn; brig Wm Purrlugton, Weeks, Jacksonville, to load for Port Spain; schr Joe Nickerson Baker, Baltimore. Sa led, ship Halcyon, brigs Canton and Madeira. NEWPORT—Sid 9th, brig Sea Belle Barstow, 11a vona,• 70th--old brig Sarah Wooster, Alper°, 'Miming ton, N C; 8 A. 81—in port brig g B Couslns,• ache Wa keag, Higgins, from Provlneetown, to go on the marine railway; Remy Castoff, Gardner, for Cardenas ldg. POBTLAND—Ar 10th eche S N Parker, Buckminster; Sprightling Sea, Farris; Thurber Taylor. Bawer, and Roxbury, Brown, Norfolk. Old brig Young Republic, Libby, Cardenas; scr Chal lenge, Whichor, Norfolk. PROVIDENCE-10th, dropped below, barque Barodi, Jonea, for Zanzibar, having repaired. Arrived 11th, Nymph, Dawson, Baltimore. Below—A topsail schooner with lumber, supposed to be the Snow Squall, from Charleston. RICHMOND, Oct 12—Arrived, steamer Jamestown, Parrish, New York, sabre Mary A Shropshire, Shrop shire, Boston; Dashaway, Clark, Cabals. At City Point, brig Alatnodo, Crocker, from Liverpool. Old, barque Columbia, Snuok, Bremen. HAMPTON ROADS, Oct 12—The following vessels aro lying in the Roads. Ships Junto, from Paola°, with guano for orders; Schiller, (Brent) Bahr, of and from Jireineb, for Baltimore; Admiral, (Brom) Meting, from Baltimore for Rotterdam" Marotta, from James River (or Havre; barque!! Mary Frances, from Richmond for Buenos Ayres, Louisa, from Barbadoes for N York; Em ma F Chase, from Hayti for Portland; Sophia, Jones, fm Baltimore for Rio Toilette; Kate Oliver, from Baltimore for River la Plate; Justice Story, Atkins, do for Boston; brigs Frances Jane ) Birch, do for Porto Rico; Mt Ver non, Hall, do for Rto Janeiro; schr Is Maria, (Br) Phillips, from St Jago de Cuba for Baltimore—lost mate on the passage. NEW ORLEANS, Oct 6—Arrived, ship George West, Couch, from Liverpool; ship Forest City, Tyler, Now York; brigs Nahum Stetson, Trento, fm neaten Island; Ida, (Br) tioodopoed, do. , Ar at Port an Prince 20th tilt, barque Cordelia, Mut. chins, from Jacksonville. sac; brigs Pico, Goodenough, from Boston, ar 17th, (flag; Enoch Banner, Stoddard, fm do, ar 10th; Orlando Smith, do do (had lost mainmast on the passage); Caroline E White, (Captain White dead) for Boston 2 days; Linda Cook, from Machias, ar 13th, for New York; A (1 Washburn, Lest, from New 'York, ar 18th; Cuba,---, for N York next day. At St Thomas 18th ult. barque Orion, Stevens, from Montevideo, ar 17, for N York next day; brig Icarian, Chadbourn, from Boston, just ar; achr May QllOOll, Jones, from Antigua, ar 10th, for Hurnacoa next day. Ar at do 16th ult, rick Napoleon, Summers, Trinidad, (and aid 17th for tionalves); 101 h, brig Magnet, Shack. lord, Barb:Woes. (and old 18th for Aux Cayes); ochre W L Montague, Beason, Barbadoes, (and aid 18th for Pa jardo, I' It, to load for Baltimore.) Put into St Johns, N F, 12th last, steamship Indiana, Baker, from New York for Southampton and Bremen. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS GIRARD DOTEL—Ohestuut street, between Bth & 11th. Thee U Graeaeld, Tenn Wm Wynne, England A II (Milian, N Y Christy Davis, N Y 8 U Boyd, N Orleans, La Joe (islet, N Y Deo Logan, N Y D L Darden, N Y Wm Al Darlington & wife, Alien DOOMSOLI, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh hlnsterJ Dennison, Pittegh Dr Steiner, Oa If W Shipman, N Y John 0 Wolsit, Ala U Freak, N Y P A SI Mater, Beading 14111 X Stadler, Ohio Jos Chase, Lowell lion John II Thompson 4 W P Wino, Baltimore la, Primietou W J Mornsfort, Jacksonville Dr .1 li Berrien, Ca Elwood Fisher, Wasbingt , n Charles P hay, Va E 8 Dryden, N Y Dm LM Allen, Ala Miss N Tutwiler, Ala Miss J Tutwiler, Ala MIMI 0 it Gray, Ala 8 0 Gray, Ala Luther P Whitney, Boston (leo Packer, Dalt 0 L 0 Herndon, By Dr Abbott, ITS A 0 U Clark, Volt A A McKie/um, N 0 G 8 Seymour, Lu Porte, Ind AII /larrla, N Ir W II Fleming & la, N Y John 0 Baylor, Norfolk T GMatthews & la, England J IV &twee, England M DlcFarrel, Bt Louis OJ Rrefeot & felt Thomas Chas II Gay, Boston A L Arehibald,Nova Scotia W 0 Ohandlor & Itt, Mobile D Chandler, Mobile A 8 Wadsworth &.Is,Wastotn 3 Malden & In, Marietta, 0 Mrs Leblanc & out, N Y T Miro, N Y A Demander, N Y W Ilendenson, N Orleans J J Sullivan, Baltimore James Monroe, N y Kra D Robinson, N IC L M Dante?, Weabington WIl White, 8 0 ' TIC Mears, N 0 Jllightbothom, Balt D A Paul, Peteraburg A 9 Parham, Petersburg W S M il ler, Richmond, Yo John ll Ward, Savannah J Lot/than, Balt Miss Lambden, Balt 0 id Atwater, Maas D 0 Lowber slid la, N 0 John 0 Thorn, To J P Jones, Reading I Eckert, Reading B Tyson, Reading II Schoonmaker, N Y D II Bush, N It J B Thomas and's, Cal Geo Barley, Buffalo 8 Bristols, Scranton, Pa A M Maynard, Scranton, Pa Jae Tucker, fr, Bostou MERCHANTS. HOTEL—Fourth strect,below Arch. B L Fahnestock, Pittsburgh J J Petrel, Racine, 0 W M Swallow, Ohio Bawl P McQueen, Ale U F Oliver, Ala J R Andereon, Bristol, Pa [lon Richd Brodhead A laps If D Torrey, Reading D P Stratton, Salem, N J 11 R Chains, Penne Oscar Marsh, °wits, 0 J W Parcel, Michigan Tbos Callen, Pa Robt Lockhart, If Chunk ft J Crosby, lowa T J iileOsinant, Pottsville WDe Haven, hltneraville T Jenkins, Millersville B B Beach & da, Wash, D 0 AMERICAN IlOTEL—Chestnut, above Fifth. I, if Bencindiser, Vo E 0 Barrett, Va LI M D Oury, Ye Geo Field, Philadelphia John Opdycke, Easton Geo Ruddle,M Chunk Chas W Andrews, N Y W W Barry, Baltimore W W Wardell, Boston (ii Goodson le la Conn Dr Jan 13 Derickson, MA W Crawford, Wilmington (I B Anderson, Wilmington A W Hendricks, Phtlads. 1 Storer, Virginia C S Smith, New York John II Smith, New York Wm Jarvis, Kentucky Jan 1' Smith, Readiog Jae Miller, New York J W Collins, Maryland Win II Grote. Preston J D Nott, Alabama A El Darden, Virginia John P Harris, Virginia U W Harri s Virginia Saint 0 Little, Balt S Preston, t lf UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. W W Stephens, N Y G W Morgan, N Y FW Do Beran, Dubuquo W Llllebridge Ohio J Lippincott, Wilksbarre It V Orain, Ohio Beni GrilTry, Milton, Pa W A Moroney, N 0 0 P Spaulding, Ohio AV O Harrison Ohio J 8 Stucker, Quincy, Ili J 8 Brighton, Pa S B luck, Pa John Opdycke, Boston Peter Brooks , Al!Raton 1. Sanger, Alterston D Augustine Unity , Ohio J 0 Brown, Florida Miss al B 11111, Missouri P 0 Swallow, Missouri Mrs Sparks, Pottsville Miss Sparks, Pottsville L 8 Cropper, MI J Myers, MI Samuel - 0 Sommers, Aid J 8 Lawler, Pa 0 Swartz, Pa Henry L Hummel, Pa John Summers, Pa Absalom Brown, Pa Jas Dilon, N Y K D Cornelison, Pa BLACK BEAU INN—Firth and Merchant. David Field, West Chester D W Chandler,W , t Chester Adw Smith, Chester co Jae Gslnner, WI Chester 'P Menenry, NOW 'London V Wilkins, Ky W F Deward, Cecil co, Md Jno Jones, Cecil co, Md 0 Y Irillingeworth, Md II Stratton, Chester 00, Pa NATIONAL ROTEL—Race street, above Tbird. J II Arndt, Penns elms M Evans, Plata II 8 Stull, P enns It Thompson, Doylestown Mrs E . j Abel, Allentown J R Evans, Dlootnabg Miss II Zen, Ashland J A Kramer, Allentown .7 A (rant, Reading, D F Fisher & lady, Whits W B Daum, Trezolville Ilaven STATES ONlON—Market street. above Sixth. N Haskell, Ohio .7 E Fox, Chester county 0 0 Hinkle, Pa Edw McDonald, Pottsville II M Hinkle, Ohio II A Martin, Ohio W P blowy, Ohio Joel Miller, Lancaster eo L E Budding, Pa E Palmer, Westchester John Bell, Marietta Miss DI 0 Doyle, Pa Wm F Baker, Pa David Miller, Pa Thos Smith, Clearfield Mr Rose & la, Brooklyn W 0 Rouser, Mechanicabg R Wilson, Elechanicaborg 0 W Kelly, Pa .7 El Turner, Indiana co Anthony King,. Ilarrisimrg Thee /Moakley, Pa P A Lamont, N Y BLACK BEAR ROTEL—Third street, ob. Callowlll.l Wm Black, KlMcoville Wm Moll, Ppm& Danl'Seifert, Lebanon co Afrs Seifert, ibballoll CA Min M Bulled, Beading B Lindback, Potrlsrsvllle W Thompson, Emma A M M hos, ontgomery co MADISON HOME—Second street, above Market. A Hutzler, Richmond, Va P R Burton, Angola, Del P W Swills, Delaware Thos B Sipple, Delaware Shedrack Baughley, Del 0 Lovejoy, Nl' Hiram Mutter, Ohio L Caul, Hartford B Davls, N Y film Ives and de, N Y Wei If Collins, Phila Wet 11 Todd, Summit II IR Low, Paterson, N J J L Horgan, Clearfield, Pa - • •- - - An Examination of Professor Saunders'Ptiplis will take placo on every THURSDAY Arm:room, com mencing at i o'clock, at the WIRT -PHILADELPHIA Addreeaea will be delivered. Parents wishing to team more of this Seminary, and the public generally, are invited to be present. West Philadelphia Omnibuses on Ohestnut or Market streets will bring visitors to the WSBT PUILIIDSLTDIB INSTITUTS, CST of WILLIAM and B.I6EIST BtB. 0014-2 S Prot, Saunders , Institute, Philadelphia, at the intersection of Market and William street* —After a proper regard to morale, health, and safety, the first aim of this Institotion will be, by constant attention to the ordinary branches of education, to make the children and youth, committed to Its care, 0000 MUSH IMMO taas ; the second alm will be, by judicious attention to other branches, including ancient and modern lan guages, to make them BETTER SMILIBI3 BCIIOI.IIOI, and in the end vrtasn sod ORIATga gas than they would otherwise become. This Seminary, distinguished for purity cf morals, so cial enjoyment, and successful application, has a pa• trotter) as matzor as may institution whatever, as may be seen from the fact that the following gentlemen*, well 'XrieWn to the community, have ♦LL had sons or WAILDEI DOMESTIC PORTS FOREIGN PORTS Up to 12 o'clock Lase Night Opccial Notate under the care of Professor Saunders) The Hon. J. W Aehmead,late Ilni tad States District Attorney ; Thomas Preaidoht of the Dank of Pennsylvania; Mears. E. S. Burnett. W. Goddard, J. S Keen, S. Newell, It. 'Nesondonek, Wm. G. Moorehead, .1 Cook», William Goodrich, Washington butcher, William Duck null; G. G. Westcott, Postmaster of Philadelphia; Eleasrs. Thompson and Foster, President and 'Vico President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Drs. Bicknell, Ward, Huston, and Tyler ROV,MeR4IS. God dard, Cross, Monahan', Wheeler and Good; Rey. Dr. Blackwood, Dm Dr Newton; Messrs J. O. Mitchell, W. W. Kean, S. Dixon, T S. Watson, Matthew Newkirk, 0. Dana, Jay Cook, Thompson Black, Charles Provost, J. S.MeMullen4S. S. White, J. A. (I endell, John J, U Colialtan, S. Newell, T. T. Atwood, Richard Blue den, J. R. Smith, H. C. Blair, T 5. Taylor, T. MeAlia ter, S. Altemus, G. U. Keen, J. B Silver, B. Hutchin son. IL T. Phillips, J. R. Loud, Thomas Fitzgerald, Editor Philadelphia City Item; Dr. Wm. J. Dirkey, Dr Coq). Morris, Captain T. Vogdea, 17. S. A ; lion. Joel Sunderland;B. Gen: F. Wynkoop; and tune orates of high distinction. Report of the lion. Ellie LON*, late Chief Justice o the State of Pennsylvania; the lion. N. B. Erectile, late Speaker of to Senate of Pennsylvania ; and the Rev. W. W. Spear, the Rev. Edger DI. Levy, and the Rev. 0. U. Ewing, on the part of thr Patrons and Examiners of Ptof. Saunders , Institute, West Philadelphia, As our sons or wards have been pupils of Profesior Saunders, we have had opportunities of becoming thoroughly acquainted with the discipline, instruction, and general character of hie Institute in West Phila. delphia, ft affords us pleasure to express our moat unqualified approbation of his entire systetn for moral, intellectual, and physical culture. IDs pupils are traltted to a nice sense of propriety in their intercourse with their teachers, and with one another. We never saw a seminary more like a well ordered and affectionate family. Every visitor must ho delightfully impressed with the pervading cheerfulness and air of rellnement. Whilst the languages and the higher branches of mathematics are extensively taught, with great accu- racy, the English branches, and especially arithmetic, receive particular attention. Professor Saunders has selected for his seminary a magnificent grove of lofty trees, covering more than two acres. The exercises In this delightful gymnasium con stitute no email part of the charm and advantage of the Institute. Present at aoveral examinations of his pupils, we were highly grafted with all that wo witnessed. OPINIONS OF TEN Pk/1.10111MM! PDSSEI, WHOSE EDITORS Wall PLACED YORE BONS AND WARDS IN THIN /NNTL TUTC TURN 78 ANY OTIIIBII. PROP: SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE.—IIRADR had a son un der the Professor's charge, and in his family nearly a year . past, we can speak of his school as eminently worthy of patroutige,—[Jahn IV. Forney, Editor of the To those parents who desire to combine the best phy sical and moral development of their children, with n high-toned, sound, and Judicious mental training, the Institution of Prof. Saunders offers peculiar advantages. —[Editor of the Episcopal Recorder. Prof. Saunders, we learn, is a model teacher, both as to discipline mad successful instruction. Parents who hays patronized his Institute are delighted with it [Editor of the Chrietion Chronicle. ' Prof. E. D. Saunders is a gentleman of great merit and recognised ability in his profession. We are not surprised to learn that his classes are rapidly tilling —[Editor of the North American. VROF. &MOSES , INSTITUTE —This Seminary is lo cated in the midst of a grove of noble trees, and has In Ile front a large portico, extending the whole length of the building, and in its rear a beautiful garden. The TWIT of the surrounding country, and the city of Phila delphia, front the upper portico, ia magnificent. In the choice of his location, Professor Saunders has combined, fa one, all the helps the Grecian philosophers brought to their assistance In impressing the minds of their scholars—the grove, the porch, and the Lyceum. If the youthfat mind can any where receive deep draughts of knowledge, or imbibe morals in their purity, this is the t, tad smaller the irr ' s f r o e r c t e a w th r e k ir o'nosrei pre s ent Latin, and white the highly delighted with the readiness with which they declined the verbs—the real key to the language— and the !facility with which they rendered English into fAtin, and vire verear,—(Editor of the Evening Eel fetid. PROF. Sit/NM:RV IRSTITOTE.—This seminary, most eligibly located in West Philadelphia, has received the highest commendations from Judge Lewis, General Wynkoop, Colonel Forney, G. 4. Westcott, Esq , and others who have had sons or wank under the charge of Prof. BitINURRS. We take pleasure in adding that his educational plan is such that students find book+ a re- creation rather than a tedious task ; and that mildness, decision, and the lair of lore. are alone depended upon to Insure attention in the echool•room Our perennial experience enables us to give& willing endorsemoat to the many Haltering encomiums which the Profeauir and his Institute have received. We have hoard gentlemen, whose song are under hill care t speak in such enthusiastic term, of hip entire management and arrangements, that we are eon. strained to request any or our friends who hare sons to educate to pay him a visit —(Editor of the Pennsyl vanian. We have long known Professor Saunders ' both in Tie globs and in this city, R 9 an able and experienced teacher, awl have repeatedly borne testimony to his ad mirable system of instruction. The names of the dis tinguished gentlemen who are his patrons, tam le an ample recommendation of his Institute to the public, --(Rditor of the Christian 05server. Prof. Saunders boa a most delightful location, awl every advantage for a school of the highest order, in fitting boys and young men for college or business Ito Is a thorough teacher and an admirable disciplinarian. No school whatever Is composed of youth from more refined families, and no have wirer known a system of instruction more admirably adapted to the capacity of yoath, or tending more to make them love their studies. —Editor of the Son. I'ROEROSOR SAUNDERS' Issricurs, under his own im mediate, able, and Judicious supervision, has acquired great colebrity.—Vilitor of the City Item. It affords me great pleasure to testily of Professor E. D. Saunders, who was my classmate In Yale College, that, distinguished for scholarship, he has been re markably snccessful iu the management, for a term of years, of one of the largest southern Serninarles.—[./. it. Bowles, late Hector of Epiphany Church. The following is from General John H. Cooke, of It halt fallen to my lot to be acquainted with Prefer, ;tor E. D. Saunders, as to teacher of youth, I rom hie first coovneneetiont Jo my vicinity to the final succeserni es tabhshmeat or the Institute la Petersburg; and I coos say, it hat' rarely, if seer, been my lot to know a More" successful educator, upon the broad scab of moral, 63 ire:l aa Intellectual culture. The undersigned having been pastor of the Presby terian Church, is reteralwrg, Virginia, whilst Pre ressoedaunders had charge 81 the Institution referred to, Is enabled to testify to the remarkable success with which hie Inborn in that city were attended.—[John Leyburn, D, D., one of tne Editors of the Presto y- Winn. Proresser Saunders Can accommodate a few more pile in his own family, to remain the whole time, o r (as several Joni! ies prefer) from blonday morning till Friday evening, at o corresponding deduction In prico Address PROF. SAUNDERS, 0c12.3t 'West Philadelphia, Buffalo Robes. —lOO Bales Buffalo Robes of the various qualities, just received from Minnesota. Also a handsome assortment of Fancy Robes of our own manufacture, and for sale wholesale and retail by 0110. S. WORRATIi, octl2-Im* 416 Arch Street. Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 'Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de• posits in RIMS of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of doe per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. President Franklin Pell; Treasurer, Oharles M. Morrie; Secre tary, Jamei S. Pringle. Bowers Infant Cordlal.•••Thls Invaluable Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moot perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infanta and young children. Dy Its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all eases of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children'e suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trill:i gniting pains of the dowsia, looseness, vomiting, ke. The Infant Cordial hoc become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of WOO with the moat abundant amen'. No fauslly should be without it. Prepared only by Dem A. Down, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green ste., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sole by Druggists generally. au 13-1 y Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in WALNUT Street, south west corner of Titian Street, PHILIDILPHIA, Assets over Oms Minton( AND A lima or DOLLARS, invested In MM. ItgavekCitte,GßOUND Reeve, nod other first clam gentrifies, as required by the charter. his institution confines its business entirely to the reeel• Pik of money on deposit The office Is open every day from 9 o'clock la the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. illatnagcs On the 11th /net., by Rev. Witham T. Bunker Mr JOIIN READ, of this city, to Miss CAROLINE WELSH, of West Ilatertord Township, Delaware county. On the 11th lust., at the Nails of Schuylkill, by Rev N. Judson Clark, Mr. JAMES DRUID to Miss ELIZA BETH TUOMPSON, of tbe above place. VD catlp On the 11th Inet JOHN, non of Solomon and Withe mina Unruh. • On the 11th last , Mies KATI: JOHNSON, in the 21,4 year of her age. On the nth lest., CILLULES MIIIII,ING, in the 46111 year of hie ago, Oa the 11th last., RACHEL, wefe of John McCurdy, in her 794 year. It rice—Appeals.—elty Conunlasloners' Office. P ILAIIIMPLIA, October 11, 1857. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,' That the Commie. stoma will hear Appeals by all persons rated for State sad Municipal Tax, in the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1858, for the several wards of the said city, at their office, No. 11 west wing of the State louse, (up sham) on the following days, between the hours of 10 o'clock M. and 1 o'clock P. AL let and 2d Warda—On Monday, October 10th, 1857. 3d " 4th " " Tuesday, " 20th, " 6th " Bth " " Wednesday, " 21st , " 7th ' 3 Bth " Thursday, ' 22d , 9th " 10th " " Friday, " 234, 11th " 12th " ". Monday, " 20th, 13th " 14th " " Tuesday,o 27th, " 15th " lath " Wedneaday, " 28th, 17th " 18th " Thursday, 29th, " 19th " 20th ‘• " Friday, " 30th, " 21st " 22d" " Monday, Nov. '/Ll, 23d " 24th " " Tuesday, " 3d, The Asseasors of such wards as have not been supplied with Blank Notices of Appeals are hereby notified to call at the Commissioners , Office and procure the same. GEORGE M. RILL, JAMES 31. VEDITE, City Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, oel3-ittno3 V. Notice to Consignees.—The Ship , t Non- PAREIL, ,, Captain OEOROR FAULK, Is now disebarg tug, under general permit, at Queen street wharf. 0011 slimes will please attend to the receipt of their goods. THOMAS RICHARDSON & 00 , 0c0.5t 101 Walnut street. IVOTIOE.—BANNER PRESENTATION AN CONCERT, to take ,place at JAYNE'S ILALL, THIS (Monday) EVENINO, October 14. On which occasion a talented Lady of this city will pteeent to WASHINGTON COUNCIL, No. 60.13, ,4„, the ]TANNER, on behalf of the Ladles of this city. The Ilarmonical and Pegitt Oleo Clubs will sing come of their choice song.; also, the Pennsylvania Cornet Brass Rand has been engaged. 0014.1t* a ALVES TO N PACKET NOTICE- Vt LINE.--Shippers per schooner CHARLES B. PRABLEEp Foster, Master, will please hand in their Dills of Luling THIS DAY to the Counting-house for signature. Freight will he received until 12 o'clock M. this day. It BISUQP, SIMONS, & 00., 30 N. Wharf NEW YORK CITY SUSPENDED BANK 11 NOTES of solvent Banks. taken at par for Gro ceries, at the lowest cash prices, by 0. DONOGHUE, 16 Ploittli WATBIt attest, 0v1443, Eegai Nofirers ESTATE -OF JAMES McGLOYE, DE OSASES. Lettere of Administration on the above estate hare Loon griuitod to the undoreigood, to nhoin all penning indebted to Said decedent are requested to sake pay. moot. PATRICK IkIcGLONE, 1200 Chestnut street, Or hie Attorney, DAVID WEBSTER, 130 South Sixth etroet. ocl4•wilt* Oburational. pRA °MAL BOOK-KEEPING, MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS, PENMANSHIP. O'Donnell's Bookkeeping Institute, S. E. CORNER EIORTII AND ARCH STREETS OPEN DAY AND EVENING WIT AifT 0 N NIGHT SCIEOOI..----A NIGHT SCHOOL for MALES will be opened on MONDAY EVENING next, October 10. 1ti,57, at 7 o'clock, at the Wharton Howie, FIFTH street, below Washington. The committee will be in attendance on Wedneetley. Thursday, and Friday Evenings of thin week, to receive the names of applicants, who, if minor., must be ac companied by moo responsi bl e N e person. o pupil will be admitted who is under fifteen peeve of age. ocl4-3t it. L FLANAGAN, Secretary, ClvD (13oobs DRY GOODS NOTICE In consequence of the unforeseen character of the Imes, JOHN KIEHL & SON Have determined to offer THEIR ENTIRE STOCK 'Waste, without regent to cost. Cash buyers will find It advantageous te v cal N.rwrn l. .13 No. 918 CHESTNUT STREKT, 40 oelSelSte REDUCTION. L. J. LEVY & CO. Will continuo to oiler during this week their entire as sortment of CHOICE DRKSS GOODS, BILKS AND SIIAWLB, under the cost of importation. CLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. Just opened, several eases of Paris-made CLOAKS AND E3IDROIDERIES. No 4:16 OIIESTNUT STREET. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And SIM S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos. 91 and OY aEoitan St., below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Haien Orders made at a few hours' notice JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer In AUCTION DRY GOODS. N 0.12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. octl-2w Oloiten AMER.IGAN GOLD NEW YORK PONDS AMERICAN COLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS, DOUOIIT AT THE RIMIEST PREMIUM DY DREXEL h CO. Dank Notices FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PIIILADSLPHIA, October 6th, 1837. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Mouse, on MONDAY, the 16th day of Novem ber next. between the boors of B o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock B. M.; and on TUESDAY, the &I day of Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. M,, agreea bly to the charter. oc7Anol6 E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. MANUFACTURERS' AND MECTIA NIOS' BANK. PHIL4DILPHII, OCt. 4, 3857. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be hold at the Leaking /1011136, on Tuesday, Novem ber 3, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The annual election for thirteen Directors, to nerve tho ensuing year, will be held at the flanking Mouse, on Monday, November 10th, from 10 o'clock, A. M., to 8 I'. 11. inwftnlB M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier C 4 B OALERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL . VANIA, POILADELPIIII, October 12, 1857. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Lank will be held at the Banking-House, on Tuesday, the 3d day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. • ocl2-merdcf tuovl3 COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL v VANIA, PIULALKI.PHIA, October 12, 1857. The Annual Election for Directors of this Dank will be hold at the Banking-Douse ? on Monday, the 10th day oC Novotoboc next, from 10 o'clock A. 01 , to 3 o'clock P. M. octlo-mw3cf tnorlo S. U. PIRSITR, Cafibier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.-PurLA DE cram, October '3, 1857.—The annual meeting of the Stockholder') of thla Bank will be held at the Bank ing boon, on Monday, the ninth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. The annual aleetton for Directors will be bold at the Banking house, on Monday, the sixteenth day of No vember next, B. B, COMJEOYS, oct7-wfkuitNle Caahler. Inourancr (tonivanies D MARINE ifISER EGADEURIA.-01fice, No. , t TKUW. INLY TAZEN." .7868. Jet. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. Gillett, Purmsa Sheppnl, Ural. Jones, MD. ,Teeeph WAIT, M, D daIRARD FIRE AN ANOE COMPANY, P 802 WALNUT street west o "FIRE &KS DllllO Wm. R. Swain, John Anspach, 11. N. Burroughs, J. D. linghes, F. D. /Rieman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, .L Shackelford, Ron. ISM, lONES,.E'reoldont Ron. O. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Joe. 8. Mohlottaa, Secretary. Jame B. ALVORD, Assistant Sectetpxy. anl.9w•if acntleinett's .ffurnishing (bobs. NCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 700 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly turned to this improved cut of Shirts, the most period fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auh-brit DISSOLUTION. - THE COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing between the under signed, under the naggls of E. W. CLARK k. CO., is this day diasoired by mu unt consent; and either of the partners fs authorized to non the name of the firm in liquidation. EDWARD DODOE, JAY GOOSE, EDWARD W. CLARK, CLARENCE H. CLARK PUILADELPIU, Octoberl3,lBs7. COPARTNEILSIIIP --- - . The undersigned hare tbisdayassociated themselves under the name of EDWARD W. CLARK & CO., for the transaction of a general Banking, domestic Ex change, and Commission business. • "- EDWARD W. CLARK, CLARENCE 11. CLARK, F. B. KIMBALL, WAINWRICILT. PE11141) 4711/1l October 13,1841. ocladat MUSIC I MUSIC ! MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. Three beautiful Boardman Sr. Gray's PIANOS, as well as three beautiful MELODEONS, offered this week at a great sacrifice, owing to the great financial Musical Instruments of all kinds at and below cost. Several very fine (letters among the lot. JOHN MARSH, Agent, No. 2302 CHESTNUT Street. above Thirteenth, Philadelphia SILVER WARE`.- WILSON & SON., MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLISHED 11312,) S. W. CORNER EOM AND CHERRY STREETS. A largo assortment of SILVER WARE, of eTery de. scription, constantly on hand, or made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported ware. se3o-d&wly CAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPART, corm of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal Office hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland ; trout .£1 upwards, President—ATEPlLEN IL ORA.WFOED Treaauror—PLlNY FISK. Teller--JAMES R. BUNTER, CILOVER SEED.-NOTICE TO PENN V SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Clover Seed of the vewcrop, Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our addresl ' can, at all times, ascertain the price at which wo are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to bo governed as to quality, can have them sent by mail, by addressing us. J. II CHASE k CO, sevl9.o 43 North Trout, and 44 Water streets BALE ROPE.—Buyers aro invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Rope, which we can can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLER do MI., an 1 No 28 N. Water at. and 22 N. Wharves FLUORIN(} BOARDS-28,580 feet Caro on► flooring boards, afloat, for We by MARTIN . & BIAOALIBTEB and 110 North Wator otroat. rIIARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale V and Retail WIMP and OANN Manufaaturer, No. 4 North YOURTII Street out (JOTIOE.-GUY'S HOUSE, hi SEVENTH 11 Street, above Chestnut, will bo closed fora few days, for improvement and refurnishing. Will be re opened In a style that will compare favorably with any home In the StXte. The choice old Brandies in custom-house, belonging to the estate of John Guy, Jr., have been purchased by the subscriber, ocl2•dat Int GUY n W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS -a-P. No. ST South THIRD Street, Philadelphta, COLLECTIONS promptly made on all =eligible points la the United Biatea and Canada. Storks, Donde, ko., Boughothaenedß,oltoo„ bo ught oummot a t tai., tnlio Uneurrent Bank Notes) ta lowest rates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree ment CHEAP SUMMER FUEL—GAS COKE, of excellent q uality, 4 lola at the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap plying at the Gas Mee, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, It la sold at the Works in First Ward, ky the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a t 52.60 per ton, (Signed,) I. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. Pait,Anst,slllA GAS Troass, Aug. 20, 1, aunt! HOTEL AND suMMER RANGES Sold by OtUDWICK do DEO , 202 N. SECOND S *WS-Solon CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD,. W lOK & BRO., N 0.202 N. 22COND Stmt. suolB.2mos. Ics tin auction nn THOMAS & SONS, .111 A.• Nos. 130 and 141 SOUTH FOUIFFII EFFILEET, (Formerly Nos. 61 and 69,) REAL 'ESTATE, STOCKS, &a. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. ID' 'landfill:a of each property ironed separately in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each rule one thousand catalogues in pi/alai/et form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. IE7 - FURNITURE I.LP3 AT TIIP. AUCTIOX STORE et cry Thertday unquiet; REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. ID - We Litre a law aumuct of Real Estate at Pri vate :4.11e, meludiug every description of City and Country ProPerty, Printed Lists may be bad at the Auction Store PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ID" Real Estate entered on cur private Sole Re gister, are *lvo, tised occasionally to our Public Sale Abstracts, (of svhich 'IMO copies ore yrintel weekly) free of charge ISTOCK2, WAN:3. &c. On Tuesday eriuog. 20th Instant, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadalphia Ex chimp, will he sold without reserve, for account of whom It may coacorn -1122 shares Phtladelybla and Pittston Coal Co. *lOOO Coupon Bond Columbia Coal 1.14 'lron Company, 25 per cent of the purchase monoy to be pool on each of the above at tho tune of sale. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Mercantile Loan and Building Association. $42 per share paid 5 shares ltidg-way Farm and Land Co. $:100 per share paid, for another account. 5 original shares of the Ban Francisco Land Co., equal to 100 user shares. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Exchange. 5 shares American Academy of Music. Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Libxary, and Philadelphia Athenalm. Also, the patent right to ICeppers Snow-Plough. ELEVENTEI FALL SALE, 'Sall OCTOBER This sale will Ineluds,— Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo site Phcenilville. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE. &C. Elegant modern residence and offices, N. IV. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets. 25 feet front on Arch street, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale - ESTATE OF DAVID LIGIIIAN, DSCiD. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, Valuable Keel Estate, St. John street, between Green and Coates Etreett--aetreral mesettages, and lot 37 foot 8 Inches front. BUSINESS STAND Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. termer Eleventh and Christian streets Sale shanty , e VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND LARGE LOT, 23a Valuable brick residence, barn and stable, and large lot, corner of Cherry and Wakeling street', /ate boron.* of Frankford. It fronts on three streets, and is a very desirable sitnation. FOUR BRICK DWELLINGS. - • Boar three.gtory brick dwellings, on Ninth street and Charles street, between Willow and Noble streets. LARUE AND VALUABLE LOT. ee22 41zif Large and valnable lot, °coupled as a coal yard, east Ride Ntath street, north of Poplar, with railroad track, office, dr c. DWELLINO, POPLAR STREET. Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. MO Poplar street, between t ighth and Ninth streets NBAT DWkILLING. - - - - Nett three-story brick dwelling, No. 129 Frankfort! Road, north of Bedford street, with a three-story Immo dwelling in the rear. NEAT MODERN DWELLING. neat modern three-story brick with back bufldlnga, No. south Fifth street, below Washington, klbt Wand.) - - GROUtill RENT $6O, Also, a Ground Rent of $OO a year, on the pro perty at the N. E. career of Putnamand Howard street. tlate Kensington.) NEAT DWELLING. Neat three-story brick dwelling, No. 410 S. Eleventh .trest, below Pine street. TIVELFTII FALL BALE, 27TH OCTOBER Will include the following— MODEM DWELLIEO. Neat modern three-story Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with a tbree-story brick dwelling on Citron street PEREMPTORY SALE—YOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WADE , . Valuable lot S N corner Jefferson avenue or Maya. mensiug road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N E corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dlrelljna and frame %table, Moore, street, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and [mute fitablo,bloora street, adjoining the above. Sale of the whole, absolute . Full particu lare In handbills and plan. lIANDSOIIII bIUDE.R.N RESIDENCE. Handsome residence with double bark building, and replete will all modern conveniences, No. 1.311 13pring Carden street. This is a very desirable residence, and s beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAL[ ENGINE, &c.—Two and a half story factory, steam engine, &c., Twenty-first Ward, fronting on Onrush!, Twenty-Brat street, and the Phila delphia and Gereneatoarrirsifroad. . . TWO-STORY BRIM DWELLING —Two-story brick messuage, S. E. corner Township Line road and Clear geld street, Twenty. Bret Ward. VALIIMILE LOT.--Valuable lot, N. E. corner Seven teenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BAIOK DWELLINGS.—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden Street, east of William street. TEMITRENTEI FALL BALE, 3d NOTIMB.ER This role Will include Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEO'D. THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRICK DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND DASSVUNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and &youth streets Valuable lot, fronting on Prime street, and on Pass yank road. Valuable lot, Passynak road. Two three-story brick dwellings, Seventh street, west sldo. north of Prime street They will be sold sepa rately. See handbills and plan. Also. by order of Orphans' Court. ESTATE OP JOllll FITZWATER. DEC'D. OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH TALCAI3LE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH A FRONT 01 FOUR HUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AND TA CONY, TWENTY.THIRD WARD. Sarno Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. ' Three-story brick dwelling, No. 246 North Vifth &boys Noble street. Same Estate—.TWO BRICK DWELLINGS Also, Two brick dwellings, Union and Hanover streets above Prince street, Kensington. FOORTEENTII PALL SALE-AOTIf NOVEMBER Este No. 251 South Sixteenth street. 110178E11.01,1) rtIRNITURE, This Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 251 South Sixteenth street, third door above Spruce street, the surplus furniture of a lady declining housekeeping, comprising superior Eng lish tapestry carpets, four light chandeliers, India cline, fine china Jar, large book-case, line hair mattress, feather beds, store-room and kitchen utensils, large preserving pan, rolls of new rug carpet, oil cloth, sac , Jrc. SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, CARPETS, CARD.—Our sale at the auction store to-morrow ttiorrilng, will include, besides over CO tots of excellent household furniture--elegant rosewood piano-forte, second-hand pisoo•torte, rosewood melodeon, tine mir rors, fine Brussels and Saxony carpets, Imperial, In grain and Venetian carpets, superior book-cases and office-desks, china and glassware, superior plated ware, patent sewing machine, handsome silk quilt, beds, bed ding and mattresses, &c , forming an assortment well worthy the attention of those desirous of purchasing. Catalogues now ready, and the articles arranged for ex amination Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITtIRE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE: FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, dm. On Thumb) Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an oxtensire assort taunt of excellent second-hand furniture rosewood piaoo.forte, French plate mirrors, tapestr y carpets, from families declining ligusekeeping. PARHAM SEWING. MACHINE. Also, a Parham patent rowing machine in good order PIANO-FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, SILVER PLATE, Ike. 'Also, a second-hand piano-forte, fine mirrors, roe, wood melodeon, Brussels and Saxony carpets, book cases and desks, silver plate, superior plated ware, kr ALE OF A PRIVATE LIBRARY. On Thursday- evening, October lath, at the Auction store, will be sold a valuable PRIVATE LlBlLARY,'comprising English and American editions of important and interesting works on various subjects Also, a number of beautiful pictorial and illustrated books. Also, a very superior double .Ilsgic Lantern, with Ms solving views, cost upwards of $l5O. For particulars see catalogues and the books valich will be ready for examination the dayprevious to sale. Sale No. 281 worth Sixth street SPLENDID FURNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, SUPERIOR PIANO, FINE VELVET CARPETS, OIL PAINTINGS, Ac. On Friday Morning, Atli) o'clock, st No. 201 North Sixth street, below Vine street, by catalogue, the entire elegant furniture of a gentlemandeclining bouaekeeping, including a very elegant rosewood piano, seven octaves, made by &herr, cost $900; pair large and elegant French plate mantel mirrors, richly framed; elegant pier neurons, fine rose wood drawing-room inrniture, crimson brocatelle covers, elegant velvet carpets, fine ell painting, elegant chan deliers' dating-room furniture, patent extension aining table, book-case, elegant walnut chamber furniture, latest style ; plain chamber furniture,&e., 137 - The cabinet furniture was made to order by Moore st Cbampion, has been in use but a short time and equal to new. 4** Catalogues will be ready, and the furniture may be examined the day previous to sale, from 11 to 3 o'clock. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. OARD—SALE OF uovazuoLD EURNITURE—TUES. Irr We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly colon of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. Ind whasa,r STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES IJOIf, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. Q 7" Persona favoring us with consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. Lg . Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction Rouse in the city Consignments respectfully solicited. Ilar Sales paid immediately after the goods are sold. TO PRINTERS AN OTHERS EXTENSIVE SALE OF A PRINTING OFFICE, POWER PRESSE:3, TYPE, Ac. On Saturday Mornlug, 17th of October, will be sold without reserve, In the fourth story of the Bulletin Building, Third street below Chestnut, the entire stock and fixtures of an eltenslye printing office, comprising Adams power presses, hydras he preset, a large quantity of type, and everything fitted for conducting an extensive book and ,job printing office. ET Terms cash. Sale No. ISt North Eighth Street. STOCX AND FIXTURES GFA OENTLIMIN'S FURNISHING STORE Oa Monday morninC. At 10 o'clock, will be E 014., kit 7.C1) 121 North Eighth street, above ArclaStreet, the entire stock and Fixtures of a Gentleman's Furnishing Store, consisting of shirts, gloves, collate, underclothing—as silk shins. silk drawers, lambs' wool do do; handkerchiefs, perfumery, saps, Sc, FEWING MACHINES. Also, a ginger's sewing machine, cost $l5O, large Pin; and a i1!,A.,.11.9,1..":!'_A'?.:.T5!..1.1,03. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Algo, the earplug Household Furniture. mr A three. tory Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above wood street. Rent *4OO per annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE A Stat.class Printing Office, with a good run of busi ness, four printing presses, two Ruggles ma ono Adanu. Type and ererythiug necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. PHE ADVERTISEMENT BY AN AUC TIONEER of a PRINTING MICE FOR BAI,E, In the Bulletin Building, hem no connection with one establishment. 0013 tf McLAUOIILAN BROTHERS. WELCOn RA NGE .—SOLD BY CHAU WICW, 47E0, 707 N. 8110QND Bt. so.lB-avi IvoLBERT & soon', AUCTIONEERS, v 431 CIIBSTISIIT Street. opposite the Casten Menee. between Fourth and Frith Street., CARD—We. invite the particular att.:mt.:on of the trade and purchasers generally, to the peremptory sale of the entree valuable contents of Guy's 'lntel, to be held on the preml,es, 31 South Serenth street, this (Wednesday) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock pre ubely, by order of Mr*. Sarah Haines, Ainantstratrix. FINE OLD DRANDY—OLD MADEIRA AND SHERRY Included in the sale gill be ionol a rare collection 0r Ohl Brandy, bottled in 1110; Old Madeira and Sherry Wine, bottled many yeen3 since, and believed to be un surpassed in this city. Also—Champagne, Sautern, Hoek, Bottled Ale, Por ter, Ac. Also—Hollacid Gin, Jamaica RUm, Apple Bru t4 .r. &c , &c The liquors are worthy the sheets' Attention of housekeepers who desire a select article for medicine. purposes. SALE AT GET'S HOTEL. NOTICE —We invite speciilattentioo to the positive sale of the entire coatents of Guy's Hotel to be hell on the premises, 31 South Scsenth street, this re erring, commencing at 10 o'cloeli preciiely. Included watt Le found the entire chamber furniture. beds and bedding, carpeting, matting, mattresses, bolsters art pillcae, washstands. bedsteads, kc. SALE AT OLT'S HOTEL, 31 ;loath SEVENTH Street. Tnis Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock preeleely, we *it the preulisee, 3/ South Seventh street, by under of Mrs. Sarah Elaone., Adrairtiatratris, the entire fornittore, and kitchen articles, liquors, seines hens nod bedding. embracing the valuable contents of Cab hotel. May be examined early on the morning of sale. TO REhT PARLOR FURNITURE. Also, Parlor and reception chairs, piano, rocklng chair, ottomans, centre-table, looking-glass. coal stove, mantel ornaments, framed engravings, rban•telier, cur tains, piano-cover and stool, ko. DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, As. Also, Carpeting, um-chairs. sofa, tables, sideboart, pictures. looking-gLasis, table-avails, towels, castors, plates, table and tea kuovni, knives and forks, glus ware, coil stove, &e. BAR•11.00M.. • Alec, Decanters pactiers clock, looting-giszs, oit paintings, fire•proOf safe, chandeliers, diihe3, looking glass, bar and fixture*, tee. EITCIIEN Also , The very complete and valuable kitchen uten. rile and furniture. Also, Dressing-bureaus, Trench bedstead and bed, oil paintings, carpeting, wash-stands. featherbeds, hale mattresses, dressing-glasses, secretary. Also, Several thourond fine Havana dots, br.-n.17, wine, whiskey, claret, champagne, gin, Ice. SPECIAL BALE OF IMES Plprsilaynezt, lath lust , commencing at Id precisely, we will sell without reserve, a valuable .constgennent of tars, made up he a stylish manner, forledies' and Ceuta' wear. Included trill be [mind, Ermine capes and cuffs to match, victorines, nett ties, gents , coat collar*, ladies' Treacle sable victmines exactas to match, Bich rapes, foot muffs, gents' gloves, was, &o. Also, One splendid Mynx sets, cost $125. Also, One do carriage cape and cuffs, cost $ll5. Also, Gents' newest European style far caps. BLEIGII ROBES Also, Twenty sleigh robes of grey fox, coon, and black bear, preine well, Hudson Bay Company bear, rocky mountain, Also. Carriage mats. pelerinee, &c , comprising the most elegant and valuable assortment of furs offered et auction for a long period. Ladies and gentlemen of this city and vicinity are respectfully invited to sake exami nations prior to sale. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. Thursday next, In connection with safe of furs. commencing at sky 11 o'clock, we will sell a saleable consignment Preach and Scotch embroideries and millinery goods. CASHMERE SHAWLn. Also, A line elegantly Paris printed msbmere plumb. fIOSIERY. 0 LOY FS,PirOOl. 8/1111T3 AND DRAWERS- Also, A line men's and women's bcolory, gloves, lambs wool and merino shirts and drawers, riding. avant leta, buck glorea, dec. PILTY.B.-PLATED WADE. Also, An invoice beet quality silver-plated vase, con eliding of rick tea seta, castors, table and tea spoons, table Yorks, ir.c. GZEIUSTOWN SNIT GOODS . Also, An invoice liermantotra tint goods, such u shawls hosiery, hoods, geledoes, 'detainee, wool sleeves, &c. PINE GOLD II; wr,LIIE . . . Also, .An invoice due gold jewelry, consisting of cameo 'pins, eardrops, gold sets, sleeve buttons, shirt etude, tar.. The whole will be arranged for examination with cats. log - ues early an the morning of .ale. PORTE-MONNAIES, SEGAR-CAST, POCKET BOOKS, 4‘.c. In Thursday's male will be found -1.1 pearl and leather port-mai:males, relent and. leather poctet-books, sew-mutes, &e. BALE OF LUMBER, &c., AT POWEL TON. Thuds' next, ` inst , At U o'clock precisely, we will sell without re , erve. et Powelton, . 200,000 FEET LUMBER, Consisting of 34 common white pine boards; 3 x hemlock scantling; joists and sassed spruce; withe variety of articles used at the late State fair. MOSES NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER AND COMM MON IiERMANT, R. S. coiner RIXER and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE--Cold and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, he., he. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second door, household turniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looting glasses, fancy articles, &c., he., he. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction err. Charges TM low. Consignments of furniture, clothing, jewelry, he., ha., solicited. NAT/WCS PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. B. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plats Watches, jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Swann, Hardwara, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, lrehiclea, Harness, Stocks, and on all or tides of nine for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab. Cabmen*. fsedj M. NATHAN% NATHAN'S great este of FORFEITED GOODS with take place in • few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gums. Pistol's, Musical Instruments, he., silltake place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, clothing, Bedding, ka., being forfeited collateral', will take place shortly., Due notice will be Oven. SAMUEL NATIEANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONK? LOAN OPTICS, No. 172 South. TIMID Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Esclunge. lbws of business from T o'clock, A. It., until IC Write& in the teeming. Out-deor sake, and sales at the Auction Home, at. tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL VMOOO. Establiskedfor the /as: ! Thirty rears. Advances made from one dollar to thins/Inds on Ilia monde, Silver Plate, Wateliet, Jewelry, llaidWare afar chandise, Clothing, Turnitnre, Podding, Cigars, Monica! Instruments, GUILE, norm, Carriages, and goods of 8 , 2 d g rareLn . remaitt sny length of time agreed upon. All advanees, from one hundred dollars sad upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month i 2500 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of L^o feet, has largo Cite and thiefproof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all ' persons having goals advanced upon. N. B —On savant of having an anlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satin. factory and acconunodating 'terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in =all amounts, with one any charge AT 1 0 11.1VATI BAl.v •. • . Gold Patent Lever end other Watches, Jewelry, and. Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aol-1y JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Shaet, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Soo* Shoes, Hardware Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whis, Trunks, Taney Goods, Notions. N. H.—Ont-door ral,es attended to. All goods eotd at the Auction a 012.10 peeled. CIEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER ILA N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets above Becoad. VTENUffi. SALES. SALES RVF.ST BATUIDAY MUM% At 7X o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, OA. lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Weir-hos, dowei ry, fancy Articles. ho. amusements. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A, MARSHALL Sole Lemon First appearance in America of SIGNORINA RAMOS, PRIMA DO NIA, From her Majesty's Theatre, London, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, October 14, ISSI, Will be presented Donizetti's Comic Opera, in two acts, entitled LA FIGLIA rpm, REGODIENTO. Si ' plOtllll4 Esmoe. Tonle Signor Brignoli. Sergeant signor Tagliasco. MAR MARETZEIC, Muatcal therefor and Conductor. PRIOR OP ADMISSION :—Parquette, Dress Circle, and Balcony, $1; Family Circle, 60 rents; Amphitheatre, 25 crate Mi" The Box Clelce of the Academy is open from 9 A. M to SP. DT, for the securing of Reserved Seats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T. hlcßaos. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely. if 7" Carriages will set down heads South, and take op heads North. WHEATLEY" , ARCH ST. THEATRE. —bole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. 80.sta Or Palnall.—Orchestra Stalls, 50 yenta ; Mesa Circle (no extra charge - Tor Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 2.5 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents ; Whole Private Box, ; Gallery, 13 canto ; Gallery for Colored Persons. 23 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 39 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. Id until 3 P. 31. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commences quarter past 7. J. M. P. WHITTON Treasurer. (Wednesday) EVENING, October 14, 1557, Will be presented, by the great Star Company-, tha celebrated Tragic Play, written by Judge Conrad, entitled JACK CADE -•-- • . Jack Cade. Mr. Davenport; Lord Clifford. Mr. Wheat-. ley; Mariamne, Mrs. Boners; Kate Worthy, Miss E. Taylor. To conclude with, for the fast time in pears, the laughable Comedietbs of MY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. •Mr. Somerton, Mr. Dolman; Mr_ Brown, Mr- J. S- Clarke ; Mrs. Somerton, Miss Anna Cruise; Mrs Smith, Mrs. Tannehill. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les? see, Mr. A:Marshall ; Stage Manager, 'Mr_ John Belton. Prices —Dress Circle and Pamnette, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beata 75 cents. Bow Office open from 9 o'clock A. Si. to S P. M. Doors open st 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7%. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, October 1 4.1557, Mr. nod Miss Richinga will appear in the popular and laughable Domestic Comedy, not acted hem for seven years, entitled THE 3LILLIONAIRE. Clement Wotild-be. Mr. Richinge ; Mr Las:elks, Mr. Boswell; Emily LasCetlet, Mica Richings ; Mrs Lofty, Mrs. Silsbee. To conclude with the laughabie and v.l - Dlodern Farce, adapted for this Theatre, mt. titled BEWARE OF GARROTERS. The Frightened Alderman, Mr Chapman; tb, lute Volunteer, Mr. Le Moyne; the Frightened Dott.e keePer, Mrs. Montan ; the tat-catcher's Daughter,. Miss M. Price. Mies Richings will sing two of her most celebrated and popular 'Songs. SANFORD" , OPERA HOUSE_ ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at o'clock—to coraraeuce qnsrter More l eight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Saniorirs Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the Santnni ChiblArn. To conclude with • A LACNiIIADLE AFTERPIECR. T IIOIIIEUF'9 VARIETIES, }writ and CREST:CUT Streets MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN ENTERTAIN MENT, In which will appear. every rrenin„; this Weer, Miss ADA D1., - "VAL. esyrana It will be her first apperrancr in America. Mal I'AYNI: & LLFOLLE , ‘A1.1.3 appear, Aided by Come,lisns, Vershsts, ry..l .11uslcians oI ac knowledged talent, commencing at ;di. Admission, 10 cents. oel2.lw* TI-1011ECF, Prop - RUS SI A AND AMERICAN TABBED CORDAGE -a superior article manufacture and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER & CO., to 84( No. 28 N Water et., k `4 N. Wharres,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers