The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 13, 1857, Image 2

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    cors , /867.
ii *
''4l . -, - c or,, ,talyilegee and to dilebarge their
-,- , - - - - - dittii - i --- '''- 'lreo;:fteemen.i...-We-have , ilC,
_ s i4, ! - i ,,
~, :that there ie 'no pegessity,for
Fi4intdial,44).tiola sitieotiiek . liatsidg ,, etebs
--_. -- ,mt4 - ,11001 , 010,1 newspapers are wont. to
; , CrealAhatkr,4lo*M" *-,p_a'Acthiieje krierUbiga.-
,:,', :',36** l 2:*4".s*W.ll.iie`iili what ',life 'day' is, and
\i-• - .4o;iijaltiiiiiiolnt:ttii to discharge e it.
~,,',,;-_," -. ' ''--- f-, ' ', • '- ' - .. -
4Silliikiltg pipxzw At iiTiOlgeti,l4l4lL.
=. 7 One";(C4o, - *it„,reinailtabie:apeeCheikersi
L. - deli:l44NA* a loiitical je:ituipaigre,• - wasAilitei-,
-!' -- ,:: : *4-!,:tit7,!Giiii.,77: F. Painrsti, 'the Democratic
- feitudiditte..`,::flOieriuir;?,':i.ast , 'evening; ;', it,
liiithipid:Aalii; ,The argument .mid,!-eleariermi
of , thia -wed :speech'. convinced . and - , electri
'.",,tted`aaudlOrt4 of four erflie thousand `per
- '' ''''' '" ' it ' ' '''t ' tee ti '''
s .' ,•aons,; , ..who-, hung ,:-,wit , !rap a , n en
every:mord:from the beginning to the ' end
-'-'4.,1f #l,C.ogfet*g, tie' slavery , gueetiOn,:the,
_ :=*kstinglAnanCial , difAcidttea;:tile _tariff; And.
the iosaier . : - ,iottioic''ol"- , the ' -;discour se ,: vete -
• ~..• , ,_,
treated,: ;with the Iliand : of ''!Master. 1 The'
1 01 11 41**Aqiii.:* 6 ' -611 ROILFA ' ivd# , . , 4o.eP, '
convicticsk!of the audience; and; the 'warmth
of, Cselliie r *hi4',truth.; find 10#0, ~ - c ombined
wifh***id - ':9#444.:Apliiig;d*.iiiailii*
, in a popular: audience. - t , ,The. campaign- is ;fitly
' _
and ' ,';' , 4l«iiii4aW 'Olio - Aided "L by' 'the"` great
• 4. *Y 144/ q_o9i f q9 t . 1 9P 9 4. 9f -)911 IV,:
(- tiVS.JiI in'oftter,; : colaum.;,- .., ~,. _4, , ~,,:,
~ 1
409104,44#3 , : iiit0Cts 41,11itlit'orOtig: 1
4-A? Oolviihetut **i , i4:o:l* the.
-fume party ,: on eit } ier lido; have - differed 'Whe
at( Olta'ogniiiwhichlais
. 112 07;2 4 4 - Aitild ,b k * ll O, .tO ; relieve us
undar,wldoh.the.ereai late=
leati 2 ttia 'circuitry Writ ) iaagabliirig: 4 • Tr
Yelt# 44 -.
' :lieea:disassarded .irvall the leiabiwateAlsous,
itoria l •af,Oardiflitolties with whkti
of tt4itiatiPiaiis tiOliattee fai aiWif
' bata,',no*ed;:tie, iintirsl„are; ihe:DOnai;,
- -erattal*.e,! ; notwithstanding 'the - traditional
, 1 10, begn mine-
-rata L aokftd i r l :aad thoyery,,stroagast.doaancia-,
t10411.4t40 .1 4 1 .914.1.4*th0 • P00Y1:vitAi
gislatare measures lookifig towards the
, tofuporary leialfzitiOd• the 'araiiisaaliairOf I
spligareVn.t4Wleaditig Repab4itin p,reaisiOr
, ,
; 1 0/iviegrotilhorefore,ie 'see 'the &Position,
manlit*atio,,afew,quafters to force
claldi Iculties into the political arena, and es
peelOrttnititiO,Worth •.dmerican should have
asenlitc*ledid in'its article Aitcoity,'heaci n
4.111PXtR0P31.41 to MOVArr9,initP:YerOdn
Of thein'iandlyingery against the Democratic
parV;ind'lr- fligioeof the , Candidateetivhose
cacyfe it..esponsea ri
,§ueli an appeal thiatao i :
moot ts 4 1 4044 to. 4R ilo4teltiOßke:tOitO=
vest than 'to , :forther the - Ahui:4e of relief
measuree,:forpcperience • has over and- crier,
a g i .*4 e Pl iii6 4#l4l f iNt l y,Or
theDeinecAtio4l - 40)nt4Orik AO44 l Y , *ai
upon it, on snob et the tame
tints toadded in great lediOeet Tke`editor of
that pepei, ' in: p44' 04400 to
lief Meeting, at If. arrisbuig;LiCive,,,
take not dlitaiowed dispositiondto Ara*
pa#Klinge! 0n , ,, financial iiiteations at
timer' lila; " tie"clearlY PerCeit4d:. 7 . and'
fra7/ 1 4 . tint;joiProPtlet9, Of Mieb
, a Course:.; - It Is:therefor ivith4surprise: that
• ,we find the, North;-;ol,norklia,
the Democratic ientatiieS; the Deinfocirdio:Presiy,,and,thd
ratwaraAcparty,forthecourse they hate pursued, '
'_,and fit bitter.language appealing to'ita readers
'., to , otestintitist the,'Deinocitatieearididatee
"-,to*Pson*irmt ,
action` in
the, present ' `well as reviving_ the
• explocled-theetythatleide=party'ecis'inesti-re:
• spensibbs for all these btfc.i
jaterestei Avid.;
1 5 1 P4i.?! ,- PI ' ORAX:9I i'.4 -1 5k4F,OFOR
is not - only fullyshoat by theAnexampled
• . prosperity- of the country for more than ten
years, after the passage` die-Tariff of 1846;
bitt Itis triumphantly and' overivinilmingly re-
fated by the:fief iliat*' leader :01 . ‘ the, party
"witichlmseieofthe present sympathies of the.
"; Pennayjvaa ia ': Legislature ,, qinnon „.1"..1344 fr ,
off triei-,?:•4n;. , •=hi5 ,,, f rePert-! , ote-the'
causes o? ; Dre ^' pirnent ' di> cdltleA, made
yeateraiy;ptqtion: , published In. our 4-re;
port-"of! fof the
nut, •
• anage ..
produchirthet4lart aseribee them
ART0ftii:th0 56 4 4 ,0, 1 .04riiit,40§4 43 4.4#6W
twin vidnE , .ofiecnittlei!ofAiiihia*.;,:ii,Mt.
.then lier 4 - almertair virtually eConfesile's the
viealt*eas 'Oe_ihrthecii4; by
. cataiilate, Ilia man ..who. 16'4
tilitsur*;:itione atnenettie Perinsilyardit:
44 1 044:4 1 4qiiiiii9i 4 of. 160;'ih',81404;
lig thei tariff Of that, year, and wbo repeated.
ae *flaijatjunp,',derliti - the present '
11'6 had to live:OV:er ins life; he
.vicatkl noiXeidiffereritlYeirthat'questietu
.-. • Ot i ;i ll #l . 4*,t. l 9 ll '
tliegiimature, it is utterly overthrown ;by
• , the'naturiefthevc4 irithe goose, kestetday, ,
grap4i'iksAat.l(:Yas: 0 4 .0Vait ;f49".9f
Uhudeen - Demobrats - anit sixteen Republicans
tivrOr;tlitaty'2 ;Reiner - ruts ilia*,e7ity
- kiiisto , il,o be decided
ith,,iiik,RWreferet*A*y conidderii,tirins.
as is exhibited in this vote. The voPOrtien of,
thelsre!pattieeletinifer , erjairainst-it, is as
talkao r fAcibenlang of demagogues r-vrucannot
, 1111 4 1: fli4 ' ilM;ipt
lin t os , upotta_ atieastire2whith
#9. 11 ,0 6 , 4 0;# 0 0 - 9,!.ed'biti. , te -1 4sqc*i*i 13 `
Iffthe'•present'orisis no party pretinditO
, i4owat,t4«l' . o44,l9,o..thebialtif,;f4 theli:oryi
asket-tnid , :fewk indeediare Vind - Ao.the fact
that this, recent Nation is full of evilif *hien ,
loudly theOh i er:
handy no feeling heart an romoduoinfinenoed .
Piigiiiii:,oo#oo94 6 oßiet` 4 , l ll** 4 6 4t? l `.
alien; and the - edger kef. •Jaige;
bodies of the people? , so far Bathe Demberntle drgianizat i pn: bas ' a' policy; ' as `a ,
'the,Present "juncture, we. . conceive
-based -open the of, lieint
rellefont refortfi—of "going' ea :far aa,the't'eal
. 4 7 0;. 7 4/9 04 : .cititp , Reot.,l6; - :lll4okelidp* -
of, tlike,meie wishes and ~views- o f, the &inks,
may render neeessaryl - fc . i palliate `die,
*spa; and accOmpanying Seek ineasares by,
- • thiS•heat course ctin - ,be dpv sed , tq preserve
us hi furtive, from the. recurrence of similar
t ar #.,Alttaire oafeateMitiou to the actlieritse
i ll l . otePiPeria the tilsoolottort of the tinn efl
the -, onottibustiO fitioang.hows. W.
R . , .
;O r b& 45, 1 - 9 t tai cup i n na'to the • forfaation Of
11P91T:64:PattfOrih i ki b .9 1 4" 1 0;t-.*ktiiei iil l ir
treater* of, the 0gt19 0 4 ,3 1' eoae of the former
'of the hones, Bir,' , Esiocia W. 40,
• atellaverably loadwe In •business *deli here
catid'eleMatiercs. 'lThey'' have associated With them
-sW. , ifirstajtMif Z s tr, 4 Welsciatenes`. tides the ,
` g ,l" - ,Aliot*, -441 * 41501 . ,'0 f
s-5..54,41;,...,Lak101)11041E.0r STOCKS, ANAL EsrAfri tr,
Boise hold a large sale at the Exohabge,
40witaesdayi2Oth Mat. See advertisenient, auction
frki-cbbio-"Today, 18th inst., being slog= day, no
4x4 «ago be /old.
AZlOl 'lOll TO•DAY. •
.s2l#l*QterSt9tre l 4M 'l W li i , exe,colla
1 1 :31414410Ill1; nratriouieiries ;AND RD
itaireticitiet ‘ seen alktOtaii t4ere,r , eaa
less `4l-4x. -,tliikiia:lsl'
plej,eriithipneiasty ofileliticians and,
1 either,* this State or
04010040104 ', :trAiSii;V*P*440,0 1'
upon s h~ncialr issues.; :ire,opaire,;repeateuiy,
In toniiei &4 of the general disk*
'filo4lloitened and Prol4llo4bYPOOlgiev97,
t4iseltd'oeotwieio a buts ibrvig!•st. politteat
lio : speciesief, politicians Tobin richitjnerit
the'Andignant ;condemnation• of an ,Ontriied
people thim -thinitOvios 'delitiorately seek to
tradeZnpoi . their dlstresies; and to snatch from
theriPoirer by an agg4ai , ation'of 'their 'aufferi
ingii;:iindeiliketenee ; of being tiver•analons to
00. 4 10 11 e: e!‘kx'4,aY;:tor,t ll .9' , ea
Irresepttrpese f sera reliable and sagacious !ear
iespOOkit'4,telegraphs of , '"afficting;- , the
;O : day..- , f 5 ,04 1 114.
detrlcii r eattitet deep tyit an intelligent, conimunt,
1 4 van T
tors'`of tt. . • f•:;
Tit e
e rem)
The " distinguished lawyer*ty,7,4init
communication you publish ` `4este4tY;:;•Onhuet
ttiie considered his subjtot , billire4sritint
upon it. Most of his obj:Waits
illat,lproposed"amendmentithiek are copied'irem
'the Constitution of Ohio, and- are also to be found,
substantially, in the Constitution of New' York.
,klorr, there, hi fair presumption in favor of the
accedney and congstenoy of previsions whioh have
,Undargrone 44444 ',4t4liziktionihy`a convention
and before tie People of another state, and been
iipOiritift*Olarp*Atbiiiiiinur °WM , •
But to the !),Itictienetttiqed ; The fifth notion is
againstpladging orloattinithe credit of the State
to anyindividinilt company, tterparation, or aisoci:
';,pia has nothing to de niing
credit In beriO!viiii for its own' authorised purpd.
' ties. thomeridinint is simply against its - trans-
Arrink to be used by other parties, who,-
ther individuals Or corporations, Imbich has some
limes been done to the injury of. the, publio tate
as,in.the cameo. of the Danville and Pottsvillo
.Railrosd,OClppany, and other corporations: ,
Theamejniment is not plaid and condemned by
tha tertylartiole of 'tie Oonetitittion,witieli requires
Ithatesoliaxiiendionot f COastitution shall - be'
inshatittid to a 'vote, " separately and distinotly."
'lt iS a Slued proposition , against "Olio indeilsd
&el.,' Mau loul-..rtunitipati and its details are
simply the carrying, out and. application , of that
proposition. , i
:,The criticism upon the, fourth section of the
anondment ie not important.. The sinking fund is
to be "sufficient' tq pay 'the' interest on the State
_debt "tia It - twines, and st`'oertain saris yearly of
the, Prinetp,ai Veliarennen you r bortespudent If.
lime, that ilind provided tO pay interest cannot,•
proper sense; be •balled• & sinking fund. , It
,does not lunch matter whet it is !sailed, if it is duly
applied to the debt, *tether
,prinoiped or interest.
But interest. aocrupd xnah., in 11 ! cornet" enough ,
see; be galled, debt. "
is ainendmant tviil;ht centaii;l4l 'adopted by,
the people, and is 'tif inisifinable 'value to the
fiet3;arthe amendments are
real lid ' , Valuable 'iteprovetrilitts ofOur political
systeni; and deserve Abet general support
'they arecertahrto - recelve..i , . „
• = efrxziil 1 AinII.IIEMIENTIII. ' '
, tab - nevi singers made their debut' at
:the Academy of Meals. Verdi's opera of" .Ernaniu
Ytti ' tattaidi has 'a good, mall'
• viable; and expreasive lenor_voiee,endAdreirable
res;nneri and some dramatis), ability. , ; Signer Tag
lialioe is a basso singer, with lees power. than almost
any berae.projande rhoi# we h ave el , (4 . l:eari!, but
with 'noel:passion eharMing beyond 'dgoription.
,These etagere 'are great acquisitions to the company
at rtl44eademy.
was in magnificent Voice, and , tools the
yetc•ofi the' 'King. 'Madame Gassaniga acted. ad
'Satiably, wish+) always doei,--her vocalisation was
Athos. -.uncertain, dm did, not Achieve all that she
*tempted,. and „wasabout half a note wrong,as
the nstudowentowitii. the last when she re
:lsOiern4434, podnoe'd it great ;effect.: The per
formes! 'weld, twi4"Called out,-and indeed the
whole ishfoiManOtiWititoff etithuslinithially.' The
heti*? PrettY Will tiled. — Tomorrow evening,
t'lla 1 1 4 ? 1 ' maY ; 1‘ Lit Eiglia del
Reggimmit'' L is to be produced, and few operas are
-relief; hll4-has been do-,
hatted in the Howie.. vras voted for by nineteen
m4erette and sixtean:Reinblicens, and opposed by thirty
brirooOratiisitd twenty:Ave tap - OlL:Sine. These
great deal of fardlotte opposition to-the bill by the Re,
pulilleanal while the 'Democrats were trying to bring It
to vote,-
(SPECIES; DtBPATI3I/ . 40 212 WINO. J •
jiiitzurauitiyOct.l.2.=-The defeat br the, relief bill in
elkialcasipthls 'afternoon lipzi :isitesdAll to , affett.the
eleition ifs Vifladelphy; ,itmorroF. trYILL me az
6zis,ssimptplef rse Moa3llKo. Eapoie the kttinipt.
i' ilHarrisiniZoi-The - •lBlettlan.
griuustuito; Oot. :22-9 4 OPOlobliP.1C—The Demo
te Republicans both ; held large meetings to
n t. The 'Democrats were addressed by ileum.
,24 ; moi • flaideuian.
~The Repnblicane by
RtinkekOurtin, and ,
;There beaelose contest to-Monti-4r in Dauphin
add Lebarronoompties, iti the election of a State Sena
'ter, according to the general L opinlon of both' putties '
.Ifrets.Witshin g text. • „ '
: !WASIIINOTOS,‘,Ohtober 12.—The amount of ilnitift
Elates Wake' of the loans of 1842,1847, and 1848 ~_re.
deemed the Titamry to-day, was $750,601. Of this,
the Bowery Ravings. Bank, of New York, reeelved
sqolaus; lames' Lenox, of New -York, nearly $35,000,'
and Morgan Sc Den „upward of $59,120. The remainder
was in smaller amounts, - varyin from 11,100 to $ll 000.
..,000,004..: •
}There remains Only- half million of dollars more,
which - thiPierritary 'of the' Tresiury is arithoritedi ,
uhder the laW,,to epply z to this purpose.
,Questiamt having frequently been raised"; before the
Oenersl Load Office,' lizto the necessity of the residence.
of the wife of 'a under, the pre-emption lacre,
it has been - dimidedi that a man, being the head of IC
firellyi mast show rotating* with Morse:illy on the had
"clahned,,in order,to:enlifie him to ; the benefit of the
etatutory - priiiisions. •• •
The Omni :of Olsima , met to-day, and,adJonrnad, tiU
'Tharaday, .
• : Akiii3O...pall!a4 ; •
,vneane papers t..
6th ire fan:tithed bjttlet &itithent Ittell. ,-, • , •
The,Cottelt elltPkwfre+garfoulltkitir,d, 2 . 0141 by
the boll-worm =dearly They hare' slid 'Wired
'Luciana L'ited Jetiisbitori,'bp, elthor the: worm or
eithg• - .'; •._
TYe Yaueei:Electl.n.
: Br, LOajs„Qctotmr,l2,—Tbe.,Leascorrerth, OE. T. ,t
Retold, says the odielal ietnrns, from 'Leaventiorth
• County are nearly complete. The-Immo , Democratic
Anajority is 260 cotes; securing the election of three
Tembers to Copal), Axel eight to the Home,
Doniphan &MAT given w'Republieka- majority of 30
otes, securing live members of the lower,' end lice of
Atchison uPPer Rooms.
r Atchison county' wires an "average Demotutic major
ity, sumo:4l , 4km, members:ln She lqlsee j and one in
.the upper Rouse.„ . • ,
/elfersen county etas a Rn of 160,
securing two members of , th e ". liotrie'Skuisone of the
/4onncil, ,Dotitjlas 'county Osaka Republkon „majority
f. - 1,600,- Johnson coanty giros,* Democratic majority
f 1,000: The Cilatrint 'fornied thseectwo counties
elect: thiee :members - to the :Connell and eight to the
Rouse, and.the Democratacialm the election of t h e en
tire ticket by - 00 majority. " Shawnee connty give& a Re
ribrati majority of Calhoun a Republican ma,
nfifY of 84.'..Tbf.k.diskriot • eleCte one member to th e
mac_ • ,
The Deurocrato Aerie 'pukka large number of armed•
len mune from Nebraska.' into' Kaunas, and , ' voted the
.Republfcap ticket.. TO 1/etoccrate claim a majority, to
both branches of the Legislature:. " '
Liter firoin Mexico.'
Bileettlig Coitgresil Billie Elected
President—Rumored Atnisisbeallon of General
, Ne r Oitisits,Oetoheil2.—Thestestuer Tend, from
Vera Cruz; furnishes dates tt+ the 7th inst.
Congress had'held a...primary. meeting on the 20th
tilt., ono hundred delegatesbeing present. Manuel
Willie was elected President. " ' ,
It was rootored"that eenered Alvarez had lieet amt.
The,lnsurgettte In the math of Mexico still hold
but: , 7 • -
, Robberies - torsi rlfe throughout the cometry. ,The
,I , :teulth of Vera Prue was ,
" Platitichtl'Allatts. '
CLIvn:AND, Oct;l2.—TheCtlyahogs Steam Pomace
;Compani,haa assigned. Their assets ere estimated at
; Wl,OOO over their liabilities. Two hundred men have
been thrown out of employnsent'• by the consequent
4stoppsge of the works.
, . ..•
' . llOirShO:tict:'l2:—:The Pratt Bank In this - city ban
'ohised ; .
,„ BAK4 aosto6ioN 111 litopti! 04.110LOIA:. ,
Thefioutk-wqeiern ti L lfrostillank;
*lid the 'taut of Botith Cdrolbte iuipulded Nome pip
!mentiktlits -;1• ' - •
Theri lie hem run upon all the bid/lEOln Otirtdstoi,
„this •
Weekly kite:went at the NiietOrk Betake: ;-
'Ns* Voßr, weekly 'banana o
be boats or Vas city lobo, the fentartani '
'taproom of Specie 870,000
Decrease of Loins ' • ' • 4,018,000
Circulation ~ .392,000
4 " - Dopoollo ' — 4,07 . 7,000 '
The - . Nevi;tortk-liiisor -
t.i W
.xw, Welt, Oct. )2 —The Ors Beak ,city
imi , Phfided 00bi It le tui Beak
denitlied that the
'batik contractieni 10 the. eek exceed 0,000,000.
Atiiottier . >4rupepilon iit Nevi York:
New Voatt; set, 12:—The tiis t erdilon of Mewl. OoraL
frig Co:', bankers, hraunpence o The Orin Is It hoary,
'stockholder le thetioullaensßank of New Orleans.
The 6Settatship 411aatic.
, NEw ' , hex, Oct. 12—The sailing of the steamship'
, Atldette frontthle port ie postponed i until Saturday, the
'24th kart. , iF
Sinking'ol'a• Stiouiter oto'Relt•Oate.
NEW.Yona; October :11.irThe, steamer EIPTIr* City,
hence for Yell Iliver, struck . en the rocks ea
this' (ironing; 'during' degas tog. .The steamer was
sunk. All the passengers, Including one hundred and
fifty ladle', were saved. The baggage was lost. The
Upper saloon 9f,the steamer le under ender.
NEW, YORK, 0ct.1.2 Aithibald, formally
Attorney General of Nelifoundland, bail been appointed
Britieh'pneut at title port.
Military Moveirsente.
13n. Loofa, October 12.:Cloniparden'P, E, and L, of
the Enurth'ArilEnycarrived here yesterday from Y/oridn
en" route for Ledvenn'Orli,
The Alevit'llfetrein Leilslatar e.
-Ba. Lotus,' October •12,—LThe Democrat° will, have a
largo ma,leettY,ta the peat; Letlfattauea - el New Ideate°.
Financial tAffalii it-1 4 10c °Cleans.
NEW , Ottt.LINII, OttOber • 12.--Zhe (Ours of Messrs.
Corning & Om , New York, bankers, Sid not affect the
Southern bunk of , thlo,oity,. ,; : r •
24eee wceosoniere of 601110;tintili l ea tshi.idoeritni . ,,but
,they have no t , tot, yeti'lwien litithelitioated.' Rumess
con t inued In uktufeettled'oonditicni. -• "
' - -The ,
llobleglisi Contrail
liosigit;Oetobar Miabigan ilebtrsi Astir*"
islia an extension on ita 'paper niaturing at this time, Sill
funds Can be realised kern propope4 /004, Thlc94 l ".'
of the, company Win be Do as usual , No ch ange pet
cesaerr In eke inageggm.ent.el the read. ' '
: Fire at ' ; !
,cmonoo y get:l2.-4. -. 4feeirttettre,nre broko out yes.:
intitty nbirtfing Oteteetrent,"desttoilatuitte'onthe.
block-between Monroe:and Adonis etreeto.. The bnitit.'
'lngo were nanytly_of framei,.,The loos by, the tiro to colt.
.moted at $115,000. Out amount trentrenis not known.
Suspension lit Olden*.
-"" 12, 1 Mdoirs/Wids'orititbA:Co., Bank{
buipended to•da7..• paure4 sre three to OflO to
_thektonotaiii4f - Aeir 4.1 )1 #04 1 .0
Steiini6r iii d#wheat' -
Br. Jonas, Oct. 12,—The steamer Indians, which left
New York on the 30th ult., baud to Southampton, km
put in here Short of coal.
British Consul at FON Ito!'kr
, rpm
1 Y 4
t 7e ;: .
The Sekeion ykielgare.
(Exclusive Correspondence of the Press.]
1111111198080, OCt. 12th, 1867
The Senate met at nine o'clock A. M.
The journal of Saturday was read and approved. •,
Mr.Flatrairsit;,frocii the Committee on licence; re
prted bactuonatrbill rto provide for the payment of
members, offices , and Contingent expenses of the extra
session of the Legislature, with the recommendation
that It do pass with alight amendment. The bill was
taken up, considered in Its various readings, and passed.
Mr. &earn presented petitions of eltizona of Ilebuyl
'kill County concerning the present crisis, and praying
that the banks which have suspended specie payment
may have au eXtelisiettof that anepension for' imoldari
add that the stay of executions be also extended 'for
one Year; which were laid upon the table.
Mr. license offered the following resolution :
Resolved„ That when the Senate adjourns, it will ad
journ to meet this afternoon at 8 o'clock.
,Mr. Slower hoped that the resolution would not be
adopted. It was probable that the other Rouse would
,pass the bill pending before them shortly after they
went into fiession and it would only be Proper that the
Senate should then be in session, to receive the usual
messages. Immediately on a disagreeing vote between
the two Houses, a committee of cenference cpuld be ap
pointed. Then time would be afforded for the fall con
sideration of the terms and phraseology of so important
a measure as the one which was about to bo enacted
into law. He suggested, that they take a
. ncess
eleven or twelve o'clock. • ' ' •
Mr. Harms did not expect that the Senate would ad
journ Instantly on the adoption of his resolution. He
accepted the gentleman's suggestion, to adjourn until 11
. The reoolution, as amended, was agreed to.
Mr. SOoCIOLD morph that the senate proceed to the
consideration of the resolution relating to the final ad
journment to-morrow
Mr. JORDAN said that he was .141 - 01$ and abalone to
'adjourn to-day, and tide could -be done if the bill came
to them as it was expected 'it tvonld., Me did got care
to be embarrassed by the resolution to adjourn finally
to-morrow. After the passage of the bill, and the no
tification that it bad received the Otreernor's signature,
he would be willing to adjourn immediately.
The motion was not agreed to.
"Mr. Myatt read .in plane an act relating to /amen
tiriffina, *justice of the peace in annul:whams county.
Mr Griffin" had been struck by paranoia,. and the bill
authorized any Notice of the peace in the county to set
tle up his official &Salm as in a cue of death or rennin*.
Oen. The bill was tmanlmously,taken up a considered.
31r. Suomi.* moved to amend 'so that it obould read'
the 't nearest Judie* of the peace;" which amendment
was agreed to.'
The bill, as amended; wee then paned.' —'
On motion, the Senate adjourned until ll o'clock, A. M.
The Senate re-msembled at 11 o'clock and adjourned
until 3 o'clock P, M.
•117111100 N
The Senate re•aaeembl'ed 4S - o'clock P. U.
.-A v %esiNfi wu r,eceiTodfrOrp the rfo c colkot Appreien-
''Mr. BOUSBIIit moved to take up for consideration the
Mono bill'relating to the Pittsburgh and Erie Rail.
Mad f which motion was agreed to: • •
' The bill was couidered in Its various readings, and
then passed. It grants an pitenelon of six months for
the completion of that road.
Mr. Home read a bill for the relief pf the stock
holders of the Bank' of Lawrence county. It provides
that thelorfelted cecog nisances of th e late cashier of
the Bank. of Newcastle, in the General Quarter Sessions
of Laurence county, be paid -to the stockholders of the
Lawrence county Bank.
?finch objection was made In QM bill, and on motion.
Its consideration was Postponed.
- On motion of Mr..loaneu,theSege6e adlogrnsit until
6 o'clock P. M.
The Senate reasieribled atsb , clock P. M. ' Input) an act for the better sem
ritybf labelers, mechanics, worknieu, and others, em
ployed by rallroad compatdetc&o. Mr. W. acid that iu
thepresent depressed pop:Wiwi pf affairs it was almost
impOseible for employers with a large number of hands,
to make any compromise with them fpr tip contingence ,
of their service.
The bill provided that eindlioads mechanics and la
borers stud) have& mechanics' lien on the rolling Mock
of the company; that the builder of a car shall have a
lien upon that ear, ite. This would hold' out an in
ducement to laborers to continue their work, when their
employers were in condition to pay them only &portion
of their wages"; it afforded name xecurity' for the: ulti
mate payment of the remaining portion. The provisions
of the bill were limitedlo three 'years.
Mr. Mugu wan opposed to chattel mortgagee in
• Pennsylvenia. -
Mr. CRASS moved to do amend the bill that its newt
should be done confined to methinks g.s laborers, and
for iron in coal fornished.
Mr.' WMUNI3 accepted: the amendment SA e modifica
tion of, his bill. •
Mr. floingsft moved to add to the bill the following :
"Provided fortheriThat thil act shall not con fl ict
with the lien of any writ of fled teens atter the same
shall be placed in the hands pt the sheriff, if the pro
perty is still in the hands of the'usignor, end has not
been delivered to the assignee." ,
The amendment was disagreed to. •
Mr. Bruin moved that the -word "mitten" be in,
sorted after " ratbudee l" Which wan WOO to,
Mr. Jounair moved to postpone' the further comae . -
rationOf the bill.that an evening session -might he or
dered., He desired that, SS the Home bad voted down
the propesition teat to them with reference to bank'
suspension, ere:, they should proceed et puce to roa.
ture somemeasure Meths subject for which they were
called here, which might probably receive the favor of
the popular branch of the Legislature, , •
:The motion was agreed to.
On motion of Mr.d'oatuw.; it was ordered that when
the Senate adjourns it Klonrg pipit 7$ o'clock this
• :The consideration of the bill of Mr. Wilkins ifs* re
Mr JORDAN moved to amend by providing that in
rase of atempany having no common seal, the instru.
Mont of writing shonid be piped by the president of the
board of directors, or the tnntsger and seiretary; which
amendment was agreed,to. , :: • • ; ; •
ibir. Eiosionsui tnovnd tp mind by itinicing the act to
lira instead of three years; which was agreed to.
bir. Brains moved to extend the provisional:l the act
*fail eesnogkwapasl_urblch arukdlaagretpd
fir. naow6 prOpotedlOVeilWvorbsd'aniendinents,'
which,were nnanimoeslyugpind to.• ,„ ,
The bill as amended was paned: '
On motion the Senate adjourned at d eielocit 111%.,
until? o'clook ,
~ A
. .
'EVS ISI ING ISSIII9N.—The Setiate met at 7)6 o'clock
P. M. '
Mr. Joann; moved to take up bill Bo: 0, introduced
by Mr. Lewis. Agreed to. '
:The bill provides for the euspenalon of specie pay
ments by the Inuits till the Ant Tuesday injury next,
embracing tyro stioraseations only. . . • -
;On motion of Mr. RtLLINOI*,, en amendment was
mloptod to restrict thil,bank dividends to per cent.
dining the suspension.
!Mr. War an apposed the bill - . He was in laser of some
insure of relief, but Woad pot , rote for any bill ex
t Luling the time Of resumption of specie prients by
t e banka beyond the next session of the IA distant..
Mr. ORIIII supported the bill. The next Legislature
could repeal it - if they saw proper. The bill was Dogs.,the knowing tote : Yeas 18, nays 18, viz
' Yeas—Messrs. Coffey, Orabb, Ilatram, Oren., Herds,
Joidan,'Xllllnger, , Lewis , Sellers, Souther, Taggart,
Wilkins, and Finney, (5p1ter)....13.
Nays Brewer. Broirue,
,Oressweli, Ely,
Evans; 'Ratter, •Fieniken, Viasir, Ingram; Knox Lan-
barb. Scoileht, Pharos!, Stacie, litraptt, Welton, Welsh,
Three Republicans, and , one Democrat,Rfr. Wilkins,
voted aye, and three Republicans and fifteen Democrats
voted no'.
The Renate then adjmirnad till 10 o'clock to-morrow
The House met at tea o'clock 4. M.
The Journal or Saturday was read arid approved
• 111111111kal PROS' CRC SIINATIL
A message was received from the Senate, to the effect
that that body had passed Bonn bill, providing for the
payment of the members, oaken; and contingent ex
penses of the mffisien, with an amendment, and asking
the concurrence of the House therein.
The amendment was coneurred'in:
Mr. Van, from the Committee on neouate, submitted
a report; tinting that said committee bad examined and
approved the accounts of J. Zeigler, Clerk of the House,
who had disbursed 14,167.80 of the $lO,OOO appropriated
for the contingent expenses of the Legislature of 1887,
accompanied by the following resolutioa:.
Resolved, That the House approve of the disburse.
thents made VS. Zeigler, Clerk of - thie House, on his
accounts herewith admitted to the House, and that the
amount be placed to his credit lathe Audltor-Oeneral's
The resolution was read twice and adopted.
• Mr. Btu, asked leave to read in place a bill relative
to the Pittsburgh and. Erie Bailout ; which was read
three times and passed.
Mr. FOSTER, from the Oommittee of Ways and Means,
reported the Berate bill to release the Olerk.of the
several Courts of Butler, county from the o payment of
certain taxes; which reed three times and planed.
Mr. BALL, from the select committee of six, 'in
structed' to inquire into the hinnisliete causes which
'have produced the present financial difficulties, submit
ted the following report on behalf of a portion of the
:committee • " • • •
That having met and organized, they determined to
,invite from gentlemen now at the seat of (internment,
connected with commercial, nilinafactarlag, and other
'industrial puraults in different pert of the State, such
'statements of faeta and opinions as might'aid your corn
mitts. In accomplishing ; the objects of their appoint
'meat, Accordingly, they obtained •various oral and
,written conammicationa, the latter of which are hereto
Art idaetib i tb'popesiur e o ft hegar ,wiomrey aenadi.irorgea saement
, adlMon
to -their 'own observation and reflection,
,your committee base arrived at theconclusion, that the
immediate cause of the sudden. paralysis which has
fallen upon the induetrlal interests of the community
' Is the disturbance of confidence In the value of securi
rties hitherto deemed tumnestionable, and upon 'Which
' money haa been obtahreg without difficulty, and this,
whether individual or, sasocieted obligations, or by by
• pothecations of prsonal or veal property."
In proof of thls;your oomteittee.refer to the state
ment of Mr. William ,Bagoly, marked 11, which to the
single fact There presented, shorre how the sadden reve.-
bacon Mthe worthleemotes ofwo Important stockythere
tofore deemed of the most substantial chartiter, at once
; Indueed'agenerel apprehension as to the velne of. ail
and depreeleted them in the market, and
'commenced that eeriee of commercial nivel:dons which
folloWed In suthettirtling dominion and with' such am
paling rapidity. Without intending any special inquiry
into the antecedents of the institution here referred to;
or proposing any comment upon its •management, your.
committeg,are astioded that the failure of the Ohio I,lfe
nod That Corimanyied directly to that paniewhich has
since pervaded the whole country, and is at this moment
weighing with each calamitous consequence:ion the in
duettist interests of Pinthijivanit. ' •
whothe.iutormatio. commoidoeted•by the parties
who bare appeared before them, anti that derived from
other source& it 'in apparent , to your 'committee that
there. Is a deep and wide-spread diatress in all the prin.,
chat cities of this Commonwealth, which, unless check.'
edi must extend throughout its entire IWirders ✓ In the
great commercial emporiqm, Philadelphia, the metro
pobe of the State; and with which Ma feelings and inte
rests are neeesearily identified, for weeks past there bee
been and now is it state of things which It is cad to con
template. The oldest, melt firmly established, - and best
esteemed Anne in every Mauch of trade--mon whose
innnien here become proverbial for probity and fair deal
ing—have gone down, one . after the other; before the
Morin which Is raging around them; the moat extensive
manufactories have been closed; thousand. of men and
Women have 'been thrown out of •employment, and al•
ready angering and.want begin to manifest themselves
among thelaboring cUsses. similar condition, though
no yet in a modified degree, is to be foundin Pittsburgh,
Uneasier, Reading, and other principal eentres and In
Its Inevitable reactiomi in portions of the rural districts.
If now, while the aessnn Is yet genial .and the in
fluences:A' the commercial crisis are just beginning to
be fell, there prevails such distresS ta' has been Indi
cated, who can foretel to what height it will feachwhen
the number of unemployed is Increased an hundred
fold, and to the patige of Minkel's)* added. the. pinching
.severities of: a dressy winter. , Your committee par
,rose] abstain from repeating the gloomy apprabenalons
which have been expressed to•themy- but they man, say
,In general terms, tbatcsbn and nioderete. Men ern look
ing forward to the future with forebOdlngs and angle
'ties such ss they hard never before etteariewied.;•.:: •
Xorgwounnittep are satuttied. Mat the WIPP whithlti
demi 11,in catastrophe didnot originate In' Pennsylva
ute,•:; Hut shalt netthe less a rictlip to itsPlti. , ' 4o
her grest•ataples enter large) ~not only into her own
mouraotures,Aut also - into those 'of'other parte of the
'ihnifedaraefq *Pnk that boa toppl e d nver,tbe cotton
spills of the t. and egtingeislied the tires of her diva
fitiniees at the sa m e timii,vilthdriern from her her
ni n ,w it l iour ce,wead crippled themosements of her eiti.
„T A T: Her troo and her,ctal no longer seek dist:wit mar
'Wats; and at biome her "great hltgltwayaof trarisportation
are setuperativeit depertedr:u 4icas but receptly vo
cal with the busy hunt of Indust , there • 10now con
strained idleneser and - the willing openitivis tieeka‘ In
:wain , for,thst work, upon, theplocsede of which hp (to
;lends for the mithitainituie of life Wife and hie children
• In the Midst of 1110 like , theca, yohr committee ape
, eleare it would be vain to, seek fef.,an absolute end
'mediate timitlY. 'A tradotis Providinee hen :wily
vouchsafed us bountiful harvesta, and when the fruits
of these tan be moved forward and convertedinto money,
there will be instant alle v iation, and by the repetition
tirp, f i t 4 i t Uld:SDAjit, kidtollo.ll ig, 1857.
of the same means, " ttral n the tonal there : 0 4 r 01
must be palliation .0311 d4dtinuo to stalk
abroad through theland:fillOived by despair awl dEMO.
lotion. Upon th hest eadslOredion Your committee have
'been able to give to the rOjeit3 they are persuaded that
one of the moot dtreot soar* of mitigation le to senora
the banks of this 0emm014404t14• from the forfeitures
they have incurred by tlio!')eaapenston of specie pig.
In proposing thin meaproyotm oommtttee do not In.
tend to elthor o!the act of silver'.
ct to aroma any sanction, either et - --
eion, or of the existing system of banking; int they are
convinced that whatever differences of opinion may pre
vail on these subjects, with our present complicated
credits, the banks are so intimatelyloterwoven with the
w un tl i te . t th er y izo o f n e u u i r .i flu t. an r c o e su s, m %ta th te ei an t
c d ra in ui d . iv r i r dual, that
of supplying the exchanges of tradealcdthe ceirettel,
which le required for daily transactions of all sorts, our
troubles, grievous as they now orsowill be immensely
aggravated. On the other hand, a temporary relief of
the disabilities under which they now labor will enable
the banks to render such aid to manufaeturera and me.,
thanks and men:haute, as • will, partially at least, bring
back affairs into their accustomed channels, and supply
employment to thousands who must otherwise incur the
bitter hazards of destitution and famine. •
For the banks themselves your committeeneither feel,
nor desire to avow, any special sympathy; but as agencies
by which the advantage of the community is to be pro
moted, they ought not to be permitted to remain as they
now are—incapable of giving 414 or comfort• to an
afflicted people. It la for that people; and only for that
people, and under a conviction that their instrumentality
at this momentous crisis cannot be dispensed with, that
your committee recommend that 'the penalties which
the banks have incurred shall be ,remitted, for such
period as the General Assembly, in its wisdom, shall see
proper to threat.
Mr. Don moved to prlitt 3,400 ortra copies of the re
Mr. JoHNS inquired the necessity for such a motion.
The report would be printed in the omelet paper of the
Legislature, and laid upon every member's desk, and be
could only see in the gentleman's motion 'a desire to
swell the expense's of the session. Besides, the cub
stance of the report had been embodied lathe veri ous bills
and reports submitted, and in the high-wrought state
ments of gentlemen on the other side (Republicans) of
the House, It seemrd to be their It eslre to raise another
excitement. and bring shoot another lamentable state of
affairs, lining the mechanic, farmer, and milkmaid nil h
gloomy foreboding', and plunging them in gloom and
espair. Ile hoped that the House would try to look en
the bright side of the question, end act for the good of
the people, and not Waste time itnit money ovor inch
Mr. Betz made a brief defence of his report, which,
he said, was made up of facto altogether.
The motion to print wee agreed to--yeas 41, nape 40
Mr. STEVINBON moved that when the louse adjourn,
it adjourn to meet at three o'clock; which motion was
agreed to.
Mr. 5T80111213 moved to take up and consider Senate
bill relating M James Griffin, a justice of the peace of
Susquehanna county ; which was agreed to, and the
bill:wee read three times and passed,
Tips ett.i. roe Two RZLIIIP OP TUE nenna.
The House then resigned the pqnsideration pf Senate
bill providing for the resumption of Speelo payments
by the banks, and for the relief of debtors; the ques
tion being on the third reading.
Mr. MeOstadowr meted to go Into Committee of the
Whole, for the purpose of striking out the following
clause In the third section.
" But any bank or banks which shall, before the
period boreinbefore limited, resume and continue the
payment of 'peals on all their liabilities, shall not
after such resumption, and during such contibnance,
be may of the provisions of this section."
Me said that every one of the banks which resumed
sPeele paylnent only twenty-four hours before the time
limited for the operating of the act, world be relieved
from every ono of the penalties contained in the third
section. Ile considered the section the best In the bill,
and he did not wish to see it emasculated.
Mr. LONG/ERR was willing that the amendment
should be made, bnt he hoped they would not again go
Into committee for the purpose of tinkering at the bill,
Until its defeat was Inevitable.
Mr. MOOBlllO.O moved to amend the motion by In
serting "general" Instead of " special," so that the
11011190 would resolve itself into Oommittee of the Whole
for general amendment. He thought It was necessary
in order . do fj acceptable to a majority of the
Tyr KAUPYIfAtt said that he had gone t t omo and cir
culated among Ails coristiteenhi since the last session
of the !louse and eyery pup 110 paid to " Vote
against the hill unless we gat more lime." The bill
was of no practical use to the agricultyral and manufac
turing interests pf his county µales* the time was ex
Mr. Loomis!' Wonld vote steadily ;plot any motion
to go into Committee or tba agalß, for tbe out•
pose or general atnendoient• Pie 1600 p }fie iibue
had olresdy boar' fully leafed on the opeatfon of )me,
and be thoogliP it Wits RoW thanedlitY to aOte !Ron ti!
Mr. Moottuaao uulde 4 tuditial 3 P" e ch. i " l " "in i
that it was the duty of Republicans to further eaten
the time for the benefit of the banks.
Mr. LONGAKER again appealed to the Howe to act, and
et the people know, who were anxiously awaiting the
ntelligence, that something had been done for their %v
Mr. Boatman withdrew his motion and the House
then resolved Buell into Committee of the Whole, (Mr.
lopes in the chair) and Proceeded to consider the amend
ment proposed by Mr. McOaimont.
The anieMent was agreed to, and the bill, as amend
ed, reporte dto the Ifoone—Heners: Peters, Roberts.
Stevenson,born, Wharton, and Yearsley 'salting lathe
Mr. Tema" moved that the House resolve itself Into
Committee of the Whole for the purpose of striking
out the word " posers , ' wherever it occurred In the
third Selltifici, halting referenee to the I:040Mo of the
hanks and insert the word " insplyeot;" opt agreed
to-74 112 1, maps 06--es follows c
• INAS—Messrs. Augustine, Babcock, Backus, Ball,Ben
son , Bishop, Brown, Cleaver, Crawford, Dock, Gibbo
ney, Hiestand, Hoffman, (of Lebanon ,) Jacobs, Kauff
man, Moorhead, Purcell, Reed, Roberts, Stevenson,
Thorn, Warner, Yearsley-23.
NAYS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Beck, Dower.
Brandt, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase, Ent, Eyster;
Fausold, Foster, Oildea Hamilton, Hancock. Harper,
Heins, Hill, Billets', Hine, Hoffman, (Berke) Imbrle,
trines, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kerr, Knight, Lebo,
Leisenring, Lantaker, Lovett, IllcOalmont, Mel/vain,
Monama Nicholson, 'Notinetnac er, Penrose, Patera,
POKUalf, PLEMSey, (Philadelphlia, ' Ramsey CiorkOßes.
rem, Bopp, Show, (dean, fintit. , (Cambria ) Smith;
(Centro) Smith, (Ulcerate ' ) titoithers, Tall4anvoer
h ha, Tickers, Toeghley,Wagenseller, Welter, estbrook
Wharton, Willistoh, Wine e, Witherow, Weight,
Zimmerman, Gets, (speaker .....e(q.
On motion of fdr. 'Jenkins, the following was unani
mously agreed to m in additions' section of the bill:
Hee. It. That no Stocks, Ponds, promissory costae, Per-
Banal propesty,Cr Other talnabla asegritlen, 1.1/pat/se
eded or held in ledge, either with power of attorney
attached or otherwise , har credit or money loaned, shall
be sold for the period of alts months from the pssaage of
this act..withoht the commit 'of the dehtor, debtors, or
Err 4Yrti4eenthlt g plestglpg thi name being first
rea e had and • qb ne In vrriting.
Mr. Svarnweas moved at the ITome resolve itself
into Committee of the whole, for the purpose of
amending the 3d section by striking out- the word
"unsafe " In the line "said commissioners shall Mart
that said bank is In an unsafe condition," and thiert
Vie word " insolvent," and also add the words "or
conducting its affairs In violation of law;" which wee
agreed to.
The House accordingly 'resolved 'Rad( into Commit
tee of the Whole, (Mr. Dines in the chair,) and pro.
ceded tO consider the amendment ; which was agreed
to, and the bill, as' amended, reported to the Boom,
and the questioo 'being taken, the ftelmothlePt was
;Mr. Moony:no :moved that the house resolve itself
idto Committee of the Whole for the pgrpoos of amend
ing the first Aachen bl l etelking on the words "second'
Monday of April A. A. lfiht,r , and artlet the words
" second Honday of ebrosat 4 ]). top." which was
not agreedlo—yeas 2d, nays f } [ ) 8 --se fellow":
YEAS--1 saps. Bockos;Ba , Benson, Bishop Brown,
Cleaver, rawford, pock , Ryder, Gibboney, lkiostand,
Housekeeper, Imbrie, Jacobs, Kauffman, Kerr, Moor
head, Mamma, Penrose, Peters, Purnell, Reed, Steven
son, Struthers, Thorne, Warner, Wltherow, Years
NAYS—Messrs. Andergon, arthor, Augustine, Beck,
Bower, Brandt, Calhoun, Campbell Carty, Chase, Rut,
Paranoid, Posher, Un I
due, Harnett, lan:Mon, Hantock I'
Harper, Hines, Mill, Ilillegu, Hine, .Hoffman, (o
Becks) Innen, Jenkloi, johns, ,lohnson, Knight, Lebo,
Leinenring, Longalrer, Lovett, IfeCaltracant,lilellvaln ,
Nichols, Nicholson, Nunnemacher, Pearson,Purcell;
Ramsey, (of Philadelphia,)) Kinnear, (of York)Reamer,
Roberts, Rupp Smith, (ooentre) Sesith, ((of Lucerne,)• Van Voorhis, •V
icken, oeghley, Wage:Mailer, Walter,
Westbrook, Wharton , "Wintraule, Wright, Zimmerman,
Getz, (Spes.ter)— bp.
• Mr. Illep then moved that the Wyse go Into com
mittee for the pnrpose of amending the let soc(ion by
extending the tithe to ,fitly, labia'', instead of April;
which was not agreed to—yeas 42, nays 47, as follows :
, Vets Menem. Babcock, Backus, Ball, Ben
eon, Bishop, Brown, Campbell, Cleaver, Crawford,
Dock, Kilter, flibboney, Hamilton, Illestand, Hine '
Hoffman, (Lebanon) llousekeper, Lahti* Jacobs,
Kauffman, K W
err, estmont, Wllvain,Moorhead,
Mumma, Pearson, Penroae, Peters, Pownall, Reed,
Shaw, Sloan, Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn. Vickers,
Voeghley, Warner, Williston, Wintrode, Wltherow,
.Yearsley, Zimmerman-43.
' NAYS—Messyn. Anderson, Arthur,Augustine. Beck,
Bower, Brandt, Calhoun, Party, Clltae, Rot, Fansold,
Foster, Ciliden, Hamel, Hancock, l leper, Wins, Hill,
Hillegas, Hoffman, '
(Berta) lanes, Jenkins, John+,
Johnson, Knight, Lebo Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett,
Nichols, Nicholson, Nunnemaeher, Purcell, Ramsey,
(Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Roberts,
Stapp, Smith, (Centre) Smith, ( Lucerne, ) Totem,
Wagonseller, Waiter, Westbrook, Wharton, Wright,
(lets, Speaker-41.
Mr. Wausau moved to go Into committee for the pur
pose of adding the following proviso to the 6th section :
Protutrd, That no compulsory aide of real estate
shall be made until one year from and atter the passage
of thin act.
The motion was not agreed to—yeas 18, zap 61,
On motion of Mr. FOSTER, the ILO provleo of the Oth
section wee so amended as to rout :
Provided furtacr, That mid stay of elocution shall
not apply tb Judgments or mortmes, or on bonds se
cured by mortgage, unless the interest thereon shall be
paid within sixty days after the accruing of the same;
and be regularly paid, as provided by such mortgage
bond, in etch fonds as the haute are authorised by this
act to use.
On motion of the same gentleman, the 6th aectloa
was also amended by tuldlng the followfng prealso
, Provided, That ell proceedings or omits now pending
or brought in the several Oonrts of this Commonwealth
from forfeituae or penalties, under the proviakins hero•
by suspended, shall not be affected thereby.
The flout then adjourned until 3 o'clock.
The House reutembled at three o'clock.
The comideration of Senate bill was resumed; the
question being on its third reading.
Mr. BALL moved that the House resolve itself into a
Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of aubetituting
the following for the first section of the bill;
Berries 1. That so much of the act of the 18th of
April, 1860, entitled an Act regulating Bioko, as de
dares or Authorizes the forfeiture of „the charter of any
hank, or which indicts any penalties or anti:axiom; any
compulsory assignment for or by reeson of the non-pay
ment of any of its liabilities , ar the issuing or paying
out tbe notes of other banks Incorporated Muter the
laws of this Commonwealth Monet not elude paying,
or its -loaning or discounting, without the requisite
amount of specie. or specie funds be, andthe Caine is
hereby, suspended until the third Monday of deanery,
1850, or until the further action of the General Aa
sembly, and the eighteenth and nineteenth articles of
the third section of an act to re-charter certain
banks, puled March 26th, 1824, be, and same are
hereby re-enacted and declared to be in full force
and effeet, in regard to the several banks of this
Commonwealth, until the said third Monday of Jenn•
cry, 1869, or until otherwise provided by late; and all
penalties or liabilities heretofore incurred under
maid act of 1860, for or by reason of the causes aforesaid,
are hereby remitted, and so much of any set is prohibits
said banks front declaring dividends during a *upon-
Man of specie payments, and from loaning or discounting
without the requisite amount of specie or epees hind-,
be, and the same is hereby, suspended u aforesaid ; and
any such bank, during a suspension of specie payments,
may declare dividends to an amount not exceeding six
per cent. per annum on its capital. And thie set shall
extend also to all banks, laving, trust, and Insurance
companies, and corporations with banking privileges,
chartered or rechartered, under any law, forperloda here•
after to commence, and to the payment of stook to all
banks iocorporated by the Legieleture at its last ;maim'.
lie laid his substitute, after remitting the penalties
to a day fixed, or taking the alternative to such time as
the next Assembly might see proper, re-enacted the
machinery of the act of 1824 which enactment was
well understood ' by the banking institutions, by the
legal mind of the country, and oleo by the busineas
community, it hullo received a Judicial interpretation,
and its effect and working baying been found 10 be meet
salutary and wholesome. The first seetion ,of the bill,
which legalized suspension until April, 1858, did not OX
tend it sufficiently, and If relief woe to be granted, time
intent be given the mercantile and manufacturing men of
the State to gather up their resources from every portion,
of the country to which they had Rent their goods lathe
regular course of trade.
Mr. FOSTER was apprehensive butniln Ingenuity
would not be adequate to devise a system for the security
of people' in bank. issues, If_ the expeeiment tried Under
the act of 18811 had failed. Hp to the present time that
act had been beneficial in its provisions, and no man
could say that the difficulties under which we were DOW
la ring hadbeen , caused by any defect in that act.
Frowhence ,
did the difficulty arise, then? Only from
the violation of the provisions of that lew, and of higher
hors, which if any commercial or todonfacturing country
dare attempt to invade or violate; rule and disaster would
inevitably,follow.l There bad been in this country, for
year after year gone by, a degree of extravagance
in trade and speculation which would bankrupt any
. 9 . 012 t1T , A WIN must some new, and atany time when
there wee the mime disregard of high Imre. We must
come back' bi - the old:fashioned days oh prudence and
economy. It was no time to speculate now. He agreed
that the banking system wee AO closely interwoven with
the biuillfeed relations of the Country th uld not be
broken ddwn at once; lint the only earreMiedi suA only re.
lief was to come downtO aspects baills4 Tbelswll of trade
had Win •. - Yloisted, spit now, when OttglkWhO,blui been
gulifylitthe ylolation wore suffering the resiiitsthe Leg-
IMMiliAzeielsellottipon to enaot bove, to - con t rol laws,
above d beyond their reach, 'lt 'aid that thepli
ant dl cultioe had been eatised by a want Of Confidence.
Assuredly. they hid; but what had produced it? It
wee trading end speculating to an extent which bed
alanneacapitalletil at the' ability of those engaged In it
to pay the liabilities they incurred. He was afraid
that the banks could not afford to extend their
disocnnts further than they bed, with security to
the people themselves. If they could,' be. win
lingg to give them the time, provided the holders of
their paper end depositore could be „secured, The bill
utuMr Wraliderationproposed te; give the banks 'up - to
April, 1888, to resumespecie psyrnerite, - and their char,to that time.were secured to them. but if, they
re-enacted the act of 1824, which the gentleman pro
posed, they allowed demands to be made upon the banks,
end if they were not paid within three months, it was
es much then in the powet of the holders of the notes
to cause the forfeitures of the charters as it wee for
the holden of the notes to forfeit the charters to
day. If he understood the bill before the House, it
gave the banks until the second Monday of April, and
three months from the time they refused to redeem in
gold and sliver after that; and he thought it was much
better for the banks than the act of 1824, which autho
rhea the forfeiture of their chartere three months after
their inroad to redeem. In one case Mx months was
given and In the other three.
Mr. Bud. defended his proposition in a long speech,
insisting thi(t It was the beet that could be devised to
moot the present emergency. The question being on
goincluto Committee of the Whole, to consider the
substitute, the yeas and nays were required by Mr. BALI,
and Mr Lutanist:lo, and were as follows:
Yll.lB—Mesoro. Backus, Ball, Benson, Bishop, Brown,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dock, Errster, Olbboney, Hamilton,
Hiestand„ Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Honsekeeper,
Imbfle t Jattobs, liCauffman, Kerr, Moorhead, Penroee,
I , otore, Pownall, Reed, Shaw, Stevenson, Struthers,'
Thorn, Warner, and Witherow-30.
Davit—Messrs, •Andereon, Arthur. Augustine, Beck,
Bower, Brandt, Calhoun. Campbell, Carty, Chase, Ent,
Fanuld,,Yos '
ter, Glides Hamel, Hancock, Harper,
Heins, Hill; Milegus, Hoffman, ( forks,) Inner, JOl2llll,
Johnson; Knight, Lebo, ' Leisenring Longsker, Lovett,
Meneser, kfrOalmont, Mcrivaino, Mumma, Nichols,
Nicholson, Nunnemacher, Pearson, Purcell, Ramsey,
(Philadelphia,) Ramey (York,) Reamer, Roberts,
Rupp, Sloan, Srolth, (Centre,) Smith, (Lucerne ) To
bin, Vail; Viokerg, Yoegbley, Wagoaseller, Walter,
Westbrook, Wharton, Wintrode,Wright, Yeareley,
Zhnmermen, and Getz, ( Speaker) -69. '.
So the question wee determined in the negative. • • '
Mr. Tgoax moved to go into Committed of the Whole,
for the purpose of smenclinglho first section by striking
out the words n until the secind Monday of April, A.
D. 108,' , and inserting the words "until otherwise or;.
dered u t: a a. Leisig,ture.,,r
. Mr. utonehOped the amendment would not be
adop If tiny number of bills would be Intro
duced into the neat Legislature, proposing to extend the
time] do compel the banks to resume ' epode payment,
&o, which would en distract and confess bullion men,
that they would refute to bike the nctes altogether. If
tune certain wax fixed upon, the people would receive
end give notes in egchange, because they would have
some pledge that they would bo redeemed, but other
mem there would be no confidence In them.
The question being on going into committee on the
amendment, '
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Thorn and
Mr. Kauffman, and were as follows, vis :
Denson, BlBbop, Brown, Chase,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dock, Eyster, Gibbeney, Ifiestand,
Hine, Imbrie, Jacobs, Kauffman, Kerr, MoorheSti, Mom
ma, Nichols, Penrose, Yownell, Bloom, 'Btevenson,
Struthere,Thom, wail( erMilli 00 4, With°.
Armerson, Arthur, Augustine, Backus,
Beck, Bower, Brandt, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Rot,
Faurold, Yoster, Glides, Hamel, Hamilton, Hancock,
harper, Heim Ifileges, Hoffman, (of Berke co.
Hoffman, (of Lebanon d Houlekeeper, Tunes, Jenkins,
Johne, Johnson, Knight, Lebo, Leisenring, Longaker,
Lovett, Manear, Mcf.talmont, Mel - brain, Nicholson, Nun
nentacher, Petition, Paten!, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadel
phia') Ramsey, (York,) Reamer Reed, Roberta, Rupp,
Shaw, Smith, (Centre,) Smith, ( Lucerne,) Tobin, Tall,
Vickore, Voegbley, Wegonseller, Walter,Westbrook,
Wharton, Wintrode, Wright, Yearsler, Zimmerman,
Getz, (Speaker)-08.
So the queetlon was determined l9 the negatire.
Mr. Sraniusas more 4 to go into emit:Otte. for the
purpose of &minding the drat section by making the
clause, in reference to tim e to which suspension shall
be legaiiied, read " until .the Rest Idolater of Apri l
A. D. 1959, floatead of 181'4,1 opleas otherwise ePeetee
by the Legmleture.° 'viten for thin wee, that it
the bill wee passed qe it now stood, no relief would be
granted to tee nlorc MO may time afforded the
banks to wind Up their bosiness and Prepare to resume
specie paynienta. He prop osed to mend the time, in
order th at tho banks Votilit reel stye in extending their
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. EItaIITHEES
and Mr. Bassos; and were as follows :
Yeas—Mesas. Anderson, Backus, Ball, Berlloll,
Brown, Crawford, Dock, Water ' Gibboney, lliestand,
Hoffman, (Lebanon), Housekeeper, Imbrie, Jacobs,
Kauffman, Kerr, Ifoorhead, Peters, Pownall, Reed,
She.,,, Sloan, Stevenson,truthers Thorn, Vanvoor
his, Warner, Williston, ltherowlo.
NATS—ldeurs. Arthur, Beck, Bower, Brandt, Cal
houn, Campbell, Carty, Chase Ent, Vausold, Glides,
Hamel, Hamilton, Ilancocir, i garpet, Alibi, 14111, Kil
len-as, Nine, Ifocatari; .( rk t h 4 „) Index, ' Jenkins,
Jukos, Jdballun, Kdisl4, Lel*, 'Amur's& Longeker,
.Lovett, sneer, AleCalmmit, cpin, Nicholson,
Ntionemacker, Pearson, ?emelt, sey, (Philadel
phia,l Ramsey (York,) Reame , ißo art s , Rupp, Smith,
(Cen)rea Smith, ("erne) . Ya , Vickers, W t gonseller,
Walter, Wstbrook, ))anion, intrude, Wright, Years
ley, Xl4 ,A
i t7 r tir i q o g ri es in ti o o y n e t
pore n striking out the wo 4 ' Aprl where it oc
curred in the first section of the bill, and Inserting
q d g e ci te r n ntA irl ett in nalti h te lle t il& Or ti t Y h e e . pa r -
" deptember;" which was not agreed to—yeas 3d, nays
Mr. ETaTia moved to go into committee for the par
pose of striking out " April" where It occurred in the
Brit section, and (inverting "June;" which wee not
agreed to—yeas 41, nays dB.
Mr. STRMIIIRS moved to, into committee for the
purpose of amending by substituting "thol3d day of
July" for the " firstdde n de4ln April;" which was not
agreed to. ' • • -
Thequestion ieeWerldutt i 10 , final iittsakge of the bill,
the yeas and nap/ trete idled by Alt. 141nrian and
le Lem:salad and‘Were follows, via I
Yeas—ltems. 'W.tiderspn; 11004, Bishop, Dower,
Calhoun, Cleaver, Uritlford, I(l4,'lnt, POkter, Heins,
Iliestand, ne, lanes, Jenkins, , Lougaker,
Momma, Nieltelson earten,. Peters, Ramsey, (Phila
delphia) Reunion truck) Reamer, Reed. Rupp, lasith,
(Centre,) Smith, ( userne,) Stevenson, Thorn, Voegh
ley, Wltherow, Zimmerman—SS.
zi/ erir
ave—Arthur. ro Augustine, Beaus, Ball,
Bock, Be Arthur'B randt ,
Brown, Iliblloney, Campbell,
Cirty. E a,
yster, Pa sold Hildea, Hamel, Hamel=
ton, Hancock, Harper, nill,Hoffmin, (Bar)s) Iloff
man, (Lebanon) Pliousakeeper, IOW.) /molls, Johns,
Johnson, Kauffman, garkgpiglitqloieigearing,
Vitt; ''Wokkalt ands, Nunn°.
matter, Penross,,Byr abode, haw, Sloan, Stru
thers, Vall. — Vanvoorti a, nit ers , Wegonseller, Walter,
Warner, Westbrook„ Wh.rtdn Wintrode, Wright,
Yearsley, Gets, if(xialter)-116:„'
So the bill weereJectfd.,
Fannie moveßthe folkiwing resolution:
'Resolved,by the Renate and House of Representatives,
that the Legislature will suljotint sine die on to-morrow
mornlnglat 10 o'clock.
Mr. Mumma moved that the House now adjourn,whlch
motion was agreed yptatato
'AnO. U ilq rn at 54• cg c slt/Ft tlia Mown! adjourned until
The annelltneintint`thiti"Hen. 'Wm• P. Packer
would address' tile cillaenli of Philadelphia, drew
together last eiventng:ti z t National Hall, the largest
audience that' thersarapkign bei.larilnesSed. The
hall was densely crowded, both floor and platform.
Not only the benches, but the aisles, from the front .
of the hall to the back, were tilled with eager lis
During. itia powerful address of two hours, we do
not believe that a single person lett the hall. In
the small space which our crowded columns allow
119, wo can hike to present only onseagre sketch of
what woe tai l who heard it a most eloquent and
convincing effort.
At about, Tarter of eight, Gen. Packer made
his appearancentilleptrarme 'and all he was eon
ducted to titiplatfopso,,thoor lifter cheer rose up
from thousands of voices. ' ,
Without the usual formulary of a Jist of officers
and resolutions, Mr. William English organised
the meeting by nominating as Chairman Mr. Peter
Logan. Mi. Logan was unanimously chosen, and,
with a few oemplimentary words, he introduced
the orator of the evening.
Gen. Packer,
at the opening of his speech, made
some allusiotts to our city, reigning to her import
ance in deciding those issues which at times agi
tate the Btate, and particularly alluding to her
vote in October and November last. And why
should not Philadelphia give an overwhelming
majority against the sectional and proscriptive par
ties that now the Democracy ? Republicans
would reply that , the Democratic party and the
old-line Whig pierty pad beeomeajavery propagan
dists, and do notissoupy n the petition occupied by
the fathers.of the Republic-Washington, Jeffer
son, Jackson, and othea great men that have passed
away. The speaker' mposed to examine the
truth of that charge. f R wits true, then the De
mocrats of the present day were for going further
than those pstrmts of earlier doge. lie proposed
to show that such was not the truth.
nen this slavery question was under discussion ha
17ST, 4 settlement wee effected, as it has beert_oll mo
ral occasions since—by compromise. fly e 10onstitti•
Con, three.fillit of the sla vepopulyliou (though they
were not co 'mined ig tr Riskin:gent) were counted in
the enumeration on tvli ch wee based the representation
of the sieve ltAteo in. engross. So that the Southern
States had more o'otea in Conceal; in proportion to
their while pepulation, than the Northern States. Such
was the provision ,of the Constitution, Yet, if propo
sition of that kind were aubmitted for approval to a Re
publican meeting, how many would be found to agree
,to it' They would repudiate and condemn it. Yet
our father* ateltind,fathers placed that provision in
the Constitution,
The next p4vlsion In the Constitution, ho relation to
this subject, wait that providing for the rendition of fu
gitive alarm. To the Constitution containing that pro
vision, the Bret name is that of (lemeral Waahington;
and among the subsequent names are those of lienjamin
Franklin and 'other distinguished men from Pennsyl
vania. The Agars of that ibstrument were covered
with the blood and smoke of the Revolution, and they
knew the value of the Union. (Applause.) Yet,
if such a provision were sulainitted to a Republican
meeting, would- the) , approve it ? No: • They would
answer by WOW, -Thelr leaders bare deelered that
rather than execute the laws for carrying that provision
Into effect, they would "let the Thelon elide."
In another pert of the Constitution, It was provided
that the slairetrado—pot es It exists now between the
States, but the'African slave trade, by the operation of
which negrOeie r*l" Warn' on theishores of Africa,
shipped to thipoountry In chains, end condemned to
perpetual servitude—tiro African slave trade should not
be disturbed by 00dgreas for twenty•one yam—until
the year 1801 V, ' u.
In view Of these provision,' theispeaker naked his
hearer. whether the Democracy of the present day were
for going fiirther than the patriots of Revolutionary
days.Whith,were for faithfully carrying out the Con
'Matfett—the Republicans or the Democracy
Bat the Ordinance ofl7Bl had been inferred to by the
opposition,tieedeacethetrt thotlolofthe adoption
of the
men to abolish slavery, because that ordinance con
tained a provision similar to the Wilmot Proviso—a
provision 'prohibiting the introduotion of slavery Into
all that portios of the northwestern territory lying north
of the Ohio river. Ho would examine that point. At that
thus referred to, a clamor we,, raised In regard to the die
position of the territory belonging to the United States.
All the States Claimed au Interest in this uncultivated
territory In the West and South. The dielculty was
compromised by the sections of the Constitution to,
which referent° had been made, and by acts of Congress
to which ho should allude. That ordinance was adopted
un the lath of July, 11'87. About tho same time South.
Carolina ceded to the United States the territory out of
which with 0. subsequent cession from the Stale of.
Georgia, Miseiurl and Alabama have been made. The
Congress of e United States, at that time eittiog in
New York, an which contained many of the same men
rho had frowned the Constitution, (Madison and Iftunit•
ton among otliers,) pureed, on the lath of August of the
same year, adordinance aceePting the Ceilehrtl made by
South Carolina, and procidrag that the territory should
remain slave territory forever. This wee the act of tho
same men whir had mused the ordinance of 1767. It was
true that many of thcme men were in favor of abolishing
slavery, but only with the consent of the Southern
States—never in the way In 'which It Is attempted now.
In 1790, thtfirst CougressAhat mat 'after the &dim.
Non of the Obristittitien, accepted from North Caroline
the cession of territory .out, of which Tennessee has
since been mete, and theyprovided that that territory
should be and remain slate territory. A similar pro.
visionless afthrwarda toade ; when the State of Kentucky
was formed, 11ulmegueutly, the Eltetei UNdi/a" wee
admitted with*: elePEstMutditution.
Py this statimentstlt,•Would be Seen, what woe the
compromiser si!tacet Num : ...The Ohio Ilyer was the line;
all north of ip was .ta be free; ail senile slimy, The
provision of e Otorstlrntiem was to be the terms upon
which slaver ,teds to exist • •
When the principle of popular sovereignty was es.
tablished ; wlmn• the bill tot organising Kansas and
Nebraska 4nii up, in 1864, that principle was embodied
In the bill. This principle Gellefel Packer vindicated
with much elrquenco. It was this right of the people
to govern ttemeelvee for, which oar fathers taught
in 1778.- George the Third tried to enforce
orlon the Colonies the doctrine which the Black
Republicans how wish to enforce upon the ter
ritories—the right to legislate for them without regard
to their feeling. and Interests. The same battle fought
by George the Third In 1770, was fought by the 'lte-.
Publicanain 1856. In the first struggle, King George
ost thirteen colonies; in the last, the Republicans
loot thirty-ono. (Laughter and applause.)
The speaker made some allusions to the conduct of
the emigrant aid societies, and the election frauds said
to have been perpetrated in Kansas. In speaking of
the latter subject, he made some amusing allusions to
the Buckshot War,
On the admission of Missouri in 1820, the Missouri
Compromise Line, the line of 38 deg. 80 min., was adopt
ed, making the second great compromise. In 1845 that
line wan extended through the Territory of Texas, from
the Sabine to the Rio del Norte. It wan extended as far
as we have had any territory. It was considered a
finality, a definite settlement of the slavery question
Mr. PACKER then referred to the several efforta . by
Me Wilmot for the adoption of his Proviso, he preening
that proviso upon the bill making appropriations for
our army isi . Mealcowhlcli appropriations should have
been voted with the least delay--and postponed by the
agitation of such a subject as thin The epeaker con
tinued to' trace at length the action of the Government
on the 'subjett of slavery, showing how the Republicans
who had lately clamored no loudly in regard to the Mis
souri compromise IMO, had failed on numerous occasions
to sapped that 1140, but, on the contrary, had constantly
opposed it. He then referred to the compromise measures
of 1860.
He rebuked, in thrilling language, the conduct of
Massachusetts in passing her Personal Liberty bill.
The " highet-law" doctrine was tellingly exposed.'
' After it few other inmarks in regard to national sub
jects, the speaker took up the questions of more imme
diate Interest in the State election. In regard to the
State debt, nothing should be done that would tend to
Increase It, unless much expenditure should be neces
sary to suppress insurrection and rebellion.'
In regard to the question of currency, said General
Packer, what heart is there that ban not been pained
with the present excitement upon that question? The
subject is now before the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
and I trust it will be disposed of before the Legislature
shall rise. Some action ought to be taken by them upon
this question. What that action should be, it is not for
me to say. Upon the Happening of a certain contin
gency, I may be called - upon to act in relation to this
very crisis, 'and the relief which is demanded by It.
(Great applause.) If I should be (a voice—"you will
be") called upon to act officially in regard to it, you
may rest assured of this, that I sympathize moat
deeply with every class of the community that has suf
fered—your business men as well as your laborers.
Applause.) Whatever can be done to alleviate the
present troublea, to return public confidence, to bring
back the 'date of things that existed some months ago,
shall meet my most cordial approval. (Cheers.)
'This crisis was most unexpected; I have witneased
nothing like It within forty years . ; it took the whole
nation by surprise. No man, however great his fore
cast, could have foresems the present state of affairs.
Then who can sof hog the question will stand three
mouths henqe?hence I must decline advancing any
opinion as to whir, will be but at that time, giving you,
however, this assurance—that whatever shall beat pro
mote the luterests of all Mamma, that course shall be
pureued by me. (Cheers.)
I have observed by the papers that some of the candi
dates have thought necessary to bring Into discussion
the Tariff question. In my remarks throughout the State,
I have not referred to that subject , because I did not
suppose that It laid anything to do with the Issues
now before the people of Vennsylvasiia This much I
can say: that I hub no retail in relation to the tariff of
1840 to ex lain, 5 was with that portion of the people
of Peousylvanie that (stored the tariff of 1842. Thin
Stet. wee abroad a unit upon thatqueetion. Both houses
of the Legislature, by an almost unanimous vote, in
structed our delegation in Congress to vote in favor of
the tariff of 1842; and I rejoice that I have no vote in
that Congress to explain before the people
Upon Know-Nothingism the speaker made a few re
writhe. How unjust and inconsistent with the first prin
ciples of our Government were those distinction of birth
and religion upon which the so-called Amercianiam is
based! Ile alluded to the Revolutionary history of
Charles Chrroll of Carrollton—the Andoobted talents,
integrity, and patriotism of Renee B. Taney—both Cath
olics. Allusion VA msle to the noble deeds of Catho
lics, acting in 4nsert with Protestants in the Mexican
war, two companies of the former from Cambria county
being the Suit that offered themselves in Pennaylvtusia.
Ia conclusion, Gen. Packer acid :
The two meat parties that exlated in this country a
few years ago united neon curved principles. They
took the Coustitotien for their guide, and the Union
was their sheet-anchor. (Cheers.) The 'Democratic
party has now rallied into its ranks the great and good
men of the 1014-lbse Whig party' Without them we
could net hale succeeded. We cheerfully give them
credit for thou aid. They were for the Union—for all
the States of the Union.
The Demoerstie party, and the old-line Whig party,
an now united, carry no Sag whose stars represent
half of the States. They stand up for they Union as It
Is, and the Constitution. They are in favor of
" A union of lakes, a union of lands,
A dnion of States none may sever-,
A union of heats, and a unfelt of hand*,
And the Sag of our roAotk forever."
The speaker closed his triumphant effort amid gene
ral applause; and the meeting adjourned, with repented
cheer& fee taelger and the whale Democratic ticket.
Perlin* Position of Gen. Havelock...BUM:roe
Re-orcupled by the Mutineers.
'....- ....
The Collins mail steamer Atlantis, Capt. pd
ridge,arri red at New York yesterday atoning, from
LiverpooloVklulk port elm left on the evening of
Wednesday, September 90, bringing 128 passen
gers. Among the
,number we observe the names
of Charles S. Spence, Esq., of Baltimore, recently
from Persia, with the ratification of the commercial
treaty; the Hon. P. Schroeder, late United States
Idinister at Sweden; the Rev. John McClintock,
D. D., W, 14. Qabom president of the Illinois
Central *idroad, and (1. r, Train, of Boston.
The Atlantic brings $17,000 in spools, and 600
tons of cargo.
The Cunard steamship Asia, arrived at Liver
pool at 10.16. on the morning of Sunday, Septem
ber 27th.
The General WlMoms arrived on the morning,
and the Kangaroo, at four o'clock on the afternoon
of the 29th.
Telegraph despatches in anticipation of the over
land mail had, b.een received in Vnglead, and the
Mel Itself would probably arrive on the day the
Atlantic soiled.
The dates are—eatentM August 23, and Bombay
the 30t.
• From Delhi the intelligence came down to Au
gust 12th, at which time the city was still in the
hands of the insurgents. A good deal of skirmish
ing bad taken place, the rebels being invariably
defeated, but with considerable loss to the British.
General Nicholson arrived before Delhi on the
Bth of August, in advance of his force, which was
expected between the 13th and 15th, when the
dumber of the besiegers would amount to about
eleven thousand men. Further reintbresments were
looked for early in September, increasing the army
to fifteen thousand. It was expected that the as
sault of Delkl would take plane on the 20th of
The accounts in regard to General Havelock, and
the poSition of affairs at Cawnpere, are oonfticting.
According to one statement, the General, after
marching a second Hose toward Lucknow, and de
fasting the enemy in two engagements, found the
rebels,to the number of fifty thousand, strongly
entrenched at Lucknow, and bad to tall back upon
Cawupore, where, reduced to only nine hundred
followers, he was expecting au attack from the in
• The Trieste correspondent of the Louden Morn
ing Post, on the other hand, telegraphs that
General Neill had attacked and defeated a tarp
force near Cawnpore,' and that General Havelock
bad succeeded in relishing Lucknow, the garrison
at which place bad been in a most precarious con
Adviees from Agra are to the 11th 'of August
All in the fort were well, and amply provided with
provisions. but the force was very weak and calling
urgently for relief. The whole christlan popula•
Lion WII3 within the fort.
Bithoor, Nana Sahib's stronghold, was re-0000-
plod by 4000 mutineers, but on the 16th of August
tieneral Havelock attacked and carried the po
The most loyal spirit prevailed, not only among
the Sikh 'soldiers, but in the population of the Pun-
Jab generally.
From most of the native states in Central India,
the accounts are satisfactory, although, in some
instances, disaffection had broken out.
The rebels at Arrah had been defeated by Major
, The hio,hurrum holiday, about which groat fears
were felt, passed off quietly.
A few more mutinies among the troops of the
Bombay presidency are reported, but they had
been generally easily suppressed. Several suspect.
ed resimente had been disarmed.
It is reported that Goolab Sing died at Cashmere
on the 2d of August..
Lord Elgin bad made over the Shannon and the
;Pearl to the Indian Government, and was about to
;return to China in a chartered steamer.
General Lloyd bad been eutipendid and was to
lbe brought to court martial, as previously an-
Martial law had been proclaimed at Belgium. .
The ('aria Pays contains a rumor that serious
dissensions existed between Lord Canning, the
. Governor General, and Sir Colin Campbell, the
oommandenin.abief in India. Lord Elgin has
sided with the latter who was also supported by
the voice of public opinion.
The report that Gen. Havelock had reached
,Luoknow was received with doubt, and his position
was regarded as a 'precarious ono
An officer reports that be saw the end of Nena
Sahib and his family, who took to a boat on the
Ganges and were swamped.
At Caloatta the markets were unchanged. Go
vernment securities bad again fallen. Freights
had declined.
Exchange 2s. 2111 to 2s. 21.1. Exchange at Bom
bay 2e, lid.
The unprotected state of the island of Mauritius,
owing to the troops having left for India, attracted
attention, and a Frenchjournal had started a
recommendation that it should be garrisoned by
French troops as long as the war in India lasts.
A telegraphic despatch from Paris to the London
Post, dated, Sept. 29, says
A French telegraph from Marseilles, dated to
day, says that prreate letters from Calcutta state
that the population is beginning to rise in Bengal,
pursuing and killing English settlers. and that the
revolution IS becoming general. The merchandise
from the interior no longer reaches Calcutta, and
the imports are accumulating in the depots. Buy
ers are not to be found. Money is disappearing,
and the paper of the East India Company is at
twentptlvo per cent. discount.
'The adyices from Hong Hong are to August Sib, and
Shanghai July 30th.
A declaration of the blockade of Canton river was
issued by Admiral Seymour on the 4th of August.
Two vessels bed arrived At Hong Hong with about 600
gunners, who were to be despatched to Calcutta.
Sterling exchange at Moog Kong, 68 At Shanghai •
largo business had beets done in import.. Prices of tea
bad advanced both there and at Amoy. Silk Ivan Jinn.
Exchange, On. 10d. to 7e.
The reception of the Emperor Napoleon at Stuttgardt
was marked with all possible state and ceremony, while
that of the Czar was very quiet and devoid of all formal
ity. The Empress of Russia and the Queen of Greece
arrived at Sttittgardt on the evening of the 26th. The
Imperial party attended a grand dinner at the King of
Wnrtemburgis castle, on Saturday, the 20th; on Sun
day morning, the 27th, Napoleon attended mess at the
Catholic church, and in the evening both Emperors and.
their Suites attended at the opera house; on Monday,
the 28th, the Imperial party visited the great mutual
agricultural fete and festival at Cannsladt; and In the
afternoon the Czar took his departure from Stuttgnrdt.
On Tuesday, the 29th, the Emperor Napoleon Carted on
bin way to Metz. The Emperors, during their stay, had
several private interviews, but nothing authentic is
known as to their nature. The French Journals, gene
rally, predict that the interview must tend to cement
the peace of Europe.
The Emperor of Austria had quitted Vienna for
Weimar, there to meet • the: Emperor of Russia. Great
political importance - 1i generally attached to this in
The Londost , /tforaing.:•Orarfebt, says that the call
for thetunnediate assembi,lng of. Parliament is general
throughout the country rand Ithtbara are about, it is
aMd L ko deliberate on the eonvoniani time for summon
in .4' lVilt tit* ext Cabitud..counclr,'4,
A proclamation bad been Issuedijirpoloting Wednes.
day, October 7th, to be deterred $.l, a day of humilia
tion 1112.1 prayer, in cousequenen'of the disturbances in
India.' -
The London Globe states that General Marelock has
been made a Knight Commander of the Bath, and that
five other ttolian generals--Wilson, Neill, Chamberlain,
Nicholson '
"and Van Cortland—have been made com
panions of the Order of the Bath.
The Board of Trade returns for August show an in
crease in exports of £lbS,ooo over the name
month last
year ; and the increase during the first eight,
months pf
the year Is stated at £10,000,000.
A general order, lamed front the Horse Guards on the
29th of September, promotes General Havelock to the
rank of Major General, " on account of the eminent ser
vicesperformed by him in India "
W. Carden was elected Lord Mayor of London,
after some opposition.
The Rut of Fife, had been made a peer, under the
title of Baron Skeen.
At a meeting in London, of the owners of property In
India it was resolved to demand compensation for loam.
sustained by private persona in India, And complaint
was made of the want of vigor on the part of the Indian,
Two companies of artillery were under orders for In
dia by the overland route, leaving Southampton on the
10th of October.,
The American captains in London bad contributed
£4O for the wife of Captain Rogers, who was recently
hung in Liverpool for causing the death of one of hie
seamen, at the same time expreaslng their belief that
he was no murderer.
The 24 of November le fixed for the launch of the
Great Eastern steamship.
Move's. Taylor and Bright, of Hull, lately engaged in
the corn trade, had failed.
The Presbytery of Belfast bad adopted resolutions
affirming their right to preach in the open air, but re
commendh2g, under existing circumstances, that the
practice be discontinued for a time. There was. conse
quently, no street preaching on Sunday the 27th, in
Belfast, and the day paced in iFietnese.
The raising of the camp at. Chalons was fired for the
eth of October.
Prince Napoleon was about to start on a tour, ip the
East, aid it win supposed that ha would make an exami
nation of the Isthmus of Bum _' ' .
The Correctional Tribunal of Parte has decreed the
seizure awl entire suppression of the!" Jilturer," dw
Peuple," by Eugene Sue, a !serial commenced in 1849,
and sentenced Barou de hi Obastre, the assignee of the
copyright, to a year's imprisonment, and a fine of
.. 6,000
francs. The publisher and printer are likewise sen
tenced to One and Imprisonment.
Thp, decree forbidding the export Of torn and
ting fla importation bad been extended to the 30th of
Septenalter, - •
The Empress Eugene arrived In Paris on the 26tti.
The wer steamer Pregent bad been clamed to proceed
forthwith to Pondicherry, with troops for that place.
MN. Rachel was believed to ba in a dying state. Her
(axially bad, by telegraph, been summoned to her aide.
Corn had experienced a further decline in Paris; and
the manufacturers of that city were very actively em
-Amounts from the wine-growing districts continue to
be favorable.
The Three per Oente. closed on the 28th, to yarls, et
OS 16c.
The Madrid papers ntato that several republican pro.
lainatione had been seized there, with a copy of instruc
tions for new members who Might join the republican
secret societies. Some arrests had been made.
It is staled that Bravo Murillo and Gen. O'Donnell
are likely to Noon supersede the Names Cabinet.
The permission to import breadstuff" Into Spain, free
of duty, had been extended to the nOth of tone, INS.
The Queen had app , oved the convention agreed to
with France and Eagland, relative to literary copyright.
The Naples correspondent of the Morning Poet says
that the Austrian Cabinet has informed Mr Carafar,
the Neapolitan Minister of Foreign Affairs, that the
Emperor of Austria will visit the Emperor of Ruse*
In order to enlighten the Cur about the affairs of
Rumors were current that Count Buol would soon re
tire from the foreign department lathe Austrian Cabinet,
solely on account of ill-health.
Cabinet councils were being frequently held in re
gard to the financial embarrassments of the corm
A Vienna letter of the 46th nye that Baron Dour
goenay, In the name of Count amour, had offered to
the Anatrian Cabinet certain come/alone which Sardinia
le ready to make if Atiatria should consent to renew Me
diplomatic relatiOne with the Court of Turin. The con
ciliatory imorement of the Piedmonterie Ministry will,
art Alt letter, be met half way by the - Cabinet of
The King of Saxony wu thrown from his horse, at
review, while the 'alma wu going at full 'peed. The
consemences, however, were not serious.
- - .
A letter from Constantinople says that the three Rus
sian war serer steer:ten, prerlotudy reported as trotting
for arm = to pass through the Dardanelles, had enteM
the Black aim; that they were either wholly built, or
at least fitted with their machinery, In America ; and
that they are all that can be desired, especially In their
sailing qualities. The same letter says, that as far as
steam power is concerned, the Russian fleet in the
Euilne Is actually stronger than It was before the lest
The remaining members of the Polua Legion in Con
stantinople, about 400, WI Oared themselves to the
British ambassador for service In India.
The latest despatches report a much better ander
standAng between the Roman commissioner and the
British and' Austrian commissioners in the Danubian
Lommon, 8/aplomb:sr 80-12 H.
Bombay letters have amAred.
The Bombay MIMS of August Tlst does not men•
tion the nrclrel of General Harem* et le:Anew.
The principal features contained In the paprrs hare
been previously published. The Bombay TIMES consi
ders that the intelligence Is certainly of a disastrous
A letter from Aboo, dated 11th August, in the Poona
Obwrrer, mentions that the King of Delhi altered to
make terms with the European, on gariditten that BS
lathe of rupees annually, instead of 1$ ea heretofore,
should be moored to him and ku successors. De was
informed that nothing but an unconditional =Tender
coal be accepted.
A Meerut letter of the 10th of August mention that
nutobere of the mutineers were leaving Delhi. About
500 were seen crossing the Ganges at eittrusuchtoeur.
shit, live daye previously, and 250 more were at
limper, flaking for nobileand—all unarmed. •
The bridge or boats at Delhi is reported broken en the
Meerut aide, and the mutineers were attempting to re
pair It
The Punjaub is tranquil. The organisation of sal
regiments for Delhi is rapidly progressing.
The mutineer' at Msuceleer had bean cut up. No
vu shown to the rebels by the inhabitants of
tne prerinre.
The Hinges magazine at lodphore vu struck by light
ning i_9oo persons were killed, and property valued at
£1,000,000 sterling destroyed.
The whole province at Bengal seems to be in a state
of alarm.
The civilians at O ejah retreated to Patna, leaving the
treasary in theme of a company of the 84th regiment,
which it to feared Is In danger.
The Bth native Infantry at Hazareobsgh mutinied on
the 30th June, and liberated all the prisoners. Moot of
the Europeans escaped to Bagoda, but there to every
reason to believe that Itsfor Oakes was killed. Calcutta
sou becoming crowded with fugitives from all parts of
There had been symptom* of disaffection in the 14th
Bombay main, Infantry, terming part of the URA
foetus field force. 'they refused to give up a mutinous
trooper, Mid Sunned a square around him. Ile then fired
at Brigadier limn when three or four of the European
horse artillery dashed Into the quire and cut him down.
A portiou of the Infantry were d
The mutiny at Kelapoor was prmitly suppressed,
but Lieutenants Norris and Heathfleld, and InAin
Stabbe, got astray and were murdered.
The Bombay correspondent of the Timis mys that,
taking Into consideration all that hoe occurred In the
way of disaffection throughout the president", whether
in Rajahfootam or in the Southern Karate country,
one cannot but see that the discipline and loyetyof the
Bombay army are slowly but surely giving way under
strong temptations.
" Let Delhi fall pretty quickly and we are safe ; but
let there be a cheek or disaster there or elsewhere, or
even much delay, and I fear we (the presidency gene
rally) shall see troublesome times..
A further Improvergeat in the money market. Banks
'vain lowered tide tap of Lateen 1 V cent. all round.
No improttoont LIZ °Grommet securities.
Cotton piece goods Ann, and impart market rather
Improved fa some articles. Gray shirting scarce, and
in demand. Metals [toady. Wool improved. Tromp
abundant. Freights to Liverpool and London 12 ro 41
to £2lss.
Lot:pox, Wednesday-2 P. 11.--Conaola 50,V*90%.
Ltvcatoot., Wednesday-3.30 P. 11.—)team. Rich
ardson. Bootee, & Co., report Breadatuda am, but very
little doing. No change in prima.
Proyi.tiono—No alteration. Beef very
Cotton quiet; American outboard; Borate lower.
Patel 6 , 000 bales, including 600 on speculation and for
export . .
Li vsatoot, September 30.--Cotton—Sits market has
not been very good during the teat three days, the sales
only reaching about 13,504 tales, including 1000 to
speculators, cud HO to siporters. Prises sulk* fame
fa at the departure of the Inseam.
At Manchester, the market Is unsettled, but no ma
terial change had taken place in quotations.
llreadstutfs—Flonr quiet and alightl, easier, although
not quotably lower. Wheat buoyant, at the full prices
advised per Niagara Corn in limited request, at former
Provisions—Beef very dull, and holders pressing on
the market. Pork dull but unchanged. Bacon arm, at
previous prices. Lard very dull; at an auction sale there
were no bidders.
Tallow lower, and quotations nominal.
Ashes rather lower; both aorta quoted at as.
Common Eosin in good demand at de. el.
Spirits of Turpentine steady at 89s.
Groceries without essential change.
PROM 11.1011A8D8014 nortalits
Liilll.ool, Mil Mo., 29tts,
The weather, Moos our report of 'friday, has been
somewhat ehangable, hut, au the whole,
The tone of the country markets,beng ratter better,
has imparted more firmness to the trade hare, bat the
bullies& plating has been quite limited, at aboat the full
Wee of our last.
The advices per Asia," with dates to the 16th last
from New York, report some Improvement in their mar
ket for breadstuff's, consequent upon the receipt of rather
better &deices from this aide to 6th hut. per Persia."
The panic had somewhat lessened, and exchange was
rather Nosier, but monetary matters were still in a very
unsatisfactory state and it was impossible to say
whether they would improve or not for • while.
Our market, this morning, was rather more numer
ously attended, and a more general Inquiry for useful
deer nptions of foreign 'Wheat rend ted; but holden; were
willing to proceed at the decline noted on Friday. Irish
still continues very neglected and Irregular . White va
rying from 6s3doSsed, and Red 7s Ode Eis gir TO Ds, as in
Flour moved off but slowly, and to effect sales, especi
ally of Irish sacks, leas money would have been
ceeted, fair having been sold as low as Ws 4 , sack.
Indian Corn met only a limited inquiry for home con
sumption at former prices.
Oatmeal again receded Is tp load--33s a top quotation,
and dull at the figure. Oats, with a better supply, de
clined ld k' 4s the, unprepared having been sold as
low, ae UN, and beet dried obtainable at 4s 41 , 45 the.
No dump In Egyptian beans. Peas have advanced 2s,
and are held at 47 oalietpsos an.
[From Richardson, Spence & CO.'S Circular.)
LITIOLPOOL, September[ e. 1557.—At Mark Lana, yes
terday, there was a firmer feeling for English Wheat,
and our market to-day also showed an improved tone.
Wheat was in good consumptive demand and met a fair
sale, at the full pekes of last Friday. Flour, although
still scarce, is less inquired far, and the turn easier to
buy. Indian Corn continues only in limited request for,
feeding, without change In prices. We quote Wheat—
Red, 7e. 9d. to to.; choke new, in retail, brim Bs. ed ;
White, 9s to Qs. Sdfor an *lira lot, New, 9s. 9d. has
been paid, in retail, per 70 lbs . Flour—Philadelphia
and Baltimore, 310. Sol. to 325. ; Western, 90s. 6d. to
31s. ; Extra Ohio, 325, 6d. to 99e . St, per barrel Indi
an Corn—Mixed and Yellow, 37a. 64. to 368.; White,
41. Sd. tb 435. 6d. per 580 pounds.
Beef is very slow. Holders pressing their etoclu,with -
out succeeding in Wetting males.
Pork was without change,
Bacon has continued firm, with a moderate bnsinesa
at our teat quotations '
Lard very dull. Tor 600 tierces of good (o'l4. of
fered at auction todsy, there was no bid.
Tallow—ln London the market has again fallen—the
closing quotations for P. Y. C yesterday being 676 34
the spot; 87s ad to 67s ea October to Deeember. Lam
shipments are reported from St. Petualmrg (62,0119
casks,) and these coming on a mall demand, beveled
to the decline above noted. Here there is little doing,
and we cannot give an exact quotation for Bateher's
Assoclition, but we would not value It today over Ha
tir cwt.
Rosin—rather more Inquired for, at da dd ir errtte
Bark —The Russian -demand has disappeared, and a
heavy decline is expected. The rr Tuacarora's'l ship
meat IS to be offered at auction to-morrow.
Cotton —The market nonce Friday has ruled vial
quiet, and salaamtipoitgattpgquotatioasofthatday.
In Manchester, today, there was tether more doing,
with a better feeling. Aliddlliag Orleans, 9 8.164; Mo
bile, 91.84; Uplands, 11 ip Ro 11164 ,
wen** _
The Indian &dykes gaw:M.lnm Hue lion chap ,
sole„Whieh closed on the 29th at 59X090 for'-'nitioak - , 4 -
bat attar officialdneursi n timer (aiding glanSltil• 14,
business was dinui Aker adetiasse or Se liVoatheid MOLL_
The rate for loam, on the Pais_ Pr. masbadit
605,4( els eent:, , btitin the o.kint nuortet 'wa at •
bank the demand was greater thaw at any time duri ng
the lust two or three amantitsi Spins wer rnsed e In •
London, the path, of Illinois. Central, shares, et_ e ,
Illinois Central Borst*, 7 V ettla• Att. UST, 81 j(
and of New York Central shares at " -
Wheat buoyant, and tending upward. CoNee
Sugar—Better sorts firm, but inferior dull am/. Invite
Tea firm et full Priem knieF; indigo
and Saltpetre farther advanced. Scotch Pig how
Exchange at Hong Meng, At, Minikes n Mrge
business has been done in imports:. Silk Wee arm.
Exchange Os 10d to 7g. The ptiees' of tea have ad
vanced both at inisnehae nud at Amboy-
In the steamship Atlantic, from Lirerpool—Charles
ipence, P Schroeder, two childn and eerv't, W H Os
brine, G Train, Colonel N Johnston, B Brook, and lady,
Z L Taylor, Capt W Oay, P B Elliott, H H Montgome
ry, family and Beryl. I.} Taylor, B H Bulkier and Myr
11. Metcalf, J W Mallet and lady, E A Low sad lady,
T Holland, B Hoffman and lady, T Wench .fad lady,
II Overman, H Rogers, B Palter and lady ", Miss M
It Puller. Miss B 11 Puller, E P Taft. H"
N Blatt, George- Nathan, B Carmine, B
wife, two daughters, nth governess ; Min M Cam
man , Mies id Cummings, Revertant John McClintock
and lady,' P Gray and lady, J fisher, and family, L D
C Wood, C E Wetherell and lady; 11 Holmes, W Paine; •
H Bryan, J Osgood and lady, 0 Slate, Jr, Mise Slate, A+
Queyrol and lady, Jr B Stone. 0 Dana, Bev /Stone and
lady, Miss F Stanton, Min MeCollough, Mb* Spam,
Gann, lady, and daughter,. B. Morgan, J Williams,
lady, daughter, and servant, Mrs Rarmisy; W Wilestand
lady, J Linean and lady, C Bated, H Hamenned,
Chas Mann, W B Thomas, G Panith, JR Senard.htlea
II Berard, Mine II Reseed, A Waller and family, Ef Taw,.
C Guanine, Mrs Walker, Mrs A James, three children
and servant, Mrs Ramsey, D Thelma!, J . W
Jackson and servant, T Batherheat and wife ,11 Tan Laa,
sop, B Scheplay,W Lewis, P Bimaardi; yarker, Cant,
Webb, of the Charter Oak.
(Reported for The Presul - - -
USITID STITES e11 . c11711 . Conar-LJudge 'Orter.—in
Equity. Edwin-Rarest rs. William Wheatlefend W. --
B. 'Fredericks, yesterday morDiniptr. C. Gliillog, ;
eel for the resporidonte, presented: to the court their
ensues., sad stated shit in consequence of thershertnese .
et time that elapsed since the bill was tikd r he Stu an- -
We to Pot the Ferrer on thefts* sd tble coat astir tbs
m " 1 ' 441- •lre •r°o4 - irw 1/01V
Judge Grier,-Cerhilitty, yummy Maria.' - - -
My Gaillow therms,/ the reepondepte answer,,Which,
in substance,' is as folloni
That it Is true that Robert T. Conrad did write a pkiy: --
called "Jut Cade, or theitentiahltebelllon ;.. but that- -
the said play did not originally bear that title, but was
calleddylemere, or the Bondman of Rene , ' Was
published under the last-mentioned title lttlial or 185; -
by Butler & Co., of this city..
That Robert T. Conrad did not take m y ecipyiught yai ,
his said compoaltion, unless such - Wan taken by Butler*.
Co ; and therespondentepressly deny that Robert r
Conrad ever mold dud Nal to the annidslitilt inkier •
A' 4 4
right, title, and interest .n the same.
That the copyright anti remelt& rested in Itutirsilt''
Co ; and that no assignment ban ever been made to ky s ,
Forrest .
That the play of ...rack Cede" bas been frequently by other actors, so far back u ,by
Messrs Adams and Ingersoll, and in 1841 by Ile.roireat
himself. The one of the respondenb, Mr. Wheatley,
addressed the following letter to the - anther albs pisy
before preparing for its represe ntation •
FUttsustenz_ „a 'Sept: 21, 1851- •
My Dean NELMIC4II, parties , trtenft well patrons
of my little theatre, hue mot 111 frequent requests for
(if possible) the represestatios of your fine ploy o f
Jack Cade." • My present resources give ass, Ithfok,
the capacity of products; it Is it maser esansesoupds
with its great meets: As it bu been and still is jutted , •
by various parties throughout the Vo.M,n,S panne art
one has so etcletive right to it. I siall be most lowa
to gratify your friends and mine by producing it at time
Arch Street Theatre at aa early • period as the oftener,'
preparations will permit it, provided no objedtiornom
year part stand in the tray.
Very respectfully, yours,
lion Jonas Cogan. - W* WEBATIJIY.
The reply to this letter was given Is ode publiestdest -
of yesterday.
the reeporatemla farther stated that the play Whams.
performedby sesetal other actors besides Mr. Veriest,
via Messrs. Nestle, IleorouA,Letegdon, Damsport,llft..7
Doaeogh, Adams, sad Ingersoll.
An &Merit of Mr. E. L Davenport Ives mid, etathr , :
that he had performed the character
_several timet is
Mr. Dougherty, for the complainant, stated treisaahri
the position in which the rammtotentae *mina
Saturday-Indeed, in rather $130163 politica, far width'
Mr. Galileo had two hours to read the emoplabiantesi •
hi% he had may this Insharet menthe anima of the
9oadents.. Hs would, therefore , ' rineerftdilt
court for a cants nonce in order to prepare
All the Injury that could be done
Forrest had been done by the re lion :a. the,
on Saturday night last . A eon wee
tithe Court, no injunction tohante meanwhile.
8031Uffi Cones-lnetiee ffnot—The City of Philo- .
delphla or. The West Philadelphia Patranger litaltnFjr:
Conspaoy, This was an application for a, f .
junction. • The ' oamplainants allege' that the CHI ser
Philadelphia is the owner of Blarket-itreet-•_bakib ajd
that the northern aide of the "roe, Mead DiuM part:
used for foot pawners, Is oOcapLird by the dirndl! • •
toad, and that the southern side it And Wag
tion of carriages, wagena,- he. t. that theriald
southern side is but twenty-4g feet wide in that -
it set apart for do.. and is man*
for the ed indinary tnrral.
They also aliens that the reepsodente are
construct, on 10 southern tided nal lialdos;tos
wet ereeb*, and that anch • ccesstructionirin noVeinitp ;
Farr interfere with the ownership,. right; and pro
ef the complainant, but will seriously sifectand
Otte, and present, the travel of rekieles,
the same. They therefore aakthe Courttopardaspastal
injanction to restrain the respondents from caoistemdinit,
the said tracks
DLSTLICT Cocas.-Jedge Sharserood-Josepkit. -
Itch es. Samuel Bechtold, Jr. An action antwoprimi
isory notes. Terdict for plain= 10313. Theca her- - -
plaintiff; Abrams for deferadaut._ -
Gimlet W. Churchman et at. aa.Blannat
FR.-Waimea of Philip Gallagher. An sttlAktienn • Z.,
andninont to oatertola what ilamAtidt . 41Off_tAtO.1111
Lopes of garnishees. Wilson and G. IL _warted' per
plabitlft; Doris and Phailldfor gerabbeenes '‘ •
?laseMaier . es. Sylvester Keyser. An action to tat
cover damages for breach of liontmint, by a leaiE for""-
a, lot aground at Hicetown, in the lad ward, of thieftg
of Philadelphia. • I. Newton Brown pad Juvenal
plaintiff; Thorn and Johnson for defendant. -
Comm Pteas.-Judge Atilson-Shelley (re..
An action of trespass_ Jury out. '• ' '
I. L. Husband es. A. L. Yawata. Ara action to to- -
coier the value of mefessiosal otrti*a . ratoloteft: '
A. Husband for ~ill; W. S. Piarestor defendant. ••. '
The following cases were. &apnoeas:if:
Catharine. Craig wed or the - hiStairy'lesi
IdOmit' Busboy woo coorrieted of the' laitio, ot
quiatity of colitis
lj Thomitt.voi convicted cd the laecany at raltnind
U Jots wu anajetall of Oa laraoy ofcloOdol—
Ana.lsaitit was convicted of *a amain 61 Patsy_ t
Joseph Tierney the mune.
Mn. Maumee was restricted of stealing e Teat
criT wrzarra.—" Egli% Del litaggimento,”
Waienat's /tic: Stun ',muss, Alai
Lions Sirri,—. 4 Hari
4.40 &bad Nothhefe , ='
WALIIIIT !kraut ?cum, N. IL chum es Mans
Aso Viriax 174.111.— , . laahka"—‘ , Demo Wit Zee—
nomy." -
Sisecas4Orsza Boast, =scram Maw, aster
ClUSTlOV.—llblopan easelefang wit%
" Boit ani Cox."
Tscussur's VA urn's, Firm AID Ciourrarr "mit»
—lliacellan eons Concerts.
Grand Mass Meeting in the Third Ward.
There was an immense and enthulaatie ma meet
ing of the gallant Dateooraey of the Third Ward;
last evening, at the Loose of Lewis Dr_Co4n, ear
ner of Fifth and (lee= m
stteets- The esg,
called to order by W. T. Jackson, En., garshme
motion the follo itng °Seers ware &men :
President—Thos. Y. Norman. •
Vice 'Presidents—Jacob Jackson, H, Schell:lnger,
L. R. Dentin, F. Flood, Wm H. Nolen, J. hi.
Raybold, John Gallagher, H. McGinnis.
Secretaries—Capt. - jai. IL Kelly, eon. Gantt,
Theo. Beek, Chas. H Tisdall, Jan Aremitzeng.
The meeting was then ably and eloquently ad
dressed by Win. E. Lehman, Eaq., Hon. Thomas
B. Florence, Eugene Ahern, Dr. Kamesly,
V. McKean Esq , and others. -
The enthu siasm wts unbounded; and the - IDS+ I,
ins adjourned with three hearty - camera for the—
whole ticket, and a strong and united pull to-day.
Handsome Baserr.—Washington Lodge,
No. 5, Order of United American Mechanics will
be presented to-morrow evening, at Jayne's Hall,
Chestnut street, with a very costly and handsome
silk banner, prepared specially for Won tkr the
ladies of Philadaphia. The banner was painted
by Mr. A. Thompson, a number of the Lodge,
very skilful and celebrated artist_ It will be re
ceived on behalf of the Lodge by Mr. John Burs*
It is valued at 4500. - - • •
The .Ere qr Elerlioe.—The city cerhalnly v :
presented an animated appearance last
The different political head-quartets were crowd-
od, and the arrangements for the election of tn
day eompbsesd. -A reamlear of ward msousatietnage,`.
were held, and all of them ware rag largely
tended. The hope 'dial every facility will be ex
tended to our marten this evening, to that ire_
may hare early and reliable retbrns from all thte;, ,
precincts in the city. " -
Coroner's Cases.—Coroner Delano, yester
day morning, held an inquest on the body of an
elderly lady, named Hannah McMenamin, who
died suddenly, in 61tippen street, between Eighth
and Ninth streets. A verdict of death from natu
ral causes was rendered.
A child was found in a sewer at Eleventh and
Parrish streets on Sunday evening Coroner Dela
raa was to bold an inquest in the ease.
Hospital Cases.—Michael Sallivan,_ aged.
a b ou t twenty-are years, was admitted to the Penn
sylvania Hospital yesterday, having had hia right
band badly injured on the wharf,
The Jitantic Steamer.—By .telegraph. Mint
New York to the postmaster of Philadelphia,
Collins sends word that the "Atlantic" will not
sail this week.
R Fair, in aid of the Italian Church, In the
lower part of the city, is now being held at the
Musical Fund Maw
[Prom the New Fork papers of lest eseneet.J - _
THZ Curse Totressavrr. -- The rooms of the
Chess Congress were thronged by the admirers of
the game to witness an unexampled feat, Mr.
Paulsen, of lowa, undertaking to carry on font
games simultaneously, and without locking at the
board. His ant isle were Messrs. Elkin, of
Philadelphia, SuHien, of the St. Dennis Hotel, in
this city, W. J. A. Faller, of Leshe's journal,.
and Paul Murphy, of New Orleans—the last nam e
blindfold. The games were commenced about
four and three-quarters o'clock. Memrs. Paulsen
and Morally were seated on an elevated platform
at ono end cf the room, Some thirty feet from the
tables, and sat back to back.
The first game was won by Mr. Murphy, in sir
bolas, when he announced checkmate •in five
moves. The second game won was number four,
by Mr. Paulsen against Mr. Shults, who resigned,
on the twenty-sixth more. The play on. *n
ether two games continued uninterrupted unfit in:
o'clook, when, at the request of the eonnaiteite,
and the consent of the players, they were disema-'
tinned, to be resumed to-day. At the request of
the committee, Mr. Paulsen then, without rat
seeing the pieces, announced correctly the ;mitten
of every piece and Sewn on the two boards, in.
*lying the bearing ham thirty to forty, piece: ni
in two complicated games.
Henry Ward Bucher, Dr: Bellows, and other
enthusiastic &risme of New York, preached upqa
the financial crisis, In that city, Co Banda last.-
A large number of glass ballot-boxes;
use in the State at New York, are now in_prweess
of manufacture at the New England Glima Yaniaiy,
in Oamlnidgeddaas. They ate designed' to 4ww A
vent stuffing, false bottoms, and otter traisdikj
elections, and are the invention of • Californian.