The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 14, 1857, Image 2

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DAT' 00rogin.
- 14, 1867.
10711101 AL.)
- •- -•
= . "‘t l ' . 4 ',lita.unnor DIPARTMINT, Oat. 13,1867. •
-Noting betel* , given, that the limitation eon.
• ilL•e-t. tieitw;-sut _- .• _
elmiiittetliot of the Vet: ed States, having been reached,
it la o , ,irithinita penal Umtata further purchases at
L eeretaty of the Trreoeurr
'd -1
General Femme was yesterday elected Go
vernor by an immense majority. This was not
unexpeeted, - ,but the
„Majority is, much larger
than, we. anticipated: In the midst of the
gloonithat has settled upon the country, such
a popular ;dectidort, cannot fail to exercise a
healing - eLfeet.. ; General PAID= is, in the
beat sease* , ,the Word,' a safe man. He is
tridyja Peninerliiiiiia Democrat, identified with
no extreMaii; coramitted,te no nitraism, recog
'nixing to the last the „deep obligations We all
feel for those .good and gallant men,,once, of
the -- OpPOsition` ranks, who assisted Mr.•
en.a.Wart-in1856, 'and now aid General Psalms
lu 1867 ; ": and hi is, above all, heart and soul,
devoted _to r the solid welfare of Fiala;
delphie and of the State. General Pacoima
is ' tra in Statesmanship. lie will
not go , into . the' ;Gubernatorial eMee
unused to:its" duties. He has served, in the
mks, his risen. step by step to eminence,
And is tit for power..• Canal Commissioner,
Auditor- General, ,State Senator, in each of
which positions he won great credit, end gath
eredialuable experience, he :comes into the
chair of Chief Magistrate of the State admi
rably qualified for all its various duties, For
the other detaila of the election we refer our .
readers to the returns themselves. The Le
lislature is largelyDeMocratic. Philadelphia
;has'cast a strops ?rote for the Democratic I
ticket, and the State is even more decided
than it was licit :year. ; Mr. Witmer, who is
now in Philadelphia, and = te whona we tender
- oar sincere condolence; can go, back to Brad
ford; although abeaten candidate, still a wiser
-The passage of the relief bill is recorded in
our correspondence from - Harrisburg.. , Its
- provhdone will be understood by the general
reader,, and require no, elaborntion, at our
hands-- We are - gratified at
,this result.
When 'the 'principle of legalizing sus
pensions-was yielded, the 'expediency' of ' fix
ing' a...time for resumption become compara
tively taiberdinate. Our earnest; ope Is now,
tbatthe , coinmtmity of businessmen and the
banks. may once more act in -concord and in
confidence. The banks are on trial' before the
people,, and before the :next legliltiture;: We
appreciate to the full all their diffieultie We
know that they willbecenapplled to contract,
in antihipation of themeeting of the new Legis.:
lature; but we think, and we are glad to believe;
that;. that Legislature Will not deal •harshly
.by them, should they honestly mi.deervor to sus_
Lain the solvent business men of Philadelphia.
- New, if ever, may they become great , curses
' or great benefits to the working people. We
are on the threshold of, winter. Thousands
of men have been thrown out of, eraployinent
by the hard times. . The worst , apprehensions
are, entertained , by the. wisest men: The be
nevolent are Preparing' to lextenff support and
comfort te the suffering poor. lt 18 riot,:there.,
fore, a qiestion ofpolitics, but of.hurrianity, that
. animates: us, when we say that it will
come,us,ln times like th'ese, to exert ourselves
io -lighten the common' burden, by temfidence
and by concession. We' postpone the' subject of
reterm in , the banks before, the vainer`, arid
weightier subject of relief to -the discharged
laboring man: let 'this sentiment inspire us
in all our actions between now and the meeting
of the new legislature. "
We deem this a proper occasion to allude to
the efforts of. a fewnt • the Oppesitiori:prin ts
and lenders on the subject of the action of the
Ingiatatere. General PAGICES was , yesterday
eieeMdPe,verstoi of Pennsylvania by kgreat
majority. The tegislature which is to, com l .
Moue its.- session -in darMarY will ',be:over-
The.hiets are patent
and nebulous." But they anduld' invoke 'us to
no entotiens'oflievenge,heCirase such prints as
the 'ffortfi irneri;ert , have tionght to revive
old 'party prejudices, against the Domberetic
party, and to array the - merchants and menu
'fitetusera 'of the State against' the Democratic
ticket—hiving, we regtetto.Say, the well
iri,,their work of, injuitiee. on the
.contraryivve must now ignore these miserable
:party pnitiallties—these' discreditable. exist
• -" . bitiona. 'of personal :feelings; and go to
gether „tte'one Man, resolied l first, to save
'the burning city, to reneue. onr. thr,eatenedin
teresta, to pluck from the:flames our. feller?
'men ; and - After this noble duty has been dis- '
charged, then to' Inquire Whp set the building:
olr 110'1.04 1?:PIP4O4:111*, accordingly .
willbe the teak of tire Pnesi. We labor"
faithfallyand fearlessly tothis end. 'We have",
''tio interantrof our own to accomplish, beyond!
I,4e'lei f evre'befir to the State of our nativity.
We 410 not ewe a, dollar to a n hank ,in_ the
world. We are in, faVor Of neiv'system of!
- halting, eb we beliovethis community is, We
profoundly - respect and obediently , fol.',
low the doctrines' of the-" Democratic party
Bat we ,ifeel that we are now In the' mid . st,
of .an incredible Por':,tbe Preient;
party feelings must.bepostiOned. There:lB;d
Mack cloud of dismay hangini. over tie: Thd
beet` Men,' the - strongest r, liouriee, have: gone
",,:dorria bate the great deeprof financial disaste4
-heretofore unimpaired, ',chareeter i
- :heretofore impregnible,,bas, ,
-to , save
thousanda from rain. -In - such - an. hour;
' we cease to be a politician, and remember only
..that We' are nian ; and We see' our first great
duti, In the fnifilnient 'of oar' 'obligations, to
• those who in - any, emergency would command
confidence, but who in this, the crisis, of
their - extremest woe, command and expect out
warmest sytdpithy and Most energetiesuPport
it r Ware informed - OS; gentleinan acquainted
'irith"the.'4Oings in thO'New 'York Custom
. .,"ifoutie,that , there liaie • - been jiteized!and
feited, , ,dnring , the last sixinonilii,lreeaS that
had been , snuggled into that port, or enterell
by, fraiidulentinvoice, of the value of near twp
tbOuSand Meet -or all or
whiOh traideteCted through the vigilance Of
, e),•er,Tfaar. This amount far,exceede the
-.lteizuree-privionsfy Made any feur Yeari,
" and' Will soon put a stop to , extensive frauds
" that.", are believed'-to have ,:been practised
4"o k t)io- rey§titte at that atid• _other port.
'firie,histarice of ,the effeet''air&idy PrOdured
, Nr.,}lll•Vsvigilappe end Superior, detectire
arrangements was 'witnessed by oar informant
'en a recent visit at that port. • , - „
„Information had been received by Mr: RASP
that ticertaiityretiel fashionable costumer,"
:.Who imported largely in Herr' line s wait in the
habit of smuggling, /Well and other Articles of
' small bulk but 'greatvralue ; and that she was
•• then on visit to Europe, and : would, no doubt,
smuggle in the some kind of , getids on her te
sfte was Watqled,:ao all"ber baggage,
' &c., examined, but ,nothing, found with ' her
that bad' not
-been regularly invoiced - and on
, tered,at the - enstorri-lionse - . kfr.lforrirelyitig
,:npop,his hiforMation; arid' believing she had
eluded his officers, and, somehow, ei other got
the goods clandestinely In, got ttsearch War
rant to examine her premises. • - =
-Then , this 'was presented she opened-up all
. her • stores for examination; tind With aimile
i repiirked. to the Officers that they, were too„
late; Mid "icenfessed, that she bad heretofore
•,-, a largo , amount, 'but this' ime sho
had not,attemptad any, because she was told
by' the: captain of the, steamer that if she at
tempted to"-smuggle qt r: Bony Would certainly
each her and forfeit the good°. She took the
adrice and had acted honestly,..i • -
bitd;" In •Ibuis!ana, the,
"iota Piid".' in f!opTlyiviinitt, tho rice Vinting,"'
' in the . 04 :rothial 1 ; boh-o•litik;' l , in New
;York, and thence eastward , are all thri slime, and
ifieofyet - gditereiri'slerestailittis ih thiriiffsioni
1:;, - . - '11Ogions tf ,14ntfiring the southern portion e of the
},Vnitsd•tltatos,-it praeede ,n4lik74ra in. early
,biiiight ! ; , riiturniniii.the
i. , trin43t4/jes,bs diry..: feaohes,lfew Au:
1:-.r.ni4illirofArtrip, - hasting inflicted ninihinjary upon
i„l' , :.,thii,ernstlashlest the Smith' daring ikijourneyi
At~eijlT ,du er
thitiferistritit bioitide sVphintifiiT lilt Crier thg
Vslouritt in pairs in overy'cornthild
"member of Congtess
veitiftpx:so . , - ii oeriguall 11l at %kap,
ang and Thomson, Democratic Candi
dates for Supreme Court, Elected.
Our City and County Oificen nil Elected
State Legislature Overwhelmingly Democratic
03,000 to 40,000.
The above heads give fairly the result at
the late, or rather early, hour at which we
write. We have no time to give details. It
'does not become us to comment at length
upon the result. The Democrats seem to have
been entirely successful. The WILMOT Re
publicans have fallen far below their expecta
tions, whilellAuxunawr, the American can
didate for Governor, has run far ahead of his
anticipated vote. General
.PAorett's vote is
Less interest than usual has been felt.* the
election, and the poll Is light, but everywhere
the relative Democratic strength has been
fully sustained,' and in some instances in
creased, as compared with the election of 1866.
The Legislature, from present indicatious, will
contain a very large majority of Democratic
members. We now give the returns as far as
received :
(Special despatch to The Prue.]
'Pitteburgh r oct. 13.—WilmoVa majority will not ex.
'mad 1,600. A portionof the Democratic ticket elected.
Pittsburgh, Oct. 13.—The returns from three pre
cincts in this city, and two precincts in Allegheny city.
show a falling off in the Republican majority of more
thin one-half. It is believed that the vote in the en
tire county will be reduced still more.
IFittaburgh, Oct. 18.—The vote comae in slowly.' This
city gives Wilmot only 225 majority for Governor, which
le a has of 700 on the vote given for Fremont.
Allegheny. City gives Wilmot 450 majority, which is
also a loss of 700 on the Fremont vote. The few returns
from the county show similar lemma.
The Republioan county ticket is probably defeated by
the Democrats. with the exception of the Republican
candidate for clerk of the courts, who leads the ticket
[Special despatCh to the Press.]
Reeding, October 18.—. Reading city gives Packer one
thousand majority. The county will give him at least
sit thousand.
• Reading, October 13.—Derko county will give a Demo
cratio majority of about 6,000 votes.
The city of Reading gives Packer 1,000 majority.
Bridgewater Township, October 13.—Wilmot bas 9
majority in this bodugh.
Bedford, Oct. 13.—Bedford county gives Packer a ma
jority of from six to seven hundred rotes. And Schell,
the DemoOratio rondidate for Senator, from fire to six
hundred votes.
[Special Despatch to The Prase.]
Boum/manna, Oct. 13.—Packer gains 34 in Mali
dayaburg, and 26 1 n filsysport, over last fall.
i vi t . th o r, 13.—This township gives 33 majority for
[Bpecial despatch to Thd Prigs.]
Carlisle. October 13.—The majority for Packer in the
Carlisle district is 200. 'in Shippenetuirg district 18.
Xlia whole majority in the county will be between four
and flue hundred. . .
i fihippensburg, October 13.—The following is the vote
in this district : •
Ciammor—Paeker, 238; Wilmot, 220 ; naztahurst, 5.
Canal Commission er—ptrieklank 236; 31111 ward, 225 ;
I LLaderrnad, 5.
0et.14 —Packer's majority in this county is
;over 400. biewvelle district alone gives a majority of
Easton, Oct. 13.—The Democratic majority in Carbon
'county is estimated at 600.
Phoenixville, Oct. 18.--LThe vote for Governor stands:
:Packer, 295; Wilmot, 231; llealehuret, 12.
West Chester, Oct. 13.—The vote for Wilmot is 551;
Packer, 859; Haziehurst, 35• Mllward, 519; Strickland,
'II9T ; Lewis, 601, Veoch, 545; Strong, 814; T,hompson,
Parkesburg, Oct. 13.—The vote for Salsbury town
ship, Chester county, stands: For Governor—Packer,
246; Wilmot, 71; Hulehurst,64.
Canal Commissioner—Strickland, 259; Mitward, 68;
Linderman, 68.
Lock Haven; Oct. 18--The vote in this place Is as fol
lows: Tacker, 192; Wilmot, 146. '
Lock Haven, Oct. 13.—The following Is the vote of
this borough :
Packer, 192; Wilmot, 140; Hulehurst, 3.
Lock Haven, Oct. 13.—The following , is Um' vote
polled in this borough Packer, 192; Wilmot, 146; Ha
slehurst, 3.
Oetswissa, Oct 13.—The following is the vote for this
townshipiTacker, 78; Wilmot, 88; licrlehuret, 7.
The following is the vote for Franklin township
Packer, 41; Wilmot; 38.
Harrh:burg, Oct. 13.—Packer's majority in Harrisburg
is 419 Totes; a Democratic gain of 870 Totes.
Packer's majority In the townof Dauphin is 79 votes.
Middleton, October 18.—The vote for Governor in this
borough is as follows; Packer, 180; Ilaelehuret, 103 ;
Wilmot, 07. ,
There is a large Democratic oohs in all the districts
[Special despatch to The Prem.]
Ohambersburg, October 13.--The Tote in this county
is very close, but Packer has doubtless obtained a ma
jority of the votes polled. For Assembly McClure, op
position, Is probably eleited; and Nill, Democrat, -cer
tainly. • • .
Ohambereburg, October la,lVilmotis majority in this
township is 100. In seven districts Tacker gains 78
' Columbia, Oct.lB.—The following is the Tote in this
borough: Packer, 319; Wilmot, 90,Hasleburat, 211.
Mount Joy, Oct. 18.—Wilmot's m aj ority for Governor,
in this borough, is 119'votes, and William Millwards,
(Rep.) for Canal Contraissioner, 110 Totes.
[bedal despatch to the Prem.) . .
Lancaster, OctoberlB.—Packeris majority in this city
is 729. ',
Lancaster, Oct. 13.—Thc complete returns from this
city show the following Tote was polled : For Packer,
1,247; for Wilmot, 517; for Ilatlehurst, 442. Packer's
majority, 730.4 ' . . • .
Williamsport, Oct. 18.—The vote for Governor in
the borough of Williamsport stands as follows :
Packer, Dem., 408; Wilmot; Rep„ 278; RaGehuret,
Am., 180.
The following is the vote in Ralston : Packer 22; Wil
mot 26; Efaxiehurst 21
Muncy.-4-Packer 80; Wilmot 74; Harlebnrst 17.
linnet Oreek Township Packer 176 ; Wilmot 80 ;
Thirlehnrst a.' • - • , ,
Williamsport, October 13.— Th e tettunsreeeived from
Bradford county show a Democratic gain of 75 Totes
over lastyear. -
Jersey Shore, Oct. 13.—This town gives Packer 100;
Wilmot 83; llszieburst 64.
- Williamsport, Oct. 13.—Packer's majority in Lycom.
ing county will be about 1,000 votes.
In Pittston Ferry, natter has a mejorityof 167 votes.
• In Carbondale, Wilmot's majority is= votes.
Saxton, Oct. 10.—Lucerne county gives a Democratic
majority of about 1,600 votes.
In 'Hyde Paflt borough Packer boa I majority. In
Kingston borough Wilmot his 17 majority.
• In Oarbondale city and township, Packer has a sap,
powd majority of 2 23 voter. 3
Lewistown, Oct• 18.—Packer's majority in this bo•
r ongli and three adjoining districts is 80.
The majority for Strickland, Democratic candidate for
Canal Commissioner, is about 80,
The whole county vote will show a small Democratic
majority. , • " •
' October 13.—The majority in this township,
for Packer, le 80 votes. This includes both wards. '
Wilmot has a majority of 17 votes in Winning town=
ship. The vote stands about the same so Met year.
Danville, Oet.l3:—Montour county will' give Packer
about 450 majority.
Pottstown, Oct, 13.—Packer is about 200 votes ahead
in this township.
Norristown Oct. 13.—1 t is believed Dlontgoutery
county will give a Democratic majority of 2,000 or more.
Milton, October 13.=The 'vote for Governor in this
borough Is as follows: Paelter,llo; Wilmot, 148.
Northumberland, Oct, 13,—Packer , a majority, in AMA
borough Is, 110—being au inert/Leo of 14 over last year.
The county will give at least 1,600 majority.
Northunteerland, Oct: 13.—Northeuriberlan4 county
will give about 1,600 majority for Pitcher.
-Easton ; Oct. 78.-9erantess borough_Potled the fellow •
lug vote: Hadeburst, 124 ; Wilmot,l6B f-Pecker, 277.
Reston, Ott, 78.;--Nortbampton count y' gives Packer
a majority tear Wilmot of 2,00 votes.: 1 -.. •• • •
Wilkeebarre borough gives a Democratic majority .or
60trotres • -
...Ittieton,Oct.l3—lnthie County, PaCker has a'majority
ovct Wilmot of about 8,000 totes:
Judge Findlay, for Judge, has a majority tiver Maxwell
of about COO Wee.
Out of the distriote in Northamptoucodity, - the Stott)
DeuiocratiO ticket gains lad votes der Stott.
In Easton borough, Packer's majority over Wilmot is
020 votes.
In Ostassnqua borouih,Wlbtiot's rasjority fa bl votes
PERKY 061311 TY.
Liverpool, October 12.=—The major* in 'this town
ship, for Packer, is 48 votes.
(Special despatch to the Press.)
- Pottsville October 18.—The borough of Pottiville
gives a email majority for Packer. Ile will have about
3,000 majority in the county.
Tamaqua, Oct. 13,—/n the east ward of this borough,
the following votes Were polled today •
For Packer 140; liazlehurst 68; "Wilmot 41. And In
the mouth ward : for Packer 121; Wilmot 81; Ilazle
hurat 20. In the Booth ward Packer has a majority of
20 over Wilmot.
Pottsville, October 13.—This town gives a small ma
jority for Packer, Ills majority in this county will pro
bably be about 3,000 votes.
• 'Ashland, October 13 —The State ticket has 110 Demo-
cratic majority in this boiough. - •
Susquehanna, Oat. 13.—Packer has a majority Of
3 votes at this place.
In Montrose Village, Wilmot has 123 majority.
In Great Ilend, Wilmot has 21 mayday. '
In Sehohola, Packet has a majority of 54 votes. In
Milford, WilmoVs majority is 08 votes.
Selinsgrove, Oct. 13.—The , following Is the veto in
this borough : Packer, 140; Wilmot, 12; Ifarlehuret, 12,
(Bpesial despatch for the Press.'
, ,
- York, Oct. 13 —Picker over.Wihnot In this borough
ace, Over Wilmot and Ifazlehurst
York, Oct. 13,—PaCker will probably lead 'Wilmot In
this county over 2,00 a
York, Oct.l3.—Pacterla majority ,In this county over
Wilmot will not be less than2soo,
York, Oct. la.—This borough 'gives 00 Democratic
majority over all.
Honesdale '
Oot. 18.-4• The following is the vote of this
borough : 081; Ilaslehnrst,223; P poker, 398.
Griermburgh, Ott, 14,—Ditoker'll Majority is from 800
to 000. The Democratic: senatorial, Legislative, 'and
c ounty tickets are oleotod, , ,„
'The people , of 'Leiden - Wrote and sent i by
post 82 000,000 'Torii letters during tho list ten
years than the people of the entire United States,
while. , the imputation of London is loss =thou,
2,600,000, and that of the UnitedStanis is more then,
26,000,000... And of these o,Bo,oooiooo.lotteui Potted
in London, more than - 490,000,000 of them were for
local circulation within the bounds of London.
The entire number of "local" or "drop" letters
in the United States, in 1851, was offioially
,ported at 715,448 , or less than three-quarters of a
,TM PRESS.—MILAbEtinitA; WEliNiggDAi i , OCTOBER 14, 1857.
[Fria, Le Rollet.l
As all our fashiontibles are now at the sca-side,
if we Weald ascertain the iittode we Must follow
theta to 'their ratriatis;, aruleveu Then we shall
have some diffmulty in deciding; alit is well known
that fashion is far less arbitrary at these plasm
than in Paris or London.
The first thing we notice is, that hats are almost
exclusively worn, although groat variety exists In
the shades and trimmings.
The bateliero is very largo and quite round, and
is suitable for children. The Clarence is smaller
and slightly raised at the sides, edged with a lace
forming a fall,' and trimmed with one or two feath
ers, fastened in front under a how of ribbon, and
trained round the crown.
The mousquetaire Is the greatest favorite. It is
smaller than either of the others, and when trimmed
with a lace fall and ribbons, or feathers, is very
elegant and generally becoming.
Quilting dresses are much and "well work."
This material is very suitable for the sae-side,
being rather heavy; and it has been brought to
such perfection,both in texture and design, that
it makes at e same time an elegant and useful
• -
With 'a colored quilting robe a white burnous
may be worn, while over n white one a. Tunisian
shawl aux mills contours, has a very good awe.
We have soon worn by some ladies a kind of loose
paletot, of ooutil or nankin, edged with a bright
color or with plaid. Tho effeot is very pretty. It
may be worn , over the dress or, in very warm
weather, with a shirt only, in which ease a plaited
ohemieette with long sleeves, plain collar, and
turned-back wife, has a very good effect.
At a resent sailing match, which was witnessed
by a large crowd of fashionables, wo noticed seve
ral superb toilettes. Among them was a dress of
brown taffetas, with broad stripes round the skirt
of lilac and black chinees. The body was buttoned
in front and pointed behind and before. Over this
was a black hoe shawl with a deepfrill The bon
net was composed of white crape over lilac silk;
the front and the curtain were edged with narrow
black lace, as was a broad lilac ribbon, placed In
the form of a fanchon. On the side of the front and
inside were large boqueta of hardens d'or.
Another was a muslin, in small checks and
spotted, having seven flounces, with .a ribbon in
the hems. A rico straw bonnet, trimmed with a
ribbon, a long feather Moss the front, and a largo
black mantle, eempletOr the simple yet graceful
One which attraoted muohadiniration wet; a dress
of taffetas in ()becks of black and white, (amid an
inch square. On each side of the skirt was a broad
band of green, black, and white plaid, soolloped
and fringed. The body was high, buttoned and or
namented to match the trimming on the skirt, and
finished by a - plaid sash, tied in a bow behind.
Tho bonnet was white crape, drawn op pink rib
bbns, and trimmed with a largo tuft of pink prim.
roses. A small wreath of the same flowers surround
ed the Bropress fall which hang over the bonnet.
Wo observed even hero a quilting dross embroid
ered in large dots with coral-colored wool. Round
the bottom and up the skirt, in spaces of about ten
inches, was a light pattern in terel braid. The
hody was high, without basques, and buttoned with
soral buttons. The sleeve was in large flat plaits
from the armhole, held by buttons just above the
elbow, whence it hung in a pagoda. With this was
worn a walloped muslin mantle, and a round drab
straw hat, trimmed with a feather and ribbon of
the same color, and deep black lace round the
We must describe one more, which, although
rather original, had a good effect. The dross was
white muslin, over which was a white China crape
shawl. The lower point was trimmed with a broad
black lace, and the nppor one was surrounded by
a deep white fringe, mixed with black chenille.
The bonnet was white tulle, trimmed with bleak
lace and velvet.
The bodies of dresses are now generally worn
high ; but low bodies are also seen, and, of course,
in full dress are always adopted.
Bretalles are still worn with them. Rather a
new style of this ornament has lately appeared.
It is made of broad velvet, arranged almostsquare
from the shoulders, and fastened to a band at the
waist. Three bands of the same velvet, or seven
very narrow, aro placed across the front and bank;
a buckle is placed at the waist, both before and
behind, from which two ends of velvet hang on
the skirt. This has a very pretty attest, and may
be worn with several dresses withont any other
Double skirts, as well as flounces, still continue
to be mush worn. The most favorite trimming
for the double skid le a handsome fringe placed
on the edge of the topper skirt only. Indeed,
fringe will be very much adopted this winter as a
trimming,not only for dresses, but also for man
tles and the varieties of basquines and paiotots
now worn.
An elegant fringe we have notioed wee formed
by a beading of Venetian guipure, and in the
fringe were tinsad balls and long beads of stbel.
Another bad i narroxr pion heading, striped
with velvet, the fringe bong beplacod by light
hanging fuchsias, composed of Mali satin. The
head of flower was formed of long Steel beads,
and the middle by a ball of satin, and a steel bead
below it. '
Piohus are still worn, with but little variety.
The Bohn Oberon is a slight alteration of the fiebu
Antoinette; the ends are shorter, and finish at tho
sides by bows The sleeves are also shorter, out
square, and open to the front of the elbow, whore
they are ornamented with bows
The fiebu Delila is composed of white muslin or
tolls. It reaches only to the top of a low r bodied
dress, and is exolusively worn with those bodies
that aro ant square; it is covered by vor i f narrow
velvets, placed a little more than an Ina apart—
the ends being left hanging beyond the 4 go of the
fiehu, forming a kind of fringe. The Grecques
sleeves are trimmed to match, and edged with a
lace placed under the ends of velvet. The throat
is also trimmed with lace.
The - shoW-rooms of our florists speak plainly of
autumn. 7;o the delicate tintsof the summer flow
ers are in:Weeding tho rioh and bright , tints of the
autumn, iv wreaths orb onnets of velvet 4 flowers,
mixed with loaves of gold-brown, which have Such
an elegant appearance, and aro so becoming. The
most ohritratng novelties aro being prepared as
trimmings for bonnets coiffures, and robes.
For the tatter, wp pits amontst others a dress of
white brocade pith couhie s worked by the
band In baguets of flowers. he upper shirt was
trimmed with willies of shaded roses ontrolitcees.
the colors of whiott were beautifully shown up by
the doh groan and brown kayos which shone as if
receiving the last rays of the setting sun. A similar
wreath formed the bartho, entirely covering the
sleeves. The coiffure was composed (besides the
roses and leaves) of lilies of the valley and corn
care in diamonds.
-Another trimming, intended for a lemon-colored
taffetas, was composed of boquets of mulberries,
mixed with fuchsias, small sprays ofjessamine, and
brown gram. These boquets wore exquisitely ele
gant, and destined to be placed in threes on the top
skirt, falling gracefully over the bouillonne organza
with whighoclopeilirt Wal3 trimmed. The IMMO
boquets were plased on the sleeves, falling over
the arms. For the coiffure was tbe time qrtdment,
fastened with a bow of ribbon placed very backward
on the head.
A trimming not lees pretty was composed of wreaths
of snowberrias placed round two skirts of pink
crape, edged with white blond, and drawn up in
drapery by bonnets of the same flower. At the
bottom of the third skirt were two white ruches
of blonds, separated by a wreath to match those on
the other skirts. Coiffure.—Very long wreaths of
enowberries placed at each side of the bandana,
falling over the shoulders.
We must wait the return of our "fashionables be
fore we can hope to see anything decidedly novel
in bonnets. Al the present season nothing can be
prettier than thor of rice straw, trimmed with
small bunches of feathers at the sides i some falling
over the curtain, and others over the front, mixed
gracefully with blonde and copes of ribbon round
the face. 'Others have as a trimming a long white
feather fixed on the aide by a bow of straw,
with blonde; and carried across the Inuit, falling
over the curtain, which is covered with wide blonde.
rn the cap, bows of straw, edged with blonde mixed
with fuchsias and heath.
The color maize continues to be very fashion
able. Straw bonnets trimmed with maize ribbon
and black are very pretty and becoming.
An elegant Leghorn bonnet was trimmed round
the front with a wide black lace falling over the
hair, and carried acrow the curtain; this wee
surmounted by a wreath of cherries. White taffe
tas strings, trimmed with black velvet. Blonde
cap, with black palvet bows and bunches of
White taffetas bonnets havo frequently a wide
band of bright color round the front and curtain.
Tho prettiost trimming for these bonnets is a long
feather of the same color as the edge, fallieg
gracefully tl over the shoulder. The strings are at
ways of white taffetas, edged to match.
Crape is still much worn, but It is frequently
covered with a light black lace, which gives every
elegant appearance to them.
Capotes of crepe or silk are also increasing in
favor; but the fashion in this important artiols of
dress will, we doubt not, ho more decided next
Black lace mantles and shawls are more in favor
than ever, and will, we believe, bo much used in
evening dress ,this winter. particularly if light
colored satins should regain the favor they once
obtained, and which some of our best modistes con
fidently expdct
The late rains RI France have done immense
service to the grapes, whiSib aro rapidly advancing
to maturity.' It is many years sumo the grapes
wore of midi good quality as at present. The vin
tage commenced early m September. Last year it
did not commence before the 10th of October, mak
ing a difference of a month. unfortunately, the
grape disease has re-appeared in many places, par-
Ilaularly in Languedock and the Bordeleie, which
will considerably reduce the crop in those localities.
In the Meantime the price of wine keeps up, and
many proprietors have announced that they will
this year carefully preserve. the wino, which, in
quality, resembles the wines of the year hill
Paris was never so abundantly supplied with
grapes as at present.
There is in the town of Shelby, Orleans county,
says tho Medina Tribune, a more distressing ease
of disease and suffering than we supposed existed
on earth. Fleury Posaan,.a man forty-five yealeof
age, has been confined to his bed, and helpless
since ho was nineteen—twenty-six years. hia dis
ease is rheumatism, and most terribly has the poor
man suffered with its torturing deforming and rava
ges. His knee joints are dislocated, and so drawn
under as to form a perfect B. The ankle joints are
also dislocated and shockingly displaced. Ibis feet
are drawn round to one side, and the toes twisted
into all conceivable shapes. In fact, the terrible
disease has 'scarcely left a limb, &joint. or a mem
ber of the body undeformed. And added to all
this, the poor man has been rendered perfectly
blind by the soma disease. He lies upon his book,
hie arms folded across his breast, and is only bare
ly able to move his fingers. His pain is severe and
almost constant.
ss, Mr. Nathaniel R. Stim'on, editor of the New
York Day Book, was arrested on Saturday mora
l/1Z charged with encouraging gambling in his
paper. Mr. •A. Oakey Hall,- district attorney,
made the affidavit upon which the warrant of ar
rest was issued. The affidavit charges that on the
let of October, an advertisement appeared • in the
Day Book of an alleged illegal lottery In the
State of Georgia, and that there was a favorable
notice of the• samoin the editorial columns. It
Is further 'elated that'in the same issue thlire was
an editorial calling upon the district' attorney . to
use every means in his power for the 'suppression
of gambling:" The district attorney hints that he
cannot' do better than follow the editor's advice,
and thinks it "advisable to communicate with Mr.
Stimson himself. An examination has not yet
,taken plugs.. ,
A TRIAL l'oll via ODD OZNY.—The Wash
ington Star of the Bth, says "That some days
Piodnee denier in Washington sold a cus
tomer a half-peek of pota,toes for a shilling, and In
taking this pay from a quarter dollar, returned
twelve cents change. This the customer declined
to receive, claiming thirteen cents as his duo. A
dispute ensued, which ended in the customer get
ting out a warrant for the odd cent, and,'the ease
bolpg tried, he zoomed it.
Report of the
. Committee to test Firearms for
WASHINGTON, October 13.—The Board appointed to
'test certain firearms, eay in their report to the Secre
tary of War recently received, that after a full and
careful coneideration of all those trio 1, they are of the
unanimous opinion that the breech-loading, rifle rub
mitted by General Burnold, of Rhode Island, is Lost
suited to the military service, as a breech-loading rifle
is thought to be Almelo and strong in its parts, and
therefore lees liable to get out of order than any other.
In expressing this opinion, they do not wish to be un
derstood as disparaging the merits of the other guns,
for the, consider that some of them possese much merit
and evince much ingenuity in their conetruction. They
feel it their duty to state that they have seen nothing
In these trials to lead them to think that a breech
loading arm has yet been invented which is suited to
replace the muzzle-loading gun for foot troops; on the
contrary, they have aeon much to impreis them with an
opinion unfavorable to the nee of a breech-loading gun
for general military purposes
Although the Board was ordered to give an opinion
upon rifles alone, yet the attention of the members was
called to Colt's revolving pistol, fitted upon a movea
ble rude stock: It performed so well that they recom
mend it to the Secretary of War as a very superior arm
for the mounted serviee, and suggest that the Board of
dragoon of:doers thoroughly toot it. Nineteen different
patterns of arms were toted by the Beard
WASHINGTON, Octoberla—Becning.—Official luformtv
Con has been received that hundreds of pereons have
left Peavenworth for the purpose of settling on the lands
of the Delaware Indians, whose rights the United States
are pledged by treaty to protect. Instructions wilt be
sent to the Indian agents in Hanna to enforce the law.
If their efforts fail, the United States troops will be em
ployed to expel the intrudere.
The principal officers of the United States sloop-of
war Vincennes, which le fitting out for the African
squadron are Commander, Totten; lieutenants, Win
der, Nicholson, West, Rains, and Fitzhugh; surgeon,
Thornley ; assistant surgeon, Van Bibber; purser, Dan
forth; acting master, Selfridge
Only about $5,000 worth of United States 'stock was
repaired to day for redemption, priucipally from New
Yerk brolcers.
The remains of George Washington Parke Coatis wore
buried today at Arlington. Their was a very large at
tendance at the funeral including the military, and the
Association of the Soldiers o f the War of 1912.
Financial Affairs in New York
Nan YORK, October 13.—The bank suspensions have
attracted a dense crowd into Wall street all the after
noon, while other business streets were comparatively
deserted. In addition to those announced up to 2
o'clock, the Tradesmen's Bank, Artilatia' . Bank,
Butchers' and Anvers' Bank, and the Bank of New
York, have since suspended. It Is feared that a general
suspension is now inevitable, though several of the old
banks' announce their ability and determination to con-
Untie specie payments.
It Is reported that the Marine Bank was stopped by
an injunction obtained by one of its customers, and It
is presumed that the same course has been pursued with
regard to other banks. By this moans the penalty of
winding up. which attaches to the act of suspension Is
evaded, and It Is generally thought that the suspension
will, In most cases, be only temporary. This under
standing tended to relieve some of the excitement.
New oOctober la —Today has been a most ex
citing one infinaucial matters. Up to 2 o'clock, fifteen
of the city banks emended specie payments, of which
the following Is a revised list, viz :
Bank of Now York; Artisans'; St. Nicholas; Chat
ham ; Ocean; Market; Butchers' and Drovers'; Mer
chants' Exchange; Irving; Citizens'; Tradesmen's ;
Hesd; New York Exchango; North River, and
Wall Arcot, at 2 o'clock, was crowded with au anions
maim of people. Tho steps of all the banks were also
blacked bT people forcing their way Into the banks. At
the American Exchange Bank, David Leavitt addrestked
the crowd, assuring them that the bank would pay all
tp the last dollar. lle also announced that an arrange
ment 41 been made with several of the strongest banks
to go through wit eat auspensloo. It Is believed, how
ever, that the suspension trill be general. It is under
stood that some of our heaviest houses have withdrawn
their gold from the banks; and replaced it as a special
deposit There were rumors during the day affecting
nearly all the banks in the city, but the above lint gives
all that certainly suspended up to 3 o'clock
The run on the Brooklyn Savings Bank was renewed
to-day, but with less vigor, the bank paying promptly.
Several failures among the dry-goods firms ate an
nounced, but none very prominent.
The run upon the Mechanics', Merchants', Bank of
America, Manhattan, and American banks, was severe,
and continued up to the close of business.
The Broadway Bank held Out till nearly 3 o'clock,
paying out $140,000 In specie, when it gave out.
The Leather Manufacturers' Bank subsequently
closed 44 doors.
- The Seventh Ward and Fulton Banks hold out under
a tremendous preisure.' -
The People's Bank eloped at 2 o'clock, after paying
out $19,000 in specie during the day.
The Bank of New York paid out its last dollar, and
certified sB checks presented, and then yielded.
The American Efichange bank paid all demands, but
several others shut out their customers at 3 o'clock.
The Bank of North America was protested this after
.The Ccru Exchange Bank refused to pay specie.
At tho Stock Exchange, stocks all took a rise nectar
tho belief that the banks will all suspend to-morrow.
10 o'clock P. AL—lt it reported on pretty good au—
thority that the Bank Presidents aro now In session, and
hilve resolved to suspend.
The following ip the official action of the Bank Presi
The banks have resolved to suspend specie payments,
as far as paying over the counters is concerned, and make
a regular exchange of each other's hills at the clearing
house. Also to send a committee to center with the
Governor in reference to calling a meeting of the Leg
islature. The committee loaves fur Albany at noon
BILTI/40101, Qot. lg.—.Tite Albion cotton manufactory
is reported to hap) tallc4. Tile amonnt (If If abilities is
not knoien.
ileavy Failure at Roston.
norm, Oct. U.—Messrs. Francis Skinner & Co., the
largest dry goods commission house in this city, have
The bank failures at New York caused considerahle
excitement, but the news had no perceptible °Peon
our banks.
BOaOON, Oct.l3.—The comm tee appoint:Tad at a.m.
coot meeting of bank presidents of this city was in
timated to ask the co-operation of the Now York hanks
in extending the line of discounts to solvent merchants.
Robbery of the. Richmond, Va., Custom /louse
—Over $20,000 In Specie Stolen.
Aron no ND, Pa., Oct. 12—The customhouse of thls port
was entered last Melt by robbers. Tbe safe was blown
open with ponder, and $14,000 in tlenty-dollar gold
pieces, awl $5,700 In fire-golfer gel , 2 pieces, were stolen.
The robbers h:14148,.00 1101110.
Suicide of a Bank Cushier
Par manna, Vs., October D.—Thomas 11. Harden.
burg, cashier of tho Branch Bank of pope Year, at
Wilmington, N. 0., committed suicide by shooting. He
loaves a largo family, and was universally respected.
No cause la assigned for the rash act.
Ohio Election.
CLUJ:LAND, Oct. /3.—Soven towns In Loraine coon
ty give 469 Republican majority. Fairfield county en
tire gives Payne (Dem.) for Governor 1,200 majority.
The following majorities are also reported:
Democratic,. Republican
Toledo 906
Frill]irlin county . 700
Portage county 800
Sandusky city 86
Sandusky county 300
Olevolend D2l.
In Bandniky county th'.;re is a Psnsocrattc gain of 100
since last fall.
Failures In 'New Orleans
Nsw Ost.snis, October 12.—litessrs. Oakey . Haw
kins, cotton factors, doing a heavy businege, suspended
yesterday. Other suanenttotte are reported, hut require
Santa Fe traders at St. Loula.
Sr. Loons, Oct. 13 —A number of Santa Ye merchants
have arrived to-night, with npwards of $lOO,OOO In
gold, for the purpose of settling up their old accounts
and purchasing new goods.
New ORLEANS, Oct 12.--Cotten—Sales 4,000 bales,
and receipts 7,000 bales. Prices are lc. lower. Middling
quality at 10c Yellow Corn sells 'at 72c. per bushel.
Mess Pork, $2l per barrel. There Is nothing doing In
freights or est ango. Business le unsettled. Money
tighter, Apd afrnme gloomy.
Police Dems.—Two non, named William
Sheeler, alias "Butcher Bill," and James Bran?
nigan, wore charged before Alderman Eneu on
Saturday afternoon with having early on Saturday
morning last torn off the weather-boarding of ii•
negro hovel in Bedford Inmost, and stuffed into the
?novice some combustibles which they set fire M.
Piro Detective Blackburn appeared against the
defendants, and requested that they should be de
tained until lip could obtain the desired testimony.
The prisoners wore hold for a fiirther hearing.
Alderman Abraham McGarry, en alderman of
the Fourth ward, has been before Alderman Con•
row on the charge of having committed a misde
meanor in office. It appears that some time since
Samuel H. Cunningham saw a woman purchasing
liquor from an unlicensed seller. M. O. followed
the woman home for the purpose of aubpmnaing
her as witness against the tavern keeper, At the
suggestion of the latter. Mr. Cunningham was sub ?
eminently arrested on the charge of following the
woman in the street. Alderman McGarry bound.
the defendant over to answer. Mr. 0. insisted
that the case should be returned to court, and the
Alderman refused to make any such return. The
Alderman was arrested on the charge of Wade,
meaner in consequence of this course, and Alder
man Conrow held him in $6OO bail to answer.
Something of a woman's idea of the strong
minded of her own sex may be gathered by the
following, from the pen of Ifre. M. P. Eogarq,
editross of the ./V. 0. Sptakeru llfirrpr :
"Woman is by appointment supreme in the ad
oial and domestic Miele ; it is much more IM
pertant that elm have the finer faculties of her nu.
ture in a high state of cultivation than the stroni
ger or more masculine qualities of mind. Sim 124
better bo a philanthropist than a philosopher. Ono
Florence Nightingale is worth more to Mankind
than all the Lucretia Motts and Fanny L. Town?
sends that ever cursed the world : thus
domestic, one good, intelligent, amiable wife or
sister, who with such mental training as serves tp
develop its beauties, and thus invite the sterner
sex to woo its refined pleasures and hurnanlOng in
fluences, brighter than a whole ' woman's rights
convention' in solemn gonelnyei • resolving to don
the hehtlietoete and usurp' the realm of the other
sex. Woman's element is love ; her wealcneas, her
strength. I battle against innovation, female
suffrage, lady physicians, and Bloomer dresses."
The New Bowe
The work upon the now dome is going forward
'pith rapidly. The wall has been filled up between
tho heavy cast-iron brnokots to the top, and some
of the plinths forming the base or the heavy iron
columns have been fitted in plows ready to reoeivo
the columns. The immense pilasters have begun
to arrive at the works from the manufactory, and
preparations are being made to oomumnee put
ting them up by the first of next week. As fast
as they go up the columns trill follow, and be
fore the season closes,
there will be it sufficient
number of them up to give the Speata to r an
idea of the g rood_proportie t to or the (tome when
it is completed. the drawings for the first sec
tion are about completed, and will furnish a sal
°lent amount of work to oethipy the hands through
the next entire working season: It is expiated
that the drawings will go Into the hands of the
founders some tune next week. The wall on which
reels the massive weight of iron composing the
demo is' laid in .hydraolio cement, which, when
dried, becomes 1113 hard as' the ,hriek itself, and be.
tweon every other course of brit* look strips of
sheet-iron are laid in the watt and lapped at the
ends, to prevent any possibility of the work crook
leg or spreading apart. It is estimated that, when
the iron work is all pat up, the weight which will
rest on the Wall will be one hundred pounds to the
square inch=i-seniwely a tithe of what it is sarbls
of bearing. The corridors to conneet the wings
with the main building ass being erected with all
convenient despatch. The second story of the
walls is more than one-half erected, 'and the marble
workers are called into active requisition testrim
and place the Meeks in their appropriate pleeca.—
Washington U 917.04. .
Andrew Kershner, Esq., a prominent citizen
of IVnebington county, Md., died near Hagers
town on Tuesday last. Mr. Kerslener was fre
quently a member of the State Legislature.
The Speoial Session of the Legislature.
[Esclnelyo, of The Presaj
Mt/HMG, Oct. lath, MI
The Senate met at 10 o'clock A. H.
The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.
Mr. &ramie read in place an act concerning the elec
tion of members and officers of the Legislature," which
ho desired to be considered at once. The act authorised
the member,' and officers of the Legislature, detained in
Harrisburg by the extra session, to vote for State offi
cers at any election poll in this city.
Mr. COFFEY suggested that they he allowed to vote at
all the polls.
Mr. TAGGART suggested that the members of the Third
House be eadirseed, as they were thrice as numerous as
the members of the Legislature
Mr. STRAUS replied, that the gentleman evidently
wished the friends of his party taken care of.
Mr. Wiutizra hoped the bill would be taken up and
considered. If it were he would more a substitute,
granting compensation to members for their ursine.
Mr. GARZAn believed there was a portion who did not
deserve compensation, or the privilege to vote; they had
done nothing, as yet, for the people's relief, which ob
ject bad brought them hem.
Mr. MYER thought the act was in conflict with the
Mr. 13nowse said he had referred to the Constitution
and' ascertained that the act did conflict with that In
strument. The Constitution provides that &voter shall
be a resident —not a sojourner Ia the State—for one
year, and in the election district where ho offers to
Tao. ten days immediately preceding the election.
The Senate refused to entertain the bill.
On motion of Mr. TiOGART, the Senate took a recess
until 113,f o'clock A. M.
The Senate reassembled at 11X o'clock, A. 24., and
Immediately adjourned until 12 o'clock M.
The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock M.
Mr. BTRA01) read in place a bill entitled a resolution
,relatingto the Mint of the United States. He had been
requested to introduce the bill, and would not say that
he approved all of its aims. It wee an important mat
ter, and h e had not thne fully to investigate it for him
pelf. n . provides that members in Congress be co
quetted, and Senators instructed, to demand the passage
of slaw attaching* to the Mint of the 'United States a
coin qffice far fiscal exchange, where cola can be de
positerand a certificate obtained therefor, to be also
paid in nein: He asked the bill be laid upon the table
and ordered to beprinted in the daily legislative record.
- The motion was agreed to.
The clerk of the House informed the Senate that that
body had passed Senate bill concerning the Chambers
burg, Greensburg. and Hagerstown Railroad, without
amendment; and had also passed Senate bill for the re
sumption-of specie imyments and the relief of debtors,
with sundry amendments, in which It asked the concur
rence of the Senate.
Mr. JORDAN loosed to call up the latter bill; which
was agreed to. The amendments of the Haulm were
Mr. JORDAN moved, to save time, that the Senate now
concur in the amendments of the Mouse, and appoint IL
committee of oonferenee on the disagreeing voteabetween
the two Houses.
Mr. Ilaoirrhe appreciated the motive of the gentle
man. but he wished an opportunity given to Senators to
act on the amendmente deliberately. On particular
amendments Senators naturally desire to express their
opinions. Was it not the right of every Senator to ald
in perfecting the Mlles far no he could f
The Bromic seggeatbd that an amendment to the
amendment would semi the bill bask to the House.
Mr. Mimi mild that a general motion to non-concur
was not in order; that the question, unless there be
um:ileums cutout, must be put on each amendment.
lie wanted to have his position fairly understood, and
not left to misconstruction by acute on the amendments
and the bill together.
'Mr. Cassias considered the abort time left them for
compromise between the two Menses, and would vote
for the motion to nomconcur.
Aprotracted conversation was indulged on the proper
question to be put to the Senate, whether to concur or
to now.concur In the amendments of the House; the
question was taken and the motion was agreed to. The
amendments of the House were non-concurred in.
bfr. Corm moved that the committee of conference
consist of live Senators ; which motion was agreed to.
. The SPEAKER stated that the committee would appear
on the record.
On motion of M. WALron, the Senate adjourned at
12g 'o'clock P. M., until 3) o'clock P. M.
The Senate re-assembled at IN o'clock P. M.
The committee of conference was announced to con
sist of Messrs. Jordan, 04ey,1 Souther, Wilkins, and
In re m Senate adjourned until 4 o'clock p. 151., and sub
sequently until 5 9'CloCh F. Df., and then to 6,1 j o'clock
On the re-assembling of the Senate, at foX o'clock
P. M.,
Mr. JORDAN, from the committee of conference on
the part of the House, submitted a report on the dis
agreeing votes between the two Houses on the Senate
bill relating to the resumption of specie mutant by
the banks, and for the relief of debtors.
Mr. COFFEY moved that the report be agreed to.
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Wright and
Mr. Jordan, and were as follows, viz:
Ye lA—Mears. Coffey, Crabb, Frazer, Gazzam, Gregg,
Barris, Jordan, Knox,Laubsch, Lewis, Sellers, Shuman,
Souther, Straub, Taggart, Welsh, Wilkins, Finney,
(8 eskers-18.
NATO—Meonrs. Brower, Browne, Creaswell, Ely,
Evens, Fetter, Flenniken, Ingrain, ?dyer, Scofield,
Steele, Walton, Wright-13.
So flle bill wits passed.
Mr. Snows read in place the following resolution:
Resolved, That the journals of the two Mouses, and
the acts of Assembly, for the extra session of 1857, be
printed and published with the corresponding yolutne for
the session of MS.
Thercoolutlon was moldered and passed.
The Senate Alen adjourned until 7X o'clock P. M.
The Senate met a nine o'clock, and adopted a reso.
lotion returning thanks to the Speaker and other ofri.
A message from the Governor was received, stating
thilA ho had sighed the bill to provide for the resumption
of Ipecte•pn!mente, and several other bills, an flint he
had no Nether communications to make.
On motion, the donate adjourned sine die at ten
o'clock, P.
. .
The Ilene met at 10 o'clock A. .
The Journal 9( 'yeeter4e t y viz ree4 em 4 approved
Mr. Moorhead moved to reconsider the vote by which
the Senate bill eoncerning haute was yesterday re
The yea; and nays wore required by Mr. Leisenring
and Mr. Moorhead, and were as follows,
Ynas—btesars 'Anderson, Augustine, Babcock, But., Beck, Benson, Bishop, Drown, Calhoun, Campbell,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dock, Eat, Eyeter, Fester, Gib
boney, Hamilton, Heins, Hiestand, Hllieges, Hine,
Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper. Imbrie, Lines,
Jacobs, Kauffman, Kerr, Longaker, Manear, Moorhead,
Mumma, Pearson, Penrose, Peters, Pownall, Ramsey,
tPhiladelphla,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Mm,
hloan, Stevenson: Struthers, Thorn, Talon, Yanvoor.
his, Voeghley, Wagonneller, Warner, iyilileton, Win.
trode, M itherow, Wright-sb.
Rau—bleier+. Arthur, Bawer, Wendt, Carty, Pau.
told, (tildes, Hsucoels, Hill, Hoffman, (Berk.,)
Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Knight, Lebo, Leisenring,
Lovett, M'llvalri, Nichols, Nuunernacher, Roberts,
Rupp, Smith, (Centre,) Smith, (Lucerne,) Vali, Yin.
kers, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Yeareley, Tim.
merman, Getz, (Speaker)-32,
bo the motion was decided In the aflirmative, and the
question recurring, "Shall the bill pau ?"
Mr. Hems for the purpose of cutting off debate, and
bringing a direct, vote moved the previous question,
which was seconded) and on ordering the main ques
The yeas and nap were required by Mr. Calhoun and
Mr. Longaker and were ee followe, rte
Yeas—Meagre. Anderson, Arthur, Beck, Bower,
Brandt, Calhoun, Carty, Chase, Clearer, Eent, Fauscdd,
Fester, Gliders, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hill, Ilillegas,
Hoffman, (lierks,) lanes, jenkins, Johns, Lebenring,
Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Nicholson, Nunnemacher,
Pearson, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Rupp, Smith,
(Centre,) Smith, ( Lucerne ,) Tolan, Walter,
Westbrook, Yeersley, Zimmerman, Hots, (apeaker)-41.
Nara—Messrs. Augustine, Babcock, Backus, Ball,Ben.
son, Bishop, Brown, OamPbell, Crawford, Dock,Eyster,
Gibboney, Hamilton, Maaeock,liiratan4, ll .ine, Hoffman,
(Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrle Jacoui, Johnson,
li - sateen Kerr, Knight, Lebo, HlCalment,
Moorhead ' , Mumma, Nichols, Pearce., Pownall, Ramsey,
(Pbiladelphia,) Reed, Roberts, Shaw, Sloan, Stereo
eon, Struthers, Thorn, Vauroorhis. Vickers, Voeghley,
Wagonseller, Warner, Wharton, Williston, Wintrode,
Witherow, Wright-1,0.
So the House refused to order the main question.
Mr, Ilissrsan moved that the House resolve itself
Into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of striking
out, in the first section, the words "brat Monday of
April, A. D. 1858," and inserting the words " first Mon
day of February, A. D. 1859."
The you and nays were required by Mr. Hiestand,
and Mr. Kauffman, and wore as fellows, viz
Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Augustlue, Dukes, Ball,
Benson, Bfshop, Brown, Campbell; Cleaver, Crawford,
Dock. Eyeter. Ilibboney, Hamilton, Illeatand, Hoffman,
(Lebapon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Jacobs, Kauffman,
Kerr, 111cCalmont, Moorhead, Mumma, Penrose, Peters,
Poo nall, Reed Shaw, Sloan, Stevenson, Struthers,
Thorn, Vanvoorhis, Voeghley, Warner, Williston, Win.
trode,Wltherow, Wright-40.
NAYS—Mauro. Arthur, Beck, Brandt, Calhoun, Carty,
Ent, Fausold, Fester, Glides, Hancock, Hamel, Harper,
Heins, Hill, Ilillegas, Hoffman, (Berke,) Inties, Jenkins,
Johns, Johnson, Knight, Lebo, &dewing, Longaker,
Lovett, &linear; APlEvain, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunn°.
reacher, Peareqw, Hamm, (Phileide(phia) Ramey,
Lpork,) iteaueer, Roberta, Rupp, Smith, (Centre ,) Smith,
Luzarne.) Tolan, Tqll, Vickers, Wagonseller, Walter,
eatbrook, Wharton, Wortley, Zimmerman, Ceti,
So the question was determined in the negative.
Me firsvagsort moved to go Into committee, for the
pqrpose of amending the that section, by striking out
the words "first Monday of April," and Inserting the
oorda " third Monday of July."
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Stevenson
and Mr. Kauffman, and were as follows, y ;
Yeas—Messrs. Augustine, Babcoole, Backus, Ball,
Beck, Benson, Bishop, Brown, Campbell, Cleaver,
Crawford, Dock, Eyster, Gibisoney, Hamilton, Iliestand,
Hine, Hoffman, , (Lebanon) Houaekeeper, Imbrie,
JEcoba Kauffman, Kerr, Mawr, SPCielmont, Moor-
Mead, Alumna, Penrose, Peters, Pownall, Ramey,
(Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Read, Shaw, Sloan,
Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Tour/kerb's, Ticker.,
Yoeghley, Warner, Williston, Wlntrode, Witherow,
Nava—Moans. Arthur, Bower, Brandt, Calhoun, Car
ty, Ent Fausold, 'Foster,' (Hides, Hamel, Hancock,
Harper,Steins, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berke.) limes,
Jenkina, Jaime, Johnson, Knight, Lebo, Lelmenring,
Longaker, Lovett, Nicholson, Nunnetwbor, Poisson,
Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Smith, (Centre.) Smith, (Lu
cerne.) Vail, Wagonseller, Walter. Westbrook,
Wharton, yearsley, Zimmerman, Cots, (Speaker)-42.
The questhin,was decided in the affirmative, and the
House accordingly resolved Melt into Committee of the
Whole, ()4r. Dock in the chair,) and proceeded to con
sider the amendment; which was agreed to.
The bill, as amened, was reported to the House; and
the question being' on agreeing 'to the report of the corn.
Mr 11.11.1100 N called the attention of the House to a
clause in the seventh section, by which; lithe banks as
le provisions of the act, it amounted to a con.
trapt ween the State and the banks, which the sec
ceedlog egtslature could not interfere with. He trusted
that the House, by Its action, would not prevent legis
laden by a body which would be chosen upon this ques
tion and which properly should act upon.
Mr. Lotman:a was in favor of, and would rote for, the
bill in its present shape hut If amended as proposed, be,
liquid be compelled to record his vote against it.
After furthbr debate by biessre,Thern, Doll, Mumma,
liedalmont, Backus, Jenkins, and Dock, .
The yeas and nays were required on the question by
Mr. Lingdker nri4 Mr. Calhoun, , and were as follows,
yls ;
Yria—;(oasis. Anderson, Augustine, Babcock, Duk
es, Ball, Bishop, Brown, Campbell, Cleaver, Crawford,
Dock, Epiter, Ilibboney, Hamilton, Illestand, Hine,
Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Jacobs,
Kauffman, Kerr, 111 1 Calmont, Moorhead, Mumma,
Nichols, Penrose, Peters, Pownall, Ramsey, (Philidels
phia,) Reed, Shaw, Sloan, Stevenson, Struthers Thorn,
Vanroorlds, Vickers, Voegbley, Warner, Williston,
Wintrodo, Wright-49.
Nava—likaers. Aithur Deck, Bower, Brandt, Cal
houn. Carty, Chase, Ent: Fausold, Foster, Glides, Ha
mel, Hancock, Harper, Heins, 11111, Killegaa, Ileirman,
(Berke,) lanes, Jenkins, johna, Johnson,Knight,
Lobs, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett, lit , Ilvn, Nichol.
son, Nunuemacher, Pearson, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer,
; Roberts, RaPp, Olentre,) Smith, aMterlia,) To
w, Veil, Tragonaeller, Walter, westaraolt, Wharton,
Yearsley, Zimmerman, Gets, (Speaker)-40.
So the report was not oonourred In.
Mr. Impala moved to, go Into Committee of the
{Thole, for the purpose of amending the that section by
adding the following proviso, which would, In effect, it
adopted, have imapended the email-note law
Provided, That the penalties imposed oo the Cith
and 99th sections of 'the act regulating banks, apprOved
the 10th day of April, 1850, ere beouby eeieltelAea path
1,119.0 pd Mvpdar pf April, 4. D. po,
u mellow wits not agreed to, and the question ro
om' ng, 8 1744 The bill pass pr
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Heins end
Mr. Longaker, and limas follows, ITN:
YeAß—Messrs. Anderson, Auguatine,Babcock,Backus,
Beck, Derma, Bishop, Brandt, Oaltioun, Campbell,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dock, Ent, Eyster, Poster, Gibbo
ney, Hamilton, Heins, Hiestand, Hillegas, Hine ma
ma (Lebanon), Housekeeper, Itnbrio, hates, Jacobs,
Kerr, Longaker, Meow, Moorhead. Mumma, Nichol.
sou, Pearson, Penrose, Peters, Pownell, Ramsey (Phila.
dolphin), Ramsay (York), Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw,
Sloan, Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Tolan, Vanvoorhis,
Voeghiey, Warner, Williston, Wintrode, Witherow,
Wright, Zimmerman-SU.
Nero—Massra. Arthur, Ball, Bower, Brown, Carty,
Chase, Amid, Glidea, Hamel, Hancock, Harper, Hill,
Hoffman (Berke) Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, hauffonan.
Knight, Lebo, Lelsenring, Lovett, McCalmont, Hai
nan, Nichols, Nunnemacher, Roberts, Smith (Centre),
Smith (Lucerne), Vail, Vickers. Wagonseller, Walter,
Westbrook, Wharton, Voareley, Getz, (Speaker)—.3o.
So the bill passed.
considerISENRING moved that the House tak adjo urn -an
the johat resolution relative to final ment ; which motion was not agreed to.
Mr. Fosm, from the Committee or Ways and Means,
reported Senate bill relative to the Charuberstourg,
Greencastle and 'Hagerstown Unread; which was read
throe times and passed.
Mr. ETSTEB moved to proceed to the consideration of
dente bill for the better security of laborers, mechanics
and others in certain companies; which was agreed to.
Mr. E. stated that the bill was calculated to give em
ployment to a large number of men, who were willing
to labor during the winter for part •of their pay, pro
vided the balance was secured to them. The employers
could not give them absolute security, because their
property was already had up by mortgages and judg
ments which, it sued out, would strip the laborer of
the amount due him. The bill authorized the com
panies employing the men, to execute a lien upon their
wagons, teams, horses, mules, cars, carte, boats, equip.
ments, engines, tools, and machinery used in conduct
ing their business, to be held by a trustee or trustees
until such debts were fully discharged by the sale there.
of or otherwise.
• • .
By this means the laborers would be secured, and the
employers would also be able to go on.
Mr Jmr4se moved to amend the bill by adding a sec
tion providing that, in cases of assignment or execution,
the wages of the laborer should be first preferred; which
wee not agreed to—yeas 20, nays 20.
The bill was reed three times and passed.
Mr. Alms moved that when the house adjourn it be
to meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon , which woo agreed
to, and then, on motion, the Muse adjourned.
The Mum met at three o'clock.
A message was received from the Senate, stating that
that body had non-concurred in the amendments of the
House to Senate MI relative to banks, and asking a
committee of conference on the dissenting votes of the
two Houses.
Mr. Lormaana moved that the House insist upon its
amendments, and agree to a committee of conference ;
which was agreed to.
The Sraaaea appointed the following gentlemen, on
tho part of the House, to serve upon tke committee.:
Messrs. Longaker, Bishop, Zimmerman, iliestand, and
On motlon, the Rouse then took a recess until five
The House re-assembled at five o'clock.
Mr. VAIL, from the Committee on Accounts, submitted
a report stating that the indebtedness of the House to
the postmaster, for postage of the members during the
extra session, was $352.21, accompanied by a resolution
authorizing the Speaker to draw his warrant In favor - of
the postmeate r on the State Treasurer for that amount,
which was agreed to.
The committee of conference not being ready to re
port the members, after Indulging in some little pleas
antries took another recess for half au hour.
The hO5lO re-assembled at six o'clock.
Mr. LONOAKER, from the committee on conference on
the part of the two Houses, submitted a report, which
was read, and the question being on its adoption.
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. LYIBENRISO
and Mr. MCOMNONT, and were as follows ' viz.
Yams—Messrs. Anderson, Augustine, llabcock, Back
us, Ball, Beck, Benson ,
. Bishop, Browne, Campbell,
Cleaver, Crawford, Deem, Eyeter, Foster, Gibboney,
Hamilton, Heins, fteistand. Hillegas, Hine, Hoffman,
(Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie r lones, Jacobs, John
son, Kauffman, Kerr, Longaker, Harmer, Moorhead,
Mumma, Pearson, Penrose. Peters, Perlman, Ramsey,
(Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York) Reamer, Reed, Shaw,
Sloan, Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Tolan, Vanvoorhis,
Voeghley. 'Warner, Williston, intrude, Witherow,
Wright, Zimmerman-55.
Nave—Arthur, Bower, Brandt, Calhoun, Carty, Ent,
Fausold, ottde., Hamel, Hancock, Harper, 11111, Hoff
man, (Berks) Jenkins, Johns, Knight, Lebo, Leisen•
ring, Lovett, McCalment. Mellvain, Nichols, Nichol
son, Nuunemacher, Roberts, Rupp, Smith, (Centre.)
Smith, (Luzerne) Vail, Vickers, Wagonseller, Waiter,
Westbrook, Wharton, Yearsley, Getz (Speaker)-38.
So the question was determined in the affirmative, and
the bill passed.
The MUSD, while awaiting the action of the Cover
nor, paned the joint reaolutione for a final adjourn
meat it 10 o'clock.
A committee of three was appointed to wait on the
Governor, and Inform him that the House was ready to
adjourn. Messrs. Venvoorhis, Imbrie, and McMain
wore placed on the committee.
. ,
A resoltalOtt of thanks to the Speaker was proposed
by Mr. Thorn, and passed.
Mr. Ball made a handsome farewell speech, in which
he highly complimented the Speaker, and a vote of
thanks was adapted, receiving 77 yeas.
The following bills have been signed by the Governor:
The act for the protection of laborers and othera con
nected with certain companies; act to extend the time
to construct the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad, and the
act legalizing the suspension of specie payments by the
A resolution returning thanks to Jacob Ziegler, Chief
Clerk of the Ifouse, and assistants Small and Picking,
was adopted.
The House then adjourned sine die.
The following Is the Mlles passed by both Houses :
An act providing for the resumption of specie payments
by the banks, and for the relief of debtors.
Samoa 1. Ile It enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
in General Assembly met, and It is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same, Thatthe provisions of every
act of Assembly, or of laeorporatipn or re-incorpora.
tion, heretofore plumed, declaring or authorizing the for
feiture of any bank saving, trust, and insurance company
or corporation having banking privileges, or Inflicting
any penalties, oe authorizing any compulsory assign•
ment for or by reason of the non-payment of any of Its
liabilities, or the Issuing or paying out the notes of
other banks incorporated under the laws of this Com
monwealth, though not specie-paying, or Its loaning or
discounting without the requisite amount of specie or
epode funds, since the first day of September, anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, be and
the same are hereby suspended until the second Monday
of April, anon Domini one thousand eight hundred and
lifty-eight, and all forfelthres and penalties, or liability
hereto, heretofore incurred, or that may be hereafter
nursed, before the said second Monday of April, under
nth acts of Assembly or of InocirporaPen or re-lucerne.
thllon, for or by reason of the causibi aforesaid, or any
(of them, are hereby remitted, and so conch thereof so
!prohibit' spy bank from making loans aud discounts, Ls
:suing He owls notes, or the notes of other banks !neer
,porsted under the taws of this 0 ttnirionwisith, though
'not specie-paying or declaring dividends during the sus
pension of epee% payments, or from loaning or discount
4rig, without the requisite amount of specie or specie
fusida as aforesaid, be, and the same is hereby, suspended
until the day and year aforesaid, and any such bank,
during such suspension of specie payments, may declare
'dividends lo an amount not encoding six per cant. per
annum on ita capital ; and this act thrill extend also to
all beaks, saving, trust, and Insurance companies, and
corporations with banking privileges, chartered or re.
chartered under any law, for periods hereafter to
commence, and to the payment of stock to qt' hanks in
corporated by the Legislature at its cast Session
810710 X 2. That, In addition to ill statements and
returns now required ler law, each and every bank in
the cities of Philadelphia, Pittebrirgb and Allegheny
shall, on the 'Writ dliconist day in January next, and
weekly ttorodter, end every other bank in this Com
monwealth, on the same day, and monthly thereafter,
make up a statement, to be verified by the oath or
affirmation of the president or cashier thereof,
showing—lint, the amount of Its loans and discounts;
second, the amount of specie in the possession of
and owned by such bank, and the balance due
from other hanks, In distinct items; third, the
amount of Its notes outstanding; frirth, the amennt
of deposits, including individvad deposits and balances
due to other banks; which ithitement shall be published
in the next erickeldinglashe of it newspaper of the county
in which thelank is toasted, or if there be no newspaper
In such county, then in a newspaper of some neighbor
ing county; and any violation of this law, or failure to
comply with its provisions by any president or any
cashier of any bank, shall be a misdemeanor, and each
of the said officers shall, upon conviction thereof. ho
punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars,
nor more than one thousand dollars, at the discretion
of the court ; one half to lie given to the prolecutor,
and one - half to the county it which such bank is lo
/Nernst; 3. That the said banks are hereby required,
until the seconq Monday of April eforeSaliki to Sstnivni
at par In payment of all debts die or to, become doe to
them, respectively, the notes of all the solvent banks
of the Coo p:louvre:dill V4ICIt paid specie for all their
liabilities on and linmedietely prior to the first day
of ffepteniber lasi, and which shall continue solvent,
end the said hanks are also hereby authorized to ;my
out, in all their business transactions and discounts,
the said notes so long as the banks issuing the moo
shaft remain solvent; but in case any president. and a
majority of the board of directory of coy of the salt
banks shall certify to the Governor, under oath or
affirmation of the president, his apprehension end be
lief that any bank in Bald certificate pained is In an un
safe condition) the Governor than thereupon op.
point three judicious persons, not iuterested
in told . bank so commissioner to havesti
tigate the condition of such bank. And the said commis
stoners shall after taking an oath or affirmation to per
form the duties of their appointment with &lel sty, forth
with proceed to make the said Investigation and report
the result thereof within ten days to the Governor;
and If the officere of the !Laid bank Abell refuse to
permit the said commissioners to make such in
vestigation, or to tanduce any books or documents
necessary for that purpose, or if the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, shall report that the said bank
In In an unsafe condition, the Governor shall there
upon issue, his prociamstlun declaring th% charter of
the raid bank to he forfeited, end the said bank shall be
deprived of all the benefits of this act, sod the directors
thereof shell forth% ith make and extant° an assignment
in the mum provided by the act, entitled act re
gulating banks," approved tho sixteenth day of April,
anon Domini eighteen hundred and fifty, and the en
pensee of such commission, including the compensation
of the commissioners at eight dollars per day, each
Shall be paid by the bank against which It is issued,
unless the report shall be favorable to tta condition, in
which case they shell be pat.; b,y. the, applicants; but any
bank or banks, which shall, before the period herein
before limited, tAtfute and centime the payment of
specie on all their liabilities, shall not after such re
sumption, and during such continuance, be subject to
any of the provisions of this section: Provided, That
no bank shall be required to receive the notes of any
bank against which a certificate may be made as gfyre•
said, at any time after the delivery of the same to the
Governor, until the commissioners shall report in favor
of such bank, after which the oaken( such bank elicit
again be received as required by the provisions of this
SgOrlost 4. That the several collectors of taxes,
tolls, and other revenues of the Commonwealth, and
also'connty treasurers, are hereby authorized to receive,
far State purposes. the notes of the solvent banks of
this Commonwealth, though not specie-paying beaks,
in payment of the said taxes, toll and revenues, and the
State Treasurer is hereby author iser to receive and re
ceipt for the same in the 14e6m0 manner as though raid
Lanka were eitezdeleding•
fieffrioN 6. That the deposits_ by the State Treasurer,
or to the credit of the Commonwealth, in the several
banks and othei corporations, and all bank notes which
are now or may hereafter be in the Treasury daring the
period of suspension aforesaid, guilt, from time to time,
on demand the said Treasurer; he paid by the said
Lemke or other corporations respectively. in specie, in
such amounts its may be required by said Treasurer, to
enable him to pay the interest accruing on the public
Mane of the Commonwealth.
Sterrett 6. That upon all judgments heretofore en
tared in suite commenced by writ or otherwise, or which
may be entered during the period hereinbefore men.
Stoned, in actions instituted by writ or otherwise, In any
court in this Commonwealth, or before any alderman or
justice of the peace, on judgments obtatned before said
officers, if the defendant ahall beposseased of any estate
in fee simple, within the respective County, worth, in
the opinion of the court, alderman, or justice, the amount
of a 0, 4 114 judgment over and above all inentabrancra,
and e amount exempted from levy and rale on execu
tion, he shall ho emitted to a stay of execution thereon,
on judgment now obtained, or to be obtained on suits
now brought, for tho term of one year from the date of
the passage of this act, and on elf others for one year,
to be computed from the bat day of the term to which
the action was commenced; and every defendant in ouch
judgment May have the same stay of execution thereon,
if within thirty days from the passage of this act, or
within thirty days from the rendition of any future
judgment, be 'het eye security to be approved of by
the court or by a judge thereof, or by much alderma u
or justice of the peace before whom such judgment was
obtained, for the sum recovered, together with the In
terest and Costa; Provided, That this seetlon shall not
apply to the wages of labor nor to debts upon watch
stei of execution Is expressly waived by the debtor., nor
toOgaienis upon which stay of execution has already
be n taken under existing laws: And provided. That the
provisions of this suction shall extend to judgm
entered or to be entered, an upon bond and ents
of attorney us upon mortgagee to secure the same, and to
any subsequent grantee or owners of the premise. so
bound, as well ite to the original obligor or mortgagor:
p rov id e drmer, That said stay of execution shall not
apply f
te judgments or mortgages, or on bends secured
mortgage, unless the interest thereon shall be paid
w thin sixty days after the accruing of the same, in
such fends as the banks are authorised by this act to
toovoo T. This act shall take effbet Immediately, ex
cept the 3.1 section, which shall not go into operation
until the provisions of thin act are scooted's here
in provided, but no bank or other corporation shall be
embraced within Its provisions more than thirty days
after the passage hereof, or after any bank shall have
uspended oracle:permeate upon its notes or obligation
unless the stockholders of each bank or other aorporatlon
Asti before the expiration of the sad thirty days or with•
in thirty days after any bank shall hotirilition4.l 0 .1 4.10
payments upon its notes or obligations, at s mating tot,e
called by the directors thereof foe that preryoes, em ten
days , public notice, in one or more beWATAljobfg accept the
provisions of this set by a majority of it4.* of gold
stockholders, to be voted and counted arefrreing to 63
provisions In the charter of such ecrepting bank, Or
other corporation regulating the election of dlreetnew,
but to make such acceptance valid, there shall be
Mei in the office of the Auditor General of
this Commonwealth a certificate that this act has
been duly accepted under the common seal of each bank
or other corporation, attested by the signature of its
preodont or cashier. And each, of the said banks ac
cepting the pros lobo= of this act shall also pay into the
Treeenry of the Commonwealth, on or before the first
day of January, mane Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-eight, or within thirty days after any
bank shall accept the provisions of this act, a rem equal
to one-fourth of one per septum upon the capital stock
of said bark, In redition to any amounts they are now
by law equired to pay.
SECTION 8 That the 47th section of the act approved
April 1 8,1850, entitled, "An net regulating bents," be.
and the same is hereby, repealed• Provided. That all
suite brought or now pending for ferfeltures or penalties
under the section hereby repealed shall not be effected
Sscrios 9. That the Legislature hereby reserves the
right and power to alter, revoke. or annul the charters
of any bank or banks, corporation or corporations, ac
cepting the provisions of this act, whenever in their
opinion the same may prove injurious to the citizens of
the Commonwealth, in such manner, however, as to do
no injustice to the corporators.
Snovlon JO That no bank, savings, fond, insurance, or
trust company shall, directly or indirectly,,
or be concerned in the purchase, of the notes of any of
the incorporated banks of this State at less than their
par value ; and any and every of the officers of said
stitutione violating the provisions of this section shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable, upon
conviction, by a fine of not less than five hundred dol
lars, nor more than one thousand dollars, one-half to
be paid to the informer, and the other half to the use
of the Commonwealth.
• .
Si:anon 11. That no alecks, bonds, promissory notes,
personal property, or other valuable securities, hypo
thecated or held In pledge : either with power of attor
ney attached or otherwise, for credit or money loaned,
shall be cold for the period of six months from the pas
sage of this act without the consent of the debtor,
debtors, or party hypothecating or pledging the same
being first had and obtained in writing. .
SECTION 12. That the notice required for payment,
provided in the charters of savings fund and trust com
panies, in all gams exceeding one hundred dollars, be,
and the same is hereby, extended for the period of two
months during the period of suspension of specie pay
ment authorized by this act.
The House then adjourned until half past seven
Nora —lb the Legislative proceedings published in
In Passe yesterday, Mr. WELCH, of•the Senate, Is
made to say that "Judge Wilmot at York denied the
charge that he was not a Democrat, and of course as
serted that he was as great a free trader now aa he was
before he had gone over to the Republicans."
Mr. W. was incorrectly reported. He odd that Mr.
Wilmot had asserted in his speech at York, that he °C
oupled the name ground now that he always did, and ac
knowledged that he had opposed the principles of the
Tariff of 1842, and had voted for the Tarigof 1848. Re
did not charge Mr. Wilmot %yip haningaanateledged
himself a free-trader then or act,.
AaA may or Ifveso,S. W. coseza Or BROAD AND LO
Del Reggiineoto."
isove gtvem.—• , lA* Oade ,, —" My Neighbor's
AND WALNUT STRNETS.—" The Millionaire"—" Beware
of Garroters."
Cementer —Ethiopian Life Illustrated, concluding with
a laughable Altarpiece.
Tuomeor's VARIETIES, 1/11 , 111 /SD Onirsextre STAIII7B.
—Allecellarleous Concerti.
The Chinese Museum now exists only in
memory. It was destroyed by the conflagration of
July, 1854, and all its traces have entirely disap-
peared. The building, as most of our readers will
remember, was erected for the accommodation of
Peale's Museum and of Mr. Nathan Dunn's
splendid collection of Chinese curiosities and illus
trations of life among the Celestials. The Peale
collection occupied the Splendid hall in the second
story, and the Chinese Museum was located in the
scarcely leas magnificent apartment on the first
floor, Mr. Dunn collection attracted crowds of
visitors for a time; but as the novelty wore off,
lublic patronage followed its example, and the col
ection, to save its proprietor from constant loss,
was taken to England, and there sold finally.
Peale's Museum made a desperate struggle for ex
istence in the new building, bat after a series of
financial troubles, in which the sheriff figured con
spicuously, the whole concern was brought to the
hammer, and the collection of the wonders of nature
and of art, of which Philadelphia was once so
proud, was scattered far and wide.
The buildings shared the fate of its contents,
and it was finally sold to Mr. 1. B. Parker. After
the collections for which the building had been
erected were scattered, the concern had a very
diversified existence. Shilling aonearts, monster
halls, and ethiopian serenaders bad their era in
the building, and they were followed by the exhi
bitten of the Franklin Institute, horticultural
shows, and mass meetings. The immense size of
the building fitted it specially for many pur
poses which required much apace, and at the time
of its destruction it was considered absolutely in
dispensable to the city.
We remember well the night when it was wrapped
in flames, and the expressions of regret that came
from thousands who were intently viewing the pro
gress of the devouring element. With many the
impressions of that terrible night are ineffaceable.
After the_present generation, the history of the
Chinese Museum, end the ill-fated National
Theatre, which adjoined it on the north, will only
be preserved in our local records. We aineerely
irust that he who philosophises over the site fifty
tears hence will have a cheering career of pros-
Frity to record of the enterprise which is now in
Pennsylrania Railroad.—The following ex
hibits the aggregate of each article, sent from or
received at the Philadelphia depot, during, the
month of September, in pounds :
SOnt front Beeelved at
WOBola. Philas.
Agricnltural Implements,. 41,129
Do. Predociiont 203,669
Boots, noeli, Ugktek, 444 905,002
Books 4.1 Stationery 207,930 17,210
Butter atld. Egg& 801,343
llrown Shootings and Bagging... 0222,871
Bark and Somas 10,042
Ceatannire 3.9,321 12,90.1
Confectionery and Foreign Fruits 14816
Coffee 587,93-9
Cotton 29,367 11,255
Coal 21,343.713
Copper, Tin and Lead 411,487
Dry Goods . 6,197,45 62,300
Drugs, Medicines and Op Stuffs. 975,111 61,333
Earthenware . 43,513
Flour 8.603,801
Furniture end Oil Cloth 310,166 ' 17,981
Glass and Glassware 113,118 240,813
Creme and Dried Fruits 11,047
Gress and other 5eed5.......... 14,887
Grain of all kinds 3,253,283
Groceries (except Coffee) 3 4,10,5 46 19,857
Ginseng 4,303
Guano 41,480
Hardware 1,266,832 77,763
Hides end Heir
Hemp 04 cordage 199,540 10,135
Iron-rolled, hammered, &e.... 66,596 194,41
Iron-Blooms and Pig 197,404
Iron-Ore 219.200
Lire Stook 16,220 4,757,340
Leather 347,215 318,802
Istro, Lard 011, nod Ta110w.... • 223,131
Lumber end Timber 48,180 2,311,095
Alaeliiiiery and Cuttoge 819,478 31,069
Marble and Cement 272,910
Nails and Spikes 10,000 193,041
Olt '399,12261
Paper and Rags Itte.,ltes 1 1 9,535
Pot, Pearl, and Bode Ash 963,091 5,657
Queezaware 834,684
Salt 66,230
Salt Meats end rish 361,139 101,811
Soap and Qandlee 4,250
Tobacco 112,851 11,180
Tar, Pitch and Eosin 74,790
Wines and liquor. (foreign)._ 351,149 ......
Whiskey and alcohol 1,341.533
Wool and wool lea yarn 421,931
Miscellaneous 2,260 81,43
Total during Bopt'r, (Pounds > ) 21,191,921 61,299,290
Piami/fon versus Olympian-2d .Elevtn.-A
well contested match of cricket was played on the
grounds of the Keystone Q. C , in West Philadel
phia, resulting in the defeat of the Olympians by
24 runs :
fin -timings. Second Ininitis
Prontano b Decooraey...9 b Moore 4
Swartz Is Moore 1 D Dereursey 0
11 Kneass D Moore 2 b Moore 0
- - . .....
Dechart b Decoursoy o o Clemon b ?doors
Collsoc b Moore c Douach.o Not out
L Eakin b Decoursey.....o b U. 15
C Eakin beg b b De- pouch b Moore
county 0
West e Docoursey b Moore 1 Run 0ut....
AltioV4 14VattIptd out by 0
b Defeatist
Stockton not out ......:..4 b Demurest
N Kneass absent 0 b M00r5....
, .
Byes 6, wides 1, leg bye s 1 6 Byes 3, widesl,* byes 2 6
21 Second Innings 61
First " "1
Hoe, 1 bet wie v Collins-2 c 11 Knew b ... 1
11111 h Collins 1 Run out 1
Bailey v Dechert 2 c H llamas b Collin! —.2
Decoureet c West b De- s
chert 0 c West a L 13tkin 12
Norris b N Knew 1 b Dechert • 0
Moore b N Knew 1 b Collins I
Darrach vI, Eakin a West() Rua out 0
Kane b N Knew 2 it Collins I
Phil, White run out 1 b Heckert. 4
Newbold not out 6 c Weat h Deehert 0
Cleman a Pechert 0 nut ont 1
Eyes 0, no balls 1 7 Byes
byes I, 9
2 wide, 2, leg
131 helots 22
Second innings :9i
• First do 32
" To ye most Beautiful Ladye."—Sotue
body—a very celebrated and übiquitous character
b ie the way—has become smitten with the charms
o • the many fair ones who weekly congregate at
the church in Arch street, of which the Rev.
Charles Wadsworth is pastor. With a view of in
dulging a missitievous propensity, or the further
ing of an object of his own, the aforesaid somebody
deposited ou Saturday, at the post office, a neat
and stylish-looking note, addressed in a Fantle
tuno's handwriting. containing the following in
scription :
To ye most beautiful Wye in ye Rev. Mr.
IVadsioorth's Chards, Philadelphia."
The mysterious billet deux has created quite a
sensation among the clerks of that department, as
it is no doubt destined to exercise among the fair
sea, for one of whom it is intended. The affair, so
far, is enveloped in mystery and gloom, and we
patiently await an explanation.
Presentation.— Commercial Lodge, No.
256, I. 0. of 0. F., was, on Wednesday evening,
the scene of a very•pieasing episode. It. R. Dnt•
ton, Esq., having from thefoundation of the Lodge,
more than ten years, served with great captious
and efficiency as Treasurer, it was some weeks ago
resolved to present him with a token of the
esteem in which be is held by the brethren of the
Lodge. On the above evening, the committee
having the matter In charge made their report,
when their chairman, C. N. Hooper, Esq., in a
few eloquent and appropriate remarks, in the name
of the brethren, presented to Brother Dutton a
massive and splendid watch, chain and seals, on
which was engraved the following: " Presented to
Brother R. R. Dutton, by Commercial Lodge, No.
256, I. 0 of 0. F., as a mark of esteem for his long
anti valuable services as their Treasurer.,
Coroner's Case.—A. widow lady, on Monday
evening, living in Second street, was awakened
from her sleep by the breaking of a olood
and before medical assistance could be procured,
she expired. Her name was Sarah Cobb, and she
was in humble circumstances. Coroner Delavatt
held an inquest in the case.
Lieut. .d. W. Habersham, U. N. N., Who , itati
been appointed to the strunn-frigste Yolandast.
which is under order; for China, is imeteeded st
our Nary Vent - by Lieut. Hopkins, and ten fitrie
city,* we understand, for Norfolk, Virginia, ens
Sattirdov. Lieut. Habershatu, who was engaged
in the North Pacific expedition, wrote an aestroat
of it. called ‘i My Last Cruise, or Where we Went
and What we Saw," which has been highly praised
by Blackwood's Magazine., and its swam bald
ap as a pattern to voyage-writers. He mast carry
his note-book with bin to Chins: We ran ill af
ford to 10.0 Lieut. Habersham.
- • • •••
One Effect of the Pan i c.— „ Every hitter has
its sweets.” Low spirits beget thoughtfelnims,
while thoughtfulness leads to refining influences.
Dear beef checks gluttony, while a rise in bread
stuff's exercises a corresponding effect on the Rt. ;
!Image bestowed upon whiskey and ten-pins.
is one redeeminz feature of the panic in our city.
It breaks down Carchum d - Cheatum and Orab
Squeezem. and at the same time rids Third street
of just so many gamblers, whose lives were a con
stant study how to keep ap prices, and starre the
community in general.
Arm Crushed.—Lewis Bernsteiner, thirteen
years of age, had his left arm crushed yesterday
by being caught in some of the maehinery of a
cotton mill on Marshall street, above Poplar. He
was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital.
.Accident.—William Cunningham fell from
a furniture care yesterday morning, at Eighteenth
and Market streets, and was very severely injured.
He was conveyed to his residence, in Barker street.
The Almshouse. There are at present two
thousand and fifty inmates in the Blockley Alma
house—an increase of two hundred and forty-two
over the same period last year.
The Night School for girls in the Thirteenth
ward will open on Monday night next, at the
Quincy school-house, Garden street i below Britton
1997 and 1857.
[Front the Boston Post.]
Some still go back to the suspension of 1837, and
say that the cases are, at bottom. analogous, and
that what then was unavoidable is necessary now.
We have remarked at same length on the facts
that prove them not to be. Take an illustration
that comes home to oar present condition as to
specie—one drawn from the state of the ex
changes. Nearly a fortnight ago we remarked
that in place of the millions of foreign indebted
ness, and of the ruinous drain of specie out of the
country. of 1837, the rate is such of 1857 that it •
must bring specie from abroad. Look - at ex-
ohange to-day !Itis at such a rate as to allow a
margin of profit to import specie from Europe
of between net and nine per cent ; the trade is
each that specie must come; and it is safe to pre--
diet that heavy imports can begin within thirty
days, while our own product is pouring in constant
ly from California. Need we point to the difference
between such a state of things and the state that.
existed at the date of the 1637 suspension? Then
oar exchanges were against us as to specie, and
It was flowing out of the banks and out of the
But look at this alleged analogy in a point of
view in which we have not considered it. The
suspension Of 1837 took place at a time when our
crops were all in—had been all used up. Indeed,
all through the South the planters had even
pledged the crops not yet sown—those of 1838—(or
mean* to meet their engagemente. Let 03 recall a
fact or two. Here is a citation from a New Cr
eams paper of 1837—just before the suspension :
"New Orleans, April 5, 1837. Three 'hundred
bales of good quality cotton were bought for re
mittance to Liverpool, on Tuesday. for Bevan cents_
To-day we hear Of several lots being offered at aiz
cents. In Hinds county, Mississippi, more than.
a thousand suits hare been brought." To sheer
the state of the South, we take the following'
from the Mississippian, printed at Jackson, the
seat of Government: "Nearly three millions are
to be recovered in the three counties of Hinds,
Madison, and Yazoo, and proportionally in other
counties of the State, by the approaching terms of
their respective courts." And the West was as
bad off as the South. In fact, crops there had fail
ed, and up to the very day of the 1837 suspension
we were increasing out indebtedness to Europe by
importing wheat. A table of these importations is
before us, down to April 19, a few days before the
general suspension. This is no less curious than it
IS valuable:
En land January
000. rebrr.ary. March. April.
49, .V..,900 14000 2,506
Ger g many 75,100 76,000 85,200 23,030
Holland 7,500 8,000 90,607 28,400.
Domuirk .•.. 1,000
RUSSIIII --, 92, 00 0 ---.
AUtriS ....... .... - 5,300 - -
Italy ......... ..... 7,030 84.800 59,400
France 25,1300 1.300
81ei1y 5,400
Bushels 13°0600 176,800 413,900 135,900.
Such was the condition of the country. as to.
crops and specie balances, in 1837. Then, by the.
natural course of trade specie was going abroad;
going abroad, too, to settle balances occasioned by
commercial transactions—to pay for the flood of
wheat that was pouring in upon us_ The suspen
ion took place in May.
Now look at the state of things to-day herr ow
October, before the crops haw come to etorirt.
These crops are enormous; they will soon be avail
able; they must go forward; and they are what
the foreigner cannot do without. We can stop
foreign Importations at any moment, and the in
dications are that they are pretty effectually
stopped for the present; but the foveigmer tunekoh
stop buying of us. Cotton mast gn forward; and
this article at this moment—croakers to .the cost
trery notwithstanding—is just as good, if not bet
ter than so much specie. Thu grand surplus at
the West is waiting to pay e'ostern indebtedness;
and this will soon set the sr:male of trade in mo
Here are recuperative elements, all soon to be
available, which bear no analogy whatever with
their condition in 1337, and which, too. are be
yond the reach or the furious bulls and bean of
tie stock bawd; and even the railroads. which
bave been wain cause of the present panto, are
tO ba a meat powerful instrumentality to aid the
work, of recuperation; for along these highways
are oar varied products destined to flow to their
natural machete, with a Warily unknown before-
Whoerer brings these crops from the granaries
of the West to the markets of the East will do a
public service; and when here, they will come in
aid of the Struggling mercantile community_
These are the ekeering tidings in the business
horizon. They may not quite yet justify the cry of
LAND Ho ! They are enough, however, to warrant
the concluston, that if the ship can be kept afloat
a little longer she will reach a safe harbor.
New York Hotels and BeardimpHouses.
A . grumbling correspondent of the Boston Tran
script utters the following Jeremiad on the mode
allying in New York : .
" Why any rational person, whose business,
social lies, or vena l tastes do not oblige him to
lire in an American city, prefers such a residence
to the country, it is difficult to !sty, provided be
has the means to consult inclination. That a eta
dent, a man of ppleasure, an artist, or plinosophen
should cheerfully snake a sacrifice in order to lire
in Paris, Borne, or London, is natural, teems of
the public means of knowledge and enjoyment
there provided. But take the case of a gentle
men of moderate income, returning to New York
after a summer among the moentains, or by the
Sea shore; how and where is he to live? The
hotels are crowded and expensive to a degree en
tirely disproportioned to the comfort they yield,
Three or four dollars a day for the privilege of
climbing to the fifth story, and eating an elaborate
dinner, where nearly every dish is ' made,' as it is
Called, is paying too dear for one's whistle; be is
never sore of a piece of tender sirloin or first-rats
mutton, and has to dwell either in a crowd too
promiscuous to be social, or in a room twelve feet
by sixteen, with a wash-stand, spittoon, and
Bible for companions. All is show, programme,
flue—with little snug comfort, and no home
"As to. bonding-houses, their physiology has
been recorded—the objections to them are patent;
with few exceptions they are headquarters of slut
tishness, gossip, and discomfort. As to lodgings,
filch as one can find so easily in Lon Jon and Pena
—those who let them here in an eligible neighbor
hood, ask enough for two rooms to pay for the en
tire rent of the home, and are so little to be relied
on for attendance and the care of property, that
the luxury of a private servant is almost indispen
sable. The enormous price of provisions and rents
make housekeeping beyond the means of 1 . ..r" . 1 . me
who could afford to lire here or in Boston twenty
years ago. One consequence of this state of things
to that hundreds annually migrate to the suburban
country, or hs the old citiesof Germany and Italy,
while another class are pushed, as it were, into the
far West.
"There is actually no provision in oar large
cities, and especially here, for that large and most
desirable species who hare moderate means and
conservative habits, mental resources and culti
vated tastes, and lire on salaries or limited in
comes. Thousands of such are to be found in the
provineial towns of England, in the teeth of
France, in Rome and Edinburgh, and among theist
are some of the brightest ornaments ce society, and
the most worthy of men and citizens. It seems as
if the only very rich, the very poor, and the very
enterprising and successful had any vantage
ground and abiding.plae• in this great country ;
the agricultural emigrant lam well on the prune,
and the large capitalist tires luxuriously in the
Fifth avenue ; but those between—the men who
patiently and honorably labor in a legitimate way
and with but moderate means, whose wins iS to sat*
annually somewhat as a legacy for their children,
who desire to live decently, prudently and con
scientiously—can scarcely find a home amid the
reckless money-seekers and ostentatious million
aires of. American cities. These • pan ics' and
• revuls ions' we groan about are the natural con
sequence of such unequalired economies."
The American Corvette Plymouth at South
[From the London Nees .1
There is now lying at Southampton a linited
States corvette, called the Plymouth She iv COM'
Mandell by Captain Dalgren, the inventor of tho se
enormous gnus with which the American men-of
war are now armed, and which, in the opinion
of some; will revolutionize naval warfare, as
ships will be destroyed before they can come near
each other. A pivot gun which is on board the
Plymouth has a 11-inch bore. There are in all
Ave large guns on board, and the object of the'
Plymouth's emits is to enable Captain Dalgren to
make some experiments in sea-firing. Although
the machinery for working these guns is very per
fect and beautiful, yet the labor of firing each
heavy ordnance is severe. There are some pretty
boat howitzers on board the Plymouth, which are
remarkable for the rapidity with which they can
be fired, and the facility with which they can be
used on boats, or mounted on carriages on shore_
The boarding implements and small arms, such as
tomahawks, swords., pistols that can be converted
into carbines, short carbines that are loaded at the
breech, and have the properties of the Minis rifle,
are well worth inspection, all having some new
and useful property. One of the curious proper
ties of the Dalgren heavy gun is the singularly
mellow sound that accompanies its discharge.
The volume of sound which it causes is enormous,
but the sound is not of that ringing and ear-split
ting quality which usually accompanies hear"
ordnance. The Plymouth is pierced for 22 guns.
Her full complement of men is 220. Her crew,
however, at present amounts to only 110 men.
She is a wooden ship of enormous strength, her
timbers being far heavier than those of Englials.
The courts in the interior of New York
State are very severe on all who violate the license
law At a session of the Circuit Court, at the
court-house in Watertown, last week, J edge Allen
presiding, there were three trials for violation of
the license law—the selling beer at two saloons and
a tavern—at neither of which plaits they were
licensed to do so. The Judge held beer to be
among the "intoxicating drinks" proscribed by
the law. George Ludlow was mulcted in the tam
of four hundred dollars Franklin P. Carter' wo
hundred dollars, and S. P. Hutfstater one hundred
dollars—at the rate of fifty dollars for each °tenet
proved against them.