- 4 5 4-1 r. " V.s.V,:oo.4ltAttf IA 10 1 ,8 5 , li•s,llSicrhtladellshist NavvoNart-Milleir teethe *',1‘ 4 1 6 Th _u' Prles it 2 4 „ • , *n4.l ether eyenitigl-yrespresalsk.nti an, entails `;' Wain meeting of the fleMeiiiite-flolle'Plrglnt ,k When One of the 'hors, ,Dr. George W. • liebinger, at the class Of trW'abill:and eloquent , ' l7 • MdreaS, introducera4o,NeVof ' posting to tiovenduenOttir,preeriety_Lid , sepdtw work to the Philadelthii , „Nnyy , To l l; • to volley, the presslug,neeeWitles or our XUPellusileu'llug, lo,- et whoa Are 0;1. Of -employ, , and lit 'extreme distress. t l fr 1i eitileated. that , there ate; over 2,00 laborers wiWitlizit thO }list' I District who could be emplOYeklnivieilageouldi t to the ilaVeraillent 1 419. V ; 4 The , H yropathies of the Deracortttio party are alive to the win:o,od ,distresses of the-people, audit is now a tdosi eiv#,tane moment'-t6-extendl the hand of relief poor, who are tinder our proteeting wing. • This Cathy' dello V. 0 ,40104 0 i l9PP" b " ar't9 1 ba hudikar.; CM, as :a cemetery. 'l'h,emartnet over trit hundred and fi ft y hands there, while the same month last year there ,were 1209. Untidefodr- laborers, • ship carpenters, "JoirinrOmulkers sear makers 4 boat bailders, blaokshilths;hlooh Maker,a;gito-etir-, riage makers, and plembeA ,end,.so,oho,4xx . month were expended for-mere 'shirty most: el whieh eltenbited among- - th,d people of our district. • •I During the last fear years theltillowing now work has been completed it the Navy - Yard : The steamer Wabash, the- pride of Philadelphia' Me... , ebonies and the navy the 4tenfEhr Sfinbriok;itew almoet ready for sea, mid,,fouilight - shies,... TIM] following vessels AWN' been' Seitl,here, 'for repair 'Steamers San Jacinto, ranee; and Princeton ; the • sktepS-otmar• St. Louis, Prible, , and %be jaruestown, now-on the Pry Doob. Why is it we aienveatioked now 3 , Ist VG/ not a most fitting tithe't'"oleo aff ottr'diOrri:• meat yards and fife4griek:telho eidtine of ' Would It not:h4ilifrentidnieve ; to Offer to the ihousaadeof discreesjedrlaborevsand erialtanice WO, are thrown out of employ by this general panic and I banitraptoy the meana of predating sustenance for their families during the aemingseasunnf *inter? What are the poor to do? Unless 'some provision be made for Mom, w,e mustexpeot the teustfentrul menet when gaunt famine, rand: icy winter enter: their households. - :• , W. 11,E. • ( ,ritAcy l v4ll4trfitiAltoylii' poi' The Ilrescr. In all'endden-Mvaletons' present, the laboring elasies of our large elites stelae that and moat severe +sufferers. Thousands of -persiins whose . dipped depends' upon their:if/illy labor areoit'a moment's notice, throwii orward."iii,d' misery by the general sospetitliorti+f, and work or all kinds:AMC of,thitiOcidlistmeliatt, that presents itself to relieve: Gam- pooplens, by purchase - wand communal oontliting-ahrunselves thOse articles that ate inaliiifactured - -within Cur rslires, particularly whereittil Can' he -had at AS tetr a rate, and of as good gnat % 'lot theta itidiv'elbe',, whet*. This plan not bnlyuidiatitutea it',!!Protryor ,. . UM" to thitlaaanteutidisr;lnt Is really a most practioable mode of illbriathig 7tlMAlstriss of W great portion of our people Who desire the opporte• pity of - earning their broad.: In' this connection We would refer to the adyertisereent of the Foun , s tabs Green Rolling Idills i lho'propriethis bf, *del" are determined to make everyoffort theli to keep their works in operistird, 104 fuinish,olo. l Men with employment, during the , approa4bing win tor. 2 We would farthr suggesiJo,capitaliste and, property, i holders, that they too, , anity e ffect math by making their various repßirs, alterations, I .;.!to., at a tune when meichauios : moat, ?noir°, BY THE Pn401.40g.:, LETTER FAIN* ovi scow: : , , porrospondenee of The Preeo Noir Tone, Oefobei-141414i6 . _ The utmost excitement pieVaLISII3 Walt otrectraTho heavy failures of Saturday liner cast &greetgloom. over.. the business world of the city, and • every body :a Apps.' hOnitillt of further dlaaster-Among mord:ante there it • greet. dtcouragement. Some, ors thou..= strongly in flTOref *14141112414% of specitkpaymente, tad others as strentioidly ageinst" snob a 'roars,, It :LOOM that tho AlbanYbatikerodelinaing strong eltorte to force the New - • York city banho to stkep4, and that Governor Ring hat elgeessed hiriKillingimps tooonvene an extra erasion of the Legislattire.4lowahb,liowever, seem resolved to resist ouysuc,lierernoirOed the following resolutions, passedltht time ing at; the clearing house to-day, will adorariliditiallng:- ":4- • ",-"..*-- :' - -- . .• - • At a mooting. at e.- iistpx .ogicos, MN ,tb,, day, at the cleartus - 16 6 / 4 rnbibic Tnestad • *lts! appointed chairman eud: Seined' . Ga ll atin ' secratoay i: W on, on. motion - the_ following • resointions - Warn ' unenlincitialy ' • ifiaStisieeqiiiti, dliiiittkaqui skieiti.kpier GM: boob!' of this city tor exportation; and can be none at present; but, orrtlio contrary, with .the present low rate of exckinige,"affordlng is mat ettromeetrob to ten per Ont. on its importation ,:t bore, must,be:, _map*, M. • Max of It fromlioxopo4.or:whather anybo dy here can thew for Am .40S, Abe Inevitable laws at trade most be obeyed-end' spec ie wilt. Pole*. ti?• l 4W,Priet,Of fireettlt: demandr'rr`:i:ST•l''l'i , l'il'il ,, '"l' ter" . ,' ,' e ' ::`' And 461i0 • - •''' - A - 11 4 wan di f or speci upon the hooka, of this City i' -, .7lllo'lttioliix, iiti far as they-could Mile froussistowacansaa„,hsve already been , met: . ~ r ~.:•• ' " deri wheicas, Th4 , ..exehangeo - witty every part or the country are in favor; 'orllow, Trait, emitting 4 Foy:: rout of sprite it,fOr the yieorucut ,of . delih s out' the purchmat of wadi :"' ''," _.., • .-2 . , " " " dud whireas„ . o* two lii - thr;3oOMl:MontblY receipt • of. large aoceo la oya,ol4o GUT", Californie?,'Bent, 'hero for the pill trordetrfa : 1, - - ''---' • .''' ' ' '•"' • , t` - ,eriaVaafer-; 4 -11br.: Miller ititila; Tio:iaiiii; Is rapid& fltabood‘colo in -the 'lntblto' eapcxidltrirri;emi for tlibiri of tha ionbte itint:+h ''...-•'"?. r. ' " ..4milAttbereas, la this Dialohlthineoferfnitimil• sod fiiiikiller ^ li ria :arinjoble tWierielin • the" brake, and enable theu(go diffmk it thronghenflthe manterfirtilli6Viala cf , efait4l4lorhihi4he .A4OO crops Providence has given snore bountifully iliiii evert,' easy'VbfOuilYsllO,MarkiliMMlBdinea way circulgilaii , et. boirinmd ll isi tat -rosalaql,' , thi.latofinial• exchengetseefdrod,'-00-*lreadd of .indlistrio lie hat •s u raotkendker irdplefineathnbOrnorri:les ern.. tolakor.ir' "-Aluf•imi,riirisiilMllle , ,jedgmenrot.hhiri knetine6 tbetbeibitterthirpreierit e:Mt ehataele Whatever to the secoMpllsbment of objects SO „desirable, utaroilt be in seentriended and unnecessary claret which keeps aB"` 2 t i e ffiica rr i a Vibt , g. 'iialgri * Kitl o- V e r.PJte: opo.o-prlsteet tiraid : , ThereforOp Refiatg, ,That the banks,of ihticitiot New, rotk srodeteriuMediet 'MP furiardr and 'Mader, iiii cirstrataleheite ykrforni heir duty// Wilke ititiiiity'ated , all its groat IntoroatskrthWmatitonkrideeti epode pay. moats, and that all okkiiii of ihaT obaimualty should sustain them in carrying out thou determination. • ~ GRasoired, Thatiallrekidgralatof this itseistimOstrork for this 008%4 Ofiktheir.stoatricil* of lease tkla tio 4 sprirrx, : will there„ exist puy obstacle to sock an 0,1 00,0tUUM1,41.11 wi ll afford the necomary aOlat: Wolf oresiel the'cimpo and oltedstOthe, present gentuerctek disbar: welter ii Ilicia be.; mife,d: bg the:donimids of o tawniest elk:re:X. f,Ei - E . E. , E .: s E - -E - . N ^.-:, .1 O' .. 0 010bitr01 4 0 1 : • . 1, : 'I; 44E8404: biisiv=uux:, • Tha 4sosetic,,-4410.01 ed,tO•asis4t,4 6 o33, ,IA 11 ea. absoyirion tostgrod,n woes rinses , and has onl y, filitteCqteit” . cp.wh; ~:i n s ta n t fo,ltewlpelli its, state, lesegeeba i t - ..., a instant :. eios,ooo,Qoo l ,, 1.0010101t ...L. ~.L .' " EPi)CII,OS,OO; O.". 141 0 1 400 5 "t' . 'pertitirwMii , 1.1, , t...NC e 1f c , -,-,«-: ern •„,.,,i fr e ... ho eiserltetekollu d g 9, Old heillie e fb'fnifdrib' ingtheirrleSaielki tie ,1 histitations Sir ;their,: mash "relisor,i< 'aseopzoalotoa" :4 1 t 1 ,- . .4 1 . ievisti'ab fautiblaip/an.,larkijhChain Tcopiaspk`dipirly of, wiles condemn OW** . ,At ' l4O O :410:1 , 411114, liltkiie and thithor, iniewhitrobat'fi to law neat. "-Crashes ate kg4Frieffer riiWalles - iiia bud... di n of be eimmtst setind:still, Among the di:slaters ottd•day; : are the fay re 1,. 9.3 , 51160 n 89 Co,; sWIFIA;Vaft, .6; . On.; et this ' ci ty; end troisso, King, & Co., of lit. foam. - This is 'a bop Magnininfof the week, and AIMS nreedicitaitemi,Vlth toe good Yee 000,4kkkit , 10 3 1.4 2 worse - 4111 'bolo* tha nett Wordage The rerirlitt-igre:Stelogs :banks' lau almost ceased. None of thOre MOM' flit:•thwiltistiiTiret Atlantic Wit i ar ° 44._Vdo rld ite l egiilto P T . 4 . l4 l 'W t ,l4! oituahap,Asai nom of sok:Gtornarchil haWk. Of. ialinkr,,,, T- , -ibrollowawiik :to,dayllh•-•Joavortrool; w, poi ..1014inte Otiilfioal oconagioq.. - offialtile tranalotkios 2 ~YULdsyiiikrai 40 lbws tsLre -044 . I ' ,j'i-.l.otel.,_peyeatintal ,501.75;, total f ' gagAttri Trine - airaelpkv at. the ces tam IMO/ 101 r. 08110, 40. It: Mini 1121,00f-',, , ,-r0,_ ,,, -;. hamap:mwidmaant,wear,clessings, , .llB,ol3,lll6.46 K bat.: ductsplidtoordnisB9B,Bll•3l:. , 'I -, v:, ~ A ~,,,,,,,, , ~ 1. •-,., Tia“toWkirreartiot km:fallen trona one to six-per coati on andtersont uf AtilkW Reading eloaeci•at 28x ;- Vie at 4..lllieribr tiskstrilsit.frig i:Emaimui.: at 02i4•; Illitr • ' tin and Book bland at 66' , and Naas York Central at 02,7g:illeetesekeetsnislotained flotarilay's prkes,swith: the exespllopyCllrigloiseh, whiclifell 0 per rent... The. mark:Mit Ism . .iiildWittly depacesed.,: •e,..i -,.. ', •.• • -,...• :- ri.: , _, , AsitAtaTO. -.. • ...-,_, - ~ ; ‘,.. Asosss4hit +now ItrilOdOrets for both kiddik Mk! of P0'04416,0 and Pearls et 18,16.1 Salaratua is gut. t et 7o: • ,liliiir-in.''S 0.,/,'Ekting - COttaiaMl/klndiz, are :ball and heavy-prices' are supOoloal;" ,-- ~.1 VA:1„, ''..• Wag,- ' ... Coatoo*Codigom . - nokiliid 'and doll.: Wows - unable: to gnaw sellablorpotition. - -••••: ,- •‘. . 11snL4kra Motu_ fa numb Ittaii,toitinitqas 4illlit limited..' 'by Cod aro;plomyr las .aos jugt and beery 1 4 itivattikr...4.4 , it........,4 lo w e r , - , -4ite lis:ricateeptill, , ring art n - alai of 6001M18Ip - ,.1; 2,.0r51 8 larva Um iiat - Allo .60,6 80.0 aid ffi_re.opively.• Pickled herring have hold to the aglitgt,ol 000 Ml* at yi., n. t: WO is fully, high, onortellieserito'h, ' bat from "store command' more mew !r, lamiltat las Murata languid i sod deproseed) sales of TAO boxes in bond at gim „for scalded, end UM Stritkcilkdi4Cfsir demand for' . `weofein• canal flout and with liberal offortugg ;•,.liiklaslioldene, lower, and all Oval , oncologist/toward solnerliataominal., Th e sm. OD o,fi 4W **ll.nutoaltigoo444l4' = $4 tirem'sw,ltat4 a n ti at. 'bold Or ,lsiat -•- 415 1 100 , OM 160 - liiaraiiiilaro**; • ' oallitqai , lottoigidslls-1086 - *VW 'etioaltilui toi ..g , , asetiobsoi pi;• Adz 101brir o l to &oleo do.; ErtiGor : ~ fiteitt , Atop ;14 rot ottov . tar /4111.1 9 suPP l 74:eorienektolo • gat.-K- : 1 ,0,0 4 W,Ff• A l 9 WI .0044 .99 for oaks: in - 1 1. 1aeutia Ind f 4 nsio /mow? '. militlaniias Alt'go tiaikti .4111 f .11.44 iwitaittweikirst "*I . 1 0NV 4114 4 . :40.4/4A for n&fit-SQ.Md Ihreado est ilt , t . fer;the belltigredOS. --,.K. , ;1 , , 'l' ~, -1 gr k _ ItiosiAsikt4,34tttoon;lSsioso,ltatiiit ~0 9 X1417, 1_ ,L a brAllt isles if amay,at 50,10,03,40, - ao‘L,lstato, rq...Pe. , ,,* tf•Aloaikliripl,,, platinum,' gag, . illtrafg,kligit-4 , 4 . 1i1:414 ,i .i ti . , ; 2ii i rt,i . .i: g ot 4 4 1 4 . 4 14* 0,74 . .; Ws la% enatatoo4,:.:o o 4- 11 ,4: ~-Ffe arm 41,44 1. ", TWO -Seltireie 130 4ititi il, , fOrtadSoutliern SAM 1 6 6 - A p tos • rot . 0 , 414 , 40 ,,, - - .10 damaged do.; s, roil:Mk, ~.-:, ,--, ,i4iraiiTlost , ZfivY 00441 4 el ' 1 8:4141'• bout' 44)44)* loaiar -o-- idea of Slate mad wrapaii t iiewislo. Catip*ltifsoLli Tits AkaviOdc: he siotf flettab a it flikdri-' 'Mu- Air *oak Is reduced. ; . &lei of aa,nou btaiiebeld : 1 5 :44, 4 ot o rt4Vllo rt #14,40,43iii , inos. , - , -Alt ', *fin contiiiiitkiiiiiiiii‘iii; 41,446 , &bums 'of ~ 4.liiiti:Adot,:#44iii,iliolli'Aegarted as OutiOijil, k#4Mi" , ,' '; , ',. •".. ~. -.4 . *- ,-, s If Awls' iiciadoitlititit(ieteiluil of:Ali market' is 00f-llolallaoas, and ito ormiy'libl A Upoiiii: - . 010, 10 01 1kiewotswiusiogelotho - dribig.riapiStic ot itiat T Orr I 'm,, • ..4, iAt - vidokinnin out /410 ........... 4144kiliiin9y#10 a* sairpticai Otter, babtle • 1 4 0 o Aleegeibud,l39 reliable r um' oitigbiallrffy la' Ilbb otu, present tinsertiod. sto 0,7 of _•., ''" '• istrkeifirlif ilia; tug Prici: ' tir ly; `c,KI,"• , -", ' -.;4":' •..:.4 2.; . - ''l' i e Atixistds*4l4l4...4;4; PO*, if'ibil ' ii;4o POYV4I i'vaAi — J944l 2 o3l at 040 5 4 *li opt oxittit* Sig; 1 mows* galore , of mess, , cash;'to- "y. 44 $22,00%P ~owirrsit. _ _ -4.11'.:V3 if .4 . j.r,o: k. , “ - o_. , ~ i , o, I Smut 1 / 1 311a . Ibe.datumullittrotakt‘maisc-, tqc{ , oll o lrsi . ' 1 441.. - 147 , 110 , 1 6 0400,Anti e d. r_o" . !`Ss. cites. Beef hams orgg, A i ltg l it ' ltiffli:*/ "- 1 ' aratueimidille for short ribbed in*llrif,t au, d 'good ohorildeniiiktbightl'ldikag i ljr:Orit ill • •=-. ,•0189,A08108trillienefekhire . ... ~..1 ° --- SuAlsis I#ooll4hat am- Ailink 6 03c0 siseritsi 4 • '194,-1, , , , i --1 -- wil - TITS MO Plilr3ber; . Pg4, - Oetober 1 2;15G7; stagnation or hileirMis tiOniia4Md circles still 'continues, and until the resnlkit Ahirjeg Wiya diseits iihMs Is knOwn, end the stated guenotelmattem he New :VOA undergoes BOMB decided it ly:hepelosi.to oipeet any marked movement hi ,s4Ohli l of the,money romtet here. , The New York papers ;appear to aryttelOte. nothing hat n total suspension of 'neutti r .qiii . ttpir bAnke. TLe Herald quotes the words iii:thei,Sleptitution on this euhject, as follows: The Legislature shall have no'poWer to pass any law aanationlne. fn any manner, 'directly or Indirectly, the suspensioupf specie paymente by any pone%association, or corporation, laming bank note's Of any description.", Bill-holders are epecialkiimiyiLleil fortnithO following lause : (1 , In ease of the insolvency of • any bank or banking `Mtimilation the bill.holderii thereoVaball be entitled to preference in payment over all' e tber oreditors of such .bank or association." L.• The Times matte out a thew by which it suppose's 'these constitutional enactments moils Wonted: :Rimy, 'remind us of a debating intiety.to which: we. oncebe lolled, in which it was fashionable, when it became in convenient, to vote to nonfood' the:, constitution." ogre as the majority„of thn baplie pea that mispen . sten must come, that instant the specie:standard la at an end, One or two of the bank' nay board epode enough. Ito pay all theirdeposits; but alter paying; they. and not , the ether banks, will have to wind up, for weal of bbfl -41 n:e9,. The proolamation!oCeoy ; King will follow, next .tea convention of the Legislature; then the rietof sixes ;Mace months'forbearance.' The tvhole'reiriettyle Midersitoridby the head. ofalinolitle'arparMea: The taut". liios are not ignorant of it, sincetho confeterne of Thum oleyiwith the Albany and Tfofgerttlereen.. There will be no infringement of the 'COitatitutiOnil rights of the bank-creditor; no legalization, of;atiSpension. The, %hie, iu her sovereign forbearantei however, can, and if need be, stay the pentltiee Of 'the aet, rut a pub- I hecessity. The altemiatiOhinibt net te , be stalled ;,neet not be, with concert and mutual aid; to insure 'which, against the domineering spirit and disposition to Vpaill, of a email minority, it roost lie , astralytooked to., majority bare only to'do tl elt ; whola duty pay -to the last dollar, end, failing With can rely uppgqa the Legislature' of the` State olblear,York forim— Yuiallate relief." -- In reference to the, embarrassed U'Ondilion l et the New, York State bloverninent,: the IfeitiP 1/110 the: State Conatliutiort prohibited borrowing more money, but In 18511 t was found that the canal could r'n'ot'be enlarged nor the rime leelta ,bnilt „without 'bor-, ;filing several =Mona. The Constitution wai,amended,. iaoas to permit the thwuredealohore of the Canal Putrid to obtain three kinds of loans:';' Ist, Niue millions , Of ,tlONitni,to complete' the' eanals. ", ' Onefive - hondi'thonsanFl dollars to - rit:d'eern canal revenaerCi;litiltiatii.'; " St Loans, when nee teary,.to tiopply,deticiericies in the; fund out of tritiOlt the Banal , debt and the interest putt were ,•• tit; The last idiertleed Veil • to supply dellcienclea, '11"inl the amount required:Was $500,000. tione of the "bidli made were Noel to one . huridred cents on the dol t • lir; and ilitiiinirlese could he taken. The State is thrUnfore m a mite of anspenakin;and is likulyto con. Unite so until better times...awn upon ne. The ;anal ,anbtrgement most aoon , stop,, and• several- hundred ..ii , 'oektnen be aischargedlir -lbe State Treasurer of North Carolina has sent word by telegraph to this city. thatthe interest,on the State -1;!-00e falling due on 'the Isic of 'January next will he paid on demand in Italeighi - Ni (Lila tho currency of AIM State, if desired .by - the' holders:' Tfiy -Courier ¢ 41;ouiser says: Thhi "net . bit, satlqabtory to the :''lmltholders of the State... , it. present it , coatis from 0 to 10 ,per cecltfi Wa': . Coheert North Caritas funde Into New Yo k speciatinde;luid ihte tea loos to which few bond holders will submit; especially, When. these con:pone are rustle payable in New York; , according to the terior:of thise securities. -The export of specie fi . otii New YOric,:thil part week, wee as follows : Stair QuakorOityglarana,l3r; d; Am gold ;_. $80,000. 0 0 . ..„I,lSreviptudy reported • 32,771,872:89 0681, 1657 • • • • • • $32,840,872.80 he receipts aithe New, Xerklanstruzi limas°, and, the •"(ielpts and pt,7946,44 the 6.6146.114 TreaSuty;dnring I last week, were as toliowii -. • • Custom Min; = 'Assistant - Treasurer's 5 Reeeipbf.• • • 116eeipt2.• • %Psynntits. 234,961.62 •• • .1161,876.24 8%0,829.95 , 1 6 32,321.14 - 228,808.67 1,668,18786 7 40,945.07: '• '200,521.97. 1107,802.79 a 8 47,849.04 • ' 155,802.09 282,957 .80 a 9 24,936.66 ••. 1 • 39,646.49' , • 10/4,615.08 '.10........ 30,109.96' .236,175.01. 300,774.09 D'rots!. 211,113 as 1,053,390 37 educt Receipts Excees of Payments, • ' ' 1,657,711.45 racing the balance, in the Sub-Treasury to n little i mdre than six mil ions. Statement of imports of foreign merchandise, at Now lttit, - for the week, Mil Sincelantiary let Dry Goods • ' - General merchandise.... 11 Taal for the eveiti n Prliviotualy io)Ri'for year 188,242;672 The total valued ltitilici; loapOita,it.lioato4,,for the meek ending October 18th;** follows: t 1867 58 4 28,080 1856 a 417,457; ` ' ... . 1 Increme .. ::: t ; . i'2.;'..: . '.;....... 260,071. t he tOUOßittg are tkeTfig§tialiAtiltig , th e conditioTT, of kite United States Treasary,, on the 80th flapteMbeT : .6sionnt subject to draft - • = • • ' "814,805,04 C 50 ; 4 • l ' 1 Reduction., L• . • ,;' ,' - : 1,255,041 71 Amount of receipte , :•.i. i e .....,.., . t .". if..,;;;' ' 43909 li i'Velite:retterned,palel.....y. - ;;;: +..;;1•.„ - ..41,776,461 64 L 9 issued 1- • • ail.'. '..,•'.". - 41: - ..; . ;' , .;;;;i.' -1 18 0 8! 78 °' 88 ''''' e amignees of the 11116615-Centier Railroad Cont. p fs y are Frederick SchnilMirdt, Joseph F. ,tglop,_l!o-- ,th pL. Sturges; Edwird,oooper o 4...Nrstan,Perkins: he Courier and VESiliirey says T'‘ , TP,was" rumored [;th t the New York and ENSEalleoed 'Coransiti had Made entaasignment. Thiele' - untru'o.-,:corperations,Osimmt, 'tither the New YorklewsOnake,as, ailfauseuts• ' They ''Oulst either pay promptly -o,i ' , g6 trito 'pie 'tiaras of:the receiver forthwith, upon Gieapplicetbitl'ef any crediter, ftie company yet hope sad !upset to ridge the requisite funds to meat their m4pagenients.ot" . : • , Tice Newark .ddetrafslid ROtippty - ,Altig: , is The rti fi To as to the egad . of, the tin* on the Morris Canal Company, noticed yeaterdiiyoppear' to be, in come int. latent feature', litearreut= 'A • private note from an o car in the companYribie riarAiug,ustis the company balm wisely, WI they thick , Poetioned 'ail improvement offtheir works, but. have - not.dteckszied a single boat. ?San. The reduction utt to the ad lust. ie nearly 86,000, as:compared with the tame; period list ; year , but the auitmlit of looRpo; lo gearttar:thati in any year privions . .tee:the last. 70 -day's quotations for ' specie, - payable in bankable ,luhde by Cronies & 00410)05 brokeei 40 south Third ltieet, are as follow :"."- - -,' -i.: - ' -:''',, . • ' American &dollars, old, 5i..06.1. Auteilean tedellitia, of ;1_.115; Mexican4ollarsi.oo ;.Roitth itatertean doblars Lie 3 ; Spanish pillar dallari , l.ll . 4;; Fire , Francs' TOO; a mum Crowns - A.1?)::i plivi ! cb. Oproiris 0 a4V; 'American gold, old 1.1.2; - Sovereigne'6.o6',l; XX France a i :X ' °Sliders 420; X Thaws 5.26; Spanish Doubloon,, 16' . 50'; Patriot Doublminel6;4oT- Donato SAS.' r n e ricau gold 0 0 7J(; 40ir Toik'exttoznge; for col lepton, 660. I IPHILADELPHIA: STOOK , EXCHANGE SALES, Getalyar 'l2; 7057,.' • . ' , . . .Reported.6y 8.. lifigstlit Xr:; B thelS Broker,' No I3Olt TWO ' ,ln T ut street. t • , 1-II037.! 80.6:1s1)." , ' - • 260 City Oa 81,g 1 &Palma RR '' 33 , -aos •do .... st 43( •• 8 - 'do .... 33 ;: - ` - 7(10 do .... 12X tl•,, do . - ..... 33 • 1 -'4300 do cub.. 'B2g. 4 .•,.'" d 0,...,. 82,4 4 400 Coiy 6s , 61. . „: 83 , 2 ',, • - do,, .:. 32N '",•,,600 do 031. - .83 , ~, 10 Iforrisbusil2l7„.•,4s '420 Oity BR 63 With.. 88-: 10: -do .., ~45 ,- 1060 do .... 83 ,.,4 i,-,,,' do ~.. 46 WO 17 Po .1111 63 ...... 45X' , 2 . , do ~ ... 46 10006(10 do 2dy5.,.. 46N •4', ,” do , „ .... 45 , •":_ • do 2d50.... 45Nd5 4000 ,do '55.:;....",46N, ,„6 , doo .... 4 , 45 1000 " dO" '21,yd...:: 45N • 1 Morris Paitil,Pfd, 81 'lOOO do s6wrs,.. 951' 100 Reading RR 55... 14%. -2590 Penns 6s ...... .. L 33, : 60, do cash.. ..;14,91 1.0 Penns lin. ... :. . .: 33- '- I HI:TWAY:N . , BOARDS, 10:Penoa 1t11....-4 - • • .' ' a .4 r BEOO/11/110d/ID. : ' '5OO 1.1 & A RR Oi- , 04. 64, - "4000 N I's aids " 14; ,4,5% 1000ity-61......„. ,'."- 82 - % ',..- 11 Rosdfog 1M 14N 100 do' "'. ' ...,'B2N ; ,-:, 20,-- do .„ ..' 14,1 i 1000 Soh Nsv6's '8 . 2.:81 - 3 " ' do" ... • 14 % ', ,' - do '72. ,1 66 -' ', =lO PeinsEtt 81% " ' do 66:•- 1000 0117109 Os, PRA. 83. '. ,1 , do ~,,, • 31 % 0 00 Paws 6s. 83 , /0 ~do - b 3- 31 2 0 0 „2 do ': . „.-- 31 'I0?0 do .... ss ' - -I: AFTER SO&RD”, ' ' - " ¢qR i4tuaHa... t °Loan% Pnwitu34TvAD F. .„ - Bid, Asktd.i, , • . ' 441. Atka. 08 64, IS. -.124 , L Beliyl liar Pratt 18 . 14 . I 1 1 14 " 00 Fa% . 0 0 ' 11402105 & Rio i R ' 9 , . al. do U... 82% 68' ~ dot otmort Vs 02 : •'65 4 = 49 X 4 w 94 ^ do ~,/ lo 2438.69.. ~ 50 , 2 • 94 82% 00 :. Logglilgnd .c.: nlg , 8 1 i Ming R 14, 36 3- 116kg6urg - "'",..,,,,0'.. '.;, - 7- I sl 9 80nd010.69 00 .., afrard,ll4ak...... 7x 8 - (do' 11343 , v44 70 80 Lehigh ,Zioo., ~, , , X .1 .: I Pgnms RR - 81 SI ,C Ut3on 05na1t..',.,. '. '.0 6 1 " 0 Ports 01011 00005 89 ' New (Ireek..''.',... -- 'I - 14gyimivesissoN 64 3 , Oats - "Obi:14:-. „ '•s ~.t_. • LATzii-IN.taillitiil.: ''"' . ~. aie Itenging RR 36 ;188 tkidiag Rh ' /536 .7,70 do 10, , i :-. - ( noses ... . . ~ ...1 60/ 6 % . n , =l2="l rout the Albany Bretiing StateemaiLl Theretolids at tide water of Hobe; wheat, corn, and larley, for the drat ',reek Cotober; in 188 f, find 1866, • ye ken as follows : " - "- ' • • . Emu', bbl. Wheat,'6o.- 'Corn, hu. milky, bu 31152. 11,098 394,718 374;494 • 92,188 Aor 29,129 87,124 " 116,001 - • 32,791 , , .•• - .Diatom', 18,103 Dee. 808,989 Dee. - 259,493 Deo. 69,977 ills aggregate or the reuelpta of the abut eartieles, SO ilar, for the years 1013 /la 186 . 4 hive.been : • Maur, bbl. ifl , irat , , 2 km, ' MY, Dar 'x '1866 ' 857193 82U611 8,081,931 807,220 i/P 27 412 , 917bri1,605,511., - 657,900 • ----- Dee.... 244,618 4;830;878 ' : f, ' 408,882, 1.89,320 t _Seducing the wheat to there is adage leacy;ao far ais alum equal to 1 119'891•blida 'flour. • • I• °kit-1e: , ADitiiiputi:mokET 4: ','' `.. ' MONDAY, °etcher 120-4:yen n ing .'..l7ree irides ' con- ,tinge dull, and elilefyiOder - Olmlted demand bath for' foreign and domestio,wie, mid piled t!rtu put kinds ft.' eor the buyersomrisgitothe 'mat t Atria racy of the thormy market. The Wane top are the, only buyers of Flour, at prices sari* from $412 2 6 upt Awls to $7.60 4jr bbl, including common ated.ling est We and lanky firmilY Flour, the Ist* Of iirPoeitita Mts.: 'Shippers ere dot of the market, and common anperflue - de dull at $626 i 4 bbl. There aro no buyers of Rye 111 lour or Corn f e eal, and the prices of, both, in' the absence of Wee, about the same as lait,quoted, ofih ea t i i , d u n selling my In a small way at 11132141.18 fOr Mod", and 81.20: ?URA for mixed lottlvalid,Pritue" WM6,1.6 tart.. 1.4. strictly prime patteht;:;liNkb 1616 . 40. 0 .0, 1 . 1:0:4) end held. 4bOvs the clews of rullltifi,; 04n le iriet Plenty! bat the demand is only moderatefsuChbotal,6oo bus' , Yelkei teve been sold 'at itiolda, alloak.oir.kits ere lower, and boutll,ooo bus Ilmithertitertrirtme abld at 40439e;'101: - .4awnse pc.ps lots sines at; atto3spldr iot'jr filr quality, Ow. Aye Is ielritio — " t , i# bone adri, rival: 'Of Quentin:hi lath theiiirtilitte are light, and no Woe UV* hies roade`ptibibi 4,4 i, to, alter ileetettmk bleb rowel at sd 6 loS,liiit'Aitalto : 'lk fiaddja Procaio 4 and Proillibinii,Cor at e. stand, and lerkos ob° o 7 , the seem as lad qua..COtt64l , ill in e itk ° l Eoadltlon,wnd quetitleellikerthombral:Asede-.- !scything - 40qt worthy of a rtiolghi. tyre learn 0,1; ee Ilkeston - in the markeil 4 4Ar, - klokip.lo, idling ,slowly at 80* tof - 1 vi' ti„b ; tdOs 04.4 Ati Qs. Ado, imposigkiotte, [Reported for The Press. - WILMINGTON, N 0--Bohr DaVld Faust, Moslandor—, BO bbls rosin DS Stallion & 0o; 141 do do 192 do spirits 'tOrpent(ne 0 K Dads & Co; 200 do do Martin & Mood. later; 292 do do A Ifercin, Jr; 103 do do 260 do rolst Cochran & Ruseell; 22+ bales yarn Kay & McDevitt.; ha do sheeting Caldwell & English; 'do waste Jerieup )doors; $ bags fruit Tuxtla & Showell; I bow mdao Dr 34:yne & Son; 493 bbla roman !Sargon 4eSeevex. ,• • • CALAIS—Brig Valetta, Simms-700,000 laths< Noight & Bell. ' EASTPORT --schr 2 A Palos, 'Sadler-1,000 Ws Soil E A Bonder & 00. SAILING OF TUE OCEAN STEAMERS: FROM THE UNITED STATES.' , BlMAldlia , MK Mt Drt Aral)l4. ..... :...New York Liverpool.;. , • Oct 14 Argo ....New York Bremen.. Oct 14 0 ot,Washington.NOw York ',lvory* Oct 16 Fulton - . New York Havre ' Oot 17 New York New York eitiegow 'Oct 11* Mager& ' 'Boatou Liverpool Oet 21 Vanderbilt New York' IPtoton k navre.....oot 24 Kangaroo ' Now York Liverpool. ... 29 FROTiI Fa EI YOR , U DAT .... • Tioruesia Hamburg New York Oct 1 Oda Winlarne.... Liverpool 0,260 ' Oct 8 Yenderbilt...Soutbanipton, New,York Oct 8 Min 'Liverpool New York ' Oct 8 Edinburg Glaagow' New York " Oct,' 3 North Star... Southampton New York ...'. -- .... .. Oct 7 Kangaroo Liverpool New York Oct" _7 Europa Liverpool lloaton . Oct 10 Baltic Liverpool 'New York 0ct,14 Persia ....... ..Liverpool , Now York Oct 11 Arno........iouthampton New York Oct 21 glaring ,Intelitsittre PORT OF 1411LADELP111A., pc*: 13, 1531: SUN RISES 8 25-BRN SETS 5 0 1(811 WATER ' 10 ge Barque Oak, Ryder, 0 days from Boston, with Mee to Twelle, Gamklll & 'Brig. Yelona, SiEn9, 5 days' from Calais with lumber, to Knight. & Brig Leta, Carmen, 10 days froth Cobb,as with Mae to Twelle, Gestalt & Galvin; . , Behr Young America, Tuft, 2 days from Port Deposit, With grain to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Behr Lavinia Jane, Ketchum, 3 days from New York, with mdse to To S Stetson & Co. . . . ..... Schr A Tlrrell, Higgins, 5 days from Boston; In bal. last to L Audenreld & Behr J B Bleaker, Edwards, a days from New York, with mine to captain. _Behr Henry May, Watson, 5 days from Salem, In bal last to N Sturtevant to 00. • fiebr Triumph, Arils, days from , Dosion, in ballast tb captain .:fichr 'Harriet Ann, lilatengton,lo days from Lubec with plaster to N A Bauder l Co ; Schr Alvarado, Stanley, 18 dart from Calais, with &o. to Twells; (UAW A Calvin. ;, ... Scbr Rite, Hooper, 8 days from Salisbury, aid, - with luMbor to captain. Schr 9 A 'Hammond, Pains, 4 days from Roston, with ;Ow to captain. Solar Victor, Sears, 0 days from Hallowell, Me, witb Monett) P Comber, , . • . dchr J 8 Stonebeek, Risley, from East Greenwich. Odic Lady of the Ocean, Tibbetts, from New York. , Schr Woodruff Sims, Mason, fromDoston. , CLEARED. Ste Delaware, Copes, New York, Jas Ailderdico. , Ship John Patten, Patten, Savannah, B Baldwin A Co. Brig Delaware, yitiold, Mayaguez, PR, 3 Mason & Co Behr B Watson, - Robinson, Havana, John Mason & Co. Behr Victor, Sears, Providence, Hayes, B,n,th & Co. Bahr Mary' & Louisa, Steelman,—Pensacola, Tyler, Stone A Co. ' ' , . Bcbr Ifet4 Hay, Matson, Georgetown, DO, N gitnr tevant & CO, Behr J K Stonebeck, Risley, Bing Bing, Vandusen, Norton & Co. Lady or the Ocean, Tibbetts, Augusta, ;Auden tell Jt. Co. ' Behr Ephraim '.to Anna, Dole, Charleston, SO, Jairue Baker. Steamer Farmer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. LOT, VILZORAPH,f Correspondence of the Phtlade!phis Exchange. OAFS ISLAND, Oct. 12, 4 69 Y is. The weather is very foggy, vilfteli prevents my seeing any vesaela that may be 'Ward or outward bound. Wind light from ENE. Yours, ka., TIM. B. HUMS. UM:GRAPH.) , (Correspondence of The Press.) Nonroig, Va, Oct. 12. The echr J P 'Tolland, bound to New York, has put into this port, with loss of sails, and other &maga, The Rehr Black Squall, from Aleapndria for N fork, put in here in distress, with masts gone, and othet wage. The mate and one man were lost overhaul'. New Yalta, October 12. Arrived, ehip William Jarvis, from Leghorn. •. Corregumdence of The Press. , . Mayne De Gain, Oct. 12. Four boats left here this morning, laden' and con eignedies follows: T MeatNimieth, blooms to Perot dc liro; J I Pogardns, Welber to Malone dc Taylor; Thos 11 liathmell, do. to Trenton, Ndi /1 A. McConkey, pig iron to Wilmington, DM. 2.041,107.82 7,083, 90 87 Bteamehip 11 B Beach, Ramsay, at Baltimore 11th nat. from New York. Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey, from New York, arrived at Liverpool 29th nit • • Steamship Ken Within:M l from Portland, &c, at Li verpool 28th ult. Steamship Asia, from New York, arrived at Liverpool 27th ult. Steamship Cahawba, Bullock, for IiAYIIII6 and New Orleans, cleared at New York yesterday, , . Steamship Jason, Britton, for Southampton and Nqw York, sailed trout Bremen Tlth tilt. Ship Tuscarora, Denim', hence, arrived at Lfterpool Sith ult. • • • 2,359,00 189,883,677 • 1314 Orest of the Wave, Steele, from Foe Chow roe, attired at °revenue', 27th ult. - ship 7 If. Elliott, spencer, from Callao, arrived at . .d.UtWerp 20th ult... : • Ships Lorenzo; .Borodino, Juan Fernandez, and Dimes „Davenport, from Callao, entered inward at. London 14th Ship - Southern Cross, Manley, from Bombay, arrived - at Liverpool alth ' ship Arracan, Wise, from Calcutta, arrived at Liver pool 28th ult. , Ship DM°, Foster, from Elan Frandsen, entered out , Ward at LAVerpoot 2rth ult. • Ship 'l' II flollei Young, from..oallao, at QaeanatoWn 27th ult. . Ship Amer'oho •Lsok, Collar, from Callao, at 0004 2Pth ult. . . , , . 'Ship Aramingo, Cassia, from Calcutta, June 2a, at N York yeatenlay. , . , „Shfp Quebec, hence at New Orleans, experienced a se ivere gale on the 24th ult. off Abaco; losttopasill and jib. - Ship Iduscongus, Carter, from Liverpool, Sept 4, at: Baltimore yesterday. .' Ship Emma Jane, Jordan, for Cardiff and Oahu), cleared at London 26th ult. . Ship Lovanter, Peterson, from Valparaiso, at Queer* town 24th ult. Stit➢ Trottelltrd, roulkek, ha aca at DO:writ...2oth utt. Ship John Bryant, Garduor, from risco, SA, arrived at Savannah nth lint. ' Ship Geo West, Couch, (porn Liverpool, wen below N .Orleord 6th innt. ; Duque May Queen, 7ohn4ota, from Demerara, tirrlred at Daltimoie yesterday. Marque Marra Kendall, Brock, for dardense. cleared , at Mobile 6th Inst. . Barque Achilles, Spedden, for Philadelphia, eutered outward at Loudon 24th ult.' ,• Barque Burlington, Keene, frogs Loudon, at Shields 25th ult. Barque Our Union, Kept, hence, via Oonstiutinople, at Sebastopol Aug 23. Barque John Welsh, Fader, hence,, arrived 64 Rio Grande, Brazil Aog Yf. • barque Weather gage, McKee; for Rio Janeiro, cleared at New York yeaterday. Barque 0 J Kerehaw, Pearce,from Liverpool for Montreal, put back 28th ult, with low of fore yard. Banque Mahlon 441111ameon, Houton for New York sailed from liordeaut. 25th ult. Brig PA. Lacoste, Pierce, from Rotterdam for Plat. sielphia wan off Dungeneat 26th ult. Sehr 'Rockingham, Talpey, from Picton, at Boehm 11th inst. Bahr B N Fox, White, cleared at New York yesterday for phtlevielphis. • Behr Ocean Wave, Frank, hence arrived at Norfolk 10th Inst. &kr El A Perkins, Sawyer, cleared at Now York 10th inst. for Philadelohla. - Behr Wm L Springs, Lippincott, hence, arrived at Wilmington, 140 4th inst. On the 9 th , Wesley Norton dm mate, a native of this city, died of consumption, MARINZ MISOELLANY London, Sept 29—Tbe Wilton, Morrie, from Jamaica, in the river, reports that on the 80th Aug, lot 48 N, lon 56 W, she was in Vallision with the Catherine, of Tho maston, from Cardiff for New York, which sunk in two hours afterward, the crew saved themselves In ins boats. The Wilton lost gunwale, ,etauncheons, Ito, and had deck started, foreyard, fibboono, and bowsprit car ried away, top aides damaged, &c. Capt Ackley, of the brig .Eastern Star, at N Orleans, reports having seen on the 23d ult, In lac 3215, long 70 30, a sehr of about 150 tons borthen, apparently new, water logged and abandoned, with her foremost and maintopmast gone and lying to windward, still attached to the vessel by the rigging. The last four letters' of her name were "ford." /lEEE] Arr at Quebec 6th inst. barque Lady Campbell, Pow ers, Dublin; Enomango, Watson, Greenock; oche Na tional, Fortin, from L'lslet, with materials from the Steamship Canadian.- Oct Bth, ships Danzio, Shooter, Gottenburg; Tomeganope, Poe, Glasgow; Allan, SitAr thur, Port Glasgow. ' - ' Old 7th lost, ships Qaprouge, Spawn., Plymouth; Sir Colin Oampbel), McNabb, Greenock; barque, Oalcutte„ Gooding, Dartmouth; Heury„Duncan,. Babcock, Poole;' Bangalore, Hill, Fuwey; Cornet, lacehliverpool; NeW, York Packet, Thompson, Liverpool; Honor, Christopher, St Ives. Oct Btll, ships Agnes .Andorson, Heating Kingstown; Delhia,Bopke,LondOn; Avon, Evans, Sloan Sridge; barques Ernst August, Pretnerst, Hull; Bowes, Ellwood, Workington. , Demerara, Sept 111-Izi pit, barques . Montezuma, Hansel!, die; May Queen, Johnson, from Baltimore, do; AIMS, (Br) for do lag; brigs Martha Post, Thompson, from Norfolk, dim —, Sales, do dm Thom Trowbridge, for Norfolk in 8 day*. . , ARRIVALS a THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS , i• • Up to 12 'o'eleek LatuNiglet. • GIRARD MOTEL—.Chestnut street, between Bth & 9th. John Perry, Ya R B Knox, Va J T Crowell , N JR J laterite, S 0 A Mauer, Pew York - Alfred Newton, England ' P. At Taylor, Staunton, Va ' Jos S Meredith, Ye henry Tyson, Pa ' P Tyson, PA J T Strotber Ga 'RR Raskin, Oa . • 013 Ross, 0' ' L Rusted Ai la, Brooklyn Mrs W Montgomery, Conn L 118eswell, Jr, Ala ',lowa Webb, Alabama W o Brine, Miss g Walker, Oa R E Wimberly, Oa J P LE Culler, Oa 0 Snyder, N Y R Burton-, N Y Miss Woodpelaware co Rll Casstlly,& la, Ohio "Dr WII Lgvy, NY , J P Stanley, Tenn A V Wart, Tenn '0 Odom, Headmen, km E J Walker, Tenn tW Ifilranbery, Macon, Tenn E P Eimball,kiesiachusetts •11 W Grey Alleslssippl 'Ciao It Taylor, Wheeling, • I/ Id Morrie, New York • V J Taylor, Georgetown II Bi ziadge; Georgetown N Thomas, rieorgettrwa. • ' 13 Id Pond, New Orleans A Buckbard, 81ng Nog Sand Whelpley, New York N S Pinney, II 0 S - • Mrs Van Clure, New York Rufus Gellogr, Mass W A Shepard, Now York J S Quip, Ne w YYork 3 Chandler, La Mr Lamle', Charleston"' 11 Davle, N Y W R Jackson, Dalt , 0 11 , Dalton, Roston Tlt Courtenky, St Lords ' Dr hector, Reading P R Archer, Salem j _N J •' IV Belden, Salem, ' RP Lowry and Ms Erie: Pit Mrs II 0 Lowry, Philo, ' Mrs 8 Cameron, Itarrlsbuqr All Warrord & la, Harriet% Miss id Cameron, Uarrisbg I'" II Burns & lady, Coon Wm Webster, QM U , Loake, Va W P Johnston,' Louisville ( x i , Murray & la, Jersey 0 Merwin and la, Chicago Aig e nolk and lady , Mies J E Leruolne Yo ;.n.3 'Maw, Va , ' wt ON ROTRIi--Areh street. above TkIM. ,I E m aro don, kiew York biro J 0 Banker, New Fork 0 M ,Roo, lowa 'Dr A name, T ort ' • , j L e mel, Flemington, N 3 Mr Blake, Flemington; NJ 13 Bellonek, lifillstown,'N 3 Obis .4 Short; Md - A B V volions, Fred , k USX- Jan W 191111 ams, Obba • ' tote Ts—.., Jim Lesley, Plttaburgb' Pa il ain li i, toonker, rittaburgh W 3 Oarson, Balt '• - - 4" mh ,Nou tr. TA, Diolla liro.l.4wls, Po + i 'cle c , wi g , ' jut, yamaqua, Pa .3 IA Domgardnor, Salami, 0 , Wm Mo th •-• J ohn Wilson, Sebill never , • , erington, Po tts R 0 Warner, Reading. Ammm t N HOTEI-- . .Ohestnut, above Fifth, P. Locke, Ya P Puss, Wars 3 4( /11' '0 Wallington UAW Rieree, Bait , ,J Dorsey, Phila NV Outlay', abaft co, Pa P Roamer, , ;atiliani_Detllni 114 IW J Banker et • }lonises', N ITS tevans, 'wo a d L 'heifer W Shnons, West York !MOnes & 13, 4. ,J$ 11111etto,Noi ' 8 8 Brown, West 01 1 , wtter J Prowl, West Chester , 'Mrs Allen Tteadiu g AO Dail, Baltimore W C A Ai Allen, New Yorko Allen, New Yotk ;GUI John R Williams, D W'Nonlinni New York e A Reath k la, Indians . • C Jordan, B 4 torlbogt.4 4 i /1 A Allen. New York ' WilkeVoro':/1 kr„ .. ' 0 Dawson, Newark, N 4 1 1e ,110, P1 Newark a J Ximrson, Newark , II .1 IA akistriOokett' PR s t z z I ttigSDAitiv berOßElt.vtg;!"lB6l.7- MadVED MEMORANDA POIVEEIN PORTE. 11811011 ANT S, HOTEL—Fourth etreet s beleir Arch. J Ring, N Y C Tarn4end,N Y (3 A Hart, Newh'n, H Q „ Hooper Halt • D UPdegrally, Lye , g co, Pa' • JO, Mpale,y, Pbilg , H W Applegate, Pa L Idertop 4 16, Harr, Pa H B Root Baltimore trnanget, Bethlehem Ur Elict,Thiladelphla . Pint & to, Ohio W W Dialogue, Weatherly (Duo Y Duper, Hear Ye*. • P Rtlargar & la, Scranton o,PLomnie &As, POP4I • I Mrs 'Johnson, Springlietki T,O-Yost, PettatewP • Jauob U Bela, Lanbaete' r NATIONAL HOTEL—Race atrial, above Third U k,Devatio, Reading J Patzinger. Northampton S Weaver, Northampton co L ]dialer, Phmnixvlllo J . N Nice, Soh Haven, Pa Smug Punk t Lewistown N W Major, Leesport Jlialt, Selinsgrove, Pa 'n Groh, Lit's, Lane co Jos Sotheby, Mt Union, 0 '0 W Morgan, Pottsville Mrs Kipp slater, Wil l! lainehart, Pottsville, • I ton, Pa L Haase, Allentown MJ Ablo k la , Allentown - Jai; Laird. Hughesville A 9 Cummings, 9 Gro v e ;lies Annie Rioter, S Dro v e Al Rioter, 8 Grove A N Harvey, Ilarverrille Joe Wh,taker, Mt Clare • - STATES liNtoti—jilsrket' street. , above Sixth. labia Given, Ohio . , (leo 4 ,ItoUkip t liattliwor a Robt J Jenkins, Illeirsvttle ' Lovell, liiirtlngtou Waahiugton Ruts, Pa . , , 7 1i Ria.Palda, Pa W H Camp*, I'a . , , , N Luling; Pa , J tleJunkto, btailoo,Pi . ; ; Blicora ) Balt Wm Ridgway, Harliagiati,, .komea , 'Walton, Pia ' J'as Voitoo, Amity, Pa , 44,Suraero, Ohio BLACK man HOTEL—ThIrg street, above Onliowhill. /I Haldeman, Buck. co ' • Levl Eckel' Feculent co Sassarniin, Sumneytoirn Bee Siegfried, Kutztown ASt Ream, Doylestown J B Bothermel, Maiden Ohs Lerhard, Becks co ' Oreek' A, Fox, Schuylkill co • Limbach, Bending Bechtel, Berke co , Henry Theresa, Franconia ,J L'Brumbach, Reading A Bogelandi Fenaterrille J Burr Reading Stepheub Roads, Byherry AMA Detty, Cleorgetown MADISON 110119 E—Second street above Market. B W Reynolds, Milton, Del 7olin Vi' Jump, Deli W F Jones, Del N P Luit, Del 0 Ramon], Baltimore PlP{lip Reit-art, Norfolk,Va James P Myers, Ind new B Rood, Obto , Jaeob Wilson, Obio " Ezra Labelle, Bt Louts Isaac Jerome, Va Abraham Norman, VG BLACK BEAR INN—i.ltih iindllerchntlt. Afro S N WYnri, New Jersey , Miss Winn; Now 'Toney W Bill, Delco:mg co .. Wm Lenin, Went Chester W T Grout, Repo& Wso .1., Beatty, Dclompro tO iS ilurford, ()linter co Overial Notices.' Buffalo Robes —lOO Bales Buffalo, Robes, of the various qualities, Just received from Minnesota, Alio s haudeome assortment of Fancy Robes of our own manufacture, and for nolo wholes* and retail by ORO. N. WOMRAVI, • octl2-Imit 415 Arch Street. , Electing at thus Ontal,BEPPAill;ll,oAold'ol.lklpaideif aqt, (12th Inst.,) at 7g o'clo& - 1. 1 ;:e ;'l-the ilseretary , s Office, No. 144 S. Fourth attest, Pauttnal , a4andsuct) Is particularly requested, 0010.2t* Seamen , * Saving Fund Wee 203 'Walnut 'street, one door west of second street. fieceirog posits in sums , of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allo#s interest at the rate of dye per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 *lock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President tfrankihs Fell; Treasurer, Oharles 61,91ortie Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Tavastray Dszterstenr, September 23,1887. Notice le hereby given to the belders of gecko of the United States that this Department Will pi rehase such certificates as ahall be received here, duly assigned to the United States, previous to the let day of Novem ber next, at the rate's heretofore offereq andpedd, viz /0 per cent. premium on the loan of 1842, • do per cent. premium on loans of 1817 and and 1818, 0 per cent. premium on Texas indemnity 5 per cent• stock, togelher with the, interest accrued in each race from let July. , - Certificates of stock Waived hero on and after the let day of November, until farther riotteenhall be given, will be purchased at the following rates, viz 8 per cent premium on the loan of 1842. , 14 per oent, preininnt on the loans of 1847 end 1848, and rr cent, premium on Texas indemnity 6 per cent., with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Where certificates of stock, Inscribed and transfera ble on the books of the Treasury, shall be received here,, assigned to the llnited Mateo, between the let Decem bar, when the transfer hooks Will be closed, end the lot Of January, when the -half-yearly Interest Is payable, the accrued interest for tho half-year 'must be expressly Resigned to tbo 'United States by the stockholder, ai no interest for the current beltiewe can be included in the settlement, but the same wilr be payable by the Assist. ant Treasurer on the interest soltedaleo, u heretofore. In all cease the purchase be settled in rater of the lawful holder of the stock, Who Shall assign it to the United States hi the mode prescribed by the regale• tiara of assignments of stock; and remittance will he made of the amount by draft on the assistant trews,. ems at Bolden, New York, or Philadelphia, et the op tion of the party in whose favor the settlement shall be made. One day's additional interest wilt be added from the day of receipt here for the draft to be sent by mail. HOWELL 001111, 'ettfilitf ' iieeretery or the Treasury. Bower's Infant Cordial.,.—eff telt invaluable Cordial Is prepaied from a Variety of themes! , choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine; and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infante and ,yOung children. Ity its polVertal influence a speedy eine is effected in 'all cues of Chalk, windy pains ,and spaami. le ttarts and mitigates math of shiliirtn's Angering duving,ddittf,-,.` Hon or teething,. and by, Its soothing prosiarties ttad , .giillises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting; Ice. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and km been used In thoasinde of NOS with the most abundant sunsets! , Ito famlti, shOuldbe 'without It. Prepared only b' •. Unlit A. Do wn, - At hie Drag and Oberoleal'Eltore, N. N. earner of 811th and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mast be addressed. „And for siqe by Druggists generally. an 13.4 y Saving Fund—Five Per Vent. linterent—Na decal Safety Tract Company, In IPalifOr Street, south west corner of VOID Street, Puihsiistruti. Aseeta over WM MILLIda AMP a HALF or DOLLiaa f Invested in neat. Etr•ra, IitOIYOI.OBa j OsOUND AUTO, and other trot ohms securities, as required' by the charter. his institution confines ifs business entirely to the tend. ring or motley on deposit. , The office is open every day from 9 oielooh lathe morning until 7 n'olook in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 0 o'clock, Aintriain. On the Ttb hut.. by Rev. 7. Gable, IV, ROADS, M.D., to Mho RATE HAMILTON, all of Denville, Pe. On tbetth fut., by Rev. W. W. Newell, of Syracuse, GEORGE D. TODD, M. D , of Manlius dtatioo, to ELIZA M., eldest daughter of Timothy Todd , Ens. of Manlius, N, Y. On the 11th May. by Alderman McGarry.Mr. lIENRY B. CLARK to NUN ANNIE E. BARTLIgTT, both of this city. igeat46 Suddenly, on Saturday ,evening, the 10th inst., ELIAS 0. DEAL, eau of Daniell/eel, aged 20 years. Ws mate friends and those of the family are respect fully Melted to attend his funeral from his father?* re sidence, No. 261 North Sixth street, below Vine,' this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. On the 10th loot., DAVID sautes, lathe 124 year of his age. - On the 10th inst., ANN DYSON, wife of John Dyson, aged 62 years. . On the 11th inst., Mr. WILLIAM BOLTON, In the 24th year of hie age. [l7 'Nett Arch Sfreet Pretiliyterlarx Church corner of EIGIITENNTIL greet. The installation of the Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS, D. D., tie Pastor of the West Arch Street Church, will take place THIS (Tuesday) EVEN/NO, at halfpast coven o'clock . The Preabytery of Philadelphia has appointed the Rev. lIENRY A BOARDMAN, D. D., the Rev. CIIARLES W. 8111ELDS, end the Rev. LEWIS 011EESESIAN, D. D., to officiate on that occaaion. otl3-It* , • jjY Nolice—Appents„--Clty ' Comm1111m:ore Office. PHILdDeLPULt, October 11, M. NOTICE IS lIEREBE o YEN , That tbe Commis sioners will hear Appeal* by all persons rated for State ,end Municipal Tax, no the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1858, for 9I several words of the said city, at their ,office, No.ll west wing OT thblitate house, (op Maim) ,on the following'daYS 4 betanien the boon of 10 ' pielcnk A. if:and l'o , driek.P. , ' let and 2 1 Wards—On Monday, Octobor 19th, 1851, &I 46 4th 4 , ~ Tuesday " 20th, bth 6th " Wednes day, ,, Slat, " 7th " Bth " " Thursday, " oloth «" 11th " 12th " 19th 14th " Tuesday, " 27th, " 16th "10th " • " Wednesday, " 28th, 17th " 18th " " Thursday, ‘• 29th, " 19th " 20th " Friday, " 30th„" ' 21st "224 " '" Monday', Nov. 2di ' 23d "29th ••• " Toesdisir, •" • ad, -• " The deeeuore of such wards as hat.e . notbeen impetheit with Blank Notice' of Appalls are hereby notl9e4lo call it the Oammlisionere , Office and pee*, the game, GBORGE M. HILL, • , • 7AII2I3III.'LIDDIt, City Ntatalesloners. JAMES 1,094 M, ocla-dtuo3 irr- Caution, to Voters.—Any Tlokit which may be published• as the People's Ticket , ' is not aanetioned.. by the 'LIQUOR DEALERS' ABBOOIA TION,and is a fraud 'Upon voters.. HENRY 0. KUSE Y R , Liquor . 7 .7 .A o hdp i , D . R m A A D ou ' in: Dealers Association: LET Phlladelpkisoget. 8, 18167.—At the R u les Stated fdeetlptof the LlQtrOlt DEALERS , dgßo - bed Ms 'day, a resolution was adopted, unanimoully, to withdraw :the Ticket known es the " PROPLIVEI TIONIT," which was formed by tbt. Mad; elation on thelst inst. The following named -gentle men ware appointed a Commlitee to carry out tce In tentkam a the 'meeting:' lien? 0. 310810 • Brady, and I,lfidegulre. - ,TO#ll r. 0 , 801%8, 01,,,1 rt 4 1 , pre; gem. Liquor Dealars' desolation, The above Committee hereby notify the members of the" Liquhr Dealers' Aesociation, end the pubile, that they have auspended the publication ' of the ticket known as the " People's 'Rickey' and recommend that all members of the Association, and their friends, erase their own - Judgment end preferences in 'regard to the candidates .of the severed political parties to be voted for ou Tuesday next. The Committee also notify all whom it may concern, that any ticket published hereafter as a "People's Ticket", Las not the sanCtion of the Liquor Dealers' Association, or any connection therewith. • HENRY O. MEESPIL „ . • JAS. BRADY, ' • • • • .40111.111. iIfACWHE. irr Notice to Vonslinessfbe tiffott PAREIL,' , Captain GEORCIE FAULK, le 130 W Mitcham log, under general penult, at Quota street wbstf. Con signets will Flew attend to the receipt of their goods. THOMAS 11101URDt3ON 1 0e9.6t 101 'Walnut street. THE COPARTNER OUIP- heretofore existing leitwenn • abe under signed, under ,She omit) of E. W. CLARK & 00., this day dissolved by-onoat consent ; end either of the partnere 18 authorised :to nee the name of the grin in Hquidstion EDWARD DODGIN, • ' TAY 000 K, WARD mum,' ' cLARENot CLARK Ootohti 18,1861. COPARTNIBSUIP. The underigined hari Ude day ageOciated*thernsidysi under the, name of ZOWAR.WW.• CLARE & CO., tin the traniabtlon of a genetil Banking; demeatic Tx. change, end ComEalsolotibuiluees. 'IDWARD W. BLAU. ' " OLABENOK OLABK: F. B. KIMBALL. it ,PsuLAINILIMIA j Ootobor/11;1867. "- riondst, EDWARD P. KELLY LATH . . KELLY & 11 isornms,_ 814 CHESTNUT, STREET, ABOVE EIGHT/1,- 1W now on hand a large assetttnent or OVERCOA. MOS, CLOTHS. GASSIMERES, VEBTINOS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, MORNING GOWNS &a, &c., or the best iualltles and latest style.. Prires moderate for errdit, ota for ear/. The buslnes's or KELLY & 13110THER .MII be In Mum attended to by E. P, KELLY or JOHN DOHERTY, at No, 814 CHESTNUT street. oel3-tt JOHN P. DOITERTi, FORWISRLY WITII ILKLEY & BROTIIF.N, • • • . LATE 'WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET,' ABOVE ,EIGHTH, Ma now with him the beet Toilers that are engaged in the busbies/I in'this country. 001111.1/.1 nowt; formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Kayssa, formerly cutter for O. Roth A: Co., And tato Coat nail Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & CO the hest Pants and Vest cutter tho Witted States, Air years cutter with Deplerrls, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Depterris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronito the eStabliehment. Tbe best of Clothes nude at moderate prices for trrgit, low prices for cash: ocl3.tf THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE FITY OF YIIILADBLVIIIA. Estate of JAMES 11AIGILTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the *Wont of THOMAS CADWALADIIIt, Executor and Trontoe of the last will and tont...eat or 341.11E8 butsTON, deceased, arising from that portion of the estate belonging to *schedule 13 annexed to tho inden ture of partition in said estate, dated January 20, 1849, recorded in the office for recording deeds, kg., in Phila delphia, in Deed Book G IV C, No. 1, page 497, and to report distribution; and also, the 27th account (A) of the said Thomas Oadwalader, Executor to Trustee afore said, arising from that portion of the estate belonging to lielhedule E, annexed to the indenture of partition dated 11th day of June, 1852, recorded in Deed Book No. page—and to report distribution, mill meet the parties interested at his office. No. 128 WALNUT Street, in the city of Ph/Me/phis, on SATURDAY, QOTOBER 24th, 1007, at 1 P. M. :0,e13.t0 thdesa.lit FRANCIS IYBARTON, Auditor. IN 'THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 'FOR THE COUNTY OR PHILADELPHIA. . . . . The following Charter of Incorporation will be granted by the Court on MONDAY, the Ith day of DEMMER, A. D. 1807, at Jo O'clock A. Of., if no sutileient rensoirbe shown to the contrary, to wit : THE 1311(11tANT BENEFICIAL SOCIETY OF THE '9l'Y AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. • odd 20 27* . - fk - THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY VIP PHILADELPHIA. /bitate of watanst WALLACE COOK, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust , and nettle the fourtho account of JOHN T, LEWIS, Administrator c t: it. of WILLIAM WALLACE COOK, deceased, and to report distribution, will moot the parties interested at hle oittee, No. 528 WALNUT etreet,in the city of Phila delphia, on SATURDAY, • OCTOBER 2.lth, 18.57, at ,L 2 B. otwravrtsT ocl3-tu th&sa-5t FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor DRY GOODS NOTICE In consequence or the unforeseen character of the times, JOAN KIEHL & SON Have determined to oiler THEIR ENTIRE STOCK For solo, without regard to cost. Cash buyers will And it advantageous to call, No. 015 CHESTNUT STREET, ABO VE ocl3•d3t* REDUCTION. L. J. LEVY 4c CO. Will continue to offer during pie week their entire es- Soittnent of ()HOWE DRESS GOODE, SILKS AND SHAWLS, under the cost of importation. CLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. Just opened, several cases of Paris-made CLOAKS AND EHDROIDERIES. oe12•Iw ' No 424 CHESTNUT STREET. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW 0000 OPENED DAILY, .7 G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL STORES 109 G CHESTNUT Street, four belowbelo Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St., Spruce. EACTORIES.—Nos. 95 awl 97 GEORGE St , below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near 'Union. Ord era made at a few hours' notice. ae22- PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS FOR 1858. QUARTEMISTRA'a OFFION MAatde Coops, Washington, October 10, MI. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office until TUESDAY, the loth of November next, at 8 o'clock P. 11 , for furnishing Rations to the United Stites Marine Coro, at the following stations, Cor the year 1818, Charlestown, Massachusetts; • Portsmouth, New Manipshire ; Brooklyn, Loud Island, New York ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvarna; Gosport, near Norfolk, Virginia; IVarrington, Florida; and Washington, Oistrict of Columbia, Each ration to consist of one pound and a quarter of fresh beef, or three.quartera of a pound of mess pork; eighteen ounces of bread, made of beat superfine dour or beat superfine flour, at the option of the Ooverrunentl, and at the rate of six pounds of good coffee, twelve pounds of beat New Orleans sugar, eight quarts of beat white beans, four quarts of vinegar, two quarts of salt, four pounds of good hard brown soap, and one•and-a half pounds of good hard dipped tallow candles, to one hundred rations. The beef required shall be delivered on the order of the commanding officer of each station, either in bulk or by the tingle ration and shall carotid of the best end most choice pieces of the carcase; AIM pork to be No.l primp cocoa pork, and the groceries to be of the beat quality of kinds named.= All subject to inspection. No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by the names of two sureties known to this office, or 'certified to by some official pardon. To be endorsed " Proposals for Rations for 1859," and addressed to the Quarter master of the Marine Corps, Washington, D. 0. • D. J. SUTHERLAND, Quartermaster. The paper publishing this adrertiaansent will send the paper containing thofirst insertion to this office far examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense, at the rate of 75 cents for 360 ems first inter lieu and 37,1 i cents per 300 0111,1 for all subsequent M eridians. ; The National Intelligencer, Star, and States. Wash ington, D. 0.; Argus, Portland Ue ; Patriot, concord, N. II.; Gazette, Portsmouth , N. U.; Post and Courier, Boston, Ides§ • ,Bridgeport Farmer Coon ; Daily News and Atha, Magle,Brooklyn, N. Y.; Argus. Penn. sylvanien, and Prow; Philadelphia, Penn ; Patriot, Harrisburg, Penn. ; • Republican, Baltlinote, Ud.; States man and Argus Norfolk Pe ,• Democrat, Peusrola, Fla ; Courier a n d °domino, New Orleans. ; • will publish the above three times per week, omit Loth No vember. oc 13-tu lb and set t Nov 10 PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. QvARTNIIMASTWEI °MON MARINE CORI'S, IVas6logton, Sept. 17, 1357 , SEALRD PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 3 o'clock, p. tu., on Thursday, the 224 October, 1857, for supplying the marine corps with the following articles during the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1858, 600 to 800 uniform cape, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompoons 1,000 to 2,000 patent-leather stocks. 600 to 800 privates' uniform coats, complete, of navy blue cloth, indigo dye—t o . be theistically tested. .60 to 100 sorgeants' uniform coats, (lame an above.) 00 to 100 musicians' costa, purist cloth, cochineal dye—to be chemically tented. 100 to 200 palm non-commissioned officers' epau lettes. 600 to 800 pairs brass centre straps. 80 to 60 red wonted sashes, 1,000 to 2,000 pairs linen overalls. 2,000 to 2,000 linen shine. 2,600 to 3,000 palm brogans, Nos. 5 to 11. 500 to 80' marine blankets, (gray.) 600 to 800 knapsacks. 2,600 to 3,000 pairs woollen socke. 600 to 8011 marine fatigue caps, the cloth to be navy blue, indigo dye, awl • chemically • tested. 600 to 800 fatigue froOks. 1,000 to 1,600 flannel shirts. 600 to 1,000 pairs woollen overalls, blue kersoy. 600 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. 100 to 600 watch or great coats, do. 600 to 1,000 pairs Canton flannel drawers ap to 60 musicians , jackets, scarlet cloth, cochi neal dye—to be chemically tested Samples of tho above articles may be seen on appli cation at this office, or at the office of the assistant quartermaster marine corps, 189 Spruce street, Phila delphia. It Is to be understood that the accepted bidder Is to take all material need for manufacturing coats, overalls, An, on hand at the time of entering into contract, at the contract prices thereof, Bids willbe received lot the whole or in parts for the mild., required, and it must be explicitly understood that a critical inspection will be given all articles fur nished an to fit and quality, and that articles which do not come up to the sample will be rejected and thrown ripen the bands of the contractor. The quartermaster reserves to himself the right to increase or diminish the quantity named above, es the exigenciea or Interests of the service may demand. Proposal , * to be addre'ssed to the liQuartermaater of the Marine Corps," Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Pro posals for flupplies. , , , The papers publishing this advertleement 4111 send the paper containing the first insertion to this office for elualtaation, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense—at the rate of Y 6 cents for 300 emu tint laser Men, and SIM cents per 800 eme for all subsequent in sertions. solo-stuthto22 PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING THE CUSTOM ROME, &e., at Perth Amboy, New TREASURE DEPARTMENT, WitattiNOlON, September 21st, /My: PROPOSALS Will he received at this Department until the 26th day of November, A D. 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the construction of the Custom House, Post O ffi ce and. Court Room, authorized to be erected at PERTH AMBOY, New Jersey, according to the plane and specifications prepared at thie . Depytu o ient ; Bald Fur o re different b ende r :l wthoeriTo4A ofibuilding, ire separateusn every cue accompany each bid, with' the amount of each kind of work, and the total amount carried Oct. the Department resorting the right to reject or accept the proposide hereby Invited, or any part thereof, whoa it deems the Interest of the United States require it; the Department alas reserves the right to exclude the bids of any person or persons whom there is Pet Mies to believe will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which they have attempted to obtain ,V indirection; and all bids when there shall be patties in interest who do not join In the bids, and all bids that upon Investiga tion are below a fair price for the work. Bids will not be received in gross, and no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work and materials, which shall be subject to the revision of the Department, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, Re the interest of the United States may 'require. Ninety per cent. of the amount of work done, and materials delivered according to Contract price (said amount to be ascertained by an estimate of an agent of the Department appointed for that purposed will be paid from tune to time at the work progresses; and ten per cent. retained until the completion of the contract, and the acceptance of the work, dec., by the agent aforesaid; and be forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment of contract. . . ig &I; ti °entracte will be awarded only to master-bullders and mechanics ; and the assignment thereof, except by con sent of the - Beoretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit ore of the 111020. Each proposal must "oeaceoinpanted by a written guar. antes, signed by two responsible persons (certified to be so by the United States ;District udge ,or attorney of the said District), in the, sum of 58,000 for the whole work, or of a proportionate amouot If any part, that the bidder will, when required, If his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond, with‘proper and mulSclont securities for its faithful performapee. Worm of gond and Certificate required Vitt he fur- Matted on application to the Department. Plans, specification', • and working drawings will be ready on the let of .144:member, wheulhey can be had on application to the Department. No bid mill be considered inaiss complies, in all its details, Irish the requirements of this adver tisement; The proposals must be sent to this Department, ad dressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and plainly endorsed "PROPOSALS POlt Thig PERTH AMBOY CUSTOS. 110A8E," end will be opened at one o'clock of the last day named for reeeiring the same. 110W0JLL 00138, 1021-thafetn.tnodA • . Secretary of the Tesaury 111crrliantr (I ailoro. tegnl Notices Tarp acrollo proposals Salm ba 'Auction. I%JI THOMAS & SONS, • Nos, 139 84410 SOUTH FOURTH STUNT, (Formerly Nos, 07 and 69,) REAL ESTATE, BTOORB, 40. Public Sales et the rhiladelpltta Exchange every Tuesday Evening. [D- ihindbilk of each property issued separately, In addition to which we put:11111h ou the Saturday previous to each sale oho thousand catalogues to pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. 117 FURNITURE BALES AT TILE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. =EI ID" We have a large amount of Real Rotate at Pri vate Mile. Including every deacriptiou of City and Country property. Printed Lints may be bad at the Auctlou Store. PRIVATE; SALE REGISTER. II7" Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re• glitter, are advertised oectudonelly to our Public , Sate Abstracts, (td which 1,060 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS, LOANS tke. On Tuesday evening. 20th instant, at 1 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Es change, will be sold without reserves, for account of whom it may concern-- 1123 shares Philadelphia and Pittston Coal Co. $lOOO Coupon Bond CoMalta% Cowl &talon Company, 25 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on each of the above at the time of eale. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Mercantile Loan and Building Association. $412 per abate paid. b shares Ridgway Farm and Land CO. $2OO per share Fold, for another account, original shares of the flan Francisco Land Co., equal to 100 new shares. Also, 10 ehares Philadelphia Exchange. 6 shares American Academy of Music Shares Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Library, and Philadelphia Athenteum. ELEVENTH FALL SALE, EOM OCTOBER This sale will include— Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool Pectory, on the Schuylkill Genet, oppo site Phcenixvillo ELEGANT MODERN GESIDENCE, tf.c. Elegant modern regldence awl oftices, N. W. corner of Thirteenth anti Arch streets. 25 feet front on Arch street,l2s feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court halo. ESTATE OF DAVID LELIBIAN, DEO'D. VALTIADLE REAL ESTATE . . ' Valuable Real Estate, :R. John street, between (keep end Coateß Streets—neveral melsoBges, dud lot 37 feel , 8 inch.. trout. BUSINEBS STAND Three-story Brick Store nod Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets. Sale absolute, VALUABLE RESIDENCE_ AND LARGE LOT. 2ao • .. Valuable brick resident_ ,e barn and stable, and large lot. corner of Cherry and Waketiug streets!, tete borough of Fraukford. It front% on three streets, nod is a very desirable situation. ' FOUR BRICK DWELLINGS. Tour three-story brick dwellings, 00 Ninth 'street end 0 linden street, between Willow and Noble streets, LA C/11 AND VALLUDLE LOT, . . , Largo and int/naafi, sot, occupied as a coal yard, east aide Ninth dreg., north of Poplar, with railroad track, office, &c. DWELLING, POPLAR STREET. Three•story Brick Dwelling, No. 816 Poplar street between Fighth and Ninth streets. . . New three-story brick dwelling, No. .1.20 Brantford Road, north Of Bedford street, with a three-story frame dwelling In the rem,. . . NEAT MODERN DWELLING. A neat modern three-story brick dwelling with bark buildings, No south Fifth street, below Washington, t 2d Ward.) 'GROUND RENT. SOO, Also, a Ground Rent of PO a Year.' on the Pro perty at the N. E. comer of Putnam and Howard streets, (late Kensington.) . . . NEAT DWELLING . . Nest three-story brink dwelling, No. 410 O. Eleventh street, below Pine street. TWELFTH FALL SALE, 27TH OCTOBER. Will include the following— MODERN DWELLING. Neat modern three-story Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wa'taco street, with a three4tory brick dwelling on Citron street. PEREMPTORY BALE—FOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WARD. Valuable lot S E corner Jefferson avenue or Afoye mensing road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N E corner JoSereon avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. • • Valuable lot and frame stable,Moore street, adjoining the above. gale of the whole, absolute. Full particu lars in handbills and plan. HANDSOME MODERN REOrDENO.}I. - - Handsome residence With double back building, and replete will all modern conveniences, No. 1347 Spring Garden street. This is a very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, STEAM ENGINE, be —Two and a ball stoiy factory, steam engine, be., Twenty-first Ward, (routing on Clearfield, Twenty-first street, and the Phila delphia and Germantown railroad. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING —Two-story brick naessuage, S. IL corner Township Line road and Clear field street, Twenty-first Ward. VALUABLE LOT.—Valuable lot, N. E. corner Seven teenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Garden 'treat, east of William street. TIURTEENTII PALL SALE, 3d NOVEMBER This sale will include Orphans' Court Sale." ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEC'D. THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO nitICK DWELLINGS SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSkUNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Primeeind Seventh streets. Valuable lot, fronting on Prime street, and on rillfl• yank road. Valuable lot, Passyttnk road. Two throe.story brick dwellings, Seventh street, west side, north of Prime street. They will be sold Dept,. :stab.. See handbills and plan. Also, by order of Orphans' Court ESTATE OP JOHN FITZWATER, DECD. OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH A PRONE OP SOUR HUNDRED FENT ON THE. RIVER DELAWARE AND - TA CONY, TWENTIPTHIRD WARD: . . . Same Estate—THßEE-STORE BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, Nq. 266 North Fifth above Noble street. Same Estate—TWO BRICK DWELLINGS. Also, Two brick dwellings, Ooion and Remover streets, shove Prince street, Kensington. FOURTEENTH FALL SALE-10TLI NOVEbIBER Salo Nos In glad 140 Booth Fourth street. SUPERIOR OERSIAN FLOWER ROOTS . . _ This l•lorning, At 11 o'clock, at the Auction Store 2 cases Osman Flower Roots, from R. Vandersehoot A Bons, Haarlem, comprising Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, &c. gale in Priam street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. This blaming, At 10 o'clock, at No. 039 Worthington. or Prime street, below Seventh street, the neat parlor, dining-room, chamber and kitchen furniture, of a lady deClining housekeeping. I ee' May be examined on morning of sale at eigbt o'clock. Bale No. 251 South Sixteenth street. HOUSEHOLD tURNITUIIE. On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 251 South Sixteenth street, third door above Spruce street, the surplus furniture or a lady declining housekeeping, comprising superior Eng lish tapestry carpets, four light chandelier., India china, tine china*, large book-cave, due hair mattress, feather beds, store-room and kitchen utensil., large preserving pan, rolls of new rag carpet, oil cloth, An , Sale Nog. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE ROSEWOOD PIANO FOR'PE PREEMIE PLATE. MIRRORS, TAPESTRY OARPETS, dec. On Thursday Moulin}, At 9 o'olock, at the Auction Store, an extensive assort ment of excellent second-hand furniture, rosewood piano-forte, French plate mirrors, tapestry carpets, from famines declining housekeeping. PARHAM SEWING MAURINE. Also, a Parham patent sewing machine in good order. BALE OF A PRIVATE LIBRARY. On Thursday evening, October 15th, st the Auction Store will be sold s valuably PRIVATE LIBRARY, comprising English awl American editions of important sod interesting works on various subjects. Also, a number of bsautiful pictorial and illustrated books. Also, a very superiordouble Magic Lantern, with dis solving views, cost upwards of 1150. For particulars see catalogues and the books which will be ready for examination the day previous to sale. Salo No. 281 North Sixth street SPLENDID gI3RNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, SUPERIOR PIANO, FINE VELVET CARPETS, OIL PAINTINOS, dre. On Friday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 261 North Sixth street, below Tine street, by catalogue, the entire elegant furniture of a gentlemandeclining housekeeping, including a very elegant rosewood piano, seven octaves, made by Sheer, cost $900; pair large and elegant French plate mantel mirrors, richly framed ; elegant pier mirrors, floe rose wood drawing-room furniture. cruneon brocatelle covers, elegant velvet carpets, flue oil painting, elegant dun deliers, thuing-room furniture, patept extension caning table, book-case, elegant walnut thenstatr furniture, latest style ; plain chamber furniture,&cr, &e. 117" The cabinet furniture was made to order by Moore ac Champion, hes been in use but a short time and equal to new. ' *** Catalogues will be ready, and the furniture may be examined the day previous to sale, from 11 to o'clock. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above WORM. • OARD-9ALE OP HOUSEHOLDVIIIINITURN-1111.2 117' We beg leave to inform the public that we bold our regular weekly gin of Purnitiire OVery Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS BALES ROOM, NO. 108 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention Is given to ob tain the highest pHces for the goods of those who may favor um with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house• keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE DETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY OP THE PORN/. TUBE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUOTION STORE IN THE CITY. frr Persons layering us with consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. I:13 Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction House in the city. irr Consignments respectfully solicited. ID' Sales paid Immediately after the goods are sold. Sala at the Auction Stare . . NEAT NOU9EIIOLD PIIRNITURE, OARPETB, kO. This Morning. At 10 o'clock, will be sold at the Auction Store, the neat household furniture of a lady, deceseed. ELEGANT LARGE MANTEL MIRROR. A leo, a large mantel mir CO ror, In a rich frame, cast ma. ROANS. Also, 5 dozen morocco roans, for binders or shoe makers. TO PAINT.ENS AN OTHERS EXTENSIVE SA GE OP A PRINTING OPTION, POWER - PRESSES, TYPE, itici - On Saturday Morning, 171 h of October, will be sold without reserve, In the fourth story of the Bulletin Building, Third street below Chestnut, the entire stock and fixtures of an extensive printing office, cornprialng Adams power presses hydrau lic proses, a large quantity of type, and everything fitted for conducting an extensive book and job printing office. tEr Toms cash. 0 RENT It 7 A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rent POO per annum. Apply at the Arm Lion more. AT PRIVATE SALE. • . A drat•class Printing ONCe, with a good run of ness, four printing grease, two Ruggles and one Adams. Type and everything neeemstry for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. rpE ADVERTISEMENT DV AN AUC TIONEER of a PRINTING OFFION FOR SALE, In the Bulletin Bonding, has no connection with our establishment, ocl3 tf MOLATHMLAN BROTHERS NOTICE.—GUY'S HOUSE, irk SKVERTIS J.' &rest, above Chestnut, will be closed for a few days, for Improvement end refurnishing. Will be re opened inn style that will compare favorably with say house In the Btate, The choice old Brandies In custom-house, belonging to the estate of 7alio Gny, Jr., have lien purchased by the subscriber. ocl2-d3t WK. Dales bp. Uction. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 OfIBSTNITT Street, oppoeite the Custom Houle. between Youth and Fifth Steeds. BALE AT atT l / 1 3 MOREL NOTIOS.—We Invite special attention to the positive sale of the entire contents of Guy's Motel to be held on the premiere, 31 South Seventh street, on Wednesday next, 13th hd., commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. Included will be found the entire chamber furniture, beds and bedding, carpeting, matting, mattresses, bol sters and pillows, washatands. bedsteads, itc. BALE AT fI UI•S EL, 31 South SEVIINTII Street. On Wednesday, 14th lust," Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, On the prom' ties, 31 South Seventh.street, by order of Mrs. Sarah Mined, Adnimistratrit, the entire furniture, barroom and kitchen articles, liquors, wines beds and bedding, embracing the valuable contents of the hotel. May be examined early on the morning of-sale, ARLOR URNITURE. , Also, Fedor P and recep F tion chairs piano, rocking choir, ottoman,, O centre-table, looking-use, coal stbve, mantel ornamen ts, framed engravings, chandelier, cur tains, piano•cover and Moot, le.c. DINING-WWI FURNITURE, &c Alm, Carpeting, arm-chairs, sofa, tables, sideboard, pletarem, table-cl.tha, towels, nesters. plates, table and tee. spoons, knives and forks, glass. ware, coal store, &c, RAR•R00)I Also, Decanters, pitchers, clock, looking-glass, oil paiotiogs, fire-proof Barr, cbarulellera, diabeq, lool6g glaria, bar and &stares, &c KITCIEEN. Alm, The very complete and valuable kitchen men ells and furniture. Also, Dressing-bureaus, Yr.:Leh bedstead and bed, oil paintings, carpeting, wash-stands, feather-beds, hair mattresses, dressing-glaases.aearetary. A 1.90, Several thousand Sue ilayana cigars, brandy, wine, whiskey, claret, champagne, gin, /cc. SPECIAL SALE OF FURS. Thursday nett, Itith inst , commencing at 10 o'clockpreciselY, we will sell without reserve, a valuable consignment of furs, made up in a stylish manner, for ladies' and gents' wear. Included will be found, viz: Ermine capes and cuffs to match, victorines ' neck ties, gents' coat collars, ladies , French sable victorines and cuizs to match, filch capes, foot moth, gents' gloves, muffs, A c. Also, One splendid Alyox sets, cost $125. Mao, One do carriage cape and coda, cost 1115 Also, (lents' newest European style fur caps. atalLau. MBE S. Also, Twenty sleigh robes or grey fox, coon, and black bear, Prairie well, fludman Bay Company bear, roety mountain, et c Also, Carriage mats. pelerinea, dcc ., comprising the most elegant and valuable assortment of furs offered at auction for a long period. Ladles and gentlemen of this city and vicinity are respectfully invited to make exami nations prior to sate. EMDROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. , Thursday next, In connection with eels of furs, Commencing, at say 11 o'clock, we will sell a valuable somignment French and dcotch embroideries and millinery goods. CASHMERE SHAWLS. Abno, A liae elegaatly_racia.prluted cashmere shawls LIQS.IERE. 0 LOVES,WOOL euißrs AND DRAWERS Also, A line men's 6113 tromea's hosiery, gloves lambs wool and merino sbirteand drawers, ridnkg van( lets, buck gloves, Ac. . . . SILVER-PLATED WARE Aleo, An invoice beet quality silver•pleted ware, on siating of rich tea sets, castors, table and tea eptootui table tors, ate, . . GERMANTOWN KNIT GOODS Also, An IDTOie,f tierinantown knit goats, antis as Shawls hosiery, hoods, pelerines, victorinea; wool sleeves. Sc FINE GOLD JEWELRY Alio, An invoice Bee gold jewelry, consisting of cameo pine, ear-drops, gold sets, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, &c The whole will be arranged for examination with cata logues early on the morning of side. PORTS-MONNAIES, HOAR-CASES, POCKET BOOKS, &o. In Thursday's sale will be found -14 dozen pearl and leather port-monnales, velvet and leather pocket-hooks, segar-cases, &C. Al 0 SE S NA.TRANS, AUCTIONEER IV AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. E. corner SIXTH and RACE Street*. AT PRIVATE RALE—GoId and silver patent lever, ',trine, English, Swiss, and /tenth watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, &c., &c. AT PRIVATE BALE—Arranged on second door, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking gleam, fancy articles, &e., &c., &c. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer Charges very low. Consignments of furniture. clothing, jewelry. Stc , Acsolicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OVIIOE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money wilt be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goode, Groceries, Segu h e, ardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, horses, Vehicles, Hamra Stocks. and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, unmet'. satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab. Delmont (net) ' M. NATHAN'S, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Plato's, Musical Instruments, &c., will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, &e., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. AMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OP 7 / 1 0E, No, 112 South TIIIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite( Pear at., only eight doom, below the Exchange. Bouts of bneinou from 7 o'clock, A. IL, until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, end salsa at the Auction Hone, at tended upon the moat Bathtub:l7 terms. OAVITAL WW,OOO. Estabiishedfor tka lase Thirty Pears. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Die monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandlso, Clothing, Furniture , Bedding, Olgarshlusical Inetthmenta, Guns, Ilorsea, Ouriages, and Cicada of every description. AU goods can remain may length of time agreed u All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per neut. per month 1 POO and over, the lowest market rats_ This Store Home having a depth of 120 feet, Mislay fire and thlef-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy lam ranee effected for the benefit of all ponsons having goody advanced upon. ' N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this °nice is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Mona) , advanced to the poor, in imall amounts, lath out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. and-1j JOAN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, tit? o'clock, Of Boot., Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whip., Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions. N. B —Oat-door sales attended to All goods sold at the Auction House packed. ocl-1 GEORGE N. AUCTIONEER VA N. E. corner of BAHBON an SOUTH &root' above aecond. E TWITS° &AIRS. BAUR RYRRY SATURDAY IVRNING. At 7 o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware', Cu lery, if auseiceepog Artialoo, Olottitug, Watiches, laws ry, Fancy Articles, &a. gtmubtinenta. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A. MARSHALL Sole Lemma Sint appearance in America of SIGNORINA RAhIOS, PRIX/ DONYd, From her Majesty's Theatre, London, On WEDNESDAY EVENING October 14,1857, Will be presented Donlzettibt Comic Opera, In two acts, entitled LA PIOLIA DEL EEGGIMENTO Harts 814norina llama. Tonto Signor Driven. Sergeant Signor Tagliaßco. MAX MARETZEK, Musical Director and Conductor. Yams or Ardstssios :—Parquette, Dress Circle, sod Balcony, 51; Family Circle, 60 cents ; Amphitheatre, 26 cents Tr The Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. M to 5 P. M., for the securing of Reserred Seats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Ur T. Mcltirow. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely. [Er Carriages will let down beide South, and take up heads North, WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE —Sole Lessee W. WILEATLEY SCALa 01 21108.--Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 ; Pamily Circle and Amphitheatre 23 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, r,3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents ; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Oak° open from 10 A. 31 until 3 P. 31 Doan open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter peat 7. J 151. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, October 13,1857, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Comedy of ADO ABORT NOTHING . . Signor Benodick, Mr, Davenport; Don Pedro, Mr. Dolman; Beatrice. Mrs Davenport; Moro, Miss Emma Taylor. To conclude with the very Popular and laugh. able Comedy or THE DRAMATIST. .f . 2,y(b_.lt e r.Wheatit 7 ; Lore Scratch , Mr. Thayer; 161Zevf. . TbsYer; Mmisnne, Miss Alms WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les see, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Prlces.—Drese Circle and Partuette, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 8 o'clock A. 51. to S P. M. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7X. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Octoberlll. 1167, (Only night of the American Comedy.) Mr. and Min Wettings will appear in the popular Domestic Comedy called . . 12111:21 Adam Truman, Mr. Wettings; Count Jolimnitra, Mr Daly; Gertrude. Mos Mentz:kg' ; Serephins, Mini Wallis. To conclude with the laughable Parer. called DOMESTIC ECONOMY. John Grumley, Mr. Chapman; Sergeant Drown, Mr Eberle; Mrs Shackles, Mrs. Stoneall; Mrs. Knagley Mrs Nicholls. Miss Richlogs, .1" Clestruda," will sing Three Popo tar Songs. THOME111" 8 VARIETIES, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN ENTERTAIN MENT, In which will appear, every evening this Week, Miss ADA DUVAL, Soprano. It will be her drat appesrance in America. Mad. PAYNE & LEPOLLE will also appear, Aided by Comedians, 'Vocalists, and Musicians of ac knowledged talent Commencing at 7,4 j . Admission, 10 cents. ocl2;lw* THOMEUP, Proprietor SANFORD' 9 OPERA HOUSE- . ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sandford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with BOX AND COX. Boa, B. 9 Sanford; Cox, Cool Wbite sewing illctromeG A GOOD SEWING MACHINE —BUNT, W.ERSTER, Ic. Co , beg respectfully topatroduce themselves to this public as the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE Adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Tree from the objections which have been urged wenst those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE 6001) QUALITIES Or THEM ALL, and will be sure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, ehoemakers, and ssarnattesses. Those in !mato!' A. GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOUIR, that will AEU, BIND, 3T ETC% RU N, or GATHER; indeed, that will give entire eatisfaction even after they have been needitor years, are invited to call at our rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street UUNT WEIVITER. & CO. Sewing or every description eieeuted in the beet poe Bible manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of o. work sent by mail to any part of the United States. au22.tuttui Son. COTTON-200 bales good !diddling to Mid . dling Pitt Cotton, in store and for sale by SWIM h MACALISTNIL, ant t North Water Straat- SSPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbts Spirite Turpentine, to *rrire, for sale by MAIffif ir I4AOALISTSIt, Ninth Water fittest I: rot liolitco IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TEES CITY AND COUNTY OP PRILADVLPHIA. Thome Nil Demon, Trustee, Ise. as. Robert Palmer. Levan Facies, March Term 1851, No. 853. The President, Directore;ik Cd. of the Rank of Penn sylvania.. Robert Palmer and William Clayton, late trading as Palmer, Clayton dt. Co. Yendittoni Raponas, Marsh Term, 1851, No. 1033. The Auditor appointed to distribute the money fa Coast. raised under the shore entitled proceedings, by SheritTs sale, of No 1. Meesuage and lot of ground on the west aide of Delaware, second street between Pine andjJnion streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 18 feet and in depth 85 feet to a Ore-feet alley; bounded north ward by ground formerly ot Oeorge Fitzwater, now of the heir. of Charles Allen, and southward by ground of Joseph Marshall. tio. 2. Lot of groan& with frame and brick tenements, on the south side of Mary street, between Front and gewond streets, iu the said Mkt, beginning 183 feet from Front street, containing In front a) feet, and in depth 133 - feet. No S. Lot of ground with the two threewtory brick sues- - anagee thereon, on the north side of Prime or Washing ton street, in the said city, 61 feet westward from the northwest earner of Delaware 9iith and Prime streets, containing in front 24 feet, and is depth about 59 feet. - Subject to a yearly ground rent of forty,-eigbt dollars Will attend to his duties upon MONDAY, tine 2841 i day of October, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. hr.; at his office, No. 204 Booth 'FIFTH street, below Walnut, in the said city, when and where all persona interested are required to make their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said funds. oel2-10t GEORGE W. BIDDLE, Auditor IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS AL or Lsocuter county, Sept. TY, 16.57.—1 t al')/MXIM . to the court by the .petition and affidavit rat Dsvid Reeves, Samuel J. Reeves, George Abbott, and Charles H. Abbott, that the several notes of Beeves, Abbott, .k Co , secured by a mortgage dated January 12th, VW, recorded at Lancaster, to Mortgage Rook No. 13,page 607, . and given by the said petitioners, in the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, to Christopher Hager, Samuel Shock, Bertram A. Shaffer, George A. Justice, and Clement S. Grubb, as Trustees, have been paid in full, and no satisfaction entered on the record of said mortgage; the aunt, on motion of Thomas X. Franklin and H M North, attorneys for said mortgagee, grant a rale to show cause why the said Trustees should of enter satisfaction on the retold of said mortgage, re, tamable on Monday, the 26th day of October nett, and direct notice to be given to the creditors by pal:acetic& daily for one week in " The Press" sad '-The North American and United States Ossetia," and weekly for two weeks in " The Lancaster Examiner and Herald," . 1 The Laneaster 'iota:wearer," sod The Colombia Spy," with notice to B. A. Sheatfer t Esq., Attorney far the Trustees. . - . Certified from the Record oeS-1 w Attest, JULIA A. CARR, BY HER NEXT iP friend, & a., as. DRABLY:O D. H. CARE—Divorce— Common Pleas—No. 16, Sept. T.,1836 Please take notice, that depositions of witnesses en part of said hbellant wilt be taken before me cut PHIDAY, October W, 1851, at 4 °Woe& P. M., at the office of Henry C. Katz, Esq., No. 133 &nth Miff street, Phltadelphk, when you can attend and Mid 11110100 if you think proper. IT/LLUJ. P. MALL, Examiner- Te Colette D. IL 01111. OCT-I.llitS • TIC TEE DISTRICT COURT Or THE J. UNITED STATES in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, • In the matter of the proceeds of Sale of scow-Bony STAR. The undersigned, to whom it was referred to distri bute the proceeds of the Sale of said Scow-boat, sill meet ail parties interested in the said fund at the office of the clerk of said court, No. 24 South kilts street, below Chestnut, on TUORZDAT, the 22d day of Octo ber, Instant, at 4 o'clock P. Id. CRAB. Y. MIAZI,PPT. COMMIS': IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOE THE J. City Lad County of Philadelphia; bt&te of FRAN CIS hIcAVOY. deemed. MARGARET McATOY, widow of ISM decedent, has presented to said Coort an inventory sad apprelsennent of personal property, which she has elected so retain under the provisions of the Act of_Apill 14, 1851, and unless exception/ are tiled before nThilf OCTOBIR. Is, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. M., the name will be allowed and approved by the Good. . ANDREW itrums, Attorney for Widow, 906 5. MTH Br. «6-turetn 2w* SPLENDID GIFTS AT 439 CHESTNUT STREET,—THE ORIGINAL men 0121. BOOK BTORK-0. O. EVANS would inform his Nem:teazel the public that helms removed his Star Gift Book Store and Publishing House to the splendid store In Brown , . Iron Building, 439 GBPSTNI3T Street, two doors, lbelow Fifth, where the purchaser of each book will receive one of the following gifta, valued at from 25 cents to 3100, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, ke.: . . WORTH 550 Patent Eng Lever Gold Watches-4100 00 each 550 Patent Anchor Lever Gold do- .. • • 50 00 " 400 Istlies' Gold Watches, 18k. eases.— 35 00 " 600 Silver Lever Watches, warrsated.... 15 00 " 500 Parlor Timepieces. 10 00 " 600 Cameo Seta, Ear Drops, and 10 00 " 600 Ladies' Gold Bracelet'. 12 00 " 500 Neck Chains 10 00 " 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large all) and double caae,) 2,000 Gold Lockets, small site 1,000 Gold Pencil cases, with Gold Pena... 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and Holders 350 " 2,500 Gold Pencils 2 60 " 2,600 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils 2 50 " 6,500 Gold Rings 100 " 2,000 Gents' Heavy Gold Mogi ..... 21$ " 2,600 Ladles' Gold Breastpins 2 60 - " 3,600 Misses' Gold Breastpins 1 50 3,000 Pocket Knives 76 " 2,000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs 300 2,000 Seta Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons.— 300 2,000 Palrs Ladies. Ear Drams 260 " EVANS'S Catalogue contains ill of the most popular books of the day, and all the newest publications, all of which will be sold as low as mat* obtained at other stores. A complete catalogue of books sent free, by, application through the mail, by addressing G. O. EVANS, 439 CHESTNUT Street Agents wanted in every town in the United Stelae.' Those desiring so to act can obtain full particulars by addressing an above. N. B -4400 worth of Gifts will be gives ,with every PAM worth of books sold. - ee26 etethtf VALUABLE LIBRARY 800E.5.-:-- PrilLtmilt• aT J. H. REDFIELD, 34 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. SKETCHES OF THE IRISH BAB. By the Right.HolL Richard LalorShell, M. P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L. Sixth Edi tion, with Portrait and facsimile letter. In 2 vols. Price 52. THE NOCTE3 AMBROMANAL By Professor Warn, J. CL Lockhart, James Hogg, and Dr. Maginn. Edited, with Memoirs and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. In 5 volumes, With portraits and fac similes. Price £5. If AO INN'S MISCELLANIES. The Miscellaneous Writ ings of the late Dr. Magiros. Edited:with a Memoir and Note', by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Complete in 5 volumes, with Portrait. Price, per TOL, clath,6l. LIFE OF THE RT. HON. JOHN PHILPOT CURRAN_ By his Son, Win. Henry Curran; with Notes and Ad ditions, by Dr. It. Shelton Mac kenzie, and a Portrait on Steel and fir-simile, Third Edition. 12tu0., cloth. Price 25. THE O'BRIENS AND THE O'FLAHEETIES ; a Na tional Story, being the arm of Lady Morgan's Novels and Romances. With an Introduction and. Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. 2 vols., 12m., cloth. Price $2. BABBINOTON'S SKETCHES. Personal Sketches of his Own Time. By Sir Jonah Barrington, with Illustra tions by Dailey. Fourth Edition. With Mosaic by Dr. Mackenzie. 12m0.„ cloth. Price sl_2s. - MOORE'S LIFE OF SHERIDAN. Memoirs of Pie Life of the Right /Nu_ Richard Brinatey Sheridan. By Thomas Moore; with Portrait and fac.simile Sixth Edition. 2 vols.,l2nin., cloth. Price 22. BITS OP BLARNEY. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. 12mo. cloth. Prim 21, THE HISTORY OP TH E WAR IN THE „PENINSULA. By Major General Sir W. P. P. Nalolaa, from the an thor's last revised edition, with fifty.five Maps _awl Plans, eve Portraits on Steel, and a complete Index, 5 vole., limo cloth. Pries $ I 60. NAPIER'S PENINSULAR WAR. Complete in I VOL Oro. Price $2 60. THE FOREST. By J. V, Huntington, author of ...lady Alice," 6, Alban" he. I vol., libizo. Second Edi tion. Price $1 25 ALBAN ; or, The History of a Young Puritan. By I. V. Huntington. 2 vole , /2m0., cloth. Price $2. oc7-tt JOHN CAMPBELL & SON, BIBLIOPO LISTS, in the CUSTOM IBILSE Arcane, have al ways for sale rare and entree Books. Gentlesnen book worms are invited to call and judge as to 'cm and era nay. Law and miscellaneons boob purchased in small or largo quantities. Books continually receiving from auction. 5e.44411ta yaw LIENDERSON & G 035 GREAT LITER AltY VAIL YI➢!H sad ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and induce the book..buylng public to 21.1 op their hbraries nt tbe usual low pricei, we intend to prtoent to every purchaser of books to the setocutt of $1 and up wards • elft in value of from 25 cents to sloo . st our eAabliehment, look at oar valuable iftek, and Reset for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at charms, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and very =any will get, in addition, a present worth haring. angl.Res VPANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, Juu No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. IL Z.—No maw lion with any other hosts* in the Oily. an.l-3m Douta anb 53bors N°-442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF aIdMET and YEIPTH Btreeta. Gentlemen's Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots. " Calf do do. itu Patent Leather Oxford Sias " Calf do. do. " Patent Leather and Calf narrow ■trap Shoes. Boys' and Yonthe Patent Leather and INC Skin Gaiter Boots and Shoes , anl•tf For Bale by FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMSON & ' CO. No. 314 MAR KET` Street, and Nos. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new in store large WI Real-a&SOrted Idea Cd. BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for tale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the natal credit. Buyers are 'anted to call and cumin their dock sul-dtt 3nsurance iZampanics CIIRARD FIRE 'LA AMR COMPANY, P 802 WALNUT strao,west "FIRE RISES Wm. M. Swain, John Anspach, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, .7 P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, Hon. JOX‘ lion. Q. W. WOODWARD, ocs Joe. JANIS B. ALTOID, Asziel CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA PALM - EDS AND STOREKEEPERS. The nnderargne4 are now prepared to punitive for cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers eta farmers, by eroding samples to oar, address, can, at all times, ascertain the price at millets • we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which Wiri be governed se to quality. can hare them mat tuidl,! by addresstnig na J H CHASE dr seplS-tf 43 North Proat, and 41 Watqf ate %IRE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forward/ PARCELS, PACKAGES, AtERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. SAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CEMRT NUT Streets Law sad small sums received, and mid tack on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER. EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 natal S o'clock every day, old on MONDAY EVENINGS from T ruin! 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on .lilnglani a ßejttld, Add &el/AA from upwards. President—STEPP= R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES B. HUNTER, J. BOWMAN, Proth'y GTO. W. TATLOII ' I . MARINE aNsua . I ELPMLt--Orkee, No. THIRD. INLY TAKEN." TOES. Jer. Walker, Jno McClure, Tho. Crimen, A. S. Gillett, Farman Sheppall Semi. Jones, M. 13., Asseph Stapp, M. D. JONES, President. , Pica President. AdCl3lol,l.m, Secretary. dant Secretary. anddm-ir 8. S. sexiiroßD, CfeuerslBaperintechient.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers