The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 13, 1857, Image 4
1:74 - 7 - -'imitkont.iti, t3B ,d . . rk-1 ifitii; l" l ' C ' ' &41, ..0, , .efl9#,,,VlrK l ! *'. ;;' ,. .;;;; , .-...,,•W0 , '",-.•" - ;.-,L - i,',";-•,; , '4t.'....... , - ,ii ir t .;, ''---Zit,xiouttrzsi ..,,, a5:.,,,....t...,... '7 e. - llibla , " r dealit i prot , r, ". Zotera M ko . ot.. t - ~',.• ..'''',lld ' ; Wialliii,'Oird — sso Wen it + • ;:,+;•.Thoweg iti Lkeufr i Vra it !!, ;i: ~,, • • •-• '7 ilii. - L - ii° 4 rn PI 1-,, , ::-. -:. 1-,:-.4711111•11 v . . 1 . 1 . `,,,PUPA... - :igg v 'e t arn ~•;.- „-- -.. „"Flititthojk_ - 0' 33 b.l lirelltli ? •?,'-: ',": r ~ .'3•4ll4kwantes ibel'lliwentn- - -': - * "' • • ,•,. „igg ir gugigi s :liborer.Elpitford it*, •'' '''' --”' ...:, - ;‘ , :;3 : •;'ri :, , : :' •:"ftwwwthlkeiftwi: , • i ' , ,-.., , .: , .. ~: ~ . . liboir'akistr. Pe r ` '''„ ",''• etik het th s t -- ' ' -, --, t • '2ohit 'Il leoiree ex &Team et - . ', .• - 1,1 - ! ,- . 1 -,> pity, bar tender 610 Wail et . *, L., •Alior ftwaththan,+briald . aseelthi•ithin pea `;' " -,"+ ' ' • - r ',IIOW k +33 , 3ooonubeltarei 418 Bedard-it'', .. • : ilitsn"..o9*.,rt ,Weir,i-li B edfrid 1t Del Sigh* •' ''. ' •,' •,", •er• h aware at „ " , .--.• ....1:444 •e,. iliewiftt tee Shippenr e t • "• • ' ,' - '• " ' t r illainOrd 0/I ix* : Went.* and ilid*!rd !do ' •, : iidetn4",dealikV4l. Philipp tt - ',' ' ' • Petite_ - ",irateitnan irereg'i Ilior , „. , .'' , =Timakit I( . , teftek !fere* . „ ... , L ,- .. z a • imed,4:, , • , faker 718 lihtemen it '." , 2 , + I -,••therae inli;buteherlllB ithiliPen it ' ' " ' hail ItalatdSborK /WOO It stare Seventh .., • 4 ParkiCiiil ' ellta'S* ll° Bbl ig i lit ' ' v - 4 4 • , . DaLialfoßffity driver-pa So -4 . • -,.•., , , , 1 .4, , - - Gismo beingile Shippen it , : - ~ ,- „ -- Inanisie le," , thokiwith Eighth mid Shipping eta . r - 70/initleig4; "hair (Milano wart • ~•:: 4,, 4. „ , • , , Searplitttalitiner Oreen'a court • :' • ; , , ~, ' Jaunt ".fotindar O'Hatto coart_-_ • ~ -: .‘ ' • ,iggigaggia ltitliittitit Sidman stbsl Rlgbt h L, , • .`. ' (WOO" OW, Tearer , 87.Beker at ~,, , :i ~,, , •. ~ . -• , Lewis ,-, *veer Sit NishetVthd Shipgeit.ilii . ,'• . 4 ._,..3.1..... . 714 8 deahrhippet et .: ~-..,=, - , , „ ... . : ,Ohartheir ine,•deater Shippennt bet lighth.. ~ - , . '',•.Xitihiel'llititteraldiJthielleyar 713 Blinn* it : , , • `,2:4•13.31t001ey, hair droner 821 litawater it ‘' : . ; ' 44- '' Itibmr4keletl; latder:Shliplin it bet Eighth ' -:• goorlklitridoh,o6 'brieWier in Fitzwater A. ' • Wallinglion, gent 813•Titawater et'; .•,,, .. -; - . •*, =:, Wei ChallWetird 312 Blerointh 0,1 ; ...,-, ,;,:. ...• i - - -, . ,-:.. 2/41tAtilim,'47eitlar- Raise and Wpm, sts ~ • , .. , "ftethiles•Findervine, Vrataratia 4 Biter it •LL. = •-. , ,Oben T anidettro o tellet 824 thu th lc :, I i • ~f, „ ' Threal t ittie ' illyewinith 824 South at ~:, , ~ - i ~. i Wall thiih nun 8841111199 en et- •., :+,/•: - • .=•. - John B Xierhard, , tailor South et bet Ninth Xideird X McGowen, boiler make , Seventh ab Bets. - ohns Bettee, , hmkeipir &UMW Ninth ; !. ,Ittaigiratllani pito. MOO and Bodine eta ) ' A, 4 :•;` , ' 4 ~ 'Midi orm ldriott -? f..• ' 1, A+ i ;1 ~ 736wiMoiciinii;-tthignips • Twelfth is, . ~ ~ , • . - Robert ltellenomin, painter 1161 abippeu it ;• , - ~„, ThaghtliThistair,llloll.ll keepe r 1290 N :, ippon i :, : retie Oroniatii cord 1881;1101ppeat: at • ;., ~:: ~, : - .. ;, Iran& Ihrzosi,,' *IOW Bristles et above Twelf th . 2 • ,•.•-+ -,' 'John Bridle; labonertShippen et above•TwoUth, I, •,„ - Wm finnien, WIN :37,11 Twelfth end Edwin sta3 , ' i • : heal Moat'' Mover Twelfth et chow ilhitout. , ”' . , • 0 I Olatieirall inaket-o,llThitteentleend Souk - aka , ' Inched Lenard, laborer Bedford in aboniTinalle, , ~, ~ . lathes faishour X 2 Thirteenth sad Ilittyratei Op • ~Dearth illretrinr,l3ll2 Beitord.eli-..,7, , • , 5 , • .. „ -- 'Owing ' weever ObippenntiborhTenelie ' i " I Waft lAppiaeotti Weivoi 1217 Waft *'' ' •'"-, 3 '-'• i Willfintllararpayi,loborer Gamble court , • -- :' • ; • .4a iii tiallagliat,"at‘i heo.i.l2o9llhigiew,,et •, , ~ - - - ileithitfteeill, basted wiher:fteieht, J. - ~, , .. ~, .• = -Nwiftaletiey,,blet fthhlek line 06:8"91dipeW st '' Cluiriesiterrib; briohliyerl34l TiLeitatei it— * ; ,'' • = Tall, - rAtinetniaiter, 1341 Plaiwater it' - • , Thom* brick Mahar 1347 WPM It ""''' '- ' - Nernard Stitillt-latorer . WPM* lane near Bottle at' •• - Asa Clot, btaiiiiinit h 1511 Shipp= it 'Ws Tonidolitts, engineer Shipp= shave Thirteenth t-' ' -David A aerpsutortia:niTh!fi,ulli • , , ,- - • Wall% - .truths 1338 is': 33 - • ! •- + ' + - , SAW toi; laborer 812' lane ~, ", - ' --• i 1 - •-Joffiser4f laborer M 8 , 1 44Ka , rii"f . ''-;' ,' :','',)' '. ;' ' - : : :),:;,-;;; , IT.*Int wilui'':' - -.-. . . - . '4.114:141ti5k 14 7 44 P-COt 4P4 al.aik '. 2. v ." " • - ' .211 1 0/6110 1 0 1 1 v a4lanalit..4 4 :, Slita v/Ohli;C•bip# thikei.3 .44 oatirt,!,' ' i - Omni Jeremiah, gold tiatei tor' irro•n - ft ththtift : -,•.. • , . Gents, 30140,,Ifitlett a gif412146114 Giant • •-• • ' ISew D robe - 141 _ea polo 4 i -Regis lik,.-15 tee usuull et ', i -:- Gorbittillial‘rerderairter.l.2 Lombard et.....:.; " ' ' ' ' 4 l • Heaferfatrldquleve meter 129 South it -- !" —' • ' '-'1 Mogan Teter, wiener Biliontitek L „ .etyrti,jolde ct ialth o r 303 EitYlkill Si fi lo ' 1. . • . . . M ig g4 4 i.. , V. . tailxiq 4, 1 , 4 ;,. • *abet 711;0* st -L' '' ,'- ' 1 l' lt,;litirewOre,,.,Tailiard 4 ••1 9''' i Xelleftyllillialy ithorth 21 South it , - ,41 I- -: - ' ' : --..ltitinain gientanibi,itottl ; 4** Iteiontbere ''' ' ' - -' Ww/lui4t,ife4:o4l,2ObStßireit Tens A South :•• 1 litiilo: mroortoink *gage! , , ',.:. ; .1 DWittera. , ", .• •'' ,''•'"'-'' • ' likaAnall, ii* inlXl ttbii 20 fithingefi'Alleg , y, v .' , ' -; " v ' . ,' - *IW a 4 brattibift" a ..',- .`;'. ",- • 4 ' - O Bannon lasso T, inerinta2o3 '• Second *431141011114,'7011D, boatman:lW pat Ai , ; • ' • ,-- '% r---- • - Hart Bong* packer 41TikonalF -•-+- : •1 - ' ' -, ,- -limp* lottnihoot maker 81 0 Stonier's Alley , ' ' • AU/tin Jaw; pollee tifiroafbial 67:LOMbard ; - '; -; ""• "' -,- !.,itidobieepok, gooey 4*r hi ' d- •"- ''''''''' ' - '''' ' 1 Tharitththakiess, pelliaift*Eltenuties'A ll ey + . .' , Tommy , Jutheeclabotu2o6 Stenigta , n,illier -,' • =- - ; • Willialnigatiaß, Wolter 86 NV AV - • . . - -" ' =T at IF Pitidal.' t ; 't'.'' '.' ' i t:,, V.` • ' AililillOn v ig r ek - thilOT ma seem. , ,-. .+. -•, . , -, Atkinicii,Thronakcoaehman.6l4 Pie. • 1,.:. ~• , : ~, Bird aohtt-liar tender 631 Sottli=n , ' +, ,- ~', L, - +., • , Bowels John B, &Snit Weirer'424 Wittith'U"' rr- =i - Branford John. pollee oilier beck 624:Plae tit , . 6 . , a- Centerieugh ithil*4 cordwainer 31,11nrst , '," '• '+- ,' ' - Beier Patitlik, laborer Ito fifth; ~ , .‘"; - ‘; . ': i• .- "J': Grady /emit storekeeper SW oar ; Mb *Pile- • i • h• , ' •• - Gillengb rear, gelato oiliest 214-Staie,z.. •a ' 1 ,, ,• • Hain Michael, leboree 11.11tutibt+ L• .--, , =- L • --. •., r• Hahn WM; baker 630: , ;• ": ' ~, • _:: ~,t,• • Ka* 1:6010114 tailor 524 Kett: ~ .. • ,_ -, ,• • 1 ~. , '-hflerson Illiodore, physician 614 Tooth' 4, 1 - " *AM Philip, laborer 210 81.311e , P , L.t , --, -, ~, • ' • - Monier Char l es, plumber SW Lomba rd ",-- , • --, - 3WnierXesdelietbrekesper SID Writhed ',' -' ' ' 1 ilgatiloy-Jaiiegiaigar atakee4l2•Sixth ;,• -: . • • Melia* Thong coachman BE will** A South - ' Olden Pattlek, itriiicesper 613 South - L• + , • • - ftiefin itherni,ufeit atthekui .fl ~*: ~.-, la•inaintou,,,llept "ger ewe Stiehl' -' ', it V ie. ;;lftwieth t ower- 66 Lembo* •,,-'• 5' John Ilk merebent SW roe Sixth itPlati Thhei Frederick, restaurant 227 Sixth - • - WerhinalaCibirlen'iordwatair 1411 Nth -7 ..... - -Tall 's :- ' 1 —.1%m*4r12 *}bite.: liVilikliWikP; 3o 4 4l 42: 1 t Honditaihun, Waterman 4d 0 OMNI Patrick 11, clerk 10 1 2 d"' airsioney A Mai maka 68 anion ~ Obraman W wksli 8 Doubts Aran , Minterde Bacon , suer 288 DMon,, • , EdEribritirokint atikirkee ',i '. , oro4= 4 .tra - mi.r.,......k.505w„.,irr .°6....,, , i runt r oalmelotordiralaar, 7•Llitle Doak Asitiroir% 4Sisr au Tided' , '. , , ' a • i 1211002411110.144243111 1 132dand .. • -, ' • , Mailitalalkela6olo29 , lll(dOn --, ', ' ' • , Nobtalargirrpalial3lllThien it •', • • ,-.. , ;t k , Sera AlgeWr 11, mak 44 Bowe, . , ' 4 '' , ; InhautZer&lar•darn Bargee ~,0 • .' i ' Wks WE i tioardlophotwekeriper 243 WHO ' Maher- hatrior'4o9arnioa k , ...i ,- 1 • //vltig " 11 / 011 4 !Maim' WoWitar 9i rotor '.• Earismary Wite*ariatalalrA• 10 Adthmd ~ I ' ' ' ' 11024Suraralesildaoltembh. I= *ram ' " Metilinteillanhi pelted Okla 923 Union • 1 ' • • Neatanta i lnalreeer 22 , 3 "kin '•• ~', lit 4 frviattztrashmitip- ,-i,-,,• I aCh; Orr lorq, , laborisirkt Valor. , Positre'Jeintal4 haterit&benea li ~ ', l /, • , ." 1 Lace ;maw. currier 172 Water '=• • ' JlMlllimaillaism E, ormdaha 211 Vidal ';"9 , 1 1 i 1142100 1 1bMntry, pare Mier 911 Unka NOM, Dail* kalar2lll WNW , , i * • 'peewit. owesioa t eer pi - a lp Whiles liamitill t Malt ritrike *mat f Pine ' ; ' '.i - PL. ' ; ' `&•''l l . > a t na iid‘ earl r 6 m ker 4 2 Ila e s l ; le ia ' . ..i g . , ' Brosiama l o666r26 o ll44a t.ti. • r,t.t, ,' 1 kun WEL" Libera2o Water ~.-=. ~, •i •„ , , Oro4 l B2oJabarVillair2 2 3Epram'; ir., -,. i, ,• , Oisaan,Wilibur. MOW 2281sheiri '._ „- -4 ,- , , ~,. amid 716104 blessee 1 sentbariV., (kat I it '. 14:=NOttakiiIM MolluieW26 bona'. , , • -, 9 lobirt A, 9stntanlo Laurel' ” i • paitiotald 20004 laborer Itiontbanaka &ate , , 1 , i,. Gallagher John, laborer 233 Spruce a .. • • , • • - 11=4.4i,esprobar 219 Third 0 •,, „, .• ~ , „ Wrkkikterider NW oor Ault ilk Dock , , Neralrrederick, attorney 241 Third . • . '," • , a 411140 lintht rialelinmila Imikal..,,i , ~ • , • Jr l24 9o.”.tain.narrib maker,2B9 Third , , „ i. , Jonas materos, laborer 288 Spruce , AidureortJohn P, hatter.llB front , - , • 11149614bakiii a lthaket214Dotlei it .t. i i ,I. , a e Moreree4ra i „Itelsatelii „ , :1. ) ii ' Na la 1k , 191.a501',. ~,, ,Ii „ „ `' /4 Dmitithraisterla Irma ~ • 1 , i . t l=l, labia asementant 488 Spruce . „.: &maid minter 142)4 &wind, - II otansTratt7mork2oo 4ll"l" ' ' L . 1 IMEaaleVbartendir $23 bras i.- r TodffiT Plifrkli i *Valo 328 1 / 11 , ..4 1 A. ~ 14 4 1‘ .1 ' 1 28 VOPO ' • . ~ rw ...„, ~,. , t ~ ~ 1901,194, •• • • AkeZ i tille:llCirdsinner 21.4 Pine • Dithlakitaarllt tailor 1740prnee , , • , Ordain John, oordontuor iAOI-.mltlW/&tKgIOaW4I/ 81prialAftorr 8 a e 9 w 9 a 44 i " rm., 4 i 4 1 r 1 ,,2 9 21 2 0 1 p 3 t P nP Iriau s hN_i__mt.L.Ta* , L , .), , , I otlolootiialtera lTVMOEP - 4 -.;,',- ` Therkor..lmin, ofirdWamar Ea Piiii; .. • - ~ ..,, ..`, - MOM lltiodrombhiaimilkeiNfitepreor ' ' 11= 4 014,40aladlintlialMA _"..-.: .? ,, ..:.-.L.:.. , - , z_. , .' I Peter, a1t0p066016 alp BMW, r i., Morrow Andrew I);eM•dookier 216 Pine' 0141Weerk tatteklikiatirima , i•i ~ • ..., II 061060646404 Pia& • . - i 4 ,i,,J i•• f I o Man Piiletteepe„ 5 , 3-..:e3 Jll,. , •-• ~ INorre All s ig 44ol24 % l Elntel 0 8 14 NieNommi - Sahltrothar 21i Plot "retanniassi" , ;eoribrainer 214 Pine jWpitrilphsp eadrelaa 214 Phra enrsa,,robia, utter as Sixth *4 == " 4 l e i M i " xt — . • ' •41,64:61.:, Upon Pratte `,,,,,,, ~ ~. =.„ t ~t1 1 1 11. ....4140 021 1 Phis_ . ..... , - . ' ram-mia 8 , 1 9 1012 94W 1 4,1 ~-rif i , rfitlkt 940,MOker ai , - I 1 V ` ware ingbaser42B4hlrd ' au Fourth , atub Ilmerialutdmship 164, &SSE" ~ '' , ''''''' ; -,-.., 4veigUt.Aritioi4 ~' , • • nii,... Dielamill ' uti batter NE am Filth &Prone • W4rttnreterkl9lThird ', , i,,, , >.. 1, 1 , - 44 . 41 - 4 --- *jillarn, badeader al PM 1 t , Donohue_ err; eimohmaker 421 Pram' - /lamr* a; attatari i ittPrunn „ 4 Mink orris porter 4 , lkeio M '' art' ' ' ' • Pram Theedarsl4, - ,16000r Nis cot lifth & Prune. polllollB.6&o6 l 4&4l'hZ6l3prwat ,st,t '; , , 01 lietiooll, iet, int em 0441 s,, ~ „, , .t, 7. ii64:0161;01 . 40t 00protta t , , M1ch561,10104641‘610,461111011 _t• , R 04 , 64 o,ciork WI Sixth Etna John 41,,100131 "9 61 ' 4 " Prune 'I . '' Nell, Jarmo, rantirlia Wth Waal ' • t'' ~ &tad Willtare t 4ekLalth 211 Fourth ', •' , Nor lin John' Ole Alth ,- ,i i assassins" A Orbiter 117 Sanwa , willlM Janeektirilor fT Firth A , , 7w; *Fret 7 Bow. Gond I parsons Amin 11,06:6100 70 /UM , i .t , DINO, Henry 0, along 10 nth - ,NoborteWliWb sktarOtirNktliNtl • , ' Wawa sthir4 ,oo 4 - oldwolir swum ow* OfialrillEa 9190108 9 8 r 5 / 5 8641te s 1 • Afttidolithhxd %mint 416 brim •epap e owepae, druggist Mir 6221Tatnist Trrift=c4tt r artftl iP nZ 44 ,, ' t 1 I 3:1 c `, " 4 yr, A oo4.:pold ? 4# 90 of 1416',66r 11011ith hi prep . -i: "VA n Dirkiks; ' Ipeprme t ipt* 41106 g naterizokt&ge, ?Mei sad 012. -•' - trida Alba , ' ,-; lu - i - n , • 1 inceinallieliturd 11, printer 20 Ihrehiptp e dap , ' 0086 - ' **Pena,' 188 'Obeli ' ate indebirded _ litkeurailaborwr 183 widow/ ' Jam, labomr 133 Walnut , 4=sr4 ferlOntlded 7/trird, '' ' kor ohn t Bartinder 9 arafa ADO ;, thxdatin laid, asthma 9 annee Alb, : , - Moon Nonarli jii, dart 4 Lodes at .- , • , Nerellndliarliard, laborer bath Al liimp , b / ak" • • • Iteineri WtilMm lk NSW 80 Second .' f ' • i 5 4 0. 01, orer Norma' Alley , , . „ tOntie Eilortuter.7B iterond , • l e p e p einehop, broker 12 Sixth ` 1, k 4 7 0 0 6144/661406 9 Grafi Alliyi it, • i 0 . ~ ,4 , - - , Nli . w„hettonda42 ellattr ~, f , -, . y- lee War?", gentleatin 24 Ifrottei . te4 Plata . 1 . • , ~i ''. ''.'•.: ' llintp - W4/11D.% ;''''' i i s ' ,r • ~ .y. -y r.q.,,, ,g , -:, , :- - *,ii v i l i c ;*', ',';!•..,, ';',:: I, c t ip ae t ti .' ll 11 4 44 i t , --; ' ' .1 1 '9 1 _J. . ', • ,••-•. r" , , - nor re t hoekitkuler, 80 Shp weeppy et „ ~,, e : - ,7 .y . r t ohnl i toriter,4 Moho hue ' J. ,-; t L : f , , ....; 1 lONS 11202043141111800illiiiVA i `'' mapell'ohn,atoratepar, $0 litinurbarett al-..n. , f"4' 1 ~ T , A Silerdlatta#l4lffidelfrklik tot*. If 1 ' ~ WOO 040164100 N aeco4 .51 a 7. ; 1. eßfi~t)ltdiion Fr YS t') gr`' O'Sullivan Bartholomew, porter. Allen's court SnOth joeinti /Atari:44mm 12411 9 4 0 04 4 • ' „Wiper John,A, her-tender,l4s Pate et . Putgauer Louis, etorekeelier,llBl6 Second ',Einem . dyei,,,To et • •Aincion oporgt,#l.43trorkolt, N Fro st Crouch Doha 0, me t,lOB lime '' &oink Deviit pair, ' evrimidal Gowen Shlwiti,'Ogith Pattit l 4o. l llo 774 , M 077 ' 140 14 AIM 0, tlerk,,l Allreli 70, 0 o,l4Belimulleatiguitn, nutoStnist. se ww. et litatinief Chas B,taleamen, 109 N Second et Uwe John, patter, 98 N flemoid'at Stackpole ThOlnal Mich thaw 9 initial gook Rherp,w !pont Moo st; rear Singh Oharlea fa eeper.lo9 N &mond al Nc00 1 40302 rtaiiolln"P'nt,BB Arch It _ Bird Arto744, 0181 lama* +attar* %Nine at , Donlon Jon* kraninotader StoOktionoe of Hallos BernewhiadttAtiree 04 North front et Moran lawnitcoOtwier la ()orientate/ Ne4in Hiram, hatter.B2Oatri , . , liewar4Tkomehworter 162 rth 'rout et Illelonsa James, suirkeepor 128 North Second et ' MI'S Moles P, iletaletWoolBo North Second at wangban Mamoru, Oritter 14 Dahuohere &Gamer August, clerk 48 New et ; Ferrol Samna. oordwainer 69 New et 7akhart Manhole, sheet Iron worker 140 North &mond street Maio Samuel, corder 149 Narli ite:gua et Kelly Jame, runlet 140 NoNh Seimed at Quig Robert, currier 140 NlNDoond at , bettor Samuel, caner, 140 North second it tauten Jumps, engineer,l4o North Second et Bow Henry, brush maker 202 Sine it (new) Mantra& printer UM Norib Second st Bit u aan Clement, 11miender 178 North' Remind street los Id brush maker 2QS Vine tit (new) 'Vaughan Yalu., boiler 15 botisket av Bowman Nredk, coppsrtmittdl Coates alley Callen Soviet, curl* 182 North Water et I Wash& John J, reatenrant keeper city head liall'aum WUuam, salwrinan New et Magee Oharlea 'tiar 88 St 4 et (rear) ItelnstAin Charles lt, prri►nter Emmet (roar) Totaney Junes, printer 155 North moond it _ Ib u rt i " Xdr i el ' Killer 0 & • (BMW frouktin hoes. .. -..:, i• - ' , ". 'Will Pfasion. • .Baoktaan Joaepb, pallshre 20 tamer at • Oirfanagla Ilash, portey,l9 laziaar at • ,11 1 klite WItI2OOIIE, cenrttar Bi/tenth and Oarponter 41 Laarla X, carpantar 114 kirk:kit ~ tkidlihaelatortic 12142mt2 at ' _ bi rrey Henryl, lad ticaduir 48 North Blith et aii ii..... iiiadr M Oborlie, .:Tallier 1i i;riVir it Orenshlne 13amnit, tiskotetor Sham , of Seventh and Os. -Ont a r 770 ,, , Ma ke r , wire Aweettni, *tit 12 North Extiret Notake "tonsils It, clerk 210 VOW it YI yptmlll2lll44_ Ins, Ws* Borth Beath it ' hints, haterlOEnniteit l ' ' " • • B oPP Walkup, cooper 161nlater et M Sir W .'slbriersinith NSW it' jek r 3d6 13; brio IshberAirinsr st ' man Atasbam, wwinkuntt 1021Eartrid st ' Il OW, prtn*ll4ol Site st - ' at4h.cer W060 1 810n; Sr se Market st ISchilkidel,liottkr,22 - th &idiot , - Potenwidsi It Pti saleinimt dmisitao Note! Ihwelatett &oast BB hholist, it ' • , Br der Charier, envois 80 oat h it ; 4 .Betrder Ceorp:tootiaiker 80 Nob et' IlErn A, prbter'4B North bit ' 1 , Jac, II 'revehnirant Seventh sad . Carpenter stn , 0 r Edwin, attorney at law 46 North =h it Snyder Lades I', Water 48 North littb it ' .. - Bhoemsker:Adarn, inkeepot 2113 - Market at Thom Sniper, cementer 26 'North at ' ' . Ninth Diotemt, - 14dMit Charley portie4Mtillith it (tsar) Vart7.2lwPOchi porter 10 4 :3 4 trt eV ' Sinn James, bootfitter COrner of Bread and letter lane 'Dick; lf,,prfotor,s9,okorry et ~ 07 .,„...,-,. teenage GO Arch 'it , ' ' am Bintotbh blortul 9 9h!'" l . 4, , , iheeitti. itholikm.., tl4e rt Edward D, hatter 80 North ilLtth et 80w-art Sheonel,vontwatner Star onvey , _ W Joh n cleat S B corner &Ma and Das widonetwat t tatimyymh Waco oconer of Writ. and Ont. hot allik `. '''" • , .:- . - • : ' ll ' - " - • . ',, Eitth &tonal, oerdwalner 7 Mar alley • Vadat/ Hobert OF .7, turner Star alley - ' ' . . 'Warts* Atheists, Clogs Wester DO Cherry it . 'Wald= :Oho; Odor:wearer 90 Cherry is t oz. Isitai,,lrr;clirli 29 itisettit', _ v , _.' ' tow Irsseis,teilor E Breese Malta and la it min Jobs, carpenter 26 Maryland at ' Ant% SWIM' at low 106 North Pitth St v ' J stiMaink Ile" ItliOlOgr 2 Denial P 1 8 *Oh Joseph B, lithographer 221 North nth it ' 'Smith Thorns B. ocesdhp*2 at ,‘ , , , Baty 2eter,cordweiner.l6o ygto lim at. Derr John, Moulder SPAIN A Eholuer Jackson 1, confectioner Branch it . . ! '. , • '- - NOUN= WARD. . , - .. ~ ~.: itr iheftfott. Aldtzmin Itaberccobinetniolte4 8 W Cor 9th 4 Bond , •••" ern Johitii9edantolv9lNVW9,l{o it ' 1 Chinon JOU, 1{10112111104 Ifoonih below 9th • Owns Mittin, trick, 709 Lombard U— rges John W;prlntel l ftit Lombard at thaw Trancis J, mute teacher, No 928 Pine at ' ylor'Alfrod, tailor, 914 Wayne et, ; • •.. FI WHO , shoe dorm, 922 Plat, A Weans Robert, ahoeoliker,'9ol Tenth at le AM d, minter, 421 Tenth at Ms Franz, tailor, 709 Lombard at • Mina •L ft, prOM,r, 922 Boma et VeronlienaceoWatint, 626 lightb'st Wemmer W illiam; dealer," 616 20gbth at . . , . -, - .. ' Awed Noftion. Ibutard James, shoemaker, 1226 Booth at I:WOW John; wneatet,l2oo Somas at aloy Alemodar, painter, 412 Tenth at Ily Chart* book, Perry and Bald • . der Thom'', W. on age, 'Anti et 4 . ' ' ' Mer Daniel, oboecister; Eft trainftion at • ter John H, Merahant,c2l2 Twelfth at ern Milord, J; orichnicker, 919 Tenth id' orn Wne; Merchant, 310 Tenthilt -•- ~ ~ . l Jailer ,•Pir; lithorimhor, 121fti Arm et nta /kW ei *aorta', 1410 Tenth A : • ow ftdaln, plumber, 818 Twelfth at oftloolcey Iltomea, carpenter, Perry oor 07Iladd claroy Bernard, shop keeper, 1021 Barclay et Milroy Peter,loaleemon;l29l-Lombord at : • Matthias, aboateaker: 1 liti Booth it .. . mitt 41reeter. baker, 222 Twelfth Lt MilAdui, Mirka' 610 • . Tenth at . '=' - - -, ,'' "' .. .thini phision.:' '' -' - . 44614kiisotan," ios kabobs st: . . niagiorier H, paper stalosr, 412 Elsight st ' rsloosthan It s wackman, 180 Darsayat i t ireaborrer Abraham, paper apices, f l 2 Illidstit et Hutarlehtt )1 It. book - keeper , 81l BM it rits Micheal; 'agent, 8111,1nolper at Nall Ohm Al, blacksmith, 408 Peso at , rrSoap% asalltter,4BB Para et" - Wm A, bookseilar, MI Thirteenth at au I Thomas, blaolulth, - 412 &him at • , crivitt ItmmtirAlichninttli,'Wl4 rpm, it r o, laughtitt Andrew; alert 3817 Liaobard at • allow& Peter, palater,4o9 Thlrtarath at ' , Annalf WalbildalitibLa4 Wilitt.intb4i ' • ra Wm, 43r - ikamderetzeMompard at , • Ramo Wm, , wriker, Oita ft: • •• r" 1 9 0 0 W riohigiiai tts 'MO at 080f•gl 1411111br,' 412 Inisighit • - - • deaback frederfoki blackmallh, %%Juniper at • adarrivd Gawp, sammumr, 1814 Lombard at '' 'r, '• - . 14 " a lkiM is t t h 1144 Hacii; iiiitAl l i l 62B l *4st ' then JAMPAN'Oitbratitte r iell 0011 ii ' ' • 0.101 ThomiNbosmaker 1618 South at coat Ma 1% 21 % 14 c"3 ":4144 31 411barrl 111 • olummt Thim4o ptintmOritletto Mewl , ghtm Wm - A 4 attorney. 824 litsfeacthat "ma Jule& laborero622ll alcouth aallftesathak st Mtn kargtaillt' •••._, • - .fi sa James, warehouseman, 1300 Dorasy at urthy Samuel 7, plasterer, 319 Dugan at 000mhn John, Witte% 1618 Burton at difinlJebti, morpenttrao2o Lomhardnt , .1 Sala& James, shosmakeir, 1842 2telainth'st • Alexander , foundricesu,'lll4 Ikon it lotkole Joseph 0, bricklffiyer..4lBJlMMar at Mock Marla, Mduhni•J• Boo /.. 0414 at blimon Dasl4l,,kmackimaa,ll24, ,„ , • ash Jamm,../aMninH4 l o9 Loshipt• - Ale= Jptut t 'lvilter,lol7,Xamtutt'M ' . - , Bnd Obtntr; paMier. /421 liciritA st ' der GeorgrarslaersBl.4_Blatsepth 06 , • to Jamas cropeater,,l62a larehard st WAS James , amilitclati 1408 Hing it - ..... .. • Fifth Division. • amend Swipe, pook-10w,1817 isenbard st Babel; John, on b anahh. 1821 South at ' OmamingsTreritt W, drofr, 837 Aghteenth et Darter Samuel D, priatN'. 11 Lombard it Didtrown Gaol( .Wponte ,1780 . 00xe , Mina Patrkk;a42loo 2 ll ll Mo4l; bud Mai= GalarkyOrktioackprau, 2 LeitiMmear Newins ..lietess*onglrater,lB2l Adam et Niftier Jokulyaorslattor, 1706Addbmn at Memo Wake; atone Mattar, (on'age) 1737 Omer it Little Jobn, liquor &oder, 1782 Lombard it Sfartin,llichitaLlalearer,"Burton , ober John, Intolunaker, Addison at Boman, Amen, brlciameker, Lombard lid 19th st Vanbern Udall, bricklayer, 619 Nineteenth at Sixth Divietaw Daviaßobert, engineer, 1284 n , Owell at , Bermudan) ~Teramlab; pboemaksr; 6 Reynold lice Jawing Arthur, radirowlmain;cor 19th end Wilcox at Fortune Patrick, shremaker, 410 Twaritleth it Harding Sannial,loorair,loll Mantle at ' Hollkumworth Henry, liquor dealer, MD and South at, Harris Jan, drnyman, 20th and Haute2 . o Jackson Dolma J. paper; itsiner,l9l7 Wilcox st Stephen Henry 9, printer, gliingwid Simper Samuel, weaver, South Oovo 20th lititobenbox Cleo, tnouldsr, Hampton end 2011, Tinny John, liborer,lo4lllarmstasd it , Tailor charier, printer, 7010 Ideetteni et Tinsley weaver, 2018 Bolitalt ' , , ' &ma Mansion. Harkey Thomas, Labelle, 010 Wailers= Jonathan, OUR litik74 Mit littd Floe hicalennin Jams , laborer, car W illiam and Rine McCabe John, shoemaker, Smola and Wilcox ataxia PearideWaD axlf*08;1i'10;k * e • ;. WinitilyWOLD, , • • ./7 11 ( ,, Z4f4, 0 1 4 kinelrong WO, gent, 720 Otani dt Delocbrey Jai, cordwainte 827 Locust st Frabler Wric clerk - 600;0V Kicking George, rant2hßanscan: Herneyikethad, bartender 60 tharge Lay Conrad, cabinet Maker DSO Locust Miller William, beak binike.226 . ldahth Mfrs) Jolla; Pedler,l brayOWer Micluy Otero If; oat ilaneom et Norton Amen, orftalootB2l /Swan • Rota D, inspectur9o7 Van Timalaii, MCI Blair SnyderThcons.,,Mwelar penman • Smith Wm, gent 218 Acorn alley Tan n Francis, tailor 8 VOW* south Doiagherty James, cordwainw 6 Michell court Damming, limb, gas Sitar 821 Walnut it LyousPater, put piagdlesinsitet • , , • Yams Ohs, gent 81 it MAXI ough Patrick; 6 Itendtri 'pour!. ' Sparring ;cm, clerk 228 WWI! at Vinton Obas clerk 704.8aniom market John, mmt,4l Debate • ,ilecertfititdiires: Week, .TosenWporatarainer 249 ;eleventh at Podia f, Sent 1673 Spruce , Pectin "BD, gi o tl62B Spruce Gunpbell Oluttles, gent 1028 Locust Pitegeneld alwegti nOtt oar 228 Bayberry alley Honsidmia 11amy, morocco &mew 209 rimperons alley Karen Thcatax, bartder 222,Prosomkum ahoy , P, owpwtb i %2 Ilevaratb in • ' Op* ) ; Was H i , - ant 2Wlldin" ' Blaney David B, gent 1210 Walnut st • Davis 0 W, attorney 1210 Walnut - "DSly Patriot, cordwiriner 1219 Leonid Brim' TOMpb, brava mouldier 212110 NA Logan Peter, gent 1402 Walnut Campbell Charles, clerk 818 inwart MOIL Janata, saddler 1220 LOEMat • • Hall row, attorney ion Want MoOluskay Patrick, hatterlo2l Loonet IlloOarty Michael, Ittrieer 21811sventh Roby David 0, attorney 220 Broad SitlerOharles 14 mackant 109 Thirteenth Snowden A UMW* NW Braila • Brunson ArdrewilLo 141 L Walnut at Basle ddsepb,lll) 14240bestont Braoskrad W J,unholararer.UB Thlrtanth Watteau Georeti blather 1808 (burgs actonbellWan ',Led 10.1.101matarg Oupet, bruit/14012 DINO I 1.. , , . Power Henry, ciatintet snatirelolo Hans EARL Mallet, -dark 101841beetnnt. t 'lldelNeS idol" ablest maker 1010 George . • BMW Ohatelea Lrlothamith WM Juniper Wail Was a, angbaser OireitUfit' Pinohin George A, elearkdeoo Obattnut ' Beck °bailee /11,' gat 219.Teentleth it Banes oney Ward* Mlaterrifol, linylra Henry stone Watt* tiolamen , r .. Burk Johai Deeper • Boa John, oordwainer Twentieth gave 13ppnce 'ab l y rlarlakvieltrdabOrre Tarrittletk above 13pruae Prassii,l:,pr*OAer Perk Ammo • • , DoughNsaasOlaboraeo tib a -, • DOA. 'Writ alkoatin 0 00 11 60 * traOlebOldraOth abeam Sprtioe learettHarris, inerolmak46B Lome =Pionot ts* 44 , 124,,0 , "0444th : , raKK lin,wAP • , •"' Iftri. l l ' IPPAof • IDO/84 t , ' and Hurray Fallo6 J, merchant 101111Q6ii kialtitii • Foy John, cordwainer 20th above Spruce oantlitartln, brewer 461 Locust, f „ ' Obtlatatt Henry, cordwainer 90tnabby 83 u nde ' Melton Richard,*.iaborer tit below W ut Meting, Jamul, gent 122 Twentieth'. Haitians Wm, gent 122 Twentieth iloyt Henry. tailor 190 Twentieth Humateed 11arvey, brick layer 116 TivinUsth themetead Henry, clerk 116 Twentieth Harrustead. Gnaw?, bricklayer 112 Tientleth Hirdleg Josiah; gent NW center Loonat land 1021 Harrolteed Wtti clerk 1618 oriaticeilor Haley Wm, cordwalzter26tb above Spruce Harley James, cordwatner 20th above Spruce Hagerty Johnecordwainer 20th above Spruce Madden Bernard, cordwalner 20th above Spruce. Hagerty John, cordwaloer 20th above Spruce Barrington Minted. 800 1019 Plymouth Moote Jams, laborer Cooper Mullen Wm, laborer Cooper Montgomery Joseph, oordwabaer 20th above Oprow Moloughlin Wm, carter 71at below Locust MgOlusker Patrick, clerk Mollony Mabee Wm, carter Many , Mcßride Bernard, tailor Cooper . lionevitt Henry, laborer Cooper „ Magnum Samuel, cordwalner William. , McGinley ledwarG grocer 20th and Murray MCOOOI WM, blacksmith 20thebovo Spruce McCabe Richard, nerd waffler 20th above Spruce McFadden Wm, cordwalner 20th above Spruce M 013400 Joheelsborer,l7o9,Lewle Meakeley Hugh, cordwalner Nadia Henry, laborer Cooper Nestle Hugb, laborer Coopers Naha James, car builder Park place 011arra Wm, DD 90th and Murray eta O'Brien Peter, laborer 20th above Sproe O'Donnell Patrick, gardener 20th above Spruce O'Nfill James, laborer WthAbove Spruce Prager 000, tobecoonlet 20th above Spruce • Pampa Gee, agent, 20th above Spruce pled Frederick, baker 20th above flume Fainter John, clerk 20th above Spruce ftlatere, machinist 20th above Once Wm, cordwaioer 20th above Spruce e EWThemils, tarter 2187 Locust . Simpson Robt, gent 20th above Spruce Smell Philip, laborer 20th above Spruce Smell Obss,labont 90th above Spruce they'd= John, oordstainer 20th above Byrum Simpson Anthony, clerk 2914 JP at Theft Enoch, carpenter 114 south 90th Wand Eder, laborer ' Tally John, stone cutter William Triel Owen, oordwidneeinth above Spruce Valentine Joseph, carter 18th and Ann White Arthurolletiller, 20th and Vadat White Patrick, distiller 20th and Locust Mammal' Jame, H, put Walnut wed of 20th Willson Willlern, painter 124 spent 20th' Webster William, briokmsker 198 south 90th Webster Edward, terlokumker US south 90th Keating Michael, Worse 2031 Murray Math Dintrion. Dunning Edward, storekeeper 291 and Chestnut Lardeußontellus, dealer Beach at east side Matkward Harvey, mason 106 Dunlap Shannon Thomas, driver 1207 • Lewis • CalifteM Patrick, Mater DM and Walnut Lukens Gaper, 110120 south 17th Salmons David, broker Walnut 0 • NINTH WABD. 29. at plotrton. John H. Ford, carpenter, 61 n Sib st Mabee! Oriley, bot Let, 62n 7th et W W Bishop, jeweler, 010 Chained st B P Bishop, gold chain maker, 016 Chesnut st JA. Ante, attorneylBo4Areb . Yardley Loughead, clerk, 210 Market at Charles B /teem; genti 817 Filbert st Marian P-Reese, engineer, 817 Filbert st Hiram Witner, m. 8., 817 Filbert et Ebosmi.Diairtort. William I, Bryan, printer, a w cor 9th and Filbert at Moe G Base, tobaccontet, w por CO and Filbert at A G Dobamel, clerk, NI Filbert et • Pater Dolan, block cutter, Prospect alley Charles Hartshorn, gent, 912 Arch et Bahl F Meredith, police officer, Hyde's court Owen McAdams, shoemaker, a w car 9th and Filbert Ma Ober* Mintzer, carpenter, al n 10th et Charles Manger, shoemaker, 816 Silbert at Michael McWilliams, bar tender, 7 Prospect alley James McCauley, box maker, n e cor 9th and Market its Henry Simplon, tobacodalst, AM Market st . • Jacob Cole, eboecutter,'e w cor 9th and Filbert eta H H Clark, merchant, 998 Otalltlan at John Congblin, dish% l ustteet• „ John 0 Hutton, m. d., market, bat 9th and loth Jan A Hunter, pomp talker, en Market et James 0 Brio, Oorratoter, Fatiohle wort Petri* 0 Keen, carpenter, 89 O 9lb at chartasuowfwal, tinsmith, u w cur 9th and Filbert eta 41 Motet, clod, 981 Masud ci Christopher Worthle, labourer, 831 Market at Marla Watkin, broker, 901 Arch at fhird Jdeeph ArchaMbanit, gent, latti et bast Elbert Charles *Hen wheelwright, 1131 Matket it WllUam Us ever, blacksmith, 1127 Girard et Joseph Heald, clerk, 1116 Market et Apiece Jonas, tidsmith, s w cos 9th and Elbert, it Pit Mcegstal. wait/010g Obeennt at Edward H Ogden, draggle, Arches bel 11th ' William Priest; gee gum, 110 T Write court TiMorris Perot, druggist, Arch, tat 10th and 11th ste HdainG Wright, ealeaman,lB, bet Mlbert and Lawrence A W Whlnler, salesman, 1107 Market at W Wallace, shoemaker, 1110 Market st PAM McGrath; gent, 1114 Arch it Jbbn Al McGrath, dentist, 111 A Arab et William Parrie,"blackamith, linntaist Josiah *May, plate ptinter, 1112 Market at 019 Conant., tinsmith, 41 ulOtb at ' Ohariat 11 Dewing, coltector, Market at, bel 121 h „ tam Nur% blacksmith, Hunter at • ~ ,Tee, Hayden, Mbrearer.'2lnhter et ' , Lewis Jones, tailor, 1127 Market gt ' carpentar,l6lB Hunter at ' g E Swope, collector, et seer 10th and Market Arab Malay, dealer, Hunter et , Aura Dirt:fon. „ Jhbu Oillagit,•bookbilder, 1823 Market it Charlet 0 Wigan. but tondor, 1423 Market it Sohn Qualm, "bum% n w cot nth and Market its Nerdy 8111044 drgetylirg 21itket et• ' • dedrollThomitt with' 121906 et. 4 0 6 11 MOM9IIB 3IB EG thlkiniithet. 1819 Ilichaut csvid Bower, ottpanted.l.22o blatiNit et Outer Wan; Lanisnee at Nathau'Olasotw, earpenter,-123/Idisket et • 4am N Mil, engineer, Broad and Cuthbert • GI TV McWilliams, taltemtn, 18 a 18th it 1. Nichtrdson, (*mentor 1210 Mutat at Joseph T etaveley, minter, 1214 Wilbert at WhoaWhiteluck, tobtatonist, 1328 Market tt ern nth John Boyle; labourer, SO Benton St lelllltut Babb, clerk. MOO Market et aked Dunn, elerk,l4o9 Market et sines plumber, 16th et, bet Market and Obeennt tll Make, phunber, 16th at, bet Market and Chesnut otin zattikla, betel k 1609 Market St • . piditAtel4 an. 1,1413 Aleeper, bert st „ • ed MoOinakey, tined% 1628 Market at , Inane D Potts, men:bent, s w oor 16th and Arch its NIIUam B Potts, UMW% I WM nth and Sink 1111 Shoe L Potts, Clerk, a er we 16th and Arch els James Potts, clerk, s w ear 16tb and arch ate William Preston, printer, 16th sr, between Market ad D I Ottenta • • • • bid Areulteng, agent, 43 Broad et famed Lox, 8 06 •8 11 m bow. 18 • 16th et Daniel Newell; cookehmase.illbest at, w of 16th osepb 11 Bowen, plasterer, IMO Snort It lbart Btlmieler, contootiouer, 1808 Market et • eel P. Vindoepirt, gee meter maker, nog Mort lit mho Waliworki dealer, 29 Howard Ot • . ak , Gh Diviiien. " Illiara Berne, storekeeper, 18th et, bet Market and ill bort obn able, brkkOaker, Barker et, W of 17th st ,a- rpnog Oheassau, betokmaker,,Barker at, x ofl7tb it widow, NIL Linden at ffflaklae,pldbeatar, 19 a nth st , . • J.I. Jonas, *Barney, Market et. bet 18th and 17th 4ward Hesoook, carpenter, 1718, Market at noes Kelley, pipe foonder.l6lB Barker et EW Mar, reanafactarer. 172$ Barker at lms II Lovarireu dark, 1788 Barker at tar, thank tairldir e Jong ot bet 17th and 18th . Janda T Zibly, animater, 83 a 17th it had P Zably, carpenteri 88 a 17th at • -- • • • . ._, Seventh iNeition: • camel /Myth, laborer, Arch es, between 10th and 20th ' at Brady, laborer, 1916' Market at Bum, coachman, Oathbert street, wit or nth loholla Brown, ocetchanto, LIN tAtthbert at eery 8 Orabbe, IttBllo2nannt of II &abbe, "Money, 1821 Monad et amen Oalb, coachman, 2880 Market at - oho Mob, coaaband a laaes a i l i a d b ar lajh wen Flaherty, 18beeer,' room bet Mth tad 21st eremlab Melds, rectintsut„ 902 ket laud Haney, laborer, 918 Market at • 9 Murray, tasoblafet, 8141881 W: gaunt MoDoaaM,lrieltrir; 18 18th Mantel Melietteman, storekeeperi 19th and Market oho Bteehon, driver,•Joatie at, bet 18th sod 19th oho 8 Wilson, eilvetturdth. 1919 Inert at' ' - ' •• ` I .I4QA /Hohloit.'• Hugh Entruiondeborar, Capers et, bet lug and 83d Ira Brady, boatman, thaltbrat at, be 21 and 222 IG 11 Baker, brims tunier,4 n 21st at • Micheal Wry; laborer, Jotita St,' Wof 20th • • Daniel Donovan,, laborer, Market at,' bet 2101 and 224 Time Mngo; plaaterers Market er, bet 214 and ygd John Binerty, laborer, Jones et, w of 20tb PrarlokleirelilabOrer,lJones at w of 20th 'Thomas May, laborer, 20th and Jones at (John Knickerbocker; boiler maker, 2209 Rimes et (Andrew Ltaigbety, laborer, err Met and Filbert at lamas Lynch, laborer, 2128 °rabbeting • (Mules Mebaffy, tailor, 214 end Cuthbert et IE4B Ritherford, Carter, 21 ab Market I Thee Moran. laborarscor 21st and !filbert ate !Mahl M M o bi bcenneri, gilbert, , 4222 Jamt a eMediwe4oartrr, 2110 Cuthbert at , • Moe Par thiAd, Isboter,,Filteri 0, kro22olh r. ,• • William Reynolds, laborers cot of 21st and Silbert:Ms Joingitherford, carter, 21st et, bet Filbert and Arch Barnard Riley, labotorlilbert st, tr of 20111 TINTIT'WAND. • ' • 1141 Di4.,46. . • Jabler Warner, oinhit 781,00377 at Ohrlatesooobales, skoeAllikerlsoXiglall et . Gomm QW. bookbinder 804 Arqb et • Hoot Edlrerd•Pr mamma 825 ASO at Harris Jam, merchant 717 Arch et , Johnson Gee, eeemen Pinileid_place„ Lindsey Jr War mabialcor Melt court biased , Fr Wrovbeinter Unitrourt . Loercher Ulrich, tailor 708 Race it - Price 5444 baker 1811. g Eighth et BegeetJetm gr, plontimr 728 ChM 4 • Bookish' John, restaurant HT Ninth et gebc* philiet, numblaist Yrdele sv Stoinge J.ll.l2l,4randcleu 728 Viinf st " • • Strawy Obluvatater 52 Eighth et Underhill itemj, elerk,2 N of 40th et Wagner John, Mtn 881 Arcb st ~,, —2) , ,:. —••,, • -; &mad Destm. „ , . Inds•Zobu r abesmakertoBJilgitth et, . • Bront.Tobn Its clark4BBlVinest .li , - , • , DorstFell loecatrlii shoemaker 208 fibins,.. Hemmtetarthy•Augnat,simemsker mom it Hart gamma, gentolB.Arth at. ~, , , , Hemel Jobs, shoemaker 0881farket a t , . Into. John, salesmen Eighth If of Arch Kennedy John, tailor 800 RAM et . . , Lannert Thin; carpet ter 15relinth et • Kenny Theo, cardwiduar 2018ighth st • , • • Navel Peter, oordwalner 208120th at Nimbi Augustus, thignath 2 . MeObrado at ' • Model Lentil, tinsmith 208 Mach otoet " • Nelson Chia catgenta 931 Merl,' et . Packer Edwin Jr, machinist • Hebb alley Tolman Mogi tatercbsnt 988 Race at ~ Tapier Wm, shoemaker 247 Tenth it , -Third Ilteggion, Barry Phillip, tialnimen, 248 Tenth below Vine (nark Edwin fd, bookbinder= Tenth it °sheen David, cosebman 812, _ltaillson st Cooper BA bookkeeper 262 Mullion, et , . cos Joe, combmaker .1024 North et) Oottman John W, liquor dealer 1028,Castle at • Dom Jonalbstirearponter 12 Vine et ~ • Barley John, team Tenth ab Baca • I , 111441ment.Hut it machinist 219 Tielfth st . • Hood Frauds, teacherElaventb et ab °We Noble Jan A, bookbinder /020 North at Bice Martin, shoemaker 200 Eleventh at Bice Alfred U,clerk 200 Eleventh it Richards Jas_Ws Shear. alb ' „ 1.814414bu5..tm0yer , 227 lion 4 Ifehmidt Cleo 0, tiner4 tb Oast 1 4 . thi • trlrvine, conktioner.l 5 Rica et el Phut digr.V r albg atio WarnoOkßobert. MP 2 46 n it Wilkinson Jcs,Jeppauer OW court Yardley Henry A, et at 1005, Arch at Divgifori. Anderson Robert T, wheelwright Herk , slane ' Bata Levi, Nadler Oberry at Myti, Thou, waiter 1215 Arch at BUY Higto nh llard, tobacconist 184 Bletentb st Deatiniebard, tenther 1210 Oherey et • Dotter AbribaM, gnat 281 Thirteenth st • ) . Ilitaegineb; dealer Eleventh 0 bet Moe • Linderman Henry, emehmsker 12 De Budden alloy . Mooney Jar Moot 60410 J7it •RiedclphJoseph,cosinimaWter at bel Enos 10,spoer rlohltsgentl42Eleventb• us Mathhie s tillvelVater all th et Os tordeld Nab, painter no Twelfth at - , • —.---. - 701s - Divitfas. . - voldrii_llet - '4sKiri ...1(14:40 .. 24 istingn.,WFLlsswewa_ 4 . ID 1*,,, • :_ l 000 V 4 111. 44, 1 9WTat,1#90 'Lad .. t ....' Winne Ward;stonecutter Naha st '. Oasetly)WP blealigilielgrad au Raw . ' ' ; D oug horko laborer ;21Urtienth and Vine Hetadrild, , • IV' vrv„ uttle . , gg • -cr t it i . , g ~ 1, LI - , ) MO Win pielitilinginith ih tip Ittgtheran 04 , •Mellienry (kb*, tinkoliir I Petit et • • ' O'Oonner Timothy, bar tender Broad 01 0 Zia .' twaj a rgambo atu d t a. lop video - ' thimiiiedigiriteltlayer leetritile et ' , ' ' ' Wl= B tot iteepor Clr:fi r liaa,t . ' d Pat, ' • ' 1 11SO4tir4AtiEt1 'ft;ITiTESDYLVI, 410485 V IT #.7114 Bail GOO, R R agent 207 Fifteenth it Btedey Ingene, n01104114' t 22 King at , Bauer David, ostler 168 Fifteenth et Chinn Wm, lebprer Oilmen er Rice 13antnel, gent Aran 4 Yeager Rif= B, pthe, 1623 Itiltsaboliee at '' 4 ' ''• ' WM — Una Annan. , , „ , Bell Samuel; plate perkier Winter ca ' , , Cowan Wm D, oink 104 Chatty et remold 11 E, blackeunth lleventoentit at eb Mace IlibbiThos eolith Winter it B of SeVenteenth • HIM,' Chail, oarpeuter VP ter; ilt A pf BeTenteenth Rays John, Smith, 128 Mamba& st Stewart Hamilton, welter Grace it ' ~ Togged John Erg, gent Winter ei Wof Sixteenth ' Eighth' Division. ' . . Cumming, Alex pupil Blind lini . Utak. ' 'Crawford John H,Cosimerchant 108 Irbil:hind at Cara Thomas B, carpenter 2082 Winter et , Clark Jacob H, artificial flower maker2o23 Winter et' Blabs Oung P, popil Blind Institute Dosey Peter, bOokbirider 2021 Sumner et Doll John 8, milkman Timetpaicood bel 'Finset ' Dlnnmore Walter, photographer/010 Vine at Bugles John'Z'pripil Blind Institute ' • 'Fowler Wm, plc/learn Tower at . , Flanigan Edw, planner Viten et ' Gowen Henry, merchant Twentieth at ab Winter Hamilton Jae, pupil Blind' Institute , Jonea Oka" A, gent Twentieth et cob Race Jaffersoti Joshua, pupil Blind Institute Lott Henry, cerpente 2082 Winter st Malone Andw P, tailor EA David et IlleYors Theo, bookseller Bunimer at Mendey Jae V, foremen 2181 Stomper at, Marshall Abrablub; clerk 211 Twentieth et Mink Michael, dealer back of 240 Winter at . , - new Ohae If, manufacturer 2132 Winter at Sailor Absalom, dealer Orman at W of Twenty AM Vinyard Jae, 0011e010r2182 Winter at minimax Maimed pupil Blind Institute • • . Watson Jos, smith ,Aelindi at ' Zell That, merchant. Rued W Of Nineteenth. ELBVENTII WARD. /Writ Moisten.' Boyle James, morocco dr 829 BEJohn st Boyer Edward R. bookbinder 200 Wood at Ducats John 0 Jr, engineer 334 Front at Fenner Samuel, clerk 866 Front et Gardiner John 0, enema 824 New Market at Hanlon Patrick, laborer 829 Bt Admit • , Rain Michael, brewer Nonfat' court O'Neil. Francis P, tinemith 83 New Market at Sullivan Dennis, laborer 7 Avenue 0 Welter George, cabinet maker 836 St John it Went Bartholomew J, oink 334 FR John at Yoder Samuel, machinist Voices' alley lusty Henry, barkeeper 821 "%John at Hellmann Raymand,jowellar 404 Second st Johnsost George, laborer 417 Front it Maguire Patrick, Lana 617 Petal. at Schuler Charles, dealer St John's Place -• . Theirs Theodore, oink 421.81 John at • , . • , “ Third Dieitionc , / , • Allen Bartholomew, terfAllier liable st heck Brunton George, coppemmith, Orawfard's court ,„' &ander Itlnehard,tlnemlth 201 Peg it' ", ' Vanhoru John,cordwainer, 621 Front at ' • FolarthDieiskai.!' • , . Anderson John, laborer 1 Steam Mill alley 11M . , h Hiram, labeler Bate's court Garner Thomu B, dealer Red Lion Hotel . , Schultz Frederick, pattern meter, 602 Second et Tbinren lobe, innkeeper. 429 Ihmondat , Af/A, Dieirfon. - Brann Simon, eager maker 284 Noble at 1 Barth John , machinist, 689 Third at Lebert Canaria', barber 081 Third at Wilkins Jacob 3, gentleman N Penn Hotel ! Math Mig. Nye Henry, Innkeeper, on Thlr non d it Eitel Joseph, Innkeeper 826, St 4'am it Eckhardt II P, dealer 609 St John et Elk Frederick, finisher 614 Tamarind st Fill Ernst, barber, 819 fit John at flkinsiner Daniel, anger maker 023 Third et Kt'nle William, barber 619 Third at Lehner John hi, innkeeper 011 Third et 31guerPeteroitova Sniaber,_6o Brook at Mack George, comb maker 210 Ooateg et Natter William, cedar cooper 623 Third st Oetslagelezel Frederick, tailor 614 Tamarind at Pien Charlie, turner 821 Tamarind at Ril y Henry, Flamini, 107 Green at . . littetch William Jr, cord Weiner 600 New Market 111 Stretch Samuel 0, potter 600 New Market st Ureter John, violualln 822 Front at • , , i &tails Division. 04,in Matthew, plasterer, 719 Second et Mandy William, carpenter Baker's court Ditnatipo Michael, laborer 718 Front at. , /babes John, laborer 728 Frontst , Kennedy Milli= D, carpenter 71 0 prop i id LumeBBBsu Dow, laborer 928 Front it 'Vanua James, watermark: 828 Pront at Morrie Robert, upholsterer, 2 Harrison Place • 3,lre Christian, in: a kipee, r 210 Brown it ken Abraham, e n neer courtßaker' ammo Rinaldo, nisi 707 Third at Thorson Marledo, tailor, 787 Third at agave Edward, nddier 117 Oates et &Ikea Henry, combmaker 117 Coates at Brine Andrew, umbre Mph& lla makeril, 117ation Coign it D. Clark William, tinsmith 823 . 1 few Minket et Hart George IV, clerk 806 Beyond st Kenny James, oordwalner, 818 Second et Roll William, laborer, Oldham court iHoupp Solomon, baker 886 St John at Mullin Michael, weaver, I Brown st Mullin Jemea .1, trunk maker 6 Brown at Thiel Joseph, tailor 146 Poplar at TWELFTH WARD. : . . First Division. . - Bobt R Ancona coachman rear 818 Orilow'l it James Boucher, cutter 828 Wood at Philip Barlow, olerk 41.6 Third et D A Clark, clerk 416 Third it , ~. ' , , litunDerenma, clerk 81 0 callow at Wm W Fryer, driver 327 Vine at John Falgrifir, morocco dresser, 3 Dlllwyn Wm Ludrlck, baker 8111 Oallowhill Thos Leitrim, morocco dremer3 Diliwyn Place Janus Miller, merchant 823 Vine et Patrick MoNerven, tipsters 846 Third et Eitleh Pryor, agent 867 Fcnrth at Ezra 0 Webster, cutter 848 Third at I as Second &dam TBarth, cordwaleer 420 Fourth st in 0 Hennk, etudent 824 Crown at in Lettere) Br, bannister 603 Wood it John W Megonegal, compositor 018 Flue it 'Sohn Mick, oordwalner 430 Fourth et Jacob Ode, Clerk 601 Vino et , Michael SUB, oordwalner 420 Fourth et David W Williamson, po tar 433 Callowhill st t IMA7 Diefrion. Richard Brut; currier, 010 . Third et I K 01110mlage, hardware march% 309 Noblest Ddmand Greenwood, thildflq.oo Third et . Quo Grosmati, merchant Am mtro at John If Una packer, 610 Third et m E Hunch, goner Bllan 34 and Green , groan, printer 474 Third et . cis Luna clerk 422 Buttonwood at obn Lindsay,' painter 6 2 LYork Av ohn Lindsay Jr, painter 67 7 ,F0rk Av p [chard Mame, °POMO iturth et t Richard (11 Nutyeepr maker 618 Third at 9 060 W Net, printer 410 Green at , rand* O'Donnell, porter di Tammany court John 0 Shubort, shopkeeper 644 Third at ;oho Wilma, marobant 621 Dilferyn el simnel Wright, bricklayer 128 York Av Philip Wilson; merchant, 688 Fourth st i Aura Division 'lrish R Arnold, clerkr 610 Ohetbam at . Tbos B Alexander, Mirk 469 Sixth it NM Collins t carpenter 9 Wagner's Court: ' Theodora A Dentate, MD 628 Fourth et Alex Dougherty, type droner 610,0hatImm it Wm H flererne,clerkr 621. MUM= at Obike If %tom teacher 625 Noble et ;mu Whiteman, tronkineker 024 Noble at WA ore. , ite British* iron foundry. 612 Third st ' ceded* Biotite, nairmaker 9 Redeem Plage enry Krim, blacksmith 44 Aterlitt Henry 0 Krona; brewer 418 Coates et ' • dm Roth, bottler 818 Drown at tiro D Krippe, blacksmith 444 Mule et John Web*, turner 720 Third et , , unit, bar kipper AU OcAtt4it . Mph Paint, priater NE sot 6th aid cum at ' r Feiner, !wheelwright 8211 Goatee et Frederick Bonen, cutter 724 Third at ' Christopher littrictle, inn keeper 022 Third et aloha Schwaltmen, optklan Kromer's Court t If Steedel, umbrella maker 708 Fourth orris Stinker. Polketreth 718 Third at r .. • 'John P Bur, pa'nteril24 Fourth et atson Deal, tinsmith 80 fourth at Web lolwell, tamer 866 Fourth st 4R41196 rolwellJr, tamer 888 Fourth st ' , Henry Felling, tailor 867 Amplest igaol 8 earner, cabinet maker 884 Fourth it 'Peter (lecher, tun keeper, 840 Third at J W /Lump, ether plater 887 Fifth it , ,Toblas Lipp, laborer rear 817 Apple at , JakobL Moor, Jeweller 480 Poplar at Myhafar, laborer IMP Apple st John Potter platters: 824 Fourth et 'Wm Street. , tlnernith rear 800 Fourth, et !Adam Schlechter, manure 822 Fourth at inertly Stay, butcher 863 Apple et ; Jamb F Shields, driver 822 Young' at ,Selman Steed., Ptlthlltitn 408 Poplin at Christian Schneider, in keeper nit Fourth at ,Gino A Frautman, tailor 830 Apple et Ohs Wallacher, laborer, 894 Fourth at Jacob Whams°, conibmaker 881 Charlotte at Joseph Watteeman, tailor 410 Poplar et. ' Seventh. /Miaow • Hun Deuudardt, goefitter MB Sth et i Jamb 8 WY, merchant 841 Sixt hit , Franklin B Hsiang, painter if 11 coo 6th and Panic* Valentine Kolb, tailor; Sirarts Court Jahn *him tailor 888 Orchard at Fehr% Shiun, upholsterer 890 Randolph It Thee E Walton. merchant 864 Fifth et James Weston, innkeeper 8 W 6th and Poplar Gar Webb, bricklayer 078 Apple at TRI.RTRIINTH WARD. Pint Division. ' ' Brant' R UM. WA' 8 .11 oar tralliglin and Willow Ms. Baugh D 11, gent 482 7lb Streik Mine t, W. cotter 482 IJershailktrest , ' Hasa Egad, victualler, OgNorrldtabitranklin street taut 400 001 'street • l u g; 1 11 9 04 4 1gpe Wood a Mao t Reynolds, August,destilst VMS stied' , • ebotglakfe Wisp. bank b mier fl.l Q.01,094A1l street Stsule&W WSastllliu 707.'Witod street •' ' Sines as, druggist. 884 oth greet" Bgaybb J, K, druggist 707 Wood streat • ' atandMB l o9llllo l l l 4o l onlWather it Vine its' Turner J H, Inn keeper 11W nor Franklin k OallowhBt oil Vms dyke Wm', saleSplan'lo9 ClaKelbill street . • I, Amid MOM". . . Bohritigerlohn. oordwainer.2Bo Bth street • - 13oslar trances, vinnelles Piquant bet 10th street Metals Wm, nehblabirer 8401tIne Woes' • • SS Onikeden Rohr; bar tender 830 Oallowhill street • . Davis John, store keeper N 8 Ridge avenue Sees John,taboror Willow *bore Bth street Frederick 6N, grocer 920 Gellowhill street Findley Simon, oordwather Pleasant be' 101,11 street Gensler Maury, barber 11W oar oth and Tarr ats Hush 0 IT, book keeper Oallowhlll ab' Willow street Helped' Gas 10,,dealm SW car Garden and Willow eta Juno W Oibriokloor N Weor R a 7 and Wood it Koons 0 11, box maker.tie 9th at. , Kelley /oho, dealer Bth ab Wood et • • Morgan Ikaml, upholsterer 908 , Oallowhill at Opel John, labored Gollowbllt eh 9th et ' Potter Joseph. carpenter 011 Conowhill at Peetgt J B, liquor dialer 883 OallotthW st Rookenberg Geo, painter 903 CY 'orbit' et Ryan John 0,, moulder 917, Wood et Stiles 0 W, dealer 88 cur 10th and Wood et Tlbbale Wm, oordweiner 011 1 0 11 bill bel Stilt • Torrence oaml, atone Bettor RAganA Oallowblll IM Webber Gotielb, confectioner Wood.bel 10th st , ,wengsiot, chae t, oordwaluer Gardena/a Wood et ' Iftird • • ,BearJ W, clerk 912 Spring Gerdes st , ' Oadweileder Rd w 0, store keeper 462 Frtmlllo at Nosy W 0, manufecturer 718'5014,11Mden tt Potts 3° 0, to "411 E, 8 41 1 1 it • Parker Joseph I), ter, • kb ßuitonwood Parker OP, hotter gag st 'lllittonwood it Rockwell G W, gam Attar NB nor Logan * 8 Garden eta Sprunk Barnhart,. Con 7 MlMier cicia Noble et Fourth Division, Allen opo W tgiber 918 Neesiii n e Kehler% Adolph,' cabillettneker Melina bet 10th at P J, Wok MOO 804 , 11eMarine et ,Baker o, clerk Pad 601'9 ,a 11spot jt, ' ,Obintbers Jam merchant Otterleialb Noble -11thip °has, bricklayer 908 Spring Gardsb it ' =MU Wm, gent 460 .9th at, WtO;tallir 810 BLOOMS* is *gegen WW../t,Plata.rer 01 14 KtititottiOod st" raiser limns; rabbet metier PieWnt bet loth st ' Laurence Albert,vlotuelles Unmans bol KIM . • Idepriwan Wm Jr. , police cnlceri Minot MP* it ' 111510 John; tabbies Maker, 445 gain Page Gad 9,l4rrier Plaguing bellOth st " • ' ' bar tender 44S inn rt ' • 1,41,, z 5 0 ;se& painter bbarleit ,bel Battowity. w en t • a s, baceoblet Depot OP 811141 Wrighth tei' oibtnet maker, 448 Charles et Wolk Maury, &barer 0 41 MMWdslit kt - • HoOrtiVilion oarsman 714 Wallii96 et , Obelatlan -Heger, tailor; Marsha* ab Goatee ' • ;On It Seibert, gentlemen 80 troira st, • . - • IfTheo Olsotwolh, rp i trehir i V3ll4Wl t ebbi!iton II l i b let OsiThirelll.4 ;at et " ebitekeeple 9th lb Wallace • 'Bog pg anion Jr, 81D NW nor 9th and iirmin ' Win atreollem carpenter 907 , 0reeit at /110 , Soitib, riztleinan 922 Brown et B.Alltbiterik Atterl.lo Bowlike. .+% 4, Sdlientli"Dtdition. WT Blattner, macbluhrt 806 lifattlt at -Xibenuel Levl,Jewelletltiarstaell dip Pictish 1,60, peatou, gardper &lb Seventh et • W, Palk ? moulder 610 rerrieltt it, . . ' .. AVIA , bidaion. . , . Jacob Berfow; moulder 868 Clinton at ' ' John Q Dyke, mace sinter 81601intort it Wail Grey, clerk Bth below Poplar G W Reimer lager maker Clinton ab Brown at 4 W,IDUe. printer 825 Ninth et WtfKleturanee, Painter 806 Poplar it .' • • Philip Smith, painter Tenth lb Brown ' Geo W Henn. Wase Vornirr.Bl/Parrisb it L ' Moan Steintack, viehieller Mb ab Parrish . . Ohm Sobonert, stone moon Ogden lb Fourth Geo IV Trout, viotnatier 882 Clinton at Jacob Twinkle, machinist Ogden below Tenth et YOURFfitarm WARD:. ' • . , . . First Division. ' , . Francis Donnelly, cooper ,6 Upton at '' ' , ' Wi l liam D° 4 4 00 7./ Jr, morocco neither 1(124 FrrnfOrt at- Be and Dontielly,blecksmith 1018 Britamist " " James 0 .., lien, clerk 1131 Brillion et William Jordan, btickmaker Pearl'bel 12th ' • " Micah Monts; shoemaker 1126 Pearl at • ' Albert Schoenbein mschinist 1124 DNftion et James Henna, varlet/Ater 112 Division at illeberd King, blecksmith Rempers ct,Dlybdon at Abel 0 Tennis, Bendier 1019'IldlowhUl at J PreetOn Williatinh tailor 1110 Oallowhili it &coed Dieftion. ' L . Johlt Oook, mnahlnist 1800 Wood at Michael Egan, Carver" 1202 Woad et '' _ Pehir Uordweg, varnisher ;or Ulth and Wood . Conrad Meyer, eableet maker roc Broad and Pearl John lifoGirib, laborer 1346 Carlton at Wm Idalntyre, laborer Vine cab 12th George Seigel, fokeeper car 18th and Wood . Edward W Vogdes, pbyelolan 1887 Vine it A J,Yeaarsdalloorawstner V . . 34 Pleasant et Merles Armitage. bleakeraith 304 n 18th et , Jacob B Batley, bricklayer 1809 Their. John Ourtla, clerk 1816 Carlton at John Devereux, saddler 1382 Carlton st Gabriel Kern, ice bulimia 1216 VIQod et John Miller, carpenter 1881 Vine et .1 JJ.Bhnllz founder 1308 Woad at John Showalter, cooper Wood bel.l3th Robert Taylor, stevedore Carlton bel 18th .1/ id Tubbs, tinsmith 1284 Carlton at '. , i Third Divieton. Frederick 11 Erickson, gas fitter Pleasant ab 14 Elijah Joyce, student cor 11th and Green Obrftelen Schwartz. innkeeper 1104 Rideeere Robert Willow, innkeeper 1187 Spring Garden el Peter EWbitemen, printer Dm spring Garden et Joshua Pusq, Innkeeper 1113 Ridges, Frederick fiperick furniture dealer 1104 Witter et aiburth Dirision• . JaMes U Chembero, plumber 1810 Green et Wm At Ford, clerk I=9 Buttonwood it Jo to/4rd, foundee l 2B9 Buttonwood st- • • Wait Iferineon, gee Otter 1269 Buttonwo o d at. W Remy, etonmatter ear Ridge and Grown Th es Lawton, pecker 1811 . 18 t andywlne at , o do n i A McDowell, clerk coo 1811, end Ridge or 0, go il Palm, onbinettnakor 1922 Washington at Snellos Wiltoekley, livery 1811 Buttonwood rge 11 Snyder, salesman 1836 Buttonwood Darießmithonemlutut 1200 Spring Garden at Thinnee Tully, batter coo Ridge sr and Green Saml Wilkey, clerk nor 12 th and Lemon • 1 /(117t Division. J 41 L Brown, clerk 698 Eleventh et , B • ert H Ennis, eombmaker 1129 Coates • John Gerke_ L baker /136 Coates et &Out' At Howell, stonecutter 1126 Citron at Edward 21 Stealer, printer 1634 Olive at John &Vanes, clerk Goatee ab 10th Jon Grant, painter 1031 Lemon at • Jo n'll Leighton, chilttuaker 678 la lleventh st Andrew Moore, driver Metes ha 11th 'John Adam Noble, shoemaker Rent:bier et 3 1 admirer, grocer tor 11th and Washington ' SiztA Division. L 0 Beekley, c lergyman 66513th at John Bechtel, laborer 1960 Ridge sr Moro= Bast, clerk 1281 Coate. et IsHc B Buekwalter, merchant 1351 Melon so Wm II Davis, harneu maker 1807 Olive st ' Win V Orldltb, wacblolet 1228 Penn at Thomas J Rankine, bricklayer 1230 Penn et Otimlea Mittman, carpet weever 1966 111dg. ay . or 2 tanderbeck; briclklayer 1209 Wallace at ward L Miller, machiniet7o9lBth et Caper Yeager, platemaker 6701Bankton st John 11 Yeager, bricklayer 670 Bankson et Joh Betemen, plasterer 1344 Melon st John Getz, innkeeper 1868 Ridge cv George Hahn, meohinist 1287 Olive at ' John il Jones printer Penn ab 13th . Judah F LEWIS, carpenter car Citron and Orange 4eventh -Ripition. !peel Austin, finisher 1166 Raze! at anda E Carpenter, gentleman 10th bet Brown on Ooibrldge, cordwainer rear Olive ab 11th Philip 0 Fulmer, packer Parrish ab 1016 JT.O Frowert, shoemaker 1136 Hazel et 12 role It Hays , broker 1022 Drown at es Id Bibb', bookkeeper 82011th it Jilin Krauss, gentlemen 802 11th et 'Matthew McDonald, laborer Moore'. ct, rear Jackson ef Wm 5 Powell, innkeeper our 11th and Myrtle sett Wollington, milkman 1102 Parrish et Joseph Baker, amolatitenter 1128 Parrieh at J hn Boon, tneehinist Mill Porter et Timms Doreen, merchant 603 loth at Gin UDodge, braes founder 1032 Olive at Lewis Hartman, laborer 1117 Hazel at 11101 D Wentz, glider 1010 Brown at Eighth Division. JOhn W Baker, carrier 1848 Poplar st Pp ter Oolehower, bricklayer 1834 Parrish at 1 slab Dols, dealer 1807 Ogden st ' ran Heider bricklayer Bartok hal Broad Jean /anger, innkeeper 1804 Poplar st - m 0 Lawrence, police 1328 Miller et bristian Moore, painter 1304 Miller al *hart W Nichole, Matternroaker 133 own at Gleo L Schell, carpenter 810 Duane at ' L LW W Winchester, bookkeeper 1316 Poplar et. L Icreph White, beeps turner 1240 Olive et John lininbriliber, MaibMbll 1019000 n al aW Stoever, clerk 815 Duane at .. W Tbrig, biker 1226 Ogden et W W Wilson, tailor 1114 Ogden et I PIPPRRNTII WARD. , f ' ' - Firft Division:' iosoptt It Zane, laborer' Spring Garden ab Rived Peter Rafferty, IsbOrebliwiniew bet Fifteenth .1 U 'Luria. Patternlmgkal,Nifteanth A Wood A B Reilly, Mak 1621 Pearl John Akins, mnehinlet Carlton * Matemath Lewis 11 Brainier; Inaohtnist 16215 Vine • • Joseph A J Berney, patella BE our Fifteenth & Carlton Joseph Fit*, conductor 1625 Vine .robll Shicklendimonider 1525 Wood 21M Daibeldaier; Carpenter 824 Fifteenth , Bramber, carpenter 824 Fifteenth ' avid 8 Albertson, cooper Wood about Fifteenth mos Priest, teller 1429 Wood soot' Bethel, tailor 1429 Wood • moss Billingfelt, Uhler mua &mew gas Itocheldefer, carpenter 824 Fifteenth snob 8 Strickland, moulder 1622 Wood L , _ ~Sfroon4 Division. " lillem Wearer, eraseuter,Bll• oor,Oariton I Sixteenth B Klinger, engineer cor Save°Watt' 1 Centre ribn Moran, tordwainer 110611allowhill Mast Dauber, machinist 1822 Wool . ohm 011 011 101 1 ,tesehlotet SW oar liturenteenitt I Seaton oh th Anthony yo S k li t e , r la n. t hitlhre r N th M t W ton d nb Seventeenth MtMoSalley,leCirllolDalton hides U Lips. printer Itighrbenth A Ithozdte iells &Mum, baker Seventeenth I Pearl ame n s F S i t t a z w t , o la mon r u Fo ea w k l e e a r e t t h . 1612 W o od .- Berger, moulder 1619 Wood ood lober " dtc‘ c arA s e i rl l tro 2 a l l s :Serenteenth ambi Met, b tnith 178.1 Oallowhill • , ' • i -NM Dicirion. illiam Lomas; elagoientterABl7 Ann A Bumpy, bereave oilirier42B Ridge AT wad II Lipplooott, coach smith Charles ab Prude onstben TleebereAltlelon• lt i leld sow Bineltleaoctolden .11,1 ti4v _„• proud Rldrldge, boo oger N, V tor Ridge Avenrie 1 Front holes Formable; tobi6xo ittl434 Beitday ' • ' opert Holland, carpenter 1116 Granite omits Risley, laborer NW oor Ridge Av A Ann tie Kane, gets keeper BO Olive Will White, Wee 1610 Seinley i liVllltini Foreman, ehoemekey Seventeenth I Olive Foura Ditirioa. 1 ,04 n Stewart, carpenter SSG S/nteenth Nam Stewart, laborer 886 Sixteenth ber Oharlae, stove Stela ASIII Ogden Wier B Reeserieletinnaker 8010 ftden - ego Hensler, wrier 1424 'Brown snob flouter, carder 1.166 Brown , =net attire, hiseltgetliogkavAt 81 1 telith 'W Illiam P llovllle io dz a ,daterllo4 Ogden A B Bechtel, dry oiler leall Ridge Ar kkulatlan kakfk camskar UM ritteekl4l , [William %ant, taller 14,1 4 .0adej,n Jacob prattling; carpenter ll9n Ogden 4.141110 0 Sneltb, cleA,Bovny at '. 11/enryFrenk,,catter 16: 11 1ae 14 :.; ~ , , Pi rir. illoiefon.: .. David Denninvlablear. Wm Court. r . Daniel McCafferty, laborer Pairview k Nineteenth PARRS O'Donnell,' blacken:llth 2020 Catibut °barite II Lavin tnachintet 610 hineteenth UMW SWelter, fanner 2004 Remo' at William Daffy, plaeterer 614 Mammoth „ William Dougherty, laborer Valrylew cab Nineteenth ernard Waters, bricklayer Fairview above Nineteenth .§tra ,Divition. ,- ,• leeeph L Agen, boOtmsker 6824 Oates William Bonner, atone mu= llmailton stave Two:Ay din:end ' • , Michael RelUy. driver cot Twentylettind A Hamilton Mahal Llyeritiolltr, maker Balaton eh:Twenty second .Wlidient 0 Welb,•gunsmitb, 2216 Oallowhili James TN:nuptial:ol%h gtaker,2ll2 OsUnvdoll .1 A gmhb. dry goods dealer WOO OallowbSl Jamas Ourry.glaßltor Twenty lirstab-Wood - William Sagsrean, Mow amnion Ab TwentPilmend tliebolas Austir, Wrgeror 8 Miter Court Denial PuWe,Water 2226 Hamilton • „ 'Senerith. ..Dicition: • James licOlarksoy;cogineor l'airmonui W Jobn lioMansq. wide/no Hamlitmi bet Twenty third Jarpea Waillor) c;ark. 264 Pennsylvania A v '• - James Lynch, wealiv Spring Garden Ab Twinity•foorth Mlehaal Pork, lidwuve Oellovhill bet Twenty-third and Twenty- l b:err& • - • P BetnliAgeon, ingehltdel Conti ' • , Patriot gnu" Mboret TwentgJourth k Spring Garden Mary Blocioaray, 616Twenly-fonrtia . 8i91414 Voirion. . . WllWuad ribnonAir Woe Del Twonty-aecia r linty 0 ' Spa, tall9cyalioonbil.Twantyincoud Themae Jacob Tt 1 , .011,-gatairegfiar iiii,Twonty4oconiC , Jobn Y hnalseterer Tien ty third &boring Garden Edmund ocuiveyencer 2068 Poplar • Aaron_W happy. elelit West Ammo idtbm.snvilostrenrooke Welt Oar4par,, n mobiniat many-second Frauds Valiany, dere tender Twenty-fourth ab Pratt MolihNeeklenip, blick : maker Wallace above Twouty.qrst i - • - • • - °how gedtharon maker 1919 w ' ake potelning Haelp, painte r 11;16 Brpwt Jobn frailea,4lsatile tkonirmanoud'bal 'Cooke fOrgeyifar , , ii,ibil*pr 2207 Virginia at • BLIOHURITH WARD. , , FiretDieitterb . ' briaddepor Hanueg 001911 Jobn Strobl. carter Prey tom ' .." Beutamlu VRlmaley, atone ebßer St Heiden et yob Wit itoid‘l,o deceit Tor " - Jobn 'Vault , uttiota, tles 89 wicket John Id - Ward, ikbe'die&r. 926 Skeet et '- O'MARA Stroble, mbrecce "ROA II Om it 11e.rdelO"'Ott81ter RokeelProbt bethlalden , '"RiBdUclUtiekob Atltli9B;llo4 4 ebillet,ratkeb i 9 leo p ard mute labbrerll2B Yrankrord road dame/ _fele, IFOOre{ 4124 Frauktord road Lepdepelleut, atone putter 2 Prank bord road Tbetekinitill, baker 28 Ottie It Hennas Bl'Porr RIO moulder 21 Otto et thar, ea tteermar; *taw Leopard Pei otter Atieto Weber, eorMrAber 1164 Wont at W 1 Wend% pelliter 1080 /auk ford - road Hugh Peach, clerk back 26 Rachel it • WU:A W jdorite,, berpeuter 1011 YrOut el 2613 Drsibitker,seßturia 961 Yront at • George Retberkine, am* grinder Denten be! Yratdiford „ Third Division. ''• ipenetirfleierMan, printer 1086 Gertruintown rl 41400b4oblitPr 409,0 , c, !root et' Wlillant Chet,,loldor lerlll.3ommtukamrd Phtly Bellit, growl , buret et Der n 1 Dail 614., WM.* dreamer 916 Ileoend it Jebel Ilettot 4 tWOwYtto dreamt 1068 Germantown ad owe Hottftr; bardwelner 110 Laurel it Joe.Beraardi iocketaltb,,27o 61 klarketet , John M+4olb, bLiaoloradtb, Hap, ab Otte; • . Joan It (Raoul "eallatelpr 90.19,1tattutt lit •• b I , ' - nlirth•Diviefort. . übere Ben, tatalt:ntakdall9ollioond st, lipb Ligintikaillstine William ab Otter oo r a, psinter t taisklarer Goldbeeke et piell,W4tdi itliatcrlll2.llope et 1 , , APS* . Maker /009 Oerosetitorna rd ea'Agae _, A n:soz, _, , im.4,.. 6. 11404 4 1314, fiol4, riald et 1: ;57otbeiVi t ioul ' thit e n l ill ' Wm / 4 :o o aruallUO remit et Jobn Oit , 4 to er 19 O'Neil et Pi. Vl ' * j ytgevzgri ka __ _ . er•Dunton bet 6lrstatlyt Omar 1, Baker, dealt ritlaverd et ” " t ir o za4k i11 . ".99" . 09 1 :4 4 0 5 8 9r1114 4 :01 ,0 :7 '9 ,4 , PIMA 0 4110 1 ler;kititber 11 Germentoiit ad Oottlelb Y Batotte t - dyar 6'lorde ilotei: Obartaa /APO, planomeker 0 Poplar it JOtql,firlegeri puler 070 9esond st John -- ho ;41101. 97 , 9 - Second et Was ktmonlallor, 970 Snood it Jmmblotler, cleriP7o 01,14 At ~ ~ . , Sired Diaiaion. . , Semi W Hill, peloter 957 Iklacheolost' Joseph Balmier, brlckmaker 311 Beaver it Baml Polk, carpenter Fourth and Poplar John Schwind!, Mirdwainer 910Mebbanlo St Peter Erobwindt, cordwainer 910 Mechanic et Goo W Walker, gentleman Charlotte ab Bearer Jos YOUVgi andWalaff 420 Poplar et Win Rurer,lbrlokataker Lawrence bel George Solonnin Bair, Importer, 914 Thud at Christian Titillate, laborer 1110 Fourth at Gotleibb Bantle, dyer Third bel Bearer Hoary Hartz, Enuncmster Charlotte bel Beaver Joseph Jaanet, tobacconist 910 Third at Jacob Ballenback, cordwaliter 1034 Fourth it George Simmer, baker 829 Poplar st John 11 Sohnendsr, triagemaker 1116 Fourth et Oanotenbu Kremer, watchmaker 309 Poplar at Win abater, carpenter 329 Beaver it . Seierith Christopher Berge, tavernkeeper Fourth ab George Martin alma, jeweler 11413 Third at Mao , Bellacker owl:maker 00019 e bel Third John Thompoim, drarinsti beak 0'233 Mechanic at Henryo NinnlkAll, wool carder 1172 Thlrd at BIM! Baker, Paramecia maker Charlotte ab George Wra Arzt, Donpmaker 326 George It rJacob Weber, cordwainer 1004 Front at John Bream, hatcher Charlotte and Culbert ate Frederick Borne, chentlet 1117 Second it Jacob Marla, tailor, 10841ront at /rebel/ Penklebeen, book More, 1037 Lawrence at ,110111alith, laborer 'Winter ab George at Wet Moulton, Dyer Fourth below Franklin sr WO Morro f, treater 1035 Charlotte at ' John Blackly, wearer 1021 Charlotte at Hear* Coates,'weaver 1025 Charlotte at Jam Parker, boilermaker Winter ab George Joseph Beejlle, salesman 413 George at Mend Threry, burnisher 11450barlotte at Bernard ITherwaaser, lampinaker 420 Franklin air Jacob Ulmer, currier Mechanic at Christian Deegler, cooper, Canal sir Beaver Joseph Tleher, grow 1180 TWA a% Fleury Lemper, weever 396 George at John Beller, deer 1128 St John et Eighth' Dicierion. • Joseph Mines, brim moulder, Lawrence and George John GI Krauss, laborer 325 Poplar it David McNeil, carpenter Lawrence ,bel George Michael Schaller, butcher orchard pat Culbert Wet L'gar, aegannaker 100 Randolph at lohn Fredenberger, stove finisher 1024 Randolph at el 1, Parton, clerk Randolph bel Franklin ar John Merman, smith 94 Lawrence at Albert °earner, cordwalner 1023 Randolph it • BRVIENTERNTU WARD. lOU Division. Michael Rodgers, laborer. 1239 Front at Andrew Ragan, laborer, Front ab Master Alexander Bolder. trader, Frankford rd bel Phenix Mkbael Moiadle, Yrankford rd ab Phoenix .7aekb Knot, shoemaker, Reward eb Piicentz Winton' T Tenderer, compositor, Prankford A Muter Cledrge rood, braes moulder. Xtont bel Oxford MoOaral, laborer, 210 Trenkford rd lOW R Jlnklna, soMerrlabt. 1619 Treat at Mertes itakihs, laboier, 1669 Front it Leeds Toby thenelles, Amber ab Pbcenix at ranott Wisher, shoemaker, Howard ab Mentz Band /Minton. Thomas Hotktigean, (liftman, Howard it west olds George Shoemaker, engineer, Hops et ab Phoenix James Baird, lithographer, 1231 Clinton at Gelvanlesr Bannantlne, HQ Front at Jaaob eubnrger, wheelwright,l247 Clinton at Muth' Margwalk, ehtaimaker, 4208 Front at Thomas M cAdams, eordwainer, Howard ab Franklin John W hitter, police °Moo, 20 Halter st John Behonsader, anger baker, Clinton Phcenix WBltam Lotince, gas Attar, 1241 Clinton It 1 Third Diefrkot. William gharky, salesman, Front at James Oonn'astern, weever, Master bel Hancock George Loon, weaver, Howard ab Jefforean John idoZonold, dyer, Hope ab Jefferson Paella Ilacnosip Hope, Gape maker, 179 Howard at John binaluekey, laborer, Master bel Second John Gouty, weaver, Master bet Hancock Fourth Division. Joil n Quin, Hiner dealer Hancock a Muter James !fowler, caravel= Hancock ab Franklin Robert Cole, tanner Parey st bet Phomix A Muter Behjamiu it Bob jr, boiler maker 143 Franklin at George Litanies', Apr maker, 185 Phcenlx at I l'aelle Diasion. Mtines Murry, Lyons court Dougherty, stove maker /804 Germantown rd Philip Dougherty, gentleman 17 Germantown rd Petrick Campbell, weaver hail court John Dickerson. Innkeeper Franklin A Germantown id Selein Doll, Muth maker Baku court Cadwallader at Michael Mollorphy, weaver Oadwaleder at William Heft, ogee maker Cadwalader ab Franklin George Holland, carter 1231 Cadwedader at Isaac 8 Eider, weaver Little Green eb Cadwalader Ottrietopher ltiveary, lamp maker Germantown rd Thomas Lukens, home carpenter Lit Green ab Oadwitiader Ekirny Leneed, tobacconist tiecand bel Master Stephen W Luckene, dealer 226 Phcealx at John Rankin, weaver Lexington row Charles L Manger, tailor 129/ Second at Prick Gayle, drayman 1338 Second at 0 aloe Cempbell, weaver Greed ati Medi IMichael Canty, weaver Dumas ale Second Patrick Cook, laborer Oadwalaitr ab Phoenix James Donaeley, iankeeper Cad walader it Master Patrick ?deanery, morocco drawer Henry court Charlea B Hossine, bar tender Greed k Franklin Jelin Bark, carpenter Little Green bet Germantown rd Patrick Bateau, coach painter 1812 Germantown ad 0 Antony Heateft er, laborer Gray's court =rick Drew, laborer, Mager A Germantown rd Owen Doonebne, weaver Greed ab Phamix &ward W Pennell, plain manufacturer 239 Phmelx at Stephen W Lukens, dealer 236 Pleatebt at Jame' Brow h, WOW Hester bet Ger'n rd &COW/oer James Word, weaver Cadwalader at OEper Wolf, painter 1332 Germantown rd 0 rge Melee, laborer ItAGOVIUMIOI.II rd . m beet AlcObrUlle, store tender Grog A Muter William McKee, weaver Charlotte bel Muter George W fountain, mil maker Third at ab Franklin William McKee, weaver Charlotte bet Muter • &nth Division. J mea Wood, laborer C arias Loyd, laborer Master A Oadwalader 0 /, en McManus, carpenter Caderelnder A Muter J tarnish Mulvaney, wearer 1303 Hearth et Dankl ithilley, laborer Jefferson 4 Qennentawn rd GOorge McKinley, turneriGerarantowa rd a Jefferson at Owen Hughes, wearer 1437 Germantown rd Edward Ford, weaver Adam ab Jefferson at Michael McGovern, cabinet maker Washington bed Jeff'n William Stunning, brick maker Growl A Master John McDonnell, packer 1411 Germantown rd Jelin Wages, 1434 Germantown rd Peter Dimond, weaver Adam ab Jefferson at ' Francis Giber, morocco dealer Washington bel Jefferson James Rosen, weaver Philip Mr Mutes Paler lardaimpaely, pedler Philip ab Muter ihassailer Lawson, weaver Muter A Oadwalerler Schaal Men, laborer Washington ab Master sit ward Deny, policeman Muter t Oedwalader J n idlieever, plasterer Oadwalader a Muter be McKee, innkeeper Padvaledert Master rick Quinn, weaver Philip ab Muter Joseph Murky, weaver IL Philip et Hugh IlicOorey, weaver Bailey's court Witllam McOortelek, weaver Pink at * Bemis Hun% laborer 1410 Cadwalsder et twee Helen, plutons Greed ab Mute; Charles A Base, spade nutter laurel's court Jobn Desee rict. Schuller, brie* maker da 15 Dist 07 Front at Leah Stevenson, !abater Fourth ab Muter Michael Malleanae, Philip et William Ray, engineer 1630 Adam et Hichael McGlynn, Grad sib Jefferson at Thomas McGelvlin, carpenter Greed A Master George Denial *when, 1614 Germantown rd Frederick Wiseman, seater Adam A Oxford at Franck Sabmidhofar, house carpenter Jellison 4 Ward Samuel Oox, laborer 1628 Samna of Jeremiah liana, weaveeldadvelader ab Jefferson Re 1044 flieftierli• 1 &trick Mortal, w Fourth di Muter Goilip Bandon, lager beer oar Vona A Themes= Andrew Wainlein, shoemaker l'ffil Mechanic et William Gillen, cooper 1423 fourth at ;.ohnii Anderson, hair spinner 624 Muter at William Bawds, carpenter 1228 Fifth at leliWp Willig, b lacksmith 1230 Fifth street James Clark, agent Fourth A Muter it . Mem M Mob, pollee Fi ft h ab Franklin nous Lair, coach maker 1209 Sixth at miry Brad, laborer 1210 Fourth at ohs Met, innkeeper 419 Franklin avenue ohn 11 Wlllinmer, 1208 Banpolieh at nit ttateta. allyaremith 1206 iftat et arch 131 laborer 49 Teantain Venue Schaffer,, mirth ab Franklin at wia eel; er, Fourth ab Franklin at [ 14 O us turt h ß oo im u ut w o a up p wn lio v e er law bfastetr App a l tyl et ith at Philip Neigent, milkman 1238 fourth et ' 00 :I nK uli riel o gite n u f ratem e bs n, :kp vi tm, c teord t am o k a iet l rb l wa e l i f2281. P: rtp h hl et tabho lli ermt ut :tin e Master letinl., it t George Titlow, drover fifth A Muter at Oulu Deaneler, turner 620,Thompeon st Fain Simmons, weaver Master ab Fifth et Ring; Division. kap Smith, weaver Brinton ab Muter Thomas Hill, boot make; pia Fourth et Wiliftem F Reber, Roger baker 1424 Apple it Peter Heavy, brash maker Orchard bet Orford Charles Poster, last maker 9 Harrison avenue Charles Newman, tenter Fifth it Oxford it 'Annie 0 busker, clerk Fifth ab Muter George Hilton, atone mason Randolph bel Jefferson Iffarlall Yebre, varnisher 1538 Fourth it Cohn A Quinn, tailor 1419 Fifth at *mall Haley 1 Oak 3419 filth et Cla mimes W mmy, victualler, Fifth ab J4OIIOU Ili }John A Leybrandt, packer yirtti ob Muter at 'Jamb Mikes, Tictualler Firth 4 Master et J i ma B Brasier, hoot titter 433 Jefferson at `George Davie, boot Otter 433 Jefferson at John Ababa% locksmith, 1641 Apple st EIGHTEENTH WARD. . . Port Division. tames McCoy, peddler, 125 Beach (A D lieffron, Machinist, Broad below Shackamaxon Wm P Yodel]; clerk 200 Beach at IMlcbeel WNW, wheelwright illeickamaxon bed Queen I .lohn ganders, laborer Prankford road below Frankfort Thou Pollard, carter Banal below Frankford ;J llendemon, madding 18 Cotten at iThos Bothrerbam, upholsterer Jena at . , Second Division. 4so Bradley, laborer Kemeny OM' John akkel, ester Batch above Washington John Hirete, cooper Beach above Shackameson Jesse E Hirota, cooper Beach Above Elhackamaxon • Q if Grabb, ina-keeper Demob atove'Sheckamemon 1 • ' • ''. Third Marion. ' Mit ttria l borer Crown above r Grown boabo ve Franklin 'James Green, laborer Crown aboyejlienkiin !Joseph Devikt, blacksmith Omen above Franklin ?Jamey White, Weave; Crown above Franklin [Jewel Dyilein, moulder Marlborough and Franklin '' Edward Clark, moulder Marlborough and Franklin ' Daniel O'Neill, laborer Crown above Franklin Aka Melevren, wharf builder Sixteenth and lerankford road Moo kfeEwen, blectionlth Sixteenth and Brantford road Jamas Conway, distiller Franklin and Crown Luke Monroe, laborer Crown ahoy° Franklin John Band, machluirt Crown above Date Henry Rudolph, carder Crown below Franklin Thomas &dim morocco dresser Piste above - Vrankford road Richard Cahill, clerk 'Rate abort %Awl% Aura, „Nation. William Swazi:, dealer Marlborough above Pranklin John Keefe, viornaler Franklin above Mariboronth W W Blimp, dealer Union OM Franklin David Wibla umbrellomaker Colon above Franklin Geo Bonder, dealer itrauklin above Marlborough Oliver Whistlor, omermaker ktarlboroagh above Franklin 3 A Maraislawman Tinton below Vrankford road Richard Coady, contwainor Union below Franklin Wm fog t .lthlprmaker liarlberou_gh above Franklin Noble mr, clerk Wpm{ above gookkin Win B Baas. grimier H.amovor above Franklin ..AfiCihrisiars. Fear A Dokotainmber Boyd above Hanover Was Young, Turner ibyriek at Thee Laching n mouldor Palmer above Franklin f r Jointli Jinn, Mouldar,Valmer above Franklin George Bat, shopk e eper Fanklin above Hanover ' • Unary' atter: bkoknnith Brown above Hamm I*naee Luls,, laborer Jinni above Dobai; Ifteiklin W 'eon , OnVoSelr Queen Won Cherry , i , , talk Division. .Toeeph Roil, laborer Cherry Omni Franklin Jai", Chamberlain, cordwalser Cherry below Queen Lewis Wench laborer Wood above Franklin Magma Turk, baker Vienna above Franklin Wm Barford. moulder Brown above Ash Jacob Wagner, tailor Vienna and Doke Mos Berford. moulder Brown above Norris James p Daley , shiprigbt Queen above Mae Leonard iltaY. laborer %ass UMW! yard Wm U Bardeen:ma, laborer Cherry above Franklin Jarmo Moray, sblpwright Beach and Vain Alb* ,z r bricklayer Wood below Doke B • rdmiti T , ankle, trumblolat York and Queen Matthew moor, Laborer Cherry above Franklin Nnienta Di ' biathiiii;Kiranter, prior Wood below West Lewis Hilccordwatner I 8 'l c ullarr at Barnard Ostrormbrollarma er Wood above West War J Palm, plabeee Pluton AS Wm Baty, laborer Praaktbrd road above Palma , M SamuKing, kill el Phillips, bordirainer Wool above Obeng $6 Jobtriderete, gravedigger Berl at . . J W Williams. clerk Lam:wand Vienna , Patrick %bid, button maker Prepiviva M. • John Ling, lama-maker Cherry andirmarind lad BIBETBETII WARD, Aral Division. Rat 8 Monroe, ow maker, 6th bel Diamond Wm Obelisk, molder, Viler et Baml W WHO, engtheer, Mall at Jun Bala, leblipmaer, dt at Wm Brash, whipmaker, 6th et Jos A Hell, whlpmaker Mb at Bdw BelkorOntor 664 . 2$ Michael Dille noataeme conwhorp Michml Ordqbalri Fleury Catlandor, laborer 11 magma:lVY of Mhon/ Oaqbar. dealer Oeannotown rd Leiria Cook, tobewoonhtt Gerinautowo rd Richard WeIeI4WMITIR Columbia st Joh Nonastsmailabcdwr Adana' at WOW Haley, laborer ddairdl at Jesse Rex, laborer Philip at Wm Pracht. manufatturer ad et Joshua Wood, laborer Waahlugton st Nicholas Roth, (WWII* Wasbinitton 11 .3.11.1 Mullin, taborer Washington at kletthew Donnelly, laborer Philip at Jae lticOocklo, laborer Columbia st that !Islay, Dyer Adams at WatillWlain, Splutter Withirou of Dottie* Key, eabluet maker Third Division. Jamas N Ryser, bricklayer litsakiord td Cleo W Rang, bevel makerlbtlabow st Andrew Centsroo. wearer Rainbow st Chaise tattle, weever 2rl et • /Wirth Division. Hugh Planagan, lamer Wood et. Martin Harris, constable. Wood ss Bernard McCloskey, weaver Wood at Robes; Norris, weaver Norris at , • Erhard Diawangsr, weaver York at WKrouse, we aver York at Liam Mule, backainith Trankfted td ' Bernard Rafferty, laborer Norris at John Farley,leborer, Trenton GI Ca Schuier laborer Treaties av John ttiford, hat waxer Frankfort rd JOhn 0 McOeia, maibinist Yrankford ed Lb D Homan, carpenter Parker et Josepkilacket, moulder Wks st Clayton Costner, laborer Coral et James Lochran, laborer Wood it James ideGahr, conductor S'rsakford rd Jos Kemper, desist Smaraid it Daniel Berryouillwriglit Wood it John Good, wearer flanisoc' k et John Toner, laborer Wood et John Nicholas, instrument maker York at ivederlek Hassles, victualler Clinton it Maid Hassius, victualler Clinton et James Duff, laborer Pranktord rd Joseph Nugent, weaver Amber at John Stoner, clerk Wood at Wm Keys, plasterer Price et Joan Gamer cordwahser Dauphin at Patrick Beg an, laborer Frankford rd Afth Dfisishm. John Marlow, baker liraskavd rd Joseph J Rivers, painter deprive It Jacob L Ribs, id D Frankford rd Wm C r a ft, ruiskinist Arming° at Wm 0 Dario, oordweiner Wm at Andrew Shade, combmaker Townsend at Patrick Donnelly, fireman Lankford rd Aaron timing, lawyer Wood st Nathan irstgbanac, cordwelper Adams st Lawrence Crulkuhask, printer Lamar at Cbsrad Albert, oordwilner Prinktmd road Mtn Deemer, glassblower SaPtin it James Smith, Chandler iiegiviva it fredulok Wore, dealer Yorkst Charles Knox, potter births st John Dayton, Ow maker Tulip at Charles Dead, gardener Prankford rd John Rieke; baker Cumberland at - Hictl Division. P H Daley, glassblower lidon st , .U 4 Division. Kerry Elpoohl, Maim ith Apple ab Diamond ToMin Bechtold, brewer 7th WI Dauphin Ohories Homier, brewer 7th belDeophin Hobert Geokle, machinist sth ab Diamond Bard It MIL chairmaker cor Dauphin and Tyson John Minter, combinaker cor Dauphin and 'l . y ion Tenth Dladaton. John HantsJ, tanner Apple ate Orford JMpb &lig, gloomier 84 at OhMtlan Burkhardt, foreman 1041 Germantown td John W Dotean,conveyanatGormaotowo td Joleph Fern, criairmaker Germantown rd ' Frederick partner car Myer 3d at Jobe Wonloger, 'Moor Gormaatown rd TICIINTI3TH WARD. - Ant Merton. ttanj S Hall, cooper 911 011uton Thou 0 Steel, gentleman Bth above Poplar Chas S Hico, blacksmith 979 Tyler Lambert W Homo, 9th above Poplar Walter J Dodd, atFy at law 944 Sixth Drooling Sheridan, slater Tyler oh Poplar Thos P Adams, minter 933 Hutchinson Heard Stephens, Mimed 947 Tenth Jaimb Yfloialiwood, Mulder Hatcliimpon bat Girard Iticbard Londenalager, tobacconist 921 McMinn= Manna 8 Hall, wawa' 911 Clinton Joseph 11. Moore, merchant 911 Franklin Jobo H Good, Marshal ab Poplar Mem Galina, machinist 911401ntan Michael Byrne, porter ttlia Dotal mon Thos Kirkpatrick, machinist 972 Sixth &inlet Dakar, protestor 949 Clinton Ohaiatopher &hailer, tobacconist 928 Ghats Alex Tarr, oonstable Minton hal Girard. • Second Dividon. Aaron TOOIIIIIIIT. feed store 1207 Marshal Phillip .1 Weigand, police cm 6th and Girard Jab Huck, merohant;cor gib and Chard Hint B BMA, sem makercor 6th and Giant Thus Snyder, turner 1251 Tenth Jacob Had, baker Thompson ab ffighth Alfred K Pary,miliaight as 6th and Girard Wm Beeman, Lampe:mar Thompson and Clinton Thos K Andes, salesman 1419 Blgblh , George Dix, N W sr 6th and Girard 17sint Dividoes. Theo A Talley, trunkmaker 1430 Hutchinson Lambert Allen, carpenter 6th eb Jefferson John Ongal, morocco dream 1404 Pranklla Dila( Gileeple, weaver 10th eh Muter F Ireland, mieenuut 1415 ltiphth - vr H Orefrai, sordwalner 6W bey Montgomery nos Crease, chemist 6th and Germantown id Peter Lynch, carpenter 1406 Tenth Geo A Williamson, chabaker 619 Columbia Jetbn U 5201107, tinman 1417 ff/glith Jon 11 Wanks, 723 Oxford Michael Mahon, lawmaker 133 diked Jahn.' Gramm, varniaber 6th sob /Gus Poplar Dark, Sister farmer 1430 Huth - Francis Btad, sawyer 6th sob little Poplar Albert Blefret, cab'ermkr Slb eb Montgomery 14noth Jahn II Collins, bartender 10th end Thompson Conrad Wiper, cigarmkr 1338 Tenth Jrb Mien, osrainer Alder ab Poplar 0 se lambert, baker bert, 1010 Weird J 8 Pare, wheelwrlA. 41313 Kieran* VD Berman, 100 eb Thompson .14bn O Dare, 925 Blatant Thus Baronial', tobaccoulet fr2l Lewis m 0 Brooks, cordwainer 153 ltlereoth W H H Davis, plumber 626 Eleventh - GIL Davis deguerreotype 925 Itlerrenth litriokOntello, baker 1316 Lewis • Castello, labordt 1315 Lewis wG Olderkplesterer 1226 Lents Alonzo Johnson. carpenter Lapis sob Poplar Hammon Grirlith. Lewis bel Master Jima Godsbal, plasterer car Lewis and Girard Irma 11Wegney, laborer 939 Lewis itlfft Dtsttt n: Geo A Jenkins, beam/km.1206 Heiser Hamner, stonecutter 2323 OsreoN • Big Olialfend , oordwigner Poplar ab nth tiim Et Platt, WkVe i r 562 (Carts it Mae Gayety, lor th 13th ab Foram I eel Kai, liveryman 907 Karts David Demean, bookbinder 19th di Poplar Johnn °ppd. plasterer 1225 Darrell Amory carpenter 937 Margard About Itinsob, machinist 917 Ontario John Magee, pspenater 931 Itionitrat - Freak Kellig, victualler Blurts sob Poplar Gee W Muted, salesman 926 Kati II II Deemer, clerk 923 Kale Baud Jenkins, Are hose maker 1206 Hanes Aka Divilion. 331 u J lesseUe. vstchtnaker 1236 Nagle Conrad Demob, cordwslner 1234 Nagle Ipso lalwal, paper hanger 1262 Nagle A It Rarer, painter INK Manna • Innis Bwartaturlder, Behar. 1233 Nagle John P Itootestres, on so 12320 am Geo Benaenderter, 1224 Herbert Geo Shaffer, millwright 1205 Kabul _Wm 8„,8id 4 7. paper stainer Illba rd Girard toe vurnelt, mar smith 1203 Deacon Sheath Marion. linderick Bran, carpenter 1503 Mariana alas El Forma ',painter 1402 Merlins Ralph Taylor, clerk 1209 Oxibed Senn Malone, cordwainer Manias sh Jefferson Stephen Ryan, Wore dents and Jaffa= iTtn M c , bikklayer /oth ab Cadad Alexiiiniey, plasterer 13th bet Columbia M Johnston, conveyancer 11th bel Oxford John J Findlay, ocarainer 1624 Merriae Thai &obi, plasterer 13th ab Jeans= ItHenry, allesman, llth ab Jefferson John Barman, laborer 1440 Tenth Andes J Sonar, tinsmith 1726113 neath MoVaugh, trader 10th ab Muter John Hess, brickmakar 10th sob Oxford Godfrey Pager, ropemaker 1013 Jainism Godfrey W Benda, cordwainer 1123 Jamas Patrick Dillon, taborer Onksd and Oadenstbkler Michael Purroil..ffenver 'Ukiah °shush% Bernard 410. bblekaintth Jeffers= ab 11th TIM A Samlo. OW tier 1531 Merenth Eephih Division. HO teeter criatena, sent 1504 Walter Thai Jones, roe St Joseph Hospital John Sinkler, painter Corlisie bey Balm John Doff, laborer Thompson ab 16th Adam hi Snyder, druggist 1618 Mee Ninth Division, Thos 61 Leeds, salesman 1204 Twilfth Win II Jackson, clerk 200901rard Lewis ICroneargor, bllndmaker 900 Twentieth Goo A Magma, Weida Cambridge and Corinthian Isaiah Wiley, 90th bel Oxford Patrick White, Stiles ab 19th John Ilinctiman, hostler Otani ab 19th. Tenth Division. Wm Taggart, moon 32d and Girard Joe Fenton, brass cutter Basswood ab 21st- George /Daub, Jefferson ab 24th Alexender Kern, Mount Pleasant sD Minor Thos W Williams, agent Mid and Master Lawrence Quinn, blacksmith Minor Ms Pleasant TWENTY-211DM WABD. &cad Tracinet, Tredidene Baser, cordwalper, pldge 800, TAird Precinct. halm Collins, stonemason, Penn at Dodley Calmnitab, laborer, blahs at trick Reef, laborer Main it Patrick Riley, farmer Pm at.. allick Scanlon, loons Mal Robinson at An . Rally, boatman Mall st Mania Wwcw, laborer Veritable all Otl ec t di aelWebb, laborer light it °cart, torAwalser Ileetwalo st Aalborg CI itcliabe, Laborer kilns et !as 0 lioßaba, labors' , Main at Ju Dijon, beammtpple et Peter Barth, wearer, atedoutle it Henry Monter, machinist Main at Iburth Precinct Geo Daddllng, stonemason, Cotton at John Iletbett, wearer, gotton at Xlenry Stout, spinner Plasma at John Roamer; laborer Cream Et Nicholas Wecbit wmaver2dechanto of Michael brill, a tonit * . min at Jobn P prestoo, mataarr grape at John Bower, taboret *won It itonenisiou.lleonanle it John Idelkiratt, laborer, Dalton as Prrciract. Janis Bean, labors:. Biker at .andrew Ratan& maim Wood et 19m11 Roger, cordwalner Cresson at 'fitra Precinct. allobael annum laborer Batirmat :111ram..0eorge, cartee, Stater et John Utley, caner Sayre Road Maniac Pennon, dealer Rigors Host 'Hoy Ramo; anith Rims &DO Oeorp Powell, engtorarSagers Road John bloWatem, cordwalner Beater Birsna Fisrbact. Thai J Colston, cabinetroaker;lldge Road dtghilt Precinct Peter Conway, laborer Summer et heals Foss, plasterer Eprtng st . . Andrew flamer, toreman Itittentountawit U Amon, carnage trimmer Wirrahldest John Omeneetter, teacher Ridge Rd • • • Daniel Umsteed. unman Rittenhountnam Thom Watts, carpet weaver Township jdua Wm II Young, carpenter liniumar of John U Young, carpenter Summer it TWENTY-BEOOn WARD. Third Precinct. Jacob A &check, Oordwiluer Main at ROI Buzzard, weaver Main it ' Ames Pmainct. Emanuel Rey, A L Obellba throw Shingle, mason Gram at Yrtrild. Peter Hanky, laborer ]lrani at • v Tbomae Yolllu, idwatiusdlis Mole st Jahn 8 Pinkettoompenter, Rata it Henry Dranklionas, as/renter Hate .t MU= Ronson, bae•teader, Mein et Michtsi Murphy, laborer Mums it William King, carpenter Main at SEM Freud. Charles o O'Brien, Timben, laborer Wlmuldelma tw tialudtb Mks Can amen Redherer, cordweipar Pleasant at , Jamas Monteath. brlckmaker Plehmtit at &Kahl 1 3 / 4 440. Alborg Arthur, blacksmith °teamhat. Theodore Lehman, cordershier )fain St' Henry *inhere, la borer 11Lhlisr st Jame. 0 linglish,genttentan,Orerres lane George gehyi mien Main .t Michael Caber, thelhein it .John planate', War °Nada st John 0 Still, trader Man 4" - TWZYSTIV.III4) Wfp. V 4 0 144 Daunts it calanglilln, Lbw= Ricatown Wilburn war, Wont tionhson et t . Chided Aback idl cloth Mann buillitaLass Ph*lp Honaakeepar, order Nrank'd as * Plant pad James Barr, labcoor Yrank'd an and Plank roar Sohn Clapp, laborer Issokkdd mad wail nide - - Usury gleam, Ware!, Bridenbiut , Itoond Dial km. .1 1- &obeli X Wrfabt, eirstiFfikly at - George Stephan, Ocarinas/ler fooltrod It Jacob gotten, pollee odleer Cheery at Henry Pater, beeketneater Hedges& Georg* Y Boris, Mak. Frankterd road - Chides Lafferty, dyer Frankford toil Mond Riley, clover Awl at Noble /billow* taximeter orchard it Edward Hassey, tlnamlth. Yniallord road Medd Leedom, laborer Yrankterd road Lawreeme Mae. takkmater Teconey at Alfrednome, laborer James at f thinual, laborer Trawler 44 Jamb* P dent Hardtop at Inn -A John Walanly wheeiwriaat Holman/WM Marie 8 liiambch vbaajwrialtB liolmeaboal _ Benjamin Snyder, bariendar Bust Won William Boot, shoemaker Bnatietan lAA Tucker, laborer Capon Toad °emu Baca; Carpsif ter lagmage • Peter Weisel/ wheelirsight itethank*Ola Rodman Mltelmar, farmer Bybarry mad Beetle® Taranto. rirraimPoirarn WAND. first Natlbex Donavan Idorisr Repo "forty rod BobottKarto. aupdror Nang did idsard T 11fillsr,00rd.strier, ifoylooddlo Hoary Neva% bkooyer Derby rod Marla Qabm, laborer Nay road lisitilton Caw% biackevaith Darby raid ilamtkel T Mat, cal./der, Islaad road Samoa Wino, ttborar, Mirth lane Moment Holds, cantor North at Peachaldno Jolla Nevins, Innkeeper Dub/ read &cowl 2J &idol. Henry W Drolale. land= Almshouse I.llethal Bradley, M D Almshouse , Isaac Deaupsy. beau. drleer selnagothe &Irian der 11 Graham. M D Almshouse John Ethard, cook Almshouse Jahn McGrath, nuns Almshouse James Methsod, M D Athubosse Andfellr (YEsma, forum= tailors Almshouse Jobte Bussell, cook Almshouse Thomas Btethosoo, suet mambo Ahothousa John Search, foremast the shop Athathrasse James Toner, foreman amp thuds Almshouse Otthth Tyler, cook Dwane asylum Almsh.usa Barthel white, DUNS Mee ward Athisbousa Tkird Minas Wood, labour Dives thud Aar% Di&ins: Patti& sed, laborer Lanceetaree Petrick looskey, laborer liarerkerd at Thomas Faulkner, carpenter Ma et John A Lane, clerk Elm at Thomas boas, storekeeper Brblae at Weehlsmton Taylor, carpenter Poke at rtfik Daish Market st Wiliam stmeksepeo stoascuttsr Mon et James 0 Riggs, elect Mary at William Brown, =tar Market at JMna Mud, dealer Mamma at David B Odkarn, tdsekstelds Oak It J B Obriatr, oink Oman et • teat M Obese, blacknolth Oak st : Joint DattAleld, clammier Wood et MMus, Mimeo. Cgrd wailer Wood et Tinlothy Fitzpatrick, laborer:Karroo at WlSiste Greaser, Wickman Waxen at Thomas Belintl, Moan:atm Osk st Thome J Lister, painter Market st Alexander Miller, starch nwanicturse Mutant at AB Warps, tdackstalth Plea st •- • - Ss Drainer Waitangi& wardwalesr Oak at John Olin, moulder Warren at • awry Potter, potter Kw kelt at • William Raked Rmd, teamster Loaraster Rich, au Wilder goyim Jam ilepisr, winter Orem at , B Stewart, laborer Wucastar GT WAS Smith, tobacconist Warren at Jam Whits, pot/stow Park st Kam Williams, MUM= °Ltd Wdlum Blaaldey, limmith Oak it Game Bradford, =wink: Ms et Janice Rout% conductor Pratt et Jam ohn Walsall, laborer Ram et Spriggs, blacksmith IlarkSi . K Mutter, bermaker Till et II Knowles, Maher Rose it John Kelley, laborer Wyoming it Henry 0 los, merchant Spence at. Moms, Murrsy, laborer Ross 14 John idesdoger,blinksmith Oak st, Samosa McMurray, esspentsr Veneer, at John O'Donntill, Llama &Be at- S W Wastoott, nand dame Locum at Joe Waltesu briekreskar Merkst at - - JoW Psopkw, machinist State st - WE certify that the about la a tn. rotors Or At Ad &Ronal derserment made by the "Am se to thi Wks. emu Is tin,L. • TAIIRS M. LUDT; JAMES LOOMS. city OcrandseSonica, Alatitinerp on?) iron. STEAK ENGINr ! h m ' TWO TO ONB HIINDARD HOME POWIR. - 1.140, A JILL 111301TUBIT Or MACHINISTS' TOOLS, SLIDE LATHES, PLANING NAOHINRS, - DRILLS, WWI; norensma MAONENIN, ker. DEPOT— • Nor No. l i A b e NORTH THIRD STREET. ill lmo J. 111. ROLL/NORM& sumac V. MUNOZ. ' J. TAVIIMAIS 101211:17,- WILLIAM V. UIVWZ. cdotrrnwAßK FOUNDRY, • 1131% AND WASNMOTON emus, - - -- . MERRICK & SONS, ,- . - i, nernus An Kommons, . iliutufacture High sad Los Proxima/seam Assineet ape Biter, and Mario* alnico, btato edoorattinh Taux,"roa. of o il kiwis,. sabot boa of Rama. hems roofs for flea Works, Workeboresatelleeid ' . ti.l Else litaiddnirp of tbe blast ail sisee y , ets aid eonstroetian . , . - description of lisatetion.coacides4 c aildids , bar, 'and Grist .Wns, Teancin Peas, Ora Stem . Defecetors, Men; Purling Noenee,. ie. 401. Agents for N. Ilinua.Vs ,Patut Haw Sallim ' Apperataai Nammyties Patent Mean Thireceri I. Rope Palma Talis /lotion hot BINA htooxioomoo4 Iltdam PQM& leparfidasedsat—a. Fir. Bilier., - , - _ ,:dldll4 - . 4.IOHASD NORRIS be SON, LOOOllO- MTH , MUM RNGINR ititatEB2, - 1 ",- intsimismt 101 n? =mama, LutTanir Mae 1 lintlNG dADJUi 4TIIEOI, . PECILLDILPILLA. leased exoludraly is the thaaltassthse 'et ___l LOOOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. L - uesthetur• to order Loecenottres of thy meet, wisight or calseity, t or th e ass of Weed : " I C D A ar Wittlisessosi Coal i s tts mob Mir, or d3THßhOrflt COAL, ; i win= IK2IIIOOI Mtn, 41.10 074 MIL ,44 In iatarial sod Isartmaeship, the Loithiso. - tithe add et th ese Works an aqua to, sad brit rt- So 17157. The loSterisla media eautthodot err' esi the spot, sad boom ths tostAvelitar saiviod rattablo stock. Mse they extent of alove, iill Coo pzlifoirmest IV Michimery dud Ahab edible to moacato the or OF WORE WITH (}BRAT DISPATCH, OP ANT .11.11RAMIX231' 1134197101 D. ~ 31:1113LLID CAE WALVIS, IMMO= A.IMIIk ; With Pa rt i . p,_ g ~ aiss or tom, . IRON AND BEAM CASTINGS, - Aad MAClrnill WORK generally. . , lI=D oastSX . Exalt LASINaII NO/at. DINHWORKS. 'STRA.Iit MUNE' AND .I# l / 1 4 4; BEAKEY, NEAPII 8i 00. 3 - niCTIOAL, AND 21HIOB11:10.Ale 11013911111312, MACUIN HOLLI 2-111113 %, =WE" .. . . . .. , Halos for mean years bees In sweeessttl ',analog, and been 4=lld/rely =gaged in bilithug alidnpidzing Hui= sod Air=high and low prensurs, Ina /kits, Water Pinks, Prop ellers, &a., &a., reaped:fa offer their sabring to the public, ü being rally to 'contract for Engines of 11l sites, Marine_ , River, sal Stationary. Haring sets of patterns of diffseast Ares, are prepared to execute orders with Beira dospeteb. Pray description ot Pattern-making mods at Oa shertest =ties. High aad. Low Preasure, P Pabs t= and Cylinder Sollars, of the best P ebo, cola Iron. gowns et all "hem arid blade; Irma wed- Sipa Castings ot all deteriptmas; Roll Weirelog, Strew Cutting, sad all other 101 L connected with the abate wings sad sperifiestions for all work des at their hint tree of clam, sad wort gruirsatuld. a subscribers hare maple wharf dock roc= for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blacks , fall , lk e., kra, far raising heavy as light weight'. PROWS RIANSP__ , - JACOB G. NKAILP, _ . . JOHN P. LitYP, sal..y BRACH and PALklill Streets, Earriagtrte. nANDY & MORRIS- • lILLNUIPACPURIB3 OP 9711.BEHLOND WROUGHT IRON TUBER POlt MAR OS WAIIOI. Alb 7, (*VIAL IBONCOMMISSION MEROBI'S I Ward:caw 8.2. occult ritONT ad waxy'''. lualAsci itiebirines. 11MOLDmGENTUNE'FBIRARA, Bstract Beau, for all Distal/Mot thil Blad der Kidneys, Greed, Dropsy, Berms and Debilitated v LMBOLDm GENUINE PRBP4MA MION, gstract Duchy. remises all the witqftem, among which will be found 'ln , _d . •••_tion to exation„ Gene Power, Lose of Memel ••Ity of Breathing, ral Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Warmer, Ttenibling, .Dreadful Horror of Death, NightStreate; Cold Peet, Wakefulness, Dimness of TIMM, Langoer, trolvorsarLsoanao of the Maecular Syrians, oftma emar moua Aetite or Dyspe l f Symptom", Hot li ,ands Flushing,of the Body, an of the - Skin, Paid Conotanance, BrupUous on the Pam, Pains in the Back,. aregiTi•dia of the Bye Lids, Booted, Black Spots dying before the Plea, with Weaponry Suirtgion,Lom of Sat- If those *peptone are allcrwed to go on, which Ude site dieing tnrarlibly resumes, soon team Pahl ty and Bpi lOUs Eta: FOU AIM WITH Asir IF of the above distressing ailments, we ilnaelLy. HELY DDEPAILATIONS. Try them, and b e ammiaced their ef ILIELNEBOLDni GENUINE PILIPARA RATION, Harlot Bache, " Hire health and visor to the him% And bloom to the pallid cheek !" AM are ea pleasant in their tuts, that patients be oPme fond of them. llEoustours GENUINE FREPILEA TION. Extract Bncho—see ess which will be produced to chow that they do peat . Q 4 t o all who honor them with a trial. Blames open fin. the Inspection of all. kIELMBOLD' B _GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Duchti—Priee $1 par Bottle, de livered to MXT address. Depot, 62 South TENTH street, AnteralaY BaSthig, below OIDZSTNITT street, Didladed rtddreis istteri, H. T.11:61,31110 LD_ _62 South TINTII. ifteet, Wow OWNSTNGT, PhilatelPfalL Cld lop Enostats and healers ererpwbere. • Nenno of Cenalerfeita. - - • • MUM* • 44.11UFIANT's . _ csursTALoO:itiPzis, OR TEOTOORAPHIQIIIKuTtrass ni OIL N. E. corner of WORTH and LOCUST._ '- The above pictures diem testetialiy horn ever before awed to the Their eettetel il t hj a truth of color and outline, extraordinary sdnatmeena and aecoraCy Wore, of laeoeselV, the greatest Melityot remonblinoel while the 'severity of the or sal to whielitbey she imposed in reardreaMioa equally ttin theflholtiost of their permanence.' Time flits blethetebiertbet to over them, with the p pus% thfacticax tied melldence, to the public and I* Ala MLA Tim art leaved by lettere patent to, and eau ly hag NlhY et: • iD.MABINIMer. • LOX Portraits of the cabinet, and lite alsetiaminal s heretofore. . • . •- Ilatink NIFELOOKE RANGE .- tom CIUAD- I- win DSO. 9011 N. =map ItElialt4ii.