The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 12, 1857, Image 4

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Michael litzgereld, in kkileyer. 718 Eleventh et
3 la Greeley, hair dresser 821 Fitzwater at ,
Jamee Quinn, dealer Shipp - an st bet Eighth
Harris Loader back, bricklayer 818 Fltiwitir it
8 B Wellington, gent 818,1thewateret ,
Wm thrill, cord 812 Eleventh , st •
Hugh Quinn, dealer Arose' add Ship pen ate
Badman Panders/ terman 4Baker at
OM ll Snider, je wellersl South st • ,
Thema,' Paroles, siiveremith 824 South
Wm Ste rl t*
i, Engineer 834 Shippen at it
John It Everherd,. tailor South at brit Ninth
Richard M IlleCiewen, boiler maker Seventh ah Baker
Chas Geller, innkeeper South bel Ninth ,
Joseph Allen, paliee Eighth and Bmellne its
, IYinth Mignon.
James*Aleuts; telegrapher 618 Twelfth at ,
Robert aiellenomln, painter 1125 Shippen et
Hugh Gallagher, store keeper 1209 Ship Pen at
Peter Croman, cord 1231 Bhippeii at ~
Francis Ramon, weaver Briton at above Twelfth
John Bradley, laborer Shinpen at above Twelfth • .
Wm Sinnagin, tailor N B Twelfth and Shlppen its
James Mate, leborer Twelfth et above Shippen ,
.Cl 11 Clark, rail maker Bld Thirteenth and South its, ..,
Michael Lenard, laborer Bedford at shove Twelfth -
James Reilly, laborer N E Thirteenth and Iltawater MS
Double Quigley, weaver 1230 Bedford et. ,
James Quigley, weaver Ohippen et above Twelfth .
Wm B Lippincott, weaver 1217 Belden it
Edward Bradley, laborer Gamble court .
Jamea Gallagher. store keeper 1209 ShlPPen, et,
-.Tenth Division
Henry Haze% breech maker Rowe at
James Botany, clerk Shippen lane above Shippen et
Charles Darrel& bricklayer 1841 Fihrwator et
Samuel Tait, cabinet maker 1341 Fitzwater st
H enry Thomas, brick wither 1247 Shippenst •
Bernard Smith, laborer Shipper, lane near South at
James Clark, blacksmith 1812 Shippen it
Pertniegton, engineer Shippen above Thirteenth
David A Beard, carpenter South above Thirteenth
Wm White weaver 1388 Bhippen at
Robert White, laborer 612 Shippen lane ,
James White, laborer 618 Shippen lane
- First Division.
Allen Michael, printer N W cm Penn & South
Bier (Awhile - a, laborer 116 South at
Barry John, cabinet maker 8 Lafayette Court
Conroy Jeremiah, gold beater cor Barron A Gukill
Collins Joseph, engineer car Barron A GRAM
Chapman Thee 13 G, tobacconist, 68 South at .
Eagle Joseph B, printer 335 Gal lit at
Gorby BRee If, cordwalner 70 Lombard et •
Healey Patrick, glove maker 129 South st
Johnson Peter, mariner 25 South et
Myna John T, dealer 883 Gaskill et ' '
Mayne John IC 0, cordwelner. 76 Lombard et •
Mutate Samuel, cordwainer 76 lornbard at
Middleton George W, storekeeper, 238 Lombard at • '
McNeil William, laborer 21 South it
Redman Benjamin, atone cutter 120 Lombard .
Timmins Thos, deputy marshal NW for Penn & South •
Timmins John, moulder NW nor Penn le South
• -
Jecond Division.
Bird Wm I, printer 207 Stamper's Alley
lialley B U, broker 911 Lombard „
Dawson Isaac T, mariner 208 Seeond
Gaughran John, boatman 85 Del Av
Hart Bernard, packer 417 Second , '
Muffin John, boot maker 37.0 BiaraPefejelleJ
John, Police officer baelo 67 LomMwd , „
Retainer Louis, grocer 428 Third ,
Tnernpron 3/103011, pedlar 206 Staumees Alley
Toomey Jamas, laborer 208 Stempel's' Alley .. -
Williams James, laborer 85-Del AT
Third Division, , ,=^ • , -
Anderson Zack, tailor 618 South -.:. •
Atkinson Themes, coachman 624 Pine , J
Bled John, bar tender 621 South .
Bowers John B, cabinet maker 424 Fourth
Crawford John, police officer back 624.P1ne at - .
Cavanaugh Philip 0, oordwainer 81 Hurst
Dover Patrick, laborer 160 Fifth •
. .
Greedy James, gtorekeeper SW cor 6th & Pine
Gillespie Andrew. police officer 310 Sixth
. '
Haden Michael, laborer 8 Hurst , . -.. . , •
Halm David, baker 630 Pine
Keller Christian, tailor 024 Sixth ' . , •
Menton 'adore, phYsletan 614 Fourth
Martin Philip, laborer 210 Sixth
McAleer Charles, plumber 628 Lombard
McCauley Daniel, storekeeper 680 Lombard
Malloy James, segar.maker 418 Sixth, _ •
Nicholas Thomas, coalman SE eon Hurst A South,
O'Brien Patrick, atorelmoPer 618 Booth • . .
Rtaten George, clerk 411 Gaskill
Riker Haticilton user maker 409 Sixth
Stacy Thomas, l aborer /55 Lombard
Stapleton John D, merchant BW cor Sixth A Pine ,
Meet Frederick. restaurant 227 Sixth
Workman Charles, cordwaluer 148 Fifth
/berth Adam.
Burton John, bookbinder 124 Spruce
•, Bond William, waterman 46 Spruce • -
Curran Patrick 11, clerk 10 Addend • • .i .
Ohatoney Anginas; case maker 53 Unites
- , Chapman William, clerk 3 Londe Avenue
' Conner Patrick, hawks's:kith rear 236 Union
Cook John, clerk 927 Seeond - , .
Curran Jon, merchant 46 Spruce • -:
Cronin John, pedlar 48 Spruce • ' • •
Dwyer Edward, cordwabier 190 Spruce . . , ..
Dukemsn James, baker 803 Water
Gaffney Michael, comma - nee 7 Little Dock
Galbraith Andrew J, gilder 832 Third - ,
Gilbert Elijah, clerk 803 Ashland
Holland Dennis. laborer 29 Union . .
Holz George, grocer 286 Union
Kern Patrick lf, clerk 44 Spruce
Keegan Peter, pedlar rear 80 coSpre . .
Lilies William, boardingthonae keeper 803 Spruce •
Maher John, laborer 46 Spruce •
Murray Michael, sheet iron worker 24 Union '
McCaffrey Hugh, awe maker 10 Ashland ' ,
Ms:Gowen Charles, blacksmith 122 Sprees % '
McGinnis Hugh, polls officer 2123 Union • 1
McGinnis Jeunee, painter 223 Union • . , i
aloGinnin Marls* bonnet presser 223 Union
McElroy Thomas, nailer 44 Spruce
Owens Barnet, clerk 10 Ashland .
O'Brian Timothy, laborer 23 Union ' •
Parker John H, tailor 40 Spruce •
Ram, James, carrier 172 Water ,
Robinson Thomas 4 musician 211 Union . „
Sullivan Timothy, police officer 211 Union-
Daniel, dealer 211 Union . ' • , • ~ -
Trainer Owen, porter 81 Union .
Whilidin Luling M, clerk NW cor Second & Pine
• , Fifth Division. • -
Askhmn Luke, coach maker I.Elmsliee Alley , - - ,
Byrne William. laborer,23o Water , • -
Barr William, laborer 280 Water
Cramlie John, polisher 223 Spruce . . i
Curran William, laborer 223 Spruce
Crow John, laborer 3 Southampton Court . . • I
Crowley Bartholomew, bookseller 96 Ladd
Donnelly Hobert A, painter 10 laurel
Flteprald Michael, laborer 1 Southampton Court .. , •
Gallagher John, laborer 223 Spruce - . - -
Gillespie Obarleeta, appraiser 289 Third , ;.: , - • •
Huttenmiller Win, bartender NW cor Front & Dock
Meyer Frederick, attorney 241 Third .• ..
Jennings Hugh, salesman 13 laurel ,
Jeffries Benjamin, coach maker 289 Third
Jones Patrick, taborer 233 Spruce
Johnson John P, hatter 113 Front •
Menzel Charles, cowl maker 210 Dock . _
Mooney John, laborer 13 Laurel -
Moran John, sailor 89 Water .
lacParlin Patrick, clerk 15 Laurel •
Mapes Francis, porter 47 Spruce ~ •
h. dionnall Patrick, laborer 37 Spruce
Herten Charles, accountant 483 Spruce
Reeler Wench,. printer 142 X Second
Huai Witham 0, wire worker 200 Second
Smith Daniel, bartender 228 Spruce .
Tougher Patrick, laborer - 228 Water ... ,
White John, labane 223 Spruce . • ,
- • - Stith' Dirdirker.
Alcorn George, oordwainer 216 Pine ` ,
801 l John, Atter 216 Pine .
Borne Howard, tailor 174 Spruce , . •
Certain John, todwainer 215 Pine ,
Evans Jones 0, tuner 242 Spruce .
Elliott John, cordwalner 215 Pine „ ,
- • .
Fitch Henry, merchant 117 Benue .
Halley limnuel,eardwainee 215 Pine
Flatly Patrick, oordwainer 215 Pine
Platte, John, co - tawdrier 216 Pine •,. •
Harlow John, elordWaluer 216 Pine '
Meteor Francis, cabinet maker 807 Cypress -
Hartley Jahn,' cOrdwahter 164 Sixth •
Johnston Peter; storekeeper 880 Sixth , .
Morrow Andrew B, cordwainer 215 Pine ,
Melteesleilles. druggist 96 Pine • -
Mongolism John, cork utter 12 Cypress ,
' Main Thomee, cordwalner 216 Pine • , '
Mahon Peter, tallor 154 Stith ' •
Moore Andrew, pollee oflo - er 4 Miller's Court
McNamara BMW, cOrdwelner 216 Pine -- „
IffeltennaSastuel, actedwatrier 216 Pine
McMullin Thomas, cordwalner 216 Pine
McKenna John, tailor 1511311th
Nolen Charles, teas maker 164 Sixth
Riley Michell, picker 812 Sixth , ; ,
Stank Andrew, tailor 49 Prune ' ,
Smith Thornao,' clerk 629 Plne
Smith War Nom elork 629 Plus '
Tetoe Joeoph, cue Maker 154 Sixth
Vaughn Dante), engineer 428 Third - .
Velett victor 11, hither 842 Fourth . - , ,
Woods Monies, CeMlitelner 164131.1 th - ' :-
. add's' Diation.
, , . .
” Blackwood John, hatter NE cot Fifth A Prune
Cunningham Mattln, clerk 104 Third . ,
- Curtis William, bartender 276 Fifth .
Donohue Thomas, coacbmakor 421 Prune • . • .
Nana} Jima dl, attorney 82 Prune
Endo Monti, porter 4 Miller's Court .
Fraser Theodore IC, janitor NE con Fifth it Prime - •
Greene Charles 8, publisher 423 Spruce
Bathos Benjamin, clerk 415 Spruce
- •linime Joseph 8,0 erk 416 Spruce . , .- -
Hart Michael, confectioner 45 Prime ' .
IlaldeMan Craig, clerk 209 Sixth -
' Kline John-W. bookkeeper 400 Penns
Kelly James, vat mistier 028 Barclay ,
Meld William, locksmith 217 Fourth
' . Marlin .lotin bartender 271illith
Montgomery Casa N, printer 117 Spruce ,
' Mullin Tama, tailor 87 Fifth ,
Ide. - Bitten John, laborer 7 Bell'i Court
Penang James 11, attorney 70 Pitch
Parsons Henry 0, attorney 70 Fifth ".
Hotarts William 8, carpe
t nter 230 Fifth
Saimaa John, coachsmih.ol7 Spruce . „ ,
Smith Charles IC, storekeeper 619 Spruce
Talmadge Edward 0, agent 415 Santee , . ,
Wilma Thomas, drogglet rear 822 Walnut • . •
Welehlioliert, laborer 6 Bell's Court , •
Ware John P. clerk 622 Walnut - . .
Walker David, carpenter NW. car Fourth k Spruce
- Eighth Divines& -., ' • •
Amber Theodore, geeing maker Exchange PleCe said Cap
tar's Alley ,
Brown Richard 51, printer 26 Exchange rage . -•
(r/st Alfred, attorney 138 birth
Connell Thomas, machisthit
Dern& Michael, laborer 133 Walnut
Dougherty' John, laborer 133 Walnut
- Gilbert Edward B. meseengor 57 Third- , , • .
Gallagher John, bartender 9 Gray's Alley
• Goodwin Niel, etationer 9 Gray'. Alley • ,• '
-• ' Johnson Randall H, clerk 4 Ledge at, , --• .
"•,-,.... Keating Michael. laborer - back 11 Gray's Alley •
Kennedy William 8, sadier 80 Second •
lynch Robert, laborer 4% Norris' Alley ''. • .--
Madill:hatless A, printer 70 Second - - .
McNenny Michael, broker 42 Sixth
McWilliamoon Niel, laborer 9 Gray's Alley, • '
Slavin Thomas, bartender 42 Stith
Van Ohr Henry F, gentleman 20 Exchange Place •
. -
- First Binfrion.
Stilarsky William, porter, 0 Laetira et
Miami Richard W, bookbinder, 80 Strawberry st
Jack William, trader, SAS Third et
O'Brien John, porter,44)ihancery Sane
Amsom Charley, barber,Bl Ei Second, at
Hagen John, storekeeper, 80 Strawberry it ,
Vanosten Jaa B, merclutet, cor Market A Delaw are l i k e
Denten Edward B, Clerk, 89 N Second at .
, Second Division.
O'Sullivan Bartholomew, porter, 5 Allen's court
Smith Joseph 5, storekeeper, 125 N Second et
Wagner John A, bar-tender. 144 Race st .-
Burgauer Louie, etotekeeper, 113 N Second at
Lanaeur Jethro, dyer, 70 Recent • .
Allchla George, sheet iron worker, 118 N Front it
(Ranch Daniel B, merchant, 108 Race at '
Oromie David, aalesman, 169 N Second at ,
Gowen Edward, coach painter, 6/dloethi Poi
Morrison John 0, clerk, 1 Allan's court • •
Haggenmuller Barrios, machinist. 88 Race st
McGinley Ohaa ii, madman, log N Second at '
Ip go i r , e John, packer, 91 li Second et ' . .
Staekpole Thome, Coach - maker 9 Mineral place. -
Sheep W 11, hatter, 80 Rua at, rear • , •
Smith Charles, innkeeper, 100 14 Second et
111tOonaughy Patrick, merchant, 86 Arch at '
Third Ilitnsion; 7 ,- - '
Call Lawrence, batter, 64 Tine at - 1
Darnell Jones, bran no Snide! Stackhougg e t .
Harley Bernard, nail maker Oa North Brent at,
Moran Lawrence, portorl4o Braden' alley ,
Martin Hiram - , hatter,B7 Ceders, alloy ,
Seward Timms', porter 162 North Front at
„ MclananJameo; storkerpor,l2B North Second et ,
Siring Charles P. gentleman 140 North Second at
Vaughan Timmony, cotter 15 Dannekere et' - : ,
Bruckner August, clerk 43 Now et " ' '-„
Farrel Samuel, cordwainer,69 New se , •.' . ' -:- • ;-:
Eckhart &braked, sheet iron worker 190 ' North Second
- street,
Harris Samuel, carrier 149 North Second et
Kelly James, carrier:l4d North Second et
- Quinßobert, currier 140 North Second et'
sailor Samuel,' carver, HO North second 01 . .
Farrell James. englinierl4o,North Second at -
• Berg Honey, broth maket 202 Thie at (new) ,
MelntOth 11, lieiriterl23 Werth Second at •-•— .
Itichtuan Clement 'bartender 173 North Second street
• - '(rear) .. , .„
Pox Michael, brash maker 202 Vial et - (new)
Vaughan Joho;botler 10 .11einthbe RV: '..
1 . , Bowman Feedkjeoppeniteith'4l - Cattei alley'
- Called Pratick,onnier 102 Noith Water at
Galesbe John ,T, reateurant,keeper city hotel'
merman ivinuim . ; salogmrdi BP* it ''. ' *
Margo Charles; currier 83' Rica at (Nai)', •_•"
- Rebated °bailee Pi printer EtWe'st (fisr)‘•
—ToondiJainteg prlntml66 North attend it
/berth DittriCt.
- Zither 0 li, druggist Franklin base
• .10th Prition.
Backman Joseph, polisher 20 farmer it _
Cavanagh Ragh, porter 19 farmer at
Kopkins William K, carpenter Reventh and Carpenter
street - •
Rind Lewis 3, carpenter 218 Market at
Lynch Michael, porter 19 Farmer et
Murray HenryJ, last maker 40 North llittth
McCall Charier, moulder 19 Serener et
,Ovenshine Samuel, contractor corner of Eleventh and CU
; pouter ate'
Mare Acitnehm, tooth maker 19 North Sixth et
Mauston Thomas 11, lark 21 0
Market at
'Flanagan Thaddeus, clerk North Seventh at
,Fraser James, baker 16 Farmer at
, llnopp William, cooper 15 Firmer at
Mapes W H, silveremith MarkeVat
Merl& Jno B, bream dubber Penner st
Sausiman Abraham, merchant 402 Market et
Steeds 8 If, printer 12 North Seventh at
Bitterer Washington, carpenter 218 Market st
Ferris Daniel, porter 22 South Sixth at
Faienwider R R, eaten:tan American Hotel
: Vreeland OS, artist 202 Market et
' Wader Charles engraver 20 North et
Border George;bootmaker SO North at
King John A, printer 48 North Sixth at
Presser 360 El, restaurant Seventh and Carpenter ate
Sleeper Edwin, attorney at law 44 North fifth et
Snyder Lucien T, printer 48 North Fifth et
Shoemaker Adam, inkoeper 218 Market et
Thorn Jasper, carpenter 28 North et
Birth Division.
Rodent °bevies, porter North Filth at (rear)
Carty Lawrence, porter 19 Cherry et
Dann James, bootfitter corner of Bread and Fetter lane
Beck J N, printer ID Cherry et
Chase Saveable S, engineer 99 Arch et
Omera Timothy, bertender 19 Cherry at
&with Ditdeen.
Clery Edward Di baiter 80 North Sixth at
Stewart Samuel, cordwainer Star allay
Wont John, clerk S B corner Seventh and Race
Maloney Wm, telegraph office dormer ollizth and Om
eon alley
Smith Samuel, cordwebaer 7 Star alley
Lindsay Robert 0 .T, turner Star alley
tiering Abraham, fringe weaver 90 Cherry at
Weidner John, fringe weaver 90 Cherry et
BOMA Division.
Bates laalab, Jr, clerk 29 Branch at
Lepton French', taller N Boomer Eighth and Race at
°alum) John, carpenter 25 Maryland st
Carter Paul B, attorney as law 105 North Fifth St
Jongermau Fre4k, varnisher 8 Contra) pi
Smith Joseph B, lithographer 221 North Fifth at
Smith Thomas E. comedian 1 Farr st
Baly Peter, cordwalner 160 Vine et
Derr John, moulder 3 Falb pl
Mohler Jackson P, confectioner Branch at
Firs: Ditdrfon.
Alderman Robert, cabinetmaker, S W cur Ste A Bond
Ahern John Madman, 904 Wayne et
Buchanan John, reatenrant, lima below 9th
De (Bata Martin, tailor, 709 Lombard et
Dailey John W, printer, CO Lombard at
Huebner French 3, musk teacher, No 928 Pine et
Baylor Alfred, tailor, 914 Wayne at
Monet W H ti, shoe dealer, 928 Pine at
McKenna Robert, shoemaker. 601 Tenth et s
Shingle Alfred, printer, 421 Tenth It
Shen Emma tailor, 70a Lombard st
Sullivan L A, printer, 922 Banal at
Verdi Henry, mmuntant, 626 Eighth et
Weimar William, dealer, 010 Eighth et
, 80=1 Dirkion.
Bustard James, shoemaker,l226 South st
D‘annin John, =venter, 1200 Spruce at
Du [dewy Alexander, painter, 412 Tenth at
Daly Charles, book, Perry and Budd
Elder Thomee W, on age, Ann st
Frasier Daniel, shoemaker, 3,02 Hamilton it
Geier Jeho H, merchast4l2 Twelfth it
Born Richard J, coachmakor, 810 Tenth st
Horn Wm, merehant, 310 Tenth et
Bali James, Sr, Lithographer, 1239 Ann at
Kota Henry 0, attorney, OW Tenth st
Moore Edwin, plumber, 818 Twelfth it
McCloskey Thome', carpenter, Perry ear of Budd
McElroy Bernard, @bop keeper, 1021 Barclay st
McElroy Peter, ealannan, IMT Lombard et
Spear Matthias, shoemaker. 1110 South it
Schmitt Sylvester. baker, 822 Twelfth it
Ward John, corder, 810 Tenth st
Third Division.
Civil John, dmyman, 1812 Lombard at
Danoenhower Chas 11, paper stainer, 412 Bleight et
Dean Joesthiutß, Coachman, 1369 Daley et
Dannenbower Abraham, paper ',tamper, 412 Bleight at
De Baia J'ehp M R, book-keeper, 811. Perry et '
Fritz Michael, agent, 018 Juniper et
Hail Chas M; blacluimith, 408 Perry et
Rene Joseph, patter, 408 Perry at
Leery Wm A, bookseller, 821 Thirteenth et
Maull Thome, blacksmith, 416 Orleans at
McDevitt Thouies, blacksmith, 3 3 4 Perry at
McClaughlin Andrew, clerk, 1827 Lombard et
McCullough Peter, painter, DM Thirteenth st
tdeAunaw Wm, blackernith,'sl4 Thirteenth it
Rogers Wm, type rounder , 243 Lombard it
Ramage Wm, shoemaker, Owen
Robbins Joseph W, salesmen, 412 Diegh at
thado George, painter, 412 Dleigh et
Btienbick Frederick, blacksmith, 326 Juniper at
Underwood George, salesman, 1314 Lombard as
Boyle Henry, laborer, 1518 Carver et
Been James, ostler, Patton's court
Cahill Thomsen ehoemaker, 1513 South et
Deandler Lewis, carter, Kiniey's court
Dolan Chas, shoomaker,lBo3 Lombard at
Johnson monies, painter, KinleVe court
Ingham Win A, attorney. 824 Sixteenth at
Henna James ; laborer, 8622 Helmuth at
King Idnaid, judge, 816 Fifteenth at
Logan James, warshoinemen.l3oB Donley at
Murphy Samuel .1; plasterer, 319 Dugan at
McCombs John, volute; 1517 Burton at
McGarry John, carpenter, Mt Lombard it
McKenna James, shoemaker, 1042 Helmuth at
McCall& Alexander, fmndryznan, 815 Dugan at
Blonde Joseph 0, bricklayer, 410 Juniper at
Pollock Charles, paioter, 1800 Lombard at
Robinson David, coachmen,ll26
Rena James, letterer, 1829 Lombard
Stephen John, waiter 1817 Lombard et
Steel Clidattmher, pa inter, 1627 South it
Snyder George, supervisor, 814 Sixteenth at
White James R, carpenter, 1629 Loint and it
Ward Jamul W, ntschinbt, 1400 Ring et
Fifth' Division,
Bancroft Samuel, book-keeper, 1817 Lombard it
Bushell Jobe, (on age) blacksmith. 1821 South at
Cumming' irevitt W,drygist, 837 Eighteenth at
Carter Samuel D, printer, 1817 Lombard at
Nakamura Gee W 4 carpenter,l73o Ooze at
Divine Patrick, saddler, Sighteeeth and Addison
Galan John, coachman, 2 Lawmen It
Ilewine Richard, engineer, 1829 Adam et
Jeffries John L, conductor, 1705 Addison at
Keoeo fineries, atone cutter, (on age)l737 Carter at
Little John; liquor dealer, 1782 Lombard at
Martin Michael, laborer, Burton at
Ober John, brtokmaker, Addison it
Bowline Jenne, brkkmaiker, Lombard bet 19th st
Vanhorn Jade', bricklayer, 616 Nineteenth at
' ' Sixth Diviiims,
Davie Robert, ougine..r, 1054 Bewail at
Devonshire 3eremieb, shoemaker, 0 Reynold place
Ewing Arthur, railroad man, nor 19th and Wilcox at
Forums Patrick, shoemaker. 410 Twentieth at
Gardiner Samuel, laborer, 1911 MOWED at
Hallinsgworib Henry, liquor dealer, 25th and South ate
Harris John, drayman, 20th and Hampton
Jackson Robert _iJ Paper /Milner, 1917 Wilcox at
Stephen Henry B, printer, 8 Ringgold at
Sweeney &mini, weaver, South Oove 20th
&Relent= Gee, madder, Hampton and 20th
Money John, laborer, IE4I ilanartned
Taylor Charts', minter, 2010 Harrhion at
Tinney Wm, weaver, 2015 Booth at
Sevaith Division.
Markey Thomas, laborer, Clay at
ktolineaux Jonathan, stove maker 21st and Pine
McGlennln James, laborer, cor William and Pine
MoClabe John, shoemaker, Beach and Wilcox
Eighth Division.
Glenn Samuel, laborer, 2104 Wilkw et
Haggerty John J, foremen, Bank et
'FEW Division.
Armstrong W 0, gent 720 Chestnut at
Delechrey Jas, cordwelner 827 Locust at
Praiser Wm, clerk 60 George
!Elating George, gent 25 BalsOm
Kerney Richard bar tender 60 George
Lay Conrad , cabinet maker 1120 Loynd
Miller William, book binder 226 Eighth
Murphey John, pedler 1 juniper, alley
Mickey George it, gent 26 Sans= at
Norton James, =duet= 827 Locust
Rosa L D, inspector 807 Banana
Byan Thomas, gent 1 Duponeeau
Snyder Thornaa,Jeweler 223 Dopoucean
Smith Wm, gent 218 Acorn alley
Turner Breads, tailor 8 Handle* court
Donghertyi Aimee, nordwainer 6 Print/ell court
Cummings Jiesb, gas filter 821 Walnut at
Lyons Peter. gent 5 bandies court
Mann Chas 0, gent 31 &mom at
MeOnilongh Petri*, gardener 5 Bindles court
IliwrringWm clerk ECM Eighth et
Vinton Ohm A. clerk 704. Bannon
Markel John, gent 41 George
Steen% Division.
Weeks Joseph, cordwelner 242 Eleventh et
Pechln gent 1623 Spruce
Pectin E D, gent 1523 Spruce
Campbell Charles, gent 1020 Linnet
Fitzgerald George, porter 228 Raspberry alley
Moines!' Harry, morocco drown 2/2 Prosperous alle y
Marren Thomas, bar tender 222 Prosperous alley
Weeks B F, carpenter 242 Eleventh at
Cooper Win If, merchant 247 Dean
Third Dirtaket.
Dino, Delia B, gent 1210 Walnut et
Davie 0 W, attorney 1210 Waleut
Daly Patrick, cordwalner 1219 hornet
Driest Joseph, bream moulder 212 Eleventh
Logan Peter, gent 1402 Walnut
Campbell Charles, clerk 818 wend
DanetJamea, saddler 1226 Locust
Hell Themes attorney luo2 Walnut
McOineker Patrick, hatter 1021 Locnat
McCartyMlebael, grocer 210 Eleventh
Boby David El; attorney 220 nrOld
Bitter Chula Id, merchant 109 Thirteenth
Snowden A L, clerk 220 Broad
Mania Dirttion.
'Brunson Andrew, MD 1415 Walnut et
Beale loseph,Ml)l424 Cheetacit
Braceland W J, upholstererllB Thirteenth
Wartman George, butcher 1803 Caere
Campbell Wm B,sent 1018 Chestnut '
Dater Clasper, brewer 1012 George
Posner lienry,Vabinet maker 1010 George
Hum Kelloriclork /018 abating
Koehler Adolph, cabinet maker 1010 George L
Mauler Charles , locksmith 1004 Juniper
Nome Wm G, engineer 1128 Chestnut
Menlo George A, 'Berk 1800 Oheatont
ETA Dirttion.
Buck Charles B, gent He Twentieth et
'Bowen Martin, printer Moloney
Brown Henry, stone crater Moloney
Durk John, laborer Cooper
Boyles John, cordwaluer Twentieth above Spruce
Bailey Christopher, laborer Twentieth above Spruce
wee Francis J brickmaker Park avenue
Nigher, Neil, laborer Maloney at
Daugherty Jamm, laborer &loner
Delleker 0004 thrift 118 Twentieth
Dougherty Wm, laborer 2011, above Spruce
Everett Harris, merchant 485 Locust
Espy Mika p, broker 91 south Seventeenth
Edmondson John,' painter Park avenue
Bond John; clerk 4 Cooper at
Penney Joha, laborer IS °Goner
Penney Samuel, laborer 20th and Murray
Walton 3,-merchant 10th below Walnut
Pay John.nordwalner 20th above Spruce
Gaol Martin, brewer 401 Locuet
°often Henry, cordwelner 25th above Spruce
Hamilton Richard, laborer 21st below Walnut
Hastings James, gent 122 Twentieth
Hastings Wm, gent 122 Twentieth
'Hoyt Henry, tailor 120 Twentieth
Harmstead Harvey, brick layer 118 Twentieth
Ilarmatead Henry, clerk 116 Twentieth
Hannstead Oilier P, bricklayer 116 Twentieth •
Harding Josiah, gent NW corner Locust and 10th
Harmaread Wm, clerk 1019 Chancellor
Ha ley Wm, cordwalner 20th above Spruce
Harley James, cordwsiner Psth above Spruce
Hagerty John, cordwalner 20th above Spruce
Haddon Berard, card trainer 20th above Spruce
Hagerty John cordwaluer 20th above Spruce
Barrington E mmond, gent 1014 Plymouth
Moore James, laborer Caper
Mullen Wee, laborer Ocoee
Montgomery Joseph, cordwalner 20th above Spruce
tioLOnghiln Wm, carter 21.1 below Locust
MoNneker PetriA, clerk Mollony
Metne Wm; carter Mellon;
Mcßride Bernard, tailor 009Pke • „
IdeDevitt Henry, laborer r.
McKinney inuone4 *deviling' Wiliam
McGinley Edwerd kroner 20th and Murray
Idcoo6l Wm, blatimmlth 20th Marta EOM*
McCabe Richard, clirdwainer 20th above Spruce
litcladden Wm, sordwalner 20th 0070 sPng.
McCann John, laborer 170 Lewis
McGinley Thigh, rertiffaluer
Nadia Henry. labeler Coy.
Midis lingtnlabOker 00004
Nesbit Jame!, ear bulkier Park plan
°wars Was, DD 20th and Marry ate
O'Brien peter,labonr 20th above Spence
O'Donnell Patrick; gardener 20th obove Spruce
O'Neil Saran, !ebony 20th above Spruce :-
Prager Geo, tonabsoniet 24th 'gave Sprite
Phlitlps Geo, agent, 20th above brew
PHiss Bladed*, baker 20th above Spruce
Painter John, clerk 20th above Spruce
Reed Jame; Maelalehit 20th above Spice
Rodgers Wm; Cordweluer 20th above Spruce
DadatThorowrinweer2lo7 Locust
Simpembliptit, !Ent 9oth Marrs Spina)
Small Philip, liberty 200 abovellprace
Small Ohm, laborer 20th above Spruce
tiberidan Johnj oordwebrer 20th übpre Spruce
'Simpson Anthony, clerk 2214 Fat
Thorn Rauch, carpenter 114 south 20th
Toland 54w , laborer
, Tully John, stone cutter William
Tried Owen. cordwainer 20th above Spruce
Valentine Joseph, carter 18th and Ann
White Arthur, distiller 20th and Locus t
White Patrick, distiller 20th and Locust
Watmough Janice 11, gang Walnut west of 20th
Willson N9ililam, painter 124 south 20th
Webster William, briokmaker 128 south 20th
' Web,ter Edward, brlokmaker 128 south 20th
Keating Michael, laborer 2031 Murray
BI WA Division.
Dunning Edward, storokeep.r 28d and Chestnut
Lerden Cornelius, dealer Beach st east aide
Markward Harvey, meson 105 Dunlap
Shannon Thomas, driver 1707 Lewis
Canfield Patrick. laborer 23d and Walnut
Lukens Casper, MD 129 eolith 17th
I Salmons David, broker Walnut
Fine Division.
John H. Ford, carpenter, 51 n Bth et
Michael Oriley, butler, 62 u 7th et
W W Bishop, Jeweler, 915 Cheenut et
F Blehop, gold chitin maker, 916 Chesnut et
J A Jenks, attorney, 804 Arch at
Findley Longhand, clerk, 718 Market et
Charles B Reese, gent, 817 Filbert at
Martin F Reels, engineer, 817 Filbert at
Hiram Wiener, m. d., 817 Filbert et
Second DinirCon.
William L Bryan, printer, a w cor 9th and Filbert et
Thee 0 Base, tobacconist, e w cor 9th and Filbert at
A G Dubamel, clerk, 817 Filbert at
Peter Bolan, block cutter, Prospect alley
Charles Hartshorn, gent, 932 Arch et
Bobt F Meredith, police officer, Hyde's court
Owen McAdams, shoemaker, a w cor 9th and Filbert its
Charles Mintzer, carpenter, 41 n 10th at
Charles Manger, shoemaker, 816 Filbert at
Michael McWilliams, bar tender, 7 Prospect alley
James McCauley, box maker, a o cor elk and Market ate
Henry liimpaon, tobacconist, 938 Market at
Jacob Cole ' shoecutter, e w err 9th and Filbert ate
E Cheek, merchant, 933 Christian at
John Coughlin, dealer, 6 Fayette at
John 0 Hatton, m. d., market, bet 9th and 101 h
John A Hunter, pump Maker, 831 Market at
James 0 Brian, carpenter, Paquler court
Patrick 0 Sean,' carpenter, 89 n 9th at
Charles Bowand, tinsmith, n w cor 9th and Filbert ate
J J Storer, clerk, 938 Chesnut at
Christopher Worthie, labourer, 836 Market at
Coulee Watkin, broker, 904 Arch at
- Thing Marion.
JotsPb A7011= 1411 % gent, 11th et WI Filbert
Oharles Stirlen, wheelwright, 1131 Market at
William Heaney, blacksmith, 1127 Girard at
joeaph Heaid, clerk, 1115 Market at
Ames 8 Jones, Damn)), w cor 9th and Filbert et
Pat hicOreatal, welter, 1109 Chesnut at
Edward Ogden, druggist, Arch et 661 11th
William Priest, gu sitttr,llo7 court
T Morris Perot, druggist, Arch, bet 10th and 11th the
Edwin 4 Wright, Wessman, 13, bet Filbert and Lawrence
A W Whinier, salaams°, 1107 Market it
D W Waller', shoemaker, 1115 Market et
Robt H bleCirstb, gent, 1114 Arch et
John M McGrath, dentlet,lll4 Arab it
William Farris, blackeinith, Hunter st
Josiah Bartley; plate printer, 1112 Market at
W Cionorer, tinsmith, 41 n 10th It
Charles H Dewing, collector, Market at, bel 12th
William Farris; blaektinitb, Boater et
John Hayden, labourer, Hunter at
Lewis Jones,,tallor, 1127 Market at
11 8 Ming, cathenter; 1613 Hinter st
Y E Swope, collector, n a cor 10th and Market
Jacob Staley, dealer, Planter et
.Fburik Diottion.
John OaSeger, bookbinder, 1823 Market it
Charles 0 Hogan, bar tender, 1823 Market st
John Questa, mlesman, w cor 10th and Market eta
Uennr Shields, dryer, 1323 Market et
George 0 Thomas agent, 1212 knob
Hugh McMenamin, shoemaker. 1319 Markel at
David Bower, carpenter: 1220 Market at
Peter Oalan, dealer, Lawrence et
Nathan Olasoow, carpenter, 1937 Market at
Dom N 011 t, engineer, litoad and Cuthbert
OW McWilliams, salesman, 18 a 18th at
L Itiolterisett, carpenter 1220 Market it
Joseph T Statutes', printer, 1214 Filbert st
Thom O Whitelock, tobacoonist 1338 Market et
POWs Division.
John Doyle, labourer, 20 Benton at
William Babb, clerk, 1509 Market et
Jaekson Dunn, clerk, 1509 Market at
JAMS Males. plumber, 16th it, bet Market and Chesnut
John Karim, plumber, 16th at, bet Market and Otteenut
John lintrlkin, hotel keeper, 1609 Market et
A W Mitebell, m. d., 1418 Filbert at
Darned hicapekey, tinemith, 1638 Market at
Wham D Potts, merchant, s w ear 16th and Arch el
William B Potts, merchant, a your 15th and Arch ere
Thos L Potts, clerk, a tv cor 16th and Arch ate
James Potts, clerk, I w tor 16th and Arch etc '
William Preston, printer, 16th at, between Market and
°beano& '
Daniel Armstrong, agent, dB Broad at
J 116104 Lena, boarding house, 12 s 16th at
Dinh! IfoNells, coachman, Filbert at w of 16th
Joseph B Rapport, plasterer, 1610 Filbert it
Albert Bilmoder, confectioner, 3208 Market at
Daniel P. Vandegriiti gm, meter maker. 1608 Filbert at
Nathan Waltwork, dealer. 19 Howard at
Sixth Diristrm.
. .
WBlfem Darns, storekeeper, Mb to, Let !dirket and Ili
John 011ne, baclcmaker, Parker at, w of 17th et
George Ohessmau, brlekmaker, Barker et, w of 17th at
Jeqes, Donde, coachman, 1611 Linden et
IV 11 R.skine, goldbeeter, 19 n 17th et
11d L Zones, attorney, Parket it, bet 16th and 17th
Pdward Seurat, Carpenter, 1713 Market et
James Kelley, pipe founder. lel6 Barker st
0 W Hass, mentseturer. 17f6 Porker it
Thos H torering, clerk, 1733 Battler at
henry Smith, moulder, Jones et bet 171 b and 161 h
Bentainln T.Zebly, Carpenter, 83 a 17th et
Alfred P Zebly, carpenter, 33 s 17th et
Seventh Min:eon.
Samuel Myth, laborer. Arch at, between 19th and 20th
Pat Brady. laborer, 1915 Market at
Thomas Burns, coachman, Cuthbert street, west of 16th
Nicholas Brown, coachman, 1982 Cuthbert at
Henry 8 Orabbe, D 11 Navy, 1830 Chesnut st
W H Chubb°, attorney,lBB7 Chesaut st
James Oath, coachman, 1880 Market st
John Bents, coaohmsd, Jonas at, ab 15&h
Owen Flaherty, laborer, Jones at, bet 20th and 2119
Jeremiah Meld', restaurant, 902 Market et
Michael Harvey,. laborer, 913 Market at
.1 8 Marray, machinist, 31118th at
James McDonald, Jr, clerk, 18 n 18th
Daniel McMenensan, storekeeper, 19th and Market
John literlson, driver, Jones at, bet 18th and 19914
Jolla B Wilson, silversmith. 1919 Filbert at
Dighth Division.
Hugh Brannon, laborer, tattabert ot, bet 21st and 834
Pat Brady, boatman, Cuthbert at, be 21 and 22d
t 2 11 Baker, beam turner 4 n Stet et
Michael Carry, laborer, Joliet et, m or 20th
Thniel Duncrran, laborer, Market et, bet 21et and 224
Thee Flnlgen, plasterer, Market at, bet 2181 and 224 ,
John Energy, laborer, Jones at, w of 20th
Patrick Ferrel, laborer,sJones at mot 20th
Moots Halby, laborer, 20th and zones it
John Knickerbocker, boiler maker, 2209 Blmee at
Andrew Laugherg, laborer. cor 21st and Filbert
Barnet Lynch, latioria, 2128 Cuthbert et
Marko llehatiy, taller, Met and Cuthbert et
Kobt Rltherford,Clettar,2l ab Market
Thee Moran, laborer, tor 21et and Filbert eta
Michael McVay; boatman, Filbert, mot 224
James MoAlireel cartrr, 2110 Cuthbert et
Thos Partlasd, laborer, Filbert at, w of2Oth
William Reynolds, laborer, cor of 21st and Elbert ate
Job* Rithertord, carter 2181 et, bet Filbert and Aroh
Barnard Riley, laborTEer. W NT il beHrWAt et, w RD ot 20th
/fabler Werner, machfulotat 731 Cherry at
.43brtsteson Merles, shoemaker 160 Eighth at
Chtemyer 0 W, bookbinder 806 Arch et
hunt Edward P, aelestnan. 805 Arch at
Slants Jetties, merchant 717 Arch at
Johnson Geo. seaman Thntleld Mace
Lindsay Jr Win, ateiobuteker Unit court
hinthey Or. .Wm, podgier Dolt court
Loercher lunch, lallor 708 Ilse. at
Price giu:dnel, baker 161 N Eighth et
Eagan John Jr, plumber 720 Cherry et
daxklein John, restaurant 147 Math it
Scholar Philip, machinist Freed, ar
Stumps J K G, musician 728 Vine at
Streney Chas, cutter 12 Eigtah at
Underhill Beni, clerk 7 N of Arch et
Wagner Johu, Mike 831 Arch et
&riond Dirdsirm.
Beta John, sheemaker 208 Ehtlith et
Bross John 11, clerk 838 Vine et
Dorechell Leonard, ehoemaker 208 Eighth it
Itemanwarttry Auguat, shoemaker 2CB Eighth at
Hart Samuel, gent 913 Arch st
Hamel John, itheemaker 933 Market st
Irvine John, sateimau Eighth H of Arch
Kennedy Jolla, tailor IN Bate st •
Leonard - Thera cat Teeter 160;ellotti st
Kenny Thom, cordwaluer 208• Eighth at
Meisel Peter, cordwainer 238 Eighth at
Model Avguatus. tinsmith' Mechanic; st
Mudd Lewis, tinsmith 206-klecia most
Nelson Obaa carpenter 931 Cherry st
'Packer Edwin ler machinist Webb alley
Tolman Thom, merchant 033 Race it
Tupler Win, ehrnaker 247 Tenth at
, ThOl Makkah
Barry Phillip, eateeman, 212 Tenth below Vino
Clark Edwin M, bookbinder 212 Tenth st
Oaken David coachman 212 Madison at
Cooper B bOokkeeper 262 Madison at
pox Jos, combitisker' /021 North et
Goldman John W, lignor dealer 1028 Castle at .
Doane Jonathan, carpenterl2 Vine at
Harley John, tailor Tenth ah Race
Hutchinson Wm II machinist 219 Twelfth et
Hood Francis, teacher Eleventh et ab Goole
Noble Jos A, boolibladerlo2o North at
'RIM Martin, 'hordes/kr 280 Eleventh at
Bice Alfred If, clerk 260 E'sVenth it
Bkhardshe W, Ithear'le alley
Stokes imbue, Odoper 227 Madison st
Schmidt Geo O, tilisMith Castle et
Tboruat Irvin; oQ7933tioner 1118 Race at
Trelchal Chu, corker Share illeY
treraock Robert, coachman 240 moisoa If
Wilkinion Jos, J sppenrr Shut court
Yardley Henry A, student 1006 Arch it
Anderson Robert T, wheelwright Hornless,
Bates Levi, Wier Cherry at I•
Bstayh Thee, widen* Arch It
tobacconist 181 Eleventh st
Darlington Richard, hatcher 1210 Chem at
' Dotter Ainslie-M. gent 231 Thiateenth et
Hints JaCOb t _dosler,Eitonnithat het Rice
biuderman usury, toaehrnaker /2 De Bidden alley
Mooney Joel liquor dealer 101 Jacoby it :
;Rudolf& JO9ol7ba Matchmaker Twelfth at bel Race
Taylor John, gent 142 Eleventh et
winger usthirmagyerplater 230 Thirteenth at
Betiodield) NothiPainter 226 Twelfth et
; Fifth Division.
, •
Butkwaller Ilea c W, Machinist 235 Lybrand ft
Brown Chu, musician Thirteenth - Iml Race
Oavensugh Edward, wheelwright Broad and Rao
Coiling Edward, etonecotter Bache et
Oeaskly Wm. blacksmith Broad and Race
Dougherty Chas, laborer oor Thirteenth and Vine
Garrison Wm, eheemaker 10 Bathe at
trench David 0, pattern maker Broad at; Race
Little Townsend; /Muter juniper at
'Miller Wm B, silVetinalth 'Fifteenth op Ritihouse eq
liotlonry George, carpenter 281 Perry it
O'Connor Timothy, her tender Broad and Race
Reeder Benj. shoemaker 1808 Vlnest
Shuster Band, bricklayer 1008 Tine st
TaggOirt 'Wto, leboreettioM and Baca
White Edward, inn keeper nor of Vine and Perry
- „
801 l Geo. ft It agent 201 Fifteenth at '
Brads); Eugene, polkethan 322 King at
Bauer David, estlerll3B Fifteenth at
Griner Wm, laborer Milner° ar
Bice Samuel, gent Arch et
Yeager Hiram W0i11c01622 Rittenhouse et
• --; Seventh Division.
wallet, Plate printer Winter et
00wii • Mu D, clerk 1614 Cherry at
Pernold B X, blacksmith Seventeenth it ab Race
Hibbs They smith Winter et ,ENt Seventeenth
Hibbs Chad 111, Carpenter Winter et E of Seventeenth
Hey, John, Smith 128 Sixteenth et
Stewart Ganditoo, waiter Grace at •
Taggart John. Esq, gent Winter et W of Sixteenth
" Righth Division.
Cummings Mei, pupil Blind Institute
Crawford John IL coal merchant 108 Friedland at
Gave Thomak B, carpenter 2082 21 inter st
Clark Jacob H, athlete! Cower maker 2028 Winter et
Dubin Clyruer, pupil Blind Institute
DrastPetter, bookbinder 2021 Sommer et
Drip ;hint 0.-milkman Twee ty-secood bet Vinoat
runtimes Walter, photographer 2010 Vine et
Eaglet JohnP pupil Blind Institute
Yowler,Wme plasterer Tower, st
Flanigan EdwillentemaToWet•et
Gewon ilerlivr,mereheraLTirentleth it at; Winter
garniltorcdas, Budd Xnetitote
yOnes Elms A, gent Twentieth at ab Race
31.21 1 1 .1 1 1 I l e m n;y 1 rett ul'1 7 1 191Witt iti g te
litakitieJll3loloPli Wier lit David et
Meyers Theo, bookseller Summer it
,Mundeplut Ts /MOM 1181.811010 W at
ltersholiAbrenexu,sterk 211 Twentieth et
Mink Micheal, dealer back of 240 Winter at
, A l / 8 11 Oho If, AsrotrootuniailliVirtut*r at
geilerAbrietteadessinrhiemeani.WitiTsrenty Bret
yjnyard-Jes, comecter2lB2Wiater at ; 119
Williams Michael, pupil Blind Institute ,
Watson les,,emithhaehto o
Zell rhos, merchant tisolistiW of tt neteenth.
.1 ,L,: EhMitril WARD:,
Boyle James, morocco dr 829 St'John at
Boyer Edward B, bookbinder 208 Wood it
Moats John 0 Jr, engineer 834 Front at
Fenner Samuel, clerk 346 Front at
Gardiner John 0, foreman 321 Now Market et,
Hanlon Patrick, laborer 329 tit John et
'Hein Michael, brewer North,' court
O'Neil Fluorin P, tinsmith 33 Now Market at
Sullivan Dennis, laborer 7 Avenue o
Weber George, cabinet maker BM St John at
Weill Bartholomew 3, Clerk 331 Si John at
Yoder Samuel, machinist Holmes' alley
Raggly Henry, barkeeper 421 St John at
Heimann Raymond, Joweller 404 Second et
Johnsen, George, laborer 417 Front et
Maguire Patrick, laborer 417 Front et
Schuler Charles, dealer St John's Place
Thetas Theodore, clerk 421 Sr John it
Third Division.
Allen ltutholomew, carpenter Noble it back
Br AvnellGeorge, copperamlib, Orawford'a court
&Mader Rinehardoinemlth 207 Peg it
Venborn John, cordwainer, 821 Front et
fourth Division.
Anderson John, laborer 1 Steam Mill alley
Bash Hiram, laborer Butz's court
Garner Thomas li, dealer Red Lion Hotel
Schultz Frederick, pattern water, 602 Second et
Theuren John, Innkeeper, 420 Second at
Mph Moinon.
Braun Simon, segar maker 234 Noble it
Barth John F, machinist, 849 Third at
Lebort Christian, barber 631 Third at
Wilkins Jacob F, gentleman N Penn Hotel
dirth Division.
Blya Henry, innkeeper, 601 Third at
Eitel Joseph, Innkeeper 628 8t John et
Eckhardt 13 F, dealer 009 St John at
Elk Frederiok, floisher 614 Tametind at
Fat Ernst, barber, 610 St John at
HUTIBICker Daniel, tiegar maker 622 Third at
Irbmin William, barber 010 Third at
Lehner John M, innkeeper 611 Third at
Meager Peter, Clove finisher, 630 Brook at
Mock George, comb maker 210 Goateed
Notter William, cedar opoper 623 Third at
Oolstagelerel Frederick, tailor 014 Tamarind at
Piro Omaha, turner 641 Tamarind at
Jill y Henry, gnotmith, 107 Green et
Stretch William Jr, cordwainer 609 New Market et
Stretch Samuel 0, potter 609 New Market it
tirwiler John, victualler 022 Front at
Seventh Division.
Carla Matthew, plasterer, 710 Second at
Cassidy William, carpenter Baker's court
Donahue Michael, laborer 718 Front at
Mashes John, laborer 729 Front it
Kennedy William D, carpenter 718 Front at
Lineeheban Daniel, laborer 928 Front at
canard James, Waterman 698 Pront et
Morrie Robert, cif holgterer, 2 Ilarrlson Placa
Moore Christian. inukepeer 210 Drown at
Ranken Abraham, engineer Baker' court
Thorman Rinaldo, painter 707 Third et
Thurman °bade. 0, tailor, 707 Third at
Sages Edward, saddler 117 Coates at
Sage° Henry, combinaltor 117 Coate, at
Sagee Andrew, umbrella maker, 117 Coates at
• ' ' .golgh DiViSiOS.
Clark William, Megalith 823 New Market it
Flart George W, clerk 808 Second at
Kenny James, aordwaluer, 818 Second at
Knit William, laborer, Oldham court •
Kntepp Solomon, baker 888 fit John et
Mullin Michael, weaver, 6 Brown at
Mullin Jame, J. trunk maker 6 Brown at
Thiel Joseph, tailor 148 Poplar it
Fad Division.
Robt K Antony, coacbmaker rear 328 Callowl at
James Boucher, matter 823 Wood at
Philip Bartow, clerk 418 Third at
D A Clark, clerk 418 Third at
Ernst Doreen:lB, clerk 310 Callow ill
Wm W Fryer, driver 827 Vine at
John Falkner, morocco dreeser, 3 Dillwyn
Wm Ladrick, baker 318 Callowhill
Tboa Lerkinv, morocco dresser 8 Diliwyn Place
Julius Miller, merchant 823 Vino at
Patrick MoNerven, tipetave 348 Third et
Elijah Pgor, agent 867 renrib at
Ezra G Webater, cutter 848 Third at
gond Division.
Chas Barth, cordwalner 420 Fourth at
Wm 0 llaonla, student 824 Crown at
Wm Lottord Sr, Ixatmakar 603 Wood et
John W Alegousgal, compoeltor 418 Vine at
John Mick, cordwaluer 420 Fourth at
Jacob 0,10, clerk 60L Fine at
Michael Stele, cordwalner 420 Fourth at
David W Williamson, no tar 433 Oallowhill et
d'hirct Dfeition,
Richard Muff, carrier, 610 Third et
J K Cummings, hardware merch't 809 Noblest
Edmund Greenwood, tinsmith 510 Third et
Deo Grosman, merchant 822 Third et
John U Uses. packer, 610 Third st
Wm B Kerlich, grccer 8 II cur 3d end Green
Chas Reach, printer 474 Third et
French) Loran, clerk 422 Buttonwood it
John Lindsay, painter 627 York Ar
John Liedeay Jr, painter 621 York Ar
Richard Moore, clerk 408 Furth it
Richard G Nutt,seger maker 618 Third st
Geo W Noll, printer din Green it
Petrick O'Donnell, porter 14 Tammany Court
John 0 Shubert, s h opkeeper 644 Third at
John Wilson, merchant 523 Dlliwyn st
Samuel Wright, bricklayer 1/6 York Ay
Philip Wilson, merchant, 698 Fourth it
./4dirik Afrhtion
iJrlab K Arnold, clock 610 Chatham at
Thou 15 Alexander; clerk 469 Sixth et
John Collins, carpenter 9 Wigner'e Court
Theodore A Denhne, MD 688 Fourth at
Alex Dougherty, type dresser 619 Chatham at
Wm II Severna, clerk, 521 Chatham at
Chas Ii Watson, teacher 625 Noble at
John Whiteman, trunkmaker 624 Noble et
Fifth Division.
Jae Bradshaw, Iron foundry, 012 Third at
Frederick Bickle, chaltmakor 9 Kotler's Mee *
Henry Repos, blacksmith 444. Marled
John 0 grouse, brewer 428 Coates et
John Knlb, bottler aie Browp et
Oeo D Krtppe, blackemith 444 Marla et
John leachel, turner 726 Third st
Chaerßurtit, bar keeper 435 o.aleatit
Joseph Pettit; printer NE cox 6511 and Coates st
Caspar Pelster; wheelwright 322 Goatee st
Frederick Sorters, cutter 724 Third et
Christopher Strickle, inn keeper 022 Third st
Bohn Schnettmen, optician Eromer'e Court
Robt M Sloodel, umbrella maker 708 Fourth
Morris Slinlear, policeman 718 Third st
Siva Median.
John P Baur, pa'uterB24 Fourth at
Watson Deal, tinsmith 880 Fourth at
Criah Falwell, tomer 868 Fourth it
Jtseph Folwelljr, turner SOS Fourth it
Henry Failing, tailor MI Apple it
Fatal 8 darner, obluat Metter 664 Fourth el
Peter Gruber, inn keeper, 840 Third it
J W Klurap, elver plater 887 Fifth at
Tabus Lapp, laborer roar 817 Apple et
' Franck Ii Moor, Jeweller 430 Poplar at ,
Jamb alyhafer, laborer 859 Apple et
John Potter, platterer 824 fourth at
Wm Street. tinsmith rear 800 Fourth at
Adam Schlethter, manure 822 Fourth et
Koury Stay, butcher . 863 Apple at
Jacob F Shield', driver 822 Fourth it
Selman !Noodle, gentleman 403 Poplar at
Christian Schneider, inn keeper 800 Seel th st
Geo, A Frautman, tailor 856 Apple et
Chas IValhoher, laborer, 894 Fourth it
Jacob Wiseman, combrooker 831 Charlotte et
Joseph Watteeman, tailor 410 Poplar it
Seventh Di vision,
Reese Demettudt, pettier 686 Sixth et
Jacob S Fl 7, merchant 857 Sixth xi
Franklin B Udine,. painter 8 E oor 6th end Finish
Valentine Kolb. tailor 2 Wartie Ooprt
Jahn Rohde, tailor 668 Orchard St
Edwin Shinn, upholsterer 800 Randolph it
Thoa E Walton merchant 834 Binh et
James Weston, Innkeeper S W 6th and Poplar
Geo Webb, bricklayer 878 Apple It
Ara Ddvirion.
Brown It HID. M D, 8 E cm Franklin and Willow its.
Baugh D R, gent 432 7th street
Clyne O W, cutter 432 Marshall street
Haas Saml, victualler, Callowhilab Franklin street
Rumor Wm I, accountant hid oth street
Malone N B, store keeper 718 Wood street
Reynolds Ample; dentiat 633 }'lee "treat
Shoemaker Julian, book binder ruCall o wl l filstrp e t
Stanley_ W U, carmen 107 Wood street
Slues Meg druggist 834 ,6th street
Squibb J IT, druggist 707 Wood Most
Standerutson John, cordwainer NE oor Stir A Vine its ,
Turner J 11, inn keeper SW eor Franklin A Gallorbill its
Vandyke Wm, solemn 700 Callowbill street
Robringer John, cordwalner 230 Bth street
Bolder Francis, victualler Pleasant bet 10th street
°galena Wm, upholsterer 809 Vine street
• Onekeden Robt, bar tender 830 Oallowhill street
Davis John, store keeper 908 Ridge avenue
Fees John, laborer Willow above 8111 Street
Frederick 0 N, grocer 920 Oallowlilll street
Findley Simon, cordwalner Pleasant 10th Strut
Gensler lieniy,.barber NW cor 9th and Torr Its
Huth 0 Fi book keeper Oallowhlll ab Willow eared
Ileinech Oeo V, dealer SW cor
Rave Gerds and Willow sts
Jones W bricklayer NW car and Wood st
Keene 0 %box maker fib elk at
Kelley John, dealer Bth ab Wool at
Morgan Semi, upholsterer 903 Oellowhill It
Opel John, laborer Oallowitill eh Bth st
Potter Joseph, carpenter 911 Callowhill at
Peetez J R, Minim dealer 833 OeJlowlitti it
Itockoobtal 000, painter 903 Oa lowhill at
Ryan John GI, moulder 917 Wood at
Stiles 0 W, dealer 89 car 10th and Wood at
Matta Win; cordwalner Oallowhlll lest 9th at
Torrence Semi, Stone aottar Began 4 Oallowblit It;
Webber Ootlelb.oont,otioner Wood bol 10th at
Weudtach Chas F, cordwalner Otuden ab Wood at
Third Division.
Bear J W, clerk 912 Spring Garden et
Cadwallader Edw 0, store keeper 452 Franklin et
Feeley W 0, manufacturer 713 Spring Garden at
Potteß 0, book keeper 404 Bth at .
Parker Joseph D, hatter Logan ab Buttonwood at
Pirkero P, bettor Logan ab Btittonwood at
Rockwell 0 W, gal fitter Nkl cot Unita & 8 Garden eta
Sprunk Bernhard, conveyancer 803 Noble at
, . ,
'aura Division,
Allen Geo W, turner 013 Nectarine at
Belrleln Adolph, cabinetmaker Plaasant htd I.oth
Brophy p J ; book binder' 804 Nectarine et
Baker ft 0, clerk NB cot oth k Depot et
Ohamborii Jobb. nomchant (Marten ab Noble at'
'Erbeii, Chas, bricklayer 903 Spring Garden et
Billettlirtn, gent 450 9111 at
'Fay Wm, 141101 . 819 Buttonwood at
Flanagan Woilt, plasterer 933 Buttonwood at
Kober Freda; calmet maker Flameout bet lath 4
Lauttned Albert, alittliller Pleasant bar 10th at
McGowan Wm Jr. police oillear, Pleasant bet 10th et
Nagle Jam, cabinet maker, 448!eth et
Page tied 0, farrier Pipeaaat bet 10th at
&hoick Leonard, barlendar 443 oth at
Yalleutine Oeo W,"eosCh paloterCharlea bel Buttonwood
Wants Gee 'A,' tobaceonlat Depot cob Bth it
Wright Daniel, cabinet maker 448 Charles et
Welk Henry, laborer 914 Pleasant it
Rupert Wilton, ialeanian Vl4 Wallace et
Chrtethot Ileger, tailor, Menthol!' eb Oontei
John it Seibert. gentlemen 709 Biota it
Theo Olentworth, romehantntil Washington a t
David Hailer, carpenter 14 Wayne at
it M Maddock, engineer Ili Ninth at
Joseph Morgan, storekeeper 9th ab was«,
Paull D Patterson Jr, MI) NW per 9th and Green
Wm gtracban, carpenter owl Green at
It Smith, gentlement29 PrOwn at
A Winters, gee titter 20 ',Own et
Seventh DiVition.
W T Slimmer, machinist 808 Sixth at
Emanuel Levi, jeweller,Marahall ale Parrish
Lewis Penton, gadder 846 Seventh et
R W Peak, moulder 010 Parrish et '
' ' ' Eighth' Division.
Jacob Barford, moulder 803 Clinton et
John Q Dyke, coacapainter 818 Clinton at
Win L Oray, clerk Bth below Poplar
I? W Miaow, mar maker Melton ab Brown et
J W Hille printer 826 Ninth et . .
Wm Laurence, pointer 806 Poplar et
Philip Smith, painter TenthabErown
Elea lf Jlonn brase turner 871 Parrish at
Adana Meingack, tiotatllar gib eh parrma
Ole Batielirlitl l , o 6 B Mein Ogden ab Fourth W Trout, victualler 852 Clinton at
Jacob Twinkle, machinist Ogden below Tenth it
Prat INeanon.
, .
granola Donnellyi cooper 8 litltdon at
William Donnelly, Jr, morocco Weller 1024 Brinton It
Bernard Donnelly, blackentith 1018 Brinton at
James° Allen, clerk 1184 Dvlalon it
-William Jordan, brickmeker Pearl be! 12th ,
J aco b Wets, elteemsker 1126 Pearl at
Alpert Schombein, mitehiplat 1124DIvhdon et
Aimee nanny avernieber 1,12 Divialori et
Richard King, blacksmith tleinpel'a ON Division St
Abel 0 'Penile, Belabor 1019 Mlicrwhill it
J Preston yruianii tail o
condr 1110 Callowhill et
E Pirinoti.
John Cook, tOtildnlet c 1800 Wood at
Michael Egan, carver 1202 mat at
Peter Horlwag, varnisher cor 18th end Wood
Conrad Meyer cabinet wait bee Broad and Pearl
John McOirib: laborer 1 3 401Mtlton et ••, •.
Wm Mclntyre, laborer VMe sib 12th
George Seigel. Ipkeeper;cor lath and Wood
ltdAterd.y Yozder,PlM.**ll6d3 Yin§ st
4:7 1
41. 'A:m*4 pordwaltut 1 1 5441eannt at
i ,ohia• R i st eit i l e tt i: t ~Inta os
TioobAl ,r, NY f / Ina pi
Johttilattle a n 1, WC I ran st
John , LegassaustanP4 Carlton it
, Ciehrisi tivlstA9PJ9. SAWood et
John lii I er, cementer late.
True et
JJ L Shultz. founder 1283 Wood at
John litiowaker, cooper Wood bet 1811 t
Second Division.
Pith Diviiion
Robert Taylor, etevedore Carlton bel 18th
1.1 M l`nbba, tinetnith 1214 oaoton at
Thing Division.
Frederick i r t Brickeon, gas Titter Pleasant ab 1C
Elijah Joyce. student cor 11th and Green
Christian Schwartz. lunktoper 1104 Ridge av
Robert Wilson, Innkeeper 1191 Spring Garden et
Peter It Whiteman, printer 1004 Spring Garden st
Joshua Posey, innkeeper 11111 Ridge eV
Frederick Sperick, furnitare dealer 1104 Whiter st
Fourth Division.
Jame, H Obarobere, plumber 1310 Green et
Wm At V rd, clerk 1239 Buttonwood at
John Ford, !wander 1239 Buttonwcod et
Wm Ferguson, gas Otter 1269 Buttonwood at
Win Harley, stonecutter cor Ridge and Groom
Thomas Lawton, packer 1811 Blendywhie et
John A McDowell, clerk cor 18th and Ridge Cr
George 11 Parker, cabinetmaker 1922 Wubington it
Cornelius W Steekley, livery 1311 Buttonwood
George K Snyder, sideman 1335 Buttonwood
Davis Smith, merchant 1280 Spring Garden et
Thome Tully, batter cor Ridge ay and Green
Sand Wilkey, clerk coy 12th and Lemon
Fifth Division,
J 0 L Drown, clerk 683 Elm emit et
Robert II Rinds, combmaker 1129 Coatea a
John Gecko, baker 1130 Coates at
Joshua M Howell, memo:utter 1126 Citron et
Ediard M Mettler, printer 1084 Olive at
John B Vance, clerk Coates ab 10th
John Grant, painter 1031 Lemon it
John If Leighton, chairmaker 078 a Eleventh it
Andrew Moore, driver Coates bet 11th
John Adam Noble, shoemaker Rentohler at
J Y Schaffer, grocer cor llth and Washington
SIVA Division.
L B Beckley, clergyman 66513th st
John Bechtel, laborer 1360 Ridge av
Marcus Best, clerk 1231 Coates et
loam LI Buoltwalter, merchant 1381 Melon IL
Wm II Davie, harness maker 1807 Olive it
Wm V Griffith, machinist 1228 Penn at
Thomas J Hopkins, bricklayer 1230 Penn at
Chaim Ilartman, carpet weaver 1056 Rldt. at
Chas Y Looderbeck. bricklayer 1200 Wallace it
Alward L Miller, machinist 70913th st
()toper Yeager, platemeker 070 Renault at
John D Yeager, bricklayer 670 Baukson et
Joe nxteman, plasterer 1344 melon at
John Getz, innkeeper 1868 Ridge av
George Hahn, machinist 1237 Olive at
John 8 Jouee, printer Penn eh lath
Josiah F carpenter coy Citron and Orange
Seventh Divition,
Samuel Austin, Botcher 1106 Hazel it
Benjamin F.' Carpenter, gentleman 10th bet Brown
Wm Coleridge, cordweiner rear Olive ab 11th
Philip 0 Volmer,epacker Parrish cab 10th
Lewis 0 Frowert, shoemaker 1130 Hazel at
George 11 Hays, raker 1022 Brown at
James M Hibbs, bookkeeper 82011th at
John Krantz, gentleman 802 11th it
Matthew IdeDenald,laborer Efoore's ct, rear Jackson at
Wm 8 Powell, innkeeper coy llth and Myrtle
Robert Wolflogton, milkman 1102 Parrish at
Joseph Baker. coachtrimmer 1128 Parrish et
John Boon, machinist 1021 Poplar st
Thomas Carson, merchant 80210th at
Genii Dodge, bras, founder 1032 Olive et
Lewis Hartman, laborer 1117 Hazel et
Sami 1) Wentz, gilder 1019 Brown at
Eighth Division.
John W Raker, currier 1346 Poplar at
Peter Oolshower, bricklayer 1834 Parrish et
lealab Davis, dealer 1807 Ogden et
liven Helder bricklayer Parrish bet Broad
John Langer, innkeeper 1804 Poplar et
Wm (/ Lawrence, poke 1328 Miller st
°Manlike Moore, painter 1304 Miller it
filbert W Nichols, patternmaker 183 Own at
Gro L Pcbetl, carpenter 810 Duane at
W W Wiocheater, bookkeeper 1910 Poplar st
Joseph White, brass turner 1240 Olive at
John liambraber, machinist 1813 Ogden ss
W Meyer, clerk 815 Doane et
050 IV TONS, baker 1225 Ogden at
W W Mon, tailor 1114 Ogden at
First Division.
Joseph M Zane, laborer Spring Garden ab Broad
Peter Rafferty, laborer Fairview bet Fifteenth
J H Harris, pattern maker Fifteenth & Wood
A S Reilly, clerk 1521 Pearl
lobo Attlee, machinist Carlton & Sixteenth
heals It Swinger, machinist 1235 Vine
Joseph A J Smiley, painter SE coy Fifteenth & Carlton
Joseph Ft's, condoner 1625 Vine
Jacob 8 Stricklandgmoulder 1625 Wood
fame Ilocheldefer, carpenter 324 Fifteenth
W Braucher, carpenter 824 Fifteenth
David 8 Albertson, cooper Wood above TIMM:Ith
James Priest, tailor 1429 Wood
Jacob Bechel, tailor 1429 Wood
Tho Pas DlllingLit. Thither 1423 Fairview
Isaacitecheldefor, carpenter 324 Fifteenth
Jacob 13 Strickland, moulder 1522 Wood
Second Division.
William Weever, carpenter SW cor Carlton A Sixteenth
11 11 Klinger, engineer cor Seventeenth & Centre
Jam Moran, cordwalner 1700 Callowbill
William Dunbar, machinist 1822 Wool
John O'Donnell, nuchluiet SW car Seventeenth & Carlton
Anthony Mintzer. laborer 1824 Wood
John Sinolalr, coach maker Outten ab Seventeenth
people itlawley, laborer 1701 Carlton
Charles 11 Lips printer Eighteenth 4 Rhoades
Felix Graham, bailer Seventeenth Pearl
Uonry Shaw, laborer Fowler et
James Filasinimone, blacksmith 1612 Wood
J Barger. moulder 1612 Wood
Robert Harding, carpenter 1612 Wood
Richard McCune, clerk Carlton ab Seventeenth
James Clay, blacksmith 1782 Callowhill
Third Division.
William Lomu, atone critter 1817 Ann
G A Bumpy, harness tailor 1423 Ridge Av
Edward 13 Lippincott, coach amith Charles ab Francis
Jonathan Timbers, Division bey Ann
George Ilinckle, moulder 809 Sadie Av
Ephraim Eldridge, bookbinder N W cor Ridge Avenue
Charlee Vonnelda. tobaccontet 1434 Barclay
Robert Holland, carpenter 1718 Granite
Thomas Risley, laborer NW eor Ridge Av & Ann
Francis Hue, mite keeper 860110 e
William White, pollee 1510 Barclay
William Foreman, shoemaker Seventeenth & Olive
Fourth Diviefon.
John Stewart, carpenter 836 Sixteenth
WIIILLm titewart, laborer 836 Sixteenth
Felber Charles, trove dreier 1531 Ogden
Taylor It Sesser, chairmater 1833 Ogden
George Hensler, carrier 1424 Brown
Jacob Hensler, murk. 1424 Brown
Minuet Adana, blacksmith Ridge Av & Sixteenth
William P Seville, dry goods dealer 1407 Ogden
A 11 Bechtel, dry goods dealer 1603 Ridge Av
Christian Lang, shoemaker 863 Fifteenth
William Wyant, tailor 1414 Ogden
Jacob Sepderling, carpenter 1402 Ogden
Phillip 0 Smith, clock Domes' at
Henry Frank, carver Minute' et
David Dentate, laborer Clark% Court
Daniel McCafferty, laborer Fairview & Nineteenth
Patrick O'Donnell, blacksmith 2025 Carlton
Charlie II Livia, machinist 810 Ainateenth
Samuel S Walter tanner 2004 Reeves' st
William DORY, Aaaterer 614, Nineteenth ,
Wllttam Donlitivrtylebotar.retrview ab Nineteenth
Bernard Wirer* bricklayer Fairview shore Nineteenth
Sixth Division. •
Joseph L Agee, beotmakar 4324 Coate.
William Bonner, atone mason Hamilton Ma,* Twenty
second '
Michael Reilly, driver car Twenty-second k Hamilton
Michael Dyer, boil r maker Hamilton ale Twenty second
William 0 Wells, gunsmith 2216 Oellowhill
James Thompson, brush maker 2210 Clallowbill
J A Smith, dry goods dealer 2280 Callowhill
James Curry, gas fitter Twenty Rot ad Wood
William Sagereop,latorer Hamilton ab Taantywenond
Nicholll Anatir, weaver 6 Hatter Court
Daniel Faille, painter 2225 Hamilton
' ' Seventh
JameeldOltrawy, °lurked Fairmount W W
John McOletteiy, watchman 1 1Mnilton bet Twenty third
James Welker', clerk 564,PetilisylVan la AV
James Lynch; weaver Spring Garden ab Twenty-fourth
Michael Dark, laborer Oallowbitl bet Twenty-1141rd and
P F BourOguon, machinist Conlin' Court
Patrick Shane, laborer Treenty-Tobrth A Spring Garden
Henry McCloskey, shoemaker 610 Twenttronrth
William Grover, shoemaker Wallace bet Twenty-second
Henry 0 Soper, tailor %Waco hal Twenty-second
Jacob It Wibi, gatekeeper 724 Twenty-second
John V. 13 Hahn, plasterer TwentYthlrd ab Spring Garden
Edmund Wildly, conveyancer 2039 Poplar
Aaron W &happy Mork MB West
Isaac S lbsehmen, dagnerreet, 822 West
William Gardner, machinist 724 Twenty-second
Francis Vellaby, store tender Twenty-fourth ab Pratt
William idallhanny, lamp black maker Wallace abuts
Twenty brat
Marla X Smith, Iron maker 1913 Coates
Dominick H4tio, painter 101.6 Brown
John Feenee, painter Twenty-wooed bet Mates
Wiillatp G Sager coach maker 2207 VW AR irgD. inia at
First Division.
Edwin Middleton, bricklayer Kennedy court
John Strobl., carter Ors; court
Benjamin Warnsley, atone cutter 33 Maiden st
Daniel Wiggle, cordwainer 117 Poplar et
John Vaughan, mineral dealer 68 lioact4 IS
John lid Ward, skirt dresser 020 Front at
Chrietion Strobl°, morocco Crasher 8 gray at
Daniel ,Brant, eager maker Front bet Maiden
&cond Division.
Anthony Wolf, cabinet maker 46 Leopard at
William B Irvin, laborer 1128 Frankford road
Jamea Pain, laborer 1128 Freeload road
Lewis Liebrant, atone cutter 2 Franktor4 road
Thomas Powell baker 25 Otter at
Henry Rltner, bream moulder 211.nter at
Oberlin Reamer, saw maker Leopard hot Otter
Scoot, Weber, oordtvalet r 1164 Stout at
William Warren, painter 1032 Ftenktord road
Hugh Patton. clerk back 25 Rachel at
William W Morrie, carpenter 1011. Front et
51 11 Brubaker, salesman 951 Front at
George Rotherham, ea* grinder Denton bel Franktord
Third Division.
Spencer Bonerman, printer 1085 Germantown rd
JaCpb Kilbrlals te11 0 r,1064 Front et
William Wino, liquor 11..der11130ormantown rd
p/011pp Schmitt, grocer 19 Latina at
Bernard Donnelly, morocco dreeaer 915 Second at
Jam Bailor, moroccedresser 1069 Germantown rd
33has MoNksir, cordwohier 176 Laurel at , '
Joa Bernard, locksmith, 270 N Market et •
John Megratb, bleddramith•ROpe all Otter
John F (Idaho, feel dealer 86 N Market et
Fourth Division.
Robert Bell, chair Maker 1180 dooond at
EPb Logan, milkman William ab Otter
George Painter, brine layer 001dt:woke et
Chaska Ward, bone turner 1112 Hope at •
John Hogeard, cheirmaker 1009 Germantown rd
Jai Agnew, Clerk 117 aeoond it
Frederick Berens, chemist 1117 Second it
Clement Roncher, lalittooker 108 Rota at
John Campbell, maalder 1123 William at
Wm McCoy, Bnickengthllln Front at
John Baeleatuad, ehOvelemkor 10 O'Neil at
John Manly blseksmlth,Lionton qb William
Cherie. Bartel, bilishuisker Debolivee'e et'
• John Rotherham, eatemaker ,Dinton bill Franklin
Omer lills4er,clerk 124 Edward et ,
Alth Pioleirm,
Robert Ereltlne, atetwoutter 100213090nd it
Peter Barks. laborer 946 gt John at
David Geniber, butcher 1108 Germantown rd
• Gottleilt leAribleiikeTtirsl bel Seaver
Charleelf.ftelL.plipppoiaker,239 Poplar it •
Jelin X Wager, eerier 15111,Eleopq4 et_
John Rich, railer 970 if booed at •
Win Mentor, te110r,970 Second et
I Jacob •
AdJert,thgki67l.l3econd at .
• , '." Valk DiViB7o7l.
. •
' Semi W Hill, painter 967 Mechanic at
Joseph Butner, brlckmaker 311• Beaver st
Sail Polk, carpenter Fourth and Poplar
John Bcbwlndt, cordwainer 910 Mechanio at
Peter Schwlndtaeordwainer 910 Mechanic at
Cleo W Welker, gentleman Charlotte ab Beaver
Joe Young, tordweiner 425 Poplar it
Wet Ilurer,tbripkmaltor Lawrence bel George
Solomon Kelso importer, 914Thied it
,Obrietian Thelma, laborer 1118 Fourth it
Ootleibb Bantle, dyer Third bet Beaver
HertrY.liette,ttrameMakdr Charlotte bel Bearer
Joseph Jeguote tobacconist 010 Third at
Jacob Hallenbeck, oordwalner 1034 Fourth it
,George Mauler, baker 890 Poplaret • .
John 0 lichnaudsr, fringemaker 1116 Fourth at
Cenetanbulirambr, watchmaker 809 Poplar at
Win Shifter, carpenter 329 Dearer it
Saienth Division.
ObrNtepher, serge, tepternk.sper Fourth ab George
Martin Ltinseamettler 1146 Third it
Jahn lisitstiiiipoietaiksOomo hot Mini
John Yhompsonidraymkn bankot223 Mechanic at
11011190 blentean, weel - farges 117 2 .7b1rel at
nail Raker, parelkierent maker Charlotte ab George
Wol'AM,..lemPtclaket 380 George et
Jamb Weber, cord ter 1004 Front it
John Hrown,,hutober Charlotte and Culbert eta
Frederick Remy chocolat 111 Y Second at
4"44/o,blutit.ltM3.loBl,Freine tit
1 , 11 3, CAD. trio, book etore , 103'Tinverenco ill.
Plail li t, DO r3Vinter ili GeOrgo st
WOl M Alton, Dyer Booth below Frankllnav
w ,, WeaVir 1036 Charlotte et ,
John,lll . yOret‘yer,lo4 Oluirlotte at
n'utilet ~1 ireaVerlo26 Charlotte et
Jae Per or, nollettutkar VVinteirati Otmige
Joaeph,Beville, ealermanJlB George at
EdwardTbreey, bnroliber 1146 Charlotte it
'Bernatilliberietteeer, latipioaaer 416 Franklin ar -
Jsoob Benner,,earrler Mecbanlopt,
OtaistfveiDier, Cooper', hl cab Beaver
Joseph Blither,- /roast 3130 Third at
Henry tamper, weaver 326 Qeorge et
John Pollen. 67 , 0/28 Sl.7ehn it •
„ • ' tt'g high Division.,
ictiepti ftalnes, brass moulder, Lawrence and George
John G Krauss, laborer 825 Poplar at
David bioNt4l, carpenter Lawrincelbel George
Mklifta Schaffer, butcher r" rrbard ab Culbert
Wm Vase, segartnator tOB Randolph et
John Fredenborger, stove finisher 10% Randolph et
ti L Perron, clerk ltnndolph bel Franklin av
John Mamma, eralth 94 tentrrenee et
Albert Geornor, cordwatcer 1023 Randolph at
First Division,
Michael Rodgers, laborer, 1230 Front et
Andrew Ragen, laborer, Front ab Master
Alexander Soder, trader, Fraukford rd bel Phoenix
Michael Moardte, Frankrord rd ab Pluenix
Jacob Kans. shoemaker, Howard ab rbrenix
William T Vendeyer, compositor, Frank ford ,t Muter
George Wood, brass moulder. Front bel Oxford
John McGarel, laborer, 210 ilrankford rd
Lewis It Jinkins, millwright. 1519 Front at
Charles clinking, laborer, 1019 Front at
Lewis Toby Cisnellea, Ambar lib Mont/. at
Irani* Fishes, shoenutker, Howard ab Plweldw
Thomas kfcGidgean,drayman. Howard at west side
George Shoemaker, engineer, Hope at ab Pbconiz
James Baird, Iltbograpber, 1231 Clinton at
Galvaniser 8111100131110, 1848 Front st
Jacob Allburger, wheelwright.l247 Clinton at
Martin Margwalk, sboemaker, 4218 Front it
Thomas McAdam', cordwainer, Howard ab Franklin
John W Pa air, police officer. 28 Hester st
John Schoneeder, auger baker, Clinton & Phrenix
William Lovance, gas fitter, 1247 Clinton et
William Shark), 11610801111, Front at
James Oonnlogtam, weaver, Muter bel Hancock
George Logan, weever, Howard ab Jefferson
John McZotteld, dyer, Hope ab Jefferson
Fauna Hacnoalp Hager., frame maker, 179 Howard at
John MoOluskey, laborer, Master bel Second
John Canty, weaver, Master bel Hancock
John Quin, liquor dealer Itancook t blaittr
James Fowler, eurdwainer Hancock ab Franklin
Robert Oule, tanner Percy et bet Pbceolz t limiter
Banjamin 11 Bush Jr, bolter maker 143 Franklin at
George L Boning, wiper maker, 165 Phoenix it
th Division.
Thomas Clurry, Lyons court
McDougherty, store maker 1354 Germantown rd
Puitip Dougherty, voltam/di 17 Germantown rd
Patrick Campbell, weaver Lnyd court
John Dickerson, Innkeeper Franklin & Germantown rd
Severn D3ll, brush maker Bakes court Cadwallader at
Michael Motlurphy, weaver Cadwalader at
William lleft, aegar maker Cedwateder ab Franklin
George Reiland, carter 1231 Cadwalader at
Isaac B Bluer, weaver Little Green ab Cadwalader
Christopher Rivalry, lamp maker Germantown id
Thomas Lakene, house carpenter Lit Green ab Cadwalader
Barny Lamed, tobacconist Second bet Master
Stephen W lonians, dealer 225 Phoenix at
John Rankin, weaver Lexington row
Charles L Meager, tailor 122 d Second at
Patrick Coyle, drayman 1336 Second at
Charles Campbell, weaver Growl ab Pbeenix
Michael Canty, weaver Phoenix ab Second
Patrick Cook, laborer CadwrJed r ail Mont:
James Donnoley, Innkeeper Cadwalader & Master
Patrick MoAnery, morocco dreeser Henry court
Citadel B Weak% bee tender Grand d Franklin
John Burk, carpenter Little Green bel Germantown rd
Patrick Bohan, coach painter 1312 Germantown id
George Antony Heatslier, laborer Gray's court
Corral& Brew, laborer, Master & Germantown rd
Owen Donnobtio, wearer Cooed ab PhCeoll
Edward W Pennell, plain manuracturer 239 Pbcenix it
Stapberi NV Lukens, dealer 235 ebcaoix at
James though, weaver Mester bet (leen rd & Cadwalader
James Word, weaver Cadwalader et
Casper Wolf, vitiator 1332 Germantown rd
titorgro Helm, laborer 1323 Germantoen rd
WINO McChrlatle, store tender Growl & Raster
William Mcßae, wearer Chariot la tat Master
George W Fountain, sail maker Third it ab Franklia
William McKee, weaver Charlotte bel Master
Sixth Division.
- -
Market Loyd, laborer Muter & Cadwalader
Owen Mollanne, carpenter Cadwalader t Master
Jeremiah hinlyeeey, weaver 1303 Fourth st
Daniel Ithilley, laborer Jefferson & Germantown rd
George McKinley, turner Germantown rd & Jefferson it
Owen Hughes, weaver 1437 Germantown rd
Edward Ford, weaver Adam ab Jatrereon et
Michael McGovern, cabinet meter Washlrgton bel Jern
William Brunniug, brick maker Grout & Master
John McDonnell, pecker 1411 Germamown rd
John Feigns, 1434 Germantown rd
Peter Dimond, weaver Adam ab Jefferson at
Francis Glbeo, morocco dealer Washington bel Jefferson
James Bowen, weaver Philip alt Muter
Peter McGannarty, pedler Philip ab Master
Alexander lawsuit, weaver Maker & Cadwalader
Michael Caen, laborer Waehltutton eb Master
Maned Cannily, policeman Master A Cadwallader
John ItKeever, plasterer Cedweledee & !Sestet
John McKee, Innkeeper Cad walader & Muter
Patrick Coin% weaver Philip ab Blaster
Joseph Muriel, weaver It Philip at
Hugh tricL'orey, weaver Bailey's court
Whllem McCormick, weaver Pink et
James Hagen, laborer 1410 Cadwalader at
James McKee, plasterer Grand ab Muter
Charles A Rose, spade maker Murey'a court
' &omit' District.
John Schuller, brush maker 1507 Front et
Imitate Stevonecn, laborer Fourth ab Muter
Michael McKerman, Philip at
William Rey, engineer 1530 Adam it
Michael Mctiiviln, Greed ab Jefferson at
Thomas McChlylln, carpenter Greed & Mader
George Centel Acthell, 1514 Germantown rd
Frederick Wiseman, parer Adam & Oxford et
Francis Pahmidhofer, house carpenter Jefferson A Oxford
Samuel Oox, laborer 1528 Second at
Jeremiah Lane, weaver Oadweladerab Jefferson
/eighth Division.
Patrick Moral, weaver Fourth & Master
Gotlip Bendel!, lager beer con Fourth & Thompson
Andrew Watuleire shoemaker 1207 Mechanic at
William Gilen, cooper 1423 Fourth st
John 13 Anderson. hair spinner 624 Master at
William Itucelg, Carpenter 1228 Fifth et
Philip Willis, blackewith 1230 Filth atrial
James Olmk, agent Fourth & Master at
William id Kush, pollee Fifth ab Franklin
(DMus Law, coach maker 15419 Sixth at
Henry Kuhl, laborer 1210 Fourth at
John Aired, innkeeper 419 Franklin IV enna
John II Willinguyer, 1208 Renpolph at
Magnus thalstn, silversmith 1205 Fifth at
Jacob Smith, laborer 49 Franklin ermine
S Schaffer, Fourth eh Franklin et
Lewis Schaffer, fourth ab Vrank lin it
Jelin Sammons, weaver Muter eh Filth st
Hugh Conway, police 1308 Apple at
Philip Raiment, milkman 1238 Fourth at
Christian Mongrel, *trailer Filth A Muter at
George Kessler, blacksmith Fourth ab Franklin et
Henry lielleg, lamp maker 12,2 Fifth it
Francis M Damned, cordwalner 1209 Mechanic et
GaorgoTitlow, drover Fdth A Master at
Charles Denneler, turner 529 Thompson at
John Simmons, weaver Muter ab Fifth at
Ninth Dioition.
Philip Smith, weaver ilriaton ab Muter
Thomas Hill, boot maker 1445 Fourth at
William F Fisher, auger baker 1424 Apple at
Peter Rampy, brush maker Orchard bet Oxford
Curies Feuer, last Tudor 9 Harrieon avenue
Chula Newman, turner Fifth A Oxford at
Amos 0 Dupla., clerk Fifth ab Master
George Hilton, atone mason Randolph tel Jefferson
Francis Fibre, varnisher 1528 Fourth at
John A Qelon, tailor 1419 Fifth at
Samuel Haley, clerk 1419 Fifth it
James W Currey, victualler, Firth ah Jefferson at
John A Leybrandt, pecker Filth eh Master at
Jacob Hikee, victualler Fifth & Mute, it
JohnliFraeler, boot atter 433 Jefiersen at
George Davis, boot fitter 433 Jefferson at
John Ahebtrt, locksmith, 1641 Apple et
James ItfeCoy, peddler, 125 Bench
A D Ileffron, Machinist. Broad below Eheckamazon
Win P Mali, clerk 206 Beach at
Michael Coleman, wheelwright Bbackamazon bed Queen
John Sanders, laborer Frankford ;wed below Frankford
Thee Pollard, carter Feral below Frankford
J Henderson, machinist 13 Queen st
This Bothrerham, upholsterer Jonoa it
Wm Bradley, laborer Harmony court
John Alckel, carter Beach above Waahlugton
John Hirst', cooper Beach above Sbackamaxon
Jesse E Hiram, cooper Beach above Miamians'
0 TI Grubb, inu-Steoper Beach above fihrickamakon
- -
Third Di
Hugh McAuley, laborer Crown above Franklin
Daniel Halley, laborer Crown above Franklin
James Green, laborer Crown above Franklin
Joseph Devlin, blacksmith Crown above Franklin
James White, weaver Crown above Franklin
James Dyson, moulder Marlborough and Franklin
Edward Clark, moulder Marlborough and Franklin
Daniel O'Neill, laborer Crown ober. Franklin
Alex MrEwen, wharf builder filateetith and Frankford
Thew Mtbwen, blacksmith SLateenth and Frankford reed
James Conway, distiller Franklin and Crown
Luke Idouroa, laborer Crown above Franklin
John Hand, marlinlat Crown atrove hake
Henry Rudolph, carder Crown below Franklin
Thomas Edge, morocco dresser Duke above Frankford
Ricbard Cahill, olerk Doko above Crown
/berth Division,
William Swartz, dealer Marlborough above Franklin
John Keefe, victualer Franklin above Marlboro% h
W W !Tharp, dealer Ilnion above Franklin
David Wible, umbrellapmaker Union above Franklin
Geo Bonder, dealer Franklin above Marlborough
Oliver Whistler, caeomaker Marlborotigh above Franklin
J A Pegar, talesman Union below Franktord road
Richard °wady, cordwaluer Union below Franklin
Wan Fox, whip maker Marlborough above Franklin
Noble Bill, clerk Hanover above Franklin
Wm B Ban, carrier Hanover above Franklin
WM Division.
Peter A Dare, plumber Boyd above Hanover
Wm Young, Turner Herrick at
Time taunting, moulder Palmer above Franklin
Jonsph Mann, moulder Palmer above Franklin
George Cast, ahopkeeper Finklin above Hanover
Henyy Wetter btarketuith Brown above Hanover
James Loin, laborer Hunt above Painter
Franklin 11 , Penn, engineer Queen below Cherry
Sixth Dwirion.
Joseph Karl, laborer Cherry above Franklin
James Chamberlain, cordweiner Cherry below Queen
Lewis Wench laborer Wood above Franklin
Michael Turk, baker Vienna above Franklin
Wm ilariord, moulder Brown above Ash
Jamb Wagner, taller Vienna and Duke
Thom Parlord, moulder Brawn *bore Norris
Jima D Cony, ahlpwriglet Qom above Ylena
Leonard Gray, laborer Class Home yard
Wm R Berderman, laborer Cherry above Franklin
Jamea McVay, shipwright Beach end Main
Albert Reimer, bricklayer Wood below Duke
Erdman Thome., nischlobst York and Queen
Matthew Mensser, laborer Cherry above Yrenklln
Seventh Dirision.
Mathias Reenter, patter Weed below Wost
Lewis Hilt, cordwalner 10 0 alielmer et
Barnard Geis umbrellar.maker Wow above West
Wm J Pomroy, plasterer ',mop el
Wm Monty, laborer Frautford road above Palmer
gamed Phillips, cordwelaer Watt above Cherry
F King, lup (lent above Wood
John Meyers, grave-diner Earl et
J W Williams, clerk Lamer aud Vienna
Patrick Cahtd, batten maker geplvive et
John Ling, lame-maker Cherry and Franktord road
Port Division.
Robt 9 Monroe, saw maker, 6th bet Diamond
Wm Sherlrk, moulder, Wager at
Mimi W hillier, engineer, Norris at
Jno Brelab, whipmaker, 6t et
Wm Welsh, whipmaker, 6th et
Jos 11 Dell, whirmaker 6th it
ltdw Dell. carpenter 6th et
Michael Dillon, laborer Germantown rd
Michael Campbell, laborer Germantown rd
Henry Wander, laborer Montgomery at
Anthony Oecber, dealer Germantown rd
Lawn! Cook, tobacconist Germantown rd
&rand Diemen.
Rlobard Welch, weaver Colombia et
John - Nonnemen, laborer Adams at
Michael Daley, laborer Adams at
Jean Rex, laborer Philip et
Wm Precht, manufacturer MO
Joshua Wood,taborer Washington et
Nichols; Roth, dealer 100 liruhlogton it
Temaeldtillin, laborer Washington et
Matthew Dannelly, laborer Philip et
Jan NcOuckin, laborer Columbia et
That Raley, Dyer Adam; at
Wm McGloin, Spinner Washington et
Gottleib Mey, cabinet maker hilt
Third Division.
James N Ryser, bricklayer Feenktord rd
Geo W Rang, bevel maker Rainbow at
Andrew Cameron, weaver Rainbow et
Chattel Larkin, weaver 2d at
/burgh Division.
Hugh Flanagan, laborer Wood it
Martin llartla, mutable Wood at
Bernard hltalsekey, neater Wood at
Robert Norris, wawa' Norris It
shard Blawanger, weaver York at
Chas Q Nino" weaver York at
William Stan* bAckemith Prankford rd
Baited Rafferty, laborer Norris it
John Marley, laborer Trenton se
(leo &huhu', laborer Trenton as
John Tllford, hat presser Frankford rd
Jdbn 0 McGann,machinist Frankford rd
Ab D Roman, wrnalter Parker at
Joseph Hacks% moulder Prtoe at
Clayton Donner, laborer Gore at
James Cochran, laborer Wood at
Joann McGuire, conductor Tranktord rd
Joe Kemper, dealer Emerald et
Daniel Deny, millwright ,Wood et
John (loud, weaver Ranoork at
Jahn Toner, laborer Wood et
John.Nltholata inetruMent maker Yolk at
Frederick Hasefus, victualler Clinton at
Michael Masks, victualler Clinton at
James DUN, laborer rranktord rd
Joseph Nugent. weaver Amber at
John 8 Toner clerk Wool at
Wm flue, aural er Pike et
John Gomar, rude airier Nubbin st
Pettish !began, tatorer Vrankr.r.l rd
Ft I 3 Dire on.
John Marlow, baker Frantrordrd
Joseph J Hirer', painter &prim at
Jacob I. Ribe, M D Frankford rd
Nor Craft, nigihi,,lst Lumina° et
it 0 Dole, cord walner Wm at
Andrew Shade., com maker Towword et
r.trick Donnelly, firemen Frakford rd
Aer( n Viewing, lawyer Wood at
Nat ran Weight tnan, cordwainer Adam. at
Lawrence Crulkshank. printer 1 eman it
floured Albert, cordwainer Frankfud road
Henry Deemer, glueblower Belisle& it
James Smith, Chandler &pylon it
Frederick Wolz, dealer York at
Charles Knox, potter Sepsis* it
John Dayton, cigar maker Tulip it
Charles, Deese 1, unal.nor Prankford ad
John Packet, Laker Cumberland at
Sixth Divisi.m.
P 11 Daley. glamblower Tilton It
Nina Damian.
Unity Spoehl, trackearth Apple ab Diainot,4
Foldln Bechtold, brewer 7th bet Dauphin
Charles Koester, brewer 7th bet Dauphin
Robert Gorki% machinist sth ab Diamond
Salta el Hill, cbalrmaker cor Dauphin and Trion
John Minter, combaniker car Dauphin and Tyson
John Mantel, tanner Apple ab Oxford
Joseph Selig, gluemeker 3d et
Christian Burkhardt, foreman 1047 Germantown td
John W Boileau, conveyancer Germantown rd
Joseph Neill, chairmaker Germantown rd
Frederick D direr car driver 8d it
John Wolfinger, thinner Germantown rd
Fin' &MBA.
Bar,' 8 Hall, cooper 011 Clinton
Thew 0 Steel, gentleman Bth above Poplar
Cheat. Rice, blacksmith 910 Tyler
Lambert W Rowan, nth above Poplar
Walter J Budd, att'y at law 954 Birth
Cornelius Sheridan, Mater Tyler ab Poplar
Thor P Adams, printer 933 Ilnichluon
"fennel Stephens, chemist 947 Teeth
Jacob Y Smallwood, moulder llnichioson bet Girard
Richard Lowlenelager, tobamoatet 921 Hutchinson
Himmel A Hall, cooper 911 Clinton
Joeepn It Moore, merchant 911 Franklin
Johu II Good, Malabar ab Poplar
Moans machlolit 91101 oton
Michael Byrne. porter 943 lintehluon
I nos Kirkpatrick, machinist 472 Blxth
Daniel Baker, profreaor 949 Claxton
Uhrlitopher Schaller, tobacconist 926 Girard
Alex Torr, nourish's Clinton bet Girard.
Second &tidos..
Aaron T Gontner, feed store 1207 Marshal
Philip J Weytgand, police cot 6th and °Bald
Joe Bock. merchent'cor 6th and Girard
; Henry El Hhlck, lops maker cor 6th and Girard.
Thee Snyder. turner 1361 Tenth
Jacob liaab, baker Thompson ab Eighth
Alfred II Perry, millwright car oth and Girard
Phu Beerson.lentpmeker Thompson and Clinton
Thu K A Dale., salesman 1419 Eighth
George Dix, N W cor oth and Girard
Third Dia:lois.
Theo A Talley, Bookmaker 1430 Hutchinson
Lambert Allen, carpenter 6th ab Jeffrrson
John Crgal,l:llOlTCCO dresser 1434 Franklin
Daniel Gliespie, weaver 10th ah Master
Goo P Irelan Lealesmaa 1415 Eighth
Eder H Carfrey, cordwatner 6th bet Montgomery
Thee Cronae, chemist Bth and Germantown rd
Peter Lynch, carpenter 1408 Tenth
Geo A Willbuineoo, chainnker 819 Columbia
John td Malloy, Unman 1417 Eighth
John 11 Wallace, 723 Oxford
Michael Mahon, latopmaker 733 Oxford
Joebna Gtthecs, roulettes 6th ab little Poplar
David Bly ler, farmer 1430 Sixth
Francis StahLeawyer 6th ab little Poplar
Albert Sletret, cabrotmkr 6th ab Montgomery
.Fburtik Division.
John II Collins, bartender 10th and Thompson
Conrad Wavier, ctgannkt 1335 Tenth
Jacob !dyer., cotweiner Alder ab Poplar
Ohm Harahan, baker 1010 Girard
Jae s w ht Marled 1313 Eleventh
V 11 Zarnien, 10th ahThompean
John 0 Dane, 9 2 1 Eleeentu
Thee Zeigenfues, Wawa:mat 921 Lewis
Wm 0 Brooke, cordwainer 953 Eleventh
W H Upsets, plumber 925 Eleventh
1, L Deno, degnerreotype 925 Eleventh
Patrick Curette. baker 1315 Lents
Wm Costello, labordr 1315 Lewis
Lewis Olden .plaeterer 1225 Lewis
Alonzo Johnson, carpenter Lewis ab Poplar
Hammon Griftith. bowls bel Master
J011(1 Gcdshal, plasterer nor Lewis and Girard
Ephrata' Hillegu, &borer 939 Luria
Ono A Jenkins, beltmaker 1206 Haines
Wm Kammer, stonecutter 1325 Carroll
Is V Oballand, cordwainer Poplar ab 12th
Wen II Platt. boakblnder 952 Karts
Enos It Coroly, locksmith 13th ab Poplar
hurl Kohl, liveryman 907 Kurtz
Darla DOTOIVIIX, bookbinder 12th ab Poplar
John Oppel, plasterer 1228 Carroll
Crish Amor, carpenter 931 Margaret
August Bausch, machinist 511 Ontario
John Megtl3, psperroler 933 Margaret
Fredk Keitig, victualler Kuria ab Poplar
Ciso W Elosted, salesman 924 Kunz
Deemer, clerk 923 Kurtz
Semi Jenkins, dm hose maker 1206 flatcar
Sixth Dirixion.
Elias J Lamella, watchmaker 1238 Nagle
Conrad Desch. cordwalner 12,34 Nagle
Imo El w.II, paper hanger 1202 Nagle
A R Ilarrer. painter 1346 It',Tenth
Leeds Bwartawarlder, Hader 1233 Nagle
John I' Montague, on age 12 Cass
Geo Gensandetla,l.M4 Herbert
Oeo Sheffer, tolllwctitht 1205 Iferbert
Win 8 Rldty, paper stainer Hibbard ab Okird
Thai, Darnell, elver amita 1203 Deacon
GerrelA moiste r.
Frederick Breen, carpenter 1503 mentaa
BUR 11 Forma, psluter 1402 Idervino
itelph Taylor, clerk 1209 Oxford
Joan Malone, cordrealeer Merrine ab Jefferson
dt,phen It labors rLewls and Jefferson
Win Hick., bricklayer 10th ab Oxford
Alex McKinley, plasterer 13th bel Columbia
L 31 Johnston, conveyancer 1101 be) Oxford
John J Findlay, corwaleer 1524Mervleo
Thos Combs, plasterer 13th ab Jefferson
Henry, salesman, 11th ab Jefferson
John Banshee, laborer 1440 Teeth
Ceder J Roarer, tinsmith 1720 Elora II
dsml MoVaugh, trader 10th ab Master
Job. Hess, bri.kmaker 1003 ab Oxford
Godfrey Boyger, roperesker 1013 Jefferson
Godfrey IV Bender, cordralear 1120 Jefferson
Patrick Dillon, laborer Oxford and thulvallader
Alta:set Prato% wearer 11th al, Columbia
Bernard Ryan, bleekterilth Jefferson ab 11th
Thos A &trill, der 1631 Eleventh
• • •
Ergkth Division.
Sylveeter Crldland, gent 1901 Walter
Thor Jones, ref St Joseph Hospital
John Slukler, painter Osrlisle bey Sblee
John Den; laborer Thompem ab 18th
Adam M Snyder, druggist 1518 Stilas
Then M Leeds, salesman lIPS Twelfth
Woo 11 Jackson, clerk 2004 Girard
Lewis Kronebergar, blinOrnsker 909 Twe ntieth
Goo A Megorroy, moulder Cambridge and Oninthisa
Isaiah Wiley, 20th bey Oxford
Patrick White, Sines ab 19th
John Liluchman, hostler Girard ab 19th.
Tenth Division.
Was Taggart, mason 824 and Girard
Jo. Penton, brass cotter 811111R000:1 rib 21st
George Staub, Jefferson at. 11th
Alexander Karts, Mount Pleasant ab Minor
Taos ST Wittiest's, agent -%1 and Master
Lawrence Qoinn, blacksmith Minor ab Pleasant
Beyond PrecincL
Pro,lalene Boser, corawainer, AWge Bead,
Third Precinct.
/Mac Collin', stonemason, Penn al
Dudley Cavanagh, laborer, Main et
Patrick Keef, laborer MOSII at
Patrick Riley, farmer Penn at
Patrick &onion, loom boo Robinson et
John Sally, boatman Main et
French Wagner, Mechanic laborer Mhanic et
Michael Welsh, laborer Main et
Marco, Overt, cordwalaer Meehan& et
Awhony 0 McKshe, laborer Maine at
Jas 0 McKate laborer Main at
Jae Devon, belmer Apple et
Peter Barth, weaver, Mechanic it
Henry Stonier, machinist Main at
Aura Precinct.
GOO Deddllag, stonemason, Cotton at
John Kerber,' weaver. Cotton at
limey Stoat, spinner Pleasant at
John Ramer, laborer Crewe at
Nicholasyechit, weaver Mechanic et
Michael Orth, spinner Creemon at
John F Preston, manaPr grape al
John Roamer, laborer Cresson et
Wm Tyson, stonemason, Bhopal; fa at
John bicHaratt, lab jeer Cotton et
1117 h Precinct.
Lewis Bean, laborer Baker et
Andrew Hell:anger, mason Wood at
Wm Roger, cordmllner Cresson it, Precinct.
Michael Groans% lsborerliallroad
Wei= George, carter. Renter at
John Utley, carter Sager' Road
Thomas Peseon, dealer Sager" Road
neon , Peenon, smith Pagers Road
George Powell, euglneer /lagers Road
John alcWalers, cordwaluer Seater at
Smenth Prairie.
Thee Jletoo, cabinetmaker B taxa Road
Eighth Pt saner
Peter Conway, laborer Sumner it
Jacob Frees. plasterer Spring at
Andrew Dada, foreman Rittenhonsetown
Charles It Lippen, carriage trimmer Wisest iCken Ri
John Offlansettar, teacher Ridge Rd
Daniel thnstead. fireman Rittenhousetown
Thom Watts, carpet wearer Township Lino
Wm H Young, carpenter Summer as
John II Young, carpenter Summer al
Third ?teems!.
Jacob Affarback,Clowiwainer Main at 1
bt Bayard, weaver Main at
.Fbtrrtit Precinct.
Emanuel Rey, A L Cbelioa ar
George Bbivgle, maim Green st
Itlth Precinct
Peter Healy, laborer Evans Id
Thomas Mullin, blacksmith Main at
John 8 Pinkerton, carpenter, Meta at
Henry Dronktione, carpenter Main at
Willlem Hodson, bsr•Oonder, Main at
Michael Morphy, laborer Centre at
William Ring, carpenter Main at
Sixth Precinct.
Charles Timbers, laborer Wlteshiekon
Laurence O'Bryan, tinsmith Main at
Ileajamin Rodheßr, contweiner Pleasant at
James Montooth.brickmaker Pleasant at
Seucnth Precinct.
Albert Arthur. blacksmith Creaheln at
Theodore Lehman, cordwainer Main ac
Henry Amber', laborer Miller et
James 0 English, gentleman. Gravel lane
George wetly, mason Male et
AUshael Caber, Climbsln at
John blahatfroy, tailor Createln at
John 0 still, Watt Male, at
first Division.
Denote Val!needle, laborer Nicetown
William Bl.wer, laborer Goodman at
Charles Aland], oilcloth printer Franklin Lane
Phlllp Goasekeoper, ostler Prank'd av & Plank Vtad
James Barr, laborer Prank'd sr and Plank read
John Clapp, laborer Frenkford road west aide
Henry Glenne, laborer, Ilrideeburg
Emma Division.
Robert R Wright, clerk Willow st
George Strohm/a, brickmaker Foullard at
Jacob Pwlvell, pollee olkeer Cherry et
Henry Futter, ba.ketmater Hedge at
George B Darla, clerk Frankford road
Charles Lafferty, dyer Brantford road
Edward Riley, carver Pan! at
Noble McClintock, boxotater orchard et
Edward Maxwell, Unimlth. Fraokford real
Darla Leedom, laborer Brantford road
Lawrence Cone, blickmaker Taconey et
John Epreea, laborer James at
Alfred Thomas, laborer Teconey at
James P GDlingbam r clerk Harrison at
Jolla Walnuts, wheelwright Holm''bum
Charles A Einenbrg, wheelwright Holmegbarg
Benjamin Snyder, bar-tender Basildon
William Hoot, 'homelier Bustleton
Jebn Tacker, laborer Castor road
George Brooke, carpenter Lagrange
Peter Weleity,wheelwright Mechanicsville •
Rodman Mitchner, firmer Byberry and Bensalem Toillts
First Dietitian,
Matthew Donavan, laborer Rope Fury road
Robert Rem carpenter Darby road
Edward T Miller, cordwainer Maylanthillie
Henri Neville, inkever Darby road •
Charles Quinn, laborer Derby road.
Hamilton 0 Scott, blacksmith Detby road
Blikabel Tl'rtblt, carpenter, Wand road
James Winn, laborer, Church lane
Clement Royde, carder North it Faidialrille
John Notillo, leakeepar Darby toad
Amend L frisien.
Henry W Broultdlbrarian Almshouse
'Bichsel Bradley, M D Almshouse
Isaac Detopay. hearse delves Almshouse
Alexis de r H Brehm, M D Almshouse
John Hoard, cock Mombassa
John McGrath, nano Almshouse
James MeCleod, M D Almshouse
Andrew (Mane, Leeman tsilon Almshouse
John Bneaell , cook Alas/bows
Thomas Stevenson, soft manube Almshouse
Jam Search, foreman tin shop Almshouse
James Touer, bemoan soup hands Almshouse
George Tyler, cook !male asylum Almshouse
Samuel shit', uurse puree ward Almshouse
Third Division
Thomas Wcai, laborer River road
Fourth Division.
Patrick licYszisud, Laborer Lancaster ar
Pstr,ck ClcCioskey, Jeerer Haverkrd n
Thstuss Faulichrr. carpenter Bing at
Johu A Lsr.s, clerk Rim It
'Thomas Ross, sh rekreper Bridge et
Wsshirgtou Tsglor, carr,enter Pries st
Ara Dieisiora
Palab lien, storckeepa. Market et
William Alien, stonecutter Mary at
James 0 Biggs. clerk Mary at
William Bros n, Moulder Mutat at
John vl ad, dealer Cheat:int at
David B Warn, blacksmith Oak at
J 3 Obriety, clink Centre st
Win M Chase, blacksmith Oak at
John Dann ield, carpenter Wood it
Thomas Diekaon, eordwainer Wood et
Timothy Dtzpltrick, laborer Warren at
William 0 reinew, b ackenilth Warren at
4tepoen fladacll, stonecutter Oak at
Tbomaa J Litter, painter Market at
Alexander Muter, starch manufacturer Chestnut si
A .1 Morgan, blaesamith Pine at
St !rester McOrangan. ea/detainer Oak it
Jobe Oiler, moulder Warren rt
Henry Potter,pOttAr MA kit at
Robert hhd , trametcr Lancaster ay
William It; -h. car tadJor Wood et
Jeans &wt• r, painter Green at
R Stowell. laborer LsocAster iv
Wm Smith. tobutonist Warren at
.1 bn White, gentleman Park at
Mame gentleman Oak et
Sixth Dirioion.
William Blankley, ilasmith t.ak it
Reorie Bradford, machinist Till et
James Oiceeln, conductor Pratt at
John Canipell, laborer Rate et
John Spiel., blacksmith Market it
M Mutter, barroaker Till at
It Knowles, Hoiatter Rose at
John Kelley, laborer Wyoming at
Henry 0 lea, merchant Spruce et
Thomu Murray, laborer Nose at
John Masslogar, blacksmith Oak at
tunnel McMurray, carpenter tranango at
John O'Donnell. laborer Rom st
W Wtatcott, natal Milner Locust at
Joe Walters, brickmaker Market st
John People., machinist State st
WE certify tbat the above la a true rnma of the Ad
Mould Atacama:at made by the Ammon to tbt
illathinerp anir
' C ti t l
POT sale at th e MACHINE DEPOT—
V. 11.1111 CI. 1. VAINIXLII
manufacture High and Low Pressure Swam Rug Mao, far
Laud, River, and Marine service
Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, tre., Caste
lags of all kinds, either boo or Brass.
Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Baths's&
Stations, &z.
Retorts and Gas Machinery of the Utast and Most
improved construction.
Bleu description of Plantation roachinery, such ma
Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mille Vacuum Pans, Open Steam
Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Bugles., &e.
Sole Agents for N. /Milieux's Patent Sugar Heiling
Apparatus; Numytles Patent Stearn Hammon I. P.
Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinsry anti
Steam Pumps.
Superintendent.—B. H. BARTOL. an3-y
Mord exelaelvely 111 the ma:madam ot
Ilenufseaura to order Lounnotires ofsay sznage -
merit, weight or capacity, for the nee of Weed or Cast,
or /I ttemrsous Cold is Its crude state, or
wiettore seurnso SMOKE GAP OA nu.
In design, material padworklitanabtp, the Loren*.
tires produced at these Works ere equal co, pad us 4m.
celled by any. The materials used in construction are
made on the spot. and insure the best quality and most
reliable stock. The large extent of Shope, and Com
plete Squipmest of Maoist:amp and - rods, enable
them to execute the
With Forelegs of snl else or form
IRON AN'D NtAan cesutids,
And MACHIN'S WORK generally.
RICHARD PORHIS. tamer lamina lokkimil•
Having for many years been In anceossixl operstiot,
and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing
Marine and Blear Engines, high and low prewar, Iron
Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers. &e.
offer their services to the public, as betrigi
to contract for Engines of all sizes, Ma4ne, ear, sad
Stationary. Raving sets of patterns of different ghee,
are prepared to execute orders with gale& despatch.
Every description of Pattern-meting nude at Us
aborted notice. High and Low Preemre, True Tabu
lar and Cylinder Boilers, of th e best Pennsylvania char
coal lout. Forging, of all atlas and kindr, Iran and
Brava Castings of all descriptions; Boll Taruing, - ffners
Cutting, and all other work connected wtth the shore
Drawings and specifications for all work dew at *dr
establishment free of charge, sad work guaranteed. -
The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re
pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, anti
are provided with shears, bloats, fans, &e., for
ralaing heavy or light weights.
anl.y SIAM and PALMER Street*, Heasingtee.
Warehonse S. E. oornerrEONT and WALNUT.
TION, /itctract Buebu, for all Diseases of U. ma
der Kidneys, Gravel, Dropiy, Nervous and Delattated
TION, - Extract Bucket, removes ell the synrptoes
among which will be found Indisposition to exertion
Lou of Power, Lou of Memory, Dielculty of Breathing
General Weak - nese, Horror of Disease, Weak Name
Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats
Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Phnom, Languor
UeiT6lll4l Lassitude of the MOlCEthir firstem, often am
moms Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands,
unhinge of the Body, Dr y nem of the Skin, " Pallid
Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, Pains in the Bark,
Haarlem of the Eye Lids, frequently Blink Spots gyiag
before the Eyes, with temporary Buffunion, Loos of Bight.
If these symptocs are allowed to go on, which this me
dicine invariably remoras, soon follow Pataity and Epi
leptic Pits.
1 of the time dietreming Ailments, use HELM
BOLD 'S PREPARATIONS. Try Them, and be oemeineed
of their efficacy.
RATION, Extract Bodin,
Give health and vigor to the frame,
And bloom to the pallid cheek !"
And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be
come fond of them.
TION. Estract Duchil—,See overwhelming or:dan
ces which will be produced to show that they do great
good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open
for the inspection of all.
TION, Extract Buchu.--Trice gl per Bottle, de
livered to any address. Depot, 62 South TENTH *treat,
Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, ThiLsdal
Address letters, H. T. ITELUBOLD, South TENTH
street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia.
Sold by Drugglata and Dealers every - where. Beware
of Collatetteits. lattam*
Wines anb ficittarg.
DLETON & BROTWER, importers of Wines. Bran
dies, &c. Also, sole proprietors of the Old Wheat
Whiskey, No. 5 North Front Street. sep-11-1m
- DORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de
ll 250 casks St. Joseph's Pars Juice Port
Wine, in qrs and eighths.
Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whit.
key, 2 van; old
Fifty pipes Anchor Gin,
Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dopy Brandies, al
of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices.
an27-3rnoe 88 and 90 8. Front St., below Walnut.
LIQUOR STORE, No. We, Southeast Corner o
South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia.
BRANDIES.—Pinet, Cull!Ion & Co., Ma
rett & Co., and other brands of Bogna cii of nrtom
vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks - Pellevoistu
Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in halt pipes, cmarter
wake and one-eighth casks, all in Cantons Rouse stores,
imported and rot sale by
and Nos. 221 and South /Garth stree 4.
N 0.930 North THIRD Street, Philadelphis.—Ottipping
orders promptly attended to.
N. E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. -
The above pictures differ essentially from
ever before offered to the public. Their Edit=
truth of color And outline, extramllsou7 minuteneas
and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest
fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or
deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally
settles the question of their permanence. These fasts
enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest
satisfaction and conldence, to the publics add to Ma
They ate secured by letters patent to, and era be had
ffir • Portraits of the cabinet, and 1U ides on cansui
itsherstofore. Se 13-3na
WELCOME RA-Nat.—Son) Br 011.AD
WIOR & BRO. =N. MOND 81:1101.4m.
SPIRITS TURPENTINE -200 bbla Spirits
Turpentine, to strife, for ode by
sal •e* Water atm at.
MOSS -17 bales Caro i t
a ti t i o 4 t ar sA t ie , by
)LA sal
119 Nod!) Wits( Barest, 4