- • ;. -2111 Me lIIIT,DEPAn VONT, , ' ~,.- ,- ' 4 ' ,-'; -' ' ' . " • September 2iii 1847. ~ " Sala Is hereby given to the holders of stocks of.the ' - fililiat Btiteirthat'thialmiatment will minima such tertiacete...M IMO Pei raeivad .here, Oily assigned tit, the, United etetes, previous to the lit day of Noma. '' ', t -ibermar, a the rase heretofore Of ereo, and paid,,pis : „ .., ao pat cod. gremiuni on the loan of 1812. „-, ' ' ~ 88'Per earl. premium on losis of 1847 and 10 pYili s - - 8 per cent. premiunion Texas indemnity 0 'per cent. etakiloadlier With the interest sterna in each 'awe - fiouilatilly. , • , ' •. ;. ; ,--- ; .' ~ Catlitesta of stock received hero on; and 'aft.r t he ~' la di; of 14min:ibex. until further notice shill be given, will be purchased athe following fates, via: ..,. . 1 ' ' ' S 'pet emit priabilion the loan of 1842. - ' , , :i 14 per eanf. preidinn on the /One of 1847 Wad MO,' l ii - , 6 per eent. premium on Texas indemnity fi per eent:, . 4 `t Arithliiideerned.interistiisyid3bithereini, itspeativeo. • Ifhae certhiestes ordeal, inscribed' end tra n s f ers. • - 1 , __lletdri the books of the TrearirY;eball be ieeeiied her e, .i,,1 - , :IllignOS te.thetnit.4' States, between' the let Deni: - .. per, when lite transfer books will be dosed, andthelet ".:1 et lanurdy, wienth. half-yearly Interest Is payable, :' r pie 4,,oineis, filtered fertile half year. ruMit be .1)23 ,11. 41 ....; - ,U.4. 1 i to ihOyrnited'illatia by the stockhebled;el. two '1 -- Interatr'atie Miriam haif-Yea can' be included it( Me . -• , . , ... ..,_ _. . I • - • '?i ' iletnela .. ~ ..,, bid the eenteiwill be Pashto by the Aisiet. ~.-. - Ont Trimmer Ott the interest schedules; as heretofore: ;a all mas, the purchase sums *Abe settled %fair of fife L aw ful bolder llii stock, who shall muds). it to 7 5 4 --nu Unitedttatesin the mode prescribed by the reguli. .Aiens ot sisiannents of stock . and remittance will' be ~ ~,...„.adiipt the amennt by draft' on the assistant tram ., _ ' 141 st Ilindon,lfe*lfork, or 'Philadelphia, a the - op. -.'. +34;140t the party In, hose favor the settlement shall be -; iiiiiil: , One day's *Unions' Wawa ;will be addedltom , th e day e t ,el eate! hail, tOOtte:Sniftto be Sent bisnall. ; -. • --: ." 11019.21.1.00/11i," ~' - is ..,..,•,. -, , , ~. -'. ;larger; of the,Tressay. - F p o tip ,-)11 • rzg . , 4kt, `' , V fot-Ox-' - 'C"`Nb~IY'~. Vrilsulalplns, at ,'the intersection of Market toad : William streets: l -After • proper regard to Morals; health; andiaifety, the first aim of this Institution will he; by constant attention to the ordinary branches of edueetion, tentithethelehildron and youth, committed to ihi'care, aeon itior.nui sotto. Leta; this sectitui aim will be, by judieioas attention to other branches, including ancient and modem tau- Pages, to Midie:titiini Berm sarir.issisolioisas, end in the end weans-and OallAtlin MEN than, they would otherwiao becrtne.'"; ' " • - This Semirieriyfilsiinguldied for purity of morals, so. , clef enjoynient, and eileceiMul *Deletion, has a pa tronage fie DELOOT ati any institution whatever, as may be seen from the thettlitt the following gentlemen, well known to the coinifilthttY,liave, Au, had scale or Winne muter the care of Professor Saunders: The Mon. J. W. Astenuel, late united States District Attorney;, Thomas President of the Bank of Pennsylvania ; Messrs. E. S. Burnett; W. Goddard, T. 8. Keen, S. Newell, H. Wesendona, Win. G. Moorehead, J. Cooke, William Goodrich, Washington Butcher, William Bach. null; G. G. Westcotr, Postmaster or philadolphial Messrs, Thompson and Teeter, President and Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad COmpany; Drs. Bicknell, Ward, Rnaton,'and Tyler; Bev: Mears. God dard, Cross, Renshaw, Wheeler an d Good; Bev. Dr, Blackwood, Rev. Dr. Newton; Messrs. J. 0. Mitchell, W. W. Kean, S. Dixon, T ;S. Watson, Matthew Newkirk, 0. Dana, Jay Cook, Thompson Black;Charies Provost, Ill.Eicalallen,lB. S. White, J. A.Gendell, John Caldwell, J. B Callahan, S. Newell, T. T. Atwood, Richard Blue. den, Y.-IL Smith, H. 0. Blair, T. S. Taylor,' T. Malls ter, S. Anemia, G. B. Keen, J. B. Silver, S. riutchlw sen. li. T. Phillips. J. K. Loud,, Thomas Eingerald, Editor Philadelphia City Item; Dr. Wol. J. Birkey; Dr. Caspar Morris; Captain T. Vogdes, Tr, S. A.; Ron. Joel D. Sunderland; Gen. F. Wynkoop; 'anti MANY OTUtan of high distinction. Report of the Roo. Ellie Lewis, 'late Chief Justice of the State of Pennsylvania; the Mon. N.B. Browne, late ' Speaker of the Senate of Pennsylvania ; and the Bev. W. W. Spear, the Bet. Edgar M. Levy, and the Rev. 0. 8. Ewing, on the part of the Patrons and .Niaminers of Prof. Saunders , Institute, West Philadelphia. As our sons or wards have. been pupils of Professor Saunders, we have - hid opportunities' of-becoming thoroughly acquainted with the discipline, instruction, and general character of his Institute In West Phila delphia. It affords us pleasure to express our most unqualified approbation of bit entire iyitem for meral,intellectual, and physical culture'. • • - Rift pupils are trained to *nice Sense of propriety in their intercourse with their - tete/oln,, and with one aptinter Yis L is,,,peyer, saw seirdttary more like a well 40(iiresf afteelguete-Evetivisit4r ornst"be. delightfully imprened wlth thojemyedinij rimerfuluese and ate end -the higher branches of mathsrasidesite lfitefesively taught, with great seen ribyo,l4.-Engliahisranches, and especially arithmetic, receive perticulanattention. ProfessorSainaders has selected for his seminary a magnificent grove of lofty treee, 'Covering more than' two scree. The exercise& in this delightful gymnasium min , atittitiliii emelt pariof - the charm end advantage of the Institute. . Present l at ',eyed examinations of Iris pupils; we were highly gritided with all Gusty° witneseed. - Oroxicilif OP Psi .VIII:LADILPItIA PRESS, WOOBO EDITORS ..IitAerILAOX/Y YORE SONS AND Warms In TRIO INSTI.. StITS piss IN AMC • Leirtruna—Having• bad a son un der- the Professor's charge, and in his family nearly a year. pest,,,we can speak of his school as eminently Worthy of pationige,—iTehn W. Forney, Editor of the Tress. To those parents who desire to combine the beet phy; slat andquoral derelopment of their 'Children, with high-tuned, sound, and j udicious , mental training, the Institution of ProL Saunders offer, pecidiar advantages. —(Editor.of She Npiscopaißecorder.. • . Saunders, wejearn, Is a model teacher, both we to discipline and inimeniTul instruction. Parente who have pateonised.his.lnstitute are delighted with IC— [Editor of the Christian Chronicle. „, 5 , ProfrfE.-11,Soutatersda a gentleman of great merit and recogalied ability In him profession. :We are not surpriaed to learn, that his climes are rapidly filling op, —(Editor of Me North American.-'. , _ Slew. idatneonsn' iserrivors.—Thin Seminary is 10-' mite. la the midst oft grove - of noble trees; and has in its front s largo portico, extending the whole length of the building, and in Its rear a beautiful garden. The 'view of the surrounding country, and the city of Plain- Aelphis, from the upper portico, is magnificent. In the choice of his location, Professor Saunders has combined, in one- all the belpa the), Gyeclan philosophers brought totheir assistance in impressing the minds of their th'e grovo,"the porch, and the Lyceum.' If the youthful mind can any where receive deep dranghti Of knowledge or imbibe Morals In their parity, this is the apot,so tho,mers for the work. Wo were present while the smaller boys recited - their lessons in Latin, and were highly delightid with, the readiness with which they declined the verts—the real key to the language— and the facility with which they rendered _English into aild2oics...cerse.Editor of , ths,'Etweng But haw: • " ' Aloe -issvtrnin.—Ttds"seminsry, m ost; eDrtbly loetted in West bas received the hi heat conimendations:, front Zags:Lewin, General' Wynko9, Colonel Forney', "G. o.'Weetcott, Esq., and ;, others *he have had sons or *gait tinderthe "charge of f, Prof,' SitniMnifl.' We - take pleasure in that his editcational plea.' is with that students find books are 'creation rather thane tedious:task; and that inildness„ 'deaden, and the law of love, are alone depended,nponl, leir insure' attention in the school-room. • Our personal `linPorietiortonables us to giVi)intilling endorsement to the may fiattering encomiums which the Professor weirdo , Inotitinilderaretaived.' • s' • • ' We haffeheind gtintiernem - itliose 'sons are under his waij in' inch "withuslastio 'terms of his 'entire tosnagemenn, -And' arrsngenients, that , sysi are con. , attainedilo request' itey,or our fri4nds who have sons to i Oman' to - paybitn. a visit.—[Editor of the Pennsyl ,tiltaitne. _J - , ' We have long known Professor Saunders, both in Vir gilds and-in this city; - as an able and experienced, Una ek, mind hive repeatedly borne testimony to hliad mixable system of instruction. The names of the dil tingnishodontioteen'who are his patrons, furnish an enflAsmenneraendation of his Institute "to, th e public.' "—Tfffffrot.if Me:Christiort Obbetter. , ' " Prof. financiers has a most 'delightful location, end; Avery advantage for a school of the highest order, in! flittnA nokrand youag men" for college or tweliees„ Net : dialhoromalt teacher wad an'adwirable .10,scirool"- whatever, is composed of ',Tenth from morel • ;x4titd.fmoatniti...ke.• eaveriefewnr system - 01 4 1 bestrewn= more admirably adapted to. the capacity or; "youth:Or teedleg More to make them lOve their studies.' —irdieor of the Sits. .1 : 41105280Ei . MattNDX.B9' Irs,ncrl37l tile own 1104 Mediate; 'able, add 'Judicious; supervision; ieuescquired I "yresiet menbrity,'7,-AEditcy qf fire City firm., ;I,lt.taLorde me great pleasure to testify of Premises E. ,D;.Siturdlern' Wife . as my classmate in lisle College,' ,', for fichole.rship, he has been re -sosaisabli itionriciful in the m i t:tweet for 'a teite of, 1 .4 . 0 9;) t 0 r f r 9arg rz • r gi n°4 r 4.--11.1 Sf i n f o eoot pm air , lOC .„ .247fijiefOing is, from Comte Soin,:fr. ea*, of . - , &lien, teeny lot to be acqueleted with Protes-' mill,: Bo:Saunders, as a teacher of youth i. frour his first! oommenceinent in inyvieinity lathe Masi successful se-, tabliMiteent - Of the, Institute in Petersburg; and I can fly, It laterally, never, been my lot to know a more muswasted„ educator, upon -the breed meteor more 4 as -wsil'ia Intellectual culture. Nit underelgned having been piston el the Presby-: rerun trtnaajdis regain, Winlat.'Pyca ....fassor Eaundeps had charge Op ,tha , Irmiltution , referred Toile /alibied to tostifyto the romettible success with which his' Inborn iin,"that city were , attended.—[John Leyhurn, 'D. D., one of She Editors of the Presbya stotaaseclamps tee can accparrnodsda slaw mote ya; own Stailli,`to Mamie' the itholn_tbee, or ~.,(fessetwesi-fainilies prefer) from -Monday. morning tilt errealng,"nt 'll,,correlponding deduction in pricfiq Address- - ' 'TROY. SAUNDERS, -1-v,estPhYi",?°lP4l,!:, ~?bei of tie iririoni quelitiesjuit reoeived from Minnesota; A*1:01,V44.1110 absortroorit of Panay ROWS of our ow 4 aluto.facturo; and for solo ,wboloaolo pad rAtail by ; 020. , 81 WOW:MIL, I , 4/6 Areb Offeet pitl2-linit 4 40 1 401% 4 4 4 4 Volnikit4l.7The , Anittial ** ofrebtailwajetny win b UM on Matelay Jteiti Lief.,) *-114 . M., at the Secretary's ',ollo,ll9,l4#3 t kpilith'4orea;: Ptitlatail . 1109/24421i0 i-pwritialarty *tasted. _ ioolo4tit tt. SAIETIIURST. ' 1 fturit• Etectropathy....nii. -Atawittiaritit nadtencea, who sza highly delighted with suaT,Ypielments: He lectures this Week, 1 *Mak *044 pa, Feuoirs , Hall; Fekt an Tuesday and Saturday evenings, end at ,Bsring cquer,,s..t broad , add PPring 00 4 ea Orbits, on Wednesday and Friday evenings, at ft altiota; ap office, 1237 OpriarGarden street. ilavitig Fund—Office 103 Widani ' 'door weit of eeeond street:: Seisiviii "do pinata ligialii9'of One Della end urraidi,:iviteaii „ 95904 a:pinto/nn:nal% end idioms Inieteitae tini cd five pit neg. per annum. t ,¢Pap,iperndmis, from 9 until b °tele*, tad widen 4/ 44 6649% 4itil 9 in the evening. Veildinte PriskUs-101;• TresiureF, Mule, si.ldorria; tam James B. litingle.; :•-yaawi l l i rpit aik t:, c l i r dPap,....7"Tain inviganible ;:9044diiiidaptisiatininaya$4.19(aha mr,a oli9las'nad . walking atainatieslumme in , medicine, an d is the acid `i.iiiailOimdfaliabla airadnatitt 'Milt:far infants and . ' i1,t,P 1 020.. 1 •! '- :. „', , ' : ~- . . •-,. ! •.4 • tar ihaalarkindaance p speedy ape ,fa Mtentod in WI mum of 0 clic, windy pains and spasms. Ballaves L ''';' O I 0110*illiihiOtehildrirel itaroing dtiriol2•fi h4til o ar)'.{:tli• 1 ?7. 4 1 i.iNI Vris r t l4l ‘ l " - ~ . 644 Witinvoll; / 0 a o Oness, •rimouncico., , , „,.'"--MitisoliSonkSatdiat-laaalissom•-a sia4M4 masae/p., ` l4 AinisViskiiiiii hiaaaiaiiida oft aisanidilalkindat •-•'` , -, ' .l:.*,: i lP: * *o l .7. loii *- bil / 2 041°1/11i - _..100#14114,431.4P1tel A4lraivivoliat siorsa4onen sta ., etpl# a. ,I,l l for alto th il4 l lol 4 6 44 ,10 #: And ho sifts vitiMtlW,, PrAll. 1-.;:— ''~i i I IQP44 4 •oversidifula - -:;ii — _ Jana UMW At fed on' !!!!=e!!! -, , llevelaclFirsul,Ariva Vex, Cent. lutetest—Nl. tinsel Safety Trust Company, in 'Wnt. Street, south west corner of Taman Infest, S a lIILADILYIII4. Assets over Ous Attimoti MAD ► 11414 oT DOLLA.RB, invested in Hsu. MBTATS, MOlrrialatlßOßo2l9 ROOTS, and other fret elms securities, oe required by the charter. his Institution oontinee its business entirely to the rued! Ting of money on depo'ell,. The office is open every dity born Y o'clodk is the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, sod on Monday and Thursday ev,nuags until S illarnageo On the let inst., by the Rev: David Magill, Mr. JOS. RUSSELL, of Lanceeter county, re., to Miss SARAH ANN ANDERSON, of this city. On the Bth Inst., by the Rev. Edward McKee, Mr. JEREhIIAII F. FINNEGAN to Mies RATE MoOAF FREY, both of thte city. Maths Suddenly, on Saturday evening, the filth inst., ELIAS 0. DEAL, aged 20 yeast eon of Daniel Deal. DUO no- Ma of Interment. • ' Oa the Bth Ind , CONRAD RIP.PERGER, In the 88th year of hie age. On the 9th lost., SUSANNA. FREE, wife of WILLIAM FREE, In the 33d year of her age. On the Bth lost., Mrs. SARAH BATES, In the 78th year of her age. On the 9th inst., hfre. JAMIMA WELSH, in the 93d year of her age. fErFourth'Ward.—A meeting of the Demo cratic .Executive Committee of the FOURTH WAND will be held this (MONDAY) En:NINO, at 7 o'clock, at the house of W. MOMITLLEN, Eighth street,below Punctual attendance h requested, as business of im portance will be transacted. • By order of the Committee. ISIoiIitiLLYJN, President. .108HUA M. Durrell, Secretary. co l2•ltlr It 7" Meeting or the Malt and Liquor Dealers. —A Suede' Meeting or the WHOLESALE AND DETAIL MALT ;AND. LIQUOR DEALERS , ASSOCIATION, will be held ea MONDAY, Oct. 12th, at 9 o'clock In tho fore noon, at the MIMEO MILITARY MALL, in THIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of repudiating the action of a factions minority seeking to control the ma jority, in their absence, at the close of the meeting at Diligent Hall on Thursday ereninglask By order of the. President, and approved by many members. octl2.lt* V - Phlltidelphta,Oot. s; 1857.—Pat the Regu lar Stated Meeting of the LIQIIOR DEALERS' ASSO CIATION, hold this day, a resolution was adopted, unanimously. to withdraw the Ticket known as the Psoeta's Tumor," which was formed by this Asso ciation on the let inst. The following-named gentle. men were "appointed a Committee to carry oat the in tentions of the mooting Ifeniy, 0: bleeser,, Jame' Drady,and J. Y, Magair.. :ORD P. O , RDELE, Ohalinunpro. tarn: tignor Defile& AILSOaIitIOD. „ _ • The above Committee hereby notifY the 'members of the" Liquor pesters' ,Associatlon," and the public, that they have suaritided the publication of the ticket 4 known an the People's Ticket," and recommend that all members of the Association, and their friends, ex erchie their own interient and preferences in regard to the candidates of the several political parties to be voted for on Tneaday next . The ComMittee also notify all whom It may concern, that any ticket , published hereafter as a "People's Ticket" has not the, sanction of the Liquor Dealers' Association, or any ionuection therewith. lIENBY C. MEESE% JAB. BRADY,. 0c12,2t JOANII.IIAQUID.R. 117 Notice to Consignees.—The Ship Non- PARBIL," Captain OP.OIIOII YAWS, is now discharg ing, under general permit, at Queen street wharf. Con signees will please attend to the reeeipt of their goods. THOMAS 111 . 011ARDSON dr, 00., oc9-5t 101 Walnut street. IV' Girard College: The Directors of the Girard College give notice that they are prepared to bind out, in the State of Pennsylvania, nineteen Or phane, in accordance with the will of Stephen Girard, to suitable occupationS, Such as agriculture, navigation, arts, mechanical trades and manufactures , " The mas ter will be required to teach hie apprentice his respec tive art, to furnish him with suitable board and lodging in hie own place of residence. , (except where, for special reasons, the apprentice may be allowed to board else where) and to provide him, upon the termination of his apprenticeship, with at least two suite of clothes. The waster will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding one month. Personi desirous of ob taining an apprentice can apply at the College between' the hours of 3 omit. P. M. or, if not residents of.Phila delphla, eon addrees the undersigned In writing, stating name, residence, occupation and references—the latter, whenever possible, to ba citizens of Philadelphia. • , . , , • lIHNRY W. ARES', Secretary of Girard College. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS; Up to 12 o'clock . Last Night GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut street, beiWeength & nth. Mr Mayhew, New York A 0 lilayhew,blassaahusetts Judge Gilchrist, Washin'n John Carson, Baltimore Wm II Norris, Baltimore Win 8 Reese, Baltimore Jno D Turner, Va L L Crump, Virginia W N Baugh, Virginia Jas T King, N Carolina 8 Duncan, jr, Washington Thou B Oakley, N York Inc, 0 Holden, Mass ' W Towers, Washington S H Sonrben, Washingthl Dr Alfred Hughes, Va D P Heckman, Va N W Noell, Virginia - Jno N Sadler , Vs P P Scott, Baltimore J T Stephenson,Kentucky Pedro Pde Mosquera, NeW /no E Wylie, N Haven Grenada • E D Moore , - , •T A Walton, Mississippi N Thomas; Miss - ; - A Moubeimer, N Orleans Jno 11 Lamar, Georgia J T Goddard, Macon, Oa hionteltb; Georgia • Nathan Adams, Chicago J 5 Glenn, Montgomery, At J T Chandler, Lexingtn, Ga W 8 Culbertson, N Albany john Chicago • Mrs Ilaideinan, Pa ' • 'JO Hand; Richmond 0 - B gopscom, Richmond 7H Hillaman, jr, Va Bishop Boykin Darli, South (is KDickinson and la, NO Boykin and la, Olt 0 W Partingtoc, Beaton P Spaulding; Boston Mrs 0 T Dickerson, Oinn 0 W Stanton and lady, H O WLI Grant,Wilton, ti Clark, Boston F Chaney, N Y 9. Slaughter, Lyneldig,Vis H Bottardi and lady)? Y Mad. Tara, N Y US Parker, Harrisburg • J Arnold, Washington LII Laurence and In, Utica Harrison, N Y " JO cropper, and lady, NY' JD Dane's, Jr. Belt P Denmead, Belt 11 Outman; Atlanta; Oa JP. Shepherd, N John W Clark, NY, " lan W Britton, N Y Palmeri New York W W Sherman & la, N Y Jno Murdoch & la, N York Richard Lee, New York Abraham Bussing, N York Geo W Shaw, Ohio Marshall Oliver, N York Tr A H Jackson, Conn James Emtnitt, Penns Thee A Doyle, K Island T Leonine, Virginia ' Iggioddard,licriffork Win H Hardgrove, Vs W G Laguna, Oasandagua E W Moore, Texas S Henan, Georgia 8 B Bucher, Georgia - E O Auto, 8 Carolina • IV 0 Mixon, Alabama Master 'A V Scott, Vs • Coo Itualltord, Wisconsin E L Buttrick, Jno G Morris, Baltimore John Nog, New York R Richardsen, Georgia RVg Rog , Virginia Oapt Eagle, 17 0 N Green. Virginia . Jell'A,9Cearce Kentucky H Butler, Pldla' Dr Mayo, U reN . T Spear, Oharleston A J Berry, York District, 8 0 J P Mangey, 8 Carolina A 0 Sanford, Ohio, • J B Curtis, Ohio John &Were & wt, Penni' D,Afaefarland & la, N Y Gen Geo 4 Granger, 80 Jahn B King, Chicago Ohm; Morris, Delaware Dr Prank M Rieder, Reod'g d+.t o dB beets, N H Wm Mac .Neill Whistler, Jaa Head, Mt Molly, er 3 Philadelphia Jo hn Morrison, (Ruin, 0 A A !bluer San Prancisco 1' W Parke San WrIACIIICO 0 Park, Vermont W S Shattereek, N Y Pred 4 Carnes, N Y W H Smith, Boston' - W Batch dc la. N 0 W J Scott, Vs • a o Chappell, Va 0 01M01011 Eivridsnce,R I P W Scudder, Batton II Schoonmaker,N Y- A Analre, 11 V Geo W White & con, N Y Ata Leema, Washington W 8 Vetridge, N Y Jos H Miller, N Y T Rolf, New Orleans MERCHANTS t,HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Joseph Chlog, Ohio " James Campbell, Y Henry SCA, Oin, Ohio W Warner, N Britton,Ot Mrs Glass & Son, 11l T Johnson, Phila Hon O Scott, Pa,hw Ii Washington A S Snowden,Cusrliind co P Lauer, ItWing ET Ebb, Mercer Drabook, Taunton, Mu Wm W Hester, Ind JAI Jones, Clarion. Ps J H Haber, Jr, Newatead,Hy JamteaP Scott, Pulaski, Ps A J Wangb, Pulaski, Pa E Byers, Pulaski, Pa J H Wottbrldge, Newark J E Heron. Syracuse, N Y Mks Sumner, Streams, NY Mrs Cochran, Plttsbusgh Joseph Villltdaer,Na. iktorelmeTrelit,Siluerssille II A Guernsey & Wells . H E Lehman, Lancaster bore', Pa I Haney, blame co, Pa 0 Wet, Waterford, Pa • T Oramblet, Ohio fi M Carson, Tenn Harpoon, D T Vincent, Ala • Hon I S Black, Wash's • G P Howeddass • C Lerett, AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheatnnt, above Binh. Wm 11Squire, N 0 L H Carter es la, Bait B B McOlees, Balt DJ Simpson, S 0 B B Miller, PUB J A Stebbins, N Y Wto R Seaver, Philo 0 G Goodman, N Y fiSendford, N Y E & la, Erie, Pa B E Lemon, Pa ` ' 7, Cooper, Pa W Holstein & la, Monty co J Wayne & la, Monty co A Wetherbee 010, 0 - Alex Daley, Va N 0 Barrett, is - 'J E Newsome, Hartford,NO T Coleman, Concord, N 0 Wlt Jenny, N 0 Ino T Miller Shelby, N -0 P Flynn, Ya Leißla, old G N Miller, N 0 M Newell, Philo:. W 0 Whipple, N Y Speakman d li, Bait J Dougherty, Del Philip Beekman, Del ' Geo Beekman, Del Jos A Ryan &Jo, Louisiana; ft E Rood, Phila Ira W Porter, Philo R X Champion, Ohio Mrs 8 A Champion& den, 0 E Dougherty, Del co,Pa A J Thorne, N A Landts,'Oltford, N Montgomery, Va _ Wm Murfee, Va Jan 13 Harrison, Ya - ' - A W Norfleet, Vs D Wile* Cheater, 8 0 1 dlocnm, N Y Thus S Yieltera, N 0 - R W Preston, Va G Caldwell, Vs R 8 Pettibone eG w Go Semi R Poynter, Conn - 8 Hopkins, Gnionsboro,NO L Brans, West Chester - J P Anderson, N Y Jas M IScOlellanp, Ey 8 Dreyfous, N Y W W Spencer & wife, Conn Woo T Young, N Y ONION HOTEL—Art street. above Third. E A Vogler, Belem, N O A 11 Webb, Belem, N S S Plowing, Viminia AB Wingerd, Penns U Btonehouse, Waynesboro , J Booebreak, Waynesboro' UM Pratt, Lewistown, Pa B W Pritchard &Ia Ohio 11 W PeJISIOOk, Renew, Pell, Newark; N J 0 Orontes, Radon Pa VS Zigte Heaton Ps John Carter, Tamaqua, Ps 'a Cook, Newark, N J Nath'l Mains, Chi, 11l a Straub, Bloomfield, 11l I Bistletqk la, Bloom fel, /11 P Striker, Pittsburgh, Pa A 11 ace, Mlnenrillo A Noble, Reading 11 II Koons, Reading 0 0 Idilnor, N J BLACK BEAR INN—ilfth and Merchant J D Wiley, York co, Pa J P Thornton, Norristown Callahan & la, Philo 0 Hatton, Del D B Nyce, Phcenlxvllle Stephen D Byers, Ps Jacob Nice Chester oo Thos Broome!, Del Bung Beltser, Pa ;no Sill tc la, Del co nos Decrees; Cheater co Mark Brooke, Del co dm 'Larkin, Del CO, Pa Geo W ilmraia,'Del co, Ps Lewis Garrett, Del co, Pa. Jet Garrett, Mester co Davis Ramble r Chester co Darla Hanna, Chester co Wm. BOSS, N John Blakeley, Ohester,Pa Ed'd Hilliard, klanahockln James Watson,Phila &Iraq Brown, Phila. • Edwd Hayes, Philo SPAM VNlON—Market street. &bore Sixth. DL P McOtees Atlantic, city no McOlees, Atlantic city 8 Lissberger, Washington Ohs' Ilardlng, Roanoke Chas Wiliolry, Boston Geo W Haswell, Boston 1.1 McDonald, PattivilleJsOkson, Halt Jacob P Banta, Lancaster W Berg, Piing WM It Berry, York, Pa W Hellman, Middletown John Smaltzer;Pii - Geo Warne, Po. Geo arMS,l t aneaster,ra , Chapman, Boston z ~,„ . Grafton Beall, Jr. Mass MADISON 1100818-13econd stied. below Arch. A Thornet Widen, N E C Weston, iloston ti Birbot, Newborn, pt 0 8 P Houston, Del P Misses, Reading G Leagrent, Reading • W Gray, Del -A II Logan, N Y' Mime, Pittsburgh T B Leedom, iferr'W MMurdock,Chestco,Ps • Ns Wilms A. Le, Ps M A Pield, Phils J Ides, Pt Deposit, hid D Dennett, Del • L - 8 Virden, Del Y Townsend, Del E Gibson, Louisville, py Binder, N T Lariosway, N ' 8 Beynoldo, B Ps Jos OasorinN N P Leff, Delaware J B Connelly, Delaware • Cleo D Gasohol Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Baca 'treat, arboas TXIII, Wm L flamer, PhilaSelptila 0 Big jSne , Biltimare ' Wfl astaby L pittata irg i, M Patterson, New York • Thine', Etsdist Geo W Xoloaa, J,X•ylmar t lamcalfea ; • oeo Slobt, , Waymathorof Tips Walley, Wajamboto Jos L Wllkeibuto It Kirkpatrick tr, la, Ohio 0 Itammbetr Pa r , IA I, Msore, lasssater • Mta Quiser, is 1- •-, /Sim Stlfit/j A Jlfitattinaer, 8911- Hares AMa Rfttoolls • James A 1/lohs t Obio 0 Xlmahuth, rattarilla - 01;(1ts,;:z.A ISX!-WalSsioPOttliTillet , • IVOTIO ;•=iltrYta ' WINE, in SEVINT“ A' atilt, ahOTO'OheetniitOrill be doted fore few days, for itiorrimint and zeitiimishing. 'MU' re opened in • • ie that will va mpire , farorablY With any house in the tiltev, The choice oldilirandlecin tostom-honeei to the Mate .; of iohn tiny, Jr., have beep Pitrebiatu by the anbeCribef, ; . follat WM. GM: L IST. OF LETTERS REMAINING IN tho PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to 12 o'clock P. EI. on Saturday; Oct. 10, 1817. [Persons applying for advertised Letters will plums mention the date of the List.] Open on Sunday from 7g to 8J o'clock A. EL, and 2 to 3 P. It. LADIES' LIST Arent Mrs Jas D (Meson Sarah McGloin Maria /Winton Mies Gila Mary McConnell Oath Altman Mrs A. 0 Gent Mary McCambridge Sal Mitt Mre Garrth Caroline klelntegart Dridgt Andrews Annie Si Giberson• Mary Malinffice Sarah Adams Sarah Clomp Margaret McLauria Penel Arnold Mrs Grey Miss McNally Ellen Altimue Sarah Gibbs Mrs Mellarvey Susan Allen Mary and ardner Mrs Mary Marano Arm Busily Gorham Mottle McGlmeley Rose Armstrong Amelia Gray Mra A 0 MoGran Rosetta Beeson Maria Grirnsbara E A Nelson Anna M Brooke Eliza Griffith Orlando B Nixon Aniline Barton Mrs E 0 Henry Mrs Nagen Mrs A Bonen Isabella nausea Elizabeth Ottobeck Emma Barret Libble Bantle Islrs Owens Mary Barrett Oath Hague Mrs Geo 0 Obert Mrs Ball Mrs Ambrose Ilembold Mary O'Neal Mrs Barbour Mrs C F Fiendebauch Mrs Provost Lucy Ball Maria M Ramble Marg Peterson Chris Barnes Mary J Hainan Mrs Si H Pedrick Sarah S Beasace.Cath Hawley Mrs Susan Peden Mrs Baldwin Hach I` Harris Mrs E R Porter Jane Bear Emma II Henderson Elizabt Potter Marg Baird Amanda Heller Mrs Blialbt Powell Mrs G Bicking Min EMI:Inv Marg Parr Mrs R W Blots Mrs Levina Mani! Sarah 0 Price Mrs Mary Butler Mrs Lucy Ilawp Mrs Hannah Prugel Christine Buckner Miss Hammond Martha Pedon Mrs Bullock Sarah Henry Miss Emma Parker. Mary Buckley Willie Hart Miss LonisaPotter Anus T Buckwalter M A Hartnett Hannah Place Mn E V Brown Jane J Harrison Mrs F Philipps Jane Buck Harriet Hess Clara M Palmer Mrs Si Blye Id los Mary Hail Mrs Edwd S Pears Mrs S E Minion nisi 0 Harris MraPaulino Potter AZ Brown Mrs A 0 Herman Mrs Paul Mrs J Byrne Cattee 0 Holland Mrs Susan Pennock Sarah Byers Mrs Jane 'Hooper Miss W A Peden Mrs Bowling Elizabeth Itutchiaon Mary ReGy Delia Brown Hannah P Hunter Mrs Jane Regart Phrebo A Bryan Rebecca. d, Houle Jane P Rice Sarah A Bryant Miss Ann Hugnemln Mad Haverty Sarah Bryant Mary " 'Hubbard Emma 11Reed Lusatia Butterworth lb Hutton Mary J Ramage Emily Buckley Hannah Holmes Miss Eliza Reid Mrs Braden Miss R Holler Dorothea RY:4 atraS TIV Bracken Julia Itutcheins Eliza Bras Marrama Bring Jane Ireland Harriette Rogers Sarah CalhoonHenrietta Ireton Miss Mani , : Robinson Eva Cardwell Mary Jones Sarah Ann' Robins Mrs B Carroll Julia Jellrey Fanny Hassell Mrs 0 Cary Mrs O J Johnson Sarah Been Mellen Caserran Rosetta Jones amloseph , e Rtappreiht Elvino Carswell Mrs Ella Johraton Sallie E Saunders Sarah Calloway Mary Jo:Anion Min Anna Shelley Miss V Carter Lucy Lee Johnson Julia A Seal Mrs A L Carlisle Rebecca Johnson 0 Diana Shaw AIM E Cash Mrs natl.!' . Johnetonaliselane Sarah Miss M A Carter, Josephine Solna Henrietta Shute Miss It Cain Catharine Jennings Sarah Schobe MISS Sus Christman Mrs EP Johnson Leary Shairen Margaret Carson Margaret Johnson Mrs M Showerd Joseph's Clark Ruth D Jordan Miss Scott Mrs Francis Oleemann Gaels% Rhodes Mien Sarah Salzmann W Clement misi A W Relater Honors Schwartz Caroline Clark Miss H D Ramble Mare J &mon Marie Comenia Mary Raynor Miss W ' Smyth Christiana Custer Mrs Metier Louisa A Smyth Elizabeth Cotten Mrs Anna Kirby Mrs H Smith MISS Jane Cooke Sarah IC Relapse) , Minh% Small Mrs Betty Craig Susan Keefe Mre Smith Mazgarot Cory Catharine Really dlisa Mary Snyder Mary Crutchfield Mrs Kelley Miss Rake Smith Eliza M Connelly Mies N A Kerr Mrs Eliza 0 Simmons Jennie Colman Mrs Ezra Kennard MroMary Smith Hannah Colman Mariana.' Longstreth Bennie Siegiser Sarah Coakley Any Lynch Miss Ellen - Smith Miss Anna Crane Julia A Lee Ulm Elizabeth Slovene Emma W Crean Elizabeth Larrieon Merlbh 0 Summers Mania Culbane Julia Lyle Mrs Rosa Somernpike Anna Cohen Fanny Loyd Mre Wrn Stoner Mrs Johne Cauvery Biddy Lithge Margaret Sparkman Susan Cooper Sarah I lintman Pauline Springer Kate Culhane Julia La" Mae Gears ht Steward Ann Connelly Mary Lanigan Mrs M C Btockdale Mrs GI, Curtis Emma Ludmans Fanny I, raldus B Craig Mrs S L Loten Mrs John T Stuart Mrs 0 0 Connell MissAnno Longbine Maeda Stederman Mrs L Crumlieh Bridget Little Mise Annie Sullivan Mary Harrah Mrs Lewis Louisa M Statdiran Mrs E C Dempey Bridget Levis Mrs AHarny Stuart Anna E Dating Anna Linsenbeigler Pus Swiggett Mary Dibble Mira Ann Leypoldt Mad Si Beeney Elizabeth Deisryey Marg't Logy Mies Eleanor Stradley Sarah Denney Mary Lange Wilhelin'a Straus Carolina Dale; Mary Lssres Mary Ann Stockton 11 Davis Letitia Leeds Ann DI Stuart Mrs E Dltzel Mrs, Leroy Margaret Todd 0 B Deers* Margaret • Lee Mrs Jimmy Tripler A E Bailer's Mary E Locken Mrs Mary Toy Elizabeth Davis Ella% M Lauo Miss A A Tireeey Mary .17 Deutschmann D Leary Miss Ellen poison Margaret Davy Miss Marl Leo Mrs David Tingstroin Dire AI Danz Lime Lobe Mrs Sarah J A Demong Eliza .7. bledkiff Almira Todd Mary A Davis Mm z 0 Massey Catharine Townsend It S Dellorl Ells% Morahan Story J Tomer A M Downing Mrs D T Mathews Maggie Timpson Mary Doran Mrs !if K ilfeherire bfarg'ta Tolen Mary Druck Miss F Merriam Carrie II Tenex Elizabeth Drennan. Julia Markle Anne 0 Truman Sallie Duncan Lydia Merrill Mrs Wm Tennant Mrs L Braintnotad AnnM.Martln Georgians Teney Mm Diamond ft Si Martin Miss Mary Thompson Sallie Duquin Anna Mariatz Mrs Lucy Way Mrs F it Dunkin Mrs 11 F Mann Amelia Ward Mrs P P Duval Mary P Mathias Louisa Whittington UrnS Dunkin Mrs B P Marcus Bertha Walters Lizzie Duffield Mary 0 May Penney E West Sally Douglas Elizabeth Meyer Mm Walsh B M E Ewart Matilda Maloney MraMary Weatherhead Mrs English Sarah Merrick Amelia D L Elder Elizabeth blifiln Elizabeth Walker Eliza Egan Catharine Miller Mrs May P Walker Mrs 0 0 Evans Mrs Miller Anna E Whitebread 8 Eby Sarah E 0 Mitchell Caroline Williams of Elkart Sarah Miller Mrs Lizzie Williams bl Endicott Lucia Al lau Mrs LB Willie L Ewing Mrs Win E Moore Rachel El Winchester 0 J Everard Mary Mullin Mrs Mary Winetold Mrs (1E Faughender Margt Muller Christiana Williamson A U Fost Anna E Monger Anna E Wiley Ann Fos Miss Mary Morris Mrs Anna Wilson Mrs M A Frost Mary E Moore Mrs Oscar F Wharf Mrs II Forrester Bate Michener Sophia Worton Mrs Capt Flynn Mary Maag Margaret Wood Julia S M Foster Pauline Montgomery Bliss Wyman Lizzie Foster Miss It Alice A Wright Mrs 13 Fee Sarah Monday Elisabeth Woodall Mre llf Fraley Miss al A Morgan Miss Kate Wolfe Atm A Fink Miss Emma Morell Loretta Woks AAI Farrell Mrs Ann Meyers Mni Laura Wood Meg M Fortenbaker Mary Morton Koala It Worling Julia Finley Sarah Morrison Rachel °instead Oath Fountain Pauline Mueller Roaiene Veronica Sister BI Fleet Mrs Sarah Mullin Margaret Ilinpbby Mrs RIT Fuller Miss Mary Muffle Mine Marie litley Biro S , Fies Mary G McAllister Mrs Yarht Claire Foehan Mrs Mary McPherson, Isabel Vegan Mra E Fisher Miss McMullan Rose Zeller Mrs It Fitzpatrick Julia McHugh Isabella Qulllinan M Frisby Mrs Mary McLoughlin Mary Yates E Guys Ophella McKee Miss Ann Unner Mrs 8 Gallagher Sally Mcßim Margaret Queen Mrs uraTate Edith McGloughlin Mrs • GENTLEMEN'S LIST Algea Jae Cell:loon - Easton Dr Rollin Alexander W J Cana Wm Eddonee Ralph Adrian Orsobinl Carpenter D W Eisele John Adams David Carpenter TAttis II Eltvlng W A Alexander Hugh Cauder BenjF Elenworth Jai Allen Wm Campbell El 13 Ebbe Bernhard Aiken C 8 Campbell Robt Elwell Henry Allen d Albert Carrahan Rev D F Elliott Mr . . . . Adams M H Campbell Edwd Eater Capt Joshua Alexander Dr H Carter John Ellwell W H American flecr'y Carna Wm 0 Egan Win Education So. Cassidy W E Edet Anthony dell ()mean Id Eberhardt F Alexander II W Chewier Wm Mato: of the Lite- Jahn 'David Chimes hi rary Journal Allman John A Chamberlane N 1.1 Elwell Wm II Allison MORN. at Churchill Capt W Beard Hiram M Son Chrietee James Etter Jaa Addis A A Chadwick Chan Y Evans Thos Ashman W N ChristeeCapt W El Ewln Philip P &wain Albert W Channel Jae Endes ohl Awl& D ' Clark Lewis Audibert Emile Clark AD Appletraugh Dr JS Clouser Oeo W Emory &melt Mier ML Clark & Carroll Erskine Ito‘' F.: Arnold Young V Clark Baml W Evans Oeo Anderson Oeo Clark Oliver H Erettman W Anton Christian Clyde Robt .1 Farrell Walter Anter James Clark 0 Faulkner W ducker Edward Clifford Capt W D Fallow John Anderson T A Coffey John Fetzer Leonard Ashton. Dr Cook J D Fuel Peter Alvaro, It .7 Connelly Martin Fell XII Baker P A Corbett W L Farrar Capt Jots 0 Baker Benjamin Cooper Saml W Fkalis Mons Rose Barrisloa Conrad T A Pletcher ) D Barman Jae Cohen S E Fisher & Bro Oomley IL ;fisher Siml P Cousins Dr A 73 Flock Geo Daggs H Barns Cleo Barlow Benj Cox B J Fitfaun B Ileran lI E Coates John Filler Wm Barrett Beaver B Conner John S Fitz Jacob Bartlett Ultam U Cohen Ii Barns Mesa &Co Cook 0 U Barter. John Cowles Andrew 0 Fitzgerald Pat'k Bailey E 8 °only Andrew 0 Finch Sam'l Baker Hon G W Colton Edwd F Flock John Barney S S Conom Jonathx L Francis J II Barnwall Jr Wm Coate k Audio Frunks Jew Barrington U Cope Ellt Fallagan onla A Barclay E E Cockrlll Thomas Funatenhefin Baron Edmund Cox P Foster JOB . Barrett Chan E Condon Capt Jan Fubon NM Jr Becker Wm Conley Nancy Foster Wm Beach Wm Cohn Julian Forsythe Win F Beall Theodore T Cox Wm Fran) , ft Benson R W Collins A B Foster B N Buckwlth A. Cochran John Foster Ohas Beox Der J E Collins fey V D Fogg Eban F /Deland E C Cowart Chas Foontain Coo W Begley Andrew Cook laaac P Franklin Rer Berger Jean P Conley Andrew 0 Pox Daniel Berger Paul Cothorn L /I Foster 0 Beall Theodore L Cobb Key Arch P French T • Bennett 8 P Oondley John W Punier do Co Birch Thomas Ooryell Ingham Narks Henry Birnbaum F CooperB W k Co Frankel Oh Bickel John C Orumbloin B Ferman David Breleohowsky M Curie Andrie Fritz Jos Bigler H A Oroga W B Frances Geo Redman John Id Crosland Chas 8 Frazer J Birmingham T Crawford Than Frey, Carl Blair W II Craig Wm Fullerton Mat'w Black Jas CunninghamSones ForeY Rey Blodgett B - °regulation L Fogerty Oapt G Blow Rob R Crompton W Prank Henry Blount Dr T3l Oronibridge Wm Fullerton Alex Blaine Antonia Curry John ljaddon J Black Baninet entmlughamOlivr Garden /can r Berkley GT B Gulp HenryE Ganenback P A Boucher Chas A Crawford WII Gardner E Boguln Fred Berkey Dennis Ganetson Henry() Bonsai Win Barbee James Garrett 0 . _ . Bottombey Thos Davis RI Gary T 8 Boucher Almond Day John Garnsey Edwin 8 Boyden David Davie J C Galstrher Rev M. Boyd, Ott &Co Denning Baml 0 Geisenberg.er M Boyd Jos L Danaher Michael Cloth Nicola Bookbinder L Davis Dr Perry Geissler Ohrist , n Bowmen Ben Doran Dan! Germerehansen p foyer Jas /3 Davis Adam 0 Gety 8P ' Brower Wm . Dermott II W Gelpke Rudolph Drown Robt B Delacrola Jae 8 DrJ Brown Rev All Develan James 13 Glassrell Lt Wm Brown Ti! De Roux Mons Gillespey ,T J &Co Brown W 8 Deloughery Jas Glut Adam J Brown .7 11 Delaburthes Mons Gilidden W Brooke M 0 Dsvor G II Oilman lob - Bradfield .7 B De [ferment Hone Gi b son Thos . • Bryce Jas G De Villa Gasperki Gobin J P 8 Bradfield Geo W Desbardes Moos J Gormless Dr P Brower Dr B P Davenport Wm Goshoru &Co Bryan Geo Demurs J 8 & Co Gordon J W Com Bradley Thou Dijon 11 Gordon Geo E Bryan John 8 Diclo Lenard W Gwyn Jam Brannon Wm Butz Joseph and Goebert Vanant'e Brice W II family GuttoieJohn Batton E It Dick L W Griecorn Smug W Bradford Goo R Dillard Dr 8 Gregory Jas II • Brogan Jos Bliley Den) P Cramer Oh & Co Brick Wm Diller Levi D • Glamor, Pat'k Brosins Isaac Dickey H 8 Grattan &McLean Bryce J W Doherty Wm Greham 0 Court'y Brandon Jacob Borg Geo amanita M. • Brandt E Dor, llazietou&Do Grog & Bros Bradfield Mr Dohs Stephen Ginnenhattsen II Burroughs Win Boson Jas H Goner John II Burger Chas Downey Francis . Gray 8 II Burris Wm 8 Donovan Wnt J . Greenfield AH ' Butterworth Edna Bongo's Felix Gray Rioted Burns Patrick Doudoro A B . • Greenwood oho Bunnell John W Donnora Stephen Guerollo Blg Copt Burke John Diner G W E Barges Wm Drury Coonelhall Haverstick 0 J Bactilder Ace Dolby 8B El Ilallsnd Henry Busby Wm Drone David ' Haskell T 4 Barns Geo H. Dupuy P E Hawkins Wm Q Burson Edward Dunning °apt B P HannYwou W Burns Hugh Duriford & Prey-tibial/still • , Burdett Wm moth Hassler Id & Co Burk Isaac Dutton Sarni Harris Myer! 0 Burma Dr Jos Bartok A A Herrie B 8 Butte 0 H Dukundalt Dr K Harvey Jos . Buehler George Duty Hugh . Harrison SI Burris Mr Drummond Pierce Harvey Ilium I Buckwalter I B Dunn Jos H Harman Ohns Byroser a It Dundor A.B - . Hamm II II Cummings ° 0 Duffield Edward. .- Harvey °hoe B Campbell W P Dustin Thou Harker Henry , Carr Cot Robt Dyre James IP • Herman Heyman Carter Blt Dindevey Robe ,00, 't Campbell James Dusenbery Ohm Haig Gustier Cameron itephenP Droning Wm Ilerkellager a Oontredor Lorenz Durney - V P Henry kir '' • Oolderwoodßobt Du Helsel:l Heritage dos B ' Cmpbelt HinityplDrain Joint ' Her/drip Dr ludo °arty John Eberhardt IV P Heassoy John THE PRESS.-PHTLADELPTITA, MONDAY, OCTOBE R . Hertz Dant ' Mitchell JII Sewell J N Ilaney , Matthew - , Illitohell Thee Seeley D W Helmer Jos Aliggis Nicholas Sheets ADr Howard Mr ' Miller Dr Daniel Sharpe Richard liostertstauJOllll Miller ilfr,US N Straun Daniel ' Howard Thee Miller Her J Shields Wm Holsterman Jae 8 Itillwant G P Shannon It R Hollenshead Wm Miller OCi Shimming Geo Hoffman 3 Milh Hugh Studer Anton Itowltz Chas Miller 8 Shields Ceo II I'ol ineslohn W Mitchell D A Sherpless Wm Hoge Thou Mitt Yelearo Shreve I. I. Heffner Thou Mitchell D Skultter Wm Ti` Houghton F Aleiningua Chas Skinner T L Hoyt Henry 'Middleton P lilbhald Oboe Howard John Jae Michael }Merited Singer Thaa Hoff Abnor Mitchell drSteuet.. Sinclair A, U 9 A, Honer JOA B ' ter Simer 3 0 Ilosterman &Wont orriss Edward Simmons Wm II Hodge J Monaghan James Stout G B & CO Hogan & Thomp• Morrell 311 Slack 3 II Morris Dr. Howley Smith Wm P ... Hoyt L S Morgan Jno Jos Smith Jae L Itollis P L Morgan Thos A Smith Jos W Hodson Henry Moorehead Jno Smith Chas Hopkinton W R Mosterson Patk Smith flurry Hoffman Vieni, Morrison Jno Smith Wm( Hooker Christian' Mores P Smith I E Hincle Coo F Morse Geo A Smith A it Higgins John P Morgan D Smith R H Hicks 'lsaiah Moffett Alex Smith 3 H& Co Hill Jos Moniger NormanD Smith, Mason A Hildebrano John Mooney John Co Hutchinson W W Moorhead Jos 151 Smith Joseph B Hutchings John Morgan Math P P thnith.o Eber Hughes John R Moore Ana P Smith 0 Castor Hull 0 R Mupleman H 0 Smith TG, M D Hunt Jae L Marc John . Smith Chas Hand Chas Murphy John Smith Sawl Hubbs A 3 Myers Wm Snyder J 0 Hunt Jacob Mullin Daniel Snowden Jos S , Hutchinson' K MoCrossen Owen Snyder es frost Hutchinson E McCrearey 000 3 Snyder Mr Hutchinson Hugh McCollister Than Sowerby Thos Hunt Freeman McClintock Robt Springer SauslD Huteman B L McAvey Jos Sprigs Las Indies Hunter Rbt McCollister Dant Hanson . . truffnagle Chris McClain° Edward Steel /as Hall John A McCarthy , Dennis Stewart James A Hammett Lawson McDowell Dr Jae Stone Ohms Ball Wli McCallas? C C Story Albert Haley /as A MOCabe Isaac Stephenson Wm 0. Hall C 11 McDowell Born'd St 71abow's Hamlin Jos 11cOlurig Wm Oluch Haines MoAnolly John Stuart John Ilan Bawl P MeCaMu Mr • Staek Wm W Jaa !dreamy Patrick Story Hold B Hamakas David McDonough Jno E Strong Hilbert 1, Hamilton Dr Win liteAlte Neil Stewart Win Minton Ills McCalla Philip 0 Strong Joseph Ilarkness W B bleCaully Emily 0 Stapp Thos Harper Henry S McCully Jr Co Sturn Michael Easlett John McCawley Lt 0 0 Stewart Edward. iceman Coo W ffolnelly Peter Stetson Chas W Mcllulllna Banal Stewart Jos B Ilassey Pat'k McGowan John Stephenson Wm N Liar tulark M Mclutoelt Joseph Stephenson Stphn Harlow P W Malivaine John L Steavens J Hawkins Win WMarra Michael Stewart B • Derlolehertnner /McKee IPm D Sterling J Hardt& Peter S McMullin Joe T Stevens Ww N liarkeere W . 13 McMillin J Sterne 3 & Co Macleod Ii L McGowan P & hi 4 Stone Mahlon Marcia 7 A McNeir Oeo A B Stewart Cottle:that' free & None McNair Donlan Saco Chan , Ida Oboe G Neal Rev Jai 2 Sudden Wee Innston Jet. Wooster Lorenz Symms Tim • Jones Elwood Neuman Wm Sweeney Wash W Jones Owen LI Norris 8o man Jones T W. 0. • g Wean James Johnson Too gugent Chas Tailor 11 Jones A J Na,W6n J • Tatlifero J W Johnson nos B Norma Jere Taininer J P Jones Chas T NlchOson. Sam! Taylor jaa & Son Johnson T W Nichols Theo Taylor Geo Johnson J . II Nagou Taldmage & Neu• Johnson Jos Newcomb Abner ler Jones E& Co Norton J A Taylor JT ÜBN Johnson J . Newbold W A Taylor Y L Johnson B B Nichols I)apt W 0 TaylorJohu Johnson Chas Oliver 04as Templeton B Jacobs John O'Leary lrellx Thomas Dr &Co Jackson Win II Oclns J 111 home P D Josland A 0 Owens James Thomas T A Jacobs Mr Ogilby Chu "barer 0 P Jackson II A O'llryne 7abn Thompson 0 E Kahn N Palmer Lt U 8 N Thrall Dr P Kant:. Henry Palate& D John Thorn John Kendall Rob t Payne Jae Townsend .1 E Kennedy Knee D Paulin Win Treehold Wm Kelly •Wm II Patterson Bawl Tread well .7 Kennedy E Parsons Wm 0 Turner Ohs .. - .. ... Kelly Jim Penny Joseph Truddell F Kennedy ThosF ParkerLe Roy Turner J A Kennedy Robt Paton James Townsend 3 0 Kelly 11 A Palmer :anus Torhey Wm Kelly Terrence Patterson 0 W Toole Baru Keller John Parker Thee Tones Wlll Kenton I Patterson John Tucker (leo Kralliter Cyrus Phillips Sam F, Tobin Jas Koehn Brace Perham'', Gift Co Treadnen 1) 9 Kruser Cyrus 2 Phillips J 8 Townsend Rev 8 Klein Chas Phillips A P Tracey Jos Kentland Jn 2 Peaking, II ii Walton Jerome II Kirk Jas F Perry Levl Weubel Jos Kemnlear 3 A Pearson John Waters Thomas Knight Octevius Piper Dr J Walker Richard Kline Isaac II Pitts R 9 Walker John Klaiber Theo Pinkerton R D Warten 1, . . .. . Krily Mr Plersol Wm Wallace John Krainor II 0 Platt It B Watson George King Henry a Potts Dr 0 a Warmington J II Klouder Geo re:m.llldr Warren Jotepb Kurtze Joe K Pomeroy Dr B G Wagan J E Rohn HII Polluljer MUIR Ward W L Knight & Cowen 2 Porter Henry Walter P 0 Laurence Wen Poole R A Walker II J Law Jae 2 Pritchard Wm Warnick & Barks Lane Nathan Promer L3l 6 dal Lawrence LII Prince L P Watson Joseph Lapeley David Presbury, Sykes & West Doctor Latidenberger J P Oo West J Q Lawrence Ed II Prentiss Rev W 0 Wells D A Lane Rawl M Purlogton Edw Weganalsye G W !almond Wm Hahn John 0 West W N Law Mr Rainier Wm A Werner Chas Lankaster Win 11 Randolph John Webster N G Lanier Jam A Rafferty Michael Weaolake J W Laler Oapt Radoux Francois Webb 0 A Lane Levi 'landau Jos Wester Richd Lambert E Rankine N W Westlake JAI Leo John Raylleld W P 'Wharton Capt 11 Leo /ease Raisin Warner ,W 2 Levant, B R Rawlins II lid 2 Whlllmant W A Lengent Geo Herd' Win Whits G Leeds 8 P Reed Th Dram White James Lewellen H Reed Col Wm A White S W Lewis L Id Reirend Mons Whitaker D 11 Letherman Win Reynolds John White R Leis Thom Reed John Whitaker 11W Leconte John 2 Reid Thee White SW& Co LearyAndw If Rea B la White E. W Leopold L Reynolds L White J L 2 Lelonte John Reese Julian White R J Lippincott Wm Reed Jas .7 White IrW &Co 2 Lippincott Thee 0 Repplier Chas R bite RkJ Londcey Adam Road 9 Wheeler Hon J Lipscomhe Bt Q Miley Garrett Williamson Rev & Mello, Allen & Reed John . OH. Wilson Reuss Win Williams Edw Loifrank Rice Daniel WeSin Jac Lyons Dr ggi . Richards IA 00 ' " Cfnniill3oo r ' Long Leonard Richardson El Wilkerson Id J Lyons Tiros II Beare Jos Williams B D Loudon Obedioh Richardson 0 $ Wlmpsheimer J Lowell Jno 0 Richards Henry 11 Williams Jno 1.1 Lutz Jl4 Richardson Lea Willard F B . .. _ Longstreth Henry Richardson 9ti Wilton P Y Lundy Joe P Ridgway Jacob Williamson D Logan Fred Ridgway Thus F Williamson Dr 0 Ltaih Henry Romick J U Lorene Jacob Robb J II Vf (Means Jno Lodge Chas Robbins T 0 Weland II II 2 Logan Jon E Royer E K Wiener B Lodge Enterprise Roney N W Winters Olibert No 031 Ross & P C Wilson Joseph, U Lodge Ajelon 2 Robinson 11 El N Lodge Northern Rodgers Wm Winuegardner S Liberty Robinson Coo LI Williams WA Co Lowell Copt .1 9 Ross Dr Pike 0 Withous Sol Mahood William Rawlins Dr Wilson J L Maclean Archibld RosersOli Wilson II 11 Madison A Seeley Resell Motet Wilder 0 B Malone John Rowe Il Altman M magill ar A Rorer Feel W Wilnler it ROI: re Madden $o Taylor Royer* It E Woodward E Malone John W Rosenthal TA. Wolfe II E Martin Patrick Ropes WII Wood Ohas Morgan Edward II Roberta Jaen Woerner D Manure Jacob Rowland It Wood T II Miming John Robinson Jot Wimeledort II Al .ples Chas 2 Rochhill B - Wood David Afanadeld D F Rudolph Chas Wolf A U Manross Prof N B Buoy Wm P Woolman I) Mullin Arthur Russ Wolfgang Wright Thos . ' Moor Jelin Rodman Marry Wright Oro Mann A II Ruth David Wright Fred Mayberry Thos . Scott Sas D Worth J W Marglln Mr Sankey Fred Wm Wylie Jae Mariner A Buck. Sehande Chas Wyatt Solomon Ingham Saylor David II Wyl' John Mulin A F Scott G 0 Yanorskell II Megleney John Sebumerher 0 W Vane John Mears a W Sanders Wm 0 Vogel W Murwach John F &utter Sir Vatiller 5 Meredith Morris Scales A W Vincent Fred Mullen Semi P Schmid Anton Upriehsrd Robt Merlin A F Sadler Wm Quinn Wm Meyers Hermon N Schweteer &Co Yombathurt Jos Moons John Sugars— Yager 0 W Metcalf Men ry Senior John R Young A Q Megan James Seidman Rarl Young Dane W alendee Jacob Senn Edward Zeuler John Merrott G W sell Jame, Young John ideignelle James Bedwick Theo Young If 0 Meredith Morris Remitter Mr Young David 2 Megargy D& P Seger Diego Ziegenfuss I GIDEON O. WEST COTT, P. M. English J II Evens L L Flack T Fate Bo b ' B REDUCTION. J. LEVY & CO. Will continue to offer during this week their entire U. sortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND SHAWLS, under the cost of importation. OLOAKS AND EMBROIDERIES. dust opened, several cues of Yaris-made CLOAKS AND 'EMBROIDERIES. ocl2.rlw No 428 CHESTNUT STREET. J. LEVY & CO., 426 CHESTNUT z.A• Street. . _ . Will continue to otter during this week their entire assortment of 0110I0E DRESS GOODS, • SILK'S AND SHAWLS, under the cost of Importation. OLOANO AND SIIIDROIDENUNd. Just opened, several eases of PARIS-MADE (MOANS AND EMBROIDERIES, 012-1 w LADIES'DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING REPUTES. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1026 CHESTNUT Street, lour door, below Eleventh And 318 B. BECOND St.; below Spruce. PACTOEIES.—Nos. 95 and 97 GEORGE St., below Tenth, and SEOOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours' notice. se22-imit TN THE DISTRICT .COURT, TOR THE CITY AND COUNTY Or PICILADELPRIA. Thomss Williamoon,Trnstee, dm. as. Robert Palmer. Levari Facies, March Term, 11M7, No. 858. The President, Directors; Ye Co. of the Bank of Penn sylvania vs. Robert Palmer and William 421sy ton, late trading as Palmer, Clayton & Co. Yenditioni Exponae, March Term, 1857, No. IMO. The Auditor appointed to distribute the money in Court, raised under the above entitled proceedings, by Sheriff's sale, of No. 1. Menmage and lot of ground on the west olds of Delaware, seemed Arcot between Pins and Union streets, in the city of Philadelphia. containing fa front feet and in depth 96 feet to a live-feet alleyj bounded north ward by ground formerly of Oeorge Fitzwater, now of the heirs of Charles Allen, and southward by ground of Joeopb Marshall. No. 2. Lot of ground, with frame and brick tenetnents, on the south side of Mary eked, between Front stet Second atm* in the said city, beginning 188 feet from Front street, containing in front 20 test, and in depth 85 feet. , No 8. Lot of ground with the two three-story brick mem. suages thereon, on the north side of Prime or Washing ton street. In the,said city, 61 feet westward from the northwest corner of Delaware Fifth and Prime streets, containing In front 24 feet, and in depth about 69 feet. Subject to yearly ground rent of forty .eight Will attend to his duties upon MONDAY, the 26th day of October, 1867, at 4 Weigel( P. K., at kit office, No. 294 South PIHTlif street, below Walnut, in the Said city, when' and where all persons interested are required to make their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said funds. 0c12406 GEORGE W. DIDDLE, Auditor... DEPARTMENT OF MARKET-ROUSESi WIWI, B. W. 00201 U OF lIflK MID ONESTFOT SlakATO. PlMADaLrina, October Ist, 101. Sealed Propos;Le will be 'received at this Oftto until the 80th day of NONTAIBILIt next, at 12 o'clock, for the Bunting of the folloring Wham' and Landings for a term of 'three lean Arch street Leading, at the foot of Arch etreet, on the river pecomenalng Deeetaber alit, 1867. Meo, George's *eat Lending, at the foot of Otorge street, on the elver Bohaylklll—leese toneneenelng Jena ary let, 1858. Approved enmity will be required. 8. 0. THOMPSON, oei-lik to la Commis:doom of Market' Grp Qoobo „roles bg 2luction Nll THOMAS & SONS, • N0x.1:30 and 141 SOUTII FOURTII STREET, (Formerly Nos. 01 and 60.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &e. Public Bales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, Ilry- handbills of each property Issued separately, in addition to which we publish on tho Saturday previous to each 13410 one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday, 117" FURNITURE SALES AT TAE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. 11BAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE. SALE. V- We bare a large amount of Seal Estate at PEl vate Bale, Including every description of City and Couutry property. Printed Lieta may be had at the Auction Stone. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER ID"' Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re• glster, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly.) free of charge. STOOKS, LOANS, &c. On Tuesday evening. 20th 'natant, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Br, champ, will be sold without reeerve, for account of whom It may concern -1123 sham Philadelphia and Pittston Coal Co. 11000 Coupon Bond Oulumbla Coal and Iron Company, 25 per cent of the purchase money to be paid on each of the above at the time or sale. . . . Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Mercantile LOOO and Building Association. 02 per share paid. 6 shares Ridgway Parra and Land Co. E2OO per share paid, for another account. 6 original shares of the San Francisco Laud Co., equal to 100 new shares. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Exchange. 5 shares American Academy of Music. Shores Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Library, and Philadelphia Athenicum. ELEVENTH TALL SALE, 20th OCTOBER Ws sale will include— Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Axe and Edge 'Fool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo site ELEGANT itIODERN RESIDENCE, &o. Elegant modern residence and offices, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets. 25 feet front on Arch street, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale ESTATE OF DAVID LEHMAN, DEO'D. 'VAI2GARLE. REAL ESTATE. • . . . , Valuable Beal Estate, St. John street, between Green and Coates Streots--several manages, and lot 37 feet 8 inches front. BUSINESS STAND. Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets. Sale absolute VALUABLE RESIDENCE _AND LARGE LOT, 23D Valuable Wick residence, barn and stable, and large lot, corner of Cherry and Wakeling streets, late borough or frankford, It fronts on three streets, and is a very detltable iltdation. YOUR BRICK DWELLINGS. Pour three.story brick dwellings, on Ninth street and °lnuits street, between Willow and Noble streets, LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. . . . Large and valuable lot, occupied u a coal pard, eaet side Ninth street, north of Poplar, with railroad track, office, are. DWELLING, POPLAR BPREDT. lhree•etory Brick Dwelling, No. 810 Poplar street, between 1. ighth and Ninth streets. NEAT DWELLING. New three-story brick dwelling, Na. 129 Frankford Road, north of Bedford street, with a three-story frame dwelling In the rear. . NEAT MODERN DWELLING. . . A neat modern three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings, fio. math Fifth street, below Washington, C2d Ward.) . . GROUND RENT . . SOO, Also, a around Rent of $OO a year , on the pro perty at the N. N. corner of Putnam and Howard street% (late Ren.sington.) TWELFTH TALL SALE, MD OCTOBER. Will include the following— MODERN DWELLING. Neat modern three-Story Brick Dwelling, 9. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Oitron streets, above Wallace street, with a threoatory brick dwelling on Citron street PEREMPTORY BALE—POUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —VW WARD. Valuable lot S N corner Jelerson avenue or bfoya mensing road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N N corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and ilitendhig through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street; adjoining the above. Sale of the whole, absolute. Full particu lars in handbills and plan. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Handsome residence with double back building, and replete will all modern conveniences, No. 1311 dpring Garden street. This is a very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. THIRTEENTII PALL BALE, 3d NOVEMBER Thus ale will include Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE OP WILLIAM A. RUDD. DEO , D. THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS AND TWO DRUM DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIMESTREET, AND PASSYUNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and Seventh streets. Valuable lot, fronting on Prime street, and on Pass. yunk road. Valuable lot, Passyunk road. Two three4tory brick dwellings, Seventh street, west side, north of Prime street, They will bo 'fold ups rately. See handbills and plan. Also, by order of Orphans' Court. ESTATE OP JOHN FITZWATER, DECD. OVER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH VALUABLE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF WITH A FRONT OF FOUR HUNDRED „FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AND TA CONY, TWENTY-TIMID WARD. Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 288 North Fifth above Noble street. Same Estate—TWO PRICK DWELLINGS. Also, Two brick dwellings, Union and Hanover streets, above Prince street, Kensington. FOURTEENTH FALL BALE-10TH NOVEMBER Sale Nos. 189 and 140 lama fourth street SUPERIOR GERMAN PLOWER ROOTS On Tuesday Morning, At 11 o'clock, at the Auction !Rote, cases (kennels glower Roots, from It. Venderschoot & Sons, Ilaarlem, comprising Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, &c. Sale In Primo street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On Tuesday Morning. At lOo'clock, at N 0.6.39 Washington, or Prime street, below Seventh street, the neat parlor, dining room, chamber and kitchen furniture, of a lady declining housekeeping. eV' May be examined on morning of sale at eight o'clock. Bole No. 211 South Sixteenth street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On Wednesday !denting, At 20 o'clock, at No. 251 South Sixteenth street, third door oteitttripttlts Omit, the surplus furniture of a lady declining housekeeping, comprising superior Eng lish tapestry carpets, four light eliendellers, Indus china, Sue china jar, large book-case, flue hair mattress, feather beds, store-room and kitchen utensils, lerge preserving pan, rolls of new rag carpet, oil cloth, dos , Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE,FRENCII PLATE MIRRORS, TAPESTRY DIARPETS, Ac. Ou Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an extensive assort ment of excellent second-hand furniture, rosewood piano-forte, French plate mirrors, tapestry carpets, A c., from families declining housekeeping. PARHAM SEWING Also, a Parkes' patent sewing machine In good order. BALE OP A PRIVATE LIBRARY On Thursday evening, October lath, at the Auction store wilt be sold a valuable PRIVATE LIBRARY, comprising English and American editions of Important and interesting worts an various subjects. Also, a number of beautiful pictorial and Illustrated books. Also, a very euperior double Magic Lantern, with dis solving views, cost upwards of SM. For particulars see catalogues and the boots which will be ready for examination the day previous to sale. 2010 No. 201 North 21.1 th street . . SPLENDID FURNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, SUPERIOR PIANO, PINE VELVET CARPETS, OIL PAINTINGS, &o. On Friday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 281 North Sixth street, below Vine street, by catalogue, the entire elegant furniture of a gentlemaudeclining housekeeping, including a very elegant rosewood piano, seven octaves, made by Short, cost ; pair large and elegant French plate mantel mirrors, richly framed; elegant pier mirrors, One row wood drawing-room turniture, Crimson brocatelle coven), elegant velvet carpets, One oil painting, elegant chan delier. dining-room furniture,_ patent extension dining table, chan deliers, elegant walnut chamber furniture, latest style ; plain chamber furniture, &e., &c. ID - The cabinet furniture was made to order by Moore & Champion, has been in use but a short time and equal to new. *** Catalogues will be ready, and the furniture may be examined the day previous to sale, from n to 3 o'clock. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. OAED—SALE OP HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—TOES- 1D We beg leave to Inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPAOIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention le given to ob tain th e highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with couignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those detaining house keeping nod not wishing. seise at their own dwellings, can hue their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR. SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY OP THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. fl Persons favoring us with consignments can rest usured that their property will not be sacrificed. COMICIIIIIiO/111 more moderate than those charged byeother Auction Uouse In the city. Consignments respectfully solicited. Bales paid immediately after the goods are sold. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELF:VENNI Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o , clook—to commence quarter before eight Admittance 26 cents. Ethlopdan Life Illustrated by Saudford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with Also, 6 dozen morocco roans, for binders or shoe- Box, S. S. Sanford ; BOX AND COX. Cox, Cool Whit*. makers. Bale et the Xnetiou Store NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, &O. Ou Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, will be sold at the Auction Store, the neat household furalture of a lady, deceased. ELEGANT LARGE MANTEL MIRROR. Also, a large mantel OROCC mirror O, ROANS. hric frame, cost 522.5. M TO PRINTERS AND OTHERS EXTENSIVE SALE OF A PRINTING 41416 E, POWER PRESSES, TYPE, &c. On Saturday Morning, 11th of October, will be sold without reserve, in the fourth story of the Bulletin Building, Third street below Chestnut, the entire stock and Sutures of an extensive printing office, comprising Adams power presses hydrau lic presets, a large quantity of type, and everything tined for conducting an extensive book and Job printing office. Eg• Terms cash. TO RENT pffr" A three•story Brick Dwelling, with two•stoty brick beak building. WO North Ninth street, above Wood street. Bent 100 per annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE A drat-class Printing Offiee, with a good ran of bail nue, four printingpreasee, two Ruggles and 0130 Adams. Type and everything necessary for - the bualnees. Apply at the Auction Store. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 826 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Street/. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes Hardware, Ontlery,Watchca, Je w I °r P W, Vlt T a ll ttl oodet t ion; I—tudooaatle II goods sold at the Auction House packed. ocl-lm GEORGE W. MYTH, AUCTIONEER N. Z. comer of BARRON sod BOOTH Street" above/3mnd. IVRNING SALES. BALES STRICT SATURDAY RVENINO, At 73g o , olock, et the Auction Store, of Hardware Out lory,Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches , Jewel rp, Fancy Articles, &e. MUSIC/ MUS/C I MUSIC ► AT BALE PRIOR. Three beautiful Boardman k Gray's PIANOS, as well u three beautiful MILODTONS, offered this week at a Feet eaurl2 o ol owing to the great Paanclal crisis. Musical Instruments of all Mode at and below cost. Serena very One (halters am_ung the lot. JOrni Mann, Agent, No. 11602 OILESTNOT Stmet, call-ltr above Thirteenth, Philadelphia. 2, 1857. .43nles bll Auction. VVOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 4:31 eirEsTraffr Street, opposite the Oak= betwee!l . l4,:Ftt aTylFirth Streets. BALE AT OUT'S HOTEL. NOTICE.—We Invite special attention to the positive ante of the entire coatentS of Guy's Hotel to be held on the premises, 31 South Seventh fittest, on Wednesday next, 14th inet,, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. Included will bo found the entire chamber furniture, bode and bedding, carpeting, matting, mattresses, hot • store and pillows, washstands. bedsteads, /cc. SALE AT GUY'S ROTEL 31 South SEVENTH Street. On Wednesla7,l4th lost, Commencing ut 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell. on the pretnises,3l.South Seventh street, by order of Mrs, Sarah Baines, Administratrix, the entire furniture, bar-coca and kitchen articles , liquors, wines beds and bedding, embracing the valuable contents of the hotel May be examined early on the morning of sale. PARLOR FURNITURE Also, Parlor and reception chairs, plauo, rocking. chair, ottomans, centre-table, looking-glass, coal stove, mantel ornarnetits,frained engravings, chandelier, cur tains, plano•corer and stool, &c. DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, ,4 c. Also, Carpeting, arm-chairs , sofa, tables, sideboard, pictures, looking-glass, table-clothe, towela, castors. plates, table and tea spoons, knives and forks, glass ware, COM. stove, &c. . . Also, Decanters, BAR-ROOM.pitchera, clock, looking-glasd, oil paintings, lice-proof safe, chandeliers, dishes, looking glass, bar and fixtures St.c. KITCHEN. Also, The Tory complete and valuable kitchen uten sils and furniture. Also, Dressing-bureaus, French bedstead and bed, oil paintings, carpeting, wash-stands , feather-beds, hair mattresses, dressing-glasses, secretary, Also, Several thousand flee Havana cigars, brandy, wine, whiskey, claret, champagne, gin, dc 0. SPECIAL SALE OF FURS. Thursday next, 16th inst, commencing at 10 o , clockprecisely, we will sell without reserve, a valuable consignment 01 furs, made up in a stylish manner, for ladies' and gents' wear. Included will be found, viz : Ermine capes and cuffs to match, vlctorines ' neck ties, gents , coat collars, ladies' French sable victorlues and cuffs to match, Stch capes, foot mutt's, gents' gloves, muffs, h o. Also, One splendid Myatt sets, coat 3125. Also, One do carriage cape and cuffs, cost SITS Also, Oents' newest European style fur cape. BLEB.III BODES, Also, Twenty sleigh robes of grey fox, coon,_ and black bear, prairie wolf, Rudman Day Uompany bear, rocky mountain, ikp. Also, Carriage mate. peletines Sec. comprising the most elegant and valuable assortment of furs offered at auction for a long period Ladies and gentlemen of this city and vicinity are respectfully invited to make exami nations prior to sale. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. Thursday next. In connection with sale of furs. commencing at say 11 o'clock, we will sell a valuable consignment French and Scotch embroideries and millinery goods. OASIBIEIIII SHAWLS. Also A in elegantly Palle printed cashmere shawls. HOSIL I RT. O LOVER WOOL BLURTS AND DRAWEES. Also, A' line men's and women's hosiery, gloves, lambs wool sad merino shirts and drawers, riding guant lets,lmelt gloves, &o. SILVER-PLATED WARE. . . Also, An invoice best natality stiver-plated ware, con sitting of rich tea sets, castors, table and tea spoons, table forks, &c. GERMANTOWN KNIT GOODS. Also, An Invoice lietinantown knit goods, such as shawls hosiery, hoods, pelerlues, vletorines, wool sleeves, Esc. PINE GOLD JEWELRY Also, An invoice tine gold jewelry, consisting of cameo pins, ear-drops, gold sets, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, he. The whole will be arranged for examination with cata logues early on the morning of sale. 1110 SE S NA TRANS, AUCTIONEER ILIL AND COMMISSION MEROIIANT, S. N. corner SIXTH end RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lopine, English, Swiss, and Preach watches, jewelry, of every description, musket Instruments, Ac., Ac. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac., kn., An. Out-door sales attended to personelly by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture. clothing, jewelry. Etc. Ste., solicited. NATHAWSPRINCIPAL LOAN OPPICE, S. E. Corner of Stith and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and 'direr piste Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Gads, Groceries, Begare, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, "tortes, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks , and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory end liberal terms than at any other estab llebroent. [eel) M. IVATIIANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a foe' days. Due notice well be given. NVEDB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Plidols, Musical Instruments, Ice., wlll take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, he., being forfeited collatershi, will take place shortly Due notice will be given. QAMUEL NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OPPION, No, 112 South TIIIIID Street, below Walnut, oppoeite Pear at,, only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of bottoms froni 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock In the evening. Out-door Wee, and sales at the Auction home, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. OAPITAL $2OO 000. Rstablished for its last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousmds on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her chandise, Clothing, Ihuniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Worms, Carriages, and Goods of every doscrlption. All good" can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollen! and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; ow and over, time lowest market rate. Thus Store Noose haring a depth of 120 feet, heelerse Ere and thief-proof vault' to store all valuables, and pri• vete watchmen for the premises; also, s heavy luau• ranee effected for the benefit of all person' baying goods advanced upon. N. D.--On account of having an unlimited capital, this office Is prepared to make advances on more oath.- factory and accommodating terms than any other it this city. Money advanced to the poor, in mall amounts, with oat any charge. AT PHITATH SALE. _ . Gold Patent Lover and other Witches, Jewelry, and Olothing will be cold at reduced prices. aul•ly 9 mitaements. MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1 - 1 E. A. MARMIALL Sole Lessee Fifth Night of the Italian Opera Season. First appearance in America of SIGNOR. STEOCRI BOTTARDI, PRIMO TiNORB ASSOLI7IO, From her Majesty's Theatre, Loudon, and Imperial Theatre, St. Petersburg ; and SIGNOR TAGLIAFICO, PRIMO ILLEISO P11011701.0 t From the Royal Opera Howie, Oosent Garden, London THIS (Monday) EVENING, October 12,1857, Wilt be promoted Verdlis grand Opera, in four ants, entitled Melts Mme.flessaniga. Don Carlos Signor Amodio. Ealing Signor Buttardi Don Hoyt:tomes Signor Tagllefieo. .MAX SIARETZBIC, sra.ical Director and VollatiCtOr. 1 .1 %10g or AnutssioN :—Parquette, Dress Circle, and Balcony, $1 ; Family Circle, 60 cents , Amphitheatre, 2.5 cents It 7 The Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. St. to 6 P. Id., for the securing of Reserved Seats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T. hicKeox. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely, Da- Carriages will set down heads South, and take op heads North. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Bole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Boats or Paiosa.--Orchestra atolls, 60 cents; Drew, Circle (no extra charge for Scoured Beats), 60 cents; Family. Circle and Ampltitheatre 20 cents; Beata in Pri vate Boxes, 76 rents ; Whole Private Box, 83 Gallery, 13 center Gallery. for Colored Persons, 26 c ents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 98 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. • J. M. 11.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Monday) EVENING, October 12, 1867, Will bepresented, by the great Mar Company, the celebrated Tragedy o f JANE SHORE Lord Ilastinge, Mr. Wheatley ; Duke of Gloster, Mr. Dolman; Jane Shore, Mrs. Davenport; Alicia, Mrs. D P. Dowers. To conclude with Planche's Romantic Dra ma of TUB BRIQAND - - . Alleaandro Massarone, Mr. E. L. Davenport; Prince Blanche, Mr. Thayer; Ottavla, Mho Taylor ; Maria °rule, Mhia °raise. ViTALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les. nee, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. PAWL—Dress Circle and Paquette, 60 cents; Upper Circle 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats 75 cents Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 81 1 . M. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to com. mecca at 7)(,THIS (Monday) EVENING, October 12, 1857, Mr. and Miss Mchings will appear in tho popular Domestic Comedy called CLARI. Rolanto, Mr. Rlchings • Duke Vivaldi, Mr. Showell; Clari, Miss Etchings; Wife of Pelgriuo, Mrs. Stoneall. To conclude with the popular Comedy called COURT FAVOR. David Brown, Mr. filching.; Duke of Albemarle, Mr Shea ell ; Lucy Morton, Min Ricbino; Lady Flambee court, Mrs. Silsbee. Mies Ridging will Meg the favorite conga " Home Sweet Home," " Happy Momenta," .kc. THOMEIT's VARIETIES, FIFTH and 011E8TNUT Streets 3113810 AL AND TERPROUORDAN INTERTAIN MENT, In which will appear every evening this Week, Min ANA DUTAL, Soprano. It will be bee drat appearance ttt AttlettCll. Mad. PAYNE & Mlle LEFOLLE will also appear, Aided by Comedians, Vocalists, and Musicians of ac knowledged talent. Commencing at TX. Admission. 10 cents. ocl2-1w• THOMEUP, Proprietor Blass nub Oina thare INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! Jl TYNDALE er. BIITOILELL, IMPORTSRS OP CHINA, GLASS, AND COMMON WARES, are now gelling their NEW AND ELEGANT PALL IMPORTATIONS, at aaIIATLT BiDITOPD MOSS, with • HANDSOME DISCOUNT TO THOSE WHO PAY CASH 707 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH ST., se2o , 2w-ftuw. PHILADELPHIA. Jusurance Companin GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR SNOB COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—OIga', No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. "FIRE ROES ONLY TAKEN! , D1R1070511. Wm. M. Swain, Jar. Walker, John Anspaeh, Jr., Jno. McClure, H. N. linnoughs, Tho. Oraren, J. B. Hughes, A. B. Gillett, P. D. Sherman, Yunnan Sheppard, • Wm. P. Hacker, Omni. Jones, M. D., J. P. Steiner, 7eseph Klapp, M. D H. A. Shackelford, Eon. JOEL JONES, President. Non. G. W. WOODWARD, Vies President. Jul. S. MoMott.m, Secretary. J atteD. ALTOID. Aulitimt Secretary, ant-em-if SAVING} FUND.---lINITED STATES TRUST OOMPANY, corner of THIRD and OHM NUT Streets. Large and mill stuns received, and odd back on de. mend, without notice, with BITS PER GENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Oleo hours from 9 until 9 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DUETS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from El upwards. President—DTßPllNN B. °BAMFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY RISK. Teller JAMES R. BUNTER. sel7-Iyit EX'PIiA. ASSESSMENTS, FIRST WARD. Borst James Peapler, laborer, !Janke of Rstuylklll Patrick Wadort, laborer. Rock r• ad &cord Division. Druid Arast.r..de, laboior, Front and Moore et Fran e CLOI,Co. watermou, Church et above Moore Jacob Ratio, moulder Sommer et ab Second Cl flastou, cabinet tucker, lleutuaik et Patrick Iluseay, laborer, Lantaider at Wm Kcaucy, lobo, er.ltya street below Rood A K hell, moulder, Reed at, 'bora Third T I.wrenc, bluebtrolt b, Dickerson et below Fourth itiobard Delon, Sinus n, Roed at plane Second Win hlottniog, mould, r, Trellis et It Mt IC , m, u, col d n nh,er, S road .t below Read A blot., At, iabo.cr, thzei at 31LSorloy. laboier, Pinta and Mural Jobs., D.der.ion. I,,burer, !emitters, below Seed Jahn labor, cr. a , Z 4 at, above Prone P Lendolamo, segar m dyer, Sununu(' et abort Socond Weabor, u milder , 3looro et below Front Usury 't It g-u.cords Issuer, Einunoil sod Jartia Yt Janioe, Ware, ewto•uttr. Jambe above B,c ad rue t J is Wildou. satnrrosn. Lancaster atb.low Itecd Jolla T Unruey, monii.t..r, Teem. et *bolo Front ehnip Dewier, riaciaior, Jeffersoa •• and Greenwich at 1110 a 31Iti hi 11, cat pent , r, Second of cpooette [lava J.rein bah t chelllnger, Front of Above Morrie 77,f el Divide ha to Grigg, lea eler, second st stave Reed M., tie 0.1,g, cordwainer, Second et ab Recd A Brad,, laborer, Reed at above Front Wng Bright, viit nailer, Corn et above Reed J M tsurry, pollah.r, Johnson's lane Kit Ci eiborue, bock keeper, Med st ab Third G 0 Claiborne, book keepir, Reed et sb Third (1 Edwards, Cooper, Jubilant'. lane Pat's. °rinsed, laborer, Reed at below Front ft ft Bodge.. clerk, Second and Reed eta E 8 hal, Pecker, Reed at below Fourth J C lUDs, Machined, Corn et Wow Wharton Mr Ireland, watchman, Second et below Wharton glen Ireland. bookbinder, Second below Wharton Win Kew, birtender, Front above Reed Jobs aloklenn, laborer, Front above Been 'lea 'Rickards, printer, Wharton ab Second at Frame Riley, sawyer, (lunch obßeed John Smith, Braman, Corn set Wharton Weldon, laborer, Wheat st be Wharton Fbtalk J Armstrong, machinist, Reed es bel Seventh Wm Belk, basket maker, Dickerson at ab PKth Boyd, victualler, Hay at ab Fourth Jive B Orangle, printer, Sixth bet Franklin Perk Dearnune, umbrella maker. French at J WOE beet, painter, Worth eb Fourth G h Galen, darter, Firth hod Wharton eta John Bosley, blacksmith, Jonlatta at o Lenoty, do Dickerson st ab Seventh 0 L .nsbncher, victualler, Dickerson et bet Filth & sixth Jos kicCreery, printer, Dickerson ab Fifth st D Reed, weterraan, llorstrneu at W II Snyder, painter, Wharton st ab Sixth II Snyder, do do do J oe eye, Ice, grocer, Reed sr ab Fourth Chas atafBa, cordwsiner, lafth et eb Franklin IV Tendert, booltteeeper, Fourth et W aide E Thomas, cabinet maker, Owen at bet Reed J 69 Tuley, sail maker, Mortaman's at 0 -0 Trump, painter,lieurth and ?dome gig MTh Dudsten. B Altertser, cordwatoer, Tenth et bat Wharton L If Allison, painter, Federal and Anode es lobe Barriegtoo, bleckstalth, leder& at ab Tenth Dreiel Daley, blacksmith, Ninth at ab Federal Daniel Emu boolbioder, Eleventh at ab Anita /rah Ernst. baker, Eleventh ab Anita Win Enos Cord, Four:sok toad below Wharton et E Feeley, Boman, Madison at Wm Gormley, tatter, Eiylbert It Thos Graham, printer, Passynisk rood SI lie, derratva, lab, Tenth at ty Jameson, cupeuter, Washington st ab Tenth W Jones, collector, Federal et ab Paasynnk read Jacob Ilitteadaborer, Pusymilr road ab Reed J o hn Ksiselcordwalner, Pwayunk road ab Reed Ohms lie Hey, boiler maker, Lafayette st ab Ninth Lowers, bticklayer. Wsehtngton st ab Tenth If Montgomery, gardener, Paasyouk road Del Reed A Morrison. tailor, Austin st ab Wharton ileGulre, laborer, Passynnk road ab Federal at bolo. McGee, cordivoluer, Bummer ab Ninth vat'l McCarty, carter, Bylbart at Wm Potter, trunk maker, Lafayette it g Simpson, storekeeper, Tenth and Wharton at lee Smith, laborer, Antis et ab Tenth P Watson, stone meson, Pasemink road ab Federal st It Kelley, laborer, Washington ab Tenth Sixth Division. II Allen, coachman 16th end Bedford ate John Bowles, brick's:later Shippen above Broad II Carpenter, toothier Loyd at James Doman, dyer Brood above Shippen J 1F They, druggist 15th and &nth J yeas McNeal, carpenter Shippen above Breed enemas Riley, cordweiner Loyd below hhtppen Seventh Division. John Blair, weeper °Minden above 11th Andrew A Burk, laborer Dormice street John Dealing, bricklayer South above 18th James Terry, laborer, 17th below Montrose GI Jordan dealer, Ward at Omelet Kline, laborer 17th below Rappels 11 Flaherty, laborer Webb above Catharine mound Ltecb, Inspector Ward above Prime Patrick Morghan, laborer South above 18th James Mcllenry, polisher 18th below Shippen Samuel Sheets, gaefitter Buck lane James Sample, laborer South below 18th John Widoce, wearer 17th below Shippen Eighth Divide's. James Drown, bricklayer Dickerson above Bth J N Bischoff, cooper Paasynnk road above Reed it E Davie, laborer Otto and Plotter eta John Gamey, gardener 10th below Reed Philp I i tig, conlwalaer Paasionk above Reed Henry Harney, laborer Charlea add Dickerson ate Richert MMus curter Ring below Pump:nal reed Andrew Lumley, ballot maker 9th below Wharton Wm Marker, laborer Bayard above 7th Path Idol:alien, laborer Morris above Bth rboa Prentice, innkeeper 7th and Wharton J A Russell, corderainer, 9th above Federal (I W 0 Schrader, engineer King brim, 70th D y Slavin, police, eighth and State eta Wm Stinson, laborer Charles below Dickerson tVm N Tharp, cordwalner Sib below Wharton W Widen, pollster lanyard above Bth Ninth Division. Jamea Degorgue, innkeeper, rem road and OhrMien H Gardiner, D B Arsenal P Pealing, laborer Prime below Ferry road lama Rosa, laborer tooth above 19a. at IktorA T A Beeeket, musician 12th below Washington Jams Carter, taborer 12th below Washington John Douglass, laborer 19th above Federal A W Graham ' engraver 12th below Washington Daniel Lllll, laborer Federal above 12th John Morey, laborer 18th above Federal Daniel Henry, baker 13th above led.rat James Hoot, innkeeper 18th above Federal llortes leathers, laborer 18th below Federal John Leatherman, wheelirrigbt 13th and Wharton Chad. Meagher, carpenter 12th below Washington tiebrrt M trite, cordwalner 12th below Washington Jawed hicAlveny, laborer 18th above Federal James McDevitt, cordwarner Anita bat 11th and 12th floury McCarty. weaver 18th above Federal tames 31,Allanghlle, laborer 13th above Federal A Quigley, laborer lath above Federal Thee Thornton weaver 13th below Federal Fratcls 'Porter, laborer lath below Federal C Violat., Cordwainer 13th below Wharton t Werner. varnisher. 12th below Washington James Willis, cord er.dnar, 12.1 t below Washington J K Wiley, laborer 12th below Washington BEOOND WARD. Ant Patrick Flatley, cord weiner, 2 Dentin it !Mood') Gornto, laborer, Front and Prime Chow. ItORBa. laborer, 21 Federal at rtnmee Genie, laborer, Prime below Front James Kelly, taborer, Church and Washington John McFadden, boiler maker, Front and Prime Wm Murray, laborer, China below 2nd Philip Kiter, seaman, 9 Prime Patrick Devine, Laborer, 1102 Front Patrick teMesly, laborer, 23 Federal John McCue, Water, 133 John at UdDlltta Relfantelder. tailor, 9 Primo {lichee! 31e0ormIck, superintendent, Front and Wharton Franklin L Stebbins, moulder, Keete and Front .Ivues Murphey, rope maker, Front above Prima Bernard Kavanaugh, carter. Front and Prima Daniel &lettere, moulder, Wheat above Wharton Wm &TM% messenger, Front and Federal John Derricksou clerk, Marine 'here Front John .3 Barr, clerk, Front and Wharton John Nara., engineer, Front and Marion Joe B Webb, carpenter, 212 Federal flash Barr, Innkeeper, Front and Wharton Reread Division. Joseph J Cohan, etetioner, 4th and Christian it Hoerr Kelly, ship carpenter, Church John Grantees., cornltrelner, Wilson above Church Charles H Fink, cordwainer, John Mara Front Charles O'Neil, laborer, Church end Prime kder O'Neil, laborer, Church and Prime awing, Cloholin, laborer, 479 Front ebore Christian James Kelley, labor. r, Church tab Washington Andrew Doubler, plumber, 3 Beakless Moron Baker, mathioist,Elwanion below Christian James Florence, Waterman, Swenson ab Washington Nichol. Nolan, w sawyer, 438 Front below John David Boss, rigger, 2nd above Huy bleary Brown, carter, Swanson above Washington Patrick Leahy, laborer, 5 Higgins ct bel John eteoltwin Catlett, mariner, 428 Wharton John hi Jones, wheelwright, 343 Front it Chu N Tither, laborer, Church below Christian Wm Lewis, seaman, 'AI Mary it Moses Kean, seg. make., 110 Christian et Joe A Jones, dealer, 2nd above Washington Third Attrition. Alfred Taylor, carpenter, 1123 Third chore Federal Herrman Rolling, blacksmith, Second ahoy. Wharton WA 0 Ilelllnaey, carpenter, 323 Clark at samnel T Griffeth, boot litter, 328 Clark at ilenisroln D McKinsey., skip carpenter, 325 Clark et NM Justin, whip ntalter, Jr ffereon av and Washington at Chas Strain, laborer, Bayou ct Alfred W Hand, clerk, Marshall above Third at Constantine Dougherty, clerk, Clark at above Third floury Deck, cordwalner, Jefferson av below Marlon rrancia Timmons, tailor, 811 Clark at James Stewart, laborer, 319 Clack at J a me, fillies, moulder, 339 Wharton at Wee 11 Bleekshaler, cabinet maker, Carpenter ab Thftd Daniel klolysed, ealeemao. 303 Washlogtoo above Third Stara Dirin'ort Joa Smith, rigger, Marriott at above Fifth George 11 Guyer, cordwainer, 918 Lewis st William Douniston, carpenter, Third and Christian ['homes J McCann, seaman, 427 Marriott st Win O'Brian. laborer, Marriott bet Fourth and Fifth Edmond ullrlau, laborer. Marriott bet Fourth and Fifth Edward Lynch, carter, Third below Christian Samuel Norris, upholsterer 902 Jefferson av John O'Neil. drayman, Christian above Fourth Nathaniel J Oahu. printer, 310 Median at Adam Weber, taller, 219 Madlion at Geo al Thompson, ship carpenter. 320 Christian Hold Perser,tsalesman coy fourth and Prime Felix Mulholland, skin dresser, Marriott above Fourth Chas F Phyla, grocer, Second and Chrial.n William Weep., ship carpenter, Tyler welt of Fisher John Morris, seaman, Youth above carpenter David Oaten, blacksmith, 413 Ctulstlan abrre Fourth Joseph 8011, rigger, 217 Madisen J K Dousherty, umbrella oar, 9 R cor bib and Marriott Arctilbsld Little, clerk. Filth and Marriott DiriJiatl. John Lyons, cord nether, Pasayunk rd bel Prime Jacob Hughes, oordwalner, Pam, oak td bel Prime Daniel McCarty, cord whiner, 114 t Pesayunk rd Arthur McDade, laborer, 1158 Itlahth above Federal Thom.. Sarin, liquor dealer. Eighth and Plover Henry Peters, saltwater, 609 Federal et Roderick M Crawford, cordw, 1163 Passyrink rd Hugh Duffy, laborer, 10 Little Washington et kdwerd Mortimer, cabinet maker, 513 Federal Lewis Wooemeyen boot maker, 140 Plover at Arthur Flocal,Jsnitor, Panyunk rd bat Prime Jacob Dawson, gentlemen, Charles above Federal 11-ram McGrath, cordw, Passyank rd bad Washington Wm Wilkfos, cordwainer, 1129 Eighth bet Washington James Parell, laborer, Plover bet Seventh and Eighth Jai J Frailer, carpenter, Plover bet Seventh and Eighth Jas Whitehead. cordwalner, 1130 F,fth above Federal Patrick Manta, laborer, Prime bet Eighth and Ninth Salk Dimiton. John Kelly, in Mhar. 1014 Fourth below Carpenter Patrick Houghson. machinist, Christian bet 6th and 6th Wm Sink, cooper, 523 Carpenter st Jos Loney, morocco dresser, Fifth below Carpenter Jas Robinson, ton llama, Marriott b.l fifth Wm Kerlin, printer, 12 Ideebanie at Wm II Wooldridge, printer. 1000 Parker et Anthony X Maggi, plumber, 423 81116 et Rohl C Titternary Jr, jeweller, 423 Sixth at Henry Mulholland, limber rowan., 1008 Newton It Georgerd Crap, tin plate worker, 1031 4th bel Carpenter Francis F R harts, cords...leer, Oh above Washington It 0 Edward!, eta. k, 1016 Fourth st bel Carpenter &rent!. Dimmon. French' M Shinn, cordwolner, Halowell at James 0 Kelly, carpenter. Sixth b,-low Christian Bernard Devine, boot fitter, 927 Seventh et John Meßrnna. laborer, Eighth and Carpenter Philip Rile), laborer, Rlngold et George Gibbons, blacksmith. Manion bed, Paaajank rd Real H Adams, tinsmith, 6=9 Halowell at Edward Garman, stone cutter. Eighth bol Marriott Charles Burlingame, planer, Paaseunk rd bel Marriott Eimer Smith, engraver, 7th and Carpenter John J Sirlnger, tailor, Render place James efrOlemon, laborer, 622 Real at John .1 Wringer, stone CIHMI Render place John Dann, gentleman, Washin t ren above 6th Michael McGoldrick, printer, B nton at James Gallagher, porter , • vie Carpenter above 7th John Donnelly, blacksmith, Marriettbelow 7th Thomas Gallagher, laborer, 720 Carpenter at Vim Borne, tarter, 002 Christian above 6th Judson MoCnen, painter, 6th below Carpenter Philip Gelahemer, laborer, 736 Carpenter et Edward McGuire, laborer, 735 Carpenter et Samuel Mciletrldge, cerdwaloer, Carpenter below 7th /eighth ZWririon. Wm Bricker, revenue anent, Federal below dth Geo W Clerk, cum Redwood above 4W Wm Blackburn, corderalner Paarrunk rd and Mend Richard Duvall, moulder Wharton above Oth Anamet W Clark, oak caper 4 Redwood at Pt , r"rk ners , f r-•f+a r I S., r - " 1.:•; o • James B Baclela, c aanc r 411 Le i+. of Manta archer, cabintt mans, Z. 31 Rests,. ed at Wm A Baud% silver smith 405 It< d Win A Beale Jr, clerk Wharton ea se .ith Stephen Hew:anon, rordwaluer 723 Federal below Sib Jolla W Roach, bookbinder MI Federal n JOlOO Whitey, baggage resider Prime below 10th Robert Sine:, carpenter 11:85 10th below Prime J/111/.3 Finn, tailor 9th below Auburn Idugb Criatn, weaver 11th bat Primo Jain o s Shoe, grocer cor of 9th and :tuber's 118 : 118, Kenny, laborer Little Wa,blaircon telowlOth Thernaa McKnight, moulder 9;b ets:re ITasincitton James 3 Wood,, stereotype finisher 452 south 9ch Patrick Llngtee, laborer 950 Auburn at Patrick Daly, curler 824 Carpenter .t Peter Wtods. lititklayer 452 ranch 9th at James lingbre, geatteman 915 A aborn et Thomas McNulty, carman Cnrpenter above Bth et Thomas McNichol, M.th: ufst blerriott abate Bth Cexica Broughton. tnooldsr 827 nunnit et John Gooney, bricklayer 9319th below SLarrioll Richard Brady, porter 30 Suffolk ac Joseph McGarrey, tailor Snff.it dare Bth George Kroll, salesman 824 Lurch at Anthony J Smith, gardtuer 8.11 and Christian Andrew Forbes, book binder Auburn above 9th Michael Patton, clerk 911 Larch at Edward Dougherty. bar tender cor 9th end Christian Patrick W Saab, gardener ear Bth and Christian Thos H 8 Rh, sideman car 6th and Christian John Smith, sborer 3ferriot bet Bth and 9th John Hearst, W G maker Auburn bet 9th and 10th Tenth Division. Michael Baena, weaver Milton below 10th Jelin Cassidy, laborer 931 Little Washington at James Sense, engineer 1236 Crablien it Philip Smith, soap boiler hlcllrary st /easel McGrath, bricklayer Milton abase Eterenth Thomas Daly. weaver. Carpenter below 11th Philip J Smith. rolk Agnes below Christian James Smith, sergeant of police, lath below Cbristima Petrick Maldoon,cordwelner Cana alma 10 la ?dither , / Casey, fewer Sfargarette bet BM stetiffith John Mcßride, carpenter Stilton ahoy(' 10th TIMID WARD. First Thomas D Grover, cargenter,ls Christian at Norris Henderson, cHcer, 2nd below Queen James Eolith, cordwalner, Beck at Albert N Bergent, shipamith. 45 Beek at John Town, aallmaker, 117 Clainnian et Jacob Weber, iron worker, 385 south 2nd at William 8 hfcGine, tobsccioulet, 839 south Front it Joaeph /i Grog, dealer, 829 south From et George 11 Toy, shipwright Front cob Christian Thomas Ackland, mariner, a 7 Beek at James .11/11011, cooper, 41 ChAtiso at Napoleon Sagas, varnisher, 833 south Front James McCbale, laborer, Front at Daniel Andrews, shipwright, 838 moth Front at 0 It Bids, instrument maker, 837 Solherland at Enoch Eldridge, dealer,l2l Backs pls. Secoaat George Career, restaurant 845 eentli 2nd at John Graham, Hotel keeper Front and (lathe lee Joseph Dixon, Minelayer Front and Catharine Nathaniel SW:May, shoemaker Front and Catlerthe Henry Clark, printer, Front and Catharine semuel Bigler, Rainmaker Domsna court George 14 Drain, weterman 806 Swanson William P Elliott, umbrella mater 239 Christian Thomas M Bill lt , Mather Z 9 Christian William Kelley, laborer 787 a Front sr frauds atm:derma, tailor 259 Queen at Heinrich SChenebberg, tailor 359 Queen et Patrick Mdtigdnyman Slutheone wart William Tommy laborer Bird at Patrick Neville, porter Youngs place Tim Pinto, tailor back 112 Catharine Lath Heyman, clothier 843 s 2nd W Kerwin, laborer back 217 Christian Third Disition. Jams Ring, printer 777 # 3rd James Dowels, laborer, 227 Concord at Jobe Togher, superintendent 227 Concord Bernard Kroger, cabinet maker 3rd and German William Rowley, jeweler 907 a and J o hn Warrington, boot deter back 779 a Front Toomey Dennis, laborer Gaya alley W Norris Batton, clerk 83 Catharine Edward 3 Hurdle, cordwalner 767 a Front at Henry Morris, stereotyper back 802 2 and Wilber Henderson, e.rdwainer 767 a Wont at John 660onner, laborer 372 a Front at .Fburth George W Stephenson, printer 323 Ostbarine Samuel Adair, laborer Christian bet 6th John H Bradley, tailor &hand Christiaa James Ben, printer 332 Queen et Neal Campbell, tailor' 806 a 4th at Robert Donneily, laborer 541 Christian at Chertea lord, gentlemen sth and Queen Joseph Magee, bartender 6. th and Queen Edward Pans, silver smith Queen bet 6th Henry G Pierce, tailor 524 Catharine at T Bothell, music teacher 621 Queer, at Joseph Thomas, brim founder 8 Carberry court David A Thompson. brats Butcher 15 Tronor at I Edwin Treas., carpenter,3l9 Queen et , gannet Bell, clerk 333 Gngen at Amos Enterline, saleemen 818 a 3rd st Samuel D Schwerts, pointer 816 Wen:acre it William H album, sbeetiren maker 427 Christian Ira B Ridgway, grocer sth and Oetharine John M Ridgway, grocer 60, and Catharine A J Bowels, cabinet maker 418 Catharine an Agatha Hall, cabinet maker4lB Catherine at Daniel McGrath, carpenter Turner at W Myers, liquor dealer 410 Queen at Chariest M Woman. clerk 407 Christian at Pala Lomax., clerk 833 a Fourth at Amon Linetnerty,iostenment maker 7 Cobb et George Mune, watch cane makes 508 Queen at John V Jeffries, hatter 804 a ad at wollam Jethiee pilot 804 ei Set at Michael O'Connor shoemaker We,xacoe and Cate ee th e Patrick Shields, carpenter 800 s sth et German Imnea McAleer, gent 41 Fl 3 German et George PhHly s, dealer 417 Catharine et Meek Low, wattle nee maker 4,1511221/20/2, It John Oath, tailor 764 s sth et James Simpson, tobaxwMtbit 4th and Catharite Michael Rene, laborer Herrman& court Clement Clark, shoemaker Gales wort Clement Glut jr, Intermit Gale. court William Friel, seamen 203 Paasynnk rood Patrick McAleer, tailor 418 German at diet/. Division. Thomas Harrison, laborer 679 a 6th at Jacob Heckel, M D 6th and Catharine John Morris, bricklayer 826 a Bth at Andrew Murphy, batter 6th and Catharine Timothy O'Leary, laborer i W s 6th at Joseph C h arm, laborer 701 and Fitzwater Tomei Celiedt, laborer 6th bet trimmer Robert Wright, blind maker 779 a 6th at Daniel Smith, coedit - Muse 710 e6th at William Knox, laborer Adam and Clymer 71 P Hllppla, smalltime 808 Paaolunk rood William Mathias, shoemaker Passyunk road FranciaDensell, printer Walt st George L Dillon, taller 788 Peasynnk road Richard Dillon, bookseller Uri Essayuult mad Charles Noble, laborer Clymer hal 6th James litCarthay, laborer 6th bet Fitzwater Seventh Divirion, Mans Byesly, gold heater 712 Cbristian at James A Phillips, printer 808 s 9th at Jacob W Wilhelm, clear maker 821 Christian et James Carty, arrant, 765 a 9th at George W Schultz. carpenter 9th lbw Catharine Thomaa Swift, tailor Floweret Idirchaal Connellybatchar 724 Stewart at James Campball, carter Hubbell at Isaac Ennis. chair painter Walt et Peter Kelchner, thirmith 824 a Bth at John M Johnson, cordwainsr 719 Stewart at Eighth Divsion, Hoard gleam, saver smite Chf.suan st Thomas Morgan, Mater, 13th itnd Christian Barnard erDo,,oen, eh:meatier 1810 FiLtdittar at Charles P Montgomery, machinrst 1333 Christian at SfSitem Orley, Painter 1333 Cbrietian at Francis Quinn, cordwainer Shippen lane Patrick Donahoe, printer Orange et Diodd W Uthgrow, gas fitter 1321 Eatea it Jame. bile, , shoemaker Pintwater ab 12 th Michael J Thomas, carat Moore at Michael Stoic restaurant 76011th at Peter Ramon, blacksmith Rates et Hugh Motley, bater Christian at Francis &Harm, founder 11th bet Fitzwater William Links, block cutter Orange at Charles Owens, laborer 13th and Catharine Patrick klcHennakgrocer Bran and Catharine POURTH WARD. First Division. Janus klannteg, slap Maer, 619 Prost at Patrick Hart, cord, 41 Almond at Robert D Bayne, cabinet maker 22 mouth at Jams Preen, innkeeper, Pront al,d Almond aka &mut //maim W Bartlett, agent, Almond as Charles 8 Rambt, hatter, Tot groat Jame. 11 Hahn, ship joiner, 313 Senate et Philip BOW,. rear maker, 133 bleed at O W Bonn, lamp maker do do John Maierrin, rigliter;stuppen at share Front Edward Runt, tailor, 702 Front st John 0 Scheer, jeweller, 192 Almond at John J Biotic tailor, 11 Vernon et J M Douglass, stone tatter , 8 W Front snd Shipper, . Richard Duckett, batter, 114 South at Wm Gov, aßseramitb. 111 BMW] at Charles Tamme, tailor, YU&tippet' at John Murphy, carpenter. Harper's Place Samuel Mew, tailor, 8 E tor Third and Mdpgan Timothy Toomey, batter, =2 Itlex t ,,,,t John Foes, restaurant, Shipper, st below Titled John Diabase, cord, 626 Morse/4 L M Chateau. reporter, Monroe it 'bore George Andrew Pincher, weer natter 620 Geosge et Sohn Stater's, g old: aster, 232 Shippen at John Thomas, laborer, 8 E Third sod Shippen eta Frederick Ludbrhik, laborer, 710 George it Edward Bank, dealer, Kenny's Place Gotlelb Weld, tailor, 235 Shippen Francis Thole, tailor, 729 Third st John T Winpress, conk 621 George et 'burnt Dirinon. Goo H Roberta, jeweller, &Wan at above Third Wm Johnsen, bar tender, 8 8 Pine alley bet Fourth Joseph T lain, blacksmith, 303 Pine Alley Janes Remeater Jr, plasterer, 5 Elliott Plum Wm Headley, Waterman, Shippen at above Third Cornelia Beller, ship carpenter, Snippet" et bel lour' Edward Murphy, painter, 19 Pine Alley Isaac Grant, reetanrant. Shippen it Yarned Con, carpenter, 9 SEW Prue Alley bel Fourth Thome.' Brown, stone rarer, Shippen at bet Forma' Broderick Bloomer, laborer, Stanley at 'hove Third James Merman, wstatman. Shipper' at bet Fourth Joseph Stewart. moulder, Gore's court Frederick Gukeirman, cord 315 Gorman st Francis Jewel., tinsmith 334 Stanley et James Btockley, cooper Shippen at below fo ur th Thomas North, dealer 606 Ball alley Wm Wallin, Dealer 606 Ballalley Henry Hay, hatter Lister's Place Wm Hunt, dealer Pine alley bet Fourth st Daniel Gallagher, baker 510 8 Third it N side Wm Simpeon, book binder ni Pine alley John Shay, caster 8 B our POOrtil at and Pine alley John McGhee wsterman Shipper' at bet Fourth John Zimmer, mannfecturer 300 Shippeu George Leper, cabinet maker 311 German et Ebert Swain, umbrella maker Shlppen st above Third Ptfth DiViSkV Thomas Garcia , tailor Monroe stab ove Fourth Edward Garvin, printer Monroe at above Fourth James Heerlen, cord Charles at James Gartner, hatter 413 Monroe st Edward McCann, driver Shippen at bel Fifth Samuel Scott, printer 623 Passaynnk road Robert Scott, bar tender 435 German et ThomaaJ Hughes, packer S W ear Fourth t Mountie George Williams, blacksmith I.7l2hipprn it Franklin Spicer, clerk 171 Shipper' et I Theodore Paynter, carpenter 431 German at Ids Hider, book binder 414 Shipper, et S'rth ihrinon. John kic3lulllo, police E Aide below Shippers at Thos W Parker, bricklayer Prosperons alley Thomas Stineca. police Shipper' at gy,0,.. Sixth John MeConnelly, dealer bpapard at John McCoy, Cord 626 Shipper at Edward Mullen, cord 626 Shippen it Thomas Burton, weaver Spefford st }rebut Murry, laborer Spatknal et Hugh Dockerty, laborer Griswold's alley Jame Morrow, Mere 512 Shippen at John Boileau, Cord Prtibuccus eller Felix COMM, innkeeper Baker et bel Seventh John Mulkey, dealer &sherbet Seventh Hobert Murry, laborer Spefford et veh Diruion. Jeremiah Shure, labor Se er n 8 4 Bedforl et Thololllll Moran, dealer 610 Seventh at John Mitchell, laborer 810 Seventh at Edward McNulty, bar tender 610 Seventh at Alex Stranaben, bricklayer 645 Shippen Michael McCormack, laborer 613 Bedford at Henry Gordon, weaver, Bedford et lei Eighth Daniel Bradley, dealer 8 8 Bedford et John McCabe, tinsmith 036 Shipper' at HenryShultz, cord 8 E roe Ferenth and Bedford its John Davidson,D dealer 241 ihlppen at Patrick Boyle, Waterman Frey'sg's alley Thomas Webb, tailor 617 Seventh et Lewis Hercher, baker 746 Shippey, at Thomas Morel), butcher 723 Shipper, at James Knight, Mohr Bedfvitl se above Seventh Patrick Daley, carrier 719 nippy, et Daniel dfc(llrk, driver 636 Sewn at EXyhta Dieltion Conrad Gorlip. musician 718 Shippey at • L i neence Felplt., locksmith. Eiclun ant Shipper, MS John Smith, laborer 011arro cuurt George Brown, laborer Green's mart Janke Rodgers, founder O'llarro court James Campbell. plasterer Shippen et bet Eighth Wm Ellie, laborer, Shippeu PIACO George Reynold., weaver 27. Baker at Lewis Dorer, grocer 8 E Eighth and Shipper' eta John Gutty. 714 8 doalerhittpen at Oink. Malwee, dealer Shtppen it bet Eighth
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers