The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 13, 1857, Image 1
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'134 ( ' 11411 ) ' 44 .M " , 4( ' I " ‘,,_ . B 'B B B 6 _ ' ' 8 84; ;1. A .106:''''' '''.. r 74'' - Pl - li, - -- , '''' ~ * - 12 DO, l ' , o , ''.4 - 1- ' u- , f ~. '44'" "' ... . WOO X,..ywe_,o,, tp 4 4 L B *,:_ 1 • '::Pf.4 '' . °IN. 49/..A-P%iiroja:7- f ,'" .' - Idiot liviail fiz , ras QT P .• -1.1t.g. A . .71' 1 , ),n -,, , it 4. L-Ittoni..) • NrOILEI,4 SAgrir ir l ),lA'AvN a Nei se.Coi4 atirett-Netelhjessi; 0°6441'11 " hiCiile r ; comb Orli a co., Ilmitirket siAm..tet s '4lOlSTRONG,l'Artin ;,...f-,, i.1.1;11 - 4F - w , , wkdowywnicoss, - ,A,so. . • ..vtowivhiskitr, - 1 , 1 '.0t 11 7 • WritwA• th,‘ 4 ' ",‘ • kgi9u2E . ' .1-4a4-A mpago. IwkSIPL, - • ILVINCIV,I4 ;•- - ", • • ' ..„,„ • -„ EtrMitrANA, • ' ••4 114'1:6148"-7114,11.14 -114 21- DO-.. vAni, rEhn..o4 : , L.llll - CSALAARDZICIt co, - Viitliagailsotartid.oa,; 'er aid Ivignote'ftra' STRAW= 4786111ra, , iteig io u Ans.' Etna. Jersitiffitt 404 0- 1 4 5 4600,41110:1iWt, 1- "Par.:P. :~~~ E £~- 4 __ _ I -- - ,-.",-,'4-rA-.,-,.--,,.,;:i.,-,--,/,-.-g.9-::::,.-',..,T.,. -,--._ ::::::::•:::.-,-.,,!„---,-„...ii,,,,.-..-.,..:1',.-..,„„;::-.-.:?-,,..1., -. A , N .-,f01,7 ,, ,.:44 , -;.,e . . ,- . , . , v ,- ; .„,.,,-, '--,!--`4--(--,t'-: 1-1,-2:,-F,,,-;-,P„:,.,,:.,.-:,„,%,;...,. ki--,..--....,,---,--.,.... ---,, , re .4.•-z , - , 7- •1•••..• - • :,••• =,-.2... , , - , v• - c --,..- V-#77,,,,,',.-:.-P.,;•.. ~0,g4...t.4A.,1;;;',;,-14-za••••,;4,-••.cl'-,g-i,•.,"rJ.,,,:5t:•,': ''.o.V.`•,t,lef"-.7:. ' :•t•ttl;-441.!-Wqra,1•?f4,141F,.1:•;,..:,14..1..,"; ;', . q.:O-,•,,-if•..4'..i.,•:-..,71,47,),,A; -,,,,,e•CiPti&l,lkza,BSAlP'le,-Vl' , /- , V.:' . 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'5l - ...:,- =`, r - ) 15t1~:laX~ r~`-^~a!}!e,«~A'W~?,' : ~'l: _:s 1L IV,ok'rriot' oftt RIFE — T , AT taltilvtagospOrtaosxmidoloiunAritcOrillvs! utiourt 'motto* to ail* _ocrp,7,llA!guiti tazrootioesokt iw3obitwooostiii.-fir ttr t gosjtzttAnioxiikileneli A DatidAtrwitr a: *rkosil oo pookser,,9pliyt,prv i, • . , !f, Rail; E,iB..:W+ ritrA3ATTOENEY , Affr untittlio. - ti AIRY STABili tirSTOVIVP_ war attoc.trltti - ; sod idt ' abilltriictall towboat totoutted to 'we -4444m' +;.ll+ co : lipoyeticlat ludo ~. fijrl,2« IaIeOIIO(LXXLW CO iti)bpa, i ili ~,,PmwitwAostmaax,-+ • UTE4t, ' , sus onsumerVirsiiiiiiss loa ta stock usttau.loooST' 41010401 In# If *IL mum WW 1 "; Mr - 4W 'reAViegalu ewpwiarlY for briar ourefull umuMa we will worm tlt fli fiVrtetw' 44; lioo . l , lllqui !NSA:pull I - A , ": 111UN A V:4 11 0* '" ifToF " ollooH l644:r idlit ac ellS ' 11: 411-: .. - ...; , ,T*Jilk t itoitiliflii4st e li .___442%*istt: is 714611•Iirar k, L:3 LuIWATON, 00• 72?:e„ :1)03ALi5V04.141.=4. I',AVGAXT's . 2 -1, /1 9"19 . 4P . .,4 111 X, 4 4,( c r `%)oii3Oisoso4oo:ir, riursoMfg 1 00' 60 . 1 ! , 40 10 1 1 t 1 :.11paw • _ , Asllistookstais quotty - • , ing - Ore 9t lu thear t e u a r t lul ul o t t ae a•W .11 grok, Oulu" lett a do irk sTe td: ' IltrikiatictrX • Sratiu,euruw, i/uo4,‘yer rwsputak rimsfl linkssoitson, si*lTYli4 AO ealYsu& •z pltwOrklugalpeurher•• _:••0441.11. g ii elPlAratiCe,ctw-,Diroot mom: - "botektoo• • - HAVITIAJOALga-WONT r r XERY 'll/"llifth**4l 4 02.44g1ni Vale Li..oisBoWits,-sORIMMT - AND xisizgenT, nostitziont mina rum pad , • eid*Wi; Otteidnitisisidelpidisisisolvidasnaintsnis . • - 'ne - te111111101.!,‘-07,441.1410A:=01iNfdaal ibier - sneoriadisenseri_ . ,bnidV'tino nAtry, 'and • bas'asowis an. mwast'POlßT ddi) pl 7; V/017 01.lbetraitssdAindan * . - = Thisllissenett dralaningsmonot,nsuniat,exisollonoe. Anatnirikejl*nswasasiginpaa 040 Or; timelier ' WON b. -*WM IL .zatabstini dritalnwels, Add dhuaidthstly.ta slakniss,lt Is an idly* Ind llitral/na.alltakat regand7. ML" , • 74 40 640 ` 4140 4 11 0 ` - tddinle:' Wit' can be 'sioWfinni puriWtaloA-1/111=' t ift 'fit 4 .3rdvari;lni dissossind i V i engsrotsildets its :'sratinlitsd to. SW , 1 A 1 4.11 , radii Fr4arad. Oily byIPILVW ' ror ads an - ids Drug ObAtiokad 43t MIL sad'- CUM= lthikdal - aadoerldl dinemonddibillatiik, 6 1 0 sod Alpothseatin in go V. - BSaten, • nal•ald *l4 0 .; WILT, . ~• MP** A 01 Q,Alit* 1 0 1 :9; 4 6 . lifq#l AttmoiviettA4o o ; , I ` ' Jupiter: = - 0 0011itt 0, 1924 Ca -00 4:.,,t11; , a q tied 4301*04 #o4lliteiditar 16,41 ',VIZIZtc_PF , z; mAwmf Tin "10 ,4, latWAXllollltrokl ibelsoiremcsoisephibv , ) tr;OkiiilitiriattfOroi AS fro. , Ig torr i gtry , thiANt w Siemittli` - : - , T-1 ...11,4 , :xll l ol,ofortoAwrff?olpf!tmmoillogi,l4 gotuk:x ----- ps..- ---- TBB7pirß --- iii)ls es wail:stilts* thilme Us*lleau opined. *YAW Allakthitirwrat ribliPtiisiktligpit ' ttlyik , aromptestea eyeful ft/Mak R Thaj i ~hrimorke tt •or , rtilisuKee: 'mat • CO Y , ~xt tiot, reswiely, al , • l a cks gore Lirlo . lisolloalos,imrioarizthtiV 7 . ~... T. , .bl244olifitrOe X Atir NI% VOLA-N°' 63' , _ - - ;'.. ,-r„ . , L;;•..: 1, ; - voiriptong.' : •,.• • , - • •'VOil• 11-4141 rt ‘TthI , •I%—TEXAS ' lideteiroe thelghf.TNlB ,- DAY , slid TO-1191tNOW 'dolma -Bowler 341. ThedregiNar vaeitot EieboovierdoHAß: B. , PLiFILEE," osier;-niesiet, , i atiericoiapleting • her leading lit Race trivet wherforillteoatiotie Direly° freight as, above/ i lhipperwitrilli pileastrt dole** .thelr Jehiptiento and' +haa4 inßills of Lading for signature at once. Nor balite° of freight'or iadply on board, or 81210118 & 001, - do , ' NO. 20 North Wherree'. ‘4331113811311NR, 441241 it 138, lit 4 34( North 'Whereas; F:.:OR9 tiEWJAW.LEANg-t...LOITI.SIANA " tipe—with' gnicle despatch.. To sail I 'n an this , ' l, 4'keWit } i whit fteldhl Offetar i /Freight taken at loWest __' L_ThainioastsabliAet-sidllnieldli MAY AND `AD ',WINO, W, Fain; master Is now loading ishilacti , ntivet 'WM4 , 414461' trini in , liAng4 lATO.Por• Volt abet , case Sen doing on bo . l . lrdi'legbaNa' :11blier dillpiltah lig M., .7a 3.. tfy,l , i - ,' • • i %3 •• • . • , ,ippoil "MOW/ hurritlielt4oodg• alongside, and ;hUls. OrAiliding.ttatetrOOtattilWilolll4 for signatnce: lilt Ulna* of likiig§t oPply oti board kit to' -•- - • ‘, 0 4 2 d ••. BISHOP/ artiONo,,& 00. :. ' ' it'l l -1 , 1,k e, ~.f,f- t , p.:,..4%.••..) , 1 40.tiroirthinurvei a - Via it; & . ..A . : Wares at *almond sates and will take stesiON,rf thelkoliwitni ttaa'4 the latalgititiot: ~' g lvi 1 - :,,AlTETitititirOkb`i - O - SOUTitiIiPTON ' AllitatvluliAllit iitagnilleefit itteleaship VAN : ' MP, - Beletie4,lltdieak atoetater, S i rs ~ ttes, gap .t I - leolla,DDOONalteleit* ltitile , Soutbabio.6ll' 'Wt. ' i , ', 4480 iiettliteelail.- , .... '-',' Marta for Harr Peek; '. "&atitedit - .4 ................ liable* ' '''' .',' Noel 84' 4 zgis Dlib*Ler ,' ' " - Dee..o Seitetal -'' 1::: ;.:.Dee: 20 "4144 4 911 . : 1 **0 1 - 1 00V.eabilif 00 - peteectall 'tablet . .1160,1-0100 fetee4peBatidob ' ~ . .Worrealee k l 9 ' P 'i; ligi " Deeet i liet l4 :k. -1 roll iiiilYetPtitikleetea4 , 3l 4 K-PBld;ts ' o '44 MN: ' '"c 1 thiabelen* far ' Iltifg_p4 it fifrof I:lll4o;),ll.244eitbliiitifit - eV. liikirlivirrien' TO ireAti'„ 14 , 1 1 / 4 1014)(fi = 2,114',Iiititidiig 61,441 1 , '. ylik - F'.....t.q.' 5 ,°- . , ,, `" 7'f',', . ' l- .'•••! ''• '0 0 1 0 :if 1 , 7raiiii ittetYlittililli FARE TO EU ' flit' fhb* • ' 2801 . Beopti Cabin .... '' ,E 0 'LA t iliiiirtlailenitieett r#beelL abisaiihiviiiitiEL; 2, tons, 'O:.D. Ltsotow, go, orattuder, and NORIEn- Mgt, 4,800 tone; P. N. Lawry* it o' sail from pier No. [ '8 Nrulliver:bbleoad peetieely;taerying the UNITED ,ST Pill ballktrist e./.....-....:2: : - . .: ' .' I Les *RAN* for ',-- t',. 4-, ,t t; - So upatuipion,Tha. ...Brame:elm- ' .." - ilieetbapptoa . vtitientl /Damen. . 6 .lDetribatiptoti -. for New York. 4011, ' ''' ' ~-0.-, . gataxtlay, OM 31, Weeleday,Noe.4: N''.Bol,;oat; gar SabittikreNot'.lB. Wella , d , y, Dee. 80 '': - Pbesetrlteateany. Um& it - ItUVIUB.4. Specie . delivered lir Loudon and Parka o For paisage • and, freight, apply ‘,to:I),'TQUAZZO)I, ligint, . 110, 7.1 J 2 Dowling Greet 4 Nee lie*. . . •• .. . . 9', otlo-tt p. :ilA.VA:l44‘dditll:42 ' LtBTON', i.irt . - ,,0, ~, . i.t 8,.:0 - 44140 INYi,,WIIBI", , ', ' - ';.. T 4404418 met LaveriteNoltedStatellialrStest. Oultp lOARN_,t' OiptatoWnereilk limed (Vier 4, North Alm, New York, FRIDAY, Oct . IBth, at 8 o'clock, A. 41 , ,tf0r 114.VANA, Webbing st'ONARIESTON and KEY -t xlsrs._tw.'44skAELMlLVA 4eLesorgore. The, Isenn hagluit De•skitivrot ovorb.mitvF ).4 - ,,etted with; new tbollerif, idadna wiewtstilikat4 - 49 byt 41r.4Ight hulk:, : heat! foryird spa in, thus, reeklet etooo or tke -- trieet de5 " .° 4 .1 0 44-6 " 4, 1 6 ,W.4 , 0 1 .1 i f1 d t '', l 4 til '4,"*? * 6l ! ; Sot; meik„ luorhag olelentrioeiniooodegons,- apply, to -,- 1 - 1'. , ,,-.-,FFOlkOlllr,,, - ,,TILETOON;& - 00. ' :,:-.." '',.; .." 4 , ' ',. - lie, 28tiloartwer - Nee+, l ltork. , L'' '- .f1 .. ' 1 ,V, WORN weasktr„ , - ossik4Vt , ' - I, l :,, , s;,:tte.llo4tOtreA:o( l l l ; - : Vole -'1; Rr :O.Ot4SATURDAY,I7,th i . oetikei:::lite 'picket, still NONPAREIL", ( 14,80, '4one) eattalti Faulk', will DA 44 4h474. - = ur -i- te 1 4 1411 •11" . t.1.! , . ,:- ~ ... - - . * E a : , . '4',' cabc swiTa7iivipitiowicwrifotuid-with" pro: , Alk*COTILtUlt 4:1 *lll Araerkriallitieenter sat. „ -I .R o atty,iiii",;. , P , ' •Ittogplifofrtiftwit 4, co: , QA.IrAlilifAlly , t3TRMIUSIO:ri tiIENT.-r i teniaarrAtiptroin..` '•= ,-r 'rh_o., - 7t.„e1l inAnn fhet-deoi ilde=iilitiell' r etiontaldpe . ;STA= 102 tiZ0RG1A:1411'.12.1222.12024rATAT12,1 wwW forin'it WO ihtio`fer the &nth and tiontlinert, one: of - the:Atli iiwatifIATIMDAYf iit 10 A': M. • , f , 3 ,2Xpf, , ,92 , ,11241T,,00 6.200.92. A; * : l i, Y. 3- 'Mil 1 liktittet, Commander, • , it iikieee' tierfridiht. fili'lliNNADAY, Oftoirr Bth, I lc alit = fiknrf..7 l 7,:4 l 4olclft9J: f..„4 0 'Polak. ',, f rVfif i iiVinp, Wlifiie2SAlif f .. *'j it receive goods on _T#lllAD,Alf i , -L---; and • los on BympA,T, —....•-:-., A 10htalock A. ht. t , :3 t Niiumk-4,1240r Mpg mined with downers for ,I.noideigeteLltavelir, end with taillraed for the South 444 m"*o424olilice_ I.oiti..V..4';';` ._ , liW '-' '. trq-c.. - ii.442.4...'ci - ' ".` '.. 8 „,_. I, NO - ' w-i,o l vfa a mbo g y lnotni, , tigir No .... iet lit - ' deot,iNdasouroolo4. , •-., • t .. • ~ 1 4 1t or.,41Vit tor lytq . , 1 ' l, 'ff ., . •', 5 ... .1. .14.0.1024 OW a North Merest. , , Agaitia rtA iyielt, Q. %Gain* & ,1 34f- , ' R o n ivr•ittasii , g iti4 5% . Zoluilw tiwgre firiAialigt4rit i ty and ,Ni„y.-• -.. ee22 1 FOR SNG - 164.111k:/iadDlirAll )4 4057,T. ) u ' 1 Wa a l. ' T. ! 4° , 140 4449' 0 7rda n a ilitz - , .0, I,,ww, -.,- or,. - ' kat ON, 2 40! tolm: 'i - 1 ,,,,'Vr . . ;;;S •' , . •A, t, rl., , ...` ` , ,:rY` y, , t i': -* ,^'," • "len. " *( 1 1 1 0 1 44: 1 111474 St lrri ll et; i - PP- Oct ,0 4 , i 2 . 7 010i..::"119:, March o -roi.- 'do: -- --' Deo.` - lit ' , do. ' y i 1 , ~ `do.r, 7, SPr• T i • fir ,,,40 . * 4l i ril„ B • I -z.. , 0 --.t A, , ;5). A, '..,- , IA. X • 4 A , do. • ' May 29' ,'I 1- Liar diiti Y 7 , ziiiitil notiveeagrves: i - ... .18eL i ..i „., ' __ 1447. Aug: Ani; Tuislity; Stir 20' mato, neonesdiy, :24 ' Pa tton, , 196".: , ./0. 2 11 t .. /I ‘ ilth o n, " .I ° .: ,P e gla B TV; * it'i[t*Nol:ll - rtiaol4, ; do, , Ner.lll ~ ;1 4 P.I , AA, 4,1.0,,L, do. i PIP, 10 ,•••-• ~., ,; ' A ._ - -, ,-, , ,n. , ~, , ; fultoih,„; ll Q• ';;,itir,..., Le d ,, ,i.... Ix. ig : ttiAt., - ',lgtifi-d - F3 O , 4', :,.' . eci. mei. lii - ,"' . le."'"4:tirlr ir"' At' ego,' ' 'de: .' - Aril I' Pal ~ 1 :1 1t f , , , 4 .4 114 4 7 k.,i, Patto n , th. „ : ~,t :: ! . T /% 1 / 4 '; g, . 4,,,., w..1;.,,,,,,,,,,,,,„At,,,,-,-....,:5zi.j.:.,,,,,, Jau o lO _, ..„- .., ..” - .4„ ~., riga.,0p,,r4514.1% AI , = ' ' • /Mgt New IrivrX to , goo , _lOn oF, nerrorliot cligtlDS ;$01: 0 4 0 161 sh$ ! ~,, , • m Uwe or iioMilml4o .. Vii , New l'ork--Firet, 01 1ie, Ofitfilignii *gook °ebbe, !region.' . ~ - • nc ii ga r beightee t treklittipto - ~ ...L. , . , i_ 1101121112 PON, Atirt,l Muslim: :il,l-...7117141,01 , 1 1 7,, , 4 , - 1 ,, ~ , Usyrs., ~ i• 1- , 0101 , 10 M-44. .L . ,r4 L,.. ) . ~, • Bouthlow., .i , 1 111 004* r , . mm.rp,am I ., ~ ...,- REVI 7 4I4Ih; VX•• ~ 9 , ...,rAtis.,._ -4; WinIMIIMIK Ws.Al.l. =NM • , trg'itg ' n tolft.Wiir LlllOl3OOl, fIISITJULTTATIOS. 1L igiffsbUtTa—The fOtifor lldnß.arei:it _.air' 79tattVolltabLIPA d lt . .:' ' - 1 '' ' " o ADRIATIC, wept,?asees 'roust. - ' a pz aam httpel Ws bean hisliths 'seat:tint, expressly for seervloor•Vari bist. hid been taken in their .., 7oig'se 'also ti their inginio, te 017111 - re strength oloispooa, and thettaketftrardstiont for passenpro ore sesquallod yoriOeisaterflind comfort: • , Mee of ftth, Nay York tO,liiverpoon in first , eabliSlO Itreeisoni 40• ;'sls; Wen 'Lim Ito NO Trait, fe ' ei TO titibmitai' !No barttieeacured unless gold for. Tha Wipe of this Pps horeimprored wateraigUt pilk heeds. I .rI2IOPOII.IIIzDAT.II9 02 . ..3,11:15NG.-4 - .t 'ON 111619,10161:_ .'''' • ,' moil tivtarooL.- J • 11 , 1666Mkr,i - Tune.6oi'. , - , 11542 . Wednesday, June 24, 1267 flottorday, lull 4, 1857 , .Waineolay, i tay 3,,, 1857 I Ilditurdsy, italtatti ,--, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 166lAttluyi /1.99..` -Ir. -; 1851 Mednesday,. Aug. !Si ;1857 66 w 616 7, 4 71 1 6, ~- 1867 Wednesday, Aug,l9, , 1867 -19itiodAy,fle .12, 1857 Wednev4sy, &pt. 2, 1857 86turtlay, Sept. 26, 1 V: 1867; ,Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, C10t.,10,.. 1857 ,Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 04161Asyi 066.',211 ' 1857 Weduosday,,Oct. 28, ' 1657 646666+0, Nov.,-.1,„ . , '1857 Wed,64l6y,'Not.ll, 1857 _9.6611'119.6,11, - .low WedoogiV, Nov. 26, 1867 giktur, D 6 C - 6 , -'' 11 1 117 ; 1 gottemo;,xpeo. - 9, 1857 , - - . '• 11iiiiirilg___'hi iii,,,ww,,p'''''' ”" I :b. IV V I v .141 b Des. f 4,: P 67 i ~11DWAR0 I.: IN)L1,11 , 11010. 641.*/$ll Arid,' N.Y. I ;SO Orr tc f oo.,Livilvoi. , ~. 4 .: . W, L i.:lo:!.i, 27 Attlttri him . 1 -- lio D.' "' • `' ' • ' - 1 ...0.,61,1r3.111WEK666'94c 00., Part/. ' , T ‘ I 1 14 6 1 174 1 6 6 6 ,"1i 66 .0 0 1 ,1 6 1 .Wilts 96 .14 UIOOu ntable k rl l A, n „ i krk4AWll,9 o 0100 64ueior i:ii (md •thergfor;and ' ' I li vila thereof stheroln W k _ OGG REOR Hot:Airt:FUtiTAOES. BRO.i 82130 ND Street, Ant dbarativalladst • .--- : stiglB-801... litaSii : ti tirl i ititiNtittiff- - ' ' ' ' '' jp4II4OIIIIIBW'VONINTRY9UJE, OW tiinisditpliffii"igiligoeteeide!hed,lnring li i rrittlYPßlPelake "Ole4lifti/i/ fairod to be poigi r rry t eui v.* 41101,..0015g from $ APRA *OLIO q; Rlakidr. o ratef,w4 Itik 41tig,14 kl, , ' „),Mi-sheiked fire iot a , lined *Mitre . Kri" ) . Pi i l- ThO-rt.P"mmt°t -11,11- . ~. ~ _ , A: I . WV COSA pgromaraf Rkt.41 , 00, rm'Aetal i rtsuOutfivoring to Amin sper. mint e amittnicistiame sender ohisteni4 tt(repitx. 01 Abe" 1144 t: We: 61to' vise to the One.' Tsu ,innetit *Odin* 0:400 -Oes in ' the forse of iiiiiektent.Ainni,'„exesisOnikel ,direatti "over the fire' 0 1/4 3( 0b.ri orliOrin./I the t ap e r ing finks ad ada Mut I rens 'Willa' direct ration of theme tlf kesheakilmht Wan *Or*. ' • - nft4/04 7 ikkt:fit, l',P*t td a 001 inc 110 it . -', '„ - . • , ,- , I. 10,,Ar to i t. pp 'lniVnle ilit W India** ionic `CalMaAr ihi 4 1 *fZll 41 PrIfy .sqrnialr!ft / t rt,trittd - ha pdislo . 4oll yte Wk ra tion 0 11110N11 41to tf , f9ttit Olt , — ii i t V4f,/,thThitddixiyirittilue,,,tin. A n flies'; irkileilp other cluz,m, t ishoninirenit a" ;WO! antfinst,' - ;I , Atjte. d ' io . a „wont,* thebtat antt tu eits l 4/ .1 YOST ECONOMICAL 'miTiliis APPARATtid, ' Slitedd not MI tighlibilisia dliiiiiiifit Ore:/Jessamine man IVILIIACII, Wirt praltithlS any other..,, The lit. Winn of froidteetel4ll! htine AV nentlaelerir re: '" ' ''' '''-''4llEfLlf i Vni4ONv . 1 :,. , ; :::,_ ," , "Osiit.6ollo 8; A: Hurisono ' , " ' ;" - ' ' , ' , -Afii.6ll4l4lBls7'ffireet, , , ' 1 'ltit = tr:' " 0 , i /elate • • , eneeldoisze., .[ArniAnaiiiiieß BARGES - Va 4 l 4/41P/114,k,#A0,, :MOND eltailSi RA! ON—staiD plrOriAp-' _mea l /I • 4° 4 -V; 1 , 1 1 03 00 8040. r I,OO WIANGIL4-1301.118r0W . MIRLIMO.,I4/CMlVittl Bi• ,ina6hB4l C ar e I RSPV ITI V lAB M /if It ediAlit tfurAfilmp n a kt4t O WP AV44Po.o — kir s natal' and toy - 04") , I19.• Va011.7. - by, Ali-fkik,ft9 l l4l;,Po:l PR so4bmitiViril ii'fhe ooth 1110 ift.r.i.f!Pl i t 4 o4.t„l! . ..4•L' • - 47/4", ,letirb:MONlitlier:' ' -'1. 7 11 *;! 63 ' • • I - ". • . v 1: ItittOr - TABH I F 4 .4011U)A0.10.344kimiledartitrildc,i ixt&ndttare "e W* l 7 - MUM* Man & 00, - ""-titr 4 l44.olll,fflfatoritg 6,9/N.lrearteiga 0 4 4 : 111 bialki - PC,4tYPERIOR A tag M3,400 111 + °L . fx• mCI4, ..#Uadte.: . :~ • VETAITTPD; FOR TIig,IINITE:, STATESv r chAVALllY—Ab,l6;bodfecl; 'uotOarited mod, to' *both 'will le given : goo 4 pay, board, olottitag, awl Medical itthndance. front az to VA per.teoutb: No man flovlOg *4o'o or cbll4 will, be accepted. 'Apply for MOUNTED BNBXIOE, at NO. 817 ?JABOT atrebt, above Eighth, north ado. WILLIAM A,' BOYALL, let Lieut. 24 Reit of estaloy, , ' ooh Om*, . !100t91114g Officer,. WAN AFg " AGENTS, EITHER Itnte cd. ‘ yetralo, are wanted to sell new, nod net Issued, entitled "T l e inTra c b7y k lite Waysid e" te - edi l t i l e otreg abeeadrbeen °attended Boston and tips Now , Engladd States., Aginta , ara,trantod to 0411110.# the Middle, ,Southern, and Western , States . Some MOW engaged make from $6 to $l2 per day. „address. by lattorOdonX Agent, 17 B,tate ltreeb-13onton; or cell ponoriell4at ..fat. Salo • VOR SI":4A 'VERY VALUABLE. ; Guy Itow, "Di] cabin: spddli. pe Ilantei4=. ' 4 oll3 :id, 13 11 71 gota. traveller. Apply, at stable, BROWN street, wow sEVBII,,TII: : - : IXIOntD• IM/4(1414 Ge NEW:YORK PONDS. • • • QOM) NtW, YOAR—FUr,ND/41 • " S° V d}4l- *`44 t g: / 44 /O f,T., fltig9f,4o , / to " .1 : 1 °011111 ' 0111:" d Bank VA.:41010',.A..11D`.14044.N105'' 041 NE, QcOftirstb,,'lBs7,•,,. Thtaunueleleetlon , for Dlrecters be heldott the Ilauktuaouse„oulfONDAS; the 18th dui of her next between the hours pr .0" o' A. /4,411" d ?.delook M.; end on TITESDAt;the 8d day n(M3 . 121- 'ber nest, P ties oral Meetiug, the StOokholders will be held at the Banking Meuse, at 4 e'dleek P. agriea bly to.the Outer. • , • ea-too/8; - LVWIB, Osphloi. , ENSINGTON ; ',BANATr4igrui.i*,Paik; , LEa: .04oher Dl67.—The , swig meet:tog of the Stockholders:of:ads Bask ad.U,,behald at the Eankieg. - house, on. TUESDAY,: 24 November, ,7867",,'t,12 o , clOck , o,elll,Leatall43 At, eitcifou for thirtetwablreekoiii to tierce the einillt- Ing year will lake plane at,the Eanking•houae; on Mon nny the 16th (IV; Of KOITAIIIer, between the houte of fii.,lloo.BT, . T,Y14111183,.. :60.8thsatat4/0 7 • . • - Lumbei; 111113F,Iti:LUMBERli--1310'.'sibicritn41 1 .,' who has for went! mint mienred prenthansat 110 ht Pl hillktfeitslngton, , has ssinored :to 'OO TMATltylltT,MXLMS,radjoinlisr inghtill, avennef esters he Int/tide Imo ing large assortment of Carolina Mai other Jason Mg steps, lisera,'sitelring, tenoing' , l 4l 4 old bierds, ttunonglaly. Seasoned and well Ifinke4., /tor eat the lomittoash,.prioes., Ratohasern are In. sited to mil and q 0 , 1731.1 M) for thermilves t in&, Irony, ef fort will be made JO gyp diatir4ction, grdan ilea/Ted ind , supplied at' the shortest notice for sile*, lands and sites of Southern rdlow, Pine, Tlmbfw and la staling. adl•tf• „ , ; 7 101.4 Pare. tikIIAXER %TY NAILS; - - -. . . - 4 ,IIIOHANZ It r ikliA, • ;1i yl fitiVET IBON,:f t J i .; F f; Efutatfactoreit st IN/tINTAIN GUSH libtLlfiet MILL, 'ou therSelatilkSli, aboretiringeirOkT(M9l:ol,lo9. , ,.. WAMMOLIB2, 103 'North WATIII9 - 34961. • '" J •ADAIIIIII.OITY 1.411.9 itie - raT3.0440.01991.19 sop' made. •- • •"'" •• ' L " '` • • '• ' '''' • ' ; 1 1 ,1 9itr , „ ', PUN RALSIi'MAN, ogotit. " , 011 AS •,E ',.• 444a44. 1 - r iiAR_DWARE r 1 CUTLERY AND TOOLS, 110. 910 •KATJEST ST.. , bnts Ninth, south nigii, Philnettilhhiit , -,1 SD 17 elr Jurnitnie. 11. , ': B. KITE 4i_170: -- ~...- ..-,:- -', .L.f. lIIRNITURN, BEDDILNO.,&o. t ' ~ N0:413 ( stel29) 'WALNUT st., t , . - ---- - - Phllsetelpkis. A. deli ... Ara superior ItfiVer aPrirg Bell , ' ' —'.. fortas,}l,l(rys. - Jossnr,vrAvrou , , 4uBl eta: ' „ Q 10 jins. 40YS'-' CLOTHING. •• "! •:•- . • - .• - ; - . P.- Al.: BOTT ,do HBO. hare now oil , kind story 11. assortment, of AVADY44,II:ni good* date de ,for thi'gresent" aflion: which I )4 ' fievoPolier to rOoll ohap: ,- - - • - ASSIZSBLZIIMEDNOS, ,, , giligodt ognommit ond OUBiITICOX oliglito.- ' : f,t is t i tlfir t .,,ftlirtlPO:ol,Ailligliiii* *Paitutnali,, , 7. lll : -,,,:: ,- 4 p " ,- --4- , ,1 ~ ,f • •': i. - d'Z tAr , "'S ..s• 'S . r , -;;': OLOTUThifk; 148 North POITIVTIT Streit, botinson! Ai' ' Ikad-P? 2 .7, : i -: ', . , ,', -,, • ' c:. 10:4 . gentlemen's •' 0 . • - VV/NOUSTER ' Sr SCOTT, GENTLEi . MEN'S INTENIERING.STORE, and PATENT SEPHILDER S EAM. ORTET. MANIIII9TOIrri No. leg CIItEgTNIVX Street, aboire EalroottiitzroOt, PhiliAelphts: T . o,attention of BoutherA,and:Weetera NOtOktito, gt , reri;tituti6alisly totito4 to this imlOvett. card Ott ' IM zpoAt perfeet Etthig argot e =Ado, It witole• lAtriltall, liod' fluid° kb order.`t,: , ~,' - :... autt-lytt.. *., .41stple' " " VIM . OLIO STAR SOIIILIICHiIiIiONY MY 17 lit, Dilate 'aira respeetfuliy'lrifOraed th/it tho' STAB tiona, 1* still to enistenne: The' prOyrfeta will be glad tot see hid old Mende, and prci rases to furnish them with a striaatior quality of Ale,' Wines; audAdquOrs, Ho, feels talented, that no paffAnf• hips >E visit. thpy wlll not to fliaappointed, Ile is also TraPstelitafpridalsOyaterainovary style, at tho shortest notion. " fiorn 101012 o',oloar, .• • - • tap 24-1 m • • , J9IIN oqittxr: . . dIV - ILLIAM HANNINWS ()ITT LAGER - „BEER OnLOOtf j -No. ges oFt,ers Alifiy,Plik Phi!, 'P - . 2- •• • • . 11 ,: . ''• . 1 : • : 1 . 9 2.4 4 11 f Ai 000WAWS - 11ESTAITIIANT, , SOUTII.6 atiOnntst colter of , :MAD tea riVALlPUT,:elikoll arid.4ll 'other nelicseiss in seasoig:Arnmilles suppling lh Oysters on th e Outset, IlOglog 3. , ' X epT-M , ; li p t /tat/ANTS' 'HOTEL, • • , ' - ;NORTH FOtritTli mum, Al song Mewls", PHIL! IDELPIIIA . litt244 .' • MidtlillAN tc • SCY. NB, PROPHISTOIS. ' O,COTT g017.9E--Girrigi Irwin Strut and Daque r ins Way, Pittabgrgh.. • B. D. 24A.DICEB, Pio .rletor. au2.3.821: Alierellaneatio. y al" • MT MARELB SCHE HODES AND 'STEAM MANTEL PAOTOST, • MARBLE $ E. CORNER QE TENTH AIM VINE STREETS, 4 PIILLADELPHIA. Where every variety of MARBLE BEANTELS,TONBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and AVLOORING, can be sopped alma reemonablelerme.„; ; an244nSlnt W: TINQLBY & OCC, HANKERS • N o . 87 South THIRD Strad. ytalsitelphli. • VOLLBOTIONS promptly made on lull imolai& points is the United States and -(lands. • Mocks, Bonds, dot., Bought and Bald on Clotomiation. Mnourreat Bunk, Aohlu, Oboohoi, &it., bought of the hilted rata. Z i ps! . t ! !' b3ters?it 41poirf,d, .101 1 DT, E. STRYKER; JR: 7 7, • t4ri - - . Wtioleuie Deayerin • AUCTION- DRY GOODS.- 'NC.: 12 DANA Okieet, a:4l4m 1 08,111 'PE NSYLVAMA nAgatoet, BALL 4.IIRAN4EMENT. • . BETHLEHEM ALLENTOWN atm:roam= cat, LAB' TON, DOYLES*ON, &o. • • On and after .Monday, October 6, Isar, the lamina on this Feed aril JeBeo Philadelphia Pbr tEspreas,) at 8 A. M.. For Bethlehem, piston, Allentowneni IdenthlObetmk, (121preel) et 2.16 ; Passengers for Beaten by 216 P. tikir 4441041 t Irina Hill station; ••'.' ; P. • t For Dbyleitown, (Accommodation, ) Let P: M. s Nor 91‘yrilod - ; do. • tt at A.; M.. 'NR4b I 2 NPR raiLipiumu. Leave Betheleco (Expreu,) at tuts rd., and 2L 41 P. aunnecting, with tralue, and :arty* in Philadelphia' 1210 M., and 6 - .; Leave allistown, '(Accortunottetto r o N.': Learn ftnynedd, • ;' ; •itBP. N. Atictururlodition trona run daily other trains dolly, tiondaye excepted. Pere to Doylestown ; 80 oto. ati t t i gegook s •. • . 60 Loots. - , LLIfi * OLARty Agent. fIOMMONWEALTII FIRE, INSIJRANOE ILA 00mPANT; 07'121. ir ?ITN OP 72renVA NIA:—OlQoo S. W: Comer, I'OUNNN mut, WALNUT Streete r Phllodololo. ,into *Mod Cap ital , 1600,000. lesiditp,papito,BNo,ooo. • DA-V/VJAY.2OI,K, D„ P.tekliest. VilOiLAßlE,4%TlilyAll,t, ATOP, Pres't' B.unitn: B. NOON, BetrOtO4 r . • ,1 and it CCFl,42ll,frEENpfEerisii.A.lo))lo.ll4 LA1861.1 NlGUTEU:glow'ClUottiOt ault i ola 2 . 1• 45 4aitt of 01) por , ant , Bf.MTaßatti AIM WW2= NIZIWRANTS, alfia oonfenterao of lu orioN Noir 41t1Oairlsro,-Lamps ailverrtopped , and bottomed, e 8d14, 1 3i 7 e leirele e l l' PRO'. , was, ly Pil llPKiliktgic-r--- ' Xii, 0 ( 11 9 , --W91119Pg ftwiAl_ a - Cord* pew Moue!. '. "1.,., isrrr Me FroolAst ....A.,341 by Ay A4A. ip.P... A 4himadot. 14,... ow.. ..rep ~ _ mi ,„• PUNIIMIIiNAUTUtIi ' . ._, gi is.. TOD I na AL ralAlaina tb or .W : ' 'au l IP LI ' , ' ilcr o ' - '• - TA'il.a,,m pua prom - A 2 ... 02 , it.harriiii dldwarrd.**.us ogo ,* D R 6,, yib r in 7 , r Imprint ST. below cl4di 'tit:- A BEAM- BLACK—ENGRAVING, XX. Sinking' ant limbos/ad P 1 4110321/, Iksti ips ‘lo' 134aPreee hianufaottryi 87 fitraltherty Strilt, 1 betireep, 130CoAd and Third, sila #4411!07. ,iSsd Ohosat,, ' Strists , philadsWhis,-TS: ' - 1247 'DALE ROPE:—Bnyera are iilitittad t o COI LIIJI sad ezimine Oaf Mani Pao sorb irbleb W° CSYI eau oeU os'l6**Amerf oath arfd "mint . it Atom do! strength ,and dFa6illV 4HAil9;'Yl4tßi (XI No. 94 q.)vateirift. aturgrq.inikal re*, • momma. BOARD q "I" 41" , ±_; tiE6SILES jral7 l P. , (MLR!! RodWetall WEEP and OAIM Id4lll* Worth METH, attest.' SARDINES,-100 -caain or SD;,litaf, thin .:ei ' 6"11 ' 1 " tv " 'l4 Wit-Ppoirtaak,ao_./. Pifti4OWHIA. IfJ,OSDAY' . PcT9BER, 13 , 1857. Vklit.A. ASSESSIONTS; ' I ' ' .12.1 1 . , ,PlB3l' WARD. ',' , Arst /Atrium. ' • : • junco Feligehisboter, Bonita of tlont,ylitla ~' , ' Patrick Warm, laborer, audit cord „ ' • • ,r 1 , •, I &cotui Divister ' ,Dard Aoubi°6o, labour" Profit Ana htdra it" Voila Chalice, watermas, Ohmell et 4 0 11 ittor• Jacob apilu, mouldst. ambler et lab 8.'04 G Ortatat_li cabinet maker, Dettpurk at , L .. Palrlak Dqatay, labotor, IttlidasPr dt - ' Mgt ltonney, HUI& ityo atreartil." goad , A. Kllim, moulder, Hoed et, about, `AIM ~" '' ' ; V Umtata°, bbieltaitab,Thokerponst bilow, F,1 0 1t4 • • ttiaturvi Cobh,Bououi, Bkitt la aborb *WPC ' Waitaki:l49g, winuititr;'l'reille at . • " `• ", B hiefternan, poratial ogr e 0 abo ittddciar Reed ~ ' ' ' - 1 .- A Ventral, faboirri, Ertel it - • ' Mesorioy,labo c er; Front end Morrie' „ _.: Jain Pstartap, *rarer, Ltncastar re Ili belt,' Dud ..` Joh* Raab laborer, Hotel at, &Im Iteart. * ''‘.:, t Lapdahtuen, pater maker, 0 emote, at rdorefittittd,' ‘ atWeaber, ttouldar, htoOre $$ WlO lO volt ' '', Ilaniy Ti tgeo, cords annir, eommti am Jltail ' ~' ~.' Jambe Ware, cerpontor, Jartiallt , 6424 ad krdst „. „„' Jets INILsoi, Waterman, Ltneaster wtbsicar and ', , •r" John T Dandy, moulder, TraftB st abort Prot:4'T i i 03 F Botivkir T 1011144; Jitforsot ay pad erseglitst, 111 IfitrtwagAarpordo, Es6o44,st oppotdta Una -, ,'.=:' ,Ter pith tobillibite4Ftout atttrove lords ' Third Ditiati'i. ' • , . reaT:rlti; Jet iiter. 8 8 09214 tt*twri Sttit__.; ' ':•,-" litar irt Otiamnetartalmer, aeon et at tura,,, ~.,:f4 ABy, y, labium Reap at aboro;Fra, Franc ~y ~ `; ~, ,4 wm,grigtd,r platustlar.Clartkat above mew' • ' J Itt Curry, polishrr, Johteoa'a Imre, ~. ~ •..., ~,,,.....t. 1 , a 1001alborne, Molt !maga gel on uo °Tow‘e , 1• ••• wo: G (.1101siborne, book keepar,aor, PO Airtt , •• `••'4); 0 Neirrautr, Coo p er, Jehtewr!eiom • •- , t " lowaith Fat'k Urbana 'storm, ger s bellow . 1 , x ~r 1 It IC uthigo,,„cierin, o.po and !teed sta • „ „;,,,,, it Sr% Packer. Reed at below Fourth - ' • *, ' ~'' J 0 eau, *Want% Pont et btima•Wiwr ' ‘ ,.. ,•••"3,1k Mr slsodcadahm*,4o.pda_tbstow y iii IVI . 4-. Geo, reit* ltatitimitr, aaega, fro,_ Reid WU T ...i. Mini Nene, Windows sto l2 l-sitwto mod ;"--, ;'f i , ,.. ' t . tgre.,:t4;riramr,34:ors,..diwcit', ~ 9 e3 , Pre ots/1801=regt. /41: ' , I • " 4 *. Jr* Monk 't „... , hill dar e ., $ , 404 t 't..,' • it , 1 _. . 6 5144 ' cq ^ , • V J Asoolsl ol3 gr latclol.4. a 1%41 1; 14 „ , il i ßelk, Whet maker, Snot 0 • .., n o r 1304,bietnalicr, lisy at 0 Papa* ~..M, t w Jay &angle, prtator. 011.81 Igliritaltri i, ',,,,,, PT DlMUllinet EiMbres l6 tlP.ri/ 41 14 1 W ' , ; k -,1 04141•Ptitiler Worst sb out . r,', ~ . ) G Galati Ogg', 1110, and`Whtrolnott- , / 1 :` jolla &deb bltchatnitit, JPAtattli it , ~, , V ipthity.,; . • do, , Ditdrersto pt sit Slut% 1 G Vilincher, slant:lor; iticitereon at bet Flab a than to, Wain, PrlidEPiakartm ob •Mk tt t . D good, 'startup, A0,111110)9 4 , , ~ : ,W a isydor, todater, Itton et fb KIM', •• 4 • D at.a.Tdare 1 4 0, __, .4 0 • L A „ 2 c o ~,t; ~,, Jos papluits,graceratara it 40 *rib' ~ . i , , Oh ttattio,oardsistper, WU at *Prat! i * Jirris W loodall, qaolatoespor, Forth it I pWit :„ , E Thames, cabinet maker,Owen label Re a_ , dia;Taatr, sin tety,ar, nortspup's at , , , , ; Mat Troop, rib and 11,t9ord, /a, s , .. , . 0 00 .14 r 6 P, 1 a. a A mu..., p oi nt e r, st i a l wart* ~ ' 1. Mayon, pointer, Padertl tad A tit is Jain naiiinatin, tdiatatilui,A3let* stab, Zit* * , • Mutat - DOW blackau M ltD, ath st ab 'gird , Datfat leaPaLtsqkblo4ardilOvat a; '4b 404 ' , tadoh Etast, balker r aleatuth lb tart ' 1 Boos Gard, Rffirukk ri* WO , W 13141011 at 8 arty, thutua, !Wig” at ' , W Gor mley , rioateigitbMt atq It F Orem, pliptib r AKTOtht 1 )49 M undone/o.lo r +loath st , - •W a meson, moniker, Wiitlagton id at. Tsiith, K it , Jonas, collestori Podia* it ab Pispvildi c o al /mob Kat", Isborsr, lessor 0 4 roe 1 61, 4 004 John Haim, cerdwathar Pstsituilt iosd ab Wad' . Obis galley, bollor, natr,Labeyette it oh Ninth A Loware, bricklayer, Washimittn at kb Totith a ilottiitiaryosarduairt tisg9idi void ,tal Pod A ArzygisailSOPTioWsqu i t: otrjstr i ',.. ' Y. .12243.:ZZAZE4, 1 .',...r:b' Nrt s th " ! Pit 'it alcOsttrt =IV , statwtt at W Potter, hunk maker, Lt ;vote at ammo Bhutto, rtorekosper, Tenth and Marco at Jed gadtb, , lsbonr,' +Valid it; '1614 , ~_ . Pan Watactiatetwe mason, Ptratrutit "lid 4ti Fogad at a relish Itbdivri Withintikl!° Truth ~. 40 1 4 klems. „, zt a Eli; iiiiiluiau Jilt. itd irefford ate ' •So ttßetelee, Wet mek:JOPPolt al , are BOA E n, H anter,„katilder Lb, Id • Jo oirtau, dor& Dr aboye farippart, , 3fliciarLdrusAtt 4414 rat i outh . . 3 min..; stronger ppstt lbw% mat AUL% col§enindr,,Loyd INA', Ottippen • • - 1 1., •AvagAJ l 444 o ll, .f: i tu Blab, w4rper Marimba' ebpvel7lll ' ' , drew 4 liAlk. labgee,tioratmost Ores ', , Jo a Doolkit. Pricigaric Stidtb pews 1820; Japle. Tony, taborer, nub below Eontrow' OPTa*nr 0:4104-Wand el , , Dania Rana, ul t orer trot borir Wpm Hithaterly, laborer Webb Hoops' I athatina salami Leech, inventor Ward gore Pplu PI WO Harahan, laborer South ahoy/ Elfish, , Jamas 1440inli Poiii*T Ur b°l° PrA l PP en 8 0 10 1 NSW% ilaantisr_ Eine lane , , Jamas Sminyli, laborer %south bblow Mb J h a • w i ,4l•qe, lirmytr. Anil bepsw ShipPela , I• ; • ifillAttr t h*Hlt L i meg /trona, brteicayec Orooti abcree,Rth i lepoLotropoopri• V await tOUrisburil , 1140 0 lid**, 2abarar Lb .arat snow Ha Jd'hn GartasytgasdenarlOth InlairArtsi i - ,-,, ~, iP Illp Itilg, corderalneW o trikalXod ,_ ; pry Hong, Jr and , • li", all , *Kt loquictat, ter Zing talf , , '' . l . , , drew Unullel. el tailor SO ~,• " 0 tachtarker.jaaantrkt el , , Allt:' ,r 141144 1 0044 * 6 4 l ' . '' '''... *: Has plotke„.lnultee • 71 • • -,' Walt • ' , 34,411511:, r9lo , itiner, S , hose "OHO aw a printer, anginal Hang WIWI 10th DIP All' 1,1 6160, , PghthAnd 'State ago Wm a/ sago, lairaerglholdi below Dickerson Wm $ Than, toulwalnisCh Mole Wh,tion OIW Widen, palter loaned &ata titb IL Fing Dation. Jimetiforrlia% r itinnegor. retry nog and Obtlitian 14 0 OAT Iner, El Arsenal , Pi Panting, laborer nabs Ni n, fatty rood Jrnes Rome. labarer tobtls ab 19th it , Hun Zl i r•trioa. iln ' iloooket, lansintan 12thlaitoir Waslay:n ..HIMEIS Oertei,lablar Van below Wablp lii '3obaponnlaaN taborer lath abaselisdeS , IVOrobam, sagrarar 12th below Wasblnglp /mei Hill, laborer Federal ab vie 141 th ' a Harvey, 'abater 18th ishOw redrila , aniel Henry, baker 13th *bore YeElsral ' tk s, • limos hunt, iankesper lath 'bare Vadaral *IC WAS blilliblitil, labactr Letb, tOow federal / , f iha Lassbonnan, wheelwright 13th aid Wharton 'Charles !death's', carpenter 12th below Washington ,tobm mot 2, oordintiner 12th below Waatattglots •Enwell 220AWa0Y, laborer 18th above Federal laineilleDssltt, cordwalutr Attila bat 11th and 12th ear/ l WbOartY, Weaver 13th above federal ama licOlangblia.-laboter 1301 above Metal Web' Wafer tab 00 to Vtlefla iliac, Orltt6U wearer 18th beide Federal ' granola Toner, labanw tab below Merit ' 0 We a inman, Cordwatoer tab below Wharton 1.. lla% vavnaber, la below ewes Willis, cos !Enabler, b , Y l2 b bal Vr .w a Wa s hington I Al Wiley, laborer lab below , Waaldngton ' • ' • .• : .01100 ND WARD. ..: • Pt' .. •; f , Ara /Xylem. ,• * atrickPitney, cordviiiner, 2 Bent, 0 it Timothy Oontlo, laborer, Yrtiet sod Prima 4 beau Bowan laborer, 21 federal et dideltil Oareia, laborer, Prime b low Ironi c, ewes Belly, Wont, Church end Nut& ob. Itefarillen, baler inatier, Front end 12110 . he Murray; Lacier, China below 2nd Iplilier, seaman, 9 Prime • rick Dethet. Mare!, 1102 Front entice. r y Ewiy, Lborar,.23 Mend : • Ohn MCA Lwow; 109 John it . , . , otlete Belfeurel4er, honor, 9 ?cline - ',- kbael ließorintak, superintendent, Fron t,n Wharton irtanklla L Blabbloi, moulder, Keefe stpl Brant James Murphey, rope maker, tipos above Pilate Bernard Kaysnansbioarter,',Out end Prime panlel *shorn; umplder, Wheat above WhorPtil Velt, Berm* messeuger, Front and Waders' JobtliDorrialtsoul oleok.ldallne sb,oe.Yront ohn 3 Barr, &ark, Prune and Wharton . • 4 r o bt, porno, eoglooer, Pout opd Merlon , Joe B Webb, carpenter, 212 lain! ... loe,' Barr, lookoeper, Profit and Wlierion '.. . 3esepll l Cohen, aletl B" eaer,lt j eatr i ollrlille a a Heal Melly, chip cir Pater, (Moron . . COlplaerenleoi, 0024wahler, Mood oboe, °bomb . hrtee'll FBA, oordwalnar,lohn above trout • • leherlea O'Hell, laborer, (korai and Prime ' I" Mew O'Neil, laborer, °numb en , ! Prime , Thomas Olehooln. , laborer, 412 Proot above Cbtletlest Jewel Kelley. labor, r, Church eb Weehip b eeu 'Andrew Doubler, plumb.r,'a Reeking , iNsnon Baker, =DWI.; Plaaeoo below Obrlit len: Jallee Florenoeovatatmen, Bwanaerrib Washington BloNolaallolsn, w !lawyer, 036 Front below Ma Para Rowe rigger, %A above klety • - • Benrylkowoe eater, Bwaneon above Weeleipgton "Wok by phases, 6 Migglpe et be) bhp Hen/UAW Clauler4nerleer, 459 Wbarlon 'John 01 Joner, whealwrllbt, 943 hoer se P 3ll N Ileber,,ll9OroriDbarcbibeloar Obristlau ,Wro Lewis, seaman, 20 Motet , Maw seen, oeyAr mike., 110 Obrlstlan at 'Jos A Jonee, dealer, Zed above Washing ton , . . Viird /hob*" Alfred Taylor, carpenter, MA Third above federal , Herrman Doing, biecluunitb, &coed above %%atlas Robe 0 McKinley, carpenter, 823 Clerk at • 191910 1 11 T arllo9o.ltOot titter, 928 Clark at.' • ,1 segiamin D MelLinsey, ship carpenter, 80 1814 . a, Fm Justin, whip maker, drceiSOrt IT and %WNW . 1 Ohm iltridn, laborer. Horses of _„„ Alfred W Hand, clerk, Marsden above MAO Oonstaalitte Dougherty, clerk, clack at Orme ltd, . Henry Deck, oordwainer, Jefferson ay. below Marion • !rands Timmons, taller. 331 Clark at /AMU attleratt, laborer, 819 Clark sl, . • 0 ;Vara Hellos, moulder, 889 Wharton at 11:41 $ Dladnlhoiar, cabinet maker, [biennia ab 'Mid 'Date* , Messed, salesman, 803 Washington above Third • „ Aura Dieltion. Bmith, rifffer,:lffettriotc at above, Fifth Ceorge L o Unfit cordwatner, 918 lereD at . sputum Vaunt:Mon, earfente , , Third arid Ohliellen • • Thomasr h • aoenn, seaman, 427 Mono, at Wm O'Brian. :Omer, Idaulett bet Fourth and fifth . ildetned O'Dea* laborer , Marriott bet Pardo ind FIRh Edward Lindh t 524 9 14 TUlrd oi telaitetaislo Beadle! NorvisinpholOwp ImEr, woo , John O'Neil, dmyinan. vormt l4o aP9ral/09011 - Nathaniel 70111 e, prlnter.,4ll9, l dWile net Adam Weber taDor,'9l9 et.Mieon • Geo MI 713wilPtatil ship carpet:tee, 3 8 Citilethm Robt Paramoshanneu ear:fowl% nid fame Pella Mulholland, akin driwier, MaiOntabOWiTMlttli., Chas It Thanes, grocer, Second pod ObrleN William Elie Je 13118 carpenter t TYterlOt , John Morrisieeameta fourth above carpenter' David Oe telly, bleckemith, 418 abehdiem Mine fospill • • heentritoll, ridden 212 Median , •• , It Dougherty,. umbrella rotor, 0 1 ,1 ter Mb and Marriott 'Archibald Little, clerk. foils mol Merciett . , • Ana Dicirten,•, • Jake Lyme, myrdwalner, Pamenok Id bel Prime - JaooYJtoaKbetl, cordwahser, Passionk td bs) fame Daniel IdcOerti:oordwaincr, 1101 Pm/quoit rd - Artbar %Wide, laborer. 1100 ril bib shove Feder a l Thorne" Sarin, ligdor dealrr ISistitb and Plover , Henry Tema, sailuleker, 609 lideral it flogeoeg M Crawford, tordw. 1103 PlNbtrauit id • Mush Daffy, laboter,ll9 Little Weetdastou =ward Elprosswer, tabloid maliery 013 Federal , Lewis Nemenoyer, boot maker, 340 Mover at Arthur flood,janlior, Passan t id bel Wine Jamb Dawson. gentleman, Obesim above-Federal Hiram Dictirath, cordw, Pawn* n) bet Washington Wm Madwelner, /10 Eighth bat Wa4broa James MusD, laborer, Plover bet n.lventb and 11101 • lag .2 Ruler, carpenter. Plover bet Ihm•tdb and t As Whitehead; cordoralner. 1180 fifth above Sedar Patcleh Marlin, tabular, Primo bet Eighth and litu -:1 • • . ~ itist.A. , Aismon. , _ ,„ „ • ~qq'Kelly, 0014 South Wolf , hisrpeutst, Y_ itiok Paleliolitalkiianisti Obrletten•det •50t 00 eh litdoettinn, connee, allg ~14SVartst_ ~ . , : • ass VilitiVinor o 9 o6 Bra n dt, /Mb telow Carpenter • Jul s 9 lfteett, epentleened, Marriott ha Pita - • , - Wm Rerttn) tee, 3 ,1 Meatiode , at .V I , Wen It Woodrl46, printir.loo Tarter ee , ~,,„ s u mplember, 40 SUM et' jar o b, fijimustows sixth “. Uni t biulhol - ismisir -Mut% ho4Nowt,co 0 Ossrhial Orep, tin plant worketeloN 40 •b 0 Chuvash' Chinas I Pak* col*PiiitterNh4b,2,ll=o" R 0 Worth clot •10160 t, Dearth bet , •. ' ' '.. "papa )80nois. "I ' Raked. hi Sarni, oordusiusr,iislausii i t James 0 Nally, carpenter. Matt _Wow rtsetuk , Hamad Dhans, boa iiht•W;o2? liersuhle , , Jam McKenna, latmor.Aillth and WPentar Rketr 11,ilos. WOO, EinP/ 4 0 * • .'' OM late IP OA i 4 • ' (George Gllobellb. blackernittu Manion bet Peuiunk rd Menlo, tinswith, 638 Helutrall et ltdwird Getman, litime antler.? Cittbib hal Marriott Multi Burlingame; planer, Paesynnk id bet Marriott Ar our Smith, engraver; 7th and OATIMIItfq John J Manger, tailor, Grader .ideco 3 1 044 Itcelemon, labirer, 629 Vaal at Jam J idttnger, *tom Putter Reeder plooo John Dena, tt ntieum t u,,WeabtutBtonabove &b 31Vheel 61cOub4 irk, plater: Junes Oallighet, porter, 714 Carpenter above 7th John Aninally, bleiltunith,,MartiOtt belotr 7th Gallagher, laborer, 720 Carpenter et Mtn Illunie t rartur, 602 Chrietlatt above et 6 Jtidani MtUnewpolnier,telt below Carpenter Phillp.Oalehanter, laborer, 786 Chrpouttr et • Boa rd AtiGisire, laborer, 736 Carpenter at Sem el tdcl:eir,dge, cord weleor, Carpenter below 7th ' MAO Voition. IPMFrlcker, revenao agent, Federal below 6th Gm W Clerk, server Bodw,ood shove 4th• :Wm cordwelaer Piunilunk od Fisderel Netpird Duvall, moulder Wharton above Sth ReMbel W Claik,'oat coqper 405 Redwood et Patrick MoCryital t cordwainer Federal below Bth Toomie 3 %Mesita, pOnter 1214 oth bolo* Federal .7901 ,i f Ramis, prlitter; 1214 011 i below Fede ral Jero a N01011,16'0 =lcor 414 Dedtw cid Cho lee'llerchor, cabinet inalitir, - 6813 Redwood et Wald Undo. 'Myer smith 406 Ridwoird et Wm A Beelelr, clebk Witsrton sh ye 4th, • Stephen flamtiton,Dordwainer 728 Federal below Sob ;obit W blotch, bookbinder 720 Federal sit • Nina Division. , Joseph , Whller, baggsge bitter Friine below 10th Robirt Sinn, carpenter 1125 101 kt ltilowPrime 'Jambi Vida, tallith 9lb below Auburn HMO thican, weaver 11th beim Rama • ! • Jspies groesr tor of 1/tb and ibbbnni • Th , *at Kenny. laborer Little Wathington below 10th 21iite'Wellithttitenituddir ooh atioetWathingtine 'Autniod Witiodikiestooty” haiguet Moon* fithi 94trirk Mabee; !Alter 020 Aubtird 4t t PatOok Daly, carrier 814 Verpontor et- Mar 29±odchtleklieler 442 tooth oth at Awes Hogbas,isanlemau 816 Auburn ac The Mott ity. carman Carpenter abate Bth et Tbo ae 8I NkLo4 machinist Marriott above Bth Cense Bropghton moulder 827 Suffolk at • Jobb Camber. briCklayer 931 Sib bele* Marriott Blobard Dmitri porter 3013nitelk et • JoMph McOarvey, tailor Suffolk abort Sib ' Hoare Itroli, Weaken 924 Larch at • ADilmar J Smith, gudiner Ebb end Obriatian Andrew Forbes, book bledcr Auburn above 9th Inc met Patton, elerk 017 Larch et 'there'd Dougherty. ban tender ear oth and Christian Pat W Smith, &Mater oar Bth and Christian Time 11 W ttb, salesmen ear Sib and Christian Jobb Smith, laborer Mudd bet Sib end 9th Jobe, Deere, W 0 maker Auburn bet 9th and 10th Tenth. Michael Borne. Weiner Wilton below 10th , J lip Cassidy, laborer 931 Little WeablogUno st Jetties Wags, engineer 2238 Qhtbliaa it • Philip Smith; soap boiler Mdllrarr et ILehireltlicenstb, bricklayer Milton above ASltutnih Division. rho may Thar, weaver, Carpenter below 11th Philip J Smith. police ggnet bob/yr Christian Japer' Smith, eargeapt at polka, 10th below ChHatkin Patrick Muldoon, cordwatinor Conrt above 101 h Illobasi Casey, abater blargerette bet Sib and 10th Jolla Mcßride, carpenter Milton abate 10th „' • TIMM WARD, first Division. Tlitmes D Orover,'earproter,-16 Ohrietfen et Settle Henderson, t facer, led below Queen Melee Smith, tordwtiner, Beck it • ' ' Albert 20 Sergeat, elithenittb, 45 Beck et ' r e fulin Town, eallmaker, 117 Obrietlan et Jadob Weber, iron 'orate, 882 tooth Rad it WilitiMtl Idetiitio,tobioikialet,'SßOtooth Front et Jalipb D Groff, dealer, 829. south Front Debts° 11 Top shipwright' Front aD Chrlithin Trim Ad! and, =either. 27 Book et Ja el Hinal.oaoper. 41 Obrietian at olooti Sign, entsither; 838 south Prost Jaime MoChate, laborer, Trout at Niel Andrei., oblowilghi, SA tenth Tont et Etris, instnunent lather, 837 Sutherland Ns o N eh Eldridgeodealer, 121•Beckli plate ,' • .• • • • Second Diu. flan. Cl o trge gaiter, restatimat 815 sOrillt gad et Jo u 'archaize, O m ctal tea front and gathsrlim ph Anson, bricalayer Prop% earl Ostbarine, 214theniel Steckler, aboomukor front and Catharine *Wiry Oliuir, printer, Prout and Celberine, &bind Bigler aelloutker Dramas court Ocinge•W Drain, Waterman 200 Swenson' Wlillsat P umbrella maker 239 Ohriatian hitt= DI IMO:, butcher 40 00.elstitut, Mom Kolley, laborer 781 o front it frauds stasularro to, tailor 259 geren st Kmaricli &buten berg, tailor t 3,59 °Oren at Pirrick MOW, driymen 81eupaues noun 50111ima In,cony labour hl4 it , Pattlolt Neville, porter 'Youngs place Tltoe Pinte,,tador back 113 Olt/mane lapa l o Reyrosu, clothier 845 s'2nd lam Kerwin, Islm:. back 317 Christian , Third Disi43on. Joimea King, printer 777 e 3rd James Downs", laborer, 737 Oorievill at Jobn 13p0r19t094414 TA Concord t4ruard Kroger,%bloat looker Br 4 nus 2 German William Horsley, Jeweler 907 s god Jain Warrington, boot Otter beak 719 throat Ttioutey Den*, laborer Klass alley , Wi Norris Patton, clerk 93 Whorls's l bur 13 Hardie, cordwainer 707 s front at 114107 )larch,mereotyper back 802 s gad Mbar Honda:too t a, rdwedoer 707 e Wont at Jahn (POonnir, labver 372 s Prat it • .. .• /Welt &tidos. Otors'o.W Oppbonsos, priater 829 Katharine Liatuel lohorer Mtristiall tal •• a 114 r sv...tefiar SthamfiChritabda, ntetrl;ll .Mr:, rioter 392 Queen sa Ntal. Campbell, tailor 808 %aril at Robert Donnelly, laborer 641 Obrietlan et Charlie 7eard, gsntlemen ath and Queen 36esph Magee, bartender 6,th and Queen gdward Parka, allreramith Queen Del 6th Irenr, C Pieces, tallor 624 Catharine at T &ohs* male teacher 621 QQ6OO Si J Oqpb Ibdtnial, Wes founder 8 Oarbdrry court ' MoldVhempron. brim finisher 15 TUITIOS at Iklglmeas. cat venter, 819 Omen at Manuel Hell, clerk 833 Queen at Alan Rutin:tine, salesmen 813 a Ord it , Samuel ti Boherans, Printer 810 Ifisceacoe et U Gibson, *hentiren maker 427 Obriellan Its 141 1 1d5 14 0, 11 M rem 6th and Catharine John OWS& g roper 6th and Catharine hi Bowen, cat, tat maker 418'Catharige et Agliettm cabinet nester 410 meat Daniel tdotfiralb; carpenter Turner at' W !dyne, liquor dealer 410 Queen st 'M Curiao Lima ae/3 West cler ne ky.B3 c 3 Fourlerk 407 th Ob et ileilau at , a Agent Lanunerty, indictment maker 7 Cobb et Doors, Higgins, watch CMS make[ 609 Queen et John Y jeffries, hatter 804 i ad at wituam Jeffries, pilot 804 a 3d at illehaal O'Connor Shoemaker liVectorwee and Catharine Patrick Shields carpenter 800 1 lib it , /MU Division. lemma McAleer, gent 418 Carmen at George Phltll, a, dealer 417 Marino at • Mark Low, watch case pinker 486 Harmon/ at '.Soon Collin, taller 70416th et' .1.131t4 binipoi, fiber-Monist 4th and Oatharitis F n icheel Kane laborer Uartmans court Cgalit ' itbeetnaker Dales court amain Oletk Jr; Waterman Oates' court .Willisin Tried, seamen 703 Passyntk road • Petrick McAleer, Jailor 418 Outman at - 34*00, Divitton. Thomas Fletrieon,laborer 679 I 6th et 4aoch M D and Catherine' John Morris, trriekLyer 826 a oth et Andraw,Murpby, hatter &band Catharine Timothy, .oLeary, laborer 709 e 6th at Joseph Crifalrra; laborer 7th and Fitzwater James O'Nell;laborer Oth bet Fitzwater Robert Wright, blind matter 770 a 6th at Daniel gimith, reedwaine 779110th st WllUeta Ifiloz, laborer Adam and Clymer 91 P Ulimpleorarnleher 800 Paingunkros4 Millen' Mathias, shoemaker Pmaytutk road VSSOCISDIIIIOI4 printer Wall at 61 0 0 1 7 e L Dmon, taller 088 Pessynnk toad Richard Dillon; bookseller 735 Paurynnk Mad Charles Noble, laborer Clymer bet James McCartney, laborer. fith bet Fitzwater Seventh lehrin n. Adam Byerly, gold beater 712 Christian at J‘44011 A Phillips, printer 808 5 9th at Jacob W Wintelm,maar Maker 821 Christian at Jame' Carty, erent,766'e 9th st Word. W carpenter Oth abv Catharine' Thomas 8w157, tailor Flower et !gnats! Connelly, beitoher 724 Bowan id James Orinpoell, carter Hubbell at Isaac genic, chair painter Weis at Peter Keictiner, tinsmith 824 • 8111*t John 31 Johnson, cordweiner 729 Stewart at , RYON* Division, Hoare, silver sinitO Christian st Thome. Nordin, offierr, .13th sod Christian Bernard O'Donnell, shoemaker 1240 Fitzwater at Charles 1' Montgomery, marldrust 1833 Chrittian at Oriey, Painter 1339 Christian at iFraseU Quilol.oordsainer Bhippen lane Patrick Donahoe, priuterDrangeet David W I,logrow, pa Atter 1321 Manta at !James alley, shoemaker flimeater ab 12th .7 Thomas, ofilcer Moore at !Peter Omit, restaurant 760 11th at !Peter Eamon, blaskanilth Matelot 'Hugh Mealey, hoer Christian et granola O'llarna, founder 11th apt Fitzwater !William Linke, block natter Orange et I Charles °wenn laborer Urit'attd Catharine Patrick 111rigenuts,grooer grass and Catharine FIMIBT4I WARD, „First Dirisfon. AMU listens% Map Joiner, 019 grout it NMI* hart, cord. 41 Almond st Robert D Bayne, cabinet maker 22 South at JAMBS Preall innkeeper, Trout and Almond ate , . 'Second ihmum. M W Bartlett, agent, Almond et Charles 8 Iturabf, batter, 702 iron! James 21 Holm, nblpielner,llB Wrote at Philip Bono, *Mar maker, 183 Mead et 0 W Ban; kelp Maker, do do John McGarvio;Sigger, Shipper' et above Front Rdward REAM, tailor, 702 Front at JolatiO Scheer, jeweller, 102 Almond at John J Klett., tailor, 11 Vernon et 1 M"Doughses, atone cutter, 8 W Front and Shipper' eta Rickard BUONO, batter; 114 13outh at Wm Cow, sllveroultb. 111 Senate et Third Division, Charles Tauime, taller, 286 Shipper/ it ' • s John MorphY; carpenter, Harper'e Place lismnel Chew, talior, 8 1 oor Third and Shipper' Timothy Toomey, batter, 239 Monroe at John Foes, restaurant, :Shippers et below Third John'Dnboilio; cord, 626 George et e, Ist Masten, reporterOlonroe et above George Andrew Bucher; roger maker 620 George at lan Memos, gold chaser 231 dhlppen et John Thomas', laborer, 8 }I Third LAI Shlppon all Frederick Ludbriuk, laborer, 710 George et reiwatil Busk; dealer, Neonyk Place Gottstb Weld, taitor,236 Shipper Brands thole, tailor, 729 Third et John T Winprosii, cord, 02! George it !kora Division. Geo 71 Roberti. jeweller, Bbippen' et above Third Wm Jobneon, bar lender, 8 8 Pine alley WI Fourth Joseph T Lein, blacksmith, 803 Rine Alley JAMS Berndt/kr, 'Jr, phisterer, 6 Elliott Place Wm Headley, watennan, 8 hippen et above Third ekraell'ul Butler, Ship cementer, &Junco at het Fourth BdWard MIWPIGI Totinter, 19 Pine Alley unto Grant, restaurant. 888 Shipper at ADIOS Oarr, carpenter, 8 • 81de Pine Alley WI Fourth Thomas Braid, stone cutter, Shippeu it bet Fourth Broderick Bloomer, laborer, Manley it above Third Jame. Klemm, Waterman, Shippen et bet Fourth ape b Stewart, Moulder, Clones court (wick °sam pan,Ord 316 German at . MS Jere; tinsmith '834 Btanley at . 30 1 1 1 e. POW% 990 Per shipper at below Fourth ? Wass Notilo, dealer 000 Ball alley in Wellln peeler 800 Ballalley ands Illah ' hatter listerk Place CI HMG' dater PIM alley bat Fourth at Daniel Ralligher, baker 410 8 Third at N aide Wm Simplon, book Weldor 822 Pine alley John John BMWs Mair a a 00r Fourth it and PIDIS Mill jolt *quo. vitirnestet BhlpAte it til Fourth &kin shumeri Itetinhkeurec NA Shlpp'eu • Neoep i P o re cabinet 'taker 811 Gomel at Aft 4 re uumeelte melees letelppon it isbore Third Mk Division Thews Girths, tailor Monroe at above Fourth. Edward CatTle,'prliater 'Monroe ItUbore Fourth JilM w edlenalli cord Marled et Midair unekbatter 418 Monroe at MoClann, diver Ohippeu at bat Filth flonel Boca, Printer 626 Pessayunk rod • . Robert ilcotti bar tender 485 Getman at Thoitu J NOthoi picker 8 /earth ourth k Moms it, C rasinteed m page.) Vrtss. TITESDAy i OCTOBER: 13, 1857, UptiIOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. 40vEltiiO4. , $ WILLIAM F. PAOKER, Or LTOOMIHe ODDITY /ODORS OF THE SUPREMA COMIT. WILLIAM STRONG, or Bunco Ootrxrr JAMES THOMPSON, or Rims Ootrarr. oAlikt, poartrnastom NpatODiSTRIMAND, or Cazena COUNTY CITY NOM lINATIONS. AToR, !. a:orn irtior; J. O. XIENPATEION, JOHN RAMSEY, 0. M. DONAVAN; ' I GEO.M. ARMSSEONO. Dint' AND COUNTY. , • , AItOoIATI 401101•00Nal or OONNOX TIMMS, JAMIE R. LUDRoW. ' OE/Toll, • ,' 4.• N.' MAR'SRLIE: - Exempla Or Delon, *3.E,M3? ' 6DOOALZA,TY. I'l aaNnfoq.9 7 ,,Pn, **EROS ,CCATET., • 10/14. A. it,' o .4/• !! • Gam 01 via 00011,Eampoxli, ! ... I .lotlPll , 4ll,llclinkrat. - , B. R. ritgasx.• COUNTY:I • • • • JONM WRARTON,MAN R. WELLS, otayirli mi!Alts, HOMY 3. 3: ASKO, ' ' JOIN D.' itt'LLOT;. , JOSEPH R. DoNNEELT, A.,4341R3E, DANIA RI N'OLAN4. , JOIP./1- DONNBRY, TOWNSEND TZAMSLEY, , JAMES DONNBLLY. 308110 L T. OWEN. 888 lAXIIZI, i ASsF OVA COTEMPOlialiat . AND THE PRES ENT •aluils. We regret that we sbciuld Se, widely differ with many of our cotemporaries as to the cause of the present trouble's. They, resorting to, obiolete, or,, at least; dispntecl theories; , Infer them to the want 'of; a protective Tariff. They insist that inertsbertld be, restrained froth ing In one mariet,, and he forced by the pres sure of duties to buy in another.: 'We should be' equally glad to see every bratieh of our manufacturing industry. In a flourishing ;con dition ; 'Rate plice'there on that footing'abd keep them there, we waist have a sound and reliable' Orkney. The origin` of the grief dad calamity that now afflict the community is 41 fectlY traceable to the • want .o'. it. , The bu siness and industry of our country have been taiispended.UpOn • the, Diedallan wings.of pa per-money'" instead of tin - Veiling about colpon the solid ground of gold endsilver,"and hence, their elevation Mid electrtting, Currency that cause's, those period6al, consul . signs in,the,businessworld, which alike scathe, the base and peaks of society; that raises, prices today, and_ sinks them 6 : Morrow; that in flames the passion, of • acquisitimi, and hurries men out of the paths of Ordinary pursuits," into the wildestschemes of speculation. It is this eharic6r Of instability that con stitutes the fatal objection to, 1)0)0- money; this, is the • pestilent Source: of its mischief. effecti?of bove been "f3yoryisi(ere of a uniform' tenor. Wherever papermoney.has been,eptploYnd l ac a :eireithiting Medluin; ex pansion ' and ' contraction,' apparent pros perity . ark 4 real ,distress, .' have been as regular in their alternation, 'though the ierlods, indeed, have been longer, as the rising and setting of the 'sun, or the ebb and flew of the tide. In a timo:of expansion the business world becomes intoxicated, and the good old -maxims that Inculcate. caution and pridence are discarded. the delusive pe riod, just passed, under the stimulating influ ence of a superabundant enriincy; We thought ollisoirea -" so Xeq.,kewerfta said Su Surneis• Perous, that stet thelMecibliirriir us wore de graded into the vices aid follies of kings. We lost all measuro•between means and ends; and our headlong desires became our Polities and our morals." But tin proportitm to the height of Our 'elevation hai been the suffering hem our fall. The. lesson, however,-we trust will serve as a warning, aisd,save' us from a similar ckperlence in the futhee. , • • • Money is subject to laws as certaip a'nd uai ferm as those which govern the heavenly be rtha. If not disturbed in their operation by elArarieeus tenets, 40, alailtild Seadluess h value, or an absolute tendencyto steadiness, upon whichinericeuld ertlCulate and rely. But, uphippily,governments introduce an' element of disorder-14'one time by debasing the coin, so that the quantity of metal no longer answers to its denembuttion; and again, and very generally, by either issuing themselves, or authorizing oth ers to Issue, paper money, which is more ruin ciuti tban the other, because, says a 'reach wri thr on political economy of high distinction by its gradual depreciation during all the time of its existence, It produces the• effect which would be produced by an infinity of successive deteriorations of the coins. All these iniqui ties are founded on the iden that money is but a sign, while it is value and a true equivalent Of that for which it is given. The effect pro. duced bythe Issue of bank notes, of increasing, the circulating medium of a country beyond What Is necessary for the purposes of com merce, naturally carries the precious metals, the only true currency,. abroad; because, as we have eipliined in a termer article, the price of money falls with every augmentation of its quantity beyond what is needed to con duct the exchanges of a, community. When that occurs, it is soon discovered by merchants and others that money will buy'more abroad than at home, because it is of greater value abroad than at home. And, as paper money is of no account in foreign countries, specie is exported to pay for the commodities pur. chimed. As these foreign commodities are thus brought Into the country, the domestic menu fathwer finds himself undersold; but as his raw materials and labor are paid for in an inflated currency, he must 'sell his, goods at proportionable prices to save himself from loss, and thus is incapable of competing with the dealer who tiara to , sell at •the real prices of other countries: The consequene:e is, be ,must either be ruined or suspend buSincs's which is frequently •equivalent to it. Our commercial history conclu sively proves that our imports are increas ed or dimin Rhea according as • our paper currency is expanded or contracted. But, unfortunhtely, the manufacturer—hitherto In tent only upon the effect, and seeing himself driven to the wall by the importer—cries out for the intervention of the Government to prevent imports. He has all along been obli vious to the real cause of his troubles. His enemy has been a paper enemy. With a stable currency- 7 , a currency based ou value, on gold and silver—the American manu . faCturer, with the raw material at his •door, with ouperior machinery and intelligent labor, can successfUlly compete with the foreign manufacturer, of whatever country. But, with the existing currency, new /Made* In flated and no* suddenly , contracted, all is uncertainty in the business world., Con traction 'causes failures, and failures cause alarm, and alarm leads to a "run" on the hanks. In the very hour when their loans are • necessary to save their customers from ruin, they are compelled to maintain' a death-struggle to preserve their own existence. The evil is •Inherent in the system, and , so long as paper money is tole rated, and tolerated upon the principles which now govern its issue and circulation, the busi ness of the country will be more or less a game of chance. The practical workloge of the banking system are , seen in Aril throe in, that country whence we ' have derived, along ,vrith our blood and Unclip,' 50 , many, of Mu ideas , . moral and political, arid 1114 riipny 44 the print. - 04 that 'underlie enritilviand ct til Inetituttons. The experience of Englend bait• beit• 'equally the experleke , 0r:4 6 ,1 1 Alte4, ! States. The currency of '9uti,:letintry has been in large meaellie it , irtirifitheOt otaVertible TIPPer, as PaPei PreibAnitit th bq convertible into specie on dernand.• The great fabricktirr of this paper is the 4 8 - eilkk bf sl4land. With its vast capi its influence upon the business and Indus. try,Of' drag Britain is immense. It possesses the intwes, and its directors would be more or lest then men, if they tallied to employ TWO ,CENTS. theft; to alternately depress' the...price) of every stock—of every article possessing exchangeable value throughout the .- United Kingdom. Such may not be the de sign ; . but such is the inevitable con seqaeuce. By large loans when money is in demand, or large purchases of atocka when the demand for money is not active, it sudden ly increases the amount of the circulating me- Capital,' says a political economist of QUI' own country, c' appears, superabundant. Pries Orme° from day to day, and a specula tivg disposition is engendered by the growth of fortune among the, holders of stocks, and next it becomes necessary tomEtunfacture new stofks for the purpose of employing this vast surplus capital. Nee railroads are therefore proje+d ntf.subioribed for; vast contracts are( made; beundless prosperity' is' in view. Mob who should be:raiiini corn, are breaking up !xte old roa a to yeilace , thexii with ireif,u . r, building permits for. Speculators. Imillease orders for irsn,tand bricks,. and tint-, ber, are given: Prices advance. . England beComes a good place to sell iii; and a bad one toi?ny in.. Imports increase, ind eiports de crerau. . Bullion goes abioad - . - Theli4xiklusa to well securities,, . Prices Bitaineas is' patalysed.i.. The rewi , "To i?;Lif - .m4 13 ) 41 / 4 . ' tan, not, be completed . ' The,PeePle are. mined, and the bank escapes with difficulty from the tali; she herself has made, •congratulates her self on the dexterity ,she has,aboyea, and pro poSea,to repeat the operation at 'the 'first op portunity:" . itch is the action and such the effect or the ayitem iti ''Brigland, and yet it may be said Er/gland is rich notwithstanding. • It is true thit, in spite of tivielonlitystein, her wealth is large, but not ;So' large es id 'generally sup poed. By being more concentrated than else where, it deceives the essrial inquirer, Figures, titterer, which do not generally,lie, show, that our annual production:and accumulation grfatly 'exceed those oE Great Britain and Ireland combined. We possess every advan tage of soil, both in'extent and variety.' We produee the great stalpW that:feed and clothe mfillons ; and could We only 'redress'enr hank init system, • which goillinially OpeMccs to de. base the cannier: teomsettle Alm whole etinc:: urn of our industry, there is nothing to ghee* otir advance •in the high career• of national growth and prosperity. . , . eason, experience,. and_ _authority, corn bile ,to i wird the, Ot o s the great and mhmbutaut ' cfvlis, iot . tile l' whole 1 syeieml The time and 5 : occasion . i pave , ; arrived when they should be suppressed . With a le g i imate currency:we may advance less rapidly, bi! t we shall advatice;withleafety and security. II e shall 'esciifie ' the periodical shocks that kostrate credit`, leitioy - confidence; silence the huni of • inilitetry, deprive wealth of its en jc4rments and labor of, its subsistence, which rdll • gaiety of. its smile, and fill'. the hearts o thousands with dismay and apprehension. The Federal Government has supplied us with ;Ma a ! currency ; .that, Marency ie /Old and silver, the common and general measure, the universal type 41111 exchanges. With such a currency, the hilliness World will be used. on a! durable foundation, safe, Alga- the storms that have hitherto filled it , with agitation and Btit, as all radical changes are attended with p °sent inconveniences, they should ordi-, ntwily be ramie gradually 'and cautiously, so that all the iiiathinier life may' have time to adjust themselVes. 14 the'new order of af- Lira. We fluidly admit; 'too, that at , a time r. e the present, when, in all the chief seats of o,ii commerce and intivistrY;Nie are startled VT the appatitiorr cif calamity and distress, an. nal cautionatiould 6oretilarirt-04a r Clint eneevil;we indict .ottiora of a cheat; ter niore difficult to be biome. It may net, then, be prudent to fora` 'the banks, whose charters have been forfeited, into immediate liqUidatiOn.. At the' Satne'tinie, we dO,protest aOinst a system which inevitably involves us in situations thus Still 'of 'didicalty and full of per plexity; and we equally protest against every Lithammo of legislative relief that is not coupled means of reform ; that does _not propose to' *tally exempt the community from:tithe mani 6st and manifold evils ,or , our present banks: qive . las . security ; 'give . iie .itri 'easurance, in 1,4a1 form, that we shall hereafter be shielded from the peltings of .the pitiless storm that now' bursts upon our unprotectedleads, and are shall be contented.: LETTER FROM TA,TROLIC fYor The Press.] ' ' • • • As a delighted and eager reader of your invalua ble paper—the best though youngett enterprise of its kind in Philadelphia—l desire to enter a word of protest againeta form of expiesshin which has 43en permitted, in more than one instance, but Oubtloti inadvertintly, to appear in yonrcoluntris I allude to the word Romanist !, as applied to andprufesior of the pathetic filth. I in a catholic, d feel What yon minuet. realise, liberal though tou certainly are, whenever this and kindred epi hets meet my eye in your paper or elsewhere. ' The word "Catholics" designates all Christians who acknowledge the spiritual authority of the holy See, and needs no word of explanation or ilualitioation to make It Intelligible. The prefix fomen has latterly become almost Inseparable rom it, and may be used without the risk of of fending any person, however sensitive. This ad leotive, Roman, serves to contradistingulsh that portion of the church using the Lain Rituals fiem those in 'ALA the Greek and Armenian fermi are adhered to, but which, nevertheless, are in communion with it. We are, therefore, sanded with Roman Catho lic, ;. but snob terms as Romania; Romisb, Popish, `etc., are nicknamm which grate harshly on oar ears, suggesting an insulting disregard of the feel ings of a large body of their follotr•Christians, and an intolerant spirit in those who use them. O. A. O. • We have but a word to say in reply to the respectful protest of our friend. It is impos 'ale to exercise constant vigilance over such !a mass of reading material as appears daily in ,THE Paess ;. and we think we give more }that usual attention to our columns. We 'know the feeling of our Catholic friends in regard to the term Romanist, and regret its appearance—protestant 'as we are—whenever we see it used. It never has been editorially used in this paper. Now a word on the other side, as showing how difficult it is do please extremes. It is }mown 'thit we' haveadopted a system of publishing sketches of the various sermons of Christian ministers in this city. In fol lowing out this rule, after publishing some ten Protestant sermons, we printed, a few days ago, the repOrt of the sermon of a Catholic clergyman, the Rev. Dr. Br,ox. For this sermon, the doctrines of which did not meet our approval, we •lost the good will of at least one distinguished divine of another congregation. We do not complain of the objectors in either of the cases referred to. They exercised their right to object, and took their own way to show their dissent.—En. Passe. lIIEETINCk IN POTTSVILLE. [Correspondence or The Preis.] Porrrinta, Oct. 611), 1857 At a meeting of citizens of this borough, con vened at the Court, hinictinet night, on the subject of a removal of the freight depot of the Reading Railroad Company from Blount Carbon into the business limits of the borough, which has been de layed over ii 46 years, though the ground now oc cupied by the passenger depot was given- to the Oompany for a freight station, the following, among other proceedings, was had : Resotug,. That, in the opinion of this meeting, there is great necessity for a change in the presi ded/0y of the Reading Railroad Company, and the policy of the directors; and we believe the re eleotion of John Tuoker, RR, to,that post—un trammeled by a vestige of the pesent manage ment—will be the best and moat effectual way to do justice to our coal operators, merchants, and business mew bring the staple p rodoot of our county into fair andfinimessfal competition with other coal distrioti, and thereby furnish a basis of credit, confidence, and prosperity to this great artery of our mineral vrealth, • - J. M. C. St. John'o Church, (Catholic,) three miles from Newport, Ky., was struck by lightning on Thursday, and destroyed by fire, together with A sobool•house and a residence. It is said that there are how laid up in the 'Vicinity of Buffalo about ono thousand boats, which have been hauled off the timid in conga view,. of tits sanity of frelghta. ,r,_c9!piu,r.bromparons. Ooteespaadinta tar a Too Pester wilt piers bete te mind tie following ruled : Every eoltymetetbi , mnk be, adieme=the name et are* toliteke the typography, bat one side a - 1 skeet dm@ be mitten upon. Wo shall be -redly OblidotticiWirawow van% and ethos Mateo foe eantrilintions gleintlaiaosi. tent now of the tap hi their porthailOrliradltion, the Meer of thlo ounoundlig toga*, itin imam,. U . : l population, and any Warman= that will ha Mattatialp to the general nadir • - ! 7 -al I, .? • • GENERAL NEWS- - •. The Barnstable (Masi.) Patriot stares " That a hewaleetiat- house for theiradikke colored people at 'Herring' Pond. dedicated - with appropriate exerebeseon the 30th dt film. • ; , ,Wur. Jackson, (colored,? of Nen Itedfonl. preiettia . the Sermon Imo, 2, ix. Hos, X, SeJley (eillttrad,)4PhlladelPhiii read the geripturet Th.t services were interesting add gave saftfactionr to large andiente:- The lset'Leguleture appropriated s9oo lovarpis„ the bailding, and it woe 'treated ander the direetfon of Ifon;Ohis.'Maistore.' - The' ' pastor of the society is an Indian ; antistlind. . • A gentlenthit Using:near thetown - ham, Ye., has drat file heed of young rettle.,aet two fine rnthth cows, within the last few day4,l7- peratitting them to run in the same field what're he ' was feeding his begs. The Itogy ate OW stalks tit • earn, and left them-on the ground. after. ^obeefieg , : These were taken up by the tattle, eaten, swat: , lowed, and not being digestible, produced an tieft-:- • lug ill over. They at once commenced ISM*, therr heads, when their throat!' swelled, andAp # - short time death ensued. A man named Patrick. Magna; has been ar tested at' Middletown, Conn., for the murder Of . young-was named Sage some time. ago., Meant was once Wore •up on the same drawly!, Ulfera_si, acquitted - for want of proof. A sailor whiCeera- - denten, saw the wonder, and' went to Oen W+r' - days after, Las-sine returned .end lodged.thein fenuation wbieh led to his arrest forthesecend. The' qttalitity bf totatiw inspected fir Vii; Janis during- the last twelve months opisheads—same time, 1655-'6, 65,320 h Deemed ILLIS .Itegehaads. The An= we on the lst , ia 4 ea ft 4F l42 ..begitrP#s. m elndiag twenr i s-Are of sterna sad 444 hogsheads Leaf.* o 'against LS boriteinis ' of - die latter °tithe let of °Molter, 1a56. Yrs.: Snyder,. residing'. utter actialn ltoekicogety., Ya t , sans day' lesoreekt . suddenly fel l, apparently dead. The Meer ears beriarelotheewsry procured; seed ' friends wet. ongagetin drama' g hez manta of the iviTe, she polita4 virtgestedlo a rki°- - - ff welt until ibexes deed !../ie is now is Judge Wisettan, formerly one orthelsageni of the Conrt of Oontroon Flees, of Ilsanillonesitalfer.: Ohio, died in Cinelnuati,n Friday, idieseser. Mole, member Ortiza Ciryierm&B; died in UM , city on ' evening: these gentlemon. etere.s. 04est:r#41.141 of the Queso eity , end bed both Letd manj fraper 7 '.. tent alms of trast. , . . _ . The giatul Jury et Allegheny oonnty - itPa4 - hap, kaad true hilt war* aloes genet : Ridlar4,Palaal Dennis. for-the utardeg, or s , Boxy Collinatowaship", cat:a ing of the Bth inst . The zu th erltial of ; amee deterreinadon deal 'wort the zwAtnn... _ • Amu, .. ilesl . is te of, the sell* Bank, It X..atirettoif, their , depdotts, l tit • the. emoted Al 84-801 V, emit - ! plasaCtbeat in the het*. OA, plett-lef, Lek keeping, mho took the whole nun, directly he#, , tht bit& and r e-deposited •• - -- " '" On . Sittl43' Init r eWki' 46 ' 03 tioltiti~iti to Nreste-} Baintekt'aria Geo: Pettenei;of tatroll eo eeceipsB iotoTeessylvaois,. Um*: els hatla!B and i mien, vid l ,h war* achavaaktlT foetid neat Renter.. kitorge 'Paiiter, a Intiltrudrer Ora . - Envy, died: iiti Portnneritii; ITC; ec Meidai. , Hived in the irar with Mexico, and bat 8.1 Meant frigate Poyehttaa is the exPea449110,,,F 301. John a Ears; anirejoi'misrid• Viliforala,' has declined thee/lee (LatelyelaHitred • upon him ; by the President) a< gurr_eXtrrWßlA . Fish, the state of his affairs in Calinapota, p 0 FI % pitting his aoceptance of IL ' • - • !David Winona is on trill in Giayaos-tioidr- • ti, Vs;, for Abe =Aide of ids daughter,. alkmas' , Years of sirs..bfbaralas oFa , lonses : 1 0 646 - the child was °aping._ , ;A yOung ;2imited Charles'eoatee; taxi • ••• wee eskering from coistireptioni ecastaltred stdoida • hi Cincinnati, .by drinking spwitaoas-liquare excess., , Carl Gepiaiteia,, a musician belorii*, tO United Stites army, committed infaide erliebk; nett, on Vheridey,- by blovinirout Arab= Tie poor fellow.taid ha wooled rest, „,,. The remarks of 3E020 Switon ILogel!*„ rlsche4 awaston, , ork-Thuraloy moping,. lest, and'aire temporarily deposited - Pa " • tie Magnolia Cemetery. •.L • •• • r.• Ildramoiria Atwood, of Barre, - N -3T., wool- dragged and robbed of #,350, in marley,wkila"....., 'hilt return from' St. 'Patd, on board a .11lemmple sleazier: • ' ' ' • Abott•thirty'cases remain to be-ilisposial of by three areal. %mutt belabzr; *Web viii . . . . . Ewe- 81sidetozo, one of the — oldisi_ raimbere of 13e Virginia conferewe, died ill Chir lone oounfy, 012 : ThiltOday. • • WallaceSuflte died in the jail of Silniont county, Miss,; last wok, where he _met contlusltur„ , the mnrdeio(W, %v. BrOtti. The - Ciuituilannibsc:rilitions fors inoititnietie to the vietinis of the Itebettion of 1837 belie reached _ - JOge Wm, McDonald Wed at Stenbeneiiler Qhio, lag week, of ,typhoid fever. &rat one hundred Andante have speedy en- laird irsbatli CirOutot College. Wild ducks • are selling in Norfolk, Va.', it 371 mate per pair. - • • - Local, AWF,II,IIIO.t '4 • - The Phi/ade/phss Dry Goods .li.f.drkst has been • cliaricterised.hy another week of useitainty, and _ the public is without a hopir'fbr• the end of our 4 nuclei embarremmenta. The prestratien lathe - m ;nuke Curing doParbessuto tra!let and Palldszt'. larly those branches intimately connected with, " and a part of, the Dry Goods business phis, the ruin i4lntmerous merchants who have al, says stood PrOlobeent in mercantile affairs, and were ever ready to assist this metropolis in any and ' iU enterprises taleulated to. add , .to - the wealth; • qoPeorti - H4 - "Mittralls Siam cruces , lte4 the e* ering anion' the thousands „of oar. ()petunias in - our ootton and-woollen factories who have been thrown out work, all , cautributa .to add to the . gloom which foibodes the, rourg, Aturxtlthit is unsettled, end 14th - the exception scabs "hear" trade -among the Third-street Waste, tied la no thing 491olft,:.,There, is sitallj PP ;Wt . igiMra, prise for _sweaty any kind of goods. anti loss', of the leading retail fumes on Chestdit Steel adver tin, that 4 .lsfeemsequance otthourforetwan chime- • ter of the lames, their stark igfor osik without regard to eye i n Some u= . I ttandAb - bing Homer hire been compelled to' adoptpretty much the same prlaaiple. tonits are law idth. them than ehould be the crie r n:4lre think, mer chants are acting wiselyWhea that sell regardless ' of mat to cash buyers. • Some deseriptions of goods are entirely out of the market. , Among theft may be mentioned Cocheco Prints and Lawrence Ticks. • Amoskeag Drills have advanced, and now sell freely at. 10 a 10; cents. Domestic goods are wane in there:rat trade quarters, and decidedly more hies: . Fires.—On - Saturday rooming, admit two o'clock, a Era broke out in s house in - theme= street, ebore.Catharina, occupied . by a tnuaber ;of poor Gerisan families. A fled upon the floor in one of the rooms was set on fire through this drunken carelessness of Asti/omen; and the poles en tered the Place they found seestal children asteep on the burning bed. All were got out safely, and the fire Iris extinguished before it had done much The alarm Of fire on Saturday scorning, between eleven and twelve o'clock, was caused by the par tial destruction of an old four-story building at the corner of Hanes and Nicholson streets, in the rear - of the Odd 'fellows' Rol. The. fourth story and attic wore used by the Boothenian 'Dramatic Anso elation as e prints theatre, and the Ere essermene ed at the rear end of theirsta 4 ges. The fiarassaspread rapidly through the, scenery, ae., and most of the property of the "Boothenians" was destroyed. The building was also unroofed. M. lachemair, manufacturer of iron bedsteads, and Abraham West, machinist, occupied the lower part of the building. The persons last named =s tilted some damage from the water thrown upon the flames- The building belongs to Mr. Freeman' Scott. His loss is about UOO---insured. The Bootbeniaa 'A3- sociatioa lose about $l,OOO, upon which there "was no insurance. Their room was neatly fitted op. The fire is believed to hare originated from a de-' feet in the chimney. The alarm of ire, about 10 o'clock on, Saturday , night, was caused by the partial bannin g of a large, barn, on School House lane, liermantown. The following is a Comparative Table of the Madness of this port for the month of September, of this and last year, and a comparative state ment of the oath reoeiPta for the previ ous seven menthe of the year for tho last fonr year!: aerransu, Vain* =tram:dim in vireb owls first of month $1,067,604 VAgkal Seed to warehouse from forelips porta 181,9 W 6301.7 Itsc l / 4 1 to wor4touse from other districts 23,522 Withdrawn for Consumption... 44 Transportation. 61 Value of adze to warehouse lut of month. Entered for consumption front foreign ports 90,293 982,0 ed Free merchandise 129,411 109,717 _ allnttonD. 1864. ' ' 18.56. 1856. 4 1867 ,a6 September •... 5 1 : 2 4 7 111t0 3 0 4 :,11t11.5 2,442,us Total. 4 11 , 804 , 76 8 P,000,e34 $3,500,0Z) $2,695,334 COrvessea Casts —Coroner Delavau held an inquest, on Saturday evening, upon the body of a person who died suddenly, name unknown, who re sided in Marion street, in the southwestern part of the city. Verdict, death from natural causes. An inquest was also held on the body of a sailor who was found dead at pier No. 17, Riehmond, on Saturday morning It is supposed that the de ceased was killed by falling during the night from the tressel work of the Reading Railroad Cour prue's Works. - - Presentation.—On Friday afternoon, at the IsTorth West School, the class, recently promoted from that institution to the Central High School, aaseinbled and presented to their late teacher, Mr. Louderback, a handsome silver tea service, as a testimonial of their esteem and gratitude. The presentation address was delivered by Muter yerly S. Hart, a member of the class, and was responded to by Mr. Londerback. Hospitai Casta.—On Saturday evening Glad, named William Love, was admitted into the Penn sylvania Hospital, with his left arm fractured by falling from a tree in West Philadelphia. John Patterson, aged 40 years, had an arm frac tured by falling from a building at Ifineteebth and Cherry shroets. Be was taken to the same institu tion. 350'706 368,1507 4153 1,84 6,1 M 921,613 2,8C6,516